vibes tourism lebanon

Lebanese Vibes Festival at Beirut Hippodrome – Wine Festival

vibes tourism lebanon

15, September 2022 - 18, September 2022


Lebanese Vibes Festival at Beirut Hippodrome - Wine Festival The 2022 Lebanese Vibes Festival' hosted by Beirut News Center, will be held from Thursday, 15 till Sunday, 18 September, at Hippodrome Park of Beirut. Tickets can be booked through and paid at Maliks and Liban Post. In collaboration with so many wineries from all across Lebanon, a huge food court, Souk El Herafiyin expo for handcrafts & artisanat, Muscle Car invasion, Zumba & Yoga sessions, and a very interesting Painting Exhibition. Not to forget the amazing entertainment, DIRTYCHIC &TECHNO nights supported by B018 and also amazing live performances from Tala & Dol Watts, Rogert The Violinist and 'Empire Records Rap Show' and we'll keep the good vibes rolling with a set of international and local DJs. Very strict security measures will be taken at the entrance and during the festival. See you all there!

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Vibes Tourism

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Vibes Tourism is a leading bed bank for destinations and travel services worldwide.

The booking engine offers comprehensive solutions for accommodation, ground services, flights, tickets and travel insurance to any destination in the world, and is now launching a white label tool for travel agents.

Vibes Tourism works through an international network of trusted partners who provide an ideal set of travel services wherever you travel.

Its networks and services operate worldwide, with a special focus on Lebanon, the Middle East and North Africa.

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We're African Tourism Board

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The Vibes World in Africa, an Achievement of ATB

vibes tourism lebanon

The stride into the most promising continent in the world – Africa by the Vibes World from Lebanon could be described as magical, timing and a huge success from the onset.

What then seems more pleasing is the part played by the African Tourism Board -the leading tourism organization operating within Africa with a global presence aiming at fostering, advancing and positioning the continent for the best yet to come.

Meeting in Kigali

The whole idea to have the CEO of Vibes World Mr. Yehia Elhajj in Kigali was at the instance of ATB aimed at connecting businesses from other parts of the world to Africa, opening up more to the outside world as well and ultimately marketing our entire 55 Member States to the global community.

At the Rwanda Tourism Week 2022, when Mr. Elhajj participated in the ATB Partnered event which happened to be one of the best of its kind in terms of MICE tourism in 2022, a decision was arrived at on the urgent need for Vibes World to domicile part of its business in Africa.

Prior MoU between ATB and Vibes World

Prior to this invitation, an MoU hab been signed between VW and ATB which necessitated business to business collaboration and definitely the invitation. As the saying goes, the rest is now history and success is in the making for Vibes World and the African Tourism Board being true partners in progress.

About Vibes World

“The Vibes World is a 6-year-old name in the Travel & Tourism Industry. The organization was initially formed to accommodate customer needs in the b usiness-to-business travel trade, but it’s been present in the tourism sector for over 20 years which allows us to better understand the needs and requirements of the industry leading to a greater vision that focuses on customer values, excellent service, and investment in travel technology, aiming at achieving sustainable tourism through learning and development. At The Vibes World, we are on a mission to Elevate tourism in every direction”, Elhajj said.

vibes tourism lebanon

“At the African Tourism Board, our focus is to say, Africa is the right place for investment opportunities, and we are well positioned strategically to ensure that all our activities are geared towards achieving that dream of making Africa a one choice destination in the world. Our partnership with Vibes World is one of such giant strides and we will continue to make greater efforts at projecting our beautiful continent’s potential in all sense of it”, Cuthbert Ncube, President ATB also said.

Why Africa?

Africa is a rare touristic gem due to its unique combination of natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and diverse range of experiences it offers to visitors and home to some of the world’s most spectacular wildlife and landscapes, as well as a wide range of cultural and historical sites.

The continent offers a unique opportunity to combine responsible and sustainable tourism with conservation, community development and cultural preservation.

All of these facts aligned with the Vibes World’s mission, vision, and goals making the organisation eager to take part in an effort at promoting & sustaining tourism in Africa by implement activities and projects that would not only increase and enhance the uniqueness of the destination while ensuring sustainable tourism practices but serve as a spring board to launching the best tourism experiences, post Covid-19 era, using its network of travel trade partners worldwide to increase awareness about the destination and attracting visitors to explore and discover the beauty and richness of the most sought after continent in the recent times.

Choosing Rwanda as Vibes World hu b

Rwanda is often considered a model for sustainable tourism in Africa, developing responsible and sustainable tourism practices that benefit both the environment and local communities, with a commitment to conservation is one of our targets at Vibes World. Overall, Rwanda’s sustainable tourism model serves as an example of how responsible and sustainable tourism practices can benefit both the environment and local communities played a major role in arriving at our decision to establish the Vibes World Africa in Kigali.

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The African Tourism Board (ATB) is a non-profit body tasked to act as a strategic partner among African Countries to develop market and implement tourism programs

  • Museum Building, Lobamba, Eswatini
  • +251 913 148 497
  • Mon - Sat: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday: closed

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    Vibes Tourism, ‎بيروت‎. 10,985 likes · 152 talking about this · 66 were here. A leading Bedbank providing travel agents easy access to a wide range of worldwide travel services.

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    Vibes Tourism is a leading bedbank covering a wide range of travel destinations worldwide. With easy access to a large selection of hotel rooms globally, we offer comprehensive solutions for accommodation, tickets, and travel insurance to any destination across the world through an international network of reliable partners providing an ideal suite of services in terms of accommodation ...

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    Beirut, Lebanon HOLDAL Group Manufacturing ... Vibes Tourism is a leading global hotel wholesaler. Our core business focus is supplying hotel accommodation to the travel trade. By cooperating with ...

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    Vibes Tourism | 6,383 followers on LinkedIn. Vibes Tourism is a leading global hotel wholesaler. Our core business focus is supplying hotel accommodation to the travel trade. By cooperating with thousands of international hotels we are able to offer an outstanding selection of global hotel accommodation at the lowest rates.

  6. Vibes Tourism, Your Trusted Bedbank For Global Destinations

    Vibes Tourism is a leading bedbank, established in Beirut, Lebanon, serving worldwide.Our role is to provide our global network of travel trade clients, with...

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    Africa Branch: Kigali Heights Building, 23WV+V33, KG7 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda; P.O. Box: 2634 - Kigali, Rwanda +250 252 900 980; [email protected]

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  15. Vibes Tourism

    Lebanon. Bed Banks. Vibes Tourism is a leading bed bank for destinations and travel services worldwide. The booking engine offers comprehensive solutions for accommodation, ground services, flights, tickets and travel insurance to any destination in the world, and is now launching a white label tool for travel agents. ...

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    View Vibes Tourism ( location in Lebanon , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. ... Vibes Tourism. Hospitality · Lebanon · <25 Employees. View Company Info for Free. About. Headquarters Starco, Beirut, Lebanon. Phone Number +961 1372990. Website ...

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  18. The Vibes World in Africa, an Achievement of ATB

    [email protected]. +251 913 148 497. The Vibes World in Africa, an Achievement of ATB. January 28, 2023. The Vibes World in Africa, an Achievement of ATB. The stride into the most promising continent in the world - Africa by the Vibes World from Lebanon could be described as magical, timing and a huge success from the onset.

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    Byblos, Lebanon #VibesTourism #B2B #Hospitality #TravelTech #TravelTechnology #BedBank #B2BTravel #Leisure #Hoteliers #LuxuryTourism #HotelsWorldwide...

  22. Privacy Policy

    Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this agreement) refers to Vibes Tourism SARL, New Starco, Mina El Hosn, Solidere, Beirut, Lebanon. Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer, mobile device or any other device by a website, containing the details of your browsing history on that website among ...