Assassin’s Creed: Unity guide - where to find Nostradamus Enigma collectibles

Assassin's Creed: Unity's elusive Nostradamus Enigma collectibles are easily gathered when you already know where to look.


Assassin’s Creed: Unity guide - Nostradamus Enigma collectibles locations

As you wander Assassin's Creed: Unity you may have noticed strange glowing symbols on various buildings when you use Eagle Vision. On their own they don't need much, but pick up one of the many Nostradamus Enigma side missions nearby and you'll have a chance to turn them into something special.

Once you collect all the pieces of a Nostradamus Engima you'll receive a Fragment - a piece of a key to a cage in the basement of the Cafe Theatre. This cage holds the armour of Thomas de Carneillon, the master assassin who led King Phillip to purge the Templars; you may remember that from the opening sequence.

The outfit can be worn over your regular armour like any other, and looks pretty cool - look at those throwing knives! It should be a part of any completionist's dress-ups collection, so lets find them all. When you've finished all the missions, visit the final page of this guide to find out how to cash the Fragments in.

To start a Nostradamus Engima mission, head for an icon like a scroll and accept the mission. Check the mission title and compare it to the titles on this list for best results; we've also included the words of the riddles to make it easier to identify which mission you're on.

You may need to trek around the map in order to find all the symbols for a given Nostradamus Enigma. Remember, if you scroll around the mini map you can see the names of various locations and districts - switch off non-essential markers using the filter to make it easier.

Saturnus/Constellatio #3

Riddle 1 I wield two blades, Flanked by Justice and Law. I strike true and fair, hour by hour, For monarchs and peasants alike. Solution: Check the clock in the lle de la Cite region, on the Boulevard du Palais.

Riddle 2 Encircled by 24 petals of light, Our Lady of the Rose watches, silent as stone, O’er believers below. Look to the Lady lit by the setting sun. Look to the blossoming rose Solution: This one is inside Notre Dame. Head to the western side and look for the window with a rose pattern. It's at the base.

Riddle 3 Stay with Our Lady, standing between flowing waters. Count one for each book of the Pentateuch from rose to transept. Five arches, five wide-open eyes, five nightmares. The last sits atop our treasure: The gate to the infinite. Solution: This one is also in Notre Dame. It's on the top floor, near the fifth arch.

Leo/Astri #4

Riddle 1 Above the dark shadows Of the erstwhile bastion, The tall square Sentinel silently watches The 9th month spill his blood. Solution: From the mission marker, head south west to find the Grand Chatelet. The symbol is at the top of the square tower.

Riddle 2 The martyrs of Herod, In their ageless temple, Haunt the alchemist’s tones, With their macabre, soundless dance. Solution: Head on over to the Cemetery of the Holy Innocents and look for a charming mural in the south gallery. The symbol is here.

Riddle 3 In the Belly of the World, The Saint of the Holy Stag Still waits for his Austral hand To reach the godly heavens. Solution: Look at the south west bell tower of the nearby church - Eglise St. Eustache.

Capricorn/Vaporis #6

Riddle 1 Erudite Rulers of thy façade Stone-faced before the blood of executions One day you will quiver and quake As your insides blaze in fury. Solution: This one is on the Hotel de Ville, just above the triangular stone pediment above the entrance.

Riddle 2 “A ça ira, ça ira, ça ira,” will resound, A dire Twist of fate, To dispel darkness no more Now to break the necks of many. Solution: There's a dead body hanging from a lantern in front of Hotel de Ville. The symbol is at the base of the lantern.

Riddle 3: Orphan tower, what has become of the rest? The start of a pilgrim’s journey. Shreds of memories hang from the chimeras beaks: This one, pressure of the atmosphere. The other, alchemy. Solution: You'll need to get the top of the western tower at Tour St. Jacques for this one.

Virgo/Astri #2

Riddle 1 In the Sanctuary of Sins, Light and shadow dance, And the Ignoble Nobleman Defines his actions with his name. Solution: This could only mean the Marquis de Sade. One of his old houses stands slightly East of the Cour des Miracles, so check the first floor for the symbol.

Riddle 2 Lying in the filth, The fallen Godly symbol Lights the heresies Of the False King’s Court. Solution: Back at the Cour des Miracles, take a good look around the wooden cross lying on the ground.

Riddle 3 The familiar cross-road, Where decadence is sold. The sadness of the seller, Obscured by rouge. Solution: You need to find a crossroads just south of Cour des Miracles. It's very close to where the landmark icon appears on the map.

Aries/Vaporis #3

Riddle 1 A once-Auguste palace Become a shelter for the beautiful, The days of sovereigns tick along, Up to, but not beyond, Louis. Solution: To the Louvre! The symbol is on the clock above the courtyard on the west side.

Riddle 2 By the spirit of Égalité The Citoyen is welcome in a royal garden Where the mighty Helios ignites daily Man’s most destructive power. Solution: Visit the Palais Royal Gardens and look for the cannon just behind the central statue.

Riddle 3 From the stones of a fortress breached, A Concord built to span the divide From where the minds of men gather To where their necks are severed. Solution: Stand right in the middle of the Pont de la Concorde - that's the bridge between the Palais Bourbon and the guillotine at Place de la Concorde.

More Nostradamus Engima solutions await you on the next page.

Libra/Vaporis #7

Riddle 1 Palace once divided, united by the fourth Henry. Stone Couples salute their doomed King For his final walk along the trees, King once united, divided by People’s will. Solution: Climb to the small ledge between the two statues at the entrance to the Tuileries Palace.

Riddle 2 Last Ray from the Sun He lost a son and parted from another. Cobblers, soldiers, statesmen and whoresons, Cheer the window’s close, blotting out the sun. Solution: This symbol is on the ground to the east of the guillotine at Place de la Concorde. The crowd needs to be shoved out of the way.

Riddle 3 The Magdalen looks towards Death And watches the precession, unblinking, And thus unmoved, she keeps her back Toward the Interment of her King. Solution: Not a hard on, this. It's on the wall of a small tomb in the graveyard behind the Church of Madeleine.

Venus/Astri #3

Riddle 1 Built in tribute to the Sun, A square resplendent in nobility Three colors brightens four walls Now bedecked with liberty. Solution: In Place Vendome, look for the statue holding the French Tricolor Flag. The symbol is on the ground just behind it.

Riddle 2 Those wishing to enter Elysium’s Fields Must first pay the Farmers their toll To pass through the Western Gate Where Triumph will soon stand tall. Solution: Look for an overturned cart at the western end of the Champs-Élysées. The symbol is by a lamp post a short distance away.

Riddle 3 A most Magnificent tower, His great grand-daughter fashioned To surveil her subjects and the heavens ‘Twixt Sun and Earth encaged in iron. Solution: You remember that building you set on fire? That's the Medici's Tower. The symbol is near a ladder leading to an iron cage on a tower.

Terra/Constellation #2

Riddle 1 Hedged in her garden, A wingéd-warrior stands, Unmoving and unmoved, At the cross’s very heart. Solution: From the mission starting point, look east to spot a statue of an angle holding a spear, The symbol is on it.

Riddle 2 Forever more, The warrior fights her ceaseless battle. She takes aim, her steady spear Poised against the demons. Solution: Hey so remember that angel with the spear? Just follow the direction the spear points and climb up the wall of the church; the symbol is right by a gargoyle on the roof.

Riddle 3 To be punished or to be amused, The green heritage of Daedalus Sees the lofty Bishop looming Over the resting Rook. Solution: From the gargoyle, go North and climb the tower shaped like a Chess rook (or castle) to find the symbol on the roof.

Aquarius/Vaporis #5

Riddle 1 The Poor fellow-soldiers of Christ, Atop their Stone Dungeon, Marked their allegiance In Jerusalem’s Direction. Solution: Climb the Temple's eastern tower; the symbol is on the wall near the top.

Riddle 2: At the source of life, The Full-Moon shaped basin Quenches the thirst Of Solomon’s defenders. Solution: There's a fountain just outside the Temple, and the symbol is on the ground beside it.

Riddle 3 In the entrails of the Earth, Between the twin flames, Lies The Final resting place Of the first Grand Master. Solution: Go underground in the Temple grounds to visit the crypts. You need to slide underneath a wooden structure and make it to a sarcophagus with the symbol on it.

Scorpio/Constellation #4

Riddle 1 At the foot of the Saint Twin Brothers, The Tree of Justice Plunges its ancient roots, Scarred by heavenly wrath Solution: The first symbol is in the building where you pick up the mission, the Church of Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais. It's at the foot of a tree to the west.

Riddle 2 Sanctuary of Bishops by birth, Stronghold of knowledge for life, The stoney edifice Fools the senses by its name. Solution: Head east to the Hotel de Sens; the symbol is near the top of the structure's only tower.

Riddle 3 A square with shifting name, Replaced a field where sovereign Was felled from horse. Now arches enclose trees Where a bronze horseman waits. Solution: Place des Vosges is north of the last symbol, and is home to an equestrian statue with a symbol located right under its nose.

Mercurius/Constellation #1

Riddle 1 The lady of the domicile Judges comings and goings From her couch-like throne At the top of the stair. Solution: This one takes place inside the Cafe Theatre - your headquarters. Climb the main stairway and find the symbol on a portrait of a woman.

Riddle 2 Lowly sinners, as each we are, Aspire to the domed heav’ns. Fickle fate points beyond, Where a supine city Beckons. Solution: Climb to the very top of the Cafe Thjeatre and find the symbol right by the weathervane. That's the chicken thing that shows you which way the wind is blowing, you Internet child, you.

Mars/Astri #1

Riddle 1 In a peaceful field sewn with stones A wingéd watcher waits. Her gentle gaze graces all souls, Follow to the resting place. Solution: Visit the graveyard to the north of Notre Dame and look for an angel; follow its gaze to the tomb in front of it, where the symbol awaits.

Riddle 2 Notre Dame Cathedral looks over her daughters, One snuggled between dame and Sainte-Chapelle. There, the face of the Son watches o’er his flock. Solution: You're looking for a small church between Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle; you'll know you have the right one because the French flag is displayed by the door. The symbol is near the Christ carving by the main gate.

Riddle 3 Beyond a Dauphine, the blue ribbons Diverge, making way for man and beast. An assassin’s victim struck a shrewd bargain To acquire a city. The treasure lies beneath the mount. Solution: There's a statue of Henri VI near a fork in the river by the Place Dauphine. It's on the pedestal.

Jupiter/Vaporis #2

Riddle 1 On the palace where, Bourbon’s daughter lived. The assembly meets on, A bridge facing South. Solution: Just above a wooden bench above the southern gate of Palais Bourbon.

Riddle 2: Rich and poor face, The wheel of time. Travel South to cross, The water of River Styx. Solution: Head south from Palais Bourbon until you find a waterhweel. the symbol is on a tumbled down wall nearby.

Riddle 3 Across the wall, On the other side. Souls cross the bridge, To Southlands beyond. Solution: From the waterhweel, head southeast to find a bridge. Continue down the rider to the next bridge, where the symbol sits smack in the middle.

Taurus/Astri #5

Riddle 1 Sending signals through air, Made of wood and rope, Chappe’s friends took note. Solution: This one is right by the mission start point; just look for the wooden building by the bridge, and search near the upright beam.

Riddle 2 All men must walk, Through gates that lead, To the fields of War. Solution: Some of these riddles are mad obscure and others are just wince-worthy. The symbol is on the middle pillar of the gates to the Champ de Mars.

Riddle 3 False idols celebrate, On stage they entertain. Supreme is the Being, Who calls himself so. Solution: This is a reference to Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being, and the symbol is on the stage where it was held.

Riddle 4 Schooled minds guide, The tides of battles. Over the shoulders of angels, They watch the fields of War. Solution: Visit the École Militaire and look at the two statues at the front. The symbol is just below.

Gemini/Vaporis #4

Riddle 1 At the edge of the capital In the shadow of the wall The swamp of sorrows Burns the outcast’s fire. Solution: Head to the southeast corner of the map. It's on the ground in a swampy area, and near a chest. I hope you remember where it was.

Riddle 2 Where the dead rest, Stone eyes watch. Vigilant guardians, In death as in life. Solution: Look to the east side of the fountain in the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière’s courtyard.

Riddle 3 In the fetid muck Where the dark stream meets Her flowing mother You will find your goal At the foot of the old tower. Solution: This is a bit tricky. Go to the border between Saint-Jacques and Saint-Marcel and look for a tower where twobranches of the river meet. The symbol is at its base.

Pisces/Vaporis #1

Riddle 1 On the hill of St. Genevieve, I have a Roman face. Clarion angels glide to A peak on my North side. Solution: This one's on the Pantheon. Climb the northern face and look for the triangular stonework above the entrance. There's a passage of sorts just behind here, and the symbol is inside it.

Riddle 2 Like a halo you seek, Rings within rings High atop the edifice, The city lies below. Solution: Again on the Pantheon, go to the circle of columns on the roof and search around the southern end.

Riddle 3 Pillars support my face, Hold the nation’s dreams. Square, not round, they, Sit out of sight. Solution: Still at the Pantheon. This one's at ground level, on the eastern side, where a passage is bordered by pillars.

Riddle 4 My purpose changed, I watch; high in the nave. As secular heroes enter, To replace those of heaven. Solution: Inside the Pantheon now, and look for a painting. It's most easily found by searching near the rope crossing the upper reaches of the room.

Riddle 5 The remains of fame, Lie amidst stale air. The most famous of all, The tomb of Voltaire. Solution: Are we done yet? Inside the Pantheon, go down stairs and into the western tombs. One tomb in particular is under guard by two fellows; get rid of them and find the symbol inside the tomb.

Cancer/Astri #6

Riddle 1 On a Church that will stand, For a thousand years or more. Three spires reach to heaven, The truth lies on the tallest one. Solution: Climb to the tallest peak of St. Germain Churchand look for a round platform; the symbol is here.

Riddle 2 In the playground of the wealthy, Assembled by the Medici clan. The grand foyer will transport, To the highest social ranks. Solution: It's on the floor with a compass pattern in the foyer of the Palais du Luxembourg.

Riddle 3 The font of knowledge, Plaything of angels. In the garden of life, Man first learned Sin. Solution: Just south of the palace you'll find the Luxembourg Gardens, where a symbol awaits you on the ground by a fountain.

Riddle 4 Beneath your feet, The rich hide their secrets. The sundial counts days spent, Amidst the worms and bones. Solution: You'll have to get into the catacombs below the Luxembourg Gardens to find this one, near some candles at the far end of the tunnel.

Sagittarius/Constellation #5

Riddle 1 Great minds reach for heaven, Men of the South gaze North, Four Nations seek the truth. Solution: Visit the Collège des Quatre Nations and look on the top of the southern wall.

Riddle 2 Where the sun rises on, The face of Robert’s School. Eyes turn upward to the sky, From a domed peak. Solution: This one's between some windows at the very top of the Observatory on the eastern side of the Sorbonne.

Riddle 3 Far from the river, Those men who observe, Gaze up at the stars. Solution: Yes, it's the Paris Observatory. Get yourself to the south of the city and look for the telescope on the roof of the southwest wing. the symbol rests at its foot.

Now that you have the key, learn what to do with it - it's more complex than you think.

When you have completed every Nostradamus Enigma, you need to head down to the basement of the Cafe Theatre and solve three more puzzles. Note that you can solve the first and second puzzles when you have four and ten Fragments respectively, but you'll need all 18 to get the outfit.

The Cella Constellatio

Bring four fragments to the basement of the Cafe Theatre and interact with the central pedestal.

The initial puzzle isn't too hard - all you need to do is pair symbols, and the walls show you which goes with which.

Once you've solved the puzzle you'll be rewarded by the appearance of an opening in the wall above the puzzle room. Climb on up near the entrance and then across the handholds on the pillar to reach it, then pull the lever to open the first lock on the cage.

The Cella Astri

With ten Fragments in hand, go back to the Cafe Theatre basement and once again interact with the central pedestal. This will open a passage to a new room, where a second puzzle awaits you.

In this one, you've got to use a series of three switched to bring planets into the correct position, lined up with their pictures on the floor.

Each switch moves a section of planets the planets in a particular direction, so you cna sue simple logic to solve the puzzle. If you hate simple logic, just uses the switches in this order: left, left, left, middle, right, right, right.

Completing this puzzle opens another door to a lever for removing a layer of the cage, so go do that.

The Cella Vaporis

Now that you have all 18 Fragments, return to the central pedestal and interact with it to open a long passage.

This "puzzle" is a climbing challenge to reach a balcony with a lever. There's only one correct path, and steam will jet at various intervals, so be careful and master the wall eject to get out of trouble if you make mistakes.

There's no further puzzles; just pull the lever and get back to the main room, where your sweet, sweet prize awaits you.

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Database: Tour St. Jacques

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ACUDB - Tour Saint-Jacques

When the Church of Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie was torn down, it was decided to preserve one of its flamboyant towers (built under the reign of Francis I ), now known as the Tour de St. Jacques . There are no ornamental decorations around its base since it was formerly inside the nave, and therefore not visible. The original church was a starting point for the religious pilgrimage to Santiage de Compostela . The alchemist Nicolas Flamel was originally buried under the floor of the church. The remaining tower is also a monument to science since this is where the mathematician and inventor Blaise Pascal conducted experiments concerning atmospheric pressure in 1648.

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Assassin's Creed Unity: Nostradamus Enigma - Vaporis, Pisces, Jupiter, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra

Our complete guide to solving the Nostradamus Enigmas in Assassin's Creed Unity will help you unlock your shiny new set of armour in no time.

The final part of our guide to the Nostradamus Enigmas that are scattered around Assassin's Creed Unity explains how to find all of the Vaporis riddles.

12. Pisces / Vaporis #1

Riddle 12-1: " On the hill of St. Genevieve, / I have a Roman face. / Clarion angels glide to / A peak on my North side. "

There's a triangular bit on the roof of the Pantheon. The symbol's in the passage here.

Riddle 12-2: "Like a halo you seek, / Rings within rings / High atop the edifice, / The city lies below."

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On the south side of the columns circling the Pantheon's roof.

Riddle 12-3: "Pillars support my face, / Hold the nation's dreams. / Square, not round, they, / Sit out of sight."

Go to the ground level of the Pantheon's eastern side. The symbol's on the floor by the raised section with pillars.

Riddle 12-4: "My purpose changed, / I watch; high in the nave. / As secular heroes enter, / To replace those of heaven."

Go into the Pantheon and look for a painting by a dome. The symbol can now be easily found with your Eagle Vision.

Riddle 12-5: "The remains of fame, / Lie amidst stale air. / The most famous of all, / The tomb of Voltaire."

Go downstairs and enter the tombs in the west section of the Pantheon. The symbol's inside the tomb being guarded by a pair of soldiers.

13. Jupiter / Vaporis #2

Riddle 13-1: " On the palace where, / Bourbon's daughter lived. / The assembly meets on, / A bridge facing South. "

Above a wooden bench on the south gate of Palais Bourbon.

Riddle 13-2: "Rich and poor face, / The wheel of time. / Travel South to cross, / The water of River Styx."

On the wall of a broken waterwheel south of Palais Bourbon.

Riddle 13-3: "Across the wall, / On the other side. / Souls cross the bridge, / To Southlands beyond."

Find the bridge south-east of the last symbol. Follow the river to the next bridge along and get the symbol from the middle of it.

14. Aries / Vaporis #3

Riddle 14-1: "A once-Auguste palace / Become a shelter for the beautiful, / The days of sovereigns tick along, / Up to, but not beyond, Louis."

Go to the little clock above the courtyard in the Louvre (west of the landmark).

Riddle 14-2: "By the spirit of Égalité / The Citoyen is welcome in a royal garden / Where the mighty Helios ignites daily / Man's most destructive power."

You'll find this next symbol on a cannon in the Palais Royal Gardens, behind the statue in the middle.

Riddle 14-3: "From the stones of a fortress breached, / A Concord built to span the divide / From where the minds of men gather / To where their necks are severed."

Go to the centre of the bridge between Palais Bourbon and the guillotine and use your Eagle Vision.

15. Gemini / Vaporis #4

Riddle 15-1: " At the edge of the capital / In the shadow of the wall / The swamp of sorrows / Burns the outcast's fire. "

Near the chest on the ground of the swamp area that lies along the south-eastern edge of Paris.

Riddle 15-2: "Where the dead rest, / Stone eyes watch. / Vigilant guardians, / In death as in life."

On the ground just to the east of the fountain in the Hopital de la Salpetriere's courtyard.

Riddle 15-3: "In the fetid muck / Where the dark stream meets / Her flowing mother / You will find your goal / At the foot of the old tower."

Go to the northern-most bit of the section between Saint-Marcel and Saint-Jacques. The symbol's at the foot of the tower where the river merges.

16. Aquarius / Vaporis #5

Riddle 16-1: " The Poor fellow-soldiers of Christ, / Atop their Stone Dungeon, / Marked their allegiance / In Jerusalem's Direction. "

On the wall towards the top of the Temple's eastern tower.

Riddle 16-2: "At the source of life, / The Full-Moon shaped basin / Quenches the thirst / Of Solomon's defenders."

Find the next symbol on the ground by the Temple fountain.

Riddle 16-3: "In the entrails of the Earth, / Between the twin flames, / Lies The Final resting place / Of the first Grand Master."

Go in the Temple crypts via the graveyard, then use your Eagle Vision on the sarcophagus inside the wooden structure.

17. Capricorn / Vaporis #6

Riddle 17-1: "Erudite Rulers of thy façade / Stone-faced before the blood of executions / One day you will quiver and quake / As your insides blaze in fury."

Look for this symbol above the entrance of the Hotel de Ville.

Riddle 17-2: ""A ça ira, ça ira, ça ira," will resound, / A dire Twist of fate, / To dispel darkness no more / Now to break the necks of many."

There's a lantern just in front of the Hotel de Ville. Look at the ground towards the base of this lantern.

Riddle 17-3: "Orphan tower, what has become of the rest? / The start of a pilgrim's journey. / Shreds of memories hang from the chimeras beaks: / This one, pressure of the atmosphere. The other, alchemy."

Climb the tower that's just to the west of Tour St. Jacques and look for the symbol at the top.

18: Libra / Vaporis #7

Riddle 18-1: "Palace once divided, united by the fourth Henry. / Stone Couples salute their doomed King / For his final walk along the trees, / King once united, divided by People's will."

Make your way to the pair of statues by the entrance to the Tuileries Palace and take the symbol from the ledge between them.

Riddle 18-2: "Last Ray from the Sun / He lost a son and parted from another. / Cobblers, soldiers, statesmen and whoresons, / Cheer the window's close, blotting out the sun."

Go to the guillotine at Place de la Concorde, then look on the ground to the east of the guillotine.

Riddle 18-3: "The Magdalen looks towards Death / And watches the precession, unblinking, / And thus unmoved, she keeps her back / Toward the Interment of her King."

Find this last symbol on a mausoleum wall in the the graveyard at the Church of Madeleine.

Go back to the first page for the rest of our Nostradamus Enigma guide

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AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat - Murder Mystery Guide

Home » Assassin's Creed Unity » AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat – Murder Mystery Guide

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat

Marat’s House – Clues (6/6)

  • MARAT’S HOUSE – List of Girondin traitors
  • MARAT’S HOUSE – Empty Bottle of tonic
  • MARAT’S HOUSE – Bloody knife
  • MARAT’S HOUSE – The Friend of the People
  • MARAT’S HOUSE – Statement of Jacques-Louis David
  • MARAT’S HOUSE – Letter from Charlotte Corday

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean Paul Marat Marat's House

Street – Clues (3/3)

  • STREET – Statement of Chantelle Naves
  • STREET – Statement of Madeline Leclair
  • STREET – Statement of Jacqueline Perel

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean Paul Marat Street

Apothecary Stall – Clues (1/1)

  • APOTHECARY STALL – Statement of the apothecary

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat Apothecary Stall

Merchant Stall – Clues (2/2)

  • MERCHANT STALL – Providence Hotel Handbill
  • MERCHANT STALL – Statement of the merchant

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat Merchant Stall

Sewer – Clues (2/2)

  • SEWER – Letter from Simmone Evrard
  • SEWER – Corpse

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean Paul Marat Sewer

Hotel – Clues (2/2)

  • HOTEL – Plutarch’s Parallel Lives
  • HOTEL – Letter from Charlotte Corday

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat Hotel

Prison – Clues (5/5)

  • PRISON – Statement of Charlotte Corday
  • PRISON – Statement of Jasper Lasalle
  • PRISON – Statement of Simmone Evrard
  • PRISON – Statement of Albertine Marat
  • PRISON – Statement of Theron Brignac

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat Prison

Shop – Clues (1/1)

  • SHOP – Statement of Dominique Buches

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat Shop

Accuse the Murderer

AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat Accuse the Murderer


Leo nostradamus enigma start location

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Honestly, it felt like she was trying to take the fall for the crime, like that other guy in the pen.

She pretty much admits it was her before accusing her 😀

Thx! Great help

solid effort very helpful thanks XD

Screen Rant

Assassin's creed: the 9 best places to visit in unity.


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Released in 2014, Assassin's Creed Unity is the eighth entry in the mega-popular action-adventure gaming franchise. Set primarily in the city of Paris during a fictionalized version of the French Revolution, the game follows the millennia-long battle between assassins and the Templars who fight to control the City of Lights. Players control an unnamed assassin tasked with finding the corpse of an 18th-century Templar located somewhere in the city.

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Along the player's quest, some of the most gorgeous architectural marvels are on display, including ornate cathedrals, royal palaces, underground meeting places, opulent museums, looming city towers, and a whole lot more.

Palace Of Versailles/Hall Of Mirrors

Located 20 kilometers southwest of Paris, the Palace of Versailles is one of the first must-see destinations in the beloved Ubisoft game . Players start their journey in Versailles, where one of the largest and most ornate royal palaces ever built is located.

Originally a hunting lodge for King Louis XIII, the palace was expanded to become an architectural marvel, serving as a political and cultural hub for over 100 years. The interior houses the iconic Hall of Mirrors, a stunningly baroque gallery meant to signify the King's opulence. Aside from the tourist attraction, the location becomes key for Arno to help Elise retrieve a stolen watch.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Just as any real-life tourist would, players in Unity must visit the iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral, one of the most celebrated architectural creations known to man. The Gothic-style church built in 1160 withstood scandal and vandalism throughout the tumultuous French Revolution.

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Aside from the visual splendor and historical import of the site, Notre Dame is where Arno assassinated Sivert and later found a clandestine laboratory beneath the structure. The lab also leads to underground passageways where artistic relics were stolen by the Templars.

Luxembourg Palace

Serving as the seat of the French Senate, Luxembourg Palace is a grand monument located in Paris that every Unity player should check out at least once. The royal residence of King Louis XII's mother, Marie de Medici, the sprawling structure was used as a prison and museum in the past before becoming the Senatorial center under Napoleon's direction.

Beyond the beauteous locale, Luxembourg Palace becomes a very important place in the game when Arno is tasked with assassinating Marie, thereby altering the course of history as it is now known.


As the hidden headquarters for the French Brotherhood of Assassins for centuries, Sainte-Chapelle could not be a more germane location to visit in Unity . The Gothic-style medieval church with stunning stained-glass interiors and extremely high ceilings is a true spectacle to behold in the stellar open-world of Paris, City of Lights .

Built as a museum to hold the sacred relics of King Louis IX, including Jesus Christ's Crown of Thorns, Sainte-Chapelle has more historical importance than many of the locations found in the game. Arno gains entry to the Brotherhood in the 1790s and learns the true fate of Mirabeau.

The Pantheon

Built along the left bank of the Sienne from 1755-1790, the Pantheon in Paris is one of the most venerable mass cemeteries the country has ever seen. Created as a shrine to Saint Genevieve, the Pantheon now functions as a gathering place for people to grieve and pay respects to fallen soldiers and countrymen.

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Such esteemed French luminaries as Voltaire, Marie Curie, Victor Hugo, and more are interred in The Pantheon, major contributors who helped shape Paris' rich culture. In the game, Arno must procure Mirabeau's stolen relics from a crypt beneath the monument.

Erected in the 14th-century, The Bastille is Paris' most famous fortress and prison that has a national holiday named after it. It was built during the Hundred Years War to safeguard the Porte Saint-Antoine and Saint-Pol Palace.

The Bastille plays a major role in the story, as Arno is wrongly accused of murder and sent to prison fairly early in the game. After escaping with Bellic, Arno is invited to join the Brotherhood of Assassins, which further advances the plot of the content-rich open-world game .


Built as a personal residence for Cardinal Richelieu in the 1630s, Palais-Royal now functions as one of Paris' most lavish museums. A cultural hub of art, commerce, food, drink, and illegal activity like gambling and prostitution, the area proved to be one of the most popular gathering places in Paris prior to the storming of the Bastille.

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Palais-Royal is not only a dazzling spectacle to tour in the game, but it also plays a key factor in the plot after Arno assassinates a high-ranking Templar and advanced the revolutions even further.

Eiffel Tower

Paris' most iconic landmark, the Eiffel Tower is a no-brainer tourist site worth seeing in the sprawling open-world video game . Built by Gustave Eiffel as a symbol of France's return to prominence during the Belle Epoque in 1889, the famous monument appears in the game in two different centuries (1899 and 1944).

While the location was built well after the French Revolution, it still serves as one of the city's most celebrated architectural monuments. To skip seeing it with a player's own eyes would make the game feel incomplete and rob gamers of the full Parisian experience.

Catacombs Of Paris

Chronologically speaking, the infamous Catacombs of Paris is one of the final places to visit in the game. Akin to saving the best for last, the subterranean labyrinth expands for miles beneath the city, providing an exhilarating path of peril each step of the way. A massive crypt, the area holds the remains of roughly 6 million people.

The game concludes when Arno is tasked with obtaining Germain's skeleton from the Temple and bringing it to the Catacombs to rest peacefully. The dark cavernous maze is an absolutely staggering area to tour in the game.

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  • Assassin's Creed (2016)


  1. Collectibles

    tour saint jacques assassin's creed unity

  2. Tour Saint-Jacques

    tour saint jacques assassin's creed unity

  3. Image

    tour saint jacques assassin's creed unity

  4. Tour Saint-Jacques

    tour saint jacques assassin's creed unity

  5. Side quests

    tour saint jacques assassin's creed unity

  6. Assassin's creed Unity

    tour saint jacques assassin's creed unity


  1. Assassin's Creed Unity: The Tournament

  2. Assassin's Creed Unity Jacobin Raid Sync Points Collectibles Guide

  3. Assassin's Creed: Unity Chests: Tuileries

  4. Assassin's Creed Unity Le Louvre Cockades Collectibles Guide

  5. Assassin's Creed Unity

  6. Assassin's Creed Unity


  1. Collectibles

    Map of Saint-Jacques - La Bievre - Chests, Ribbons, Nomad points and Artifact - Assassin's Creed: Unity. On the second floor, you climb across the window on the first floor, behind level 2 door, guarded. In the barn, on the upper floor. Outside, at the wall, guarded, level 3 lock.

  2. Saint-Jacques Tower

    The Saint-Jacques Tower (French: Tour Saint-Jacques) is a gothic tower in Paris, France. The tower was initially part of the Church of Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie, the starting point for the religious pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Nicolas Flamel, the patron of the building, was buried under the floor of the church following his death in the early 15th century. When the church was torn ...

  3. AC: Unity Map

    Assassin's Creed Unity Interactive Map - Collectibles, Viewpoints, Side Missions, Artifacts, Newspapers, Clues & more! Use the progress tracker to get 100%! Assassin's Creed Unity Maps. France. Assassin's Creed Unity Guides. 100% Checklist. Helix Rifts Murder Mysteries Nostradamus Enigmas ...

  4. Assassin's Creed Unity

    Assassin's Creed Unity. 100% Completion Checklist. Use this interactive checklist to get 100% completion in AC: Unity! ... Atop the Tour St. Jacques tower. Cockade: Cockade: Ventre de Paris: Location: On the platform inside the wooden structure. ... Saint-Jacques: District: La Bièvre: Difficulty 4/5. Locations: 1 Viewpoint; Café de la Bièvre ...

  5. AC: Unity Map

    Assassin's Creed Unity Interactive Map - Collectibles, Viewpoints, Side Missions, Artifacts, Newspapers, Clues & more! ... Franciade Basilica Cemetery Windmill Ile de la Cité Cité Île Saint-Louis Palais De Justice La Bièvre Panthéon Saint-Jacques Saint-Marcel Le Louvre Feydeau Tuileries Vendôme Le Marais Arsenal Marais Temple Le Quartier ...

  6. Side quests

    Map of Saint-Jacques - La Bievre - Paris Stories and Nostradamu Enigmas - Assassin's Creed: Unity. You take the quest from the paper page on the wall. Top floor, you climb across the window. The social club offers " Chouan Riddles ", " Bara's Funeral " and " With Forced Smile ".

  7. Assassin's Creed Unity

    Welcome. This video shows how to obtain all available collectibles in Le Bievre - Saint Jacques. If this video helped you in any way, please consider giving ...

  8. Assassin's Creed Unity || Collectibles: Saint Jacques || 100% ...

    =====Saint Jacques=====🎁 Chest #1 0:00🎁 Chest #2 1:04🎁 Chest #3 1:52🎁 Chest #4 2:51🎁 Chest #5 4:16🎁 Chest #6 5:14🎁 Chest #7 6:02🎁 Chest...

  9. Shops and viewpoints

    Map of Saint-Jacques - La Bievre - View Points, Shops and Important Places - Assassin's Creed: Unity. ... Saint-Jacques AC Unity Guide. Last update: 11 May 2016. 0. Post Comment. 19. 5. Next Maps and collectibles Saint-Jacques Collectibles Prev Maps and collectibles The Pantheon Side quests.

  10. Assassin's Creed Unity: All Chest Locations (Saint Jacques)

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  11. Assassin's Creed Unity 100% Sync Walkthrough

    Assassin's Creed Unity Free for PC, Ubisoft Donating in Honor of Notre-Dame - IGN News. 1:31. How Assassin's Creed Could Help Rebuild Notre Dame - IGN Now. 3:56. EVERY IGN Assassin's Creed ...

  12. Assassin's Creed: Unity guide

    On their own they don't need much, but pick up one of the many Nostradamus Enigma side missions nearby and you'll have a chance to turn them into something special. Once you collect all the pieces ...

  13. Database: Tour St. Jacques

    When the Church of Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie was torn down, it was decided to preserve one of its flamboyant towers (built under the reign of Francis I), now known as the Tour de St. Jacques. There are no ornamental decorations around its base since it was formerly inside the nave, and therefore not visible. The original church was a starting point for the religious pilgrimage to Santiage de ...

  14. Assassin's Creed Unity: Nostradamus Enigma

    Assassin's Creed Unity: 8 Most Important Changes to Assassin's CreedWatch on YouTube On the south side of the columns circling the Pantheon's roof. Riddle 12-3: "Pillars support my face, / Hold ...

  15. AC Unity The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat Murder Mystery

    The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat is one of the longest Assassin's Creed: Unity Murder Mysteries, because it consists of significant number of clues. The reward is proportional to the amount of work you put in. In addition to the main reward One-Handed sword - Messer you will get 2,500 Livres. This sword is described in game as: " The ...

  16. Assassin's Creed: The 9 Best Places To Visit In Unity

    Notre Dame Cathedral. Just as any real-life tourist would, players in Unity must visit the iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral, one of the most celebrated architectural creations known to man. The Gothic-style church built in 1160 withstood scandal and vandalism throughout the tumultuous French Revolution. RELATED: Assassin's Creed - 10 Memes That Sum ...

  17. ArtStation

    Early concept for Assassin's creed Unity TM&Copyright ©Ubisoft Entertainment. Follow me :

  18. Extortion Contortion

    To unlock this mission, renovate the Café de la Bievre social club in the Saint-Jacques, La Bievre district. The mission can be started at the top floor of the Café. ... Assassin's Creed Unity ...

  19. Assassin's Creed: Unity

    Assassin's Creed: Unity guide / mission walkthrough in full HD (1080p/60fps) with Full 100% Synchronization - Prologue - The Tragedy of Jacques de MolayAssas...

  20. Prologue: The Tragedy of Jacques De Molay

    Prologue: The Tragedy of Jacques De Molay. The game opens to a cut scene that acts as a trailer for Abstergo Entertainment's new home entertainment product, Helix, which allows players to live ...

  21. The Queens Necklace

    The contact can be found in the Saint-Jacques district (look for the green marker on the map/nav), lying wounded on the ground in a narrow walled off section behind a building. Find Renard's Agent

  22. Let 'Assassin's Creed Unity' take you on a virtual tour through Paris

    Well, now you're in luck, because as a promotion for the upcoming video game Assassin's Creed Unity, Ubisoft has released an interactive virtual map of 18th century Paris narrated by Andy Serkis.

  23. Assassin's Creed: Unity Chests: Saint Jasques

    Recorded with GeForce Shadow PlayFPS: 80-100 (G-Sync on)PC:☢CPU: Intel Core i7 - 6800k @ 3.4Ghz ☢CASE: Aerocool X-Predator II (White)☢CPU Cooler: Corsair Hyd...