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Tourism Oulu & Oulu Guide

One of largest northerly cities in the world, Oulu has grown from an ancient trading centre to a modern city, packed with museums and galleries, and host to numerous cultural and music festivals every year. These include the Oulu Music Video Festival, the International Children’s Film Festival and the Musixine Music Film competition, the rock festival Qstock, Jalometalli Metal Music Festival and Jalometalli Winterfest, the Festival of Irish Music, the Oulu Music Festival in winter, the Oulunsalo Music Festival in summer. It is also famed for hosting the Air Guitar World Championships!

Founded in 1605 by King Carl IX in the Bay of Bothnia at the mouth of the Oulujoki River, and facing the castle built on the island of Linnansaari, Oulu has developed from being an ancient trading centre to a modern city with a world-wide reputation for hi-tech competencies. With a population of 130,000, Oulu is Finland’s 6th largest city.

Tourist attractions Oulu

It is also the cultural capital of Northern Finland, with many artists, writers, and musicians living in the city, including the ‘shouting choir’ of Mieskuoro Huutajat, otherwise known as The Screaming Men. Every year Oulu hosts a large number of festivals and concerts, with almost every genre covered, from rock to jazz, classical to folk, even holding a Festival of Irish music in the summer. It is home to the Oulu Music Video Festival, the Musixine Music Film Competition, the Air Guitar World Championships, the rock festival Qstock, the Oulu Music Festival of winter, the Oulunsalo Music Festival in the summer, and the International Children’s Film Festival in November.

There are numerous museums in the city, including the impressive Tiedekeskus Tietomaa, Finland’s first Science Centre which has themed exhibitions throughout the year, which houses a giant movie theatre, the Sirius science store, the Saturnus café-restaurant, and the observation tower, accessible by a glass elevator. If you are interested in the history of the region then a visit to the North Ostrobothnia Museum will pass many an hour. View a miniature of the city as it was in 1938 or enjoy the ethnological collection of Lappish items, collected by the ethnologist Samuli Paulaharju. Near the city the Turkansaari Open-Air Museum has over 40 museum buildings, including a church built in 1694 and the old country manor house of Ylikärppä, completed in 1894.

60 km to the north, on the shores of Iijoki, is the Kierikki Stone Age Centre and the Stone Age village. Finland’s largest prehistoric and cultural history centre’s permanent exhibition showcases discovered objects and the history of the region, and gives an insight into how people used to live during the stone age.

The Bay of Bothnia’s largest island, Hailuoto, is located around 50 kilometres from Oulu, the ferry trip taking about 25 minutes. Hailuoto is a very popular recreational spot due to the island’s intrinsic beauty – it is one of Finland’s National Landscapes – with around 600 summer cottages, and a permanent population of 1,000 people. There is a traditional fishing village, wind mills, the lighthouse of Marjaniemi, and magnificent sandy beaches.


Tourist Attractions in Oulu

Accommodation & hotels in oulu, restaurants, cafés & nightlife in oulu, activities & sports in oulu, shopping in oulu, travel & transportation in oulu.

Discovering Finland

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​The City of Oulu is the capital of northern Finland and it’s located halfway of Finland by the Bay of Bothnia. The Oulu Region has about 250,000 inhabitants and it is the fastest growing region in Finland. The City of Oulu itself has over 200,000 inhabitants so it’s the 5th largest city in Finland.

You can access Oulu under one hour by plane from the Capital City of Helsinki, and also by train in 6hrs. Also busses and highways are a good option for travelling.

Oulu is a perfect mix of northern nature, urban city culture and original local flavour. The residents of Oulu have always been known for choosing their own path and seeing opportunities where others see nothing: we’ve created a hub of high technology with mobile networks and 6G connections and an air guitar event blasting the message of world peace.

Map of Oulu and the 33 munincipalities surrounding it, included with examples of the distances in kilometers (Oulu-Kuusamo 215km)

Distance from Helsinki 

People living in Oulu region

Residents in Oulu2026-region

Visitors abroad (2021-2022)

Fastest growing city on the Arctic

The strong expertise in ICT has created a unique base for innovations and new business in Oulu. About 60% of the world’s mobile phone traffic utilizes network technologies that have been developed in Oulu. One of Oulu’s developing fields of technology are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Health Tech.Population of Oulu is expected to continue grow around 20% during the next decades. Also the consumer potential is growing, as the amount of wage income tax has grown the most (+3.5%) of all Finnish cities.

(source: InvestinOulu / City of Oulu)

What’s ticking in Oulu? (

How to travel to Oulu?

Oulu can be reached quickly from every direction and with several means of transportation. There is an international airport in Oulu. All highways in the region lead to Oulu, and the city’s railway station is also one of the busiest in Finland.

By train Helsinki-Oulu 5 h 30 min – 6 h 30 min

By flight Helsinki-Oulu 50 min

Bus Helsinki-Oulu ~ 8h – 9h


VisitOulu  brings together the best services in the Oulu region.

Read more >

The latest news about work and business in Oulu.

See the life in Oulu in a nutshell.

Oulu Convention Bureau shares the best tips for organizing meetings and events.


Oppaa­si elä­mään, kult­tuu­riin ja bis­nek­seen Oulus­sa

Olit­pa osaa­ja, lomai­li­ja tai lii­ke-elä­män edus­ta­ja etsi­mäs­sä uusia mah­dol­li­suuk­sia, tääl­tä saat kai­ken tar­vit­se­ma­si tie­don. Anna Oulun val­loit­taa!

Oulu – asteen ver­ran parem­pi kau­pun­ki

4000 km oulus­ta nor­man­di­aan ja takai­sin – kat­so tun­nel­mat m/s alpon koti­sa­ta­mas­ta.

Nor­man­dian mai­hin­nousun 80-vuo­tis­päi­vän kun­niak­si Rans­kan Le Hav­reen mat­kan­nut M/S Alpo mie­his­töi­neen on palan­nut takai­sin koti­sa­ta­maan­sa Oulun Top­pi­laan. Kurk­kaa jutus­ta kotiin­pa­luun tun­nel­mat.

Koe aina­kin nämä kesä­koh­teet Oulus­sa – 10 paras­ta

Tänä kesä­nä Oulus­sa vie­te­tään kaik­kien aiko­jen tapah­tu­ma­ke­sää! Oulu on Euroo­pan kult­tuu­ri­pää­kau­pun­ki vuon­na 2026 ja juh­la­vuo­den lähes­tyes­sä kau­pun­ki tapah­tu­mi­neen ja kesäi­si­ne koh­tei­neen herää eloon uudel­la taval­la.

Ouluun nousee uusi museo- ja tie­de­kes­kus

Oulun museo- ja tie­de­kes­kuk­sen uuden raken­nus­ko­ko­nai­suu­den nimek­si tulee Tii­ma. Nimi viit­taa tii­ma­la­siin, joka sym­bo­loi mat­kaa ja seik­kai­lua ajas­sa. Val­mis koko­nai­suus ava­taan vie­rai­li­joil­le Oulun kult­tuu­ri­pää­kau­pun­ki­vuon­na 2026.

Luft­han­sa lisää len­to­ja Oulun ja Münc­he­nin välil­lä

Luft­han­san vii­me tal­ve­na avaa­ma len­to­yh­teys Oulun ja Münc­he­nin välil­lä vah­vis­tuu tal­vi­kau­del­la, kun len­to­ja ope­roi­daan jo kol­me­na päi­vä­nä vii­kos­sa. Luft­han­sa kuvaa vii­me jou­lu­kuus­sa avat­tua reit­tiä ”huo­mat­ta­vak­si menes­tyk­sek­si”.

Oulus­sa tapah­tuu

Oulu on vil­kas tapah­tu­ma­kau­pun­ki, joka hou­kut­te­lee elä­mys­ten ääreen ympä­ri vuo­den. Tapah­tu­ma­ka­len­te­ris­ta löy­dät Oulun tapah­tu­mat.

Juu­ri nyt Oulus­sa

”olen löy­tä­nyt oulus­ta toi­sen koti­ni” – kolum­bia­lai­sen eduar­don aja­tuk­sia (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen).

Eduar­do Acos­ta tut­kii kier­to­ta­lout­ta Oulun yli­opis­tos­sa. Hän on myös yksi Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulun lähet­ti­läis­tä. Mil­lais­ta on kan­sain­vä­li­sen osaa­jan elä­mä Oulus­sa? Sii­tä Eduar­do ker­too täs­sä jutus­sa.

Kat­so lisää IH Oulus­ta

(avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen)

Fin­ger­sof­til­la raken­ne­taan kan­sain­vä­lis­tä työ­elä­män kotia (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen)

Fin­ger­soft on nous­sut kym­me­nes­sä vuo­des­sa yhdek­si Suo­men suu­rim­mis­ta pelien kehit­tä­jis­tä ja jul­kai­si­jois­ta. Mitä tämän menes­tyk­sen taus­tal­la on?

Lue lisää IH Oulus­ta

Oulus­sa yri­tyk­set ja osaa­jat löy­tä­vät toi­sen­sa

Onko buc­ket-lis­tal­la­si teh­dä tut­ki­mus­ta tai työs­ken­nel­lä Oulus­sa? Vai onko yri­tyk­se­si suun­nit­te­le­mas­sa kan­sain­vä­lis­ty­mis­tä ja haluai­si jouk­koi­hin­sa kan­sain­vä­li­sen tason osaa­jan?

Lue lisää työ­mah­dol­li­suuk­sis­ta

Oulun tapah­tu­mat hur­maa­vat omin­ta­kei­suu­del­laan – 5 tun­ne­tuin­ta ja unii­kein­ta (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen)

Oulu on elä­väi­nen tapah­tu­ma­kau­pun­ki, joka tun­ne­taan omin­ta­kei­suu­des­taan. Vai mil­tä sinun mie­les­tä­si kuu­los­ta­vat ilma­ki­ta­ran­soi­ton mm-kisat, fes­ti­vaa­lit jää­ty­neel­lä merel­lä tai kil­pai­lu, jos­sa yrit­tä­jät pitc­haa­vat ideoi­taan hyy­tä­väs­sä avan­nos­sa nököt­täen?

Kurk­kaa Visit Oulun sivuil­le

Oulun kan­sain­vä­li­sin työ­nan­ta­ja on valit­tu: pal­jon onnea Radis­son Blu Hotel (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen)

Oulun Nuor­kaup­pa­ka­ma­rin jär­jes­tä­män Oulun seu­dun kan­sain­vä­li­sin työ­nan­ta­ja 2024 ‑kil­pai­lun voit­ti Radis­son Blu Hotel Oulu. Pal­kin­to luo­vu­tet­tiin huh­ti­kuus­sa hotel­lin­joh­ta­ja Tar­ja Kar­vo­lal­le.

Lue lisää Mun Oulus­ta

Kou­lu­tus­mat­kai­lu on kas­va­va tren­di Oulus­sa (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen)

Japa­ni­lai­nen kou­lu­tus­mat­kai­lu­ryh­mä vie­rai­li Oulus­sa maa­lis­kuun vii­mei­sel­lä vii­kol­la. Reis­sun aika­na he pää­si­vät tutus­tu­maan niin suo­ma­lai­siin oppi­lai­tok­siin, jutut­ta­maan pai­kal­li­sia kuin käy­mään sau­nas­sa.

Lue lisää BusinessOulu.comista

Oulu2026 – hyp­pää mukaan mat­kal­le

Oulun mat­kal­la Euroo­pan kult­tuu­ri­pää­kau­pun­gik­si on muka­na 32 poh­joi­sen Suo­men kun­taa. Yhteis­työl­lä haluam­me tuo­da poh­joi­seen lisää kult­tuu­ria ja hyvin­voin­tia, luo­da uusia työ­paik­ko­ja ja kehit­tää poh­jois­ta aluet­tam­me.

Oulu kas­vaa ja kehit­tyy kans­sa­si

Osaa­jat viih­ty­vät oulus­sa.

Tule­vai­suut­ta teh­dään Oulus­sa. Tääl­lä kou­lu­tus, tut­ki­mus ja kehi­tys­työ ovat maa­il­man huip­pua, ja tar­jol­la on mer­ki­tyk­sel­li­siä ura­mah­dol­li­suuk­sia!

Oulu on poh­joi­nen, inhi­mil­li­nen ja äly­käs

Poh­joi­nen kult­tuu­ri­kau­pun­ki ottaa syliin­sä kaik­ki. Super­voi­mam­me ovat eri­lai­set ihmi­set sekä Oulun seu­dun rikas luon­to.

Ter­ve­tu­loa lii­ke-elä­män poh­joi­seen kes­kuk­seen

Par­haat edel­ly­tyk­set yri­tys­toi­min­nal­le ja lois­ta­vat mah­dol­li­suu­det inves­toin­neil­le löy­dät Oulus­ta.

Ala oulu­lai­sek­si

Yhdis­tä hyvä, vai­va­ton arki ja mer­ki­tyk­sel­li­nen työ­ura Oulus­sa – tääl­lä tie­de­tään, mis­tä laa­du­kas elä­mä muo­dos­tuu!

Löy­dä rat­kai­su kaik­kiin tar­pei­sii­si Oulus­ta

Ihmi­siä, ideoi­ta ja inno­vaa­tioi­ta busi­ness­a­se­mal­la (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen).

Busi­ness­A­se­mal­la työt ja teki­jät koh­taa­vat ympä­ris­tös­sä, jos­sa on käte­väs­ti tar­jol­la vaih­toeh­dot niin oman osaa­mi­sen kuin yri­tys­toi­min­nan­kin kehit­tä­mi­seen.

Tutus­tu Busi­ness­A­se­maan!

Poh­jo­lan ren­gas­tiel­lä teet sitä, mis­tä unel­moit (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen)

Poh­jo­lan ren­gas­tie on Oulun seu­dun koke­mus­ri­kas rei­tis­tö autoi­li­joil­le, per­heil­le, luon­toi­li­joil­le ja jul­ki­sia suo­si­vil­le mat­kai­li­joil­le. Ren­gas­tiel­tä jokai­nen voi vali­ta mie­lei­sen­sä rei­tin luon­to­kau­neu­den mukaan – sen voi kier­tää osis­sa tai koko­naan.

Ota hal­tuun Poh­jo­lan ren­gas­tie!

Busi­ness­idea plak­ka­ris­sa, mut­ta teki­jät hukas­sa? (avau­tuu uuteen väli­leh­teen)

Vai onko ken­ties tie­si työ­elä­mään kadok­sis­sa? Business­Oulu aut­taa! Tutus­tu pal­ve­lui­hin sekä yrit­tä­jil­le, orga­ni­saa­tioil­le että osaa­jil­le.

Lue lisää Busi­nes­sOu­lus­ta!

Oulun kaupunki Puhelin 08 558 410 (vaihde) on Business Oulu -liikelaitoksen viestintä- ja markkinointiyksikön ylläpitämä sivusto.



7 Summer Tips for Oulu: What to Do and See in Oulu this Summer?

Oulu is a vibrant summer city where something exciting happens every day! Whether you’re into culture, events, nature trails, activities, or excellent restaurants, this article provides you with targeted tips for a summer visit to Oulu, whether you’re traveling alone, with your partner or friend, or with children.


1. Idyllic and Creative Pikisaari: Art, Historical Vibes and Culinary Culture

Pikisaari, the charming old town, is a dream destination for culture and food enthusiasts! Known for its creative and historical ambiance, Pikisaari is just a short walk away from Oulu’s market square; you cross the bridge near Oulu Theater to reach it.

This summer, Pikisaari hosts a unique demolition art exhibition called Reformi . The exhibition takes place in an old educational institution scheduled for demolition next autumn. You can freely explore the premises on weekdays between 12 PM to 6 PM. Admission is free!

History enthusiasts should visit the Merimiehenkotimuseo (Seamen’s Home Museum) , located in Oulu’s oldest preserved wooden house. The museum offers a glimpse into the fascinating history of Oulu and Pikisaari. Did you know that ships were built in Pikisaari? The museum is open daily from 10 AM to 5 PM, and admission is free.

For those who love good food and drinks, Pikisaari offers several interesting options. At Hailuodon Panimo’s Mallassauna terrace, you can taste local organic beers and enjoy Finnish-German cuisine. The Mallassauna hosts various live concerts and other music and cultural events throughout the summer!

Sokeri-Jussin Kievari , on the other hand, is a cozy restaurant located in a log warehouse in Oulu’s Pikisaari. Their kitchen creates delicious Finnish dishes, made from pure domestic ingredients, seasoned according to the seasons’ rhythm and local produce.

Round off your Pikisaari day with a walk along the nature trail that encircles the island! This picturesque path leads along the shores, where you’ll hear tales of Pikisaari’s history. You can find some of the Oulu’s most Instagrammable spots along the trail. Furthermore, some sections of the trail are adorned with art: the Pikinen Poloku art trail near the Old Wool Factory displays local artists’ works.


2. Seaside Charm in Nallikari: Beach Life, Activities and Stunning Sunsets

Enjoy the fabulous Oulu seaside in Nallikari! The popular Nallikari area offers a beautiful beach , also known as the Riviera of the North , charming seaside nature trails with campfire sites and birdwatching towers, accommodation options, cafés, and restaurants for all the relaxation seekers.

For nature lovers, Finnaction’s new container rental service is worth checking out. You can conveniently rent a kayak, canoe, SUP board, or fat bike from Finnaction. They also organize guided trips, such as kayaking safaris to Oulujokisuisto (Oulu River Delta)!

Restaurant Nallikari is a high-quality Nordic restaurant located on Nallikari Beach, offering one of the best views in Oulu from its windows. For lighter fare and a laid-back atmosphere, head to Nallikari Bakery & Bistro , where you can enjoy pastries, cakes, savory snacks, and a relaxed bistro menu.

At Nallikari Lomakylä (Nallikari Holiday Village) , you can experience a cottage atmosphere just a stone’s throw away from Oulu’s city center. You can stay in cozy cabins, high-standard villas, or a comfortable camping area. Even dogs are welcome at the holiday village!

Right next to Nallikari Lomakylä is the kids’ favorite spot, Vauhtipuisto (Kids’ Amusement Park) . This amusement park is full of excitement, with rides ranging from mini-roller coasters to spinning coffee cups. The park’s new café serves specialty coffee, ice cream, and snacks, and it also features Finland’s smallest toy store , a must-visit for sure!

To top off your Nallikari day, take a stroll along the seaside on a bright summer evening. Climbing the Nallikari Lighthouse , famous from social media photos, during sunset is a classic Oulu experience!


3. Gems of the River Delta: Water Taxi to a Terrace, Island Tour by Kayak and Sauna on a Raft!

The River Delta offers the most beautiful summer experiences in Oulu! Whether you’re an active traveler or someone who prefers a leisurely pace, The Oulu River has something for everyone.

One of the hottest new attractions in Oulu this summer is the Sea Oulu water taxi ! You can hop on the water taxi from Oulu’s market square or any stop along the route. The route takes you from the market square to Johteenpooki, Hietasaari Seelari, Toppilansalmi’s Punainen mylly, and back. Hietasaaren Seelari offers a café and a summer terrace with a stunning view, as well as concerts and events.

At Linnansaari, just a short walk from Oulu’s market square, you’ll find Oulun Melontakeskus (Oulu Canoe Center) and Lappis Vesipuisto (Lappis Water Park) , perfect for both kids and adults! At Oulu Melontakeskus, you can rent a SUP board or a kayak and take a self-guided tour around Pikisaari, for example. Oulu Melontakeskus also offers Maanantaimelonta (Monday Paddle) and Torstain torimelonta (Thursday Market Paddle), open to everyone and suitable for beginners, taking you on low-threshold paddling excursions to the river delta.

What’s a summer without proper saunas and a dip in the Oulu River? Koivurannan Saunalautta (Koivuranta Sauna Raft) offers a public sauna turn on the riverbanks. The saunalautta also houses Koivuranta Igloos, which provide a unique experience of accommodation and sailing along the Oulu River.


4. Summer Events in Oulu: Culture, Music and Festivals

Oulu is a lively summer city with something happening every day. The city boasts a wide range of events, from food and art gatherings to charming summer festivals!

Music lovers should check out the event lineup at Voimala1889 . They also host popular summer flea markets. Tuba Food & Lounge next door invites you to join their summer quizzes. Arriving early is recommended, as Tuba is usually buzzing with activity during quiz nights!

The Bättre Folk festival on Hailuoto has become a phenomenon and will once again attract thousands of music and literature enthusiasts on 14-15 July.

The Air Guitar World Championships have been held in Oulu since 1996. The Air Guitar World Championships’ grand finale will take place on 25 August 2023 at Rotuaari Square in Oulu, broadcasted live worldwide.

Oulun juhlaviikot (Oulu Festival Weeks) consist of seven high-quality and established festivals celebrated in the Oulu region from 3 to 27 August 2023. The festival weeks include events such as Taiteiden yö (Night of the Arts) and Elojazz.

Check out the event calendar for more information!


5. Local Nature's Best Spots: Ainola Park, Pilpasuo and Koiteli

In Oulu, nature is always close by! You can reach several nearby natural attractions on foot, by bike, or by paddling from the city center. And if trekking on nature trails doesn’t entice you in the summer heat, consider having a picnic in one of the city’s parks, such as Ainola Park or Hollihaka.

Within a short drive, there are several fantastic natural destinations to explore.

Pilpasuo , a vast wetland area, is one of the favorite hiking spots in the Oulu area. It is a nationally protected wetland and a Natura 2000 site. You can choose between two different routes in Pilpasuo: the short Lystireitti (1 km) and the longer Aistireitti (7 km).

Koitelinkoski rafts in Kiiminki can be reached in about half an hour’s drive from Oulu’s city center. When visiting Koitelinkoski rafts, don’t forget to stop by the cozy café Koitelin Tunnelmatupa, surrounded by the stunning Koitelinkoski. In summer, Koitelinkosket also has an ice cream kiosk.

Sanginjoki is a contiguous forest area located about 16 kilometers from Oulu’s city center. The area has features of a natural forest, with old spruce stands, as well as swamps and dry ridge nature. Sanginjoki is home to endangered fungi and rare bird species.


6. Summer Exhibitions and Museums: Dinosaurs, Art Exhibitions and the Legendary Turkansaari

During the summer, make sure to visit at least one art exhibition or museum!

Oulu Art Museum’s summer exhibitions include:

🎨 Riitta-Alina Helevä: “Lauluni” (My Song), until August 6th

🎨 Martti Tarvainen (1897–1985): “Nähdä ja eläytyä” (To See and Empathize), until August 6th

🎨 “Vuodenajat meissä – Teoksia Suomalaiset taidesäätiöt ry:n kokoelmista” (Seasons Within Us – Artworks from the Finnish Art Foundations Association’s Collection), from June 17th, 2023, to January 7th, 2024

For families with children, a visit to Dinosauria is a must. Arranged by the Tietomaa Science Center, Dinosauria is a large dinosaur exhibition located next to Oulu’s SuperPark. You can see about twenty moving dinosaur figures in the exhibition. Dinosauria is open during the summer season from Monday to Saturday, 11 AM to 6 PM, and closed on Sundays.

For a taste of history, head to the traditional open air museum Turkansaari . It is situated in the middle of the Oulu River, about 16 kilometers upstream from Oulu’s city center. The museum is the second-oldest outdoor museum in Finland. Turkansaari lies on the route of an old tar transport trail, and, as a result, the museum maintains the tradition of tar burning. In July, a tar pit is constructed at Siikasaari’s tip, and visitors can witness the lighting and burning of the tar pit.


7. Day Trips from Oulu: Road Trip on the Pohjola Route

Around Oulu, there are several exciting day trip destinations. The best summer road trip can be found on the Pohjola Route where Oulu is also located. Besides Oulu, the Pohjola Route stops include Hailuoto, Syöte, Rokua Geopark, Tyrnävä, Lumijoki, Liminka, Kempele, Ii, Raahe, and Kalajoki.

The magical Hailuoto island is just a short ferry ride away from Oulu. In Hailuoto, you should explore Marjaniemi’s old fishing village and its beautiful natural white sandy beaches.

Within a couple of hours’ drive from Oulu, you’ll find two different national parks: Syöte and Rokua . This summer, you can reach Rokua directly from Oulu by bus! In addition to national parks, the Pohjola Route offers numerous smaller gems for nature enthusiasts, such as Markkuun luontopolku in Tyrnävä, Köykkyri in Kempele, and Liminganlahden luontokeskus in Liminka.

For a touch of history, Iin Wanha Hamina (Old Ii) and Wanha Raahe   (Old Raahe) are popular summer destinations. In Lumijoki , don’t miss a visit to the summer café Hailuotolaiva.

Kalajoen Hiekkasärkät (Kalajoki Sands) , with its long sandy beaches, excellent services, activities, and events, is especially popular with families during the summer.

Enjoy your summer adventures in and around Oulu!

Sort by category


Sightseeing of Oulu on Mountain Bikes

Lomakoti Onnela

Seniors' vacation: Break from everyday life

Piispanletto Rajahauta nature trail.

Letonniemi protected area and nature trail


Saunas of the Maikkula Mansion

Lapset leikkivät kauppaa, etuallal vanhanaikainen vaaka.

Vekara­vintti - Childrens Playroom Attic

Saaga Travel drivers are well-trained, polite and English speaking.

Charter buses and private transportation services in Oulu region


Go Arctic activities - Canoeing trip at river Oulujoki or Kiiminkijoki

nuori henkilö ampumassa jousipyssyllä

Go Arctic group activities - Traditional tar olympics

Exit Oulu Room Escape Games

Room Escape Games


Archaeological exhibition

OTAXI VIP is available also for groups and disabled.

OTAXI VIP for Premium Taxi Wishes

Finnish design is sold by Taito Shop Oulu.

Taito Shop Oulu


Ancient survival skills: Archery

Toripolliisi statue in the Oulu Market Square.

Top 5 attractions in Oulu!

Robson's Lunch

SuperPark Restaurant

Cafe Hanna is a small cafe close to the Oulu Train station.

Listen to the Dust 26.6.–27.10.2024


Go Arctic group activities - Traditional games

Oulu brand products on a shelf

Oulu Shop in Oulu Tourist Info

Handmade chocolate and local products.

ChocoSomnia Factory tour&Tasting

Greenhouses Romeo ja Julia.

Botanical Garden of the University of Oulu

Piirros, jossa vanhantyyliset kahvikuppi ja kahvipannu.

Cafe Krypta


Tent site in Nallikari Holiday Village, Oulu

Tähtitorni cafe.

Tähtitorni Observation Tower

Oulu market square policeman.

Oulu Market Square Policeman statue

A family of four with a guide walking in front of the Oulu City Hall

Guided Walking Tours in Oulu

Paddling at sea

Paddling on the Oulujoki river delta and at sea

Sauna experience.

Traditional Finnish sauna and hot tube

VENN Oulu, seating area

Restaurant and winebar VENN


Oulu Art Museum


Go Arctic Events - Dinner with the ghosts of Oulu


Kierikki: Guided tours

Lomakoti Onnela

Idyllic holiday home by the Kiiminki River

Joo Hetki kahvila sisätila

Joo Hetki Cafe

Main door to Cafe

Sleep in hostel

Koivurannan saunalautta Risteilyllä Oulussa.

Koivuranta Sauna Boat Cruise


Hot Air Balloon Flight for group 4-12pax


Ancient survival skills: Canoeing

a girl plays the violin, a picture on the wall in the background

Ou­lun­sa­lo Soi Cham­ber Music Fes­ti­val

Musicians in the city centre

Urban Festival Oulu Days


Nature trip to the Stone Age

Veranta for private occasions

Breakfast & Private Restaurant Veranta

Design Center Proto

Design Center Proto

Picnic shelters in Virpiniemi sport area

Virpiniemi recreational area

Farmyard. A red log building in the background.

Turkansaari Open Air Museum


Design Shop Proto


Meeting Day at the Maikkula Mansion

Row of pastel colored houses in Raksila with autumn foliage.

Pastel-coloured wooden Raksila

Reenis is a creative gym for versatile training. With us, you train purposefully in the gym and develop coordination and have fun on the trampolines.

Single ticket to Reenis


Oulu Cathedral

Local tradiotional Pulla

A Unique Cafe Huvila in Oulu


Air Gui­tar World Cham­pions­hips


Northern Finland food experience


Photo North's gallery

Wishing at the Oulu river.

Go fishing in Oulu around the year

Authentic soy sauce ramen

Local Taxi Services in Kempele


A day in the Stone Age

Lapsi tekee tehtävää metsässä

Forest Nature School in Sanginjoki - Naturest Oy


Liisa Rehu Design


Go Arctic group activities - Heptathlon


Ancient survival skills: Red ochre painting


Relaxing 2 Persons Floating in same Floating Pod

Hemmotteleva rentoutus

Pampering Relaxation (1-2 persons)

Rantakortteli block seen from above.

Historical Rantakortteli blocks of Oulu


Go Arctic - Guided bus tours in Oulu and neighbouring municipalities


Voimala 1889

People resting in Finnish woods

Nature Power from a forest in Sanginjoki - Naturest Oy

Koivurannan iglut Oulussa.

Koivuranta igloos


Radisson Blu Hotel Oulu Meetings & Events

Koiteli rapids area in summer. Blue water flowing between rocks. Foreground green grass on the bank. Background green spruces.

Minivan Trip to Koiteli Rapids

Sea Oulu m/s Crescendo

m/s Crescendo | Kelluva elämys

De Gamlas Hem Restaurant.

De Gamlas Hem Restaurant


Restaurant Harald

A family looking at the scale model of a sailing ship.

Northern Ostrobothnia Museum


Voltti´s Music Quiz, Oulu


Stone Age race of tribes


Mon Chou - French Pastry Shop


Go Arctic Events - Decorations for your events

Dinner in Oula Kitchen & Bar.

Oula Kitchen & Bar

Panimoesittely ja tasting yläkerran tiloissa

Meeting Room Restaurant Mallassauna

The old red wooden church in Turkansaari in summer. Foreground green grass, background green birch trees.

Minivan Trip to Turkansaari Open Air Museum


Oulu Zipline


Private event: Wine and Fashion

Sunbathing at the Nallikari beach.

Splash-tastic water activities in Oulu


Tuba Food & Lounge


Nallikari Bakery & Bistro

Old wooden houses in Karjasilta.

Wooden Karjasilta from the reconstruction era

Pikisaari island from air.

Wooden old town in Pikisaari Island


Nature Cafe Loppula at Sanginjoki

kennel visit

Visit to the Home of Huskies

Automatic belay

Oulu Climbing Center

The Table, Amarillo

Amarillo Restaurant Oulu

Heimopäällikkö Go Arctic

Go Arctic group activities - The Head of Tribe


Jumpru Patio Live!


Ravintola Sarkka


Koskikippari in Koiteli - Conference and event service

Maikkula Mansion´s courtyard.

Maikkula's Manor the Charter Restaurant

Laaja valikoima eläintarvikkeita Puuilosta

Puuilo Rusko


Go Arctic group activities - Inhouse Derby

Brownish Oulu city hall with three main doors and two little towers. Background blue sky.

Guided Transportation from Oulu Airport to Oulu


Go Arctic group activities - Koiteli Team Path

The white lighthouse in Hailuoto Marjaniemi against the blue sky.

Minivan Trip to Hailuoto

Cottages are yellow and very idyllic outside.

Traditional Holiday Cottages in Nallikari, Oulu

Aloita matkasi Otaxin kyydissä.

Oulu's Original Taxi - OTAXI

White water swimming

Go Arctic activities - White water swimming in Koiteli

Ravintolamaailma Limingantulli seating area

Ravintolamaailma Limingantulli

Coffee House seating area

Coffee House Café

Bar is Baari in Finnish

Restaurant Hugo


Go Arctic activities - City canoeing day or night

We recommend preordering when arriving to the airport.

Airport Taxi Service in Oulu

Main area

Conference and Banquet Facilities by Original Sokos Hotel ArinaOulu


Cafe-Restaurant Seelari in Hietasaari

padel virpiniemi pikepadel

PikePadel outdoor padelcourts

Puuilo Vasaraperästä löydät laajan valikoiman työkaluja

Puuilo Vasaraperä

Radisson Blu Hotel Oulu ulkoa kuvattuna

Radisson Blu Hotel Oulu

Kids favorite roller coaster ride in amusement park Vauhtipuisto.

Amusement Park Vauhtipuisto

OuluHostel AlliMaria

OuluHostel AlliMaria

Northern lights.

Restaurant Nallikari

Fish tern at Bothnian bay

Experience the wonders of the Finnish nature

Paintball Värikuulasota Oulu Action Park

Night at Reenis


Guided Bike Tour from Nallikari to Oulu City Center

Nallikari Aalto located By the Sea

Nallikari Aalto Apartments

Policeman Statue in front of the Market Hall.

Oulu Market Hall

icelandic horses

Riding treks with charming Icelandic Horses in Oulu!

View from the Hupisaaret City Park.

Hupisaaret Islands city park

Nallikari beach on sunset.

Nallikari – the Riviera of the North

Puistokahvila Makia

Puistokahvila Makia Cafe

Bacaro Doppio indoors

Bacaro Doppio Café


Go Arctic activities - Air guitar workshop or Air guitar show

Have a fun ride in city train Kompiainen.

City Train Kompiainen


Go Arctic Events - Theme parties

Kaksi alamäkipyöräilijää Rusko Bike Parkissa ajamassa helppoa reittiä alaspäin.

Rusko Bike Park

Oulu market square and market hall.

Oulu Market Square




SuperPark Oulu

Otaxi Green and Zero Emission cars

Local taxi for every event and tour

Saunallinen kahden hengen parivuoteellinen hotellihuone 10 kpl

Best Western Hotel Apollo, Oulu

Nallikari Holiday Village - camping

Nallikari Holiday Village - Camping, Oulu

Rock The City Adventure Game

Rock The City Oulu

Sea Oulu Water Taxi

Sea Oulu Water Taxi

Floating Cafe.

Koivuranta Floating Cafe

Turkansaari museum church.

Turkansaari Museum Church

Villiyrttikarkelot tapahtumakuva

Wild Herb Celebration

Pilpasuo nature scenery.

Pilpasuo protected area and nature trails


Avis Car Rental in Oulu

SUPping is nice summer activity

Bay of Bothnia by SUP (Stand Up Paddling) in Oulu


Nordic Art Hotel Lasaretti's Venues


Relaxing Floating in Floating Pod

Kuusiluoto presents heritage of wood building in Finland.

Many layers of history in Kuusiluoto

Babista interior

Babista Oulu


Go Arctic Events - Performers and hosts to your events

Lapland Hotels Oulu Kuvernööri

Lapland Hotels Oulu Conference and venue facilities

a man playing air guitar on Air Guitar World Championships stage

Oulu August Festivals


Go Arctic group activities - Kurvisen karsinnat


Go Arctic - Conference services

Biking at Hupisaaret City Park.

Oulu loves biking

Nallikari Lomakylässä on yhdeksän idyllistä kesämökkiä

Modern Messi Summer Cottages in Nallikari, Oulu

View of red buildings in the harbour.

Traditional Fishing Harbour Kiviniemi

Artist room at Hotel Lasaretti

Nordic Art Hotel Lasaretti


Go Arctic - Conference rooms - Seelari in Hietasaari

Six rental bikes in a row.

Rent a bike from Tourist Info!


Literary Art Festival Muusajuhlat


Go Arctic activities - Craft upcycle workshop


Ancient survival skills: Stone grinding


Arctic Edu-Tech - Workshops and experiences in Oulu area


Oulu Music Video Festival


Go Arctic activities - Guided tour in Oulu by bike


Sokeri-Jussin Kievari Restaurant

A unique restaurant in idyllic Pikisaari in Oulu.

Restaurant Mallassauna

Lapland Hotels Oulu Comfort Room.

Lapland Hotels Oulu

Meriholsti varattavissa sekä kokouksiin että tapahtumiin

Meriholsti Meeting Room & Private Saunas in Nallikari, Oulu


Mediterranean Restaurant


GreenStar Hotel Oulu

Ravintolamaailma seating area

Ravintolamaailma Linnanmaa


Pohjolan Matka Charter Coaches Oulu

take-away coffee

Kahvila Kiikku

Yellow Oulu Cathedral church tower against blue sky in summer.

Oulu Quickly Walking Tour


Sightseeing helicopter flight in the Oulu area


Scandic Oulu City

Rosso seating area

Rosso Restaurant Valkea


Go Arctic activities - Fatbike trip in Koiteli or Liminka

Long sandy beach of Nallikari in Hietasaari island

Hietasaari recreational area

Koivurannan saunalautta sauna Oulussa.

Koivuranta Sauna Boat Public Sauna


Bistro Mesu


Tunnelmatupa in Koiteli - Conference services

winter cycling on the ice

Winter cycling by fatbikes at Oulu

Mustasalmi Oulu 1

Kayaking safari to River Oulu delta

Lomakoti Onnela

Family autumn vacation: Break from everyday life


Go Arctic activities - Northern Lights

Ryhmä tekee tehtävää suon reunalla

Nature-based recreation days for work communities (Sanginjoki, Rokua) - Naturest Oy


Go Arctic activities - Stories from Oulu

Dining room of the Koiteli Residenssi.

Koiteli Residenssi accommodation villa

Valkean Kesäkatu ilta-auringon paisteessa.

Valkea Shopping Centre

Starter at Lasaretti's Bistro

Bistro, Hotel Lasaretti

Inside Oulujoki church.

Oulujoki Church

Frans&Camille indoors

Frans&Camille Bistro


Pain Exhibition 9.2.–25.8.2024

Tourist info sign in front of Market Hall.

Oulu Tourist Information Office


Oulu Arts Night

Superior room

Scandic Oulu Station

Log cabin of Liisa Rehu.

Liisa & Moss Wonderland

Team Path

Go Arctic group activities - Team Path


Go Arctic - Guided walking tours in Oulu and in Oulu area

kayaking is the best outdoor activity on summer time

Bay of Bothnia by Kayak in Oulu


Rauhala ravintola-pâtisserie

De Gamlas Hem meetings and events Ester.

De Gamlas Hem Meetings and Events

Oulu Estuary and Pikisaari from above.

Gems of the Oulu River estuary

Sea Oulu Black Lady

Sea Oulu Charter Cruise


Go Arctic - Events Services

Varjo Festival 2022 was held in Kuusisaari.

Kuusisaari Recreation Park

Facade of OSH Arina

Original Sokos Hotel Arina, Oulu

people laughing and listening to storytelling at a fantasy tavern

Spirits of Hearth and Home - Tonttu in Finnish Folklore

fatbiking is nice summer activity

Fatbike Tour in Oulu


Winter Forest Adventure in the Dark

Nallikari lighthouse in sunset.

Nallikari Lighthouse

De Gamlas Hem Hotel & Restaurant.

De Gamlas Hem Hotel

Loppulan tulisija

Conferences and events in Loppula, Sanginjoki

Mourunki lake

Mourunki lake

Water park in Oulu

Lappis Water Park Oulu

Varjakka island fire station.

Varjakka industrial heritage site and nature trail

Reflection of the pedestrian bridge in water.

The reflecting pools of Oulu


Cafe Tunnelmatupa in Koiteli


Go Arctic activities - Rubber raft polo game

Perioululainen ömeisingreis

Go Arctic group activities - Amazing Oulu - City adventure

Poiju Villat huokuvat ulkoapäin merellistä tyyliä ja niissä on iso oma terassi

Deluxe Poiju Villas by the Sea in Nallikari, Oulu

Ryhmä lumikenkäilijöitä kulkee jonossa lumisessa metsässä. / A group of snowshoers walking in a line in snowy forest. Kuva: Harri Tarvainen.

Sanginjoki Nature Reserve


Information on Oulu

You might be interested, news - city of oulu, four new traffic light intersections in the oulu city centre, free of charge lunch for young adults between 18–29 in july, a discussion for oulu’s foreign-language speaking citizens about current safety issues on wednesday june 26 at 15–17, oulu summer festival 2024, midsummer events in oulu, oulu aims to advance an action programme for combating racism and promoting equality in collaboration with the state government, three business consortiums chosen for oulu’s arena negotiations, the city of oulu participates in the suomiareena in pori with the theme of sustainable future.


Oulu is the European Capital of Culture 2026

Did you know.


  1. Elä pelekää. Koe se.

    Koe se. - Visit Oulu. Elä pelekää. Koe se. Oulu on vähän outo, mutta hyvällä tavalla. Pohjoisen merenrantakaupunni ryöppyää kutsuvaa, lämminhenkistä elämänasennetta, jota et löydä muualta. Se pitää kokea. Lue lisää.

  2. Oulu is the European Capital of Culture 2026!

    We are building an unforgettable Capital of Culture year 2026. Oulu is the European Capital of Culture 2026, together with 39 municipalities. The whole Northern Finland will awaken when the cultural events bring the region to life and inspire joy and creativity in people every day. This is a journey of several years, which will culminate in 2026.

  3. Tourist information

    Oulu City Tourist Information Office. [email protected] +358 8 558 41330 chat is open 24/7. Oulu Market Hall Kauppatori 1. Open June 1st - August 31th:

  4. Visitors

    Explore Oulu's offering for visitors ( Pohjola route. Pohjola route is a route network filled with experiences in Oulu region for motorists, families, nature lovers and tourists who prefer public transport. Everyone can choose their preferred route on Pohjola route according to the beauty of nature - the network can be toured in ...

  5. Tourism Oulu

    The Bay of Bothnia's largest island, Hailuoto, is located around 50 kilometres from Oulu, the ferry trip taking about 25 minutes. Hailuoto is a very popular recreational spot due to the island's intrinsic beauty - it is one of Finland's National Landscapes - with around 600 summer cottages, and a permanent population of 1,000 people.

  6. Kauden suosituimmat

    Visit Oulun kautta saat kattavimman tiedon siitä, mitä Oulussa tapahtuu ja mitä täällä kannattaa tehdä. Seuraa myös sosiaalista mediaamme saadaksesi inspiraatiota ja vinkkejä Oulun matkaasi. Tervetuloa Ouluun! Kauden suosituimmat. Löydät tämän hetken suosituimmat elämykset ja aktiviteetit Oulussa tästä. Lähde seikkailuun ja ...

  7. Home

    VisitOulu offers information for visitors and tourists in Oulu. Information about accommodations, activities, restaurants and events. Information for visitors ( Students. The city of Oulu provides students with a diverse range of studies in our three universities. As a student in Oulu, you can enjoy various events and activities ...

  8. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Oulu (2024)

    2. Nallikari Beach. 241. Beaches. Nallikari's gently sloping, fine-sanded, one kilometre long beach is the most popular beach in Oulu. In the summertime, the beach is full of sunbathers, swimmers, bicyclists and beach sports enthusiasts…. 3. Toripolliisi. 152.

  9. Welcome to Oulu

    The City of Oulu is the capital of northern Finland and it's located halfway of Finland by the Bay of Bothnia. The Oulu Region has about 250,000 inhabitants and it is the fastest growing region in Finland. The City of Oulu itself has over 200,000 inhabitants so it's the 5th largest city in Finland. You can access Oulu under one hour by ...

  10. Oulu Oulu. Haku: Sulje haku. Oppaa­si elä­mään, kult­tuu­riin ja bis­nek­seen Oulus­sa. Olit­pa osaa­ja, lomai­li­ja tai lii­ke-elä­män edus­ta­ja etsi­mäs­sä uusia mah­dol­li­suuk­sia, tääl­tä saat kai­ken tar­vit­se­ma­si tie­don. Anna Oulun val ...

  11. Welcome to Oulu!

    Find things to do for your entire trip. An extravagant set of experiences, thrills and tourist services that guarantee you'll have things to on every day of your trip. Did you know that Oulu hosts the Lumo Light festival during the darkest weeks of the year? Image: Lumo Light Festival 2021.

  12. Visit Oulu

    Visit Oulu, Oulu. 16,707 likes · 372 talking about this. Kiinnostavimmat ihmiset, paikat ja tapahtumat Oulussa ja Oulun seudulla.

  13. Oulu

    Oulu (/ ˈ oʊ l uː / OH-loo, Finnish: ⓘ; Swedish: Uleåborg [ʉːlɛɔˈbɔrj] ⓘ) is a city in Finland and the regional capital of North Ostrobothnia.It is located on the northwestern coast of the country at the mouth of the River Oulu.The population of Oulu is approximately 215,000, while the sub-region has a population of approximately 263,000. It is the 5th most populous municipality ...

  14. Oulu, Finland: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    Oulu Tourism: Tripadvisor has 12,100 reviews of Oulu Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Oulu resource.

  15. Matkailijat

    Tutustu Oulun tarjontaan matkailijalle ( Pohjolan rengastie. Pohjolan rengastie on Oulun seudun kokemusrikas reitistö autoilijoille, perheille, luontoilijoille ja julkisia suosiville matkailijoille. Rengastieltä jokainen voi valita mieleisensä reitin luontokauneuden mukaan - sen voi kiertää osissa tai kokonaan. ...

  16. Buildings and other sights in Oulu

    Buildings and other sights in Oulu. Destinations and sights in Oulu are a concrete example of northern nature and urban culture going hand in hand. Just choose the theme of your visit, from Oulu architecture to the coolest places in the nearby nature.

  17. Visit Oulu

    Visit Oulu on Oulun Matkailun hallinnoima matkailumarkkinoinnin verkosto, joka kokoaa yhteen matkailijalle erilaisiapalveluita, nähtävyyksiä, kohteita, ravintola- ja majoitusvaihtoehtoja, ostosmahdollisuuksia, aktiviteetteja ja elämyksiä. Visit Oulun kautta saat kattavimman tiedon siitä, mitä Oulussa tapahtuu ja mitä täällä kannattaa tehdä.

  18. Events

    Organize a Meeting or Conference ( Event Venues Permits and Notifications Annual Events. Lumo Light Festival Oulu Days New Year's Eve Independence Day Park Picnics City Hall Opening Ceremony News - City of Oulu. 20.06.2024. A discussion for Oulu's foreign-language speaking citizens about current safety issues on Wednesday June 26 ...

  19. Learn about Oulu on a guided tour

    View. Guided Winter Swimming. Oulu. View. Go Arctic activities - Arctic ice fishing experience. Oulu. View. Go Arctic - Guided walking tours in Oulu and in Oulu area. Oulu.

  20. Visit Oulu

    Vacation in the city on the edge - bought online! The popular Oulu experiences are full of local creativity and Northern nature - and best bought straight from our online store so you won't be left out! You also get inspiration and tips on what to do while in Oulu. Because you know, we aren't just a city of polar bears and penguins.

  21. 7 Summer Tips for Oulu: What to Do and See in Oulu this Summer?

    2. Seaside Charm in Nallikari: Beach Life, Activities and Stunning Sunsets. Enjoy the fabulous Oulu seaside in Nallikari! The popular Nallikari area offers a beautiful beach, also known as the Riviera of the North, charming seaside nature trails with campfire sites and birdwatching towers, accommodation options, cafés, and restaurants for all the relaxation seekers.

  22. Information on Oulu

    News - City of Oulu. 27.06.2024. Four new traffic light intersections in the Oulu city centre. 26.06.2024. Free of charge lunch for young adults between 18-29 in July. 20.06.2024. A discussion for Oulu's foreign-language speaking citizens about current safety issues on Wednesday June 26 at 15-17. 20.06.2024. Oulu Summer Festival 2024.

  23. Summer in Oulu

    Thursday's market kayaking tour in Oulu. Every Thursday in the summer, there is a kayaking trip in the Oulu river delta, which is also suitable for first-timers. €40.00. €79.00.