Starfleet career

Starfleet academy.

During his time at Starfleet Academy, Spock had Onafuwa for Fundamentals of Quantum Stochastics and several other advanced courses. He was commissioned as a Starfleet officer in 2250 with the serial number S 179-276 SP and held an A7 computer expert classification. Later in life, he wrote a memoir about the challenges he faced at Starfleet Academy, titled The Many and the One . ( PIC : " The Star Gazer "; ST : " Q&A "; TOS : " The Enterprise Incident ", " Court Martial ", " The Ultimate Computer ")

Early postings and assignments

One of Spock's early assignments was to the USS Kongo . ( SNW : " Memento Mori ")

Serving under Christopher Pike

Arrival on the enterprise.

Una and Spock in the turbolift

Spock and Lieutenant Una Chin-Riley in a turbolift shortly after his arrival.

In 2253 , Spock was assigned to the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Christopher Pike . When Ensign Spock was first transported aboard the Enterprise , he bonded with the ship's first officer , Lieutenant Una Chin-Riley (who preferred to be known simply as "Number One"). When they became trapped in the turbolift while on their way to the bridge, Spock asked Una many questions and the two opened up to each other. ( ST : " Q&A "; SNW : " Among the Lotus Eaters " display graphic )

By 2254 , he was promoted to lieutenant . ( TOS : " The Cage ")

Rescuing Pike from the Talosians

Spock, 2254

Spock in 2254

Later that year, Lt. Spock was wounded in the leg when Pike's landing party was attacked on Rigel VII .

As the ship proceeded to the Vega colony for medical care, a radio wave distress call forced Pike to divert the ship to Talos IV . Still limping, Spock joined a landing party that transported to the barren surface of the planet where Talosians captured Pike.

He was the first of the ship's crew to realize the Talosians had powerful illusory abilities. Spock's final report, along with Pike's, recommended a ban on visitation to the planet. Starfleet's General Order 7 supported that judgment. ( TOS : " The Cage ", " The Menagerie, Part I ", " The Menagerie, Part II ")

Searching for the Red Angel

Spock, 2257

Spock in 2257

Following the end of the Federation-Klingon War in 2257 , Spock took an unspecified leave of absence from Starfleet. He had accumulated a number of months during the five-year mission which, according to Pike, took a toll on the whole crew as well as Spock. Upon reviewing Spock 's personal log entries on the Enterprise , Michael Burnham learned that Spock had been having visions ever since he was a boy, and that he had had premonitions of the mysterious red bursts that the USS Discovery was likewise investigating, which Spock believed were related to his childhood visions of "the Red Angel." ( DIS : " Brother ")

Spock followed his visions to an unknown planet where he encountered the Red Angel. Through a mind meld , he discovered that it was a Human but one clad in a suit far beyond 23rd century technology. Through the meld, he received a vision of the destruction of Earth , Vulcan , Andor , and Tellar , and began experiencing time non-linearly. ( DIS : " If Memory Serves ") He decided to have himself committed to the psychiatric unit on Starbase 5 . In doing so, he requested that Starfleet not inform his family about the matter, including his father and foster sister. While there, he was observed to display acutely emotional dissociation and extreme empathy deficits. When he was told the red bursts had occurred as he had predicted, Spock broke out of the facility, disabling three of his doctors with Vulcan nerve pinches and fleeing on a shuttlecraft . ( DIS : " New Eden ", " Point of Light ", " If Memory Serves ")

Starfleet subsequently claimed that Spock had murdered his doctors and made finding him a priority. The USS Discovery and Section 31 became involved in the search. Aware he was being pursued, Spock abandoned his shuttlecraft in the Mutara sector and secretly returned to Vulcan. There, his mother hid him in a sacred crypt where katra stones shielded him from telepathic searches. Spock had become delusional and incoherent, unable to bear the experience of viewing time non-linearly, and repeated the First Doctrines of Logic and a sequence of numbers over and over. Burnham convinced Amanda to take her to Spock, but Sarek followed Burnham and convinced her that the best way to help Spock was to hand him over to Section 31. Burnham took Spock to the Section 31 ship NCIA-93 where Captain Leland promised he would help repair Spock's mind. However, Philippa Georgiou warned Burnham that Leland intended to extract Spock's memories using a process that would destroy his mind. At Georgiou's suggestion, Burnham overpowered her and took Spock from the Section 31 ship in a shuttlecraft. ( DIS : " Saints of Imperfection ", " Light and Shadows ")

Burnham realized that, since Spock's mind had regressed to childhood, the sequence of numbers he had been repeating was reversed due to his L'tak Terai . In the opposite order, the numbers represented the coordinates for Talos IV . Burnham thus set a course for that planet. There, the Talosians and Vina agreed to help heal Spock and subsequently projected illusions to the pursuing NCIA-93 to allow Burnham and Spock to escape to the USS Discovery which was commanded by his old friend Captain Christopher Pike while the USS Enterprise was down for repairs. ( DIS : " Light and Shadows ", " If Memory Serves ")

Stopping Control

Spock subsequently joined the Discovery 's ongoing mission to investigate the red bursts , discovering that Control had framed Spock for murder ( DIS : " Project Daedalus ") and helping to trap the Red Angel on Essof IV . To everyone's surprise, the Red Angel was revealed to actually be Gabrielle Burnham , Michael Burnham 's mother who was long believed to be dead. While attempting to prevent Control from wiping out all life in the galaxy after gaining full sentience, Gabrielle had discovered that Spock was the only one capable of truly perceiving her and her purpose. However, an effort to beam Gabrielle into their time permanently failed and resulted in the Red Angel suit and Gabrielle getting pulled back into the 32nd century , unable to return due to Gabrielle's time crystal being destroyed. ( DIS : " The Red Angel ", " Perpetual Infinity ")

When the decision was made to send Discovery into the future in order to prevent Control from ever getting its hands on the Sphere data, Spock decided to accompany his sister on the one-way trip. During the Battle near Xahea , Spock helped to guide Burnham's use of the second Red Angel suit from a shuttlecraft, but his engines were damaged and he couldn't return to the ship with her. With Discovery too badly damaged to risk lowering its shields to beam him onboard, Spock was forced to remain behind in 2257 . Burnham promised to send the seventh red burst to signal her brother that they had successfully made it and offered him some final words of advice. Spock told Burnham that he loved her, a sentiment that she returned, before Spock had the USS Enterprise beam him out. From the Enterprise bridge, Spock witnessed Burnham successfully lead Discovery through the wormhole to the future. ( DIS : " Such Sweet Sorrow ", " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 ")

Return to Starfleet

Spock, 2258

Spock in 2258

After the battle against Control , Spock returned to his position as science officer aboard the Enterprise in 2258 . He was sworn to secrecy, along with the rest of the crew of Pike's starship, to never again speak the name of his adoptive sister or the ship she served on aloud in public again. Four months after the Discovery 's departure, the seventh red burst appeared near Terralysium , confirming to Spock that his sister had made it to the future. ( DIS : " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 ")

In 2259 , T'Pring, his betrothed, proposed marriage to him, which he accepted. ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ")

Later that year, the pirate Captain Angel , lover of Spock's half-brother Sybok, came aboard, manipulating Spock at an attempt to free Sybok from the Ankeshtan K'til Retreat he was currently confined to. Angel ultimately took control of the Enterprise and tried to blackmail T'Pring into releasing Sybok, using Spock as leverage. Spock and Christine Chapel foiled her plans by pretending to be in love with each other and temporarily ending his betrothal to T'Pring. They renewed their bonding afterwards. ( SNW : " The Serene Squall ")

When an alien consciousness from the Jonisian Nebula brought the fairy tale The Kingdom of Elysian to life on the Enterprise , Spock was used for the character of the Wizard Pollux . He didn't remember the events after the ship was returned to normal. ( SNW : " The Elysian Kingdom ")

Spock was part of a mission to the USS Peregrine , which had made a crash landing on Valeo Beta V . Inside the ship, confronted with young Gorn who had just hatched and hunted the landing party, Spock allowed himself to give into his unchecked emotions and rage to provoke and draw out the Gorn. Afterwards, he had still trouble controling his anger as well as his pain and that his mind was weak, but was assured by Christine Chapel that it was not a weakness, but him being Human. ( SNW : " All Those Who Wander ")

Meeting Leila Kalomi

On Earth briefly in 2261 , Spock met Leila Kalomi . Although she declared a love for Spock, his emotional control prevented him from reciprocating until 2267 when he was infected by the spores on Omicron Ceti III . Under the spores' influence, he became peaceful and happy but Captain James T. Kirk infuriated him, which killed the spores and returned him to normal. ( TOS : " This Side of Paradise ")

Spock's service under Pike (eleven years, four months, and five days) inspired considerable respect and loyalty from the young officer. In 2267, Spock risked his life and career for the sake of his former captain. ( TOS : " The Cage ", " The Menagerie, Part I ", " The Menagerie, Part II ")

Serving under James T. Kirk

Spock, 2265

Lieutenant Commander Spock in 2265

After Pike's promotion to fleet captain , Kirk assumed command of the Enterprise in 2265 , with Spock as his first officer. An early mission proved disastrous when Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell , a close friend of the new captain, developed enhanced psionic abilities when the Enterprise encountered an energy barrier at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy .

Spock and Kirk (2265)

Spock and Kirk in 2265

Spock examined the tapes of an earlier ship, the SS Valiant , that had encountered the same barrier and was destroyed. As Mitchell's powers increased, Spock believed he had become extremely dangerous and feared that he would destroy the Enterprise . He therefore advised Kirk to either strand Mitchell on the uninhabited and desolate Delta Vega to isolate him from galactic civilization or kill Mitchell before it was too late. Kirk hesitated but initially attempted the former, but the scope of Spock's concerns were eventually borne out and Kirk was forced to kill Mitchell. ( TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before ")

The Enterprise repelled the first Romulan incursion of Federation space in over a century on stardate 1709.2. Spock and the bridge crew became the first Starfleet officers to make visual contact with Romulans who finally revealed their Vulcan-like appearance to Starfleet. Lieutenant Stiles briefly suspected Spock of being a Romulan agent until Spock saved his life in the course of battle. ( TOS : " Balance of Terror ")

Spock kidnapped Fleet Captain Pike and hijacked the Enterprise . Pike had been crippled and was confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak, as a result of an accident. Spock wanted to return him to Talos IV ; he wished to return Pike to the Talosians there so he could enjoy the rest of his life in an illusory reality and would not have to continue enduring his disability. After a lengthy inquiry into the matter, and in light of the Talosian-provided images, Kirk allowed Pike to beam down. Commodore Jose I. Mendez also dropped all charges against Spock. ( TOS : " The Menagerie, Part I ", " The Menagerie, Part II ")

While commanding an away mission aboard the Galileo on stardate 2821.5, the shuttlecraft crashed on the surface of Taurus II . Giant hostile creatures killed two crewmembers while the shuttle was stranded there. Spock, aided by Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott , eventually launched the shuttle. Knowing that it could not break free of the planet's gravity, Spock ignited the shuttlecraft's remaining fuel to use it as a flare. His gamble paid off; it alerted the Enterprise which turned around and rescued the team. ( TOS : " The Galileo Seven ")

McCoy, Scott, Spock, and Uhura watch Kirk

Spock in command of the Enterprise after the Metrons abduct Kirk

After being thrown back in time to Earth of 1969 and interacting with that planet's US Air Force , Spock was able to recreate a time warp with a slingshot maneuver around the sun. ( TOS : " Tomorrow is Yesterday ")

Shaw questions Spock

Spock being questioned at Kirk's trial in 2267

When Kirk was court-martialed for causing the death of Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Finney , Spock proved that Finney had altered the Enterprise 's computer tapes to frame Kirk, by beating the computer at chess four times in a row, something which would ordinarily be impossible. ( TOS : " Court Martial ")

Spock and Kirk fire phasers

Spock confronts Landru with Kirk

Spock, along with Kirk, helped disable Landru , a computer that controlled the lives of a civilization on Beta III and allowed no free thought or creative thinking. ( TOS : " The Return of the Archons ")

Spock helped Kirk to retake the Enterprise after Khan Noonien Singh , a 20th century Augment dictator whom the Enterprise 's crew had found in stasis , commandeered the starship. He flooded the ship with gas, disabling Khan and his followers. ( TOS : " Space Seed ")

On stardate 3192.1, Spock and Kirk were taken prisoners on Eminiar VII which had been at war for over five hundred years with Vendikar . Computers fought the war virtually so that the destruction of actual warfare did not devastate the two worlds, thus preserving both civilizations. Whenever the computer registered a hit, the affected citizens reported to a disintegration chamber where they were vaporized. When the Enterprise entered orbit around Eminiar VII, it became a legitimate target for Vendikar. The war computer soon declared that a tricobalt satellite explosion had destroyed the Enterprise ; as a result, Eminiar officials expected the crew to report to the disintegration stations. They abducted Kirk and Spock to ensure compliance, but the two escaped captivity and destroyed the computers on Eminiar VII. With the threat of a real war looming over the inhabitants of both planets, Spock and Kirk negotiated a peace between Eminiar VII and Vendikar. ( TOS : " A Taste of Armageddon ")

On the mining planet Janus VI , an unknown creature was killing miners there. After locating the creature, Spock mind melded with it. He discovered that the creature was called a Horta and determined that its killing of the miners was an attempt to protect its young. The miners had been unintentionally killing the Horta's offspring by destroying silicon nodules which were really the creature's eggs. Spock negotiated a pact between the Horta and the miners: The miners would leave the eggs alone and the Horta, in turn, would help the miners locate valuable minerals. ( TOS : " The Devil in the Dark ")

Spock prepares sonic grenade

Spock is forced to use a destructive measure in order to protect the Federation

Spock and Kirk later became trapped on Organia during a Klingon occupation of that planet. The Klingons wanted to use Organia as a base in their war against the Federation. The Organian council refused the Federation's help, and after the Klingons invaded and took control of Organia, Kirk and Spock had civilian identities imposed on them, with Spock being given the identity of a merchant . They then became involved in sabotage. After the Klingons captured them, the Organians set Spock and Kirk free. Just as war began to break out, the Organians revealed themselves to be powerful energy beings. They neutralized both sides weaponry and stopped the war. ( TOS : " Errand of Mercy ")

On stardate 3134.0, Spock and Kirk traveled back in time using the Guardian of Forever to retrieve Dr. Leonard McCoy who had entered the time portal and somehow changed history. Spock discovered McCoy saved the life of Edith Keeler who, in the altered timeline, led a pacifist movement that delayed the United States of America 's entry into World War II , thus allowing Adolf Hitler to win the war. Spock persuaded Kirk that allowing Keeler to die in an auto accident was only way to restore the timeline. ( TOS : " The City on the Edge of Forever ")

Neural parasite attacks Spock

A neural parasite attacking Spock

Near the end of the year, a Denevan neural parasite that destroyed the colony on Deneva also attacked Spock. He submitted to an experiment that destroyed the creature inside him but also left him blind. However, the blindness was only temporary due to an inner set of eyelids that all Vulcans possessed. ( TOS : " Operation -- Annihilate! ")

Spock, 2267

Commander Spock in 2267

In late 2267 , the Enterprise encountered a probe called Nomad that had destroyed multiple star systems and their inhabitants. Spock mind-melded with the probe and discovered it was an old Earth probe originally tasked with seeking out new life. Somehow damaged in space, it had merged with an alien probe on a mission to sterilize "imperfect" biological organisms from soil. These two missions had merged into sterilizing or improving anything that was not "perfect." Using its own logic against it, Kirk destroyed the probe. ( TOS : " The Changeling ")

On stardate 3219.8, an alien cloud creature took control of a shuttlecraft carrying Spock, Kirk, and Federation diplomat Nancy Hedford , landing it on a deserted planet. There, they found Zefram Cochrane , the inventor of Earth's warp drive who was believed to have died decades ago. The cloud creature, which Cochrane called the " Companion ", had discovered him and kept him alive and young. The creature had brought the three Starfleet officers to be companions for Cochrane. When Spock tried to repair the shuttlecraft, the Companion stopped him. The situation was resolved when the Companion joined with Hedford, who was terminally ill, and cured her. Hedford/The Companion remained on the planet with Cochrane. ( TOS : " Metamorphosis ")

At some point around Spock's fourth year on the Enterprise , he was offered an assignment with Medusan Ambassador Kollos which he turned down, as he claimed that he " was unable to accept, " as his " life is here, " aboard the Enterprise . The assignment, instead, went to Miranda Jones . ( TOS : " Is There in Truth No Beauty? ")

In 2268 , Spock and other crewmembers of the Enterprise encountered Harry Mudd stranded on a planet of androids . The androids wanted the Enterprise to escape the planet and serve Humans so that they would not have to explore space. Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew eventually managed to overload the androids' central control by acting in a illogical manner, causing the chief android, Norman , to have a breakdown. ( TOS : " I, Mudd ")

While traveling to a peace conference on Babel , Spock was reunited with his parents. There was still much friction between Spock and his father. When Sarek was accused of the murder of another delegate , it was revealed that he was ill with a cardiac defect which made it unlikely that he could have committed the crime. McCoy was then tasked with performing surgery on Sarek while in a space battle with an enemy ship. It was then discovered that Orions were responsible for the murder, and Spock made himself available for a blood transfusion for his father's surgery because they shared the same rare blood type , T-negative . Recovering in sickbay , Sarek and Spock made peace with each other, even playfully teasing Amanda. ( TOS : " Journey to Babel ")

On stardate 4523.3, Spock helped foil a Klingon plot to poison quadrotriticale earmarked for Sherman's Planet while at the same time trying to clear the Enterprise of a fast-breeding alien species called tribbles . ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles "; DS9 : " Trials and Tribble-ations ")

Spock later visited Sigma Iotia II whose inhabitants had modeled their society on the gangster era of Earth's 1930s . An earlier starship had left behind a book about gangsters from Earth's 20th century that the imitative Iotians had used as a blueprint for their society. Spock played the part of one of the bosses of the main syndicate, "The Federation," and helped Kirk unite the two warring bosses into a form of government . ( TOS : " A Piece of the Action ")

Spock reacts to the death of the Intrepid

Spock sensing the terrible deaths of an entire Vulcan crew

Spock, along with the Enterprise , encountered a space amoeba that destroyed entire star systems . The USS Intrepid , which was sent to investigate the phenomenon, was destroyed, and Spock felt the Vulcans on the ship dying. In order to gain information on the creature, Spock piloted a shuttle into the amoeba and found that it was about to reproduce by fission. He subsequently destroyed the creature with an antimatter bomb. ( TOS : " The Immunity Syndrome ")

Spock's body was later taken over by Henoch , one of three survivors of an ancient civilization that had destroyed itself. The three had become energy beings to survive and wished to build androids to house their minds. Henoch, the rival of fellow survivor Sargon , refused to relinquish Spock's body and attempted to kill Sargon. He himself was killed with the help of Spock's consciousness and Sargon's wife Thalassa . ( TOS : " Return to Tomorrow ")

Eneg and Spock

Ekosian Nazis capture Spock

Spock came in contact with various other worlds in the early part of 2268. He was captured by Ekosians who had based their society on that of Nazi Germany and tortured him for information about the Enterprise . John Gill , a Federation historian , had visited Ekos and attempted to use the efficiency of Nazi Germany to bring stability to the planet. Toward the end of the encounter, it was found out that Gill was drugged by his deputy Melakon. Through the use of the mind meld, Spock helped bring Gill to almost full wakefulness. ( TOS : " Patterns of Force ")

Spock battled Kelvans who tried to take over the Enterprise in order to return to their homeworld in the Andromeda Galaxy . He helped Kirk stop Ronald Tracey , a Federation captain interfering in Omega IV 's societies by arming the Kohms against the Yangs . He battled the government of a planet where a Rome -like civilization had never fallen and gladiatorial games still took place in the planet's modern era. ( TOS : " By Any Other Name ", " The Omega Glory ", " Bread and Circuses ")

Spock wearing neural stimulator 2

Spock's mindless body equipped with a neural stimulator after the Eymorgs stole his brain

Later the same year, Spock's brain was stolen by the Eymorgs to help power the Great Teacher that controlled their society and provided for all their needs. McCoy was able to reconnect Spock's brain to his body with the same technology used to remove it. ( TOS : " Spock's Brain ")

Spock, along with Kirk, stole a cloaking device from the Romulans. As part of the plan to retrieve the device, he pretended to kill Kirk in self-defense and romanced the craft's commander in order to gain her trust. He initially intended only to carry out his mission but experienced actual feelings for the beautiful and brilliant commander. After Kirk returned to the Romulans' craft disguised as a Romulan and stole the device, Spock stalled the Romulans long enough for the device to be installed in the Enterprise . The ship escaped with the cloaking device and the Romulan commander on board, who made a pact with Spock to keep their mutual feelings for the other a secret. ( TOS : " The Enterprise Incident ")

Spock later saved Kirk and a tribe of transplanted Native Americans when he helped save their planet Amerind from an asteroid by activating a deflector beam. ( TOS : " The Paradise Syndrome ") He allowed Kollos to take over his body so that he could guide the Enterprise back into the galaxy after a mad Larry Marvick had driven it into an uncharted region. The Medeusans were a highly intelligent species but their bodies were grotesque in form – so much so that gazing upon a Medeusan would cause instant insanity in humanoids. However, it was said that telepathically viewing a Medeusan's mind, as Spock did, was quite a beautiful experience. ( TOS : " Is There in Truth No Beauty? ")

Spock helped save an landing party from the Melkotians who had, as punishment for trespassing, forced them to relive the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral in a recreation of Tombstone , Arizona . ( TOS : " Spectre of the Gun ") He also helped redirect Yonada from colliding with Daran V . ( TOS : " For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky ")

Spock took command of the Enterprise when a spatial interphase trapped Kirk between universes. Despite a Tholian attack from Commander Loskene , Spock and the Enterprise crew managed to retrieve Kirk and escaped from the Tholians' energy web. ( TOS : " The Tholian Web ")

A race of psychokinetics later captured Spock, Kirk, and McCoy. The aliens forced them to take part in dangerous games and unwanted love affairs. ( TOS : " Plato's Stepchildren ")

After hyper-accelerated aliens took over the Enterprise and hyper-accelerated Kirk to take as a hostage, Spock managed to receive a warning from Kirk and became hyper-accelerated himself but carried an antidote with him. He and Kirk stopped the aliens and retook the ship. ( TOS : " Wink of an Eye ")

Spock was part of a landing party that aliens were using to test the worthiness of an empathic race. A supernova was going to destroy their planetary system, and the aliens wanted to see if their race should be saved. After the aliens tortured Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, the empath Gem healed them. Impressed by this, the aliens saved her planet. ( TOS : " The Empath ")

Spock two Kirks

Spock attempting to differentiate between two almost identical Kirks in 2269

In early 2269 , Spock and Kirk took a new medicine that could cure mental illness to a Federation mental facility. However, under the leadership of former Starfleet captain Garth of Izar , inmates had taken over the facility. Garth captured Spock and Kirk, putting their lives in danger. Spock escaped and found Kirk but Garth, who had developed shapeshifting powers, had assumed Kirk's identity. Spock determined the real Kirk from the impostor and subdued Garth, thus giving him medication that helped his mental illness. ( TOS : " Whom Gods Destroy ")

In the same year, Spock was part of a landing party that found a Human named Flint . He found masterpiece paintings and original classical music. Flint admitted that he had been Johannes Brahms and Leonardo da Vinci on Earth , and that he was an immortal being. ( TOS : " Requiem for Methuselah ")

Droxine and Spock

Spock with Droxine

Spock helped Kirk negotiate a peace treaty between two societies on Ardana . He also became attracted to Droxine , the daughter of Plasus , the ruler of Ardana; he referred to her as a work of art and even discussed pon farr with her. However, nothing ever came out of the relationship. ( TOS : " The Cloud Minders ")

The Excalbians forced Spock and Kirk into a battle between good and evil to study Human concepts. The aliens created images of people who possessed "good" qualities, such as Abraham Lincoln and Surak , against "bad" people such as Colonel Phillip Green and Kahless . ( TOS : " The Savage Curtain ")

Spock, Kirk, and McCoy entered a time portal, and were stuck in different past eras of Sarpeidon which was about to be destroyed by an exploding sun. Spock and McCoy traveled into the planet's ice age where they met Zarabeth , who had been sent there as punishment. Even though McCoy was dying from the cold, Spock wished to remain with the woman with whom he had fallen in love since, in this time period, he had emotions. Eventually, he discovered the portal door and saved McCoy. ( TOS : " All Our Yesterdays ")

After Janice Lester transferred her consciousness into Kirk's body and his consciousness into her body, she attempted to kill Kirk and assume his captaincy. However, Spock managed to expose her and helped to re-transfer Kirk's consciousness into his body. ( TOS : " Turnabout Intruder ")

Spock and McCoy old

Spock (left) along with McCoy, rapidly aged on planet

Spock with Klingons

Spock with Klingons from the IKS Klothos

Spock joined a landing party that beamed down to inspect the second planet of the Taurean system . There, he became affected by the glandular secretion of the female members of Theela's species who inhabited there, who were known for controlling the male mind. This drained Spock of his "life force," causing him to age at a rate of ten years per day. Spock escaped the females of the planet and contacted the Enterprise . An all-female security detachment led by Lieutenant Nyota Uhura eventually recovered him and the landing party. By using their molecular pattern stored in the transporter system, Spock and the others were returned to their previous ages. ( TAS : " The Lorelei Signal ")

Spock 2 and Spock

Spock Two performing a mind meld on Spock

On a mission to Phylos , Spock was captured by Stavos Keniclius who planned to clone him and make an army of Spock clones to enforce an era of peace throughout the galaxy. His first clone, Spock Two , possessed all of the original's memories, abilities, and sense of logic. However, the cloning process left the original Spock near death. Since Spock Two possessed his progenitor's sense of logic, he mind melded with him and restored his mind, most likely transferring his katra back into the original Spock. The original Spock proposed that Spock Two remain on Phylos to help Keniclius rebuild the Phylosian society. ( TAS : " The Infinite Vulcan ")

Purging emotions

After completing the Enterprise 's five-year mission of exploration, Spock chose to return to his home planet. As a result of his occasional displays of emotion during his Enterprise missions, he decided to undergo the kolinahr ritual to purge himself of the last vestiges of emotion. ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

V'ger crisis

Two and half years after leaving Starfleet, Spock felt the arrival of a vast consciousness. He aborted his kolinahr training and resumed his Starfleet career both for personal reasons and to help Rear Admiral Kirk during the V'ger incident. Spock's return to Starfleet amazed former colleagues and others but his reputation remained excellent, with Commander Will Decker stating that he was "well-aware of Mr. Spock's qualifications" when Spock offered to again serve as science officer. Within three hours, he helped Scott repair the Enterprise 's malfunctioning warp drive . ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

Spock, 2270s

Commander Spock in the 2270s

Spock holding James T

" Jim, this simple feeling is beyond V'ger 's comprehension. "

Spock's attitude towards his colleagues was far different from when he had served with them during the five-year mission. Wishing to rid himself of any personal attachments to Starfleet, he no longer considered any of the crew to be his friends and barely acknowledged them upon his return except where his duties demanded it. Feeling that the consciousness would answer for his quest, he broke into an airlock and stole a thruster suit . He exited the ship and proceeded to the next chamber of the mechanism, witnessing a planet populated by living machines. There, he attempted a mind meld and he realized V'ger 's quest. Knocked unconscious by the enormous power of V'ger during the meld, Spock was recovered in open space by Kirk. Later, he was in sickbay being treated for neurological trauma. He informed Kirk that V'ger was a life-form of its own, seeking answers to its questions; specifically " Is this all that I am? Is there nothing more? " Grasping Kirk's hand while lying on a biobed , Spock told Kirk that the simple feeling of touching another was something beyond V'ger 's comprehension.

Spock later accompanied Kirk, Decker, and McCoy to the heart of V'ger , guided by the Ilia probe . The group discovered V'ger was actually the 20th century NASA probe Voyager 6 . Spock deduced that the old probe was found by the living machine inhabitants of a planet located on the other side of the galaxy and they built the mammoth vessel so it could fulfill Voyager 's simple programming, " learn all that is learnable ." Spock told Kirk that V'ger had to evolve, as its knowledge had reached the limits of the known universe.

Spock informed McCoy and the others that other dimensions and higher levels of being could not be proven logically and V'ger was therefore incapable of believing in them, needing the Human quality to leap beyond logic. Decker chose to merge with V'ger , and Kirk, McCoy, and Spock escaped shortly thereafter when it and Decker evolved into another dimension. Afterwards, Spock chose to remain on the Enterprise rather than return to his homeworld .

Spock's direct encounter with V'ger showed him that purging his emotions and operating on pure logic would not answer his questions but would simply create new ones. ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

Death and resurrection

Sometime after the V'ger incident, Spock was promoted to captain and assigned to Starfleet Academy where he trained cadets on the Enterprise which had been retired from active service.

Spocks death 2

The death of Spock in 2285

In early 2285 , Spock, while on a training mission, ceded command of the Enterprise to Kirk during a mission that involved keeping the Genesis Device from Khan Noonien Singh . When Kirk and the Enterprise defeated Khan, he armed the device. Spock repaired the Enterprise 's warp drive in a severely irradiated portion of engineering in order to save the crew. He saved the ship but sacrificed his own life in the process. Following his funeral service, Kirk gave Spock a "burial by sea" by firing Spock's body into space inside a torpedo casing. ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan )

Spock, resurrected

Spock, resurrected on Mount Seleya

Spock's coffin landed on the surface of the Genesis Planet . The radiation emanating from the planet regenerated his cells. Spock was thus reborn as a child but quickly aged to adulthood. However, his mind was a complete blank. Kirk and the rest of the Enterprise 's senior staff disobeyed Starfleet orders so that they could retrieve Spock's body. On Vulcan, Spock's living body, now at the age of his death, was reunited with his katra which Spock himself had placed in McCoy prior to his death via mind meld. ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock )

After his katra and body were re-integrated, Spock trained for three months with the help of his mother to bring his knowledge and intellect back to where it had been before he died. Answering many complicated questions at rapid fire during his memory test , he had difficulty answering the question " How do you feel? ", something he felt was irrelevant, though his mother disagreed. Returning back to Earth aboard the HMS Bounty with his Enterprise crewmates to offer testimony in their defense to the Federation Council , Spock and the crew discovered that the planet was under siege by a mysterious alien probe which was causing critical damage to Earth's oceans and subsequently Earth's ecosystem. Analyzing the transmission the probe was producing, Spock concluded that the probe was transmitting the songs sung by whales , specifically humpback whales . Spock informed Kirk that the humpback whales had been extinct since the 21st century and suggested the crew travel back through time to acquire humpback whales. Spock's calculations from memory for the slingshot effect around Sol proved instrumental in the Bounty 's successful journey back to the year 1986 .

Spock and Kirk, 1986

Spock, with Kirk in San Francisco in 1986

Upon the landing of the cloaked Bird-of-Prey in Golden Gate Park , Spock teamed up with Kirk and together they set off in search of humpback whales. The pair discovered George and Gracie at the Cetacean Institute in Sausalito . Spock jumped into the whales' tank and mind melded with Gracie, discovering she was pregnant . After traveling back to 2286 with the whales and cetacean biologist Gillian Taylor , Spock and the rest of the crew saved Earth once again by releasing George and Gracie into the San Francisco Bay from the sunken Bounty . The whales successfully communicated with the probe and it left Earth's solar system . After the dismissal of all charges to the crew of the Enterprise , save for Kirk, Spock spoke to his father and asked him to relay a message to his mother: That he felt fine. Spock went on to serve as a Starfleet officer for several more years aboard the new USS Enterprise -A . ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

The Enterprise -A

Prior to the launch of the new Enterprise , Spock was recruited to test the new brig as he was the most "intelligent and resourceful person the designers could find." However, despite his ingenuity, he failed to escape. ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

Spock joined Kirk and McCoy for shore leave at Yosemite National Park and observed Kirk climbing El Capitan with his levitation boots . He saved Kirk's life when he slipped and fell off of the mountain, grabbing his ankle just seconds before he was killed by the impact. Later, Spock told Kirk and McCoy that before leaving the Enterprise -A, he had studied all the details involving "camping out" and roasted a marshmallow over a fire . Spock's shore leave was interrupted when Commander Uhura brought the shuttlecraft Galileo to the trio's campsite to bring them to the Enterprise as the transporters were malfunctioning.

Spock and Sybok say farewell

Spock says goodbye to his half-brother Sybok

Upon the Enterprise 's mission to Nimbus III to resolve a hostage situation, Kirk retained Spock as his first officer. During the Enterprise strike team's rescue mission to Paradise City on Nimbus III, Spock discovered his long-lost half-brother Sybok had been the leader of the Galactic Army of Light , the group responsible for capturing the three diplomats. Sybok hijacked the Enterprise and ordered that it be brought through the Great Barrier . During the subsequent voyage in the shuttle Copernicus to the mythical Sha Ka Ree , Spock tried to console his brother when they could not initially find " God " on the surface.

Shortly thereafter, the landing party encountered the supernatural being when it presented itself to them. Learning of the malevolent nature of the being calling itself "God", Sybok sacrificed his life to save Spock and his friends. Spock and McCoy were beamed up to the Enterprise through the repaired transporter, leaving Kirk alone. The transporter was severely damaged when Klaa's Bird-of-Prey fired on the Enterprise . Spock saved Kirk's life from the entity by commandeering the Bird-of-Prey with the help of General Korrd and firing on it with the Klingon ship's weapons. Later, in the Enterprise -A's observation lounge, Spock reflected on the loss of his brother. Kirk told him that he had lost a brother once, but he was fortunate in that he got him back. Returning to Earth, Spock resumed his shore leave in Yosemite with Kirk and McCoy, this time playing " Row, Row, Row Your Boat " on his Vulcan lute . ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

In 2293 , Spock was chosen to be the Federation's special envoy to the "Gorkon Initiative" as it was he who opened secret talks with Chancellor Gorkon following the Praxis disaster. Spock later committed Kirk to the negotiations with the Klingon Empire. During Kirk and McCoy's subsequent trial and imprisonment for the assassination of Gorkon, Spock took command of the Enterprise and the murder investigation. He led the rescue mission of Kirk and McCoy from Rura Penthe and helped stop an assassination attempt on the Federation President. Though this mission was successful, Spock blamed himself for endangering Kirk and the consequences that followed, a guilt that lasted seventy-five years. ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ; TNG : " Unification II ")

Diplomatic career

Spock, 2293

Captain Spock (2293)

In 2293, on the suggestion of his father, Spock opened a dialog with Gorkon in the hopes of initiating peace talks. He recommended an alliance between the Klingon Empire and the Federation at the Khitomer Conference , and Gorkon agreed to negotiate. His recommendation produced a major dispute because the Federation viewed Klingons as outlaws who built their empire through violence and brutality. Despite seemingly insurmountable odds, an alliance was nevertheless forged, bringing peace and stability to the Alpha Quadrant that had not existed for two hundred years. Tuvok , who initially opposed the alliance, later noted that " Spock's suggestion, so controversial at first, proved to be the cornerstone of peace ." ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ; VOY : " Alliances ")

Also during the Khitomer Conference, Spock opened up negotiations with Ambassador Pardek of Romulus in an attempt to unify Vulcan and the Romulan Star Empire . ( TNG : " Unification I ", " Unification II ")

Spock, 2368

Ambassador Spock in 2368

Spock and Sarek publicly disagreed over issues involving the Cardassians , leading to a rift in their relationship. ( TNG : " Unification I ")

In his later years, Spock went into semi-retirement, choosing to act as a Federation ambassador, much as his father had done. ( TNG : " Unification I ")

Reunification attempts

In 2368 , Spock undertook a secret personal mission to Romulus , unauthorized by the Federation Council or Starfleet. As he knew it would be risky, he preferred not to involve others and wrapped up his affairs. He acted to facilitate Romulan-Vulcan reunification , avoiding contact with the rest of the Federation as he was reluctant to risk anyone's life but his own on such a mission after the near-fatal consequences to Kirk and McCoy in their involvement in the Khitomer conference. Captain Jean-Luc Picard met Spock on Romulus and informed him of his father's death. Before Picard's departure, the two mind-melded, allowing Spock to realize the depth of his father's feelings for him. ( TNG : " Unification I ", " Unification II ")

In 3189 , a recording of Spock made on stardate 45825 while on Romulus was retrieved from the personal files of Admiral Picard and viewed by Michael Burnham and Cleveland Booker . ( DIS : " Unification III ")

"Cowboy diplomacy"

In 2369 , Spock was involved in an incident of " cowboy diplomacy " in which Deanna Troi was temporarily kidnapped to help with the defection of three Romulans, including Vice-Proconsul M'ret , to the Federation. He also had a message sent back to the Federation indirectly through the defector DeSeve . ( TNG : " Face Of The Enemy ")

When an unknown person was beamed on board the USS Enterprise -D in 2370 , Ben told a few junior officers that he heard that this was Ambassador Spock. ( TNG : " Lower Decks ")

In 2380 , Ensign Beckett Mariner asked Ensign Brad Boimler if he knew who Spock was, to which Boimler answered, "I think I know who Spock is." ( LD : " Second Contact ")

The Red Matter incident

Spock sees Romulus destroyed

Spock arrives too late to prevent Romulus' destruction

In 2387 , Romulus faced destruction when its sun threatened to go into a massive supernova . After a synth attack on Mars destroyed the Federation fleet being assembled to evacuate Romulus, Spock formed a plan which involved injecting red matter into the star, thus creating an artificial black hole which would consume the star instead. Piloting the Jellyfish , an advanced spacecraft equipped with red matter, Spock proceeded to the star to carry out his mission. Before he could, the star went supernova and destroyed Romulus. With other worlds threatened with destruction, Spock continued his mission and successfully created a black hole which consumed the supernova. Before he could escape, however, the Romulan mining vessel Narada , commanded by Nero , intercepted him. Nero blamed Spock for Romulus' destruction and was bent on revenge. The black hole eventually pulled in the Narada and the Jellyfish . ( Star Trek , PIC : " Remembrance ")

Though brought up to embrace a Vulcan way of life that he would eventually commit to as a young man, Spock's encounter with V'ger had a profound impact on his personal philosophy. From that point forward, Spock began to further embrace his Human half and more readily explore the influences and impacts of Human emotion, though he continued to temper his outward expressiveness. ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture , Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , Star Trek )

Spock's self-sacrifice to save the Enterprise from Khan formed the basis of Starfleet's The Needs of the Many holographic training drill , while the rescue of his resurrected self from the Genesis Planet was the basis for the Escape from Spacedock drill. Both simulations were in use by 2381 . ( LD : " I, Excretus ")

Kirk's old bar on Starbase 25 still had Kirk and Spock's names scratched into the counter top as of 2381. ( LD : " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers ")

Spock was known as " Sprok " to Enderprizians , and was " well-known for his words so wise ", including the phrase " most illogical. " ( PRO : " All the World's a Stage ")

By 2399 , Spock would become known as "The Great Spock". ( PIC : " The End is the Beginning ")

His work towards reunification eventually led Romulans to settling on Vulcan and beginning to merge their society with the Vulcans, later renaming the planet to Ni'Var centuries after Spock's disappearance. However, they eventually left the Federation after the Burn . After reaching Federation Headquarters in 3189 , a year after her arrival from 2257 , Michael Burnham learned of her brother's achievements and viewed a recording of Spock talking to Jean-Luc Picard . Despite Ni'Var's separation from the Federation, Burnham's status as Spock's sister opened the chance for her to negotiate for the SB-19 data. ( DIS : " Unification III ") While onboard the ISS Enterprise , Burnham stared nostalgically at the science station and commented to Cleveland Booker that it had been her brother's station on the USS Enterprise . ( DIS : " Mirrors ")

Spock's legacy further extended into the alternate reality. It was he who located New Vulcan, a new homeworld for the Vulcans following the loss of their old one. ( Star Trek ) Following his death, alternate reality Spock originally planned to resign his Starfleet commission and continue the work the ambassador began on New Vulcan. However, after seeing a photograph of the prime reality Enterprise crew that was among old Spock's personal effects, alternate Spock changed his mind, having come to the conclusion that for now, his destiny lay with his crewmates. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Involvement in the alternate reality

Spock watches Vulcan's destruction

Spock witnesses the destruction of Vulcan

Spock emerged from the black hole in the year 2258 of the alternate reality . Since Nero had emerged twenty-five years earlier , Spock was immediately intercepted by the Narada upon his arrival. Both Spock and the Jellyfish were captured by Nero who had been waiting for him. Spock's life was spared by Nero, although Nero marooned him on Delta Vega where he could witness the destruction of Vulcan from the planet's surface. After Nero used some of the red matter from the Jellyfish to create a black hole in Vulcan's planetary core , Spock watched helplessly from Delta Vega as his homeworld was destroyed.

Spock meets Kirk (alternate)

Spock realizes whose life he just saved

Shortly thereafter, Spock rescued a Starfleet officer from a hengrauggi , only to discover that the young officer was James T. Kirk himself, that reality's Spock having marooned him on the planet for mutiny . The elder Spock was surprised that Kirk was not captain of the Enterprise . When Spock heard from Kirk that Captain Christopher Pike had been captured, Spock knew that Nero was responsible, describing the Romulan as "particularly troubled." Through a mind meld, Spock explained to Kirk his presence in this time period and the reasons behind Nero's actions.

Spock and James T

Spock with Kirk on Delta Vega

He then walked with Kirk to the Starfleet Delta Vega outpost , where they met Montgomery Scott . Using Scott's equation for transwarp beaming (which Scott had not actually figured out yet), Spock was able to transport Kirk back to the Enterprise along with Scott. When asked why he would not come with them, Spock stated that his other self must not know of his existence, implying that it could cause some kind of temporal paradox. Knowing his younger self would never take the course of action that could stop Nero but that Kirk would, Spock instructed Kirk to use Regulation 619 to force his younger self to give up command to him by proving he was emotionally compromised. He informed Kirk he knew his younger counterpart was emotionally compromised due to the destruction of his homeworld. Kirk followed his advice and, by emotionally manipulating the alternate Spock, managed to take command of the Enterprise .


Spock meets himself

After the Enterprise defeated the Narada and Nero, the elder Spock returned to Earth. There, he met his less-than-surprised younger self (while Kirk had kept his word, his word was no match for even the intellect of the younger Spock, as he had figured out who Kirk's mysterious benefactor must be) and convinced him to remain in Starfleet. He also explained the reason he had not returned to the Enterprise with Kirk to explain things was that he had not wished to deprive Kirk and Spock of the chance of working together and developing the friendship they were destined to have. He then wished his younger self good luck and walked away.

Spock views Kirk's promotion

" Thrusters on full… "

Afterwards, Spock witnessed the official promotion of Kirk to captain of the USS Enterprise , repeating what he knew the crew would say before launch, apparently commiserating on his own experiences as a member of the crew of the Enterprise . He left with an intention to establish a Vulcan colony . His attempts to convince his younger self succeeded and the younger of the two Spocks returned to the Enterprise to act as Kirk's first officer. ( Star Trek )

Spock 2259 alternate reality

Spock warns his younger self just who the Enterprise is up against

A year later, Spock was living on New Vulcan, having made a solemn vow not to further interfere with history by keeping information about his experiences confidential. However, when the younger Spock contacted him for information regarding Khan Noonien Singh , the old Spock felt obligated to break his vow. He responded that Khan was the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise had faced, and that it had required a great sacrifice to stop him.

Ironically, the younger Kirk later made the same sacrifice Spock himself had made when facing Khan in the prime reality to save the crew of the Enterprise , though he was revived. ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ; Star Trek Into Darkness )

Final death

Spock's obituary

Ambassador Spock: 2230.06-2263.02

Spock passed away of natural causes on New Vulcan on January 2, 2263 .

Spock's group photo

Spock and his comrades, 2287

After his death, a small cache of personal items Spock had managed to retrieve from the Jellyfish was turned over to the younger Spock, including a photograph of the prime reality's bridge crew of the Enterprise -A from around 2287 , illustrating to the younger Spock that his destiny was to serve alongside Kirk, McCoy, and the others for decades to come. After struggling at first with whether or not to leave Starfleet in light of the elder Spock's death, this inheritance caused the younger Spock to change his mind and remain with his friends instead. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Alternate timelines and realities

Alternate neutral zone incursion.

Spock (alternate 2266)

Commander Spock in an alternate 2266

In an alternate timeline where Captain Christopher Pike avoided his crippling fate, Spock was his first officer on the USS Enterprise in 2266 during the Neutral Zone Incursion . Having been brought from 2259 by his future self to see the consequences of his actions, Pike enlisted Spock's help to make sense of his presence in the future and what he was meant to do there. During the following confrontation with the Romulans, Spock worked on repairing the weapons systems on the Enterprise and was severely injured, leaving him in a state similar to the Pike of the correct timeline. Spock's prognosis was grim and even if he survived, he was unlikely to ever be the same again. As a result, Spock could not take part in causing reunification between the Vulcans and Romulans and Pike came to believe that he had exchanged his own fate for Spock's. ( SNW : " A Quality of Mercy ")

After showing his 2259 self the future, the Christopher Pike of the alternate timeline revealed that he had learned from the Boreth monks that in every timeline where Pike changed his own fate, Spock died as a result. Because of this, in all of those futures, Spock couldn't go on to do the great things that he was meant to do which would change the fate of the galaxy. ( SNW : " A Quality of Mercy ")

Alternate 2259

Sh'Rel bridge

Captain Spock in an alternate 2259

In an alternate timeline where Vulcan was at war with the Romulan Star Empire, where by 2259, Spock held the rank of captain and commanded the Sh'Rel .

During an engagement with the Romulans, the Sh'Rel was damaged and he requested United Earth Fleet Captain James T. Kirk of the UEF Enterprise for assistance. Kirk however refused as United Earth had their own problems with the Romulans and could not afford to fight a war on two fronts. ( SNW : " Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow ")

Anything but canon scenarios

First contact day party.

Spock (Holiday Party)

Spock providing entertainment for the First Contact Day party

According to an anything but canon account, Spock provides entertainment for a First Contact Day party . The duty originally was assigned by the captain of the USS Enterprise to Lieutenant Hemmer , the chief engineer , however he turned it over to Spock, since Spock actually was both Human and Vulcan ; and therefore a better choice considering the holiday was intended to be a celebration based upon the first meeting between those two species .

Spock begins with a blooper reel that he had compiled featuring clips of many of the biggest bloopers in Starfleet. Most of the bloopers that had occurred aboard the Enterprise , including a gruesome transporter malfunction , that Chapel, Number One, Nyota Uhura and many others that were present found to be more disturbing than humorous, and finally Uhura tells him that he needed to tone it down a little. She explained that it doesn't have to involve such big bloopers, because those aren't funny at all, especially when death resulted from it. She told him that bloopers should be smaller than that, like when someone accidentally runs into a door that doesn't open in time, or when someone mispronounces his name as " Spork ."

Spock believed that he finally got the idea of what she was trying to say, even though it seemed pretty clear that he still didn't fully understand the concept of humor in the same way that they did. He decided to play one last video in the hopes of making them laugh . It involved an ensign with space diarrhea who, while running, slipped on a freshly mopped floor, which caused him to slam his genitals into the mop , before pooping his pants right then and there. Uhura told him that was the perfect blooper. Spock was finally pleased with his success, and grabbed a mop and chased Hemmer with it, to demonstrate to the crew a "live blooper." ( VST : " Holiday Party ")

Klingons destroy the Enterprise

Spock (Skin a Cat)

Spock, minutes before his death

In another anything but canon account, Spock was present on the bridge while the ship was under the command of another captain , while ship was under attack by several Klingon battle cruisers .

During the scenario, Spock reported to the captain that their weapons were disabled and their shields were down. The captain then informed Spock that he knew of a way out. After hearing this, Spock further updated the captain, informing him that their warp and impulse engines were also offline. The captain then turned to Spock, and uttered a figure of speech that compounded the situation by offending a number of the bridge crew. As the misunderstandings continued, Spock interrupted to suggest that the captain avoid the use of figures of speech until they were free of the impending doom. The captain continued to trip over his own tongue, as Spock updated the captain that the hull was breached , and the next shot woulf finish the ship off. As the captain continued on his tangent, the Enterprise exploded killing Spock and the rest of the crew. ( VST : " Skin a Cat ")

Jam session on the bridge

TOS crew on the viewscreen

Spock on the viewscreen along with McCoy, Scott, and Kirk

During another anything but canon account, a Post Mainframe Acid-Cardassian Ten Forwardcore jam session broke out on the bridge, during which, scenes appeared on the viewscreen that used sound effects for the song, such as the hum of the transporter when Spock, Kirk, Scott, and McCoy transported wearing life support belts .

Other clips on the viewscreen corresponded with the song lyrics and showed Spock putting his hands around two Klingon's shoulders , as if they were his " buddies ". That was followed by a clip of Spock during the time Nurse Chapel feigned "accidentally" sat down on his lap after she used Harry Mudd 's love crystals on him. A final clip of Spock and Kirk helping one another from slipping in an icy corridor, looped to appear as if they were dancing . ( VST : " Walk, Don't Run ")

Although half Human, Spock's physiology retained most of its Vulcan characteristics such as the green blood, the placement of his liver, ( TOS : " The Apple ", " A Private Little War ") his strength, ( TOS : " The Naked Time ", " This Side of Paradise ", " Operation -- Annihilate! ") telepathic abilities, ( TOS : " Dagger of the Mind ", " A Taste of Armageddon ", " By Any Other Name ") and his greater lifespan ( TOS : " The Deadly Years "; TAS : " The Lorelei Signal "; TNG : " Unification II "; Star Trek ) when compared to the average Human. However, it should also be noted that the life he lived was still about forty years shorter than the average Vulcan, who generally lived to be around two hundred years old. His father Sarek, for example, was 203 at his death. ( Star Trek Beyond ; ENT : " Broken Bow "; TNG : " Sarek "; TNG : " Unification II ")

His Human characteristics were obvious when Sarek was in need of a blood transfusion and concern over donating his hybridized blood would be a danger to Sarek's full Vulcan physiology. ( TOS : " Journey to Babel ") The other instance where his Human side was evident happened during the final stages of his Kolinahr ritual acceptance. While on Vulcan performing the ritual, the V'ger probe approached proximity and its own emotional instability affected Spock's Human emotional side which he worked so hard to repress. ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture ) Spock's Human side was also present when spores affected him on Omicron Ceti III . ( TOS : " This Side of Paradise ")

Like most Vulcans, he experienced pon farr neurochemical imbalance at least every seven years until the symptoms were remedied through ritual mating or kal-if-fee (dueling). If not dealt with, a Vulcan could die within eight days of the first symptoms. Spock experienced pon farr at least twice, once performing the kal-if-fee with Kirk's assistance, once mating with Saavik while physiologically a youth as a result of his regeneration by the Genesis Device . Both successfully relieved his symptoms of pon farr 's neurochemical issues. ( TOS : " Amok Time "; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock )

As of Vulcan rituals concerning death, Spock was able to transfer his katra into someone that was close to him – such as a family member – who could then transfer the katra into a large repository on Vulcan. In his case, he picked Dr. McCoy as a host for his katra when he decided to expose himself to fatal warp core radiation in order to restore warp power to the Enterprise . His corpse regenerated when his torpedo casing casket was shot towards the Genesis planet and was subjected to the Genesis cycles that rapidly evolved all life on the planet. ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock )

After Spock received a mind meld from Captain Picard, he seemed to have accepted his Human side. He admitted to being emotionally compromised and showed some emotions when he dealt with Nero destroying Vulcan in the alternate timeline and dealing with his younger self . ( TNG : " Unification II "; Star Trek )

McCoy watches Spock play chess

Spock playing three-dimensional chess

On his Human side, Spock once implied he had an ancestral relationship to British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle . ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

Personal interests

Spock carried a lifelong interest in art, literature, poetry, music (especially the Vulcan lute and the piano), and three-dimensional chess . ( TOS : " Requiem for Methuselah ", " Where No Man Has Gone Before ", " Charlie X ", " The Cloud Minders ", " Court Martial "; TAS : " The Jihad ", " The Magicks of Megas-Tu ") He disliked Italian food, possibly because like most Vulcans, he was a vegetarian . ( TOS : " All Our Yesterdays "; TAS : " The Slaver Weapon "; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )


Friendships, james t. kirk.

Kirk and Spock meet

Lt. Kirk and Lt. Spock meeting for the first time in 2259

Spock first met Kirk aboard the Enterprise in 2259 , when it was under command of Fleet Captain Christopher Pike . ( SNW : " Lost in Translation ")

In 2265 , after the death of Gary Mitchell , Spock's detached and logical analysis was relied on by Kirk as a supplement to his own intuitive and impulsive nature. Their official relationship deepened into a friendship of mutual respect and love that was, without a doubt, the most important relationship of both Spock and Kirk's life. As Edith Keeler observed of Spock's place in the world, " You? At his side. As if you've always been there and always will. " ( TOS : " The City on the Edge of Forever ")

McCoy Kirk Spock, 2267

Spock with Kirk and McCoy

Kirk once described his Vulcan friend as "the noblest half of myself" and declared that Spock's immortal soul "is my responsibility, as surely as if it were my very own." Kirk even told Spock's father that he would never realize how important Spock was to him, and declared that, despite losing the Enterprise and his son, had he not tried to rescue his friend, " the cost would have been my soul. " ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock )

The polywater intoxication that affected the Enterprise crew in 2266 led to a difficult encounter between Spock and Kirk. When Spock was urgently required by his commanding officer, an anguished and reflective Spock was found by Kirk, Spock regretting his inability to express love even for his mother. Trying to bring the first officer around to the moment, Kirk slapped him. Spock's reaction was flat and revelatory, " Jim, when I feel friendship for you, I'm ashamed. " Struck again, Spock responded in kind, sending Kirk backwards over a table. ( TOS : " The Naked Time ")

Spock was sympathetic to Kirk's plight after the transporter divided the captain's personality into opposite aspects. He referred to his own halves, "submerged… constantly at war with each other." Spock believed that Kirk could survive such a contest intact, and urged him to embrace the part of himself that, seemingly ugly, was crucial to his personality and captaincy. ( TOS : " The Enemy Within ")

Spock disagreeing with Kirk, 2267

Spock comes into conflict with Kirk over destroying a Gorn starship

After Kirk discovered emotional rage was the key to nullifying the effect of the pod plants ' spores , his first step in retrieving his crew was to taunt Spock into anger. Anticipating the result of a Vulcan's strength pitted against him, Kirk wielded a pipe for protection. After calling him an "elf with a hyperactive thyroid" and saying he belonged "in the circus, right next to the dog-faced boy," Spock indeed lost control, nearly killing Kirk before regaining control of himself. ( TOS : " This Side of Paradise ")

Kirk holding Spock on Deneva

Kirk holding Spock after his encounter with a Denevan neural parasite

In 2267 , Spock began his pon farr mating cycle, and behaved bizarrely aboard the Enterprise . Kirk called Spock "the best first officer in the Fleet" and "an enormous asset to me" as he pled with Spock to explain his actions. When told that taking Spock to Vulcan was against Starfleet orders, Kirk fired back, " I owe him my life a dozen times over! Isn't that worth a career? " Joining him on Vulcan for his marriage ceremony, Kirk was drawn into T'Pring's scheme to marry another, and forced to fight Spock to the death. McCoy, knowing Kirk was endangered, faked Kirk's death, and the marriage was not consummated. Spock, despondent that he had murdered his captain, was thrilled at the sight of Kirk alive, exclaiming, " JIM! " which McCoy delighted in needling Spock about, once he gained his composure. ( TOS : " Amok Time ")

Kirk's understanding of Spock had an enormous impact on the parallel mirror universe , visited after a transporter accident in 2267 . As Kirk's party prepared to return to their proper universe, Kirk implored the mirror Spock to re-examine his role in the fascistic Terran Empire , insisting, " One man can make a difference. " Mirror Spock's consideration of those words led to his rise to dominance and reform of the Empire, with drastic consequences. ( TOS : " Mirror, Mirror "; DS9 : " Crossover ")

When Kirk was trapped in spatial interphase during a rescue operation in Tholian space, Spock ordered the Enterprise to maintain its position in an effort to retrieve him, in spite of the danger the Tholians presented and the disruptive nature of the local space. After Kirk's assumed death, Spock and McCoy viewed the "last orders" Kirk had prepared. He urged Spock to use all the Vulcan disciplines at his disposal, tempered with intuitive insight. Kirk believed Spock had the latter qualities, but should they elude him, he was urged to seek out McCoy. ( TOS : " The Tholian Web ")

Kirk forget

Spock making Kirk " forget " about Rayna Kapec

Kirk once commented to Captain Garth that he and Spock were "brothers". Spock merely responded, " Captain Kirk speaks somewhat figuratively, and with undue emotion, but what he says is logical and I do, in fact, agree with it. " ( TOS : " Whom Gods Destroy ")

When Dr. Janice Lester , a former lover of Kirk's, took over Kirk's body, Spock performed a mind meld on Kirk while he was trapped in Lester's body. Spock believed Kirk was Lester before anyone else, and when Lester as Kirk ordered his execution, he continued to stand by his friend. ( TOS : " Turnabout Intruder ")

Spock and Kirk, 2270s

Spock with Kirk aboard the Enterprise again in the 2270s

At the end of the Enterprise 's five-year mission, a period marked by his frequent loss of emotional control, Spock chose to leave Starfleet and his friends, to pursue the kolinahr discipline of logic on Vulcan. His return to the Enterprise during the V'ger threat was a cold event, without acknowledgment of his past friendships. In V'ger 's aftermath, Spock finally achieved equilibrium, able to express his friendship for Kirk without the influence of aliens or illness, and notably lacking any threat of physical violence. In 2285 , Spock was calmly able to tell Kirk, " You're my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours. " ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture ; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan )

Kirk and Spock, 2285

Kirk and Spock, together on Kirk's birthday

Spock's sacrifice of his own life, to save the Enterprise from Khan's detonation of the Genesis Device , deeply affected Kirk. At his funeral, Kirk could only bring himself to say of Spock, " Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most… Human. " ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan )

The revelation that Spock's katra , his living spirit, survived in the tormented mind of McCoy, led Kirk to risk his career, and in turn, his crew's. He first asked Fleet Admiral Morrow for permission to retrieve Spock's body from the Genesis Planet , to bring it, and McCoy, to Vulcan. Kirk insisted that any chance to save Spock's soul was his responsibility, " as surely as if it were my very own. " His request declined, he told his crew, " the word is No. I am therefore going anyway. "

With the help of Uhura, Scott, Sulu, and Chekov, Kirk rescued McCoy from confinement and commandeered the Enterprise from Spacedock One . The renegade mission saw the death of Kirk's ship as well as his son. Finding Spock's body re-animated by Genesis, Kirk brought him and McCoy, to Vulcan for the fal-tor-pan (re-fusion) ritual. The first person Spock recognized was Kirk: " Jim. Your name, is Jim. " ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock )

During their homecoming from Vulcan, and eventually their trip to 1986 , Kirk tried to remind the resurrected Spock, suffering from memory loss, of their friendship and past adventures together. After Kirk and the crew's trial, Spock told his father, his "associates" were his friends. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

Spock going after Kirk

Spock in an attempt to save Kirk's life at Yosemite National Park

In 2287 , Spock accompanied Kirk and McCoy on a camping trip together at Yosemite National Park , which abruptly ended when Spock's half-brother, Sybok, diverted the Enterprise to Nimbus III . After their adventure on Sha Ka Ree and Sybok's death, Kirk referred to Spock once again as his "brother", and told him and McCoy that they were his real family. ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

When Spock later entered the alternate reality , he told the James T. Kirk of that reality of their deep friendship, despite the fact that the alternate Spock had marooned Kirk on Delta Vega . Before returning Kirk, along with Scott's counterpart , to the USS Enterprise (revealing to this Scott an advancement in transporter technology over a century before his prime counterpart perfected it), Spock – who in this reality had designed the Kobayashi Maru simulation and openly begrudged Kirk outsmarting it – was reminded that this could be viewed as "cheating", to which he replied that an "old friend" – namely, Kirk – had taught him how to cheat.

Later, when Spock Prime spoke to his own alternate reality counterpart about that universe's Kirk, he explained that he had resorted to a level of subterfuge in order to inform both men of the necessity of their friendship, both to themselves and to others. Spock Prime explained, " I could not deprive you of the revelation of all that you could accomplish together, of a friendship that will define you both in ways you cannot yet realize. " ( Star Trek )

Leonard McCoy

The relationship between Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy seemed a little strained at times on McCoy's part because of his taunts about Spock's green blood and lack of emotion . However, there was an obvious respect and friendship among James T. Kirk , Spock, and McCoy. McCoy, in fact, was one of the two friends Spock requested to join him in his marriage ceremony. ( TOS : " Amok Time ")

While he would rarely do so without provocation, Spock was also quite capable of turning the tables on the doctor. During Kirk's court-martial, after an astonished McCoy discovered him in the briefing room playing chess against the ship's computer, Spock casually allowed him to assume the worst (to the point of thanking him after the furious doctor had said he was " The most cold-blooded man I've ever known "), waiting until he reached the door to reveal that he had been victorious in four consecutive games – since the computer, whose account of the incident was the main evidence against Kirk, was programmed to be unbeatable, this proved that it had been tampered with (something only Kirk, Spock, and the "dead" Commander Finney were authorized to do), and cast doubt on the credibility of its account, keeping the trial going long enough to discover that Finney was, in fact, alive.

Later that year, after the Enterprise crew had defeated the androids on planet Mudd (beings almost Vulcan-like in their lack of emotion and their "logical, pragmatic" thinking), McCoy told Spock that he must be quite unhappy to see that "poor, illogical" Humans were able to fairly defeat them, Spock responded that this was quite satisfactory, as nobody needed him and his logical ways as much as a ship full of Humans. ( TOS : " Court Martial ", " I, Mudd ")

Christopher Pike

Spock and Pike developed a mutual respect and fondness for one another during their service aboard the Enterprise ; Pike at one point expressed how important Spock was to him, a feeling Spock reciprocated. ( SNW : " A Quality of Mercy ") Spock's loyalty to Pike went even so far as to risk court martial in 2267 to kidnap his disabled former captain and bring him to Talos IV to live a life of illusion and happiness. ( TOS : " The Menagerie, Part I ", " The Menagerie, Part II ")

Sybok, Spock's elder half-brother, encountered Spock on Nimbus III in 2287 , shortly before Sybok hijacked the Enterprise -A for his quest to find Sha Ka Ree in the Great Barrier . Spock had remained silent on the subject of his brother for decades, not even telling Kirk until Sybok had already taken control of the Enterprise . At first, Spock was extremely distant from him, but following Sybok's death, he realized what he had lost. ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

Michael Burnham

Michael Burnham was Spock's adoptive sister after her parents' presumed deaths. When she first met him, a very young Spock shut his bedroom door on her after greeting her with a holographic drawing of a dragon screaming. Over time, Spock and Michael grew closer and Spock grew to idolize his older adoptive sister. However, feeling that she placed her adoptive family in danger from logical extremists who targeted her due to being Human, Michael decided to run away. Spock tried to persuade her otherwise, telling her that he "loved her" and would run away with her. To push Spock away, Michael insulted him by calling him a "half-breed" who was "incapable of love." While well meaning, her insults deeply hurt Spock who shunned his Human half in response and grew to no longer trust people. Over the years, Michael tried to make amends, but Spock showed no interest in reconnecting.

After they both grew up and entered Starfleet, they rarely talked to each other. Eventually Spock and Michael were forced to come to terms with each other after the Federation-Klingon War. Michael searched for a missing Spock after meeting his commanding officer, Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise . Eventually finding her brother, she was dismayed to find Spock suffering from a mental breakdown due to an encounter with a time traveler. She was able to help restore Spock's mind with the help of the Talosians, but this did not resolve the animosity between the siblings as they clashed several times with Spock blaming her for causing the Federation-Klingon war and calling her out on her habit of assuming responsibility for all the wrongs in the universe. Eventually, the two came to terms with their respective short-comings and eventually grow closer as they worked together to solve the mystery of the Red Angel.

When Burnham needed take Discovery to the future in order to avoid Control having access to the Sphere information stored in the ship's memory, Spock volunteered to help her. Unfortunately, while helping Burnham prepare, Spock's shuttle was badly damaged. Both distraught that they could not be together in the future, they shared a bittersweet farewell and Spock was transported away after one last "live long and prosper." ( DIS : " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 ")

In the months following Discovery 's disappearance, Spock was unnerved that they had not received a signal to indicate that Discovery had arrived safely in the future. When the signal arrived, Spock found peace. ( DIS : " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 ")

Burnham and Book watch a recording of Spock

Burnham and Book watch a holo-recording of Spock

In 3189 , Michael Burnham watched a recording of Spock. She told her boyfriend Cleveland Booker that since she had arrived in the 32nd century , she hadn't bothered researching history to find out the type of man that Spock eventually became. But she was proud of who he had became, and she was happy he had found a way to reunify the Vulcans and Romulans. ( DIS : " Unification III ")


Spock with T'Pring in 2267

At age seven, Spock was bonded to T'Pring in a family-arranged Vulcan ceremony described in Human terms as " less than a marriage, but more than a betrothal. " ( TOS : " Amok Time ")

T'Pring formally proposed marriage to Spock in 2259 , but the two had not been married by 2267. ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ")

When Spock experienced his pon farr of 2267 , he succumbed to the madness of the plak tow mating instinct. The Enterprise diverted to Vulcan in time to consummate the marriage. Accompanied by Kirk and McCoy, Spock arrived at his family's ancient koon-ut-kal-if-fee site for the wedding ceremony officiated by the matriarch T'Pau . Unexpectedly – but within the bounds of Vulcan tradition – T'Pring demanded the challenge of kal-if-fee , forcing Spock to earn the right to marry his bride through victory in personal combat. Rather than her prospective consort Stonn , T'Pring chose Kirk as her champion.

Unwilling to appear weak or disrespectful in front of the legendary T'Pau, Kirk agreed to fight his first officer . Between rounds using the lirpa and ahn-woon weapons, T'Pau belatedly revealed the combat was "to the death," and it became clear that Kirk had little chance against Spock in the throes of his blood fever. McCoy intervened, deceptively dosing Kirk with a drug that simulated his death.

Spock's plak tow subsided after his apparent victory. Appalled at the turn of events, Spock calmly questioned T'Pring's decisions. T'Pring admitted her distaste for Spock's growing fame among Vulcans, and her mutual attraction to Stonn. By her logic, choosing Kirk meant neither victor would claim her in the end, and she would have her life with Stonn. Spock acknowledged her way of thinking, referring to it as "flawless". T'Pring, for her part, was honored, but Spock advised Stonn that he would find that " having… is not so pleasing a thing after all… as wanting ."

After returning to the Enterprise , McCoy revealed Kirk's clandestine survival. A rare show of extreme emotion came from Spock when he exclaimed " JIM! " with a beaming smile. ( TOS : " Amok Time ")

Christine Chapel

Spock and Christine Chapel met when she was assigned to the Enterprise in 2259 along with Doctor Joseph M'Benga . ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ")

Spock and Chapel kiss

Spock kissed Christine in a ruse to prevent T'Pring from handing over Sybok to the pirate angel

When the pirate Angel took over the Enterprise , Angel took Spock and Christine Chapel hostage in an effort to get T'Pring to hand over a prisoner that was Angel's lover. To prevent the prisoner transfer, Spock and Christine Chapel engineered a ruse where Spock and Christine had developed romantic feelings for one another and kissed in front of Angel and T'Pring. ( SNW : " The Serene Squall ")

During Chief engineer 's Hemmer 's funeral , Chapel consoled Spock as he was feeling emotions such as rage and pain. Spock didn't want her to follow him but did so anyway and Chapel ended up hugging him. ( SNW : " All Those Who Wander ")

Spock and Chapel entered into a relationship for some time after his engagement with T'Pring ended due to him not confiding in her that he was transformed into a full Human and stripped of his Vulcan genes. The relationship reached its conclusion when Chapel was accepted into Roger Korby 's fellowship . ( SNW : " Charades ", " Subspace Rhapsody ")

Chapel loves Spock

Spock with Christine Chapel, being emotionally influenced by the Psi 2000 intoxication

When the Psi 2000 intoxication infected the crew of the Enterprise in 2266 , Chapel admitted her love for Spock, who was thereupon emotionally shocked. Her love for him was an ongoing issue, but never interfered with her professional duties. ( TOS : " The Naked Time ")

Chapel once housed Spock's consciousness to keep him from being destroyed by Henoch . They were later forced by powerful telepaths to kiss each other, but neither enjoyed the forced situation. ( TOS : " Return to Tomorrow ", " Plato's Stepchildren ")

While under the spell of Harry Mudd 's love potion , Spock became infatuated with Chapel, and was willing to fight for her love. However, the potion eventually wore off and then Chapel, as a side effect of the drug, seemed to hate Spock for a brief time. Spock commented to Mudd that a few brief moments of love being paid for with several hours of hatred is scarcely a bargain. ( TAS : " Mudd's Passion ")

Leila Kalomi

On stardate 3417, Spock was infected by Omicron spores while on Omicron Ceti III by Leila Kalomi , who was serving as the Omicron colony 's botanist. The spores broke down Spock's emotional control, and he confessed his love for Kalomi. Their time together was short-lived, however, as Kirk deduced a method of destroying the spores with intense emotion and induced anger in Spock.

Once free from the spores, Spock freed Kalomi and the rest of the planet from their influence. He later reflected that his time with Kalomi was the first time in his life at which he had felt happy. ( TOS : " This Side of Paradise ")

When visiting the planet Sarpeidon Spock got trapped in in the planet’ ice age in the past with Dr. McCoy. When there Spock began to act like the Vulcans of that time period and started to act emotional. There he fell madly in love with her. Eventually McCoy realized what was happening and they were eventually able to escape back to their time period without Zarabeth . ( TOS : " All Our Yesterdays ")

Romulan hologram of contemporary Spock

A hologram of Spock was created by the Romulans in 2368 for Sela to use to give a false address to the Federation . It was known by the title " Spock One ". ( TNG : " Unification II ")

During Dal 's setup of the Kobayashi Maru scenario aboard the USS Protostar in 2383 , he requested that the computer select the best officers on his behalf, which included a holographic version of Spock, from the TOS era , as a member of his command crew. ( PRO : " Kobayashi ")

Riker T'Pol Tucker Spock Uhura

Spock's head on a holographic amalgamation of four other Starfleet officers

The head that resembled Tucker was attempting to freeze the playback of a holographic program that featured Neelix watching a holonovel that was one of many "silly stories " he saw on his PADD . The program seemingly froze, but then Tucker noticed he wasn't actually Tucker, but a strange monstrous combination of the aforementioned Starfleet officers .

  • 2230 : Born in ShiKahr on Vulcan
  • 2247 – 2250 : Cadet at Starfleet Academy
  • Between 2250 and 2253: Assigned to the USS Kongo
  • 2253: Assigned to the USS Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike
  • Takes a leave of absence from Starfleet following the Federation-Klingon War
  • Assists the USS Discovery in solving the mystery of the Red Angel
  • 2258 : Returns to service aboard the Enterprise .
  • 2259 : Becomes engaged to T'Pring
  • 2268 : Is offered an assignment with Medusan Ambassador Kollos .
  • 2270: Resigns from Starfleet and returns to Vulcan to undergo the Kolinahr ritual
  • 2270s : Returns to Starfleet to help with the V'ger crisis
  • Between the 2270s and 2285: Appointed captain of the USS Enterprise
  • Dies on the USS Enterprise
  • Transfers his Katra to Leonard McCoy
  • Is resurrected on the Genesis planet
  • Transfers to the USS Enterprise -A
  • 2287 – 2293 : First officer/science officer of the USS Enterprise -A
  • Resigns from starfleet
  • Becomes a Federation ambassador
  • Begins attempts to reunify the Romulan and Vulcan people
  • 2387 : Attempts to stop a star from destroying Romulus and ends up pulled into a black hole and transferred to an alternate reality.
  • 2258 ( alternate reality ): leads the surviving members of the Vulcan people to start a new colony on New Vulcan
  • 2263 (alternate reality): Dies on New Vulcan. The age must be around 161 if the time travel in 2387 through the black hole was in very short time and it led him to the same month in 2258.

Memorable quotes

" Is there a valuable question in your arsenal? " " Yes. Do you actually think the beard is working? "

" History will not provide an answer to your query, doctor. Instead you should be asking me, 'How is it I can remember tomorrow?'"

" This will go easier if you answer me. Or it could go harder. " " I beg to differ. Say goodbye, Spock. " (Spock raises his hand in the Vulcan salute) " Goodbye, Spock. "

" Greetings, captain. " " Spock. Are you all right? " " Much better for seeing you in person, sir. Even if we are riding into danger. " (Spock smiles) " Is that a smile I see on your face?" " I believe it is. Yes. " " Well, Welcome to Discovery . "

" I don't suppose the Red Angel offered you any advice on how to handle a situation like this. " " No. But my limited experience as a fugitive suggests only one course of action. " " And what is that? " " We run. "

" I happen to have a Human thing called an adrenaline gland. " " That does sound most inconvenient, however. Have you considered having it removed? " " Very funny. " " Try to cross brains with Spock, he'll cut you to pieces every time. "

" I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins. "

" I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question. " ( TOS : " This Side of Paradise ")

" A curious creature. Its trilling seems to have a tranquilizing effect on the Human nervous system. Fortunately, of course, I am… immune… to… its… effect… "

(To Alice 27) " I love you. " (To Alice 210) " However, I hate you. " " But I am identical in every way with Alice 27! " " Exactly. That is exactly why I hate you; because you are identical. " [The androids violently malfunction.] " Fascinating. "

" Logic is a little, tweeting bird, chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad. " ( TOS : " I, Mudd ")

" Nowhere am I so desperately needed as among a shipload of illogical Humans. " ( TOS : " I, Mudd ")

" On my planet, 'to rest' is to rest, to cease using energy. To me, it is quite illogical to run up and down on green grass, using energy instead of saving it. " ( TOS : " Shore Leave ")

"Enterprise to signaler on planet's surface. Identify self. " (Reads answer) " 'Hip, hip, hurrah…' and I believe it's pronounced 'Tally ho'. " ( TOS : " The Squire of Gothos ")

" 'Fascinating' is a word I use for the unexpected. In this case, I should think 'interesting' would suffice. "

" I have been, and always shall be, your friend. "

" Jim. Your name is Jim."

" If I were Human, I believe… my response would be 'Go to Hell.' If I were Human. "

" Billions of lives lost, because of me, Jim because… I failed. "

" Thrusters on full. "

" Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise . Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new lifeforms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before. "


" Fascinating. " ( Star Trek: The Original Series )

" Live long and prosper. " ( Star Trek: The Original Series )

" Interesting. "

" The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. "

Kirk and Spock

" Have I ever mentioned you play a very irritating game of chess, Mr. Spock? " " Irritating? Ah, yes: one of your Earth emotions. "

" Your illogical approach to chess does have its advantages on occasion, captain. " " I prefer to call it 'inspired'. " " As you wish. "

" You'd make a splendid computer, Mr. Spock. " " That is very kind of you, captain! "

" So, we're stranded here, in the middle of a Klingon occupation army. " " So it would seem. Not a very pleasant prospect. " " You have a gift for understatement, Mister Spock. It's not a very pleasant prospect at all. "

" You didn't really think I was going to beat his head in, did you? " " I thought you might. " " You're right. "

" Well, Mr. Spock, if we can't disguise you, we'll find some way of explaining you. " " That should prove interesting. "

" My friend is obviously Chinese. I see you've noticed the ears. They're actually easy to explain. " [Long pause.] " Perhaps the unfortunate accident I had as a child. " " The 'unfortunate' accident he had as a child. He caught his head in a mechanical… rice picker. "

" Don't grieve, admiral. It's logical. The needs of the many… outweigh… " " The needs of the few. " " Or the one. I never took the Kobayashi Maru test, until now. What do you think of my solution? "

" You know, coming back in time, changing history… that's cheating. " " A trick I learned from an old friend . "

Awards and achievements

Spock dress uniform

Spock in dress uniform 2267

  • Twice decorated with the Starfleet Award of Valor ( TOS : " Court Martial ")
  • Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor ( TOS : " Court Martial ")
  • The Vulcan IDIC ( TOS : " Is There in Truth No Beauty? ")
  • An A-7 computer expert classification ( TOS : " The Ultimate Computer ")
  • Innovator of time travel methodologies: the warp drive cold start and the "slingshot" maneuver ( TOS : " The Naked Time ", " Tomorrow is Yesterday ")
  • Twice recommended for commendations by Captain Kirk. ( TOS : " Space Seed ", " The Immunity Syndrome ")

Spock's personnel file, production

Spock's personnel file


  • " The Cage "
  • " Where No Man Has Gone Before "
  • " The Corbomite Maneuver "
  • " Mudd's Women "
  • " The Enemy Within "
  • " The Man Trap "
  • " The Naked Time "
  • " Charlie X "
  • " Balance of Terror "
  • " What Are Little Girls Made Of? "
  • " Dagger of the Mind "
  • " The Conscience of the King "
  • " The Galileo Seven "
  • " Court Martial "
  • " The Menagerie, Part I "
  • " The Menagerie, Part II "
  • " Shore Leave "
  • " The Squire of Gothos "
  • " The Alternative Factor "
  • " Tomorrow is Yesterday "
  • " The Return of the Archons "
  • " A Taste of Armageddon "
  • " Space Seed "
  • " This Side of Paradise "
  • " The Devil in the Dark "
  • " Errand of Mercy "
  • " The City on the Edge of Forever "
  • " Operation -- Annihilate! "
  • " Catspaw "
  • " Metamorphosis "
  • " Friday's Child "
  • " Who Mourns for Adonais? "
  • " Amok Time "
  • " The Doomsday Machine "
  • " Wolf in the Fold "
  • " The Changeling "
  • " The Apple "
  • " Mirror, Mirror "
  • " The Deadly Years "
  • " I, Mudd "
  • " The Trouble with Tribbles "
  • " Bread and Circuses "
  • " Journey to Babel "
  • " A Private Little War "
  • " The Gamesters of Triskelion "
  • " Obsession "
  • " The Immunity Syndrome "
  • " A Piece of the Action "
  • " By Any Other Name "
  • " Return to Tomorrow "
  • " Patterns of Force "
  • " The Ultimate Computer "
  • " The Omega Glory "
  • " Assignment: Earth "
  • " Spectre of the Gun "
  • " Elaan of Troyius "
  • " The Paradise Syndrome "
  • " The Enterprise Incident "
  • " And the Children Shall Lead "
  • " Spock's Brain "
  • " Is There in Truth No Beauty? "
  • " The Empath "
  • " The Tholian Web "
  • " For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky "
  • " Day of the Dove "
  • " Plato's Stepchildren "
  • " Wink of an Eye "
  • " That Which Survives "
  • " Let That Be Your Last Battlefield "
  • " Whom Gods Destroy "
  • " The Mark of Gideon "
  • " The Lights of Zetar "
  • " The Cloud Minders "
  • " The Way to Eden "
  • " Requiem for Methuselah "
  • " The Savage Curtain "
  • " All Our Yesterdays "
  • " Turnabout Intruder "
  • " Beyond the Farthest Star "
  • " Yesteryear "
  • " One of Our Planets Is Missing "
  • " The Lorelei Signal "
  • " More Tribbles, More Troubles "
  • " The Survivor "
  • " The Infinite Vulcan "
  • " The Magicks of Megas-Tu "
  • " Once Upon a Planet "
  • " Mudd's Passion "
  • " The Terratin Incident "
  • " The Time Trap "
  • " The Ambergris Element "
  • " The Slaver Weapon "
  • " The Eye of the Beholder "
  • " The Jihad "
  • " The Pirates of Orion "
  • " The Practical Joker "
  • " Albatross "
  • " How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth "
  • " The Counter-Clock Incident "
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • Star Trek Into Darkness
  • Star Trek Beyond (picture only)
  • " Unification I "
  • " Unification II "
  • DS9 : " Trials and Tribble-ations " (archive footage)
  • " Brother "
  • " New Eden " (archive voice footage)
  • " Light and Shadows "
  • " If Memory Serves "
  • " Project Daedalus "
  • " The Red Angel "
  • " Perpetual Infinity "
  • " Through the Valley of Shadows "
  • " Such Sweet Sorrow "
  • " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 "
  • " Unification III " (archive footage)
  • " Stormy Weather " (picture only)
  • " Q&A "
  • " Ask Not "
  • " No Small Parts " (picture only)
  • " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers " (picture only)
  • PRO : " Kobayashi " (hologram; archive audio)
  • " Strange New Worlds "
  • " Children of the Comet "
  • " Ghosts of Illyria "
  • " Memento Mori "
  • " Spock Amok "
  • " Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach "
  • " The Serene Squall "
  • " The Elysian Kingdom "
  • " All Those Who Wander "
  • " A Quality of Mercy "
  • " The Broken Circle "
  • " Ad Astra per Aspera "
  • " Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow "
  • " Among the Lotus Eaters "
  • " Charades "
  • " Lost in Translation "
  • " Those Old Scientists "
  • " Under the Cloak of War "
  • " Subspace Rhapsody "
  • " Hegemony "
  • " Skin a Cat "
  • " Holiday Party "
  • " Holograms All the Way Down " (background hologram)
  • " Walk, Don't Run " (archive footage)

Background information

Spock was played by Leonard Nimoy in the vast majority of the character's television and cinematic appearances. The Genesis -regenerated versions of Spock at nine, thirteen, seventeen, and twenty-five years of age in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock were portrayed by Carl Steven , Vadia Potenza , Stephen Manley , and Joe W. Davis , respectively. Spock's screams in that film were provided by Frank Welker .

The young Spock from TAS : " Yesteryear " was voiced by Billy Simpson . Carey Scott recorded some dialogue for a younger Spock in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier , but his scenes were cut . Spock is also portrayed by an unknown infant in that film. And while Nimoy portrayed the elder Spock in the film Star Trek , his younger alternate reality adult self was played by Zachary Quinto (who reprised the role in Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond ), as well as briefly by Jacob Kogan , who portrayed Spock as a young boy. Nimoy reprised the role of Spock for a cameo in Star Trek Into Darkness . Liam Hughes portrayed a young Spock in the Discovery episode " Brother " while Ethan Peck voiced the adult version of the character in the same episode. Peck also played the character in subsequent episodes of Star Trek: Discovery , Star Trek: Short Treks , and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds .

A deleted scene from Star Trek featured a newborn Spock, portrayed by Jenna Vaughn . As Spock's birth would have occurred before the universe split, technically, she would have been the only performer to portray both Spock Prime and his alternate reality counterpart, as well as the only actress ever to play Spock.

Jane Wyatt , who played Spock's mother Amanda Grayson , was once asked by fans at a convention what Spock's first name was. She replied, perhaps jokingly, " Harold " [13] However, the question itself was flawed, since the episode " Journey to Babel " makes it clear that "Spock" is Spock's personal name.

On the other hand, Spock's family name has never been established in canon . In the episode " This Side of Paradise ", Leila Kalomi says to Spock, " You never told me if you had another name, " to which he replies, " You couldn't pronounce it. " D.C. Fontana – who was considered the "Vulcan expert" of the TOS behind-the-scenes staff and who created such details as the fact that Spock's father was an ambassador and his mother a school teacher – revealed, in an issue of the fanzine Spockanalia , that she had intended his family name to be "Xtmprsqzntwlfd", but since this is unpronounceable, there wasn't really any way to get this said in dialogue during an episode.

The Pocket TOS book Ishmael gives Spock's full name as "S'chn T'gai Spock". This name was also used on a poster for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds at the Mission Chicago Trek Convention, but CBS said that it was "incorrect" the next day and had the posters replaced. [14]

Since the release of the film Star Trek , the original reality version of Spock is now often referred to on websites and other media as "Spock Prime", to differentiate from the alternate reality version of the character.

From concept to series

From the start of thinking Spock up, Gene Roddenberry knew he wanted the character to be partly alien, and that he wanted Leonard Nimoy to play the role. Roddenberry later explained, " I made [Spock] a half-caste, because I remember thinking a half-breed Indian would be a lot more interesting than a full-blooded Indian or white, because he's going to be tugged in many different directions. " ( Star Trek - Where No One Has Gone Before , p. 15)

Gene Roddenberry also wanted Spock's appearance to be very similar to typical portrayals of Satan the Devil. " I did purposely give him a slight look of the 'devil' because I thought that might be particularly provocative to women, particularly when his nature contrasted so greatly to this, " Roddenberry stated. [15]

The following character biography appeared in Roddenberry's original, 1964 series pitch Star Trek is... (and was reprinted in The Making of Star Trek ) [ page number? • edit ] :

In the revised first draft script of " The Cage " (dated 6 October 1964 ), Spock was described thus; " The only exception to the familiar types represented by the crew, Mister Spock is of partly alien extraction, his reddish skin, heavy-lidded eyes and slightly-pointed ears give him an almost satanic look. But in complete contrast is his unusual gentle manner and tone. He speaks with the almost British accent of one who has learned the language in textbooks. " The episode's revised final draft script (dated 20 November 1964 ) excluded mention of the "reddish skin" but otherwise remained the same. Later in the script, one of Spock's statements was directed to be delivered in an "excited" manner.

Gene Roddenberry thought up the unemotional aspect of Spock. Roddenberry explained, " As I created him, I said to myself, 'If I could just get rid of the emotions that plague me and work things out logically… ah , the things I could do! " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 11/12, p. 47) Casting Director Joseph D'Agosta added, " On the Spock character, the only guidelines I had were that he had to be thin, and a good actor with no emotion. He was a cold, calculating, logical person. Humor was not even considered at that time. " ( The Star Trek Interview Book , p. 213)

Actor Martin Landau (Commander John Koenig of Space: 1999 ) was an early casting consideration for the character of Spock in TOS. This was before the role went to Leonard Nimoy.

In spite of studio request to get rid of "the guy with the ears," Gene Roddenberry insisted on keeping the character through both pilot episodes of the series. ( Leonard Nimoy: Star Trek Memories ; Mind Meld: Secrets Behind the Voyage of a Lifetime )

According to Leonard Nimoy, he felt the need to play the character as more emotional when Jeffrey Hunter was playing the internalized Christopher Pike, as opposed to William Shatner 's portrayal of Captain Kirk. ( Mind Meld: Secrets Behind the Voyage of a Lifetime ; et al.) Also, there was room for Spock's emotional detachment when the similarly emotionless character of Number One was discarded along with Pike, after " The Cage ". ( Star Trek - Where No One Has Gone Before , p. 15)

NBC 's early- 1966 publicity booklet gave this bio for Spock (reprinted in Inside Star Trek: The Real Story ):

The unemotional quality of Spock's persona was extremely appealing to Leonard Nimoy. " What immediately intrigued me was that here was a character who had an internal conflict, " Nimoy observed. " This half-Human, half-Vulcan being, struggling to maintain a Vulcan attitude, a Vulcan philosophical posture and Vulcan logic, opposing what was fighting him internally, which was Human emotion. There was a dynamic there to work with from an acting point of view. " ( Star Trek - Where No One Has Gone Before , p. 15)

Gene Roddenberry recognized Spock as a team effort. " I'll take credit for formulating Spock and guiding the character, " he said, " then give as much credit to Leonard Nimoy for making it work, and also credit to the writers who kept it going in many story situations. " [16] On the other hand, Roddenberry proclaimed, in a letter to Isaac Asimov , " It's easy to give good situations and good lines to Spock. " Roddenberry also thought it was easier to write Spock than it was to write McCoy. [17] Nonetheless, the depiction of Spock was still to be further developed as the show began. Recalling the character's genesis, TNG Producer Robert Lewin noted, " Spock was not the hero that he became during the early part of the first series. " ( The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years , p. 71)

The series writers' guide (third revision, dated 17 April 1967 ) gave the following description of Spock ( Star Trek: The Original Series 365 ):

Season 2 salary issue

In the spring of 1967 , before production began on Star Trek 's second season , Leonard Nimoy and his agent got into an argument with the producers regarding the actor's salary (Nimoy felt it unfair that series star William Shatner was paid US$5,000 per episode, while he was only paid US$1,250). The agent wanted US$3000 per episode for his client, and would settle with US$2,500. However, a misunderstanding resulted in the agent believing that Mission: Impossible stars had at least US$11,000 salaries, so he suddenly demanded US$9,000 for Nimoy. The studio, of course, refused. Nimoy threatened to leave the series if the dispute was not solved.

In response to Nimoy's threats, Desilu executive Herb Solow asked Casting Director Joseph D'Agosta to compile a list of possible "Vulcan replacements", in case negotiations went unresolved. Three lists were made of actors who were deemed suitable for the role of Spock:

"A" List: Mark Lenard , William Smithers , Liam Sullivan , Lloyd Bochner , Joe Maross , Donald Harron , Edward Mulhare , James Mitchell , Michael Rennie , Peter Mark Richman , Charles Robinson , Chris Robinson , Stewart Moss , David Canary , John Anderson , David Carradine

"B" List: Anthony James , Perry Lopez , George Bachman , Alan Bergmann , Lee Kinsolving , Blaisdel Makee , Bill Fletcher , Henry Darrow , Anthony George , Curt Lowens , Jacques Denbeaux , Maxwell Reed

"C" List: Lawrence Montaigne , Ron Hayes , Patrick Horgan , Paul Mantee , Bruce Watson , Robert Yuro , Richard Evans , Joseph Ruskin , Ted Markland , Lee Bergere , John Rayner

In reality, these lists were only a psychological ploy to put pressure on Leonard Nimoy and his agent. The only two actors considered as possible replacements were Mark Lenard and Lawrence Montaigne (ironically, both of them appeared as Vulcans in the second season, Lenard playing Spock's father, Sarek).

Eventually, Desilu (at the insistence of NBC ) and Nimoy settled with US$2,500 per episode, plus US$100 for additional expenses, a better billing, a better merchandising deal, and more script input. However, when Montaigne was cast as Stonn in " Amok Time ", his contract had an option of recalling him to be cast as Spock, "just in case." ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , pp. 317-324)

Animated depictions

For approximately half an hour while Star Trek: The Animated Series was in early development, a boyhood version of Spock was considered for inclusion as a regular character in the upcoming series, along with other child equivalents of the series' main characters. ( The Art of Star Trek , pp. 42 & 43)

While initially developing TAS : " Yesteryear ", D.C. Fontana realized she wanted to feature Spock in the story, since he had always been her favorite main character and was the focus of her favorite episodes from the ones she had written for Star Trek: The Original Series , such as " This Side of Paradise " and " Journey to Babel ". ( Star Trek - Where No One Has Gone Before , p. 56) She was excited by the prospect of showing "part of what made Spock Spock," delving into his backstory in "Yesteryear". ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 97)


The notion of Spock suffering racial prejudice, alluded to in TAS : " Yesteryear " and the film Star Trek , was shared by the unmade prequel Star Trek: The First Adventure , in which Spock first met Kirk when he was defended by him from bullies at Starfleet Academy.

Gene Roddenberry once distributed a memo to the TNG writing staff which declared that, due to financial considerations, it would probably be impossible for Leonard Nimoy to ever guest star on that series as Spock (though Roddenberry also suggested Sarek appearing in a guest star role as an alternative). ( The Making of Yesterday's Enterprise , p. 22)

In an interview with 's Anthony Pascale in July 2007 , Leonard Nimoy explained that he felt Spock had been superfluous in the script of Star Trek Generations and that that was why he had chosen not to appear in the film. Nimoy initially proclaimed, " There was no Spock role in that script, " then elaborated, " There were five or six lines attributed to Spock […] but it had nothing to do with Spock. They were not Spock-like in any way. I said to Rick Berman , 'You could distribute these lines to any one of the other characters and it wouldn't make any difference.' And that is exactly what he did. There was no Spock function in the script. " [18]

In a memo he wrote Manny Coto (on 20 August 2004 ), Michael Sussman suggested that both an elderly Spock and a young version of the character be featured in a story covering an episode or two from the fourth season of Star Trek: Enterprise , if Leonard Nimoy was interested in appearing. As Sussman proposed, the older depiction of Spock would have been portrayed, in a framing story, by Nimoy, while the young Spock would have been played by another actor (a technique inspired by the portrayal of Indiana Jones in a two-parter from The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles called "Mystery of the Blues", which features not only a young version of Jones, but also a middle-aged Jones, played by Harrison Ford ). In the same memo, Sussman envisioned Spock in the 24th century, as a "distinguished and retired Ambassador," being visited by a young Vulcan/Human hybrid who sought advice for balancing the two halves of his own personality. The elderly Spock then began recounting an adventure that took place in the early 23rd century, in which he, as a Starfleet cadet, assisted a middle-aged T'Pol , learning, in the process, "some lesson which helped him choose his own path in life." Sussman went on to suggest that a lot of new details about Spock could be divulged in the story, possibly including that, in his young adulthood, he had been torn between life as a diplomat (like his father) and a Starfleet career. The memo continued by proposing that Spock's mission include the now-aged other senior officers from Enterprise NX-01 , and be "a secret and possibly illegal TBD mission." However, this Spock story ultimately wasn't developed. [19]

Roberto Orci , a co-writer of the film Star Trek , wrote the Spock character as being essential to that film's narrative without considering a back-up story, had Leonard Nimoy turned down appearing in the film. He recalled Nimoy raised an eyebrow at the idea of the destruction of Vulcan . [20] Commented J.J. Abrams , " Leonard was a dream to work with. He was always incredibly encouraging and excited about what he was seeing. He had a couple of thoughts, but he loved everything related to his role […] He was happy to see Spock look so damn good! " ( Star Trek: Costumes: Five Decades of Fashion from the Final Frontier , p. 240) Abrams also stated, " It's a big deal for him to come back and play this part again. I don't think it's something he expected to do. Directing him as Spock for the first time was as surreal a moment as I've had. It was preposterous, but wonderful. " ( Empire , issue 234, p. 126)

After the making of the film Star Trek , Leonard Nimoy retired (again) from acting and publicly stated that he did not intend to return to the role of Spock again, as he felt that to do so would be unfair to Zachary Quinto. Nimoy even went as far as to say, " I definitely will not be in Star Trek 2," and, " I think I can be definitive about the fact that I will not be in it. " ( SFX , issue #200, p. 68) However, it was eventually confirmed that he would indeed be returning to the role of Spock for the sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness . [21] [22] Regarding how J.J. Abrams invited him to make a cameo appearance in the film, Nimoy recalled, " He just said, 'Would you come in for a couple of days and do me a favor.' " Whereas Nimoy had declined to cameo in Star Trek Generations because he felt Spock's part in that movie had been too general, Nimoy was persuaded that Spock had such a specific role in Star Trek Into Darkness that he was willing to accept the part. Addressing why he had claimed not to be in the film, Nimoy, who was very pleased that the truth of his involvement was kept secret, initially said, " I was asked time and time again if I was in the movie, and I managed to avoid answering without lying. " He laughed, but was then reminded that he had flat-out denied being in the film and replied, " Maybe I was confused. Of course, speaking, if you'll pardon me, logically, I wouldn't know if I was in the movie until I saw the movie. " [23] His cameo marked Nimoy's final appearance as Spock and his final role overall prior to his death in February 2015 .

In 2017, Star Trek: Discovery producer Akiva Goldsman said that Spock would not be seen on Discovery . [24] However, two years later, Spock did appear in Discovery's second season , played by Ethan Peck.

Other language voice actors

An excerpt from the German version of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ; Weicker, voicing Spock, saying, " Wenn ich ein Mensch wäre, wäre meine Antwort mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit: Fahr zur Hölle!… Wenn ich ein Mensch wäre. " English: If I were Human, I believe my response would be 'Go to Hell!'… If I were Human.

Herbert Weicker was a German stage and voice actor who is widely associated with Spock, since he voiced this character in all German translations of episodes and films with the exception of the first run of Star Trek: The Animated Series .

Similarly, Czech television and film dubs have almost uniformly featured the late Jiří Plachý in the role of Spock, specifically, in the dubs of the TV appearances in Star Trek: The Original Series , Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , as well as in the six TOS era films and the first two Kelvin Timeline films. Zdeněk Junák dubbed the younger alternate reality Spock of the Kelvin Timeline films, while Lukáš Hlavica voiced Spock in the Czech dub of Star Trek: The Animated Series .

Slovak film and television dubs of Spock have included Štefan Kožka for the six installments of the TOS era film series, Ivan Letko for Spock's appearances on Star Trek: The Next Generation , as well as Marián Slovák as an older prime timeline Spock and Filip Tůma as a younger alternate reality Spock in the first Kelvin Timeline film.

Spock became one of the most enduring symbols of Star Trek . Accounting for the character's popularity, Gene Roddenberry stated, " I think that everyone was so smitten with Mr. Spock because he stood for loyalty and reliability. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 11/12, p. 47)

The popularity of Spock was one factor that motivated Leonard Nimoy into demanding a salary increase for the second season of TOS. " By this time, Leonard's popularity had convinced him of what he already knew: He had the most important role, " Herb Solow observed. In a memo Gene Roddenberry sent Gene L. Coon (on 1 April 1967 ), Roddenberry mentioned Spock having generated "considerable mail volume and public adulation" during the first season. ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , pp. 317 & 319) NBC likewise regarded Spock and Nimoy as the most popular part of the original Star Trek series, and believed that losing them would be very unflattering. The popularity of the character was thus influential in Leonard Nimoy's continuation in the part. ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , p. 324)

Roberto Orci has cited Spock as his favorite character. [25]

Casting Leonard Nimoy as an elderly version of Spock in the film Star Trek gave irate fans pause, caused them to stand down, and even won them over. ( Empire , issue 234, p. 126) However, William Shatner has been disapproving of how Spock is portrayed in that movie and its sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness , commenting, " I thought the two Spock appearances were gratuitous. J.J. [Abrams] wanted to pay homage to Spock I guess, but he didn't offer anything to the plot […] I told Leonard, 'You know that you're old when you go back in time and you're still old.' " (" Empire Presents 50 Years of Star Trek " supplement, p. 15)

Spock is referred to as a lieutenant commander in " Court Martial ", though the final draft and revised final draft of that episode's script instead referred to him as a full commander . The Star Trek Chronology listed Spock as having been promoted from lieutenant commander to full commander following "Court Martial". However, in a captain's log entry made by Kirk in " The Menagerie, Part I ", Spock is still identified as a lieutenant commander, as he is again in " Tomorrow is Yesterday ". Spock was first referred to as a commander in " Amok Time ". Throughout all his appearances on The Original Series , Spock wore the rank stripes of a full commander.

Near the end of the Star Trek: Discovery episode " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 ", Spock dons his Starfleet uniform for the first time in that show, wearing lieutenant junior grade stripes. However, in the earlier episode " Project Daedalus ", Spock identifying himself as a lieutenant . "Lieutenant" is the proper way to address lieutenant junior grades as well as full lieutenants, however, Spock was stating his own rank while being questioned by Admiral Cornwell and thus would have used his full rank. In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , Spock was still identified as a lieutenant and wore the correct insignia.

Spock was the inspiration for the Decepticon scientist, Shockwave, from the "Transformers" franchise. Comic book writer Bob Budiansky, who gave Shockwave his name and personality, described the character as "my attempt to take Spock from Star Trek and make him into a Decepticon." [26]

A portion of this article was paraphrased into first person and used as the content of Spock's memoir The Many and the One in PIC : " The Star Gazer ". [27]

Barbara Hambly 's novel Ishmael gives Spock's unpronounceable full name as "S'chn T'gai Spock," with "S'chn T'gai" apparently being the family name as opposed to the personal name. The ebook Seasons of Light and Darkness also uses this name.

According to Diane Duane 's novel Spock's World , Spock was a descendant of Surak .

The novelization of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home states that during the exile of the Enterprise command crew on Vulcan, Spock and McCoy underwent a series of mind melds facilitated by T'Lar to ensure that any lingering parts of the other's personalities were transferred back to the right person. In the days following Kirk and the Enterprise command crew saving Earth from the destructive effects of the whale probe, McCoy went to see Spock, who was temporarily staying at the Vulcan embassy on Earth and expressed worry that any punishment handed down by the Federation might not let him participate in future mind melds if needed. Spock assured McCoy that the fal-tor-pan was complete, and no further mind melds were needed. Spock told McCoy the two would always retain a smart part of each other in their minds.

Spock briefly reactivated his Starfleet commission , with the rank of admiral , during the Dominion War , according to Spectre , a novel on whose writing William Shatner collaborated with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens .

In the novel Crossover , Spock and several unificationists were captured by the Romulan Empire. He was ultimately rescued by Montgomery Scott, Commander Riker , Data , and Geordi La Forge aboard the USS Yorktown that Scott stole from a Starfleet museum using the shuttle he was given by Picard to control the Yorktown 's computer. After believing Scott dead for 75 years, Spock was momentarily startled to see him behind the transporter controls, but quickly regained his control. Scott promised to explain how he reached the 24th century later to Spock.

In the novel The Fire and the Rose , Spock began to lose his emotional control after hearing of the death of Captain Kirk , and eventually returns to Gol to take Kolinahr training again. Spock ultimately succeeded and became truly emotionless, a situation that neither Sarek nor Amanda agreed he should have tried to do. Amanda in particular, felt Spock had rejected his Humanity and therefore in some measure, her by extension. Spock's lack of emotion also ultimately alienated McCoy when he came to ask Spock to stand with him at his wedding to Tonia Barrows and Spock refused. Ultimately, after Amanda's death in a shuttle accident and Spock seeing Sarek grieve for Amanda (which surprised Spock as he mistakenly believed Sarek to have also been a student of Kolinahr ) , and when Spock realized that he can't grieve for Amanda and that he didn't even miss her, he sought McCoy out on Earth to help him engage in an ancient Vulcan ritual to reverse the Kolinahr , allowing Spock to feel emotions again. This accomplished, Spock rebuilt his relationship with McCoy, was able to grieve for his mother and Captain Kirk, and once again found the balance and peace between his Vulcan and Human halves, allowing him to have emotional control again without rejecting his emotions.

In the novel Provenance of Shadows , Spock, having been contacted by McCoy's wife Tonia Barrows , and told that McCoy was taking a turn for the worse, went to see McCoy because he had regretted that he didn't get to see either Kirk or his mother once more before their deaths, and he was not going to make that mistake this time. Spock did spend the day with McCoy and planned to return the next day, but as he left McCoy's house, Spock was left with the impression he would never see McCoy alive again. Spock's feelings are proved correct as McCoy does die peacefully in his chair on the porch that same evening before Spock can return, with Tonia by his side, reflecting on his life and the good work he's done and his family and friends.

In the novel Vulcan's Forge , Spock commanded the science ship Intrepid II in 2294 , a year after Kirk was lost in the Nexus . Within the story, Uhura was Spock's first officer and McCoy his chief medical officer .

Other novels set after Star Trek VI established that Picard was at the wedding of Spock and Saavik met Sarek.

In the novel Yesterday's Son , Spock found out that he had a son with Zarabeth , whom she had named Zar.

In the game Star Trek: Armada , Ambassador Spock was sent aboard a Galaxy -class starship to mediate a treaty between the Klingon and Romulan empires on Romulus. The Borg intercepted this ship and assimilated him. The USS Enterprise -E traveled two days back in time to make sure he reached the peace conference. The plan succeeded, resulting in Romulan and Klingon ships being dispatched to assist the Federation in defending Earth.

Countdown Spock

Spock in Star Trek: Countdown

In the comic series Star Trek: Countdown , leading up to Star Trek , Spock was aided in his attempts to help convince the Vulcans to provide the Romulans with the red matter necessary to stop the impending supernova explosion by Jean-Luc Picard , who was now Federation Ambassador to Vulcan, as well as by a restored Data , who was now captain of the Enterprise -E. Also, the comic established that Geordi La Forge had designed the Jellyfish , which Spock used to drop the red matter into the supernova. Just after the Jellyfish and the Narada were pulled through the black hole and into the alternate reality, the black hole finished collapsing and the Enterprise arrived in the area finding no indication anywhere that Spock managed to escape. Presuming Spock to be dead, Picard said that he hoped his friend's soul did indeed live long and prosper.

In the novelization of Star Trek , after Kirk told Spock that Dr. McCoy , Sulu , Chekov , and Uhura – all but one of the group of officers who had once been willing to throw away their careers to save him – were all serving on the USS Enterprise (taking McCoy's presence for granted when following the confirmation of the other three), Spock suggested to Kirk that their meeting, and the way the crew was already coming together, was the work of the timeline attempting to "fix" itself. As for the one person not yet aboard the ship, he had been well aware that Scotty was stationed at the outpost, which he had visited on occasion for supplies – though it wasn't clear whether they had actually met – but he had a made a point of keeping his distance. This self-imposed isolation was the only reason that he happened to be at the right place with a torch as the hengrauggi wrapped its tongue around Kirk's leg, which struck him as yet more evidence to support his theory – Kirk's arrival made it clear that the three had converged there for a reason, since he could give Scott the basics of his own invention, and therefore return Kirk to the Enterprise , with a way to take his rightful place in command (seeing that the young officer was obviously unaware of Regulation 619, he admitted to having forgotten how insignificant such things had been to the Kirk he knew so well), and hopefully be able to minimize the damage to the timeline.

In the comic series Star Trek: Spock: Reflections , the events leading up to Countdown were detailed. He traveled to Veridian III after Picard sent him a message following the events of Star Trek Generations explaining what really happened to Kirk regarding his "death" on the USS Enterprise -B to retrieve his body where he brought him back home to Earth to be reburied at the Kirk family farm in Iowa . Spock explained to Picard how Kirk did the same for him, at a terrible cost and that he needed to be equal to Kirk's sacrifice. Picard then tells Spock that he would be welcomed to return to Starfleet duty, in any capacity, but Spock planned to return to Romulus to continue his work. Picard asks whether arrangements can be made to make Spock's presence there official, but Spock declined, saying he has always led "a life of solitude and duty". As Spock remembers how he once worked with remarkable friends and comrades, he tells Picard to treasure those times in his own life, since they will someday end. They exchange the Vulcan salute and Picard walks away, but turned back to see Spock still standing quietly by his friend's grave.

Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto also lent their voices to Star Trek Online ; Nimoy reprised his role as Spock and narrated key events to players, while Quinto voices a Mark VI Emergency Medical Holographic program who helps the player though the tutorial level.

The 2013 virtual collectible card battle game Star Trek: Rivals was using Nimoy's picture for card #103 "Ambassador Spock".

The Star Trek: Ongoing story arc Legacy of Spock focuses on his place in the alternate reality 's new Vulcan settlement . Though initially blamed in part for the ultimate destruction of Vulcan, he is ultimately revered for his dedication to his people and receives a monument that is still standing 3,000 years later. Unlike the other monuments, which are massive, his is life-size, reportedly because he felt to make it any larger would not be "logical".

The Doctor and Spock

The Doctor offering Spock a jelly baby

In the third issue of the Doctor Who crossover comic Assimilation² , Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scott investigate a Federation archaeological team on the planet Aprilia III on stardate 3368.5, which had lost contact with Starfleet. Upon landing in the shuttlecraft Galileo , they are greeted by project manager Jefferson Whitmore, who assures them that all is well and gives them a tour of the facility, but Kirk finds the staff suspiciously calm, which Spock agrees with as by Human standards, the research team seemed remarkably placid and unemotional. The team later return to the facility after dark where they meet the Fourth Doctor , assuming he's a member of the research team and he helps them break the electronic lock with his sonic screwdriver and then offers Spock a jelly baby . Together, they infiltrated the facility. There, they find the researchers standing catatonically, with small cybernetic devices in their ears. It is discovered they were under the control of the Doctor's enemies, the Cybermen . A battle ensues and Spock and Scotty use their phasers on two Cybermen, while Kirk and the Doctor handle the Cyber-Controller . The Doctor then uses gold dust to clog up the Controller's respiration, allowing Spock to fire his phaser and destroying it. After the Cybermen are defeated and the Doctor slips quietly away, Spock assures Kirk there are no signs of anymore Cybermen on the planet, but Kirk arranges for a permanent garrison of Starfleet Security personnel to protect the researchers just in case.

In Star Trek Cats , Spock is depicted as an Oriental Shorthair cat .

In the Star Trek: Picard novel The Last Best Hope , Spock left Romulus in the early 2380s , believing there was nothing more he could achieve in the face of the predicted Supernova, but not without taking as many survivors as his small ship can carry with him. He was later contacted by now-Admiral Jean-Luc Picard when his journey brought him to an unplanned rendezvous with the USS Verity .

Spock appears in the video game Star Trek: Resurgence , where he comes aboard the USS Resolute to assist in stopping a crisis between the Hotari and the Alydians.

External links

  • Spock at Wikipedia
  • Spock at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Spock at the Star Trek Online Wiki
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

Did You Know?: Spock had a child with Saavik in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

By chad porto | aug 7, 2021.

LAS VEGAS, NV - AUGUST 08: Spock Vegas Paul Forest and Model/actress Valerie Perez at the 14th annual official Star Trek convention at the Rio Hotel & Casino on August 8, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images)

Spock was supposed to have a child in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Fans were deprived of one of the best ideas to never make it to the big screen; Spock being a dad. Parental storylines were something little explored in Star Trek, at least among the crew. While James T. Kirk had a son, he was hastily introduced and just as quickly killed off. Spock’s child would’ve at least given fans a chance to see one of the more prominent characters getting to become a father. While others, like Sulu, did have a daughter, it was often used as a plot device and not as a story arc.

That was until Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, where Spock and Saavik would’ve been parents to a baby few knew about.

The screenplay first had Saavik taking maternity leave from the Enterprise and Starfleet as a whole, and returning to Vulcan to have her child, which she conceived with Spock during Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. The reason for her departure would remain unknown to most, which would’ve led to a dangling plotline where the crew of the Enterprise goes back in time while the audience is aware of Saavik’s pregnancy. Ultimately, that was cut from the final version of the film.

The scene was cut from The Voyage Home because of Spock himself

The reason why the scene was cut boils down to one person ultimately. It was because of the man who brought Spock to life , Leonard Nimoy himself. Nimoy was apparently “uncomfortable” with the idea according to Harve Bennett, a contributor on the Star Trek films.

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Since Nimoy was directing Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, he got to decide who and what made the movie in the end.

Peter Krikes, who wrote the film’s original script with Steve Meerson, was quoted in the book “The Making of the Star Trek Films” that five lines of dialogue were taken out of one scene in particular that would’ve revealed the pregnancy.

In that scene, Kirk would be talking to Saavik and would ask her if she’s “told him yet” and Saavik would reply with a no, before mentioning she’s going on maternity leave.

This would be worked and re-worked a few times before Nimoy ultimately cut it from the film. The scene was filmed but never made it into the original film reel.

Saavik would’ve been brought back in Star Trek  VI: The Undiscovered Country but only if screenwriters Nicholas Meyer and Denny Martin Flynn were able to land the original Saavik, Kristie Alley, for the role. Since that never happened, the minor cameo she did end up having in The Voyage Home remains her last canonical appearance.

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Robin Curtis Talks Spock Love Child & Romulan Saavik

| January 5, 2012 | By: Staff 87 comments so far

Robin Curtis talks about  Saavik pregnancy cut from Star Trek IV 

After Kirstie Alley declined to return to the role of the Vulcan Saavik for Star Trek III , director Leonard Nimoy picked Robin Curtis to fill the role. Curtis was also brought back as Saavik for Star Trek IV , but just a brief cameo. In a new interview with the official Star Trek site, the actress talks about coming back and what might have been:

That was just such a weird left curve, to be honest. Given what had happened with Kirstie Alley, they negotiated for each film after the third, for the fourth, the fifth and the sixth. For somebody who’s 28 years old and had never made than a few bucks a year, that’s quite an event, to have a contract that provided for three films in years to come. Then, weeks and weeks before the filming (on Star Trek IV) was to begin – and the contract would then be void, because it had a timeframe on it – my people were reaching out to Paramount, saying, “What’s going on?” They wouldn’t say anything. They wouldn’t reveal. They kept putting us off. That, of course, raised a flag. “Something’s not right. This character isn’t being groomed. They will not be following the storyline that we had been led to think they would,” which was that Saavik would be pregnant and there’d be this whole connection between her and Spock. Lo and behold, all this hope that there might be greater involvement for the character turned into those few lines.

Specifically on the issue of Saavik being pregnant (with Spock’s child), Curtis added:

I do think there were a couple of lines that might have hinted that something was going on with her, and those were eliminated. So I handed over the disk and simply wished him a journey free of incident, and that was it. That was such a comedown from where they had led me to think it would go.

In past interviews producer Harve Bennett says it was director Leonard Nimoy’s decision to remove discussion of Saavik’s pregnency because he was "very uncomfortable" with it. Nimoy has also said that the decision to limit Saavik’s role in the film (by leaving her on Vulcan) was to simplify the film as she would be "extraneous on this trip."

Curtis also weighed in on the often-discussed topic that Saavik was actually half-Romulan, saying:

My understanding was that Kirstie Alley and (Khan writer-director) Nicholas Meyer wanted Saavik to be Vulcan and Romulan and he directed her to include elements of both. And the books may have elaborated on that. I’m aware of the argument about the books, in general: Are they or aren’t they official, or canon? But in the case of Star Trek III and Saavik, it really didn’t matter. Leonard felt that Saavik was Vulcan. That was his choice, and his choice was my choice. I played Saavik the way he asked me to play her.

Ironically, Curtis did get a chance to play a Romulan in the two-part Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Gambit" in 1993. 

Read more from Curtis in the full interview: Part 1 & Part 2 .

Met her in 1990 at a UK convention what lovely lady!

I agree, great lady and a welcome addition to Trek

A Spock romance with another crew member would have been such a bad idea. And yes I do get the irony of what i’m sayong there.

I really liked Robin as Saavik. In fact I also like Kirstie as Saavik. Do I have a favourite in the role? Thats a tough choice. I can’t decide.

Yes I can, its Robin. The scene’s she played with a rapidly aging youth Spock were excellent.

Robin was great but I like Kirstie better.

I don’t know about a Spock/Saavik romance.

But I sure would love to have a romance with Robin Curtis!

If Nimoy was uncomfortable with it, I’m fine with them removing it. Nobody’s ever had a better handle on Spock than he did.

#1- I met and spoke with her in the early 90’s as well, here in South Carolina. I made a joke about her Eggo commercial. She gave me (what seemed to be) a sincere laugh in response and immediately fell in love with me……or vice versa; hard to remember which, that was a long time ago.

But seriously, she’s a sweet, smart and talented lady.

Hey are we sure she’s a real Romulan in “The Gambit?” She’s able to use the Vulcan weapon and according to Wikipedia, she’s a Vulcan.

I agree that Robin is a lovely woman. I’ve always liked the Saavik character. Could we put the Saavik character in the next Star Trek movie? How about as Kirk’s love interest? I vote Olivia Wilde (Cowboys and Aliens),

I liked the Curtis Savvik better than the Alley one, but was never a fan of her curly hair. Not a big deal, I know, but it didn’t look Vulcan enough for me.

Well, the critics talked about her wooden, lackluster performance as Saavik — it would be intriguing if she”d actually been directed to play it that way. She was a Vulcan (a Vulcan terrorist, whose cover was being Romulan) in the Gambit, no? Don”t remember it well.

in Gambit. Not in the Gambit.

Wow, would have been interesting to see her as Alexander’s mom.

Sorry, no offense to Robin, but Kirstie Alley owned that role. Plus, back then — Kirstie Alley was ssssssmokin HOT!! I got within a few feet of her at The Ultimate Fantasy in Houston in 1982. I’m sure I was drooling…lol!!

Robin Curtis did a great job in trek 3. But Kirsty Alley was just Smoking Hot. I wish she would have been there for Trek 3 and 4 and 5 and 6. been great for her in Trek 6. She could have kicked Valeris A$$. Lol.

I preferred Robin Curtis as Saavik. Kirstey Alley was good, but Robin Curtis nailed the Saavik character.

#10 – At this point, Saavik would have been too young to be a Kirk love interest, that is, if she survived Vulcan’s destruction. Hope she did.

Re: Olivia Wilde playing Kirk’s love interest – well, that could be a little deja vu for Olivia and Chris Pine. Olivia Wilde plays Hanna in Welcome to People and she is the girlfriend of Sam (Chris Pine).

I have to agree with Nimoy on that one– the Spock/Saavik love child thing always seemed like a REALLY stupid and bizarre idea to me.

As for Curtis vs Alley, I think Curtis was technically the better Saavik… but Alley originated the role and should have been the one to continue it (even if she doesn’t really do much in TWOK except pout and look sexy).

Okay so, that was cut, season 5 of ENT would have the Romulan War prelude, Future Guy being a Romulan and T’Pol being half-Romulan but that was cancelled, then JJ goes and destroys Romulus…

Nobody loves Romulans.

I thought I was the only one, but I’m sure I was among the many fans at the con mentioned at the interview’s start who stated that Miss Curtis was their first Saavik. And darned proud of it!

I have always been a Robin Curtis/Saavik fan. VZX – “I liked the Curtis Savvik better than the Alley one, but was never a fan of her curly hair. Not a big deal, I know, but it didn’t look Vulcan enough for me.” Did you even notice that Kirstie Alley’s Saavik had big round human eye brows not the up-swept Vulcan/Romulan ones? Never liked her portrayal because of that – just looked like a human with deformed ears. Obviously a child did happen whether it was Spock/Saavik or Spock/someone else as referenced by Sarek’s wife ‘Perrin’ in STNG “Unification”. It goes by so fast but indicates Spock put his affairs in order providing for his ‘family'(Saavik and child?) upon leaving for Romulus. I always accepted that as the case. Little hints like this and in ST4TVH, Saavik stands close to Spock’s mother Amanda as the Bird of prey lifts off. Just my own personal opinion. Don’t really know what the non-canon novels say but I have heard that different authors tell different stories. That’s why they can’t be considered ‘canon’ in the Star Trek universe. My version is as good as anyones.

#20 That’s what I like about Trek, anyone can write a fanfic based off the shows/films and it’s as canon as any other story out there.

I preferred her interpretation of Savvik to Kritie Alley’s. Curtis portrayed to real Vulcan, not a sex-upped hyper-Vulcan. And she nailed the role in Trek 3.

Thanks Robin! Time has shown that it is better to be the best versus winning a popularity contest with morons voting.

“Specifically on the issue of Saavik being pregnant (with Spock’s child), Curtis added”

Are you sure that this is correct? Perhaps it was David’s and Saavik’s love child.

Always thought she was a bad actress until I saw her in other things. I have to lay all the blame on Leonard’s direction. Curtis’ delivery was stereotypically Vulcan, played broadly and very robotic….not with the subtle touches given by others such as Mark Lenard and, of course, Nimoy himself. Funny that Nimoy himself is to blame. Oh well, Can’t win ’em all. I much prefer Kirstie Alley’s interpretation of the character.

Except that Kirstie had no idea what she was doing as far as the character goes. Kirstie played it more like a Romulan.

TNG episode Gambit should have had the Robin Curtis character be Saavik instead of Tellera since Vulcans have long lives and Spock was still around. It would have been a nice tie in to TOS.

22. Whoa, preferring Alley’s performance automatically makes one a moron?

I didn’t think it was sexed up at all. Okay, not that much. Of the Alley, Curtis and Cattrall interpretations (heck, Valeris was, arguably, a Saavik stand-in), I still like Alley. (Catrall comes in second). Even without the Romulan backstory (the line was cut, alas), I like Alley’s unsteadiness and confusion as a very, very young Vulcan surrounded by alien humans. I’d argue that it kind of paved the way for the writing of the very young Spock in Trek 09.

Curtis’ Saavik was written as, or at least directed to be, a completely different character. She wasn’t a brand-new cadet and, heck, there wasn’t much there there except for a few recycled “so human” lines. Same goes with David in the flick. The Grissom/Genesis planet stuff was the weakest in the film. They were all, with Kruge, given the, “oh yeah, we have these charcters who have nothing to do with our heroes and gotta give them something to do” treatment. The movie bought back the late-TOS, slightly campy feel and that’s both a strength and a weakness. The characters aren’t quite adults wih complex personal lives in his thing — which you could still buy in Trek II.

It’s a movie of moments. And, don’t get me wrong, it did a fantastic job of portraying the Trek universe… but it also started feeling a lot more comic-book/cartooney here…

23. Of course. Spock was in heat and Saavik, er, helped him out. Bonding taken quite literally.

I wasn’t a fan of this and I think t was wise to keep it entirely speculative.

I preferred Ms. Curtis’ performance as well. Her interpretation was far more Vulcan that Alley’s. I know that Mr. Meyers preferred Kirstie, but in my eyes, Curtis was Saavik.

I met her at her first “Star Trek” convention appearance. She was fun. As she stood facing the audience she told us she was knowledge of TREK was rather limited, and then threatened anyone in the audience with a rolled up tube sock if they asked her a “Star Trek question” since she was relatively new to the franchise. Naturally, the very first fan took her up on that one and asked her a Vulcan question. She lobbed the sock at him, hitting him and it bounced off of him. The audience roared with laughter!

She also endeared us in audience, especially me, with the fact that she said she never forgets a person and their name. Two days after I had asked her a question, she saw me as we both were wandering the dealers room. She saw me and said, “hi Doug, how are you doing today?”

I certainly felt special that day!

If I recall, Valeris was, at one point, meant to be Saavik. While I can see people getting angry at that especially with her being a traitor. But I liked the idea. Would have made it far more emotional.

I too, thought Robin Curtis was better than Kirstie Alley. I’ve never been impressed with Alley’s “acting”. I’ve seen a bunch of movies she was in, as well as “Cheers” and she’s acted like herself everytime.

Also, in TNG, Robin Curtis played a Vulcan disguised as a Romulan. She was good in that episode too.

Nice enough lady, but her singsong “Admiral, David is dead” was the worst line reading in the whole movie series.

It would have been SO much better had Saavik been in ST6 instead of the disposable Valeris. What happened with the original plan?

I’m absolutely baffled that anyone could prefer Curtis to Alley. Her version of Saavik was so bland and uninteresting compared to Kirstie. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nimoy cut her out of Star Trek IV more for her performance in III than story issues.

As far as anyone confused about the pregnancy, I think it was pretty obvious Spock and Saavik have sex in Trek III. How else did she ‘assist’ Spock in his Pon Farr? We know it’s either fight or f**k, so to speak, and they sure didn’t look like they were getting ready to fight.

– In the TNG episode, it was revealed at the end that she was a Vulcan pretending to be a Romulan.

– Her long, curly hair in ST III kind of threw me, as Kirstie Alley had her hair up in ST II. Keep in mind that back then you saw the movies years apart in the movie theater. If they hadn’t changed the hair, I might not have even noticed that it was a different actress at first. It wasn’t until later viewing on video where I noticed that Saavik had her hair down in the funeral scene at the end of ST II. It probably would have been a better choice to keep the hairstyle the same between the movies.

– I’m not going to fault her acting in ST III, because she was playing a Vulcan for darned sake! How can you call someone’s acting wooden, playing a character who is Vulcan and is supposed to be wooden?? Wouldn’t that actually be considered GOOD acting?

– She’s aged better than Kirstie Alley has.

— Kirstie’s big break was Cheers. Without that gig, who knows if her career would have gone anywhere or not.

— I agree that there wouldn’t have been anything for the Saavik character to do in ST IV. It was a wise choice to ditch her like they did, for story purposes. What would she have done if she had gone with them? Stare at screens on the ship and give a couple of lines here and there? All it would have done is take lines away from Sulu, Uhura and Chekov. Plus she had nothing to do with stealing the ship and had no reason to go back to stand trial.

– In hindsight, it might have been better if she had also died on the Planet Genesis at the end of III. Maybe she could have saved Spock from falling into a pit, but ending up falling in herself.

I prefer Curtis/Saavik and fully Vulcan. I wouldn’t like to see a child between Spock and Saavik either!

Live long and Prosper!

I disagree- to have Saavik in ST6 would have betrayed her character. As for Robin she is such a nice person- truly appreciates the fans- met her at a con once.

Anybody else a fan of the idea of useng “Kirstey Alley’d” to refer to an actor or actress that bails on reprising a role because of money “concerns”?

I know I am. :D

Would have been cooler if Saavik had David’s baby; Kirk’s half-Vulcan grandson. Then in part 5, Sybok could have taken Saavik & her son hostage & it would have been way more meaningful. And then finally in part 6, we have Saavik instead of Valeris, so when she betrays Spock & the Federation, it could have led to a much bigger emotional impact. Ah, what could have been.

It’s interesting that Alley bailed on the Savvik role, then ended up getting her big break in “Cheers” because of… Shelley Long bailing from that show.

Robin Curtis is now a realtor in ( I think) New York state.

Funny how many ex-actors go into real estate sales!

34. But that’s just it — I don’t think Vulcans need to be wooden. Nimoy, Lenard, heck, even Celia Lovsky (sp?) (and, arguably, T’Pring and Stonn) weren’t wooden. Neither was Alley.

Nimoy’s Spock was never a monotone robot. By TNG and after (until Quinto), all Vulcans had that bad wig and that souless delivery. The Enterprise Vulcans may be a partial exception.

Striving not to be governed by emotion doesn’t have to mean boring and flat.

Trek 09 got the Vulcans right, I’d argue.

38. That was Meyer’s original plan for Trek VI — Saavik as the conspirator. Somebody (Roddenberry?) was against it? I do not recall.

30. Oh, sorry. You’d already said the Saavik/Valeris thing.

Wasn’t Cattrall originally wanted (by Meyer) to play Saavik in Trek II?

I always preferred Robin Curtis. Never liked Kirstie Alley as Saavik.

Robin Curtis has always been my preferred Saavik. Curly hair aside, which I agree is a bit odd for a Vulcan, I always saw her (and will continue to see her) as a Vulcan/Romulan hybrid who was striving to reflect her mentor. This accounts, at least for me, to what a previous poster called her ‘sing song’ delivery at the time of David’s death in Trek III.

The novelization of Trek III certinaly puts out there that Saavik and David had a relationship after they left the Enterprise, so Saavik carrying David’s child could have been a great concept… I do tend to agree that carrying Spock’s pon-faar child would have done a degree of disservice to the dignity of the Spock character from a Vulcan perspective, perhaps turning him into much more of an outcast. Of course, I was always a bit suprised that he didn’t become something of an outcast among Vulcans in the wake of the unorthodox rejoining of his katra to his body at the end of TSFS.

All that being said, I can’t point to any consistent feel for the Vulcans over the course of the Star Trek saga… they have varied, from arrogant to isolated to, at times, in your face. I do agree that nuTrek seems (on the basis of 2 hours of screen time – admittedly not much of a sample) to have a strong feel for Vulcans that I appreciate.

It’s my understanding that the primary reason Alley didn’t return as Saavik was because after the success of TWOK, when she was asked to reprise the role, she demanded a salary equal to or greater than DeForest Kelley’s! Considering that Harve Bennett and Nick Meyer had delivered ST II for such a small budget (and considering Paramount’s trepidation on taking a chance on Nimoy as a first-time director and handing him a production budget that was no bigger than the previous film’s), the decision was made to look for a different actress to play Saavik.

As to Curtis’ allegedly lackluster acting, I think the “blame” (if you want to call it that) must go to Nimoy as the director. I specfically recall reading an interview with Curtis not long after the film’s release in which she said she wanted to in some way reflect Saavik’s Romulan side (the deleted snippet in which Spock and Kirk discuss Saavik’s Romulan heritage in TWOK can be found on YouTube). However, she said that Nimoy kept instructing her to play the part “…drier, more Vulcan.”

And, lastly, the Valeris character in ST VI really was intended to be Saavik! Nick Meyer’s original story had a much more tragic element in it, in that Saavik also harbored bitter feelings toward the Klingons (having some form of survivor’s guilt at David sacrificing himself to save her in ST III), as well as a form of hero worship of Kirk to the point of taking his hatred of Klingons misinterpreting it. It made her betrayal much more of a blow to Kirk and Spock – for Spock, feeling betrayed that Saavik would take such a dark path, feeling a failure as her mentor, and for Kirk, massive guilt at having failed as a role model for the formerly promising young officer and seeing the possible negative effects of his own leadership. It was meant to be an emotional punch to the gut for the crew. But it was Roddenberry who ultimately vetoed the idea, declaring that Saavik had achieved “beloved character status” among Trek fandom. It infuriated Meyer, who said, “I created the character of Saavik, not Roddenberry!”. But in the end, Roddenberry won out and thus we got Valeris.

In my opinion, Robin Curtis played Saavik like a true Vulcan, so her performance is spot on and how I expected it to be: devoid of emotion.

When I saw Kirstie show emotion, especially during the funeral of Spock, I was taken back a bit.

To me, Robin was the hottest Vulcan to appear on screen before T’Pol showed up in Enterprise.

#41. “Striving not to be governed by emotion doesn’t have to mean boring and flat.”

Exactly. Contrary to what many actors, including Curtis, post TOS, have delivered, Vulcans are not one- note robots.

While I have a fondness for Robin Curtis, as she and I both went to the same small college, I also know I once heard Nimoy say at a convention that they didn’t think she would be right as Saavik in ST 6, so rather than recast the role again, they made it a new character. Nimoy’s comment was memorable because it was pretty straight forward and honest, which often isn’t the case in Hollywood. The feeling I had, based on what he said and how he said it, is that he just wasn’t crazy about her portrayal of the character.

Re; Alley vs Curtis, I always felt they both contributed something to the character and I really don’t have a preference. Yes, the novels did latch on to a dual Vulcan-Romulan heritage and in the Vulcan’s Soul Trilogy her and Spock were married (the later books involving Spock–while not contradicting it outright, seemed to have dropped it-though the Watraii incident has been brought up from time to time).

45–It was interesting the Roddenberry vetoed an idea about a character he had not created. I do tend to agree with Roddenberry in this case though. Saavik, while intense at times, would not betray Kirk and Spock, IMHO.

This was one area Roddenberry seemed to have control over in Star Trek (even in his reduced role as Executive Consultant). While he had no real story or production control, he did seem to have veto power over character development until the end.

I always thought the Spock/Saavik love child was a missed opportunity. Having thought it over through the years and reading now that Nimoy was uncomfortable with it I can see why. Saavik relieving teen Spock of his Pon Far needs – though possibly biologically necessary – could come across a bit, um, pedophilic. Good call by Leonard Nimoy.

Star Trek: Legacy Could Bring Saavik Closure and Introduce Spock's Kid


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Star Trek: Picard Showrunner Joins Remake of 1980s Sci-Fi Film

Regular show sequel series announced with original creator, the nbc series that's perfect for buffy the vampire slayer fans.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 fans are eager for Executive Producer and showrunner Terry Matalas to be tapped by Paramount for a sequel series. The series finale renamed the USS Titan to the USS Enterprise-G, with Seven of Nine as Captain. A spinoff, naturally, would follow her crew's adventures, as well as revisiting older, forgotten storylines. One thing Star Trek: Legacy could explore is the Vulcan character Saavik, and maybe even introduce a child she shares with Spock.

Saavik's creation is credited to Nicholas Meyer, the writer and director of The Wrath of Khan . Leonard Nimoy wanted to retire the Spock character, so he was killed off in that film. Yet, Meyer and Nimoy both often spoke about how, when it came time to film the death scene, Nimoy had second thoughts. Also, series creator Gene Roddenberry leaked that Spock died in the film to create fan protest. So, the actor and director included the scene where Spock mind-melded with Dr. McCoy as a set-up to bring him back in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock . This left Saavik, first played by Kirstie Alley and later by Robin Curtis, in a weird place. An idea was floated, though never explicitly stated in the film, that Saavik would get pregnant with Spock's child. The storyline and Saavik, were abandoned, but it's a story from The Original Series era that could be picked up in Star Trek: Legacy because Vulcans are long-lived.

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Who Was Saavik and Why Would She Have a Child With Spock?

Had Leonard Nimoy not had a change of heart, Saavik would've been the "new" Vulcan in the successive movies with the original cast. Meyer cast Alley in her first-ever film role, but the actor did not have a good time while filming. So, when the character returned for the third film, Curtis took on the part. The premise of Star Trek III was that because of the "Genesis Effect," Spock was reborn and aging rapidly. This also meant that when he came of age, he went through the Pon Farr. It's an affliction that can kill a Vulcan if he doesn't "mate" with another. In a surprisingly tasteful scene for the early 1980s, Saavik and Spock get intimate. The result was going to be a child. However, since she was written out of the story in Star Trek VI: The Voyage Home , Saavik's pregnancy was dropped .

One reason was that Nimoy objected to the idea. Even though Spock was physically younger than Saavik at the time, there was a significant age difference. Also, Nimoy knew Spock would stay with his crew, making Spock another in a long line of absent Star Trek fathers . Still, not only would this have been an interesting storyline, but it would also have given Spock a legacy. The story of Saavik and his heir is perfect for a show called Star Trek: Legacy . There are plenty of characters and stories to revisit from The Next Generation era of series. The return of Saavik and the introduction of Spock's son would be a chance to tie the show back to The Original Series with a meaningful cameo .

Star Trek: Legacy is already full of the kids of beloved characters. Jack Crusher-Picard, Sidney, and Alandra La Forge were introduced in Picard . Loosening up the idea of legacy, Raffi is a "child" of Picard, too. Seven of Nine is, at least, a little sister to Kathryn Janeway, if not a surrogate daughter. Still, even to those characters, Spock is a legend. The child of perhaps the most significant Vulcan since Surak would have a lot to live up to. Since Spock survived well into the late 2300s, meaning the younger Saavik and his kid could still be alive in 2402.

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Spock Having a Child Is a Good Idea, but Saavik Should Come Back Either Way

A show like Star Trek: Legacy would be the perfect place to introduce a new character with familial ties to a franchise great. Since Leonard Nimoy passed away, two actors have played Spock since. Zachary Quinto appeared in the Kelvin Timeline Movies, with Nimoy in two of them. Ethan Peck played Spock on Star Trek: Discovery and now Strange New Worlds . Spock's child would be a way to keep the character alive without continually recasting. Eventually, Star Trek will have to face rewriting the canon or simply letting Spock go. Spock Junior would fix that problem. Yet, with or without that element, Saavik deserves another chance.

The character almost returned in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , but Roddenberry objected to the plan to make her a traitor . Nicholas Meyer was back to direct the film and didn't care what Roddenberry thought. Still, since Kirstie Alley wasn't available to reprise the role, he cast Kim Cattrall as a new character instead. This means Saavik was left on Vulcan, and Star Trek: Legacy could give the character his due. Kirstie Alley passed away in December 2022, meaning Robin Curtis could reprise the role. Roddenberry objected to Saavik's heel turn because, even at the end of his life, he was connected to the fans. He knew they loved the character, and many fans still do. Just as Picard 's final season was the final act those characters deserved, Saavik should get her chance for one more trek around the stars.

The complete Star Trek: Picard is available on Paramount+ .

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In the mid-23rd century, Spock became known as the best first officer in Starfleet while diligently serving under Captain James T. Kirk 's command on the USS Enterprise and the USS Enterprise -A , for over 30 years. By the end of the century, he was a starship commander in his own right, and quickly turned to following in his father, Sarek 's, footsteps—first, as a diplomat and special envoy, and later, as an ambassador . ( TOS ; TAS ; TOS movie , novelization & comic adaptations : The Final Frontier , The Undiscovered Country ; TNG episode & novelization : Unification )

Throughout most of the 24th century, he worked in the Federation and in the Romulan Star Empire to bring about the Reunification of Vulcan and Romulus . ( TNG episodes : " Unification ", " Face of the Enemy ", ST - Typhon Pact novels : Rough Beasts of Empire , Plagues of Night )

  • 1.1 Early life
  • 1.2 Education
  • 1.3 Starfleet Academy
  • 1.4.1 Early Voyages Begin
  • 1.4.2 Vulcan's Glory
  • 1.4.3 Eleven years of service
  • 1.4.4 Discovery
  • 1.5.1 The Five-Year Mission
  • 1.6 Kolinahr
  • 1.8.1 Yesterday's Son
  • 1.9 Time For Yesterday
  • 1.10.1 The Genesis Incident
  • 1.11 The mirror universe and the Surak
  • 1.12 The voyage home
  • 1.13 The Enterprise -A
  • 1.15 Once a hero
  • 1.16 Gorkon
  • 1.17 After the Enterprise-A
  • 1.18 Ambassador Spock
  • 1.19 Saavik
  • 1.20 Romulus and Reunification
  • 1.21 Romulan Supernova
  • 1.22 The Kelvin timeline
  • 2 Alternate timelines and realities
  • 3 Starfleet service record
  • 4.1 Connections
  • 4.2.1 Rank insignia
  • 4.3.1 Appearances
  • 4.3.2 References
  • 4.4 External links


Spock (meaning " uniter " in Vulcan), the son of Sarek of Vulcan and Amanda Grayson , was born deep within a cave in Vulcan's Forge on January 6 , 2230 . As is the case with most Vulcans, only his last name was used due to the difficulty non-Vulcans would have in pronouncing his full name, although on at least one occasion Spock revealed his full name. ( TOS episodes : " Journey to Babel ", " This Side of Paradise "; TAS episode : " Yesteryear "; TOS movie : The Final Frontier ; TOS novel : Ishmael ; TOS movie : Star Trek Beyond )

To avoid tissue rejection, Spock was incubated twice during his 13 months of gestation. Ordinarily a Vulcan- Human hybrid would abort in the first month, but hundreds of chemical treatments were applied during his second and third months to help the infant survive, according to Sarek. ( TOS reference : Inside Star Trek )

Spock came from a distinguished Vulcan family with a long history of involvement with Earth . His grandfather Skon had been the first to translate The Teachings of Surak into English , giving humanity access to Surak 's teachings. ( ENT episode : " Two Days and Two Nights ")

His great-grandfather Solkar had made the first official contact with Earth as captain of the T'Plana-Hath , and later served as the first ambassador of Vulcan to Earth. ( TNG movie : Star Trek: First Contact ; the Decipher CCG; ENT episode : " The Catwalk ")

His Human ancestors included Aaron Stemple , a 19th century Seattle landowner, and Jeremy Grayson , a respected 20th and 21st century peace advocate, and Jeremy's wife Dora . ( TOS novels : Ishmael , Strangers from the Sky )

Spock had a half-brother named Sybok , from Sarek's first marriage. Sybok rejected Vulcan logic and embraced his emotions. Sybok left Vulcan when Spock was very young in search of the mythical Vulcan " heaven " known as Sha Ka Ree . ( TOS novel : The Final Frontier )

Spock's parents, in accordance with Vulcan tradition, arranged for Spock to be betrothed to a Vulcan girl named T'Pring while Spock was very young. ( TOS episode : " Amok Time ")

At some point during his childhood, he used to meet with his father's friend Tarok who was like an uncle and was called "Takta" in a loving manner. He used to tell stories to young Spock of the time before the Vulcan Reformation ; some of these tales were considered inappropriate by other Vulcans. ( TOS novel : Avenger )

Spock, young and old

The seven-year-old Spock and his older self in 2237 .

At the age of seven, Spock defied his father's wishes and journeyed into the Vulcan desert known as the Forge in an attempt to complete the kahs-wan , the traditional Vulcan coming of age ritual. With the assistance of his cousin Selek (actually Spock himself from the future) and the sacrifice of Spock's pet Sehlat , I-Chaya , young Spock completed the kahs-wan ritual. It was at this time that Spock chose the Vulcan way of life over that of his human mother. ( TAS episode : " Yesteryear ")

Even after the ritual was complete, Spock would continue to defy Sarek and head into the Vulcan wilderness; Sarek would eventually track Spock on one of these journeys and Spock would explain his reasoning for his adventures. ( ST comic : " Spock: Reflections, Issue 1 ")

When Spock was a boy, he would often disappear into the mountains for days at a time. His father asked him what he had done and where he had gone but Spock refused to tell him. Sarek forbade him to go but he went regardless and endured the punishment for disobeying his father. Shortly before his death in 2368 , Sarek told Captain Jean-Luc Picard that he secretly admired "the proud core of him that would not yield." ( TNG episode : " Unification ")

Spock's parents took in orphan Michael Burnham as part of their family. Spock at first did not welcome her and retreated to his room. There, he spooked Burnham with a drawing of a dragon-like monster. Spock ignored her. Following the Logic extremists bombing of the Vulcan Learning Center , Spock was told by a Red Angel that Burnham had ran away to the outskirts of ShiKahr . ( DSC episodes : " Brother ", " Point of Light ", " If Memory Serves ")

As a child, Spock traveled with his parents as part of their duties in the Federation diplomacy services, and had occasion to be present at some key events in Federation history . When Klingon Captain Krenn visited Earth in the 2230s decade , Spock purportedly discussed games with him in an embassy meeting room, and the two had a chess match. Without mentioning Spock by name, referring to him only as the son of the Vulcan ambassador, the incident was part of a dramatized re-telling in the novel The Final Reflection decades later, of which Spock only remarked that the account was part of a fictional work. ( TOS - Worlds Apart novel : The Final Reflection )

Spock faced a great decision in his need to decide which path to follow for his higher education.

Spock's decision to attend Starfleet Academy was influenced by his interactions with B6 Blue , a Nasat scientist on Vulcan during Spock's youth. Through her, Spock learned of Starfleet's more open and adventurous approach to science. ( TOS - Constellations short story : " Devices and Desires ")

In the year 2247 , Spock befriended a human youth named David Rabin , the son of a Starfleet captain . After a harrowing encounter with a Vulcan madman named Sered in the area of the Forge called the Womb of Fire , Spock decided to again defy his father's wishes. This time, instead of joining the Vulcan Science Academy as his father wished, Spock decided to follow Rabin's lead and instead joined Starfleet Academy . ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Forge ; ST reference : The Visual Dictionary )

In 2249 , Sarek was given the choice of sponsoring either Spock or Spock's foster sister Michael Burnham for the Vulcan expeditionary fleet - they would not allow both to join the fleet. Given that choice, Sarek decided to sponsor Spock, and informed Burnham that the Vulcan fleet had rejected her candidacy. Spock decided to attend Starfleet Academy anyways the following year, rendering the sacrifice of Burnham's opportunity unnecessary. Spock's decision led to an eighteen-year rift between Spock and Sarek. ( DSC episode : " Lethe ")

Starfleet Academy

Spock, cadet

Cadet Spock.

At the Academy, Spock led his year in Astrography , Comparative xenobiology , Semiotics , Quantum mechanics , Warp engineering and four other disciplines. ( EV comic : " Flesh of My Flesh ")

Spock was friends, and often worked with, Armand St. John , who claimed Spock was the only person in the Federation capable of understanding his brilliance. Spock suspected they found something in common in that both of their respective fathers disapproved them of attending Starfleet Academy. The two often fought, as Spock found the shortcuts that St. John employed in his research to be dangerous. Spock was proved correct when St. John was expelled after one of his experiments caused extensive damage to the campus. Spock would meet St. John again years later at the Pollux II laboratory while serving aboard the USS Enterprise . ( TOS comic : " All of Me ")

Spock took the two-year Vulcan curriculum and an additional series of cadet cruises at Starfleet Academy before being commissioned as an officer at age 19, around the turn of the 2250s decade. ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Glory )

The Enterprise under Pike

Early voyages begin.

In 2253 , when Spock was still a cadet , Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise met with him with an offer; the Enterprise was about to begin a long term mission to chart the Pathiad Nebulatae , but the ship's chief science officer had been diagnosed with Virillian toxic fever . To fill the vacant position Pike offered the promising cadet Spock an internship on the Enterprise , with the rank of acting ensign . Spock accepted. ( TOS comic : " Flesh of My Flesh ")

Years later, while under the influence of a Klingon mind-sifter , Spock had a hallucinatory experience of his first day on the bridge as an ensign and acting science officer . ( TOS short story : " Chaotic Response ")

Vulcan's Glory


Lt. Spock and Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise and the Vulcan's Glory emerald.

After Spock completed a three-year tour (around the turn of the 2250s decade) as an ensign and assistant science officer aboard a cutter and a two-year tour (ending December , 2253 ) as third officer and science officer of the USS Artemis , he was promoted to full lieutenant and joined the crew of the USS Enterprise as chief science officer and second officer in 2253 , under the command of Captain Christopher Pike . At first Pike was nervous about the possibility of having a Vulcan on the bridge, feeling that Spock's Vulcan heritage would mean that he wouldn't be able to "gut out" command decisions. ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Glory )

One of Spock's first assignments on the Enterprise was to lead the landing parties to GS391 and Areta searching for the lost Vulcan treasure called Vulcan's Glory , a huge, natural, uncut emerald .

Spock became romantically involved with a Vulcan woman on his staff named T'Pris , and briefly considered dissolving his bond with his betrothed back home, T'Pring . Tragically, T'Pris was murdered by a human crewmember with one-eighth Vulcan blood named Lieutenant Daniel Reed , whose maternal great-grandmother had been disgraced when the Glory had originally been lost. ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Glory )

Eleven years of service

Spock EV

Spock in the 2250s .

Spock quickly became a valued member of the Enterprise crew , spending eleven years under Pike's command. ( TOS episode : " The Menagerie, Part I ")

Early in his service aboard the Enterprise , Lieutenant Spock joined Captain Pike and Lieutenant Tyler on a shuttle mission to planet Filos 4 . While evaluating Commander Knoxville 's work in developing alternative transporter technologies, a malfunction caused Spock to fall through a portal to another location, and Captain Pike jumped through after him. Following their return to the Enterprise , Spock submitted a report to Starfleet, which led them to suspend the experiments indefinitely. ( ST - Spock: Reflections comic : " Issue 2 ")

In 2254 he diagnosed, and helped to cure the vessel from a Ngultor virus . ( EV comic : " Flesh of My Flesh ")

Not long after he was among the injured during the coup on Rigel VII , he saved the Enterprise 's Nurse Gabrielle Carlotti from a Kaylar mace blow but was then thrown against a wall, damaging his leg ( EV comic : " Our Dearest Blood ")

Soon after the incident on Talos IV , the Enterprise discovered an Interspacial Rift that opened once every 33.4 years that led to the edge of the area of the galaxy known as the Gamma Quadrant .

Spock was part of a delegation that met with the Calligar , a race that lived in a series of satellites orbiting a world in flame on the other side of the rift. ( TOS novel : The Rift )

On the planetoid Darien 224 , Spock and a landing party from the Enterprise discovered the Last-of-all-Cities , a lost colony of Vulcans which crashed on the planet two millennia before, and had left Vulcan before the Time of Awakening and the logic-reformation. A splinter group from the colony (who wished to remain in isolation) had captured the USS Cortez in the hopes of using it to oppose the rest of the colony, which wished to return to Vulcan as conquerors. While Spock and the landing party did their best to keep relations with the emotional Vulcans good, Spock learned a lot about the nature of the Vulcan people. The Cortez and the colony were ultimately destroyed when they used an ancient psionic weapon. Following the incident, Spock re-assessed his way of life and underwent a purification ritual, removing what few Human emotions he did have and devoting himself fully to a life of logic and intellect, surmising to Captain Pike "Passion kills, Captain. Logic does not" . ( EV comic : " Cloak and Dagger ")

In 2255 Captain Pike informed Spock that a position had opened up on board the USS Intrepid , which was entirely crewed by Vulcans. Pike told Spock if he chose to apply for the position, he would support Spock as it would be a good career move for the Vulcan. He asked Spock to think it over and come back to him when he made a decision. A few days later the Enterprise experienced an outbreak of rigelian fever which required the ship to divert to Cypria III in order to obtain the materials to manufacture a cure. After the materials were obtained from the Cyprians and the outbreak contained Spock informed Pike that he had decided to stay on the Enterprise and not apply for the position on the Intrepid . ( TOS novel : Child of Two Worlds )

In May of 2255 , Spock, with his foster sister, the USS Shenzhou 's acting XO Lieutenant Michael Burnham entered the Juggernaut to disable it before it wipes out the colony on Sirsa III . Together, Spock and Burnham passed a number of challenges and Spock Mind melded with her to keep in contact with her. They then discovered that this ship belonged to the Turanian Empire who deemed both him and Burnham worthy of joining the Empire. However, when the Juggernaut attacks both the Enterprise and the Shenzhou , Spock and Burnham set their phasers to overload. This disabled the Juggernaut. ( DSC novel : Desperate Hours )

Following the end of the Federation-Klingon War of 2256 - 57 , Spock took a leave of absence from Starfleet due to a premonition about several Red bursts . On a unnamed planet, Spock encountered the Red Angel from his childhood. He received visions from the Red Angel that showed the destruction of Earth, Vulcan, Andor and Tellar. The encounter also caused Spock to experience time non-linearly. He decided to commit himself to the psychiatric unit on Starbase 5 . When the red bursts happened, Spock decided to leave despite his doctors' objections. He used a Vulcan nerve pinched on three of his doctors and took a shuttlecraft. ( DSC episodes : " Brother ", " New Eden ", " Point of Light ", " If Memory Serves ")

Starfleet believed that Spock had killed his doctors and was wanted for murder. Both Section 31 and the USS Discovery under Captains Leland, Georgiou and Pike searched for him and his shuttle. Eventually, Spock abandoned his shuttle and returned to Vulcan. There, his mother shielded him from everyone in a sacred crypt lined with Katra stones . Spock hid there until Burnham and Sarek discovered him and turned him over to Captain Leland in order to "repair" his mind. However, Spock and Burnham escaped to a shuttle when Georgiou warned them about the technology that would destroy his mind. ( DSC episodes : " Saints of Imperfection ", " Light and Shadows ")


Spock in 2259.

After the climactic battle with Control , Spock returned to the Enterprise and shaved his beard . Some months later, he observed the last red signal from his lost foster sister. Spock, Number One and the rest of Pike's crew continued their missions to strange new worlds. ( DSC episode : " Such Sweet Sorrow "; Strange New Worlds )

The Enterprise under Kirk

In 2264 , Pike's time as Captain of the Enterprise was coming to an end as Pike was due to be promoted to Fleet Captain . By then Pike was quite comfortable with having Spock as part of his crew. Spock was one of the few officers to remain on the Enterprise after Pike left, and Pike felt better about turning the Enterprise over to Captain James Kirk as Spock would be remaining on board, serving as both Kirk's first officer and science officer. Pike by then had come to respect Spock's dedication to logic , and felt that Spock would keep young Captain Kirk from acting rashly. ( TOS novel : Burning Dreams ; WizKids module : Attack Wing )

According to the elder Spock in TOS novelization : Star Trek , "In both our histories the same crew found its way onto the same ship in a time of ultimate crisis." This may imply that there is an untold story set in the prime timeline in which Kirk's crew faced an extremely serious challenge while still a new and untested unit.

The Five-Year Mission

Together, Spock, James T. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise made history .

One of the first successful missions in 2265 was making first contact with the Archernarians of Archernar IV . There, Spock defused the situation was by making a screeching noise to prevent Lt. Lee Kelso from firing his phaser at the Archernarians. ( TOS comic : " Mission's End, Issue 1 ")

In 2266 , the Enterprise was the first Federation ship to officially view the true appearance of the Romulans , who looked remarkably like Vulcans. Spock confirmed that it was indeed likely that they were a war-like offshoot of the Vulcans. ( TOS episode : " Balance of Terror ")

In 2267 , Spock came to the aid of his former Captain, Christopher Pike, after Pike had become an invalid barely capable of communication after exposure to delta radiation . Spock risked the death penalty by breaking General Order 7 and returning Pike to Talos IV, where the Talosians could give Pike the illusion of a normal existence. ( TOS episode : " The Menagerie ")


Later that year, Spock felt the fires of pon farr and returned to Vulcan to wed his betrothed, T'Pring . At the ceremony, T'Pring chose instead to pit Spock against Kirk in combat while Spock was enveloped by the plak tow , or "blood fever", in order to break her engagement to Spock and wed a Vulcan named Stonn instead. ( TOS episode : " Amok Time ")

Soon after, Spock was reunited with his parents when the Enterprise escorted a complement of ambassadors , including Sarek and his wife , to a diplomatic conference on the codenamed planet Babel . During the journey, Sarek suffered a cardiac episode requiring immediate surgery. Sarek almost died when Spock's presence was required for a massive "T" negative blood transfusion, but Spock refused to relinquish his duties to the Enterprise . After Spock was relieved of duty, he reported to Dr. Leonard McCoy in sickbay and gave the transfusion, saving Sarek's life. The incident ended an eighteen-year rift between Spock and Sarek. ( TOS episode : " Journey to Babel ")

In 2268 , the Enterprise was ordered to covertly enter the Romulan Star Empire and retrieve a Romulan cloaking device . It was during this incident that Spock first met the Romulan woman known as Charvanek . ( TOS episode : " The Enterprise Incident ")

In 2269 , Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy were sent 5,000 years into the past of the world Sarpeidon , where Spock met and became romantically involved with a woman named Zarabeth . Unbeknownst to Spock when he returned to the 23rd century , he left Zarabeth pregnant with his son, Zar . ( TOS episode : " All Our Yesterdays "; TOS novel : Yesterday's Son )

Later that year while studying Vulcan history using the Guardian of Forever , the timeline was changed, forcing Spock to travel back through the Guardian in order to preserve his own existence. Arriving in Vulcan's past, Spock posed as a cousin of Sarek named Selek . Spock saved his younger self from a le-matya attack during his younger self's kahs-wan trials. The timeline restored, Spock was returned to the Guardian's world . ( TAS episode : " Yesteryear ")

When the religious Crusaders attacked the Federation from another dimension, Spock proved vital in defeating their attempt to forcibly convert the Federation to follow their Truth and their belief that different cultures could not cooperate. By making contact with the Crown of the God-King Jaenab , which allowed him to make telepathic broadcasts to his people, while Kirk kept Jaenab occupied, Spock used a mind meld to share his own experience of different cultures interacting by using his own parents as an example, the discovery prompting Jaenab to call off his crusade and enter isolation to examine his own motives. ( TOS novel : The Weight of Worlds )

In 2270 , towards the end of the five-year mission, Spock encountered Berlis Aknista after the Enterprise rescued him. Berlis had a very powerful form of telepathy that attracted Spock and eventually led to Spock interlocking his mind with Berlis, but the connection would be broken soon after. As Spock sat in his cabin afterward he felt Berlis probing his mind and killed him in order to avoid further interference by Berlis. ( TOS novel : Troublesome Minds )

When the five-year mission of the Enterprise came to an end in 2270 , Captain Kirk recommended Spock for the command of the science vessel, the USS Grissom and the USS Enterprise . Spock turned down the offer as he believed that being in command, even of a science ship, would keep him from the scientific research that was his specialty.

Spock returned to Vulcan for six months leave with the intention of returning to Starfleet and serving again with Kirk. After Kirk accepted a promotion to Admiral , something that he swore he would never do, Spock resigned from Starfleet and took a teaching job at the Vulcan Science Academy . He soon met and became romantically involved with a Vulcan woman named T'Sura . The couple soon bonded, becoming betrothed to each other.

When the ancient katra of an unstable and very powerful Vulcan named Zakal found a host and began to terrorize the region in 2271 , Spock was drawn into the events, as were Kirk, McCoy and McCoy's friend Keridwen Llewellyn . Zakal was stopped, but at the cost of Llewellyn's life.

Spock blamed himself for Llewelyn's death, believing that it was his lack of emotional control that brought about the circumstances of her death. As a result, Spock terminated his link with T'Sura, and instead opted to become a postulate of Kolinahr in order to shed all of his remaining emotions. ( TOS novel : The Lost Years & TOS comic : " Mission's End ")

In late 2272 Spock was preparing to achieve the final stage of kolinahr by severing all ties to friends and family. Despite his efforts, feelings of friendship and affection persisted for his human friends, Kirk and McCoy, as well as the sense that his friends were in some sort of peril.

In an attempt to break his bonds to Kirk and McCoy once and for all, Spock performed the ritual of Sekhet in order to purge his remaining emotions. After the third day of motionless meditation without food or water, the sense of his friends in danger ceased.

Upon the completion of the ritual meditation Spock believed that had finally purged himself of his residual feelings for his friends, when he felt an alien presence from the depths of space . He dismissed the feeling as no more than the after-effect of his meditation ritual and thought nothing more of it. ( TOS novel : Recovery )

Several weeks later, in early 2273 , Spock was set to perform the ritual with the Vulcan masters that would indicate that he had finally achieved kolinahr , when he again felt the alien mind from across the vastness of space. It was a mind of pure logic, yet was empty, and it stirred his human emotions and blood. After being told by the masters that he had not achieved kolinahr and that his answer lay elsewhere, Spock set off in search of the source of the call from space.

Fortunately for Spock, Admiral Kirk and the Enterprise were in search of the same entity, and Spock joined the Enterprise in their search for the lifeform that became known as " V'Ger ". Spock's Starfleet commission was then reactivated and he offered his services as Chief Science Officer for the mission.

After melding with V'Ger, Spock realized that V'Ger, for all of its vast intelligence and logic, was empty, lost and devoid of further purpose. The experience made Spock realize that logic alone was not enough for the balance that he sought. Spock chose not to return to Vulcan and the study of kolinahr , choosing instead to return to Starfleet , serving on the Enterprise under Kirk in his former position. ( TOS movie , novelization & comic adaptation : The Motion Picture )

Yesterday's Son

In 2269 , Spock was sent back 5,000 years into the past of the world Sarpeidon , and had a brief but passionate relationship with Zarabeth , a woman that had been banished to live out her life alone in the barren, frozen wasteland of Sarpeidon's northern hemisphere. ( TOS episode : " All Our Yesterdays ")

A year and a half later, in late 2270 , while studying Sarpeidon's historical records, Spock found evidence in the form of a 5,000-year-old cave painting that indicated that Zarabeth had bore his child in the icy wastes.

After an appeal from T'Pau to the Federation Council, Spock obtained permission to use the Guardian of Forever to visit Sarpeidon's past and bring Zarabeth and son home with him.

Things did not go exactly as planned, and Spock, Kirk, and Dr. Leonard McCoy found themselves arriving 10 years later in Sarpeidon's past than planned. Zarabeth was dead, killed in an avalanche, and Spock's son, Zar , was nearly an adult.

Spock brought the boy back to the Enterprise with him, but their relationship was strained. Zar believed that Spock had only retrieved him out of a sense of duty, and not out of any kind of fatherly feeling. Spock, not knowing how to deal with the emotions Zar had stirred in him, had been unable to convince Zar otherwise.

Zar had unusually strong telepathic talent, even surpassing the skills of his father.

While studying Sarpeidon's history records, Zar found more evidence of his existence in his homeworld's past. In fact, he was an important historical figure whose absence would profoundly affect the timeline.

After helping Spock foil a plan by the Romulans to seize the Guardian of Forever, Zar prepared to return to Sarpeidon's past. But before he left, Spock shared a mind meld with Zar, allowing him to experience the true depths of his father's feelings for him.


Spock, his son Zar, and the Guardian of Forever.

Zar used his telepathic power to direct the Guardian to deposit him on Sarpeidon's southern continent, where he would begin his life's work. ( TOS novel : Yesterday's Son )

Time For Yesterday

Nearly fifteen years later, in early 2285 , the Guardian had seemingly malfunctioned, and was ninety days away from actually destroying the universe. After Spock was able to momentarily stabilize the portal, he jumped through with Kirk and McCoy with intent of bringing back Zar, who was the only person to successfully communicate telepathically with the Guardian.

Spock located Zar, who was at the point in the timeline where history recorded his death in battle, and explained the situation to him. But Zar refused to abandon his troops on the eve of battle and would not help with the Guardian.

It was only at the urging of Zar's new wife, Wynn , whose precognitive abilities saw this as the only way for Zar to survive the coming battle, did Zar agree to leave.

After using his powers to help the Guardian regain control of its functions, Zar returned to Sarpeidon's past to meet his fate.

Spock, however, was not willing to stand by idly and let his son die. He followed Zar back to the past, and with Spock's assistance, Zar survived the battle.

After returning to the Enterprise , Spock decided not to seek out Zar's fate in the new timeline, choosing instead to remember him as he saw him last - alive, well, and happy. ( TOS novel : Time for Yesterday )

Death and Rebirth

The genesis incident.

Spock wok

Spock in 2285.

By 2285 , Spock had been promoted to Captain and was assigned to Starfleet Academy, commanding the Enterprise as a teacher on a training vessel. Spock was commanding a training cruise (with an inspecting Admiral Kirk on board) when Khan Noonien Singh escaped from Ceti Alpha V with a number of his followers, who had earlier accompanied him into exile. Spock relinquished command to the senior officer, stating as a Vulcan it was clearly logical -having, "no ego to bruise." Hijacking the USS Reliant , Khan tried to avenge the death of his wife , which he blamed on Kirk. After a deadly game of " cat -and- mouse " in the Mutara Nebula , the Reliant was disabled by the Enterprise , and Khan was fatally injured. Before he died, however, Khan activated the Genesis Device that he had earlier stolen from Regula I .

The warp engine of the heavily damaged Enterprise was off-line when Khan activated the Genesis Device countdown sequence. As a result, the Enterprise would have been caught in the detonation of the device and destroyed. Realizing this, Spock went to engineering, and was about to enter the dilithium crystal chamber when stopped by McCoy . Rendering McCoy unconscious with a Vulcan nerve pinch , Spock stopped long enough to enter into a mind meld with McCoy. ( TOS movie , novelization & comic adaptation : The Wrath of Khan ) Thanks to Jonathan Archer successfully carrying Surak 's katra , Spock knew it was possible for a human brain to house a Vulcan katra , which gave him the confidence to meld with McCoy to prepare for the transfer of his katra at the end. ( TOS novel : The Autobiography of Mr. Spock )

McCoy regained consciousness a few moments later. Both he and Montgomery Scott watched in horror as Spock entered the radiation soaked chamber and began realigning the dilithium crystals. Spock succeeded in bringing the warp engines back online, and the Enterprise was able to escape the detonation of the Genesis Device. But by then, Spock had already received a fatal dose of radiation.

Summoned to engineering, Kirk was prepared to enter the chamber himself and pull Spock out. Kirk was held back by McCoy and Scott before he could flood the whole engineering section with radiation. When Kirk protested that Spock would die, Scott replied that Spock was dead already, with McCoy confirming that it was too late for Spock. The two friends spoke to each other for what was apparently the final time. Spock saw his sacrifice as his solution to the Kobayashi Maru scenario , and asked Kirk what he thought of his solution. Before dying from radiation poisoning , Spock gave Kirk the Vulcan salute, and told Kirk to, "Live long and prosper."

A short time later, a funeral was held for Spock in the torpedo bay of the Enterprise . As Captain Spock's will stated that Spock was not to be returned to Vulcan, Admiral Kirk decided to have his friend's body placed in a photon torpedo casing and fired into the space above the newly formed Genesis Planet . It was Kirk's intention that Spock's body would be cremated when the torpedo casing burned up upon entering into the atmosphere of the Genesis Planet. For the eulogy, Kirk said, "Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human ." ( TOS movie , novelization & comic adaptation : The Wrath of Khan )

However. the planet was still forming when the torpedo was fired from Enterprise , and the gravitational fields of the Genesis Planet were in flux at the time. As a result, instead of burning up in the atmosphere or crashing into the planet, Spock's torpedo soft-landed on the surface. Over the next few weeks, the remnants of the Genesis wave re-generated the body of Spock. His cells were regenerated as that of a child's, which began to rapidly age as the Genesis Planet aged. A survey mission from the USS Grissom soon arrived, mistaking quickly evolved microbes near Spock's landing site as the animal lifeforms detected from the Grissom . He was later discovered by Dr. David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik . By then, Spock's body had aged to be the equivalent of eight to ten Earth years of age.


Spock undergoing Fal-tor-pan on Vulcan.

In orbit, the Grissom was destroyed by a Klingon bird-of-prey , commanded by Kruge . While Kruge's men searched for the Grissom survivors, Spock's body and the Genesis Planet were rapidly aging. As Spock's body became that of a young man and began experiencing pon farr , Saavik helped the Spock through this.

Meanwhile on Earth , Spock's father Sarek revealed to Kirk that Spock may have transferred his katra into a different mind. After failing to find the katra in Kirk's mind, the two searched through engine room recordings of Spock's final moments, finding that Spock had transferred his katra into McCoy's mind. Sarek requested that both McCoy and Spock's body be brought to Vulcan so that the two could find peace. When Starfleet refused to allow Kirk to return to the Genesis Planet, Kirk and the senior staff of the USS Enterprise stole the Enterprise and traveled to the Genesis Planet.

By the time the Enterprise arrived in orbit , Marcus, Saavik and Spock's body were captured by Kruge . Overwhelmed by the battle, the Enterprise was disabled. When Kruge's men killed Doctor Marcus, Kirk agreed to surrender the ship. Kirk and the Enterprise crew beamed down to the Genesis Planet after setting the auto-destruct device of the Enterprise . Several of Kruge's warriors beamed aboard the Enterprise and were killed when the auto-destruct device destroyed the ship.

Kruge then beamed down and confronted Kirk on the surface of Genesis. He ordered Maltz to beam everyone else except himself, Kirk, and Spock on board his ship. Kirk and Kruge fought on to the edge of a cliff overlooking a sea of lava. When Kruge tried to pull Kirk into this sea of lava, Kirk had enough and kicked Kruge away, who fell to his death. Spock's body had by now reached the same age as it was just prior to Spock's entering the dilithium crystal chamber of the Enterprise . Beaming on board the Klingon ship, the crew managed to capture the ship from Maltz - the only warrior left on the ship - and set course for Vulcan .

Arriving at Vulcan, the crew of the late Enterprise climbed the steps of Mount Seleya - where the crew of the Enterprise believed that Spock's katra would be transferred to the Hall of Ancient Thought . Upon arriving at the summit of Mt. Seleya, Sarek requested instead that fal-tor-pan , or "the refusion" of Spock's body and mind be performed. For the first time in many years, fal-tor-pan was performed by the High Priestess T'Lar , removing Spock's katra from McCoy's mind and placing it back in Spock's body. ( TOS movie , novelization & comic adaptation : The Search for Spock )

Spock would later write in his autobiography that his memories of the time were hazy, but he remembered seeing Mt. Seleya through Dr. McCoy's eyes, the long and exhausting climb up the steps, the grueling fal-tor-pan ritual that lasted throughout the night, and waking up the next morning in his own body. ( TOS novel : The Autobiography of Mr. Spock )

The mirror universe and the Surak

Soon after, Kirk and his crew took the bird-of-prey to the Regula I space station in order to have a funeral service for David Marcus with his mother, Carol while the still-unstable Spock recuperated on Vulcan.


Deadly reflection.

As his recovery seemed to take a turn for the worse, Spock was confronted in his home by a representation of himself from one of the variant mirror universes , who had come to attempt to gain the secret of the Genesis device from his counterpart's DNA .

The two Spocks mind-melded and battled on the mental plane, with the twin results of Spock's mental instability being cured, and the mirror-Spock switching sides.

The two Spocks set off for the mirror-universe, following Kirk in the bird-of-prey, who had re-commandeered the USS Excelsior from James T. Kirk , and taken her to the mirror-universe in an attempt to forestall an invasion.

Upon arrival in the mirror-universe and catching up with Kirk, the two Spocks assisted Kirk in his plans to assist the underground resistance fighting the Terran Empire led by the mirror- David Marcus .

Upon returning to Earth, it was decided by Grand Admiral Stephen Turner that while the Federation dealt with the repercussions and ramifications of the Genesis incident, Spock would command the USS Surak , a science vessel where Spock's miraculous condition could be monitored and studied. ( TOS comic : " The Mirror Universe Saga ")

During his brief command of the Surak , Spock and his crew encountered the planet Proto , where an air-borne pollen induced dream-like states in several of the crew, and faced down an attack from a Romulan invasion team that was testing new transporter technology on the planet Verdee . ( TOS comics : " Dreamworld ", " The Trouble with Transporters! ")

After the Surak encountered a derelict ship with only a sole surviving Andorian passenger, Spock's crew began to come down with a mysterious malady that struck down the entire ship's complement. Spock, infected but the only survivor, set the Surak 's course for a nearby star in hopes of eradicating the disease.

Spock was rescued from the Surak by the timely arrival of Kirk and the Excelsior . Determined to find a cure for the virus, Kirk disobeyed orders and followed the infected Andorian across the Romulan Neutral Zone . With the assistance of a Romulan commander, a cure for the virus was found using the ship's transporter as a filter.

Spock was cured of the virus, but the positive effects of Spock's mind meld with his mirror counterpart were undone, causing Spock's mind to unravel. Kirk and his command crew returned to Vulcan in the bird-of-prey, again in violation of orders, in order to get Spock the medical attention that he needed. ( TOS - The Doomsday Bug! comics : " Death Ship! ", " Stand-Off! ", " The Apocalypse Scenario! ")

The voyage home

For the next three months, the senior staff of the late Enterprise remained in exile on Vulcan . During this time Spock and McCoy each participated in mind meld sessions with T'Lar to ensure that any remaining part of Spock's mind still in McCoy's mind was transferred back to Spock. Also during this time Spock underwent a Vulcan retraining program to ensure that his knowledge was intact. Because the training was based on Vulcan logic, Spock was initially unsure of how to handle questions about how he was feeling, but his mother was confident that the feelings from his human half would resurface in time.


The voyage home.

When the Enterprise senior staff decided to return to Earth to face the consequences of their actions in early 2286 , Spock decided to travel with them to offer his own testimony. What the crew expected to be a quick voyage back to Earth and the end of their Starfleet careers was sidetracked when an alien probe arrived in Earth orbit and began damaging the planet. Spock was able to determine that the probe's transmissions were the songs sung by the extinct humpback whale species of Earth. When Admiral Kirk decided to go back in time and retrieve such whales, Spock was able to prepare the Bounty to go back in time completely from memory. He was later able to correctly guess the best course to return to the 23rd century .

After the probe had left the Sol System , the senior staff of the Enterprise stood before the Federation Council to face the consequences of rescuing Spock. Even though Spock had not been charged, he decided to stand with his shipmates. The mitigating circumstances caused by the probe 's visit to Earth prompted the Federation council to dismiss all but one of the charges - which was directed solely at Admiral Kirk. The council ordered Kirk reduced to the rank of Captain , but gave him the command of the USS Enterprise -A . Spock returned to active duty in Starfleet, assuming the role of first officer on the Enterprise . ( TOS movie , novelization & comic adaptation : The Voyage Home )

The Enterprise -A

At first, Spock harbored doubts as to whether he was fully restored and capable of performing his duties as science officer, but after he was able to quickly repair the Enterprise -A's warp core on the fly after it had been sabotaged by a religious zealot, Spock realized that he was indeed fit for duty. ( TOS comic : " Choices! ")

DC1 45

Devil Down Below! .

Several weeks later, the Enterprise returned to planet Gamma Trianguli VI , twenty years after Kirk destroyed the planet-controlling computer called Vaal , despite Spock's strong objections. Without Vaal's influence, Gamma Trianguli VI's indigenous people had regressed into near-savagery. Kirk was forced to admit his earlier error, and Spock managed to reactivate Vaal, even briefly "joining" with it, while still granting the local population more freedom of thought and action than was previously available under Vaal. ( TOS episode : " The Apple "; TOS comics : " Paradise Lost! ", " Past Perfect ", " Devil Down Below! ")

Soon after, when Kirk had been viciously attacked, stabbed through the heart by a mysterious assailant, Spock sensed it immediately. Spock met Dr. McCoy at the entrance of Kirk's quarters where Spock forced the door, and found the dying Kirk.

McCoy managed to save Kirk's life, and Kirk identified Ensign William Bearclaw as his attacker. Bearclaw was a discipline case that Kirk had recently put up for transfer. After being drawn into the investigation, Spock began to harbor doubts as to Bearclaw's guilt. Spock articulated his doubts to Kirk and asked him to keep an open mind just before Kirk was again attacked by the shape-shifting Garth of Izar , who had previously impersonated Bearclaw. Spock returned in time to save Kirk from Garth, dropping him with a Vulcan nerve-pinch. ( TOS comic : " Who Killed Captain Kirk? ")

The Enterprise returned to Earth in 2287 so that chief engineer Montgomery Scott could track down the numerous bugs that popped up. Spock was taking his shore leave in Yosemite National Park with Kirk and McCoy when the call about an emergency on Nimbus III (aka "The Planet of Galactic Peace") came in. The ruling council, consisting of a human, a Klingon, and a Romulan, had been taken hostage. Upon viewing the recording made by the kidnapper, Spock recognized him as his half-brother, Sybok , whom Spock had not seen since he was a child. Sybok had left Vulcan after he had rejected his culture's reliance on logic, and embraced his emotions.

The Enterprise raced to Nimbus III, only to have the ship taken by Sybok, who employed a mysterious mental power on the Enterprise crew. Sybok took the Enterprise through the barrier at the center of the galaxy, hoping to release The One , whom Sybok believed to be a God -like being from Sha Ka Ree , the Vulcan " heaven ". The One , rather than being a benevolent force, was murderous and cruel. The One killed Sybok, and was about to do the same to Kirk when Spock rescued him with the assistance of General Korrd of the Klingon Defense Force . ( TOS movie : The Final Frontier )

Once a hero

During a 2287 landing party excursion to Dinar IV in search of the missing Federation freighter Arcade , Spock became involved in a firefight against Haigy raiders who had grounded the vessel. When Security Officer Thomas Lee was fatally struck by a disruptor blast, Spock initiated a mind meld to attempt to stabilize the ensign . The damage to Lee's body was too great, and Spock only managed to calm Lee as the young man passed away. Spock later shared with Kirk that Lee's last conscious thought was that the ensign couldn't wait to go swimming again. ( TOS comic : " Once a Hero! ")

This incident was an early impetus for Spock to consider a more diplomatic role in Starfleet than a scientific one. ( ST reference : The Star Trek Encyclopedia ) The following year, when the Enterprise ferried a number of Federation diplomats to Starbase 49 for a peace summit with the Klingons, Spock engaged in several conversations with Klingon diplomatic aide Toladal , which further fueled these thoughts. ( TOS novel : In the Name of Honor )

Then in 2293 , at the behest of his father, Spock opened up talks with the Klingon Chancellor , Gorkon , following the destruction of the Klingon moon, Praxis . The destruction of Praxis had damaged the ozone layer of Qo'noS , the Klingon homeworld, and left the Empire incapable of self-sufficiency so long as hostilities with the Federation proceeded. The pair agreed to a summit between the Federation and the Empire on Earth.

Spock volunteered the services of the Enterprise on Kirk's behalf to escort the Chancellor and his party to Earth. This last mission under Kirk's command (Kirk had previously announced his retirement) went disastrously wrong when a cloaked bird-of-prey commanded by the renegade General Chang attacked Gorkon's ship, killing the Chancellor and leaving the blame with Kirk.

Kirk and McCoy were arrested and tried by the Klingons for the Chancellor's assassination and sentenced to life imprisonment at the penal colony of Rura Penthe . Spock disobeyed orders from Starfleet Command to return to Earth and devised a rescue plan.

After the rescue of Kirk and McCoy, Spock discovered that Kirk had been betrayed to the Klingons by Valeris , his own protégé . When Valeris refused to divulge the new location of the peace talks, Spock forcibly retrieved the information by establishing a mind meld with the unwilling Valeris, an action from which Valeris never fully recovered.

Soon afterward at the Khitomer conference, Kirk saved the lives of Klingon Chancellor Azetbur , Federation President Ra-ghoratreii , and uncovered a conspiracy between Chang, Starfleet Admiral Lance Cartwright , and Romulan Ambassador Nanclus to maintain the current state of hostility by assassinating the leaders suing for peace. Kirk was exonerated in the eyes of the Klingons, and a new era began between the two powers. It was here that Spock first met future Romulan Senator Pardek . ( TOS movie : The Undiscovered Country , TOS comic : " Enter the Wolves ", TNG episode : " Unification ")

After the Enterprise-A

Spock joined the Melpomene Players after the decommissioning of the USS Enterprise -A . He was a part of their production of Romeo and Juliet . He left the group shortly after a production of Hamlet in which he played Polonious in 2293 . ( TOS novel : The Fearful Summons )

After James Kirk's apparent death aboard the USS Enterprise -B , Spock gave the eulogy for his friend. In it, he mentioned "returning the favor" due to Kirk having given Spock's eulogy. ( ST reference : Federation: The First 150 Years )

In 2294 , Spock, while still holding the rank of captain, was transported by the Victory to the USS Enterprise -B. Captain John Harriman introduced himself to Spock and showed him the James T. Kirk dedication plaque in engineering . ( ST comic : " Spock: Reflections, Issue 1 ")

Ambassador Spock


Captain Spock in 2296 .

In 2296 , three years after the presumed death of James T. Kirk aboard the USS Enterprise -B , Spock was in command of the the USS Intrepid II , a science vessel.

After a reunion with David Rabin and a final confrontation with Sered on the planet Obsidian , Spock began to wonder if Starfleet was still the place for him.

Sered had believed that Vulcan and her sundered cousins needed each other, and Spock had come to the realization that he agreed. Except where Sered wanted to unite with the Romulans as conquerors, Spock felt that they must come together as allies, as brethren. Spock resigned his commission in Starfleet, and joined the Federation Diplomatic Corps , with the ultimate goal of bringing together Vulcan and Romulus.It was during this time that Spock first met his long-standing Romulan ally in his quest for reunification, Ruanek . ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Forge )

By the year 2300 , Spock had attained the rank of Ambassador , though he still found himself occasionally involved in Starfleet affairs. ( TOS novel : Cast No Shadow )

Spock soon established himself as an Ambassador of great skill, with accomplishments that rivaled even his father's.

In 2320 , Spock returned to Talos IV after being summoned to the planet by the Talosians. Having a private shuttle, Spock was able to slip away with a minimum of difficulty this time and reached Talos IV. He arrived in the Talos Star Group to find a drastically altered Talos IV. Instead of a planet with high levels of radiation and a sickly yellow appearance, now Talos IV had a healthy blue color, with radiation levels lower than that of Earth. Spock landed on the surface of the planet to find a rebuilt city. The Magistrate, or Keeper as he was originally known, had shown Spock around, and explained that Pike had recently died. He showed Spock a message Pike had recorded for Spock. Pike asked Spock to convey some of his ashes back to Earth, and to present the Talosians petition to not only repeal General Order 7 , but to join the Federation as well. ( TOS novel : Burning Dreams )

In the year 2327 , Spock and Sarek had a very public disagreement over how the Federation should shape their policy toward a new race that the Federation had contacted, the Cardassians .


Ambassadors Spock and Sarek, circa 2327.

Matters were made worse by Sarek's new wife, Perrin . Spock's mother, Amanda, died in the year 2293 of natural causes. Sarek had left his place at Amanda's deathbed when the Federation contacted him about a diplomatic emergency, knowing that he would never see his wife alive again. Spock had long harbored resentment against his father for this. ( TOS novel : Sarek )

In the years that followed Amanda's death, Sarek had found himself to be lonely, and had recently married the much younger Perrin .

Perrin angered Spock, when she drunkenly gave him an ultimatum to apologize to Sarek on the Cardassian issue, or he would no longer be welcome in Sarek's home. Spock responded by saying, "In that case, I shall not trouble you by visiting (Sarek and Perrin's home in) Shi'Kahr again". This began a new rift between Spock and Sarek that would last until Sarek's death in 2368 . ( TOS comic : " Enter the Wolves ")

Spock first met his future wife, Saavik , in 2274 , when he rescued the young Vulcan/Romulan hybrid from a barbaric existence on the Romulan border world of Hellguard .

Spock spent some time teaching Saavik Vulcan logic and discipline before bringing her to Vulcan and arranging for his parents to continue Saavik's education. When Saavik was ready, Spock sponsored her application to Starfleet Academy . ( TOS novel : The Pandora Principle )

Saavik was present on the Enterprise when Spock experienced his death rescuing the ship from Khan Noonien Singh in the Mutara Nebula , and tended to his needs after his miraculous rebirth at the Genesis Planet in 2285 . ( TOS movies : The Wrath of Khan , The Search for Spock )

Spock and Saavik remained close over the years that followed, with their relationship evolving over the years from mentor/apprentice, to shipmates, colleagues, confidants, friends, and finally something more.

The couple formally announced their betrothal, or engagement, in a formal ceremony on the planet Vulcan in the year 2328 . Among the attendees were Ambassador Sarek, Admiral Leonard McCoy and Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard . The Lady Perrin was not in attendance.

Over the years that followed, Spock's career in diplomacy and Saavik's career in Starfleet kept them from being together for long periods or planning their wedding, but they kept in close contact.

Spock's repeated attempts over the years to convince Vulcan to look into the possibility of reunification with the Romulans met with little or no success. In this period he was given numerous, if more mundane, assignments (e.g., to Earth in 2342 , to Andor in 2343 ).

In 2344 , Spock successfully negotiated a trade agreement between Vulcan and the reclusive Federation member Oriki .

Shortly after success with the trade agreement and still on Oriki, Spock received a covert communique from Charvanek , a Romulan officer that he had met years ago during the Romulan cloaking device affair of 2269 . He left immediately for Romulus, believing that Charvanek would only summon him if the security of both The Federation and the Romulan Star Empire were at stake. When Starfleet found out what Spock had done, Captain Uhura directed Saavik to covertly extract Spock, no matter what his reason for going.


Vulcan's Heart .

On Romulus, Spock and Saavik discovered the plans of the mad Romulan Praetor Dralath to attack the Klingon civilian colony of Narendra III and use it as a staging area to attack both the Klingon Empire and the Federation.

Saavik fled Romulus in order to warn the Federation, and Spock remained behind to neutralize the threat that Dralath posed.

Saavik managed to reach the starship USS Enterprise -C , under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett . After sending Saavik off to Vulcan for medical attention, Captain Garrett took the Enterprise to Narendra III and defended the Klingon civilians from the sneak attack, at the cost of the lives of her crew and ship. To the Klingons, this was a tremendous act of honor, one that cemented the relationship between the Klingon Empire and the Federation for years to come.

On Romulus, Spock (who was suffering from the early stages of pon farr ) assisted in taking Dralath, who ordered the Narendra attack without the authorization of the Romulan Senate , into custody. A new Praetor, Narviat , took office.

Spock escaped from Romulus with the assistance of his old friend and ally from Obsidian , Ruanek. Soon after Spock's reunion with Saavik, the couple tended to the needs of Spock's Pon Farr .

Soon after, in a ceremony on Vulcan's Forge , Spock and Saavik were married. Among the attendees at this ceremony were Admiral McCoy and Captain Uhura. ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Heart )

Romulus and Reunification

Spock, 2368

Ambassador Spock in 2368.

In 2368 , Spock decided to take his re-unification effort directly to the Romulan people by re-locating himself to Romulus in order to work with Romulus' growing underground movement. This did not mean that he was through with the affairs of the Federation, as he would periodically leave Romulus for brief periods on matters of importance to the Federation.

He later admitted to Picard (working undercover with him) that his " cowboy diplomacy " he used now and in the past was viewed as "arrogant presumption" by his friend, James T. Kirk . Picard for the most part, reminded Spock of that former captain . ( TNG episode : " Unification ")

In 2371 , Spock was part of a group of Romulan dissidents rounded up by Romulan authorities on the world of Constanthus and scheduled for execution. Starfleet dispatched the USS Enterprise -D along with Admiral Leonard McCoy in an effort to retrieve the ambassador. Taking it upon himself to mount a rescue was a recent arrival to the 24th century , Montgomery Scott . Scotty commandeered the Constitution -class USS Yorktown and set off for Romulan space.

The joint rescue efforts ultimately proved successful, and Spock was recovered (exhibiting a brief display of emotion as he materialized on the Yorktown 's transporter pads and saw Scotty at the controls) and returned to Federation space. He chose, however, to return to his work on Romulus. ( TNG novel : Crossover )

In 2372 , Spock received a message on Romulus from Captain Picard, informing him of Captain Kirk's return from the Nexus and subsequent death on Veridian III . Spock soon left Romulus to see the site of his friend's death himself. He crossed the Neutral Zone aboard an Orion transport, and disembarked at Deep Space Station E-5 , where he chartered another ship, owned by the Bolian captain Moxx , to take him from there to Veridian III . ( ST comic : " Spock: Reflections ")

While on Veridian III to pay his respects at James Kirk's grave, Spock was intercepted by T'Pring (his former betrothed), who questioned him about his hopes for Romulan/Vulcan reunification. She also returned a brooch that Spock's mother had given her before the wedding that never happened. ( TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story : " The Smallest Choices ")

In 2373 , Spock was called in to consult on the situation in the recently fallen Thallonian Empire . Spock had been in Thallonian space a decade earlier on a fact-finding mission about the reclusive Thallonians. Despite having to cut that mission short (so he could rescue a captured Vulcan woman named Soleta , and see her safely back to Federation space by way of a freighter named Qualor's Pride ), Spock was still the Federation's greatest, living authority on Thallon , and thus his expertise was needed in the crisis. ( NF novel : House of Cards , NF short story : " Out of the Frying Pan ")

During the Dominion War , Spock used what influence he had on Romulus to convince the Romulans that it would be in their own best interests to join in the Federations war effort against the Dominion . ( ST short story : " Blood Sacrifice ")

As Starfleet's resources became lean as the Dominion War heated up, many former command officers were reactivated to active or reserve service, including Spock. Spock was re- commissioned as an admiral and met briefly with other reactivated officers aboard the USS Sovereign , including Admiral Leonard McCoy, Captain Montgomery Scott, and Captain James T. Kirk. The group was instrumental in uncovering an impostor in that action, as it was revealed that Fleet Admiral Alynna Nechayev had been replaced by her mirror universe counterpart . Ironically, the mirror Nechayev had been instrumental in reactivating Spock and Kirk before they revealed her identity. While this action was decisive in protecting Federation security, Spock did not play any further publicly known role in his service as wartime admiral. ( TOS novel : Spectre )

The Borg also attempted to assimilate Ambassador Spock in order to stop peace treaty negotiations between the Klingons and Romulans, however the timely intervention of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the USS Enterprise -E prevented their success. Even though such an act would have been needless-given the fact that Spock's psyche still resonated fragments from a branch of the Collective -in the form of his old mind meld with V'Ger 's Ilia/probe. ( TNG video game : Armada , ST novel : The Return )

Romulan Supernova

In the early 2380s Spock left Romulus, believing there was nothing more he could achieve in the face of the predicted supernova. He was contacted by now Admiral Jean-Luc Picard when his journey brought him to an unplanned rendezvous with the USS Verity . ( PIC novel : The Last Best Hope )

In 2387 , Spock had befriended a Romulan named Nero . He also discovered a star , Hobus , had gone supernova which threatened to destroy Romulus , and attempted to intervene. Spock promised to save Romulus.

With the help of the USS Enterprise -E , Spock hoped to use Geordi La Forge 's experimental starship, the Jellyfish , to insert Red matter into the heart of the exploding star, creating a singularity to consume the star and thus saving Romulus. The ambassador piloted an advanced space craft equipped with red matter and proceeded to the star to carry out his mission, but before he could, the star's effect destroyed Romulus.

With other worlds threatened with destruction, Spock continued his mission and successfully created a black hole which consumed the supernova. Before he could escape, however, he was intercepted by the Romulan mining vessel Narada , commanded by Nero .

Nero blamed Spock for Romulus's destruction and was bent on revenge, but both the Narada and the Jellyfish were pulled into the black hole. Spock, aboard the Jellyfish , was sent to the 23rd century , as was Nero aboard the Narada , instantly creating an alternate reality . Spock was presumed to be dead in the prime reality . ( TOS comic : " Star Trek: Countdown ", TOS movie : Star Trek , ST website : )

Despite's Spock's apparent death, he became known as "The Great Spock". He was still seen as a great benefactor for the eventual reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan people when Vulcan became Ni'Var . ( PIC episode : " The End is the Beginning "; DSC episode : " Unification III ")

The Kelvin timeline

Spock emerged from the black hole in the year 2258 of an alternate reality created by the actions of Nero, who had emerged twenty-five years earlier . Nero was waiting for Spock when he arrived, and he and the Jellyfish were captured. Rather than kill Spock, Nero marooned him on Delta Vega , where he could witness the destruction of Vulcan from the planet's surface. Nero then used some of the red matter from the Jellyfish to create a black hole in Vulcan's planetary core ; Spock watched helplessly from Delta Vega as his homeworld was destroyed.

Shortly thereafter, Spock was searching an ice cave for supplies when he encountered a young Starfleet Cadet about to be eaten by a native beast . Using his torch to scare the animal off, once out of danger Spock looked at the still-shocked Human, and realized just who he had rescued: one James Tiberius Kirk , who had been marooned on the planet by that era's Spock for mutiny . The elder Spock was surprised that Kirk, who didn't believe him, (he had dismissed Spock's self-identification, and claim of lifelong friendship, as "bullshit" ) was not captain of the Enterprise - but at the mention of Nero, young Kirk decided he just might be telling the truth. Through a mind meld, Spock explained to Kirk his presence in this time period and the reasons behind Nero's history-changing actions (told that, in addition to Kirk and himself, the counterparts of Dr. McCoy , Uhura , Chekov and Sulu - all but one of the six officers who had once risked their careers to save him - were all serving aboard the Enterprise , Spock deduced that the timeline was attempting to "repair" itself). He then walked with Kirk to a nearby Federation outpost, where they met the one member of their core group not yet aboard the ship, Montgomery Scott , whom Spock had previously avoided but whose presence he now viewed as more evidence of his timeline theory. Using Scotty's equation for transwarp beaming (which Scott had not actually figured out yet), Spock was able to transport Kirk back to the Enterprise along with Scott. When asked why he would not come with them, Spock stated that his other self must not know of his existence, implying that it could cause some kind of temporal paradox.

After the Enterprise had defeated Nero, the elder Spock returned to Earth. There, he met his less-than-surprised younger self (Kirk had kept his word, but upon being recognized by the Jellyfish , the most advanced spacecraft he had ever seen, and discovering it was built in 2387, young Spock deduced who must have assisted him), convincing him to remain in Starfleet. He also explained that the reason he did not return to the Enterprise with Kirk to explain things was that he did not wish to deprive Kirk and Spock of the chance of working together and developing the friendship they were destined to have. He then wished his younger self good luck, after which he witnessed the promotion of Jim Kirk to captain of the USS Enterprise .

He left with an intention to establish a Vulcan colony . ( TOS movie : Star Trek )

With his true identity kept secret from all but a key few individuals. Although he had a brief conversation with his father during the trip, when he attempted to speak up in the council to warn them against establishing the new Vulcan on Ceti Alpha V, he was informed that, for his role in Nero's attack, he was stripped of his rights as a citizen and was therefore not considered a Vulcan by the Council. ( TOS comic : " Legacy of Spock, Part 1 ")

With Vulcan no longer an option, Spock travelled to Romulus in an attempt to initiate the peace process that he had played in back in his own reality, but was captured by the Romulans and accused of trying to destroy Romulus early based on the words of the last two survivors of Nero's crew. ( TOS comic : " Legacy of Spock, Part 2 ")

Fortunately, he was able to escape with the aid of a Romulan resistance movement led by Pardek , allowing him to make contact with the Vulcan fleet- still heading for Ceti Alpha V despite his warning- and warn them that the Romulans were coming, intending to use the last of the red matter to destroy the fleet. ( TOS comic : " Legacy of Spock, Part 3 ") The appearance of the Enterprise was enough to give the Vulcan fleet time to drive off the Romulans, with Kirk's word helping the Vulcans decide to accept Spock's advice and follow his recommendations to find a suitable planet. ( TOS comic : " Legacy of Spock, Part 4 ")

In 2259 of the alternate reality, Spock contacted the older version of himself for information regarding Khan Noonien Singh . The following year , Spock had departed New Vulcan before the Enterprise returned when the younger Spock entered Pon farr . ( TOS movie : Star Trek Into Darkness , TOS comic : " After Darkness, Part 2 ")

Spock died in January of 2263 on New Vulcan . Two Vulcans were sent to Yorktown Station to inform the younger Spock of Spock's passing, and to give him some of elder Spock's personal property. Included was a photo of Spock and his crewmates on the bridge of the prime-reality USS Enterprise -A sometime prior to 2293. ( TOS movie : Star Trek Beyond )

Vulcan civilization would thrive on New Vulcan over the next 3,000 years, and over the years Spock would become a revered figure to the Vulcan people. By approximately 5259 , a statue of Spock had been built on New Vulcan, surrounded by a number of monuments. While many of the surrounding monuments were larger than life, the monument of Spock was life size. According to legend, this had been at Spock's request, as he felt a larger than life depiction of him would not be logical. ( TOS - Legacy of Spock comic : " Part 4 ")

Alternate timelines and realities

A major tangent of the prime timeline was created in 2373 . Called the First Splinter timeline , this alternate reality 's Spock was an influential part of Federation politics and also the battle to stop the Devidian temporal apocalypse . ( Coda )

In 2269, the Romulans put their Second History project into motion, interfering in human history at a key moment, and ensuring that the United Federation of Planets never came into being. However the results were not what the Romulans intended. While the Federation did not exist in the timeline, the Vulcans were still powerful, and able to keep the Romulans in check. The Vulcans helped humanity get back on their feet following a devastating war.

Spock in this timeline was a Captain , and the commanding officer of the VSS ShiKahr , which was this timeline's version of the USS Enterprise . A number of people who served on board the Enterprise of the original timeline served on the ShiKahr , including Doctor Leonard McCoy and Montgomery Scott . James T. Kirk served on the ship as an Ensign , whose career was sidelined after he was convicted of murder while in the Academy. Additionally, Christopher Pike had served as a first officer under Spock on the ShiKahr until he was given his own command. Spock and the ShiKahr crew realized in 2269 that the Romulans had tampered in history, and he and James T. Kirk were able to stop Second History and return history to its original form. ( TOS novel : Killing Time )

Starfleet service record

  • Personal log , Spock


Rank insignia.

Spock was portrayed in The Original Series as an officer with two specialties, as both the Enterprise first officer and science officer . To this end, he ended up wearing multiple uniforms over the years, as the different colored uniforms showed the different specialties.

As a science officer, Spock wore the blue tunic of a member of the sciences division in his first appearance in TOS episode : " The Cage ", but had already begun to work as an executive ( command division ) in his dual position as second officer , being third in command of the ship. By his next canon appearance in TOS episode : " Where No Man Has Gone Before ", Spock had been promoted to lieutenant commander and been made first officer of the Enterprise . To show this, he wore the verdant-gold tunic of a command division officer, even though he was still also the science officer. The uniform style of the era had no different sleeve insignia for any officer grade, so his rank stripes had not changed any by this point. In later appearances following TOS episode : " The Corbomite Maneuver ", he would switch back to his blue sciences uniform despite maintaining both the science and command positions.

The uniform style evolved into a slightly different tunic and rank stripe in the mid- 2260s with that episode, but with similar color codes, in that science officers still wore blue and commanding personnel still wore greenish-gold. Spock apparently could have worn gold but instead stayed with blue. At this point, an irregularity could be observed in Spock's uniform wear. He was referred to as a lieutenant commander for much of the first year of TOS , but he wore the insignia of a full commander. He was eventually promoted to commander and continued to wear that insignia, raising the possibility that he had received some kind of brevet or provisional promotion that became permanent, thus explaining his uniform insignia.

On at least one occasion, Gold Key Comics released an issue in their series of Star Trek comics where Spock wore the red uniform of the operations division , on the cover of TOS comic : " The Mummies of Heitius VII ". While it could be supposed that Spock could have held a third position as some sort of operations manager , it seems more likely this was a mistake based on foreign artists' unfamiliarity with the appearance of the television characters.

When Spock left Starfleet circa 2270 , the uniforms changed again, but to a similar variation. When reactivated as science officer and first officer in TOS movie : The Motion Picture , Spock's commander insignia was unchanged but worn on uniforms with color-coded patches. Spock's patches were orange to show his specialty in the sciences division, but as an executive officer he also could have worn white command division patches. When Spock was promoted to captain, he did wear the appropriate command division colors as of TOS movie : The Wrath of Khan , but he also ended up serving double duty as a science officer on occasions, meaning he very well could have opted for science services gray uniform patches, just as Scotty sometimes opted to wear a flight engineer's yellow uniform accoutrements after being promoted to captain.

Spock's Starfleet commission was inactive after his retirement following the Khitomer mission, but he was still held in reserve as an officer. By the era of the Dominion War, Spock was reactivated as an admiral. His uniform was not seen, but again, his dual divisions of service meant that he could have worn the red uniform shirt of a command officer or the blue shirt of a science officer.

Appearances and references


  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 TOS comic : " Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 2 ".

External links

  • Spock article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Spock article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • Spock article at the Star Trek Timelines Wiki .
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  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Odyssey class

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Published May 31, 2024

Robin Curtis Looks Back at Star Trek III: The Search for Spock For Its 40th Anniversary

Curtis on portraying Saavik, being directed by Leonard Nimoy, and more!

Stylized and filtered collage of stills of Robin Curtis' Saavik from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Forty years ago this weekend, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock inherited the monumental task of picking up the tale of Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the U.S.S. Enterprise crew following Spock's tragic death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . Written by Harve Bennett and directed by Leonard Nimoy himself, the film dealt with the aftermath of the battle with Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalban), the evolution of the newly-created Genesis Planet, and Kirk's unsanctioned jaunt to bring Spock's body and katra — a Vulcan’s living spirit — to be reunited on Mount Seleya.

Standing in a row, Sulu, Chekov, Uhura, Chekov, Saavik, and Kirk, all look ahead of them with curiosity and intensity in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Complete with Christopher Lloyd's portrayal of a ruthless Klingon commander named Kruge, the original Star Trek series' cast's signature camaraderie, and an adventurous spirit, the third Star Trek film welcomed Robin Curtis to the role of Lieutenant Saavik, the Vulcan officer who accompanied Kirk's son Doctor David Marcus (Merritt Butrick) during his expedition to the Genesis Planet. Curtis was kind enough to speak to and help us celebrate The Search for Spock 's 40th anniversary by reflecting on her time as Saavik and the rare experience of playing a Vulcan while being directed by Leonard Nimoy.

Four decades later, and Robin Curtis recollects that her respect for Nimoy as a director and collaborator was established the instant they met. "Right out of the gate, I could express nothing but praise for working with him, and it's only gotten better over time. Like good wine, my experience with him has aged well," remarks Curtis. "I look back with such fondness at his sensitivity, his respect for other actors, his ability to orchestrate the existing cast — his fellow coworkers for so many years — and newcomers like myself and Christopher Lloyd."

Saavik gazes up at David Marcus while a young Spock stands between them in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

During her audition for the role of Saavik, Curtis had the unique distinction of hearing Nimoy's insight into what an actor can do to truly become a Vulcan. "Mr. Nimoy took such a lovely, intuitive approach to directing. He said, 'Vulcans have 1,000 years of wisdom behind the eyes,'" says Curtis of Nimoy's early advice regarding the Vulcan nature. "When I was given the role, he told me I should look in the mirror [and practice] talking without using my face to express what I was saying. Being so still and so contained near about did me in, and I thought I was failing so miserably at it that I was going to be fired. I didn't feel the innate knack or confidence that I was nailing it."

The challenge of assuming a Vulcan disposition weighed even more heavily on Curtis' shoulders when placed in context with her desire to deliver an excellent performance. "I was as serious as a heart attack on the set! I didn't speak until I was spoken to, which is totally unlike my normally sociable self. I was very earnest, wanting to show and demonstrate that I was grateful for this part. I wanted to do a good job and hit it out of the park," adds Curtis, who sensed that Nimoy appreciated her devotion to the film and her role as Saavik, as well as her overall work ethic and approach to acting.

A Klingon lifts his dagger above him facing Saavik who reflects his intense gaze as David Marcus and a young Spock look at their foe in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

In spite of her doubts, Curtis had her morale boosted by a pact she made with the director. "I shook his hand on my very first day of filming, and I said, 'Mr. Nimoy, you seem to think I know what I'm doing. And I need to tell you I do not.' And he said, 'Robin, I will take you every step of the way. I will never take you out on the end of a limb and leave you there.' I said, 'Deal.' And we shook hands on it, and he fulfilled that promise in each and every scene," declares Curtis.

A close-up of Saavik's expression as a Klingon holds a communicator to her as a younger Spock looks towards her in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Curtis also attests that there were certain scenes which were easier to approach and more straightforward than others. Those involving Saavik and weighty emotions demanded more scrutiny and attention. For example, while holding Saavik, Kirk's son David Marcus, and a reborn Spock hostage on the Genesis Planet, Kruge ordered one of his soldiers to kill a prisoner in order to demonstrate his conviction toward acquiring the Genesis Device. The sentence was inflicted upon David, and Saavik was forced to report the death to the man's father. "That [moment] filled me with anxiety and dread. How could I possibly say that with the Vulcan demeanor?"

Saavik lifts up two fingers, a Vulcan gesture, as she stares directly into the eyes of a younger Spock in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Those complexities also rang true on the other end of the emotional spectrum. With a rapidly aging Spock overwhelmed by the urges of the pon farr , or the Vulcan time of mating, Saavik guided him through the intimate process. This scene, with its close contact and affectionate hand gesture, represented another significant Vulcan hurdle to overcome. "The reverence and enormity and profundity of pon farr , and going into this cave with Spock," begins Curtis. "We came to the set with no sense of what that would look like. [Young Spock actor] Stephen Manley and I were both a little trepidatious about what Lenoard was going to have us do. What would a Vulcan love scene or Vulcan foreplay look like? In fact, I've only just learned recently that the simple gesture that Leonard introduced us to that day, the notion of [the characters] joining their fingers, was originally introduced by Spock's mother and Sarek in the television series."

Leonard Nimoy directs Robin Curtis in her role as Saavik pointing in the distance ahead of him while on set of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Behind-the-scenes of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Of course, having pioneered the Vulcan temperament for nearly 20 years by the time The Search for Spock entered production, Nimoy was singularly suited to answer questions about such delicate matters. Whether dealing with Saavik's reaction to David's death, the intimacy of pon farr , or any of Curtis' other scenes, Curtis recalls Nimoy's valuable input. "He would take me aside before every scene, and we'd sit down at the edge of the set on the platform, and I'd say the lines. He would moderate me no differently than we do with our cars with the radio volume. I was so grateful for that," shares Curtis.

Shifting her focus to her overall impression of their professional association, Curtis conveys her appreciation for Nimoy's leadership on the film before admitting she does have one slight regret. "I absolutely love the man. Loved him as a person, loved him as a director, and I'm sorry that I was too shy to even hint or suggest that we would have a friendship outside the realm of the shoots themselves."

While their friendship was largely limited to the production itself, the director did leave an indelible impact on Curtis' personal life. "Leonard Nimoy was aware that my father was battling cancer at the time, and it wasn't looking good," notes Curtis. "The best thing I remember about Star Trek is that it was a colossally beautiful distraction from the agony we were feeling as a family. Leonard Nimoy reminds me of my dad, and they were the same age. And [Nimoy] was so sensitive and kind about the idea that Star Trek was such a gift and a bright light for my family in a time of suffering. Ultimately, my dad lived long enough to see the movie. I went home to be at the Riverside Mall in Utica, New York, with my neighbors and family, and my dad made it to the movie theatre. I will always be grateful for that."

Hovering over a younger Spock, Saavik lifts her communicator to her face in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Curtis' thankfulness extends to the many fans who regularly compliment her for her tenure as Saavik in The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . "I'm flabbergasted at the multitude of ways that [Star Trek] has enriched my life. My heart explodes over the tenacity of the fans and how the franchise only gets better and richer. People are very generous and sentimental about [ The Search for Spock ]. They understood it was part of a triumvirate [of films]," observes Curtis. Referring to her final on-screen moments in The Voyage Home , in which Saavik and Amanda Grayson remain behind on Vulcan, Curtis jokes, "What did she and [Amanda Grayson actor] Jane Wyatt get up to? [ laughs ] What happened with the pon farr ? Did she end up being pregnant? I think the fans were just as curious as I was."

Perceiving her connection with the fans as a gift, Curtis contemplates an unexpected phone call she received from a medical facility in Cleveland, Ohio. A young man who she had once met at a convention had been taken off of dialysis and given only two weeks to live. The staff member contacting Curtis informed her that the man's last wish was to share a meal with her. "I had shown him some kindness at a convention in Ohio in the '90s, and he remembered," reveals Curtis, who didn't hesitate to make the five-hour drive to Cleveland that very same day. Before leaving, Curtis advised the caller, "You tell him I'll be there for dinner, and I wouldn't miss it for the world." Arriving Friday evening, Curtis spent every waking hour of that weekend with the fan. After departing on Sunday, they talked each day until he passed the following week. "That was a gift to me, and I like to think maybe a small gift to him," explains Curtis, noting that their connection has endured via her ongoing friendship with the fan's aunt.

Close-up of Saavik facing Spock in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

The Search for Spock clearly meant a lot to those who watched it repeatedly, but Curtis' own perception of the movie has evolved since its release. "I saw the film at the time and then never saw it again for so many years. My memory of it was that it was depressing [ laughs ]," confesses Curtis. "The fact of the matter is, everything dies. Genesis dies, the ship dies, Kirk's son dies. Spock comes back to life, but he starts out dead [ laughs ]." As was the case for many of us, the pandemic changed everything for Curtis. "We were all in our houses and seeking connection. I felt like I needed to go back, so I rewatched [ The Next Generation two-parter] 'Gambit,' and I rewatched the movie. And I thought, 'This is funny!' There's a lot of good parts in this film that aren't depressing. I don't know why I had that impression stuck in my brain, but maybe it's because my involvement was very serious. Everything I had to do dealt with great disappointment and loss and tragedy."

Looking back, Curtis cites Sarek's mind meld with Admiral Kirk as her favorite scene, describing the sentiment behind the characters' interaction, the cinematography, and the close up of the actors' faces as "gorgeous." Though she felt the mood on the set of The Voyage Home was more joyful and playful — after all, she still has Polaroids of herself making funny faces with Walter Koenig, George Takei, Kirk Thatcher, and other cast and crew, Curtis maintains fond memories of working on The Search for Spock . "The cast were so generous and classy with me, and they understood the weight upon my shoulders as the newcomer. They were reassuring. I remember Walter Koenig told me to keep a journal. And of course, like a jackass, I didn't listen. [ laughs ]," jests Curtis. "Now, I wish I had kept one."

The Enterprise crew (Bones, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, Uhura, Saavik, and Kirk) are joyful with the return of Spock in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

The Search for Spock 's conclusion exuded hope and wonder, as Spock's body and katra were reunited in a ceremony on Mount Seleya. Following his resurrection, Spock passes by each crew member in attendance, eventually finding himself embraced by the group. Although a glance between Spock and Saavik was fleeting, much preparation went into that moment. "[Nimoy] approached me before the scene and asked, 'How would you feel if you were to suddenly come upon somebody that you loved or were intimate with on a New York City street? How would you imagine that?' In the matter of a split second, so many thoughts went through my mind," says Curtis. "First, what a personal question to ask. Then I felt tenderness, embarrassment, sentimentality, nostalgia, and vulnerability all at once. I looked up at him, then looked down. He said, 'That’s it!' And I thought, ' Oh, okay, I love you! ' It is so lovely and simple when a director does that. No arm wrestling had to happen, he just asked me a simple question and I got [the scene]."

As for The Search for Spock 's ending, when Spock's friends crowd around him on Vulcan, Curtis recollects that she and the other cast members were given a general direction to "be encouraged by that moment and confident that his katra had been restored. Sometimes we don't work those moments out, and it's all on the fly. It was very much off-the-cuff." Whether meticulously planned or inspired by the moment, these scenes combined to create a film that has stood the test of time and established itself as a crucial installment in the pantheon of Star Trek stories.

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Jay Stobie (he/him) is a freelance writer, author, and consultant who has contributed articles to, Star Trek Explorer, and Star Trek Magazine, as well as to Star Wars Insider and Learn more about Jay by visiting or finding him on Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms at @StobiesGalaxy.

Filtered triptych of Kirk, McCoy, and Spock in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

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Star Trek 3 Is Finding Its Way Back to Theaters

B etween now-classic movies like the Spider-Man films and the 1999 Mummy flick, it’s been a spring of re-releases. Most of them have been from studios like Sony and Disney, but now Paramount is making a play by returning Star Trek III: The Search for Spock to the silver screen.

To commemorate the film’s upcoming 40th anniversary—it hit theaters June 1, 1984—the film will be playing in theaters June 14. At time of writing, it’s not clear if it’ll be just June 14 or if it will stick around longer, something that’s happening more now with re-releases; The Phantom Menace had a two-week run. What is known is that Matt Ferguson, who drew a special poster for Phantom and other re-released Star Wars films, has crafted a special poster for Search for Spock, which you can see below.

Search for Spock was the middle chapter in a three-part story arc that began with 1982's Wrath of Khan . Spock died at the end of that film, but his living spirit (or katra) was transferred into McCoy’s mind. Disbanded by the Federation after beating Khan, the Enterprise crew reunited to return Spock’s body back to Vulcan as a way to possibly bring him back from the dead. The only thing in their way is a group of hostile Klingons (led by Christopher Lloyd) who want to steal the Genesis terraforming device that Khan tried using.

Spock was fittingly directed by Leonard Nimoy, and it was his first time behind the camera. He’d become the first Star Trek cast member to get a shot at directing for the franchise, and would later be followed by Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, and Patrick Stewart, and plenty more. When it released, it got fairly solid reviews and made $87 million, a response that meant Nimoy got to be involved in more films beyond just being the ever-stoic Vulcan: he directed and conceived the story for 1986's Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and wrote 1991's Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. (Outside the franchise, he also directed movies like Three Men and a Baby, The Good Mother, and Holy Matrimony.)

Between this, the almost-ended final season of Star Trek: Discovery , and the recent 15th anniversary of the 2009reboot film , among other Star Trek news of late , it’s an eventful time for the franchise.

[via Empire Magazine ]

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The Enterprise crew in Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock.

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Leonard nimoy’s son “loves” what star trek’s new spock actors are doing.


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7 Biggest Star Trek Secrets Spock Kept

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  • Ethan Peck and Zachary Quinto bring their own sensibility to the role of Spock in modern Star Trek, creating a new, fresh portrayal.
  • Adam Nimoy admires Peck and Quinto for investing their own experiences and personality into the character, making it come alive.
  • Adam Nimoy believes calling Peck's Spock an "imitation" of Leonard Nimoy is not the right way to view his performance.

Leonard Nimoy's son Adam Nimoy reveals his feelings on how Ethan Peck and Zachary Quinto portray Spock in modern Star Trek . Of course, Leonard Nimoy originated the role of Mr. Spock in Star Trek: The Original Series and portrayed the iconic Vulcan on television and feature films up to his death in 2015. Zachary Quinto portrayed Spock in a Star Trek movie trilogy directed and produced by J.J. Abrams, while Ethan Peck currently portrays Lt. Spock on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds .

In an interview with CinemaBlend to promote his new book, The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy, Adam Nimoy was asked his thoughts on Ethan Peck's portrayal of Spock on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds . Peck's version of Spock is the younger version of Nimoy's Spock , and Ethan also penned a promotional blurb for Adam's book. Read Adam Nimoy's thoughts on Peck and Zachary Quinto's versions of Spock in his quote below:

I love what he's doing. He brings his own sensibility to it. It's a different character, but I think it's perfectly fine. It's lovely what he's doing. I really admire him and, look, it's so challenging to take on a role like that. That is so ensconced in the minds of us pop culture addicts in terms of the original Spock. Zachary Quinto had the same forces that he had to deal with when he entered the role, and he brings his own sensibility to it. You can't help but bring your own personality to the part. And it's different, it's new, it's a permutation, you know.

Adam Nimoy also told CinemaBlend he doesn't think calling Ethan Peck's Spock an "imitation" of Leonard Nimoy is the right way to view his performance. Read Adam's quote below:

It's not. I don't think it's an imitation necessarily. I think that the key to the pure artistry of Zach and Ethan [Peck} is that they invest their own experience and being into the part, and that's what makes it come alive. So, I love what those guys were doing.

From Star Trek: The Original Series to Strange New Worlds, Mr. Spock has been able to keep some of Star Trek's most important secrets to himself.

Why Star Trek Has 2 New Spock Actors After Leonard Nimoy

Ethan peck is now star trek's "prime" spock.

J.J. Abrams' Star Trek (2009) movie reboot proved that the iconic original Star Trek characters could be successfully recast with younger actors. In the case of Spock, Zachary Quinto had the challenge of not just portraying the younger version of the Vulcan, but he also had to act opposite Leonard Nimoy himself when the two Spocks met in the film. The twist of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies is that time travel created an alternate Kelvin timeline, so Quinto's young Spock lives his life in a new reality different from the past experiences of Nimoy's aged Ambassador Spock.

Leonard Nimoy's final performance as Spock was a cameo in 2013's Star Trek Into Darkness.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , however, is set in Star Trek 's Prime timeline and is a prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series . In Ethan Peck's case, his Lt. Spock is the younger version of Leonard Nimoy's Spock. Peck is portraying the same character who will eventually grow to become the Vulcan Nimoy originated, and Peck admits Nimoy is always in his head when he plays Spock. Now that Leonard Nimoy has passed away, Ethan Peck is the Prime Spock in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, while audiences hope Zachary Quinto will return as the Kelvin timeline's Spock in another Star Trek movie.

Source: CinemaBlend

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As my Star Trek character commanded the weight of a starship, I was hours away from becoming a father

The lines between fiction and reality collided when i welcomed my child into the world.

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This First Person column is the experience of Patrick Kwok-Choon, who was born and raised in Montreal. For more information about CBC's First Person stories, please see the FAQ .

I was on the set of Star Trek: Discovery and my character Gen Rhys had been thrust into the captain's chair, burdened with making life-and-death decisions for himself and his crew.

I can't believe this was happening to me.

It was a milestone for my character — the first time as acting captain on the Starship Discovery — but also an important moment for me as a lifelong fan of the franchise.

Sitting in that chair, I couldn't help but think of the iconic performances by Patrick Stewart, Kate Mulgrew and Avery Brooks. The weight of their legacy was palpable, and being part of that tradition felt incredibly significant.

But my real concern wasn't the scene; it was the crisis unfolding at home.

At 3 a.m., my wife went into labour. When her contractions increased, we called our midwife at 9 a.m. Despite the unpredictability of childbirth, she assured me, based on her extensive experience, that it was OK for me to go to work. She mentioned that while it's not guaranteed, deliveries typically occur at night, offering me some peace of mind.

A screenshot of CBS/Paramount+ show Star Trek: Discovery.

I was contractually obligated to go into work that day and my wife reassured me that her contractions were only uncomfortable, not painful. She insisted I go.

With a heavy heart, I asked my neighbour to watch over my wife and to call me if there was any emergency. I would come home immediately, regardless of the consequences.

When I arrived at work, my castmates greeted me with joy. The higher-ups were quickly informed and a production head came down to assure me that everything was being done to expedite my departure. The shooting schedule was rearranged so all my scenes would be filmed first. I immediately called my wife to share the news.

As I spoke with her, another production head approached, offering congratulations and reiterating the plan. But he added, "If things get too crazy at home and we haven't finished, just bail." I told him my wife felt we were still in the early phases of labour, and we should still have time. He leaned in, gave me a hug, and whispered in my ear, "Just bail."

A man takes a photo of him sitting in a hair styling chair.

All hands on deck

I was at a loss for words — studios aren't obligated to accommodate actors in such situations. I've heard terrible stories of actors unable to attend births, weddings and even funerals due to rigid shooting schedules. Yet here, amid the bustling set of a multimillion-dollar shoot, this person was giving me permission to prioritize my family. It was a heartfelt gesture that I'll never forget.

Returning to the chair, it felt like an actual "all hands on deck" moment straight out of Star Trek. Each department rallied together with precision and urgency, and I could feel their support willing me forward. Together, we navigated the challenges of the day, ensuring I could fulfill my duty as both actor and father-to-be.

After what felt like an eternity, the first assistant director called out, "That's a wrap on Patrick. He's free to leave."

The cast and crew of Star-Trek: Discovery behind the scenes with the director.

I leaped out of my chair and shouted, "I'm going to have a baby!" to the applause of the cast and crew.

At this point, I had been at work for nine hours and it was 8 p.m. I rocketed out of that studio at warp speed. When I got home, my wife's contractions had reached the point where the midwife advised it was time to go to the hospital. I couldn't believe my luck. Despite the chaos of the day, I had made it just in time for the delivery.

Five hours later, as I held my newborn in my arms, I was overwhelmed with a sense of relief and profound joy. The juxtaposition of the day's events felt surreal — acting out life-and-death stakes on set only to experience the miracle of life in reality.

Patrick pictured with his baby in a sling around his front.

My child is now 20 months old. Just this weekend, I had the luxury of taking my child out for a morning stroll, pushing them for what felt like an eternity on the swings, and sitting in silence together on a park bench as I watched them slowly gobble up a muffin, basking in the absolute wonder of this little miracle. A gift. My gift.

Patrick's baby pictured from the chin down wearing a yellow Star-Trek shirt.

I am miles away from the fearful day on set and have come safely to the other side of things – just as I'm light-years from my youth when I feared becoming a parent because, in my naive mind, it meant getting trapped into something or sacrificing my career, time and energy.

But I think most parents would agree: what you gain is absolutely priceless. No longer do I find myself consumed with work or clinging desperately to career aspirations. I have reshaped my understanding of what's really important to me and my life is immensely richer for it.

The day I spent in the captain's chair on Discovery will forever be etched in my memory, not just for the professional milestone it represented but for the personal journey it paralleled. The lines between fiction and reality blurred, the weight of commanding a starship colliding with the anticipation of welcoming new life into the world.

It was a stark reminder of the beautiful, unpredictable nature of life, where our most significant moments often unfold in the most unexpected ways.

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star trek baby spock

Freelance contributor

Patrick Kwok-Choon was born and raised in Montreal. He is best known for the five seasons he spent on the hit CBS/Paramount+ show Star Trek: Discovery.

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‘star trek: picard’ showrunner terry matalas tackling remake of 1980s sci-fi movie ‘enemy mine’ (exclusive).

The original movie starred Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr.

By Borys Kit

Senior Film Writer

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Enemy Mine Terry Matalas

Terry Matalas, the showrunner who steered the final season of Star Trek: Picard to new ratings and critical heights, has been tapped to write an update of the 1985 cult sci-fi movie Enemy Mine for 20 th Century Studios.

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Mine was the English-language debut of German filmmaker Wolfgang Petersen , who took over the project after 20th Century Fox fired original director Richard Loncraine during production. The imbroglio, which necessitated reshooting the film, ballooned the budget, with more woe coming when the movie crash landed at the box office.

Years later, however, the movie enjoyed a reappraisal, with many lauding its themes of tolerance and respect, earning it a cult following.

The original film was based on a novella by the sci-fi author Barry B. Longyear. The novella was originally published in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine in 1979. The story won the Nebula Award that year for best novella. It was followed by two sequels and eventually published as a trilogy titled The Enemy Papers .

No producer or director is currently on board.

Matalas earned his stripes in the sci-fi TV world, where he was the creator and showrunner of the 12 Monkeys TV series and exec producer and showrunner of season four of the rebooted  MacGyver  series.

However, it was his work on Picard that made studio heads into fans. First joining Picard as a writer in season two, Matalas became the showrunner for the third season, injecting a focused energy on a listless show  and making that final season one for the Star Trek books. Fans and audiences perked up – the show cracked the Nielsen streaming charts – as did critics, with Matalas earning a WGA nomination for his work.

And Picard also caught the eye of 20th Century Studios president and fellow Trekker Steve Asbell, who invited the multi-hyphenate into his portfolio. Mine now marks Matalas’ first film deal since the success of Picard . (Fun fact: Matalas, Feige and Asbell were on Trek podcast Inglorious Treksperts earlier this year together defending Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .)

He is repped by CAA and Anonymous Content.

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