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Date un vuelo sin sorpresas... y el precio final desde el inicio

Hay trenes que pasan una vez, y otra, y otra...

Elegimos el mejor ferry para tu bolsillo

Las comparaciones son odiosas, menos la nuestra

Todas las opciones de ocio: urbanas, parques, culturales, ....

¡Siente la magia de Disney!

Seis mundos fantásticos llenos de aventuras y sorpresas

Descubre los mejores destinos para tus vacaciones

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Escapadas de Fin de semana

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Capitales Europeas

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Caribe al mejor precio

Región de Murcia

Región de Murcia

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Los chollos de la semana


VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER VACACIONAL: Sea cual sea su preferencia, con Estancias Vacacionales encontrará el alojamiento adecuado para usted. Podrá ele...

VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER VACACIONAL: Sea cual sea su preferencia, con Estancias...

¿A qué destino me voy?

costa blanca travel agency

La isla tranquila del archipiélago Balear, más sencilla que sus islas vecinas ofrece maravillosas playas y calas rocosas

Menorca es un destino ideal para familias con el deseo de descansar, realizando visitas culturales y descubriendo maravillosas playas donde reina la tranquilidad. Menorca tiene sitios estupendos que visitar como Ciudadela, Fornells y Binibeca. Sin lugar a dudas se trata de un destino apto para todos...

costa blanca travel agency

Bella isla del mediterráneo, en el archipiélago Balear

Aquí, en el afamado “centro de turismo mundial” vas a encontrar todo tipo de atracciones que harán de tus vacaciones en Mallorca una experiencia inolvidable. ¿A qué esperas para visitarla?

costa blanca travel agency

Ven a visitar sus numerosos monumentos patrimonio de la Humanidad y entender su cultura local, única en el mundo.

Marrakech está dividida en dos partes, al igual que otras ciudades imperiales marroquíes. Su centro con la gran Medina, lugar conocido como la ciudad vieja, es un lugar que se encuentra rodeado por bastiones espectaculares de tierra roja, y fuera de las murallas, la ville nouvelle o ciudad nueva, ci...

costa blanca travel agency

¿Te apetece conocer esas playas paradisíacas, templos y paisajes tropicales?

Sin lugar a dudas Tailandia es uno de los lugares más visitados de Asia, esto se debe a la combinación perfecta entre infraestructura para el turismo y su exotismo como destino para todos los occidentales.

costa blanca travel agency

¡Descubre la magia de Berlín!

Sumérgete en la rica cultura de esta ciudad vibrante, explorando museos de renombre mundial. Saborea la deliciosa cocina alemana en acogedores restaurantes locales y disfruta de los colores cálidos del otoño en los hermosos parques de la ciudad. ¡No te pierdas los emocionantes eventos culturales y f...

costa blanca travel agency

Fuerteventura, también es conocida como “La Playa de Canarias”.

Es un destino ideal para toda la familia. Sorprende con más de tres mil horas de sol al año. Compagina zonas de actividad turística con pueblos pesqueros o rincones vírgenes en los que el tiempo se detiene. La isla es un paraíso para los amantes del surf, famosa en toda Europa. También ha sido decla...

costa blanca travel agency

El Salvador

¡Descubre El Salvador!

Desde las olas de Oriente Salvaje hasta las vibrantes calles de Surf City. Explora nuestra historia en las rutas arqueológicas y disfruta del auténtico sabor de la Ruta del Café. ¿Listo para una aventura inolvidable?

costa blanca travel agency

Un gran número de atractivos para el deleite de los turistas

Es el lugar ideal para poder disfrutar de unas vacaciones de primera en compañía de los amigos o de la familia. Por esta razón, anímate y ven a pasar los mejores de tu vida en esta ciudad inglesa. No te arrepentiras, asegurado.

costa blanca travel agency

La isla más visitada del Archipiélago Canario

Tenerife, ubicada en el Océano Atlántico, es conocida como “la isla de la eterna primavera”. Esta isla volcánica se presenta como un maravilloso destino reconocido internacionalmente, por sus maravillosas playas y sol casi todo el año.

costa blanca travel agency

¡Descubre un Brasil espectacular en cada experiencia!

En Brasil, la sostenibilidad es nuestra esencia, la cultura es nuestra identidad, la naturaleza es nuestra riqueza, el deporte es nuestra pasión, la aventura es nuestro espíritu y la gastronomía es nuestro deleite.

costa blanca travel agency

La sorprendente Arabia es el duodécimo país más grande del mundo. Cuenta con islas idílicas en el mar Rojo y aguas cristalinas para bucear hasta cumbres montañosas y oasis en el desierto. Un país lleno de sabores, vistas y sonidos intensos que deleitarán tus sentidos de la mano de música, baile, caf...

costa blanca travel agency

Te sorprenderás al ver las grandes extensiones floridas del interior de la isla y de sus acantilados

Antiguamente la isla estaba cubierta por esta especie casi en su totalidad, pero los colonos portugueses prendieron fuego a las extensiones para establecer granjas y cultivos.

costa blanca travel agency

Puro Caribe

Riviera Maya es la joya del turismo de costa en México. Sus playas paradisíacas de arena inmaculada, los arrecifes de coral, los cenotes, la gastronomía, las imponentes ruinas de la antigua civilización maya y el buen clima hacen de esta parte del estado de Quintana Roo uno de los destinos imprescin...

costa blanca travel agency

Es magia y es pasión

Disfruta de un entorno maravilloso paseando por las calles de La Habana Vieja, por el Vedado o el Malecón. Sus edificios coloniales y sus coches de época te trasladarán a un mundo de tesón y carácter. Nos adentramos en su historia visitando el monumento al Che en Santa Clara, las ciudades de Camagüe...

costa blanca travel agency

País de contrastes

Pocas civilizaciones han logrado armonizar fascinantes y misteriosas tradiciones centenarias con la más rabiosa modernidad tecnológica como la nipona...

costa blanca travel agency

La capital de Francia posee un gran número de encantos turísticos para el deleite de los viajeros que arriban hasta su territorio

Esta ciudad es el destino perfecto para poder disfrutar de unos días de relax y confort en compañía del glamour y la cultura. Por este motivo, anímate y ven junto a la familia o los amigos, a conocer sus restaurantes, sus tiendas y sus bares.

costa blanca travel agency

Conoce todo sobre las atracciones, lugares de interés y los mejores destinos en la linda isla de Ibiza... ¡Diversión total!

¡Playa, sol y fiesta! Visita la bella isla de Ibiza, una de las más bellas islas del archipiélago balear, el destino ideal para disfrutar de las mejores celebraciones en Europa y vivir inolvidables momentos en las preciosas playas de esta maravillosa isla.

costa blanca travel agency

Costa Cálida

Costa Cálida, en la Región de Murcia es un destino conocido por sus hermosos paisajes naturales, experiencias inolvidables y una rica tradición gastronómica.

costa blanca travel agency

Sumérgete en la aventura y la naturaleza de Costa Rica.

Explora selvas vírgenes, conquista cascadas ocultas y observa la vida silvestre en su hábitat natural. ¡Descubre un paraíso de aventura en cada rincón de este hermoso país!

costa blanca travel agency

Marruecos ¡Descúbrelo!

Marruecos fascina por su riqueza cultural y paisajista. Cuenta con playas interminables, las cumbres nevadas del Atlas, jardines, desiertos e incluso oasis. En sus Ciudades imperiales donde las calles se llenan de sonidos, colores y sabores sorprendentes, dan forma a un país mágico.

costa blanca travel agency

También es conocida como “La Playa de Canarias”

Es un destino ideal para toda la familia que sorprende con más de tres mil horas de sol al año. Compagina zonas de actividad turística con pueblos pesqueros o rincones vírgenes en los que el tiempo se detiene. La isla es un paraíso para los amantes del surf, famosa en toda Europa. También ha sido de...

costa blanca travel agency

En Chile, cada rincón es una aventura esperando ser descubierta.

Desde sus majestuosos paisajes naturales como el Desierto de Atacama o la Patagonia, hasta la riqueza de su diversidad cultural y los mejores cielos para el astroturismo, cada experiencia te llevará a un viaje infinito. ¡Únete a nosotros y sé parte de un futuro más sostenible mientras disfrutas del ...

costa blanca travel agency

Disfruta del maravilloso arte romano en la ciudad eterna

Visita la bella capital de Italia y déjate cautivar por todas las alternativas turísticas que posee. No pierdas la oportunidad de conocer el Foro Palatino, el Coliseo Romano, la Iglesia del Gesú, el Domus Aurea, el Museo Vaticano, el Panteón, la basílica de San Pietro in Vincoli, la Fuente de Trevi ...

costa blanca travel agency

Es conocida como la joya del Mediterráneo por sus magníficas costas

En Malta hay gran cantidad de playas; muchas de ellas son de roca, pero también es posible encontrar preciosas y amplias playas de arena dorada, bañadas por las aguas azules del Mediterráneo, como si de un paraíso se tratara.

costa blanca travel agency

Quintana Roo

En el sureste de México

Descubre un destino único que ofrece una combinación impresionante de arqueología maya, cultura, cenotes y ríos subterráneos, buceo en arrecifes de coral, pesca en alta mar y actividades ideales para viajes en familia. Además, su gastronomía yucateca te deleitará con sabores auténticos en el entorno...

costa blanca travel agency

República Dominicana

Visita República Dominicana

El paraíso que lo tiene todo para hacer turismo en cada rincón. Enamórate de sus playas de arena blanca y del azul turquesa del mar, explora sus parques naturales entre cuevas, cenotes y cascadas, recorre sus ciudades coloniales y disfruta de su variada gastronomía con los sabores más típicos del Ca...

costa blanca travel agency

Es la localidad más visitada de República Dominicana, situada al este de la misma

Punta Cana, que se encuentra entre los mejores destinos de golf del mundo, es la viva imagen del ocio. Algunos cursos los han diseñado golfistas profesionales, por lo que plantean al viajero un sereno desafío con el que disfrutar de este deporte en plenas vacaciones.

costa blanca travel agency

Viaja a las playas de la Costa Esmeralda, Capriccioli, Liscia Ruja, Spiaggia del Principe y muchas otras

El tramo de hermosa costa, conocida como la Costa Esmeralda tiene algunas hermosas playas y calas y aguas cristalinas excelentes para el buceo. Porto Cervo es el puerto principal, que resplandece con magníficos yates.

costa blanca travel agency

Descubre su historia

Estados Unidos ofrece rutas de lo más variadas con las que conocer su historia, empaparse de su cultura, sorprenderse con la inmensidad de sus paisajes naturales, divertirse en numerosos parques temáticos y espectáculos… Un país para todo tipo de viajeros. Aquí te dejamos algunas recomendaciones, a ...

costa blanca travel agency

La Isla reúne en su mesa los mejores ingredientes del Atlántico, marinados con excelentes vinos y malvasías

En las Islas Afortunadas, las Hespérides, o más comúnmente conocidas Islas Canarias se encuentra la volcánica isla de Lanzarote, perteneciente a la provincia de Las Palmas. Dicen que ninguna isla es igual a otra y que entre todas se conforma una paisaje variopinto.

6 razones para reservar tus viajes en nuestra agencia




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En COSTA BLANCA TRAVEL AGENCY, ubicada en SANTA POLA (ALICANTE) te ofrecemos una amplia y completa oferta de viajes: Paquetes, Circuitos, Cruceros, Escapadas, Grandes Viajes,... y todas las opciones en hoteles y servicios de transporte (vuelos, trenes, ferries, rent a car,...). Realiza tus reservas o presupuestos on-line, y si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en contactar con nuestros agentes expertos.



De lunes a viernes: 09:00h - 14:00h


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Agencia de viajes en SANTA POLA

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Choc & Shop

The coastal town of Villajoyosa is famous for its brightly coloured houses that adorn the Mediterranean shoreline.  This special little town is known as “Chocolate city” as it is home to some of the finest chocolatiers in Spain and the largest chocolate factory “Valor”.

Algar Waterfalls (Afternoon)

The village of Algar is in complete contrast to Benidorm and really is a holiday must. There is something for everyone at this beautiful paradise. The Waterfalls are such a peaceful place, where you can just sit and relax while dipping your toes in the icy cold water in one of the many pools. For the more adventurous there are areas designated for diving into the icy cold waters if you dare!

Coast & Caves

An action-packed coach trip taking you to some of the most interesting and colourful parts of the Costa Blanca. Suitable for all the family, the Coast & Caves excursion includes visits to a medieval village, a beautiful coastal town, stunning countryside and some facinating caves. This is a full day excursion that will leave you with lovely memories of a fun and interesting day out.

Algar Waterfalls (Morning)

No visit to the Costa Blanca is complete without a trip to it’s jewel in the crown “Guadalest”. This fortified village perched precariously on a mountain top, is surrounded by some of the highest points in the province of Alicante, the Sierra Aixorta, Sierra Aitana and Sierra Serrella. Enjoy around three hours of free time to explore this beautiful town.

Jalon Valley

Spain is famous for its winemaking and arguably produces some of the worlds finest wines and the Costa Blanca is no exception.

Located just 30-40 miutes away from Benidorm, you will find the award winning wine making region of Jalon, set in a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains.

Benidorm Fancy Dress

Benidorm’s famous annual Fancy Dress Party takes place on the Thursday after the November Fiestas. Thousands of British people, both residents and visitors are joined by people of other nationalities to participate in Europe’s biggest fancy dress street party.

Elvis at the Blue Lagoon (Turkey) 2024 Ticket Only

After the success of the very 1st Elvis at the Blue Lagoon, this event will be returning on Thursday 20th June 2024 for a second year. 

Moors & Christians Benidorm

The Moors and Christians Fiesta  (Moros y Cristianos)  is a tradition dating back to the 16th Century, and commemorates Christians’ triumph after the great battle which took place in the 13th Century, ending the Moors’ 800 year rule of Spain.

Elvis in Benidorm 2025 Weekend Ticket

2025 on sale now.

Spain’s biggest event dedicated to "The King of Rock & Roll" returns to Benidorm in 2025 for the fifteenth year running and promises to be bigger and better than before. Event takes place from 25th to 27th April 2025.

Elvis at the Blue Lagoon (Turkey) 2024 Package

Benidorm fallas.

The Fallas is a traditional celebration held in commemoration of San José (Saint Joseph) in the Valencian Community. The word Fallas  (or Falles in Valenciano)  can refer either to the celebrations themselves or to the giant, colourful papier-mâché effigies which are eventually burnt on the final night of the celebrations.

City Bike Rental

12€ per day / 45€ per week

Banana Boat

Fun for all of the family on the Benidorm banana boat!  Hold on tight and enjoy the bumpy ride as you’re towed through the sea.. Try not to  fall off! Life jacket and helmet provided. Participants must be able to swim. The banana boat seats up to ten people.

Enjoy the thrills and spills of the biggest karting circuit on the Costa Blanca. The Karting Finestrat track is 1.3 kms long, 10 meters wide with plenty of bends and curves. Choose from a kart which will reach speeds of 50km/h up to the competition kart which reaches speeds of 120km/h. By far the most popular track in the area, and the number one choice for stag parties.

A great way to get out and about and discover some of the area’s hidden treasures. There’s a choice of four different routes for these fun tours, ranging from one to three hours in length.

City Bike Rental (Calpe)

15€ per day / 85€ per week

Electric Bike Rental (Calpe)

25€ per day / 150€ per week


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Worldwide Horizons



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Duration: 10

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Duration: 9

La Zenia, Spain

Meet WorldWide Horizons

Worldwide Horizons is the evolution of Estival Tours, a Travel Agency which was setup here on the Orihuela Costa about 12 years ago. It has been operating as Worldwide Horizons since 2012 in La Zenia firstly in it´s premises next to Paddy's Point, and now in a new office in Calle Alhambra 18, next door to EasyCover La Zenia, Mapfre and Inmo Investments.

Stunning cruises - Around the Med or further afield!

We offer bespoke holiday planning to find you the perfect package

We speak English, Spanish, French and have good knowledge of German too!

The very finest hotels in the most tunning locations!

Meet Worldwide Horizons

FEATURED - Menorca! 4* All Inclusive

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Hotel Globales Almirante Farragut from MEDIENKLINIK on Vimeo .

Reports from the Worldwide horizon!

news and updates

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  • October 17, 2022


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  • October 8, 2020

Great news for everyone living in the Valencia Region – the Valencian Government are earmarking around 11M€ to help boost… Read more »

  • September 25, 2019


  • September 19, 2019

Check your passport for travel to Europe after Brexit on the below link: –

  • March 3, 2024

Monday and Friday – By appointment onlyTuesday to Thursday 10:00 – 14:00Saturdays & Sundays – Closed Emergency Contact DetailsWhatsapp +34689140360… Read more »

our happy clients


Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi

Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi

Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi

"Thank you so much for all the EXCELLENT arrangements you made for us...we have had the most amazing holiday... KUALA LUMPUR Fraser Place..."... Read more


Egyptian Voyager with Trafalgar

"The trip went well and we really enjoyed the sights. I liked Karnak temple very much and the museums in Luxor and Alexandria. And the Sphinx..."... Read more

Canary Island Cruise with Pullmantur from Tenerife

Pullmantur Canary Cruise

Canary Island Cruise with Pullmantur from Tenerife

"We have a great time at the Pullman cruise! Nice staff, perfect come-in, good room, good food!..."... Read more


St. Petersburg & Sochi

"We had a fantastic time, thank you.  Now we just have to save up to go back again!  We could easily have spent another 4 or 5 days in St..."... Read more


MSC Dubai Cruise

"Just got back from Dubai cruise you booked for us. It was amazing. Thank you so much...."... Read more

United States

The Tastes and Sounds of the South

United States

"Just returned from a nine night holiday with travel company Trafalger. The Tastes and Sounds of the South arranged for us by Rheana, we didn't need..."... Read more


Globales Almirante Farragut

"Hi ladies. Just letting you know how impressed we have been with our stay at Globales Almirante Farragut. Everything was perfect. Spotlessly clean...."... Read more


Treasures of South India

"Thanks for your message. We had a ....FANTASTIC time and it lived up to our expectation. The places visited, the sights and scenery and companions..."... Read more

Singapore, Bangkok & more!

Costa Cruise Singapore

Singapore, Bangkok & more!

"Hi Laura, Well the whole holiday far exceeded our expectations and I would definitely recommend a cruise with Costa. Firstly the flights with..."... Read more

Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur & more!

Thailand & Malaysia

Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur & more!

"Dear yvonne n the team!! Just wanted to say thankyou all guys for a fantastic holiday..we had a ball..lots of adventures n laughs n great..."... Read more

Our multilingual team in La Zenia is waiting to hear from you! - Don´t forget to check your Spam/Junk Mail Folders!

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Thank you for your visiting our website. , ***     new pick ups   ***, la marina & gran alacant, opening times, mon - fri   from  09:30h - 17:00h  , phone us:     +34 965 71 66 15     , whatsapp:   +34 691 49 39 77, email us:       [email protected].

Welcome to Vivalia Travel

NEW PICK UPS:   La Marina Urb & Gran Alacant  

Opening Times

Mon - Fri  from 09:30h - 17:00h

Phone us: +34 965 7166 15

Whatsapp: +34 691493977

Email us: [email protected]

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Travel Del Mar - Travel Agency

Travel Del Mar - Travel Agency

Travel Del Mar is a Travel Agency located on Calle Corbeta in Central Calpe. Their aim is to make booking holidays or travel an easy and relaxing experience.

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Proximity experiences guided by local experts

A team of travel enthusiasts, eager to live and share memorable experiences on the Costa Blanca (Alicante) in Spain .

This project is born with the aim of sharing and preserving the natural beauty, rich history, culture and traditions, delicious gastronomy, and above all, the wonderful people who inhabit this spectacular corner of Spain – the Costa Blanca .

We have been in the tourism sector on the Costa Blanca for over 20 years, and yet, we always discover new experiences and meet new people with attractive and passionate projects . We want to accompany you to discover and live the most authentic experiences of the area.

We won’t tell you that we’re the best in the industry. We believe you, our experiencer , will say that.

What we will say is that we have designed these experiences with great care and affection, using our extensive experience and alongside our local, expert team, who love this area as much as we do, we will make you enjoy the area just as we would like to live it.

Thank you for discovering, living and enjoying the area sustainably.

Thank you for continuing to preserve, respect, and support local small businesses, in harmony with the people behind each of these experiences , as that local and personal touch makes each experience unique… Same same but different.

Postiguet beach with Santa Barbara castle on hilltop.

Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images

Costa Blanca

The long stripe of the Costa Blanca (White Coast) is one of Spain's premier holiday coasts, popular with both domestic and foreign visitors. It's very busy in summer, with a lively social scene and great beaches. Even if that's not your scene, there are still several worthwhile destinations along this coast. Although the original fishing villages have long been engulfed by the sprawl of resorts, a few old-town kernels, such as those at Xàbia (Jávea) and Altea, still survive. Alicante itself has plenty to offer besides legendary nightlife, while Dénia is an enticing blend of traditional fishing town, beach resort and gastronomic destination.


Must-see attractions.

Museum of contemporary art of the city of Alicante.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante

This splendid museum, inside the 17th-century Casa de la Asegurada, has an excellent collection of 20th-century Spanish art, including works by Dalí, Miró…

Street of Altea old town.

Altea Old Town

It's an easy 10-minute stroll back from the beach to this tight-knit hilltop warren of whitewashed houses. It's visually very beautiful and, though the…

 Archaeological museum of the city of Alicante.

Museo Arqueológico de Alicante

This museum has a strong collection of ceramics and Iberian art. Exhibits are displayed to give the visitor a very visual, high-tech experience, and it's…

Castillo de Santa Bárbara

Castillo de Santa Bárbara

There are sweeping views over the city from the ramparts of this large 16th-century castle, which houses a museum recounting the history of the city and…

Castillo de Dénia

Castillo de Dénia

From Plaza de la Constitución steps lead up to the ruins of Dénia’s castle, from where there’s a great overview of the town and coast. The castle grounds…

Parque Natural de las Lagunas de la Mata y Torrevieja

Parque Natural de las Lagunas de la Mata y Torrevieja

Backing Torrevieja are two large lagoons, a pink one used for salt extraction and a green one. They are important habitats for flamingoes and other waders…

Museos Flotantes

Museos Flotantes

Anchored at the dock are a submarine and an old customs boat, both of which you can clamber aboard to explore. Onshore alongside are various other vessels…

Museu de Fogueres

Museu de Fogueres

In addition to a wealth of photographs, costumes and the most popular ninot (effigy) of each year, saved from their normal fiery fate by popular vote,…

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Heather on her travels

A travel guide to the Costa Blanca: plenty to see at any time of year

People have been hopping on planes to the Costa Blanca for decades now. This beautiful stretch of Mediterranean coastline, offers holiday-makers the chance to relax and unwind under the Spanish sun. But what else does the region have to offer? What are the hidden gems of the Costa Blanca? Where are the places off the beaten track, the authentic and enrapturing beauty spots of this Valencian community? Allow me to give you a little insight into the region and, hopefully, help you make the most of a part of Spain we all think we know so well.

Las Arenas beach, Valencia Photo:

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Table of Contents

A guide to the Costa Blanca

Alicante is frustratingly under-explored by people holidaying in the Costa Blanca region. Much more than just an airport and coach station, it is a port-town steeped in history, with parts of its origins dating back to the Iberian Civilization of the 6 th century BC. If you appreciate the history of places you visit, the city and its surroundings are littered with archaeological sites and museums.

If you’re more of a 21 st century kind of traveller or just fancy seeing some of the more modern day sights, the marina of Alicante is a stunning area to while away an afternoon. Surrounded by world-class fish restaurants and boutique shopping destinations, the marina provides a great spot in which to spend a couple of hours. The city’s castle of Santa Barbara is also well worth a look. Take the lift to the summit for just 2€ or, if your legs can take the strain, walk up the steep hill to the castle and enjoy the magnificent view with an ice cream (or something a little stronger and more refreshing, perhaps). A museum and gift shop are also part of the castle.

Tip: head to the Archeological Museum of Alicante in the centre of the city, which was named European Museum of the Year in 2004.

Castillo de Santa Barbara Photo: Paco Cameo of Flickr

Land of high culture and fine dining it is not, but for a down-to-earth, week-at-the-seaside type of experience; Benidorm is where a large part of the Spanish package holiday industry made its name. There are hotels and bars galore and a surprisingly beautiful beach in the centre of the resort, with the scenery and coastline getting ever more remote and beautiful as you head up the coast. El Cisne Rastro market, held every Sunday from around 8 or 9 in the morning is well worth a visit. Held on the N-332 near a large campsite, the market has all the trappings of a genuinely lovely Spanish market. If you want to head further out of the city and reach a slower, more Spanish pace of life, there are hundreds of fantastic resorts scattered around. The Asia Gardens Hotel and Thai Spa , only a few miles from Benidorm, is just one example of five star luxury just a stones throw away from the lights and sounds of the big city! There really is more to the Costa Blanca today than ever before.

Barcelo Asia Gardens Hotel Photo: Barcelo Asia Gardens

Guadalest is one of the most spectacularly beautiful towns in Spain. Tiny at just 200 or so inhabitants, it sits adjacent to a reservoir with several small museums, a church and a scattering of hotels, restaurants and bars, as well as fantastic shops. Officially declared as a spot of natural beauty, as well as historical and artistic value, if you are ever even remotely close, you’ll kick yourself if you don’t spend a day wandering through its picture-perfect calles .

Guadalest Photo: Stephen & Claire Farnsworth of Flickr

The archetypal Spanish fishing village, you won’t believe that Calpe is just a short drive from the hustle and bustle of Benidorm and its skyscrapers. A world away from that, Calpe is slow and steady and typically Spanish, with the pace of life a deliciously slow one! Eat, drink and enjoy the views in this wonderful town. If you have the opportunity, take a meandering stroll through some of the quieter backstreets, away from the waterfront. Here you will discover unpretentious yet exquisite eateries that made this town famous in the first place. With a similar feeling to Altea, another smaller fishing village in the shadow of Benidorm and Alicante, the views are second to none. A walk to some of the higher points around the town, to get those stunning views, are not to be missed!

Calpe Costa Blanca Photo: thdolby of Flickr

Visiting at different times of year

Traditionally us Brits like nothing more than two weeks in the sun sometime around July or August, but the Costa Blanca can offer much more than that. Enjoying a warm, Mediterranean climate most of the year, there are many snatched weekends or mini-breaks to be had in the region at any time of year. Particularly beautiful in early spring and autumn, the region is much quieter because of the reduced tourism but nevertheless retains its beauty and charm. If you’re wanting winter sun, the Costa Blanca can also be a great option, with many resorts and towns remaining fully open and operational, despite the fact you’ll need to pack a cardigan or two if you plan to dine al fresco.

There’s more to the Costa Blanca

I hope I’ve shown that there’s much more to the Costa Blanca than just a place to take the bucket and spade for a week or two! Far from being a place to simply lie on the beach and lose yourself in a good book for days upon days (although of course there’s nothing wrong with that!), the Costa Blanca is an oasis of beauty and a genuine jewel in Spain’s tourism crown; well worth a visit.

Photo credits: Castillo de Santa Barbara by Paco Cameo , Piscina del hotel by Barcelo Asia Gardens , Guadalest by Stephen & Claire Farnsworth , and Calpe Costa Blanca by thdolby .

For more coastal tales:

Seafood on the beach at the Chiringuito in Spain Three days, three beaches on Zante Life’s a beach – watching the surfers at Taghazout – Morocco

This article is brought* to you by Barceló who are one of Spain’s leading tourist companies. Its hotel and travel divisions operate more than 140 hotels in 17 countries and more than 400 travel agencies in 22 countries.

* More info on my policies page

This article is originally published at

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Saturday 10th of December 2016

Costa Blanca can be what you want it to be, a wild night out in Benidorm our a quality meal overlooking cliffs and ocean in Javea

Wednesday 23rd of November 2016

October is a great time to visit, it is quiet, the weather is still good, but not too hot It is just far more pleasant than the main season

Tuesday 15th of October 2013

Guadalest looks amazing perched on gorges

Heather Cowper

@Mark Yes, a very pretty spot, love those Spanish hilltop towns

Lauren Meshkin

Friday 11th of October 2013

I enjoyed this entire post but am thoroughly distracted by the picture of the hotel pool! I need to be there. Thanks for sharing :)

Happy travels!

costa blanca travel agency

Here Comes the Sun: The Agency Debuts Office on Spain’s Costa Blanca North

by Carolyn Meers | Jan 30, 2024

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Sunny days are ahead! The Agency is proud to announce the launch of its new office on Spain’s Costa Blanca North. We’re expanding our presence along Spain’s iconic coastline, with The Agency Costa Blanca North marking our third office in the country, joining locations in Marbella and Mallorca. It will be led by Managing Partners Alistair Barton and Leonie ter Brugge and serve the towns of Moraira, Javea, Calpe, Altea, Denia, and Benitachell. 

“We are thrilled to launch our new office in Costa Blanca North as we continue to prioritize our strategic growth across Europe,” said Mauricio Umansky , CEO and Founder of The Agency. “Alistair Barton and Leonie ter Brugge are trusted experts in the market and we are confident they will serve as exceptional leaders and stewards of The Agency’s culture and brand as we continue to introduce The Agency to coveted markets around the world.”

“The stunning beachside landscapes and accessibility to other parts of Spain and Ibiza make Costa Blanca North the perfect fit for our next office location in Spain,” said Jim Ramsay , Executive Vice President of Franchise Sales at The Agency. “The demand for the Agency brand in Europe continues to excite us and we have found fantastic partners in Alistair Barton and Leonie ter Brugge who we know will represent The Agency well in this next chapter of our global expansion.”


A hidden gem on the coast of Eastern Spain, Costa Blanca North is a ruggedly beautiful region that boasts more than 325 sunny days each year and 220 kilometers of Mediterranean beaches. Its location is at once private and connective; ski slopes are just over 90 minutes by car, and the iconic island of Ibiza is a 2.25-hour ferry ride away. 

Residents and visitors revel in the area’s inviting scenery, culture, Michelin-starred cuisine and distinct real estate, which ranges from the historic homes in Javea and the up-and-coming luxury developments in Calpe and Moraira to the stunning seaside homes in Benisa, Dénia and beyond.  


Alistair Barton brings an impressive 19 years of real estate expertise to The Agency Costa Blanca North, where he holds the role of Managing Partner. Hailing from the United Kingdom, Alistair is known for his exceptional negotiation skills and interpersonal finesse, making him a trusted figure in the real estate realm. In his previous role, Alistair and his team garnered acclaim by clinching two luxury lifestyle awards in both 2022 and 2023, showcasing a track record of excellence. 

Having frequented Costa Blanca North since the early 2000s, he possesses an intimate understanding of each key town in the territory. His expertise spans not only the property market but also the local lifestyle, from the finest dining establishments to hidden gems for walks, sports and beaches. Alistair is dedicated to not just selling properties but also sharing the vibrant outdoor experiences and lifestyle nuances that make Costa Blanca North unique. Having grown up in Warwickshire in the United Kingdom, Alistair’s educational journey took him through college and university, where he cultivated the skills that define his successful career in real estate. 

“We are excited to introduce The Agency’s world-class services to buyers and sellers in the great Costa Blanca North region and to further The Agency’s growth in the country of Spain,” said Alistair. “As residents of this beautiful and unique region, we look forward to introducing it to The Agency’s global network.”


Managing Partner at The Agency Costa Blanca North, Leonie ter Brugge is a seasoned real estate professional with 18 years of experience. Originally from the Netherlands, Leonie’s expertise transcends borders, catering to a diverse clientele, with a particular focus on the luxury market, second-home buyers and investors. 

Having spent nearly two decades in the Costa Blanca real estate market, Leonie possesses specialized knowledge that encompasses the intricacies of buying and selling, necessary paperwork, technical skills, legal aspects and effective negotiation strategies. Her professional journey has been predominantly in real estate, with a brief stint in the mortgage department of a Dutch bank and sales roles with a leading construction company before joining a prominent luxury real estate agency in the area. 

Growing up in the Netherlands, Leonie’s journey led her to Spain at the age of 21. Armed with a background in business economics and office management, she expanded her skill set through various courses. Additionally, she spent nine years in the United Kingdom, working as a Business Manager for an international recruitment company. This diverse background enriches her approach to real estate, combining business acumen with a deep understanding of client needs.

“Costa Blanca North is home to some of Spain’s most stunning beaches and natural landscapes, as well as incredible residential real estate,” said Leonie . “ The Agency’s cutting-edge approach, unparalleled marketing, and solution-based tools and technology will offer unmatched client services to meet the area’s growing demand for white glove service.”

The Agency Costa Blanca North will be located at CTRA Moraira a Calpe, 142, Moraira, Alicante 03724. For more information on available listings, visit XX. 

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Très Chic: A French Chateau-Inspired Estate in Toronto

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HousingWire Interviews Rainy Hake Austin on the Importance of Real Estate Agents in Today’s Market

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Tragic weekend sees five people drown in 72 hours on Spain’s Costa Blanca

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THE start of the peak seaside bathing season has brought five drownings in less than 72 hours on the Costa Blanca.

The first death was on Saturday lunchtime at Benissa’s Cala de la Fustera when two swimmers got into difficulty.

Two people were spotted floating in the water, including a 48-year-old Moldovan tourist who was unable to be revived.

British expat’s horror after seeing body of dead Irishman, 76, left laying on the shore just metres away from sunbathers on Spain’s Costa Blanca

The second person, 60, recovered after treatment from paramedics.

The beach does not have lifeguard services until this coming weekend.

On the same day, a 50-year-old man of Czech nationality drowned at La Marina beach in the Elche municipality.

Two additional deaths were recorded in Calpe and on the Orihuela Costa on Monday, with a further tragedy avoided in Benidorm.

The Calpe drowning happened at around 3.00pm on the Arenal-Boll beach with emergency services getting a report that an unconscious Belgian man, 82, had been pulled from the water.

Medics tried in vain to revive him.

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READ MORE: British tourist drowns in the sea during birthday holiday visit to Spain’s Menorca

Further south at Cala Capitan on the Orihuela Costa, authorities received a report that an Irish man, 76, had lost consciousness after coming out of the sea, and nothing could be done to save his life.

There was better news from Benidorm’s Poniente beach on Monday lunchtime when an 80-year-old man got into difficulty.

His condition was stabilised by paramedics and he was taken to the Marina Baixa Hospital in Villajoyosa.

The drowning death toll though rose on Tuesday when a woman, 72, was pulled out of the water at Torrevieja’s La Mata beach at around 12.00pm.

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  • Alicante Province
  • Beach drownings
  • Cala Capitan on Orihuela Costa
  • Costa Blanca
  • La Marina in Elche
  • The Olive Press
  • Valencian Community

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Alex Trelinski

Alex worked for 30 years for the BBC as a presenter, producer and manager. He covered a variety of areas specialising in sport, news and politics. After moving to the Costa Blanca over a decade ago, he edited a newspaper for 5 years and worked on local radio.

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Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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  1. Costa Blanca Travel Agency

    Información de COSTA BLANCA TRAVEL AGENCY. CRETA, 80-URB. PUERTO MARINO, BLOQUE 8 - 03130 - SANTA POLA. De lunes a viernes: 09:00h - 14:00h. Observaciones: Título agencia: CV-m2008-A. Agencia de viajes en SANTA POLA Guías de viajes Preguntas Frecuentes. Información legal

  2. Round Town Travel

    Round Town Travel, Tourist information / multi-lingual Travel Agency offering the best deals on the Costa Blanca. cheap holidays in Benidorm. Excursions, Day Breaks, Free Trips, Local events, Holiday Lettings, Hotels and more ... Our reputation and list of services has grown over the years leading to our full "Travel Agency" registration in ...

  3. Worldwide Horizons Travel Agency

    Worldwide Horizons is the evolution of Estival Tours, a Travel Agency which was setup here on the Orihuela Costa about 12 years ago. It has been operating as Worldwide Horizons since 2012 in La Zenia firstly in it´s premises next to Paddy's Point, and now in a new office in Calle Alhambra 18, next door to EasyCover La Zenia, Mapfre and Inmo Investments.

  4. Home []

    VIVALIA TRAVEL Thank you for your visiting our website. *** NEW PICK UPS *** LA MARINA & GRAN ALACANT opening times Mon - Fri from 09:30h - 17:00h Phone us: +34 965 71 66 15 Whatsapp: +34 691 49 39 77 Email us: [email protected]

  5. Beniconnect: Alicante airport transfers, shuttle and private taxis

    Beniconnect: Shared and private transfers in Alicante Airport. Beniconnect Travel Agency provides a low cost Alicante airport shuttle, taxi or private transfers serving all the resorts in the Costa Blanca such as Benidorm, Altea, Denia, Albir. Since its formation a few years ago, Beniconnect continue to focus upon the achievements of our goals ...

  6. Travel Agents in Costa Blanca

    Travel Del Mar - Travel Agency. Travel Del Mar is a Travel Agency located on Calle Corbeta in Central Calpe. Their aim is to make booking holidays or travel an easy and relaxing experience. More information. 2 results found. Travel Agents in Costa Blanca. Find details of several Travel Agents specialising in package holidays, tours & cruises ...

  7. Costa Blanca Honeymoons Travel Agents

    Browse reviews for 13 Costa Blanca Honeymoons Travel Agents. Certified specialists from America's #1 agent network. Find the right agent for your trip.

  8. About us • Costa Blanca Experiences

    A team of travel enthusiasts, eager to live and share memorable experiences on the Costa Blanca (Alicante) in Spain. A team of travel enthusiasts, eager to live and share memorable experiences on the Costa Blanca (Alicante) in Spain. Skip to main content. [email protected] +34 641 357 858 ...

  9. The Agency La Marina

    Travel Agency in La Marina. Opening at 9:30 AM. Get Quote Call 865 75 47 77 Get directions WhatsApp 865 75 47 77 Message 865 75 47 77 Contact Us Find Table Make Appointment Place Order View Menu. About The Agency La Marina. We are a local travel and estate agency here on La Marina Urbanization on the Costa Blanca. We are proud to be offering an ...

  10. Costa Blanca travel

    Costa Blanca. Spain, Europe. The long stripe of the Costa Blanca (White Coast) is one of Spain's premier holiday coasts, popular with both domestic and foreign visitors. It's very busy in summer, with a lively social scene and great beaches. Even if that's not your scene, there are still several worthwhile destinations along this coast.

  11. DMC

    Destination Management Company DMC-MICE agency & Tourist services in Benidorm, Costa Blanca, Spain. Enjoy your perfect holiday in Spain! Individual tours in any languages around Costa Blanca and Spain by premium class car. Incoming Spain is your Destination Management Company. We provide organization of events and professional conferences. Also we organize meetings, incentives, congress ...

  12. A Travel Guide to the Costa Blanca

    A guide to the Costa Blanca Alicante. Alicante is frustratingly under-explored by people holidaying in the Costa Blanca region. Much more than just an airport and coach station, it is a port-town steeped in history, with parts of its origins dating back to the Iberian Civilization of the 6 th century BC. If you appreciate the history of places you visit, the city and its surroundings are ...

  13. Costa Blanca Escorted Tours Travel Agents

    Browse reviews for 13 Costa Blanca Escorted Tours Travel Agents. Certified specialists from America's #1 agent network. Find the right agent for your trip.

  14. Costa Blanca Luxury Travel Agents

    Browse reviews for 12 Costa Blanca Luxury Travel Agents. Certified specialists from America's #1 agent network. Find the right agent for your trip.

  15. Travel Agents & Trip Planners

    Travel agency offering short-breaks, tours, package holidays, flight bookings and cruises. Open Monday to Friday 09:30-18:00 and Saturday from 09:30-13:30. On-line booking available. Located at Avenida Europa s/n, Edificio Talima bajo, 03710 Calpe. Travel shops along the Costa Blanca.

  16. Here Comes the Sun: The Agency Debuts Office on Spain's Costa Blanca North

    The Agency Costa Blanca North will be located at CTRA Moraira a Calpe, 142, Moraira, Alicante 03724. For more information on available listings, visit XX. The Agency is proud to announce the launch of its new office on Spain's Costa Blanca North, joining locations in Marbella and Mallorca.

  17. Tragic weekend sees five people drown in 72 hours on Spain's Costa Blanca

    THE start of the peak seaside bathing season has brought five drownings in less than 72 hours on the Costa Blanca. The first death was on Saturday lunchtime at Benissa's Cala de la Fustera when ...

  18. Traffic & Travel news for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

    This page contains the latest information on traffic and travel in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire including the latest from the M1, A52 and A453.

  19. The most expensive property in Costa Blanca « Euro Weekly News

    Calpe was claimed as the town with the most expensive property in the Valencian Community in 2024. The Playa Arenal-Bol is especially costly and according to Fotocasa´s recent report, is amongst the top 20 most exclusive regions in the entire country.. Located on the seafront, in Calpe´s centre, Playa Arenal-Bol provides a stunning view of the Ifach mountain and hosts a Blue Flag beach ...

  20. Huawei Reveals How to Reach Premium Asian Tourists at Digital Tourist 2024

    Boasting over 360,000 publishers and a wide industry range with more than 200 sectors, it enables agencies and businesses to reach over 730 million new customers worldwide.

  21. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  22. Beniconnect: Alicante airport transfers, shuttle and private taxis

    Beniconnect: Shared and private transfers in Alicante Airport. Beniconnect Travel Agency provides a low cost Alicante airport shuttle, taxi or private transfers serving all the resorts in the Costa Blanca such as Benidorm, Altea, Denia, Albir. Since its formation a few years ago, Beniconnect continue to focus upon the achievements of our goals ...

  23. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  24. Elektrostal, Russia Weather Conditions

    Elektrostal Weather Forecasts. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Elektrostal area.

  25. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.