Crossword Genius

Speedy, endless journey to America (11)


I believe the answer is:


' speedy ' is the definition. (I've seen this before) ' endless journey to america ' is the wordplay. I cannot quite understand how this works, but ' america ' could be ' us ' (United States) and 'us' is found in the answer. This explanation may well be incorrect...

Can you help me to learn more ?

(Other definitions for expeditious that I've seen before include "Prompt" , "Quick, efficient" , "Fast and efficient" , "Speedy" .)

Speedy, endless journey to America Crossword Clue

Definition of "expeditious".

done with speed and efficiency

  • an expeditious investigation

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  • Cry at social gathering, we hear
  • Hero satisfied to hold god
  • Breaking its bone with impudence and repressed emotion
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A great American adventure: The story of an epic cross-country road trip

  • A great American adventure: The story of an epic cross-country road trip
  • < Travel inspiration

Travel inspiration

By David Szmidt October 11, 2021

By David Szmidt | October 11, 2021

Last update: May 19, 2023

With travel restrictions from Europe to the US changing in November and flights to cities across the US selling fast, our lead writer tells the story of his epic road trip across eight states, eight cities, and into the heart of the USA

I fell into conversation with a girl called Becca after she dropped her duct tape. Always curious as to why anyone would carry their own personal duct tape, I had to ask. Perfect for resealing bags of Skittles, apparently. But of course. We chatted about this and that — she was on her way home to Phoenix after a three-month study program in New York — and became the briefest of footnotes in each others’ lives before our respective flights were called.

New York City, New York

Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan skyline from Brooklyn Bridge Park

I’d been in New York for four days as a precursor to taking this trip with a friend. It was my first time in New York (my first time in the States , in fact), and I’d spent my time there doing touristy things and generally exploring the city. Went to the Met, saw a couple of bands, ate a wide variety of food , met up with my friend Christina on the last night for “a couple” of catch-up drinks that turned into an all-nighter. Now I was here, sitting in the departure lounge of LaGuardia airport, feeling tentatively okay. It wasn’t to last.

Having felt surprisingly perky on the hot, packed bus to the airport despite the frankly stupid amount Christina and I had drunk the previous night, my hangover hit right as I boarded the flight to Charlotte. I managed to pass it off as just a fear of flying to the concerned-looking chap in the next seat, as I paled and shivered through two hours of near-constant turbulence.

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta skyline from Piedmont Park

After a quick stop to change planes, drink about a gallon of water, and regain my land legs in Charlotte, I flew the short hop Atlanta to be met by my friend Joe. He was the reason I was in the US in the first place: we’d been flatmates in the Czech Republic for three years before he left to spend a couple of years in China. He was now back in Atlanta preceding a move to Denver to study for his doctorate. The plan was to drive across, and he’d asked whether I fancied joining him. Oh yes. The chance to see the lesser-traveled US ? Absolutely.

We spent a week staying at Joe’s mum’s house, meeting various friends and family members, eating vast amounts of barbecued food, and doing, to my mind, Very American Things such as being taken to see the Atlanta Braves play baseball. Joe loves baseball, as do his friends, and I enjoyed being part of a group of friendly, knowledgeable people who answered my almost certainly moronic questions with a mixture of patience, indulgence, and bewilderment.

We spent one day seeing a bunch of the World’s Biggest Things, an experience which deserved its own article , an evening seeing bands at a tiny venue called Eddie’s Attic in Decatur, and a final day relaxing and preparing for our upcoming road trip.

Nashville, Tennessee

Man in a cowboy hat in Nashville, Tennessee

We set off early with the intention of hitting Chattanooga for lunch. Aside from the choo-choo, I knew nothing about the city, and as it was basically a pit stop for food , I still don’t. I remember driving along winding roads over forested hills before being popped out onto a bluff overlooking a gleaming town on a lazy bend of a river. I’m sure it’s lovely.

Our destination was actually Nashville. We’d nominated it as an overnight halt for distance reasons and because it seemed like somewhere fun. I wasn’t entirely convinced, as in my head Nashville was good ol’ boys, slide guitars, rootin’ (as well as, I daresay, tootin’), and music of both kinds: country a nd western.

Well, it was a revelation. Give me six months there, please. There’s music everywhere, and not just endless mawkish country as I’d feared. Rock n’ roll, blues, bluegrass, folk; everything from beer-chuggin’, yee-hawin’ country rock to delicate, soulful acoustic balladry, even (though you might not necessarily think so) a rap and hip-hop scene. There are live bands seemingly in every bar at any time of day, and in the evenings, music is even piped through mysterious speaker poles out onto Broadway. Much of the city’s nightlife and attractions are either on or within a stone’s throw of Broadway and walking it during the day it seemed a pretty good primer to what the city was about: bar, record shop, record shop, bar, instrument shop, record shop, bar, bar, hats-and-boots emporium, instrument shop, bar, record shop. My kind of place.

sign in Nashville

Indeed, it’s the kind of place where there’s so much music it pushes the standard up. In the mood for a cheeky lunchtime beer (Joe had gone to the Country Music Hall of Fame, in which I was briefly interested but decided I wasn’t $25-worth of interested), I wandered into a bar with a band playing a tight set of rock n’ roll standards to a crowd of maybe ten fairly uninterested people. Anywhere else, this bunch would be a fun headline act. The song ended and I applauded politely before realizing I was the only one doing so. The crowd was clearly family members and well-wishers, all who turned to look as the singer grinned out at me.

“Who was that? Yeah, you! The clapper! Thank you! Where you from?”

“Um… England .”

“England? Well, that’s just fantastic! Welcome to Nashville!”

The band launched into a rendition of On the Road Again, and at the end of the first half of their set, the singer came over, bought me a beer and, as the bar slowly filled up during the second hour of their set, he’d occasionally refer to me as “my English cousin over there. Go say hi, he’s real nice!” Joe arrived and we spent the evening with a growing collection of new friends who we’d never see again but seemed incredibly wonderful and of growing importance the more the night went on. Like I said, my kind of place.

St. Louis, Missouri

Gateway Arch, trees, and lake in the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis, MO

Four states in one day. Quite a claim. Okay, so it was Tennessee where we already were, across the narrow end of Kentucky , the briefest of scurries into Illinois and finishing up in Missouri, but I was excited.

Our first stop in St. Louis was the wonderful Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, more commonly known as the Gateway Arch, and a better arch I’m yet to see. 190 meters high, and the tallest accessible building in the city, it’s very much the symbol of St. Louis. You can go up inside it, which we did, in tiny, clunking, intensely claustrophobic pods. At the top, there’s an internal viewing area that’s so low we had to stoop in the center to avoid bumping our heads, but the view was great. The city on one side with the Cardinals’ baseball stadium nearby and views up to Midtown and the university, while on the other the Mississippi flowed; flat, brown, imperturbable.

We were staying with Joe’s friend Eileen who had a marvellously atmospheric house on a tree-lined 19th-century street. After a meal of classic American bar fare at a place called the Royale (still there I’m happy to report!), we braced ourselves for another day of driving tomorrow.

Abilene, Kansas

Glorious sunrise in Abilene, Kansas

We set off early, but after a couple of hours I decided Joe had done enough driving, so I volunteered to do a share. Despite my having never driven in the States, Joe agreed remarkably quickly. I briefly wondered what would prompt him to accept his almost-certain death in exchange for a day or two of putting his feet up, but put it to the back of my mind as I concentrated on crossing intersections the size of English villages. Soon enough however the question reappeared front and center. The answer was Kansas.

I cannot tell you how intensely hard work, but at the same time how monumentally dull driving across Kansas is. The sun beats down on asphalt scorched almost white by endless days under cloudless skies, meaning the glare off the road starts to give you a dull but insistent headache. There are very few cars, so your only distraction is a never ending game of passing, then being re-passed by the same vehicle (in our case a dark red Volvo) and staring off into the middle distance as the road melts against the conveyor belt horizon.

Abilene was our overnight stop. It seemed a nice place, with a proper main street, locally owned businesses, and a general sense of civic pride. Joe remarked that he didn’t think towns like this still existed like we’d stepped into the 1950s, and in a way that was fitting, as the town’s most famous son is Dwight D. Eisenhower, who’s also buried there. We found a couple of rooms and were delighted to discover it was County Fair season. There was a parade, and later, joy of joys, a rodeo!

  View this guide on Instagram   A guide shared by (@kiwicom247)

I’d never been to a rodeo (they’re pretty thin on the ground in the industrial heart of the English Midlands), but I loved every single moment, from the prayer at the start that thanked both God and our sponsor (“Dickson’s Ford of Main Street, who’ve provided this stunning F-150 pickup truck as tonight’s grand prize!”), to the wholesome honesty of the competition. How I marveled at the horsemanship, how I cheered when a contest was won by the slightest of calls, how I almost fell off my seat laughing as, between events, children attempted to ride sheep before being hurled off and trampled into the mud. What an evening.

Wilson, Kansas

David, our writer, stands next to sign of Wilson, czech capital of Kansas

We had a huge breakfast at a place called Sweet Daddy’s, owned and operated by three women who were each, I would conservatively judge, around 400 years old. At least, they may have looked it, but were twinkly of eye and quick of wit, with every customer entering greeted by the breakfast regulars and the owners with a wave, a smile, and a series of jokes that must have been running for years. Upon learning we’d asked for our bill and not received it, we were offered more free coffee and told we wouldn’t even have to pay for the food due to “the inconvenience we’ve caused you boys”. They were so insistent we had to leave the money under the coffee pot so they’d find it when we left. Amazing.

Joe attempts to walk to the horizon, Kansas

We had an aim: Wilson, the Czech Capital of Kansas. We’d been curious about Wilson since we’d found a leaflet for it at the state Welcome Center and, both being either former or current residents of the Czech Republic thought “oh yeah…?”. Wilson is a small farming town, no different to the scores dotted across the endless plains, aside from the fact they’re incredibly proud of their Czech heritage to a sweetly comical degree. We discovered that we were only a few days late for the Czech Festival, which saddened us, but were delighted to see that there was a fundraiser for Wilson to build “the World’s Largest Czech Egg”. Looking again while writing this article, it appears they’ve managed. Good for them, I say.

Boulder, Colorado

The Flatirons on a perfect Colorado day

The Rockies are odd in that I’ve never known a mountain range to sneak up on you. One minute you’re traveling along under a sky that, in your mind, has never not been blue, then suddenly you see a cloud. “I remember these,” you think. There’s another one. And another. You get a creeping sense of either coming out of one world or entering another; I’m not sure which describes it best. Then, without you even noticing, there’s landscape. More landscape than you’ve seen since forever: an indescribably vast wall of rock, ancient, breathing, sitting there waiting, and daring you to come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough. Lord knows what the early settlers heading west must have thought.

We were given a place to stay by Joe’s cousin Chris and woke up bright and early on our first morning there to be greeted with stunning sunshine and filmic scenery . We headed out to the Flatirons, a mountain ridge, and park where we spent the day hiking and getting mildly sunburnt.

Boulder itself is a college town and seemed to pride itself on being slightly more “ European ” than many other places; by that I mean there’s a lot of pedestrianization in the city center, public transport is decent, people cycle and walk, and there’s a fair amount of street art and buskers dotting the center. I felt I should have liked it more, but something didn’t sit quite right. To me, it felt almost… smug? Maybe smug’s the wrong word. Defensive? There was a definite sense of “Look at the way we’re doing things — the right way — and if you don’t agree, you’re the problem.” I don’t know. It made me uneasy. Maybe I’d feel different if I went back.

Denver, Colorado

Larimer street in Denver, Colorado

Denver, I liked. The Mile High City seemed a nice mix of things I enjoyed about the US. It’s clearly a city that wears its plaid-and-pickup trucks reputation on its sleeve but is also artsy, open, and friendly while also managing to feel ambitious and progressive. Boulder seemed to have already chosen the hill it was willing to die on; Denver felt open to ideas.

We did what we seemed to automatically do at this point: walk around a bit, chat to a couple of locals, hit the odd interesting-sounding sight or place of interest, then grab a beer or two. Routines have a role to play when you’re traveling, especially if you can move that same routine to a different city every day or two. It gives you a standard upon which you can base your feelings.

Intriguingly, we also discovered a large sign that advised new arrivals to Colorado what not to do in their first couple of days. Due to the altitude, this sign advised people to hold off doing certain things for a couple of days until they were used to the thinner air. Among these things were “higher than normal physical activity”, “spending too long in direct sunlight” and “consuming alcohol”. We proudly noted that we’d done all of these on our very first day in Colorado and somehow survived. Pleased with our newfound superhero status, we prepared for the evening and a particular treat.

rattlesnakes sign on field

We drove to Red Rocks, a park about 10 miles west of Denver, and took a couple of hours to explore the trails through the rocks (which are, I can confirm here, exceedingly red), before heading into the amphitheater. Yes, Red Rocks’ main claim to fame is its amphitheater, cut into the side of a huge natural cliff, and venue of concerts by bands such as REM, Metallica, the Chemical Brothers, and Radiohead. This evening, however, we were there to see a movie. Jurassic Park. The perfect choice for a summer evening, looking out over a landscape that hasn’t changed much since dinosaurs walked the earth. The whole audience knew virtually every line and cheered each time someone got chomped in two by an animatronic dino. It was great.

So that was that. Joe had safely arrived in Denver, and all that was left was for me to fly back to New York and from there back to the Czech Republic and my life. Originally I’d planned to continue west, finishing on the California coast, but my wallet and a map of the US quickly showed me that that wasn’t happening, not on this trip anyway.

It had been an amazing experience, seeing the lesser-traveled US . I’d met some lovely people, had my assumptions tested, learnt at least one rule of baseball, and discovered there’s nothing funnier than a nine-year-old falling off a sheep. I hope to be back soon.

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Colorado Georgia Kansas Missouri New York Tennessee United States US USA

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speedy endless journey to america

David Szmidt

David is a lead writer for, as well as a football-watcher, music-listener and beer-appreciater. @UtterBlether

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An Adventurous 21-Day Itinerary For First Time Visitors To America


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These Are The Most Welcoming Countries For American Tourists

Think twice about carrying bear spray this summer, 6 most haunted cities in america (if you dare to visit).

America truly is a country that has it all, with so much diversity throughout all 50 states. When it comes to food, culture, architecture, and landscapes, there is no place that is like the other, which is what makes this country so special. It’s also what makes this country an epic trip for any first time visitor to the land of the free.

From the bustling metropolitan area of Manhattan to the desert landscape of Arizona, the mountainous region of Yellowstone, the beautiful beaches of California, all the way to the country music city of Nashville—you will always be on your toes throughout your trip. One minute you will be taking a surf lesson in Santa Monica and the next you will be doing the honky-tonk at a dusty warehouse in Nashville. The options are truly limitless.

This itinerary is without a doubt adventurous, as you are fitting in a lot in just three weeks. While I would recommend more time to truly take everything in and not rush from place to place, it is definitely a doable task that will take you to the best places that America has to offer. This itinerary is also based on merely driving across the country with no other form of transportation, so if you wish to take a flight from place to place it would change the timeframe (although that can get very pricey!). Since the country is so large, I couldn’t possibly fit everything into such a short period. But hey, that just means you’ll have to come back, right?

21 Spend a day exploring the Big Apple

What better place to begin your road trip than the city that never sleeps? This energetic city is full of all types of cuisine, vivid nightlife, top of the line shopping, and beautiful park spaces. You will truly never run out of things to do in this bustling haven. You can take a stroll through the urban oasis of Central Park, travel to the top of the Empire State Building to observe the iconic views, take a ferry over to the Statue of Liberty, and experience the bright lights of Times Square. The big apple is the perfect place to catch a Broadway show as well as a haven for art lovers, with both the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art providing some crazy good exhibits.

20 Head to the capital city of Washington, DC

A 4-hour drive from New York will bring you to the capital city of Washington, DC. This is a city that is full of history, culture, and art. A trip to the White House is a must-do, with tours available to explore the stunning architecture of the building and history of the US leaders. This city is full of national monuments: the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and Vietnam Memorial, just to name a few. The city also boasts an energetic nightlife, with a ton of restaurants, breweries, and bars to choose from. You can see a lot of hot spots in this city in just 24-hours, by hopping on the metro or bike to make the most of your time.

19 Visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland

The next day, hop in your car and begin the 5-hour drive to Cleveland, Ohio. This spot will just be a quick stopover to break up the journey to Chicago, but it is still worth spending a few hours exploring. A visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a must, an iconic music museum with musical history for generations, famous artefacts from some of the best musicians in the world, instruments, and more.

The museum recognizes the best-known and most influential artists that ever lived, so you’re guaranteed to see a few friendly faces. There are also events and live music held there, so make sure to check in advance who will be performing.

18 Arrive in Chicago, Illinois

Next stop, the windy city! Chicago is a such a unique city, with such a bustling atmosphere while at the same time never seeming too overwhelmingly busy. The city offers a feast for the eyes for architecture lovers, as well as those who love nature spaces to complement the skyscrapers.

Depending on when you arrive here, you may only have a few hours left of the day to spare. However, the nightlife in this city is as bustling as ever, and their famous comedy shows at The Second City are a must-do (where people like Tina Fey and Steve Carrell started out). Make sure to check out one of the many rooftop bars in the city at night to experience epic city views.

17 Explore the Windy City

There is so much to discover in this unique city, so make the most of your time by taking advantage of Chicago’s bike share program, a fun and affordable way to get around town. There are essentially bike stops all over the city to drop off your bike when you want to stop somewhere, and then you can easily hop right back on one whenever you please.

Millennium Park, where the famous Bean sculpture is located, is an epic green space in the middle of the city where you can relax for part of the day before heading to the Navy Pier to ride the Ferris wheel to experience epic views of the city. If you’re keen to shop, head to the Magnificent Mile for upscale shopping and delicious restaurants.

16 Driving day to Mount Rushmore 

The next day will require a lot of driving as you make your way to Mount Rushmore. There isn’t a whole lot to stop for on this route, however it will probably be worth it to break up this 13-hour journey. You will pass through Madison, Wisconsin, which although isn’t too exciting of a stop, will be a good place to stop and stretch your legs. You will then be driving across South Dakota in order to make it to the border of Wyoming where Mount Rushmore is located.

There will be a ton of places to stop along the way to spend the night at, or you can switch driving with your passenger and take the whole journey.

15 Visit the iconic Mount Rushmore National Park

You will likely arrive at Mount Rushmore in the early morning, and it is definitely the light at the end of your long drive through the Midwest tunnel. This is by far one of the most famous landmarks in the United States. Take your time here (as I’m sure you’ll be in no rush to leave after that drive) and take in the amazing artwork of the four presidents carved into the mountain. The site also features a museum with interactive exhibits that are worth checking out as well.

Once you are done here, begin your drive to Yellowstone National Park, a 7-hour journey that can be broken up with stops in Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, and Custer.

14 Arrive in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone is so awesome that you might find that you want to spend a couple of days here. The national park is full of spectacular stones of the most fascinating colours, and a ton of wild animals grazing in the fields. Bison, bears, wolves, and elk are common species in this area, so hopefully you will be lucky enough to spot one (or unlucky, depending how you look at it).

The park is atop a volcanic hotspot and is home to canyons, alpine rivers, geysers, lush forests, and hot springs. You could probably spend the whole 3-week itinerary exploring this park and not run out of things to see.

13 Visit the super volcano in Yellowstone 

Today is the day to explore all that this amazing spot has to offer! The park is home to some amazing geysers (hot springs that boil and send tall columns of water into the air), known as Old Faithful (the world’s most renowned geyser) and Grand Prismatic Spring.

The active super volcano, known as Yellowstone Caldera, which has formed by 3 super eruptions over the past 2.1 million years. There are a ton of hikes in the park if you are up for an adventure, as well as a Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone that overlooks the amazingly colourful rock formations.

12 Begin the journey to Zion National Park

The next day you will begin the 9-hour journey towards Zion National Park. You will stop by Idaho Falls, Salt Lake City, Provo, and a few notable national parks.

The Lava Hot Springs is another great place to stop for a dip into the water, or you can stop at Salt Lake City for something to eat. You could find a hotel in the city to stay for a night or camp at either Fishlake National Forest or Dixie National Forest. Both parks are full of nature walks, bird-watching, fishing, waterfalls, and amazing campsites. Not a bad stopover for a 9-hour drive, huh?

11 Hike your way through Zion 

Located in southwest Utah, Zion National Park is one of the best places in the US for hiking and offers spectacular valley views that go on for miles. The park provides amazing drives through Zion Canyon Scenic Drive, leading to various forest trails along the river.

The scenic drive is insanely spectacular, with so many stops for photo ops and wildlife spotting along the way. Some spots to check out in the park include Emerald Pools, the Angels Landing hike, the Narrows hike, and Weeping Rock. While the Angels Landing hike is quite steep, the views you are welcomed with at the top are extremely worth it.

10 Get your party shoes on in Sin City!

The next morning, jump in the car and begin the 2 and a half hour drive to none other than Sin City. As you can imagine, this is a city that never sleeps, so you probably won’t either.

The Las Vegas Strip has an endless amount of things to do, and an epic nightlife (to say the least). /visit at a world-famous casino, catch an entertainment show (celebrities often are resident headliners), visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris Vegas (not the real deal, sorry to say), explore one of the many art galleries, or visit one of the many famous pool parties. 24-hours in Vegas is more than enough time to get your fix, believe me.

9 Go celeb-hunting in Los Angeles, California

While a lot of people find this city to be a bit overrated, it’s still worth stopping in for a city to see the main attractions. LA is the city of dreams, so who knows what could happen! The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a chance to see some of your favourite movie stars honoured, or you could go celeb-hunting on one of the many tours.

Got your shopping shoes on? Head to Rodeo Drive for some high-scale names. If you’re keen to spend some time by the ocean, head to Santa Monica for a stroll along the pier, a ride on the famous Ferris wheel, or a hangout by the water.

8 Stop by the famous San Diego Zoo

Located on the Pacific coast of California, San Diego is known for its beautiful beaches, park spaces, and more chilled-out vibe compared to the business of Los Angeles, merely a couple of hours away. The city is home to the famous San Diego Zoo and numerous famous art galleries.

For waterfront views, head to Seaport Village for shopping and walking paths along the coast. Pacific Beach is a good spot to spend the day, being one of the most popular beach destinations in the area. There are a ton of dining options along the coast, nightclubs, cafes, and a plenty of surfing and water sports opportunities.

7 Visit the desert in Phoenix

The next day will involve a 5-hour drive to the desert city of Phoenix, Arizona. This state is known for its year-round sun and extremely hot, dry temperatures. There are a ton of spa-resorts and golf courses in the area, as well as a vibrant nightlife. It might be worth it to check into one of the resorts to get some much needed rest and relaxation from the long journey you have taken thus far. The Desert Botanical Garden is a great place to start off your visit, with numerous types of cacti and native plants.

It’s also worth checking out the nature walks in the area, such as Camelback Mountain, which involves a treacherous climb but welcomes you with panoramic city views at the top.

6 Get your Mex food fix in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, is full of history, amazing architecture, and traditional culture running through the veins of the city. It also has, you guessed it, some of the most amazing and authentic tastes of Mexico in the world. This place has a ton of character, and you will feel like you are stepping into the heart of Mexico as soon as you arrive. Some historical spots to check out include Loretto Chapel, Place of the Governors, and Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.

The Santa Fe Plaza, a public square in the downtown core, also hosts a ton of markets and events year-round.

5 Driving day to Austin, Texas

The next journey from Santa Fe to Austin will be a long one, with a whopping 11-hour drive. You will probably take a full day to do this unless you are driving overnight, but keep in mind that there isn’t much worth stopping at between these two cities, so it might be best to get it all done as quickly and efficiently as you can.

Once you arrive in Austin, get some much-needed rest and visit one of the amazing restaurants for some grub. If you’re up for it, you can catch a live show before hitting the hay early to make the most of the next day exploring. Austin is known for its eclectic live-music scene, with shows ranging from country to blues, to rock and roll, so make sure you catch one before you leave!

4 Catch a football game in Austin, Texas

Austin is situated on the edge of Lady Bird Lake, surrounded by lush outdoor spaces, hiking trails, boating excursions, and biking opportunities along the Lady Bird trail. Just outside the city, there is a gorgeous natural swimming grotto known as Hamilton Pool, which is ideal for a day trip. You can kick it with the locals and visit a dusty dancehall to do some line dancing, or experience the insanity and sea of orange jerseys of a University of Texas home football game.

Being a city full of breakfast burritos, famous BBQ joints, and pretty much anything deep fried, you will never be hungry in this city.

3 Explore the modern hub of Dallas

Everything’s bigger in Texas, which is why this itinerary has you stopping at two major cities through this awesome state. Dallas, a more modern metropolis city compared to Austin, has free transportation options throughout the city to make the most of your time here.

Head up the Reunion Tower for dinner, a building that features light shows and a 360-degree view of the city. The city is filled with culture, with Dallas Arts District—home to the Dallas Museum of Art, Meyerson Symphony Centre, and the Winspear Opera House. There is also a sculpture centre that exhibits unique pieces from different cultures. Take in all that Dallas has to offer before heading out of Texas!

2 Get your party pants on in New Orleans

Time to head to Louisiana, home to one of the most famous cities in the world—New Orleans. It’s nicknamed the “Big Easy”, namely for its round-the-clock nightlife, abundance of live music, and its overall vibrant atmosphere at pretty much any time of the day. The food here is so unique, reflecting its history with tastes of France, Africa, and America.

Saying that this is an interesting place to stop is an understatement, especially if you are lucky enough to catch the vibrant festival of Mardi Gras, known for parades and extravagant costumes. Bourbon Street is a great place to stay, since it is where all of the magic happens in terms of nightlife and live performances. no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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The Endless Journey From Africa to Americas

Profile image of JOAQUIM ANDRADE

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Christopher Fennell

This chapter addresses a remarkable diversity of legacies and heritage for African diaspora populations in the Americas. Overcoming the horrors of the transAtlantic slave trade, captive Africans further developed myriad forms of cultural knowledge and practices drawn from their homeland cultures and conveyed those aspects of heritage to their descendants and social affiliates. Special knowledge of agricultural industries led to transformed landscapes. Resilience and fights for freedom were represented in self-emancipation, rebellion communities, reverence of burial grounds, and commemorations of lost settlements and ancestors across terrains and seascapes. Elements of cosmologies from multiple African cultures were integrated to form new religions and forms of cultural heritage. Over the past six centuries African diaspora peoples have pursued vitality in their cultural heritage and continue to fight for reparative justice to address European colonial wrongs.

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Late 20th century Native America presents the same conflicts as the late 18th century: land and water rights, hunting and fishing, religious freedom, criminal and civil jurisdiction. In fact, these conflicts are typical of relations between indigenous peoples and colonizers on the American continent as a whole beginning over five centuries ago. The persistence of fundamental issues over a period of 500 years demonstrates the ongoing existence of Native Americans as distinct peoples, despite repeated attempts to make them disappear. America was not a virgin land when boat people from across the Atlantic arrived. From the earliest days to the present, Native peoples have been a presence in America. The existence of Native Americans as peoples -- as self-governing groups, rather than simply individuals sharing personal and cultural traits -- is what sets them apart from other "minorities" in America. This difference warrants theoretical and historical overview, so that the variety of particular issues and controversies active at any given time or place can be understood in an overall perspective.

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Journey to America: Celebrating Inspiring Immigrants Who Became Brilliant Scientists, Game-Changing Activists &amp; Amazing Entertainers

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Journey to America: Celebrating Inspiring Immigrants Who Became Brilliant Scientists, Game-Changing Activists & Amazing Entertainers Hardcover – July 5, 2022

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  • Science: Kalpana Chawla (astronaut), I. M. Pei (architect), Chien-Shiung Wu (particle physicist), and Albert Einstein (theoretical physicist)
  • Entertainment: Tan France (fashion designer), Camila Cabello (singer-songwriter), M. Night Shyamalan (filmmaker), Natalie Portman (actress), Rihanna (singer), and Dikembe Mutombo (basketball player)
  • Politics: Ilhan Omar (congresswoman), Arnold Schwarzenegger (former governor of California), and Alexander Hamilton (founding father)
  • Business:  Indra Nooyi (former PepsiCo CEO), Sergey Brin (Google co-founder)
  • Children of immigrants: America Ferrara (actress), Walt Disney (founder of The Walt Disney Company), Michelle Kwan (figure skater), Kamala Harris (U.S. vice president), and Barack Obama (former U.S. president)
  • Reading age 6 - 10 years
  • Print length 96 pages
  • Language English
  • Grade level 1 - 5
  • Dimensions 6.8 x 0.65 x 9.25 inches
  • Publisher becker&mayer! kids
  • Publication date July 5, 2022
  • ISBN-10 0760371229
  • ISBN-13 978-0760371220
  • See all details

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About the author.

Maliha Abidi is a Pakistani-American artist and author living between London and Los Angeles. Born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, she migrated to California, United States at the age of 14. As a South Asian immigrant, her experiences play a huge role in her work. Her art focuses on advocating for social justice including women’s rights, girls’ education and mental health. Using bright and bold colors, Maliha hopes to get people interested in complex issues that impact our societies. As Maliha says, “Come for the art, stay for the cause.” She is also the founder and creator of @WomenriseNFT. A Web 3.0 initiative with the focus on women’s rights and girls’ education through using art as a tool for advocacy. Maliha’s work includes illustrations, animations, NFT art and illustrated books. In her spare time, she loves to travel, read books, go bicycling and explore new blends of coffee.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ becker&mayer! kids (July 5, 2022)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 96 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0760371229
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0760371220
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 6 - 10 years
  • Grade level ‏ : ‎ 1 - 5
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.31 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.8 x 0.65 x 9.25 inches
  • #378 in Children's Books on Immigration (Books)
  • #686 in Children's Political Biographies (Books)
  • #4,975 in Children's American History

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