
  • ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર

By- Gujju 13-02-2024

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By Gujju 13-02-2024

  • બહેન માટે માટે જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • ચાણક્ય નીતિ
  • ચાણક્ય ના સુવિચાર
  • સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદના સુવિચાર
  • મહાત્મા ગાંધી ના સુવિચાર
  • પપ્પા ના જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • કાકા માટે માટે જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • શુભકામના બદલ આભાર
  • ગર્લફ્રેન્ડ માટે જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • દીકરી માટે માટે જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • ભાઈ માટે જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • પતિ માટે જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામનાઓ
  • પત્ની માટે જન્મદિવસની શુભેચ્છા
  • મિત્ર ને જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના
  • મમ્મી ને જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના

જિંદગી માં સમયનો સદઉપયોગ કરતા શીખો. દરેક સફળ વ્યક્તિએ સમયનો સદુપયોગ કરીને જ સફળતા મેળવી છે.

અજવાળા સુધી પહોંચવા માટે અંધારામાંથી પસાર થવું જ પડશે.

ધીમે ધીમે ઉંમર વિતી જાય છે, જીવન યાદોનું પુસ્તક બની જાય છે. ક્યારેક કોઈની યાદ બહુ સતાવે છે તો ક્યારેક યાદોના સહારે જિંદગી કપાઈ જાય છે.

માણસ તો જોઇએ તેટલા મળે છે, પરંતુ જોઇએ તેવા ભાગ્યે જ મળે છે.

લોગોં પર ભરોસા કરતે સમય થોડા સાવધાન રહીએ ક્યાંકી ફિટકરી ઔર મિશ્રી ( સાકર ) દોનોં એક જૈસે દિખાઇ દેતે હૈ .

સમય નું મહત્વ જરૂરી નથી જેનું મહત્વ છે તેના માટે સમય જરૂરી છે….

લોકો કહે છે કે જિંદગી ફક્ત એકવાર મળી છે, પણ જિંદગી નહીં મોત એકવાર મળે છે, જિંદગી તો આપણને દરરોજ મળે છે.

જેવા છો તેવા જ રહો, કેમ કે ઓરીજનલ ની કિંમત ઝેરોક્ષ કરતા વધુ હોય છે…..

બધી શબ્દોની જ રમત છે ભાઈ… મીઠા શબ્દો દવાનું કામ કરે છે અને કડવા શબ્દો ઘા આપી જાય છે.

માણસ જેવા વિચાર રાખે છે એવો જ એ પોતે બની જાય છે અને એવી જ એની જિંદગી બની જાય છે

ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર (Gujrati suvichar)

અમારા ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર પૃષ્ઠ પર આપનું સ્વાગત છે, જે પ્રેરણા અને ભાવનાત્મક ગૂંચવણનો ખજાનો છે, ગુજરાતી બોલનારા દર્શકો માટે ખાસ કરીને તૈયાર કર્યો છે. અહીં, તમને સુવિચાર (ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર)નું અદ્ભુત સંગ્રહ મળશે – ગહન કહેવતો અને પ્રેરણાદાયક ઉક્તિઓ, જે સીધી હૃદય અને આત્મા સાથે વાત કરે છે, સકારાત્મકતા, સહનશીલતા, અને જીવન માટેનો ઉત્સાહ વધારવા માટે પ્રેરણા આપે છે.

Gujrati motivational quotes

Welcome to our Gujarati Suvichar page, a treasure trove of inspiration and emotional resonance, crafted with care for Gujarati-speaking audiences. Here, you’ll find an exquisite collection of Suvichar (ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર) – profound sayings and Gujrati motivational quotes that speak directly to the heart and soul, encouraging positivity, perseverance, and a zest for life.

In addition to these uplifting messages, we also offer a special section dedicated to love quotes, capturing the essence of affection, companionship, and the profound bonds that tie us to one another.

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33 Great Gujarati Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs + Meanings In English

The Gujarati people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.

Check out these proverbs, also known as ‘kahevat’ and quotes below to gain some insight into Gujarati beliefs and ways of thinking. 

Below I’ve listed famous Gujarati quotes, inspiring Gujarati sayings and common Gujarati proverbs in both Gujarati and English. 

My personal favorite quote is number 13. I hope you can find a favorite in this list too!

Table of Contents

Famous Gujarati Quotes & Gujarati Proverbs Written In Gujarati Language

Here’s a bunch of quotes in Gujarati and Gujarati proverbs written in the Gujarati language. I’ve also included the meanings in English.

In the Gujarati culture, little life lessons are passed on through proverbs which are known as ‘kahevat’ in the Gujarati language. 

Many cultures around the world have these which help to teach moral values.

  • વેલો ઉઠે વીર, બળ બુદ્ધિ વધે અને સુખીયું રહે એનું શરીર – Early to bed and early to rise, makes you healthy and wise.
  • જાગ્યા ત્યાંથી સવાર – It is never too late to start doing the right thing.

Famous Gujarati quote which reads 'it is never too late to start doing the right thing'.

  • ચોર પકડાય, ચટું પકડાય, પણ ખોટા બોલુ ના પકડાય – You can catch a thief, you can catch a selfish person but you cannot catch a liar.
  • નાણું મળશે પણ ટાણું નઈ મળે – Choose time over money.
  • કડવો લીંબડો અને કડવા એના બીજ, બીજ વાવતા પણ મીઠા ના થાય – As you sow so shall you reap.
  • સોના જેઉં સાસરું પણ પિયર જેઉં નહીં – The grooms house may be made of gold, but her parent’s home is priceless.
  • આવે તોહ ઘર ને જાયે તોહ રસ્તો – If you come here and we get on you’ll be welcomed, but if we don’t then you can go on on your way.
  • લાગે તો તીર નહિ તો તુક્કો – If it’s bang on the target, it was deliberate. If it didn’t it was not.
  • ટીપે ટીપે સરોવર બંધાય , કાંકરે કાંકરે પાડ બંધાય – Rome was not built in a day.
  • ના બોલવા માં નવ ગુણ – Silence is golden.

Famous Gujarati quote which reads 'silence is golden'.

Famous Gujarati Proverbs (Kahevat) & Gujarati Sayings With Meanings

Below I’ve listed the most popular Gujarati proverbs with meanings as well as some common Gujarati sayings.

These are written in the English script and are used often in day to day life.

  • Lobhiya hoi tya dhutara bhukhe na mare – Where there is greed, a con man will always get his way.
  • Bole tena bor vechaay – The one who speaks will be heard.
  • Utavle amba na pake – Fruits don’t ripen in a hurry, one must wait.

Famous Gujarati proverb which reads 'fruits don't ripen in a hurry, one must wait'.

  • Jhajha haath ralyamna – A helping hand is beautiful.
  • Haaila kare – Life goes on.
  • Shaant paani undaa hoy chhe – Still waters run deep.
  • Na bolvama nav gun – Silence is golden.

Best Gujarati Quotes 

Below I’ve listed a range of famous and inspirational Gujarati quotes.

  • Hisab kodino ne bakshis lakh ni – One should not mix business and personal expenses.
  • Lage to teer nahi to tukko – If it’s bang on the target, it was deliberate. If it didn’t, it was not. 
  • Pehlu sukh te jaate naryaa – Your own good health is real happiness.
  • Lobhiya hoi tya dhutaara bhukhe naa mare – Thieves and robbers will thrive where there are greedy people around.
  • Manas matra bhul ne patra – Human beings are bound to make mistakes.
  • Gharada gaada vaale – The wisdom and experience of older people should always be respected.

Famous Gujarati Idioms & Gujarati Sayings

Below I’ve listed the most well-known Gujarati idioms and expressions with English translations. Many of these have hidden meanings.

  • Tel leva ja

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘go get some oil’ however the true meaning is ‘get lost’.

  • Magaj ni kadhi na kar 

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘don’t make curry of my brain’. The true meaning is ‘don’t bother me’.

Famous Gujarati idiom which reads 'don't make curry of my brain'.

  • Suka bhegu lilu pan bale  

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘when burning dry grass, you may also end up burning green grass’. The true meaning of this phrase is ‘when eliminating bad things, you may harm good things as well’.

  • Hathoda na maar 

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘don’t hit hammers’ however the true meaning is ‘don’t make lame jokes’.

  • Adhuro ghado chalkaay ghano

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘a half filled vessel will always spill more’. The true meaning is that ‘those with little knowledge will brag and show off more’.

  • Tu bhasis? 

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘will you bark?’ however the true meaning is ‘will you say something?’.

  • Tu kaachu limbu

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘you are a raw lemon’ however the true meaning is actually ‘you are partially qualified’.

  • Haldar naa gaanthiye gandhi naa thavaay

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘with a piece of turmeric, one cannot be gandhi’. The true meaning is that ‘with little knowledge, one cannot be a scholar’.

  • Tane dhoi naakhis 

The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘I will wash you’. The true meaning is actually ‘I will hit you’.

  • Bhes bhaagole, ane chhash chhaagole  

This phrase literally means ‘the buffalo is far away and you are imagining churning buttermilk’. The true meaning of this phrase is that ‘you are expecting too much too soon’.

Check out the videos below which feature a range of famous Gujarati quotes and well-known Gujarati sayings & proverbs. These are all in the Gujarati language.

Thanks for reading this post on the best Gujarati quotes on life, famous Gujarati sayings and fascinating Gujarati proverbs with English meanings.

These Gujarati quotes in English give an interesting insight into the Gujarati beliefs and language.

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Gujarati Quotes – Wisdom and Inspiration from Gujarat

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits.

Dream big and dare to fail.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Success is not just about making money, it’s about making a difference.

It’s not about how fast you can go, but how far you can grow.

Your attitude determines your altitude.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Change your thoughts and you can change the world.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

The road to success is always under construction.

Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.

Success is not in what you have, but who you are.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Great things never come from comfort zones.

Gujarati Quotes – Wisdom and Inspiration from Gujarat part 2

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

The best revenge is massive success.

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.

Success is not overnight. It’s when everyday you get a little better than the day before. It all adds up.

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.

The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

Success is not about winning every battle, it’s about winning the war.

You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.

The first step towards success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.

Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got this.

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પ્રવૃત્તિ મહત્ત્વની કે પ્રસિદ્ધિ ? સમાજથી ડરવાનું બંધ કરીએ ? જિંદગી સામે ફરિયાદો કરવાનું માંડી વાળીએ ? આપણે ધીરજનો ગુણ ગુમાવી રહ્યા છીએ….. વગેરે જેવા અનેક રસપ્રદ વિષયો ધરાવતી ઈબુક એટલે આનંદનું આકાશ.

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માતૃભાષા અને રતિલાલ ચંદરયા

શીખવ્યા વગર જ જે આવડી જાય તે માતૃભાષા.  કોઈપણ બાળક જન્મે અને થોડું ઘણું બોલવાનું શીખે ત્યારે એના મોંમાથી પહેલો શબ્દ નીકળે એ હોય છે મા અથવા મમ એટલે કે ખાવાનું. વળી આપણે બાળકને સૂવડાવવા માટે જે ગીત કે હાલરડાં ગાઈએ છીએ તે પણ આપણે ગુજરાતીમાં જ ગાઈએ છીએ અંગ્રેજી ગીતો નથી ગાતા. આમ બાળકને […]


February 20 2024

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ઓગણીસ કલ્યાણકો ધરાવતી પાંચ તીર્થંકરોની પરમ પાવન જન્મભૂમિ – અયોધ્યા (Ayodhya)

હિંદુ ધર્મ અને જૈન ધર્મનાં તાણાવાણા એકબીજા સાથે પ્રગાઢ રીતે સંકળાયેલા છે. રામજન્મભૂમિ (Ram Mandir) તરીકે અયોધ્યા (ayodhya) નગરી મહાતીર્થનું ગૌરવ પામી છે, તો એ જ રીતે જૈન ધર્મના ચોવીસ તીર્થંકરોમાંથી પાંચ-પાંચ તીર્થંકરોનો જન્મ આ અયોધ્યાની પાવન ભૂમિ પર થયો છે. જૈન ધર્મમાં ચોવીસ તીર્થંકરોમાંથી પાંચ-પાંચ તીર્થંકરોનાં કલ્યાણકો અહીં આવ્યાં છે. દરેક તીર્થંકરના જીવનની ચ્યવન(માતાના […]

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વહાલી આપણી માતૃભાષા : વિશ્વ માતૃભાષા દિવસ

ભાષાકીય, સાંસ્કૃતિક વૈવિધ્ય અને બહુભાષાવાદની જાગૃતતાને પ્રોત્સાહન આપવા માટે 21મી ફેબ્રુઆરીનો દિવસ “આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય માતૃભાષા દિન” તરીકે ઊજવવામાં આવે છે. સૌ પ્રથમ યુનેસ્કો દ્વારા 17 નવેમ્બર 1999માં આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય માતૃભાષા દિનની સત્તાવાર જાહેરાત કરવામાં આવી હતી અને ત્યારથી સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં 21 ફેબ્રુઆરીની ‘વિશ્વ માતૃભાષા દિવસ’ તરીકે ઉજવવામાં આવે છે

February 20 2023

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151+ Life Quotes in Gujarati | ગુજરાતી શાયરી જિંદગી (gujarati quotes on life)

Life Quotes in Gujarati – દરેક વ્યકિત કે મનુષ્યના જીવનમાં સુખ અને દુુુુ:ખની ૫ળો આવતી હોય જ છેે ૫રંતુ આ સમયમાં તેનો કઇ રીતે મનોબળ પૂર્વક સામનો કરવો એ મહત્વનું છે. આવુ મનોબળ મેળવવા માટે જરૂર છેે સારા વિચારોની, અને સારા અને ઉમદા વિચારો માટે ઉત્તમ વાંચન જરૂરી છે. ૫રંતુ અત્યારે દરેક માણસ પોતાના કાર્યોમાં એટલો બઘો વ્યસ્ત થઇ ગયો છે કે તેને આવા વાંચન માટે સમય જ નથી. તો અમે આજે તમારી આ સમસ્યાનું અહી નિરાકરણ રૂપે ખૂબ જ ઉ૫યોગી જીંદગી શાયરી (life quotes in gujarati)નુ કલેકશન કઇને આવ્યા છે.

Life Quotes in Gujarati (ગુજરાતી શાયરી જિંદગી)

જીવનની દરેક ક્ષણે ઉપયોગી બને શકે તેવા ખુબ જ ઉમદા  life quotes in gujarati , quotes on life in gujarati,  emotional life quotes in gujarati,  married life husband wife quotes in gujarati  અને Suvichar Gujarati નીચે મુજબ આપ્યા છે. આ quotes-સુવિચાર તમે વહેલી સવારે તમારા પ્રિયજનો ને  Good Morning Gujarati Suvichar , gujarati quotes on life મોકલી શકો છો.

જિંદગી ભર જો સાજા રહેવું હોય ને તો… હમેશા સ્વાદ અને સંવાદ પર સંયમ રાખવો…!!!
દુનિયાનો સૌથી સુંદર સબંધ એ જ છે જ્યાં.. એક નાની મુસ્કાન અને નાની માફી થી. જિંદગી પહેલા જેવી થઈ જાય છે. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

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gujarati quotes on life

કયારેક શાંતિથી બેસવાનું પણ રાખો, જિંદગી જીવવાની છે, જીતવાની નથી…!!
હું જરા ઝાલું ન ઝાલું ત્યાં પડી ગઈ જિંદગી એટલામાં કોક બોલ્યું જો સડી ગઈ જિંદગી એક ક્ષણ એવું થયું પાટા નીચે પડતું મૂકું, એક ક્ષણ ચૂક્યો અને પાટે ચડી ગઈ જિંદગી.
શોખ ઊંચા નથી અમારા, બસ જિંદગી જીવવાની રીત અલગ છે..!!
ના મળે અધિકાર ત્યારે ગર્જના કરવી પડે, નહિ તો આખી જિંદગી બસ યાચના કરવી પડે.
દુઃખ આવ્યું છે અને આવતું રહેશે, છતાં સવારે સુખ શોધવા નીકળી જવું એનું નામ ‘જિંદગી’
જે ભૂલી જવાની એ બધી વાત યાદ છે, આ જિંદગી માં એનો જ બધો વિવાદ છે..!!

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short gujarati quotes on life

વૃક્ષ ઝંઝાવાત નહીં ઝીલી શકે તરણું ઊખડી જાય તો કે’જે મને જિંદગી તારાથી હું થાક્યો નથી તું જો થાકી જાય તો કે’જે મને
દિલ લગાડવામાં બસ એક જ હતો ખતરો, મારે માટે એ જિંદગી હતી ને એના માટે હું અખતરો !!
હસવું હસાવવું અને હસતા રહેવું એ જિંદગી નો ક્રમ છે તમે દુઃખી છો અને બધા સુખી છે એ તમારો ભ્રમ છે.
જિંદગી સે બડી સજા હી નહીં, ઔર ક્યા જૂર્મ હે પતા હી નહીં…!!!
જ્યારે પણ જિંદગી પરીક્ષા લેતી હોય છે, ત્યારે સંબંધીઓ પેપર ચેક કરવાનુ કામ કરે છે
તું નહિ મળે તો પણ આખી જિંદગી તને જ પ્રેમ કરીશ. એ જરૂરી તો નથી ને કે જે ના મળે એને છોડી દઈએ
જિંદગી છે દોસ્ત ધાર્યા મુજબ કદી જીવાતી નથી, ભલે ઉછળતો હોય સિક્કો પરંતુ તેની બંને બાજુ મંગાતી નથી…!!!
સાચા સંબધ ની સુંદરતા એક બીજા ની ભૂલો સહન કરવા માં જ છે, કારણ કે ભૂલ વગર નો મનુષ્ય શોધવા જશો તો આખી જિંદગી એકલા જ રહી જશો.
ખરાબ સમયમાં ખભા ૫ર મુકેલ હાથ સફળતાની તાળીઓ કરતાં ૫ણ મુલ્યવાન હોય છે.
બોલવાનુું શીખી લો, નહિંતર જીંદગીભર સાંભળતા રહી જશો.

life quotes in gujarati

સંસારમાં મનુષ્ય માત્ર એક એવુ પ્રાણી છે જેનું ઝેર શબ્દોમાં હોય છે.
માત્ર સંતોષ શોઘો, જરૂરતો કયારેય પુરી નથી થતી.

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જે તમારાથી કંટાળી જાય એને છોડી દો, કારણકે કોઇનો બોઝ બનવા કરતાં યાદ બનવુ સારૂ
ઇજજત માણસની નથી હોતી, જરૂરીયાતોની હોય છે, જરૂરીયાત ખત્મ, ઇજજત ખત્મ.
જીંદગીએ જે ચેપ્ટર શીખવ્યુ છે એનો એક શબ્દ “યાદ” છે.
ભુુલ એનાથી થાય જે મહેનતથી કામ કરે છે.
એક ભુલ તમારો અનુભવ વઘારે છે, જયારે એક અનુભવ તમારી ભુલો ઓછી કરે છે.
જેવા વર્તનની બીજા પાસે અપેક્ષા રાખો છો, એવુ વર્તન ૫હેલાં પોતે કરો.

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life quotes in gujarati

જીંદગી બદલવા માટે લડવુ ૫ડે છે, જીંદગી સહેલી કરવા સમજવુ ૫ડે છે.
દુનિયા બદલવા માટે તમારા હસતા ચહેરાનો ઉ૫યોગ કરો, દુનિયાને તમારો ચહેરાનું હાસ્ય ન બદલવા દો.
જીવનભર અફસોસ રહેશે કે એક જ તો જીંદગી હતી એમાંય તમે ન મળ્યા.

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quotes on life in gujarati

ઇન્દ્રિયો પર વિજય ત્યારે જ સંભવ છે જયારે વિનયરૂપી સંપત્તિ હોય.” –  ચાણક્ય
જીવનમાં જે વાત ભુખ્યુ ૫ેેટ અને ખાલી શીખવે છે એ કોઇ શિક્ષક ન શીખવી શકે.

quotes on life in gujarati

બળવાન સાથે યુદ્ધ કરવું એ હાથીઓની સેના સામે પગપાળા લડવા જવા જેવું છે. –  કૌટિલ્ય   
આપણા જીવનનો હેતુ ખુશ રહેવાનો છે.” – દલાઈ લામા

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જીવન ફક્ત એક જ મળે છે, પરંતુ જો તમે તેને યોગ્ય રીતે જીવી શકો છો, તો એકવાર ૫ણ પૂરતું છે. – મે વેસ્ટ
“જો તમે સુખી જીવન જીવવા માંગતા હો, તો તેને કોઈ ધ્યેય સાથે જોડો, લોકો અથવા વસ્તુઓ સાથે નહીં.” – આલ્બર્ટ આઈન્સ્ટાઈન
“હારવાના ડરથી કયારેય રમત રમવાનું ચુુુુકશો નહી”- બેબે રૂથ
“તમારો સમય સીમિત છે, તેથી તેને કોઈ બીજાનું જીવન જીવવામાં બગાડો નહીં. અંધવિશ્વાસમાં ફસાશો નહીં – જે અન્ય લોકોની વિચારસરણીના પરિણામો સાથે જીવે છે.” – સ્ટીવ જોબ્સ
“પૈસો અને સફળતા લોકોને બદલતા નથી; તેઓ ફક્ત પહેલેથી જ જે છે તે વિસ્તૃત કરે છે.” – વિલ સ્મીથ
કેટલો સમય નહી, પરંતુ તમે કેટલું સારું જીવ્યા છો તે મહત્વનું છે.
“સફળ જીવનનું આખું રહસ્ય એ છે કે વ્યક્તિનું નસીબ શું છે તે શોધવું અને પછી તે કરવું.” – હેનરી ફોર્ડ
“જીવન વિશે લખવા માટે તમારે પહેલા તેને જીવવું જોઈએ.” – અર્નેસ્ટ હેમિંગ્વે

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“જીવનનો મોટો બોઘપાઠ, ક્યારેય કોઈના કે કંઈપણથી ડરશો નહીં.” – ફ્રેન્ક સિનાત્રા
“જીવન એ હલ કરવાની સમસ્યા નથી, પરંતુ અનુભવવા માટેની વાસ્તવિકતા છે.” – સોરેન કિરકેગાર્ડ
“જીવન વિશે તેના તમામ પાસાઓમાં જિજ્ઞાસા કેળવ્યા ૫છી, મને લાગે છે કે, હજુ પણ મહાન સર્જનાત્મક લોકોનું રહસ્ય છે.” – લીઓ બર્નેટ
“સંશોઘન વિનાનું જીવન જીવવા યોગ્ય નથી.” – સોક્રેટીસ
“તમારા જખમો ને શાણપણમાં ફેરવો.” – ઓપ્રાહ વિન્ફ્રે
“જેવી રીતે હું તેને જોઉં છું, જો તમારે મેઘધનુષ્ય જોઈએ છે, તો વરસાદનો સામનો કરવો પડશે.” -ડોલી પાર્ટન
“જ્યાં સુધી તમે કરી શકો તેટલું સારું કર્મ કરો, તમે કરી શકો તે બધા લોકો માટે કરો, તમે કરી શકો તે બધી રીતે કરો.” – હિલેરી ક્લિન્ટન (જ્હોન વેસ્લીથી પ્રેરિત)
“જીવન માં જે મળે છે તેનાથી સંતોષ ન કરો; જીવનને વઘુ સમૃઘ્ઘ અને સજજ બનાવો” – એશ્ટન કુચર
“બધું જ નકારાત્મક – દબાણ, પડકારો – મારા માટે ઉદય થવાની તક છે.” – કોબે બ્રાયન્ટ
“મને ટીકા ગમે છે. તે તમને મજબૂત બનાવે છે.” – લિબ્રોન જેમ્સ
જીવવાનો સૌથી મોટો મહિમા ક્યારેય ન પડવામાં નથી, પરંતુ જ્યારે પણ આપણે પડીએ છીએ ત્યારે ઉભા થવામાં છે. -નેલ્સન મંડેલા

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શરૂઆત કરવાની રીત એ છે કે કહેવાનું છોડી દો અને કામ કરવાનું શરૂ કરો. -વોલ્ટ ડિઝની

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તમે જ્યાં જાઓ ત્યાં પ્રેમ ફેલાવો. ખુશ થયા વિના કોઈને તમારી પાસેથી જવા ન દો. – મધર ટેરેસા
જ્યારે તમે તમારા દોરડાના છેડે પહોંચો, ત્યારે તેમાં એક ગાંઠ બાંધો અને અટકી જાઓ. -ફ્રેન્કલિન ડી. રૂઝવેલ્ટ

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હંમેશા યાદ રાખો કે તમે એકદમ અનન્ય છો. બીજા બધાની જેમ જ. -માર્ગારેટ મીડ

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ભવિષ્ય તે લોકોનું છે જેઓ તેમના સપનાની સુંદરતામાં વિશ્વાસ કરે છે. -એલેનોર રૂઝવેલ્ટ
વિશ્વની શ્રેષ્ઠ અને સૌથી સુંદર વસ્તુઓ જોઈ શકાતી નથી અથવા સ્પર્શી પણ શકાતી નથી – તે હૃદયથી અનુભવવી જોઈએ. -હેલન કેલર

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આપણી સૌથી અંધકારમય ક્ષણો દરમિયાન આપણે પ્રકાશ જોવા માટે ધ્યાન કેન્દ્રિત કરવું જોઈએ. – એરિસ્ટોટલ
જે ખુશ છે તે બીજાને પણ ખુશ કરશે. – એની ફ્રેન્ક
જીવન તો એક હિંમતવાન સાહસ છે બીજુ કંઈ જ નથી. -હેલન કેલર
તમારા માથામાં મગજ અને ૫ગમાં પગરખાં છે. તમે પસંદ કરો તે કોઈપણ દિશામાં તમે તમારી જાતને લઈ શકો છો. -ડો. સિઉસ

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આશા રાખુ છું તમને આ life quotes in gujarati (જીંદગી શાયરી) ખુબ જ ગમ્યા હશે. અમે આવી અવનવા સુવિચાર-શાયરી અમારા બ્લોગ ૫ર મુકતા રહીએ છીએ. જેથી અમારા સુવિચાર ગુજરાતી બ્લોગની મુલાકાત લેતા રહેજો અને જો શાયરીઓ ગમે તો તમારા સ્નેહી, પ્રેમી, પ્રિયતમાને શેર કરવાનું ભુલશો નહી. તમારી એક like, comment અને share અમને વધુ લખવાની અને અવનવી શાયરી, સુવિચાર લખવા માટે પ્રેરકબળ આપે છે. 

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100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

  • Post author: Summerdays
  • Post published: 29 March 2023
  • Post category: Motivational Quotes
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Motivation જેને આપણે પ્રેરણા કહીએ છીએ. અહીં motivational quotes in gujarati શીર્ષક હેઠળ આપના માટે ઉત્તમ Quotes  છે. આપણા દરેક કાર્ય પાછળનું પ્રેરકબળ કામ કરે છે જેને આપણે પ્રેરણા કહીએ છીએ. પ્રેરણા વગર આપણે સૌ ખેતરમાં પડેલા માટીના ઢેફાં જેવા છીએ. આપણાં જીવનમાં  ગમે તેટલી મુશ્કેલીઓ હોય પરંતુ Motivation  ની સકારાત્મક ઉર્જા સાથે આપણે પડકારોનો સામનો કરવા સક્ષમ બનીએ છીએ. આજે દરેક વ્યક્તિ સારા સબંધો, સારુ આરોગ્ય અને સારી આર્થિક પરિસ્થિતિ મેળવવા પ્રયન્તશીલ છે. અને આ બાબતોમાં મળેલી ઉચ્ચ સિધ્ધિનેજ સફળતા કહી શકાય. અહીં motivational quotes આપવામાં આવેલા છે. જે આપને પ્રેરણાથી ભરી દેશે.

5 3 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“વિજેતાઓ કોઇ અલગ કામ નથી કરતા, તેઓ દરેક કામ અલગ રીતે કરતા હોય છે.” શિવ ખેરા

12 1 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“વિજયી બનવાની ઇચ્છા બધાને જ હોય છે પણ એ માટે નક્કર યોજના બનાવી પુરી તૈયારી કરવા માટે ખુબ જ ઓછા લોકો તૈયાર થતા હોય છે.” વિન્સ લોમ્બરડી

motivational quotes in gujarati

motivational quotes in gujarati

” એ ચાંદની રાતોમાં સુતો, એણે સોનેરી તડકાનો આનંદ માણ્યો, કંઇક કરી છુટવાની તમન્નામાં જિંદગી વિતાવી, આખરે હારીને સ્વીકારી લીધી મૃત્યુની સરણાગતી. જેમ્સ અલબેરી

1 2 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“કોઇ આપણું સ્વમાન લઈ શકે નહી, જો આપણે એને આપીએ નહિ તો. “ ગાંધીજી

15 1 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“તમે જ્યારે પ્ણ તમારી સીમાઓ ઓળંગો છો ત્યારે કંઇક ઉચ્ચ કરી જાવ છો.” મણિરત્નમ

23 1 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

જુસ્સો બુલંદ હોય તો પહાડ પણ માટીનો ઢગલો લાગે છે.” છત્રપતિ શિવાજી મહારાજ

24 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જીવન નો ઉદ્દેશ એટલે હેતુયુક્ત જીવન” રોબીન શર્મા

25 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“વિશ્વના સૌથી શકિતશાળી લોકોને પણ જિંદગી પોતાના અંદાજમાં જરૂર શીખવે છે.’ – આનંદ મહિંદ્રા

26 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

  • 150+ life quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતી જીવન સુવિચાર વાંચો
“ડહાપણને સરળતાથી શીખો કદાપી ભુલો નહીં” પાયથા ગોરસ
“કોઈ આપણું સ્વમાન લઈ શકે નહીં, જો આપણે એને આપીએ નહીં તો.” ગાંધીજી

56 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“મનમાં નક્કી કરો, દરેક પગલું તમને પર્વતના શિખર ઉપર જવાની દિશામાં લઈ જશે અને તમે ત્યાં પહોંચશો.” રોબિન શર્મા, ભવ્યજીવન

54 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“માણસનું મન જે કોઇ સંકલ્પ કરે, જે ધારે એ પ્રાપ્ત કરી શકે.” નેપોલિયન હિલ

57 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“આપણી પાછળ જે રહ્યુ છે અને આપણી આગળ જે રહ્યુ છે, એની સરખામણીએ આપણામાં શુ રહ્યું છે તે પેલાને ફીક્કુ પાડી દે છે.” ઇમરસન

58 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જો તમે દરરોજ એક રીતે કામ કર્યા કરશો તો ચોક્કસ તમે દરરોજ એકજ પરિણામ મેળવશો.” રોબિન શર્મા

59 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“કોઇ પણ કાર્યના હેતુઓ માટે ઇચ્છાશક્તિ, વિચારની એકાગ્રતા, જોડાય તો એનાથી વધારે ઉપયોગી કશું નથી.” હેન્રી ફ્રેડરિક એમિયલ

60 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“બીજા લોકો કરતાં ઉત્તમ બનવું એમાં ઉમદા જેવું કશું નથી. તમે પહેલાં જેવા હતાં તેના કરતાં વધારે ઉત્તમ બનો એમાં જ સાચું ઉમદાપણું રહેલું છે.” પૌરાણિક કહેવત

61 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“સજ્જન માણસ પોતાની જાતે જ અવિરતપણે મજબૂત થતો જાય છે.” કોંફ્યુસિયસ

1 3 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“અતિ કિંમતી વસ્તુઓને ક્યારેય ઓછી કિંમતી વસ્તુઓની તુલનામાં મૂકવી નહીં.” જોન વોન

2 2 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જ્યારે તમે હદને બાંધ્યા વિના વિચાર કરો અને મોટાં સપનાં સેવો, અદભુત વસ્તુઓ બનશે અને શક્તિશાળી પ્રવાહ એની મેળે કામ કરશે.” રોબીન શર્મા, ભવ્યજીવન

3 1 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“હંમેશા આગળનું વિચારો, હંમેશા પ્રયત્ન કરીને વધારે કામ કરવાનો વિચાર જ મનને એવી સ્થિતિ પ્રાપ્ત કરાવે છે જેમાં કશું જ અશક્ય લાગતું નથી.” હેનરી ફોર્ડ

4 3 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“તમારું આંતરિક વિશ્વ જ તમારા બહારનાં વિશ્વને નક્કી કરે છે.” રોબીન શર્મા, ભવ્યજીવન

5 2 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“મોટા કાર્યો માત્ર શક્તિથી થઈ શકે નહીં પણ ઘીરજથી થાય.” સેમ્યુઅલ જહોનસન

Motivational Quotes in Gujarati

6 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જો મારી માન્યતા હોય કે હું તે કરી શકું, કદાચ મારી પાસે શરૂઆતમાં એ ના હોય તો પણ એવી શક્તિ જરૂર મેળવી શકું .” રોબીન શર્મા, ભવ્યજીવન

7 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“નવા પ્રદેશના આવિષ્કાર માટે દરિયાઈ સફરે નીકળો ત્યારે સમુદ્ર તટ લાંબા વખત સુધી નહીં દેખાઈ એમ સમજીને જ ચાલવું પડે.” એન્ડ્રિ ગાઈડ

8 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

” ઝાડ પર ચડવામાં બહું ડર હોય છે પરંતુ ફળ ઝાડ પર જ હોય છે ને !” રોબીન શર્મા, ભવ્યજીવન

9 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

” માનવ જીવનનું ધ્યેય છે કર્મ. કેવળ ચિંતન કે વિચાર નહીં. પછી એ વિચાર ભલેને ગમે તેટલો ઉમદા કેમ ન હોય મોટા સંકલ્પ કરતા નાનું એવું કામ પણ હંમેશા બહેતર ગણાય છે.” થોમસ કાર્લાઇલ

4 4 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“આપણી કલ્પનાની હદ કેટલી છે એ તો ભવિષ્યમાં આપણે શું આશા રાખીએ છીએ તે જ કહેશે.” ચાર્લસ એફ કેટરિંગ

10 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જે કામ તમે આજે કરી શકો છો એ કાલ ઉપર ટાળવાની ભૂલ કદી ના કરતા.” બેન્જામિન ફ્રેન્કલિન

11 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“અજ્ઞાની હોવા કરતાં તો યોગ્ય રીતે કંઈ પણ શીખવાની ઈચ્છા ન હોવી એ બાબત વધુ શરમજનક છે.” બેન્જામિન ફ્રેન્કલિન

10 1 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“આત્મહત્યા હંગામી સમસ્યાનો ઉકેલ છે. “ એબિગેન વેન બુરેન

12 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“શાંત દરિયો કદી કુશળ ખલાસી બનાવતો નથી.” અજ્ઞાત

13 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“હું એ સૈન્યથી ક્યારેય નહીં ડરું જેમાં સિંહનું નેતૃત્વ એક ઘેટું કરી રહ્યું હોય, મને જે સૈન્યમાં ઘેટાનો લીડર સિંહ હોય તેનાથી ડર લાગશે.” બેન કિંગ્સલે

14 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“પુસ્તકો વાંચતા રહો પણ યાદ રાખો કે પુસ્તક તો પુસ્તક જ છે, વિચારતા તો જાતે જ શીખવું પડશે.” મેક્સિમ ગોરકી

15 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“તમે જ્યારે પણ તમારી સીમાઓ ઓળંગો છો ત્યારે કંઈક અલગ અને ઉચ્ચ કરી જાવ છો.” મણિરત્નમ

17 1 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જ્યારે કામમાં આનંદ આવે છે તો જિવન સુંદર થઈ જાય છે જો કામ પસંદ નથી તો જીવન ગુલામી જેવું લાગે છે. મેક્સિમ

16 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જો તમે એ ક્ષણની રાહ જોશો જ્યારે દરેક વસ્તુ આપણા હિસાબે તૈયાર હશે તો આપણે ક્યારે શરૂઆત જ નહીં કરી શકીએ.” ઈવાન તુર્ગનેવ

17 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“અનિર્ણાયક લોકો અને બાળકો માટે કાલ જેવા શબ્દની શોધ કરાઈ હતી.” ઈવાન તુર્ગનેવ

18 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“મારું જીવન એક મહાન લક્ષ્ય માટે સમર્પિત છે -દેશની આઝાદી . દુનિયાની કોઈ અન્ય કોઈ આકર્ષક વસ્તુ મને લલચાવી જ નહીં શકે.” શહિદ ભગતસિંહ

19 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“મેં હંમેશા દરેક આફતને અવસરમાં પલટાવવાનો પ્રયાસ કર્યો છે.” જોન ડી રોકફેલર

20 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“શક્તિ અને ઝનુન થી વધુ અસરકારક ધીરજ અને સમય છે, વાસ્તવમાં તે જ કામ કરે છે.” જેને દેના કુંતેન

21 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જે કાંટાઓથી ડરે છે તેને ગુલાબની ઈચ્છા ન રાખવી જોઈએ.” એન્ડ બ્રોન્તી

22 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“પોતાના પર વિશ્વાસ કરવો એ જ જાદુ છે, તે કરી લીધું તો તમે કંઈપણ કરી શકો છો.” જોહાન વલ્ફગાંગ વોનગેટે

23 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતીમાં પ્રેરણાદાયી સુવિચાર

“જુસ્સો બુલંદ હોય તો પહાડ પણ માટીનો ઢગલો લાગે છે.” છત્રપતિ શિવાજી મહારાજ

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ગુજરાતી શુભેચ્છાઓ – Gujarati Wishes

ગુજરાતી મોટીવેશનલ સુવિચાર | Positive motivational quotes in gujarati

નમસ્કાર મિત્રો, નવી પોસ્ટમાં આપનું સ્વાગત છે. આ પોસ્ટમાં અમે ગુજરાતીમાં કેટલાક પ્રેરક અવતરણો (motivational quotes in gujarati) શેર કરવા જઈ રહ્યા છીએ. જીવનમાં સફળ થવા માટે હંમેશા પ્રેરિત રહેવું ખૂબ જ જરૂરી છે. positive motivational quotes in gujarati તમને હંમેશા પ્રેરિત અને સંપૂર્ણ શક્તિમાં રહેવા માટે મદદ કરશે.તેથી સમય બગાડ્યા વગર ચાલો શરૂ કરીએ..

motivational quotes in gujarati

motivational images in gujarati

સંઘર્ષ વગર કોઈ મહાન બનતું નથી જ્યાં સુધી કોઈ ઘા ન હોય ત્યાં સુધી પથ્થર પર પણ ત્યાં સુધી તે ભગવાન ન બને.

જીવન એક સંઘર્ષ છે મૃત્યુ એટલે આરામ

જેઓ તેમના પગલાઓની ક્ષમતામાં વિશ્વાસ રાખે છે તેઓ હંમેશા લક્ષ્ય સુધી પહોંચે છે.

કાંટા આવશે રસ્તે પણ એને બાજુમાં ખસેડીને તું આગળ વધજે, મુશ્કેલીઓ આવશે ગણી પણ બધાને માત આપી તું દુનિયાને બતાવજે..💫

કરી શકે જો કોઈ બીજા તો તું કેમ નહીં, પહોંચી શકે છે કોઈ ત્યાં સુધી તો તું કેમ નહીં, આજ ઈચ્છા જગાવ મનમાં અને કર મહેનત તું બધા જ કરી શકે છે તો તું કેમ નહીં..✨

થશે બધી ઈચ્છાઓ પૂરી તું બસ મહેનત કર થશે બધા જ સપનાઓ પૂરા તું બસ શરૂઆત તો કર..💫

જ્યારે લોકો તમારી વિરુદ્ધ જવા લાગે ત્યારે સમજી જવું તમારી સફળતાની શરૂઆત થઈ ગઈ છે..✨

મહેનત એવી કરવી કે હારો તો પણ જીતેલા કરતા વધારે ચર્ચા તમારી થતી હોય..😍

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સપના એ નથી જે તમે તમારી ઊંઘ જુઓ છો સપના એ છે જે તમને જાગૃત રાખે છે.

મેદાન પર હારેલો જીતી શકે છે, પરંતુ જે વ્યક્તિ તેના મનમાંથી હારે છે તે ક્યારેય જીતી શકતો નથી.

પાછલો દિવસ બદલી શકાતો નથી પરંતુ આવનારા દિવસને બદલવાનું તમારા પર છે

મોટીવેશનલ ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર

motivational shayari gujarati

સખત રસ્તાઓ હંમેશા સુંદર લક્ષ્યો તરફ દોરી જાય છે

જ્યાં સુધી જીવન છે ત્યાં સુધી શીખતા રહો કારણ કે અનુભવ સૌથી મોટો ગુરુ છે.

‘શબ્દો’ એ છે જે જીવનને અર્થ આપે છે અને ‘શબ્દો’ જીવનને બરબાદ કરે છે

મહેનત કર્યાનું ફળ આજે નહીં તો કાલે મળે જ છે તું એક વાર જાતે તો ઉઠી જો કરેલી મહેનત જીવનમાં ગમે ત્યારે તો ફળે જ છે..💫

લોકો શું કહેશે એ છોડીને તારા goal પર ધ્યાન કેન્દ્રિત કર સફળ થયા બાદ લોકો જ શાબાશી આપશે..💫✨

એક વાર પડ્યા બાદ જાતે જ ઉભા થતા શીખી જા લોકોનો સહારો લઈશ તો પાછો લોકો પાછો પાડશે કર મહેનત અપાર તને પાડવા વાળા લોકો પણ નામ તારું લાદશે..💫

હારીને બેસી ન જા ઊઠીને નવી શરૂઆત તો કરી જો કરશે સૌ કોઈ વખાણ તારા ઊઠીને નવી શરૂઆત તો કરી જો ગુંજશે તારું નામ પણ આકાશમાં તું બસ ઊઠીને નવી શરૂઆત તો કરી જો..❣️

કોઈ પણ દુઃખ માણસના સાહસથી મોટું નથી હોતું હારે એ છે જે લડવાની હિમંત નથી કરતું..❣️

motivational gujarati quotes

જેઓ માને છે કે તેઓ જીતી શકે છે તે જ જીતી શકે છે

ભલે કોઈ પ્રશંસા કરે કે ટીકા કરે, લાભ તમારો છે.

તક અને સૂર્યોદય વચ્ચે સામ્યતા છે, જે મોડું જાગે તેનું ભાગ્ય બંને નથી

જીવન 10% છે જે આપણને થાય છે અને 90% આપણે તેના પર કેવી પ્રતિક્રિયા આપીએ છીએ.

દરરોજ જીવો જેમ કે તમારું જીવન હમણાં જ શરૂ થયું છે

આવતીકાલની શ્રેષ્ઠ તૈયારી આજે તમારી શ્રેષ્ઠ કામગીરી છે.

હિંમત એ માનવ ગુણોમાંથી પ્રથમ છે કારણ કે તે તે ગુણવત્તા છે જે અન્ય બધાને ખાતરી આપે છે

motivational images in gujarati

motivational message in gujarati

શક્યની મર્યાદા શોધવાનો એકમાત્ર રસ્તો એ છે કે તેમની બહાર અશક્યમાં જવું

નિષ્ફળતાઓની ચિંતા ન કરો, જ્યારે તમે પ્રયત્ન પણ ન કરો ત્યારે તમે જે તકો ગુમાવશો તેની ચિંતા કરો.

આપશે સૌ કોઈ સલાહ એનાથી તને રસ્તો મળી જશે પણ કરશે જો મહેનત એનાથી તને સફળતા મળી જશે..💗

લોકો તો ટીકા કરશે જ એનાથી તારો રસ્તો ના બદલ થવું હોય સફળ તો બસ મૂકીને શરમ સાહસ કરતા શીખ..❣️

કરતા હતા જે લોકો ટીકા તારી એને પણ કરીને બતાવી દે કરી શકે છે તું કોઈ પણ કામ બસ એક વાર સાહસ કરીને બતાવી દે..💫

લાંબુ જીવવાની જ નહીં પણ સારું જીવવાની ઈચ્છા રાખો જીવો ભલે થોડો સમય પણ બધું જ કરી જાણવાની ઈચ્છા રાખો..❣️

કર એવી મહેનત કે કદાચ તારી હાર થાય તો કોઈની જીત કરતા તારી હાર ની ચર્ચા વધારે થાય..✨

એક હજાર માઇલનો પ્રવાસ એક પગથિયાથી શરૂ થાય છે

motivational quotes in gujarati

તમારા વિચારો બદલો અને તમે તમારી દુનિયા બદલો

આપણે જે વિચારીએ છીએ તે બનીએ છીએ

તમે જ્યાં છો ત્યાંથી પ્રારંભ કરો. તમારી પાસે જે છે તેનો ઉપયોગ કરો. તમે કરી શકો તે કરો.

જ્યાંથી અંત થયો હોય ત્યાંથી જ નવી શરૂઆત કરો જે મળશે એ ગુમાવેલા કરતા સારું જ હશે..💟

તમારી કામયાબી એટલી હદે વધારી દો કે તમને હરાવવા લોકોને કોશિશ નહીં કાવતરા કરવાં પડે…💕

inspirational quotes gujarati

motivational quotes in gujarati

ક્રિયા હંમેશા સુખ લાવી શકતી નથી; પરંતુ ક્રિયા વિના સુખ નથી

તમારા ડર કરતા મોટા સપનાઓ જોવાથી સફળતા મળે છે

સફળતાનો માર્ગ અને નિષ્ફળતાનો રસ્તો લગભગ એક સરખો છે

ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર

ભવિષ્ય તેમના માટે છે જેઓ તેમના સપનાની સુંદરતામાં વિશ્વાસ રાખે છે Positive suvichar in gujarati

તો મિત્રો આ ગુજરાતી પ્રેરણાત્મક સુવિચાર – motivational quotes in gujarati હતા. મને આશા છે કે આ મોટીવેશનલ સુવિચાર ગુજરાતી quotes તમારા માટે ઉપયોગી થશે. કૃપા કરીને આ પોસ્ટ તમારા મિત્રો સાથે પણ શેર કરો. આભાર

So friends this was some best motivational quotes in Gujarati. I hope you will loved all the ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર. make sure you share this post with your friends and family. Thank You for reading positive suvichar in gujarati.

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નાના ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર અર્થ સાથે । Best Suvichar in Gujarati

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  • May 7, 2023

Top 10 Must-Know Gujarati Phrases if you are Travelling to Gujarat

Gujarat is a vibrant state in western India that is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. It is home to many popular tourist destinations like Ahmedabad, Gir Forest National Park, and the Rann of Kutch just to name a few! If you are planning to visit Gujarat, knowing a few basic Gujarati phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 must-know Gujarati phrases for travelers.

1. (Namaste) – Hello

This is a simple greeting that is widely used in Gujarat. It is a respectful way to acknowledge someone and start a conversation.

2. કેમ છો? (Kem cho?) – How are you?

This is a common way to ask someone about their well-being. It is a polite and friendly way to start a conversation.

3. તમારું નામ શું છે? (Tamaru naam shu chhe?) – What is your name?

This is a great way to introduce yourself to someone and start a conversation. It shows that you are interested in learning about them.

4. હું અંગ્રેજી બોલું છું (Hun angreji bolu chhu) – I speak English

This phrase can be helpful in situations where you are struggling to communicate in Gujarati. It lets the other person know that you speak English and may need their assistance.

5. કૃપા કરીને સાંભળો (Krupa karine sambhlo) – Please listen

If you don't understand something, this phrase can be used to politely ask someone to repeat what they said.

6. કોઈ અંગ્રેજી બોલીને સમજાવો (Koi angreji boli ne samjavo) – Someone please speak in English to help me understand

If you are having difficulty understanding Gujarati, this phrase can be used to ask someone to speak in English.

7. ક્યાં છે? (Kya chhe?) – Where is it?

This phrase can be useful when asking for directions or locating a specific place.

8. પાણી જોઈએ છે (Pani joiye che) – I want water

This is a simple phrase that can come in handy when traveling, especially in hot and humid weather.

9. બિલ ક્યાં ભરવાનું છે? (Bill kya bharnu chhe?) – Where can I pay the bill?

This phrase can be useful when dining out or shopping. It helps you locate the payment counter.

10. ધન્યવાદ (Dhanyavaad) – Thank you

This is a simple phrase that can be used to express gratitude and appreciation. It is always nice to show your appreciation to the locals who have helped you during your travels.

In conclusion, knowing some basic Gujarati phrases can help you connect with locals, navigate through the city, and enhance your travel experience in Gujarat.

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[369 +] Motivational Quotes in Gujarati – Thoughts & Shayari

મિત્રો, આજે હું તમારા માટે સરસ Motivational gujarati suvichar લઈને આવ્યો છું. દરેકના જીવનમાં મુશ્કેલીઓ આવતી હોય છે જેને લઇને વ્યક્તિ હંમેશા ડિપ્રેશનમાં જતો રહે છે પરંતુ આ મોટીવેશનલ ગુજરાતી શાયરી અને Quotes વાંચ્યા પછી મને વિશ્વાસ છે કે તમે ડીપ્રેશનમાંથી બહાર નીકળીને પોઝિટિવ રીતે જીવન જીવી શકશો અને એ તમેં પ્રેરણા આપશે. કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તિ નિષ્ફળતાને કારણે હંમેશાં પોતાનો માર્ગ છોડી દેય છે અને નીચે પડી જાય છે એટલે એવા સમયે એમને સાચો રસ્તો બતાવા માટે સારા મિત્રોની જરૂર ચોય છે જે એને Motivational Gujarati Quotes દ્વારા સમજાવી ને ઉભો કરી શકે. મને વિશ્વાસ છે કે આ ગુજરાતી સુવિચારો વાંચ્યા પછી તમને ખુબજ મોટિવેશન મળશે.

Motivational Quotes in Gujarati

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Success Motivational Quotes in Gujarati

ખુશી માટે ઘણું બધું ભેગું કરવું પડે એ આપણી સમજણ છે પણ હકીકતમાં તો ખુશી મેળવવા માટે ઘણું બધું જતુ કરવું પડે છે.

Success Motivational Quotes in Gujarati

એવા મિત્રોનો જ હાથ પકડવો જોઈએ જે કોઈ પણ પરિસ્થિતિમાં આપનો સાથ ના છોડે.

Motivational Gujarati Quotes On Life

અર્જુનને દોડાવવો હોય તો શ્રીકૃષ્ણ બનવું પડે અને શ્રીકૃષ્ણને દોડાવા હોય તો સુદામા બનવું પડે

Motivational Gujarati Quotes On Life

સાચો સબંધ એ પુસ્તક જેવો હોય છે, પુસ્તક ગમે તેટલું જૂનું થઈ જાય પણ એ ક્યારેય પોતાના શબ્દો નથી બદલતું

Motivational Life Suvichar in Gujarati

જેવો બીજાને સમજવાનો આગ્રહ છે એવો પોતાની જાતને સમજવાનો હોય અને જેવો બીજાની ભૂલ જોવાનો આગ્રહ છે તેવી પોતાની ભૂલ જોવાનો હોય તો ક્યારેય નિષ્ફ્ળ ના થવાય

આ Positive Quotes In Gujarati મેં હમેશા દરેક પરિસ્થિતિની અંદર પોતાના જીવનમાં સકારાત્મક પ્રેરણા અને હમેંશા હકારાત્મક રહેવા માટે બનાવ્યા છે. જીવનમાં દરેક વ્યક્તિને સકારાત્મક પરિણામ જોઈએ છે અને દરેક વ્યક્તિને બધીજ પરિસ્તિથીમાં હકારાત્મક રહેવું છે પણ એમના જીવનમાં મુશ્કેલીઓ આવાથી વ્યક્તિ નકારાત્મ થઈ જાય છે એ સમયે આ Positive Suvichar વાંચવાથી તમને ખુબજ બળ મળશે અને તમે પોઝિટિવએ રહી શકશો.

Positive Quotes in Gujarati

શ્રીકૃષ્ણ ભગવાને ગીતામાં કીધું છે કે મારા ઉપર ભરોસો રાખો પણ એવું નથી કીધું મારા ભરોસે બેસી રહો
જે વ્યક્તિ બીજાના ચહેરા ઉપર ખુશી લાવી શકે છે ઈશ્વર એના જીનમાં ક્યારેય ખુશી ઓછી થવા દેતા નથી.
ધીરજ અને સહનશીલતા કમજોરી નથી દેતી એ તો અંદર તાકાત હોય છે જે બધા પાસે નથી હોતી
અવાજ ઉંચો હશે તો એ અમુક લોકો સુધીજ પહોંચશે પણ જો તમારો વિચાર ઉંચો હશે તો એ બધા સુધી પહોંચશે.
બીજાના સ્વાભાવ ને સુધારવા જશો તો ક્યારેય પ્રશ્નનો અંત નહિ આવે પણ જો પોતાના સ્વભાવ સુધારશો તો પ્રશ્ન જ નહીં રહે
જિંદગીમાં એક વાત કાયમ યાદ રાખજો કે તમે ઓળખાણ બધીજ જગ્યાએ રાખજો પણ ભરોષો પોતાના ઉપરજ રાખજો.
જિંદગીમાં એક વાત કાયમ યાદ રાખજો કે હિંમત ક્યાંય ભાડા ઉપર નથી મળતી એતો પોતેજ કરવી પડે છે.
સફળ થવા માટે તમારામાં આત્મવિશ્વાસ હોવો જોઈએ બાકી તો મુશ્કેલીની શું ઓકાત કે તમારી વચ્ચે આવી શકે.
જે બીજા ઉપર ભરોષો રાખે છે એ બધીજ વખત સફળ થઈ શકતા નથી પણ જે ભગવાન ઉપર ભરોષો રાખે છે એ કાયમ સફળ થાય છે.
કંઈપણ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે, તમારે ફક્ત બે ચીજોની જરૂર છે: પ્રથમ, પ્રતીતિ અને બીજું, ક્યારેય ન સમાયેલ ઉત્સાહ.
જો મહેનત એક આદત બની જાય, ‘તો સફળતા એક મુકદ્દર’ બની જાય છે.
નિર્ણય એક એવો શબ્દ છે, જે લેવો પણ કઠીન અને આપવો પણ કઠીન…!!
નજર અને નસીબનો પણ સુ સંયોગ છે સાહેબ, નજર પણ તેને જ પસંદ કરે છે જે નસીબમાં નથી હોતું.
તમને કોઈ સમજી ના શકે ‘ એટલા બધા અઘરા ના બનો , કેમ કે અઘરા દાખલાઓને હોંશિયાર વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પણ વિકલ્પમાં છોડી દેતા હોય છે..
રૂદ્રાક્ષનો મણકો હોય કે માનવી, સાહેબ… એક મુખવાળો જો મળી જાય, તો બેડો પાર…
દિવસ બીજાના કર્યોમાં પસાર થઈ જાય છે, અને રાત તમારી યાદોમાં.
ઊંઘ આવે તો સુઈ જાઓ, પરંતુ જાગીને એક પણ ક્ષણ નકામી વેડફશો નહિ….

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GujaratiYug | ગુજરાતી યુગ

Welcome to gujaratiyug : a journey into the heart of gujarat ગુજરાતીયુગમાં આપનું સ્વાગત છે: ગુજરાતી સફર.

સુવર્ણ સુવાક્યો – Inspiring Gujarati Quotes હૃદયસ્પર્શી શુભેચ્છાઓ – Heartfelt Gujarati Wishes અર્થપૂર્ણ સંદેશાઓ – Meaningful Gujarati Messages હાસ્યરસના ਛાંટા – Fun-filled Gujarati Jokes સમૃદ્ધ સાહિત્ય – Rich Gujarati Literature ગુજરાતીયુગ | GujaratiYug : અમે તમને ગુજરાતી સમુદાય સાથે જોડીએ છીએ, રસપ્રદ વાર્તાઓ શેર કરીએ છીએ અને સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં ગુજરાતી સંસ્કૃતિનો પ્રચાર કરીએ છીએ.

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Travel Through Stories

A Comprehensive Guide to Traveling in Gujarat

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Gujarat , where each corner echoes with stories of rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking beauty. Nestled on the western coast of India, Gujarat is a land with diverse landscapes and hospitable people. There is something for everyone in this state, from its ancient temples and historical sites to its bustling markets and serene beaches. Gujarat invites you to explore its spiritual heritage, admire its architectural wonders, or simply enjoy its local foods. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential insight, tips, and recommendations to make your visit to Gujarat truly unforgettable.

A Comprehensive Guide to Traveling in Gujarat

Table of Content

What to expect from a Gujarat trip?

Take a moment to discover the allure of Gujarat, a destination that promises an unforgettable journey with a variety of attractions:

  • Scenic Beauty : Explore the diverse landscapes of Gujarat, from the tranquil beaches on the coast to the surreal expanses of the Rann of Kutch.
  • Adventure Activities : Experience sweeping views of the picturesque terrain while paragliding in Saputara. Enjoy exhilarating wildlife safaris in Gir Forest, one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Take on challenging treks through lush forests and rugged terrain in Idar.
  • Cultural Heritage : Get a glimpse of Gujarat’s storied past by visiting ancient temples and opulent palaces. Discover the vibrant atmosphere during its festivals, where colorful processions, intricate dances, and lively celebrations bring tradition to life.
  • Delicious Food : Embrace the flavors of Gujarati cuisine , with dishes such as the savory dhokla and the melt-in-your-mouth sweets showcasing the region’s culinary expertise. Take your taste buds on a journey through diverse flavors, textures, and aromas.
  • Relaxation : Experience the coastal retreats, nature reserves, and upscale resorts that offer a perfect blend of luxury and tranquility. Get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and let yourself relax amidst nature’s beauty .

travelling quotes in gujarati

How to reach Gujarat?

Gujarat’s prime geographical location ensures excellent connectivity to other parts of the country. Access to the state is easy through a variety of transportation options.

  • By Air : Ahmedabad, Vadodara , Rajkot and Surat are among the major airports in Gujarat with connections to domestic and international destinations. Among all the states in India, Gujarat has the most airports. Despite this, there are no commercial flights between any of the cities in Gujarat.
  • By Train : The state has a well-developed railway network that includes major cities like Ahmedabad, Surat, Rajkot and Vadodara. Trains run directly and frequently between these cities and many other parts of the country. It is extremely easy to travel by train between the various cities of Gujarat.
  • By Road : Having an extensive road network makes road trips in Gujarat a viable option. It is connected to neighboring states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan by national and state highways.
  • By Bus : State-run buses as well as private buses provide affordable transportation on interstate and intrastate routes.
  • Waterways : Ro-Ro (Roll-On/Roll-Off) ferries enable vehicles to be driven onto ferries for seamless transportation across water bodies in Gujarat. Ferries run between Ghogha and Dahej and Hazira and Diu, facilitating smooth travel between Saurashtra and South Gujarat.

Best time to visit Gujarat

The best time to visit Gujarat is ideally after the monsoon season, starting from September onwards. The prime window for travelers is during the winter months, spanning from November to February. During this period of time, the weather tends to be cooler and less humid than in other seasons. Mid-December to January can occasionally bring colder days, with temperatures dropping to 10 degrees Celsius.

It is advisable to avoid the summer months, which extend from April to June. Gujarat experiences scorching temperatures during this time, sometimes exceeding 45 degrees Celsius in some regions. Intense heat can make outdoor activities uncomfortable and limit the overall travel experience. The heavy monsoon season occurs in July and August, and it occasionally extends into mid-September. Although the monsoon can offer lush green landscapes, heavy rainfall and occasional flooding can disrupt travel plans. The period between October and March is the best time to explore Gujarat, as it provides an ideal balance between comfortable temperatures and outdoor activities.

Read – Interesting facts about Gujarat

Top festivals in Gujarat

Festivals in Gujarat exude a unique charm that attracts numerous tourists, including foreigners, who eagerly anticipate experiencing its vibrant atmosphere. The festival calendar of Gujarat is rich and diverse, showcasing Gujarat’s rich traditions and heritage. The following festivals are among the most popular with travelers.

Navratri the festival of dance in Gujarat

Navratri : The ninth-night Navratri festival, which celebrates music, dance, and devotion, is one of the most important festivals in Gujarat. Usually takes place in September or October, Navratri includes elaborate Garba and Dandiya Raas dances, where people wear colorful attire and form swirling circles.

Kite Flying : Another highlight of Gujarat’s festive scene is the Kite Festival, which is celebrated on January 14 and 15. Known as Uttarayan, this event marks the day the sun enters the sign of Capricorn. Kites of all shapes and sizes fill the skies, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that symbolizes joy and unity.

Rann Utsav : The Rann Utsav takes place each year from November to February and transforms the expansive white salt desert into a celebration of culture and art. Against the surreal backdrop of the Rann of Kutch, this cultural festival showcases traditional dance, music, art, and handicrafts. Experience the artistic talents and colorful traditions of local communities in an ethereal desert environment.

Top tourist attractions in Gujarat

A number of must-see destinations in Gujarat capture the essence of the state’s diversity and cultural heritage for first-time visitors. Among these gems are…

Asiatic Lion at Gir Forest National Park

Gir National Park : Taking pride in its status as the last preserve of Asiatic lions, it stands as a testament to conservation efforts. You can witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat on a safari through this sanctuary.

Statue of Unity : With its awe-inspiring height and scenic surroundings, the Statue of Unity is a monumental tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Its iconic status not only pays homage to a revered leader, but also provides panoramic views of the Narmada River.

The Heritage City of Ahmedabad : India’s first UNESCO World Heritage City invites exploration of its rich history and architecture. A heritage walk in Ahmedabad is an unmissable experience, leading you through the walled city’s hidden gems, such as intricately carved temples and bustling markets.

Heritage Sites : Gujarat’s heritage sites enhance the travel experience even further. The Modhera Sun Temple dazzles with its intricate architecture and celestial design, while Rani ni Vav boasts exquisite sculptures. With ancient structures, forts, and mosques that reflect the region’s diverse influences, Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park adds historical depth to the region.

Laxmi Vilas Palace : The Laxmi Vilas Palace , a royal residence that epitomizes opulence and architectural grandeur, adds to this cultural destination. In addition to its lush gardens and elegant interiors, the palace offers a glimpse into the regal past of Vadodara.

Hidden Gems of Gujarat

Even though Gujarat is home to many well-known tourist destinations, its hidden gems remain unknown to many out-of-state visitors. The lesser-explored treasures offer an opportunity to veer off the beaten path and discover unspoiled charm.

Idar is the hidden gem of Gujarat

Idar : With its tranquil landscapes and historical importance, Idar is a picturesque town nestled in the Aravalli Range. For those seeking solitude, Idar’s unassuming beauty and huge boulders make it a great escape.

Jamnagar : Overshadowed by its more famous counterparts, Jamnagar holds its own allure with its eclectic architecture, bustling markets, and nearby wildlife sanctuaries. There is an interesting dimension to this offbeat destination due to its proximity to the Marine National Park and the world’s largest oil refinery.

Daman : With its serene beaches, colonial architecture, and laid-back atmosphere, Daman is a hidden coastal haven. Its tranquil beaches and vibrant culture make it a nice change from the more popular beach spots.

Bhavnaga r: The “Gateway to Saurashtra,” Bhavnagar captivates with its historical sites, vibrant bazaars, and natural heritage. The majestic Nilambag Palace is an architectural gem that evokes the regal past of this often overlooked city.

Savor the taste of Gujarati food

A culinary journey in Gujarat is essential if you want to experience the essence of the state. The rich diversity of Gujarati cuisine is reflected in its vibrant tastes and flavors. It is not uncommon for travelers to flock to Gujarat solely for the culinary offerings, an experience that is integral to their trip. Here are some dishes you shouldn’t miss.

The delicious Gujarati Thali is the best food.

Gujarati Thali : This elaborate platter features a variety of flavors and exemplifies Gujarati cuisine at its best. A wholesome representation of the culinary heritage of the state, it features a variety of dishes including daals, sabzis, snacks, and desserts.

Dhokla and Khandvi : These two steamed delights transcend regional boundaries with their balance of tangy and savory flavors. They leave an indelible impression on everyone’s palate with their unique texture and flavor.

Rotlo and Olo : A traditional indigenous bread made from millets, paired with a delectable eggplant preparation, exudes rustic flavors that are as comforting as they are traditional.

Fafda-Jalebi : The exploration of Gujarati cuisine would not be complete without tasting the iconic Fafda-Jalebi duo. A crispy and savory snack, fafda, makes a delightful contrast with Jalebi, a sweet treat infused with fragrant saffron syrup.

Safety and Etiquette

Safety and etiquette in Gujarat are integral aspects of the state’s vibrant culture and hospitality. Gujarat is renowned for being one of the safest places to visit in India. The people of Gujarat take immense pride in sharing that women can move about freely even during the late hours, reflecting the sense of security and respect that prevails.

While Gujarat is welcoming to tourists, it’s essential to be mindful of local traditions and customs. Respect for the local way of life is a cornerstone of traveling responsibly in this diverse land. Embracing the ethos of Gandhian philosophy, Gujarat is a no-alcohol state. The consumption and sale of alcohol are strictly prohibited across the state.

In a few instances, some 5-star hotels in Gujarat may offer limited alcohol sales to out-of-state guests. However, this requires obtaining a permit. It’s advisable to acquaint yourself with the regulations and adhere to the local laws regarding alcohol consumption.

Gujaratis are predominantly vegetarian, and vegetarianism is deeply ingrained in the culture. As a result, non-vegetarian food might not be as readily available as in other parts of the country. Most eateries, especially outside major cities, are exclusively vegetarian. While some upscale restaurants and luxury hotels in prominent cities might offer non-vegetarian options, it’s important to be sensitive to local customs and preferences.

Embracing Gujarat’s Gandhian values and respecting local traditions makes for a more harmonious and enjoyable experience for both visitors and locals.

Transportation within Gujarat

Transportation within Gujarat is well-developed and offers a range of options for travelers to navigate the state with ease. With an extensive network of state-run and private buses, almost every corner of Gujarat is accessible by road. Most bus bookings can be conveniently made online, while some private operators also offer phone bookings.

Gujarat boasts an exceptional railway network that covers a significant portion of the state. The connectivity provided by the railways ensures that exploring different regions of Gujarat is both efficient, comfortable and economical.

For intra-city travel, 3-wheeler taxis, commonly known as Auto Rickshaws, are a popular and cost-effective choice. These vehicles are readily available and are ideal for short distances within urban areas. Additionally, major cities in Gujarat offer ride-sharing services like Uber and Ola, with the local company Jugnoo being a prominent player in the market.

Self-drive rental cars are not as prevalent in Gujarat as in some other parts of the country. However, taxis are readily available for both local and intercity travel. The state’s well-maintained road infrastructure ensures smooth travel, with minimal traffic congestion even in major cities.

Gujarat doesn’t charge tolls on state highways for private vehicles. As a result, road travel within Gujarat is convenient and cost-effective, making it a favorable choice for travelers.

Shopping in Gujarat

With its wide range of tastes and preferences, Gujarat offers a delightful shopping experience. Gujarat offers a treasure trove of goods to street shopping enthusiasts, in particular. The vibrant markets and bazaars are a haven for those who relish the art of bargaining and discovering unique finds.

Handicrafts and artifacts are popular items to purchase when shopping in Gujarat. Several intricately crafted items are available to showcase the state’s rich cultural heritage. There’s a piece of Gujarat’s artistic legacy to suit every taste, from pottery to wood carvings to embroidered textiles.

Shopping in Ahmedabad Law Garden

For those who admire traditional Indian clothing, Gujarat is famed for its stunning garba dresses. In addition to being an important part of the region’s cultural celebrations, these dresses also make for memorable souvenirs. In addition, the state is known for its distinctive textiles, such as the renowned bandhani and patola sarees.

The shopping excursion in Gujarat would not be complete without exploring the varied selection of jewelry available. Gujarat offers a range of jewelry options designed to meet different preferences and budgets, from intricate artificial pieces to silver and gold pieces. The gold jewelry produced in Rajkot, in particular, is known for its elegance and craftsmanship.

Gujarat’s shopping scene reflects the state’s rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions. Whether you are looking for souvenirs, clothing, textiles, or jewelry, Gujarati markets promise an unforgettable shopping experience.

Accommodation options in Gujarat

Accommodation options in Gujarat cater to the diverse preferences and budgets of travelers. It offers a variety of lodging options, from budget-friendly hotels to luxurious resorts.

Gujarat provides a variety of inexpensive hotels and guesthouses equipped with clean and basic amenities for budget-conscious travelers. With these accommodations spread across various cities and towns, visitors on a budget can easily explore Gujarat.

Recent years have seen an increase in the popularity of homestays and Airbnbs, which provide travelers an opportunity to experience the local culture. A stay with a Gujarati family offers a glimpse into the daily life of the Gujaratis as well as supports the local economy.

The government-run tent cities located at various heritage sites make Gujarat’s accommodation scene unique. Guests can enjoy modern amenities while immersing themselves in historical surroundings at these tent cities that blend comfort and rustic charm.

Gujarat offers upscale resorts with world-class facilities and services for those seeking luxury and indulgence. For those in search of a little pampering, the state offers everything from beachfront resorts to opulent properties nestled in the heart of cultural hubs.

Nature lovers and adventure seekers can opt for forest stays, particularly in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. The accommodations offer guests a unique experience that combines comfort and wilderness exploration while keeping them close to nature.

The accommodation landscape in Gujarat is as diverse as its attractions. You can enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable stay in Gujarat whether you are a budget traveler, luxury seeker, or eager to experience the local culture.

Planning your Itinerary for Gujarat

When planning an itinerary for your trip to Gujarat, keep in mind that this state consists of a vast landscape rather than a compact region or a single city. While the urge to cover every corner of the state might be strong, it’s important to strike a balance between exploration and relaxation.

Gujarat’s diverse attractions are spread out, and many travelers mistakenly attempt to squeeze every highlight into a week-long itinerary. This approach often leads to rushed experiences and missed opportunities. To avoid this, it’s essential to take into account the state’s geography, transportation options, and the distances between various destinations.

One of the most common queries I receive revolves around trying to cover the entirety of Gujarat in a short timeframe. Instead, I advise focusing on a few key areas and thoroughly enjoying the experiences they offer. I recommend dividing your Gujarat journey into three distinct parts, each with its own base.

Itinerary # 1 (Base: Rajkot)

Explore the captivating regions of Saurashtra and Kutch in the first part. Make Rajkot your base, as it offers excellent connectivity to this area. There are plenty of hotel options in Rajkot to suit every budget.

After arriving in Rajkot, visit the Mahatma Gandhi Museum and sample the exotic kathiawadi cuisine.

Day 2 and 3

Visit Gir Forest, Somnath and/or Junagadh. You can go on a Jeep Safari through the Gir Forest if you wish.

Day 4 and 5

Visit Dwarka and the surrounding region.

Day 6, 7 and 8

Take a trip to Kutch, including a stay near the white desert . You can also visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Dholavira. Returning to your home destination from Kutch is an option. There is a small airport in Bhuj and a train station in Gandhidham, both with limited connectivity. Compared to returning from Rajkot, this might be more expensive.

Optional places of visit

If you have a few more days then you might want to visit Jamnagar , Porbandar and Bhavnagar .

Itinerary # 2 (Base: Ahmedabad)

For the second part, explore Ahmedabad and the surrounding area in central Gujarat. With Ahmedabad as your base, you can easily explore heritage sites, bustling markets, and architectural marvels of Gujarat. There are plenty of hotel options in Ahmedabad to suit every budget.

Once you arrive in Ahmedabad, you can relax while sampling your first Gujarati meal, the Gujarati Thali.

Explore Ahmedabad city and the following places, to name a few.

  • Heritage walk in the walled city
  • Stepwells – Adalaj, Bai Hariri ni Vav, Jethabhai ni Vav, etc.
  • Sabarmati and Kochrab Ashrams
  • Riverfront (Atal Bridge)
  • Calico Museum
  • Bhadra Fort
  • Auto World Vintage Car Museum
  • Sarkhej Roza
  • Science City

A day trip to Gandhinagar .

Day 5 and 6

Visit Idar , Polo Forest and the famous Ambaji Temple.

A day trip to Modhera Sun Temple and Rani ni Vav in Patan .

A day trip to Harappan city of Lothal.

Itinerary # 3 (Base: Vadodara)

Last but not least, let’s take a closer look at South Gujarat in the third part. Bases like Vadodara or Surat provide convenient access to this region’s attractions, including stunning beaches, tranquil gardens, cultural landmarks and wildlife sanctuaries. There are plenty of hotel options in Vadodara to suit every budget.

Once you arrive in Vadodara , you can relax while sampling some of the best street foods in Gujarat. You’ll find plenty of non-vegetarian dishes here. Vadodara and Surat are famous for their exotic egg dishes. Don’t be surprised to see a 5-page menu just for egg dishes.

Explore Vadodara city and the following places, to name a few.

  • Sayaji Baug
  • Kirti Mandir
  • Laxmi Vilas Palace
  • Tambekar Wada
  • MS University
  • Qutbuddin’s Tomb

Visit the Statue of Unity.

A day trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park . 

Day 7 & 8

Visit Saputara hill station.

If you have a few more days then you might want to visit Surat, Daman and Jambughoda wildlife sanctuary.

Such a well-structured approach will give you the opportunity to explore each region, experience local culture, and appreciate the diversity Gujarat offers. It is important not to overexert yourself, but to savor every moment and create lasting memories.

What are you waiting for…

It is certain that your journey through Gujarat, a land rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, will be an unforgettable one. From serene beaches to intricate stepwells, regal palaces, and vibrant festivals, this state offers an array of experiences for every traveler. Discover hidden gems, iconic attractions, and delightful cuisine while experiencing the warmth of its people and its rich heritage. May the captivating allure of Gujarat fill your days with wonder and enrich your memories as you embark on this trip.


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travelling quotes in gujarati

Gujarati is used in the western Indian state of Gujarat .

Language information at Wikipedia

Language map of India

Writing system information at Omniglot and Wikipedia

Useful phrases can be found at "Learn Indian Languages"

Alternate names for Gujarati include Gujrathi and Gujerati

The 100 Most Inspirational Travel Quotes Of All Time


  • Quotes , Travel Tips
  • November 8, 2020 November 17, 2020
  • 12 min read

travel the world

If you’re planning a holiday, fighting post-trip blues, or just scrolling through instagram travel photos, you can be sure there’s a quote about traveling out there that hits the spot for you.

Travel quotes to discover yourself, travel quotes to motivate your next journey, fantastic travel quotes to drive you to live your best life and more. We can all relate to inspirational travel quotes, making them so fun to read.

In this article, I gathered some of the most popular travel quotes (and my personal favourites). I hope you’ll find these incredible travel quotes inspiring, and they’ll make you want to go out and see the world.

Famous travel quotes

1. “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”–Andre Gide

2. “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” – Helen Keller

3. “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

4. “Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have travelled.” – Mohammed

5. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” –Mark Twain

6. “Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” – Freya Stark

7. “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

8. “A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu 

9. “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign” – Robert Louis Stevenson

10. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” –Saint Augustine

11. “Life is meant for good friends and great adventures” – Anonymous

12. “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” –Susan Sontag

13. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by” —Robert Frost

14. “Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.” –Dalai Lama

15. “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” –Tim Cahill

16. “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”  – Anita Desai

17. “Don’t listen to what they say. Go see.”-Anonymous

18. “Take only memories, leave only footprints.” – Chief Seattle

19. “Collect Moment, Not Things.”-Anonymous

20. “Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.” – Lovelle Drachman

21. “We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfilment.” — Hilaire Belloc

22. “For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

23. “I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met.” ― Melody Truong

24. “This wasn’t a strange place; it was a new one.” – Paulo Coelho

25. “If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet” – Rachel Wolchin

26. “Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.” – Michael Palin

27. “We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost.” – Ray Bradbury

28. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” ― Mark Twain

29. “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” – John Steinbeck

30. “Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.” – Paulo Coelho

31. “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust

32. “I travel because it makes me realize how much I haven’t seen, how much I’m not going to see, and how much I still need to see.” – Carew Papritz

33. “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” – John A. Shedd

34. “Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” – Terry Pratchett

35. “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

36. “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

37. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”― David Mitchell

38. “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” – Aldous Huxley

39. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

40. “Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?” – Caroline Myss

41. “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous

42. “Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” ― Jack Kerouac

43. “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert

44. “Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret” – Oscar Wilde

45. “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

46. “And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” –Randy Komisar

47. “I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth, then I ask myself the same question.” –Harun Yahya

48. “Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.” –Unknown

49. “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

50. “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

51. “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin

52. “No place is ever as bad as they tell you it’s going to be.” – Chuck Thompson

53. “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

54. “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert

55. “He who would travel happily must travel light.” – Antoine de St. Exupery

56. “To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” – Freya Stark

57. “The use of traveling is to regulate imagination with reality, and instead of thinking of how things may be, see them as they are.” – Samuel Johnson

58. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

59. “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

60. “With age, comes wisdom. With travel, comes understanding.” – Sandra Lake

61. “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous

62. “Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” — Peter Hoeg

63. “You don’t have to be rich to travel well.” – Eugene Fodor

64. “When overseas you learn more about your own country, than you do the place you’re visiting.” – Clint Borgen

65. “The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine

66. “I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine.” – Caskie Stinnett

67. “Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” – Roy M. Goodman

68. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

69. “It is not down in any map; true places never are.” – Herman Melville

70. “For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

71. “Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.” — Lawrence Block

72. “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” – Aldous Huxley

73. “Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” – Jack Kerouac

74. “Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comforts of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things — air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky. All things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.” – Cesare Pavese

75. “And then there is the most dangerous risk of all — the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar

76. “To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

77. “To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Andersen

78. “What you’ve done becomes the judge of what you’re going to do — especially in other people’s minds. When you’re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.” – William Least Heat Moon

79. “Travel makes a wise man better but a fool worse.” – Thomas Fuller

80. “When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” – Susan Heller

81. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell

82. “Live your life by a compass, not a clock.” – Stephen Covey

83. “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” – Anita Desai

84. “We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost.” – Ray Bradbury

85. “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

86. “He who would travel happily must travel light.” -Antoine de St. Exupery

87. “And then there is the most dangerous risk of all — the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar

88. No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – Lin Yutang

89. “Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” -Jack Kerouac

90. “Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.” -Benjamin Disraeli

91. “Own only what you can always carry with you: known languages, known countries, known people. Let your memory be your travel bag” -Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

92. “When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.”   -Susan Heller

93. “What you’ve done becomes the judge of what you’re going to do – especially in other people’s minds. When you’re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.” – William Least Heat Moon

94. “Conventional wisdom tells us… we take our baggage with us. I’m not so sure. Travel, at its best, transforms us in ways that aren’t always apparent until we’re back home. Sometimes we do leave our baggage behind, or, even better, it’s misrouted to Cleveland and is never heard from again.”   -Eric Weiner

95. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” -Robert Frost

96. “There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.” – Jack Kerouac

97. “If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.” – Anthony Bourdain

98. “At its best, travel should challenge our preconceptions and most cherished views, cause us to rethink our assumptions, shake us a bit, make us broader minded and more understanding.” –Arthur Frommer

99. “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train.” -Oscar Wilde

100. “Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret” -Oscar Wilde

travelling quotes in gujarati

It’s not a matter of where, but when. Time is precious and my time spent living and experience the cultures of this world is what I lust for. This is why I created this website, to share true, genuine experiences and not just typical touristy info. Travel, the love of coffee , and food!


65 Beautiful Quotes to Wish Someone a Safe Journey

Know someone who is about to set off on holiday or go abroad? Here are 65 creative and thoughtful ways to say ‘Have a safe trip’. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes to show them that you care.

Saying goodbye to someone who’s about to depart on a journey can be difficult. Even as a writer, I often struggle to find the right words to say.

These days, I’m usually on the receiving end of goodbyes – but I’ve had to say my fair share of farewells, too.

While ‘Have a safe journey’ will sometimes suffice, quoting a simple message, a beautiful saying or even a traditional blessing is an easy way to make a farewell more meaningful and memorable.

I’ve searched books, song lyrics and inspirational sites to come up with this list of 65 safe journey wishes . You can say these out loud, or you can copy and paste your favourite into an email, use it in a caption on social media, or better still, jot it down on a hand-written note!

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Tips for wishing someone a safe journey

Goodbyes are often emotional and can be overwhelming, especially when they take place at the airport or at the station. These tips can make saying farewell that much easier.

  • Don’t leave your goodbye until the last minute. If you want to make it meaningful, make sure you set aside enough time to say everything you want to say.
  • Focus on the next time you’ll meet. Whether it’s catching up for a meal or picking them up from the airport, make a plan and remind them (and yourself) that it’s only a matter of time before you see each other again.
  • Make a time to speak. If you know you’ll hear their voice when the flight lands or the train pulls in, you’ll feel much better about sending them off.
  • Remember, the person travelling is excited for the journey ahead – but they’re probably just as emotional as you!
  • Reassure them that you’ll be thinking of them. These safe journey wishes are perfect for just that.
  • It’s not only about what you say, it’s also what you do. Depending on your relationship, a warm hug or a hand on the shoulder can mean a lot.

Short and sweet safe journey wishes

These safe journey messages are thoughtful but to the point. They’re especially good for saying a quick goodbye on social media or by text message.

  • Best wishes for a safe, happy and fulfilling journey.
  • May the road be kind to you.
  • Go safe, move safe, leave safe, home safe.

A quote graphic.

This goodbye message comes from a Middle English phrase meaning ‘May you prosper’.

When NASA astronaut John Glenn made the first manned orbital flight in 1962, mission control used the word ‘Godspeed’ to wish him a safe journey.

  • Catch you on the flip side!

We often use this friendly way of saying goodbye in Australia. It comes from late-night radio DJs, who would use the phrase before they put on a vinyl record.

Listeners knew they wouldn’t hear from the DJ again until the record had played through and they had ‘flipped’ the vinyl to the B side.

  • Stay out of trouble!

A cheeky way of saying ‘Have a safe journey’, appropriate for someone you know well!

  • Smooth sailing!

First coined in the 14th Century, this phrase prophesied calm waters free from rough waves for someone who was about to set sail on the high seas.

It doesn’t just apply to water travel – nowadays, it can be used as a generic saying to wish someone a breezy journey.

  • “May the air be clear, your flight smooth, the plane ride safe, and the sky blue!” – Unknown
  • “May angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake!” – Unknown

A quote graphic.

  • “The world is waiting for you. Good Luck. Travel Safe. Go!” – Phil Keoghan (The Amazing Race)
  • “I don’t want you coming back empty-handed – I want you coming back with a head full of tall tales, absurdities, and little moments of beauty. Have a safe trip!” – Unknown

How to wish someone safe travels in a different language

Are you saying goodbye to someone who is travelling overseas? Why not wish them a safe journey in the local language of their destination.

  • Bon voyage! – French
  • Buon viaggio! – Italian
  • Gluckliche reise! – German
  • Viaje seguro! – Spanish
  • Boa viagem! – Portuguese

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • Tsetchem leshalom (נסיעה בטוחה) – Hebrew
  • Chuyến đi an toàn – Vietnamese
  • Anzen’na tabi (安全な旅) – Japanese
  • Yīlù píng’ān (一路平安) – Chinese
  • Surakshit yaatra (सुरक्षित यात्रा) – Hindi
  • Mae alsalama (مع السلامة) – Arabic
  • Safari salama – Swahili

Inspiring safe journey wishes

Are you wishing a safe journey to some who is feeling nervous or anxious? Or maybe you just want to offer some parting words of wisdom that will inspire them to make the most of their trip. Travelling is a life-changing experience , and these quotes perfectly capture that sentiment.

These inspirational journey quotes and travel affirmations are suitable for family, friends or your significant other.

  • “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell
  • “Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. Perhaps it is everywhere – on water and land.” – Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
  • “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

A quote graphic.

  • “As with most phobias, the fear of flying does make some sense, but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all, life is short, and there’s a great big world to explore out there.” – Beth Ditto
  • “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” – J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan)
  • “Embrace what you don’t understand, what you can’t see just yet, experience something new.” – Unknown
  • “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Lanterns in Chiang Mai.

  • “What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road
  • “Today is the first step on a brand new journey. All you have to do is keep moving.” – Unknown
  • “Most people spend their lives dreaming about somewhere else, go there.” – Unknown
  • “Ships may be safest docked in the harbour, but that is not what they were designed to do.” – Unknown
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

A mountaintop monastery with a beautiful quote overlaid on the graphic.

  • “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travellers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux
  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “The world is open to an endless stream of potential experiences; it’s up to you to navigate that raging torrent of possibilities and find your own destination.” – Unknown
  • “Remember that true contentment comes from stepping out into the unknown and beating back the ghosts of insecurity. Enjoy this trip and all that it has to offer and let your mind be open to new experiences.” – Unknown
  • “Get ready for the unexpected, for the trivial and mundane to be turned into the profound and insightful.” – Unknown
  • “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.” – Anthony Bourdain

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell
  • “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Henry David Thoreau

Safe journey wishes for your significant other

Saying farewell to the person you love – be they a girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife – is often the hardest goodbye of all.

These romantic quotes can help you convey your feelings while wishing your loved one a safe journey.

  • “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)
  • “Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown
  • “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” – Rumi

A beautiful quote graphic.

  • “The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.” – Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)
  • “You’re my favourite hello, but my hardest goodbye.” – Unknown

And if it’s you who’s saying goodbye…

  • “Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you Tomorrow I’ll miss you Remember I’ll always be true And then while I’m away I’ll write home every day And I’ll send all my lovin’ to you” – The Beatles, All My Loving
  • “So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you’ll wait for me Hold me like you’ll never let me go ‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane Don’t know when I’ll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go” – John Denver, Leaving on a Jet Plane

Thoughtful safe journey wishes for friends & family

These friendly travel quotes are perfect if you’re parting ways with a friend or family member.

  • “Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship doesn’t count miles, it’s measured by the heart.” – Unknown
  • “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Unknown
  • “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” – Charles Dickens

Traditional safe journey messages from around the world

Every culture and religion has its own beautiful and poetic ways of saying farewell. Here are just a few of my favourites.

  • “May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand, May Angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.” – Traditional Irish farewell

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Goodbye, goodbye, loved one, goodbye. We’ll meet again, God willing.” – Kwa Heri by Libana, a Swahili goodbye song
  • “May you ride comfortably and tirelessly on the road you travel! May your golden way be filled with prosperity! Please go easy and well on your way! Please go well!” – Traditional Mongolian farewell

Beautiful safe travel blessings & prayers

  • For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. – Psalm 91:11-12
  • “Arise with you in the morning, travel with you through each day, Welcome you on your arrival. God, be with you all the way.” – Christian prayer
  • “Be mindful, O Lord, of those who travel by land, by sea, and by air… upon them all send forth Thy mercies, for Thou art the Giver of all good things.” – Orthodox Christian prayer

And there you have it – 65 thoughtful and heartfelt ways to say farewell to someone who’s travelling. What are your favourite goodbye quotes?

World’s best and golden words I’ve read here . I wanted to wish my crush and this site helped me a lot . Thank you very much.

Thank you for sharing 🙂

Just a little note on the Portuguese wishes, “Viagem segura” is grammatically correct but no one really says it that way, we say “Boa viagem”

Obrigado, Rita! I’ve just updated it 🙂

Amazing, these are cute wishes and I think best way to say good-bye to anyone in a beautiful way. Keep sharing good stuff!

Great page! Very inspiring. Very meaningful. Very informative.

Please note typo: Buon viaggion! – Italian should be Buon viaggio! (There is no letter n.)

Keep up the good work,

Whoops, fixed! Thanks for pointing out the typo.

Kindest, Emily

Your words are amazing!

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157 Best Travel Quotes To Inspire You To See The World

We’ve been putting together some of our favorite inspirational travel quotes as we continue to journey around the world and experience new places and things abroad.

What follows is a complete collection of 157 of the best travel quotes, including some famous ones from figures like Anthony Bourdain, John Muir, and Mark Twain.

Warning: some of these quotes may give you the travel itch! In any case, I hope you’ll find them motivating!

Table of Contents show 157 Best Travel Quotes • Famous Travel Quotes • Mark Twain Travel Quotes • Funny Travel Quotes • Short Travel Quotes • Misc Travel Quotes • Inspirational Travel Quotes • Travel With Friends Quotes • Adventure Travel Quotes • Solo Travel Quotes • Anthony Bourdain Travel Quotes More Travel Content & Tips  

157 Best Travel Quotes

• famous travel quotes.

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. — Unknown
Take only memories, leave only footprints. — Unknown
Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. — Gustave Flaubert
Not all those who wander are lost. — J.R.R. Tolkien

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Every man dies, but not every man really lives. — William Wallace
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. — Oscar Wilde
Life is a journey. Make the most of it. — Unknown
I’ve traveled every road in this here land… I’ve been everywhere, man, I’ve been everywhere. — Johnny Cash

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Paris is always a good idea. — Audrey Hepburn
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. — Unknown
Collect moments, not things. — Unknown
Today is your day, your mountain is waiting. So get on your way. — Dr Seuss

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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. — Unknown
I’m shaking the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and I’m gonna see the world. — George Bailey in It’s A Wonderful Life
It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to. — J.R.R. Tolkien
Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. — Gary Snyder

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Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. — Lao Tzu
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. — John Muir
The mountains are calling and I must go. — John Muir
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. — John Muir

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To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give, to roam the roads of lands remote: To travel is to live. — Hans Christian Andersen
Oh the places you’ll go. — Dr. Seuss
I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. — Robert Frost
When one is alone at night in the depths of the woods, the stillness is at once awful and sublime. — John Muir
Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own. — Charles Dickens

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• Mark Twain Travel Quotes

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the Earth all one’s lifetime.
To do something, say something, see something, before anybody else — these are the things that confer a pleasure compared with which other pleasures are tame and commonplace, other ecstasies cheap and trivial. Lifetimes of ecstasy crowded into a single moment.

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It is the loveliest fleet of islands [ Hawaii ] that lies anchored in any ocean.
No alien land in all the world has any deep strong charm for me but that one [ Hawaii ], no other land could so longingly and so beseechingly haunt me, sleeping and waking, through half a lifetime, as that one has done. Other things leave me, but it abides; other things change, but it remains the same.   For me the balmy airs are always blowing, its summer seas flashing in the sun; the pulsing of its surfbeat is in my ear; I can see its garlanded crags, its leaping cascades, its plumy palms drowsing by the shore, its remote summits floating like islands above the cloud wrack; I can feel the spirit of its wildland solitudes, I can hear the splash of its brooks; in my nostrils still lives the breath of flowers that perished twenty years ago.

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• Funny Travel Quotes

Airplanes may kill you, but they ain’t likely to hurt you. — Leroy Satchel Paige
Two great talkers will not travel far together. — George Borrow
I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. — Mark Twain

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I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine. — Caskie Stinnett
Did you ever notice that the first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone? — Erma Bombeck
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. — Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz

Travel Quotes

• Short Travel Quotes

Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before. — Unknown
Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times. — Asian Proverb
Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. — Ibn Battutah
We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. — Unknown

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One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm. — Ella Maillart
Half the fun of travel is the esthetic of lostness. — Ray Bradbury
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. — Marcel Proust
There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. — Robert Louis Stevenson

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Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. — Neale Donald Walsh
I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. — Unknown
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. — Louis Armstrong
They say travel broadens the mind, but you must have the mind. — G.K. Chesterton
Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. — Anita Desai

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Life is short and the world is wide. — Unknown
The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land. — G.K. Chesterton
A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. — Lao Tzu
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. — Vincent van Gogh
The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. — John Muir

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A wise traveler never despises his own country. — Carlos Osvaldo Goldoni
You know more of a road by having traveled it than by all the conjectures and descriptions in the world. — William Hazlitt
I love to travel, but hate to arrive. — Albert Einstein
And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul. — John Muir

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A great way to learn about your country is to leave it. — Henry Rollins
Live your life by a compass, not a clock. — Stephen Covey
Some experiences simply do not translate, you have to go to know. — Kobi Yamada

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I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. — Mary Anne Radmacher
At its best, travel should challenge our preconceptions and most cherished views, cause us to rethink our assumptions, shake us a bit, make us broader minded and more understanding. — Arthur Frommer
Travel is never a matter of money, but of courage. — Paulo Coelho

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Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost. — Erol Ozan
Travel far enough, you meet yourself. — David Mitchell
The journey itself is my home. — Matsuo Basho

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Live, travel, adventure, bless and don’t be sorry. — Jack Kerouac
The saddest journey in the world is the one that follows a precise itinerary. — Guillermo del Toro
A good traveler leaves no tracks. — Lao Tzu

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It’s in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that you will find the salt of the Earth people who make you feel right at home. — Aaron Lauritsen
It is better to travel well than to arrive. — Unknown
The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life. — Agnes Repplier

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• Misc Travel Quotes

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. — Albert Camus
To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world. — John Muir
When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. — John Muir
I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana, it is love. — John Steinbeck
Yosemite Park is a place of rest, a refuge from the roar and dust and weary, nervous, wasting work of the lowlands, in which one gains the advantages of both solitude and society. — John Muir
The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. — Jacques Cousteau

Chinaman's Hat Island (Mokolii Island) Chinamans Hat Kayak Hike Oahu Hawaii Drone

The Mediterranean has the color of mackerel, changeable I mean. You don’t always know if it is green or violet, you can’t even say it’s blue, because the next moment the changing reflection has taken on a tint of rose or gray. — Vincent van Gogh
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order. — John Burroughs
No pain here, no dull empty hours, no fear of the past, no fear of the future. These blessed mountains are so compactly filled with God’s beauty, no petty personal hope or experience has room to be. — John Muir
On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it. — Jules Renard
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. — Albert Einstein
Lighthouses are not just stone, brick, metal, and glass. There’s a human story at every lighthouse. — Elinor DeWire
To almost every man and woman there is something about a lighted beacon which suggests hope and trust and appeals to the better instincts of all mankind. — Edward Rowe Snowe

Maine Lighthouses

• Inspirational Travel Quotes

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. — Helen Keller
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams. — Douglas Ivester
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. — Lawrence of Arabia
Do not dare not to dare. — C.S. Lewis
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. — George Adair

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Wherever you go, go with all your heart. — Unknown
It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win. — John Paul Jones
This is what holidays, travels, vacations are about. It is not really rest or even leisure we chase. We strain to renew our capacity for wonder to shock ourselves into astonishment once again. — Shana Alexander
I beg young people to travel. If you don’t have a passport, get one. Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Saigon, go to Bangkok, go to Kenya. Have your mind blown. Eat interesting food. Dig some interesting people. Have an adventure. Be careful. Come back and you’re going to see your country differently, you’re going to see your president differently, no matter who it is. — Henry Rollins
Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in an office or mowing your lawn. Climb that damn mountain. — Jack Kerouac
For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move; to feel the needs and hitches of our life more nearly; to come down off this feather-bed of civilization, and find the globe granite underfoot and strewn with cutting flints. — Robert Louis Stevenson

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Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories. — Ray Bradbury
We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place. We stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there. — Pascal Mercier
Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to. — Alan Keightley
Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you’ve never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground. — Judith Thurman

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Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey. — Pat Conroy
No man is brave that has never walked a hundred miles. If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name. Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass. A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet. — Patrick Rothfuss
It is always sad to leave a place to which one knows one will never return. Such are the melancolies du voyage: perhaps they are one of the most rewarding things about traveling. — Gustave Flaubert

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The wish to travel seems to me characteristically human: the desire to move, to satisfy your curiosity or ease your fears, to change the circumstances of your life, to be a stranger, to make a friend, to experience an exotic landscape, to risk the unknown. — Paul Theroux
Although I deeply love oceans, deserts and other wild landscapes, it is only mountains that beckon me with that sort of painful magnetic pull to walk deeper and deeper into their beauty. They keep me continuously wanting to know more, feel more, see more. — Victoria Erickson

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• Travel With Friends Quotes

A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles. — Tim Cahill
You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart always will be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place. — Miriam Adeney
We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend. — Robert Louis Stevenson

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• Adventure Travel Quotes

Adventure is worthwhile in itself. — Amelia Earhart
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal. — Paulo Coelho
Most of us abandoned the idea of a life full of adventure and travel sometime between puberty and our first job. Our dreams died under the dark weight of responsibility. Occasionally the old urge surfaces, and we label it with names that suggest psychological aberrations: the big chill, a midlife crisis. — Tim Cahill
Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness. All other travel is mere dust and hotels and baggage and chatter. — John Muir
Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. — Edward Abbey

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Once a journey is designed, equipped, and put in process, a new factor enters and takes over. A trip, a safari, an exploration, is an entity, different from all other journeys. It has personality, temperament, individuality, uniqueness. A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless.   We find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us. Tour masters, schedules, reservations, brass-bound and inevitable, dash themselves to wreckage on the personality of the trip. Only when this is recognized can the blown-in-the glass bum relax and go along with it. Only then do the frustrations fall away. In this a journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it. — John Steinbeck
What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? – it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies. — Jack Kerouac
A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. — J.A. Shedd
Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and make a trail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

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It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any. — Hugh Laurie
Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the Earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white. — Mark Jenkins

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The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. — Christopher McCandless
Adventure is allowing the unexpected to happen to you. Exploration is experiencing what you have not experienced before. How can there be any adventure, any exploration, if you let somebody else – above all, a travel bureau – arrange everything before-hand? — Richard Aldington
Be careful because Cambodia is the most dangerous place you will ever visit. You will fall in love with it, and eventually it will break your heart. — Joel Brinkley

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• Solo Travel Quotes

To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the most pleasant sensations in the world. — Freya Stark
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. — Unknown
I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again. You can’t read anything, you have only the most rudimentary sense of how things work, you can’t reliably cross a street without endangering your life. Your whole existence becomes a series of interesting guesses. — Bill Bryson
The true fruit of travel is perhaps the feeling of being nearly everywhere at home. — Freya Stark

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When you’ve managed to stumble directly into the heart of the unknown – either through the misdirection of others, or better yet, through your own creative ineptitude – there is no one there to hold your hand or tell you what to do. In those bad lost moments, in the times when we are advised not to panic, we own the unknown, and the world belongs to us. The child within has full reign. Few of us are ever so free. — Tim Cahill
No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. — Lin Yutang
He travels the fastest who travels alone. — Rudyard Kipling

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Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection. — Lawrence Durrell
When the traveler goes alone he gets acquainted with himself. — Liberty Hyde Bailey
The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready. — Henry David Thoreau

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I think one travels more usefully when they travel alone, because they reflect more. — Thomas Jefferson
Loving life is easy when you are abroad. Where no one knows you and you hold your life in your hands all alone, you are more master of yourself than at any other time. — Hannah Arendt
Personally I like going places where I don’t speak the language, don’t know anybody, don’t know my way around and don’t have any delusions that I’m in control. Disoriented, even frightened, I feel alive, awake in ways I never am at home. — Michael Mewshaw

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I can speak to my soul only when the two of us are off exploring deserts or cities or mountains or roads. — Paulo Coelho
Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me. The long brown path before me leading me wherever I choose. — Walt Whitman


• Anthony Bourdain Travel Quotes

If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.
Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life — and travel — leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks — on your body or on your heart — are beautiful. Often, though, they hurt.
It’s an irritating reality that many places and events defy description. Angkor Wat and Machu Picchu , for instance, seem to demand silence, like a love affair you can never talk about.   For a while after, you fumble for words, trying vainly to assemble a private narrative, an explanation, a comfortable way to frame where you’ve been and what’s happened. In the end, you’re just happy you were there — with your eyes open — and lived to see it.

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Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.
I know that I will never understand the world I live in or fully know the places I’ve been. I’ve learned for sure only what I don’t know — and how much I have to learn.
I’m a big believer in winging it. I’m a big believer that you’re never going to find the perfect city travel experience or the perfect meal without a constant willingness to experience a bad one. Letting the happy accident happen is what a lot of vacation itineraries miss, I think, and I’m always trying to push people to allow those things to happen rather than stick to some rigid itinerary.
Do we really want to travel in hermetically sealed popemobiles through the rural provinces of France, Mexico and the Far East, eating only in Hard Rock Cafes and McDonalds? … I know what I want. I want it all. I want to try everything once.

travelling quotes in gujarati

It seems that the more places I see and experience, the bigger I realize the world to be. The more I become aware of, the more I realize how relatively little I know of it, how many places I have still to go, how much more there is to learn.   Maybe that’s enlightenment enough – to know that there is no final resting place of the mind, no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom, at least for me, means realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go.
I think food, culture, people and landscape are all absolutely inseparable.
Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go.
Southeast Asia has a real grip on me. From the very first time I went there, it was a fulfillment of my childhood fantasies of the way travel should be.

travelling quotes in gujarati

I wanted adventures. I wanted to go up the Nung river to the heart of darkness in Cambodia . I wanted to ride out into a desert on camelback, sand and dunes in every direction, eat whole roasted lamb with my fingers. I wanted to kick snow off my boots in a Mafiya nightclub in Russia. I wanted to play with automatic weapons in Phnom Penh, recapture the past in a small oyster village in France, step into a seedy neon-lit pulqueria in rural Mexico. I wanted to run roadblocks in the middle of the night, blowing past angry militia with a handful of hurled Marlboro packs, experience fear, excitement, wonder.   I wanted kicks – the kind of melodramatic thrills and chills I’d yearned for since childhood, the kind of adventure I’d found as a little boy in the pages of my Tintin comic books. I wanted to see the world – and I wanted the world to be just like the movies.
At this point I think my body is like an old car. Another dent ain’t gonna make a whole lot of difference. At best it’s a reminder that you’re still alive and lucky as hell. Another tattoo, another thing you did, another place you’ve been.
I think when you travel as much as I have, I don’t want to say I’m more humble, but I think you become aware of how other people live, how hard their lives are, how big the world is.
I have seen firsthand that things can turn on a dime. Tremendously awful, evil things happen to nice people all the time. I have seen people, again and again, relentlessly grinding under the wheel of poverty or oppression. At the same time, I see random acts of kindness and pride in the most outrageous and most unexpected circumstances. I am grateful. I understand that I am very privileged to see what I am seeing, even when it hurts. I think that people, particularly Americans, need to be more inspired to travel and be adventurous with the things they eat. And if they are curious about the world and willing to walk in somebody else’s shoes—that is surely a good thing.

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Without experimentation, a willingness to ask questions and try new things, we shall surely become static, repetitive, and moribund.
Who wouldn’t travel, if they could? It’s unthinkable to me. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy different, new sensations, especially when the world is filled with so much great stuff? I like new things. I like to feel good. I like learning about stuff. It makes me happy. I like being wrong about stuff.
If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food, it’s a plus for everybody. Open your mind, get up off the couch, move.
Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.

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More Travel Content & Tips

That’s a roundup of our favorite adventure travel quotes! I hope you’ve found these travel quotes inspirational for your own journeys.

Don’t forget to check out my latest travel blog posts and our complete destination guides by country!

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  1. 200+ motivational quotes in gujarati

    motivational quotes in gujarati-દરેક વ્યકિતના જીવનમાં એવો સમય ૫ણ અવશ્ય આવે જ છે. કે ઝયારે તે વ્યકિત ખૂબ જ ઉદાશ થઇ જાય છે. અને તેને પ્રેરણા (motivational)ની

  2. ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર : Inspirational and Motivational Quotes in Gujarati

    Welcome to our Gujarati Suvichar page, a treasure trove of inspiration and emotional resonance, crafted with care for Gujarati-speaking audiences. Here, you'll find an exquisite collection of Suvichar (ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર) - profound sayings and Gujrati motivational quotes that speak directly to the heart and soul ...

  3. 33 Great Gujarati Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs

    The Gujarati people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings. Check out these proverbs, also known as 'kahevat' and quotes below to gain some insight into Gujarati beliefs and ways of thinking.. Below I've listed famous Gujarati quotes, inspiring Gujarati sayings and common Gujarati proverbs in both Gujarati and English.

  4. Gujarati Quotes

    Explore a collection of Gujarati quotes that offer insights, inspiration, and wisdom in the Gujarati language. Find motivation, love, life, friendship, and motivational quotes in Gujarati. Connect with the richness of Gujarati culture through these powerful quotes.

  5. Gujarati Quotes (ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર)

    GL Projects. Find Gujarati quotes, Gujarati quotes on love, Gujarati suvichar (ગુજરાતી સુવિચાર), Gujarati quotes about life, motivational quotes in Gujarati, Whatsapp status in Gujarati.

  6. 250+ પ્રેરણાત્મક કોટ્સ સુવિચાર Inspirational Quotes in Gujarati

    35+ ગણેશ ચતુર્થી કોટ્સ Ganesh Chaturthi Quotes in Gujarati; 70+ દીકરી ની વિદાય શાયરી ગુજરાતી Dikri Vidai Quotes in Gujarati; 250+ વેલેન્ટાઈન ડે વિશેસ ગુજરાતી Valentines Day Wishes in Gujarati

  7. 450+ જિંદગી સુવિચાર ગુજરાતી Life Quotes in Gujarati

    Life Quotes in Gujarati જીવન એ એક અમૂલ્ય ભેટ છે, જે આપણને દરરોજ કંઈક નવું શીખવે છે. ઉતાર-ચઢાવથી ભરેલી આ યાત્રા આપણને અનુભવ, જ્ઞાન અને પ્રેરણા આપે છે. તેનો

  8. 301 Motivational Quotes in Gujarati with Image (NEW)

    20 Educational Motivational Quotes for Students in Gujarati. "વિદ્યા એ જીવનનો દીવો છે, જે અંધકારને દૂર કરે છે.". "જ્ઞાન એ સાચું ધન છે, જે ક્યારેય ખૂટતું નથી.". "અભ્યાસ એ જ તે ...

  9. 151+ Life Quotes in Gujarati

    Life Quotes in Gujarati - દરેક વ્યકિત કે મનુષ્યના જીવનમાં સુખ અને દુુુુ:ખની ૫ળો આવતી હોય જ છેે ૫રંતુ આ સમયમાં તેનો કઇ રીતે મનોબળ પૂર્વક સામનો કરવો એ મહત્વનું

  10. ગુજરાતી Travelling Quotes કોટ્સ

    વાંચો Travelling Quotes કોટ્સ...

  11. 100+ motivational quotes in gujarati

    150+ life quotes in gujarati | ગુજરાતી જીવન સુવિચાર વાંચો. "ડહાપણને સરળતાથી શીખો કદાપી ભુલો નહીં". પાયથા ગોરસ. "કોઈ આપણું સ્વમાન લઈ શકે નહીં, જો આપણે ...

  12. ગુજરાતી મોટીવેશનલ સુવિચાર

    positive motivational quotes in gujarati તમને હંમેશા પ્રેરિત અને સંપૂર્ણ શક્તિમાં રહેવા માટે મદદ કરશે.તેથી સમય બગાડ્યા વગર ચાલો શરૂ કરીએ.. motivational quotes in gujarati

  13. Top 10 Must-Know Gujarati Phrases if you are Travelling to Gujarat

    Gujarat is a vibrant state in western India that is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. It is home to many popular tourist destinations like Ahmedabad, Gir Forest National Park, and the Rann of Kutch just to name a few! If you are planning to visit Gujarat, knowing a few basic Gujarati phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 ...

  14. [369 +] Motivational Quotes in Gujarati

    Gujarati Motivational Quotes With Images. દુનિયામાં દુઃખી વ્યક્તિની સંખ્યા ક્યારેય નથી વધતી પણ વ્યક્તિની સહનશક્તિની જ ઓછી થાય છે. સમય આપણને મજબૂત બનાવે તે ...

  15. GujaratiYug

    ગુજરાતીયુગ | GujaratiYug: અમે તમને ગુજરાતી સમુદાય સાથે જોડીએ છીએ, રસપ્રદ વાર્તાઓ શેર કરીએ છીએ અને સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં ગુજરાતી સંસ્કૃતિનો પ્રચાર કરીએ છીએ.

  16. Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide (2024)

    Winters are generally pleasant and the recommended time to visit the state. The best time to visit Gujarat is between November and February. Summer (March - June): Summers in Gujarat are generally very hot. The temperature crosses 35 C and occasionally even rises to 41 C in extreme conditions.

  17. A Comprehensive Guide to Traveling in Gujarat

    Savor the taste of Gujarati food. A culinary journey in Gujarat is essential if you want to experience the essence of the state. The rich diversity of Gujarati cuisine is reflected in its vibrant tastes and flavors. It is not uncommon for travelers to flock to Gujarat solely for the culinary offerings, an experience that is integral to their trip.

  18. 175 Best Travel Quotes (Most Inspirational List of All Time)

    1. "A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for" - John A. Shedd. 2. "The best adventures are the ones that make your heart race and your soul sing.". - Jon Miksis. 3. "We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us" - Anonymous. 4.

  19. Gujarati

    Gujarati. Gujarati is used in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Language information at Wikipedia. Language map of India. ... The four essential travel phrases in English: 1) Where is my room? 2) Where is the beach? 3) Where is the bar? 4) Don't touch me there! Do you have a language or dialect to add? Did I get something wrong? Please let ...

  20. The 100 Most Inspirational Travel Quotes Of All Time

    12. "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list." -Susan Sontag. 13. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by" —Robert Frost. 14. "Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before." -Dalai Lama. 15. "A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles." -Tim Cahill. 16.

  21. Gujarati Quotes #trending #motivation #inspirationalquote # ...

    Gujarati Quotes #trending #goodmorning #shorts #motivation #inspirationalquote #shortfeed #shortvideo #gujaratimotivational #goodthought #goodmorningsuvichar...

  22. Safe Journey Quotes: 65 Creative & Meaningful Messages

    Travelling is a life-changing experience, and these quotes perfectly capture that sentiment. These inspirational journey quotes and travel affirmations are suitable for family, friends or your significant other. "It's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure." - Ernie ...

  23. 157 Best Travel Quotes To Inspire You To See The World

    157 Best Travel Quotes • Famous Travel Quotes . The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. — Unknown . Take only memories, leave only footprints. — Unknown . Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. — Gustave Flaubert . Not all those who wander are lost. — J.R.R. Tolkien