Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Creating Engaging Content

By Jessie Festa. This guide to travel content ideas contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

Looking for engaging travel blog post ideas ?

Then you’re in the right place!

If you’ve ever sat in front of your laptop wondering, “What should I post on my travel blog?” this article shares over 120 topics — as well as bonus tips for those looking to see success and make money blogging.

Personally, I get most of my blog traffic through keyword research, and these travel blog post titles and topic ideas come from researching what people are actually searching in Google so that you can create content people truly want to read.

And with so many to choose from, you’ll never need to wonder what to write about again or spend hours coming up with new travel blog ideas.

Without further adieu, let’s dive into the list of travel blog content ideas!

Quick tip: There are many tools that make it easier to come up with blog post ideas. Personally, I love Keysearch for finding high traffic keywords. Use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off. Additionally, Jasper AI utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to help you come up with content topics, draft outlines, create content, and more – free trial included !

Table of Contents

Travel Blog Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Freebie

Now, I realize that even when you have a ton of travel post ideas it can still be challenging to understand how to create and promote your content.

Luckily, I’ve got a freebie that can help!

It’s a Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Trello Board that will help you plan your blog posts as well as write them and promote them for maximum engagement.

You can grab the free Trello board here .

travel topics for blog

Grabbed it?

Then let’s continue with our travel blog content strategy.

What Should I Post On My Travel Blog?

Writer’s block for bloggers is a very real thing, as is being confused on what to actually post to see growth.

So, before we dive into the list of travel blog topics , let’s discuss how to determine what to post on your blog.

One smart tactic is starting with a mission statement. You can use the template “I help [group of people] do [how you help].”

From there, you can pinpoint the best travel topics to fulfill that mission and even come up with a few travel blog categories.

For instance, if your mission is to help women feel confident traveling solo, you might write a blog post about how to travel solo in Paris or a guide to overcoming fear when you’re scared to travel alone .

Feeling stuck? You can use a tool like Jasper’s Blog Post Topic Ideas Template for quick and easy help. This tool uses artifical intelligence to instantly generate a list of topics that can engage your audience.

Also, if you’re curious how to write blog posts quickly , Jasper can help you create amazing content almost instantly (though it’s recommended to edit your articles to add a human element).

More on this tool below, though note that you can click here for a 10,000-word free trial of Jasper AI .

travel blog post ideas

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Engaging Content

To come up with the following list, I looked at popular blog post ideas related to travel.

Keep in mind, this list is in no way exhaustive. There truly are a limitless number of travel blog topic ideas that are possible.

Moreover, this list is customizable. You can always tweak any of the travel blog post titles mentioned below to better fit your own niche and audience.

For instance, if an idea mentions compiling a list of travel yoga mats, but you don’t cover yoga, consider what relevant piece of gear you can swap in, like sleeping bags, nutritious TSA-friendly snacks, or camera gear.

Once you’ve narrowed down what you’d like to write about, use a blog content planner to stay organized. You can also follow this strategy on how to plan a year of content in one week to help you save time.

Have ideas for travel blog posts to add?

Leave them in the comments below!

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Travel Tips

A review of your favorite piece of travel gear

Best free travel apps

How to do a Global Entry name change

How to change your passport name

Why duct tape (or another item) is your best travel accessory

How to practice self-care while traveling

How to become a travel hacker

Your top travel hacks

Your top travel tips for introverts

Important advice for the first-time traveler

A list of uncommon travel tips

How to learn a language while traveling

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Trip Planning

How to pack for a long trip with just a carry-on

What to pack for a particular destination

A review of your favorite travel insurance provider

What to wear in a particular destination

How to save up for a round-the-world trip in a certain amount of time

How to choose the perfect suitcase/backpack/luggage

A review of your favorite suitcase

How to ask your boss for an extended travel leave

The best credit cards for travelers

How to prepare your house for vacation

What to do the day before a big trip to prepare

travel blog topics

Best Travel Content Ideas About Transportation

Things to do on a long bus ride

How to survive a long flight

What not to do one a plane

How to sleep on a plane

A review of the Eurail pass (or another transportation pass)

A guide to using a city’s transportation, such as the subway in NYC

How to get to the main part of a city from the airport — and vice versa, such as a guide to Bangkok’s airport shuttle

A guide to an airline’s rewards program

The best platforms for booking cheap flight/bus/train tickets

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Destinations

Fun facts about a place

Things to do in a destination during a specific season

A roundup of your favorite tours in a destination

What not to do in a destination

A roundup of your favorite hotels in a destination

How to visit a particular place on a specific budget — such as $50 per day

A roundup of your favorite restaurants in a destination

The cheapest countries to visit on a certain continent

Your top travel tips for a specific destination

Travel Blog Post Ideas For When You Can’t Leave & Must Travel At Home

A recipe from a particular place, including a background story of the dish

Your favorite travel-inspired beauty ritual

Your favorite travel-themed craft

How to throw a dinner party inspired by a specific destination

How to transform your living space into a destination or give your space a makeover inspired by a particular place

Do a souvenir show-and-tell and share the story behind your favorite travel finds

Cocktail recipes from around the world

A roundup of your favorite movies set in a particular destination

A roundup of your favorite books set in a particular destination

How to visit the places featured in a certain movie

How to visit the places featured in a certain book

A roundup of inspiring TED Talks related to travel

travel topics for blog

Niche Travel Blog Post Ideas

Note: Feel free to swap in your own travel blog niche for any of the below ideas.

The best destinations for a budget-friendly wellness experience

Best weekend getaways for couples

The best destinations for solo female travelers

Best bookstores around the world

How to plan a cruise vacation

How to book an ethical volunteer trip

Best female travel blogs

How to stay safe when traveling solo

Relaxing couples vacations

Common work-related travel expenses

Top luxury travel companies

Meals from around the world

Cheap travel insurance for families

Best luxury hotels in the world

How to avoid the single supplement when traveling solo

Tips for flying with a baby

Lesbian travel groups

Outdoor vacations for couples

Fun trips for kids

Best travel yoga mats

How to travel with a yoga mat

Best hiking vacations

Top guided backpacking trips

Best travel baby gear

Gifts for traveling couples

The top all-inclusive family vacations

Best family beach destinations

Tips for traveling with grandchildren

Quotes about family travel

Travel jobs for couples

Top liveaboard dive trips

Fun yoga and hiking retreats

Top spiritual yoga retreats

Safest countries for LGBTQ+ travelers

best travel topics

Holiday Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gifts for a certain type of traveler — such as the best gifts for solo female travelers

How to book cheap Christmas vacations

How to find cheap Thanksgiving flights

Where to travel during Christmas

Best Christmas markets in europe

Traditional Christmas desserts from around the world

Top Jewish heritage tours

Delicious Kwanzaa recipes

Inspirational Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Lessons learned from traveling to X# countries

What travel teaches you

Benefits of traveling

How travel changes your brain

Inspiration travel quotes

Recount one of your favorite funny travel stories

Share an inspiring love story from the road

Share one of your favorite inspiring travel stories about the kindness of strangers abroad

travel blog content about meeting locals

Summer Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Cheap summer vacations

Places to visit in summer in the USA

Summer vacation ideas for families

A summer travel guide for a particular destination — or you can even niche down to a specific month, such as July Travel In Seattle

Best travel-sized sunscreens

Stylish active swimsuits

Fall Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Where to go apple picking

Fall wine tasting outfit ideas

Fall foliage tours

Scariest haunted houses in America

Best fall road trips

Winter Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best showshoes for hiking

Scenic winter hiking trails

Best places to spend New Year’s Eve

Cozy log cabin getaways

Top ski resorts in a certain destination

Spring Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gardens in the world

Warm places to visit in April

Cheap spring break trips

Romantic spring getaways

Best Easter holiday destinations

Tourism Blog Ideas

Must visit attractions in X

Best hidden gems in X

Most Instagrammable spots in X

Where to Stay in X

Best restaurants in X

Beach Blog Ideas

Most beautiful beaches in the world

Best beaches for surfing

Best beaches for families

Instagrammable beaches

Best beaches for snorkeling

Travel Agent Blog Ideas

Best time to visit X

Travel deals and discounts

Best travel destinations for families/couples/solo travelers

Guide to all inclusive resorts

ideas for travel blog posts

Where To Find New Travel Blog Post Ideas

After learning how to start a travel blog and make money , it’s important to regularly publish interesting articles that continuously bring you traffic and help you grow your income.

But, maybe you’re wondering how to come up with blog post ideas that people actually read .

Luckily, I have a few tips for this.

Note that for a full overview of how to create a content plan that aligns with your overall goals, I recommend taking my free Profitable Travel Blog Makeover , a four-day course that takes you from blog branding to monetization.

So earlier in the post I discussed starting with a mission statement that guides your content.

Along with coming up with travel blog post ideas from your own imagination, you can also utilize:

Jasper AI (click for a 10,000-word free trial).

Jasper uses the power of artificial intelligence to help you outline blog posts, create content, and come up with blog post ideas.

You can use the Blog Post Topic Ideas Template and simply enter your:

  • company name
  • product description
  • tone of voice
  • how many ideas your need

Boom — Jasper will provide you a list of ideas for travel topics to write about. From there, you can favorite the ones you like to help the tool better get to know what you’re looking for.

Keysearch  (use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off)

This is a powerful keyword research tool that can help you optimize your blog content to rank higher in search engine rankings.

You’ll also be able to input desired keywords to see related keywords — as well as questions people have about your keyword in the “Content Assistant” section. These can also be used as travel blog post ideas.

travel blog post ideas from Keysearch

Like tutorials?

Check out this short video to see how to find micro niche keywords and relevant keywords you can actually rank for using Keysearch:

Niche Facebook groups & forums .

Pop into a Facebook group or Reddit forum related to your niche and see what people are discussing. These can make for great travel related content ideas.

Google Trends .

Monitor search trends over a given time. This can help you post about things people are truly talking about.

Pinterest Trends .

See what topics are trending on Pinterest. This tool can help your content marketing efforts by helping you get more traffic to your Pinterest pins, which translates into more visitors to your blog content.

These are just a few of many strategies for coming up with engaging travel post ideas.

How To Write A Travel Blog Post Without Traveling

One common question many travel bloggers have:

How do I write a travel blog without traveling?

Of course, there will be times when travel isn’t possible.

This doesn’t mean you need to stop creating content.

Instead, consider how you might cover where you live in a way that would be interesting to travelers.

For instance, I have loads of New York City travel content because I know that even though it’s not a travel destination to me, it is to other people. Plus, being a local allows me a unique perspective not every blogger can provide.

You might also think about “armchair travel” content; blog post ideas that have a travel theme but can be enjoyed without leaving home.

A few examples of this include roundups of short travel stories , cultural recipes, solo staycation ideas , and other travel at home posts that align with your mission.

These strategies are also great travel blog ideas for beginners, who may be looking to jumpstart their blog with content even if they’re not traveling.

travel blog post ideas staycations

How To Write A Catchy Blog Post Title

Now, here’s the thing when it comes to coming up with ideas for travel blog posts:

Even if you have an amazing article, if your title isn’t enticing, it likely won’t get read.

Luckily, there is a free Headline Analyzer tool from CoSchedule that can help with this.

Basically, it looks at your headline to ensure that:

  • It has a good mix of common, uncommon, emotional, and power words
  • The first and last three words of the headline are engaging (as these are the words people tend to focus on most)
  • It includes searchable keywords
  • It isn’t too generic
  • It’s the right length (about 60 characters)

How To Start A Travel Blog Post

Now that you have a big list of travel content ideas , it’s time to dive deeper into how to actually write your blog post.

One very important part of your travel blog post is the introduction, as this will affect whether someone continues reading or clicks away.

To help you engage readers right away, I recommend utilizing the APP Method; also known as Agree – Promise – Preview.

This copywriting technique, which I learned about from Backlinko , revolves around the idea that your introduction should first agree with the reader to make it clear you understand them.

From there, you make a promise to them — such as a solution to a problem or a benefit of some kind.

Finally, you provide a preview by sharing exactly what they’ll get out of reading the blog post.

This blog post on growing an email list as a blogger provides a nice example of the APP Formula in action.

It’s also shown here:

travel blog post ideas

Promoting A Travel Blog Post Organically

There are many smart ways to increase blog traffic , a few of which I’ll outline here.

I recommend incorporating these into a content checklist so that you always know exactly what needs to be done before hitting publish on a blog post.

Optimize your blog posts for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .

In my opinion, the best way to grow your blog traffic is to optimize it to rank in search results.

Once it ranks, you can continue to enjoy steady traffic for the foreseeable future.

Again, Keysearch makes it simple to both research if you can realistically rank for a keyword and then optimize your content for it. You can use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off.

While Keysearch offers loads of tutorials on how to use their tool, here is a quick overview:

travel blog post ideas in Keysearch

Above is an example of me researching “places to hike on Long Island,” a keyword I currently rank in the first spot of Google for.

On the left, you can see a graphic comparing all of the first page posts — which provides information for determining whether it’s worth competing for the keyword or not.

For instance, you can see things like how your Domain Authority compares to the other posts already ranking, as well as if the other posts have optimized their title, description, and URL for the keyword you want to rank for.

Additionally, on the right, you can see other suggested keywords with important information related to how competitive they are and how often people search for them.

Keep in mind, this is just the main page of Keysearch. The tool has numerous other features for ranking your posts in Google, too.

Take your SEO to the next level.

Now, another tool that can help with optimizing your content to rank in organic search results is Surfer SEO .

Instead of simply giving you data about other sites that are ranking, Surfer SEO analyzes your website to make tailored recommendations for:

  • specific keywords to target
  • specific ways to optimize new content
  • specific changes to make to old content to improve its chances of ranking
  • specific missed opportunities for internal and external backlinks
  • specific on-page SEO optimizations (such as optimal word count, title length, image count, etc)
  • and much more

As you can see, the tool gets very specific.

In short, you’ll get a step-by-step SEO workflow that can help you grow your traffic and increase your rankings – no guesswork required!

Here is a quick tutorial going over some of Surfer SEO’s powerful features:

While you’ll need a paid plan to get everything I showcase in the video, they do offer a free AI Article Outline Generator to give you a small taste of the platform.

Promote your new travel blog post on your social media channels.

When you promote new content, I highly recommend weaving a story into your shares to increase engagement. Talk about why you wrote the post, how the topic has impacted you, and how it can benefit others.

To save time, you can use a tool like StoryChief to blast your new travel blog content across your blogging hubs, social media channels, and email newsletter with one click.

Speaking of email newsletters…

Understand how to promote your blog content to your email subscribers in an engaging way by utilizing storytelling email marketing .

Just like when sharing travel blog content on social media, it’s helpful to share a story to make your email even more valuable.

Moreover, if you have an automated email sequence set up for new subscribers you can add in your best blog posts to help the content continuously get traffic.

Looking for an email marketing software that’s feature-rich and intuitive — and includes automations?

Click here for a free one-month trial of ConvertKit (no credit card required!).

The platform is made for bloggers by bloggers. And once you sell products, they also offer a marketplace to help their users increase sales.

Choosing Blog Post Categories

In terms of the categories you put on a travel blog post, consider how you want to organize your content.

Typically, your categories will be your blog’s main themes, while your tags help further break them down.

For instance, you might have “North America” as a category and “USA” and “Canada” as tags.

travel blog post ideas for online courses

How To Get Paid As A Travel Blogger

There are many ways to boost your travel blogging income — especially if you’re focusing on offering paid products, services, and experiences that fulfill your mission and that are an extension of your travel blog content.

Again, I highly recommend grabbing a seat in my free four-day travel blogging course if you want to learn how to make money blogging, though a few of the main ways I monetize my travel blog include:

Creating & selling online courses.

You’re already sharing knowledge in some way through your helpful blog content. Why not package up your wisdom into an online course that further helps your readers?

Personally, I use and recommend Teachable for creating online courses. That link gets you a two-week free trial, no credit card required!

You’ll have everything you need to be successful — including powerful training videos and support. It’s what I use to create and launch all of my online travel blogging courses .

Selling photo tours in NYC.

After having loads of readers ask me to show them around New York, I decided to get licensed as an NYC tour guide and start offering local experiences.

In fact, I’ve done so well selling these through my blog that I started a sister company, NYC Photo Journeys .

Working with brands.

This includes working on blogger brand collaborations as well as going on paid press trips and promoting partners in my travel blog content.

Affiliate marketing for travel bloggers .

When coming up with travel blog post ideas, I highly recommend you regularly add content optimized for affiliate sales to your publishing schedule. Here are some creative ways to promote affiliate links .

Running display ads on my travel blog.

Personally, I work with Mediavine for this. To see success, you should be publishing SEO-optimized articles and regularly updating older content so that it’s up-to-date.

travel blog post ideas

How To Become A Travel Blogger

If you stay focused, it’s possible to make money blogging in one year or less .

Map out your blogging goals , including what they are, how to reach them, and by when.

Stick with one or two main strategies, and then once you master those, you can add in others. This helps alleviate spreading yourself too thin.

This might mean saying you want to earn $5,000/month in affiliate sales by June 1 through publishing two affiliate-optimized blog posts per month, publishing two affiliate-optimized videos per month as part of your YouTube strategy , and hosting a free challenge that promotes an affiliate each quarter.

Remember, also, to grab access to my free Travel Blogger Resource Library to snag printables and workshops that can help you take your blog full-time much quicker.

Bonus: 10 Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging [Free Workshop]

how to make money as a travel blogger

While we’re on the topic of growing a profitable blogging business, I’d love to invite you to my free workshop: 10 Powerful Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging.

During the 60-minute on-demand workshop, you’ll learn:

  • Myths related to monetizing a blog (that may be holding you back!)
  • Strategies for creating profitable content (so those blog posts, emails & social shares lead to income!)
  • Tips for earning recurring passive revenue as a blogger (so your income grows even when you’re away from your laptop!)
  • How to create products that you know your audience will buy (so you don’t waste your time!)
  • Advice for growing your affiliate income (with a strategy that truly works!)

Plus, your free ticket to this actionable workshop also includes a Q&A, limited-time replay, and special bonuses.

Click here to grab your seat in the free travel blog monetization workshop .

Bonus Profitable Blogging Tutorials [Video Playlist]

Want to learn more powerful strategies for taking your blog full time?

Check out this curated playlist of blogging tips and tactics that work:

What travel blog post ideas would you add to this list?

Which of the above best travel topics are you excited to write first.

Enjoyed this post on travel blog content ideas? Pin it for later!

travel blog content

Margaret Bourne

Start your blog! Get access to the FREE Launch It: Start A Blog Course & Toolkit.

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70+ Top Blog Post Ideas For Travel Blogs: Inspire Your Readers

  • May 9, 2024
  • by Margaret Bourne

Woman sitting in a hotel room bed using a laptop - travel blog post ideas.

When you’re a travel blogger, you know that sometimes you can’t come up with popular travel blog topics when you’re not travelling. You’re here because you’re looking for inspiration for travel blog post ideas.

I know the feeling – I used to run an outdoor adventure and travel blog when I just started blogging.

When I wasn’t travelling, I was a bit stuck on fresh travel blog topics.

Since then I’ve learned how to find the best blog content ideas. Now I’m sharing travel blog post ideas with you.

This is so you’re not stuck with “blogger’s block” .

My list of travel blog post topics (for 2024) ranges from destination posts to tips and more. They’re great if you started a travel blog or have been blogging for a little while.

Let’s get started!

DISCLOSURE : This post includes sponsored content from Travelpayouts. It also contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on a product or service, and decide to purchase it, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All recommended products and services are based on my positive experience with them. For more information, please read my Disclaimer .

Bookmark this post for future reference on Pinterest!

50 Travel blog post ideas pin 1

Travel Blog Post Ideas About Destinations

First up is a list of general travel blog post ideas about destinations.

This list will grow as I add more ideas over time, so bookmark this post!

  • 10 Places to visit in your 20s
  • 10 Places to visit in your 30s
  • Best hotels in [Destination]
  • Underrated places to visit in [Destination]
  • Hidden gems you can’t miss in [Destination]: unveiling the unexplored
  • Best day trips from [Destination]
  • [Destination]’s top beaches for ultimate relaxation
  • Digging into [Destination]’s rich past
  • Eating your way through [Destination]: top 5 restaurants
  • [Destination]’s top # best-kept secret spots
  • Exploring [Destination]’s cozy towns and hamlets
  • # bucket-list activities in [Destination]
  • Free activities in [Destination]
  • Best museums in [Destination]
  • Nature’s beauty unleashed: [Destination]’s spectacular landscapes
  • # Urban treasures in [Destination] explored
  • A guide to [Destination]’s geography
  • The perfect travel itinerary for [Destination]
  • The most beautiful churches in [Destination]
  • Top historical attractions in [Destination]
  • The safest places to visit in [Destination]
  • Top unusual attraction in [Destination] you won’t want to miss
  • Best street food to try in [Destination] while travelling

| RELATED: How To Choose The Perfect Travel Blog Niche & 30 Niches

Travel Tips And Guides Blog Post Ideas

Some of the most popular travel blog topics are “how to” posts and guides.

Make sure to include some of these on your travel blog.

  • Packing tips for trips: an ultimate checklist for any destination
  • How to pack a carry-on for any trip
  • How to navigate [Destination] like a local
  • Wellness tips for travelers
  • How to travel solo: an essential guide for safe trips
  • How to not annoy the locals in [Destination]
  • Travel on a budget: Exploring [Destination] without breaking the bank
  • [Destination]’s culture etiquette 101
  • How to travel green in [Destination]
  • # [Destination] culinary hotspots you must check out
  • How to plan a vacation on a budget
  • Kid-friendly activities in [Destination]
  • Tips for stress-free trips with babies and toddlers
  • Tips for stress-free trips with little kids
  • How to save money for your dream vacation
  • How to get the right travel insurance for you
  • What are the must-have travel essentials for [Destination]
  • How to book cheap flights
  • How to book the best cost-effective hotel rooms
  • Tips for long-haul flights
  • Tips for driving in other countries
  • The best gifts for travellers
  • The best travel credit cards
  • Best suitcase organization hacks
  • Best ways to pack a duffel bag
  • Best hacks for travelling light
  • Best destinations for remote work
  • Best travel apps
  • Best travel guides for [Destination]
  • Best places to stay with pets

TIP : I used to write many travel-related posts. Always think about what the key problem is for your reader. In this case, I know that many Torontonians are looking for destinations that are close to home. This is how my blog post “10 Places One Hour From Toronto” came to be on my Suburban Tourist blog.

Personal Travel Story Post Ideas

Sometimes you have a personal experience that makes for a good travel story.

With these kinds of posts always remember to share some sort of tips or a “moral of the story” so that your readers learn something from them.

I’m sharing a list of blog post ideas for travel blogs that are heavy on personal insights. Consider adding these are they are entertaining reads and often lead to writing opportunities from magazines and newspapers.

  • My epic adventure in [Destination]
  • How I discovered myself in [Destination]
  • My travel love story: how I managed a relationship abroad
  • How I conquered challenges head-on while travelling in [Destination]
  • Living like a local: My immersion in [Destination]’s culture
  • Getting in the Spirit of [Destination] Through The [Name] Festival
  • How long-term travel changed me
  • Exploring [Destination]’s historical sights
  • My travel evolution from backpacker to jet-setter
  • Why I decided to celebrate [name] with a trip to [Destination]
  • My crazy night in [Destination]
  • The time I got lost in [Destination]
  • The most fun things I did exploring [Destination]
  • What I did in 24 hours during my layover in [Destination]
  • Why I’ll never do this again on my next trip to [Destination]
  • How I learned about XYZ the hard way in [Destination]

Photography And Visual Journal Travel Blog Post Topics

A picture can be worth a thousand words.

If you’re sharing photo posts, make sure to include context and some explanation for SEO purposes and for your readers.

  • A photo diary of [Destination]
  • Portraits of locals and culture in [Destination]
  • [Destination]’s most Instagrammable views
  • A [Destination]’s urban photowalk
  • [Destination]’s wildlife and landscapes
  • The architectural wonders of [Destination]
  • Sharing [Destination] through a video journal
  • How to enhance your travel shots
  • Sketches inspired by [Destination]
  • How to craft a [Destination] travel scrapbook
  • Tips and tricks for how to get the best shots at busy attraction sites
  • How to photograph in dim museums (when you’re permitted to do so)
  • Best camera travel bags
  • Best cameras for easy travel
  • What items from your camera kit to leave at when travelling
  • How to use your phone camera for gorgeous travel shots
  • Best poses for gorgeous travel photos

Outdoor And Adventure Activity Travel Blog Topics

This is a brief list of outdoor adventure travel post ideas that are great for the outdoorsy types of readers.

  • The best hiking trails near [Destination]’s
  • Exploring [Destination]’s best dive spots
  • The best places for extreme sports in [Destination]
  • The best places for overnight camping in [Destination]
  • Yachting in [Destination]’s beautiful waters
  • Best rock climbing fun in [Destination]
  • Top places for skiing and snowboarding in [Destination]
  • Top surfing spots in [Destination]
  • Cycling routes through [Destination]’s
  • Eco-adventures in [Destination]’s wilderness
  • Best places for kitesurfing
  • The world’s most dangerous hiking trails

| RELATED: How To Make Money As A Travel Blogger

You’re writing great travel blog posts, but did you know you can monetize them with affiliate marketing – even as a new blogger? 

Travelpayouts is an affiliate marketing platform for travel bloggers, with over 110 of the best travel brands. You can sign up for free to Travelpayouts and create your account.

Travel Writing Tips For New Bloggers

You’ve got a list of blog post ideas for travel bloggers. I’m sure you’re capturing a few from my list above.

If you are a new travel blogger, I highly recommend you look at how the top travel bloggers write their posts.

How do they excite you to travel, or to purchase an item?

There is an art to travel blogging: tell a story, share your personal insights and paint the picture of what they can experience.

Be honest about the pros and the cons, so that you can be seen as a credible, helpful expert in your travel niche.

And don’t forget to write captivating blog post titles that will grab their interest.

How to Write a Travel Blog Post FT 1

RELATED: How To Write Exciting Travel Blog Posts That Make Your Readers Pack Their Bags And Book Tickets

Need help writing your blog posts faster? I’ve got you covered – get my free blog post outline template so you can write down your notes and organize your thoughts.

Writing becomes easier when you’ve got your ideas in an outline. Here’s the one I use to generate kickass blog posts faster.

Promote Your Travel Blog Posts

Now that you have a long list of travel blog post topics, you’re ready to write.

Travel blogging is a bit different from other types of blogs. Learn how to write sensational travel blog posts that will get your readers planning their next trip.

If English isn’t your first language use Grammarly for your grammar and spelling.

Since you’re going to be busy travelling, you can set your posts to publish at optimal times. You can also schedule your social media posts .

Use any of these schedulers:

  • Later – schedule your Instagram posts and reels, Pinterest, Meta and more
  • Tailwind – schedule your Pinterest pins, Instagram posts
  • SmarterQueue – schedule new and older content for automatic posts

Get over 100 travel hashtags for your Instagram posts .

And if you’d like to include some great quotes in your blog posts and Instagram posts and captions, check out these 100+ travel quotes .

Before you go, brush up on writing blog posts that readers will love . Start with amazing blog post outlines and formats .

Finally, brush up on your SEO! The travel niche is a popular one, so optimizing your blog posts is extremely important.

Sign up for my free SEO email course:

QUESTION: What other travel blog post ideas should be added to this list?

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Over 60 Travel Blog Post Topics PIN2

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Our Ultimate List: 101 Travel Blog Post Ideas

travel topics for blog

Many variables can weigh on the mind of a traveler. Whether they are a frequent flyer who travels regularly or a family moving across the country, any small bit of helpful knowledge could potentially save people time, effort, worry, and maybe even their life.

This is why blogging is an integral aspect of traveling no matter if the intent is business, pleasure, or somewhere in between. Travel agencies, transit users, backpackers, traveling executives, and even vacationers all have specific blog needs that need to be met; maybe your blog is the one to meet them?

However, if you happen to be on the road or traveling abroad, you may have a difficult time keeping up with your blog. Let’s face it, blogging can be stressful all on its own. It’s a time-consuming endeavor even when we supply ample topic suggestions . If you ever need a hand with yours, simply ask us about our blog writing services ! Just so you can rest easy knowing that your blog is being tended to with great care, head over and check out our blog here at The Content Panel.

In the meantime, if the weight of your blog hasn’t slowed you down too much, feel free to utilize our travel blog topic suggestions!

travel topics for blog

  • Top Vacation Destinations For Families/Couples/Individuals/Students

Make them relevant for the current year and be sure that the places are sufficient for the corresponding demographic. I.e, You don’t want to suggest Amsterdam as a top family vacation destination.

  • Luggage Tetris

Give the best advice on being spatially conservative. The military has much to say regarding this topic and it’s all helpful knowledge. Grant your readers the ability to pack everything they’ll need with room to spare.

  • Saving To Plan

Suggest a few of the best ways to save money for a trip. This could be as simple as saving pocket change or as intensive as not driving your car and changing the purpose of your fuel budget. There are a million money-saving tips. Just relate them to travel!

  • Finding Cheap Flights

Saving even a little money on flight tickets could be a huge relief for some people. Advise those who aren’t sure about how to acquire the best deals on flights. This may include a section about seasonal travel.

  • Kicking & Screaming

Help your readers who have children by letting them know some of the best tips for traveling with kids of varying ages. Unlike a teen, a baby will not understand the pressure differential causing them discomfort while flying. Explain such things.

  • Tasty Restaurant Locations

This could be “The Best In (Insert City),” or “Restaurants Worth Traveling For.” It’s ultimately up to you, but the possibilities are relatively endless.

  • One-Tank Trips

Usually based on a specific geographical location such as in a single state. Tell your readers about locations they may visit that are within the reach of a single tank of gas (two at most).

  • Round-The-World

How does a person plan a trip around the world? Where do you even begin? How do you choose destinations or plan for costs? How do you work out the currency exchange from border to border? All of this will need answers, and your readers will be grateful.

  • Location-Specific Travel Guides

Pick a destination that people love, and build a travel guide for it. These guides are much better when the writer has been to the destination. In other words, you’ll do better if it’s a place you’ve been and have experience with.

  • The Essentials

Some things are better left at home. Make a list of the must-have items to keep in your bag, and maybe a list of the essential things to leave out. Some people don’t realize that the entire bathroom doesn’t have to go with them.

  • Avoidable Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes made while traveling can cost someone money, time, and even their life. List a few of the most common mistakes travelers tend to make and explain how to avoid them.

  • Vehicle Inspection

Some have never been on a lengthy road trip and don’t know to check certain things in their car beforehand. Explain to check fluids, tire pressures, etc. Having an emergency bag on board is also a good tip.

  • Theme Parks Around The World

Just as it sounds. The Disney parks would be some obvious ones but there are so many more that people have never heard of. List some of the most acclaimed.

  • Endurance Travelling

This one will entail tips on how to stay sane during long road trips or long flights. You could suggest books or puzzle games. Just allow the readers to know there are ways to pass time.

  • Travel Insurance

Not always a common topic even though it should be. Explain to your readers the significance of having travel insurance, and what it may save them in the long run.

  • World’s Best Beaches

Always a show-stopper! People love the ocean and most of us plan to be there at some point. Give the readers some insight into the best beach locations worldwide.

  • Travel Tips/ Hacks

Suggest some of the best travel tips that you’ve personally utilized and found invaluable. Inquire to your audience if they have any of their own to get a dialogue going.

  • Preferred Lodging

The best hotels in any given category. I.e, best price, best luxury, best service, closest to the beach, etc. There are a lot of niche hotels and those could be winners here as well.

  • If Money Wasn’t A Variable

Discuss the ideal vacation if you could spare no expense. Ask your readers to chime in as well. Best of the best luxury everything.

  • Unexpected Expense

Explain that sometimes things happen which is why we plan and have extra money put aside for such things. Also, give the readers insight into how to avoid some of the more common blunders.

  • Rewards For Travel

Many people use credit cards every day unaware that if they were using specific ones they might be gaining benefits to use for travel. Tell them about travel rewards credit cards.

  • Security Checks

With everything in recent history that has happened, airport security has increased as expected. Detail some of the items that aren’t accepted on flights, I.e anything in an opened bottle, etc.

  • Airport Etiquette

To make the fast-paced urgency of the airport atmosphere less stressful, certain things keep a smooth operation going. Allow your readers to know a few of them.

  • Cell Service Abroad

You may notice that your cell phone stops working or that you’re roaming while abroad. This can cause serious problems for some. Give them some options for taking care of this.

  • Working Abroad

How does a job in travel sound? Great, right? Let your readers know that this is a real possibility and that there are ways to achieve this. List a few of the most common ways to get paid to travel.

travel topics for blog

  • Summer Hot-Spots

List some of the most popular summer getaways, and give the details about why they are in that category. You may add some less-popular options for people who would rather be away from the hustle and bustle.

  • Save Money On The Road

Advice on ways to save money while traveling domestically. This could include anything from changing spark plugs which adds gas mileage, to packing food before you leave to avoid meal expenses.

  • Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

Sometimes it’s hard to decide whether to fly, drive, or take transit buses. Busing saves money compared to driving but both are less safe than flying by a large margin. Discuss the pros and cons of each.

  • National Parks

There are 423 national parks in the United States. These are each individually an opportunity to experience the majesty of nature while spending quality time with friends and family. Let your readers know more about them.

  • Cost-Free Attractions

Will likely be area-specific. Suggest things to do in your area that are completely free of charge. Local events, hiking, swimming, geocaching are all good options.

  • “Back In My Day”

It’s a well-known fact that people find intrigue in knowing that things weren’t always as they are now. Give the readers some historic knowledge regarding some popular spots that they may have seen. Include before and after photos.

  • Invaluable Travel Apps

Just as it sounds. Suggest your personal favorites if you’ve found any to be more useful than the rest. Anything from travel agency apps to GPS and currency calculators can be a good fit.

  • Winter Travel Destinations

Not everyone loves the beach and hot weather. Some folks just like to curl up next to a fire with their loved ones and share laughs. Some others love to speed down incredibly dangerous slopes at bone-shattering speeds. Suggest places for such things.

  • Basic Car Maintenance

Another one that could save lives. Include a part about how to change a tire. You might also include how to check fluids, and change bulbs, etc.

  • Honeymoon Destinations

There are a lot of these, so it should be relatively simple to select a few to talk about. If you’ve been there then you have more genuineness to pull from.

  • Cruise Planning

Give details about the best ways to go about planning a cruise vacation. This is more common to do than many people think. Give luggage tips, cruiseliner suggestions, etc.

  • Bucket-List Destinations

List those places that everyone would like to go to before they boot the bucket. Some more obvious ones are Hawaii, Paris, Egypt, The Great Wall, etc.

  • Top Destinations To Avoid

It sounds like an odd topic, but it’s an incredibly useful one. For instance, Brazil may sound like a great vacation spot; it’s cheap, beautiful, and rich with culture. It also has one of the highest violent crime rates in the world.

  • Secure The Homestead

Tips on what to do before leaving for vacation. Things such as letting the neighbors know, keeping some lights on, turning the house phone ringer volume down, locking windows and doors, etc.

  • Underrated Locations

If you have been to any feel free to use them here. There are many of them. Ask your readers for their input as they may have some of their own.

  • Passports: How & Why

Some people have no idea where to go to get them, or why they even need them, to begin with. Explain the reasons why they are essential, and explain the importance of not losing them!

  • First Time?

Alleviate some of the concerns a newbie might have while traveling for the first time. These are numerous and diverse so you may want to inquire to your readers about any they have.

  • Suitcase Review

Choose some of the most popular suitcases and give them a thorough review. This will be much more appreciated by your readers if you review them (though this could be an expensive review).

  • Destination Fun-Facts

Choose a place then list as many interesting facts or statistics as you can find. Some places will have more than others but do your best.

Post some of your favorite souvenirs that you’ve collected and tell their stories. Invite the readers to do the same.

List a few places from popular movies that you can see in person. As an example, Jurassic Park is in Oahu, Hawaii.

  • Tramping Essentials

Though not as common as it once was “tramping,” which is cross-country hiking, can be a life or death undertaking. List some of the things you’ll never want to be on the road without. Remember, these people always want to travel as light as possible.

  • Invaluable Travel Gear

Have you ever used a travel pillow that changed your life? There are pieces of gear that simply need to be talked about. This is the place for that.

  • Language Learning Tips

These will differ from language to language, but some tips can help those learning a language that isn’t their native tongue. Help the readers who need the information.

  • Photo Journal

These are especially popular if you travel a lot. It’s fun to see what people are experiencing while abroad. Allow the readers this opportunity.

travel topics for blog

50 More Travel Blog Post Ideas

  • Luggage Or Carry-On?
  • Best Photo Locations
  • What Travelling Has Taught You
  • Solo Travel Tips
  • Packing List For Specific Destinations
  • Must-See Side-Quests
  • The Best Books For Long Trips
  • Top Travel Agencies
  • Business Trip Tips
  • The Importance Of Punctuality
  • Best Travel Memories
  • Jetlag: How It’s A Thing
  • What To Expect While On A Plane
  • Eco, Eco+, Business, First: Choosing Cabin Class
  • Carry-On Only Packing Tips
  • Best Transit For Longer Trips
  • Passenger Train Experience
  • Movers’ Need-To-Know’s
  • Pandemic Life: How It Changed Travel
  • Top Nightlife Locations
  • Travel With Pets
  • Respectful, Responsible Tourism
  • Homesickness: How To Cope
  • How To Stay Fit On The Road
  • Most Interesting Person You’ve Ever Met While Travelling
  • Travel Quotes
  • Statistics: Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Fly
  • Travelling History: The Great Explorers & More
  • Small-Town Travel: Destinations Unknown
  • Events Around The World
  • Getting Sick While Abroad
  • Big “NO’s” In 3rd World Territory
  • Camping Knowledge You’d Die Without
  • Best Travel Blogs (Not Including Yours)
  • Best International Foods
  • Round-The-World On A Budget
  • The Importance Of Knowing Local Laws
  • Dressing For The Future
  • “Are We There Yet?”: Keeping Kids Entertained On Road Trips
  • Best Methods For Sleeping
  • Common Scams To Look Out For While Travelling
  • Travelers Gift Guide
  • Budget Destinations
  • Top Fishing Destinations
  • RV Travel: What To Expect
  • Inclement Weather
  • I Lost My Passport… What Now?
  • Mile-High Club? Yes, Or No?
  • Favorite Airline Companies
  • Destress Methods While Travelling

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John Townsend

Hi, I'm John! I'm a father, a writer, a marketer, and i'm the lead campaign manager at The Content Panel. When i'm not playing superdad with my kids I'm either at the office, lost in a good book, or out training for my first marathon!

Wander Her Way

50 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas

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travel blog post ideas

Inspiring Travel Blog Post Ideas

Recently I have been feeling a little bit of writer’s block when it comes to creating new posts for my blog. So I brainstormed some travel blog post ideas and figured I would share them with you here!

Hopefully these travel blog post ideas will help inspire your next post too. 🙂

These travel blog post ideas are great for when you’re stuck at home and aren’t sure what to write about next on your travel blog!

Note: If you haven’t already started your travel blog, be sure to check out my step-by-step guide How to Start a Travel Blog  to get everything set up in less than an hour!

Or sign up for my FREE  five-day email challenge below to get your blog up and running in five days:

Then keep reading to find out how to start your blog, with step-by-step instructions.

I highly recommend Bluehost for setting up your new blog. They offer WordPress web hosting starting at just $2.95 a month along with a free domain name ($15+ value) and free set-up of your blog.

Not to mention, Bluehost makes is really easy to use if you’re a beginner. Later on, you can graduate to a more powerful hosting provider. I still use Bluehost for my starter sites because it’s cheap and easy.

But I digress… we’re here to talk about ideas for travel blog posts!

50 Travel Blog Post Ideas

  • How to pack with just a carry-on suitcase
  • Should you check your luggage or carry-on?
  • Packing list for a certain destination
  • Packing list for a round-the-world trip
  • Your travel essentials
  • How to survive a long-haul flight
  • Tips for booking cheap flights
  • Top 10 best beaches in the world
  • Top 10 most underrated cities in the world
  • How to save money for travel
  • How to plan a round-the-world trip
  • Top 10 day trips from your city
  • Advice for solo travelers
  • Advice for traveling with children
  • How to plan a vacation on a budget
  • Holiday gift guide for travelers
  • Travel guide to your city
  • Tips for surviving a road trip
  • Top 10 destinations off the beaten path
  • Top 10 destinations for budget travelers
  • Your best travel hacks/travel secrets
  • Unexpected travel expenses and how to avoid them
  • Best travel credit cards
  • Destination travel guide – what to do, where to stay, what to eat, etc.
  • Best photo spots in your city
  • What to do about cell phone service overseas
  • Work abroad job ideas
  • Top 10 destinations to visit this winter
  • Top 10 destinations to visit this summer
  • Travel mistakes to avoid
  • What you have learned from travel
  • Weekend itinerary to a certain destination
  • Favorite travel apps
  • Hair/beauty products you pack for travel
  • How to stay healthy while traveling
  • Top 10 foods you must try in a destination
  • Best restaurants in your city
  • How to travel as a vegetarian/vegan
  • Ways to save money while traveling
  • Hotels vs. hostels – which is best?
  • Your funniest/most embarrassing travel moments
  • Best places to take a road trip
  • Tips for booking cheap accommodation
  • The best free activities in your city
  • Your travel bucket list
  • Theme park vacation guide (Disney World, etc.)
  • How to plan your first cruise
  • Best destinations for families/couples/college students/etc.
  • Your favorite books about travel
  • Your favorite travel blogs

Happy blogging! Let me know in the comments if you use any of these travel blog post ideas on your own blog – I would love to read them!

Related:  How to Write 13 Travel Blog Posts from One Trip

How to Start a Travel Blog

Haven’t started a travel blog yet? Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to get started!

These are the exact steps I took to start Wander Her Way. You can follow this tutorial and have your own travel blog up and running in less than one hour!

Step 1: Choose a domain name

The first step to starting a travel blog is choosing a name for it. Your blog name will be the first impression that you have on people, so it’s important to pick a good one!

👉 If you need some help coming up with a name for your blog, be sure to read my guide on how to choose a travel blog name and ideas to inspire you .

Step 2: Get hosting

Once you have chosen a name for your travel blog, you will need to register it and get web hosting.

If you buy your domain name through an outside company, you can expect to pay $15 to $20 a year for it. However, if you sign up for web hosting through Bluehost, you can get your domain name for free.

If you’re just starting out, I highly recommend Bluehost for web hosting. They are the company I and many other bloggers use for starting new blogs and websites. They are easy to use, have some of the cheapest hosting plans out there, have a reliable hosting service, and decent customer support.

Granted, there are more powerful hosting providers out there with more responsive customer service but if you’re just getting started, it’s not worth the investment. Bluehost is enough to get your feet wet in the travel blogging pool. Then, when you begin to make some money, you can upgrade to a hosting company like BigScoots (where Wander Her Way is hosted now).

Bluehost has been generous enough to offer readers of Wander Her Way 70% off their new web hosting plans. So for only $2.95 per month you can get WordPress hosting AND a free domain name!

🩵 Get 70% off WordPress hosting with Bluehost

How to sign-up with Bluehost

Here are the detailed steps to set up web hosting with Bluehost:

1. Click the “Get Started” button

Het started with Bluehost

2. Select your hosting plan

Select Bluehost hosting plan

Which plan to choose: I recommend the basic plan for new bloggers.

I’m personally on the plus plan, but that’s only because I run multiple blogs. Otherwise I would probably choose the basic plan!

3. Put in your domain name

travel topics for blog

This is where you’ll put in the domain name that you decided on earlier.

What if I haven’t decided on a name yet?  If you haven’t decided on a domain name for your travel blog yet, wait a couple minutes and this offer will pop up on your page:

Select this option and you can go ahead and start setting your blog up, then use the free credit to buy your domain name later.

4. Create your account

travel topics for blog

5. Select your package and pay

travel topics for blog

Here’s where you’ll select your hosting plan. The 36-month plan is the best deal at $4.95 a month for the first three years, but to keep your starting cost as low as possible, you can pick the 12-month plan at only $2.95 a month.

What about package extras? You have the options to add on extras like SiteLock and Yost Premium SEO. I personally don’t recommend any of these because there are free WordPress plugins you can install that do the same thing. Which I’ll cover in the next section of this guide.

This is not to say these are not needed, but they are not essential for a new travel blogger at the beginning stages so save your money right now!

6. Congrats, you’re done!

Once you check out, you’ll be redirected to your Bluehost dashboard, which will look something like the image below. Your dashboard is where you can log in to your blog for the first time and start setting everything up.

Bluehost dashboard

Your blog will be run on the WordPress platform. WordPress is a content management platform, or CMS. This is where you’ll actually write your blog posts, upload your images, and design the look of your website.

Bluehost installs WordPress automatically for you—all you have to do is answer a few questions when you get to your dashboard. And don’t worry, they will walk you through the questions step-by-step and guide you through naming your blog, connecting your domain, and creating your WordPress site for you—it’s very easy!

travel topics for blog

Step 3: Designing your blog

Your blog will come with the default WordPress theme installed. You will definitely want to change this, which means it’s time to pick a theme for your blog!

When it comes to designing your blog, you have a few options. Here are the most common:

  • You can hire a web designer.
  • You can buy and install a pre-designed child theme.
  • You can install a theme that you can customize yourself.

Let’s look at each of these options:

Hire a web designer

This is the most expensive and least recommended route for a beginner blogger and not needed to have a profitable blog.

Buy A Premium Child Theme

A child theme is a theme that has been heavily customized by a designer and packaged in a way that you can install in your WordPress admin panel. A custom child theme comes with fonts, colors, and demo photos and content that you can swap out for your own. So other than changing the aesthetic elements, you’re set to start blogging with the click of a button.

I should mention, however, that fancy design may slow down your website. I wrote a whole piece about my experience switching my WordPress theme and the impact it has on Wander Her Way’s performance.

If having an elaborate design is really important to you, a premium theme is a much better investment for a beginner than a web designer and will make your blog stand out from the crowd just the same.

Customize a Theme Yourself

Finally, you can customize a theme yourself. I recommend installing and customizing a theme on your own because it’s MUCH cheaper, will keep your blog performing great, and it’s not as difficult as you may think.

My favorite theme is Kadence WP , which has a free and a paid version. The free version will be more than enough to get you started with a fast and good-looking blog, which is all you really need. The cool thing about Kadence is that, when combined with the Kadence Blocks plugin (which I’ll discuss in a minute) it eliminates the need for page builders.

Before blocks, Page Builders were the only way to have beautifully designed blogs and websites in WordPress without a professional web developer. The downside as I mentioned, is page builders make your website heavy and slow.

travel topics for blog

This is why I recommend Kadence to new bloggers. You can install the free version right from your WordPress theme tab, pick one of their starter templates, and start blogging. As your blog grows and you gain some experience, you can do more advanced customization and design changes to it.

👉 If you need help finding the perfect theme, make sure to check out my list of the best WordPress themes for travel blogs .

Step 4: Install plugins

WordPress plugins are applications that add extra functionality to your blog—think of them as apps on your phone.

There are thousands of plugins out there and some can be really useful but don’t go plugin happy! When it comes to plugins, less is better as they can also slow down your website and make it vulnerable to hackers. Most blogs will end up having between 10-15 plugins and you should stick to that number.

Bluehost Default Plugins

Your WordPress site will have a few plugins by default and you can activate them or delete them.

Here’s what you should do:

  • The Bluehost Plugin : Activate it. While not required to run your blog, this plugin connects your WordPress to your Bluehost dashboard and gives you the ability to create a staging site. This is basically a working copy of your website that you can make changes to before pushing them live. It’s good practice to do that—in case something breaks, your live website is not affected.
  • Akismet : Activate it. This plug-in filters out spam comments and form submissions on your blog. There are other ways of doing that without a plugin but it’s good to have as a beginner. The free version will be enough for you to get started.
  • Hello Dolly : Delete it. It has zero functionally. Goodbye.
  • Creative Mail : Delete it. This is an email marketing plugin by Bluehost itself. Just get rid of it… If you plan to start collecting emails, I recommend MailerLite , which is free for up to 1,000 subscribers.
  • Yoast SEO : Delete. Yoast helps ensure your blog posts are setup in a way that makes it easy for Google and other search engines to find them—that’s what search engine optimization (SEO) is all about. Don’t get me wrong, Yoast SEO is a great friendly plugin but the free version of RankMath SEO is also easy to use and will give you a LOT more features than Yoast.
  • Jetpack : Delete it. This plugin is infamously famous for slowing down websites like crazy, which is bad for SEO! I’ll suggest some alternatives.

travel topics for blog

Recommended Plugins for Beginners

Here are the plugins I recommend most for new bloggers are:

  • WordFence Security : Great security plug-in to protect your site.
  • Sassy Social Share : Adds social media share buttons to your blog posts. And you can customize them is a bunch of different ways.
  • Autoptimize : Makes your website faster. Remember, fast loading pages = better SEO.
  • UpdraftPlus : This plug-in makes regular backups of your site so you never lose anything!
  • RankMath SEO : The free version of RankMath has a lot of features, including many that eliminate the need for additional plugins down the road. While Yoast may appear more user-friendly, RankMath will walk you through the setup step-by-step.
  • Kadence Blocks : We talked about themes before and Kadence Blocks is the perfect complement to the Kadence Theme. Similar to RankMath, the added functionality and design options of Kadence Blocks will eliminate the need for other plugins in the future.

All of these plug-ins are 100% free to use. Some have premium versions with advanced features that are paid but you don’t really need any of that when you first start blogging.

Step 5: Start posting!

By now, you should have purchased a domain name and hosting through Bluehost, installed a WordPress theme, and added some functionality to your blog with plugins.

Now all that’s left is to start posting. And that’s where these travel blog post ideas will come in handy if you need some inspiration on what to write about!

Learn How to Make Money with a Travel Blog

If you want to make money with your travel blog, I highly recommend joining Travel Blog Prosperity . It’s a monthly membership for travel bloggers created by one of the top travel bloggers out there—Jessie Festa of Jessie on a Journey.

Normally, the membership is $49/month, but when you sign up using the discount code  WANDER9  you will get your first month of Travel Blog Prosperity for just $9. If you don’t like it, you can cancel at anytime.

When you join the membership, you’ll get immediate access to the following:

  • 30+ trainings and lessons for bloggers, with new ones added monthly
  • Workbooks and checklists to go along with each lesson
  • Twice monthly live group coaching calls with Jessie
  • Private Member’s Lounge group where you can get your questions answered
  • Weekly VIP Opportunities Newsletter with paid opportunities, press trips, and more!

👉 Try a month of Travel Blog Prosperity for only $9 with promo code WANDER9

Other Travel Blogging Tips

This post is part of my ongoing series about travel blogging.

Be sure to check out these blog posts for more travel blogging tips and inspiration!

  • Travel Blog Names: How to Choose One + Ideas
  • How to Start a Travel Blog for Beginners
  • How to Make Money with a Travel Blog
  • Best WordPress Themes for Travel Blogs
  • Travel Blog Income Report Roundup

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Travel Blog Post Ideas

About Denise Cruz

Denise is a marketing executive who escaped corporate to travel the world… twice. A Brazilian native living in the U.S., she’s lived in 4 countries and visited 35+ others. After side-hustling her way to financial independence, she curates solo destination guides, slow travel tips, and travel blogging advice on Wander Her Way. When she’s not on the road, you can find her in Miami with her dog Finnegan.

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37 Best Travel Blog Examples to Inspire You in 2024

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You’ve come to the right place as I’ll be outlining 37 of the best travel blog examples to inspire you on your own journey.

Whether you’re a solo adventurer, niche enthusiast, or a family ready to blog about your travels, you’ll find many travel blog post examples in this list.

From personal storytelling to traveling that will captivate your audience, these successful travel blog samples are the perfect inspiration to start your blog.

What Makes a Great Travel Blog?

If you’re wondering how to write a travel blog, you’ll want to know the key elements of making a great one. Great blogs focus on a niche, and target a specific audience .

Woman working on her travel blog on her laptop.

So what’s going to set your blog apart?

  • Good travel blogs to read focus on quality content that meets user intent.
  • Good travel blogs focus on their main niche and cater to their readers.
  • Great travel writing blogs also design a way to help their audience with unique advice that readers can’t find anywhere else.
  • Good travel blog names help, too!

Of course, quality content and good SEO with a bit of personalization help content get found on search engines — and of course, having lots and lots of readers are a big part of making your travel blog truly great.

37 Top Travel Blog Examples

1. the planet d.

The Planet D blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Travel itineraries, digital nomad lifestyle, road trips, budget travel
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, display ads, partnerships, email marketing, digital products, YouTube

If you’re looking for an adventurous travel blog that has taken the world by storm, look no further than The Planet D adventure travel blog.

This power couple has been posting WordPress travel blog articles and traveling all seven continents since 2008. 

Their award-winning blog showcases unique experiences, detailed itineraries, and vlogs on YouTube where they share their adventures with a dedicated audience. 

To top off their unique travel blog, they also focus on nomad travel, teaching and inspiring their audience to earn money per month and travel — just as they have done for more than a decade now.

Travel Blog Examples

2. the blonde abroad.

The Blonde Abroad blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Solo female travel, lifestyle, photography
  • 💰 Income streams: Brand partnerships, ad income, affiliate marketing, digital products, all-female tours, photo presets

The Blonde Abroad is a notable name in the world of female travel and blogging. What started as a solo world tour to escape corporate life turned into a highly successful blog attracting travelers worldwide. 

This blonde travel blog reaches audiences far beyond what the name implies. The “blonde” here is blog creator, Kiersten Rich (AKA Kiki), and her blog covers lifestyle, photography , all-female trips, and more .

She also has a large following on Instagram, sharing her day-to-day adventures with a passionate audience.

3. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Budget travel, travel tips and guides
  • 💰 Income streams: Books, courses, display ads, affiliate marketing, email marketing

As one of the first true travel bloggers , Matt Kepnes AKA Nomadic Matt paved the way for countless other blogs that followed in his footsteps.

Now, he’s one of the biggest and best travel blog names on the internet and has even been featured in The New York Times.

His blog focuses on budget travel and destination guides, helping his audience travel without breaking the bank. 

The coolest thing? There’s no sponsored content on his blog. Matt and his team pay for every experience and excursion they write about. 

His commitment to authenticity and affordability has earned him a spot as one of the most inspirational budget travel blog examples for students on the list.

4. The Broke Backpacker

The Broke Backpacker blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Budget travel, digital nomad blogs
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, email marketing, and uniquely, The Broke Backpacker opened up Bali’s first co-working hostel

The Broke Backpacker is on a mission to get you to travel the world for $10 a day. It’s clear that this blog is one of the best travel blogs sites focused solely on affordable adventures .

Whether you’re looking for backpacking tips, hostel stays , or working remotely as a digital nomad, The Broke Backpacker has you covered.  

This simple yet effective blog features budget travel tips for hundreds of countries inspiring “broke backpackers” to get out and explore.

These are great travel article examples for students who are notorious for traveling on a budget.

5. Salt In Our Hair

Salt in Our Hair blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Digital nomads, social media, sustainable travel 
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, social media, email marketing, digital products, travel services, photo editing presets

Salt In Our Hair perfectly captures the essence of the adventurous couple behind it. Founded by a couple from the Netherlands, this bubbly blog inspires you to pack your bags and hit the road. 

Salt In Our Hair is a go-to resource for nomadic and sustainable travel .

Through an informative blog and popular Instagram, they offer an array of itineraries and travel guides for both popular and off-the-beaten-path countries. 

Whether you’re looking for unique experiences or responsible tourism, Salt in Our Hair continues to grow as one of the most inspiring and one of the best travel blog websites around.

🤩 Plus their website is absolutely gorgeous — it’s all custom-built by Nick who is a web developer, and Hannah who is a graphic designer. There’s no website builder in sight, but that doesn’t mean you need a custom website.

6. Oneika the Traveller

Oneika the Traveller blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Black travel, female travel
  • 💰 Income streams: Partnerships, email marketing, social media, affiliate marketing

Oneika the Traveller is more than just a female travel blogger — she’s a TV host, Emmy Award-winning journalist, and a great example of how a travel blog can open up a world of other opportunities.

Her unique perspective as a black female traveling solo has given her a loyal audience. 

With her blogging adventures spanning five continents, she collaborates with businesses big and small to spread her message. She even has a unique opinion section to share her thoughts SEO-free.

7. Hand Luggage Only

Hand Luggage Only blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Minimalist travel, photography, food, travel hacks, lifestyle
  • 💰 Income streams: Digital sales, ads, social media, affiliate marketing

If you’re looking for travel blogging inspiration, look no further than Hand Luggage Only .

This couple has made a name for themselves in the blogging world with their stunning photography, food recommendations , lifestyle hacks, and travel journals. 

Their site has a soft and inviting aesthetic with unique travel story examples — noticeably as fun and free as these two are.

8. Along Dusty Roads

Along Dusty Roads blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Packing tips, travel guides, digital nomad, photography journals 
  • 💰 Income streams: Display ads, photography sales, affiliate marketing, media trips (or, paid press trips)

Started in 2014 by a fun-loving couple, Along Dusty Roads is a blog about travel experiences where they passionately share their photography with the world. 

Filled with tips, tricks, and travel stories from more than 40 countries, their minimalist blog aims to help you travel better by sharing their travel wins and mistakes.

📸 They take every photo on their site, creating a personal and engaging experience of each destination for their readers.

If you’re looking to be wowed by incredible travel photography , then look no further.

9. I Am Aileen

I Am Aileen blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Remote work, digital nomadism, solo travel, food 
  • 💰 Income streams: digital products, display ads, YouTube, affiliate marketing, email marketing

Meet Aileen Adalid, the creator and blogger of the eye-catching I Am Aileen website.

Quitting her job in 2014, Aileen embarked on a journey to travel every continent as a full time digital nomad .

This abroad travel and lifestyle blog serves as one of the many great examples of the best travel blogs WordPress offers. This girls travel blog is also one of the best blog travel platforms for inspiration.

She’s become an expert in helping others make money while traveling the world through more than 400+ blog posts and vlogs .

In addition to her tips and insights in her blog for travelers on travel experiences, she’s also added a food travel blog section, combining her passion for travel and international cuisine in a travel meets foodie blog. 

 10. Expert Vagabond

Expert Vagabond blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: travel photography, digital nomad, outdoor travel
  • 💰 Income streams: affiliate marketing, display ads, email marketing 

Blogging life isn’t all high-end travel and expensive hotels. Expert Vagabond is focused on showing budget travelers and nomad enthusiasts that traveling doesn’t have to be complicated (or expensive). 

With more than a decade of nomad backpacking under his belt, this blog shares practical tips on traveling to hidden gems around the world. Plus, a bit of photography on the side as well.

 11. Honeymoon Always

Honeymoon Always blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Couples and honeymoon travel, travel planning
  • 💰 Income streams: Partnerships, display ads, affiliate marketing, YouTube and social media

This couples travel blog site is the ultimate go-to for couples seeking the perfect travel destination — whether it’s for a honeymoon, wedding, or just a romantic getaway.

This particular blog is the perfect example of a niche website . With a focus on luxury and all-inclusive vacations, Honeymoon Always has couple travel down to a science. 

They even partner with travel agents to help their audience plan every last detail of their romantic trip .

From intimate beach bungalows to all-inclusive getaways in amazing resort towns , Honeymoon Always makes it easy to plan trips with your favorite person.

 12. Practical Wanderlust

Practical Wanderlust blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Packing guides, travel tips, sustainable travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Partnerships, display ads, email marketing, coaching

Practical Wanderlust is a colorful and vibrant free travel blog that inspires readers to explore the world sustainably. 

They focus on travel tips and packing guides through their blog, podcast, and email list.

This couple even has a loyal travel community on social media, where they share their day-to-day responsible experiences. They’ve even shared their journey from couple travel to family travel blog writing.

 13. Hey Nadine

Hey Nadine blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: travel planning, lifestyle, vlogging
  • 💰 Income sources: Online courses, affiliate marketing, digital products, YouTube, partnerships

This chic and trendy travel blog is the inspiration you’re looking for. With more than 600,000 followers across the internet, Hey Nadine ‘s commitment to vlogging brings her travels to life. 

Hey Nadine is a great example of having a travel blog alongside a YouTube channel . Nadine has traveled to more than 60 countries, all recorded on video throughout the last 13+ years — that’s a lot of footage!

Her visually stunning site is full of packing guides , hidden gems , and travel inspiration.

14. Chasing the Donkey

Chasing the Donkey blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Balkan travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads

Chasing the Donkey travel blog is as fun as it is informative — and another great example of a blog niche site.

From helpful travel guides to insider tips for getting around like a local , Chasing the Donkey focuses on all things Balkans travel. 

They’ve even thrown in some food inspiration to satisfy your traveling taste buds. This Balkan-based travel blog is a refreshing and exciting example of how informative a niche site can be.

15. Travel Mexico Solo

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Topics: Mexican travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, and digital products

I obviously had to also include my own website, Travel Mexico Solo .

I’m a former Miami travel magazine editor who ditched the office for the world. After traveling alone all over Mexico for one year, I decided to become a full-time expat in Mexico in 2018 .

I then decided to launch Travel Mexico Solo in 2020, in the midst of a pandemic. My website dispels Mexico travel misinformation. Instead, I provide accurate info from someone who lives in Mexico, and travels in Mexico often.

Today, my blog has more than 300,000 monthly readers and earns me a very healthy six-figure salary.

Travel Mexico Solo is a Mexico travel blog, and the perfect example of a niche website.

However, I decided to niche down even further when I launched my three other travel blogs: Travel To Merida ,  Travel To Oaxaca , and Tulum Travel Secrets .

16. The Barefoot Nomad

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  • ✈️ Topics: Family travel, tech

Charles and Micki Kosman, the masterminds behind The Barefoot Nomad , bring a fusion of travel, tech, and family insights from their base in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Launched in 2003, the blog has evolved from documenting the couple’s travels to sharing their experiences as a family of four 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

With about 75,000 unique monthly visits , it’s clear that what their doing is working.

The Barefoot Nomad provides a mix of travel tips, tech reviews, and insights into family travel , catering to a diverse audience.

What makes their blog really stand out is how they mix personal stories with handy tips. Their content ranges from destination reviews to technology insights, appealing to both travel enthusiasts and tech-savvy readers.

17. Indie Traveller

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  • ✈️ Topics: DIY travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, book sales (author of Travel the World Without Worries)

Launched in 2013 by Marek Bron, Indie Traveller focuses on DIY travel — specifically focused on travelers looking to follow their own paths.

Today, Indie Traveler attracts more than 180,000 unique visitors each month who are eager to read Marek’s honest and inspiring travel guides.

With more than a decade of travel experience, he shares his extensive travel knowledge through various resources like gear reviews, travel tips , and destination guides , all based on his personal experiences.

His approach to travel is about following your own path and embracing the adventure, making Indie Traveler a go-to resource for independent travelers worldwide .

18. Our Escape Clause

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  • ✈️ Focus: World travel (including USA travel, Europe travel and Italy travel)

Jeremy and Kate are founders of Our Escape Clause . In 2016, they embarked on a journey, trading suburban life in the USA for full-time travel and adventure — and they’ve never looked back.

With more than six years of experience, they have become experts at sharing travel stories and personal reflections through their blog.

Our Escape Clause stands out for its comprehensive resources and actionable tips , aiding travelers in planning their trips.

The blog offers an extensive range of experiences, covering destinations across Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

19. Be My Travel Muse

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo and adventurous travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, group tours

Kristin Addis, the voice behind Be My Travel Muse , offers a unique perspective on solo travel, especially for women. Celebrated as one of the top women’s travel blogs, it draws more than 5 million annual readers .

Kristin’s journey in solo travel spans more than nine years, during which she has gathered a wealth of knowledge about budget-friendly and adventurous travels .

Be My Travel Muse is not just about Kristin’s personal travel stories; it’s a comprehensive resource for solo female travelers . The blog covers a wide range of topics, including tour and destination guides.

Kristin extends her insights through videos, sharing her adventures and practical tips, making her blog a source of inspiration and guidance for anyone looking for solo female travel tips .

20. Goats on the Road

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel and living abroad, Digital nomad travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, digital products and blogging courses

Founded by Canadian adventurers Nick and Dariece, Goats on the Road chronicles their journey since 2008. They offer insights on how people can travel the world and live a life of freedom, travel, and adventure.

More than a travel narrative, their blog dives into topics such as finding work abroad, embracing digital noma dism , and practical travel tips.

In addition to travel insights, Nick and Dariece offer courses on brand growth and SEO . These include courses include a free WordPress course and other advanced courses.

21. Adventurous Kate

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo female travel
  • 💰 Income Sources: display ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships & partnerships

Kate McCulley, the force behind Adventurous Kate , has carved a niche in the travel blogging world, focusing on independent female travel.

With more than a decade of experience and visits to more than 83 countries and seven continents, her blog garners more than 176,000 monthly page views.

She was also named one of the top travel influencers by Forbes in 2017.

The blog offers a trove of resources for solo female travelers , from safety tips to destination guides.

Her commitment to empowering women travelers is evident throughout her blog, making it a go-to resource for those looking to embark on solo adventures.

22. Camels and Chocolate

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  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, lifestyle — a little bit of everything
  • 💰 Income: Affiliate marketing, consulting, ambassadorships, sponsorships

Since its inception in 2007, Camels and Chocolate has been a vibrant internet presence.

It has been recognized with various accolades such as Southern Living’s Bloggers to Follow in 2015 and the Bloggie for Best Travel Weblog (2008-2010).

Kristin and her husband share their colorful experiences in travel, art, and murals, visiting numerous destinations worldwide.

Kristin’s writing skills shine through in her engaging and personal narratives , providing valuable insights for aspiring bloggers and writers.

Camels and Chocolate is an example of leveraging a travel blog to branch out.

Kristin has used the blog as a springboard for diverse projects, including the creation of Odinn Media, a tourism marketing and media production company.

23. Helen in Wonderlust

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  • ✈️ Focus: African travel, challenging stereotypes
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, tour company, book

Helen in Wonderlust stands out as a fantastic example of a niche travel blog, focusing extensively on Africa travel.

Helen shares her deep love for the continent’s wildlife, landscapes, and cultures, actively working to dispel common misconceptions about its safety for travelers.

Her blog offers a wealth of resources on African destinations , including guides for adventurous, safe travel , and budget-friendly travel.

Beyond Africa, Helen also provides travel guides for other global destinations, adding variety to her niche-focused content.

24.   PS I’m On My Way

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  • ✈️ Focus: Dynamic, interactive travel experiences
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, a tours business, trip planning

Founded by the award-winning journalist Trisha Velarmino, PS I Am On My Way is a travel blog known for its dynamic presentation and user-friendly design.

The blog is driven by a mission to inspire and assist others in living their dream life, with a strong emphasis on real-life experiences, entrepreneurship , and personal growth.

Trisha’s approach to travel is distinctive ; she immerses herself in a new culture by staying in one place for an extended period, usually three months or more. This allows her to deeply connect with the local lifestyle.

The blog is more than a travel guide; it’s a narrative about breaking societal norms and embracing a life of constant exploration and learning.

25. The Travel Book

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  • ✈️ Focus: Eco-friendly traveling, sustainable lifestyle
  • 💰 Income: Books, e-books, posters

Travel Book is dedicated to teaching readers about eco-conscious travel, providing insights into how to explore the world while minimizing environmental impact.

From offering tips on eco-friendly accommodations and transportation and sharing knowledge about the most beautiful yet sustainable destinations, Travel Book is a treasure trove of green travel guidance.

The blog, beautifully crafted on WordPress , intertwines engaging travel stories with actionable advice, catering to an audience passionate about sustainable tourism.

26. Two Monkeys Travel

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo and global travel experiences
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, partnerships

Two Monkeys Travel , helmed by the globetrotting Kach from the Philippines, is a testament to the transformative power of travel.

With more than 500,000 monthly page views, the blog chronicles Kach’s journey from a fresh graduate to a full-time traveler who gave up her regular job in 2013 to explore the world.

Her blog stands as an inspiration for those dreaming of solo global adventures, showcasing her experiences in more than 180 countries with an aspiration to visit every nation on Earth.

The blog offers various content, from personal travel narratives to practical guides on various aspects of travel.

27. Roads and Kingdoms

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: In-depth storytelling, cultural exploration
  • 💰 Income: Publishing partnerships, brand collaborations

Roads & Kingdoms is a unique travel blog blending in-depth storytelling with cultural insights .

Celebrated for its comprehensive travel narratives, food journalism , and political commentary, the blog has earned accolades like the Emmy and James Beard Publication of the Year awards.

Its sections cover travel stories with stunning photography, culinary explorations, and detailed city guides.

This blog is a perfect example of incredible storytelling and jaw-dropping documentary-style travel photography .

28. Now In Portugal

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: Exploring lesser-known sites in Portugal
  • 💰 Income: Affiliate programs, display ads

Now In Portugal , started in 2021 by Yvonne Ivanescu, is a dedicated travel blog that delves into the hidden gems and less explored locales of Portugal .

This platform stands out as a prime example of a destination-focused niche site, offering readers an in-depth look at Portugal’s unique and often overlooked destinations.

The blog’s content ranges from comprehensive travel guides to personal experiences, all centered around showcasing the diverse and rich cultural, historical, and natural landscapes of Portugal.

29. Charlotte Plans a Trip

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: Personal travel stories, destination guides, travel tips
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, consultancy services

Charlotte Plans a Trip , managed by Dutch traveler Charlotte and her husband Ries, chronicles their global adventures — the website is in English and Dutch .

With more than 25 countries explored across multiple continents, the blog features a mix of personal stories, practical travel tips, and comprehensive destination guides.

The content is categorized into sections like Personal, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guides, Diary, Budget Tips, Travel Photography, and more.

Charlotte excels in creating both short and long-form posts with vivid images. She also maintains an active presence on Instagram, engaging her audience with regular updates and interactions.

30. Travel Freak  

travel topics for blog

  • ✈️ Focus: Resources for unconventional and solo travel adventures
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing

Travel Freak , created by Jeremy Foster, is a standout travel blog catering to those who don’t align with conventional travel norms. With more than a decade of travel experience, Jeremy’s blog has influenced millions.

The site is a treasure trove of resources for solo travelers , offering insights on working abroad, money-saving tips, and reliable travel equipment for various adventures.

A significant portion of the content is devoted to travel gear reviews , a great revenue-generating strategy.

31. BucketListly

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  • ✈️ Focus: Backpacking, hiking, and travel photography
  • 💰 Income: Guides, itineraries, and design resources

Based in Thailand, Pete Rojwongsuriya brings a unique blend of skills as a designer, blogger, and solo traveler to the BucketListly Travel Blog .

With more than a decade of experience, Pete specializes in creating comprehensive travel guides and backpacking itineraries. His blog is a reflection of his passions for adventure, photography and storytelling .

BucketListly stands out as an exceptionally well-designed travel blog, showcasing Pete’s expertise in design and programming.

The website is not just a resource for travel enthusiasts but also a visually stunning portfolio of Pete’s photography skills .

He also has a YouTube channel, which adds another dimension to Pete’s stunning visual storytelling of his travels.

32. One Girl One World

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  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, Beauty, Lifestyle
  • 💰 Income: E-books, one-on-one coaching, press, campaigns

Established in 2014, One Girl One World is a unique fusion of travel, beauty, and lifestyle from Francesca Murray. It offers another great example of a micro-niche blog.

It’s not just about travel; but a holistic guide for maintaining personal care during adventures.

The blog shares valuable insights on managing skincare routines and haircare while traveling, especially for natural curls.

One Girl One World stands out for its specific yet broadly appealing niche. Francesca, the blog’s creator, leverages her platform to forge exciting partnerships and diverse opportunities.

Her active engagement on Instagram and YouTube complements her blog, enhancing her digital presence and outreach.

33. Jessie on a Journey

travel topics for blog

  • 🌍 Focus: Solo female travel, blogging, wellness travel
  • 💰 Income: Ads, brand collaborations, consulting, affiliate marketing, sponsored blog posts

Jessie Festa’s blog, Jessie on a Journey , is a vibrant mix of adventure stories, travel tips, and personal insights. It’s a go-to resource for solo travel , wellness, and turning a passion for travel into a career .

Her blog is not just a collection of travel tales, but a guide for those looking to make a mark in the world of travel blogging. The blog covers a range of topics, including destinations, travel planning, and responsible tourism.

It’s also a hub for blogging advice, showing others how to monetize travel experiences through various channels like advertisements, collaborations, consulting, and affiliate marketing .

34. Uncornered Market

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  • ✈️ Focus: Responsible travel and experiential journeys
  • 💰 Income: Consultancy in tourism development and marketing, speaking engagements

UnCornered Market , created by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, champions the cause of responsible travel and the pursuit of personal growth.

The essence of their journey and the blog’s ethos centers on humanizing the places they visit. Through captivating photographs and storytelling , they aim to connect readers with diverse cultures and locales.

Beyond sharing their adventures, Daniel and Audrey have leveraged their blog’s influence to create remarkable opportunities. What started as a sustainable travel blog has evolved into a consultancy venture.

They now guide travel brands and tourism organizations in developing sustainable and community-focused tourism products and strategies.

35. Girl Eat World

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  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, Food, and Photographic Storytelling
  • 💰 Income Sources: Affiliate Marketing, Display Advertisements, Brand Collaborations

Girl Eat World stands as a quintessential example of a travel blog, where Melissa Hie combines her passions for food, travel, and storytelling.

Launched in 2015 as a personal diary, it has evolved into a well-followed platform, thanks in part to Melissa’s strong Instagram presence — she currently has more than 300K followers.

The travel blog description for Girl Eat World paints a picture of a unique blend of travel tales and practical food travel guides , complemented by Melissa’s distinct approach to Instagram photography.

Girl Eat World offers a feast for the eyes and the soul, making it a notable entry into the travel blogging sphere — particularly in the food travel niche.

36. The Everywhereist  

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  • ✈️ Focus: A little bit of everything, from travel to personal development
  • 💰 Income Sources: Books, brand partnerships

Geraldine DeRuiter, a former copywriter, initially began documenting her travels alongside her husband, Rand as heartfelt love letters to him 😍

What started as a personal endeavor soon blossomed into The Everywhereist , a blog that gained recognition from Time Magazine as one of the best blogs in 2011 .

Geraldine’s journey is not just about travel; it’s a tale of transformation and passion. After being laid off, she channeled her energy into blogging, a story eloquently captured in her book, All Over The Place .

This narrative offers valuable inspiration for aspiring bloggers, showcasing how a setback can lead to a fulfilling new path.

37. Time Travel Turtle

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  • ✈️ Focus: Destinations, travel planning, food
  • 💰 Income sources: Display ads, affiliate marketing, photography sales, content production, speaking engagements, brand collaborations, sponsored posts

One travel blog that truly takes travel blogging to new heights is Time Travel Turtle .

The blog is a collection of Michael’s extensive travels, offering travel blog writing examples through vivid storytelling and stunning photography.

Notably, Michael sells some of his captivating photos, allowing companies to feature exotic locations and properties.

As a digital nomad, Michael continues his global explorations, add to his blog with practical travel tips and insights.

It’s Time To Start Your Own Travel Blog

Woman carrying her luggage and holding her phone.

If you’re ready to start your own travel blog , you’ll first need to get clear about your goals and your target audience.

Once that’s settled, learn about SEO and how to drive traffic to your site. 

From there, decide how you can help your audience — What can you offer them that no one else can?

Lastly, start creating quality content and begin your travel blogging journey .

Travel Blog Examples: FAQs

woman working on her laptop during a vacation

What makes a good travel blog?

The key elements that make a good travel blog are experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness , or what Google calls E-E-A-T.

The best blogs about travel deliver consistent, high-quality content to their readers. Really short travel blog posts usually aren’t long enough to offer quality content.

From original photos to unique personal experiences, top-notch personal travel blogs prioritize user intent .

They inform readers and drive them to take action – whether that means booking a trip, buying a product, or joining an email list.

How do I start a travel blog from scratch?

To start a travel blog from scratch, you’ll need to focus on strategic and physical efforts .

Strategically, choose a unique niche and conduct research to understand your competition and target audience. Learn about SEO and focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your readers.

Physically, begin by selecting a reliable web hosting service. Purchase a domain name that reflects your niche and choose a responsive, visually appealing theme.

I personally use WordPress, and I use Kadence as a theme . However, some other bloggers use website builders like Divi and Elementor — but these can slow down your site.

You’ll also need to use blogging platforms and content management systems to publish and organize your posts effectively. Remember to continuously learn and adapt to trends and feedback for sustained growth and success.

👩‍💻  To help you start your travel blog, I highly recommend taking a course!  Check out this post for info on the  best travel blogging courses . I also did a review on the best course I’ve done,  head here .

low-cost hosting for travel blogs

For those looking to start a travel blog on a budget, shared hosting is the best option, as it is cost-efficient and provides all the basic features you need. 

Many people use cheap blog hosts like Bluehost or A2 hosting , but I personally love using Lyrical Host .

They are slightly more expensive, but you will be rewarded with a super speedy blog and 5 Star customer service. 

🤑 Lyrical Host Discount Code: Use code TRAVELBLOGGING101 to get 10% off all Lyrical hosting plans.

How hard is it to start a travel blog?

Starting a travel blog is not hard, but it does require consistent time and effort . Successful and inspiring blogs are not built overnight.

A travel blog WordPress site requires an abundance of quality content, building valuable backlinks, satisfying user intent, and more.

With patience and persistence, you can create a successful travel blog .

How do I write a travel blog?

To write a travel blog, you’ll first need to prioritize SEO to reach an audience and rank on search engines. This will help you understand user intent, incorporate EEAT signals, properly outline posts, and target the right keywords. 

Next, fill in your optimized outlines with accurate, professional, and personal information that will engage your readers.

Answer the question better than anyone else — show Google that you’re the expert in your travel blog.  

If you want to learn how to find keywords with big potential to earn affiliate income, check out my How to Find Affiliate Marketing Keywords Class .

Are travel blogs still profitable?

Yes — travel blogs are still profitable (or, they can be). With today’s ever-changing digital landscape, there are more opportunities than ever to monetize a travel blog and earn a living from it. 

Bloggers can choose from various income streams such as display advertising, affiliate links and marketing, digital products, email marketing, and more.

New and old travel blogs alike continue to generate money from valuable content . 

How do travel bloggers make money?

Travel bloggers have several options to make money . Two popular methods include affiliate marketing and display advertising. Additionally, bloggers can earn money through sponsorships and partnership opportunities.

Some bloggers choose to sell digital products or services directly to their audience – either on their blog or through email marketing.

Most travel bloggers choose to diversify their income streams with a combination of these methods.

Final Thoughts: Travel Blog Examples

Couple planning their trip together.

There’s no shortage of amazing examples of travel blog websites to inspire you to get out there and start your journey. 

Whether you’re passionate about backpacking on a budget, splurging on a luxurious honeymoon or helping others navigate your city like a local — the blogging examples here show there’s a place for you in travel blogging. 

If you’re ready to start your blogging journey, I have travel courses for every level.

If you’re new to this, start by exploring free travel planning tips on various platforms. These can be incredibly useful, especially since you’ll need to commit yourself to at least six months of travel blogging.

The blogging examples listed here, along with resources on Travel Blogspot and social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok, offer a wealth of information and community support to help you along the way.

Whatever your travel style might be, it’s time to grab your laptop and start creating .

70 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas To Boost Your Blog

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No inspiration for your next article? Here are 70 travel blog post ideas to boost your views and entertain your readers! Plus some time on how to gain more traffic and find even more ideas.

Travel blogging is fantastic! Writing about your trips and helping others plan their ideal holiday is so much fun. I’ve been blogging for quite a while, and in that time I’ve been able to turn this lovely hobby into a job (crazy!).

But even though it’s a lot of fun to blog, sometimes it can get hard to think of new ideas for articles. What to write when you haven’t been on holiday recently? Or when your content calendar is running dry?

Not to worry! I usually plan out my content calendar months in advance and I love coming up with new ideas for blog posts. That’s why I’m sharing some awesome travel blog post ideas with you today. Feel free to take them and make them your own!

Let’s take a look.

* The Navigatio uses affiliate links . If you make a purchase through these links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

How To Come Up With Travel Blog Post Ideas?

Before we get into my list of posts, I wanted to share with you how I come up with blog post ideas. That way, you can continue thinking of awesome articles for your website. 

I always try to sit down and write out a ton of ideas for posts at once, so I can make a content calendar. Doing so allows me to work through articles without having to stop and think about what I’ll write. It saves so much time and energy!

But how do I come up with these ideas?

There are various ways. Firstly, you have to think about your nich e. Who is your perfect audience and what do they want to read? If you mainly write about solo female travel, you should focus on articles that solo female travellers will find useful or entertaining. If you focus on city breaks (like yours truly), it doesn’t make sense to write about the best waterfalls in a nature park.

Especially when you’re trying to become an authority on a destination or a type of travel, you should try to cover as many bases as possible and get super-specific. You can find tons of ideas by Googling certain topics and look at the “People also ask” section. 

Alternatively, you can look at Quora or ask your social media followers . Check the blogs of people in your niche, too. Never steal article ideas, but it can help you get inspired!

But whenever you’re planning your content calendar or your next travel blog post, you should always do keyword research . Not only can it give you a ton of additional blog post ideas, but it also helps you rank higher on search engines so you can grow your traffic!

travel blog post ideas

Want to get some more inspiration, check out the best travel bloggers and influencers .

Destination Travel Blog Post Ideas

I love writing destination travel posts because they are very specific. You know exactly what the reader is looking for, and it’s usually pretty easy to find some good keywords for them. Here are some ideas:

  • Itineraries: You can create itineraries for specific destinations and show what you did on your trip. Best of all, you can make these type of travel blog posts for all types of destinations! Make a two-day itinerary for a city break, or a three-week itinerary for a specific country – let’s get creative!
  • Where to eat in [city/destination]: Another destination idea is showing your favourite restaurants, bars, and cafes. This way, you can help readers pick the best places to eat on their own trip.
  • What to eat in [destination]: Apart from sharing your favourite restaurants, you can also share what dishes are worth trying. Especially when travelling to new places, readers may not know what foods to try!
  • What souvenirs to bring home from [destination] : We all love a good keepsake, don’t we? So why not share what types of souvenirs are perfect to bring home after visiting a country or city?
  • Things to do in [city/country] : Instead of sharing a ready-made itinerary, you can also share a list of the best things to do in that country or city. That way, readers can put together their own itineraries with everything they’d like to see and do.
  • Where to stay in [city] : Picking the perfect hotel may not be an issue for an experienced traveller, but many people find it very overwhelming! That’s why you can help by curating the best hotels, Airbnb, or apartments for every destination you write about.
  • Hotel reviews : Apart from sharing a list of the best accommodation in certain cities, you can also write in-depth reviews on your hotel stays. You can write about what you liked and what you didn’t like, so readers can make an informed decision about whether they want to stay there too. 
  • Best times to visit [destination] : Some places are better to visit at certain times of the year. You may want to avoid Japan during the humid summers, for example! To help your readers, you can write about the best months/seasons to visit certain destinations. You can also add specific dates for festivals or holidays.
  • Is X days enough in [destination]? : When planning a trip, it’s hard to know how much time you need to see everything! That’s why you can write about how many days you think readers would need to spend in a city or a country. You can then also link to your itineraries!
  • Landmarks in [destination] : When putting together an itinerary, you want to make sure you include any famous landmarks. You can create a list of all the best landmarks in a destination to help your readers.
  • Best Instagram photo spots in [destination] : We all love a good Instagram post, don’t we? You can add the best photo spots of a destination in a handy guide.
  • Best honeymoon destinations : Besides writing about a specific destination, you can also create round-up posts for travel inspiration. For example, you can curate the best destinations for honeymoons or trips with your friends.
  • Packing list for [destination] : It can be tough to know what to pack if you haven’t been to a city or country before. That’s why creating a packing list can really benefit your audience – plus it’s a great way to add some affiliate links for products you love.
  • What to wear in [destination] : Similar to a packing list, it’s also good to get some outfit inspiration. Do I need to pack hiking boots? Or can I throw some dresses in my suitcase too?
  • X reasons to visit [destination]: While some people don’t need convincing, others could use a little push in the right direction. There are so many wonderful places that people may not know about, so you can give them some reasons to add it to their travel wishlist.
  • Dos and donts in [destination] : Visiting new cultures can be a little overwhelming. Another travel blog post idea is to write a guide on the best dos and donts for a specific country or city.
  • Best tours in [destination]: There are so many awesome classes and tours to pick from when travelling, which is a perfect opportunity for a travel blog post. What are the best cooking classes in Thailand? Or the best pub crawls in Budapest? There are so many options to write about!
  • Hidden gems in [destination]: Especially if you’re visiting a place for the second time, you may want to avoid the main sights. If you’re writing a lot of articles about a specific destination, it’s also a good idea to share some lesser-known spots that can add a lot of extra value to a trip.
  • Best day trips from [destination]: When staying in a city for a few days, you may also want to take some day trips to explore the vicinity. You can write a blog post about the best options. Think about other cities, national parks, or great hikes.
  • Best hikes in [destination]: Especially when writing about national parks or adventure travel, you can add some of the best hikes nearby. Which ones are worth your time, and which ones can better be avoided?

travel blog ideas

General Travel Blog Post Ideas

But not all posts have to be specifically about a country or a city – sometimes you just want to write about travel in general! And there is a lot to write about, including:

  • The best travel apps: I can’t imagine travelling without my phone, and I bet that you can’t either. Share the best apps that can help your readers on their trips. Think of Google translate, maps, apps for train times, etc.
  • How to plan a road trip : Us travel bloggers may have planned tons of road trips already, but not everybody has the same experience. Help your readers by showing them how they can easily plan their own road trip or itinerary.
  • Tips for packing a suitcase/hand luggage : Packing your suitcase or trying to fit everything in your hand luggage can be a challenge. In posts like these, you can share handy tips for making it easier.
  • Zero-waste tips for travellers : You can easily avoid creating tons of waste when travelling, and you can show your readers how with some easy tips.
  • How to travel more eco-friendly: Similar to zero-waste, there are a lot of ways to avoid harming the environment when travelling. Even though flying causes a lot of CO2, there are ways to donate to offset carbon footprint, for example.
  • Travel quotes and inspiration: When you can’t travel, it can be tough to keep the wanderlust alive. You can create travel inspiration or quote posts to fuel the travel love.
  • Best books about travelling or a specific destination: Create a list of the best books about travelling for your readers to enjoy. These can be fiction or non-fiction. You can even make it more specific and create a list of the best books about a specific destination (for example, I wrote about the best novels about Japan ). 
  • Tips for travel photography: Taking photos on your trip is a perfect way to capture your favourite memories. But how can you take the best pictures? You can share your best photography tips in these posts – maybe add in some lightroom presets?
  • How to plan a group trip : If you’ve ever travelled with a group, you know how hard it can be to keep everybody happy and plan an itinerary that fits all wishes. Help your readers plan the perfect group trip with some handy tips and tricks.
  • How to battle jetlag : Jetlags are super annoying and can ruin the first few days of your trip unless you know how to deal with them.
  • What to do when you get sick when travelling? : You can’t always avoid getting ill when travelling abroad, but it’s good to know how to deal with it.
  • How to learn a foreign language: While not technically a travel post, showing people how to learn a second/third language can be super beneficial when travelling. Locals love it when you try to order a drink in their language, and even if you mess up, it’s a good conversation starter 😉
  • How to travel with pets: Travelling with pets can be very difficult. If you have experience, you can help those who are planning to take their furry friends on holiday. You can get even more specific when writing about travelling with pets to a certain country, as rules differ greatly depending on where you’re going.
  • Finding the perfect travel insurance: Travel insurance is a must! You can compare different providers to make sure your readers find the best one. It’s also a great idea to share your own experience.
  • How to survive long flights : As much as I love travelling, long-haul flights will never be fun. What things can you do to avoid getting bored, stiff, or sick when having to deal with 10+ hour flights? You can also add some tips on what to pack in your hand luggage.

akihabara tokyo

Budget Travel Blog Ideas

While travel doesn’t have to be expensive, costs can definitely worry people. These budget travel blog post ideas can help you prepare your readers financially and help them travel on the cheap.

  • How to save money for travelling : A little more generic, but super helpful! There are so many ways to save money or make a little extra to put into your travel fund. You can get really creative here!
  • How expensive is [destination]? : Some places are more expensive than others. Especially if you haven’t been to a country or city yet, it can be tough to budget your trip. By sharing an honest guide on how expensive accommodation, food, and transport is, you can really help.
  • Budget breakdown : Another way to help your readers financially prepare for their holidays is by sharing your own budget breakdown. You can explain how much you spent on accommodation, food, transport, activities, etc.
  • How to find the cheapest hotels/flights: We all love a bargain, don’t we? And with some travel planning experience, travel bloggers sure know how to make the most of our money when it comes to booking trips.
  • Is [travel item/pass] worth it? : There are so many passes and items you can buy for your trips (think of the JR Pass, or city passes that give you access to some sights and public transport), but are they really worth it? You can share your experience so your readers can make an informed decision, and maybe even save some money!
  • How to save money while travelling: You can save money before your trips, but you there are tons of ways to cut spending while on the road. This way, you can put that money towards another holiday or add a few extra days to your current trip.
  • Best budget destinations : Travel doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you know where to go. Share your favourite budget travel destinations with how much the average trip would cost to inspire your readers to book their next holiday.
  • Travel reward programs : You’d be surprised at how many loyalty programs there are in the travel industry. From hotels to airlines, you can save some points for free stays and discounted trips. It’s up to you to share the best ones with our audience.
  • Cheapest cameras for travel photography : You don’t have to own a bulky DSLR camera to snap some fantastic photos. There are so many budget options out there, especially with technology evolving so quickly nowadays. Curate the best budget cameras for your post, which also makes a fantastic affiliate opportunity.
  • How to get the best currency exchanges : Travelling abroad can be a hassle when you can’t pay in your own currency. So many people overpay when exchanging money at the airport (a big no-no). You can help by sharing more budget-friendly options.

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Travel Accessories

Some of the best travel blog posts ideas to generate some income are affiliate articles. By recommending services or products that you use and love, you can earn a small commission at no extra cost to your readers. They find awesome new products, you earn some money – it’s a win-win. Writing travel accessory posts are a great way of including these links.

  • Best travel shoes (for women/men/city trips/hiking) : As you can see, there are a ton of options to write these buying guides. You can get super specific to make sure you fit the user intent perfectly. If someone’s looking for “best travel shoes for women”, you can make sure to only include women’s shoes! The better it matches the intent, the higher the chances of someone buying it through your links.
  • Best backpacks/suitcases : Similar to shoes, there are so many options when it comes to backpacks and suitcases. You can review your favourites, and compare them so your readers can easily pick the one that’s best for them.
  • Best camera gear for travel photography: Bloggers usually put a huge focus on visuals, so you may know a lot about the best photography gear. Sharing that information can be super helpful for those who are new to travel photography. Think of cameras, lenses, tripods, etc.
  • Best beauty products on the road: Keeping up with skincare while travelling can be tough, so I’m sure your readers will appreciate some recommendations.
  • Travel gift guides : Not sure what to buy the travel lover in your life? These types of posts can really help! You can make these even more specific and aim them for different people. For example, the best travel gift ideas for men, women, millennials, boyfriends, wives, etc.
  • Where to go skiing this winter : You can share the best countries or ski resorts in a specific country. Alternatively, you can change this to other seasonal activities, like apple picking in Autumn.
  • Best Christmas markets in Europe : With so many Christmas markets to choose from, your readers could use some guidance in picking the best ones. You can even invite other travel bloggers to submit their favourite ones.
  • Places to see blossoms/fall foliage : These types of posts work very well for destinations that are known for their stunning scenery (like Japan). And since many people will be looking for the best spots during Spring or Autumn, 
  • Things to do in [destination] in autumn : Most destinations have completely different things to offer depending on the season. Austria is perfect for hiking in the summer, but it’s heaven for ski-lovers during the winter, for example. Maybe there are special festivals or activities you can only do in a certain season, which makes for a great read.
  • Best sunny/warm winter destinations : There are travellers that love the snow, and there are travellers that flee to warmer places. To help the latter out, you can create a guide with the best sunny and warm destinations in the winter.

the navigatio travel blog

Personal Travel Blog Posts Ideas

While SEO is all fun and games, writing your travel blog must also be fun. And connecting with your audience is equally important as constantly trying to rank on search engines. By writing some fun and personal travel blog posts along with the SEO-heavy stuff, you’ll get the best of both worlds.

  • Write about your favourite trips: While writing itineraries and tips are super useful, writing a more travel-journal style can help you connect with your audience much better. You can make a list with your top 10 trips, for example.
  • The story of your first trip: Or, you can write about your very first travel experience. How old were you? Where did you go? Did it kick off the wanderlust or did it take more than one trip?
  • Your weirdest travel experience: Every trip has a story, but some experiences deserve a full blog post!
  • Your worst travel experience: People don’t just want perfection, they want to see the real you. By sharing stories of your not-so-nice travel experiences, you can connect much better with your audience.
  • Reasons why you like travelling : Everybody has their own reasons to travel. Whether it’s to experience new cultures, to learn more about yourself, or to see certain landmarks. I’m sure your readers would love to know your reasons!
  • Your experience studying/working/volunteering abroad: There are so many awesome blog posts opportunities you can write if you’ve ever moved abroad for work, school, or volunteering. You can write stories about your experience and give tips to people who want to follow in your footsteps.
  • Why you started your blog : Some other travel blog ideas could involve your website. Write about why you started your site and what your goals are for it.
  • Your blogging progress: Apart from telling your readers why you started, it’s a great idea to keep them in the loop of your progress. People love to follow blogging journeys, to watch your website grow into a thriving business. My friends Alex and Lisa from Career Gappers do a fantastic job at quarterly updates – I love reading them!
  • Your travel bucket list: You’re already sharing all the places you’ve been to, so why not make a travel blog post about your travel wishlist? Where do you still want to go and why? When are you planning to go, if you have any plans?
  • Your travel accessories/equipment: Another thing your audience may love to read is what items are essential for your trips. What camera do you use? What’s your go-to suitcase? What is in your hand luggage?
  • List your favourite travel blogs or Instagram accounts: One thing I love about travel blogging is the community. So why not hype up some of your blogging friends and inspirations? List your favourite blogs or Instagram accounts and share the love!
  • Things you learned from travelling: Travelling is a privilege. It teaches you so much about the world and about yourself. You can write a blog post about all the things travelling has taught you. Maybe you can even add what places inspired you most.
  • Mistakes you made while travelling: Nobody’s perfect and sharing your vulnerable side can help you connect with your audience. It’s always good to see that you’re not the only one making mistakes. Plus, sharing your travel mistakes can help others avoid them in the future.
  • Best/worst/weirdest things you’ve eaten on your trips: Food and travelling go hand-in-hand. Different cultures and countries offer different dishes and snacks. It’s always fun to read about awesome or weird dishes from across the globe, so it may make for a good story for your blog.
  • Travel guides about your hometown/place you live: The best travel tips always come from the people who know the city inside-out. So if you live in an exciting place, why not make the most out of it! By writing many articles about one place, you also create an authority on it – perfect for SEO!

travel blog post ideas

Best Tools For Travel Bloggers

When I started The Navigatio, I wish I’d known more about how to run a travel blog and SEO. But you live and you learn – plus, you gotta start somewhere! Here are some of the tools I wish I’d known about sooner:

  • Keysearch : The best investment I made in terms of SEO is getting a subscription to Keysearch. With this tool, you can find the best keywords that your site can rank for – plus, it gives you a ton of keyword ideas that you can write articles around. Keysearch normally costs $17/month, but you can get a 20% discount using the code “KSDISC“ with this link . Or ready my Keysearch review .
  • Going self-hosted with LyricalHost: When you want to grow your blog and turn it into a (side) business, you should go self-hosted. Ever since changing my host to LyricalHost, my website has been much faster! It’s one of the more affordable options and they have a fantastic support team. You can get 10% off your first year with code “NAVIGATIO10” . Check it out here . Or read my Lyrical Host review first.
  • Blogging Fast Lane course: There are a lot of things that come with creating a blogging business, so why not learn from the people who are already very successful? They definitely know how to do it! After seeing some success by doing everything on my own, I decided that I needed some more guidance from people who knew more than me. I bought the Blogging Fast Lane course and it completely transformed my blog. While I already knew some SEO, this course really taught me how to utilize affiliate marketing and email marketing. It changed the game! Make sure you read my review , or sign up for their free webinar .

Conclusion: Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

I hope this article gave you some ideas on what post to write next! I’d also love to read any of your new posts, so make sure to leave a link in the comments below. Remember that your blog is yours, and you can do whatever you want with it. There is no need to focus on SEO if that’s not your jam – or if you want to only photos from your trips, that’s fine too 🙂 These are just some ideas to get you started!

Good luck and happy blogging!

Save for later…

travel blog post ideas

Nele (Nay-la) graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with an English and Creative Writing Degree and has lived in the UK for nearly 10 years. She has had an interest in Japan and its culture for as long as she can remember. Since her first trip in 2018 surpassed all expectations, she has continued to return to Japan to explore more of all it has got to offer. You can read her full story here .

4 thoughts on “70 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas To Boost Your Blog”

Wow, great suggestions! Thank you very much for this great blog

One of the most useful articles I’ve ever read <3

As a different travel blogger, I understand the difficulty in coming up with content. Your advice and post concepts are priceless. Thanks!

Thank you for sharing this post, that’s the most useful articles I’ve ever read, love it

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50 Amazing Travel Blog Post Ideas

One of the best ways to increase your organic blog traffic is to do keyword research before you write your travel blog content. Whether you’re writing for your own blog or doing a travel blog guest post, use SEO optimized keywords, and create a content calendar full of travel blog content ideas that people and Google will love.

In this post, you’ll find:

  • 50 Travel Blog Post Ideas
  • How to do Keyword Research + create a content marketing strategy
  • Top tools to help you find the right keywords to use

This site contains affiliate links. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Thanks for your support!

travel blog content ideas

Best Travel Topics: 50 Travel Blog Post Ideas 

Here’s a list of content ideas for your travel blog. Add your own unique story and make them your own. Share tips and things you learned to help people plan the ultimate trip.  

Destination Posts: Travel Guide Blog

  • Best places to visit in _____. 
  • Best time of year to visit _______. 
  • How to plan your first solo trip. 
  • 4-5 day Itinerary for ________. 
  • Must-see destinations in ______. 
  • Where to Stay in _______.
  • Best resorts in these Luxury Destinations Around the World 
  • Best Diving Resorts
  • Local Foods to Try in ________.  
  • Best Road Trip Destinations. 
  • Top Camping Destinations
  • Best National Parks to Visit  
  • Local Favorites – What to do in ________. 
  • Best Places to Eat in _____.

Packing Guides 

  • How to pack for _______. 
  • What to wear in ______. 
  • How to Pack a Carry On 
  • Best Travel Equipment for Travel Bloggers 
  • Capsule Travel Wardrobe Guide 

best sun hats for travel

Travel Tips 

  • What to know before you visit ________. 
  • What you should know about traveling long-term 
  • Worst Travel Experiences 
  • Roundup posts featuring other travel bloggers
  • Top Festivals to Attend Around the World
  • What to do Before Traveling Abroad
  • Travel Abroad Checklist – Visas, Passport, Currency, etc. 
  • Travel Insurance Tips 
  • What to do if you get Injured Abroad 
  • What to do if All Your Stuff Gets Stolen 
  • Best Travel Apps 
  • How to file a Travel Claim 
  • Zero Waste Travel
  • How to Be a More Conscious Traveler 

travel blog guide

Budget Travel 

  • How to Book Cheap Flights 
  • Where to Find Cheap Places to Stay 
  • How to Travel on A Budget 
  • How to Save Money While Traveling 
  • Budget Travel tips for _________. 

Travel Photography + Working with Brands 

  • How to Take Travel Photos
  • How to Edit Travel Photos 
  • Best Way to Take Travel Photos When Traveling Alone
  • How to Work With Travel Brands 
  • How to Start Travel Writing 
  • Tips for Making Money While Traveling 

Solo Travel Tips 

  • Best Places to Travel Alone 
  • How to Meet People While Solo Traveling
  • Solo Travel tips for ________.
  • What I wish I knew before visiting ________. 
  • How to Avoid Looking Like a Tourist
  • How to Tell Your Parents You’re Not Coming Home Yet

Hiking on Oahu

What should I blog about next?

There are endless travel blog post ideas to write about, but before you start drafting your outline or writing your post, it’s essential to set up your site for success. 

Here’s how: 

  • Self-Host Your Blog – I use Siteground, and I love it . 
  • Find Your Niche – What are you going to write about? What are you passionate about? 
  • Know Your Audience – Who are you talking to? Solo Travelers? Family Adventurers? Find ways to identify their problems/questions and how the content in your blog niche is going to fill those needs. 
  • Keyword Research – This is a crucial step. Do not overlook or skip SEO. 
  • People love conversational content that provides value! 

In this post, we’ll dive into where you can find travel blog post ideas and ways to stay focused and avoid writer’s block when you’re writing a travel blog. 

blogging about travel

How to Start a Travel Blog

Here’s the deal. If you want to make money blogging, don’t delay self-hosting. Look, if you’re blogging because you want to share your travel experiences with your friends and family, that’s great! A free website or blog will be perfect for you. When you host your blog, you’re in control, and you OWN the site. 

If you want to own your blog and make money blogging, you need to self-host. 

Here’s why: 

  • Self-hosting gives you the freedom to customize your blog and add plugins to make it work for you. 
  • With self-hosting, you can start using affiliate marketing to make money. 
  • Your blog will look professional. Using is not going to help you stand out among a sea of travel and lifestyle bloggers. 
  • I use Siteground for WordPress for this blog because they keep my site running fast, do daily backups, and offer tech support. Whenever I have a question about something on my site, I just contact Siteground, and they fix my issue within minutes. Support is available 24/7. 

How to Work with Brands

  • Best Blogging Resources: Powerful Tools To Grow Your Blog
  • 10 Tips To Take Your Blog To The Next Level Right Now

How to Write Travel Blogs: Research Before You Write

When I decided to take my blog to the next level, I knew I needed to be consistent, put in the work, and develop an action plan. Instead of focusing on being present on every social media channel, I decided to invest my time on SEO and Pinterest. When I first started, I used free keyword research tools to search for travel blog post ideas. Now, I use

The Best Travel Quotes

What is SEO? 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and when done right, your site will start bringing in traffic from organic search results. When someone googles something about a travel topic, your post might come up in the search if you optimized it correctly. When your link is on the first page of Google, your site will see an increase in traffic. SEO is actually quite simple but can seem a bit overwhelming when you’re first starting to learn the ropes.  

I know some people think that when you get a green light on Yoast, your job is done. (I thought that too when I first started blogging.) But keep in mind, Yoast is a tool. You can optimize your post for the keyword “travel” and get a green light, but that doesn’t mean you will rank for that keyword. That’s why it’s important to do keyword research properly before you start writing any blog topics. 

Create a Content Calendar 

Once you’ve figured out what travel-related keywords you want to rank for and what topics you want to write, save all your ideas in one place. When I first started, I wrote them down in my notes on my phone, but now I use a google spreadsheet, organized by: 

  • Blog Post Title Idea
  • Keywords 
  • Search Volume
  • Difficulty to rank 
  • Words – How many words each post has. 
  • Category – Travel, Fashion, Lifestyle, etc. 
  • Notes – Details I want to make sure to include in my post. 

Having a content calendar has been a game-changer for me. I have over 75 ideas for SEO optimized posts to write. I also keep a separate spreadsheet of blog posts that I want to update and places where I want to guest post. This helps me stay focused and saves me time because I can update it regularly, and I don’t have to search for what travel blog post ideas to write about next. Everything is already organized in one place. Find a system that works for you! 

sunflower fields oahu

Understanding Search Intent

I first noticed the power of SEO when I wrote a post about the best places to find sunflower fields on Oahu . It’s one of my most popular posts on this site, but I wrote it long before I started doing keyword research.

I got the idea for the travel blog post when I couldn’t find an answer to what I was looking for. I kept seeing photos of sunflowers on the North Shore pop up on my Instagram, but when I searched for where to find the flowers, there was no information available at the time. Eventually, I found a few places on Oahu that had sunflower fields, and I wrote the post that still drives organic search traffic to my site years after I first published the content. 

Look for opportunities to fill gaps for missing content on the blogs you’re reading. Explore topics that haven’t been covered to gain more organic search traffic to your blog. 

Keyword Research Tools

Another way you can find new travel blog post ideas is by using Google Trends, Rising Retail Categories, and Pinterest Trends. These are online tools that give you data on what people are searching for and interest over time. 

1. Google Trends

 If you’re wondering what travel topic to write about, use Google Trends to explore related topics and related queries. For example, if you want to write a post about a travel destination, you can filter your search results by location, customize the time range, select specific categories, and it will give you a list of topics related to your destination or topic. This will help you narrow down your blog ideas so you can write content that people are searching for right now. 

2. Google – Rising Retail Categories 

On my site, I write about travel, packing guides, fashion, and lifestyle topics. Rising Retail Categories is another tool I like to use because it gives me an idea about what’s trending in consumer behavior. 

For example, I like to write packing guides to help people plan their trips and adventures, and I had an idea to write about the best rash guards for women . It was kind of at the bottom of my to-do list, but it was something that was on my mind. I regularly use this Google tool to look for fast-rising retail categories and saw that the topic “rash guards and swim shirts” was #6 in the top trending categories in the U.S. 

This free tool lets you dive in a little deeper, and when you click on a topic, you’ll see a list of the top growing queries and the locations where it’s popular. “Rash guard women” was #2, so it made sense to me to move that post to the top of my content list and publish it ASAP. 

3. Pinterest Trends

Pinterest is a search engine tool that can drive traffic to your blog. Use Pinterest Trends to research how often people are searching for the topic you want to write about. All you have to do is type in keywords or a subject, and it will show you details on related terms that can fuel your inspiration to come up with popular travel blog post ideas for your blog. 

I saw a significant increase in my blog traffic after implementing the tools I learned in the Pinterest with Ell Course . I highly recommend it! 

Follow me on Pinterest.

Crater Lake 2 day Itinerary

Investing in Your Blog 

Now that you have a strategy in place for doing keyword research, a place to store all your ideas, and a solid list of travel blog post ideas, you’re all set. As with any business, over time, you’ll notice that you’ll have to invest in your blog if you want to keep growing. 

I pay for: 

  • Self-hosting on Siteground 
  • for keyword research 
  • Grammarly for editing 

how do i write a travel blog

Manage Your Time Wisely 

It’s not uncommon for new bloggers to start to feel unmotivated about blogging after the first few weeks or months. If you’re feeling like you’re losing steam, I get it.

It’s hard to keep going when you don’t see immediate results.

SEO does not happen overnight.

Finding a niche and creating quality content is time-consuming.

Create a list of travel blog posts ideas and give yourself blogging goals for creating new content. 

Posting content every day or even a few times a week is an unrealistic goal for me. If you get on this hamster wheel where you think you need to create a new post every other day, you’re going to start to burn out. Quick.

Think about creating a schedule that works for you.

If you can’t create a new blog post, go back and freshen up an older one. When sharing on social media, don’t just post your new content. Share your evergreen content as well to bring that post back to life. 


You don’t have to have a lot of followers to make money online. Be consistent, set actionable goals, and create a plan filled with travel blog post ideas to fill your content calendar.

If you don’t have an email marketing list set up yet, make your email list a priority so you can start creating a community filled with adventurers, solo travelers, and people who love reading about all things travel. 

+ Sign up for my newsletter  to get destination + adventure guides, packing tips, and inspiration for your bucket list.

6 thoughts on “50 Amazing Travel Blog Post Ideas”

This was a very helpful blog post! Thank you for the great ideas.

A great resource guide for all those who love travelling and for newbie travel bloggers.

That’s great to hear! – Alex

I’m so glad you found it helpful. Good luck with SEO!

Wow! Your post is so helpful! I recently started my own travel blog and still trying to figure out the SEO and finding the right keywords.

This is soooo helpful, thank you!

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  • 140+ Engaging Travel Blog Post Ideas for Every Niche

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Table of Contents

There are so many travel blog post ideas out there, that it can be hard to know where to start.

But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’ll share with you a list of 140+ blog post ideas for travel bloggers in every niche.

I started my travel blog in 2017 and spent every week wondering what the heck to write about next. I felt like every post needed to be unique and amazing and on a different location.

I struggled to post cause I felt too much pressure to come up with things to write about.

I’m not going to let that happen to you!

So whether you’re a foodie traveler, solo traveler, luxury traveler, or anything in between, you’re sure to find some inspiration for your next blog post.

Read on to fill up your content calendar in 1 day!

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SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers

Ready to make thousands of dollars passively each month?

Get my SEO Roadmap course!

This one-stop-shop teaches bloggers in every niche how to scale their traffic and their passive income. I went from $0 a month to $30k/mo in 13 months with my techniques – and now I’m sharing them with you!

Flat lay of a notebook, camera and travel equipment on a wooden background. Pencil ready to write down travel blog post ideas.

What should I post on my travel blog?

Posting on your travel blog doesn’t have to be hard.

There are a few ways that I’ve learned to always have things to write about.

The first strategy is finding out what my audience needs.

You can do this by sending out a survey, reading comments on your posts, and talking to people in your niche .

Another way to come up with things to post about is by using Google Trends.

This is a tool that lets you see what people are searching for online.

You can use this tool to come up with post ideas that are relevant to what people are searching for.

Another way is to have an AI come up with ideas for you. has a Blog Post Topic Ideas Template to help you get started.

This is a really great way to get ideas if you’re feeling stuck.

The way I come up with 99% of my blog post topics on all of my blogs (travel and otherwise) is SEO keyword research.

Join my email list for SEO advice in your inbox every week so you’ll never run out of things to write about every again!

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140+ Travel Blog Post Ideas

Best travel blog post ideas for beginners.

1 day itinerary in [location]

Things to do in [location]

Free things to do in [location]

Tips for planning your trip

[Location] travel guide

Travel mistakes you’ve made

How to stay fit while travelling

Travel bucket list ( click for an example! )

Top # books about travel

How to make the most of a long layover

Ways to see the world for free (or very cheaply)

How to stay healthy while travelling

Souvenir ideas ( click for an example! )

Travel lessons you’ve learned

Tips to overcome jetlag

Travel photography tips

SEO Tip: Optimize your posts by making them the ideal length for SEO and having a proper permalink structure.

Travel Tips Blog Post Ideas

Best travel apps

Advice for first-time travellers

Tips to learn a new language for your trip

How to make friends while travelling

The pros and cons of group tours vs independent travel

What to do if you get sick while travelling ( example! )

Ways to save money on your travels

What to do when your travel plans go wrong

How to deal with culture shock

How to not stand out as a tourist

Travel Planning Blog Post Ideas

How to book cheap flights

How to plan an itinerary

How to dress to travel

Tricks to get upgraded to first class

Airline review ( example! )

Best websites and apps for planning travel

Tips for packing light

Travel Budget Blog Post Ideas

How much money to save to travel to [location]

Money-saving tips and tricks

How to spend a week in [location] for $[amount]

Travel scams to avoid

Tips to book cheap accommodation

Credit card hacks for travellers

How to wear a capsule wardrobe to save space

How to travel on credit card points

Carry-on suitcase being packed with a toiletries bag on top and a laptop and camera beside the suitcase. Ready for travel.

Packing Blog Post Ideas

How to pack carry-on only

Packing essentials for [location]

Your travel essentials

Carry-on only skincare routine

Toiletries to pack for travel

What’s in my carry-on bag

Packing cubes review

What to wear while travelling

Luggage review

Tech packing essentials

Transportation Travel Blog Post Ideas

How to get around [location]

How to get to the airport in [location]

The pros and cons of different transportation options

Renting a car in [location]

Is public transport safe [location]?

Biking in [location]

How to survive a long haul flight

How to survive a long bus ride

What can you bring in a carry-on

How to get around [location] without a car

Destination-Based Blog Post Ideas

Where to stay in [location]

Where to eat in [location]

Top 10 beaches in [location]

10 best day trips from [location]

Instagrammable spots in [location]

Weekend in [location]

Best airbnbs in [location]

Best hostels in [location]

Fun facts about [location]

Best [type] tours in [location]

[Location] travel mistakes to avoid

How to visit [location] on $50 a day

Best time to visit [location]

# off the beaten path destinations in [location]

What to wear in [location]

Compare two locations

Summer Travel Posts

Best places to visit in [month]

Places to visit in summer in [location]

What to pack for a beach vacation

Cheap summer getaways

Summer road trip ideas in [location]

Summer festivals in [location]

Best places to go camping in summer

Hiking near [location]

Fall Travel Posts

Apple picking in [location]

Pumpkin patches near [location]

Best places to see fall foliage in [location]

Haunted locations in [x]

Best fall road trips

Winery tours in the fall

Winter Travel Posts

Cozy cabins to rent in [x]

Top ski resorts in [location]

Winter hiking tips

Winter hiking in [location]

Warm places to visit in winter

Spring Travel Posts

Cherry blossom viewing spots in [location]

Spring break location round up

Family spring break trips

Holiday Travel Blog Post Ideas

Best Christmas travel destinations

How to book cheap [holiday] vacations

Best Christmas markets in [location]

Where to see Christmas lights in [location]

New Year’s Eve celebrations in [location]

Valentine’s Day ideas for couples in [location]

Blog desk set up with feminine pink floral tones. A mood board of travel fashions, a pink globe, a laptop that reads

Affiliate Travel Blog Post Ideas

Best gifts for [insert type of travellers]

Best travel credit card

Travel insurance review

Best travel credit cards

Accommodation review

Pro tip : Always mark your affiliate links as no-follow!

Food and Drink Blog Post Ideas

Best local dishes in each state/country

Healthy travel snacks

The best street food around the world

Recipe from a particular location

Pro tip : ask chefs and locals you meet for recipes to share on your blog with credit to them.

Cocktails from [location]

Coffee culture in [location]

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Digital Nomads and Expats

Jobs that involve travel

How to make money while travelling ( example! )

Best study abroad destinations

Countries with digital nomad visas

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Couples and Family Travellers

How to fly with a baby

Travel stroller review

Best family-friendly resorts in [location]

Disney world/land review

What to pack for a beach vacation with kids

Best honeymoon destinations

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Solo Travellers

Best destinations for solo female travel

Safety tips for [location] ( example! )

Best tours for female travellers

How to avoid the single supplement while travelling solo

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Backpackers

Best budget-friendly spa trips

Backpack review

Cheap travel insurance

Best travel yoga mat

Eco friendly travel tips

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Luxury Travellers

# romantic destinations for couples

Luxury hotel review

Wellness retreats in [location]

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Road Trippers and Van Lifers

Best road trips in [location] ( example !)

How to pack your car for a road trip

Keysearch dashboard showing keyword search results for blog post ideas.

How to Find New Travel Blog Post Ideas

I use Keysearch , an SEO keyword tool, to help me find new travel blog post ideas when I’m stuck.

By doing a quick keyword search, you can instantly see what topics are being talked about the most on the internet and what you can rank for.

This is a great way to come up with new ideas for blog posts, social media content, or even YouTube videos .

With hundreds of searches per month, you’ll be able to find a year’s worth of content ideas in a day!

Their competitor analysis tool is the best way to mine your competitors for keywords that are relevant to your audience and than you can rank for.

Use code KSDISC and click here to get 20% off your annual subscription to Keysearch.

You’ll want to pair your keyword with SEO content writing to optimize your posts to rank on Google.

Best Tools for Content Creation for Travel Bloggers

  • – Content ideas and writing long form content
  • Keysearch – SEO keyword research tool
  • Google Trends – Find the most searched topics on the internet
  • Facebook Groups and Quora – See the questions your audience are asking

Conclusion: Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

There are plenty of blog post ideas waiting to be explored.

From travel hacks and wellness retreats to road trips and foodie adventures, there’s something for everyone.

Remember to be creative, have fun, and be true to your voice. Your audience will appreciate it!

Learn the keyword strategy that helped me find 500 posts to write about in 1 week!

Read More About Travel Blogging!

  • What is a Travel Blog: Definition & Examples from a 6-Figure Blogger
  • 100+ Best Travel Blogs that Accept Guest Posts
  • 60 Best Travel Affiliate Programs for Bloggers
  • How to Make Money as a Travel Blogger: 15 Ways I Made $30k
  • Travelpayouts Review: 6 Figure Travel Blogger Weighs In
  • 19 Best Cameras for Travel Blogging & Vlogging
  • Travel Blogging Summit Denver 2022 Review & Key Takeaways
  • Basic SEO for Travel Bloggers: 19 SEO Tips to Scale to Full-Time Income
  • Best Travel Blogging Courses: Which is Worth Your Money?
  • 500+ Travel Blog Names: How to Choose a Unique & Memorable Name in Any Niche
  • 69 Travel Blog Statistics You Need to Know
  • 50+ Best Facebook Groups for Travel Bloggers to Engage and Grow
  • How I Grew My Travel Blog by 45k Pageviews in 6 Weeks
  • Niche Site Deep Dive: A DA 13 Travel Blog on Adthrive?
  • Travel Blog Audit: Complete Tutorial To Improve Your Website
  • This Travel Blogger Got Into Mediavine in 1 Year
  • “How Is This Legal?” Travel Blogger Calls Out Google’s Knowledge Graph
  • How This Travel Blog is Winning at SEO Post Helpful Content Update

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My 6-Figure SEO Toolkit

🤩 Keysearch – The best and most affordable SEO keyword research tool on the market. Use “sheknowsseo” for 30% off.

🤩 Lyrical Host – The fastest host with the best support. I host all of my websites with Lyrical. Plus they include free stock photos and courses to help you improve your blogging! Get 10% off with code “sheknowsseo”. ( Read more )

🤩 – 10x your content creation with Jasper! Learn more by reading my review or check out my signature Course for Bloggers to write 100k words a week like me!

🤩 Namesilo – For affordable domain names. Because a blog can’t exist without a domain! Get $1 off with code “nina”.

🤩 WP Rocket – My favourite cache plugin to speed up your site. Get my other top plugins here.

🤩 Interact Quiz – The best way to grow your email list organically is with SEO and a quiz, built by Interact! ( Read more )

🤩 RankIQ – Hate finding keywords? Let RankIQ find them for you! Plus get all the LSI keywords you need to rank #1.

🤩 Link Whisper – Internal linking ensures my pages are indexed ASAP and rank higher. I do it instantly with Link Whisper. ( Read more )

🤩 ShortPixel – Compress your images with this epic plugin to improve load times.

Want to learn how to grow your blog to 6 figures with SEO? Check out my SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers course ! It includes all my SEO secrets and strategies that I used to grow my blog to 50k sessions in 6 months and scaled to $30k/mo 7 months later!

Want to organize your SEO strategy?

Get my seo spreadsheets, 10 spreadsheets for bloggers.

SEO Spreadsheets for Bloggers - mock up on a laptop of the spreadsheets with a button saying

Nina Clapperton is a multi-6 figure travel blogger and the founder of She Knows SEO. After sharing her stories of living in over 12 countries in 10 years on all platforms and making $0, she learned SEO and scaled her blog to 50k sessions in 6 months. Within 13 months, she was making $30k/mo passively. Now Nina runs a portfolio of niche sites and helps over 3,500 students grow their blogs. She's on a mission to help bloggers achieve financial freedom via passive income from their hobby blogs.

Travel By Carla Vianna

Travel and Adventure Inspiration

55 Exciting Travel Blog Post Ideas

May 21, 2020 · In: Blogging Tips

Figuring out what to write on your travel blog can be tough, especially when you’re not traveling 24/7.

Coming up with an idea for a post that’ll resonate with your audience takes time and effort, and it’s certainly not something you want to be doing on the spot. One of my best tips for never running out of blog content is to create one massive list of travel blog post ideas that you can constantly pull from.

I myself have my own list of ideas, which I’ve divided into categories such as “Destinations,” “NYC Content,” “Travel Tips,” and “Around The World Travel”—t he main content categories my travel blog focuses on.

Every time I think of new travel blog ideas, I jot them down on this list. I keep the list in my “Blog” folder in Google Drive, and I bookmark on my Chrome browser so that it’s always accessible.

To help you get started with your own list, here are 55 unique post ideas that your audience will love to read.

Read More: Wondering what blogging camera to buy? Here is my ultimate camera guide for investing in your first (or second or third) camera!

Travel Blog Ideas Your Audience Will Love

I hope the following topics inspire you to fuel your travel site with tons of new and exciting blog posts. If you’re posting once or twice a week, there are enough ideas on this list to keep you busy for months. Happy writing!

Informative Destination Posts

Destination-focused posts are always my go-to after a trip. There are so many unique blog posts you can write about a single destination. Let’s use Lisbon as an example:

  • The Ultimate Lisbon Travel Guide: What To Do, See & Eat
  • Top 10 Things You Can’t Miss In Lisbon
  • Where To Eat Well in Lisbon
  • Top Instagrammable Locations in Lisbon
  • 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Visiting Lisbon
  • The Perfect Lisbon Travel Itinerary
  • Top 10 Free Things To Do In Lisbon
  • How To Use Public Transportation In Lisbon
  • Where To Stay In Lisbon
  • What To Pack For A Trip To Lisbon

See an example: Top Things To Do In Lisbon, A Travel Guide

Woman in front of a yellow cablecar in Lisbon, Portugal. Here are 55 ideas for your travel blog that your readers will love to read.

Travel Tips

Possibly one of my favorite categories, “Travel Tips” is a universal topic that everyone is curious about. Whether your audience is planning a weekend getaway or a long trip abroad, blogs like “packing guides” and “how to book the perfect Airbnb” can always come in handy.

  • What To Pack For A Quick Weekend Getaway
  • How To Pack For A Weeklong Trip Abroad
  • The Best Carry-On Luggages, According To Travel Bloggers
  • How To Plan An International Trip
  • Tips For First-Time Airbnb Users
  • Pros And Cons Of Airbnb vs Hotel Stays
  • How To Survive A Long Transcontinental Flight
  • Things I Never Travel Without
  • Useful Apps For When You’re Traveling Abroad
  • How To Plan A Group Trip With Friends

See an example: How To Plan A Trip Around The World

Woman running up a temple in Thailand. Here are 55 travel post ideas to fuel your blog.

Seasonal Posts

Seasonal travel blogs can be similar to destination posts, except tailored to a particular season. I personally love reading them because they inspire me to visit different places around the world during different seasons.

  • Best Fall/Winter/Summer/Spring Destinations Around The World
  • Top Places To See Fall Foliage
  • Where To See Cherry Blossoms In Bloom
  • Epic Winter Destinations To Add To Your Bucket List
  • Best Things To Do In [Destination] During Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer

See an example: NYC Holiday Cruising With Classic Harbor Line

Travel Finances

The financial aspect of traveling is another hot topic. Everyone wants to know how they can travel more for less, and you can help them through these travel blog ideas:

  • Ways To Save Money For Travel
  • How To Find Cheap Flights
  • Money-Saving Tips While Traveling Abroad
  • The Best Travel Credit Cards
  • Top Budget Destinations Around The World
  • How To Book Trips Using Credit Card Points
  • Money Mistakes To Avoid When Traveling Abroad
  • Best Mileage Programs For Frequent Travelers
  • What To Know About Currency Exchange
  • Reliable Budget Airlines I Can Recommend

See an example: How Much Does It Cost To Backpack Around The World?

Posts About Your Hometown

Even if you’re not traveling as often as you’d like to be, there are hundreds of blog post ideas waiting to be written about your hometown, especially if you live in a city that’s popular with tourists. Even if you don’t, blogs about local restaurants and attractions are bound to attract a local audience. Let’s say you live in Miami:

  • 10 Unique Things To Do In Miami
  • How To Spend The Perfect Weekend in Miami
  • Miami Hidden Gems
  • Best Restaurants In Miami
  • Top Instagram Spots In Miami
  • Road Trip Ideas From Miami
  • Top Outdoor Activities In & Around Miami
  • Miami’s Best Restaurants With A View
  • My Favorite Beaches In Miami
  • Miami’s Best Beachside Hotel Pools

See an example: Where To Ski Near NYC

The beginner area at Windham Mountain. Writing about your hometown is a great way to find blog post ideas for your travel blog.

Inspiring Bucket Lists

I get so much of my travel inspiration from Pinterest and other travel blogs. The best part about bucket list posts is that you don’t need to necessarily limit yourself to destinations you’ve visited. By doing some research, you can come up with unique bucket list ideas that’ll inspire both you and your readers. Bucket list posts can range from destination-specific articles to ones focused on overall experiences, such as:

  • My Travel Bucket List
  • 30 Travel Experiences To Have Before You’re 30
  • Most Colorful Cities In The World
  • The Foodie Bucket List: Amazing Dishes From Around The World
  • Ultimate North America Bucket List
  • Most Beautiful Hotels Around The World
  • Most Epic Travel Experiences Around The World, According To Bloggers
  • Epic Hikes To Add To Your Bucket List
  • Epic U.S. Road Trip Ideas (or wherever you’re based)
  • 10 Incredible Waterfalls To Visit

See an example: The Ultimate South America Bucket List

Woman smiling in front of Machu Picchu. Here are 55 travel blog ideas that'll stun your readers.

I hope this list of 55 travel blog ideas has inspired you to create new content for your blog. Feel free to bookmark this page so you can come back to it when you’re out of new content ideas for your blog!

Check out my additional blogging resources here .


Pin for post titled, "55 Unique Travel Blog Post Ideas." Never run out of travel blog post ideas ever again. Here is the ultimate list of post ideas for bloggers.

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May 22, 2020 at 1:36 pm

This is such a great post, full of ideas. And trust me we all need those sometimes haha once in a while I have writer’s block and I feel stuck. Very well done Carla, thanks for sharing 🙂

travel topics for blog

May 22, 2020 at 6:53 pm

So glad you found it helpful, May!!!

travel topics for blog

May 26, 2020 at 11:12 am

Love all these!! You just helped me brainstorm a few ideas of my own 🙂

June 2, 2020 at 4:36 pm

So happy to hear that!!

travel topics for blog

November 2, 2021 at 6:30 am

Thanks for all the great ideas which I have found on here. Thanks for the great website this is very helpful for us.

November 3, 2021 at 9:54 am

I’m glad you found it helpful! 🙂

travel topics for blog

October 15, 2022 at 5:14 am

Really good post. I added it to my notes. Thanks for the help

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105 Travel Blog ideas For Travel Posts Your Readers Will Love

Travel Blog Post Ideas

Travel Blog Post Ideas

Got writers block and need some travel blogs ideas? Check out these travel post ideas for inspiration.

Trying to think of new travel blog posts can be hard work!

Despite what all your friends and family think, I know you don’t just get to explore amazing new destinations all the time or sit on a beach somewhere tropical relaxing. Travel blogging is a full time job, and it can be exhausting thinking of new travel blog content ideas.

Whether it’s coming up with post ideas when you’re at home, or what to write about when you have just been to a destination, sometimes the post ideas just don’t flow .

To help I have created 105 travel post ideas.

If you want to keep these for next time you have writers block you can scroll to the end to get your free printable of blog post ideas.

Happy writing!

Table of Contents

Tips For Writing Amazing Travel Blog Posts

How to write a travel blog post is going to different for each person and site. Here are a few tips that can help you create travel content with WOW factor. 

  • Remember that as a travel blogger you are probably very experienced with all things travel. Your readers are most likely not! This means that something that may seem obvious to you is something they know nothing about.
  • Help your readers. Answer questions they ask, think of all those small details that can make your readers experience while traveling better.Google Questions is a great way to see what people want to know.
  • Write in your own voice. Your readers have come to your blog because they like what you have to say. Keep true to your voice and be YOU! The magic of travel blogs over generic sites is that we are quirky, fun, unique and personal.
  • Think about how you will generate traffic to your post. Writing a post that will rank well with SEO is very different from writing a travel post for social media. Make sure your content, format and tone suits where you plan to market this post.
  • Maximize your content. Each trip you make you need to be sure to write a good 5-10 posts ( even if it’s just a weekend away). Be sure to make notes and take lots of photographs . Research and plan your trip and have a rough idea of the posts you want to write before you leave ( you are guaranteed to have more ideas as you travel ).
  • Just write! We all have days where the words just don’t flow. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a break ( we can’t be geniuses all the time, right?). Just type what comes to mind, don’t edit then save and walk away from the computer for a while. When you back to it, you may be inspired to add more or salvage a blog post from your ideas.

Travel Post Ideas

Post Ideas For Travel Blog

You can use these as prompts to get your writing juices to flow or take the idea as the title for your travel blog post ( just remember to use those SEO travel keywords too!).

Travel Blog Ideas For When You Are Not Traveling

  • Why Travel Is Good For You
  • How To Save For Your Next Adventure
  • Create a post about your favorite and must-have travel items. All those things that make your trip better and easier. From packing cubes to camera equipment and walking shoes.
  • Create a travel guide. Use all your posts you have about a destination to create an ultimate travel guide about it. ( This could even be a downloadable ebook you sell).
  • Travel Books To Inspire Your Next Adventure
  • How To Eat Vegan/Gluten Free/ Keto While You Travel
  • The Most Versatile Travel Clothes ( It can be a mix and match post, or may convertible clothing or even items that dry super fast).
  • Your top tips to beat jet lag.
  • What You Need To Organize At Home Before You Travel ( Think of insurance, bill payments, events while you are away, house sitting etc)
  • Travel Resources To Book An Amazing Trip
  • My Favorite Travel Podcasts
  • My Favorite Travel Blogs
  • Which Luggage Is Best For You ( Compare luggage styles like backpacks, wheel suitcases and list pros’ and con’s)
  • Why You Should Be A Tourist At Home
  • Travel Gift Guide ( create lists of all the amazing travel products for travelers. You can do solo travelers, kids, grey nomads and much more)

Travel Post Ideas About Travel Tips and Hacks

  • How To Find The Cheapest Flights
  • Best Packing Hacks From A Travel Pro
  • How To Stay Fit And Healthy While You Travel
  • 11 Worst Travel Mistakes That Cost You Money
  • Don’t Leave For Your Road Trip Without These Essentials
  • How To Use Your Mobile When You Travel (This can include purchasing SIM cards abroad, mobile data charges, things to watch for so you don’t come home with a huge bill)
  • Why You Need Travel Insurance
  • How To Pick The Perfect Travel Accommodation ( Review or state pro’s and con’s for hostels, hotels, Airbnb, backpackers. Help your reader find the right accommodation to make their trip amazing).
  • How To Volunteer Abroad
  • Money Hacks ( This post can have currency tips, how to travel with money and information about travel cards, fees etc)
  • Hotel Hacks ( Show your readers how they can make the most of their stay and what to look for. This can be lounge use, how to find out what free services are available and more)
  • Carry On Packing Secrets
  • How Not To Look Like A Tourist While Traveling
  • Plane Travel Hacks You Need To Know
  • Mistakes Not To Make When You Hire A Car
  • How To Plan An Amazing Vacation

Travel Post Ideas For Destinations

Every time you visit a new destination try to have a number of posts planned so you can maximize your content with each trip. It is best if you can have a rough plan of action before your trip. This way you can research, plan your itinerary and activities to suit the posts you want to write.

  • Must Try Food In ____
  • 10 Spots To Take Amazing Instagram Photos in ____
  • 11 Free Things To Do In ____
  • How To See ____ On A Budget
  • Non-Tourist Sites To Explore In ____
  • Sustainable Travel Tips When You Visit ____
  • How To Give Back When You Travel To ____
  • Don’t Make These Mistakes When You Visit ____
  • 5 Top Local Tips For Your Trip To ____
  • Things You Have To Pack For  ____
  • 5 Places Not To Visit In ____
  • 15 Top Tips For Your First Trip To ____
  • Public Transport Hacks For Your Visit To ____
  • 11 Best Things To Do In ____
  • XX Day Itinerary For ____
  • Accessible Travel To ____
  • Places To See In ____ When It Rains
  • Responsible Animal Encounters In ____

Personal Travel Post Ideas

This one can be a little tricky. While adding a personal touch is something readers love, they don’t want to wade through a day-by-day diary style post. Instead think how your personal experiences and knowledge can help someone who wants to travel. Be entertaining while informative!

  • How Travel Changed My Life
  • Why ___ Is My Favorite Travel Destination ( After XX Countries)
  • The Worst Travel Disasters And What I Learned From Them
  • Honest reviews of tours you have taken ( can be city tours or tour companies)
  • Your best personal experiences in a destination. Maybe you went adventuring off the beaten track, or found some secret places from a local. Share you stories in an informative and inspiring way.
  • Hotel Reviews ( Travel writers can be pretty lucky sometimes, why not review that luxury hotel you stayed in?)
  • My Bucketlist ( and why I want to travel there )
  • Why I Like To Travel ____ ( This could be budget, luxury, with carry on only. Anything about your personal travel style and why it might appeal to other travelers)
  • Your best food experiences while traveling.
  • People love to know how much travel costs. Create a breakdown of your budget for your trips.

Generic Travel Blog Ideas

  • How To Not Be A Bad Tourist
  • How To Book The Best Family Vacation / Honeymoon / First Solo Trip etc.
  • Top Tips For Solo Travel/ Couple Travel / Friend Travel
  • Best Travel Quotes
  • How To Travel Anywhere On A Budget
  • Must Have Beauty Items For Travel
  • Accessible Travel
  • Inspirational Travelers
  • What To Do When Travel Goes Wrong
  • Should You Travel To ____ or ____? Discover Which One is Perfect For You.
  • Travel Phrases To Learn To Make Friends With The Locals
  • Top Backpacking Tips To Travel On A Budget
  • How To Make Friends When Traveling Solo
  • Things You Should Splurge On When You Travel ( And What To Not Spend Money On)
  • How To Take Amazing Vacation Photographs
  • Best Eco-friendly Products For Travel
  • How To Take Self Portraits When Traveling Solo.
  • Pro’s And Con’s For Using A Travel Agent
  • What To Do When Homesickness Strikes
  • How To Go Diving While Traveling
  • Best Wildlife Experiences Around The World ( How To See Wildlife Responsibly)
  • Why Travel Is The Only Thing You Spend Money On That Makes You Richer
  • The Best Travel Cameras

Travel Blog Listicles or Round Up Ideas

If you haven’t been to a destination yourself or aren’t traveling at the moment then these posts are great to add to your site. There are Facebook groups where you can ask for round up content. Just be sure to correctly credit the author, use the best content you can and never use another writers content or images without permission.

  • 10 Beaches You Have To Visit Once In Your Lifetime
  • 50 Top Travel Tips From Travel Experts To Make Your Next Trip Amazing
  • The Best Places To Travel In YEAR
  • Best Sustainable Travel Destinations
  • 10 Amazing Travel Photographs That Will Make You Want To Visit ____
  • 25 Tips To Make Travel With A Baby/Toddler/Pet Easier
  • Amazing Places To Travel For A Girls Trip/ Friends Vacation
  • Seasonal destination posts. Maybe you visited in spring? Ask for content for a different season so you can compare or create a best time to visit ____ post.
  • The Best Destinations For First Time Travelers
  • 100 Places To See Solo/With Family / Before 30 etc
  • 50 Best Road Trips
  • 21 Destinations To Go For Your First Backpacking Trip
  • 25 Overrated Destinations ( And Where To Go Instead )
  • 30 Best Train Trips Around The World
  • 25 Unique Travel Experiences
  • Dive Sites To Visit In ____

Lighthearted Travel Post Ideas

It doesn’t all have to be serious. Have a little fun with your readers and create a quiz.

  • What Country Should I Travel To Next?
  • Which Type Of Traveler Am I?
  • What Country Should I Live In?
  • Horoscope Travel Destinations
  • A Travel Item I Should Never Leave Home Without Is…?
  • What Is My Travel Style?
  • Find Out My Travel Photography Style

I hope these travel blog topics have helped you overcome writers block!

If you want these as a FREE pdf printable to keep for next time you are stuck for travel blog ideas just on the image below.

Free Travel Pdf

Travel with Meraki – The secret to successful travel blog ideas is helping others! Make sure your posts are informative, all information is correct and you answer questions your readers may have. If readers love your content they will keep returning to your site, recommend it to others and share your posts.


Travel Blogging Ideas

Ideas For Travel Blog Posts

travel topics for blog

Travel Posts Ideas | 24 Amazing Blog Topics to Write About

As fun and meaningful as it is, being a travel blogger is no easy feat. What many people don’t know is that writing travel blog posts and travelling is a lot of work. And to keep up in the competitive travel niche, you have to create engaging travel post ideas to solve your readers’ problems.

How do you keep delivering relevant and useful travel information that’ll delight your readers? And where do you find new travel blog ideas? If you’re a travel blogger looking for ideas for your next travel blog post, look no further.

Readers are always looking for useful travel tips. Be it planning activities, choosing a hotel to book, or coming up with a trip budget, you’ll find endless travel blogging ideas right here. And by using the right travel keywords for your blog post, you’ll help people find your travel content online much easier through search engine optimisation.

Travel Blog Post Ideas

We’ve done many content mines to find endless topics for our clients to write, and we thought we would generously share some of the most popular ones.

Without further ado, here are ideas for travel blog posts to go on your website.

1. How To Save Money for a Trip

Image of man and woman saving money in jars.

Ask anyone who’d love to go on a trip to get away from it all, and they’ll tell you they’d love to, but they don’t have the money for it. Your readers most likely have the same issue too.

Take the opportunity to write a blog post with money-saving tips for people planning a trip. Include valuable, actionable information on how to save money to make the most of their adventure.

2. Tips on Booking Cheap Flights

Speaking of saving money, you could write about finding cheap flights. Share knowledge on how far out to book flights and which websites to use for the best deals. Also, write about seasonal travel and when flights are their cheapest (or most expensive).

3. Travel Essentials to Pack on Your Trip

Image of woman and first aid kit items.

There are some travel basics one needs to pack for a trip. While sunscreen, a sun hat, and some shades are ideal for beach hopping, that’s not all one needs. And that’s where your travel blog comes in.

You can write about the essentials your readers need to pack for every trip. Or get into specifics. This means writing about what to pack for a hike out in a national park. Things like a first aid kit, salty snacks, and a torch come in handy.

A packing list, like “What to Pack for a Winter Adventure in Switzerland,” will attract a very different audience than a general travel essentials guide. Either way, you’ll serve up a travel blog that’ll answer their question.

4. The Best Time to Visit a Destination

Sometimes, people know where they want to go for their upcoming trip. They may even have an idea of when to visit, but they need a bit of guidance. And you’re here to provide just that. You can write a travel blog post on the best time to visit a specific destination.

Ensure this includes information that caters to different travellers — those that prefer off-peak seasons with fewer crowds and those that don’t mind the buzz of peak tourist season.

5. What to Wear When Visiting a Travel Destination

Much like different occasions call for specific attire, so do certain travel destinations. Someone planning a hiking trip wouldn’t wear the same clothing when partying it up in Ibiza.

Different locations call for alternative clothing. So, take the opportunity to write about what a traveller should wear on a trip. This includes sturdy, waterproof hiking trainers for trekking National Parks or loose-fitting sundresses for the sunny Amalfi Coast.

Tip: Ensure you don’t just state what your readers should wear but also explain why . This way, you’ll provide helpful content. For example, write about how a sunhat and hiking pole are great for certain trails in a National Park. The former protects your face from the elements, while the hiking pole helps you traverse rocky terrain.

6. Travelling with Children

Image of a woman at the beach with a child building a sandcastle.

This could include advice on how to save money when travelling as a family, child-friendly activities, and the best local restaurants for your travel needs.

7. Travel Insurance Options

If there’s one thing that people think they don’t need until it’s too late, it’s travel insurance. As a travel blogger, you want to share useful and relevant content that’ll help others on their travels. Insurance is one of them.

Write about how insurance covers lost or stolen luggage, and medical emergencies, too. You can even blog about an instance where travel insurance saved your behind. Travel content ideas like this are incredibly helpful, as they not only inform your audience. They leave your readers feeling more connected to you.

8. Best Honeymoon Destinations

With about 40% of American couples travelling abroad for their honeymoon, writing about the best destinations for honeymooners is a great way to provide helpful information for those seeking it.

Tip: If this subtopic goes well with your website’s overall content, you could drive more traffic by targeting longer SEO keywords like “best budget honeymoon accommodation in Hawaii.”

9. How to Keep Entertained on a Long Flight/Ride

Image of female flight passenger staring out of window.

Almost any seasoned traveller will tell you; you’ve got to come up with a system to survive long flights. For some, it’s a book and noise-cancelling headphones. Others may prefer staying hydrated with a durable water bottle and keeping comfy with a snug neck pillow while watching a movie.

Either way, readers looking for tips could look to your travel blog post for your expert recommendations. Incorporate relevant affiliate links while you’re at it to improve your income-earning possibilities.

10. Travel Tips for Solo Travelers

Travelling alone is a great way to learn more about yourself and immerse yourself in the local culture. Your blog posts for solo travellers should include travel tips like getting travel insurance, letting people back home know your itinerary, and learning to interact with locals.

Due to more people going on trips alone, solo travelling is one of several growing topics for travel blogs. So, writing for this audience is a market worth tapping into.

11. Day Trip To X

Sometimes a day trip is all one needs. You could write a travel blog post on taking a day trip to a certain destination and exploring its hidden treasures. Twenty-four hours is plenty of time to check out charming local markets and visit an iconic landmark or two.

Ensure your blog post includes transportation options and how your readers can wisely plan their itinerary.

12. Road Trip To X

Image of a car outdoors and close-up of GPS navigation.

Road trips are an excellent way to enjoy spontaneity while taking scenic routes. There’s nothing quite like it. You can include helpful information on where to eat and where to stay during a road trip. Travel blog posts are an excellent way to share itineraries and provide unique insights on common routes like a Southwest road trip.

13. Adults-Only Hotels

A blog post on adults-only hotels is perfectly suited for those seeking a peaceful and serene escape. This travel blog post typically focuses on hotels for mature audiences. You could write about unwinding in the most luxurious rooms and enjoying adult-oriented amenities like nude beaches.

14. Pet-Friendly Restaurants in X

Some travellers want to bring their furry friends along for the fun. So you could write a travel blog about the best pet-friendly restaurants where your readers could dine out with their four-legged companions.

Travel blogs that write about pet-friendly dining options typically include information and insights related to this. Think of dedicated pet zones, water bowls, and pet-friendly treats. Of course, be sure to mention the importance of ensuring one’s pet is leashed properly and socialised.

15. Public Transportation Options In X

Image of people at the subway station.

It can be daunting for any traveller to navigate public transportation in a new city. With your travel blog post, you can help readers with well-researched options like trains, buses, and taxis. Be sure to mention the importance of getting familiar with routes and schedules.

Lastly, you could include other travel tips like getting a metrocard or passes for easy travelling.

16. Best Affordable Hotels in X

Some readers may be travelling on a budget. This audience wants the lowdown on the best hotels that don’t break the bank. Your travel blog should include budget-friendly accommodations that don’t compromise on comfort and quality.

And it doesn’t have to only be hotels. You could feature hostels, guesthouses, or boutique hotels. Feature budget destinations that offer your readers the best value for money .

17. State and National Parks in X

State and national parks are some of the best ways to experience the natural wonders of an area. Your travel blogs can highlight what nature enthusiasts love, such as writing about hiking through lush forests and witnessing stunning waterfalls.

Helpful and relevant information your blog post could include are trail routes, important park regulations, and a packing list for fun exploring.

18. Best Luxury Hotels

Image of a woman relaxing in the pool.

One of the most searched-for travel blog ideas is on luxury hotels. Here, your focus should be on four to five-star hotels. Write about how your readers can experience opulence at its finest as well as top-notch hospitality.

Money is not an object to a reader looking for the best luxury hotels, so ensure your travel blog post features hotels with lavish suites, stunning views, and premium amenities.

Read more: Get expert SEO services for your hotel .

19. Museums in X

Delight your readers with museums they could visit in a certain destination. Most travel blog posts that cover this topic talk about the history and culture of a region. Be sure to point out the engaging exhibits your readers could view.

In addition, it helps to point out the guided tours or special events your readers could be interested in.

20. Best Winter Destinations

Your readers could be experiencing cold weather where they’re at. Or, they could be in search of a winter wonderland. Either way, you could write a travel blog post on the snowy mountains of the Swiss Alps or Germany’s charming Christmas markets.

Your blog post should not just share these lovely winter escapes but include helpful information for your readers as well. These include travel tips like checking weather reports and bundling up in cosy layers.

21. Best Hiking Destinations in X

Image of a man on a hike.

Hiking posts are one of the most popular travel blog post ideas, and for a good reason. It’s a commonly searched-for blog post, as readers are looking for helpful information. This includes research on difficulty levels, the duration of a hike, and much more.

You could also write about what to bring. A certain destination packing list (e.g., Bryce Canyon National Park) would include socks, a reusable water bottle, and sunscreen, to name a few. Be sure to share safety tips, as this is another fantastic way to build rapport with your audience.

22. Things to Do at Night in X

Some travellers are keen on exploring a destination’s nightlife. Your blog post could share the range of options available to your readers. From eclectic rooftop bars to live music venues, the blog post ideas are endless.

As always, safety tips like staying in well-lit areas are worth sharing for readers seeking fun things to do at night.

23. Best Coliving and Coworking Spaces in X

Thanks to the increase in digital nomads, coliving and coworking spaces are one of the newer travel blog post ideas being written on. Your blog posts could share spots where remote workers can work, connect, and have fun.

Be sure to mention amenities that aid productivity, like dedicated workspaces and high-speed internet. In addition, you could write about local communities your readers could join for networking purposes.

24. Travel Safety Tips

Image of a woman in a dimly lit dark alley.

Another idea for your travel blog is a post on safety. You could write about researching the safety and political situation of country X to be aware of potential risks. In addition to this, you could include health and safety items to bring along. This includes a first aid kit.

Your safety travel blog post could also mention staying alert in crowded areas. And if the “ Attenzione pickpocket! ” TikTok trend is anything to go by; it’s clear that pickpockets are as busy as ever.

Summing Up Travel Blog Topic Ideas for Travel Bloggers

Coming up with new travel ideas can be quite challenging. But with these blog post ideas, you’ll be well on your way to writing more travel content in no time. Plus, you don’t have to use these blog post topics exactly as described.

Draw some inspiration and incorporate your personal experiences and Voila ! You’ll have unique travel blogs your readers will love. After all, people need travel inspiration and much-needed travel tips. Let your website be where they find it.

From travel bloggers to rental car companies, everyone can make use of great travel topics to write about. Need beautifully written travel SEO content to rank higher in the SERPs and gain more visibility? Contact us today for expert travel SEO services .

Picture of Matt G Davison

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90 Travel Blog Topics for Travel Bloggers to Write About

Travel Blog Ideas

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Are you a travel blogger looking for the best travel blog topics or ideas to write on? If so, then you’ve landed in the right spot.

One of the most important characteristics of a well-read blog is posting high-quality content consistently. To do that, you need to have a bank of topical ideas.

When you have these topical ideas, it becomes easy to choose the topic to write on. Even the most experienced travel bloggers do find themselves struggling to come up with ideal blog posts topics for their audience.

Best Travel Blog Topics

Luckily for you, here is an extensive list of travel blog post ideas:

1) Packing Lists

You can’t travel without the right equipment! If you’re a packing pro and know exactly what to bring with you, then show us how it’s done.

Share your favorite items to pack to make sure that nothing falls between the cracks

You can create different posts for different use cases, for instance:

  • Packing list for a certain destination
  • Packing list for a round-the-world trip
  • Packing list when traveling with a toddler

People find packing lists to be useful, so take time to create comprehensive but essential-items-only lists.

2) Blog About Travelers You’ve Met On The Road

It’s always so fun to meet other travelers on the road. It’s usually in places with a lot of people or during big festivals and events. Those random encounters usually result in great stories, which is why it can be really neat to write about all these new acquaintances!

Did you go and explore a street festival with another couple? Did you exchange travel tips with someone at the airport when you were heading to the same destination? Did you get a chance to visit other places in town with your favorite hostel mates?

If so, then these can form a basis for your next blog posts for your travel blog.

3) Travelling for Cheap

Traveling for cheap is a skill that should be practiced. Many travelers have the misconception that travel is expensive or it’s something they can’t afford. But staying in hostels, backpacking around and going off-the-beaten-path isn’t actually as costly as most people think it is!

So if you’ve got some valuable tips for other travelers who want to travel on a budget, then put it in writing and share your words of wisdom with the world!

For example, you can write on topics such as:

  • How to travel the world for cheap
  • How to find affordable hotels when traveling
  • Tips for booking cheap flights.

You can also write on saving money when traveling by cutting off unnecessary spending, cooking yourself instead of eating out and so on.

So if you’ve got some valuable tips for other travelers who want to travel on a budget, then blog about it.

4) How To Make Money While Traveling The World

Many travelers are always looking for ways to make money traveling, and if you know how, you can blog about these ways on your blog. Some of the topics you can cover include:

  • How to make money traveling
  • Working as an au pair on the road
  • How to make money on the road with your talent (artistry, music etc.)
  • Starting a Travel blog.
  • Making money traveling with affiliate marketing
  • Teaching English Online

If you’ve had the chance to find a side job while traveling, write about all your experiences and why people should do the same!

5) Travel Hacks

If you know of some essential travel hacks that can come in handy for your readers, then go ahead and share all the details with us! You never know what crucial knowledge you might be able to impart to the readers. For example:

  • How to pack more items into a suitcase
  • What is the best way to find accommodation online
  • 53 Travel Blog Ideas for Travel Bloggers to Write About

6) Travel Tutorials

Tutorials entail showing readers step-by-step information on how to do something. You can write a tutorial about something relevant to your audience or use it as an opportunity to show off your skills!

For example, you can write tutorials about how to:

  • Make your travel planning templates
  • Upgrade a web photo for better home page slideshows
  • Design an Instagram-worthy travel feed
  • Create stunning Instagram photos of coffee art
  • Make the most out of your trip

You can also create a tutorial about finding cheap flights or becoming a professional travel blogger. You can even write on how to start your travel blog! The possibilities are endless!

7) Survival Posts

The world of blogging has taught me that survival posts are extremely popular and well-liked. It’s a listicle with tips on how to survive life in general and travel situations specifically.

You can share your survival tips based on your personal experiences or research some online and come up with an ultimate survival guide!

Some of the topics you can cover here are:

  • Ultimate survival guide
  • Getting lost in a foreign country
  • What to do when you are stuck in the middle of nowhere
  • How to survive long flights
  • How to survive group tours
  • How to survive in the wilderness
  • How to survive a road trip
  • How to survive a hike etc.

8) Inspirational Travel Stories

Travel stories are interesting! They usually tell the tale of one’s adventure in a foreign country. They can be used as travel inspiration, communicating how amazing other people’s travel experiences can be!

You can also share your own vacation stories. If you’ve ever had a particularly inspiring or interesting experience while traveling, you can write about it.

You could also feature guest authors on your blog! Ask a vacationer to share their trip story with you if they’re willing to. That way, you can give them a platform for their awesome vacation adventure and provide them with traffic and exposure for their travel blog!

9) Travel Tips and Tricks

If you’re a pro traveler, you probably have many tips and tricks to share with everyone. You can turn these little gems into posts that you can publish on your blog!

It’s not about sharing every tip you know, but rather, it’s about making the tips interesting and actionable. For example:

  • How to get unlimited free data in China (when traveling there)
  • The ultimate packing list for long-term travel
  • Cheap ways to visit Iceland while on a budget
  • How to be more efficient on the road
  • Ways to save money on the road
  • How to find cheap accommodation
  • Packaging hygiene while traveling etc.

You can even make an exclusive resource page for your favorite travel tips!

10) Travel Review Posts (with Photos)

Review posts are great options to grab the attention of your readers. They make you look like a ‘professional.’ They also enable your audience to decide whether or not they would want to visit the place you’re reviewing.

This works especially well if you’re reviewing a place with low online visibility or not much information about it.

You can start easy by writing reviews on local restaurants in your neighborhood and then move onto writing more detailed reviews of hotels, resorts, cities etc.

Things you can review include:

  • Travel gear
  • Hotels, hostels and restaurants
  • Travel Destinations
  • Beaches, lakes and mountains (if you’re a hiker) etc.

11) Travel Inspirational Quotes

Travel quotes are popular content that appeals to those who like to be inspired by the outside world. You can make your own quote images or tags on Pinterest and embed them in your post!

You can share quotes from famous writers, philosophers or even motivational speakers. You can also quote famous historical figures who went on epic travels like Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus!

12) Travel Photography Tips

Many travel bloggers are very good at taking photos when they’re traveling. However, it’s not uncommon to find bloggers who lack the technical knowledge of taking good pictures.

You can share your tips on how to capture great travel photos. You can share tips about things like:

  • What to focus on when taking a travel photo
  • The best camera for travel photography (especially if you own one)
  • How to capture the perfect sunset or sunrise shot etc.
  • 12 photography tips for taking great photos
  • How to edit photos for your blog
  • How to take great photos for solo travelers.

13) Travel Tips for First Time Trips

First-time trips are usually pretty exciting for travelers. You can help first-timers plan and execute their travel plans by sharing your travel tips.

For instance:

  • 13 Tips for first time trips to Vietnam
  • How to survive your first trip abroad!
  • What to do in case of an emergency while on the road etc.
  • 13 Travel Tips for First-Time Trips!

14) How to Plan A Trip Like…

If you’ve been on an epic trip before, then you may want to share some of your knowledge with others who are planning a similar trip. The best way to do this is by making a post that educates your audience on how to plan their trip in the same way you did.

You can include:

  • Day-to-day itinerary (step by step)
  • How you booked your hotels or flights etc.
  • What you packed and how much it costs etc.
  • What you should pack for a trip like this
  • How much it costs to travel the same way as you did etc.

15) How NOT to Plan A Trip Like…

On the other hand, if you’ve been on an epic trip before and experienced devastating things at certain points of your journey, then it would be helpful to share these with your audience. The best way is to make a post narrating your travel disaster in an amusing (and educational) manner!

This will help your readers be prepared for what they might run into when planning a trip like yours or even prevent them from making the same mistakes as you did.

For example:

  • How not to plan a road trip around Iceland (if you’re a beginner)
  • How not to plan a solo trip around Easter
  • What not to do when visiting the Galapagos islands etc.

16) Travel Scams In Your City

Travelers always need to be aware of scams wherever they are traveling and whatever souvenirs they’re buying. You can share some helpful travel tips on how to avoid being scammed while holidaying in your hometown!

You can also take it a step further and make a list of common scams that you see in your town.

17) How to make your next trip better than the last

As travel bloggers, we often take two or more trips every year. Each trip is unique and different from the others -and each one is usually better than the previous one!

You can share some of your knowledge on how you managed to make this happen. You can:

  • Share some tips that worked for you when planning your next trip
  • Explain what went wrong during your last trip and how you plan to make it right in the future

18) How to plan a trip on a budget

Many people dream about taking long trips, but they don’t have enough budget to make their dreams come true.

You can help such people by giving them some tips on how to travel cheaply. Here are some ideas:

  • How to save money while traveling in your own country
  • How to save money when visiting neighboring countries
  • How to save money in popular travel destinations
  • How you saved money on your last trip etc.
  • How to travel the world with no money

20) Travel resources recommendations

Most long-term travelers have a few resources that they love and turn to for help on the road. You could share your recommendations here!

Every traveler has different needs depending on their destination. This is why you can write about different resources and which ones are the best for specific travelers.

  • The best travel blogs you discovered in 2021
  • Your favorite travel apps for iPhone or Android phones
  • The best guides that helped you plan a trip around Iceland
  • 5 best travel blogs to follow
  • 7 best travel books you should read before planning your next trip
  • 9 Movies for solo travelers

The truth is, a lot of people don’t feel comfortable traveling alone.  What’s more, they often think that traveling solo is dangerous!

You can set their minds at ease by recommending some of your favorite travel movies, books and websites that will give them an idea about what to expect if they were to go on a similar trip.

21) Blogging tips for travel bloggers.

People who are planning a trip and people who have already been on an adventure usually say the same thing: “I wish I had started blogging before I left.”

This is because:

  • Your travel blogs are one of the best ways to keep your memories alive long after you’ve returned from your trip.
  • People love reading other people’s travel stories, and they’ll be eager to hear yours! Start a travel blog and share your future adventures with the world!
  • Being a blogger is such an amazing experience -you meet new people, you get to travel for free, and you even make money while doing it!

22) How to plan a trip for someone else

You can blog about how you recently planned a trip for your significant other or even how you did it when you were younger.

You can share what worked for you and what didn’t -you never know, some of your readers might be planning a similar trip!

23) How to get free plane tickets back home

We all understand that flights are expensive, especially when you’re booking at the last minute. There are a few ways that can help travelers save money when flying home for the holidays.

You can share those travel tips with your readers and explain why it’s essential that they have a plan B before their trip if they want to make sure that they get back on time or, even better, cheaper!

24) Packing tips: How to organize your luggage for a trip abroad

We all know that packing is not an easy feat -so why not help someone else with it? You can explain how you pack your clothes, shoes, toiletries etc., into your bag or suitcase. If you need more space, there are some travel hacks you can use to help with this.

25) How to travel without getting robbed

You may think that traveling means you’re going to get mugged! But the truth is that there are some precautions you can take to stay safe abroad.

  • Tips on how to avoid being pickpocketed abroad
  • How to stay safe on your next trip
  • How to avoid getting robbed when traveling
  • How you should behave in a foreign country or city with high crime rates etc.

26) The Hidden Costs of Traveling

There are hidden expenses that travel bloggers tend to forget about when they plan their travel budgets.

You can share some of the hidden costs you faced and how you dealt with them.

  • Visa fees  to countries like Brazil, India or China
  • Hidden charges at hotels abroad (surcharges)
  • How to avoid having a bad experience with your credit card company abroad

27) How to travel in luxury for cheap/free

Some bloggers choose to focus on luxury vacations, while others prefer a more affordable version of traveling.  Either way, there are a few hacks that you can share with your readers! For instance:

How to stay in luxurious hotels on a budget bloggers tend to overlook. For instance:

  • If you’re traveling by train/bus/car, how much does it cost in addition to your ticket?
  • What amenities can you expect at each hotel?
  • How to find the best deals for your next trip

28) How to stay healthy while abroad

You can write a blog post advising your readers on the ways and means they can use to stay healthy while in a foreign country. Some of the topics you can explore include:

  • 10 Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling
  • Precautions that you should take before eating foreign food
  • What symptoms mean that you need a doctor, and when is it best to stay at home vs. going on your trip
  • How to avoid getting a cold or catching the flu while abroad
  • Vaccinations you need to take before visiting a tropical country

29) How to survive if you get lost while traveling.

One of the most horrifying experiences while traveling is getting lost when you’re in a foreign country. No one wants to end up alone at night on an empty street or not be able to get home because they don’t know their way around.

You can share your best tips and advice with your readers regarding:

  • How to react if something like that happens to you
  • What are the best apps or websites that can help you find your way around a foreign city
  • How to ask for directions in English when abroad (or any other language).

30) Creative ways to save money while traveling

You can give your readers some practical tips on how to cut the costs of their next trip. For example, there are different ways you can save money during your travels, such as:

  • How to get a free meal every day while abroad by using coupons or vouchers from food chains like Subway, Starbucks etc.
  • How to travel for less by taking public transportation.
  • The ways you can save money on entertainment when abroad (museums, disco entrance fees etc.)
  • How to use free city guides for your next vacation.

31) The best destinations to visit this Summer

A lot of people wait until the last minute to plan their summer vacation. The problem, however, is that the best deals can be found when you’re booking your flight and hotel at least six months in advance.

For instance, that way you can get cheap flights to Europe or the US.

Other than that, you can share your top travel destination recommendations with your readers, such as:

  • The best summer destinations to visit in Europe.
  • The most beautiful places to visit in the US.
  • The best beaches worldwide

32) How to adopt the local culture while traveling abroad.

Even though your main goal might be to get away from it all and enjoy some time alone, you can still add some cultural experiences to your itinerary. You can show your readers how.

  • How to get the most out of visiting a foreign country (including local cuisine, traditions and customs).
  • What should you ask before visiting a new country?
  • Where can you visit if you want to experience the true essence?  of Brazil, India or China?  
  • How to get involved in cooking traditional dishes from a certain country or region while abroad. For example, you could teach your readers how to make traditional Italian dishes or Indian curries.

33) Travel safety tips for women.

If you’re a solo female traveler, then sharing some great destinations and tips on traveling by yourself would be very beneficial for your readers. For example:

  • How to stay safe when traveling alone as a woman.
  • What precautions should you take when planning your travels?
  • What safety precautions should you take when going on a solo trip?
  • What should you do if you get lost while traveling alone?
  • What kind of clothing should you wear when traveling in certain conservative countries?
  • Where is the best place to stay if you’re a lone female traveler?

34) How to get free accommodation when traveling

One of the biggest expenses of traveling is accommodation. While hostels are a popular choice, you can give your readers some ideas on how they can get free (or very cheap) accommodation when traveling.

Some of the topics you can cover in your post include:

  • What are the best websites to find free accommodation?
  • What are some good alternatives to hostels?
  • How can you get free accommodation by working as a volunteer?

35) How to stop jet lag.

Jet lag is a common side effect experienced by travelers who cross many time zones. It can be very uncomfortable and affect your performance, so it’s important you share some tips with your readers on preventing or stopping jet lag.

  • How to avoid jet lag when traveling by plane
  • How to stop jet lag through diet.  
  • The easiest ways you can beat jet lag.
  • Exercises that can help with jet lag.

36) The best travel accessories for your next trip

When you’re planning a vacation, there are some accessories that can make your trip easier and more comfortable.

  • What should you pack in your carry-on bag for a long flight?
  • Which items should you never leave home without?
  • What accessories can make your international travel easier?
  • What items are must-haves for backpackers?

37) The best travel apps and websites

Even though Google Maps can be extremely helpful when you’re out exploring a new city, it’s important you share some travel apps and websites that your readers can use before, during or after their trip.

Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

  • Apps to download before traveling and offline maps.
  • How to make a budget and get the cheapest flights.
  • Where to go for some great travel inspiration.

38) Travel advice from experienced travelers.

If you’ve traveled to a certain country or region, then why not share your experiences and recommendations with your readers?

  • What is the best time of year to visit England?
  • The top things to do during your stay in San Francisco.
  • How to get around on public transport in Copenhagen.

39) Famous landmarks from a new perspective

While most people visit famous landmarks as part of their travel itinerary, not everyone has the opportunity to see these places from a new and unique perspective.

You can write on topics such as:

  • What is it like to climb Mount Everest?
  • How can you experience the Taj Mahal at night?
  • The best view of New York City from above.

40) How not to get ripped off while traveling abroad

Getting ripped off is one of the biggest travel fears for many people. By writing a post on how to avoid getting ripped off when traveling, you can help your readers save some money and have a smoother trip.

  • Tips for not getting ripped off in London.
  • How to avoid scams in Amsterdam.
  • The top travel deals you should never miss out on.

41) Where to find cheap (or free) entertainment when traveling.

While some travelers prefer to spend their days in relaxation, others want to explore the city they’re visiting or catch a show at night.

  • How much does it cost to go for a walk along La Rambla?
  • What are the best activities in Madrid for under $100?
  • How much does it cost to go to a museum in Paris for the day?

42) How to become a digital nomad

Digital nomads can travel and work remotely, thanks to digital technologies such as internet access and online tools.

You can inspire your readers with this lifestyle by sharing your tips and stories:

  • What you need to work as a digital nomad.
  • How to travel and work remotely with your job.
  • Why it’s important to be location independent.
  • Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

43) Best ways for solo travelers to meet people when traveling alone

Even though going on holiday is usually fun and exciting, it can also be a bit boring if you’re traveling alone.

If that’s your case, you can write a post on how to meet people when traveling alone.

You can share some tips such as:

  • How to stay safe while meeting other travelers and locals.
  • The easiest way to make friends while backpacking in Europe;
  • Where to go to meet like-minded people while traveling.

44) How to find the cheapest flight abroad

There are always some tricks that help you save money when booking your flight. You can share some ideas such as:

  • How to find promo codes and coupons for your flights
  • How to use price comparison websites to find the cheapest deals for you (Skyscanner, Momondo etc.)
  • What are the best websites to use when searching for flight tickets?
  • How to compare different flight options for the lowest prices.

46) The top 10 travel bloggers to follow in — — (country or city)

Each country and a number of cities have their share of travel bloggers who have earned the trust and attention of many potential travelers.

It would be a great idea to write about your favorite travel writers in a certain country or city so that your readers can get some inspiration on where to go next:

  • The top 10 travel bloggers from Turkey.
  • What to read to get inspiration for your upcoming trip to Tokyo.
  • Who are the best travel bloggers to follow in Montreal?

47) Where not to eat while traveling

If you’re a foodie traveler, then you might have had some bad dining experiences while on holiday. If that’s your case, then share your stories with others by writing about the worst places to eat while traveling.

  • How to avoid street food scams in Thailand.
  • Why you should always avoid eating at tourist traps and where to find authentic restaurants instead.
  • The best foodie destinations for your next holiday.

48) How to travel like a minimalist traveler

If you prefer traveling with less stuff, you can write a post about the best destinations where you won’t need too much luggage.

  • How to travel like a minimalist for your next trip.
  • Best ultralight backpacking gear to use when traveling.
  • Why traveling with less stuff is recommended while backpacking in South America.

49) The cheapest countries for backpacking in Europe

Europe is well-known as one of the most expensive tourist destinations in the world, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t visit it on a budget.

You can share some tips on how to travel affordably in Europe, such as:

  • What countries have the cheapest flights from your local airport?
  • How to save money when backpacking in Western Europe.
  • 5 Cheapest Countries to Backpack in Europe

49) The Ultimate Guide To — —

People love guides and roundups that are useful for their travel planning.

If you know a country or city very well and have tons of information to share, you can write a guide filled with tips about where to stay, what to eat etc.

  • Ultimate Guide to Backpacking in Riga.
  • 20 Tips to make the most of your trip to Vienna.
  • Ultimate Guide for Backpacking on a Budget in Singapore.

50) How to avoid scams when traveling abroad

You should be aware of many travel scams, especially if you’re backpacking in a foreign country where people aren’t as honest as at home.

  • Travel scams in Thailand.
  • How to avoid being scammed abroad while traveling in Barcelona.
  • The easiest ways to keep your money safe when backpacking in Europe.

51) The cheapest countries for digital nomads

Digital nomadism is becoming very popular these days, and it’s easy to understand why: you get to travel and work at the same time.

If you’re a digital nomad, then you might want to write about your favorite destinations among those where living and working from co-working spaces with fast internet connections is cheap or even free:

  • The cheapest places for digital nomads in South America.
  • Which cities offer the best work and travel opportunities for digital nomads?
  • Which countries are the cheapest to live in while working online?
  • The Top 10 Countries For Digital Nomads

52) Compare & Contrast Posts

Sometimes, it pays to do a comparison post about two different travel destinations.

For example: Take New York and London as two destinations and compare them based on their nightlife, weather, food culture etc. This way, you can draw a comparison between the two while showing why one destination is better than the other depending on what your readers are looking for.

  • Where to travel if you feel like escaping New York’s chaos.
  • New York vs. London: Which City Offers The Best Nightlife?

53) How to stay safe when backpacking alone

If you’re a solo backpacker, then you might want to share some tips on how to keep safe when traveling alone.

  • How to stay safe while traveling alone in Mexico.
  • Tips for Solo Women Travelers.
  • Funny stories from your first solo

54) Group Traveling

Whether it’s a family trip with your parents or you’re traveling with friends, then you can write about your experiences and give tips to other people who are going to be in similar situations.

  • How traveling with a partner changed my life.
  • Funny stories from backpacking around Australia in a group of strangers.
  • Thirty tips for successful group traveling.

55) 15 Amazing Things To Do In — — [a travel destination]

If you’re going to a country with known landmarks, it’s easy for you to write about the top things to do there.

  • 15 Surprising things to do in Paris
  • 4 Unbelievable things you must try in Dubai
  • 7 amazing activities for couples

56) Tips for Visiting — — [a travel destination] During — — [Season]

People often wonder whether it’s a good time to travel somewhere. For this reason, you can help them by sharing your experiences and tips for visiting that destination at a specific time of the year.

  • 5 Tips for Visiting Rome in June
  • 9 Things to do during summer in Paris
  • My 7 favorite things about London during Christmas Time.

57) Best Travel-Friendly Shoes

Travelers have different needs depending on the kind of trip they are about to take, which means that you can write about different shoes and their pros and cons depending on where you’re going.

  • Best travel shoes for hiking in Machu Picchu
  • 5 best travel shoes for Disney World

The best minimalist running shoes for backpacking around Europe

58) The Best Travel Gadgets

There are always new gadgets coming out on the market every year. Some of them might be useful for people who are traveling, which means that you can write about your favorite ones and provide links to where they can buy them.

  • The best travel gadgets you should have
  • 6 Best Smart Luggage bags
  • 5 best travel gadgets to make your life easier

59) The Best Travel Apps

Apps are great for people traveling because they can use them to find new restaurants, get around more easily and manage their funds.

  • The 5 best travel apps that you must have while traveling
  • Top 10 free apps for travelers
  • How I managed my first month of solo backpacking with just an app

60) Things to never do when traveling

People make mistakes, and sometimes they can regret them later, which is why you can write about the things people should avoid doing.

  • The 7 worst travel mistakes I’ve made on the road
  • 9 things you should never do when backpacking alone

61) 10 unusual travel destinations

Everyone likes to go to the same places. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to write about other amazing destinations that people can visit and then decide whether they want to go or not.

  • 10 off-the-beaten-track European destinations
  • 5 most exotic destinations in South America
  • 3 secret places you must visit before they get ruined by tourists

62) The Travel Bucket List

Every traveler has a dream destination that they want to visit at least once before they die. This means writing about your travel bucket list can prove to be very helpful for people who are still trying to figure out where they want to go.

  • My 50 places to see before I die
  • 5 final destinations that you can visit from Europe in just one day
  • The ultimate travel bucket list: 100 places to visit before you die.

63) Famous Travelers

People like reading about famous personalities and what they did during their time, which means that writing about the top 10 traveling celebrities will definitely intrigue people to read your article.

  • Top 10 most famous travelers of all time
  • The 20-day travel diary of former President Barack Obama
  • The 5 most famous female travelers ever

64) My first time traveling

If you’ve traveled before, then you can write about your first time traveling and the lessons you learned from it.

  • 5 things I learned from my first trip abroad
  • My unforgettable experience of trekking on Everest
  • 10 tips for your first solo travel

65) Top Reasons to Travel in Your — — (the 20s, 30s, 40s)

People like reading informative texts that offer them a different perspective on their living circumstances and what they could do instead. That’s why you can write about top reasons to travel in your 20s, 30s or 40s depending on the age group you’re targeting.

  • Top 10 reasons why people should travel after their 50s
  • The best places to visit in your 20s according to a traveler in his 30s
  • 5 benefits of traveling during your mid-life crisis

66) Crazy Travel Stories

People like reading about other people’s lives and what they’ve gone through, which means that writing about your craziest travel story will be an interesting read for everyone.

  • The time I was arrested in Thailand
  • 10 things you didn’t know about traveling to Saudi Arabia
  • An American girl’s experience as a backpacker in Iran

67) Entertaining things to do while waiting for a flight

If you’re stuck at the airport, you need something that will entertain you and keep you busy. That’s why writing about the best ways to kill time at an airport can help people who can relate to your article.

  • The best things to do at the airport when you have an 8-hour layover
  • 10 ways to kill time at the airport
  • 5 airports in Europe with the best duty-free shops

68) Top Entertaining Activities for Solo Travellers

Traveling alone doesn’t mean that you will be bored or that you’ll feel lonely. It just means that you will have to find things that entertain you and help you make the best out of your trip.

  • Top 10 solo vacation activities for introverts
  • The top entertaining activities during a road trip
  • 5 unique things to do in Asia as a solo backpacker

69) 7 Exotic Places to Visit

There are many amazing places in the world that can be visited without having a lot of money. People always go after expensive destinations, but that doesn’t mean writing about cheap alternatives won’t attract people’s attention.

  • 7 exotic locations you can visit for $200 or less
  • The 5 most luxurious hotels in the world
  • The most expensive tourist attractions in the world

70) Living abroad

People dream of living abroad, but they need to know how to make their dreams come true. That’s why if you’ve experienced it yourself and have graduated from being an expert, then writing about your experience will help people understand what they need to do to be successful.

  • The secret to living abroad forever
  • How to become a digital nomad and work from anywhere in the world
  • The number one tip for moving abroad

71) How to choose a destination

Choosing where to go can be quite difficult, especially if you have different options. That’s why writing about choosing the best destination for your trip will help people understand what they need to do to prevent getting stressed out while making such a decision.

  • 5 important questions you should ask yourself when trying to decide on a destination
  • How to choose a travel destination step by step

72) How I quit my job to travel full-time

People dream of quitting their jobs and traveling, but they don’t know where or how they should start, and that’s why they need a story to inspire them and show them what they can do to live their dream.

  • How I quit my job, sold everything, and moved abroad
  • The day I found out about digital nomadism was the day I decided to become one
  • 10 things you should know before quitting your 9-5 job

73) Planning a trip in 3 easy steps

Planning the trip of your life doesn’t have to be complicated if you know what to do. That’s why writing about planning a vacation step by step will help people understand what they need to do to get ready for their next adventure.

  • How to plan an amazing trip in 3 easy steps
  • How to plan a long-distance road trip the smart way
  • 3 ways to create the perfect travel itinerary

74) The best apps for finding accommodations on your next trip

Before you can book a hotel or a hostel, you need to find them first. That’s why writing about the best apps for finding accommodations in major destinations will help people understand what they need to do and why.

  • The best apps for renting a house or apartment on Airbnb
  • A list of the most useful apps for booking flights, train tickets and hotels

75) Top 10 destinations for budget backpackers

Every traveler wants to know where they can go if their budget is limited, and that’s why writing about the best places for budget-conscious travelers will help people understand what they need to do to save money on their next trip.

  • The top 10 destination countries for traveling on a budget
  • How to spend only $50/day while backpacking: 5 budget travel tips you should know

76) Interviews with Travel Bloggers

Interviews are a great way to discover more about your favorite travel bloggers. That’s why if you want to write about other people, then interviewing them will help people understand what they can learn from those who are already living their dreams.

  • What I’ve learned from traveling for ten years
  • 7 travel bloggers share their best lessons in life and traveling
  • 5 awesome things I learned about the blogger behind The Traveling Life

77) Travel outfits posts with photos

Travel outfit posts are great because they show off how fashionable you can be on the road. You can feature a few different outfits in various settings to put together a travel outfit series!

This is also a good way to show your followers a day in the life of your travels. Every good travel blogger should document their lives through photos while out and about on adventures–this is a tangible way to show multiple angles of what you do!

  • How I make traveling look stylish: 10 outfits for every kind of traveler
  • 10 travel outfits you need this fall
  • The ultimate guide to stylish travel outfits to rock his Summer

78) Top 5 backpacker mistakes

When traveling on a budget, there are bound to be some blunders. That’s why writing about the top five biggest backpacker mistakes will help people avoid them and learn how to travel better.

  • Top 5 backpacker mistakes: How not to scare off the locals and look like a cheap traveler
  • 5 things nobody told me about long-term backpacking
  • 7 things I wish I knew before becoming a digital nomad

80) Destination Information

People often want to know more about the destination they’re visiting, but there isn’t always a ton of information available. That’s why writing about the best hotels in the city, where to go on a budget or which attractions are worth your time is helpful for people who are planning their trip and need that extra nudge.

  • The best luxury hotels in Paris
  • 5 must-see attractions for first-timers to London
  • 10 incredible things to do in Helsinki on a budget this summer

81) Lists about Best, Worst, and Must-Try Experiences

Lists are popular because they’re fun and can be written in an interesting way that makes them stand out from other pieces of content. That’s why writing about the best, worst or must-try experiences is helpful for people who are planning their trip and need to find something new to do.

  • The best things to do in Paris this summer
  • The top 3 must-try ice cream shops in Seattle
  • 10 things you must try when traveling to Bali
  • 6 places in Lisbon you shouldn’t go to on a first date

83) Travel News

People want to stay up-to-date on changes in the travel industry, which is why writing about travel news can be helpful for them. Here are some ideas:

  • Negative changes in the travel industry you should know to be safe
  • Positive changes in the travel industry you should know about
  • What to expect if you’re crossing the border into Canada right now
  • The best and worst airlines
  • 5 travel sites that are closing this year

84) Reviews of Hotels and Hostels

If you’ve traveled far and wide on your dime, it makes sense for you to share your experiences with others. It doesn’t have to be all negative, though.  Writing about the best and worst hotels and hostels around the world will make your blog stand out as a go-to resource for travel advice.

  • The most luxurious hotels in Honolulu
  • 5 reasons why you should stay at an Airbnb instead of a hotel
  • 7 things I wish I knew before staying at this hostel in New York

85) Travel-Themed Lists

What do you like about traveling? What’s not fun at all? Create lists that are relevant to your audience, and they’ll be more likely to read them.

  • Top Tips for Solo Travellers,
  • 10 Places Every Traveller Should See,
  • Reasons Why Travelling is Good for You

86) Your Favourite Traveling Companions

Not every type of travel is as fun with a group of people. Sometimes it’s just as interesting to travel alone or with one other person. If you’ve traveled with some people that you consider your best friends, then write about all the memorable moments you shared together!

87) Your Favourite Traveling Memories From Childhood

A lot of us have some really funny stories about our childhoods. Some of these memories probably involve traveling somehow. Maybe you traveled with your parents a lot when you were little, or maybe you went on a road trip with friends in high school. Either way, share your favorite memories right here!

88) Facts You Didn’t Know Before Travelling To a Certain Destination

There are so many things to learn about a new place, like strange customs, historical facts or interesting information about the culture and wildlife.

If you were surprised by something while you were at a certain destination, write all about it! It’ll interest both those who have never been to that place and people who have already been there.

89) Travel Checklists

If you’re a seasoned traveler who has written extensive travel blogs already, you may be able to write a comprehensive travel checklist that could help people plan their trips.

Here’s an example of a travel checklist that you can use as a starting point:

  • 60+ must-do activities when you travel to Bali
  • A detailed travel checklist for a 3-week trip to Asia
  • A travel checklist for a 2-week trip to Europe
  • 50 Interesting facts about the country you’re visiting
  • 10 things that make traveling to this destination easy

90) Travel Vlog Posts

Vlogging is one of the biggest trends in the travel blogging world right now. It gives your readers an opportunity to get to know you better, especially if they’ve never met you before! Share your travel diaries and memorable moments with them.

You don’t need to go out and travel the world extensively to be a successful travel blogger. You can still share your experiences as an armchair traveler, or you can simply write about travel news and information.

Whatever type of blog you decide to create, the most important thing is that it should be unique and useful.

Good luck with your travel blog !

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  • Blog Post Ideas
  • July 14, 2022

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250+ useful and fun travel blog post ideas (updated 10/17/2020)..

  • April 4, 2019
  • Start a Travel Blog
  • by Jenny Bhatia

The solution to travel blogger’s block (or a stay-at-home order):  250+ useful and fun travel blog post ideas for you to use when in-between travel or safe at home.

Are you struggling with blog content creation? Me, too. We are all in this together.

Here are over 250 solutions (with the help of some good friends) that I think will help. And I seem to be checking them off of my list quicker these days. Let me know what you would add to this list.

travel topics for blog

Affiliate Disclosure: There are affiliate links throughout this post. This means if you click on a link and purchase a product through that link, then I will receive a small commission for the referral. And that is kinda cool.

*Republished 8/22/2019 adding almost 60 additional travel blog post ideas!*

Updated 2/22/2021.

But first, let me inspire you to dream of traveling to Puerto Rico.  Here is what to know before you go. And a stunning image of El Morro.

travel topics for blog

It’s easy in 2020 to imagine this scenario. In fact, we don’t have to imagine at all; it’s actually happening.

There are no plans for family travel coming up for a while and thus, no travel blog content. I have spent time brainstorming ideas for content creation, making lists, and checking off a few here and there.  I have posted some fun and useful travel-related topics, but not necessarily specific to a particular destination. 

What To Pack In Your Beach Bag for the Perfect Day at the Beach

Seasickness Guide:  How To Prevent and How To Treat

travel topics for blog

I love this sad and seasick pup.

Poor baby .

Are you experiencing travel blogger’s block? Wondering what you can post that is travel-related, and that your audience will love (and find useful) when you are in between travel or travel is not an option? If this is you, keep reading.

I made something special for you, a list of more than 170 fun and practical travel blog post ideas to use when you are unable to travel.

Of course, #1 on this list is to make a list of Travel Blog Post Content Ideas to Create when not traveling. See what I did there?

1)   Travel Blog Post Content Ideas to Create When Not Traveling

Travel Blog Post Ideas: Packing for Travel.

Travel planning blog post ideas., travel blog post ideas for photography., travel blog post ideas for health and safety., traveling with your pet., sports travel blog post ideas., travel gear reviews., traveling to festivals., entertainment for travel day., travel blog post ideas: superlatives., let’s continue with bucket list travel blog post ideas., travel stories., travel blogging., summer travel blog post ideas..

  • Travel Tips:  Airline Travel.
  • Travel Tips:  Road Trips.
  • How to Travel on a Budget Blog Post Ideas.
  • Top 10 Lists.

Get Personal.

Best places to travel for…, itinerary ideas depending on length of stay., travel blog food posts., get creative., interviews your travel blogging friends.  ask these questions., but, wait, there are more travel blog post ideas (suggested by my travel blogging friends)..

2) Essentials to Pack for Travel.

3) What to pack in your carry-on bag for a long-haul flight.

4) How to Pack a Carryon for a One Week Vacation — If you write this, send it to me.  I need help with this.

5) What’s in Your Camera Bag?

6) Beach bag essentials for the perfect day at the beach .

7) What to pack in a DIY First Aid Kit for travel .

8) Healthy snacks to pack for long haul flights.

travel topics for blog

9) Luggage Review  — You can review backpacks, carry-on bags, suitcases, kid’s luggage, or packing cubes.

10) Beauty products you must pack for travel.

11) What to Pack for Your Cruise.

12) How to Create an Epic Packing List So You Don’t Forget a Thing.

13) Travel Packing Tips, Tricks, and Hacks Every Traveler Should Know.

14) Suitcase Packing Tips.

15) Printable Packing List (travelers love printable checklists).

16) **Collaboration** :  Packing Tips from 25 Experts.

**Collaborations are fantastic for many reasons.  Gather up your blogging friends and ask them to contribute to a post for you.  You will meet new friends, learn from them, and once you finish your collaboration, they will share it with their audience, too.  Plus, you get your backlinks if you return the favor.  I have listed collaboration ideas in this list below. 

What Travel Blog Course is best? And why?

17) How to Become a Tourist in Your Town.

18) Top 10 Favorite Restaurants in My Home Town.

19)  Bucket List Attractions in My Home Town.

20) Best Photo-Ops in My Home Town.

travel topics for blog

21) Best Local Breweries.

22) Best Parks in My Home Town.

23) Travel Guide for Your City.

24) Free Things to Do In __________.

25) Things to Do With Kids in Your City.

26) Things to Do On a Rainy Day in __________.

27) Outdoor Things to Do in Your City.

28) Romantic Things to Do in __________.

29) 15 Favorite Travel Apps to Download Before Leaving on Vacation.

30) Travel Essentials When Traveling with Kids.

31) 21 of the Best Travel Planning Hacks.

32) Destination Travel Guide:  Everything you Need to Know Before You Go .

33) Packing advice when traveling to ___________.

34) Top 10 Bucket List Attractions for ____________.

35) What to Wear in Spring/Summer/Fall in ____________.

36) How to Travel with Kids/Teens.

37) How to Plan a Road Trip.

travel topics for blog

38) How to Plan a Trip on a Budget.

39) How to Plan a Trips With Friends.

40) Travel Planning Tips When Traveling With a Large Group.

41) How to Create an Epic Travel Itinerary.

42) Collaboration: The Best Travel Planning Tips from the Pros.

🛩 Click Here or Sign Up Below for Your Freebie List of Travel Blog Post Ideas. 🛩

Grab Your Freebie.

Want a copy of all of these fun travel blog post ideas? .

43) What’s in Your Camera Bag?

44) The Most Practical Camera Bag.

45) 25 Favorite Travel Images from an Amateur Photographer.

46)   Most Instagrammable Spots in ___________.

47) How to Take Pictures of Yourself While Traveling?

48) Gift Guide for Traveling Photogs.

49) The Best Camera Gadgets for Travel Photography.

50) How to Take the Best Family Vacation Photos.

51) How to Dress for Family Vacation Photos.

52) The Best Travel Photography Camera.

53) How to Take Travel Photos with Your iPhone.

54) Why You Should Take a Travel Photography Course.

55) My Best Travel Photos.

56) Travel Photography Tips for Beginners.

57) Travel Photography Tips for Solo Travelers.

58) Collaboration: 100 Travel Photography Tips from the Pros.

Travel Blog Post Ideas

59) How to Stay Safe While Traveling .

60) 25 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling.

61) How to Eat Healthy While Traveling.

62) How to Maintain Health and Fitness While Traveling.

63) 25 Full Body Workouts You Can Complete in Your Hotel Room.

64) Foods to Avoid to Stay Healthy While Traveling.

65) Write a Post About What Vaccines are Required in Certain Regions.

66) How to Avoid Motion Sickness and How To Treat.

67) Tips for Avoiding Altitude Illness .

68) How to Avoid Traveler’s Tummy and How to Treat.

69) Traveling with a Special Diet such as Allergies or Food Sensitivities.

travel topics for blog

70) Natural Ways to Treat Jetlag.

71) Why You Should Purchase Travel Insurance.

72) Travel Insurance Reviews.

73) Travel Safety Tips During a Pandemic.

74) Winter Travel Safety.

75) Summer Travel Safety.

76) How to Stay Safe Traveling Abroad.

77) Safety Tips for Solo Travelers.

78) How to Stay Safe on a Road Trip.

79) Airport Safety Tips.

80) Public Transportation Safety Tips.

Summer Vacation Safety Tips PDF

Instant Access: Free Printable E-Resource with 120 tips to keep your family safe.

81) Pupcation:  Seriously, take your pup on vacation.  He deserves it.

82) How to Fly with Your Pup.

83) Pet-Friendly Travel Destinations.

84) Hotel Recommendations for Pet Owners.

85) Pet-Friendly Airports.

86) Razor Approved Restaurants.

87) Why Bring Your Pet on Holiday.

88) Hiking Tips When Exploring With Your Best Furry Friend.

89) What to Pack for Your Pup.

90) How to Prepare Your Pup for Travel.

91) The Best Pet Carrier on the Market.

92) Doggie Road Trip Essentials.

Travel Blog Post Ideas

93) How to Support Your Favorite Sports Team By Traveling.

94) What to Wear to a Certain Sporting Event.

95) The Best Sports Venues in the World.

96) Bucket List Sporting Events.

97) Best Ticket Buying Apps for Sporting Events.

98) Top Ten List of Luxury Sports Packages.

99) The 25 Best Tailgate Recipes that Serve a Big Hungry Crowd.

100) How to Plan For Homegate 2020.

101) Tips When Traveling for Youth Sports.

102) What to Pack for Youth Sports Travel.

travel topics for blog

103) Top Safety Gear for Travel.

104) Top 10 Most Durable Duffel Bags.

105) Best Backpack for Traveling Moms.

106) Five Styles of Camera Bags: Which One Fits You?

107) Best Underwater Cameras on the Market.

108) My Favorite Sunglasses for Travel and How to Purchase at a Discount.

109) Tips for Choosing the Best Snorkel Gear.

110) Best Travel Accessories for Family Travel.

111) Best Travel Day Bag.

112) Travel Gadgets You Didn’t Know You Needed.

113) Cool Travel Gear.

114) The Top 10 Most Comfortable Shoes for Travel.

115) Top Places in the World to Celebrate New Year’s Eve.

116) Spain: Don’t Miss These 10 Most Unique Festivals.

117) The Best Festivals in the United States.

118) Famous Overrated Festivals that You Should Avoid.

119) 10 Bucket List Festivals.

120) 100 of the Most Famous Festivals All Over the World.

121) 25 Festivals Worth Traveling To.

travel topics for blog

122) Podcasts to Pass the Time in the Airport.

123) Books on Tape vs. The Real Thing; What is Best for Travel?

124) 21 of The Absolute Best Travel Books

125) Create a Relaxing Playlist for Your Long Haul Flight.

126) How to Manage a Long Haul Flight Without Going Nuts !

127) Top 25 Movies That Inspire Wanderlust.

128) Best Kids Books for Travel Day.

129) Kids Games for the Overseas Flight.

130) How to Entertain Kids on a Long Haul Flight.

131) Things To Do While Traveling in a Car.

132) How to Keep Your Kiddos Entertained on a Road Trip.

travel topics for blog

133) Best Umbrella Drink in the Caribbean.

134) Best Food that I Have Ever Tasted While Traveling.

135) The Weirdest Foods that I Have Ever Tasted (or Maybe I didn’t Taste) While Traveling.

136) Most Instagrammable Food in ____________.

137) The Funniest Travel Experience That I Have Ever Had.

138) The 10 Most Adventurous Places in the World.

139) The Most Bizarre Travel Experience Ever.

140)  The Most Inspiring Travel Quotes That Inspire Wanderlust.

141) The Most Relaxing Après Ski Experiences Around the World.

travel topics for blog

142)  Bucket List Food for Certain Destination.

143)  Bucket List Beverage for Certain Destination.

144)  My Very Own Travel Bucket List.

145) Bucket List for Desserts in New Orleans, LA (You Must Try Them All).

146) Summer Bucket List for Teens.

147) Winter Bucket List Activities.

148) Bucket List of Places to Travel Before You Are 50.

150) Bucket List of Adventure Travel.

151)  The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

152)  21 Major Travel Fails.

153) The Best and Worst Things About Cruising.

154)  Life-Changing Travel Experiences.

155) Inspirational Travel Experience.

156) Why I Loved ________________.

157) Why I Won’t Go Back to _________________.

158) What I Learned While Traveling to ________________.

159) The Most Interesting Person I Have Ever Met While Traveling.

160)  Why ________________ Was My Favorite Travel Experience.

161) Funny Vacation Stories.

162) Scary Things That Happen While Traveling.

163) Embarrassing Travel Stories.

164) Dangerous Travel Stories.

165) Collaboration: Travel Stories You Would Never Believe.

travel topics for blog

166) Why I Started a Travel Blog.

167) What I Wish I Knew When Creating My First Travel Blog.

168)  How to Start a Travel Blog in 11 Easy Steps .

169) How to Craft the Perfect Travel Blog Post.

170) The Top Free Travel Blogging Tools.

171) Travel Bloggers You Must Follow .

172) What Is The Best Travel Blogging Course and Why?

173) Collaboration: Interview Your Travel Blogging Friends for the Best Advice They Have for Newbie Travel Bloggers.

174) Travel Essentials for Fun in the Sun.

175) How to Pack the Perfect Beach Bag.

176) Summer Weekend Mini-Vacations in Florida.

177) Summer Staycation Ideas that Teenagers Will Love.

178) Best Summer Vacation Getaways in the United States.

179) Top Ten Island Destinations for Summer Fun.

180) Summer Travel Tips.

181) Beach Safety Tips Including Water and Heat Precautions.

182) Car Survival Kit for Summer Road Trips.

travel topics for blog

Travel Tips:  Airline Travel .

183) How to Pass the Time Away During a Long Flight.

184) Flying with Baby Tips.

185) How to Sleep on an Airplane.

186) Travel Tips When Flying for the First Time.

187) What to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag.

188) 10 Top Tips for Booking a Flight.

189) Tips for Nervous Flyers.

190) Airplane Tips During a Pandemic.

191) Collaboration: How Seasoned Travelers Fly Like a Pro.

Travel Tips:  Road Trips .

192) Top Road Trips in World.

193) Favorite Road Trip Snacks.

194) Healthy Road Trips Snacks.

195) Tips for Road Tripping Solo.

196) Cross Country Road Trip Tips.

197) Best Road Trips in the United States.

198) Tips for Long Car Rides.

199) Road Tripping with a Baby.

200) First-Timers Guide to Road Tripping.

201) Preparing for Your First Family Road Trip.

travel topics for blog

How to Travel on a Budget Blog Post Ideas .

202) How to save for a travel fund.

203) How to book cheap flights/hotels.

204) Budget Travel Hacks.

205) How to Maximize Travel Points.

206) How Much I Spent On Our ________ Trip.

207) Budget vs. Luxury:  Is it worth it?

208) How to Plan a Luxury Vacation on a Budget.

209) How to See _________ on a Budget.

travel topics for blog

Top 10 Lists .

210) Favorite Foods in _________.

211) Beaches in the World.

212) Roof Top Bars.

213) Breweries.

214) Wineries.

215) Best Distilleries.

216) Weekenders in Florida.

217) Holiday Travel Destinations.

218) Instagrammable spots in __________.

219) Restaurants in Spain.

220) Open Markets in London.

travel topics for blog

221) My Bucket List.

222) What I Love About Traveling.

223) I Miss Traveling.

224) Things I Learned While Being Grounded in a Pandemic.

225) My Biggest Fears While Traveling.

226) What I Miss the Most When On the Road.

227) I Traveled to _________, But Would Never Go Back.

228) The Funniest Thing I Saw While Traveling in _________.

229) My Travel Philosophy.

These could all be outstanding collaborations. Ask your blogging friends to contribute their very best, and include a picture.

230) Adventure.

231) Running.

232) Romance.

233) Backpacking.

234) Hiking.

235) Water Sports.

236) Relaxing.

237) Learning a Second Language.

238) Cultural Immersion.

239) Surfing.

240) Sunsets.

241) Scenic Drives.

travel topics for blog

242) How to Explore a City During a Long Layover.

243) Or a Three-Hour Stay.

244) Overnight.

245) Weekender.

246) One Week Stay in _________.

247) Ten Days.

248) How to Plan to Travel for One Year.

249) Best Foods in ________.

250) Worst Food I Have Ever Tasted While Traveling.

251) How to Make a Recipe You Learned While Traveling.

252) Recipes from Around the World.

253) Desserts from Around the Globe.

254) Best Cocktails in _________.

255) Best Coffee Shops Across the Globe.

255) How to Organize Your Travel Photos.

256) Bring Your Travels Into Your Home Décor.

257) Tips on How to Make a Scrap Book.

258) How to Display Your Travel Photos.

travel topics for blog

259) What is the Best Advice You Can Give a New Travel Blogger?

260) If Money Was Not an Issue, Where Would You Travel To Next?

261) What is One Travel Hack That Changed Your Life?

262) How Do You Stay Healthy While Traveling?

263) Where Have You Traveled That You Would Never Go Back?

264) Carryon or Heavy Suitcase?

265) Rental Car, Uber, or Public Transportation?

266) Airbnb or Resort?

267) What is Your Travel Philosophy?

268) What is #1 On Your Bucket List, and Why?

269) Why Did You Start a Travel Blog?

270) I wish I would have thought of this one, How to Save Money for Travel from Puddles and Passports. Follow them, super fun family travel blog.

271) The Traveling Tailgate: How to Take Your Tailgate on the Road.

272) Are you game for adventure travel? (Thanks Kez)

273) Couch Surfing: What is it? and How Do I Find the Best Fit For Me?

274) Favorite Travel Bloggers To Follow.

275) Best Travel Blog Post of the Year.

276) 25 Haunted Hotels You Must Experience.

277) Runcation : Run Disney Marathon or The Rock n Roll Marathon in Nashville, then visit the sites during recovery.

278) Beercation.

279) Learn About Voluntourism.

Please share with your friends and drop me a line below so I can add your ideas to my list.

Jenny B Signature from Traveling Party of Four.

89 Comments on 250+ Useful and Fun Travel Blog Post Ideas (updated 10/17/2020).

These are great ideas! I, too, have those times when family life gets busy & you get writer’s block. Thank you!

Unless we become full time travelers, this is how it is. These are some fun ideas, though.

I’m sad to see adventure travel didn’t get a mention :oP

oh my gosh, Kez. I will get right on that!

Personally, I also had my fare time of experiencing writing’s block, perhaps because of my busy schedules and wasn’t able to travel all the time. So, with what you have shared to us, I now have an idea on which topic to write If don’t get a chance to travel.

I hope it helps. It definitely helped me come up with some stuff. We are traveling soon for Spring Break, so I should have some travel stuff coming. But, in the mean time, I will continue to check off what is on this list!

Such a useful post! I am not a travel blogger, but I really enjoyed this post, and can see the value in it. Having a writer’s block or topic block for that matter is common in our line of work as bloggers. i am sure many travel bloggers will be super grateful for this.

Thank you. I have kept busy lately trying to get through the list. We leave in one week for travel, so I will have some travel inspiration soon!

This is a great list and has inspired me for some posts. I wish we could travel full time, but my husband and I hold traditional jobs that keep us grounded (sigh). Oh well, we go when we can.

I feel ya, same here. We go when we can.

I try to travel as much as I can but I completely relate to the feeling of writer’s block when I haven’t travelled for a while. It becomes really difficult to write new content at such times. The list that you’ve come up with is a really good one indeed. Thanks for the inspiration!

I hope it helps. It was fun to brainstorm about this, now I have content ideas for months!

Some great ideas here. And let‘s be honest, who really has time to travel all the time? Title suggestion: what to pack for season/month in place, e.g. what to pack for winter in Hawaii or the mid west

Those are great ideas. Season and destination specific packing list! Thank you.

I love this so so much!! It’s genius!!

Thank you, Laura. What would you add?

Thanks for sharing this informative blog post filled with ideas.

You are welcome. I hope it was helpful and maybe inspiring!

I really like traveling. this is a good idea and really inspired me. the information you provide is very complete and informative.

I love this post and am totally bookmarking it to use later. Great to use when you’re having one of those inevitable days inspiration doesn’t strike.

So, true. Totally realized this after not traveling for four months, I have to come up with something else! I hope it helps.

Great ideas! this shall keep me busy 🙂 I had been a traveler my entire life and decided I want to write but now I am not traveling that often! Will try to get into some of these resources

These are great for those times of no travel. Plus they are fun!

This is a great list for when the inspiration well has run dry! Thanks for the suggestions to keep the travel ideas popping!

Yes, and if you have any suggestions for me to add, I would love to hear! Have fun.

  • Pingback: How to Start a Travel Blog in 11 Easy Steps ~ Traveling Party of Four

Very helpful. Have shared on my social media

Thank you. I am so happy you found this helpful. It was fun for me to come up with all of these ideas. I have lots to work with now!

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  • Pingback: Travel Blogger News: May 2019

Great ideas! I’m very interested about do a travel blog. I really appreciate your great work. Keep up!

Thank you, Minosh. This list was fun to create, happy you liked it.

Great list.

All great ideas. Simple and easy to do!

They are and really totally makes sense! It was a fun post to research and write, I hope it helps.

I personally like the ones around our hometown because people are not even thinking about it. Most people think travel has to be to the land of far far away, and they ended up not going anywhere. lol.

I agree. And I definitely take for granted what I have here locally. I should get going on that one, for sure.

These are really great ideas!! Thank you for the ideas and inspiration.

You are welcome. I hope it is helpful. I have been having some fun with this list, for sure.

What a great list! Thank you!

Thank you. It was fun to create. I hope you get to use some of the ideas!

It is best lesson for the every human being along with traveler or people those are planning or not planing any trip anywhere in the World.

This post will be a great resource the next time I encounter writer’s block. The list is perfect for my next brainstorming session!

Thank you, I hope it is useful. It definitely has been for me. AND kinda fun!

Oh yes, blogging in between travels can be so difficult. These are some great ideas of things to write about. Thank you!

You are welcome. We travel about 3/4 times per year, but then what?

I was running out of ideas. Thanks for the new topics for me to dig my teeth into!

Go for it. And tis the season to add some gift stuff, right?

A goldmine of ideas for travels blogs! Excellent work!

Thanks, Chris.

I love this article!!! Since I experience writer’s block on occasion, I’m bookmarking for future reference. Thanks!

Thank you. I hope it is helpful.

Wow…what a great list of ideas! I think you have covered everything possible. Thanks for sharing 🙂

You are welcome. I hope it helps, it’s been fun for me, particularly now. No travel for me until the holidays.

That’s a hell of a list! Is great to find some inspiration for when we are feeling stuck. 🙂

Yes, it is. I am all about being prepared during those “in-between” times. I hope this is helpful.

I was just working on a list of posts to work on! These are great!

Thank you. I am happy to help!

Wow so many ideas!! My problem is rarely writers’ block, but the time it takes to execute all the posts I have in my head! 🙂

I totally get that! If only I could get it all out there.

Great ideas! I’m not a travel blogger but still really enjoyed these ideas

They are fun ideas, and maybe some can be used even for other niches!

This is so fun. There’s a lot of great ideas. I’m gonna save this for when I have time to write and don’t have other things scheduled!!

Awesome. I hope it helps. I thought it was fun, too!

I love traveling, and I want to definitely incorporate some travel into my blog eventually! Thank you for the ideas!

You are welcome. It is lots of fun, even when in between adventures.

This is a fantastic list with TONS of great ideas!

Thank you. Lots of fun ideas! I continue to check them off.

So many great options. I think with a little tweaking many of these can work for different topics as well.

Thank you. I think so, too.

These are great ideas, thanks!

You are welcome. Thanks for stopping by.

Great blog ideas! Thank you for the inspiration. Keep up the good work!

You, too. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, so they say!

  • Pingback: 13 Tips For Writing Irresistible Blog Post Headline ~ Traveling Party of Four

Thank you. Fantastic list. Best of luck to you and your family.

Thank you, Jay. Y’all be safe.

This is a fantastic list! Maybe also doing interviews or collaborations with other travelers!

Yes, that is a great one. And actually was one of my 2020 goals.

These are fantastic ideas! I also have a seasickness guide. As a sailor who sailed the world for a year, I’ve had epic battles with seasickness. Thanks for the ideas and for the inspiration!

Ugh. I struggle. I love the sea. It doesn’t love me. I am getting better all of the time.

What a fun and creative list of different ideas for travel blog! I think I would do “My Top 10 Favorite Travel Snacks” 🙂 I’m a snacker on the road haha

Yes, that is a great one. I travel with a kid who has nut allergies, I could do allergy-friendly snacks. Great idea. Thanks.

  • Pingback: A Complete Review of The Business of Travel Blogging Course

What a great ideas. I saved it for my later reference. I am surely using a few topics from Go Local section. Thankyou.

Yes, Go Local. It’s all the rage! Let me know if you have any other ideas to add.

  • Pingback: 30+ Practical Ways to Crush the Summer Blogging Traffic Slump

Thank you. These are great tips. I’m about to undergo my second neurosurgery in 2 months. I’m not physically able to travel, even for short local trips.

I’m getting bored of posting buying guides and refreshing old content. This is just the inspiration I needed to bang out great new content while I’m laid up. Thanks again!

Nice Blog…. This is really amazing. Great information about Travel.

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Travel Blog Post Ideas

38 of the Best Travel Content Ideas for Travel Bloggers

38 of the Best Travel Content Ideas for Travel Bloggers


It's no secret that travel blogging is one of the most popular types of digital content. So if you're starting a new blog, or are looking for fresh ideas to refresh your current ones, these 38 tips will help you find inspiration and stay ahead in today's competitive market.

Are You Ready to Take Your SEO Content to the Next Level?

Travel blog topic ideas: travel trip planning, 1. what to pack.

Preparing for a trip is an exciting process. You may do all the necessary things as buying tickets and booking a hotel, but forget to pack travel essentials.

Thus, you may help travelers save time on planning and give them a list of items to carry on.

2. Travel Insurance Options

There are several reasons why you should purchase travel insurance before your next trip. Travel insurance can protect you from potential problems that could occur while away from home, including lost luggage, canceled flights, and medical emergencies.

So, you can guide your readers through this important decision and help them select the best insurance provider.

3. How to Save Money For the Upcoming Trip

Every traveler tries to get the best experience out of their budget. So, you can advise readers to smartly and strategically distribute their resources.

4. Comparing Cities

There are a few ways to compare cities. You can do it by population, size, diversity, culture, history, climate, and geography.

5. Buying Cheap Flight Tickets

Here you can share some expert tips on finding cheap flights like Google Flights or Skyscanner. Another is to look for flight deals on websites - Scott’s Cheap Flights or The Flight Deal and sign up for airline newsletters, as they sometimes offer exclusive discounts to their subscribers.

6. How to Pack the Suitcase for

Regarding packing for a trip, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, think about what you need and make a list. It will help you stay organized and avoid packing too much or forgetting something important.

7. How to Survive a Jet Lag

Jet lag is a condition that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of traveling across time zones.

Provide ways to avoid jet lag - getting plenty of rest before trips, avoiding alcohol, drinking fluids, and adjusting your sleep schedule gradually before the trip.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Transportation

8. what to do on a long rides/flights.

No matter how long your bus ride or the travel is, there are a few things you can do to prepare for it - Bring along a book or magazine to read or download some movies or TV shows onto your laptop or tablet. If you get motion sickness, it might be helpful to bring along something like ginger candy or wristbands that help with nausea.

So, you can deliver tips for making those long rides or flights enjoyable.

9. How to Sleep During Long Rides/Flights

Many people deal with sleep problems during road trips, flights, etc. Thus, your audience may share the same pain point that can help solve.

10. The Cheapest Route to

We all know that feeling of dread when we open our wallets and see how little money is left after paying for necessities like food and shelter. But what if you told your audience there are ways to travel on a tight budget?

You can win the hearts of your customers through valuable and money-saving content.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Travel Tips

Do's and don'ts in.

Do's and don'ts provide a fast and scalable way to acquire all the necessary information and be equipped with the knowledge to avoid inconveniences and enjoy travel to its fullest.

11. Top Destination for - Families, Couples, Kids, and Students

If you have a travel blog, you may have a diverse audience with multiple interests. They may look for the ideal destinations for families, couples, kids, solo, etc.

12. X Reasons Why You Should Visit

Convince your readers why the specific destination is worth visiting and highlight all the necessary details that make that place the best option for travelers.

13. Location-Specific Cultural Elements to Be Aware Of

When traveling to a new place, it is crucial to know the local customs. It includes everything from how to greet someone, what gifts are appropriate, and even how to dress.

14. Where and What to Eat In [Country]

When traveling to countries, you may not know what foods and where to try them. So, travelers don't want to waste time and money on random places - they typically research the most recommended restaurants and dishes.

15. What Gifts to Bring Back for Friends

Deciding what gifts to bring back for your friends is tough. You want to find something unique and memorable. But without local tips, you may never succeed.

16. The Best Neighborhoods to Stay in

Many find it overwhelming to pick places to stay. So, be there for your audience and help them solve this problem.

17. Free Things to Do in

Travelers can have exciting days in any city without spending a single penny. So, Your readers will enjoy the article sharing the best free activities around a specific site.

18. What Not to Eat

There are foods that you should avoid, as they can pose a health risk. These include unpasteurized dairy products, raw meat and fish, and certain fruits and vegetables.

19. The Best Currency Exchange in [Country]

When looking for currency exchange, find one offering the best rate and has a good reputation. Therefore, you should explain a few things to look for when choosing a currency exchange:

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Niche-Blogs

20. things to do alone.

Solo travel has become increasingly popular recently as more people choose to explore the world alone. There are many reasons why people choose to travel solo, including the opportunity to learn more about themselves, meet new people, and experience different cultures.

You can attract this traveler segment with your expert recommendations.

21. Things to Do with Kids

There are plenty of activities to keep kids entertained while traveling. Many attractions offer kid-friendly options, such as child-sized rides, scavenger hunts, and interactive exhibits. Traveling with kids can also be an opportunity to bond and create lasting memories. To make the most of their trip, include some activities everyone can enjoy together.

22. Pet-Friendly Restaurants/Hotels

Looking for a pet-friendly place while traveling can be challenging. But with research, you can find plenty of options that will welcome your furry friend. In this blog post, we'll share some tips on finding pet-friendly hotels as well as our top picks for :

23. The Best Places to Take Pictures for Social Media

Finding the right locations is a half job done for great photos for your social media account. Thus, your readers will enjoy your blog post about the best places for taking beautiful and memorable pictures.

24. Best Travel Backpacks

Backpacks are a must-have attribute for any travel type, and the market for the product is packed.

Often, buyers are dazzled with multiple options and can not make the best decision.

Hence, it is an opportunity for you to attract qualified leads to your webpage.

25. Best Camera for Photography

Traveling in some countries may be a lifetime opportunity, so people often look for the best camera options to capture their happiest moments.

26. Travel Tips for Introverts

An introvert prefers to spend time alone or in small groups rather than in large crowds. They tend to be more thoughtful and introspective than extroverts, and often enjoy activities such as reading, writing, or spending time in nature.

So, this kind of blog will be practical and impressive to that segment.

27. Travel Tips for First-Time Travelers

When you pack for the first tip, you should remember and plan plenty of things:

  • Health and Safety
  • Documentation
  • Destinations

This topic is filled with multiple issues you can build the whole guide around.

28. Things to Do in Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring in

There are a variety of activities that one can do in winter, summer, fall, and spring Locations. One can go skiing or snowboarding in the winter, hiking, and camping in the summer, enjoy the leaves changing color in the fall, or go for a nature walk in the spring. There are also a variety of accommodations available in each season, from hotels to Airbnbs.

This information may attract lots of traffic to your website seasonally.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Entertainment

Clubs are widespread as humans have an innate pleasure of dance, and it helps you easily socialize with others and have one of the most memorable nights from your trip.

So, it is a good idea to list the best clubs with great music and the environment.

30. Festivals

A festival is a unique event that is usually held annually. It is often religious or cultural, and people typically attend festivals to celebrate or commemorate something important.

31. Museums

Museums often showcase the past and the life that has been alive in other times and places. Tourists visit at least a single museum to see the artifacts, clothing, and attributes that were common during those periods.

32. Amusement Parks

Lots of rides, games, and fun awaits everyone visiting amusement parks. So, it is a commonly visited place among travelers, and the topic is worth enough to add to your content arsenal.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Personal

33. lessons/fails i learned during the trip in.

Personal failures can be some of the most challenging and frustrating experiences in life. No one wants to fail, but everyone does at some point.

But, you can share personal failures with your audience to help them learn from your mistakes and have an easy time during their location.

34. Travel Quotes

When you're writing about travel, quotes can be a great way to add depth and dimension to your stories. They can provide insight into the culture, history, or people you're writing about, and help bring your readers into the experience.

35. Meeting New Friends

Socializing in a different culture is a trip experience in itself. But, you can share your personal experiences and hacks with your audience to help them meet new faces.

36. Inspiring Travel Stories

A travel blog is a great way to share your personal experiences with others and inspire them to explore new places and cultures.

People love reading about other travel experiences. Thus, you can provide valuable information and inspiration to others.

37. Educational Tours

Travel is all about receiving new knowledge and experiences from other cultures. Hence, Educational tours are field trips popular among people and designed to teach tourists about a specific subject or topic.

38. How I Survived in [Country] for 15 USD/daily

Here you can build a great personal story full of challenges and create an engaging article that could draw the reader's eyeballs.

No matter what your travel niche may be, this list of travel content ideas should give you some inspiration for your next blog post.

If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed and need some help with travel content writing, our handpicked travel writers will help you create high-quality, engaging travel content that will take your blog to the next level.

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61 travel blog post ideas for when you’re stuck at home

Sometimes friends ask me how I manage to travel so much. After all, I work full-time, my husband works part-time, we have two kids in school and a dog to take care of. The truth is that while we travel more than average—there’s a reason I write a travel blog, after all—we’re not gone all the time by any stretch of the imagination. So how do I come up with travel blog post ideas even when we’re at home?

Well, if you’re a travel blogger, I’m 99.99% sure you’ve had that same question. Sure, you likely have a backlog of write-ups from past trips. But when those dry up and you’re still tied to your home base, what travel blog topics can you write about?

Never run out of travel blog post ideas again! 61 topics to inspire you when you're stuck at home. To & Fro Fam

Travel blogger friends, I have your back. Below, I put together a list of 61 travel blog post ideas for when you’re not traveling. And I went one step further: I created a handy pdf of all these questions that you can download for free! (Scroll on down to get your free printable of blog post ideas!)

So read on to get a bunch of travel blog post ideas circulating in that beautiful brain of yours. Then download the freebie printable of travel topics to write about. Keep it on hand for when you need post inspiration.

Happy writing and happy travels!

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog post ideas when you’re not traveling

Contrary to popular belief, most travel bloggers aren’t on the road 100% of the time (or even close to it). Keep the content cranking with these travel blog post ideas.

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog post ideas about tips & hacks

  • How to organize your trip
  • Packing tips to make travel easier
  • How to stay healthy when you travel
  • Your packing list(s)
  • Tips for airline travel
  • Tips for road trips
  • What you won’t leave home without
  • Pre-trip prep
  • Your favorite travel apps
  • Your favorite travel snacks
  • What to do when reservations go wrong
  • How to travel with pets
  • How to travel to a place when you don’t know the language
  • How to plan a trip with a big group
  • The travel items you don’t actually need
  • How to stay safe while traveling
  • How to stay comfortable on long travel days
  • How to not get bored on long travel days
  • How to take better photos

Family travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog topics about money and budgets

  • How to stretch your travel budget
  • Brilliant hacks for cheaper travel
  • How to save money on hotels/hostels/home rentals
  • Exactly what you spent when you traveled to _______
  • Budget ____: Is it worth it? (e.g. budget bus, airlines, suitcases, etc.)

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel topics to write about lessons learned

  • 10 mistakes you made (and what you do now)
  • What you wish you’d known when ______
  • Places you’d never go again
  • What happened when you forgot ____ at home
  • What have you learned about yourself through travel?

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Blog post ideas about you as a travel blogger

  • How often does a travel blogger really travel?
  • How does a travel blogger pay for all those trips?
  • Your favorite hashtags
  • Your Instagram strategy
  • How does a travel blogger decide where to go?
  • How you satisfy your wanderlust when you’re at home
  • How travel bloggers make friends on the road
  • Do you have a routine while traveling?
  • What do you do when you’re homesick?
  • What travel bloggers really want for a present this year (gift guide)

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Blog posts about travel inspiration

  • Why you travel
  • Your top 10 favorite trips
  • Why you bring your kids when you travel
  • Future travel wish list / Bucket list destinations
  • Exploring your hometown
  • Your favorite books about travel
  • What you miss from home when you travel
  • What inspires you about travel
  • Favorite travel quotes
  • Where do you go to get ideas on what to do, where to go and where to stay?

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog topics that get personal

  • What was your first trip like? When did you start traveling?
  • Your favorite travel splurges
  • Your favorite childhood trips / first memory of vacations
  • A truly lonely time traveling
  • The moment when you realized travel changed your life
  • The time you fell in love while traveling

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Roundup blog posts

  • Your favorite foods from around the world
  • Your all-time favorite hotels
  • Your favorite foods from home
  • The weirdest things you’ve eaten while traveling
  • The weirdest things you’ve done while traveling
  • The most underrated beaches/destinations/cities/etc.
  • Best destinations for couples

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Never run out of travel blog ideas again!

Now that you have this list— and  a handy dandy free printable of travel blog post ideas—you’ll never hit writer’s block. Whenever you’re stuck at home when you would rather be jetting across the globe, pick one of these travel blog topics and get typing. You’ll feel more inspired, and your audience will love that you never run out of ideas.

Do you want this entire list designed in a printer-friendly layout so you can refer back to it whenever writer’s block strikes? Sign up below:

Sign up to get your Travel Blog Post Ideas printable!

Do you have any go-to blog post ideas? Can you add to the list of travel topics to write about when you’re not traveling? Please share in the comments below!

Need blog inspiration? These travel blog post ideas will get you writing even when you're at home. Crush writer's block NOW! To & Fro Fam

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25 surefire ways to make the most of a conference—even if you’re alone/nervous/new!

Your essential blogging conference survival kit, 92 comments.

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I love these ideas! Perfect for my wanderlust!

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Haha, definitely! I should have written a disclaimer that I’m not responsible for spontaneously booking a trip after reading my blog. 😉

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Wow! These are great ideas for Travel bloggers. Thanks for sharing!

I’m glad you thought so, Maggie. Thanks for reading!

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I love this – You are full of so many great ideas and I would love to read about any of these topics!

Aw thank you Erin! I definitely have a few of these brewing. 😉

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such great ideas and tips for continuing to create cohesive content! I am not a travel blogger but these still helped me!

So true Leah – many of them could be adapted for any niche. I hope they were inspiring!

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You certainly have no shortage of travel blog ideas, and even though I’m probably going to stick to focusing on food, I definitely need to hang on to this post. Thanks for sharing, Catherine!

Food and travel are so intertwined – I see a lot of crossover here!

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I’m not a travel blogger, but I blog about date nights in our area and we’ve not been able to go out as much lately so this gave me some ideas.

I love the idea of focusing on date night ideas. So many of us don’t even know what to do when we get some time together!

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What a great list for travel bloggers!

Thank you Rebecca! Thanks for reading!

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These are all so great! And blog posts I totally search for!

Oh that’s so good to hear! The whole point of blogging is to help people searching for answers.

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Such a good list!! These are all things I need to think about as I’m getting ready to travel again 🙂 Love to see where you pull inspiration from.

Yay for trips on the travel horizon!! Where are you going? Iceland again??

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This is a phenomenal list! We have traveled so much less this year than last and I feel like my travel posts have become a bit stagnant as a result. I really appreciate having so many other options that I can use to infuse that area of my blog.

Travel is something that ebbs and flows, so for consistency’s sake, it’s good to have a bunch of travel-related post ideas in your pocket for just these times. I hope my list inspired you!

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So helpful to see different blog ideas broken down like this. I definitely feel at a loss sometimes in thinking of new and fresh things to write about!

We all feel that way sometimes! That’s why having a go-to list like this is so helpful: There’s always something to write about.

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Such great inspiration, Catherine – I’m pinning this for later! (Now, if only I had time to write all the posts I have listed on my calendar.)

Hahaha, me too! I have a super long list of blog post ideas… but there’s never enough time to write them all, is there?!

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Thank you so much for these tips!

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This is a nice post and this post are very informative about search engine optimization.and thanks for sharing this post.

You’re so welcome Priya – I’m glad it helped.

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I will have to share these with my clients who happen to be travel bloggers. There are some wonderful ideas here for one of my clients who happens to be home right now.

Thank you for sharing, Tami! I hope the blog post inspiration list helps your clients.

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Saving this! These are such great ideas 🙂 Thanks for providing this inspo

You’re so welcome, Jenna! Glad to provide a little inspiration in your day.

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I appreciate this more than you know! We weren’t able to travel in the Summer like we planned and I was just saying that our travel posts are getting behind.

High periods of travel come and go. I like to have a bunch of inspiration for those times when we stay at home more than usual. Glad it’s helpful to you too!

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Oh wow, thanks for all these great post ideas x

You’re welcome Marina!

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Really very happy to say,your post is very interesting to read.I never stop myself to say something about it.You’re doing a great job.Keep it up

Thank you, glad it’s helpful!

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These are great ideas for when we are not traveling. We are taking a break from traveling before learning to travel fulltime in 6 months. I have been trying to figure out what to write about while we prepare to leave and these ideas are great. I didn’t realize I could write about planning for our family gap year.

Oh my goodness, sounds like this post reached you at the perfect time. I hope it helps! Sounds like you have a really exciting change on the horizon – best of luck in traveling fulltime!

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Great guide for those who are starting out. Love blogging and use wordpress all the time. It has a lot of advantages which are now paying of for us 🙂 Keep on blogging on my friend

Aw, thanks Xavier! And so glad you liked all the ideas for travel bloggers. Til next time!

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These are fantastic suggestions and my head is spinning with inspiration! I truly appreciate your sharing this, and I now have so many ideas to keep the writing queue full of cool travel blogs even though we can’t go anywhere right now.

Yay, I’m so glad this post with travel blog ideas is helpful! This is a strange time we’re living in – but doesn’t mean we have to stop dreaming about travel.

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I love this!! I always have such a hard time coming up with ideas for posts that aren’t about my recent travels. SO this season is going to be particularly difficult for my blog lol. I’m definitely going to use some of these, thank you!

Oh good! I know, I tend to write about my latest adventure – but there’s more we can offer, even in a time of shelter in place.

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Some great ideas here to keep me going for a little while longer. I’ve been doing ok so far and mixing in non destination posts with some destination posts. This is really helpful though

I’m glad these travel post ideas are helping. I’m with you – doing a mix of destinations and not destinations – but when we hit writer’s block, anything can help!

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These are great! Thanks for compiling this list. I added 9 ideas to my list, one possibly a series.

Oh good! A series is another terrific way to generate content even when you’re not traveling. Way to go.

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Blog posts about travel inspiration are so perfect for this time! I wrote a blog post similar to this for this week, but yours had so many great ideas that I didn’t even consider! Thanks for the positivity and thoughtfulness 🙂

Ah, you’re welcome, and thank you! We in the travel community need to support one another in this time especially, and I’m thrilled the post helped.

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I love this! I’m going to use some of these!

Terrific Jasmine! I hope the inspiration helps.

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This is exactly what I needed right now! It can be difficult to stay motivated in the current circumstances, thanks for these great ideas to keep me on track!

Hannah |

So happy these blog post ideas gave you a little inspiration AND motivation. Good luck writing!

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Cool post! Love it!!! You’ve done such a good job and really! Thanks for sharing!

You’re welcome, Menty! Thanks for stopping by and good luck writing. 🙂

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I will be starting my new blog, will soon be applying what you mentioned in this write up, will update you here in the comments.

Good luck Xavier! Let me know how your new travel blog goes.

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this is amazing post thanks for sharing information with us

You’re very welcome!

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Thank you for this awesome list of ideas that helps travel bloggers a lot to write on.😊

You’re very welcome! I’m glad it helps, and I trust you have plenty of inspiration to write travel blog posts, even during lockdown.

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Thank you for amazing ideas of traveling and you should me proud for sharing great blog I very thankful to you

You’re very welcome! I’m glad the blog post ideas were helpful.

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Thank you so much for listing all these ideas. They are really helpful!

You’re welcome, and I’m glad they help! Best of luck blogging.

Thank you for such an amazing and helpful article. It really gives us Idea to write on . Thank you.

You’re welcome, Abhishek! Best of luck with your travel blog!

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what an amazing post, I was very excited and full of ideas. thanks for sharing such a useful post.

You’re so welcome, Pamela! I’m glad these travel blog post ideas inspired you.

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Thanks to share nice post with us…!!!

You’re very welcome! I’m glad these travel blog post ideas helped.

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I’m going to bookmark your site the tips are great, definitely going to use them in Upcoming years.

I’m so glad you found these blog post topics helpful, Amit!

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Great article with full information about the travel blogs.

I’m so glad my travel blog post ideas are helpful!

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You have a good site and I’m going to bookmark it. The tips are great, I’m definitely going to use them in the future.

I’m very glad to help, Rajesh, and glad you’re finding my travel posts helpful!

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Hi Catherine!

Thank you for sharing to us a lot about your family travels. I’m just new in blogging and these tips are will surely help me a LOT! Stay safe! ☺️

You’re so welcome, Kay! Keep it up and stay well!

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Wow , i learned something new here. i wish you will post more article just like this one


So glad to be of help 🙂

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good post with best details. Thank You So much for sharing..!!!

I’m glad these travel blog post ideas were helpful! Thank you for reading!

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Wow! I actually sense at a loss every now and then in wondering of latest and fresh matters to put in writing! These are excellent thoughts for Travel bloggers. Thanks for sharing!

You’re very welcome Priyatosh!

' src=

Thanks for this excellent resource – It has given me a lot to think about! 🙂

Thank you for reading!

' src=

Very good and creative method for building backlinks to your site and also traffic. It’s very good! Thanks a lot for this post!

You’re very welcome — so glad these travel blog post ideas helped you!

' src=

It’s an excellent blog on TRAVEL BLOG POST IDEAS. Thanks for sharing. Today, travel blogging is one of the most popular types of digital content in the industry. Therefore, these suggestions will give new bloggers inspiration and enable them to compete in today’s competitive industry. You can also go to 2Passports 1Dream to learn more.

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This family travel blog is written for you—a mom who wants quality time and memorable vacations with her kids. I’m one of those moms, so I get that you want to leave your stress at home. I crafted (and tested!) these travel hacks and destination ideas to help the whole crew make the most of your time together. xo, Catherine

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53 Best Travel Blogs and Bloggers To Follow (in 2024)

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Written by Ankit Singla


Last Updated on:

by Ankit Singla

If you’re searching for the best travel blogs today, look no further.

As always, I created this list to help aspiring travel bloggers learn a thing or two from these established sites.

However, people who are only looking for travel ideas and tips will also enjoy this post.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the top travel blogs to follow in 2024.

Best Travel Blogs

  • Nomadic Matt
  • Backpacking Matt
  • Adventurous Kate
  • The Blonde Abroad
  • California Through My Lens
  • Dan Flying Solo
  • Travel With Lakshmi
  • Fluent in 3 Months
  • Cheapest Destinations Blog
  • Alex in Wanderland
  • I Am Aileen
  • Wandering Earl
  • Be My Travel Muse
  • Followtheboat
  • Matthew Woodward
  • The Opposite Travellers
  • We Seek Travel
  • Bucket List Journey
  • Migrationology
  • The Cranky Flier
  • Never Ending Footsteps
  • A Dangerous Business
  • Against The Compass
  • Everything Everywhere
  • The Longest Way Home
  • Global Grasshopper
  • Girl Gone Travel
  • Oneika The Traveller
  • The Adventurists
  • Time Travel Turtle
  • Hand Luggage Only
  • Travel4Wildlife
  • The Insatiable Traveler
  • View From The Wing
  • Uncornered Market
  • Jessie On a Journey
  • Legal Nomads
  • TravelFreak
  • The Everywhereist
  • Keep Calm and Travel
  • Practical Wanderlust
  • Expert Vagabond
  • The Voyageur
  • Amateur Traveler
  • Girl Eat World
  • The Adventure Junkies
  • A Broken Backpack
  • The World Travel Guy
  • Life Part 2

1. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt

By:  Matthew Kepnes

I have to be honest with you — I love everything about  Nomadic Matt .  

Everything from his website’s design to his personal writing voice makes for an engaging reading experience. Not to mention that the name “Nomadic Matt” really sticks with me. 

Matthew Kepnes, AKA Nomadic Matt, was once a cubicle worker who admittedly wasn’t always a big traveler. On his first trip back in 2004, he went to Costa Rica where his perspective in life transformed forever. 

A single trip — that’s how easy it is to fall in love with travel. 

Today, Matthew continues living the life he was born for. He primarily blogs about travel tips, encompassing topics like how to save for a trip and things to do in Singapore. 

Blog Topics 

  • Travel Insurance
  • Travel planning
  • Saving money on travel
  • Travel gear
  • Destinations

Monetization Strategies

  • Display advertisements
  • Superstar Blogging online course
  • Affiliate marketing ( Check: Best Travel Affiliate Programs )

2. Backpacking Matt

Backpacking Matt

By:  Matt Kyhnn

I think there’s something about the name “Matt” that raises a person’s affinity for traveling. 

Backpacking Matt , owned and run by Matt Kyhnn, is a travel blog that has similar vibes with Nomadic Matt. It has a simplistic design, a memorable content tone, and striking travel photos that bring the blog’s stories to life. 

Matt Kyhnn also leverages videos — providing his audience a more immersive way to enjoy his content. 

Fresh out of college, Matt simply decided that he won’t settle for a 9-5 job. Instead, he spent months working and traveling across Ireland, Scotland, and other regions in mainland Europe. 

He then booked a one-way ticket to New Zealand where he now resides. In addition to his blog, Matt also runs his own travel planning and booking website — Planit NZ. 

Blog Topics

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Planit NZ travel planning and booking services
  • Brand collaborations

3. Adventurous Kate

Adventurous Kate

By:  Kate McCulley

Kate McCulley, AKA  Adventurous Kate , is a travel blogger with lots of adventures to tell.

She’s been to 83 countries, seven continents, and plenty of experiences to help women appreciate the traveling life. 

Kate’s blog was built during her time in Southeast Asia along with her freelance portfolio, which helped fund her travels. Her target audience is women who want to travel, but required guidance on how to do it safely and easily. 

The “Solo Female Travel” category on her blog consists of posts about travel safety, travel planning, destination guides, and more. She also compiled a list of travel resources that help turn her audience’s travel ideas into action plans. 

  • Travel safety for women
  • Sponsored posts

4. The Blonde Abroad

The Blonde Abroad

By:  Kiersten “Kiki” Rich

I covered Kiersten “Kiki” Rich of  The Blonde Abroad   in my list of the top lifestyle bloggers to follow in 2024. 

As her blog’s name suggests, she’s mainly a travel blogger who also discusses two other lifestyle-related topics — blogging and photography. 

Kiersten spent three, eye-opening months in multiple countries to re-envision the idea of “ success .” She succeeded in her goal and is now one of the most accomplished travel bloggers on the web. 

The Blonde Abroad covers a range of topics from travel photography to foreign cuisine. All of which draws wisdom from Kiersten’s personal travel experiences.

  • Photography
  • Travel destinations
  • The Travel Shop
  • Social media and influencer marketing consulting

5. California Through My Lens

California Through My Lens

By:  Josh McNair

Josh McNair, owner of  California Through My Lens , has a distinct writing style that vividly describes details of travel destinations. 

Unlike bloggers who discovered the love for travel in their adulthood, Josh has always been a passionate traveler at heart. He created California Through My Lens to document his adventures with the online audience. 

California Through My Lens is run by both Josh and his wife, Amy. The pair also has an active YouTube channel called Through My Lens where they share their experiences in video form. 

As you may have guessed, Josh’s content focuses on the beaches, caves, hiking trails, waterfalls, and various landmarks in California. Intricate details of each location, from hike distances to specific travel tips, are often included in his posts. 

  • National parks in California
  • Driving around California
  • California destinations
  • Selling eBooks
  • Advertisements through YouTube 

6. Dan Flying Solo

Dan Flying Solo

By:  Daniel “Dan” Clarke

Dan Flying Solo   is by Daniel Clarke — a travel blogger, photographer, and creative director at his own Portugal-based media company. 

Dan’s blogging life was ignited by his passion for photography. He was originally a frustrated restaurant manager who wanted more out of life.

Like me, Dan is a self-taught blogger. He worked day in and day out by doing free online courses, YouTube tutorials, and heaps of informative guides. 

What makes Dan Flying Solo an extra noteworthy blog is its library of video content. Daniel also makes it clear that the site has no particular theme — not unlike everything else in life.  

“ There’s not one particular theme to this blog because I don’t think that’s how life really is. We change and what we enjoy changes.”

7. Travel with Lakshmi

Travel with Lakshmi

By:  Lakshmi Sharath

Lakshmi Sharath worked on a desk job for multiple media organizations for 15 years. She then started her personal travel blog in 2005 — traveling to over 25 countries and across every corner of India. 

Travel with Lakshmi has only grown steadily ever since. It won multiple awards, including “India’s best travel blog of the year” award from Indiebloggie.  

As an Indian herself, Lakshmi made sure to highlight the country’s top travel destinations on the blog. She also documented her travels to foreign countries — from Abu Dhabi to the United Kingdom. 

As a way to support aspiring travelers around the world, Lakshmi also covers important tips on starting a travel blog. This includes essential tips on photography, travel planning, and travel writing.

  • Social media marketing campaigns
  • Content marketing and writing services
  • Digital media consulting services

8. foXnoMad


By:  Anil Polat

foXnoMad   is a unique travel blog run by digital nomad Anil Polat.

Anil was exposed to travel at a young age because his parents were journalists. Other than routine trips between Turkey and the United States, they also visited multiple destinations around the world. 

Even in his professional life as a computer security consultant, travel was a big part of Anil’s life. He eventually decided to quit his job and fixate on one goal: to visit every country in the world.

What makes foXnoMad unique is that Anil utilizes his knowledge in tech to provide insightful tips on traveling smartly. He also develops apps that can help travelers in situations like determining water drinkability and calculating tips.

You can check out his podcast where he talks about current events, new product tech releases, and all things travel-related. 

Blog Topics                                           

  • foXnoMad Shop
  • Paid mobile apps

9. Fluent in 3 Months

Fluent in 3 Months

By:  Brendan “Benny” Lewis

Fluent in 3 Months   by Brendan Lewis is created for travelers with a purpose. 

Apart from regular posts about travel planning and destinations, Brendan also writes a lot of guides on foreign languages. 

Remember, language is a crucial part of every culture. Brendan makes sure you learn dozens of useful words and phrases that will enrich your visit to any country. 

Some of the most prominent content formats in his blog are “ways to say” posts and phrase listicles. There are also fun, bite-sized stories like “How I Learned French on the Toilet in 6 Months.”

For more serious language learners, Fluent in 3 Months offers “The Challenge.” It’s a full-fledged online course that will enable you to hold a 15-minute conversation in a new language.

  • How to speak foreign languages
  • Language hacking 
  • Traveling jobs
  • The Challenge online course
  • Speaking engagements

10. Cheapest Destinations Blog

Cheapest Destinations Blog

By:  Tim Leffel

Cheapest Destinations Blog   is one of the oldest travel blogs on this list. 

It is created and run by Tim Leffel — an award-winning travel writer and author.  

Tim has made it his life’s goal to help people make the most out of travel while spending less. His blog contains posts that teach how to spend your travel money wisely and how to make every cent count. 

Other than Cheapest Destinations Blog, Tim also runs a handful of other blogs on different, travel-related topics. This includes Perceptive Travel, Travel Writing 2.0 Blog, and Cheap Living Abroad.  

  • Travel budgeting
  • Influencer marketing through 360 Degree Travel Network

11. Alex in Wanderland 

Alex in Wanderland

By:  Alexandra Baackes

Alexandra Baackes created  Alex in Wanderland   for two reasons. 

First, she’s been dealing with a case of wanderlust all her life. And second, she’s a fan of a beloved, fictional character — Alice in Wonderland. 

Alexandra is originally from Brooklyn, New York where she purchased her one-way ticket into the traveling life. She now blogs about the best travel destinations, outdoor activities, and her personal, travel-related gear.

One of the things I like about Alex in Wanderland is the presentation and categorization of content. 

On the “Categories” page, Alex makes sure articles are well-organized based on topics like travel inspiration, activities, and planning. This makes it easy for her audience to find the information they need at any given time. 

  • Outdoor activities

12. Hey Nadine

Hey Nadine

By:  Nadine Sykora

Nadine Sykora of  Hey Nadine   is a popular travel blogger, YouTuber, and social media influencer.

Over the past 10 years, she has traveled across 55 countries, spoken on expert panels, and became a keynote speaker. 

Nadine’s goal is simple: share her travel experiences with the world and help others do the same. 

Hey Nadine contains a host of content on travel advice, hacks, destinations, and inspiration. As a seasoned YouTuber, you can expect her blog content to contain a lot of embedded videos from her channel. 

  • Video production
  • Advertisements through YouTube
  • Sponsored content

13. I Am Aileen

I Am Aileen

Just like Kiersten Rich, Aileen Adalid is another travel blogger whom I also featured in my top lifestyle blogs listicle.

Aileen runs  I Am Aileen   — an award-winning blog that discusses just about everything there is to discuss in travel. She writes about destinations, the best travel activities, foreign cuisine, and more. 

What interested me the most about Aileen is her blogging background. At age 21, she quit her corporate job, which only paid $300 a month, to become a professional traveler. 

Since then, she’s been on a streak of smashing goals and breaking barriers. Thanks to her commitment to quality content, she’s recognized as one of the top bloggers in Asia. 

  • Online shop

14. Wandering Earl

Wandering Earl

By:  Derek Earl Baron

Here’s a fun trivia about  Wandering Earl . 

Unlike most bloggers who use their first names, the “Earl” in “Wandering Earl” is actually a middle name. Blog owner Derek Earl Baron only thought that “Wandering Derek” didn’t sound as catchy.

Derek is a one-of-a-kind, adventurous soul who discovered his purpose as a modern nomad relatively early into adulthood. After graduating in 1999, he planned a three-month vacation across Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. 

That three-month vacation continues to this very day. 

And that’s how Wandering Earl was created — documenting Derek’s adventures in over 100 countries. He also shares valuable pieces of wisdom on travel planning, food, budgeting, gear, and so on. 

Wandering Earl has that “old-school” look and feel to it. On the plus side, the site’s design only highlights 

  • Working while traveling
  • Selling “eGuides”

15. Be My Travel Muse

Be My Travel Muse

By:  Kristin Addis

Be My Travel Muse  is a solo female travel blog created by Kristin Addis. 

She studied in Taiwan and kept an investment banking job for four years. The only problem was, her daily routine rendered her creative, dreamer side claustrophobic. 

Her first step was a one-way ticket to Bangkok — envisioning a life of writing and travel. That’s exactly what she accomplished with her blog, which now caters to millions of readers all over the world. 

Kristin believes that solo traveling is the best way for women to feel empowered and more confident. She prioritizes solo female travel tips on her blog, including guides on safety, packing, and maintaining relationships. 

Be My Travel Muse also has heaps of content on popular travel destinations and self-care for women. 

  • Self-help for women
  • Relationships
  • The Photo Muse Masterclass online course

16. Followtheboat


By:  Liz Cleere and Jamie Furlong

Followtheboat   is a unique travel blog that focuses on a specific mode of transport: sailing. 

It is created with love by a travel writer Liz Cleere and photographer Jamie Furlong. There’s also Millie the rescue cat, which functions as a source of inspiration and encouragement for the blog’s human founders. 

Despite the focus on sailboats, Followtheboat’s content isn’t just made for sailors. The posts are tailor-made for travelers who also happen to be interested in the art and joys of sailing. 

Don’t be surprised at the humor and dynamic range of topics on the blog. You’ll find posts like “tools you need on a sailboat” and “is this the weirdest loo in the world?”

Followtheboat also has a library of podcasts, which record Liz and Jamie’s experiences on their travels. 

  • Boat maintenance
  • Patreon donations

17. Matthew Woodward

Matthew Woodward

By:  Matthew Woodward

If Followtheboat is about boats, you can probably guess what  Matthew Woodward   is a blog about trains. 

Not to be mistaken for  Matthew Woodward  the internet marketer, Matthew Woodward the rail adventurer loved trains as a child. He owned model railway sets, traveled alone by train, and watched shows about trains on TV. 

In his time as a geography student, he explored Europe with his trusty Interrail pass. He set his passion aside to focus on his career, which he eventually gave up to become a travel writer. 

Today, he blogs about railway systems over different continents. He’s also an accomplished author of three books: “The Railway to Heaven,” “A Bridge Even Further,” and “Trans-Siberian Adventures.”

  • Railway systems
  • Traveling by train
  • Selling books

18. The Opposite Travellers

The Opposite Travellers

By:  Ryan and Rachel Riel

The Opposite Travellers   were created by married couple Ryan and Rachel Riel. 

While both loved to travel, Ryan and Rachel had contrasting preferences when it comes to traveling. 

Rachel prefers to travel in style and luxury — through the accommodations and services offered by establishments and travel agencies. Ryan, on the other hand, leans toward daring adventures like biking and trekking — on $5 per night accommodations. 

The couple, however, utilized their differences as a selling point in The Opposite Travellers. 

As such, the website’s “Travel” section has two main categories: “Luxury Travel” and “Adventure Travel.” In other words, the blog has a diverse content library for travelers of all tastes and budgets.

The Opposite Travellers also boasts high-quality visuals taken and produced by Ryan Riel. All of the site’s videos are published on Ryan Riel Media — Ryan’s official YouTube channel.  

  • Content production
  • Social media marketing 
  • Influencer marketing

19. We Seek Travel 

olly gaspar travel blogger

By:  Olly Gaspar

We Seek Travel is an adventure travel blog by traveler and adventure photographer Olly Gaspar.

Olly has been living out of his bags full-time since 2018, turning his passion for global adventure into a treasure trove of useful travel guides accompanied by his inspiring photography.

His travel blog serves as a window to extraordinary experiences around the world– from backpacking in India to climbing Himalayan peaks, crossing deserts on camelback, cycling over the Arctic Circle, hiking with gorillas in Uganda, and even fighting Muay Thai in Thailand.

But We Seek Travel is more than just a diary of adventures. It’s a resource-rich hub where Olly shares his firsthand experiences to help modern explorers discover unique outdoor adventures, off-beat hiking trails, travel photography gear, and helpful accommodation and digital nomad resources.

  • Travel Planning & Accommodation
  • Outdoor Adventure
  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Travel photography
  • Travel Gear
  • Photography licensing
  • Adventure Photography shoots
  • Tourism development

20. Bucket List Journey

Bucket List Journey

By:  Annette White

Travel is all about adventures, and so is life. 

That’s the essence of the  Bucket List Journey   by Annette White. 

The blog’s tagline is “tools and inspiration to live your list.” It refers to a person’s “bucket list,” which is basically a list of goals and experiences they want in life. 

Annette didn’t always have such a positive outlook in life. She used to be diagnosed with anxiety, which caused her to miss out on life-enriching experiences and opportunities. 

Eventually, she decided that she’ll no longer become a prisoner of fear and uncertainty. She had courage and took charge of her life’s direction — something every aspiring blogger needs to do at one point. 

Bucket List Journey talks about bucket list-worthy destinations, motivation, money, and travel tips. Annette also imparts knowledge on people who also struggle with facing fear and making braver life decisions. 

  • Overcoming fear and anxiety

21. Migrationology


By:  Mark Wiens

When I first visited  Migrationology , I wasn’t sure whether to classify it as a food or travel blog. 

Then I checked out Mark Wiens’s “About” page. There, I learned that he viewed food as a way to connect with people in various cultures. 

And to be exposed to these cultures, Mark dedicates his time, money, and efforts to travel. 

Mark makes sure the blog only focuses on content based on his personal travels. It’s made for people who want to experience the flavors of the world — in person or through Mark’s posts. 

Apart from general food travel blog posts and city guides, Migrationology also offers readers a “Food Tour” service. It is the result of a year of research done by Mark himself — in partnership with  Bangkok Vanguards . 

  • Bangkok Food Tour

22. The Cranky Flier

The Cranky Flier

By:  Brett Snyder

We already mentioned a blog about boats and another about trains. It’s time to talk about a blog on airplanes and air travel.

Cranky Flier   is a unique blog created by Brett Snyder — President and “Chief Airline Dork” of Cranky Flier LLC. 

Brett has been fascinated with airlines all his life. When he was young, he collected airline timetables and even spent a birthday with his grandmother watching planes land. 

As an adult, he spent several years in the airline industry fulfilling multiple roles. He became a sales intern at USAir, senior analyst at America West, marketing planning product at United, and so on.

Today, Brett publishes his opinions about the airline industry on Cranky Flier. He also updates several series, like “Worst Airline Ever,” “Airlines We Lost,” and “Across the Aisle Interviews.” 

I’ll let you determine what these series are all about based on what they’re called. 

  • Airline industry
  • Cranky Concierge service

23. Never Ending Footsteps

Never Ending Footsteps

By:  Lauren Juliff

Lauren Juliff is one of those bloggers who already knew what they wanted to be from an early age. 

She dreamt of traveling to new places, meeting new people, and exploring new cultures.  Never Ending Footsteps   is proof that she accomplished all three. 

The blog consists of posts about Lauren’s fulfilling travels to different countries. But unlike a lot of famous travel bloggers, she also talks about the downsides of being a digital nomad.

Never Ending Footsteps has a “The Incidents” blog section where Lauren discusses the not-so-sexy aspects of traveling. She has been scammed, attacked by monkeys, locked out of her room, lost her passport, and more. 

Despite these incidents, Lauren’s love for travel only grew. Such experiences increased her wisdom and travel acumen — resulting in some of the most insightful travel articles ever published.

Lauren also helps her audience get into the world of travel blogging. Check out “How to Start a Travel Blog” for information on web hosting, working with WordPress, and so on.

  • Travel safety

24. A Dangerous Business Travel Blog

A Dangerous Business Travel Blog

By:  Amanda Williams

A Dangerous Business Travel Blog   is a straightforward blog made to help people travel. 

It is created by Amanda Williams, who is a former journalist with degrees in journalism, hospitality, and tourism management.

Amanda first got into journalism by editing obituaries — eventually becoming a copy and layout editor at a newspaper company. She started A Dangerous Business Travel Blog in 2010 out of boredom and her need for a creative outlet. 

Fast forward to 2024, the blog now averages over 340,000 page views per month. Amanda also maintains a strong social media presence with thousands of followers across networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

A Dangerous Business Travel Blog contains posts about travel planning, packing, destinations, and inspiration. Everything is sprinkled with high-quality photos to keep readers engaged and enthused.  

The centerpiece of A Dangerous Business Travel Blog is “The 10-Day Adventure Project.” Put simply, it’s a collection of ready-to-use, self-guided itineraries that will shave hours off your travel planning process.

  • Packing 
  • DangerousBiz online course
  • Freelance writing

25. Against the Compass

Against The Compass

By:  Joan Torres

How do you make a travel blog stand out?

Joan Torres has a surefire answer: covering the most unusual and “off the beaten track” destinations.

Against The Compass   is a unique blog that talks about the travel routes and destinations you probably haven’t heard of. It covers destinations that people don’t normally include in their bucket list, like Pakistan, Tunisia, Syria, and other high-risk countries. 

Of course, Joan makes sure to highlight the importance of safety when traveling in relatively low-popularity destinations. He has comprehensive guides for solo female travel, travel insurance, and general travel safety.

  • Travel insurance

26. Everything Everywhere 

Everything Everywhere

By:  Gary Arndt

In travel blogging, a picture is undeniably worth a thousand words. There’s simply no excuse for any travel blogger to forego the inclusion of visual content in their posts.

Gary Arndt’s absolutely nailed it with his photography work for  Everything Everywhere .

Gary actually won multiple, major travel photography awards — more than any travel photographer. His photography is so good that I suggest you check the “Travel Photos” page on Everything Everywhere.

Go ahead, take a break and thank me later. 

Other than taking breathtaking photos, Gary also publishes detailed blog posts about the places he’s been. He’s been on the go for roughly 9 years non-stop, which means readers will never run out of material.

27. The Longest Way Home

The Longest Way Home

By:  David Ways

The Longest Way Home   started as the personal travel journal of David Ways — a solo traveler in search of home. 

The blog originally started as David’s private, digital diary. As he journeyed across Europe and gained experience, it turned into a full-on blog with travel guides to specific locations. 

David finally found home in Nepal before traveling to other parts of Southeast Asia. 

He’s not the most nitpicky blogger in terms of grammar and spelling, but he’s definitely a brilliant storyteller. He’s also skilled in capturing and immortalizing moments into photos, which you can view on his blog’s gallery. 

The Longest Way Home has a library of content about various destinations, trekking, and travel planning. It also features in-depth travel guides to Nepal, Thailand, and overland travel — plus a mini-guide to Portugal.  

  • Travel planning 
  • Overland travel

28. Global Grasshopper

Global Grasshopper

By:  Becky Moore

Global Grasshopper   is a travel blog run by Becky Moore and her team of professional travel photographers and writers. 

Becky’s first adventure was a six-month voyage in Southeast Asia. She considers herself a “semi-nomad,” traveling from country to country while nestling in Ireland, Australia, or parts of Southeast Asia. 

Global Grasshopper contains posts about popular travel destinations, hotels, and other places that deserve more attention. Readers will also enjoy the blog’s posts about dog-friendly travel — covering topics like dog booster seats and pet-friendly hotels. 

Since the blog is run by a team of experts, expect the content quality to be top-notch across the board. The team also organizes boutique tours, which readers can participate in for a memorable travel experience. 

  • Traveling with a pet
  • Boutique tours bookings

29. Girl Gone Travel

Girl Gone Travel

By:  Carol Cain

Carol Cain is an accomplished professional in the field of communications. She is a social media marketing expert, public speaker, branding agency owner, and award-winning travel blogger.

Girl Gone Travel   is the result of Carol’s innate passion for travel and knack for digital marketing. It is a well-designed, engaging, and filled with quality content that shines with Carol’s personality. 

Other than her travel-related posts, Girl Gone Travel also publishes a lot of posts about blogging and online branding. This makes it an excellent place to start for hopeful travelers who plan to have their own blog one day. 

  • Destinations 
  • Online branding
  • Brave World Media company

30. HoneyTrek


By:  Mike and Anne Howard

Believe it or not,  HoneyTrek   is a travel blog about a honeymoon.

Yes — it’s probably the longest honeymoon ever.

Founders Mike and Anne Howard are a power couple with skills that can make any blog great. Anne is a former magazine editor whereas Mike’s a veteran digital media strategist and photographer. 

Together, they’ve honeymooned to over seven continents and 60 countries while creating the most romantic travel blog in the process. 

HoneyTrek contains a collection of posts about their travel destinations, experiences, and travel tips for all budgets. They also wrote two successful books: “Comfortably Wild” and “Ultimate Journeys for Two.” 

  • Travel budgeting 
  • Travel skills

31. Oneika The Traveller

Oneika The Traveller

By:  Oneika Raymond

Oneika The Traveller   is an award-winning travel blog by journalist, keynote speaker, and media personality Oneika Raymond. 

For those who don’t know Oneika, she’s the on-air travel and lifestyle correspondent for CTV Canada and NBC New York. Even more impressively, her blog won her a gold medal in the 2018 SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism competition.

Oneika talks about travel destinations and her go-to tips for life on the road. With her experience in the field of journalism, she’s definitely one of the most engaging storytellers on this list.

  • Fashion and style while traveling
  • Traveling as a minority
  • Personal opinions
  • Social media marketing

32. The Adventurists

The Adventurists

By:  Tom Morgan

The Adventurists   is hands down one of the most well-designed travel blogs in this post. 

The blog proves that integrating tons of video content into one page doesn’t have to affect its loading speed. In fact, the site loads surprisingly fast despite having several video panels on the homepage.

I’m not going to delve too deeply into this technical feat. What I’m going to focus on, however, is the brilliant team behind The Adventurists. 

The site is founded by “Chief Idiot” — Tom Morgan. Apparently, most of the crazy ideas featured on the blog were his. 

Every page on the site reflects Morgan and his team’s wackiness and passion for great adventures. They do, host, and document daring outdoor activities on air, land, and sea — plus, a whole lot of charity.

Their audience can also participate in these activities, which can be held in various parts of the globe. The “Monkey Run,” for example, is an event where participants race through dirt trails on tiny bikes.

The bottom line is, it’s hard to come up with unique ideas that set you apart in the blogging landscape. The Adventurists, on the other hand, managed to do so multiple times. 

  • “The Adventures” events
  • The “Shop of Stuff”

33. Time Travel Turtle

Time Travel Turtle

By:  Michael Turtle

Time Travel Turtle   is created by Australian Journalist Michael Turtle. 

Michael was born to be a storyteller and he knew it from an early age. 

In school, he ran the student newsletter and contributed a weekly column. He also filled the role of deputy editor of a university newspaper. 

Time Travel Turtle’s contains mainly posts on the locations that Michael has visited over the years. 

Like most renowned travel bloggers, Michael captures amazing photos that travel enthusiasts can fall in love with. He puts some of these photos up for sale to companies who’d like to feature those locations or properties. 

Michael continues to explore the world as a digital nomad. He also shares practical travel tips so readers can experience these adventures themselves. 

  • Selling photography

34. Hand Luggage Only

Hand Luggage Only

By:  Yaya and Lloyd

Hand Luggage Only   is a hugely successful travel blog by couple Yaya and Lloyd. 

The site doles out travel advice, inspiration, photography tips, food reviews, and posts about must-see destinations. It also has a library of high-quality videos where Yaya and Lloyd describe their experiences in detail.  

Yaya and Lloyd started the blog in 2014 with a plan to share their travel stories with the world. Within a few hours, they published their first posts using photos they already took and edited. 

The moral of the story is, consider starting a blog if you already have a library of unused travel photos. 

35. Travel4Wildlife


By:  Christina Garcia and Hal Brindley 

It should only take anyone a second to figure out what  Travel4Wildlife   is all about. 

The blog is created by couple Christina Garcia and Hal Brindley out of their passion for wildlife. 

Hal is an experienced wildlife photographer for organizations like the Nature Conservancy Magazine, SEE Turtles, and RARE Conservation. Christina, on the other hand, is an experienced zoologist who worked on studies on wolves, cheetahs, and leopards. 

Travel4Wildlife’s goal is to increase awareness and increase the appreciation for wildlife. More importantly, it was Christina and Hal’s life goal to promote wildlife conservation through responsible tourism. 

Behind the scenes, the couple teams up to create compelling articles that focus on wildlife in specific destinations. The blog covers a range of species on different continents — from owls in South Africa to polar bears in Canada. 

  • Wildlife tour reviews
  • Responsible travel

36. The Insatiable Traveler

The Insatiable Traveler

By:  Susan Portnoy

Susan Portnoy, also called  The Insatiable Traveler   on her blog, is a seasoned travel writer and photographer. 

Susan’s last full-time job was VP of corporate communications at Condé Nast. When that door closed, she took on a freelancing career as she learned the art of photography. 

Fast forward a few years, and she has enough accolades to make photography degree holders envious. 

Her photographic works were featured by organizations like National Geographic and companies like Bing. She also won awards like the SATW Lowell Thomas Award and the 2018 Gold in the Muster Photo Competition. 

The main focal points of The Insatiable Traveler include destinations, cruises, photography, and travel gear. Susan also covers the safaris in various regions, like Tanzania, Namibia, and Kenya. 

37. View from the Wing

View From The Wing

By:  Gary Leff 

Just like Brett Snyder, Gary Leff of  View From The Wing   is an expert in all things air travel. 

Gary was named one of the “World’s Top Travel Experts” by Condé Nast Traveler since 2010. He also co-founded — a community made by and for frequent flyers.

View From The Wing is a goldmine of timeless tips on airline miles, credit cards, hotels, and business travel. No matter your sub-niche in travel, I recommend checking it out for ways to maximize your frequent flyer miles. 

Gary also publishes posts called “Trip Reports” about establishments, food, and various attractions. 

  • Hotel reviews
  • Credit cards

38. Uncornered Market

Uncornered Market

By:  Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott

Dan Noll and Audrey Scott are a pair of adventurers, storytellers, and tourism advisors who advocate for responsible traveling. 

They created  Uncornered Market   — a responsible tourism blog — after leaving their secure and stable lifestyle in Prague. Prior to that, they lived in San Francisco and took a leap of faith for the sake of avoiding regrets.  

It’s clear that both Dan and Audrey believed that fulfillment can’t be found within the confines of your comfort zone. They explored, made connections, and shared their experiences through their travel blog. 

Some of the topics you’ll find in Uncornered Market are about destinations, sustainable tourism, food, and trekking. Dan and Audrey also write about personal growth and experiential travel. 

Uncornered Market is also a tourism development and marketing consultancy company. They help travel companies, destinations, and tourism organizations build their brands and deliver their message to a wider audience. 

  • Responsible tourism
  • Tourism development and marketing consultancy services

39. Jessie on a Journey

Jessie on a Journey

By:  Jessica “Jessie” Festa

Like plenty of bloggers, Jessica Festa needed a taste of life before discovering her true calling. 

In her youth, Jessie traveled to mostly cruises in the Caribbean and road trips in North America. She also experienced being a sightseeing guide in New York. 

Jessie on a Journey   is the result of her pursuing her dreams of getting paid to do something she loves. She now blogs about being a solo female traveler, blogging it, and profiting off of it. 

I’m sure a lot of big-name bloggers are all too familiar with how Jessie made the blogging vision a reality.

For a long time, she felt that the workaday lifestyle isn’t for her. It made her feel like she’s living everyone else’s life — not the kind of life she wanted to keep. 

Despite the disapproval of loved ones, Jessie decided to quit her secure job in favor of being a travel blogger. 

She was just as unprepared as most people before starting their own blog. The key difference is, she went out there and took her first step. 

  • Travel blog consulting
  • Tour company consulting

40. Legal Nomads

Legal Nomads

By:  Jodi Ettenberg

Back when Jodi Ettenberg was in law school, she never would’ve guessed she’d run a successful travel and food business. 

That happens to a lot of people, especially those who never thought of giving priority to their passions. 

It’s just a hunch, but I think the name  Legal Nomads   had something to do with Jodi’s background in law. 

Legal Nomads highlights destinations and local cultures just as insightfully as other travel blogs. What makes it different is that Jodi focuses on local cuisines to experience and tell the stories of each destination. 

A huge part of Jodi’s blog is about wellness and gluten-free eating. She then utilized her knowledge and experience to create detailed restaurant cards, which travelers can use when visiting certain countries. 

  • Gluten-free restaurant cards
  • The Legal Nomads Shop

41. Indiana Jo

Indiana Jo

By:  Jo Fitzsimons

Like Jodi Ettenberg, Jo Fitzsimons also used to practice law before becoming a successful travel and lifestyle writer. 

Indiana Jo   started way back in 2010 where Jo can comfortably type away her thoughts and musings. Fed up with her full-time job, she went out to see the world as a digital nomad.

It wasn’t always smooth sailing for Indiana Jo, however. According to her, she thought about quitting the blog several times before finally realizing that it’s a lifetime thing. 

Jo writes about her travel experiences, destinations, wine, and food. She also shares travel planning tips along with a long list of content about topics that personally interest her. 

  • Travel health and safety

42. TravelFreak


By:  Jeremy Scott Foster

TravelFreak   is the brainchild of Jeremy Scott Foster who left America in the middle of a recession and to Australia. 

For a while, he racked up some savings as a traveling bartender. It took some time before he finally made the switch to be a digital nomad and online entrepreneur. 

Jeremy created the blog to help people create opportunities to achieve the fulfilling life they deserve. 

He writes about travel advice, destinations, gear, and ways to get your finances in order as you travel. This includes guides on how to land and keep a job abroad along with resources on reliable booking websites. 

I personally like the way Jeremy designed TravelFreak to provide the best possible user experience. Unlike a traditional layout, the site features a search bar so readers can jump right into the content they need.

TravelFreak has been featured in Forbes, National Geographic, The New York Times, and a few other big-name publications.   

43. The Everywhereist

The Everywhereist

By:  Geraldine DeRuiter

Before anything else, yes — that’s Rand Fishkin in the photo above. 

And yes, the next travel blogger on this list is Rand’s longtime sweetheart and wife. 

Geraldine DeRuiter was a former copywriter and went with Rand in his travels, which are often business-related. She then turned to the habit of documenting their travel experiences, which she described as “love letters” to her husband. 

Today, Geraldine works full-time on  The Everywhereist   — named by Time magazine as one of the best blogs in 2011. 

The Everywhereist contains posts about food and Geraldine’s travel experiences along with a comprehensive Philadelphia travel guide. The guide contains information on where to go, eat, shop, and stay. 

Geraldine also wrote a book called “All Over The Place.” It chronicles how she embraced her love for blogging after being laid off, which aspiring bloggers can draw inspiration from. 

  • All Over The Place book sales

44. Keep Calm and Travel

Keep Calm and Travel

By:  Clelia Mattana

Keep Calm and Travel   is a travel blog created by serial traveler Clelia Mattana. 

Ever since she was 19, Clelia is a certified sea lover and globetrotter. But like many travel bloggers, she was given a choice between a secure job and the traveling lifestyle. 

Clelia’s finalized her choice when she bought a one-way ticket to Asia. She then created Keep Calm and Travel to send a simple message:

“No matter what your age is, or your budget, or status, you can travel and live your life on your own terms.”

The blog’s topics include destinations across continents, photography, and travel gear. She also has a dedicated page for Sardinia, which is one of her absolute favorite travel destinations.

45. Practical Wanderlust

Practical Wanderlust

By:  Lia and Jeremy Garcia

Lia and Jeremy Garcia, who aptly labeled themselves a “travel couple” on Instagram, are the minds behind  Practical Wanderlust .  

Jeremy is a film degree holder whose passions include writing and directing. He also became a high school teacher who taught filmmaking and digital media art.

Lia, on the other hand, has a fashion design and apparel merchandising degree. She took on roles in corporate merchandising before becoming a business systems analyst. 

Why did I tell you all this? Simple: I want you to know what the pair had to give up pursuing their dreams of traveling. 

Practical Wanderlust’s goal is to help other people enjoy travel in the most realistic and sensible approach possible. The blog is filled with detailed content on planning memorable trips on a budget, where to go, and staying safe.   

Lia and Jeremy also host their own podcast, which is available on Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. 

  • Coaching and mentoring services
  • Sponsored podcast episodes

46. Expert Vagabond

Expert Vagabond

By:  Matthew “Matt” Karsten

Matthew Karsten, AKA the  Expert Vagabond , has been a travel blogger, photographer, and digital nomad for nine years.

He talks about budget travel tips, destinations, travel photography, and strategies to make the digital nomadic life work. 

Matt is a business degree holder who spent time freelancing as a nightlife and event photographer. While he admits it was fun, he knew that he wants and deserves something more. 

After a year of downsizing his life, eating homemade food, selling eBooks, and saving every penny, he was ready. He set out to obtain a different kind of wealth — that which is made with adventures and experiences.

  • Nomadic living

47. The Voyageur

The Voyageur

By:  Pauline Chardin

Pauline Chardin is a France-based fashion designer, photographer, and art director. 

She always had a soft spot for travel — driven by her appreciation for picturesque architecture, landscapes, and good food. She started  The Voyageur   to help people view the world through her voice and eyes. 

The Voyageur is a simple, yet aesthetic website achieved through Pauline’s incredible photography skills. Apart from itineraries and posts about hotels, food, art, and architecture, the site also has a sizeable photo gallery.

Images are accompanied by a brief article that describes the destination’s history and Pauline’s thoughts and emotions during her visit. I’m not sure what it is, but there’s something about this content format that’s truly engaging and relaxing. 

  • Art and architecture

48. Amateur Traveler

Amateur Traveler

By:  Chris Christensen

Don’t be fooled by the name —  Amateur Traveler   is by no means run by an amateur.

Chris Christensen is a skilled photographer, travel writer, and podcast host. The site also utilizes a long list of monetization strategies that I believe every blogger should learn. 

True, he wasn’t the most experienced traveler when he started the blog. Before he created Amateur Traveler, he was a full-time EVP of engineering and operations for a company based in Silicon Valley. 

In his defense, he grew up in a family that traveled a lot to national parks in a trailer. He also learned a lot of foreign languages, which he believes is a window into understanding and embracing different cultures. 

Amateur Traveler discusses destinations, travel budgeting, planning, gear, and booking. The site also features a weekly podcast on the top destinations around the world. 

  • Amateur Traveler Shop powered by Etsy
  • Podcast advertisements
  • Social media and content marketing consulting services
  • Content writing services
  • Paid guest posts

49. Girl Eat World

Girl Eat World

By:  Melissa Hie

Melissa Hie is the “Girl” in  Girl Eat World  — a name that encapsulates what the whole blog is all about. 

You see, Melissa’s three passions are food, travel, and storytelling. She started the blog in 2015 as a digital diary for herself and friends who need travel tips. 

Prior to her blog’s success, she amassed quite a following on Instagram. This springboarded her blogging career, which she put in the back burner after focusing on her full-time career.

Girl Eat World is essentially a compendium of Melissa’s travel stories and travel planning guides. She also has an iconic style of capturing Instagram posts, which must be seen to be appreciated. 

50. The Adventure Junkies

The Adventure Junkies

By:  Antonio Cala and Amanda Zeisset

The Adventure Junkies   is definitely not your average travel blog. 

It’s not just about the travel stories of founders Antonio Cala and Amanda Zeisset. Upon visiting the blog for the first time, you’ll realize that it’s all about the community the blog has built. 

New visitors are encouraged to join “ Summit ” — a free community for people who seek adventures through travel and outdoor activities. There, members can connect, plan events, share posts, ask questions, form groups, and discuss anything related to travel. 

The Adventure Junkies also compile guides and resources about outdoor activities like diving, kayaking, mountain biking, and snowboarding. There’s also a section for visitors who’d like to learn about outdoor and underwater photography.

Antonio and Amanda started The Adventure Junkies as a personal blog about their three years of cycling. Over time, their readers began asking questions on how they can plan their own adventures. 

The couple then realized that they need to create something more than a personal blog. As such, they transformed The Adventure Junkies as a one-stop shop for adventurists.  

  • The Adventure Junkies Store
  • Paid digital guides

51. A Broken Backpack Travel Blog

A Broken Backpack

By:  Melissa Giroux

Melissa Giroux used to be a social worker who only traveled once a year. 

Melissa created  A Broken Backpack   a year after her journey in the Canadian Rockies — hitch-hiking from point A to B. She continued working on her blog as a creative outlet while working on a farm in Australia. 

It didn’t take long before A Broken Backpack’s popularity gained momentum and gave Melissa a new frontier. 

The website contains crucial tips on travel gear, budgeting, destinations, and the life of a digital nomad. Melissa also put together in-depth guides on travel blogging, moving to another country as an expat, and backpacking.

  • SEO eBook on Nomad Life 101

52. The World Travel Guy

travel topics for blog

By : David Leiter

David Leiter is an American travel blogger currently based in Bali, Indonesia, with his wife Intan (who’s a Bali local).

They travel around the world and try to document the most scenic destinations by creating articles, photos, videos, and guides for other travelers.

David runs  The World Travel Guy , an adventure travel blog that he started when he was a solo traveler, but now covers their travels around the globe as a couple.

In total, they’ve visited dozens of countries, while also checking off some bucket list adventures like a Komodo dragon safari in Indonesia, the Mount Everest Base Camp trek in Nepal, and a bunch of world monuments like the Angkor Wat and Taj Mahal.

  • Adventure Travel
  • Destination Guides
  • Budget Tips
  • Travel Photography
  • Drone Videos
  • Affiliate Partnerships
  • Display Advertisements
  • Sponsored Trips
  • YouTube Videos

53. Life Part 2

Life Part 2

By:  Jonathan Look Jr. and Sarah Wilson

The last blog on this list that your best life can start at any time you choose. 

Let me tell you the story behind  Life Part 2   and the people behind it.

Jonathan Look Jr. and Sarah Wilson are both happy retirees with a simple mantra: “don’t waste your retirement.”

To them, retirement isn’t about being comfortable and secure. Rather, it’s all about the freedom to listen to your heart and follow where it takes you. 

Jonathan and Sarah met in Chiang Mai, Thailand where they both agreed to see the world as a couple. 

Life Part 2 is a mix of all things travel. At times, there’ll be a post about remote destinations and backpacking, and at other times, the theme is luxury travel. 

You will, however, notice that the content topics on the blog often revolve around retirement, minimalism, and travel. 

Planning to go on your own travel adventures? Perhaps you’re thinking of starting your very own travel blog?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a case of wanderlust or the desire to be a travel blogger yourself. 

The list above has some of the best travel blogs ever created. They can provide you with ideas and inspiration for your next trip or first-ever travel blog post. 

If you think I missed a great travel blog that everyone should read, let me know in the comments below. Good luck!

Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting us.

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Ankit Singla

Ankit Singla is a full-time blogger, YouTuber, author, and public speaker. He founded and leads Master Blogging . With over 13 years of blogging expertise, he has assisted numerous aspiring bloggers in achieving their dreams of creating successful blogs.

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  • 11 Best Blog Topic Research Tools (Free and Paid) + Tutorial
  • 7 Best Keyword Research Chrome Extensions for Bloggers
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171 Helpful Travel Blog Ideas [You Need to Use in 2023]

travel blog ideas

Are you aware you will need travel blog ideas quite soon?

These travel blog ideas are timely.

Not too long ago, traveling was popular, and many people prepared for vacations months in advance. Ukrainian brides planned honeymoons in exotic destinations like the Maldives and Tokyo; students took gap years to visit other countries, and musicians went on elaborate world tours. The travel industry was lucrative and many people invested their resources in it.

Nowadays, the story is different as international tourism has come to a grinding halt. Travel bloggers and vloggers are struggling to create valuable content for their audience, and people in long-distance relationships are bearing the brunt of having to stay apart for extended periods.

When asked, people expressed they miss traveling more than anything since they began staying home.

If you occupy the travel and tourism industries, income has been scarce as tourists are less likely to part with their money.

Even if they wanted to travel, cruise industries haven’t afforded them the opportunity.

Are things changing? Will travel bloggers be more in demand as tourists resume traveling?

I asked experts to offer travel blog ideas. This article shares the results of the interview. Eighteen experts offer travel blog name ideas and travel blog post ideas in this guide.

Even when people know they want to blog about travel blog ideas, they don’t know enough travel blog topic s to write about.

Let’s dive in and learn travel blog ideas like travel blog names and travel blog topics.

Travel Content Ideas: Inspiration

travel blog ideas

From Reddit

“So I am currently 21 and am thinking of making a blog about what I learned in art school, good food places I’ve tried in NYC, lost history, and just cool things I’ve learned in my life.”

I offered him these travel blog ideas:

Publish a blog about New York. Travel blogs are going to be needed again. I have a friend who blogs about New York. She’s been blogging for years. You could do the history of New York, food places in New York, museums in New York…

Travel Blog Ideas

Blogger, Traveler, and Transportation Expert Responds:

Looking for Travel Blog Ideas

Travel Blog Idea #1: Write about what to wear when you’re there.  Traveling often involves visiting climates you aren’t necessarily accustomed to. Whether you’re dealing with chilly weather, balmy temperatures, or a constantly shifting climate, it pays to prepare.

You can devote a series of blog posts about what essential clothes one needs to pack before heading to specific destinations, detailing the right materials to wear and, in some cases, how to layer them properly.

2. Give your readers tips about how to be worldly.  Most regions of the world have customs that may be entirely unfamiliar to travelers. Consider educating readers about the right and wrong things to do when visiting certain places. Tips can include just the right thing to say after a meal and common gestures visitors often don’t realize are disrespectful. 

3 . Psst – Let your audience in on the best time to fly.  Airfare is a weird and fickle thing, but tips and timing tricks can help flyers nab the best rates. Research best practices and compile a list of the most helpful advice for your readers.

Source of Travel Blog Ideas:

Jonathan Frey, Urban Bikes Direct

Travel Blog Idea #4: Best Hotels in (Insert Location Here): Most people that are planning to travel will definitely be looking for good hotels to stay in. Writing blog posts about hotels in a particular location can be a great way of generating more traffic as it not only adds value to your blog but it’s also a good keyword to rank for. Posts like “The 10 Best Luxury Hotels in Cinque Terri”  or “ best resorts and hotels in Orlando ” can be great additions to your blog.

5 . Best Time To Visit (Insert Location Here): There’s always an ideal time to visit a certain location and writing posts about them can be great for your blog. Your post can include information about the prices and availability of hotels, flights, local temperatures, and peak seasons.

6 . The Full Camping Guide of (Insert Location here): Camping is very popular among travelers and blog posts regarding camping in locations around the globe can be great content for your blog. An extensive camping blog for certain locations will add more value and traffic.

7. 1 Hour To Explore (Insert Location Here): Many people like to explore a certain region while in transit between 2 countries, giving them only a few hours or minutes to explore what they can. A blog post telling them about what to visit first if travelers only have an hour can be a very successful addition to your blog.

Kevin Mercier,

Travel Blog Idea #8 : Include your niche in your travel blog name. When picking a name, make sure the name includes the niche you are in. I made this mistake.

For example, my website is “Brit on The Move”. It should include “travels” or “travel” but it’s too late for that now on this blog. However, it’s forced me into a branding situation. AKA, no one is searching for “Brit on the Move”. So, I have little chance of hitting the SEO charts on my name alone.

Related Reading: Driving Tips for Brits in Orlando, Florida

9. Make sure your travel blog name is available. When picking a name, make sure it’s available on all social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

10. Your blog name and social media names really need to match . If not, they should be the acronym of your name.

11. Check for trademarks. Even when you get to the point of picking a name, it must be available everywhere – and have no trademarks.

Note: I have not vetted these travel blog ideas out. However, if I were doing it again – I would start here:

12. Travel with (insert name)

13. Travels with (insert name)

14. On the road with (insert name)

15. In the air with (insert name)

16. Traveling with (insert name)

17. Vacation with (insert name)

18. Vacationing with (insert name)

19. Travel tales from (insert name)

20. Travel tales with (insert name)

21. Travel tips with (insert name)

22 . Travel tips from (insert name)

Nikki Webster ,

Old is good; alone is (sometimes) better than with a group.

Travel Blog Idea #23 : Scenic train rides across the country- they have an old vibe to them that’s just adorable for some folks.

24. Touristy things to do at night- see the difference between same places at day and night

25 . Things to do alone in a big city- this can be a list of things where two is one person too many.

Nikola Roza ,

Travel President’s Travel Blog Ideas

Here are my travel blog ideas:

Travel Blog Idea #26 : Look for alternative ways to celebrate major holidays.  Many travelers to Mexico in May don’t realize that Cinco de Mayo isn’t a major holiday in the country. It is, however, a respected cultural holiday in Puebla, the city where the battle Cinco de Mayo commemorates took place.

I’ve seen many ‘partying on the beach in Mexico for Cinco de Mayo’ blog posts, but fewer that discuss the speeches, parades,  and other events in Tulum . Essentially, you’re taking something people are interested in, and finding alternative locations and events to differentiate your blog.

27. Video is king.  Great photos and well-written content are the staples of travel blogging, but you should always be upgrading your video game. Better equipment, upskilling in Adobe or Apple video-making products, lighting, and sound. There’s a LOT to learn with video, and nothing screams ‘amateurish’ like blurry travel footage taken selfie-style from your smartphone.

Related: You can make videos with the Instasize app. Instasize is free to use.

28. Collaborate.  Always be on the lookout for other travel bloggers who’d enjoy your expertise, insights, and content sharing. Backlink building is just as important for travel bloggers as it is for big businesses. What’s more, as travel bloggers, there’s a strong chance you’ll meet each other on the road and come up with a stellar co-marketing opportunity your audiences will love.

Dwight Zahringer,

Content Marketer Sharing Travel Blog Ideas

My travel blog ideas:

Travel Blog Idea #29 : Cover popular travel locations with a no BS philosophy.  This means sharing your traveling experiences straight-up, and discussing how things really are. I believe a lot of people are tired of reading idealistic travel blogs, and they would gladly read something realistic. It doesn’t necessarily have to be bad, but you need to maintain the reputation of staying real with your blogging.

This will also help you come up with a good blog name and a unique marketing position. From my experience as an online marketer, the search engines are slowly but surely gravitating towards facts and actual data compared to idealistic posts. It’s a bold idea for the bold ones.

Aaron Haynes,

Travel Blog Name

Travel Blog Ideas #30: I have an idea about the name of your blog. What do you think about “The Traveler”? I had checked over the Internet and understood that this name isn’t commonly used. However, if we are talking about naming and branding, this name of the blog is really good. It’s easy-to-remember and personality-oriented.

31. It’s very important in blog naming to choose the name, which will be associated with a person who is a friend for others, and has got some experience in the area. 

Travel Blog Topics

32. How to make your hitchhiking more comfortable.

33. Best places where you can meet celebrities.

34. The most expensive and the cheapest places of… (country).

35. How to travel during the pandemic.

36. How much does life cost in Bali (other countries)?

37. How to combine traveling and work.

38. How to travel more and spend less.

Source of Travel Blog Ideas

Marianna, Tiktal.Co

Traveling is something that everyone loves, and it becomes even more special when you plan it with your loved ones.

Here are some of the best travel blog topics and ideas:

39. Beauty and fashion – What you have to wear, and how are you planning for beauty? (This suggestion is especially for females because they are giving very importance to these things. This beauty is for anything like a face, hair, skin, etc.) 40. Packing list – Must carry packing list while traveling anywhere. (This could be the best and most important thing to describe in detail which things you have to carry with your traveling for any place.) 41. Travel Experiences – My best ultimate experience while traveling at XYZ… (Every travel journey has its own experience, and it will be good to share it with the world.)


Travel Insider

Travel Blog Idea #42: A good travel blog name can be “Traveler Insider.” One of the reasons why the name is good is because the blog will be giving detailed information about the locations and how to travel to the locations.

43. The first thing that the blog should do is try to change the idea that traveling has to be expensive and extravagant. People should be able to travel on a budget and still have fun. The blog should try to show some of the locations that people might travel to, learn about the culture of the place, and have fun on a budget.

44. The second idea is to have the blog provider detailed information on how to access the various requirements for each location people might travel to. The blog should have inside information on permits , legal issues, and charges travelers will have to pay on the trip.

45. The other idea is to act as marketing for destinations and countries not known by many. The information might be impactful to help people travel to the countries due to the information presented on the “Traveller Insider.”

Alina Clark,

Travel blog ideas

Travel Blog Name Ideas :

Travel Blog Idea #46: The Wild Traveler

47. Your Path Finder

48. One Way to There

49. Buckle Up

50. Destination Brainstorm  

51. As you generate the blog name ideas, check on what you will be providing more apart from just a catchy name. It should rhyme with the content you will be providing.

52. What You Should Wear When Travelling in Wet Areas

53. Top 10 Summer Destinations in 2021

54. Why Your Health is Important as You Travel

55. Tips to Enjoy a Game Drive

56. Best Camera for Traveling

57. Best Camping Sites in Africa (Include other places)

58. How to Travel to Different Countries on a Budget

59. The Most Luxurious Hotels to Enjoy a Vacation 

Source of Travel Blog Ideas :

Harriet Chan,

Here is a list of travel blog names:

Travel Blog Idea #60 : Roam Rover

61 . The Itinerant

62. Float and Coast

63. Crazy Nomads

64. Hand-Carry only

65. A Mother’s Guide to Travel

66. Traveling and Parenting

Some of the travel blog topics ideas can be :

67. How to pack when backpacking

68. Modes of transport during traveling

69 . How to use credit cards to your advantage during traveling

70. Accommodation guides- Hitchhiker’s guide to Hitchhiking

71. Weekend traveling


Travel Blog Idea #72 : Your blog name should be catchy and define your brand.

73. The name you choose should be easy to remember and not too wordy.

74. Pick names like Fascinating Places or Cheap Travel to catch the audience and also explain what you do best.

75. With social media taking control, always make sure that your blog name is available.

76. Make sure your blog name falls under the character limits of various social media handles.

77. SEO should be taken into consideration before finalizing your brand name.

78 . Remember to always look for places that offer the most material to write and explore new places that are yet unexplored.

Some of the topics are:

79. The Long Way Home: A road trip is the best category, to begin with as there are several ways you can plan to do so, and it also offers the most variation.

80. The Harry Potter Way: There is nothing better than enjoying the scenery while relaxing on a train. With breathtaking views, a train ride remains a classic medium of travel.

81. Canine Companion: A dog is a man’s best friend, and trust us, you will enjoy every moment of your trip when you’re with your loyal sidekick and when he is not with you, book a stay that looks after his needs.

Caroline Lee, /

Writer on Travel Blog Ideas

How to Get Others Bitten by the Travel Bug

Travel blog ideas to inspire those with itchy feet:

Travel Blog Idea 82: 5 Fool-Proof Ways to Save Money for Travel

83. Our Guide to the Top Budget Destinations Around the World

84. A Minimalist’s Guide to Packing

85. Essentials for a Long-Haul Flight

86. 7 Pieces of Advice for Solo Travelers 

87. How to Be a Tourist In Your Own City

Jordan McDowell,

Travel Blog Ideas and Tips

Travel Blog Idea 88. Nail your niche  The travel blogging world is competitive, and you’ll have the best chance of success if you define a clear niche for your blog. Rather than writing about every topic under the sun, come up with a clear focus for your blog. 

For example, you could focus on camping across the U.S., luxury travel in Europe, or the best travel gear for digital nomads. Try to establish yourself as an expert in your niche, and you can always expand your focus in the future. 

Not only will this approach help you position yourself as an authority or go-to person in your niche, but it will also help your articles rank better on Google. In other words, defining a clear niche is good for search engine optimization (SEO).

89 . Ditch the cliches  When coming up with a name for your blog, some common words probably come to mind, like vagabond, wanderer, wanderlust, adventure, and nomad.

But a lot of these words have been done to death by travel bloggers. It will be tough to stand out if you go with a name that’s similar to everyone else.

90. Use a blog name generator. Spend some time brainstorming a unique name for your travel blog. You can use blog name generators online to help in the brainstorming process. Try to come up with something catchy, unique, and no more than three or four words.

91. Avoid boxing yourself in with a name that won’t age well.  For instance, if you start a blog called Twenty-Something Traveler, what will you do when you turn 30? Or if you go with something like My Travels in Spain, you’ll be boxed in if you want to expand into another country. 

92. Adapt to today’s climate.  Travel and travel blogging is looking a whole lot different due to Covid-19. But even though travel is down, it will surely pick up again as more and more people get vaccinated. 

93. In the meantime, find out what people’s priorities are when it comes to travel now. Maybe they’re looking more for cabins or other accommodations where they can socially distance themselves from people. Maybe they care more about airlines with flexible cancellation policies or thorough cleaning practices.

Rebecca Safier,

Roaming and Rooming: 3 Travel Blog Ideas To Try

Blogs can help less experienced travelers when they are out on a trip. As an avid traveler, I love sharing my travel experiences through blogging. This not only showcases the beauty of the destination, but it can also give fellow travelers an idea of what to try.

Try these ideas:

Travel Blog Idea 94: Top 10 places that are friendly to first-time travelers

95. Best places to stay in this city

96. What to pack for your trip to this city

George Mouratidis,

40 Travel Content & Blog Post Ideas for 2021

Blog Travel Idea 97: How to Earn Money While Traveling?

98. TOP Things to Do in Amazon Jungle

99. Most Famous Festivals Of India You Must Experience

100.  Top 10 Places to Visit in the World

101. The Best Restaurants in the World

102. Top Adventure Travel Destinations

103. The Best Countries to Visit in the World

104. Top Cheapest Countries to Visit

105.   Top Most Beautiful Places to Visit Before You Die

106. The Best Mountains To Climb Around The World

107. Must Eat Foods From Around the World

108. The World’s Most Beautiful Waterfalls to Visit

109.   The Top Must Visit Island Destinations in the World

110. Top Cities in the World to Visit

111. The Best Deserts In The World To Visit

112. Safe Places To Travel During COVID-19 Pandemic

113. Travel & Safety Tips to Know Before You Go

114. Safari Packing List: 10 Things You Must Pack for Your Safari

115. Simple Tips to Learn Spanish in 3 Months

116 . The Best Volcanoes to Visit in the World

117. The Most Beautiful Lakes in the World You Must Visit

118. Best Beaches In The World To Visit

119. Most Beautiful Rivers in the World to Visit

120. Things to Do with Kids

121. The Most Beautiful Haunted Destinations Around the World

122. The 10 Best Restaurants in the World to Visit

123. Things to Do in France 2021

124. Best Water Parks Around the World

125. The Top Resorts Around the World Places To See In Your Lifetime

126. BEST Places to Travel on a Budget in 2021

127. How to Travel Free

128. Ways to Travel During a Pandemic

129.   How to Not Get Bored on Long Travel Days

130. The Top Photography Destinations Around the World

131. Best Destinations for Couples

132. Tips for Booking a Cheap Flight

133. How to Stay Safe When Traveling Solo

134 . Places to Visit in Summer in the USA

135. Best Countries for Hiking in the World

136. Best Places To Visit With Your Friends in 2021

137. Top Places To Visit With Your Family in 2021

Ritika Kadiya,

More Travel Blog Ideas

138. Read travel blogs. As someone who loves to travel, I also love reading travel blogs because I get to know and learn about a lot of different places, cultures, and adventures through reading travel blogs.

With the help of various travel bloggers’ stories, I get a lot of tips that I am sure will come in handy in case I go on a trip. Travel is one of the most popular blogging niches out there. It is also one of the best blogging niches to earn money . 

If you are planning to start your own travel blog, but do not know where to start, here are a few travel blog ideas for you:

139. Traveling through public transport. A lot of travelers or tourists use public transportation during their trips or vacations. That is why one good travel blog idea is sharing tips on how to get around a place through public transport. Also, you can share what you think are the best public transportation options.

140. Introduce your city or locality. Another travel blog idea is to write about a place you are very familiar with, your city or locality. You can introduce or share to travelers or tourists the places they can visit, what food they can eat, or the activities they can try in your city or locality.

141. Traveling on a budget. You can also write about budget-friendly trips or destinations. Share tips on how someone can make the most of their trip without having to spend too much. This is a good travel blog idea because who wouldn’t want or say no to a budget-friendly trip?

Martin Seeley ,

Travel Blog Ideas for Travel Bloggers

Please find my travel blog ideas below:

Travel Blog Idea 142: How to discover off-the-beaten-path spots that only the locals know. 

143. What does the future of tourism look like? Key things to consider on your next trip.

144 . Reasons why you should try slow travel.

Cristina, Travel Blogger at

More Travel Blog Ideas:

Travel Blog Idea #145: Conduct Research. As a frequent traveler myself, I’ve always made it important to conduct research on the important customs and laws of the places I’m going to along with the activities and accommodations I can enjoy and check out while I’m there.

146. Showcase the beauty and traditions of the place . This will help travelers have a good time.

Simon Elkjær,

Ireland’s Outer Realms

Travel blog ideas

Travel Blog Idea #147: Be Descriptive .

Here is an example from Donnegal Sea Stacks Climbing :

“Imagine descending 250m sea cliffs to arrive at outstandingly beautiful storm beaches in the most remote and atmospheric locations in Ireland.

We then launch from the shore to cross the open ocean to land at the bases of towering monsters of immaculate rock. We then climb these towers of rock to arrive on pristine pinpoint summits far from anywhere in the real world.

Travel Blog Ideas

Standing on a pinpoint summit over 100m above the ocean, 500m from the nearest point of land, and 20KM from the nearest main road can easily be described as a truly spiritual experience.”  

Source of Travel Blog Ideas and Images

Iain Miller ,

Expert Real Estate Blogger on Travel Blogging Ideas

My Rental Home  is a blog that educates travelers on how they can beautify their rental homes at a low-cost without any invasive tools. The blogger can maximize revenue by recommending material that their readers can use using an affiliate link.

Here are three potential blog ideas:

Travel Blog Idea #148: Top 5 Compact Decors You Can Bring Anywhere  

149. How to Set-up a Gallery Wall Without Using Nails and Hammer

150. Why Change the Lighting in Your Rental Home? 

Marina Vaamonde,

“Spooky Spots” for Paranormal Tourism

Here’s a name I recommend for a niche blog: Spooky Spots.  

Spooky Spots can be a niche blog that deals with paranormal tourism. It features haunted places, spooky destinations, or supernatural sightings.

I’ll expand on the three travel blog ideas in detail:

Travel Blog Idea #151: For haunted places, bloggers can feature infamous places like hotels where many ghost sightings and murders took place. 

152. For spooky destinations, these could be any place with an eerie backstory that never fails to raise any passersby’s hairs. 

153. For supernatural sightings, it will narrate stories that can’t be explained by science or logic. 

Stephen Light,

Travel Blog Idea 154: Niche Down to Grow Faster as a New Site Start a site around something that you already have a lot of domain knowledge in. This could be a travel blog that’s filled with advice and travel tips for your home base or somewhere that you travel to on a regular basis.

As Google updates keep rolling out, it’s clear that Google is caring more and more about the authority you have in a given subject and how relevant the topics on your blog are to one another. It’s very hard to just have a general travel blog these days, you really have to niche down in a topic that you know well and that you have first-hand knowledge of. 

155. Use Keyword Research to Find a Different Perspective to Go After . The travel blog industry has been saturated for some time, which means it’s important to find a different angle to write about the topics that everyone else (who is probably more authoritative than you) is writing about.

If you’re a new blog, try to go after keywords that are focused on smaller destinations that aren’t being written about by larger publications, or find a different angle on popular keywords like “things to do in x city”.

Maybe you could start a site that targets “unique” things to do in x city, or things to do in x city for literary nerds, or a site that’s just about RV travel for popular road trip keywords like Route 66 or The Pacific Coast Highway. Find an angle that not many other people are going after and that aligns with your expertise, like discovering hidden gems along the way or providing tips on buying and renovating used RVs , and dominate it.

Related Reading: There are many keyword tools like Ubersuggest and free tools like Ubersuggest alternatives .

156. Pick a Name That is Niche-Relevant But Also Reminds You of Why You Love Travel in the First Place.  Your blog name should be something that reminds you of your love for traveling and, of course, something that’s related to your niche.

For me, my travel blog name was based on a song that reminded me of traveling and the word “Atlas” was unique enough to be memorable since not many other blogs were using it in their blog name. Many people choose to go the first name route, where their blog is a travel-related adjective like “adventurous” + their name. At this point, it’s a bit overdone and probably shouldn’t be your first pick for a blog name.

157. Instead, think of a phrase, a song, or a noun that reminds you of travel in your own unique way and that works well with your niche.

158. Sometimes just spending a day playing around with different combinations of words and adjectives gives you clear insight into a name that would be perfect for your travel blog. 

Mimi McFadden,

Plane Hopper

When it comes to an increasingly competitive niche, finding a unique approach to help set you apart can definitely be challenging.

If I were to start one, I’d definitely look into these two different angles:

Travel Blog Idea #159. How To Travel Without.. . Not just without money but you can do something like “How to Travel Alone” or “How To Travel Without Credit” or something like that to get people more involved since you have something hindering you.

160. Where Should You Travel To? A quiz! Create a quiz that asks people a set of questions and based on their answers (generally should take into account only one). Guide them to a particular thing. This could be affiliate products or a CPA offer that pays you for referring clients that are looking to fly to somewhere for fun!

After the quiz, they can become “the Wanderer” or “the Sophisticated” or “the EasyGoer” or something like that, and based on their behavior, you can give them a travel solution!

Martina Cooper,

Eating The World

Travel Blog Idea #161 : A great idea for a travel blog is to go around the world searching for the best food in that particular area. Sure, everyone tastes the food when they go somewhere but actively searching for the origins of food and for those really local places that most tourists do not see would give people a lot of great insights into the food of each country.

Authenticity is something you could offer. You could call the blog ‘Eating The World, One City At A Time’. 

Thomas Fultz,

Travel Blogging Tips

Be intentional from day one of your travel blogging journey.

Travel Blog Idea #162 : Remember SEO. When you are considering starting a blog, SEO might mean zilch to you, but essentially it is the breadcrumbs we leave Google to help it to understand our sites and help us rank on Google search .

It’s worth considering what terms you want to rank for on Google before even choosing your blog name. If you can include a relevant keyword within your blog title that you would like to be known for, it will help you down the line. 

So for example, if you want to write about luxury travel, it would be worth getting the word luxury into your blog name which will help you to rank for terms related to luxury travel down the track. So for example, a good luxury travel blog might be ‘Luxury Explorista.’ It’s still a fun and quirky name but contains that all-important keyword you want to be known for.  

If you were planning to specialise in road trip travel, you could look for a name containing a keyword like ‘van life’ so, for example, something like ‘Van Life With A View.’ 

163. Write closely related content. If you are someone who enjoys variety, niching down can feel restrictive. However, the fastest way to teach Google and your readers what your blog is about is to write lots of closely related content on one topic.

This lets your audience understand that you are an expert on that topic. Not niching down is probably one of the most commonly made amateur blogging mistakes. Therefore consider what type of travel are you most knowledgeable and passionate about.

164. Great travel niches :

  • Luxury travel 
  • Budget travel 
  • Solo travel 
  • Adventure travel 
  • Family travel 
  • Travel photography 
  • Location-specific travel 
  • RV travel 

165. Know Your Target Audience. Before writing any articles, the most important thing is to understand who you are writing for. This will help you to deliver better content, grow your blog traffic faster and monetize much sooner.

166. Think of your blog as a tool to facilitate problem-solving . But before you solve your audience’s problems, you need to understand them. So spend some time thinking about your ideal reader or ‘avatar.’

Think about what their goals are, what roadblocks they have, and find ways to solve those roadblocks. This is the way to grow a loyal fanbase. 

For example, if you have a solo travel blog, your audience might be thinking about planning their first trip abroad and a problem might be worrying about safety on their own.

You can solve these problems by writing about your personal experiences, writing about countries and locations which are safer for solo travelers or write accommodation guides for safer areas of town.

This can also help you to decide what products to promote with affiliate links when you are ready to monetize. Like for example, in this case, theft-proof luggage or an online self-defense course could make that ideal reader feel safer and help them book that first trip alone! 

Leanne Scott,

Uncharted Territory

167. You have to be unique. Go to places that aren’t talked about as much. Everyone has something to say about NYC or London, but not many people talk about certain areas in Russia or rural areas in Wales.

168. Look on the outskirts. While in or around a popular location, it may be wise to look just outside of the main hub to see what beauty and hidden gems lie right on the border. There may be something there that becomes a new hotspot.

169. Change your angle. If you do want to talk about those big names, try to find different things to talk about or look at things from a different angle. In New York, everyone talks about Central Park and Times Square, but maybe there’s something else there. A lot of movies are filmed in New York, maybe you could write a blog from different places seen in those?’

Will Hatton,

Final Travel Blog Ideas

Travel Blog Idea #170: Use social media . To find like-minded bloggers, use Facebook groups . Type “travel blogs + groups” into the Facebook search bar.

The Girls LOVE Travel Facebook Group is one of the biggest groups on Facebook. The group has over one million members. Here is the link to Girls Love Travel where you can request to join.

171. Emulate travel blog ideas that work . Look at sites like Cruise Critic has an Alexa Ranking of 30,507 which means there are only 30,507 websites in the world better than Cruise Critic.

Janice Wald,

Travel Blog Ideas Update

After publication, I took these travel blog ideas and entered them into a Wordcloud.

Travel Blog Ideas

Now you can see the travel blog ideas that are the most prominent in the travel experts’ responses.

I made the image a camera since many of the experts discussed travel photography.

Travel Blog Ideas: Frequently Asked Questions

What should a travel blog include.

A travel blog should include a unique name with a keyword that might rank on search engines, recommendations and reviews of places at the travel spots, and images.

Wrapping Up: Travel Blog Ideas

In conclusion, this post shared 171 travel blog ideas helpful to travel bloggers who want to write about traveling. These tips are also helpful for travel bloggers who already write about traveling but suffer from Writer’s Block.

Did you see any commonalities in the tips? I did. Several of the experts interviewed shared you need a niche. Many of the travel blog ideas focused on the importance of the travel blog name.

Even if the travel industry has not made a complete recovery yet, blogging requires planning ahead.

Thanks to this A to Z guide, you can start your content planning for when the travel market experiences surging growth.

Readers, please share so travel bloggers learn these timely travel blog ideas, so they can plan ahead.

I look forward to your views in the comments section. Do you know any travel blog ideas you can add to the list?

Janice Wald Mostly Blogging

Janice Wald is the founder of and co-founder of the Mostly Blogging Academy. She is an ebook author, blogger, blogging coach, blogging judge, freelance writer, and speaker. She won the Best Internet Marketer Award and the Best Blogger Award at the 2021 Infinity Blog Awards. Wald was also nominated as 2019 Best Internet Marketer by the Infinity Blog Awards and in 2017 as the Most Informative Blogger by the London Bloggers Bash. She’s been featured on Small Business Trends, the Huffington Post, and Lifehack.

This post was made possible by the support of our readers.


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These really get the creative juices flowing Janice. Tweeting. Sometimes, all travel bloggers need is a little nudge to be more creative. Scan a bunch of helpful titles and your prolific nature expands. Neat how that works.

' src=

Hi Ryan, Great to see you. Since you are a travel blogger, I appreciate you coming by with these tips. Your idea to scan titles is a good one. I heard a head copywriter required his staff to study successful headlines in order to replicate their success. Thanks for commenting. Janice

' src=

Thanks for sharing, it is really informative. As I love travelling and thought of writing the travel blog .

Do you currently blog? Have fun with it. Blogging is amazing. Thank you for writing to tell me. Janice

' src=

Amazing experience. The tour guide was so lovely and approachable, we saw a lot on our way and it was a nice way to meet people. The first night is a beautiful hotel with a pool and the second night is at a desert camp. There we had Moroccan people playing bongos and dancing under the moonlight. Overall it was so amazing that I would recommend it to anyone. Thank you Mohamed our driver and tour guide, thank you for for the excellent service.

Sounds like you enjoyed your trip. Thanks for telling us about it.

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

My Current List of Favorite Travel Blogs

current list of favorite travel blogs

I’m not going to lie: I think I have a pretty good travel blog. (You probably do too if you’re here.) I work hard to provide excellent practical travel advice to help you travel better, but I’m not the only great travel blogger out there. In fact — and I know this might be shocking — there’s a lot about travel that I’m not an expert on. Family travel? No idea. Travel as a woman? Clueless. Information on hotels? Only a little. Photography? I can manage to turn my camera on if that counts. Food expert? Only at eating it.

I’ve realized that it’s been a while since I last talked about the best travel blogs out there — the ones I read — so I wanted to take a moment and highlight some of my favorite travel blogs that can also help you travel better, cheaper, and smarter. There are so many good blogs out there, I feel like I’m long overdue to point you to some of them:  

Legal Nomads

legal nomads blog screenshot

Uncornered Market

Uncornered Market blog screenshot

Alex in Wanderland

Alex in Wanderland blog screenshot

The Blonde Abroad

the blonde abroad screenshot

View from the Wing

the view from the wing travel blog screenshot

Wandering Earl

the wandering earl travel blog screenshot

Oneika the Traveller

oneika the traveller blog screenshot

Never Ending Footsteps

never ending footsteps blog screenshot

Additionally, she provides some wonderful practical tips on travel and detailed expense breakdowns on how much she spends in each place.  

Be My Travel Muse

be my travel muse blog screenshot

Chubby Diaries

Homepage of the travel blog Chubby Diaries

Travels of Adam

Homepage of the travel blog Travels of Adam

So there you have it! My current list of favorite travel blogs on the web (besides mine) that I read. This is an ever-changing list so I’ll be updating as time goes on! After all, new travel blogs start every day. Go read these ones, laugh, learn, and be inspired!

Are you looking to start a blog too? These posts can help you do that:

  • How to Start a Travel Blog
  • 19 Things I Learned From 10 Years of Blogging
  • 9 Ways to Become a Successful Blogger

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

' src=

Hi, I’m Nomadic Matt, the New York Times best-selling author of How to Travel the World on $50 a Day and Ten Years a Nomad, as well as the founder of this website! And I’m here to help you save money on your next trip.

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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Travel Bloggers: What to Write and How to Write a Travel Blog in 2024 (50+ Tips)

“I want to start a travel blog, what do you think I should write about?”

True story.

I was a few drinks down at a London Travel Massive event and a lady unknown to me had just targeted me with the above. In fact, interrupting the conversation I was having midflow. Usually full of advice and happy to dish it out this question had me stumped, as much as her demeanour.

travel bloggers writing

There’s no sugar coating it: I really think you should have at least a few ideas of what you want to write about before you start even thinking about setting up a travel blog. If not a few fully written posts so you have some material to play around with when it comes to style and design.

Since then I’ve often been asked how to write a travel blog, and think back to this night. 

Travel Blogger High

Talking about the interaction with a close fellow travel blogger the next day we established that both of us had lists of at least tens of articles we wanted to write, but seeing as we both worked full time at that point, never had the time to see them through. Though I could always rely on a  professional essay writing service  to help me with the writing part, that’s something that I prefer to do myself.

You can’t win.

If you’re in ‘clueless Cathy’s’ camp above, and are stuck for what to write about on your travel blog, what you need is some travel blogging inspiration.

Take a look a the ideas below on what to write in a travel blog and think about which idea appeals to you most. Then, just get started! 

This is a pretty long post so if you’re all good for inspiration but need some advice on how to write travel blogs , click to go to the second half.

what to write about

What to write in a travel blog: 10 ideas 

If you’re trying to work out what to write in a travel blog, here are 10 ideas for you. When it comes to travel blog writing you might just need a few ideas to start you off, and then the creative juices will start to flow and travel blog ideas will be flowing out of you. 

Use two or three of these to get you started writing your travel blog.

If you want to see a travel blog example, take a look around my blog, obviously – and also check out this list of the top 50 travel bloggers in the UK . If that doesn’t give you inspiration, I don’t know what will!


1. Write about your first holiday

This is a good way to get started in blogging about travel. Tell your readers about your memories of your first holiday – I did this when I found some Euro Disney memorabilia when I was cleaning out my room. It was my first holiday abroad and I’d kept the sugar sachets from Disney for almost 20 years! Think about describing the way it affected all your senses to get you started. Are there particular sounds, smells and sights that take you back to that moment in time?

Take my advice, first printed in Wanderlust Magazine in Could You Write a Travel Blog?

“Before you decide on a name, platform or topic, take a deep breath and close your eyes,” says travel blogger Victoria Philpott. Vicky, who blogs alongside her day job, suggests wannabe bloggers start by conjuring up their happiest travel memory and letting the story flow.”

2. Write about your locale

Travel blogging

London is the number one travel destination in the world, if you live there you’ve got enough content to see you through for years. Find unique events, have a unique view and there you have your next article. And that’s just an example of my blogging gone wrong – I lived there for years, got to know a few neighbourhoods really well, but did I write about them? No. They’re straight on the never ending to do list.

I spent my first 18 years in a village in the Midlands called Barton-under-Needwood (pop. 5000). A quick Google search shows me that no one has written any sort of guide to things to do there. There’s a unique opportunity, especially as there are new developments in the area. This might not seem like the most exciting post if it’s covering somewhere you lived for so long but your insider knowledge is invaluable and someone, somewhere, will be interested.

You never know when world interest in any place could start to peak and you’d be all set up to be the go to person on that area.

Writing in a travel bullet journal is a great way to get started.

Subscribe on YouTube to see more of my adventures

First travel blog post

Travel blog writing doesn’t have to be about exotic, faraway places, it can easily be your own neighbourhood. In fact, I find that a lot of travel bloggers who’ve been doing it as long as I have, have come back to England and decided to concentrate on writing their travel blogs about here, as it suddenly becomes so much more appealing. 

Follow me on Instagram @VickyFlipFlop for the latest.

Instagram VickyFlipFlop

3. Where shall I go on holiday next year?

Don’t answer me by saying , answer by writing in blogging about travel. Create a blog post with all the reasons you have to advise why I should go to a certain place on holiday. Another aspect of travel blogging is persuasive writing.

There are a few destinations I’ve been to that I’ve really, really loved and I want my readers to see them too. In writing about New York , Vietnam , Porto and now Tokyo I want to persuade my readers that they should go too.

If they like my blog I know they’ll like them, and a happy reader will come back for more.

Watch this little video of what to write about for more ideas…

4. Write about you

The juiciest posts are the most personal ones. They’re the ones I like to read to get to know the blogger I’m reading about. I admire people who can be so honestly open about life, people like Toni over handling mental, health and family issues while travelling and Planet D about how their travel blog saved their marriage .

Travel blog examples like these help you to see there are real person at the end of these blog posts – real people with real problems.

Me as a travel blogger

I find it very difficult to write posts like this. In fact there are only two on my blog: one about why I was going travelling when my boyfriend dumped me  and a dedication to my nan when she died, which I can’t read without crying as I’ve just proven to myself.

If you’re suffering from blogger’s block – bit like writer’s block – then this is the post for you.

READ MORE: 66 Positive Affirmations for Writers

5. Your thoughts on a destination

I really like writing about my impressions of a country once I’m back and have processed my thoughts, feelings and photos.

Posts like What Vietnam was Like For Me and What is Cuba Really Like? Busting the Tourist Myth may not be as instantly appealable as a quickie list post on the destination but writing them makes me happy.

I like to read back over them to remind me of how I felt when I was there as you can really use your experience and creativity in posts like this.

Pin this travel blogging guide for later?

writing a travel blog

Lists are popular for a reason – they’re easy to read and quick to do. Whole websites have been created to just feature lists although they’re usually pretty flakey.

Outlandish titles like 11 Awesome Ways to Sneak Alcohol into Festivals will usually generate a few more views too – if audience figures are one of your travel blogging goals that is. Look at other bloggers’ travel blog examples for inspiration.

Travel blogging course

When I’m in a destination I’ll look for the best things to do there and it’ll be a list I’m after, not some think piece I mention above. So give your audience what they want and write a well-researched useful to do list.

7. What’s popular?

Some of the most popular topics on my blog are Vietnam and Glastonbury. I rank well for these in Google and I can see from my analytics that my readers keep coming back for more. Once you know that you have a popular topic or post on your blog it makes sense to keep creating more valuable content around it.

Someone once said to me: “Go the extra mile, it’s less crowded there”. Meaning, put the effort in, more than anyone else, and you will be rewarded. Or something along those lines anyway. 

You can link from your already popular posts and know that your readers will enjoy it. Take a look at the keywords they come in on on Google Analytics for inspiration on how to write more.

how to write travel blogs

8. What do you want to read?

When you’re looking for information on a destination make sure to note the questions you have and the answers you can’t find – then you know the gaps to fill when it comes to you writing up your trip. 

From my research and subsequent article on The Best Things to Do in Vietnam According to Travel Bloggers I found that no one had really done a guide to travelling around Vietnam, it was just all advice on particular aspects.

What to write about

It took me ages to plan that trip so I wrote up all my findings and now my Two Weeks in Vietnam Itinerary is the second most popular post on my blog. More importantly, it’s inspired loads of people to explore Vietnam by themselves, rather than book on expensive tours.

I’ll pat myself on the back there.

9. Go niche

Sometimes the nichest of niche things work well when you’re blogging about travel, as you’ll be answering very specific questions.

Another of the most popular articles on my blog is 9-Hour Stopover in Qatar: Is it Worth Exploring? Not something an average reader would be interested in but because it’s so specific and not many people have written about it, it does well in Google search and again, I’ve helped people decide on what to do in Qatar.

Insider, actual tried and tested travel knowledge, is what makes a travel blogger stand out over the average travel company.

10. Interviews

Interviews are a great way to get started if you need some inspiration. Don’t just look to other travel bloggers though – unless you’ve got an exclusive or they’ve got a really interesting story there are already so many about.

What is Papua New Guinea Like?

Instead, interview people from your travels and write a profile of them rather than just a Q and A. This will help you to get more of you in there as well as them. It also means it’s not just an email exchange but a well thought out background piece.

How to write a travel blog without travelling

Learning how to write travel blogs isn’t easy, and it may take a while for you to find your style. Stick with it, it’s fun!

As you’ll have just read in those examples, you don’t actually have to be travelling to write a travel blog. Interviews, lists, you, they all work if you don’t have the time and money to be constantly on the road. 

Look on the bright side – you have the opportunity to spend the time over your writing instead of rushing between destinations. If it was me, I’d pick a destination or theme, and stick steadfastly to that.   

If you’re good at budgeting, you can help people plan their budget for their next trip, for example. Topics about  finding cheap flights  or hotels are in high demand. You can do some research and cover these types of helpful topics on your travel blog.

Having a tight niche is another way to really stand out over the many, many other travel bloggers. 

What is Guernsey like?

How to write a travel blog

Travel blogs examples to inspire your travel blog writing.

Once you have a few posts done and your fingertips are finding their way round that keyboard with rhythm start to think about the kind of writer you want to be. Think about how you want your travel blogging voice to develop, how you want readers to feel when they’re on your blog and what kind of topics you want to cover.

This is how you’ll start to gain a distinctive voice in the world of travel blogging – something that can be very difficult to do.

Travel blog examples

Here are a few travel bloggers, with travel blog writing examples, who really stand out to me for having been able to do this. When you’re writing for travel blogs, you can really make it your own, like these guys…

Becki Enright

Travel blogging what to write about

Becki from writes serious travel blog about sides of countries your average traveller wouldn’t get to see.

She’s even been on Sky News discussing tourism in North Korea and regularly produces the kind of political posts you won’t see on any other blog.

  • Inside the ‘Den of Espionage’ – Getting Inside the former US Embassy in Tehran
  • Visiting the West Bank in Palestine – Understanding the Conflict from Both Jewish and Arab Perspectives in Hebron

Brenna Holeman

Travel blogging what to write about

Brenna from creates beautifully written heartfelt stories about her life on the road.

She’s so open and powerful I enjoy reading her posts and know I can go to her site to be transported into her world.

Check out her travel blog for some major writing inspiration.

  • The Last Time I Saw You: London Edition
  • Being Happy with Being Content

Travel blogging what to write about

For another distinctive voice in the travel blogging world check out Dylan’s blog at At a risk of sounding like an imbecile, he uses a lot of ‘big words’. He’s an eloquent sesquipedalian .  These posts are a good example of the tone and style of writing Dylan is known for.

  • The palatal awakening of Mercatino del Gusto
  • The thunderous convergence of Rotterdam Unlimited

How to write a unique travel blog

All three of these travel blogger examples are very different to what I aim to do on my blog. There may be some crossover in topics but the four of us have very different writing styles and I bet you could spot it if we wrote for each other.

When you’re writing a travel blog you should sound like you , be passionate about the things you’re passionate about, and relay in your own style. In that way you’ll stand out above what is now a very crowded and saturated market place. 

writing for travel blogs

Writing my travel blog

As well as inspiring people to travel , like these guys, I also want to give practical advice on how to do it. My blog has advice on transport, money, where to stay, trip planning, itineraries and packing lists to make travelling as accessible as possible to my readers.

The best compliment people can give me about my blog is that it inspired them to travel, entertained them and made them laugh.

You don’t have to define and limit yourself straight off though when you’re writing for travel blogs. My advice would be to let your style, tone and topics instinctively evolve over time and with every post you write. You’ll soon come to find your natural writing flow and hopefully be distinctive too.

50 tips for travel bloggers on what to write and how to write a travel blog

Always be yourself

When I went to the Traverse conference in Brighton everyone was excited to see Will Peach on his panel. His open, truthful and at times offensive writing on and the now defunct was definitely entertaining whether you loved it or hated it. When I met him he didn’t seem the same as his douchebag online persona and a few weeks later he came out with this article about his disillusion with the travel blogging industry. After that he only posted a few more blogs before he went on to focus on the brilliantly written, yet less offensive,

Will’s angry voice was so distinct in the hyperbolically positive world of travel bloggers, but he wasn’t being himself. I’m glad he’s found his flow on his blog now – it’s still one of the most insightful out there.

Travel Blogger High

You’ve got to be yourself in travel blogging.

That’s the number one rule about putting any creativity in the public space. This is scary. I used to worry about people reading my stuff and sometimes I look back at my past work and wonder what I was on. But, I did what was right at the time. If you start worrying what advertisers / other bloggers / your mum, thinks then you’ll lose what’s interesting about you in the first place.

I also think that when you start writing a travel blog it can be hard to portray who you really are. You may be so used to writing for school or work that writing with a blog style and flair doesn’t come easily. This can also be improved with practice. The more you read travel blogs, and write your travel blog, the more you can work on your travel blogging voice. 

READ MORE: How Much Do Travel Bloggers Get Paid ?

How often should I blog?

Whenever you have something to say is always the best answer. I aim for at least twice a week but usually end up doing quite a bit more. Under promise and over deliver is my motto – even if it’s between me, myself and I.

The more you write the easier and better it will become. Worryingly I’ve seen a few resolution lists for this year where bloggers have said they want to ‘up their blogging output’, but I just think this is a dangerous goal. Set your aims too high and then travel blogging just becomes another pressure to live by, and for most people pressure is a fun killer, which ruins the whole point of travel blogging.

How to be a successful travel blogger

My writing style  

I tend to write everything I want to and then fit it together. I just keep going until it’s all out and then go back and edit. Often I’ll write it on my phone when the inspiration hits then just use my laptop to edit as when I sit at my laptop I get to distracted.

I like to write into Google Sheets and then I’ll upload to WordPress and edit. It takes me AGES to write a blog post now. With all the research, writing, picture research, look at SEO and formatting, it’s at least a day.

Ideal length of a travel blog post

I like to write over 2000 words per article when I’m blogging about travel. Not all posts on my travel blog will be that long, but that’s the goal. In reading other travel blogs I think it’s hard to get your points and personality across in any less. 

READ MORE: How to Make Your Travel Blogging Career Last for 10 Years+ !

top UK travel bloggers

How to write a travel blog post

Learning how to write a good travel blog can be quite formulaic in the way it’s set out. Of course the creativity comes when you decide which words to choose. Think about these ‘rules’ when it comes to writing your travel blog.

  • Decide on a cool idea that you’re passionate to spend time writing. 
  • Write it, thinking in sections though. The best travel blog posts are divided by headers to make it easier for the reader. 
  • Think of a good headline that will draw the reader in and make them want to read more. 
  • Think in 500-1000 words. I know I said I do 2000, but I think that can be quite overwhelming if you’re still learning how to write travel blogs. 
  • If your idea is too big, then break it down into easier sections and write a few blog posts instead. You can always craft them back together again when you’ve finished, like my backpackers guide to Vietnam . 
  • Use photos to bring the post to life. If you know how to use Photoshop or Lightroom them brighten and edit for the best result. If not, don’t worry about it. 
  • Make sure you have a few H1s and H2s in there to help us readers, read the post. 
  • Proof read. 
  • Publish. 
  • Share! Social media is really important for travel bloggers. It might feel scary at first, to share your travel blog. I mean, I kept mine secret for at least a year. But the sooner you share the sooner you’ll get readers. And at the start your friends will help you to get word out there. Then they’ll get jealous of you travelling, but that’s future yous problem. 

Once you’ve learned how to write a travel blog, you can really start to have fun with it, and learn to express yourself through your love of travel.

Travel blogging writing tips

travel blogging changed

  • Write whenever the feeling hits you – even if that’s in the ‘notes’ section of your phone.
  • Keep practising – you don’t have to publish everything you write.
  • Read other travel blogs analytically as well as for fun.
  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
  • Write about what you want.
  • Use Pinterest to see what’s popular and for inspirational titles
  • Sign up to bloglovin ( follow me ) for a whole resource of inspiration. Make a note of the titles you actually click on.
  • Keep a spreadsheet, or similar, of all the titles you want to write. Use when necessary.
  • Keep a folder in your bookmarks of articles that have inspired you.
  • Offer to write for others to create your own incentives.

On that last point I remember way back when and I pitched to Flight Centre. I got a commission for three articles. At the time it was this financial incentive and the idea that they thought I’d be able to do it that got me going. I was so proud to see my work up on their blog and it just inspired me to write more.

Once you feel confident enough, start to pitch to other websites and blogs and see if they’ll accept your ideas. Here are a few travel websites that will pay you to write for them .

how to write a travel blog

More travel blog examples

If you’re looking for an example of a travel blog post, then check out a few of these, from me…

Travel blog example 1: ‘Things to Do’ listicle

Fun things to do in a destination. There’s a bit of snobbery around listicles in travel blogging, but personally I think they’re a really important and useful example of a travel blog.

You need to do them carefully though, and with heart and experience. If you want to write about traveling, listicle posts can be a good way to get started.

Check out my guide to fun things to do in Hobe Sound , or the best things to do in Levi, Finland . My guide to the best things to do in Lake Maggiore is pretty good too.

What to do lake maggiore

Travel blog example 2: a trip itinerary

Trip itineraries are so important, and often the backbone of any good travel blog. A tried and tested step by step trip itinerary is worth so much for people trying to plan a trip to the destinations you’re writing about.

Check out my two week itinerary for the Philippines , or my Norfolk road trip to get an idea of how to set these travel blog trip itineraries out.

Travel blog example 3: a real insight

Only you can experience a destination in the way you do – that’s why the real insights into destinations are one of the ways you can stand out from the travel blogging crowd. If you feel like you’ve had a really unique experience, or want to share exactly what you thought of a place, then these honest insights can make for a great travel blog.

Check out ‘ What is Cuba Really Like ‘, and ‘ What is Vietnam Like ‘ to see what I mean.

one week in vietnam

Travel blog example 4: personal stories

Ooo you can’t beat a personal story on a travel blog. The trouble is, you either need to really enjoy writing it, or not care if people read it or not. These personal stories are very hard to rank in Google, but they’re good to help your readers get to know you.

If you want to read some of my personal stories then check out these posts about when my boyfriend and I split up , the shock of going into lockdown, and my best moments in travel blogging.

Travel blog example 5: helpful guides

My helpful guides to what you can for for 9 hours in Qatar on a layover , how to avoid festival toilets and how to manage the overnight trains in Vietnam are some of the most popular posts on my travel blog.

If you’ve had a unique experience that will help other people who may go through the same then write about it!

Fill it with useful advice, personal anecdotes and interesting titbits to keep your readers intrigued, and Google showing it to them.

If you’re blogging about travel there’s no end to what you can write about!

Kokkari Bay

How to blog about travel in a pandemic

Ok, so feeling inspired to blog about travel during a global pandemic has been difficult.

Us travel bloggers have had to rethink, reuse and try harder than ever to keep readers interested and ourselves inspired. It’s not been easy.

You can see my latest posts to see what I have managed to write a travel blog about – mainly paddleboarding in winter , my pledge to walk 1000 miles, and responsible travel tips , as well as my camping trip to the Outer Hebrides and the most fun days out in the UK .

Writing a travel blog

How to create a travel blog in 2018

What you write about on your travel blog goes back to what you think a successful travel blog is . If you’re after views something like 50 reasons to travel in your 20s will do well, but if you want to flex your first hand experience a heartfelt think piece could be just your thing. I like to mix things up depending on my mood.

I really hope these travel blog writing tips have helped you see how to write a travel blog post. Writing a travel blog isn’t easy, and keeping it up is even harder. But once you settle in, and find your groove, you’ll start to enjoy it. 

When it comes to your travel blog you could write about anything – so long as you have the passion for it – that’s what’s so good about being a travel blogger. Just a coffee you enjoyed somewhere unique, an interaction with someone or a whole guide to your take on a destination could make for an interesting article with the right enthusiasm, interest and execution.

How do you decide what to write about on your travel blog?

Let me know in the comments box below. 


writing a travel blog

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Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.


Such a lovely guide. Just what I needed. I am just starting my own travel blog. I have put it off for too long but the passion of travelling… I struggled with what to write and was already focusing on likes and audience. Your post has really inspired me and now I have about 6 topics I can write on(that’s after I figure out how to use WP properly). Thank you very much.

Thanks for this – some good advise and ideas for me. I have had my blog on hold for the past 6 months. I have quite a few posts written but everytime I go back to them the message I want to give changes as I am in a different mood! So everything remains in edit mode!! Hopefully after reading your posts I will get the confidence to post soon.

Yeah the passing of time and changing of self is a weird one. I’ve got posts on here that totally make me cringe because I don’t necessarily agree with what I was on about at the time. But, the thing is, it’s like a time capsule. It captures us and our thoughts in a moment in time which is exactly why we should publish right away. Our thoughts and opinions can have an expiry date!

Great post with some good ideas for me as I am thinking of getting on with the bog I have had in edit mode for the past 6 months! Just need that confidence to post, but find what I want to say about each idea changes depends on the mood I am in when I go back to it!! So nothing posted yet… soon, I hope.

Before it was difficult for us to get idea and find topics to write about. But what we did is to just find out what is popular and create something about it.

Yeah that totally makes sense! Good plan!

Good idea Tristan!

Points are really great and I really love them. As we all know that writing something regarding traveling without getting your audience bored is not so easy. These points would definitely help us in creating new and unique posts.

Hello, oh I’m happy I could help!

Interesting points you have here. Like it! 🙂

Thanks Julex!

This is good beginning

i didnt notice that you wrote this on your blog, what an inspirational advice for someone like me. Thank you for let me know another inspirational travel blogger. It encourages me to write more

Great news! Glad you’re enjoying my work and to hear that it’s helped. I try!

  • Pingback: VickyFlipFlopTravels » Cool Festivals and Epic Holidays |Lessons I've Learned from the Top Travel Vloggers

First time I’ve seen this; have to say it’s a really great series. Best of luck with it.

Thanks for the mention too. Couldn’t have put it better myself!

Ah good, just read it again and I’m glad you didn’t find it offensive!

  • Pingback: VickyFlipFlopTravels » Cool Festivals and Epic Holidays |Travel Blogger High: The Online School for Wannabe Travel Bloggers

A really long detailed insightful post which is such a help to those starting out. Liked the tips about compiling engaging titles – something I really struggle with particularly when Google insists on short titles! Many thanks for sharing your tips.

Holy Cow. I’m so unbelievably glad I found you. This is by far the best advice I have ever read. Thank you so much!!

Aw, thank you! That’s one of the nicest comments I’ve read! 🙂

Great article! I love Brenna’s blog and started writing one when in moved to London from Australia but rarely update it even though I have so many notes with adventures I have been on. I know people back home like reading what im doing but I am just lazy after I finish work.

Yeah, it can be pretty hard to get the motivation when you’ve been working all day. I know the feeling!

Another awesome post Vic! I couldn’t imagine starting a blog if I didn’t already have an idea of what to write but you handle the subject of getting started really well. Plus I remember those guest posts you referred to – you were our go to girl for great content 🙂

Thanks Jayne. Yeah nor me, but I think sometimes there’s so many options it can be hard to pick something. I remember for my A Level English coursework I could choose any two books I wanted to write about and it took me about three months to choose the book and then a week to write it. I imagine getting started can sometimes feel like that. You just need some guidelines to get down to it.

Ha, thanks!

Again a really helpful and interesting post! My travel blog is just a travel diary at the moment but I’m looking forward to expanding it and writing about more things! Your vietnam writing was how I found your blog too, and it inspired and helped me so much with booking my trip out there in November! Thanks Vicky! X

Yay, love it when people tell me that Vikki 🙂 And happy I’m helping you to think about your blog too. Thanks for reading!

Thank you so much for including me here! I’m loving all of this advice so much – this is such a great guide for both beginners and those of us who have been around for a few years. x

No worries Brenna – I love your blog!

I can’t remember where or when I read it but it went something like this: “when the student’s ready the teacher will appear” and here you are! In my quest to create a useful blog I’ve read a lot, in fact I’ve read so much I have no idea what’s right and what isn’t. I’ve had a yearning to be me “warts n all” to write in my voice but have been scared it would hold my blog back, here you are giving permission to be me. I hope one day in the future when I have an audience I can write a post that has such a profound effect as this post has for me. Thank you Vicky for writing this post.

Aw, thank you Rob. Your comment has made me really happy. I’m really enjoying helping people in Travel Blogger High, and getting all these comments. And yes, the best, most honest and most interesting person you can be is you, so go for it and have fun!

Some great tips – lots of food for thought. I’m usually in the too many ideas, not enough time camp, so I’m actually trying to focus on writing the right pieces this year, whether that’s the ones I really want to do or the ones I think will appeal to readers (both for usefulness and hits…!). Like you say, when you’re putting pressure on to hit targets, the fun goes out of it.

Some of the best ones I’ve done have been ones which really touched a nerve with me, and so with my readers too, or the ones which filled a niche as no-one else has written about them, like you mention. I slightly fell into those by accident, so the tricky bit for me is working out what other niches are waiting to be filled!

That’s a good idea to think about their usefulness. I find that I go with the one that inspires me most in that minute that I’m choosing which one to write. I guess it depends whether you want to be a bit more tactical about it, which I probably should be. Yeah, if you can find something you’re interested in that no one else has written about you’re definitely onto a winner!

I don’t really have much to add to this. I come from another niche (whoop whoop for lifestyle/food/fashion) but thoroughly enjoying the challenge of writing for the travel niche. I started out with a spreadsheet of over 100 titles for blog posts and it keeps growing. I have so much to write and there’s not enough time. Ahhhhh!!!!

I love blogging, writing, sharing and travelling – so for me, travel blogging is a real passion project.

Agree with the spreadsheet and reading blogs analytically as well as for pleasure.

Yeah that’s how I feel. Especially when you’re travelling full time as well. Every day you see new things and have new experiences you want to write about it’s really difficult to keep up! I love it too though – wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂

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22 easy travel content ideas to inspire your wanderlust

Discover the inspiration for your next video with simple travel content ideas for creators that love an adventure.

Sandy Beeson

As a travel creator, coming up with your next video idea can be as tricky as picking your next destination. The world is your oyster with limitless travel content ideas to try out. So where do you even start?

You might take inspiration from YouTuber Drew Binsky and tell stories of people from different cultures. Or follow in Kara & Nate’s footsteps by checking off as many countries as possible. You can explore ways to freshen up your channel, or try something completely new.

No matter where in the world you’re headed, there will be a fresh format which works for you. To help you find it, we’ve packed a suitcase full of the best video ideas for travel creators.

  • Inspire viewers by showcasing destinations
  • Share experiences and take your audience with you
  • Give out practical travel tips and advice
  • Connect with your audience by letting them into your world

Inspire your viewers by showcasing travel destinations

Examples of different travel content ideas featuring a variety of different landscapes.

People love watching travel content, whether they’re planning a trip away or looking for a bit of escapism. Inspire your viewer’s wanderlust by showing off your favorite destinations.

The more you prove yourself to be a travel expert, the more viewers will come back to your videos for inspiration. Soon your channel will be the perfect getaway for people dreaming of their next adventure.

1. Highlight stunning luxury destinations and dream getaways

Package up the best bits of your trip and share a taste of places people might want to visit. The Luxury Travel Expert is an expert in giving viewers FOMO by sharing stunning footage of high end destinations.

Your footage is the real star here. Show off crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches to make your audience dream of warmer climates. Or if your trip takes you somewhere less exotic, edit a highlights package of the bits you loved most to get your viewers excited, whatever the destination.

2. Present stunning terrains using drone footage

Drones take landscape shots to new heights, quite literally. They give you the opportunity to capture completely unique footage of stunning locations. With drone cameras becoming more affordable, it’s easier than ever to add cinematic aerial footage to your videos

Just take a look at how Sam Kolder brings the island paradise of Guam to life with lush, sweeping shots. This kind of attention-grabbing content can make all the difference when you’re looking to hook viewers on your content.

3. Showcase dynamic landscapes with striking time-lapse videos

Want to stand out from other travel creators? Time-lapse videos can showcase scenery in an eye-catching way, from the beauty of a beach sunset to the buzz of a city.

Geoff Tompkinson’s videos of Singapore skylines condense hours into minutes and command your attention throughout. Try this technique for yourself and show how a location changes over time. Not only can it produce stunning content but it can also significantly boost your average view duration, making it more likely for your content to go viral.

4. Share your top picks from favorite destinations

Who doesn’t love a countdown? It’s a simple format but it works. Group together your favorite locations, attractions and experiences into an easy-to-follow video for your audience. By leaving the best until last, viewers will often stay to the end to see what comes out on top. 

Just check out Ryan Shirley’s list of the top 25 places to visit in the USA. You’ll see how easy it is as a viewer to find yourself watching to the end. As a bonus, ask viewers whether they agree with your picks and you’ll soon spark a debate in your comments.

5. Leave a review of your destinations

Before people do anything, they look for reviews. If something’s good, bad, or downright weird, people want to know about it. So review food, attractions, hotels or anything else you come across and let viewers know how you really feel. You’ll build your audience’s trust over time and establish yourself as a seasoned travel expert.

YouTuber Attaché’s review of Helsinki is a great example, with public transport tips and top food recommendations. These candid insights can bring a destination to life and build trust with your audience. Take things a step further by using a consistent way of scoring, like Dave Portnoy’s one bite pizza reviews that he rates out of 10. A repeatable format like this soon becomes familiar to viewers, giving them a reason to watch to the end.

Document your experiences and take your audience with you

Examples of different travel content ideas featuring a variety of activities and experiences.

The magic of traveling comes from the sheer variety of experiences and cultures you can discover. By sharing your travel adventures with viewers, you’re allowing them to live vicariously through your channel.

Taking people along for the ride is a great way of building up regular viewers too. As they get invested in your travels, they’ll become more likely to seek out your newest uploads.

6. Keep a travel diary by filming a vlog

Filming a travel vlog lets you share experiences with your viewers on the fly. Documenting the highs and lows of life on the road is a tried and tested format used by creator heavyweights like Casey Neistat and Peter McKinnon .

Travel YouTuber FunForLouis vlogged his trip across America in a DIY Tesla van, combining stunning b-roll with candid diary entries. By making viewers feel like they’re part of your adventure, you’re more likely to build a personal connection with them, meaning they’ll stick around for the ride!

7. Get to know the locals with revealing interviews

Want to give your audience a flavor of local life and culture? Speak to the real people who live there. These authentic insights provide a depth to your content that’ll help you stand out from other creators. 

Drew Binsky often puts local people at heart of his videos, giving his content an authentic local voice. You don’t need to go to lengths Binsky does - speaking to a real life cannibal - but interviewing locals will always give viewers an interesting perspective on your travel destination.

8. Go in-depth with full travel documentaries

Why not flex your storytelling chops and find a unique angle about your destination? Documentaries give you the opportunity to explore a place’s culture, history or people in a more in-depth way.

Kara & Nate used their trip to the most remote town in Australia to share insights about the Aboriginal people who live there. By building your video’s narrative around an interesting hook, you’re giving people even more reason to stick around and watch to the end.

9. Plan adventures you can turn into a series

If you feel like you have too many great ideas for a single video, try planning out an entire series instead. Not only can you go into greater depth on different parts of your travel, you’ll also build anticipation for future episodes.

The Endless Adventure often create YouTube playlists based on a single adventure, like the time they renovated a vintage RV. As a viewer you become invested in their progress and find yourself coming back to watch each episode.

10. Discover new cultures and share them with your audience

Immersing yourself in a new culture is one of the most fascinating parts of traveling to new places. Tapping into the intrigue of seeing how people live in other parts of the world will always provide a rich source of material.

David Wen regularly explores the culture shocks in his adopted homeland of the Netherlands. This content is interesting for anyone looking to visit, while making funny viewing for locals too. It’s also the kind of relatable content that’s likely to fire up a lively comments section, earning your videos plenty of interaction.

11. Eat your way around the world

One of the most exciting things about traveling to new places is sampling the local cuisine. Wherever you end up, there’s going to be new and exotic dishes you can share with your viewers. Not only does food make for a mouth-watering subject for a video, eating your way around a destination can also shine a light on what different cultures are like.

Take the Best Ever Food Review Show’s episode on Korean street food as an example. They reveal the city’s bustling food market packed with diners grabbing a late meal. Food reviews are an easily repeatable format that shine a light on local customs, making it a great series idea to capture alongside your other content.

12. Embark on adrenaline-fuelled adventures

Travel content is exciting, but you can take things up a notch with daredevil antics and extreme activities. Action-packed videos make for gripping content, with viewers keen to see the lengths you’ll push yourself to.

Creators Danegar and Stacey took on the world’s deadliest road in Bolivia on mountain bikes. Watching along gives you the thrill of cycling above 2,000ft cliffs. This makes for an addictive video that has you hooked right the way through.

13. Take viewers with you to wild landscapes

Not everyone has easy access to remote wilderness. So if you’re the type of traveler who seeks out extreme landscapes, why not give your audience a taste of the wild?

The Outdoor Boys are a family who take viewers on regular trips to remote parts of Alaska and other parts of the world. Most people aren’t going to try and survive camping in a snowstorm. But through the Outdoor Boys’ videos, anyone can watch what happens on these kinds of adventures.

14. Tell little-known stories from far-flung places

Good old fashioned storytelling will always make for a great video. So share personal tales from your travels that resonate with your viewers on an emotional level.

Eamon & Bec’s story of building a dog shelter in Mexico in just 30 days really tugs at the heartstrings. They’ve created a memorable video which not only highlights a problem, but shows them interacting with the locals and building a real connection. You only have to look at the comments section to see how impactful these types of videos can be.

15. Set yourself challenges in unknown locations

Challenge videos are one of the most popular formats on YouTube. So why not spice up your travels with some fun goals? Make sure you set out your objective nice and early in your video to keep people watching to see if you’re successful.

Take Yes Theory as an example, trying to survive a day in Shanghai without money. Straight away, viewers want to see how they get on and whether they complete the challenge. And as the action unfolds, they get introduced to the city too.

Share your traveler know-how with practical tips and guides

Examples of different travel content ideas featuring creators sharing tips and guides to camera.

Experienced travelers will often know the best ways to tackle common problems with life on the road. If you’ve built up knowledge that could help your audience, why not share your go-to tips?

Practical travel guides make for super helpful, evergreen videos that mark you out as a travel guru worth following. You’ll find people coming back to your channel time and again to get your priceless traveling insights.

16. Make travel guides for popular destinations

When you’re excited to head away to a new destination, it’s only natural you’re going to check out things to do. Loads of people seek out video guides for cities and countries to get an idea of what’s in store for them. Wolters World does this well, providing guides on what not to do in different places.

By rounding up the must-see landmarks and unmissable local experiences, he taps into people who are searching for videos about that location. It’s practical advice people are always going to search for, meaning you could find your views climb long after you’ve uploaded the content. This is especially true if you hit the sweet spot of providing a guide for a popular destination which doesn’t have lots of content yet.

17. Compare the best and worst travel options

People love comparing hugely contrasting travel experiences. Even Mr Beast has got in on the act with his $1 vs $1 million hotel room video. It’s an entertaining format that gives viewers a glimpse into wildly different lifestyles.

For example, Gabriel Traveler used his trip to El Salvador to show how different his experience in a luxury hotel was to that of the people living nearby. Viewers click on these videos because they want to see how stark the contrast is, meaning they’re more likely to watch all the way through.

18. Reveal the secret hacks every jet-setter needs to know

Traveling between countries can be tricky, but there are tons of secret hacks that only the most experienced travelers know about. If you’ve managed to build up a bank of invaluable tips, share them with your viewers.

Saving people time and money will have them coming back to your channel for future words of wisdom. Take Nik from Away Together as an example, sharing secret flight hacks to help viewers get cheaper air travel. Viewers who watch and save money off the back of their tips will be way more likely to come back for more useful advice.

19. Share essential money-saving tips for travelers on a budget

Who doesn’t love saving money? Share your budget-friendly tips and you’ll always find an audience of thrifty travelers. You could run through your top tips for traveling on the cheap, or even put together a guide on how to get by in a particular place without breaking the bank.

Abroad in Japan has made several guides breaking down exactly how people visiting the country can save money on food, accommodation and travel. This helpful advice will always appeal to upcoming visitors, meaning these videos could continue to rack up views for many years.

Connect with your viewers by letting them into your world

Examples of different travel content ideas that feature looking behind the scenes of life on the road.

The best content creators build an engaged community around their channels. How? By making a personal connection between them and their audience.

Taking the time to show viewers your life on the road can pay off big time, particularly as they’re more likely to follow your channel if they relate to you as a person.

20. Host a Q&A with your travel-curious audience

The easiest way to interact with your audience is to directly answer their questions. You could decide to respond to questions in real-time, or address them in a simple vlog format. Either way, Q&As are a great way of letting your audience get to know you better, while learning more about them at the same time.

It’s easy to repeat a Q&A for every destination you land in, or you could simply host a one-off discussion around your traveling lifestyle. Eva zu Beck did exactly that, answering questions about her life as a solo traveler. By being open and honest with her viewers, Eva got a ton of engagement and built a special bond with her viewers at the same time.

21. Show viewers what’s in your suitcase

People are nosy! They want to see what you bring with you on your trip, particularly if you’re a seasoned traveler who’s got packing down to a tee. Showing viewers what’s in your suitcase not only provides an insight into what you take with you, it can also be a natural way to share essential advice on what to bring or leave behind.

Bea Minimalista shows viewers what she takes when she’s going away for a few weeks. And as the name suggests, it isn’t a lot. Lift the lid on your packing process and share your strategies for making the most of that all-important luggage space. You might even get some invaluable tips in return from the comments section.

22. Offer an exclusive peek behind the scenes of your adventures

Traveling the world isn’t all about National Geographic landscapes and Instagram-ready plates of food. Often it involves uncomfortably long journeys and hotels that aren’t quite what you were expecting. Sharing an honest and transparent account about the difficulties of traveling can make a refreshing change for your audience.

Take Lost LeBlanc’s brutally honest assessment of Cinque Terre, showing that behind a postcard perfect destination there are actually lots and lots of crowds. By touching on some of the downsides of popular destinations, they’ve shown viewers that they can be trusted to share both the good and bad sides of travel. And as an added bonus, they lit a fire in the comments from people who disagree with the video!

Use these travel content ideas to inspire your next adventure

A selection of travel items including a phone and a tablet showing different travel content ideas creators could try.

Wherever you’re headed, you should now be kitted out with tons of great travel video ideas for turning your wanderlust into unmissable content. You might look to inspire your fellow travelers, showcase the stunning destinations you’ve been to, or simply share your essential tips for life on the road.

What’s great is that you can try out several different formats on the same trip, meaning one destination could easily result in a handful of videos. See how you can bring your next trip to life, and don’t forget to make your travel footage pop with a stand-out soundtrack to match. If you’re stuck for which sounds to search for, check out our guide to music for travel videos .

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Travel tips for June 5-17: planned construction, sports & community events

Several people sitting a large grassy hill overlooking a large body of water and a cityscape on a partly sunny day.

Blog stats: 1,100 words | 6-minute read


  • June is already here and we want you to stay in-the-know about our upcoming construction activities, professional sports games, and community celebrations taking place in the Seattle area, so you can travel with confidence in the weeks ahead.

SDOT construction, street closures, and travel impacts

Regional transportation agency work, major league sports home games.

  • Community celebrations
  • We also encourage you to follow us on X (formerly Twitter) at @seattledot and @SDOTTraffic , and visit the websites of our regional partner agencies, including WSDOT , King County Metro , and Sound Transit .
  • You can also visit our Project and Construction Coordination Map for a map of various construction projects taking place throughout the city.
  • We’ll continue to publish these blogs throughout the summer to help you plan ahead and know what to expect when you travel.

Please note: our construction projects take place throughout Seattle. To stay informed about projects near you, subscribe to our email updates . You can select from a list of projects and subscribe to the ones you’re most interested in.

  • McGraw Street Bridge is closed from 2nd Ave N to Nob Hill Ave N through fall 2024.
  • East Marginal Way S is closed between S Spokane St and S Atlantic St to general purpose traffic into 2026. People walking, biking, or rolling and Port of Seattle-bound vehicles may still use East Marginal Way S.
  • 11th and 12th Aves NE – Intermittent lane closures between NE 43rd and NE 67th streets into 2025. One travel lane is maintained during construction.
  • 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E – Intermittent lane closures at E McGraw St, Boyer Ave E, E Republican St, and S Grand St. One travel lane in each direction is maintained during construction.
  • N 130th St – Intermittent lane closures between Meridian Ave N and Corliss Ave N. One travel lane in each direction is maintained during construction.

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)

  • Weather dependent, there will be a full closure of all lanes on both westbound and eastbound SR 520 between I-5 in Seattle and 92nd Ave NE in Clyde Hill from 11 PM Friday, June 14 through 5 AM Monday, June 17. The SR 520 Trail will also be closed during this time.
  • Weather dependent, on weeknights during the weeks of June 3 and June 10, there will be lane reductions on both northbound and southbound I-5 between Boeing Field and Southcenter from 8 PM each weeknight until 5 AM the next morning as part of the I-5/Duwamish River to S Lucile St. Concrete Pavement Rehab . Typically, these reduce I-5 down to one or two lanes in each direction.
  • Weather dependent, there will also be weekend-long lane reductions on southbound I-5 only during the weekends of June 8-9 and June 15-16. WSDOT will close up to three lanes of southbound I-5 around Boeing Field from 10 PM Friday to 5 AM Monday, during these two weekends.
  • City of Seattle utility work will close the southbound I-5 off-ramp to eastbound Dearborn Street from 9 PM Friday, June 14 through approximately 8 PM Sunday, June 16.
  • The SR 99 Tunnel will be completely closed from 10 PM Friday, June 7 through 6 AM Saturday, June 8 for routine maintenance.
  • Two right lanes on eastbound I-90 between the Mount Baker Tunnel in Seattle and the Mercer Island Lid Tunnel in Mercer Island will be closed from 10 PM Friday, June 14 through 6 AM Saturday, June 15 for routine maintenance.

WSDOT will also complete work updating an attenuator along the southbound I-5 off-ramp to James Street later this week, which will involve nighttime lane and ramp closures in downtown Seattle.

From 10 PM Thursday, June 6, to 4 AM Friday, June 7, crews will close:

  • The right two lanes of southbound I-5 from Yale Avenue to the James Street off-ramp.
  • The southbound I-5 off-ramp to Union Street.
  • The Yale Avenue/Howell Street on-ramp to southbound I-5.
  • The left lane of the James Street off-ramp.

Seattle Mariners

Upcoming games at T-Mobile Park

  • Monday, June 10 at 6:40 PM: Chicago White Sox
  • Tuesday, June 11 at 6:40 PM: Chicago White Sox
  • Wednesday, June 12 at 6:40 PM: Chicago White Sox
  • Thursday, June 13 at 6:40 PM: Chicago White Sox
  • Friday, June 14 at 7:10 PM: Texas Rangers
  • Saturday, June 15 at 4:15 PM: Texas Rangers
  • Sunday, June 16 at 1:10 PM: Texas Rangers

To learn more:


A wide angle view of a baseball field on a sunny day.

If you’re riding the Link light rail, get off at the Stadium Station and walk a short two blocks over to the ballpark. If taking rideshare, there is a designated rideshare lot southeast of the stadium. If driving, the Mariners Garage opens 3 hours before game time. Biking, scooting, walking, or rolling to the game may also be great options, depending on your trip specifics. Find more information on navigating to T-Mobile Park here .

Seattle Storm

Upcoming games at Climate Pledge Arena

  • Tuesday, June 11 at 7 PM: Los Angeles Sparks

WNBA players tip off at the start of a basketball game. Many fans are in the background watching.

For all major ticketed events, guests receive a free public transit pass alongside their ticket. If driving to the arena, there are three parking garages available nearby. Find more information on navigating to the arena here .

Seattle Sounders FC

Upcoming games at Lumen Field

  • Saturday, June 15 at 7:30 PM: Minnesota United FC

A large group of soccer fans cheer for their team, with many of them wearing green and blue shirts.

Seattle Reign FC

  • Sunday, June 16 at 1:00 PM: Portland Thorns FC

Community events

Please note: We’ve highlighted several upcoming community celebrations below – but this is not intended as a comprehensive list of every event in the city. We hope you enjoy taking part!

June 8: Indigenous People Festival – Seattle Center Armory and Mural Amphitheatre

Two young kids dance and play music while wearing red and black clothing, at an indoor event.

This festival is part of Seattle Center Festál , a program that’s been taking place for 27 years and holds a space for community members to connect and learn about the diverse ethnic communities of the Pacific Northwest. The event hosts a wide variety of cultural performers, delicious cuisine, and craft vendors. Find more information about the festival here .

Seattle Center can be reached by King County Metro bus or by taking the Seattle Center Monorail from Westlake. You can find a range of travel options to get to Seattle Center here .

June 6 and June 13: Spotlight on the Waterfront – Waterfront Park

A large group of people celebrate and dance at a large celebration outdoors on a sunny day. A tent and strung lights are at the top and background.

Every Thursday from 6-8 PM from June to September, experience local music, art, and cultural performances at Waterfront Park, right here along Seattle’s central waterfront. Find more information about the event here .

Waterfront Park can be reached by King County Metro bus or Sound Transit light rail (the University Street Station is closest). You can also find a handful of nearby parking garages .

June 15: Columbia City Night Market – Columbia City

Several people watch musicians play live music at an outdoor event in the evening.

On the third Saturday of each month from 6-10 PM, the Columbia City Night Market features local vendors, artists, and food trucks accompanied with live music and a 21+ beer garden. The event is hosted at 7th Ave S, between S Hudson and S Edmonds streets.

The Columbia City Night Market can be reached by King County Metro bus or Sound Transit light rail (the Columbia City Station is closest). Or, depending on your trip, walking, biking, or rolling might be great ways for you to get to the market.

We hope this post provided you with useful tips and tools to help you travel throughout Seattle as these construction and community events all take place. Stay tuned for more blog posts like this throughout the summer. Thank you!

Editor’s Note: June 5, 2024: We updated this blog post to include more upcoming WSDOT work activities.

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10 Father's Day ideas, from the best golf courses to beer spots and more

Lesley Balla

June 6, 2024 // By Lesley Balla

By Lesley Balla June 6, 2024

Head out to the hills and hiking trails with dad on Father's Day

Go beyond the sappy greeting card and the "World's Best Dad" mugs for Father's Day. Show the special dad in your life how much he means to you with activities for the whole family or a solo, quiet day at home. These 10 Father's Day ideas and thoughtful suggestions will make the day extra special.

Whether he's an adventure-loving dad, a grillmaster interested in good food and drinks, or someone who loves hiking in the woods, we've got you covered with our list of things to do on Father's Day.

Hit a public golf course with dad

Golf with your pop for Father's Day at the public Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course

Who needs a swanky golf resort or private club? Make it easier on everyone and snag a tee time at one of the top public golf courses in the country, from the West Coast to the eastern coastline, the Great Lakes to the desert. Many of our favorite public golf courses designed by renowned architects have killer views; some even host prestigious events. The best part? They're open to anyone.

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Read more: Snag a tee time at these 10 best public golf courses

Head out to the water for sport fishing

Take Dad on one of the best fishing charters

Whether it's about heading offshore for his next big catch or angling for trout on the nearest river, fishing with Dad is a rite of passage. Give him a day on the water he'll never forget with one of our USA TODAY Reader's Choice winners for Best Fishing Charters.

Read more: Reel in the big one with the 10 best fishing charters

Go stargazing in a dark sky park

Set out to see starry skies with your favorite sidekick

Enjoying the great outdoors with your pop is one of life's greatest pleasures. One of our favorite Father's Day ideas is to head to a dark sky park for stargazing.

These national and state parks, sanctuaries, and nature reserves restrict artificial light to preserve the sky's natural darkness. Without light pollution, you can see stars, constellations, and planets with the naked eye.

Read more: Visit these 10 dreamy dark sky parks

Let him pick the rides at the amusement park

One Father's Day idea: Spend the day with Dad at EPCOT or other great theme parks

Spending the day at one of the country's best theme parks is an excellent idea for Father's Day. Instead of pulling Dad to your must-hit rides, let him pick his favorites — even if it's just the Ferris wheel.

From Cedar Point in Ohio to Tampa Bay's Busch Gardens, our readers narrowed down the list of the 10 best theme parks in the country, perfect for a day with Dad.

Read more: Readers' Choice Award winners for Best Theme Parks

Get revved up at a car museum

Take Dad to the National Corvette Museum or other car attractions for Father's Day

If he's a car fanatic, there are plenty of places where Dad can ogle these engineering marvels. From car museums celebrating the innovation and ingenuity of automobile history and design to behind-the-wheel driving experiences, visit one of the country's top attractions for car lovers to rev up your Father's Day.

Read more: 10 must-visit attractions in the U.S. for car lovers

Spend the day immersed in the arts

Father's Day ideas can be as easy as going to the museum for a day

If your dad is a fan of the arts, we have some perfect Father's Day ideas. Maybe he's interested in a new exhibit at the art museum, or he wants to stroll a new small-town art scene.

You can take him to one of the cool art districts in the city or zoom by some of the best street art and grab a bite for lunch afterward. Anyway you look at it, art can only enrich his day.

Read more: Explore the best art destinations in the country, from museums to city streets

Take him out to the ballgame

See a game with Dad at Modern Woodmen Park, one of the many winning minor league ballparks

It's called America's pastime for a reason. An afternoon or evening at one of America's best major and minor league stadiums and ballparks to root for a favorite team, eat mouthwatering food, and cheer with fans (and quirky mascots) — there's nothing like it. It's one of the best things to do for Father's Day.

Our readers voted for the best of baseball (you only want the best for Dad) for an unforgettable season.

Read more: Top baseball stadiums, ballparks, mascots, and more for the 2024 season

Go beer tasting

Buy Dad a beer at one of the best beer bars in the country

Sometimes, spending time with Dad over a good beer is all he wants for a perfect Father's Day. And since we have almost 10,000 craft breweries and thousands of beer bars and brewpubs in the U.S., you won't have to go far.

We have some sudsy ideas for Father's Day, from brewery tours to mail-order beer clubs, beer gardens, and small-town beer scenes.

Read more: Tap into the best of the U.S. beer scene with these winners

Grill out or cook him a great dinner

Grilling is one of the best things to do on Father's Day

Summer is all about grilling steaks, serving fresh summer salads, and cool cocktails. For Father's Day, make sure Dad doesn't lift a finger and cook him one of his favorite summer meals , like crab cakes and a big salad.

Or show him how much you love him with the grilling tool of all grilling tools: a Big Green Egg. We have lots of great ideas for breaking it in.

Read more: 10 favorite Big Green Egg recipes to grill and smoke

Go on a hike with Dad

Father's Day ideas can be as simple as spending time in the great outdoors

Father's Day ideas don't have to cost much. You can get outside and breathe fresh air, take in the scenery, and ponder the grand magnificence of nature from a hiking trail. Our picks for easy-to-moderate hikes around the country are just the starting point.

Whether for some one-on-one time with your pop or you want to hit the trails with the whole family, we have you covered.

Read more: 10 best hiking trails for all levels

Lesley Balla

About Lesley Balla

Based on the West Coast, Lesley has covered the food and beverage, travel, entertainment and lifestyle beat for more than 20 years. She's written for numerous digital and print publications, including Taste of Home, Resy, Food Fanatics, Eater, Los Angeles magazine, Zagat, Angeleno, The Hollywood Reporter, Skift, The Seattle Times, and many more. When she's not road tripping with her husband and pup, she's planning her next bucket-list vacation. Some all-time favorites: Tokyo, Amsterdam, San Sebastian, Paris, Cabo, and the San Juan Islands.

Read more about Lesley Balla here.

Connect with Lesley via: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn

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Summer travel themes for groups and solo travelers.

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Americans are likely to choose alternative travel destinations this year.

New research from Intrepid Travel has revealed that 84% of US adults will travel this summer but two in three are scaling back their plans due to the economy, seeking unexpected and affordable destinations. “Americans are more likely to choose alternative destinations over tried-and true tourist hotspots for their vacation due to increasing economic pressures, and we are excited to help them experience the road less traveled,” says Matt Berna, President of the Americas at Intrepid Travel.

The following travel themes offer both groups and solo travelers the chance to experience a wide variety of summer activities while enjoying a fun-filled vacation.

Hikers can discover a wide array of stunning landscapes.

Domestic Dupes Travel

As opposed to flying to Europe to experience Tour du Mont Blanc, The Wind River Range, Wyoming, is one of America’s great wilderness areas. Hikers can choose a favorite section of a 100-mile-long strip of stunning, jagged mountains extending southeast of Yellowstone National Park through Wyoming. If you’re looking for incredible views with no crowds, this is it. Wildland Trekking offers several Wind River Range hiking trips including llama treks that allow you to hike deep into these Wyoming mountains, and do it carrying only a light day pack.

Asheville is known for its wide variety of art.

Artistic Travel

For an off-the-beaten-path summer vacation, journey to the charming mountain town of Asheville, North Carolina, a haven for artists and foodies. With a thriving downtown that boasts a collection of art galleries, local boutiques, regular live music festivals and more than 60 breweries, Asheville offers a cultural experience that is sure to please the art lover. Stay in the midst of all the action by booking a room at the city’s newest hotel, Embassy Suites by Hilton Asheville Downtown , which boasts a rooftop Italian-inspired eatery, Soprana Rooftop Cucina, with awe-inspiring views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Immerse in the vast landscape surrounding Grand Junction.

Nature Lovers Travel

With silent travel, slow tourism and unique, off-the-grid wellness experiences top of mind, Hotel Maverick ’s “Silence, Solitude and Serenity” program , in partnership with western Colorado native Zebulon Miracle, well known for his former hospitality role as “Curator of Curiosity,” offers guests the chance to immerse in the vast landscape surrounding Grand Junction. He provides a guided exploration of the remote canyonlands, which draw fewer crowds while rivaling the stunning natural features of destinations like Canyonlands National Park and the Grand Canyon. Throughout the customizable experience, guests will venture into some of the less explored and remote areas of Western Colorado to learn and listen to the eons of geology, centuries of history and countless natural wonders.

Activities are centered around horseback riding excursions.

Best High-Yield Savings Accounts Of 2024

Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, equine travel.

C Lazy U Ranch , an all-inclusive experience with 8,500 acres of land to explore and more than 200 horses to meet, welcomes all family members to enjoy their own activities during their stay. C Lazy U is committed to family focused programming that allows for a balanced mix of shared moments and personal time. Centered around horseback riding excursions, the ranch offers robust kids and teens programs for ages three to 17 with designated experienced counselors, where each group engages in camp-like activities bringing imagination and adventure to life. Teens are given the chance to partake in pursuits such as whitewater rafting trips, the ropes course, cattle clinics, go-cart racing and overnight camping.

Enjoy a fine glass of wine after a day of adventure.

Coastal Culinary Travel

Summer on the coast just hits different, and whether traveling to the east or west it’s the salty ocean air, coastal design influences and freshly caught seafood that capture travelers seeking a waterfront escape. At  The Lodge at Bodega Bay , nautical design and spacious layouts in freshly renovated rooms and suites transport guests to what feels like a private island getaway, situated along the Pacific Coast Highway and the rugged Sonoma Coast. Just steps from Doran Beach, one of Sonoma Coast’s most popular summer destinations, guests receive day passes and equipment for all ages, setting the scene for a relaxing day at the beach or coastal adventures of kitesurfing, paddle boarding and whale watching. After a day of exploring the picturesque fishing village of Bodega Bay, guests can retreat to the property’s signature restaurant, Drakes Sonoma Coast, serving locally sourced coastal California cuisine by new executive chef Christopher Lemerand.

Guests can learn the basics of surfing.

Olympian Travel

Located halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego, Dana Point is a pristine California beach town welcoming travelers to learn two up-and-coming Olympic sports, surfing and sailing. A coastal escape with boundless opportunity for seaside adventures, Dana Point’s ties to surfing are deeply rooted. The destination offers visitors authentic surf experiences, from learning about the sports evolution at the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center to participating in private surf lessons for all ages and skill levels with Girl in the Curl Surf Shop. Guests can also put their sailor cap on to set sail at sea with Westwind Sailing, which provides safe and educational sailing lessons and rentals. For those who wish to be at the Olympic Games in Paris, Dana Point visitors can indulge in French-inspired dining at Maison Café + Market, a breezy European culinary shop serving hearty seasonal plates and libations, and at Bonjour Café, an intimate bistro offering daytime café fare.

Roger Sands

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    One travel lane is maintained during construction. 23rd Ave E/24th Ave E - Intermittent lane closures at E McGraw St, Boyer Ave E, E Republican St, and S Grand St. One travel lane in each direction is maintained during construction. N 130th St - Intermittent lane closures between Meridian Ave N and Corliss Ave N. One travel lane in each ...

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    Go stargazing in a dark sky park. Set out to see starry skies with your favorite sidekick — Photo courtesy of The Warner Valley Overlook / Travel Southern Oregon. Enjoying the great outdoors with your pop is one of life's greatest pleasures. One of our favorite Father's Day ideas is to head to a dark sky park for stargazing.

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    But then a string of meetings canceled, the temperature swung into the 80s and suddenly it mattered a great deal. I called the spa at the Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas: It was time to hack my way ...

  29. Summer Travel Themes For Groups And Solo Travelers

    The following travel themes offer both groups and solo travelers the chance to experience a wide variety of summer activities while enjoying a fun-filled vacation. Hikers can discover a wide array ...

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    The pillars of pool etiquette are evolving, according to Vitalii Andriianov, the pool-and-beach captain at the Setai hotel in Miami. When he started working there a decade ago, personal music ...