Champion Traveler

Cost of a Trip to Bora Bora, PF & the Cheapest Time to Visit Bora Bora

The average price of a 7-day trip to Bora Bora is $3,184 for a solo traveler, $5,718 for a couple, and $10,721 for a family of 4 . Bora Bora hotels range from $136 to $684 per night with an average of $334, while most vacation rentals will cost $120 to $800 per night for the entire home. Average worldwide flight costs to Nadi International Airport ( NAN ) are between $1,303 and $2,103 per person for economy flights and $4,089 to $6,599 for first class. Depending on activities, we recommend budgeting $84 to $229 per person per day for transportation and enjoying local restaurants.

See below for average , budget , and luxury trip costs. You can also look up flight costs from your airport for more tailored flight pricing.

The Cheapest Times to Visit Bora Bora, PF

On average, these will be the cheapest dates to fly to NAN and stay in a Bora Bora hotel:

  • January 15th to May 6th (except the week of April 16th)
  • May 21st to June 3rd
  • August 13th to October 7th

The absolute cheapest time to take a vacation in Bora Bora is usually late August to early September .

Average Bora Bora Trip Costs

Average solo traveler.

The average cost for one person to visit Bora Bora for a week is $2,109-$4,656 ($301-$665 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $84 to $229 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $687 to $1,745 for economy

Lodging : $139 to $176 per night for one 2 or 3-star hotel room

or $178 to $218 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Average Couple’s Trip

The average cost for a couple to visit Bora Bora for a week is $4,616-$8,720 ($659-$1,246 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $168 to $458 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,374 to $3,490 for economy

Average Family Vacation

The average cost for 4 people to visit Bora Bora for a week is $6,702-$15,504 ($957-$2,215 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $336 to $916 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $2,748 to $6,980 for economy

Lodging : $278 to $352 per night for two 2 or 3-star hotel rooms

or $267 to $305 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Traveling Cheap to Bora Bora

How cheap can you make a vacation to Bora Bora? The cheapest trip to Bora Bora is about $245 per person per day for travelers willing to take standby flights, deal with inconvenience, and otherwise limit travel expenses. About 0% of rentals are available in the $0 to $100 range for an entire place, and vacation rentals can be booked for as low as $120 per night. These inexpensive rentals must be booked as early as possible and may not be in the most desirable areas. 1-star hotels are more likely to be available, with rooms starting at around $109.

Even cheaper trips are possible depending on where you live and whether you can drive. Check the cheapest times to fly for more saving ideas.

Budget Solo Traveler

The lowest cost for one person to visit Bora Bora for a week is $1,712-$3,440 ($245-$491 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $53 to $105 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Lodging : $109 to $136 per night for one 1-star hotel room

or $120 to $160 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Budget Couple’s Trip

The lowest cost for a couple to visit Bora Bora for a week is $2,770-$5,920 ($396-$846 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $106 to $210 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Budget Family Vacation

The lowest cost for 4 people to visit Bora Bora for a week is $5,384-$11,552 ($769-$1,650 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $212 to $420 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Lodging : $218 to $272 per night for two 1-star hotel rooms

or $192 to $224 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Overall it is very difficult to travel to Bora Bora cheaply.

The Cost of a Luxury Bora Bora Trip

There is no true ceiling on the cost of a luxury trip, so our estimates are based on what most people do in Bora Bora.

Luxury Solo Traveler

The high-end price for one person to visit Bora Bora for a week is $5,403-$16,306 ($772-$2,329 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $160 to $412 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,793 to $3,822 for first class

Lodging : $415 to $684 per night for one 4 or 5-star hotel room

or $800 to $1,600 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Luxury Couple’s Trip

The high-end price for a couple to visit Bora Bora for a week is $8,316-$23,012 ($1,188-$3,287 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $320 to $824 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $3,586 to $7,644 for first class

Luxury Family Vacation

The high-end price for 4 people to visit Bora Bora for a week is $16,632-$42,184 ($2,376-$6,026 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $640 to $1,648 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $7,172 to $15,288 for first class

Lodging : $830 to $1,368 per night for two 4 or 5-star hotel rooms

or $1,200 to $2,560 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Bora Bora Hotel Prices

The cost of staying in Bora Bora is much higher than the average city. On average vacation rentals are less expensive than hotels. Luxury hotels are more expensive in Bora Bora due to hotel employees. The graphs below show how much cost can vary depending on the type of experience you’re looking for.

Bora Bora Lodging Cost by Star Status

The average price for the class of hotel is on the (y) axis. The hotel class (out of 5 stars) is on the (x) axis.

Prices are based on Bora Bora hotel averages and may not reflect current prices. In some cases, we extrapolate prices to estimate costs, and hotels with your desired star rating may not be available.

Vacation Rental Prices

The percent of vacation rentals in the price range is on the left (y) axis. Price range is on the bottom (x) axis.

There are a healthy amount of vacation rentals serving all budgets in Bora Bora.

Flight Costs to Bora Bora

Averaging flights around the world, prices go from a high of $2,103 average in late December to a low of $1,303 in late August to early September. Median flight price is $1,342. These prices are based on millions of flights. For Bora Bora our data includes 159 originating airports, and 66 airlines. The area has more variance in price compared with other locations. Flying to Bora Bora from an airport like Amilcar Cabral International ( SID ) in Sal Island (Cape Verde) for an average $13,781 trip fare will obviously cost a lot more than from an airport like Nausori International ( SUV ) in Suva (Fiji) at an average of just $70.

Average Flight Cost by Season

Average flight cost by day of week.

The cheapest day to fly in is typically Wednesday, and the cheapest day to fly back is usually Tuesday. Click here to see data for the cost of flights from your airport. In Bora Bora, the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive week is about $800, so you can easily save about 61% simply by using our free flight guides and booking in advance.

Daily Expenses Budget

Daily vacation expenses vary more based on what you’re interested in doing. A fine dining restaurant with drinks around Bora Bora can easily cost $790 per person or more, while a standard nice meal might be about $53 per person. Private tours can cost $1578 per day, but self-guided tours to see the outdoor sights can be free. Costs vary wildly, so recommendations are made based on the cost of living and averages we see for this type of vacation.

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How much does a trip to Bora Bora Cost?


How much money should you budget for your trip to Bora Bora?

How much does a weekend trip to bora bora cost.

  • How much does a five-day trip to Bora Bora cost?
  • How much does a one-week trip to Bora Bora cost?
  • Hostel Prices
  • Hotel Prices

The Cost of a Trip to Bora Bora

When it comes to exploring Bora Bora, travelers typically find themselves budgeting between $71 and $310 per day for solo adventures and $142 to $620 if you're traveling as a couple. Now, that's a broad range, but the typical trip, on average, is $162 (F18,025) per person per day. This average cost covers sightseeing, accommodation, meals, and transportation, all from our large repository of travel expenses from previous visitors. Keep in mind, though, your personal spending might vary a bit based on your own level of luxury, travel style, and chosen activities. However, if you're visiting the highlights with some savvy planning, chances are your spending will vibe right around this average cost. For more details, check out the breakdown of expenses by category, plus the breakdown on accommodation and activity prices below.

If you're considering an independent trip to Bora Bora, it's helpful to have an idea of the amount of money you'll need. For budget travelers, planning to spend around $71 (F7,886) per day should cover your essential expenses, including affordable accommodations like hostels and budget hotels, cost-effective meal options, local transportation, and affordable activities. For those with a mid-range budget, allocating around $162 (F18,025) per day would allow for more comfortable hotels, dining at typical restaurants, and exploring a range of popular attractions. Luxury travelers, on the other hand, should anticipate a daily budget of $310 (F34,445), which would encompass higher-end accommodations, dining at nicer restaurants, and indulging in private tour options. It's worth noting that these price ranges are based on extensive travel cost data for Bora Bora from fellow travelers, as well as insights from travel companies regarding hotel and tour prices. For further details on travel costs, you can refer to our comprehensive travel cost data for Bora Bora .

Travelers spend, on average, $487 per person on a three-day trip to Bora Bora. This includes sightseeing, hotels, food, and local transportation. You can stick close to this average price by staying at mid-range hotels and eating at mid-level restaurants, while also paying for some entry tickets to popular attractions. If you wish to travel cheaper, it's possible to find lower-cost accommodations, eat at less expenive restaurants, and find more free activities. It's also common for many visitors to have a much higher travel budget, as many high-end hotels and restaurants can be found around town.

How much does a five day trip to Bora Bora cost?

With five days in Bora Bora, you can expect to spend about $811 total, not including transportation to and from the city. It's possible to stay close to this daily average by booking mid-range hotels, eating at normal restaurants, and paying for some entry tickets to popular attractions. It's possible to find lower-cost accommodations, eat at less expenive restaurants, and find more free activities if you want to spent less money.

How much does a one week trip to Bora Bora cost?

Most visitors spend between $497 and $2,170 for a one week trip to Bora Bora, with the average being $1,135 . This includes sightseeing, local transportation, food, and hotels. One week is enough time to have a more in-depth experience in Bora Bora. Also, one week allows you to be more flexible with your time and money, so you can potentially save money on some aspects of your trip while spending more on others.

Hotel Prices in Bora Bora

The average price for a hotel room in Bora Bora is $0 per night. This average is based on our detailed analysis of available hotels in the area. If you want to save money, or if you're planning a more luxurious trip, it's important to look at hotel prices based on the overall star-rating as well as guest reviews. Also, prices can vary by location and amenities. You can see more details from our analysis of hotel prices in Bora Bora here , and below is a breakdown of hotel prices by star-rating.

More for Bora Bora

If you're planning a trip to Bora Bora, French Polynesia, check out these other informative travel guides.

We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works .

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1 Categories averaged on a per-item basis. 2 Categories averaged on a per-day basis. For example, the Food 2 daily average is for all meals for an entire day, while Entertainment 1 is for each individual purchase. Thus, the overall daily average cost is not a summation of the individual categories.

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Find cheap flights to Bora Bora from $614

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from the united states to bora bora departing on 6/19. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to bora bora.

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Best Bora Bora Flight Deals

Cheapest round-trip prices found by our users on KAYAK in the last 72 hours

Good to know

Faqs - booking bora bora flights, how long is the flight to bora bora.

An average nonstop flight from the United States to Bora Bora takes 25h 11m, covering a distance of 5196 miles. The most popular route is Los Angeles - Vaitape with an average flight time of 12h 20m.

What is the cheapest flight to Bora Bora?

The cheapest ticket to Bora Bora from the United States found in the last 72 hours was $915. The most popular route is from Los Angeles to Vaitape and the cheapest round-trip airline ticket found on this route in the last 72 hours was $1,154.

What is the most popular destination in Bora Bora?

Based on KAYAK flight searches, the most popular destination is Vaitape (100% of total searches to Bora Bora).

How does KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Bora Bora

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest Bora Bora flight deals.

Top 3 airlines flying to Bora Bora

Really good experience. Was reasonably priced, Boarding was easy, on time, and service was great. No complaints at all :)

I always love flying with Air Tahiti Nui: the flower when you board, the colors of the pillows/blankets, the fun safety video, etc. It brings the charm of Tahiti to the plane, which is very relaxing. Food was great. Only weakness is the entertainment system, which did not have a lot of interesting content, so I ended up watching Netflix shows I had downloaded to my phone. The other issue was not related to Air Tahiti but the Seattle airport, which made us wait for 1 hour at security. Ruined the whole flying experience and almost made me loose my next flight.

The service was really nice. The wine was great and the food was good. More water offered during the flight would have been nice.

Booked family of 4. None of us were seated together. Desk agent would not make any seat adjustments. Gate agent would not make any seat adjustments. Had to negotiate once on board with other passengers to trade seats. Don’t understand why you would separate seating of family all booked on same reservation. Was not able to select seats on Kayak nor Air Tahiti prior to airport.

Seats were roomy. Staff was great offering free drinks and refills constantly. Everything was very clean.

The sound system was so bad I could not watch movies.

Reclining seats with leg rest! Amazing flight crew! Loved the food! Everything was perfect!

The crew was very friendly and welcoming. Boarding was calm and organized. Take off and Landing was perfect and in time.

my luggage was damage. even if i put fragile in my bags. i was disappointed.

Very friendly and professional crew from check in to be working to flight crew to disembarkation.

On-time flights that made it comfortable to make our connecting flights

The flight itself was very good. A new aircraft, smooth flight, and the crew was very accomodating, presenting all information in three languages (French, Tahitian, and English). The only tricky bit was boarding. For some reason, there were two flights from Bora Bora to Papeete boarding 5 minutes apart from one another. Many passengers (French and American) got confused about which flight was boarding. The gate agent made an announcement that clarified matters and everyone got on the correct aircraft (not that it really would have mattered, both flights arrived simultaneously).

Very easy check-in process, boarding, and a smooth flight.

Missed the flight (and our trip) because my son (11 years old) tested positive for COVID - notified KAYAK and the airlines 72 hours prior to the flight and over 10 days later have yet to receive a response on whether they will refund my almost $8K in tickets. Even if I do not receive a refund a response would be nice! On the bright side everyone is healthy and we still had a Christmas with the immediate family.

28 hour delay at Fort Worth/Dallas airport, part due to weather which was unavoidable, but various other reasons - no pilot, no fa, mechanical problem, plane too small, too big, crew out of flying time, seat configuration problems.... endless and hourly updates with a different excuse. Finally told us about 3.00 am, that the flight was delayed to hours later.

Experience was bad. 3.5 hour delay for a 2.5 hour trip. There was no r Transparency about the reason for the delay and it was done 30 mins at a time.

Original flight delayed several times and finally canceled at 2:30 in the morning. Staff at the gate was not very helpful in resolving problems or communicating why there were delays. I spent 34 hours at the airport before I could leave, they couldn't book me on another early flight even after canceling my original flight. Next flight available after my original flight was canceled was 22 hours later. I will never fly American Airlines again.

very very tight seats unfriendly crew who do not seem to care about the comfort of their passengers and do not know how to smile poor ground staff support at LHR and PHX

The boarding process and flight were great. However, I waited about 40 minutes for my luggage. It did not come up on the designated belt. Instead, everyone’s bags were on a cart. Not sure what the issue was, but we were not informed until another passenger went looking for her bags and found them.

There were delays on both ends. It made it less than excellent. This plane was great though

AA1537 the AC was not working properly. It was very hot and uncomfortable.

So uncomfortable to sit in the tiny space on a long, international. Food was rough. Please, less white flour and processed food.

Worst experience flying American Airlines. I fly with them often, so I was super disappointed in the service I received at gate 30 in LGA on May 24, mid-day. The flight was delayed twice. I was patiently waiting in the American Airlines lounge when I received the notice on my app that the plane was boarding 45 minutes before its newly re-scheduled take off of 4 pm (from the orginal 1:45 pm then 3:00 pm). It took me 5 min to travel from the lounge to the gate and when I arrived there at 3:20 flight gate attendant told me the flight had closed and that they announced for passengers multiple times. I showed them the notification on my app and they were really rude and unempathetic. The person who rescheduled my flight at customer service wasn't any happier but was at least helpful in getting me on the next flight.

Flight was 1/2 hour delayed leaving Phoenix. Otherwise it was an average flight. Flight crew on this trip was very nice.

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How Much Does A Trip To Bora Bora Cost? Prices 2024

Home » Blog » How Much Does A Trip To Bora Bora Cost? Prices 2024

Bora Bora is one of the best paradises on Earth. This scenic island comes at a price, but there are ways you can save money when you book a honeymoon or trip to Bora Bora. We will take a look at the average costs for a vacation, covering everything from resort prices, food costs, airplane tickets, and other transportation costs. By the end of this guide, you will have a general idea of how much a vacation in Bora Bora costs. 

How Much Does A Trip To Bora Bora Cost? 

Based on our estimates, you can expect to pay anywhere from $8000 to $15000 for a trip to Bora Bora. We’ve paid around an average of $10,000-$12,000 in the past for a 5 to 7-day vacation. The biggest expense by far is the accommodations. 

The next biggest expense might be airplane tickets depending on where you come from. If you get a meal plan, your food prices get factored into the price for accommodations. Getting around Bora Bora isn’t expensive, especially since the island is quite small, so taxi rides don’t cost excessively. You can also save on costs by booking a rental car with FH Rental Bora Bora .

FH Rental Bora Bora

The thing about Bora Bora is that it’s far from cheap. That’s the simple truth of visiting this French Polynesian island. It’s a paradise many want to come to and this is simply not the place for those on a tight budget since it’s expensive. 

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t make it more affordable. While staying at an overwater bungalow is one of the most expensive accommodations to stay on Bora Bora, staying at a garden bungalow on land or a pension is much less expensive. 

Bora Bora Resorts Prices

The resort prices in Bora Bora can be quite high depending on the accommodations. If you plan to stay in an overwater bungalow, you’re looking at anywhere between $1000 to $4000 a night. A beach bungalow costs anywhere from $500-$2000 a night. Here is the average cost for some of the top resorts in Bora Bora. 

InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa 

The InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa offers heaven on earth. You can find it on the same motu as the Four Seasons Resort, Motu Piti Aau. It features its own restaurant with traditional Tahitian meals and tropical cocktails. It has spacious overwater villas with multiple rooms and views of the lagoon or Mount Otemanu and Polynesian-inspired designs. 

The beach villas offer similar amenities at a reduced price. Visit the Deep Ocean Spa for relaxing massages and spa treatments. The average bungalow price for this resort comes in the range of $1000 to $3000 a night. We have previously stayed here, and it’s one of our favorite places to visit. You can read a complete review of the InterContinental Thalasso . 

Four Seasons Bora Bora 

If you’re looking for an ultra-luxurious place to stay, the Four Seasons Resort is the elite option. They have everything from overwater bungalows with views of Mount Otemanu to beachfront bungalows with the water a short distance from the rooms. 

It’s a 5-star resort with extensive facilities, including a spa and a restaurant. The Tere Nui restaurant offers seafood and various cuisines. They also provide you with free snorkeling equipment, so you don’t have to worry about renting it or bringing your own. The price per night at this all-inclusive resort ranges from $1500-$3500 a night, depending on when you visit and all the amenities you’re looking for. 

Conrad Bora Bora Nui Resort

The Conrad Bora Bora Nui resort is found in Motu To’opua. It’s an ideal place for a honeymoon in Bora Bora with its romantic atmosphere and secluded beach. We have also previously stayed at the Conrad Bora Bora Nui Resort before and paid $12000 for a 5-night stay.

Travelers on a lower budget can aim for their garden bungalows with the same beautiful views. It typically costs less than the other high-end resorts like Four Seasons and InterContinental. The Conrad also has a beautiful outdoor infinity pool that is legendary for its unique design and look.

Pensions & Budget Hotels

Bora Bora also has what are called family pensions, or in other words, guest homes. The prices for pensions are much lower than hotel room prices, and are surrounded by the same beautiful environment around the island. Most of these like this Matira House or this Matira Beach Bungalow can be found on the southern end close to Matira Beach. These are both good places for couples who are looking for something affordable.

Chez Nono is also popular and many travelers tend to stay here. Many of these are family-owned, so you can expect a family-friendly atmosphere and Polynesian hospitality. Hotel Matira is a beautiful yet budget hotel in Bora Bora that has beach and garden bungalows. It sits close to the Intercontinental Le Moana, so you can enjoy the same close restaurants of the resort at a lower price and it’s close to the beautiful Matira Beach. You can also read our guide on cheap hotels and places to stay in Bora Bora .

There are also bed and breakfast places and vacation rentals. Airbnb is only starting to get more popular, with family homes for rent found around Vaitape and closer to the middle of the island. 

Bora Bora Food Prices

When traveling to Bora Bora, we would highly advise you to purchase a meal plan. You can purchase meal plans from the resort itself or travel packages like Costco. The restaurant prices at resorts can be quite expensive. 

For example, a burger and a beer at the Intercontinental Thalasso typically cost around $50 ($35 for a burger and $15 for a beer). If you’re not paying for all-inclusive resorts , the food costs can quickly add up. Eat something fancier, like steak or lobster, and the costs are much higher at $70 or more. 

Factor in the costs of two people on a daily basis, and you’ll see that the food prices can quickly skyrocket. Now even if you do end up purchasing a meal package, most resorts will only cover breakfast and dinner. 

So you’re often left by yourself to figure out what to do for lunch. We recommend bringing your own snacks from whatever country you’re visiting or light food options (ramen noodles). Unfortunately, alcohol is rarely covered in the packages so purchasing that will be on your own dime too and that’s far from cheap. 

The restaurants on the mainland Bora Bora offer meals at a much more reasonable price, but if you’re staying at a resort on its own private motu, you won’t have many options. It’s either eating at the resort’s expensive restaurants or taking a ferry to the mainland for food. 

Bora Bora also has supermarkets to make ingredients for your own food. Buy any beer, alcohol, or water here for cheaper rates. You can also find roadside stands that sell common food like burgers, chicken, and more. 

Bora Bora Flight Prices

One major factor you need to consider for costs is airplane tickets. While airplane ticket prices will vary based on where you’re located, you can expect to pay up a hefty sum if you’re flying in from other countries. 

We fly in from the United States, and on average a ticket that gets me all the way to Bora Bora costs around $1500. We make a stop at Tahiti since they have the go-to international airport in French Polynesia and then take another short flight to Bora Bora.

If you visit from Australia , you can expect to pay around a similar amount of $1700. Airplane tickets from countries in Europe can see costs of $2000-$3500 while those in Asia are around $2500-$5000. It’s not cheap. 

Fortunately, the costs to move around in Bora Bora aren’t that high. If you’re staying at a luxurious resort, many of them will provide a free shuttle to pick you up from the airport and take you to their private motu or one of the coastlines. The resorts on private motus also tend to offer free ferry rides that travel to the mainland on a daily basis at no extra cost. 

Renting a car to get around the island is advisable, and for this, you’re looking at $70 – $100 a day. There aren’t that many rental car options , but they aren’t vastly expensive. If you’re feeling active, getting around on a bicycle is quite common and many tourists do it. Scooters are also cheaper to rent than a car and comfortably sit another passenger. 

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trip cost to bora bora

Bora Bora Trip Cost: Pricing for Flights, Food & Accommodation

Plan your Bora Bora trip with our guide on flight, food, & accommodation costs for solo, couples, & family travelers. Make your dream trip affordable!

trip cost to bora bora

Often touted as the jewel in Tahiti's crown, Bora Bora comes close to being the perfect paradise. The combination of breathtaking landscapes, white sandy beaches, turquoise water, and sunny climate makes it a dream destination for adventurous tourists. Before packing your bag for a dream vacation, you'll need to know what the trip will cost you.

The average cost of a 7-day trip to Bora Bora is about $3,202 for a solo traveler. That leaves us at about $458 per day when you decide to travel alone. This amount includes food, local transportation, accommodation, sightseeing, and other related travel expenses and is calculated based on the expenses of previous visitors. 

The paradise island, located in the South Pacific, may be relatively expensive to visit, but it offers tourists so much to see and do during any visit. The rest of this article will cover everything you should know about the cost of visiting Bora Bora.

Average Cost Of A Trip To Bora Bora

trip cost to bora bora

While calculating the cost of your Bora Bora trip, one important point is the difference between average travel costs and daily travel expenses. The average cost includes flight tickets, intercity travel, accommodations, etc. 

That said, the average cost of a 7-day trip to Bora Bora ranges between $3,111 and $3,215 per person. Couples will spend between $791 to $830 per day, and a family of four will spend about $1531 per day during their trip to Bora Bora. Bear in mind that these figures can go slightly up or down depending on traveling time and spending habits. 

Only four planes touch down at Bora Bora airport daily, each carrying a maximum of 70 people. As expected, international flights to Bora Bora are slightly on the high side, with international flights averaging between $497 to $1,372, depending on where you're flying from.

Bora Bora costs between $50 and $2,500 per night. Food, sightseeing, intra-city transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses make up the remainder of your costs. 

Average Daily Expenses in Bora Bora

trip cost to bora bora

While planning your Bora Bora trip, you'll need to set a significant part of your budget for daily expenses. However, your daily expenses will largely depend on how you choose to live. We've reviewed the daily expenses of several past visitors to Bora Bora. Thus, we can categorically say that low spenders will spend between $41 to $90 per day. 

Mid-range spenders can expect to spend between $91 and $211 daily, while high spenders will spend anything above these figures per day. That's not to say you can't travel on a budget. However, you'll need to draft your budget beforehand and decide the spending level you want to maintain throughout your trip. Divide your total budget by the number of days you intend to stay to know how much you should spend each day. 

Don't forget that these figures do not include major purchases, flight tickets, and other significant expenditures. So, if you intend to spend big on any other thing, you must make provisions for it in your budget.

Related Read: The 15 Best All-Inclusive Bora Bora Resorts

Best Time To Visit Bora Bora On A Budget 

trip cost to bora bora

With warm weather all around the year and the numerous beautiful sights in Bora Bora, there's no bad time to visit this exciting island. However, like every other attractive location, Bora Bora has its low season, and you may want to plan when it's best to visit based on your budget. 

If you plan to visit the island between December and March, you can expect your travel expenses to drop significantly. However, it also means you'll need to cope with more rain and mosquitoes. Low travel season begins around early November and runs through the end of March. 

If you intend to visit during the high season, you better wait till the beginning of May. The high season generally runs from May to October. While vacations are typically enjoyable during this time, it means significantly more cost. 

If you're on a budget but still want to enjoy your travel experience, we recommend planning your visit during the shoulder seasons. These seasons include October ending/November beginning and late March/early April.

Basic Expenses During A Bora Bora Trip

While the above-quoted cost of a Bora Bora trip may seem vague, several factors contribute to make up the cost. A detailed understanding of the factors will help you prepare a better budget and allocate funds where needed. Here are some of the most common items that make up a Bora Bora trip. 

1. Flight Tickets 

trip cost to bora bora

As always, flight tickets are among the most significant parts of your vacation expenses. However, the actual cost depends on where you're flying from, so it'll be difficult to quote any particular amount.

However, irrespective of where you're flying from, your trip to Bora Bora will either be in 2 or 3 stages. The last stage involves moving from Faa'a International Airport, located in Papeete (Tahiti), to Bora Bora Airport. Although this flight lasts about $30 mins, travelers still have to cough out about $200 for it.

Perhaps the reason for the high cost of this flight is the monopoly that the local operator (Air Tahiti) has on air travel to all Tahitian islands.

2. Accommodation 

trip cost to bora bora

You probably already know that accommodation takes up most of your expenses while traveling to Bora Bora. The island is committed to tourism, so there's no shortage of accommodation options available. 

Available options range from 5-star resorts to guest houses and rented apartments. The 5-star resorts are typically located on the Motus, off the main island.

The resorts are always exceptional, reflecting their relatively high prices. Most operators of the overwater bungalows in Bora Bora will charge between $921 and $3,210 for a night's stay. 

Check out the different prices for overwater bungalows with cozycozy , the accommodation search engine that helps you compare all the available options.

It's okay if you can't afford these resorts or choose to opt for a cheaper option. The main island offers an assortment of guesthouses and rented accommodations. These options bring the price per night down to as low as $176 per night for lone travelers and $280 for couples. However, choosing these cheaper alternatives means you'll need to provide your transportation.

Related Read: Do You Tip at All-Inclusive Resorts?

3. Local Cuisine

trip cost to bora bora

Here's some good news for food lovers - Bora Bora has an exciting food culture. So, whether you're a restaurant fan or prefer to explore local cuisines, the available options will surprise you. But so will food prices too. 

As usual, foods cost more in resorts and expensive restaurants, with an entrée plus appetizer going for as high as $160 per person. A cocktail or burger in these classes of restaurants will also cost around $38.

Don't worry if you're not ready to spend that much on food. Many local grocery stores also sell cheap, fresh, and tasty foods. Food prices in these places range from $8 to $20.

Sea foods are popular choices in Bora Bora, so seafood lovers will have the time of their lives during this visit. It's also important to point out that breakfasts are usually the cheapest meals in Bora Bora.

4. Transportation 

trip cost to bora bora

Although quite small, Bora Bora features so many exciting locations. What's an island vacation if you can't see all it offers? So, you'll want to include transportation expenses while preparing your travel budget .

Fortunately, there are so many options as far as intra-city transit is concerned. Here's a brief review of what you're expected to pay for each.

  • Taxi: Taxis are among the most popular transport means in Bora Bora. But the limited availability of taxi companies means that rides are usually pricey, especially if you're moving after 7 PM. Taxis can take you anywhere in Bora Bora at an average price of between $15 - $25, depending on time and distance. 
  • Public transport: Another popular opinion for locals and visitors. Public transport services are called le Truck and run in conjunction with school and ferry hours. Unfortunately, this service has a reputation for being irregular, and not even locals can tell when it'll be available and when it won't. However, it's the cheapest option for both long and short-distance movements. 
  • Renting a car or scooter: As an adventurous traveler who enjoys exploring on your own, car and motorbike rentals are the top choice for you. However, car rentals are typically expensive and will cost you between $56 to $224 per day. We only recommend this option when you're traveling as a group or with your family. 
  • Bike: Most travelers consider two-wheelers as their favorite means of intra-city transportation. It's cheap, accessible, and can cover almost all the important areas in Bora Bora. You can also travel with it at your own pace, giving you the flexibility you'd love throughout your travel. Bike rentals cost between $15 to $20 per day.

Related Read: Best Time To Visit Tahiti

How To Save Money On Your Bora Bora Trip

There's a reason Bora Bora is often considered a tourist's paradise. It's stunning, magical, peaceful, and everything you'll desire in a tourist location. But all these come with a price.

A vacation on the island is truly expensive; hence, the need to consider possible ways to save costs. Thankfully, there are a few tweaks here and there that can significantly bring down the cost. Here are some hacks you can try. 

1. Cash In On Travel Rewards 

trip cost to bora bora

Now's the time to join as many reward programs as possible. Many airlines and hotel chains offer reward programs so that you may accumulate points.

Most times, it's not even so difficult accumulating these points. You just have to fulfill specific tasks to qualify. It could be referring people to their website or by the number of times you've traveled in a year. Just make sure you're aware of these programs beforehand and use them.

2. Travel During Low Season

trip cost to bora bora

This one's a no-brainer for every traveler. Flight tickets to Bora Bora are generally cheaper during the off-season mentioned elsewhere in this article. So if your schedule is flexible, adjust so your travel dates fall during April, May, or November. Beyond transport expenses, tourist sites typically reduce entry fees during this time because of the low number of tourists. 

However, this reduction may come at the expense of the total tourism experience. The shoulder months are the best balance between low prices and a good tourism experience. 

Related Read: Best Time to Visit French Polynesia

3. Count Your Calories & Pennies

trip cost to bora bora

Bora Bora has a fascinating food culture, and we understand your desire to jump into the available varieties. And that makes food a major budget breaker, especially considering its high cost.

Three square meals on a mid to high-end resort can cost a few hundred dollars. That's probably a huge chunk from your budget. To save on food costs:

  • Pack your favorite snacks along with your bags
  • Eat more during breakfast since breakfasts are generally cheaper
  • Draft a meal plan and stick to it
  • Consider cooking some of your meals.

4. Book in Advance

trip cost to bora bora

Whether it's flight tickets, accommodation, or tours, booking in advance reduces costs and makes the experience more affordable. Once you've set a date for your travel, consider booking for most of the things you'll need and do.

Thankfully, most bookings can be made online, making the whole process easier for you. Discounted figures may not be too much, but a few here and there will matter to your budget.

5. Walk When Possible 

trip cost to bora bora

Bora Bora is a relatively small island, with almost all the tourist sites interconnected. So, it's easy to walk to certain places. You don't necessarily have to walk through all your movements. It's okay to walk sometimes and use other means other times. Just make sure you're not overdoing any.

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How Much Does it Cost to go to Bora Bora?

Whether you are organizing your yearly holiday or you are meticulously planning your honeymoon , and you want to have the ultimate escape in an exotic destination, Bora Bora is your answer… but how much does it actually cost to go to Bora Bora?

Surrounded by calm, turquoise waters, coral reefs, luxurious accommodations, and plenty of exciting things to see, the small but beautiful South Pacific island, located northwest of Tahiti, in French Polynesia is a dream destination for romantic couples. 

bora bora dock

Besides awaiting visitors with spectacular natural surprises, Bora Bora is also famous for its multitude of luxury resorts with many romantic bungalows perched over the water on stilts. But, before you start planning your trip, continue reading this article and find out more information about this gorgeous destination and its costs. 

Bora Bora Trip Cost Overview

Overall, a trip to Bora Bora for two should cost, with flights, meals, and accommodations, a minimum of  $6,000 for 5 nights.  A trip for $10,000 will get a package with flights and modest accommodations. Once you get to $12000 you start getting into the area of affording the iconic overwater bungalows and this only goes up from there.

How much does it cost to get to Bora Bora?

Bora Bora might be a well-known destination for honeymooners , but it is also a great spot for all people who want to be pampered on a paradisiacal island. Whatever the reason for your travels, expect to get to an exclusive and quite expensive place. With limited flights, all originating in Tahiti, getting to your romantic destination is not a piece of cake. But it’s not difficult either. 

The best way to save some good money is to book airline tickets early. The price depends on the seasons and, of course, your departure city. If, for instance, you are traveling from New York City, the flight to Bora Bora might cost from $1700 to $2,500 and up, depending on the month you choose.

trip cost to bora bora

But, regardless of your departure airport, first, you fly into French Polynesia’s Faa’a International Airport, at Papeete, on the main island of Tahiti. Air France, Air New Zealand, Air Tahiti Nui, and Hawaiian Airlines are some of the major airlines that service the airport. From Papeete, Air Tahiti flies to 47 island airstrips. Once you arrive, collect your luggage, proceed through customs, and enjoy your transfer to Bora Bora on a small plane.

Bora Bora Resort Prices

Bora Bora is known for its amazing accommodations. There are many different options, and each one comes at a different price point. But this is great news, you can tailor your accommodations to your budget and your must-have list.

The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort

Located only a few kilometers by boat from Mount Otemanu volcano, and set on a gorgeous lagoon,  The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort  awaits travelers with luxe tropical beachfront accommodations and unparalleled pampering. 

Beautifully decorated villas with relaxing lounges, private gardens, and decks with plunge or infinity pools promise to offer you the tranquility and luxury you desire. Most of the accommodations at The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort are beachfront, and one even comes with a private beach and a chef on request. 

St Regis Bora Bora Honeymoon Resort

But, if you want to offer yourself the ultimate indulgence, you can opt for the breathtaking over-water bungalows with gorgeous furnished terraces and glass panels with lagoon views. The cherry on top is that the butler service is free. Four amazing restaurants, a gym, a cool bar, an outdoor pool, and a deluxe spa are some of the lavish amenities you can enjoy at this resort. 

The prices vary, depending on your stay. The cost starts at $113 per night for the lovely Reefside Garden Villa to $568 per night for the sensational Overwater Royal Otemanu Villa. 

Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora

Set close to the well-known Bora Bora Yacht Club,  Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora  is another fantastic option for your exotic honeymoon or romantic escape. 

trip cost to bora bora

The luxury resort is housed in a collection of thatched-roof bungalows on the Bora Bora lagoon, offering the perfect combination of comfort and spectacular views. The high-end but cozy bungalows have charming porches, relaxing lounge areas, and even private plunge pools. The luxury beachfront villas welcome guests with lush private gardens and outdoor pools.

Other amenities you can enjoy at Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora are a Polynesian-style spa, a gym with regular yoga, a breathtaking infinity pool, and four outstanding Polynesian restaurants with open-air dining. 

The cost varies, depending on your stay and the type of accommodation you choose. If you prefer a one-bedroom beach-view overwater bungalow, you can pay $ 1130 per night. Meanwhile, the average price per night for a deluxe one-bedroom Otemanu overwater bungalow suite cost $ 4168. Keep in mind that these are average prices per night before adding the resort taxes. 

Bora-Bora Pearl Beach Resort & Spa

Overlooking the imposing Mount Otemanu,  Bora-Bora Pearl Beach Resort & Spa  is a posh, but laid-neck islet guests can access only by boat. It is the perfect choice for honeymooners or romantic couples who want to indulge in privacy and seclusion. 

Honeymoon in Bora Bora

Gorgeous bungalows, with relaxing terraces, and spectacular lagoon and mountain views will welcome you at Bora-Bora Pearl Beach Resort & Spa. For special pampering, opt for one of the beach suites, with gardens, open-air bathrooms, and pools or Jacuzzis. And, if you want the most romantic stay, go for the overwater options with glass floors and superb furniture. 

Whatever type of accommodation you choose, you can also enjoy the resort’s fantastic eateries, cocktail bar, pool, spa, and diving center. 

The prices vary, depending on your stay and the accommodation type you chose. If, for instance, you want to stay in a garden villa and enjoy its pool, it will cost $840 per night. At the same time, a night in the deluxe Otemanu Overwater Bungalow cost start around $ 1134. 

Le Meridien Bora Bora

Le Meridien Bora Bora  is another great option for your romantic escape. The chic island resort is overlooking the Bora Bora lagoon and Mount Otemanu and welcomes guests with stylishly decorated thatched-roof bungalows, that amaze all with their gorgeous terraces and lagoon views.

trip cost to bora bora

Whether you choose to stay in a villa and enjoy the plunge pools or you prefer the sensation given by overwater bungalows’ glass floors, your holiday at Le Meridien Bora Bora will be enhanced by the luxury amenities available.

A charming beachside eatery and an airy restaurant by the lagoon, an open-air bar, an infinity pool, a wellness area, and a turtle center are some of the things waiting for you at this high-end resort. 

Prices depend on your stay. You can pay between $880 for a beautiful beach villa and $1250 for an overwater end-of-pontoon bungalow, with sensational Mount Otemanu and Lagoon views. 

Bora Bora Food Prices

Whether you are eager to indulge in the local cuisine, or you prefer sticking to your usual favorite meals, food prices in Bora Bora might shock you as they can be higher than on some other island paradises. 

Many of the local dishes include pork, chicken, breadfruit, rice, sure potatoes, and local veggies and fruits like mango, bananas, papaya, and pineapple. Banana or papaya purees, for instance, are known as po’e, and they are the most popular dessert in Bora Bora.

Seafood lovers might not be in the right place since much of the seafood is flown in from elsewhere. While the waters of Bora Bora are rich, the locals prefer to just fish for themselves. 

Also, keep in mind that breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner. Dinner main courses, for example, can cost between $30 and $70, depending on your choice. 

Bora Bora Transportation Prices

Transportation around Bora Bora can be a little tricky. The island is small and that can cause some limits when it comes to transportation options, but there are still some options available.

Boat Shuttle Service

When you’re traveling to and from the airport in Bora Bora, you’ll most likely need to take a boat shuttle service. Fortunately, most resorts offer this service to their guests. If you’re staying at other types of accommodations, you might need to hire your own boat service. This will cost you between $50 and $100 per person.

If you’re looking for an affordable and fun way to move between resorts or activities, then you might want to consider a water taxi. Most water taxis cost between $20 and $50 per person, but it will depend on where you’re going.

trip cost to bora bora

Rental Cars and Bikes

If you want to have a little more control over your travels around the island, then consider renting a car or bike. A car can be a little more difficult because there are few roads, but there are scooter and bike options available. 

Cars are the most expensive option and can range from $80 to $150 per day. Scooters get a little more affordable, costing between $40 and $60 per day. But the most affordable option is a bike. These only cost $10 to $20 per day.

Public Transportation

Bora Bora doesn’t offer a lot in terms of public transportation. There is no widespread public transportation system, but there are a few local buses. The downside is these buses are infrequent and unreliable.

Depending on the distance, walking can be an option. You’ll just need to do a little research and pre-planning to make sure the terrain is accessible on foot.

Bora Bora Activities Costs

When in Bora Bora you can enjoy a variety of tours. If you want something exciting, but you travel on a budget, you can begin with an almost three-hour bus or minivan Island Tour. The price begins at about $55.

Those who don’t have a certain budget can enjoy more expensive tours like a half-day catamaran sailing, snorkeling, and floating bar experience that lasts four hours and costs about $ 230. 

And, for visitors who don’t have to think about money, there are several luxurious tours available. For example, for about $4500 for up to six people, you can adventure into a private Maupiti day trip from Bora Bora by seaplane.

More Useful Bora Bora Travel Tips

After budgeting out the cost of your Bora Bora trip, there are a few other tips to consider. These tips can help you save more money and enjoy your time in Bora Bora.

Pick the Off-Season for Lower Travel Prices

With warm weather all year round, Bora Bora is always welcoming visitors. But, like any place, the island has its low season that you may want to consider when deciding when to visit Bora Bora . 

If you plan your escape from December to March, the cost to visit Bora Bora will be less expensive, however, you may get more rain and mosquitoes. Low-season travel begins November 1st and runs through the end of March.

High season, however, runs from May to October. During these months, resorts book up with travelers taking advantage of the beautiful weather, with some isolated rain showers. This can cause your Bora Bora trip to be much more expensive.

To keep your cost down without jeopardizing your experience, go to Bora Bora during the shoulder seasons, at the end of October or the beginning of November, or the end of March to early April.

Buy Alcohol for the Trip to Bora Bora

As you can see, prices are pretty high in Bora Bora. So, if you want to indulge in your favorite liquors during your romantic escape, consider buying duty-free alcohol from your airport of departure. And, if you don’t want to carry it on the plane, you can pay for it at the airport, and pick it up at your destination. 

If you don’t have time for duty-free shopping, make sure that, before going to the resort, you stop at a local supermarket to stock up, not only on alcohol but other drinks and snacks that will cost much more at your resort. 

Choose Lower Cost Transportation Around Bora Bora

Also, even if you are not a big bike lover, try giving it a chance while in Bora Bora. It is an amazing way to discover an island, especially one so small. 

Bora Bora is an island paradise, and it offers a lot of great resorts and activities for visitors. As you plan your trip, it’s a good idea to know how much you can expect to send. Now you can set a budget and look forward to beautiful beaches and exotic experiences.

trip cost to bora bora

He is an expert travel advisor and enthusiast. He has traveled extensively in the USA, Central America, South America, and Europe. He has visited every Sandals Resort and is one of a select few Diamond Elite members of the Sandals Chairman’s Royal Club. Dan graduated from Johnson & Wales University with an associate degree in Culinary Arts. Later he graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor’s degree in International Studies with a focus on people and culture.

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Bora Bora Trip Cost: A Comprehensive Guide to Plan Your Dream Vacation

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February 27, 2023

Bora Bora Island

Bora Bora Island

How much does it cost for flights when travelling to Bora Bora?



  • A round-trip flight from Los Angeles to Bora Bora can range from $1,200 to $2,500 or more , depending on the airline and the time of year.
  • From other major cities in the United States, such as New York or Chicago , prices can range from $1,500 to $3,000 or more .


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Alaska Airlines

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on

French Bee

How much does it cost for hotels when travelling to Bora Bora?

Conrad Bora Bora Nui

Conrad Bora Bora Nui

  • Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora : This luxury resort offers overwater bungalows and beachfront villas. Prices start at around $1,500 per night.
  • Conrad Bora Bora Nui : This resort features a mix of overwater bungalows and beachfront suites. Prices start at around $1,200 per night.
  • InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa : This eco-friendly resort offers overwater villas and beachfront suites. Prices start at around $1,000 per night.
  • Le Meridien Bora Bora : This resort features overwater bungalows and beachfront villas. Prices start at around $800 per night.
  • Sofitel Bora Bora Private Island : This resort is located on a private island and offers overwater bungalows and beachfront villas. Prices start at around $900 per night.

Best Hotels in Bora Bora

The st. regis bora bora resort, four seasons resort bora bora.

InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa, an IHG Hotel

InterContinental Bora Bora le Moana Resort, an IHG Hotel

Swimming pool, le bora bora by pearl resorts, oa oa village, village temanuata, fare ariitea, anavai lodge, bora vaite lodge, bora bora beach resort, tahiti sail and dive, maitai bora bora.

**REMINDER** Note that these prices are approximate and can vary based on the season, availability, and room type. It's recommended to compare prices across multiple booking platforms and book in advance to get the best deal possible.

How much does it cost for food when travelling to Bora Bora?

Le Manu Tuki

Le Manu Tuki

Here is a table that shows the approximate cost for food in Bora Bora:

**REMINDER** : Note that these prices are approximate and can vary based on the restaurant or establishment, as well as the season and availability of certain items. It's also worth noting that food and drink prices in Bora Bora can be relatively high due to the cost of importing goods to the island.

How much does it cost for souvenirs when travelling to Bora Bora?

Alain Despert

Alain Despert

Here are some approximate costs for popular souvenirs in Bora Bora:

**REMINDER** : Note that these prices are approximate and can vary depending on the size, quality, and where the item is purchased. It's recommended to shop around and compare prices before making a purchase. It's also important to keep in mind that some items may require customs clearance when bringing them back to your home country, which can add to the overall cost.

How much does it cost for transportation when travelling to Bora Bora?

Bora Bora Isaland

Bora Bora Isaland

Getting around Bora Bora can be expensive due to limited public transportation. Boat shuttles are common, but can be costly. Taxis are available but pricey, and renting a car or scooter is not recommended. Bicycles can be rented for around $15-20 per day, and domestic flights or ferries are available for those looking to visit nearby islands. Prices for flights can range from around $100-300+ round-trip, while ferries start at around $15-20 one-way.

How much does it cost for sightseeing when travelling to Bora Bora?

Bora Bora Isaland

Here are some popular sightseeing activities in Bora Bora and their approximate costs:

How much does it cost for WiFi & communication when travelling to Bora Bora?

  • WiFi Availability: While most hotels and resorts on Bora Bora do offer WiFi, the signal can be spotty and slow at times. Additionally, some smaller guesthouses and lodges may not have WiFi available at all. It's best to check with your accommodation before booking to make sure you will have access to WiFi if it's important to you.
  • WiFi Cost: The cost of WiFi on Bora Bora can vary depending on where you stay. Some hotels and resorts offer WiFi for free, while others may charge a daily or weekly fee. It's important to check with your accommodation beforehand to avoid any unexpected charges.

Communication (SIM Cards)

  • Communication: If you need to make phone calls or send text messages while on Bora Bora, be prepared for potential roaming charges if you are using an international phone plan. Additionally, if you need to make a call within French Polynesia, you may need to purchase a local SIM card to avoid high charges.
  • Local SIM Cards: If you plan on using your phone frequently while on Bora Bora, it may be worth purchasing a local SIM card. This will give you a local phone number and access to local rates for calls and texts. SIM cards can be purchased at the airport or in town.

👉 Overall, while WiFi and communication costs can add up when traveling to Bora Bora, it's important to prioritize what's important to you and budget accordingly. Don't let the cost of staying connected spoil your trip – just be prepared and enjoy the beauty of this stunning island paradise!

How much does it cost for passport when travelling to Bora Bora?

The cost of a passport is not specific to any destination, but rather depends on the country where the passport is issued. The cost of a United States passport, for example, is currently $110 for adults (16 years and older) and $80 for minors (under 16 years old). This fee is for a standard passport book, which is valid for all international travel.

Additionally, if you need to expedite your passport application for an urgent trip, there is an additional fee of $60 per application. You can also add optional services, such as a passport card or extra pages to your passport, for an additional fee.

It's important to note that some countries, including Bora Bora, may have additional entry requirements, such as visas or proof of vaccinations, that could incur additional costs. It's always a good idea to check with the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit for the most up-to-date information on entry requirements and associated costs.

How much does it cost for insurance when travelling to Bora Bora?

  • If you plan to use your mobile phone while in Bora Bora, it's a good idea to check with your mobile carrier to see what international roaming options are available and the associated costs. Roaming fees can be quite expensive, so it may be more cost-effective to purchase a local SIM card or use a mobile hotspot or WiFi connection provided by your accommodation.
  • Many hotels and resorts in Bora Bora offer WiFi to their guests, although some may charge a daily fee for access. The cost of WiFi can range from free to several dollars per day, depending on the quality and availability of the service.
  • If you plan to make international calls or send text messages, it's also a good idea to check with your mobile carrier to see what options are available and the associated costs. Alternatively, you can use apps such as WhatsApp, Skype, or FaceTime to communicate over the internet, which can be more cost-effective than traditional phone services.

Overall, the cost of WiFi and communication when traveling to Bora Bora can vary widely depending on your needs and the services you use. It's always a good idea to research your options and plan ahead to avoid unexpected expenses.

How much does it cost for 2 nights & 3 days when travelling to Bora Bora?

InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa, an IHG Hotel

Here's a breakdown of potential costs for a 2-night, 3-day stay in Bora Bora for two people, in a table format:

Please note that these are estimated costs and may vary depending on the specific accommodations, activities, and dining options you choose, as well as other travel expenses such as travel insurance or visa fees.

How much does it cost for family, couples or single when travelling to Bora Bora?

  • Couples : A week-long trip can cost around $7,000 to $10,000 , including flights, an overwater bungalow, food, drinks, and romantic activities.
  • Families : A week-long trip can cost around $15,000 to $20,000 , including flights, a family-friendly resort, food, drinks, and family-oriented activities.
  • Solo Travelers : A week-long trip can cost around $5,000 to $7,000 , including flights, a beach bungalow or shared overwater bungalow, food, drinks, and activities like hiking, beachcombing, and snorkeling.

Methods to save money when travelling to Bora Bora

The St Regis Bora Bora Resort

The St Regis Bora Bora Resort

  • Travel during the low season: Bora Bora has two low seasons – one from November to March and the other from April to October. During these months, hotels and resorts offer lower rates, and there are fewer crowds. This can be a great way to save money on accommodations and activities.
  • Book early: If you know you want to visit Bora Bora, it's best to book your trip early. This will give you the best chance to find deals on flights and hotels.
  • Consider a vacation rental: Instead of booking a hotel or resort, you can save money by renting a vacation home or apartment. This can also allow you to save money on meals by cooking some of your meals instead of eating out every night.
  • Look for package deals: Many travel companies offer package deals that include airfare, hotel, and activities. These packages can be a great way to save money, especially if you book early.
  • Use credit card rewards: If you have a travel rewards credit card, you can use your rewards points to pay for flights, hotels, and activities in Bora Bora.
  • Eat at local restaurants: Instead of dining at the expensive resort restaurants, try some of the local restaurants in Bora Bora. Not only will you save money, but you'll also get to experience the local cuisine.
  • Use public transportation: Instead of taking taxis or private transportation, use public transportation to get around Bora Bora. This can be much cheaper and will give you the chance to see more of the island.

Tips for travelling to Bora Bora

  • Bring plenty of sunscreen – the sun is strong, and you don't want to come home looking like a lobster!
  • Don't be afraid to try some of the local cuisine – the food in Bora Bora is delicious, and you might even discover a new favorite dish.
  • Take advantage of the water activities – the crystal-clear waters are perfect for snorkeling, scuba diving, and paddleboarding. You might even get to see some sea turtles or rays!
  • Make sure to pack a camera – Bora Bora is absolutely breathtaking, and you'll want to capture all the beautiful scenery.
  • Try to learn a little bit of French – Bora Bora is a French Polynesian island, so it's helpful to know a few basic phrases to communicate with locals.
  • Be prepared to unplug – the internet can be spotty on the island, so use this as an opportunity to disconnect and enjoy your surroundings.
  • Take a helicopter tour – while it might be a bit pricey, a helicopter tour is the best way to get a bird's eye view of the stunning landscape.

How much does it cost to stay in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora?

Staying in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora can range from $500 to $2,000 per night, depending on the time of year, location, and amenities. It's important to book early and do your research to find the best deals.

Is it possible to travel to Bora Bora on a budget?

While Bora Bora is known for being a luxury destination, it is possible to travel there on a budget. Some tips for saving money include traveling during the off-season, staying in a beach bungalow instead of an overwater bungalow, and booking flights and accommodations in advance.

Are there any all-inclusive resorts in Bora Bora?

Yes, there are several all-inclusive resorts in Bora Bora. These resorts typically include meals, drinks, and activities in the cost of your stay. However, it's important to read the fine print and understand what is included and what is not.

How much money should I budget for a week-long trip to Bora Bora?

For a week-long trip to Bora Bora, you should budget between $5,000 and $20,000, depending on your travel style and preferences. It's important to factor in the cost of flights, accommodations, food, drinks, and activities.

What are some budget-friendly activities to do in Bora Bora?

Some budget-friendly activities to do in Bora Bora include hiking Mount Otemanu, visiting local markets and shops, and snorkeling in the lagoon. Additionally, many resorts offer free activities such as kayaking and paddleboarding that can be enjoyed without spending extra money.

Bora Bora Trip Cost

  • 1. How much does it cost for flights when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 2. How much does it cost for hotels when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 3. How much does it cost for food when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 4. How much does it cost for souvenirs when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 5. How much does it cost for transportation when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 6. How much does it cost for sightseeing when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 7. How much does it cost for WiFi & communication when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 8. How much does it cost for passport when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 9. How much does it cost for insurance when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 10. How much does it cost for 2 nights & 3 days when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 11. How much does it cost for family, couples or single when travelling to Bora Bora?
  • 12. Methods to save money when travelling to Bora Bora
  • 13. Tips for travelling to Bora Bora

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Is Bora Bora Expensive? Full Cost Breakdown For A Vacation In Bora Bora

Is Bora Bora expensive - featured image

Bora Bora is a dream destination for many people with its iconic overwater bungalows, crystal clear oceans and quiet, secluded paradise island feel.

I’d heard that Bora Bora was pretty expensive so when I began planning my trip, I ended up spending a ton of time researching it. Now that I’ve visited, I’d love to share the costs with you.

In this guide, I’ll be covering the average cost of a trip to Bora Bora including a full cost breakdown and how you can travel there on a budget.

Click For Table of Contents

Is Bora Bora Expensive?

I’ll start off by saying that Bora Bora is very expensive . In fact, it was recently ranked as the 5th most expensive destination in the world .

The reason why it’s so pricey is because it’s very exclusive and in an extremely secluded location which makes it very hard and expensive to get to.

There are actually only a few flights to the island per day.

Bora Bora is located in the South Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia. To put this into perspective, Bora Bora is over 4,000 miles away from Los Angeles.

Map showing location of Bora Bora.

There is also very limited choice when it comes to hotels due to the small size of Bora Bora.

There just aren’t that many hotels to choose from and most of them happen to be luxury 5-star hotels that come with a hefty price tag. 

There are definitely a few budget friendly places to stay and some ways you can save money (I’ll cover that later in the post).

How Much Does An Average Trip To Bora Bora Cost?

The average cost for a week-long vacation in Bora Bora is around $11,000 for two people.

The above price includes a stay in an overwater bungalow. If you stay in a regular hotel instead then the average cost drops to around $7,900 for two people.

Me and my boyfriend personally ended up spending $11,534 on our Bora Bora trip.

We never ever spend anywhere close to this amount usually on our trips so this one was definitely a splurge.

We spent a three nights at the Four Seasons and 2 nights at the St Regis in overwater bungalows which made up most of the cost.

A Bora Bora trip definitely doesn’t have to cost this much though as the Four Seasons & the St Regis are the most expensive resorts on the island.

Below I’ve listed the cheapest possible prices depending on if you stay in an overwater bungalow or not:

  • The cheapest possible cost for a week-long vacation in Bora Bora for two people is $5,500.

This price assumes you do minimal activities, don’t stay in an overwater bungalow, stay in more basic accommodation and don’t eat at fancy restaurants.

  • The cheapest cost for a week-long vacation for two people in an overwater bungalow is $8,600.

This price assumes you do minimal activities, stay in the cheapest overwater bungalow available and don’t eat at fancy restaurants.

Traveling alone?

The average cost for a week-long vacation in Bora Bora for one person is $9,000 if you want to stay in an overwater bungalow.

If you stay in a regular hotel then the average cost will be around $5,700 for one person .

Full Cost Breakdown of a Vacation in Bora Bora


overwater bungalows in Bora Bora.

As Bora Bora is a small set of islands, there are only a small number of hotels to choose from and many of them are luxury resorts.

A hotel in Bora Bora can cost anywhere between $300 and $2,300 per night. It really depends on where you stay and what level of luxury you’re looking for.

There are also a few small guesthouses that are a bit cheaper for those on a really tight budget. 

  • Villa Yrondi – best guest house for people on a budget

Overwater Bungalows

If you’re wanting to stay in one of those iconic overwater bungalow then you’ll pay a bit more. 

The average price for an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora is between $750 and $2,500 per night.

I stayed at the Four Seasons for 3 nights which cost around $2,000 per night and the St Regis for 2 nights which cost around $1,500 per night. 

The cheapest overwater bungalows you can find are at Maitai Bora Bora .

The most luxurious overwater bungalows in Bora Bora are at the St Regis Bora Bora Resort and also the Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora .

These two resorts do come with hefty price tags but offer an unforgettable, insanely luxurious experience that you’ll never forget.

I personally really enjoyed my stay at both hotels. It was absolutely incredible and I’d love to go back. They did cost a lot but ultimately I felt the cost was worth it.

You may be able to get a slightly cheaper rate if you travel during the off season which is from December to March but be aware that during these months the weather can sometimes be cloudy and rainy.

Need more help deciding? Check out my ultimate list of the best overwater bungalows in Bora Bora (it’s insanely detailed).

As Bora Bora is in a super secluded location, there aren’t many flights each day.

The majority of flights to Bora Bora leave from either Los Angeles (LAX) or San Francisco (SFO).

The average cost for a flight to Bora Bora is between $1,100 and $1,800 per person for a round trip.

The above average cost assumes you are flying from either Los Angeles or San Francisco.

If you live elsewhere then you also need to factor in the cost of a flight to either Los Angeles or San Francisco from your location.

After doing a ton of research, I found that San Francisco was actually the cheapest place to fly from and gave the lowest flight cost to Bora Bora.

I actually flew out from London so I ended up booking a flight from London to San Francisco then San Francisco to Bora Bora which ended up working out cheaper than Los Angeles.

You can actually save a couple of hundred dollars by flying from San Francisco instead of Los Angeles.

All flights from either Los Angeles or San Francisco will arrive at Tahiti (PPT) where you’ll take a short flight over to Bora Bora (BOB).

There are no direct flights to Bora Bora so you’ll have to stop off in Tahiti.

Overview of flights to Bora Bora.

I actually wrote detailed guide on how to get from Tahiti to Bora Bora for alternatives like ferries.

Check out my post on how to save money on flights for some awesome tips on how to get cheaper flights!

Cost of Excursions & Tours

Boat tour in Bora Bora

Whilst in Bora Bora, it’s likely that you’ll want to do a couple of tours or excursions.

One of the most popular activities in Bora Bora is swimming with sharks (don’t worry, it’s not dangerous). I actually did this myself and really enjoyed it.

A snorkeling with sharks tour will cost around $95 per person. Snorkeling tours with extras like jet skiing or boat cruises cost between $130 and $260 per person.

Other popular excursions include:

  • Jeep tour of the island – around $70 for 2 adults
  • Sunset sail in a catamaran – around $200 for 2 adults

Snorkeling in Bora Bora is super popular and probably the most common activity. You can do this for free or with a guide.

I often just jumped into the water from my overwater bungalow and snorkeled around there. Many of the resorts also have their own private lagoons that you can snorkel in too.

For something a bit different, you can go hiking.

I ended up doing the Mount Otemanu hike which was pretty challenging but also super rewarding as we got incredible views of the island from above.

You do need to go with a guide though which will cost a few hundred dollars.

Cost of Food

I actually wrote an entire guide on food prices in Bora Bora which goes into more detail but here’s a quick overview.

For fancy, upscale dining the average dinner cost is around $160 to $210 per person.

If you stay in a luxury resort then you won’t really have many other dining options as most of these hotels are on resort islands meaning the whole island is the resort so there’s no other restaurants.

On the main island, there are cheaper restaurants and you can get dinner there for between $30 and $70 per person .

Breakfast and lunch tend to be a bit cheaper than dinner.

We tried to go to the main island whenever possible to save some money but you often have to pay for the shuttle boat across which can add up.

If you are just going to be eating in standard restaurants (no fine dining) then you can budget $100 to $150 per person per day for all meals.

Check out my post on what to wear in Bora Bora before you jet off!

Is It Cheaper To Go To Bora Bora Or Maldives?

I’ve actually been to both Bora Bora and the Maldives and I personally spent way less in the Maldives.

Bora Bora and the Maldives are very similar in many ways so they are often compared to each other.

They are both known for their overwater bungalows, turquoise waters, white sandy beaches and more.

Based on my own experience and after doing tons of research, I found that the Maldives is definitely way cheaper than Bora Bora.

Whilst the Maldives does also have lots of luxury resorts that can easily cost over $1,000 per night, they also have a lot more choice and a lot more budget options when compared with Bora Bora.

The Maldives also has around 9 times more hotels than Bora Bora so there’s lots of choice at every price level.

You can easily do a vacation in the Maldives on a budget but this is virtually impossible in Bora Bora. 

Flights to the Maldives are also a bit cheaper than Bora Bora. This is mainly because the Maldives isn’t as secluded as Bora Bora and there are more daily flights.

You can get a return flight from San Francisco or Los Angeles to the Maldives for just under $1,000. You’d never be able to get this sort of price for Bora Bora.

And that’s it!

Whilst Bora Bora is very expensive, it is also a once in a lifetime experience and makes the perfect honeymoon destination.

Who doesn’t want to relax for a week in a water villa surrounded by nothing but deep blue ocean?

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Breaking Down Bora Bora Prices: How Much is a Trip or a honeymoon to Bora Bora in 2024?

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Although this dreamy island screams luxury, Bora Bora prices can be quite affordable. Discover the cost of luxury, mid-range, and budget vacations/honeymoons.

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Welcome to the blog! I’m Billie. With my intimate knowledge of Tahiti, Moorea, and Bora Bora I'm your expert guide to crafting the ultimate vacation in French Polynesia.

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32 pages  covering everything you need to plan your stay and save money in Bora Bora.

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What comes to your mind when you picture “Bora Bora”? For many travelers, a trip to this idyllic island in the South Pacific is merely a fantasy. Images of dreamy honeymoons and luxurious vacations stay just out of reach. Although Bora Bora can certainly be extravagant, long gone are the days of strictly luxury trips. When searching for  Bora Bora prices,  you may be surprised to find more affordable options, meaning that  even the most frugal  can enjoy this beautiful island while strolling white-sand beaches and sipping drinks poolside.

Typical Bora Bora Vacations or Honeymoons

When planning a trip or a honeymoon to Bora Bora, travelers can choose various vacation types that fit within their budget or expectations. Although there will always be a luxury option for Bora Bora vacations, you don’t have to be that wealthy to afford a South Pacific dream trip. Those who wish to live the chic life will find incredible resorts, great restaurants, and exciting activities. However, there are also plenty of options for mid-range and budget travelers.

So, what does a typical Bora Bora vacation or honeymoon price? In this article, I’ll explore three types of trips: luxury, mid-range, and budget. Learn more about Bora Bora prices, what each category provides, and discover the cost of a trip / honeymoon to Bora Bora.

  • Luxury: Bora Bora honeymoons/vacations are known for their high level of extravagance. Travel outfitters love to highlight luxury overwater bungalows at opulent hotels, Michelin-star chefs creating innovative treats, and exciting activities like a private lagoon and helicopter tour . If you’re in the market for a truly unique and elegant vacation/honeymoon, the turquoise waters of Bora Bora are challenging to beat.
  • Mid-range: Although splurging on a trip to Bora Bora would make for a fantastic vacation, you can still enjoy the pristine beauty of this island without breaking the bank. There are plenty of mid-range accommodations and eateries that give travelers the experience of typical Bora Bora vacations while maintaining a budget.
  • Budget: Believe it or not, you can enjoy an unforgettable trip to Bora Bora as a budget traveler. Many people think that affordable vacations in the South Pacific don’t exist. Still, with such a significant range in Bora Bora prices, you’ll find numerous options and easily cut costs on hotels, restaurants, and activities.

Bora Bora Prices - Four Seasons

Bora Bora Prices: Flights

When determining the price of Bora Bora vacations/honeymoons, it’s best to start with flight prices. Because Bora Bora is in the South Pacific Ocean, it typically requires longer flights and, most likely, more than one layover to get there. Because of these requirements, the prices of flights can increase your overall Bora Bora vacation/honeymoon cost. 

The price of flights will fluctuate depending on your departure point. Nearly all flights require two layovers, typically in San Francisco or LA, and again in Tahiti. Because the flights tend to be lengthy, those seeking luxury holidays may prefer Business or First Class, which will cost far more than an Economy Class ticket. Below you’ll find price ranges for popular regional routes.

Flights from North America to Bora Bora

Those traveling from North America will need to make their way to a west coast city. Even if you’re starting in large hubs like New York City or Vancouver, Canada, you’ll most likely connect in San Francisco or Los Angeles.You can check our detailed article about how to get to Bora Bora from the USA .

  • Cost: Flights range between $800 to $5,000 for Economy Class and $7,000 to $10,000 for Business Class or First Class.
  • Layovers: Most North American flights require one or two layovers to reach Tahiti, then another leg to Bora Bora. All flights from San Francisco, LA, or Hawaii to Tahiti are direct.
  • Length: Flights can range from 10 to 50+ hours of travel time. Shorter trips originate in San Francisco or LA with direct flights to Tahiti and require no overnight layovers. 

Flights from Europe to Bora Bora

European flights are similar to those from North America; you’ll need to connect in San Francisco or LA. Even if you’re starting in Eastern Europe, such as in Istanbul, flights make their way across the globe and to Bora Bora via the United States west coast.  

  • Cost: Flights range between $1,500 to $3,000 for Economy Class and $4,000 to $10,000 for Business Class or First Class.
  • Layovers: Most flights from Europe will require two layovers to reach Tahiti and then one more leg to Bora Bora. If flying from London, most flights require just one layover in San Francisco or LA in addition to the layover in Tahiti.
  • Length: Flights can range from 23 to 50+ hours of travel time. You can shorten the time by avoiding overnight layovers.

Flights from Asia & New Zealand to Bora Bora

Travelers from Asia or Oceania can enjoy direct flights from Tokyo, Japan, and Auckland, New Zealand. Those flying outside of those hubs will require one or two layovers. 

  • Cost: From most Asian hubs, flights range between $5,000 to $10,000 for Economy Class and $14,000 to $20,000 for Business Class or First Class. From Australia or New Zealand, flights range from $800 to $1,500 for Economy and up to $5,000 for Business Class.
  • Layovers: Flights from Tokyo and Auckland are direct. Routes from Australia require one layover, while those from most other Asian cities need one or more layovers.
  • Length: Direct flights from Auckland are about seven hours, whereas Tokyo flights are closer to 12 hours. Flights originating in other Asian cities range from 15-30+ hours of travel time depending on the route and any overnight layovers. 

Flights from Tahiti to Bora Bora

Once in Tahiti, you’ll have one last quick flight to reach Bora Bora. Inter-island flights are only operated by two companies: Air Tahiti and the recently opened Air Moana (slightly cheaper than Air Tahiti). One class only, so everyone gets to seat wherever they want on the plane.

trip cost to bora bora

Insider Tips

When boarding in Tahiti make sure to sit  on the LEFT side of the plane  for the best Bora Bora views before landing!

  • Cost: Expect the cost to be around 350$ to 400$ for a round trip.
  • Layovers: There are flights from Tahiti to Bora Bora all day long. 50% of them directs. The other 50% may do quick stops (no more than 15 minutes) in other islands nearby Bora Bora. You won’t have to step off the plane.
  • Length: 45 minutes for directs flights. Up to 2H if layovers are scheduled.

Bora Bora Prices: Accommodation

Another substantial expense to consider when planning a Bora Bora vacation/honeymoon is the price of accommodation. Because luxury trips are aplenty on this gorgeous island, you’ll find several lavish hotels and resorts dripping with elegance. However, those seeking mid-range and budget vacations will also discover a variety of comfortable options. Perhaps you won’t sleep above the lagoon, but you’ll undoubtedly be within walking distance. 

Luxury Hotels & Resorts 

Bora Bora Prices : Overwater bungalow at the Four Seasons

Luxury hotels and resorts in Bora Bora are just as you imagine: long wooden boardwalks reach out into shallow, turquoise waters with bungalows featuring private decks, pools, and lagoon or mountain views. Many offer several dining options, lounges, bars, and spas. It’s no wonder the island is a favorite amongst the wealthy and celebrities. Tips: The most popular luxury resorts in Bora Bora are The Four Seasons , The St. Regis , Conrad Bora Bora Nui , and InterContinental’s Thalasso Resort. Suites within the property’s main complex (at the Conrad for example) or garden villas can cost as little as $700 per night, while private villas or apartments with pools and lagoon views can reach up to $5,000+.

Rooms: Standard, Suite, Private Villas, Overwater Bungalows

Average Cost: $700 – $10,000+ per night

Mid-range Hotels

Bora Bora Prices : Intercontinental Le Moana

Bora Bora prices can fluctuate once you start searching for accommodation. Sure, if you’re ready to spend over $1,000 per night on a stylish private villa over the water, you should totally do it! But for those on a budget, there are plenty of nice properties at a fraction of the cost. As a bonus, you don’t need to compromise that much. Bora Bora is an island oasis, meaning that many hotels, even the affordable varieties, offer lagoonside properties with water views and amenities. Tips: Many believe that staying at a beachfront hotel costs a lot of money, but that’s not necessarily true for Bora Bora. You can find great value with 3-star hotels, which are an excellent compromise between luxury and budget. Take Maitai Bora Bora and Royal Bora Bora as examples. Both sit on beaches with ocean views and cost around $250+ per night (for the first category of rooms). Or, splurge a bit more with Intercontinental’s Le Moana resort , which gives you luxury vibes but lower prices than some of the 4- or 5-star properties (rooms are $500+). Hotels like Oa Oa Lodge and Sunset Hill Lodge offer rooms for $100+, some of which sit above the water.

Rooms: Standard, Apartments, Overwater Bungalows

Cost: $150 – $300+ per night

Budget Accommodation

Those willing to sacrifice lagoon views can find decent hotels, guesthouses, and family pensions under $100 per night , even as low as $50. You might not wake up to the sound of waves, but no one is ever too far from the beach in Bora Bora! However, some 1- and 2-star accommodations still offer beachside properties.  Tips: As an alternative to traditional accommodation, travelers can find entire houses and condos, as well as shared rooms in apartments or hostel-like properties, on websites like Airbnb and Booking. By renting apartments, shared rooms, or family pensions, you’ll most likely mingle with more locals and experience the culture of Bora Bora. 

Rooms : Standard, Shared Rooms, Condos, Apartments

Cost: $40 – $150 per night

Bora Bora Prices: Food & Activities

Bora Bora Prices : Four Seasons Bora Bora

No Bora Bora vacation/honeymoon would be complete without exploring food and activities . If you’re wondering how much is a trip to Bora Bora, you must go beyond flights and accommodations and consider other expenses. Bora Bora is an excellent location to splurge, but the island also offers affordable meals and activities.

Cost of food in Bora Bora

What you eat while on vacation/honeymoon is very important and plays an essential role in making a trip genuinely remarkable. In Bora Bora, there are plenty of high-end restaurants that offer delicious and innovative meals. At the same time, you can find local snack bars, casual dining, and grocery stores that lower your food costs.

High-End Eateries

If you’re staying at a resort, it’s possible to opt for a meal plan. This option is great if you’d rather not spend time looking for restaurants or leave your accommodation while paying for a shuttle to reach the central part of the island. Keep in mind, though, that the cost will be high, and resorts often add surcharges when ordering off the standard set menu. However, resort meal plans are better deals than ordering “a la carte “ from the menu.  As an alternative, you can try some of the high-end eateries in Bora Bora, such as Lagoon Restaurant at The St. Regis, Le Corail at the Intercontinental Bora Bora Resort or La Villa Mahana (on the main island). Options: Lagoon Restaurant (St Régis), Le Corail (Intercontinental Thalasso), La Villa Mahana Cost: $40 – $100 per course

Mid-range Eateries

To save money in Bora Bora and still eat well, you can find a handful of mainland eateries with mid-range prices. However, keep in mind that casual dining isn’t prevalent in Bora Bora because there are so many high-end hotels and resorts. As a result, mid-range meals will still cost you around $40 or more / per personn. 

Options: Aloe Cafe (for a nice breakfast), Bora Bora Beach Club (for lunch), St James (for dinner).

Cost: $25+ per dish

Budget Eateries

Bora Bora Prices : St James Bakery

To truly keep your food expenses low, stick to food stands, pizzerias, and snack bars, which you can find in the center, close to Matira beach or on the roadside. Some of these budget eateries (and some of the more expensive cafes and restaurants) offer special prices for Happy Hour, which can turn a splurge into a steal! Grocery stores are another alternative, and you can make your own meals at your accommodation or at least stock up on snacks.

Another favorite amongst locals and budget travelers is Bora Bora’s food truck scene. You’ll find most of these ‘roulottes’ – as the locals call them – in Vaitape near the waterfront, where you can enjoy an array of different cuisines, huge portions , and very reasonable prices for Bora Bora. Don’t forget to bring cash (but an ATM machine is available right next to the place, just in case…). Options: St James Bakery, Snack Matira, Snack Otoamana (Chez Mamie), Food Trucks, Happy Hours Cost: $12+ per course

Cost of activities in Bora Bora

As an island in the South Pacific with a famed barrier reef, entertainment in Bora Bora is nearly endless. Travelers can participate in luxe private tours like sailing, snorkeling , helicopter rides , skydiving, and more. It’s best for those seeking more affordable entertainment to look for group options of the same activities, which lowers the cost. 

Private Activities 

helicopter on a beach in bora bora

Water activities highlight the beauty of Bora Bora, so private sailboat, catamaran, or yacht tours of the reef and lagoon are the go-to adventure. These tours often include meals or other activities like swimming and snorkeling. 

  • Private lagoon tours : $200 – $900+
  • Private snorkeling tours : $300+
  • Private whale watching : $900+
  • Private seaplane tours : $1,000+
  • Private helicopter tour : $1,000+
  • Private photoshoot in your resort : $400+

Shared Activities

The best way to cut your Bora Bora vacation cost down is by opting for group tours rather than private tours. If you’re on a lower budget, perhaps you can only partake in one or two group activities. Don’t forget that most accommodations offer some amenities. At the very least, you may have beach access and can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling at little to no extra cost.

  • Group lagoon tours : $80+
  • Group snorkeling tours : $100+
  • Group whale watching : $150+
  • Group jetski tours : $100+

Cost of a photographer in Bora Bora

The price for hiring a professional photographer in Bora Bora varies between 450$ & 700$ an hour. You can check a complete article about this topic here .

How Much is a Trip/Honeymoon to Bora Bora?

So, how much is a trip to Bora Bora? Let’s look at a 5-night vacation under each category: luxury, mid-range, and budget. Below you’ll find the minimum cost per couple (meaning an accumulation of all the lowest-priced options for each type) for all three trip styles. They include return flights, accommodation, food, and activities. Remember that each trip could be more expensive if you expand your options.

As you will see, luxury trips are still quite expensive. But if you’re looking for mid-range or budget trips, you can cut your costs significantly while still enjoying the perks of Bora Bora, like beachfront properties and water activities. 

Luxury $$$ 

  • Business Class flight from North America
  • 5 nights at a resort in an overwater bungalow with a pool or a private villa
  • Ten high-end meals 
  • Five private activities 

Cost → $26,000+

Mid-range $$

  • Economy flight from North America
  • 5 nights at a beachfront hotel in a standard room
  • Ten casual meals
  • One private activity and two group activities

Cost → $7,000+

  • 5 nights at a condo rental
  • Five casual meals + grocery allowance
  • One group activity

Cost → $2,500+

I hope this article will help you plan and budget your dream trip to Bora Bora :) If you need help figuring things out do not hesitate to reach out to me.

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How Much Does A Trip To Bora Bora Cost? A Complete Guide

how much does a trip to bora bora cost?

Bora Bora sits out in the South Pacific like some long-lost Shangri-La. Idyll, paradise, perfection – these are the words that are used to describe the set of isles, which rise in sculpted peaks clad in jungle and drop into shimmering reefs of pristine coral and white sand. It’s hardly a wonder that the place is now considered one of the world’s top honeymoon and luxury vacation destinations. But how much does a trip to Bora Bora cost?

That’s what we’re here to answer. This guide will take a look the price of everything from hotels to food in this dazzling land of lagoons, reefs, and overwater bungalow hotels. It will reveal what you can expect to pay for an average trip and what you can expect to fork out to arrive in the first place, which is often pretty pricy given just how remote it all is.

We’ll also finish off with some hot tips on how to keep costs down while traveling to the paradise isles of French Polynesia. They include some hints on the cheapest times of year to travel and ways to bag bargain flights, food, and hotels. Let’s begin…

Table of Contents

How much does a trip to Bora Bora cost on average?

Bora Bora holidays

Look – it isn’t going to be cheap! Travel cost aggregator Champion Traveler estimates that a trip to Bora Bora should be anything upwards of $5,710 per couple, per week. That might seem high, but it includes everything from flights to hotels, food to activities. Of course, those who come here seeking the peak of luxury will pay more. The truth is that Bora Bora is an upscale destination at heart, with more five-star hotels than you can shake your snorkel gear at. The upshot? It’s possible to pay over $23,000 for a single week’s holiday per couple if you want to really push the boat out.

Let’s break this down a little. First off, flights are likely to be the priciest component of your holiday. They will easily clock up to $1,700+ for a return trip in the shoulder season months but could also set you back more than double that in peak season or if you don’t book early enough. And that’s not even mentioning the 10s of thousands of dollars you’d need to go first class. Then there’s accommodation, which comes in at roughly $150-200 a night, along with activities and food, which usually totals anything from $170-400 per person, per day.

How much are flights to Bora Bora?

Tahiti flight

The flight into Bora Bora in the first place is probably going to be the most expensive part of your trip overall. In fact, the average cost of airfare over to the islands is between $1,700-$3,400. That’s assuming you’re coming in long-haul from the USA or Europe. Getting on a plane in closer destinations – New Zealand, Australia – is usually a little cheaper, but often not by that much!

There are a few reasons why flights cost so darn much. Firstly, Bora Bora is miles away from anywhere. The remoteness of it is actually part of the charm, but it does mean crossing a whopping 3,700 miles of ocean from the east coast of Oz and over 2,200 miles from the tip of New Zealand’s North Island.

Secondly, the trip is made up of two legs. You’ll need to travel into Tahiti first and then change planes to get to Bora Bora. That means buying two tickets with two or more different airlines, which can significantly increase the cost. As an example, here’s a look at the average price of both legs from New York City:

  • New York City’s JFK to Tahiti with American Airlines via LAX – $1,575 return
  • Fa’a’ā International Airport in Tahiti to Bora Bora Airport with Air Tahiti – $402 return

That gives a total of just under $2,000 for the whole trip. Remember, the price usually increases considerably the closer you book to the date of departure, and airfare will go up during the high season months in French Polynesia (April-October).

How much are hotels in Bora Bora?

Hotels in Bora Bora

Prepare to be wowed by the sheer quality of hotels in Bora Bora. These islands host some of the most eye-wateringly wonderful resorts of anywhere on the planet. We’re talking overwater bungalows that have decks where you can dive straight off into turquoise lagoons. We’re talking places with sweeping private beaches of perfect talcum sand.

All that comes at a cost, mind. In fact, you might just find that these islands host the priciest hotels on the globe. Thankfully, there are also a few midrange stays that can balance things out. Here’s a look at a few covering both ends of the spectrum…

  • Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora ($$$) – The famous name of Four Seasons doesn’t disappoint with this luxury bungalow hotel that offers private overwater suites with infinity pools.
  • Maitai Bora Bora ($$) – A three-star hotel with bungalow rooms and some luxury touches on the south side of the islands.
  • Fare Manava ($) – A local homestay that’s just about as affordable as it gets, offering a stunning location on a lonely beach.

How much is food and drink in Bora Bora?


Just like everything else, eating out on these islands tends to come at a premium. It’s just that many ingredients – especially those used in international dishes – need to be imported from the US, New Zealand, Asia, or Australia, and none of those are particularly nearby. The result is that a fancy meal in a fine-dining restaurant in one of the lux hotel resorts could set you back up to $500 a head! That’s the top end, with average two-course meals with drinks coming in closer to about $50-70 a head.

When it comes to drink, buying at a local grocery store is the best option. Those tend to offer six packs of the national beers ( Hinano and Tabu) for around about $20 a pop. Expect to pay up to double that for imported international labels, and about $30 a bottle for a good wine, most of which will be French on account of the colonial influence.

The cost of activities in Bora Bora

Swim with sharks

There’s nothing wrong with coming to Bora Bora and doing nothing. Like, nothing at all. Lots of people do that because these are among the world’s top R&R hotspots. However, we think it’s worth budgeting a little (something around $100-300 a day per person) for activities, mainly because there are some seriously tempting excursions on offer here. Here’s a look at a few and what you can expect to spend on them…

  • A jet ski tour of the island’s amazing lagoons – $270 per person.
  • Romantic lunch on the water – From $390 per person.
  • A lagoon cruise and swimming with sharks – $135 per person.
  • Half-day 4X4 tour of the island – $75 per person
  • Catamaran sailing tour and visit to a local bar – From $1,200 per person

Tips for traveling Bora Bora on a budget

Bora Bora on a budget

It’s not going to be easy to cut down the cost of a visit to Bora Bora. Whatever you do – travel in the low season, dodge the priciest hotels, book bargain flights – the chances are that this is still going to be one of the most expensive trips of your life. Still, it never hurts to try and save some dollar bills, so here are our top tips for doing just that…

  • Go during the low season – The official wet season is the top time to visit Bora Bora if you want to save money. It starts in November and ends in March, and you should find that the cost of everything from hotels to flights takes a turn for the more affordable. Of course, you might have to deal with some downpours, and the mosquitoes can be bad.
  • Skip the fanciest hotels – It’s no secret that some of the hotels in Bora Bora are up there with the most expensive on the planet. Others can do good deals, so seek out the three-star places instead of the five!
  • Book your flights well in advance – Flight aggregator Momondo shows that flights from the US to Tahiti can be up to $150 cheaper if they are booked at least 29 days in advance of travel. Leave things to the last minute and you could find you pay more for the very same trip.
  • Eat local – We’ve already seen how the cost of food in Bora Bora could be up to $70 per person in a midrange restaurant. You can dodge that by choosing to eat like the locals. Hit a roulotte truck to sample some Polynesian cooking, which is enticing stuff – think tuna in coconut and mahi mahi in lime.
  • Book all-inclusive packages – Yes, all-inclusive hotel packages will cost you more from the outset, but they can often save money and hassle later on down the line. They often include drinks and full board, so there’s no worrying about sourcing more dollars for beers in bars or meals out.

How much does a trip to Bora Bora cost? A conclusion

How much does a trip to Bora Bora cost? Let’s just say this isn’t the cheapest place to visit on the planet. Mhmm…budget seekers should steer well clear because these paradise isles in the South Pacific are actually up there with the priciest of travel destinations. You’re looking at over $5,700 for a single week’s trip, with nearly a third of that going on flights to get in from the USA in the first place.

What’s more, that’s an average estimation. Bora Bora, and Tahiti and French Polynesia more generally, are known as some of the planet’s most upscale vacay hotspots. They draw in jet setters and monied folk with the promise of deluxe spa hotels. That means you can spend whole mortgages worth of dosh on a trip, with luxury stays usually starting at around the $25,000/week mark.

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Reece is the creator and editor of Travel Snippet. He has visited more than 38 countries over a 10-year period. His travels have taken him through the majestic mountains of Italy, into the cities of central Europe, across the islands of Indonesia, and to the beaches of Thailand, where he is currently living. He is passionate about travel and shares his expertise by providing the best travel tips and tricks to help you plan your next adventure.

Bora Bora Guide: Planning Your Trip

TripSavvy / Claire Cohen

With white sand beaches, turquoise waters, and a lurid, rocky peak rising from the groves of coconut palms, Bora Bora has long been the boilerplate South Seas fantasy isle. Long treasured by the elite jet set, it’s an aspirational (and often expensive) destination that will linger in travelers’ memories long after they’ve left. Whether you're seeking a luxurious stay in an overwater bungalow, a spa treatment in tropical surroundings, or a world-class meal at a top French restaurant, here's what you need to know about planning a trip to Bora Bora.

Planning Your Trip

  • Best Time to Visit: The weather is at its finest between May and October. November and December are the beginning of what Tahitians call the “abundant season," when the weather is rainy but the flowers are in full bloom and fruit is at its most luscious. January through April can be hot, humid, and rainy.
  • Language: French is the official language of French Polynesia, and most residents also speak Tahitian. English is also widely spoken on Bora Bora, particularly among tourism workers.
  • Currency: The French Pacific franc (abbreviated CFP or XPF), locally called “francs.” Their value is officially pegged to the euro, but for Americans it’s easy to remember one franc roughly equals one U.S. cent. Many shops (particularly pearl shops) will also quote or display prices in euros and dollars, but charge in francs.
  • Getting Around: Most resorts on Bora Bora are on the motu, which is the atoll surrounding the island. The motu has no roads between properties, so all transport between resorts or to the island itself will be via boat. Many resorts offer boat shuttles to or from Vaitape for a fee. Excursions typically include transportation from the resort, but this can vary. Once on the main island, there are car rental offices in Vaitape. Taxis are scarce, and expensive. Travel between resorts, unless they’re branded the same (InterContinental has two properties on Bora Bora with a set shuttle between them), often requires a private boat transfer and the cost can be steep. The most efficient way to travel between resorts on the motu is to take one resort's boat shuttle to the airport to meet the other one's boat.
  • Travel Tip: Air Tahiti offers online check-in, the primary benefit of which is the separate ticket counter line for baggage check only.  

Things to Do

Bora Bora is a low-energy vacation destination, and the resorts are designed with this in mind. Days here are often spent swimming, snorkeling, sunbathing, or simply taking in the fantastical views from the lanai of one's overwater bungalow. Visitors also enjoy fine dining, Polynesian dance revues hosted by the resorts, or spa treatments. More active travelers can hike Mount Otemanu on the main island, embark on a snorkeling excursion, or explore the island’s history and culture with a guide.

Top things to do on Bora Bora include:

  • Shopping for Tahitian Pearls, pareus (colorful Tahitian-style wraps), and other souvenirs at resorts or in Vaitape.
  • Go on a snorkeling excursion to a remote part of the motu, complete with a beach picnic (most resorts offer some version of this tour).
  • Tour the island in an open-air Le Truck jitney, visiting scenic overlooks, ruins of ancient temples (called marae), and the remains of WWII-era defensive cannons.

Explore more activities with our full-length article on best things to do on Bora Bora .

What to Eat and Drink 

At the resorts, expect world-class dining that combines local seafood and premium imported meats with French culinary know-how. Many of Bora Bora’s resorts have chefs direct from France, and the quality of the cooking is sublime. This is where the elite come to play, so even the most sophisticated palates will be well-sated here. Each resort will also offer their own take on local favorites like poisson cru—a raw fish salad with lime, coconut milk, and crunchy vegetables—or the firi firi Tahitian-style coconut donut. Breads and pastries are, understandably, consistent with the standard one might find in any French patisserie.

Outside the resorts, there are a handful of ocean-front restaurants dotting the shoreline. The most famous of these is Bloody Mary’s , where diners select fresh fish and imported meats to be grilled and served with generously portioned sides. Also common on Bora Bora is the "snack" (a diminutive of the “snack bar” popularized by American GIs during WWII), an often cash-only food truck or roadside stand. Hit up a snack for huge portions of burgers, steaks, or sandwiches served with fries. You can also get stir-fry; local fish grilled, fried, or served raw; and sweet or savory crêpes. Portions are almost always large enough to be comfortably shared.

Where to Stay

Bora Bora is the domain of the luxury resort with bungalow-style accommodations, and most of those are the famous overwater bungalows that blare from the pages of glossy brochures. A handful of these resorts are on the main island (with somewhat lower rates), but most are on the motu, across the lagoon from the island. A far less expensive option is the pension, or Tahitian-style guesthouse. Typically on the main island, these accommodations range from very basic to somewhat deluxe, and are a fraction of the cost of the resorts.

Explore our recommendations on the best overwater bungalow resorts in Bora Bora.

Getting There

French Polynesia’s only international airport is Faa’a International Airport on Tahiti, which is 8 hours by air from Los Angeles and San Francisco. Bora Bora is an additional 45-minute flight from Tahiti onboard Air Tahiti (French Polynesia’s domestic airline, not to be confused with the international carrier Air Tahiti Nui). Visitors can also book helicopter transfers to Bora Bora from Tahiti.

Bora Bora’s airport, Motu Mute Aiport, is on its own island and accessible only by boat. Air Tahiti operates a free passenger shuttle from there to Vaitape, and guests who have pension reservations on Bora Bora will generally be picked up at the shuttle dock in Vaitape. For travelers staying on the motu, resorts offer boat transfers to and from the airport, usually for about $100 per person round trip.

There is also a ferry running a thrice-weekly circuit between Bora Bora and the neighboring islands of Raiatea, Tahaa, and Maupiti. Designed mostly for local traffic, it’s generally not used by visitors (the ferry service has no website; advance bookings can be done by telephone or e-mail). Hotel concierges can help arrange tickets for the most intrepid travelers.

Culture and Customs

As French Polynesia is influenced by France, many French social cues apply here. It’s polite to say “bonjour” or “’Ia ora na” (“hello” in Tahitian) to no one in particular upon entering a shop or restaurant, and to say or return a greeting again before conducting any business.

The best way to tour the island is with a guide, as many points of interest are on private property and not clearly marked (any fee charged by the owner is included in the tour price). Resorts will often send a list of tours and activities in advance of a stay, but as local conditions can change, they tend to confirm 24 to 48 hours prior to the tour.

Outside of resorts, it’s common for a restaurant manager or proprietor to greet and seat guests. In French Polynesia, it’s also common to ask for and pay the bill at the bar or front desk—it won’t be provided unless requested. Tax and service is generally included in menu prices, and tipping isn’t customary —there isn’t even space for it on credit card slips. At resorts, service flow is more consistent with U.S. standards. Note that while resorts will include a line for gratuity on guest checks, tax and service is included. However, there is one exception to the tipping rule in French Polynesia. Tour guides don’t expect tips, but are customarily handed around 10 percent of the tour price—unless they’re self-employed.

Being surrounded by water, guests in overwater bungalows can gain a false sense of security and leave their doors open or unlocked. The bungalows are more easily accessible from the water than they appear, though, and it’s best to double check that all doors and windows are secure before leaving.

Bargaining isn’t the done thing in French Polynesia, although it’s customary to ask (politely, and just once) for a discount when buying pearls. There are multiple pearl shops in Vaitape, so comparison shopping is a snap.

Bora Bora is casual, but Polynesians tend to be relatively modest and visitors should wear shirts and shoes when away from the beach or pool.

Money Saving Tips

  • Pack light. Air Tahiti’s carry-on baggage allowance is on the lighter side; excess charges for checked baggage are per-kilo and can add up quickly.
  • Resort dining on Bora Bora is eye-poppingly expensive. If meals are not included in your rate but you're intending to dine mostly on-site, you should plan on spending at least $250 a person per day; this budget factors in all three meals but not alcohol.
  • Many restaurants will offer round-trip transportation from resorts or pensions (either free or for a nominal charge) for guests with reservations.
  • A trip to a supermarket in Vaitape can reduce dependence on resort dining (mini fridges are standard in many resort bungalows). Substantial baguette sandwiches, take-out Asian dishes, salads, and snacks can all be found for reasonable prices.
  • Cocktails are also expensive on Bora Bora (at one ultra-luxe resort, each cocktail on the menu is $40). Highballs like gin and tonic, however, are subject to pricing statutes, and are on par with what one might pay at a luxury resort in the U.S. Some resorts also offer happy hour promotions.
  • Packaged liquor is also expensive on Bora Bora—prices can be up to three times higher than in the U.S. Many travelers buy a bottle of their favorite liquor at the duty-free shop at their U.S. gateway to use for their own cocktails throughout their trip (be sure to transfer large bottles to checked luggage in Tahiti before checking bags for the domestic flight).

Tahiti Tourisme. "The Islands of Tahiti Weather." August 2021.

Tahiti Tourisme. "Frequently Asked Questions." August 2021.

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trip cost to bora bora

Lost Between Oceans

Bora bora: 32 things you need to know before you go.

  • Last Updated: May 5, 2024

Picture of Laura & Alexander

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Welcome to Bora Bora, French Polynesia .

In this blog post, we’ll cover  EVERYTHING  you need to know when you want to visit this amazing island. We’ll go over accommodation, what to expect, how to get there, a top itinerary, etc. This guide contains everything for a first-timer’s visit to Bora Bora!

4 Key Takeaways:

  • Luxurious Destination with Unique Accommodations : Bora Bora is famous for its natural beauty and luxury accommodations, including luxurious overwater bungalows that provide direct access to the island’s turquoise lagoon.
  • Activities and Natural Attractions : The island offers many water-based activities, such as snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, and swimming with sharks and rays!
  • Expensive: The cost of visiting Bora Bora is high, as it is a much-liked luxury honeymoon destination . Make sure to check our financial outline of a Bora Bora Holiday .
  • Cultural and Linguistic Blend: Bora Bora, part of French Polynesia , offers a unique mix of Polynesian hospitality and French sophistication.

Would you like to know what to expect from Bora Bora? Check out the video below!

What is Bora Bora?

Bora Bora is a small VOLCANIC ISLAND located in the South Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia , an overseas territory of France.

It is famous for its idyllic turquoise waters and lagoon , its white-sand beach, and its lush tropical landscapes.

The island is a very popular LUXURY TRAVEL destination, with celebrities like Justin Bieber and Nicole Kidman spending their honeymoon here. The Island is known for its OVERWATER BUNGALOWS , high-end resorts, and many water activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and swimming with SHARKS and RAYS.

Which country is Bora Bora in?

Bora Bora is part of French Polynesia , an overseas territory of France. It lies in the central South Pacific Ocean , northwest of Tahiti, and approximately 2,600 miles (4,200 kilometers) south of Hawaii.

Despite its remote location, Bora Bora is easily accessible to travelers from all around the globe, thanks to Papeete International Airport in Tahiti, which offers connecting flights to Bora Bora’s small airstrip.

What is Bora Bora known for?

Bora Bora retreat

Bora Bora is known for its NATURAL BEAUTY , luxurious accommodations, and unique experiences.

Some of the key highlights that make Bora Bora famous include:

  • TURQUOISE LAGOON:  The island’s crystal-clear lagoon, with its vibrant shades of blue and turquoise, is one of the island’s most iconic features. The magnificent lagoon is surrounded by a barrier reef , making it an ideal spot for snorkeling, swimming, and diving.
  • OVERWATER BUNGALOWS:  The island is famous for its luxury resorts with overwater bungalows, which provide a unique and intimate experience for visitors. These bungalows offer direct access to the lagoon , allowing guests to step right into the water from your private deck. See below for recommendations.

These are the best overwater bungalows on earth!

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St. Regis Bora Bora Resort

  • MOUNT OTEMANU :  The majestic Mount Otemanu, a dormant VOLCANO , is the highest point on the island and a prominent landmark.
  • WATER ACTIVITIES: The island offers a wide range of water-based activities, such as snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, paddleboarding, and jet skiing. Swimming with sharks and rays is another popular activity, providing visitors with a thrilling and unforgettable experience.
  • HONEYMOON DESTINATION:  Bora Bora is known as a romantic and dream destination, attracting honeymooners and couples seeking a secluded and idyllic getaway.

How do I get to Bora Bora?

First, you’ll need to  fly into Faa’a (Papeete) International Airport (PPT) in Tahiti. This is the main airport in French Polynesia , and it has connections from various cities around the world, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Auckland.

Once you arrive in Tahiti, you’ll then take a  domestic flight  operated by Air Tahiti to Bora Bora’s Motu Mute Airport (BOB).

The flight from Tahiti to Bora Bora typically takes around 50 MINUTES . Upon arrival at Motu Mute Airport, you’ll need to take a BOAT TRANSFER to your resort or a shuttle service the main island.

Most resorts arrange these transfers for their guests, so be sure to coordinate with your accommodation beforehand.

How much does it cost to go to Bora Bora?

Sharks in Bora Bora

The cost of a trip to Bora Bora varies on factors such as the time of year, accommodations, activities, and your departure location.

Here’s a general breakdown of some expenses you may encounter:

  • AIRFAIRE:  International flights to Tahiti can range from $800 to $2,500 or more per person, depending on your departure city and the time of year. The domestic flight from Tahiti to Bora Bora typically costs between $300 and $500 per person for a round-trip ticket. However, there are ways on  how to find cheap flight tickets .
  • ACCOMMODATIONS:  the luxury and overwater bungalows can cost anywhere from $500 to over $2,000 per night. Budget options such as guesthouses and small hotels are available, with prices starting around $100 per night.
  • MEANS:  Dining in Bora Bora can be expensive, especially at resort restaurants. Expect to pay around $30 to $50 per person for a meal at a mid-range restaurant, while fine dining can easily exceed $100 per person. Budget travelers can find cheaper options at local food trucks, markets, or small eateries, with meals costing around $10 to $20 per person.
  • ACTIVITIES:  The cost of activities on the island depends on your interests. Guided tours, such as shark and ray feeding excursions or island exploration, can range from $50 to $150 per person. Scuba diving, jet skiing, and other water sports can also add to your expenses.
  • TRANSPORTATION:  Boat transfers between the airport and your resort can cost between $50 and $100 per person, depending on the distance. On the island, taxis, bicycle rentals, and scooter rentals are available for getting around at varying costs.

Why is Bora Bora so expensive?

St. Regis Bora Bora Resort 2-min

Bora Bora is considered an expensive destination for several reasons:

  • Remote LOCATION:  the island is a small, remote island in the South Pacific, which makes transportation and logistics more challenging and costly. Importing goods and supplies, including food, adds to the overall cost of maintaining resorts and providing services.
  • Luxury ACCOMMODATIONS:  The island is famous for its high-end resorts and overwater bungalows , which offer unparalleled luxury and privacy. These luxurious accommodations contribute to the premium prices that visitors pay for their stay.
  • Limited availability:  the island has a limited number of accommodations, especially compared to other popular tourist destinations. This scarcity can drive up prices due to high demand for a limited supply of rooms.
  • High operating costs:  Running a resort or business on the island can be expensive due to factors such as import taxes, labor costs, and the need to generate electricity and fresh water on the island. These operational costs are often passed on to visitors in the form of higher prices for accommodations, dining, and activities.

The best time to go to Bora Bora

Overwater Bungalows

The best time to visit Bora Bora is during the high season. Here’s a general overview of the seasons to help you:

  • High Season (May to October):  This period is considered the dry season in Bora Bora, with consistenty warm temperatures in high season, ranging from the mid-70s to the mid-80s Fahrenheit (mid-20s to low 30s Celsius). The months of June, July, and August see the least rainfall, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and enjoying the beautiful beaches. However, this is also the BUSIEST time of year, with higher prices and more tourists.
  • Low Season (November to April):  The low season coincides with the wet season on the island, which means more rainfall and higher humidity levels. While there might be occasional storms, there are still plenty of sunny days during this time. The advantage of traveling during the low season is that you’ll find fewer crowds and lower prices for accommodations and activities.
  • Shoulder Season (April to May and November):  The shoulder season can be a great time to visit the island, as you’ll experience a mix of favorable weather conditions and fewer crowds. During these months, the weather is generally pleasant, with moderate temperatures and rainfall. Prices may also be more affordable compared to the high season.

What language is spoken in Bora Bora?

Conrad Bora Bora Nui-min

In Bora Bora, the two main languages spoken are FRENCH AND TAHITIAN .

French is the official language of French Polynesia, which includes Bora Bora and its neighboring islands.

Tahitian, a Polynesian language, is widely spoken among locals as well.

However, due to the island’s popularity as a tourist destination, many people working in the tourism industry, such as hotel staff and tour operators, can also speak English to some extent.

What are the accommodations like in Bora Bora?

Bora Bora accommodations

Accommodations in Bora Bora cater to a range of preferences and budgets, offering various types of lodging options.

Some of the most popular options include:

  • Overwater Bungalows :  These resorts often provide world-class amenities, such as fine dining, spas, private beaches, and personalized services. Staying in an overwater bungalow offers a unique and unforgettable experience, with direct access to the lagoon from your private deck (see below for the recommendations).
  • Beach Resorts and Hotels:  There are also several beachfront resorts and hotels on the island, offering more traditional accommodations with garden or beach views. These properties may also offer amenities like swimming pools, on-site restaurants, and water sports facilities.
  • Boutique Hotels:  For a more intimate experience, boutique hotels provide a smaller scale of accommodations with personalized service and a focus on local culture and design elements.
  • Guesthouses and Family-Run Lodges:  Budget-conscious travelers can find more affordable options in guesthouses, family-run lodges, or pensions. These accommodations typically offer simpler rooms and facilities but provide an opportunity to experience the local culture and hospitality.

Where are the Bora Bora resorts located?

Beach in French Polynesia

Bora Bora’s restaurants and resorts are located on various parts of the island and its surrounding smaller islets, known as “ motus .” Many luxury resorts and overwater bungalows are situated on this motus, which offer stunning ocean views both of the main island and the turquoise lagoon .

DID YOU KNOW: you can go on a day trip to a private motu and eat your lunch sitting at the water’s edge with a view across the lagoon to the main island? 

Which Bora Bora resort is the best?

Below, we highlight some of the best and most luxurious resorts on the island:

  • Four Seasons Resort:  Known for its luxurious overwater bungalows, exceptional service, and stunning views of Mount Otemanu , the Four Seasons Resort is a popular choice for honeymooners and couples seeking a romantic getaway.
  • St. Regis Bora Bora Resort :  This resort features spacious overwater villas, some with private pools, and offers top-notch amenities such as a spa, several dining options, and a lagoon for snorkeling.
  • InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa : Located on a motu facing Mount Otemanu , this eco-friendly resort offers overwater villas, an award-winning spa, and a range of water activities. The resort is also known for its commitment to sustainability and marine conservation.
  • Conrad Bora Bora Nui :  Situated on a private island, this luxury resort offers a combination of overwater bungalows, beach villas, and hillside accommodations. Guests can enjoy a variety of dining options, a spa, and numerous activities, including a mini-golf course.

What currency is used in Bora Bora?

Swimming with sharks

The currency used in Bora Bora and the rest of French Polynesia is the Central Pacific Franc , abbreviated as XPF or CFP.

Since French Polynesia is an overseas territory of France, the Central Pacific Franc is tied to the Euro (EUR) at a fixed exchange rate.

Do I need a visa to visit Bora Bora?


For short stays up to 90 days, citizens of many countries, including the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and several others, DO NOT REQUIRE A VISA for tourist visits. They must have a valid passport, a return or onward ticket, and proof of sufficient funds for their stay. More information is here .

If you hold a passport from a country that is not visa-exempt or if you plan to stay for more than 90 days, you will need to apply for a visa before traveling to Bora Bora. The process usually involves submitting an application to a French consulate or embassy in your home country.

Does Bora Bora require the COVID vaccine?

Catamaran Sailing Boat

As of February 2024, Bora Bora does not have a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine requirement for entry. However, vaccinated travelers might experience fewer restrictions at the only international airport.

What time is it in Bora Bora?

Nature on the island

However, Bora Bora is located in the Tahiti Time Zone, which is 10 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-10).

Does Bora Bora have sharks?

Stingrays in Bora Bora

YES, Bora Bora has a coral reef in the surrounding waters of French Polynesia that is home to many SHARK SPECIES, including blacktip reef sharks, lemon sharks, nurse sharks, and grey reef sharks.

However, these species are not considered a threat to humans, and SHARK ATTACKS in the area are extremely rare .

In fact, shark encounters are often a highlight for tourists visiting Bora Bora, as they provide an opportunity to observe these creatures up close during snorkeling or diving excursions.

Many lagoon tours and diving operators offer guided shark-feeding experiences in shallow waters, where you can safely watch sharks from a distance as they feed on small fish.

What is the main attraction in Bora Bora?

The main attraction in Bora Bora is its stunning natural beauty, particularly the crystal-clear turquoise waters full of lagoon life and the iconic Mount Otemanu , a lush volcanic peak at the center of the island.

Can I get around Bora Bora without a car?

Bora Bora sunset

YES, you can get around Bora Bora without a car. The island is relatively small, and there are several transportation options available for you:

  • Bicycles : Renting a bicycle is a popular and eco-friendly way to explore the island at your own pace. Many resorts and local rental shops offer bicycles for rent.
  • Scooters : Scooters are available for rent at various locations around the island.
  • Public transportation (Le Truck) : Bora Bora has a local bus service called “ LE TRUCK ” that operates on a limited schedule, providing an affordable way to travel between major points of interest. Keep in mind that the service may not be as frequent or reliable as in larger cities.
  • Taxis : Taxis are available on the island but can be expensive, especially for longer distances. It’s a good idea to agree on the fare before starting your journey.
  • Water taxis : To reach different parts of the lagoon or visit nearby Motus (small islets), water taxis are available for hire. Some resorts also provide shuttle services to and from the main island.

What is the local cuisine like in Bora Bora?

Four Seasons Resort

Bora Bora’s local cuisine is a blend of French and Polynesian influences, incorporating fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and vegetables.

Some popular dishes and ingredients include:

  • POISSON CRU is a traditional Polynesian dish made with raw fish marinated in coconut milk and lime juice. It’s often served as an appetizer or main course.
  • GRILLED FISH : Due to the abundance of fresh fish in the lagoon, grilled fish is a staple on many restaurants’ menus. Ahi tuna, mahi-mahi, and parrotfish are some of the common types of fish found in Bora Bora.
  • Tama’a Maitai : A Polynesian-style salad made with diced raw fish, vegetables, and coconut milk.
  • FAFA : A dish made with taro leaves, coconut milk, and meat or fish, wrapped in banana leaves and steamed.
  • BANANAS : Bora Bora is famous for its variety of bananas, which are used in many dishes and desserts, such as banana bread and banana pudding.
  • ROULETTES : These FOOD TRUCKS offer a mix of French and Polynesian cuisine, including crepes, grilled meats, and Chinese-style stir-fries.

Is Bora Bora safe for tourists?

Sharks in Bora Bora

Bora Bora is generally safe for tourists, with a low crime rate and a welcoming atmosphere. The island’s primary industry is tourism, so the locals are accustomed to visitors and often go out of their way to ensure a pleasant experience.

However, as with any travel destination, it’s essential to exercise common sense and take basic safety precautions:

  • Secure your valuables: Keep your valuable items and important documents in a secure place, such as a hotel safe, and avoid displaying expensive items openly.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Stay vigilant, especially in crowded areas or when exploring remote locations, and be cautious if venturing out alone at night.
  • Practice water safety: When participating in water activities like swimming, snorkeling, or diving, always follow safety guidelines, use appropriate gear, and pay attention to local weather conditions.
  • Protect yourself from the sun: Bora Bora’s tropical climate means intense sunlight, so wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to avoid sunburn and heat-related illnesses.

What should I pack for my trip to Bora Bora?

Four Seasons Resort

When packing for your trip to Bora Bora, it’s important to consider the local climate, activities you plan to do, and cultural norms.

Here are some suggestions for items to bring:

  • e-SIM card : so you can access the internet on your phone while being on the island.
  • Swimwear : Bora Bora is known for its beaches, lagoon , and water sports, so make sure to pack plenty of swimwear.
  • Travel accessories: Make sure you have all the travel accessories you need for this visit!
  • Sun protection : The sun in Bora Bora can be intense, so bring sunscreen with a high SPF, sunglasses, and a hat or visor to protect your skin and eyes.
  • Comfortable walking shoes : While flip-flops or sandals may be suitable for the beach, it’s a good idea to bring comfortable walking shoes for activities like hiking or exploring the island.
  • Lightweight clothing : Bora Bora’s climate is warm and humid year-round, so pack lightweight clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.
  • Insect repellent : Mosquitoes and other insects can be prevalent in and around the lagoon , especially during the rainy season (November to April), so bring insect repellent to avoid bites.
  • Beach towels : While some resorts may provide beach towels, it’s a good idea to bring your own for day trips or excursions.
  • Waterproof bags : To protect your valuables and electronics from water damage during water-based activities, consider bringing waterproof bags or pouches.
  • Cash : While credit cards are widely accepted, it’s a good idea to bring some cash for things like tipping, local transportation, or purchases at smaller markets or food trucks.

Are there any health concerns to be aware of in Bora Bora?


Like any other travel destination, there are some health concerns to be aware of in Bora Bora:

  • Mosquito-borne illnesses : As mentioned earlier, mosquitoes can be present in Bora Bora, especially during the rainy season (November to April). Mosquitoes can carry diseases like dengue fever and Zika virus, so it’s important to bring insect repellent and take measures to protect yourself from bites, such as wearing long-sleeved clothing and using mosquito netting.
  • Sunburn and heatstroke : The tropical sun in Bora Bora can be intense, so make sure to apply sunscreen with a high SPF, wear protective clothing, and stay hydrated to avoid sunburn and heatstroke.
  • Food and water safety : While tap water is generally safe to drink in Bora Bora, it’s a good idea to stick to bottled water for drinking and brushing teeth.
  • Motion sickness : If you plan to participate in activities like boat tours or water sports, be aware that the lagoon waters can be choppy, and some people may experience motion sickness. Consider bringing medication or remedies to ease symptoms.
  • Medical facilities : While Bora Bora has medical facilities available, they may not have the same standards or resources as in larger cities. It’s a good idea to purchase travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and to bring any necessary medications or prescriptions with you.

Is there Wi-Fi and internet access in Bora Bora?

Nature Palm Beach

YES, there is Wi-Fi and internet access in Bora Bora, but there may NOT BE AS EASY ACCESS available or reliable as in more developed areas.

Here’s what you should know:

  • Resorts and hotels : Most resorts and hotels in Bora Bora provide Wi-Fi access to guests, either for free or for a fee.
  • Restaurants and cafes : Some restaurants and cafes on the island also offer Wi-Fi access to customers, especially in more populated areas like Vaitape.
  • Mobile data : If you have a mobile device with an international data plan, you can use mobile data through an e-SIM to access the internet in Bora Bora.

Is Bora Bora suitable for families?

View from the atol

YES, Bora Bora is a suitable destination for families, offering a range of activities and experiences. While the island is often associated with luxury resorts and romantic getaways, many hotels and resorts also provide family-friendly accommodations and amenities, such as kids’ clubs, babysitting services, and family-sized bungalows.

Activities that families can enjoy together in Bora Bora include:

  • Beach time : Spend quality time together on the beautiful beaches, swimming, or building sandcastles.
  • Snorkeling : Discover the underwater world of Bora Bora’s lagoon, which is teeming with colorful fish and coral reefs. Many snorkeling spots are easily accessible and suitable for children.
  • Lagoon tours : Take a guided boat tour around the lagoon, where you can swim with sharks and rays, explore hidden coves, and visit uninhabited motus (small islets).
  • Water sports : Enjoy various water activities such as paddleboarding, kayaking, and jet skiing, which can be tailored to different age groups and skill levels.
  • Nature excursions : Explore the island’s lush interior through hiking or 4×4 tours, offering opportunities to learn about local flora and fauna.
  • Cultural experiences : Attend traditional Polynesian dance performances or visit local art galleries to learn about the region’s culture and history.

Bora Bora is near which country?

Conrad Bora Bora Nui

Bora Bora is located in the South Pacific Ocean, approximately 7,500 kilometers (4,650 miles) east of Australia and around 4,000 kilometers (2,500 miles) south of Hawaii.

The nearest countries to Bora Bora are other island nations in the South Pacific, such as Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga, but they are still several hundred kilometers away.

Who owns Bora Bora?

Bora Bora sightseeing

Bora Bora is a part of French Polynesia, which is an overseas collectivity of FRANCE . As such, the island is governed by the French government.

The French government has control over areas such as defense, foreign affairs, and currency, while the local government (which includes the President of French Polynesia and the Territorial Assembly) has jurisdiction over areas such as education, health, and economic development.

What is the electrical voltage in Bora Bora?


The electrical voltage on the island of Bora Bora, as well as in the rest of French Polynesia, is 220-240 volts AC, with a frequency of 50 Hz.

The power sockets used on the island are Type E and Type F, which have two round pins, so if you are traveling from a country that uses a different type of plug, you will need to bring a travel adapter to use your electronic devices.

Can I drink tap water in Bora Bora?

Road next to the island

Tap water in Bora Bora is considered safe to drink, but it may not taste as good as bottled water due to the high mineral content.

The water on the private island here is sourced from rainwater and underground wells, and it goes through a treatment process before distribution.

However, some people may experience stomach upset or other digestive issues when drinking tap water in foreign countries due to differences in water treatment and sanitation practices.

If you have concerns about drinking tap water, you can stick to bottled water , which is widely available for purchase on the island. Additionally, many hotels and resorts on the island provide complimentary bottled water to their guests.

Bora Bora Sister Island


Bora Bora has several “sister” islands , which are also part of the Society Islands archipelago in French Polynesia.

Some of the most well-known sister islands of Bora Bora include:

  • Raiatea : Known as the “Sacred Island,” Raiatea is the second-largest island in French Polynesia and is located just 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of Bora Bora. It is a popular destination for sailing and cultural tours, and visitors can explore ancient marae (Polynesian temples) and lush rainforests.
  • Le Taha’a Island : Located just a short boat ride from Bora Bora, Taha’a is known for its vanilla plantations, black pearl farms, and stunning coral gardens. It is a quieter and more secluded island than Bora Bora, with fewer tourists and a more authentic Polynesian feel.
  • Huahine : Huahine is located approximately 110 kilometers (68 miles) northwest of Bora Bora and is made up of two islands connected by a bridge. Huahine Island is known for its unspoiled natural beauty, ancient Polynesian ruins, and excellent surfing and snorkeling spots.
  • Maupiti : Maupiti is a small, remote island located approximately 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of Bora Bora. It is one of the least developed islands in French Polynesia and offers a tranquil escape for visitors looking to get away from the crowds. It is known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear lagoon, and stunning views of Mount Teurafaatiu .

Islands like Bora Bora


French Polynesia is home to many islands that are similar to Bora Bora, offering visitors the first world the perfect combination of stunning natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and luxurious amenities.

Some of the other islands that are often compared to Bora Bora include:

  • Moorea : Located just 17 kilometers (10 miles) northwest of Tahiti, Moorea is known for its jagged volcanic peaks, lush rainforests, and pristine beaches. It has a more relaxed and laid-back vibe than Bora Bora, with a variety of accommodations ranging from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury resorts.
  • Fiji : Fiji is an archipelago of over 300 islands located in the South Pacific, and it is known for its white sand beaches, turquoise lagoons, and vibrant coral reefs. It has a range of accommodations, from backpacker hostels to all-inclusive resorts, and is a popular destination for honeymooners and adventure seekers.
  • Maldives : The Maldives is a tropical paradise made up of over 1,000 coral islands located in the Indian Ocean. It is known for its overwater bungalows, turquoise waters, and pristine beaches and is a popular destination for honeymooners and luxury travelers.
  • Seychelles : The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands located off the coast of East Africa, and it is known for its white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, and diverse marine life. It has a range of accommodations, from rustic lodges to luxury resorts, and is a popular destination for honeymooners and nature lovers.

Are Bora Bora and Tahiti the same?


No, Bora Bora and Tahiti are not the same place. They are both located in French Polynesia and are popular travel destinations, but they are separate islands.

Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia and is located in the Society Islands archipelago , which also includes Bora Bora.

While both islands share some similarities, such as beautiful beaches and lush tropical landscapes, they also have distinct differences in terms of culture, attractions, and activities.

Tahiti is known for its lively capital city of Papeete, which offers a mix of French and Polynesian culture, while the island of Bora Bora is more secluded and renowned for its luxurious overwater bungalows and clear blue lagoon.

Bora Bora is a  paradise for adventurers  and nature enthusiasts.

This  ULTIMATE TRAVEL GUIDE  will help make your trip to the island an unforgettable experience.

Plan your trip accordingly, enjoy the scenic views and luxury accommodations, practice safety precautions, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

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A Beginner’s Guide To How To Get To Bora Bora

Last Updated July 11, 2023 William Tang

You are here: Home » Transportation » A Beginner’s Guide To How To Get To Bora Bora

The beauty of a vacation in Bora Bora is the remoteness of the location. Tucked away in the Society Islands in French Polynesia, this island is about as far-flung as you can get – no matter where you’re coming from. Wondering how to get to there? Look no further. 

We’ll cover the ins and outs of travel to Bora Bora to help you plan your dream vacation in this magnificent and sought-after destination. 

Read more about French Polynesia :

  • The Islands of Tahiti Travel Guide
  • Epic 2 Week Islands of Tahiti Itinerary
  • Best Time to Travel to Bora Bora

How to find the best travel deals:

  • Once you arrive in Bora Bora, you might need a car rental so make sure you check the best rates at !
  • A great place to find a hotel, resort, or home rental is and if you’re a Genius member , you can also save another 10-15%.
  • Be sure that you are covered! Learn more about travel insurance .

In This Article

How to Fly to Bora Bora

How to get to bora bora by sea, how to get to bora bora from tahiti, activities to check out while you’re in bora bora, frequently asked questions, how to travel to bora bora.

plane on the runway in tahiti

We’ll start by saying that when considering how to get to Bora Bora, it’s important to accept that it is rarely simple, but always worth it. We mentioned the remoteness of the destination which of course makes it trickier and more costly to get to Bora Bora than other island destinations. 

But once on the island, you’ll be well-rewarded with the bluest water you’ve ever seen, stretches of impossibly white beaches, and lush tropical vegetation. Once you’re swaying in your hammock on your private over-water deck you won’t even remember or care about the travel to get there.

how to fly to bora bora starts with a flight from san francisco to tahiti with united airlines

There are no direct flights available to Bora Bora . This holds true for most of the  islands in French Polynesia . Simply put, the landmasses just aren’t big enough to accommodate the kind of runways needed to land large passenger jets. 

So instead, all international flights to these islands land in Tahiti at  Faa’a International Airport (PPT) near Papeete. From there, you can transfer by charter flight, helicopter, or scheduled flight to Bora Bora. The flight is only around 50-minutes and during peak seasons, there can be up to eight or nine Bora Bora-bound flights per day.

The last flight from Tahiti to Bora Bora with Air Tahiti leaves at 17:30, so if your flight arrives in Tahiti in the late afternoon or evening, you may have to spend a night here before transferring to your resort on the island. 

While it isn’t possible to fly direct to Bora Bora , it is possible to fly direct to Tahiti and connect from there. This is the shortest and simplest way to fly to Bora Bora. Whichever route you take, there’s no way of reaching the island in fewer than two flights . 

How To Get To Bora Bora From The United States 

If you’re coming from the United States, many airlines fly direct to Tahiti (PPT): 

  • United Airlines offers direct flights from San Francisco three times per week (Tue, Thu, Sun) 
  • Air Tahiti flies direct from Los Angeles six days a week with multiple flights per day
  • Air France flies direct to Tahiti from Los Angeles up to four times a week
  • FrenchBee is a new low cost carrier that flies direct to Tahiti from San Francisco 3 times a week Wed, Fri, Sun)

Below is a list of the average flight times to Tahiti from major cities across the world: 

  • 22 hours from Paris, France
  • 8 hours from Los Angeles, USA
  • 8 hours from San Francisco, USA
  • 5 hours from Honolulu, USA
  • 11 Hours from Tokyo, Japan
  • 12 and a half hours from Shanghai, China
  • 11 and a half hours from Hong Kong, China
  • 9 hours from Auckland, New Zealand
  • 11 hours from Santiago, Chile

le meridien bora bora boat shuttle from the airport

Once you land in, you’ll transfer by boat to your hotel or resort. Air Tahiti offers a free boat transfer, but most hotels and resorts will come to collect their guests. These boats will be lined up outside the airport in Bora Bora and are all clearly marked with the name of the hotel or resort. 

If you’re looking to fly to Bora Bora on a budget , there are ways to get here cheap. Otherwise…


Before you plan your trip to Bora Bora, make sure you read this all-around guide for French Polynesia.

Islands of Tahiti Travel Guide

paul gaugin cruise in bora bora

Because of the remoteness of the island , it isn’t possible to reach Bora Bora direct by sea either. You would need to fly to Tahiti and then make your way to the islands by boat, or you could take a cruise to Tahiti which then takes in the other island. This option will not only be costly but will require a significant amount of travel time. 

Inter-island Cruises

A great way to experience the best of French Polynesia is to take an inter-island cruise. Papeete, in Tahiti, is effectively the gateway for cruises as it is for flights, with various cruise ships setting off to explore the islands. 

The most luxurious of which is  Paul Gauguin Cruises . Carrying over 300 passengers, this modern ship is a popular option. The ship has stylish cabins, an outdoor pool, and a spacious deck. 

For something a bit smaller than a traditional cruise liner,  Windstar Cruises  offers the chance to explore the island chain in a more romantic and intimate way. Think billowing white sails and casual elegance.

It’s also possible to fly to Hawaii and cruise to Bora Bora with Norwegian Cruise Lines or set out from the West Coast of the United States on a longer cruise, taking in the Hawaiian Islands too. 

Of course, there are plenty of cruise options to choose from if you’ve got the time and the budget to spare.

with view from the sky

Now that you understand that it’s not actually possible to fly directly from an international destination to Bora Bora, how exactly can you get to there?

In 90% of the cases, it really starts with the island of Tahiti which has the capital of Papeete and also Faa’a International Airport (PPT).

The simple answer is that you’ll be flying Air Tahiti. They’re the only operator that flies inter-island and so you’ll be effectively looking at round trip flights from Tahiti (PPT) to Bora Bora (BOB).

If you’re looking to hop around to other islands which is what we did in our 2 week Islands of Tahiti itinerary , keep reading!

Air Tahiti Passes

If you are planning to see more than one island on your trip, then it’s definitely worth checking out the various  Air Tahiti Passes  on offer. These great value passes allow you to experience the Society Islands at an attractive price. 

A further extension can offer you the chance to explore further out, including the Austral Islands and parts of the Marquesas Islands too. 

Each pass has two classes, the S or Y class which offers up to 50lbs (23kg) baggage allowance, while the Z class includes up to 100lbs (46kg) of baggage.

You can see all or just a couple of the islands listed for each pass, and in some cases, you’re able to switch up the order in which you visit the islands. You must visit at least two islands, and you can only visit each island once.

The two main passes you want to look at are:

  • The Bora Bora Pass – This pass allows you to visit Moorea, Huahine, Raiatea, as well as Bora Bora and Maupiti.
  • Bora-Tuamotu Pass – Explore the Society Islands as well as the beautiful atolls of the Tuamotu Archipelago. 

When you’re in Bora Bora, make sure that you check out these bookable excursions. You want to make sure you have these booked beforehand so they don’t sell out and you can lock in cheaper prices than what the resorts offer.

  • Experience what Bora Bora is known for with this half day tour of the beautiful coral reefs and lagoons!
  • Land adventures more your speed? Check out the gorgeous Bora Bora Mountains on this ATV excursions .
  • No trip is complete without a full belly of the local cuisine! How does a sunset cruise with dinner sound?

To get to Tahiti, United Airlines or FrenchBee are the cheapest to get to Tahiti (PPT). From Tahiti, you will have to fly Air Tahiti. The best way to search for the cheapest flight is to use a tool like Skyscanner .

Once you’re in Bora Bora, you’ll be taking Air Tahiti flights to other islands. Just be careful to pay attention to which islands you can go to from Tahiti. In some cases, you may have to go back to the hub of Tahiti (PPT) and hop to another island from there.

The truth is, there’s really never a bad time to go to Bora Bora but if you had to choose, the most popular time of the year is May to October. Make sure to read the full guide on the best time to travel to Bora Bora .

What you should read next

  • How to Travel Bora Bora on a Budget – Tips to keep Bora Bora trip costs low
  • Islands of Tahiti Packing List – French Polynesia including Bora Bora, Rangiroa, and Fakarava
  • Le Meridien Bora Bora Overwater Bungalow and Resort Review

About William Tang

William Tang is the Chief of Awesome behind the award-winning Going Awesome Places which is focused on outdoor adventure, and experiential travel. His true passion lies in telling stories, inspiring photography and videos, and writing detailed itineraries and travel guides. He is a member of Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC), Society of American Travel Writers (SATW), Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), and Travel Massive. He has also been featured in publications such as Reader's Digest, Entrepreneur, Men's Journal, and Haute Living. Make sure to learn more about William Tang to find out his story and how Going Awesome Places started.

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trip cost to bora bora

Bora Bora Vacation Packages All inclusive

Book a all inclusive hotel + flight or car together to unlock savings.

I only need accommodations for part of my trip

Bora Bora's all-inclusive package offers paradise on a platter

Bora Bora in French Polynesia is a dream destination for those seeking a tropical paradise. This idyllic island is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, pristine white sandy beaches, and breathtaking scenery. Snorkeling enthusiasts can explore the vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life, while thrill-seekers can embark on shark-feeding excursions. The beauty of Bora Bora lies in its secluded islands, offering a romantic backdrop for couples. Whether you prefer swimming in turquoise lagoons or simply relaxing under the swaying palm trees, Bora Bora promises a truly unforgettable and rejuvenating vacation experience.

Top All inclusive vacation packages in Bora Bora

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Rohotu Fare

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Conrad Bora Bora Nui

Reviewed on May 12, 2024

Le Bora Bora by Pearl Resorts

Le Bora Bora by Pearl Resorts

Reviewed on May 21, 2024

Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora

Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora

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The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort

The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort

Reviewed on May 23, 2024

5* All inclusive vacations in Bora Bora

3 night all inclusive vacations in bora bora, 4 night all inclusive vacations in bora bora.

Tahiti Sail and Dive

Tahiti Sail and Dive

Top reasons for your vacation to bora bora.

  • Tropical Paradise : Bora Bora offers a dreamlike tropical paradise with crystal-clear waters, pristine white sandy beaches, and breathtaking scenery.
  • Vibrant Coral Reefs : Snorkeling enthusiasts can explore the vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life, providing an unforgettable underwater experience.
  • Thrilling Adventures : Thrill-seekers can embark on shark-feeding excursions and enjoy guided tours to discover the vibrant marine life and engage in various recreational activities.
  • Romantic Getaway : Bora Bora's secluded islands provide a romantic backdrop for couples, whether swimming in turquoise lagoons or relaxing under swaying palm trees.
  • Unforgettable Experience : Immerse yourself in the stunning scenery, indulge in beachside relaxation, and enjoy the perfect blend of adventure and relaxation for an unforgettable vacation.

Book a Package and Save Money on Your Bora Bora Vacation

A travel package combines flights with hotels or car rental, making it convenient to book everything together. It saves time and offers the benefit of finding everything in one place. Customizable options help fit your preferences and budget. Expedia's price and theme filters ensure you find a great deal for your Bora Bora all-inclusive package.

Looking for the perfect all-inclusive vacation in Bora Bora? With its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life, this paradise island offers everything you need for a truly relaxing and romantic getaway. Book a package and enjoy snorkeling, swimming with sharks, and exploring the picturesque islands. It's the ultimate dream destination!

How to Save Money on a Vacation to Bora Bora

  • Utilize local transportation options like buses and bicycles to save money on getting around Bora Bora.
  • Book activities and sightseeing tours directly with local providers instead of through the all-inclusive package to avoid extra fees.
  • Take advantage of Expedia's OneKey program to earn points and receive discounts on future bookings.
  • Consider visiting Bora Bora during the shoulder seasons (April to June or September to November) for lower prices on accommodations and activities.
  • Opt for self-catering accommodations to save money on dining expenses.
  • Research and compare prices of different all-inclusive packages on Expedia to find the best deals for your desired activities and experiences.

Explore the best places to visit in Bora Bora

Bora Bora is a dream destination for an all-inclusive package vacation. Immerse yourself in the stunning scenery of crystal-clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and lush tropical islands. Experience thrilling snorkeling adventures, swim with sharks, and indulge in romantic beachside relaxation. Take guided tours to explore the vibrant marine life and enjoy various recreational activities. Bora Bora offers a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation, making it an ideal choice for an unforgettable vacation.

  • Matira Beach : This picturesque beach is a must-visit in Bora Bora. With its white sand, crystal-clear waters, and stunning views of the surrounding islands, Matira Beach offers a truly idyllic setting. Relax on the beach, go for a swim, or snorkel in the vibrant coral reefs.
  • Mt. Otemanu : Towering over Bora Bora, Mt. Otemanu is a majestic mountain that offers breathtaking views. Take a hike up its slopes for an exhilarating adventure, or simply admire its beauty from afar. You can also go swimming or snorkeling in its pristine waters or take a romantic boat tour around the mountain.
  • Matira Point : Located at the southern tip of Bora Bora, Matira Point is a charming cape that offers a range of activities. Enjoy swimming in its calm waters, snorkel among colorful fish, or go boating to explore the nearby islands. With its romantic setting and natural parks, Matira Point is a paradise for nature lovers.

Best months to visit Bora Bora

Bora Bora boasts a year-around average temperature of 78.6°F, peaking at 80.8°F in March, its warmest month, and dipping to an average low of 75.9°F in August, the coolest. Rainfall averages at 144.3mm annually, with January seeing the heaviest showers and August being the driest month.

FAQs for an all-inclusive Bora Bora vacation

What is the average cost of a trip to bora bora.

With the French Polynesian island of Bora Bora offering everything from no-frills budget accommodation to high-end luxury resorts , there's no easy way to calculate a definite average cost for your trip to Bora Bora. The airline you fly with, when you go, and what activities you do on the island all play a role, too. Your escape to paradise might cost less than you'd think, though: In 2024, Bora Bora all-inclusive packages were available from $2,326.

How much is a 5-night break in Bora Bora?

The cost of your Bora Bora break depends on lots of factors, such as the type of accommodation you choose: A swish, romantic vacation in Bora Bora or Bora Bora honeymoon all-inclusive package is going to cost more than a budget break, for instance. Your flights and other travel costs have an impact, too, as does your outlay on food, drinks, and activities. Know exactly where you stand with a Bora Bora all-inclusive vacation package so the cost of your trip is clear upfront—and you can avoid any unexpected surprises.

Can you go all-inclusive in Bora Bora?

You can indeed. Whether you want to make the most of the stunning beachside views from a Bora Bora all-inclusive overwater bungalow or enjoy fun for the whole family at a kid-friendly Bora Bora resort , this little island punches above its weight in terms of the all-inclusives on offer. You could even check out all-inclusive Bora Bora wedding packages if you're looking to tie the knot in tropical style, or consider booking Bora Bora all-inclusive resorts with airfare to save both time and money.

What is the cheapest month to go to Bora Bora?

The cheapest time to visit Bora Bora is usually during its off-season, from December to March. This is a great chance to snap up bargain deals—but bear in mind this is also the rainiest time to go on your Bora Bora all-inclusive vacation. Whenever you decide to jet off to paradise, consider booking your Bora Bora all-inclusive with a flight (and a rental car) included in the package to get a great deal. And to make your trip even more financially manageable, think about setting up an Expedia payment plan to spread the cost.

What month is an ideal time to go to Bora Bora?

May to October is usually when the weather in Bora Bora is drier and less humid: This creates a more pleasant atmosphere for visitors unused to tropical climes. That's also when prices tend to be highest, though, so factor this in when planning your vacation to French Polynesia. If you're looking to strike a balance between reliable weather and affordable prices, the months on either side of the high season (i.e., late April or early November) could be a good bet for your all-inclusive Bora Bora getaway.

Is Bora Bora good for families?

With more kid-friendly accommodations in Bora Bora than you can shake a stick at, an all-inclusive trip to Bora Bora is a great choice for families with young (and not-so-young) children. Little ones will love spotting colorful fish in the crystal-clear water, while older teens will be kept busy with the entertainment on offer at Bora Bora all-inclusive resorts . Mom and dad, meanwhile, can soak up the rays, indulge in fresh local seafood, and just chill out—safe in the knowledge that their kids are having a great time.

What are some top all-inclusive resorts in Bora Bora?

With everything from beachfront stays to bargain trips on offer, Bora Bora's all-inclusive resort scene has great properties to suit everyone's tastes. There's no shortage of Bora Bora all-inclusive luxury resorts if you're a fan of the finer things in life or even looking for an all-inclusive honeymoon in Bora Bora, for instance. Whatever your vision for your trip (and your all-inclusive accommodation), you're sure to find an all-inclusive Bora Bora vacation package that's just right for you.

How can I find some of the best deals for all-inclusive Bora Bora vacations on Expedia?

Snagging your dream Bora Bora vacation package is a breeze with Expedia. Just type in your dates and departure airport, then use the handy filters to restrict your search to all-inclusive properties only. If you're looking for something specific, like a beachfront property , there's a filter for that, too. Finally, toggle the price to only show Bora Bora vacations at all-inclusive properties within your budget. If you really want to get the most bang for your buck, consider booking a Bora Bora all-inclusive vacation with airfare included to tap into unmissable deals.

Why book an all-inclusive Bora Bora package with Expedia?

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How Much Would A 7-Day Trip To Bora Bora Cost

Published: November 16, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Adaline Detwiler

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Imagine waking up to the soothing sound of waves gently crashing against the pristine white sand beaches, surrounded by the stunning turquoise waters of Bora Bora. This picturesque island in French Polynesia is often referred to as a paradise on Earth, with its overwater bungalows, vibrant coral reefs, and lush tropical landscapes.

A 7-day trip to Bora Bora promises to be an unforgettable experience, filled with adventure, relaxation, and breath-taking natural beauty. However, before embarking on this dream vacation, it’s essential to plan your trip and consider the costs involved.

In this article, we will walk you through the estimated expenses you can expect during a 7-day trip to Bora Bora. From flights and accommodations to transportation, activities, and dining, we will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the costs associated with this tropical getaway.

Whether you are a budget traveler or looking to splurge on a luxurious retreat, having a clear idea of the expenses will help you make informed decisions and plan accordingly. So, let’s dive in and explore the costs of a 7-day trip to enchanting Bora Bora!

Flight Costs

Getting to Bora Bora requires a flight to the main international gateway, which is Faa’a International Airport in Papeete, Tahiti. From there, you’ll need to take a domestic flight to Bora Bora Airport. Several airlines fly to Papeete from major international cities, including Air France, Air Tahiti Nui, and Hawaiian Airlines. The cost of flights to Tahiti will vary depending on your departure location, the time of year, and how far in advance you book.

On average, round-trip flights from major U.S. cities to Papeete can range from $900 to $1,500 per person. However, it’s important to keep an eye out for deals and sales, as prices can fluctuate. You can also consider using frequent flyer miles or credit card rewards to offset some of the costs.

Once you arrive in Papeete, you’ll need to book a domestic flight to Bora Bora. Air Tahiti operates several daily flights between Papeete and Bora Bora, with prices ranging from $200 to $400 round trip. The flight duration is approximately 50 minutes, and the views during the journey are nothing short of spectacular.

It’s worth noting that the above prices are subject to change, so it’s advisable to check for the most up-to-date fares and promotions. Additionally, it’s recommended to book your flights well in advance to secure the best rates and availability.

Pro tip: Consider planning your trip during the low season (November to April) to potentially find cheaper flights and accommodations. However, keep in mind that weather conditions might be less favorable during this period.

Accommodation Options

Bora Bora is renowned for its luxurious overwater bungalows, offering unparalleled views and direct access to the crystal-clear lagoon. These bungalows are incredibly popular and can make for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, they also tend to come with a higher price tag.

The cost of staying in an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora can range from $500 to $2,000 per night, depending on the resort, location, and time of year. Some of the well-known resorts offering overwater bungalows include Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora, St. Regis Bora Bora Resort, and Conrad Bora Bora Nui.

If you’re looking for more affordable options, Bora Bora also offers a range of accommodations on land. These include beachfront villas, garden bungalows, and boutique hotels. Prices for these alternatives can vary from around $200 to $500 per night.

Another option to consider is staying at guesthouses or pensions, which are locally owned and provide a more authentic experience. These accommodations are often more budget-friendly and can cost between $100 to $300 per night.

When choosing your accommodation, it’s essential to consider factors such as location, amenities, and the level of luxury you desire. It’s also worth noting that some resorts offer packages that include meals or activities, so be sure to explore all options to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

Finally, it’s recommended to book your accommodation well in advance, particularly if you have your heart set on staying in an overwater bungalow, as these tend to fill up quickly.

Pro tip: Consider visiting during the shoulder season (May and October) for a potential decrease in accommodation prices and fewer crowds.


Transportation in Bora Bora mainly revolves around the resort islands and the mainland. Once you arrive at Bora Bora Airport, your resort may provide a complimentary shuttle service to transport you to your accommodation. It’s best to check with your resort beforehand to confirm if this service is available.

Within the resort islands, many people choose to get around using bicycles or by walking. Most resorts provide bicycles for guests to use, making it a convenient and eco-friendly way to explore the island at your own pace.

If you’re staying on the mainland and wish to visit other parts of the island, there are taxi boats available for hire. These boats can take you to various beaches and attractions, and prices typically range from $20 to $50 per person, depending on the distance and duration of the trip.

For those who prefer more independence and flexibility, renting a car or scooter is an option. There are a few car rental companies on the island, and prices for a car rental start at around $70 per day. Scooters are also available for rent, with prices ranging from $30 to $50 per day.

Additionally, some resorts offer shuttle services to popular destinations and activities, such as snorkeling spots or sunset cruises. These services may have an additional fee, so be sure to inquire about the cost and availability.

Regardless of the mode of transportation you choose, always remember to prioritize safety and follow local traffic rules and regulations. Bora Bora is known for its stunning scenic drives, so take your time, enjoy the journey, and soak in the mesmerizing beauty of the island.

Pro tip: If you’re planning on renting a car or scooter, make sure to bring a valid driver’s license and familiarize yourself with the local road conditions and driving customs.

Activities and Excursions

Bora Bora is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a wide range of activities and excursions to suit every interest. From water sports and coral reef exploration to cultural experiences and relaxation, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

One of the most popular activities in Bora Bora is snorkeling or diving in the vibrant turquoise waters. The island boasts some of the world’s most breathtaking coral reefs, teeming with colorful marine life. Guided snorkeling tours or scuba diving excursions can range from $50 to $150 per person, depending on the duration and location.

For those seeking a thrilling adventure, jet skiing, parasailing, and kiteboarding are also available. Prices for these activities start at around $100 per person, and they offer a unique way to experience the beauty of the lagoon and its surroundings.

If relaxation is more your vibe, Bora Bora’s luxury resorts offer a variety of spa treatments and wellness activities. Indulge in a rejuvenating massage, practice yoga on the beach, or simply unwind by the pool while sipping on tropical cocktails.

Exploring the island on land can also be an enriching experience. Take a guided tour to discover Bora Bora’s lush vegetation, learn about the island’s history and culture, or visit the famous Mount Otemanu for breathtaking panoramic views. Prices for these tours can range from $50 to $100 per person.

Another must-do activity in Bora Bora is taking a sunset or lagoon cruise. Set sail on a traditional Polynesian outrigger canoe or a luxury yacht and witness the magical colors of the sky as the sun dips below the horizon. These cruises typically range from $100 to $200 per person, depending on the duration and included amenities.

Pro tip: With so many activities to choose from, it’s recommended to prioritize the ones that align with your interests and budget. Be sure to research and book in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to secure your spot.

Dining and Food Expenses

When it comes to dining in Bora Bora, you can expect a variety of culinary delights to tantalize your taste buds. From fresh seafood to Polynesian delicacies, the local cuisine offers a fusion of flavors influenced by French, Asian, and Pacific Island traditions.

Most resorts in Bora Bora have their own on-site restaurants, offering a range of international and local dishes. The prices for dining at these resort restaurants can vary, with average meal costs ranging from $30 to $100 per person, depending on the level of luxury and choice of dishes.

For a more budget-friendly option, you can explore local eateries and food trucks. These establishments serve traditional Polynesian dishes, such as poisson cru (marinated raw fish) and grilled meats, at more affordable prices. A typical meal at a local eatery or food truck can cost around $10 to $20 per person.

Bora Bora also features a few grocery stores and supermarkets where you can purchase snacks, drinks, and basic ingredients if you prefer to prepare meals on your own. This can be a cost-effective option, especially if you have access to a kitchenette in your accommodation.

Drinks, such as cocktails and tropical juices, are also available at the resorts’ bars and local establishments. Prices for drinks can range from $10 to $20, depending on the type and location.

It’s important to note that prices for dining in Bora Bora may be higher compared to other destinations due to the remote location and the need to import many ingredients. While some resorts offer meal packages or all-inclusive plans, it’s advisable to carefully consider your dining preferences and budget before committing to such options.

Pro tip: If you’re looking to save on dining expenses, consider having some meals at local eateries or food trucks, and splurge on a few memorable dinners at the resort’s restaurants.

Travel Insurance

When planning your 7-day trip to Bora Bora, it’s essential to consider purchasing travel insurance. Travel insurance provides financial protection and peace of mind in the event of unexpected circumstances or emergencies during your trip.

Travel insurance typically covers a range of scenarios, including trip cancellation or interruption, lost or delayed baggage, medical emergencies, and emergency evacuation. The cost of travel insurance will depend on various factors, such as your age, trip duration, coverage limits, and the level of coverage you choose.

When selecting a travel insurance policy, make sure to carefully review the terms and coverage details. Consider factors such as medical coverage for injuries or illnesses that may occur during your stay in Bora Bora, as well as coverage for pre-existing conditions, if applicable.

In particular, for a trip to Bora Bora, it’s important to ensure that your travel insurance includes coverage for water activities, such as snorkeling or diving, as these are popular activities on the island.

Additionally, check if your travel insurance provides coverage for trip cancellation or interruption due to unforeseen events, such as a natural disaster, airline strikes, or personal emergencies. This can help protect your investment in case your trip needs to be rescheduled or cancelled.

Be sure to carefully read the policy’s fine print, including any exclusions or limitations. It’s advisable to compare quotes and coverage options from different insurance providers to ensure you find the policy that best fits your needs and budget.

Pro tip: Before purchasing travel insurance, check if your credit card offers any coverage. Some credit cards provide travel insurance as a benefit when you use the card to pay for your trip.

Miscellaneous Expenses

Aside from the main expenses such as flights, accommodation, transportation, activities, and dining, it’s important to budget for miscellaneous expenses during your 7-day trip to Bora Bora. These miscellaneous expenses can vary depending on your preferences and the specific activities you choose to partake in.

One potential miscellaneous expense is shopping and souvenirs. Bora Bora offers a range of unique handicrafts, local artwork, and traditional Tahitian pearls that make for beautiful keepsakes. The cost of souvenirs will depend on your taste and the items you choose, so set aside a budget for these mementos.

Another expense to consider is tipping. While tipping is not mandatory in French Polynesia, it is appreciated for good service. It’s customary to leave a tip of around 10% of the total bill at restaurants, but it’s always at your discretion. Additionally, if you receive exceptional service during activities or excursions, you may opt to tip the guides or instructors.

Internet access is another factor to consider. Most resorts offer Wi-Fi access for guests, but there may be additional charges for high-speed or premium connections. If staying connected is important to you, check with your resort regarding any Wi-Fi fees or consider purchasing a local SIM card for your mobile device.

Lastly, don’t forget to budget for incidental expenses, such as airport transfers, parking fees, and local taxes. These costs may be relatively small, but they can add up over the course of your trip.

Pro tip: It’s always a good idea to have some extra cash on hand for unexpected expenses or emergencies. While credit cards are widely accepted in Bora Bora, having some cash in the local currency (CFP Franc) can be useful for small vendors or establishments that may not accept cards.

Total Cost Calculation

Now that we’ve explored the various expenses involved in a 7-day trip to Bora Bora, let’s calculate the total cost, keeping in mind that prices are estimates and can vary depending on multiple factors.

Flight costs can range from $900 to $1,500 per person for round-trip flights from major U.S. cities to Papeete, Tahiti. Domestic flights from Papeete to Bora Bora typically range from $200 to $400 round trip.

In terms of accommodation, staying in an overwater bungalow can cost anywhere from $500 to $2,000 per night, while more budget-friendly options on land can range from $200 to $500 per night.

Transportation expenses can vary depending on whether you choose to use bicycles provided by the resort, hire taxis boats for island hopping at an approximate cost of $20 to $50 per person, or rent a car or scooter, which can range from $30 to $70 per day.

The cost of activities and excursions will depend on your choices. Snorkeling or diving tours can range from $50 to $150 per person, while guided tours and sunset cruises can range from $50 to $200 per person.

For dining and food expenses, expect to spend around $30 to $100 per person for meals at resort restaurants, or opt for local eateries and food trucks for more budget-friendly options at around $10 to $20 per meal.

Additionally, consider miscellaneous expenses such as shopping and souvenirs, tipping, internet access fees, and incidental expenses, which can add up to a few hundred dollars depending on your preferences.

By adding up these estimated costs and factoring in any travel insurance premiums, the total cost of a 7-day trip to Bora Bora can range from approximately $3,000 to $10,000 per person, or even higher for those seeking a more luxurious experience.

Remember that these numbers are just estimates and can vary based on various factors such as travel dates, accommodation choices, activity preferences, and personal spending habits. It’s always a good idea to outline a budget that aligns with your priorities and make adjustments as necessary.

Pro tip: It’s advisable to keep track of your expenses during your trip and allocate some extra funds for unexpected costs or spontaneous activities that may arise.

Embarking on a 7-day trip to Bora Bora promises to be a magical experience filled with stunning landscapes, luxurious accommodations, and exciting activities. However, understanding the costs associated with this dream destination is essential for proper planning and budgeting.

From flights and accommodations to transportation, activities, dining, and miscellaneous expenses, there are several factors to consider when estimating the total cost of your trip. Prices can vary based on personal preferences, travel dates, and the level of luxury you seek.

On average, a 7-day trip to Bora Bora can range from approximately $3,000 to $10,000 per person or even higher for those looking for a more lavish getaway. It’s important to note that these figures are estimates and can be influenced by factors such as travel season, accommodation choices, and the activities you choose to participate in.

However, with careful planning and budgeting, it is possible to have a memorable and enjoyable trip within your desired price range. Consider exploring different options for flights, accommodations, and dining to find the best fit for your preferences and budget.

Whether you choose to indulge in a luxurious overwater bungalow or opt for more affordable accommodations on land, Bora Bora’s natural beauty and captivating charm will surely create lasting memories.

Remember to book your trip well in advance, take advantage of any deals or promotions, and consider travel insurance for added peace of mind. With proper preparation, your 7-day trip to Bora Bora will be a dream come true.

So start planning, pack your swimsuit, and get ready for an extraordinary adventure in the paradise that is Bora Bora!


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InterContinental Bora Bora Le Moana Limited-Time Deal

5 nights with airfare from $3,439 per person*.

  • Daily Breakfast, Complimentary Dinner
  • Book by 6/3/24
  • Included Extras Valued at $600

Tahiti: InterContinental Bora Bora Le Moana Limited-Time Package

The legendary island of Bora Bora offers unsurpassed beauty and scenic adventure. Two white-sand beaches set the scene for the ultimate island escape. Individual, traditional Polynesian bungalow suites are located on the beach or over the lagoon, allowing guests to feel at home with the landscape.

All-inclusive round-trip airfare on Air Tahiti Nui includes one free checked bag, inflight entertainment, a choice of meals and alcoholic beverages, a pillow, a blanket, and an amenity kit at every seat, at no additional cost.

Vacation Package Details

Included extras.

Five nights for the price of three (reflected in price, valid for travel 11/1/24 - 12/19/24 and 1/4/25 - 3/31/25)

Daily buffet breakfast

Complimentary nightly two-course dinner for two (a $120 value per day)♦

Unlimited internet access

Special amenity for honeymoon couples (proof of marriage within 12 months of travel date is required at check-in)

Welcome lei greeting

Included Extras Value

Included Extras above valued at $600 for a five-night stay

Executive Member Benefit

Executive Members receive an annual 2% Reward, up to $1,000, on qualified Costco Travel purchases

One resort logo T-shirt and one Tahitian pareo at InterContinental Bora Bora Le Moana Resort (per room, per stay, 5 nights or more, valid for primary cardholder)

Vacation Includes

Round-trip economy class airfare from Los Angeles on Air Tahiti Nui

Round-trip inter-island airfare on Air Tahiti

Transportation to and from hotel

Five nights in a Lagoon-View Overwater Bungalow

Airfare and hotel taxes



trip cost to bora bora

InterContinental Bora Bora Le Moana Resort

Costco member reviews.

4.8 of 5 stars

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

This intimate resort is situated at Matira Point, which is renowned for its spectacular and enchanting beauty.

The Costco Star Rating assigned to each hotel is only intended as a guideline. The rating is based on information that has been compiled by Costco Travel buyers and might differ from other references.

Property offers the ultimate in elegance and sophistication, with highly personalized service and hospitality.

Property offers upscale design and decor, superior dining venues, manicured grounds, and a high level of service and hospitality.

Property offers above-average accommodations, service, comfort, facilities and grounds.

Property offers basic accommodations, decor, facilities and grounds.

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Available Dates & Prices

Please note that Air Tahiti Nui offers service on select days of the week. Other room categories and lengths of stay are available. The vacation shown is based on availability. The price and inclusions will vary based on the selected travel dates.

Terms & Conditions

Costco Travel recommends the purchase of insurance as an affordable way to cover your travel investment. Click on Travel Insurance below to view complete insurance information.

♦Dinner for the first two guests is complimentary. Dinner for any additional guest staying in the room will be included in the package rate.

*Unless otherwise stated, prices are per person, in U.S. dollars and based on double occupancy. Due to airfare and flight availability and/or currency fluctuation, price is subject to change. Fees for checked baggage may apply and vary by airline. For complete information, please visit the airline's website.

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trip cost to bora bora

5 Places To Travel That Are Just Like Bora Bora but Way Cheaper

B ora Bora is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. The island comes in at No. 2 on U.S. News & World’s Report’s list of Best Places to Visit for 2023-24.

But a trip to this luxurious island is hardly cheap. According to the estimates of Bora Bora Insider, you can expect to pay anywhere from $8,000 to $15,000.

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Surely, Bora Bora is a special place, with its soft white sand beaches, translucent blue waters and reputation as the “Romantic Island,” but it’s not the only place with such gorgeous wonders and relaxing scenery. If you’re on a frugal budget, you might want to consider visiting another equally enchanting island.

Let’s look at five island vacation destinations that are quite similar to Bora Bora, but much more affordable . 

Fiji, a fellow popular vacation spot and fave honeymoon destination, is an excellent alternative to Bora Bora. It also has white sand beaches and clean, aqua waters. We’d be amiss to describe this as a “cheap” place to visit, but it is generally more affordable than Bora Bora. According to Budget Your Trip , a one-week trip to Fiji typically costs around $1,205 per person. This price tag includes accommodation, food, local transportation and sightseeing.

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Moorea, French Polynesia

Like Bora Bora, Moorea is part of French Polynesia’s Society Islands archipelago. It’s a great spot for people looking to snorkel and scuba dive, or just soak up the sun in idyllic beach scenery. Budget Your Trip estimates that a one-week trip to this captivating island averages $2,302, which includes accommodation, food, local transportation and sightseeing.


The Maldives, a tropical oasis in the Indian Ocean, is similar to Bora Bora in that it has overwater villas, shimmering clear lagoons and sugar-white sand beaches. But it’s generally a less expensive island getaway. According to Budget Your Trip, a one-week trip to the Maldives for a couple averages $4,244 and includes accommodation, food, local transportation and sightseeing.


Famous for its vibrant rainforests, lush waterfalls and pristine beaches, Jamaica is another tropical paradise that rivals Bora Bora but is cheaper to visit. Budget Your Trip estimates that a one-week trip to Jamaica for two costs $1,713, on average, and that includes accommodation, food, local transportation and sightseeing. 

Ksamil, Albania

Never heard of Ksamil, Albania? It’s time to get acquainted. Like Bora Bora, it’s famous for its white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. It’s also one of the most affordable beach destinations in Europe, period. A one-week trip to Albania for two averages $1,125, a price tag that includes accommodation, food, local transportation and sightseeing, according to Budget Your Trip.

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This article originally appeared on : 5 Places To Travel That Are Just Like Bora Bora but Way Cheaper

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    Bora Bora Trip Cost Overview. Overall, a trip to Bora Bora for two should cost, with flights, meals, and accommodations, a minimum of $6,000 for 5 nights. A trip for $10,000 will get a package with flights and modest accommodations. Once you get to $12000 you start getting into the area of affording the iconic overwater bungalows and this only ...

  10. Bora Bora Trip Cost: A Comprehensive Guide to Plan Your Dream Vacation

    A round-trip flight from Los Angeles to Bora Bora can range from $1,200 to $2,500 or more, depending on the airline and the time of year. From other major cities in the United States, such as New York or Chicago, prices can range from $1,500 to $3,000 or more. Cheap Flights to Bora Bora. Flights from New York to Bora Bora.

  11. Is Bora Bora Expensive? Full Cost Breakdown For A Vacation In Bora Bora

    The average cost for a week-long vacation in Bora Bora is around $11,000 for two people. The above price includes a stay in an overwater bungalow. If you stay in a regular hotel instead then the average cost drops to around $7,900 for two people. Me and my boyfriend personally ended up spending $11,534 on our Bora Bora trip.

  12. Bora Bora Cost Guide: Everything You Need to Know in 2023

    Flights to Bora Bora might be very pricey as a result. A round-trip ticket from the United States to Bora Bora typically costs between $1,500 and $2,000. The time of year, the airline, and the place of departure can all affect this price. Booking well in advance is the best way to get a good deal on flights.

  13. Bora Bora Prices: How Much is a Trip to Bora Bora in 2023?

    Cost: Expect the cost to be around 350$ to 400$ for a round trip. Layovers: There are flights from Tahiti to Bora Bora all day long. 50% of them directs. The other 50% may do quick stops (no more than 15 minutes) in other islands nearby Bora Bora. You won't have to step off the plane.

  14. Your Guide To How Much For A Trip To Bora Bora

    A stay at a five-star over-water property like the Four Seasons Bora Bora can cost around $1,900 per night for two in the low season, climbing to $2,500 in the high season. A beachfront villa like Fare Ahuna goes for $2,300 for two in high season and $573 in low.

  15. How Much Does A Trip To Bora Bora Cost? A Complete Guide

    Travel cost aggregator Champion Traveler estimates that a trip to Bora Bora should be anything upwards of $5,710 per couple, per week. That might seem high, but it includes everything from flights to hotels, food to activities. Of course, those who come here seeking the peak of luxury will pay more.

  16. Bora Bora Guide: Planning Your Trip

    A trip to a supermarket in Vaitape can reduce dependence on resort dining (mini fridges are standard in many resort bungalows). Substantial baguette sandwiches, take-out Asian dishes, salads, and snacks can all be found for reasonable prices. Cocktails are also expensive on Bora Bora (at one ultra-luxe resort, each cocktail on the menu is $40).

  17. Tips to keep Bora Bora trip costs low

    How to Travel Bora Bora on a Budget - Tips to keep Bora Bora trip costs low. Last Updated August 23, 2022 William Tang

  18. Bora Bora Vacation Packages

    Tahiti: Hilton Tahiti and Four Seasons 8-Night Package. Daily Breakfast on Bora Bora. Two-Island Package, Flights from Seattle. Complimentary Wi-Fi. 8 Nights with Airfare from $5,979 Per Person*.

  19. Bora Bora: 32 Things You NEED To Know Before You Go

    The domestic flight from Tahiti to Bora Bora typically costs between $300 and $500 per person for a round-trip ticket. However, there are ways on how to find cheap flight tickets . ACCOMMODATIONS: the luxury and overwater bungalows can cost anywhere from $500 to over $2,000 per night.

  20. $156 Cheap Flights to Bora Bora

    Bora Bora Travel Guide Hotels in Bora Bora Things to do in Bora Bora Car Rentals in Bora Bora Bora Bora Vacation Packages. $156 Cheap Flights to Bora Bora. Bundle Your Flight + Hotel & Save! Roundtrip; One-way; Multi-city; 1 traveler. Travelers. Adults. Children Ages 2 to 17 Infants ...

  21. A Beginner's Guide To How To Get To Bora Bora

    FrenchBee is a new low cost carrier that flies direct to Tahiti from San Francisco 3 times a week Wed, Fri, Sun) Below is a list of the average flight times to Tahiti from major cities across the world: 22 hours from Paris, France. 8 hours from Los Angeles, USA. 8 hours from San Francisco, USA.

  22. Bora Bora Vacation Packages All inclusive 2024

    Book your Bora Bora All-Inclusive Vacation Package now! FREE cancellation on select hotels Bundle your flight + hotel & save up to 100% off your flight with Expedia. ... Choose one or more items to build your trip: Stay added. Flight added. Add a car. 1 room, 2 travelers. Travelers. Room 1. Adults. Children Ages 2 to 17 Infants Younger than 2 ...

  23. How Much Would a 7-Day Trip to Bora Bora Cost

    By adding up these estimated costs and factoring in any travel insurance premiums, the total cost of a 7-day trip to Bora Bora can range from approximately $3,000 to $10,000 per person, or even higher for those seeking a more luxurious experience.

  24. InterContinental Bora Bora Le Moana Limited-Time Deal

    Costco Travel Vacations, Travel, All-Inclusive Vacations, All Inclusive Resorts and Vacation ... InterContinental Bora Bora Le Moana Limited-Time Package ... and an amenity kit at every seat, at no additional cost. Vacation Package Details. Included Extras. Five nights for the price of three (reflected in price, valid for travel 11/1/24 - 12/19 ...

  25. 5 Places To Travel That Are Just Like Bora Bora but Way Cheaper

    Bora Bora is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. The island comes in at No. 2 on U.S. News & World's Report's list of Best Places to Visit for 2023-24. But a trip to this...