Cała prawda o wyjazdach study tour

Do codziennych obowiązków pilota wycieczek należy sprawowanie opieki nad turystami. Czasem jednak pod jego skrzydła trafiają również pracownicy biur podróży (agencji turystycznych). Sprawdźmy, jakie wspomnienia z takich imprez mają piloci.

Study tour Study tour, inaczej nazywane fam trip (z angielskiego familiarization trip ) to wyjazdy adresowane do pracowników branży turystycznej, których celem jest połączenie przyjemnego z pożytecznym, czyli wypoczynku z poznawaniem infrastruktury i atrakcji danego kierunku wakacyjnego. Podczas study tour jego uczestnicy zwiedzają hotele, biorą udział w wycieczkach fakultatywnych i różnych atrakcjach dodatkowych, mających na celu jak najlepsze poznanie wizytowanego miejsca, tak aby w przyszłości łatwiej mogli odwiedzony kierunek sprzedawać i udzielać klientom wyczerpujących informacji. W programie study tour przewidziany jest również czas wolny, na odpoczynek i samodzielne poznanie atrakcji oferowanych przez dane miejsce. Aby wyjazd był udany i spełnił swoją rolę konieczne jest zachowanie odpowiednich proporcji - program nie może być ani zbyt przeładowany, ani zbyt ubogi. Wyjazdy tego typu organizowane są nie tylko przez touroperatorów, ale i przez różnego rodzaju organizacje turystyczne, mające na celu promocję danego regionu. Adresowane są zarówno do pracowników na co dzień zajmujących się sprzedażą wycieczek, jak i product managerów, czasami biorą w nich udział również dziennikarze, których rolą jest opisanie po powrocie zalet odwiedzonej destynacji.

Jak dzieci we mgle Wydawałoby się, że opieka nad osobami, na co dzień zawodowo zajmującymi się turystyką, nie powinna sprawiać najmniejszych trudności. Wszak pracownicy biur podróży powinni być do wyjazdu skrupulatnie przygotowani i doskonale wiedzieć czego się spodziewać, jak się zachować w każdej sytuacji, co wypada, a co nie. W większości przypadków tak faktycznie jest, czasem jednak, zgodnie z porzekadłem „szewc bez butów chodzi”, uczestnicy study tourów zachowują się, jakby doznali nagłej amnezji i zapomnieli o wszystkim, co nagminnie powtarzają swoim klientom. Piloci wycieczek byli świadkami wielu dziwnych, nawet żenujących sytuacji, gdy na przykład doświadczony agent turystyczny, wybierając się na własny wyjazd, zapomniał o wyrobieniu wizy, czy nie wziął ze sobą potrzebnych dokumentów, albo na wyjazd do dżungli zabrał wyłącznie eleganckie ubrania. Czasem pracownikom wydaje się, że pewne przepisy ich nie dotyczą i mimo, iż w teorii doskonale wiedzą co można wnieść na pokład samolotu, a czego nie, to i tak próbują w bagażu podręcznym przemycić zabraną z domu butelkę nalewki lub wracając do kraju usiłują przewieźć kilka toreb zakupów nie płacąc za nadbagaż. Niestety, tłumaczenie, że „oni byli tu służbowo” nie robi żadnego wrażenia na pracownikach odprawy. Zdarza się również, że na study tourze przedstawiciele branży turystycznej zachowują się tak, jakby byli na pierwszym wyjeździe zagranicznym, kompletnie wyłączają proces myślenia i sprawiają wrażenie dzieci poruszających się we mgle, gubią się, zostawiają bagaż bez opieki, mylą miejsca i godziny oraz zadają pytania dotyczące najprostszych i najbardziej oczywistych faktów. Mając takie osoby w swojej grupie, pilot wycieczek uzbroić się musi w anielską cierpliwość. A gdy wydaje się, że o nic głupszego zapytać już nie można, zawsze warto przypomnieć sobie agenta turystycznego, który wsiadł do samolotu dosłownie resztką sił, a gdy na lotnisku przylotowym ocknął się z zamroczenia alkoholowego, rozejrzał się nieco zdezorientowany i zadał kluczowe pytanie „to gdzie my tym razem na study jesteśmy?”.

Zabawa i praca Study tour to połączenie pracy i relaksu. Zdecydowana większość uczestników tego typu wyjazdów poważnie podchodzi do obu ich aspektów, zdarzają się jednak tacy, którzy zapominają, że nie są na zwykłych wakacjach. Pilotka jednego z większych polskich biur podróży opowiada, że czasem na study tourze część uczestników za wszelką cenę stara się wykręcić od zwiedzania hoteli. Niektórzy próbują wynajdywać różnego rodzaju preteksty, głównie wymówki związane ze zdrowiem, inni po prostu nie stawiają się na zbiórki, otwarcie lekceważąc główny cel wyjazdu. Dość częstym zjawiskiem jest też zatracanie przez uczestników wszelkich hamulców i chęć zabawy do upadłego. Study tour sprzyja luzowi i rozrywce, to okazja by oderwać się od codzienności, wyjechać bez rodziny, spotkać znajomych z poprzednich wyjazdów. W takich warunkach łatwo o przesadę - dorośli, na co dzień poważni ludzie, wracający wieczorem do pokoi hotelowych po czworakach to mało przyjemny widok, czasami jednak spotykany. Niektórzy uczestnicy z zabawą startują już od rana i w każdym wizytowanym hotelu zwiedzanie zaczynają i kończą na lobby barze. Nierzadko opiekun musi się najeść sporo wstydu za swoich podopiecznych, jak na przykład zaprzyjaźniony rezydent, który opowiada o grupie, która na elegancką kolację z managerem hotelu i przedstawicielami lokalnej organizacji turystycznej wkroczyła bardzo chwiejnym krokiem, na dodatek w strojach sportowo - plażowych. Nieraz trzeba też świecić oczami za grupę, gdy na zbiórkę na obowiązkowy punkt programu zjawia się tylko kilka osób.

Czego oczy nie widzą, tego sercu nie żal Wyjazdy sprzyjają zacieśnianiu bliższych znajomości pomiędzy ich uczestnikami. Na większość study tourów jeździ się samemu, bez osób towarzyszących, stąd potrzeba poznania kogoś, zdobycia towarzysza wyjazdu, wydaje się naturalna. Tajemnicą poliszynela jest, że na tego typu imprezach czasami nawiązują się też romanse, zarówno pomiędzy uczestnikami, jak i między przybyszami, a obsługą na miejscu. Z takiego wyjazdu powrót do rzeczywistości bywa szczególnie trudny. Pracownikom branży turystycznej znane są również historie, gdy z powodu znajomości nawiązanych na study tourach rozpadały się wieloletnie małżeństwa. Światek turystyczny jest stosunkowo mały, pracownicy poszczególnych biur znają się pomiędzy sobą, a plotki rozchodzą się błyskawicznie, dlatego też będąc na wyjeździe zawsze trzeba mieć na uwadze fakt, że ktoś nas obserwuje i bardzo łatwo to my możemy stać się głównym tematem rozmów na kolejnym study tourze.

Praca w agencji turystycznej - jak wygląda?

Praca w agencji turystycznej - jak wygląda?

Praca pilota wycieczek - trudne początki

Praca pilota wycieczek - trudne początki

Oko w oko ze śmiercią

Oko w oko ze śmiercią

Bankructwo biura podróży oczami rezydenta

Bankructwo biura podróży oczami rezydenta

Targowanie się w biurach podróży

Targowanie się w biurach podróży

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  • Jak wygląda przykładowy przebieg Study Tour w naszym wykonaniu?

Każdy program Study Tour dla pracowników obsługi turystycznej dopasowujemy do indywidualnych potrzeb Biur Podróży i w całości sami zajmujemy się jego realizacją.

Na etapie przygotowywań do Study Tour ustalamy z Tobą

  • termin przyjazdu pracowników (sezon letni, sezon zimowy, Study Tour poza sezonem turystycznym);
  • lokalizację szkolenia (konkretne miasto, region lub szlak turystyczny na terytorium Polski);
  • typ programu zgodny z ofertą Twojego Biura Podróży, np. wyjazd dla grup szkolnych, klientów biznesowych, pracowników firm i zakładów pracy, turystów indywidualnych itd.;
  • listę obiektów i atrakcji turystycznych, które ma objąć Study Tour, np. hotele, restauracje, wyciągi narciarskie, szlaki górskie, ośrodki SPA&Wellness, zabytki historyczne, shopping, clubbing itp.;

Twoi pracownicy po przybyciu do Polski trafiają pod opiekę naszych specjalistów, którzy zajmują się organizacją ich pobytu od momentu przyjazdu do momentu opuszczenia terytorium naszego kraju. W międzyczasie realizują z uczestnikami naszego szkolenia wszystkie wyżej wymienione założenia Study Tour zebrane punkt po punkcie w programie podróży.

Po zakończeniu podróży pod naszym przewodnictwem wystawimy świadectwa uczestnictwa dla każdego z Twoich pracowników, a także oddzielny dokument potwierdzający odbycie Study Tour dla Twojego Biura Podróży.

  • Do kogo skierowana jest nasza oferta Study Tour?
  • Kto jest przez nas szkolony ze strony partnerskich biur turystycznych?
  • Dlaczego warto uczestniczyć w naszych Study Tour po Polsce?
  • Jak już teraz skorzystać z naszej oferty Study Tour po Polsce?

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study tour co to znaczy


  • Oct 10, 2023

International Study Tour Topics(1 of 30) - We Open the World for You

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

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"We Open the World for You: The Transformative Power of International Study Tours"

International Study Tour Topics Catalogue

The Benefits of International Study Tours for Students

Choosing the Right Destination for an International Study Tour

Planning and Organizing an International Study Tour

Cultural Immersion and Language Learning during Study Tours

The Impact of International Study Tours on Global Perspective

Balancing Academics and Exploration during Study Tours

Sustainable Tourism and Ethical Considerations in Study Tours

Enhancing Interpersonal Skills through International Study Tours

Overcoming Challenges and Adapting to New Environments during Study Tours

Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding through Study Tours

The Role of Technology in Facilitating International Study Tours

Collaborative Learning and Team Building on Study Tours

Safety and Security Measures for International Study Tours

Parental and Institutional Support for Students on Study Tours

International Study Tours and Career Development Opportunities

The Role of Tour Guides and Facilitators in Study Tours

Experiencing Art, History, and Architecture on International Study Tours

Impact of International Study Tours on Personal Growth and Confidence

Alumni Perspectives: How Study Tours Influence Long-Term Success

Exploring Local Cuisine and Food Culture during Study Tours

Environmental and Ecological Awareness on Study Tours

Learning from Global Business Practices on Study Tours

The Influence of Politics and Governance on International Study Tours

Integrating Service Learning Projects in Study Tours

Exploring Natural Wonders and Landmarks on Study Tours

Comparative Education: Contrasting Educational Systems on Study Tours

Study Tours in the Age of Virtual and Augmented Reality

Artistic and Creative Inspiration from International Study Tours

The Role of Travel Writing and Photography in Capturing Study Tour Experiences

Promoting Social Justice and virtue/morality Awareness on Study Tours

Chapter 1: The Benefits of Students Participating in International Study Tours

International study tours provide students with invaluable learning and developmental opportunities. This experience not only complements traditional classroom education but also plays a crucial role in personal growth and cultivating a global perspective. Here are some key benefits of students participating in international study tours:

1. Cultural Immersion and Language Learning: International study tours expose students to different cultural environments, encouraging them to understand and respect people from diverse backgrounds. Students have the opportunity to learn and practice various languages, enhancing their language skills and cross-cultural communication abilities.

2. Broadening Global Perspectives: By experiencing the lifestyles, social systems, and cultural traditions of different countries and regions firsthand, students' global perspectives are expanded. They gain a better understanding of the world's diversity, nurturing a more open-minded way of thinking.

3. Extending Academic Knowledge: International study tours can be integrated with classroom learning, allowing students to learn through practical experiences. For example, students can explore historical landmarks, artistic works, or ecosystems, leading to a deeper understanding of academic subjects.

4. Confidence and Independence: Participating in international study tours alone, students face new challenges and decisions. Problem-solving, adapting to new environments, and living independently enhance their confidence and independence.

5. Interpersonal Skills: International study tours often require students to collaborate with other students and locals, improving their interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit.

6. Cross-Cultural Understanding: Students have the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds, discovering commonalities and differences. This helps to eliminate biases and promotes cross-cultural understanding and respect.

7. Career Development Opportunities: International study tours offer valuable experiences related to future career development. In a globalized world, students who possess in-depth knowledge of cross-cultural communication and collaboration are more competitive.

8. Broadening Horizons: International study tours take students out of their familiar environments, exposing them to new experiences and ways of life, fostering enthusiasm and a spirit of exploration.

In conclusion, students participating in international study tours embark on a journey of exploration, learning, and personal growth. Through such experiences, they benefit from cultural immersion, global perspectives, personal development, and future career opportunities. The education sector should encourage and support more students to engage in such study tours, enabling them to become more inclusive and open-minded global citizens in the era of globalization.

For complete article of 30 topics, please download here:

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Study Tours and Short-Term Study Abroad

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Riga Winter Break

Riga Winter Break

Study Abroad in Uzbekistan Nowruz

Navruz in Uzbekistan

Aerial view of Gergeti trinity church at sunrise in Georgia.

Georgia Spring Break

We also offer online courses and virtual events .  Contact us about faculty-led or other custom options.

How Much Does It Cost To Study Abroad?

  • Program:   Each program page  gives its specific pricing information. SRAS offers a variety of program choices of varying length and cost.
  • Cost of Living:  Students report spending between $60-90 per week in most locations for food, transport, and entertainment.
  • Housing:  With very few exceptions, SRAS programs include housing. See  each program page  for more information.
  • Airfare:  Our  International Airfare Guide  can give you some pointers on getting the best price for tickets to and from your study abroad destination.

Studying Abroad for Educators

  • Ideas and material for the classroom
  • Ability to better advise your students heading abroad
  • Networking with colleagues
  • Affordable access to less accessible destinations
  • Inspiration for faculty-led custom programs
  • Opportunities for faculty and administrators to visit lesser known places in Eurasia that we feel have great potential for custom programming.

Talk to an Expert about Study Tours and Short-Term Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a big decision. You should make sure that your experience will advance your academic, personal, and professional goals. We encourage you join an  info session  or  contact us  with any questions.

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Just yesterday my student successfully defended her honors thesis on environmentalism around Lake Baikal, a project that would not have been possible without the fieldwork that she conducted on her SRAS study abroad program in Irkutsk. I hope to see more such projects in the future and will keep directing students to SRAS programs!
At Stetson, we’ve used SRAS to arrange all of our student study abroad trips for the past five or six years. During that time we’ve sent dozens of students on summer- and semester-long programs in Moscow, St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Irkutsk. In every interaction I’ve had with them, SRAS has been prompt, reliable, knowledgable, courteous and quick to lend a hand when needed.
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study tour co to znaczy

  • Nicholas Wise 3  

Study tours refer to trips taken by students or other trainees, normally as a part of their degree programs. An inherent part of higher education study tours, either domestic or international, have a long history. Spending a semester abroad is seen as a way to strengthen a university degree by gaining experience alongside people from other cultures and familiarizing oneself with different customs and practices (Stone and Petrick 2014 ). Many such programs are led by academics with the intent that students will increase their global awareness and complement classroom knowledge. A key objective is to integrate theory and practice. While universities seek to promote international agendas and transnational education, students embrace the opportunity to travel. Combining it with education transcends the traditional classroom, where students are brought into cultural settings through social activities consumed at the source (Kusek and Wise 2019 ). Study tours include semesters abroad,...

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Kusek, Weronika A., and Nicholas Wise. 2019. Human geography and professional mobility . London: Routledge.

Book   Google Scholar  

Nyaupane, Gyan, Cody Morris Paris, and Victor Teye. 2011. Study abroad motivations, destination selection and pre-trip attitude formation. International Journal of Tourism Research 13: 205–217.

Article   Google Scholar  

Stone, M.J., and J.F. Petrick. 2014. The educational benefits of travel experiences: A literature review. Journal of Travel Research 52: 731–744.

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Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA

Nicholas Wise

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Correspondence to Nicholas Wise .

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School of Hospitality Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, USA

Jafar Jafari

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Honggen Xiao

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School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK

David Airey

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© 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG

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Wise, N. (2022). Study Tour. In: Jafari, J., Xiao, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer, Cham.

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Received : 25 December 2020

Accepted : 19 February 2021

Published : 03 March 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

eBook Packages : Springer Reference Business and Management Reference Module Humanities and Social Sciences Reference Module Business, Economics and Social Sciences

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AUG Study Tour

  • Why Study Tour

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At AUG, we believe that education is one of the most important investments in life, especially overseas education. Thus, choosing the right education pathway and university is essential. The Study Tour Program can play an important role in helping one make the right choice.

The Study Tour Program encourages students to immerse themselves in an overseas study environment, exposing students to campus life and culture in hopes of broadening the student’s outlook towards world class institutions in Australia, UK, USA and Singapore among others. Apart from building academic capability, study tour also aims at building life skills such as team work, communication, problem solving skills and decision making that are only obtained through life experience. This program gives students the opportunity to live in a global community, exposed to different cultures, religions and ethnic backgrounds to truly broaden their horizons and become a global citizen.

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Studying abroad and participating in Study tours can be a bit scary for students, and often it produces even more anxiety for the parents who stay at home. While it’s reasonable to discuss concerns about finances, safety and academics with your child before they go overseas, these questions shouldn’t prevent your child from taking advantage of all the remarkable opportunities and advantages that studying abroad has to offer.

Read more for AUG’s Top Five (5) Reasons why let your child join Study Tours.

study tour co to znaczy


Global Citizenship

With the increasing globalization and internationalization happening everywhere, it is vital for your child to expand their worldview, to be taken out of their comfort zone and get an opportunity to appreciate others way of living. AUG’s Study Tour will connect your children with the rest of the world in a way that’s hard to achieve from home. Through this environment, they will build a deeper understanding of global issues and start to think globally. This process of connecting to foreign places and building empathy with people from other nationalities will make your children better global citizens, which is a crucial part of living in a global society.

Build International Competency

Having the experience to live in a foreign country for a couple of weeks, give the students a newfound sense of independence and discipline as an individual and sets an unshakeable sense of confidence and a new perspective on the world. This also translates to great leadership skills, which is likely part of why employers value study abroad in a resume. AUG makes a tailored-fit program for the students which suits their preferences. Employers value not just students’ grades, but also their wider curriculum, including participation in societies, voluntary work and study trips abroad. With the increased financial instability and availability of a foreign workforce, continuous CV building is an essential requirement for students to be able to fully participate in the global economy as young adults.

World Class Destination for Higher Education

AUG represents many world-renowned institutions in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. We can arrange your child’s study tour based on their preferences at the best student places like, London, Boston, Oxford and Melbourne. Our study tour ensures a smooth-sailing journey for the students and let them experience the best programs with prestigious and reputable universities worldwide. Such opportunity enables your child to make informed decisions in selecting the Institution for their education. Thus, letting them enjoy and be inspired on finishing their studies and achieve their life goals.

Local Culture Immersion

Sharing to our students about a country’s way of living is one thing, having them encounter it first-hand is a completely different and more exciting adventure. Living the culture not only makes it a lot easier for these students to understand but also makes it a lot more enjoyable and fun.  AUG gives the students an enabling environment for them to learn and experience the country’s norms and way of living. It is also amazing platform for them to practice their language skills, especially the communicative skills of understanding and speaking. Many find that interacting with different cultures has a lasting impact on a student’s educational journey and most specifically their own way of life.

Gain Lifelong Friends and Colleagues

Students on a school trip get a chance to meet new people, offering lots of avenues to practice their social skills. It furthermore allows them to make new friends: be that with locals or with other students on the trip, who, due to whatever reason, they never really got to know until now. AUG opens a long-lasting relationship and camaraderie between our students, teachers and institutions. Sharing certain experiences provides a strong bond and friendship between people and gives them Global connection and the opportunity to relive the memories with others again and again in the future.

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Study Tours

Our study tours program offers groups of overseas students and adults a unique educational experience that includes visiting schools, participating in classes, school activities and special events conducted in the school or local community.

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On this page

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Overview of the Study Tours program

Face-to-face, virtual , and hybrid tour options are available and each tour can be tailored to the interests and needs of each group.

Please visit our Virtual Study Tours page to find out how adult and student groups can connect with NSW government schools through technology.

Study Tours for Adult and Student Groups

Our Study Tours program brings international delegations and student groups into our schools to provide a unique insight into our school culture, facilities and educational system.

English (PDF 1.3MB)

简体中文 (simplified Chinese) (PDF 2.2MB)

日本語 (Japanese) (PDF 348.3KB)

한국어 (Korean) (PDF 438.7KB)

Student Groups

Our student study tours involve 10 or more students visiting a school, from a half-day to 10 weeks.  Students must be at least 10 years of age and large groups may be hosted by two or more schools.

Student Group, Study Tours

Adult Groups

Our study tours for adult groups are arranged for international educators, principals, teachers, government officers and other people interested in the NSW system of public education.

Adult Groups, Study Tours

NSW schools in Sydney and regional centres

Our Study Tours program provides opportunities to visit host schools in Sydney and regional centres in NSW.

The location of some popular regional centres are shown on the map to the right. Please contact us if you are interested in visiting schools in other regional centres. Regional discounts apply.

For more information about the regions of NSW, please visit the Tourism NSW website .

Activities and sightseeing

Sydney highlights include:

  • Sydney Harbour Bridge
  • Sydney Opera House
  • Darling Harbour
  • Taronga Zoo
  • Symbio Wildlife Park
  • Featherdale Wildlife Park
  • Sydney Wildlife World
  • Sydney Aquarium
  • Australian wildlife parks
  • Bush dances
  • Aboriginal cultural experiences
  • BBQs (barbeques)
  • Environmental Education Centres – specialist centres for teaching about the Australian environment. For example, you can learn about conservation and wildlife in the Blue Mountains National Park

Visit Destination NSW for more information on things to do in Sydney.

Accommodation Options

Students can stay in homestay accommodation with an Australian family, in single or double placements. This allows students to experience daily life in Australia, and helps them practise their English with their homestay family.

Note: all meals and school transfers are included for homestay. Single or double placement is not guaranteed.

A range of other accommodation options are available through a tour operator registered with DE International Study Tours.

Itinerary builder

The itinerary builder is an interactive tool to help tour operators plan a study tour. Visit the Study Tours itinerary builder to launch the interactive tool to get started.


How to apply

The DE International study tours team coordinates study tour groups into NSW government schools. Bookings must be made through a tour operator that is registered with DE International (see below).

Note: Tour operators or study tour groups must not contact schools directly to book or discuss study tours programs.

Study tours are very popular so it is essential to plan ahead. Please allow a minimum of 12 weeks' notice excluding school holidays, especially for homestay programs.

Please note that we will no longer be accepting online applications after 8 July 2018

Continue to StudyLink Connect website

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Study *****.

Related Study

  • badanie , opracowanie , studium [policzalny] Studies show that adults need a minimum of six hours sleep. (Badania pokazują, że dorośli potrzebują minimum sześć godzin snu.) His recent study of literature is very interesting and innovative. (Jego ostatnie badanie literatury jest bardzo ciekawe i innowacyjne.)
  • nauka , uczenie się [niepoliczalny] How is your study for the test going? (Jak idzie ci nauka do testu?) I have to get down to study. (Muszę się wziąć za naukę.)
  • studium (rodzaj pobieranej nauki) zobacz także: studies
  • gabinet (pomieszczenie przeznaczone do nauki lub pracy zawodowej) [policzalny] I work in my study for 8 hours a day. (Pracuję w moim gabinecie przez 8 godzin dziennie.)

study rzeczownik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.

During a study break, he went back to his old high school field.

Podczas przerwy naukowej, wrócił do swojego starego pola liceum.

He also said the state has not done any market studies .

Również powiedział, że stan nie robi jakichkolwiek nauk rynkowych.

But even having such studies is not enough, he said.

Ale nawet posiadanie takich nauk nie wystarczy, powiedział.

After three years, 689 women were still in the study .

Po trzech latach, 689 kobiet było wciąż w nauce.

But her own story would have made a good case study .

Ale jej własna historia zrobiłaby dobre studium przypadku.

He and most other students turned back to their studies .

On i najbardziej inni studenci odwrócili się do ich nauk.

But the studies took on a life of their own.

Ale nauki przyjęły życie z ich własny.

She was then only 15, though with 11 years of study behind her.

Była wtedy tylko 15, jednak z 11 latami nauki za nią.

At the start of the study , 52 percent said they were.

Na początku z nauki, 52 procent powiedział, że są.

She said the study could take three to six months.

Powiedziała, że nauka może wymagać trzy do półrocza.

She was head of the university's black studies program from 1974 to 1979.

Była głową czarnych nauk uniwersytetu program od 1974 do 1979.

For years, he wanted to be part of a study .

Przez wiele lat, chciał być częścią nauki.

You already know how these studies are going to turn out.

Już wiesz jak te nauki ułożą się.

He began to look for a way to come to America and study .

Zaczął patrzeć dla drogi by przyjść na Amerykę i naukę.

But economic studies in general are not so clear cut.

Ale gospodarcze nauki na ogół nie są tak czystym cięciem.

The results of these studies , however, will not be available for years.

Wyniki tych nauk, jednakże, nie będą dostępne przez wiele lat.

The county will be just a part of their study .

Hrabstwo będzie właśnie część ich nauki.

Or they like to take their time and study what's available.

Albo oni lubią podjąć ich czas i naukę co dostępny.

The results of the study will be available next year.

Wyniki nauki będą dostępne w przyszłym roku.

I did not have the information, but the study is available to you.

Nie miałem informacji ale nauka jest dostępna dla ciebie.

Are we finally going to get to see these studies ?

W końcu namówimy by zobaczyć te nauki?

A book light can help a student study into the night.

Książka światło może pomagać pracy studenckiej do nocy.

What are you going to do with the results of the study ?

Co zrobisz z wynikami nauki?

We'll take a look at some of these studies next.

Przyjrzymy się jakiejś z tych nauk następny.

Two still had the problem at the end of the study .

Dwa wciąż mieć problem pod koniec nauki.

Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.

  • uczyć się (np. do testu) [przechodni/nieprzechodni] I don't like to study. (Ja nie lubię się uczyć.) I always study a lot before exams. (Zawsze dużo się uczę przed egzaminami.)
  • analizować , badać [przechodni] We have to study the life of wild animals in Africa. (Musimy zbadać życie dzikich zwierząt w Afryce.) We studied a newly discovered type of birds. (Badaliśmy nowo odkryty rodzaj ptaków.)
  • studiować (np. na uniwersytecie) She studies law. (Ona studiuje prawo.) I've always wanted to study biology. (Zawsze chciałem studiować biologię.)

study czasownik

"But sometimes I still have to study until 2 in the morning."

"Ale czasami wciąż muszę studiować do czasu gdy 2 rano."

They were given two years to study and try again.

Dostali dwa lata do nauki i spróbuj jeszcze raz.

I study the children who come to the door every year.

Studiuję dzieci, które podchodzą do drzwi co roku.

"But now they come to study for the summer and go right back."

"Ale teraz oni przychodzą uczyć się do lata i idą w prawo z powrotem."

He said the department would study the issue in the next few months.

Powiedział, że departament zbada kwestię za parę następnych miesięcy.

But what student will want to study outside of school?

Ale jaki student będzie chcieć studiować poza szkołą?

Later in 2002, we were able to study the 2001 data.

Później w 2002, mogliśmy przestudiować 2001 danych.

He would have had more time in which to study .

Spędziłby więcej czasu który studiować.

Did you ever study the problems of life and death?

Kiedykolwiek badałeś problemy z życiem i śmiercią?

She had an important test in the morning and wanted to study .

Miała ważny test rano i chciała studiować.

I have not before been able to study a case.

Wcześniej nie mogłem badać przypadek.

He asked all the right questions and she had time to study him.

Poprosił o wszystkie właściwe pytania i miała czas studiować go.

The man seemed to study him with some question in his eyes.

Człowiek wydawał się studiować go z jakimś pytaniem w swoich oczach.

The man turned to study the two other men in the office.

Człowiek odwrócił się by studiować dwu innych ludzi w biurze.

Another new experience for her was the need to study .

Inne nowe doświadczenie dla niej było potrzebą do nauki.

Year 11 and 12 students are able to study at the other schools.

Rok 11 i 12 studentów może studiować przy innych szkołach.

May he study hard to become a man later on.

On może studiować mocno mężnieć później.

He went on to study law in his father's office.

Poszedł dalej do prawa naukowego w biurze jego ojca.

Private schools are also used to study outside the country.

Szkoły prywatne są przyzwyczajone do nauki również poza granicami kraju.

He began to study music at the age of 7 years.

Zaczął studiować muzykę w wieku 7 lat.

She was a good student without having to study too much.

Dobrze się uczyła bez musieć studiować zbyt wiele.

You've got to stay at home and study the town.

Namówiłeś by zostać w domu i studiować miasto.

Then she has to study and make up her mind.

W takim razie ona musi studiować i składa się na jej umysł.

He studies hard and his school results are very good.

On studiuje mocno i jego skutki szkolne są bardzo dobre.

Three of his students went on to study in medical school.

Trzech z jego studentów poszło dalej do nauki w wydziale medycznym.

Powiązane zwroty — "study"

study tour co to znaczy

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study tour noun

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What does the noun study tour mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun study tour . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

How common is the noun study tour ?

Where does the noun study tour come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun study tour is in the 1870s.

OED's earliest evidence for study tour is from 1877, in St. Louis (Missouri) Globe-Democrat .

study tour is formed within English, by compounding.

Etymons: study n. , tour n.

Nearby entries

  • study guide, n. 1880–
  • study hall, n. 1813–
  • study house, n. 1499–
  • studying, n. late Old English–
  • study leave, n. 1894–
  • studyless, adj. a1618–
  • study-man, n. 1657
  • study period, n. 1850–
  • study place, n. 1563–
  • study skills, n. 1924–
  • study tour, n. 1877–
  • stufa, n. 1830–
  • stufata, n. 1771
  • stufe, n. 1541–1697
  • stufe, v. 1598
  • stuff, n.¹ c1330–
  • stuff, n.² 1481–
  • stuff, v.¹ c1386–
  • stuff, v.² a1387–1662
  • stuff, v.³ 1587
  • stuff, v.⁴ 1927–

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Meaning & use

Entry history for study tour, n..

Originally published as part of the entry for study, n.

study, n. was revised in September 2015. is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

  • further revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1919)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View study, n. in OED Second Edition

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Study tours should offer more 'learning' experience

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"Ink on paper can only convey so much, true understanding requires putting knowledge into action." The popularity of study tours continues increasing during the summer vacation. Many parents are arranging for their children to go on educational trips, in order to break the relative monotony of classroom education. By providing them immersive real-life experiences, parents are seeking to broaden their children's horizons, enhance their knowledge, and help them integrate learning with exploration and enjoyment.

According to the summer travel data forecast from several online travel platforms, this summer is expected to witness a huge surge in demand, surpassing that of the same period in 2019. Among the emerging trends, "study tours" are new for the tourism industry, contributing significantly to its gradual recovery and improvement.

In 2021 the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released the"14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Cultural Industries", which laid stress on the vigorous development of study tours. The plan is aimed at creating innovative study tour products that integrate cultural experiences, technological innovation, knowledge dissemination, entertainment, leisure and interactive parent-child activities.

According to available data, the number of participants in study tours reached 4.94 million in 2021, far exceeding the pre-pandemic figures. In 2022, the number crossed 6 million, an all-time high.

The concept of "combining learning with travel" has become a new consumer trend, with study tours becoming an emerging tourism model. Study tours promote the integration of "culture, tourism and education", a novel way to experience cultural tourism and engage in practical education by studying people's daily lives. Study tours also combine family education, school education and community education.

Compared to developed countries in Europe and the Americas, China's study tour market started relatively late, with a lower overall market penetration rate, indicating that there is still considerable untapped potential to expand the market.

According to the "China Study Tour Development Report 2022-23" published by the China Tourism Academy, since the joint release of the "Opinions on Promoting Study Tours for Primary and Secondary School Students" by the Ministry of Education and 11 other departments in 2016, people's understanding of study tours has increased. The study tour demographic now includes preschool children, primary, middle and high school students, as well as adults and senior citizens, representing a broader developmental space.

With the combined impetus of favorable policies and the demand for quality education, the study tour market has grown rapidly in recent years. This year, study tourism has experienced even more robust growth, with more than 5,000 "study camps" and related enterprises across the country. To better develop study tours and avoid superficial experiences, tourism destinations can focus on the following aspects:

To begin with, it is essential to clearly define the positioning of the study tour market and expand the supply chains of study tour products. To establish a distinct identity and highlight the core values of "research" and "learning", study tours should not only focus on providing immersive experiences but also prioritize educational aspects, integrating them through products and services. This approach will ensure study tours offer high-quality educational resources for students.

It is also crucial to continuously optimize the study tour product chains. This can be achieved by incorporating the latest educational concepts and technological advancements to create a complete industry chain encompassing base construction, itinerary design, qualified instructors, curriculum development, safety assurance and other essential elements. This comprehensive approach will drive high-quality development in the study tour sector.

Furthermore, there is a need to capitalize on the diverse resources of each region and cultivate study tours as a branded intellectual property. Local authorities should engage in comprehensive planning, and consider study tours to be a significant vehicle for cultural and educational enrichment.

They can delve deep into local intangible cultural heritage, the country's revolutionary culture, ethnic minority culture, and traditional Chinese culture, among other distinctive cultural traits, to promote unique study tours.

For instance, in June 2023, the Guizhou provincial cultural and tourism authorities announced six study tour routes centered on intangible cultural heritage. Leveraging Guizhou's abundant intangible cultural heritage resources and tourist attractions, the province developed high-quality specialized courses to attract more young students to go on study tours in Guizhou.

This initiative aims to facilitate the effective transformation of intangible cultural heritage resources into cultural and tourism intellectual property, ultimately developing the "Study in Guizhou" study tour brand and driving the high-quality development of the tourism industry in the province.

Finally, to enhance the quality of study tour products and promote innovation among students, it is important to prioritize content innovation in study tours. So, local authorities should tailor the development of prominent educational study tour activities with strong regional characteristics. They should introduce innovative elements, such as incorporating technology education, implementing interdisciplinary projects, and creating a series of exemplary study tour bases. Additionally, they can design influential and high-quality study tour itineraries.

Like Guizhou, other provinces and regions can also leverage local events such as Guizhou's "Chinese Rural Football Super League" or "Village Super", which has become a rage across the country, "Village Basketball" and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope installed in Guizhou, to showcase their unique natural resources and cater to the demands of study tour travelers.

Jiang Yiyi is the deputy head of the School of Leisure Sports and Tourism at Beijing Sport University; and Gao Ziyi is a postgraduate student at the same university.

The views don't necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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Readers: Are study tours worth it? | Updated: 2023-07-26 14:35

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It depends on each family to decide whether to participate in study tours or not. Factors such as time and financial considerations must be taken into account, along with a comprehensive evaluation of the child's specific needs, academic commitments and interests, to arrive at the most suitable decision. It is worth noting that the decision to engage in educational trips does not solely dictate a child's future. The crux of a child's development lies in their day-to-day education and the nurturing environment provided by their family.

study tour co to znaczy

About the Program

Study Tours to Poland (STP) is a Polish-American Freedom Foundation program, implemented by the Leaders of Change Foundation in cooperation with the Borussia Foundation. As part of the Program, study visits to Poland are organized for people from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia. The aim of the Program is to show the realities of Poland and the European Union, while at the same time developing and strengthening professional and personal contacts between leaders from Eastern Europe and their Polish partners. The Program’s offer is addressed to students and professionals from a range of fields and specialties.

Study Tours to Poland Program (STP) was a co-implementer of eight editions of The Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy. Since 2021, the main WEASA implementer is the College of Europe in Natolin. The project is co-financed by PAFF through the STP Program as well as the College of Europe in Natolin and the German Marshall Fund in Poland.

The thematic scope of the Academy includes systemic transformation, European integration, and transatlantic relations; and since 2017 the leading theme of WEASA has been digital challenges, especially cybersecurity.

Program history

The program has been operating since 2004. During the years 2004 to 2006 it was administered by the Education for Democracy Foundation under the Polish-American Freedom Foundation Program (RITA – “Region in Transition”); and from 2007 to 2017 by The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe in Wrocław. Since 2017 the program has been administered by the Leaders of Change Foundation. In addition, since 2007, the Borussia Foundation from Olsztyn has been a co-organizer of visits for students.

The Program in numbers

How many students from each country have participated in STP since the beginning of the Program?

How many students visit Poland per year under STP?

Tak rozwijał się nasz program


How many professionals from each country have participated in STP since the beginning of the Program?

Mirosław Skórka

Mirosław Skórka

Director of the Study Tours to Poland Program

Jerzy Rejt

Consultant to the Study Tours to Poland Program

Lena Prusinowska

Lena Prusinowska

Coordinator for the Study Tours to Poland Program

Ewa Romanowska

Ewa Romanowska

Polina Chinimczuk

Polina Chinimczuk

Project Coordinator


South korea is a high-tech, pop-culture country, with a side helping of incredible, dynamic landscapes..

The Korean culture is so definitive that it has its own name, Hallyu (한류), the wave of Korea. This encompasses an interest in everything from K-pop to Kimchi that is spreading around the globe. The rich history of Korea has left the country with an intriguing and complex culture mixing the old and new.

We have to start with the obvious, the global phenomenon of K-Pop. With an estimated fan-base of 35 million around the world, it’s difficult to miss. The combination of catchy lyrics, costumes, and coordinated dance moves took the world by storm. The best place to see it though is first-hand in Korea. Here you can experience it on an entirely different level, a K-Live hologram concert.

study tour co to znaczy

Combining virtual and augmented reality, it’s almost a surreal experience. We can’t forget the rest though, the traditional history of Korea provides the perfect complement to the chaos of K-pop. Getting out to see a Korean folk village is certainly recommended. If you can, go see a traditional dance performance or a Taekwondo  match while you’re there. You’ll gain new insight into how much the past influences the modern Hallyu.

Fantastic Food

What journey around any country would be complete without trying the local food.

The most important thing you’ll notice when sitting down to a Korean meal is how it reflects the inclusive nature of the society . It’s all about ‘ours’ rather than ‘my’ and sharing from the same plate is a big part of this. A lot of people think about Korean BBQ or Kimchi when they think about Korean food but there’s a lot more to discover.

Jang and Banchan are considered one of the key elements of any meal and provide versatility. Jang, the collective term for sauces, and Banchan the collective term for side dishes bring any meal together. Gangnam in particular, is known for its array of Korean cuisine and a must for anyone in the area.

study tour co to znaczy

Spectacular Countryside

It’s always worth remembering that any country is more than just its capital city and Seoul and Korea are no different. To get a true insight into the wonders of Korea you must travel further afield.

A few highlights include, Daegu , with a large student population it’s got a cool, quirky and carefree feel and Deokjeokdo , known for its beaches and hiking for when you want to get out into the wilds of this magnificent country. If that’s not quite your thing and you’d prefer to stay in the cities then Busan is an ideal combination of cityscapes, street markets, and the sea.


Korea summer course traditional dress

Summer Course Korea – July

Baegundae peak and Bukhansan mountains in autumn

Korea Autumn Course

Korea comes from the Korean word “고려” which is pronounced similarly (고려 was one of the Korean Kingdoms). It is also known as the ‘Land of the Morning Calm’ which comes from 조선.

The number 4 is considered unlucky and associated with death. Be careful to avoid it!

Korea has the world’s fastest wifi. You’ll be amazed.

The roofs of buildings are curved at the end to give the appearance of a smile. It’s one happy place.

Korean’s say ‘Kimchi’ instead of ‘Cheese’ when taking a picture.

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Kunjungan Wisata ke Dieng Dinilai tak Terdampak Larangan Study Tour

Menurut Dinparbud setempat, kunjungan wisata ke Dieng terpantau masih tinggi.

Wisatawan mencari embun es di lahan pertanian kawasan Dieng, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah (ilustrasi). Kunjungan wisata ke Dieng dinilai tak terdampak larangan study tour.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANJARNEGARA -- Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan (Dinparbud) Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, memastikan larangan kegiatan study tour oleh sejumlah pemerintah daerah tidak berdampak terhadap kunjungan wisata ke Banjarnegara. Khususnya, kunjungan wisata ke Kawasan Wisata Dataran Tinggi (KWDT) Dieng.

"Alhamdulillah kunjungan wisata ke Dieng hingga saat ini masih terpantau cukup tinggi," kata Kepala Dinparbud Kabupaten Banjarnegara Tursiman di Banjarnegara, Selasa (28/5/2024).

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Dia mengatakan wisatawan yang datang ke Dieng tidak hanya masyarakat umum, juga rombongan pelajar dari berbagai daerah di luar wilayah Banjarnegara. Menurut dia, larangan kegiatan tur studi tersebut tidak bersifat umum dan tidak diberlakukan di setiap daerah karena masing-masing daerah mempunyai kebijakan sendiri.

"Kalau kami dari Dinas Pariwisata sebenarnya tidak boleh ada larangan seperti itu," kata dia.

Menurut dia, pokok permasalahan yang memunculkan larangan kegiatan tur studi sebenarnya bukan pada kebijakan study tour , melainkan faktor kelaikan kendaraan yang digunakan dan sebagainya. Terkait dengan hal itu, dia mengharapkan kunjungan wisata ke Dieng tetap tinggi dan terus meningkat terutama pada masa liburan sekolah.

"Tingginya jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Dieng juga terlihat dari kunjungan wisatawan pada libur panjang akhir pekan kemarin yang berkaitan dengan Hari Raya Waisak, rata-rata mencapai 6.000 orang per hari," ujarnya.

Disinggung mengenai rencana penyelenggaraan Dieng Culture Festival (DCF) XIV Tahun 2024, dia mengatakan berdasarkan hasil rapat koordinasi dengan Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Dieng Pandawa, kegiatan tersebut akan digelar pada 23-25 Agustus. Menurut dia, tanggal penyelenggaraan DCF XIV Tahun 2024 tersebut ditetapkan setelah pihaknya mendapat kepastian bahwa seluruh proyek penataan KWDT Dieng telah selesai dilaksanakan pada Juli.

"Mudahan-mudahan cuaca mendukung, termasuk fenomena frost atau embun beku yang biasa muncul pada puncak musim kemarau diharapkan dapat menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan," kata Tursiman.

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(QS. Yunus ayat 80)

Halal Bihalal BMH dan santri Pesantren Hidayatullah Depok

AS Ogah Sanksi Mahkamah Pidana Internasional, Netanyahu Ngambek

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) menyatakan potensi hujan lebat disertai angin kencang, kilat, dan petir berpotensi menerjang mayoritas wilayah Indonesia pada Kamis (30/5/2024).

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Meksiko Ikut Gugat Israel ke Mahkamah Internasional

TIMES Indonesia

Banyak Insiden Bus Study Tour, Anggota Komisi V DPR Ingatkan Soal SOP

Anggota Komisi V DPR Syarief Andullah Alkadrie. (FOTO: Dok. DPR)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Berbagai insiden bus untuk study tour para siswa belakangan marak terjadi, mulai dari kecelakaan hingga terbakar. Teranyar, Sebuah bus rombongan study tour pelajar asal Cirebon terbakar di parkir Senopati, Yogyakarta. 

Anggota Komisi V DPR RI Syarief Abdullah Alkadrie melihat kejadian yang berturut-turut ini perlu menjadi perhatian semua pihak. 

“Saya harap supaya Kementerian Perhubungan maupun dari pihak kepolisian yang menangani lalu lintas, hal seperti ini harus menjadi concern dan pengawasan harus dilakukan sesuai SOP,” kata Syarief kepada wartawan, Rabu (29/5/2024).

Apalagi, lanjut Syarief, bus-bus tersebut diperuntukkan komersial. Seharusnya, sebelum dioperasikan: menyampaikan kepada Dinas Perhubungan setempat dan pihak kepolisian, kemudian juga supir harus dalam keadaan fit. Hal ini agar kendaraan tersebut termonitor dan dalam kategori layak jalan. 

Menurut Syarief, SOP yang ada sudah baik, seperti pengawasan timbangan, kecepatan serta kelengkapan keselamatan kendaraan. Namun, kelemahannya ada pada saat pelaksanaan di lapangan. 

Legislator dapil Kalbar I ini menegaskan, setiap kelalaian harus ditindak tegas, agar ke depan ada efek jera dan kejadian serupa diminimalisir terjadi.

Bila perlu ada pemberhentian oknum di institusi terkait, menurut Syarief harus diberhentikan, termasuk pencabutan izin (bus). 

“Kita tidak mau lagi terjadi hal serupa. Ini kan kader-kader bangsa anak-anak ini. Ini tentu merupakan suatu peringatan kepada para stakeholder (pemangku kepentingan) yang membidangi ini untuk betul-betyl ke depan harus mengawal ini, jangan sampai terulang,” pungkas Syarief. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.



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  1. Study Tour Dan Manfaatnya Khusus Nya Bagi Pendidikan karakter

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  5. Study Tour Dan Manfaatnya Khusus Nya Bagi Pendidikan karakter

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  6. QUT

    study tour co to znaczy


  1. Международная учебная стажировка "Study Tour Experience"

  2. 🌈🦋Productive study vlog of TNPSC Aspirant📚🌟|Study tips ⏳|8 Hours of study🎯📖


  1. Cała prawda o wyjazdach study tour

    Study tour sprzyja luzowi i rozrywce, to okazja by oderwać się od codzienności, wyjechać bez rodziny, spotkać znajomych z poprzednich wyjazdów. W takich warunkach łatwo o przesadę - dorośli, na co dzień poważni ludzie, wracający wieczorem do pokoi hotelowych po czworakach to mało przyjemny widok, czasami jednak spotykany.

  2. Co to jest study tour?

    Udział w study tour to coś, co zdecydowanie warto umieścić w swoim CV. Dla potencjalnego pracodawcy, to znak, że kandydat samodzielnie podjął inicjatywę do nauki, ma doświadczenie międzynarodowe i jest otwarty na nowe doświadczenia. Koszty i finansowanie study tour. Partycypacja w study tour wiąże się oczywiście z pewnymi kosztami.

  3. Study Tours to Poland

    Study Tours to Poland (STP) is a Polish-American Freedom Foundation program, implemented by the Leaders of Change Foundation in cooperation with the Borussia Foundation. As part of the Program, study visits to Poland are organized for people from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia. The Program's offer is addressed to students ...

  4. Study Tours to Poland

    Co robimy? Study Tours to Poland (STP) jest programem Polsko-Amerykańskiej Fundacji Wolności realizowanym przez Fundację Liderzy Przemian we współpracy z Fundacją Borussia.W ramach Programu organizowane są wizyty studyjne do Polski dla osób z Europy Wschodniej, Kaukazu Południowego i Azji Centralnej, których celem jest dzielenie się polskim doświadczeniem, przybliżenie realiów ...

  5. Jak wygląda przykładowy przebieg Study Tour w naszym wykonaniu?

    Twoi pracownicy po przybyciu do Polski trafiają pod opiekę naszych specjalistów, którzy zajmują się organizacją ich pobytu od momentu przyjazdu do momentu opuszczenia terytorium naszego kraju. W międzyczasie realizują z uczestnikami naszego szkolenia wszystkie wyżej wymienione założenia Study Tour zebrane punkt po punkcie w ...

  6. STP for students at a glance

    Study Tours to Poland (STP) for students was one of the first cyclical Polish educational programs aimed at student youth from Eastern Europe. Since then, as part of the program, students have taken part in study visits to Poland. ... Study visits are prepared and implemented by experienced Polish NGOs, and are selected through a competition ...

  7. study tour

    The course includes a week's study tour within Europe, visiting business and political organisations. Students are invited to participate in a European study tour during the first year of their course. Two faculty members also accompany them during such study tours. Participation in a study tour; or Undertaking a specific research project.

  8. International Study Tour Topics (1 of 30)

    Here are some key benefits of students participating in international study tours: 1. Cultural Immersion and Language Learning: International study tours expose students to different cultural environments, encouraging them to understand and respect people from diverse backgrounds.

  9. Study Tours and Short-Term Study Abroad

    SRAS study tours are designed to condense immersive, resume-building study abroad experiences into as little as 1-4 weeks. Formulated with students, educators, and professionals in mind, these opportunities are open to anyone with a passion for travel and learning. These innovative programs are diverse. Some provide extensive travel and rely on ...

  10. Study Tour Definition & Meaning

    Study Tour definition: A trip made for the purpose of study and/or carrying out research. .

  11. Study Tour

    Study Tour. Study tours refer to trips taken by students or other trainees, normally as a part of their degree programs. An inherent part of higher education study tours, either domestic or international, have a long history. Spending a semester abroad is seen as a way to strengthen a university degree by gaining experience alongside people ...

  12. STUDY TOUR definition and meaning

    A trip or tour taken by a group of people in order to study something, such as a language.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  13. Why Study Tour

    Why Study Tour. At AUG, we believe that education is one of the most important investments in life, especially overseas education. Thus, choosing the right education pathway and university is essential. The Study Tour Program can play an important role in helping one make the right choice. The Study Tour Program encourages students to immerse ...

  14. Readers: Are study tours worth it?

    Readers: Are study tours worth it? Editor's note: With the coming of the summer vacation, study tours of primary and middle school students have become a hot attraction. Children come in groups to major attractions, museums and universities to learn while sightseeing. At the same time, some problems arise such as poor quality, excessive charges ...

  15. Study Tours

    Our Study Tours program brings international delegations and student groups into our schools to provide a unique insight into our school culture, facilities and educational system. English (PDF 1.3MB) 简体中文 (simplified Chinese) (PDF 2.2MB) 日本語 (Japanese) (PDF 348.3KB) 한국어 (Korean) (PDF 438.7KB)

  16. study

    I study the children who come to the door every year. Studiuję dzieci, które podchodzą do drzwi co roku. "But now they come to study for the summer and go right back." "Ale teraz oni przychodzą uczyć się do lata i idą w prawo z powrotem." He said the department would study the issue in the next few months.

  17. Study Tours as a Form of Practitioner Research

    Practitioner research has the potential to impact education at the student, classroom, school, and district levels. (Center for Practitioner Research, 2008) Well-planned study tours afford participants the opportunity to study, reflect on, and impact education. A quick review of the literature on short-term study tours by educators revealed two ...

  18. Study Tour Meaning and Definition

    The study tour is arranged by teachers or educators to give students an engaging learning experience and to build strong relationships with their peers. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework app for efficient school management. In a study tour, teachers would usually take students to places ...

  19. study tour, n. meanings, etymology and more

    The earliest known use of the noun study tour is in the 1870s. OED's earliest evidence for study tour is from 1877, in St. Louis (Missouri) Globe-Democrat. study tour is formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: study n., tour n. See etymology. Nearby entries.

  20. Study tours should offer more 'learning' experience

    According to available data, the number of participants in study tours reached 4.94 million in 2021, far exceeding the pre-pandemic figures. In 2022, the number crossed 6 million, an all-time high ...

  21. Readers: Are study tours worth it?

    It is worth noting that the decision to engage in educational trips does not solely dictate a child's future. The crux of a child's development lies in their day-to-day education and the nurturing environment provided by their family. Students join a study tour in Guangzhou, March 4, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] With the coming of the summer vacation ...

  22. About the Program

    Study Tours to Poland Program (STP) was a co-implementer of eight editions of The Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy. Since 2021, the main WEASA implementer is the College of Europe in Natolin. The project is co-financed by PAFF through the STP Program as well as the College of Europe in Natolin and the German Marshall Fund in Poland.

  23. Korea Study Trips

    Korea. Autumn 2024. From 2860 $. Booking Deadline August 31st. Book Now. Explore all trips. Korea comes from the Korean word "고려" which is pronounced similarly (고려 was one of the Korean Kingdoms). It is also known as the 'Land of the Morning Calm' which comes from 조선. Dive into the depths of Korea on a 2-3 week study trip.

  24. Mei 2024 Jadi Periode Kelam, Banyak Kecelakaan saat Study Tour

    Sabtu, 25 Mei 2024 07:30 WIB. Bus rombongan study tour asal Pesisir Barat yang kecelakaan masuk ke dalam jurang di tanjakan Sedayu, kabupaten Tanggamus, Lampung. ANTARA/HO-Humas Polres Tanggamus. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Sejumlah kecelakaan lalu lintas terjadi ketika study tour. Banyaknya siswa yang menjadi korban sangat disayangkan.

  25. Perlukah Study Tour dalam Pendidikan?

    Perlukah Study Tour dalam Pendidikan? Misbah Priagung Nursalim, S.S., M.Pd., Dosen Sastra Indonesia di Universitas Pamulang. TIMESINDONESIA, TANGERANG - Banyak pro dan kontra terkait pelaksanaan study tour yang diadakan pihak sekolah. Hal itu tidak lepas dari kasus kecelakaan yang terjadi pada rombongan pelajar asal Depok di Subang.

  26. Kunjungan Wisata ke Dieng Dinilai tak Terdampak Larangan Study Tour

    Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat. Wisatawan mencari embun es di lahan pertanian kawasan Dieng, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah (ilustrasi). Kunjungan wisata ke Dieng dinilai tak terdampak larangan study tour. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANJARNEGARA -- Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan (Dinparbud) Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, memastikan larangan kegiatan ...

  27. Study Tour dan Studi Tiru

    Study tour adalah sebuah perjalanan pendidikan di luar kelas yang dirancang untuk menghadirkan siswa ke lingkungan baru yang relevan dengan kurikulum mereka. Ini bisa mencakup kunjungan ke tempat-tempat bersejarah, institusi pendidikan tertentu, perusahaan, atau bahkan negara-negara lain. Tujuannya memperluas pandangan siswa tentang topik yang ...

  28. Pelaku Wisata hingga Mantan Wakil Wali Kota ...

    TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Wacana pelarangan study tour ke luar kota pasca tragedi kecelakaan bus SMK Lingga Kencana Depok di Ciater Jawa Barat masih menjadi sorotan berbagai pihak. Di Yogyakarta, kalangan pelaku wisata hingga mantan wakil wali kota dan tokoh masyarakat ramai-ramai menolak wacana itu. Mantan Wakil Wali Kota Yogyakarta Heroe Poerwadi mengungkap, study tour biasanya menjadi agenda ...

  29. Banyak Insiden Bus Study Tour, Anggota Komisi V DPR Ingatkan Soal SOP

    Rabu, 29 Mei 2024 - 13:56 | 1. Anggota Komisi V DPR Syarief Andullah Alkadrie. (FOTO: Dok. DPR) TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA - Berbagai insiden bus untuk study tour para siswa belakangan marak terjadi, mulai dari kecelakaan hingga terbakar. Teranyar, Sebuah bus rombongan study tour pelajar asal Cirebon terbakar di parkir Senopati, Yogyakarta.

  30. Rekomendasi 4 Wisata Virtual untuk Study Tour

    Rekomendasi 4 Wisata Virtual untuk Study Tour. Siswa-siswi SD hingga SMP asyik menikmati pengalaman menjelajah angkasa menggunakan teknologi Virtual Reality dalam acara Widya Wisata Jelajah Angkasa Anak Bangsa di Stasiun Pengendali Utama Satelit Telkom Cibinong, Bogor (30/7) TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Belakangan ini, marak kasus kecelakaan saat ...