grave tours hollywood

Walking Tour of  Hollywood Forever Cemetery

grave tours hollywood

About Hollywood Forever

Hollywood Forever  is a full-service  funeral home ,  crematory ,  cemetery , and  cultural events center  in the heart of Hollywood. 

Founded in 1899, the cemetery is one of the world’s most visited landmarks, and the final resting place of hundreds of Hollywood legends, including  Judy Garland, Cecil B. DeMille, Rudolph Valentino, Mickey Rooney, Tyrone Power, Douglas Fairbanks, Johnny and Dee Dee Ramone, Valerie Harper, Chris Cornell, and hundreds of others, alongside thousands of neighborhood residents and individuals from across the globe. The functioning cemetery offers lawn spaces,  cremation niches ,  mausoleum crypts , and the  Beth Olam  section is one of the oldest, active Jewish cemeteries in California.

Since 2000, Hollywood Forever has partnered with Cinespia to present cinema screenings each summer on the Fairbanks Lawn, and the cemetery’s  Dia de Los Muertos  celebration attracts over 30,000 visitors each year. Paramount Studios was built on the undeveloped south end of the original site, where the studio still operates, and the cemetery was listed on the National Register of Historic Sites in 1999.

Tour Sch edule

"The Cemetery of the Stars" 

Come visit legendary notables such as Cecil B. Demille, Marion Davies, Tyrone Power, Rudolph Valentino, Vampira, John Huston, Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer, Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney and more. It is a great overview of the cemetery and its most famous residents.

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

6000 Santa Monica Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90038

*The tour is $35.00 per person and lasts 2 1/2 hours long. There is an additional $1.00 service charge to book online.

No advance reservations required.



June 8th at 10:00am

June 15th at 10:00am

June 22nd at 10:00am 

June 29th at 10:00am

July 13th at 10:00am

July 20th at 10:00am

July 27th at 10:00am

August 3rd at 10:00am

August 10th at 10:00am

August 17th at 10:00am

August 24th at 10:00am

August 31st at 10:00am


Sunday, June 16th at 7:30pm

**Please check back as dates are only made available for this one or two weeks in advance. 

The night tour is $85 per person and lasts about 2 1/2 hours long. Guests are encouraged to bring a flashlight.

If you have any questions about funeral planning, plots or burials, please visit the cemetery's official website for information.



Learn all about the famous residents and history of Hollywood Forever from the comfort of your local library or senior center. See the cemetery grounds and take a journey through the fascinating world of Hollywood history!  Past lecture sites include the Homestead Museum, Queen Mary, Niles Film Museum, San Francisco State University and several local Los Angeles libraries. 

Alternate tours can be booked by request including:

Jewish Heritage

Explore the lives and contributions of the Jewish residents interred at Hollywood Forever. This tour includes a visit to the Beth Olam Mausoleum. Highlights include Garbo’s agent Charles Feldman, mobster Bugsy Siegel, Academy Award winning screenwriter Michael Kanin ( Woman of the Year ), The Ritz Brothers and the Anne Frank Memorial. This tour cannot be done on Saturdays, as the Jewish Mausoleum is closed on that day each week.

Hidden Hollywood

Uncover the lost stars and obscure names forgotten by time. This tour includes the Talmadge Sisters, tragic silent stars Karl Dane and Renee Adoree ( The Big Parade ), director William Beaudine ( Sparrows ), Clifton Webb ( Laura ), Iron Eyes Cody, Henry B. Walthall ( London After Midnight ) and many more!

Grave Line Tours

Grave Line Tours offers a delightfully macabre assortment of general and premium rides to notorious homes and locations for the merely curious and true crime experts alike. Each ride is given in one of our custom six-door funeral Cadillac Fleetwood limousines—our idea of the perfect way to eternally preserve your experience! Tours are immersive and include audio and visual content to enhance the post-mortem experience.*

grave tours hollywood

Each of the rides will begin and – if it ends – end at Ovation Hollywood, the entertainment complex at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave. Your driver and guide shall gather there today and on other days in front of the miniature HOLLYWOOD sign in the main court of the complex (at the foot of the gigantic archway).

grave tours hollywood

Are you, or someone you want to tour with, intrigued by scary, spooky content, but also slightly faint of heart when it comes to true HORROR??? No probem, we got you! We devised an “incisive” knives ratings guide to help mourners get a better idea of how gruesome each ride is; the more knives a tour has, the grislier you can expect it to be!

🔪  One knife: NGL this is not gonna be entirely pleasant, but it’s as tame as it gets. You get to hear some disturbing crime scene situations, and learn about a handful of deranged human beings, but the nightmare levels should be pretty minimal.

🔪🔪  Two knives: Where you’ll want to start to slow your roll. The seasoned true-crime-obsessed among you will not hesitate to experience a ride on this level of darkness, but the rest of you might wonder what is wrong with us. Crimes can be unusually upsetting and you will start to see blurred-out crime scene and autopsy photos popping up in your supplemental materials. Obviously you don’t have to unblur the images, but let’s face it, can your curiosity really resist…?

🔪🔪🔪  Three knives: here is where you’ve just left Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and hopped into California Screamin’. Prepare to be terrified, and maybe have your stomach jump into your throat once or twice (not to worry, our drivers carry sick bags!). In other words, if you don’t love gore, don’t do the tour.

grave tours hollywood

True Crime Sightseeing Limo Tour

🔪🔪 • 2 hrs. • Meet at Ovation Hollywood

Los Angeles is the perfect city for tragedy. Seedy lots and haunted hotels of Downtown; scandals winding along Sunset Blvd; and the secretive estates of Beverly Hills serve as the backdrop for dreams gnarled in on themselves. See all the wrong homes at the right time to visit (afterwards).

grave tours hollywood

Janis Joplin’s Fatal Hotel Room Visit the hotel of the crime scene—see the exact unit—where legendary singer Janis Joplin died from a heroin overdose!

River Phoenix’s Final Night Out Pass the fatal Hollywood nightclub where River Phoenix spent his last night on Earth, and drive by the sidewalk where his brother Joaquin called 911.

Michael Jackson’s Sleepy Chateau Gaze upon the fairy tale chalet in which Michael Jackson was administered his fatal dose of propofol!

grave tours hollywood

The Menendez Mansion See the terrifying wing of the Beverly Hills estate where Lyle and Erik Menendez violently executed their parents!

grave tours hollywood

Your limo tour will escort you through Hollywood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills + the Sunset Strip.

grave tours hollywood

🔪 • 2 hrs. • Meet at Ovation Hollywood  Countless souls flock to Southern California for their chance to make it big in Tinseltown. But few truly understand the true, terrifying human costs exacted by fame and fortune. Unfortunately more than some of our brightest stars found this out the hard way. Come, relive the last nights spent in this world by icons and legends in all their gruesome horror!

Marilyn’s Ghostly Return Get better acquainted with the hotel where Marilyn’s reflection stubbornly persists in the mirror she used.

grave tours hollywood

Biggie’s Assasination Point Visit the exact spot where the Notorious artist was ruthlessly taken out.

George Michael’s Scandalized Toilet See the soiled restroom where pop icon George Michael was arrested for “lewd behavior”!

grave tours hollywood

Whitney’s Sad Hotel Room Pass by the hotel where the one and only checked in but did not manage to escape alive.

Your limo tour will escort you through Hollywood, Hancock Park, Beverly-Fairfax, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood + the Sunset Strip.

grave tours hollywood

True Crime Sightseeing Premium Limo Tour

🔪🔪🔪 • 3 1 / 2 hrs. • Meet at Ovation Hollywood

Who was Charles Manson? What drove him to conspire to commit the heinous atrocities he is responsible for? And why, almost a century later, does the creepy cult and its murders continue to fascinate us? On this ride, the dark world of Charles Manson and “the family” will be revealed. You’ll learn about some of the beautiful and special souls whose flames were extinguished too soon by this cowardly rat.

grave tours hollywood

George Spahn Movie Ranch Drive out to see where the Spahn Movie Ranch, and temporary home to the Manson cult, stood.

grave tours hollywood

Cielo Drive Where it all happened. Visit the location where Sharon Tate and her friends were diabolically annihilated.

grave tours hollywood

Leno & Rosemary La Bianca House You will visit the exact home where the Manson Family struck on the second night of their evil escapade.

grave tours hollywood

The Last Supper Visit the same restaurant where Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger and Wojciech Frykowski had their last meal on Earth.

Your limo tour will escort you through Hollywood, Beverly-Fairfax, Beverly Hills, Sherman Oaks, Chatsworth + Los Feliz.

grave tours hollywood

🔪🔪🔪 • 3 hrs. • Meet at Ovation Hollywood

The most famous cold case in Los Angeles history, and probably the country. It could not be more alluring if penned by Raymond Chandler himself: enigmatic everygirl from middle America comes to Hollywood to pursue dreams of the silver screen. Falls in with the wrong crowd. Recovered a week later in South L.A. as a barely recognizable, barbarically mutilated corpse. Travel in time back to the golden days of Hollywood, trace The Dahlia’s final known movements and get to know the poor tragic human submerged beneath an ocean of myths, misconceptions and innuendo.

Frank Lloyd Wright House Pass by the eerily scary Aztec-style house of secrets where one of the leading suspects lived, and possibly took the lives of others—

grave tours hollywood

Norton Ave & 39th Her exceptionally mutilated corpse was found in this then-vacant “Lovers Lane” lot that was awaiting the building of the very house now standing in the city today.

Chancellor Hotel-Apartments The last known residence of the nomadic victim…see if you get a glimpse of someone in her aged Hollywood window pane.

grave tours hollywood

Hotel Cecil Because what L.A. tragedy would be complete without the insidious force behind this verifiably evil building! May be the last place The Dahlia was seen alive.

Your limo tour will escort you through Hollywood, Los Feliz, Downtown LA, South Inglewood, Leimert Park and the Crenshaw Corridor.

FAQs - Forever And-ever Queried

We offer a 100% refund for customers that contact us at least 24 hours in advance of their scheduled departure. Cancellations with fewer than 24 hours notice will not be issued a refund.  No shows including those that arrive late for their departure time will be charged 100% without rescheduling option. (Hey! Allow PLENTY of time to get to your meeting spot!)

Our six-doors limousines are built to comfortably seat 8 passengers, in addition to your kind guide.

Our three hour (/plus) premium tours have a (restroom) break, but all others do not. Please plan accordingly!

Almost nothing can stop our limos from cruising the city! Nothing, except official flood warnings, in which case mourners will have the option to reschedule or receive a full refund. 

Parties of sizable groups may arrange advance pickup by contacting us directly, and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Tours for individual living guests begin and end at Grave Line specified departure locations only. However, the dead may come and go as they please.

We would refer you to our knives ratings 🔪 when deciding which tour is right for your particular group, and it was devised to assist mourners who may have some interest in murder and paranormal touring, but not necessarily limitless.

No. Explicit and graphic visual content will be optional viewing for each passenger. However, some of the aural descriptions in our scripts are violent and graphic in nature so if you are sensitive to gore we recommend against attending our premium rides (Manson/Dahlia). We would once more refer you to our knives ratings 🔪 when deciding which tour is right for you and your beloved ones.

Yes! If you feel a breeze it may be our air conditioning OR it may be a cold dead spirit, you be the judge!  We’ll run the A.C. but do keep in mind there may be up to 9 bodies and this is Southern California so dress accordingly. We chose the make, model and year of our vehicles after extensive consumer research. Among our top criteria was solid, icy AC for the hot summer months for which Fleetwoods are famous. That said, please bear in mind that what was considered powerful auto AC in the 1990s is not what today’s new car owners are accustomed to.

We are committed to providing full accessibility to customers in wheelchairs and we do not discriminate on the basis of physical disability nor for any other reason. All of our tours are fully accessible to those able to transfer into the seating available in our limos.  However, we do advise you to notify us of any special requirements at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled departure time, so we can make a note of it on your reservation and make adequate arrangements for your comfort and convenience. 

Unfortunately not. Only bottled water with caps is permitted on the ride. During the 3 hour premium tours passengers will be given an opportunity to purchase refreshments and roam freely outdoors.

We politely request passengers to refrain from smoking and drinking on Grave Line tours. Our drivers are expert tour guides, professionally trained to provide you with a safe and interesting tour.  We adamantly respect our drivers’ right to manage their tours to maximize both the safety and the experience for all of the passengers. Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse rides to customers whose behavior may impact the experience for other passengers. AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE DRIVER, passengers deemed to display excessively disruptive behavior will be called an Uber and asked to exit the vehicle to meet up at the end of the tour. 

SOMETIMES!!!! In order to pack your tour with as many casualties, ghouls and mysteries possible, the limo has to keep moving! That said, your kind chauffeur will release you from your captivity once or twice, for a few breaths, depending on how smitten they are (or, rather, are not) by you. However, the windows in your limo are eerily large to better enable you to view—and photo the locations (selfie too). 

Our longer premium tours (Manson + Dahlia), of course, unshackle you for more than mere moments.

We take COVID-19 precautions extremely seriously at GLT. Intimacy is one of the unique selling points of a Grave Line Tour. You will be in close quarters with your driver as well as the other bodies being transported. We cannot legally require our drivers to be vaccinated; however if you prefer to be on a tour given by one who is let us know and we will finalize arrangements! (It may, however, result in a different tour than your first choice—luckily they are ALL great!) Because guides speak during the tour, they will not be masked unless/until requested to do so by a passenger.

We are rigorous in our preventative measures. Each vehicle is sanitized, disinifected, vacuumed and wiped down between tours. Passengers will be able to raise and lower windows at will. As with any transmissible disease we ask that symptomatic passengers self-confine and would be glad to reschedule your tour (respecting the 24 hour cancellation period).

You do not need to tip your guide. Our guides do not conduct tours primarily for money; they each love the subject matter and are passionate about sharing this “spirit” with the general public. However, it’s kind to give a gratuity if you enjoyed the tour and you thought the guide did a good job. Grave Line Tours set tour prices to ensure guides are appropriately compensated for their time. As such they do not rely on tips from tours, but appreciate them greatly.

If you would like to thank your guide though an alternate gesture than tipping, you can leave a thoughtful review of your tour on Google Reviews , Yelp! , or Trip Advisor . Sometimes the most powerful way to express thanks is immaterial.

Our tours start on schedule.  Grave Line guides are at the meeting point to check you in twenty minutes before each tour begins.  We strongly advise you to allow PLENTY of time to get to the meeting point and to find parking.  Los Angeles is big and traffic can be really bad here.  Avoid being late for the tour: allow PLENTY of time.  PLENTY.   It is unfortunately impossible for us to provide individual directions for guests who are struggling to find the meeting point or for us to disrupt the tour guide with a call once the tour has begun.  So please lovely Grave Line passenger, be forewarned: there is simply no way to join the tour other than on time at the initial meeting point.  Did we mention you will need to allow PLENTY of time because of Los Angeles traffic and unforeseen circumstances?  Heed our warning and don’t miss your tour!  We cannot offer refunds to those who miss their departure.  

No. Grave Line limos are designed for passenger transport only so unfortunately we cannot accommodate luggage or strollers (only caskets and corpses). 

Which guide do you have?

Absolutely. You may reserve the entire limo for your group (limit 8 passengers) but our drivers are limited to the stops prescribed by our tours only.  The Grave Line limos are classic cars specially restored for our tours.  No outside food or beverages will be permitted in the Grave Line limos.  Thank you for respecting our unique vehicles, we do not want them haunted by crumbs, mysterious stains or chalk outlines. Visit our private bookings page  for more information.

Grave Line Tours

Photo of Grave Line Tours - Los Angeles, CA, US. The last restaurant Sharon Tate dined in before her gruesome demise.

Review Highlights

grave-line-tours-los-angeles photo qN2Gpr-3d30i7jW3sTUsyw

“ My friend and I did the Death Becomes Her tour with Blaze this past weekend, and we had the absolute best time! ” in 16 reviews

Amber M.

“ Adam was our tour guide for the day, and it was so nice finally seeing an owner who loves what he does. ” in 6 reviews

grave-line-tours-los-angeles photo QBulC8a6fkk11oeU1xrPhg

“ We've all heard about the Black Dahlia and Manson , but never like this. ” in 3 reviews

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About the business.

We put death on the map. Immersive funeral limousine tours of LA’s most Notorious, Haunted + Paranormal locations. We are not your everyday sightseeing tour. Los Angeles is a magical city, with world class sites and attractions. But with great achievements come great demises. Indeed, L.A.’s sinister side contributes to the city’s unique allure and shapes its essence. Grave Line Tours serves to present to you this other side of L.A., one no less real than the aspects the world has already come to know and love. …

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Photo of Ryan M.

We did the Black Dahlia tour this past weekend with Blaze and had a GREAT time! Blaze was a great tour guide, the restored Cadillac funeral limo was a great touch and extremely comfortable to ride in. We learned a ton and had some big laughs as well as having any questions we had answered by Blaze. If you're in LA and looking for a unique, fun learning experience I can't recommend Grave Line enough. We're already planning our next tour with them some time in the near future (Manson)

Business owner information

Photo of Adam L.

Business Owner

Feb 29, 2024

Ryan! THANK YOU for the most wonderful review. I am so pleased that you enjoyed your Black Dahlia sightseeing tour of Los Angeles, and thrilled to hear that you are interested in the Manson tour. You are very kind, and generous to take the time. Sincerely, Adam

Photo of Meghan M.

Amazing tour! Blaze was an amazing guide! Super thorough information about the Manson Family, took us to all the key spots, had a chance to take pics and ask questions - all in the comfort of a late model limo! Would definitely recommend to those wanting to learn more (or get a complete tour of LA), our entire group had a lot of fun! Note, accommodating of all sizes, no walking involved, great communication and flexibility when I needed to reschedule and then again the day prior for instructions to meet up. Excellent customer service!

Limo with Cielo Dr in background

Limo with Cielo Dr in background

Cielo Drive

Cielo Drive

Apr 7, 2024

Dear Meghan, Thank you so very much for your high praise of Blaze and our limousine tour of Charlie Manson's Los Angeles and his crimes. I cannot tell you how much your words mean to us, and am sincerely so grateful to you for taking the time out to review us. Blaze is a true gem, and she really brings that tour to life. Just THANK YOU. Oh--and please come visit us again soon Meghan. Customers like you are why we love what we do. Sincerely, Adam

Photo of alison f.

Such an amazing tour! It is a must see! Blaze LoveJoy has such great details, facts and intriguing theories! Also she is SUCH a safe driver, very humble and trust worthy. We will be going on an other tour!

grave tours hollywood

Dear Allison, you are so kind. I cannot tell you how glad it makes us that you enjoyed your limousine tour of the Black Dahlia’s Hollywood and Los Angeles. We are SO appreciative of your lovely review and do not take a single mourner for granted. Blaze is, in a word, spectacular. Cannot wait to have you back. Sincerely, Adam

Photo of Ruth A.

This was one of the coolest tours I've been on! I went with a couple of friends as our annual spooky season activity and it did not disappoint. Adam was our tour guide and super informative. I also liked the website he had, so we could follow along as he drove us around. It went into detail about the murders, suspects, and gruesome photos. The bloody images are blurred out, so if you decide to not click on them, you won't see how gruesome they are. Bonus part of the tour was visiting the witchy fairytale looking house! I kept meaning to visit it so it was great that it was included. Highly recommend this tour if you're looking for a fun and different activity around LA.

Their license plate, you only die once, is super fitting.

Their license plate, you only die once, is super fitting.

grave tours hollywood

We went on the Black Dahlia tour this past Sunday as a double date.. and it was SO perfect! I have not stopped talking about it since. Our tour guide was Blaze, they knew their stuff and had the mostly lovely accent. The limo we rode in was sooooo fun. Can't wait to go again!

grave tours hollywood

Dear Tricia, thank you for taking the time to leave such a sweet review of your Black Dahlia limousine sightseeing tour with Blaze. Your review is just so kind and thoughtful, and we really treasure mourners like you. PLEASE do come back anytime. Sincerely, Adam

Photo of Amber M.

If I could give the them 10 stars I would! This was such an amazing learning experience. I've never rode in a vintage funeral limo, and it was so comfortable, the seats, the head rests, and the ac was going and keeping us cooled down. It was so nice getting to take a scenic route across town and learning about one the Manson Family Murders. Me and my partner have always been fascinated about this case, and thought we knew all there was to know, and we were so pleasantly shocked to learn so many details. Adam was our tour guide for the day, and it was so nice finally seeing an owner who loves what he does. I'm so used to spooky businesses just doing something to capitalize on the horror communities love for anything dark and macabre, but he was so knowledgeable, kind, professional, and you can tell he genuinely wanted everyone to have a great experience! We had two other "mourners", (as they call the riders in the limo), and they were tourists from Switzerland, and they taught us so much as well. It was such a beautiful time, the weather was perfect, and even though it was 3 hours long (you drive to so many sites, and across so many cities), it went by so fast, and we wish it never ended. My fav part of the day was our rest stop/lunch break, where we stopped at the Munch Box, which was Charlie Manson's fav hot dog spot. I got his fav hot dog, it's a chili dog with onions and ketchup, and it was delicious! For a small business, they really go above and beyond to make this fun for everyone. I love they have a scan code that includes crime scene photos (they're blurred out and you have to click them to see them, so if you don't want to, you're not forced to), and case details and fun facts that you can follow along the tour stops with. I could go on and on obviously about this. It's a great spooky date idea! We will def be back to try all the other tours they offer. Thanks so much again Adam for the best experience I've ever had in Hollywood!

grave tours hollywood

See all photos from Amber M. for Grave Line Tours

Oct 25, 2023

Dearest Amber, I am literally speechless. Even “thank you” is not sufficient for your unbelievable words. This review means I can die a happy man, truly, because you made me feel so satisfied and proud. All I want is for future mourners to have an experience 1/4 as great as yours—and be 10% as special and incredible as you and the other mourners from yesterday’s service. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Also—thank you).

Photo of John V.

Blaze Lovejoy was our tour guide and she was fantastic!!! Actually the whole experience was fantastic. Unlike other tour companies who drive you around in an overcrowded bus; Grave Line Tours whisked us away in a very comfortable Cadillac limousine. Smaller tour group added a more personal experience with the tour guide. We had a three hour tour time and were able to hit all the Manson hot spots including chatsworth where we stopped at the Munch Box before heading up to Spawn Ranch. We were very pleased and can't wait to do the other tours they offer.

The Munch Box. Charlie ate here quite often.

The Munch Box. Charlie ate here quite often.

Jan 21, 2024

Hi John, Thank YOU so much for the very nice words. We totally adore Blaze too, and she definitely brings the Manson story to terrifying life. I’m so glad you enjoyed your tour of Charlie Manson’s LA, and we can’t wait to show you around other parts of town. All the best, Adam

Photo of R L.

We did the graveline Charles Manson tour and it was cool!! BLAZE did a excellent job. She had allot of knowledge about the manson family and took us around the city and showed us places linked to Charles manson. Blaze really put on a cool tour along with her cool accent. Only thing I recommend is that you learn a lil about Charles manson amd his family before taking the tour so u can piece things together. Also know some history about sharon tates death

grave tours hollywood

See all photos from R L. for Grave Line Tours

Photo of Caitlin H.

This was the most fun tour I've been on in LA. I took my mom (true crime obsession runs in the family) on the "Death Becomes Her" tour while she was visiting and I was not disappointed! Blaze was the most amazing tour guide and the knowledge that was shared was beyond interesting! Not your average tour, you really see so much! 100/10!!!

Mar 8, 2024

Well wow. Caitlin, you are such a gem, thank you. I cannot tell you how much these words mean, and it makes us here at Grave Line Tours feel SO HONORED. Please do not be a stranger; we would love to host you and your mom again anytime. Thanks again, so much. Adam

Photo of Lisa B.

We did the Black Dahlia tour with Blaze and had the most delightful afternoon!!! Learned so much about this fascinating case from all sides, with such rich history woven into every stop on the tour. In a beautiful vintage limo which was so comfy and luxurious! The whole experience was wonderful and easy, completely stress-free, and we shared many laughs with Blaze along the way. I would recommend grave line to anyone who has out of town guests and wants a bespoke LA true crime experience, or to locals like us who want a fun group activity on a rainy saturday. Having only been on one tour, I feel confident that any option you choose will be beautifully curated and written to immerse you in the story completely - keeping you fascinated from pick-up to drop-off!!!! Cannot recommend highly enough!!!

Mar 4, 2024

Dearest Lisa B. Delia, Thank you so very much for your just fine reviewd of your Hollywood Horror Story: the Black Dahlia tour with Blazed! Your kind words mean the WORLDd to us here, and we pride ourselves on each positive review we getd. I am, more importantly, just so gladd that you and the group enjoyed yourselves and enjoyed the limousine ride. I hope you will come back again very soond and visit us. We just adore customers like youd. Sincerely, "Adam"d

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grave tours hollywood

A guide to 18 of Hollywood Forever’s most famous residents

From Jayne Mansfield to Bugsy Siegel

For those looking to shake up their Halloween routine, may we suggest a leisurely cemetery tour. While all of LA’s graveyards have their fair share of celebs interred, Hollywood Forever Cemetery really takes the cake in terms of diversity of the deceased.

Figures who molded and shaped Los Angeles as we know it today— Los Angeles Times publisher and real estate investor Harry Chandler; Griffith J. Griffith, who gave the land that would become Griffith Park to the city—rest eternally alongside famous movie people without whom Hollywood would have surely suffered, like epic-movie-maker Cecil B. DeMille, and rock royalty, like Johnny and Dee Dee Ramone.

This guide to the gravestones was compiled with a lot of help from Hollywood Forever’s own grave guide , which gives information on burial locations down to the plot number.

Harry Chandler

Chandler married Harrison Gray Otis' daughter and later took over as publisher of the LA Times . His major real estate investments played an enormous role in shaping LA as we know it today. [Image via Wildhartlivie ]

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A light grey gravestone with letters that reads Harry Chandler and Marian Otis Chandler.

Harrison Gray Otis

The man without whom the LA Times probably wouldn't exist. Editor and publisher of the LA Times for nearly three decades. Known for his conservative politics, he's part of why the LA Times building was targeted by union activists who blew it up in 1910. [Image via Swampyank ]

A dark grey gravestone in Hollywood Forever cemetery. The words on the gravestone read Harrison Gary Otis and Sally Foster Otis.

Griffith J. Griffith

The man responsible for donating the land that is now Griffith Park, and leaving behind the money to build the Greek Theatre and the Griffith Observatory. He had a run-in with the law after he shot his wife in the face (he says it was an accident) and served two years in San Quentin. A very cool obelisk marks his grave.

An aerial view of the Hollywood Forever cemetery. There is a red arrow pointing to a large gravestone which is numbered with the number three. There are trees on the perimeter of the cemetery.

Hobart J. Whitley

This native Canadian's gravestone calls him the "Father of Hollywood," as he named the place while honeymooning with his wife. He also helped develop Reseda and Van Nuys. Whitley Heights is named for him.

An aerial view of the Hollywood Forever cemetery in Los Angeles. There is a red arrow pointing to a gravestone which is numbered with the number four. There are trees and grass.

Cecil B. DeMille

When he wasn't building Egyptian cities in the dunes or giving entire homes as wedding presents , DeMille directed over 50 films, silent and with sound, including The Ten Commandments and Cleopatra . [Image via Wildhartlivie]

A group of gravestones in the Hollywood Forever cemetery. The words in the center of the group of gravestones read DeMille

Rudolph Valentino

The handsome silent film star died young (only 31!), crushing the hopes and dreams of droves of young women who loved the actor from afar. According to a cemetery tour guide , Valentino's grave is still, to this day, "the most celebrated, visited and talked-about." [Image via Alan Light ]

The interior of a mausoleum in the Hollywood Forever cemetery. The walls and grave site are marble. There is a brown plaque on the wall with words that read Rodolfo Guglielmi Valentino. There are flowers in vases on a shelf under the plaque.

Douglas Fairbanks

The silent film actor who was often seen with a crazy mustache was a founding member of United Artists and the Motion Picture Academy of the Arts. He was married to Mary Pickford. [Image via Kafziel Complaint Department ]

In the foreground is a small body of water. In the distance is a large white grave with a black crest symbol on its exterior.

Blanc voiced dozens of Warner Brothers cartoon characters from Bugs Bunny to the Tasmanian Devil. His tombstone is inscribed, "That's All Folks." [Image via Robert A. Estremo ]

A grey gravestone in the Hollywood Forever cemetery. The words on the gravestone read That’s all folks, Mel Blanc, man of 1000 voices beloved husband and father 1908-1989

Peter Lorre

Lorre gained fame through his work in the films The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Maltese Falcon, and Casablanca. [Image via Kafziel Complaint Department

A pink marble gravestone. There are two plaques on the gravestone with words that read Peter Lorre 1904-1964 and Anne Marie Lorre 1922-1971.

Jayne Mansfield

Platinum-blonde Mansfield was a sex symbol whom some called "the working man's Monroe," as she was definitely a rival of Marilyn Monroe. She died at just 34 in a tragic car accident. Her gravemarker here is more of a memorial; she's actually buried in Pennsylvania. [Image via Kafziel Complaint Department]

A brown and white gravestone in the Hollywood Forever cemetery. The words on the gravestone read Jayne Mansfield 1938-1967 We live to love you more each day.

Hattie McDaniel

McDaniel worked in both radio and film and has stars on the Walk of Fame for both. She won an Academy Award for her role in Gone With The Wind, and was the first African-American to be awarded the honor. She was supposed to be buried here but due to prevailing segregation rules at the cemetery, was actually interred elsewhere. This marker was added in the late ’90s. [Image via Wildhartlivie ]

A gravestone with words that read: Hattie McDaniel academy award Gone with the Wind.

Johnny Ramone

The clear winner of the unofficial award for best gravemarker in the entire cemetery (and maybe all of LA) is this leather-jacketed rocker who was a founding member of the punk bank The Ramones. [Image via Wikimedia ]

A monument statue at the Hollywood Forever cemetery. The statue is of Johnny Ramone who is dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. He is playing a metallic silver guitar.

Dee Dee Ramone

Dee Dee was a founding member of the Ramones, and also wrote songs and played bass for the group. Some of the Ramones best jams were penned by Dee Dee, including "53rd & 3rd" and "Rockaway Beach." [Image via Sean Russell ]

A black gravestone in front of a tree. The words on the gravestone read Douglas Glenn Colvin, Dee Dee Ramone, O.k...I gotta go now. There is grass and other gravestones surrounding this gravestone.

Bugsy Siegel

This gangster was also an early Las Vegas developer. He was fatally shot in his girlfriend's house when he was just 41. [Image via Gedstrom ]

The inside of a mausoleum at the Hollywood Forever cemetery. There is a plaque on the wall that is brown and reads: In loving memory from the family, Benjamin Siegel. There are flowers in vases on a shelf in front of the plaque. There are lipstick kiss ma

Tyrone Power

From the 1930s to the 1950s, Power starred in scads of films including The Mask of Zorro and Prince of Foxes. Later in his career, he took on more serious, weighty roles like in Witness for the Prosecution, in which he played a man accused of murder.

An above ground gravesite. The stone coffin has a sign that reads Tyrone Power. There is a decorative flower display in front of the gravesite.

Vampira (Maila Nurmi)

The original Vampira, Nurmi was an aspiring actress who "made it" doing a late-night TV show as the creepy character. She was also in Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space. Admirers still leave plastic fangs on her grave sometimes. [Image via Kafziel Complaint Department ]

A grey gravestone. The words Maila Nurmi Vampira Hollywood Legend are written on the gravestone. There is a drawing of Vampira next to the words. There are two plastic models of fangs sitting against the gravestone. The gravestone is surrounded by plants

Marion Davies

Davies is best remembered as William Randolph Hearst's mistress, but she was also an actress and producer, and began her career on Broadway. She also had a fair amount of money on her own; when Hearst's company was failing in the late Thirties, she wrote him a million-dollar check to get out of debt.

An aerial view of the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. There is a red arrow pointing to a number 17 which is the gravesite of Marion Davies.

John Huston

A director who wrote scripts for many of the epics he produced, Huston's big work like The Treasure of Sierra Madre, The Maltese Falcon, and The African Queen garnered him 15 Oscar nominations. (He won twice.) [Image via Kafziel Complaint Department ]

A grey headstone in Hollywood Forever cemetery. The words on the headstone read: John Huston, beloved mother Rhea Huston. There is a bottle of liquor sitting against the headstone.

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How grave line tours is revisiting hollywood’s macabre past — in a stretch limo.

The revived tour is a portal into Hollywood's dark past with stops that feature famous crimes or deaths.

By Evan Nicole Brown

Evan Nicole Brown

Culture Writer

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The revived Grave Line Tours offers limo riders a peek at Hollywood landmarks with a dark history of death or crime, like, from left, Charles Manson, Whitney Houston, Sal Mineo and Sharon Tate.

An old Cadillac hearse parked on Sunset is a portal into the town’s dark past, and Dec. 12 marked the revival of Grave Line Tours, a ghost and celebrity-murder tour company first founded decades ago.

QR codes inside the limos direct riders to photos and audio clips — everything from a Mae West interview to the Menendez brothers’ fake 911 call when they “found” their murdered parents in their Beverly Hills home. The company also offers a Black Dahlia Tour and one on Charles Manson’s Murder Spree.

This story first appeared in the Dec. 16 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click here to subscribe .

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  • May 23, 2024

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2024 Thank you for visiting!

Though no longer on the streets of Los Angeles, Dearly Departed Tours continues online. Leaving our beloved Hollywood broke our hearts, but it allows me the freedom to travel and give “tours” on YouTube. Everything contained in our Museum of Tragical Artifacts (including the car) is stored away until a new location can be found in the Palm Springs area.


If you are interested in hiring me for a private tour around the Los Angeles area, feel free to get in touch. The Tate/Labianca Helter Skelter case continues to be my specialty and a smaller vehicle gives us access to Spahn’s Ranch, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood locations and a whole lot more.

If you are interested in becoming a benefactor, boy oh boy that would be the answer to our wishes. Please visit our YouTube page – Scott Michaels or Dearly Departed Tours. Our company always provided quality content and we continue to do so. We also still have Tragic Artifacts from notorious locations in our online store.

In the meantime,”if you would like to support my adventures, below is a link to my Patreon page (with exclusive features), Venmo. Thank you”.

CONTACT: [email protected]

If you would like to support me here is my Patreon link and Venmo, thank you in advance!

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Combined Shape .st0{fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#fff} region-beach-cities-lax region-downtown region-hollywood region-valley region-westside .st0{fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#fff} SMS Main navigation Things to Do Attractions & Tours Arts & Culture Outdoors & Wellness Shopping Budget Family Hidden Gems Luxury Pet-Friendly Eat & Drink Bars Clubs Dine LA Restaurant Week Restaurants Business Spotlight Find Events Itineraries Where to Stay Celebrate LA Heritage AAPI Heritage Black LA Latino Heritage LGBTQ+ Tourist Information Meetings About LA Tourism Travel Trade Membership Business Spotlight Media Research Careers Today's must read Hidden Gems of Los Angeles Log in Search Search LA Guides Points of Interest Celebrity Sightseeing: Cemetery Edition by Discover Los Angeles   Feb 23, 2023 Hollywood Forever Cemetery Share My Next Trip Login Register Celebrities Landmark Searching for a guaranteed way to spot a celebrity in Los Angeles? Look no further than a visit to one of LA’s historic cemeteries. Take a walk on the dark side and explore the fascinating cemeteries where generations of the rich and famous have been laid to rest.

Evergreen Memorial Park & Crematory

Evergreen Memorial Park & Crematory

Visitors can trace LA's history throughout Evergreen Memorial Park & Crematory , which was established in 1877 and is the city's oldest cemetery. Located in Boyle Heights, the 67-acre park is the final resting place for prominent Angelenos like Bridget "Biddy" Mason (founder of the First AME Church), John Strother Griffin (founder of East LA), Isaac Newton Van Nuys, Jotham Bixby ("the father of Long Beach"), George Albert Ralphs (founder of the supermarket chain), and several former LA mayors.

As a non-denominational cemetery, Evergreen is well-known for never banning African Americans from being buried there; Potter's Field, a nine-acre parcel devoted to Chinese Americans that dates to the Gold Rush; and a monument that honors the Japanese Americans of the 442nd Infantry Regimental Combat Team who fought in World War II - the unit was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Obama in 2010.

Statue at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills

Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills

Located close to Griffith Park, the idyllic Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills  cemetery showcases a unique collection of artwork, larger-than-life statues and historic artifacts from the Olmec, Aztec and Mayan civilizations. Fans also visit to honor the legacies of musicians Nipsey Hussle , Michael Hutchence, Lemmy and Al Jarreau ; director John Singleton , stars such as Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds ,  Paul Walker, Bill Paxton, Bette Davis, Lucille Ball, Buster Keaton, Stan Laurel, Liberace, David Carradine, John Ritter, Gene Autry,   Brittany Murphy, and legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden.

Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Glendale

Forest Lawn Glendale

Forest Lawn Glendale has been a Southern California landmark since 1906. It has a world-renowned art museum, extraordinary statuary, and the Hall of the Crucifixion-Resurrection, home of two of the largest religious paintings in the western hemisphere. It’s also the final resting place for a Who's Who of entertainment royalty, including Michael Jackson, Walt Disney, Nat "King" Cole, Natalie Cole, Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor, Spencer Tracy, Errol Flynn, George Burns, W.C. Fields, Sammy Davis Jr., Sam Cooke, Joan Rivers, Samuel Goldwyn and Sid Grauman .

Mausoleum of the Golden West at Inglewood Park Cemetery

Inglewood Park Cemetery

The serene setting at Inglewood Park Cemetery  includes gardens, skylights, fountains, reflecting pools, and California's first mausoleum. Visitors can pay their respects to music legends such as Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald ,  Etta James and Chet Baker . Other notable figures include disco star Sylvester ,  Cesar Romero , Betty Grable , former LA Mayor Tom Bradley , architect Paul Williams , and boxer  Sugar Ray Robinson .

Hillside view of Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary

Rose Hills Memorial Park

Rose Hills Memorial Park in Whittier has a long, rich history stretching back to 1914 and spans 1,400 acres, making it the largest cemetery in North America and the largest memorial park in the world. Featuring picturesque city views and stunning chapels, it is also the final resting place of Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda , rapper Eazy-E and choreographer Alvin Ailey .

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War Memorial Noginsk

  • Second World War (1939-1945)
  • Russia Moskovskaja oblast Noginsk

War Memorial Noginsk #1

This memorial in the district Glukhovo in Noginsk was erected in 1985 on the 40th anniversary of the victory in Second World war. The author of the monument is P.V. Peretinkin. The monument is dedicated to the natives of the district Glukhovo worked on the factories or fought on the fronts of the great Patriotic war. On 4 November 2015 the military fighter SU-27 was placed next to the monument. The inscription on the pedestal under Su-27 is: "To the native city from academician V. E. Fortov, 70 years of the great Victory in 2015".

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!

  • Text: Fyodor Telin
  • Photos: Fyodor Telin

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55.875735, 38.465646

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    grave tours hollywood


    grave tours hollywood


    grave tours hollywood


    grave tours hollywood


    grave tours hollywood

  6. Hollywood Forever Cemetery

    grave tours hollywood


  1. Round 3 of the Viewers Special (The Taphophile Trilogy)


  3. He Died Young Of A Broken Heart & Was Buried In A GLASS TOMB!

  4. Massive Gravesite of a Hollywood Star

  5. Grave Line Tours: we put death on the map

  6. #28 In Memory Of The Three Lovely Ladies


  1. Hollywood Graveyard

    Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard. Join us in our journey to visit the most famous graves in the world.Featuring Famous Grave Tour Videos, Short Films, Music, a...

  2. All Famous Grave Tours

    Follow Hollywood Graveyard's regular tours from beginning to end. (Note: This playlist does not include "Special Editions," which is its own playlist)


    Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard, where we set out to remember and celebrate the lives of those who lived to entertain us, by visiting their final resting plac...

  4. Hollywood Graveyard

    FAMOUS GRAVE TOUR - Forest Lawn Hollywood #2 (Buster Keaton, Stan Laurel, etc.) Play Video. FAMOUS GRAVE TOUR - Forest Lawn Hollywood #3 (Brittany Murphy, Gene Autry, etc.) Play Video. FAMOUS GRAVE TOUR - Valhalla #1 (Oliver Hardy, Bea Benaderet, etc.) Play Video.


    Hollywood Forever Cemetery. 6000 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90038 *The tour is $35.00 per person and lasts 2 1/2 hours long. There is an additional $1.00 service charge to book online. No advance reservations required. ***** NEW TOUR DATE S June 8th at 10:00am. June 15th at 10:00am. June 22nd at 10:00am . June 29th at 10:00am July 13th ...

  6. Tour Info

    Your limo tour will escort you through Hollywood, Hancock Park, Beverly-Fairfax, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood + the Sunset Strip. ... However, it's kind to give a gratuity if you enjoyed the tour and you thought the guide did a good job. Grave Line Tours set tour prices to ensure guides are appropriately compensated for their time. As such ...

  7. Grave Line Tours

    Grave Line Tours offers a delightfully macabre assortment of immersive ghost tours to notorious homes and locations for the merely curious and true crime experts alike. Each ride is given in one of our custom six-door funeral Cadillac Fleetwood limousines—our idea of the perfect way to eternally preserve your experience! Los Angeles, California.


    Specialties: We put death on the map. Immersive funeral limousine tours of LA's most Notorious, Haunted + Paranormal locations. We are not your everyday sightseeing tour. Los Angeles is a magical city, with world class sites and attractions. But with great achievements come great demises. Indeed, L.A.'s sinister side contributes to the city's unique allure and shapes its essence. Grave ...

  9. Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Los Angeles

    Visit sites like Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Greystone Mansion and Park, the Sunset Strip, and Will Rogers Memorial Park. Enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi, bottled water, and a multimedia presentation. 2 hours 30 minutes. Free Cancellation. from. $218.75. Price varies by group size.

  10. A guide to 18 of Hollywood Forever's most famous residents

    Hobart J. Whitley. This native Canadian's gravestone calls him the "Father of Hollywood," as he named the place while honeymooning with his wife. He also helped develop Reseda and Van Nuys ...


    Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard. Today we conclude our tour filmed by you, the Hollywood Graveyard community, as we travel the world to visit famous and hist...

  12. How Grave Line Tours is Revisiting Hollywood's Past in a Stretch Limo

    The revived tour is a portal into Hollywood's dark past with stops that feature famous crimes or deaths. By Evan Nicole Brown. December 18, 2022 10:30am. The revived Grave Line Tours offers limo ...

  13. About Hollywood Graveyard

    Filmmaker & Host of Hollywood Graveyard. Arthur Dark created Hollywood Graveyard as a way to keep the memory of the world's greatest entertainers alive, by visiting their final resting places. His "Famous Grave Tour" videos take us on a journey of remembrance of the stars we know and love, and introduce us to a few new ones along the way.

  14. MAPS

    FAMOUS GRAVE TOUR VIDEOS. FILMS. ABOUT US. MAPS. SUPPORT/DONATE. MERCH. MUSIC. C O N T A C T. More Subscribe on YouTube. MAPS ... Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills. Forest Lawn Glendale. Valhalla Cemetery. Inglewood Cemetery. Calvary Cemetery. Home of Peace Cemetery. Oakwood Memorial Park. Angelus Rosedale Cemetery. Eden Memorial Park. Hollywood ...

  15. Dearly Departed Tours

    Open Plea: If you are interested in becoming a benefactor, boy oh boy that would be the answer to our wishes. Please visit our YouTube page - Scott Michaels or Dearly Departed Tours. Our company always provided quality content and we continue to do so. We also still have Tragic Artifacts from notorious locations in our online store.

  16. Celebrity Sightseeing: Cemetery Edition

    6300 Forest Lawn Dr, Los Angeles 90068. 800-204-3131. View Website. Located close to Griffith Park, the idyllic Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills cemetery showcases a unique collection of artwork, larger-than-life statues and historic artifacts from the Olmec, Aztec and Mayan civilizations. Fans also visit to honor the legacies of musicians Nipsey ...


    Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard. Today I turn the camera over to you, the Hollywood Graveyard community, as we travel the world to visit famous and historical...

  18. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  19. War Memorial Noginsk

    This memorial in the district Glukhovo in Noginsk was erected in 1985 on the 40th anniversary of the victory in Second World war. The author of the monument is P.V. Peretinkin. The monument is dedicated to the natives of the district Glukhovo worked on the factories or fought on the fronts of the great Patriotic war.

  20. The 10 Best Things to Do in Elektrostal

    9. SmokyGrove. 10. Gandikap. 11. Papa Lounge Bar. 12. Karaoke Bar. Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 802 traveller reviews and photos of Elektrostal tourist attractions.

  21. Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Art MuseumsHistory Museums. Write a review. All photos (22) Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, learn more. The area. Nikolaeva ul., d. 30A, Elektrostal 144003 Russia. Reach out directly.


    Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard, where we set out to remember and celebrate the lives of those who lived to entertain us, by visiting their final resting plac...


    Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard. Today I turn the camera over to you, the Hollywood Graveyard community, as we travel the world to visit famous and historical...