hondarribia tour francia

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hondarribia tour francia

El Tour de Francia 2023 subirá Jaizkibel por Hondarribia antes de terminar en San Sebastián

La llegada de la segunda etapa será en donostia y el pelotón abandonará euskadi tras recorrer la costa guipuzcoana y por irun el tercer día.

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Miércoles, 26 de enero 2022 | Actualizado 17/03/2022 11:22h.

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Este miércoles se ha presentado en el Palacio de Congresos Europa de Vitoria la Grand Départ del Tour de Francia 2023 que albergará el País Vasco. Tres etapas que darán el pistoletazo de salida a la 110ª edición de la ronda gala, la carrera más importante y prestigiosa del ciclismo mundial, el 1 de julio.

Las localidades de las salidas y llegadas se han ido conociendo durante los últimos meses y Christian Prudhomme, director general del Tour de Francia, acompañado por el Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, ha sido el encargado de desvelar los recorridos completos.

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hondarribia tour francia

El gigante que viaja con el Tour


1ª etapa: Bilbao-Bilbao (185kms)

Una etapa en línea de 185 kilómetros abrirá la carrera en Bilbao y decidirá el primer maillot amarillo en un recorrido que recorrerá a través de un itinerario circular íntegramente vizcaíno con subidas al Vivero (4,2km al 7,3%), Pike Bidea (2km al 9%) y llegada en subida incluida, al lado del ayuntamiento. En total, 3.300 metros de altitud positivo que exigirá a los hombres de la general estar atentos desde el primer momento.

Bilbao será epicentro del deporte mundial el 1 de julio, fecha histórica para el Tour de Francia, ya que celebrará ese día los 120 años de su primera etapa, cuando en 1903 París y Lyon se conectaron para escribir las primeras líneas de este legendario evento con un recorrido de 467 kilómetros.

2ª etapa: Vitoria-San Sebastián (210kms)

El Tour de Francia regresará el 2 de julio a San Sebastián 31 años después de que Miguel Induráin se enfundará el maillot de líder en 1992 en la capital guipuzcoana. La segunda etapa partirá de Vitoria, que vuelve a ser salida de una etapa del Tour desde la cuarta de 1977, y tendrá 210 kilómetros en total, pasando localidades como Hernani u Oiartzun y las cotas de Udana (4,6km al 4,7%), Aztiria (2,7km al 5,3%) y Alkiza (4,2km al 5,8%).

El pelotón llegará a la meta, ubicada en la zona de Ondarreta tal y como adelantó este periódico, después de subir Gurutze (2,6km al 4,7%) y Jaizkibel por la vertiente de Hondarribia (8,1km al 5,1%), al revés de lo que se hacía en el antiguo trayecto de la Clásica San Sebastián. Sobre el papel, una jornada en la que los clasicómanos y los hombres de la clasificación general estarán delante en la búsqueda del triunfo parcial y, quién sabe, el maillot amarillo.

Por parte donostiarra, será la cuarta ocasión en la que la ciudad será sede de una llegada del Tour después del prólogo y la etapa en línea de 1992 y la novena etapa de la edición de 1949, que conectó Burdeos con Donostia.

hondarribia tour francia

3ª etapa: Amorebieta Etxano-Baiona

La salida regresa a tierras vizcaínas para la última etapa de la serie de la Grand Départ, el 3 de julio. Amorebieta-Etxano será el punto de partida antes de que la carrera entre a Francia, atravesando de nuevo Gipuzkoa por la zona costera, por Deba, el alto de Itziar, Zumaia, Getaria, Zarautz y Orio. El pelotón volverá a pasar por las calles de San Sebastián después de subir por Benta y bajar Igeldo y abandonará Euskadi por Irun. La etapa no tiene un kilometraje establecido todavía, pero sí está confirmado que 80 kilómetros serán por la costa vasca.

La llegada que todo apunta que será en Baiona aunque Prudhomme no lo haya desvelado, podrá ofrecer una primera oportunidad para los velocistas.

hondarribia tour francia

Quedan 521 días para que el País Vasco acoja al Tour de Francia, a toda su respectiva y enorme caravana y a los mejores ciclistas del mundo. Antes, este 2022, la ronda gala también emigrará. La edición de este año, donde Tadej Pogacar aspira a conseguir su tercera clasificación general consecutiva, empezará el 1 de julio en Copenhague con una contrarreloj de 13 kilómetros, a la que se sumarán dos etapas más en tierras danesas antes de regresar a Francia por la vía de los adoquines de la zona de Roubaix.

  • Tour de Francia
  • Tour de Francia 2023

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  • Spanish Basque Country
  • Hondarribia Tourism – Things to Do in Hondarribia

Overview of Hondarribia, Spain

Hondarribia is definitely one of the most beautiful towns in the Basque Country and a real must-see! If you only choose to visit one village in the Basque Country, this is probably the one. Hondarribia (Fuenterrabía in Spanish) is a colorful fishing village that is both rich in architecture as well as in gastronomy. It’s a feast for the eyes and also for the stomach.

In recent years, Hondarribia has seen a boom in its culinary scene. This is due to many young chefs who, after studying under the likes of Martín Berasategui and Pedro Subijana (see Michelin star restaurants ), have taken their knowledge and set up shop in Hondarribia. And the quality of their new gastronomy is right up there with what one can expect to find in San Sebastian – the other Basque mecca for foodies.

Hondarribia is becoming more and more touristic these days, but thankfully, you aren’t going to find many souvenir shops. Instead there are just more and more restaurants and pintxo bars popping up. The competition in town is getting stiff, but the result is that only the very best survive. And the truth is, there are a lot of amazing places. The selection along with the price to quality ratio, make Hondarribia difficult to top.

Besides having an impressive gastronomy scene, Hondarribia also boasts a well-preserved old town that is surrounded by a fortified wall, the only one to be found in Guipuzcoa province. The Old Town is loaded with beautiful Basque houses, most having wooden balconies that are painted in a myriad of colors. In addition to the Basque houses, there are also some baroque buildings thrown into the mix. With its maze of cobble-stoned streets, the Old Town begs to be explored.

Apart from the Old Town, the other area that must be visited while in Hondarribia is the Marina Neighborhood. This is where most of the bars and restaurants that have made the town famous can be found. The main street that runs through the neighborhood is a pedestrian street, lined with trees, lovely houses, and places to eat.

The other main touristic attraction of Hondarribia is its beach which stretches 800 m, offering sand and quiet waters to locals and tourists alike.


If you are planning your visit to Hondarribia from San Sebastian, then this tour may be the perfect way to explore this beautiful town. It also includes a stop in the traditional fishing villages of San Juan (Pasaia) and San Pedro.

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Hondarribia's Top Things to Do & See

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There are two other impressive baroque buildings found on the Kale Nagusia. One is the Zuloaga Palace, an urban palace from the 18 th century that today houses the municipal library and historic archive. The other is the 17 th century Casadevante House which is now the Hotel Pampinot (unfortunately the hotel is temporarily closed).

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From Weapons Square, we recommend to weave back and forth through the streets of the Old Town, making sure not to miss other highlights of the area such as the Guipuzcoa Square. You can eventually make your way down to the Marina Neighborhood.

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Santa Maria Church

The Church of Santa María de la Asunción y del Manzano was built in the 15 th and 16 th centuries on top of the ruins of old walls and a roman church.

Although the construction of the building started in 1474, it lasted much longer than expected, since at the time Castile was trying to conquer the Kingdom of Navarre. At some point, the renovation of the medieval fortifications was so urgent, that material for the construction of the church had to be transferred to the fortifications.

Finally in 1549, after many battles, the first construction phase was considered to be finished and the building was consecrated.

Although the church was mainly built in gothic style, during the 16 th century, some renaissance style elements were added such as the entrance that we see today. Another highlight of the building is the baroque bell tower from the 18 th century from Francisco de Ibero.

If you are able to enter the church, make sure you head upstairs and check out the beautiful organ.

hondarribia tour francia

Castle of Charles V – Parador of Hondarribia

The impressive building that today houses the Parador of Hondarribia was originally a fortress built at the end of the 10 th century by King Sancho II of Pamplona.

Today, it is known as the “Castle of Charles V” because of the extension and restoration works ordered by Charles V in the 16 th century.

Its location on the hill overlooks the Bidasoa River, Hendaye and Txingudi Bay, making it the perfect position for defensive purposes. For this reason, the castle was mainly used as a barracks and also for the house of the governor. Generally, it is said that it functioned as a “palace-castle.”

The most important guest to have ever stayed at the Castle of Charles V was probably the Spanish Royal Family, who in 1660 lived in the castle while waiting for the marriage of the King’s daughter, the Infanta María Theresa, with the future King of France, Louis XIV. That marriage, together with the Treaty of the Pyrenees that was signed on the nearby Pheasant Island, put an end to a long conflict between France and Spain.

Hondarribia saw many battles due to its location right on the border with France. These battles took a toll on the Castle of Charles V. At the end of the 18 th century the building was severely damaged by French troops and remained a ruin until it was rehabilitated and transformed into a National Parador in 1968. Since then, the castle has served as a hotel managed by the Spanish government.

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Marina Neighborhood

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Apart from its lovely architecture, the Marina Neighborhood is famous because of its high concentration of bars and restaurants (see the Restaurants and Pintxo Bars sections for more info).

There is always a lively atmosphere in the area, especially around the San Pedro and Santiago Streets. When the weather permits, the terraces from the bars and restaurants open up and add to an already nice atmosphere.

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Hondarribia is home to a beautiful 800 m beach. The beach has lifeguards, bathrooms, showers, changing rooms as well as some activities to keep children entertained.

Because of all the facilities and its quiet waters, Hondarribia’s beach is popular among locals and tourists alike, especially families with children.

There is also a very nice seafront promenade that surrounds the beach and the port, continuing south next to the water to the old port (“Kai Zaharra" in Basque).

Paid parking is available right next to the beach.

The Bay Path (“Camino de la bahía” in Spanish) is a trail that spans a distance of 14 km (about 8.7 miles), starting at the eastern end of Hendaye ’s beach (France). The path continues by the waterside up to the bridge that crosses to Irun. It also goes further into Spain, crossing the town of Hondarribia.

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Hotels in Hondarribia

Hotel Palacete, Hondarribia - Spain

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Restaurants in hondarribia, hermandad de pescadores.

Inaugurated in 1947, Hermandad de Pescadores is one of the most famous and traditional restaurants of Hondarribia. They cook traditional Basque cuisine, specializing mainly in fish and seafood. The two star dishes of the restaurant are fish soup and hake.

The restaurant is located in an emblematic building from 1361 which was originally constructed to house the brotherhood of fishermen (“cofradía de pescadores”). This building was once the center of the local fishing industry and is where fisherman stored their nets for centuries.

Interestingly enough, the building was actually partially built with sand from the beach that went all the way up to its doors. You will notice today that the town has since expanded much further and the water is several blocks away.

The average price per person at Hermandad de Pescadores is 40 - 50 €.

Restaurant Sebastián

The decoration of the restaurant tries to keep that old general store charm. The atmosphere is intimate and relaxed – a perfect place for a romantic date.

The cuisine at Restaurant Sebastián is based on Basque heritage and is characterized by top quality raw ingredients. Miguel Soto, chef in charge of the restaurant for the past 10 years, defines Sebastián as being about, “50% gastronomy (good eating) and 50% well being”.

Asador Laia Erretegia

The Restaurant Laia Erretegia is run by the Ayala brother and sister: Jon and Arantxa. All year-round the restaurant functions as a grill house with its star dishes being ribs, turbot and bream. During the cider season (Jan. - April), the restaurant also functions as a cider house.

Restaurant Sugarri

Restaurant Sugarri is run by Manu Thalamas and Bixente Muñoz, the latter who is also the chef of the emblematic Bar Gran Sol. Their cuisine is based on tradition, their attention to detail and their creative personal touches added to the dishes. The main feature of each dish is the produce that is balanced with tradition, technique, vanguard and creativity.

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Restaurant Abarka

Restaurant Abarka is located in the outskirts of Hondarribia, in a beautiful natural landscape. It is housed in a traditional Basque farmhouse, built from stone and wood and features rustic interior decoration.

At Abarka, they strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere as well as to make every meal a five senses experience. The terrace invites guests to sit down and enjoy the green scenery, making the visit about more than just having a great meal.

The local produce and the ingredients in season are always the focus at Abarka. The menu offers a nice selection of both fish and meat.

Restaurant Alameda

Restaurant Alameda first started out as a popular snack bar in town, but today has evolved into one of the best restaurants in Hondarribia, currently possessing one Michelin star. The restaurant is run by the third generation of the Txapartegi family – the three brothers Mikel, Kepa and Gorka.

At Restaurant Alameda importance is given to the raw ingredients. The cuisine is based on the use of quality local produce to create attractive dishes that always satisfy the customers. It is a cuisine with roots, but at the same time, it is modern and authentic.

Apart from the menu, they offer two tasting menus for 115 € and 165 € (taxes included, drinks not included).

Pintxo Bars in Hondarribia

The pintxo bars of Hondarribia offer a large variety of pintxos, some of which are proudly exhibited on the bar counters and other that are cooked to order. It is part of the local culture to meet up with friends or family, especially on the weekends, and go for a couple of drinks and a couple of pintxos.

This act of going out to the bars is so much a part of the culture that they even have a name for it – txikiteo. The prime times to go txikiteo’ing are before lunch and dinner and the drinks and pintxos normally function as a type of appetizer.

Here is our list of the top 5 pintxo bars in Hondarribia.

Bar Restaurant Gran Sol

If you are visiting Hondarribia and only have the opportunity to try the pintxos at one place, then it should be at Bar Gran Sol. Chef Bixente Muñoz oversees this family-run bar that has become somewhat of an institution in town, frequented by locals and visitors alike.

The counter of the Gran Sol offers a large variety of pintxos (so called “cold pintxos”) that range from traditional Basque recipes to bold new creations. However, it is also possible and highly recommended, to order from the menu of warm pintxos which are cooked on the spot.

The pintxos of Gran Sol have won many contests on both Basque and Spanish levels.

The Bar Sardara opened its doors in 2014. The interior is beautifully decorated with a warm wooden ceiling that is contrasted with cool concrete floors and stone walls. The minimalist interior design, with its subdued color palette, complement the pintxo bar and allows for the real stars, the pintxos, to take center stage.

There are many beautiful creations displayed on the bar but there is also a kitchen ready to prepare a menu full of warm pintxos and raciones. Definitely, don’t leave without ordering a few. Some of our favorites are the tuna carpaccio and the grilled scallops (“vieiras" in Spanish).

The name “Sardara” makes reference to a phenomenon related to the fishing tradition in Hondarribia. Every autumn, the tunas come up closer to the surface of the water, following the schools of anchovies and other small fish. The tunas surround the small fish and then take turns as they plow through them, eating as many fish as possible. This phenomenon is known as “sardara.” In the past, the sardara was important because the fishermen from Hondarribia fished “by eye,” waiting for the sardara to occur so that they could catch the tuna.

While visiting Sardara, make sure to check out the television at the back of the bar that shows exactly what its name means.

Vinoteka Ardoka

Vinoteka Ardoka, located on the popular San Pedro Street, is a wine & pintxo bar. Mikel Rico opened its doors in 2008, as an alternative to the traditional pintxo bars, having a bigger focus on wine.

Vinoteka Ardoka offers a wide variety of both cold and warm pintxos as well as raciones, which are actually among the best in town. The star pintxos of Vinoteka Ardoka are cod confit with grilled peppers, tuna carpaccio and lollipop of the vegetables garden (pork ear wrapped in zucchini and ham with raspberry sauce and a grape, caramel and txakoli sauce lollipop).

However, what distinguishes Vinoteka Ardoka is the large selection of wine which is probably the best in town. The wine menu has between 40 and 50 items that change every year.

Bar Restaurant Yola Berri

The Bar Restaurant Yola Berri is located in the popular San Pedro Street and offers a wide variety of traditional pintxos as well as a menu of warm pintxos, raciones and cazuelitas. They specialize in traditional Basque cuisine and in particular, fish. Yola Berri has a very good price-quality ratio.

There is also a dining area in the underground floor where you can enjoy the menú del día (daily set menu).

Events in Hondarribia

Hondarribia blues festival.

Since its first edition in 2006, Hondarribia is proud to hold its own blues festival every year – known simply as the Hondarribia Blues Festival. Celebrated around the second weekend of July, the Hondarribia Blues Festival has seen artists such as Pinetop Perkins, Johnny Winter, Taj Mahal and in 2014, even Steven Seagal (yes, the actor and martial arts expert also plays music).

Patron Saint Festivities & Alarde

The main festivity of Hondarribia takes place between the 7 th and the 11 th of September in honor to the patron saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The biggest celebration within the festivity is called the "Alarde" which occurs on September 8 th . The Alarde is a military procession held to celebrate the vows made to the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1639 in gratitude for breaking the siege imposed on the town by French troops.

However, the Alarde is just one of many activities taking place during those five days in Hondarribia, since there are also concerts, Basque dance, Basque sport exhibitions, activities for children and much more.

Euskal Herria Pintxo Championship

The Euskal Herria Pintxo Championship (Campeonato de Euskal Herria de Pintxos) was born in Hondarribia in 2006 and is the most important pintxo contest of the region. Chefs from all over the Spanish and French Basque Countries as well as Navarre, enter their best pintxos to be judged.

Apart from the 3,000 € prize awarded to the winner, the pintxo and the chef that win are announced in the media and they can be assured that they will have a full bar for at least the next few months.

The Bar Gran Sol in Hondarribia is one of just a few establishments that have been awarded multiple times. In addition to winning first prize four times (2010, 2013, 2017 and 2023), the Gran Sol has also been awarded second and third place on several other occasions. The number of prizes won is one of the reasons for the huge popularity of the Gran Sol.

Currently, however, the Euskal Herria Pintxo Championship is held in a different Basque city each year. It usually lasts 3 days and takes place during the second half of October .

The entrance is free and, if you are a foodie, it is an event that you can’t miss. After the sessions of the first two days, the winners are announced on the third morning.

For updated information, visit the Pintxo Championship website .

Get In & Around

Once you arrive in Hondarribia, everything is reachable by foot.

Arriving to Hondarribia

PLANE – The airport of San Sebastian is actually located right next to Hondarribia. Currently there are only flights to Madrid and Barcelona from that airport. The company Ekialdebus offers buses that connect the airport with both Hondarribia and San Sebastián.

The next closest airport is located in Biarritz (20 km away). Although there isn't a bus from that airport to Hondarribia, the company Pesa offers buses that go to the neighboring towns of Irún and Hendaye .

Find the cheapest airline tickets with Omio (a flight aggregator that offers travelers the best fares on airline tickets).

CAR – Hondarribia is located next to the toll road AP-8. The AP-8 is called the “Highway of the Cantabrian” and, as its name indicates, runs along the northern coast of Spain. It is a toll road within the Basque Country, becoming a free road all the way to Galicia. This same road becomes the A-63 in France.

There is also another road that passes next to Hondarribia called N-121. It comes from Pamplona and ends in Irún.

There is a free parking area in Hondarribia located in front of the Santa Maria gate, which is the main entrance to the Old Town. This is the best parking option. There is also another parking situated next to the beach, which is a paid parking during the summer months (9 € per day for cars, 29 € per day for motorhomes).

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BUS – There isn't a proper bus station in Hondarribia, but several bus stops throughout the town.

The company Ekialdebus offers buses that connect Hondarribia with San Sebastián, Irún and other surrounding towns.

Buy your bus tickets here .

Get the best deals on bus, train and plane tickets with Omio

TRAIN – There isn't a train station in Hondarribia. The closest stations are located in Hendaye, Irún and San Sebastián.

From Hendaye, there are direct connections to other towns of the French Basque Country such as St Jean de Luz (12 min, 3 €), Biarritz (25 min, 6 €) and Bayonne (35 min, 8 €). There is also a line from EuskoTren known by the locals as “El Topo” which connects San Sebastian with Hendaye in 35 minutes. There is one train every half an hour, every day of the week and the trip costs 4.60 € (there and return). From Hendaye, there are also trains to other big French cities such as Paris, Toulouse or Nice.

The train station of Irún offers a wide variety of short and long distance trains with destinations all over Spain (such as Galicia, Cataluña and Madrid) and even Lisbon.

Buy your train tickets here .

BOAT – The company Jolaski offers a ferry service between Hondarribia and Hendaye. There is a boat every half an hour and it takes around 10 minutes.

In summer, there are boats from 10 am until 1 am. In winter, the first boat leaves Hondarribia at 11 am and the last one at 7 pm. The ticket costs 2.50 €.

Other Places of Interest in the Surroundings

San Sebastian, Donosti, Basque Country, Spain

Map – Things to Do in Hondarribia

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Now, if San Sebastian is one of the prettiest cities in the Basque Country , Hodarribia (Fuenterrabía in Spanish) has to be up there as one of the prettiest towns! 

Set on the French-Spanish border, it’s a town with plenty of history which is evident as you walk through its charming streets. 

With the River Bidasoa, the beach, the mountains and a gastronomy scene to rival San Sebastian, this small Medieval town packs a punch! It makes it a perfect day trip from Donostia or an unmissable stop on a tour of the Basque Country. 

In this article, we’ll run through the top reasons as to why you should make the effort to visit.

Things to do in Hondarribia

Whether you’re staying in Hondarribia for a while, or visiting for a few hours, you can’t miss out on the recommendations below. 

The good news is, Hondarribia is a small town and it’s easy to walk around all the main sites in an afternoon. 

1. Explore the Old Town within the fortified walls

However you get to Hondarribia, I’d recommend that you start from the south side of the town (close to the Santa María Gate). The good news is, if you get the bus from San Sebastian, there’s a stop right outside. 

From here, you get a first glimpse of the well-preserved fortified walls which have protected the Old Town of Hondarribia for centuries. 

Initially, it’s worth heading west on Calle Harresilanda, where you get a greater view of the magnitude of the walls and their impressive structure. 

Once you’ve got a grasp of the size of the walls, head back to the main Santa María Gate where you’re presented with the original Medieval entrance that first greeted visitors to Hondarribia. 

From the main entrance, you can then head up Calle Nagusia. This “main” street is one of the oldest in the town and home to some of the most beautiful and original buildings in Hondarribia. 

It’s worth getting lost in the charming cobbled streets to admire some of the old wooden balconies and delightful Baroque structures. Or you can discover the points of interest in the Old Town here .

2. Take in the views from Plaza de Armas & The Castle of Charles V

Calle Nagusia (Main Street) comes to an end at the top of the hill at the Plaza de Armas (Weapons Square), which is convenient as it’s our next recommendation on the list!

The Plaza de Armas has a privileged location in Hondarribia. One of the highest points in the centre of town, it has impressive views over the River Bidasoa, the French town of Hendaye and the Txingudi Bay. 

But whilst there’s plenty to look at beyond the square, there’s also plenty to admire in it. In fact it’s one of my favourite spots in Hondarribia for a number of reasons!

The old castle known as “Castle of Charles V” dates back to the 10th century and is one of the most impressive buildings in the town. It has a long history, having served as a barracks, but also a palace for the Spanish Royal Family.

Today, it’s one of the best hotels in Hondarribia (Parador Hotel), but you can still enter and get a close up view of this historic building. 

On the outskirts of the square are also some of the more beautifully decorated houses in the town. The bright coloured balconies are typical in Hondarribia and there are probably no better examples than those bordering the Plaza de Armas. 

3. Wander through the Marina Neighbourhood

Once you’ve had enough of the Old Town, head down to the Marina Neighbourhood. It’s located between the Old Town and the water and where the town’s fishermen used to live. 

Here you’ll find more examples of the beautiful Basque style homes that characterise Hondarribia, with colourful balconies and windows. It really is the typical postcard setting! 

But the main attraction of this neighbourhood has to be Calle San Pedro. 

This pedestrianised street is packed full of bars and restaurants. On a nice day, the street is buzzing as tourists and locals enjoy the large terraces for an aperitivo (aperitif) or a meal from one of the excellent restaurants . 

It’s the perfect place for a pit-stop or a bit of lunch before continuing on with the rest of the town’s attractions. 

4. Take in the views from the Paseo de Butrón

If you did stop for a bite to eat in the Marina Neighbourhood, then you’re going to want to walk that food down. And there’s no better place to do so than the Paseo de Butrón.

The path hugs the River Bidasoa from Parking Benta in the Marina Neighbourhood, pretty much down to the beach. 

It’s a pleasant pedestrianised path, with views over the River Bidasoa, Hendaye town and Txingudi Bay. A hit with dog walkers, young families and cuadrillas (groups of friends) that sit on the wall chatting, it’s a place for everyone.

It’s worth continuing the path to the port of Hondarribia where you can watch some of the small fishing boats coming and going out of the port.   

5. Relax on the beach

After all the exploring and walking, you deserve a little bit of relaxation time! This is where the beach of Hondarria comes in. 

With 800m of golden sand, the beach is big enough for the 15,000 or so people who live in Hondarribia plus all the tourists. 

The Bay of Hondarribia and the port wall further down the headland protect this beach. Meaning that even on days when there’s big waves on other beaches nearby , the water at Hondarribia beach is usually calm and tranquil. 

The beach also has all the amenities you’d need such as showers, changing rooms, bathrooms and lifeguards, making it a popular spot for families. 

If you’re not much of a sun bather, close to the beach you can walk down the promenade that stretches way into the Bay of Hondarribia. Here you’re treated to some of the finest views of the French territory on the other side of the estuary. 

How to get to Hondarribia

Despite being on the border with France, Hondarribia is tucked away in the far northern corner of Spain. 

This means the local trains don’t reach the town, but there are plenty of other ways to get here. 

The easiest public transport route to Hondarribia is by bus. 

Whilst there isn’t a main bus station in the town, there are plenty of stops along the route where you can get off and explore the areas you want. 

If you’re travelling from San Sebastian, you’ll want to take the E20 or E21 that leave from Plaza Gipuzkoa. The E-21 is a little quicker (taking 30 minutes) with a quick stop off at San Sebastian Airport. The E-20 takes 45 minutes stopping off at more towns on the way, but it also runs more frequently. 

You can check out the timetables for the E20 and E21 here. 

If you have access to a car whilst in the Basque Country, then travelling to Hondarribia by car is a good option. 

The town is located just off the AP-8 (which becomes the A-63 on the French side of the border). From San Sebastian, the journey will take just under 30 minutes via. this route (it is a toll road). If you want to avoid any tolls, you can take the GI-636 which takes a few minutes extra but is toll-free.

There are plenty of car parks and on-street parking once you reach Hondarribia. The biggest are probably Parking Benta in the Marina Neighbourhood or the car park near the beach . 

By boat taxi

If you’re coming to Hondarribia from France, or you want to cover off both Hondarribia and Hendaye in one day, then there’s a great little ferry line that will take you across the border between the two towns. 

It leaves Hondarribia every 15 minutes and takes around 7 minutes to reach Hendaye. There’s even space for bicycles and dogs.

It’s a great way to avoid any road traffic on the border, with the added bonus of some fantastic views of Hondarribia, Hendaye and Irún. You can find out more information here . 

It may be called San Sebastian Airport, but it’s actually closer to Hondarribia. 

If you’re travelling from further afield and have the option to travel to San Sebastian Airport (there are limited national flights leaving from here), then it’s a great, easy way to get to Hondarribia without having to travel from Bilbao Airport to San Sebastian. 

The E21 bus connects the airport with both Hondarribia and San Sebastian, making it easy to get to either when you’ve landed. 

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The Best of Basque

hondarribia tour francia

  • Modified: 22/05/2024

Hondarribia: A Culinary and Cultural Delight

Hondarribia, also known as Fuenterrabía in Spanish, is not just one of the most charming towns in the Basque Country, but it’s also home to some of the region’s finest bars and restaurants. If you have a penchant for Basque cuisine, then your journey wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Hondarribia. Its well-preserved old town, laid-back maritime atmosphere, and fantastic food are just a few of the reasons why Hondarribia ranks high on our list of favorite destinations.

Hondarribia is undeniably one of the most beautiful towns in the Basque Country, and it officially holds the title of a “city,” which was bestowed upon it in the 17th century after several battles against the French. If you’re only planning to visit one town in the Basque Country, this should probably be it. This colorful fishing village, rich in both architecture and gastronomy, is a feast for the eyes and the taste buds.


In recent years, Hondarribia has experienced an incredible boom in its culinary scene. This is thanks to young chefs who, after studying under the tutelage of famous Basque cooks such as Martin Berasategui and Pedro Subijana (see Michelin Star Restaurants), have brought their knowledge and talents to Hondarribia. The quality of their new gastronomy undoubtedly rivals that of San Sebastian, the other Basque gourmet mecca.

Hondarribia is becoming increasingly touristy, but fortunately, that doesn’t mean you’ll find a lot of souvenir shops. Instead, more and more restaurants and pintxos bars continue to open. This competition has led to only the best establishments surviving, and there are indeed many amazing options. The selection, combined with the value for money, makes Fuenterrabía a tough place to beat.

In addition to its impressive culinary scene, Hondarribia is also home to a well-preserved Old Town surrounded by a medieval wall, the only one in the province of Guipuzcoa. The Old Town is filled with beautiful Basque-style houses, most of them sporting colorful wooden balconies. There are also numerous Baroque buildings that add to the charm of the Old Town. With its maze of narrow cobblestone streets, the Old Town begs to be explored.

Aside from the Old Town, the other area you shouldn’t miss when visiting Hondarribia is the Marina neighborhood. This is where most of the bars and restaurants that have given the town its fame are located. The main street that runs through the neighborhood is pedestrianized, lined with trees, and full of beautiful houses and dining establishments.

Hondarribia’s other tourist attraction is its beach, which stretches for 800 meters, offering sand and calm waters to both locals and tourists.

Touring Hondarribia from San Sebastian

If you’re planning to visit Hondarribia from San Sebastian, then this tour might be the perfect way to explore this beautiful town. It also includes stops in the traditional fishing villages of San Juan (Pasaia) and San Pedro.

Top Things to See and Do in Hondarribia

We’ve carefully selected the best things to see and do in Hondarribia. From indulging in pintxos in the Marina neighborhood to exploring the Old Town, here’s everything you need to know about tourism in Hondarribia.

Plaza de Armas

Plaza de Armas

The Plaza de Armas is dominated by a magnificent building called the Castle of Carlos V , which now serves as a Parador. You can get a glimpse inside the building even without staying there by visiting the bar, which has a separate entrance on the side of the building.

From the Plaza de Armas, we recommend wandering through the streets of the Old Town, making sure to visit other notable areas like the Plaza Guipuzcoa. After strolling through the Old Town, you can gradually descend to the Marina neighborhood.

Puerta de San Nicolás

Puerta de San Nicolas

The Puerta de Santa María, a medieval gate, was and still is the main entrance to the town. This gate welcomes visitors and guides them to Kale Nagusia (Main Street), where you’ll find some of the most beautiful buildings in the Old Town.

One of these buildings is the town hall of Hondarribia, housed in an 18th-century Baroque construction.

Palacio de Zuloaga

Zuloaga Palace

There are two other Baroque buildings that particularly catch the eye on Kale Nagusia. The first one is the Zuloaga Palace, an 18th-century urban palace that now houses the municipal library and historical archive.

Fuenterrabia Iglesia de Santa Mar%C3%ADa de la Asunci%C3%B3n y del Manzano 50

Church of Santa Maria

The Church of Santa Maria de la Asunción and del Manzano was built in the 15th and 16th centuries on the ruins of a Roman church and ancient walls.

Although the construction of the building began in 1474, it lasted longer than planned, as Castile was trying to conquer the Kingdom of Navarre at that time.

At a certain point, the renovation of the medieval fortifications of Hondarribia was so urgent that materials for the construction of the church had to be transported to the walls.

Finally, in 1549, after multiple battles, the first stage of construction was completed, and the building was consecrated.

Although the church was primarily constructed in the Gothic style, some Renaissance elements were added to the building during the 16th century, such as the entrance we see today.

Another noteworthy feature of the church is the Baroque bell tower (18th century) designed by Francisco de Ibero.

If you have the opportunity to enter the church, be sure to climb the stairs and admire the beautiful organ.

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Basque Cider House Experience

Old Town Hondarribia

Castle of Carlos V – Parador de Hondarribia

The impressive building that houses the Parador de Hondarribia was originally a fortress built at the end of the 10th century by King Sancho II of Pamplona. It is now known as the Castle of Carlos V due to the restoration and expansion work carried out by Carlos V in the 16th century.

The most important guests that the Castle of Carlos V has seen in its many centuries of history were probably members of the Spanish Royal Family.

1280px Txingudi badia

Marina Neighborhood

The Marina Neighborhood is located next to the old port (“Kai Zahar” in Basque), and it’s where Hondarribia’s fishermen lived for centuries. Situated between the walled Old Town and the sea, it’s an area full of charming Basque-style houses with colorful balconies and shutters.

Paseo del Butrón

Another attraction of the Marina neighborhood is the Butrón Promenade, which stretches along the water and is perfect for a leisurely walk. From the Butrón Promenade, you can enjoy beautiful views of the Cantabrian Sea, the estuary of the Bidasoa River, and the bay of Txingudi with Hendaye (France) on the other side.

1280px Hondarribia Plage

Fuenterrabia Beach

Hondarribia is home to a beautiful 800-meter-long beach. The beach offers lifeguard services, bathrooms, showers, and changing rooms, as well as some activities to keep children entertained. Due to all the facilities and calm waters, Fuenterrabía Beach is very popular among locals and tourists, especially families with children. There is also a promenade that surrounds the beach and the port, continuing south along the water to reach the Butrón Promenade in the old port (“Kai Zaharra” in Basque). There is paid parking next to the beach.

Hondarribia offers a delightful blend of history, culture, stunning architecture, and exceptional cuisine. Whether you’re exploring the charming Old Town, savoring pintxos in the Marina neighborhood, or taking in the breathtaking views along the Bay Path, this town in the Basque Country promises a memorable and enriching experience for all travelers.

Irene Krespo

Irene Krespo

Irene was born and raised in Bilbao. She has a deep rooted passion for her country and culture. She has a Bachelors degree in education and has traveled to over 85 countries throughout the world. List of professional guides in the Basque Country

tours of basque 394x303 1

Zachary was born in Michigan, USA. He has lived in the Basque Country for over 10 years, and fell in love with the natural beauty and quality of life found here. He earned a Bachelors degree in economics from DePaul University in Chicago.

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TOUR DE FRANCIA 2023 – PASO POR HONDARRIBIA E IRUN + Afecciones de tráfico

3 julio, 2023 · 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm.

hondarribia tour francia

El 1 de julio el Tour de Francia , la prueba ciclista más importante del mundo, sale de Euskadi e Irun será testigo del paso del pelotón dos días (2 y 3 de julio) y Hondarribia (2 de julio).


Es importante subrayar que el paso del pelotón del Tour requiere que con varias horas de antelación (hay toda una caravana promocional de medio millar de vehículos que pasa antes que los corredores) se corte el tráfico en los alrededores, vallándose gran parte del recorrido. Esto conlleva que no se pueda cruzar la calle por la que circula la carrera, incluso a pie. Se recomienda en la medida de lo posible, evitar los desplazamientos esos días sobre todo en las horas de corte. Cabe añadir que desde el 30 de junio por la tarde hasta el día 3 no se podrá aparcar en el recorrido de la carrera.

Día 2 de julio

El primer paso del pelotón será el 2 de julio, en el transcurso de la segunda etapa Vitoria Gasteiz-Donostia-San Sebastián. El Tour entrará en Irun a las 16.23 horas (según horario de la organización) por el alto de Gurutze para dirigirse a la rotonda de Tesa y enfilar la avda. Letxunborro entera, para girar en Zubimuxu y seguir hacia Hondarribia . Por este motivo, desde las 13.30 horas hasta las 17.40 horas, aproximadamente todo este recorrido estarán cortado al paso de personas y vehículos por el paso del pelotón, tanto entradas como las salidas y no se podrá cruzar de ningún modo.  

Las calles afectadas por el paso del Tour este día son las siguientes: AVDA LETXUNBORRO ENTERA AMBOS SENTIDOS – AVDA. ELIZATXO, (Desde Porcelanas hasta el Café Irun) – MONTE ALDABE (desde glorieta del Hospital hasta Burniola) – C/OSPITALE (desde cruce de c/Puiana hasta Letxunborro) – C/ANAKA (desde C/Peñas de Aia hasta Letxunborro) – JAIZKIBEL (desde c/Agerre hasta c/Peñas de Aia) – C/Hondarribia;  ACCESO A ZUBIMUXU CORTADO DESDE GI636.

Durante el corte, para las entradas y salidas de la ciudad de Irun, se recomienda usar la ronda Sur por Oñaurre.

Día 3 de julio

La tercera etapa del Tour (Amorebieta-Baiona) entrará en Irun a las 16.03 horas (según horario de la Organización) por la rotonda del hotel Urdanibia para, a través de la avenida Letxunborro, girar en calle Anaka entrando en el centro de Irun por la calle Estación y todo el paseo Colón hasta la avenida Iparralde, desde la que saldrán de Irun para cruzar el Bidasoa, camino de Baiona pasando por delante de Ficoba. Todo el recorrido de la carrera por Irun centro, desde calle Estación hasta la avda. Iparralde pasando por el paseo Colón estará vallado y cortado a vehículos y cruce de personas desde dos horas antes. Así que, de 13.05 horas a 17.20 horas no se podrá atravesar las calles por las que pase el pelotón.

Las calles afectadas por el paso del Tour este día son las siguientes: AVDA LETXUNBORRO, COMPLETA EN AMBOS SENTIDOS; AVDA. ELIZATXO, desde la glorieta de Porcelanas hasta el Café Irun; C/ MONTE ALDABE, desde calle Burniola hasta Hospital; C/ OSPITALE, desde cruce Puiana hasta Letxunborro; C/ ANAKA, completa en ambos sentidos; C/ JAIZKIBEL, unión con c/Anaka; C/ ESTACIÓN entera; PASEO COLON entero en ambos sentidos; AVDA. IPARRALDE entera en ambos sentidos.

Estos cortes producidos por el Tour de Francia conllevarán en la práctica el cierre al tráfico de varias zonas de la ciudad; en concreto: avda. Letxunborro entre los números 77 y 91; calle Anaka; calles Pagoa, Haltza, Gorosti, Haritza y Gaztainondo; todo el barrio Mendibil; la avenida Iparralde, entorno de Gal (calles Patricio Arabolaza, Kostorbe Alde; Tren Txikito y Real Unión); y zona comercial de Santiago.

Durante el corte, para las entradas y salidas de la ciudad de Irun se recomienda usar la ronda Sur por Oñaurre.

Irunbus: Modificaciones

– Domingo, 2 de julio Horario: 13.30-17.40 horas (aprox.) Se producirán las siguientes restricciones al tráfico en las líneas urbanas de IrunBus, L1-Zaisa Hospital y L2-San Juan-Ventas-Txingudi.

– Lunes, 3 de julio Horario: 13.00 – 17.30 horas (aprox.) Se producirán las siguientes restricciones al tráfico en las líneas urbanas de IrunBus,  L1-Zaisa Hospital y L2 y L4,  se unificarán y realizarán un recorrido circular.

Los contenedores serán retirados antes del 3 de Julio y se recolocarán a partir de las 17.00 horas del día 3.

Las isletas que serán retiradas: 

– Isleta de Anaka nº1.

– Isleta de Paseo Colón nº54.

– Isleta de Paseo Colón nº31.


El día 2 de julio, la segunda etapa del Tour de Francia pasa por Hondarribia , y con el objetivo de informar de las afecciones que acarreará la cita, el Ayuntamiento de Hondarribia ha habilitado la web con toda la información relativa al paso de la carrera.

Ese día se van a movilizar en Hondarribia 40 agentes municipales y auxiliares de policía, 33 Voluntarios y 8 Ertzainas. Harán un intenso control de cruces, semáforos, rotondas, salidas de garajes y urbanizaciones, para que se pueda garantizar la seguridad.

La carrera llegará desde la Avenida de Letxunborro para entrar en Mendelu, Amutalde y seguir por la carretera del Aeropuerto. En la rotonda de Gabarrari seguirán hasta la rotonda de Minasoroeta, para continuar por Harresilanda kalea frente a las Murallas, y girar a izquierda subiendo por Jaizkibel Etorbidea hasta la Copa, y bajar por Kattalin Erauso hasta la rotonda de Labreder para desde allí subir al Santuario de Guadalupe, y continuar por Jaizkibel.

Desde el viernes 30 de junio se cortará la subida a Guadalupe y Jaizkibel a los vehículos, excepto a los vecinos de la zona con los que la Guardia Municipal ya ha contactado. El sábado 1 se colocará el vallado en las zonas afectadas por el paso de la carrera, con lo que también habrá afecciones al tráfico.

El mismo día 2 de julio, se espera que la caravana publicitaria con 600 vehículos que pasa antes que los corredores entre por Mendelu a las 14.50 horas, y la carrera a las 16.26 horas. Desde las 11.30 horas de la mañana se realizará un corte total a la circulación de vehículos en los puntos de confluencia con el recorrido de la prueba. Solo se permitirá el paso a residentes y con motivo justificado. Así mismo, se procederá al corte del tráfico por el puente de Amute. Se habilitarán cuatro recorridos peatonales, la primera en Amute para subir por la zona rural hasta Guadalupe, la segunda desde la zona de Txiplao y subir por ZImizarga para llegar a Guadalupe por la zona rural, y las dos últimas por la parte este de la Ciudad, desde las escaleras mecánicas de Madalengain o el Polideportivo Hondartza, para subir por la zona rural, sin acercarse en ningún momento al trayecto de la carrera.

Una hora más tarde, a las 12.30 horas, todas las calles, bocacalles, caminos, garajes y demás vías que confluyen con el recorrido de la carrera estarán cortadas y, por lo tanto, no se podrán usar hasta el final de la carrera, aproximadamente a las 17.30 horas.

A las 13.30 horas, se cortará el tráfico de forma estricta en todos los puntos que confluyen con el recorrido de la prueba. A partir de este momento tampoco se podrá cruzar a pie el trazado de la prueba bajo ninguna circunstancia.

El siguiente día, lunes 3 de julio, la carrera pasará al mediodía por Irun a las 16.00 horas, por lo que se esperan grandes afecciones al tráfico en toda la comarca.

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THE 10 BEST Hondarribia Tours & Excursions

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1. "3Bahias" 2 Countries from San Sebastian to France, lunch included

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2. SAVEURS of French BASQUE COUNTRY - Private Gastronomic Adventure

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3. Biarritz, St Jean de Luz & Hondarribia Private Cultural Adventure

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4. Sea trip along the Basque Coast, Departure from Saint-Jean-de-Luz

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5. Hondarribia, S.Juan & S.Pedro Small Group Tour from San Sebastian

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6. BAYONNE, BIARRITZ and SAINT JEAN DE LUZ - Private Cultural Adventure

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7. 5 full days in the Basque Country

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8. 3 Day Basque Country Private Tour

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9. Guided Tapas Tour Hondarribia from Hendaye with Food and Drinks

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10. Nautical Excursion in Spain between Hondarribia and Pasaia

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11. Basque Coast Road Bike Tour

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12. FRENCH BASQUE COAST Hike - Private Outdoor and Gastronomic Adventure

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13. Tour of Olite and the royal castle.

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14. 4 Day Basque Country Tour: San Sebastian, Biarritz, Bilbao and Rioja

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15. Private Transfer from San Sebastian to Biarritz

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16. Highlights of the Basque Country 4-Day Private Tour

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17. Basque-French Coastline Private Experience

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18. Biarritz & La Côte Basque Private tour

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19. Private tour of Fuenterrabia with pintxo and pasaia coast.

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20. The Basque maritime past

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21. Essential Walking Tour through the Emblematic Places of Hondarribia

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22. Private Tour Hondarribia, San Juan & San Pedro From San Sebastian

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24. Saint James Way Trekking Tour with Gastronomic Society Dinner

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25. Private half day tours in San Sebastian

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26. 5 days Basque Country & Rioja wine region

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27. Private Tour: Hondarribia & San Sebastian with Lunch from Bilbao

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28. San Sebastian and the Basque Coast Tour

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29. San Sebastian and Hondarribia Private Tour from Bilbao

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30. Saint-Jean-de-Luz and Hondarribia Private Tour from San Sebastian

What travelers are saying.

Curtis J

2 de Julio, Hondarribia

Logo Tour de France

Somos p u r a pasión

Dónde ver el Tour

El recorrido.

La etapa se podrá seguir desde cualquier punto del municipio, siempre y cuando no suponga un peligro para la seguridad personal o para el paso de la carrera. En este sentido, rogamos colaboración con los agentes de la Ertzaintza, Guardia Municipal y voluntarios de carrera.

Dónde no puedes ver el Tour

Pasarela de san nicolás.

Por razones de espacio, estructura y seguridad, la prueba no se podrá seguir desde la Pasarela de San Nicolás.

Varios agentes de la Guardia Municipal se ubicarán en este lugar para garantizar que las personas puedan usar la pasarela para cruzar de un lado al otro del recorrido, al tiempo que evitarán que la gente se detenga y se aglutine para ver el paso de la carrera.

Así que recuerda: si vas a ver el Tour, por tu seguridad y la del resto de personas, no se podrá seguir la carrera desde la pasarela de San Nicolás.

Cómo acceder a Jaizkibel

Rutas peatonales.

Para ver el paso de la carrera por Jaizkibel, se han habilitado 4 puntos de partida en distintos puntos del municipio, que confluyen en dos rutas peatonales que llegarán hasta el Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Estos recorridos cuentan con carteles de señalización cada 300 metros aproximadamente.

Icono recorrido

Los 4 puntos de partida de estos recorridos se encuentran en las siguientes zonas: Amute (desde el puente y siguiendo el camino de Santiago), Biteri (desde el parking ubicado junto al parque infantil), Portua (Maddalengain) y desde Hondartza (Arroka, junto a las pistas de Tenis y el parque infantil).

Las rutas que parten de Portua y Hondartza confluyen por el lado norte del recorrido hasta el Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, mientras que las rutas que parten de Amute y Biteri llegan desde el lado sur .

Es importante tener en cuenta que cada una de estas dos rutas peatonales confluyen en el Santuario desde lados distintos del recorrido, el cual se cerrará a partir de las 13:30. Por lo tanto, si deseas cambiar de lado del recorrido una vez llegado al Santuario, deberás hacerlo antes del cierre de la carretera .

hondarribia tour francia

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Discover the Best Hondarribia Tours

This picturesque border town lies across an estuary from France. Hondarribia is known for its well-preserved ancient old quarter with a castle. Its most charming areas are the Plaza de Armas where you will find the Gothic Iglesia de Santa Maria de la Asuncion and La Marina with its quintessential fishermen’s houses that have facades painted bright green or blue and wooden balconies overflowing with flowers.

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Plot lines, protagonists, episodes, and more: Your ultimate guide to the blockbuster 'behind the scenes' Tour de France series.

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Netflix took the Tour de France to the box office last summer with its debut season of Tour de France: Unchained, and it’s back to give the race the red carpet treatment again this month.

The streaming giant drops the second season of Tour de France: Unchained on Tuesday, June 11 , less than three weeks before the grand départ of this summer’s race for the yellow jersey.

The eight-episode series tracks the 2023 Tour and the battle royale between Tadej Pogačar and Jonas Vingegaard . It covers the carnage of the Col de la Loze, the beef between Visma-Lease a Bike and Groupama FDJ, the tensions aboard team Ineos Grenadiers, and a whole lot more.

Velo got early access to the show – titled Au Cœur Du Peloton in French – and it’s safe to say it’s a must-watch thrill fest .

But what more would you expect from a box set where the protagonists are beyond-the-peloton VIPs like Pogačar and Mark Cavendish , and perma-disgruntled staffers like Patrick Lefevere and Marc Madiot?

So stock up on popcorn and select your spot on the sofa. Here’s all you need to know about season 2 of Netflix’s Tour de France: Unchained .

The production: How it was made

Behind the scenes footage gives all-new insight into the Tour de France.

Tour de France: Unchained offers the audience a whole new view of the bubbling cauldron that is the Tour de France.

Camera crews were embedded within participating teams and granted “access all areas” for the three-week race.

Production house Quadbox/Box to Box employed more than 80 people to amass content from riders’ apartments, team buses, medical rooms, and training camps.

On-bike cameras and broadcaster race footage were then spliced into Netflix’s own material to give the audience the ultimate “fly on the wall” view of the world’s biggest and fastest race.

Layer some interviews with riders, staff, and TV pundits on top of that, and you get a multi-dimension depiction of Le Tour,  independent of team-produced movies and cautiously crafted communiques .

The vibe: Not all adrenaline this time around

Jasper Philipsen, Unchained

Hardened bike nerds should approach Tour de France: Unchained with caution. It’s a product targeted at a “mass-market” Netflix audience rather than avid consumers of every second of a grand tour sprint stage.

Producers at Quadbox/Box to Box make sure to explain pro cycling to their channel-hopping audience.

Talking heads interviews with riders, staff, and TV pundits sketch out the background behind lead plotlines like Cavendish’s quest to go better than Eddy Merckx, and Pogačar’s push to return to his Tour de France throne.

But that doesn’t become irritating for the hardcore “couch peloton.”

Unchained does a good job of unraveling the quirks of what is a complex sport without dumbing down the delicious little details that make it so rich.

The mission to thrill a show-surfing, multi-screening audience means Unchained is no slow-burn interrogation of motivations and key moves. It’s a 4D rendering of the Tour de France accelerated to 120 percent.

The first episode in particular is a sensory overload of crashes, controversies, and near-hysterical hype.

But once the tone has been set, things simmer down to a more gentle bubble for the rest of the series. In fact, after that whirlwind introduction, season 2 is far more measured than season 1.

From massage table tantrums to training ride meltdowns: These are the juiciest moments from Season 2 of Netflix’s ‘Tour de France: Unchained’: — Velo (@velovelovelo__) June 4, 2024

Lead director Yann Le Bourbouach told Velo how he wanted season 2 to offer an older, wiser, and more mature experience than that seen last summer.

“Our main goal was to go deeper into our characters’ stakes and way of living the Tour,” Le Bourbouach told Velo . “It would permit various viewer types to identify themselves into our character-driven stories, like in any other scripted or unscripted series.”

There’s closer attention to the unique players of the multi-national peloton than in the show’s debut, and it’s a welcome shift from the red-lining racing review of before.

Le Bourbouach explained how he purposely expanded the number of teams tracked in season 2 so he could examine big personalities like Cavendish, Pogačar, Pello Bilbao, and Matej Mohorič.

“We tried to have more serialized stories from one episode to another, for example, Ben O Connor’s redemption, or the yellow jersey fight between Vingegaard and Pogačar,” Le Bourbouach said.

The protagonists

Pogačar and UAE Emirates are welcome additions to the second season of the show.

Like in season 1, producers collaborated with Ag2r-Citroën [now Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale], Alpecin-Deceuninck, Bora-Hansgrohe, EF Education-EasyPost, Groupama-FDJ, Ineos Grenadiers, Jumbo-Visma [now Visma-Lease a Bike] and Soudal Quick-Step for season 2 of Tour de France: Unchained .

And in a huge bonus to the new series, there are three additions to the lineup: Bahrain Victorious, Astana Qazaqstan, and UAE Team Emirates.

Cooperation with this latter trio gave producer Le Bourbouach the access to Mohorič, Cavendish, and Pogačar he craved for his “more mature” second season.

Vingegaard, Tom Pidcock, Wout van Aert, Julian Alaphilippe, and Ben O’Connor join Pogačar and Co. as the show’s poster protagonists.

Outside of the peloton, team directors like Madiot (Groupama-FDJ), Lefevere (Soudal Quick-Step), Richard Plugge (Jumbo-Visma), and Jonathan Vaughters (EF Education-EasyPost) provide sizzler soundbites and insights that make them essential actors in the Unchained soap opera.

Lastly, talking heads contributions from top TV pundits Orla Chennaoui and Steve Chainel dial up the hype a few notches further.

Will there be a season 3? And where the heck is Tour de France Femmes?

Netflix is yet to cover the Tour de France Femmes.

Like season 1, there’s no acknowledgment of the Tour de France Femmes in the new series of Unchained .

Velo asked Le Bourbouach to address the elephant in the room.

“It’s only season 2 for this ambitious show,” he said. “We’re not closing the door for Tour de France Femmes, but we and Netflix first need to install Tour de France: Unchained in the long term.”

So was that a big hint that there will be a third season of Unchained,  and maybe some debut coverage for Demi Vollering, Lotte Kopecky, and the women’s peloton?

Le Bourbouach wouldn’t be drawn.

“For now we are focusing on the season 2 launch,” he said.

Box to Box and Netflix grew their groundbreaking expose of F1, Drive to Survive , to six seasons in just six years.

Just sayin’.

‘Tour de France: Unchained’ episode guide (per Netflix):

Pello Bilbao is a central character in Tour de France: Unchained.

1: No Risk, No Reward: In the wake of a tragic accident, a shaky peloton starts off in the Basque Country as team EF Education-EasyPost pins all its hopes on one rider.

2: The Third Man: Ben O’Connor, the new leader of Ag2r-Citröen, sets his sights on the first mountain stage as fellow Australian, Jai Hindley, vies for the same win.

3: No Mercy: Alpecin Deceuninck’s star sprinter Jasper Philipsen stops at nothing to win every sprint stage while Mark Cavendish looks to set a new Tour record.

4: For Gino: Having recently lost their beloved friend and team member Gino Mäder, the riders of team Bahrain Victorious are determined to win a stage in his honor.

5: The Enemy Within: As Ineos Grendiers rider Tom Pidcock struggles to adapt to a shifting team strategy, stage 14 sees Tadej Pogačar encounter a frustrating obstacle.

6: Domination: Stage 16 brings about a grueling time trial that ends with a vertiginous climb. As Jonas Vingegaard excels, suspicions about his performance arise.

7: Kamikaze Mission: Faced with their worst Tour ever, Soudal Quick Step turns to Julian Alphilippe for a stage win, but will team tensions and past injury get in the way?

8: The Last Dance: An adoring crowd awaits Thibaut Pinot on his last ever mountain stage. As the peloton reaches the Champs-Élysées, Jasper Philipsen strives to win again.

Let the hype for the 2nd season of “Tour de France: Unchained” start! — Mihai Simion (@faustocoppi60) May 16, 2024

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'Pluie, rain': Taylor Swift sings in a downpour on Eras Tour's first night in Lyon, France

hondarribia tour francia

Mark the first night in Lyon, France, as a rain show for the Eras Tour .

"Pluie, rain," Taylor Swift exclaimed to the sold-out show inside Groupama Stadium as she floated onto the stage during the "Speak Now" era. ("Pluie" is French for rain.)

Gray clouds loomed over the open-roofed stadium for the first hour of Swift's first show in the city in Eastern France. The band played underneath tents on both sides of the stage. The VIP and production booths on the ground floor were in tents as well. Some audience members wore colorful ponchos.

What was a slow-start sprinkle during "Enchanted," turned into a full downpour minutes later in the "Reputation" era. Swift and her dancers embraced the rain as she belted, "Baby, let the games begin." The bulk of the water show happened as Swift performed in her red and black bodysuit.

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During the combined "Folklore"/"Evermore" set, Swift sat at the moss-covered piano and acknowledged the appearance from Mother Nature.

"We have officially had a rain show tonight and that is set," she said before performing "Champagne Problems." "That is permanent. It doesn't matter if it doesn't rain again."

'Happy Pride Month, Lyon'

During " You Need to Calm Down ," an LGBTQ anthem for some Swifties, the singer made mention of rainbow-laden June.

"Happy Pride Month, Lyon," she said as wristwatches across the stadium lit up in rainbow colors and the audience waved their hands back and forth.

The singer-songwriter has one more show Monday night in Lyon before heading to Edinburgh, Scotland, for three shows this weekend.

Don't miss any Taylor Swift news; sign up for the  free, weekly newsletter This Swift Beat.  

Follow Taylor Swift reporter Bryan West on  Instagram ,  TikTok  and  X as @BryanWestTV .

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Tour de France 2024

Tour de France 2024

  • PS Plus required for online play
  • Supports up to 6 online players with PS Plus
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  • PS5 Version Vibration function supported (DualSense wireless controller)

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SHOW WHAT YOU CAN DO IN MULTIPLAYER Challenge players from around the world in multiplayer Criterium mode. Take part in online games for up to 6 players and establish your strategy to win the race. Create your own team of 2 riders from over 900 professional cyclists and choose a jersey that sets you apart. Play in Criterium mode each week and try to unlock additional content for your team. New professional riders and World Tour team jerseys will be available so you can modify your team the way you want. Adapt your strategy to the stage. In multiplayer, the Col du Galibier can be climbed with a mountain team as well as a sprint team. Your riders' characteristics are randomly set at the start of the game, to ensure all the players have the same chance. It's then up to you to prove you're the best on all surfaces. Each session is equally important and has to be played to the hilt. Where you finish influences the number of points you win. The better you perform, the faster you will progress towards race victories so you can unlock legendary riders. MORE TEAMS, MORE RIDERS, MORE CHOICES Play as even more riders in Tour de France 2024. In addition to all of the World Tour teams already included in the game, now you can access 15 playable Pro Tour teams and their riders. Burgos-BH, Kern Pharma, Euskatel-Euskadi, Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team, Team Novo Nordisk and many more await in the My Tour, Pro Team and Pro Leader modes. Which one will you choose? PRO LEADER | PRO TEAM: TAKE CONTROL OF THE MAJOR TEAMS In Pro Team and Pro Leader mode, take the reins of a professional peloton team while keeping the possibility of creating your own team. You can now choose to play as the team at the top of the UCI rankings or as a fictitious team. Based on your choice, you are free to build your team from the ground up, or you can bring on board the best riders in the peloton. CHOOSE YOUR RULES Explore the new customisation options in My Tour and choose the rules you want. Create your own cycle race from the stages available in the game and change the rules as you wish. Use the Tour de France rules or the Paris-Nice and Critérium du Dauphiné rules to make your Tours different. OTHER NEW FEATURES: • Improved accessibility for people with disabilities • Revised AI for mountain and intermediate sprint stages • The 2024 Tour de France route • Shorter or longer time spent on the ground depending on how serious the fall is • Leaders let their teammates go ahead in the mountains to act as relays • Controller vibrations on dirt roads


Taylor Swift performs 'Glitch' from 'Midnights' for first time in France: Watch

Taylor Swift brought her massive Eras Tour and acoustic set to Lyon, France, for two special nights.

For night two , Swift combined "Glitch" from "Midnights" with "Everything Has Changed" from "Red (Taylor's Version)."

"Glitch" was the last song off "Midnights" Swift has never before performed live. She's now done every song off of "Speak Now (Taylor's Version)" and "Midnights."

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"This is another song I've never performed live before," she said when sitting at the piano to perform a "Tortured Poets" track.

The singer-songwriter sang "Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus."

'Long story short' there was a piano glitch

On night one, the singer-songwriter began with a mashup of "The Prophecy" from "The Tortured Poets Department" and "Long Story Short" from "Evermore." It was the first time Swift had performed the song off of "Tortured Poets" during this leg of her Eras Tour.

Then came a couple more tracks for her acoustic set, but not without some technical glitches.

"Something's wrong with the piano," Swift said, sitting down at her flower-painted instrument. One of her production crew members opened the lid to check the inside. After a quick delay, she began singing "Fifteen" from "Fearless (Taylor's Version)" and the crowd inside the Groupama Stadium erupted.

Finally, she dove into her most performed acoustic song, "You're On Your Own Kid" from "Midnights."

Fans screamed the bridge as Swift played before finishing the mashup with the final lines of "Fifteen."

Click here for a complete list of her surprise songs, including the tunes she's never done.

Don't miss any Taylor Swift news; sign up for the  free, weekly newsletter This Swift Beat.  

Follow Taylor Swift reporter Bryan West on  Instagram ,  TikTok  and  X as @BryanWestTV .

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Taylor Swift performs 'Glitch' from 'Midnights' for first time in France: Watch

American singer and songwriter Taylor Swift performs on stage as part of her Eras Tour in Lisbon on May 24, 2024. (Photo by ANDRE DIAS NOBRE / AFP) (Photo by ANDRE DIAS NOBRE/AFP via Getty Images) ORIG FILE ID: 2153868989


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    Tour de Francia en Gipuzkoa: horarios de cortes de tráfico en cada localidad ... Amezketa, Alegia, Leaburu, Ibarra, Tolosa, Irura, Villabona, Andoain, Hernani, Oiartzun, Irun, Hondarribia, Lezo ...

  6. El Tour de Francia 2023 subirá Jaizkibel por Hondarribia antes de

    Quedan 521 días para que el País Vasco acoja al Tour de Francia, a toda su respectiva y enorme caravana y a los mejores ciclistas del mundo. Antes, este 2022, la ronda gala también emigrará.

  7. Hondarribia Tourism

    Hondarribia saw many battles due to its location right on the border with France. These battles took a toll on the Castle of Charles V. At the end of the 18 th century the building was severely damaged by French troops and remained a ruin until it was rehabilitated and transformed into a National Parador in 1968.

  8. La segunda etapa del Tour de Francia a su paso por Guadalupe

    La segunda etapa del Tour de Francia a su paso por Guadalupe, en Hondarribia. La segunda etapa del Tour de Francia a su paso por Guadalupe, en Hondarribia. Secciones. Gipuzkoa Donostia Goierri Bidasoa Oarsoaldea Buruntza Tolosaldea Urola Garaia U. Erdia ...

  9. Tour de Francia

    Últimos y primeros servicios: 2 y 3 de julio de 2023. Txiplau Industri Poligonoa, 29-32 Posta-kutxa 157 20280 Hondarribia

  10. The Ultimate Guide To Hondarribia (2024)

    🏙️ Learn more about Hondarribia's history on a FREE Walking Tour 2. Take in the views from Plaza de Armas & The Castle of Charles V. Calle Nagusia ... If you're coming to Hondarribia from France, or you want to cover off both Hondarribia and Hendaye in one day, then there's a great little ferry line that will take you across the border ...

  11. Hondarribia: A Culinary and Cultural Delight

    Hondarribia is not just one of the most charming towns in the Basque Country, but it's also home to some of the region's finest bars and restaurants. ... the estuary of the Bidasoa River, and the bay of Txingudi with Hendaye (France) on the other side. Fuenterrabia Beach. ... A tour of Basque Country is a journey into the undiscovered ...

  12. TOUR DE FRANCIA 2023

    El 1 de julio el Tour de Francia, la prueba ciclista más importante del mundo, sale de Euskadi e Irun será testigo del paso del pelotón dos días (2 y 3 de julio) y Hondarribia (2 de julio). * AFECCIONES DE TRÁFICO EN IRUN. Es importante subrayar que el paso del pelotón del Tour requiere que con varias horas de antelación (hay toda una caravana promocional de medio millar de vehículos ...

  13. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Hondarribia

    Private Tour Hondarribia, San Juan & San Pedro From San Sebastian. 1. Historical Tours. from . $122. per adult (price varies by group size) "3Bahias" 2 Countries from San Sebastian to France, lunch included. 20. Food & Drink. from . $160. per adult. Hondarribia, S.Juan & S.Pedro Small Group Tour from San Sebastian. 65. Historical Tours. from ...

  14. The BEST Hondarribia Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best outdoor activities to do in Hondarribia are: From Bilbao: Biarritz and San Sebastian Full-Day Tour. "Kantauri 3 bays" 2 countrys ,San Sebastian-Pasaia-Hendaia. From San Sebastian: Biarritz & French Basque Coast Day Trip. From San Sebastián: Basque-France Coastline Private Tour.

  15. France and Spain's Basque Region

    France and Spain's Basque Region: A One-Week Stay at the Parador de Hondarribia. 9 days from $4,890. Settle into a historic seaside parador on the border of Spain and France and delve into Basque heritage, exploring sophisticated resorts and artist enclaves on the Bay of Biscay and charming villages nestled in the Pyrenees. Request a Brochure.

  16. Excursiones, visitas guiadas y actividades en Hondarribia

    Visita guiada por Hondarribia. 9,5 / 10 55 opiniones. 1.329 viajeros. Cancelación gratuita. En esta visita guiada por Hondarribia descubriremos los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad amurallada mejor conservada de Guipúzcoa. ¡Os sorprenderá! 2h 30m Español Visitas guiadas y free tours. 19,50 US$.

  17. THE 10 BEST Hondarribia Tours & Excursions

    from. $76. per adult. 5. Hondarribia, S.Juan & S.Pedro Small Group Tour from San Sebastian. 65. Historical Tours. 4 hours. Visit some of the most beautiful and charming coastal towns on the Basque coast during your stay in San Sebastian!

  18. Hondarribia, San Sebastian

    Book tours and tickets to experience Hondarribia. Reserve a ticket for your trip to San Sebastian today. Free cancellation and payment options - Viator. ... We look forward to welcoming you aboard. Tour from San Sebastian to Hendaye (France) Included lunch, beverages and a guided history in 4 languages, Spanish, English, French and Basque. We ...

  19. Tour de France 2023 Hondarribia

    Así que recuerda: si vas a ver el Tour, por tu seguridad y la del resto de personas, no se podrá seguir la carrera desde la pasarela de San Nicolás. ... 20280 Hondarribia. 943 11 12 13. Email. Atención al ciudadano. 943 11 12 13 - BAZ Servicio de atención al ciudadano; Sugerencias y reclamaciones; Notificar una incidencia;


    HONDARRIBIA Tours, Hondarribia. 45 likes · 3 were here. We are a small tour company located on the border with France, specialized in customized tours in the Basque Country, Spain/France.

  21. The best 10 Free Walking Tours at Hondarribia

    Essential free tour of Hondarribia You will not regret it! Ana Delia 28 May 2024 Paysandú Verified booking Travelled in couple - May 2024 ... France Barcelona Spain Prague Czech Republic Berlin Germany Lisbon Portugal Vienna Austria Copenhagen Denmark Florence Italy New York United States Brussels

  22. Best of Hondarribia Tours: Travel Deals & More

    Discover discounts on top Hondarribia tours with professional travel guides. See the best attractions and find vacation packages that include hotels. Discover the Mid-Year Deals - Save Up to 50%! >>> Deals End: June 30, 2024 X. Tours4Fun. X $ USD $ USD € EUR £ GBP. A$ AUD. CA $ CAD ₱ PHP. NZ$ NZD. Rs. INR. EN . English - EN.

  23. Jennifer Lopez cancels 2024 tour after concert issues

    USA TODAY. 0:04. 0:56. Jennifer Lopez has canceled her summer North American tour, which was to be her first in five years, weeks before she was scheduled to go on the road. The pop star made the ...

  24. Tadej Pogačar Confirms 'Scary' UAE Tour de France Support Crew

    Tadej Pogačar revealed who will be his support crew at the Tour de France and the firepower is impressive.. Pogačar, speaking on the Watts Occurring podcast, confirmed who will be backing him at UAE Team Emirates as he takes on the yellow jersey just weeks after winning the Giro d'Italia.. According to Pogačar, here they are: Adam Yates, Juan Ayuso, Joäo Almeida, Marc Soler, Pavel ...

  25. The BEST Hondarribia Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best outdoor activities to do in Hondarribia are: From Bilbao: Biarritz and San Sebastian Full-Day Tour. "Kantauri 3 bays" 2 countrys ,San Sebastian-Pasaia-Hendaia. From San Sebastian: Biarritz & French Basque Coast Day Trip. From San Sebastián: Basque-France Coastline Private Tour.

  26. Netflix 'Tour de France: Unchained' Season 2: An Ultimate Guide

    Netflix took the Tour de France to the box office last summer with its debut season of Tour de France: Unchained, and it's back to give the race the red carpet treatment again this month.. The streaming giant drops the second season of Tour de France: Unchained on Tuesday, June 11, less than three weeks before the grand départ of this summer's race for the yellow jersey.

  27. Taylor Swift sings in rain on Eras Tour's first night in Lyon, France

    USA TODAY NETWORK. 0:02. 0:59. Mark the first night in Lyon, France, as a rain show for the Eras Tour. "Pluie, rain," Taylor Swift exclaimed to the sold-out show inside Groupama Stadium as she ...

  28. Tour de France 2024

    Play as even more riders in Tour de France 2024. In addition to all of the World Tour teams already included in the game, now you can access 15 playable Pro Tour teams and their riders. Burgos-BH, Kern Pharma, Euskatel-Euskadi, Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team, Team Novo Nordisk and many more await in the My Tour, Pro Team and Pro Leader modes.

  29. Taylor Swift Continues to Impress as She Speaks French During ...

    The "Karma" singer paused her first show in Lyon, France, on Sunday, June 2, several times to ensure the safety and well-being of those in attendance, eventually calling on security to take action.

  30. Taylor Swift performs 'Glitch' from 'Midnights' for first time in

    Taylor Swift brought her massive Eras Tour and acoustic set to Lyon, France, for two special nights. For night two, Swift combined "Glitch" from "Midnights" with "Everything Has Changed" from "Red ...