Speed Distance Time Calculator

Please enter the speed and distance values to calculate the travel time in hours, minutes and seconds.

About Speed Distance Time Calculator

This online calculator tool can be a great help for calculating time basing on such physical concepts as speed and distance. Therefore, in order to calculate the time, both distance and speed parameters must be entered. For the speed , you need to enter its value and select speed unit by using the scroll down menu in the calculator. For distance , you should enter its value and also select the proper length measurement unit from the scroll down menu. You'll receive the result in standard time format (HH:MM:SS).

Time Speed Distance Formula

Distance is equal to speed × time. Time is equal Distance/Speed.

Calculate Time from Distance and Speed Examples

Recent comments.

One of the best tools I've found for the calculations.

Going 65mph for 30 seconds how far would you get? None of these formulas work without distance. How would I find the distance from time and speed?

if i travel 0.01 inches per second and I need to travel 999999999 kilometers, it takes 556722071 Days and 20:24:34 WHAT

4. How long does it take to do 100m at 3kph ? No I thought you would just divide 100 ÷ 3 = which 33.33333 so 33 seconds or so I thought. But apparently it 2 mins.

This was the best tool ive ever used that was on point from speed to distance and time Calculator

This was somewhat unhelpful as I know the time and distance, but not the speed. Would be helpful if this calculator also could solve the other two as well.

If a total distance of 2 miles is driven, with the first mile being driven at a speed of 15mph, and the second mile driven at a speed of 45 mph: What is the average speed of the full 2 mile trip?

hi sorry im newly introduced to this and i dont understand how to use it but in need to find the distance if i was travelling in the average speed of 15km/hr in 4 hours how far would i travel

D= 697 km T= 8 hours and 12 minutes S= ?

if a train is going 130 miles in 50 minutes, how fast is it going in miles per hour ??

whats the speed if you travel 2000 miles in 20hours?

How long would it take me to drive to Mars at 100 miles per hour and how much gas would I use in a 2000 Ford Mustang000000/ Also, how much CO2 would I release into the air?

great tool helped me alot

A car can go from rest to 45 km/hr in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

Guys how much time will a cyclist take to cover 132 METRES With a speed of 8 km/ph

@Mike Depends on how fast that actually is. For every 10 mph above 60, but below 120, you save 5 seconds a mile. But between the 30-60 area, every ten saves 10 seconds a mile (if I am remembering correctly), and every 10 between 15-30 is 20 seconds. Realistically, it isn't likely isn't worth it, unless it is a relatively straight drive with no stops, in which case you will likely go up a gear for the drive and thus improve gas efficiency for the trip. Only really saves time if it is over long trips 300+ miles (in which case, assuming you were on the interstate) that 5 seconds a mile would save you 25 minutes from the drive, making it go from 4h35m to 4h10m. For me, I have family across the U.S., so family visits are usually 900-1400 miles. Even only driving 5 above usually saves me 90-150 minutes or so (since I often have stretches where I drive on US highways which have 55 mph speed limits)

I would like to know if driving fast is worth it for short trips. If I drive 10 MPH over the speed limit for 10 miles, how much time do i save ? Is there an equation for that ?

it helps me in lot of stuff

awesome, helped me notice how long my taiga (electric seedoo) is going to last.

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Speed Distance Time Calculator

Initially, this amazing calculator was developed especially for athletes, cyclists or joggers. However, all people who are required due to their activities to calculate an unknown variable with the help of the other two variables, will find use in it. You can use it in two ways. First, enter two particular variables in order to find the third one. Second, you may find the variable by entering the details.

Time can be entered as hh:mm:ss , mm:ss or ss (hh=hours mm=minutes ss=seconds).

Example Time Formats:

  • 1:20:45 = 1 hour, 20 minutes and 45 seconds
  • 18:25 = 18 minutes and 25 seconds
  • 198 = 198 seconds = 3 minutes and 18 seconds

Speed: miles yards feet inches kilometers meters centimeters per hour minute second

Distance: miles yards feet inches kilometers meters centimeters millimeters

You may set the number of decimal places in the online calculator. By default there are only two decimal places.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Decimal Places

Speed    miles/hr miles/min miles/sec yards/hr yards/min yards/sec feet/hr feet/min feet/sec inch/hr inch/min inch/sec km/hr km/min km/sec meter/hr meter/min meter/sec cm/hr cm/min cm/sec mm/hr mm/min mm/sec

Distance    miles yards feet inches kilometers meters centimeters millimeters

Time (hh:mm:ss)

This calculator includes the following algorithms:

Speed = Distance divided by Time

Distance = Speed multiplied by Time

Time = Distance divided by Speed

You may also be interested in our Running Pace Calculator or Steps to Miles Calculator

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travel time and speed calculator

Speed and Time Calculator

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Speed Calculator

The speed calculator helps find speed, distance, time using the formulas d=st, s=d/t, t=d/s. Easy to use and intuitive speed calculator.

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Time Calculator

280355.04km or 174133.57mi

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Table of Contents

Dst triangle, time calculation, distance calculation, speed calculation, the history of motion calculation.

Are you tired of the tedious task of manual calculations regarding speed, distance, and time? Pay attention to the Speed Distance Time Calculator. This powerful tool utilizes the fundamental formula d = st, making it easier to figure out these numbers precisely and accurately.

With the ability to determine distance, speed, and time through formulas such as d = st to calculate distance, s = d/t to calculate speed, and t = d/s to calculate time, this versatile time distance calculator can deduce an unknown value if two other values are known.

Furthermore, this distance speed calculator accepts time in various units, including seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years, and can handle a plethora of separators.

Speed distance and time calculator also allows calculating speed in multiple units, including miles per hour, kilometers per hour, meters per second, and many other speed measurement units, and distance in inches, feet, yards, miles, centimeters, meters, and kilometers.

Say goodbye to tedious calculations and hello to efficiency with the Speed Distance Time Calculator.

Sometimes a so-called dst-triangle is used to represent the formula d = st more clearly. This representation helps you more easily remember what the formula for calculating distance, speed, and time looks like. And it also makes it easier to transform that formula to calculate one of these parameters. In the basic version, this triangle looks like this:

Speed Distance Time Calculator

If we don't know the distance, we can put the triangle like this and get a formula to calculate the distance based on speed and time:

Speed Distance Time Calculator

So the formula in this case would look like d = st .

If we don't know the speed, but need to calculate it based on distance and time data, we can represent the triangle in the following form and quickly recall the formula:

Speed Distance Time Calculator

So in this situation, we'll use the formula s = d/t .

And in the end, if we need to find the time, but have distance and speed information, we can use this version of the speed distance and time triangle:

Speed Distance Time Calculator

In a situation like this, we would apply the formula t = d/s to our calculations.

Practical application

Calculating speed, distance, and time may seem like a dry and boring topic, but they are actually incredibly fascinating and useful concepts to understand. Whether you're trying to get somewhere on time or just trying to figure out how long it will take to get from point A to point B, understanding the relationship between speed, distance, and time is crucial.

The speed, distance, and time calculator is a helpful tool for physics students, engineers, and anyone who needs to make calculations related to speed, distance, and time. Even if you are not related to science, you can use time distance calculator in your everyday life. What simple daily calculations can it be useful for?

The formula used to calculate time is:

where t is time, d is distance, and s is speed.

In this equation, time equals distance divided by speed.

Let's look at an example of calculating time. We have quite an experienced runner who estimates their chances of running a marathon with good results. Our athlete wants to know how long it will take them to run a marathon (26.2 miles) at 9 miles per hour.

By the way, leading amateur marathon runners who can finish the marathon in less than three hours run 26.2 miles (42 kilometers) at an average speed of 8.8 miles per hour (or around 14.1 kilometers per hour). That's already a decent speed, considering that riding a bicycle may occur at about the same speed.

The runner can substitute the known values of distance (26.2 miles) and speed (9 miles per hour) using the formula t = d/s .

t = d/s = 26.2 / 9 = 2.91 hours

It will take 2.91 hours to run a marathon.

And the speed, distance, and time calculator will give us the result of the computation with staggering accuracy:

Time = 2.91111 hours = 2.91111 h = 02:54:40 = 2 hours, 54 minutes, and 40 seconds.

We use the distance traveled formula

to determine the distance, where d stands for distance, s is speed, and t is time.

This formula is based on the principle that distance equals speed times time.

The following example will show us how to calculate distance. A driver plans a trip across the U.S. and wants to know how the distance he can cover in a certain time while moving at a certain speed. In this case, we can use our tool as a distance traveled calculator.

To begin, the driver tries to estimate how many miles they could cover if they drove at an average speed of 55 miles per hour for four hours without stopping.

Using the formula d = st , the driver can substitute the known values of speed (55 mph), and time (4 hours) to calculate the distance they will travel:

d = st = 55 × 4 = 220 miles

So, the distance of the trip will be 220 miles. This is a good distance to travel across the country. For example, the distance between New York City and Washington, D.C., is about 226 miles.

To calculate speed, we use the speed formula

where s denotes speed, d is distance, and t is time. Here, the speed equals the distance divided by the time traveled. Applying this formula, you can use this calculator as an average speed calculator.

The following example will demonstrate the speed calculation. A plane leaves New York and is directed to London. These two cities are separated by a distance of 3,461 miles. The flight we are considering in this example takes 7 hours. How to calculate speed of the plane in miles per hour?

Using the formula s = d/t , we can substitute the known values of distance (3461 miles) and time (7 hours) to calculate the speed:

s = d/t = 3461 / 7 = 494.43 mph

So, the plane's average speed will be 494.43 mph, or around 494 mph.

If we are curious enough and decide to use a Speed Distance Time calculator to give us the results of these calculations in other units, it will provide us with even more comprehensive information. The aircraft's speed in this example is 0.137341 miles per second, 795.706 kilometers per hour, 221.029 meters per second.

The above equations seem simple enough to us. But scientists have spent a long time creating them and proving that they work. Ancient thinkers made serious contributions to the study of speed and distance. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to systematically explore these topics.

Aristotle viewed time as a quantitative characteristic of motion and compared it to a number or measure of motion. Aristotle emphasized that time is not identical with motion, but is constantly connected with it. He viewed time as a flow, and each "now" as the end of the past and the beginning of the future. He viewed time as a thing and emphasized its measurement by means of numbers.

Aristotle's studies of the relationship of time, motion, and distance laid the foundation for future scientists and mathematicians. Greek astronomers such as Hipparchus and Ptolemy developed the field of astronomy, using mathematics to predict the motion of celestial bodies.

In the 17th century, the Italian scientist and mathematician Galileo Galilei made significant contributions to the study of motion and speed. He conducted observations and experiments with falling objects. This led him to suggest that the distance an object travels is directly proportional to the time it takes to travel that distance. He also suggested that the speed of an object is constant as long as the force acting on it is constant.

Galileo Galilei first proposed the concept of uniformly accelerated motion. He also studied the motion of pendulums and suggested that the length of a pendulum had nothing to do with how far it swung. Galileo Galilei's idea that distance and time are inversely related led to the equation d = st (distance = speed × time). It was Galileo Galilei who quantified speed in terms of distance and time.

The formula d = st (distance = speed × time) itself goes back to the work of French mathematician and physicist Pierre-Simon Laplace. He introduced the formula in 1799 in his book Celestial Mechanics. Laplace used it to calculate the distances of celestial bodies from Earth and to predict their future positions. This significant achievement in astronomy laid the foundation for celestial mechanics and the modern development of astrometry.

Incidentally, the formula d = st is a special case of the more general formula d = vt + 1/2at² , where a stands for acceleration. This formula is an equation of motion of an object with constant acceleration, also known as the second equation of motion or kinematic equation of motion.

Its first part (vt) represents the distance traveled due to initial velocity, and its second part (1/2at²) represents the distance traveled due to acceleration.

The Speed, Distance and Time calculator is a valuable aid for those who need accurate and reliable calculations related to speed, distance and time. Whether you are a physics student, an engineer, or just someone who needs a quick calculation, this tool will make your calculations easy and accurate.

With its versatile handling of different units, use of different delimiters and the ability to get results in different units, the speed calculator comes in handy for a wide variety of tasks.

Say goodbye to tedious manual recalculations and arm yourself with accuracy and precision with the speed time and distance calculator!

Speed Calculator

How to calculate speed - average speed formula, solving the speed equation to calculate distance and time, speed vs. velocity.

If you're searching for how to calculate the speed-time-distance relationship, this speed calculator is for you! With this calculator, you can:

  • Calculate speed , given distance and time;
  • By inputting speed and distance, calculate time ;
  • Calculate distance ;
  • Compare the time with a different speed, using the advanced mode in the calculator.

Consider that when we use total distance covered and time traveled (as in this calculator), we calculate an average speed . The final section discusses this and the difference between speed and velocity .

CalcTool's internal unit conversion allows you to conveniently have the inputs and outputs in different units. If you have doubts about calculating miles per hour and other velocity units, you can look at our speed converter .

Once you've mastered speed and velocity, you'll be ready to study acceleration with our acceleration calculator .

Speed is equal to the distance traveled divided by the time taken:

speed = distance/time

It's important to know that this is an average speed formula , as going over some distance in a specific amount of time could be done at different speeds during that travel.

Now that you know how to find the speed let's see how to calculate distance and time.

If we know the average speed and time, we can solve the previous speed equation for distance :

distance = speed × time

And do the same for time :

time = distance/speed

Speed and velocity might seem the same, but they're not.

  • Speed is a scalar quantity - it has magnitude only but not direction. In simple terms, it tells how fast an object moves.
  • Velocity is a vector quantity - it is defined not only by magnitude but also by direction . It tells the rate at which an object changes its position.

While speed depends on distance traveled, velocity depends on initial and final positions . If the initial and final positions are the same, the position doesn't change, and the average velocity equals zero.

Suppose a car travels from point A to point B and returns to point A, all that in 30 seconds. If there's a distance of 50 m between both points, the car had an average speed of:

speed = distance/time = (2 × 50 m)/30 s = 3.33 m/s

On the other hand, the velocity is zero, as the initial and final positions are the same.

Magnitude of acceleration

Projectile motion, schwarzschild radius.

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Speed Calculator

Speed converter.

The following converter converts between common speed units.

Speed, distance, and time

What is speed.

Speed is defined as the rate at which an object covers distance. It describes how quickly or slowly an object moves from one place to another. The standard (SI) unit of speed is meters per second (m/s), but it can also be expressed in other units, such as kilometers per hour (km/h), miles per hour (mph), or feet per second (ft/s), depending on the context or the country's measurement system.

The relationship between speed, distance, and time

Speed, distance, and time are closely interconnected and can be thought of as three pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly. The relationship can be summarized by the formula:

This formula shows that:

  • Speed increases if you cover more distance in the same amount of time, or if you cover a distance in less time.
  • Distance can be calculated if you know the speed and time, with the formula: distance = speed × time

Imagine you are riding a bicycle at a constant speed of 10 meters per second (m/s) for 1 minute. How far will you have traveled by the end of that minute?

First, convert the time into seconds because our speed is in meters per second. One minute equals 60 seconds. Now, using the distance formula:

This means you will have traveled 600 meters in one minute.

Understanding the relationship between speed, distance, and time is not just about solving physics problems; it helps us in everyday situations. Whether you are trying to calculate how long it will take to get to school at a certain speed, how fast you need to run to win a race, or even how speed limits on roads are determined to ensure safety, these concepts are incredibly useful.

Common speed units

Examples of different speeds.

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Savvy Calculator

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Travel Time Calculator


In the fast-paced world of travel and transportation, optimizing the time spent on journeys is essential. The Travel Time Calculator emerges as a handy tool, offering a swift solution to estimate travel durations. Whether planning a road trip, commuting, or scheduling flights, this calculator proves invaluable for individuals seeking accurate and efficient travel time predictions.

The Travel Time Calculator relies on a simple formula to determine the duration of a journey. The formula is expressed as:

Travel Time=Distance Speed Travel Time = Speed Distance ​

Here, the distance represents the length of the journey, and the speed denotes the average speed at which the travel occurs. The result is the estimated time required to cover the specified distance.

How to Use?

Utilizing the Travel Time Calculator is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to obtain quick and accurate travel time estimates:

  • Enter Distance : Input the distance of your journey. This could be in miles, kilometers, or any other relevant unit.
  • Specify Average Speed : Enter the average speed at which you anticipate traveling. This speed should reflect the overall pace of your journey, considering factors such as speed limits and road conditions.
  • Click Calculate or Submit : Most calculators feature a button to initiate the computation. Clicking this button will generate the estimated travel time based on the provided distance and speed.
  • Review the Output : The calculator will display the estimated travel time, allowing you to plan your schedule with precision.

Consider a road trip covering a distance of 300 miles, with an anticipated average speed of 60 miles per hour. Using the Travel Time Calculator, the estimated travel time would be calculated as follows:

Travel Time=300 miles60 mph=5 hours  Travel Time = 60 mph 300 miles ​ = 5 hours

Q: Can the Travel Time Calculator account for variations in speed during a journey? A: The calculator provides an average travel time based on the entered average speed. For more detailed calculations, consider segmenting the journey into different legs with varying speeds.

Q: Is the Travel Time Calculator suitable for air travel? A: While the calculator primarily focuses on ground travel, it can provide rough estimates for air travel based on the average speed of the flight.

Q: Does the calculator consider factors like traffic and stops? A: The Travel Time Calculator offers a basic estimate and may not account for variables like traffic, stops, or delays. It’s advisable to use it as a planning tool and adjust for real-time conditions.


The Travel Time Calculator is a valuable companion for anyone planning journeys, whether for business or leisure. By providing quick and reliable estimates, it facilitates effective time management and helps individuals make informed decisions about their travel schedules. Embracing this calculator empowers travelers to plan their trips with confidence, ensuring they reach their destinations on time and with minimal hassle.

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Speed Calculator

Table of contents

This speed calculator is a tool that helps you determine the average speed of a moving object based on the distance traveled over a certain time traveled. Whether you are test-driving your brand-new car or just going for a quick jog or cycle, if you want to know how to find average speed, this calculator will come in handy.

In the article below, you can find a lot of valuable information, like what the average speed formula is. We will also give you a few curious speed facts (e.g., the speed of sound formula ). Check this speed distance calculator and finally find an answer to the question how fast am I going?

Speed, distance, time

We have all heard of speed , but how confident are you in your understanding of this concept? Speed is, by definition, purely related and connected to physics. However, when you take the time to think about it, you don't see the vectors and formulas from your textbook, but instead, a cyclist, flying jet, or speedometer needle. We mostly associate speed with moving objects than with scientific equations. What is more, we have a sense that tells us how quickly we are traveling; that is, we can sense whether we are moving fast or not. For example, when you drive a car at a speed of 50 km/h, this is not too fast relative to the max speed of the car, but when you ride a bike with the same speed, it feels like a lot. So, we can say that the human perception of speed is relative.

Automobiles and trains measure speed in kilometers per hour (kph) or in miles per hour (mph), and on airplanes and ships, we usually use knots (kn). On the other hand, physicists most often use the SI base units which are meters per second (m/s). The speed definition hides behind these units, and we can get familiar with it by examining them. Everything about speed is related to distance and time. The units of speed are specified by traveled distance units divided by units of time, and that is the general idea of speed. In a more simple way — speed is the distance traveled per unit of time .

How fast am I going? — types of speed

Speed is not a precise term — there are a few more accurate meanings, and they should not be confused with each other. Let's consider the differences between instantaneous speed , average speed and rotational speed . For the purpose of two first, we will try to visualize it with an example of driving a car.

You are driving along the long, open highway. You glance down at the speedometer of your car; it reads 100 kilometers per hour. From this, you know how far you will drive if you keep the speed constant. We know that, in practice, keeping the speed exactly constant is almost impossible (although, on a highway with cruise control, it is nearly possible), and our speed fluctuates all the time, more or less. The actual distance you travel in an hour is the average of all these speeds. Conclusion — the average speed is the total distance traveled in a unit of time (e.g., in an hour).

So, what does the number your speedometer indicates really mean? That is your instantaneous speed; your speed at this exact moment. According to the textbook definition, the instantaneous speed is the change in object position, x, between two times, t 1 and t 2 (where this time interval approaches zero, i.e., t 2 - t 1 → 0).

The rotational speed is a slightly different term, related rather to rotating objects than to objects that change their position in space. Accordingly, the rotational speed is the number of complete revolutions that an object makes in a unit of time . It is expressed in radians per second (rad/s) or in revolutions per minute (rpm) units. We will not focus more on this topic because it is not the aim of this speed distance calculator. If you would like to find out more about the topic of angular speed, go to our angular acceleration calculator or the rotational kinetic energy calculator .

Average speed formula

Since the main purpose of this calculator is to calculate average speed, let's take a more in-depth look at this topic. Average speed is measured in units of distance per time, and the average speed formula looks like this:

average speed = total distance / total time

Typical units are kilometers per hour (kph), miles per hour (mph), meters per second (m/s), and feet per second (ft/s). In our mph calculator, the default unit is mph (kph for metric-units countries), but you can change between any of the common units.

🙋 To know more about determining the average speed, check out our average rate of change calculator .

Speed calculator — how to find your average speed?

Using this speed distance calculator is really easy, and you will get your result immediately. Check the points below to learn how to use this calculator properly:

  • First, you need to determine the distance . This might be, for example, the distance you have driven from home to another city. Input this into the appropriate field.
  • Now, there is a need to determine the time it took to cover a certain distance. Input this into the calculator.
  • And here it is, you'll get the average speed .

You can also expand the section below your result to access the extra functionality of this average speed calculator. Here, you can compare what the difference in time would be if the object was traveling at another average speed (a positive value if the object is traveling for a longer time and a negative value if the object is traveling for a shorter time).

Average speed vs average velocity

Speed and velocity might seem to be the same thing, but they're not. Speed is a scalar quantity — it is defined by magnitude only. In simple terms, it tells you how fast an object is moving. On the other hand, velocity is a vector — it is defined not only by magnitude but also by direction. It tells you the rate at which an object changes its position.

Imagine you drove a car 100 meters forward and then 100 meters back. You would drive at a certain average speed in each direction, but you would have zero average velocity, as velocity is measured as the rate at which the position of the car changes, and, overall, the car didn't change its position. Therefore, it is enough to say that the average speed of a car was 50 mph, but when calculating velocity, we would have to add direction, let's say 50 mph east.

🙋 Take a look at the velocity calculator for a full discussion on the difference between velocity and speed!

Speed of sound — curious speed related facts

Do you have a need… a need for speed? Take a look at some interesting facts and striking numbers of the speed of different objects and animals!

Nothing can go faster than the speed of light, even if we take into account that speed is a relative measurement. Light moves at the speed of 299 792 458 meters per second, which approximately gives 300 000 kilometers per second or 186 000 miles per second. The time it takes for the light from the Sun to reach the Earth is around 8 minutes.

Sound moves through the air at a speed of around 343 meters per second, which is 1234.8 km/h or 767 mph (at 20 °C / 68 °F). It means that a sound wave in air needs about 2.9 seconds to travel one kilometer, or 4.7 seconds to travel a mile — this data might be useful for storm-hunters to determine the lighting distance . In 2012, Austrian Felix Baumgartner broke the sound barrier (with his body!) during a free-fall from 128 000 feet. He reached a speed of 843.6 mph. To put it into context, the typical passenger of jet aircraft cruises at an altitude of 33 000 - 35 000 feet, at a speed of around 500 mph (depending on the aircraft type as well as on the wind speed).

You've probably heard that the fastest animal on the land is the cheetah, and it is true. Its maximum speed is really incredible, and, according to the latest research, it can reach speeds of up to 58 mph! Another amazing example is the peregrine falcons. They can reach speeds exceeding… 200 mph in air! In water, the fastest animal is the Atlantic sailfish — 68 mph in water.

What about people? Sprinter Usain Bolt is the fastest man ever in recorded history, with a recorded speed of 27.44 mph. What is interesting, scientists found that a man who lived 20 000 years ago in Australia (called T8) ran with the speed of 23 mph. Note he did it barefoot in the mud, while Bolt uses state-of-the-art running shoes and a dedicated track.

Is velocity the same as speed?

Velocity and speed are very nearly the same — in fact, the only difference between the two is that velocity is speed with direction . Speed is what is known as a scalar quantity, meaning that it can be described by a single number (how fast you’re going). It is also the magnitude of velocity. Velocity, a vector quantity, must have both the magnitude and direction specified, e.g., traveling 90 mph southeast.

What is the most economical driving speed?

While the most economical driving speed changes with every vehicle , the general consensus is that it is around 50 mph (80 km/h) . There are a few other things you can do to maximize efficiency, however. First, try to maintain a constant speed ; this will make your engine run as efficiently as possible — use cruise control on flats if you have it. Second, drive at the highest possible gear within the speed limit ; this again helps your engine run as economically as possible. Other tips include turning off AC and having as little weight in your car as you can .

Can Google Maps tell me my speed?

Google Maps can tell you your speed; it has an inbuild speedometer , which is only currently available for Android users. It is on by default, but to make sure it is on, go to settings → navigation settings , and under the driving options menu, there will be a slider for it. It is useful as it will change color if you are exceeding the limit — so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road. You can also report speed cameras and traps — but only if you’re in navigation mode.

How do you calculate mph to seconds?

  • Take your current speed in either kph or mph.
  • Divide it by 60 to get kilometers per minute or miles per minute.
  • Divide by 60 again, getting kilometers per second or miles per second.
  • Alternatively, divide it by 3600 for the straight conversion.

What are the types of speed?

Speed has many different types and terms to describe it:

  • Speed — how fast an object is traveling.
  • Velocity — how fast an object is traveling in a certain direction.
  • Acceleration — how quickly it takes an object to reach a certain speed.
  • Constant speed — an object moving at the same rate.
  • Variable speed — an object moving at a changing rate.
  • Average speed — distance covered divided by time taken to traverse.
  • Instantaneous speed — the speed at a particular instance.

What is the unit for speed?

The unit for speed is distance over time , as it is defined as the amount of time it takes an object to cover a particular distance. The base, or SI, unit is meters per second , but this is not very practical in everyday life. You are likely more familiar with units such as kilometers per hour, miles per hour, and knots . Any distance over time is a speed unit, so other units of speed include nanometres per fortnight, Boeing 787s per solar year, or bananas per Friedman.

How do you convert between mph and kph?

To convert from miles per hour to kilometers per hour :

  • Take your speed.
  • Multiply the value by 1.6.

To convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour :

  • Multiply the value by 0.62.

A handy trick if you don’t have a calculator to hand (e.g., you're driving) is to use the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…). Take a number; the next one in the sequence is the kilometers if the previous one was miles (e.g., 50 mph is roughly 80 kph).

How do you find the final speed?

If you have the average and initial speed :

  • Multiply the average speed by 2.
  • Subtract the initial speed.
  • You’re left with the final speed .

If you have initial speed, acceleration, and time :

  • Multiply the time and acceleration.
  • Add the initial speed to this number.
  • Revel in your calculation .

What is the formula to calculate average speed?

The most common formula for average speed is distance traveled divided by time taken . The other formula, if you have the initial and final speed , add the two together and divide by 2.

What are the types of acceleration?

There are two types of acceleration, average and instantaneous . Average acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the change of time and is how an object's movement changes with time, on average. Instantaneous acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time , or the limit of the average acceleration over an infinitesimal period of time. It is used to find the exact acceleration of an object at a particular time.

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ol{padding-top:0px;}.css-4okk7a ul:not(:first-child),.css-4okk7a ol:not(:first-child){padding-top:4px;} Compare the time with a different speed

Time difference

A positive number indicates that the first speed will cover the distance before. A negative number means that the second number will reach the destination first.

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Distance and Time Taken to Average Speed Calculator

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Calculate average speed of a moving object from the total distance travelled and the time taken from start to finish.

Once you have entered a distance and a time period the average speed will appear in the answer box and two conversion scale will also show a range of values for distance versus speed and time versus speed.

This tool calculates average speed using the following formula:

  • d = Distance

Distance Travelled

Enter the actual distance that is travelled by a moving object in any unit of distance measurement.

Enter the time taken to complete the distance travelled in any measurement unit of time.

Average Speed

This is the speed that a moving object would need to maintain without variation, in order to complete the distance travelled in the same period of time.


Examples of types of average speed calculations:

  • Convert a journey distance in kilometres and the time taken in hours, to an average speed in mph.
  • Determine the average speed of a runner in mph, from a track run distance in metres, and the stopwatch time in minutes or seconds.
  • Calculate a training speed to complete a cycling route within a target period of time.


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Fuel Calculator ⛽

Use this fuel cost calculator to easily calculate fuel cost and the gallons / liters needed to complete a trip. Calculate gas cost or petrol cost - we support miles and gallons, liters and km, etc.

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  • Fuel Needed & Fuel Cost Calculations

Variation in fuel consumption

  • Formula for fuel amount
  • How to improve fuel economy?

    Fuel Needed & Fuel Cost Calculations

In order to calculate the amount of fuel for a given trip using our fuel cost calculator or otherwise, you need to know the total distance you will be covering and the expected average fuel consumption of your vehicle. It works the same way for cars, trucks, buses, vans, SUVs, and even boats and planes. If you also want to calculate the fuel cost of a trip, then you need to know the price per gallon or price per liter at which you can by.

Our calculator supports entering distances in miles and kilometers. In terms of fuel consumption, it is very versatile as it accepts: miles per gallon, gallons per 100 miles, kilometers per liter and liters per 100 kilometers. In the US, miles per gallon and kilometers per liter would more frequently used, while in most of Europe the preferred metric would be liters to travel 100 km and gallons to cover 100 miles. The result in terms of fuel amount is in gallons or liters, and for fuel cost is in the currency you entered it in (you can simply ignore the currency sign, e.g. $ (USD)).

Make sure to account for the variation in fuel consumption when driving within city limits and on highways - usually the consumption is higher in the former case. Always fill your tank with more fuel than you anticipate you would need, especially during winter or when driving through desolate areas or when extreme weather conditions are expected.

    Formula for fuel amount

If you are using mpg (miles per gallon), then the formula for calculating the total amount of gas needed is:

Fuel = Distance / Consumption mpg

For example, if the distance is 500 miles and consumption is 20 miles per gallon, then the fuel you will need for the entire distance is 500 / 20 = 25 gallons.

If you are using gallons per 100 mi to measure consumption, then the formula for calculating the amount of fuel needed is:

Fuel = Distance / 100 x Consumption per 100 mi

For example, if the distance is 300 miles and the consumption is 5 gallons per 100 miles, you will need 300 / 100 x 5 = 15 gallons of gas.

Both formulas are applicable for metric units - km and liters, just make sure you do not mix metric units. Using an online fuel calculator will make sure you do not commit that mistake.

    How to improve fuel economy?

Don't like the numbers you see when you use our tool? If you wonder how you can improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicle so you can cover more miles (or kilometers) with less fuel, we have some tips that can result in significant savings, especially when applied consistently over time. Here is our list of 10 fuel efficiency tips :

  • Drive sensibly - If you drive aggressively - too fast compared to other cars, constantly overtaking other vehicles, and rapid acceleration followed by braking, only to accelerate again wastes a lot of gas. By some estimates, quick starts and hard stops can increase fuel consumption by more than 30% ! This is why this is number one in our fuel efficiency list.
  • Observe the speed limit - Different vehicles have optimal fuel economy at different velocities, but one way to increase gas mileage is to avoid driving at higher speeds. A small reduction of your average speed , say from 70 mph to 60 mph (equivalently: from 115 km/h to 100 km/h) can help you save 10 to 20% due to lower fuel consumption.
  • Follow the leader - drive at about the speed of the vehicle in front of you, if they are following the first 2 tips above. This will make sure you need to accelerate and decelerate as little as possible. If possible, overtake drivers who do not follow them, as it will make it very hard for you to do so. This will result in smaller numbers from our fuel cost calculator.
  • Check your tires - make sure your tire pressure is at optimal levels as indicated in the owner's manual provided by the auto manufacturer. If the pressure is too low your mileage will decrease significantly, not to mention that the car may become dangerous to drive.
  • Smart routing - make sure you take optimal paths to reach your desired destination. Learn the different modes of route selection your GPS employs - the shortest is not always the fastest and idling stuck in traffic will waste fuel. Use services such as Google Maps to check for traffic congestions on the planned route. Using a route you know well can also help improve fuel efficiency, since you will know in advance where it makes sense to increase speed and where it does not, because of a traffic light just ahead.
  • Air conditioning - turning it off will most likely improve your fuel efficiency by 10-15%, and will result in you having more power to accelerate quicker when needed. If it is necessary, make sure you do not set it to unreasonably low or high levels. Air temperature in the range between 64°F - 75°F (18°C - 24°C) is comfortable for most people. Due to the law of thermodynamics, each subsequent degree of heating or cooling requires progressively more energy to accomplish and maintain.
  • Remove excess weight - make sure you remove any unneeded heavy items you have in your trunk. One of the untold benefits of losing weight is that your car will be a bit more efficient as well.
  • Turn cruise control ON - when on a highway, make sure to use your cruise control option. By keeping your speed constant, it will most likely save gas and result in lower fuel costs.
  • Avoid idling - idling means 0 miles per gallon and the larger the car engine, the more gas is wasted when idling. Avoid excessive idling, when possible, in line with point #5 above to keep fuel costs low.
  • Maintain your vehicle - a well-maintained car, truck, van, SUV, etc. will operate at greater efficiency. Exact fuel savings are hard to calculate, as it will depend on the type of maintenance work your vehicle needs. However, good maintenance is sure to lead to fuel savings and smaller cost numbers coming out of our calculator.

fuel cost

All the above advice is fine, but what do you do if you have been following the above advice, yet our tool still shows you numbers that are so high you want to cry? Well, it is most likely time for a new car, or it could be just the fuel price fluctuations over which, unfortunately, neither you nor we have much influence, individually. Fuel prices in most places contain license fees and other state or local government taxes, in some places reaching as much as 50% of the final price. Financial market fluctuations, natural disasters or extreme weather, crisis, as well the geographical area you are in and the local fuel suppliers all influence the price of gas. All you can do is try to observe them and predict when you can get a more decent price.

Cite this calculator & page

If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Fuel Cost Calculator" , [online] Available at: https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/fuel-calculator.php URL [Accessed Date: 08 Jun, 2024].

     Transportation calculators

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Mortgage Rates by State

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Mortgage Rates by Loan Type

  • 30 year fixed
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  • 15 year fixed


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    Calculate time from distance and speed, distance in meters, kilometers, miles and speed in kmh, mph or meter/h, find the total time in hours, minutes, seconds. Time Calculator. ... whats the speed if you travel 2000 miles in 20hours? Angela 2022-01-20 16:38:04.

  3. Speed, Distance & Time Calculator

    Speed, distance, time calculator - calculate the average speed, or the distance travelled, or a trip duration given the other two. Calculate travel speed, distance and trip duration / travel duration for any vehicle: car, bus, train, bike, motorcycle, etc. in miles, feet, kilometers, meters, km/h, mi/h, and more.

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    1:20:45 = 1 hour, 20 minutes and 45 seconds. 18:25 = 18 minutes and 25 seconds. 198 = 198 seconds = 3 minutes and 18 seconds. Speed Distance Time Calculator / Converter. Speed: per. Distance: Time: You may set the number of decimal places in the online calculator. By default there are only two decimal places.

  5. Speed and Time Calculator

    30 miles per hour for 1 hour and 30 minutes: Distance traveled. 45 miles. 72.42 kilometers. 237,600 feet. 72,420 meters. results may be rounded.

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    Calculating time and distance is essential for travel planning, logistics, and understanding the efficiency of movement. The Time and Distance Speed Calculator is a handy tool that simplifies these calculations, enabling users to determine speed, time, or distance with ease. Whether you're a commuter, athlete, or logistics professional, this ...

  12. Distance Time Calculator

    The Distance Time Calculator is a versatile tool designed to simplify the calculation of travel distances based on time and speed. Whether you're planning a road trip, analyzing running speeds, or estimating commute times, this calculator proves to be an invaluable resource for individuals and professionals alike.

  13. Distance and Average Speed to Travel Time Calculator

    This calculator will estimate the travel time for a journey using the travel distance to destination and the expected average speed of the method of travel. Once a distance and speed have been entered the calculated time will be displayed in the answer box. Also a conversion scale will be generated for different values of distance versus time ...

  14. Speed Calculator

    Speed increases if you cover more distance in the same amount of time, or if you cover a distance in less time. Distance can be calculated if you know the speed and time, with the formula: distance = speed × time. Time required to cover a distance can be found if you know the speed and distance, using the formula: time =. distance. speed.

  15. Time To Travel Calculator

    The Time To Travel Calculator is a valuable tool for anyone planning a journey, offering a quick and efficient way to estimate travel time based on distance and speed. Whether you're a road tripper, a frequent flyer, or a commuter, this calculator aids in effective time management and itinerary planning.

  16. Drive Time Calculator

    To calculate your average speed for your trip, you must note the trip distance and drive time or travel time and follow these steps: Subtract the total time used for breaks from the drive time.; Divide the trip distance by the difference obtained in step 1.; The value calculated is the average speed for the trip.; Verify your result with our drive time calculator.

  17. Driving Time Calculator

    Travelmath helps you find the driving time based on actual directions for your road trip. You can find out how long it will take to drive between any two cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes. This can also help you plan the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results with the flight time calculator to see how much ...

  18. Travel Time Calculator

    The Travel Time Calculator relies on a simple formula to determine the duration of a journey. The formula is expressed as: Travel Time=Distance Speed Travel Time=Speed Distance. Here, the distance represents the length of the journey, and the speed denotes the average speed at which the travel occurs. The result is the estimated time required ...

  19. Speed Calculator

    average speed = total distance / total time. Typical units are kilometers per hour (kph), miles per hour (mph), meters per second (m/s), and feet per second (ft/s). In our mph calculator, the default unit is mph (kph for metric-units countries), but you can change between any of the common units. 🙋 To know more about determining the average ...

  20. Distance and Time Taken to Average Speed Calculator

    User Guide. Calculate average speed of a moving object from the total distance travelled and the time taken from start to finish. Once you have entered a distance and a time period the average speed will appear in the answer box and two conversion scale will also show a range of values for distance versus speed and time versus speed.

  21. Average Speed Calculator

    First, subtract the time spent at the train stops: 2.5 x 4 = 10 minutes. 2:10 minus 10 minutes leaves 2 hours of travel time. Then, apply the avg speed formula to get 120 miles / 2 hours = 60 mph (miles per hour). Example 2: A cyclist travels to and from work, covering 10 km each way.

  22. Travel Time Calculator

    Travelmath provides an online travel time calculator to help you figure out flight and driving times. You can compare the results to see the effect on the total duration of your trip. Usually, the flight time will be shorter, but if the destination is close, the driving time can still be reasonable. Another popular tool is the time difference ...

  23. Travelmath trip calculator

    What is Travelmath? Travelmath is an online trip calculator that helps you find answers quickly. If you're planning a trip, you can measure things like travel distance and travel time.To keep your budget under control, use the travel cost tools. You can also browse information on flights including the distance and flight time. Or use the section on driving to compare the distance by car, or ...

  24. Fuel Calculator ⛽

    If you are using mpg (miles per gallon), then the formula for calculating the total amount of gas needed is: Fuel = Distance / Consumptionmpg. For example, if the distance is 500 miles and consumption is 20 miles per gallon, then the fuel you will need for the entire distance is 500 / 20 = 25 gallons. If you are using gallons per 100 mi to ...

  25. New Hong Kong-Beijing Sleeper Trains Slash Travel Time by Half

    June 4, 2024 at 9:42 PM PDT. Listen. 1:24. A new high-speed sleeper train service is set to cut travel time between Hong Kong and Beijing and Shanghai by about half as the financial hub seeks to ...

  26. Compare Mortgage Rates and Loans

    Simply enter your home location, property value and loan amount to compare the best rates. For a more advanced search, you can filter your results by loan type for 30 year fixed, 15 year fixed and ...