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Idaho Murder House

AP Photo | Ted S. Warren

Idaho Murder House: Photos Inside the King Road Home Where 4 Students Were Killed

Sarah Paschall

Updated on January 9, 2023

  • 4 University of Idaho students were brutally stabbed to death in their home on Nov 13, 2022.
  • 2 young women that lived on the first floor were unharmed in the attack.
  • A man named Bryan Kohberger has been charged with the murders of all 4 students.
  • Kohberger reportedly had made at least 12 trips to the home’s location going back to Aug 2022.
  • A survivor of the night stated that she saw the killer fleeing the scene of the murder.

What Happened at the House On King Road?

The night of November 13, 2022 seemed like every other night in the college town of Moscow, Idaho – College parties, drinking, and making memories. As the night came to a close, however, and many students were retiring to their sorority houses and shared rentals to sleep off their night of partying, no one could have imagined that a predator was lurking in their college community with one goal in mind – to take life. Tragically, this monster would succeed in his endeavor when he found his way into the home of Kaylee Goncalves (21), Madison Mogen (21), and Xana Kernodle (20). He would not only take the lives of these three women, but also Mogen’s boyfriend, Ethan Chapin (20), who was spending the night. Below, we will explore photos of the simple Idaho residence that became the scene one of Moscow, ID’s most horrific crimes and learn more about the victims and who they were before their lives were so unjustly taken. Continue reading for an in-depth look at the Moscow Idaho university murders and more.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

The quadruple murder of Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle, Ethan Chapin and Madison Mogen occurred at this 6 bedroom, 2,175 square foot home at 1122 King Road in Moscow, Idaho.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

In these rare photos, we see the 1122 King Road home prior to the horrific events that occurred on Nov 13. Upon entering the front door, you’re instantly greeted with the first downstairs bedroom on the right. The bathroom, utility room, and second bedroom are all located in the hallway on the left.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

These two downstairs bedrooms were likely where survivors, Dylan Mortensen and Bethany Funk, were sleeping when the crimes occurred.

Moscow Idaho Murder House

Going upstairs to the second floor, you’ll find the living room. As cheerful and trendy as it is here with the “Good Vibes” sign, colorful artwork, and comfortable couch, it’s hard to believe something so terrible would eventually take place here.

The second floor was where the bodies of both Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle were discovered.

Moscow Idaho Murder House

Down both the left and right hallways off the living room are where the second floor bedrooms are located. One of these rooms belonged to Xana, while the other was likely a vacant space.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

Just outside one of the second floor bedrooms is the kitchen and another flight of stairs leading to the third floor.

The kitchen features a sliding glass door that leads out onto the backyard patio. Some have questioned whether this is where the assailant entered the home, though this is strictly hearsay. Police have stated that there was no sign of forced entry into the property.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

Upon climbing the second floor stairs, you’ll find the third floor landing as well as a bathroom and two bedrooms.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

The third floor plays host to both a standard sized room and master suite that opens onto a balcony. This is where Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves were located by authorities. Both were said to be sharing Mogen’s bedroom, possibly the master suite, at the time of their murder.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

In the backyard, we see the home’s small patio on the ground floor and balcony on the floor above it. The property was due to undergo an extensive clean-up by Disaster Response and handed back to the owner but cleaning plans were halted following the arrest of a prime suspect in the murders.

Where Did Moscow Idaho Quadruple Homicide Take Place?

What Happened at the House On King Road?

November 13, 2022 started out as any other night for college students in Moscow, Idaho. Mogen and Goncalves had been hanging out at the Corner Club, Kernodle and Chapin were attending a party at Sigma Chi house, and Mortensen and Funk were also enjoying a night out at the time.

Mogen and Goncalves had stopped in Downtown Moscow at a Grub truck to pick up food, as seen on the truck’s live Twitter stream (pictured far right). They would go on to take a sorority driving service back home. The women arrived home at 1:56 am.

Kaylee Goncalves

Chapin and Kernodle had returned home as well from the sorority party at around 1:45am. The earliest to arrive home that night, however, were the two surviving women who had returned to 1122 King Road at 1:00am.

At around 4:00am, the assailant managed to gain entry to the property and proceeded to stab all 4 victims to death with a fixed-blade knife. Some speculate that the murderer could have already been hiding in the home before its residents arrived, but nothing has been confirmed.

The murders occurred between 4:00am and 4:25am that morning. Kernodle had made a DoorDash order at around 4:00am, explaining why Kernodle had defensive wounds from the attack as she was still awake.

One of the survivors of the invasion said that she had awoken at 4:00am to what she believed to be the sound of Goncalves playing with her dog in the 3rd floor bedroom. Shortly thereafter, she states that she believed she heard Goncalves say “there’s someone here,” though authorities speculate this could also have been Kernodle. Kernodle’s phone records indicate she was on the platform, TikTok, at around 4:12am.

The roommate says that she checked outside of her room but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. She would later check again after hearing what she thought was sobbing coming from Kernodle’s room. It was at this time that she heard a man’s voice possibly saying “it’s ok, I’m going to help you.” Believing that she heard crying again, the roommate checked outside of her door and it was at this point that she saw a masked man exiting the house.

The man reportedly walked right past her door and proceeded to exit the home via the back sliding glass door. The fear and shock of the encounter led the young woman to lock herself in the room at that time.

At 11:58am on Nov 14, police received a 911 call from an unknown friend of the two surviving women stating that one of their roommates was passed out on the second floor. It had been 8 hours at this point since the murders took place.

It was upon the police’s arrival to the home that the gruesome reality of the situation was discovered.

Moscow Idaho Murder House Evidence

  • While the murder weapon itself was not located at the scene, police did locate a knife sheath, on Mogen’s bed, that was brought in for DNA testing.
  • Additionally, it was reported that a white 2011-2013 Hyundai Elantra was spotted near the crime scene at the time of the murders. Surveillance in the area shows this vehicle drive by the residence 3 times before finally entering the area on the 4th time around.
  • A shoe print, believed to be the killer’s, was also found just outside one of the surviving women’s windows on the first floor.
  • At around 4:17am, a security camera located less than 50 feet from Kernodle’s bedroom picked up audio of a dog barking followed by a loud thud.

Moscow Murder Suspect Arrested: How Was Bryan Kohberger Caught?

Police traced the suspicious Hyundai Elantra back to Pullman, Washington and found it belonged to a man named Bryan Kohberger. Kohberger has been living in Pullman while attending Washington State University.

Bryan Kohberger DNA Match

Kohberger was a Ph.D. student at WSU in the school’s department of criminal justice and criminology at the time of the slaying. His campus is less than 10 miles from the town of Moscow, Idaho. Upon looking further into Kohberger, police discovered he had just received a new license plate only 5 days after the murder.

Phone records taken from Kohberger also show that he was near the students’ home at least 12 time prior to the murder – going as far back as August, 2022. The records indicate he would generally always be in the area early in the morning or late at night.

On the night of the murders, however, Kohberger had turned off his phone between the hours of 2:47am and 4:48am – indicating he was likely trying to conceal his location. His final visit to the home, according to phone records, was between 9:12am to 9:21am on the morning of the murders.

Bryan Kohberger DNA Match

Upon testing the knife sheath found at the scene of the crime, The Idaho State Lab managed to extract a single source of male DNA located on the sheath’s button snap. Police then obtained trash from Kohberger’s family home in PA and used DNA from those contents to compare with the DNA found at the scene.

The DNA found on the sheath matched the DNA of Kohberger’s biological father – giving police all they needed to make an arrest. Bryan was taken into custody on December 30, 2022, by Pennsylvania police on 4 counts of first degree murder and burglary charges. Kohberger was later extradited to Idaho where he remains in police custody.

Remembering Moscow Idaho Students

One of the most important things to remember about this case is that these young adults were more than just names on paper. These were four ambitious people that had their whole lives ahead of them.

They were REAL people and they should be remembered for far more than just being victims of homicide. With this in mind, let’s take a look at who Kaylee, Xana, Ethan, and Madison were in life instead of only focusing on their deaths.

Kaylee Goncalves

Kaylee Goncalves (21) was majoring in general studies in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences. When speaking of Kaylee, Goncalves sister said that she was a “fighter through and through” as well as “dedicated, outspoken, motivated, and full of life.”

Kaylee Goncalves

Kaylee was also known by her co-workers for being incredibly kind, encouraging, and a joy to work with. Alex Paul, one of her former co-workers at Panera Bread, said that Goncalves ensured that he had a safe space while at work after coming out as gay and facing cruel comments from a customer.

Another co-worker, Lillian Brennan, recalled how Goncalves had came in for coffee on her day off and, realizing Brennan was overwhelmed, stayed to help her through the shift.

Xana Kernodle

Xana Kernodle (20) majored in the College of Business and Economics. She was a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority and graduated from Post Falls High School in 2020 before becoming a student at University of Idaho.

xana kernodle

Maya Hippenstiel, a friend of Xana’s for the last 4 years, said she was “the life of every party in more ways than one” and would “fill any room with light and laughter.” She also described Xana as loving and compassionate as well as extremely driven and goal-oriented.

Hippenstiel set up a GoFundMe shortly after Xana’s death to help pay for funeral costs and provide some relief to the family. The GoFundMe page can be found here .

Ethan Chapin

Ethan Chapin (20) was a Washington native and played basketball at Mount Vernon High School prior to graduating in 2021.

Like their brother, Ethan’s triplet siblings, Maizie and Hunter, were also enrolled at the University of Idaho. Stacy Chapin, Ethan’s mom, said “Ethan was literally the greatest kid and his smile would light up every room! More importantly, he was a triplet and his brother and sister need all of the strength and prayers possible because they were best friends.”

Ethan Chapin

Ethan had planned to major in recreation, sport, and tourism management. He became a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity after joining U of I. Ethan’s fraternity brothers started a GoFundMe on behalf of the Chapin family – found here .

Madison Mogen

Madison Mogen (21) was a senior marketing major at U of I and had plans to move to Boise, ID following her graduation that would’ve taken place this spring.

Mogen worked at the Mad Greek in Moscow as a server alongside her roommate, Xana Kernodle. Her skills in marketing and social media even saw Mogen managing the Mad Greek’s social media pages.

The restaurant created a post via their Facebook to remember both women, saying “Xana and Maddie have been servers here for several years and brought so much joy to our restaurant and all of those they encountered.”

Madison Mogen

A combined GoFundMe was created for Goncalves and Mogen for their families. Both girls had been best friends since childhood. Their GoFundMe page can be located here .

What Will Happen to Moscow Idaho Crime Scene House?

The owners of the home on 1122 King Road have yet to state what they plan on doing with the home following the quadruple homicide that took place there.












.css-16urd06{margin:0;font-family:Roboto,sans-serif;font-weight:400;font-size:1rem;line-height:1.5;} .css-1eo6nkc{color:rgb(0, 0, 238);font-size:24px;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;} Sarah Paschall

Sarah has written and edited for numerous media outlets in a variety of different niches – though entertainment is her all-time favorite topic to cover. When she is not hard at work researching and writing about Hollywood’s top talents for Velvet Ropes, Sarah enjoys working on her fiction novels, developing her blog, and gaming. You can follow Sarah on Twitter at: Twitter.com/tuspock91

Web sleuths put out 360° virtual view of 1122 King Road murder house where 4 Idaho students were killed

This article is based on sources and MEAWW cannot verify this information independently.

MOSCOW, IDAHO: There has been no progress in solving the deaths of four University of Idaho students on November 13. Madison Mogen, 21, and Kaylee Goncalves , 21, who were discovered brutally murdered by stabbing at their off-campus King Road home. The investigation is still ongoing. No suspect has been detained yet. However, a former FBI analytical agent who looked into the assassin's personality recently revealed new information.

Internet sleuths have produced unusual, unverified theories since the horrific tragedy. Close to a month after the gruesome murders, recently, a Twitter user has an unveiled inside look of the  1122 King Road murder house. The Twitter user has given a 360-degree virtual view of the whole house. The picture shows the living room, where a TikTok video of the group mimicking each other features all four victims and the other surviving roommates. Also, the user has shared a virtual 360-degree image of the surviving roommates' dorms as well as the images of the other rooms.

Cara Northington: Xana Kernodle's mom speaks for the first time, says police haven't told her 'anything'

Kaylee Goncalves's brutal injuries work of 'enraged' killer but doesn't mean she was target, says expert

The file has been specially made to view the butcher house with the VR experience. Bethany Funke and Dylan Mortensen were in one of the other two bedrooms on the first floor during the rampage. The user shared the file on Twitter and wrote, "360º Inside 1122 King Road, on Orbix360º."

360º Inside 1122 King Road, on Orbix360º https://t.co/UTYAXRbJ5v #idahohomicide #IdahoStudents #Idaho4 #IdahoStudentsSuspect #idahosuspect #Idahohomocides — Rob Serling (@RobSerling) December 11, 2022

As previously reported by MEAWW , web sleuths have found that the murder residence, 1122 King Road, is available for rent for Idaho students for accomodation. All four students were asleep in their beds. The case has grown more complicated and difficult for the police due to multiple suspects being ruled out and no arrests being made, especially in light of increased pressure from the victims' families and the community as a whole.

During the rampage, only two roommates were safe in the house. The dead students' housemates, Mortensen and Funke, allegedly found the remains when they awakened hours after the deaths and called 911. They are not suspects, the Idaho Police Department confirmed.

Police have asked members of the public to come forward if they have any information that would help catch the offender(s). Anyone with details on the event, a tip on the whereabouts of the victims, or information about a suspicious person in the area is requested to email [email protected] or call at 208-883-7180.

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The house on King Road: A look at the Moscow home where four U of I students were killed

Idaho Statesman logo

Sally Krutzig and Kevin Fixler, Idaho Statesman

Back of Moscow house

( Idaho Statesman ) — At 1122 King Road in Moscow sits a gray six-bedroom, three-bathroom house that continues to be the source of significant national attention.

Known as a student rental, the home’s most recent tenants were a group of six University of Idaho undergraduates who signed a 12-month lease that began on June 5, according to the property management firm that oversees the home.

Three of the student renters would not live to see the end of their lease.

The tenants were Madison Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle, Bethany Funke and Dylan Mortensen, as well as an unnamed sixth person on the lease.

slain students

RELATED | Who were the four students killed at the University of Idaho? A look into their lives

In the early morning hours of Sunday, Nov. 13, Mogen, Goncalves, Kernodle and Kernodle’s boyfriend, Ethan Chapin, were stabbed to death in the house. Police found two bodies on the second floor and two bodies on the third floor, but have not released which victims were discovered where.

Mortensen and Funke were on the first floor of the home and went unharmed. Police have said they were not involved in the killings.

Nearly six weeks have passed, and law enforcement still has not named a suspect in the quadruple homicide.

The Idaho Statesman used photos from rental listings and documents submitted by former owners to the city of Moscow to explore the layout of the King Road house. Depictions of the floors are approximations created by the Statesman based on that information.

Just north of the home is the university’s new Greek Row , where many fraternity and sorority activities take place. That proximity meant the area was particularly popular among those involved in U of I Greek life.

About 1,600 students are members of the school’s fraternities and sororities. That total represents 23% of the roughly 7,000 undergraduate students enrolled in fall 2022 at the Moscow campus, according to university spokespeople.

Goncalves was a member of the Alpha Phi sorority, while Mogen and Kernodle were members of Pi Beta Phi. Funke is a member of Pi Phi as well, and identified Mogen as her “big sister” in a letter she wrote that was read at a Dec. 2 memorial . Mortensen also appears in multiple photos reviewed by the Statesman, including with Funke, on the sorority’s Facebook page, wearing clothing with Pi Phi insignia.

Many renters in the area around King Road were overflow from the nearby fraternities and sororities, said Merida McClanahan, supervisor at Team Idaho Real Estate & Property Management.

“ we have a lot of university students as our tenants and we’ve got quite a few of the properties down there on King Road,” McClanahan told the Statesman in a phone interview. “It’s a tight-knit community. They’re on the back side of campus right across the street from Greek Row, and those kids cycle in and out.”

The listed owner of the King Road property didn’t return email and phone messages from the Statesman.

1205 07 Moscow House statesman

David Janssen, 32, a former U of I graduate student who said he’s a five-year tenant of an apartment complex adjacent to the rental home, confirmed that fraternity and sorority members appear to dominate the tightly packed neighborhood.

The surrounding Greek life environment contributed to what those familiar with the neighborhood, including Janssen, described in interviews with the Statesman as a loud party culture in the conjoined dead-end streets of King and Queen roads.

“This has always been a party place since I’ve lived here — always,” said Sean Hundley, 34, a nearly lifelong Moscow resident, and maintenance person for the adjacent apartment complex.

The tenants of the King Road house had received three noise complaints for loud music since August, according to a Statesman review of Moscow police reports. Two came on the same night in early September from separate neighbors in two single-family homes, each about a quarter-mile away, on the street located above the valley where the King Road house sits.

Goncalves received a warning from police for the first noise complaint in August. Mogen and Kernodle each received law enforcement warnings from the two complaints in September, according to the police reports.

In recently released Moscow police body-cam footage posted on YouTube , officers were shown trying to track down a resident of the home after the first of the September noise complaints.

“I guarantee you they’re associated with a sorority,” Moscow Police Sgt. Dustin Blaker said in the footage, to a male student who didn’t live at the home. “As many of them are living here, it’s an off-campus sorority house.”

Three floors of Moscow house

The King Road home’s six bedrooms had at one time been rented as separate apartments, according to McClanahan, with the property management firm.

“Primarily for the last 12 years, it has been rented as one unit as a single-family home,” McClanahan said.

The house originally had two floors, but an owner requested to add the lowest floor in 2000, according to Moscow city permits. Built into a hillside, the house has one exterior door on each floor.

The home is 3,120 square feet, according to Zillow . The Latah County Assessor’s Office assessed its value at $343,848 in August.

The first floor

first floor moscow house

All of the tenants except the sixth unnamed person on the lease, who police said had moved out before the start of the school year, were home at the time of the Nov. 13 attack. The five housemates, along with Chapin, were all back at the King Road house by 1:56 a.m., police said. Call records made by Mogen and Goncalves indicated the attack happened sometime after they placed a phone call at 2:52 a.m., according to The New York Times.

The roommates on the first floor, Mortensen and Funke, likely were asleep until later that morning, according to police.

Attempts by the Statesman to reach Funke and Mortensen have been unsuccessful.

At 11:58 a.m., a 911 call was made from inside the house on one of the surviving roommates’ cellphones, according to police. The roommates summoned friends to the house because they believed one of the victims on the second floor had passed out and was not waking up. Multiple people spoke with the 911 dispatcher before officers arrived, police said.

Authorities have declined to release the 911 recording, citing an ongoing investigation.

On social media, many have expressed disbelief that Mortensen and Funke would not have woken up during the killings. However, former first-floor tenant Ryan Augusta told Fox News that he typically “heard nothing” from the second and third floors when he lived there in 2019. Reached by the Statesman, Augusta said he stood by his prior statement.

City records and photos from online rental listings indicate the first floor has two bedrooms that open into a shared hallway. The hallway also leads to a bathroom and a stairway that goes to the second floor.

A door between the bedrooms opens to the property’s driveway.

The second floor

second floor moscow house

The second floor of the home includes a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. This floor can be accessed from the outside through a sliding glass door between the porch and the kitchen.

This floor has two separate staircases, one that leads to the first floor and one to the third floor.

Kernodle lived on the second floor, her mother, Cara Northington, said in an interview this month with NewsNation . Chapin’s mother, Stacy Chapin, previously confirmed to the Statesman that her son spent the night at his girlfriend’s house.

The third floor

third floor moscow house

The third floor of the home includes a bathroom and two bedrooms — one of which has a balcony with a sliding glass door. This floor can be accessed only by the staircase from the second floor.

Goncalves’ father, Steve Goncalves, said his daughter and Mogen lived on the third floor, according to Fox News. He said he believes that the two women, close friends since childhood, both slept in Mogen’s room the night of the killings.

Two items — a pair of pink boots frequently worn by Mogen in social media photos and a decorative letter M— could be seen in the window of bedroom E following the homicides. Goncalves posted social media videos from bedroom F.

Goncalves had a dog named Murphy who was home at the time of the attack, police said. Officers found the dog in a room where the crimes were not committed, but do not know where he was at the time of the killings, according to a news release. Police found no evidence on the dog, they said.

Moscow house


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The killer of four University of Idaho students likely entered through a sliding door and stalked through three bedrooms carrying out their knife rampage, records indicate.

Floor plans of the off-campus house where the slain students lived show two bedrooms on the third floor and two on the second, all accessible through a glass screen door.

Police said the stabbings of Ethan Chapin, 20, Xana Kernodle, 20, Madison Mogen, 21, and Kaylee Goncalves, 21, took place in the early hours of Nov. 13 while roommates  Bethany Funke and Dylan Mortensen  slept on the first floor.

General view of an off-campus home where four University of Idaho students were stabbed to death.

The house plans of 1122 King Road obtained by the Daily Mail show provide a clearer layout of the split-level property in the city of Moscow.

Chapin and Kernodle, who were dating, are thought to have been sleeping together in a bedroom on one floor — while Mogen and Goncalves would have been in separate bedrooms on the other.

The house has a split-level layout, with a lower first floor accessed by a door with a code lock. The other two roommates — Bethany Funke and Dylan Martensen — unknowingly slept through the carnage on the lower level.

Here’s the latest coverage on the brutal killings of four college friends:

  • ‘Staring’ Bryan Kohberger was seen multiple times on University of Idaho campus: students
  • Idaho victim Xana Kernodle fought back against alleged killer Bryan Kohberger: report
  • Accused Idaho killer may have left knife sheath to mislead cops: expert

A TikTok video of Goncalves with her pet dog was shot in a room on the third floor with the balcony visible, indicating that was where she lived.

To confront the victims on the third floor, the suspect would have passed through multiple common rooms, including the living room, on the second level.

Police declined to say Wednesday if the suspect entered through the front door or the sliding door.

The 2,300 square feet home also has three bathrooms and was most recently rented in June for $2,498 per month.


Maddie Mogen

“One of the top campus housing options available! — Sought after location within close walking/biking/driving distance to campus and Greek Row,” the previous listing states.

Moscow police have ruled out several people as suspects, including the roommates and an ex-boyfriend of Goncalves. A man seen in security footage near the Mogen and Goncalves at a food truck on the night they died has also been ruled out, police said.

No murder weapon has been recovered. The FBI and state police are also part of the homicide probe. 

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Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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  13. Orbix360

    The way i see it there's only 3 possbilities. he went there to kill multiple people, and order didnt matter. he went there to get a specific person upstairs, and either decided to take out the 2 downstairs just in case OR he just got the wrong room first.

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  18. Virtual Tour of 1122 King Road, Moscow, Idaho : r/idahomurders

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  19. Virtual Tour

    Virtual Tour. Explore Immaculata from Home. Take a tour of Immaculata University and get a taste of our beautiful campus. See where IU students hang out, study, eat, compete and relax. ... 1145 West King Road Immaculata, PA 19345. 1-610-647-4400 OR call toll-free: 1-877-42 TODAY.

  20. Elektrostal Map

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  21. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!



  23. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...