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  • Travel Tips

How To Work With Tourism Boards

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Stacee Karl

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Welcome to the exciting world of travel marketing and partnership building! In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of working with tourism boards to elevate your travel business to new heights. Tourism boards play a pivotal role in promoting destinations, attracting visitors, and fostering sustainable tourism practices. Understanding how to effectively collaborate with these entities can significantly enhance the visibility and success of your travel enterprise.

As a travel enthusiast and industry professional, you recognize the immense value of forging strong partnerships within the tourism sector. By establishing meaningful connections with tourism boards, you gain access to a wealth of resources, insights, and promotional opportunities that can propel your brand to the forefront of the travel landscape.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we will explore the multifaceted nature of working with tourism boards, from building relationships and collaborating on marketing campaigns to leveraging resources and measuring the impact of these strategic partnerships. By the end of this journey, you will be equipped with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the dynamic realm of tourism board collaborations with confidence and finesse.

So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a transformative exploration of how to effectively work with tourism boards to amplify the reach and influence of your travel business. Let's dive into the intricacies of this symbiotic relationship and uncover the keys to unlocking a world of possibilities in the realm of travel marketing and promotion.

Understanding the Role of Tourism Boards

Before delving into the strategies for collaboration, it’s essential to grasp the pivotal role that tourism boards play in the travel industry. Tourism boards, also known as destination marketing organizations (DMOs), serve as the primary entities responsible for promoting and enhancing the appeal of a specific destination or region. Their overarching goal is to attract visitors, drive tourism revenue, and cultivate a positive image of the locale they represent.

These organizations function as the custodians of a destination’s brand, leveraging various marketing channels and initiatives to showcase its unique attractions, cultural heritage, and recreational offerings. By harnessing the power of storytelling, captivating imagery, and targeted promotional campaigns, tourism boards strive to position their respective destinations as must-visit travel hotspots.

Moreover, tourism boards undertake vital roles in advocating for sustainable tourism practices, preserving natural landscapes, and fostering community engagement. They often collaborate with local businesses, hospitality providers, and tour operators to ensure a cohesive and compelling visitor experience while prioritizing environmental conservation and cultural authenticity.

By comprehending the multifaceted responsibilities of tourism boards, travel businesses can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of destination promotion and the underlying motivations driving these organizations. This understanding forms the bedrock for establishing mutually beneficial partnerships and aligning collaborative efforts with the overarching objectives of tourism boards.

As we venture deeper into this guide, we will uncover the strategies for engaging with tourism boards in a manner that resonates with their mission, amplifies the allure of the destination, and fosters sustainable tourism practices. With this foundational knowledge in place, you are poised to navigate the intricacies of working hand-in-hand with tourism boards to elevate your travel business to unprecedented levels of success.

Building Relationships with Tourism Boards

Establishing strong and enduring relationships with tourism boards is a cornerstone of successful collaboration in the travel industry. The process of cultivating these connections begins with proactive engagement and a genuine commitment to understanding and supporting the objectives of the tourism board. Here are essential steps to foster meaningful relationships with tourism boards:

  • Research and Familiarization: Before reaching out to a tourism board, invest time in researching the destination and the board’s existing initiatives. Understand the unique selling points of the locale, its target visitor demographics, and the current marketing strategies employed by the tourism board. This knowledge will demonstrate your genuine interest in the destination and facilitate more meaningful conversations.
  • Personalized Outreach: When initiating contact with the tourism board, personalize your communication to reflect a clear understanding of their mission and goals. Express your enthusiasm for collaborating and emphasize how your partnership can contribute to the board’s objectives, whether it’s promoting off-the-beaten-path experiences, supporting sustainable tourism practices, or targeting specific visitor segments.
  • Value-driven Propositions: Present compelling proposals that outline the mutual benefits of collaboration. Highlight how your expertise, resources, or promotional platforms can augment the tourism board’s efforts in showcasing the destination. Whether it involves co-creating engaging content, hosting familiarization trips, or leveraging your audience to amplify the board’s messaging, emphasize the value you bring to the table.
  • Consistent Engagement: Cultivate ongoing communication and engagement with the tourism board. Attend industry events, participate in destination-specific webinars, and seek opportunities to showcase your commitment to the destination’s success. This consistent engagement reinforces your dedication to the partnership and fosters trust and rapport with the board’s representatives.

By approaching the process of relationship building with authenticity, empathy, and a genuine desire to contribute to the destination’s growth, you lay the groundwork for a collaborative partnership that transcends mere transactional interactions. As we progress through this guide, we will delve into the subsequent stages of collaboration, where these foundational relationships will serve as the catalyst for impactful joint initiatives with tourism boards.

Collaborating on Marketing Campaigns

Once a solid rapport has been established with a tourism board, the stage is set for collaborative marketing campaigns that amplify the visibility and appeal of the destination. Joint marketing initiatives offer a synergistic platform for travel businesses and tourism boards to co-create compelling narratives, leverage diverse marketing channels, and reach a broader audience. Here are key considerations for effective collaboration on marketing campaigns:

  • Co-created Content: Collaborate with the tourism board to develop engaging and authentic content that showcases the destination’s unique experiences, attractions, and cultural tapestry. This could involve producing destination guides, immersive videos, or blog features that resonate with the target audience and convey the essence of the locale.
  • Amplified Reach: Leverage the tourism board’s promotional channels, such as social media platforms, official websites, and visitor guides, to amplify the reach of your collaborative content. By tapping into the board’s established audience base, you can extend the visibility of your brand while contributing to the board’s overarching marketing objectives.
  • Storytelling Alignment: Ensure that the narratives woven into the marketing campaigns align with the destination’s brand identity and the tourism board’s messaging. Authentic storytelling that reflects the local culture, heritage, and sustainable tourism ethos resonates deeply with audiences and reinforces the destination’s appeal.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Tailor marketing campaigns to cater to specific visitor segments identified by the tourism board. Whether it’s adventure seekers, cultural enthusiasts, or eco-conscious travelers, aligning your promotional efforts with the board’s strategic focus enhances the relevance and impact of the campaigns.
  • Performance Measurement: Collaborate with the tourism board to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that gauge the success of the marketing campaigns. By jointly evaluating the reach, engagement metrics, and conversion rates, both parties can refine future initiatives and optimize the impact of their collaborative endeavors.

Through seamless collaboration on marketing campaigns, travel businesses can harness the storytelling prowess and promotional reach of tourism boards to elevate their brand visibility and connect with a broader audience. As we move forward, we will explore additional facets of partnership with tourism boards, delving into the strategic utilization of resources and support provided by these influential entities.

Leveraging Resources and Support from Tourism Boards

Collaborating with tourism boards presents a wealth of opportunities to leverage their resources and support in bolstering the promotional endeavors of your travel business. These entities are equipped with a diverse array of assets, insights, and industry connections that can significantly enhance your marketing initiatives and visitor engagement. Here’s how you can effectively leverage the resources and support provided by tourism boards:

  • Access to Insider Knowledge: Tap into the tourism board’s in-depth knowledge of the destination, including emerging travel trends, upcoming events, and hidden gems. By aligning your offerings with the board’s insights, you can curate compelling experiences that resonate with visitors and align with the destination’s strategic direction.
  • Collateral and Visual Assets: Utilize the high-quality visual assets, including photography, videos, and promotional materials, available through the tourism board. These resources can enrich your marketing collateral, website content, and social media presence, infusing it with captivating visuals that convey the allure of the destination.
  • Industry Connections and Partnerships: Leverage the tourism board’s network of local businesses, tour operators, and hospitality providers to forge strategic partnerships. Collaborative packages, exclusive offers, and joint promotions can be crafted in conjunction with the board’s partners, enhancing the overall visitor experience and fostering a sense of community engagement.
  • Promotional Support: Capitalize on the tourism board’s promotional platforms and campaigns to amplify the visibility of your travel business. Whether it’s featuring in official visitor guides, participating in destination-specific events, or being showcased on the board’s digital channels, such exposure can significantly elevate your brand’s recognition among potential visitors.
  • Training and Educational Opportunities: Engage with the tourism board’s training programs, workshops, and educational resources to enhance your understanding of the destination’s unique selling points and visitor expectations. This knowledge empowers you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies in alignment with the destination’s distinct appeal.

By strategically leveraging the resources and support extended by tourism boards, travel businesses can enrich their offerings, expand their reach, and deliver compelling experiences that resonate with visitors. As we progress, we will delve into the pivotal aspect of measuring the impact of these collaborative efforts, allowing for informed decision-making and continuous refinement of the partnership strategies.

Measuring the Impact of Tourism Board Partnerships

Effectively measuring the impact of partnerships with tourism boards is essential for gauging the success of collaborative endeavors and refining future strategies. By employing robust metrics and evaluation frameworks, travel businesses can glean valuable insights into the reach, engagement, and conversion rates attributed to their collaborative initiatives with tourism boards. Here are key considerations for measuring the impact of these partnerships:

  • Performance Metrics: Establish clear key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the objectives of the collaborative campaigns and initiatives. These metrics may include website traffic, social media engagement, lead generation, and conversion rates. By quantifying the impact of the partnership, you can assess the tangible outcomes and return on investment.
  • Visitor Feedback and Surveys: Solicit feedback from visitors who have engaged with the collaborative content or experiences resulting from the partnership. Understanding their sentiments, preferences, and behavioral patterns provides qualitative insights into the resonance of the campaigns and the effectiveness of the collaborative storytelling.
  • Attribution Analysis: Employ attribution models to discern the contribution of the tourism board partnerships to the overall visitor acquisition and conversion funnel. By tracking the customer journey and attributing specific touchpoints to the collaborative initiatives, you can quantify the influence of the partnerships on visitor decision-making.
  • Comparative Analysis: Conduct comparative analyses of performance metrics before, during, and after the collaborative campaigns. This longitudinal assessment unveils the incremental impact of the partnerships on brand visibility, audience engagement, and conversion outcomes, providing a comprehensive view of the collaborative efficacy.
  • Post-Campaign Evaluation: Collaborate with the tourism board to conduct post-campaign evaluations, reflecting on the successes, challenges, and learnings gleaned from the collaborative initiatives. This reflective analysis informs future strategies and fosters a culture of continuous improvement in the collaborative endeavors.

By diligently measuring the impact of partnerships with tourism boards, travel businesses can refine their collaborative strategies, optimize resource allocation, and demonstrate the tangible value derived from these symbiotic relationships. This data-driven approach empowers both parties to iteratively enhance their collaborative initiatives and drive sustained success in destination promotion and visitor engagement.

Congratulations on embarking on this enlightening journey through the intricacies of working with tourism boards to elevate your travel business. As we conclude this comprehensive guide, it’s imperative to reflect on the transformative potential of collaborative partnerships with tourism boards and the enduring impact they can have on your brand’s visibility, visitor engagement, and destination promotion.

By understanding the pivotal role of tourism boards in destination marketing, you have gained insights into the multifaceted responsibilities of these entities and the strategic significance of aligning your collaborative efforts with their overarching objectives. Building strong relationships with tourism boards, rooted in authenticity, personalized engagement, and value-driven propositions, forms the bedrock for enduring and impactful partnerships.

Collaborating on marketing campaigns with tourism boards unlocks a realm of storytelling possibilities, amplified reach, and targeted engagement with diverse visitor segments. By co-creating compelling content and aligning narratives with the destination’s brand identity, you have the opportunity to captivate audiences and contribute to the enduring allure of the locale.

Leveraging the resources and support provided by tourism boards empowers you to enrich your offerings, expand your reach, and deliver authentic experiences that resonate with visitors. By tapping into insider knowledge, visual assets, industry connections, and promotional platforms, you can elevate your brand’s recognition and foster a deeper connection with potential visitors.

Measuring the impact of your partnerships with tourism boards equips you with valuable data-driven insights to refine your strategies, optimize resource allocation, and demonstrate the tangible value derived from these collaborative endeavors. By quantifying the reach, engagement, and conversion outcomes, you can iteratively enhance the efficacy of your collaborative initiatives and drive sustained success in destination promotion.

As you navigate the dynamic landscape of travel marketing and partnership building, remember that the journey with tourism boards is not merely transactional but rooted in a shared passion for showcasing the beauty and allure of destinations. By fostering enduring relationships, co-creating captivating narratives, and leveraging resources in a purposeful manner, you are poised to leave a lasting imprint on the travel landscape while contributing to the sustainable growth of destinations and communities.

Armed with the knowledge and strategies gleaned from this guide, you are well-equipped to embark on a transformative trajectory, leveraging the power of collaboration with tourism boards to shape compelling visitor experiences, amplify your brand’s influence, and contribute to the enduring allure of travel destinations. Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, and may your collaborative journey with tourism boards be filled with creativity, impact, and shared success.


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Tourism Teacher

What is a tourist board? A SIMPLE explanation

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A tourist board is an important type of travel and tourism organisation that makes up a key part of the structure of the travel and tourism industry . But what is a tourist board, what does this organisation do and why are tourist boards so important? Read on to learn more…

What is a tourist board?

What type of organisation is a tourist board, what does a tourist board do, national tourist boards, regional tourist boards, local tourist boards, what is a tourist board: further reading.

What is a tourist board

A tourist board is a tourist organisation that is founded with a view to promoting and creating the identity, and to enhance the reputation of tourism in a particular location. They are official organisations that encourages tourists to visit a particular city, country, or region. 

A tourist board is a not for profit organisation that is usually government owned. This means that the focus is on providing a service to the general public, as opposed to making a direct profit. However, indirectly, tourist boards do help to make money for the country because their aim is to promote the tourism industry, which in turn brings in revenue. Tourist boards are publicly funded, meaning that the money needed to operate comes from money that is raised through taxation. Tourist boards operate within the public sector.

A tourist board is generally a point of information for consumers or tourists. The primary aim is to promote tourism in a particular area. They may do this through a range of marketing initiatives including targeted campaigns and advertisements. Tourist boards may run adverts on TV and place advertisements on bus shelters or on the tube, for example. Tourist boards have also been known to partner with influencers such as bloggers and Instagram influencers who will promote the destination to their followers. Sometimes these can be sizeable campaigns.

Tourist boards will also provide information about a specific area, including transportation options, popular tourist attractions , and types of accommodation available in the area. Tourist boards also provide information about the history and the culture of a specific area.

Behind the scenes, tourist boards also do a lot of work to help manage and facilitate the tourism provision in a particular area. Some of their duties may include:

  • Conducting market research
  • Analysis and appraisal of tourism business in the area
  • Liaising with other Governmental organisations
  • Managing tourist representative and the provision of tourist information
  • Cooperation with tourist boards in other destinations
  • Developing the tourism provision in the area

Different levels of tourists boards

local tourist boards

There are different levels of tourist boards that focus on different levels of tourism, I will explain each of these below.

National tourist boards oversee tourism at a national level, in other words, they are responsible for tourism throughout the country, or the nation. National tourist boards typically set the agenda for tourism and support the sector to improve what is has to offer. National tourist boards provide funding and help to promote a positive image of the country. They will also work closely with other areas of Government at a national level.

Examples of national tourist boards include Visit Britain , Amazing Thailand and Incredible India .

Regional tourist boards are organisations that are in charge of promoting and managing tourism at a regional level. Regional tourist boards will often work closely with national tourist boards. Their main role is to lead the regional tourism strategies in the area. Regional tourist boards will collaborate with local authorities, tourism businesses and other organisations to undertake a range of marketing, product investment and business support activities within the travel and tourism industry.

A local tourist board is a tourist board that focusses on a specific local area. Many local tourist boards will support local tourism groups and associations that help to bring together the private and public sector. Local tourist boards will address issues at grass roots and will demonstrate a higher level of understanding of tourism in a particular area than a national or regional tourist board will. They will work closely will the local authority and local Government.

Local tourist boards will often have responsibility for tourist information centres. These are centres that provide a range of information to tourists on attractions, accommodation, hospitality options etc within the local area. There will often be trained staff who work at the tourist information centres who are able to advise and help tourists. There may also be a small gift shop onsite.

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Tourist board

What is a tourist board.

In the dynamic world of vacation and short-term rentals, understanding the role and benefits of tourist boards is a key factor for success. Tourist boards , also known as tourism boards or authorities, are pivotal in shaping the tourism landscape of a region. Their primary mission? To put their area on the travel map, benefiting local economies and businesses, including your rental properties.

How do tourist boards help property managers in short term rentals?

For short-term rental property managers, tourist boards are a key resource. They boost destination appeal, driving more bookings. These boards offer market insights and networking opportunities, helping managers stay competitive and form valuable local partnerships. Engaging with them can significantly enhance a property’s market presence.

What does a tourist board do?

Tourist boards serve as the backbone of regional tourism strategies, offering a range of services and initiatives that extend far beyond mere promotion. These organizations are integral in shaping a traveler’s experience and perception of a destination. Their roles include:

  • Strategic Marketing and Promotion: They create comprehensive marketing campaigns that highlight the unique attractions and experiences of the area. This can range from digital advertising to organizing press trips for influencers and journalists.
  • Resource and Information Center: Tourist boards provide a wealth of information, not just to travelers but also to local businesses, including detailed guides, maps, and event calendars.
  • Supporting Business Growth: By offering training, workshops, and networking opportunities, they empower local businesses, including vacation rentals, to enhance their offerings and service quality.
  • Cultural Advocacy: A crucial but often overlooked aspect is their role in preserving and promoting local culture and traditions, making sure that tourism growth does not come at the expense of the region’s heritage.
  • Crisis Management: In times of crises, such as natural disasters or pandemics, tourist boards play a key role in crisis management and recovery efforts, helping to rebuild and reassure both travelers and local businesses.

Types of tourist boards

Understanding the different levels at which tourist boards operate is crucial for property managers, as each type offers unique opportunities and resources:

  • National Tourist Boards: These organizations focus on promoting a country as a whole. They are typically involved in large-scale international marketing and are a valuable resource for understanding broader travel trends and national tourism policies.
  • Regional Tourist Boards: Focusing on specific regions within a country, these boards offer more localized insights and marketing efforts. They can be particularly helpful for property managers in understanding the unique selling points of their region and how to align with regional tourism strategies.
  • City or Local Tourist Boards: The most granular level, local tourist boards concentrate on individual cities or towns. They offer the most direct and relevant support and information for property managers, including details about local events, attractions, and marketing initiatives that can impact the demand for short-term rentals.

How do you get sponsored by the Tourism Board?

Looking to get sponsored by a tourist board? Here’s a roadmap:

  • Craft a Compelling Proposal: Highlight how your property aligns with the board’s goals and can add value to the region’s tourism.
  • Engage and Network: Connect with board members, attend local tourism events, and be an active participant in the community.
  • Showcase Your Unique Offerings: Demonstrate how your property stands out in the local tourism scene.
  • Fulfill Specific Criteria: Ensure you meet the board’s requirements, which may include sustainability practices or community engagement.
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Tourism Review


Tourism Directory

  • Reasons to Join to the Tourism Organizations Directory

Travel Organizations, Tourist Boards & CVBs Directory

Travel organizations listing is highly beneficial for international marketing.

In the present day business world especially in the tourism market, marketing, and promotion are becoming of great essence in enhancing tourism destinations. Promotion should stem from the combinatorial power of all marketing activities. The effectiveness of marketing and promotion tends to pose a big challenge mostly in the tourism market for  travel organizations , such  tourist boards ,  CVBs (convention and visitors bureaus) , and etc. In order for tourist authorities/organizations that actively involved in the tourist market, to achieve desired output, they need to understand their clients’ behaviors, and their reactions to different travel marketing elements used.

Taking a closer look at the marketing in tourism, we are laying emphasis about "Good tourism marketing", different from what you already know but applies easier to understand strategy and methods to help boost and reduce work load for the travel organizations. The main point of the tourism market is centered on promotion and we are here to help with all the hurdles that could militate against travel organizations in your promotion. An effective promotion of destination in a foreign market is a complex multi-tasking challenging approach. For most tourist authorities, CVB, and associations achieving multilingual promotion requires many resources such as personnel, knowledge, finance and etc. In the Tourism Review, we launched the most comprehensive, yet multilingual list comprising of travel organizations that manages destination promotions such as Tourist Boards, CVB and similar bodies as well as many travels associations. Tourism Authorities produce a lot of attractive promo materials, both on-line and off-line, but its distribution is where they lack and we are here to fill in that gap. We represent the best and unique marketing tool using many interactive forms of presentation that will help you soar higher. Being the leading multilingual tourism industry media, we guarantee that your travel organization or a convention and visitors bureau will be presented superbly worldwide in 10 languages in the most interactive way. The Tourism Review Organizations Directory  is the most beneficial for:

  • Tourist boards of all scale (city, region or country)
  • Convention and Visitors Bureaus
  • Travel and Hospitality Associations (regional, national, supra-national)
  • Other travel organizations, such as training providers, media, etc.

Entering the Tourism Organizations Directory means effective use of multilingual channels for online distribution your promo materials directly to the right hands!

We represent the most efficient and unique marketing tool that should be a part of any destination marketer portfolio.  List your travel organization now!

List of the 50 State Visitor’s Bureaus or Tourism Websites

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Here the 50 State Visitor’s Bureaus or Tourism Websites in Alphabetical Order

50 State Tourism Websites

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An infographic listing the 50 State Visitor's Bureaus' official tourism websites, organized in alphabetical order, each with a distinct colorful background and presented in a tall, narrow format suitable for scrolling.

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25 Best Tourism Board Websites in the World in 2017

Dan Peltier, Skift

August 8th, 2017 at 2:30 AM EDT

The best tourism websites in the business in 2017 are emphasizing user-generated content from platforms like Instagram and doubling down on video to make destinations seem more real rather than a part of a traveler's imagination.

local tourist boards

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Travelers have an unlimited number of online resources they can use to plan and book their trips. Tourism board websites remain relevant for many travelers who have always used them, discover them through a booking site , or because they might rank high in Google search results, for example.

But probably more travelers consider platforms such as Instagram;  Facebook with its new City Guides product , recommendations from family and friends;  YouTube ;  TripAdvisor ; or Google  as their top sources of travel inspiration.

Why then should tourism boards invest in a website that travelers likely aren’t as familiar with compared to other channels in 2017?

That’s a point that Tourism New Zealand is considering as it continues to invest in its site while cutting out content that travelers aren’t interested in, said Stephen England-Hall, CEO of Tourism New Zealand. “Our site gives us an idea of what travelers are interested in. It’s less about an individual traveler’s interest and more about the blob of individuals that visit our site and what they’re like.”

Skift tracked the world’s 25 best tourism board websites in 2013 and 2016,  and below is our 2017 list.

The selections are getting increasingly tough.  As we reported last year , many tourism boards are simplifying their websites on the front end. The best sites are adopting a similar full-width modular design, flat architecture and streamlined navigation due to the demand for speed and efficiency on mobile.

Many tourism board websites have been redesigned during the past few years to help make their destinations appear more exciting and welcoming.

In many cases, these facelifts and new features have improved the user experience while other sites look great but they probably aren’t the most helpful resource for someone trying to research or book a trip. Other sites, of course, can be unattractive, clunky and of little use to would-be vacationers.

This year, we’re seeing much more Instagram and other user-generated content  integration into websites and more video, including  360-degree videos,  such as with Visit Idaho , Visit The Faroe Islands, and Cape Town Tourism .

Many of these sites are also prominently featuring events  and these are often the modules that a traveler’s eyes are drawn to first. Tourism boards promoting events is nothing novel, of course; they are one of the reasons the board were originally founded. But the fact that they maintain prime real estate on many of these sites signifies their continued importance to tourism boards’ bottom lines.

But much of the real change and innovation is also happening on the back end. Mining data from site visitors is a practice that many tourism boards are still working on — and others haven’t started.

Customer relationship management (CRM) platforms have evolved and many are capable of generating endless amounts of data analytics for tourism boards to use to target travelers with relevant content, learn which partners provide the best return on investment, and leverage the site as a testbed for larger marketing initiatives.

Destination Canada , which took a spot on our 2017 list, is working with Google on its paid and organic search to learn more about how travelers are finding its website and what kind of travelers find the board through Google.

“It’s not about driving traffic to our website, it’s about driving content to our partners’ websites,” said Jon Mamela, chief marketing officer of Destination Canada.

Shift to Highlighting User-Generated Content

Destination Canada’s articles,  such as one featuring Instagram photos of Algonquin Provincial Park,  help create a sense of realism about the country, said Mamela, that only user-generated content can do.

“User-generated content might even be a bit surprising and we can break those stereotypes both from Canadians and those who have visited Canada in the past,” said Mamela.

Visit Greenland and Discover The Palm Beaches – both on our 2017 list – emphasize travelers’ photos on their sites and in Greenland’s case, its entire site is essentially a dashboard of social media posts and photos featuring the destination.

But we also chose destinations that have retained their voices on their site through content that they produce and control. User-generated content is about striking the right balance with the stories a destination wants to tell and too much user-generated content can muddle those stories.

There’s also been a shift in the last two years from static billboard tourism websites — promoting tourism and hospitality partners with lots of banner ads and generic descriptions — to more story-driven portals that feature original content that the tourism boards produced.

Visit California’s website , for example, remains one of the benchmarks for building a quality tourism website with a user-friendly experience.

The launch of  Visit California’s platform in January 2015  set the standard for the long-scrolling, photo-driven, content-first, mobile-first tourism website. In October 2013, had 150,000 views for the month. In June 2017, the site’s U.S. domain had more than two million views on desktop and mobile,  according to SimilarWeb .

The 2017 List

We considered dozens of sites from around the world and decided to cap this list at 25.

Like our 2016 list , our 2017 list also prioritizes websites with the best user experience overall, especially on mobile; the most modern modular layout, seamless navigation and impactful visuals, and the most nuanced multi-format storytelling.

A fourth, more subjective criteria, involved how all of the above work together to make you want to go visit the destination, and more importantly, actually use the website to research the entire travel experience.

We only considered U.S. versions of these websites and only the consumer-facing sites versus industry or travel trade sites.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of all of the world’s tourism sites with fantastic user experiences, design or customer relationship management platforms. But after analyzing scores of websites from around the world, we feel we have a list that’s representative of best in breed tourism board sites.

We also wanted to represent every region and include a mix of city, regional and national tourism boards. We didn’t consider any tourism boards that made last year’s list, with one exception ( read why below ).

We list the sites by region and they aren’t ranked in any particular order.

North America

Visit Detroit:   Everyone likes a comeback story and that’s exactly what Visit Detroit’s website is selling. The tourism board greets visitors with a message of “America’s Great Comeback City” on the homepage. The homepage images portray the city as an exciting place to visit that has a little something for everyone. The site seems very user-friendly. It’s all a bit refreshing for a city that has endured years of setbacks and negative perceptions.

Visit Idaho:   This site pushes family travel and offers parents plenty of reasons to plan a family vacation to the state. The navigation bar at the top of the homepage also lets travelers click through to watch 360-degree videos of various places around the state. The imagery throughout the site drives home the point that this is a state that keeps family travel at the heart of its tourism marketing.

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority:   An overall clean design that gives many travelers exactly what they’re looking for when researching a trip to Vegas. The site gets to the heart of why most travelers likely want to visit the city rather than push an alternative itinerary or agenda, for example.

Visit New Hampshire:   New Hampshire is all about its mountains and lakes, and some of those are on display in a compelling video that plays when travelers first enter the site. Travelers can also take a three-question survey that curates recommendations based on what kind of vacation they want to have. There’s also a nice carousel of travelers’ Instagram photos that helps travelers imagine themselves visiting these places.

Discover The Palm Beaches:  Many travel brands are still working on personalizing their products and Discover The Palm Beaches in Florida does something simple yet powerful in this vein right off the bat: greeting travelers with the name of their city based on their Internet IP address. The site has plenty of original content that highlights all the neighborhoods and destinations in the Palm Beaches, which is a challenge for any regional tourism board.

Visit Florida:   The Florida Legislature spared the state tourism board a dramatic funding cut earlier this year but that’s not why we’re highlighting the website of the most-visited U.S. state. We really like that Visit Florida showcases services and attractions for what are often underserved corners of the population, such as disabled travelers. The tourism board produced content for disabled travelers and is currently spotlighting it. Another standout feature is the Florida Beach Finder, which matches travelers with the best beaches for them based on their preferences.

Bermuda Tourism Authority:  This site is rich with inspiring content and for a small island nation in the middle of the Atlantic the site demonstrates that there’s no shortage of things to do or people to meet.

Destination Canada:  Canada’s national tourism website made our 2016 list and it’s the only one we also chose in 2017. It’s not easy to market a country as large as Canada; Destination Canada uses a lot of Instagram integration and other user-generated content to help it cover the marketing holes the site couldn’t otherwise fill. The board also gets creative with comparing how Canada and the U.S. – its largest visitor market – are both different and alike.

Destination Canada keeps maps at the heart of its site to help travelers get a lay of the land. But we also like how a primary focus seems to be pushing various kinds of experiences in Canada and then showing travelers where they can have those experiences. As a result, planning a trip to Canada – the world’s second largest country by land area – seems less daunting.

Like our next choice, Canada is also celebrating a big birthday this year.

Tourisme Montreal:  First, we’ll say happy 375th birthday to Montreal. Then, we’ll add that Tourisme Montreal’s site helps portray the city as a youthful and exciting place to visit despite its advanced age. We also like how it’s easy for travelers to save their favorite things to do and see by simply clicking a heart icon and then retrieving those saved experiences by clicking on that icon at the top of the homepage.

Latin America

Ecuador Travel:  While Ecuador is probably universally known for its Galapagos Islands, which sit more than 500 miles off-shore, Ecuador’s national tourism site features beautiful creative of top points of interest to help it market the rest of the country. It also has a convenient and cheeky widget that calculates the distance a traveler’s home country is from Ecuador.

Visit Panama:  Panama knows it has a lot of competition in Central and Latin America from destinations with similar offerings, climates and beautiful beaches. But its central marketing message that the country is “not for tourists,” which is featured prominently on the homepage, is definitely a departure from many other campaigns that travelers see.

Puerto Rico Tourism Company:  This site has the most TripAdvisor integration of any tourism board site we’ve seen. Many travelers turn to TripAdvisor reviews for advice, which in turn, helps bolster the Puerto Rico tourism website’s credibility. There’s also a lot of useful information succinctly packed into the homepage.

Visit The Faroe Islands:  We’ll point out that the Faroe Islands uses “ Sheepview” to show travelers’ 360-degree views of the country . But there are also a lot of other cool features and design elements going on that showcase the country as a very inspiring place to visit.

Geneva Tourism:  With an emphasis on its arts scene and museums, Geneva also conveniently lays out different tabs, such as “budget,” “luxury” or “off the beaten track.” for travelers to click on to help them plan their trip.

Visit Limerick:  We like how Limerick, Ireland draws attention to the different reasons why people travel to Limerick whether it’s for school, leisure or business. It also gives you a sense of what it’s like to live in the city and has helpful resources for locals to understand why they should be involved in the city’s tourism industry.

Vienna Tourist Board:  Events are a hook for why many travelers plan a vacation, and Vienna highlights all the important lineups this year. It’s also nice to see Vienna prominently featuring its Vienna City Card (a pass that gets travelers discounts at attractions and free travel on public transportation) which is the kind of offering that many travelers are interested in. Other cities have similar tourist cards and passes but don’t make as big of a play for them on their sites.

Visit Greenland:   This site’s sweet spot is user-generated content that demonstrates the importance of platforms such as Instagram in destination marketing in 2017. For a country with fewer than 60,000 residents, Greenland is trying to capture both U.S. and European travelers interested in off-the-beaten-path kind of adventure.


Tourism Fiji:  Anyone looking for a quintessential island vacation will probably find what they’re looking for on Fiji’s tourism site. They also have a nifty currency calculator tool that helps travelers determine how much their money will be worth on a Fiji vacation.

Visit Korea:  The tourism board portrays South Korea as a progressive and lively place to visit and this is one of most visually appealing and helpful tourism websites in Asia that we’ve seen.

Tourism New Zealand:  Whether it’s from the “Lord of the Rings” or other movies, New Zealand has been basking in the film tourism industry for many years. With its new Bryce Dallas Howard-led campaign, it’s telling a new story to a new generation.

Tourism Western Australia:   Australia’s national tourism website has done some innovative things in recent years but we wanted to highlight an Australian regional tourism website that also deserves recognition. The tourism board introduces this beautiful part of the country using stories from people who live there.

Middle East

Visit Abu Dhabi:  Located at the crossroads of east and west, Abu Dhabi is trying to reach a new kind of luxury customer with its website . Abu Dhabi’s “Your Extraordinary Story” campaign shows travelers that while the emirate has an array of experiences that are likely too expensive for budget travelers it also has affordable activities and attractions for families, friends and couples that still elicit the feeling of exclusivity.

Oman Tourism:  Lots of interactive content here and one of the most well-designed tourism websites in the Middle East. There’s also a ton of useful information that helps reassure travelers that Oman is a safe and inviting place to visit despite violent stereotypes associated with other parts of the Middle East.

Cape Town Tourism:  Many tourism boards are keen on showing travelers how they can live like locals during their visit, and the “Langa” video is a great example of how to show a destination for what it is rather than portraying it as something it’s not. From articles about how to be a responsible tourist to activities for disabled travelers, you really get a sense of what it’s like to live and be a visitor in this South African city.

Tanzania Tourism:  Tanzania is known for its safari offerings but it does well at showcasing other activities throughout the country. Many African countries don’t have a tourism website or their websites aren’t comprehensive enough to be useful. Tanzania stands out as a country that wants to engage with its visitors and have a dialogue about what they want from a visit to the country.

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Tags: marketing , skift 5 , tourism , websites

Photo credit: Visit NH, like others on Skift's 2017 list of best tourism board websites, features an abundance of user-generated content meant to help travelers see a destination through a less filtered lens. Visit New Hampshire

Brown County Board approves $3.2 million tourism funds for new ice rink, turf, sports facilities

local tourist boards

GREEN BAY - Brown County Board voted to award $3.2 million in tourism grants to seven organizations ranging from $100,000 to $1 million.

The seven groups were selected out of 16 that applied for a part of the tourism grants that was provided by American Rescue Plan Act dollars. Those selected are:

  • Impact Sports Academy  outdoor sports complex: $500,000
  • NE Wisconsin Rugby Foundation Inc.  for rugby fields: $200,000
  • Wisconsin United Football Club  to convert grass fields to turf: $1 million
  • De Pere Select Soccer and the  Sports Emporium  for an indoor sports facility: $300,000
  • Cornerstone Community Center  to add another ice rink: $1 million
  • OneDenmark  to develop a community hub: $100,000
  • Pulaski Area Chamber of Commerce  for a welcome/community center: $100,000

Wisconsin United FC and Cornerstone Community Center got the $1 million they both requested, while the amounts given to the five groups were less than what they applied for. The grant program was created to support local tourism amenities and help the industry recover from COVID-19 shutdowns.

All County Board members voted in support of the recommended groups. Members John Vander Leest and Salvador Sierra were not at the meeting.

The grant program selected groups based on which would be more likely to bring more people to the area to stay in hotels and short-term rentals.

"It was meant to bring more people to Brown County to participate in a variety of activities and put a little money in the coffers with heads in beds so we can pay for some of our wonderful facilities like the KI Center and Resch Center," said Pat Buckley, the County Board president.

Members of the organizations lined up to speak in support of their group at the start of the County Board meeting for nearly two hours.

The other projects that initially applied were:

  • Develop the  Evergreen Theater
  • Develop the  Green Bay Public Market
  • Heritage Hill State Historical Park to relocate Curly Lambeau's cottage to the history park
  • Children's Museum of Green Bay  expansion
  • Definitely De Pere  for construction of the Nelson Family Pavilion in Voyageur Park
  • Backyard Brew LLC  for an outdoor recreation, food and beverage business
  • SAGE Inc.  to create a mobile art studio
  • Wisconsin Doulas Association  to host a statewide conference
  • Experience Greater Green Bay to build an escalator at the KI Convention Center

The nine applicants did not receive funds under Wednesday's vote but more grants could still be on their way.

County Board members Jessica Adams and Patrick Hopkins noted most of the chosen groups were sports-related and asked the Executive Committee to offer funds for Definitely De Pere and the Children's Museum of Green Bay. Board members Patrick Evans, Rich Schadewald, and Hopkins also showed support for funding the Children's Museum. Board member Tom Peters asked to consider additional funding for Backyard Brew.

"I want to make sure we're looking at a well-rounded county as we go on, not specifically all sports," Hopkins said.

County staff scored the applications in five areas and made a recommendation to the county's Executive Committee for consideration. The committee then made their own recommendations to the County Board for approval. Next, contracts will be made on how they specifically will spend the money.

The county needs to "obligate" the money to all projects by Dec. 31 and applicants must spend the money by Dec. 31, 2026. The total $3.2 million for the program has been allocated, but the Executive Committee is set to discuss possible additional funding requests from the board in its next meeting.

More: KI Convention Center does not have an escalator. Tourism group wants to change that.

Benita Mathew is a health and county reporter for the USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin. Contact her at [email protected].


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    Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority: An overall clean design that gives many travelers exactly what they're looking for when researching a trip to Vegas. The site gets to the heart of ...


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    9. SmokyGrove. 10. Gandikap. 11. Papa Lounge Bar. 12. Karaoke Bar. Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 801 traveler reviews and photos of Elektrostal tourist attractions.

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    91A.350 Local tourist and convention commissions; continued funding (1) The local governing bodies of counties containing cities of the first class and the local governing ... 103.285; and to authorize the boards to build and issue bonds for facilities located on leasehold and permithold land. 91A.360 Membership of tourist and convention ...

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    Footpath Holidays have holidays in the Yorkshire Dales and both Coast to Coast Walk and the Pennine Way cross the area The Lake District, Cumbria; The official tourist board for visitors to Cumbria, and area which includes the Lake District National Park, one of England's best loved landscapes, and the Eden Valley.

  23. Brown County Board approves $3.2 million tourism funds for new ice rink

    The grant program was created to support local tourism amenities and help the industry recover from COVID-19 shutdowns. All County Board members voted in support of the recommended groups.

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    Local security forces brought 15 men to a military enlistment office after a mass brawl at a warehouse of the Russian Wildberries company in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast on Feb. 8, Russian Telegram ...

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