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Las Vegas Scams and Tourist Traps to Avoid

  • November 10, 2021


Like any other tourist hotspot, Las Vegas has its fair share of tourist scams and pitfalls to avoid. Don’t let “Sin City’s” reputation hold you back from booking a Las Vegas adventure! We can help you navigate Las Vegas’s most common tourist traps, from street hustlers and “long hauling” to avoiding slots and tables with unfavorable odds.

The golden rule for avoiding Las Vegas scams is to remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If that club promoter is offering you free VIP table service with line bypass and complimentary drinks all night at the Strip’s hottest nightclub, think twice. If you pass someone guaranteeing that you’ll double your bet, think three times. Common sense is king in Vegas.

Here are some of the most common hoaxes you might encounter:

1. Street cards

If you’re walking down the Strip, you’ll have a hard time avoiding people trying to pass you cards, often by making a snapping sound and putting the cards right in front of you, making them difficult to ignore.

These cards are usually “escort’ cards, advertising women you can pay to keep you company. Despite Las Vegas’s reputation, prostitution is illegal in Nevada. The fees on these cards indicate what you’ll pay just to have someone show up at your door—they aren’t advertising any additional illegal services.

This is one of the most common scams on the Strip, but it’s also one of the easiest to avoid—just keep walking and don’t take the card.

2. Street hustlers

Card slappers aren’t the only streetside hustlers you’ll come across in Las Vegas. You’ll also likely encounter people attempting to sell you night club passes or loop you into an illegal gambling game, like three-card monte (a version of the old-fashioned shell game).

None of these offers or games are legitimate. Real VIP club hosts won’t ask for money on the spot. Be sure you only buy items or passes from licensed sellers or vendors.

3. Slots at McCarran International Airport

Playing the slots at McCarran International Airport can be an enticing way to kick off your Vegas vacation, but these machines offer the lowest returns in the entire state, returning just 85% of your bet over time, compared to 90-92% on the Strip. McCarran’s video poker machines also offer the lowest returns you’ll find in the city.

4. 6-5 Blackjack

Blackjack is the most common table game in Las Vegas because of the low house edge and the ease of learning the rules. To take advantage of its popularity, some casinos have increased their house edge and now only pay 6-5 on blackjack games, rather than the traditional 3-2 odds.

COMPARE: With 6-5 odds, a $10 bet will win you $12. With traditional 3-2 odds, a $10 bet will win you $15.

The house usually has the advantage, but they have a bigger advantage at some places. Rules will be disclosed on the table felt or a placard, but if you’re not sure what odds a table is offering, ask the dealer. You can also ask the dealer or pit boss to direct you to tables with 3-2 odds. Some casinos only offer 6-5 odds, so you may have to travel to another casino.

5. Long hauling

“Long hauling”, which occurs when cab drivers take passengers on an unnecessarily long or circuitous route simply to drive up the meter, is a common problem faced by taxi passengers in many cities around the world. When you’re in an unfamiliar city, it’s easy to fall for this prevalent scam.

The Nevada Taxicab Authority is strict about ensuring passengers can be confident that their cabbies will take them safely along the quickest route to their destination, but the trip from McCarran to the Strip is still a common long-haul pitfall in Las Vegas.

PRO TIP: Ask your cabbie to take Swenson away from the airport instead of the tunnel—the tunnel can add an additional $10 to your fare. You could also consider taking Uber or Lyft so you can see the route your driver plans on taking.

If your driver asks if you’ve been to Vegas before, say yes, even if you haven’t. This simple tactic can help you avoid dropping unnecessary cash on a needlessly long cab ride.

6. Suggested stops

Cabbies sometimes get kickbacks for sending tourists to certain attractions, such as massage parlors or clubs, most of which are unregulated. Never allow your cab driver to convince you to go to a different destination than you originally intended.

7. Mini-fridge charges

Room charges may not be illegal, but they can rack up quickly if you aren’t careful. Many hotel mini-fridges now include electronic devices that monitor where things are placed in the fridge. If you move an item, but don’t re move it, you may still be dinged with a room charge. You can contest the charge when you check out, but there’s no guarantee that your hotel will reverse it.

8. "Official" photographers

The famous “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign is a must-see attraction for any first-time visitor. There are people who will claim to be an “official” photographer and who will charge you to take your photo, but there are no official photographers posted to the sign.

9. Free VIP club entry

When it comes to Las Vegas nightlife, you get what you pay for.

Deals offered by club promoters on the street are often more about getting people in line and in the door than connecting you with a good deal. Beware—free entry and line bypass deals won’t get you into the club if it’s already reached capacity, and free drink offers often come with qualifications regarding the number or type of drink you can order.

Never pay for a club pass on the street, and tip at your discretion. Club promoters always get a cut for getting you to the door.

The Ultimate Las Vegas Visitor Guide

Find answers to all your questions about Las Vegas in our Ultimate Guide!

Planning Your Trip

  • Getting Into Las Vegas
  • Las Vegas Hotels & Resorts
  • Las Vegas Packing List
  • Tips for First Time Visitors

While You're Here

  • Las Vegas on a Budget
  • Visiting Las Vegas with Kids
  • Scams & Tourist Traps to Avoid

Things To Do in Las Vegas

  • Restaurants & Dining Out
  • Shows & Performances
  • Parties & Clubbing

Beyond The Strip

  • Downtown Las Vegas
  • Things To Do in Las Vegas Off the Strip
  • Nearby Attractions: Things to Do Outside Las Vegas

Special thanks to all the expert travelers who contributed their tips to the Ultimate Las Vegas Visitor Guide!

Featured Image Source: Moyan Brenn  via Wikimedia Commons.

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10 Worst Scams & Rip-offs in Las Vegas

Worst Scams in Las Vegas

The neon lights of the Las Vegas strip lured me in like a moth to a flame. As a wide-eyed tourist on my first trip to Sin City, I was ripe for the picking by savvy scammers lurking behind every corner.

Too naive to spot the warning signs, I fell for not one but two blatant tourist traps within hours of arriving.

First, I was enthralled by a lively street hustler running a game of three-card monte . $200 dollars later, I realized the game was cleverly rigged.

Next, I jumped at a “free” limo ride to a swanky casino, only to get strong-armed into signing up for a timeshare presentation. By midnight, I was $500 in the hole and hadn’t even made it to my hotel yet!

My story is all too common in Las Vegas. Over 40 million tourists flock to Vegas every year , making it a hotbed for pickpockets, con artists, and shady operators ready to prey on wide-eyed tourists like I once was.

Millions of dollars are lost to various scams and tourist traps annually. Don’t let Las Vegas scammers turn your dream vacation into a nightmare.

Keep reading to avoid falling into the most blatant tourist traps like I did. Forewarned is forearmed when it comes to protecting your wallet in Sin City!

Overview of Common Scams in Las Vegas

Las Vegas Sign

From seemingly innocent handouts on the street to elaborate rigged games, scammers in Vegas employ clever psychological tricks and distractions to part tourists from their cash.

Some of the most lucrative scams prey on intoxicated individuals leaving clubs or casinos along the strip late at night.

Others take advantage of tourists’ high hopes of winning it big. Knowing what to look out for ahead of time can prevent you from losing hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Protecting Yourself as a Tourist

Avoiding scams starts with being alert rather than looking for the next party. Never accept handouts from strangers on the street, always use registered transportation, and steer clear of shady offers that seem too good to be true.

Most importantly, never flash large bills or expensive jewelry on the strip.

Keeping your wits about you is key to an enjoyable, scam-free experience in Las Vegas.

Now, let’s get into the top 10 scams I’ve seen tourists fall victim to most.

The CD Scam

vegas cd

The most prevalent scam I’ve seen in Las Vegas is individuals walking the strip handing out free rap CDs. Often it’s a couple of guys stacked with stacks of homemade CDs to give out.

When they hand you one, they’ll quickly ask for a donation. If you donate, they’ll keep hounding you for more money. The CDs they hand out are basically worthless.

The best thing to do is politely decline or ignore them. Keep walking without making eye contact if they approach you on the street. Don’t feel pressured to take a free CD or give them any money.

Strip Club Scams

Las Vegas is known for its strip clubs. While they can be fun, some unscrupulous ones resort to scams to squeeze more money from patrons.

One common scam is for strippers to hustle guys into paying exorbitant amounts for cheap private dances. Through manipulation and peer pressure from bouncers, drunk guys often spend thousands with almost nothing to show for it.

There’s also the classic strip club scam where they add obscene hidden charges to credit cards – charges for items you didn’t request. Only go to reputable, well-reviewed strip clubs and keep your wits about you.

Timeshare Scams

If you’re approached anywhere in Vegas with an offer of free tickets to a show, meal, or attraction in exchange for attending a 90-minute timeshare presentation, politely decline.

They lure you in under the guise of free gifts, but it’s almost impossible to leave without being pressured into purchasing an overpriced timeshare.

The “free vacation” they promise often has so many fees attached that it ends up not being a good deal. Stick to booking shows and hotels directly rather than trusting third-party offers on the street.

Nightclub Scams

Nightlife las vegas

Scoring an invite to an elite Las Vegas nightclub seems like a dream come true. But some sketchy promoters lure in tourists with the promise of free admission only to squeeze them for bribes once they arrive.

They may claim the club is full and make you pay another “fee” to get in. Or they might hold your ID hostage unless you cough up exorbitant drink minimum charges.

Your best bet is to book nightclubs directly through the venue or your hotel concierge. Avoid shady promoters on the strip promising the world. The price you pay likely won’t match the experience.

Taxi Overcharging

It’s not uncommon for Las Vegas cab drivers to take new tourists for a ride – literally! Through long hauling, they purposely take inefficient routes to drive up the meter fare.

Or they may claim the credit card machine is broken to coerce riders into paying cash fares upfront. Always know the general direction and length to your destination before entering a taxi. This makes it harder for them to overcharge you.


In the hustle and crowds along the Las Vegas strip, pickpocketing is common, especially at night when thieves assume tourists have their guard down.

Some of the most popular spots for pickpockets to strike are crowded nightclubs, poker tables, and buffet lines where they can easily brush up against distracted marks.

Popular Pickpocketing Locations

  • Tourist attractions

Always carry valuables in front pockets rather than back pockets or bags. Leave expensive jewelry, watches, and other tempting items at home or in your hotel safe.

Three Card Monte

poker gambling casino scam

You’ll often see tables set up along the strip with dealers running games of three-card monte. It looks like an easy game of following the queen of hearts, but it’s entirely rigged to cheat players.

Serious money changes hands through sleight of hand tricks. Never try to outsmart or beat the dealer at this game. You’ll lose every time.

Fake Prize Winners

If someone approaches you on the street claiming they’ve won free hotel stays or show tickets they can’t use, don’t believe them. Walk away because it’s a scam.

They’ll claim they can sign the prize over to you for an upfront “processing fee” in cash. But their supposed winnings either don’t exist or have so many strings attached as to be useless.

Rigged Games

carnival games win toys

While casino games have oversight to ensure fair play, other street games along the strip are often outright rigged.

For example, avoid carnival games promising giant stuffed animals as prizes. The guns shoot crooked and the rings they give you to toss are often bent to prevent winning.

Don’t waste money trying to beat these scammers at their own game.

Hotel Booking Scams

With Las Vegas hotels regularly booked solid, scammers create fake hotel or event booking sites to con tourists. You might find a killer deal on a 5-star room only to show up and find out it’s not valid. Book directly through hotel sites or call the hotel to confirm reservations.

And avoid third party offers for event or show tickets that seem too good to be true.

How to Avoid Scams in Las Vegas

scam alert

Now that you know the most prevalent Las Vegas scams to watch for, here are 5 tips to protect yourself from scammers:

Things not to do on a cruise

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Be cautious with free offers.

As enticing as free shows, club access, and gifts sound, they often have hidden strings attached. Don’t accept handouts from strangers on the street. Be wary of free offers that seem too good to be true.

Avoid Taking Items from Strangers

Whether it’s free CDs, tickets, or other handouts, politely decline. Scammers will aggressively pursue donations or money if you accept. This includes avoiding games with street hustlers.

Don’t Overindulge in Alcohol

It’s easy to have one too many in Vegas. But being drunk makes you an easy target for scammers. Stay sober enough to keep your wits and make smart decisions.

Use Licensed Taxis and Limos

Only enter licensed taxis and limos arranged through your hotel or a reputable company like Uber. Avoid unauthorized cabs where the driver can easily scam intoxicated tourists.

Research before Booking Hotels or Shows

Carefully vet hotels, casinos, shows, and clubs before paying. Read recent reviews to spot red flags. Book directly instead of going through shady third parties.

Staying Safe in Sin City

las vegas nv

After my first scam-filled trip to Las Vegas years ago, I learned to spot the warning signs of tourist traps from a mile away. Now I proudly navigate the neon jungle of Sin City keeping my wallet firmly in my pocket.

Sure, Las Vegas has plenty of legitimate entertainment, casinos, and thrills…if you know how to avoid the rampant scams.

Consider this article your insider guide to circumventing even the craftiest Las Vegas rip-offs. Don’t become another victim of three card monte street hustles or timeshare bait-and-switch pitches.

With the knowledge you’ve gained here, you can revel in all the real thrills of Las Vegas, from the dazzling shows to the exhilarating nightlife.

Just remember – if an offer seems too good to be true in Vegas, it almost always is.

FAQs About Las Vegas Scams

Is las vegas safe for tourists overall.

Yes, Las Vegas is generally safe for tourists if you take proper precautions. Avoid walking alone late at night, don’t take handouts from strangers, be wary of scammers in crowded areas, don’t carry large amounts of cash, and stick to reputable hotels and activities.

Las Vegas sees millions of tourists yearly with very few incidents. Just use good judgment and you’ll have a fun, scam-free visit.

What is the most common Las Vegas scam?

The most widespread scam is individuals walking the strip handing out free CDs then aggressively demanding donations. Also, be wary of people offering free show tickets or prizes that are too good to be true.

How can I avoid scams in Las Vegas?

Avoid taking handouts, don’t engage with hustlers playing street games, only use registered taxis/limos, don’t overindulge in alcohol, and carefully vet hotels, clubs and shows before paying.

Are Las Vegas nightclubs a scam?

Some illegitimate nightclubs lure in tourists with promises of free admission only to coerce bribes and exorbitant drink fees once inside. Stick to reputable clubs.

Is the Las Vegas strip safe at night?

The high concentration of tourists with money makes the Vegas strip a hotspot for pickpockets and intoxicated tourists easy scam targets at night. Travel in groups and keep valuables secure after dark.

Are Las Vegas shows rigged?

Legitimate shows run by casinos and hotels are safe entertainment options. But be wary of street hustlers offering discounted show tickets that are likely scams.

Where is the cheapest place to withdraw money at Las Vegas?

Don’t use the ATMs inside casinos on the strip. The fees at casino ATMs typically range from $12-$15 per transaction, making them a huge ripoff.

Instead, stop by a CVS pharmacy or bank branch just off the strip on your way to your hotel. CVS and bank ATMs charge normal fees around $3, saving you at least $10 per withdrawal.

How can I protect my personal information in Las Vegas?

Only provide the minimum amount of personal information needed when booking hotels, rental cars , etc. Avoid giving your address or other details.

Carry minimal identifying information when out. Never give your credit card to unauthorized street hustlers. Also, be discreet when winning big in the casinos, as scam artists target recent winners. Keep your personal details close to the vest.

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7 Las Vegas Scams to Avoid – How to Not Get Ripped Off in Vegas

By: Author Aly Smalls

Posted on Published: January 22, 2021  - Last updated: October 28, 2022

7 Las Vegas Scams to Avoid – How to Not Get Ripped Off in Vegas

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In a city that draws millions of visitors each year, you can guarantee there are tourist traps everywhere. But there are certain Las Vegas scams that might not be so obvious, even to seasoned travelers.

Before you even land at the airport or arrive on the I-15, it’s easy to get caught up in the lights and excitement and forget that there are people trying to take advantage of you. 

As long as you know ahead of time, it should be easy to identify people trying to scam you.

Let’s take a closer look at the most common scams in Las Vegas so that you can avoid getting ripped off and enjoy your time in Sin City.

( This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click through and make a purchase I may make a small commission. I only share information about things I know, love and trust! )

Las Vegas Taxi Scams

las vegas tourist traps

Unfortunately, many Las Vegas tourists fall prey to the taxi scam. If you’re grabbing a cab from the airport, make sure your cab driver doesn’t take the tunnel route.

This takes the long way around to get to the Strip, and this ‘longhauling’ tactic is still used quite often.

If your driver asks, don’t say it’s your first time (even if it is).

And you can simply say you’d like them to take the fastest route (Swenson) or even easier, “Caesar’s Palace (or whichever hotel you’re staying at), no tunnel please.”

Better yet, take an Uber or Lyft so that you can see the route on your phone, and it’s usually cheaper.

There are now flat rates to the Strip based on zones.

However, we found that our taxi driver still tried to charge us $2 over the set price to the Flamingo.

I knew it was only supposed to be $27 when he tried to tell us it was $29.

When I told him it’s $27 he didn’t argue. So some of them sill still try to rip you off it you don’t question it.

Scams, Tourist Traps and Things to Avoid on the Strip

One of the biggest signs you’re being scammed (or about to be scammed) in Las Vegas is people approaching you with unsolicited offers or free things.

There are all kinds of people on the strip, in the walkways and pedestrian overpasses, and if anyone tries to offer something to you for free without you asking for it, it’s usually a scam. 

Tourists often get caught up in the excitement, and when you’ve had a few beverages, your judgment isn’t as sharp as it usually is.

So here’s what to watch out for and avoid.

Taking Pictures with Characters on the Strip

las vegas tourist traps

Honestly, gawking at all the people dressed up is one of my favorite things about walking the Strip (and Fremont) in Vegas.

But if you take a photo with any of these folks, you will always have to pay them.

Most of these people won’t mention it beforehand but ask you for the money afterwards.

They are very careful with their words and always ask if you would like your picture taken with them.

Most tourists don’t even think about it and say “sure!”

If you don’t bring it up before the photo is taken, they play a very good game at guilting you into tipping them well.

The show girls and male models are usually the most expensive, about $40 each.

Always ask for the price first, you can negotiate or walk away if you’d like.

But it can be hard to walk away if you’re about to pose for a photo. Trust me, the photo below cost me $40!

las vegas tourist traps

Otherwise, $5 or $10 is usually sufficient, but chances are that no matter how much you give, they will try and get more out of you.

As long as you expect this and know when to walk away, you’ll be fine! 

This can also happen at the Las Vegas Welcome Sign.

las vegas tourist traps

When you arrive, there’s usually someone there who will offer to take your photo of you and your group.

It depends on the person, but sometimes they will even tell you that they’re the ‘official photographer’ – this is a lie.

Again, if you’re willing to pay them to take your photo, that’s fine.

You just need to know you will be expected to tip them afterwards. 

If you really want to make sure you get some epic pictures on your Vegas trip, check out this walking tour .

Your guide takes you to the best spots on the Strip that most people don’t know about (best balcony views, hidden bars and elaborate gardens).

>> Read Next: 38 Things to do in Vegas Besides Gamble

Avoid the 3 Card Monte Game

The three monte card game is one of the worst scams in Vegas, and I know people who have lost hundreds of dollars in a matter of seconds from it.

It’s the card game where you’re asked to keep your eye on one of 3 cards and guess where it lands when the dealer has shuffled the cards around face down.

These guys set up in the walkways along the strip, and there’s usually a lot of excitement and commotion to draw people in.

They have people who are betting and people who are spotters who are all in on it.

Once they draw you in, they make it look like it’s easy to win.

Sometimes they have someone who bets wrong, to make it look like you can beat them.

Then, as soon as you put your money down, they use their extremely fast sleight of hand skills to con you out of your money.

Sometimes they’ll even let you win your first bet or two to entice you into betting a lot more, and that’s when they get you. 

There are variations of this to watch out for, like the shell game and the ball under the cup game. It all works the same way.

An easy way to make sure you’re not getting scammed on the strip is to remember that operating a gambling operation without a permit is illegal.

And these people in the walkways do not have permits!

>> You Might Like: The Top Things in Vegas not to Miss

People Handing you Free Gifts/Items

las vegas tourist traps

This should seem obvious, but it still happens to many unassuming tourists.

Don’t accept free gifts that people hand out to you.

Some musicians or rappers will offer you their CDs ‘for free,’ but as soon as you take it won’t leave you alone until you give them money.

Also, don’t buy anyone’s CD on the Strip, as they’re usually blank (I hope this one goes away soon, who uses CDs anymore?).

They’re very good at engaging you in conversation to the point where you feel good about supporting them, and then agree to buying their CD, which ends up being blank.

las vegas tourist traps

Occasionally, people dressed up as Monks will approach you and hand you good luck beads or bracelets.

Again, as soon as you accept the gift they will repeatedly ask you for a donation, and whatever you give is usually not enough.

Sometimes you’ll be approached by ‘spiritual ladies’ who are trying to pull the same scam.

They come across as very kind, and sweet and just want to offer their blessings to you with their necklaces, bracelets and charms, but will be pushing for donations. 

Don’t accept lotion, face or skin cream samples.

If you accept, the sales people won’t leave you alone and will coax you into their shop to demonstrate the magical cream on half of your face and then try to get you to buy the product.

It runs for hundreds of dollars.

Many people fall for it because it does make your skin feel great, but that’s because they’ve massaged you a little bit and the sales pitch makes you fall for it.

They will also aggressively ask you to pay or buy their items.

This usually happens in front of the Miracle Mile shops.

While you’re on the Strip or Fremont Street, it’s generally a good idea to always keep your wallet or purse safe and secured.

Pickpockets are still out there, especially in the sketchier areas, which is the northern end of the strip.

I recommend using a secure travel wallet and be aware of your surroundings when you’re in a busy area with lots of commotion to potentially distract you. 

las vegas tourist traps

Read Next: the 10 Most Overrated Things in Las Vegas – do you agree?

VIP Club Promoters

First, never pay a promoter anything.

Promoters are usually paid by the clubs based on how many people they bring in, so there’s never a reason why you should ever pay a promoter.

Even promoters offering you free VIP access, free limo rides to clubs.

There are never costs associated with these things, and if you really want them, you can usually get hookups through the concierge at your hotel. 

Timeshare Scams

las vegas tourist traps

In almost every casino that you spend time in, you might be approached by “timeshare people.”

You’ll know them when they approach you in a very friendly manner and usually ask something like “how long are you in town for?” or “are you guys married? On your honeymoon?”

They will promise you free show tickets, dinner vouchers or all kinds of other free items.

This will be in exchange for just watching a “short presentation.”

In reality, you will be sucked into a minimum of spending 4 hours with them.

Now, some people are OK with this in exchange for the free goodies, but you have to remember that it’s not just 4 hours of your time.

You need to be confident enough to walk away and not buy anything.

These are highly trained influential sales people who make it very hard for you to say no and walk away.

>> Related Reading: Vegas on a Budget – Where to Eat, Stay, Play & Spend Less

Casino Scams and Rip-offs

The casinos in Las Vegas aren’t necessarily a scam, but the old saying is true: the house always wins.

So you should never expect to win big.

The slot machines offer the worst odds, but they’re still fun to play.

And as far as table games go, don’t ever play Blackjack that pays 6:5. This gives the house (the dealer) a bigger advantage than it already has.

Instead, look for 3:2 Blackjack tables.

We found $5 blackjack tables that pay 3:2 at Ellis Island Hotel and Casino .

If you’re interested in what it’s like, watch my full video tour on YouTube !

people playing blackjack in vegas

Are you a beginner gambler or unsure how to play table games?

Tip – you can book a gaming lesson with a former dealer, who will teach you how to play table games along with some insider tips.

Overpriced Things to Avoid in Las Vegas

Hotel shops and convenience stores.

If you can avoid it, do not buy bottled water, beer, souvenirs, candy or anything from the shops located inside the hotels and casinos.

Not only are they extremely overpriced and expensive, most of them do not display price tags on their merchandise.

Instead, buy from standalone convenience stores, shops and pharmacies on the strip. 

Read more about saving money on drinks in Vegas and what free drinks you can order while gambling.

Resort Fees

Las Vegas hotel resort fees aren’t technically a scam, but they are something you need to be aware of, especially if it’s your first time in Vegas.

You don’t want this to be a surprise upon check-out.

Unfortunately, these are just the reality of staying in Las Vegas and the hotels claim the resort fee covers hotel amenities such as WiFi, parking, and gym and pool access.

But it’s just a tactic to make it look like you’re getting a deal on your hotel room – when you’re really just paying full price once the resort fee is factored in. 

P.S. >> Don’t want to pay resort fees in Vegas? 

On the Strip, stay at the Casino Royale (right across from the Mirage)

On Fremont Street, stay at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino .

las vegas tourist traps

>> First Time in Vegas? Check Out These 19 Tips Before You Go <<

Extra fees on Restaurant Bills

As many restaurants struggled in 2020, a new trend is adding an extra tax to your food bill to help recover costs. This is usually something called a Concession and Franchise fee (CNF).

Check the fine print of your bill before you pay, and always ask your server or the manager about extra fees and taxes that you’re suspicious of.

While it’s not necessarily a scam, it’s good to be aware of extra fees that many places are trying to implement and get away with. 

Final Tips on Avoiding Scams in Las Vegas

It can be hard to avoid these people because you might think you’re being rude.

But the best way to avoid being scammed in Vegas is to simply not engage with anyone trying to get your attention and keep walking.

If you prefer, you can also just smile and say ‘no, thank you’ and keep walking.

Unfortunately, as soon as you engage with any of these hustlers or timeshare people, they are very good at keeping you in a conversation that you can’t leave. 

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Avoid These 7 Las Vegas Tourist Traps: A Local's Guide

Welcome to las vegas, where dazzling lights often mask tourist traps. discover the city's 7 true gems and avoid common pitfalls with this insider's guide..

Beware of escort cards thrust upon you on the Strip. Keep walking to avoid this common ploy.

Street Card Scams

Avoid shady offers like nightclub passes or illegal gambling games. Stick to licensed vendors.

Illegal Street Hustles

The airport's slot machines offer the lowest returns in Nevada. Avoid them for better odds.

Low Returns at McCarran Airport

Don't fall for unnecessary detours by cab drivers. Opt for trusted routes or rideshare services.

6-5 Blackjack

Long hauling taxi scams.

Don't let cab drivers steer you to unregulated attractions. Stick to your intended destinations.

Unwanted Suggested Stops

Street promoters might offer free club entry, but it's often a ploy. Watch out for hidden terms and conditions.

Beware of "Free" VIP Club Deals

Next: 8 luxury hotels in las vegas for an ultimate june retreat.

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USA, Nevada, Las Vegas, The Strip, Las Vegas Boulevard, high vantage view, dusk.


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Tourist Traps in Las Vegas: DON’T DO THESE!

las vegas tourist traps

Viva Las Vegas , the party city; It’s where everyone worldwide comes to have a good time. Things like gambling and entertainment shows can occupy your time and money. 

But those aren’t the only products you should watch out for. Las Vegas is also known for people who may seem friendly but are trying to steal your money in some way. 

If you’re looking to have a good time in Las Vegas, here are some tourist traps that you should avoid while you’re there.

Disregarding Sales Tax

When someone tells you that you need a decent budget to have fun in Vegas, listen to them because they’ve likely experienced the dreaded sales tax . In Vegas, there’s an 8.38% sales tax on food and drink; hotels come with a 13.35% sales tax .

As you can see, with such hefty taxes, it’s easy to go broke faster. So do your best to avoid spending money on that extra appetizer or drink. Also, before you select a hotel, ensure that you’re aware of the booking fee.

Mini-Fridge Treasures

Mini-fridges can be enticing because they give you the option of having alcohol without needing to go somewhere else to get it. But you should stay far away from them. 

Drinks in mini-fridges can be expensive . Once you take one, you’ll only have 60 seconds to put it back in the fridge before you’re charged. 

Sensors in the refrigerator let the hotel know what product was removed. Even if you moved a drink by accident, you’re still liable for the cost. So if you want to avoid an extra $20 charge for that mini vodka, stay away from the mini-fridge altogether Related: Top 10 Party Hotels in Vegas for Your Next Event

las vegas tourist traps

Street Cards

At any time while you’re in Las Vegas , you’ll see people on the Strip handing items out. One of them is most likely to be a street card .

On it, you’ll usually see an advertisement for escort services. These are different than prostitution ; you’re only paying an attractive woman to accompany you while you do certain activities. 

However, if you see that they’re offering sexual favors in exchange for payment, stay away . Prostitution is ILLEGAL in Las Vegas and is punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine . So make sure you’re aware of the circumstances before continuing.

Taking a Taxi

The combination of the four-mile Strip and the Las Vegas heat can make for some strenuous days during your time in Vegas. As a result, you’ll want to take a taxi. 

Be wary of taxi drivers because once they know you’re a tourist, some will extend journeys on purpose to increase the fare . If you’re coming from the airport, tell them to avoid the tunnel. That way, you won’t have to pay an extra $10 – $15 on taxi fare.

If you want to monitor your driver’s route better, you can always opt for ridesharing services like Uber or Lyft.

Street Vendors

It’s not Las Vegas if you don’t see street vendors trying to sell you something everywhere you go. They can be enticing because most claim to have “discounts” for club passes and entertainment shows.

However, it’s possible that what they’re selling isn’t solicited by the club or venue on the ticket . To be safe, buy tickets for shows or clubs at official locations, whether on their website or at the venue itself.

Check out these tips from Current Event Rentals on hosting a memorable event!

las vegas tourist traps

Chain Restaurants

When you’re traveling to a new state, it’s easy to get complacent and eat from certain chain restaurants you’re used to. But unfortunately, the prices won’t be the same.

Any chain restaurant on the Strip or in downtown Vegas will come with higher prices . So why not spend that money on better quality food for the same price? In Vegas, there’s a variety of options to choose from, so you easily find something to eat.

Related: Best Places to Eat in Las Vegas on a Budget

Street Performers

As you’re walking down the Strip, you’ll always see a good amount of street performers on display. They may be there strictly for entertainment, but others may entice you to play a card or “shell game” involving money. Avoid these games at all costs . During the game, the performers will cheat without noticing and make sure that you lose the game. If you decide to indulge, be wise, or else you could end up using your entire gambling budget in a matter of minutes.


When you arrive in Vegas, it’s hard not to be blown away by the sights. There are many resorts, casinos, flashing lights, which you’ll want to document in pictures. 

When you go to picturesque places, you’ll most likely bump into street photographers that claim to be official Las Vegas photographers. If you decide to get your picture taken by them, they will charge you an arm and a leg for it .

Instead, just take the pictures on your phone. You’ll be able to record more memories for free.

Related: Las Vegas Hotel Weddings: The 10 Best Venues

Avoid These Sins in Sin City

As you can see, Las Vegas offers plenty of different ways that you can enjoy yourself. But that also leaves room for you to spend more money, get scammed, and have a terrible experience . 

So make sure that you follow these tips the next time you come to Vegas. That way, you can avoid any rookie mistakes and have the time of your life. Are you thinking about planning an event in Las Vegas? If so, then contact Current Event Rentals today!

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Las Vegas & Other Nevada Tourist Traps To Skip (& Alternatives)

Escape Nevada's tourist traps like Las Vegas and explore hidden alternatives for authentic experiences and affordable adventures!

  • There are plenty of alternatives to popular Nevada attractions that are considered tourist traps; for example, explore Sloan Canyon for a peaceful outdoor experience away from the overcrowded Red Rock Canyon in Nevada.
  • One of the biggest tourist traps in Nevada to avoid is Las Vegas; check out Laughlin instead for a less crowded and more affordable urban experience.
  • Skip the touristy Carson City for a more nostalgic trip to Virginia City with fewer crowds and an equally rich history and historic downtown area.

Nevada, a state of striking contrast, is known for its glitzy Las Vegas attractions , historic cities and towns, and stunning desert and mountain landscapes. While bustling casinos and the electrifying nightlife of Las Vegas are undeniably appealing, the great outdoors of the Silver State offers plenty more exciting experiences, from the breathtaking scenery of the gorgeous desert towns across Nevada to thrilling adventures back in time while exploring Nevada's old mining towns .

Many of the most popular attractions in Nevada, such as Las Vegas and Hoover Dam, are simply tourist traps that make visitors splurge money on something that is either overhyped, overcrowded, or overpriced. Fret not; Nevada has lots of gorgeous and interesting spots that aren't Las Vegas , such as Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area and Cathedral Gorge State Park, which are excellent alternatives to popular Nevada tourist traps. They provide equally appealing and exciting experiences and, often, without a high price tag or throngs of crowds.

Here are a number of tourist traps in Nevada and alternatives to visit instead, one of them being Las Vegas, of course. Just swap them for authentic experiences and unforgettable adventures in the Silver State!

First To 21: 12 Best Casino Towns To Visit In Nevada

7 red rock canyon national conservation area, a premier mountain climbing and hiking spot in nevada, but it often gets crowded.

The Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is a place to unwind in the great outdoors while also enjoying thrilling adventures , such as hiking and mountain climbing. Over a million tourists visit it every year, seeking a respite from the chaos of Las Vegas and other big cities. It is therefore packed all year long.

Alternative: Explore the petroglyphs, geology, and trails of Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area instead

Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area is an excellent alternative to Red Rock Canyon. Stunning desert scenery with distinctive geological characteristics, prehistoric petroglyphs, and hiking paths provide an equally captivating experience. But compared to Red Rock Canyon, it's usually less crowded, giving visitors a more peaceful and quiet experience.

The Petroglyph Trail here is among the most underrated hikes in Nevada for breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and desert landscape.

16 Sin-City Worthy Alternatives To Visiting Vegas

6 valley of fire state park, red outcrops of aztec sandstone and ancient petroglyphs attract big crowds to this nevada natural wonder.

Valley of Fire State Park , one of Nevada's many breathtaking natural wonders, is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts.

Because Valley of Fire State Park is full of bucket list attractions and activities , it gets hundreds of thousands of visitors annually who come to see the ancient petroglyphs and the brilliant red outcrop of Aztec sandstone. So, it becomes quite congested during peak seasons.

Alternative: Avoid crowds and admire the slot canyons and towering spires of Cathedral George instead

Cathedral Gorge State Park is a good option for those seeking similar experiences to Valley of Fire State Park without the crowds. It features slot canyons and towering spires, as well as scenic hiking trails, picnic areas, and campgrounds, and is one of the bucket-list state parks for RVers .

Additionally, its dark skies make it an excellent destination for stargazing. All in all, Cathedral George, like the Valley of Fire, offers many chances for recreation and relaxation.

5 Carson City

This historic nevada city boasts a rich cultural heritage, but it does draw in the crowds.

The capital of Nevada, Carson City, attracts visitors with its rich cultural heritage. Carson City offers a fascinating itinerary of activities and places to see .

However, the jam-packed attractions do make it a bit of a tourist trap, as it's perhaps one of the most popular cities in Nevada to visit besides Las Vegas.

Alternative: Virginia City provides a nostalgic and immersive alternative to Carson City with fewer crowds

Virginia City is worth visiting because it's among the numerous small Nevada towns with historic downtowns that take people on a journey back in time. It retains its Gold Rush charm with its wooden sidewalks and Old West brick structures, giving it a historical ambiance akin to Carson City.

Visitors can explore museums and saloons or take guided tours to learn about the city's long past. Additionally, events in Virginia City such as the International Camel & Ostrich Races and the annual Fourth of July celebration provide excellent opportunities to immerse oneself in the city's rich culture.

Overall, Virginia City transports tourists back in time to a bygone era, allowing them to experience the Old West in all of its splendor in the modern day.

10 Las Vegas To San Diego Road Trip Stops That Showcase California Bliss

4 lake tahoe, alternative: avoid throngs and admire the quieter waterfront beauty of lake paradise.

Lake Tahoe is incredibly popular for its scenic beauty and recreational opportunities, attracting millions of visitors every year .

There are plenty of reasons to visit Lake Tahoe , located on the Nevada/California border. However, it is always packed, and it can be quite pricey to take a vacation here, especially in summer, which definitely makes it one of the top tourist traps in Nevada to avoid.

Alternative: Avoid throngs and admire the quieter waterfront beauty of Pyramid Lake

Pyramid Lake near Reno, well-known for its unusual rock formations and Native American past, offers gorgeous lakeside scenery and an abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities. Visiting Nevada's Pyramid Lake for a vacation is the perfect Lake Tahoe alternative; it is way less crowded yet just as scenic.

Fewer people mean a more laid-back atmosphere and a more authentic experience. Visitors can enjoy fishing, boating, kayaking, and picnicking. Also, the Lake Pyramid Paiute Tribe Museum & Visitor Center teaches visitors about the Paiute Tribe's history and traditions.

Visitors need a tribal permit to swim, camp, or fish around Pyramid Lake, which may be obtained online through the permits page on the Pyramid Lake website or in person at the Ranger Station, Sutcliffe, Nevada.

Being one of the favorite Las Vegas alternatives, Reno's casino and urban scene often creates crowds

Reno is a popular destination with amazing casinos, vibrant nightlife, and a wealth of picturesque natural sites for outdoor enthusiasts. There is plenty to do and see in Reno for everyone .

However, because it's one of the many scenic yet underrated casino city alternatives to Las Vegas , it might be too touristy for individuals who want to experience Nevada's urban scene without crowds.

Alternative: Visit Sparks instead for a more relaxed and historical atmosphere

Nonetheless, Sparks is a great alternative to Reno, providing a comparable urban setting with a unique charm of its own. Located next door to Reno, Sparks is among the affordable tourist spots in Nevada that won't break the bank .

The town offers a wide range of entertainment, dining, and shopping choices, including the Victorian Square Quarter. Outdoor enthusiasts can visit Sparks Marina Park for boating, fishing, and picnics, while the Sparks Museum and Cultural Center is the place to learn about the region's history. Plus, there are many annual events to attend and enjoy!

Between Borders: 10 Best Towns To Visit Right On The Nevada Border

2 the hoover dam, this impressive marvel of engineering and stunning scenery attracts hordes of visitors.

The Hoover Dam draws a multitude of tourists every year for being a marvel of engineering, its surrounding scenery, and its proximity to Las Vegas.

Although the views are breathtaking, crowds play spoilsport here.

Alternative: Head to Davis Dam for an equally scenic yet less crowded experience

Those looking for alternatives will be glad to know there are plenty of other impressive dams in the US besides the Hoover Dam , and some of them happen to be in Nevada. One such example is the Davis Dam which is a great alternative to the Hoover Dam.

Situated in Pyramid Canyon, the Davis Dam is almost 70 miles downstream from the Hoover Dam and provides an equally magnificent experience with fewer visitors. Lake Mohave, the reservoir beneath Davis Dam, is also a popular tourist destination, offering a variety of water activities and recreation trails.

Visitors can also engage in outdoor activities such as boating, hiking, and birdwatching at Lake Mead National Recreation Area or enjoy a scenic drive across it.

Vehicles are not permitted on the roadway that crosses Davis Dam; however, visitors can access the dam by bicycle or on foot.

1 Las Vegas

While bucket list-worthy, the most famous city in nevada is overcrowded and overpriced.

It's unsurprising that an iconic city like Las Vegas has lots of tourist traps to avoid and alternatives to check out instead . However, the entire city of Las Vegas is just one big Nevada tourist trap. Renowned for its notorious Strip, it’s all about parting and drinking and losing money while gambling and spending big on glam and glitter.

Travelers still intent on visiting Las Vegas to enjoy experiences unique to Sin City but who don't want to spend too much should ideally avoid the Strip. While the Strip offers tons of glitz and glamour and is pretty much a bucket list item for many, downtown Las Vegas offers a more historical and local experience with less risk to one's wallet.

Alternatively, seeing as Vegas is easily the biggest tourist trap in Nevada and one that tends to drain bank accounts dry, it may be worth skipping entirely for an alternative destination, such as Laughlin.

Alternative: Skip the overcrowded and expensive Vegas and visit Laughlin for authentic and affordable experiences instead

Skip Las Vegas altogether and head straight to Laughlin , a gorgeous substitute located on the Nevada border. Here, visitors may experience all the thrills and excitement of gaming, dining, casinos, and entertainment without burning a hole in their pockets.

Also, there are plenty of outdoor activities, like boating, fishing, and water sports on the Colorado River, making Laughlin a dream destination for outdoor enthusiasts .

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Tourist Traps to Avoid in Las Vegas

Tourist Traps to Avoid in Las Vegas

As a new visitor to Las Vegas, all the excitement from the glitz and glam of the city can cloud your judgement. You may not know it but around every Strip corner is someone waiting to take your money.

To you, they’re just friendly people trying to make a living. But their ulterior motive is to get as much as they can from you.

  • 1. Dressing Impractically
  • 2. Not Taking Tax or Resort Fee into Consideration
  • 3. Airport Slot Machines
  • 4. Chain Restaurants
  • 5. Mini-fridge Amenities
  • 6. Street Cards
  • 7. Buying Bottled Water
  • 8. “Photographers”
  • 9. Street Vendors
  • 10. Street Performers
  • 11. Taking a Cab
  • 12. Don’t Get Swindled in Sin City

So you can keep your money and dignity, here are a few tourist traps to avoid in Las Vegas!

Dressing Impractically

Las Vegas Cosmopolitan Hotel Terrace View

While everyone wants to make a good impression by dressing to the nines, it’s impractical. For starters, if you’re visiting in the summertime, temperatures go well above 100 degrees. You’ll feel like you’re dying in that fancy suit or tight dress.

As for choice of shoes, sneakers are always best. The Strip was made to be walked since it’s easier than driving around aimlessly for parking . Tall high heels are only going to cause pain too.

Not Taking Tax or Resort Fee into Consideration

Las Vegas Hotel Resort Fees 2020 Guide

Before you blow your budget gambling, pay attention to the tax added on most bills. For Vegas, sales tax is as follows: 8.25% for food and drinks and 13.35% for hotels both on the Strip and downtown. Not taking that into consideration will leave you broke quicker.

It’ll be wise to add that before ordering another appetizer or beer. When it comes to hotels, stay in ones off the Strip like the Palms . They’re cheaper and you can easily access the Strip and more.

Also make sure you are aware of the resort fee your hotel will charge you before you book! Click here for our updated Las Vegas resort fee list!

Airport Slot Machines

Las Vegas Airport Slot Machines

Most first-time visitors are surprised to see slot machines as soon as they walk into McCarran International Airport. And their first thought is to try them out.

Don’t do this.

You’ll waste your money at machines that are anything but loose. Instead, save your money to get some souvenirs and take the time waiting for your ride to plan out your vacation.

Chain Restaurants

Taco Bell Cantina Las Vegas

While McDonald’s and Taco Bell are aplenty and offer a quick bite on the go, it’s best to avoid them. Vegas is a foodie’s paradise, meaning there are lots of restaurants (suited for every budget) to choose from.

Chain restaurants on the Strip and downtown are expensive.  You might as well sit down at a casino’s café or buffet and enjoy something different than your usual Big Mac meal.

Mini-fridge Amenities

Aria Las Vegas Mini Bar

Does your hotel room come with a mini-fridge or bar? As tempting as it is to grab a tiny vodka bottle to sip on before bed, it’ll cost you.

There are small sensors that can tell when an item is moved or removed completely. So even if you try to cheat the system, they’ll still know you took something and be rightfully charged for it.

If you accidentally moved an item (but didn’t take it), you can try disputing the charge when checking out. There’s no guarantee they’ll reverse it though.

Street Cards

Walking down the Strip is where you’ll see plenty of people trying to hand you stuff. One item in particular are street cards.

These cards are advertisements for escort services. Before anything else is said, prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas.

Escorts aren’t the same as prostitutes. You’re technically paying an attractive woman to keep you company. She’ll accompany you to restaurants, bars, and sit with you while you gamble.

The prices you see on the card are only a quarter of the fees you’ll end up paying, should you go through with this service. If you see ones offering sexual services, avoid them so you don’t wind up in trouble.

Buying Bottled Water

Cosmopolitan Las Vegas Terrace

When it’s blazing hot outside, it’s easy for a street vendor to make extra cash by offering bottled water. However, it’s advised to not take one from them.

Most don’t carry a license nor follow any safety protocols. What’s to say they aren’t selling contaminated water or reusing bottles?

Not only that but police have been cracking down on those selling items like water and alcohol illegally.


Las Vegas Welcome Sign

Be wary of those claiming to be “official photographers,” especially around the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign. They’ll take your picture, but it’ll cost an arm and a leg.

While that landmark is famous and well-known, a simple picture taken with your phone is enough to savor the memory.

Street Vendors

It’s hard to walk the Strip without being sold to every corner you turn. Street vendors offer everything from discounted show tickets to club passes.

While the steep discounts are enough to make you stop, don’t. Those offering nightclub passes likely aren’t licensed nor employed by the casino or club itself. Real club promoters make money by getting you to the door as commission, not by selling passes.

Street Performers

Three Card Monte Las Vegas

Also on the Strip is where you’ll find street performers. They’re there to provide you with another form of entertainment but with a catch.

Some will try to get you to play Three Card Monte or the “shell game.” Avoid this game entirely. They use tricks to make you lose all the money you placed on the table.

If they use cards, they’ll switch them out without you noticing. Those using “shells” (like plastic cups) to cover up a small item to hide underneath will quickly swipe the item under the table to make you lose.

Taking a Cab

Las Vegas Taxi

Remember, this isn’t New York, it’s Las Vegas. While there are cabs zooming around the city, unfortunately, some of them are known for “long-hauling” their customers as soon as they find out they are tourists.

This means they will take you the longest possible way to your destination. When that happens, the meter will continuously climb. 

When taxi drivers pick up a customer from McCarran Airport and are heading to the Strip, instead of driving north on Swenson Street and using surface streets, dishonest drivers will use the tunnel near McCarran to the 215 Beltway, heading north on Interstate 15 to the exit closest to the resort. This can add an extra $10 to a fare!

Make sure to tell your cab driver “no tunnel please” before leaving the airport. Make sure to also check that list of the approximate fares from McCarran .

You can also opt for an Uber or Lyft . You’ll be able to see the route you’re going and most drivers want you to get to your destination quickly.

Don’t Get Swindled in Sin City

Beneath the lights and the gambling lies a bunch of tourist traps not a lot of first-timers know about. It’s a one-way ticket to losing all your money quicker than you imagined.

Next time you’re unsure about something or someone, refer to this list!

Tourist Traps to Avoid in Las Vegas

Hi Just checking if the taxi fare leaflet is up to date – says 2015 at the bottom of the page. thanks Claire

Hi Claire, yes that file is from 2015 but it is the more recent info available on the Nevada Taxicab Authority website. It is still quite accurate these days.

resort fees, parking fees and the new cleaning fees to be added ripoff items on your vacation itinerary

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Under the Neon Lights Unveiling Las Vegas Hidden Bars and Speakeasies

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10 Scenic Alternatives To Popular Tourist Trap Views

  • Skip crowded tourist traps like the Eiffel Tower Restaurant in Vegas for cheaper, less crowded alternatives like Skyfall Lounge.
  • Save money and time by choosing less popular options, like Algiers Ferry in New Orleans, for equally picturesque views.
  • Avoid long lines and high fees at overrated attractions like Willis Tower Skydeck in Chicago by opting for shorter wait time spots.

When exploring a new destination, tourists often climb skyscrapers, towers, cathedrals, and mountains or go on a scenic cruise or drive just to get a general sense of a place from a general point of view – and, of course, snap gorgeous photos of illuminated cityscapes and colorful, sun-drenched landscapes.

Unfortunately, local businesses capitalize on the popularity of these landmarks by charging high fees, and the crowds often detract from the experience. For example, while the Eiffel Tower is famous, the Sacré-Coeur Basilica offers better views of Paris , and in London, the London Eye and other typical tourist attractions can be crowded.

Sometimes, a less-popular choice is the smartest option, especially on a short vacation, not only to save time and money, but also to avoid being pushed around by equally eager visitors.

From New Orleans to New York City, here are 10 overrated tourist traps in the United States to skip in favor of better alternatives that provide equally stunning views.

Bourbon Street & Other Tourist Traps In New Orleans, Plus Alternatives

Skip: steamboat dinner cruises in new orleans, alternative: algiers ferry also offers harbor views and is much cheaper.

New Orleans, often called the Crescent City or the Big Easy , is an incredibly lively destination, and one of the most popular activities is a brunch or dinner cruise aboard steamboats, where patrons can enjoy live music and vistas of the Mississippi River while drinking to their heart’s desire. Unfortunately, the buffet isn’t all that tasty, and prices on the Natchez, for instance, start at $55 .

The affordable, faster, and equally picturesque option is to hop on a ferry from and to Algiers Point , an area packed with great restaurants and bars. It’s also a means of transportation that dates back to 1827.

Skip: Eiffel Tower Restaurant In Las Vegas

Alternative: skyfall lounge is cheaper and has a panoramic overlook.

Elevated at 110 feet, the Eiffel Tower Restaurant is an upscale venue with classic French cuisine that overlooks the Bellagio fountains. However, it is only open till 10 pm, and a window table is hard to book, not to mention that the price range is between $41 and $80 .

Perched on the 64th floor of the Delano Hotel, the Skyfall Lounge not only offers signature cocktails and light bites but also a patio with unforgettable twilight and night views of Sin City.

The required dress code is upscale casual.

Skip: Willis Tower Skydeck and Ledge In Chicago

Alternative: 875 north michigan avenue has shorter wait periods.

Perched on the 103rd floor of the Willis Tower, Skydeck Chicago boasts panoramic observation boxes with tickets that start at $32 and must be booked in advance. As for those looking for expedited entry, they must shell out at least $55 to avoid queuing at the elevator.

Known locally as Big John and formerly called the John Hancock Center, 875 North Michigan Avenue is a 100-story skyscraper with a 360-degree observation deck on the 94th floor lined with interactive signs and markings. The ticket also gives access to spectacular views of Chicago and Lake Michigan from CloudBar .

Booking online will save you $5 and allow you to skip the desk line.

10 Tourist Traps In Arizona, Plus Alternatives

Skip: ocean drive in miami beach, alternative: washington avenue for fewer crowds.

Miami Beach in spring is ideal for a leisurely vacation , and its most famous boulevard, Ocean Drive, boasts colorful Art Deco architecture, bustling cafés, and beach views. It is, however, very crowded and over-exploited, not to mention that it comes with a high price tag.

Driving or strolling along Washington Avenue is a less-commercialized and hectic alternative to admiring Art Deco buildings, indulging in shopping, and sipping delicious cocktails. The avenue ends at South Pointe Park , which includes a jogging path, a fishing pier, and unforgettable views of the South Beach shoreline, Downtown Miami, and Fisher Island.

Skip: Grand Canyon Skywalk, Arizona

Alternative: eagle point is another great viewpoint, plus native american exhibits and sculptures.

There are three viewpoints on the Grand Canyon’s West Rim: Eagle Point, The Skywalk, and Guano Point. The U-shaped glass bridge of the Grand Canyon Skywalk provides an amazing top-down view of nature’s grand masterpiece , but the downsides include large crowds and no-camera and no-food rules, not to mention that prices start at $68.

Located on the Hualapai Reservation, Eagle Point is not affiliated with Grand Canyon National Park and features great views for less money, plus a Native American Village with authentic housing, ovens, and sweat lodges, as well as an amphitheater with live cultural performances from various tribes.

Skip: Hollywood Sign Hike, Los Angeles

Alternative: the griffith park hike is less crowded and offers views of the sign and of la.

No visit to Los Angeles would be complete without a closer look at the famous Hollywood Sign, but it’s among the city’s main tourist traps , as the climb gets very crowded, especially on the weekends. Tourists flock to the area in hopes of snapping the perfect photo with the iconic sign in the background.

The smarter, less-traveled option is to take the dirt path from Griffith Park into the hills and end up with both a good look at the sign and equally panoramic views. This route offers a more serene and authentic experience away from the crowds, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings at your own pace.

Bicycles aren’t allowed on the trails, and dogs must always be leashed.

10 Tourist Traps To Skip In New York City, Plus Alternatives To Visit Instead

Skip: the space needle in seattle, alternative: columbia center is cheaper and is actually the tallest building in washington.

The 605-foot-tall Space Needle is one of Seattle’s top attractions , with panoramic views of the futuristic downtown, Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, and Elliott Bay. However, tickets start at $35 , and the queues can get frustrating, which isn't ideal during a short trip.

Located on 5th Avenue, Columbia Center is a 76-story skyscraper that reaches 933 feet, effectively making it the tallest building in the entire state and, therefore, the ideal choice for panoramic views. Best of all, its Sky View Observatory offers more affordable tickets, even for the elite experience.

Classic and Elite tickets include a $10 voucher to be used at the Sky View Café or the gift shop.

Skip: Prudential Tower In Boston

Alternative: observation deck at independence wharf.

One of the surest ways to snap photos of the Boston skyline is to visit the Prudential Tower and its three-floor observatory, but prices range from $29.99 to $49.99 , and the lines are endless. Despite the cost and crowds, the views from the top are undeniably breathtaking, offering a panoramic vista of Boston and its iconic landmarks.

A more laid-back option is the Observation Deck at Independence Wharf , located on Atlantic Avenue in Downtown Boston. All visitors need to do is show a valid ID or passport to be allowed to take the elevator to the 14th floor. It may not be as high as the Prudential Tower, but it is a great way to admire the city and river bank from above.

Skip: Golden Gate Bridge In San Francisco

Alternative: oakland bay bridge has fewer crowds.

Historic and iconic as it may be, the Golden Gate Bridge, constructed in 1933, has six lanes and is subject to slow and dense traffic, especially on Friday and Saturday nights, carrying 112,000 vehicles daily . The bridge's design and age contribute to its traffic congestion, often leading to delays for commuters and tourists alike.

Opened in 1936, the Oakland Bay Bridge on Interstate 80, is a double-deck suspension of equal historical and scenic significance. Best of all, it is only accessible for pedestrians and bikers on the eastern span , which deters large groups of tourists.

15 Images That Reveal These Hot Spots Are Just Tourist Traps

Skip: the empire state building in nyc, alternative: top of the rock offers better views for less money.

The main observatory on the 86th of the Empire State Building is a romantic meeting place in movies and offers spectacular views of NYC and beyond, but it is extremely packed in every season, and tickets start at $44 .

At the pinnacle of 30 Rockefeller Plaza’s 70 floors, Top of the Rock boasts unobstructed views in every direction. It may be less iconic than the Empire State Building, but it is certainly more affordable, with fewer queues.

10 Scenic Alternatives To Popular Tourist Trap Views


Tourist Trap

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Capitalizing on the widely-publicized series of unsolved murders that occurred at the Liberace Museum in Las Vegas in the late 1970s*, Tourist Trap is a slasher film with all the classic elements.

It’s got a big beefy killer in overalls and a mask, portrayed by Chuck Connors, known primarily for his television role as The Rifleman but also for his 400 pound chin. And, of course, a couple of scantily clad babes, including replacement Charlie’s Angel Tanya Roberts, who would later make MILF history as the neighbor in That 70s Show .

For some reason the babes are on a road trip with a girl who’s sort of a more conservative version of Sarah, Plain and Tall when their car breaks down (you don’t say!) near a freaky roadside museum. It’s full of creepy mannequins that big Chuck operates via his never-explained telekinesis, proving that if people started developing X-Men style mutant powers in the real world their first impulse wouldn’t be to rule the world OR try to save it, but instead to perv out and build a giant whackin’ emporium full of RealDolls.

The girls, naturally, trust museum owner Chuck completely. They don’t realize he’s the killer picking them off one by one, a ruse that even Scooby and Shaggy would immediately see through, even with red-rimmed eyes after hotboxing the van. Throw in a twist ending so shocking it’ll leave you saying “huh, I guess that was the ending,” and you’ve got a Tourist Trap even more perplexing/disappointing than Santa Cruz’s famous Mystery Spot (where, incidentally, the Colby Jack cheese blend was first invented**).

Put on your Hawaiian shirt, fanny pack, and Teva sandals with socks, then join Mike, Kevin, and Bill in the Tourist Trap!        

*not factual, this is just an urban legend we’re trying to get off the ground **this is another one 

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Las Vegas & Other Nevada Tourist Traps To Skip (& Alternatives)

Escape Nevada's tourist traps like Las Vegas and explore hidden alternatives for authentic experiences and affordable adventures!

  • There are plenty of alternatives to popular Nevada attractions that are considered tourist traps; for example, explore Sloan Canyon for a peaceful outdoor experience away from the overcrowded Red Rock Canyon in Nevada.
  • One of the biggest tourist traps in Nevada to avoid is Las Vegas; check out Laughlin instead for a less crowded and more affordable urban experience.
  • Skip the touristy Carson City for a more nostalgic trip to Virginia City with fewer crowds and an equally rich history and historic downtown area.

Nevada, a state of striking contrast, is known for its glitzy Las Vegas attractions , historic cities and towns, and stunning desert and mountain landscapes. While bustling casinos and the electrifying nightlife of Las Vegas are undeniably appealing, the great outdoors of the Silver State offers plenty more exciting experiences, from the breathtaking scenery of the gorgeous desert towns across Nevada to thrilling adventures back in time while exploring Nevada's old mining towns .

Many of the most popular attractions in Nevada, such as Las Vegas and Hoover Dam, are simply tourist traps that make visitors splurge money on something that is either overhyped, overcrowded, or overpriced. Fret not; Nevada has lots of gorgeous and interesting spots that aren't Las Vegas , such as Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area and Cathedral Gorge State Park, which are excellent alternatives to popular Nevada tourist traps. They provide equally appealing and exciting experiences and, often, without a high price tag or throngs of crowds.

Here are a number of tourist traps in Nevada and alternatives to visit instead, one of them being Las Vegas, of course. Just swap them for authentic experiences and unforgettable adventures in the Silver State!

First To 21: 12 Best Casino Towns To Visit In Nevada

7 red rock canyon national conservation area, a premier mountain climbing and hiking spot in nevada, but it often gets crowded.

The Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is a place to unwind in the great outdoors while also enjoying thrilling adventures , such as hiking and mountain climbing. Over a million tourists visit it every year, seeking a respite from the chaos of Las Vegas and other big cities. It is therefore packed all year long.

Alternative: Explore the petroglyphs, geology, and trails of Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area instead

Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area is an excellent alternative to Red Rock Canyon. Stunning desert scenery with distinctive geological characteristics, prehistoric petroglyphs, and hiking paths provide an equally captivating experience. But compared to Red Rock Canyon, it's usually less crowded, giving visitors a more peaceful and quiet experience.

The Petroglyph Trail here is among the most underrated hikes in Nevada for breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and desert landscape.

16 Sin-City Worthy Alternatives To Visiting Vegas

6 valley of fire state park, red outcrops of aztec sandstone and ancient petroglyphs attract big crowds to this nevada natural wonder.

Valley of Fire State Park , one of Nevada's many breathtaking natural wonders, is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts.

Because Valley of Fire State Park is full of bucket list attractions and activities , it gets hundreds of thousands of visitors annually who come to see the ancient petroglyphs and the brilliant red outcrop of Aztec sandstone. So, it becomes quite congested during peak seasons.

Alternative: Avoid crowds and admire the slot canyons and towering spires of Cathedral George instead

Cathedral Gorge State Park is a good option for those seeking similar experiences to Valley of Fire State Park without the crowds. It features slot canyons and towering spires, as well as scenic hiking trails, picnic areas, and campgrounds, and is one of the bucket-list state parks for RVers .

Additionally, its dark skies make it an excellent destination for stargazing. All in all, Cathedral George, like the Valley of Fire, offers many chances for recreation and relaxation.

5 Carson City

This historic nevada city boasts a rich cultural heritage, but it does draw in the crowds.

The capital of Nevada, Carson City, attracts visitors with its rich cultural heritage. Carson City offers a fascinating itinerary of activities and places to see .

However, the jam-packed attractions do make it a bit of a tourist trap, as it's perhaps one of the most popular cities in Nevada to visit besides Las Vegas.

Alternative: Virginia City provides a nostalgic and immersive alternative to Carson City with fewer crowds

Virginia City is worth visiting because it's among the numerous small Nevada towns with historic downtowns that take people on a journey back in time. It retains its Gold Rush charm with its wooden sidewalks and Old West brick structures, giving it a historical ambiance akin to Carson City.

Visitors can explore museums and saloons or take guided tours to learn about the city's long past. Additionally, events in Virginia City such as the International Camel & Ostrich Races and the annual Fourth of July celebration provide excellent opportunities to immerse oneself in the city's rich culture.

Overall, Virginia City transports tourists back in time to a bygone era, allowing them to experience the Old West in all of its splendor in the modern day.

10 Las Vegas To San Diego Road Trip Stops That Showcase California Bliss

4 lake tahoe, alternative: avoid throngs and admire the quieter waterfront beauty of lake paradise.

Lake Tahoe is incredibly popular for its scenic beauty and recreational opportunities, attracting millions of visitors every year .

There are plenty of reasons to visit Lake Tahoe , located on the Nevada/California border. However, it is always packed, and it can be quite pricey to take a vacation here, especially in summer, which definitely makes it one of the top tourist traps in Nevada to avoid.

Alternative: Avoid throngs and admire the quieter waterfront beauty of Pyramid Lake

Pyramid Lake near Reno, well-known for its unusual rock formations and Native American past, offers gorgeous lakeside scenery and an abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities. Visiting Nevada's Pyramid Lake for a vacation is the perfect Lake Tahoe alternative; it is way less crowded yet just as scenic.

Fewer people mean a more laid-back atmosphere and a more authentic experience. Visitors can enjoy fishing, boating, kayaking, and picnicking. Also, the Lake Pyramid Paiute Tribe Museum & Visitor Center teaches visitors about the Paiute Tribe's history and traditions.

Visitors need a tribal permit to swim, camp, or fish around Pyramid Lake, which may be obtained online through the permits page on the Pyramid Lake website or in person at the Ranger Station, Sutcliffe, Nevada.

Being one of the favorite Las Vegas alternatives, Reno's casino and urban scene often creates crowds

Reno is a popular destination with amazing casinos, vibrant nightlife, and a wealth of picturesque natural sites for outdoor enthusiasts. There is plenty to do and see in Reno for everyone .

However, because it's one of the many scenic yet underrated casino city alternatives to Las Vegas , it might be too touristy for individuals who want to experience Nevada's urban scene without crowds.

Alternative: Visit Sparks instead for a more relaxed and historical atmosphere

Nonetheless, Sparks is a great alternative to Reno, providing a comparable urban setting with a unique charm of its own. Located next door to Reno, Sparks is among the affordable tourist spots in Nevada that won't break the bank .

The town offers a wide range of entertainment, dining, and shopping choices, including the Victorian Square Quarter. Outdoor enthusiasts can visit Sparks Marina Park for boating, fishing, and picnics, while the Sparks Museum and Cultural Center is the place to learn about the region's history. Plus, there are many annual events to attend and enjoy!

Between Borders: 10 Best Towns To Visit Right On The Nevada Border

2 the hoover dam, this impressive marvel of engineering and stunning scenery attracts hordes of visitors.

The Hoover Dam draws a multitude of tourists every year for being a marvel of engineering, its surrounding scenery, and its proximity to Las Vegas.

Although the views are breathtaking, crowds play spoilsport here.

Alternative: Head to Davis Dam for an equally scenic yet less crowded experience

Those looking for alternatives will be glad to know there are plenty of other impressive dams in the US besides the Hoover Dam , and some of them happen to be in Nevada. One such example is the Davis Dam which is a great alternative to the Hoover Dam.

Situated in Pyramid Canyon, the Davis Dam is almost 70 miles downstream from the Hoover Dam and provides an equally magnificent experience with fewer visitors. Lake Mohave, the reservoir beneath Davis Dam, is also a popular tourist destination, offering a variety of water activities and recreation trails.

Visitors can also engage in outdoor activities such as boating, hiking, and birdwatching at Lake Mead National Recreation Area or enjoy a scenic drive across it.

Vehicles are not permitted on the roadway that crosses Davis Dam; however, visitors can access the dam by bicycle or on foot.

1 Las Vegas

While bucket list-worthy, the most famous city in nevada is overcrowded and overpriced.

It's unsurprising that an iconic city like Las Vegas has lots of tourist traps to avoid and alternatives to check out instead . However, the entire city of Las Vegas is just one big Nevada tourist trap. Renowned for its notorious Strip, it’s all about parting and drinking and losing money while gambling and spending big on glam and glitter.

Travelers still intent on visiting Las Vegas to enjoy experiences unique to Sin City but who don't want to spend too much should ideally avoid the Strip. While the Strip offers tons of glitz and glamour and is pretty much a bucket list item for many, downtown Las Vegas offers a more historical and local experience with less risk to one's wallet.

Alternatively, seeing as Vegas is easily the biggest tourist trap in Nevada and one that tends to drain bank accounts dry, it may be worth skipping entirely for an alternative destination, such as Laughlin.

Alternative: Skip the overcrowded and expensive Vegas and visit Laughlin for authentic and affordable experiences instead

Skip Las Vegas altogether and head straight to Laughlin , a gorgeous substitute located on the Nevada border. Here, visitors may experience all the thrills and excitement of gaming, dining, casinos, and entertainment without burning a hole in their pockets.

Also, there are plenty of outdoor activities, like boating, fishing, and water sports on the Colorado River, making Laughlin a dream destination for outdoor enthusiasts .

Jeweler robbed, shocked with stun gun in rideshare after leaving Las Vegas Strip convention

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - On Tuesday evening, Las Vegas police responded after a man was robbed in his Uber after leaving a jewelry convention at a Las Vegas Strip resort.

According to a preliminary report, police responded to the intersection of Tropicana and Paradise at approximately 5:15 p.m. after a victim reported that he was robbed while at a red light. The passenger was in an Uber after leaving the International Watch & Jewelry Guild Expo at Planet Hollywood.

According to police, the rideshare vehicle was approached by multiple suspects who got out of a white minivan. The suspects reportedly punctured multiple tires, broke a passenger window with a bat, and used a stun gun to shock the victim before grabbing a bag full of “high-dollar” watches.

Fox5′s Kim Passoth spoke with a jeweler who was robbed leaving the same show back in 2021 while he was also in an Uber.

In October 2021, the International Watch and Jewelry Guild show was held at the now-shuttered Tropicana. Raimond Irimescu from Sacramento, California says he usually ships his merchandise home and travels with a group, but he was in a rush to leave early that day.

When the robbery crew hit, his Uber hadn’t even left the parking lot. In 45 seconds, the thieves made off with watches worth $1 million.

Irimescu recounted to FOX5, “A small SUV comes up behind us and then one white minivan traps us from the front... masks on, gloves on, bulletproof vests on... Immediately one person broke the window of the driver and one person broke the window where I was in the back and both of those men were threatening me and the driver with weapons, the person on my side had a gun.”

Irimescu was also at this most recent show in Las Vegas which ended Tuesday. He shared these shows are how he makes a living, so he needs to keep coming but he comes armed now.

The suspects from both Tuesday’s robbery, along with the crew from 2021, have not been caught.

Irimescu is suing Tropicana and Uber for the 2021 incident.

Copyright 2024 KVVU. All rights reserved.

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  12. Las Vegas & Other Nevada Tourist Traps To Skip (& Alternatives)

    One of the biggest tourist traps in Nevada to avoid is Las Vegas; check out Laughlin instead for a less crowded and more affordable urban experience. Skip the touristy Carson City for a more nostalgic trip to Virginia City with fewer crowds and an equally rich history and historic downtown area. Nevada, a state of striking contrast, is known ...

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  23. Tourist Trap

    Capitalizing on the widely-publicized series of unsolved murders that occurred at the Liberace Museum in Las Vegas in the late 1970s*, Tourist Trap is a slasher film with all the classic elements. It's got a big beefy killer in overalls and a mask, portrayed by Chuck Connors, known primarily for his television role as The Rifleman but also for his 400 pound chin.

  24. Las Vegas & Other Nevada Tourist Traps To Skip (& Alternatives)

    One of the biggest tourist traps in Nevada to avoid is Las Vegas; check out Laughlin instead for a less crowded and more affordable urban experience. Skip the touristy Carson City for a more nostalgic trip to Virginia City with fewer crowds and an equally rich history and historic downtown area.

  25. Jeweler robbed, shocked with stun gun in rideshare after leaving Las

    LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - On Tuesday evening, Las Vegas police responded after a man was robbed in his Uber after leaving a jewelry convention at a Las Vegas Strip resort. According to a ...