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40 Quotes about “Returning” and “Going Home”

Young girl running to his father in the airport.

Welcome to our collection of joyous quotes about returning and going home.

Only a few things in life can compare to the delight of finally returning to one’s home. We hope the gladsome sayings below will prove just that and convey the same radiant emotions with you.

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1. “Returning home again is clean water to my parched mouth; it is air, rich in oxygen, to my lungs as I gasp for breath.”

"Returning home again is clean water to my parched mouth; it is air, rich in oxygen, to my lungs as I gasp for breath."

2. “She is charming and sweet, and that’s why my feet seem to always steer me back home.”

"She is charming and sweet, and that's why my feet seem to always steer me back home."

3. “The splendid view when it snows, and when butterflies land on your nose, or watching the tree in the yard as it grows — oh, I can’t wait to get home again.”

"The splendid view when it snows, and when butterflies land on your nose, or watching the tree in the yard as it grows — oh, I can't wait to get home again."

4. “As I travel along in this world, I’m in awe of many things, like the colors I see in autumn or the flowers that bloom in spring. To me, there is no kind of awesome that any but home can bring, like returning to wake in my old bed to hear the birds sweetly sing.”

"As I travel along in this world, I'm in awe of many things, like the colors I see in autumn or the flowers that bloom in spring. To me, there is no kind of awesome that any but home can bring, like returning to wake in my old bed to hear the birds sweetly sing."

5. “I rush out of the house in the mornings, thinking of nothing but time. I get to work and try to do a good job. As I leave to run my errands, it sinks in once again that going home makes me happier than anyplace else I have been.”

"I rush out of the house in the mornings, thinking of nothing but time. I get to work and try to do a good job. As I leave to run my errands, it sinks in once again that going home makes me happier than anyplace else I have been."

6. “I always loved returning home to my father’s open arms. They enveloped me in unconditional love. He would reach out with those big, precious hands that held mine at the supper table. He taught me the words that another breathed, and thus, my soul sustained.”

"I always loved returning home to my father's open arms. They enveloped me in unconditional love. He would reach out with those big, precious hands that held mine at the supper table. He taught me the words that another breathed, and thus, my soul sustained."

7. “My childhood home, filled with joy and sorrow, loss of innocence, hope for tomorrow — when I’m feeling cold and alone, I close my eyes, in my mind, return home.”

"My childhood home, filled with joy and sorrow, loss of innocence, hope for tomorrow — when I'm feeling cold and alone, I close my eyes, in my mind, return home."

8. “Seeking desperately to settle down, I searched in low places and paid dearly for it. My father explained — Honey, not everyone loves the way you do, but, he said, as long as I have a home, you will always have a home you can return to.”

"Seeking desperately to settle down, I searched in low places and paid dearly for it. My father explained — Honey, not everyone loves the way you do, but, he said, as long as I have a home, you will always have a home you can return to."

9. “I long to hear the sweet mountain accent in the voices of my kinfolk back home. I’m longing for the rocky beach and winter’s snowy sea foam. I’m longing for the mountains and the crisp, cool air to breathe. If I return to Carolina, I may never leave.”

"I long to hear the sweet mountain accent in the voices of my kinfolk back home. I'm longing for the rocky beach and winter's snowy sea foam. I'm longing for the mountains and the crisp, cool air to breathe. If I return to Carolina, I may never leave."

10. “I cried out for her to come home, but she did not comply. Felt so empty without her. I thought that I might die. Could not get her to come back, and honestly, I knew why. That girl who used to live in me grew up and said goodbye.”

"I cried out for her to come home, but she did not comply. Felt so empty without her. I thought that I might die. Could not get her to come back, and honestly, I knew why. That girl who used to live in me grew up and said goodbye."

11. “I like to cook my own food and serve it on dishes that I washed. I like to eat in my own spot, drink a cold soda, and watch a good cop show. So, when I’m out, I just look forward to that moment when it’s time to go back home.”

"I like to cook my own food and serve it on dishes that I washed. I like to eat in my own spot, drink a cold soda, and watch a good cop show. So, when I'm out, I just look forward to that moment when it's time to go back home."

12. “Yes, my home is my castle, because I rule here, and though I rule everywhere else, too, I can never get back home fast enough.”

"Yes, my home is my castle, because I rule here, and though I rule everywhere else, too, I can never get back home fast enough."

13. “When no one else cares to listen, return home to a place of understanding.”

"When no one else cares to listen, return home to a place of understanding."

14. “Sometimes, we feel that the dark is chasing us. It is then we return home, if only when we close our eyes.”

"Sometimes, we feel that the dark is chasing us. It is then we return home, if only when we close our eyes."

15. “When I’m away, I pine for you so sweetly. Home, when I’m with you, life’s so sublime. I must go away and work to keep my loved ones, but I’ll return to you time after time.”

"When I'm away, I pine for you so sweetly. Home, when I'm with you, life's so sublime. I must go away and work to keep my loved ones, but I'll return to you time after time."

16. “Home is the tranquility we return to when the world turns into confusion.”

"Home is the tranquility we return to when the world turns into confusion."

17. “I yearn for home all the time, but I know it’s time to return when I’ve been one day too long without a sincere smile, a warm hug, and one of mama’s fried chicken supper’s with cream gravy.”

"I yearn for home all the time, but I know it's time to return when I've been one day too long without a sincere smile, a warm hug, and one of mama's fried chicken supper's with cream gravy."

18. “How I love to close my eyes and return to my old home — to walk down the hill by the church to Grancie’s house.”

"How I love to close my eyes and return to my old home — to walk down the hill by the church to Grancie's house."

19. “Returning home again is like visiting with an eccentric and trusted old friend.”

"Returning home again is like visiting with an eccentric and trusted old friend."

20. “I so wish I could return home again to that simple place when candy bars and getting to stay up late to watch television were the most important things in my life.”

"I so wish I could return home again to that simple place when candy bars and getting to stay up late to watch television were the most important things in my life."

21. “In youth, I thought I couldn’t leave home quickly enough. I’m older now and long to go home every day. I do even — in my mind.”

"In youth, I thought I couldn't leave home quickly enough. I'm older now and long to go home every day. I do even — in my mind."

22. “Going home is your ace of spades. It’s a high card that you keep quietly hidden in your hand. You play it only for victory sure.”

"Going home is your ace of spades. It's a high card that you keep quietly hidden in your hand. You play it only for victory sure."

23. “It isn’t easy to swallow your pride and go home, but know that there is a special kind of love for the prodigal one.”

"It isn't easy to swallow your pride and go home, but know that there is a special kind of love for the prodigal one."

24. “The smell of chicken frying always takes me home to grandmother’s, where we’d bake gingerbread men for dessert in a world all our own.”

"The smell of chicken frying always takes me home to grandmother's, where we'd bake gingerbread men for dessert in a world all our own."

25. “I close the eyes of my mind and ride my bicycle here in the Midwest. It takes me home to the rolling hills of that small town in Carolina, where I would ride for hours as a child, straight into a fantasy.”

"I close the eyes of my mind and ride my bicycle here in the Midwest. It takes me home to the rolling hills of that small town in Carolina, where I would ride for hours as a child, straight into a fantasy."

26. “The feet that take me away from home when I’m restless are the same feet that take me home to secure rest.”

"The feet that take me away from home when I'm restless are the same feet that take me home to secure rest."

27. “If you’re searching for love that loves unconditionally and honesty that’s honest even when it hurts, go home.”

"If you're searching for love that loves unconditionally and honesty that's honest even when it hurts, go home."

28. “Going home is medicinal. It has healing power.”

"Going home is medicinal. It has healing power."

29. “Home is an old friend that you shared that you shared both good and bad times with — a friend that never judges.”

"Home is an old friend that you shared that you shared both good and bad times with — a friend that never judges."

30. “This world is full of chaos. It seems no one wants to wait. I’ll be headed home now. I cannot hesitate.”

"This world is full of chaos. It seems no one wants to wait. I'll be headed home now. I cannot hesitate."

31. “Going home is like a bonfire in the cold, black woods.”

"Going home is like a bonfire in the cold, black woods."

32. “When you’ve been out in the world like I have, you’ll realize that there’s no joy like going home.”

"When you've been out in the world like I have, you'll realize that there's no joy like going home."

33. “Going home is a gift many will never receive. Treasure your home. Hold it sacred.”

"Going home is a gift many will never receive. Treasure your home. Hold it sacred."

34. “When I have left behind my legacy and my work is done, I am going home.”

"When I have left behind my legacy and my work is done, I am going home."

35. “When the work is over and the story is done, when we’ve won, I’m going home.”

"When the work is over and the story is done, when we've won, I'm going home."

36. “I love my kitchen, my chair, my office, my recliner, my antique chest, my walk-in closet, and most of all, my comfy bed. Truth is — I don’t mind having responsibilities and engagements in the outside world, but I cannot tell you the peace that flows over me when I know it’s time to go home.”

"I love my kitchen, my chair, my office, my recliner, my antique chest, my walk-in closet, and most of all, my comfy bed. Truth is — I don't mind having responsibilities and engagements in the outside world, but I cannot tell you the peace that flows over me when I know it's time to go home."

37. “Sure we lived in more than one house growing up, but it was good food, work ethic, the teaching of consequences and of faith, and it was pure unadulterated love — these things made moving to each new house just like going home.”

"Sure we lived in more than one house growing up, but it was good food, work ethic, the teaching of consequences and of faith, and it was pure unadulterated love — these things made moving to each new house just like going home."

38. “Going home is a joy that you cannot grasp unless you left home.”

"Going home is a joy that you cannot grasp unless you left home."

39. “I long for Carolina. I miss the heavy fog atop the mountains on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I can smell home now. I miss the autumn-colored leaves in fall, but I’ll tell you what I really miss. I miss family, most of all.”

"I long for Carolina. I miss the heavy fog atop the mountains on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I can smell home now. I miss the autumn-colored leaves in fall, but I'll tell you what I really miss. I miss family, most of all."

40. “The days of licking honeysuckles and blowing on dandelions are long over. Memories make me long for days agone. Memories make me long for home.”

"The days of licking honeysuckles and blowing on dandelions are long over. Memories make me long for days agone. Memories make me long for home."

41. “Some are glad to get away. Some are content to stay and stay. Me, I’m already gone, but I’m sure thinking about going home.”

"Some are glad to get away. Some are content to stay and stay. Me, I'm already gone, but I'm sure thinking about going home."

If you would like to use any of the above quotes, we welcome you to do so. However, please reference this page and give attribution to “Homestratosphere.com” as they are copyrighted by Homestratosphere.com.

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Home » Topics » Travel Quotes » Quotes about Returning Home After Travel – 62 Inspiring Quotes & Sayings

Quotes about Returning Home After Travel – 62 Inspiring Quotes & Sayings

Coming home is something extraordinary and personal for everyone. Whether it’s returning from a trip, a long day, or heading home in general.

The power of words can have a surprisingly powerful effect on our emotions. This is especially true regarding quotes about returning home after travel. Any phrase or word can bring us back to the familiar feelings of home in a matter of seconds – especially after being abroad or in an unfamiliar place for a while.

I am no stranger to coming-home quotes and sayings. As I type these lines, I just returned from a four-month trip to Latin America a few days ago. Since I have this feeling so present, I would like to share the most beautiful quotes about coming home with you here.

What to find out in this post

  • 1 The Best Quotes About Returning Home from Travel
  • 2 Coming Home Quotes & Sayings
  • 3 Funny Coming Home Quotes
  • 4 Quotes about Home
  • 5.1 About the AuthorVicki

The Best Quotes About Returning Home from Travel

sayings and quotes about returning home after travel

Coming home after a trip is not always easy. And sometimes, it comes with a strange feeling, almost as if you had never been away because everything is somehow the same, yet you have changed somehow.

So sometimes, it’s not so easy to get used to everyday life and the familiar routine again – especially if you’ve been abroad for a long time.

Many things that were so natural and familiar before now feel kind of strange. And it takes time to get used to your time at home again.

Below, we’ll first look at the best coming-home quotes for returning from a trip.

The best journey takes you home.
No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. – Lin Yutang
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. — George Moore
The road home is never too long, because the heart makes the journey easy.
Life takes you to unexpected places, love takes you home.
Home is the beginning and the end of all journeys.
Once you’ve seen the world, you appreciate your home even more.
When a traveller returneth home, let him not leave the countries where he hath travelled altogether behind him; but maintain a correspondence by letters with those of his acquaintance which are of most worth; and let his travel appear rather in his discourse than in his apparel or gesture; and in his discourse, let him be rather advised in his answers, than forward to tell stories. – Francis Bacon
There is no path that does not lead home at some point.
It is not the departure from port, but the return home that determines the success of a voyage.
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. – Nelson Mandela

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered nelson mandela returning home quote

Trips do not end when you return home – usually this is the time when in a sense they really begin. – Agnes Benedict & Adele Franklin
Being at home. How all the turmoil of feelings is lost and put in order when one returns home from a foreign land to one’s own four walls. Only at home is a person whole. – Jean Paul
The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back. – Wendy Wunder
Maybe that’s the best part of going away for a vacation — coming home again. — Madeleine L’Engle
Perhaps the key to carefree travel is to always find it convenient to be where you are. I think that is a great and useful art. If you can do that, then you will also be one of those who always travel with pleasure, return satisfied, and find it nicer at home again in the end than in the whole rest of the world. -Werner Kuhn
Finding yourself is like coming home after a long journey – you enter rooms that are somehow familiar but smell and feel completely different. You drop your luggage, breathe deeply, and tranquility spreads – you know whatever may come, you are at home within yourself.

Coming Home Quotes & Sayings

coming home quotes and sayings

Many writers, poets, thinkers, and other famous personalities have shared creative and inspirational words about coming home over the years. Below, you will find an interesting selection of the best quotes about coming home.

I believe wherever dreams dwell, the heart calls it home. So may you untangle yourself from the twist of melancholy and ley your thoughts carry you back to the birthplace of your truth. – Dodinsky
It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what’s changed is you. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
No matter who you are or where you are, instinct tells you to go home. – Laura Marney
I like coming home and sharing things I’ve tasted and seen. – Dianne Reeves
Home is a shelter from storms – all sorts of storms. – William J. Bennett
Those who want to bring home knowledge from their travels must already have knowledge with them when they leave. – James Boswell
Maybe you had to leave in order to miss a place, maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was. – Jodi Picoult
The thrill of coming home has never changed. – Guy Pearce

The thrill of coming home has never changed  guy pearce coming home quote

You can have more than one home. You can carry your roots with you and decide where they grow. – Henning Mankell
I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself here. – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
There’s nothing half as nice as coming home again. – Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. — Maya Angelou
When you go somewhere, even to paradise, you will miss your home. – Malala Yousafzai

Funny Coming Home Quotes

funny coming home quotes

Home is where you come to when you have nothing better to do. – Margaret Thatcher
Home is where you can say anything you please, because nobody pays any attention to you anyway. – Joe Moore
Home is where you don’t have to pull in your stomach.

Home is where you don't have to pull in your stomach. funny being home quote

To be an ideal guest, stay at home. — E. W. Howe
Everybody’s always talking about people breaking into houses, ma’am; but there are more people in the world who want to break out of houses. —– Thornton Wilder

Quotes about Home

home sayings and quotes about being and going home

Home does not necessarily have to be a place or a building. It can also be a synonym for home in general. You will find some inspiring thoughts and sayings about home in the following lines.

Home is where your story begins.
Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark. – Pierce Brown
Only foreign countries teach us to love our homeland. – Theodor Fontane
The brave man finds his home everywhere. – Friedrich Schiller
Home is not there or thereabouts. Home is inside you, or nowhere. ―Hermann Hesse
In a foreign country, you learn what your homeland is worth. – Ernst Wiechert
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. – Edith Sitwell
Home is never more beautiful than when you talk about it in a foreign country. – Horst Wolfram Geißler

Home is never more beautiful than when you talk about it in a foreign country horst geissler quote about coming home

Every patch of land is home to the brave. – Ovid
Home is not a place…it is a feeling. – Herbert Grönemeyer
I often found something to delight my eyes and heart, but never something to replace my homeland. – Friedrich von Bodenstedt
Home is wherever you leave everything you love and never question that it will be there when you return. – Leo Christopher
No one should forget their roots. They are the origin of our life. -Federico Fellini
On moving abroad rests the curse of eternal homelessness. – Carmen Sylva

I’m coming Home Quotes and Sayings about being Home

Going and being Home quotes

There is no place like home. – L. Frank Baum
Chase your dreams but always know the road that will lead you home again.
With you, I am home.
Everyone needs a somewhere, a place he can go. There comes a time, you see, inevitably there comes a time you have to have a somewhere you can go. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun. – Edie Falco
Seek home for rest, for home is best. — Thomas Tusser

Seek home for rest, for home is best thomas tusser im coming home quotes

Where could one settle more pleasantly than in one’s home? – Cicero
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. – Chinesisches Sprichwort
Eventually, we will all come home.
Home is where the heart is.
Every bird loves its own nest.

quotes about returning home after travel pin

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About the Author Vicki

Hi, we are Vicki & Eduardo, an international travel couple on a mission to help you save money for priceless travel experience. Follow us through the miracles of this world and you will be rewarded with a bunch of practical travel tips.

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Written by  Shutterfly Community Last Updated: Oct 12, 2023

No matter what ‘home’ means to you, there is surely something nostalgic about the place we call home. It’s the place where we eat, the place with friends and family, where we enjoy our home goods and decor, and it’s the place we make our own. Sometimes in life we could use a little reminder of how it feels to be home, to come home, and to leave home. Whether your loved ones are leaving home, coming home or seem to be missing home, these home sweet home quotes will remind them of all the good things ( think unconditional love and mama’s cooking .) Aside from just a sweet reminder, these inspirational sayings make the perfect addition for home decor that help remind us of special memories. a going away party card, or a welcome home card too.

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Quotes about home.

home decorations in the interior of a letter with an inscription home on a wooden background in the interior of the bedroom

  • “Home is where our story begins…”
  • “Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.”
  • “The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.”
  • “Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.”
  • “A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.”
  • “Home is not a place…it’s a feeling.”
  • “With you, I am home.”
  • “What I love most about my home is who I share it with.”
  • “There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home.”
  • “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.”
  • “There’s no place like home.”
  • “Where we love is home- home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.”
  • “In this home… We do second chances. We do real. We do mistakes. We do I’m sorrys. We do loud really well. We do hugs. We do together best of all.”
  • “May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends.”
  • “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
  • “You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”
  • “Bless out house as we come and go. Bless our home as the children grow. Bless our families as they gather in. Bless our home with love and friends.”
  • “Home is a shelter from storms-all sorts of storms.”-William J. Bennett
  • “Home is where one starts from.” –T.S. Eliot

Quotes About Coming Home

Ceramic trivet.

  • “The best journey takes you home.”
  • “ Life takes you unexpected places, love brings you home.”
  • “ Chase your dreams but always know the road that will lead you home again.”
  • “Maybe the reason you can never go home again is that, once you’re back, you can never leave…”
  • “It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realized what’s changed is you.”-F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • “I left the light in my heart on in case you ever wanted to come back home.”
  • “I believe wherever dreams dwell, the heart calls it home. So may you untangle yourself from the twist of melancholy and ley your thoughts carry you back to the birthplace of your truth.” –Dodinsky
  • “I believe that all of our lives we’re looking for home and if we’re really lucky, we find it in someone’s loving arms. I think that’ what life is-coming home.” –Anita Krizzan
  • “Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun.” –Edie Falco
  • “I will be seeing you soon and it will be better than anything else.”
  • “It’s like coming home after a long trip. That’s what love is like. It’s like coming home.”
  • “To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.”-Chinese Proverb
  • “Coming home to friends with wagging tails and loving hearts makes everyday a good day!”
  • “No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”
  • “The thrill of coming home has never changed. “
  • “No matter who you are or where you are, instinct tells you to go home.”-Laura Marney
  • “There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”

Quotes About Leaving Home

Hands holding Christmas photo postcards.

  • “When it’s time for you to venture out, don’t let fear have you looking back at what you’re leaving behind.”
  • “Feeling sad to leave doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go.”
  • “Love is standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave and you can never let go without leaving your footprints.”
  • “Everyone will end up leaving you at one point or another, but it’s the ones who come back that are most important.”
  • “You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family.”-Anita Baker
  • “Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.”
  • “Family, like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.”
  • “We might be miles apart, but I’ll always carry you in my heart.”
  • “Leave home, leave the country, leave the familiar. Only then can routine experience- buying bread, eating vegetables, even saying hello-become new all over again.”-Anthony Doerr
  • “The first step to living the life that you want is leaving the life that you don’t want.”
  • “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
  • “Leave the past behind. You may not feel better about it, but it will be better for you.”
  • “Never leave home without a kiss, a hug and an I love you.”
  • “Don’t leave home without your sword- your intellect.”
  • “After you leave home, you may find yourself feeling homesick, even if you have a new home that has nicer wallpaper and a more efficient dishwasher than the home in which you grew up.”-Lemony Snicket

Wrapping Up

Four walls and a roof over your head isn’t the only way we define the word ‘home.’ Home is more than just a shelter, it’s where we love, it’s where we feel, it’s where we can be ourselves and it’s where life happens. Share the feeling that home brings to you with the best quotes and inspirational sayings because there really is no place like home. Any of these quotes can be added to DIY home goods or many home decor gifts we have at Shutterfly.

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We know that Billions are people using social media apps to share their daily life status and quotes. Every people in this world loves traveling. Traveling is also good for your health. Everybody wants amazing travel. Are you looking for the Travel Status and Quotes for your travel? Here is the best place to get to find the Best and New Collections of Travel Status and Quotes. Everybody wants His/Her travel picture is also attractive on social media platforms. Many people travel with family and other people love to travel with friends because a friend travel tour is more enjoy full than a family tour. Today we are sharing the Best Amazing travel Status and Quotes, If you wanted it, please connect with us. We hope you will like this article and choose the best one for your traveling pics.

All the Travel Status and Quotes are in English. If you want in another language, please use Google Translate.

Table of Contents

Travel Status

  • Let’s go everywhere.
  • Travel is my therapy.
  • To travel is to live.
  • I will go to wonderland.
  • Work save, travel repeat.
  • I want to go far away.
  • I am a travel addict person.

Travel Status

  • I want to travel every month.
  • Travel Adventure is worthwhile.
  • Take memories, leave footprints.
  • A journey is a time suspended.
  • Amazing travel is my passion.
  • Travel is the dream of travelers.
  • Life is a journey through time.
  • Solo traveler holiday destinations.
  • “Exploring the hidden gems of [current destination] “
  • “Lost in the beauty of [destination] – where every street tells a story.”
  • “Chasing sunsets and making memories in [current location].”
  • “Adventures await in [destination]! Ready to embrace the unknown.”
  • “Just touched down in [city]! Excited to see what this place has to offer. “
  • “Sippin’ on sunshine and enjoying the vibes of [beach destination].”
  • “Cultural immersion in [current country] – every moment is a new discovery!”
  • “Hiking through breathtaking landscapes in [mountainous region]. “
  • “Foodie heaven in [culinary hotspot] – indulging in local flavors and gastronomic delights!”
  • “Making friends with locals and learning the true essence of [current destination]. “

Travel Status FB

  • In a relationship with travel.
  • Travel is the healthiest addiction.
  • I want to travel with you.
  • Learn to travel, travel to learn.
  • I travel, therefore, I embrace diversity.
  • I love to travel, I hate to arrive.
  • Traveling expands the mind.

Travel Status FB

  • The journey of life is sacred journey.
  • Travel is a worthwhile journey.
  • Be ready for adventure travel.
  • To live will be an awful adventure.
  • Friends that travel together, stay together.
  • The best dreams happen when you are awake.
  • “Wanderlust activated! ✈️ Exploring [Current Location] and soaking in all the vibes. Any must-visit recommendations?”
  • “Chasing sunsets and making memories in [Destination]. 🌅 Life is a beautiful adventure!”
  • “Lost in the charm of [City]—where every corner tells a story. 🏰 “
  • “Currently on a mission to find the best [Local Dish] in [Country]. Foodie adventures underway!”
  • “Just touched down in [New Destination] and already falling in love with its unique charm. “
  • “Living my best life with a view that takes my breath away. 🏞️ Grateful for these travel moments!”
  • “Exploring [Island Paradise] and embracing the island life. 🏝️ Who else loves sandy toes and salty kisses?”
  • “Getting lost in the colorful streets of [Old Town]. Every turn is a picture-perfect moment.”
  • “Adventures await in [Mountain Retreat]. Hiking, fresh air, and breathtaking views—what more could I ask for? ⛰️”
  • “Spontaneous road trip vibes! 🚗 No destination, just enjoying the journey and the open road.”

Best Travel Status

  • Traveling is my form of self-education.
  • Just go to see all the beauty in the world.
  • The richest journey is the inner journey.
  • The journey of life is the joy of existence.
  • Life is similar to a bus ride.
  • The best traveler is one without a camera.

Add a subheading 25

  • People don’t take trips—trips take people.
  • A journey indeed, in an emotional roller-coaster.
  • Memory is the basis of every journey.
  • The way through the world for traveling.
  • Travel has a way of stretching the mind.
  • The journey, not the arrival matters.
  • Travel is rebellion in its purest form.
  • Traveling is the best medicine for boring people.
  • Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.
  • “Adventure awaits: I’m not lost, I’m exploring new paths.”
  • “Wander often, wonder always.”
  • “Jet lag is just your soul catching up with you.”
  • “Collect moments, not things. #TravelLife”
  • “Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
  • “Lost in the right direction.”
  • “Exploring the world one passport stamp at a time.”
  • “Not all who wander are lost, but I might be… and loving it!”
  • “Eating my way around the world, one cuisine at a time.”
  • “Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.”

Unique Travel Status

  • It’s time for a new adventure trip.
  • I was born to travel the whole world.
  • Travel far enough to meet yourself.
  • Escape and breathe the air of new places.
  • Live life with no excuses to travel with no regret.
  • If traveling was free, you’d never see me again.
  • The only journey is the one within.

Unique Travel Status

  • What adventure travel your favorite? Sea, Hill, Nature, falls.
  • If life is a journey then let my soul travel and share your pain.
  • One of the secrets of life is to find joy in the journey.
  • I am going back with an adventure travel experience.
  • Life is a valuable and unique opportunity for traveling everywhere.
  • The best amazing travel changes your mood.
  • I want to travel and meet beautiful souls. I want friends in every city.
  • To me, travel is more valuable than any stupid piece of bling money can buy.
  • “Wander often, wonder always. Lost in the beauty of new places.”
  • “Collecting memories like stamps in my passport. Next stop: Adventure!”
  • “Jet lag is temporary; the memories are forever. #TravelLife”
  • “Exploring the world one city at a time. Today’s destination: My Happy Place.”
  • “Not all who wander are lost. Some are just finding their own path.”
  • “Traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer in experiences.”
  • “In a committed relationship with my passport. It’s complicated with routines.”
  • “Life is short, and the world is wide. Time to tick off another bucket list item.”
  • “Adventure awaits where the WiFi is weak. Off-the-grid escapades, here I come!”
  • “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. Passport, check. Heart, ready for new stories.”

Status For Traveling

  • My ideal journey: set out early and never arrive.
  • The traveler knows the grace of travel.
  • Trekking means a traveling experience with thrilling excitement.
  • There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.
  • You don’t have a rich mind to travel well.
  • We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.

Status For Traveling

  • All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.
  • Travel does not reward for working, its education for living.
  • I always returned from my travels with new books.
  • To travel is to seek new sacred adventures.
  • The only journey is within your spiritual self.
  • Travel on the right paths for the journey of a lifetime.
  • A journey of a quarter-million miles ended with a Giant Step…
  • If you have enough time in your life. Don’t waste your time to go and enjoy traveling.
  • “Exploring new horizons and making memories that last a lifetime. #Wanderlust”
  • “Adventure awaits! Ready to embark on a journey filled with surprises and discoveries.”
  • “Lost in the beauty of [destination]. Every corner holds a story, and I’m here to unravel them all.”
  • “Traveling not just to see new places, but to gain new perspectives. #TravelGoals”
  • “Chasing sunsets and collecting moments. Today’s destination: wherever the heart leads. “
  • “Getting lost is not a curse; it’s an opportunity to find something amazing. Let the adventure begin!”
  • “Exploring the world one step at a time. No maps, just a heart full of curiosity. #TravelerLife”
  • “Discovering the magic of [current location]. Every city has its own rhythm, and I’m dancing to it.”
  • “In [destination], where every street is a story waiting to be told. Join me on this journey of endless possibilities.”
  • “Traveling is not just a movement; it’s a kaleidoscope of experiences. Today’s palette: the vibrant colors of [destination].”

Whatsapp Travel Status

  • I travel because I become uncomfortable in being too comfortable.
  • The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see.
  • Common traveling mistakes everyone makes especially first-time travelers.
  • Traveling is like a talent, like washing or dancing and some people have it.
  • Travelers are dreamers, who make their desires for adventure a reality.
  • I want someone to look at me the way I look at a travel brochure.
  • Travel sparks our imagination feeds our curiosity and reminds us how much we all have in common.

Add a subheading 27

  • Life is not enough for all adventure travel.
  • There is no profit in repeated plans. Let’s get out on an adventure.
  • Travel is not a reward for working. It is education for living.
  • We travel some of us forever, to seek other states. Other lives other souls.
  • I wish travel therapy was covered by my health insurance.
  • It is better to travel well than to arrive.
  • Travel makes one modest, what a tiny place you occupy in the world.
  • Remember that travel is a way of happiness, not a destination.
  • Jobs fill your pocket but adventure travel fills your soul.
  • “Adventure awaits where the WiFi is weak.”
  • “Collect moments, not things.”
  • “Let’s find some beautiful place to get lost.”
  • “Jet lag is for amateurs. I prefer to call it a ‘time zone adventure.'”
  • “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”
  • “Life is short, and the world is wide. Let’s go! “
  • “Eating my way around the world, one meal at a time.”
  • “Home is where the passport is.”
  • “Travel far enough; you meet yourself.”

Famous Travel Status

  • If you are bored in your life, travel. Because of money returns, time does not.
  • Feel your life with adventure travel.
  • No guarantee of life, so makes a full journey.
  • My journey was not over, it was just beginning.
  • Traveling shouldn’t be just a tour, it should be a tale.
  • Travel teaches you more than your teacher.
  • Be a true traveler, don’t be a temporary tourist.
  • Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.

Famous Travel Status

  • The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.
  • We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.
  • Traveling is not something you’re good at. It’s something you do, like breathing.
  • The best education I have ever received was through travel.
  • Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely at these moments.
  • A journey of 1,000 miles starts with just 10 digits.
  • You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.
  • “Adventure awaits, go find it!”
  • “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”
  • “Life is short, travel often.”
  • “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
  • “Explore the world and find yourself in the process.”
  • “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
  • “Don’t just exist, live. Don’t just travel, experience.”

Adventure Travel Status

  • Adopt a traveler mindset for life, carry only what you need for the journey.
  • The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.
  • Traveling- It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.
  • You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you.
  • A man who embarks on a journey must know when to end it.
  • No matter who you are traveling with, you are the one who commits the pleasure of traveling.
  • Travel is expensive, yes, but it pays dividends too.
  • Go without the latest iPhone, explore the world and discover…

Add a subheading 28

  • You are not on a journey to God; you are on a journey WITH God.
  • I am busy with adventure travel. Don’t disturb me.
  • Travel doesn’t become an adventure until you leave yourself behind.
  • I travel not to go anywhere but to go. I travel for travel’s sake.
  • Traveling allows you to become so many different versions of yourself.
  • All I want to do is travel the world and take pictures.
  • No matter how short or long your journey to your accomplishment is, if you don’t begin you can’t get there. The beginning is difficult but unavoidable!
  • Most journeys have a clear beginning, but on some, the ending is less well-defined. The question is, at what point do you bite your lip and head for home?
  • “Lost in the wilderness, but found my soul. Adventure awaits at every turn.”
  • “Embracing the unknown, chasing sunsets, and making memories that will last a lifetime.”
  • “Scaling new heights, both literally and figuratively. Conquering fears and embracing the thrill of the climb.”
  • “Navigating uncharted waters, discovering hidden gems, and living on the edge of excitement.”
  • “Trailblazing through diverse landscapes, one step at a time. Every path leads to a new story.”
  • “Dust on my boots, wind in my hair – off-road escapades for the daring spirits.”
  • “Camping under the stars, sharing stories around the bonfire. Nature’s symphony and the thrill of the night.”
  • “From zip-lining through the treetops to free-falling from the sky – adventure is the adrenaline that fuels life’s journey.”
  • “Sailing through the unknown, charting courses on unexplored waters. The sea is my canvas, and adventure is my masterpiece.”
  • “Exploring ancient ruins, unlocking the secrets of the past. Every step unearths a new chapter in the book of adventure.”

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journey to home status

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175 Warm and Heartfelt Safe Journey Wishes for Friend!


Wishing your friend a safe journey is always a special gesture that shows how much you care for them.

Whether they are embarking on a trip for work, vacation, or any other reason, sending them your heartfelt safe journey wishes can make their travel experience even more enjoyable.

It not only lets them know that you are thinking of them, but also brings them a sense of comfort and assurance.

As you bid farewell to your friend and wish them a safe journey, you are essentially conveying your hopes for their wellbeing and smooth travels.

Your words carry the power to uplift their spirits and give them the confidence they need to navigate through their journey with ease.

Whether it’s a simple text message, a handwritten note, or a personalized card, your safe journey wishes will surely leave a lasting impact on your friend as they set off on their adventure.

So don’t hesitate to send them off with the warmth of your best wishes, and make their journey a memorable and safe one.

Safe Journey Wishes for Friend

Have a safe journey, dear friend! May your travels be smooth and filled with wonderful experiences.

Wishing you a journey filled with joy, adventure, and beautiful memories. Stay safe!

Safe travels, my friend! May your trip be as amazing as you are.

Bon voyage! Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey ahead.

May your journey be stress-free and your destination be filled with happiness. Safe travels!

As you embark on this journey, may every mile bring you closer to your destination and to the fulfillment of your dreams. Safe travels!

Sending you good vibes for a safe and smooth journey. Take care, and enjoy every moment!

May your travels be filled with excitement and wonder. Wishing you a safe journey, my friend!

Safe journey, dear friend! May the road ahead be clear and the skies above be bright.

As you set off on this adventure, may you be surrounded by positive energy and safe travels. Take care!

Wishing you a journey filled with pleasant surprises, new discoveries, and safe passage. Bon voyage!

May your travels be filled with laughter, joy, and beautiful moments. Stay safe and enjoy every second!

Safe travels, my friend! May the path ahead be smooth and your destination be everything you hope for.

Wishing you a safe journey filled with excitement and memorable experiences. Take care and enjoy the ride!

May the road rise up to meet you, and may your journey be safe and rewarding. Bon voyage!

Go forth and explore, brave soul! Wishing you a journey full of wonder and a safe return.

Sending you good vibes and positive winds for your travels. May your path be paved with sunshine.

May your journey be sprinkled with magic, paved with kindness, and blessed with safe passage.

Off on an adventure? Here’s to clear skies, open roads, and a heart full of wanderlust.

Bon voyage, dear friend! May your journey be as epic as the stories you’ll bring back.

Sending you a backpack full of good vibes and a passport stamped with happy memories. Travel well!

May every bend in the road reveal a new wonder and every step bring you closer to your dreams.

Go explore, dear friend! Remember, we’re here holding down the fort until you return safely.

Wishing you a journey as smooth as silk and a return as sweet as honey. Travel safe!

May your adventure be one for the books – filled with laughter, discoveries, and safe passage.

Off you go, explorer! Wishing you a journey that fills your soul with wanderlust and your mind with memories.

May your compass spin true, your spirit stay high, and your journey be full of safe surprises.

Sending you warm wishes and following winds for your adventure. Can’t wait to hear your tales!

May your journey be a canvas, painted with breathtaking sights and unforgettable experiences. Travel safe!

Go explore, dream big, and come back safe. We’ll be here with open arms and eager ears.

Sending you happy trails and safe miles, wherever your adventure takes you. Have a blast!

Short Safe Journey Wishes for Friend

Wishing you a safe and smooth journey! Take care and enjoy every moment.

Safe travels, my friend! May your journey be filled with exciting adventures.

Bon voyage! May your trip be as amazing as you are.

Have a fantastic journey! Take in the sights and create beautiful memories.

Safe journey, dear friend! May your travels be filled with joy and laughter.

Wishing you a hassle-free trip and a wonderful experience ahead.

Safe travels! May your journey be as pleasant as your company.

Travel safely and come back with loads of stories to share!

Have a great trip! Enjoy the moments and make the most of your adventure.

Safe journey, my friend! May your path be filled with good vibes and positivity.

Wishing you a journey filled with new discoveries and delightful surprises.

Bon voyage! May your travels be a tapestry of beautiful moments.

Travel safely and soak in the beauty of every place you visit.

Safe travels, dear friend! May your journey be a masterpiece of joy and wonder.

May your adventure be sprinkled with magic and seasoned with wonder.

Sending safe passage wishes and excited to hear your stories upon return.

May your journey be full of laughter, discovery, and safe miles behind you.

Bon voyage, dear friend! Explore, dream, and return with a heart full of joy.

Go chase your dreams, wander with wonder, and always journey safely.

Sending you warm wishes and happy thoughts for a journey full of sunshine.

May your path be blessed with kindness, beauty, and a safe return home.

Wishing you a trip filled with open hearts, open roads, and open minds.

May your adventure be one for the books, filled with safety and happy endings.

Sending sunshine, smiles, and safe travels your way, wherever you explore.

Go out there, make memories, and always remember: your well-being is priority.

May your journey be a dance between excitement and peace, always safe and sound.

Wishing you a trip filled with breathtaking sights and safe, serene moments.

Let your compass guide you, your spirit wander, and your journey be one to cherish.

Sending you warm goodbyes and safe miles as you embark on your new adventure.

May your path be paved with wonder, your heart filled with joy, and your journey safe.

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  • Birthday Wishes for Mom from Daughter
  • Work Anniversary Wishes 
  • Birthday Wishes for Respected Person

Have A Safe Journey Wishes

Wishing you a smooth journey filled with pleasant surprises.

Have a safe and wonderful trip! Enjoy every moment.

May your journey be as amazing as the destination. Safe travels!

Wishing you a stress-free and safe journey ahead.

Bon voyage! May your travels be filled with joy and adventure.

Safe travels! May the road ahead be smooth and trouble-free.

Have a safe flight! May your journey be as beautiful as your destination.

Sending you positive vibes for a safe and pleasant journey.

Wishing you a journey full of happy moments and safe arrivals.

May your travels be safe, and may you return with wonderful memories.

Have a safe journey! Take in the scenery and enjoy every moment.

Safe travels! May your path be clear, and your journey be delightful.

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip to your destination.

Have a safe flight! May the skies be clear and the winds be gentle.

Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with laughter and good times.

Wishing you blessings of the road and joy in every mile ahead.

May your journey be as grand as your dreams and as safe as your smile.

Sending good fortune for a trip filled with wonder and happy returns.

May your path be paved with kindness and your journey filled with grace.

Safe travels, dear soul. May your adventure be written in laughter and light.

Wishing you tailwinds that carry you wherever your heart desires.

May your compass point true north and your travels bring sweet memories.

Sending warm wishes for a journey blessed with sunshine and serenity.

May your adventure be grand, your journey swift, and your return joyous.

Safe passage, brave soul. May the world unfold its beauty before you.

Wishing you skies filled with possibility and a journey that sparks your soul.

May your travels be filled with wonder and your return with tales to tell.

Sending blessings for a journey as smooth as the open road and as sweet as home.

May your steps be light, your heart be free, and your journey be filled with glee.

Safe travels, friend. May your adventure be etched in sunshine and laughter.

With open arms and hearts, we await your safe and happy return.

Safe Journey Wishes for Friend Funny

May your journey be as smooth as butter on a warm toast, and may you avoid turbulence like a pro!

Wishing you a trip so fantastic that even your suitcase is jealous of the adventure you’re about to have.

Bon voyage! May your travel playlist be full of bangers and your seatmate be a napping champion.

Safe travels! Remember, if you get lost, just follow the smell of good food – it always leads to amazing discoveries.

Have a safe trip! Don’t forget to pack your sense of humor; you never know when you’ll need it during airport shenanigans.

Hoping your flight is as uneventful as a goldfish’s day – just swimming along smoothly.

Bon voyage, my friend! May the only turbulence you encounter be deciding between pizza or pasta for in-flight meals.

Wishing you a journey so great that even your GPS says, “You’ve arrived at the destination of awesome.”

Safe travels! May your suitcase be filled with all the necessities – snacks, good books, and your sense of adventure.

Have a fantastic trip! May your travel memories be as epic as the time you tried to dance at that wedding.

Bon voyage! May your journey be so entertaining that even the in-flight safety video gives you a standing ovation.

Safe travels! Remember, if the airplane food disappoints, there’s always the promise of amazing local cuisine at your destination.

Wishing you a trip full of laughter, joy, and the kind of adventures you’ll be telling your grandkids about.

Bon voyage! May your suitcase be magically resistant to overpacking and your passport always find its way back to your pocket.

May your luggage be light, your passport mistakes hilarious, and your tan lines perfectly illogical. Bon voyage!

Safe travels! Remember, if you get kidnapped, yell “I have bad WiFi!” They’ll lose interest instantly.

Wishing you a trip with more duty-free tequila than turbulence. Bottoms up and happy landings!

Don’t eat the airplane peanuts, they’re rumored to come with complimentary jet lag. Pack your own snacks just in case.

May your selfie stick never jam, your wifi never die, and your travel stories be so epic we need a miniseries.

Safe travels! Remember, if you see a giant octopus attacking the plane, it’s just your headphones tangled in your hair again.

Wishing you a trip with more postcard sunsets than lost socks. Happy adventures!

May your journey be smoother than a baby’s bottom and your passport stamps more colorful than a toddler’s crayon masterpiece.

Pack light, laugh often, and remember, sometimes the best souvenirs are the stories you bring back. Safe travels!

Bon voyage! May your trip be filled with more “wow” moments than awkward airplane conversations.

Sending good vibes and travel luck! Remember, if you get lost, just follow the sound of your laughter. It’s contagious, anyway.

Wishing you a trip with more duty-free shopping sprees than mosquito bites. Happy exploring!

May your passport be full of new stamps, your camera roll full of epic memories, and your heart full of wanderlust. Safe travels!

Pack your sense of humor, an empty stomach for questionable street food, and an open mind for unforgettable adventures. Bon voyage!

Don’t forget, sometimes the best travel souvenirs are the friends you make along the way. Happy connections!


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Safe Flight Wishes for Best Friend

Wishing you a safe and smooth journey, dear friend. May the skies be clear and the winds be gentle.

Bon voyage! May your flight be as pleasant as our friendship, and may you reach your destination with joy.

Safe travels, my dear friend! May your flight be uneventful and your landing be perfect.

Sending you good vibes for a safe flight. May the clouds beneath you be fluffy, and the skies above, clear.

Fly high, fly safe! May your journey be filled with comfort, peace, and a dash of in-flight entertainment.

As you embark on this journey, may your flight be as delightful as our memories together. Safe travels, buddy!

Wishing you a safe and uneventful flight. May the airplane snacks be delicious, and the turbulence be non-existent.

Bon vol! May your flight be as smooth as silk, and your landing as gentle as a feather.

Safe journey, my friend! May your flight be a breeze, and may you arrive with a smile on your face.

Take off into the skies of adventure with safety and ease. Bon voyage, my dear friend!

May your flight be a masterpiece of calmness and tranquility. Safe travels, and enjoy every moment of the journey.

Wishing you a flight filled with relaxation and serenity. May the skies be your peaceful haven.

Safe flight, buddy! May the flight attendants bring you extra snacks, and may the pilot make it a smooth ride.

Smooth skies, gentle winds, and a landing as soft as a feather. Safe travels, friend!

Wishing you clear skies, calm turbulence, and an adventure that exceeds the horizon. Soar high!

Buckle up, my friend! Bon voyage on your aerial journey. May your flight be as smooth as our friendship.

Sending good vibes for a flight filled with sunshine, good reads, and zero jet lag. Can’t wait to hear about it!

Up, up, and away! May your journey be swift, comfortable, and packed with anticipation for amazing adventures.

Sending air hugs and happy landings. Remember, wherever you roam, you’re always close in my heart.

May your flight be like our laughs: light, breezy, and full of joy. Bon voyage, dear friend!

Touchdown with a smile, my friend! Safe travels, and see you soon on the ground of new experiences.

Wishing you clouds that whisper adventure, winds that sing a sweet lullaby, and a journey that lands you safely in paradise.

Buckle up for take-off and embrace the excitement! May your flight be a reminder that life’s greatest journeys begin with a leap of faith.

Don’t forget to peek through the window and marvel at the view. Safe travels, and remember, your grounded friend misses you already!

May your flight be as smooth as silk, your entertainment as thrilling as our stories, and your arrival as joyful as a reunion.

Sending happy landing wishes and pre-emptive celebration vibes. Here’s to new horizons and an adventure you’ll never forget!

Blue skies, fluffy clouds, and a soundtrack of pure wanderlust. Wishing you a flight that fuels your soul and lands you refreshed and ready to explore.

Up, up, and away to amazing stories waiting to be written. Safe travels, friend, and bring back souvenirs of laughter and memories.

What are some best safe journey wishes for a friend?

May your journey be smooth and trouble-free. Wishing you a safe trip!

Sending you good vibes for a safe and pleasant journey. Take care!

Wishing you a journey filled with beautiful moments and happy memories.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip! Take in every moment and cherish the experience.

May the road ahead be clear and the skies above be calm. Safe journey!

Travel safely, my friend. May your destination be everything you hope for.

As you embark on this journey, may each step bring you closer to happiness. Safe travels!

Wishing you a safe and wonderful journey. Take care and enjoy every moment.

May your travels be full of pleasant surprises and delightful discoveries. Stay safe!

Safe journey wishes for you! May your adventure be as exciting as you’ve dreamed.

Bon voyage! Wishing you a trip filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments.

Travel safe and sound, my friend. May your journey be filled with blessings.

As you set out on this new adventure, may the path be smooth and the memories be lasting.

Wishing you smooth journeys, open hearts, and memories that last a lifetime.

Sending safe passage wishes and a sprinkle of adventure dust. Make it sparkle, friend!

May your travels be filled with breathtaking vistas and experiences that touch your soul.

Go boldly, explore freely, and remember, we’re just a heartbeat away, no matter the distance.

Wishing you a journey painted with kindness, wonder, and the colours of your dreams.

Happy trails and adventurous days! May your path lead you to where your heart truly sings.

Wishing you a tapestry of new sights, sounds, and connections. Embrace the unknown, friend!

Sending safe passage wishes and a reminder: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

May your journey be a dance with joy, a whisper of wonder, and a symphony of experiences.

Wishing you open roads, open hearts, and open minds. Go explore, dear friend!

May your journey be paved with kindness, your path illuminated with hope, and your spirit forever curious.

May your travels be sprinkled with laughter, serendipity, and stories that become legend.

Sending sunshine kisses and safe passage wishes. Remember, wherever you roam, you carry a piece of our hearts with you.

May your journey be like a gentle breeze, whispering adventures in your ear and guiding you to where you belong.

Go chase your dreams, dear friend! May your journey be a vibrant canvas painted with experiences that shape your soul.

Safe travels, happy landings, and a heart brimming with wonder. Can’t wait for your stories!

  • Goodbye Wishes for Friends
  • Birthday Wishes for Everyone!
  • Engagement Wishes for Brother


165 Advance Birthday Wishes for Friend: Preemptive Joy!

175 Heartfelt Advance Birthday Wishes for Sister: Early Happiness!

175 Heartfelt Advance Birthday Wishes for Sister: Early Happiness!

170 Cheerful and Bright Merry Christmas Wishes for Sister in Law!

170 Cheerful and Bright Merry Christmas Wishes for Sister in Law!

180 Cheerful and Patriotic 4th Of July Wishes for Friends!

180 Cheerful and Patriotic 4th Of July Wishes for Friends!


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Hero's Journey: A Guide to Becoming The Hero Of Your Story

Hero's Journey: A Guide to Becoming The Hero Of Your Story

What will your story be.

Be the hero of your story . It’s common advice from motivational speakers and life coaches, a call to arms to take centre stage and tackle life’s challenges head-on, to emerge victorious in the face of adversity, to transform through hardship. 

As humans, hardwired to view the world and share experiences through the medium of stories, myths often act as powerful motivators of change. From ancient cave paintings to the Star Wars and its Death Star to Harry Potter and his battle against evil, the hero’s journey structure is a familiar one. It’s also one you need to know if you want to know how to write a book , but I digress. 

This article will outline the stages, and psychological meaning, of the 12 steps of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey. So, are you ready to become the hero of your story? Then let the adventure begin...

Who is Joseph Campbell? 

Joseph Campbell was an American professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College, and an expert of mythology that once spent five years in a rented shack, buried in books for nine hours each day. His greatest contribution is the hero’s journey, outlined in his book The Hero with A Thousand Faces . Campbell was able to synthesise huge volumes of heroic stories, distilling a common structure amongst them.

Near the end of his life, Campbell was interviewed by Bill Moyers in a documentary series exploring his work, The Power of Myth .

Throughout their discussion, Campbell highlighted the importance of myth not just in stories, but in our lives, as symbols to inspire us to flourish and grow to our full potential.

How is the hero’s journey connected to self development?

You might be wondering what storytelling has to do with self-development. Before we dive into the hero’s journey (whether that is a male or a female hero’s journey), context will be useful. Joseph Cambell was heavily inspired by the work of Carl Jung, the groundbreaking psychologist who throughout his life worked on theories such as the shadow, collective unconscious, archetypes, and synchronicity.

Jung’s greatest insight was that the unconscious is a vast, vibrant landscape, yet out sight from the ordinary conscious experience. Jung didn’t only theorize about the unconscious; he provided a huge body of work explaining the language of the unconscious, and the way in which it communicates with the conscious mind.

The nature of the unconscious

Due to its vast nature, the unconscious doesn’t operate like the conscious mind, which is based in language, logic, and rationality. The unconscious instead operates in the imaginal realm — using symbols and meaning that take time to be deciphered and understood consciously. Such symbols surface in dreams, visualizations, daydreams, or fantasies.

For Jung, the creative process is one in which contents of the unconscious mind are brought to light. Enter storytelling and character development — a process of myth-making that somehow captures the truth of deep psychological processes. 

Campbell saw the power of myth in igniting the unconscious will to grow and live a meaningful life. With that in mind, his structure offers a tool of transformation and a way to inspire the unconscious to work towards your own hero’s journey.

The 12 steps of the hero’s journey

The hero’s journey ends where it begins, back at the beginning after a quest of epic proportions. The 12 steps are separated into three acts: 

  • departure (1-5)
  • initiation (5-10)
  • return (10-1)

The hero journeys through the 12 steps in a clockwise fashion. As Campbell explains:

“The usual hero adventure begins with someone from whom something has been taken, or who feels there is something lacking in the normal experience available or permitted to the members of society. The person then takes off on a series of adventures beyond the ordinary, either to recover what has been lost or to discover some life-giving elixir. It’s usually a cycle, a coming and a returning.”

Let’s take a closer look at each of the steps below. Plus, under each is a psychological symbol that describes how the hero’s journey unfolds, and how when the hero ventures forth, he undergoes an inner process of awakening and transformation.

1. The ordinary world

The calm before the storm. The hero is living a standard, mundane life, going about their business unaware of the impending call to adventure. At this point, the hero is portrayed as very, very human. There could be glimpses of their potential, but these circumstances restrict the hero from fulfilling them. Although well within the hero’s comfort zone, at this stage, it’s clear something significant is lacking from their life.

Psychological symbol

This is represented as a stage of ignorance, pre-awakening. Living life by the status quo, on other people’s terms, or simply without questioning if this is what you want. At this point life is lived, but not deeply satisfying.

2. Call to adventure

Next is a disruption, a significant event that threatens the ways things were. This is a challenge that the hero knows deep down will lead to transformation and change, and that the days of normality, “the way things are,” are numbered. The hero confronts the question of being asked to step into their deeper potential, to awaken the power within, and to enter a new, special world.

Many of us embark on inner-journeys following hardship in life — the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, physical or mental illness. This stage occurs when it becomes apparent that, to move through suffering, one has to look within, to adventure into the soul.

3. Refusal of the call

No compelling story would be complete without friction. The hero often resists this call to adventure, as fear and self-doubt surface at full force, and the purpose of this new life direction is questioned. Can the reluctant hero journey forth? Do they have the courage?

The only way to grow and live a deeply fulfilling life is to face the discomfort of suffering. Campbell himself once said: “ The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek .” At this stage, fears, and anxieties about delving deep into the psyche arise. The temptation is to remain blissfully ignorant, to avoid discomfort, and to stay in your familiar world.

4. Meeting a mentor

As the hero faces a crisis of confidence, a wise mentor figure appears.

This character offers inspiration, guidance, or understanding that encourages the hero to have the self-belief to start this new adventure. In many stories, a mentor is someone else who has embarked on the hero’s journey, or someone who attempted, and failed. This person reflects the importance of this mission, reminding the hero their calling far exceeds their fear.

When the journey of exploration has to begin, people or situations enter your life at just the right time, guiding you in the right direction. This could be a close friend, a peer, a professional, such as a coach or therapist, or even a fictional character in a film or book. In most cases, these are chance encounters that contain a sense of knowing before the hero leaves on his or her adventure.

5. Crossing the threshold

This is a pivotal moment in the hero’s journey, as the initiation begins. This occurs when the hero fully commits to their quest, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. This is the point of no return, where the reluctant hero embarks on their adventure, and has accepted that the way things were must change. The hero enters a new zone, one in which the call to adventure must be accepted. The hero’s resolve is hardened, and they understand they have a responsibility to confront what is ahead of them.

Whatever your life was before the call to action, this is a crossroads which is accepted, knowing your life may never be the same. This is a point of empowerment, where you realize that journeying within will lead you to greater self-understanding, even if those insights will dramatically change your life direction. 

6. Test, allies, enemies

Now the hero has ventured outside of their comfort zone, the true test begins. This is a stage of acclimatizing to unknown lands. Unknown forces work against them, as they form bonds with allies who join them along the way, or face formidable enemies or encounters that have to be conquered. Throughout this testing time, the hero will be shaped and molded through adversity, finding deeper meaning in their life and mission.

Once the journey of self-discovery is underway, the initial burst of inspiration might be tested by the difficulty of the task. You might meet people who are able to offer advice or guide you, or those who reflect areas of yourself you have to work on. 

Often, these are inner experiences, in the forms of memories, emotions, or outward tests, such as difficult circumstances that challenge your resolve and commitment to your new life direction.

7. Approach to the inmost cave

Having already crossed the threshold into the unknown and the uncertain, having faced obstacles and enemies, and having begun to utilize their qualities along the way, the next stage is another threshold. 

This is the beating heart of the hero’s challenge, where again self-doubt and fear can arise, as another threshold has to be crossed. This is often a period of respite, giving the hero time to pause and reflect. Will the hero make the leap?

The hero’s journey has ups and downs. There may be quick wins in the beginning — your new life direction may go well, or inner-work may lead you to a new place of calm or confidence. But then, out of nowhere, comes an even bigger challenge, surfacing as a question mark to the person you’ve become. Life often has a way of presenting the right challenges at the right time…

This is the life-or-death moment. This can be a meeting with an ultimate enemy or facing the hero’s deepest fear. There is an awareness that if the hero fails, their new world, or their life, could be destroyed. 

Everything the hero has fought for up to this point, all the lessons learned along the journey, all the hidden potentials actualized, will have to be utilized to survive this supreme ordeal, for the hero to be victorious. Either way, the hero will undergo a form of death, and leave the ordeal forever changed.

There are inner challenges that have to be confronted on the journey of self-discovery. This might be in the form of trauma that has to be confronted and healed, people with whom you have to have difficult conversations, or fears you have to face, actions that in the past you never thought you’d be capable of. But, with the skills you’ve learned along the way, this time you’ll be ready. But it won’t be easy.

9. Reward (seizing the sword)

Through great adversity comes triumph. Having confronted their greatest fear, and survived annihilation, the hero learns a valuable lesson, and is now fully transformed and reborn — with a prize as a reward. 

This object is often symbolized as a treasure, a token, secret knowledge, or reconciliation, such as the return of an old friend or lover. This prize can assist in the return to the ordinary world — but there are still a few steps to come.

When confronting deep inner fears or challenges, you are rewarded with deep insights or breakthroughs. That might be in the form of achieving a significant goal or inwardly having a sense of peace or reconciliation with your past, or moments that have previously felt unresolved. As a spiritual process, this may also be the realization that behind suffering and pain lies freedom or inner peace.

10. The road back

Having traveled into distant, foreign lands and slain the dragon, now it’s time for the hero to make their return journey. This stage mirrors the original call to adventure and represents another threshold. 

The hero may be understanding their new responsibility and the consequences of their actions, and require a catalyst to make the journey back to the ordinary world with their prize.

The hard work has been done, the ultimate fear confronted, new knowledge found. Now, what’s the next step? For many, the initial stages of growth come with a period of renunciation or are symbolized by an outward journey away from home, or away from familiarity. 

Then comes the stage of returning to familiarity, or the things left behind — be it family, friends, locations, or even behaviors that were once loved and sacrificed during the journey.

11. Resurrection

When it appears the hero is out of the woods, there comes a final confrontation — an encounter with death itself. Transformed inwardly and with a personal victory complete, the hero faces a battle that transcends their individual quest, with its consequences far-reaching, for entire communities or even humanity itself. 

This purification solidifies the hero’s rebirth, as their new identity fully emerges just in time to return to the ordinary world.

In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is secondary to self-transcendence. In other words, once inner battles have been faced, and the alchemy of psychological transformation is underway, the next stage is to apply the newfound insights and knowledge to a bigger cause — supporting others, or standing up a mission that will benefit the wider world.

12. Return with the elixir

Following the final battle, the hero finally returns home. By now, personal transformation is complete, they’re returning home a different person. Having faced indescribable hardship, the hero returns with added wisdom and maturity. The elixir is the treasure they’ve returned with, ready to share with the ordinary world. This could be a sense of hope, freedom, or even a new perspective to assist those originally left behind.

The hero has a new level of self-awareness, seeing the ordinary world through fresh eyes. They’ve left internal conflict behind. There’s an understanding that things will never be the same, but that the hero’s journey was part of their destiny. 

Then comes the ultimate prize: a final reconciliation, acceptance from the community, celebration, redemption. Whatever the prize, there are three elements: change , success , and proof of the journey .

Following a transformative psychic process, there’s an understanding of what is within your control. The “ordinary world” may have many elements that remain the same, but this is accompanied by a realization that when you change, so does your reality. Previously modes of thinking may be replaced, as bridges are built with your past, giving opportunity for a renewed approach to life.

What can we learn from the hero's journey?

At the time of writing this article, I’m in the UK visiting my family for the first time in 18 months. As I walked down paths I’d walked throughout my childhood, I was struck by how much I’ve changed over the years. A passage from T.S Eliot’s poem Little Gidding came to mind:

“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time.”

I reflected on the notion of coming full circle — to begin a journey, outwardly or inwardly, before finding yourself back at the beginning, transformed. In spiritual traditions, the circle is a powerful symbol of timelessness, death and rebirth, totality, and wholeness. Aptly, the 12 steps of the hero’s journey are depicted as a circle. It’s not a coincidence.

What can we learn from the hero’s journey? In a way, it is similar to the writer’s journey. Above all else, it’s a reminder that we each within us have a purpose, a quest and a mission in this life that can and will invoke our truest potential. The path isn’t easy — there are many, many challenges along the way. But at the right time, people and situations will come to our aid.

If you’re able to confront the mission head-on and take bold steps along the way — just like all the heroes of fiction before you, from Shakespeare’s characters to Luke Skywalker and Rey from the universe brought to us by George Lucas —  then you will be transformed, and then you can return to where you started, reborn, ready to share your gifts and your lessons with the world.

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Justin Timberlake, once the poster boy for the iconic '90s boyband *NSYNC, has seen his public image take a significant hit this year. Following the release of his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears' scathing tell-all memoir, The Woman In Me , Timberlake's reputation has been under intense scrutiny. Now, his battle with addiction has moved from the shadows to the spotlight after a wild night ended with the Social Network star’s mugshot plastered across headlines.

Latest Drama: Justin Timberlake Arrested For Drunk Driving

Justin Timberlake mugshot after arrest for DWI.

Sag Harbor Police Department

Timberlake's challenging year reached a new low with his recent arrest for driving while intoxicated. On June 18, Timberlake was pulled over in Sag Harbor, Long Island, where he failed multiple sobriety tests. Refusing a breathalyzer, he claimed to have had "only one martini" and was described by the arresting officer as having bloodshot eyes, a strong smell of alcohol, and unsteady speech. This incident marks another hurdle for Timberlake and his wife, Jessica Biel , who have faced numerous challenges recently.

Timberlake's Tumultuous Year: Cheating Allegations

See on Instagram

Timberlake's recent arrest is not an isolated event in what has been a year of trials and tribulations. In late 2019, he was photographed holding hands with his Palmer co-star, Alisha Wainwright, sparking rumors and tension in his marriage. Despite Timberlake’s public apology, where he confessed to a lapse in judgment but denied any infidelity, the incident strained his relationship with Biel.

The impact of Timberlake’s actions extends beyond his public image, deeply affecting his marriage with Biel. The couple, who married in 2012 and share sons, Silas, 8, and Phineas, 3, have had to navigate the turbulent waters of fame and Timberlake's public and personal indiscretions. Biel, while managing her own successful career, has shockingly stood by Timberlake through it all, emphasizing her devotion to her family unity despite the public embarrassment and scrutiny.

This past Father's Day, Biel took to Instagram to share with her 14.2 M followers, a peek behind-the-scenes of her home life with Timberlake. In her carousel, Timberlake is seen playing with his son and making silly faces for the camera.

The Memoir That Shook The World: Britney's Shocking Allegations

The ultimate drama that kickstarted Timberlake's year from hell was the release of Britney Spears' memoir, The Woman in Me . In her explosive book, Spears revealed a secret she kept for two decades: during their relationship, she became pregnant with Timberlake's baby and had an abortion because he didn't want to be a father.

"It was a surprise, but for me, it wasn’t a tragedy," she says. "I loved Justin so much. I always expected us to have a family together one day. This would just be much earlier than I’d anticipated. But Justin definitely wasn’t happy about the pregnancy. He said we weren’t ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young." - Britney Spears, The Woman In Me

Spears shared how in light of her devastating loss, Timberlake was not emotionally supportive of. "On the appointed day, with only Felicia and Justin there, I took the little pills," Spears wrote. "Soon I started having excruciating cramps. I went into the bathroom and stayed there for hours, lying on the floor, sobbing and screaming." Britney recalls, adding, "Justin came into the bathroom and lay on the floor with me. At some point he thought maybe music would help, so he got his guitar and he lay there with me strumming it." If that weren't incirminating enough, Spears went on to expose how Timberlake would habitually cheat on her, including an incident when Timberlake referred to one of Spear's backup dancers saying, he'd "hit that."

"There were a couple of times during our relationship when I knew Justin had cheated on me," Britney writes. "Especially because I was so infatuated and so in love, I let it go, even though the tabloids seemed determined to rub my face in it." - Britney Spears.

Spears' candid account painted Timberlake in a harsh light, leading to a public outcry and significant backlash. The memoir's revelations turned the world against Timberlake, marking the beginning of his tumultuous year. These shocking allegations left fans in an uproar but instead of taking ownership for his immature behavior? Timberlake doubled down.

"I'd Like To Apologize To Absolutely F*cking Nobody"

@nowthis Justin Timberlake: 'I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize, to absolutely f*cking nobody’ 👀👀👀 #WatchThis #justintimberlake #celebs #nyc

Justin Timberlake: 'I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize, to absolutely f*cking nobody’ 👀👀👀 #WatchThis #justintimberlake #celebs #nyc

Due in part to the massive backlash Timberlake faced in light of Spears' memoir—Spears took to Instagram to make a public apology if her stories caused anyone any pain.

"I wanna apologize for some of the things I wrote about in my book. If I offended any of the people I genuinely care about I am deeply sorry…" in a now deleted instagram post the "Toxic" hitmaker then went on to praise her former boyfriend’s new song Selfish, as well as a second of his new tracks, Sanctified, which he debuted on ‘Saturday Night Live’ over the weekend.

However, instead of taking the high road, Timberlake further inflamed the situation. Ahead of performing his infamous diss track "Cry Me A River" in New York City, Timberlake told the audience he’d “like to take this opportunity to apologize — to absolutely f---ing nobody.” His divisive comments came just days after Spears issued a public apology on Instagram, which she later retracted. Timberlake's defiant stance only deepened the rift between him and the public.

Can Timberlake Turn It Around?

Timberlake’s year from hell offers crucial lessons about accountability and personal growth. His recent arrest, coupled with past indiscretions, challenges him to reflect on his actions and their repercussions. High-profile crises often spiral out of control without proper management, and Timberlake’s situation is no different. The court of public opinion can be unforgiving, but it also presents an opportunity for redemption.

As Timberlake continues his Forget Tomorrow World Tour, the question remains: Can he learn from these experiences and emerge stronger? Public relations experts suggest that addressing the issues head-on and demonstrating genuine change are key to regaining public trust. Moreover, Timberlake’s dedication to his family and his willingness to confront personal challenges will play a pivotal role in his journey towards redemption.

Despite the setbacks, there is always hope for Justin Timberlake or any of us who have faced similar struggles. His ability to learn from his mistakes, coupled with the support of his family and fans, can guide him through this difficult period. By focusing on personal growth and making amends, Timberlake has the potential to turn his year from hell into a story of resilience and transformation.

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Quinta Brunson Comforts Crying Jennifer Aniston In Interview

Jennifer Aniston and Quinta Brunson were paired for Variety's Actors on Actors series, a conversation that promised laughs from the two comedic actresses but took an unexpected emotional turn.

As they discussed their careers, a producer asked Abbott Elementary 's breakout star Brunson to inquire about Aniston’s experience rewatching Friends . The question hit hard, prompting Aniston to tear up, reminding us of the deep bonds formed on set.

The Weight of Perry's Passing

NEW YORK, NY - 1995: American actress and producer, Jennifer Aniston and Canadian-American actor, comedian and producer, Matthew Perry of the television comedy, Friend's, attend the 1995 NBC Fall Preview circa 1995 at the Lincoln Center in New York, New York.

Photo by Ron Davis/Getty Images

Jennifer Aniston has always been open about her close bond with Matthew Perry, who passed away unexpectedly in October 2023. "Having to say goodbye to our Matty has been an insane wave of emotions that I’ve never experienced before," Aniston shared in a heartfelt tribute.

Their friendship extended beyond the screen, with Aniston being the one who reached out to Perry the most during his struggles with sobriety. The 30th anniversary of Friends has been bittersweet for Aniston, bringing back memories of a time when they were all together.

In a recent episode of Variety's Actors on Actors , Jennifer Aniston couldn't hold back her tears when reflecting on the 30th anniversary of Friends and the loss of her close friend and co-star, Matthew Perry. The unexpected death of Perry in October 2023 hit Aniston hard, and this emotional moment underscored the deep bond they shared. Suddenly, she lost the ability to speak and her emotions hit hard. The next thing that happened said it all.

Jennifer Was Embarrassed To Cry On Camera

Jennifer Aniston and Quinta Brunson on Variety's Actors on Actors.

YouTube/ Variety

During the interview, when a producer suggested Quinta Brunson ask Aniston about watching Friends now, it immediately struck a nerve. Aniston, visibly emotional, tried to hold back her tears, but couldn't help herself.

"Don't make me cry," Aniston pleaded, her voice trembling.

The pain of losing Perry was evident, and she felt vulnerable showing such raw emotion on camera. "I just started thinking about...," she began, struggling to continue as the memories flooded back.

Quinta Put Jennifer First

@varietymagazine Jennifer Aniston gets emotional when asked about "Friends." #ActorsOnActors

Quinta Brunson's reaction was immediate and compassionate.

"You're already crying. Do you want a minute? We don't have to talk about this," Brunson offered gently.

Brunson's sensitivity to Aniston's feelings was a masterclass in empathy. "We don’t have to go there if you don’t want to," she reassured, prioritizing Aniston’s emotional well-being over creating a dramatic moment for the show. This quick, thoughtful pivot provided Aniston the space she needed to compose herself.

Quinta Told Jen How She Got Her Through Hard Times

There's nothing quite as heartbreaking as experiencing an unexpected vulnerable moment and feeling completely alone and exposed. Quinta Brunson, recognizing this, shared with Jennifer Aniston how Aniston's 2003 classic Bruce Almighty helped her through tough times.

"Bruce Almighty was my depression movie," Brunson revealed.

Aniston, taken aback, responded with, "Really?!" Brunson nodded, expressing her gratitude. "I grew up with you," she gushed, thanking Aniston for inspiring her throughout the years. This exchange highlighted how impactful Aniston's work has been, providing comfort and inspiration to many, including Brunson, during challenging periods.

Quinta Brunson Says She Grew Up With Jennifer Aniston

@varietymagazine Quinta Brunson calls #BruceAlmighty her "depression movie" and says she grew up watching Jennifer Aniston. #ActorsOnActors

Listening And Love Are The Same Thing

Brunson's actions exemplify how listening and love are intertwined. By being present and understanding, she turned a potentially painful moment into a testament of true friendship. As Aniston wiped her tears and regained her composure, it was clear that this act of kindness left a lasting impact.

"Quinta’s little ‘I know’ — it was so simple but so kind and empathetic," one viewer commented. This heartwarming exchange reminds us that in moments of vulnerability, the greatest gift we can offer is our compassion and understanding.

In a world that often values sensationalism over sensitivity, Quinta Brunson's handling of Jennifer Aniston's emotional moment is a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy. It is moments like these that teach us the true essence of friendship and human connection. "Seeing people take care of one another never gets old," one fan noted, capturing the sentiment perfectly.

Is it too cheesy to say, we all need friends who will "be there for you"?

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Hardik Pandya's Personal Life: Journey to Success and Romantic Relationships

Hardik pandya's short bio, hardik pandya's current relationship status, who is hardik pandya's wife, nataa stankovi, hardik pandya's children, random facts about hardik pandya's relationship.

Hardik Pandya is a renowned cricketer from India. He was born on October 11, 1993, in Surat, Gujarat, India. Hardik is currently the vice-captain of the Indian cricket team in the limited-overs format and also serves as the captain of the Mumbai Indians team in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Known for his all-round abilities, he is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm fast-medium bowler. Hardik has represented India in all three formats of the game, showcasing his talent and skills on numerous occasions. His journey to success was not an easy one, and he overcame many obstacles to reach where he is today.

In this article, we will explore Hardik Pandya's personal life and romantic relationships. Let's dive in!

Hardik Pandya was born on October 11, 1993, in Surat, Gujarat, India. He comes from a humble background, with his father, Himanshu Pandya, running a small car finance business in Surat. The family later moved to Vadodara to provide better cricket training facilities for Hardik and his brother, Krunal Pandya. Despite financial constraints, Hardik's determination and talent shone through, and he excelled in junior cricket. He faced setbacks in his state age-group teams due to some 'attitude problems,' but his transition from a leg spinner to a fast bowler at the age of 18 proved to be a turning point in his career. Hardik's hard work and consistent performances eventually earned him a place in the Baroda cricket team in 2013.

Hardik Pandya is currently married to Serbian model, actress, and dancer Nataa Stankovi. The couple got engaged on January 1, 2020, and tied the knot on May 31, 2020, in a low-key court wedding during the COVID-19 lockdown. They welcomed their first child, a son named Agastya Pandya, on July 30, 2020. On February 14, 2023, the couple renewed their wedding vows in a grand ceremony in Udaipur ( source ).

Despite recent rumors of a possible split between Hardik and Nataa, no official statement has been made by the couple regarding their relationship status ( source ).

Nataa Stankovi is a Serbian model, actress, and dancer based in Mumbai, India. She made her Bollywood debut with a role in the political drama film "Satyagraha" directed by Prakash Jha. Nataa has appeared in various films, including "7 Hours to Go" and a cameo role in the film "Zero." She made her digital debut with the web series "The Holiday" in 2019. Nataa Stankovi was born on March 4, 1992, in Poarevac, Republic of Serbia. Her parents are Goran and Radmila Stankovi, and she has a brother named Nenad Stankovi. Nataa Stankovi and Hardik Pandya have a son together, Agastya Pandya, who was born on July 30, 2020 ( source ).

Hardik Pandya's wife, Nataa Stankovi, is an actress, model, film producer, and dancer in the Bollywood industry. She has acted in several movies, including 'Satyagraha,' 'Arima Nambi,' and 'Dana Kayonu.' Nataa Stankovi has also appeared in Hindi and Punjabi music videos, with her most famous one being 'DJ Waley Babu' with rapper Badshah. She is a public figure with a significant following on Instagram, where she shares pictures with Hardik Pandya and their son Agastya ( source ).

For more information about Nataa Stankovi, you can visit her Instagram profile: Natasa Stankovic Instagram .

Hardik Pandya and Nataa Stankovi have one child together, a son named Agastya Pandya. Agastya was born on July 30, 2020. There is no further mention of custody or parenting arrangements regarding Hardik Pandya's children in the provided content ( source ).

  • Hardik Pandya was previously in a relationship with Kolkata-based model Lisha Sharma in 2016, which ended in 2017 to focus on their respective careers ( source ).
  • Hardik Pandya was also rumored to have been in a relationship with actress Elli AvrRam, although it was never officially confirmed. Their alleged affair gradually faded out, and Elli AvrRam's cryptic message on social media at the time of Hardik's engagement to Nataa Stankovi fueled speculation about their breakup ( source ).
  • There were rumors of Hardik Pandya dating Bollywood actress Esha Gupta, but both denied being in a relationship, with Esha stating on Instagram that she was not even close to marriage ( source ).
  • Hardik Pandya was briefly linked to actress Urvashi Rautela, but both maintained that they were good friends. Urvashi even congratulated Hardik on his engagement to Nataa Stankovi ( source ).

Overall, Hardik Pandya's romantic journey has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but he seems to have found stability and happiness in his marriage to Nataa Stankovi.

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Safe Journey Wishes, Messages and Quotes (2024)

Isn’t it wonderful when you have someone who cares so much to wish you well on a journey you take? And how lovely is it when you are the one I am referring to here? Yes, you reading this! Because, you do so great by searching for Safe Journey SMS Messages for that Special Person in your Life. Like you wish him or her safe journey, I wish same too. You will not lose anyone close to you to accident. Amen.

Did you know?

Sweetlovemessages.com has all types of love messages you can ever dream of sending to your lover and loved ones. No jokes! A visit will convince you. These are examples:

  • 80 Nice Love Messages for Bae ,
  • 70 Please Well Soon Wishes and Prayers
  • 100 Romantic Good Night Messages for Your Lover

From Me to You My Love, Safe Journey

I wish you the best of your journey, I wish you the best of all moments, And I assure you the best of me here Safe journey my love.

I see your good turning into better, And I see your better turning into best. I see everything turning around for your favour, Even as you embark on this journey.

For all the journeys you embark on, I miss you like I might just die. So unhappy it’s happening again… But I still wish you safe Journey my love.

There are good journeys and there are bad ones. The good ones is what I wish for you. And I mean good ones knowing your desires will be met. See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Quotes for My Love

To My Dear, Wishing You a Safe Journey

Don’t mind it when the road is rough, Don’t care much when the journey seems long, Just care that with my love you will stay strong, I just wish you the safest of the journey, dear.

In waiting I wish I wait no more, Longing to see your face, that I so detest. I guess this is another lonely moment for me… But I wish you safe journey on this trip.

So great you are embarking on this journey, This is all I have wished for you all my life. Have the best of the moments, And promise you will be back here on time. See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Wishes for My Dear

Journey Wishes for My Sweet Love

I don’t like it whenever you say goodbye, For the warmth of your presence is better, But I will patiently wait for your arrival, Stay great and Safe journey my love.

Wishing you journey well my sweet love. Praying that we meet again soonest. I pains to watch you leave, But it pleases me to see you back on time. Safe Journey to you my sweetheart.

You made me smile and I love it, You made me laugh, that’s my delight. But a moment away from you, Makes a hell out of me. See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Wishes for My Sweet Love

Journey Messages   to a Loved One

I just wish you wouldn’t leave me For me without you could break me But since you want to leave for good I pray the best of safe journey to you.

No matter how long it takes, May you find a lasting peace And overflowing of joy, Even as you go and on your journey back home.

Of all the sources of my daily joy, I find being with you the surest one, Of all the things I desire, I see you as the loveliest one. But you need to know how I will feel while you are gone. See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Messages to a Loved One

Safe Journey Sms for a Friend

Please blame me for the stress, Please blame me for the time, Even for the unpleasant situations as you travel. Safe journey and be back safely.

How lovely are you to me! How lovely to see your face all the time… But how sad to see you far away… Anyway, Safe journey to you friend.

Life has favoured me with someone like you, And sad life is taking you far away from my reach. I would love we are together forever, But so bad you have to go. Goodbye. See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Sms for a Friend

Safe Travel for My Love

I may not be able to control the weather, I may not be in control of the time, I may not be able to control even the driver, But I know I can control the outcome of the journey. So I wish you the safest journey as you travel.

You think I would be glad because I wished you goodbye? I wish you know how hurtful a letter of that sentence is! So much ill-feelings to see you far away. But I can’t help but to wish you farewell.

You fail to understand how hurt I am when I am missing you… You have not come to realize that I am always sad, Each time you are away from me. I have wished I have a way of dealing with this, But so helpless and sad when I see you are the only way. I am really missing you. See more here ⇒ Safe Travel Quotes for your Love

Safe   Journey Quotes to You from Me

The best prize one can ever get, Is the one freely given. I wish you the best of your journey as you travel. Safe journey love.

From me to you, Wishing you the safest of all journey, And eager to see you back home. Safe journey dear.

The best I enjoy in life is your presence. Making me feel your absence is like you want me dead. I can’t stay here all alone! Please come back on time my love. See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Quotes for Someone Special

Journey Well Messages

May your goings be great and safe, And so will your coming back. The Angels of God shall be your guard and you shall be back safely.

May your journey be well May you experience the best of it. May it be a moment of peace. Safe journey to you dear friend.

Many have sheer happiness from their loved ones, And I see mine dropping so fast, and I can’t help it! I am missing you like I just might die, And so lonely am I wishing you are here. See more here ⇒ Journey Well Messages

I Missed You, But Safe Journey

I will miss those romantic moments, I will miss the times we spend together, I will miss even the things we share together, I will miss you, but I wish you safest of your journey.

YOU WILL LIKE THIS ALSO : 60 Nice Journey Wishes for Someone Special

I just don’t know how to express how I feel. I just know all about me will miss you. You will be wrong if you think I won’t miss you, For I am missing you already.

It is such a lie that absence makes the heart grow fonder! Just a moment away from me and I am missing you this much! If this continues, absence might get my heart broken! Please consider being back on time.

If all the safe journey quotes is gathered, Plus all the safe journey messages and wishes, And then I send them all to you, It won’t make me stop missing you. I really miss you. See more here ⇒ I Miss You Journey Quotes

I Wish You Best on Your Way

May the earth comply with your safety, And the whole world, your well-being. May you go and come back strengthened. I wish you best of the journey. I love you.

The very best is my wish for you, And in all you do there, I wish you favour above struggles. I pray you have all the reason to be grateful when you are back. To me, it shall be a moment well spent. See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Wishes

Safe Flight Wishes for Loved Ones This journey shall answer for the best experience. It shall be nothing but the safest for you. Safe flight my love.

I cancel all the bad news of flights travelling that you have heard, And I wish you the safest of all landing. May you go and come back in peace. Safe journey to you friend.

Have a safe flight! That is what I wish you. Go in love, and be back in love. See you!

All the engines of the flight are sound. The weather is cool and so your mind too. Just wishing you a safe flight. See more here ⇒ Safe Flight Wishes for Loved Ones

Safe Journey Prayer Quotes

I wish you all the best on your way, I wish you safety by night or by day. It shall end in testimony, this I pray I wish you safe journey… the best I can say!

All that you want you shall get And all your needs will be met. It’s your best journey, this I pray. And God’s guidance, to and fro, on your way.

See more here ⇒ Safe Journey Prayer Quotes

See also⇒ Funny Safe Journey Quotes

Thanks for reading safe journey wishes, messages and Quotes For that special someone. I wish safe journey for him or her too. Please consider sharing this with your friends and loved ones, on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media. Thanks.

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Robert Hartwell on ‘Plantation-Style’ Home Renovation That Honors Ancestors: ‘I Deserve to Be Here’ (Exclusive)

The actor documents his journey on 'Breaking New Ground,' premiering June 27 on Max

Natalia Senanayake is an Editorial Assistant, Lifestyle at PEOPLE. She covers all things travel and home, from celebrities' luxury mansions to breaking travel news.

journey to home status

Robert Hartwell is digging deep on his new home renovation show, Breaking New Ground.

In the upcoming Max series, the Broadway star invites viewers inside the challenging, yet rewarding transformation of his centuries-old Massachusetts home. PEOPLE got an exclusive first look at the trailer for the new show, premiering on June 27, above. 

“This is a renovation story 200 years in the making,” Hartwell says in the clip.

“When I bought this house, it struck a nerve because here was a gay Black man owning a plantation-style home, saying that we can include ourselves where they have worked so hard to exclude us,” he explains.

The home was built in 1820 "when slavery was still legal in many U.S. states," Hartwell explains.

Massachusetts moved to abolish slavery in 1783, but the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1865, and it wasn’t until June 19, 1865 that the last enslaved people learned they were free in Texas. The date is the origin of the celebration of Juneteenth .

Robert Hartwell/Instagram

Reflecting on the history of the property, Hartwell notes, “There are rooms in this home that I wouldn’t be able to step into. How beautiful that we actually get to wake up in this space. That’s life to me.” 

Throughout the six-episode series, the Broadway Collective founder unpacks the complicated history of the home, while turning it into something beautiful in order to honor the resilience of both himself and his ancestors. 

The show is produced by Oprah Winfrey ’s OWN and Drew and Jonathan Scott ’s Scott Brothers Entertainment.


However, the renovation process does come with some unexpected surprises. 

“You literally have a river running through your home,” Hartwell is told as a stream of water pans onto the screen. “That’s frightening,” he responds. 

Another scene shows Hartwell finding out one of the columns on the exterior of the property is “rotten” and that it will be very expensive to fix. Despite hearing numbers like $30,000 and $60,000 for necessary repairs, the entrepreneur doesn't back down. 

“I’m getting over this finish line, and don’t mess with me,” Hartwell says. “I’m really going to be living my best life in this house.”

In a sneak peek of the finished space, viewers see a bright yellow dining room, a living room with lavender accents, and bold wallpaper installed throughout the home. 

“It’s about drenching the place in color,” he says. “When people come in, they realize I am royalty and I deserve to be here.”

In June 2020, Hartwell documented his home purchase on Instagram with a photo of him posing in front of the house. In the caption, he explained why it was important for him to buy the property despite facing some obstacles.

“I called the seller and was told it was a cash only offer and that ‘I’m sure that takes you off the table,’” he wrote. “Don’t you ever underestimate a hard working Black man. I saw the house last week and when I walked in I knew I was home.”

He added that the purchase was a “generational move” that was “bigger” than just him. 

“I wish I could’ve told my ancestors when they were breaking their backs in 1820 to build this house that 200 years later a free gay Black man was going to own it and fill it with love and find a way to say their name even when 200 years later they still thought I would be ‘off the table’. We are building our own tables. I’ve never been prouder to be a Black man,” he adds. 

BREAKING NEW GROUND premieres Thursday, June 27 on Max.

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Sister Wives star Christine Brown is revealing her weight-loss makeover in a new video where she gives fans a tour of her amazing home gym. Christine split from Kody Brown in November 2021. They had been in a spiritual marriage since 1994. Christine was Kody’s third wife and the couple welcomed six kids together before their reality TV debut in 2010. Christine left the plural marriage in search of her own happiness and met her soulmate in David Woolley. The slimmed-down Christine is now getting her revenge by posting photos of herself looking and feeling fantastic.

Christine Brown from Sister Wives recently showed her Instagram followers what her home gym looks like and revealed her exercise routine for weight loss.

Christine has totally transformed her body with her inspiring fitness journey.

She documented herself hitting the gym hard in a new video where she also took the opportunity to show her fans her home gym set-up. Christine played Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” as the background music as she revealed she was “ incredibly grateful” for her home gym. Christine exclaimed she was embracing strength and resilience. “ Here’s to becoming stronger and healthier every day ,” she added. Christine also asked her followers to share their favorite thing to do while working out and used the hashtags, “ grateful ” and “ strongisbeautiful. ”

Reality TV is more popular than ever. With so many to choose from, here are some of the best reality TV shows to stream or watch right now.

How Has Christine Brown Been Losing Weight?

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Christine also recorded herself using her rowing machine and sipping her orange drink. She panned the camera to show her fans what other equipment she had in her home gym. Meanwhile, she also joked that she was not a “ professional reel maker ” and hence could not get the clips to sync right with the audio. It’s not like fans had an issue with it. They thought Christine looked amazing, and her Reel was motivating. Amid the highs and the lows of her life and relationships, Christine never compromised with her fitness.

Sister Wives viewers will recall Christine documenting her weight loss since July 2019 when she shared a photo of herself with her daughter Truely, looking slim. When asked what the secret behind her dramatic weight loss was, Christine revealed she was eating according to her blood type and was working out. She had been reading about it online for years but only started putting it into practice that year. Christine also started to promote a controversial drink as a part of her Instagram promotions. She claimed it gave her a boost of energy and zapped her belly fat.

Christine has made her health her priority since moving on from Kody and marrying David. She’s managed to maintain her weight no matter what the real methods she uses to lose weight are. She hasn’t revealed how much weight she’s lost so far. Fans have observed that Christine does eat healthily and follows an exercise routine which aids her weight loss and fitness goals. While she heavily advertises the MLM product and even sneakily showed it in her home gym video, there’s no denying that the Sister Wives celeb is dedicated to staying fit.

Sister Wives is available to stream on Max.

Source: Christine Brown /Instagram

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Sister Wives is a TV series created for TLC that follows Kody Brown and his four wives as they raise their eighteen children and tackle the challenges associated with their massive family dynamic and the stigma that comes with their way of life.

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Hero's Journey 101: How to Use the Hero's Journey to Plot Your Story

Dan Schriever

Dan Schriever

The Hero's Journey cover

How many times have you heard this story? A protagonist is suddenly whisked away from their ordinary life and embarks on a grand adventure. Along the way they make new friends, confront perils, and face tests of character. In the end, evil is defeated, and the hero returns home a changed person.

That’s the Hero’s Journey in a nutshell. It probably sounds very familiar—and rightly so: the Hero’s Journey aspires to be the universal story, or monomyth, a narrative pattern deeply ingrained in literature and culture. Whether in books, movies, television, or folklore, chances are you’ve encountered many examples of the Hero’s Journey in the wild.

In this post, we’ll walk through the elements of the Hero’s Journey step by step. We’ll also study an archetypal example from the movie The Matrix (1999). Once you have mastered the beats of this narrative template, you’ll be ready to put your very own spin on it.

Sound good? Then let’s cross the threshold and let the journey begin.

What Is the Hero’s Journey?

The 12 stages of the hero’s journey, writing your own hero’s journey.

The Hero’s Journey is a common story structure for modeling both plot points and character development. A protagonist embarks on an adventure into the unknown. They learn lessons, overcome adversity, defeat evil, and return home transformed.

Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949)

Joseph Campbell , a scholar of literature, popularized the monomyth in his influential work The Hero With a Thousand Faces (1949). Looking for common patterns in mythological narratives, Campbell described a character arc with 17 total stages, overlaid on a more traditional three-act structure. Not all need be present in every myth or in the same order.

The three stages, or acts, of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey are as follows:

1. Departure. The hero leaves the ordinary world behind.

2. Initiation. The hero ventures into the unknown ("the Special World") and overcomes various obstacles and challenges.

3. Return. The hero returns in triumph to the familiar world.

Hollywood has embraced Campbell’s structure, most famously in George Lucas’s Star Wars movies. There are countless examples in books, music, and video games, from fantasy epics and Disney films to sports movies.

In The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers (1992), screenwriter Christopher Vogler adapted Campbell’s three phases into the "12 Stages of the Hero’s Journey." This is the version we’ll analyze in the next section.

The three stages of Campbell's Hero's Journey

For writers, the purpose of the Hero’s Journey is to act as a template and guide. It’s not a rigid formula that your plot must follow beat by beat. Indeed, there are good reasons to deviate—not least of which is that this structure has become so ubiquitous.

Still, it’s helpful to master the rules before deciding when and how to break them. The 12 steps of the Hero's Journey are as follows :

  • The Ordinary World
  • The Call of Adventure
  • Refusal of the Call
  • Meeting the Mentor
  • Crossing the First Threshold
  • Tests, Allies, and Enemies
  • Approach to the Inmost Cave
  • Reward (Seizing the Sword)
  • The Road Back
  • Resurrection
  • Return with the Elixir

Let’s take a look at each stage in more detail. To show you how the Hero’s Journey works in practice, we’ll also consider an example from the movie The Matrix (1999). After all, what blog has not been improved by a little Keanu Reeves?

The Matrix

#1: The Ordinary World

This is where we meet our hero, although the journey has not yet begun: first, we need to establish the status quo by showing the hero living their ordinary, mundane life.

It’s important to lay the groundwork in this opening stage, before the journey begins. It lets readers identify with the hero as just a regular person, “normal” like the rest of us. Yes, there may be a big problem somewhere out there, but the hero at this stage has very limited awareness of it.

The Ordinary World in The Matrix :

We are introduced to Thomas A. Anderson, aka Neo, programmer by day, hacker by night. While Neo runs a side operation selling illicit software, Thomas Anderson lives the most mundane life imaginable: he works at his cubicle, pays his taxes, and helps the landlady carry out her garbage.

#2: The Call to Adventure

The journey proper begins with a call to adventure—something that disrupts the hero’s ordinary life and confronts them with a problem or challenge they can’t ignore. This can take many different forms.

While readers may already understand the stakes, the hero is realizing them for the first time. They must make a choice: will they shrink from the call, or rise to the challenge?

The Call to Adventure in The Matrix :

A mysterious message arrives in Neo’s computer, warning him that things are not as they seem. He is urged to “follow the white rabbit.” At a nightclub, he meets Trinity, who tells him to seek Morpheus.

#3: Refusal of the Call

Oops! The hero chooses option A and attempts to refuse the call to adventure. This could be for any number of reasons: fear, disbelief, a sense of inadequacy, or plain unwillingness to make the sacrifices that are required.

A little reluctance here is understandable. If you were asked to trade the comforts of home for a life-and-death journey fraught with peril, wouldn’t you give pause?

Refusal of the Call in The Matrix :

Agents arrive at Neo’s office to arrest him. Morpheus urges Neo to escape by climbing out a skyscraper window. “I can’t do this… This is crazy!” Neo protests as he backs off the ledge.

The Hero's Journey in _The Matrix_

#4: Meeting the Mentor

Okay, so the hero got cold feet. Nothing a little pep talk can’t fix! The mentor figure appears at this point to give the hero some much needed counsel, coaching, and perhaps a kick out the door.

After all, the hero is very inexperienced at this point. They’re going to need help to avoid disaster or, worse, death. The mentor’s role is to overcome the hero’s reluctance and prepare them for what lies ahead.

Meeting the Mentor in The Matrix :

Neo meets with Morpheus, who reveals a terrifying truth: that the ordinary world as we know it is a computer simulation designed to enslave humanity to machines.

#5: Crossing the First Threshold

At this juncture, the hero is ready to leave their ordinary world for the first time. With the mentor’s help, they are committed to the journey and ready to step across the threshold into the special world . This marks the end of the departure act and the beginning of the adventure in earnest.

This may seem inevitable, but for the hero it represents an important choice. Once the threshold is crossed, there’s no going back. Bilbo Baggins put it nicely: “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Crossing the First Threshold in The Matrix :

Neo is offered a stark choice: take the blue pill and return to his ordinary life none the wiser, or take the red pill and “see how deep the rabbit hole goes.” Neo takes the red pill and is extracted from the Matrix, entering the real world .

#6: Tests, Allies, and Enemies

Now we are getting into the meat of the adventure. The hero steps into the special world and must learn the new rules of an unfamiliar setting while navigating trials, tribulations, and tests of will. New characters are often introduced here, and the hero must navigate their relationships with them. Will they be friend, foe, or something in between?

Broadly speaking, this is a time of experimentation and growth. It is also one of the longest stages of the journey, as the hero learns the lay of the land and defines their relationship to other characters.

Wondering how to create captivating characters? Read our guide , which explains how to shape characters that readers will love—or hate.

Tests, Allies, and Enemies in The Matrix :

Neo is introduced to the vagabond crew of the Nebuchadnezzar . Morpheus informs Neo that he is The One , a savior destined to liberate humanity. He learns jiu jitsu and other useful skills.

#7: Approach to the Inmost Cave

Man entering a cave

Time to get a little metaphorical. The inmost cave isn’t a physical cave, but rather a place of great danger—indeed, the most dangerous place in the special world . It could be a villain’s lair, an impending battle, or even a mental barrier. No spelunking required.

Broadly speaking, the approach is marked by a setback in the quest. It becomes a lesson in persistence, where the hero must reckon with failure, change their mindset, or try new ideas.

Note that the hero hasn’t entered the cave just yet. This stage is about the approach itself, which the hero must navigate to get closer to their ultimate goal. The stakes are rising, and failure is no longer an option.

Approach to the Inmost Cave in The Matrix :

Neo pays a visit to The Oracle. She challenges Neo to “know thyself”—does he believe, deep down, that he is The One ? Or does he fear that he is “just another guy”? She warns him that the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

#8: The Ordeal

The ordeal marks the hero’s greatest test thus far. This is a dark time for them: indeed, Campbell refers to it as the “belly of the whale.” The hero experiences a major hurdle or obstacle, which causes them to hit rock bottom.

This is a pivotal moment in the story, the main event of the second act. It is time for the hero to come face to face with their greatest fear. It will take all their skills to survive this life-or-death crisis. Should they succeed, they will emerge from the ordeal transformed.

Keep in mind: the story isn’t over yet! Rather, the ordeal is the moment when the protagonist overcomes their weaknesses and truly steps into the title of hero .

The Ordeal in The Matrix :

When Cipher betrays the crew to the agents, Morpheus sacrifices himself to protect Neo. In turn, Neo makes his own choice: to risk his life in a daring rescue attempt.

#9: Reward (Seizing the Sword)

The ordeal was a major level-up moment for the hero. Now that it's been overcome, the hero can reap the reward of success. This reward could be an object, a skill, or knowledge—whatever it is that the hero has been struggling toward. At last, the sword is within their grasp.

From this moment on, the hero is a changed person. They are now equipped for the final conflict, even if they don’t fully realize it yet.

Reward (Seizing the Sword) in The Matrix :

Neo’s reward is helpfully narrated by Morpheus during the rescue effort: “He is beginning to believe.” Neo has gained confidence that he can fight the machines, and he won’t back down from his destiny.

A man holding a sword

#10: The Road Back

We’re now at the beginning of act three, the return . With the reward in hand, it’s time to exit the inmost cave and head home. But the story isn’t over yet.

In this stage, the hero reckons with the consequences of act two. The ordeal was a success, but things have changed now. Perhaps the dragon, robbed of his treasure, sets off for revenge. Perhaps there are more enemies to fight. Whatever the obstacle, the hero must face them before their journey is complete.

The Road Back in The Matrix :

The rescue of Morpheus has enraged Agent Smith, who intercepts Neo before he can return to the Nebuchadnezzar . The two foes battle in a subway station, where Neo’s skills are pushed to their limit.

#11: Resurrection

Now comes the true climax of the story. This is the hero’s final test, when everything is at stake: the battle for the soul of Gotham, the final chance for evil to triumph. The hero is also at the peak of their powers. A happy ending is within sight, should they succeed.

Vogler calls the resurrection stage the hero’s “final exam.” They must draw on everything they have learned and prove again that they have really internalized the lessons of the ordeal . Near-death escapes are not uncommon here, or even literal deaths and resurrections.

Resurrection in The Matrix :

Despite fighting valiantly, Neo is defeated by Agent Smith and killed. But with Trinity’s help, he is resurrected, activating his full powers as The One . Isn’t it wonderful how literal The Matrix can be?

#12: Return with the Elixir

Hooray! Evil has been defeated and the hero is transformed. It’s time for the protagonist to return home in triumph, and share their hard-won prize with the ordinary world . This prize is the elixir —the object, skill, or insight that was the hero’s true reward for their journey and transformation.

Return with the Elixir in The Matrix :

Neo has defeated the agents and embraced his destiny. He returns to the simulated world of the Matrix, this time armed with god-like powers and a resolve to open humanity’s eyes to the truth.

The Hero's Journey Worksheet

If you’re writing your own adventure, you may be wondering: should I follow the Hero’s Journey structure?

The good news is, it’s totally up to you. Joseph Campbell conceived of the monomyth as a way to understand universal story structure, but there are many ways to outline a novel. Feel free to play around within its confines, adapt it across different media, and disrupt reader expectations. It’s like Morpheus says: “Some of these rules can be bent. Others can be broken.”

Think of the Hero’s Journey as a tool. If you’re not sure where your story should go next, it can help to refer back to the basics. From there, you’re free to choose your own adventure.

Are you prepared to write your novel? Download this free book now:

The Novel-Writing Training Plan

The Novel-Writing Training Plan

So you are ready to write your novel. excellent. but are you prepared the last thing you want when you sit down to write your first draft is to lose momentum., this guide helps you work out your narrative arc, plan out your key plot points, flesh out your characters, and begin to build your world..

journey to home status

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Neighborhood Finance Corporation

Journey to Homeownership Down Payment Assistance

journey to home status


As the One Economy report, The State of Black Polk County , points out, there is a large disparity in homeownership for the African American community. Many capable African American families are losing out on the opportunity to own their own home in a neighborhood they either grew up in or raised children in. This, in turn, decreases the chances of generational wealth with these families.

J2H provides educational tools and resources to support African Americans who are looking to become homeowners. The core part of the J2H initiative is a down payment assistance program. Our actions and work are in support of the One Economy Blue Print for Action and the goal to increase African American homeownership in Polk County by 2% from 2020 to 2023.

Neighborhood Finance Corporation (NFC) has been awarded $1M in grant funds through the CDFI Fund Rapid Response Program, local community partners, and donations, to address challenges in underserved communities.  NFC has committed the funding for down payment and closing cost assistance in the NFC Lending Areas, in Polk and Linn Counties, to assist approximately 75 African American homebuyers earning below 100% of the Area Median Income.


The Journey to Homeownership (J2H) Program is an affirmative asset initiative for eligible homebuyers in the NFC lending areas. The program focuses on overcoming the systemic barriers for African American in homeownership by providing down payment and closing cost assistance, combined with the intention of addressing other barriers through community partnerships.

Program Guidelines & Eligibility

  • This is a down payment program to purchase a 1–2 family owner-occupied home.
  • Eligible borrowers will receive a $10,500 or $15,000 deferred loan at 0% interest (.08% APR) that will have no payments and will be due on sale or with a cash-out refinance.
  • $10,500 available in NFC Lending Areas .  $15,000 (instead of $10,500) available in Core Neighborhoods.
  • The homebuyer’s first mortgage loan can be from NFC or an approved participating lender.
  • The maximum first mortgage loan amount is $300,000.
  • Household income must be below 100% of the Area Median Income . 

Approval Process

  • Complete a J2H class or attend a J2H event to receive a Journey to Homeownership Certificate from NFC or an Ambassador of the J2H program. Click here for more information on upcoming J2H events and classes
  • Attend 8-hours of homebuyer education through a partner HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency in addition to a J2H class or event.  Click here for homebuyer education resources
  • Be approved by a participating lender for an eligible mortgage product and approved for the J2H down payment assistance deferred loan. Participating lenders are listed below.
  • Sign a purchase agreement on a 1–2 family home in the NFC Lending Area (recommend education and receiving a pre-approval prior to shopping for a home and signing a purchase agreement)

NFC Lending Area and Core Neighborhoods

Searchable Lending Area maps for Des Moines and Cedar Rapids are on the NFC website .  The Core Neighborhoods are smaller parts of the Lending Areas. Click here for a map of the Core Neighborhoods .

Participating  Lenders

In the Cedar Rapids area:

Bankers Trust

Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust

Community Savings Bank

Neighborhood Finance Corporation

In the Des Moines area:

Availa Bank

Community State Bank

Northwest Bank

Two Rivers Bank and Trust

For more information, contact Bridgett Robinson  (phone 515-273-1373), NFC D&I Mortgage Loan Originator & Outreach Coordinator (NMLS# 2244064).

Link to PDF of the Journey to Homeownership Flyer

Link to Journey to Homeownership Classes or Events

Link to Homebuyer Education Resources

Links to Resources that informed the Creation of Journey to Homeownership

Link to One Economy Reports

Link to UnDesign the Redline through the Polk County Housing Trust Fund

Link to Mapping Exclusion through the African American Museum of Iowa

Link to NFC's Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

NFC knows that our programs may not fit a borrower’s exact situation but there are several other programs throughout the  community that may fit your needs. Though this program is originally being launched to serve African American households, it will be extended to other communities of color in the future. 

This program is made possible through the CDFI Fund and donors to date: Wells Fargo Housing Foundation, MDRC at The Bridge, and private donations. 

*What is a Deferred Loan? A NFC deferred loan does not have to be repaid until the home is sold, is no longer your primary residence, or in some instances, when the home is refinanced. There are no payments or interest, though you may choose to pay an extra amount on your repayable mortgage. A NFC Loan Originator can provide you with additional information. Click here for the deferred loan flyer. If you have questions about when NFC will subordinate a loan, please visit the  Subordination Guidelines  page of the NFC website.

Has Work From Home Become A New Status Symbol?

Feel free to enjoy your work from home status symbol because you earned it

Nebojsa Todorovic

Nebojsa Todorovic

I am not the first to ask this question, and sure thing, I am not going to be the last.

It is open season to evaluate all consequences and implications of one of the most important moments in human history. The latest pandemic did not travel light. It paid us a painful visit with an extra-large suitcase of the most profound changes. Everyone and everything is affected. Not only how we do our business, but also how we live, interact with each other, and eventually, define ourselves.

The Winners and Losers of Transition Economies

It is not a coincidence that the first ideas about working-from-home as the new status symbol originated in Germany. Deutsche Welle (DW), “a German public state-owned international broadcaster,” was the first to publish an article about it.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 marked the beginning of many things. The transition economy was one of them. My family witnessed it first-hand. My parents were the losers of this process of the overnight transition “from a centrally planned economy to a market economy.” Or in plain English, from socialism to capitalism. I share this with you without bitterness. That was a tough time to learn some important lessons.

I learned the hard way that the difference between success and failure had nothing to do with the “new circumstances.” It was all about one’s ability to adapt and change. Many people just could not accept the fact that the old world was gone. They refused to acknowledge the extinction of socialist “comfort zones.” On the other hand, there were others who discovered and unleashed their entrepreneurial potential and business talent. The tech revolution taking place in the background was an extra boost of opportunities.

That is why transition winners turned out to be the pandemic business survivors.

The Birth of A New Remote Working “Class”

Thirty years later, give or take, I found myself in the midst of dramatically changing circumstances, just like my parents once did. This time, I was prepared. Don’t get me wrong. I haven’t become a “winner” of the pandemic transition. Instead of wasting my time complaining, I decided to invest my energy in adapting that is productive.

I have also become aware of the survivor’s (syndrome) guilt phenomenon during the pandemic. People who already worked remotely or were able and willing to transition felt bad about their “less fortunate” friends, former colleagues, and family members. At the same time, I didn’t want to turn a blind eye to the real-life sufferings and losses.

I am pretty much sure that many of you had one of these conversations.

Lucky you! I wish I could also work from home just like you.

What’s stopping you from doing it?

You know, we can’t all work from home.

True! But, you know, you can make your work or business to be more online-friendly. The pandemic has nothing to do with it.

Getting back to the DW article about WFH as a new status symbol. The authors of this article embrace the findings of “a survey by TU Darmstadt,” and the conclusions of “Andreas Pfnür, head of the Real Estate Management and Construction Management Department at TU Darmstadt.”

I tend to disagree with the claims that "working from home is on the way to becoming a status symbol for the winners of the new working worlds," and especially that "home office could pave the way for a two-tier society."

My favorite quote from the movie “Ready Player One” is: “Reality is the only thing that's real.” So, let me share a few real-life examples with you of my friends and family who defy the circumstances with success, and still manage to stay humble. They don’t see and identify themselves as the new “aristocracy,” not even remotely.

One of my uncles is a farmer who has never owned or used a computer in his life. He doesn’t need it. You can order his fruits and vegetables online. There’s an online platform where you can buy groceries, and support local businesses. He’s happy to pay a membership fee because, for the first time in his life, he can’t meet the demand.

My next-door neighbors, a young couple with a baby, have the time of their lives. They’ve never been happier. Once they started working from home and using Slack, they couldn’t think of going back - to their old offices. And, you know what? Their employers are OK with it.

One of my best friends is a professional chef. He doesn’t have the looks of Bradley Cooper, but he can teach the guys who made the movie “Burnt” a lesson or two about cooking. The restaurant he used to work for had to close. But, here’s a big plot twist. He launched a catering company.

My wife’s cousin’s beauty salon is “hibernating,” to put it mildly. But, here’s the catch. She’s fully booked not only until the end of 2021, but also for the first half of 2022. The moment all the pandemic-related restrictions are lifted, she would have to work 24/7. She is looking for additional staff as we speak.

The Gold Lining of Remote Working

Talking about the symbolic dates, again. On January 1st, 2021 I wrote an article about how goLance ’s cyber friends at Hacker Noon found a way to make the pandemic world a better place. How?

Well, the Hacker Noon staff decided to increase the tips they leave to the local small businesses during the pandemic. Plain and simple, the "COVID tips" have to be at least 20%, and even more whenever and wherever possible. (That’s why it’s called the “COVID 20+” rule)

There’s no point denying it. Call it what you want, but working from home as a new status symbol is more than just semantics. “The new class,” “the new aristocracy,” “the new elite,” “the lucky ones,” etc. I ran out of quote marks.

Here’s the thing with the status symbols. Do you feel good about owning or claiming them? That’s good. Do you think that they come for free? And, by saying “free,” I mean without obligations and responsibilities.

It’s up to doctors and scientists to save lives. You, my fellow remote workers, have work to do. Our work, which is more of a mission, is to save the economy. It will take more than just leaving generous tips to the local businesses. Work harder and longer to minimize the damage caused by the pandemic. Share your knowledge, skills, and above all, the remote work message, so new jobs are created and new people get hired.

Feel free to enjoy your work from home status symbol because you earned it. Just don’t show off and don’t rub it in other people’s faces because you know better than that. You have to lead by example. So, lead and don’t try to save the world, but make a new better one. The new world with pandemic-proof businesses.

Remote it as if the fate of the world depends on it - because it does!

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Last updated on Aug 10, 2023

The Hero's Journey: 12 Steps to a Classic Story Structure

The Hero's Journey is a timeless story structure which follows a protagonist on an unforeseen quest, where they face challenges, gain insights, and return home transformed. From Theseus and the Minotaur to The Lion King , so many narratives follow this pattern that it’s become ingrained into our cultural DNA. 

In this post, we'll show you how to make this classic plot structure work for you — and if you’re pressed for time, download our cheat sheet below for everything you need to know.



Hero's Journey Template

Plot your character's journey with our step-by-step template.

What is the Hero’s Journey?

The Hero's Journey, also known as the monomyth, is a story structure where a hero goes on a quest or adventure to achieve a goal, and has to overcome obstacles and fears, before ultimately returning home transformed.

This narrative arc has been present in various forms across cultures for centuries, if not longer, but gained popularity through Joseph Campbell's mythology book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces . While Campbell identified 17 story beats in his monomyth definition, this post will concentrate on a 12-step framework popularized in 2007 by screenwriter Christopher Vogler in his book The Writer’s Journey .

The 12 Steps of the Hero’s Journey

A circular illustration of the 12 steps of the hero's journey with an adventurous character in the center.

The Hero's Journey is a model for both plot points and character arc development : as the Hero traverses the world, they'll undergo inner and outer transformation at each stage of the journey. The 12 steps of the hero's journey are: 

  • The Ordinary World. We meet our hero.
  • Call to Adventure. Will they meet the challenge?
  • Refusal of the Call. They resist the adventure.
  • Meeting the Mentor. A teacher arrives.
  • Crossing the First Threshold. The hero leaves their comfort zone.
  • Tests, Allies, Enemies. Making friends and facing roadblocks.
  • Approach to the Inmost Cave. Getting closer to our goal.
  • Ordeal. The hero’s biggest test yet!
  • Reward (Seizing the Sword). Light at the end of the tunnel
  • The Road Back. We aren’t safe yet.
  • Resurrection. The final hurdle is reached.
  • Return with the Elixir. The hero heads home, triumphant.

Believe it or not, this story structure also applies across mediums and genres (and also works when your protagonist is an anti-hero! ). Let's dive into it.

1. Ordinary World

In which we meet our Hero.

The journey has yet to start. Before our Hero discovers a strange new world, we must first understand the status quo: their ordinary, mundane reality.

It’s up to this opening leg to set the stage, introducing the Hero to readers. Importantly, it lets readers identify with the Hero as a “normal” person in a “normal” setting, before the journey begins.

2. Call to Adventure

In which an adventure starts.

The call to adventure is all about booting the Hero out of their comfort zone. In this stage, they are generally confronted with a problem or challenge they can't ignore. This catalyst can take many forms, as Campbell points out in Hero with a Thousand Faces . The Hero can, for instance:

  • Decide to go forth of their own volition;
  • Theseus upon arriving in Athens.
  • Be sent abroad by a benign or malignant agent;
  • Odysseus setting off on his ship in The Odyssey .
  • Stumble upon the adventure as a result of a mere blunder;
  • Dorothy when she’s swept up in a tornado in The Wizard of Oz .
  • Be casually strolling when some passing phenomenon catches the wandering eye and lures one away from the frequented paths of man.
  • Elliot in E.T. upon discovering a lost alien in the tool shed.

The stakes of the adventure and the Hero's goals become clear. The only question: will he rise to the challenge?

Neo in the Matrix answering the phone

3. Refusal of the Call

In which the Hero digs in their feet.

Great, so the Hero’s received their summons. Now they’re all set to be whisked off to defeat evil, right?

Not so fast. The Hero might first refuse the call to action. It’s risky and there are perils — like spiders, trolls, or perhaps a creepy uncle waiting back at Pride Rock . It’s enough to give anyone pause.

In Star Wars , for instance, Luke Skywalker initially refuses to join Obi-Wan on his mission to rescue the princess. It’s only when he discovers that his aunt and uncle have been killed by stormtroopers that he changes his mind.

4. Meeting the Mentor

In which the Hero acquires a personal trainer.

The Hero's decided to go on the adventure — but they’re not ready to spread their wings yet. They're much too inexperienced at this point and we don't want them to do a fabulous belly-flop off the cliff.

Enter the mentor: someone who helps the Hero, so that they don't make a total fool of themselves (or get themselves killed). The mentor provides practical training, profound wisdom, a kick up the posterior, or something abstract like grit and self-confidence.

Harry holding the Marauder's Map with the twins

Wise old wizards seem to like being mentors. But mentors take many forms, from witches to hermits and suburban karate instructors. They might literally give weapons to prepare for the trials ahead, like Q in the James Bond series. Or perhaps the mentor is an object, such as a map. In all cases, they prepare the Hero for the next step.



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5. Crossing the First Threshold

In which the Hero enters the other world in earnest.

Now the Hero is ready — and committed — to the journey. This marks the end of the Departure stage and is when the adventure really kicks into the next gear. As Vogler writes: “This is the moment that the balloon goes up, the ship sails, the romance begins, the wagon gets rolling.”

From this point on, there’s no turning back.

Like our Hero, you should think of this stage as a checkpoint for your story. Pause and re-assess your bearings before you continue into unfamiliar territory. Have you:

  • Launched the central conflict? If not, here’s a post on types of conflict to help you out.
  • Established the theme of your book? If not, check out this post that’s all about creating theme and motifs .
  • Made headway into your character development? If not, this author-approved template may be useful:


Reedsy’s Character Profile Template

A story is only as strong as its characters. Fill this out to develop yours.

6. Tests, Allies, Enemies

In which the Hero faces new challenges and gets a squad.

When we step into the Special World, we notice a definite shift. The Hero might be discombobulated by this unfamiliar reality and its new rules. This is generally one of the longest stages in the story , as our protagonist gets to grips with this new world.

This makes a prime hunting ground for the series of tests to pass! Luckily, there are many ways for the Hero to get into trouble:

  • In Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle , Spencer, Bethany, “Fridge,” and Martha get off to a bad start when they bump into a herd of bloodthirsty hippos.
  • In his first few months at Hogwarts, Harry Potter manages to fight a troll, almost fall from a broomstick and die, and get horribly lost in the Forbidden Forest.
  • Marlin and Dory encounter three “reformed” sharks, get shocked by jellyfish, and are swallowed by a blue whale en route to finding Nemo.

The shark scares Marlin and Dory in Finding Nemo

This stage often expands the cast of characters. Once the protagonist is in the Special World, he will meet allies and enemies — or foes that turn out to be friends and vice versa. He will learn a new set of rules from them. Saloons and seedy bars are popular places for these transactions, as Vogler points out (so long as the Hero survives them).

7. Approach to the Inmost Cave

In which the Hero gets closer to his goal.

This isn’t a physical cave. Instead, the “inmost cave” refers to the most dangerous spot in the other realm — whether that’s the villain’s chambers, the lair of the fearsome dragon, or the Death Star. Almost always, it is where the ultimate goal of the quest is located.

Note that the protagonist hasn’t entered the Inmost Cave just yet. This stage is all about the approach to it. It covers all the prep work that's needed in order to defeat the villain.

In which the Hero faces his biggest test of all thus far.

Of all the tests the Hero has faced, none have made them hit rock bottom — until now. Vogler describes this phase as a “black moment.” Campbell refers to it as the “belly of the whale.” Both indicate some grim news for the Hero.

The protagonist must now confront their greatest fear. If they survive it, they will emerge transformed. This is a critical moment in the story, as Vogler explains that it will “inform every decision that the Hero makes from this point forward.”

The Ordeal is sometimes not the climax of the story. There’s more to come. But you can think of it as the main event of the second act — the one in which the Hero actually earns the title of “Hero.”

9. Reward (Seizing the Sword)

In which the Hero sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Our Hero’s been through a lot. However, the fruits of their labor are now at hand — if they can just reach out and grab them! The “reward” is the object or knowledge the Hero has fought throughout the entire journey to hold.

Once the protagonist has it in their possession, it generally has greater ramifications for the story. Vogler offers a few examples of it in action:

  • Luke rescues Princess Leia and captures the plans of the Death Star — keys to defeating Darth Vader.
  • Dorothy escapes from the Wicked Witch’s castle with the broomstick and the ruby slippers — keys to getting back home.

Luke Sjywalker saves Princess Leila

10. The Road Back

In which the light at the end of the tunnel might be a little further than the Hero thought.

The story's not over just yet, as this phase marks the beginning of Act Three. Now that he's seized the reward, the Hero tries to return to the Ordinary World, but more dangers (inconveniently) arise on the road back from the Inmost Cave.

More precisely, the Hero must deal with the consequences and aftermath of the previous act: the dragon, enraged by the Hero who’s just stolen a treasure from under his nose, starts the hunt. Or perhaps the opposing army gathers to pursue the Hero across a crowded battlefield. All further obstacles for the Hero, who must face them down before they can return home.

11. Resurrection

In which the last test is met.

Here is the true climax of the story. Everything that happened prior to this stage culminates in a crowning test for the Hero, as the Dark Side gets one last chance to triumph over the Hero.

Vogler refers to this as a “final exam” for the Hero — they must be “tested once more to see if they have really learned the lessons of the Ordeal.” It’s in this Final Battle that the protagonist goes through one more “resurrection.” As a result, this is where you’ll get most of your miraculous near-death escapes, à la James Bond's dashing deliverances. If the Hero survives, they can start looking forward to a sweet ending.

12. Return with the Elixir

In which our Hero has a triumphant homecoming.

Finally, the Hero gets to return home. However, they go back a different person than when they started out: they’ve grown and matured as a result of the journey they’ve taken.

But we’ve got to see them bring home the bacon, right? That’s why the protagonist must return with the “Elixir,” or the prize won during the journey, whether that’s an object or knowledge and insight gained.

Of course, it’s possible for a story to end on an Elixir-less note — but then the Hero would be doomed to repeat the entire adventure.

Examples of The Hero’s Journey in Action

To better understand this story template beyond the typical sword-and-sorcery genre, let's analyze three examples, from both screenplay and literature, and examine how they implement each of the twelve steps. 

The 1976 film Rocky is acclaimed as one of the most iconic sports films because of Stallone’s performance and the heroic journey his character embarks on.

Sylvester Stallone as Rocky

  • Ordinary World. Rocky Balboa is a mediocre boxer and loan collector — just doing his best to live day-to-day in a poor part of Philadelphia.
  • Call to Adventure. Heavyweight champ Apollo Creed decides to make a big fight interesting by giving a no-name loser a chance to challenge him. That loser: Rocky Balboa.
  • Refusal of the Call. Rocky says, “Thanks, but no thanks,” given that he has no trainer and is incredibly out of shape.
  • Meeting the Mentor. In steps former boxer Mickey “Mighty Mick” Goldmill, who sees potential in Rocky and starts training him physically and mentally for the fight.
  • Crossing the First Threshold. Rocky crosses the threshold of no return when he accepts the fight on live TV, and 一 in parallel 一 when he crosses the threshold into his love interest Adrian’s house and asks her out on a date.
  • Tests, Allies, Enemies. Rocky continues to try and win Adrian over and maintains a dubious friendship with her brother, Paulie, who provides him with raw meat to train with.
  • Approach to the Inmost Cave. The Inmost Cave in Rocky is Rocky’s own mind. He fears that he’ll never amount to anything — something that he reveals when he butts heads with his trainer, Mickey, in his apartment.
  • Ordeal. The start of the training montage marks the beginning of Rocky’s Ordeal. He pushes through it until he glimpses hope ahead while running up the museum steps.
  • Reward (Seizing the Sword). Rocky's reward is the restoration of his self-belief, as he recognizes he can try to “go the distance” with Apollo Creed and prove he's more than "just another bum from the neighborhood."
  • The Road Back. On New Year's Day, the fight takes place. Rocky capitalizes on Creed's overconfidence to start strong, yet Apollo makes a comeback, resulting in a balanced match.
  • Resurrection. The fight inflicts multiple injuries and pushes both men to the brink of exhaustion, with Rocky being knocked down numerous times. But he consistently rises to his feet, enduring through 15 grueling rounds.
  • Return with the Elixir. Rocky loses the fight — but it doesn’t matter. He’s won back his confidence and he’s got Adrian, who tells him that she loves him.

Moving outside of the ring, let’s see how this story structure holds on a completely different planet and with a character in complete isolation. 

The Martian 

In Andy Weir’s self-published bestseller (better known for its big screen adaptation) we follow astronaut Mark Watney as he endures the challenges of surviving on Mars and working out a way to get back home.

Matt Demon walking

  • The Ordinary World. Botanist Mark and other astronauts are on a mission on Mars to study the planet and gather samples. They live harmoniously in a structure known as "the Hab.”
  • Call to Adventure. The mission is scrapped due to a violent dust storm. As they rush to launch, Mark is flung out of sight and the team believes him to be dead. He is, however, very much alive — stranded on Mars with no way of communicating with anyone back home.
  • Refusal of the Call. With limited supplies and grim odds of survival, Mark concludes that he will likely perish on the desolate planet.
  • Meeting the Mentor. Thanks to his resourcefulness and scientific knowledge he starts to figure out how to survive until the next Mars mission arrives.
  • Crossing the First Threshold. Mark crosses the mental threshold of even trying to survive 一 he successfully creates a greenhouse to cultivate a potato crop, creating a food supply that will last long enough.
  • Tests, Allies, Enemies. Loneliness and other difficulties test his spirit, pushing him to establish contact with Earth and the people at NASA, who devise a plan to help.  
  • Approach to the Inmost Cave. Mark faces starvation once again after an explosion destroys his potato crop.
  • Ordeal. A NASA rocket destined to deliver supplies to Mark disintegrates after liftoff and all hope seems lost.
  • Reward (Seizing the Sword). Mark’s efforts to survive are rewarded with a new possibility to leave the planet. His team 一 now aware that he’s alive 一 defies orders from NASA and heads back to Mars to rescue their comrade.
  • The Road Back. Executing the new plan is immensely difficult 一 Mark has to travel far to locate the spaceship for his escape, and almost dies along the way.
  • Resurrection. Mark is unable to get close enough to his teammates' ship but finds a way to propel himself in empty space towards them, and gets aboard safely.
  • Return with the Elixir. Now a survival instructor for aspiring astronauts, Mark teaches students that space is indifferent and that survival hinges on solving one problem after another, as well as the importance of other people’s help.

Coming back to Earth, let’s now examine a heroine’s journey through the wilderness of the Pacific Crest Trail and her… humanity. 

The memoir Wild narrates the three-month-long hiking adventure of Cheryl Strayed across the Pacific coast, as she grapples with her turbulent past and rediscovers her inner strength.

Reese Witherspoon hiking the PCT

  • The Ordinary World. Cheryl shares her strong bond with her mother who was her strength during a tough childhood with an abusive father.
  • Call to Adventure. As her mother succumbs to lung cancer, Cheryl faces the heart-wrenching reality to confront life's challenges on her own.
  • Refusal of the Call. Cheryl spirals down into a destructive path of substance abuse and infidelity, which leads to hit rock bottom with a divorce and unwanted pregnancy. 
  • Meeting the Mentor. Her best friend Lisa supports her during her darkest time. One day she notices the Pacific Trail guidebook, which gives her hope to find her way back to her inner strength.
  • Crossing the First Threshold. She quits her job, sells her belongings, and visits her mother’s grave before traveling to Mojave, where the trek begins.
  • Tests, Allies, Enemies. Cheryl is tested by her heavy bag, blisters, rattlesnakes, and exhaustion, but many strangers help her along the trail with a warm meal or hiking tips. 
  • Approach to the Inmost Cave. As Cheryl goes through particularly tough and snowy parts of the trail her emotional baggage starts to catch up with her.  
  • Ordeal. She inadvertently drops one of her shoes off a cliff, and the incident unearths the helplessness she's been evading since her mother's passing.
  • Reward (Seizing the Sword). Cheryl soldiers on, trekking an impressive 50 miles in duct-taped sandals before finally securing a new pair of shoes. This small victory amplifies her self-confidence.
  • The Road Back. On the last stretch, she battles thirst, sketchy hunters, and a storm, but more importantly, she revisits her most poignant and painful memories.
  • Resurrection. Cheryl forgives herself for damaging her marriage and her sense of worth, owning up to her mistakes. A pivotal moment happens at Crater Lake, where she lets go of her frustration at her mother for passing away.
  • Return with the Elixir. Cheryl reaches the Bridge of the Gods and completes the trail. She has found her inner strength and determination for life's next steps.

There are countless other stories that could align with this template, but it's not always the perfect fit. So, let's look into when authors should consider it or not.

When should writers use The Hero’s Journey?

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The Hero’s Journey is just one way to outline a novel and dissect a plot. For more longstanding theories on the topic, you can go this way to read about the ever-popular Three-Act Structure or here to discover Dan Harmon's Story Circle and three more prevalent structures .

So when is it best to use the Hero’s Journey? There are a couple of circumstances which might make this a good choice.

When you need more specific story guidance than simple structures can offer

Simply put, the Hero’s Journey structure is far more detailed and closely defined than other story structure theories. If you want a fairly specific framework for your work than a thee-act structure, the Hero’s Journey can be a great place to start.

Of course, rules are made to be broken . There’s plenty of room to play within the confines of the Hero’s Journey, despite it appearing fairly prescriptive at first glance. Do you want to experiment with an abbreviated “Resurrection” stage, as J.K. Rowling did in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? Are you more interested in exploring the journey of an anti-hero? It’s all possible.

Once you understand the basics of this universal story structure, you can use and bend it in ways that disrupt reader expectations.

Need more help developing your book? Try this template on for size:


Get our Book Development Template

Use this template to go from a vague idea to a solid plan for a first draft.

When your focus is on a single protagonist

No matter how sprawling or epic the world you’re writing is, if your story is, at its core, focused on a single character’s journey, then this is a good story structure for you. It’s kind of in the name! If you’re dealing with an entire ensemble, the Hero’s Journey may not give you the scope to explore all of your characters’ plots and subplot — a broader three-act structure may give you more freedom to weave a greater number story threads. ​​

Which story structure is right for you?

Take this quiz and we'll match your story to a structure in minutes!

Whether you're a reader or writer, we hope our guide has helped you understand this universal story arc. Want to know more about story structure? We explain 6 more in our guide — read on!

6 responses

PJ Reece says:

25/07/2018 – 19:41

Nice vid, good intro to story structure. Typically, though, the 'hero's journey' misses the all-important point of the Act II crisis. There, where the hero faces his/her/its existential crisis, they must DIE. The old character is largely destroyed -- which is the absolute pre-condition to 'waking up' to what must be done. It's not more clever thinking; it's not thinking at all. Its SEEING. So many writing texts miss this point. It's tantamount to a religions experience, and nobody grows up without it. STORY STRUCTURE TO DIE FOR examines this dramatic necessity.

↪️ C.T. Cheek replied:

13/11/2019 – 21:01

Okay, but wouldn't the Act II crisis find itself in the Ordeal? The Hero is tested and arguably looses his/her/its past-self for the new one. Typically, the Hero is not fully "reborn" until the Resurrection, in which they defeat the hypothetical dragon and overcome the conflict of the story. It's kind of this process of rebirth beginning in the earlier sections of the Hero's Journey and ending in the Resurrection and affirmed in the Return with the Elixir.

Lexi Mize says:

25/07/2018 – 22:33

Great article. Odd how one can take nearly every story and somewhat plug it into such a pattern.

Bailey Koch says:

11/06/2019 – 02:16

This was totally lit fam!!!!

↪️ Bailey Koch replied:

11/09/2019 – 03:46

where is my dad?

Frank says:

12/04/2020 – 12:40

Great article, thanks! :) But Vogler didn't expand Campbell's theory. Campbell had seventeen stages, not twelve.

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  • Men's Basketball

Tennessee vs Florida State LIVE Updates - College World Series

Jonathan williams | 9 minutes ago.

Jun 16, 2024; Omaha, NE, USA; Tennessee Volunteers relief pitcher Nate Snead (7) throws against the North Carolina Tar Heels during the ninth inning at Charles Schwab Field Omaha. Mandatory Credit: Steven Branscombe-USA TODAY Sports

The Tennessee Volunteers and Florida State Seminoles are set to rematch in the College World Series Semifinals. Tennessee took game one in dramatic fashion by coming back in the late innings to then walk it off in the bottom of the ninth. Christian Moore also became just the second player to hit for the cycle in college World Series history.

Tennessee comes into Wednesday's semifinal off two days of rest after a 6-1 victory over No. 4 North Carolina on Sunday. The win featured outstanding performances from starting pitcher Drew Beam, who allowed one run over five innings, and Kavares Tears, who went 2-4 with four RBIs.

Starting on the mound for the Vols is Zander Sechrist, who holds a 4-1 record with a 3.26 ERA. Sechrist is coming off a dominant showing in the Knoxville Super Regional Championship game against Evansville, where he allowed one run over 6.1 innings pitched. Florida State has yet to announce their starting pitcher.

If Tennessee wins the game, they will advance to the  College World Series  championship, but if Florida State wins, then the two teams will play again in an elimination game for the spot in the championship series.

Tennessee vs Florida State Score Updates - CWS

First inning: Vols Strike First (UT 3, FSU 0) Top - Abraham starts on the mound for the Seminoles. Moore takes a walk to start the game. Burke smacks a single into right field, Moore moves to third with no outs. Amick hits a grounder to second, Burke is thrown out at second, Amick is safe at first, Moore scores (1-0) . Dreiling walks, runners on first and second with one out. Ensley hits a single and Amick scores (2-0) . Abraham is pulled for Florida State. Oxford enters the game on the mound. Tears hits a grounder to second and the play is made at second for the second out, runners on first and second with two outs. Oxford tries to pick off Tears but the ball is thrown away. Tennessee adds another and Tears moves to second (3-0) . Curley grounds out to second for the final out. Bottom - Sechrist starts on the mound for Tennessee. Williams grounds out to second for the first out. Smith hits a grounder to shortstop but Tennessee can't come up with it, Smith is safe at first. Tibbs III pops up to shallow right field and Curley makes the play, two outs. Dinges hits a deep fly ball to centerfield but Tears makes the play while coliding into the wall to end the inning.

Second Inning: Tennessee Adds More (UT 4, FSU 0) Top - Chapman grounds out to second base for out number one. Stark strikes out for out number two. Moore slices one into center field for a two-out single. Oxford balks and sends Moore to second. Burke gets a single through the infield, Moore scores from second (4-0) . Amick sends a liner up the middle, Burke gets to third to make it first and third with two outs. Dreiling strikes out to end the inning. Bottom - Ferrer lines out to third base for the first out. Cantu strikes out, two down. Lodise walks on four pitches. Faurot hits a grounder to second but the ball is bobbled and then thrown away, Faurot tries to stretch it to second and is then thrown out to end the inning.

Third Inning: Vols Get Out of a Jam (UT 4, FSU 0) Top - Ensley flies out to center field for the first out. Tears strikes out, two down. Curley grounds out to shortstop for the final out. Bottom - West slices a single to center field to start the inning. Williams shoots a liner down the left field line for a double, runners at first and second with no outs. Smith hits a chopper up the middle, Tennessee throws West out at home. Runners on first and third one out. Tibbs III hits a grounder to first base and the Volunteers turn the double play to end the inning.

Fourth Inning: (UT 5, FSU 0) Top - Chapman flies out to shallow left field to start the inning. Stark takes a walk. Moore slices a ball down the right field line for a triple, Stark scores (5-0) . Burke strikes out, two down. Florida State pulls Oxford. Charles comes out on the mound for the Seminoles. Amick flies out to center field to end the inning. Bottom - Dinges hits a ball deep to left field but Tennessee makes the out. Ferrer flies out to left field for the second out. Cantu strikes out to end the inning.

Fifth Inning: Tennessee Continues to Lead (UT 5, FSU 0) Top - Dreiling strikes out to start the top of the inning. Ensley lines out to third base for out number two. Tears grounds out to second to end the inning. Bottom - Lodise flies out to left field for the first out. Faurot grounds out to shortstop. West grounds out to shortstop to end the inning.

Sixth Inning: Tennessee Keeps Cruising (UT 5, FSU 0) Top - Curley lines out to first base. Chapman strikes out, two down. Stark strikes out for the third out. Bottom - Williams grounds out to second base to start the inning. Smith strikes out for the second out. Tibbs III slices a single to center field. Dinges lines one to second base and Tennessee makes the play to end the inning.

Seventh Inning: Florida State Gets On the Board (UT 6, FSU 2) Top - Moore grounds out to third to start the inning. Burke sends a deep shot to left field but it's caught on the warning track. Amick shoots one past the third baseman down the left field line for a two-out double. Dreiling hits a single to right field, Amick scores from second (6-0) . Florida State's catcher tries to throw out Dreiling at second but the throw gets to the outfield and Dreiling reaches third. Ensley grounds out to the pitcher to end the inning. Bottom - Ferrer flies out to right field to start the inning. Cantu sends one over the right field wall to bring it within five (6-1) . Lodise goes back-to-back and brings it within four (6-2) . Tennessee pulls Sechrist. Connell checks in on the mound. Faurot grounds out to second, two down. West grounds out to the pitcher to end the inning.

Eighth Inning: (UT 6, FSU 2) Top - Tears lines out to first base to get things started in the inning. Curley shoots one into the gap between center and left field for a double. Chapman strikes out, two down. Stark strikes out but the ball gets past the catcher and he is safe at first, Curley moves to third. Moore grounds out to shortstop to end the inning. Bottom - Williams sends one up the middle for a leadoff single. Smith shoots one at the pitcher, bounces off his glove, and Tennessee's Moore turns the double play. Tibbs III strikes out to end the inning.

Ninth Inning: Tennessee Seals the Deal (UT 7, FSU 2) Top - Burke sends a moonshot to center field to extend the lead for the Volunteer (7-2) . Amick flies out to center field. Dreiling lines out to shortstop after a diving catch from Lodise. Ensley flies out to center field to end the inning. Bottom - Dinges hits a grounder to the pitcher but Tennesse can't make the play. Runner on first no-outs. Ferrer strikes out for the first out. Cantu flies out to shortstop, two down. Lodise lines out and Tennessee is headed to the College World Series Championship.

How to Watch:

Event Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 Time - 3:00 PM EST Location: Charles Schwab Field (Omaha, Nebraska) TV: ESPN/ESPN+

Other Tennessee News:

  • Tony Vitello Turnaround Nothing Short of Brilliant for Tennessee Baseball
  • Jaylen Williams Cuts Recruitment to Four Schools
  • Tennessee Vols Football Could Make Playoff According to CFB Data Model

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  • Adjustment of Status from Work, Student, & Tourist Visas

Immigration Officer came to my house but we are not home

By hellokitty2013 April 17, 2013 in Adjustment of Status from Work, Student, & Tourist Visas

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Recommended posts, hellokitty2013   0.

Hello everyone,

I adjust status from tourist visa to marriage (I met my husband when I studied in college as an international student). On March 2013, we got an interview. After 1 week, I got welcome letter and conditional green card (2 year). After 1 month, immigration officer came to my house, but both of us were not at home (I was in my country for 2 weeks because of emergerncy, my husband was in other city to look for a job at the time). They met the owner and asked her lots of questions about us. They also required to see our room, but we already locked the door.

Is it in the process? and when will they come back again? what will happen next? Does anyone have the same situation like mine? Thanks

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Share on other sites, ddkorestin   10.

am actually surprise that they came after your green card has been issued. thats very strange i must confess, i would have expected them to come to the house before the green card was approved and sent to you


Alonso&Sheryl   10

I have never heard of that happening. Maybe something came up after issuing your GC that made them believe your marriage is not legitimate.

Met my wife: Spring 2010 Became Bf & Gf: July 16, 2010 Got engaged: July 16, 2011 Wedding: August 11, 2012 Sent AOS Docs: December 12, 2012 Rec'd Receipts: December 22, 2012 Rec'd Bio Appt: December 24, 2012 (1/7/12) Biometrics Done: December 28, 2012 (went early because I wouldn't be able to go on the 7th) Rec'd Req for Evidence: January 5, 2013 (initial request for my joint sponsor's proof of citizenship) Sent Evidence Requested: January 10, 2013 (my join sponsor's certificate of naturalization) Evidence Received: January 15, 2013 (status updated on USCIS website) Testing and Interview: January 25, 2013 (status updated on USCIS website - now just waiting for the interview date) Interview date set: January 30, 2013 (our interview was set for March 6th, 2013) EAD Approved: February 12, 2013 EAD Card Production: February 15, 2013 EAD Card Mailed: February 19, 2013 EAD Card Rec'd: February 23, 2013 Applied for S.S.No.: February 25, 2013 Interview and Approval: March 6, 2013 Green Card Rec'd: March 14, 2013 Applied for new S.S. card: March 15, 2013 Rec'd S.S. card: March 22, 2013

Sent I-751: January 10, 2015

NOA1: January 15, 2015

Biometrics: February 20, 2015 Green Card Rec'd: June 8, 2015

seth2013   39

This is the first I've ever heard of this happening, but I did some intensive googling and read on 2 forums that they have the authority to do a home visit after you've received your green card if new evidence has come up. Is it possible that something new came up?


ROC - Eligible June 19 2014

Day 0 - 18 June 2014 Mailed ROC package via 2 day priority

Day 42 - 29 July 2014 Approval and Card Production Email

Day 49 - 5 August 2014 Received Green Card

So you mean they find new evidence and they suspect our marriage?

That's what I read, but honestly? I have no idea. Something must have happened for them to want to visit you at home it seems like though, or they have may overlooked something the first time.

hmh33   117

Do you have a good relationship with your landlord? Is it possible that they didn't really come, and he's just messing with you?

Spouse-based AOS from out-of-status H-1B, May - Aug 2012

Removal of conditions, Aug - Nov 2014

We just share 1 room in that house, and the owner is my relative.

i agree with you sethless, something must have crop up for them to make a visit and you obviously need to take this very serious because i know the these people just dont come into houses for drop off session, you shouldn't have nothing to worry about since there's nothing to worry, you will be okay. thank god your landlord was there to attend to them.


Villanelle   4,121

I also agree with the taking it seriously- but theres very little proactive things you can do about it. You can make an infopass appt and inquire about the status of your casefile but I dont know if they are going to give you any information.

Like sethless explained for them to come to your residence means your file is open (or was at the time of the visit) and they are looking at it again. Perhaps its closed again, perhaps its still open. They dont have to notify you when they open your file.

So you went for the interview, they granted your GC and closed the file. Something happened that caused them to reopen the file. You may never know what it was that caused them to reopen it. Again they dont notify you it was reopened.

So what can happen that its reopened? Well they can close it again. No harm no foul. No interruption in anything. Or they can send you a notice- some type of intent to revoke notice. Where it says you were issued the card in error and you have to appeal it. Basically where they would be saying we take back our decision giving you the card- youre denied now. You then have to appeal. You may at that point find out about the new evidence that caused it to be reopened so you can respond to it when you go to the appeal interview and they start interrogating you about having separate addresses perhaps from your spouse or something like that, or a fraudulent tax document or I dont know.

Is there anything at all questionable in any of the evidence that you submitted? Is there anybody in either of your pasts or present that would be inclined to cause you trouble by submitting things to USCIS that would imply you were committing fraud? Anything they could fabricate that could show you are committing fraud?

The only thing you can do right now is tread lightly. They may come back again to visit, they may not. Again you can go to infopass and inquire if your file is open or not. If its still open- they are still debating and investigating whether or not to revoke you- theres nothing you can do at that point besides treading lightly and continuing to live your life as you have been. Do nothing out of the ordinary and wait for them to close it again or send you the notice that they are intending to revoke you. If you hear nothing after a while you can assume they closed it and you can confirm such through infopass.

ceadsearc   516

Very odd, and does sound like they have something suspicious, but like capri said, there is little you can do. I would just sit tight, personally - if they are suspicious, they will contact you or come back. Perhaps ask your landlord to call you immediately if they return so you can show them around.

OUR TIMELINE I am the USC, husband is adjusting from B2. ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS 08.06.2010 - Sent off I-485 08.25.2010 - NOA hard copies received (x4), case status available online: 765, 131, 130. 10.15.2010 - RFE received: need 2 additional photos for AP. 10.18.2010 - RFE response sent certified mail 10.21.2010 - Service request placed for biometrics 10.25.2010 - RFE received per USCIS 10.26.2010 - Text/email received - AP approved! 10.28.2010 - Biometrics appointment received, dated 10/22 - set for 11/19 @ 3:00 PM 11.01.2010 - Successful biometrics walk-in @ 9:45 AM; EAD card sent for production text/email @ 2:47 PM! I-485 case status now available online. 11.04.2010 - Text/Email (2nd) - EAD card sent for production 11.08.2010 - Text/Email (3rd) - EAD approved 11.10.2010 - EAD received 12.11.2010 - Interview letter received - 01.13.11 01.13.2011 - Interview - no decision on the spot 01.24.2011 - Approved! Card production ordered! REMOVAL OF CONDITIONS 11.02.2012 - Mailed I-751 packet to VSC 11.08.2012 - Checks cashed 11.10.2012 - NOA1 received, dated 11.06.2012 11.17.2012 - Biometrics letter received for 12.05.2012 11.23.2012 - Successful early biometrics walk-in

05.03.2013 - Approved! Card production ordered!


Filing in November 2013

Rebecca Jo

Rebecca Jo   1,962

I think something is odd here.

I think either no immigration officer really came to your house.

Or one did but the visit should have occurred before your interview.

Or that someone called upon your landlord who is not connected with the Service.

Personally I would want to get to the bottom of this. I would get an Infopass appointment for the interviewing office, go as a couple, and ask to speak to the Supervisor.

OR........having stepped away from the computer, it occurred to me that such a visit might have been spurred by something else. Did you tell your interviewing officer that you live with your relative?

Our journey together on this earth has come to an end.

I will see you one day again, my love.

Harpa Timsah

Harpa Timsah   13,258

I have noticed reports of increased ICE activity of late. I think they recently changed their protocol. One person was told to come in for an "ICE interview" a week after sending their application. People here told him it was a scam, but he went and it was real and seemingly perfunctory. Other such stories have popped up recently too.

AOS for my husband 8/17/10: INTERVIEW DAY (day 123) APPROVED!! ROC: 5/23/12: Sent out package 2/06/13: APPROVED!


BlueDevil   61

I too would get an Infopass appointment to see if I could get some answers. They obviously came by for a reason. I personally would be a basket case thinking about the what ifs if I didn't get any definitive answers.

My USCIS Journey...

I had an I-485 filing already submitted through an employment-based application. Post-marriage, I submitted an I-130, which after being approved was interfiled with the existing I-485 .

Interfiling/ AOS Timeline:

01/03/14 - Day 274 - Interfiling request received by USCIS

04/03/14 - Day 364 - Interfiling service request sent

04/30/14 - Day 391 - Second interfiling service request sent

05/19/14 - Day 410 - Email sent asking for case status update

06/04/14 - Day 426 - Response received that I-485 was transferred to NBC

06/05/14 - Day 427 - I-485 updated to "sent to local office for processing"

07/02/14 - Day 454 - Status changed to testing & interview. Interview date August 4!!

08/04/14 - Day 487 - Mini-Stokes interview . IO intended on approving AOS but the computer did not show I-130 approval. The wait goes on...

08/18/14 - Day 501 - Spoke with Tier 2 IO - said that my I-485 is approved but no card prodn ordered. Asked to call back in 2 weeks if no update.

08/29/14 - Day 512 - Spoke with Tier 2 IO - said that my I-485 was not approved yet, but my file was with an IO for a decision

09/03/14 - Day 517 - Wrote a request to my Congressman asking for assistance

09/09/14 - Day 523 - Status updated to Card/Document Production

09/15/14 - Day 529 - Status update - Card mailed to address on record/permanent resident status registered

09/15/14 - Day 529 - Status update - Card picked up by USPS.

09/16/14 - Day 530 - GREEN CARD RECEIVED IN THE MAIL!!

I-751 Timeline:

05/25/16 - Day 000 - I-751packet mailed to CSC

05/27/16 - Day 002 - I-751 packet received at CSC

06/02/16 - Day 008 - Check cashed

06/03/16 - Day 009 - NOA1 received. Receipt Date: 05/27/16

06/10/16 - Day 016 - Biometrics appointment notice received - appointment date 6/22/16

06/22/16 - Day 028 - Biometrics Appointment - complete

01/04/17 - Day 224 - Status update - ROC Approved!  Card production ordered.

01/09/17 - Day 229 - Status update - Approval notice letter received.  Also received a notification that the card has been mailed.

01/11/17 - Day 231 - Card received in the mail!

N-400 Timeline:

12/02/20 - Day 000 - N-400 application submitted online; case received.

01/06/20 - Day 035 - Biometrics reuse notification  received.

04/01/21 - Day 119 - Voluntary withdrawal N-400 Application .

N-400 Resubmission:

11/02/22 - Day 000 - N-400 application submitted online; case received.

11/02/22 - Day 000 - Biometrics reuse notification  received.

01/05/22 - Day 064 - Interview scheduled for 02/14/23 .

02/14/23 - Day 104 - N-400 Approved! 

08/18/23 - Day 289 - Oath Ceremony notice received - scheduled for 09/29/23.

09/29/23 - Day 331 - Oath Ceremony

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  • OECD: Further guidance on Pillar One Amount B and Pillar Two global minimum tax

Further information relating to Amount B of Pillar One and the global minimum tax under Pillar Two

Further information relating to Amount B and the global minimum tax

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The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) today announced further information relating to Amount B of Pillar One and the global minimum tax under Pillar Two. Read the OECD release .

Amount B of Pillar One

The report on Amount B was published in February 2024 and provides a simplified and streamlined approach to the application of the arm's length principle to baseline marketing and distribution activities, with a particular focus on the needs of low-capacity countries. Read TaxNewsFlash . The OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (IF) has now completed design aspects, allowing jurisdictions to begin with implementation.

The guidance published today provides:

  • The definitions of “qualifying jurisdictions” within the meaning of section 5.2 and 5.3 of the Amount B guidance that will facilitate adjustments to the return calculated under the simplified and streamlined approach for tested parties located in those qualifying jurisdictions.
  • The definition of “covered jurisdictions” within scope of the political commitment on Amount B that recognises that subject to their domestic legislation and administrative practices, members of the Inclusive Framework commit to respect the outcome determined under the simplified and streamlined approach to in-scope transactions where such an approach is applied by a covered jurisdiction and to take all reasonable steps to relieve potential double taxation that may arise from the application of the simplified and streamlined approach by a covered jurisdiction where there is a bilateral tax treaty in effect between the relevant jurisdictions. The approach developed to produce the list of covered jurisdictions facilitates tax certainty for jurisdictions most interested in implementing Amount B from 1 January 2025. Notably, the list includes Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico and South Africa, which have all expressed an interest to the Inclusive Framework in adopting Amount B.

Further work on the Pillar One package, including the Amount B framework, is ongoing. Read TaxNewsFlash .

The IF also released guidance to clarify and simplify the application of the global minimum tax and an overview of the process for recognising qualified status for the legislation of jurisdictions implementing the global anti-base erosion (GloBE) rules.

  • Provides simplified procedures allowing multinational enterprises (MNE) groups to aggregate various categories of deferred tax liabilities to determine if they have reversed within five years and thus do not need to be recaptured;
  • Clarifies the methodology for determining deferred tax assets and liabilities for GloBE purposes;
  • Offers further guidance on the allocation of cross-border current and deferred taxes;
  • Clarifies how rules regarding the allocation of profits and taxes on certain flow-through tax structures should operate; and
  • Addresses the treatment of securitization vehicles under a jurisdiction's domestic minimum top-up tax to prevent volatile outcomes under the GloBE rules
  • Country-by-country reporting (CbCR) safe harbor guidance —In December 2022, the Inclusive Framework agreed a simplification to the GloBE rules with the Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour, which is based on financial information used for purposes of CbCR. Further guidance released in December 2023 on the application of the Transitional CbCR Safe Harbor and additional interpretative guidance on CbCR released on May 27, 2024, ensure the consistent treatment of intragroup payments across jurisdictions, thereby avoiding the need for further adjustments under the global minimum tax. 

KPMG observation : Although included in today's OECD release, this information is not new and was released in late May 2024. Read TaxNewsFlash

  • Qualified status —As part of the “common approach” to the global minimum tax adopted in October 2021, the IF members that implement the GloBE rules have committed to a consistent and coordinated application to minimize compliance costs and the risk of double or over-taxation. The GloBE rules include a specific rule order to prevent a jurisdiction from imposing top-up tax on an MNE's low tax profits if those profits have already been taxed under “qualified” rules in another jurisdiction. A streamlined process for recognising which jurisdictions have qualified rules has been established, providing certainty that these rules will be recognised as qualified by other implementing jurisdictions during a transitional period while a full legislative review is conducted. This mechanism ensures MNEs understand which jurisdictions’ rules they must comply with according to the agreed rule order. A “question and answer” (Q&A) document has been published, which summarizes the main features of this transitional qualification mechanism. Importantly, this document clarifies that if a jurisdiction losses its qualified status the effect with not apply retrospectively, providing additional certainty to MNE Groups.

journey to home status

journey to home status


Exploring the intersections between housing, migration and health in Western Australia

What College World Series games are on Tuesday? Two teams will be eliminated

journey to home status

The field is narrowing as the Men's College World Series moves closer to the best-of-three championship series, beginning Saturday.

A pair of elimination games are on tap Tuesday at Charles Schwab Field in Omaha, Nebraska – while the two remaining undefeated teams in the tournament (Tennessee and Texas A&M) get to cool their heels for another day to see who they'll face Wednesday.

Tuesday's opener will pit ACC rivals North Carolina and Florida State against each other, while the nightcap will have Kentucky taking on Florida in an all-SEC matchup.

Here's what to know about the Men's College World Series on Tuesday:

What College World Series games are on Tuesday?

The 2024 Men's College World Series continues on Tuesday, June 18, with a pair of games.

  • North Carolina vs. Florida State, 2 p.m. ET
  • Kentucky vs. Florida, 7 p.m. ET

How to watch Tuesday's College World Series games

Both of Tuesday's games will be broadcast live on ESPN and streamed online on ESPN+.


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  2. 40 Quotes about "Returning" and "Going Home"

    32. "When you've been out in the world like I have, you'll realize that there's no joy like going home.". 33. "Going home is a gift many will never receive. Treasure your home. Hold it sacred.". 34. "When I have left behind my legacy and my work is done, I am going home.". 35.

  3. Quotes about Returning Home After Travel

    The best journey takes you home. No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. - Lin Yutang. A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. — George Moore. The road home is never too long, because the heart makes the journey easy.

  4. 50 Life Journey Quotes to Inspire You and Make You Think

    24. "The journey becomes the destination when we embrace the moments in between." -Samya Chauhan. 25. "The journey of life is surprisingly beautiful if you take time to look around.". - Unknown. 26. "Our life's journey of self-discovery is not a straight-line rise from one level of enlightenment to another.

  5. Notre Dame Commit Will Black Took Fascinating Journey To Five-Star Status

    It has been a fascinating journey for 2025 Wallingford (Conn.) Choate Rosemary Hall offensive tackle Will Black, who committed to Notre Dame back in December. At the time, Black was a well-liked ...

  6. 2024 Best Happy Journey Status for WhatsApp

    Best collection of happy journey status for WhatsApp. 1. Life isn't easy and we have to embark on some journey to better destinations. I wish you a safe trip to wherever you're heading to. 2. We have to strive to make life better and it is not a surprise you have to relocate. I pray your ways be safe as you journey to a better place.

  7. The Best 50 Quotes About Home

    A home is made of hopes and dreams.". "Home is not a place…it's a feeling.". "With you, I am home.". "What I love most about my home is who I share it with.". "There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home.". "Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.". "There ...

  8. [Best Amazing] Travel Status & Quotes For A Travel Lover

    A journey is a time suspended. Amazing travel is my passion. Travel is the dream of travelers. Life is a journey through time. Solo traveler holiday destinations. "Exploring the hidden gems of [current destination] ". "Lost in the beauty of [destination] - where every street tells a story.". "Chasing sunsets and making memories in ...

  9. 175 Warm and Heartfelt Safe Journey Wishes for Friend!

    Sending blessings for a journey as smooth as the open road and as sweet as home. May your steps be light, your heart be free, and your journey be filled with glee. Safe travels, friend. May your adventure be etched in sunshine and laughter. With open arms and hearts, we await your safe and happy return.

  10. Hero's Journey: A Complete Guide to the Hero's Journey Steps

    The 12 steps of the hero's journey. The hero's journey ends where it begins, back at the beginning after a quest of epic proportions. The 12 steps are separated into three acts: departure (1-5) initiation (5-10) return (10-1) The hero journeys through the 12 steps in a clockwise fashion. As Campbell explains:

  11. Hardik Pandya's Personal Life: Journey to Success and Romantic

    Hardik Pandya's Current Relationship Status Hardik Pandya is currently married to Serbian model, actress, and dancer Nataa Stankovi. The couple got engaged on January 1, 2020, and tied the knot on May 31, 2020, in a low-key court wedding during the COVID-19 lockdown.

  12. Safe Journey Wishes, Messages and Quotes (2024)

    See more here ⇒ Safe Travel Quotes for your Love. Safe Journey Quotes to You from Me. The best prize one can ever get, Is the one freely given. I wish you the best of your journey as you travel. Safe journey love. From me to you, Wishing you the safest of all journey, And eager to see you back home.

  13. Robert Hartwell Renovates 'Plantation-Style' Home to Honor Ancestors on

    The actor documents his journey on 'Breaking New Ground,' premiering June 27 on Max Natalia Senanayake is an Editorial Assistant, Lifestyle at PEOPLE. She covers all things travel and home, from ...

  14. Sister Wives Star Christine Brown Shows Off Home Gym Workout After

    Sister Wives star Christine Brown is revealing her weight-loss makeover in a new video where she gives fans a tour of her amazing home gym. Christine split from Kody Brown in November 2021. They had been in a spiritual marriage since 1994. Christine was Kody's third wife and the couple welcomed six kids together before their reality TV debut in 2010. . Christine left the plural marriage in ...

  15. The Hero's Journey: Step-By-Step Guide with Examples

    The Hero's Journey is a common story structure for modeling both plot points and character development. A protagonist embarks on an adventure into the unknown. They learn lessons, overcome adversity, defeat evil, and return home transformed. Joseph Campbell, a scholar of literature, popularized the monomyth in his influential work The Hero ...

  16. Boeing Starliner return: Astronauts stay at ISS extended, NASA says

    On the heels of a successful launch last week, the return of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft to Earth from the International Space Station has been delayed until at least next week.. On June 5, NASA ...

  17. Journey to Homeownership

    The core part of the J2H initiative is a down payment assistance program. Our actions and work are in support of the One Economy Blue Print for Action and the goal to increase African American homeownership in Polk County by 2% from 2020 to 2023. Neighborhood Finance Corporation (NFC) has been awarded $1M in grant funds through the CDFI Fund ...

  18. Journey to Home

    Fally Klein is a hypnotherapist and intimacy counselor in Brooklyn NY. She is also the lead facilitator at Journey to Home, a self-discovery weekend retreat....

  19. Has Work From Home Become A New Status Symbol?

    There's no point denying it. Call it what you want, but working from home as a new status symbol is more than just semantics. "The new class," "the new aristocracy," "the new elite," "the lucky ones," etc. I ran out of quote marks. ... Insights from Virginie Glaenzer's Journey to Success

  20. New Mexico wildfires map: Ruidoso residents forced to evacuate

    Residents in the New Mexico village of Ruidoso were forced to evacuate following wildfires. A map shows the spread of the blazes.

  21. Willie Mays' GOAT status secured by famous catch, preposterous stats

    Still, the greatness endured: In 1965, as a 34-year-old, Mays hit 52 home runs, posted major league-leading OBP (.398) and OPS (1.043) totals, and had a career-best 185 adjusted OPS. (Hitting 52 ...

  22. PNR Status (Check IRCTC PNR Status)

    PNR Status with passenger names and journey details; PNR chart prepared information and last-moment updates directly delivered to your Mobile App(Install ConfirmTkt APP) Check PNR status and waitlist PNR prediction of IRCTC. PNR Status of IRCTC Train tickets can be checked on ConfirmTkt using your PNR number. ...

  23. Hero's Journey: Get a Strong Story Structure in 12 Steps

    9. Reward (Seizing the Sword) In which the Hero sees light at the end of the tunnel. Our Hero's been through a lot. However, the fruits of their labor are now at hand — if they can just reach out and grab them! The "reward" is the object or knowledge the Hero has fought throughout the entire journey to hold.

  24. Does everyone get a USCIS home visit?

    Home visits are extremely rare and it is even rarer for a working spouse to be at home during the day if they do visit. They would be looking for evidence he lives there. If there is one toothbrush, only ladies clothes in the closet, none of his mail or his things in the house, that would trigger interest or suspicion that you are not living as ...

  25. Tennessee vs Florida State LIVE Updates

    Smith hits a chopper up the middle, Tennessee throws West out at home. Runners on first and third one out. Tibbs III hits a grounder to first base and the Volunteers turn the double play to end ...

  26. Immigration Officer came to my house but we are not home

    ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS 08.06.2010 - Sent off I-485 08.25.2010 - NOA hard copies received (x4), case status available online: 765, 131, 130. 10.15.2010 - RFE received: need 2 additional photos for AP. 10.18.2010 - RFE response sent certified mail 10.21.2010 - Service request placed for biometrics 10.25.2010 - RFE received per USCIS

  27. OECD: Guidance on Pillar One Amount B and Pillar Two

    Qualified status—As part of the "common approach" to the global minimum tax adopted in October 2021, the IF members that implement the GloBE rules have committed to a consistent and coordinated application to minimize compliance costs and the risk of double or over-taxation. The GloBE rules include a specific rule order to prevent a ...

  28. JOURNEY TO HOME in Grand Rapids, MI

    JOURNEY TO HOME is a Michigan Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed on June 22, 2022. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 802875370. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Jane M. Brouwer, Cpnp and is located at 2046 Osceola Drive, S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506. The company's mailing address is 2046 ...

  29. Home

    JOURNEY TO HOME. Exploring the intersections between housing, migration and health in Western Australia. Learn More. EMAIL US. [email protected]. FIND US. Building 400, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, Bentley, WA. CALL US +61 8 9266 4851.

  30. 2024 College World Series schedule: Matchups, TV for Tuesday's games

    What College World Series games are on Tuesday? The 2024 Men's College World Series continues on Tuesday, June 18, with a pair of games. North Carolina vs. Florida State, 2 p.m. ET