open trip lombok labuan bajo


Write your own history and make an interesting experience by meeting one of the rarest animals in the world and don’t miss any of the amazing beaches and paradise in west nusa tenggara, [ open trip labuan bajo ].

Welcome to our official website, we are the main provider of boat tours from Lombok Island to Labuan Bajo, And serves open trips and private trips to Komodo Island starting in Labuan Bajo and ending trips in Labuan Bajo. Our head office is located in Teluk Nara, Pemenang, North Lombok Indonesia. After several years of operating offline, in 2022 we are trying to expand our reach by building a website

We are a fully licensed company under the name CV. LOMBOK SPEED BOAT and only focus on providing tours and cruises in the West Nusa Tenggara sea. Therefore, our company prioritizes safety and comfort.

Tour Komodo Overview

open trip lombok labuan bajo

This trip will take 4 days and 3 nights starting from our office (RM. Bangsal Indah) in Bangsal, Pemenang, North Lombok heading to Labuan Bajo. During this trip we will visit interesting places in West Nusa Tenggara, such as small islands with clean white sand to unique pink ones. Besides that, we will also hike to the stunning Padar Hill, swim with whale sharks in the bay, snorkel to see mantas and turtles and finally meet one of the rarest animals in the world, namely the Komodo dragon. Depart every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday.

Tour Itinerary

  • meet and gather at our office in Bangsal, Pemenang to be precise at RM. Bangsal Indah
  • drive about 3 hours to Kayangan Harbor in east lombok (distance around 59 miles from Bangsal) where our ship docks. 
  • sailing to kenawa island (snorkling at the beach and softrekking to kenawa island hill) 
  • sailing to Saleh bay for 8 hours (swimming with whale sharks)
  • Snorkeling at Tambora beach
  • Soft trekking at Laba Island to get the sunrise
  • continue sailing to Manta Point, where we can see the beauty under the sea as well as witness the Indonesia’s unique rays
  • headed to the Komodo National Park and met one of the rarest animals in the world, the Komodo dragon.
  • swimming and sunbathing at the red beach
  • soft trekking at Padar Hill (an island with beautiful topography, filled with hills), we will enjoy the sunset view here.
  • snorkeling and diving with the turtles at Manjarita beach
  • snorkeling and diving with the baby shark at Kelor Island
  • sail to the final destination, Labuan Bajo. End of trip

Price & Inclusions

Our price is based on 2 cl asses.

  • Cabin IDR 3,800,000/Person
  • Deck IDR 3,200,000/Person

What is include

  • 3 meals a day (vegetarian’s food are available)
  • Fruit plate for breakfast
  • Fresh fruit juice one time a day
  • Unlimited coffee and tea, mineral water
  • Entrance fee at komodo park
  • English-speaking guide
  • Bus to departure port
  • Boat ticket from gili trawangan & gili air
  • Transport pick-up from Senggigi or Mataram

pick up is not included from kuta lombok, you can negotiate transport issues to the agent whom you booking from

Boat Facilities

  • Wireless connection
  • Automatic Identification System
  • Radio, GPS, Compas
  • Max passenger 35 pax
  • Safety Equipments (Liferaft, Life Jacket, Ring lifebuoy, and etc)
  • Fresh Water and a simple shower
  • Snorkeling gear (a masker and a snorkel), no fins
  • Traditional simple fishing gear
  • Charging points for electronic devices
  • Small boat with engine for transfer to the beach
  • Lockers to secure your valuables.
  • Cool Box with ice for your extra drink
  • For deck class we have a mattress, pillow and blanket per person on a shared deck.
  • For Cabin class is a private cabin with a fan for two persons including a double mattress, a pillow and a blanket per person

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open trip lombok labuan bajo

  • Office : Jl. Raya Senggigi, Malaka, Teluk Nara, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat. 83352
  • +6282339675684
  • [email protected]

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Paket Tour Labuan bajo, Transport dan Travel Terpercaya di Labuan Bajo

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Open Trip Lombok Komodo Labuan Bajo 2023

Teluk Saleh Whale Shark Paket Sailing Lombok Komodo 4Hari-3Malam

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open trip lombok labuan bajo

Open Trip Lombok Komodo Labuan Bajo 2023 Teluk Saleh Whale Shark Paket Sailing Lombok Komodo 4Hari-3Malam

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open trip lombok labuan bajo

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Dapatkan pengalaman menarik bersama kami menjelajah perairan Pulau Sumbawa yang terkenal dengan kehidupan Hiu Macan Tutulnya dan berenang bersama dengannya. Anda akan di pandu oleh Guide kami yang berpengalaman menjelajah pulau pulau terdalam di perairan Indonesia Timur khususnya Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggaran Timur.


HARI PERTAMA: SENGGIGI - PELABUHAN KAYANGAN - PULAU KENAWA Seluruh peserta kumpul di tempat yang sudah di tentukan oleh panitia sekitar Senggigi, setelah semua peserta siap, salah satu crew kapal kami akan memberikan briefing mengenai perjalanan berlayar selama 4Hari-3Malam di atas Kapal Standard menuju Pulau Kenawa, Sumbawa Barat Setelah sampai di Pulau Kenawa, seluruh peserta akan di antar oleh Kapal Sekoci menuju bibir Pantai di Pulau Kenawa. Acara bebas di Pulau Kenawa (Mandi, Berenang, Photo atau jalan jalan sekitar pantai). Makan Siap disiapkan diatas Kapal. Setelah puas menikmati Pulau Kenawa, peserta kembali ke Kapal, Makan Malam dan Istirahat

HARI KEDUA: TELUK SALEH, Sumbawa (Berenang bersama Hiu Macan Tutul Jinak) Setelah sampai di Teluk Saleh, bagi peserta yang ingin berenang dan snorkeling di temani oleh Hiu Macan Tutul Jinak dapat mengambil alat alat snorkeling yang sudah disiapkan diatas Kapal dan bagi peserta yang tidak turun dari Kapal untuk Snorkeling dapat menyaksikan Hiu Tutul bereneng mengelilingi Kapal atau bisa memberi makan dari atas perahu yang sudah disiapkan oleh Kapal. Puas menikmati suasana teluk saleh dengan keindahan dan kejernihan air lautnya. Perjalanan selanjutnya menuju Pulau Komodo

HARI KETIGA: PULAU KOMODO - PANTAI PINK dan PULAU PADAR Peserta sampai di Pulau Komodo dan persiapan untuk nyandar Kapal, seluruh peserta turun dari Kapal untuk soft trekking mencari keberadaan Binatang Purba Komodo, biasanya Binatang Komodo dapat di temukan setelah berjalan beberapa menit atau jika anda beruntung dapat melihatnya sedang berjemur di pantai dekat pelabuhan. Setelah selesai berkeliling, seluruh peserta kembali naik ke Kapal untuk trip selanjutnya menuju PANTAI PINK, disini para peserta dapat beraktivitas snorkeling, mandi, berenang atau jalan jalan di pantai sambil menikmati keindahan pantai berwarna pink. Kembali ke Kapal untuk menikmati acara Makan Siang sambil kembali berlayar menuju PULAU PADAR, turun dari Kapal dengan Kapal Sekoci yang di siapkan oleh Kapal kemudian soft trekking menuju Puncak Pulau Padar yang terkenal keindahan dan keelokan pemandangan seluruh pesisir pantai dan perbukitan sekitar Pulau Padar. Sore hari kembali menaiki Kapal untuk persiapan acara Makan Malam di atas Kapal

HARI KEEMPAT: PULAU MANJARITE - PULAU KELOR - LABUAN BAJO Sampai di Pulau Manjarite, inilah syurga bagi para pecinta alam bawah laut yang terkenal dengan kehidupan biota lautnya serta pemandangan indah karang karang biru, merah dan warna warni dan melihat ikan nemo yang sedang bersembunyi di balik balik karang. Puas menikmati Pulau Menjerite, perjalanan selanjutnya mengunjungi PULAU KELOR salah satu destinasi terakhir untuk TRIP SAILING LOMBOK KOMODO LABUAN BAJO, seluruh peserta turun dari Kapal dan menikmati keindahan Pulau Kelor dari atas perbukitan. Kembali ke Kapal untuk menikmati acara Makan Siang sambil perjalanan berlayar kembali menuju Labuan Bajo. Tiba di Labuan Bajo seluruh peserta dari Kapal dan Acara Bebas.

FASILITAS KAPAL Alat Snorkeling (Masker Only) Matras, Bantal dan Selimut Radio, GPS dan Kompas AIS (Automatic Identification System) Kamar Mandi Dapur Maximal Penumpang 39 Orang Maximal Crew Kapal 5-7 Orang Pelampung dll

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Paket Tour Tahun Baru Labuan Baj...

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Paket Tour Labuan Bajo Termurah

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Open Trip Lombok Komodo Labuan B...

Paket tour labuan bajo - paket tour labuan bajo, transport dan travel terpercaya di labuan bajo, kontak kami.

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open trip lombok labuan bajo

Open Trip 4D3N Labuan Bajo to Lombok by Wanua Adventure

Departure : Every Monday and Friday from Labuan Bajo

Meeting point at Wanua Adventure office at 07.15am


KELOR ISLAND for snorkeling and beach Relaxing activity, and you can take short hiking also.

MENJERITE POINT   for snorkeling activity

LONG BEACH for snorkeling and beach Relaxing activity.

  move to PADAR ISLAND and overnight in there


PADAR ISLAND, at morning (sunrise time) we will do Trekking best view in there. we will hike to watch the marvellous views.

Komodo Island, Visiting the Komodo Island to Hunting Komodo by Camera,

Gili Banta, for relaxing and snorkelling.

During the night you sailing to Moyo Island (14 – 17 hours)


MOYO ISLAND for snorkeling and visit the waterfall  GILI BOLA or GILI BEDIL for swimming and beach Relaxing activity


KAYANGAN HARBOUR (East of Lombok Harbour) 

arrival apprx.8 or   9 am  Kuta Lombok

Mataram City, Senggigi and Bangsal Harbour by bus or  The Three Gilis by public boat from Bangsal Harbour (north Lombok)


from Kayangan Harbour (by Bus)


We are able to drop you off at our drop off point in  Kuta Lombok. Due to local rules and agreements,  we can only drop you off here.


For Senggigi or Mataram we can offer a drop-off  at the nearest point of your accommodation. 

Unfortunately our bus can not go through  Mataram due to the the amount of traffic which  will delay our arrival time to Bangsal harbour.

We suggest to take a taxi from the point the  driver drops you off.


Arriving in Bangsal harbour we will arrange the  public boat to Gili Trawangan or Gili Air, this is in  including the tour package. 

If we can make it on  time at the harbour (traffic jam is an issue in  Lombok) we can also arrange Gili Meno for you.

Their last boat will sail at 2PM.

Or, you can arrange y our fast boat to Bali by your self (it is not included in our package)


Safety Equipment (Life raft, Life Jacket, Ring life boy, and ect)

Fresh Water and simple shower

Snorkeling gear (a masker and a snorkel), no fins

Charging points for electronic devices

Small boat with engine for transfer to the beach

Cool Box with ice for your extra drink

For deck class we have a mattress, pillow and blanket per person on a shared deck.

For Cabin class is a private cabin with a fan for two persons including a double mattress, a pillow and a blanket per person

Boat Conditions:

Length : 20M – 25M

Wide : 4M – 4,5M

Engine : Yan Mar 20Hp – 30Hp

Sail : Only to help the engine

Crews : 5 – 6 Crews

Boat capacity : 25 – 45 Person

Things have to carry :

Swim cloth , Towel , sun block .

Extra energy drinks , soft drinks and snack

 3x Fresh meals a day (vegetarian options are available) with Indonesian food

 Unlimited coffee, tea and mineral water (help the environment and use a refill bottle).

 Transfer service from East Lombok to Kuta and Bangsal Harbour (pass Mataram and Senggigi)

ASITA member

Open Trip Labuan Bajo -Komodo- Lombok 4  Days 3 Nights

Departure twice a week every monday and thursday, itinerary :, start at 06.00 am —— end 11.00 am, day 1: pick up hotel sunday evening or wednesday evening – meeting point at kampung ujung harbour then check-in the boat.  overnight on the boat for the first night. leave at 06.00 am from labuan bajo on monday or thursday direct sailing to padar island trekking for a beautiful view of the island then continue to komodo island trekking to see komodo dragons then snorkeling in pink beach and manta point _ breakfast lunch dinner on the boat, day 2: night sailing from manta point then to tambora beach and rakit island snorkeling and relaxing, day 3 : visit saleh bay whaleshark snorkeling then move to bola island continue to labuhan lombok, day 4 :  enjoy breakfast the last day on the boat then drop to mataram or senggigi or bangsal harbour end of the trip, for this trip we use a super big phinisi boat, please check the boat pitcures below, to check the avability please text us here through whatsapp for the quick response ⇒


Open Trips : 1D - 2D1N - 3D2N - 4D3N

Private Trips : 1D - 2D1N - 3D2N - 4D3N

Longer Private Trips : 5D4N - 6D5N - 7D6N

Phinisi Type : Superior - Deluxe - Luxury Modern -->

Boat Type : Standard - Speed Boat

Open Trips 4D3N : Lombok to Flores

Open Trips 4D3N : Flores to Lombok

Weekdays Open Trips : 2D1N - 3D2N



  • Term & Condition

Plan your trips to komodo island with us.

  • 1 Full Day Trip
  • 2D1N Weekdays
  • 3D2N Weekdays
  • 4D3N Lombok to Flores
  • 4D3N Flores to Lombok
  • Open Trip Schedule
  • 2 Days 1 Night
  • 3 Days 2 Nights
  • 4 Days 3 Nights
  • 5 Days 4 Nights
  • 6 Days 5 Nights
  • 7 Days 6 Nights
  • Superior Phinisi
  • Deluxe Phinisi
  • Luxury Phinisi

Open Trip 4D3N Labuan Bajo to Lombok by Wanua Adventure

Komodo Open Trips


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open trip lombok labuan bajo

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Open trip 3d2n by sentral superior phinisi.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

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open trip lombok labuan bajo

Open Trip 3D2N by Zada Mega Trusmi Deluxe Phinisi

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Open Trip 3D2N by Arimbi Deluxe Phinisi

Departure Days at Labuan Bajo:

Every Monday and Friday at 07.30 AM

Meeting point at Wanua Adventure office at 07.15 AM Location :


– RINCA VILLAGE and GOA KALONG (mean: Bat Cave) we will do trekking around the village and head to the bat cave on a small hill at the end of rinca village

– DANCE PERFORMANCE by Rinca’s Village people Manca Bajo Dance and Animap Pop Komodo Dance

– STRAWBERRY POINT Best snorkeling point and you can do trekking to small hill with pink color

– SUNSET MOMENT around Kalong Island Best moment for enjoying sunset time, when the big bats come out of the nest to find food at night. Kalong Island is one of the islands which is a large bat nest in the Komodo National Park area


– PADAR ISLAND, at morning (sunrise time) we will do Trekking best view in there. we will hike to watch the marvellous views.

– LONG PINK BEACH, for relaxing and snorkelling.

– KOMODO ISLAND, Visiting the Komodo Island to Hunting Komodo by Camera

During the night you sailing to Moyo Island (14 – 17 hours)


– MOYO ISLAND, for snorkeling and visit the waterfall


– KANAWA ISLAND, at morning (sunrise time) you can do Trekking best view in there (small Hill in a small island).

– KAYANGAN HARBOUR (East of Lombok Harbour) arrival apprx.8 or 9 am

– Kuta Lombok or Bangsal Harbour (via Mataram City and Senggigi) by bus


from Kayangan Harbour (by Bus):

+EAST LOMBOK TO KUTA LOMBOK vWe are able to drop you off at our drop off point in Kuta Lombok. Due to local rules and agreements we can only drop you off here.

+EAST LOMBOK TO BANGSAL HARBOUR (North Lombok) via MATARAM and SENGGIGI v For Senggigi or Mataram we can offer a drop-off at the nearest point of your accommodation, Unfortunately our bus can not go through Mataram due to the the amount of traffic which will delay our arrival time to Bangsal harbour. We suggest to take a taxi from the point the driver drops you off.

Bangsal Harbour is our last stop Arriving at the Bangsal harbor you can arrange where you are going (Gili Trawangan, Gili Air or Gili Meno), the crossing ticket is not included in our tour package. So, if you want to go to one of the Gili islands, please arrange it yourself at the Bangsal Harbor

W H A T ‘ S I N C L U D E D : – Komodo National Park Fee – Government tax, Snorkeling fee – Shuttle bus transfer to Mataram, Senggigi, Bangsal Harbour and Kuta (optional) – 3x Fresh meals a day (vegetarian options are available) with Indonesian food| – Unlimited coffee, tea and mineral water (help the environment and use a refill bottle).

B O A T F A C I L I T Y: – Safety Equipment (Liferaft, Life Jacket, Ring lifebouy, and etc) – Fresh Water and simple shower – Snorkeling gear (a masker and a snorkel), no fins – Charging points for electronic devices – Small boat with engine for transfer to the beach – Lockers to secure your valuables. – Cool Box with ice for your extra drink – For deck class we have a mattress, pillow and blanket per person on a shared deck. – For Cabin class is a private cabin with a fan for two persons including a double mattress, a pillow and a blanket per person

Boat Condition and Specification :

– Length : 20M – 25M – Wide : 4M – 4,5M – Engine : Yan Mar 20Hp – 30Hp – Sail : Only to help the engine – Crews : 5 – 6 Crews – Boat capacity : 25 – 45 Persons

Things to bring :

– Swim cloth , Towel , sun block . – Extra energy drinks , soft drinks, alcohol and snack – Camera.

  • Flores Adventures (5)
  • Komodo Adventures (8)
  • Komodo Boats Charter (48)
  • Komodo Diving (2)
  • Komodo Open Trips (79)
  • Komodo Sailing (2)
  • Sumba Adventures (7)

Komodo Tour Packages

  • Open trip One Day by Kaia Explorer Speedboat
  • Open trip 3 days 2 nights by Dream Ocean Luxury Phinisi
  • Komodo Sharing Tour 3D/2N by Speed Boat
  • Open Trip Komodo 3D2N by KLM Asterix
  • Komodo Diving 5 Days Package
  • Open Trip 4D3N Lombok to Labuan Bajo by Kareem The Explorer
  • Komodo Adventure 3 Days 2 Nights with sail
  • Open Trip 3D2N by Dahayu Phinisi
  • Open trip 3 days 2 nights by Elbark Luxury Phinisi
  • Private Trip by Marvelous Deluxe Phinisi

My Last Viewed pages

About komodo island.

  • General Information
  • How to get there

open trip lombok labuan bajo

© 2024

PT.Balitrips Hospitality Service , Bali - Indonesia


GET YOUR KOMODO TRIP : Discover Ikan Kayu and Jinggo Janggo

Itineraries From Labuan Bajo

Komodo tours from labuan bajo.

Do you want to experience the best Flores & Labuan Bajo tour? Hello Flores team will help you create your ultimate itinerary according to your wishes, budget and interests. A trip to Flores and the nearby islands combines magnificent landscapes of nature with antique traditions that still thrives today. From Labuan Bajo, you can enjoy a half day up to a full week Komodo cruise to enjoy the tropical waters, pristine islands, and welcoming local people. You will find below few of our guest tailor-made journeys. These itineraries are intended as a guide to help you plan your trip in the National Park. These routes are suggestions. Feel free to create your own Flores Komodo Tour.

3 days komodo cruise from labuan bajo

3 days / 2 nights.


Contact us for more information

Journey to Komodo Island | Hello flores

Neither too long nor too short, 3 days of the excursion is just the sweet spot for pleasure seekers. You will have the chance to explore the pristine island, discover every main feature of Flores, yet got the opportunities to set your feet at a bunch of less touristic island. To see your travel journal hit all the iconic places and reveal new places! Isn’t it a traveler dream?

Get in the ship and start your Komodo tours from Labuan Bajo. In one hour the ship will carry you to Sebayur Besar, one of the twin islands just right at the border of the Komodo National Park. The island might be unheard of, but it has wonderful natural beauty both up and below the lands. Sebayur offers a stunning view for trekking and fantastic snorkeling as you will experience snorkeling between the twin island and see the blooming life underneath.

After a pleasant start, you can sail to the northern part of the Komodo National Park and land in Gili Lawa Darat, an island popular with its other name; the Pirate Bay. protected by the wide and deep bay of Komodo Island in front of it, the Pirate Bay is perfect for water sport, kayaking, and many other fun water activities

A trip to the island will not be complete without a dive or two in the ocean. That’s why you might want to include a visit to Manta Pointto swim with the giant Manta right from the deck. This shallow dive site is famous for Mantas sighting all year round. Not so long after, a group of Mantas will gracefully greet you from below, and when you have satisfied, the beautiful pink beach of Pulau Makassar awaits you to have a rest and relax.

Make the most of the last day by visiting an island that you have never landed before. If the time allows, you can even fit a trek to two islands at once, before heading back to the port town. You want this day to be remembered, so why not pay a visit to a peculiar place? You can take Kalong, the bat island, to your next itinerary. The island lives up to its name, as Kalong means big bats in Indonesian. Don’t worry, these furry flyers are mostly sleepy during the day. Your captain will try to place the boat under the bats’ path, where you can stand very close to this animal and observe their natural behavior.

End your journey with one last beautiful spot. Flores has abundant of amazing view, and Kelor Island can be your choice. Sits just in front of Flores hills, this small island offers hills trekking where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Flores, Rinca Island, and other islands between the blue ocean. Kelor is famous for its tranquility views, and isn’t that what you need after a long trip around Flores?

Soon it will be time to dock at Labuan Bajo. When the time has come, you will be left will exhaustion ad satisfied smile on your face.

 5 days komodo cruise from labuan bajo

liveaboard | Hello flores

5 Days / 4 Nights


For someone who always longing for a life by the sea, taking 5 days cruise is just a perfect experience. For almost a week, you will sail from island to island, hopping from beach to beach, and just relish what nature has to offer. Having a week to spare means you can explore every nook and cranny of the archipelago and have a pleasure to visit hidden spot not many people know about. Stop anywhere as you please and experience the whole beauty of these islands.

Your excursion begins at  Labuan Bajo , the famous port town where the ship will sail. This is your last chance to stack up your favorite snacks before being marooned for five days ahead. Meanwhile, as you have plenty of time to spend, so why don’t we use it to explore this beautiful little port town?

Beside the port deck, Labuan Bajo has a lot to offer. This is a great point for your  Flores exploratio n! Indulge in seafood delicacy at the fish market while enjoying the ocean view. Take a little trek down to  Rangko Cave  and swim at the ridiculously clear, secret swimming hole inside the cave.

If you have much time before the scheduled time of your Komodo Flores tour, take a mini-expedition to one of Labuan Bajo’s awesome waterfalls—the  Cunca Wulang and Cunca Rami , where you can enjoy swimming and canyoning before sailing off the shore. Cunca Wulang is especially gorgeous as the water streams from the canyon, entering a gorge where you can jump into the clear water and take a great shot of it.

Which beach will we land first? That’s the question. With almost a week of sailing, you have the chance to check every island on the archipelago off the list. Maybe you can start your journey with a small island with captivating beauty, both in the land and below, such as  Sebayur island .

A great place for a starter, Sebayur is blessed with undulating hills of brownish-yellow grass, providing a pleasing contrast with the surrounding ocean. Its charming view invites you to take a short track to the hilltop, to enjoy an unobstructed ocean view and sense idyllic remoteness.

If you are a licensed diver, don’t miss the chance to dive in Sebayur—diving is Sebayur’s main attraction, anyway!  A number of world-renown diving sites  lie just a few hundreds of meters off the shore, such as the famous Batu Bolong, Crystal Rock, and Castle Rock. The surrounding marine life is spectacular with sloping reef, coral walls, colorful sea critters, and schools of many kinds of fishes. It’s almost like a diving in clear aquarium. Past the beautiful coral plateau, the water is a heaven for pelagic hunters, turtle galore, micro diving, and occasional passing Mantas.

If you wish, you can spend your first afternoon in here. The island is famous as one of the best spot in Flores to enjoy the most beautiful sunset ever. Sits on the idyllic hills and watch the sky change into pastel colors, before heading back to the cruise and prepare for tomorrow’s adventure.

Passing to the neighboring Siaba Besar is highly recommended if diving is your thing. It’s one of highly popular easy dive, where you can spot pelagic, stingrays, and even dugongs. The site is also a favorite night dive among divers.

You can always opt for another island to explore if you prefer to stick with land, grass, and beaches. There are more islands in Flores than what you see in the itinerary samples, such as Bidadari, Seraya,  Kanawa , or Monkey island which each have its distinct beauty.

The next day, another adventure awaits. Start the day with something fresh, and docking to  Gili Lawa Darat  is on our suggestion. n fact, the island is one of the greatest places to catch a wonderful sunrise. Take a little tracking to the hills and enjoy an almost magical scenery when the sunrise from the horizon, slowly reveals the ocean and the bumpy hills of the archipelago from the darkness of the night. During January to May, you will be greeted with lush green grass covering the rolling hills, and the grass turns crisp and yellow during the dry season—turning the island into beautiful savannah.

An afternoon in the cruise clearly calls for a dip in the clear water, and it will be a great loss to miss a chance to meet the Manta. The  Manta Point  in Komodo National Park waters is the best place to see these intelligent creatures, as the water is rich with plankton - a delight for the Manta Rays. The Mantas are often traveling in a group and are present almost all year round. Lucky divers can even spend solid 30 minutes of interaction with the Mantas as long as the condition is right.

After spending first two days with water activities, your third day of excursion should be something fun. Why not visit the famous  Padar Island  today? A trek to this island is one of the most essential things to do during a Flores tour package, something you don't want to miss. As the hills lack of shady trees, it’s best to take a sunrise track early in the morning while the air is still cooler.

Reach the hilltop where you can catch a spectacular sunrise, and you will understand why radar Island steals thousand hearts of wanderer. Once you have finished exploring the magnificent surrounding, make your way down to Padar’s remarkable multicolor beaches, particularly the pink one. It’s time to chill.

Since you are visiting the pink beach of Padar, let’s just spent the whole day indulging in the blushing beaches? Lucky you, Hello Flores can take you to another pink beach in the tip of  Komodo National Park , hidden from other groups of travelers. Get into your snorkeling gear and you will see that the pink beach trails down beautifully to the sea bottom, blushing with the same hue.

Sunbathing in the pink sand while watching the contrasting blue ocean truly feels like a world away from everything. Sadly, it will come the time to leave this lovely beach, and it’s time for the next journey.

The fourth day of adventure will be perfect to visit the limelight of Komodo National Park, and that means the  Komodo Dragons  themselves! Sail to  Rinca , home of the biggest lizard on earth. A visit to this daunting creature can only be compared by a thrilling stop to massive bat cave, the  Kelor island . They are sleeping soundly during the day and you can watch them safely from the boat, but the real deal happens at dusk. Thousands of bats fly when the sky is turning into velvety tangerine, scattered and start preying their food in the neighboring islands. This is your last night on the cruise, and surely this will be a view you could never forget.

The last day of the excursion is perfect for a sleepy pleasure before heading back to the port town. After so many adventures, having a last authentic vibe of Flores will be a foolproof closure, indeed. One last trek to the hills and you are set to grab the wonderful panoramic view of Flores, Rinca, and other islands you have visited. relax in the white sand beaches before ending your Flores Komodo tours for good.

Please note that the itineraries may change at any time by the management of the boats due to among others; local condition, weather, strong current, windy and any unforeseen reason for the safety of passengers and the boat crew.

Turtle | Hello flores

“Don’t we all dream of the faraway?”

Labuan Bajo trip is what a dream made of. Hop the Komodo Liveaboard and spend the day sunbathing on the deck. A little while after boarding and leaving from Labuan Bajo , you will be surrounded with clear blue ocean that stretched to the horizon. The boat is sailing in steady speed, and it feels like you have all the time in the world.

Watch when the rugged green hills or the brown crisp savannah rises from the ocean, signaling your next visit. The archipelago is just what you want from island escape; dense jungle thickly covered the slope and drops to the blue ocean, only to get separated by a line of palm trees, soft sands beaches, and rocky reefs.

In the West Flores, three big islands and several surrounding small islands make up the Komodo National Park, each have something unique to behold. A journey to Flores will never be complete without a sightseeing tour to these islands, and the only way to get there is by boat.

A Komodo Flores tour will take you to explore the whole Flores and Komodo National Park. The exotic Flores is surrounded by equally beautiful islands, and one of the best ways to get a taste of them is by hopping on open trip from Labuan Bajo by cruise. Most of the population settle in Maumere, the largest town, and in Labuan Bajo, the port town. Other dwell on the smaller cities in Flores or cluttered at small villages deep behind the hills, leaving the nearby islands mostly inhabited and stay virgin.

Your choice is endless. Hello Flores believes that there is no perfect Labuan Bajo tour package. With Hello Flores, the itinerary follows your preference. You can freely pick up any islands that spark your interest and arrange the excursion that will really suits you. When there are lots of beautiful islands that has been enlisted to your traveling bucket list, feel free to take a two to five days Flores tour package as long as your time and budget allow.

Every trip begins and ends at the main port town of Flores, Labuan Bajo . It’s a 10 minutes car ride from Komodo Airport. Sail shortly after landing or spend a night first at the town, the choice is yours. Labuan Bajo is slowly brimming with shops, accommodation, and Western-style restaurants among other places in Flores, so it will be wise to stock up your needs and arrange your stay while you are still in town. Only few hotels make their online presence, so if you want to take a day rest after the excursion, it’s best to book prior to your cruise departure.


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Hello Flores - All rights reserved - 2018

Photo Credits: Hello Flores - Wahyu Mahendra - Bryn North - Flow Gicquel

Komodo Wisata

USD 414   / Person

  4 Days 3 Nights

  Depart from Labuan Bajo at 9:15 am

  Up to — 20 Person ( 1 Group )

 Outdoor Pool


 Parking Area


   Tour Packages

  Komodo National Park ,  Indonesia

  Availability : click here

Note : Departure Every Wednesday and Sunday

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open trip lombok labuan bajo

4 Day Trip Labuan Bajo to Lombok

The 4 Day Trip Labuan Bajo to Lombok is one of our popular packages. This is a group tour package that will join a maximum of 20 people on the boat. It is a perfect trip if you are looking for great adventure and enjoyment. Another thing is you will have a chance to see the other places beyond Komodo National Park.

This 4-day and the 3-night trip from  Labuan Bajo to Lombok is only 3 times a week. So when you decide to take this trip, you have to consider the departure schedules. Exploring more destinations in one go trip will be a great adventure for your holiday activities.

Taking a trip from Labuan Bajo to Lombok via Komodo National Park is a great idea, especially if you love adventure. The trip will be using the local standard Pinisi ship, which will only provide a shared deck and 1 fan cabin. The boat will provide you with a mattress, pillow, and blanket. Check out the itinerary for details.

Places to Visit:

  • Kelor Island
  • Manjarite Beach
  • Kalong Island
  • Padar Island
  • Long Beach/Pink Beach
  • Komodo Island
  • Manta Point
  • Moyo Island (Sumbawa)
  • Kanawa Island (Sumbawa)

4 Day Trip Labuan Bajo to Lombok Itinerary:

Below are the details of your 4 day and 3-night boat trip from Labuan Bajo to Lombok:

First Day: Labuan Bajo - Kalong Island

Pick up at 07.30 am from your hotel in Labuan Bajo and then drive to the dock for a boat. You will leave Labuan Bajo at 09.15 am. The first to visit is Kelor Island, and then Manjarite for snorkeling.

After enjoying snorkeling at Manjarite, you will continue to Kalong Island for sunset and watch the bats flying over the island. Overnight on the boat on Kalong Island.

Day 2: Padar Island - Komodo Island

Today you will sail early in the morning from Kalong to Padar island. Hiking on Padara Island, enjoy sunrise and spectacular views of the island. After that, you will continue your trip to Pink Beach or Long beach. Enjoy snorkeling and lounge on pink sand beach.

The next to visit is Komodo Island. On Komodo Island, you will be trekking to find Komodo Dragons and other wildlife. After Komodo Island, you will sail to Manta Point. There you can enjoy snorkeling with schools of Manta Rays, just enjoy it. After enjoying Manta Point, you continue sailing to Moyo Island.

Day 3: Moyo Island - Kanawa Island

You are now in Moyo Island today. The island is located in the West Nusa Tenggara province, it is part of Sumbawa island. Here you will go hiking through the tropical forest to Moyo waterfall, swim and enjoy the tropical forest.

Next to visit is Kanawa Island, this tiny island located in Northwest Sumbawa Island. Here you will go hiking and enjoy the beautiful views. After that, you will continue to Lombok.

Day 4: East Lombok Harbor - Mataram - Senggigi - Bangsal Harbor - Gilis

On this day, you are arriving in Lombok. The team will be ready to drop you at Mataram, Senggigi, and Bangsal for Gilis. The tour is ended enjoy your time in Lombok.

Boat Facilities:

  • Sharing the Deck
  • Toilet (No shower)
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Meals during the trip
  • English Speaking Guide
  • Coffee and Tea
  • Mineral Water
  • Komodo National Park Entrance fee
  • Shuttle Bus in Lombok
  • Snorkeling Equipment (no fins)
  • Shared boat or group boat tour
  • Personal expenses
  • Alcohol 

Need to Bring

Related packages.

Half-Day Tour Package to Komodo

Half-Day Tour Package to Komodo

4D3N Komodo Island Boat Tour from Lombok

4D3N Komodo Island Boat Tour from Lombok

3d2n shared komodo tour with superior boat.

Half-Day Tour Rangko Cave Labuan Bajo

Half-Day Tour Rangko Cave Labuan Bajo

Top destinations.

  • Alor Island, Indonesia
  • Sumba Island, Indonesia
  • Komodo National Park, Indonesia
  • Flores Island, Indonesia
  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Gili Islands, Lombok
  • Lombok Island, Indonesia

Komodo Wisata

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Blog Komodo Wisata

  • Top 10 Komodo National Park Dive Sites
  • 10 Best Komodo Tour Packages
  • Tour to Komodo Island from Bali
  • 9 Best Places to Visit in Labuan Bajo

Featured Activities

  • Diving, Snorkeling & Beaches
  • Volcano Hiking
  • Spotting Komodo Dragon
  • Nature & Culture Tours
  • Sailing Boat Tour
  • Fishing Trip

© Copyright 2024 Komodo Wisata


open trip lombok labuan bajo

  • Combination Packages
  • Phinisi Boat
  • Daily Komodo Dive Trips
  • Komodo Liveaboard Dive Trips
  • Alor Dive Trips

4D3N Komodo Tour from Labuan Bajo to Lombok

From: $  256.42

Cabin Type: Share Deck (+$ 256.42) Cabin Private (+$ 306.42)

Our 4D3N Komodo tour from Labuan Bajo to Lombok is one of the best recommended shared Komodo tours to book. This tour package is based on a shared boat tour. You will go on a standard Phinisi boat with a capacity of a maximum of 35 people.

The 4 Days 3 Night Flores Komodo to Lombok island depart on Wednesday and Sunday. It is a perfect sailing boat trip if you are looking for a great adventure. You will explore Komodo National Park, Sumbawa, and Lombok in one go trip.

Places to Visit:

  • Kelor Island
  • Rinca Island
  • Long Pink Beach
  • Manta Point
  • Moyo Island
  • Gili Bola Island
  • Kanawa Island

What to Experience on 4D3N Komodo Tour from Labuan Bajo to Lombok?

The Komodo National Park is famous for being the home of Komodo Dragons. There are over 2000 Komodo Dragons inhabitants on the island. Besides that, the National Park also offers beautiful beaches, amazing underwater marine life, and spectacular views.

During this 4 days 3 nights Komodo trip from Labuan Bajo to Lombok, you will experience the following things:

  • Hiking on Kelor Island, enjoy a spectacular view. You will also enjoy a beautiful white sand beach and snorkeling on the island.
  • Snorkeling at Manjarite Island. This is one of the best places to enjoy the amazing underwater marine life in Komodo National Park. You will find amazing coral gardens and colorful fish.
  • Trekking with Komodo Dragons on Rinca Island. This island is one of the islands where you can spot Komodo Dragons. Besides that, you will also enjoy a spectacular view from the top of the island.
  • Longe on Long Pink Beach. This place is one of the best recommended to spend on your Komodo island boat tour. You will also be able to go snorkeling in this place.
  • Snorkeling with Manta Rays at Manta Point . This is the best place to spot schools of Manta Rays in Komodo National Park.
  • Trek through the tropical forest on Moyo Island and enjoy your time at Mata Jitu waterfall. Jungle life, jumping, and swimming in the natural pool.
  • Snorkeling and enjoying the beautiful white sand beach on Gili Bola Island.
  • Hiking on Kanawa Island and enjoying the spectacular view. You may also be snorkeling on the island.

Tour Itinerary:

Our team will pick you up from your hotel in Labuan Bajo at 09.30 am. And then drive to the dock, brief, and get ready for the boat tour. The departure time will be at 10.30 am from the dock of Labuan Bajo.

Day 1: Labuan Bajo - Kelor island - Manjarite - Kalong Island

Depart from Labuan Bajo harbor at 10.30 am. The first to visit is Kelor Island and then Manjarite Island. After that, you will continue to Kalong Island. The boat will overnight on Kalong Island.

Day 2: Rinca Island -Long Pink Beach - Manta Point

The first to visit on your second day of the Flores Komodo to Lombok tour is Rinca Island. And then, Long Pink Beach. After that, you will continue to Manta Point.

Day 3: Moyo Island - Gili Bola Island

On the third day, you will continue your Komodo boat trip to Moyo Island. After that, you will visit Gili Bola Island. The boat will do a night sail to Kanawa Island.

Day 4: Kanawa Island - Kayangan Harbor

Today is the last day of your 4D3N Komodo tour from Labuan Bajo to Lombok. You will continue your trip to Kanawa Island. And then Kayangan Harbor in east Lombok.

Boat Facilities:

  • 1 private cabin for 2 people
  • Sundeck for a maximum of 33 people
  • Mattress, pillow, and blanket
  • Shared bathroom and toilet
  • Maximum passengers 35 people
  • Crew: 5 people
  • Life raft and life jackets
  • Snorkeling gear with no fins
  • This boat route may be changed, depending on the sea condition.
  • Shared 4 Days 3 Nights Trip from Flores to Lombok
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • Mineral water, coffee, and tea
  • Entrance fee for Komodo National Park
  • English speaking guide
  • Hotel transfers in Labuan Bajo and Lombok (Senggigi and Bangsal Harbor)
  • Personal expenses
  • Flight tickets
  • Trekking shoes
  • Personal medicine
  • Enough cash

Cancelation and Change the Travel Date:

  • The cancelation made 5 months before the trip will be refunded 50% of the total amount of payment.
  • Cancelation made 3 months before the departure will refund 25 % of the total amount of payment.
  • Cancelation made 1 month before the departure date will no refund
  • Changes to the departure date are subject to availability, and if there is no availability on the chosen date, the available date applies. The refund is subject to the cancelation policy.
  • Reschedule or change the departure date is applied at a maximum of 30 days before the departure date. If the reschedule is made in less than 30 days, there will be a surcharge of 5 % of the total payment.
  • The cancelation and change date procedure is by sending us an email through our contact form.

Limitation of Responsibility:

  • Komodo Touristic acts as a Travel Agency. We only provide the booking platform for Tour Packages, Boat Charters, and Diving Packages. We will not serve any activities outside the above activities.
  • All of the holiday activities are available for Flores and Komodo National Park. We also provide Alor, Sumba Island, and a combination of 2 or 3 Island activities. We do not arrange any activities, not on this website.
  • Komodo Touristic will not be responsible for any bookings made outside of our website.
  • We will not be responsible for any loss, missing flight, injury, loss, or damages. And do not be responsible for any accident during the activities which caused death, delay of your flight, etc.
  • We will not be responsible for any condition of transportation used by the operator including cars, boats, or other types of transportation used during the activities.
  • We will not be responsible for the inconvenience caused by the actions of staff during the activity. Government or other civil activities such as Demonstrations, War, and road traffic.
  • Komodo Touristic will not be responsible for any additional charge caused by delays, reschedules, or other causes.
  • We have the right to cancel the program or reschedule the program in the event of bad weather, or other operational reasons.
  • Changing any activities on this site is the authority of Komodo Touristic Tours and Travel.

Related Activity

3 Days private Komodo Tour Package

3 Days Private Komodo Tour Package

Type : Liveaboard

Duration : 3 Days 2 Nights

Departure : Labuan Bajo

Kelimutu Crater Tour Package

Kelimutu Crater Tour Package

Type : Overnight Tour

Duration : 2 Days 1 Nights

Departure : Maumere Airport

3 Days Sumba Island Tour Package

3 Days Sumba Island Tour Package

Duration : 3 Days 2 Night

Departure : Tambolaka Airport

Shared Komodo Tour 3D2N with Deluxe Boat

Shared Komodo Tour 3D2N with Deluxe Boat

Type : Overnight Deluxe Tours


Travel destination, the company.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

mount rinjani


trip labuan bajo

Trip Labuan Bajo, Choose Private Sailing or Open Trip? You can choose the Labuan Bajo 2023 tour package program with 2 programs, namely:

Private Trip the advantages of this tour package are more likely to be flexible, if you go with a group/GIT (Group In Tour) Open Trip the advantage of this tour is that you will save more on the budget, because the costs are carried out by sharing with other guests. recommendations for open trip Labuan Bajo the right choice for you for a small number of participants or alone.



  • We gather between 8:30 – 10:30 at Taman Sari Resto (close to bangsal harbour, North Lombok)
  • We will wait until every guest has arrived and check in. We do registration for all client, please waiting until every guest has arrived and checked in. After that we will drive to the harbour of East Lombok.
  • Activities for this day will be snorkelling, swimming and enjoying the sunset
  • Optional: you can hike the mountain on Kenawa island for a breathtaking view


  • On the hunt For whale shark during snorkeling
  • Activities : Swimming , Sailing and Sunbathing


  • K0modo Island, Visiting the K0modo Island to Hunting K0modo by Camera
  • Pink Beach, for relaxing, snorkelling or play some beach games.
  • At Padar Island we will hike to watch the marvellous views.


  • Long beach, for relaxing and snorkelling or plasy some beach play
  • Kelor Island, for relaxing, snorkelling or play some beach games.
  • We will finish the tour around 4.00 – 5:30 PM, depending on the weather conditions.


  • Deck Class CONTACT US
  • Cabin Class CONTACT US

* Price Included ENTRANCE Fee K0modo Park , Government Fee and Snorkelling Fee * Our Price are non-negotiable . The full fee must be paid at check in

trip labuan bajo

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  • Pick up Service from Mataram city, Senggigi and Bangsal Harbour. and if you stay in gili island, you can confirm to us about pick up service from bangsal harbour, we can wait your first boat at the morning.
  • Shuttle bus transfer to the boat
  • 3x Fresh meals a day (vegetarian options are available) with Indonesian food
  • Unlimited coffee, tea and mineral water (help the environment and use a refill bottle).


  • Safety Equipment (Liferaft, Life Jacket, Ring lifebouy, and ect)
  • Fresh Water and simple shower
  • Snorkeling gear (a masker and a snorkel), no fins
  • Charging points for electronic devices
  • Small boat with engine for transfer to the beach
  • Cool Box with ice for your extra drink
  • For deck class we have a mattress, pillow and blanket per person on a shared deck.
  • For Cabin class is a private cabin with a fan for two persons including a double mattress, a pillow and a blanket per person

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Boat Condition:

  • Length : 20M – 25M
  • Wide : 4M – 4,5M
  • Engine : Yan Mar 20Hp – 30Hp
  • Sail : Only to help the engine
  • Crews : 5 – 6 Crews
  • Boat capacity : 25 – 45 Person

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Sharing Deck Class Room

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Private Cabin Class Room

Things have to carry :

  • Swim cloth , Towel , sun block .
  • Extra energy drinks , soft drinks and snack

rinjani payment

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open trip lombok labuan bajo

Welcome To

Experience the world, liveaboard at a time., let us transport you with our highly affordable and reliable holiday packages.,

Discover the beauty of Indonesia with KiaKiaTour.ID as we specialize in providing unique travel experiences. Our offerings include immersive Liveaboard adventures and captivating Overland tours. Whether you’re drawn to the lush landscapes of Bali, the mesmerizing underwater world of Labuan Bajo, or the pristine beaches of Lombok, KiaKiaTour.ID is your dedicated partner in creating moments that last a lifetime.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

No matter where you’re going from, we take you there.

Open trip boats.

Sail in comfort and style as you embark on an unforgettable journey filled with trekking, snorkeling, and other exhilarating activities. Witness the vibrant marine life beneath crystal-clear waters and trek through lush landscapes, discovering the charm of hidden gems.

  • IDR 2,500,000/Pax

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Flores Utama Indah – Open Trip

  • IDR 3,500,000/Pax

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Almadira – Open Trip

  • IDR 3,750,000/Pax

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Pesona Bajo – Open Trip

  • IDR 3,800,000/Pax

open trip lombok labuan bajo

NK Jaya 1 – Open Trip

  • IDR 4,000,000/Pax

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Maheswari – Open Trip

  • IDR 4,300,000/Pax

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Yukai – Open Trip

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Kanhaloka – Open Trip

  • IDR 4,750,000/Pax

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Lamborajo 2 – Open Trip

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Yumana – Open Trip

Our destinations.

Explore the enchanting beauty of Bali’s lush landscapes, unwind on the pristine beaches of Lombok, and embark on a thrilling adventure to discover the breathtaking wonders of Labuan Bajo’s Komodo National Park. A journey of tropical bliss awaits.

  • Labuan Bajo


What we offer

Explore the world and become your own tour guide., destination weddings.

Experience your dream wedding in breathtaking destinations with KiaKiaTour.Id. Let us turn your special day into a cherished memory

"Embark on a romantic journey with KiaKiaTour.Id, crafting unforgettable honeymoons filled with love, luxury, and breathtaking destinations."

Group gateaway

Embark on unforgettable journeys with KiaKiaTour.Id's expert Tour Leader services—your gateway to seamless group adventures!

Family vacations

An extraordinary family getaway with KiaKiaTour.Id, indulging in unique vacations and exploring exotic destinations

Remarkable liveaboard experience with KiaKiaTour.Id. Discover unforgettable journeys with us

Luxury experiences

Experience the art of opulent travel with Your gateway to luxury and relaxation.

Private Trip Boats

Experience the epitome of luxury and exclusivity with Kia Kia Tour’s Private Trip to Labuan Bajo, where opulence meets adventure. Set sail on the finest Phinisi boats, ranging from superior to luxury classes, ensuring a lavish maritime journey. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Labuan Bajo with an exclusive selection of 8-10 top destinations curated by Kia Kia Tour.

  • IDR 30,000,000/2D1N

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Pesona Bajo

  • Private Trip
  • IDR 32,000,000/2D1N

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Balaraja Liveaboard

  • IDR 34,000,000/2D1N

Yukai Liveaboard

  • IDR 37,000,000/2D1N

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Alfatran Liveaboard

  • IDR 38,500,000/2D1N

open trip lombok labuan bajo

  • IDR 58,000,000/2D1N

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Catnazse Liveaboard

  • IDR 60,000,000/2D1N

Lamborajo 2

  • IDR 68,000,000/2D1N

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Ocean Pro 2

open trip lombok labuan bajo


What they say about us.

Bethany Jenkins

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Don't hesitate to contact us for more information., send us a message.

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Join us on a journey where every detail is meticulously planned, and every destination is a new story waiting to be unfolded. Trust KiaKiaTour.ID to turn your travel dreams into reality.

Tour Labuan Bajo

Private tour.

  • Superior Boat
  • Deluxe Boat
  • Luxury Boat


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Green Rinjani Lombok

  • To book the trips you can email or WhatsApp to check the available dates.
  • Send a copy of your passport. We need to sign up your details for booking.
  • You will have a confirmation by WhatsApp or Email for your booking.
  • Secure your tour booking by sending a deposit to our Paypal or Bank account.
  • The balance you need to pay by cash upon arrival.
  • Book your hotel at the free pick-up area.
  • This tour is a popular adventure. Recommend booking 15 days in advance of the departure date.

Overview open trip Labuan Bajo itinerary :

Day 1: Lunch and Dinner on the boat

  • Pick up hotel Labuhan Bajo
  • Transfer to Labuhan Bajo harbor
  • Sail to Kelor Island, snorkeling or healing
  • Menjerite island, snorkeling
  • Kalong Island, sunset with flying fox view
  • Overnight on the boat

open trip labuhan bajo

Day 2: Breakfast and Lunch on the boat

  • Early morning sail to Padar island, medium trekking for sunrise from the hill
  • Komodo island, see Komodo Dragon.
  • Pink beach, amazing unique pink beach
  • Manta, snorkeling with Manta, or see the Manta from a boat with a slow engine
  • Transfer to Hotel

open trip labuhan bajo

Price for a standard cabin with air conditioning room:

  • Sharing cabin starts from IDR 2.000.000/ person or USD134 ( available bunk bed with air conditioning room 4-6 person in one room )
  • Private cabin start from IDR 2.500.000/person or USD167 ( double bedroom for couple )

open trip lombok labuan bajo

The price included

  • Pick up service
  • English speaking guide
  • Meals on tour
  • Mineral water
  • Snorkeling equipment

Price excluded :

  • Entrance fee
  • Ranger and others’ retribution fee
  • Tips to crew and your personal expenses

Additional information you should know:

  • If the weather is bad the schedule will change anytime. Always trust the captain of the ship, and don’t risk your life.
  • The safety is the priority. We will replace the boat immediately if the boat engine is not good for sailing.
  • We are a travel agent and not a tour operator for this trip. For any feedback and complaints, we recommend that you send them to the tour organizer.

Term of Payment:

  • Deposit payment you can pay to our Bank Account or PayPal.
  • We are not responsible for any taxes.
  • The balance you must pay in cash on arrival.

Cancelation policy:

  • Full refund if you cancel the booking within 5 days.
  • We will charge 50% if you cancel the booking within 2 days
  • A full charge of deposit if you cancel within 24 hours
  • We are not responsible for flight or luggage delays.

For more information about the 2-day open trip Komodo, please contact us by WhatsApp for a fast response at +62 878-6368-1577 ( WAYAN ).


Trusted Komodo Tour & Travel

Welcome to Big Komodo Tour

Your Trusted Travel Company In Labuan Bajo

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5 Star Reviews on Tripadvisor

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Your Trusted Travel Partner In Labuan Bajo

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Our Services

Open trip komodo 3d2n weekend.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Sangat cocok bagi kalian yang ingin liburan di Labuan Bajo selama Weekend, menginap diatas kapal dari Hari Jumat hingga Minggu mengunjungi destinasi terbaik yang telah kami siapkan untuk anda.

Boats Charter / Sewa Kapal

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Sangat cocok bagi kalian yang ingin mendapatkan tour secara private, bebas menentukan itinerary dan tanggal, mau berdua, sekeluarga, atau dengan teman-teman bisaaaa!!!

Big Komodo Tour adalah Perusahaan Pariwisata yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 3 Tahun sejak tahun 2018 mengkhususkan pelayanan pariwisata di Labuan Bajo, Nusa Tenggara Timur.

Kami Menawarkan Paket Wisata antara lain :

  • Open Trip 3D2N
  • Boat Charter / Sewa Kapal
  • Diving Liveaboard
  • Overland Flores
  • dan lain sebagainya.

Three Times Tripadvisor Traveler Choice Awards

open trip lombok labuan bajo

5 Stars Review on Tripadvisor

Thousands of Happy Tourist

More Than 3 Years of Experience

Plenty of Services


Extremely pleased with the experience to Labuan Bajo given by Big Komodo Tour, the Boat was 10/10, the food was 10/10, all the boat crew and guide was very friendly and polite. We really enjoy the itinerary with all the destinations and good spots around Komodo National Park given by Big Komodo Tour, it's really recommended if you guys want to have tour on Komodo National Park.

logo big komodo (1)

Good vibes! Excellent services! A Wonderful Holiday! It's exceeded what we had in mind before the tour, from the moment we arrive, pick up from the Airport, transfer to our Hotel, pick us up at the day after at the morning. The pick up service is On Time and it's good for us! The boat is like what's like in the picture and videos, the other tourist and the crew is lovely, we made so many friends. It's unforgetable moment at the moment you arrive at the first destination at Kelor Island. Anyways, it's 10/10 from me and my family. RECOMMENDED!!
Great trip around Komodo island. Good group of people we were 10. Crew very helpful and kind. Tour guide Rhio excellent. Food was good as well. Cabin it’s small but expected as you go on a boat. Good thing it’s that has AC at night time. There is shower as well. Second floor of the boat comfy to chill out and read a book between stops. Every place we visited was beautiful. Specially the place where we saw the sunrise. The only disappointment was that we didn’t see the mantas at the manta point.
I go for an Open Trip / Shared Trip things you have to know for Open Trip is it cheaper and you will made friends from all around the World, and that's really great for me. this Tour Operator have a private cabin if you want to book one. The service is 9/10 The Tour Guide, and The Sea The Stunning views it almost excellence!! They also provide Excellent food. made sure you bring your own Towel and Sun Block and don't forget to bring money for personal expenses. i recommend for booking a phinisi boat, not a standard boat, it way more expensive but you will not regret it.


Want to booking your tour.

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Promo Murah Open Trip 4D3N, Dari Lombok ke Komodo (One Way)

Pengalaman sekali seumur hidup, berjumpa naga komodo di habitat aslinya.

Naga Komodo atau Varanus komodoensis) hanya dapat ditemukan di pulau Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang, dan Nusa Kode di Taman Nasional Komodo.

Tetapi, ada sedikit populasi komodo di Flores barat dan utara. Komodo termasuk dalam hewan karnivora dan predator teratas. Mangsa utamanya adalah rusa, kerbau, babi hutan, kera ekor panjang, dan hewan hutan lainnya.

Selama bulan Juli-Agustus, Naga Komodo mengalami musim kawin dan cukup agresif. Sedangkan, kisaran bulan Oktober, Komodo betina akan bertelur. Dan pada sekitar Februari – April, telur Komodo akan menetas.

Open Trip Lombok Komodo

Keseruan Join Lliburan Open Trip Sailing Lombok Ke Komodo (ONE WAY)

kapal open trip lombok ke labuan bajo

1. Menghemat Biaya Liburan

Open trip sangat cocok untuk kalangan traveller milenial, backpacker atau anak kuliah yang ingin menjelajahi Pulau Lombok dan Pulau Komodo dengan budget terjangkau.

Harga all-in, sudah termasuk biaya akomodasi atau hotel, makan 3x sehari (pagi, siang, malam), sewa kapal, biaya tiket masuk obyek wisata, dan lain – lain.

2. Ajang Mendapatkan Teman Baru

Open trip menawarkan tour ke berbagai destinasi wisata di Pulau Lombok – Komodo dengan peserta tour lain yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan.

Walaupun sebelumnya tidak saling mengenal, selama beberapa hari menjalani open trip, Anda akan mudah berbaur dan mendapatkan teman baru.

Bahkan, tidak sedikit peserta open trip merupakan turis mancanegara yang juga sama – sama solo travelling atau tidak memiliki teman perjalanan.

Pemandu open trip yang sudah berpengalaman dan profesional akan mampu mencairkan suasana sehingga setiap peserta open trip dapat menikmati pengalaman seru dan menyenangkan.

3. Eksplorasi Permata Wisata Pulau Lombok Ke Pulau Komodo

Menjelajahi pesona keindahan satu – satunya pulau yang dihuni Naga Komodo raksasa. Jadwal tersedia 3x dalam satu minggu, yaitu setiap hari Senin, Rabu dan Sabtu.

Kenapa Harus Bermitra dengan Kami Labuan Bajo Tour

Kepuasan dan kepercayaan konsumen selama mengikuti open trip sailing Lombok – Komodo adalah kebanggaan kami.

Untuk itu, kami berusaha dan terus berkomitmen untuk melakukan inovasi dalam pelayanan, meliputi:

  • Transportasi antar jempur ber-AC dan nyaman
  • Kapal pinisi dengan fasilitas lengkap
  • Kapten kapal maupun kru yang handal dan profesional
  • Kamar dijamin nyaman, aman dan banyak pilihan
  • Makan sesuai menu yang kami berikan baik dari sarapan, makan siang, makan malam hingga snack yang akan menemani berpetualang anda
  • Tarif all-in termasuk biaya tiket masuk
  • Pemandu wisata lokal yang komunikatif dan ramah
  • Booking open trip bisa melalui pemesanan online via Whatsapp atau Email

Jadwal Setiap Hari Kamis

Kini kami menghadirkan pelayanan wisata mengagumkan 1 kali dalam satu minggu. Jadwal keberangkatan setiap hari Kamis jam 14.00 brangkat dari lombok

Anda bisa menyesuaikan jadwal keberangkatan lebih mudah dan lebih banyak opsi yang dapat dipilih.

Apabila ada yang ingin Anda diskusikan atau hal yang perlu ditanyakan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi tim customer care kami via Whatsapp.

Cuaca Cerah & Bersahabat, Yuk Buruan ORDER SEKARANG

Kami juga siap melayani pemesanan Open Trip untuk 1 orang atau kelompok tour yang terdiri dari hanya beberapa orang saja. Bulan ini cuaca cerah dan bersahabat, apalagi yang Anda tunggu! Jangan biarkan acara liburan ke Pulau Lombok dan Pulau Komodo hanya tinggal wacana. Wujudkan liburan impian Anda sekarang juga dan nikmati harga super promo termurah all-inclusive.

Kami memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam dunia tour & travel. Segera hubungi kami untuk paket wisata Labuan Bajo yang murah, profesional & berkualitas.

Jalan Energi Gang Anggrek No. 45 Ampenan Kota Mataram 83118

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Great Flores-Lombok boat trip - Wanua Adventure

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  • Wanua Adventure

Really enjoyed my time on the boat from Flores to Lombok. Great thanks to momo and akbar for making... read more

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Our stay of 4D3N with WANUA Adventure in the boat from Lombok to Komodo was IN CRE DI BLE. We... read more

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Great Flores-Lombok boat trip

We did the 4D/3N boat trip from Flores to Lombok and really liked it! There were in total 50 people so they split us into two groups. One boat seems to be newer, with more seating options, showers and toilets. We were on that boat and the cabin we booked was alright (small, but the bed was comfy and there was a fan). To be honest, I think if there were much more than 25 people on the boat, it would have gotten a bit cramped. We were told that they fill the boat with max. 37 people (even if technically there’s space for 42/45). Apparently, in the opposite direction (from Lombok to Flores) usually there are more people – and more “party people” —, so if you prefer a more chill and more comfortable trip, I recommend to do it the same direction as us. That way you also do not support unethical diving with whale sharks, because that’s not in the programme. The nature you experience on the way, especially Komodo NP, is great! We liked the majority of the stops on land, snorkeling spots and activities. Not so much the visit of Rinca village. Also, many places kind of lost a bit of their „magic“, because they were crowded (e.g. hiking up the waterfall with 50 people in a row or watching the sunrise on Padar island with hundreds (!) of people.) So, a less „standard“ itinerary would have been nice. But we still enjoyed the trip a lot. Also, the whole trip was very well organised. So Wanua Adventure is definitely the company to choose! Shoutout to our guide Mambo who looked after all his „sheep“ so kindly and was a great communicator. And to the whole crew, especially for the great food (also for vegetarians). And to Ricar in the Labuan Bajo office who took away all our worries.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

We were very hesitant to go on this trip at first because 4 days on a boat with minimal comfort seemed difficult for my herniated back. It turned out to be an exceptional trip and quite comfortable and we slept on the deck. The crew was incredible, very dedicated to make us spend the best trip ever. Special shout out to Mambo and his incredible heart. The food was delicious, the boat was spotless. Only comment that isn't really the company's fault the place we stopped at were often crowded.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

We had a hard time choosing between the different companies offering the Komodo trip between Flores and Lombok, but we can 100% recommend Wanua. As for the crew, there was nothing to say, they were always so kind and open to us. The cruise was really incredible, and if you're lucky you'll be able to see dolphins during the trip. A big thank you to Doni, Edo and Ardhy, as well as to the whole team and its captain for the great atmosphere during these 4 days. You're amazing!!!

open trip lombok labuan bajo

An amazing trip and experience. The crew are friendly and fun to be around especially Doni, Edo and Ardi, with their music and fooling around. The activities are great and you get to visit some beautiful secluded spots.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

I went with my friends from flores to lombok and I cannot recommend it more. Mambo was our guide and he is the sweetest and most beatiful soul in this world, he really did our days better. The boat crew also was amazing. We visited all the places with no one and they brought us at the perfect timming. You won’t regret it.

open trip lombok labuan bajo

The crew was simply amazing in all aspects throughout all the 4 days! Super friendly and really well organised, our guide Edo gave us a fantastic time! Definitely recommended!

Akhir Tahun Liburan Kemana? Ikut Paket Open Trip Labuan Bajo Aja

open trip lombok labuan bajo

Sebagai seorang traveler pasti kamu sudah sering mendengar Labuan Bajo, bukan? Yap, salah satu surga wisata di Nusa Tenggara Timur ini memang selalu berhasil mencuri perhatian para wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara.

Labuan Bajo terkenal sekali dengan panorama alamnya dan rasanya tidak akan ada yang bisa menyaingi. Itulah mengapa banyak orang bermimpi berkunjung ke Tanah Flores untuk menghabiskan waktu liburannya di Labuan Bajo.

Biaya liburan ke Labuan Bajo mungkin sedikit mahal, tapi nggak perlu khawatir karena kamu bisa mengakalinya dengan ikut paket open trip. Mau tau dimana kira-kira kamu bisa nemuin paket open trip Labuan Bajo murah? Jawabannya ada dibawah sini.

1. ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Cempaka Nomor 24, Tomang, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat, DKI 11420 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0812 9938 0077 WhatsApp:  0812 9938 0077 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.499.000,- adalah opsian pertama yang bisa kamu pilih agar mendapatkan harga paket open trip Labuan Bajo murah. Biaya yang perlu kamu keluarkan untuk ikut open trip Labuan Bajo bareng ialah sekitar 2,5juta.

Beberapa destinasi wisata yang akan dikunjungi diantaranya ada Pulau Kelor, Pulau Rinca, Kalong Rinca, Pulau Padar, Pink Beach, Manta Point, Gili Lawa dan Pulau Kanawa.

2. Labuan Bajo Tour ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Ketangga, Kembang Sari, Selong, Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83618 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0853 3948 4448 WhatsApp:  0853 3948 4448 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.300.000,-

Labuan Bajo Tour mungkin bisa menjadi kawan setia travelingmu nih. Disini kamu bebas memilih jadwal open trip yang sesuai dengan keinginanmu. Setiap minggu dalam sebulan, Labuan Bajo Tour memberangkatkan peserta yang ingin nge-trip ke Labuan Bajo.

Hanya dengan modal mulai dari 1,3jutaan saja kamu akan mendapatkan pengalaman seru mengunjungi Labuan Bajo yang sangat eksotis itu.

3. Indahnesia ❤️

Alamat:  Lingkungan 1 RT 4 RW 2 Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo, Komodo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur 86754 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0385 2440 495 WhatsApp:  0812 3709 6362 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.500.000,-

Opsi berikutnya adalah Indahnesia yang menawarkan paket open trip murah mulai dari 2,5jutaan aja nih gengs. Disini kamu bakal dikasih dua pilihan yaitu menggunakan kapal premium atau phinisi.

Open trip Labuan Bajo ini akan berlangsung selama 3D2N dengan mengunjungi 9-10 destinasi wisata. Salah satu keuntungan yang didapatkan jika memilih paket ini ialah kamu akan merasakan pengalaman seru yakni Live On Board atau bermalam diatas Kapal.

4. Kakaban Trip ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Palbatu I Nomor 9, Menteng Dalam, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12870 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0812 1188 8999 WhatsApp:  0812 1188 8999 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.800.000,-

Kakaban Trip membuka program opentrip Labuan Bajo 4D3N dengan biaya yang cukup terjangkau. Sama seperti tour dari Indahnesia, disini kamu pun bisa merasakan pengalaman baru dan seru tidur diatas kapal.

Beberapa destinasi yang akan dikunjungi diantaranya ada Pulau Kanawa, Gili Laba Barat, Manta Point, Pink Beach, Pulau Kalong Komodo, P. Padar, P. Rinca dan P. Kelor.

5. IndonesiaJuara ❤️

Alamat:  Jl. Gang Pengadilan, Gorontalo, Goron Talo, Komodo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0811 9941 919 WhatsApp:  0811 9941 919 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.500.000,-

IndonesiaJuara juga siap nih menemani waktu liburanmu ke Labuan Bajo dengan sejumlah fasilitas dan aktivitas seru. Selama ngetrip kamu akan menggunakan Kapal dengan fasilitas dan tingkat kenyamanan yang tinggi.

Pengalaman ngetrip diatas kapal bakal jadi momen paling seru dan tak terlupakan sepanjang sejarah travelingmu. Kamu hanya perlu menyiapkan kocek sebesar 2,5juta saja lho!

6. Putra Wijaya Tours ❤️

Alamat:  Jl. Banyuurip Nomor 117, Longkrang, Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56317 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0852 2896 3508 WhatsApp:  0852 2896 3508 Harga Mulai: Rp 3.350.000,-

Putra Wijaya Tours menyediakan paket open trip Labuan Bajo dari Surabaya dengan biaya 3,3juta per orangnya.

Durasi waktu ngetripnya yakni 4 hari 3 malam, dimana kamu bakalan diajak mengelilingi destinasi wisata di sekitaran Labuan Bajo. Jadwal keberangkatannya sendiri masih available sampai akhir tahun 2024 nanti nih guys.

7. Panorama Aerowisata  ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan KH.Sholeh Iskandar-Perum, Taman Sari Persada Blok C1 Nomor 2, Plesungan, Kapas, Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur 62181 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0857 1992 9150 WhatsApp:  0857 1992 9150 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.000.000,-

Panorama Aerowisata menawarkan paket open trip Labuan Bajo selama 3 hari 2 malam dengan harga terjangkau nih.

Detail include yang bakal kamu dapatkan ialah drop hotel-dermaga, penginapan, konsumsi, snack, meals, snokers, TNK entrance ticket, guide dan life jacket. Jika tertarik join program ini, segera hubungi nomor tertera diatas ya!

8. Ulin Wisata ❤️

Alamat:  Setu, Cipayung, Kota Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta 13880 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0822 6152 3665 WhatsApp:  0822 6152 3665 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.500.000,-

Ulin Wisata juga punya nih paket open trip Labuan Bajo 3D2N yang menarik untuk diikuti. Disini kamu bakalan merasakan liburan super seru dari biasanya yakni menginap diatas kapal.

Beberapa pilihan destinasi opentrip Ulin Wisata ini diantaranya ada Gili Lawa, P. Padar, P. Rinca, P. Kanawa, Pink Beach, P. Kelor, Manta Point dan P. Siaba.

9. Befree Tour ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Yosodipuro Nomor 158, Mangkubumen, Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57139 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0271 7451 109 WhatsApp:  0813 9391 5790 Harga Mulai: Rp 3.200.000,-

Tertarik untuk berlayar di lautan Labuan Bajo selama 3 hari 2 malam diatas kapal? Kalau gitu kamu harus menghubungi Befree Tour untuk ikut program opentrip miliknya.

Dengan merogoh kocek sebesar 3,2juta kamu akan mendapatkan pengalaman liburan di Labuan Bajo yang super seru dan asik. Akan banyak sekali destinasi kunjungan yang bakal didatangi, mau tau? Buruan kepoin websitenya di

10. Maimilu ❤️

Alamat:  Simply Studio-Equity Tower, 49th Floor, Sudirman Central Business, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12190 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0878 7799 6111 WhatsApp:  0878 7799 6111 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.850.000,-

Tak ada salahnya jika kamu mempercayakan rencana liburanmu ke Labuan Bajo kepada Maimilu ini. Tawaran harga spesial dari Maimilu ini sangat sayang jika harus dilewatkan begitu saja.

Kamu perlu menyiapkan kocek sekitar 1,8juta untuk bisa mengikuti trip gabungan Labuan Bajo bersama Maimilu.

Harga tersebut sudah include dengan Kapal Opendeck selama sailing 3 hari 2 malam, homestay 2 malam di Desa Komodo, tiket masuk TNK, dokumentasi, alat snorkeling, dll.

Nah jadi itulah beberapa rekomendasi paket opentrip Labuan Bajo yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai teman setia travelingmu. So, the choice is yours guys!

Adelia Irfandi atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Adel (lahir 6 Desember 1991) adalah seorang penulis berasal dari Palembang. Adel salah satu penulis yang aktif mengunggah karya tulisnya di

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  1. Home V2

    This trip will take 4 days and 3 nights starting from our office (RM. Bangsal Indah) in Bangsal, Pemenang, North Lombok heading to Labuan Bajo. During this trip we will visit interesting places in West Nusa Tenggara, such as small islands with clean white sand to unique pink ones. Besides that, we will also hike to the stunning Padar Hill, swim ...

  2. Open Trip Lombok Komodo Labuan Bajo 2023

    Open Trip Lombok Komodo Labuan Bajo 2023. Teluk Saleh Whale Shark Paket Sailing Lombok Komodo 4Hari-3Malam. Rp 3.000.000 / pax. TERMASUK: Trip selama 4Hari-3Malam Makan selama Trip Air Mineral, Kopi dan Teh setiap hari Tiket Masuk Taman Nasional Komodo Transport menuju Pelabuhan Tiket Boat dari Gili Trawangan dan Gili Air Penjemputan di Bangsal ...

  3. Open Trip 4D3N Lombok to Labuan Bajo by Travel Wise

    Things need to bring. - Swim clothes , Towel , sun block. - Extra energy drinks , soft drinks and snack. - Camera. 4d3n open trip Komodo open trip lombok labuan bajo travel wise. Travel Wise boat provides open trip for 4days 3 nights from Lombok to Labuhan Bajo to visit Komodo Island, Rinca Island, Padar Island and other places.

  4. Open Trip 4D3N Labuan Bajo to Lombok by Wanua Adventure

    Santonda Island. Pink Beach. Gili Laba. Moyo Waterfall. Departure : Every Monday and Friday from Labuan Bajo. Meeting point at Wanua Adventure office at 07.15am. DAY 1: LABUAN BAJO TO : KELOR ISLAND for snorkeling and beach Relaxing activity, and you can take short hiking also. MENJERITE POINT for snorkeling activity.

  5. Open Trip 4D3N Labuan Bajo to Lombok by Kareem The Explorer

    LABUAN BAJO (FLORES) to LOMBOK 4 Days/ 3 Nights. Departure: Every Wednesday and Sunday. Kareem The Explorer's Itinerary Program. Day 1: Labuan Bajo - Kelor Island - Manjarite - Kalong Island. - Island hopping for activities snorkeling, sunbathing, beach games, and relaxing. [Check-in: between 8.30am - 10.00am, check-in at Jaya ...

  6. Open Trip Labuan Bajo -Komodo- Lombok 4 Days 3 Nights

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  7. Open Trip 4D3N Labuan Bajo to Lombok by Wanua Adventure

    Trip Itinerary : DAY 1: LABUAN BAJO - RINCA VILLAGE - STRAWBERRY POINT - Arround KALONG ISLAND. - RINCA VILLAGE and GOA KALONG (mean: Bat Cave) we will do trekking around the village and head to the bat cave on a small hill at the end of rinca village. - DANCE PERFORMANCE by Rinca's Village people. Manca Bajo Dance and Animap Pop ...

  8. Labuan Bajo Tour

    A Komodo Flores tour will take you to explore the whole Flores and Komodo National Park. The exotic Flores is surrounded by equally beautiful islands, and one of the best ways to get a taste of them is by hopping on open trip from Labuan Bajo by cruise. Most of the population settle in Maumere, the largest town, and in Labuan Bajo, the port ...

  9. Open Trip 3 Days 2 Nights Labuan Bajo, Komodo, Flores

    Day 1. Pick up from hotel in Labuan Bajo or Airport between 9.00am - 10.30am. Kelor Island : Hiking to the view point, you'll be compensated with breathtaking 360-degree views of the surrounding Flores Sea, nearby islands, and the stunning coastline. The island boasts pristine white sandy beaches that are perfect for relaxation and sunbathing.

  10. 4 Day Trip Labuan Bajo to Lombok » Komodo Wisata

    Taking a trip from Labuan Bajo to Lombok via Komodo National Park is a great idea, especially if you love adventure. The trip will be using the local standard Pinisi ship, which will only provide a shared deck and 1 fan cabin. The boat will provide you with a mattress, pillow, and blanket. Check out the itinerary for details.

  11. 4D3N Komodo Tour from Labuan Bajo to Lombok

    Terms & Condition. Our 4D3N Komodo tour from Labuan Bajo to Lombok is one of the best recommended shared Komodo tours to book. This tour package is based on a shared boat tour. You will go on a standard Phinisi boat with a capacity of a maximum of 35 people. The 4 Days 3 Night Flores Komodo to Lombok island depart on Wednesday and Sunday.


    At Padar Island we will hike to watch the marvellous views. Day 4. LONG BEACH - KELOR ISLAND - LABUHAN BAJO (FLORES) Long beach, for relaxing and snorkelling or plasy some beach play. Kelor Island, for relaxing, snorkelling or play some beach games. We will finish the tour around 4.00 - 5:30 PM, depending on the weather conditions.

  13. Kia Kia Tour ID

    Experience the epitome of luxury and exclusivity with Kia Kia Tour's Private Trip to Labuan Bajo, where opulence meets adventure. Set sail on the finest Phinisi boats, ranging from superior to luxury classes, ensuring a lavish maritime journey. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Labuan Bajo with an exclusive selection of 8-10 top ...

  14. Open Trip Labuan Bajo 2 days, Explore Komodo National Park

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  15. Home

    Big Komodo Tour Menyediakan Paket Open Trip Komodo 3 Hari 2 Malam, Sewa Kapal Labuan Bajo, Diving, dan Paket Wisata Komodo lainnya. Skip to content. Home; Open Trip 3D2N. ... Extremely pleased with the experience to Labuan Bajo given by Big Komodo Tour, the Boat was 10/10, the food was 10/10, all the boat crew and guide was very friendly and ...

  16. 4-Day Komodo Boat Trip From Lombok: Complete Guide (2024)

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  17. Open Trip

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    Join our 4-day, 3-night sailing trip and experience the beauty of the Komodo Island, Sumbawa Island, and conclude with a visit to Lombok Island. We offer two types of cabins for this sailing trip. The first option is a Double Bed Cabin equipped with a ceiling fan and a restroom. The second option is to stay on the deck. Pick-up from hotels ...

  19. Promo Open Trip Sailing Lombok

    Keseruan Join Lliburan Open Trip Sailing Lombok Ke Komodo (ONE WAY) 1. Menghemat Biaya Liburan. Open trip sangat cocok untuk kalangan traveller milenial, backpacker atau anak kuliah yang ingin menjelajahi Pulau Lombok dan Pulau Komodo dengan budget terjangkau. Harga all-in, sudah termasuk biaya akomodasi atau hotel, makan 3x sehari (pagi, siang ...

  20. Great Flores-Lombok boat trip

    Great Flores-Lombok boat trip - Review of Wanua Adventure, Labuan Bajo, Indonesia - Tripadvisor. Wanua Adventure. 702 Reviews. #32 of 366 Outdoor Activities in Labuan Bajo. Boat Tours & Water Sports, Tours, Outdoor Activities, More. Labuan Bajo, Flores 86754, Indonesia. Open today: 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM.

  21. Open Trip

    Bike Trip Lombok; Scuba Diving; Paket Trekking Rinjani. Rinjani Trekking Package 4 Days 3 Nights; Rinjani Trekking Package 3 Days 2 Nights; SUMBA. ... Open Trip 3D2N Labuan Bajo; Open Trip 1 Day Trip Labuan Bajo; Open Trip Waerebo Village; Tiket Pesawat; Akomodasi Hotel. SENGGIGI; MATARAM CITY; KUTA MANDALIKA; GILI TRAWANGAN; GILI AIR;

  22. 10 Paket Open Trip Ke Labuan Bajo 2024 Harga Murah 4d3n 3 Hari 2 Malam

    Open trip labuan bajo 2024 desember murah 4d3n ke 3 hari 2 malam juni putra wijaya tours dan wae rebo november one day harga juli jakarta jadwal pengalaman lombok via phinisi paket rekomendasi to tanpa ... Kembang Sari, Selong, Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83618 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0853 3948 4448 WhatsApp: 0853 3948 4448 Harga Mulai ...

  23. trip LOMBOK

    87 likes, 3 comments - sinikelombok on May 21, 2024: "Minimal sekali seumur hidup kamu harus sailing di Labuan Bajo ️ Open Trip / Private Trip Sailing Komodo Start from Labuan Bajo Rea...". trip LOMBOK | LABUAN BAJO | SUMBA | Minimal sekali seumur hidup kamu harus sailing di Labuan Bajo 🏝️ Open Trip / Private Trip Sailing Komodo Start ...

  24. lombok tour and trip || labuan bajo || sewa mobil lombok

    LOMBOK SECRET Tour & Travel "Best Partner your trip" Jl. Krakatau Perumahan bellpark 2 📞 : 082340649570 📩 : [email protected] Don't Forget To³ Follow, Like & Coment ! #opentriplombok #lombok #pakettourlombok #sewamobillombok.