Visa Traveler

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How to apply for India e-Visa: A step-by-step guide (with screenshots)

Updated: July 26, 2023

How to Apply for India e-Visa - Home Page

India e-Visa application is quite simple and easy to navigate. It only takes about 15 minutes to apply for India e-Visa online. Keep the necessary documents ready before you start the application. If you are missing something, it’s not a big deal as you can save the application and come back later to complete it.

There can be occasional hiccups with the visa fee payment. But nothing major. These payment issues can be fixed easily. I have provided all the details you need to know in this article.

If you haven’t already, check out the complete guide to India e-Visa for details on different tourist e-Visa types, eligible nationalities, fees, processing time, application status, etc.

Table of Contents

Documents needed to apply for india e-visa.

Before starting your India e-Visa online application, have these documents ready.

  • Passport must be valid for at least 6 months from your anticipated date of arrival in India
  • Photo must be in JPG/JPEG format only
  • Photo must be 2inch x 2inch in dimensions
  • Photo must be less than 1MB in size
  • Head must be centered with light background and no glasses
  • Scan must be in PDF format only
  • Scan must be larger than 10KB and smaller than 300KB
  • Your credit or debit card must support international transactions in non-home currency

Steps for filling out the India e-Visa application

India e-Visa - Apply button

  • Go to India e-Visa Portal
  • Click on the Apply here for e-Visa button

You will be taken to the e-Visa application page.

02. e-Visa application

India e-Visa - Application page

Enter the following details on the e-Visa application page.

  • Nationality/Region [ Comment : Enter your country of passport ]
  • Passport Type [ Comment : Select “ORDINARY PASSPORT” from the options ]
  • Port of Arrival [ Comment : Select the airport where you will be arriving ]
  • Date of Birth [ Comment : Enter your date of birth as it appears in your passport in DD/MM/YYYY format ]
  • Email ID [ Comment : Enter your email ID where you would like to receive your approved e-Visa ]
  • Re-enter Email ID [ Comment : Re-enter your email ID ]
  • Visa Service [ Comment : Select “e-TOURIST VISA”. If there is a 5-year option, select the 5-year option and then select “RECREATION/SIGHT-SEEING”. If you are not a tourist and applying for the e-Visa for some other purpose, select the appropriate purpose ]
  • Expected Date of Arrival  [ Comment : Enter your anticipated date of arrival in India in DD/MM/YYYY format ]
  • Please enter above text  [ Comment : Enter the captcha ]

Check the box for “I have read the instructions I have all the required documents in scanned pdf format and photograph in jpg/jpeg format”.

Click on the orange Continue button.

A small popup appears prompting you to make sure you have a colored digital photo and a scan of your passport ID page. 

Click on the Ok button on the popup. 

You will be taken to the Applicant Details Form .

03. Applicant Details Form (part 1)

India e-Visa - Applicant details page

Enter the following information in the Applicant Details section.

  • Surname (exactly as in your passport) [ Comment : Enter your surname as it appears in your passport ]
  • Given Name/s (exactly as in your passport) [ Comment : Enter your given name as it appears in your passport. If you have a middle name, enter your middle name followed by your first name in this field ]
  • Have your ever changed your name? [ Comment : If you have legally changed your name in the past, check this box and enter the details. Ex: changed your surname after marriage ]
  • Gender [ Comment : Select your gender from the options ]
  • Date of birth [ Comment : Nothing to enter here as your date of birth is populated automatically from the previous screen ]
  • Town/City of birth [ Comment : Enter your place of birth as it appears in your passport ]
  • Country/Region of birth [ Comment : Enter your country of birth ]
  • Citizenship/National Id No. [ Comment : If you have a national Id, enter here. But do not enter SSN or something similar that’s confidential. In that case, just enter NA ]
  • Visible identification marks [ Comment : Enter any visible identification marks such as permanent moles or scars preferably on the face ]
  • Nationality/Region [ Comment : Nothing to enter here as your nationality is populated automatically from the previous screen ]
  • Naturalization
  • Have you lived for at least two years in the country where you are applying visa? [ Comment: Select “Yes”. If you haven’t lived more than two years in the country you are applying from, select “No” ]

Enter the following information in the Passport Details section.

  • Passport Number [ Comment : Enter your current passport number that you will use for entering India ]
  • Place of Issue [ Comment : Enter the place of issue as it appears in your passport ]
  • Date of Issue [ Comment : Enter the date of issue as it appears in your passport ]
  • Date of Expiry [ Comment : Enter the expiry date as it appears in your passport. Passport must have at least 6 months of validity from the anticipated date of entry ]
  • Any other valid Passport/Identity Certificate(IC) held [ Comment : Select No. If you also hold a passport from another country, select Yes and enter the details ]

Click on the orange Save and Continue button. 

You will be taken to the Applicant Details Form second part.

How to save the application and come back later to complete

If you plan to continue filling out the application later, you can click on Save and Temporarily Exit button.

India e-Visa - Save partially filled application

This will save your progress and exit the application. You will be asked to make a note of your application ID. 

India e-Visa - Partially saved email notification

You will also receive an email with your application ID. You will have 7 days to complete the application. Otherwise, the application will be deleted from the system and you will have to start over again.

India e-Visa - Complete partially filled form

Follow these steps to complete the partially saved application.

  • Click on the Complete Partially Filled Application Form button

You will be taken to the Complete Partially Filled Form .

India e-Visa - Complete partially filled form

Enter the following information in the Complete Partially Filled Form .

  • Temporary Application ID [ Comment : Enter your saved application ID. If you don’t remember, look in your email inbox ]
  • Please enter above text [ Comment : Enter the captcha ]

Click on the orange Complete Partially Filled button.

You will be taken to the last saved point of your e-Visa application. You can continue filling in from there.

04. Applicant Details Form (part 2)

India e-Visa - Applicant details page

Enter the following information in the Applicant Address Details section.

Present Address

  • House No./Street [ Comment : Enter your house number or street address where you live ]
  • Village/Town/City [ Comment : Enter the city where you live ]
  • Country [ Comment : Enter the country where you live ]
  • State/Province/District [ Comment : Enter the state or province where you live ]
  • Postal/Zip Code [ Comment : Enter your current address postal or zip code ]
  • Phone No. [ Comment : Enter your current fixed-line phone number ]
  • Mobile No. [ Comment : Enter your current mobile or cellphone number ]
  • Email Address [ Comment : Nothing to enter here as your email is populated automatically from the previous pages ]
  • Click here for same address [ Comment : Check this box if your permanent address is the same as your current address. If not, enter your permanent address below ]

NOTE Enter your permanent address below if it’s different from your present address.

Permanent Address

  • House No./Street [ Comment : Enter your permanent address house number ]
  • Village/Town/City [ Comment : Enter your permanent address city ]
  • State/Province/District [ Comment : Enter your permanent address state or province ]

Enter the following information in the Family Details section.

Father’s Details

  • Name [ Comment : Enter your father’s full name including first, middle and last names ]
  • Nationality/Region [ Comment : Enter your father’s nationality ]
  • Previous Nationality/Region [ Comment : This is not a mandatory field, so leave it unselected. But if your father held any previous nationality, select the country from the list ]
  • Place of birth [ Comment : Enter your father’s place of birth ]
  • Country/Region of birth [ Comment : Select your father’s country of birth from the list ] 

Mother’s Details

  • Name [ Comment : Enter your mother’s full name including first, middle and last names ]
  • Nationality/Region [ Comment : Enter your mother’s nationality ]
  • Previous Nationality/Region [ Comment : This is not a mandatory field, so leave it unselected. But if your mother held any previous nationality, select the country from the list ]
  • Place of birth [ Comment : Enter your mother’s place of birth ]
  • Country/Region of birth [ Comment : Select your mother’s country of birth from the list ] 

Enter the following information in the next (Marital Status) section.

Spouse’s Details

  • Name [ Comment : Enter your spouse’s full name including first, middle and last names ]
  • Nationality/Region [ Comment : Enter your spouse’s nationality ]
  • Previous Nationality/Region [ Comment : This is not a mandatory field, so leave it unselected. But if your spouse held any previous nationality, select the country from the list ]
  • Place of birth [ Comment : Enter your spouse’s place of birth ]
  • Country/Region of birth [ Comment : Select your spouse’s country of birth from the list ] 
  • Were your Parents/Grandparents (paternal/maternal) Pakistan Nationals or Belong to Pakistan held area? [ Comment: Select No. If you select Yes for any reason, give the details on your ancestory ]

Enter the following information in the Profession/Occupation Details of Application section.

  • Present Occupation [ Comment : Select your current occupation/profession from the list. If you can’t find your occupation/profession in the list, such as NURSE, select OTHERS and enter your occupation/profession in the box that appears below ]
  • Employer Name/business [ Comment : Enter your current employer/business name ]
  • Designation [ Comment : Enter your current designation or title ]
  • Address [ Comment : Enter your current employer/business address ]
  • Phone [ Comment : Enter your current employer/business phone number ]
  • Past Occupation, if any [ Comment : If you had any other occupations or professions in the past, select from the list ]
  • Are/were you in a Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization? [ Comment : Select No. If you are/were in defense, select Yes and enter the details ]

Click on the orange Save and Continue button.

You will be taken to the Visa Details Form .

05. Visa Details Form

India e-Visa - Visa details page

Enter the following information in the Details of the visa sought section.

  • Type of visa [ Comment : Nothing to enter here as your visa type (e-Visa) will be automatically populated here ]
  • Visa service [ Comment : Nothing to enter here too as the e-Tourist Visa option that you have selected earlier will be automatically populated ]
  • Places to be visited [ Comment : List all the places that you will visit in India on this trip ]
  • Places to be visited line 2 [ Comment : If the above text box is not enough, you can enter more places that you plan to visit in India here ]
  • Have you booked any room in Hotel/Resort etc. through any Tour Operator? [ Comment : If you have already booked a hotel or tour, select Yes and enter the details here ]
  • Duration of visa [ Comment : Nothing to enter here as the visa length that you have selected earlier will be automatically populated here ]
  • No, of Entries [ Comment : This will also be auto-populated based on your selection in the previous pages ]
  • Port of Arrival in India [ Comment : This will also be auto-populated based on your selection in the previous pages ]
  • Expected Port of Exit from India [ Comment : Select the airport or seaport from which you plan to leave the country after your trip ]

IMPORTANT Your port of arrival and exit do not matter much. After your e-Visa is approved, you can enter from any airport/seaport and exit from any airport/seaport.

Enter the following information in the Previous Visa/Currently valid Visa Details section.

  • Have you ever visited India before? [ Comment : If you have been to India before, select Yes and enter the details below. If this is your first time visiting India, select No and skip to the next section ]
  • Address [ Comment : Enter the address of the house or hotel where you stayed during your last visit to India ]
  • Cities previously visited in India [ Comment : List all the cities you have visited on your last visit to India ]
  • Last Indian Visa No/Currently valid Indian Visa No. [ Comment : Enter your previous India visa number ]
  • Type of Visa [ Comment : Select the type of your previous visa from the list ]
  • Place of Issue [ Comment : Enter the place your previous India visa was issued. If it was e-Visa, then it would be your first port of entry in India. If it were a consular visa, then it would be the city abroad where it was issued ]
  • Date of Issue [ Comment : Enter the date on which your previous India visa was issued ]
  • Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused? [ Comment : Select No. If you were denied entry into India before select Yes and enter the details ]

Enter the following in the Other Information section.

  • Countries Visited in Last 10 years [ Comment : Enter the list of countries that you have visited in the last 10 years ]

Enter the following in the SAARC Country Visit Details section. 

  • Have you visited SAARC countries (except your own country) during last 3 years?  [ Comment : If you have visited any SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) countries in the last 3 years, enter them here ]

SAARC Countries SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) comprises Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. If you have visited any of these countries in the last 3 years, you must enter them for the above question. 

Enter the following in the Reference section.

  • Reference Name in India [ Comment : Enter the name of a contact person in India. This can be a family, relative or friend who lives in India. If you do not know anyone, you can enter the hotel where you plan to stay ]
  • Address [ Comment : Enter your India contact person’s address or hotel address ]
  • State [ Comment : Select the state where your India contact person resides or your hotel is ]
  • District [ Comment : Select the district where your India contact person resides or your hotel is ]
  • Phone [ Comment : Enter an Indian phone number of your India contact person or hotel ]
  • Reference Name in <your country> [ Comment : Enter the name of someone from your country as an emergency contact. This can be a family, relative or friend who lives in your country ]
  • Address [ Comment : Enter your emergency contact person’s address ]
  • Phone [ Comment : Enter your emergency contact person’s phone number ]

06. Additional Question Details

India e-Visa - Additional questions page

Answer the following question on this page.

  • Have you ever been arrested/ prosecuted/ convicted by Court of Law of any country? [ Comment : Select No unless you have been arrested or prosecuted ]
  • Have you ever been refused entry / deported by any country including India? [ Comment : Select No unless you have been refused entry or deported from any country in the past ]
  • Have you ever been engaged in Human trafficking/ Drug trafficking/ Child abuse/ Crime against women/ Economic offense / Financial fraud? [ Comment : Select No ]
  • Have you ever been engaged in Cyber crime/ Terrorist activities/ Sabotage/ Espionage/ Genocide/ Political killing/ other act of violence? [ Comment : Select No ]
  • Have you ever by any means or medium, expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? [ Comment : Select No ]
  • Have you sought asylum (political or otherwise)in any country? [ Comment : Select No, unless you have sought asylum ]

Check the box for the self-declaration that all the above information is correct.

Then, click on the orange Save and Continue button.

You will be taken to the Upload Photograph page.

07. Upload Photograph

India e-Visa - Upload photograph page

Click on the Choose File button to select the JPG/JPEG file of your photo.

After selecting the file, click on the orange Upload Photo button.

India e-Visa - Upload photograph page

When the photo is uploaded, you will be asked to crop the photo. If necessary, you can crop the photo. If not, simply drag the outer edge of the crop highlight to select the entire photo.

Then, click on the orange Crop and Save button. 

India e-Visa - Upload photograph page

Now, click on the orange Save and Continue button.

You will be taken to the Upload Document page.

08. Upload Document

India e-Visa - Document upload page

Click on the Choose File button to select the PDF of your scanned passport ID page.

Once you select your PDF file, click on the orange Upload Document button.

Then, check the box for “I have verified that all the documents are uploaded as per the requirement”.

Click on the orange Confirm button.

You will be taken to the Confirm Details page.

09. Confirm Details

India e-Visa - Confirm details page

Review all the details you have entered so far. If you need to make any corrections, click on the Modify button.

If everything is looking good, click on the Verified and Continue button.

You will be taken to the Online VISA Fee Payment page.

10. Online VISA Fee Payment

India e-Visa - Fee payment page

On this page, your name and application ID are displayed along with the disclaimer and undertaking.

Select “Yes” for the undertaking and click on the Pay Now button. 

India e-Visa - Fee payment page

You will then be shown the below three available payment gateway options.

Select the payment gateway that you would like to use and click on the Continue button.

NOTE The Axis bank gateway is not reliable. Use Sbi e-pay when paying with a credit or debit card. 

You will be shown a popup notifying you that there may be some payment delays. Click on the Ok button on the popup to continue.

You will be taken to the payment gateway page to enter your credit or debit card details. 

India e-Visa - SBI epay gateway page

On the Sbi e-pay gateway page, the Debit/Credit Card option will be selected by default. 

Enter the following information in the Debit/Credit Card form.

  • Card number [ Comment : Enter your credit/debit card number ]
  • Expiry date/valid thru [ Comment : Enter your credit/debit card expiry date ]
  • CVV/CVC [ Comment : Enter your credit/debit card CVV number ]
  • Name of the cardholder [ Comment : Enter your name as it appears on your credit/debit card ]
  • Use your GSTIN for claiming input tax [ Comment : Leave this check box as is ]

Click on the Pay Now button.

India e-Visa - Axis bank gateway page

On the Axis bank gateway page, enter the following information.

  • CARD NUMBER [ Comment : Enter your credit/debit card number ]
  • CARD NAME [ Comment : Enter your card issuer such as Visa, Master, etc. ]
  • MONTH [ Comment : Enter the month of your credit/debit card expiry ]
  • YEAR [ Comment : Enter the year of your credit/debit card expiry ]
  • CVV CODE [ Comment : Enter your credit/debit card CVV number ]

Click on the Submit button.

India e-Visa - Axis bank gateway page

You will be taken to the Your Final Payment page of Axis bank.

India e-Visa payment success

India e-Visa - Payment success page

If the payment is successful, you will be taken to the Payment Success page.

On this page, your name, application ID and passport number are deployed along with contacts of the e-Visa department for any assistance.

India e-Visa - Fee receipt

Click on the orange Generate Fee Receipt button to download a copy of the fee receipt. 

India e-Visa - Application successfully received email notification

You will also receive an email that your application has been successfully submitted. 

India e-Visa payment failed

India e-Visa - payment failed page

If your payment is failed, you will be taken to the Payment Failed page. 

On this page, the reason for the payment failure, such as the card declined, etc. is displayed. You cannot retry the payment from this page. To retry the payment, follow the below steps.

India e-Visa - Pay visa fee

  • Click on the Verify Payment/Pay e-Visa Fee button

You will be taken to the Pay Visa Processing Fee page.

India e-Visa - Pay visa processing fee

On the Pay Visa Processing Fee page, enter the following details.

  • Application Id [ Comment : Enter your saved 12-digit application Id. If you don’t remember, check your email ]
  • Date of Birth [ Comment : Enter your date of birth as it appears in your passport ]

Click on the orange Check Payment button.

You will be taken to the Payment Report page.

India e-Visa - Failed payment report

On the Payment Report page, you will see your last failed payment attempt and the reason for the failure. 

Click on the orange Pay Visa Processing Fee button. 

You will be taken back to the Online VISA Fee Payment page. From here simply follow the steps outlined in “ 10. Online VISA Fee Payment ” above to try the payment again. 

Check your India e-Visa application status

India e-Visa - Check status

To check the status of your India e-Visa process, follow the below steps.

  • Click on the Check your Visa Status button

You will be taken to the Visa Status Enquiry page.

India e-Visa - Status enquiry form

Enter the following on the Visa Status Enquiry page.

  • Passport No. [ Comment : Enter your passport number ]

Click on the orange Check Status button.

India e-Visa - Processing status

On the next page, your visa status will be displayed. 

If the application status says “successfully received”, then your application is still in process. If the application status says granted, then your e-Visa is approved. 

Receive your approved India e-Visa

India e-Visa - Granted status email notification

When your Indian e-Visa is approved, you will receive an email notifying you that your e-Visa has been granted. 

You can use this email as proof of your e-Visa approval or you can download your approved e-Visa from the India e-Visa Portal. 

India e-Visa - Granted status

To download your approved e-Visa, first follow the steps to check the visa status as outlined above in “ Check your India e-Visa application status “.

On the Visa Status Enquiry page, you will see that your application status is now “Granted”. 

Click on the orange Print Status button to download your approved e-Visa. 

India e-Visa sample picture

Print and carry your approved India e-Visa PDF when you travel. Or download it as a PDF on your phone and present it to the airline staff or India immigration officer on your arrival. 


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from . has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to our full disclosure for further information.


India tourist visa from the embassy

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Get Help With Your Visa, In A Sustainable Way

  • How to find “place of issue” on India Visa Application

You might be filling out the India e-visa application form and wondering what is meant by the "place of issue" question. In this article, we will help you with your India e-visa application. By getting your visa with us, it will make your trip planning easier and will remove the chance of being rejected because of wrong information provided.

Charlyn Miguel

The place of issue on the Indian passport is the location where you applied for your passport. The place of issue is usually printed on the first page of your passport, under “Place of Issue” or “Issuing Authority”. 1

With our help, you can apply for an Indian e-visa online stress-free. We will guide you through the steps to accurately fill out the online form, upload your required documents in the correct format and size, securely pay the e-visa fee, and receive your e-visa via email. Our customer support and troubleshooting services are always available in case you encounter any problems or concerns during your Indian e-visa application process. By obtaining your e-visa through our services, you can make a positive impact on the environment. For each e-visa purchased, we pledge to plant a tree.

What We’re Offering

If you plan on traveling to India, you may be required to have an India visa. Our India e-visa processing service will give you your India e-visa in your mailbox within 4 days. We offer 30 days, 1 year, and 5 year India e-visas. The 30-day e-visa is a double entry. The 1-year and 5-year e-visa have multiple entries.

  • 30 days, 1 year, or 5 years duration.
  • Single or multiple entry.
  • $68.14, $96.54, or $144.64.
  • 4-day turnaround time.
  • Form validation included.
  • We plant a tree for every visa sold.

Why choose us

Our visa forms are easy and simple., we validate your application., we answer your questions..

indian tourist visa place of issue

We plant a tree!

How to find the “place of issue” on your passport for india visa application (screenshots).

indian tourist visa place of issue

As you can see, the place of issue is listed under “Place of Issue” in the lower-left corner of the page. In this case, it is “Hyberadad”.

What Is The “Place Of Issue” Indicated In The Lower Left Part of Your Visa?

The “place of issue” indicates the location where the issuing authority granted the visa. It can be a city, a country, or an office name. For example, if you applied for a visa at the Indian embassy in Washington DC, the place of issue would be Washington DC. If you applied for a visa online and received it at an immigration checkpoint in India, the “place of issue” would be the name of the airport or border crossing where you entered India.

Why is the “place of issue” on your Indian Visa Important?

The Indian visa “place of issue” is important as it indicates the authority issuing the visa to the applicant. It can be an Indian embassy or consulate abroad or an immigration office in India. The “Place of issue” can affect the validity, duration, and type of visa as well as the fees and processing time. It can also help verify the authenticity and legality of the visa to help prevent fraud and abuse. Therefore, the place where an Indian visa is issued is important information that applicants and immigration authorities need to know.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if i make a mistake in my application.

If you make a mistake on your Indian e-visa application, your application might be rejected without any refund. You must reapply and pay the fees again.

Who issues India e-visa?

It is issued by the Bureau of Immigration, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

  • e-Visa . (2019). [ ↩ ]

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Charlyn Miguel

Written by Charlyn Miguel

Charlyn is a science researcher and a content writer at Visas for Future. She is trained to write informatively, engaging her contents about visas for Turkey, India, Colombia, Egypt, and Aruba. She also does and manages client orders for efficient customer service. She had published academic articles and co-authored a book. She handles actual visa orders once every three months to preserve his knowledge and communication with the factual visa processing system.

Glen Vidania

Managed by Glen Vidania

Glen Vidania is the Content Manager at Visas for Future, a company that offers online visa services for eco-friendly travelers. He is a certified Content Marketer and an experienced academic writer. He writes and promotes content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to the readers. He had work experience and gained skills in writing articles, data entry, SEO email marketing, and guest posting. He is also an expert in applying for visas for Turkey and India.

Published by Visas for Future

Visas for Future strives to help you virtually, so that your research is complete in one visit. Our articles are informative, complete and to-the-point. We write in an accessible way, so that non-native English speakers will understand. Our website is accessible for the visually impaired. We have full oversight of our articles and are unbiased in writing. Check our editorial guidelines.

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Miguel, Charlyn. "How to find “place of issue” on India Visa Application." Visas For Future , Accessed on 13 June 2023.

Chicago Style

Miguel, Charlyn. "How to find “place of issue” on India Visa Application." Visas For Future. June 13, 2023.

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Published: 13 Jun 2023 5:19 UTC

Last modified: 23 Mar 2024 5:38 UTC

Reading time: 3 minutes

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How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online

India has some amazing architecture and natural sights, with famous landmarks like the Taj Mahal in Agra, and snow capped mountains in the Himalayas.

Most nationalities (except for Bhutanese and Nepali citizens) will need a visa to visit India, which is given in the form of an electronic Indian visa (eVisa) since November 2014.

This guide explains everything about how to get an Indian tourist visa using the e-Visa India website! I wrote it in 2019 and last updated it in 2024.

I went through this process as a tourist, but the process on the e-Visa India website is very similar for the other visa categories as well.

What Is The India eVisa?

The Indian e-Visa is for visitors coming to India on a short term trip for sightseeing, visiting friends or relatives, short term medical treatment or casual business related things.

The 5 eVisa types are as follows: e-Tourist, e-Business, e-Medical, e-Medical Attendant, or e-Conference.

The eVisa is valid for 30 days, 1 year, or 5 years from the date of your arrival in India, and it’s a double entry visa (for e-Tourist or e-Business), single entry visa (e-Conference), or triple entry visa (e-Medical). It’s non-extendable and non-convertible.

You can apply and pay online anywhere from 4 to 120 days in advance of your date of arrival in India, but no later than 4 days prior to arrival, otherwise the application will not be processed.

The eVisa is valid for entry through 26 designated airports and 5 seaports in India, including Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, and Goa. The full list of airports and seaports permitted for the India eVisa can be found here (click the Instructions For Applicant link on the left side).  

Who Is The eVisa Available To?

The eVisa is available to US citizens and those of 170+ other places , and the fee depends on your country/territory.

The current fee for American citizens and other countries can be found in their full list of fees by country on the website .

An additional bank transaction charge of 2.5% may be applicable on the eVisa India online website.

The visa fee is non-refundable, even if for some reason your application is rejected.  

How Can I Get The India eVisa?

The visa process may sound complicated, but don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple! Here it is broken down in 4 short steps:

  • 1. Apply Online. You will need to submit an application with a personal photo and passport page.
  • 2. Pay Visa Fee. Credit or debit cards (or Paypal) are accepted for online payment.
  • 3. Receive e-Visa. The visa will be sent to you by email.
  • 4. Visit India. You will need to print the India eVisa and carry it with you at the time of travel.

Before You Apply For The Indian e-Visa

It’s important to fill out your visa application completely and accurately, otherwise it may be rejected.

Before applying on the eVisa India website, make sure of the following:

  • Passport Validity. Your passport should have >6 months validity
  • Visa Pages. Your passport should have at least 2 blank visa pages for stamping
  • Sufficient Funds. You should have enough money for your stay in India (this is rarely questioned), and also a return ticket or onward ticket.

You will also need to have the following items on your computer:

  • Personal Photo. This should be a recent, clear photo of your face with a white background. JPEG format is required.
  • Passport Photo. This should be your main passport page with your name, date of birth, nationality, etc. PDF format is required. If you need help changing your passport image to a PDF, you can use the following website: .

Note: If you’re applying for an e-Business or e-Medical visa, in addition to the above you will also need a copy of the business card (for the e-Business visa) or a copy of the letter from the hospital concerned in India on its letterhead (for the e-Medical visa).  

How To Apply For The India eVisa (Indian Tourist Visa)

When you’re ready to proceed, you can begin your visa application at the Indian government’s official eVisa website:

THIS IS IMPORTANT. There are other websites circulating on the internet that mimic this one or pretend to grant speedy visas, but those are often scams and they will take your money. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER WEBSITE.

I’ve provided some photos below as EXAMPLES to guide you through the application, but these are not from my actual eVisa submission. In other words, the addresses and other data I used in the images below are only examples. With that said, the pages you see in your visa application will resemble the ones shown in these images.

If anything has changed in the application process since this guide was written, please let me know in the comments at the bottom of this page and I will update the guide ASAP. I will do my best to keep this entire page up to date.

To begin your visa application, click the button circled in red that says Apply here for e-visa .

India eVisa application guide and steps

Visa Application Page 1

E-visa application.

Passport Type*:  Select Ordinary Passport Nationality*:  Select your country from the dropdown list Port Of Arrival*:  Select the airport you will be flying into Date Of Birth*: Email ID*: Re-enter Email ID*: Expected Date Of Arrival*: Visa Service*: Select from the list, and then choose an activity that best fits your trip to India Please Enter Above Text*: Enter the captcha code given

(Items above marked with  * are required.)

India e-Visa online application guide and steps on page 1

Page 1 of the Indian visa online application on the eVisa India website. Very straightforward.

After selecting continue, if you’re applying for the Indian tourist visa (e-Tourist), then a small message will appear: “The following documents are required to be submitted. 1) Photograph. 2) Passport.” Select OK.

(For some reason the photo dimensions here state 2″ x 2″ but when you come to the actual uploader, the correct minimum dimensions will be 350 x 350 pixels. You’ll use the latter. Side note: separate messages may appear for Business/Medical eVisa applications.)

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 1

You can ignore this message on the Indian visa application and click OK.

You have now arrived at the second page of the Indian visa online application form. It’s a good idea to write down the Temporary Application ID  because it will be required if you have issues or need to come back to your application later.  

Visa Application Page 2

Applicant details form.

Surname: Exactly as in your passport Given Name*: Exactly as in your passport Have You Ever Changed Your Name?* If yes, click the box and give details Gender*: Date Of Birth: Automatically filled in Town/City Of Birth*: Country Of Birth*: Citizenship/National ID No*:  If not applicable, type NA Religion*: Visible Identification Marks*:  List any tattoos if you have them, otherwise put NONE Education*: Nationality:  Automatically filled in Did You Acquire Nationality By Birth Or By Naturalization?* Select yours Have You Lived For At Least Two Years In The Country Where You Are Applying Visa?* Select yes or no  

Passport Details

Passport Number*: Place Of Issue*: Whatever nationality is on your passport Date Of Issue*: Date Of Expiry*: Any Other Valid Passport/Identity Certificate (IC) Held?* Yes or no. If yes, give details

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 2

Page 2 of the e-Visa India application form. Personal identification details.

Visa Application Page 3

Applicant’s address details.

House No./Street*: Village/Town/City*: Country*: State/Province/District*: Postal/ZIP Code*: Phone No.*: One phone number is required Mobile No.: Email Address: Automatically filled in Click Here For Same Address*: Click here if your permanent address is the same address as above, and then it will be applied.

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 3

Page 3 of the Indian visa online. Personal address details.

Visa Application Page 3 (continued)

Father’s details.

Name*: Nationality*: Previous Nationality:  Leave blank if it never changed. Place Of Birth*:  Use the state/province/district of birth if you don’t know the town/city Country Of Birth*:  

Mother’s Details

Name*: Nationality*: Previous Nationality: Leave blank if it never changed. Place Of Birth*:  Use the state/province/district of birth if you don’t know the town/city Country Of Birth*:

Applicant’s Marital Status:  Select whether you’re single or married. If married (or separated but not divorced), enter your spouse’s details. If divorced, just select single. Were Your Parents/Grandparents (Paternal/Maternal) Pakistan Nationals Or Belong To Pakistan Held Area?  Select yes or no  

Profession / Occupation Details Of Applicant

Present Occupation*:  Select your occupation from the dropdown list. If it’s something else, select ‘Others’ and then enter it. The image below gives an example. Employer Name/Business*: Designation: Address*:  Phone: Past Occupation, If Any: Are/Were You In A Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization?* Select yes or no. If yes, a dropdown will appear asking for the following: Organisation, Designation, Rank and Place Of Posting.

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 3

Page 3 (continued). Family and occupation details for the Indian visa online.

Visa Application Page 4

Details of visa sought.

Type Of Visa:  Automatically filled in Visa Service:  Automatically filled in Places To Be Visited*: Enter any cities or areas (e.g. Delhi) you will be visiting in India Places To Be Visited Line 2:  Duration Of Visa:  Automatically filled in No. Of Entries:  Automatically filled in Port Of Arrival In India:  Automatically filled in Expected Port Of Exit From India*:  Select the correct airport from the dropdown  

Previous Visa/Currently Valid Visa Details

Have You Ever Visited India Before?*  Select yes or no. If yes, enter the name and address of the place you stayed previously. Cities In India Visited*:  Enter details from previous visits Last Indian Visa No/Currently Valid Indian Visa*:  If your previous visit was with an eVisa, the number will be written on the stamp given in passport. If you don’t know the number, type unknown. Type Of Visa*:  Tourist Place Of Issue*:  United States (if it was a regular visa). Enter the airport name in India if it was an eVisa. Date Of Issue*:  The date it was issued. For an eVisa, you can use the date of entry from the stamp on your passport, or possibly in your email. Has Permission To Visit Or To Extend Stay In India Previously Been Refused?*  Select yes or no. Hopefully the answer is no  

Other Information

Countries Visited In Last 10 Years:  List any countries you’ve recently visited. I didn’t have room to list all of them, so I included a partial list. This field is not mandatory.  

SAARC Country Visit Details

Have You Visited SAARC Countries (Except Your Own Country) During Last 3 Years?*:  The list of SAARC countries can be found in the dropdown list.

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 4

Page 4 of the eVisa application. Your travel details.

Visa Application Page 4 (continued)

Reference Name In India*:  Your accommodation details will work Address*:  For a hotel this can usually be found on Google Maps or the listing at or Phone*:  For a hotel this can usually be found on their website or on Google Maps Reference Name In Home Country*:  A relative or friend will work Address*:  Phone*: 

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 4

Page 4 (continued). Travel and reference details.

Visa Application Page 5

Additional question details.

  • Have You Ever Been Arrested/Prosecuted/Convicted By Court Of Law Of Any Country?*  Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Refused Entry/Deported By Any Country Including India?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Engaged In Human Trafficking / Drug Trafficking / Child Abuse / Crime Against Women / Economic Offense / Financial Fraud?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Engaged In Cyber Crime / Terrorist Activities / Sabotage / Espionage / Genocide / Political Killing / Other Act Of Violence?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever By Any Means Or Medium, Expressed Views That Justify Or Glorify Terrorist Violence Or That May Encourage Others To Terrorist Acts Or Other Serious Criminal Acts?* Yes or no
  • Have You Sought Asylum (Political Or Otherwise) In Any Country?* Yes or no

Application guide and steps on page 5 for Indian visa online

Page 5 of the Indian visa online application. Background questions.

Visa Application Page 6

Upload photograph.

At this point you will be asked to upload a personal photo.

If you need to come back and do this later, you can save and exit the application (but make sure to write down the Temporary Application ID  because it will be required if you want to reuse your application later).

The photo format will need to be JPEG, with a minimum size of 10 KB and a maximum size of 1 MB. Minimum dimensions are 350 pixels wide x 350 pixels high. The personal photo needs to be recent and front facing, with a white background.

The picture needs to be a clear photo of your face. You can get these done at places like Walgreens, for example. Unfortunately you cannot crop your passport photo to use for this, it needs to be a separate photo.

It’s important to follow all of these specifications and rules, otherwise your eVisa India application may be rejected. Click choose file and navigate to the photo you want to choose; then click upload photo .

After uploading the photo, you’re given an opportunity to crop the photo or upload it again if you’d like.

Application guide and steps on page 6 for Indian visa online

Page 6 of the Indian visa online guide. Upload your personal photo.

Visa Application Page 7

Upload passport.

Next, you will be asked to upload a copy of your passport page.

This should be the photo page with personal details like name, date of birth, nationality, expiration date, etc. It should match the passport details entered in your eVisa application.

The file should be in PDF format with a minimum size of 10 KB and a maximum size of 300 KB. If you need help changing your passport file from an image to a PDF, you can use the following website: .

Again, it’s important to follow all of the specifications and rules, otherwise your eVisa application may be rejected. Click choose file and navigate to the PDF file you want to choose; then click upload document .

Application guide and steps on page 7 for Indian visa

Page 7 of the Indian visa online guide. Upload your passport.

Verification & Payment

After submitting your passport upload, the next page will ask you to confirm ALL of the previous details from your Indian e-Visa application.

Look these over thoroughly to make sure you entered everything correctly, because this will be your last chance to edit anything. Once you verify and continue, you will be brought to the visa payment page.

At this point, you can pay for the visa now or later. Follow the instructions on the page for either option. You should also write down the visa Application ID so you can access the application again.

You can pay with international credit or debit cards, or you can make your visa payment with Paypal. I used Paypal and I would recommend this. It was easy to process.

If you don’t have a Paypal account, then the next best option is probably using your card via the Axis option.  

After submission and payment, you will get an email from the Indian government saying that your Indian visa online application was submitted successfully and will take 72 hours for processing.

Generally you will hear back in much quicker time; in my case the Indian visa application was processed and granted in under 24 hours.

You MUST print the email you receive containing the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) and present it to the immigration officer when you arrive in India. I would recommend printing and bringing at least two copies.

The government of India emphasizes that you should also track your application and make sure that the status says  granted on the official eVisa India website ( same link as above ) before making your journey to India.  

What If My India Visa Is Rejected?

If your India visa is rejected, don’t worry. You can apply again, and there’s no minimum amount of time you have to wait before re-applying for a visa. If the online system allows you to re-apply, then you can go ahead and do it when you’re ready.

However, it’s important to find out why you were rejected so you can fix it in your next application. Unfortunately a reason is not always given, but generally the most common reasons for India visas being rejected are simple errors like typos, wrong dates, or wrong photo specifications.

When reapplying, you’ll be faced with this question: “Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused?”

How you answer this question will depend on why you were rejected in your first application. If it was a simple clerical error like a wrong date or wrong photo specifications, then I would answer no, because you weren’t actually refused a visa for visiting India due to being ineligible for some reason, you only made a minor mistake in the submission process that can easily be corrected.

Good luck and happy travels!

Black and white Taj Mahal pool reflection in Agra

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More travel guides.

Thanks for looking! I hope you were helped by this guide on how to fill out an Indian e-visa application.

While you’re waiting for your visa to be processed, don’t forget to check out the other travel guides on my blog!

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' src=

I’m very impressed by the quality of information on this website. There are a lot of good resources here. I’m sure I will visit this place again soon.

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I have an extra copy of my passport photo. Although it is the same picture as in my passport it is not just a cropped version of the photo in the passport. Is this acceptable?

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Hi Jeanne, I haven’t tried that myself but it should be okay as long as it meets the other requirements for the personal photo. Regards

' src=

I used my extra copy of my passport photo this past week for my India E-visa, and it worked!

Thank you, David, for providing the details regarding the E-visa information. It was really helpful and guided me as I entered the required fields in the application.

Good to hear. Thanks Esther!

' src=

why is it that when i filled the places to be visited form, it says invalid characters

What are you trying to enter there?

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Once we receive ETA the first name and last name are shuffled is it the same for everyone?

Yes, it was the same on my ETA. No problem.

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Hi David, thank you SO MUCH for this helpful post. I’m flying to India in a month and my e-visa application was just rejected (I traveled to India in early 2020 and had no issues at all) so I’m now going through the process of carefully re-applying… one question I’m hoping you can help me with: I just got married 2 weeks ago, do you expect it to be an issue to check the “married” box despite the fact my (USA & Israeli) passports say nothing about being married (or single, for that matter?) also -I can’t seem to find anything online about a minimum amount of time to wait before re-applying… any idea? Trying to minimize all odds of being rejected again. Thanks so much again, really appreciate your guidance.

Hi Abigail! Glad the post was helpful for you. Yes, it should be okay to put married on the application. Like you say, the marital status isn’t shown on the passport anyway, and spouse names aren’t always changed right away after marriage either, or sometimes they never change. So that should be fine. As far as I know, there’s no minimum amount of time to wait before re-applying. If the online system allows you to re-apply, then I would go ahead and try again. Do you know why you were rejected the first time? I would figure that out before re-applying. Good luck!

Hi David! Another important question – for the “Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused?” question on page 4 – would my previous e-visa rejection quality as a “yes”?

For this question, I think it would depend on the reason why you were rejected on the first application. Was it a simple error like a wrong date, wrong photo specifications, etc? If so, I would answer no, you weren’t refused a visa for visiting India, your application was only rejected because of a minor mistake. This is different from refusing you a visa because you aren’t eligible for some reason.

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My e-visa application just got rejected without any specific reason provided. All they mention in the remark is “You may apply for Regular/Official Visa at nearest Indian Mission/Embassy abroad”. I compared my application to yours and the only difference I see is that for “city/town” of birth I put down city and state as opposed to state only. Would you happen to know if this could have caused the rejection?

Hi Jan! That shouldn’t cause a rejection. I’ve heard of people doing it either way (city and state, or city only). Both are correct answers. Do you think there might be another issue on your application? The most common things are simple errors like typos, wrong dates, or wrong photo specs.

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Thanks so much. This is very helpful.

Question – on page 2 it asks if you ever changed your name. Am I correct in assuming that I put yes because I changed my name when I got married?

Hi Judy! If your passport still has your maiden name, I would use that name in the application and answer no to the question about name change. If your passport has your married name, I would use that name in the application and answer yes to the question about name change. However, I know of people who have applied successfully either way. It shouldn’t affect your application.

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Thank you, this was very helpful. I have a question on section “Previous Visa/Currently Valid Visa Details”. I have traveled to India multiple times, but as an Indian citizen and held an Indian passport. Now I am no longer Indian citizen and applying for India Tourist visa for first time. What do I click in this “Previous Visa/Currently Valid Visa Details” section’s “Have you ever visited India before?”

Hi Sylvia, in that case you can answer “No” for the question “Have you ever visited India before?” because they’re asking if you’ve visited India on a visa before, and you haven’t. You were a citizen and resident, not a visitor. They should be able to understand this since you will list your country of birth as India on page 2 of the application, and also when they ask “Did You Acquire Nationality By Birth Or By Naturalization?” you can put Naturalization.

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Consulate General of India

The Government of India has decided to restore all valid regular paper /e-visa [including long term 10 years tourist regular paper visa and 5 years e-visa] irrespective of its issue date, for the nationals of USA since 16 March 2022. Fresh issue of regular paper long term (10 years) tourist visas has also been restored for nationals of USA.

The current scheme of regular Tourist visa/e-tourist visa (one month stay only) on gratis basis will be discontinued from 01 April 2022.

Maximum stay by a foreigner in India on an  e-Tourist visa or regular paper Tourist visa or both  in one calendar year shall be restricted to 180 days. Foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter India through land routes on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa.

For issue of any visa, the passport must be valid for at least 6 months and it should have two blank pages.

In case of a minor applicant,  Notarized Parental authorization form , duly signed by both the parents is mandatory, along with copies of their passports and marriage certificate.

E-Visa  -

The process of obtaining e-visa may be seen at - . The applicant may note that the Consulate does not process e-visas and any enquiries in this regard will need to be made directly on the e-visa portal.

Regular Paper visa through VFS Global only  -

Applicants residing within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, New York may apply for regular visa at VFS Global  and send the completed physical application to VFS Global at -

VFS Global Indian Visa Application Centre, 128 East, 32nd Street, 2nd Floor, New York, 10016. Email [email protected], Helpline:  +1-800-320-9693

Registration of Foreigners

All foreigners (including foreigners of Indian origin) visiting India on long term (more than 180 days)  Student Visa, Medical Visa, Employment Visa  are required to get themselves registered with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) / Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) concerned having jurisdiction over the place where the foreigner intends to stay, within 14 days of arrival. All  Business Visa  (including e-Business visa) holders are required to register themselves with the FRRO/FRO concerned in case the aggregate stay in India on Business Visa exceeds 180 days during a calendar year.

Emergency Visa Service  -

VFS Global will accept in-person applications, with prior appointment, on working days as well as on weekends /holidays, from US passport holders of Indian origin and their family members who are required to visit India due to a family emergency, such as critical illness or death of a family member. Documentary evidence will need to be provided and the applicant will be charged an emergency service fee . Applicants within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, New York may contact VFS as per details given below to:

Monday to Friday: Between 9 AM to 4 PM Email: [email protected] Weekends and Holidays: Between 9 AM to 4 PM Tel:  +1-929-866-2770

Diplomatic & Official Passport holders and Fullbright Scholars  -

Diplomatic/official passport holders and Fullbright Scholars, may please send an email at [email protected] for guidance on the procedure to be followed.

Guidelines for International Travel  -

Applicants are advised to go through the guidelines for international travel to India available at Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India website.

Travel arrangements  -

Applicants are advised not to finalize their travel arrangements prior to issuance of visa.

New York 01 Feb 2023

Updated Advisory on Visas

The Government of India has decided to issue fresh tourist visas with effect from 15 October, 2021 for group tourism and from 15 November, 2021 for individual travel. In this context, the following may be noted:

All foreign nationals intending to visit India for tourism purpose are permitted to enter India on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa with effect from 15 November, 2021. Such travel will be allowed through Vande Bharat Mission, Air Bubble Scheme or by any scheduled/non-scheduled flight allowed by the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation.

A Single Entry e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa valid for a stay of up to 30 days will be issued, which will have to be utilized within a period of 120 days from the date of issue . This visa will be issued free of charge for a limited period once to each applicant. However, VFS service charge and payments on account of value-added services like courier, etc. will have to be made.

It may be noted that existing valid e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa issued before 6 October, 2021 will continue to remain suspended and travel on such visas is not permitted.

Foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter India through land routes on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa.

The process of obtaining e-Tourist Visa may be accessed at - .The applicant may note that the Consulate does not process e-visas and any enquiries in this regard will need to be made directly on the e-visa portal.

Regular Tourist Visa/ Business Visa/Medical Visa/Conference Visa/Journalist and Student visa may be applied at VFS Global with effect from 13 December, 2021 (12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time) -

Applicants are also advised to go through the guidelines for international travel to India available at

  • Visa Services
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Address: Consulate General of India, 3 East 64th Street (Between 5th and Madison Avenues), New York, NY 10065

Tel No. for all enquiries : +1 347-721-9243

Consulate closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays Official working hours: 9.00 AM - 5.30 PM EST Submission of documents/or any Consular Query: 09:30 am to 11:30 am Collection of documents: 04:00 pm - 04:30 pm For submission of documents : 09:15 am to 11:15 am (Monday to Friday) Delivery of documents : 11:30 am to 13:00 pm (Monday to Friday) --> For submission of documents : 9:15 am - 12:15 pm Delivery of documents : 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm-->

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Consulate General of India San Francisco, California, Serving the States of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah and Territory of Guam

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  • Home ›   Consular Services ›   Visa Services ›   Visa Guidelines for USA Passport Holder

The Government of India has decided to restore all valid regular paper /e-visa [including long term 10 years tourist regular paper visa and 5 years e-visa] irrespective of its issue date, for the nationals of USA since 16 March 2022. Fresh issue of regular paper long term (10 years) tourist visas has also been restored for nationals of USA.

Maximum stay by a foreigner in India on an e-Tourist visa or regular paper Tourist visa or both in one calendar year shall be restricted to 180 days. Foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter India through land routes on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa.

For issue of any visa, the passport must be valid for at least 6 months and it should have two blank pages.

In case of a minor applicant,  Notarized Parental authorization form , duly signed by both the parents is mandatory, along with copies of their passports and marriage certificate.

E-Visa :

The process of obtaining e-visa may be seen at: . The applicant may note that the Consulate does not process e-visas and any enquiries in this regard will need to be made directly on the e-visa portal.

Regular Paper visa through VFS Global only -

Applicants residing within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, San Francisco may apply for regular visa at VFS Global  and send the completed physical application to VFS Global at:

642 Harrison Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107 Website- Helpline: +1-800-320-9693

Registration of Foreigners

All foreigners (including foreigners of Indian origin) visiting India on long term (more than 180 days) Student Visa, Medical Visa, Employment Visa are required to get themselves registered with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) / Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) concerned having jurisdiction over the place where the foreigner intends to stay, within 14 days of arrival. All Business Visa (including e-Business visa) holders are required to register themselves with the FRRO/FRO concerned in case the aggregate stay in India on Business Visa exceeds 180 days during a calendar year.

Emergency Visa Service -

VFS Global will accept in-person applications, with prior appointment, on working days as well as on weekends /holidays, from US passport holders of Indian origin and their family members who are required to visit India due to a family emergency, such as critical illness or death of a family member. Documentary evidence will need to be provided and the applicant will be charged an emergency service fee (on weekends and holidays). Applicants within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, San Francisco may contact VFS as per details given below to:

From Monday – Friday: Between 9 AM to 4 PM

Email:  [email protected]

Weekends and Holidays Only: Between 9AM to 4PM

Tel: +1-415-5281235

Diplomatic & Official Passport holders and Fullbright Scholars -

Diplomatic/official passport holders and Fullbright Scholars, may please send an email at [email protected] for guidance on the procedure to be followed.

Guidelines for International Travel -

Applicants are advised to go through the guidelines for international travel to India available at Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India website.

Travel arrangements -

Applicants are advised not to finalize their travel arrangements prior to issuance of visa.

San Francisco 05 July 2022

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How to Apply the Indian visa online

  • August 6, 2023
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indian tourist visa place of issue

  • Updated on August 6, 2023

▶ Destinations ▶ India  

Apply your visa online

You are in the right place if you are looking for a guide to know how to apply the e-Tourist visa for traveling to India. The first time to make is not so simple for a few points but having completed it several times, I’m able to help you. You can also do it throught a visa agency but they ask a lot of fees.  

indian tourist visa place of issue

You should know that the slightest error provided during the visa procedure in the form will result in a refusal without refund but you will not be affected if you follow this tutorial correctly. The Indian government website prevents any possible machine translation and copying of words. Follow this guide to know how to do and the things to know.

India Tourist Visa Info

You will also find in this guide some information about formalities, entry requirements and things related to the Indian visa.

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indian tourist visa place of issue

Prices of tourist visas

4 duration options are available for the tourist Indian visa. Be aware that if you leave the country on a 30-day visa, you will need to reapply online. 1 and 5 year visas allow you to enter and leave the country as many times as desired.

  Maximum length of stay

Travel must not exceed 3 months. If you want to stay longer, you can enter a neighbouring country then return back to India (you can even do it in a single day) to benefit again from a 3-month residence permit. If you are in the North, the easiest way is to go to the Nepalese border, entering, and then return (visa on arrival is available there, which is not the case for Bangladesh and Pakistan) or going to Sri Lanka if you travel in the South.

Where to apply for a visa online?

indian tourist visa place of issue

You only need to go to the government website to apply for a visa online. There are a multitude of fraudulent sites that should be avoided. Many people fall into the trap.

  The one and only place to apply it:


indian tourist visa place of issue

  Once on the site, go to the bottom of the page and click on Apply here for e-visa . Once you have completed the first page, your application number will be assigned to you by email. You can continue the visa procedure later by clicking on the third box by entering the same number.

Fill out the online form

Page 1  .

indian tourist visa place of issue

Visa application

Check the box to confirm that you have the required documents in PDF format and passport photos in JPEG or JPG and click continue.  

NOTE : do not wait too long between two pages because they expire quite quickly and need to be started again.    

Page 2     

indian tourist visa place of issue

Application details

indian tourist visa place of issue

Passport details

indian tourist visa place of issue

Address of the applicant

  Current address

  Permanent address

Check the box if your permanent address is the same as your current address.    

indian tourist visa place of issue


Family details

  Father details

  Mother’s details

Enter “NONE” in the boxes if you do not know your biological parent(s) or enter your adoptive parent(s) details if applicable.  

indian tourist visa place of issue


indian tourist visa place of issue

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Present occupation

indian tourist visa place of issue

Details of the visa requested

indian tourist visa place of issue

Details of current visa or previous visa

More information, details of saarc country visits.

indian tourist visa place of issue

  What is the reference in the e-visa?

Your referees are those you designate in case of problem or person to contact. You have to choose one in India and one in your country.  

indian tourist visa place of issue

Provide details below

● Have you ever been arrested/prosecuted/ convicted by Court of Law of any country?

Yes or no  

● Have you ever been refused entry / deported by any country including India?

● Have you ever been engaged in Human trafficking/ Drug trafficking/ Child abuse/ Crime against women/ Economic offense / Financial fraud?

● Have you ever been engaged in Cyber crime/ Terrorist activities/ Sabotage/ Espionage/ Genocide/ Political killing/ other act of violence?

● Have you ever by any means or medium, expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts?

● Have you sought asylum (political or otherwise) in any country?

I (your name), hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. in case the information is found false at any stage, I am liable for legal action/deportation/blacklisting or any other action as deemed fit by the Government of India.

Upload documents for the visa

Downloading documents in the right format and the right file size can be quite a pain if you don’t know the tools to compress files.  Here we will see how to reduce the weight of photos and PDF online in case yours are too heavy.  

indian tourist visa place of issue

At first, the easiest method is to scan a passport photo. It must be recent. Your visa application may be refused if necessary.

  Weight and format

Your photo must weigh a minimum of 10 KB and a maximum of 1 MB. Its dimensions must be 350×350 pixels. You should not use the same photo as your passport. Important : your photo must be as clear and sharp as possible at the risk of having your visa rejected. The photo should be cropped as much as possible above your torso. Your shoulders should be apparent.

  If you don’t have access to a photo booth

You can do it at home if you can afford it (I did it 3 times):  

● Take a picture of yourself with a camera or mobile phone against a light and neutral background (preferably in a shade of white or any other very light color). Make sure to avoid shadows – use the flash if necessary but avoid overexposure – your face should be uncovered, without piercings, glasses or other jewelry (see the example in my photo below).  

● With the help of various editing software, you will be able to remove parasites if there are any on your background. For my part, I have cleanly erased many impurities.    

How do I reduce the weight and change the dimensions of a photo?

Dimensions and format.

  1. At first, download the software PhotoFiltre .  

2. Install it.  

3.  Drag your photo into the interface and crop it by holding down the left click while dragging the mouse. Then, give it a perfectly square shape from the bottom of the right column by clicking on the “ = ” sign and adjust your frame again from the interface. [See photo]  

4.   Resize your image to the requested measurements by left-clicking on your image (always from the interface). Select “Image size…” ” then change the width and height to 350 and click “OK”.    

indian tourist visa place of issue

5. Save the photo in the right format: go to “File” > Save As: make sure here that the format is set to JPEG and then save.  

indian tourist visa place of issue

6. First compression (do not touch it if your image is already optimized): drag the slider to 70 or even 65 if your photo is very heavy. This tool will reduce its weight (follow the rest to complete the compression).  

indian tourist visa place of issue


  1. To compress and reduce the weight of your photo, you can use an online tool (see link below). It will automatically compress during upload and then you will only have to download it. Repeat the maneuver if necessary but make sure that the quality is not degraded.

🔎 Compress your photo here

2. Your image is ready to be uploaded to the government website.

2️⃣ Passport

indian tourist visa place of issue

  The size of your passport scanned in PDF format must be:

● Maximum of 10 KB ● Maximum of 300 KB

  You can also take a picture of your passport but be aware that this requires great care since all the details must appear. I strongly advise you to scan your passport for this step.  

How to reduce the size of a PDF file for India visa?

Here is the best online tool to reduce and compress the weight to the standards of your India e-visa. From the site, you will be able to choose the compression ratio until it suits you.

🔎 Compress your PDF here  

What if my PDF file is still too large?

1.  Take a screenshot of your passport > Save the > Switch the new image to a photofilter > Set its width to 800 and height to approximately 1100 ≈ ( see the tutorial in the previous section) > Go to File Then save as by selecting the PNG format (it is one of the lightest).  

2.  Go to the attached link below and convert your new PNG image to PDF.

🔎 Convert your image to PDF here  

3.  Compress your PDF again with the online tool.

🔎 Compress your PDF here

4.  Your passport is ready to be uploaded. Don’t forget to click Upload Document after you choose your file. Finally, check the box at the bottom of the page and confirm.

3️⃣ Confirm your details

indian tourist visa place of issue

Payment and obtaining the visa

indian tourist visa place of issue

You have the option to pay for your e-visa for India by credit card or PayPal. Choose the “Axis Bank” option for credit card settlements. Warning : the system can be long and suggest that your payment has not been taken into account. Many people paid double without repayment possibilities.  

Obtaining the visa

You will receive your e-visa in your mailbox. You will know if it has been accepted if you see “GRANTED”. This document must be printed, it is the one you will have to present to Indian customs upon arrival. The delays are about a week or a few days, but it can be as fast as a few hours as it has already been the case for me.  

Other issues

For further questions, please read F.A.Q. At the end of the article or leave a comment, I answer it quite quickly.  

indian tourist visa place of issue

Insurance for travelling to India

indian tourist visa place of issue

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There are a thousand and one reasons to be faced with a problem abroad. Medical or hospitalization costs that can be very high are one of the motivations to insure yourself. Chapka ‘s reputation in the travel industry is well established. Make sure and leave hassle-free.  

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Frequently Asked Question

A recent scanned passport photo and passport in PDF format are required to apply for an India e-visa.

Lead times can vary but generally range from a few days to a week.

India tourist visa prices are 10 USD for 1 month duration (April to June), 25 USD for 1 month duration (July to March), 40 USD for 1 year visa and 80 USD for a 5 year visa.

The only place to apply for an India visa is on the official Indian government website > Apply here

No, the one month tourist visa has only one entry.

The tourist visas of 1 and 5 years give the possibility of leaving and returning to the territory as many times as desired.

There can be several reasons. An information error on your part or a problem with the quality of the documents you provided may have caused the rejection of your application. Be aware that the slightest mistake can be penalizing. One of the options on your situation can also be at the origin of a refusal (crime, legal cases, etc.)

You will not be able to receive a refund if your visa application has been rejected or if you have paid twice.

Many companies can take care of the administrative procedures for you. I am thinking in particular of Action-Visas , which is a reputable and serious agency, but you should know that the fees are generally high.

You must apply for an e-visa on the Indian government website then go to an embassy or consulate with your printed e-visa, a passport with a minimum validity of 6 months as well as 3 successive empty pages and 2 photos 5×5 identity card on a white, neutral background.

If you still haven’t had a response for your Indian e-visa for several weeks, consider contacting an embassy or consulate as this may be due to an administrative problem. In the worst case, you may have made a request on a fraudulent site, which would explain the fact that you remain without news.

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Picture of Tom Spirit

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Filling Out Your Online Indian Visa Application

Visa Application Form

After you choose the right visa , the first thing you must do is complete the online Indian Visa Application form. If this is your first interaction with the government of India, you should refresh yourself on How to Please the Babu . This will get you in the right frame of mind.

The form seems easy enough, but a simple mistake can lead to your application being rejected, which means you lose your application fee, and you have to start the process over again! So, it’s best to get it right the first time.

Before you begin

Two things to remember:

1) Filling out the Indian Visa Application form online does not mean you have submitted it. The purpose of the online form is to make sure you have filled in all the correct information in the right format for easier processing. If you make a mistake, you can start over and it will not affect your application. No one is looking through all this data and cross-checking it. The only form that matters is the one you print out when you finish.

2) You may not alter the application after you print it . This includes handwriting answers. Once you print it out, if you want to make any change at all, you must start the application form over again.

Overview of the Process

Start your Indian Visa Application form by clicking this link:


If you are applying for any visa other than the e-Tourist Visa, click the Online Visa Application in the upper left corner.

Page 1 Guide

Page 1 - General Visa Guide

Country you are applying from – This means where you physically are now. It is usually the same as your permanent residence, but certain visas can be applied for outside of your residence. If your residence is in Birmingham, but you are in Bangkok and need a transit visa, choose the Bangkok Mission.

Indian Mission –  Choose the mission/embassy that you want to issue your visa.

Dates  – Dates in India (as well as most of the world) read Day/Month/Year, not Month/Day/Year. For example, July 2 nd is 2/7; February 7 th is 7/2.

Visa Type –  Some categories may request additional information later on.

  • For Business , you will need to be prepared to give the address of the company that is inviting you.
  • For Conference,  have the give the details of the conference.
  • For Employment,  you will need to know your salary in Rupees. It must be more than Rs 1,25,000 (Given Rs. 60 = US$1) unless you are with an NGO.
  • For Tourist,  you will need a places you are planning to visit.
  • For Medical/Surrogacy, you will need the details of the hospital you are going to.

Page 2 Guide

Page 2 General Visa

Write down your temporary application ID. Every time I fill out this form I have to do it a few times and wish I had saved the number.

Applicant Details

Name – When inserting your name, put it exactly as it appears in your passport with no mistakes. “Surname” is your family name. “Given name” is your first and any middle names.

Sex – There are officially three genders in India .

Town/city of birth – This must be  exactly as it is mentioned on your passport. Do not put any other additional information. If it says “Ohio” on your passport, but you were actually born in Columbus, put “Ohio”.

Citizenship Number – If your country has a national ID system, put the number here. Most people will put “NA”. US citizens should not put their Social Security Number.

Religion – Why do they want to know your religion? Read this post  for a more detailed answer, but basically this is about identifying what community you come from. This is not about your personal theological beliefs. If your parents were Christian, but you haven’t been to church in 30 years and don’t believe any of it, you should still put Christian. Most North Americans and Europeans should put Christian, even if your personal beliefs are more complicated. Keep it simple. If you are very uncomfortable, just pick “Other” and put “NA”.

Visible Identification Marks – In a country with thousands of Suresh Babus and Parminder Singhs, a mole or scar can be helpful in identification. Pick a visible mole or birthmark or put “none”.

Education –

  • Below Matriculation = Less than 10 th grade
  • Graduate = College/University Bachelor’s Degree
  • Higher Secondary = High School
  • Illiterate = No formal education
  • Matriculation = 10 th Grade
  • Professional = Professional or technical training
  • NA Being Minor = Children who are still in school

Passport Details

Passport place of issue – Again, this should read exactly as mentioned in your passport, even if it says something like “Department of State”.

Page 3 Guide

Page 3 General Visa

Applicant Address Details

Present Address – This must match exactly with whatever proof of address you submit. It will also be cross-checked electronically to match it with the Indian mission you chose. If you are applying for a visa away from your permanent residency, put your hotel/current address in the present address and then fill out the permanent address section as well.

Family Details

Father/Mother Details – It might seem strange to you why they would want to know about your parents and your parents’ names . This is a background check of sorts. They mainly want to know if you have any ties to Pakistan. If you have any connection, it will delay your processing time.

Profession/Occupation Details

Present Occupation – This may seem like a harmless question, but how you answer it could cause a lot of frustration later on. Each category matches to a certain type of visa. If you are applying for a visa other than what your profession matches, you may need to supply additional documentation or else you might not get the visa you want.

  • Camera Man, Film Producer, Journalist, Media, News Broadcaster, Press, Publisher, Reporter, TV Producer ,and  Writer  are all matches to the Journalist Visa . Also, if the employer you list is a media company, you may be put in the Journalist visa category.
  • College/University Professor  and  Researcher  match to the Research Visa .
  • Businessman, Chartered Accountant, Engineer, and Trader match to the Business Visa .
  • Diplomat, Official, UN Official  match to the Diplomat Visa .
  • Student matches to the Student Visa .
  • In the case of Housewife  and Student, you will need to give the details of your spouse or father.
  • If it is a child not in school, put Other .

Other potential red flags that could cause delays or additional documentation:

Charity/Social Worker will be a red flag since the only visa you are allowed to do volunteer work on is the Employment Visa .

Un-employed is usually not a good category to pick. Similarly, Labour and Worker might find some difficulty, but not too likely. Any Military profession might also require some additional documentation.

These rules hold true when you list your employer. Even if you are the IT director for a Media company, you may get earmarked for the Journalist Visa . If you work for a religious organization, they may want more details about you. Similarly, if you are applying for a Business Visa , remember that it is illegal for you to earn money from a company as salary. Therefore, be careful mentioning any “work” you are doing. The Business Visa is for setting up contacts, attending meetings, overseeing work, etc.

What if I want a visa that doesn’t match with my profession or employer?

Choose whichever of these three options you are most comfortable with, although none are guaranteed.

1) Don’t worry about it and submit it anyway. Sometimes these things go through without a problem. If you work in a media-related field, having a Journalist visa is not a bad thing, so you may even want to apply for it the first time. For all other questions, the embassy will get in contact with you if they want more information.

2) Supply an accompanying letter from your organization.

Here are three examples:

If you work for a media company but want a Tourist Visa , have your manager write a letter that says your trip is purely personal and you will not be doing any official business.

If you work for a religious organization, you may need a letter that says you will not engage in any proselytizing.

If you are a professor wanting a tourist visa, you may want to have a letter from the university saying that this trip is purely personal and you will not be doing any official research.

3) Choose the “Other” category for your occupation and give an alternate but truthful name to your profession (i.e. “graphic designer” or “consultant”). This will cause the agent reading the application to consider it on a case-by-case basis and will increase your chances of being approved for the visa of your choice.

Page 4 Guide

Page 4 General Visa

Details of Visa Sought

This is where you will insert any additional information that your visa requires.

Duration of Visa – Different countries have different lengths of visa. You should check the embassy in your country to see what options you have. Remember that your validity starts when it is issued, not when you land in India.

Purpose of Visa – It is very important that this matches exactly with the type of visa.

Expected Date Journey – This doesn’t need to be the exact date of your travel if you haven’t booked tickets, just close to the date.

Previous Visa Details/Other Information/SAARC

Countries Visited in Last 10 years – List everything completely here. Not mentioning a country you have a valid visa to can be grounds for refusal.

SAARC Country Visit Details – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. It is a loose confederation of South Asian nations (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka).

Name in India – If you don’t know anyone, put the hotel where you plan to stay.

Photo Upload – It is not necessary to upload a photo, unless you are filling out the e-Tourist Visa. Otherwise, you will be including hard copies in the packet you send to the Consulate.

After Page 4, you will be able to review all the information. Look over it once from your own perspective to make sure there are no errors. Then look over it again from the visa officer’s (aka the Babu ’s) perspective to make sure everything is completely filled out and matches nicely.

Once you verify it, click the “Print Form” button, and you can save your application as a PDF. If you gave your email, it will also be sent to you. Look over the PDF since it is in a different format and something new might catch your eye. If you notice any errors at this point, you will need to start the application over again.

If everything looks fine, print the application on two pieces of paper, not back-to-back.

There are two places to sign. On the first page, make sure your signature is completely inside the box underneath your photograph. Do not staple your photograph to the application; use glue or paste. On the second page, sign at the bottom right.

Children between 12-17 should sign their name on the first page. Children younger than 12 can put a thumbprint on the first page.

For all minors, the second page must be signed by both parents. If you mail in your application, it should also be notarized. If you apply in person, it does not need to be notarized.

  •  – Cox and Kings is the current authorized provider for Indian visas out of the US
  •  – Travisa is a third party company that also provides visa and passport services for US citizens
  •  – VFS provides Indian visa services in the UK

You are welcome to put your questions in the comments below; I will do my best to respond as I am able. However, I am only giving my opinion in most cases and anything I say should not be taken as legal or professional advice. 

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Related posts:

indian tourist visa place of issue

January 6, 2015 at 1:19 am

Please help me out. I have verified all the information regarding the visa but still no downloadable pdf is being provided to me. Just a message appears that says ”your application has already been submitted successfully with application ID:” What should I do?

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January 6, 2015 at 4:45 pm

Not sure. At the end, you should get a message that says “Print Form” which has the pdf. If you can’t get anywhere, I’d recommend just starting the application over again. It won’t hurt you at all.

January 7, 2015 at 12:56 am

Thanks! I guess I should just restart the entire procedure.

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February 6, 2015 at 1:23 am

Can a minor apply for a 10-year visa from USA? Talked to someone at CKGS who insists that minors can get only 5-year visa

February 6, 2015 at 9:57 am

I don’t know that there is a standard printed rule about this. Since minors in the US typically only get passports valid for 5 years, I would guess that they only give 5 year visas as well. Right now CKGS is the final authority on these things in the US, so whatever they say, you’ll have to go with.

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February 8, 2015 at 11:20 am

If you have a canadian passport, It says issuing country in one place and it says issuing authority(city) written in another, what would i fill in for the issuing place?

February 9, 2015 at 9:46 am

“Place of Issue” should be the City where your passport was issued.

“Educational Qualification” for young kids is “NA Being Minor”

The duration depends on what kind of visa you are applying for. But in general, it’s better to put in “1 month” at the minimum. I think in Canada the minimum amount for a tourist visa is 6 months anyway. Check your consulate’s websites:

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February 16, 2015 at 9:52 pm

Thanks a lot for this helpful page! I still have two issues though…

In particular there are things on the final .pdf form which you cannot enter, including ‘address of place of stay/hotel’. The other problem is that there is not enough space for me to fill in the entire address of my reference person in India (whom I will also be staying with). I’ve never been to India and don’t know which parts of the address are absolutely necessary – if anything can be left out at all. Do you have any advice? Thanks!

February 16, 2015 at 10:15 pm

Once you finish and save it as a pdf, you cannot make any edits. If you want to change anything at that point, you have to restart the form all over again.

Don’t worry about putting the entire address. Just make sure the city name and pin code (like a 6 digit zip code) are in there.

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May 27, 2015 at 9:16 am

What an nice post. It’s really helpful. New update news for Bangladesh

May 27, 2015 at 10:39 am

Thanks. Current list of e-Tourist Visa countries is here:

Bangladesh and China will both be added soon as well as several others, it seems.

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June 3, 2015 at 4:03 am

What do you put for employment if you are retired? I seem to remember reading NOT to put retired but instead to put your former occupation, but maybe that was not for India.

June 3, 2015 at 2:36 pm

It would depend on which visa you want to get. If you want a tourist visa, then choosing the retired option is no problem. If you are looking for a business or employment, then it would be strange…

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August 8, 2015 at 4:09 am

how to put the employment details of my father if he is retired?how do i fill up the employee name,designation,address,phone and the past occupation part?

August 13, 2015 at 1:31 pm

Just put ‘retired’, and put the details in past occupation. You can leave blanks for the other areas.

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August 10, 2015 at 7:59 am

can an illiterate person have an employment visa?

August 13, 2015 at 1:30 pm

As long as someone else is willing to pay you a lot of money, it isn’t a prerequisite…

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August 22, 2015 at 11:52 am

what i have to do when they send me a message ( enter correct indian mission ) while i where reprinting registered application

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September 26, 2015 at 2:32 pm

I am a British citizen living in Ukraine at the moment. Can I apply for an e-visa from here? Will there be any problem with that?

September 28, 2015 at 4:46 pm

Shouldn’t be a problem as per the posted regulations

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September 29, 2015 at 1:22 am

I am doing the ‘golden Triangle’ tour next March. When it asks for the address where you are staying what should I put?

September 29, 2015 at 8:06 am

The address of the first hotel you are staying at

September 29, 2015 at 9:47 pm

Thank you Neil. Just one more question, if your parents are dead do you put deceased as well as their profession before they died and if so what if you don’t know what that was.

September 29, 2015 at 10:58 pm

Don’t sweat it too much. Remember the Babu –

Just give the most simple answer possible.

September 29, 2015 at 11:09 pm

Great, thanks.

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September 30, 2015 at 9:16 pm

i wanna apply for my kid so what i have to put in his employment details

September 30, 2015 at 10:16 pm

Classify him as either a student or “na being minor”. Then just enter ” none” in any other fields.

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October 10, 2015 at 1:05 pm


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November 4, 2015 at 4:17 am

Hi I applied for a e-visa online and it all went through ok but I missed of my middle name. Shall I wait for there response in 72hrs or just reapply. Also if I get the ok of them shall i reapply anyway to avoid any problems at the airport once i arrive. Lastly how long to i have to wait to reapply this is for the e-visa/visa on arrival process

November 4, 2015 at 9:22 am

I would advise you to apply again. Even if they approve it, there’s a chance the immigration official won’t like it and you’ll be stuck at the airport. You are risking making the Babu very angry.

I don’t know about the rules for reapplying, but if you are doing it under a different name (the correct one) I think that should be fine. Let us know how it goes.

November 6, 2015 at 3:05 am

Thanks for the advice. The one with no middle name came through as approved, but I reapplied anyway as like you said didn’t want to run into any difficulties with the babu at the airport. The second one came through fine & approved . Lesson learnt as said in the article , answer the questions carefully (even the easy ones like whats your name? Lol

Thanks again

November 6, 2015 at 4:04 pm

Thanks for sharing your experience! Have a great trip!

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November 4, 2015 at 12:02 pm


November 4, 2015 at 12:08 pm

Just call him a student, and take off your caps lock 😉

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November 7, 2015 at 9:24 pm

BGDD page asar por ja code lagba sata jodi ditan khub upokar hoto

November 9, 2015 at 9:38 am

Sorry, I don’t know what you are trying to say.

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November 9, 2015 at 7:28 pm

applying for tourist Visa i am visiting india for 2 weeks where it says “duration of visit in months” what should i put. and what would be references for both Uk and India

November 9, 2015 at 9:35 pm

Put 1 month (or two if you fancy). Reference in UK is someone who knows you and your travel plans. Reference in India is the name of a girl you are staying at our someone you know there. There is nearly no chance either of these people will be contacted.

November 9, 2015 at 11:10 pm

thankyou for your help

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November 11, 2015 at 4:07 pm

hello – I am trying to do the e-tourist visa online, but I’m confused as to the following.

I’m currently resident in Lebanon as I’m doing a Masters program, and that residency has been valid since September. Prior to this I was in Lebanon but on tourist visas (i.e. without residency), for around 3 years. I’m still obviously a British Citizen and not a Lebanese citizen, I just have temporary residency, what should I put as my ‘present’ and ‘permanent address’? I’m thinking to put my UK address for both? Since it’s an e-visa I don’t need to take any proof of address, right? It seems I cannot select Lebanon for present address and UK for permanent address, and in any case, if I chose this option, would I have needed to be resident in Lebanon for at least 2 years (as per the old visa rules, before the evisa)?

Looking forward to hearing backkkk 🙂

November 12, 2015 at 2:19 pm

Yes, I’d go with your gut here. Keep it simple.

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November 16, 2015 at 9:33 am

Hey, I have a quick question. Under education, do I put the last level of education that I have completed or the one that I am currently in? By the way, I am in my second year of college.

November 16, 2015 at 5:30 pm

Stick with what you have completed.

If you are applying for a student visa, your paperwork should show all the other necessary information.

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November 16, 2015 at 10:16 am

My permanent address is different from my passport address, as I changed cities. My parents still live at the older address and it remains my contact address. Do you think I can apply for my UK visa without changing the address in my passport?

November 16, 2015 at 5:31 pm

I know nothing about applying for a UK visa. This is information for getting a visa to enter India. Did I understand you correctly?

November 16, 2015 at 5:33 pm

oh yes… UK visa form too looks very similar. Thanks

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November 24, 2015 at 1:11 am

Neil, I’m in a very peculiar position regarding the vapplication. I was an indian citizen and just became canadian national. So on page 4 of the application, the question ‘Have you ever visited India before?’, my answer is yes. But then it asks me my previous visa details, which I don’t have. There’s no option to say ‘Indian Passport’ in the drop down menu. So if I said ‘yes’ to the question, I don’t have the information that they’re looking for. How to deal with this scenario?? Would it make sense to say ‘No’ to the question and submit the form? Your insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

November 24, 2015 at 2:01 pm

Is there a reason why you are applying for a visa and not an OCI card? That would solve most of your problems.

November 25, 2015 at 2:46 am

That’s a valid point. Will definitely get the OCI for future travel.

To close on my doubt, I called a visa processing agency. Their response was that it’s okay to put ‘No’ to that question, since I haven’t visited India on my new passport. It doesn’t sound ‘technically’ correct, but I guess that’s how the question is interpreted on the form.

In any case, thanks for this tutorial and helping us out!

November 25, 2015 at 9:28 am

Yes, do go ahead with the OCI application.

I would agree with the agency. Being ‘technically’ right isn’t the point – just giving them the information they want.


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November 25, 2015 at 4:07 am

I am on my gap year, so going to uni next September and am travelling to india in January. when putting down the occupational details of applicant I select student. and then it promts me to specify occupational details of following so I select ‘father’, and fill in my fathers occupational details accordingly. I am a bit worried because on the pdf document section G. Professional Occupational details, of father it now says Present occupation – ‘student’. but is that still just indicating that I am a student???? I have already booked my appointment I hope this isn’t a mistake, please reaasure me Neil!

November 25, 2015 at 9:34 am

Probably no reason to worry. These things should be clear to the person reading the application. This is a bit of bad design in the form, and I’m sure they encounter this a lot.

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November 25, 2015 at 2:33 pm

Hi Neil, Im in Sri Lanka applying for the tourist visa, after looking through the questions, when it asks what countries have you travelled to in the past 10 years. my last trip away was 7 years ago and went to india twice, but I travelled on my british passport. Im now travelling with my NZ passport that doesn’t have any information of previous travels. Im unable to get hold of past visa details from my other old passport, do I just go ahead and say no to previous travel to india since its not in my new passport? Thank you for any help Harry

November 25, 2015 at 10:20 pm

Yup, Keep it simple.

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December 7, 2015 at 4:18 pm

I am due to go India in 2 weeks and have an appointment for visa tomorrow, the problem is I have made the payment but have just realised my middle name is not on the application form? Would it be refused?

December 8, 2015 at 9:30 am

Not refused outright, but you may have to reapply. Bring a new printout with you with your middle name on it to the interview.

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December 9, 2015 at 2:19 am

I am applying for a tourist e-visa. I travelled to India 27 years ago and I no longer have the old passport or the tourist visa that I had at that time for my visit. However the application form asks for these details if you have travelled to India before. Any thoughts on what I can do?

December 11, 2015 at 3:34 pm

If there is no record of your visit in any of the documents you are submitting, then just say that you have never been. Keep it simple and easy.

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December 11, 2015 at 2:23 pm

I have just completed the visa application form and realise that the period of visa is only 1 month. Whilst I will not be staying longer it only gives me a week to to make an appointment submit visa at the Sydney office before I leave as it states what the visa is one month from when it is issued. Should I have applied for longer than one month? Was there an option for this? I am thinking I will have to redo application form. No money has been sent as I was always goings to apply direct. Thanks MM

December 11, 2015 at 3:36 pm

There should be an option to chose how many months you want the visa for. Each country has different agreements with India. Not sure about what the typical Australian tourist visa is. There are usually preset amounts (6mo, 1yr, etc) – however these aren’t visible on the form.

Your best bet is to redo the form since you haven’t paid anything yet. Ask for a 6 month visa and see what happens!

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December 14, 2015 at 12:48 pm

Hi! I’m from Canada, and I’m travelling to Nepal in early January, and then am flying to India in the last week of February. I am trying to complete my India tourist visa application before I leave home here to keep everything easy, however I have a few questions.

– What is best to put for ‘religion’ if I am not religious? I read that most North Americans just put Christian, however I am really not associated with any religion. Is it simplest to just put Christian anyway? Or select ‘other’ and write NA? – For ‘profession’, I have completed my bachelor’s degree, and have been working temporary (6 month term) jobs trying to figure out what I want to do. Now I’m just going travelling for awhile. Technically I do not have a profession. I will go back to school at some point once I’ve figured out what career path I want. I usually just tell immigration officers I’m a student, but I read that that would pair with a “student” visa to enter India. Is that true? What should I put as my profession then? I did an environmental science degree, and my last job was with an environmental consulting company. Should I write that? Or is that too complicated? Please help!! – For ‘SAARC countries visited in the last 3 years’ as of right now, when I am applying for my visa, i have not been to any of those countries. However, once I arrive in India in February, I will have been to Nepal. I am unable to select “2016” from the drop down menu (only up to 2015). Do I have to include this? Once I print my application off can I write on the form 2016 and cross out 2015? I didn’t know how best to compete this section. – For ‘Countries Visited in the last 10 years’ – do i again include Nepal because once I reach India I will have been in Nepal? Or no, because at this time I have not been there? And do you have to include countries that you just fly through the airports (and do not actually travel there?)? My flight to Nepal goes through Abu Dhabi. Would that be a country I have to list? And if my exceeds the space provided, I just attach an additional sheet with the rest of the countries I’ve been to (any other information?)?

Thank you so much in advance – sorry for the novel of questions!

December 15, 2015 at 4:52 pm

Hi Kelsey – It would be good for you to check this article out first to give some perspective:

Just remember – the form is for the Babu – not you. Never handwrite anything in the form after you print it!

Some specifics: -If you are from NA, then you are Christian by heritage. This isn’t a quiz on your religious beliefs. -You are an Environmental Scientist. Keep it simple. -You have not been to any SAARC countries. -Only include countries that you actually have visa stamps from in your current passport.

Chill out, you’ll be fine ;-). Have a great trip.

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December 16, 2015 at 11:52 am

Dear Neil, I have visited India on my Indian passport in the past (this is twenty years ago) and don’t have it on me anymore, but recently I hold an American passport. Now the question in my visa application about if I have visited India, what should I say? If say ‘YES’ they asking me visa details. Another thing I would like to ask you is, as you mentioned US citizens should not write Social security number for ‘National ID number’, people on other blogs faced delays getting visa because they typed NA. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

December 16, 2015 at 7:43 pm

I would put that you haven’t been to India since there is no record on your current passport.

For the ID number, no one really knows for sure. I’ve never heard of anyone getting delays by putting NA, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens. I don’t think it will hurt you too much to put in your SSN, but I don’t know 100%.

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December 21, 2015 at 5:46 am

Hi I was on an india passport when i last travelled to india. Now I am an american citizen. Should I just say no on previously visited India? By clicking yes, it is asking me for a visa no which I dont have.

December 21, 2015 at 9:17 am

You can see the other comments. My advice is just to say no as it is easier. Better though is to apply for a OCI card.

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December 25, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Will they ask how much money you have before you go to india? Im worried that i might get rejected if they think what i have isnt enough. I have more than enough for an emergency ticket back if needed and for food etc. Just wondering if theres a set amount you have to meet? or if you have to write how much youre taking?

December 28, 2015 at 9:30 am

Hi Beckie. Sorry to get around late to your question.

No, they won’t ask how much money you have. There may be some instances where they would want to know, but in general this is not a question they ask of the average traveller.

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December 28, 2015 at 7:40 pm

The form allows me to insert ‘Retired’ but if I leave ‘Employer’ blank I can’t save the page. Should I put my last employment in? Thanks

December 28, 2015 at 9:03 pm

Yeah, just put your last employer. Not a big deal.

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January 10, 2016 at 9:58 am

I am applying for a Tourist Visa. On the first page, where it asks when i will be leaving for India (date of travel), If i write say Feb 1, does that mean i have to leave on that specified date or anytime within 6months?

January 10, 2016 at 9:26 pm

The date you enter in the application is not binding, but an estimate. The only thing you need to remember is that the visa starts its validity from the day it is approved by their office.

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June 2, 2016 at 8:30 pm

Thank you very much 🙂

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January 13, 2016 at 9:26 am

thanks for the helpful post. I have lost my last passport which had my old visa on it from 3 years ago. How can i bypass the old visa question?

January 13, 2016 at 9:41 am

Do you have any electronic copy or other document that shows the old visa number? Do what you can to try to give the right information to make sure there are no issues.

If there is no way to find the old visa, and you have a brand new passport with a new number, then I would bypass the question and hope for the best.

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January 13, 2016 at 8:25 pm

Hope you are doing great. I am applying for a tourist visa and have already registered an online application but when I printed it, I have found some issues in it. (I didn’t submit the application to embassy yet.) The question is that, where can I go to get the issues corrected? How many online applications can I fill out and register? May it create any problem (refuse/prohibition of entrance to India) if I fill out another online application? Shukria Yaar,

January 14, 2016 at 5:53 pm

someone write me sth plsssss

January 18, 2016 at 10:09 am

You can create as many online applications as you want. They are saved electronically in the system, but aren’t used by the agency.

Sorry for the delay…was travelling outside.

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January 17, 2016 at 8:35 pm

I have a question. Applying for a tourist visa and received it back with a VAF stamp. Not sure why it wasn’t approved but noticed in the copy I kept that in the signature box we did not include middle name in the signature – should we just reapply and make sure to sign with middle name?

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January 19, 2016 at 9:39 am

Hi Neil I’m an Australian on holidays in Bali and then Bangkok,I have decided to book a cruise to far east Asia stopping for a day in India leaving on the 3/3/16 and will not be returning home prier to the Cruise as we are arriving by boat I’m unable to do a electronic visa .how the hell do i get into India??? Can I just rock up to the Indian Embassy in Bangkok .Would love some feed back as Im really keen to join this cruise Cheers Cindy

January 19, 2016 at 1:55 pm

Yes, you can go to the Indian Embassy in Bangkok. You don’t need to be Tahi to use their services. You can try to apply for a transit visa which is valid just for three days. They will guide you at the embassy. You can even fill out the application form ahead of time. One of the first questions is where you are applying from. Just choose the Bangkok office.

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January 23, 2016 at 8:52 am

My father died and my husband took sannyasa, but i have to fill in the details of their occupation for a student visa application. What to do?

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January 24, 2016 at 4:22 am

Hi All , please help . I done online application form and submit but when I printed double check and bingo – citizenship/ national ID I wrote BRITISH ?!? Perhaps they gonna reject application. What I have to do now ?new one or just wait ? Please advice,many thanks

January 24, 2016 at 9:35 am

Just redo the form and print out a new one. Don’t send in one with the wrong information.

January 24, 2016 at 2:38 pm

Thank you very much!

January 24, 2016 at 7:31 pm

Hi Neil, can I not fill out the e-visa online form now for travelling in March and save it ready to send nearer the time? I have just tried to start the application but it is telling me that the journey date can not be more than 34 days than todays date? Looking forward to the holiday but panicking a bit about the visa. Thanks

January 24, 2016 at 9:11 pm

No need to panic. This is a good lesson for India. Don’t make plans too far ahead of time.

Your visa is valid from the moment it is granted; so it’s actually better to apply about 3-4 days before your travel. If you get it too early, it will have expired by the time you leave!

The visa only takes 1-2 days to process and is pretty efficient.

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February 3, 2016 at 7:07 pm

I tried to enter all the countries visited in the last 10 years (21 in total) but it will only let me enter 9 of them, what should I do?

February 4, 2016 at 2:01 pm

Just pick your nine favorite!

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February 6, 2016 at 9:23 pm

Hello, I am applying for Tourist Visa and I need to provide proof of address. I have Council Tax electronic bills (because now everything is ‘e-something’), which means it is not a proper statement, is the internet page saved as .pdf but with my name on it, address, date when the pdf was saved, date since I started to pay council tax (which is 3 years ago) and the current date. Basically is all the information that I need. I am just wondering if they will be sceptic about it being a print and not a letter… I have the driving licence for the same address. Do you think they would be enough? Looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks

February 8, 2016 at 9:02 am

Electronic pdf are usually fine for these things. No need to worry.

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February 12, 2016 at 5:40 am

Hi Neil, I’m a freelance travel writer and translator but I want to go to India as a tourist. Will they insist that I apply for a Journalist visa even though I’d like to apply for a Tourist visa? And from the list of occupations, do I pick Freelancer or Writer? Freelancer is more appropriate. Also, on my application form I put the approximate date of my flight to India: will the visa (if granted) start from that date or from the date they issue the visa?

February 12, 2016 at 9:57 am

If you say you are a writer, they may want you on a journalist visa. Freelancer is better, and you can qualify it with Translator.

The visa always starts from the date they issue it, regardless of the flight date you put in.

Enjoy your trip!

February 12, 2016 at 4:24 pm

Thanks, Neil!

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February 14, 2016 at 12:34 am

Hi, I entered India via a Business Visit Visa two years ago. I got the business visa late and missed the meeting. Hence utilized the visa for personal purposes and stayed at my friends place. Now after two years when I want to apply for another business visa, they are asking me if I ever got a visa before and when I select yes, they ask me the place of Stay. I am afraid if I write that I did not stayed in the place I mentioned in the form, they might reject my visa. What should I do? I am originally Pakistani but hold another country’s nationality

February 19, 2016 at 10:34 am

Not likely to be an issue as I’m not sure how much they cross-reference former visas. However as a former Pakistani, you’ll be under more scrutiny. I would just be honest about the place you stayed.

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February 17, 2016 at 2:45 pm

Hi Neil, in my passport, place of issue is written in Vietnamese, do I have to translate it into English or not?

February 17, 2016 at 2:48 pm

Just write it in English characters on the application form. Otherwise, no need.

February 17, 2016 at 2:58 pm

You mean I just need to write it the same as on passport, only change it from characters with accent to characters without accent?

February 17, 2016 at 4:13 pm

Yes, I would guess.

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February 17, 2016 at 5:14 pm

I applied for my india visa yesterday. For my india reference I’ve put in my hotel of stay. I only think I filled in the phone number wrong. The number started with + and I changed it in 00. Not thinking this is properly not the case for an India number. Is this going to be a problem?

February 17, 2016 at 5:19 pm

Highly unlikely. No need to worry.

February 17, 2016 at 5:28 pm

Cheers! Thanks for your help. Website is great

February 17, 2016 at 9:29 pm

Me again.. I put the address down from my company but forgot the postcode and city

February 17, 2016 at 9:46 pm

Not likely to be a big problem. I wouldn’t worry about submitting it again unless you were in very strict circumstances.

February 17, 2016 at 9:49 pm

Well I have a dutch passport and I cannot prove I live in the UK for 2 years. That means my application will take longer than normal (10-15 workdays). As I’m leaving in March I actually cannot afford a refusal. So I guess I’m in a very strict circumstances?

February 17, 2016 at 9:50 pm

I only found this out the other day and its stressing me outttt ha!

February 19, 2016 at 10:33 am

I would still bet on the fact that it won’t be a problem. Are you applying for a tourist visa? Could you get the eTourist visa instead? It’s much easier and faster.

February 18, 2016 at 9:05 am

I know you said that “The visa always starts from the date they issue it, regardless of the flight date you put in.” However, I read from , on the tab “Instructions for Applicant”, the point 7 says “The validity of visa will be 30 days from the date of arrival in India.” Will it contradict with your state? I will travel to India on 13/3/2016 for 1 week and I’m doing e-tourist visa now. But I’m wondering if it’s too soon. Please help me out, thank you so much!

February 18, 2016 at 2:22 pm

I see the point that you’ve raised, but I’ve not heard of this anywhere else. I had a relative get the visa and it was listed as valid from the date it was issued. The visa is issued very quickly, so I would still wait in your situation until about a week before you travel.

February 18, 2016 at 2:25 pm

I’m wondering if your relative got the visa through e-tourist. I mean it could be a difference between getting visa through “e-tourist application” and other ways

February 18, 2016 at 2:37 pm

Yes, it was e-tourist. Logically, the visa has to be valid when it is issued. If they didn’t, they would also need to set a date when your visa would expire if you delayed your trip.

I would wait to apply for the ETV. You have nothing to lose by waiting.

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February 19, 2016 at 6:38 am

Does canada have a nation id number

February 19, 2016 at 10:09 am

Not that I know of.

February 19, 2016 at 6:43 am

Where do i give me printed from to? I live in montreal

February 19, 2016 at 10:10 am

Your first option on the form was to chose which consulate you are applying to. Call that consulate and find out their procedures.

February 19, 2016 at 5:41 pm

So the airport of arrival right

February 19, 2016 at 5:43 pm

All i have to do is print the form and give it to delhi airport when i arrive

February 22, 2016 at 7:35 pm

No, they won’t let you on the plane without a printed visa from the consulate in your passport. There are consulates in Ottawa, Vancouver, and Toronto.

February 19, 2016 at 5:44 pm

If I print it on friday feb 19 2016 and my flight to india is on 25 feb 2016 (this thrus upcoming) Will i receive my visa

February 22, 2016 at 7:33 pm

It it is e-tourist, then maybe. Otherwise, no.

February 19, 2016 at 5:51 pm

After i finish the application, do i submit it online or where

February 22, 2016 at 7:32 pm

No, you have to mail it to the consulate that you plan to apply from. Check their website for specifics.

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February 20, 2016 at 2:08 am

Had a couple of questions for you. Me and the GF are planning on travelling to Nepal through India in April. I noticed the E Tourist Visa is only for a single entry.

If we plan on leaving India to Nepal then coming back to catch a flight out of India, I assume I will need a double entry Visa?

Does that mean I am not eligible for the E Tourist Visa and have to do a regular Visa application?

The E Tourist Visa cant be done until 34 days out of the trip, does the same rule apply for the Regular Visa application, or can I start that process now?

Question about dates: If the visa is valid when its issued, then if I apply now for a Visa for a trip in April (2 months away), should I specify a Visa for 2 months? Is there different costs associated to time you request?

Outside of a hard copy application ,signed, and photo glued to it, what else do I need to bring to the consulate?

February 22, 2016 at 7:31 pm

Tricky one. Yes, the e-tourist visa is single entry, so you can’t use it twice. You can apply for two in a year though, so you could possible get one for your first trip and another one for your second.

However, the safer bet is to get a regular tourist visa. It’s not too hard or complex. You can apply for the regular visa at any time, but the same rule applies about validity – it starts when it is issued, not when you arrive. But, your will likely be for at least 6 months, so it shouldn’t be an issue.

Ask for the longest visa you can. The costs depend on the consulate you are applying from. Check their website.

Bring extra copies of any kind of documentation you can think of if you are going to the consulate.

Check out this page:

February 24, 2016 at 12:06 am

Just another question. What should I put for Duration of Visa (in Months)? My actual travel time will be 2-3 weeks, should I put 1 month? Or do I have to put 6 months?

February 24, 2016 at 10:41 am

Go for the longest time you can that stays in the same price. In most cases, the 6 month visa is the shortest one you can get anyway, so I’d go with that. Check with your local consulate.

February 20, 2016 at 2:36 am

Hey its me again i was wondering what do i do if i am a student 14 year old and they ask me about my job and my marriage status

Just put “student” for your job. Marriage status is single or not married.

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February 28, 2016 at 1:46 pm

Hi Neil, 1 Question – I submitted the ‘Entry Visa’ application for my 2 years daughter and made the payment. Now I read on your site that Perm Address should be the perm address from India which is on Father’s Indian passport. Do you think I should submit the form again with changing the perm address from US current address to India address? What about the payment that I already made?

February 29, 2016 at 9:29 am

It just depends on how urgent your situation is. There is a decent chance that it will go through without a problem, but also a good chance it will be rejected. If you are in an extremely urgent situation, I would resubmit (including paying the fee again). If you can afford to wait a bit, I’d wait for them to come back to you.

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March 4, 2016 at 4:49 am

hello, i’m applying for a visa to do a 1-month yoga teacher training. should i do a regular visa or the e-tourist visa? also, i’m leaving in a month. is this enough time? thanks!

March 4, 2016 at 2:13 pm

To be very technical, you should probably be on a student visa, but that will be hard to get. The e-tourist is fast to get, but only good for 30 days, and that is from the time it is issued, so it might not be enough for you.

A regular, 6-month tourist visa is probably the most ideal. It doesn’t take long to get (1-2 weeks or so), but I would apply pretty quickly.

March 4, 2016 at 10:01 pm

thanks! and to be clear, I’ll have to send my passport in if I’m mailing the form correct? I tried using the site last night and three times when I got to the end before I could access the fee calculation page, a message came up saying my session has expired. this is frustrating! I may just go to sf and do this in person!

March 4, 2016 at 10:41 pm

Yes, you will need to send in your actual passport. They will put the visa into the passport. Good luck!

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March 9, 2016 at 3:45 am

Hi I am applying for the E tourist visa and I don’t have my old visa number as my passport was stolen with my old visa on it. I cannot remember the issue date either as I have been visiting India for many years to visit family and have had many visas over the years, so I cannot remember the last time i applied for one. What do I fill out for the area it asks this information? Hope you can help, many thanks!

March 9, 2016 at 9:04 am

For the application, I would only put in information that you have the documented proof to back up, meaning that if you’ve lost something, just apply as it if doesn’t exist. If they want to question you, you can explain it on a call or in person.

If you have a lot of family there, have you considered applying for an OCI card? It might make things easier in the future.

March 9, 2016 at 11:36 pm

Hi Neil. Thanks for you help. Someone else suggested to me on another forum that I should do the following instead: 1) type ‘000000’ or ‘unknown’ in the visa number field

2) type any random date or type in the closest date to the last visa

They suggested this as they said that the embassy are not overly worried about the last number but more that the individual has not been refused a visa in the past to enter India.

What do you think? Or do you think I should contact them about this issue before applying for the visa as I really don’t want to risk it and then be rejected.

Another query- my brother is also applying for his visa and we don’t have his last visa information on us either. However, I do have his visa from before his last one. Do you think I should enter the visa information from the one before his last? What should I do?

Sorry for all the questions. I’m just so confused.

Thank you very much!!

March 10, 2016 at 2:13 pm

My policy is to not ask for any trouble. Especially for the e-visa, it is processed largely by algorithms I would guess and so, they are just looking for red flags that point out.

I wouldn’t contact them ahead of time as it will be difficult to actually reach anyone, and what one person tells you may not be accepted across the whole system.

For your brother, I would use the same policy. Submit any information that you can back up (like the earlier visa). If you don’t have something, don’t mention it now.

Don’t worry, we are mostly all confused!

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March 11, 2016 at 2:26 am

Hey, I will fly to from Kathmandu to Trivandrum via Dehli soon. Rigth now I am trying to fill in the e-visa. Which ist my port of arrival? Is it Dehli, where I have to change the plane and am on Indian grounds for the first time or Trivandrum, where I actually leave the airport and enter the country? Thank you for your help 🙂

March 11, 2016 at 9:15 am

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March 11, 2016 at 4:41 pm

Hello, I made a error on the spelling of my name and my VISA was issued, how do I correct this?

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March 12, 2016 at 2:04 am

i have no references in india and i dont know my hotel till i get there what can i put

March 14, 2016 at 9:11 am

Dude, I appreciate your adventurous spirit, but you need to do at least a little planning. Find a hotel online to stay at your first night. MakeMyTrip is a good resource.

Think of it from India’s side. Why would they want to allow someone to come into their country who knows no one and has made no plans?

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March 14, 2016 at 5:39 am

Are you able to choose how long your Tourist Visa is valid for? Since you said it is valid from the date of approval, not the date of arrival in India, I am curious if I should apply for mine now- we are leaving on a year-long trip in June and will be in India from August to November. If it’s valid for 6 months, even if I apply in May, that would not be good until November. Please let me know, thanks!

March 14, 2016 at 9:08 am

Different countries have different visa validity dates. You will need to check with your local consulate. For example, I think in the US, you can only get a 10 year tourist visa.

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March 17, 2016 at 7:14 am

Hi, I applied and got my India visa already. but just found that a minor error on my surname. should that is a big matter or I still need to re-do the application?

March 17, 2016 at 4:54 pm

Eek. It could be no problem, or it could be the bane of your existence. What kind of visa? How long do you plan on being in India?

If it’s an e-tourist, or a short term tourist visa, then I might not worry. But you if you are planning to be here for a while, you will be filling out forms and they will require this page and will be upset when it doesn’t match. I would probably get it changed. if that is the case.

Was it their error, or yours when you filled out the application?

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March 27, 2016 at 12:45 am

Hi I have question on India visa , I wanna apply tourist visa but I’m un-employed , there application form filing present occupation I put unemployed it still appear business address name . What shud I do for this when I can not skip to next page ? Any problem with unemployment for tourist visa

March 28, 2016 at 9:43 am

Haha, yeah, that doesn’t make much sense, does it? I’d would recommend to just put in your home address there.

March 28, 2016 at 8:47 pm

Why it shud be my home address in occupation blank ? Can you say me more detail I’m sorry that is my first time apply . Thanks Len

March 29, 2016 at 4:24 pm

Put your home address because you don’t have a work address.

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March 27, 2016 at 10:12 pm

Does any other names mean your maiden name?

March 28, 2016 at 9:42 am

Yes, I think that would qualify. However, I would only bother with it if you had a passport issued in your maiden name, or especially an Indian visa. Whatever you put in you will likely need to back up with documentation.

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March 28, 2016 at 2:53 pm

pls i filled in the wrong referee in india and in my home country, should i re-apply

March 29, 2016 at 4:23 pm

If you have already sent off the form, I wouldn’t worry about it. If you haven’t mailed the form to your consulate, I would do a new one.

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March 29, 2016 at 10:18 pm

I am travelling to Bhutan from Bangladesh by road, so I would need a transit Visa from India as I have to cross and stay in India for a night.

I have graduated a year back but I still have my student ID with me. I was working in a private company for a 6 months but I quit the job a few months back and currently trying to set up a business. I don’t have trade license or TIN yet.

So basically I am neither a student now nor employed anywhere. I would also like to mention that I do not have any personal bank account at this moment.

How should I apply for the VISA and how should I present my documents? For a better understanding of this case i am attaching the link to the Bangladesh High Commission of India.

Thank you so much.

March 31, 2016 at 3:54 pm

It looks like the local Bangladesh consulate requires more information than others do. Where are you a citizen of? It may be that these documents are required only for Bangladeshis.

I don’t believe you can use an e-tourist visa at a road crossing, so that isn’t an option.

I would go for the transit single entry visa and give as much information as you can. Looks like the student route is better for you.

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March 31, 2016 at 2:13 am

Hi, my son (14 years old) and i will travel to India next month. Can he get a e-travel visa online form the official government website? If os, does he need parental authorisation to travel form both parents? Should authorisation be uploaded with visa application or only be presented at immigration on arrival in India? Thank you

March 31, 2016 at 3:47 pm

I honestly don’t know for sure. As long as they have their own passport, and you are travelling with him, I don’t think it will be an issue. But this is uncharted water for me. Let us know what happens.

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March 31, 2016 at 2:11 pm

I know u can get two evisas in a year, but does that mean you need to wait six months to be able to apply for the second one?

March 31, 2016 at 3:55 pm

Officially it just says it can only be obtained twice in a calendar year, so I don’t think you need to wait 6 months.

April 1, 2016 at 10:51 am

Do you know of a way to find out? I called the embassy in Thailand where I live and they didn’t seem to know and just wanted to get off the phone. Would be awful if I got to India and they didn’t let me in cuz I was just there in January.

April 1, 2016 at 11:39 am

There is never a way to know for sure, but I would be shocked if you didn’t get it. Just apply online and see what happens. It’s only $60. If they deny it, you can apply for a regular tourist visa.

April 11, 2016 at 3:33 pm

Just wanted to let you know that I got in. You don’t have to wait six months, in case anyone else is concerned about it. Your site is very helpful. Much appreciated. Cheers!

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July 28, 2016 at 1:19 am

where you in India while applying for the second?

July 29, 2016 at 10:08 am

I would assume that you cannot get another evisa while you are still in India on the first one in a year. You would need to leave and then come back in. But I would imagine that it would be pretty quick and straightforward if you left to Sri Lanka, Bangkok, Singapore, etc, and then applied from there.

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January 4, 2017 at 8:43 am

Hi there, thanks for all this info! Just to make sure I am understanding this correctly.. If have an ETV for India and plans to travel to Sri Lanka with the intention to fly back to India 5 days later, it is best I apply when I arrive in Sri Lanka to get my second ETV granted, correct? Or should I apply for it in India once I’ve arrived. Any recomenndations are appreicated!

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April 4, 2016 at 11:21 pm

Hi, for some reason – since I put that I was applying for the visa from Sri Lanka, the tourism visa application e-form asks me to list a referee from Sri Lanka – where I am just passing through and know no-one (and not my home country). 1. I can just put my hotel I guess? Do you need to have the name of a person when listing a hotel in india, for example, or will just the hotel name do? But also wonder what the problem is. 2. Have you heard of this before. Clearly they would want a home country contact and there has been a glitch/operator error …but have triple checked the form….Many thanks for your help on this page. Anna

April 5, 2016 at 5:18 pm

Just put the name of the hotel. That shouldn’t be a problem!

April 5, 2016 at 8:54 pm

Thanks Neil… Was just puzzled why Sri Lanka referee was coming up and not my home country. I think it was operator error :), and somehow resolved now…

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April 5, 2016 at 12:16 am

Hello sir. I am form Bangladesh.I have only single name “Abdullah” and it is same for all my educational documents and passports. but in passport it is written in surname and given name is blank. i am facing problem to process the indian visa. Cause given name is mandatory for indian visa. please give me a good advice

April 5, 2016 at 5:20 pm

Yeah, that will be a problem. Can you fill in the form using your Father’s name as Surname and your name as Given Name?

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April 9, 2016 at 4:29 am

I have a training to attend In India. It’s being organized by Eurotech Ass.&Cert. Services an international agent of the American welding society,actually a certification course that will last for 7 days. I work with a construction firm in Nigeria. What category of visa would I apply for? Also what would I include in my purpose of visit?

April 18, 2016 at 11:17 am

There is such a thing as a conference visa, but that is more for tradeshows and it is a little complex if it is a private one. It’s best if you are attending a state-sponsored event.

The Business Visa would be good, but you would also need an invitation letter from a company in India.

I think your best option is to contact the agent and ask for a letter of invitation to the course. Also get a letter from your company that wants to send you. Then apply for the business visa. If they want you on a different visa, they will tell you. You might also contact your local consulate for more details as Nigeria might only be able to allocate certain visas.

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April 11, 2016 at 8:05 pm

I am an American citizen. I had my legal marriage done in India. My wife is Indian but she doesn’t have a birth certificate or passport. She does have her Aadhar Card, Voter Card and PAN Card. My current visa is finishing and I have to go back to America. What visa should I apply for now? I’m very confused about what to do…?

April 18, 2016 at 11:12 am

A bit confused here, but I’ll give my best shot. Do you currently live in India or the US? What visa are you on now?

If you are an American citizen married to an Indian citizen, you can apply to be an OCI, which is the best option for you.

However, you will certainly need the passport copy of your wife. So, you will likely need to start there.

In the meantime, you can do an Entry Visa, or Tourist Visa as long as you are not doing any business.

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April 13, 2016 at 5:15 am

Thank you for this detailed post! I have two questions.

1. I am a waitress, shall I just put other and then write waitress?

2. I will be visiting Nepal before I visit India but at the moment do not hold a Nepalese visa as (I need to do more research) I may be able to get one on arrival. What shall I put for the SAARC countries? I’ve never visited Nepal or any of the other countries before however.

Thanks once again and I look forward to your reply!

April 18, 2016 at 11:10 am

1. Other + waitress is fine.

2. You have never been to Nepal at the time of application, so don’t worry about putting it there.

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April 19, 2016 at 6:46 am

Hi, if my tourist etv was rejected, can i reapply online again? How long do i have to wait before reapplying or can i reapply immediately? Thank you.

April 20, 2016 at 12:42 pm

There isn’t a set rule about this. You may have entered some data wrong, or they may just have decided not to let you in. If it’s a data problem, you can apply immediately again, but don’t be surprised if it is rejected.

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April 22, 2016 at 1:42 pm

A question I cannot find the answer to, wonder if you can help? I’m currently in India, coming to the end of my 6 month paper visa. There are a few things I would still like to do so wondering if I can apply for an evisa, leave India for a few days (Singapore) and then come back in – either once my paper visa has expired or even a couple of days earlier? Have you heard of anyone doing this successfully? I cannot see mention of it not being possible… Many thanks

April 27, 2016 at 11:50 am

Not heard of this exactly, you are in the land of the undocumented.

I would expect there to be some friction if you are applying for another visa while already having a valid one. So, I would guess it is better to wait until the 6 month visa expires before applying for the e-visa

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May 9, 2016 at 8:40 pm

Hi, thanks for the advice above, really helpful in filling out my business visa application. I am struggling with one bit though and wonder if you know of a work around….

The box for ‘countries visited in the past 10 years’ has a 100 character limit, which stops me about half way through my list and I cannot find a way to override this on the form. Would they accept country codes or is this likely to lead to a rejection? I’ve seen that you’re not allowed to manually write things on the form either so not sure where to go from here? I’m having a similar problem with the address boxes as there are not enough characters for me to fill in an address which matches the reference letters I have, which I read on another forum must match exactly.

Any help/suggestions would be really appreciated! Thanks

May 10, 2016 at 1:05 am

In both cases, just fill out as much information as can fit and then just stop. You won’t be penalized. Don’t use abbreviations.

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May 10, 2016 at 10:04 am

Hi.. I accidentally misspelled my surname on the visa application. I have not yet shipped the application form and I know I can complete a new application to correct the spelling…..but I have already paid the application fee which is connected to the application ID number. It seems that if I correct the application form there would be a new application ID number and my payment would then not be connected to the right application ID. What should I do? Thank you!

May 14, 2016 at 12:41 am

Tough one! Sorry for the late response. Who did you pay the application fee to? In general, you are always going to need to make sure your name is spelled correctly, so a new form is needed.

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May 25, 2016 at 5:46 pm

I have a similar issue. I’ve completed the online application process, made payment to CKGS and now realize I have made an error. Can I complete a new application without paying fees again? My address does not match exactly. My california drivers license says Saugus, CA. Saugus is technically within the city of Santa Clarita, which is what I used for the application. Thats how all my mail comes addressed.

May 26, 2016 at 1:02 am

Have you already mailed the application to CKGS?

If not, I would get a fresh printout of the online application with all the correct details. Mail that to CKGS with a letter explaining what happened. Also give them a call.

If you’ve already sent it, you may have to wait and see. More than likely, this will not cause a major issue, but you never know…

May 26, 2016 at 1:06 am

Already sent along with a letter explaining the discrepancy. Hopefully that works, thanks for the help! This trip is a big deal for me and this process added a few more grey hairs.

May 26, 2016 at 3:07 am

I’ve got my fair share!!

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August 13, 2016 at 6:23 pm

Did you have any problem? Ive got the granted status on visa but my surname has still the spelling mistake, so I am Worried.. Thanks 🙂

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November 25, 2016 at 1:27 am

How did it go Sandra? I have same problem. Believe it or not i misspelled my first name. The visa is approved, status granted. do not know what to do?

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May 13, 2016 at 4:49 pm

Hello Neil, I visited India 10 years ago and the visa was on my old passport which could be anywhere and I am mid an around the world trip. Do you think I should say that I haven’t been to India before just to get through the process then explain at boarder control? Thank you for your help.

May 14, 2016 at 12:42 am

Yes, keep the form application simple. If there is no record of you ever travelling to India on the passport you are on now, then leave it off. You can explain it later if they require additional information.

May 14, 2016 at 3:58 pm

Thank you very much. One more question if you don’t mind. We are from the uk but applying for our visa at the Bangkok office. The question ‘have you lived for a least two years in the country from where you are applying the visa’ is confusing. I have not lived in Thailand for 2 years so is the answer no? Or Are they talking about whether I have lived where my permanent address is which is UK in which case the answer is yes. Thank you very much again!

May 14, 2016 at 7:31 pm

Yeah, that’s a bit confusing, isn’t it? I would guess it is the present address based on the wording, so the answer is no. I don’t think it will affect your visa acceptance that much.

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May 25, 2016 at 8:29 pm

i have applied for the uk tier 4 general depenent visa but in visa sticker my passport no is wrong i have submitted my passport to visa application center than i asked them what time it will take to get correction so they told me that you will get email from embassy that time you need to come. 4working days completed still no reply from embassy …i am worried about this when i will get my passport in hand.

May 26, 2016 at 1:00 am

Sorry about that. You can only pray at this point…

May 30, 2016 at 7:10 pm

Hello Neil Miller,I visited India 6 years ago with my old passport.Unfortunately I lost that passport so I applied for new passport.In my new passport there are no information about my old passport.Now I applied for indian visa but I told that I already visited to India and luckly yeasterday I got my old passport.Now what can I do? Please give me a solution.My e-token date is 5th june,2016. Is there any difficulties to get visa?should I bring the old passport with me? I Repeat,in my new passport,my old passport number is not issued…:(

June 1, 2016 at 9:43 pm

This one looks like a sticky situation. Just bring every shred of documentation you have with you. If they don’t ask any questions don’t worry. If they do, then be ready to pull out everything.

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June 3, 2016 at 12:09 pm

Does a little typo error in the surname of Visa will not work? Do we have to apply again & pay the charges all over again to re-apply for the application. Pls help

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June 3, 2016 at 6:10 pm

Hi Niel, I have been living in US for past 4 years as a dependent with my husband. Yesterday, when I landed in Bangalore to visit my parents, I was told my visa had expired even though the validity there shows 2020. I guess it may be because it was issued in 2000 and my details are hand written. I am filling the visa reissue online form and it asks for 2 references in my city. So is it the references in US city where I live in? Will that not delay the issuance of passport since police verification there may take time? Also, I have a change in US visa status interview scheduled for July in Chennai. I took the appointment using my current passport details. I want my new passport at the earliest. thanks!

June 7, 2016 at 9:40 pm

Your visa to the US has expired? If so, I can’t help you much. I only know about Indian visas. Please help me if I’m misunderstood.

June 7, 2016 at 11:23 pm

Oops! Sorry. I meant passport, not visa…how stupid of me😋

June 7, 2016 at 11:44 pm

No worries. I don’t have a lot of experience in renewing US passports either though, so I’m afraid I can’t be much help. I don’t know if they do police verification of addresses. All the best!

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June 4, 2016 at 11:12 am

Hi that was really helpful but i have another inquiry i.e i’m still a student and i tend to apply for a tourist visa. But in the occupation column it required me to fill in the details of my late father or spouse. But im still single. Thus what am i suppose to do? tqvm

June 7, 2016 at 9:38 pm

Just fill in the job your father used to do before he died.

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June 27, 2016 at 9:34 pm

i am in the same ituation but my father never worked before he died….should i fill out my mothers work?

June 27, 2016 at 11:01 pm

That will probably work.

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June 12, 2016 at 9:18 am

I’m going to India from Mexico, but currently living in Sydney with Slovakian passport..when should I fill up my application when I’ll stay in Australia till end of this year and then I’ll be in Mexico for one month in January 2017? Where do I put in application that I’ll fly from Mexico? Thank you!

June 13, 2016 at 12:17 am

Are you doing the e-tourist visa? If so, it doesn’t matter where you apply from. Just do it about 1-2 weeks before you leave, depending on how long you plan to stay.

If you need a different visa, then you might have to be more strategic.

June 13, 2016 at 3:14 am

No,I will apply for regular tourist visa (6months) so I’m not sure when should I apply it for..probably from Australia at the end of Dec 2016? Because when they’ll give me visa, tourist visa will count from the day of their approval,is that correct? I would love to have them from end of the Jan so I can stay in India for full six months..that’s why I’m struggling with it a bit

June 14, 2016 at 12:26 am

Yes, your 6 months starts from the day you are approved. So, wait until closer to your departure. You can apply from Australia without any problem. However, a tourist visa is often approved within a week, and not usually longer than 2 weeks. So, you might be fine doing it from Mexico if you begin the process as soon as you get there.

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June 14, 2016 at 1:04 am

I am applying for an employment visa from the USA. My employer is setting up my housing, but it isn’t confirmed yet, as I don’t have my visa. We’d like to not have to put a down payment on anything until I am granted that visa. However when I printed it, I saw a line that asked for “Address of Place of Stay/Hotel”. I don’t currently have anywhere to stay, I planned on getting that when I buy my plane ticket. I know employment visas are hard to get and I don’t want to spend $1000+ on a non-refundable ticket and housing reservation only to have a visa rejected.

Do I need to fill that out anyway and go ahead and reserve housing before I send in the application?

June 14, 2016 at 9:37 pm

Just pick a hotel that you might stay at when you first arrive off the plane. It doesn’t need to be a permanent thing. They just want to see that you aren’t going to wander around the country with no plans. No need to spend any extra money. You can always put the address of your employer or the person who is helping you out too.

June 16, 2016 at 8:55 am

Will I need to officially register at the hotel or can I just list one without reserving it?

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June 21, 2016 at 1:38 pm

Hi, I’ve noticed that I write my ID number instead of passport number and I have sent the application. Is any way to correct this error?

June 21, 2016 at 9:29 pm

If you’ve already sent the printed application in, then your best bet is to wait and hope that it’s not a problem. If you’ve not printed it out yet, just start the application over again.

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June 26, 2016 at 11:00 am

Hi, I am currently in India, and is about to renew my visa in India itself. but i have no idea where to do this. it is stated on the web site ‘INDIA-ATTARI ROAD”. Do u have any idea where is this?.

June 27, 2016 at 11:03 pm

The only visa you can renew in country, as far as I know is the employment visa. All others have to be done outside of India.

June 27, 2016 at 9:57 pm

hi, i am filling out e-tourist visa. the occupation section; i am student so it asks for spouse/fathers occupation details. i am single, and my father is dead. before he died he never worked. should i put my mothers work details?

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June 28, 2016 at 6:10 pm

Hello I need to give the place of issue of my last indian visa. It was an etv should I just write etv for the place of issue?

June 28, 2016 at 9:52 pm

Yea, that’s a grey area. ETV should be fine.

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July 20, 2016 at 10:39 pm

The online visa application has only one section for “reference” in India. But the printed out form has a section H, “Address of Place of Stay/Hotel” which did not appear on the online app and which is now blank on the printed copy. Can you help?

July 27, 2016 at 8:42 am

Hmm, there should have been a place in the online application for place of stay. Maybe you overlooked it? If I remember there is both a reference section and a place of stay. But something may have changed as well…

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January 12, 2017 at 8:39 pm

This was the exact problem I’ve just experienced (no online question about place to stay)so i emailed them asking if i should leave the box blank or fill in the info manually. Helpfully they have replied pronto confirming the online form does not ask for place to stay and the box on the print out should not be tampered with. Just left blank. I realise this is too late to help Amy but may be useful to others who experience this problem.

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July 26, 2016 at 12:59 pm

I am applying for the e-tourist visa for India, but I am currently on a tourist visa in Sudan. This question on the online form is confusing “Have you lived for at least two years in the country from where you are applying for a visa?” – does it mean Sudan, UK or India? I have only been in Sudan for 3 months, but obviously lived for more than two years in the UK. Hope you can help, thanks!

July 27, 2016 at 8:40 am

Do you have to put Sudan anywhere else in the application? If not, I would assume they mean the UK.

If you’ve mentioned Sudan elsewhere, then I would assume they mean Sudan.

All the best

July 28, 2016 at 12:42 am

Thanks for this page, very helpful. I will be applying for a tourist visa. I am confused on if I should “send it” or “walk in” in regards to sending off the application. I will be applying for the visa outside of my country as we are traveling. I have no way of receiving any info my mail. Would you mind to clarify this for me. Thank you!

August 15, 2016 at 9:45 pm

If it is an e-tourist visa, that will come by email, so no need to wait for the post. If you are requesting a regular tourist visa, then you will need to have a mailing address they can send it to. A hotel works for that.

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August 10, 2016 at 3:41 am

Hi, I did an e-visa application as a Swedish national and I just found out that we do have a National ID no. As I was filling the form out with a Germanand Germans do not have such a number, I put “NA” instead of the National ID no and I already paid.

Any suggestiona of how to proceed? Is it even a problem? Btw: the number is written on the passport picture I uploaded.

Thanks in advance

August 10, 2016 at 9:49 pm

Not likely to be an issue. You should know pretty quickly if they reject it.

August 10, 2016 at 3:45 am

And a second question:

My German travel partner has visited around 50 countries within the last 10 years and the maximal space is not even enough to fill in the countries having a stamp in his current passport (2 years old) Will it cause problems if the list is incomplete?

No problems if it is incomplete. Just fill as many as you can.

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August 11, 2016 at 2:25 pm

I have emailed and called the Indian visa online people , both times I got a very disinterested young man whom I felt was just saying yes to everything I said….

I’m currently filling out an evisa application. However my port of arrival is Dehdra Dun with a 2 and a half hour stop over in Dehli, will I be able to pick up the visa in that time?

Thanking you in advance.

August 11, 2016 at 11:03 pm

The evisa is sent out by email, so there’s no need to pick it up anywhere. Just print out the form and bring it with you. You arrive first to Delhi and then to Dehra Dun, right?

August 13, 2016 at 6:08 pm

Hi! I just got my ETV visa and the status it´s granted, but Ive realised there is a spelling mistake with my second surname (everything else matches with my passport) I´ve written etv and they say it´s ok and they won´t change it but I do not want any problems at the border and I am worried. Who can I speak to? Thank you sooo much!

August 15, 2016 at 9:44 pm

Well, there’s no one you can speak to actually. You are in a tight spot. You can’t reapply for a new one, because it would overlap with this one and they probably wouldn’t give it. They might let you through, but they might give you trouble too.

Your best option would be to take a printout of any correspondence you’ve had with the eTV office and bring it with you as well.

August 16, 2016 at 3:37 pm

Thanks a lot for your time 🙂

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October 11, 2016 at 1:59 pm

Hey Sandra, I have the same problem as you, with a spelli g mistake. How did it go for you? Did you have any problema with it? – Emma

November 25, 2016 at 1:31 am

I have same problem. Believe it or not i misspelled my first name. The visa is approved, status granted. do not know what to do?

I actually applied again, with the right spelling again, but 24 hours later got that application rejected, since it was the third time I applied this year.

Is there a possibility that i am returned from the airpot if I try?

I also wrote that I will arrive at the Goa airpot but found out that Mumbai is better choice. Can I use Mumbai airport and not Goa to enter the country?

Neil, any advices?

November 28, 2016 at 11:38 pm

Oh dear. This is a gamble. It is possible that they could give you trouble. However, the likelihood of you being turned away and sent back on a plane is not very high.

What I would do is have as many other supporting documents as possible with you (extra copies of ID cards, Driver’s License, Birth Certificate). For extra measure, you could get a letter notarized that says this is your official name, but it was misspelled when the visa was processed. Even better if you could get it signed by your local Indian consulate, but that would be very hard.

However, when you reach the airport, don’t give any of this right away. Let them question you first. There’s a decent chance they let you through without a bother.

I don’t know the difference in visa stuff between Mumbai and Goa.

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August 21, 2016 at 6:42 pm

nearly the same question as Lauren Burrows had, just that in my application it says:

“Have you lived for at least two years in the country where you are applying visa?” – so the “from” is missing and I am doing that on the official page … Since the “from” is missing, it is clearly targeting India with the question, so I denied to have lived in the country for at least two years.

Any idea why the application changed? Did they redo the forms and now there is a typo? I already payed for the visa application, so I can’t change anything anymore … 🙁

Thanks in advance.

August 22, 2016 at 11:15 pm

This is just bad grammar on their part. They want to know if you’ve lived in your current residence for more than two year. This question is not about India.

August 26, 2016 at 5:18 pm

Thanks, we both, me and my girlfriend got the eVisa.

If I do understand correctly, we have to bring the printed version of our Visa with us.

In the top right cornor is a blank field which says “paste your unsigned recent color photograph” Size: 2″ x 2″

Does that mean that we have to bring a color photograph with us? Why did we have to upload one in the application process in the first place? Plus we don’t have any realy color photographs, we used digital ones, only thing I could do would be printing out the picture we used during the application process. Would that be enough?

August 26, 2016 at 10:18 pm

Yes, bring a printout of the visa confirmation letter you got. You will need to bring a physical printout of your photos as well. (Don’t look for the logic as to why.) Just go to any print shop, or you can use a service like this one ( ) to create a 4×6 picture that you can get printed just about anywhere.

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August 22, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Hi. I would like to know to how to do this. My parnter did answer on this field: Country you are applying visa from* is Spain. He was in hurry a little bit.. and he forgot that he is currently living in Portugal. Also,he put in his present address and permanent address as Portugal.. Do you think it can raise a problem?

We are still reviewing our application, is there a way to Change the answer for the field:Country you are applying visa from?

Please help.

Thank you in advance.

August 22, 2016 at 2:08 pm

As far as I know, and that knowledge is based on reading stuff here and elsewhere in the internet, there is no way for you to change anything after you have submitted that formular.

I’m sorry.

August 22, 2016 at 8:01 pm

Is it ok for him to start all over again? even if he has already an existing application ID?

August 22, 2016 at 11:14 pm

As long as you haven’t mailed anything in, you can redo an application as many times as you want. They don’t store the application IDs. Just log in again and do a fresh one. The only time you will have trouble is if you’ve already mailed it in.

This is different than the eTourist Visa. The eTourist visa goes directly to submission when you click submit. All other visa applications have to be printed out and they don’t check them until they receive the paper copy at the office.

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August 25, 2016 at 9:25 pm

Hi! Thanks for your useful site and and answers.

I just tried to applied for e-tourist visa tonight to see ahead of time what is the content of the application form.I already quit filling out the application form when it ask me to upload my photo etc. Now, I am worried that this may cause to track my information in India Embassy/Immigartion if I will really apply for “sure” in the near future that I did not continue my application now.They might think that I am bot serious in applying and this might cause that my application in the future might be denied. Also, I track my initial application to their “track temporary application” and I could see my details to it. It is all exact and true in details. Now, Im worried. I think, I am getting paranoid now, because I already had a trauma of getting visa denied from other country. I want it to be “sure” in applying this time in India,that’s why I did this. (Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to see your blog before I was trying to apply.This would be a big help for me. )

I am looking forward to your response. Thank you.

August 26, 2016 at 10:19 pm

No worries, Abby. They do not track these unsubmitted applications. When you are ready to do it for real, you can either complete your unsubmitted application or start a new one. Either will be fine.

Enjoy your stay!

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September 3, 2016 at 3:20 am

Hi, when filling out my e-tourist visa is missed out a couple of countries that I have visted, which I have stamps for in my passport. Will this present me with problems?

Thank you, Julie

September 3, 2016 at 4:43 pm

September 5, 2016 at 12:51 am

Hi, I’ve recently filled out the online application and am not a UK passport holder but have been living in the UK more on than off for 5 years. I selected that I have been a resident for more than 2 years but am unable to provide any proof of residency that they ask for, will they accept the supplementary form or is this only for people who have been in the UK for under 2 years?

Many thanks.

September 5, 2016 at 5:40 am

19 times out of 20 there is not problem. I wouldn’t worry about it for now.

September 6, 2016 at 1:18 am

Thank you so much! Really appreciate you sharing your knowledge! 🙂

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September 6, 2016 at 7:10 am

The visa application asks if I am married or single. I have been in a de facto relationship for over 20 years. What do I do?

September 6, 2016 at 11:47 pm

That won’t cover it in India. Officially you are single.

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September 8, 2016 at 8:39 am

Hi! I am a USA citizen on working holiday in New Zealand at the moment. I am planning on visiting India in Feb. and would not be returning to the states beforehand. Would I apply to the mission here in New Zealand? Also I am living with a friend and do not have any official proof of address. Any advice?

Thanks a bunch!

September 8, 2016 at 9:55 pm

It depends on how long you want to stay in India. If it’s less than 30 days, you should use the eTourist Visa which you can get without having to worry about local consulates. If it is for more than 30 days, you will need to apply through the New Zealand consulate. I don’t think you need to show proof of your current address, but would definitely need it for your permanent address in the US.

September 9, 2016 at 4:03 pm

I am applying for a student visa, i am out of my home country applying. As it is asking for a present address ( i am using the hotel) along with references from the county i am applying in. is it okay to also use the hotel as my reference as well as present address? Thank you

September 9, 2016 at 4:04 pm

this is NOT for a tourist visa

September 9, 2016 at 9:50 pm

Hmm, do you have someone else you can put down for a reference where you are? A friend or something? They will not likely be called, but it would look better if there was a different address, especially for a student visa.

September 10, 2016 at 3:29 am

what if I used a different hotel (one i never plan to stay at) as my “address”. Any thought on that?

September 12, 2016 at 9:42 pm

Friends are best.

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September 13, 2016 at 9:55 pm

I have made the mistake of applying for a tourist evisa too early, which means I need to apply again. The visa I got was granted to me with a date of arrival between 27/08 and 30/09. It turns out my date of arrival in India is actually 07/10. – Will applying twice within such a short amount of time cause any problem? I read that one can apply twice within the same year. – Is it a good idea to ask for a new visa already today? It will overlap with the previous one, could this cause any problem? – Or should I wait until 01/10 where the previous visa expires to ask for the new one? In this case, will 6 days be enough time to have it granted?

Thank you very much for your answer.

September 16, 2016 at 9:48 pm

You can apply twice in a calendar year. I would wait until your first one expires. You only need to apply about 2-3 days ahead of time.

How quickly was your first one approved? Expect about the same time frame.

October 3, 2016 at 5:46 pm

Thanks for your answer, it actually worked out before the end of the first visa. More about this here:

October 3, 2016 at 11:15 pm

Hey, that’s good to know! It’s always great to hear stories. Thanks for the link too. That’s helpful.

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September 22, 2016 at 11:22 pm

I filled out the tourist visa for my Dad. In the section where it ask about parents i accidentally put down that Grandads nationality was Indian and not in fact British. Will this mistake make a difference to my Dads application?

September 23, 2016 at 11:37 pm

Not likely. It’s just a good thing you didn’t put Pakistani. That would have been trouble. You should be fine.

September 24, 2016 at 12:50 am

Thanks Neil! Dad as an appt to hand in the form on Monday so hopefully all goes well.

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September 25, 2016 at 8:27 am


Would you like to travel out of your country? Have you been denied visa several times? well that ends today because Mr,Dickson can provide you with different platform to any were in the that benefits to you for more information contact us at Email: ([email protected])


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September 26, 2016 at 3:32 am

Hi! I’m applying for a tourist visa. Im a Swedish citizen and a student. Therefore have o give them information about my father or my spouse. Unfortunaly I don’t have neither a spouse or a living father. What should I do?

September 26, 2016 at 5:42 am

Just give details about your deceased father.

September 26, 2016 at 9:13 pm

My visa has been put on hold for the following reason:

“Photo mismatch, hence the Applicant requested to apply for new passport with current appearance or provide an affidavit.”

I have grown a quite a big beard since my passport was issued and the reason for a change in appearance. How do I go about getting the cor rectangular form for a affidavit?

Thanks in advance!

September 26, 2016 at 9:49 pm

Ooo, and I guess shaving the beard isn’t an option. 🙂

The affidavit should just be something official from your government that indeed assures the Indian government that you are who you say you are. Not sure exactly who you should get it from, but someplace official that likes to give lots of signatures and seals and don’t forget to get it notarized!

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September 28, 2016 at 1:44 am

i have visited India twice before long ago, but I have lost my former passport and hence have no idea what the date of issue was or the number for the visa for either trip. I think this was before we had online visa applications. I’m not even sure on which dates I went. How do I fill out the requisite section about past visas and trips? There is no option for “lost” or “don’t know.” Thank you!

September 28, 2016 at 2:49 am

If there is no record for it and you are using a new passport, then you can just assume that it never happened, for the purposes for this visa at least. If they ask for more information you can inform them later.

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October 16, 2016 at 3:46 am

But I just went 2 years ago. Had to renew my passport just now because it was going to expire 2 weeks after I leave India in April, and they want it good for 6 months AFTER (very annoying, and forced me into an expensive “expeditied” situation, and now crunch time on my visa). So I’m very concerned nothing holds up my visa app. I remember my old pp # and the dates of the (last) visa, but not the # . Should I give them the info I have (on a separate sheet)? I don’t feel comfortable with just leaving it blank, as I don’t want to appear evasive …

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October 4, 2016 at 11:59 am

I have put in 30 days as my duration of visa (evisa). When I am checking the final thing it keeps coming up 34 days. Can”t seem to change this. It will be rejected if the final one says 34 days. Please help!

October 4, 2016 at 9:40 pm

Not sure. Maybe it is autocalculating based on the dates you entered?

October 9, 2016 at 2:01 pm

Thanx, sorted. It has been accepted it’s just confusing when you say you are requesting a 30 day visa then when it comes up to check what you had filled in before applying it kept saying 34 day visa. They need to make this clearer

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October 8, 2016 at 9:34 pm

Is it acceptable to leave “Employer Name” and “Work Address” blank, when my occupation is “Retired”? Also, is it appropriate to list my previous Indian Tourist Visa (6 years ago) if it was issued on a now-expired passport?

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October 9, 2016 at 6:59 pm

Hi, Thanks for this guidance document – it really helps. A few questions, if you find a moment.

No of entries – is this if you enter the country numerous times, or have internal flights or otherwise?

Reference UK – can this be a family member

Photo – does this has to be a passport equivalent photo.

October 11, 2016 at 4:27 am

Entries is only for when you exit the country and come in through immigration. Internal flights don’t matter.

Yes, references can be family members.

Photo – yes, a passport-like photo.

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October 15, 2016 at 8:25 pm

Hi, I’ve just completed the online application process for the e-visa and I’ve had an e-mail confirming that it has been granted. The e-mail is very ambiguous about what actually is actually required to be printed and carried. I have accessed the pdf of my e-visa which seems fine accept I’m requested to attach a 2×2 photo which seems strange as I have already uploaded a photo which appears on the LHS of the visa. When I queried this at [email protected] I received a reply saying I only need to bring the granted visa e-mail and my passport, this seems a bit strange to me and contradicts your advice. Can you help me with any of this please as I’m struggling with it. Thank you, Neil.

October 18, 2016 at 9:39 pm

eTVs are much more streamlines, and I think the email you received was correct that you only need a printout of the email and your password. BUT, enough time in India suggests it’s always nice to have backups. Have a few photos in hand, have a few extra copies of your passport. But most likely, just the printout and your passport are all you will need.

October 16, 2016 at 3:37 am

I have the same question as Mary below. I just renewed my passport, so although I did go to India 2 years ago, I no longer have access to the visa number (though I remember the old PP # and the visa dates within a day or two. Will this hold up my application?

October 18, 2016 at 9:37 pm

My general advice is only to put things on your application that you can back up with documentation. If there’s no documentation (no visa number), then better to assume it never happened. You can handle it offline with them if they have a question.

October 17, 2016 at 5:47 am

If I select ‘Retired’ as my occupation on the etv application, should I enter “Retired” under Employer Name and “None” under Work Address?

October 18, 2016 at 9:35 pm

That sounds fine, but I wouldn’t put none on the work address. Just reenter your home address. The Babu doesn’t like blanks.

October 18, 2016 at 10:15 pm

Thanks you! One more question — my last tourist Visa to India was issued in Afghanistan, where I was temporarily assigned to the NATO staff as a US government civilian. Do you think the place-of-issue of the past Visa (I have the old Visa number) will cause problems with the etv application?

October 21, 2016 at 10:02 pm

Shouldn’t be a problem since you were connected to the government, and especially since it wasn’t Pakistan!

October 22, 2016 at 10:43 pm

Thanks for your help!

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October 21, 2016 at 4:14 pm

So.. Im driving through Pakistan. What to do about ‘Have you visited SAARC countries’? Not yet, but I will…

Any advice?

No, you have not been there at the time of applying for the Visa.

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October 22, 2016 at 10:56 am

RE: Visa application at the Indian Embassy in Athens, Greece Hi, My wife and I completed the online application for Indian Tourist visas (we are stopping at 3 ports during a cruise in November 2016) on 2016-10-17 (4 days ago). When I check the application on the status is “Under Process”. What do we do next? It appears we need to visit the embassy to do biometrics and supply photos. Will they contact us when we can come for a visit? We have sent them 2 emails, tried calling during the visa office hours (2pm-4:30pm) only to get a machine message, and we have sent them an old fashioned Telefax. We have not had any replies yet, and have not been able to speak to anyone at the embassy up till now. Also, we live on the island of Rhodes and will fly to Athens to go to the embassy. They will presumably keep our passports a few days. How can we then fly back home without passports? Flummoxed.

October 22, 2016 at 4:21 pm

Wow, you are in bad shape for sure. How did you know you needed to visit the embassy? Did they send you a notification?

Persistence and patience and some serious resilience tend to pay big dividends when dealing with the government.

October 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm

On towards the lower half of the page are the 3 steps of the “Visa Applying Process” 1) Apply online 2) Submit documents 3) Receive passport, visa We completed step 1 a week ago, and my question is what happens now? I am only guessing we have to visit the embassy to submit documents (passport, photos, etc.). We have not heard anything from the embassy, and we can’t reach anyone to talk to. The visa status is shown as “Under Process”. It would be nice to know when we should visit the embassy as it does require us to book air-tickets from the island of Rhodes to Athens.

Edit: I just read my own message and realized it sounds pretty angry. That was not the intension.

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October 28, 2016 at 11:31 am

where it asks countries visited in the last 10 years, i went around europe for 1 month 6 years ago on a child minor australian pasport which only lasted 5 years if i recall, however since then i now have an adult passport and this is my first time overseas using it, will they want to see stamps from the old minors passport of european countries if i list them down? thanks

October 31, 2016 at 10:04 pm

Nope. If you can’t produce the document, just pretend like it didn’t happen.

November 1, 2016 at 7:04 am

its an expired passport which i no longer have, what would they see fit as documentation of travel,? it was multiple countries accross europe

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October 31, 2016 at 10:07 am

Hi, I’ve got a problem in that I visited India 21 years ago. I’m trying to fill that e-tourist visa form for a visit this month and it requires the visa details from that 1994 visit and that old passport is well gone. (I’m not even sure I needed a visa back then). What to do?

October 31, 2016 at 10:03 pm

Yup, seems like it works for others.

October 31, 2016 at 10:28 am

Perhaps all countries should have to list just how difficult and annoying it is to secure a visa so I can make simple choices… this is even more tedious than Brazil!

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November 2, 2016 at 1:18 am

Hi I am trying to apply for medical assistant visa, from Bangladesh. I have to go with my brother for his treatment. But I am unable to fill up the online form because of time. I saved the id for re enter, I complete the first page of the application but I am unable to fill up the 2nd page because of time, after typing all info when i click in save it show me time out, then i set the id but 2nd page is lost again,, i tried to complete it in 1.5 minute but it’s getting time out what can i do,,,Please help…

November 2, 2016 at 1:38 am

That form can be very frustrating. I wish it was easier. Sorry I wish I could help.

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November 4, 2016 at 10:20 pm

Hi I’m going on a cruise next March that will call at 2 ports in India and have been told I need a multiple entry visa, I’m a British passport holder but live in Spain so have to apply to the Indian Consul in Madrid, the online forms are in English so not too much of a problem, but my question is what or who should I put as my contact in India (I can put the name of the cruise ship but don’t have an address or phone number), can anyone advise please.

November 4, 2016 at 11:29 pm

I guess you aren’t staying at a hotel at either of the ports? You can make a fast friend on IndiaMike, perhaps?

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November 5, 2016 at 4:10 pm

What to write in occupattion/proffesion if child has 7 years and goes elementary school ?

November 5, 2016 at 7:22 pm

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November 8, 2016 at 7:27 pm

Hi, for the question “Have you lived for at least two years in the country where you are applying visa? ” does it mean the country you are applying FROM?

November 8, 2016 at 10:37 pm

Yes, that’s my understanding.

November 9, 2016 at 1:35 am

after entering all the data, when I click “upload image” it just opens a web page “” and thats it. What can I do?

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November 10, 2016 at 1:43 am

Hi — thanks for this incredibly helpful post! I have a question about proof of address. What kind of proof is needed and when? (Do I need to show proof when applying for the evisa?) I’m asking because I just moved a few months ago and haven’t changed the address on my driver’s license yet.

November 10, 2016 at 1:54 am

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November 10, 2016 at 11:58 pm

Hello, I sent my visa application for India and paid for the fees, I know I have made a mistake on the form I put the wrong date on my passport when it expired doesn’t expire while 2020, I checked on line this morning, they had recieved it, I have just checked now they is no details about it. I have been going every year for 17 years never had a problem before, if they send them back and voided it what happens to my payment, I payed £250 fo me and my husband, I ham out my mind with worrie. Pat

November 19, 2016 at 9:25 am

The payment is gone and can’t be refunded. Most likely, it won’t present a problem, but let them contact you rather than going after them.

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November 14, 2016 at 5:26 pm

Hi, one of the questions in the application for e-tourist visa is details of previous visa issued and visa number. We visited india a long time back (I visited in 2008 and my husband in 1999). Neither of us have the visa number / visa details with us now. What to do? We of course cannot choose never visited india as we were indian citizens before 2007 and 1997 respectively. Please help…what to do?

November 19, 2016 at 9:26 am

If there is no documentation, I wouldn’t put the trip down. If possible, you can list the trip without putting the visa number, but it raises unnecessary questions.

November 14, 2016 at 5:28 pm

Hi, another question – we will be traveling to Kolkata with transit in Chennai. Where will the immigration be done? At Kolkata or Chennai? We have around 2h 20 min transit time. If we have to do immigration in Chennai, is it enough time? Thanks a ton for your answers!

November 19, 2016 at 9:28 am

You will need to do immigration at the first point of entry, so Chennai. Your transit might be a little tight, but it should be manageable.

The biggest thing is that after you’ve claimed your bags, you’ll likely need to go to the domestic terminal (quite a long distance). Ask the airline when you land if they provide some kind of shuttle service.

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November 15, 2016 at 12:20 pm

Hi I have a query regarding to fill the visa application form. As mentioned on the official India visa website that a person must enter his/her particulars as mentioned in passport. I am a British National of Indian origin. I had only my given names in my Indian passport and no surname. When I was issued British passport my given names were put into surname section and xxx in given name section as a rule a person without surname will be issued British passport in this format. So when applying for Indian visa, shall I put xxx in given name section and surname in surname section as mentioned in British passport? I have not changed my name.

November 19, 2016 at 9:30 am

Yikes, the challenges of names! For your Indian visa, I would put your name EXACTLY as it appears in your British passport. So, just follow that process, however weird the entry might be.

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November 18, 2016 at 12:44 pm

Hi i am applying for the tourist visa for my aunt and it asks applicants marital status, the options are single and married and she is widowed , what do i select? thank you

Single might be best, as if you choose married, you will need to give all the husband’s details.

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November 18, 2016 at 8:25 pm

Hi .re photo upload for an INDIAN tourist visa is this actually required or Not ? I can`t find a definitive answer , I understand for the eTOURIST visa it is required though .

November 19, 2016 at 9:31 am

For regular visas, I don’t think it is required, but helpful and might speed up your processing.

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November 24, 2016 at 5:46 pm

Am looking to apply for an eTV visa.

I recently acquired UK citizenship having previously held an Indian passport and resided in India. In the section on whether I have visited India before do I put yes?

On the associated visa section what do I select as I see no option relating to fact I had an Indian passport rather than a tourist visa.

For cities visited, I have visited many when resident in India (more than I can remember) – is it necessary to include all?

Any advise will be appreciated. Thanks.

November 27, 2016 at 3:09 am

I don’t think there is a clear consensus yet on this issue. It would seem that you have never had a “visa” to India before, so you can put no.

No need to include all countries you visited before, just as many as will fit.

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November 28, 2016 at 10:43 pm

hi, i was applying for minor child,in the occupation section do i put in fathers details?

November 28, 2016 at 11:33 pm

Just put “student”.

November 28, 2016 at 11:48 pm

But he’s just a few months old. Will the application be rejected if I put in the fathers details?

December 1, 2016 at 9:58 pm

Student is fine even for an infant. I did the same for mine.

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November 29, 2016 at 9:13 am

Hi ! Thank you very much for these useful informations. I still have a few questions though 🙂

– I am applying for an e tourist visa from Chiang Mai, that is supposed to last for 30 days. But at the end of the procedure when I have to check the infomations I have send it, it is marked that the duration is for 34 days although I didn’t even enter my dates of flight, and I can’t change anything about it because it was written down automatically. What should I do?

– Also, I am arriving at Mumbai international airport, but flying directly to Goa after without getting out of the airport, so should I put that the entry point is Mumbai or Goa?

Thank you in advance for your answer 🙂

December 5, 2016 at 9:50 pm

I wouldn’t worry about the 34 day thing. It might be for four days of processing and then the remaining 30 it is valid.

Entry point is the first place in India you land.

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November 29, 2016 at 10:36 am

Hello, Thanks for the helpful guide! Working on the visa application. 1) Is a drivers license an identity certificate (IC) ? 2) I heard no punctuation should be used. Does this include in phone numbers? Kathy

December 1, 2016 at 9:59 pm

1) I would assume so, but can’t guarantee 2) Yes, I wouldn’t use any dashes or dots.

December 5, 2016 at 6:39 am

Thanks much! And dates? Dec 3 2014 = 03/12/2014 ? And just to be sure as I don’t have time for delays: no commas in addresses, etc?

December 5, 2016 at 9:49 pm

You are smart to be so detailed!

Yes, day comes first, month second.

Commas in addresses are ok.

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December 9, 2016 at 6:16 am

My name is Arianna Mehrafza. I just applied for a visa, but i accidentally put my name as Mehrafza Mehrafza. Will my visa be rejected? Can I call to have them edit it?

December 9, 2016 at 10:36 pm

Oops. That could be a problem. Was it an e-Visa? You will likely just need to apply again, but you may have to wait until they process it there.

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December 10, 2016 at 3:32 pm

I am applying for a tourist visa from the UK. I visited India 10 years ago, but I cannot remember where I stayed. What should I put?

Also, If I have another nationality (iranian) do I need to bring both passports with me when I go to India?

December 12, 2016 at 10:36 pm

Do you have a copy of the old visa you got from 10 years ago? If so, I would just put the name of the city where your passport was stamped. If not, I wouldn’t worry about it.

It’s always a good idea to bring backup documentation, so yes, I would carry your Iranian passport with you, but no need to show it unless there is an issue.

December 16, 2016 at 12:55 pm

Brill. thank you for the quick response.

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April 19, 2017 at 10:08 pm

Hi Pedram, I last visited in 2001 and will be making another visit this year. I have the same question as you as to what to put down on previous stay. May I know what you wrote down for the previous stay information on your form and how did it work out?

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December 15, 2016 at 6:35 am

i have been trying to apply for a conference visa, at the stage of application, all i get is

Date must be less than or equal to todays date. Please help

December 15, 2016 at 10:00 pm

Sorry, I’ve never done that one before. Seems like there is a problem in the data validation in that field. You might just try changing the date to suit the validation.

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December 20, 2016 at 3:47 am

I am coming from a country where religions are stated in the ID records and my true belief differs in the official recordings. Haven’t changed it, but while filling the online form I entered my unofficial belief. And now I fear for my application being rejected. What can happen? Should I re-apply?

December 20, 2016 at 11:22 pm

I don’t think it will be an issue, but it’s always better to stick with what is there on your official documents. The Indian government isn’t really concerned about your private beliefs, but more the community you come from.

I would wait this one out to see what happens. You can easily clarify it with the consulate officer.

December 20, 2016 at 11:57 pm

There seems to be another error too, so I am ditching this first appointment and re-applying. This time I will play safe.

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December 20, 2016 at 2:41 pm

I am currently filling in an evisa application, I am retired yet it asks for employers name and address, what do I put in?

December 20, 2016 at 11:23 pm

You can either just put “Retired” on the line and put your home address, or put in your last employer. This information won’t be checked.

December 22, 2016 at 7:52 pm

January 4, 2017 at 12:07 pm

Received my visa today, a big thank you to this forum for all the information provided. It made a very daunting task a little easier.

January 5, 2017 at 10:28 pm

Great to hear it!

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December 20, 2016 at 9:36 pm

hi, i filled form online but forgot to note down appilcation id number and also forgot to print it out……how can i know my application id number and can i refill the form with same details……will it effect my visa process…..reply urgently

December 20, 2016 at 11:33 pm

You’ll have to start a new one. It won’t affect anything.

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December 25, 2016 at 12:15 pm

any system to earn money jobs here

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December 27, 2016 at 1:10 am

Hi there, I just submitted online my tourist visa application, because I am unsure as to where I am staying as yet I left blank the section which asks where I will be staying,I also put na for the reference in India section. I am realising now this will probably result in rejection. What should I do next? I have also submitted an online payment. Should I fill in a new form and start the process again? How do I avoid paying again? Many thanks

December 27, 2016 at 10:17 pm

Well, your best option is to just wait and see what happens. If it gets rejected, you will just have to apply again and pay again.

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December 31, 2016 at 1:23 am

Do I need to mention my old passport details in the field any other passport/ID held? I did the last time.

January 1, 2017 at 7:45 pm

If you have all the details, then I would put it. Otherwise, no need.

January 1, 2017 at 8:17 pm

The old and expired passport is stapled with my new passport

January 2, 2017 at 7:44 am

Thanks. My previous/expired passport is stapled with my existing one. For Bangladeshis it is mandatory to submit old passports during visa application. Most people believe that the field “any other passport/IC held” means if you have dual nationality and they leave that field blank. I guess mentioning old passport details or not in that field is immaterial as old passports are being submitted with the current one during visa application. What do you say?

January 3, 2017 at 10:21 pm

I don’t know for sure, but if you have the documentation, I would put it in and not leave any fields blank.

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January 9, 2017 at 10:07 pm

I’m applying for a 10 year visa. I have no idea when I will be going. It could be this year or next year. What should I put in the travel dates and what should I put in the where I am staying. I want the visa done since the trip will likely be last minute. I also need to put something in the dates for the parental authorization form.

January 9, 2017 at 10:28 pm

Travel dates, just give an estimate that falls within the next 4 months. Do you have any family you can put for where you are staying? Otherwise, any hotel at the city you are flying into should be fine.

January 9, 2017 at 10:34 pm

Thanks! One more question- if I put a date in the next 4 months and my travel is after that (very likely), do I have to complete a new visa application or am I good for the next 10 years at that point without doing anything else.

January 9, 2017 at 10:46 pm

Nope! You’ll be fine for 10 years from the date it is issued.

January 9, 2017 at 10:53 pm

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January 10, 2017 at 5:14 pm

After filling in Indian tourist visa and paying I noticed I put in the wrong passport number. Will I have to fill another form in and pay again or is there a way of changing the visa form?

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January 10, 2017 at 9:39 pm


January 10, 2017 at 9:47 pm

Hi,i visited india 25 years ago, i have no details of that visit, i was 21 then, how do i fill guide 4 on have you visit india before

January 10, 2017 at 11:21 pm

If you have no details, don’t list it. Please see the other comments here.

January 12, 2017 at 12:16 am

I’ve just joined the forum and 45 minutes ago posted a query. This seems to have been wiped from the forum. What am i doing wrong to post a message please?

January 12, 2017 at 3:17 pm

Hello Neil My query message via discus keeps getting wiped as suspected spam. My problem is that the online form does not show an area that needs to be filled in so the resulting PDF prints out an uncompleted box. Can you advise?

January 12, 2017 at 8:49 pm

Question just answered by the Visa office. Very quick and efficient. One question ref photos. Form says paste unsigned photo here – so that’s self explanatory. But what about the other photo – does it just float loose in the package or is it attached in any way and should it be signed on the back. Like many things I can’t find the answer on the Visa office website.

January 12, 2017 at 9:38 pm

Glad you got a quick answer from the visa office!

I think I always paperclipped it. No need to sign the back.

January 12, 2017 at 11:14 pm

Thanks Neil. The answers on this forum have been so helpful in my form preparation and the insight into India ways on the website is invaluable. What a great job you do here!.

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January 12, 2017 at 1:27 am

So in section about visiting SAARS countries,if I have been last year in India shoudl I check yes? It is a bit confusing as previously there is a question about if I have visited india before.Thanks.

January 12, 2017 at 9:39 pm

No, only let it apply for the other countries, not India.

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January 13, 2017 at 6:22 am

On the “India Particulars Form” at the bottom of the page where it ask for “Place:” what do I put in there?

January 13, 2017 at 7:03 pm

I’m assuming it’s the place that you will be visiting.

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January 19, 2017 at 2:30 pm

Hi Your comments are of immense help – Thanks. I have 2 queries though 1) Does countries visited include all countried even if there is no stamp on passport (eg Europe,) we briefly visit many countries from cruise ships. 2) can I give the name of the ship (cruising again) as address staying in India?

January 20, 2017 at 10:57 pm

1. I wouldn’t worry about it if you don’t have a stamp. There are a limited number of spaces anyway. 2. Probably not. They’ll want the address of a hotel where you might port.

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January 23, 2017 at 6:23 pm

Hi..I am a pakistani national married to an indian and i am getting some more options to fill in the form.I want to know about sonsorship certificate?What it is and does it need any attestation?

January 23, 2017 at 11:19 pm

No idea. Pakistanis will face a lot more challenges in getting a visa.

January 24, 2017 at 12:03 am

Thanks for your prompt reply.

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January 26, 2017 at 10:23 pm

Hi, I live in Pondicherry, my close friend living in Philippines he wants to visit India, he is not aware of computer and quick typing. so can I fill up the form online and pay using my debit card. I have all the full details of his documents he had given me already is it possible that I can apply from India for my friend ( or ) can I fill up online all details and save it and pay later, so my friend in Philippines can pay online payment, will the visa rejected. any idea. please reply thanks.

January 27, 2017 at 10:38 pm

No idea. You can probably do it for an eVisa. There should be a way to save the form and then access it later (or by someone else). good luck!

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January 28, 2017 at 5:30 am

Hi am takin my children to goa in March and really struggling with filling in there visa applications and what documents to supply am a single parent the fathers name is not on their birth certificates so both parents can’t sign please help i don’t no what to do or where to start we all hold UK passports and I currently hold a valid Indian visa as I was there in November. Thank you

January 30, 2017 at 11:02 pm

Hmmm, that is a problem. They will ask for both parents signatures. I would recommend calling the local embassy/consulate and getting their advice.

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January 28, 2017 at 12:03 pm

Hi I have filled in the forms for myself and wife and submitted and printed both forms but can’t make it go to the next section to book an appointment. When I type in the capcha code it keeps saying the code is wrong. It shows a numerical number in bold and one in normal case. How do I do numbers in bold. I know when I need capital letters. But does it work on bold numerical.

January 30, 2017 at 11:03 pm

Yikes. Sorry about that. I can’t help with the captcha settings! If you’ve already printed the form, you could just turn that in and you might be ok. You can get an appointment another way.

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January 30, 2017 at 4:28 pm

i am applying for indian visa from Pakistan and I have also a valid visa for malaysia but i have not visited yet, so do i mention in “countries visited in last 10 years” or not ?

January 30, 2017 at 11:01 pm

No, only those visited

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January 31, 2017 at 4:40 am

Hi I have an oci in my maiden name but have since changed my passport to my married name. I did apply to have my name changed in my oci but for one reason and another it hasn’t happened and now I’ve run out of time as I’m attending my cousins wedding in Goa in a couple of weeks. I decided to just get a regular visa but can’t figure out what to put when it asks what visa did you last travel under as oci is not on the list! Would you know what I should do please?

January 31, 2017 at 10:26 pm

I would bet that you can get in just fine using your OCI with your maiden name. But, I would bring wedding certificates and alternate ID forms to support you, just in case.

And go ahead and get the OCI card switched right away.

February 1, 2017 at 12:36 am

Thank you for your help Neil!

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February 1, 2017 at 4:43 am

Couple questions:

1) I don’t have my old passport with my old visa number. The only way to get to the next page was to put in XXXXXX. Is that ok?

2) I applied today, but never received a application number or any confirmation email that my application was submitted correctly. All I have is my temporary application #. Do I need to be patient or did I do something wrong?

FYI, this was for an online visa. No mission or appointment was referenced.

February 4, 2017 at 1:32 am

Hmm, hard to say on both questions. I would usually say don’t worry about putting an old visa if you don’t have the passport as XXXX tends to raise more questions.

Did you hear back?

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February 10, 2017 at 7:07 am

Hi, what is the difference between “REGULAR VISA APPLICATION”: from “E-TOURIST VISA”? And what is suitable for me. I am from Philippines working in Singapore and wanted to go to India on April fro 7 days to attend by fiance’s brother marriage. Please thanks

February 11, 2017 at 4:33 pm

eTourist is the way to go. Regular visa can be good for 6 months or more. eTourist is only for 30 days, but you do it online rather than through a consulate.

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March 7, 2017 at 6:47 am

I’m really confused by this visa I leave the country in 12 days and I’m doing the e tourist visa does this mean I have to take it personally to the consulate or do I just print all the forms and take with me and visa on arrival

March 7, 2017 at 11:06 pm

Just print the forms and take them with you. But don’t apply for the visa until about 3-4 days out from your trip.

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February 11, 2017 at 11:50 pm

I filled in my visa form but I haven’t received anything by email and everytime I click on (to make an appointment) it closes down. Now I’ve filled in my form and printed a copy what should I do as there are no instructions whatsoever. I have a feeling India just doesn’t want tourists.

February 13, 2017 at 8:35 pm

:-). Sorry for the trouble. Find the consulate nearest to you and give them a call. You can likely send your documents to them to schedule an appointment.

February 14, 2017 at 5:07 am

Thank you, I’ll try that.

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February 12, 2017 at 3:20 am

Hi I am filling in the application form but I have not finished. I have saved it temporarily so that I can finish. I have saved the apllication ID number. I want to continue filling in the form how do I go about it? Pls let me know asap

February 13, 2017 at 8:36 pm

There should be an option to enter the temporary ID at the start of the form.

February 12, 2017 at 3:21 am

Which r the 12 character application ID numbers cause the one I have is more than 12 characters

Hmm, maybe try knocking some numbers off the front of it? Not sure the answer.

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February 13, 2017 at 10:12 am

I made a mistake in my visa duration section of visa application form . can someone tell me what should I do?I am a us citizen and applying from US

February 13, 2017 at 8:37 pm

Just start over. There is no penalty until you mail the forms off.

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February 13, 2017 at 9:00 pm

Hai. my father was dead for the past ten years when iam still young and i am also have step father. So, how i want to fill detail of father. The detail can fill is for the father or step father? abount the occupation, i am also forget about my father occupation, so how?

February 16, 2017 at 10:19 pm

You can use your step-father if you want.

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February 14, 2017 at 2:44 pm

What do i do with it after i print it?

February 14, 2017 at 3:17 pm

Hi i have filled in the form now i need to do the payment however whenever i press pay now and put in all my details it says page cannot be displayed. Ive been trying since yesterday. Pls tell me what i can do i need the visa urgently.

February 16, 2017 at 10:18 pm

Sorry, not sure what you should do!

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February 19, 2017 at 4:48 pm

Hi… Im planning to visit India in May.. Planning to bring my cousin brother who is 15 yrs old now… We got no idea where is his parents are… Out of curiosity can we apply e visa for him? And any issue if he follow us to India?

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February 24, 2017 at 11:42 pm

There are 2 required previous name fields id you say yo had a previous name. I filled out the 1st with my old surname, and the second with my complete old name, even though the only change is to my surname. On the PDF it now says for previous names: First Middle Surname Surname. Is this going to be an issue?

February 27, 2017 at 11:05 pm

Hmm, you can work with the form to make it read correctly. But it might be fine on its own.

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March 6, 2017 at 5:13 am

What do I do after i finish and print the application?

March 6, 2017 at 3:51 pm

Send it to the consulate you chose at the start of the application

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March 8, 2017 at 9:06 pm

Hi, I accidentally applied for the regular visa instead of e-visa. Is there any chance of getting this application deleted despite of having completely finished and printed out? Hope you can help, thanks!

March 9, 2017 at 12:30 am

If you haven’t actually sent in the regular visa application to an Indian consulate, then you haven’t passed the point of no return. You could still do the e-visa.

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March 11, 2017 at 6:45 am

I did the same mistake! But I didn’t send anything.. So you think there will be no problem in changing the type of visa we apply for ? The system won’t lock ? Have you already experienced anything similar ?

thanks a lot!

March 12, 2017 at 4:51 pm

Yes, you are fine. The system won’t lock you into a type of visa until you actually send it into the consulate.

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March 12, 2017 at 10:26 pm

Hi, My Surname written in passport like AFTUB-UZ-ZAMAN but whenever I am going to apply in online it doesn’t take the character “-” So I have no other option to give a space instead the minus sign like AFTUB UZ ZAMAN. Will it make any problem for visa processing?

March 13, 2017 at 2:59 pm

Should be ok.

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March 16, 2017 at 2:48 pm

My visa has come back with one of the letters incorrect – my surname is starting with V rather than W. Does anyone think this should be a problem? Should I reapply?

March 16, 2017 at 10:19 pm

Yes, that could be a problem. You might want to check with the local consulate who issued it and see if they can get it replaced.

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March 19, 2017 at 8:53 am

I appreciate the step by step layout you provided. My question is, on which site, the .gov site, or the cox and kings site should I be able to make a payment? , is there a delay before I can make a payment and my web id number is recognized and “catches up” w the gov web site visa app updates? (For example, if I fill out online app during the weekend?) Thanks for your time!! JM

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March 19, 2017 at 2:08 pm

Hi I forgot to mark that I was visiting SAARS country(Sri Lanka) 3 years ago.But in section about countries visited in last 10 years I did write Sril Lanka.Is there could be a problem?I applied for visa from UK.

March 19, 2017 at 2:47 pm

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March 19, 2017 at 8:46 pm


March 20, 2017 at 9:42 pm

If it is a simple error, then you should just be able to reapply. If they refused on some other grounds, you may need to do a regular visa process.

March 20, 2017 at 10:12 pm

Thank you. I called the local NY Consulate and they told me I can re-apply as well. Appreciate your assistance.

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March 24, 2017 at 7:18 pm

I am applying for Indian tourist e – visa! I am un-employed at this moment and I am single, so I can not write housewife. What I should write under employer name and address? I hope that this will not cause delay. Maybe you can suggest something else.

March 24, 2017 at 10:44 pm

Either your most recent job, or just put self-employed and put your home address.

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March 29, 2017 at 8:41 am

I am trying to fill in my application for regular visa. I am stuck on page 4 where it asks for previous Indian visa. This is my first time applying for Indian visa, before I has my Indian passport. What is the best way to address this question. Thank you.

March 29, 2017 at 10:19 pm

I would leave it blank since you’ve never had an Indian visa before.

March 30, 2017 at 12:53 am

March 30, 2017 at 1:17 am

I thought I could leave it blank but it has an asterix on stating it is mandatory. This doesn’t make any sense.

March 30, 2017 at 7:45 pm

Hello Neil, Sorry to get back on this. But what I don’t understand is. If I have previously traveled to India but on my Indian passport what should I put for previous visas. If the question was have you traveled to India – then yes I have traveled but not on a visa but as an Indian national, and this part is nowhere on the option list. This is just frustrating for a first time visa application. Thanks for understanding.

March 30, 2017 at 9:42 pm

“Have you travelled to India?” Just answer this question with a no. You have never travelled to India as a non-Indian citizen, which is what they are actually asking.

April 5, 2017 at 7:50 am

Did that. Thank you.

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March 30, 2017 at 10:27 pm

Hi I am Malaysian applied online tourist Indian visa and it’s approved as well but the problem is I forget to type alphabet A with my passport numbers so how do I do correction….please help me..thks

March 30, 2017 at 10:30 pm

Hi I am Malaysian applied online tourist Indian visa and it’s approved as well but the problem is I forget to type alphabet A with my passport numbers so how do I need to do correction…please help me..thks

March 30, 2017 at 11:51 pm

Hmmm, not sure. You are talking about an eTourist Visa? The A is a prefix to your number? More than likely you should be ok, but there is a decent change you may face some trouble. You could gamble and go with it, but if you want to play it safe I would reapply and get the correction made.

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April 14, 2017 at 3:34 am

Question: I applied for an e visa online and was subsequently sent an email that said it was granted. I printed out my visa application form which was emailed to me and on the front is the picture that I had to upload to the website when I was applying. The problem is on the top right of the first page, there is a blank spot where it says “paste an unsigned recent color photograph” size 2 x 2. Do I need to do this even though the picture that I uploaded is already on this same page on the left hand side? So I would need 2 different pics? Please help. Thanks! its an e -tourist visa (eTV).

April 14, 2017 at 4:15 pm

Yes, please go ahead and put the second picture, just in case.

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April 30, 2017 at 9:20 am

Hey, in 30 minutes i need to speak on the new traffic rules that can be made in india in front of the traffic minister of india. Help me out. It might become a law.

May 2, 2017 at 6:09 pm

Whoa, buddy. I think you should have planned ahead for that one!

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April 30, 2017 at 6:04 pm

if family going what trype of tourist must click?

May 2, 2017 at 6:10 pm

You would need a tourist or e-tourist visa for each person in your family. (Difference just depends on how long you want to stay.)

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May 2, 2017 at 2:59 pm

With regards to the question: “Have you lived for at least two years in the country where you are applying visa?”.

I am a UK citizen and lived there all my life but am applying for the visa from Cambodia where I have been for 2 weeks on a tourist visa.

Should I answer yes or no?

Many thanks in advance

May 2, 2017 at 6:11 pm

“Where you are applying visa”, I’ve always taken to mean the country that currently has your present residence. So, if you are just holidaying in Cambodia, but you are applying as a British citizen with a British permanent address, then I think you can say Yes. But that’s just me!

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May 11, 2017 at 10:10 pm

I was adopted from India at age 3 months. I had an indian passport when I came to the US. I have no info about birth parents. I was naturalized and My name was changed upon adoption in the US. I need to complete a renunciation with my VISA application. Regarding the questions of name changes and parents….which are they referring to? Birth name? Birth parents? Or current name on US passport and adoptive parents? Got any idea? Info from CKGS has not been helpful tonya

May 11, 2017 at 11:49 pm

This is outside my league, but here’s my perspective.

If you try to answer with your birth name, birth parents, etc, then it will trigger all sorts of unnecessary questions and requests for documentation.

If you use your current name according to every piece of documentation you have and you use your adoptive parents, it will be very easy and will go through. There is a slight chance that they may have additional questions, but not likely.

When in doubt, my policy is that if you can’t provide documentation about it, then don’t mention it. So in your case (assuming all of your documentation has your current name only), I would stick to your current name and adoptive parents.

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May 17, 2017 at 3:31 am

My wife is a US citizen (was born in US). Her parents are also US citizens, but previously were Pakistani citizens. Her grandparents are all deceased (all died years ago in Pakistan). On the application through CKGS there is a question on her grandparents current and previous nationality. What do you recommend I put down?

May 18, 2017 at 10:09 pm

Pakistani relatives is a red flag for getting an Indian visa. However, in your case, it just likely means that there will be a bit of a delay in processing. Honesty would be the best policy here.

May 18, 2017 at 10:28 pm

Absolutely agree. Challenge I have since learned is to simply get the application submitted you must have an in-country sponsor who the India govt may want to check in on to confirm they know the traveler before granting her a visa. Reason this is a challenge for our situations is is we have no family/friends there (all left in the 60s). Should you have any suggestions, am all ears. no worries if you don’t.

May 18, 2017 at 10:39 pm

Hmmm, that’s a tough one. Are you going just for a vacation to India? Is there anyone you are meeting there who might be able to vouch for you?

Otherwise, it may be tough. I didn’t know about the in-country sponsor. That’s good to know.

May 18, 2017 at 11:00 pm

Pretty much going to take selfies in front of the taj mahal, etc. and not meeting anyone. Last resort before giving up – am trying to get through to the consular at the embassy in DC for any helpful guidance for my predicament.

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May 19, 2017 at 6:18 am

I am applying for entry visa for 3 month old son. What should be the value “Profession / Occupation Details of Applicant” as he is just infant, cant put student right.

May 22, 2017 at 10:45 pm

Just put “Student” or “Infant”

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May 24, 2017 at 4:09 am

Hey there Tom! I’m currently a student in the UK for about 1.5 years and i’ll be applying for my Indian E-Visa from the UK (my home country is Malaysia). Should i select ‘I have NOT lived in the country i’m currently applying my visa from for 2 years?’

May 24, 2017 at 11:29 pm

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May 24, 2017 at 4:18 am

I have an odd question hope you can clarify.

My passport and business card has a slight different first name.

Passport is official full name

i.e. Kuat K [Last Name]

Whereas my business name with Christian

i.e. Dennis [Last Name]

Thanks, Dennis

May 24, 2017 at 11:28 pm

Go with your passport.

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May 24, 2017 at 7:31 pm

I have a indian visa which entry is by bus and for urgency medical purpose is want to go air. How is change my visa for air

June 28, 2017 at 10:45 pm

May 24, 2017 at 7:35 pm

How root change on indian want to go by air.but on my visa mention bus and change possible please mention me. Very emergency.

Sorry. I don’t know how you can do this.

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June 3, 2017 at 7:38 am

what a great post! thank you!

i have just applied and seen that i haven’t included my middle name in my application AND the picture cropped the top of my hair off… are they likely to reject my application?

June 5, 2017 at 11:17 pm

Yeah, I would redo it if I were you.

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June 9, 2017 at 10:13 pm

Hi, this post was extremely useful thank you! However I was wondering whether you could apply for a e-visa three months in advance because I was not to sure whether it would start from the day they issue the visa or the day you land in India? Since the new law is that you can get an e-visa for 2 months now?

Also I was struggling to complete two sections. One section where it says about your occupation. I am a house wife and so it tells me to fill in details of my husband and his employer’s name and address, but he is retired. So would it be okay to put ‘retired so not applicable’?

The other section was for the question they ask of “Have you lived for at least 2 years from in the country from where you are applying the visa?”, because i was not too sure whether they meant India or UK because i live in the UK. However, I used to live in India since childhood, but have been living in the UK for many years now. So would that be yes or no?

Your help would be highly appreciated.

June 28, 2017 at 10:47 pm

Your visa starts from the day it is issued, so don’t apply too far in advance.

For your husband’s job, just put Retired.

They meant if you have lived in the UK for 2 years.

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June 11, 2017 at 8:09 pm

I’m a student so need to put down fathers/spouses details- no spouse and father is deceased, what do I do?

June 14, 2017 at 5:31 am

Just put in what your father used to do before he died.

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July 15, 2017 at 1:57 pm

What’s the process to change the confirmed appointment date?

July 17, 2017 at 10:44 pm

Sorry, this is only about the application form. Not appointments at consulates.

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July 21, 2017 at 12:38 am

Hi, I’ve submitted my e-visa application and paid for it. I’ve just noticed that I’ve missed the last letter off my middle name :-/ will this affect my application?

July 21, 2017 at 9:53 pm

I wish I could say don’t worry about it. I would say there’s a 40% chance they don’t say anything about it. Another 40% they notice it and hassle you about it, but you end up getting in anyway. And a 20% chance they don’t let you in.

For me, I’d get it redone as an insurance step.

July 21, 2017 at 9:57 pm

Thank you for your reply. I’ve had an email back to say the visa has been granted. Would you still recommend doing another application?

July 21, 2017 at 10:00 pm

Just a matter of how much you want to press your luck. More than likely, there’s no issue. But there’s always a chance they make a fuss over it.

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July 24, 2017 at 3:13 am

submitted an incomplete application for my child without listing a SARC country we had visited, how can i amend it or can i block the application and re apply? whats the best advice. only just did that

July 25, 2017 at 11:35 pm

eVisas get submitted automatically and you can’t block them. Other visas you have to mail to the consulate. So as long as you haven’t mailed it, you are fine. If you already mailed it, there’s really no way to stop it that I know of.

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August 2, 2017 at 6:58 pm


August 3, 2017 at 11:21 pm

Hmm, maybe just put a space?

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August 3, 2017 at 8:01 pm

Hi Visiting as a student. Do not know anything about my father and i’m not married. When I state I’m a student I’m required to fill in either spouse or fathers employment details. If I leave the section blank, I am unable to move forward. Any ideas on what I need to do please?

August 3, 2017 at 11:20 pm

Choose any working male relative. They won’t be contacted. Or you can write “Deceased” for father’s details.

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August 4, 2017 at 6:39 am

Hi, I’m currently doing my second master’s. I’ve managed to work and study so far. I’m planning to visit a friend in India for about 4 months (starting this December), since I’m now finishing some little details of my thesis and I think this is the right time for me to clear my head (I will be graduating in September next year). In order to travel, I will quit my job but I’ve saved enough money for this trip. When I apply for a regular tourist visa (only for recreational purposes), what should I choose as my profession/occupation? And other thing… my father is deceased so I think maybe typing his information in profession/occupation might not apply in my case. What should I do? Please help! =)

August 4, 2017 at 10:20 pm

I would put in the last profession you had. Just don’t write Student or Researcher there. For you father’s information you can just put deceased and N/A in the fields.

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August 8, 2017 at 9:47 am

Hi.. Current tourist visa to india is expiring on 19 Aug 17 and i will be travelling again on 21 Aug 17. Can i reapply a new visa while the previous is yet to expired. As i need to submit the application this week. Is there any grace period or anything. Thank you.

August 8, 2017 at 11:37 pm

I think you can apply twice in a year at any time, even if your current one is still valid.

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August 11, 2017 at 7:39 am

Thank you for the wonderful post, very helpful. I am applying entry visa to India for my new born child. They might be staying for a minimum of 6 months. 1. So, under duration of visa (in month), do I need to enter 60 months or 120 months? 2. If we enter 120 month, does it affect the visa processing? 3. Is it possible to extend the stay for more than 6 months and reapply from India itself?

August 11, 2017 at 11:07 pm

It depends on which country you are applying from. For the US you can get a 10 year visa, but I think they will only give an entry visa for the same duration as what is left on the primary person. So, it all depends of course.

Entry visas are multiple entry, but might have a restriction that you can only stay in India for 180 days at a time. You’ll have to check.

You cannot apply for a new visa from within India. Even if you could, you would need to enter the country on that new visa. You couldn’t use it as an exit visa.

August 15, 2017 at 10:33 pm

Thank you for your response!

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August 18, 2017 at 10:09 pm

I’m applying for a business visa and the application is asking for a web site of the company I am visiting. The company does not have a web sit. I do have the owners email address. What should i enter?

August 21, 2017 at 10:24 am

A business without a website would look pretty sketchy. But if it’s not there, I’d just leave it blank. Is it a required field?

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September 11, 2017 at 7:23 pm

Hi, great advice! I’m currently looking to apply for an indian visa but i’m still a little confused about something. If we apply online on the government website and it goes through and you receive email with it, is that it? or do you also still need to go to a consulate? I’m from UK so can apply at home but i’m currently away for work and will only have 2 weeks once I get back home til I go to India. So should i just apply online?

September 11, 2017 at 11:02 pm

The only visa you can be approved for online is the eTourist Visa. Other ones you still need to mail all your information into the nearest consulate.

September 12, 2017 at 4:31 pm

Ok still a little confused… So the etourist visa which I can get online is all I need to go to India with?

September 14, 2017 at 11:33 pm

Yes, it’s good for 30 days. No consulate visit required.

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September 12, 2017 at 9:35 am

I have filled out the form for regular tourist visa (incomplete, but saved)….now my plans changed. Is there any way to delete the information I put in. Thanks in advance.

September 18, 2017 at 10:39 pm

Filling out the form is not the same as applying. As long as you haven’t physically mailed it in, you are fine to change it. However, you’ll likely have to start over again from the beginning.

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September 16, 2017 at 3:02 pm

Greetings of the day! I’m a Russian passport holder. I did apply for 6 month multiple type of visa but got my passport back with no visa and V.A.F. stamp on it. Can I reapply for the e-visa?

September 18, 2017 at 10:40 pm

Possibly, but you might get refused. Better to call the local embassy and see if you can figure out why the visa was refused in the first place.

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September 21, 2017 at 2:51 pm

I am just about to begin an application for an E-visa. I am going to chennai for dental treatment. Should I apply for a tourist visa or a medical visa. I am from NZ but will be traveling from Australia. I did post this query to the official visa people but they did not reply. Thank you in advance.

September 25, 2017 at 10:30 pm

For dental work, I think tourist should be ok, but there may be some risk if anything goes horribly wrong. Not to scare you, but the medical visa just offers some official government involvement in the worst cast scenario.

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September 29, 2017 at 10:45 pm

I complete application for 4 times for tourist visa and print it . after it where it say book appointment it is not letting me do that . and also later with all those web Id or Tem . Id I can’t open application either. PLease help.

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October 5, 2017 at 5:53 am

Hello, I’m encountering a strange issue with the form print out. I have filled up the VISA form few times already today. The print out shows a Section H. Address of place of Stay/Hotel “. But this particular section is nowhere to be seen on the original online form ! i have no problem giving out this information however the question is not there for me to type/answer online. I can not understand and quite baffled as to why the print out is different than the online form ? I’m afraid they will reject the form if i send it with that question empty, and i cant hand write on the print out form. Very confused. Help !

October 5, 2017 at 11:11 pm

Not sure exactly. Typically that question is like “Who do you know in India?” or “Where will you be staying in India?” or the address of the reference person you give.

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October 6, 2017 at 8:51 pm

Hi Neil Miller.. Pls help me to come out from my little problem… My wife is from Phillipines and we have registered in FRO and Applied for Visa Extension. My question here is once we get the X-visa my wife need to go back to phillipines. After she have a Valid X-visa also she need to get exit permit to go back to phillipines??? Pls reply at your earliest convience….

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October 13, 2017 at 9:54 pm

Hi I am in the process of applying for a regular tourist visa for India but having trouble with the nationality question as I was born and have always lived in the UK but I am officially French and Irish through my parents. I currently have a valid Irish passport. If I put Ireland as my nationality it then asks for a reference name from Ireland (and also says by fill in box on form – Please mention one contact detail in Home country to be contacted in case of emergency) however I have never lived in Ireland and I do not have any contacts there. Do I put UK as nationality even if I have an Irish passport and not British?

If anyone can help I would be very appreciative!

October 13, 2017 at 11:53 pm

Nationality is best linked to your citizenship. Don’t create confusion there. That person will pretty much never ever be contacted. Ever. So you can put what you’d like there.

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October 19, 2017 at 6:56 pm

Hi, I just have a question about the “VISIBLE IDENTIFICATION MARKS”…At the time I was answering the questions, I assumed it was only asking for Visible Identification Marks on the face…so I put NONE. I found out later on that Visible Identification Marks are the marks that are visible on arms, legs, neck and face. I have printed out the form and I am not sure if this mistake can be rectified? I have tattoos on my both arms and back of my neck. Now I am worried. Your advice will be highly appreciated. thank you

October 20, 2017 at 9:56 pm

It won’t be a problem. You can submit it as is. If you really want to add it, you’ll need to start the application all over again and print out a fresh one.

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October 22, 2017 at 4:39 am

I lost my dual certificate which Indian embassy gave me that time when I became US citizen. It showed that now I am not Indian citizen it has immigration stamp. That now I am now not Indian citizen so now whenever I can apply any travel visa I can showed that certificate to travel agencies that I am US citizen and need Indian visa.

So how can I got again that certificate again.

October 23, 2017 at 11:18 pm

No idea. You should try to get an OCI card though.

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October 24, 2017 at 7:44 am

I was not able to upload a photo with the online visa application. However, it did not give me an error and now I am not able to go back to upload. It only gives the option to print or set appointment . Do I need to fill the application again?

October 24, 2017 at 11:38 pm

You can just print it out and then staple it to the form. But check to see if it should be stapled or pasted or taped or nothing.

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October 30, 2017 at 8:37 am

Hello, I just submitted e-visa application for my 2 year old daughter and have following questions and thanks so much in advance for answering the questions.

1. do you think they will accept this photograph (it’s 2*2 inches but not sure if they will accept smile on photograph also little bit of side pose) please let me know? 2. my daughter was born in “Idaho City” that’s what i mentioned in the online application but passport says “Idaho USA”, would they accept it? 3. Just in case if application is rejected, do I have to pay the fees again? 4. Would they provide reasons for denial so that I dont repeat mistakes again?

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November 7, 2017 at 8:30 pm

Neil Miller I am currently submitting my managers work VISA and before the end of the application a question pops up with an automated answer where I am unable to locate anywhere on the application, I’ve checked three times and my colleague has also checked as well! :

Have you lived for at least two years in the country where you are applying visa? YES

Problem is I am unable to change the answer as the question doesn’t exist on the application itself!

Can you please advise? Managers born and bred in the United Kingdom!

November 8, 2017 at 9:10 am

Are you also applying from the UK? Sometimes there are hidden fields that only show in certain conditions.

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November 9, 2017 at 6:59 am

Hi I am applying for indian visa for my 3 daughters, it was a horrendous process, getting 4 signatures notarized in each application etc. i made a mistake in entering the passport issue month for one of my daughters because of which CKGS is returning my application (btw the online form for filling the application is horrendous … if your passport was issued 48 months ago you have to click 48 time to get to the right year and month, mistakes are easy to make) …. can you/ckgs just make the correction of this trivial mistake and move one … don’t return just return me the application and make go thru this torturous process once again … shouldn’t CKGS be able to add value by helping their customers fix minor errors ? Please help

November 23, 2017 at 12:47 am

Yeah, you would think… All the best. You are in the dark zone now.

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November 11, 2017 at 5:24 pm


November 13, 2017 at 11:48 am

It is referring to the consulate you are applying from, I believe.

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November 16, 2017 at 9:21 pm

Hey, this page is really useful, thank you! I have one question: I have just completed the visa application form online and printed it out, paid the fee and booked an appointment at the consulat, but just realised I missed out / forgot to put my middle name (as it is in my passport). What should I do? If I re-do the application will I have to re-pay? ah!!

November 23, 2017 at 12:48 am

That’s a problem. To play it safe, I would redo the whole thing. And you should be able to keep the same time slot. But who knows?

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November 19, 2017 at 12:24 am

please can you help me i have been to india about 13 times i am going again in january and cant find my evisa from last year what can i do…when it asks about the old visa number …help…great site by the way thank you

November 23, 2017 at 12:49 am

Don’t worry about the evisa. I would only put in issued visas that are in your passport.

December 5, 2017 at 10:28 pm

ah thank you…got my e visa emailed to me as granted which is brilliant…but a friend of mine has got hers and it has her picture and a barcode on it …at the moment mine is just eta with all details of passport etc and a code then status as granted i had this back in 1 day …does tjat mean they will process it and email me one with my picture and barcode on….panicking help…. thank you

December 5, 2017 at 11:56 pm

Hmm, really not sure exactly. I think you should be fine though.

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November 23, 2017 at 1:44 am

I’m applying for the a tourist visa through the e-visa. I’m travelling in January (already bought the ticket) On the form it asks if you traveled to India before. I have but it was 14 years ago. They are asking for the visa number which i no longer have–what do i do now?

November 27, 2017 at 11:19 pm

Just act like it never happened…

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December 5, 2017 at 1:15 am

I am having problems uploading a copy of my passport. Once I click view it shows a blank page. Any ideas? Thanks

No, just be patient with the system. Sometimes the technology is funny.

December 8, 2017 at 5:02 pm

okay folks need help …I have filled out my e visa…and yippee got it back all granted … but my visa has everything on it that my friend has except I dont have a picture or a barcode,,, I have an id code etc and a granted but its different to my friends…I done mine through the indian gov website she done hers through a third party…I have already asked neil but he is not sure …anyone else done there own visa ….what does it look like…please help driving me mad….thanks annex

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December 9, 2017 at 12:18 am

hi, i have a question, i am in india right now, i have a etourist visa for 60 days, in january 60 days will be done and i am going to nepal for 3 weeks, my question is, can i apply again for indian e tourist visa while i am in nepal? o i have to wait more time before apply again?

December 9, 2017 at 12:49 am

You can apply from Nepal. You can get 2 evisas per year.

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December 20, 2017 at 9:32 pm

long name not fitting visa form. advise

December 20, 2017 at 9:39 pm

my long name not fitting in visa form. Advise.

December 20, 2017 at 10:48 pm

Hmm, Just put as much of the name as possible I guess. Make sure it matches as best as you can to your official document.

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December 30, 2017 at 12:28 am

HI, Is it mendatory to upload photo for medical visa? I have clicked verified button in 4th page than seen last window which says “submitted successfully” What can I do now to upload photo?

January 4, 2018 at 12:57 am

Usually you can just attach a physical copy to the printout.

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January 1, 2018 at 4:55 am

i was filling my application but at the end when submitting i got this message “Please re-fill e-visa application as journey date can only be after 4 days of registration.” I don’t know what to do

January 4, 2018 at 12:58 am

Visa processing takes some time, so they don’t let you apply for a date before 4 days. If you need an immediate visa, you’ll need to get the tourist e-visa.

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January 4, 2018 at 11:56 pm

Hi Neil, Thank you for the great guide ! I have visited India 5 years ago as a tourist ( I have been to Goa ) but the passport on which I had the visa number got stolen . Now I m applying for a new tourist visa for a short trip but I cannot give details of the previous visa. What should I do ? Say YES I have visited India 5 years ago but do not have VISA reference ? or Say NO I haven’t ?? Kind regards, Isabelle

January 11, 2018 at 1:29 am

If you don’t have the visa or passport, then just assume it never happened

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January 5, 2018 at 1:36 am

Hi, we are both retired so is putting down “retired” as an occupation acceptable. Also my partner does not know who his father was – can he put “not known”. And I only know the area i.e London of my parents birth – is that acceptable

January 11, 2018 at 1:30 am

Retired is fine as long as you are applying for a tourist visa. NA for father is fine if unknown. Birth area is fine. They won’t check unless they are from Pakistan.

January 11, 2018 at 1:46 am

Thank you so much for that advice, I’ve been so worried with regards to my partners parentage. I will put na for his father.

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January 7, 2018 at 11:05 pm

I am applying for etvisa to India. on the form it’s asking if I have been to India before. I went there in 2917 January. it’s asking for previous i.d number of evisa and date it was issued. i havnt got either so what do i put in the relevant boxex if i dont know

January 11, 2018 at 1:31 am

You should have got an email with the last evisa number. Can you find that?

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January 9, 2018 at 12:11 am

I need some help! I was in India about 23 years ago. I have filled in the application and have said I was never in India before. Will they check that??? I cannot remenber the places where I stayed.

No, you’ll be fine.

January 11, 2018 at 3:05 am

Thank you so much Neil, I’ll go ahead with the filled in application!

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January 27, 2018 at 5:28 pm

Canada work permit and Residence visa was been approved last week Monday,this have stated the fact that we are not going to be applying for just tourist visa package, this an opportunity for those that have the zee to apply for work permit, that’s if you have a good cv, or you possibly have a good hand skill, you can possibly apply at any Canada Embassy or probably visit the website,if you will be needing any assistance kindly keep me informed here on via email [email protected] or on whatsapp +2347064464588.

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February 1, 2018 at 5:04 pm

Hi, I had previously filled in using my temporary ID number. I am able to enter the application but on the last page where it says “save and continue” it won’t let me go any further. I need to upload a photo. I have tried “save and exiting” a few times and entered again but have no joy in going any further. There are no phone numbers to ask for advice. Does that mean that I have to start the online application all over again? This system is definitely not the best. Thanks.

February 3, 2018 at 5:14 pm

Yeah, you have to start over. Truth be told, I don’t think you need to upload the photo. You can just attach the physical copy to the printout.

February 3, 2018 at 5:58 pm

Thanks Neil. I did another application under Mission India and am waiting for an appointment. It all depends on where you were born. Doesn’t matter if you’ve never ever been back to that country in 55 years they still make it difficult.

[…] A very helpful step-by-step guide to filling out the form can be found here. […]

[…] Filling Out Your Online Indian Visa Application […]

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Home » Application Process

India Visa Application Process in USA

When applying for an Indian visa in the USA, a separate application must be made for each person, even if they are family members. To do so, you need to follow the procedures described below.

  • Your current passport number, issue date, expiration date, and place of issue.
  • The Web Reference Number from the Passport Application Form.
  • Details of your current citizenship, as well as any previous nationality, if applicable.
  • Proof of renunciation of citizenship, if not applying together, and if applicable.
  • Follow the checklist to determine the visa type you need, and the corresponding documents and fees required for that visa.
  • Follow the three-step visa application process.
  • Click on the “instructions” tab if you have any questions.
  • If you have difficulty, you can receive assistance with this step using the VFS form-filing assistance service .
  • Upon completion of your Visa Application at the Government of India Website, you will receive an application ID, which you will need to save.
  • If you applying by post/courier and are a new user, click here .
  • If you are applying by post/courier and are already registered, click here .
  • If you need to book an appointment and are a new user, click here .
  • If you need to book an appointment and are already registered, click here .
  • If you are submitting by post or courier, you will need to mail your completed application, including your most recent passport used to complete registration with both the Indian Government and VFS Global, photo, fees, and all required documents as stated in your application confirmation letter.
  • If you are submitting by appointment, you will need to visit your VFS Application Centre on your scheduled date/time to submit your application and complete biometrics (if applicable).
  • You submitted the application with the VFS Indian Consular Application Centre on or after December 13, 2021.
  • The application has been reviewed and processed in the VFS system.
  • You have not received any updates via email or SMS regarding the status of the application within seven days of it being received at the VFS Centre.
  • Please understand that may take up to six or seven working days for your application to be reviewed. VFS recommends that you only track the status of your application on their website after seven days, and to contact them if you do not see a status after this period of time.
  • Invalid input – Your application has either not been reviewed and processed in the VFS system, or you have entered incorrect information.
  • On hold – Your application contains some sort of deficiency. You should check your email for additional details. If you do not find such an email, be sure to check your spam/junk folder.
  • Your application has been forwarded to the Embassy – Your application meets all documentation requirements and is in transit to the Embassy/Consulate for processing.
  • Your application has reached the Embassy – Your application has been successfully received by the Embassy/Consulate for processing.
  • Your application has been dispatched by the Embassy – Your application is currently in transit back to VFS, after which it will be prepared to dispatch via courier.
  • Your application has been dispatched via courier – Your package is now ready to be shipped and awaiting courier pickup.
  • Please read the relevant instructions carefully before applying to avoid any inconvenience.
  • The validity of the visa starts from the date of issue, not the day of entry into India.
  • Once VFS Global has collected the application form and supporting documentation, it submits them to the Consulate/Embassy for processing. VFS Global does not issue visas or in any way determine or control the issuance of or terms and conditions of visas. All of that is determined and controlled solely by Indian authorities.
  • Except in the case of Tibetan nationals, visas can only be issued on passports and NOT on travel documents.
  • The passport must be valid for a minimum period of 180 days. It must have 2 blank pages. One page is required for affixing the visa sticker, and another page will be used by an immigration officer at the airport for entry and exit stamps from India.
  • No vaccination should be necessary for those traveling to India from the USA. However, persons coming from or passing through Yellow Fever infected areas are required to be in possession of a valid certificate of vaccination against Yellow Fever before arriving in India.
  • For persons age 18 to 70 years who stay in India for more than one year, an AIDS test is required.
  • Acceptance of a visa fee is not a guarantee of a visa. The Indian Embassy/Consulate will still need to approve the visa.
  • The granting of a visa is not a guarantee of entry into India. The immigration officer at the port of entry may refuse entry to the person if appropriate.

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India Tourist eVisa: Common issues and solutions

Photo of Camilo Alvarez

For many visitors, entering India requires a valid visa. Although the eVisa system is designed to make getting one easier, it's not without its challenges .

There are different eVisa types available for tourism, business, and medical visits. Selecting the right one and filling out the application accurately is essential for a smooth journey.

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However, you can encounter issues that disrupt your travel plans if not addressed properly. This guide aims to address these common problems and provide effective solutions.

Common issues faced when applying for your India eVisa

Website navigation and technical glitches.

Website crashes or slow-loading pages, particularly during peak application times, are a top problem when applying for an Indian eVisa. To avoid this issue, make sure you're using a compatible browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox, which are known for their reliability with eVisa applications.

You can also clear your browser's cache and cookies to prevent loading errors and speed up the website response time. Applying during off-peak hours might reduce the likelihood of system overload. Switching devices or networks may also help solve this problem.

Photo and document upload challenges

When uploading your photograph and documents, such as the passport ID page, you might need to crop the photo to meet the specifications and ensure the document is in the correct format.

The eVisa system typically requires JPG/JPEG/PNG format for photos and PDF for documents. Make sure these are clear, legible, and within the specified file size limits. Preparing your files before starting the application process can save time and reduce stress.

Mistakes in application form

The application form can be detailed and requires accurate information in every field. For example, questions about past travel history or family background must be answered correctly. Forgetting to attach necessary documents like passport scans or photographs can also cause delays.

Before starting your application:

Read the requirements carefully and prepare all necessary digital copies in the correct format and size.

Double-check every entry for spelling, date formats, and accuracy.

Make sure all your information matches your official documents.

Take time to go over your details thoroughly before submission, and consider having a second pair of eyes review your application to catch any errors.

Payment gateway issues

Payment failures might occur if your card is declined or there are issues with the payment portal.

Verify that your card has sufficient funds and is authorized for international transactions. If a payment fails, follow the portal’s instructions to retry or check the payment status. If the issue persists, consider using an alternative payment method if available.

After submission: Handling delays and rejections

Sometimes, the processing of an Indian eVisa application takes longer than expected. This can happen during busy travel seasons or if there are issues with the system. Knowing the best time to apply is very important.

For 30-day eVisas, you should apply no earlier than 30 days and no later than four days before your trip. For 1-year and 5-year eVisas, applications can be made up to 120 days in advance . Processing usually takes up to 72 hours, so planning accordingly will ensure you receive your eVisa in time for your travel​.

If you applied as a group, the different applications don't get approved at the same time. This is because each application is assessed individually. Just because some applications take longer to process doesn’t necessarily mean they’re more likely to be rejected.

If the eVisa processing takes longer than the estimated duration, you can get in touch with the Bureau of Immigration at +91 11 24300666 or e-mail them at [email protected] .

Dealing with visa rejections

If your visa application is denied, the first thing to do is figure out why, which can be tricky since Indian immigration officials often don’t provide clear reasons. The rejection might be due to:

You filled in the form incorrectly.

Your documents don’t meet the necessary standards.

You did not fulfill the criteria for the Indian eVisa.

You did not respond properly or in time to inquiries from immigration officials.

There are concerns from the authorities about potential risks you might pose in India.

If the rejection is because of incorrect application details or document issues, correcting these errors in a new application could lead to an approval.

However, if the reason for rejection is unknown, applying again right away might not be the best idea, as the chances of another rejection are high. Instead, it's better to contact the nearest Indian Embassy to see if you’re eligible for a different type of visa . Use our Embassies Finder to locate the nearest Indian embassy or consulate.

Get support for your India Visa application

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For a stress-free India eVisa application, consider using our India visa service . Thanks to our intuitive platform, we make it easy to fill out your application, upload documents, and submit your payment securely. We’ll expertly review your application before submitting it to the Indian government, helping you avoid the common errors that lead to delays or rejections.

Our customer service team can assist you if you need more information about applying for an Indian Visa. Contact us any time via WhatsApp or iVisa chat .

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Visa-free travel to China welcomed by people wanting to reunite with family

A smiling lady in a pink hat and top waves her hands as she stands in crowd in bright sun outside Federal Parliament.

Jenny Zhang has plans to travel to China soon to reunite with her 100-year-old mum, and she has welcomed a move to give Australians visa-free entry for short trips.

"This is the best policy. It will provide great convenience to Chinese people living in Australia," she said.

"The Chinese community is very happy about this news."

The 15-day visa-free travel for Australians was announced by Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Monday, after a formal meeting with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese shake hands while standing in front of national flags.

"We agreed to provide each other with reciprocal access to five-year multiple entry visas for tourism, business and visiting family members — so as to better facilitate personal exchanges, China will also include Australia in its Visa Waiver Program," the premier said.

This change will also save Australians about $110, the current cost for a single-entry tourist visa.

The new visa-free travel scheme is due to come in within the next few months.

An infographic shows a list of 14 countries that have visa free travel arrangements with China.

China's tourism industry peaked in 2019 at a value of $580 billion and has been recovering slowly, according to Statista.

They had forecast that it could take another five years to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels.

Not everyone happy with move

While Ms Zhang was thrilled with the upcoming change, Ramila Chanisheff, the president of the Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women's Association said it would not help members of her community.

"Our family members … we can not even talk to them — let alone visit them," she told the ABC.

"Not all of us will be given visas to visit our family members. And if we do, we will be worried about our safety."

A woman with a dark top and blue and white scarf stands near a large crowd where people are waving flags in front of parliament.

Dawa Sangmo, the Chinese liaison officer of the Tibet Information Office in Canberra raised similar worries.

"The visa-free policy is not only an issue that relates to our safety, but a matter that is more beneficial to China and its government," she told the ABC.

A woman in a woolen coat stands outside parliament with a group of flag-waving protesters behind her.

There was not much detail in the announcement, but Premier Li did mention it would be "reciprocal", making it easier for Chinese travellers to enter Australia.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the second highest amount of tourists visiting Australia came from China, only behind arrivals from New Zealand, as of April this year.

However, overall, the amount of people travelling out of China is down 40 per cent from pre-COVID levels in 2019, Reuters reported.

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H-1B visa: How new rules could affect Indian applicants

Times of India TIMESOFINDIA.COM / Created : Jun 23, 2024, 15:50 IST

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The USCIS is set to announce changes to H-1B visa regulations, impacting Indian professionals with proposed fees. Biden administration may finalize the rule, affecting Indian visa holders and US companies.

The USCIS is set to announce changes to H-1B visa regulations, impacting Indian professionals with proposed fees. Biden administration may finalize the rule, affecting Indian visa holders and US companies. Read less

H-1B visa: How new rules could affect Indian applicants

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H-1B visa: How new rules could affect Indian applicants

The USCIS is set to announce changes to H-1B visa regulations, impacting Indian professionals with proposed fees. Biden administration may finalize the rule, affecting Indian visa holders and US compa...

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Taiwan mulls visa-on-arrival for Indian travellers; 5 must-visit places in the Republic of China

Good news for indian travellers taiwan is considering visa-on-arrival, making it easier to visit this beautiful island nation. taiwan has something to offer for everyone, from iconic landmarks, serene lakes to breathtaking parks and delicious street food.


Currently, Indians require a visa application process before visiting Taiwan. If the visa-on-arrival system is implemented, it would simplify entry procedures, potentially leading to a surge in Indian tourists eager to explore the island nation's captivating blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and technological prowess.

While the official announcement is pending, here's a glimpse into what awaits Indian visitors in Taiwan:

India Tv - Taipei 101

Dominating Taipei's skyline, Taipei 101 is an iconic landmark and one of the tallest buildings globally. Visitors can ascend to the observation decks on the 89th and 91st floors for breathtaking panoramic views of the city and beyond. The design, influenced by traditional Chinese architecture and modern engineering, makes Taipei 101 a symbol of Taiwan's blend of tradition and innovation.

Sun Moon Lake

India Tv - Sun Moon Lake

Nestled in the central mountains of Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake is celebrated for its serene beauty and cultural significance. Surrounded by misty peaks and lush forests, the lake derives its name from its shape, which resembles the sun on one side and the moon on the other. Visitors can take boat cruises, cycle along the lakeside trails, or visit temples like the Wenwu Temple to experience the spiritual aura of this picturesque destination.

Taroko National Park

India Tv - Taroko National Park

Located in eastern Taiwan, Taroko National Park is renowned for its marble-walled canyons, lush forests, and rushing rivers. The Taroko Gorge, carved by the Liwu River, offers stunning vistas at every turn, with hiking trails leading to temples, waterfalls like the Baiyang Waterfall Trail, and the dramatic Eternal Spring Shrine. Nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers will find endless opportunities for exploration and photography.

Shilin Night Market

India Tv - Shilin Night Market

One of Taipei's largest and most famous night markets, Shilin Night Market is a culinary haven where visitors can savour a variety of Taiwanese street foods. From stinky tofu to oyster omelettes and freshly grilled squid, the market buzzes with energy and flavours that tantalize the senses.

Rainbow Village

India Tv - Rainbow Village

Located in Taichung, Rainbow Village is a vibrant community adorned with colourful murals painted by the elderly resident, Huang Yung-Fu. Originally slated for demolition, Huang's artwork transformed the village into a popular tourist attraction, showcasing his whimsical paintings and preserving a piece of Taiwan's artistic heritage.

(with ANI inputs)

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'It's not over until it's over': England gives Rishi Sunak hope of glorious comeback

After England's glorious last-minute comeback - Rishi Sunak has sent a message to the country as he tries to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in this general election.

Sunday 30 June 2024 23:04, UK

  • General Election 2024

Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player

  • England gives Sunak hope of a glorious comeback
  • Reform candidate disowns party amid racism row - and backs Tories | Which comes after party dropped three candidates
  • Farage says he 'doesn't want to know' racists | And finally rules out joining Tory party after election
  • Rob Powell:  With more coverage comes more scrutiny
  • Sunak insists he can still win election
  • Has Labour chosen wealthy pensioners over children in poverty?
  • 'Extremely troubling' footage emerges of Tory association students singing Nazi song | But party says group 'not affiliated' to them
  • Live reporting by Ben Bloch  and (earlier)  Faith Ridler

Election essentials

  • Manifesto pledges: Conservatives | Greens | Labour | Lib Dems | Plaid | Reform | SNP
  • Trackers:  Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage:  Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:  Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Guide to election lingo
  • How to watch election on Sky News

Thank you for joining us on the Politics Hub for live coverage of events on the general election campaign trail today.

Polls open in 3 days and 8 hours - and the campaign is about to enter a frantic phase as politicians spend every last moment fighting for your vote.

Scroll down for all of today's developments - and we'll be back from 6am with the very latest.

Pledges and promises are coming thick and fast from every party as the general election approaches. 

Struggling to keep up with who is saying what?

Here is a summary of where the main parties stand on major issues.

For a more in-depth look at what each party has pledged, scour our  manifesto checker ...

The final weekend of the general election campaign is over, with three days and nine hours left until polls open.

Today has seen a slight lull in the pace of campaigning ahead of the frantic final days as the politicians fight for every last vote.

Here's what you need to know about what happened today:

  • Nigel Farage held a vast Reform UK rally in Birmingham as he tries to stabilise his party's position after a slew of racism allegations this week;
  • Speaking to Sky's political editor Beth Rigby , Mr Farage described homophobic remarks by a close aide of his as "crass, drunken, vulgar, rude, wrong" - but also that "people say all sorts of things when they're drunk";
  • Also in his interview with Beth, he finally ruled out joining the Tories after the election if he enters parliament, saying they are "ghastly";
  • But the racism row engulfing the party continued, with one of his candidates quitting to back the Tories, citing "widespread racism and sexism" in the party, and "the failure of the party's leadership to not only take this matter seriously, but also to fundamentally address it".
  • Rishi Sunak  started the day with a tough interview in which he was challenged on his party's record in power;
  • He insisted on BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg show that the UK is "a better place to live than it was in 2010", despite a "difficult" last few years;
  • He also insisted that his party can still win the general election;
  • In the afternoon, he visited a synagogue in north London and met community members;
  • He pledged that a Conservative  government under his leadership would show "steadfast" support for Israel, and said he was "proud" that British forces helped defend Israel from Iran's attack in April;
  • The PM hit out at the "sickness" of antisemitism, and pledged to "lead a long term effort" to tackle, and "change our culture so we tackle the root causes of this hatred";
  • Speaking to Sky's Trevor Phillips this morning, Mr Sunak's deputy, Oliver Dowden , warned that Russia is using bots to boost Reform UK on social media (a spokesman for the party said Mr Dowden must think voters are "stupid").
  • Sir Keir Starmer  was not seen on the campaign trail today, but his national campaign coordinator Pat McFadden was challenged by Sky's Trevor Phillips  about whether they would owe a potential victory on Thursday to Reform UK;
  • He replied that the power is in the hands of the electorate, and dismissed any questions over the legitimacy of a potential Labour win;
  • SNP  leader John Swinney  told Sky News that Scots have been "disenfranchised" by the timing of the election, because school holidays in Scotland have already started in large parts of the country;
  • The first minister also made the case for independence with the SNP - but did concede his party has had a "tough time" in recent months.

Follow along for the latest political updates throughout the evening.

TV presenter Rylan Clark has said he would "love" to become a politician - and replace the party system with a "Power Rangers of government" model.

The TV personality, 35, joined political editor Beth Rigby and former Scottish Conservative leader Baroness Ruth Davidson for this week's Sky News Electoral Dysfunction podcast.

Asked if he would ever consider the career change, he said: "If I wasn't in the job that I was in, I would love nothing more."

Rylan, who won Celebrity Big Brother and also appeared on the X Factor, appeared on the podcast in place of Labour candidate Jess Phillips after tweeting his praise for Rigby on the day Rishi Sunak announced the general election.

Sharing a clip of her and Sky presenter Sophy Ridge outside a rainy Downing Street waiting for Mr Sunak to appear at the lectern, he said: "Obsessed with the Rigby."

Speaking to her and Davidson, he said his "obsession" with politics began with Brexit - "as we've seen so many promises which weren't fulfilled" since then.

He added: "I lie there at night sometimes, and I think about [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy. He hosted one of the same shows I've hosted in Ukraine."

The TV presenter also shared his idea of abandoning political parties altogether.

Read the full story here: 

Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to the general election.

With under a week to go, the Tories and Labour have taken a drop, while support for Reform UK and the Liberal Democrats is on the rise.

Read more about the tracker  here .

Avid football fan Sir Keir Starmer has tweeted his reaction to England's win over Slovakia to reach the quarter-finals of the Euros.

Although England came a matter of minutes from losing before Jude Bellingham's stunning overhead kick in added time took it to extra time, the Labour leader tweeted that the win was "never in doubt".

Labour would definitely want to steer us away from inferring any commentary about the general election from that tweet as they fight for every last vote - unlike Rishi Sunak's more pointed message ...

The Financial Times (FT) announced today that it is backing the Labour Party at this general election, and on Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue , we spoke to the paper's Whitehall Editor, Lucy Fisher, about that decision.

She is, of course, employed by the paper as a journalist, and does not sit on the Editorial Board that decided the endorsement.

But she told Ali that it is "really significant" that the board has backed Labour, adding that it's "the first time since 2005" the paper has done so.

"The FT doesn't have a natural political allegiance, and in fact, being a very pro-free trade and private enterprise newspaper, wanting to see a very open, outward-looking Britain - [it] has more often supported the Tories than Labour.

"So it does feel significant. And the op-ed... makes clear the FT views this as a sea change moment in British politics akin to 1979 when [Margaret] Thatcher swept to power, or 1997 when Tony Blair came in."

Finally, we ask Treasury minister Bim Afolami if the Conservative Party can still defy the polls and win the election on Thursday.

He replies: "Of course we can. And, you know, we will see what happens

"But what I do know is on speaking to constituents... there are higher than normal numbers of undecided people.

"This is the fourth general election I've fought - a large number of people are still saying they don't know which way to go.

"And my message to them on the doorsteps and here today is if they want to lower their taxes, secure the borders, make sure that we have a thriving, prosperous economy going forward in the future, a Conservative vote is what they need to do."

Ali Fortescue points out to the minister that the overall tax burden will continue to rise under the Conservative Party - but he does not accept that, saying the tax cuts they want to make are targeted at ordinary working people, and the overall number factors in the wider economy.

"We are cutting taxes for working people and for pensioners as well," he insists.

In the last hour, we've had the breaking news from the French parliamentary elections that Marine Le Pen's far right National Rally party appears to have come out on top in the first round of voting, according to exit polls.

We ask minister Bim Afolami if he is worried about that at all, and he replies: "I must confess that I haven't really been following the French election as closely as I might have done because I've been focusing on my own in this country."

Asked if a Conservative government would work with Ms Le Pen and her party, he replies that "Britain has to work with whoever is chosen as the leader of other countries".

He says "of course" they would work with whoever is elected in France.

Sky's Ali Fortescue puts it to him that Rishi Sunak has previously said Nigel Farage would work with Ms Le Pen, implying it would be a bad thing to do.

Mr Afolami replies: "We're not advocating for Marine Le Pen to win.

"What I'm saying to you is you cannot choose... who leads other countries."

The first UK political guest on tonight's edition of Politics Hub With Ali Fortesue  is Treasury minister Bim Afolami, and we start by asking for his reaction to the Reform candidate in Erewash disowning his party to back the Tories.

Mr Afolami says: "Well, I'm glad he's seen the light."

He also says that he's glad that the candidate, Liam Booth-Isherwood, has made the point that only the Conservative candidate can stop Labour winning, which has been the Tory party's argument for weeks.

Asked if he would be glad if Nigel Farage decided to back the Tories, Mr Afolami says the Reform leader has "no intention" of switching sides.

He goes on: "I do find it quite curious, you know, this idea that Farage is somehow a Conservative. He spent 25 years trying to destroy the Conservative Party."

He adds that Reform is "designed to increase the power of a Labour".

Challenged on the fact that senior Conservatives like Suella Braverman and Sir Philip Davies have said they would welcome Mr Farage into the party, the minister says they are "in a small minority".

Here is the full list of candidates standing in Erewash:

  • James Martin Archer, Liberal Democrats
  • Liam Dane Booth-Isherwood (was Reform UK, but has quit party to back Tories)
  • John William Kirby, Independent
  • Brent Poland, Green Party
  • Adam Thompson, Labour Party
  • Maggie Throup, Conservative Party

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    Re: Indian Tourist Visa "Town/City of Birth" and"Place of Issue". 10 years ago. This should be your town where you were born, ideally matching that on your birth certificate. I believe the place of issue is the city where the visa is issued eg UK London, however for the US these may be different, have a read of the guidance on the website to ...

  19. Indian Tourist E-Visa Passport place of issue question : r/india

    The correct place of issue is "United States of America" or simply "USA." You need a high-quality copy of your passport information page. I would recommend scanning it. Do not take chances when it comes to document specifications, as India will reject your application if it's not compliant. The same goes for your passport-sized photo--unless ...

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    Went to Goswell Rd this morning. Appointment was 8.30am I was out the building by 9.15am. Place of issue was IPS (or HMPO) was told this is correct. Cost including courier return was £148. I was told visa would be with me in 5-10 working days as they are very busy at the moment. Report inappropriate content. Shanti21.

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    11 gorgeous places in India that have to be seen to be believed 12 Jul 2023 • 4 min read Few places, if any, rival the sheer amount of traditions, cuisines, landscapes, and religions found within India's borders, from the high Himalayas in the north to the desert sands of the west to the palm tree-fringed rivers and islands of the south.

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    Jenny Zhang has plans to travel to China soon to reunite with her 100-year-old mum, and she has welcomed a move to give Australians visa-free entry for short trips. "This is the best policy.

  24. H-1B visa: How new rules could affect Indian applicants

    The USCIS is set to announce changes to H-1B visa regulations, impacting Indian professionals with proposed fees. Biden administration may finalize the rule, affecting Indian visa holders and US ...

  25. Is Visa not needed for Indians in Bali?

    Answered: Hi, I read that VISA is not needed in Bali for Indians who have stay less than 30 days for tourism purposes. I however also read reviews where Indian tourists have applied for VOA. May i ask for clarification from any Indians who have recently...

  26. Taiwan mulls visa-on-arrival for Indian travellers; 5 must-visit places

    If the visa-on-arrival system is implemented, it would simplify entry procedures, potentially leading to a surge in Indian tourists eager to explore the island nation's captivating blend of ...

  27. Election latest: Reform candidate disowns party amid racism row

    A Reform UK candidate has disowned the party and is backing the Conservatives amid a row over racism.. Liam Booth-Isherwood, who was standing in Erewash, said he is suspending his campaign and ...