
  • Forma Migratoria Múltiple

Multiple Immigration Form (FMM)

General conditions.

The FMM applicant shall hold a valid and current passport or card passport (Tarjeta Pasaporte) in accordance with the international law regulations; in case the country of citizenship requires it, the passport must have a valid unexpired visa.

The applicant is aware that the card passport (Tarjeta Pasaporte) can only be used in the border crossings by land and for visiting the border zone; it might not be used to travel to the territory of the Mexican Republic or used for international air trips.

The applicant shall complete the information needed in the request of the FMM, as appears in his/her passport.

The applicant accepts under oath, that the information and documents provided are true; therefore, the applicant acknowledges herein that if any false information is provided, he/she could be subject to penalties in accordance with the applicable legal regulation.

Conditions of the Forma Migratoria Múltiple obtained by electronic means

The Forma Migratoria Múltiple can be obtained by electronic means through the Institute website, the foreigners, who enter to the country by land, can obtain it through the facilities aimed for the international transit of persons.

The applicant agrees that the status condition of stay that he/she shall obtain, by means of the information provided, only be as visitor without permission to work.

The applicant acknowledges herein that the FMM has a maximum validity of 180 calendar days and shall be valid for one entry only.

The applicant acknowledges herein that the validity term of the FMM shall start upon the migratory stamp is fixed, provided with, he/she should comply with the requirements to enter Mexico.

The applicant shall print and bring the FMM to the facility aimed for the international transit of persons where he/she wishes to enter through.

The applicant acknowledges herein that the fees paid to obtain the condition of stay, is not a guarantee to enter Mexico.

The applicant shall produce a valid and current passport or card passport (Tarjeta Pasaporte), as well as the FMM shall be produced at the time his/her enter is requested.

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions above.

Aviso de Privacidad Simplificado Registro para los procesos de Internación y Salidas del Territorio Nacional Mexicano

El Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) a través de las Direcciones Generales de Control y Verificación Migratoria, Administración, así como Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones, respectivamente es el responsable de los datos personales que sean recabados como parte de su registro en los procesos de internación y salidas del territorio nacional mexicano, con la finalidad de revisar se cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en la Ley de Migración y ordenamientos aplicables, comprobando la veracidad y congruencia de lo manifestado para su paso a territorio nacional con la documentación de los mismos, ejerciendo la facultad de autorizar o no el ingreso a la República Mexicana y la obtención de un tiempo y/o condición de estancia a su favor; documentar el flujo de entradas y salidas al país de los nacionales y extranjeros; generar el control migratorio por los lugares destinados al tránsito internacional de personas por tierra, mar y aire; hacer más ágil la internación a México; generar estadísticas; realizar el cobro de derechos que por los servicios migratorios se deriven y garantizar el tránsito y la estancia de los extranjeros en el mismo, así como la preservación de la soberanía y de la seguridad de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Los datos personales que nos proporcione, serán protegidos conforme a lo dispuesto por la Ley General de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Sujetos Obligados, y demás normatividad que resulte aplicable.

El aviso de privacidad integral lo podrá consultar en la página institucional, dentro del apartado de Protección de Datos Personales, o bien, en la siguiente liga: http://www.inm.gob.mx/static/transparencia/pdf/avisos/Aviso_de_Privacidad_Internacion_y_Salidas.pdf .

Important: To generate your request disable pop-up blocker browser and check to have installed Acrobat Reader. It is essential that has an email account.

Error in input data! Please check the information captured.

  Check the information registered

Entry Information

Personal information, identification document, place of residence, trip information, father, mother or guardian information,   notification.

Is the provided information correct?

To generate your request disable pop-up blocker browser and check to have installed Acrobat Reader.

Multiple Immigration Form saved correctly.


For your application, you need to make payment. Said payment must be made in the Portal de Servicios del Instituto Nacional de Migración (https://www.inm.gob.mx/spublic/portal/inmex.html). It is important to keep the following information to be able to reference your payment:

Immigration Form:

Document number:



For more information, we suggest you carefully read the material available in the section on “Ayuda del Portal”.

Note: In order to generate the payment in the INM service portal, it is necessary to have an active account and the passport that you will register in your application.

Where The Road Forks

The FMM for Mexico Explained: How to Get a Tourist Card

By: Author Zachary Friedman

Posted on Last updated: January 19, 2024

Categories Mexico , Visas and Borders

Home » Mexico » The FMM for Mexico Explained: How to Get a Tourist Card

Mexico offers visa-free entry to those who hold passports from countries on its no visa required list. Instead of a Mexican visa, visitors must obtain an FMM tourist permit (Forma Migratoria Múltiple). This document allows you to stay in Mexico for the purpose of tourism or business for up to 180 days. The FMM currently costs 685 pesos or $38. If you’re staying for less than 7 days, it’s free. To get an FMM, you need a valid passport or passport card. This guide explains everything you need to know about the FMM for Mexico. I’ll explain what the FMM tourist card is, how to apply, the travel documents you’ll need, where it is issued, costs, eligibility, validity, and more.

I’ve also made this YouTube video that outlines the main points of the article.

The FMM Tourist Permit for Mexico Explained

Quick Info About the FMM Tourist Card

  • Cost- $687 pesos (about $38). Free for stays of 7 days or less
  • Validity- Up to 180 days. The number of days you’re granted will be written on the form.
  • Issued on arrival at the point of entry or online . The Mexico FMM is available at land borders, international airports, and most seaports.
  • Eligibility- Citizens of the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, European Schengen Area Countries, Japan, South Korea, and more. If your country is on this list , you’re eligible.
  • How to apply- Fill out the form with basic travel info. You will receive the form at the port of entry.
  • Required documents- A valid passport or passport card
  • Issued by INM (Instituto Nacional de Migración), a Mexican government agency

Important note

The Mexican government is currently phasing out the paper version of the FMM permit. It is being replaced with a passport stamp. Currently, some ports of entry still use the paper form. Some have transitioned to the stamp. The rules are all still the same. The eligibility, validity, and cost haven’t changed. If you’re given a paper form on arrival, fill it out as normal. If you don’t receive a paper form, the Mexican authorities will stamp your passport instead. I’ll update this article as additional information about this change comes out.

U.S. - Mexico border

Table of Contents

  • What is the FMM Visitor’s Permit?
  • Eligibility and Who Needs an FMM
  • Required Documents
  • FMM Validity
  • How to Get an FMM

What is an FMM Tourist Permit?

The FMM Tourist Permit (Forma Migratoria Múltiple) is a travel document that allows those who are eligible to enter Mexico without a visa.

The FMM Visitor’s Permit allows you to stay in Mexico for up to 180 days. During that time, you can participate in tourism activities, do business, transit through the country, study, volunteer, or live anywhere in Mexico.

You are not allowed to be employed, work, or earn money in Mexico while visiting on an FMM permit. If you plan to work and earn money in Mexico, you will need to apply for a temporary resident visa and work permit.

The FMM is issued by the INM (Instituto Nacional de Migración), a Mexican government agency. You can obtain an FMM permit on arrival at the port of entry. All you need is a valid passport. Mexico also offers online FMM applications as well. You simply fill out the application form, print it out, and bring it with you to get stamped by immigration authorities when you arrive.

The FMM is also referred to as the Mexico tourist card. It is also sometimes called a Mexico tourist visa, even though it is not technically a visa.

Who is Eligible for an FMM Tourist Permit and Who Needs a Visa?

FMM tourist permits are available for visitors from countries on this list. If the country that issued your passport is on that list, you don’t require a visa to visit Mexico. The list includes the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Schengen area countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, most Latin American and Caribbean countries as well as many others. If your country is on the list, you only need an FMM permit to visit Mexico. You do not need a Mexican tourist visa.

In addition, to be eligible for an FMM you must be visiting Mexico only for purposes of tourism, business, volunteering, or studying. Your trip must last 180 days or less. If you plan to visit for another purpose or for a longer duration, you’ll need to apply for a Mexico visa in advance.

Regardless of your citizenship or residency, you are also eligible for an FMM tourist permit if you hold a valid permanent residency visa or a multi-entry visitor visa for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, or a European Schengen Area country.

You are not eligible for an FMM if you are a citizen of one of these countries. If the country that issued your passport is on this list and you do not have a valid visa to one of the above-listed countries, you need to arrange a visa in advance to enter Mexico.

You can apply for a visa at your nearest Mexican consulate or embassy. For more info on the application process, check out this Mexican government website.

If you plan to travel to Mexico for longer than 180 days or if you plan to work, study, invest, or get married in Mexico, you need to arrange a visa in advance, regardless of your citizenship. The most common type of visa for these types of trips is a temporary residency permit. There are several classes of temporary residency permits available for different types of trips. For example, some allow you to work and earn money while others don’t. For more info, check out my guide here.

If you already hold a temporary or permanent residency visa for Mexico, you do not need an FMM permit. You can present your residency visa at the port of entry instead.


Who Needs an FMM Tourist Permit?

Everyone entering Mexico for the purposes of tourism, business, studying, or volunteering needs an FMM tourist permit. Only temporary resident visa holders, permanent residency visa holders, and Mexican citizens can enter Mexico without an FMM permit.

Children under 2 years of age do not need to pay for an FMM. They will need a valid passport.

Before October 2015, there was an unofficial ‘free zone’ near the Mexican border where an FMM was not required if you were staying for 72 hours or less. This was never part of Mexico’s official immigration law but it was widely accepted.

Now, all foreign nationals entering Mexico needs an FMM unless they have a valid Mexican residency visa. Even if you’re only crossing the border to spend the day in Tijuana and staying near the border, you still need to stop and get an FMM.

Ideally, you should carry your passport and FMM permit with you when you’re out and about so you can present them if you’re stopped by the police or at a security checkpoint. Checkpoints are set throughout the country where you must present your FMM and passport to prove that you’re in the country legally.

While walking around cities I don’t like to carry my passport. I always worry about it getting lost or stolen. While in transit, I always keep my passport handy just in case.

What Documents Do I Need to Get an FMM Tourist Permit?

  • A valid passport. If you’re crossing the border by land or sea, you can use a passport book or passport card. If you’re flying in, you need a passport book. It must be valid when you enter and must remain valid for as long as you plan to stay in Mexico. Your passport must also have at least one blank page for a stamp. For more info, check out my guide: Do I Need a Passport to go to Mexico?
  • A completed FMM form. You get the form at the port of entry. If you’re flying to Mexico, a flight attendant may hand you the form during the flight. If you’re applying for your permit online, you fill the form out online. You’ll receive an acceptance email that you must print and bring with you to get stamped at the Mexican border.
  • 594 Pesos (about $30) in cash. You pay this at the border upon entry or exit depending on where you enter. It’s best to bring pesos. Dollars may be accepted.

What Information is Required to fill out the FMM Form?

The FMM form requires basic travel information including:

  • Date of birth
  • Residency and nationality
  • Passport number
  • Purpose of your trip- tourism or business
  • Entry date and date that you plan to leave Mexico
  • How you’re entering- by air, sea, or land
  • Your destination in Mexico
  • The name and address of the place that you plan to stay in Mexico
  • Your signature

If you enter by air, you may get a slightly different form that asks for the flight number and airline that you arrived on.

How Much Does the FMM Tourist Permit Cost

Mexican Pesos

If you’re staying in Mexico for less than 7 days, the FMM tourist permit is free.

If you’re staying in Mexico between 7 and 180 days, there is a 594 peso (about $30) fee for the FMM tourist permit.

You pay this fee in cash at a Banjercito bank window at the border. At some borders, you pay the immigration official who checks your passport directly.

How to Pay for the FMM Tourist Permit

Most borders accept payment in pesos or US dollars. You’ll get a more favorable rate if you pay in pesos. Some borders only accept pesos. It’s best to carry pesos just in case.

If you arrange your FMM permit online, you can pay the fee with a credit card or debit card. They accept Visa and Mastercard.

Some smaller land border crossings don’t have the facilities to accept the FMM fee. In this case, you will pay when you exit Mexico. You can also pay the fee at immigration offices that are located in cities and towns throughout Mexico as well as in all international airports.

After you pay your FMM fee, the banker gives you a receipt. You bring the receipt to the immigration official. They stamp the receipt, tear the FMM form in half, and hand your half back. You must keep the receipt as proof that you paid. If you lose it, you will have to pay the fee again when you exit Mexico because there is no proof that you have paid.

When you arrive by air or cruise ship, the FMM fee is often included in the price of your ticket. Check with your airline or cruise line before you travel so you don’t pay twice. Usually, the FMM will be listed in the ‘fees and taxes’ section of your ticket.

If you find that you’ve already paid for an FMM, carry a copy of your ticket with you for proof. When the Mexican authorities try to charge you again when you exit, you can show them that you have already paid. If you can’t prove that you’ve paid, you’ll be charged again.

Cancun, Mexico

How Long Can You Stay with an FMM Visitor’s Permit?

The FMM Visitor’s Permit is valid for up to 180 days (about 6 months) from the date that you entered Mexico. The number of days you get is up to the immigration agent issuing you the permit.

Sometimes the Mexican immigration authorities will ask you how many days you plan to stay in Mexico and then grant you that many days on your FMM. For example, if you indicate that you plan to stay in Mexico for 2 weeks, you may only be granted 2 weeks on your FMM. This means you can only stay in Mexico for 2 weeks. I recommend you always request 180 days. That way, you can stay longer if your plans change.

Your passport cannot expire before you plan to exit Mexico. For example, your passport must have at least 180 days of validity if you want an FMM that is valid for 180 days. Mexico does not require that your passport have 6 months of validity to enter, like most other countries. If your passport has 1 month of validity but you want to travel to Mexico for 1 week, you can.

When you pass through immigration, the official who checks your passport and FMM form will write the number of days you can stay on the visitor’s permit. It’s up to you to calculate the correct exit date so you don’t accidentally overstay. For example, if you enter Mexico on January 1, and are granted 180 days, you must exit Mexico by June 30. It’s important to remember that 180 days isn’t exactly 6 months because some months are longer than others. You must leave before the permit’s expiration date or you will be fined.

There are several cases where Mexican officials may grant you fewer than 180 days. For example, when entering Mexico on a cruise ship you often only get 21 days. When transiting through Mexico, you may only get 30 days. If you indicate on the FMM application that you only plan to stay for 2 weeks, the immigration official might only grant you two weeks. If you want the full 180 days, you can always ask. Usually, you’ll get it.

Caution: Do not tamper with the FMM form. I have read stories of travelers changing the date on their FMM to give themselves more days. Don’t do this. Your FMM form has a serial number that is recorded when you enter Mexico. The number of days you are granted is stored. You could get in trouble if you’re caught tampering with your FMM.

How to Apply for an FMM Tourist Permit?

You get the FMM Visitor’s Permit at the port of entry. This could be a land border, airport, or seaport. The process varies slightly depending on where and how you enter Mexico. In this section, I’ll outline the process of obtaining an FMM at each type of port of entry. I’ll also outline how to get the FMM online.

Entering by Land: Driving or Walking into Mexico

the U.S. Mexico border at Tijuana

When driving across the border, you will need to park your car and go into the immigration and customs office (INM and Aduana) to get your FMM tourist permit.

While driving across the border, look for a sign pointing you to the ‘something to declare’ area. There will be parking available here. The immigration office is generally nearby. If you don’t see this area, you can ask around for immigration (inmigración in Spanish.) Alternatively, you can just drive across the border into Mexico, find a place to park near the border, and walk to the immigration building.

If you’re walking into Mexico, you can proceed directly to the immigration desk. There is no exit procedure for the U.S. There will be signs pointing you toward immigration and a path to follow. If you’re unsure, just walk toward Mexico and follow the crowd.

Once you find the immigration desk, you will be handed an FMM form to fill out. The forms are available in the immigration building. Be sure to bring a pen with you.

At some borders, an immigration officer may fill the FMM form out for you. In this case, they will ask you a few questions about your trip and copy your personal information from your passport.

After filling out the FMM form, hand it to the immigration official along with your passport. They will look over the form and run your passport through their computer.

The immigration official may ask you a few additional questions about your trip such as, how long are you going to stay in Mexico? Where are you staying? Do you have accommodation booked? What is your final destination in Mexico? What is the purpose of your trip? Where are you going? etc.

At most land borders, you pay your FMM fee when you enter the country if you’re staying longer than 7 days. After an immigration officer inspects your completed FMM form and your passport, you will take the FMM form to a Banjercito bank window near the immigration desk and pay the fee. The cashier will hand you a receipt. Next, you take your receipt back to the immigration official along with your passport. They will stamp your receipt and FMM form and the receipt. After that, you can proceed to customs and into Mexico.

Some small land border crossings do not have payment facilities. If you enter through one of these borders, you will pay your FMM fee when you exit Mexico. You can also pay the fee at an immigration office in Mexico or at all international airports.

Be sure to keep your FMM receipt. When you exit Mexico, you’ll have to prove that you’ve already paid for the FMM permit. If you can’t prove it, you will be charged again.

If you’re driving to Mexico, you’ll need to buy temporary car insurance. I recommend Baja Bound Mexican Insurance . They offer reasonable prices and friendly service. Click the link to get a free quote in just a couple of minutes.

travel form for mexico

Arriving in Mexico by Air

On most flights, a flight attendant will hand out FMM forms to everyone who needs one. You should fill it out before you land so you’re ready to go through immigration when you arrive. If you don’t get an FMM form on the plane, you can get one at immigration when you land. They will be sitting around on a table or someone will be standing around handing them out.

Once you land, follow the signs to immigration. You’ll present your passport and completed FMM form to an immigration official and they will stamp you into Mexico.

Mexican airports do not collect FMM fees from inbound passengers. This is because pretty much every airline includes the FMM fee in the price of the ticket. If you’re flying into Mexico, chances are you’ve already paid for an FMM.

Make sure you keep a copy of your ticket with proof that you have paid the FMM fee. This will usually be outlined in the ‘taxes and fees’ section of your ticket. If you can’t prove you’ve already paid, you will be charged a second time when you exit Mexico.

Tip: Once you get your FMM, place it in your passport. If you’re traveling long-term and you’re afraid you’ll lose it, consider stapling it or taping it to a page in your passport. You can do the same with your receipt.

Entering Mexico by Sea

If you’re entering Mexico on a cruise ship or your own boat, you can get an FMM at the first port of call. You’ll simply fill out the FMM form at the port and pay the fee. The process is basically the same as arriving overland.

If you’re arriving on your own boat, you should double-check to make sure the port where you plan to enter Mexico offers FMMs. You won’t have to worry about this if you’re arriving on a cruise ship. Cruise ships only dock at major ports.

If you’re bringing your own boat to Mexico, you also need to get a temporary vehicle importation permit (TIP) for the boat. You need to arrange this before you enter Mexican waters. You can’t get this document in Mexico.

If you’re entering Mexican waters but don’t plan to go to land, you’ll need a nautical Sportfishing FMM visitor’s permit. This document is also required if you plan to go fishing in Mexican waters. The process is a bit different from obtaining a normal FMM. You can get your nautical FMM online. For more info, check out this guide from Discover Baja.

Applying for an FMM Online

Mexico offers the option to apply for an FMM tourist permit online. This involves filling out a simple online application form and paying the fee with your Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card. Upon acceptance, you’ll receive an email with your FMM form. You’ll need to print this out and get it stamped at the border when you pass through immigration. You must enter Mexico within 30 days of getting your permit online.

For most travelers, it’s still better to get the FMM on arrival at the border. The reason is that you still need to stop at the border to get your immigration documents stamped, even if you applied online. You can’t just drive through. There is really no benefit to arranging your FMM permit in advance. You might save a couple of minutes waiting in line at the bank window.

The only time applying for an FMM online makes sense is if you’re also applying for a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit (TIP) online. In this case, you’ll need to get your FMM online before applying for the TIP. For more info, check out my guide to the Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit.

You can apply for an FMM online here.

When you apply for your FMM online, you receive an email with your approved FMM document within a few minutes. You’ll need to print this document out and bring it with you to immigration to get it stamped and validated.

When applying online, you must use your FMM within 30 days. Otherwise, it expires.

The Cultural Center of Tijuana, Mexico

Frequently Asked Questions About the FMM

Can i make multiple entries on an fmm tourist permit.

No. The FMM is a single entry permit. When you fly out of Mexico, you must surrender your FMM at immigration before boarding the plane. At this point, it is invalidated. You’ll have to buy a new one when you return to Mexico. When you re-enter, you’ll fill out a new FMM form and pay for another permit.

When you exit Mexico at the southern border to Guatemala or Belize or any northern border outside of Baja California, you will also have to surrender your FMM when you pass through immigration. At this time, it will be invalidated and you will have to get a new one when you return.

There is one exception where you can use your FMM for multiple entries. You can enter and exit the state of Baja California Norte overland as many times as you like until your FMM permit expires. This is great for people who want to take short trips over the border. The FMM used to be a single-entry permit. In 2015, the INM changed the rules to allow this one exception.

Can I Stay in Mexico for More than 180 Days with an FMM

No. If you plan to stay in Mexico for longer than 180 days, you should apply for a Temporary Resident Visa or Permanent Resident Visa. You must apply for these visas at a Mexican consulate or embassy before your trip. You can’t obtain them in Mexico.

Alternatively, you could leave Mexico before your FMM expires then return and buy a new one for another 180 days. This is often called a border run. To do this, you can travel overland to the US, Guatemala, or Belize and then cross back into Mexico. You could also fly to your home country or a third country, then return to Mexico.

How Long do I Have to Leave Mexico Before Returning for a New FMM?

There is no rule stating how long you must remain outside of Mexico before returning and paying for a new FMM permit. In most cases, you can exit and then re-enter immediately after if you want. It really depends on the immigration official. Most don’t care and allow you to cross right back over.

Some expats have lived in Mexico on an FMM tourist permit for years. They simply make visa runs to the border to get a new permit every 6 months.

With computerized entry and exit and facial recognition technology, it is possible for Mexico to track how much time you spend in the country on an FMM permit. If you exit and re-enter too many times, they could deny you entry at some point if an immigration official decides that you’re spending too much time in Mexico on an FMM.

Recently, Mexico has begun cracking down on people living in the country on FMM permits. They are issuing permits with fewer than 180 days. Some visitors are only getting 10-30 days upon entry. To get 180 days, you may have to provide some supporting documents such as proof that you’ve paid for long-term accommodation.

If you plan to stay in Mexico longer than 180 days or retire or live in Mexico, it’s best to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa. This gives you peace of mind knowing that you are staying in the country legally. You don’t have to worry about being denied entry.

Keep in mind that there is a financial requirement to get a Temporary Resident Visa. You’ll need to prove that you have enough income or assets to support yourself while in Mexico. Currently, you need to show that you have an income of about $2400-$2700 per month or around $45,000 in a savings or investment account.

What Happens if You Overstay an FMM Visitor Permit?

You need to leave Mexico before your FMM visitor’s permit expires (usually 180 days). If you don’t, you will be fined for overstaying. The fine depends on how long you overstayed. Mexico charges on a per-day basis. The maximum fine is around $350 (7000 pesos). As far as I know, the fine is the only punishment. Mexico won’t bar you from re-entering if you overstay.

You can pay the fine at an immigration office or at an international airport. If you’re flying out of Mexico, you should take care of this fine a couple of days before your flight so you don’t risk missing it. Otherwise, you’ll want to show up for your flight a few hours early. The process could take some time.

If you overstayed your FMM by a couple of days, it’s usually not a big deal. You’ll simply pay a small fine and leave. If you overstayed by months, you’ll probably have to answer some questions.

What if you Lose Your FMM Permit?

If you lose your FMM Visitors permit while in Mexico, you need to visit a local immigration office and apply for a replacement before you can leave the country. The process involves filling out some forms and paying a replacement fee.

I don’t know exactly how much the current fee is. I have read reports ranging from $30 and $60 (around 500-1200 pesos). You can find immigration offices in many towns and cities across Mexico as well as in international airports.

If you go to the border without your FMM card, chances are you will be allowed to exit without it but you will have to pay a fee (or bribe.) I have heard that the charge is around $100 (2000 pesos).

If you go to the airport to catch a flight without your FMM, you’ll be sent to the immigration office in the airport to get a replacement. Be sure to leave yourself extra time if you have to do this so you don’t miss your flight.

If you’re planning to exit Mexico overland from the state of Baja California Norte, you’re in luck. You don’t need to bother getting a replacement because Mexico does not check passports when you exit and cross into the United States. You proceed straight to U.S. immigration. When you go to U.S. immigration, they do not look at the FMM.

Mexico City

What if You Kept Your Visitor’s Permit When You Left Mexico?

At some border crossings, there is nowhere to turn in your old FMM permit when you exit. For example, when crossing from Baja California to the U.S., there is no passport control when you exit Mexico. You just drive or walk straight to U.S. immigration. This means you keep your FMM document.

Legally, this is fine. As of 2015, you do not need to turn in your FMM when exiting Baja California overland according to the INM. You can re-use it for multiple entries until it expires then discard it. There is still a note on the back of the FMM that says that you must return the document.

The problem with this situation is that you won’t get an exit stamp to prove that you left Mexico. When you go to re-enter on your next trip, the immigration official checking your passport could question you as to why you don’t have an exit stamp. They could assume you overstayed on your previous visit. I have heard of people being fined in this situation but I have not been able to confirm whether or not this is actually true.

Unfortunately, there really is no solution to this problem. There is no official procedure as to how to go about returning your FMM if you exit Mexico overland at a border where you don’t pass through immigration to exit.

If you’re questioned, you’ll have to explain that you exited at the northern border where FMM forms are not collected and passports are not stamped upon exit. When you enter Baja, nobody will question you. When you fly to Mexico or enter at another part of the country, you could be questioned.

If you kept your FMM when exiting Mexico and have no plans to return before it expires, you can throw it away. If you plan to return to Mexico and enter through one of the Baja California crossings, you can use it again when you re-enter.

For those who are really worried about keeping their FMM and not getting stamped out, you can contact your nearest Mexican consulate, embassy, or INM office to ask them what to do. They may tell you to mail it somewhere. The process is unclear.

What if I Entered Mexico Without Getting an FMM?

It is possible to enter Mexico without going through immigration and getting an FMM. At the U.S. Mexico border, you can drive right across without stopping. Nobody will flag you down unless you look suspicious. You may feel tempted to drive through to avoid paying the FMM fee. There are a number of reasons why you shouldn’t do this.

If you’re caught in Mexico without a valid FMM, most likely you will be temporarily detained and then told to go back to the border to get one. If you made it hundreds of miles from the border, this would be a major hassle. The officer that catches you could also try to solicit a bribe or issue you a fine. If you’re trying to exit Mexico without an FMM, you may have to pay the immigration official a fee/bribe of around $100.

If you are driving your car in Mexico without an FMM, your insurance probably isn’t valid because you technically entered the country illegally. Check your policy. If you’re pulled over, the police could impound your car if they wanted to. It is also important to note that there are regular checkpoints throughout Mexico. At these checkpoints, the officers will ask to see your passport and FMM to make sure you’re in the country legally.

You also will not be able to board a flight in Mexico because an FMM is required. Even for domestic flights. If you were involved in a serious accident or experienced a medical emergency and you need to be evacuated by air to another city, you may experience a delay if you don’t have an FMM.

Of course, it is also the law. You need an FMM to legally be in Mexico as a tourist. It’s always best not to break the law in a foreign country. For these reasons, you should always take the time to get an FMM when visiting Mexico, even if you’re only crossing the border for the day.

Can I renew or extend an FMM?

No. FMM tourist permits can not be extended or renewed in Mexico. You must leave the country before your permit expires or you will be fined based on the number of days that you overstayed.

The only way to extend your stay is to leave the country and then re-enter and get a new FMM. This is officially called ‘leave to remain’. Alternatively, you could leave the country and apply for a temporary residency visa. Either way, you have to leave Mexico before the visitor’s permit expires. It is non-renewable.

travel form for mexico

Can I Exchange an FMM for a Residency Visa?

No. You must apply for a temporary residency visa or permanent residency visa outside of Mexico at a Mexican embassy or consulate.

There are a couple of exceptions to this. It is possible to exchange your FMM permit for a temporary residency visa in a small number of situations. In order to do this, you must meet a specific set of criteria.

You must be the spouse, child, or parent of a Mexican national or permanent residency visa holder. You must also meet the other requirements for obtaining a temporary residency visa. In addition, you may be able to apply for residency within Mexico if you are seeking political asylum.

Do I Have to Stop at the Border or Can I Get an FMM in Mexico?

Yes, you have to stop at the border to get a Mexican tourist card. You cannot get an FMM anywhere but an official port of entry (land border, seaport, or international airport). If you applied for your FMM online, you still have to stop at the border to get it stamped and validated.

In the past, you could drive across the border and travel into Mexico and get an FMM at an immigration office. This was easier and faster because you didn’t have to deal with stopping at a busy border crossing. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible.

Most border crossings are open 24/7/365 so there is no excuse for not stopping. Check the hours of the border before you plan to arrive just to be sure. At busy border crossings, you can also check the average wait time before you go. You can check border wait times on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website here.

Final Thoughts

The FMM permit makes it easy for U.S. citizens, Canadian citizens, and citizens of many other countries to visit Mexico without arranging a visa in advance. If you’re eligible, you can get your FMM on arrival at the border or airport in just a few minutes. All you need is a valid passport and enough cash to pay the permit fee. The only complication is that the process varies slightly depending on where and how you enter Mexico. Hopefully, this guide clears things up and makes planning your trip to Mexico a bit easier and smoother.

Have you visited Mexico on an FMM visitor’s permit lately? Share your tips and experience in the comments below!

More from Where The Road Forks

  • Is Mexico Safe? Avoiding Crime and Scams
  • Renting a Car in Mexico
  • Healthcare in Mexico for Americans
  • How to Fly out of Tijuana and use the Cross Border Xpress
  • Living in Tijuana as an American
  • Traveling to Mexico With a Dog
  • How to Travel from San Diego to Tijuana by Bicycle

Zachary Friedman

Zachary Friedman is an accomplished travel writer and professional blogger. Since 2011, he has traveled to 66 countries and 6 continents. He founded ‘Where The Road Forks’ in 2017 to provide readers with information and insights based on his travel and outdoor recreation experience and expertise. Zachary is also an avid cyclist and hiker. Living as a digital nomad, Zachary balances his professional life with his passions for hiking, camping, cycling, and worldwide exploration. For a deeper dive into his journey and background, visit the About page. For inquiries and collaborations, please reach out through the Contact page. You can also follow him on Facebook.

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Wednesday 30th of August 2023

My wife has a green card from USA and her passport is from a country not on the list to travel without going to The Mexican Consulate office to get the FMM? It's only a 4day stray traveling by land. Does she have to go to the Consulate?


Wednesday 13th of September 2023

I believe the green card is sufficient but I'm not 100% sure. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Wednesday 2nd of August 2023

Hi.... I just filled out my FFM form to enter MX on 8/6 and it sent me a "registration number" but won't let me print the form and there is no link to pay the fee. Is this a new policy for what do I need to do to get a copy of the form or to pay? Thanks for your help.

Sunday 6th of August 2023

That's strange. I'm not really sure. It could be a new policy.

Monday 5th of June 2023

I flew into CDMX and got a passport stamp instead of paper FMM, but I'm leaving by land border. Do you know if they'll accept the passport stamp in leiu of the form at the land border??

Yes, they will. At some points of entry, they're changing over to a passport stamp instead of the FMM. Eventually, they're going to get rid of the FMM completely.

Tuesday 4th of April 2023

Great video! If I cross the border from San Diego and fly into Cancun from TJ airport (domestic) for 10 days, do I need the FMM? What about for my return trip from Cancun to TJ?

Thursday 6th of April 2023

Yes, you will need the FMM. Pretty much any time you enter Mexico, you'll need the FMM.

Alejandro Arashi

Friday 24th of March 2023

I can’t find references to the below in any official Mexican government websites …. can you provide a link to the 2015 IMN rule change/exception?

“ There is one exception where you can use your FMM for multiple entries. You can enter and exit the state of Baja California Norte overland as many times as you like until your FMM permit expires. This is great for people who want to take short trips over the border. The FMM used to be a single-entry permit. In 2015, the INM changed the rules to allow this one exception.”

Thursday 30th of March 2023

I couldn't find it. I know that I have used my FMM to travel back and forth multiple times. I'm not sure how the rules will change as the FMM is phased out though.



travel form for mexico

Mexico Tourist Card (FMM) Ultimate Guide

If you’ve ever travelled to Mexico then you know that in order to get access into the country you will have to fill out and submit a “Mexico tourist card.”

The problem is not every airline will issue you one of these cards while you are on the plane and so in many cases you will have to wait until you arrive at the airport to fill it out.

Some Mexican airports, especially the popular ones such as Cancun, can receive an overwhelming amount of tourists hopping off flights which means that you will be trying to beat the crowds while filling out your Mexico tourist card.

That can be quite a stressful experience but luckily you can avoid some of that stress by taking care of your immigration card ahead of time.

In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about filling out this form including how to do it and also give you some other tips.

Table of Contents

What is a Mexico tourist card?

The Mexico tourist card aka Official Entry Immigration Form (FMM) is an immigration form that must be filled out prior to your entry in Mexico.

It’s a form that you will submit to immigration once you arrive at the airport and is required for every person including children.

It is recommended to fill out the form and register online in order to make it more convenient for yourself when you are making your way through immigration at the airport.

Update: this form is no longer needed for US tourist visits to Cancun.

Tip: Use the free app WalletFlo to help you travel the world for free by finding the best travel credit cards and promotions!

Beach view from plane

Are you eligible for a Mexico tourist card?

The first question that you need to answer is are you actually eligible for a Mexico tourist card?

If the following situations apply to you then the answer is yes.

  • You are a foreign citizen traveling to Mexico
  • You have a valid passport
  • You will travel to Mexico in less than 30 days
  • You will not stay in Mexico more than 180 days
  • You are traveling to Mexico for pleasure, vacation, or recreational purposes
  • You are NOT going to Mexico to seek employment 

So if you are a standard American heading to Mexico for a nice week long vacation then you will fall into the category of being eligible for a Mexico tourist card.

I think the most important factor to consider is that you need to be traveling in less than 30 days in order to fill out the form and register.

Related: How to Easily Get to Tulum Mexico (for Cheap)

How to get a Mexico tourist card

You can now fill out your immigration form online via a very convenient and straightforward process.

Here is what you will need to fill out your form completely:

Contact information

Flight information.

  • Address or name of the hotel you were staying at

Email address

This will be basic information like your name and address.

For the form, you will need to provide your passport number along with dates such as the issue date and expiration date.

When filling out your passport details, Make sure that you have at least six months of valid time on your passport when visiting Mexico, regardless of how long you plan to stay in the country.

If your passport expires in under six months, you will have to fill out a manual form once you arrive at the airport. Also, according to some reports it’s possible that you may be denied entry into the country.

To be 100% on the safe side I would advise for your passport to have at least six months of eligibility left.

You will need to provide your flight number and airline.

This can be found on your boarding pass or when you check your itinerary via the airline’s website or app.

Look for a number that has two letters in front of it and then numbers following after that.

For example, if you were flying on United Airlines flight 125 your flight number would look like “UA125.”

When you input your details, typically you will input the airline separate from the number.

So using that UA125 example above, You would input your details as follows.

  • Airline: United Airlines
  • Number: 125

Hotel information

Many people often arrive at the airport with no idea about the address of the hotel and some people don’t even know the name of the hotel.

By filling out this form ahead of time you can avoid any confusion at the airport.

While it is not necessarily required to input the full address of your hotel and you could simply include the name, since you are filling this out ahead of time you might as well input all of the relevant information regarding the address.

It’s also always a great idea to have the address of your hotel saved somewhere in your phone or on a piece of paper just in case you need to reference that while traveling.

Your tourist card will be emailed to you so make sure that you have a working email address.

Tip: Sometimes there will be issues with the email system so it is recommended that you download and print the tourist card as soon as you have that option.

Finally, you will need to print off your tourist card. Make sure that your printer is working well so that you can avoid any issues with legibility.

Man on beach

Filling out the tourist cards

You can find a link to register for the Mexico tourist card here.

The first part of the process is filling out some basic information which I will break down below.

The form that you will be filling out will look like this:

Form for Mexican tourist card.

Country of citizenship

This will be the country of your passport.

Port of entry

You will be able to select from a drop-down menu of different airports.

You should be able to find your airport on the menu if it is one of the major airports but if you are flying into a smaller city then you may have to just select “other.”

Here are the airports you will find:

  • Acapulco International Airport
  • Cancun International Airport
  • Cozumel International Airport
  • Guadalajara International Airport
  • Huatulco International Airport
  • Los Cabos International Airport
  • Manzanillo International Airport
  • Mazatlan International Airport
  • Merida International Airport
  • Mexico City International Airport
  • Puerto Vallarta International Airport
  • Zihuatanejo/Ixtapa Airport

Note that some airports may refuse to accept your online tourist card and might require you to submit a manual card. This might be more common at smaller airports.

Arrival and departure dates

You will need to select your arrival and departure dates which are the dates that you will actually be entering and leaving the country.

The dates should line up with your airline’s itinerary if you are flying.

Name or address of hotel

As stated above, supply your name or preferably the address of your hotel. You can likely just copy and paste the address from something like Google Maps.

Contact name

Simply input your name.

Total number of people traveling to Mexico

You will need to select the total number of individuals traveling to Mexico including yourself. This number should include all children and also infants.

Main contact email

Make sure you input a valid email address.

Simply enter in your postal or ZIP Code.

Things to consider

After you submit your details, there will be a confirmation page that goes over some of the key points of consideration.

Here is a summary of these points:

  • Every individual must fill out an individual tourist card
  • The cards are free for all passengers traveling by air with a major commercial airline
  • You can only apply for a tourist card within 30 days of your arrival to Mexico
  • Your passport must be valid for 180 days to apply for a card online otherwise she will have to fill it out manually when you arrive
  • The information on your application must exactly match the information on your passport
  • The flight information that you will input is only for your arrival flight
  • Sometimes there are issues with the email systems so you should download and print your card when given the option
  • After you download the first card you finish you will have the option to begin a new application
  • You can print your tourist card in color or black-and-white
  • You will print out two pages and do not cut or alter the forms in any way
  • On rare occasions, an immigration officer may not accept a tourist card and may require you to fill out a manual form.

In addition to the points above, be sure to retain the portion of the card that the immigration officer returns to you.

In many cases, you will need to show this stub when you depart the country. If you lose this then you might be delayed at the airport when departing and you might even get fined.

Finally, you will have to fill out a customs form when you arrive regardless of if you have already filled out your tourist card.

Related: Cabo vs Cancun: Which is Better for You?

Registration form

After you input your preliminary details you can then proceed to the next stage of registration. You will need to input some of the same details you already did but this is the final step to register.

You will begin by selecting the type of travel you are doing which could be air or land.

After you select your type of travel (let’s say you selected air) you will then need to input more details.

Tip: if you will be making multiple land crossings into Mexico you should consider applying for SENTRI ).

Once again, you will need to fill out the point of entry, which is the airport you are arriving to, your travel dates, airline name, and flight number.

You will then need to input your personal information which would include your name surname (which is your last name), gender, date of birth, nationality, and country of birth.

Then you will need to fill in the details regarding your identification document which in most cases will likely be your passport.

Select the type of document that you have and then enter in your document number which would be your passport number, country of issue which will be the US for a lot of readers, date of issue, and expiration date.

Keep in mind that the format for your dates is date, month, year.

Then we need to input your place of residence which would be the US and your current home address.

Next you will select the reason of your trip.

Then select the state and address that you will be staying at which would be the hotel.

Finally, provide your email address and submit the verification code.

Once you have finished processing your form, you can download and print it out and bring it along with you on your flight. It should also arrive in your email inbox.

Coronavirus update

Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, you may encounter additional requirements when entering the country. For example, you may be required to complete a health questionnaire.

In addition to contact and trouble information, it will ask you questions such as “have you been in contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus?”

It will also inquire about potential symptoms such as temperatures, coughing, headaches, and difficulty breathing.

Global Entry

If you would like to expedite your entry back into the US when traveling from an international destination, you should highly consider getting Global Entry.

It will allow you to bypass the main immigration line which can often be very long and you can also get expedited entry through customs as well.

If you have the right credit card, you can get it for free and it will be good for five years.

Obtaining a Mexico tourist card is a great idea because it will make your travels much more convenient when arriving at the airport.

It is easy to fill out the form and register and so I would strongly recommend anybody traveling to Mexico to go ahead and complete the registration online.

You might also be interested in the following article:

  • Is Cabo, Mexico Safe?

travel form for mexico

Daniel Gillaspia is the Founder of UponArriving.com and the credit card app, WalletFlo . He is a former attorney turned travel expert covering destinations along with TSA, airline, and hotel policies. Since 2014, his content has been featured in publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, and CNBC. Read my bio .

Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as you claim….or at least not in my case. I’m planning on flying into the Queretaro International Airport…but that isn’t offered in the Point of Entry drop down box….yes, I initially put in Other, but then it proceeds to the next page and again asks for Point of Entry where “Other” is not offered, nor is Queretaro International Airport. I see that Ing. Fernando Espinoza Gutiérrez Airport is offered as a selection, but as per Wikipedia…

“Ing. Fernando Espinoza Gutiérrez Airport (IATA: formerly QRO, ICAO: formerly MMQT) was located in Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico. This airport was inaugurated in 1955.[2] Due to the construction of the new Querétaro International Airport in 2004, the airport is no longer used. The buildings and land that formed the airport are now government buildings, and were donated to the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.”

…so what’s a guy to do??? So frustrating and this is only my first step on this journey…it’s not looking promising!!

I would like to be FULLY ready and prepared when we travel to Cancun next week. How do I know which forms/webistes are true and safe to submit. Is there a place I can print out a blank hard copy of a form and fill it out manually? Is it safe to submit it online? In the past, we have always been given the forms on the plane and had them filled out when we landed. We have had 3 trips canceled because of COVID so I know things have changed. Now facing possible cancellation again next week. Thank you in advance for any help to make our trip go smoothly. Also, this was a very good and informative webiste. Thank you!!!

Thanks, not all sights (even the government one) mentions “within 30 days” I was trying to fill out the application but it wouldn’t accept my arrival date. I’m just trying to get as much done as I can now to alleviate anxiety later… but I’ll wait a few more days to apply!

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Mexico Entry Requirements for U.S. Citizens

Mexico Visa Needed

(for stays of up to 180 days)

Tourist Card (FMM) Needed

(if traveling by land)

Mexico has a number of entry requirements that citizens of the United States must meet when visiting the country.

US citizens planning to travel to Mexico should first check if they require a visa to cross the border, according to the Mexican visa policy.

mexico entry requirements us citizens

What U.S. Citizens Need to Travel to Mexico

American citizens must have a few essential documents to travel to Mexico. These include:

  • US passport
  • FMM tourist card (for land travel)
  • Mexican visa (if applicable)

A visa for Mexico may not be required for US passport holders. This depends on the period of stay and your reason for traveling.

U.S. passport requirements for Mexico

Your US passport must meet certain criteria when traveling to Mexico. It must not expire for at least 6 months after the date of arrival.

If your passport is due to expire sooner than this, renew it before getting the FMM and traveling to Mexico.

Do U.S. citizens need a Tourist Card for Mexico?

Americans must register for a Mexico tourist card to visit the country for the following reasons:

The tourist card required by visitors from the US is called the Forma Migratoria Múltiple (FMM) .

The FMM is not a visa. It’s an entry requirement for all foreign visitors, including Americans . It’s mandatory if you plan to travel more than 20 kilometers into Mexican territory and stay more than 72 hours.

A Mexican tourist card for United States citizens is a single-entry document. It becomes invalid once you leave Mexico. You need to get a new FMM for every trip to the country.

Do U.S. citizens need a Mexican visa?

Tourists and business travelers from the United States can stay up to 180 days visa-free in Mexico. Americans can also transit in Mexico for up to 30 days without a visa.

The same is true for non-US nationals who hold a valid US visa or Green Card . These documents must be brought as proof to gain visa-free entry to Mexico.

Citizens of the United States who plan to work, study, or engage in other non-tourist or business activities need a visa for Mexico .

Americans also need a visa to stay in Mexico for more than 180 days.

How Can U.S. Citizens Apply for a Mexico Tourist Card?

US citizens can now complete the tourist card form online. This saves time and the inconvenience of dealing with paperwork during their journey or at border control.

The streamlined electronic form greatly expedites the process of entering Mexico .

Mexico's Immigration Policy for U.S. Nationals

Citizens of the United States of America must comply with Mexico’s immigration policy when traveling to the country.

US nationals must :

  • Have the correct documentation
  • Comply with customs and border regulations
  • Leave Mexico within the time permitted (180 days for visa-free visitors)

Americans must not :

  • Bring any unauthorized or illegal items into Mexico
  • Overstay the terms of their visa or visa exemption

Do Americans need vaccinations for Mexico?

Mexico’s travel rules for US passport holders do not include any mandatory vaccinations .

However, the US CDC highly recommends being immunized against the following before traveling to Mexico:

  • Hepatitis A and B

Malaria is present in certain areas of Mexico. US nationals are advised to bring anti-malaria medication if staying in these regions.

What Do U.S. Citizens Need to Leave Mexico?

When leaving Mexico , you’re required to present the tourist card alongside your passport.

Therefore, it’s important to keep the slip of paper safe during the entirety of the stay in the country.

The validity of the FMM document for Americans begins from the moment it is stamped at the Mexican border . If the FMM is lost or stolen before arriving at immigration control in Mexico, you can obtain another form online.

If a validated Mexico FMM for US citizens is lost or stolen within Mexico, you should report the theft to local police. You must then include the subsequent police report in the application for a replacement tourist card. You can do this at an Instituto Nacional de Migración office within Mexico.

The U.S. Embassy in Mexico

The US Embassy in Mexico is located in Colonia Cuauhtemoc, Mexico City. The embassy provides a variety of services to American citizens in Mexico.

These include emergency assistance in cases of:

  • Loss of passport
  • Arrest of a US Citizen
  • Death of a US Citizen
  • International Parental Child Abduction

The embassy can provide emergency financial assistance and support to US citizens who are victims of crime. It is also authorized to issue certifications of US citizenship for eligible individuals born abroad to American parents, among other services.

Register with the U.S. Embassy in Mexico

It is now possible for US citizens and nationals to register with the nearest embassy or consulate when traveling in Mexico.

By registering with a US embassy in Mexico, travelers can:

  • Make informed travel plans based on information received from the embassy, such as safety and security advice.
  • Be contactable in the case of emergency: the US embassy will get in touch in circumstances such as a natural disaster or family emergency.
  • Help family and friends to get in contact in an emergency.

US passport holders can enrol when registering for the tourist card on this website . Simply select the Embassy Registration option on the payment page.

Travel Documents You Need to Visit Mexico

travel form for mexico

Corbis / Getty Images

Passports have been mandatory for air travel between the United States and Mexico since the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative came into effect in 2007. But for travel by land and sea, there are a few alternative travel documents which are still accepted in some situations.

Traveling to Mexico With Children

When traveling to Mexico, U.S. citizens, Canadians, and other foreign visitors should check what identification and travel documents are valid and necessary. If you are traveling to Mexico with children , there are some special requirements you may need to complete before you book your trip.

U.S. Citizens

  • Passport: A passport is hands-down the best form of identification and proof of citizenship. It is highly recommended that you get a passport to travel to Mexico. If you'll be entering the country by air, it's necessary. If for some reason you are unable to get a passport or do not want to, you will need one of the following documents to travel to Mexico by land or sea. These documents are acceptable travel documents for all United States citizens.
  • Passport card: Issued by the U.S. Department of State, this passport substitute is credit-card sized and valid for entry into Mexico by land or sea. The passport card  is not accepted for air travel . This passport card can also be used for land and sea travel to Mexico, Canada, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. A passport card also costs less than a passport, however, a passport is more useful overall, especially if you plan on traveling outside of North America.
  • Enhanced Drivers License: Enhanced Drivers Licenses are proof of citizenship and identity. These special drivers licenses are valid for travel to Mexico by land or sea but are not valid for air travel. It's important to keep in mind that these are only available in some states, including Michigan, New York, Vermont, and Washington. You will need to research your individual state licensing department for specific details.
  • SENTRI Card: The U.S. Customs and Border Protection issue the SENTRI Card to pre-approved travelers who cross the U.S./Mexico border frequently. It has the added benefit of access to dedicated commuter lanes for crossing the border. The card is valid for five years.
  • FAST card: The FAST card provides expedited travel to pre-approved commercial truck drivers between the U.S. and Canada, and U.S. and Mexico borders through dedicated lanes.

U.S. Permanent Residents

For permanent residents of the United States, the I-551 Permanent Resident card is required for return to the US. For entry into Mexico, you will need to present a passport, and depending on your country of citizenship, possibly a visa as well.

Canadian Citizens

Mexico is the second most popular tourist destination for Canadian travelers . Since 2010, a new requirement was put into place, which states that a passport is required for Canadian citizens traveling to Mexico.

Citizens of Other Countries

A passport is necessary, and in some cases, a visa is also required for citizens outside of the US. Contact the Mexican embassy or consulate nearest you for more information about the requirements specific to your situation.

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Online Entry Immigration Form for Mexico

Are you traveling to Mexico?  To ease the immigration entry process, you can now fill out the Mexico Immigration Form online prior to travel.   This is an alternative to filling out the immigration forms typically filled out on the airline upon your arrival in Mexico.

( Travel Advisory: Some commercial airlines no longer hand out immigration forms aboard their airplanes.  We highly recommend you fill out the form(s) online now so you don’t delay your immigration process when you arrive in Mexico.)

Apply for a tourist card online on the website of Mexico’s National Immigration Institute: Entry Immigration Form Tourist Card .

Please note that the tourist card must be completed for every person traveling, regardless of age and how long you are staying in Mexico. It’s important to note that you can’t fill out this form until you are within 30 days of travel.  So when you’re within this timeframe, and ready to complete these forms online, here’s  how it works.

Here’s what you need to complete the form:

  • Contact information
  • Passport information
  • Full Name of the Hotel in Mexico (Address is asked, but not required)
  • Arrival flight information
  • Email address to send you the Tourist Card
  • A printer to print the Tourist Card

Important Reminder: Do not forget to sign the form , or you may delay your entry into Mexico.

Tourist Card FAQ:

What is a Tourist Card and why do I need it?

  • If you are visiting Mexico you need a Tourist Card which is an Entry Immigration Form that details information about your visit to Mexico. The Tourist Card is per person regardless of age and how long you will stay in Mexico. The information you provide in the Tourist Card is kept by the Mexican Immigration Authority as an official record of your visit to Mexico.

Do I need to send my passport for inspection?

  • NO , you DO NOT need to send your passport. On the application form will ask you for the information needed from your passport in order to process your Tourist Card. When you land in Mexico you will be required to present your passport and your Tourist Card to enter Mexico.

How long do I have to keep my Tourist Card?

  • There are two (2) parts of the Immigration Form, the Entry Form & the Exit Form. You will be emailed both forms already completed with the proper information and when you arrive in Mexico you will immediately proceed to the immigration booth at the airport where the immigration officer will keep the ENTRY Part of your form and he/she will stamp the Exit Part of the form which you will keep while in Mexico. When you are checking in for your flight back home, you will present the Exit Part of your form along with your passport.

Questions?  Please contact your travel agent.


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Mexico Tourist Card Multiple Immigration Form - FMM

3 easy steps to apply for mexico tourist card/fmm:, what is fmm (forma migratoria múltiple) or tourist card.

FMM/Tourist card for Mexico is a travel document issued by the government to all tourists or foreigners wishing to come to Mexico. 

Visitors must fill out an official entry immigration form (FMM) prior to their arrival. The Tourist Card is valid per person, regardless of age or length of stay in Mexico. The Mexican Immigration Authority keeps the information you submit on the Tourist Card as an official record of your visit to Mexico, allowing you to enjoy your stay and exit the country safely and easily.

Tourist Card Mexico Requirements

  • You are a foreign national visiting Mexico
  • You have a valid passport
  • You will set off for Mexico within 30 days
  • Your stay in Mexico will not exceed 180 days
  • The purpose of your visit to Mexico is pleasure, entertainment, and/or vacation
  • You’re not heading to Mexico to look for work

You DO NOT need a visa for Mexico if you are a citizen of the Schengen Region, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Japan, or if you have a valid visa or permanent residency permit for any of these countries. When visiting Mexico, however, you will still require a FMM document. See the list below of countries whose nationals require the FMM document for Mexico:

List of countries

South America

What do you need for an online FMM/Tourist card

  • Applicant’s contact information
  • Your passport information. Keep in mind that your passport should be applicable for at least six months from the date you enter Mexico
  • Your address or Hotel name in Mexico
  • Arrival and departure flight details
  • Your email address for receiving the Tourist Card
  • A printer to print the Tourist Card

How to apply for a FMM document 

The online registration process is very efficient and straightforward. All you need for the online registration process is your passport, flights information, the address or name of the hotel where you will be staying, and a printer to print your Official Entry Tourist Card.

  • For your FMM to be valid, you will be attended by a federal immigration agent who will stamp your printed electronic FMM and authorize your entry into the national territory at the point of admission you chose .  From that moment,  you have 180 days  to transit and visit Mexico. The page of entry (the first page from FMM) will be taken from a federal immigration agent.
  • Remember that  you must keep  the part that corresponds to the  exit registration (the second page from FMM) in which the  immigration entry stamp is  recorded since it is evidence of your  regular stay  in the country and  will be required when leaving  Mexico.

Mexico Travel Restrictions

Traveler's COVID-19 vaccination status

Traveling from the United States to Mexico

Open for vaccinated visitors

COVID-19 testing

Not required

Not required for vaccinated visitors


Not required in enclosed environments and public transportation.

Mexico entry details and exceptions

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Can I travel to Mexico from the United States?

Most visitors from the United States, regardless of vaccination status, can enter Mexico.

Can I travel to Mexico if I am vaccinated?

Fully vaccinated visitors from the United States can enter Mexico without restrictions.

Can I travel to Mexico without being vaccinated?

Unvaccinated visitors from the United States can enter Mexico without restrictions.

Do I need a COVID test to enter Mexico?

Visitors from the United States are not required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test or antigen result upon entering Mexico.

Can I travel to Mexico without quarantine?

Travelers from the United States are not required to quarantine.

Do I need to wear a mask in Mexico?

Mask usage in Mexico is not required in enclosed environments and public transportation.

Are the restaurants and bars open in Mexico?

Restaurants in Mexico are open. Bars in Mexico are .

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Entry requirements

This advice reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Mexico set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact Mexico’s embassy or consulate in the UK.

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for travellers entering Mexico.

Passport validity requirements

If you are visiting Mexico, your passport should be valid for the length of your stay in Mexico.

Mexico’s embassy in the UK, as a general recommendation, are advising for passports to be valid for at least 180 days because this is the maximum time you can remain in Mexico as a tourist.

Visa requirements

If you’re visiting Mexico as a tourist, you do not need a visa.

You’ll get a stamp in your passport with the number of days you are allowed to stay.

British Nationals entering Mexico by land must fill out an immigration form online .

Employment, voluntary work, research and eco activities

Tourists cannot undertake voluntary (including human rights) work, or activity, or any form of paid employment. To carry out this type of work, you must get the correct visa from the Mexican embassy before you travel.

You may need a visa for some adventure or ecotourism activities like caving, potholing or entomology, especially if they involve any scientific or technological research. The Mexican authorities may define scientific or technological research activities far more broadly than other countries. If in doubt, check with the Mexican Embassy in London well before your visit and ask for written confirmation if necessary.

Applying for a visa

For information on how to apply for a visa while in the UK read the Mexican Embassy in the UK website .

For information on applying for a visa while in Mexico, read the Mexican government website .

Entering Mexico via the USA

If you’re crossing the border into Mexico from the USA, and there isn’t an immigration officer at the port of entry to issue your visa on arrival or give you an entry stamp, find the nearest immigration office to get your passport stamped before continuing your journey into Mexico. Customs officials at the border should be able to tell you where to find the immigration office – it’s usually close to the border. If you don’t clear immigration correctly at this point, it is often more complicated to do so once you have left the border area.

If you are travelling to or from Mexico via the USA, even if you are only transiting, check the latest USA entry requirements on our USA travel advice or with the US Embassy in London . If you do not have the correct authorisation, you will not be allowed to travel to or transit through the USA.

Check with your closest US embassy or consulate for more information.

The immigration service has installed e-gates in some terminals of the main international airports. You can use them if you are a tourist aged 18 or over. Make sure you collect the ticket printed by the e-gate as you will need to present it when exiting the country.

You can get digital proof of entry and how long you are allowed to stay in Mexico, by downloading it from the Portal de Servicios del INM website within the first 60 days of your visit.

Entry tax for the state of Quintana Roo

The state of Quintana Roo charges all visitors a tax. You can pay before or during your stay on the VISITAX web portal , available in English. You can get help with the web portal at Cancun Airport. You must show proof of payment at the airport before leaving.

Travelling with children

If you are accompanying a child, you may be asked for:

  • evidence of your relationship with the child– for example, a birth or adoption certificate, divorce or marriage certificates, a Parental Responsibility Order
  • the reason why you are travelling with them

Dual nationals

Children with dual nationality of Mexico who are travelling without a parent or legal guardian must apply for a permit to leave the country.

Accommodation, funds and proof of departure

Mexican immigration officials may ask to see proof of your departure plans from Mexico before allowing you into Mexico. You may also need to:

  • show proof of your accommodation, for example, a hotel booking confirmation
  • prove that you have enough money for your stay

If you have been invited to stay in someone’s home, immigration officials may also ask for a ‘letter of invitation’ from the person you’re visiting. This should include as much information as possible, including the host and travellers:

  • contact details
  • address while in Mexico
  • reason for visit

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods you can bring into and take out of Mexico. You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

Check whether you will need to declare anything on arrival to customs officials – read the guidance from the Mexican government (in Spanish) . If you have goods to declare, you must fill in an online form before travelling to Mexico. If you do not declare goods, they may be seized, and you may be fined.

Leaving Mexico

To leave Mexico, you must show your passport with the stamp showing the number of days you were allowed to stay.

If you lose your passport, you must pay a fee to replace the entry stamp. The fee is approximately 600 Mexican pesos, to be paid at a bank. Migration officers do not accept cash. You can replace the stamp at the immigration office at any international airport in Mexico or start the replacement process online on the Mexican government website . You’ll be told how to pay by the immigration officials.

False immigration officers can operate in international airports. Always refuse offers of help and head directly to the immigration office.

Departure tax

You may need to pay a departure tax when leaving Mexico by air or land. The cost can vary, and some airports or border crossings only accept cash. Most airlines include the cost within the ticket price. If in doubt, check with your airline or tour operator.

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There are some straightforward paperwork procedures to engage with when you arrive to, and depart from, Mexico. This article describes them

Mexico Map and Passport

When you are arriving in or departing from Mexico, there are some straightforward paperwork procedures that you will need to engage with.

Specific entry and exit procedures exist for foreign visitors, foreigners with resident visas and resident cards, as well as Mexican nationals and naturalized foreigners.

This article describes the procedures you need to engage with when you arrive to, and leave from, Mexico.

Foreign visitors to Mexico

If you hold a passport issued by one of the many countries on Mexico’s “ no visa required ” list,* you don’t need to apply for a visa to visit Mexico.  You can, instead, complete a Visitor’s Permit, also known as a FMM , at your port of entry.

There is a ~US$25 fee for the permit, which is usually included in your airfare’s “fees and taxes” if you fly in to Mexico; if you drive-in to Mexico, the fee is waived if you depart within 7 days of your arrival date. The visitor’s permit is valid for stays up to 180 days.

Paper FMM forms are being phased out and it’s likely that the FMM will be stamped into your passport instead.

However, if you are given a paper FMM when you entered Mexico, don’t lose the half of the form that is handed back to you at immigration as you’ll need it to exit the country.

If you lose the permit; or keep the permit when you leave; or over-stay the number of days limit written on the permit , you’ll face some additional procedures: see this article for details about those situations.

Automated lanes for TOURISTS entering Mexico

Airports in Mexico City and Cancún have automated kiosk lanes where TOURISTS may register their entry to Mexico by scanning their passport on a machine.  The machine will give you a receipt with a QR code that you must scan with your smartphone to get a digital version of your FMM.  You’ll need to do this before you leave Mexico.

You can only use these automated lanes if you are a passport holder of the US, Canada, Japan, UK and some other European countries; you are over 18; and you are not traveling with minors.  See this government page for more details .

Foreigners with a resident visa sticker in their passport

If you are arriving in Mexico with a resident visa stamp (sticker) in your passport provided by a Mexican Consulate abroad, you might need to fill out the Visitor’s Visa on arrival (see blue box above about phasing out of paper FMM forms).

Show the immigration officer the page in your passport with the residency visa stamp and double-check that the officer checks the box on the form that reads “Canje” (exchange) NOT “ Vistante .” (If the officer admits you as a visitor/tourist, this will cause problems when you attend the immigration office to exchange your resident visa stamp for a residency card.)

If you don’t have to complete the paper FMM form at your port of entry, the official will place a stamp in your passport, instead, and mark ‘Canje’ to indicate that you need to exchange your visa for a residency card. You then have 30 days to attend the immigration office and exchange your resident visa stamp for a residency card .

Foreign residents with resident cards

Foreign residents who are in possession of a Residente Temporal or Residente Permanente card (or one of the old FM3 or FM2 residency permits) need to present their passport and resident card to the Immigration Officer at the port of exit (e.g. airport or border crossing) before they depart.

You must use your residency card to exit and re-enter the country if you are legally resident in Mexico.

If you have lost or damaged your residency card , you need to apply for a replacement.

Some airports no longer issuing Exit Stamps

Readers have told us that some airports (Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara) are no longer issuing Exit Stamps to holders of residency cards.  However, other airports (Mexico City) continue to issue Exit Stamps.

We recommend that if you hold a residency card and leave Mexico you continue to attend an INM office or kiosk at the exit port and ask for an Exit Stamp.  You might be told that it’s no longer required.

There has been no official notice of a change of policy, but we will keep this page updated with new information as it becomes available. [January 2024]

Paper FMM forms being phased out

Until recently, residents always needed to complete a paper form (FMM) , which is used by the government to record statistics.  Depending on what port you exit from, this may no longer be required and officer will simply stamp your passport.  See also: Phasing out of paper FMM forms .

Returning to Mexico as a legal resident

When you return, you must present the immigration official with your resident card and the exit FMM form’s date-stamped copy issued to you at exit, or the exit stamp that was placed in your passport.

Note: If you re-enter Mexico as a tourist (Visitor) when you have residency in Mexico, you at are risk of losing your legal residency status.

Lost/missing FMM form: If you were given a paper copy of the FMM and lose the half that was handed to you when you left Mexico, you’ll need to re-complete a FMM when you return to Mexico and explain to the immigration official that you lost the half that was given to you when you departed.

Lost passport with exit stamp: If you had a stamp in your passport when you left Mexico and you lose that passport, explain this to the officer when you return to Mexico.  If you update your passport, take the previous (cancelled) passport with the stamp in it to show the immigration officer.

Expired residency card: If you hold a temporary residency card, be sure to check its expiry date. If you leave Mexico with an expired card, it might be confiscated at the port of exit.  If you are outside of Mexico when it expires, you have a limited time frame to return to Mexico to get it renewed.  See this article for details .

Mexico is phasing out paper versions of the FMM

The paper versions of the FMM are being gradually phased out and replaced with a stamp in your passport.

Read this article for further details .

Mexican nationals and naturalized foreigners

If you are in possession of Mexican passport, you will need to complete a form before you exit the country known as the Formato Estadístico para Mexicanos  (FEM).  The government uses this to record statistics of Mexican nationals traveling abroad.

Lost visitor/tourist permit, lost residency card

If you are visiting Mexico as a visitor/tourist and you lose your visitor’s permit, you will need to attend a local immigration office (in a town or city or at the airport) to apply for a replacement; there is a fee of around US$40 involved—the local immigration office will advise you of the current replacement fee.

Lost passport with exit stamp: If you had a stamp placed in your passport when you arrived in Mexico and you lose that passport, visit the local immigration office to explain this and to get guidance.

Updated passport: If you had a stamp placed in your passport when you arrived in Mexico and you update your passport while you are in Mexico, take the previous (cancelled) passport with the stamp in it to show the immigration officer.  If you don’t have the cancelled passport visit your immigration office for guidance.

Tourist permit replacement process: You will be required to undertake some paperwork and to pay the fee.  This  process can take up to an entire day of your time.  Take good care of your visitor’s permit and, in the event of its loss, we recommend you allow a whole day in your schedule to secure a replacement.

Lost residency cards: If you are resident in Mexico and lose your residency card, learn about how to apply for a replacement residency card in Mexico .

*If you are a passport holder of a country that is not listed on the “no visa required” list, read this article for further information and advice about applying for a visa before you travel to Mexico.

Further information

Here is some further information you may find helpful:

  • For a summary of the documentation required to enter Mexico, see Documents required for travel and entry to Mexico
  • Many people don’t need to pre-apply for a visa to visit Mexico, but some do.  Read Do I need a visa to visit Mexico? for details.
  • You can get full details about immigration procedures on your arrival in Mexico on our comprehensive guide to Mexico Entry Requirements .

Obtaining legal residency in Mexico

For information about long-term residency, including permits for living, retirement, and working in Mexico, read this article about typical routes to obtaining residency in Mexico  and download a copy of our comprehensive Mexico Immigration Guide (eBook) .

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Dear Mexperience,

I am an American holding a Residencia Permanente. I live part time in Mexico. Could you tell me the Pros and Cons of obtaining Dual Citizenship? Thank you very much.

Hi Robert, See this article for details: https://www.mexperience.com/becoming-a-naturalized-mexican/

My husband and I have decided not to exchange our temporary residency cards for permanent residency cards. This is mainly due to our advanced age (81 and 72) and the fact that we only stay in Mexico a maximum of 4-5 months per year. We are currently in Mexico and our cards expire 3 weeks before we return to Canada. Do we need permission to leave the country?? We like to avoid visiting a busy INM office during a pandemic. Your advice is very much appreciated.

Hello Maryanne,

You can leave Mexico with an expired Temporary Residency card, however you will need to pay a fine at the airtport. (Note that you’ll have to go to the bank to pay the fine, so build-in extra time for that on your departure date.) The fine varies depending on circumstances and is a maximum of $8,000 Mexican pesos.

If you want to avoid the fine, you need to leave Mexico with a non-expired residency card, or if it’s expired, you need to enter into a renewal procedure.

You can find out more about expired permits here: https://www.mexperience.com/expired-mexico-resident-permit/

Traveling to Cancun in late February, 2021. My passport expires in late July, 2021. Is that sufficient or should I renew? Thanks

Hi Elizabeth

We recommend your passport is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry. Admision to Mexico depends on the official at the border. If your passport does not have 6 months of valid time left, and you can provide evidence of your departure before the passport expiry date, the official may allow you in.

See the blue information box on this page for more details: https://www.mexperience.com/mexico-essentials/mexico-entry-requirements/#ReqTourists

So, if you have Schengen visa, do you still need FMM filled out ?

Hi Ana, all visitors arriving in Mexico need to complete a FMM, regardless of whether they have a Schengen visa.

My brother in law is a permanent resident of the USA and living in houston. What does he need to travel By plane into mexico City and back?

Hello, I entered mexico in texas at the pharr bridge. But when i got to the other side, there were no people. I had to stop at a lift gate arm, where it seemed my picture was taken by a machine, and then the gate arm lifted and I drove on through. I kept expecting to be stopped to have my passport stamped and pay my vehicle deposit and get my forma de immigration. But there was noone there and no where to stop and no signs. Before I knew it, I was in mexico driving down the highway on my way to oaxaca amd chiapas Was there somewhere I was supposed to go? I was trying to follow the law and procedures, but somehow i dont think I did. Am I breaking the law? What comsequences can I expect? What shoukd I do? Thank you

If your vehicle has no TIP https://www.mexperience.com/temporary-import-permit-tip-vehicles-mexico/

And you don’t have a FMM https://www.mexperience.com/your-mexican-tourist-permit-fmm/

And you have driven past the ‘free zone’ then you and your vehicle are not legally present in Mexico.

You need to drive your vehicle out of Mexico and get yourself a FMM and and TIP (see links above).

We have airline tickets leaving out of Tijuana and my sons passport will not be here in time will he be able to still get the FFM permit with only a drivers license and Birth Certificate? We’re US citizens

Hello Deann, your son will need a passport to enter Mexico, and to board a flight. You can find further information here: https://www.mexperience.com/documents-required-for-travel-and-entry-to-mexico/

I am hoping to get some clarification on whether a felon from the U.S. is able to travel to Cabo. I see conflicting opinions on this so maybe you are able to give me accurate information. Are criminal records from the United States checked upon entry at the airport?

Hi Ann, You can find the answer to that question on our Immigration FAQs page here: https://www.mexperience.com/mexico-immigration-visas-faqs/

My name is Julita . Holding philippine passport. I am legally married to a mexican but his living in US..we want to live in mexico what is the best for me to do, first i need a visa . How to apply . Please i need your help. Thank you

Our Mexico Immigration Guide (free eBook download) contains detailed information about the requirements and procedures as well as the criteria: https://www.mexperience.com/ebook/mexico-immigration-guide/

If you’d like assistance with your application, consider our Immigration Assistance service; our associate can provide consulting to talk about your individual situation, suggest the best approach for your application, and also provide practical assistance as you make your way through the process–details here: https://www.mexperience.com/lifestyle/living-in-mexico/relocation-consulting-request/

Hello Mexperience. I’m in the process of buying a property in CDMX. Can I fly into Mexico to take care of things related to this purchase between Aug 1 to 9? Also, I have dual citizenship. Which is the most recommended way for traveling, as Mexican or as American? I have both passports. Thank you and look forward for some info. Regards.

Hello Jaime, There are no restrictions when you fly to Mexico, but check with the airlines for schedules and and policies they have in place. You can enter Mexico with your US or Mexican passport. There are no restrictions on American passport holders entering Mexico by plane.

Can you drive to/from Mexico without passport if you have a permanent resident card in the US?

Hi Erik, according to the current rules you need either a passport (air/land) or passport card (land only) to enter Mexico. You can find more details on this Mexperience article: https://www.mexperience.com/documents-required-for-travel-and-entry-to-mexico/

This article shares advice about what to do when you forget to give back your FMM (Visitor Permit): https://www.mexperience.com/blog/your-mexican-tourist-permit-fmm/

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  • SOS Somali Shilling
  • SRD Surinamese Dollar
  • SVC Salvadoran Colón
  • SZL Swazi Lilangeni
  • THB Thai Baht
  • TJS Tajikistani Somoni
  • TOP Tongan Pa anga
  • TRY Turkish Lira
  • TTD Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
  • TWD New Taiwan Dollar
  • TZS Tanzanian Shilling
  • UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia
  • UGX Ugandan Shilling
  • USD United States Dollar
  • UYU Uruguayan Peso
  • UZS Uzbekistan Som
  • VND Vietnamese Dong
  • VUV Vanuatu Vatu
  • WST Samoan Tala
  • XAF CFA Franc BEAC
  • XCD East Caribbean Dollar
  • XPF CFP Franc
  • YER Yemeni Rial
  • ZAR South African Rand
  • ZMW Zambian Kwacha

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Get Your Mexico Electronic Authorization (SAE) Online Now!

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+46,000 reviews

10  years of experience

98%  visa approval rate

How to Apply: Electronic Authorization

Complete our easy online application and pay with credit card or PayPal

No need to deal with the embassy. We do it for you so you don't lose valuable time

Present your Passport and the Document we provide upon entry to destination country

How to Apply: Embassy Registration

Your embassy will assist you if an emergency (eg. Natural disasters, civil unrest, etc) occur

Why Register with the Embassy

Required information to apply.

Once You Have Registered With Your Embassy Or Consulate, You Will Need To Update Your Data If:

  • your contact details change,
  • your civil status changes,
  • you are going back to your home country.

Learn More: Electronic Authorization

What you need to know.

The Mexico Electronic Travel Authorization or SAE is a single-entry travel permit required for travelers of certain nationalities to enter the country.

The Authorization allows you to stay for a maximum of 180 days per entry.

The Mexico Electronic Authorization is only available for citizens from Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

If you have a valid visa or permanent residence to Canada, USA, Japan, UK, or any Schengen Country you don’t need an SAE or visa to enter Mexico.

If you have permanent residence in Colombia, Chile, or Peru or have a Card APEC Business Traveller (ABTC), you will also not need an SAE or visa to visit this country.

There is no government fee to apply for the Mexico Electronic Authorization.

We recommend you apply with iVisa to get this document easily and fast from the comfort of your home. We also review your application to make sure it is 100% government-compliant.

To apply for a Mexico Travel Authorization, you will need a valid passport. This document needs to be valid for at least 6 months.

You should arrive in Mexico by plane to use this document.

Make sure to bring your SAE printed and in any electronic device, like your smartphone, to avoid any delays at the airport.

There are no COVID testing or quarantine requirements for travelers to Mexico.

iVisa is a legitimate company, accredited and recognized by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For more information, see the FAQs below.

Apply today for the Mexico Electronic Authorization with us!

Last updated: November 2023

Mexico's vibrant landscape, from the tranquil beaches of Cancun to the historic wonders of Mexico City and the ancient Mayan temples in Yucatan, offers a world of exploration and discovery. While planning your trip to visit these destinations, there’s an important administrative step that should not be overlooked: securing the Mexico Electronic Authorization.

In the sections that follow, we will delve into every aspect of the Mexico Electronic Authorization, covering eligibility criteria, application procedures, and more. Our aim is to make your preparation for visiting Mexico as straightforward as possible, allowing you to focus on the excitement of your upcoming travels.

So, let’s set sail on this journey of discovery, ensuring your entry into Mexico is as captivating as the country itself.

Mexico queretaro city

What is the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

The Mexico Electronic Authorization, or Sistema de Autorización Electrónica (SAE), is a digital travel authorization system , much like the United States ESTA . Implemented by Mexico's immigration services, it allows citizens of select countries to apply online and travel to Mexico without first applying for a Mexican visa​ .

The SAE was introduced to streamline the entry process for these nationals, facilitating easier and quicker access to Mexico. This digital system reflects a shift towards more efficient and user-friendly travel documentation processes, emphasizing convenience and accessibility for eligible travelers.

What can you do with the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

The Mexico Electronic Authorization grants you some of the privileges of a Mexico Tourist Visa , including:

Tourism: Explore Mexico's rich cultural heritage, stunning beaches, and vibrant cities.

Business trips: Attend meetings, conferences, or conduct business-related activities.

Visits: Visit family and friends.

What can you not do with the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

Carrying out any of the following activities is prohibited when you possess a Mexico Electronic Authorization:

Engage in paid work or employment.

Break Mexican laws.

Illegally extending your stay after your SAE expires.

Become a permanent resident of Mexico.

Who can apply for the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

To be eligible for the Mexico Electronic Authorization, applicants must meet the following criteria:

You must be a citizen of one of the countries eligible for the Mexico Electronic Authorization system ​​​​​​.

You must hold a valid passport .

You must be traveling to Mexico by air . Those who are eligible to apply for the Mexico Electronic Authorization but are arriving by land or sea must apply for a visa.

Who is eligible for the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

The Mexico Electronic Authorization is specifically designed for:

Russian citizens.

Ukrainian citizens.

Turkish citizens (specifically those holding red passports. Holders of green and gray passports must apply for a regular Mexican visa).

Peruvian citizens traveling with Aeromexico from Peru to China or Japan, who are making a connection in Mexico for transit purposes. In such cases, a valid visa for the destination country is required.

Who doesn't need to apply for the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

Travelers from the eligible countries (Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey) who hold the following documents do not require the SAE or a Mexican visa:

Permanent residency: Document proving permanent residency in Canada, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, any Schengen country, or Pacific Alliance countries (Chile, Colombia, and Peru)​​.

Valid visa: A valid visa for Canada, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, or any Schengen country​​.

APEC Business Traveler Card (ABTC): Holders of the ABTC adopted by Mexico are exempted​​.

Additionally, citizens from visa-exempt countries, such as the US, UK, Canada, Japan, and Schengen countries, can visit Mexico for up to 180 days without requiring an SAE or a Mexican visa, for purposes like tourism, transit, and business.

Do minors have to apply for the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

Yes, each traveler must apply for their own separate Mexico Electronic Authorization, including minors .

Additionally, minors require authorization or a letter of consent from their parents or guardians when traveling to Mexico, whether they are traveling alone or with a third party of legal age.

Mexico Electronic Authorization validity: How long is the Mexico Electronic Authorization valid?

The Mexico Electronic Authorization is a Single Entry permit and has a maximum validity period of 30 days after issued . It's linked electronically to the traveler’s passport.

Can I extend my Mexico Electronic Authorization?

The Mexico Electronic Authorization does not allow for extensions . If you need to extend your stay beyond the 30-day validity or if your SAE has expired, you must apply for a new one.

Mexico chichenitza view

Mexico Electronic Authorization requirements

To apply for the Mexico Electronic Authorization, applicants need the following:

Passport: It needs to be valid for at least 6 months before your intended departure date from Mexico.

Travel itinerary: You will need to provide your planned travel date and duration of stay in Mexico.

How to apply for the Mexico Electronic Authorization

Choosing to apply for your Mexico Electronic Authorization through our website offers several advantages over the traditional application process. Our platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, saving you time and effort.

Here's how it works with us:

Step 1: Enter your personal and travel details on our website or via the iVisa app .

Step 2: Verify that all the information you’ve provided is accurate and choose your preferred processing time. Pay the fees with a credit or debit card, PayPal, or Venmo.

Step 3: Complete the rest of the application form and submit it.

Once your Mexico Travel Authorization is ready, we'll send it straight to your email. We recommend saving it on your mobile device and also bringing a printed copy when you travel to Mexico.

Are you ready to travel to Mexico? Apply for your Mexico Electronic Authorization now!

Mexico Electronic Authorization costs and processing times

The Mexico Electronic Authorization is free .

However, when you choose to invest in our visa service, there is a surcharge depending on the processing time you choose:

Standard processing , which takes 24 hours .

Rush processing , which takes 4 hours .

Super Rush processing , which takes 30 minutes .

Do I need the Mexico Electronic Authorization to transit through the country?

Even if you're just transiting through one of Mexico's international airports and are eligible for a Mexico Electronic Authorization, it's necessary to apply for this travel authorization , regardless of how brief your stay at the airport might be.

Benefits of getting your Mexico Electronic Authorization with us

Selecting our platform for your Mexico Electronic Authorization means experiencing a straightforward and effortless process. We've tailored our service to be intuitive and simple, offering straightforward instructions and support throughout.

value prop image

Apply for your Mexico Electronic Authorization here!

Mexico entry requirements or restrictions

Mexico does not currently impose specific COVID-19 health-related entry requirements for travelers. This includes no obligation for visitors to present a negative COVID-19 test result, nor is there a requirement for travelers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

At airports, standard procedures are followed, but there are no additional health checks related to COVID-19 specifically. It is always recommended to stay updated with the latest advisories by checking the Mexican government website .

Differences between a Mexico Electronic Authorization and a Mexico Tourist Card

The Mexico Electronic Authorization and the Mexico Tourist Card (FMM - Forma Migratoria Múltiple) are two different documents required for entry into Mexico, each serving distinct purposes:

Mexico Electronic Authorization: This is primarily for citizens of specific countries (Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey) who can apply online and receive electronic authorization for tourism, business, or transit. It's a digital process, simplifying entry for eligible travelers without the need for a consular visa.

Mexico Tourist Card (FMM):

This card is necessary for tourists entering Mexico, regardless of nationality. It is an entry immigration form that all foreign travelers must fill out prior to arrival or at the border entry point in Mexico.

Where can I learn more about the Mexico Electronic Authorization?

For more information about the Mexico Electronic Authorization/Tourist Card application, you can get in touch with our customer support team . Please send us a message on our live chat or at [email protected] .

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My application for the Mexico ETA couldn’t be completed due to an error. What now?

What happens if my application is denied.

iVisa makes sure to check every single document and piece of info submitted during the digital application to avoid rejections. Still, if the Mexican government denies your application, you will get a refund of the iVisa processing fee for every rejected applicant. Remember that we can’t refund government fees.

You can always apply again, and iVisa will be ready to assist.

What happens if I lose my Mexico Electronic Authorization?

If i have obtained the electronic authorization, does that mean i can enter mexico, visa policy of mexico, how do processing times work, where can i read more.

  • Mexico visa for citizens of Ghana
  • Mexico visa and FMM Card for the citizens of Nepal
  • Mexico Visa for citizens of Italy
  • How to obtain a Mexico Tourist Card (FMM)
  • Mexico Tourist Visa for Indian Citizens: Apply for the Mexican Visa Now
  • Mexico Visa for Egyptian citizens
  • Mexico Tourist Visa for Haitian Citizens: Apply for your Mexican visa now

Other Available Visas: Mexico?

  • Electronic Pre-Registration System
  • Electronic Pre-Registration System Application
  • Tourist Card - Land
  • Tourist Card - Land Application
  • Electronic Authorization
  • Electronic Authorization Application
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Mexico travel advice

Latest updates: The Need help? section was updated.

Last updated: June 17, 2024 15:46 ET

On this page

Safety and security, entry and exit requirements, laws and culture, natural disasters and climate, mexico - exercise a high degree of caution.

Exercise a high degree of caution in Mexico due to high levels of criminal activity and kidnapping.

Regional Advisory - Avoid non-essential travel

  • Chiapas, excluding the cities of Palenque via highway 186 from Villahermosa, San Cristobal de las Casas and Tuxtla Gutiérrez
  • Chihuahua, excluding Chihuahua City
  • Colima, excluding the city of Manzanillo if accessed by air
  • Guerrero, excluding the cities of Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo if accessed by air
  • Jalisco, within 50 km of the border with Michoacán state
  • the Lagunas de Zempoala National Park in Morelos
  • Michoacán, excluding the cities of Morelia and Patzcuaro
  • in Nayarit, within 20 km of the border with the states of Sinaloa and Durango
  • Nuevo León, excluding the city of Monterrey
  • Sinaloa, excluding the cities of Los Mochis and Mazatlán
  • Sonora, excluding the cities of Hermosillo, Guaymas/San Carlos and Puerto Peñasco
  • Tamaulipas, excluding the cities of Tampico and Recce
  • all Zacatecas, excluding Zacatecas City

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Levels of crime, particularly violent crime, are high throughout Mexico. Arrest and detention rates are low and don’t deter criminal activity.

Criminal groups, including drug cartels, are very active. ‎Clashes between cartels or gangs over territory, drugs and smuggling routes are common.

In some parts of the country, military, navy and federal police forces have been deployed to combat organized crime and improve security conditions. They maintain a visible presence by:

  • patrolling the streets
  • setting up roadblocks
  • conducting random vehicle checks  

If you plan on travelling to Mexico:

  • remain vigilant at all times
  • stay in tourist areas
  • be very cautious on major highways
  • avoid travelling at night
  • monitor local media closely

If you’re the victim of a crime, you must report it immediately to local authorities. No criminal investigation is possible without a formal complaint. Complaints must be made in person before leaving Mexico. You should hire a local lawyer to represent your interests and follow up on your case after you return to Canada. Failure to do may result in incomplete investigations or long delays in bringing cases to trial.

Violent crime

There are high rates of violent crime, such as homicides, kidnappings, carjacking and assaults, including in popular tourist destinations such as the Mayan Riviera (Cancún, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Morelos and Tulum), and Acapulco.

Criminal groups and drug cartels are present in tourist areas. Inter-gang and cartel fighting has taken place in restaurants, hotels and nightclubs frequented by tourists.

Innocent bystanders have been injured or killed. You may be in the wrong place at the wrong time and become a victim of violent crime.

Border areas often see higher criminal activity and violence, including in rural areas. Confrontations between organized criminal groups and Mexican authorities continue to pose a risk. Shootouts, attacks and illegal roadblocks may occur without warning.

You should travel to Mexico by air to avoid international land border crossings, particularly along the border with the United States, in the following cities:

  • Ciudad Juárez
  • Nuevo Laredo

If crossing an international land border:

  • remain extremely vigilant
  • use only official border crossings

Armed robbery

Armed robbery occurs. Foreigners have been targets of robberies that sometimes involve assault.

Robbers will follow a victim after they exchange or withdraw money at airports, currency exchange bureaus ( casas de cambio ) or ATMs.

  • Stay in hotels and resorts with good security
  • If you are threatened by robbers, stay calm and don’t resist
  • Avoid withdrawing or exchanging money in public areas of the airport

Canadian travellers have been physically and sexually assaulted. In some cases, hotel employees, taxi drivers and security personnel at popular tourist destinations were involved. In some cases, hotel staff are not helpful and try to dissuade victims from pursuing the incident with police.

  • Avoid walking after dark, especially alone
  • Avoid isolated or deserted areas
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Are you a victim of sexual violence? – Government of Canada and British Embassy Mexico City

Credit card and ATM fraud

Credit card and ATM fraud occurs in Mexico. When using debit or credit cards:

  • pay careful attention when others are handling your cards
  • use ATMs located in public areas or inside a bank or business
  • avoid using card readers with an irregular or unusual feature
  • cover the keypad with one hand when entering your PIN
  • check for any unauthorized transactions on your account statements


Some bars and nightclubs may try to charge exorbitant prices. Discussions about overcharging may lead to threats of violence and security guards may force you to pay. Avoid running a tab or leaving your credit card with bar or restaurant staff.

Overseas fraud

Police officers

Legitimate police officers have extorted money from tourists or arrested tourists for minor offences such as :

  • drinking alcohol on the street
  • urinating on public roads
  • traffic violations

They have requested immediate cash payment in exchange for their release. Travellers driving rental cars have been targeted.

If this occurs:

  • don’t hand over your money or your passport
  • ask for the officer’s name, badge and patrol car number
  • ask for a copy of the written fine, which is payable at a later date, or insist on going to the nearest police station

Virtual kidnappings

Extortion, including virtual kidnappings, is the third most common crime in Mexico. Criminals use a variety of tactics to gather information about potential victims for extortion purposes, including using social media sites or eavesdropping on conversations

In a virtual kidnapping, criminals contact the victim’s hotel room landline and threaten the victim to stay in their room. The criminals then instruct the victim to provide information needed for the caller to use to contact family and friends, to demand the immediate payment of ransom for their release.

  • Don't discuss travel plans, your room number or any other personal information around strangers
  • Never leave your cellphone unattended
  • Ensure your cellphone is password protected
  • Don't divulge personal business details to strangers in person or over the phone or on social media, especially when using hotel phones
  • If you're threatened on the phone or hear screams, hang up immediately
  • When you answer the phone, wait for the caller to speak. If the caller asks who is speaking, hang up immediately.
  • Don’t answer unrecognized or blocked phone numbers
  • Don’t answer hotel landlines


Mexico has one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world. Kidnapping, including virtual and express kidnapping, is a serious security risk throughout Mexico.

Kidnappers target all classes. Canadian citizens and contractors working for Canadian businesses have been kidnapped, mostly in areas that are not under the control of police and security forces.

If you're kidnapped:

  • comply with the kidnappers’ requests
  • don’t attempt to resist

Express kidnappings

Express kidnappings occur in large urban areas. This is a method of kidnapping where criminals ask for a small and immediate ransom.

Thieves most commonly work in cooperation with, or pose as, taxi drivers. They force victims to use their debit or credit card to withdraw money from ATMs in exchange for their release.

  • Use only a reputable taxi company or a trusted ride-sharing app
  • Book taxis through your hotel or an authorized taxi stand ( sitio )

Petty theft

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, is common in Mexico.

  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times, even in areas normally considered safe
  • Ensure that your belongings, including your passport and other travel documents, are secure at all times
  • Avoid showing signs of affluence, such as flashy jewellery, cell phones, headphones and designer bags
  • Carry only small amounts of money
  • Be cautious when withdrawing cash from ATMs

Home break-ins

Tourists staying in rental homes have been the victims of break-ins and burglaries. Whether you're staying in private or commercial accommodations, make sure you lock windows and doors securely.

Women’s safety

Women travelling alone may be subject to some forms of harassment and verbal abuse.

Some incidents of assault, rape and sexual assault against Canadian women have occurred, including at beach resorts and on public buses. 

  • Exercise caution when dealing with strangers or recent acquaintances
  • Be wary of rides or other invitations

Advice for women travellers

Spiked food and drinks

Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances. These items may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery.

Unregulated alcohol

Some bars, restaurants and resorts have served counterfeit alcohol. Some travellers have reported getting sick or blacking out after drinking alcohol.

  • Be cautious if you choose to drink alcohol
  • Seek medical assistance if you begin to feel sick

Alcohol, drugs and travel

Height standards for balcony railings in Mexico can be considerably lower than those in Canada. Falls have resulted in deaths and injuries.

  • Exercise caution when standing close to balcony railings


Demonstrations take place regularly throughout the country. Protests and roadblocks are common in:

  • Mexico City, including to and from the airport
  • the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacán and Oaxaca

Such incidents may last a long time, leading to shortages of fresh food, medicine and gasoline.

Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time. They can also lead to disruptions to traffic and public transportation.

  • Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities
  • Monitor local media for information on ongoing demonstrations

Mass gatherings (large-scale events)

Water activities

Coastal waters can be dangerous. Riptides are common. Several drownings occur each year.

Many beaches don’t offer warnings of dangerous conditions and they don’t always have lifeguards on duty.

Rescue services may not be consistent with international standards.

  • Consult local residents and tour operators for information on possible hazards and safe swimming areas
  • Always obey warning flags at beaches
  • Follow the instructions and warnings of local authorities

Water sports

Tour operators may not adhere to international standards. Many operators don’t conduct regular safety checks on their sporting and aquatic equipment.

Also, Canadians have been involved in accidents where operators of recreational vehicles, such as watercraft, have demanded compensation exceeding the value of the damage caused to the vehicle or equipment.

If you undertake water sports, such as diving:

  • choose a well-established and reputable company that has insurance
  • ensure that your travel insurance covers the recreational activities you choose
  • wear the appropriate safety equipment, such as helmets and life jackets
  • ensure that equipment is available and in good condition
  • don’t consume alcohol before the activity

If in doubt concerning the safety of the facilities or equipment, don’t use them.

Water safety abroad

Adventure tourism  

Outdoor activities, such as white water rafting, kayaking, scuba diving, snorkelling, bungee, zip lining, paragliding, hiking, mountain biking, etc and other adventure activities can be dangerous if unprepared. Trails are not always marked, and weather conditions can change rapidly, even during summer.  

Tour operators may not always adhere to international safety standards. 

If you intend to practice adventure tourism: 

  • consider hiring an experienced guide from a reputable company 
  • obtain detailed information on your activity and on the environment in which you will be setting out  
  • buy travel insurance that includes helicopter rescue and medical evacuation   
  • know the symptoms of acute altitude sickness, which can be fatal  
  • pay attention to the symptoms of dehydration and heatstroke, both of which can be fatal  
  • avoid venturing off marked trails  
  • ensure that you’re adequately equipped and bring sufficient water   
  • stay informed about weather and other conditions that may pose a hazard  
  • refrain from using facilities or equipment if you have doubts on their safety  
  • inform a family member or friend of your itinerary  

Road travel

Road conditions and road safety.

Road conditions and road safety can vary greatly throughout the country.

Road conditions can be dangerous due to:

  • sharp curves
  • poorly marked or hidden road signs
  • construction sites
  • roaming livestock
  • slow-moving or abandoned vehicles

Toll highways are typically safer and better maintained than secondary highways.

Mexican driving styles are very different from those in Canada. Many drivers don’t respect traffic laws, and police don’t strictly enforce these laws. Drivers often drive at excessive speeds and may be aggressive or reckless. Drinking and driving laws are not strictly enforced. Accidents causing fatalities are common. Police don’t regularly patrol the highways.

Roadblocks and checkpoints

Illegal roadblocks and demonstrations are common. Heavily armed gangs have attacked travellers on intercity highways. Criminals especially target sport utility vehicles and full-size pickup trucks for theft and carjacking.

The military searches for drugs and firearms at military checkpoints throughout the country.

  • Avoid road travel at night between cities throughout the country
  • Ensure that you only stop in major centres, at reputable hotels or at secure campsites
  • Keep your car doors locked and the windows closed, especially at traffic lights
  • Avoid hitchhiking which is not a common practice in Mexico
  • Don’t leave valuables in the vehicle
  • Rent cars that don’t have stickers or other advertisements for the rental company on them, as rental cars have been targets for robbery, sometimes using force
  • Ensure operators provide insurance and helmets if renting scooters
  • Travel on toll roads to lower the risk of targeted roadblocks and robberies
  • Never attempt to cross roadblocks, even if they appear unattended

Public transportation

Remain vigilant in airports, at bus stations, on buses and on the metro.

The Mexico City metro is often very crowded and a popular place for pickpocketing. There are metro cars dedicated to women and children during rush hours. They are located at the front of the trains.

The Metrobus in Mexico City, which has dedicated lanes and stops, is relatively safe. There are sections dedicated to women and children at the front of the buses.

The “colectivos” and “pesero” mini-buses that stop when hailed are frequently targeted for robbery.

When travelling to other cities, use bus companies that offer VIP or executive class transportation. These buses only travel on toll roads, which lower the risks of targeted roadblocks and robberies, and follow a speed limit.

Taxis and ridesharing services

Disputes between taxi and ridesharing application drivers may occur, especially in Quintana Roo. They may result in:

  • altercations

Although tourists have not been targeted, you may be caught up in these incidents and harassed or injured. 

In Mexico City, all government-authorized taxis have licence plates starting with “A” or “B.” Taxis from designated stands have both the logo of their company and the plate number stamped on the side of the car. Official taxis in Mexico City are pink and white. Users can validate the pink and white taxis on the CDMX app.

  • Avoid hailing taxis on the street
  • Don't share taxis with strangers

When arriving at an airport in Mexico, pre-pay the taxi fare at the airport (inside or outside the terminal) and ask to see the driver’s official identification. You can also use a ridesharing app to arrange for a pickup at certain airports. Not all airports in Mexico allow ridesharing service pickups.

If you use a trusted ridesharing app, confirm the driver’s identity and the licence plate before getting in the car.

Mi Taxi  – CDMX app (in Spanish)

Cruise ship travel

Plan carefully if you plan to take a cruise departing from or stopping in Mexico.

Advice for cruise travellers

Pirate attacks and armed robbery against ships occur in coastal waters of the Bay of Campeche. Mariners should take appropriate precautions.

Live piracy report  - International Maritime Bureau

We do not make assessments on the compliance of foreign domestic airlines with international safety standards.

Information about foreign domestic airlines

Every country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit requirements.

We have obtained the information on this page from the Mexican authorities. It can, however, change at any time.

Verify this information with the  Foreign Representatives in Canada .

Entry requirements vary depending on the type of passport you use for travel.

Before you travel, check with your transportation company about passport requirements. Its rules on passport validity may be more stringent than the country’s entry rules.

Regular Canadian passport

Your passport must be valid for the expected duration of your stay in Mexico.

Passport for official travel

Different entry rules may apply.

Official travel

Passport with “X” gender identifier

While the Government of Canada issues passports with an “X” gender identifier, it cannot guarantee your entry or transit through other countries. You might face entry restrictions in countries that do not recognize the “X” gender identifier. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Other travel documents

Different entry rules may apply when travelling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Useful links

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada
  • Canadian passports

Tourist visa: not required Business visa: required Work visa: required Student visa: required

Required documents

To enter Mexico, you must present a valid passport and a duly completed tourist card (Multiple Immigration Form). Carry documents to prove the purpose of trip, such as hotel or tour booking confirmations, as immigration officers may request them.

Tourist card

You must obtain a tourist card to enter the country unless you stay in Mexico for less than 72 hours within the northern border zone. 

If you don’t obtain a tourist card upon arrival, you may face:

It is highly recommended to keep your digital tourist card, or tourist card if entered by land, with you at all times as proof of your legal stay in Mexico. You may be asked to show it to Mexican officials when exiting the country or if you are stopped on an immigration check point.

If you are stopped at an immigration check point and you are unable to prove your legal stay, you may be fined, detained or expelled from the country.

Entering by land

If entering Mexico by land, you must stop at the immigration office located at the border to obtain a tourist card, even if not explicitly directed by Mexican officials. Immigration officials will write down on your tourist card the number of days you are allowed to stay in Mexico.  

You may complete the tourist card form online before your arrival. However, you must print the form and present it to the migration official at the port of entry.

Multiple Immigration Form  - Government of Mexico

Entering by air

If entering Mexico by air, you are advised to download your tourist card issued by Mexican officials upon entry.

Depending on your airport of entry:

  • the immigration official will stamp your passport and note the number of days you are allowed to spend in Mexico or
  • you will go through an E-gate kiosk where you will scan your passport and self-register your entry in the country. Only use this option if you are entering Mexico as a tourist.

Once in the country, whether you entered via a E-gate or not, you will be able to access the digital tourist card online. You have 60 days to download it.

If you are unable to show your tourist card or digital tourist card upon departure, you will have to pay for a replacement at the immigration office of any international airport before boarding.

Make sure to plan sufficient time at the airport to obtain a new card in time for your flight.

Portal access for digital tourist card  - Government of Mexico

Length of stay

An immigration official will determine the number of days you can remain in Mexico and note it on your tourist card. The maximum length granted for a tourism-related trip is 180 days; the maximum number of days is not granted by default.

If you're seeking the maximum number of days, you may be required to:

  • explain the purpose of your trip to the immigration official
  • provide details about your trip (accommodations, funds, return flight, etc.)

You won’t be able to request an extension or change the condition of your stay from inside the country.

Canadians travelling to the northern border zone (within 21 kilometres of the U.S. border) for work don’t require a visa for stays of 72 hours or less.

If you require a business or work visa, you should take care of the process yourself. If a prospective employer is processing your visa for you:

  • obtain copies of all correspondence between the employer and Mexican immigration authorities
  • verify that these copies are stamped by the immigration authorities as proof that your papers are being processed
  • request a receipt from your employer for any document that you provide for purposes of obtaining the visa
  • avoid surrendering your passport to your employer

Volunteer, religious, research and eco-tourism activities

You may not be able to undertake volunteer, religious/missionary, research or certain forms of eco-tourism activities while visiting as a tourist. Contact the Mexican Embassy or closest Mexican consulate for information the type of visa required for these activities.

Tourism tax

Most visitors to Mexico must pay a tourism tax.

This fee is normally included in airline ticket prices. Visitors arriving by road or sea will have to pay this fee at any bank in Mexico. There is a bank representative at every port of entry. The bank receipt must be attached to the tourist card for submission at departure.

You don't have to pay this tax if:

  • you're entering by land for tourism purposes, and your stay will not exceed 7 days
  • you're travelling to the northern border zone for less than 72 hours
  • you're travelling to Mexico on a cruise ship

Dual citizenship

If entering and leaving Mexico as a dual citizen, you must identify yourself as a Mexican citizen. You must carry valid passports for both countries.

Laws about dual citizenship

Criminal records

Canadians with a criminal record or a warrant for arrest may be refused entry and returned to Canada or to a third country on the next available flight.

  • Children and travel

Learn more about travelling with children .

Yellow fever

Learn about potential entry requirements related to yellow fever (vaccines section).

Relevant Travel Health Notices

  • Global Measles Notice - 13 March, 2024
  • Zika virus: Advice for travellers - 31 August, 2023
  • COVID-19 and International Travel - 13 March, 2024
  • Dengue: Advice for travellers - 6 May, 2024

This section contains information on possible health risks and restrictions regularly found or ongoing in the destination. Follow this advice to lower your risk of becoming ill while travelling. Not all risks are listed below.

Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before you travel to get personalized health advice and recommendations.

Routine vaccines

Be sure that your  routine vaccinations , as per your province or territory , are up-to-date before travelling, regardless of your destination.

Some of these vaccinations include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella (chickenpox), influenza and others.

Pre-travel vaccines and medications

You may be at risk for preventable diseases while travelling in this destination. Talk to a travel health professional about which medications or vaccines may be right for you, based on your destination and itinerary. 

Yellow fever is a disease caused by a flavivirus from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Travellers get vaccinated either because it is required to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection.

  • There is no risk of yellow fever in this country.

Country Entry Requirement*

  • Proof of vaccination is not required to enter this country.


  • Vaccination is not recommended.

* It is important to note that country entry requirements may not reflect your risk of yellow fever at your destination. It is recommended that you contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the destination(s) you will be visiting to verify any additional entry requirements.

About Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in Canada

There is a risk of hepatitis A in this destination. It is a disease of the liver. People can get hepatitis A if they ingest contaminated food or water, eat foods prepared by an infectious person, or if they have close physical contact (such as oral-anal sex) with an infectious person, although casual contact among people does not spread the virus.

Practise  safe food and water precautions and wash your hands often. Vaccination is recommended for all travellers to areas where hepatitis A is present.

Malaria  is a serious and sometimes fatal disease that is caused by parasites spread through the bites of mosquitoes.   There is a risk of malaria in certain areas and/or during a certain time of year in this destination. 

Antimalarial medication may be recommended depending on your itinerary and the time of year you are travelling. Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic before travelling to discuss your options. It is recommended to do this 6 weeks before travel, however, it is still a good idea any time before leaving.    Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times:  • Cover your skin and use an approved insect repellent on uncovered skin.  • Exclude mosquitoes from your living area with screening and/or closed, well-sealed doors and windows. • Use insecticide-treated bed nets if mosquitoes cannot be excluded from your living area.  • Wear permethrin-treated clothing.    If you develop symptoms similar to malaria when you are travelling or up to a year after you return home, see a health care professional immediately. Tell them where you have been travelling or living. 

In this destination, rabies is carried by dogs and some wildlife, including bats. Rabies is a deadly disease that spreads to humans primarily through bites or scratches from an infected animal. While travelling, take precautions , including keeping your distance from animals (including free-roaming dogs), and closely supervising children.

If you are bitten or scratched by an animal while travelling, immediately wash the wound with soap and clean water and see a health care professional. Rabies treatment is often available in this destination. 

Before travel, discuss rabies vaccination with a health care professional. It may be recommended for travellers who are at high risk of exposure (e.g., occupational risk such as veterinarians and wildlife workers, children, adventure travellers and spelunkers, and others in close contact with animals). 

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. It can spread quickly from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of being infected with it when travelling internationally.

Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are fully protected against measles.

  Hepatitis B is a risk in every destination. It is a viral liver disease that is easily transmitted from one person to another through exposure to blood and body fluids containing the hepatitis B virus.  Travellers who may be exposed to blood or other bodily fluids (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, sharing needles, tattooing, acupuncture or occupational exposure) are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all travellers. Prevent hepatitis B infection by practicing safe sex, only using new and sterile drug equipment, and only getting tattoos and piercings in settings that follow public health regulations and standards.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious viral disease. It can spread from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

It is recommended that all eligible travellers complete a COVID-19 vaccine series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada before travelling. Evidence shows that vaccines are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. While vaccination provides better protection against serious illness, you may still be at risk of infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. Anyone who has not completed a vaccine series is at increased risk of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 and is at greater risk for severe disease when travelling internationally.

Before travelling, verify your destination’s COVID-19 vaccination entry/exit requirements. Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are adequately protected against COVID-19.

 The best way to protect yourself from seasonal influenza (flu) is to get vaccinated every year. Get the flu shot at least 2 weeks before travelling.  

 The flu occurs worldwide. 

  •  In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs from November to   April.
  •  In the Southern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs between April and   October.
  •  In the tropics, there is flu activity year round. 

The flu vaccine available in one hemisphere may only offer partial protection against the flu in the other hemisphere.

The flu virus spreads from person to person when they cough or sneeze or by touching objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. Clean your hands often and wear a mask if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

Safe food and water precautions

Many illnesses can be caused by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated by bacteria, parasites, toxins, or viruses, or by swimming or bathing in contaminated water.

  • Learn more about food and water precautions to take to avoid getting sick by visiting our eat and drink safely abroad page. Remember: Boil it, cook it, peel it, or leave it!
  • Avoid getting water into your eyes, mouth or nose when swimming or participating in activities in freshwater (streams, canals, lakes), particularly after flooding or heavy rain. Water may look clean but could still be polluted or contaminated.
  • Avoid inhaling or swallowing water while bathing, showering, or swimming in pools or hot tubs. 

Travellers' diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travellers. It is spread from eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

Risk of developing travellers' diarrhea increases when travelling in regions with poor standards of hygiene and sanitation. Practise safe food and water precautions.

The most important treatment for travellers' diarrhea is rehydration (drinking lots of fluids). Carry oral rehydration salts when travelling.

Typhoid   is a bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water. Risk is higher among children, travellers going to rural areas, travellers visiting friends and relatives or those travelling for a long period of time.

Travellers visiting regions with a risk of typhoid, especially those exposed to places with poor sanitation, should speak to a health care professional about vaccination.  

Salmonellosis is a common illness among travellers to this country. It can be spread through contaminated food or beverages, such as raw or undercooked poultry and eggs, as well as fruits or vegetables.

Practice safe food and water precautions . This includes only eating food that is properly cooked and still hot when served.

Pregnant women, children under 5 years of age, those over 60 years of age, and those with weakened immune systems are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill.

Cases of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella have been reported among Canadian travellers returning from Mexico. These strains of Salmonella do not respond to some of the recommended antibiotics if treatment is needed.

Most people recover on their own without medical treatment and from proper rehydration (drinking lots of fluids).

  • Carry oral rehydration salts when travelling.

Travellers with severe symptoms should consult a health care professional as soon as possible.

Insect bite prevention

Many diseases are spread by the bites of infected insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas or flies. When travelling to areas where infected insects may be present:

  • Use insect repellent (bug spray) on exposed skin
  • Cover up with light-coloured, loose clothes made of tightly woven materials such as nylon or polyester
  • Minimize exposure to insects
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in buildings that are not fully enclosed

To learn more about how you can reduce your risk of infection and disease caused by bites, both at home and abroad, visit our insect bite prevention page.

Find out what types of insects are present where you’re travelling, when they’re most active, and the symptoms of the diseases they spread.

There is a risk of chikungunya in this country.  The risk may vary between regions of a country.  Chikungunya is a virus spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. Chikungunya can cause a viral disease that typically causes fever and pain in the joints. In some cases, the joint pain can be severe and last for months or years.

Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times. There is no vaccine available for chikungunya.

American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease)   is a risk in this country. It is caused by a parasite spread by infected triatomine bugs. The infection can be inactive for decades, but humans can eventually develop complications causing disability and even death.

Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from triatomine bugs, which are active at night, by using mosquito nets if staying in poorly-constructed housing. There is no vaccine available for Chagas disease.

  • In this country,   dengue  is a risk to travellers. It is a viral disease spread to humans by mosquito bites.
  • Dengue can cause flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it can lead to severe dengue, which can be fatal.
  • The level of risk of dengue changes seasonally, and varies from year to year. The level of risk also varies between regions in a country and can depend on the elevation in the region.
  • Mosquitoes carrying dengue typically bite during the daytime, particularly around sunrise and sunset.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites . There is no vaccine or medication that protects against dengue.

Zika virus is a risk in this country. 

Zika virus is primarily spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can also be sexually transmitted. Zika virus can cause serious birth defects.

During your trip:

  • Prevent mosquito bites at all times.
  • Use condoms correctly or avoid sexual contact, particularly if you are pregnant.

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you should discuss the potential risks of travelling to this destination with your health care provider. You may choose to avoid or postpone travel. 

For more information, see Zika virus: Pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

Animal precautions

Some infections, such as rabies and influenza, can be shared between humans and animals. Certain types of activities may increase your chance of contact with animals, such as travelling in rural or forested areas, camping, hiking, and visiting wet markets (places where live animals are slaughtered and sold) or caves.

Travellers are cautioned to avoid contact with animals, including dogs, livestock (pigs, cows), monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats, and to avoid eating undercooked wild game.

Closely supervise children, as they are more likely to come in contact with animals.

Human cases of avian influenza have been reported in this destination. Avian influenza   is a viral infection that can spread quickly and easily among birds and in rare cases it can infect mammals, including people. The risk is low for most travellers.

Avoid contact with birds, including wild, farm, and backyard birds (alive or dead) and surfaces that may have bird droppings on them. Ensure all poultry dishes, including eggs and wild game, are properly cooked.

Travellers with a higher risk of exposure include those: 

  • visiting live bird/animal markets or poultry farms
  • working with poultry (such as chickens, turkeys, domestic ducks)
  • hunting, de-feathering, field dressing and butchering wild birds and wild mammals
  • working with wild birds for activities such as research, conservation, or rehabilitation
  • working with wild mammals, especially those that eat wild birds (e.g., foxes)

All eligible people are encouraged to get the seasonal influenza shot, which will protect them against human influenza viruses. While the seasonal influenza shot does not prevent infection with avian influenza, it can reduce the chance of getting sick with human and avian influenza viruses at the same time.

Person-to-person infections

Stay home if you’re sick and practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette , which includes coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand. Reduce your risk of colds, the flu and other illnesses by:

  •   washing your hands often
  • avoiding or limiting the amount of time spent in closed spaces, crowded places, or at large-scale events (concerts, sporting events, rallies)
  • avoiding close physical contact with people who may be showing symptoms of illness 

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , HIV , and mpox are spread through blood and bodily fluids; use condoms, practise safe sex, and limit your number of sexual partners. Check with your local public health authority pre-travel to determine your eligibility for mpox vaccine.  

Medical services and facilities

The quality of care varies greatly throughout the country.

Good health care is available in private hospitals and clinics, but it’s generally expensive. Most private facilities won’t agree to deal directly with medical insurance companies and will require payment with a credit card in advance or a bank transfer/direct deposit.

Mental health services are extremely limited in Mexico, particularly outside of Mexico City. Services and treatment standards may differ substantially from those in Canada.

Medical evacuation can be very expensive and you may need it in case of serious illness or injury.

Make sure you get travel insurance that includes coverage for medical evacuation and hospital stays.

Travel health and safety

Medical tourism

Medical tourism is common in Mexico. Canadian travellers have had serious health complications following cosmetic or other elective surgeries abroad.

Before leaving for medical travel, you should do your research, especially on:

  • the health and financial risks
  • the medical facility where the procedure will be performed
  • language barriers, which can lead to misunderstandings about your medical care and conditions
  • travel insurance that includes coverage for the type of medical procedure you will be undergoing

You should discuss your medical plans with your primary healthcare provider in Canada before travelling. Most provincial and territorial health care programs are extremely limited in their coverage offered abroad.

  • Make sure that the healthcare providers you choose are authorized by the Mexican health authorities
  • Ask to see the credentials of the healthcare providers
  • Obtain a written agreement detailing the proposed treatment or procedure
  • Receiving medical care outside Canada
  • If you become sick or injured while travelling outside Canada or after your return
  • Medical tourism – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)

If you take prescription medication, you’re responsible for determining their legality in Mexico. 

  • Bring sufficient quantities of your medication with you
  • Always keep your medication in the original container
  • Pack your medication in your carry-on luggage
  • Carry a copy of your prescriptions

Medication cannot be sent to Mexico from Canada via courier services.

Many types of medication—both over-the-counter and prescription—are readily available with little oversight. Counterfeit medication is common in certain parts of Mexico. If you need to purchase medication while in Mexico, make sure to get it from a reputable location.

Federal Commission for protection against sanitary risk  (in Spanish)

Air quality in Mexico City

In Mexico City, you may experience health problems caused by high altitude or by air pollution, which is at its peak during the winter months.

Consult your doctor before booking your trip if you have lung, heart or respiratory problems.

Death in Mexico

If you plan to retire or spend long periods of time in Mexico, or travel there for medical procedures, you should:

  • share your plans or wishes with relatives
  • make sure important documents can easily be located
  • make arrangements in case of your death while in the country
  • What if I Die in Mexico? – Fact sheet
  • Death Abroad Factsheet

Keep in Mind...

The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety.

Be prepared. Do not expect medical services to be the same as in Canada. Pack a   travel health kit , especially if you will be travelling away from major city centres.

You must abide by local laws.

Penalties for breaking the law in Mexico can be more severe than in Canada, even for similar offences.

Foreign nationals are often held in pre-trial detention and there can be lengthy delays before a trial.

Many petty crimes (such as public urination, failure to pay a bill or disorderly behaviour) can result in a 72-hour detention by police. Paying a fine can secure an early release from detention.

Detention conditions are below the standards of Canadian prisons.

  • Overview of the criminal law system in Mexico
  • Arrest and detention

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe. Convicted offenders can expect lengthy prison sentences.

Drugs, alcohol and travel

Smoking is prohibited in all public places except for clearly marked designated smoking areas. This includes but is not limited to:

  • restaurants

You may be fined if you’re caught smoking in public.

Electronic cigarettes

It’s illegal to bring electronic cigarettes/vaping devices and solutions into Mexico.

You could have these items confiscated by customs officials if you have them in your possession. You could also be fined or detained.

It is strictly prohibited to sell or distribute these devices and solutions in Mexico.

Imports and exports

The Mexican government strictly enforces its laws concerning possession, importation and trafficking of firearms.

Anyone entering Mexico with a firearm or ammunition without prior written authorization from Mexican authorities is subject to imprisonment.

It is also illegal to enter the country with certain types of knives.

Importing vehicles and boats

Mexico has very strict rules regarding the importation of foreign vehicles and boats.

You must enter Mexico with the proper import permit and insurance, since it cannot be obtained once you are in Mexico. You may face a fine and have your vehicle seized if you enter Mexico without the proper permit.

You must present a paper document of your vehicle registration to obtain a vehicle importation permit from the Mexican authorities. If you present a digital document of your vehicle registration, your vehicle may be refused entry into Mexico.   

  • Vehicle importation  – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)
  • Temporary vehicle import application system  – Banjército
  • Travelling to Mexico by land  – Mexican Embassy in Canada

Cigarettes and alcohol

If you are older than 18, you are allowed to bring into Mexico up to:

  • 10 cigarette packs
  • 25 cigars or
  • 200 grams of tobacco
  • 3 litres of alcohol and
  • 6 litres of wine

If you bring more alcohol and cigarettes into Mexico than allowed, even if you declare your imported items, you will be subject to a high import fee. You will still be subject to a significant fee if you decide to relinquish your imported items

It’s illegal to possess archaeological artefacts or to export such items from Mexico.

  • Goods you can bring to Mexico as part of your personal luggage  – Government of Mexico
  • Goods you cannot bring into Mexico  – Government of Mexico
  • Agricultural product restrictions  – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)

Political activity

It’s illegal for foreigners to conduct political activity in Mexico, including participating in demonstrations.

2SLGBTQI+ travellers

Mexican law does not prohibit sexual acts between individuals of the same sex. However, homosexuality is not widely accepted in Mexican society, particularly in rural areas.

2SLGBTQI+ travellers could be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics. Transgender and gender non-conforming individuals are disproportionately targeted for violence and can face discrimination.

Travel and your sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics

Dual citizenship is legally recognized in Mexico.

If you are a Canadian citizen, but also a citizen of Mexico, our ability to offer you consular services may be limited while you're there. You may also be subject to different entry/exit requirements .

Travellers with dual citizenship

International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty. It can help parents with the return of children who have been removed to or retained in certain countries in violation of custody rights. The convention applies between Canada and Mexico.

If your child was wrongfully taken to, or is being held in Mexico, and if the applicable conditions are met, you may apply for the return of your child to the Mexican court.

If you are in this situation:

  • act as quickly as you can
  • contact the Central Authority for your province or territory of residence for information on starting an application under The Hague Convention
  • consult a lawyer in Canada and in Mexico to explore all the legal options for the return of your child
  • report the situation to the nearest Canadian government office abroad or to the Vulnerable Children's Consular Unit at Global Affairs Canada by calling the Emergency Watch and Response Centre

If your child was removed from a country other than Canada, consult a lawyer to determine if The Hague Convention applies.

Be aware that Canadian consular officials cannot interfere in private legal matters or in another country's judicial affairs.

  • List of Canadian Central Authorities for the Hague Convention
  • International Child Abductions: A guide for affected parents
  • The Hague Convention – Hague Conference on Private International Law
  • Canadian embassies and consulates by destination
  • Request emergency assistance

There are no clear procedures or regulations about surrogacy in Mexico.

If you're considering surrogacy, seek advice from legal professionals knowledgeable in Canadian and Mexican laws and citizenship procedures.

Identity documents

The names on your identity documents must be identical to those on your birth certificate to obtain official Mexican documents, such as marriage certificates, immigration documents or passports.

Middle names are often left off Canadian identity documents. This has caused significant difficulties for many Canadians. If you plan on residing in Mexico or dealing with the Mexican Civil Registry, obtain a Canadian passport that will meet Mexican requirements.


You should carry photo identification.

Authorities can ask you to show identification and a proof of your legal status in Mexico. They can demand to see your tourist card at any time. You must carry the original at all times. You must carry the original at all times, and should also carry a photocopy of the identification page of your passport.


If you plan on buying property, or making other investments in Mexico, seek legal advice in Canada and in Mexico. Do so before making commitments. Related disputes could take time and be costly to resolve.

Mexican real estate agents are not licensed or regulated.

  • Choose your own lawyer
  • Avoid hiring a lawyer recommended by a seller

Problems with timeshare arrangements occur.

Timeshare representatives may be very persistent. They use pressure tactics and offer free tours, meals, gifts or alcoholic beverages.

It's illegal for timeshare companies to ask you to sign a waiver that prevents you from cancelling a contract. You're legally entitled to cancel a timeshare contract without penalty within 5 working days. Contracts must be cancelled in writing directly with the timeshare company.

Before purchasing a timeshare:

  • gather as much information as possible
  • review carefully the contract; anything not included in the contract will not be honoured
  • provide your credit card only if you are sure you want to make the purchase
  • keep copies of all correspondence

If you suspect a fraud in the real estate procedures, contact the Federal Attorney’s Office of Consumer immediately.

  • Federal Attorney’s Office of Consumer (PROFECO)  – Mexican Government (in Spanish)
  • Should I buy a timeshare in Mexico? - Embassy of Mexico in Canada
  • Should I sell my timeshare in Mexico? - Embassy of Mexico in Canada

Rental accommodations

Rental agreements between two individuals in Mexico are considered a private matter and are not regulated by the government.

If you encounter difficulties with a rental agreement, you must obtain the services of a Mexican lawyer.

You should carry an international driving permit.

International Driving Permit

Auto insurance

Mexican liability insurance is mandatory. Canadian automobile insurance is not valid in Mexico.

You can obtain insurance at the Mexican border. You should obtain full coverage, including coverage for legal assistance.

Automobile insurance is much more expensive in Mexico than in Canada. Many local drivers don’t have any form of car insurance.

If you’re involved in an accident, and you don’t have Mexican liability insurance, you could be prevented from leaving the country until all parties agree that adequate financial satisfaction has been received. If you’re found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of an accident, or if you don’t have a valid driver’s licence, your insurance will be considered invalid.

If you’re involved in a traffic accident, you may face serious legal problems, including imprisonment. You could be taken into custody until responsibility for the accident is determined and all fines are paid. You must report any accident you’re involved in to the police.

Driving restrictions in Mexico City

The Hoy No Circula (No Driving Today) program restricts some cars from driving in Mexico City and in some municipalities of the State of Mexico, from Monday to Saturday, from 5 am to 10 pm.

You will face driving restrictions depending on:

  • your car’s emission sticker
  • the last digit of your license plate
  • where your license plate was issued

Hoy No Circula program is strictly enforced. You may face heavy fines and temporary confiscation of your vehicle if you don’t comply. Consult the Hoy No Circula calendar before driving.

Electric and hybrid cars are exempted from these restrictions. Gas-fueled cars of a 2008 model or later may obtain a tourist pass valid for selected drive days.

  • Hoy no circula – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)
  • Tourist pass  – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)
  • Ministry of Environment  – Government of (in Spanish)

Buying/selling a vehicle

You must be either a temporary or a permanent resident if you wish to buy a car in Mexico.

It’s illegal to sell your imported vehicle in Mexico. If you do, your vehicle may be seized and you may be subject to a fine and deportation.

The currency of Mexico is the Mexican peso.

In some parts of Mexico, particularly tourist destinations, hotels and other service providers may advertise prices in USD.

There is a limit to the amount of U.S. dollars that residents and foreigners can exchange in Mexico, depending on your immigration status. The rule doesn’t apply to Canadian dollars but some financial institutions, hotels and currency exchange bureaus don’t make the distinction.

When carrying more than US$10,000 or the equivalent in other currencies, cash, cheques, money orders or any other monetary instrument, you must declare the amount exceeding US$10,000. Failure to make this declaration is against Mexican law and often results in detention.

Climate change

Climate change is affecting Mexico. Extreme and unusual weather events are becoming more frequent and may affect your travel plans. Monitor local news to stay informed on the current situation.  

Mexico is subject to various natural disasters such as:

  • earthquakes  
  • extreme heat
  • floods  
  • forest fires 
  • hurricanes  
  • torrential rains  
  • tsunamis 
  • volcanic eruptions  
  • Secretary of Integrated Risk Management and Civil Protection  – Government of Mexico City (in Spanish)
  • National Center for Disaster Prevention  (CENAPRED) – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)
  • Get prepared

Hurricane season

Hurricanes usually occur from mid-May to the end of November. During this period, even small tropical storms can quickly develop into major hurricanes.

These severe storms can put you at risk and hamper the provision of essential services. You could face serious safety risks during a hurricane.

If you decide to travel to a coastal area during the hurricane season:

  • be prepared to change your travel plans on short notice, including cutting short or cancelling your trip
  • stay informed of the latest regional weather forecasts
  • carry emergency contact information for your airline or tour operator
  • follow the advice and instructions of local authorities
  • Tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons and monsoons
  • Large-scale emergencies abroad
  • Active storm tracking and hurricane watches and warnings – U.S. National Hurricane Center

Heat may be most severe during the hot season, from April and May in the south, and July to September along the Pacific Coast.

Know the symptoms of dehydration and heatstroke, which can both be fatal.

Sun and heat safety tips for travellers  

Flooding and landslides

Heavy rains can cause flooding and landslides. Roads may become impassable and infrastructure damaged.

Earthquakes and tsunamis

Mexico is located in an active seismic zone. Earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions can occur.

A tsunami can occur within minutes of a nearby earthquake. However, the risk of tsunami can remain for several hours following the first tremor. If you’re staying on the coast, familiarize yourself with the region’s evacuation plans in the event of a tsunami warning.

Useful links:

  • National Seismological Institute  – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)
  • Latest earthquakes  - U.S. Geological Survey
  • Tsunami alerts  - U.S. Tsunami Warning System
  • Centre for Studies and Research of Volcanology  - University of Colima (in Spanish)

Forest fires

Forest fires may occur, particularly during the dry season from:

  • January to June in the centre, north, northeast, south and southeast
  • May to September in the northwest

The air quality in areas near active fires may deteriorate due to heavy smoke.

In case of a major fire:

  • stay away from the affected area, particularly if you suffer from respiratory ailments
  • always follow the instructions of local emergency services personnel, including any evacuation order
  • monitor local media for up-to-date information on the situation

Daily report on wildfires – Government of Mexico (in Spanish)

Local services

In case of an emergency, dial 911.

Roadside assistance

The Angeles Verdes is a highway patrol service that provides free assistance on all major toll highways from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

You can download the App on your mobile device.

In case of an emergency, you can also dial 078 or 800 006 8839 (toll-free in Mexico) to reach them.

Consular assistance

Aguascalientes, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Estado de Mexico, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Morelos, Mexico City, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luís Potosí, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Zacatecas.

Campeche, Yucatán, and Quintana Roo north of the municipality of Solidaridad, including Puerto Morelos, Isla Mujeres and Holbox

Baja California, Sonora

For emergency consular assistance, call the Embassy of Canada to Mexico, in Mexico City, and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. We take the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provide credible and timely information in our Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad.

The content on this page is provided for information only. While we make every effort to give you correct information, it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Government of Canada does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any damages in connection to the information provided.

If you need consular assistance while abroad, we will make every effort to help you. However, there may be constraints that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide services.

Learn more about consular services .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.

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classe oasis


Required travel documents.



It’s your responsibility to ensure you have all the proper documentation to board the ship and enter each of the countries your cruise visits. We’ll require government-issued identification to board. And government authorities may require you to have a visa or meet other requirements.

Select your departure port below to find out exactly what you need. But be aware – government requirements may change.

Don't Get Caught Without The Right Travel Doc


Passports are Best A passport is the best ID document for travel. Make sure yours doesn't expire for 6 months after your cruise ends. Learn more

Birth certificate

Caution: Birth Certificates U.S. Citizens can cruise with a U.S. birth certificate on most sailings from the U.S. But your birth certificate needs to meet the requirements. Learn more

Names Must Match

Names Must Match If you've had a name change, and the name used across your documents does not match, you will need to take an extra step. Learn more

Children and Guardians

Cruising With Kids That Aren't Yours When a minor (age 17 and under) travels without their legal guardian, an accompanying adult must present a notarized form signed by the child's guardian. Learn more

Visa May be Required

Visas May Be Required Some countries require an entry visa or electronic visa based on your nationality. Learn more

Don't Pack your Docs

Don't Pack Your Docs Please keep all travel documents on your person at the terminal; you’ll need to present them at check-in.

Select where you're sailing from

Popular homeports:, full list of all homeports:, travel document requirements for sailings from u.s. homeports (excluding honoulu, hawaii & seward, alaska).

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from the U.S. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

USA Flag

Accepted Identification for U.S. Citizens & Permanent Residents

Note: U.S. Cruises that visit Colombia or Panama If your sailing visits Colombia or Panama, see your protocols here .

In order to sail, a guest must meet the requirements of ONE of the check boxes below.

All documents must be original – no photocopies. Your name must match across documents. What if I had a name change?

  • U.S. Passport Book OR U.S. Passport Card
  • Royal Caribbean strongly recommends that all guests travel with a valid passport. Learn why a passport is best.
  • Passports must be valid at least 6 months after your cruise ends
  • Read more about passport requirements.
  • Original U.S. Birth Certificate AND Valid Government Issued ID (State ID Card, Driver’s License OR Military ID)
  • U.S. Birth Certificates must be the original or an official document issued by the government.
  • Read more about birth certificate requirements.
  • Guests age 15 and under are NOT required to have a photo ID, just the birth certificate.
  • Permanent Resident Card (Alien Resident Card "ARC" OR Green Card) AND Valid Passport from Country of Citizenship
  • Guests must bring their physical Permanent Resident Card and it must be original – no photocopies.
  • Passports must be valid at least 6 months after your cruise ends.
  • Guests age 16 and older whose ARC has no photo must present a valid government issued photo ID
  • Barbados & Martinique require ARC guests to provide a valid passport.
  • Any additional requirements are the responsibility of the guest.
  • Original U.S. Naturalization Certificate AND Valid Government Issued ID (State ID Card, Driver’s License OR Military ID)
  • Original U.S. Naturalization Certificate.
  • Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL) that is not expired
  • Enhanced Driver's Licenses are only available from the following states: Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Vermont and Washington State.
  • An Enhanced Driver’s License is different from a REAL ID compliant id. An EDL will have a flag on the front.
  • U.S. Passport Book
  • Visa may be required based on Passport Country of Origin. Learn More

Additionally, visas or travel permits may be required to enter some countries.

  • Electronic Travel Authorization will be required based on disembarkation port.
  • Learn more about visa requirements.

Accepted Identification for Canadian Citizens

  • Canadian Passport Book – Required if traveling to the U.S. by air
  • Enhanced Driver's Licenses are only available from the following Provinces: British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.
  • Guests age 14 and under may present a passport as noted above OR one of the documents below:
  • Original Naturalization Certificate OR Original Valid Canadian Citizenship Card OR Original Birth Certificate Issued by Canada.
  • Read more about birth certificate requirements

In order to sail, a guest must meet the requirements below.

  • Canadian Passport Book

Accepted Identification for Other Nationalities

  • Valid Passport from Country of Citizenship

Additionally, visas or travel permits may be required to enter some countries. Please check requirements for your own nationality. Common visas are noted below.

  • The United States may require a Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) or Visa depending on nationality.
  • Please check requirements for your own nationality .
  • Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS) is required for Chinese Nationals.
  • Sailings with a Canadian Port of Call (ex. Alaska sailings) may require a Canadian Visitor’s Visa.

Travel document requirements for sailings from Australian homeports

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Australia. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

Australia Flag

Accepted Identification for U.S. Citizens

  • U.S. Passport Book AND Australian Electronic Travel Authority (ETA)
  • All visitors are required to get an Australian ETA to travel to Australia.
  • Read more about passport requirements

Additionally, visas or travel permits may be required to enter some countries. Please check requirements for your own nationality.

  • New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA)
  • All visitors are required to get a NZeTA to travel to New Zealand.

Accepted Identification for U.K. Citizens

  • Passport Book

Accepted Identification for Australian Citizens

  • Australian Passport Book
  • Australian Driver's License OR Government-issued, laminated photo ID
  • Cruise itinerary must call only on Australian ports of call.
  • If an itinerary leaves Australia, then guests must use a Passport.
  • Guests age 17 and under may present one of the documents below:
  • Medicare Card - Can be used as the only identification for children when all guests share the same last name.
  • Original (or Certified) Birth Certificate - If the parent's name differs from the child.

* Sailings that originate and end in ports within Australia that do not include a visit to an overseas port outside of Australia. (Note that Queensland cruises that include Willis Island are considered domestic cruises) . If an itinerary leaves Australia, then guests must use a Passport.

  • Passport Book AND Australian Electronic Travel Authority (ETA)
  • For Transpacific sailings, the United States may require a Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) or Visa depending on nationality.

Travel document requirements for sailings from Canadian homeports

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Canada. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

Accepted Identification for U.S. Citizens & Permanent Residents

  • U.S. Passport Book - If traveling to Canada by air
  • U.S. Passport Card - Can be used if traveling to Canada by ground/car or by sea
  • U.S. Birth Certificate AND Valid Government Issued ID (State ID Card, Driver’s License OR Military ID) - Can be used if traveling to Canada by ground/car or by sea
  • Original U.S. State Certified Birth Certificate or a certified copy; or an original Consular Birth Abroad Certificate from the U.S. State Department.
  • Permanent Resident Card (Alien Resident Card "ARC" OR Green Card) AND Valid Passport from Country of Citizenship - If traveling to Canada by air, ground/car or by sea
  • Passports must be valid for at least 6 months after your cruise ends.
  • Guests age 16 and older whose ARC has no photo must present a valid government issued photo ID.
  • Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL) that is not expired - Can be used if traveling to Canada by ground/car or by sea

Accepted Identification for Canadian Citizens & Permanent Residents

  • Canadian Permanent Resident Card AND Valid Passport from Country of Citizenship
  • Guests age 14 and under may also present either:
  • Canada may require an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) or Visa depending on nationality.

Travel document requirements for sailings from European homeports (excluding Southampton, England; Haifa, Israel & Istanbul, Turkey)

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Europe. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

UK Flag

Additionally, visas or travel permits will soon be required to enter European Union countries.

  • Traveling to Europe
  • Coming Soon - All visitors will soon be required to get an European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) to travel to Europe.
  • Sailings that have a European Union Port of Call
  • For Transatlantic sailings, the United States may require a Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) or Visa depending on nationality.

Accepted Identification for European Citizens

  • Guests are responsible for any requirements a country may have.
  • Royal Caribbean strongly recommends that all guests travel with a valid passport. Learn why a passport is best
  • EU Government ID
  • Cruise itinerary must call only on countries within the Schengen Region .
  • EU Government ID must be valid at least 3 months after your cruise ends.
  • A Multi-Entry Schengen Visa may be required
  • Coming Soon - European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS)
  • Some nationalities will soon be required to get an European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) to travel to Europe.
  • A Schengen Visa may be required
  • European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS)
  • Coming Soon - Some nationalities will soon be required to get an European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) to travel to Europe.

Travel document requirements for sailings from Dubai

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Dubai. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

Europe Flag

  • U.K. Passport Book

Travel document requirements for sailings from Central & South American homeports

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Central and South America. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

  • Australian citizens cruising to and from Buenos Aires, Argentina and Valparaiso, Chile require additional documentation.

Travel document requirements for sailings from Singapore

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Singapore. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

Singapore Flag

  • U.S. Passport Book AND Singapore Arrival Card (SGAC)
  • All visitors are required to get an Singapore Arrival Card to travel to Singapore.

Accepted Identification for Singaporean Citizens

  • Singaporean Passport Book
  • Passport Book AND Singapore Arrival Card (SGAC)

Travel document requirements for sailings from Japanese homeports

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Japan. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

Japanese Flag

Accepted Identification for Japanese Citizens

  • Japanese Passport Book

Travel document requirements for sailings from Chinese homeports

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from China. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

China Flag

Accepted Identification for Chinese Citizens

  • Chinese Passport Book

Travel document requirements for sailings from Istanbul, Turkey

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Istanbul, Turkey. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

  • U.S. Passport Book AND Turkish Visa
  • All visitors are required to get a Turkish Visa to travel to Turkey.
  • Passport Book AND Turkish Visa

Travel document requirements for sailings from Haifa, Israel

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Haifa, Israel. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

  • All visitors will soon be required to get an European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) to travel to Europe.

Travel document requirements for sailings from Seward, Alaska

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from the Seward. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

  • Canada may require a Visa depending on nationality.

Travel document requirements for sailings from Southampton, England

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from Southampton. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

Additionally, visas or travel permits will soon be required to enter the U.K. and European Union countries.

  • Entering the U.K.
  • Coming Soon - All visitors will soon be required to get an U.K. Travel Authorization (ETA) to travel to the U.K.

Travel document requirements for sailings from Oahu (Honolulu), Hawaii

Here are the current requirements for our guests sailing from the Honolulu. Booked guests will be provided the latest full details prior to sailing. Please select the citizenship options below to learn the right requirements:

  • Australian Electronic Travel Authority (ETA).


Aerial View of South Beach, Miami, Florida

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travel form for mexico

Spaghetti Models, Path for Texas as Tropical Storm Alberto Starts to Form

M eteorologists have issued alerts for southern Texas after the National Hurricane Center (NHC) warned that a likely tropical storm could cause "life-threatening" floods as it continues to develop.

As of Monday afternoon, the NHC was tracking a broad area of low pressure churning in the Bay of Campeche. Hurricane experts said the storm will likely become Tropical Storm Alberto, with a 70 percent chance of development in the next 48 hours, which would make it the first named storm of the season.

Spaghetti models—computer models illustrating potential storm paths —show Mexico bearing the brunt of the storm's landfall, but meteorologists warned that far-southern Texas also could experience strong impact.

"Environmental conditions appear conducive for additional gradual development, and a tropical depression or tropical storm is likely to form by midweek while it moves slowly westward or west-northwestward toward the western Gulf coast," the NHC said. "Regardless of development, several days of heavy rainfall are expected across portions of southern Mexico and Central America, and these rains are likely to cause life-threatening flooding and flash flooding."

As of Monday afternoon, the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Brownsville, Texas, had a gale warning in place, as well as a small craft advisory, rip current statement and coastal flood watch.

"As of 11 AM June 17, the chance of a Tropical Depression or Tropical Storm developing through early Wednesday has risen to 70 percent, continuing through Thursday," the NWS said. "Overall, the hazards to the Rio Grande Valley/Deep South Texas ranchlands remain the same, with heavy rainfall and flooding possible Tuesday through Thursday, as well as dangerous beach and marine conditions."

NWS meteorologist Andrei Evbuoma told Newsweek that the biggest concern is flooding. Up to 6 inches of rain is expected for parts of southern Texas through Saturday morning. The highest rainfall is expected on Wednesday with 2 to 3 inches, followed by Thursday with 1 to 1.5 inches.

Evbuoma warned that the storm will be a "high-impact weather event" that could potentially become the biggest storm of the season so far.

Multiple agencies, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have issued forecasts warning that 2024 will be an exceptionally strong year for hurricanes . NOAA's forecast anticipates 17 to 25 named storms, for an above-average hurricane season. Of the 25, eight to 13 will be hurricanes and four to seven will be major hurricanes. The forecast amount of named storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes is the highest NOAA has ever issued in a May outlook.

Several factors are contributing to the storm-heavy predictions this year, including abnormally warm sea surface temperatures and the expectation that El Niño will transition into La Niña by this summer or fall.

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Water crashing over bridge during Hurricane Harvey in 2017 in Texas. An area of low pressure could soon develop into a tropical storm, threatening flooding and other impacts in southern Texas

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution, update may 10, 2024, information for u.s. citizens in the middle east.

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Apply for your First Adult Passport

Apply for a Child Under 16

Apply as a 16 or 17 Year Old

Get My Application Status

Get a Passport Card

Respond to a Letter or Email

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply with their child, you will need to show us more documents.
  • You cannot renew your child's passport using Form DS-82.
  • Passports for children under age 16 are only valid for 5 years. 

Steps to Apply

1. fill out form ds-11 and print it.

Use our Form Filler tool  to fill out your child's form on a desktop or laptop computer and then print it. If you are experiencing technical issues with the Form Filler, download a PDF . 

Fill Out Form DS-11 Online

Tips to complete your child's form :

  • Do not sign your child's form until asked to do so by a passport acceptance agent or employee. 
  • You can apply for a passport book , a passport card , or both documents.
  • You may ask for a larger passport book with more visa pages, at no extra cost, by checking the 'large book' box at the top of the DS-11.

2. Get Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (and a photocopy)

Your evidence must be an original or replacement copy. The document must have the official seal or stamp of the office which issued it. You must submit one of the following documents for your child:

  • Issued by the city, county, or state of birth
  • Lists applicant's full name, date of birth, and place of birth
  • Lists the parent(s)' full names
  • Has the date filed with registrar's office (must be within one year of birth)
  • Has the registrar's signature
  • Has the seal or stamp of the city, county, or state which issued it
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Please note you must also provide a document, such as a birth certificate, that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Full validity means the document is or was valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for children under 16. 

If you cannot submit one of these documents, go to our  Citizenship Evidence page  for more information.

Paper only : You cannot submit digital evidence of U.S. citizenship such as a mobile or electronic birth certificate. You must submit physical evidence of U.S. citizenship and a photocopy of the document. 

Returning your child's document : We will return your child's document in a separate mailing up to 8 weeks after you receive the new passport.

Tips for making a photocopy :

  • Black and white (no color)
  • Use 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper
  • Use a single side of the paper

If you do not submit a photocopy, you must submit a second copy of your citizenship evidence. We will keep this copy for our records.

Sample U.S. Birth Certificate

3. Show Your Relationship to Your Child

You must submit a document that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Examples include:

  • U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship)
  • Foreign birth certificate
  • Adoption decree
  • Divorce or custody decree
  • A court order

Some documents, like a U.S. birth certificate, show  both  U.S. citizenship and parental relationship. These documents must be originals or certified copies (not photocopies).

You and your child may have different last names, as long as the document showing your relationship to your child lists your full name.

If your name is different than the one on the document showing your relationship to your child, submit proof of your legal name change.

4. Get a Photo ID (and a photocopy)

Both parents or guardians must bring a physical, photo ID and a photocopy of it. If your photo ID is from a different state than the state in which you are applying, bring a second photo ID. 

You must show at least  one  of these photo IDs:

  • Valid or expired, undamaged U.S. passport book or passport card 
  • In-state, fully valid driver's license or enhanced driver's license with photo
  • Certificate of Naturalization 
  • Certificate of Citizenship 
  • Government employee ID (city, county, state, or federal)
  • U.S. military or military dependent ID
  • Current (valid) foreign passport
  • Matricula Consular (Mexican Consular ID) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • Trusted Traveler IDs (including valid Global Entry, FAST, SENTRI, and NEXUS cards)
  • Enhanced Tribal Cards and Native American tribal photo IDs
  • In-state, fully-valid learner's permit with photo
  • In-state, fully-valid non-driver ID with photo
  • Temporary driver's license with photo

If you do not have one of these photo IDs, go to our  Identification page  for more information.

5. Show More Documents (if both parents or guardians cannot apply)

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply in person with their child, you will need to show more documents.

Important : Submit  Form DS-3053  and other notarized statements within three months of signing them.

6. Provide a Photo

You must provide one photo with your child's application. Go to our  Passport Photo page  for photo requirements and to see examples of photos. 

  • Do not attach or staple your child's photo to the form. The acceptance agent or passport employee will review the photo and staple it to your form.
  • Some  passport acceptance facilities
  • A company which offers photo services
  • Home. Ask your friend or family member to take your child's photo. Print it on glossy or matte photo quality paper. 

7. Calculate Fees

When applying using Form DS-11, you will pay two separate fees - an application fee and an execution (acceptance) fee. You will pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State, and the execution (acceptance) fee to the facility which takes your application. 

  • Add $60 to your application fee if you want  expedited service .
  • Add $19.53 to your application fee if you want us to ship your completed passport in 1-2 days after we issue it.  

Child Applicants :

For more information on how to pay and a full list of fees, go to our  Passport Fees  page.

*How to fill out your check and pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State. Please note you must pay a separate execution (acceptance) fee. 

Families may write one check or money order to the U.S. Department of State if they are applying at the same time. The check or money order must include the name and date of birth of each applicant.

travel form for mexico

8. Find Location to Apply

In the United States:

  • Traveling in more than 3 weeks?  Go to a  passport acceptance facility  such as a post office, library, or local government office. Check with the facility to see if you need to make an appointment. 
  • Traveling in less than 3 weeks?   Make an appointment  to apply at a passport agency or center.

In another country:

  • Contact your  U.S. embassy or consulate .

9. Track Your Application Status

You can  subscribe to email updates  about your application status, and  learn more about each status update .

It may take 2 weeks from the day you apply until your child's application status is “In Process.” 

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you send my child's passport and supporting documents.

You will get multiple mailings. The number of mailings depends on what document(s) you asked for.

Passport Book : You may get your new passport and citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We will return the passport book using a trackable delivery service.

Passport Card : You may get your new passport card and your citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We only send the passport card via First Class Mail. We do not send cards using 1-2 day delivery services.

Both a Passport Book and Card : You may get three separate mailings:

  • New passport book
  • New passport card
  • Citizenship documents

Contacting Us : If you have been waiting more than 8 weeks for your documents, call us at  1-877-487-2778  to report that you have not received your documents. 

If you want us to reimburse you for a lost supporting document, you must contact us within 90 days of the date which we mailed your passport. You will also need to provide a receipt to show the cost of replacing the document. 

Can I pay for faster delivery and return shipping?

Yes. You may choose one or both of the following shipment options:

  • Delivering application to us : Pay for Priority Mail Express for faster shipping. The price for this service varies depending on the area of the country.
  • Returning the passport to you : Pay $19.53 for 1-2 day delivery. This means you will receive your passport   1-2 days after we send it. Include this fee with your check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State. Do not submit a return envelope to us with postage pre-paid. 

You may receive your passport and supporting documents in separate mailings. If you are renewing a passport card, we will send it to you via First Class Mail. We do not use 1-2 day delivery services if you only applied for a passport card.

What countries require Form DS-3053 "Statement of Consent" to be notarized at an embassy or consulate?

In certain countries, a DS-3053 must be notarized at a  U.S. embassy or consulate  and cannot be notarized by a local notary public. Currently, these countries include:

Special Passport Fairs

Find a Special Passport Fair  near you!

We're holding special passport fairs all across the United States to help you get your passport more easily. New events are added to our site every week.

Most events are for first-time applicants and children, (who use Form DS-11). If you can use Form DS-82, you can renew by mail at your convenience!

Processing Times

Routine:  6-8 weeks*

Expedited: 2-3 weeks and an extra $60*

*Consider the total time it will take to get a passport when you are booking travel.  Processing times only include the time your application is at a passport agency or center.

  • It may take up to 2 weeks for applications to arrive at a passport agency or center. It may take up to 2 weeks for you to receive a completed passport after we print it. 
  • Processing times + mailing times = total time to get a passport

Urgent Travel:  See our Get my Passport Fast page. 

How to Apply for your Child's Passport

Watch this video to learn how to apply in person for your child's U.S. passport!

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How to apply for or renew a U.S. tourist visa

If you visit the U.S. for tourism or business, you may need a visitor visa, also known as a tourist visa. Learn how to get and renew this type of nonimmigrant visa.

Find out if you need a visa to visit the U.S.

Check if your country participates in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP) . If it does, you can get a waiver and will not need a visa. If you do not see your country listed, you will need a visitor visa.

Visitor (tourist) visas and other travel documents for entering the U.S.

The visitor visa is a type of nonimmigrant visa for people who wish to temporarily enter the U.S. There are two categories:

  • B-1 for business travel
  • B-2 for tourism and medical treatment

Learn about B-1 and B-2 visas , including:

  • Reasons you would need each type of visitor visa
  • How to apply
  • What documents you will need
  • Application fees
  • How to prepare for your interview at your U.S. embassy or consulate

Along with your visa, you must bring a passport issued by your country of citizenship. When you arrive at your port of entry into the U.S., officials will issue you a Form I-94, which electronically records your arrival and departure dates. Learn more about Form I-94.

How to renew a visitor visa

The process to renew a visitor visa is the same as getting one for the first time. Follow the process to apply for a visitor visa from the Department of State.

Find the contact information for your nearest U.S. embassy or consulate and contact them for visa renewal information.

Understand expiration dates for visas and I-94 forms

  • The date you must depart the U.S. will be shown on your Form I-94. This date is determined by the Customs and Border Protection officer when you arrive at the port-of-entry into the U.S. 
  • Only diplomatic visa holders and their dependents can renew their visas while they are in the U.S.

LAST UPDATED: May 31, 2024

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  1. Mexico Tourist Visa: FMM

    travel form for mexico

  2. Requirements for visiting Mexico as a tourist (FMM, "tourist card

    travel form for mexico

  3. Mexico Travel Checklist

    travel form for mexico

  4. Mexican FMM Tourist Card Online Form

    travel form for mexico

  5. How To Fill Out Fmm Online

    travel form for mexico

  6. What to Pack for Mexico

    travel form for mexico


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  1. Mexico Tourist Card

    Foreign citizens traveling to Mexico are issued an Official Entry Immigration Form (FMM) also known as Tourist Card. The online registration process is FREE, very convenient, straightforward, and to complete the process all you need is your passport and travel information. THE TOURIST CARD IS PER PERSON INCLUDING CHILDREN AND DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL.

  2. Mexico International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  3. Instituto Nacional de Migración

    El Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) a través de las Direcciones Generales de Control y Verificación Migratoria, Administración, así como Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones, respectivamente es el responsable de los datos personales que sean recabados como parte de su registro en los procesos de internación y salidas del ...

  4. What Documents Do You Need to Travel to Mexico?

    The documents you need to travel to Mexico by car or boat include: A passport or. A passport card. Trusted Traveler cards (SENTRI or FAST) State-issued Enhanced driver's license (when available) Enhanced Tribal Cards (when available) U.S. Military ID with military travel orders. U.S. Merchant Mariner credential when traveling in conjunction ...

  5. Learn About Your Mexico Visitors Permit, FMM

    If you arrive in Mexico by land, you will need to get a visitors permit at the port of entry; If you fly to Mexico, air crews on international flights might hand-out the visitor permit forms before the flight lands; although note that paper forms are being phased out;; Paper forms might be available at some Mexican airports, near the immigration desks, otherwise the immigration official will ...

  6. What Is a Mexican Tourist Card and How Do I Get One?

    Mexico tourist cards (Forma Migratoria Multiple, also known as FMT) are a government form declaring that the stated purpose of a visit to Mexico is tourism.Although more than one kind of Mexico visa exists, a Mexico tourist card essentially says the holder has the intention of vacationing in Mexico for no more than 180 days.

  7. The FMM for Mexico Explained: How to Get a Tourist Card

    Mexico offers visa-free entry to those who hold passports from countries on its no visa required list. Instead of a Mexican visa, visitors must obtain an FMM tourist permit (Forma Migratoria Múltiple). This document allows you to stay in Mexico for the purpose of tourism or business for up to 180 days. The FMM currently costs 685 pesos or $38.

  8. Mexico Entry Requirements—For Leisure, Business or Residency

    Mexico entry requirements for tourists and short term visitors Mexico Visitors Permit, FMM. Passport holders from countries on Mexico's no visa required list do not need to apply for a formal visa to visit Mexico. They may, instead, use a visitor's permit, known as a FMM (Forma Migratoria Multiple).For the countries that don't need a visa, a Mexico Visitor's Permit (FMM) is issued in ...

  9. Mexico Tourist Card (FMM) Ultimate Guide

    The Mexico tourist card aka Official Entry Immigration Form (FMM) is an immigration form that must be filled out prior to your entry in Mexico. It's a form that you will submit to immigration once you arrive at the airport and is required for every person including children. It is recommended to fill out the form and register online in order ...

  10. Mexico Tourist Card (FMM) Information 2024

    When Do I Need a Mexico Tourist Card? The FMM tourist card is a required for specific travelers.Not all passengers entering Mexico need to meet this requirement. If you're traveling to Mexico from overseas and plan to enter the country by land, you must complete the FMM.. The tourist card policy applies to most people regardless of whether they travel to Mexico for tourism, business, or ...

  11. Mexico Entry Requirements for US Citizens

    What U.S. Citizens Need to Travel to Mexico. American citizens must have a few essential documents to travel to Mexico. These include: US passport. FMM tourist card (for land travel) Mexican visa (if applicable) A visa for Mexico may not be required for US passport holders. This depends on the period of stay and your reason for traveling.

  12. Travel Documents You Need to Visit Mexico

    These documents are acceptable travel documents for all United States citizens. Passport card: Issued by the U.S. Department of State, this passport substitute is credit-card sized and valid for entry into Mexico by land or sea. The passport card is not accepted for air travel. This passport card can also be used for land and sea travel to ...

  13. Documents Required for Travel and Entry to Mexico

    Arrivals to Mexico by air. If you are visiting Mexico and arriving by airplane, you must carry a current passport. Note that Passport Cards are not valid for air travel. We also recommend that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of your arrival in Mexico. If your passport is expired the airlines will not allow you to ...

  14. Online Entry Immigration Form for Mexico

    To ease the immigration entry process, you can now fill out the Mexico Immigration Form online prior to travel. This is an alternative to filling out the immigration forms typically filled out on the airline upon your arrival in Mexico. (Travel Advisory: Some commercial airlines no longer hand out immigration forms aboard their airplanes.

  15. Travel documents and entry requirements

    Colombia 🇨🇴. Documents required to enter Colombia: Valid passport (minimum validity of 90 days) Residency (if applicable) Check-Mig form. You must complete the online form 48 hours and 1 hour before your flight and present the confirmation email to the customs officer. Before your trip, check out all the documents and requirements to ...

  16. What documents do I need to enter Mexico?

    To enter Mexico, you must have the following documents: 1. A valid passport or travel document. There is no need for a minimum period of validity of the passport (for example 6 months); but this document must be valid during the length of your stay in Mexico. 2. A properly completed Multiple Digital Migration Form (FMMd). This form will be ...

  17. Tourist Card Mexico

    FMM/Tourist card for Mexico is a travel document issued by the government to all tourists or foreigners wishing to come to Mexico. Visitors must fill out an official entry immigration form (FMM) prior to their arrival. The Tourist Card is valid per person, regardless of age or length of stay in Mexico. The Mexican Immigration Authority keeps ...

  18. Can I travel to Mexico? Travel Restrictions & Entry ...

    Find continuously updated travel restrictions for Mexico such as border, vaccination, COVID-19 testing, and quarantine requirements.

  19. Entry requirements

    Leaving Mexico. To leave Mexico, you must show your passport with the stamp showing the number of days you were allowed to stay. If you lose your passport, you must pay a fee to replace the entry ...

  20. International travel documents for children

    Parents who frequently cross the border by land with a minor must always carry a letter of permission from the other parent. Children (under age 16) of U.S. citizens arriving by land or sea from Canada or Mexico may present their original or a copy of their birth certificate, a Certificate of Naturalization, or a Consular Report of Birth Abroad.

  21. Procedures for Entering and Leaving Mexico

    If you hold a passport issued by one of the many countries on Mexico's " no visa required " list,* you don't need to apply for a visa to visit Mexico. You can, instead, complete a Visitor's Permit, also known as a FMM, at your port of entry. There is a ~US$25 fee for the permit, which is usually included in your airfare's "fees ...

  22. Mexico: Visa Information

    The Mexico Electronic Travel Authorization or SAE is a single-entry travel permit required for travelers of certain nationalities to enter the country. The Authorization allows you to stay for a maximum of 180 days per entry. The Mexico Electronic Authorization is only available for citizens from Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

  23. Travel advice and advisories for Mexico

    Multiple Immigration Form - Government of Mexico. Entering by air. If entering Mexico by air, you are advised to download your tourist card issued by Mexican officials upon entry. Depending on your airport of entry: the immigration official will stamp your passport and note the number of days you are allowed to spend in Mexico or

  24. Travel Documents & Requirements

    Passports are Best. A passport is the best ID document for travel. Make sure yours doesn't expire for 6 months after your cruise ends. Learn more. Caution: Birth Certificates. U.S. Citizens can cruise with a U.S. birth certificate on most sailings from the U.S. But your birth certificate needs to meet the requirements.

  25. Spaghetti Models, Path for Texas as Tropical Storm Alberto Starts to Form

    Spaghetti models—computer models illustrating potential storm paths—show Mexico bearing the brunt of the storm's landfall, but meteorologists warned that far-southern Texas also could ...

  26. Apply for a Child's U.S. Passport

    Apply for a Child Under 16. Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person. If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply with their child, you will need to show us more documents. You cannot renew your child's passport using Form DS-82.

  27. How to apply for or renew a U.S. tourist visa

    Visitor (tourist) visas and other travel documents for entering the U.S. The visitor visa is a type of nonimmigrant visa for people who wish to temporarily enter the U.S. There are two categories: B-1 for business travel; B-2 for tourism and medical treatment; Learn about B-1 and B-2 visas, including: Reasons you would need each type of visitor ...