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  • 1 Before the movie 
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Appearance
  • 4 Begum's Role in the Movie
  • 5.3 Other Animals

Before the movie  [ ]

At the beginning of the film, we learn that Begum has a son named Yuvi and mate- Sultan . The female is Queen of the Jungle and (after Sultan's death) she became a regent until her son grew up and became king himself.

It is not known when Begum was born, it is known in Sanjay Gandhi National Park. At one point in her life she met Sultan, in which she fell in love and they became mates. From this relationship their son Yuvraj (or "Yuvi" for short) was born.

Personality [ ]

Begum is portrayed as a strong, good, serious, loving, affectionate and caring wife and mother. She is grumpy at times but also has a soft and tender side. However, from time to time she'd get upset with Sultan and spoke about how she felt. On the mission to Delhi, she was determined to change the human's mind about animals. She always wanted to protect the team, and tell them something if they were wrong. After the trip, Begum had become more relaxed since Sultan died.

Appearance [ ]

Begum is a leopardess with beautiful golden fur that is covered with black spots. she has long whiskers and hazel eyes. Her underbelly is white, as well as her face and paws. Her tail is golden and covered with the same black spots. Its tip is white. Begum has a round face, with the only spots being a few around her eyes. Unlike Sultan, she is not muscular, but still strong.

Begum's Role in the Movie [ ]

Begum is the supporting protagonist of the film. After Sultan died, Begum led the group of animals that went to Delhi to speak to parliament. She always encouraged the team to keep going for the sake of the rest of the animals. When she met Tiger, however, she began to doubt the mission. She almost gave up, if it had not been for Sultan's spirit.

Relationships [ ]

Begum loves her husband very much. Sometimes she gets upset with him beacuse rough attitude towards their son. She was very sad when he unexpectedly died. Sultan's death was the reason that Begum decided to go to Delhi. He's a voice that managed to convince Begum, not to give up the journey to Delhi when times got hard.. She loved Sultan so much, that he had a big influence on her and on her decisions. She knew that he could be trusted with Yuvi, thus why they walked through the forest. 

Begum loves her son very much. The cub always stayed close to his mother, especially when they went to Delhi. When Yuvi and Sultan, while on a walk, heard a noise from behind the trees. It turned out to be a bulldozer. During their escape from the bulldozer, when Yuvi had almost died under the machine. In bit to save Yuvi, Sultan tossing him to Begum. Together, they watched Sultan's unfortunate death.

In the evening, after Sultan's death, all animals mourned their king. However, they made a terrible decision - they would leave the jungle for their own safety. Yuvi tells them to fight, because that would be Sultan's will. The cub also says that Sultan always considered them all as his strength and courage. Begum carried on Sultan's final wish and lead an expedition along with Yuvi, Bagga the Bear, Bajrangi (Marela and Bharela) the monkey(s), and Alex the parrot.

Other Animals [ ]

Begum is the queen of the jungle and the leader of the animals living there. The inhabitants of the jungle love their queen and trusted her when she decided to lead a journey to Delhi to end the suffering for them all.

  • 2 Delhi Safari (Film)
  • 3 Beijing Safari

delhi safari begum


By: debbie lynn elias

delhi 4

Bollywood’s gone Hollywood, 3D animation style, that is, with DELHI SAFARI. Talk about enjoyable!! Filled with family, friendship and fun, DELHI SAFARI is an adventure for children and adults of all ages!! A real delight! Animals beyond cute and, in some cases, impishly bad; an environmental message, Bollywood production numbers, superb 3D animation and characters and recognizable star-power voices (in the English version) all make DELHI SAFARI a perfect family film for the holidays and beyond.

In India, leopards rule the jungle. With wisdom and kindness, Sultan is loved by all, especially by his wife Begum and their young cub, Yuvi. Filled with the same energy of young children and cubs the world over, Yuvi is an adorable handful and of course, acts like he’s 2 going on 20. Anxious to be “just like Dad”, Yuvi is beyond excited when Sultan agrees to start teaching him about being a ruler. But that excitement quickly comes to and end when Sultan is brutally murdered by land developers plowing down the jungle in the animals’ Mumbai home.

delhi 5

With the animals in an uproar, they chant back “Live Among Nature”, but their cries fall on deaf ears as the only word the developers understand is “money.” A defiant and angry little cub, Yuvi wants to fight back – fight for the jungle and to avenge his father’s death. Like any mother, Begum wants none of that and is willing to quietly move elsewhere and live in sorrowful peace. But Yuvi will not be silenced and his jungle friends quickly hop on the bandwagon. Bajrangi the Monkey is ready to go to war against the humans while Bagga the Bear thinks talk and compromise in a more humane manner is the way to go if they only get to Parliament in Delhi and plead their case. Only problem is the animals can’t talk “human.” Ah…but there is one jungle friend who can – Alex the Parrot. Alex loves humans. He lives with some. His cage is made of gold and he’s treated like a king – he has snacks and loves to watch tv and movies and, thanks to all his hours of tv watching he has learned to conversationally speak with the humans. But there’s another problem. Alex hates animals and there’s no way he’ll go willing with Yuvi, Bagga and Bajrangi. To Bajrangi, the answer is simple. Kidnap Alex and bring him along anyway.

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And so our little group sets out on their own DELHI SAFARI as they make the 700+ mile trek north from Mumbai, getting more than their share of adventures (and a beautiful travelogue of India) along the way. Facing robbers, trains, dancing flamingos, hungry hyenas and even death, nothing will stop Yuvi and his friends. But what will happen when they finally reach Delhi? Will they gain an audience with Parliament? Will the humans hear their cries?

Written by Suresh Nair and Girish Dhamija together with writer/director and Mumbai native and 3D champion, Nikhil Advani, DELHI SAFARI marks the first Indian animated 3D film. Clean, crisp, Crayola 64 animation sets the tone with bright – but not super saturated – color, immersing us in the animal world. Notable is that the use of 3D is never “gimmicky”. It has a very free-flowing organic naturalism to it and gives the film just that little something extra. When it comes to the animation and CGI textures, with DELHI SAFARI, backgrounds – while colorful and bright – are matte and immobile, with animation focusing on the characters and action in the foreground. A fallacy that we so often see with animated films, and yes, even with Disney/Pixar, is that there is often so much happening that you don’t know where to turn your eye. With DELHI SAFARI, we know the background is there, the screen is filled with color, but movement and dialogue is in the foreground, thus allowing one to actually pay attention to the story and dialogue. And what story and dialogue!!

delhi 9

21st century colloquialisms and pop culture reference infuse the dialogue with an organic free-flowing casual sensibility that will engage kids and adults alike. Sounding like kids on a playground, timing is perfect and verbiage is so spot on with the conversation and vernacular of kids today. Pranks and calling each other “stupid” -these are things that while many may say, “boo hiss” and that shouldn’t be in a film or tv show, I say embrace them as this is reality and not being done or said in a harmful manner – just like in DELHI SAFARI. Animals pick on each other, pull pranks, and when they cross the line, there is sage advice and lessons to be learned that kick into play. But what stands out is that kids and adults will immediately tap into the story because of this authentic dialogue exchange. The execution of anthropomorphism is brilliant!

delhi 2

The tongue-in-cheek humor for adults built into the dialogue and star power voicing is to-die-for. As Pigeon, Christopher Lloyd makes reference to a Klingon talking parrot (uh, in case you forgot, Lloyd played a Klingon in a Star Trek movie); Bajrangi the monkey adds a Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry and spaghetti western vocal quality which is complimented by animation scenes that parody that with guns and weapons; Bagga the Bear, voiced by Brad Garrett, harkens in look and voice to the beloved Baloo the Bear in Disney’s The Jungle Book or even Smokey the Bear with the little hat; Alex the Parrot with his multiplicity of languages and mimicry is a nod to C3P0 in Star Wars .

delhi 6

The pop culture touchstones within the film only make it that much more embraceable and effective. Yes, everyone can see many strong resemblances to The Lion King – but they are beloved moments from the film that resonate. The stampede in The Lion King is here in DELHI SAFARI a stampede of machinery chasing the animals through the gorge. Visions of Sultan that come to Yuvi mirror those of Mustafa and Simba. The Flamingo conga line has been used by Disney in several films, but never with Jane Lynch providing an over-the-top laugh-out-loud voicing. The evil hyenas bearing down on Yuvi may look strangely menacing and familiar, but it works and is appropriate to the story. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and, it serves to engage the audience.

delhi 11 - bollywood

Adventure abounds and keeps one engaged – often with mouth agape and eyes mesmerized – with everything from the beauty of the forest to attack of the bees (one of the coolest scenes in the film) to an Indiana Jones type race through a mine shaft. Gotta love little Yuvi’s “Oh look! A train!” when he sees the mining cart and tracks…. Too cute. The innocence that leads to adventure that leads to thinking and figuring out how to move ahead and get out of sticky situations is beyond welcoming. This is how kids think and view the world. I can so see my 8 and 10 year old nephews going, “Oh look! A train! Let’s get in!” and then taking off, jetting around but then having to figure out what to do next. DELHI SAFARI engages the audience both visually and intellectually.

delhi 8

The messaging of the film is clear but never over-bearing or preachy. This is a wonderful story about family and friendship, forgiveness (bad Monkey!!!), the coming together of people and animals that look different, talk different – we may look different, but inside we’re really the same – and with the environment and deforestation as the core, is fantastic. We’ve seen animated stories about the environment, but not the specific issue of deforestation. (I think one of the best films on that issue to date is Sean Connery’s Medicine Man ). Honing in on this specific issue allows for real perspective and for kids to grasp environmental concepts more clearly. Sometimes it’s a lot easier to identify with one aspect as opposed to the entire issue. If kids and adults can’t see from this film that the world really is intertwined and animals and people are dependent upon each other and face the same challenges in each world, then there is no hope for those folks. Particularly impressive is the voicing of Tara Strong and Tom Kenny who, as Yuvi and Alex, respectively, imbue a plucky spirit into each, embodying the concept that even the smallest creatures/kids can make a difference and create a big roar.

delhi 7

My one big concern, however, is the opening scene with little Yuvi and that big tear rolling down his cute little face as he tells us about losing his father and now losing his home. Such heartbreak is not really an ideal way to open an animated children’s film……It may upset some of the littlest moviegoers….it made me sad. BUT, having said that, thankfully the filmmakers do a quick but organic transition into an upbeat happy sequence with father and son leopard bonding and a song to soothe a mad mom. And let’s just say how great Vanessa Williams is with her voicing of Begum. Soothing, comforting. You can almost feel your own head in your mom’s lap with her stroking your hair.

And what would any film from India be without music In DELHI SAFARI we find a wonderful blend of African beats, Bollywood and pop – there is something for everyone. Very much appreciated is that the music never overpowers the story or the film. It compliments it and serves as part of the story.

Also concerning are the animal names. I know this is DELHI SAFARI and the film comes from India, but the names may not be memorable for the audience. However, while the names may not be memorable, the characters, the color, the story, the heart and the fun will be – for years to come. Sign me up for this safari!

Voice Cast: Vanessa Williams (Begum), Jane Lynch (Female Flamingo), Brad Garrett (Bagga the Bear), Christopher Lloyd (Pigeon), Tara Strong (Yuvi), Tom Kenny (Alex the Parrot), Cary Elwes (Sultan), Jason Alexander (Male Flamingo and Hyena Cook), Carlos Alazraqui (Bajrangi)

Directed by: Nikhil Advani

Written by: Nikhil Advani, Suresh Nair and Girish Dhamija

delhi safari begum

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Delhi Safari

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Delhi Safari is an bilingual stereoscopic 3D animation film directed by Nikhil Advani . It has been produced by Krayon Pictures (a Pune based 3D animation studio). It is India's first stereoscopic 3D animation feature film. The film released in India on October 19th, 2012. The international sales of the film is being handled by Fantastic Films International. The film will be released in the United States on December 7, 2012.

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The movie starts out in Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Mumbai, India. Yuvi, a small leopard cub, begins to cry about losing his home. The actual movie then starts with Yuvi and his dad, Sultan, play-fighting in the forest. Yuvi's mom Begum, shows up and gets angry at both of them for roughhousing. Later that day, bulldozers come and start ramming trees down while chasing after Sultan and his cub. Begum arrives at the scene when the hunters get ready to shoot the leopard and his cub. Sultan ends up picking Yuvi up with his mouth and throws him toward Begum for safety, then he pounces and roars at one of the hunters before getting shot.

All of the animals mourn Sultan's death and suggest moving somewhere else. Yuvi goes to visit the mail-owl the next morning, and is accidentally told about a parrot who lives in the city. The parrot's name is Alex and is said to speak a total of 5 human languages and can possibly speak to the humans. Bajrangi the monkey is obsessed with destroying humanity and making all humans suffer to the point where they'll go extinct. He is loaded with firearm and weapons and is determined to kill humans. However, Yuvi and the mail-owl manipulate Bajrangi into going into helping them go into the city to find Alex the parrot. Baga the guru bear, Yuvi the leopard cub, Bajrangi the monkey(along with his two monkey sidekicks Marella and Barella) decide to travel to the city to find Alex the parrot without Begum knowing. They reach the modern home of a Bollywood movie director and find his parrot recording his owner's girlfriend, which then Bajrangi grabs Alex by the neck and takes him back to the jungle.

Begum gets angry at Baga for taking Yuvi to the city where he could've gotten killed, but she is even more angry at Bajrangi and Alex for bickering throughout the whole scene. Alex shows to be a cunning parrot who could care less about the status of the wildlife. While ranting, he accidentally mentions Delhi, India's capital. The entire group of animals gets curious and Alex starts refusing to help them. A bulldozer suddenly comes almost running them over before they escaped.

Alex the parrot, Bajrangi the monkey and his sidekicks, Baga the bear, and Begum the leopardess set off on the path to Delhi, leaving Yuvi behind while singing "Delhi Safari, hey!". They climb onto a train which starts going north to Gujarat. During the night, all the animals were sound asleep except Bajrangi. Bajrangi starts thinking of killing Alex in his sleep. He attempts to avoid Baga's wrath by slowly opening the noisy machete knife in order to kill Alex. Right when he holds the knife up in the air in excitement, Alex wakes up and starts screaming. The train immediately stops at a station and people outside start panicking, and a woman starts yelling that she saw a leopard. Thinking that Alex's scream gave them away, the group then wakes up and quickly hide behind the crates. Out of nowhere, Yuvi opens the door and slowly peeks in asking if they're there before the humans start shouting that they see the animal. The humans then start running toward the boxcar seeing nothing there and going back to usual business. The animals sneaked out of the boxcar into a field before the train went off into the distance.

Begum then starts questioning Yuvi on why he gave them away. Yuvi claims he saw his dad appear to him and tell him to go with them, while Baga claims it was just a dream. Alex starts to re-enact a court scene accusing Bajrangi of trying to kill him, in which the two start quarelling. Begum then gets angry, sternly tells Bajrangi "not one more word from you", and starts threatening Alex that he'll never reach home without them. Baga then convinces Bajrangi to reluctantly dump all of his weapons. They then encounter a bat named "Raju" who cues a song showing them a way to Delhi. The group reaches the desert, and by this point Alex is suicidal and tries to make Bajrangi squeeze his neck. A moment later, they come across a small abandonned temple full of adult British Sikh flamingos who openly welcome them to their home in the form of a song. Alex and Bajrangi do a duel during the song and Alex ends up winning. The main flamingo couple are the ones that mostly do all the talking, the husband advises the group not to go near Kalia's cave full of vicious cannibal hyenas. Bajrangi pretends to be unconscious on the ground while hearing all of this until he eerily opens one of his eyes after the husband flamingo gave the warning.

It's midnight and all the animals are asleep. Sultan then appears to Yuvi and wakes him up. Sultan warns Yuvi of enemies being at work during that hour, and that enemy being "one of their own". They start hearing Bajrangi laughing as he ties Alex to a rock at the dark caves Yuvi loudly questions Bajrangi and panicks, but before they escape Kalia the hyena appears and intimidates the two. Before they know it, they are surrounded by a whole clan of hyenas. Yuvi begs for Kalia to let them go, Kalia replies saying "if you can kill us, you're free to go!". Yuvi's mom glances over the rock and starts roaring over the cave. Kalia grabs Yuvi by the neck in order to scare Begum, but Yuvi bites Kalia's paw and runs to his mom. While Kalia is crying, ranting, and insulting the cub, Begum angrily goes up to Kalia while he begs for mercy. She then hits him to the ground and all the hyenas run off and whimper. Bajrangi starts yelling taunts at them while they run off, right there is when Begum demands that Bajrangi leaves for good.

While Begum is scolding Bajrangi for "trying to silence our only voice of speaking to the humans", Yuvi interrupts by saying Alex lost his voice due to screaming. The whole group loses hope and looks at Bajrangi as the reason for ruining everything. In the morning they are still at the cave, trying many treatments while Bajrangi is loaded with guilt.

The group goes back to the temple, and seeks help from the flamingos. The flamingo couple instead starts bickering about their reviews in major cities of the world. Begum asks again if they know how to fix Alex's voice, in which they recommend "Jatti Buti Baba", a wise old tortoise who lives in a cavern, and hasn't been seen in years. While Bajrangi is enthusiatic in finding this "holy man", they eventually reach a shell where Bajrangi sticks his head in the butt area of the holy turtle. He then comes out of his shell and advises them to gather natural resources in order to restore hsi voice. The entire group glances at Bajrangi to do all these tasks since he caused the problem. Bajrangi is determined to heal and serve Alex like a slave no matter the cost.

As Bajrangi takes on each task to gather sandalwood and roses, Alex rudely sabotages Bajrangi in which he gets hurt and barely avoids losing the items he collected. Bajrangi then climbs onto a tree over a waterfall in order to get figs for Alex. Alex discards every fig that Bajrangi throws to Alex. Nearing the end of the task, Alex deliberatly points to the fig on the weak branch. Bajrangi refused until Alex started to fake choke as if he's in pain. Bajrangi slowly climbs over the weak branch before it breaks, causing him to fall into the waterfall and get revived by Baga.

Later that night, Bajrangi's former sidekicks come to him behind bushes denouncing him as their leader. Bajrangi starts scolding them on how they are not good followers, they left before after he kept telling them to get lost.

The next morning, Alex is seen tripping Bajrangi into the dirt while he relentlessly stays by Alex's side as a servant. Bajrangi gets back up and keeps his cool, he decides to start telling the story of Lord Hanuman. When Bajrangi asks what Lord Hanuman says before he fights any demon, Alex sees a pretty female parrot and accidentally says "Wow, what a hottie". Bajrangi then repeats "Wow, what a hottie" but then immediately starts getting angry at Alex. Bajrangi starts chasing Alex through the field. The group notices and starts running after them. Bajrangi then pounces on Alex from the back and rams him into a tree. He picks up a rock and starts walking towards Alex complaining about his suffering and demands he repeats what he said. Alex then asks "What did Hanuman say when things got really bad?". Bajrangi answers "Hail Lord Ram." and accidentally hits the rock onto a beehive right above them.

The bees, which are styled to look like the Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom, start chasing after Bajrangi and Alex. The bees get into a helicopter formation and start chasing the entire group into a canyon and shooting bees at them, Baga is stung in the butt several times. They run into a mine and shut the door to hold the bees off for a few minutes. They all jump onto a minecart and ride through the cave like a rollercoaster. Begum starts badgering Bajrangi until Alex finally screams “SHUT UP!”, revealing that he never lost his voice in the first place.

  • Christopher Lloyd as Pigeon
  • Cary Elwes as Sultan the Leopard
  • Tom Kenny as Alex the Parrot
  • Carlos Alazraqui  Bajrangi the Monkey
  • Jane Lynch as Female Flamingo
  • Vanessa Williams as Begum
  • Tara Strong as Yuvi the Cub
  • Brad Garrett as Bagga the Bear
  • Troy Baker as Tiger
  • Jason Alexander as Male Flamingo/Hyena Cook
  • Brian George as Bat

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Delhi Safari Official Trailer 1 (2012) - Jane Lynch, Cary Elwes Movie HD

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delhi safari begum

Delhi Safari

delhi safari begum

Govinda (Bajrangi) Akshaye Khanna (Alex) Urmila Matondkar (Begum) Boman Irani (Bagga) Swini Khara (Yuvraj) Saurabh Shukla (Bharela) Sanjay Mishra (Marela) Deepak Dobriyal (Hawa Hawai) Prem Chopra (Kaalia) Girish Dhamija (Jari Booti Baba)

Nikkhil Advani

A group of animals plan a trip to Delhi in order to ask the parliament why the forest they live in is on the verge of destruction.


delhi safari begum


Delhi Safari (2012)

Urmila matondkar: begum.

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Delhi Safari Movie Where to Watch, Review, Ott

' src=

By sayyed ayan

Updated on: October 9, 2023

Delhi Safari Movie Where to Watch, Review, Ott

Table of Contents

Delhi Safari Movie Where to Watch, Review, Ott – “Delhi Safari,” also known as “Jungle Safari,” is an enchanting and socially relevant Indian animated film released in 2012. Directed by Nikkhil Advani, this computer-animated musical comedy takes viewers on a journey with five determined animals from Mumbai to Delhi. Their mission? To stand up against an oppressive human regime that threatens their home and way of life. In this 3D animated gem, we witness the power of unity, friendship, and the unwavering spirit of animals who refuse to surrender their jungle paradise to ruthless human development.

Delhi Safari Movie in Hindi Filmyzilla, Filmywap, Worldfree4u, Filmymeet, Pagalworld

This article offers a comprehensive look at “Delhi Safari,” providing a detailed storyline summary and a thoughtful review of this heartwarming and visually captivating film.

Delhi Safari Movie Story Filmyzilla

The film opens with a poignant scene where Yuvraj, affectionately known as ‘Yuvi,’ shares the heartbreaking news that he has lost his father, Sultan. Despite this loss, he is determined not to lose his home at any cost. We are taken back in time to see Yuvi and Sultan play in their lush forest home, with Sultan imparting valuable self-defense lessons to his son. Begum, Yuvi’s mother, arrives, but the playful teasing she receives from her family only makes her more endearing.

The tranquil morning takes a dark turn when a fleet of bulldozers suddenly descends on their forest home. In a desperate attempt to save his son, Sultan flings Yuvi towards Begum, only to meet a tragic end at the hands of a human wielding a shotgun. This traumatic event makes all the forest creatures view humans as their enemies, setting the stage for the animals’ journey to Delhi.

The animals, who are now faced with the loss of their homes, convene to discuss their options. While some believe that leaving their homes is the only way to survive, Bajrangi, a determined monkey, proposes a different solution. He suggests that they confront the humans and protect their homeland. There’s only one problem: they need someone who can speak both animal and human languages.

Their ray of hope comes in the form of Hawa Hawaai, a wise white bird who knows of someone capable of bridging the communication gap between animals and humans – Alex, a parrot living with director Vikram Khosla. Yuvi embarks on a mission to meet this parrot, who could potentially be the key to their survival.

After some persuasion and a bit of “parrot-napping,” Alex agrees to join the animal delegation to Delhi. The group, consisting of Begum, Bajrangi, Bagga the bear, and Yuvi, boards a train to Delhi from Mumbai, accompanied by Raju, a helpful bat. On their way, they stop in Gujarat, where they encounter flamingos and a kind couple who offers them shelter. However, they are warned not to cross a particular banyan tree due to the menacing wolf Kaalia and his gang.

Despite the warning, Bajrangi decides to venture near the banyan tree to set a trap for Alex, intending to make it appear as though Kaalia killed him. This scheme is thwarted when Yuvi discovers Bajrangi’s plan, and the two are caught by Kaalia. Begum arrives just in time to rescue them.

Their journey continues, but Alex suddenly pretends to lose his voice. The animals consult a doctor who prescribes ayurvedic medicines to cure Alex’s supposed ailments. Bajrangi selflessly takes on the responsibility of administering the treatment, sometimes getting injured in the process.

One day, Bajrangi discovers that Alex had been faking his condition all along. He confronts Alex, and in the heat of the moment, accidentally disturbs a beehive. Chaos ensues as the animals are chased by a swarm of angry bees. This incident leads to a thrilling sequence involving trains, ultimately causing Alex to realize the error of his selfish ways.

As they draw closer to Delhi, Begum initially hesitates to continue their journey. However, inspired by Yuvi’s unwavering determination and the memory of Sultan’s bravery, she changes her mind. With renewed hope, the group arrives in Delhi and uses Alex to convey their message to the Prime Minister. Their plea is simple: they seek peace between humans and animals, highlighting how Yuvi’s bravery inspired their remarkable journey.

In the film’s closing scenes, the jungle is saved through the enactment of a shared land act, establishing the “Sanjay Gandhi National Park-Borivali.” All the animals find happiness and security in their homeland, and Yuvi finally sees the spirit of his father, while Begum finds solace in their newfound peace.

Delhi Safari Movie Review Filmywap

“Delhi Safari” is a visual and emotional treat for audiences of all ages. From its vibrant and enchanting animation to its heartfelt message of unity and perseverance, the film strikes a chord that resonates long after the credits roll.

One of the most striking aspects of “Delhi Safari” is its use of vivid and captivating colors. The lush, picturesque landscapes of the Indian jungle come to life with a palette that immerses viewers in the beauty and diversity of the natural world. The visual storytelling is a testament to the film’s ability to engage and entertain.

The film’s characters are a delightful ensemble of animals, each with its unique personality and quirks. Sultan, the wise and courageous leopard, is a character that immediately captures the audience’s sympathy and admiration. His love for his family and his determination to protect their home serve as powerful motivations that drive the story forward.

The story’s initial tragedy, where Sultan is killed in front of his family, is a stark and emotional moment. However, the film handles this scene with sensitivity, ensuring that it is not overly traumatic for younger viewers. There is no graphic violence, and the message it conveys about the impact of human actions on wildlife is essential.

The film presents humans as antagonists who threaten the animals’ habitat, but it also offers a message of hope and transformation. The human characters undergo a change of heart by the film’s end, highlighting the potential for positive change in the face of environmental challenges.

“Delhi Safari” also excels in its voice acting, with a talented cast that brings the characters to life. The English-language version features notable voices like Tom Kenny, Christopher Lloyd, and Vanessa Williams. Their performances add depth and charm to the animal characters, making them relatable and endearing.

A standout character is Alex, the parrot, voiced by Tom Kenny. His transformation from a self-centered individual to a selfless ally of the animal group is a touching and well-executed character arc. It serves as a reminder that change and redemption are possible for all, even in the face of past mistakes.

The film’s underlying themes of friendship, determination, and the importance of standing up for what one believes in make it a meaningful viewing experience for both children and adults. It teaches valuable lessons about the environment, the consequences of human actions, and the power of unity and collective action.

Despite containing elements of fantasy violence, such as the confrontation with Kaalia the wolf, “Delhi Safari” maintains a family-friendly atmosphere. The absence of graphic violence and the positive resolution of conflicts make it suitable for a wide age range.

In conclusion, “Delhi Safari” is a heartwarming and visually stunning animated film that delivers a powerful message about the importance of protecting our natural world. Its engaging storyline, lovable characters, and vibrant animation make it a must-see for anyone seeking an entertaining and thought-provoking cinematic experience. The film’s themes of friendship, bravery, and environmental conservation make it a valuable addition to family movie night and a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the animal kingdom. “Delhi Safari” is a true cinematic gem that will leave you both entertained and inspired.

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Where can I watch Delhi Safari?

You can watch the movie “Delhi Safari” on various online streaming platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, or other services that offer a selection of animated films.

What is the story of Delhi Safari?

“Delhi Safari” is a heartwarming animated film about a group of animals who embark on a journey from Mumbai to Delhi to save their jungle home from destruction by humans. Along the way, they face challenges, make new friends, and learn important lessons about unity and the environment.

Who made Delhi Safari movie?

The movie “Delhi Safari” was directed by Nikkhil Advani and produced by Krayon Pictures, a 3D animation studio based in Pune, India. It features voices from various talented actors and was a collaborative effort by many creative individuals.

How long is Delhi Safari?

The duration of the movie “Delhi Safari” is approximately 1 hour and 36 minutes, making it an enjoyable and relatively short animated film suitable for family viewing.

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delhi safari begum

Delhi Safari

Dove Review

What great and vibrant colors which help bring these delightful characters to life! Sultan, the leopard king, is shot by a human being right in front of his wife Begum (voiced by Vanessa Williams) and his cub, Yuvi (Tara Strong). They had gotten in the way of a construction company which is bent on clearing out trees and in the process destroy the local forest animal’s homes They decide they must go to Delhi and protest to Parliament on behalf of the animals that remain behind and for them too when they return home.

The movie does contain a lot of fantasy violence, and it is a bit alarming when the leopard is seen shot in front of his leopard wife and cub, but there is no blood. The humans are also portrayed as unfeeling murderers of the animals and yet they change by film’s end. Children twelve and above will no doubt enjoy the energy of the various characters which feature Christopher Lloyd’s voice as a pigeon and Tom Kenny as Alex the parrot.

Due to themes of friendship and fighting for what one believes in, we are pleased to award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this movie. It’s leopards, tigers and bears, oh my!

Dove Rating Details

A leopard is shot in front of his family and the impact is seen although no blood; several characters fight and smack each other; large construction machinery knocks down trees in the forest and some of the animals flee in fear; a monkey asks other animals if they are going to allow the humans to splatter their blood all over the jungle; a character imagines a bear beating up character; hyenas threaten to eat characters; ostrich smacks other ostrich; a character is hit with needles in his rear; cars crash; rocks are thrown at animals.

A parrot calls a woman wearing a short skirt and showing cleavage a "hottie"; woman bends over in short skirt; a man places a hand on woman's leg.

Good God-1; Name calling such as "Bum" for rear; Butt-1; Idiot-1; Ape-1; Bonehead-1; Losers-1; Fur Brain-1; Poop-1

A comment about a character being off his meds; a comment about a human coming in late from a party.

A cub tells his leopard father he will knock his spots off when his father teases him; animal flatulence; a character picks its nose and eats it; man is portrayed as being predators to all the animals but this perspective changes a bit by film's end.

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delhi safari begum

Delhi Safari

delhi safari begum

Voiceover Cast: Sunil Shetty, Swini Khara, Boman Irani, Prem Chopra, Urmila Matondkar, Girish Dhamija, Sanjay Mishra, Deepak Dobriyal, Ayesha Takia Azmi, Govinda, Akshaye Khanna, Saurabh Shukla

Director: Nikhil Advani

Producer: Mukesh Talreja

Music Director/s: Loy Mendonca, Ehsaan Noorani, Shankar Mahadevan

Plot: The residents of the national park welcome a bright sunny morning, birds singing away merrily, animals running around with joy, Sultan and his cub playing by the lakeside. The jungle has an air of joy and peace. A distant thunder breaks the silence and a closer look reveals the jungle being raided by man and machine destroying everything in its path. Sultan tries to fight a futile battle and ends up losing his life.

The night has a very tense air as all the animals gather around with fear in their heart, discussing their fate of losing their habitat to human beings. Yuvi, Suiltans cub, tries to reason with the elders, urging them to not give up their homes.

Everyone is convinced that it is futile to fight humans, and the only option is to leave and move to a safer home. The hot headed militant monkey, Bajrangi, wants to declare a full scale war against the humans taking over their homes. But the anger management Guru, Bagga the bear, has a more civilized suggestion. He believes that all problems could be sorted out through peaceful discussions. So the best way to get back their homes is to have a dialog with the humans, win their hearts and their own homes. The only problem being that no one can speak the human language. Air India, the pigeon recommends Alex, the talking parrot who can come to their rescue.

With hope in their hearts, Yuvi, Bajrangi, and Bagga decide to kidnap Alex from his luxurious golden cage. However, their hope turns to despair as the talking parrot Alex hates animals. Loves humans. And wants nothing to do with the problems of these barbaric animals especially, the primitive ape. Bajrangi. Also Alex is sure that such issues need to be addressed in the parliament at Delhi.

Now starts a journey from Mumbai to Delhi. From hate to love. From enmity to friendship as a motley group of five animals travel across India with a message. A message that they discover not only plagues their homes, but the homes and lives of thousands of other animals on the way.

The journey across the country becomes a journey where enemies become friends and a family comes together to fight for what rightfully belongs to them – A HOME

Delhi Safari Review (Delhi Safari Movie Poster)

Rating: 2.5/5 stars (Two-and-a-Half Stars)

Voice cast: Govinda, Akshaye Khanna, Boman Irani, Urmila Matondkar, Suniel Shetty and Swini Khara

What’s Good:  The humour; the dialogues; the very apt voice casting.

What’s Bad: The unnecessary songs; the forced melodrama; the hurried climax.

Loo Break: None.

Watch or Not?:  Watch Delhi Safari some really funny dialogues and a change from the regular mythological animation.

Earlier in August, a satire site had posted an article about the state of the animation industry in India which said, “If I have to watch one more show reel filled with baby elephants, round-eyed tiger cubs or plucky street urchins, I’m going to slit my own wrists.” Unfortunately, Delhi Safari  isn’t exactly an exception to the rule, but it’s not exactly slit-your-wrist material either.

Threatened in their own habitat after the death of the leopard Sultan (Suniel Shetty), the animals in Sanjay Gandhi National Park decide to migrate. But Sultan’s young son, Yuvi (Swini Khara) grapples at one last chance to save his home. The plan is a bit far fetched: they want to reach Delhi and voice their grievances to the Parliament. For this he brings together to a makeshift group of animals from the forest: Bagga the Bear (Boman Irani), Bajrangi the monkey (Govinda), Sultan’s widow Begum (Urmila Matondkar). But none of the animals can speak for the humans to understand their predicament. So they coerce the parrot Alex (Akshaye Khanna) into joining them.

Bajrangi’s DNA might be close to that of humans, but the mischevious monkey wants to ensure that the animals do not talk to humans. If that isn’t enough, the monkey and the parrot get on each others’ nerves at every possible chance. And Alex is with them more out of force than choice and is just biding his time to escape.

What happens to this strange Delhi Safari?

Delhi Safari Review (Delhi Safari Movie Stills)

Delhi Safari Review: Script Analysis

There’s nothing special about the story or the screenplay by Nikhil Advani, Girish Dhamija and Suresh Nair. It’s Milap Zaveri and Girish Dhamija’s dialogues that do the trick mostly. The exchanges between Alex and Bajrangi are a riot. In fact, it’s Alex and Bajrangi’s characters that stand out in the film.

Otherwise the script and story is quite a yawn. There’s not really much of a “safari” in the movie with the only memorable (and funny) spot being the one in Rajasthan with the Marwadi flamingoes/bustards doing a synchronized dance/ garba ! The climax is rushed while some of the scenes of the elder Sultan are shameless rip-offs of Disney’s The Lion King . The characters remind you of Kipling’s The Jungle Book too.

Delhi Safari Review: Voice Artists, Direction, Music & Technical Aspects

Govinda (as Bajrangi) and Akshaye Khanna (as Alex) are no doubt the stars here. Their bickering and their dialogue delivery is really the winner. Boman Irani (as Bagga), Urmila Matondkar (as Begum), Suniel Shetty (as Sultan) and Swini Khara (as Yuvraj) are alright.

Director Nikhil Advani has done a good job with the film but he should have added more of humour and less of the forced melodrama. Most of the songs are quite unnecessary; only the one where the flamingoes/bustards burst out dancing and singing in Marwari looks nice. The animation is alright, except that Alex seems to have fur rather than feathers. The 3D is a waste. Aarif Sheikh’s editing is good. Songs by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy are forgettable; Tubby-Parik’s background score is ordinary.

Delhi Safari Review: The Last Word

Delhi Safari is a welcome change from the regular mythology/modern-take-on-mythology. Though it may not match up to international standards, the humour element and Alex-Bajrangi make it an enjoyable watch.

Delhi Safari Trailer

Delhi Safari  released on 19th October, 2012.

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  1. Begum

    Begum is an adult female Indian Leopard. She is Yuvi's mother, Sultan's mate and the queen of the jungle. She was one of the most important characters in the film. After Sultan's death, his mate became the leader of the animals living in the Park and regent until Yuvi grew up and took the throne of his father. Begum is voiced by Vanessa Williams, who also performed the end titles version of ...

  2. Delhi Safari

    Delhi Safari (also known as Jungle Safari) is a 2012 Indian computer-animated musical comedy film written and directed by Nikkhil Advani. ... Initially refusing, Alex agrees to go to Delhi. Begum, Bagga, Bajrangi, and his army board a train to Delhi from Mumbai. Yuvi joins them after some time. They then reach Gujarat with guidance from Raju, a ...


    Bollywood's gone Hollywood, 3D animation style, that is, with DELHI SAFARI. Talk about enjoyable!! ... With wisdom and kindness, Sultan is loved by all, especially by his wife Begum and their young cub, Yuvi. Filled with the same energy of young children and cubs the world over, Yuvi is an adorable handful and of course, acts like he's 2 ...

  4. Review: Delhi Safari

    Nikhil Advani's Delhi Safari, ... (Cary Elwes). A whole spectrum of dated-looking, clunkily animated characters—Yuvi's mother, Begum (Vanessa Williams), Bagga (Brad Garrett) the bear, Bajrangi (Carlos Alazraqui) the monkey, a pigeon (Christopher Loyd), and Alex the parrot—subsequently band together to trek to Delhi where they hope to ...

  5. Delhi Safari

    Delhi Safari is an bilingual stereoscopic 3D animation film directed by Nikhil Advani. It has been produced by Krayon Pictures (a Pune based 3D animation studio). ... Sultan, play-fighting in the forest. Yuvi's mom Begum, shows up and gets angry at both of them for roughhousing. Later that day, bulldozers come and start ramming trees down while ...

  6. Delhi Safari (2012)

    Film Movie Reviews Delhi Safari — 2012. Delhi Safari. 2012. 1h 36m. PG. Adventure/Animation/Comedy. Advertisement. Cast. Govinda (Bajrangi) Akshaye Khanna (Alex) Urmila Matondkar (Begum) Boman ...

  7. Delhi Safari

    By default, Yuvi's mother, Begum (voice of VANESSA WILLIAMS), becomes the new leader and encourages all animals to leave the jungle for the safety of other environs. ... The latter is certainly the case with "Delhi Safari," yet another in a long line of animated films featuring talking animals. Produced by India's Krayon Pictures and featuring ...

  8. Delhi Safari (2012)

    Delhi Safari (2012), Animation released in Hindi language in theatre near you. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on BookMyShow. ... as Begum. Boman Irani as Bagga. Swini Khara as Yuvraj. Saurabh Shukla as Bharela. Sanjay Mishra as Marela. Deepak Dobriyal as Hawa Hawai. Prem Chopra as Kaalia. Akhil Mishra as Tiger.

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    Delhi Safari movie rating review for parents - Find out if Delhi Safari is okay for kids with our complete listing of the sex, profanity, violence and more in the movie. ... Begum (voice of VANESSA WILLIAMS), becomes the new leader and encourages all animals to leave the jungle for the safety of other environs.

  11. Delhi Safari Movie Where to Watch, Review, Ott

    Delhi Safari Movie Where to Watch, Review, Ott - "Delhi Safari," also known as "Jungle Safari," is an enchanting and socially relevant Indian animated film ... After some persuasion and a bit of "parrot-napping," Alex agrees to join the animal delegation to Delhi. The group, consisting of Begum, Bajrangi, Bagga the bear, and Yuvi, boards a ...

  12. Begum Voice

    Begum. Vanessa Williams is the voice of Begum in Delhi Safari. Movie: Delhi Safari.

  13. Delhi Safari

    Sultan, the leopard king, is shot by a human being right in front of his wife Begum (voiced by Vanessa Williams) and his cub, Yuvi (Tara Strong). They had gotten in the way of a construction company which is bent on clearing out trees and in the process destroy the local forest animal's homes They decide they must go to Delhi and protest to ...

  14. Delhi Safari Movie (2012): Release Date, Cast, Ott, Review, Trailer

    Delhi Safari is an animated movie and traces the journey of a group of wild animals from Mumbai to Delhi and revolves around a leopard family of three - Sultan (Suniel Shetty), Sultan's wife Begum ...

  15. Delhi Safari

    Boman Irani (as Bagga), Urmila Matondkar (as Begum), Suniel Shetty (as Sultan) and Swini Khara (as Yuvraj) are alright. ... Delhi Safari is a welcome change from the regular mythology/modern-take ...

  16. Delhi Safari (2012)

    Girish Dhamija. Jari Booti Baba (voice) Akhil Mishra. Tiger (voice) Maya Sarao. Starlet (voice) Directed By: Nikkhil Advani. Written By: Suresh Nair (Screenplay), Nikkhil Advani (Screenplay), + 1 more. None of your fellow streamers have left comments/tips yet.

  17. Delhi Safari (डेल्ही सफारी) 2012

    Delhi Safari is the story of a journey undertaken by a leopard cub, his mother, a monkey, a bear and a parrot when the forest they live in is on the verge of destruction. ... After a few good and bad experiences, Begum tells that no one is going to Delhi after listening to a tiger's story of how he only survived death at a human's hands by ...