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Partir en voyage depuis votre région, le cœur léger : la simplicité se révèle à vous dès le point de rendez-vous : en toute souplesse, vous pouvez être pris en charge au plus près de chez vous, ou rejoindre l’autocar qui va cheminer jusqu’au lieu de vos prochaines vacances… Des vacances placées sous le sceau de la décontraction, autour d’un hébergement accueillant offrant des services du meilleur aloi, dans une région riche qui vous offre, selon vos préférences, une multiplicité d’excursions pensées pour satisfaire votre curiosité, ou un plein repos sur votre nouveau lieu de résidence. Naturellement, votre accompagnateur est présent, à la fois discret et attentionné, pour vous permettre de vivre de beaux moments de découverte, dans un bel esprit de convivialité et de détente.

Deux journées complètes dans le splendide parc maritime des Cinque Terre.

Un programme riche et varié sur un territoire restreint.

La découverte de trois ports remarquables : Portofino, Gênes et La Spezia.

Des lieux visités au rythme de vraies vacances.

EXCURSION OFFERTE A CARRARE pour toute inscription avant le 15 décembre 2023.

Un voyage maritime au coeur du riche patrimoine naturel des Cinque Terre.

Classé au Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1997, le splendide Parc national maritime des Cinque Terre en Ligurie constitue le pivot autour duquel est construit ce voyage. A partir d'un hébergement familial, vous partirez découvrir les couleurs vives et variées de cette côte du Levant, ponctuée de nombreux petits ports multicolores, parfois quasiment inaccessibles, agrippés aux rochers surplombant la mer, au fond d'un ravin. Vivant de la modeste pêche ou bien de la "jetset" raffinée recherchant un paradis caché, ces lieux miniatures de toute beauté vous enchanteront. Les carrières de marbre de Carrare, le port militaire de La Spezia et le renouveau de la métropole Gênes sont devenus des sites incontournables de cette région savoureuse de l'Italie.


Itinéraire du voyage

France - savone.

Départ en direction de Montpellier et Aix. Déjeuner libre en cours de route, passage de la frontière italienne. Arrivée dans la région de Savone. Dîner et logement.

Rapallo - Portofino - Riviera versilienne

Départ le long de la côte ligure jusqu'à Rapallo. Balade dans cette élégante station nichée au fond du golfe de Portofino. Déjeuner et départ en bateau pour rejoindre Portofino. Vous longerez la péninsule classée parc naturel, jusqu'à la magnifique station miniature de Portofino, avec ses maisons hautes, étroites et colorées. La presqu'île de Portofino, sur son promontoire rocheux, constitue un des paysages les plus remarquables de la Riviera. Retour par Santa Margherita Ligure, avec la côte rocheuse et les luxueux hôtels. Arrivée sur la côte versilienne. Installation à l'hôtel pour 4 nuits. Dîner et logement.


Lerici - Carrare**

Pension complète à l'hôtel. Départ pour Lerici. Visite du charmant petit port animé, agrémenté de belles boutiques et dominé par son imposant château. Après-midi libre ou possibilité d'excursion facultative à Carrare. Découverte en compagnie d'un guide local de ses fameuses carrières exploitées depuis plus de deux mille ans pour le marbre blanc qui a rendu la cité célèbre dans le monde entier . Retour à l'hôtel pour le dîner et la nuit.

Corniglie - 5 Terre

Les Cinque Terre

Départ pour une excursion de la journée dans le splendide parc national des « Cinque Terre ». Les Cinque Terre sont difficiles d'accès; elles ont été classées au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco en 1997. C'est pour cela que cette côte déchiquetée, qui abrite quelques villages de pêcheurs, a gardé ses traditions intactes. Embarquement à La Spezia en direction de Vernazza, village accessible uniquement par train ou par bateau avec sa petite place et ses maisons colorées qui dominent le port. Puis Monterosso, la perle des Cinque Terre où vous déjeunerez. Arrêt aussi à Manarola. Dîner et nuit.


Portovenere et La Spezia**

Journée libre en pension complète ou possibilité d'excursion facultative à Portovenere et La Spezia** . Nous poursuivons la découverte des Cinque Terre, par l'unique et partielle route d'accès; parcours panoramique surplombant la mer. Ensuite, étape à Portovenere, beauté côtière avec ses anciennes maisons jadis fortifiées, son quai en longueur menant jusqu'à l'insolite église San Pietro offrant une vue panoramique sur le golfe des Poètes. Après le déjeuner, visite guidée de La Spezia, port militaire et ville dynamique recélant un centre ancien avec des parcs ainsi que de belles constructions de l'époque mussolinienne.  Retour à l'hôtel, dîner et nuit.


Ligurie - Gênes

Départ vers le nord pour rejoindre la capitale ligure Gênes. Tour panoramique en car du port et centre ville. Déjeuner et visite guidée du très beau centre historique entièrement restauré: la cathédrale Saint Laurent avec sa façade gothique, la via Garibaldi bordée de somptueux palais datant du XVIe siècle, période de la "république marchande", le port...  Logement dans la région de Savone; dîner, nuit.

Caravelle dans le port de Gênes

Ligurie - France

Départ en direction de la frontière française. Déjeuner libre en cours de route. Arrivée dans votre ville en début de soirée.

Accompagnement & rencontres

Un accompagnateur Verdié pour la durée du voyage


Région Savone : Grand hôtel Arenzano 3* (NL)

Côte versilienne : hôtel Scandinavia 3* (NL)

[ou hôtels de catégorie similaire]

Informations tarifaires

Le prix comprend.

Le transport en autocar de grand tourisme.

L'hébergement en hôtels 3* en chambre double.

Tous les repas du dîner du jour 1 au petit-déjeuner du jour 7.

L'eau minérale (1/2l) aux repas.

Les visites guidées à Gênes et 5 Terre.

Les traversées en bateau les jours 2 et 4.

Un audiophone durant tout le circuit.

La taxe de séjour hôtelière.

L'assurance assistance/rapatriement.

Offres facultatives

  • **Portovenere et La Spezia (transport, taxe d'accès, accompagnateur, guide local, navette, déjeuner avec 1/2 eau) : 65€
  • **Carrare (transport, taxe d'accès, accompagnateur, guide local) : 25€


  • Chambre individuelle : 180€

Assurances & garanties

  • Assurance assistance/rapatriement : incluse
  • Garantie annulation conseillée : 40 €
  • Complémentaire Verdié Protect Plus : 60 €

Carte nationale d’identité ou passeport, en cours de validité.

Aucun vaccin obligatoire. Se munir de la Carte européenne d'assurance maladie à demander auprès de votre CPAM. Informations complémentaires relatives à la santé à destination :  https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/italie/#sante   Formalités Covid selon modalités en vigueur à la date du voyage indiquées sur  https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/italie/#  

Ambassade(s) : https://ambparigi.esteri.it/ambasciata_parigi/it/

Les indications fournies s'adressent uniquement aux personnes de nationalité française. Les autres ressortissants doivent s'informer par eux-mêmes des formalités à accomplir auprès des autorités compétentes (consulats, ambassades,...)

Vous avez fait ce voyage et vous avez envie d'en parler ? Une belle rencontre, un moment émouvant, un paysage à couper le souffle, une situation cocasse ? Racontez-nous !

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  • Cinque Terre Tours & La Spezia Shore Excursions
  • 5 Terre Tour List
  • About Cinque Terre
  • Cinque Terre Map

cinque terre tour operators


Cinque terre boat tours, cinque terre guides, wine tasting, pesto classes., monterosso • vernazza • corniglia • manarola • riomaggiore.

Discover unspoilt beauty, stunning landscapes, exchange the busy tourist trail for an authentic experience. Explore the 5 terre With Our Fun & Innovative tours !

cinque terre boat tour


cinque terre tours


Boat Tour Cinque Terre


Shore excursions la spezia


Private boat trips along the dramatic cinqueterre coastine with a maximum of up to 6 guests. A chance to explore the restricted marine conservation area of the Cinque Terre which is possible on the crowded ferries. Experience the stunning landscape and the alternative perspective from the Ligurian sea! There is also the possibility to swim in the turquoise waters only reachable by private boat! Also enjoy a glass of prosecco under the wine terraces! These private tours last two hours with flexible itineraries.


Experience three of the enchanting villages of the Cinque Terre, exploring the alternate perspective and dynamic landscape of the ‘Five Lands’ by boat, where colourful houses and ancient vineyards cling to steep terraces. Enjoy a wine tasting and aperitivo in breathtaking surroundingsoverlooking the Ligurian sea .Cinque Terre Card, day train pass & National Park pass included.

Cinque Private Yacht Tour, take in the dynamic rugged landscape of the famous 5 Terre from the water, aboard our sail and motor yachts. The ultimate way to keep cool and escape the Summer crowds ! This alternative perspective from sea gives you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the stunning landscape , where colourful houses and ancient vineyards cling to steep terraces . Our yacht tours have an English speaking Hostess / Host. Light lunch and alcoholic/non alcoholic drinks included. We have various Sail & Motor Yachts available, from small groups to up to 300 guests. Please contact us for more information *from 1450 euro.


Take in the dynamic rugged landscape of the Cinque Terre by boat , where colorful houses and ancient vineyards cling to steep terraces. A fun and authentic Pesto Demonstration in breathtaking surroundings, open air with stunning views in the heart of the cinque terre villages . Explore the scenic coastline, where you enjoy the second enchanting village from a sea view perspective. Finally ending in Vernazza with the opportunity to explore . Cinque Terre Card, day train pass & National Park pass included.

Best Cinque Terre Tours

Best value for money guaranteed, unique 5 terre tours, shore excursions from la spezia, cinque terre pesto making class, boat tour and lunch.

Jun 19, 2023

May 28, 2023

Cinque Terre Pesto Course Activity with Lunch

Jun 12, 2023

Cinque Terre Boat Tour

Sep 16, 2023

Nov 13, 2023

Boat Tour of the Cinque Terre

Apr 11, 2022

Cinque Terre Wine Tasting & Boat Trip

Aug 25, 2022

Cinque Terre Wine Tasting and Boat Trip

Aug 21, 2022

CONTACT : 0039 3475823662

[email protected]

Copyright Soup London ltd.

Randonnée Cinque Terre

À partir de

Prêt à vous évader ? Contactez-nous :

Séjours clés en main

Convivialité incluse

50 experts voyages

à l’écoute de vos envies

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7 jours / 6 nuits

Levanto – Monterosso – Corniglia – Vernazza – Portofino – Lucques

Les Cinque Terre regroupent 5 villages reliés les uns aux autres par des sentiers, seul lien entre les villages durant des siècles. Aujourd’hui classé au Patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco pour son caractère exceptionnel, ce petit paradis pour la randonnée est aussi un parc national et une aire marine protégée.

Vous allez adorer

  • Découverte du Parc National des Cinque Terre et de la Côte Ligure.
  • Hôtel 4* en bord de mer, avec une belle piscine pour se détendre en soirée.

Votre hôtel

Hôtel Caesar 4* à Lido di Camaiore. Descriptif p. 51. www.caesarhotel.it

cinque terre tour operators

Votre région – Lido di Camaiore (660 km)

Par Bâle – Le Gothard – Déjeuner libre – Milan – Lido di Camaiore. Dîner et logement

Du jour 2 au jour 6

Séjour et randonnées

Au programme, 4 journées de randonnées (pique-nique de l’hôtel, à emporter) :

  • De Levanto à Monterosso Visite de la vieille ville médiévale de Levanto, puis départ pour une randonnée vers Monterosso via Punta Mesco et l’Ermitage St-Antoine, d’où une vue extraordinaire sur la côte et les villages des Cinque Terre, s’offre à vous. Descente par un sentier (rocailleux) vers Monterosso, le plus grand des cinq villages. Visite du bourg et temps libre. Retour en train à Levanto. Marche effective : env. 4h30 – dénivelé env. 350 m + (descente plus pentue que la montée) – niveau moyen
  • Les villages des Cinque Terre Départ en train vers Vernazza. Découverte du village, puis continuation en train vers Corniglia, pittoresque village avec ses maisons colorées adossées à la colline. Promenade guidée du village puis randonnée par un sentier escarpé, traversant le vignoble et les oliveraies jusqu’au village de Manarola. Temps libre avant le retour en train vers La Spezia. Marche effective : env. 3h30 – dénivelé env. 350 m + – niveau moyen.
  • L’île de Palmaria Départ en bateau de La Spezia vers l’île de Palmaria, classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. Le matin, tour de l’île à pied. Repas pique-nique, puis retour en bateau jusqu’à Portovenere. Visite du château Doria et balade dans les ruelles étroites et colorées. Durée prévue : env. 4h – dénivelé env. 300 m+ – niveau moyen
  • Le Parc Naturel de Portofino Départ pour le golfe de Tigulio. A Ruta di Camogli, départ de la randonnée sous les pins et les arbousiers avec de superbes points de vue sur la Riviera du Levant. Arrivée à Portofino, petit Saint-Tropez italien. Temps libre, puis retour en bateau jusqu’à Santa Margherita. Durée prévue : env. 4h – dénivelé env. 300 m+ – niveau moyen
  • 1 journée de détente à l’hôtel en bord de mer et excursion dans la très belle ville de Lucques (Lucca).

Lido di Camaiore – votre région

Retour par le même itinéraire. Déjeuner  libre en cours de route.

Dates et tarifs

  • Du 24 au 30 septembre 2024

Ce prix comprend :

  • Transport en car
  • 6 nuits en hôtel 4*
  • Pension complète du dîner du 1er jour au petit déjeuner du 7e jour (pique-nique lors des randonnées, déjeuner à l’hôtel le 6e jour)
  • Guide de randonnée francophone (4 jours)
  • Transport en bateau et en train lors des randonnées
  • Droits d’accès aux parcs nationaux
  • Assurance assistance/rapatriement.

Ce prix ne comprend pas :

  • Déjeuners des 1er et 7e jours
  • Supplément ch. individuelle : 149 €
  • Assurance annulation/bagages et pack sanitaire : 40 €/pers.

Les randonnées proposées sont accessibles à tous les marcheurs réguliers mais comprennent des sentiers parfois très caillouteux et quelques pentes raides. Selon les conditions météorologiques et le niveau du groupe, le parcours pourra être adapté par le guide.

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The Italian Riviera, Portofino & the Cinque Terre

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  • Accommodation

Optional Excursions

Tour overview.

The Italian Riviera is a beautiful stretch of coastline in the northwest of Italy, stretching from the French border round to Tuscany. It’s home to stunning scenery and chic resorts, which you’ll explore during a series of day trips from your lovely four-star hotel.

There is so much to discover, from the region's remarkable history and wonderful landscapes to fabulous beaches and delicious food and wine. The highlights of your holiday are sure to be the exclusive resort of Portofino and the breathtaking beauty of the Cinque Terre, and we’ve also included a fascinating trip to a shimmering marble quarry.

Everyone’s idea of a perfect holiday is different, so we’ve built plenty of free time into the itinerary too. Time for you to head off and enjoy a quiet drink or a leisurely stroll in a different part of town. We have even set aside several days for relaxing by the pool or on the beach, however, if that’s not for you, our optional excursions give you a chance to explore even more.

cinque terre tour operators

Your Holiday Includes

  • Return flights from London
  • 7 nights half-board in a 4-star hotel
  • 15 meals: 7 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 7 dinners and welcome drink
  • Travelsphere Holiday Director and Specialist Local Guide
  • Overseas transfers, other transportation and porterage

Included Holiday Highlights

  • Carrara Marble Quarry and museum
  • Enjoy a tasting and lunch at the Cantine Lunae Winery
  • Take in the dramatic scenery of the Cinque Terre
  • Cruise along the coast to Portofino and visit Santa Margherita
  • Explore the magical hamlet and abbey of San Fruttuoso

Day 1 UK - Pisa

Your exploration of the Italian Riviera, a beautiful stretch of coastline in Italy’s northwestern corner, starts today! After flying to Pisa, we will drive you to your hotel in Lido di Camaiore, close to the small town of Marina di Pietrasanta, in neighbouring Tuscany. It is the perfect spot from which to explore, and the surrounding area is known for its sweeping sandy beaches. There is one a few steps from your hotel, so why not take a stroll before we get together for a welcome drink and dinner this evening

Day 2 Carrara & Lunae Winery

Today we include a visit to Carrara to see how the area's beautiful white and blue-grey marble is quarried. You'll visit the quarry itself, where the shimmering marble is a spectacular sight, and a marble workshop. Here you'll see how this high-quality material, which was used to create some of the most remarkable buildings in Ancient Rome, is used in sculpture today. We also include a visit to the marble museum, where you'll see statues, archaeological finds and machines used to process marble.

Later, we'll head to the Cantine Lunae Winery, owned by five generations of the same family. Here we'll learn about the centuries-old wine-making techniques which are still in place and enjoy a tasting of a few different wines. These will be paired with a lunch of local food including cheeses, salami and the traditional flatbread focaccia.

Day 3 Marina di Pietrasanta - at Leisure

Spend today at leisure enjoying the facilities at your hotel or exploring Marina di Pietrasanta at your own pace. If you head into town, you’ll find a lovely selection of shops, cafés and restaurants, perfect if you fancy a stroll and leisurely lunch.

Alternatively, why not join our full-day optional excursion by coach. You’ll visit Pisa and see the famous Leaning Tower, one of four buildings which make up the cathedral complex known as the Field of Miracles. We’ll tour the complex with a Local Guide and learn more about the famous tower that took 176 years to complete and began to lean shortly after construction began. After the tour, you’re free to enjoy lunch in Pisa if you wish and then we’ll head to Lucca. This historic, walled city boasts some of Italy’s finest examples of medieval and Renaissance architecture amidst its cobbled streets and pretty piazzas. We’ll explore together on a walking tour and discover highlights including the Roman amphitheatre and beautiful cathedral, where the Volto Santo relic – a wooden sculpture of Christ – is said to be kept. Enjoy some free time to make your own discoveries in Lucca before we make our way back to the hotel.

Day 4 Cinque Terre

Today's included full-day excursion by coach and train takes you to the enchanting area known as the Cinque Terre. This translates as Five Lands and refers to the five fishing villages perched precariously on rugged cliffs high above the Mediterranean Sea. One of the world’s most photographed regions, the views here are simply stunning – so be sure to bring your camera!

As we explore with a Local Guide, we’ll see pretty, pastel-coloured houses clinging to steep dramatic cliffs, and fishing boats bobbing around in tiny harbours. We will admire ancient churches and cobbled piazzas and take in the spectacular views out to sea. Then, you’ll have free time in the village of Vernazza to do just as you please. Maybe soak up the sun on the little beach, linger over a glass of wine or dine alfresco by the waterfront, the choice is entirely yours.

Day 5 Marina di Pietrasanta - at Leisure

Enjoy some free time today. You could explore the area surrounding your hotel, spend a lazy day on the beach or relax by the swimming pool.

Alternatively, why not join our optional excursion, which begins in the beautiful village of Portovenere, sat atop a rocky peninsula in the 'Gulf of Poets', an area once very popular with writers such as Byron, Shelley and DH Lawrence. Highlights are a picturesque harbour lined with brightly coloured houses, the stunning church of San Pietro and an impressive stone-built castle. Next, you'll head to the beautiful seaside town of Lerici, home to an imposing castle, a small historic centre and a crescent-shaped piazza.

Day 6 Portofino & Santa Margherita

After breakfast, join us on today's included tour. We'll start by exploring the hidden hamlet of San Fruttuoso. Nested in a small bay, surrounded by a lush forest, there are no roads to this off-the-beaten-track destination. Instead, we’ll arrive by boat and then step inside the charming 10th-century abbey, located right beside the crystal-clear sea.

Next, we’ll venture to Portofino, which we’ll also reach by local boat service along a pretty coastal stretch. What used to be a tiny fishing port is today the Italian Riviera's most exclusive resort, offering designer boutiques and a fine selection of cafés and bars. You’ll have free time here to make your own discoveries and could perhaps take a stroll among the snaking streets to the Church of St Giorgio. From here, the views across the bay are quite spectacular. Another option is to explore the area surrounding the Piazzetta, Portofino’s main square overlooking the harbour.

You'll also visit the picturesque seaside resort of Santa Margherita, which is home to a lovely palm-fringed harbour that's a magnet for small yachts.

Day 7 Marina di Pietrasanta - at Leisure

Spend today at leisure exploring or enjoying the facilities at your hotel. You could take a dip in the swimming pool or perhaps book a relaxing treatment at the spa.

Alternatively, if you want to discover even more, why not join an optional excursion to Genoa. This large port city, with its twisting maze of narrow streets, is famous as the birthplace of Christopher Columbus, and its maritime history spans centuries. Your guided tour will take you past a diverse mix of contemporary, Renaissance and Baroque architecture, grand palaces and a host of museums and galleries. Now you have your bearings, the rest of the day is yours to do as you please in Genoa.

Day 8 Pisa - UK

Your holiday comes to an end today and after breakfast, we'll drive you to the airport for your return flight to the UK.

Favourite Moment

Learn about centuries-old wine-making techniques and enjoy a lunch of traditional dishes at the family-run Cantine Lunae Winery.

Accommodation (as specified or similar)

Caesar hotel.

The Caesar Hotel is situated in Lido di Camaiore, just a few steps from the beach. The hotel is owned and run by the Giugni family since 1965. Facilities include an outdoor swimming pool, bar, restaurant, sun terrace and a spa with an indoor swimming pool (payable locally). Hotel rooms have air-conditioning, Wi-Fi and flat-screen TV.

Experience even more of your destination by adding one or more optional experiences to your holiday before you set off. Take a look below at the extra trips you can enjoy on this tour

Lerici and Portovenere

Lerici and Portovenere

Historical Genoa

Historical Genoa

Italy - Pisa and the walled town of Lucca

Italy - Pisa and the walled town of Lucca

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Guided tour holidays you may also like

cinque terre tour operators

French Riviera

Soak up the glamour and charm of the south of France, where sun-kissed beaches, exquisite cuisine, and opulent seaside towns create an unforgettable escape.

  • Return flights
  • 7 nights in a 4-star hotel
  • 7 breakfasts

cinque terre tour operators

Secret Lakes of Italy

Discover the scenic beauty of northern Italy’s secret lakes, where tranquil waters, unspoiled nature and delicious cuisine await.

  • 7 nights in 3 and 4-star hotels
  • 11 meals: 7 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 3 dinners

cinque terre tour operators

Grand Tour of Italy

Explore Italy from top to toe on an incredible journey that takes in the iconic cities of Venice, Florence and Rome and discovers the wonders of Pompeii, Sicily and more.

  • 14 nights in 4-star hotels
  • 23 meals: 14 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 8 dinners

Prices shown are based on twin occupancy of a double or twin bedded room with private facilities unless otherwise stated. Single occupancy supplements will apply. Travelsphere have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the hotel images provided on this website and images of room types displayed may vary to those offered on your tour. Therefore due to the possibility of inadvertent errors we do not guarantee their accuracy. Accommodation, airlines used and flight times are subject to change and will be confirmed in your final documents.

Reasons to book with Travelsphere

cinque terre tour operators

100% Protection

All Travelsphere holidays are financially protected via ATOL (flight-inclusive holidays) and financial insurance (non-flight packages). Additionally, all customer money is held in a Trust Fund, governed by independent Trustees. This means your money is 100% protected no matter what.

Top Tours in Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque terre tours.

  • Scenic Railroads
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

cinque terre tour operators

1. Cinque Terre Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hiking

cinque terre tour operators

2. Cinque Terre and Pisa Tower Tour from Florence Semi Private

cinque terre tour operators

3. Cinque Terre Hybrid Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

4. Cinque Terre Sunset Boat Tour Experience

cinque terre tour operators

5. Scent of the Sea: Cinque Terre Park Full Day Trip from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

6. Small group Pasta and Tiramisu class in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

7. Cinque Terre & Pisa Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hike

cinque terre tour operators

8. Cinque Terre Private Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

9. 6/7-Hour Guided Tour Portovenere and Cinque Terre with aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

10. Sunset Cinque Terre Boat Tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

11. Relaxing Boat Tour with Aperitif in Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

12. Kayak experience with Carnassa Tour in Cinque Terre + Snorkeling

cinque terre tour operators

13. Guided Day Tour on Private Boat to Cinque Terre private boat

cinque terre tour operators

14. Cinque Terre Sunset Tour

cinque terre tour operators

15. Classic Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

16. Authentic Pesto cooking class in Manarola at Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

17. Cinque Terre tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

18. Cinque Terre Tour Small Group Tour from Lucca

cinque terre tour operators

19. Cinque Terre boat tour PRIVATE, Wonderful Experience

cinque terre tour operators

20. Fully-Day Private Tour to Cinque Terre from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

21. Cinque Terre Morning Tour

cinque terre tour operators

22. Cinque Terre Sunset Cruise with Aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

23. Private Tour: Cinque Terre from La Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

24. Cinque Terre tour with limoncino tasting from La Spezia Port

cinque terre tour operators

25. 8 Hours Cinque Terre with Lunch on Boat in Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

26. Morning Boat Tour to Cinque Terre with breakfast and brunch

cinque terre tour operators

27. Home Cooking Class & Meal with a Local in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

28. Cinque Terre: Gnocchi & Pesto Class with Seaview in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

29. Cinque Terre Private Day Trip from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

30. Cinque Terre Sunset Tour by Boat

What travellers are saying.

Amy B

Top Tours in Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque terre tours.

  • Scenic Railroads
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

cinque terre tour operators

1. Cinque Terre Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hiking

cinque terre tour operators

2. Cinque Terre and Pisa Tower Tour from Florence Semi Private

cinque terre tour operators

3. Cinque Terre Hybrid Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

4. Cinque Terre Sunset Boat Tour Experience

cinque terre tour operators

5. Scent of the Sea: Cinque Terre Park Full Day Trip from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

6. Small group Pasta and Tiramisu class in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

7. Cinque Terre & Pisa Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hike

cinque terre tour operators

8. Cinque Terre Private Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

9. Cinque Terre in half a day by boat and train

cinque terre tour operators

10. 6/7-Hour Guided Tour Portovenere and Cinque Terre with aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

11. Sunset Cinque Terre Boat Tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

12. Relaxing Boat Tour with Aperitif in Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

13. Kayak experience with Carnassa Tour in Cinque Terre + Snorkeling

cinque terre tour operators

14. Guided Day Tour on Private Boat to Cinque Terre private boat

cinque terre tour operators

15. Cinque Terre Sunset Tour

cinque terre tour operators

16. Classic Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

17. Cinque Terre Pesto experience in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

18. Authentic Pesto cooking class in Manarola at Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

19. Cinque Terre tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

20. Cinque Terre Tour Small Group Tour from Lucca

cinque terre tour operators

21. Cinque Terre boat tour PRIVATE, Wonderful Experience

cinque terre tour operators

22. Fully-Day Private Tour to Cinque Terre from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

23. Cinque Terre Morning Tour

cinque terre tour operators

24. Private Tour: Cinque Terre from La Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

25. Cinque Terre tour with limoncino tasting from La Spezia Port

cinque terre tour operators

26. 8 Hours Cinque Terre with Lunch on Boat in Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

27. Cinque Terre Sunset Cruise with Aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

28. Morning Boat Tour to Cinque Terre with breakfast and brunch

cinque terre tour operators

29. Home Cooking Class & Meal with a Local in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

30. Cinque Terre: Gnocchi & Pesto Class with Seaview in Riomaggiore

What travellers are saying.

Amy B

cinque terre tour operators

Welcome to the exceptional world of


Explore the enchanting beauty of the Cinque Terre and the Gulf of Poets with us. This is not just a boat tour but a unique journey shaped by passion and dedication to discovering the extraordinary Cinque Terre. Indulge in an ode to the pristine beauty of these places, where every moment becomes an unforgettable experience.


Explore dreamlike landscapes, where crystal-clear waters embrace ancient colorful villages of the Cinque Terre, clinging to the rocks, and green hills extend to the horizon. This is not just a visual journey but a complete immersion in emotions, guided by authentic passion for the natural beauty and cultural heritage of this unique region in the world.

Our staff is not just a crew but a group of nature and adventure enthusiasts, ready to welcome you on board with a contagious smile.

We are here to share with you the magic of the Cinque Terre and the Gulf of Poets, turning every moment into an indelible memory.


Choose to live an experience that goes beyond the ordinary, where every detail is crafted with passion to offer you a total immersion in the enchantment of the Cinque Terre and the Gulf of Poets.

Authentic Hospitality

Stella Boat Tour is an invitation to discover the authentic hospitality and vibrant soul of one of the most fascinating territories in the world.

Ligurian Gozzo: Navigating Art Between History and Modernity

Embark on our jewel, the typical Ligurian Gozzo, a 7.5-meter work of art that blends seamlessly with the timeless atmosphere of these UNESCO heritage lands. In addition to ensuring comfort and safety with a maximum capacity of 10 people, our Gozzo is the bridge between tradition and modernity—an experience that surpasses the expectations of a typical boat tour.

Stella Boat Tour Manarola Cinque Terre

Morning Tour

Duration: 2.5 hours Price: starting from €85 per person

Shared Boat Tour among the Cinque Terre – Early Afternoon Tour

Early Afternoon Tour

Shared Boat Tour among the Cinque Terre – Late Afternoon Tour

Late Afternoon Tour

Shared Boat Tour among the Cinque Terre – Sunset Tour

Sunset Tour

Duration: 2.5 hours Price: starting from €90 per person

Our Private Tours

Sailing through the Cinque Terre on a private boat makes the experience even more exclusive and personalized. Private tours provide a unique opportunity to explore these charming coastal locations with maximum comfort and flexibility.

Private Boat Tour in the Cinque Terre – Classic Tour

Classic Tour

of the Cinque Terre

Private Boat Tour – La Spezia - Portovenere the 3 islands

La Spezia, Portovenere

the 3 islands

Private Boat Tour – Marriage Proposal

Marriage Proposal

Private Boat Tour – Bachelor / Bachelorette Party

Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

THE 10 BEST Cinque Terre City Tours

City tours in cinque terre.

  • Scenic Railroads
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

cinque terre tour operators

1. Boat tour 5 terre & Portovenere Food - drink - music - swim

cinque terre tour operators

2. Portraits with a Cinque Terre photographer

cinque terre tour operators

3. Cinque Terre Private Tour by Minivan and Ferry-Boat from La Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

4. Cinque Terre Private Boat Tour with Private Shooting

cinque terre tour operators

5. Cinque Terre Private half day tour with Official Tour Guide

cinque terre tour operators

6. Cinque Terre Private Tour by Minivan and Ferry-Boat from La Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

7. Private trip to Cinque Terre from Florence (10 h)

cinque terre tour operators

8. Cinque Terre Private Tour by minivan and ferry-boat from Lucca

cinque terre tour operators

9. Cinque Terre from Milan Private Tour by Car, Ferry or Train

cinque terre tour operators

10. Cinque Terre: Private Walking tour through Villages

cinque terre tour operators

11. Visit the Cinque Terre with the Audio Guide app for Smartphone

cinque terre tour operators

12. Portovenere, Cinque Terre Private Tour from Montecatini Terme or Grotta Giusti spa

cinque terre tour operators

13. Private Full Day Florence to Cinque Terre Tour by Ferry or Train

cinque terre tour operators

14. Four Days Private Tuscany City Tour from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

15. Accessible Cinque Terre Private Tour from Livorno Port

cinque terre tour operators

16. Cinque Terre and Pisa Small Group Shore Excursion from Livorno

cinque terre tour operators

17. Private DayTrip From Florence To Cinque Terre, Flexible Itinerary

cinque terre tour operators

18. Accessible Cinque Terre & Pisa Private Tour from Livorno Port

cinque terre tour operators

19. Portovenere and Cinque Terre Private Tour from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

20. Private minivan Tour to 5 Terre

cinque terre tour operators

21. Accessible Cinque Terre Private Tour from La Spezia Port

cinque terre tour operators

22. Cinque Terre Private Tour From Florence

cinque terre tour operators

23. Cinqueterre and Portovenere Full Day Tour from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

24. Private Transfer from Cinque Terre to La Spezia by car or van

What travelers are saying.



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  • Cinque Terre Tours

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  • Top Cinque Terre Tours
  • Cinque Terre Attraction Guide
  • Suggested Cinque Terre Itineraries
  • Cinque Terre Landmarks

Top Cinque Terre Travel Companies

Cinque terre in a week.

Highlights of Italy tour

Highlights of Italy

Flights & transport:, itinerary focus:.

  • Explore rocky coastal pathways and pastel-coloured villages with a Cinque Terre day pass, which allows you to hike at your leisure and use the coast's public transport.
  • Get lost in the floating city of Venice and wander the city's maze of alleyways, canals and lagoon islands, and choose whether to enjoy an optional gondola ride.
  • Spend two days in Florence, a city known for its beauty and rustic Tuscan cuisine, and choose to discover the cities culinary traditions on optional food excursions.
  • Mind-blowing squid ink spaghetti, rich Tuscan soups, a slice of pizza eaten while you gaze on centuries-old architecture – the food culture in Italy inebriate your soul.
  • Discover the landmarks of Rome with your leader and wander around the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.
  • By travelling on this trip, you’ll directly support our Intrepid Foundation partner, Cooperativa Coraggio. Donations help them regenerate 22 hectares of unused public land to create local jobs and produce organic food in Italy.

Charming Italian Riviera and Cinque Terre

Charming Italian Riviera and Cinque Terre

  • History and Food tradition of Genova tour
  • Cooking experience and Tasting in Portofino’s Natural Park'
  • Cinque Terre private boat tour
  • Cinque Terre trekking tour

Walks of the Cinque Terre and Portofino

Walks of the Cinque Terre and Portofino

  • Take coastal and mountain paths through olive groves and vineyards
  • Explore the picturesque and colourful villages of Liguria and the Cinque Terre
  • Walk from village to village, through forests and spectacular terraced landscapes overlooking the sea
  • Experience an extra-special wine tasting at the internationally lauded taverna, Assirto

Cinque Terre: Hike, Bike & Kayak

Cinque Terre: Hike, Bike & Kayak

  • Immerse yourself in colourful cliff-side houses and a coastal paradise that makes the Cinque Terre region of Italy one of the world's most romantic destinations.
  • Adventure through the area's most scenic trails on foot, including parts of the classic coastal route. Bike through gorgeous villages (the best way to cover ground) and take a kayaking trip on the sparkling Mediterranean Sea to a paradisiacal beach.
  • If you'd rather spend more time relaxing on the beach, there's some flexibility to take a train instead of hiking – with a local leader and somebody to organize everything for you, you can choose your own adventure!
  • Enjoy delicious Italian cuisine and afternoon aperitifs overlooking spectacular cliffs, iconic village views and the deep blue of the ocean.
  • Discover a swathe of medieval marvels, such as the castle and churches of Levanto and the Abbey of San Fruttuoso.
  • By travelling on this trip, you’ll directly support our Intrepid Foundation partner, World Bicycle Relief. Donations provide school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas with bicycles that provide access to education, healthcare, and income.

Walking in the Cinque Terre and Portofino

Walking in the Cinque Terre and Portofino

  • Coastal and countryside walking amongst olive groves and vineyards
  • The chic town of Portofino
  • Boat trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Palmaria Island
  • The serene village of Sestri Levante

Cinque Terre Magnifica Hiking Tour

Cinque Terre Magnifica Hiking Tour

  • Portofino, with its tall colored houses and exclusive small harbor
  • Parco Naturale Regionale di Portofino: Villas and Flowers
  • Abbey of San Fruttuoso
  • Oil, pesto, and many other Ligurian delicacies
  • Panoramic wine tasting
  • The mild weather of the Ligurian Riviera, which is perfect for hiking
  • Private boat ride with snorkeling stops
  • Two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Cinque Terre and Portovenere

Want a tailor-made trip instead?

Italy - Your Way

Italy - Your Way

  • Tours designed especially for you and your travel companions
  • Tours from $2,000 to $10,000, per person, working within your budget to find the best options for you
  • Arranged and designed tours for all aspects or portions of your journey
  • Private and small group day tours available
  • Travel at your pace
  • Explore only the locations and attractions you want to see, when you want to see them
  • Attentive planning for special interest activities
  • Minimal hotel changes during your stay at first class accommodations
  • Multi-country itineraries available.

Northern Italy Family Holiday

Northern Italy Family Holiday

  • Try your hand at mask-making in Venice at a locally specialised Venetian Atelier, ready to help your family discover this unusual art form for yourselves.
  • Test your family’s fitness with a hike on the renowned paths of the Cinque Terre, then test the kids’ culinary skills with a hands-on pesto-making class in Levanto. Yum!
  • Oh, and did we mention the food? During your family’s adventure-filled days, be sure to try as many Venetian, Tuscan and Roman favourites you can – your group leader will have a heap of suggestions.
  • Head to the World Heritage-listed Leaning Tower of Pisa to take photos with your family, including the classic “here’s me holding up the tower!” shot.
  • Spend a full day exploring Florence – the city of the Renaissance and the capital of Italy’s Tuscany region – and discover the gorgeous Duomo, plenty of pizza places and Michelangelo’s David.
  • By travelling on this trip, you’ll learn about our Intrepid Foundation partner, Cooperativa Coraggio. Donations help them regenerate 22 hectares of unused public land to create local jobs and produce organic food in Italy. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Tuscany & the Italian Riviera  - 2024

Tuscany & the Italian Riviera - 2024

  • Experience the food culture of northern Italy during a traditional welcome dinner.
  • Partake in an interactive pasta-making demonstration.
  • Taste different varietals of olive oil from an award-winning olive oil mill in the Chianti countryside.
  • Explore the Langhe wine country (UNESCO) and its most refined wines on a vineyard tour.
  • Uncover the walled city of Lucca before enjoying free time on your own.
  • Spend 3 nights in a beautiful Tuscan villa.
  • Journey to Florence for a tour of the "Cradle of the Renaissance."
  • Explore the colorful cliff-side villages of the Cinque Terre.
  • Discover the medieval village of Greve, the unofficial capital of the Chianti region.

Member Savings

Italy - Your Way

  • Tours from $2,000 to $10,000, per person, working within your budget to find the best options for you
  • Multi-country itineraries available

Treasures of Tuscany & Liguria - 7 days

Treasures of Tuscany & Liguria - 7 days

  • Montalcino - Stroll around this pretty hilltop town and enjoy included wine tasting and light bites at one of the town's finest wine bars
  • Siena - See the magnificent Piazza del Campo and other highlights on a guided tour of this walled town
  • San Gimignano - Discover the pretty medieval buildings and fortified walls of this UNESCO-listed gem
  • Florence - Spend a free afternoon taking in the best of the city's Renaissance-era architecture, including the Duomo & Palazzo Vecchio
  • Lucca - Head inside the town's fortified walls for a guided sightseeing tour, taking in the main attractions of the city
  • Pisa - Marvel at the iconic Leaning Tower with free time to explore the delightful Piazza dei Miracoli
  • Cinque Terre - Enjoy an included excursion to some of the colourful coastal villages, one of Italy's most famous attractions
  • Portofino - Take a scenic boat ride from Rapallo to Santa Margherita Ligure and glamorous Portofino, an exclusive coastal town

Rome, Tuscany & Cinque Terre - 9 days

Rome, Tuscany & Cinque Terre - 9 days

  • Rome - 'Skip the line' for a guided tour of the Vatican City, including the iconic Sistine Chapel and the Galleries of Tapestries
  • La Spezia - Stay for three nights in this pretty Liguria port city, with free time to relax and explore at your own pace


  • Sightseeing: Visits to Como, Vigevano, Pavia, Parma, Milan
  • Scenic Highlights: Lake Maggiore, Cinque Terre, Lombardy Plain

Italy by Rail tour

Italy by Rail

  • Venice is like a dream – your chance to sip prosecco, drift down grand canals and dominate instagram with scenes of impossible romance
  • The cinque terre might just be the most epic stretch of coastline in the world, thanks to its rainbow of cute little cliff-side houses. look at them, smiling over the water like they were painted there!
  • There's a lot more to florence than renaissance art (although the art is pretty great). the cattedrale di santa maria del fiore is brimming with nearly 600 years of history and stories
  • No italian adventure is complete without some time in rome. there's loads of time to check out the ancient colosseum, mozy through vatican city and gaze up towards the gods inside st peter's basilica

Winter in the Italian Riviera: A Coastal Utopia

Winter in the Italian Riviera: A Coastal Utopia

  • Listen to the sounds of Italy during a piano and violin concert in Villa Durazzo
  • Explore some of Genoa’s 42 palaces, which are designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites, with a local expert
  • Get a taste of the culture in a cooking class based on the famous Genovese recipe for pesto

Heart of Italy in 9 Days Tour

Heart of Italy in 9 Days Tour

  • Experience Ancient Rome walking tour
  • Discover Colosseum tour and Roman Forum tour
  • Visit St. Peter's Basilica ,  Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel
  • Explore  Guarnacci Etruscan Museum tour

9 Day Tuscany & Amalfi Coast

9 Day Tuscany & Amalfi Coast

  • Explore the Renaissance city of Florence with a guided walking tour
  • Enjoy a Tuscan farm dinner with wine and olive-oil tasting
  • Experience one of the world's most spectacular drives along the Amalfi Coast
  • Save up to 32% off trips to every continent on earth
  • Redeem anytime before 2023. Last minute changes OK.
  • Get a full refund.

9 Day Tastes of Tuscany

9 Day Tastes of Tuscany

  • Travel to the Chianti region, where one of Italy's most famous red wine is produced
  • Walking Tour of Lucca, a jewel of medieval architecture
  • View Pisa’s famous Piazza dei Miracoli with its Leaning Tower
  • Wine tasting, cooking class and dinner at a Tuscan Farm
  • Leisure time in Montecatini, to pamper yourself at one of the celebrated spas

Ciao Italy9 days

Ciao Italy<br>9 days

Northern italy

Northern italy

  • Visit the Basilica of Santo Estefano and the main square.
  • Travel to Modena.
  • Explore Enzo Ferrari Museum.

Related Trips & Tours

Cinque terre reviews & ratings, why travelstride, additional details, what you should know before going on a cinque terre tour, where is cinque terre.

Cinque Terre is the area surrounding five villages in the Liguria region of Northern Italy . Hugging the rugged coastline, Cinque Terre sits between the two historic cities of Genoa and Pisa.

For Cinque Terre-only tours, visitors will generally start their journey in Pisa before making their way to Cinque Terre. If you are on a Northern Italian tour, your starting city may be Pisa or Rome.

Many may overestimate the size of Cinque Terre. While it is one of the most famous regions in Italy, it is actually very small. The entire region takes up less than 20 sq miles and it takes only 6 hours to walk the length of the Cinque Terre Trail from Riomaggiore in the south to Monterosso in the north.

Who Will Like Traveling to Cinque Terre?

Cinque Terre is the perfect destination for hikers and active travelers. With multiple trails traversing along the rugged terrain of the Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre, hikers will enjoy an activity-filled holiday.

Photographers of all skill levels will fall in love with the picturesque views of Cinque Terre. There are countless locations on the trails and in the cities of Cinque Terre to capture the delicately-colored buildings and cliffs.

As with many other Italian regions, Cinque Terre is very popular for food and wine lovers. The national park around the five villages is dotted with olive trees and countless acres of vineyards. Additionally, seafood lovers will enjoy one of the most famous dishes of Cinque Terre, anchovies.

What Should You Wear for Touring Cinque Terre

The most important item to include in your packing list for Cinque Terre are good hiking shoes. These can be either traditional hiking boots or comfortable tennis shoes, but they should be reliable. There is a great deal of walking in Cinque Terre and some of the walks can be strenuous and very steep.

It is also important to pack comfortable clothes to wear while hiking or touring. However, for dinners out in the villages, it is recommended to include dressier clothes in your packing list.

Cinque Terre has a traditional Mediterranean climate with very warm weather from May to October. Packing multiple layers for weather changes and lightweight clothes is highly suggested. Additionally, sunglasses and hats for the hikes are a must.

A note about what type of luggage to bring. Cinque Terre’s landscape is very rugged and many of the streets are steep or include stairs. Taking a large backpack or a lightweight suitcase is recommended to make traversing around Cinque Terre easier.

What Kind of Italy Tours include Cinque Terre?

Cinque Terre guided tours are typically included in three types of Italy tours :

First, Cinque Terre is a destination in many Northern Italy tours that also feature stops in Pisa, Genoa, Tuscany, and Venice. Second, tours of the top attractions of Italy also include a day or two in Cinque Terre. These tours include stops at the top destinations of Rome, Milan, and Assisi.

Finally, there are also Cinque Terre-only tours. These tours are usually only 8 days in length and are focused around hiking the trails and the cuisine of Cinque Terre.

Cinque Terre Trails and Trail Cards

The villages of Cinque Terre are included in the Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre. The park is 9,500 acres of olive trees, vineyards, and cliffs, in addition to the 74 miles of trails. The trails were once the original paths that connected the villages and are now used today as a way to see the Cinque Terre landscape.

The park has designated paths between each of the villages and additional tracks throughout the park. You can hire a guide to take you on each trail, or you can walk the paths yourself.

To help maintain the trails and parks, tourists do have to pay to walk the paths. It is recommended to buy a Cinque Terre Trail card . This card covers admittance for all of the trails, including Via dell’ Amore (“Lovers’ Lane).

There are two cards you can buy: the Trekking Card and the Treno MS Card. The Trekking Card not only includes admittance to the trails, but also the bus system for the region.

The Treno MS Card includes the paths and other park admittance, but also includes the trains that connect the villages. This would be especially helpful when visiting Corniglia because to reach the village you have to take the train.

Both cards can be purchased through the park’s website or upon arrival. Some of the tours may include in their price access to the trails, but it is recommended to check before booking.

Always Find the Best

Find and compare Cinque Terre Tours from as short as 4 days to as long as 24 days. Travelstride searches over 1,000 websites and companies so you don't have to and found 83 Cinque Terre Tours offered by 42 travel companies. 52 people reviewed these Cinque Terre Tours.

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Top Cinque Terre Attractions

Church of San Francesco

Doria Castle

The Love Path

Footpath Monterosa

Top Activties in Cinque Terre

Cooking classes

Nature walks

History tours

Ruins & Archaeology tours

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Top Tours in Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque terre tours.

  • Scenic Railroads
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

cinque terre tour operators

1. Cinque Terre Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hiking

cinque terre tour operators

2. Cinque Terre and Pisa Tower Tour from Florence Semi Private

cinque terre tour operators

3. Cinque Terre Hybrid Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

4. Cinque Terre Sunset Boat Tour Experience

cinque terre tour operators

5. Scent of the Sea: Cinque Terre Park Full Day Trip from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

6. Small group Pasta and Tiramisu class in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

7. Cinque Terre & Pisa Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hike

cinque terre tour operators

8. Cinque Terre Private Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

9. 6/7-Hour Guided Tour Portovenere and Cinque Terre with aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

10. Sunset Cinque Terre Boat Tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

11. Relaxing Boat Tour with Aperitif in Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

12. Kayak experience with Carnassa Tour in Cinque Terre + Snorkeling

cinque terre tour operators

13. Guided Day Tour on Private Boat to Cinque Terre private boat

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14. Cinque Terre Sunset Tour

cinque terre tour operators

15. Classic Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

16. Authentic Pesto cooking class in Manarola at Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

17. Cinque Terre tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

18. Cinque Terre Tour Small Group Tour from Lucca

cinque terre tour operators

19. Cinque Terre boat tour PRIVATE, Wonderful Experience

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20. Fully-Day Private Tour to Cinque Terre from Florence

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21. Cinque Terre Morning Tour

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22. Private Tour: Cinque Terre from La Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

23. 8 Hours Cinque Terre with Lunch on Boat in Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

24. Cinque Terre tour with limoncino tasting from La Spezia Port

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25. Cinque Terre Sunset Cruise with Aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

26. Morning Boat Tour to Cinque Terre with breakfast and brunch

cinque terre tour operators

27. Home Cooking Class & Meal with a Local in Riomaggiore

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28. Cinque Terre: Gnocchi & Pesto Class with Seaview in Riomaggiore

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29. Cinque Terre Private Day Trip from Florence

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30. Cinque Terre Sunset Tour by Boat

What travellers are saying.

Amy B

cinque terre tour operators

Private and Small Group Tours of Tuscany and Cinque Terre

Be spoiled like a guest , travel like a local .

We’re a tour operator based in Florence that specializes in providing the best tours of Tuscany and Cinque Terre. Our drivers are experienced tour guides that will show you the best of what Tuscany and Cinque Terre have to offer.

During your tour, you’ll be able to enjoy our top-of-the-line vehicles, knowledgeable tour guides and 5-star rated service. Our team ensures that your experience will be unforgettable!

There's no need to stress out about finding the best tours, we've got you covered!

Whether you want to explore Tuscany or Cinque Terre for a day trip or a half-day trip, our tours are designed to give you the most authentic and enjoyable experience possible. We use only the latest Mercedes models and our drivers are highly trained tour guides and they will provide you a unique experience.

Our services meet very high standards which are also found in the reviews of our customers, who are always happy with their experiences with us!

cinque terre tour operators

Luxury Fleet

We pride ourselves on only using the best and most up-to-date Mercedes Van.

cinque terre tour operators

Private tours

Explore Tuscany at your own pace, without share or caring for other people around you

cinque terre tour operators


Max 8 people x Mercedes van. Not too big, not too expensive - just right.

Private tours.

Private tours give you the freedom to explore Tuscany and Cinque Terre at your own pace, without having to share your car with other travelers.

MONTEPULCIANO e MONTALCINO - Private Tour - Truescany by I Just Drive - 3

A Day Tour To The Heart Of Tuscany: Val d’Orcia, land of Gourmet Cheese, delicious Food and excellent Wine

Starting at

Truescany - Wine tasting - 1

Explore charming Tuscan villages and taste some of the best Chianti wine in the world.

Chianti's Best Tour by night - Truescany by I just Drive9

Take in the rolling hills and beautiful sunsets of Tuscany and end your day with a wine tasting and dinner at a local winery.

Cinque Terre and Pisa Leaning Tower Tour from Florence - Truescany by I just drive7

Come see the Cinque Terre and the Leaning Tower of Pisa in one day. These two UNESCO heritage sites will take your breath away.

Truescany - Wine tasting - 4

Join a scenic tour of the Chianti region and taste a selection of some of the best wines that Italy has to offer .

Ducati, Ferrari, Lamborghini Museum and Factory tour - 10

Discover the famous Italian engines that have made their mark on history and taste the art of balsamic vinegar.

Lucca, Pisa and Chianti winery - Truescany by I just drive9

Tuscan Adventure: City Walls, The Leaning Tower Of Pisa & Wine Tasting

Parmesan, Prosciutto and Balsamic Vinegar - Truescany - 2

Come with us to taste some of Italy’s most famous food products

Pisa and Lucca - Half Day - Truescany by I just drive1

Tuscan Adventure: The Leaning Tower Of Pisa and The City Walls of Lucca

Lucca, Pisa and Chianti winery - Truescany by I just drive10

It's time to discover Tuscany and Cinque Terre like never before.

Small Group Tours

Not too big, not too expensive – just right. As long as saving doesn’t mean giving up comfort or quality, we’ve engineered our tours so that won’t happen.

Cinque Terre and Pisa Leaning Tower Tour from Florence - Truescany by I just drive6

Save time, money and the headache of trying to navigate your way through an unknown destination. We will take care of everything.

Our drivers are highly trained tour guides that will let you enjoy the best Tuscan experience.

We know that you’ve been searching for the best way to experience Tuscany and Cinque Terre. We also know that you’re looking for a tour operator that will provide you with an unforgettable experience, and we want to be that company.

The first thing many travelers do when planning a trip to Tuscany is look for a rental car without considering the stress that comes with driving in an unfamiliar country. Streets in Italy are often narrow and curved, and if you don’t recognize a limited traffic area, you could get fined. The result is that you attempted to be independent and spend less, but the autonomous driving experience proved to be stressful and expensive.

By relying on our services, you can count on the professionalism of our drivers who are also excellent tour guides. They are ready to show you the most beautiful places in Tuscany and the Cinque Terre, making your experience unique and memorable. That way, you can relax and enjoy your tour without having to worry about getting lost or into any trouble. Hundreds of clients choose us every year because they know they can count on us to provide a great experience.

We are passionate about what we do and want to change your life with simple things like tours.

cinque terre tour operators

Private tours give you the freedom to explore at your own pace all the tour locations, without having to share your car with other travelers. Your driver/guide is at your exclusive disposal, which means that you can be more independent in choosing the stops you make and the places you visit.

cinque terre tour operators


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Discover Cinque Terre (Italy)?

Italy has a lot of "ancient culture". This culture mostly relates direct to a period 2000 years ago where Italy ruled Western Europe (Roman Empire). In the modern era you can think of music (operas), fashion, food and drinks that conquered the world (pizza, spaghetti, cappuccino) as well as the Roman Catholic religion (Vatican in heart of Rome).

Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre ("5 Cities") is a rugged coastal area in the North-West of Italy. It is very scenic and one of the best places for a few-days hike.

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We have 14 tour operators that conduct 81 group tours and private tours in Cinque Terre with duration 6 - 36 Days and rates starting at USD 1,239.00.


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1/6 Tuscany to Cinque Terre: Wines, Villages & Unforgettable Walks


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1/4 Spotlight on Tuscany

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1/3 Northern Italy's Highlights & Cinque Terre

USD 3,039.00

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1/3 Jewels of Italy and Milan by Rail

USD 1,679.00

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USD 2,204.00

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USD 2,649.00

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Book Cinque Terre Tours

We are a trusted partner offering a curated selection of best tickets and tours. This is not the official website.

Top categories for exploring Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is a proud gem of the Italian Riviera with a plethora of exciting and beautiful experiences. From boat tours to well-planned day trips, there's a perfectly curated adventure for you.

Day Trip to Cinque Terre

Discover Cinque Terre day trips

Prepare to be seduced by Cinque Terre's scenic villages, each brimming with unique charm. Enjoy coastal views, sandy beaches, local cuisine, and scenic hikes for a day filled with fun and excitement!

Milan To Cinque Terre

Cities of Cinque Terrre

Perched along Liguria's rugged coastline, the Cinque Terre comprises five picturesque fishing villages. Protected by medieval fortifications, they now shine as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, featuring stunning terraced gardens, hiking trails, and convenient railway connections.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

Monterosso al Mare

The largest village of Cinque Terre, known for its sandy beach, ideal for beach lovers and those seeking a range of amenities including shops, bars, and restaurants.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

One of the most photogenic of the Cinque Terre towns, boasting colorful Ligurian houses and a small harbor with boats. A perfect starting point for hikes and awesome photo opportunities.

Cinque Terre Day Trips


Widely acknowledged as the most romantic village with its cascade of colorful houses around a tiny harbor, offering picturesque sunset views and opportunities for boat rentals and tours.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

Famous for its multicolored houses facing the sea, Manarola features a small harbor with seafood restaurants, making it a perfect spot for sunbathing, people-watching, and relaxing by the ocean.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

Nestled on a cliff 100 meters above sea level, Corniglia offers a genuine, less touristy experience, ideal for enjoying sunsets and village's romantic atmosphere.

Know before you go on a Cinque Terre tour

Travel essentials

Time Zone : CET (Central European Time), UTC/GMT +1 hour. Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts on March 31, 2024. Clocks move forward 1 hour. DST ends on October 27, 2024. Clocks move backward 1 hour.

Currency : Euro (EUR)

Country code : +39

Emergency numbers:

  • Emergency Services: 112
  • Police: 113
  • Medical Emergency: 118

What to pack

  • Pack breathable fabrics for warm weather and layering options for cooler evenings.
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to shield from the sun during outdoor activities.
  • Carry essentials like re-usable water bottle, snacks, a camera, and a map while exploring.
  • Ensure your electronics stay charged with the appropriate adapter for Italy's electrical outlets ( Type C, F, and L electrical outlets).
  • Keep your passport, travel insurance, and any required tickets or reservations handy.
  • Have local currency (Euros) and cards for purchases, as some smaller establishments may not accept cards.
  • Lightweight travel towel - useful for beach visits or drying off after hikes. A light sweater or hoodie for spring and autumn evenings.
  • Language guide or translator app, helpful for communication, especially if you're not fluent in Italian.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

  • Peak Season (June to August) : The weather is warm and sunny, making it ideal for beach activities and hiking. However, this also means larger crowds, higher prices, and more difficulty finding accommodation.
  • Shoulder Season (September to October) : The weather is still pleasant, but the crowds are thinner compared to the peak season. You can enjoy milder temperatures, blooming flowers in spring, and harvest festivals in fall. This is often considered the best time to visit for a balance of good weather and fewer tourists.
  • Off Season (November to February) : Brings cooler weather and some closures, but also fewer crowds and lower prices, with December holidays adding a festive touch.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

Here are some popular options to commute when in Cinque Terre:

  • Trekking : Ideal for experiencing the charm of villages and coastline.
  • Trains : Convenient and budget-friendly for inter-town travel.
  • Ferries : Offer scenic views of the Ligurian coastline.
  • Cars : Not recommended due to limited parking and narrow streets.

Know the rules

  • Wear appropriate shoes for trails; flip-flops are banned.
  • Respect no-drone rules; flying drones requires a permit.
  • Stay for a few days and support the local economy.
  • Avoid picking grapes or citrus fruit.
  • Don't walk around villages in swimwear or towels.
  • No camping allowed in the park area.
  • Use refillable water bottles to reduce single-use plastic.
  • Respect private property and signage indicating no trespassing.

Following these guidelines ensures the preservation of Cinque Terre's fragile environment and supports sustainable tourism practices.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

  • Consider the duration, the stops, and the type of boat to choose the ideal Cinque Terre boat tour for you. Boat tours can get booked up quickly, especially during peak season, so it's best to book in advance. 
  • The sea can be choppy at times, especially at noon, so if you're prone to seasickness, consider taking medication beforehand.
  • Due to cliffside locations, accommodations and train stations involve climbing stairs. Pack lightly to ease mobility, especially considering the steep terrain.
  • Avoid renting a car as the villages are accessed by narrow, steep roads and are mostly closed to traffic. Parking is limited, expensive, and in high demand from locals.
  • Cinque Terre is increasingly popular, so reserve accommodation early, MUCH early, to secure preferred options.
  • The Cinque Terre Card is a mandate for accessing the Blue Trail hike; available in 'trekking' or 'treno' versions.
  • Start your day early to beat day-trippers and cruise ship crowds. Explore less popular trails and stay within the villages during peak hours for a more authentic experience.

Cinque Terre Day Trips

  • Trofie al Pesto : Traditional Ligurian pasta dish prepared with trofie, a short, twisted pasta, and a pesto sauce made with fresh basil. Taste some of the best at Ristorante La Torre in Vernazza .
  • Muscoli : Several versions of muscoli or mussels are served, including steamed, in a white wine and garlic sauce, or with pasta and tomato sauce. Try some at Da Eraldo in Monterosso.
  • Focaccia : It has a fluffy but crispy texture. Olives or tomato stuffings are available with different combinations of onions, garlic, or rosemary. Visit Il Frantoio in Monterosso and get yours!
  • Fritto misto : A delicately balanced combination of vegetables like zucchini, eggplant, and cauliflower with fish like anchovies, sardines, and squid that is deep-fried till crispy. Il Pescato Cucinato in Riomaggiore serves the best.


Monterosso : Zia Letizia Bed And Wine , Bibi , Seaview

Vernazza: La Ripa Camere Vernazza , Carattino Apartment , Vernazza Guest House

Corniglia : Dolce Far Niente , Le Terrazze

Manarola : Amanarola , Solea

Riomaggiore : Orto al Mare , Marina’s House , Oltre

Frequently asked questions about Cinque Terre tours

Some of the must-visit attractions on a Cinque Terre tour include: - The colorful villages of Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore, each with its own unique charm and character. - The scenic coastal trails that connect the villages, offering breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and the rugged coastline. - The Blue Trail (Sentiero Azzurro), a popular hiking trail that stretches along the coastline and provides access to picturesque viewpoints and hidden coves. - The vineyards and terraced hillsides that characterize the landscape of Cinque Terre, showcasing the region's rich agricultural heritage. - The historic landmarks and cultural sites within the villages, such as churches, castles, and fortresses, a testament to area's rich history and traditions.

The itinerary can vary depending on the tour operator, but most boat tours include a guided tour of the villages, stops for swimming or snorkeling, and a visit to some of the less accessible areas of the coastline.

The starting point for Cinque Terre tours typically depends on the specific itinerary chosen. However, popular starting points often include major cities or towns nearby, such as La Spezia, Milan, or Florence which are well-connected by train to the Cinque Terre villages.

During Cinque Terre tours, transportation options vary based on the particular details and inclusions of the tour. Typically, trains are used for accessing the villages from nearby cities like La Spezia or Levanto. Boat tours offer coastal views, while guided walking tours involve exploring on foot along scenic trails connecting the villages. Some tours may include bus or private vehicle transportation for exploring nearby attractions or vineyards.

To travel around the Cinque Terre, trains are the most convenient option. They connect each village and run between La Spezia and Levanto. Tickets cost €5 for a single journey, but they're free with the Cinque Terre Train Card. Trains operate frequently from 5 am to 11:30 pm, with up to three services per hour in each direction. Although seat reservations aren't available and platform queues can be long, the trains have ample space for passengers. Make sure to validate your ticket before boarding. Alternatively, ferries operate from March to November, offering scenic views and connecting the villages, except Corniglia, with Portovenere, La Spezia, and Levanto. A day ticket with unlimited journeys costs €35 for adults and €20 for children. Boat rentals and sailing trips are also available for exploring the area. If driving, it's best to park in La Spezia or Levanto and take the train into the Cinque Terre due to restricted vehicle access in the villages and challenging road conditions.

It is highly recommended to book the Cinque Terre boat tours in advance, especially during peak season, as the tours can get fully booked quickly.

The length of the tours can vary depending on the type and particular inclusions of the tour. Some tours can last a few hours, say 2-4 hours, while others can last the entire day.

Taking a fully guided tour is the best way to explore all highlights of Cinque Terre.

Hiking the Cinque Terre trail, trying the local cuisine, visiting the vineyards, taking a boat tour, visiting the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montenero, exploring the hidden coves and beaches, and attending a festival.

Most boat tours are suitable for children, but it's important to check with the tour operator beforehand to ensure the tour is appropriate for your child's age and comfort level.

The best outdoor activities to do in Cinque Terre include hiking along the coastal trails, swimming in the crystal-clear waters, kayaking or paddle boarding along the coast, and taking a boat tour to explore the area from a different perspective.

It's recommended to bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, a light jacket or sweater, snacks, and water. Additionally, you may want to bring a camera to capture the stunning scenery.

Wear comfortable footwear if you plan on hiking the trails. Lightweight and breathable clothing is recommended for summers, along with a hat and sunglasses. Swimsuits are also a good idea if you plan on swimming in the sea or visiting the beaches. In the spring and fall, layers are recommended as the weather can be unpredictable.

Cinque Terre tours is pretty convenient for all fitness levels. On that note, Cinque Terre is of cliffside nature of the villages and the topography of the area. Strolling or hiking often involve climbing several flights of stairs, as do some train stations. Packing lightly is advisable, as hauling heavy luggage up stairs can be challenging. Cinque Terre is not wheelchair-friendly, and those with limited mobility should consider accommodations with easier access.

Yes, many tour options have customizable itineraries, allowing travelers to tailor their experience to their preferences and interests. This flexibility typically includes options such as choosing the tour dates, duration, and activities based on individual preferences. Whether you're interested in hiking, village exploration, or culinary experiences, you can often personalize your tour to include the activities that appeal to you the most. Additionally, travelers can select the tour size, from small to relatively big group tours.

For a comprehensive experience, consider spending a full day exploring Cinque Terre. This timeframe allows ample opportunity to leisurely discover each of the five villages, indulge in local cuisine, and enjoy scenic hikes along the coastal trails. However, for those with limited time, half-day trips and boat tours are available, offering a condensed yet fulfilling glimpse into the beauty and charm of Cinque Terre. If you happen to fall in love, you can always stay for 2-3 days in one of the five cities.

For a splashing good time in Cinque Terre, aim for spring (March to May) or fall (September to October)! The weather is generally mild with temperatures averaging 17–21ºC/63–70ºF, there are fewer tourists, and vibrant landscapes are bursting with color. Avoiding the peak summer months of June to August is advisable, as this period tends to be crowded and hot, making it less ideal for exploring the villages and hiking trails. However, if you do visit during the summer, consider early mornings or late afternoons to avoid the crowds and heat. Consider the off-season in December and January for quieter experiences, but be aware of potential closures and inclement weather.

The Cinque Terre hikes offer a mix of coastal and hillside paths, providing constant stunning sea views. While the trails aren't overly challenging, they involve some ups and downs with rocky terrain, steep drops, and steps. Hikers should be comfortable walking uphill and wear sturdy shoes like hiking boots or trainers. Although distances aren't extensive, the hilly terrain can slow progress, especially on narrow stretches where passing others is common. Starting early or late can help avoid peak crowds.

Yes, you need a permit called the Cinque Terre Card to hike the coast path from Monterosso to Corniglia. However, if you're hiking between Corniglia and Riomaggiore via the hill path, no permit is required. The Cinque Terre Card comes in two versions: a basic one for accessing trails and amenities, and a train version which includes unlimited train travel between Levanto and La Spezia.

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Cinque Terre & Toscane

  • Départs & prix

jour 1 MILAN

Arrivée à l’aéroport de Milan. Accueil par votre accompagnateur francophone et transfert à votre hôtel dans la région de Milan. Installation à l’hôtel et dîner . (D)


La journée sera consacrée à la découverte des Cinque Terre. Départ en direction du port de La Spezia. Arrivée en fin de matinée et embarquement vers Monterosso avec guide à bord du bateau. Lunch libre puis visite du village. Départ en train vers Vernazza , visite guidée du village. Retour en train sur La Spezia et continuation en autocar vers Montecatini Terme   en Toscane. Installation à votre hôtel dans la région de Montecatini Terme et dîner . (PD/D)


Départ en train pour Florence «la Divine» l’une des capitales mondiales des amoureux de l’art, berceau de la Renaissance, et ville au charme flamboyant comme sa culture. Visite guidée du centre historique : la piazza Duomo avec sa cathédrale et son baptistère, le quartier de l’église Ste Croix, la place de la Signoria. Passage devant le musée des Offices pour atteindre le célèbre Ponte Vecchio. Lunch et après-midi libres. Retour à l’hôtel en train dans la région de Montecatini Terme et dîner . (PD/D)


Journée libre dans la région de Montecatini Terme  ou en option, excursion à Sienne et San Gimignano (environ 140 euros par personne). Vous débuterez par la découverte Sienne, cette belle ville aux nombreux monuments d’architecture gothique. Vous verrez la splendide Piazza del Campo qui accueille tous les ans le célèbre Palio et vous visiterez la magnifique cathédrale de Sienne avant le lunch libre. Continuation vers San Gimignano et visite de cette petite cité médiévale incluant un arrêt dans une cave à vin avec dégustation du fameux vin « Vernaccia ».   Dîner . (PD/D)


Ce matin, départ en direction de Pise . À votre arrivée, vous ferez la visite guidée de la célèbre place des Miracles : vous verrez la cathédrale, le baptistère (entrée incluse), la tour penchée (vue extérieure) ainsi que le cimetière. Temps libre pour le lunch, puis route afin de rejoindre Lucques où vous ferez la visite guidée de ce charmant village ayant parfaitement conservé sa structure médiévale : murailles, bastions, ruelles et palais. Visite de la cathédrale (entrée incluse). Retour à votre hôtel et dîner . (PD/D)


Journée consacrée à la découverte de la région du Chianti avec ses magnifiques paysages de la Toscane. Visite d’une cave à vin avec dégustation du célèbre vin de la région. Lunch libre. En après-midi, route vers la région de Montecatini Terme. Retour à l’hôtel et dîner . (PD/D)


Ce matin, départ vers Rapallo. À votre arrivée, vous prendrez le bateau pour vous rendre à Portofino. Visite guidée de cette populaire station balnéaire de la Riviera italienne. Retour en fin de matinée à Rapallo et lunch libre Par la suite, vous prendrez la route vers Milan. Installation à votre hôtel et dîner . (PD/D)

jour 8 MILAN

Selon vos horaires de vols, transfert à l’aéroport. (PD)

PD PETIT DÉJEUNER / L LUNCH / D DÎNER Les kilométrages sont donnés à titre indicatif seulement

Consulter la fiche du tour Cinque Terre & Toscane

Dates de départs, nos prix comprennent :.

  • transferts aller-retour entre l’aéroport et l’hôtel
  • hébergement en hôtel 3 étoiles dans la région de Milan
  • hébergement en hôtel 3 étoiles dans la région de Montecatini Terme
  • transport en autocar adapté à la taille du groupe
  • transport aller-retour en train vers Florence au jour 3
  • accompagnateur francophone pour la durée du programme
  • service d’écouteurs individuels pendant les visites du programme
  • repas compris : 7 petits déjeuners + 7 dîners
  • excursion au Cinque Terre incluant la visite guidée de Vernazza
  • visite guidée de Pise
  • entrée au Baptistère à Pise
  • visite guidée de Lucques
  • entrée à la cathédrale de Lucques
  • visite guidée de Florence
  • découverte de la région du Chianti
  • visite d’une cave à vin et dégustation de vin dans la région du Chianti
  • visite guidée de Portofino


  • la taxe de séjour aux hôtels (environ 18 € par personne)
  • les boissons (sauf indication contraire)
  • autres services ou prestations non mentionnés dans nos prix comprennent


  • RÉGION DE MILAN : Hôtel Belstay Assago PRE.
  • RÉGION DE MONTECATINI TERME : Hôtel Biondi  PRE. / Hôtel Ambrosiano PRE. / Hôtel Villa delle Rose PRE.

Circuits Europe

  • Promotion client fidèle
  • Sommaire et présentation de la brochure
  • Table des matières par pays
  • Laissez-passer Europe
  • Partage garanti
  • Calendrier des départs
  • Informations pratiques - itinéraires de charme
  • Informations pratiques - circuits exclusifs Tours Chanteclerc
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  • Informations pratiques - circuits exclusifs Costsaver
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  • Informations générales
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  • Italie & Malte
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  • Europe de l'Ouest
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  • Conditions générales

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Charmes de la Toscane & des Cinque Terre

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Cinque Terre Tours & Trips from Rome

An adventure starting in Rome is a great way to see Cinque Terre. We have 7 tours that range from 7 days up to 9 days. The most popular time for tours from Rome is June, which has the most tour departures.

7 Cinque Terre tours from Rome with reviews

Jewels of Italy and Cinque Terre by Rail Tour

Jewels of Italy and Cinque Terre by Rail

Rome, Tuscany & Cinque Terre Adventure Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing
  • Wine tasting

Rome, Tuscany & Cinque Terre Adventure

Rome, Tuscany & Cinque Terre - 9 days Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Walking Adventure

Rome, Tuscany & Cinque Terre - 9 days

Tuscany & Cinque Terre Explorer Tour

Tuscany & Cinque Terre Explorer

Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, Rome: signature (4* hotels) carbon neutral tour by train Tour

  • Train & Rail
  • Christmas & New Year

Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, Rome: signature (4* hotels) carbon neutral tour by train

  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Flavor of Tuscany & Cinque Terre 4* Tour

Flavor of Tuscany & Cinque Terre 4*

  • $50 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Flavor of Tuscany & Cinque Terre 3* Tour

Flavor of Tuscany & Cinque Terre 3*

  • Family from Rome (7)
  • Explorer from Rome (6)
  • Best time to visit Cinque Terre (Italy) in 2024/2025
  • Weather in Cinque Terre in 2024/2025

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Top Tours in Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque terre tours.

  • Scenic Railroads
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

cinque terre tour operators

1. Cinque Terre Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hiking

cinque terre tour operators

2. Cinque Terre and Pisa Tower Tour from Florence Semi Private

cinque terre tour operators

3. Cinque Terre Hybrid Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

4. Cinque Terre Sunset Boat Tour Experience

cinque terre tour operators

5. Scent of the Sea: Cinque Terre Park Full Day Trip from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

6. Small group Pasta and Tiramisu class in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

7. Cinque Terre & Pisa Day Trip from Florence with Optional Hike

cinque terre tour operators

8. Cinque Terre Private Boat Tour

cinque terre tour operators

9. 6/7-Hour Guided Tour Portovenere and Cinque Terre with aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

10. Cinque Terre in half a day by boat and train

cinque terre tour operators

11. Sunset Cinque Terre Boat Tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

12. Relaxing Boat Tour with Aperitif in Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

13. Kayak experience with Carnassa Tour in Cinque Terre + Snorkeling

cinque terre tour operators

14. Guided Day Tour on Private Boat to Cinque Terre private boat

cinque terre tour operators

15. Cinque Terre Sunset Tour

cinque terre tour operators

16. Classic Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

17. Authentic Pesto cooking class in Manarola at Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

18. Cinque Terre tour with a traditional ligurian gozzo from Monterosso

cinque terre tour operators

19. Cinque Terre Tour Small Group Tour from Lucca

cinque terre tour operators

20. Marine Biology & Snorkelling Experience in the Cinque Terre

cinque terre tour operators

21. Cinque Terre boat tour PRIVATE, Wonderful Experience

cinque terre tour operators

22. Fully-Day Private Tour to Cinque Terre from Florence

cinque terre tour operators

23. Cinque Terre Morning Tour

cinque terre tour operators

24. Private Tour: Cinque Terre from La Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

25. Cinque Terre tour with limoncino tasting from La Spezia Port

cinque terre tour operators

26. 8 Hours Cinque Terre with Lunch on Boat in Spezia

cinque terre tour operators

27. Cinque Terre Sunset Cruise with Aperitif

cinque terre tour operators

28. Morning Boat Tour to Cinque Terre with breakfast and brunch

cinque terre tour operators

29. Home Cooking Class & Meal with a Local in Riomaggiore

cinque terre tour operators

30. Cinque Terre: Gnocchi & Pesto Class with Seaview in Riomaggiore

What travellers are saying.

Amy B

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