Astronomy Source

Review: Celestron TravelScope 70 Telescope

Author: Luna Gregoria

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

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I want to like the Celestron TravelScope 70, I really do. I have had fun with it. But I just can’t recommend it to beginners for astronomy. And though I’m not an expert on daytime spotting scopes, I’d probably advise against getting one for that purpose as well. It is a nice optic ruined by poor mechanical design and accessories, and unless you’re willing to spend more time and money replacing its accessories (or if you have them already lying about, as I do), I can not recommend it.

The advertising on the box describes it as a nature observing telescope which can be used for casual astronomy. This seems to sort of explain (or disclaim) some of the... peculiarities of this instrument.

Total Score

5/10: Downsides outweigh upsides

Score Breakdown (out of 5)

Moon & Planets: 3

Rich Field: 3

Accessories: 3

Ease of use: 2

Portability: 5

Read our scoring methodology here .

  • A nice 70mm f/6 achromatic objective.
  • Lightweight and portable.
  • Sturdy enough.
  • Decent eyepieces.
  • Stopped down effective aperture.
  • Useless optical finderscope.
  • Terrible 45-degree erecting prism.
  • Useless, extremely wobbly tripod.

The Competition

I picked mine up used for $50, and I think at that price it’s just about right. But at full price? There are better options in most cases.

If you want a telescope that is small, lightweight, and very easy to use, consider the Orion SkyScanner 100 or Zhumell Z100, a 4” tabletop reflector. And at this price point, if you want to scan wide fields of view across the sky searching for bright deep-sky-objects and star fields, consider a pair of binoculars instead. A 10x50mm or 7x50mm pair of binoculars have the same overall light gathering.

Our Verdict

If you’re already a telescope owner, this might be a good portable option for you, for the same reason as the ST80. I find the TravelScope 70 is lightweight enough that it plays much nicer on photo tripods than the ST80 that I own, and despite getting the ST80 specifically as a grab-n-go scope, I found that I would end up taking the TravelScope 70 outside instead, especially if I wanted a peek at something behind the trees, visible from a different part of my yard. It’s a bit like a ShortTube 70 , in overall design and in application, and for an astro-tinkerer you may be able to fix some of its shortcomings.

But for a beginner? There are probably better options. Even Celestron’s TravelScope 80, though it has some similar bad accessories, has the beloved Synta-made ShortTube 80 optics and mechanical design, and it’s only around $20 more expensive. Meade’s AdventureScope 80 is like the TravelScope 80 but with a marginally better diagonal. (And if you’re considering getting a TS80 or AS80, why not go for the fully kitted out ST80-A or ST80-EQ?)  

Just be sure, before you buy, that you’re ok with buying a telescope without a tripod or mount, because that’s effectively what you’ll be getting--the tripod must be replaced to do astronomy with it, and should probably be replaced even if you just want a daytime spotting scope. Treat it as an optical tube and eyepieces only.

celestron travel scope 70 az

Celestron Travelscope 70

Rating: 2.5/5

The Tripod of the Celestron TravelScope 70

I have some bad news and some good news.

I normally discuss the optics first, but I’m going to address the tripod first this time, because it is the most important thing to beware of with this telescope. The tripod belongs in the trash . It might work, barely , for a small point-and-shoot toy camera. But a telescope will magnify any small wobble and cause the image to shift and shake tremendously. Even at low magnification, I found that it was almost unusable, but I could just about find focus. At 40x, I couldn’t even find focus–any tap of the focuser knob sent the image into several seconds of shaking. The mount head is soft and plastic, and it feels like it wants to break instead of move where I want it to. It is hopelessly unbalanced in the altitude axis, which means pointing above about 45 degrees is futile. (Of course, for reasons I’ll get into, it’d be futile anyway). It’s also so short that even when fully extended, I had to take a chair out and sit down to reach the eyepiece. It’s too short even for terrestrial use, pointing around the horizon.

That was the bad news. The good news is that the TravelScope 70 is small enough that it can easily be used on any good tripod. So if you already have a nice and sturdy tripod, tall enough for the mount head to get above your face when observing while sitting down (or ideally, when standing as well), then the TravelScope 70 will probably work fine there.

Celestron Travelscope 70

The TravelScope 70 has an achromatic lens objective with an aperture of 70mm and a focal length of 400mm. Its lens elements are nicely coated without bright reflections. My impression is that, for the money, this is a pretty great objective lens. It won’t hold up to any 70mm Apochromat, but you get what you pay for.

There are a few problems with the mechanical design of the TS70. First of all, the (non-collimatable) lens cell, which is similar in design to the ShortTube 80’s and some other cheap achromats I’ve seen, was tightened extremely tight. I put in a lot of elbow grease to loosen the lens cell. The trouble is that this tightened lens cell actually bends the glass, creating “pinched optics.” You might not think glass can bend, but you’re only allowed to bend by 1/1000th the width of saran wrap, so screwing the lens cell down so tight makes the image noticeably fuzzier at high powers. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the image at first was a mess. After loosening the lens cell just enough that I could hear a slight rattle when shaken (but not too much so that the scope would never be collimated), the image was much cleaner and sharper.

When testing the optics, I did so with and without the 45-degree erecting prism, and I found that without the prism, the image is actually pretty good. It’s got some spherical aberration (in the star test it looks pretty bad, but in actual use, it’s not too noticeable, definitely not at 40x given by the stock 10mm eyepiece) and it is a little rough. It remained out of collimation. It is possible (though tedious) to fix collimation in a lens cell like this, but it wasn’t bad enough to worry about.

The biggest optical problem in the telescope tube is actually part of the mechanical design of the telescope. The focuser used seems to be identical to the one used on a long-focus 70mm achromat, so it’s too long, and it actually protrudes into the light path. For some positions of the focuser, the entire 70mm objective is visible, for others it’s restricted to perhaps only 60mm! Overall, the aperture is probably around 65mm when used with a mirror star diagonal . It’s 60mm or less when the stock prism diagonal is used, since it takes up more focuser travel and vignettes the light path. It may be possible to saw off part of the focuser drawtube to fix this oversight. I haven’t done this for the review. This is a frankly embarrassing error to make since, as far as I can tell, the quality of the objective is easily good enough to justify making full use of all 70mm of it.

The Accessories

The two eyepieces are a 20mm and a 10mm Modified Achromat (a variant of a Kellner eyepiece that has three elements). They have fairly wide fields of view, sharp centers, and passable edges. They’re nothing special, but they’re far better than what many beginner telescopes come with, and they definitely work for this purpose.

The TravelScope 70 comes with a black nylon bag that can hold the tripod and telescope. It’s a nice extra, and it might have come in handy if the tripod that’s meant to go with it was any good. If you get a nice, but small, tripod, you might make use of it.

The two real letdowns among the accessories are the finderscope and the prism diagonal. The finderscope is ridiculous. Galileo’s telescope was probably better. These things barely belong in a McDonald’s happy meal toy, let alone a telescope. It is barely sufficient for sighting through it to find targets, but it isn’t usable on its own as a wide-field finderscope.

The biggest problem with the accessories, other than the tripod, is the 45-degree erecting prism, which goes between the focuser drawtube and the eyepiece. The body is made of plastic, and it feels cheap. It is both an ergonomic and an optical disaster.

Diagonals typically come in 45-degree angles (with erecting prisms) or 90-degree angles (either with a mirror or an erecting prism). This is because, if you imagine pointing a telescope with no diagonal at all high in the sky, you’d have to crane your neck uncomfortably to get your eye to the eyepiece. A 90 degree diagonal is preferred for astronomy since it allows a comfortable viewing angle even when pointed all the way to the zenith (top of the sky). A 45 degree prism can’t go above 45 degrees before you have to start looking up into it. However, 45 degree prisms can be preferred for nature observing if the tripod is tall enough. And for a terrestrial spotting scope, you do want an upright image. Mirror diagonals will show a mirror image, but don’t degrade the image as much. Because the tripod is so short, a 90 degree erecting prism would have been preferred.

The problems don’t stop with ergonomics. Unfortunately, it also degrades the optics of the telescope. The view of the Moon was plenty sharp with a mirror diagonal installed, but going back to the prism, the view became blurry and there was a lot of chromatic aberration (false color fringing). It’s adequate for viewing at low powers, but it causes very noticeable fringing before you even get to 40x. The prism itself is miscollimated–looking into the prism, the view of the objective lens is off-center, and that means you’re getting even less light.

Upgrading the Accessories

Upgrading the eyepieces is a low priority, as they should serve you for a while.

The finderscope should be replaced with a red dot finder. Red dot finders have no magnification at all, they just project a red dot through a small lens/window onto the sky and use some optical trickery to make it look like it’s “at infinity.” (There’s no parallax). When upgrading, be sure to find one with a compatible mounting foot. The mount is done with two screw-stalks that stick up out of the optical tube, the finder mount slips over them, then two thumb-nuts are screwed onto the stalks. This is the same finder mounting system used by other telescopes like the FirstScope/FunScope, Orion SkyScanner, and more.

Finding objects can be done at low power with the telescope itself—it is its own finderscope.

Upgrading the tripod is the most urgently needed fix, but decent tripods are pretty expensive. Don’t buy the scope unless you already have a decent tripod. If you already have the scope and want an upgraded tripod, don’t spend more than $100 on one. For around $100-150, there are better telescope options altogether.

The prism diagonal is the next most urgently needed replacement. Keep it around for comparison or for when you want to do terrestrial observing, but it’s just no good for serious astronomy.

For astronomy, you want an economical mirror star diagonal. Don’t go too expensive, you just need a cheap $30 or so 1.25” diagonal to get the job done. The views of the Moon, planets, and double stars will be sharper and more color free, and you’ll be able to use longer-focus eyepieces with wider fields of view, and you’ll be able to use more of the telescope’s aperture. And to top it all off, it’ll just be more comfortable to use.

General Use

After my first half hour using the telescope, I was exhausted trying to work around its awful mount. However, in that time, I was able to observe the Double Cluster in Perseus, the Orion Nebula, and the Andromeda Galaxy, and I was pleased enough by them to not immediately write off the telescope as a failure.

After a rest indoors, I set the telescope up again with my good tripod, the mirror diagonal off my Orion ST80, and a red dot finder, and I went out and had a lot of fun with it. It isn’t a powerful telescope, but I personally enjoy small telescope observing quite a lot. The wide-field views you can get with small short telescopes make up for the small aperture, so you can fit a lot of stars in the eyepiece.

The Orion Nebula showed its bright core easily, though somewhat softly, and hinted at the tenuous outer layers of gas and dust. Three stars in the trapezium were easily resolved, and the fourth wasn’t too difficult at 40x. At low power, the entire Orion’s Sword stellar association is visible and very pretty, with the nebula showing up as a fuzzy blob in the middle.

I was not able to see any details in the Andromeda Galaxy M31–the satellite galaxy M32 was only suspected, and there was no hint of the fainter M110. All I could see was a ghostly pale core of the galaxy, and this was the one object that was especially disappointing in comparison with what other small scopes of mine had shown.

Some of my favorite small scope targets are the open clusters M35, M37, M36, and M38, which follow a line up from Castor-Twin’s Foot in Gemini up to the middle of Auriga the Chariot. M37 and M36 can be seen together in the same field of view with a wide field 32mm Plossl eyepiece (though not together with the stock 20mm), as well as M36 and M38. The appearance of these clusters is a fuzzy blob that can be resolved into a glittery mess, with varying degrees of sparkle and fuzziness. Each of these are groups of young stars just spreading out into the Milky Way, and they are observed best in winter and spring.

I was able to see the Clown Face Nebula, though it required a higher magnification of 67x to resolve it as a planet-shaped nebula instead of a star, I only suspected it was a nebula at 40x.

I was even able to observe M81 and M82, a pair of galaxies in Ursa Major.

I went out one night to compare my Orion ShortTube 80 (optically identical to the Celestron TravelScope 80’ s objective lens) with the TravelScope 70. By my calculation, the difference between the two shouldn’t have been especially noticeable, but it definitely was. The view of Caldwell 64, the Tau Canis Majoris Cluster, was so much dimmer than the view through the ST80 that it required averted vision to suspect there was more than one star, whereas the ST80 showed it with a sparkly halo easily. The ST80 could just barely do the two bright components in the Leo Triplet, while I couldn’t see them at all in the TravelScope 70. The overall character of the images was the same (to be expected when observing at the same magnification), but the TS70 was dimmer than it should have been, which confirms that the effective aperture was stopped down.

If you go in with the correct expectations (objects will be dim and gray) and look for the right objects (look for objects in guides for small telescopes and binoculars, rather than the famously named nebula you’ve seen in pictures), the telescope can work just fine for deep sky viewing from a suburban or darker sky. In a rural sky, it’d be powerful enough to see every one of the Messier objects. I find that it’s much easier to find and appreciate deep sky objects in a small scope after you’ve gotten familiar with deep sky observing in a larger telescope. But there’s no reason you can’t start small if you set your expectations right.

As I write this, there are no planets worth looking at (Mars is a dot in even the largest telescopes), so the only high-resolution tests I could put the telescope through were of double stars and the Moon.

At high power, the focuser is loose enough to reveal a bit of image shift as you rack the focuser in and out. Without shimming the focuser, this means maintaining good collimation will be difficult. Other than that, the focuser isn’t wobbly or loose, and even at high power, I can find best focus pretty easily.  

With the 45-degree prism, the Moon was aesthetically pretty at low powers but a bit of a rainbow mess at 40x and higher. With the mirror diagonal, the moon became much sharper and you could really begin to appreciate its features. I found the 40mm sub-aperture-mask dustcap it comes with wasn’t really needed; it’s plenty sharp enough even at 67x, and there’s no chromatic aberration noticeable until you overpower the scope to about 167x. (Maximum useful power would be around 100-130x) It held its own against a cheap 70mm long-focus achromat and the ShortTube 80.

At one point, while observing, I dropped the telescope about 5 feet onto the floor. There seems to have been no damage. The story might’ve been different on concrete, but I like the scope enough that I don’t want to intentionally drop-test it.

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CELESTRON 21035 Celestron Travel Scope 70mm f/5.7 AZ Refractor Telescope Kit, Black, 70 with Backpack

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CELESTRON 21035 Celestron Travel Scope 70mm f/5.7 AZ Refractor Telescope Kit, Black, 70 with Backpack

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  • Superior optics: The Celestron 70mm Travel Scope features high quality, fully coated glass optics, a potent 70mm objective lens, a lightweight frame, and a custom backpack to carry it all. Its quality is unmatched in its class and against competitors.
  • Powerful eyepieces for up close viewing: Our telescope for astronomy beginners is equipped with two high quality eyepieces (20mm and 10mm) that provide low and high power views of celestial objects at night and terrestrial objects during the day.
  • Large 70mm objective lens: Our refractor telescope is equipped with a large 70mm aperture objective lens that provides enhanced, brighter views compared to the 50mm model while adding very little additional weight. Setting up and using the Travel Scope is quick and easy.
  • International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions.

celestron travel scope 70 az

Product details

  • Is discontinued by manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Product dimensions ‏ : ‎ 45.72 x 17.78 x 35.56 cm; 1.91 kg
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 22 March 2018
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Celestron
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001TI9Y2M
  • Item Model Number ‏ : ‎ 21035
  • Department ‏ : ‎ unisex
  • 1 in Telescopes (Camera & Photo)

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CELESTRON 21035 Celestron Travel Scope 70mm f/5.7 AZ Refractor Telescope Kit, Black, 70 with Backpack

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From the manufacturer

Travel Scope 70

Travel Scope 70

Grab the Celestron Travel Scope 70 and go anywhere—from your garden to another continent. Ample optical performance is packed and ready in this ultra-portable backpack kit.

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Product description.

The Travel Scope 70 is a refractor telescope perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing on the go. The Travel Scope can view the planets, moon, star clusters and brighter deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy at night and with the erect image star diagonal makes the optical tube ideal for using as a spotting scope during the day.

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Telescope AC 70/400 TravelScope AZ

Product description.

  • optical tube with 70 mm aperture and 400 mm focal length
  • 45° star diagonal
  • aluminium tripod with altazimuth mount
  • specially made rucksack for carrying the telescope together with accessories

It not only matters which telescope you buy but also where you buy it. Our additional services:

  • We are a leading telescope dealer and know the devices we sell. Our customer service team will gladly help you after your purchase if you have problems with assembly or operation.
  • We provide a copy of the 80-page Telescope ABC beginners handbook with every telescope.
  • We also provide an edition of the exciting astronomy magazine, “Sterne und Weltraum” with each telescope.

Our expert comment:

(Bernd Gährken)


Included accessories, area of application, recommended for, recommended accessories.

Amici prism

Omegon 1,25'' Amici Prism 90°

Amici prism

Omegon 45°, 1.25'' to 1.25'' Amici prism

Amici prism

Omegon 1.25" 45° erecting prism

Barlow Lens

Omegon 1.25'', 2X, 3 Element Barlow eyepiece

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon 3x Barlow lens, achromatic, 1.25"

Barlow Lens

Omegon 2x Barlow lense, achromatic, 1.25"

Carry case

Omegon carry case for 5" tubes/lenses

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon aluminium case, large

Carry case

Omegon Carry case Bumbag for eyepieces

Transport cases

Omegon Transport cases eyepiece case

Carry case

Omegon Carry case transport bag for accessories

Carry case

Oklop Carry case for accessories


Omegon Radiant Finder with fastener

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon 2'' - 1.25'' Twist-lock adapter


Omegon 1.25'', 15mm Ploessl eyepiece


Omegon 1.25'', 20mm Ploessl eyepiece


Omegon 1.25'', 17mm Ploessl eyepiece


Omegon Ultra Wide Angle eyepiece 9mm 1,25"


Omegon Ultra Wide Angle eyepiece 15mm 1,25"


Omegon Ultra Wide Angle eyepiece 20mm 1,25"

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon Suitcase with eyepieces and accessories

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon Eyepieces Starter Kit

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Omegon eyepiece and accessories case, large

celestron travel scope 70 az

Celestron Accessories set for Observer beginner telescope

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon Cronus eyepiece with Moon filter


Omegon Eyepiece Cronus WA 4 mm 1,25"


Omegon Eyepiece Cronus WA 6 mm 1,25"


Omegon Super Ploessl zoom shot eyepiece 7-21mm APO 1.25"

Reticle eyepieces

Omegon Reticle eyepieces Illuminated crosshair eyepiece, 12.5mm


Omegon Filters Nebula/ city light filter 1.25 ''


Omegon Filters UHC Filter, 1.25“


Omegon Filters OIII filter 1.25''


Omegon Filters 1.25'' deep sky filter


Omegon Filters 1.25'' Clear Sky filter


Omegon Filters Moon filter 1.25"


Omegon Filters Variable grey filter 1.25"


Omegon Filters Color filter set 1,25'' (6 pieces)

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon Easypic Universal Smartphone Adapter

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon Universal digital camera adapter

celestron travel scope 70 az

Baader Microstage II

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon Tent observatory

celestron travel scope 70 az

John Wiley & Sons Astronomy For Dummies

celestron travel scope 70 az

Dorling Kindersley Stargazing for Beginners

Star chart

Omegon Star chart Planisphere

Astronomy torch

Explore Scientific Astronomy torch Astro R-Lite


Omegon LED headlamp

Astronomy torch

Omegon Astronomy torch Twin Light with brightness control

Astronomy torch

Omegon Astronomy torch Astro-Flashlight

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon DUNEDRY dehumidifier

Continental map

Oculum Verlag Sky Quality Map Europe

Solar Filters

Baader AstroSolar telescope solar filter ASSF 80mm

celestron travel scope 70 az

Baader Sun filter foil 20 x 29 cm

celestron travel scope 70 az

Baader Sun filter foil AstroSolar® ECO-size OD 5.0 140x155mm

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon 7-in-1 lens cleaning set

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon cleaning system

celestron travel scope 70 az

Baader Lens Cleaning Pump Spray Optical Wonder 100ml

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon microfibre cleaning cloth 20cm x 20cm

celestron travel scope 70 az

Omegon SPUDZ microfaser cleaning cloth

* All prices include VAT plus shipping costs.

Celestron Telescope AC 70/400 TravelScope AZ

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Celestron 21035 Travel Scope 70 Instruction Manual

  • Celestron Manuals
  • 21035 Travel Scope 70
  • Instruction manual

Celestron 21035 Travel Scope 70 Instruction Manual

  • page of 18 Go / 18

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Setting up the Tripod
  • Attaching the Telescope Optical Tube to the Tripod
  • Moving the Travel Scope Manually
  • Installing the Diagonal & Eyepiece
  • Installing the Finderscope - Travel Scope 70 Only
  • Aligning the Finderscope
  • Calculating Magnification
  • Installing & Using the Barlow Lens
  • Determining Field of View
  • General Observing Hints
  • The Celestial Coordinate System
  • Motion of the Stars
  • Observing the Moon
  • Observing the Planets
  • Observing the Sun
  • Observing Deep-Sky Objects
  • Seeing Conditions
  • Care and Cleaning of the Optics
  • Technical Specifications


Quick Links

  • 1 Setting up the Tripod
  • 3 Attaching the Telescope Optical Tube to the Tripod
  • 4 Installing the Diagonal & Eyepiece
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Related Manuals for Celestron 21035 Travel Scope 70

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Summary of Contents for Celestron 21035 Travel Scope 70

  • Page 1 Travel Scope Travel Scope Instruction Manual Instruction Manual Model # 21035 Travel Scope 70 Model # 21035 Travel Scope 70 Model # 21038 Travel Scope 50 Model # 21038 Travel Scope 50...

Page 2: Table Of Contents

Page 3: introduction.

  • Page 4 Figure 1-1 Travel Scope 70 (Travel Scope 50 similar) Objective Lens Pan Handle – Altitude Motion Telescope Optical Tube Tripod Finderscope Bracket Central Column Locking Knob Erect Image Diagonal Azimuth Locking Knob Eyepiece Tripod Head Platform Focus Knob...

Page 5: Assembly

Page 6: attaching the telescope optical tube to the tripod, page 7: installing the diagonal & eyepiece, page 8: telescope basics, page 9: determining field of view, page 10: astronomy basics, page 11: motion of the stars, page 12: celestial observing, page 13: observing deep-sky objects.

  • Page 14 Figure 5-1 Star hopping will take some getting used to and objects that don’t have stars near them that are visible to the naked eye are challenging. One such object is M57 (Figure 5-2), the famed Ring Nebula. Here's how to find it: Find the constellation of Lyra, a small parallelogram visible in the summer and fall months.

Page 15: Seeing Conditions

Page 16: telescope maintenance, page 17: technical specifications.

  • Page 18 Celestron 2835 Columbia Street Torrance, CA 90503 U.S.A. Tel. (310) 328-9560 Fax. (310) 212-5835 Website: Copyright 2010 Celestron All rights reserved. (Products or instructions may change without notice or obligation.) Item # 21035-INST Printed in China $10.00 01-10 Rev.3 060909...

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Telescopio Travel Scope 70 AZ

Telescopio Travel Scope 70 AZ

Telescopio Land and Sky

$ 5,666.00 Original price was: $5,666.00. $ 4,532.80 Current price is: $4,532.80.

  • Telescopio refractor de 70mm con ópticos completamente recubiertos para obtener imágenes claras y nítidas.
  • Incluye inversor de imagen, que lo vuelve ideal para observación terrestre y astronómica.
  • Montura altazimutal de funcionamiento suave con fácil orientación a objetos ubicados.
  • Instalación rápida y sencilla, sin herramientas.
  • El telescopio y el trípie se ajustan dentro de la mochila personalizada para facilitar su transportación y almacenamiento.
  • Descarga el software BONUS Astronomy con una base de datos de 10.000 objetos, mapas del cielo imprimibles y 75 imágenes mejoradas.


Observación Terrestre

209 disponibles

  • Descripción
  • Información adicional

Este telescopio fue diseñado pensando en viajar y ofrecer un valor excepcional. El Travel Scope está hecho con materiales de la más alta calidad para garantizar la estabilidad y la durabilidad. Todo esto se suma a un telescopio que le brinda una vida de placer con una cantidad mínima de mantenimiento. Con un diseño compacto y portátil con un amplio rendimiento óptico, el Travel Scope es ideal para observación tanto terrestre como astronómica.

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Check these out

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Top Accessories

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Buyer's Guide!

Buyer's Guide!

Start here to find the perfect telescope for you!


Optical Tubes

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NEW: Nature DX ED Binoculars

NEW: Nature DX ED Binoculars

Celestron’s award-winning Nature DX binocular gets a major upgrade with the addition of ED objective lenses.

NEW: Elements ThermoTank 3

NEW:  Elements ThermoTank 3

On the trail, at the job site, in the classroom, or simply sitting at home relaxing – the Celestron Elements ThermoTank 3 will keep your hands toasty.

NEW: Elements ThermoTorch 5

NEW: Elements ThermoTorch 5

This rugged, 3-in-1 device features a true tactical 3-mode flashlight, a hand warmer, and a portable power bank for recharging your personal electronics on the go.



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Digital Microscopes

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Digital Microscopes

Observing the microscopic world has never been easier!

Stereo Microscopes

Perfect for the serious student, professional scientist and discriminating hobbyist

Kids Microscope Kit

Kids Microscope Kit

Great for home, classroom, or home-school use, this kit includes all the essential items you’ll need to begin exploring the wonders of the microscopic world.

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CPWI Software

CPWI Software

Take control of your telescope! Download the Celestron PWI Telescope Control Software

SkyPortal App

SkyPortal App

Celestron’s FREE planetarium app is an astronomy suite that redefines how you experience the night sky.

Using Telescope Eyepieces

Using Telescope Eyepieces

Your eyepieces are the first accessories you should learn to use with your telescope. Read our guide!

Tools for Beginners

Tools for Beginners

For Astronomers

For Astronomers

For Birders

For Birders

EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 Refractor Telescope

Available Now at these Premier Select Dealers

You can count on Celestron Premier Select Dealers to offer an extensive assortment of Celestron products in stock for immediate delivery.

  • 50MM SOLAR TELESCOPE WITH FULLY COATED GLASS OPTICS: This dedicated solar scope delivers sharp, detailed views of eclipses, sunspots, transits, and more. Perfect for eclipses or any day!
  • SOLAR TELESCOPE FILTER: The dual-lens, non-removable glass solar filter conforms to ISO 12312-2:2015(E), Filters for Direct Observation of the Sun.
  • PERMANENTLY ATTACHED SOLAR SAFE FILTER: Use your solar telescope with peace of mind, knowing the filter will not be knocked off or accidentally removed.
  • INTEGRATED SOLAR SAFE FINDERSCOPE: Quickly and easily center the solar disk in the telescope’s eyepiece without looking at or near the Sun.
  • STURDY ALT-AZIMUTH MOUNT & FULL-HEIGHT TRIPOD: Pan and tilt just like a photographic tripod so you can make precise adjustments to the telescope’s position.
  • ACCESSORIES INCLUDED: You’ll receive a 20mm eyepiece, a hybrid star diagonal, an integrated solar safe finderscope, and travel backpack to carry it all.


In the 1960s, Celestron’s founder, Tom Johnson, created groundbreaking new telescopes never before seen on the consumer market. Today, our world-class team of optical and electronic engineers continues to push the boundaries of technology. From the SkyProdigy, a telescope so smart it can align itself, to our high-performance EdgeHD optical system, we’ve revolutionized the hobby of astronomy for beginners and advanced amateurs alike. Go behind the scenes with Celestron’s product development team and learn more about our award-winning and patented innovations.

celestron travel scope 70 az

At the forefront of a new era in amateur astronomy, the launch of Celestron Origin stands as a beacon, seamlessly intertwining stargazing and astrophotography into a singular, user-friendly experience. This intelligent, all-in-one observatory and astroimaging system emerges as a catalyst, eliminating the complexities traditionally associated with telescopes and, in turn, metamorphosing your backyard into an inviting gateway to the Universe.

celestron travel scope 70 az

Celestron released the patented Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA) 11” optical tube in 2014. Unlike traditional telescopes, the RASA design ingeniously places the imaging sensor at the front of the telescope tube, creating an ultra-fast f/2.2 system with an extraordinarily wide field of view.

celestron travel scope 70 az

Sky recognition technology that has revolutionized the manual telescope by eliminating the confusion common among beginners and enhancing the user experience for even seasoned telescope users.

celestron travel scope 70 az

U nleash the full pointing accuracy of your Celestron computerized telescope with a specialized telescope control software suite. control and Sky Viewer display makes selecting your target easy. CPWI has an extensive object database, employs PointXP mount modeling, and more.

LiFePO4 Batteries

The new Lithium Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery chemistry has significant advantages over other battery chemistries, great for for those Astronomers on the go.

Wifi Technology

WiFi technology encircles the globe in a web of connectivity, knowledge, and information. Now, Celestron is using that same technology to allow star gazers to connect to the night sky and enhance their experience of the cosmos in fun and unique ways.

Starry Night Software

Planetarium software package which provides easy-to-understand explanations and impressive visuals of all kinds. Learn more about extra solar planets imagery, 3D Star rendering, observation planning, telescope control, multiple-panel printing, and much more.

EdgeHD Optics

Celestron’s aplanatic EdgeHD optics revolutionized astroimaging. This award-winning optical system reduces visual defects like field curvature and coma, creating an ultra-flat field for pinpoint stars all the way to the edge of today’s largest imaging sensors.

Fastar Technology

Fastar Technology allows imagers the option of drastically increasing the speed and sensitivity of their Celestron optical tube, allowing bright, detailed images with short exposures.


Our patented SkyAlign alignment technology makes setting up a computerized telescope simple, fast, and accurate. Just point the telescope at any three bright objects—stars, bright planets, or even the Moon—and your telescope can orient itself with the night sky.

StarSense Technology

Celestron’s patented StarSense® Technology makes it easier than ever to locate objects in the night sky, even if you’ve never used a telescope before. Turn it on and push ‘Align.’ In about three minutes, you’re ready to observe!

All-Star Polar Allignment

Get ready for a night of astroimaging with your mount faster than previously thought possible with All-Star Polar Alignment. This innovative software solves the time-consuming problem of trying to pinpoint the North Celestial Pole.

StarBright Coatings

One of the most important factors in a telescope is its transmission—the percentage of light that reaches the focal plane. Our proprietary StarBright XLT optical coatings dramatically increase transmission, up to 97.4% on our Schmidt corrector lenses.

ED Glass

ED stands for "extra-low dispersion," which refers to the composition and optical properties of the glass used for the lenses. ED glass is specially formulated and contains rare-earth compounds that greatly reduce a visual defect called chromatic aberration.


This telescope control software replaces the hand control and allows the user to remotely control their Celestron computerized telescope from their personal PC or laptop.

Solar Safe Technology

EclipSmart solar products feature Solar Safe filter technology providing the ultimate protection from harmful solar radiation, including both IR and UV light, and filters 99.999% of visible light. Celestron Solar Safe filter technology is GUARANTEED SAFE for direct solar observation and has been independently tested by SAI Global Assurance Services.

Includes These Celestron Technologies

celestron travel scope 70 az



Support & Downloads

Celestron’s EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 is a dedicated white-light solar telescope for the observer on the go. It’s lightweight, compact, and easy to transport—perfect for viewing the solar photosphere and sunspots. At the heart of this 50mm refractor-style solar scope, you’ll find Celestron’s Solar Safe, full-aperture glass filter material, which ensures safe views of eclipses, transits, sunspots, and any other solar event. The EclipSmart telescope features a dual-lens, non-removable glass solar filter that conforms to the ISO 12312-2:2015(E) standard. The EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 offers much higher magnifications for viewing sunspots or planetary transits than you would get using solar eclipse glasses or binoculars.

The telescope comes complete with everything you need and makes it easy to share the Sun as well as partial and total solar eclipses with the whole family.

Solar Safe Technology

EclipSmart solar products feature Solar Safe filter technology—the ultimate protection from harmful solar radiation, including IR and UV light, plus 99.999% of visible light. Celestron Solar Safe filter technology is safe for direct observation of the Sun.

Solar Safe products conform to and meet the transmission requirements of ISO 12312-2:2015(E) , Filters for Direct Observation of the Sun, EN 1836:2005 + A1:2007 (E) for an E15 Filter for the Direct Observation of the Sun and AS/NZS 1338.1:2012, Filters for Eye Protectors.

Important safety note:  inspect your filter before every use. Do not use and discard if damaged, scratched, or separated from the frame in any way.

Manual Alt-Azimuth telescope

Navigate the sky with a pan handle Alt-Az control with clutch for smooth and accurate pointing. Move the clutch in an up/down, left/right fashion to track the Sun in the eyepiece as it appears to drift across the daytime sky.

Accessories Included

The EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 comes with one eyepiece (20mm), a hybrid star diagonal for a more comfortable viewing angle, a permanently attached solar finderscope, and a travel backpack.

Solar Finderscope – The EclipSmart telescope comes with a safe solar finderscope that allows you to align your telescope without looking directly at the Sun. The finderscope comes pre-installed and ready for use. Simply center the projection arm’s shadow on the bull’s eye, and the Sun will be positioned within the field of view of your telescope’s eyepiece.

Travel Backpack – A custom backpack comes with your telescope so you can store your optical tube, tripod, eyepieces, and accessories. Traveling with your EclipSmart scope is a breeze; all the components fit comfortably inside the backpack.

Upcoming Eclipses

2023 - On October 14, 2023, the famed “Ring of Fire” will encircle a darkened Moon during a spectacular annular eclipse.  This phenomenon occurs when the Moon is too far from Earth to cover the Sun completely. The Sun's corona is not visible during an annular eclipse. Click here for more info.

2024 - On April 8, 2024, the Moon will completely cover the Sun during an awe-inspiring Total Solar Eclipse. Observers within the path of totality will witness the sun’s dazzling corona, the “diamond ring” effect, and day turn to night. Click here for more info .

NexYZ DX Smartphone Adapter Kit


NexYZ 3-Axis Universal Smartphone Adapter


NexGO Universal Smartphone Adapter


Lens Cleaning Kit


Omni 2x Barlow Lens - 1.25


NexGO DX Smartphone Adapter Kit


Smartphone Adapter DX Kit, 1.25”


Omni 4mm Eyepiece - 1.25


VSP (Vibration Suppression Pads)


LensPen Optics Cleaning Tool


X-Cel LX 3x Barlow Lens - 1.25


8-24mm Zoom Eyepiece - 1.25


X-Cel LX 2x Barlow Lens - 1.25


Omni 6mm Eyepiece - 1.25


Basic Smartphone Adapter, 1.25”


X-Cel LX 25mm Eyepiece - 1.25


Omni 12mm Eyepiece - 1.25


Luminos 10mm Eyepiece - 1.25


Ultima Edge - 18mm Flat Field Eyepiece - 1.25

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  4. Celestron Travel Scope DX 70mm F6 AZ Refractor Telescope

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  5. CELESTRON Travel Scope 70/400mm AZ

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  6. Travel Scope 70 Portable Telescope

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  4. Opening and Setting Up My Celestron Travel Scope 70 Telescope

  5. The Moon from Leicestershire 09/01/2017

  6. Celestron Travel Scope 70 Potable Refractor Telescope


  1. Travel Scope 70 Portable Telescope

    The Travel Scope 70 is a refractor telescope perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing on the go. The Travel Scope can view the planets, moon, star clusters and brighter deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy at night and with the erect image star diagonal makes the optical tube ideal for using as a spotting scope during the day.

  2. : Celestron

    If you are looking for a portable and affordable refractor telescope, you might want to check out the Celestron - 70mm Travel Scope DX. This telescope features fully-coated glass optics, a bonus astronomy software package, and a digiscoping smartphone adapter that lets you capture stunning images of the night sky. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned stargazer, you can enjoy the wonders of ...

  3. Celestron

    About this item . SUPERIOR OPTICS: The Celestron 70mm Travel Scope features high-quality, fully-coated glass optics, a potent 70mm objective lens, a lightweight frame, and a custom backpack to carry it all.

  4. Celestron Travel Scope DX 70mm f/6 AZ Refractor Telescope

    The Celestron Travel Scope DX 70mm f/6 AZ Refractor Telescope is designed for portability and ease of use for both astronomical and Earth-bound use, and with a slew of accessories including a smartphone adapter you'll be able to document, share, and post everything you see.

  5. : Celestron

    SUPERIOR OPTICS: The Celestron 70mm Travel Scope features high-quality, fully-coated glass optics, a potent 70mm objective lens, a lightweight frame, and a custom backpack to carry it all. Its quality is unmatched in its class and against competitors ; BONUS SMARTPHONE ADAPTER: Image celestial or terrestrial objects with this smartphone adapter.

  6. Celestron Travel Scope 70mm f/5.7 AZ Refractor Telescope Kit

    The Celestron Travel Scope 70mm f/5.7 AZ Refractor Telescope Kit is designed for portability and ease of use for both astronomical and terrestrial use. Its refractor-style optical tube assembly (OTA) has a respectable aperture that gathers copious amounts of light, and a shorter focal length that produces a moderate magnification potential.

  7. Celestron Travel Scope 70 DX with Backpack

    Keep your eye on the night sky with the Celestron Travel Telescope 70 DX with Backpack. This scope features Travel Scope™ technology for easy viewing on the go and comes with a 70-millimeter refractor lens with fully coated optics. The intuitive pan handle and Alt-AZ controls encourage smooth tracking, while the smartphone adapter allows you ...

  8. Review: Celestron TravelScope 70 Telescope

    The Tripod of the Celestron TravelScope 70 I have some bad news and some good news. I normally discuss the optics first, but I'm going to address the tripod first this time, because it is the most important thing to beware of with this telescope.

  9. Popular Science by Celestron Travel Scope 70 Portable Telescope

    Pan handle Alt-Az control with clutch for smooth and accurate pointing; Overview. ... In addition to the smartphone adapter and Bluetooth shutter release, the Popular Science by Celestron Travel Scope 70 includes a full selection of optical accessories, including two eyepieces (20mm and 10mm), an erect image diagonal, a finderscope, a 3x Barlow ...

  10. Celestron 70mm Travel Scope Review

    The Celestron 70mm Travel Scope is a reasonably good low cost unit intended for daytime viewing and casual astronomical observation. The package is light and compact, primarily designed for travel. All components can be stored in the backpack, which has enough room for accessories. It serves well as a spotting scope at the rifle or archery ...

  11. Celestron 70mm Travel Scope Review!

    Want to see photos from a $90 Celestron telescope? I did some astrophotography with my new toy. After a few weeks, I have the pros and cons of this product f...

  12. CELESTRON 21035 Celestron Travel Scope 70mm f/5.7 AZ Refractor

    About this item . Superior optics: The Celestron 70mm Travel Scope features high quality, fully coated glass optics, a potent 70mm objective lens, a lightweight frame, and a custom backpack to carry it all.

  13. Celestron Telescope AC 70/400 TravelScope AZ

    The Celestron AC 70/400 TravelScope telescope: This telescope has been built to have optimum portability as a high-quality travel telescope. The TravelScope has been constructed from high quality materials to ensure both robustness and durability. To sum up, you get a telescope that will provide you with a lifetime of pleasure but that requires ...

  14. Compare Celestron 70 vs Celestron 70AZ

    Comparing Celestron 70 vs Celestron 70AZ. Print Email. Celestron Travel Scope 70mm f/5.7 AZ Refractor Telescope Kit. You Pay: $99.00. (42) Add to Cart. Add to Wish List. Celestron AstroMaster 70AZ 70mm f/13 Alt-Az Refractor Telescope. You Pay: $139.98.

  15. Celestron 21035 Travel Scope 70 Instruction Manual

    View and Download Celestron 21035 Travel Scope 70 instruction manual online. Travel Scope. 21035 Travel Scope 70 telescope pdf manual download. Also for: 21038 travel scope 50.

  16. Telescopio Travel Scope 70 AZ

    Telescopio Travel Scope 70 AZ. $ 5,666.00 $ 4,532.80. Telescopio refractor de 70mm con ópticos completamente recubiertos para obtener imágenes claras y nítidas. Incluye inversor de imagen, que lo vuelve ideal para observación terrestre y astronómica. Montura altazimutal de funcionamiento suave con fácil orientación a objetos ubicados.

  17. Travel Scope 70 DX Portable Telescope with Smartphone Adapter

    Support & Downloads. Get a new perspective on nature and the Universe with the ideal day-to-night telescope, Travel Scope 70 DX. This refractor telescope includes a full height tripod and lots of bonus accessories, include a smartphone adapter so you can capture images and video through the eyepiece. It all packs up into a high-quality custom ...

  18. AstroMaster LT 70AZ Telescope

    AstroMaster LT 76AZ Telescope AstroMaster LT 70AZ Telescope AstroMaster LT 60AZ Telescope. Warranty: 2 Years. Find a Retailer. Quick and easy no-tool setup. StarPointer for convenience. Quick release dovetail attachment. Pan handle Alt-Az control with clutch for smooth and accurate pointing. Rugged pre-assembled tripod with steel tube legs ...

  19. AstroMaster 70AZ Telescope

    AstroMaster 70AZ Telescope. 70mm refractor telescope with fully coated glass optics and a lightweight frame. Observe in no time with a quick and easy, no-tool setup. Accessories include: two eyepieces (20mm and 10mm), erect image star diagonal, and a finderscope. Panning handle Alt-Az control with clutch for smooth and accurate pointing.

  20. EclipSmart Solar Filter for PowerSeeker 70AZ/EQ and Travel Scope 70

    Turn your Celestron PowerSeeker 70 AZ, PowerSeeker 70 EQ, or Travel Scope 70mm telescope into a solar scope! The EclipSmart Eclipse Solar Filter is a must-have accessory perfect for viewing the Sun and eclipses like the upcoming 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse and 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. ... Travel Scope 70 DX, and Popular Science by Celestron ...

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    The Explorascope 70AZ is a manual alt-azimuth, refractor telescope perfect for celestial viewing on the go. The Explorascope 70 can view the planets, moon, star clusters and brighter deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy. Setting up the telescope is a breeze. Even on your first time out, you can assemble the telescope and ...

  22. EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 Refractor Telescope

    Celestron's EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 is a dedicated white-light solar telescope for the observer on the go. It's lightweight, compact, and easy to transport—perfect for viewing the solar photosphere and sunspots. ... Navigate the sky with a pan handle Alt-Az control with clutch for smooth and accurate pointing. Move the clutch in ...