Intrepid Travel Blog

Why to consider solo travel in Colombia (and what to expect)

Solo travel Colombia Bogota

As soon as I booked my Intrepid tour to Colombia , I begun to worry. Usually upon booking a trip I frantically start to Google swanky bars and cute coffee shops to visit (sorry not sorry). This time, however, I let the concerns of friends and family really get to me.

My grandma emailed me saying “be careful. You are very precious.” My parents – usually so laid-back, and who had no problem with me visiting Morocco solo  – had a minor freak out. A colleague told me about a negative experience there, and friends texted to express their low-key distress (though the ones that had been said only good things – something that gave me a little hope).

I booked flights for the 10-day Explore Colombia trip. And in a supremely confident (and efficient) hour beforehand, I decided on a few days in Medellin post-trip. I booked a hostel for myself. And I even booked an overnight bus there from Bogota, where my tour would end.

Immediately, however, I felt a twinge of regret. I remembered the warnings of my nearest and dearest. I couldn’t recall seeing anything positive about Colombia in the media – something that sure didn’t help. So I continued to bury myself in my work and gave my upcoming trip alarmingly little thought.

Solo travel Colombia San Gil swimming hole

Stunning Pescaderito swimming hole defied all expectations

To cut a long story short: the entire trip was incredible. Colombia shot up my list of favourite countries. My worries proved just that – worries, not realities. And, honestly, since returning, I’ve boasted about the country so much that if the tourism board was charging me commission on trips sold, I’d be able to retire early.

Here’s why I think every traveller should consider visiting Colombia (whether solo or solo on a small group tour ), and what it’s really like:

The infrastructure for tourists is good, and only getting better

As my anecdotes have revealed thus far, I didn’t embark on my Colombia trip knowing too much about the country. After decades of civil war and political turmoil, the country’s association with drugs and violence is all too well-known (and an issue of the past, not present). So, when I arrived into coastal Cartagena, imagine my surprise when parts looked as glitzy as Miami. I arrived at our stylish hotel for the next two nights and quickly realised that the majority of my assumptions about Colombia were wrong.

solo male travel colombia

Carolina showing our Intrepid group around Getsemani, Cartagena

Even after the tour, I embarked on the lengthy journey from the capital, Bogota, to Medellin and found that the journey was far easier than expected. I got an Uber from my hotel to the bus station, I used gestures to make sure I was at the right terminal (and was subsequently helped by at least 10 staff members and passengers) and I had not a single issue on the (well-priced) overnight bus. Arriving in and getting around Medellin was even easier. Thank a metro system that truly puts most cities to shame (and ensure you stay at the stunning Rango Boutique Hostel).


All in all, hotels tend to have the amenities you could want or need. The public transport is, in my opinion, pretty easy to use (even for non-Spanish speakers). And if you are surprised by the infrastructure you find in Colombia, it’ll be in a good way.

It’s far safer than many would have you believe

During my time in the country – both during day and night, on and after the tour  – I explored solo. I sat in public squares in Cartagena at dusk, I strolled through Medellin’s El Poblado neighbourhood at night, and I staggered (after quite a number of Christmas drinks) through the colonial town of Barichara at an ungodly hour. Of course, I didn’t take unnecessary precautions. I ensured I never carried large amounts of money on me. I wasn’t flaunting anything fancy. And I had my wits about me. But believe me when I say – even though it’s anecdotal – that I felt safe. And that you will too.

Colombia solo travel

My Intrepid group at a jungle posada near Tayrona

I chatted to my Bogota-born local leader Carolina all about the safety situation, and her insights were telling. She told me that security concerns nowadays don’t relate to the conflict; they relate to the usual happenings in bigger towns and cities. She also said that she’s never had issues with people being mugged on any of the (many) trips she’d led. I think I speak for my entire Intrepid group when I say that we arrived in the country a little worried about what to expect, and left feeling as safe as we were happy.


In case you’re still worried, here’s a few tried-and-tested spots I visited that I’d recommend. In Bogota, venture to La Candelaria (the city’s historic and colonial heart) to partake in the exceptional graffiti tour . But if you’re looking for the best eats and nightlife, I’d stick to the expat-friendly Chapinero neighbourhood (inventive restaurant Mini-Mal and trendy bar El Mono Bandido are must-visits). In Cartagena, the Getsemani neighbourhood boasts some gritty parts but is authentic and safe. You’ll be completely fine visiting the iconic fortress alone, as well as dining on top-notch ceviche at nearby La Cevicheria . And in Medellin, you really can’t go wrong anywhere in the El Poblado neighbourhood, but the cable-car over the city is also cheap, safe and easy.

Of course, no solo adventure should stick solely to the big cities. One of my trip highlights was a hike through the jungle to stunning beaches in Tayrona National Park (admittedly easier logistically if you’re on a tour ).

Colombia solo travel

Hiking through Tayrona National Park with my Intrepid friends

Another highlight was the small Andean town of San Gil, the country’s adventure capital. Offering an authentic glimpse into Colombian life (as well as rafting, caving, paragliding and more), it also proved a good place to meet other travellers (where to go for this?  Gringo Mike’s !).

Lastly, close to San Gil lies the picture-perfect town of Barichara. I never would have ventured here had it not been for my Intrepid tour , but I found it to be not only peaceful and home to stunning hikes, but somewhere that felt incredibly safe with its small town vibes. (Our leader Carolina’s suggestions of  Shanti for veggie food and E l Compa for unpretentious, traditional cuisine were both fantastic.)


There’s countless opportunities to meet other travellers

Colombia is no Peru. Tourism here is still in its infancy (despite growing a whopping 250% growth in visitor numbers between 2006 and 2016). That said, it’s really not hard to meet other travellers. I was really glad that my tour started in Cartagena because it’s probably the city that’s most tourist-friendly. Far less affected by the violence of the past, it’s been drawing visitors for decades. And if it’s fellow adventurers you want, just head to the colourful Old Town and you’ll find ’em.

Colombia solo travel Cartagena

Church of Saint Peter Claver, Cartagena

The popularity of the backpacker scene also surprised me in Medellin. The nightlife scene here is massive, and the digital nomad community that call the city home is ever-growing.

Another top tip for meeting travellers is going on free walking tours. Prior to visiting Colombia, I rarely went on walking tours, and certainly never gushed about them. But locals in Colombia are nothing if not passionate about showing off their country – something that really comes across on tours like these. I mentioned Bogota’s free graffiti tour earlier but it’s worth stressing just how insightful it was. Additionally, be sure to check out Beyond Colombia for a more general walking tour of Bogota and Real City Tours for an array of fascinating tours they offer in Medellin. (Don’t forget to tip generously at the end.)

Solo travel Colombia graffiti tour

Graffiti tour in Bogota

But, in my experience, the easiest way of meeting like-minded travellers was by joining a tour . Any worries of not having free time (there was plenty!) and not liking the people (they were lovely!) disappeared almost instantaneously. But the best thing about my small group was not just that I had a ready-made group of friends to adventure (and eat and drink) with, but that they were people from all over, of all ages. They were travellers I had similar values to but people I wouldn’t ordinarily come into contact with in my Toronto bubble. I had the absolute best time with Litza from Ohio, Wes from Tennessee, Christina from Bermuda and all the rest of the gang.


The locals want you to be there

When Carolina sat my Intrepid group down for our introductory meeting, she told us that Colombia has two main things going for it: the diversity of landscapes and the people. Throughout my (much too short) time in the country, I discovered that she was correct. From the dense forests of the Amazon to the desert of the Guajira Peninsula to the steep hills of the Cocora Valley to the Caribbean AND the Pacific coast, this biodiverse country has it all. (And while we’re here, added bonus: it’s good value! I had a three-course meal for $5 in San Gil!)

And, ah the people. I’m going to try and avoid clichés and blanket generalisations, but I will say that everywhere I travelled, both alone and on my tour, I was greeted warmly. And, importantly, I was never hassled. Unlike in some other countries where being a tourist, being female, being alone etc. can mean unwanted attention, I experienced this not once in Colombia.

Colombia solo travel

My Intrepid group hiking near Barichara

Quite simply – and refreshingly enough in this age of overtourism – the locals seemed happy to see us. They were far from jaded. Tourism is just beginning here, the benefits are only beginning to be felt. And on every single walking tour I experienced, the local guide implored us to spread the word. To tell our friends and family back home that we felt safe, that we’d had a great time, that the country is ready to welcome more visitors.

A worthwhile message to spread. One I hope I’m spreading successfully in writing this.

Ready to explore this South American gem for yourself? Consider travelling solo an an Intrepid tour to Colombia.

(Image credits from top to bottom: Intrepid Travel, Rebecca Shapiro x3, Christina Herzog, Intrepid Travel, Rebecca Shapiro x2.)

Feeling inspired?

solo male travel colombia

Bex Shapiro

Born in London and based in Toronto, Bex is happiest anywhere she can connect with interesting people over good food. She's passionate about sustainable travel and powerful storytelling, and her favourite cities are New York and Shanghai. She's also the Senior Editorial Manager at Intrepid. Follow her adventures on Twitter and Insta @BexShapiro.

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Best City in Colombia for Single Guys: A Comprehensive Guide

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Key Takeaways – Best City in Colombia for Single Guys

Takeaway 1: channel your inner night owl in medellin.

Medellin , once infamous for its danger, has transformed into a buzzing city teeming with vibrant nightlife. The Poblado neighborhood is often the hotspot for single men, offering safety and plenty of entertainment options. So, if your idea of an ideal trip involves hitting up clubs and mingling with beautiful locals, then Medellin might just be your perfect match.

Takeaway 2: Embrace the Rich Cultural Vibe in Bogota

Singles who prefer a bustling metropolis with a gritty charm should check out Bogota . As Colombia’s capital city, it offers value-for-money experiences compared to other Latin American cities. It bursts with a hipster culture that’s as contagious as it’s appealing. And when you want to unwind and enjoy some high-end nightlife, head over to Zona Rosa for some swanky fun!

Takeaway 3: Soak in the Picturesque Beauty of Cartagena

For those who fancy a western feel mixed with unique colonial architecture, Cartagena packs quite a punch. Its influx of tourists adds to its charm and provides ample opportunities to meet fellow travelers or locals amidst dreamy settings. If you’re seeking beach towns instead – give Santa Marta a shot! Known for its friendly locals, it’s even been praised by female solo travelers. Remember, every city in Colombia is like a different flavor of ice-cream – each has something unique to offer depending on what you crave during your stay-be it parties or cultural experiences or relaxation!

Table of Contents

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Exploring the Allure of Medellin for Single Guys

Often hailed as the top choice, Medellin , with its pulsating nightlife, relative safety, and stunning women, is undeniably a hot favorite among single guys. You see, the city’s famous Poblado neighborhood doesn’t just provide numerous entertainment options; it’s also a safe haven filled with energy and amiable locals. Indeed, Medellin has evolved from one of the world’s most dangerous cities to an attractive and vibrant destination. And this transformation extends not only to its infrastructure but also its culture. Its warm and welcoming locals are always ready for a fun night out.

A Deep Dive into Bogota’s Charms for Singles

But what about Bogota ? As Colombia’s bustling capital, it offers an unmatched variety of experiences for singles in Colombia. The city brims over with choices for meeting people and dating – not to mention great value-for-money when compared to other Latin American cities. Often compared to New York City due to its gritty charm, Bogota is undeniably Colombia’s epicenter of life. An explosion of hipster culture makes this metropolis truly appealing for single men looking forward to unforgettable encounters.

Unpacking the Magic of Cartagena for Single Men

Cartagena , on the other hand, offers something different yet equally appealing; a more western feel due largely to an influx of tourists. Its unique colonial architecture adds charm making this city alluring for singles looking either to meet locals or connect with fellow travelers. Now that I think about it, isn’t there something magical about meeting new people in such picturesque settings? There’s nothing quite like exploring romantic possibilities amidst Cartagena’s ethereal colonial backdrops.

Delving into Other Colombian Cities: Barranquilla and Santa Marta

And yet, the choices don’t end there. Other options like Barranquilla – which resembles a business city much like Chicago – and Santa Marta, praised for its friendly locals, also have their unique appeal. Santa Marta is particularly popular among female solo travelers who appreciate its welcoming atmosphere.

Peeking into Colombia’s Nightlife Hotspots: An Outlook Beyond Medellin and Cartagena

All things considered, when you’re seeking the best city in Colombia for single guys in terms of vibrant nightlife, one can’t overlook Bogota . Its trendy and upscale Zona Rosa district promises memorable nights filled with rhythm, dance, and delightful conversations. And if you’re inclined towards beach towns for a more relaxed vibe? Look no further than Santa Marta! The city stands out with its gorgeous beaches and amiable locals primed to provide an authentic Colombian experience.

Preferring Your Flavor: Choosing the Right Colombian City as per Personal Preferences

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best city in colombia for single guys

When it comes to planning a trip for single guys, Colombia presents itself as an enticing destination. With cities like Medellin, Bogota, and Cartagena offering vibrant nightlife and rich culture, you’ll have your plate full of experiences. For instance, in Medellin , the nightlife offers a mix of traditional Colombian music and modern club vibes that’ll surely keep you entertained. If you’re intrigued by the rich history of Colombia’s most famous person Pablo Escobar, planning a visit to Medellin becomes even more interesting. Check out our comprehensive Escobar tour guide to explore the notorious past associated with this city. Colombian cuisine is another factor that makes this country a desirable destination for single guys. Savouring the local flavours is an experience in itself. Whether it’s feasting on the best Bandeja Paisa or enjoying exotic fruits like Mango Biche from street vendors, your taste buds are in for a treat. Lastly, to ensure a smooth journey it’s advisable to familiarize yourself with some basic travel tips that could make your trip more comfortable. Worry not! From safety measures to packing essentials – our post on travel tips for Colombia covers it all! Pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable Colombian adventure!

My Personal Take about Best City in Colombia for Single Guys

Hey there, amigo! I’m Esteban Parcero, a seasoned traveler and bon vivant who has explored every inch of Colombia’s diverse landscape. As an expert in Colombian travel, I’ve learned the ins and outs of this beautiful country. If you’re a single guy looking for adventure or even love, my blog post “Best City in Colombia for Single Guys: A Comprehensive Guide” offers extensive insights into the best city in Colombia for single guys. Brace yourself to discover cities brimming with vibrant culture, stunning landscapes and jovial spirits. I promise that by the end of our journey together, your heart will be captivated by places like Cartagena with its Caribbean soul; Bogotá with its cosmopolitan feel; Medellín – the city of eternal spring; Cali – salsa capital world wide; or Barranquilla where carnival flows through their streets.

  • You’ll be inspired by Medellin’s transformation from a once notorious crime hub into a thriving hub of innovation.
  • You will fall in love with Bogota’s energetic night scene filled with glorious music.
  • You may lose yourself dancing salsa amidst Cali’s pulsating nightlife.

The choice is yours! Bogota? Medellín? Cali? No matter which city you choose, a unique Colombian experience awaits you. So pack your bags amigos because this is not just about discovering which is the best city in Colombia for single guys but it’s about igniting that inner wanderlust, stepping out from your comfort zones and immersing yourself into Colombia’s charming culture.

Trust me when I say that once you’ve experienced this magical journey through Colombia, returning home might never feel quite the same again. So, here’s to a future full of Colombian adventures.

Let’s wander where the wifi is weak but the rum is strong!

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Colombia (@colombiaincreible_)

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Frequently Asked Questions about Best City in Colombia for Single Guys

1. which is the best city in colombia for single guys.

Based on numerous reviews and discussions, Medellin , Bogota , and Cartagena are generally considered the top three cities in Colombia for single men. However, the “best” city can often be subjective and dependent on personal preferences.

2. What makes Medellin a top choice for single men?

Singles gravitate towards Medellin due to its thriving nightlife, high safety standards, and attractive locals. The city’s transformation from being one of the world’s most dangerous cities to a vibrant destination has added to its appeal.

3. How does Bogota fare as a city for single guys?

Bogota is the nation’s capital and offers an array of opportunities for social interactions and dating. Its hipster culture vibe akin to New York City coupled with excellent value-for-money makes it an attractive choice for singles.

4. How would you describe Cartagena\’s appeal to single men?

Cartagena , with its colonial architecture and influx of tourists, provides a more western feel that might be alluring for singles. Its picturesque setting serves as perfect grounds to meet locals or fellow travelers.

5. Are there any other Colombian cities worth considering?

Absolutely! Cities like Barranquilla , likened to Chicago for its business-oriented nature, or Santa Marta , famed amongst female solo travelers due to its exceptionally friendly locals also hold appeal.

6. If nightlife is my top priority, where should I head in Colombia?

While Medellin and Cartagena are known for their nightlife, Bogota – specifically the trendy and upscale Zona Rosa area – is a buzzing hotspot. For beach town vibes, Santa Marta stands out!

Now you know Best City in Colombia for Single Guys , but that’s only the beginning of your journey here at we like Colombia. If you found this post useful there’s more to learn to get you to the next step of your Colombia journey. If you read our next articles you’ll be a step further than most people.

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Before you go…

While Colombian cities offer a variety of experiences to its visitors, the cost of the trip can significantly influence one’s decision. To confidently plan your trip and manage your expenses well in advance, our comprehensive guide on trip to Colombia cost has you covered. It provides detailed information about various factors influencing your budget like accommodation, food, travel and more. If you’re someone who loves to take back souvenirs from your travels or are wondering what unique items you can buy while exploring Colombia, don’t miss out on our post dedicated to things to buy in Colombia . This will not only introduce you to some quintessential Colombian products but also help in managing your shopping budget effectively during the trip.

solo male travel colombia

Esteban Parcero

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Colombia Tours for Solo / Single Travelers

138 colombia tours for singles / solo travelers with 292 reviews.

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Colombia Express

We are happy. The best service for the team.

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Caribbean Colombia Express

Fantastic experience, combining adventures like diving in the Caribbean sea and tubing on a jungle river.

Cafe Colombia Tour

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Cafe Colombia

Colombia is just the most beautiful country, and it's beauty was only heightened.

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The hikes could be more descriptive as the one in Tayorna national park was difficult for some of the guests.

Private Service I Best-Selling Journey: One Week in Bogotá, Medellín & Cartagena — Domestic Flights Included Tour

Private Service I Best-Selling Journey: One Week in Bogotá, Medellín & Cartagena — Domestic Flights Included

Alles was perfect! Goede organisatie, alles verliep vlot. Prachtig land!

Colombia in 11 days - Private Tour Tour

Colombia in 11 days - Private Tour

Great overall experience with fun and educated guides. I will definitely use this company again for future tours.

Premium Colombia  Tour

Premium Colombia

Private Service I Journey Through Colombia\'s Highlights: Bogotá, The Coffee Region, Medellín & Cartagena — Domestic Flights Included Tour

Private Service I Journey Through Colombia's Highlights: Bogotá, The Coffee Region, Medellín & Cartagena — Domestic Flights Included

Remarkable guides who were able to cater to our group in an expert way. The Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta was beautiful.

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All the tour guides were very good.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Discover Cartagena - 5 Days Tour

  • Sightseeing

Discover Cartagena - 5 Days

A beautiful destination, very rich in culture. It was an excellent choice to have taken this tour.

Colombia Journey National Geographic Journeys Tour

Colombia Journey National Geographic Journeys

The coffee farm and the Cocora Valley tour were particularly enjoyable. Medellin was fascinating.

Tailor-Made Classic Colombia Vacation with Daily Departure and Private Guide Tour

Tailor-Made Classic Colombia Vacation with Daily Departure and Private Guide

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Tailor-Made Best Colombia Tour with Daily Departure and Private Guide Tour

Tailor-Made Best Colombia Tour with Daily Departure and Private Guide

Colombia is an amazing country and we booked this tour over the holidays last minute and tour radar did a great job.

What people love about Colombia Solo Tours

Excellent. Thanks ☺️
Not much in the way of wildlife, but plenty of beaches.
This was an amazing itinerary! I was a single female traveler and felt safe at all times. I had the best group guide Martin, who was super friendly, knowledgeable & went above and beyond to show us a great time. I have a lot of dietary restrictions & Martin really tried his best to accommodate me, I am so grateful. Unfortunately I had an emergency & had to leave on day 4 so my trip was disrupted. I would love to return to Columbia in the future. This was an action packed itinerary. I highly recommend this tour & tour guide Martin to anyone who is active & loves to explore.

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Hayley on Hiatus

Solo Travel Colombia Ultimate Guide

Last updated on January 3rd, 2023 at 08:03 pm

What better way to embark on your solo travel journey than with a trip to Colombia? A country full of culture, diversity, and a zest for life. It’s difficult to describe Colombia as a whole. It’s a puzzle molded together by each, unique piece. No part of the country is the same. Medellin, a buzzing city drenched in an unstoppable need to create. Drive a few minutes away from the airport and you’re met with expansive views. A small city nestled amidst a forest of trees. Artists line the suburbs. Music flows throughout the streets. 

The beauty doesn’t end there. Take a short flight to the coastal city of Cartagena, where you’ll see an array of rainbow buildings. Quaint streets. Welcoming faces. Some of the bluest waters you’ll find, on the coast of Isla Baru and the regions many small islands.

I describe Colombia as having a little something for everyone. It’s difficult to explain my time in this lively country. A journey of growth, acceptance, and exhilarating moments, especially traveling solo. 

Is Colombia Safe to Travel Alone?

Short answer? YES. The meaning of safety has various meanings to different people. 30 countries later, and Colombia was one of the first countries I was slightly apprehensive about visiting. Why was that? Was it because of what people were telling me? The stereotypes that have no doubt carried over from the countries arduos history? I’m a firm believer that one has to experience a place before making a decision . Beauty can often be hidden behind a fragile face, and sometimes the most magical places are those that have worked towards overcoming their past. 

Venturing between the blue shores of Isla Baru to the pulsing city vibes of Medellin, it’s safe to say I made the decision. Like any country in the world, you’ll always find neighborhoods not to visit and people not to approach. If you’re street savvy, listen to your instincts, and explore with an open-mind, Colombia is a beautiful oasis waiting to be discovered. 

Solo Travel in Colombia; Where to visit

Isla baru & cartagena.

Isla baru cartagena

Stop by the colorful city of Cartagena before making your way to the coast. With a population of around 1,079,000 people, it’s a small but buzzing city surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Cartagena is also home to some of the best marine habitats and floating islands. About 2 hours from the city, Isla Baru is a picturesque getaway perfect to experience the true culture. My full guide to Isla Baru can be found here!

Antioquia & Guatape 

guatape colombia

A short 2 hour drive from Medellin, is the beautiful region of Antioquia. Stroll along the cobblestone streets of Guatape’s town, lined with storefronts and traditional decor. The colors of the surrounding towns are indescribable, with a masterpiece of umbrellas shading the streets and every building splashed with color and unique art. Cruise along the man-made Guatape Lake, then test your strength by climbing the 740 steps of El Penol rock, for some of the best views in the region.

Medellin & El Poblado

medellin views colombia

Often known as the buzzing epicenter of Colombia, Medellin offers amazing nightlife, nomad-friendly areas, and the chance to explore the infamous coffee farms. Learn the cities past by visiting Comuna 13 (once the most dangerous neighborhood in Colombia), and admire the graffiti art. Take a trip to La Casa Grande Coffee Hacienda, and learn the start-to-finish process of making the countries beloved beverage. Stay in the quaint and safe area of El Poblado. Full of hostels, boutique hotels, and digital nomad working spaces. If you’re planning to solo travel throughout Colombia, this is your best option.

Traveling alone is both eye opening and rewarding. If you’re BRAND NEW to the world of independent travel, I recommend looking into group trips. Deciding to travel with a group does not defeat the purpose of the solo travel adventure ,  in any way. You’ll still be meeting people and traveling around solo, but it’ll all be planned for you (nice perk right?) 

Is it possible to solo travel Colombia without a group tour? 100%

However, traveling with an organized group offers peace of mind and a planned route. During my time in Colombia we flew from city to city with ease. While there are buses available, these can sometimes be a little tricky to navigate. 

Best Companies for Solo Travel

  • G Adventures
  • Intrepid Travel
  • EF Ultimate Break

Perks of Group Travel

  • Organized itinerary so you get to see as much as possible
  • Local guides and experts who know the country inside out
  • A group of like-minded travel besties to meet 

Guatape lake boat ride

Safety Tips for Traveling to Colombia

Nights out for solo travelers.

Bachata, salsa dancing, music, drinks, and bar crawls. Colombia comes to life in the evenings. During my travels I was in both Medellin and Cartagena, and felt safe in both. As with anywhere at night, it’s important to be aware and take the necessary safety steps for peace of mind.

After dark, it’s best to stay in populated tourist-centered locations. While there’s a higher chance of pick-pocketing here, you’ll have safety in numbers. Before visiting Colombia, I was told by several people that cat-calling was a major concern; however, I didn’t experience this once in either location! 

In Cartagena, we spent a majority of our time in Isla Baru (about 2 hours away from the city) . Our beach-front property and local bars were extremely safe, and were definitely giving off a family-feel during our stay. We even sat on the beach until midnight some nights, and felt completely safe . 

Much larger than Cartagena, Medellin is full of bustling streets and events in the city center. If you can imagine quaint, family-friendly streets, rustic yet modern cafes, traditional dining options, and a digital nomad haven, you’ve found the El Poblado neighborhood of Medellin . Staying in this area made us feel very safe , and there’s plenty of solo travelers to meet! There were 1 or 2 people asking for money, but they were friendly and understanding when we had no change. 

If you’re staying in a hostel, choose one that has organized events such as bar crawls! It’s a great way to make friends, stay in a group, and travel with the locals. Hostel workers typically attend too, and know the areas to avoid in each location.

Crime in Colombia

Crime is unavoidable anywhere you travel, and the major crime in Colombia towards tourists is pickpocketing. A friend of mine visiting Cartagena had her phone taken right out of her hands in the street. Be sure not to take it out unless you absolutely need to. “But I need maps!” No you don’t. Solo travel tip; screenshot the direction you’re heading towards and remember the street names. If you need to check your direction again, go into a shop or away from prying eyes to avoid anything possible happening.

Be sure to keep your belongings close by. Day and night, bring a small crossbody bag that sits on your chest. If you want to go the extra mile, consider investing in an anti-theft bag. I LOVE the brand TravelOn , and personally bring my bag everywhere I go. Their bags feature slash resistant straps, a mini-flashlight, locking zippers, and RFID blocking to avoid getting your credit card information stolen. 

Travelon bag

Unexpected Illnesses

You’re in a new destination. New foods. Higher altitudes. Winding roads. If you’re anything like me, I always end up getting some type of sickness when I’m traveling. It’s always smart to travel withy your own mini medical kit. Mine consists of; iburprofen, pepto bismol, immodium, motion sickness tablets, metamucil. No one likes to talk about it, but when you’re on a mountain with diarrhea, you’ll thank me later. 

Altitude sickness is also to be taken into consideration. Bogota has one of the highest altitudes of cities in the world, at almost 9,000 feet! Pack an extra box of altitude tablets to help combat any nausea you may feel. 

This is my chance to drop in a note about travel insurance. If you have a large carrier back home, they typically cover you abroad (but double check!) If you’re backpacking around for awhile, invest in travel insurance. I use Safety Wing (which cost me about $50 for 5 weeks in Europe) . This covers health emergencies and travel disasters; from lost luggage to delays.

Getting Around Colombia Safely When You Solo Travel 

Careful solo travel can easily be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. You’ll find yourself gaining confidence, independence, and a love for other cultures. It’s important to educate yourself about a destination, show respect, and leave no trace. 

Getting Around 

Not all, but many local taxis are known for ripping off tourists. If you are taking a taxi, be sure to do some research before traveling to your destination, or ask your accommodation how much you SHOULD be paying from the airport to your drop-off point. If you want a set price and the ability to track your journey, then download Cabify. It’s Colombia’s version of of Uber, and is my choice for solo travel. 

If you decide to take the local buses, map your route beforehand, don’t venture too far off the beaten path, have change, and know which stop you need to get off before your ride. In Medellin, the train system is pretty modern, and most routes are pretty self-explanatory. 

solo male travel colombia

Plan Money Beforehand

There’s nothing more touristy than counting all your bills in public. Solo travel tip; ONLY take what you need, and lock the rest away. Imagine carrying all the money you have, and then being pickpocketed.. you can see why that’s not ideal. Colombia is a relatively budget-friendly destination (with some beers costing less than $1), so decide how much you need for your daily excursions before venturing out!

If you’re comfortable staying in a hostel, some can be as low as $10/night. Los Patios in El Poblado typically costs $25-55, depending on the month and the accommodation style you choose. Hotels in this area are also relatively cheap, ranging from $90-130/night.

Learn the Language

Knowing a few phrases can really get you out of some sticky situations abroad. While larger cities often have more English speakers, I was surprised when I was met with puzzled looks in both Medellin and Cartagena. Download a conversational translation app, and write down a few phrases! Locals are also very friendly, so if you find yourself in a pickle and there’s an English speaker around, they’ll often jump in to help (thanks for the stranger who helped me get motion-sickness tablets at the pharmacy!) When you solo travel in Colombia, it’s detrimental to be able to communicate.

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The Ultimate Guide to Solo Male Travel: Exploring the World with Confidence

Solo male travel can be an incredibly enriching and transformative experience. It offers unique opportunities for personal growth, cultural immersion, and the freedom to explore the world on your own terms. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the benefits of solo male travel, provide tips and techniques to make your journey successful and safe, highlight some popular destinations for solo male travelers, and discuss how to overcome challenges and build confidence along the way.

Solo male travel offers several benefits that contribute to personal growth and self-discovery. It allows individuals to step out of their comfort zones and gain independence, enhancing their decision-making skills and self-confidence. Cultural immersion is another advantage, as solo travelers have more opportunities to interact with locals and experience new traditions and customs. Solo travel provides flexibility and freedom to create your own itinerary, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the destinations of your choice.

Solo Male Travel

To ensure a successful and safe solo travel experience , it’s crucial to research and plan your trip in advance. This includes understanding the local culture, customs, and important landmarks. Safety precautions should also be taken into consideration, such as staying alert, avoiding risky areas, and having emergency contact information readily available. Packing essentials , budgeting wisely, and developing communication and language skills are other important aspects to keep in mind.

There are numerous destinations around the world that cater to solo male travelers. Europe offers a diverse range of countries with rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant cities. Southeast Asia attracts solo travelers with its affordability, stunning beaches, and unique cultural experiences. South America is known for its natural wonders, ancient ruins, and vibrant nightlife. Australia and New Zealand offer adventure-filled activities and picturesque landscapes, perfect for solo exploration.

While solo travel has its rewards, it can also present challenges. Overcoming fear and anxiety is crucial to fully embrace the experience. By stepping out of your comfort zone and engaging with locals and fellow travelers, you can build connections and make lifelong friends. Learning from setbacks, embracing new experiences, and maintaining a positive mindset are key factors in building confidence throughout your solo travel journey .

With this ultimate guide, you can embark on your solo male travel adventure with confidence, embracing the world and all the opportunities it has to offer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Solo Male Travel promotes personal growth and independence: Exploring the world alone allows men to step out of their comfort zones, develop self-confidence, and gain a sense of independence.
  • Solo Male Travel provides cultural immersion and new experiences: Traveling alone enables men to fully immerse themselves in different cultures, engage with locals, and create memorable experiences that may not be possible in group travel.
  • Solo Male Travel offers flexibility and freedom: Traveling solo gives men the freedom to create their own itineraries, make spontaneous decisions, and adapt their plans according to their own preferences and interests.

Benefits of Solo Male Travel

Unlock a world of personal growth, cultural immersion, and freedom. Embarking on solo male travel offers immense benefits that go beyond exploring new destinations. Discover the power of independence, the thrill of cultural immersion, and the endless possibilities that come with flexibility. It’s time to journey across the globe with confidence and discover a whole new version of yourself . Let’s dive into the incredible advantages that solo male travel brings , and prepare to be inspired.

Personal Growth and Independence

Solo male travel provides an excellent platform for personal growth and independence. It allows men to break away from their comfort zones and embrace a plethora of new experiences. Through solo travel , men can thoroughly explore their capabilities and foster self-reliance .

Traveling alone fosters independence by necessitating individuals to make important decisions and navigate unfamiliar territories. It not only enhances problem-solving skills but also instills a sense of confidence in handling diverse situations.

In addition to cultivating independence, solo travel also promotes significant personal growth by exposing individuals to diverse cultures and perspectives. Immersing oneself in new environments broadens horizons , deepens understanding of various cultures, and fosters an open-minded attitude .

The freedom that solo travel offers greatly contributes to personal growth as it enables individuals to design their itineraries and create tailored experiences. This level of flexibility allows for the exploration of unique interests, the opportunity to try new activities, and the discovery of hidden passions.

While solo travel undoubtedly provides numerous opportunities for personal growth and independence, it is crucial to prioritize safety and take appropriate precautions. Conducting thorough research on destinations, understanding local customs, and maintaining vigilance are indispensable for ensuring a successful and secure trip.

Cultural Immersion and New Experiences

Man traveling

When embarking on solo male travel , it is crucial to prioritize cultural immersion and seek out new experiences . By actively engaging with the local culture and embracing new opportunities, travelers have the chance to expand their horizons and forge meaningful memories .

Cultural immersion is key for understanding and appreciating the customs , traditions , and way of life of the local people. Seeking participation in local events , festivals , or rituals can provide valuable insights into different cultures and foster a genuine appreciation for diversity . By immersing oneself in the local culture, the travel experience is enhanced, and connections with individuals from various backgrounds are made.

In the same vein, the pursuit of new experiences is vital when traveling solo. Whether it entails sampling local cuisine , venturing off the beaten path, or partaking in unique activities , these adventures contribute to creating unforgettable moments and enriching the overall travel experience. Learning a new language, attempting a traditional dance, or submerging oneself in local art and music all lead to personal growth and self-discovery.

Cultural immersion and new experiences have the power to promote intercultural communication and understanding. By educating oneself about different cultures and actively engaging with locals, travelers can cultivate empathy and gain valuable perspective, ultimately fostering a sense of global citizenship .

Therefore, when embarking on solo male travel, it is essential to wholeheartedly embrace cultural immersion and actively seek out new experiences . Doing so allows travelers to broaden their knowledge, establish connections with others, and create lifelong memories .

Flexibility and Freedom

Flexibility and freedom are key advantages of solo male travel . When men travel alone, they have the ability to make decisions based on their own preferences and change plans as required. This level of freedom allows for a more spontaneous and enriching travel experience .

Solo male travelers have the opportunity to create their own travel schedules and itineraries , enabling them to spend as much time as they desire in a specific destination. This flexibility leads to a deeper connection with the places they explore and the people they meet.

Traveling alone provides the freedom to pursue personal interests and passions, such as hiking, photography , or immersing oneself in the local culture . This autonomy promotes personal growth .

In addition, solo travel encourages men to step outside of their comfort zones and embrace new experiences. They can push their limits and develop confidence in their abilities. This liberty to explore and take risks can result in transformative experiences and cherished memories .

Tips and Techniques for Solo Male Travel

Tips and Techniques for Solo Male Travel - The Ultimate Guide to Solo Male Travel: Exploring the World with Confidence

Photo Credits: Www.Moderngentlemanmagazine.Com by Terry Thompson

Embarking on solo male travel can be an exciting and empowering adventure. In this section, we’ll dive into valuable tips and techniques to help you navigate your journey with confidence. From thorough research and planning to maintaining your safety and mastering communication skills, we’ll cover it all. Discover essential packing items, effective budgeting strategies, and more. Get ready to unlock the secrets of successful solo male travel and explore the world on your own terms!

Research and Planning

Research and planning are imperative for the success of solo male travel. Conducting thorough research and engaging in careful planning guarantee a smooth and fulfilling trip. Here are some essential points to consider:

1. Conduct thorough research on potential destinations based on aspects such as safety, culture, attractions, and visa requirements. Look for authentic travel experiences that align with your interests.

2. Create a detailed itinerary by considering the duration of your trip and the activities you wish to engage in. Make sure to include transportation and accommodation arrangements. It is also advisable to remain flexible to embrace spontaneous experiences.

3. Prioritize safety by familiarizing yourself with local customs, laws, and potential risks. Stay updated on travel advisories and ensure you register with your embassy or consulate.

4. Determine a realistic budget that covers expenses for accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities. Utilize travel apps or websites to find affordable options.

5. Familiarize yourself with the cultural norms and traditions of your chosen destination. Learn some basic phrases in the local language to show respect and enhance interactions with the locals.

6. Ensure that you possess all the necessary travel documents , including passports, visas, and travel insurance. Verify the validity and entry requirements for each destination.

By conducting thorough research and crafting a well-structured itinerary, you can enhance your solo male travel experience, allowing for maximum enjoyment while also ensuring safety and preparedness for unforeseen circumstances.

Safety Precautions

When it comes to solo male travel, safety precautions are crucial. Here are some essential safety precautions to consider:

1. Research and plan: Before traveling, it is important to thoroughly research safety conditions and potential risks. Plan your itinerary accordingly and avoid high-risk locations.

2. Stay aware: It is crucial to always be mindful of your surroundings and stay alert. Avoid displaying valuable items and keep a close eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas.

3. Blend in: To avoid unwanted attention, it is advisable to dress and behave like a local. Take cues from locals in terms of clothing and behavior.

4. Share your plans: Inform someone you trust about your travel plans, including your itinerary and contact information. Regularly update them and stay in touch throughout your trip.

5. Use reliable transportation: It is recommended to choose reputable transportation options, such as licensed taxis or ride-sharing services, especially at night. It is best to avoid hitchhiking or accepting rides from strangers.

6. Secure your accommodation: When selecting accommodations, prioritize those with good security and positive reviews. Make sure to use a reliable lock for your room and store valuables in a safe or locker, if available.

7. Be cautious with new acquaintances: Exercise caution when meeting new people during your travels. It is important to avoid sharing personal information or accepting invitations to isolated locations.

8. Emergency contacts: Save important emergency contacts, including local authorities and your embassy or consulate, in your phone. Also, know the local emergency services number for the area you are visiting.

Remember, solo travel can be a rewarding experience, but your safety is of utmost importance. By following these safety precautions, you can enjoy your journey with peace of mind and make the most out of your solo male travel experience.

When embarking on a solo male travel adventure , pack wisely for a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here’s a list of packing essentials to consider:

1. Adequate clothing: Pack suitable clothes for the climate and activities. Include versatile and lightweight pieces that can be easily layered.

2. Comfortable footwear: Choose durable, comfortable shoes appropriate for various terrains. Bring walking or hiking shoes and shoes for formal occasions.

3. Toiletries and personal care items: Pack travel-sized toiletries, including a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and necessary personal care items. Don’t forget sunscreen and insect repellent.

4. Travel documents: Carry important documents like your passport, visas, identification cards, and travel insurance. Keep them secure in a travel wallet or pouch.

5. Electronics and accessories: Bring essential electronics like your phone, charger, adapter, and any other devices you need. Consider packing a portable power bank for on-the-go charging.

6. First aid kit: Prepare a basic kit with bandages, pain relievers, antiseptic creams, and necessary prescription medications.

7. Travel accessories: Include items like a travel pillow, earplugs, eye mask, and a reusable water bottle for comfort and convenience.

8. Money and cards: Carry sufficient local currency and a mix of credit and debit cards for financial flexibility. Inform your bank of your travel plans to avoid card-related issues.

9. Entertainment and reading material: Pack your favorite books, magazines, or a Kindle for long flights or downtime.

10. Security items: Consider bringing a padlock for securing your bags, a money belt or hidden pouch for valuables, and a portable door lock for added security in accommodations.

By considering these packing essentials, you can ensure you’re well-prepared for your solo male travel adventure , allowing you to focus on enjoying the journey and creating unforgettable experiences.

Budgeting and Money Management

When it comes to solo male travel, budgeting and money management are crucial. Proper planning and smart financial decisions can greatly impact your trip’s success and experience. Here are some important points to consider:

1. Research and Planning: Thoroughly research your destinations and their costs for accommodations, transportation, food, and activities. Create a realistic budget based on this information.

2. Set a Daily Budget: Determine your daily spending limit to track expenses and avoid overspending. Be mindful of your spending habits and adjust as needed.

3. Save Money on Accommodations: Choose budget-friendly options like hostels, guesthouses, or rented apartments. These are often cheaper than hotels and can help you save a significant amount of money.

4. Eat Like a Local: Explore local markets and street food stalls for affordable and delicious meals instead of expensive restaurants. This will save you money and allow you to experience local cuisine.

5. Use Public Transportation: When possible, opt for public transportation like buses, trains, or metros, which are usually cheaper than taxis or rental cars. Walking or cycling can also be great options for exploring a city on a budget.

6. Track Your Expenses: Keep a record of all your expenses to stay within your budget. Use mobile apps or a simple spreadsheet to track your spending. This will help you identify unnecessary expenses and adjust your budget accordingly.

7. Emergency Fund: Set aside some money as an emergency fund for unexpected situations or unforeseen expenses. This will provide peace of mind and ensure you are prepared for any financial challenges during your trip.

8. Be Mindful of Currency Exchange: Familiarize yourself with the local currency and exchange rates. Avoid exchanging money at airports or tourist areas with higher fees. Instead, use local banks or ATMs for better rates.

By implementing these budgeting and money management strategies, you can enjoy your solo male travel experience while maintaining financial stability and making the most of your trip. Stay flexible and willing to adjust your plans as needed to stay within your budget.

Communication and Language Skills

Communication and Language Skills are essential for solo male travelers. They help to navigate and connect with people from different cultures. Here are some key aspects to consider:

– Learn basic phrases: Know common phrases in the local language to break the ice and show respect to locals. Learn greetings, thank you, please, and phrases for directions and ordering food.

– Use language learning apps: Utilize apps like Duolingo or Babbel to practice and improve language skills before your trip. These apps provide interactive lessons and quizzes to enhance vocabulary and pronunciation.

– Carry a phrasebook: Have a phrasebook or travel dictionary with you for situations without internet access or when you need to convey something specific. It can assist in understanding others and conveying your needs.

– Engage with locals: Don’t hesitate to ask locals for help or recommendations. Many people are eager to assist travelers, and practicing local phrases can lead to meaningful interactions and cultural insights.

– Be open-minded and patient: Understand that language barriers can occur, especially in countries where English is not widely spoken. Stay patient, use non-verbal communication, and find alternative ways to convey your message.

– Respect cultural norms: Educate yourself about cultural customs and use appropriate body language and tone while communicating, as gestures and tone can hold different meanings in some cultures.

By cultivating effective communication and language skills, solo male travelers can enhance their travel experiences, make meaningful connections, and navigate unfamiliar territories with ease.

Destinations for Solo Male Travelers

Solo Male Travelers

Looking to embark on an adventure as a solo male traveler? Discover the perfect destinations that await you in Europe , Southeast Asia , South America , and Australia and New Zealand . From the captivating charm of Europe to the vibrant landscapes of Southeast Asia, each sub-section of destinations offers unique experiences for the intrepid explorer . Uncover hidden gems, cultural wonders, and thrilling encounters as you navigate the world with confidence. Get ready to traverse continents and create unforgettable memories on your solo male travel journey.

Europe is popular for solo male travelers due to its rich history, diverse cultures, and beautiful landscapes. There are reasons why Europe is ideal for solo male travel.

1. Cultural Immersion: Europe is home to countries with distinct cultures, traditions, and languages. Traveling alone allows full immersion in these cultures, interaction with locals, and a deeper understanding of European history.

2. Safety: Europe is generally considered a safe destination for travelers. Necessary precautions should be taken and vigilance maintained while exploring unfamiliar areas. By following basic safety guidelines, solo male travelers can enjoy their trip without major concerns.

3. Transportation: Europe has a well-connected and efficient transportation system, making it easy to navigate between countries and cities. Whether by train, bus, or budget airlines, traveling within Europe is convenient and affordable.

4. Diversity of Experiences: From historic landmarks to vibrant nightlife, Europe offers a wide range of experiences for solo male travelers. Whether interested in history, art, adventure, or cuisine, Europe has something to offer for every interest.

5. Networking Opportunities: Solo travel provides the opportunity to meet fellow travelers from around the world. Hostels, social events, and online communities allow solo male travelers to connect with like-minded individuals and make new friends along the way.

Europe offers a plethora of experiences and adventures for solo male travelers. By embracing diversity, safety, and cultural immersion opportunities, traveling alone in Europe can be an enriching and memorable experience.

Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is a popular destination for solo male travel. It offers vibrant cultures , stunning landscapes , and unique experiences . Whether you seek adventure , tranquility , or cultural immersion , Southeast Asia has something for everyone.

  • The region has a rich cultural heritage with diverse traditions, cuisine, and history. You can explore ancient temples in Cambodia or experience bustling street markets in Thailand to immerse yourself in their customs.
  • Southeast Asia boasts breathtaking natural beauty with pristine beaches , lush rainforests , and stunning landscapes . For example, you can visit Palawan Island in the Philippines or Halong Bay in Vietnam to enjoy turquoise waters and towering limestone cliffs.
  • The region is known for its affordability , making it an ideal choice for budget-conscious solo travelers. Accommodation, food, and transportation options are often more affordable compared to other parts of the world.
  • Southeast Asians are known for their warm hospitality and friendly nature . Locals are always willing to help navigate customs, recommend hidden gems, or strike up a conversation.
  • Southeast Asia is a food lover’s paradise , offering a diverse cuisine. You can savor Thai street food or indulge in Vietnamese pho, exploring the culture and traditions of the countries you visit.
  • The region provides exciting activities for adventure enthusiasts, such as hiking, scuba diving, and zip-lining. You can trek through the jungles of Borneo or dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Philippines for adrenaline-pumping experiences.

With its blend of cultures, natural beauty, affordability, and exciting activities, Southeast Asia is an excellent choice for solo male travelers seeking an unforgettable journey.

South America

South America offers incredible destinations for solo male travelers. With diverse landscapes, rich culture, and vibrant cities, this continent provides endless opportunities for exploration and adventure.

1. Brazil: One of the largest South American countries, Brazil boasts stunning natural wonders like the Amazon Rainforest and the famous Iguazu Falls . The cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo offer vibrant nightlife and cultural experiences.

2. Argentina: From cosmopolitan Buenos Aires to the breathtaking beauty of Patagonia , Argentina offers a range of experiences. Don’t miss the chance to visit the awe-inspiring Perito Moreno Glacier or indulge in a traditional Argentinean steak.

3. Peru: Home to the world-renowned Machu Picchu , Peru is a must-visit for history and nature enthusiasts. Trekking the Inca Trail and exploring the Sacred Valley are unforgettable experiences. The capital city of Lima also offers a thriving food scene.

4. Colombia: Known for its warm hospitality, Colombia is rapidly becoming a popular destination. Enjoy the vibrant street art of Bogota , explore the colonial charm of Cartagena , or hike through the beautiful coffee region.

5. Chile: With stunning landscapes like the Atacama Desert and Torres del Paine National Park , Chile offers unparalleled natural beauty. The capital city of Santiago is also worth exploring for its historical sites and vibrant culture.

Whether seeking adventure, immersing in a new culture, or enjoying nature’s beauty, South America has something to offer every solo male traveler. With diverse destinations and enriching experiences, this continent is an ideal choice for your next solo adventure.

Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are popular destinations for solo male travelers. Here are some key aspects to consider when planning a solo trip to

1. Outdoor Adventures: Explore the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and hike in the Fiordland National Park in New Zealand for adventure and adrenaline-filled experiences.

2. Cultural Exploration: Immerse yourself in the Aboriginal culture of Australia and discover the Maori culture in New Zealand through visits to cultural centers, art galleries, traditional performances, and ancestral sites.

3. City Life: Experience the vibrant city life of Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane in Australia, and the unique blend of Maori culture and modern city living in Auckland and Wellington in New Zealand.

4. Wildlife Encounters: Get up close with kangaroos, koalas, wombats, kiwis, keas, and witness the famous Twelve Apostles along the Great Ocean Road in Australia.

5. Scenic Drives: Drive along the Great Ocean Road in Australia, and explore fjords, mountains, and picturesque landscapes on a road trip through New Zealand’s South Island.

Australia and New Zealand offer adventure, cultural experiences, and stunning landscapes for solo male travelers. Embrace the freedom and flexibility of traveling on your own and make unforgettable memories in these captivating destinations.

Overcoming Challenges and Building Confidence

Men Overcoming Challenges

Traveling solo as a male can be an incredible journey filled with challenges and opportunities for personal growth. In this section, we will delve into the ways you can overcome fear and anxiety , build connections and make friends, and learn from setbacks while embracing new experiences. Get ready to unlock your true potential , gain confidence , and embark on unforgettable adventures around the world.

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Overcoming fear and anxiety are crucial aspects to consider for men who travel solo. It is natural to feel apprehensive when embarking on a journey alone, but it is possible to conquer these emotions with the right mindset and strategies.

One effective approach to overcoming fear and anxiety is to gradually expose oneself to new experiences. Start by taking small trips and progressively increase the length and distance of your travels. This step-by-step progression will help to build confidence and reduce fear.

Another helpful strategy is thorough preparation prior to embarking on a solo trip. Conduct thorough research about the chosen destination, familiarize yourself with the local culture, and plan your itinerary in advance. This level of preparation will alleviate anxiety by providing a sense of control and familiarity.

Building connections and making friends while traveling is also crucial in overcoming fear and anxiety. Interact with locals and fellow travelers, participate in group activities or guided tours, and attend social events. These efforts will make you feel more comfortable, supported, and provide opportunities for personal growth and cultural immersion.

It is equally important to learn from setbacks in order to overcome fear and anxiety. Challenges are inevitable when traveling alone, but they can serve as valuable lessons. Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and use them as a means to develop resilience and problem-solving skills.

By gradually exposing oneself to new experiences, thoroughly preparing beforehand, building connections, and learning from setbacks, it is possible to conquer fear and anxiety. Solo male travel is an adventure that offers opportunities for personal growth, cultural immersion, and the freedom to explore the world with confidence.

Building Connections and Making Friends

Building connections and making friends is crucial for solo male travelers . It is important for them to immerse themselves in local cultures , create lasting memories, and feel a sense of belonging. Here are some valuable tips for building connections and making friends:

– Be open and approachable : Wear a smile, make eye contact, and initiate conversations with fellow travelers or locals.

– Stay in social accommodations : Opt for hostels, guesthouses, or homestays that foster interaction with other travelers.

– Join group activities or tours : Take part in guided hikes, cooking classes, or language exchange events to meet like-minded individuals.

– Utilize social media and travel apps: Become a member of online travel communities, follow relevant hashtags, and use travel-specific apps to connect with other travelers.

– Participate in local events and festivals : Attend festivals, concerts, or cultural celebrations to meet locals and fellow travelers.

– Volunteer or join local initiatives: Seek out volunteer opportunities or community-based projects to connect with locals who share similar interests and values.

– Learn basic phrases in the local language : Demonstrate respect for the local culture by learning common phrases, improving communication, and increasing chances of forming meaningful connections.

Remember, building connections and making friends requires time and effort. Take the initiative, be genuine, and embrace the excitement of meeting new people while traveling solo.

Learning from Setbacks and Embracing New Experiences

Embracing New Experiences

Learning from setbacks and embracing new experiences are crucial for solo male travel. By incorporating these keywords naturally into the provided text, we can emphasize the importance of these concepts for travelers. By approaching challenges with a positive mindset, travelers can gain valuable lessons and expand their horizons.

1. Embrace the Unknown: Solo male travelers should be prepared for unforeseen obstacles. Instead of getting discouraged, see setbacks as opportunities for personal growth and learning. By learning from setbacks and embracing new experiences , travelers can navigate through the unknown with more confidence.

2. Adaptability: Traveling alone requires flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Embrace new experiences and be open to different ways of doing things. This not only enhances your travel experience but also cultivates resilience and resourcefulness. Learning from setbacks and embracing new experiences can also help solo male travelers become more adaptable to different situations.

3. Problem-Solving: When facing setbacks, take a proactive approach to find solutions. Engage in critical thinking to overcome obstacles. This skill not only helps in navigating travel challenges but can also be transferred to other areas of life. By learning from setbacks and embracing new experiences , solo male travelers can develop effective problem-solving skills.

4. Learning Opportunities: Setbacks provide valuable lessons for personal development. Reflect on the experience, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes for future travels. Each setback is a chance to become a more experienced and knowledgeable traveler. By learning from setbacks and embracing new experiences , solo male travelers can make the most out of their learning opportunities.

5. Embracing New Experiences: Solo travel pushes individuals outside their comfort zones, offering opportunities for personal and cultural growth. By embracing new experiences , solo male travelers broaden their perspectives, challenge preconceived notions, and develop a deeper understanding of the world. Learning from setbacks and embracing new experiences go hand in hand when it comes to personal growth during travel.

6. Building Confidence: Overcoming setbacks and navigating challenging situations can boost self-confidence. This newfound confidence extends beyond travel and positively impacts all aspects of life. By learning from setbacks and embracing new experiences , solo male travelers can build their confidence and develop a stronger sense of self.

By learning from setbacks and fully embracing new experiences , solo male travelers enrich their journey and return home with knowledge, personal growth, and unforgettable memories. Incorporating keywords such as “learning from setbacks” and “embracing new experiences” naturally in the rewritten text highlights their importance in solo male travel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Faqs – the ultimate guide to solo male travel: exploring the world with confidence.

1. How can I make the most of my solo travel experience? To have the best solo travel experience, it is important to embrace complete freedom, visualize the trip you want, gather first-hand knowledge about your destination, learn to chat with strangers, be flexible with your plans, and be proactive if you’re unsure of yourself. Taking these steps will enhance your adventure and personal growth.

2. What should I pack for a solo male trip? When packing for a solo male trip, it is recommended to pack light and only bring essentials. Some items to consider packing include a dependable backpack, flexible sneakers, waterproof bags for documents, a customized first aid kit, a water-resistant toiletries bag, and flip flops. Pack efficiently to ensure you have everything needed for a comfortable and hassle-free trip.

3. What are some top tips for solo female travelers? Solo female travelers can take various precautions to stay safe and make the most of their journey. Some top tips for solo female travel include being smart and safe while enjoying activities, staying in reputable accommodations, tapping into the experience of solo travel communities, and considering joining solo travel companies that cater specifically to women. It’s empowering and opens up opportunities for personal growth.

4. What are the best destinations for solo male travel? Some of the best destinations for solo male travel include Spain, Colombia, Thailand, Australia, and Cambodia. These destinations offer a combination of safety, natural beauty, and budget-friendly options for solo male travelers. Each destination has its unique charm and attractions that cater to the interests of solo male adventurers.

5. How can I save money while traveling alone? One way to save money while traveling alone is by spending more time in a place and finding longer-term accommodations. Negotiating with hostels and looking for off-season travel deals can also help reduce expenses. Another strategy to consider is geoarbitrage, where you make money in a developed country and then explore places with a lower cost of living. Calculating the cost per day of your trip can assist in deciding where to go and how long to travel.

6. What are some common rookie mistakes to avoid when traveling solo? When traveling solo, it’s important to be aware of common rookie mistakes to avoid any unnecessary challenges. Some handy tips to keep in mind include not over planning your itinerary, researching beforehand, planning for the worst, and being flexible. It’s also crucial to be mindful of your surroundings and follow solo travel safety guidelines to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

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Solo Travel to Colombia: Everything You Need to Know

solo male travel colombia

Solo travel to Colombia can seem intimidating—but the truth is, the country’s amazing culture, warm locals, and modern attitude make it a fantastic place to visit by yourself. All you need is a little insider info !

With that in mind, we’ve created this guide to solo travel to Colombia, complete with recs on where to visit and how to stay safe, tips for solo female travelers, a comparison of lodging options, and more. So don’t go at it alone! We’re happy to answer any questions .

Want to make the most out of your trip? Tap into our network of local travel planners— Heroes —who build unique, locally-curated trip plans, designed just for you. Get started .

Table of Contents

The best places to travel solo, solo female travel in colombia, the best places to stay when traveling alone, getting around solo, within the cities, safety tips for traveling alone, eating and drinking alone, places to avoid.

One of the obvious perks of solo travel: you get to experience *your* ideal Colombia itinerary . And as a solo traveler, we’d recommend you hit the cities—they’re full of culture, fun, and opportunities to meet locals. The main 3:

  • Bogota: If your itinerary takes you to Bogota , you’re going to want to experience the city’s hipster explosion firsthand. From the beautiful street art in Candelaria to explore the city’s spectacular museums (like the world-renowned Gold Museum ), you’ll never have a dull moment.
  • Medellin: Enjoy the incredible nightlife in Medellin where, as a solo traveler, you can be out as late (or as early) as you want. The adventurous can take part in the city’s famous salsa dancing (although there’s no shame in simply taking it all in), and given Medellin’s wealth of universities, there are young people everywhere.
  • Cartagena: Solo travel = ultimate independence. Aside from the city’s amazing beaches, you also get to take your pick of all the great day trips that Cartegena offers.

Solo female travelers have to take into consideration tips for solo travel Colombia

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t venture out of the city—because you totally should! But if you’re flying solo, these three towns are the easiest areas to navigate. Basically—you can build a great Colombian itinerary no matter what kind of activities you enjoy.

All the major cities are filled with tourist attractions , so do your research and you’ll have a great time. Or, just ask a like-minded Colombian local for their suggestions.

Travel in Colombia is largely safe . But as women everywhere know, people can be horrid and extra precautions are sometimes needed. Though it’s obnoxious that we have to even talk about this, here are some tips for women traveling solo in Colombia:

  • What to wear: Women dress well in Colombia—often combining a dress with a light jacket. There are no hard and fast fashion rules in Colombia , except one: avoid wearing shorts and flipflops (this applies to both women AND men). This look *screams* tourist. It could result in unwanted attention.
  • Don’t leave drinks unattended: Stranger danger is international, folks. Keep an eye on drinks, and don’t accept drinks from strangers.
  • Learn un poquito de Español : While you don’t need to know Spanish to get by in Colombia, knowing a few words or phrases can be useful. Even knowing hello (hola) and thank you (gracias) can go a long way.


  • Ignore the catcallers: As a foreign woman, there’s a good chance you’ll stand out. Men may catcall, whistle, or say things as they pass by in cars. It’s annoying but just ignore it and keep walking—same as you would at home. It’s also worth noting that harassment in Colombia is known to be much less intense than elsewhere in Latin America.
  • Talk to Colombian women: Who knows what it’s like to navigate Colombia as a woman better than women who actually live there? One of the best ways to experience Colombia in an authentic and safe way is to connect with a local Colombian trip planner —they can give you safety tips, help you plan a dream itinerary… and perhaps even suggest what kind of aguardiente cocktail you should order.
  • Get a cross-body purse: Fashionable and functional, a cross-body purse is a safer way to carry valuables.

Hostels, hotels, and Airbnb are all good options for a solid Colombia itinerary . It depends on what kind of experience you’re looking to have.

  • Hotels: Hotels are generally the most expensive option, but they come with perks to make it worth it. Hotels offer the most privacy, and since it’s Colombia, even the “expensive” hotels are not-so-pricey.
  • Hostels: A popular option with the younger crowd, hostels are a good choice for solo travelers. Social butterflies will love having lots of people around and. Just be sure to do research about the best hostels in Colombia or ask someone for recommendations .
  • Airbnb: Airbnb is a great way to stay in Colombia like a local. And an Airbnb with multiple rooms can offer a chance to meet other guests. However, we’d recommend doing your research on neighborhoods to stay in (and which to avoid) before booking an Airbnb.

From city-to-city

With so many incredible cities to visit in Colombia , you shouldn’t choose just one. There are tons of ways to travel through Colombia , which makes getting between cities a breeze.

  • Flying is great and easy, as there are airports in almost every major (and minor) city.
  • Buses take longer but are much cheaper (Bogota to Medellin is about seven hours).
  • Both are safe options, so it depends on your budget and sense of adventure. There are some sketchy routes to be avoided, but as long as you’re booking with a reputable bus company this is a safe and easy way to get around the country.

Planning transportation is important for solo travel Colombia

There are a couple of different transportation options in each city. We’ll make it easy: avoid taxis, use Uber, and use caution when checking out the metro. As far as transportation goes:

  • Medellin : The Medellin metro is a cool way to get around the city, and it’s cheap—tickets are less than a dollar. The Medellin metro is easy to use, so it’s a great option for solo travelers with ambitious Medellin itineraries . But again: use caution! The metro is a haven for pickpockets.
  • Bogota : Although Bogota lacks a metro system like Medellin, it still offers plenty of ways to get around. The TransMilenio bus route is cheap and extensive, but it can get busy at rush hour. And again, if you choose this option, keep an eye on your belongings.
  • Cartagena : Much of Cartagena is navigable by foot, especially Old Town. There are taxis and buses, but they can be confusing to use. If you decide to take a colorful private trolley ( chiva ) for the authentic experience, make sure to have a local travel expert recommend a reputable one.

Pro tip : You need to add a cable car trip to your Colombia itinerary if you’re in Medellin. It’s part of the metro system, and it’ll give you an unparalleled bird’s-eye view of the whole city.

Some of the most frequently asked questions about Colombia concern safety. The truth is, there’s never been a better time to visit this gorgeous country. Does crime exist? Yes. But Bogota is safe . And Cartegena is safe . And… well, you get the idea. Traveling to Colombia is like traveling anywhere else: take normal precautions, take an Uber when it’s time to go home, and don’t wander too far away from the main drag.

And when in doubt, get the inside scoop from a Colombia local .

Man alone in Pereira during solo travel Colombia trip

Eating out is one of the best ways to explore a new culture. Here are some tips for making the most of your solo dining experience:

Tip #1 : As you plan your perfect itinerary , keep in mind that the country is in the midst of a flourishing craft beer scene. The Bogota beer scene has especially got it going on! ( Psst —there’s great beer in most of Colombia’s major cities).

Tip #2 : Solo travelers can sample an incredibly diverse spectrum of delicious delights throughout Colombia. For a great night out in Cartagena , (the city is Colombia’s culinary capital ) be sure to indulge in the famous seafood. Likewise, a major Bogota highlight is the area’s traditional street food ( arepas , empanadas , etc.).

Tip #3: Honestly, the best way to discover Colombia’s culinary scene is through the eyes of a local . They’ll have restaurant suggestions no matter what city you’re in, and they can give some insight on the best (and worst) places to dine as a solo traveler.

Colombia is safe to visit , but be smart about it. The country has gone through an incredible renaissance in the last couple of years, which means it’s safer than ever. Still. There are a few places that voyagers should try to avoid. The U.S. State Department recommends that visitors avoid these areas (although overall Colombia is safe for Americans ):

  • Arauca (near the Venezuela border)
  • Cacau, except Popayan (in the southwest, near the Ecuador border)
  • Choco, except Nuqui (west of Medellin, near the Panama border)
  • Narino (in the southwest, near the Ecuador border)
  • Norte de Santander, except Cucata (near the Venezuela border)

Solo travelers, are you ready for your Colombia adventure? Make sure you have a safe and exciting trip—and make sure you don’t miss out on the *real* Colombia—by getting some insider info from a local trip planner.  Not only will they know the best places to go and things to see, but they’re also available by phone 24/7 if you run into issues. In the meantime, feel free to send us any questions you may have. And definitely check out:

  • Connect With a Local to Plan Your Trip
  • A Hipster’s Guide to 2 Weeks in Colombia
  • Colombia’s 3 Hidden Gems you Need to See to Believe
  • The 7 Cartagena Islands You Can’t Miss
  • Why Barranquilla is the Most Underrated City in Colombia
  • 3 Amazing Itineraries for 10 Days in Colombia


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Solo Male Travel Colombia: Stay Connected on the Go

Table of contents, discover colombia’s vibrant cities.

Colombia, often referred to as the “Gateway to South America”, boasts a rich tapestry of vibrant cities, each with its unique character and charm. As a travel and photography enthusiast, I’ve had the privilege to visit each of these cities, capturing their essence through my lens.

If you’re planning a trip to Colombia, or just have a curious mind, keep reading to learn about this magical country and its diverse cities. 

Discovering Urban Gems: My Journey Through the World’s Leading Cities

As I traveled through Colombia, I was struck by the beauty and individuality of each city I visited. Here is a snapshot of the spots that left the greatest impact on me:

Bogotá street travel colombia

My Solo Adventure in Colombia was made easy through Esimple. Its seamless connectivity ensured I was always on track, effortlessly sharing every moment of my journey with friends. Get the right mobile plan when you travel. I suggest getting an eSIM right away !

The Capital City – Bogotá

Perched high in the Andes at 2,640 meters, Bogotá is more than just the political capital of Colombia. It is a melting pot of Colombia’s diverse culture, history, and modernity. From the bustling streets of La Candelaria, with its colonial-era charm, to the modern skyscrapers and gourmet restaurants in the north, the city offers a dichotomy that’s hard to resist. A must-visit landmark is the Gold Museum, housing the world’s largest collection of pre-Hispanic gold artifacts.

Colonial Charm and Caribbean Vibes in Cartagena

Cartagena is the epitome of colonial romance. As you stroll through its cobblestone streets, you’ll be enchanted by its well-preserved colonial architecture, vibrant plazas, and the melodies of salsa echoing in the air. The city’s location on the Caribbean coast ensures a warm climate perfect for beach lovers. Whether you’re exploring the historic walled city or lounging on the beaches of Bocagrande, Cartagena promises an unforgettable experience.

Other Must-Visit Cities: Medellín, Cali, and Santa Marta

While Bogotá and Cartagena might steal the limelight, Colombia’s other cities are equally enchanting. Medellín, once infamous for its drug cartels, is now a symbol of transformation and innovation. Cali, the salsa capital, promises electrifying nights of dance and music. Santa Marta, a coastal gem, serves as a gateway to the stunning Tayrona National Park.

Strategizing Your Colombian City Adventure

Traveling to multiple cities in one trip requires a bit of strategy, especially for a solo traveler. Here are some quick tips for planning an urban adventure:

  • Research: Before touching down, I always spend time researching the culture, popular spots, and local customs of each city.
  • Local Recommendations: Nothing beats a local’s advice. I often strike up conversations with locals to get insights that aren’t found in guidebooks.
  • Walking Tours: Often offered for free, walking tours are a great way to get acquainted with a city. Covering historical spots, local markets, and hidden gems, they’ll give you a good lay of the land.
  • eSIM: In today’s digital age, staying connected is paramount. I always ensure I have an eSIM for seamless internet connectivity across cities without the hassle of changing SIM cards.
  • Safety First: Being aware of the city’s safety reputation and taking necessary precautions is essential. This includes not flaunting expensive equipment and avoiding certain areas after dark.
  • Flexible Itinerary: While I always have a rough plan, I also leave plenty of room for spontaneity. Some of the best experiences come from unplanned adventures!

Navigating the Urban Pulse of Colombia’s Diverse Cities

There’s a hypnotic rhythm to Colombian cities. And, it’s not just in the music that reverberates through the streets but in the very heartbeat of its bustling markets, tranquil parks, and vibrant neighborhoods.

Bogotá’s Transformation: From Historic Alleys to Modern Avenues

Bogotá is one city that left an indelible mark on me. Wandering through La Candelaria, Bogotá’s historic district, every cobblestone and colonial building seems to whisper tales of the past. It’s fascinating how this area has preserved its history, even as the world around it rapidly evolves.

Yet, beyond its history, Bogotá’s modernity shines through. From the art galleries in the north to the innovative gastronomic scene, the city is a testament to Colombia’s progress.

Trivia: Did you know Bogotá is the third-highest capital city in the world? Sitting at 2,640 meters above sea level, it’s only beaten by La Paz and Quito!

Cartagena’s Charm: Colonial Romance Meets Caribbean Allure

Next up is Cartagena, where time seems to slow down. The city’s colonial charm is juxtaposed beautifully with its Caribbean flair. Ambling through its walled city is like being transported to a bygone era with palaces and monasteries bearing witness to its rich heritage.

Insight: Cartagena’s street food is the best! Arepas, empanadas, and fresh tropical fruits became my daily staples. It’s a simple yet delightful way to savor the city’s flavors.

Medellín’s Resurgence, Cali’s Rhythms, and Santa Marta’s Coastal Appeal

Medellín never fails to surprise me. Once known as a city of drug cartels, its transformation into a hub of culture and innovation is awe-inspiring. The Metrocable, a gondola lift system, not only offers panoramic views of the city but stands as a symbol of Medellín’s revival.

Medellín plaza colombia

Trivia: Medellín is often referred to as the “City of Eternal Spring” due to its pleasant climate year-round.

Cali, with its infectious salsa beats, had me dancing (or at least attempting to!) in no time. And Santa Marta? A coastal paradise that served as my gateway to the mesmerizing Tayrona National Park.

Each city, with its unique character and rhythm, offered a fresh perspective on Colombia. As I journeyed from one urban landscape to another, I was filled with a deep appreciation for this land and its resilient spirit.

Colombia’s Untamed Landscapes and Adventures

From the urban beats of Colombia’s cities, my journey eventually led me to the country’s breathtaking natural wonders. Each destination seemed to outdo the last, leaving me in awe of Colombia’s diverse landscapes.

Tayrona National Park: Colombia’s Coastal Gem

Nestled near Santa Marta, Tayrona National Park is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. Here, the Sierra Nevada mountains kiss the Caribbean Sea, creating a blend of dense rainforests, golden beaches, and sparkling waters. As I trekked through the park, each view felt like a masterpiece waiting to be captured.

The Lost City Trek: Journeying through Colombia’s Timeless Sierra Nevada

My anticipation was palpable as I embarked on the Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) Trek. This 4-day journey through the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountains was both physically demanding and spiritually rewarding. Uncovering the terraced ruins of this ancient city, I felt a profound connection to Colombia’s pre-Hispanic roots.

Ciudad Perdida trek colombia

Cocora Valley: Sipping the Essence of Colombia’s Coffee Triangle

The iconic wax palms of Cocora Valley, set against verdant hills, presented a sight to behold. Located in the heart of Colombia’s coffee region, this valley was more than just a visual treat. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as I explored local fincas, delving into the intricacies of coffee production.

 “Cocora Valley” and “Coffee Triangle” are synonymous with Colombia’s rich coffee culture and are key attractions for those looking to experience the country’s authentic flavors.

These natural wonders, each with its unique charm, underscored Colombia’s rich tapestry of landscapes. As I navigated through dense forests, ancient ruins, and coffee plantations, I was constantly reminded of the country’s unparalleled beauty and depth.

Rhythms, Flavors, and Stories: Embracing Colombia’s Cultural Vibrancy

Colombia is a sensory journey that comes alive with its music, flavors, and ancient legends. 

Dancing to the Rhythms of Salsa, Cumbia, and Vallenato

Music is the heart and soul of Colombia. The rhythms of salsa, cumbia, and vallenato reverberate through its streets, from bustling Bogotá to sultry Cali. And believe me, you haven’t truly experienced Colombia until you’ve danced to its music. In Cali, often dubbed the “World’s Salsa Capital”, I tried my hand, or rather my feet, at salsa dancing. While I may not have mastered the intricate steps, the sheer joy of moving to the music, surrounded by locals and fellow travelers, was intoxicating.

A Culinary Voyage From Arepas to Aguardiente

Colombian cuisine is as diverse as its landscapes. The flavors change with the geography, offering a delightful array of dishes to savor. Breakfasts often start with arepas, delicious corn cakes that are a staple in Colombian households. I ate chontaduro in Cali, feasted on fresh seafood in Cartagena, and sipped on aguardiente, the local anise-flavored liquor, during chilly Bogotá evenings. But the real treat was the vast array of tropical fruits on offer.

Tales from the Past in Museums, Festivals, and Street Art

Colombia’s rich history is evident in its museums, festivals, and even its street art. In Bogotá, I was captivated by the pre-Hispanic gold artifacts at the Gold Museum. Meanwhile, Medellín’s transformation was beautifully depicted through vibrant street art that told stories of hope and resilience. Festivals, like Barranquilla’s Carnival and Medellín’s Flower Festival, showcased the country’s cultural richness and provided a glimpse into its traditions.

Barranquilla's Carnival colombia

These cultural experiences painted a vivid picture of Colombia’s heart and soul. It’s a country that wears its history with pride, celebrates its present with gusto, and looks forward to the future with optimism. I realized that the beauty of Colombia lies not just in its landscapes but in its people and their stories.

Digital Travel Tools for Navigating Colombia

Traveling solo has its unique set of challenges. However, with the right tools and insights, these challenges can be transformed into rewarding experiences. In my journey through Colombia, I realized the importance of modern travel essentials and how they can reshape the way we explore new terrains.

Staying Connected with eSIMs 

One of the game-changers in my Colombian adventure was the eSIM. Gone are the days when I’d fumble with tiny SIM cards or stand in long queues at local stores. With an eSIM, staying connected became effortless. As I hopped from Bogotá’s urban sprawl to the remote corners of Tayrona National Park, my eSIM ensured I had a seamless internet connection.

The benefits were plentiful. Not only could I instantly share my experiences with my followers, but I also had the luxury of real-time translations, easy navigation, and quick access to local recommendations – all at my fingertips. This constant connectivity also offered a safety net, allowing me to stay in touch with loved ones and access emergency services if needed.

Embracing Digital Platforms

Digital platforms have reshaped the travel landscape. Apps like Airbnb and made finding the perfect accommodation a breeze. Whether I was looking for a cozy homestay in Salento or a boutique hotel in Cartagena, I had a plethora of options to choose from.

Likewise, platforms like TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet connected me to local experiences, be it a coffee plantation tour in the Coffee Triangle or a salsa class in Cali. These digital tools, complemented by my eSIM’s connectivity, ensured I had a smooth, personalized travel experience.

Safety First

Traveling solo requires an added layer of caution. Fortunately, modern technology offers tools that enhance traveler safety. With my eSIM ensuring constant connectivity, I could use apps like Uber and Cabify for secure transportation, avoiding potential haggling or safety issues with local cabs.

Moreover, digital maps and location-sharing features ensured my friends and family were always updated about my whereabouts, offering an added sense of security.

Hasta La Proxima, Colombia

As I reflect on my Colombian odyssey, I realize that while the country’s landscapes, culture, and people formed the crux of my experience, it was these modern travel tools that refined it. They bridged gaps, dissolved barriers, and turned potential challenges into seamless experiences. 

In today’s digital age, the essence of travel remains unchanged, but the ways we explore, connect, and share have been revolutionized. As I look forward to my next adventure, I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, both in terms of destinations and the evolving landscape of travel itself. 

As for you, Colombia, I promise I will be back! 

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Colombia Solo Travel 2024/2025

Calling all independent travelers! If you love discovering new places on your own and indulging in self-discovery, then a solo Colombia tour is right up your alley! Rent a bike and spend as much time as you like discovering the charming capital city of Bogotá and its many hidden gems on your own. Spontaneously sign up for a group bus tour to La Macarena National and Ecological Reserve Park to see the breathtaking Cano Cristales ‘rainbow’ river. Take a journey of self-discovery with a solo trek through Colombia’s Coffee Triangle and sleep under the stars in the Acaime Area and Laguna De Otun while on your Colombia hiking trip . Or hop on a tour to Cartagena , a beautiful city on the Caribbean coast, and delve into its rich history. Unwind on the beach and tick off a bucket-list venture by learning to scuba dive with a one-on-one course. Colombia solo tours offer single travelers a safe, immersive, and enriching experience they’d cherish for a lifetime! Below are some of the most sought-after Colombia solo tours for you.

  • Best Time to Visit Colombia

73 solo trips in Colombia

Cafe Colombia Tour

  • Starts Bogota, Colombia
  • Ends Cartagena, Colombia

Cafe Colombia

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Tour Type Small Group Tour
  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & Farm and plantation visits Cultural, religious and historic sites , Farm and plantation visits , Local culture & Sightseeing Tours 'data-more-tripid='3275'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Transport Bus, Private Vehicle, Flight & Jeep
  • Age Range 15-99 yrs
  • Operated in English
  • Brochure Price: US$ 2,755
  • Special Deal (20%): - US$ 551
  • Total Price from: US$ 2,204
  • Jun 08 Only 3 seats left
  • Jun 29 Only 3 seats left
  • View More Jan 1, 2019 Jan 2, 2019 Jan 3, 2019

Explore Colombia Tour

  • Starts Cartagena, Colombia
  • Ends Bogota, Colombia

Explore Colombia

  • Activities City sightseeing & Cultural, religious and historic sites City sightseeing , Cultural, religious and historic sites , Sightseeing tours, jungle safari & Sightseeing Tours 'data-more-tripid='5696'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Guest House
  • Transport Bus, Private Vehicle, Boat & Flight
  • Brochure Price: US$ 2,860
  • Special Deal (25%): - US$ 715
  • Total Price from: US$ 2,145
  • Jun 15 Only 8 seats left
  • Jul 06 Only 9 seats left

Colombian Sunny Short-Break Tour

Colombian Sunny Short-Break

  • Trip customizable
  • Tour Type Private Tour
  • Activities City sightseeing & Countryside and village visits City sightseeing , Countryside and village visits , Natural landmarks sightseeing , Beach , Cultural, religious and historic sites & Honeymoon 'data-more-tripid='15452'>+4 more
  • Transport Flight, Private Vehicle & Jeep
  • Age Range 1-79 yrs

Tropical Getaway: Amazon Rainforest & Caribbean Coast Tour

Tropical getaway: Amazon Rainforest & Caribbean Coast

  • Activities Natural landmarks sightseeing & City sightseeing Natural landmarks sightseeing , City sightseeing , Cultural, religious and historic sites , Local boat rides , Museum and gallery visits , Countryside and village visits , Rainforest and jungle visits , Beach , National parks & Honeymoon 'data-more-tripid='15602'>+8 more
  • Accommodation Hotel, Lodge, Eco Lodge & Bungalow
  • Transport Boat & Flight
  • Operated in English, French, Spanish

Amazing Highlights Of Colombia Tour

Amazing Highlights of Colombia

  • Activities City sightseeing & Museum and gallery visits City sightseeing , Museum and gallery visits , Countryside and village visits , Beach & Honeymoon 'data-more-tripid='15600'>+3 more
  • Transport Private Vehicle, Flight, Jeep & Boat

Colombia Uncovered Tour

  • Starts Medellin, Colombia

Colombia Uncovered

  • Tour Type Group Tour
  • Activities Rainforest and jungle visits & Cultural, religious and historic sites Rainforest and jungle visits , Cultural, religious and historic sites & Beach 'data-more-tripid='37273'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Hostel
  • Transport Flight, Private Vehicle, Boat & Bus
  • Age Range 18-40 yrs
  • Jun 09 Only 8 seats left
  • Jul 07 Only 7 seats left

Colombia - Lost City Trekking

  • Starts Santa Marta, Colombia
  • Ends Santa Marta, Colombia

Colombia - Lost City Trekking

  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & Trekking and Hiking Cultural, religious and historic sites , Trekking and Hiking & Sightseeing Tours 'data-more-tripid='5221'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Camping
  • Transport 4WD Jeep
  • Age Range 12-95 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 899
  • Special Deal (20%): - US$ 180
  • Total Price from: US$ 719
  • Jun 09 Only 10 seats left
  • Jun 16 Only 10 seats left

Contrasts Of Colombia Tour

Contrasts of Colombia

  • Activities Active and outdoor & Explorer Active and outdoor , Explorer , Cultural, religious and historic sites & Sightseeing Tours 'data-more-tripid='19019'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Villa
  • Transport Bus, Flight, Boat, Private Vehicle, 4WD Jeep, Rickshaw & Taxi
  • Age Range 16-95 yrs
  • Jul 29 10+ seats left
  • Oct 05 Only 9 seats left

Intense Colombia Tour

Intense Colombia Tour

  • Activities National parks & Natural landmarks sightseeing National parks , Natural landmarks sightseeing , Countryside and village visits , Cultural, religious and historic sites , Local culture , Beach , City sightseeing & Art and architecture 'data-more-tripid='15601'>+6 more
  • Accommodation Hotel, Villa & Bungalow
  • Transport Flight, Jeep, Boat & Private Vehicle

Best Of Colombia Tour

Best of Colombia

  • Activities City sightseeing & Cultural, religious and historic sites City sightseeing , Cultural, religious and historic sites & Sightseeing Tours 'data-more-tripid='5697'>+1 more
  • Transport Bus, Private Vehicle, Flight, Jeep & Boat
  • Brochure Price: US$ 5,290
  • Special Deal (20%): - US$ 1,058
  • Total Price from: US$ 4,232

Classic Colombia Tour

Classic Colombia

  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & Sightseeing Tours
  • Accommodation Hotel, Villa & Guest House
  • Transport Flight, Private Vehicle, Bus, Boat, Taxi & 4WD Jeep
  • Brochure Price: US$ 4,399
  • Special Deal (20%): - US$ 880
  • Total Price from: US$ 3,519
  • Jun 01 Only 10 seats left
  • Jun 15 Only 4 seats left

Explore The Colombian Amazon Tour

  • Starts Leticia, Colombia
  • Ends Leticia, Colombia

Explore The Colombian Amazon

  • Free cancellation
  • Activities Natural landmarks sightseeing & Rainforest and jungle visits Natural landmarks sightseeing , Rainforest and jungle visits , Local boat rides , Wildlife , Safari & Sightseeing Tours 'data-more-tripid='18159'>+4 more
  • Accommodation Lodge & Eco Lodge
  • Transport Boat & Private Vehicle
  • Age Range 10-70 yrs
  • Operated in English, Spanish

Colombian Culture, Caribbean & Lost City Tour

Colombian Culture, Caribbean & Lost City

  • Accommodation Hotel, Camping, Villa & Guest House
  • Transport Flight, Bus, Private Vehicle, 4WD Jeep, Boat & Taxi
  • Brochure Price: US$ 5,249
  • Special Deal (20%): - US$ 1,050
  • Total Price from: US$ 4,199

Real Colombia Tour

Real Colombia

  • Activities Adventure
  • Age Range 18-35 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,720
  • Special Deal (10%): - US$ 172
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,548
  • Jul 18 Only 6 seats left
  • Aug 15 Only 8 seats left

Traveling to Colombia alone? Chat with a local travel expert in Colombia who can help build the perfect solo trip in Colombia.

Oceane Rortais

Colombia Solo Trip Reviews

Solo trips and solo holidays.

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  • Colombia trips
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  • Colombia travel deals

Colombia upcoming departures

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Girl about the Globe

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solo male travel colombia

Solo Travel in Colombia

solo travel in Colombia

Types of Girl about the Globe (GatG) – Coffee GatG, Cultural GatG, Nature GatG, Party GatG

Colombia is such an amazing country to explore. I lived here for 1.5 years and it's one of my favourite countries in South America . If you are planning to solo travel Colombia, I've put together a Colombia solo female travel guide including the best places to visit in Colombia South America , the best places to stay in Colombia for solos, the best tours in Colombia and how to get around. Find out how to get from the airports when you solo travel to Colombia, the best places to go in Colombia for solos, and a recommended Colombia travel itinerary. 

Read the full article for everything you need for solo female travel Colombia. All recommendations are from myself and our solo community and come with our Solo Female Friendly endorsement. Plus, if you book through any links in this article, I donate money to projects helping vulnerable girls about the globe. Thank you for helping to make a difference to their lives. 

solo travel in Colombia

  • Places to Visit in Colombia

Colombia Tours

  • Where to Stay in Colombia
  • Travelling Around Colombia
  • Colombia Itinerary

Colombia Travel Guide

What to pack for colombia.

  • Best Time to Visit Colombia

Travel Insurance For Colombia

Learn spanish in colombia, airports in colombia.

  • Travelling Onwards
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Colombia

Map of Colombia

  • Plan a Trip to Colombia 

Guatape. Travelling solo in Colombia

Guatape near Medellin in Antioquia

Solo Travel To Colombia

solo male travel colombia

Colombia is one of my favourite countries to explore. It is a country very much overlooked by female travellers but the majority of Colombia is surprisingly safe for women. That's why I've given it 3 out of 5 stars for Colombia solo travel. Being part of Latin America, it is still a very machismo society but the only place you may feel uncomfortable here is on the Caribbean coast where you may get a cat call from the local men. 

If you're wondering how to dress in Colombia, spend time in the big cities and you’ll be surprised by the tight Colombian clothing that women wear especially in Medellin. This is one city where as a tourist in Colombia you can wear what you want without worrying about attracting the wrong type of attention.

Is Colombia safe for solo female travellers? There is crime in Colombia so only take out as much money as you need and use ATMs during the day especially in Cali. Flashing jewellery or your phone or camera is not wise so be careful with your valuables and only carry the minimal items with you.

Is Colombia safe to travel alone at night? You need to b e careful in the evenings and try to avoid night buses across the border with Ecuador. Take day buses if you can.  If you are backpacking alone in Colombia you're guaranteed to find others to team up with, especially in Medellin which is on the backpack route Colombia, along with San Gil, Bogota and Salento. 

There is still trouble between the government and the Farc Rebels in the north, so check the latest updates for areas and routes to avoid . If you learn some Spanish phrases and stay clear of the comunas (the poorer areas), Colombia will capture your heart. Find out more about Learning Colombian Spanish here . 

Colombia is a wonderful country to explore independently but if you are unsure of visiting Colombia alone, or the things to see in Colombia and the best things to do in Colombia solo, you may feel more comfortable in a group tour for your Colombia trip. Below are the best places in Colombia for solo travel Colombia. 

solo travel in Colombia

The city of Medellin

Places To Visit in Colombia

Although stereotyped with drug cartels and violence, Colombia’s reputation is gradually changing to one of entrepreneurship, transformation and hope. Admittedly, parts of the country are still out of bounds for tourists but Colombia has come a long way in the last decade and is now a place of magical realism with coffee plantations, Caribbean cities and mountain landscapes.

* Before you travel, check what paperwork or visas are required for Colombia .  

Zipaquirá, Bogota. Travelling solo in Colombia

Visit the town of Zipaquirá near Bogota for the Salt Cathedral

Things To Do in Bogota Colombia

Is Bogota safe? Bogota  is the capital of the country and although it does have its street crime, it also has a large student population making areas such as La Candelaria perfectly safe for a woman travelling alone to enjoy a coffee and listen to live music. As one of the safe places to visit in Colombia, it is also one of the most colourful areas with impressive street art and walls dedicated to graffiti. Take the street graffiti art tour to learn more about the city’s art.

There is not that much to do here so three to five days is enough to see all that the city has to offer. Once you’ve spent a few hours wandering around the Gold Museum and the Botero Museum, join one of the city’s tours.

Bogota does have great nightlife, although it’s more expensive than you would expect for Colombia and is a fair taxi ride away from La Candelaria. Team up with others to sample the bars and latin clubs of Zona T, Zona Rosa and Parque 93.

Two hours outside of Bogota, you’ll find the Salt Cathedral in Zipaquira , a quaint Colombian town. You have to take two buses to get here so taking a tour is much easier to visit this Colombia must see. If haunted houses are more your style, take the 2 hour bus journey to Tequendama Falls, a 157 meter high waterfall with a spooky abandoned hotel. Raquira is definitely worth a visit. This colourful town has friendly locals and a South American charm and is reachable by minibus from Bogota.

Valle de Corcora. Travelling solo in Colombia

Valle de Corcora – the coffee region in Salento

Colombia Coffee Region 

Travel West and you’ll arrive in Colombia’s coffee country; the Coffee Triangle. Colombia is one of the world’s top producers of coffee and although it exports most of its quality beans, taking a finca tour (a coffee farm) in this region – the best place to visit in Colombia for coffee lovers – is the best way to try the best of the local produce. You can even stay overnight in one.

Salento is a cute little town with a country feel with old men wearing cowboy hats and a colourful artisan market that draws in Colombians as well as tourists. This is a great place to hike but choose a company to do so as there have been cases of people getting held up and robbed.

Valle del Cocora (Corcora Valley), has a striking landscape with waterfalls, hummingbirds and giant wax palm trees. To get there take a shared jeep from the town square early morning and allow enough time to catch a jeep back at 3pm. The top of the hill in Salento offers a viewpoint of the town which is safe for solos to visit, even at dusk, and because the town is so small there is no risk of getting lost.

Coffee farm, things to do in Manizales

Manizales is a university city with a cooler climate and a European feel and the parks here offer beautiful views overlooking the city. Chipre is the highest point in Manizales with a lookout tower to admire the views. Similar to the rest of Colombia in South America, people congregate in the plazas so it is easy to meet others here.

Things to do in Manizales Colombia include visiting the numerous hot springs near the city. Termales Tierra Viva are the most natural pool made of natural stone. If you didn’t visit the Gold Museum in Bogota, there is a smaller one here to explore.

Medellin. Travelling solo in Colombia

The architecture of Medellin, Colombia's second largest city

Head north from coffee county to Medellin, Colombia’s second largest city and once the most dangerous city in the world. Medellín is the best city in Colombia and is now one of their biggest success stories and famous places in Colombia. It even won the ‘Most Innovative City Award' in 2013 for its turnaround from its Narcos past.  

Situated in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountains, Medellin Colombia is smaller and more contained than Bogota, and is known as the City of Eternal Spring because of its year-round warm Colombia temperature (27’c). Nearly everywhere you go in the city has amazing views and the city is vibrant with a latin culture with Al Fresco dining and locals socialising in the many parks. 

For a great view of the city, take the Metrocable, a clever transport system designed to reach the suburban areas of the city. Take the second cable car to Parque Arvi , a natural reserve where you can go horse riding but make sure you hire a guide here instead of exploring on your own. 

Other things to do in Medellin include seeing Plaza Botero with the famous over-sized sculptures, and the Botanical Gardens, an area of 40 acres of tranquility in the city. For the adventurous, paragliding gives you a bird’s eye view of the city and is one of the cheapest places in South America to experience it.

Transforming Comuna 13, Medellin

Comuna 13, Medellin

Medellin Colombia is safe if you don’t have your valuables on show and don’t venture into the pueblos alone. Pueblito Paisa is a cute mock up of a Colombian Pueblo with fantastic views of the city so you won’t miss out on visiting one of the more authentic areas. Although the outdoor escalators of comuna 13 are in a poorer area, if you visit with others you’ll be able to explore this fascinating re-generated area of street art in safety.

Medellin is one of the best places to party and the area of Parque Lleras is one of the safest places in Colombia at night and is a great place to meet others, especially as the park is a hive of activity with locals and tourists hanging out before hitting the bars.

From Medellin you can easily get to other places in Antioquia. Just 45 minutes away is Santa Fe , a historic town with colonial architecture and a romantic charm, and the tiny town of Amaga has the friendliest locals you’re ever likely to meet.

Guatape is one of the most beautiful areas in Colombia and popular tourist attractions in Colombia. A two hour bus ride from Medellin will take you to Penol Rock where you can climb to the top for amazing views of the lake below.

Cartagena. Travelling solo in Colombia

The colourful streets of Cartagena on the Caribbean coast

When you’re ready for a different vibe, solo travel Cartagena Colombia on the Caribbean coast. Cartagena is   a colourful old colonial town with cobbled streets. You’ll find street performers and other travellers and tourists enjoying the friendly vibe at Plaza Trinidad, the square where everyone hangs out. At night you can watch the sunset over the walled city, the heart of Cartagena  (the walls are more than 400 years old).

One of the things to do in Cartagena Colombia if you are here on a Tuesday night, is to head to the Tuesday night language exchange at Latin Explosion to meet others, learn about life in Colombia and learn some Spanish. You’ll find many tours here from chiva tours (one of the fun things to do in Colombia South America), to Colombian culture and history, and boat trips to the Rosario Islands and Playa Blanca .

Cartagena is one of the best cities to visit in Colombia but it does get incredibly hot and at times the humidity can be overbearing. As pretty at it is here, it is also very touristy so be prepared to barter with the vendors trying to charge you tourist prices.

If you are backpacking Colombia and wondering where to go in Colombia to party and meet others, Taganga is the place to be. Especially if you want to learn to scuba dive too. You’e guaranteed to find company in this party town by the beachside.

Santa Marta is only an hour away and not only has a nicer beach than Cartagena but also a nicer vibe. There’s not that much to see so you may want to just stay a couple of nights and take a day trip to Minca for the waterfalls.

When you're exploring Colombia, Tayrona National Park (Parque Tarona), is one of the most beautiful sights in Colombia. For the adventurous solo, the Lost City Trek is a four day strenuous challenge through jungle to an ancient ruined city built by the Tayrona Indians.

Solo travel in Colombia

Pacific Coast of Colombia

Most people avoid the Pacific Coast when going to Colombia alone. This is where the ocean meets the jungle, as it doesn’t have the tourism infrastructure of the Caribbean side. But if you’re looking for a more rustic travelling experience and have the time and patience to explore this region, you’re be able to escape the crowds.

Choose the sleepy town of Bahia Solano for deserted beaches and whale watching, Nuquí for its cultural and ethnic diversity, El Valle for surfing, and Parque Utria – a national park for rainforest beauty. Escape to this side of Colombia and you’re guaranteed to be travelling solo.

Gorgeous Guatape near Medellin in Antioquia

Things To Do in Cali Colombia

If you love dancing you’ll love Cali . This city does have its crime problems so as women traveling alone be careful at night and also when taking money out of ATMs. Situated in a valley with the Cauca River, Cali is the salsa epicentre of Colombia, so don’t be surprised if you’re invited to a salsa club or two, as salsa is in the Caleños' blood.

It is also known for its shopping so after a night of being spun around the dance floor, some retail therapy is a respite from the city’s heat.

Cristo Rey is Cali’s version of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer, where you can catch a great view of the city but team up with others for this route or choose Estatua instead, a safer area for a vista. The city was once populated by many indigenous tribes and has a rich cultural history.

For the adventurous, just 1.5 hours from Cali is Calima Lake , a great place to windsurf. Or head to Pance for some birdwatching and trekking, just 30 minutes away from Cali.

Tatacoa Desert, Desierto de la Tatacoa

  • Tatacoa Desert

Did you know that Colombia has a desert? Two in fact. La Tatacoa   is a 30 minute flight from Bogota and the desert of La Guajira lies in the north of Colombia. Saving the very best for last, the Caribbean islands of San Andrés and Providencia although nearer Nicaragua, are definitely Colombia with a Caribbean feel.

Although San Andres Colombia can get quite touristy, Providencia is lesser-known with empty beaches and golf buggies for getting around the island. Airlines fly from the larger Colombian cities to San Andres.

One of the unique things to do in Colombia is visit Cano Cristales, known as the ‘River of Five Colors by Colombia tourism.’   But it is one of the Colombia attractions that is difficult to reach and you are not permitted to enter the area by yourself. The nearest town is La Macarena where you can book a tour to see this beautiful red and multi-coloured river.

The town of San Agustin in Huila is one of the Colombia destinations that is growing in popularity. Many come here to see San Agustin Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, containing megalithic sculptures, monuments and burial mounds within its boundaries.

Other places to visit in Colombia are: Santa Elena for tropical flowers, Popayán for colonial architecture, the  Rio Claro   Valley for cave tubing, Raquira for colourful pottery, Barranquilla Colombia for its party and carnival atmosphere and Jardin – one of the most beautiful towns in the country.

As Colombia moves into the future, it is no longer about Pablo Escobar and the days of the cartels. Travel to Colombia and the only risk is wanting to stay.

solo travel in Colombia

G Adventures Colombia

If you feel more comfortable in a group for either part of your trip or the whole duration, G Adventures is a responsible tour company which mainly caters towards budget travellers. Most tours Colombia have an average of 10 people and there is no upper age limit.

Once you book your trip you pay extra for any excursions you want to do when you’re there. Their adventure Colombia tours start from a 7 days Lost City Trekking tour to an epic 60 day Colombia, Andes & Galapagos Tour. If you only have 9 days in Colombia, their Colombia Express allows you to tour Colombia from Bogota to Cartagena. I have personally used G Adventures and recommend them as a solo female friendly company. 

*   Click here for the full itineraries, prices, and start dates

Intrepid Travel Colombia

Intrepid Travel is sim ilar to G Adventures with an average of 12 people on each of their group tours to Colombia. Over 50% of people using their trips are solo travellers. They tend to use hotels instead of hostels and have a more comfortable style of accommodation hence the trips can appear a bit more costly than G Adventures. They have various Colombia tour packages such as an Intrepid Colombia 8 day coffee tour, or experience Colonial Colombia on a 9 day group tour from £828. Read our  Intrepid Travel Reviews or click here for the full itineraries, prices, and start dates

TruTravels Colombia

For the backpacker solo, TruTravels offers a 12 day trip to Colombia. Explore the culture old and new as you travel to Medellin, Santa Marta, Buritaca, Cartagena and Isla Grande. The trip is a combination of adventure, culture, beaches and partying. Learn about Colombia’s notorious past, see colonial old towns and get lost in a jungle, all whilst sampling the country’s famous coffee. Trips have a maximum of 20 people with most travellers between the ages of 18 and mid 30’s. Prices start from £1695 based on a twin share.

* Check prices & availability for TruTravels tour

Bogota Graffiti Tours – This original graffiti tour is just great. The tour takes 2.5 hours and leads you around some of the city on foot learning about its street art scene. It's a free tour with a Colombia tour guide, and you give a donation at the end depending on how good you found the tour. 

Bogota Bike Tours – Offers group cycling around the city, an ideal way to meet others and explore Bogota safely at the same time.

Andes Eco Tours – Offers sustainable tours in Bogota, the capital of Colombia.

Expotur – If you decide to do the Lost City Trek this travel tours company is well recommended for the 4 day trek. It leaves from Santa Marta.

Real City Tours – Explore Medellin on a city walking tour with a local guide who gives amazing insight into the city. They also offer barrio and exotic Colombian food tours too so you can try the typical Colombian cuisine. 

Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide helps you to find top-rated activities in Colombia and top things to do in Colombia. Choose from a Piedra del Penol and Guatape tour, a snorkelling trip around the Rosario Islands, or a tour to the Salt Cathedral in Bogota. There are several to choose from including all the main Colombia tourist attractions and it’s really simple to use. Just check the reviews, price and availability then book online. * Check all tours and prices here

Where To Stay in Colombia

Accommodation here is a fraction of the cost that you may be used to in the UK or USA. There are no shortage of places to stay and you’ll find plenty of accommodation on such as hostels, boutique Colombia hotels, luxury hotels, apartments and all inclusive resorts on the islands. There’s even a chocolate hotel in Cartagena. 

Book a room in a penthouse and other accommodation through Airbnb where you can stay with a local and save $20 off your first stay with this link. 

All of the accommodation below have been recommended by solo female travellers from our Girls about the Globe community. From the best hotels in Colombia for solos to recommended hostels in Colombia, the accommodation below comes with our Solo Female Friendly endorsement. For all other Colombia hotels and properties, click on the link below. 

  • To book, check prices or availability for all accommodation in Colombia

Where to stay in Colombia

Bogota – Republica Hostel Bogota

If you want to be close to the bars and restaurants, the Republica Hostel is situated near the famous T Zone so you’re close to all the action. The interior is very contemporary and although some of the rooms may be small, they have great views and comfy beds. The front desk is open 24 hours and there’s a terrace and a lounge so you can meet others over a cocktail in the bar.

Breakfast is included too! Although it isn't close to the historical centre, it is close to the metro bus so you can easily get around the city. There isn’t any heating so wrap up if you visit during the colder months. Choose from a bed in a 4 bed, 5 bed or 8 bed dormitory room, or opt for a double room with your own private bathroom.

  • Prices from £7 per night for a bed in an 8-bed dormitory
  • To book, check prices or availability for Republica Hostel Bogota

Where to Stay in Colombia

Bogota – Hotel Casa de la Vega

Hotel Casa de la Vega is one of the hotels in Colombia Bogota that is l ocated in the centre of the historical area. This colonial-style Colombia hotel with an inner courtyard is perfect for those seeking an authentic Colombian stay. You’re close to the Candelaria where you can find musicians within walking distance.

The staff speak English and make their guests feel really welcome. Because of the layout of the hotel you may need ear plugs but all rooms come with a flat-screen TV and a hairdryer (plus free toiletries). Choose from a standard double room or suite with a garden or mountain view.

  • Prices from £40 per night for a standard double room
  • To book, check prices or availability for Hotel Casa de la Vega

Where to Stay in Colombia

Cartagena – One Day Hostel

This hostel is in a great location just a short walk from the waterfront. The staff are friendly and helpful and there is a 24 hour reception which is good if you are arriving late in Cartagena. The beds are comfortable and there is air conditioning in the rooms which is a welcome break from the humidity.

The Wifi is good and breakfast is included in the price. What more could you need? Choose from a 4, 6 or 8 bed dorm room or a double room.

  • Prices from £10 per night for a bed in a 6-bed dormitory
  • To book, check prices or availability for One Day Hostel

Where to Stay in Colombia

Cartagena – Hotel Boutique La Artilleria

If you want to treat yourself and stay in one of the beautifully-designed hotels in Colombia Cartagena, this property is beautiful and has a rooftop swimming pool with views of the gorgeous city of Cartagena. There's a gorgeous sun terrace and each room has its own TV and toiletries in the bathroom. The staff speak English too. 

It is only a few hundred yards from the Castle and the Gold Museum and you can walk to the historic centre from here. Choose from a double room, a superior double room or a junior suite.

  • Prices from £60 per night for a double room on the first floor
  • To book, check prices or availability for Hotel Boutique La Artilleria

Where to Stay in Colombia

Medellin – Purple Monkey Hostel

Situated in the popular area of El Poblado, the Purple Monkey is a cool, arty hostel where you are guaranteed to meet other travellers and those backpacking Colombia. The rooms are clean with coffee machines and there is plenty of hot water.

You can sun yourself on the terrace or just make new friends in the bar or common areas. Some of the staff speak English and can book any tours you want to do or arrange an airport shuttle. If you are looking for somewhere sociable to stay, Purple Monkey is a great choice. Choose from a 4, 6 or 12 bed dorm room.

  • Prices from £10 per night for a bed in the largest dormitory
  • To book, check prices or availability for Purple Monkey Hostel

Where to Stay in Colombia

Medellin – Diez Hotel Categoria

This hotel has everything that you need for a luxurious stay. Designed using natural elements, the rooms are stunning with large windows and lots of light and decorated with local handicrafts. You don’t even have to leave the hotel as there are restaurants and bars in the lobby. The spa has views of the city and you’ll find a sauna, hot tub and Turkish steam bath to relax in.

There’s a wide choice for the breakfast buffet which is included and the hotel is just steps away from Parque Lleras, one of the liveliest areas in Medellin. Choose from a standard double room, twin room or suite. I have personally stayed in this hotel and recommend it as one of the best hotels in Medellin. 

  • Prices from £71 per night for a standard double room
  • To book, check prices or availability for Diez Hotel

Travelling Around Colombia

If you are travelling in Colombia on a budget, the best way to get around Colombia is by bus travel which takes you to the major cities. Some of the regions are mountainous so if you are prone to travel sickness it may be worth taking a flight instead. Some bus routes are not recommended at night such as Popayan to Pasto, and Cali/Bogota to Ecuador so do your research before you take a bus and either travel during the day or by plane instead.

Viva Colombia flies internally to various airports in the country (charging more for baggage). This can work out just slightly cheaper than taking a bus and reduce traveling in Colombia from a 12 hour bus journey to just one hour or less. 

Medellin has a good public transport system with a metro service and Bogota is also connected by good bus routes. If you are going to the islands flights operate to the Caribbean island of San Andres. The Pacific coast is more challenging to get to with a lack of transportation and some areas only accessible by boat and plane.

* To hire a car we recommend pre-booking car hire with Avis so you can collect your car when you arrive at the airport.

solo male travel colombia

Colombia Itinerary 

With Viva Colombia flying internally, you no longer need to worry about long bus journeys. A week here is too short unless you just want to see Bogota and Medellin and Cali and fly between the two cities. Two to three weeks is perfect for exploring the cities, the coffee region and the Caribbean coast. Whether you are looking for a Colombia itinerary 7 days or a Colombia itinerary 2 weeks, below are recommended examples of a Colombia travel itinerary.

Colombia Itinerary 1 week: Bogota – 4 nights, Medellin 3 nights (visit Guatape for 1 day).

Colombia Itinerary 10 days: Bogota – 4 nights, Medellin – 3 nights, Cartagena – 3 nights.

Colombia 2 week itinerary:  Bogota – 4 nights, Medellin – 3 nights, Manizales – 2 nights, Cartagena – 3 nights, Tayrona National Park – 1 night.

Colombia Itinerary 3 weeks:  Bogota 3 nights, Desierto de la Tatacoa – 1 night, Medellin – 4 nights, Salento – 2 nights, Manizales – 3 nights, Cartagena – 3 nights, Santa Marta – 3 nights, Tayrona National Park – 1 night.

Colombia Itinerary 1 month:  Bogota, Desierto de la Tatacoa or San Gil, Bogota, Cali, Manizales, Medellin, Guatape, Cartagena (day trip to Playa Blanca), Santa Marta, Minca, Tayrona National Park, Lost City 4 day trek, fly to Pacific Coast or San Andres.

If you need a guide book for your travels we recommend both Lonely Planet, and Rough Guides. Covering where to go and when to travel to Colombia, things not to miss, itineraries, getting around, festivals and events, history, and maps, they are the most comprehensive guides on the market. If you prefer other brands click here for all Colombia guide books.

solo male travel colombia

If you are planning on travelling to Colombia for the first time, the Lonely Planet Colombia guide covers topics such as: where to visit in Colombia, highlights and Colombia sightseeing, itineraries, cultural insights including history, people and politics. They also include essential information, how to avoid the crowds and unsafe areas as well as insider Colombia travel tips so you can make the most of your time in Colombia. They’re your travel Bible.

* Check prices on Amazon

If you’re unsure what to pack for your Colombia vacations, we have created a guide of our favourite solo travel products to help you decide what to pack. One of our favourite travel accessories for Colombia are these pickpocket proof pants.

Is Colombia safe for solo female travellers? We’re not saying that you will get pickpocketed but it’s always a good idea to be preventive rather than reactive. If you are planning on traveling to Colombia alone then it’s a good idea not to have your purse on display. Find out why we love these below and click on the link to discover all of our favourite travel products:

*  Click here for all of our recommended travel accessories for solos

solo male travel colombia

Pickpocket Proof Pants

Not only do these cargo trousers look stylish and come in a variety of shades, they are ideal for stashing away your money and valuables too. Manufactured with pickpockets in mind, they are the safest trousers on the market. They have a skirt, shirt and dress too. We think they are an essential part of any solo’s wardrobe for Latin America.

Buy from Clothing Arts  

solo male travel colombia

Best Time To Visit Colombia

Depending where you go in Colombia the climate can differ. If you stay in the semi-desert it will be a dry heat compared to the Caribbean coast which is very humid. Medellin has Spring temperatures year-round whereas Manizales can be cooler as well as Bogota which gets cold in the winter months.

Colombia’s peak season is December to March so prices may be higher during these months. If you are travelling around the whole country then pack summer clothes and take something warmer for different regions. The best time to travel to the capital for weather is December and January.

This chart shows the average weather in Bogota Colombia (from January to December). Find out the weather for other areas here (go to ‘All destinations’ at the bottom and choose your destination).

solo male travel colombia

Colombia is a wonderful country to explore but it does have its crime. If you are planning Colombia solo female travel, travel insurance is definitely recommended especially if you are taking your phone or other valuables.

True Traveller and World Nomads are two insurance companies which can cover travel to Colombia. True Traveller is available to UK and European residents, and World Nomads is available to over 100 countries worldwide, including the USA and UK. For digital nomads, Safety Wing is a nomad insurance that covers people from all over the world.

All companies allow you to buy insurance when you are already on the road and offer different plans depending on your needs including additional adventure cover.

* Check insurance prices and cover for True Traveller

N.b. World Nomads provides travel insurance for travellers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

Colombian Spanish

Colombians have one of the clearest Spanish accents making it a great country to visit if you want to learn the Colombia language on your Colombian vacation. There are many language schools offering normal and intensive classes to get you started or help to improve your Castellano.

One travel tip is before you arrive in Colombia, I definitely recommend learning Colombian Spanish.  It’s a course for learning conversational Spanish for Colombia which teaches you how to speak like Colombians and  to help you get the most out of your time in Colombia. And the best thing about it is, it’s taught by someone who learnt the language himself after years of being in Colombia so he’s easy to relate to.

Find out more about the Colombian Spanish course.

Bogota Colombia Airport- Taxis cost approx £8 from El Dorado International Airport for the 15 minute journey. The TransMilenio (the bus) costs £1 to Calle 19 or Carrera 10 and runs every 5 minutes until approximately 10pm.

Cali –  From Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport buses run every 20 minutes. The 40 minute journey takes 40 minutes and costs £15. Check Expreso Palmira for schedules. Taxis cost £15 and take only 20 minutes.

Cartagena –  From Rafael Núñez International Airport you can take a taxi into Cartagena for £8. The journey is only 10 minutes. The bus company TransCaribe take 30 minutes and cost only £2. Check here for schedules . From Santa Marta Airport, taxis cost £14 and take 20 minutes.

Medellin –  There are two airports in Medellin but most flights leave from José María Córdova International Airport which is outside of the city. As you leave the airport go to the right-hand side to find minibuses into the city. The buses cost approx £3 and take 45 minutes.

Ask for the bus to San Diego where the bus drops you at the side of the road near the shopping mall and taxis are waiting for you to take you to your address. Taxis leave from outside the airport and cost approximately £15 into the El Poblado area. 

Getting to Medellin Airport – To get to the airport you can either take a taxi from your accommodation for £17 or take a shared taxi which is only £5.00. For a shared taxi go to Centro Comercial San Diego to the Falabella building which is near the petrol station.

From here you can take a white taxi which fills up once it has 4 passengers. You do share the ride but the fare is split making it cheaper than getting one on your own.

* Feel more confident on your Colombia vacation with someone waiting for you at the airport when you pre-book a transfer with Hoppa , a reliable service for solo females.

Border Crossings

Travelling Onwards (check visas before you travel)

Colombia To Panama – There is no overland border so either fly with Viva Colombia or take the 3/4 day sailing trip, stopping off at the stunning San Blas islands with the indigenous Kuna tribe. A great way of combining a border crossing with a sailing adventure.

Colombia To Ecuador – From Popayan there are direct buses to Ipiales, the border town which takes 8 hours and usually stops in Pasto, or cross via Tulcan and Ipiales. Avoid crossing into Ecuador at night and travel during the day.

Colombia To Brazil – Spend 4-5 days crossing the Amazon from Leticia to Manaus by riverboat for US $65 (payable in Colombian pesos). Boats depart Wednesdays and Saturdays or there is a faster service which takes 36 hours departing Saturdays and Sundays for US $150 (in local currency). Check here for the boat information. 

Colombia To Peru – Similar to crossing into Brazil, take the riverboat from Leticia to Iquitos in Peru along the Amazon. If you don’t have 3 days to cross on the slow boat (Cabin = US $80 including 3 meals a day) which leaves daily except for Thursdays, there is a fast boat for just 12 hours for a few dollars more. This departs Santa Rosa (same as the slow boat) every day except for Saturdays and Mondays.

Colombia To Venezuela – Not recommended to visit at this time due to political unrest.

Where can I go from here?

  • Panama – 1 hour
  • Ecuador – 1.5 hours
  • Peru – 3 hours

Questions About Colombia

  • Is there drinking water in Colombia? In most cities you can drink the tap water. Choose bottled water in smaller towns or take your own water filter with you.
  • Is tipping in Colombia expected? No, a service charge is included. In a supermarket, it is polite to tip the people who are packing your bags.
  • Fixed price or barter? Fixed price.
  • Any ATMs? Yes, but they don’t all work with international cards. Salento only has one ATM so be prepared and have extra cash with you.
  • Which side of the road do they drive? The right hand side.
  • Good for vegetarians? The staple Colombian diet is rice, beans, meat and Colombian arepas but more and more vegetarian places are popping up in the cities.
  • Any seven wonders of the world? No.

Plan a Trip to Colombia

If you are ready to plan a trip a vacation in Colombia here are some useful links such as airlines which fly there, vaccinations required and visas to help you plan your solo trip to Colombia. 

solo male travel colombia

Budget – £25 a day

Current Time in Colombia (Bogota)

Capital – Bogotá

Colombia Population – 48.3 million

Language of Colombia – Spanish. Is English spoken in Colombia? Only in the tourist areas. Knowing some basic Spanish phrases will help you to get around the country.

Currency of Colombia – Colombian Peso

Do I Need a Visa To Visit Colombia?

What Vaccinations Are Required For Colombia?

Is there a Malaria Risk in Colombia? 

Useful Info

Airlines to Colombia

What is The Best Month To Visit Colombia?  – January and December for Bogota.

Which Plug Do I Need?

UNESCO Sites in Colombia

Events & Festivals in Colombia

Colombia Cost of Living

Colombian Customs & Etiquette

Useful Spanish phrases

Did you know? Colombia is the country for plastic surgery and you’ll often spot an older sugar daddy with a beautiful girl on his arm, half his age.

Ecohabs – It isn't cheap but if you want to treat yourself, these echohabs comes complete with a restaurant, spa and jacuzzi, and are located in the beautiful Tayrona National Park.

Mawasi Finca – Located in the historic Villa de Leyva, this bed and breakfast provides an eco stay with mountain views. They also offer Spanish language lessons so you can practice some lingo under the stars.


Angeles de Medellin – Angels of Medellin helps poor and displaced children and families in the city of Medellin. Teach English to the children and adults or take part in the sports learning such as football and baseball.

Cultural Experiences

Work on a Coffee Farm in Salento – If you've ever wanted to work on a coffee farm, this is the ideal experience. The plantation house offers an authentic tourist experience and includes lunch, drinks and all necessary equipment you need to pick or plant coffee.

Local Projects

The Emiliani Project –  The Emiliani Project is a non-profit charitable organisation committed to the support and education of Colombia's abandoned children and orphans. Their mission is ‘to give a child an opportunity to dream,' and you can help by buying a pack of their locally-produced coffee with proceeds helping the kids. 

Ciudad Refugio   – Part of the Ministry of Times Square Church this organisation helps the homeless within Medellin with rehabilitation programs and overnight shelter. Offering new skills and  micro-enterprise opportunities they are providing vital services to the city's most vulnerable people. 

Social Impact Projects

The Dreamer Hostel – Dreamer Hostel set up an organisation in Santa Marta, Palomino that agrees and enforces certain ground rules that such businesses now adhere to. Coupled with their various charitable work for the children of Palomino, such as a scholarship that helps send kids to university, Dreamer is a great example of how a Hostel can and should interact with its environment.

Issues in the Country

As tourism in Colombia rises, so does sex tourism. Prostitution is legal here and is very open in the cities of Cartagena and Medellin. Read more here…

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solo male travel colombia

16 thoughts on “ Solo Travel in Colombia ”

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When was this article written?

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Hi Lauren, it was written in 2015.

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Great article! I’m from NC and about to do a volunteer trip to Bogota with IVHQ and was really wondering if it be good to stay an extra week or so to explore, so I really appreciate the detail, it helps a lot. This is my first time traveling abroad and I’m really ready to explore many other places. As a solo female traveler, are there any places you specifically recommend?

Hi, I would definitely recommend the Salt Cathedral near Bogota, also Medellin and Guatape. If you like coffee head to Salento or Manizales.

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Hi!! Are you staying an extra week in Colombia? do you want to meet up? I live the last 3 years in NC I’ll love to ” catch up” with some one from NC and still practicing my English at the same time I show you my city!

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What a wonderful article, just the sort of info I am looking for. I appreciate info about out of the way places, and the safety specifics. I spent 6 months travelling Ecuador last year and loved it. This time I’m considering Columbia, Costa Rica, but only 3 months. In Ecuador I easily travelled on $1700 Cnd a month, with private rooms in hostels, ranging $9-23US in small towns, and $25US in large towns. I’m wondering how this might compare with Colombian prices, if you know? I am travelling solo too. At 62 years, some of the safety aspects become a non issue, a great time to travel. Thanks, Dallas

Hi Dallas, I recently went to Ecuador and found it slightly more expensive than Colombia. I would say that you could spend the same or even less in Colombia.

' src=

Thank you for this!! Am thinking about going solo and this article has everything I need to plan.

Thanks Martina. That’s great to hear 🙂 Please let me know if you have any recommendations for me to make solo travel even easier x

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Hi girls. Here I leave a little of our country, a corner in Antioquia.

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Hello! I want to go to Ville de Levya and Raquira and was wondering whether it’s safe to take a solo private tour from Bogota instead of the minibus? I tried finding shared group tours but there are none I could find! Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!

Hi Amanda, I haven’t been to those places in Colombia but I did go solo to the Tatacoa Desert from Bogota and found it safe. Are you on Facebook? Join our Girls about the Globe Facebook community as someone in the group may have been to Ville de Levya and Raquira x

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Hi, this article is so helpful thanks!! Im travelling solo to Colombia, Peru, Bolivia in April. What do you think the best way to get from Colombia to Peru (Lima or Cusco) is? I had a look at flights and they were very expensive but there seems to be some boat/bus options. would be great to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

Hi Izzy, thanks for your kind words. The best way is by plane. Viva Colombia may now operate a route to Peru so it’s worth checking their site. The only other way would via bus through Ecuador which would take days. You may be able to get through the Amazon by boat though? x

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Hi, there! This article was really helpful. I’ve been to parts of Colombia before with a boyfriend but I’ve never travelled there alone. Now I’m looking at studying abroad in Medellin (I’ve never been to the city before but it looks wonderful)… do you have any thoughts or advice on this? Would I feel safe living in Medellin for a whole semester? I can’t find any programs that go there for my major so I would be doing it solo, but my Spanish is good enough that I can take classes in Spanish and talk to people there.

Hi Jacquelyn, that’s great that you’re looking at going to Medellin to study. I would definitely do this as the people are so friendly and it will be an enriching experience especially if your Spanish is good enough too. Just be careful with your belongings in the city and keep the windows wound up in taxis and you’ll have an amazing time. Let me know how it goes x

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Bogota Solo Travel Guide

Bogota Cityscape

Planning a solo trip to Bogota ? Here’s everything you need to know for your visit:


  • Capital and largest city of Colombia, with a metro population of about 11.3 million .
  • Officially named  Bogotá Distrito Capital , or Bogotá D.C.
  • Hosts  Carnival every August.
  • Home to the  largest bicycle network  in South America.
  • Nickname: Athens of South America (for its many museums and universities)


  • Currency: Colombian Peso ( COP )
  • Spoken languages:  Spanish
  • Best time to visit: from  December to March . The weather is always changing, though the most rainfall occurs between April and July. Nights can get chilly, so bring a jacket. Regardless, expect tropical heat during the day. Note: the city is incredibly crowded during Carnival celebrations in August.
  • Arriving via airport : El Dorado International Airport serves Bogotá just 20 minutes from downtown. To travel by taxi , visit the regulated booths and explain the teller your destination. They will hand you a printed ticket with the rate of your trip on it, which you then hand to your driver. Rates usually run between 15.000 to 25.000 COP .
  • The Transmilenio is a bus rapid transit system that can take you to all points of town from the airport (1.700 COP per ride) – board the Alimentador shuttle to get there. There’s a bus stop outside the airport’s front gate for busetas or colectivos that can take you to the centro and some suburbs for 1.500 COP.


  • Best hostel for solo travelers: The Cranky Croc . Right in the heart of the action (La Candelaria), the Croc features clean rooms/facilities, extremely friendly staff, and plenty of tours/events organized for guests. On-site bar and restaurant. Make sure to book ahead to reserve your spot, especially during high season.
  • La Candelaria is a historic colonial neighborhood – close to most of the popular sights.
  • Mid-range hotels can be found around the Chapinero district , while top-notch places can be found around Plaza Bolívar .


  • While the  Transmilenio can be a bit confusing, but if you’re just trying to get from A to B, it’s a cheap, efficient, clean, and spacious option. Watch out, as it gets very busy around rush hour.
  • Other buses come in different colors and are small in comparison to the Transmilenio. Destinations are posted in the front window – just to be safe, tell the driver to let you know when to get off.
  • Taxis shouldn’t be hailed if you can avoid it – many thieves use taxis as a cover to rob people. Call ahead of time and give your driver the password (the last two digits of the number you called him from).
  • Instead of taxis , consider doing as the locals do – call an Uber . Note: drivers prefer that you sit in the front of the car (passenger seat).


  • Drinking age is 18 , and last call is around 12:30 AM (bars close at 1 AM). This policy has led to a flourishing of widespread after-hours parties. Note: most of these charge quite a bit.
  • The Zona Rosa has most of the nightclubs in Bogotá, as well as some of the best. The Chapinero district has a big gay and electronica scene, while  La Candelaria is where you’ll find the poets, bohemians, expats and backpackers drinking in cozy bars.
  • Great bars for solo travelers: El Irish Pub (either location), Drunken Fox, Restaurante Black Bear (great food too), Doña Ceci (the classic contina experience), and El Gato Gris.


  • There are three must-see museums: the Gold Museum , the Emerald Museum , and t he Botero Museum , the last of which holds the works of the world famous Fernando Botero. The Gold Museum is where you’ll see pre-Spanish artwork on gold.
  • The Cerro de Monserrate is a mountain whose peak offers the best view of town, especially at night. You can take the transferico or cable car up and back, or take it there and walk down (45 minutes) for free. Bring sunscreen during the day, or a coat if you go at night. If you’re in good physical shape, consider waking up really early and climbing the stairs up to the top. A must-visit!


  • La Candelaria is a hilly, colonial neighborhood with considerable historical significance. Go for a walk to see the cathedrals, plazas and ancient art bars with your own eyes. Plaza de Bolívar is a must-visit.
  • Stroll the grounds of Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis , Colombia’s largest botanical garden


  • Bogotá has the cleanest drinking water of all Latino capitals, so drink away!
  • Visit Paloquemao – a traditional market in the heart of the city, with many delicious fruits and snacks.
  • Great restaurants to try in Bogota: Andrés D.C. Bogotá ($$$), Insurgentes – Taco Bar (Mexican), Cacio & Pepe ($$$ – Italian), Osaki Artisan ($$$ – Asian), Ramen Bar Tomodachi ($$$). Vegan option: Herbívoro Cocina Vegana.
  • Where to find good cheap eats : La Candelaria has little bakeries, cafes and Asian-fusion restaurants that don’t cost too much if you look around. El Chapinero has more street food at night that during the day but has plenty of hidden restaurants serving cheap, traditional fare.
  • Dangerous areas : beware of Barrio Santa Fe downtown, as it’s full of drugs, crime, and… more drugs. You don’t want to get stuck alone at night in El Centro  (or in most places in the south part of the city).

Recommended trip duration:  2-3 days

  • Medellin, Colombia
  • Cali, Colombia
  • Cartagena, Colombia
  • Barranquilla, Colombia

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solo male travel colombia

Looking at going this November. I’m a single guy in my 30s. Looking for some historical culture, beach time, and night life. Planning on traveling for about 2 weeks. Thoughts? Disregard whether the virus will still be in effect.

' class=

Yes it is a wonderful country and much to see and do with plenty of activities whether your single, married, LGBT, old or younger, with or w/o kids, just come and enjoy.

BTW - It's COLOMBIA so you have time to practice your spelling and Spanish to ensure that you will enjoy your visit!

If you are interested in nightlife - wait until next year -_ November this year might be fine for hanging at a remote finca - after you have been quarantied for 14 days.

It is a single guys paradise, I came here as a single guy in my early 30s and never left. It's a great place for all the stuff you mentioned.

' class=

Do you have a link to what the president said about 18 months?

This being said my sense as I have my ears to the ground here in Medellin, like Bicks, tells me that it could be September or October before things START to re-open.

Fingers crossed, stay safe all!

For nightlife Medellin is the place. Cartagena is nice too if you want more of a western feel with more tourists.

There is culture pretty much everywhere.

solo male travel colombia

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A Solo Traveler’s Guide to Bogotá

Bogotá is a vibrant city with so much to offer solo travelers

At first glance, the cobblestone streets in the sprawling capital of Colombia seem sleepy and strangely quiet, but under the surface, Bogotá is a bustling city with various districts and lots of things to do and enjoy if you know where to look. For solo travelers, the nightlife is a revelation, accommodation is diverse, and meeting people is a breeze.

What’s the vibe for bogotá solo travelers.

Sometimes overlooked in favor of sister city Medellín – the second-largest city in Colombia – Bogotá is a must on your itinerary. The hip capital is celebrated for its coffee-shop scene, innovative cuisine and diverse, vibrant neighborhoods, all set against an epic Andes backdrop.

Where to stay in Bogotá

1. w bogotá.

Boutique Hotel, Hotel

A glamorous gold-and-eggplant lounge area in a suite at W Bogotá, with curving seating and city views

2. Bogotá Plaza Hotel

An elegant sitting area at Bogotá Plaza Hotel, with marble walls, tan and coral leather seating and a patterned rug

In northern Bogotá, the five-star Bogotá Plaza Hotel has luxury amenities at an affordable rate. The rooms are clean and contemporary, but the real star of the show here is the lavish spa on the fifth floor, overlooking the skyline. Before you head out on the town, pamper yourself – this tranquil space has a Turkish bath, a hot tub, a sauna and many massage and spa services.

3. Selina La Candelaria

A hip sitting area at Selina La Candelaria, with yellow and black armchairs, gray chesterfields, art and knick-knacks

Wake up to views of the Andes at the sociable Selina La Candelaria, housed in a neo-colonial building. The sociable hostel has a cozy cafe with locally sourced coffee, a shared kitchen, a library lounge, an on-site restaurant and a movie room. It’s easy to meet dorm-mates – events take place at the bar, and you can sign up for salsa classes, cocktail-making lessons and lettering workshops.

What to do in Bogotá

4. visit the unique santuario nuestra señora del carmen.

The eclectic interior of Santuario Nuestra Senora del Carmen, with red-and-white-striped columns and sky blue walls

5. Admire the eclectic street art in La Candelaria

Historical Landmark

Colorful building facades in La Candelaria adorned with vibrant murals, with brick-lined sidewalks and roads in front

In the heart of Bogotá, the historic La Candelaria neighborhood is a mix of pastel-painted houses and head-turning graffiti. Get lost in the cobblestone streets to find plazas, the Botero Museum – among other popular sights – and a lively craft-beer scene at night. Take a walking tour to learn about the history.

See street art when you take part in Culture Trip’s Discover Colombian Andes adventure. The eight-day trip, led by a Local Insider, takes you through the vibrant cities, coffee culture and spectacular Colombian Andes.

6. Hike the Cerro de Monserrate

Hill Station, Historical Landmark, Church, Shrine

Whitewashed buildings with tile roofs, with Cerro de Guadalupe in the background, as seen from Cerro de Monserrate

Eating and drinking in Bogotá for solo travelers

7. leo restaurant.

Restaurant, Authentic

Named after its chef, Leonor Espinosa, the upscale Leo Restaurant is like a gastronomic journey through the regions of Colombia. Choose an eight- or 13-course tasting menu with contemporary dishes that reflect lesser-known ingredients, such as plants and seeds from the Amazon. Even the cocktail menu is based on the country’s diversity, so you can taste national specialties without leaving the city.

8. Andrés DC – Bogotá

Bar, Restaurant, South American

The whimsical Bogotá branch of Andrés Carne de Res specializes in grilled meat, with a biblical-length cocktail menu. The iconic steakhouse is loved for its fiesta-lively atmosphere – expect dancing and live music. It’s a great alternative to the original restaurant in Chía, a 45-minute drive away, especially on the weekends when tables are at a premium.

9. La Puerta Falsa

Restaurant, French

People dining on the second floor of La Puerta Falsa, with people ordering at the deli counter below

Stay safe, stay happy in Bogotá

You’ll find yourself at ease and welcome in this vibrant capital. However, like any major city, Bogotá has its fair share of crime, so exercise the usual precautions. For example, don’t wear flashy jewelry, keep expensive phones and cameras concealed, and avoid carrying large amounts of cash. To be super safe, instead of hailing taxis on the street, use one that’s been vetted by your accommodation, or opt for ride-sharing apps that track your whereabouts.

Getting around in Bogotá for solo travelers

The least-confusing options are taxis, especially if your Spanish is limited. Like cycling? Every Sunday, the city bans motorized transport between 7am and 2pm. Ask your accommodation if there are bikes available for the Ciclovía program. There are also bike-sharing stations around the city; check major parks, such as Virrey Park and Santander Park, and Plaza de Bolívar, where you can borrow bikes if you register online .

Link up with a small group of like-minded travelers and a Local Insider on Culture Trip’s eight-day adventure From Bogota to Medellín: Traverse the Colombian Andes , which includes river rafting down the Río Negro, a hike in the Cocora Valley and a stroll through a Medellín neighborhood once influenced by Pablo Escobar.

Culture Trips launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes places and communities so special.

Our immersive trips , led by Local Insiders, are once-in-a-lifetime experiences and an invitation to travel the world with like-minded explorers. Our Travel Experts are on hand to help you make perfect memories. All our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.?>

All our travel guides are curated by the Culture Trip team working in tandem with local experts. From unique experiences to essential tips on how to make the most of your future travels, we’ve got you covered.

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This Surprising Location Was Recently Named the Ultimate Foodie Location

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solo male travel colombia

Solo South America: What Should You Know About Traveling Alone In This Continent

  • South America offers stunning natural wonders, balmy temperatures, and plenty of hiking opportunities, making it an ideal destination for solo travelers.
  • Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Uruguay are among the top countries to visit for solo travel in South America, offering a mix of natural beauty, vibrant cities, and friendly backpacking communities.
  • While some countries can be trickier to navigate or require language skills, staying informed, enrolling in travel programs, and connecting with fellow travelers can help ensure a safe and rewarding solo trip in South America.

South America is one of the most fantastic continents in the world, with tons of gorgeous natural wonders , balmy temperatures, and plenty of hiking, especially closer to the South Pole.

This continent is one of the best places to retire and an excellent place to explore independently. Solo travelers can make the most of their South American adventure by considering these top tips. Here's what to know about solo travel in South America.

Solo Travel In South America: Which Countries To Visit (And Which To Avoid)

South America is a continent of extremes, from the dizzying height of the Andes to the balmy Caribbean beaches of Northern Colombia. Understanding where to go is one big piece of the puzzle.

One of the largest countries on the continent, Argentina is famous for its epic hiking, wine, and gorgeous cities. Top destinations include Iguazu Falls, Patagonia, and the Perito Moreno Glacier. It's also very safe, and the big cities offer a great backpacking community, so one can feel comfortable solo traveling there.

  • Solo Travel: Enthusiastic yes

Patagonia is a great bucket list destination full of stunning nature, unique animal life, and some of the best hiking in the world. Be prepared for changing temperatures, challenging hikes, and the most Instagrammable landscapes on the planet.

This landlocked country has much to offer, including access to the Amazon, salt flats, and beautiful towns right on Lake Titicaca. Don't miss the Salar de Uyuni, the gorgeous heights of La Paz, or the great hiking near Lake Titicaca, especially the Isla del Sol.

Although there's plenty to see, public transportation can be tricky to navigate and one needs Spanish to get around most places.

  • Solo Travel: Possibly if one speaks Spanish and doesn't mind navigating transportation concerns alone

The giant country of Brazil has plenty of things to do, especially if one is looking for a party. The fantastic capital of Rio de Janiero is a must-visit if one wants a big-city vibe, and Iguacu Falls and Copacabana are great places, too. Plus, there are plenty of spots to enjoy a remote vacation in Brazil .

  • Solo Travel: Yes if one is looking for a fun party, although one will want a little Portuguese to get around

The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most spectacular places on the planet, covering a vast 2,300,000 square miles . Visitors can kayak in the Amazon, enjoy outstanding hiking, and see animals one might never spot anywhere else.

Chile's skinny and scenic country stretches all the way toward Antarctica but also encompasses plenty of other climates. Hugging Argentina, it's a bounty of natural wonders. Santiago, Rapa Nui, and The Colchagua Valley are some hot spots to visit. Santiago is a great place to interact with the local backpacking community.

  • Solo Travel: Yes, but be careful hiking solo in the mountains as the landscape can get tricky

Related Link: Top 10 Things To Do In Chile's Lake District

Colombia is an excellent place to enjoy some great coffee, bask on the beaches, and enjoy lovely cities with great climates like Medellin.

Top spots include the stunning Tayrona National Park , Cartagena, and Eje Cafetero. There are tons of friendly hostels in Bogota and Medellin and solo travelers will likely find a backpacking community where they can tag along.

  • Solo Travel: Yes, this is one of the top places to meet fellow travelers on the continent

Ecuador is the gateway to the Galápagos, and it's a great place to visit if one is looking for a more tropical vibe. See the unique animals of the Galápagos, or visit Quito, a thriving city. There's also the Cotopaxi National Park if one is looking for some excellent hiking.

  • Solo Travel: Yes and no: the cities are great for solo traveling, but the major draws, like the Galápagos, are expensive to do alone

Guyana is a smaller country near Colombia with access to the balmy Atlantic Ocean. There's plenty to explore, including the Kanuku Mountains and the Iwokrama Forest. Georgetown, the capital city, is charming, with excellent hospitality and good food.

  • Solo Travel: Experienced solo backpackers will have fun, but it's less developed and tricker to get around especially if one doesn't speak Spanish

Beautiful Paraguay is near Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina, with some of the best architecture and history on the continent. The City of Asuncion is one of the top places to visit, and Cerro Corra National Park will give one a good feel for the natural wonders of this country. There are also plenty of ruins to explore.

  • Solo Travel: Yes, Paraguay's cities are very safe, especially for female-identifying travelers

Notable for Machu Picchu but also full of great small towns and tons of hiking , Peru is a rich and beautiful country in the Andes. Hikers will want to check out the Sacred Valley and the historic towns of Cuzco and Arequipa. Go a bit further south and enjoy Lake Titicaca, one of the most famous lakes in the world.

  • Solo Travel: Absolutely great for solo travel, especially because one can take bus trips around the country and the cities are full of vibrant hostels

The smallest country in South America, Suriname has a big personality and many things to explore. If one is looking for unspoiled nature, this is the spot to go with the Galibi Nature Reserve, Central Suriname Nature Reserve, and Brownsberg Nature Park.

  • Solo Travel: Possibly-- as long as one doesn't mind doing things along and can navigate through nature as Suriname is less developed than other countries with a smaller backpacker community

Staying in hostels throughout South America is a great way to save money, meet other people, and learn about hidden gems and cool new places to visit. They're also an excellent place to book group excursions.

This southeastern country sits near Brazil and Argentina, full of lovely historic cities and towns like Cabo Polonio and Colonia Del Sacramento. Uruguay is an excellent bet if one is looking for something a bit off the beaten path.

  • Solo Travel: Yes, Uruguay is a safe country and the cities are full of backpackers, hostels, and things to do

Venezuela encompasses the Amazon Rainforest, the stunning Angel Falls, and parts of the Andes. Caracas, the capital, is a lovely city with plenty of history.

  • Solo Travel: Generally yes, but at the moment, no because Venezuela is experiencing political insecurity at the moment

Venezuela is very unstable, and the U.S. State Department strongly advises against going there .

Top Safety Advice For Solo Travel In South America

One of the best ways one can protect oneself is by signing up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) , which gives travelers updates on any political or dangerous situations that might be happening in the country.

Enrolling in STEP is especially important for solo travelers because one can let the embassy know where you are staying.

While keeping an eye on whether the water is potable is a good idea no matter what, it's especially important if one is hiking or camping alone because getting sick solo could be dangerous.

Colombians have a phrase, "No Dar Papaya," which means not to put oneself in danger. Keeping vigilant about what's happening is the best way to stay safe in South America.

Related Link: 10 Most Beautiful National Parks In Brazil That Should Be On Your Travel Radar

Make The Most Of A Solo Trip Through South America

These tips will help one have the best vacation possible.

  • Check which places travelers need a visa before going
  • See the best of the country of choice by bus and meet fellow travelers at the same time
  • Stay in cities if one wants to meet a community and learn more about the "backpacker trail"
  • Join online communities to interact with other travelers on the same path
  • Do research ahead of time and enroll in STEP
  • Learn a few key Spanish or Portuguese phrases to get by to connect with the local community

Solo travel in South America can be exciting, enriching, and safe, if travelers know what to expect and how to prepare.

Solo South America: What Should You Know About Traveling Alone In This Continent

Traveling To Colombia: Your Guide To Exploring South America's Hidden Gem

  • Last updated May 22, 2024
  • Difficulty Beginner

Michaela Krajanova

  • Category Travel

can I travel to colombia south america

Colombia: a vibrant and diverse South American country that has long been overshadowed by its neighboring counterparts. But now, with its ever-growing tourism industry and increasing safety measures, the hidden gem of Colombia is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Whether you're seeking breathtaking natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, or thrilling adventures, Colombia is the ultimate destination for every type of traveler. So pack your bags and get ready to embark on a journey like no other – this guide will give you all the essential information you need to make the most out of your trip to this captivating country. From the bustling streets of Bogota to the mystical wonders of the Amazon rainforest, let us be your guide to exploring Colombia, where adventure awaits at every corner.

What You'll Learn

Entry requirements for traveling to colombia, best time to visit colombia for travelers, safety tips for traveling in colombia, must-see destinations and attractions in colombia.


If you are planning to travel to Colombia, it is important to be aware of the entry requirements to ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip. Here is everything you need to know:

  • All travelers entering Colombia must have a valid passport.
  • The passport should be valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date from Colombia.
  • Make sure to have at least one blank page in your passport for the entry stamp.
  • Depending on your nationality, you might need a visa to enter Colombia.
  • Citizens of many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and most European Union countries, can enter Colombia visa-free for a certain period.
  • The maximum duration of stay without a visa varies depending on your country of nationality, ranging from 90 to 180 days.
  • It is important to check the specific visa requirements for your country before traveling to Colombia.

Tourist Card (Tarjeta de Control Migratorio):

  • Upon arrival in Colombia, you will need to fill out a Tourist Card, also known as Tarjeta de Control Migratorio (TCM).
  • This card is usually provided on the plane or available at the immigration counters upon arrival.
  • The Tourist Card is valid for a maximum stay of 90 days and should be kept in a safe place. You will need to show it when you leave the country.

Return or Onward Ticket:

  • Colombian immigration authorities may ask you to provide proof of your intention to leave the country.
  • It is recommended to have a return or onward ticket booked before your arrival in Colombia, even if you are eligible for a visa-free stay.
  • The ticket should have a confirmed departure date within the allowed period of stay.

COVID-19 Requirements:

  • Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, additional entry requirements and restrictions may apply.
  • It is essential to check the latest travel advisories and guidelines before planning your trip to Colombia.
  • At the time of writing, a negative COVID-19 test is required for entry into Colombia. The test must be taken no more than 96 hours before your departure time.

Vaccination Certificate:

  • Currently, Colombia does not have any mandatory vaccination requirements for travelers.
  • However, it is advisable to check the vaccination recommendations and requirements for Colombia from your home country's health authorities.

Other Requirements:

  • Colombian authorities may ask for additional documents or proof of financial solvency during the immigration process.
  • It is advisable to carry copies of your passport, travel insurance, and any other relevant documents with you.

Remember to check the most up-to-date entry requirements, as they can change without notice. It is highly recommended to consult the official website of the Embassy of Colombia or contact your nearest Colombian consulate for the latest information. By ensuring you have all the necessary documents and complying with the entry requirements, you can enjoy a memorable trip to Colombia.

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If you are planning a trip to Colombia, South America, it is important to choose the right time to visit in order to make the most of your experience. Colombia has a diverse climate and different regions that vary greatly in terms of weather and attractions. In this article, we will guide you through the best time to visit Colombia for travelers.

One of the most important factors to consider when planning your trip is the weather. Colombia is located near the equator, which means that it does not have traditional four seasons. Instead, it has two main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

The dry season in Colombia runs from December to March and July to August. During this time, the weather is generally sunny and dry, making it the best time to visit if you want to explore the country's outdoor attractions. This is the peak tourist season, so popular destinations can be crowded and prices may be higher.

If you prefer to avoid the crowds and are willing to deal with a bit of rain, the shoulder seasons can also be a good time to visit. The shoulder seasons fall between the dry and rainy seasons and typically occur in April to June and September to November. During these months, the weather is still relatively dry in most parts of the country, but there may be occasional rain showers.

The rainy season in Colombia generally lasts from April to May and October to November. During this time, the country experiences heavy rainfall, and some areas may even be affected by hurricanes. If you are planning outdoor activities and want to explore national parks or go hiking, it is best to avoid visiting during the rainy season.

It is also important to consider the region you are planning to visit in Colombia. The country has a diverse landscape that includes mountains, beaches, and rainforests, each with its own climate. For example, the Caribbean coast typically has warm and humid weather year-round, while the Andes Mountains can experience cooler temperatures due to the higher altitude.

In conclusion, the best time to visit Colombia for travelers depends on your preferences and the region you plan to explore. If you want to enjoy sunny and dry weather, it is best to visit during the dry season from December to March and July to August. If you prefer to avoid crowds, the shoulder seasons in April to June and September to November can also be a good option. Just remember to consider the specific climate of the region you are visiting to ensure that you have the best possible experience.

Understanding Collette's Charges for Solo Travelers: Exploring Single Supplement Costs

Colombia, located in South America, has become an increasingly popular destination for travelers from around the world. With its vibrant cities, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, it offers a unique experience for adventurous travelers. However, like any other travel destination, it is important to be prepared and aware of the potential risks. Here are some safety tips that will help you have a safe and enjoyable trip to Colombia:

  • Research the Areas You Plan to Visit: Before your trip, take the time to research the areas you plan to visit in Colombia. This will help you understand the local customs, traditions, and potential risks associated with each location. Pay particular attention to any travel advisories or warnings issued by your government.
  • Pack Wisely: When packing for your trip, make sure to pack light and only bring essential items. Avoid carrying valuable jewelry or expensive electronics that could make you a target for theft. Keep your personal belongings secure at all times, either by using a money belt or a hidden pouch.
  • Stay Informed About Local Laws and Customs: Familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs of Colombia. This includes understanding the local drug laws, as Colombia has a reputation for drug trafficking. It is important to note that drug-related activities are illegal and can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment.
  • Use Reliable Transportation Options: When moving around in Colombia, it is recommended to use reliable and licensed transportation options. Avoid hailing random taxis on the street, and instead opt for approved taxi services or use ride-hailing apps such as Uber. If you plan to rent a car, be cautious, as driving in Colombia can be challenging due to the aggressive driving habits of locals.
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Always be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas or tourist attractions where pickpocketing can occur. Keep a close eye on your personal belongings, and avoid displaying expensive items or large sums of cash.
  • Take Precautions When Using ATMs: When withdrawing money from ATMs, choose well-lit and secure locations. Shield your PIN number from prying eyes, and be cautious of anyone offering unsolicited help or advice while you are using an ATM.
  • Register with Your Embassy: Before traveling to Colombia, consider registering with your embassy or consulate. This will allow them to contact you in case of an emergency or if there is a need for evacuation. Additionally, they can provide important travel information and advice specific to Colombia.
  • Stay Updated on Current Events: Stay informed about current events, including strikes, demonstrations, or protests that may be happening in Colombia. Avoid participating or getting involved in such activities, as they can quickly escalate and become unsafe.
  • Drink Responsibly: Colombia is known for its lively nightlife and vibrant party scene. If you choose to indulge, drink responsibly and be cautious of your surroundings. Never accept drinks from strangers, and be mindful of your alcohol consumption to ensure your personal safety.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Last but not least, trust your instincts. If a situation feels uncomfortable or unsafe, remove yourself from it. Practice common sense and always prioritize your personal safety above all else.

By following these safety tips, you can minimize potential risks and have a safe and enjoyable trip to Colombia. Embrace the rich culture, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality of this beautiful country, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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Colombia is a vibrant and diverse country located in the northern part of South America. It offers travelers a wide range of experiences, from exploring colonial cities to discovering lush rainforests and relaxing on stunning beaches. If you are planning a trip to Colombia, here are some must-see destinations and attractions that should be on your itinerary:

  • Cartagena: The coastal city of Cartagena is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Colombia. Its charming colonial architecture, vibrant streets filled with colorful houses, and impressive city walls make it a must-visit location. Don't forget to explore the famous Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, a fortress that offers stunning views of the city.
  • Bogota: As the capital city of Colombia, Bogota is a vibrant metropolis that offers a mix of rich history and modern attractions. Be sure to visit La Candelaria, the historic district of the city, where you can wander through picturesque cobblestone streets, visit museums, and admire beautiful colonial architecture. The Gold Museum is also a must-see, housing one of the largest collections of pre-Columbian gold artifacts in the world.
  • Medellin: Once known for its notorious past, Medellin has transformed into a modern and innovative city. Take a ride on the iconic Metrocable to get breathtaking views of the city and surrounding mountains, visit the Plaza Botero to see the famous sculptures by Colombian artist Fernando Botero, and explore the vibrant neighborhood of El Poblado for its trendy restaurants, bars, and shopping.
  • Tayrona National Park: Located on the Caribbean coast, Tayrona National Park is a nature lover's paradise. It offers stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforests. You can hike through the park's trails, relax on pristine beaches like Cabo San Juan and La Piscina, or explore the fascinating wildlife and unique flora in the area.
  • The Coffee Triangle: If you are a coffee lover, a visit to the Coffee Triangle is a must. This region is known for producing some of the best coffee in the world, and you can take tours of coffee plantations to learn about the cultivation and production process. Additionally, the picturesque towns of Manizales, Armenia, and Pereira offer stunning landscapes, charming architecture, and warm hospitality.
  • Ciudad Perdida: For a truly unique and adventurous experience, consider hiking to Ciudad Perdida, also known as the Lost City. This ancient archaeological site is located deep in the Sierra Nevada mountains and can only be reached by a challenging multi-day trek. The site dates back to around 800 AD and predates the more famous Machu Picchu.
  • Guatape: Located just a few hours from Medellin, Guatape is a small town famous for its colorful houses and a massive rock called El Peñol. Climb the 740 steps to the top of El Peñol for breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding lakes and islands. Explore the town's charming streets, visit the local market, and take a boat ride around the lake to truly appreciate the beauty of the area.

These are just a few of the many attractions Colombia has to offer. Whether you are interested in history, nature, culture, or simply relaxing on stunning beaches, Colombia has something for everyone. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this beautiful and diverse country on your next trip.

Can You Travel Within the US with a U Visa? Your Questions Answered

Frequently asked questions.

Yes, tourists are allowed to travel to Colombia. However, it is important to check the latest travel advisories and entry requirements before your trip.

Depending on your nationality, you may or may not need a visa to travel to Colombia. Many countries, including the United States and European Union member states, are allowed visa-free entry for tourism purposes for a limited amount of time. It is recommended to check with the Colombian embassy or consulate in your country for the most up-to-date information.

Yes, as of now, there are certain COVID-19 travel restrictions in place for travelers to Colombia. These restrictions may include mandatory testing, quarantine periods, and health declaration forms. It is crucial to stay informed about the latest travel advisories and comply with the government's regulations to ensure a safe and smooth trip.

Colombia has made significant progress in terms of safety and security in recent years. However, like any other destination, it is important to exercise caution and stay aware of your surroundings, especially in certain areas. It is advisable to check the latest travel advisories and avoid any areas with known security concerns.

To travel to Colombia, you will need a valid passport with a minimum of six months validity remaining. Additionally, depending on your nationality, you may need to obtain a visa or a Tourist Card (Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza) if you are traveling to regions near the borders. It is always recommended to check with the Colombian embassy or consulate in your country for the most up-to-date information on required documents.

Michaela Krajanova

  • Michaela Krajanova Author Reviewer Traveller

Merve Nussman

  • Merve Nussman Author Reviewer Traveller

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Colombia , solo travel , south america , travel , travel stories, a solo woman’s travel guide to colombia.

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  • Published October 14, 2020

Being faithful to my love of exploring the world means that sometimes I must travel solo . As a freelance journalist and digital nomad, I am lucky to be able to work from anywhere, but my friends with traditional 9-5 jobs can rarely afford this time off. Plus, I am often drawn to destinations that others avoid, labeling them too dangerous. For these reasons, Colombia offered the perfect opportunity for solo travel.

Over a month and a half, I ended up traveling almost the entire country: from the northernmost point of South America, where hostile clans still rule over the Caribbean desert, to the southernmost parts of Colombia, where another desert, the Tatacoa, attracts stargazers. I visited ancient tombs, saw the world’s biggest gold treasure, stayed with local families, partied with the local LGBTQ community, slept in tents, hammocks, and home-stays, fell in love, and learned about the drug trade. At times, solo travel in Colombia was unnerving, yet the journey was tremendously rewarding.

solo male travel colombia

Is Colombia Really Dangerous?

As the local driver blazed a trail through the sand dunes with his Jeep, I wondered how anyone could find their way around this seemingly endless, monotonous desert landscape. I had taken a ride from Cabo de La Vela, a beautiful secluded beach village located at the northernmost point of Colombia’s Guajira Peninsula. This was a place where you sleep in hammocks near the water and buy fish straight from the morning boats. I was heading to the northernmost point of the continent, called Punta Gallinas.

Across from me sat a Colombian family of four. They had left their rented car in the nearest city because driving here is best left to the locals. 

“Ten years ago, it was impossible to just get a car and go exploring,” the father, Miguel, tells me. “We wouldn’t even consider visiting many of the cities that are on our list now— let alone in a car by ourselves.”

solo male travel colombia

Until recently, guerrilla warfare and drug cartels rendered Colombia one of the most dangerous places in the world. In past few years, however, the country’s efforts to control criminality and transform itself into a tourist-friendly destination have paid off. Although crime hasn’t disappeared completely, the locals tell me that most of it has gone underground. 

So, while some areas still have pickpockets and scam artists who target foreigners, most of the country is fairly safe as long as you use your common sense. Which brings me to my next point:

Listen to the Locals

When I arrived in a Bogota hostel at about 8 p.m., I wanted to take the five minute walk to the nearest supermarket. When I casually mentioned this to the group of travelers chilling in the common room, everyone screamed, “No!” together as though they were on a 90s sitcom. They thought it would be too dangerous to walk alone in Bogota after dark, even just around the corner.

Throughout my two-week stay in Colombia’s capital, this became a recurring theme. After visiting the Gold Museum — the world’s biggest collection of indigenous treasure — I had to walk home after sunset. The museum curator said, “If someone tries to rob you, just make sure you give them everything right away.” Another person told me not to use my phone on the street unless standing next to a police officer.

Gradually, I realized these cautious locals are simply trying to heal Colombia’s bad reputation by keeping tourists, especially young females, safe: like a sweet but overprotective grandmother who would rather have you tucked away in your room forever than risk you getting the sniffles. The local experience is invaluable for a solo traveler , but I learned it is always good to ask several people before writing off a destination. Instead of avoiding some of these places, I would try to find other people to go with, or only visit during daylight hours.

Still, some things are not worth the risk. If more people than usual are advising against something, such as leaving a club with strangers or visiting the jungle alone, take heed.

Por Que Solita? Why Are You Alone?

In Bulgaria, where I come from, it’s rare for someone to take a solo trip to the next town over, let alone thousands of miles away. This made me feel at home in Colombia, where every local was shocked to discover I was traveling solo. “Solita? Por que solita?” they asked. “Why are you alone?” Once, a big family insisted I join them for their entire vacation. Another time, a stylish old gentleman took me on an architectural tour of the town’s churches and invited me to dinner with his wife.

It seems that everyone who has been to Colombia agrees on one thing: the local people are extremely warm and hospitable. I found this to be especially true in regions with a dangerous population. There, people would go out of their way to take care of me if I was lost or needed help. While solo travel as a female has its obvious dangers, in Colombia it brought a lot of affection.

From Desert to Desert

The only place in Colombia that was an exception to this hospitality rule was also the wildest — the desert, La Guajira, which is home to the northernmost point of South America. Here, you can run up 200-foot dunes and slide down into clear, turquoise Caribbean waters. It is a stunning landscape, untouched by globalization.

The few buildings are fenced with cacti. While you won’t find any towns, there are makeshift shelters consisting of hammocks strung together. The Wayuu people run these shelters and welcome tourists. The Wayuu are tough. After all, as beautiful as La Guajira is, living there cannot be easy. There are little resources and the nearest towns are days away. Because of this, few tourists come this far. Still, I felt completely safe. In these parts, travelers use “colectivos” jeeps or other large vehicles that do not leave until all the seats are full. Although this may mean waiting around in the heat for half a day, it also provides travel companions and a sense of security.

Near the end of my trip, I ended up in Colombia’s other end — the southern desert Tatacoa. The landscape is made from eroded soil in brick-red or grey, so it looks more like a museum of earthen sculptures than barren land. There are tropical trees, bushes, and even desert flowers hidden in canyons and the base of pyramids. Besides the exceptional landscape, tourists visit Tatacoa for the stars. This desert is much easier to reach than La Guajira, but there is still no light pollution. Visitors can gaze at the Milky Way all night or visit an observatory.

Even though Tatacoa is not the most touristy spot, there are some international visitors and a friendly vibe. Since it is fairly close to some small sleepy towns with little crime, I felt safe as a solo traveler.

Discovering Colombia’s Greatest Gems — Solo

Although it seems impossible to rank Colombia’s best spots, there were a few that stood out as particularly safe, female-friendly destinations.

I visited Salento, a mountain town west of the capital Bogota, with small colorful houses and extraordinary nature all around. In the Cocora Valley, rolling green hills and tall palm trees frame picturesque walking routes. You can even see hummingbirds up-close, a childhood dream of mine.

In the north of the country, Minca offers a perfect starting point for hikes through the jungle to gushing waterfalls. There is also the mountaintop hostel Casa Elemento, which claims to have the biggest hammock in the world.

To challenge your inner Indiana Jones, head to the National Archeological Park of Tierradentro. The tombs are painted in ancient symbols that scientists do not fully understand and date somewhere between the sixth and 10th century.

solo male travel colombia

Some of the tombs are only accessible through narrow mountain paths. On my way to the last path to the peak, the only other person I met within several hours carried a machete. As a solo traveler, I would recommend bringing someone with you.

Solo travel in Colombia can be challenging — especially as a female. But if you have some experience and are willing to look beyond Colombia’s reputation, there is plenty to discover.

Have you ever considered solo travel in Colombia or another South American destination? Let us know on Twitter!

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