Memory Alpha

Family (episode)

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 1.6 Act Five
  • 1.7 Log entries
  • 2 Memorable quotes
  • 3.1 Production history
  • 3.2.1 Deleted scene
  • 3.3 Production
  • 3.4 Cast and characters
  • 3.5 Continuity
  • 3.6 Reception
  • 3.8 Apocrypha
  • 3.9 Video and DVD releases
  • 4.1 Starring
  • 4.2 Also starring
  • 4.3 Guest stars
  • 4.4 Special guest star
  • 4.5 Co-stars
  • 4.6 Uncredited co-stars
  • 4.7 Stunt doubles
  • 4.8 Stand-ins
  • 4.9.1 Unreferenced material
  • 4.9.2 Deleted material
  • 4.10 External links

Summary [ ]

Riker talks to Worf about his parents

" By the way, I'm looking forward to meeting your parents. " " Sir? " " They're on the visitor's list… you didn't know? "

With the USS Enterprise -D undergoing repairs in drydock following the Borg attack, many members of the crew are either taking shore leave or are having family aboard. Commander Riker tells Worf in the Enterprise 's observation lounge that his foster parents, Sergey and Helena Rozhenko , are on the visitors list. Worf is not happy to hear this news. He tells Riker it's inappropriate for a Klingon to receive family while on duty. But since the Enterprise isn't a Klingon ship, there's not a lot he can do to stop it. Riker tells him if he doesn't want to see his parents, it's his business but reminds Worf that it's not often they get back to Earth . Worf turns down an offer from Riker to have more off-duty time. As Worf starts to leave, Riker asks if he's afraid they might find out about what had happened on the Klingon homeworld and Worf tells Riker that he's already written them and told them of his discommendation , adding that he doesn't believe any Human can truly understand his dishonor .

Meanwhile, Captain Picard , himself undergoing repairs of the emotional kind following his assimilation , is packing to go to Earth. He is visited by Counselor Troi , who asks him where he's going. He tells her he is going to go to La Barre , France , his home village . It will be the first time he has gone home in nearly twenty years . Troi says she finds it interesting that Picard is going on vacation so easily and yet they could hardly pry him out of his command chair for a vacation for the last three years they have served together. Picard tells her simply that it's Earth, it's home, and he doesn't think he needs a much better reason. He tells Troi that her assistance has been invaluable to him, but that he's much better now, saying his nightmares have ended and that what he needs now is some time to himself. Troi agrees, but states that his destination could stand some scrutiny. Picard tells her that if she wants to think that his going home is a result of being assimilated, she should feel free. Troi reminds him that it's just going to take time. His assimilation was an extremely traumatic event, and he won't recover quickly, and that it's perfectly natural to spend time trying to find oneself again. Picard responds that there is no better way to find himself but on the streets of his home village. She then tells Picard she hopes he has a safe trip, kisses him on the cheek, and leaves him. Picard reaches for a few books, then decides against taking them, putting them back on the shelf, and then heads out of his quarters.

Act One [ ]

Worf arrives at the transporter room to receive his parents. Chief O'Brien tells him they haven't signaled yet. Worf complains that his mother is never on time for anything… just like Humans. O'Brien tells him, " Well, you know women. " Worf wishes they would hurry and get there so they'd leave sooner. O'Brien tells Worf that he understands, relating the story of the last time his father was on board, O'Brien caught him chasing Nurse Stanton around a biobed . Worf says he is not concerned of his father doing something like that, and O'Brien explains that he meant that it was usually always something strange concerning parents. Finally, the Earth Station Bobruisk signals that they have two to transport aboard. The Rozhenkos materialize on the transporter pad. Worf acts pleased to see them, and Sergey asks him if he's put on some weight and tells Worf, even though Worf denies the weight gain, that it looks good on him. Sergey then introduces himself to O'Brien, telling him that he's always glad to meet another chief petty officer and introduces himself as " Sergey Rozhenko, formerly of the USS Intrepid . " When O'Brien tells Sergey he's pleased to meet him, he calls Sergey "sir" and Sergey rebuffs that, telling O'Brien he used to work for a living. Helena tells O'Brien that Sergey's proudest moment was seeing Worf receive his commission. Sergey tells Worf that he's wanting to see the whole ship, having all the specs of the Galaxy -class starship at home. Worf tells him that they are in the midst of a repair, and he cannot give Sergey a full tour. Helena gently reminds him that they promised not to embarrass Worf and they came here to see him, not the ship. Worf takes them to their quarters.

On Earth, Picard, in casual clothes, has decided to walk to his home from the village proper. He reaches the outskirts of the vineyard when he notices someone in the bushes sneaking by him. When he tells them to come out, a boy steps out from behind the brushes. Picard throws his hands up as if he were about to be robbed and calls the boy a highwayman . When the boy is confused, Picard explains that highwaymen used to hide in the bushes and rob people although none had been reported in the local area for centuries. The boy tells Picard that he's not a robber, to Picard's mock relief. The boy then recognizes Picard as "his nephew… from the starship Enterprise ." Picard tells the boy he must be his uncle René . When René says it's the other way around, Picard says he rather liked the idea of the boy being his uncle. René asks Picard why he never comes home, and Picard tells him that Starfleet keeps him very busy. René says that his father tells him that Jean-Luc doesn't like it at home and then tells Picard he doesn't think he's so arrogant.

" What does it mean anyway, 'arrogant son of a …' "

" Let's talk about that later, shall we? "

Upon arriving at the house, Picard meets his sister-in-law, Marie . She tells him that she and Robert are pleased to have him. Picard offers to stay in town, fearing it may be an imposition but Marie refuses, telling him that the house is as much his home as it is theirs and that's all there is to it. Picard then notes how the family home and land look exactly like they did when he was a boy. Marie tells him keeping it that way is very important to Robert and Picard says it was so for their father too. Picard then goes to find his older brother, out tending the vines . Robert greets him coldly, telling him " Welcome home, Captain. " Robert asks Jean-Luc if he shuttled in, and Picard tells him he just walked from the village. This is a very tense moment between the two brothers, who clearly have not had any pleasant feelings for each other for many years. Jean-Luc tells Robert he met René and Marie and that it's good to see Robert, which gets very little response. Robert asks Jean-Luc if he's tired, and Jean-Luc tells him he's not. Robert tells Jean-Luc to make himself at home, since he knows where everything is. Robert mentions that they usually eat about 8PM. He tells Jean-Luc that he'll see him after he cures a sick vine. Robert then turns back completely to his work and Jean-Luc returns to the family house.

Act Two [ ]

Meanwhile, back on Enterprise , Dr. Crusher is talking to Troi in her quarters about her plans to visit Angel Falls in Venezuela with Riker when she receives a suitcase belonging to her late husband Jack . She tells Troi that she had stored it on Earth after Jack died. She pulls out Jack's uniform , a white piece of lace, and a book called How to Advance Your Career Through Marriage , which Crusher explains was a joke from Jack that he sent her while she was still attending medical school and that it was his way of proposing to her. She then pulls out a holographic message from Jack meant for Wesley , recorded just after Wesley was born, intending to give it to him after Wesley grew up. According to Beverly, Jack intended to make many more over Wesley's lifetime, but obviously, he didn't get the chance. Troi asks Crusher if she's afraid of what the message may say and she says she isn't, but she's afraid that since Wesley's just beginning to come to terms with his father's death, that the holo-message may do more harm than good. Troi tells her Wesley has many questions that Beverly can't answer and suggests that maybe the holo-message would help him understand more.

La Forge and Worf are giving the Rozhenkos a tour through the engineering section, and Sergey tells La Forge a story about how they were called to school after Worf got into a fight. The Rozhenkos didn't know what to expect, and when they got there, they found their seven-year-old son in a chair glaring at five teenage boys , all with bloody noses, at which La Forge laughs, and Helena tells him the principal begged them to tell him there weren't any more coming. After Helena stops Sergey from telling La Forge another story, Sergey asks La Forge to show him the new engine core, as he used to be a warp field specialist on the old Excelsior -class ships. Helena asks Worf to show her the arboretum . After they leave, La Forge starts to talk to Sergey about the engine core and the theta-matrix compositor , but Sergey stops him and asks him about Worf. Sergey is clearly concerned about his adopted son.

Later that evening at the Picard family home, Marie tells Jean-Luc that his old friend Louis left a message that he'd very much like to see Jean-Luc as soon as he's settled. Marie tells Jean-Luc that Louis is now a supervisor on the Atlantis Project . Robert says he sees no reason for the Earth to have another sub-continent. Jean-Luc says that if you understand the thought of exploring a new world right on your own planet it's really quite exciting. Robert says he must not understand then. Then Marie tells Jean-Luc that the mayor wants to give him a parade and give him the key to the city. Jean-Luc refuses, saying he's here to rest and to spend time with his family. After a toast to Marie, the family begins to eat. Jean-Luc asks Robert if the wine they're drinking is from ' 46 and Robert tells him it's a ' 47 , and then accuses him of drinking too much synthehol and that it's spoiled him and ruined his palate. Jean-Luc says that he thinks synthehol does nothing but heighten one's appreciation for the genuine article. Robert tells Marie the food is delicious. Jean-Luc says it's just like Robert to find the best cook in France and then marry her. Robert says that thanks to technology, even cooking is quickly becoming a lost art and Marie says they've had several "discussions" about getting a replicator in the house. Jean-Luc is reminded of the same discussions between the brothers' parents. Robert says that he feels, just like their father, that with all this technology there is a real danger of losing those values which Humanity holds most precious. Jean-Luc says that you shouldn't have to lose anything just by adding a convenience, but Robert counters by stating that life is already too convenient. René tells Jean-Luc he wrote a report on starships and won a ribbon for it. Jean-Luc says he wrote a report too. When René asks him if he won a ribbon, Jean-Luc says he doesn't remember, at which Robert reminds him that he did win the ribbon and that he always did so. René, at Marie's urging, goes to get his report for Jean-Luc to read. After he leaves, Robert starts to yell at Jean-Luc, but calms after Jean-Luc glances up at him. He then proceeds to tell Jean-Luc that it's hard enough for him to protect his son from all that's outside in deep space without Jean-Luc encouraging him. Jean-Luc denies that he's encouraging René and suggests that if Robert wasn't so closed-minded that he'd allow René to see the world as it really is, but Robert interrupts him and tells Jean-Luc to raise his sons as he sees fit and to allow Robert to do the same.

Act Three [ ]

The next day, in the vineyard , Jean-Luc and Louis are walking through, and Louis tells Jean-Luc that he knew no one else that was so uninterested in grapes, which Jean-Luc denies, saying he was interested and pleased his family was upholding their traditions, but that he just didn't feel bound by them. Louis points out that Jean-Luc looked to the future and Robert to the past. Jean-Luc laments that there should be room for both in this life. When Jean-Luc asks about his promotion, Louis tells him he is only one of two hundred supervisors , although his wife would have one believe that Louis runs the whole Atlantis Project. Picard then comments that it's ironic that Louis is working on the ocean floor when he was such a rotten swimmer. Jean-Luc asks Louis how he plans to accelerate the build-up on the underside of the mantle without increasing the stress on the tectonic plates , indicating that he's kept up with the project through the journals. He notes that on the Enterprise , they used harmonic resonators to relieve the tectonic pressures on Drema IV two years earlier , though it was quite a different situation. Louis tells Jean-Luc that they are looking for someone to take over the project and he suggests that it be him. He then offers to send some information over on the tectonic problems they are having with trying to raise the ocean floor for Jean-Luc to look over. He agrees to peruse the information and provide any thoughts he has on the problems.

In Ten Forward on the Enterprise , Worf and the Rozhenkos are sharing a drink. They tell Worf that the crew think the world of him. Worf tells them he wishes they would be more reserved. They confess that they go too far sometimes but they are simply excited to see him. When Worf gets called away, Helena finally gets visibly upset and although Sergey suggests leaving it alone, she says she's Worf's mother and she cannot do it. They both end up staring out the window , which leads Guinan over to them and she tells them everyone who goes into Ten Forward ends up looking out that window, trying to find the star they call home. After mutual introductions, Guinan sits them down and asks them why they never gave Worf prune juice . They are shocked to learn that he drinks it. Sergey said all he would ever eat was Klingon food. Helena even learned to cook Rokeg blood pie , even though they never learned how to eat it. They remark it was a difficult adolescence and they didn't do anything special, although Guinan disagrees, calling Worf pretty special. The Rozhenkos tell Guinan that since there were no other Klingons for Worf to turn to for guidance, they were forced to allow him to find his way on his own. Guinan remarks that other parents could learn from them. Helena says that she thinks Worf thinks they don't understand him. Guinan says that part of him may feel that way, but she's seen another part of Worf, a part that comes into Ten Forward and drinks prune juice. Guinan also tells them that when Worf looks out the window toward home, he's not looking toward the Klingon Empire , he's looking toward them.

Marie finds Jean-Luc staring into space. He's amazed that he was actually considering taking the job offer Louis made him. Marie says it's understandable considering what he's been through. Jean-Luc tells her that is not it and then says it may be the reason. She says it would be wonderful if he were home for good and that given time, perhaps he and Robert might actually start to like one another. Jean-Luc says he already likes his brother's taste in wives, thanking her for her letters, they made him feel like part of the family. She tells him he is family. Louis comes over and tells Jean-Luc that he's set up a meeting with the board of governors, telling Jean-Luc they want him to be the head of the project. Raising his voice, Jean-Luc tells Louis there was never a prospect, but Louis asks him to attend, if nothing else, just to listen. Jean-Luc agrees.

Act Four [ ]

Beverly Crusher and Wesley Crusher, 2367

" Your father made it a few weeks after you were born. " " Why? " " He felt it was important to say certain things. "

Beverly gives Wesley the message from Jack. She tells him his father wanted to say some things to him and that he wanted to make sure he didn't forget it. He recorded it a few weeks after Wesley was born and it was meant to be given to him when he was 18 years old. Wesley takes it and goes to the holodeck .

In Worf's quarters, his parents come to see him. Worf admits that at first, he wasn't sure he wanted them to come on board the Enterprise , but now he is glad about their visit. They tell him that they had to come after reading his letter about his discommendation. That regardless of whether or not they understood it all, they know what kind of man Worf is. Helena tells him that whatever he did it was for a good reason. Worf says he must bear this dishonor alone. Sergey says that is not true and Helena apologizes if what she's about to say is too Human, but no matter what Worf is suffering, his parents are there for him, that they are proud of him and they love him. No matter what, Worf is their son. Worf reaches out to them, and they take his hand.

Back in the Picard house, Jean-Luc has been drinking and thinking about Louis' offer when Robert comes in. Robert asks him if synthehol never leaves a person out of control, and then remarks that the real thing will. He then says that seeing the "gallant captain" out of control is something he'd like to see. He then asks Jean-Luc what happened to him up there and Jean-Luc asks if this is brotherly concern and Robert says it's merely curiosity. Jean-Luc says he knows what happened. Robert says he gathered that Jean-Luc was injured, and that he could use a little humiliation or humility. Either would do. Jean-Luc gets up and walks outside but Robert follows him asking him why he walks away, that isn't his style. Jean-Luc says he's tired of fighting with his brother. Robert tells him that "the great Captain Picard" falling to Earth to plunge into the ocean with Louis isn't the brother that he remembers. Robert calls him a returning hero which Jean-Luc denies but Robert insists he wouldn't settle for anything less. Jean-Luc asks him if he were so jealous and Robert says he was and he was justified, watching Jean-Luc receive all the cheers, break all their father's rules and always get away with it. When Jean-Luc asks why Robert didn't do so also, he says that he was the elder brother and therefore had to be responsible and look after Jean-Luc. Jean-Luc calls Robert a bully , to which Robert admits that he sometimes was, and he sometimes even enjoyed it. Jean-Luc then challenges Robert to try bullying him now. Robert, now thoroughly enraged, asks Jean-Luc if the real reason he returned to Earth was because he wanted Robert to look after him again. The question is the last straw for Jean-Luc, who angrily punches Robert in the face, bowling him over some casks, and tackling him into the vineyard. However, after some minutes of shoving and wrestling in the mud , both brothers seem to forget about being angry and end up laughing heartily, remembering their childhood. Jean-Luc laughs that Robert was asking for it, but Robert says Jean-Luc needed it because he's been terribly hard on himself. Jean-Luc finally begins to emotionally break down and tells Robert, who just quietly listens, that he didn't see what the Borg did to him, how they took away his Humanity and used him to kill and destroy and he couldn't stop them. Crying , Jean-Luc admits his guilt in that while he tried very hard, he feels he should have done more to resist. He should have been able to stop the Borg from using him, but he wasn't strong enough or good enough. Robert gently observes that his brother is a normal, regular Human after all, then tells Jean-Luc that this is going to be with him for a long time and he has to learn to live with it. The question is where? Below the sea with Louis or above the clouds with the Enterprise . They pull each other up and Jean-Luc tells Robert that he thinks he did come home so his brother could help him. With their arms around each other, Robert tells Jean-Luc he still doesn't like him, but it's followed with some light chuckles.

Act Five [ ]

Marie finds muddy footprints in the house leading her to the brothers, drinking and singing together, having thrown quilts over their shoulders so they wouldn't soil the chairs they're sitting in. They tell her they fell down and kept falling down while trying to help each other up. When she realizes they have been fighting, she asks what would their father have thought and Jean-Luc says they would probably have been sent to bed without their supper. Marie says at least they got it out of their systems. Jean-Luc agrees and then says he's going to cancel the meeting with Louis and that it's time to leave. He says that the Enterprise will be ready to leave soon, and he belongs on board and if he should ever doubt that again, he knows where to come.

Wesley is at the holodeck, having loaded Jack's message in and walks inside. An image of Jack Crusher appears, projected in the center of the holodeck, wearing his old-style uniform. When Jack recorded this, Wesley was ten weeks old. Jack says he wants Wesley to know what he was like when Wesley was born, saying that the person who makes this recording will be gone, replaced by an older, more experienced and hopefully smarter man but this one will be gone. Jack says that he knows nothing about being a dad and apologizes for the mistakes he will make through Wesley's life. He hopes that Wesley isn't too upset about him being gone as much as he was, but that's part of wearing the Starfleet uniform. He hopes that when Wesley gets the message he'll understand and perhaps try a uniform on for himself. Jack says he'll probably end up a doctor, like his mother. Jack says he can see himself and the entire family in Wesley and that he can feel Wesley is his son. That there is a connection between them, and that Jack will always be part of him. He says that he will try to do better explaining in the next message and that he loves Wesley. The hologram fades just before Wesley can embrace him and he simply can only say " Goodbye, Dad. "

Picard says goodbye to family

"Take care, Uncle."

Meanwhile, at La Barre, Jean-Luc prepares to leave, this time in uniform rather than the casual clothes in arrived in. Marie tells him to come back and to be careful. Jean-Luc says goodbye to "Uncle" René. René tells Jean-Luc he'll be leaving for his starship one day. Jean-Luc says that when he gets older, he may change his mind. Robert gives Jean-Luc the wine they were drinking. He tells Jean-Luc not to drink it all at once and if possible, try not to drink it alone. Just before Jean-Luc leaves, he and Robert finally embrace, having done much to heal their wounds from the past, and Jean-Luc walks back down the road towards the village proper.

As Worf walks the Rozhenkos to the transporter room, Helena asks if they can send him something from home. At first, Worf says that there's nothing he needs, but then changes his mind and asks for some of her Rokeg blood pie. She says it's been a while, but she thinks she still remembers how. They meet Picard at the door and Worf introduces him to his parents. Picard asks if they had a full tour and Sergey says that because of the repairs there were a few places they missed, but Helena and Worf push him into the transporter room. He tells Picard he has all the specs and diagrams at home as the door closes. Picard smiles and continues onward.

Rene Picard stargazing

René stargazing

Back at home, René is still outside after dark under a tree, dreaming of starships and adventures. Marie says he's been out there a long time and Robert says simply to his wife to let their son continue to dream. As René sits staring at the stars, a streak shoots through the sky on its way out into space once again.

Log entries [ ]

  • Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), 2367

Memorable quotes [ ]

" I do not believe any Human can truly understand my dishonor. "

" Don't call me sir - I used to work for a living! "

" I know who you are. " " Then you have the advantage. " " You're my nephew Jean-Luc from the starship Enterprise . " " Then you must be my uncle René. " " I'm not your uncle. It's the other way around. " " Too bad. I rather enjoyed the idea. "

" You know, you don't seem so arro… arro… Y'know! " " Arrogant? " " Yes! Arrogant! You don't seem that way to me. What does it mean, anyway? Arrogant Son of a- " " Let's… talk about that later, shall we? "

" So we walk into the school and we didn't know what to expect. Is Worf hurt, is he in some kind of trouble? The door opens and there is our little seven year-old sitting on the chair and glaring across the room at five teenage boys all of them with bloody noses! " " And then the principal looks up and says please tell me he's an only child! "

" There's just one thing I don't understand. You were such a rotten swimmer, Louis. (laughs) Thinking of you working on the ocean floor. "

" I'm afraid that Worf feels that… we do not understand him. " " Well, part of him may feel that way… but there's another part that I've seen – the part that comes in and… drinks prune juice… the part that looks out the window towards home. He's not looking towards the Klingon Empire, he's looking towards you."

" Why didn't you break a few rules? " " 'Cause I was the elder brother, the responsible one. It was my job to look after you. " " Look after me? You, you were a bully! " " Sometimes… maybe. Sometimes I even enjoyed bullying you! " " All right. Try it now! " " Why did you come back, Jean-Luc? Did you come back because you wanted me to look after you again? " "Damn you!!"

" You were asking for it, you know? " " Yes, but you needed it – you have been terribly hard on yourself! "

" You don't know, Robert, you don't know. They took everything I was. They used me to kill and to destroy, and I couldn't stop them! I should have been able to stop them! I tried. *begins sobbing* I tried so hard . But I wasn't strong enough! I wasn't good enough! I should have been able to stop them. I should, I should. " " So… my brother is a Human being after all. This is going to be with you a long time, Jean-Luc. A long time. You have to learn to live with it. You have a simple choice now – live with it below the sea with Louis, or above the clouds with the Enterprise . "

" Goodbye, Dad. "

" I have all the specs and diagrams at home! "

" It's getting late. " " Yes… but let him dream, hmm? "

Background information [ ]

Production history [ ].

  • First draft story outline ( titled "Crossroads"): 2 July 1990
  • Second draft story outline: 13 July 1990
  • Final draft script: 2 August 1990 (with revisions up to 20 August 1990) [1]
  • Premiere airdate: 1 October 1990
  • First UK airdate: 13 April 1994

Story and script [ ]

Filming family

Filming Picard's homecoming (director Les Landau in white T-shirt instructing Patrick Stewart )

  • This episode had the working titles "Road Not Taken" and later, "Crossroads". Although the episode was called "Crossroads" when Ronald D. Moore turned in the first draft story outline on 2 July 1990 , the installment was renamed "Family" by 13 July 1990.
  • While not written or filmed until well after the completion of " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ", "Family" became the unofficial third installment of the Borg trilogy. While no Borg actually appeared and no action took place in the episode, the story served as a fitting resolution to the action- and drama-heavy two parter. It was "The Best of Both Worlds" writer Michael Piller who suggested the quiet episode to heal Picard's wounds on-camera. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143) Piller did so in a note at the end of an early story outline for "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II", in which he wrote, " I can't help feeling that after what Picard has been through that being 'back to normal' is simplistic and incredible especially for a show that takes such a realistic look at Humanity and life. I must reiterate my feeling that there is a hell of an episode to be explored here. Why not use the next episode to explore Picard's recovery – bandaged, his face is healing, but there is more than just physical healing to be done here… it is uncertain if he can ever fully recover from the nightmares of his captivity to resume command … and as the Enterprise orbits earth undergoing repairs, Picard returns to his roots to find himself. There is an interesting echo of the Beirut hostages returning home to be found here. Good episode! " [2]
  • Piller recalled, " The normal objections were that we were not serialized. We try to tell stories that can be told in one hour and that's what we do very well. When I got to the end of Part II, we made the decision not to extend it and I called up Rick and said, 'Hey, listen. Next week Picard can be fine, but for a show that prides itself on its realistic approach to storytelling, how can you have a guy who's basically been raped be fine next week? There's a story in a man like Picard who's lost control. Delving into the psychological crisis that a man like that has to face, and what does he have to do?' Finally, I was persuasive enough to talk Gene and Rick into taking the chance, and I think everyone is glad we did. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 208)
  • Conditional to Berman's acceptance was that a sci-fi storyline be added. Various plots were tried but rejected, including one with a child stowaway and another in which crewmembers disappeared. (The latter plot would be recycled to form the basis of " Remember Me ") Berman relented when it became clear that the plots would not work well together, and the show's family-themed subplots were added to fill the hour. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143)
  • Ronald D. Moore commented, " We decided as long as we were there at Earth, let's make it a show about people's families and do some other characters' on the ship and explore their backgrounds. It became a very off-concept show, [looking] at the characters and how they got to be who and what they are. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 208)
  • According to Moore, Gene Roddenberry hated the script of the episode. He recalled that at a meeting, " Gene goes through this whole thing about how much he hates this script. 'It says terrible things about Picard’s parents; these brothers don’t exist in the twenty-fourth century; they have such profound personal animosities; this would never happen. I don’t buy any of this, this is not a Star Trek episode. There’s no action in this; there’s no jeopardy. We can’t do this show.' " After the meeting, Piller and Berman advised a dejected Moore to finish the script anyway, and that they would deal with Roddenberry. Moore concluded, " I went off and wrote it, and never heard another word. Somehow, they were then dealing with Gene in a different way and that script just went through after that point. He just stopped kind of throwing out scripts and changing things from that point forward, and just started slowly to change. " [3]
  • The Jack R. Crusher subplot was based upon a spec script submitted by Susanne Lambdin and Bryan Stewart . According to Moore, only the basic premise of Wesley receiving a holographic message from his father was used. ( AOL chat , 1997 )
  • Piller recalled that Crusher's holotaped speech really hit home for him, as the episode was produced soon after the birth of his own daughter. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143)

Deleted scene [ ]

Jack and Wesley Crusher, "Family" (deleted scene)

Wil Wheaton and Doug Wert

One expanded scene was filmed but later cut from the episode during editing; the scene was later released in high definition as part of the TNG Season 4 Blu-ray bonus features. [4]

  • Act 5, Scene 35 - The holographic message from Jack R. Crusher includes lengthy family details about the Crusher legacy. In it, Jack mentions his assignment to the USS Stargazer and Wesley's never heard middle name, Robert. Jack also referred to several ancestors of his, including a horse thief on Nimbus III (a reference to the planet seen in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier ), one who "fought for the Confederacy at Bull Run , and one who died at Station Salem-One . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143)

Production [ ]

Patrick Stewart and Samantha Eggar

Stewart and Samantha Eggar between takes

  • Although this episode aired as the second episode of the season, it was actually filmed fourth, after " Suddenly Human " and " Brothers ". ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143)
  • The exterior shots of the Picard family's home in La Barre was actually filmed at two locations. The house itself was a private residence in Encino, California, and a dryland near Lancaster stood in for the vineyards, which were then digitally inserted into a matte painting that shows the surrounding village and hills. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143) The interior shots were taken on a soundstage.
  • The song sung by Robert and Jean-Luc after their fight in the mud is " Auprès de ma Blonde ", an old and well-known French folk song.

Cast and characters [ ]

Shooting family

The actors during a break

  • Theodore Bikel and Georgia Brown were both well known in Yiddish theater, initially causing some studio concern that Worf's parents might appear comically "Jewish". Piller dismissed these concerns, noting that the finished episode "treads the line" of universal humor. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143)
  • Along with Star Trek: First Contact , this episode is one of the two Star Trek productions to feature two Academy Award-nominated performers, namely Theodore Bikel and Samantha Eggar. Bikel and Eggar previously worked together on the Columbo episode "The Bye-Bye Sky High I.Q. Murder Case", which also featured Kenneth Mars .
  • Brent Spiner ( Data ) does not appear in this episode, the only one of the entire series in which he is absent, though Spiner more than makes up for this in the following episode , in which Data has a family reunion of his own.
  • In this episode, Chief O'Brien gained a full name, Miles Edward O'Brien, as well as a more defined rank, chief petty officer , though his rank insignia continued to change. In his scene in "Family", O'Brien continued to wear the two pips of lieutenant. See also : Miles O'Brien's rank history . On the discrepancy, Ron Moore commented, " O'Brien was originally just a day player on TNG and very little, if any, thought went into his rank or background for quite a while. He officially became a chief petty officer in "Family" when I wanted he and Worf's adoptive father to both be non-coms in contrast to Worf. Making him an enlisted man seemed to give us another color in the show and to open up another window into Starfleet that we hadn't explored before. " ( AOL chat , 1998 )
  • René tells Jean-Luc that he will someday leave the family home to go to his own starship. Later, David Tristan Birkin , the child actor who played René, reappeared in the sixth season episode " Rascals " as Young Jean-Luc Picard.
  • Robert and René appeared once more, though portrayed by different actors, in photographs seen in the Picard family album in Star Trek Generations following their tragic deaths in a house fire.
  • Future Star Trek: Voyager guest star Ian Abercrombie provided voiceover work for some of Jeremy Kemp's lines as Robert Picard. This notably includes lines just before the fight between Robert and Jean-Luc.

Continuity [ ]

  • "Family" is the first TNG episode in which no scene is set on the Enterprise 's bridge (except for stock footage seen in " Shades of Gray "). Other episodes of this sort include " Liaisons " and " Dark Page ".
  • Rozhenko asks Worf if he still works out fighting holodeck monsters, referring to the Klingon calisthenics program seen in " Where Silence Has Lease ".
  • Picard mentions to Louis how they changed the geology of Drema IV , referring to the events of " Pen Pals ".
  • Guinan tells Worf's parents about his affection for prune juice , something established in " Yesterday's Enterprise ".
  • Jack R. Crusher appears in the hologram wearing a Starfleet uniform from the TOS films but without the undershirt that had trapunto collar and cuffs and with a TNG-era combadge . This might have been intended to show a transition period in the Starfleet uniforms, as the crew of the USS Enterprise -C had also appeared in trapunto-less movie uniforms but with a combadge based on the movie insignia.
  • The bottle of Chateau Picard that Robert gives to the captain later reappeared in " Legacy " and " First Contact ", as well as in the feature Star Trek Nemesis , albeit with a different label.
  • Riker has his usual rank and rank insignia of commander and position as executive officer (first officer) again at the start of this episode. While not mentioned directly on-screen, it seems that he either renounced the commission of captain that he was awarded in the previous episode in order to remain on the Enterprise or the field commission was taken back by Starfleet with Picard's return.
  • The chair in Worf's quarters was also seen in " Peak Performance ", " Reunion ", " Redemption ", " New Ground ", " Cost Of Living ", " A Fistful of Datas ", " Birthright, Part I ", " Parallels ", " Genesis ", and " Firstborn " and was previously used as the command chair aboard the Tarellian starship in the first season episode " Haven ". It was designed by Peter Opsvik. [5]

Reception [ ]

  • Director Les Landau remarked, " I think it was certainly one of my best episodes and one of the best episodes of Star Trek ever. 'Family' was the perfect follow-up to the Borg shows and the conclusion of that storyline. Picard was in a dilemma, what to do and what better place to do it than in the environs of one's 'home.' After all, his home is the universe, but his specific home is La Barre, France. This was a story that was opened up. It was about Earth and a place that we could identify with Human beings and no aliens. That opening moment where Picard walks into the vineyard and see his brother on his hands and knees picking grapes [and] his brother doesn't even acknowledge him, gives me chills just thinking about it. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 208)
  • Ronald D. Moore commented, " It was a really charming piece and I was honored to have a chance to write it because it gave us a chance to really explore these people's lives for a change, instead of saving the universe again and again. " ( Chronicles from the Final Frontier , TNG Season 4 DVD special features)
  • "Family" was the lowest-rated episode of the fourth season . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 143)
  • A mission report for this episode by Robert Greenberger was published in The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine  issue 15 , pp. 4-8.
  • This episode was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Cinematography for a Series ( Marvin V. Rush ).

Apocrypha [ ]

  • The Tokyopop manga, Boukenshin had a story titled "Loyalty", set during this episode as the comic's stardate matches the one given for the episode. Riker attends a confidential meeting at Starfleet Headquarters which included Vice Admiral Thomas Henry , Admiral Jeremiah Hayes , Captain Phillipa Louvois and Rear Admiral Bradish. They explain that it would be politically disastrous to allow Picard to resume his command of the Enterprise , so they want to permanently promote Riker to captain and give him command of the ship, while Picard would either be retired or given a ground assignment, as they're concerned that he's no longer fit to command after having been compromised by the Borg. As the group were undecided about Picard, they wanted to consult with Riker as he is Picard’s strongest advocate. Riker explained that Picard stopped the Borg cube, not him or the Enterprise crew, when he overcame Locutus to tell Data which command node to override. Hoping to counter Riker’s argument, Bradish then invited Commander Elizabeth Shelby to appear before the group. Following a lengthy briefing and discussion about the battle, Shelby concluded that Picard was not responsible for the actions of Locutus. However, she couldn’t promise that there was not some undetected method by which the Borg could control Picard in the future. Growing frustrated, Riker called this not a meeting, but a court martial . Bradish warned Riker that if he didn’t assume command of the Enterprise , with Shelby as his first officer, that it could hurt his career. Riker then lost his patience and threatened to immediately resign from Starfleet if they got rid of Picard and said every one of the Enterprise 's command staff would follow him, leaving their flagship without a crew. Shelby also removed her combadge in support but before they leave, Hayes appealed to them what could be done to resolve the situation. Riker said they should allow Picard to resume command while he stays as his first officer to keep an eye on things, and should Picard be co-opted in any way by the Borg, Riker would take care of it. The group accepts Riker’s offer, though Bradish was dissented.

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • Original UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 38, 17 February 1992
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, Paramount Home Entertainment ): Volume 4.1, 19 March 2001
  • As part of the Region 1 edition of the Star Trek: The Next Generation - Jean-Luc Picard Collection
  • As part of the TNG Season 4 DVD collection

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Patrick Stewart as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Cmdr. William Riker

Also starring [ ]

  • LeVar Burton as Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge
  • Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf
  • Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher
  • Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data
  • Wil Wheaton as Ensign Wesley Crusher

Guest stars [ ]

  • Jeremy Kemp as Robert Picard
  • Samantha Eggar as Marie Picard
  • Theodore Bikel as Sergey Rozhenko
  • Georgia Brown as Helena Rozhenko
  • Dennis Creaghan as Louis
  • Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien

Special guest star [ ]

  • Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan

Co-stars [ ]

  • David Tristan Birkin as Rene Picard
  • Doug Wert as Jack R. Crusher

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Ian Abercrombie as Robert Picard (ADR voiceover)
  • K.C. Amos as Enterprise operations officer
  • Rachen Assapiomonwait as Nelson
  • Majel Barrett as USS Enterprise -D computer voice
  • Debbie David as Russell
  • Nyra Crenshaw as Enterprise operations officer
  • Elliot Durant III as Enterprise operations ensign
  • Margaret Flores as Enterprise science officer
  • Michael Moorehead as Enterprise civilian
  • Denise Lynne Roberts as Patti
  • Talbot as Ten Forward waitress
  • Enterprise female operations officer
  • Enterprise female transporter operator (voice)
  • Enterprise male operations officer
  • Ten Forward waiter
  • Nine vineyard workers

Stunt doubles [ ]

  • Dick Dial as stunt double for Jeremy Kemp
  • John Nowak as stunt double for Patrick Stewart

Stand-ins [ ]

  • Nora Leonhardt – stand-in for Marina Sirtis
  • Lorine Mendell – stand-in for Gates McFadden
  • Randy Pflug – stand-in for Colm Meaney
  • Richard Sarstedt – stand-in for Jonathan Frakes
  • Dennis Tracy – stand-in for Patrick Stewart
  • Guy Vardaman – stand-in for Wil Wheaton
  • James Washington – stand-in for Michael Dorn

References [ ]

2310s ; 2346 ; 2347 ; 2348 ; 2364 ; acceleration ; adolescence ; adventure ; age ; Alnitak ; Angel Falls ; arboretum ; argument ; arm ; " arm twisting "; Atlantic Ocean ; " Auprès de ma Blonde "; baby ; bed ; Bellatrix ; Betelgeuse ; biobed ; bloody nose ; Bloom sisters ; board of governors ; Borg ; Borg incident ; brother ; bully ; bush ; career ; century ; Château Picard ; Chateau Picard ( wine ); chair ; chief petty officer ; choice ; cloud ; commission ; conversation ; cook ; cooking ; crib ; Crusher family ; Crusher 01 ; curiosity ; cycling ; " damn it ": danger ; death ; design ; diagram ; director ; discommendation ; discussion ; dishonor ; door ; dreaming ; Drema IV ; drydock ; dust jacket ; Earth ; Earth Station Bobruisk ; engine core ; Excelsior -class ; face ; family ; father ; fear ; France ; French language ; friend ; Galaxy -class ; Galaxy -class decks ; gift ; " good lord "; government ; grape ; hair ; harmonic resonator ; heritage ; hero ; highwayman ( robber ); hill ; holodeck ; holodeck monsters ; holographic program ; home ; hour ; How to Advance Your Career Through Marriage ; Human ; humiliation ; humility ; hundred ; hydroponics ; idea ; injury ; Intrepid , USS ; jealousy ; joke ; keys to the city ; Klingon ; Klingon Empire ; La Barre ; leader ; leg ; letter ; mantle ; marriage ; mayor ; McKinley Station ; medical school ; meeting ; Mid-Atlantic Ridge ; Mintaka ; minute ; mirror ; mistake ; modesty ; mud ; nephew ; New Atlantis Development Project Presentation Database ; New Atlantis Project ; New Atlantis Project supervisors ; nightmare ; North Atlantic Secondary Subduction Zone ; nurse ; O'Brien, Michael ; ocean floor ; " odds and ends "; officer ; old man ; only child ; orbit ; Orion ; painting ; palate ; parade ; paradise ; path ; personnel transfer ; Picard, Maurice ; Picard, Yvette ; René Picard's teacher ; plan ; potential ; president of the school ; principal ; problem ; project ; promotion ; prune juice ; question ; Qo'noS ; rascal ; refit ( overhaul ); reason ; recovery ; repairs ; replicator ; report ; ribbon ; rokeg blood pie ; room ; rule ; sea ; schedule ; school ; scrutiny ; shore leave ; " son of a "; spec ; Stanton ; star ; Starfleet ; Stargazer , USS ; starship ; starship captain ; story ; street ; stress ; subcontinent ; supervisor ; surface ; swimming ; synthehol ; technical journal ; tectonic plate ; Teenage boys ; theta-matrix compositor ; " think the world of you "; thought ; tree ; toast ; tour ; tradition ; traveler ; truth ; turbolift ; uncle ; vacation ; valedictorian ; value ; Venezuela ; victory ; village ; vine ; vineyard ; visitors' list ; walk ; warp field specialist ; water ; week ; weight ; " what the devil "; window ; wine ; Worf's principal

Unreferenced material [ ]

artist ; Bull Run ; Confederacy ; Crusher, Richard Wesley ; explorer ; flying lesson ; horse ; Nimbus III ; painter ; Prado ; scholar ; Station Salem-One

Deleted material [ ]

" Starships "

External links [ ]

  • " Family " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " Family " at Wikipedia
  • " Family " at , a Roddenberry Star Trek podcast
  • "Family" script  at Star Trek Minutiae
  • " Family " at the Internet Movie Database
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

WHERE ARE THEY NOW: The cast of 'Star Trek: The Next Generation,' 36 years later

  • "Star Trek: The Next Generation" ("TNG") aired from 1987 to 1994.
  • It was the first live-action "Star Trek" show since the original series ended in 1969.
  • The cast will reunite for the final season of "Star Trek: Picard," which premieres February 16.

The captain of the Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard, was played by Sir Patrick Stewart for all seven seasons.

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Stewart got his start as a theater actor and was a part of the Royal Shakespeare Company from 1966 to 1982. He then had various roles on British TV series until he was cast as the newest captain of the USS Enterprise in 1987 for "Star Trek: The Next Generation," kicking off decades of debates on who the superior captain is .

Arguably, "TNG" would never have been as successful as it was without the grounding presence of Stewart and his Shakespearean sensibilities. Some of the best episodes and arcs in "Trek" history come down to Stewart's performance, such as the iconic Locutus storyline and its aftermath in "Family," or classic episodes like "The Measure of a Man" and "The Inner Light."

He was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance in 1995. He won a Grammy in 1996 for best spoken word album for children for his reading of "Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf."

Stewart, 82, will conclude Picard's story in 2023 after three seasons of "Star Trek: Picard" on Paramount+.

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By the time "TNG" wrapped up in 1994, Stewart had already  solidified his place in the hearts of nerds everywhere. He'd go on to star in four more "Trek" movies — "Generations" in 1994, "First Contact" in 1996, "Insurrection" in 1998, and "Nemesis" in 2002 — but that wasn't his last iconic role.

In 2000, he starred as the iconic Professor Charles Xavier, aka Professor X, in "X-Men." He reprised the role in 2003's "X2," 2006's "X-Men: The Last Stand," 2009's "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," 2013's "The Wolverine," 2014's "X-Men: Days of Future Past," and 2017's "Logan" — the latter of which got him some Oscar buzz . He reprised the role in 2022's "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness."

Stewart was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2010 for services to drama.

He's played various other roles throughout his decades-long career, returned to the stage many times, and secured a Tony nomination in 2008 for his performance in "Macbeth." But Picard wasn't done with him yet.

In 2018, it was announced that Stewart would be returning to the role of Jean-Luc Picard for a series on CBS All Access (now Paramount+) following the former captain 30 years after the events of "Nemesis." "Star Trek: Picard" premiered in 2020. The third and final season will premiere on February 16.

Commander William T. Riker, Picard's right-hand man and first officer, was played by Jonathan Frakes.

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Riker was more of the classic "Trek" rogue, similar in some ways to William Shatner's Captain James T. Kirk, namely, his penchant for getting into trouble and getting women across the galaxy to fall in love with him. But he was also a trusted colleague and friend to Picard across seven seasons and four movies. Picking up Riker from Farpoint Station is actually one of the crew's first missions in the pilot.

Before "TNG," Frakes had appeared in various episodes of '70s and '80s shows like "Charlie's Angels," "The Twilight Zone," "Hill Street Blues," and more. But he quickly became best known for "Trek."

Like Shatner and Leonard Nimoy before him, Frakes also became interested in directing, and he was behind the camera for eight episodes of "TNG," as well as episodes of spin-offs "Deep Space Nine," and "Voyager." He also directed films "First Contact" and "Insurrection."

Frakes, 70, has appeared in "Picard" and "Lower Decks." He's also a successful director.

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Soon after "TNG" wrapped up, Frakes began hosting the series "Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?" from 1998 to 2002. A compilation clip of him saying things are false/fiction has since become a meme .

Frakes reprised his role as Riker in episodes of "Deep Space Nine" and "Voyager" in the '90s, the series finale of "Star Trek: Enterprise" in 2005, two episodes of "Star Trek: Picard" in 2020, and three episodes of "Star Trek: Lower Decks" in 2020 and 2021.

Over the last two decades, he's directed over 70 episodes of television, including shows like "Roswell," "Castle," "NCIS: Los Angeles," "The Librarians," "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Seth MacFarlane's loving "Trek" homage "The Orville," and, of course, the new "Trek" shows like "Star Trek: Discovery" and "Picard."

Like the rest of the original "TNG" crew, Frakes has joined the cast of "Picard" for season three.

Marina Sirtis played Deanna Troi, the ship's counselor and an empath.

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In some ways, Troi was like the exact opposite of Spock, a character from the original "Trek" who operated solely from a place of logic. Instead, Troi was a half-human, half-betazoid, which made her an empath (able to telepathically sense people's feelings and emotions). Her place on the ship was to counsel the captain and other members of the crew.

Notably, Troi and Riker were in a relationship before the events of the show, and they eventually get married during the movie "Nemesis," before moving to the USS Titan, where Riker would finally become captain.

Her mother, Lwaxana Troi, was a beloved "Trek" side character played by Majel Barrett, "Trek" creator Gene Rodenberry's wife and "Original Series" cast member. Barrett also played Christine Chapel.

Before "TNG," Sirtis had appeared in bit parts in films and was mainly doing theater in her native UK.

Sirtis, 67, reprised the role for one episode of "Picard" with her on-screen husband, Riker.

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Sirtis appeared in all four "TNG" films," and she also reprised her role as Troi in "Voyager," "Enterprise," "Picard," and "Lower Decks." She also appeared in an episode of "The Orville."

She's steadily worked in TV over the last two decades, appearing in shows like "Without a Trace," "Make It or Break It," "Grey's Anatomy," "NCIS," and "Scandal."

Sirtis has also had a steady voice-acting career, lending her voice to "Gargoyles," "Adventure Time," and perhaps most famously, as Queen Bee in "Young Justice."

Sirtis will don her Starfleet uniform yet again in 2023 for the final season of "Picard."

LeVar Burton played the engineering genius Geordi La Forge.

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Besides Stewart, Burton was easily the most well-known member of the cast. Ten years prior, he had played Kunta Kinte in the 1977 ABC miniseries "Roots," which was nominated for 37 Emmy Awards, winning nine, including a nomination for Burton . The series finale is still the second most-watched series finale of all time, garnering at least 110 million viewers. He reprised the role in the 1988 TV film "Roots: The Gift."

When he was cast as La Forge, the chief engineering officer who happened to be blind — a big step forward in disability representation at the time — Burton had already been hosting "Reading Rainbow" on PBS since 1983. "Reading Rainbow," which Burton produced, won a Peabody Award and 12 Daytime Emmys.

From 1990 to 1996, Burton also voiced Kwame on "Captain Planet and the Planeteers" for over 100 episodes. In 1999, he directed the Disney Channel Original Movie classic "Smart House."

Burton, 66, was recently at the center of a campaign to take over as the new host of "Jeopardy!"

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Like the rest of the main cast, Burton appeared in "TNG's" four feature films . He also appeared as La Forge in an episode of "Voyager."

He will reprise his role for the first time on TV since 1998 during the third and final season of "Picard" — and he'll be joined by his daughter, Mica Burton, who will play La Forge's daughter Alandra, an ensign in Starfleet.

Burton has had a successful career in Hollywood since, appearing as Martin Luther King Jr. in 2001's "Ali," playing himself in iconic appearances on both "Community" and "The Big Bang Theory," and hosting "Reading Rainbow" until its end in 2006.

Like Frakes, Burton is also a successful TV director. He's directed numerous episodes of "Star Trek" and its spin-offs, as well as episodes of "Charmed," "JAG," and "NCIS: New Orleans." He made his movie directorial debut in 2008 with "Reach for Me," starring Seymour Cassel.

After the death of Alex Trebek in 2020 , fans began campaigning for Burton to take over as the new host of "Jeopardy!" Almost 300,000 fans have signed a petition to that effect. However, after a brief stint as guest host, Burton said he wouldn't be interested in taking over as the permanent host.

In October 2021, he was named next year's grand marshal of the Rose Bowl Parade.

Gates McFadden played the chief medical officer Dr. Beverly Crusher for six seasons — she was replaced briefly in season two.

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Dr. Crusher was introduced as the chief medical officer of the Enterprise with a long relationship with Picard — her late husband, Jack, and Picard were close friends, and Picard even brought back Jack's body after death.

However, as the show progressed, Dr. Crusher and Picard's relationship evolved into love and they even got married (and divorced) in an alternate timeline. We want to see Beverly in "Picard," please — and it seems like we're finally getting our wish.

After the first season, McFadden was written out of the show due to issues with head writer Maurice Hurley and replaced with Diana Muldaur, who played Dr. Katherine Pulaski. Muldaur's character did not gel with the rest of the cast, and McFadden was subsequently brought back for season three (and Hurley was ultimately replaced with Michael Piller).

Before "TNG," McFadden was a choreographer and a puppeteer involved with the Jim Henson Company, in addition to her career as an actress . She appeared in and choreographed 1984's "The Muppets Take Manhattan" and choreographed "Labyrinth" in 1986 . McFadden directed an episode of "TNG" in 1994.

McFadden, 73, has appeared in episodes of shows like "Franklin & Bash," "NCIS," and "The Practice."

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McFadden appeared in all four "TNG" films , though she didn't have a huge role in them, considering how her relationship with Picard was left in the series finale. She even joked during a screening of the season three premiere of "Picard" that she didn't remember being in the films.

Hopefully, their bond will be addressed in season three of "Picard," which McFadden will return for, especially since season two of "Picard" seems very concerned with the lack of love in his life.

Since the end of the films in 2002, McFadden has mainly appeared on TV. She was in four episodes of "Franklin & Bash," an episode of "NCIS," and a TV movie called "A Neighbor's Deception." She was also in a 2009 holiday rom-com called "Make the Yuletide Gay."

Michael Dorn played Worf, the first Klingon in "Trek" history to be a main character.

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Worf was the first Klingon to be a main character in "Star Trek" — in three of the original films, Klingons were, if not the main antagonists, one of the secondary foes.

By the events of "TNG," Dorn's character Worf had enlisted in Star Fleet and slowly became one of the series' best and most beloved characters, as well as the chief security officer. He went on to star on "Deep Space Nine" for four seasons, from 1995 to 1999.

Before the show, Dorn had appeared in shows such as "CHiPS," "Knots Landing," and "Days of Our Lives."

Dorn, 70, has been in more episodes of "Star Trek" than any other actor. He'll add to his lead by appearing in "Picard."

star trek family cast

Overall, Dorn played Worf for 277 episodes and four films, making more appearances than any other actor in "Trek" history. The character was so popular that there were even talks to continue his story in his own show, called "Star Trek: Captain Worf" in 2012, though they never came to fruition.

He'll continue his reign, as Dorn was announced with the rest of the cast of "TNG" to be returning to "Trek" in season three of "Picard."

Besides acting in "Star Trek," Dorn also directed three episodes of "Deep Space Nine," as well as an episode of "Enterprise."

Like many of his co-stars, Dorn has had a successful voice-acting career . He used his voice in "Dinosaurs," "Superman: The Animated Series," "I Am Weasel," "Kim Possible: A Stitch in Time," "Regular Show," and "Arrow," among others. Most recently, he voiced Battle Beast in "Invincible."

Dorn appeared in two of the "Santa Clause" movies as the Sandman, and he was also in "Ted 2." In real life, he's also an accomplished pilot.

Wil Wheaton played Wesley Crusher, Dr. Crusher's son and a controversial character.

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Poor Wesley. It couldn't have been easy losing your dad at such an early age, only to be dragged onto a spaceship with the man who survived instead ... a man who pointedly hated kids to boot. But that was Wesley's plight, and it didn't make for a very enjoyable character. He was written off as a regular after season four, at which point he went to Starfleet Academy. Wesley reappeared in the final season for a send-off.

The year before Wheaton began appearing in "TNG," he starred in the classic '80s film "Stand by Me" alongside River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell, Kiefer Sutherland, and John Cusack, all future stars in the making.

Wheaton, 50, made a surprise cameo at the end of season two of "Picard."

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As Wesley wasn't a  hugely  beloved character, he only appeared in one scene of one film , "Nemesis." He didn't even speak.

But Wheaton hasn't let the haters stop him from having a successful career. He's appeared in dozens of TV shows and movies, and he hilariously played himself across 17 episodes of "The Big Bang Theory." He also had a recurring role on "Eureka," another recurring role on "Leverage," and a talk show on SyFy called "The Wil Wheaton Project."

Wheaton has also acted in many web series, including "Welcome to Night Vale." He's also had great success in voice acting, most recently voicing the Flash in "Teen Titans Go to the Movies."

He also hosted the web series "TableTop," in which he and guests play a game (like Settlers of Catan or Pandemic) each episode, which aired from 2012 to 2017.

Currently, he hosts "The Ready Room," the official "Star Trek" aftershow that features interviews with the cast and crew. He also made a brief, surprise appearance at the end of season two of "Picard."

Brent Spiner played Data, an android who was on a quest to become more human.

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While most of the characters on "TNG" were almost entirely original, Data was clearly conceived as this show's version of Spock , another character who struggled with the concept of humanity.

However, as the show went on, Data solidified himself as his own character with his own fascinating backstory (Lore and Dr. Noonien Soong, anyone?) and a heartwarming desire to become human.

Before the series, Spiner enjoyed a successful career in theater , originating the role of Franz/Dennis in "Sunday in the Park with George" and starring as Aramis in "The Three Musketeers." He also appeared in six episodes of "Night Court."

In 1996, he appeared in the huge sci-fi blockbuster "Independence Day."

They keep finding ways for Spiner, 74, to stay in the "Trek" universe, even 21 years after Data's death in "Star Trek: Nemesis."

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Spiner appeared in all four "TNG" movies . In fact, his character might have had the most complete arc, when you take in his sacrifice at the end of "Nemesis." He also played an ancestor of his character's creator, Dr. Arik Soong, in four episodes of "Enterprise's" fourth season.

In 2016, Spiner reprised his role as Dr. Brackish Okun in the sequel "Independence Day: Resurgence." Over the years he's appeared in dozens of TV shows, including "Friends," "Star Wars Rebels," "Ray Donovan," "The Goldbergs," and "Warehouse 13."

Spiner has also voiced two iconic Batman villains. He played the Joker in an episode of "Young Justice," and he voiced the Riddler in "Justice League Action."

In 2020, Spiner reprised his role as Data in "Picard," appearing as the character in dream sequences and as a virtual consciousness throughout the first season.

He also appeared as a descendant of his creator, Dr. Altan Inigo Soong, and as a similar android named B-4 who was originally introduced in "Nemesis." In season two, he played another one of Noonien Soong's ancestors, Adam Soong.

Spiner was announced, like the rest of the cast , to be part of "Picard's" third season, this time playing Data's evil "brother," Lore.

Denise Crosby only starred in one season of "TNG" as Natasha Yar.

star trek family cast

Yar's death was one of the biggest shocks of "TNG" and proved this wasn't going to be like the original show — deaths weren't just reserved for "red shirts" here. No one was safe.

In actuality, Crosby asked to be written off the show , as she "was miserable. I couldn't wait to get off that show. I was dying." And so, her character was killed in the season one episode "Skin of Evil" by a malevolent tar-like creature. Yar would reappear two more times, in a season three episode called "Yesterday's Enterprise" (an all-timer), and the series finale.

Crosby also appeared in three episodes as a character called Sela, a future half-Romulan daughter of Yar's from an alternate timeline.

Before the show, Crosby, the granddaughter of Bing Crosby, had appeared in films like "48 Hrs.," "Pet Sematary," two "Pink Panther" films, and multiple episodes of "Days of Our Lives."

Crosby, 65, recently appeared in a few episodes of "General Hospital."

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Crosby didn't appear as Yar in any of the "TNG" films, but that doesn't mean she's totally stayed away from "Trek." She produced and presented a 1997 documentary about "Trek" fandom called "Trekkies," and its 2004 sequel "Trekkies 2." As of 2017, there were plans for a third installment.

She's also appeared in multiple direct-to-video movies , in addition to her roles in "Southland," "Ray Donovan," "The Walking Dead," "Suits," "Creepshow," and most recently "NCIS" and "General Hospital."

Colm Meaney had a recurring role as the transporter chief Miles O'Brien.

star trek family cast

Meaney appeared in over 50 episodes of "TNG" as O'Brien before he switched over to "Deep Space Nine," which he starred on from 1993 to 1999. His character got much more to do on the spin-off, though he did get married in a season four episode called "Data's Day," and he eventually had a child in the season five episode "Disaster."

During his run on "TNG," Meaney also appeared in a 1993 film called "The Snapper." He was nominated for a Golden Globe for his performance. 

Meaney, 69, continued to play O'Brien in "Deep Space Nine" through 1999.

star trek family cast

After wrapping up his role in "Deep Space Nine," Meaney went on to be nominated for a Gemini Award in 2002 for his role in Canadian series "Random Passage." He also appeared in three episodes of "Stargate Atlantis," the miniseries "Alice," two episodes of "Men in Trees," and more.

Meaney was also nominated for a Saturn Award in 2013 for his role in "Hell on Wheels," appeared in 10 episodes of "Will" and in British series "Gangs of London" and "The Singapore Grip."

In 2021, he appeared in the 15th season of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" as the father of Charlie Day's character.

He's had success on the big screen, as well. He was nominated for the Irish Film and Television Award for best actor in 2007 for "Kings," and he has been in other films like "Law Abiding Citizen," "Get Him to the Greek," "Tolkien," "Seberg," and "Pixie."

He recently starred in "The Serpent Queen" as King Francis I on Starz.

Whoopi Goldberg won an Oscar for "Ghost" as she was recurring on "TNG" as Guinan, an alien bartender who was hundreds of years old.

star trek family cast

Goldberg had already been nominated for an Oscar (for "The Color Purple" in 1985) and had won a Grammy for Best Comedy Album in 1985 (Whoopi Goldberg: Original Broadway Show Recording), and had been nominated for an Emmy  for her performance on "Moonlighting" in 1986, when she was asked if she wanted to appear in "TNG" as Guinan, an alien bartender in the ship's lounge who acted as a sounding board for many characters.

She actually asked to be on the show due to her "Trek" fandom, which stemmed from seeing Uhura, a Black woman, in a position of power in the first "Star Trek" series. Goldberg appeared in 28 episodes across seven seasons.

At the same time, Goldberg was becoming a true A-lister. In 1990, she starred in "Ghost," which eventually won her an Oscar. In 1992, she starred in the classic "Sister Act" and its sequel the following year.

Goldberg, 67, accepted a personal invitation from Stewart during "The View" to return as Guinan in season two of "Picard."

star trek family cast

Goldberg appeared in two of the "Next Generation" films, "Generations" and "Nemesis." During that time, she also appeared in films like "The Lion King," "Girl, Interrupted," "Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella," and "How Stella Got Her Groove Back."

In 2002, Goldberg secured her Tony Award win for producing "Thoroughly Modern Millie." That same year, she completed her EGOT by winning an Emmy for outstanding special class series. She's also hosted multiple award shows, including the Tonys and the Oscars. 

Goldberg has consistently acted in both TV and movies in the 2000s, appearing in "Glee," "The Middle," "Toy Story 3," "Nobody's Fool," and more.

Since 2007, Goldberg has hosted "The View," which won her her second Emmy — she won outstanding entertainment talk show host at the 2009 Daytime Emmys.

During an appearance on "The View," none other than Patrick Stewart extended an invitation to Goldberg to reprise her role as Guinan during season two of "Picard," which she emotionally accepted.

Both Goldberg's version  and  a younger version played by Ito Aghayere of Guinan appeared during the show.

John de Lancie played Q, a mischievous, omnipotent being throughout all seven seasons of "TNG."

star trek family cast

In many ways, it would've been impossible to bring back Picard without bringing back Q. The Enterprise's captain meets Q in the very first episode of "TNG," and for almost every season after he pops back in to check in on the crew (and usually antagonize them a little bit). "TNG's" highly lauded series finale is also a Q episode, with Q attempting to conclude the trial of humanity he began in the first episode.

John de Lancie played Q in eight episodes of "TNG," along with one episode of "Deep Space Nine" and three episodes of "Voyager."

Throughout the '80s and '90s, de Lancie also appeared in "Days of Our Lives," "Trial and Error," and had small roles in films like "The Fisher King" and "Multiplicity."

De Lancie, 74, returned for season two of "Picard."

star trek family cast

De Lancie has continued to work frequently on TV, with arcs in shows like "Breaking Bad," "Charmed," "The Librarians," "The Secret Circle," and more.

The actor returned to the "Trek" universe to play Q once again on the first season of the animated series "Lower Decks" in 2020. Two years later, it was revealed that Q would play a major part in season two of "Picard" since, as Q would later say in the season, " even gods have favorites ."

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Family (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

2nd episode of the 4th season of star trek: the next generation / from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, dear wikiwand ai, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions:.

Can you list the top facts and stats about Family (Star Trek: The Next Generation)?

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" Family " is the second episode of the fourth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation , and the 76th episode overall. It was originally released on October 1, 1990, in broadcast syndication . It was written by Ronald D. Moore , from an idea by Michael Piller . It featured additional work taken from a spec script by Susanne Lambdin. "Family" was directed by Les Landau .

Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship Enterprise-D . In this episode, the Enterprise is docked at Earth following the events of " The Best of Both Worlds ". Captain Jean-Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) visits his brother's family in France , where he begins to come to terms with his treatment by the Borg . Wesley Crusher ( Wil Wheaton ) views a holographic recording made by his deceased father, Jack (Doug Wert). Meanwhile, Lt. Worf 's ( Michael Dorn ) adoptive parents Sergey ( Theodore Bikel ) and Helena Rozhenko ( Georgia Brown ) come on board the Enterprise to comfort him following his discommendation .

Initially, executive producer Rick Berman wanted a science-based subplot included, but Piller convinced him otherwise. The premise was hated by series creator Gene Roddenberry , but Moore's script went into production nonetheless. "Family" had an extended guest cast, some of whom returned later in the series. The episode received a Nielsen rating of 9.6 percent, the lowest of the season. However, it has been referred to by critics as one of the best episodes of the series. The guest cast was praised, as was the Picard-centric plot with Stewart's performance in the scene where he confesses his feelings about the Borg held up as a highlight.

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‘trek’ cast to reunite on ‘family guy’.

Jean luc picard

In the episode titled "Not All Dogs Go to Heaven," the "Next Gen" crew (Patrick Stewart, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, WilWheaton, Denise Crosby, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner and Jonathan Frakes) will provide guest voices as the Griffin family heads to the annual Quahog "Trek" convention.

"Stewie blows a fuse when he doesn’t get a chance to ask his favorite 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' cast members any questions," reads the logline. "He devisesa plan, builds a transporter and beams the entire cast to his bedroomso they can spend a fun-filled day together in Quahog."

A member of the "Trek" cast let some of this news slip into the blogsphere awhile back, but Fox has now confirmed, announced the cast and set a March 29 airdate. The planned "Empire Strikes Back" parody episode is also on schedule to premiere next season, and the cast is about to do a table read of a "Return of the Jedi" spoof.

In other Fox-fanboy news, the network is hinting that a two-part episode of "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" will be a "game-changing" episode, which is often (but not always) shorthand for "somebody dies."

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By James Hibberd

James Hibberd


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Jean luc picard

In the episode titled “Not All Dogs Go to Heaven,” the “Next Gen” crew (Patrick Stewart, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, WilWheaton, Denise Crosby, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner and Jonathan Frakes) will provide guest voices as the Griffin family heads to the annual Quahog “Trek” convention.

“Stewie blows a fuse when he doesn’t get a chance to ask his favorite ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ cast members any questions,” reads the logline. “He devisesa plan, builds a transporter and beams the entire cast to his bedroomso they can spend a fun-filled day together in Quahog.”

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A member of the “Trek” cast let some of this news slip into the blogsphere awhile back, but Fox has now confirmed, announced the cast and set a March 29 airdate. The planned “Empire Strikes Back” parody episode is also on schedule to premiere next season, and the cast is about to do a table read of a “Return of the Jedi” spoof.

In other Fox-fanboy news, the network is hinting that a two-part episode of “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” will be a “game-changing” episode, which is often (but not always) shorthand for “somebody dies.”

“Today is the Day, Part 1 of 2”:  In the first part of a game-changing two-part installment, Jesse (guest star Stephanie Jacobsen) flashes back to a life-altering mission aboard her submarine, the Jimmy Carter. Meanwhile, Sarah (Lena Headey) and John (Thomas Dekker) decide they can’t continue living in their house and make plans to leave. Okay, so a flashback while making plans to leave a house doesn’t exactly sound like riveting drama. But here’s part two: “Last Voyage of the Jimmy Carter, Part 2 of 2” The exciting two-parter continues as Jesse’s submarine mission in the future takes a fatal turn that has unforeseen consequences for John, Sarah and Derek (Brian Austin Green) in the present. Also, Sarah deals with Cameron, who has become a liability, and John steps up and makes a life-or-death choice.

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Star Trek: Picard - All 3 Seasons Ranked Worst To Best

Every jean-luc picard star trek love interest, 8 ways star trek has made sure nemesis no longer matters.

  • Jean-Luc Picard's family is vast, with generations of explorers and winemakers, including a son named Jack Crusher but no lasting romantic relationships.
  • Picard's family extends beyond blood, with members like Elnor considered honorary Picards, and even Laris nearly becoming his romantic partner.
  • Family ties play a significant role in Picard's character development, as he confronts the memories of his parents and reconciles with his son, Jack Crusher.

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) belongs to an expansive family that has been spotlighted in Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: The Next Generation . Jean-Luc famously avoided a lasting romantic relationship for most of his 90+ years, but he and Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) spent years dancing around one another on TNG . Sometime after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis , the two conceived a son named Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers), although Beverly kept Jack's existence a secret from Jean-Luc out of fear for her son's safety. While Jack may not hold the Picard name, the Picard family legacy is a proud one that spans generations of explorers and winemakers .

The Picard family is one of the largest in Star Trek , and there have been more Picards seen or referenced in TNG and Picard than any other character's family. Jean-Luc's parents, brother, ancestor, and even his dog have all appeared . One could even consider Elnor (Eva Evagora), the Romulan warrior-turned-Starfleet Cadet Jean-Luc has known since he was a boy, to be an unofficial member of the Picard family. By the end of Star Trek: Picard season 2 , Jean-Luc was also finally ready to romantically commit to Laris (Orla Brady), but the events of Picard season 3 sent him in a very different direction.

Star Trek: Picard told the next chapter of Jean-Luc Picard's post-TNG life, but which of the three seasons was the best one overall?

10 Jean-Luc Picard

Star trek: the next generation, the tng films, & star trek: picard.

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is a Starfleet legend and one of the greatest starship Captains in history. Jean-Luc was already in his 50s when he was assigned as Captain of the USS Enterprise-D, the flagship of the United Federation of Planets. Picard was Captain of the Enterprise for over 15 years, spanning 7 seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation and 4 TNG movies , and he saved the galaxy numerous times. In the 2380s, Picard was promoted to Admiral and led what became the Federation's aborted mission to rescue the Romulan people from their sun going supernova. Jean-Luc died of a degenerative brain disorder at the end of Star Trek: Picard season 1 , but he was resurrected in a synthetic body that gave him a new lease on life.

In Star Trek : Picard season 3, Jean-Luc's brain disorder was revealed to be the result of residual Borg DNA left over from his time as Locutus. Jean-Luc unfortunately passed this Borg DNA onto his son, Jack.

As chronicled by Star Trek: Picard, Jean-Luc has changed a lot since TNG , and the retired Admiral had a resurgence after a decade-and-a-half away from Starfleet. Picard and his new motley crew stopped a Romulan plot to wipe out a planet of synthetics, which foiled an invasion of androids from beyond the galaxy. Jean-Luc and his friends then reset the timeline after Q (John de Lancie) changed reality into a dark universe ruled by the Confederation of Planets. Picard season 3 saw Jean-Luc reunite with his TNG crew aboard the rebuilt USS Enterprise-D for one final galaxy-saving mission . Not only did Picard get to reconnect with old friends, but he also learned about the existence of his son, Jack Crusher.

9 Yvette Picard, Jean-Luc's Mother

Star trek: picard season 2.

Jean-Luc finally confronted the memories of his mother and put her to rest, emerging mentally and emotionally healthier.

Jean-Luc's beloved mother, Yvette Picard (Madeline Wise), had a pivotal role in Star Trek: Picard season 2. Yvette suffered from severe mental health issues and committed suicide when Jean-Luc was just a boy. The young Picard blamed himself, but he also buried his trauma deeply. Jean-Luc's ordeal with his beloved mama was revealed to be the cause of why Picard chose not to pursue a lasting romantic relationship . Jean-Luc finally confronted the memories of his mother and put her to rest, emerging mentally and emotionally healthier. This allowed Jean-Luc to be more open in Picard season 3, as he reconnected with his old crew and got to know the son he didn't know he had.

The retcon of Yvette in Star Trek: Picard contradicts an elderly Yvette Picard (Herta Ware) appearing in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

8 Maurice Picard, Jean-Luc's Father

Jean-Luc was never close to his father, Maurice Picard (James Callis), who the son felt was a cold and distant man. Jean-Luc's memories of his father physically abusing his mother were revealed to be mistaken, as in reality, Maurice tried to protect himself and his sons from his wife's degenerative mental state . Maurice was a traditionalist who prioritized his family's Chateau Picard vineyard in La Barre, France. Jean-Luc faced his father's memory and reassessed what he knew about Maurice in Star Trek: Picard season 2.

An elderly Maurice (Clive Church) also appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6, episode 15, "Tapestry," as part of an illusion conjured by Q.

7 Robert Picard, Jean-Luc's Brother

Star trek: the next generation.

Robert and Jean-Luc finally reconciled in "Family," which became the last time they saw each other.

Jean-Luc was estranged from his older brother, Robert Picard (Jeremy Kemp), who appeared in TNG season 4, episode 2, "Family." Robert and Jean-Luc resented each other as the older brother stayed behind in France to raise a family and tend to the family's vineyard, while the younger brother joined Starfleet to become a celebrated starship Captain. Robert and Jean-Luc finally reconciled in "Family," which became the last time they saw each other. Robert and his own family died in a house fire offscreen in Star Trek Generations. Robert was also curiously absent from Jean-Luc's flashbacks to his childhood in Star Trek: Picard season 2.

Jean-Luc Picard may have avoided love until Picard season 2, but he had no shortage of potential partners during his time aboard the Enterprise.

6 Marie & René Picard, Jean-Luc's Sister-In-Law & Nephew

Marie Picard (Samantha Egger) was Robert's wife, and René (David Tristan Birkin) was their young son, both of whom Jean-Luc met in the TNG episode, "Family." Marie, a homemaker, was kinder and more welcoming to Jean-Luc than his brother was, while Robert feared that his son was a dreamer who wanted to explore the stars like his uncle . Tragically, Robert, Marie, and René all perished in a fire in Star Trek Generations , although Jean-Luc encountered a vision of René (Christopher James Miller) while he was in the Nexus.

5 Renée Picard, Jean-Luc's 21st Century Ancestor

Dr. Renée Picard (Penelope Mitchell) was a NASA astronaut and the leader of the Europa mission to Jupiter in the early 21st century. Like Jean-Luc's mother, Yvette, the brilliant Renée suffered from depression and other mental health issues, which nearly prevented her destiny to discover a climate-altering microorganism on Jupiter's moon, Io. Renée was the focal point that Q had to erase in order to change the timeline , but she was also protected by a Romulan Supervisor named Tallinn (Orla Brady). Jean-Luc met Renée and ensured that she played her crucial role which determined the future in Star Trek: Picard season 2 .

4 Jean-Luc's Other Relatives

Star trek: the next generation & star trek: picard.

In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 4, episode 17, "Night Terrors," Jean-Luc mentioned his unnamed grandfather, lamenting that he watched his grandfather's physical and mental deterioration. Jean-Luc also had an aunt named Adele who was famed for her home remedies. When addressing Starfleet Academy as Chancellor in Star Trek: Picard season 2 , Jean-Luc spoke of his ancestor who captained the second ship after Jacques Cartier . TNG also mentioned Javier Maribona-Picard, an explorer who lived in the 17th century.

3 Shinzon, Jean-Luc's Clone

Star trek: nemesis.

The most unusual "Picard" was Shinzon (Tom Hardy), a clone of Jean-Luc's bred by the Romulans in an aborted plot to replace the Captain of the Enterprise. As seen in Star Trek: Nemesis , the young Shinzon was banished to the mines of Remus, but he led a Reman revolt that resulted in the deaths of the Romulan Senate . Shinzon was installed as the new Praetor, and he implemented his plot to destroy Jean-Luc Picard and the United Federation of Planets. Shinzon suffered from Shalaft's syndrome, but he ultimately perished in the explosion of the thalaron weapon he intended to use against the Federation.

Nemesis ended the story of the TNG crew on a sour note, but thankfully modern Star Trek has done extensive work to repair its biggest mistakes.

2 Number One, Jean-Luc's Dog

Star trek: picard seasons 1 & 2.

Of course, one cannot forget Number One, a male pit bull and the loyal pet of Jean-Luc Picard. Number One lives on Chateau Picard in La Barre, France, and he is named for Jean-Luc's friend and former First Officer of the Enterprise, Captain William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) . Patrick Stewart himself suggested that Picard should have a dog, and advocated for it to be a rescued pit bull, as he has fostered and worked with pit bull rescue organizations in the past. Portrayed by a rescue dog named Dinero, Number One appeared in Star Trek: Picard seasons 1 and 2 , but was unfortunately absent from Picard season 3.

1 Jack Crusher, Jean-Luc's son

Star trek: picard season 3.

Jack Crusher is a chip off the old Picard block and proves it by becoming a Starfleet Ensign on the USS Enterprise-G.

In Star Trek: Picard season 3, Jean-Luc Picard learns he has a biological son named Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers) with Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden). Now an adult, Jack Crusher slowly begins to get to know his father, even as he winds up being central to the Changeling/Borg plot to destroy the Federation. Jack carried a lifelong trauma borne from the organic Borg DNA he unwittingly inherited from Picard.

Jack's British accent is because he grew up in London and the accent "stuck. "

The young Crusher nearly succumbed to his destiny to become Vox of Borg before Picard saved his son. Star Trek: Picard season 3 ended with Jack, Beverly, and Jean-Luc together as a new family. Jack Crusher is a chip off the old Picard block and proves it by becoming a Starfleet Ensign on the USS Enterprise-G, and he even attracts the unwanted attention of Q when Star Trek: Picard season 3 comes to a close.

Star Trek: The Next Generation & Star Trek: Picard are available to stream on Paramount+. The TNG films are available on Max.

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Published Jun 20, 2024

The Official Trailer and Key Art for Season 2 of Animated Series Star Trek: Prodigy Is Here

Season 2 will premiere with all 20 episodes on July 1 exclusively on Netflix in the U.S. and select countries around the world.

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 header - Murf, Rok-Tahk, Dal, Gwyn, Jankom Pog, Maj'El, and Zero stand together in front of Starfleet Academy

CBS Studios debuted the official trailer and key art for the second season of the original animated kids' series, Star Trek: Prodigy . The hit series will premiere all 20 episodes on Monday, July 1 on Netflix in select countries around the world. Season 1 episodes of the series are currently available on Netflix.

In Season 2, these six young outcasts who make up the Prodigy crew are assigned a new mission aboard the U.S.S. Voyager -A to rescue Captain Chakotay and bring peace to Gwyn's home world. However, when their plan goes astray, it creates a time paradox that jeopardizes both their future and past.

The Star Trek: Prodigy voice cast includes Kate Mulgrew (Kathryn Janeway), Brett Gray (Dal), Ella Purnell (Gwyn), Rylee Alazraqui (Rok-Tahk), Angus Imrie (Zero), Jason Mantzoukas (Jankom Pog), Dee Bradley Baker (Murf), John Noble (The Diviner), and Jimmi Simpson (Drednok).

Season 2 recurring voice cast members include Robert Beltran (Captain Chakotay), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Jason Alexander (Dr. Noum), Daveed Diggs (Commander Tysess), Jameela Jamil (Ensign Asencia), Ronny Cox (Admiral Jellico), and Michaela Dietz (Maj’el).

Developed by Emmy Award winners Kevin and Dan Hageman ( Trollhunters and Ninjago ), along with Alex Kurtzman and his team at Secret Hideout, the CG-animated series Star Trek: Prodigy is the first Star Trek series aimed at younger audiences and follows a motley crew of young aliens who must figure out how to work together while navigating a greater galaxy, in search of a better future.

"We deeply appreciate our fans who have stood by us and our passionate crew who made this all possible. The work speaks for itself, but it's the heart that will endure," said co-showrunners Kevin and Dan Hageman about the Season 2 release.

Season 2 Star Trek: Prodigy key art with Jankom Pog, Admiral Janeway, Murf, Rok-Tahk, Gwyn, and Zero crowded together on the surface of a planet

Star Trek: Prodigy received a 2023 TCA Award nomination for "Outstanding Achievement in Family Programming" along with a 2022 Children's and Family Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Animated Series, and production designer, Alessandro Taini, won the award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation.

Star Trek: Prodigy is from CBS' Eye Animation Productions, CBS Studios' animation arm; Nickelodeon Animation; Secret Hideout; and Roddenberry Entertainment. Alex Kurtzman, Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers, Rod Roddenberry and Trevor Roth serve as executive producers, alongside co-showrunners Kevin and Dan Hageman. Ben Hibon directs, executive produces and serves as the creative lead of the animated series. Aaron Waltke and Patrick Krebs also currently serve as co-executive producers. Star Trek: Prodigy is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

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Star Trek: Prodigy will stream on Netflix globally (excluding Canada, Nordics, CEE, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Mainland China) and Season 1 is currently available on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe with Season 2 coming soon. Season two has launched in France on France Televisions channels and Okoo.

Breaking News Incoming Transmission alert from Starfleet Command

Foundation honoring ‘Star Trek’ creator offers million-dollar prize to develop AI that’s ‘used for good’

Leonard Nimoy in pointy ears and William Shatner stand on a TV set with craggy fake rocks and a red sky.

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To boldly go where no man has gone before.

That’s the mission of the USS Enterprise — and arguably the aim of a $1-million prize being offered through a foundation created to honor the father of the “Star Trek” franchise.

The Roddenberry Foundation — named for Gene Roddenberry — announced Tuesday that this year’s biennial award would focus on artificial intelligence that benefits humanity.

Lior Ipp, chief executive of the foundation, told The Times there’s a growing recognition that AI is becoming more ubiquitous and will affect all aspects of our lives.

“We are trying to … catalyze folks to think about what AI looks like if it’s used for good,” Ipp said, “and what it means to use AI responsibly, ethically and toward solving some of the thorny global challenges that exist in the world.”

The Apple Intelligence prompts a user to ask for permission to use ChatGPT in this illustration photo taken on 13 June, 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. (Photo by Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Hollywood Inc.

California lawmakers are trying to regulate AI before it’s too late. Here’s how

California lawmakers are trying to get ahead of AI in the workplace, but are already playing catchup

June 19, 2024

The Roddenberry Prize is open to early-stage ventures — including nonprofits and for-profits — across the globe.

Each cycle, the focal point of the award changes. The spotlight on AI and machine learning arrives as recent strides in the technology have sparked excitement as well as fear.

Concerns abound that AI threatens privacy, intellectual property and jobs, including the work performed by this reporter. Although it can automate busywork, it may also replicate the harmful biases of the people who created it.

California legislators are racing to address anxieties through about 50 AI-related bills , many of which aim to install safeguards around the technology, which lawmakers say could cause societal harm. The proposed legislation targets AI-related fears ranging from data security to racial discrimination.

“We’ve seen with other technologies that we don’t do anything until well after there’s a big problem,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who wrote a bill that would require companies developing large AI models to do safety testing.

“Social media had contributed many good things to society ... but we know there have been significant downsides to social media, and we did nothing to reduce or to mitigate those harms,” he said. “And now we’re playing catch-up. I prefer not to play catch-up.”

Ipp said the foundation shares the broad concern about AI and sees the award as a means to potentially contribute to creating those guardrails.

The language of the application states that it’s seeking ethical proposals. And much like the multicultural, multi-planetary cast of “Star Trek,” it’s supposed to be inclusive.

“Any use of AI or machine learning must be fair, transparent, respectful of individual rights and privacy, and should explicitly design against bias or discrimination against individuals, communities or groups,” according to the prize website .

Inspiration for the theme was also borne out of the applications the foundation received last time around. Ipp said the prize, which is “issue-agnostic” but focused on early-stage tech, produced compelling uses of AI and machine learning in agriculture, healthcare, biotech and education.

“So,” he said, “we sort of decided to double down this year on specifically AI and machine learning.”

The most recent winner was Sweden-based Elypta , which Ipp said is using liquid biopsies, such as a blood test, to detect cancer early.

Though the foundation isn’t prioritizing a particular issue, the application states that it is looking for ideas that have the potential to push the needle on one or more of the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals , which include eliminating poverty and hunger as well as boosting climate action and protecting life on land and underwater.

Illustration for Robert Lloyd's story about the greatness of the Star Trek franchise.

‘Star Trek’ is the greatest sci-fi franchise of all. Why it’s stood the test of time

Full of ideas and emotions, the ever-expanding ‘Star Trek’ canon is still finding new ways to go where no TV show has gone before, 55 years on.

Oct. 28, 2021

“Star Trek,” which first aired in 1966, featured tons of enviable tech, including the universal translator, the tricorder — a handheld device that performed environmental scans, data recording and data analysis — and the transporter, useful for when you need to hop to an alien planet in a pinch.

And you could always trust Capt. Kirk, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy to employ the gadgets for good.

Those who meet the eligibility criteria for the Roddenberry Prize can apply through July 12. The grant will be awarded to one winner in November.

The foundation was launched by Gene Roddenberry’s family after his death in 1991.

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‘It’ Prequel Series ‘Welcome To Derry’ Adds 10 To Cast Including Alixandra Fuchs, Kimberly Guerrero, Dorian Grey, Joshua Odjick

By Denise Petski

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Alixandra Fuchs, Kimberly Guerrero, Dorian Grey and Joshua Odjick

EXCLUSIVE: HBO is rounding out the cast for Welcome To Derry (working title) its It prequel series starring and executive produced by Bill Skarsgård .

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Skarsgård will be reprising the title role as It/Pennywise from the hit 2017 New Line movie  It  and its sequel,   It Chapter Two .

Skarsgård is reuniting with other key auspices from the  It  film franchise, the two movies’ director Andy Muschietti, producer Barbara Muschietti and  Chapter Two  co-producer Jason Fuchs, who developed together the TV adaptation of the Stephen King horror classic, as well as the films’ other producers, Roy Lee and Dan Lin. Andy Muschietti will direct four episodes of the nine-episode series. 

Set in the world of King’s  It  universe,  Welcome To Derry  (wt) expands the vision established by filmmaker Andy Muschietti in the feature films, which amassed a combined $1.17 billion worldwide.

The series stems from a story by Andy Muschietti, Barbara Muschietti, and Fuchs based on King’s novel  It.  Andy Muschietti and Barbara Muschietti executive produce through their Double Dream production company alongside Fuchs, Brad Caleb Kane, David Coatsworth, Skarsgård, Shelley Meals, Lee and Lin. Fuchs, who wrote the teleplay for the first episode, and Kane serve as co-showrunners.

Previous announced cast includes Taylour Paige, Jovan Adepo, Chris Chalk, James Remar and Stephen Rider.

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Making A Scene: ‘Fallout’ Cast and Crew Break Down the Epic Finale Reveal, That Pivotal ‘Okie-Dokie’ and What’s Next for Season 2

By Meredith Woerner

Meredith Woerner

Deputy Editor,

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'Fallout' Cast and Crew Break Down the Epic Finale Reveal, the Pivotal 'Okie-Dokie’ and What's Next for Season 2

While breaking down Prime Video’s “ Fallout ,” showrunners and series creators Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet recognized that they were headed straight toward a “whopper pileup” in their finale. With three main characters — Lucy (Ella Purnell), Maximus (Aaron Moten) and the Ghoul/Cooper (Walton Goggins) — barreling toward the climactic showdown housed inside a burned-out, post-apocalyptic Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, the duo realized they had three major narrative reveals about to collide.

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That creative chaos — the balance between the somber and the surreal — is where “Fallout” found its sweet spot. The TV series’ ability to distill the quirks from the video game’s retro-futuristic wasteland and dig into a deeper story while maintaining its signature (be it very morbid) sense of humor was a knockout for fans, bringing in 65 million views within the first 16 days of its release. But the real test would be pulling off a finale that could weave together the bizarro storylines between a vault dweller, a knight and a ghoul.

How did it come together? The cast and crew of “Fallout” discuss the creation of the siege of the observatory.

“We just piled everything, crammed everything to the end, and the hope was to take all of these big moments and stack them up almost on top of each other and have it all happen as one super whopper,” says Wagner.

Moten, who plays the oft-misguided Maximus, has a much more poetic term for the finale: the “obliteration of optimism.” Despite “Fallout’s” offbeat humor, the finale delivered gut punches to the three leads. “It’s just a credit to the writers. It’s an amazing moment for all three of those characters,” says Moten.

“Since [the finale], essentially, is all these characters realizing the most horrifying thing that they possibly could, we wanted it to feel like one scene or one revelation that was multifaceted,” says Robertson-Dworet.

To accomplish this narrative feat, “Fallout” would have to pause its episodic road show and halt everyone in one singular location, no matter how many characters had to die to make that meeting happen. “That was the goal — to do a piece of theater,” says Wagner. “In contrast to a show full of so much movement and scope, to actually get people sitting down and [in an] almost kitchen sink conclusion.”

For a big, theatrical ending, the creators would need a stage-worthy set — and the Griffith Observatory worked on many levels.

The L.A. landmark offers a spectacular look at the city below, which, of course, is very important to Lucy’s journey.

“This is the gauntlet that she has crossed to try to rescue her father,” Robertson-Dworet says. “Maximus gets to see the lights go on and the stakes of what this thing is that everyone has been fighting over this entire season — this piece of technology, how powerful it really is. Maximus gets to witness that by having that incredible landscape view, so it was a twofold motivation for choosing it.”

In fact, the landmark bookends the whole series. In Episode 1, as Cooper Howard is riding away from the mushroom cloud of doom, the observatory is in the shot.

After the scene was set, it was time to shoot. Pulling from Sergio Leone’s “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” a major influence for the series and the inspiration behind the three parallel character stories, the camera pushed in for each big revelation.

“That incredibly intense, intentionally over-the-top shooting style that Leone used was something that we wanted to build our way toward,” Robertson-Dworet says. “We felt like maybe if we leaned into it too hard in the pilot, it would have been alienating or bizarre or made the show feel too campy. But by the end, when Lucy has experienced so many horrifying revelations, it feels like we’re ready to be that close to her face.”

Despite the pages of dialogue, Purnell would sift through for her character, it would be Lucy’s catchphrase that would give her the most trouble. “That ‘okie-dokie’ was the hardest thing about the entire scene,” says Purnell. After several shots and plenty of harrowing exchanges, the Ghoul invites Lucy with him out into the horizon to “meet her maker.” Her response was the familiar “okie-dokie.” But it wasn’t that simple.

“Part of the Wasteland that I carry with me literally is, it’s not the Wasteland; it’s the Ghoul. I’ve turned into him when I said I wasn’t going to do that,” says Purnell. “Most of Lucy hates herself for what she’s turned into, hates him for what he’s turned her into. But she doesn’t have a choice. She can’t stay here. When he says, ‘Do you want to go meet your makers?’ Lucy is never going to say no to that. And so, it’s not a broken ‘okie-dokie.’ It’s an acceptance of what’s happened to her. It’s an, ‘OK, there’s nothing else for me to do except put one foot in front of the other.’”

Goggins says the scene was one of the “most fulfilling parts” of the project since it started so brutally and ended slightly softer but not overly sentimental. The actor is glad the co-creators didn’t lean into that sentimentality.

“It isn’t father-daughter,” he says. “I think it is a person who has seen the loss of innocence in another person and deeply empathizes with it because he himself went through a similar experience 200 years earlier and is still reeling from the loss of that innocence that his tone changes. And when he says, ‘Are you coming?’ I just think that’s a pretty cool way to go out.”

Meanwhile, Maximus said the most without saying anything at all. In his final moments, he stares out into the vista, seemingly abandoned by Lucy and awash with emotion.

That stare, however, was delivered again and again, emoting every possible sentiment he could conjure. “Aaron Moten is a guy who can do soliloquies with his expressional journeys,” Wagner says. “We’re not the kind of show to release deleted scenes, but the various iterations of how Maximus processed this moment … is amazing.”

Moten says they did multiple takes to try and figure out “what Maximus does with the obliteration of optimism.”

He continues, “It almost feels like this is going to be now the biggest defining blow that’s going to turn him into the man that we will continue to see develop throughout the course of this series.”

As for the new season, which the crew was currently crafting throughout our interviews back in May, no one knows for sure how many questions the next batch of scripts will answer, for example, why Goggins’ seemingly has a thicker accent as the Ghoul. “He started as a Gene Autry-era cowboy, and by the time we meet him in the present day, he has become a spaghetti western eram,” Wagner teases. “Everything is pushed, everything is emphasized, and yeah, that’s his arc, and yeah, the accent comes with it.”

Fans can look forward to future conversations about Robert House, an integral figure in the games to New Vegas and will return for more episodes and the deathclaw skull reveal in the end.

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  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews

Family Business

  • Episode aired May 15, 1995

Max Grodénchik and Andrea Martin in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)

Quark and Rom return to the Ferengi home world because their mother has broken the law - by wearing clothes and earning profits, forbidden for women in Ferengi society. Quark and Rom return to the Ferengi home world because their mother has broken the law - by wearing clothes and earning profits, forbidden for women in Ferengi society. Quark and Rom return to the Ferengi home world because their mother has broken the law - by wearing clothes and earning profits, forbidden for women in Ferengi society.

  • Rene Auberjonois
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Rick Berman
  • Michael Piller
  • Avery Brooks
  • Alexander Siddig
  • 7 User reviews
  • 4 Critic reviews

Max Grodénchik and Andrea Martin in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)

  • Commander Benjamin 'Ben' Sisko

Rene Auberjonois

  • Constable Odo

Alexander Siddig

  • Doctor Julian Bashir
  • (as Siddig El Fadil)

Terry Farrell

  • Lt. Jadzia Dax

Cirroc Lofton

  • Chief Miles O'Brien

Armin Shimerman

  • Major Kira Nerys

Penny Johnson Jerald

  • Kasidy Yates
  • (as Penny Johnson)

Max Grodénchik

  • Bajoran Woman
  • (uncredited)
  • Bolian Civilian

Mark Allen Shepherd

  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia Ishka's head-piece for this episode was based on that worn by Wallace Shawn as Zek, and was designed to look almost caricature-like, with drooping lobes and large jowls. For the scene when her knees are seen, makeup supervisor Michael Westmore even designed drooping kneecaps. For the shot where her shoulders and the top of her chest were exposed, Westmore didn't have time to create a proper foam-latex appliance, so he rubberized Kleenex, and wrinkled it, laying it across Andrea Martin's shoulders and on the upper portion of her chest. According to Westmore, Martin was not amused by the makeup.
  • Goofs When Quark and Rom are arguing about their father Quark puts his hands over his lobes. The fingers make impressions on his foam rubber skull.

[Sisko plans to name the new runabout the 'Rubicon']

Major Kira : The 'Rubicon' it is. You know, the rate we go through runabouts, it's a good thing the Earth has so many rivers.

  • Connections References Cheers (1982)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Main Title (uncredited) Written by Dennis McCarthy Performed by Dennis McCarthy

User reviews 7

  • Jun 17, 2022
  • May 15, 1995 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Paramount Television
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 46 minutes

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