Blue and Green Tomorrow

Embrace Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Travel to Cyprus

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Cyprus, an island nation in the Mediterranean, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Cyprus offers a unique travel experience for those seeking to embrace sustainability. This beautiful destination is not only about sandy beaches and historic ruins but also an ideal place to engage in eco-friendly travel and connect with nature. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best ways to enjoy a green and eco-conscious vacation in Cyprus.

Discovering Cyprus: A Paradise for Eco-Travelers

The beauty of cyprus.

Cyprus boasts a diverse range of landscapes, from coastal paradises to lush forests, and mountainous terrains. The island is a natural playground for eco-conscious travelers . Here are some of the must-visit destinations for nature enthusiasts:

1. Akamas Peninsula

The Akamas Peninsula, a protected nature reserve, is a prime example of Cyprus’s commitment to preserving its natural beauty. This area offers some of the best eco tours in Cyprus . Explore the peninsula’s pristine beaches, hidden coves, and rugged hiking trails while observing the unique flora and fauna that call this region home.

2. Troodos Mountains

The Troodos Mountains , located in the heart of Cyprus, offer a perfect escape for those looking to connect with nature. This mountain range is a hub for nature walks in Cyprus, providing an opportunity to explore enchanting forests, picturesque villages, and traditional vineyards.

Eco-Friendly Accommodation

Your eco-friendly travel adventure to Cyprus starts with choosing the right accommodation. Cyprus offers a variety of eco-friendly options, including boutique hotels, eco-lodges, and traditional guesthouses. These establishments often prioritize sustainability by using renewable energy sources, recycling, and promoting responsible water usage.

Exploring the Best Eco Tours in Cyprus

One of the best ways to experience the beauty of Cyprus while minimizing your environmental footprint is by participating in eco tours. These tours are not only educational but also designed to protect the environment and support local communities.

1. Sea Turtle Conservation Tours

Cyprus is known for its efforts to protect endangered sea turtles, including the Loggerhead and Green turtles. By joining a sea turtle conservation tour, you can witness these majestic creatures nesting on the island’s beaches, all while contributing to their preservation.

2. Bird Watching Tours

Cyprus is a crucial stopover for migratory birds. The island’s diverse habitats, including wetlands and forests, attract a wide variety of bird species. Bird watching tours offer an opportunity to observe and appreciate the avian wonders of Cyprus while supporting local conservation efforts.

3. Sustainable Wine Tours

Cyprus has a rich wine-making tradition dating back to antiquity. Many wineries in the Troodos Mountains and the foothills of the Akamas Peninsula are committed to sustainable viticulture. Enjoy eco-friendly wine tours where you can sample local wines and learn about sustainable winemaking practices.

Immerse Yourself in Nature Walks in Cyprus

Nature walks in Cyprus are a perfect way to experience the island’s natural beauty up close. The diverse landscapes and mild climate make it an ideal destination for hiking and exploring on foot.

1. Troodos Nature Trails

The Troodos Mountains are crisscrossed with an extensive network of nature trails, offering hikers a chance to immerse themselves in the island’s stunning wilderness. Whether you’re an experienced trekker or a casual hiker, there are trails suitable for all levels.

2. Akamas Nature Trails

The Akamas Peninsula is a hiker’s paradise, with trails that lead to hidden waterfalls, serene gorges, and dramatic coastal cliffs. These nature walks in Cyprus provide a unique opportunity to witness the island’s diverse ecosystems and breathtaking landscapes.

Sustainable Dining in Cyprus

Embracing sustainability also extends to the culinary experiences in Cyprus. Enjoy fresh, locally-sourced, and organic meals at eco-conscious restaurants and tavernas. Cyprus’s cuisine is a fusion of Mediterranean flavors, with an emphasis on fresh vegetables, seafood, and traditional dishes. By dining at eco-friendly establishments, you can support the island’s sustainable food practices and savor the authentic flavors of Cyprus.

Responsible Travel Practices

To ensure your trip to Cyprus is as eco-friendly as possible, consider adopting the following responsible travel practices:

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Carry a reusable water bottle, shopping bag, and utensils to minimize single-use plastic waste.
  • Conserve Water: Cyprus has a scarcity of freshwater, so use water sparingly during your stay.
  • Respect Wildlife: Maintain a safe distance from wildlife, and never disturb nesting sea turtles or migratory birds.
  • Support Local Communities: Purchase local products and support businesses that promote sustainable practices.
  • Choose Public Transportation: Opt for buses or shared transportation to reduce your carbon footprint.

Cyprus is not just a vacation spot; it’s an opportunity to embrace sustainability, connect with nature, and leave a positive impact on the environment. By exploring the best eco tours in Cyprus and indulging in nature walks in the Troodos Mountains and the Akamas Peninsula, you can make the most of your trip while preserving the beauty of this Mediterranean paradise. Traveling responsibly, dining sustainably, and supporting local communities will ensure that your journey to Cyprus is an eco-friendly and unforgettable experience. So pack your bags, and get ready to explore the natural wonders of Cyprus while leaving only footprints and taking home cherished memories.

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Where Sustainability and Community meet

A rustic Cypriot building is pictured, comprised of stone and wood, and set against the scenic background of the Akamas Peninsula. Akamas Ranch eco tourism

Welcome to Akamas Ranch, the centre for eco-tourism in Paphos, Cyprus.

Our farm is centered on sustainable, circular farming practices; restoration of natural environments; community enrichment and education. Visit Akamas Ranch to connect with the local community over souvla, learn about sustainable farming practices from one of our experienced educators, or explore the Akamas landscape on horseback.

At Akamas Ranch, we aim to demonstrate the sustainability and financial viability of regenerative and eco-friendly farming models so that they can be replicated on a wider scale.

With a Wellness Centre, venue for events, market days, and an open farm with diverse facilities for the local community, there is something for everyone at Akamas Ranch. Explore the sections below to learn more about our projects and offerings.

Akamas Stables logo. A and R with a brown mare and golden foal in the background

Eco Friendly Travels

Eco-friendly travel guide to Cyprus advises how to be a responsible tourist. Learn how to travel in a sustainable way and how to respect the local people and culture. Make your trip green by supporting locally owned hotels, organic restaurants and other businesses. Read more on how to protect the environment by making conscientious choices and how to travel green in Cyprus , Europe .

eco tourism cyprus

  • Air quality : 3 / 5
  • Bus connections : 3.5 / 5
  • Train connections : 2 / 5
  • Hitchhiking : 3 / 5
  • National parks : 3/ 5
  • Outdoor activities : 3.5 / 5
  • Locals' English level : 3.5 / 5
  • Safety : 3.5 / 5
  • Accommodation : US$12 - $500
  • Budget per day : US$60 - $900
  • 1 Responsible Travel
  • 2 Air Quality and Pollution
  • 3 Respect the Culture
  • 4 Top 10 Places to Visit
  • 5.1 City Parks
  • 5.2 National Parks
  • 5.3 Beaches
  • 5.4 Landmarks
  • 5.5 Museums
  • 7.1 Tap-water
  • 8 Activities
  • 9.1 Green Hotels
  • 9.2 Hostels and Guest Houses
  • 9.3 Apartments
  • 9.4 Couchsurfing
  • 9.5 Camping
  • 12.4 Hitchhiking
  • 12.5 Others
  • 13 Sustainable Shopping
  • 15.1 Exchange Student
  • 15.2 Au Pair
  • 15.3 Volunteering
  • 16 See Also

Responsible Travel

Cyprus is a country located in the Mediterranean region, which is also known as the Republic of Cyprus . This is an island country located near Egypt , Turkey , Greece . In the Mediterranean region, this country is the third most popular and third-largest country. Despite being an island country, it is home to a lot of people, unique culture, traditions, famous attractions, and many more. These popular attractions of the country attract tourists from all over the world . In fact, this country is one of the most visited places in Middle East that witness more than 1 million visitors. The economy of the country, along with the human development index is excellent.

Apart from that, you will also get a lot of archaeological sites, ancient waterfalls from 10 millennium BC. Historical monuments and sites, wonderful views, amazing culture, nice people of the country will help you to get a very good traveling experience. During your trip, make sure to explore every corner of the country well to know the traditions and unique experiences . If you visit the country at the time of any festival, then you will be able to get the best experience. As an eco-friendly traveler, here are some things that you need to keep in mind while visiting the country.

  • You will get plenty of transportation options available to move around from one to another city in the country. While some of them help to reach the destination faster, others help to explore the small things on the way very well. But you need to choose one among them based on pollution. Transportations like bicycles, electronic cars do not produce harmful gases that pollute the air
  • During your trip to the country, you will find a lot of places to stay from luxurious hotels to cheap apartments. However, you can both stay in the country without making the country polluted and keeping yourself healthy by choosing green hotels . These hotels are easily available in different corners of the country and the prices are also very reasonable
  • One of the important things to explore the culture of a country very well is by trying the traditional dishes and cuisines . There is a wide range of restaurants that offer a wide range of traditional dishes to customers. Make sure to visit the small shops and street food markets to get a complete food experience. They are also a very crucial part of the culture and offers a very good food experience
  • Choosing the right transport method : A major part of your travel experience includes discovering every nook and cranny of the city. While you will have transport options like private cars and taxis at your disposal you need to know that not only do they contribute to more congestion and traffic pollution but also emit harmful gases into the environment. So, choose options like walking, cycling, electronic and public transportation in general.
  • Do not throw waste : As an eco-friendly traveler, you need to promote sustainable living as much as possible in the city to motivate not only fellow tourists but local people. When you visit any tourists attractions especially city parks, make sure you do not throw any food wrapper and do not just stop at that but if you see any trash, pick it up and throw it in the dustbin. It might look like a very small thing to do but has a huge impact on people watching especially the children present in the park since they learn and mimic the behaviour of other people around them.

Air Quality and Pollution

One of the things that you need to keep in mind is keeping yourself healthy throughout the trip . Knowing the air quality of the country is very important before reaching the country. It will help you to ensure the safety of your health from pollution. The air quality of this country stays between moderate to unsafe. So, you will need to be very careful and carry some of the necessary things with you during the trip. According to the report, the pollution in the air is also much higher than the recommended limit.

So, you will need to take the help of the medicines and masks to stay healthy while exploring the country. If you have any health conditions such as asthma or serious breathing problems, then make sure to consult a doctor before visiting the country. With the help of the doctor, you will be able to stay in the country as long as you want without triggering those conditions . It is best to know the air quality of the country before the day of the visit to get live updates using online services. The AQI (Air Quality Index) of Cypris is around 79 one average.

Respect the Culture

One of the main reasons for visiting another destination is to explore a different lifestyle, culture, traditions. You will get plenty of reflections of both culture and traditions in this country during your trip. From clothes to language, the people of this country have a good unique lifestyle and traditions that will help you to get an outstanding experience. You will see a lot of influences in the culture of this country from Greek, Turkish to Islamic. Being a historic country, there are some rare traditions that you will only get to see in the country.

Although the culture of this country has a lot of reflection of other cultures, there are some parts where still the old culture of the local people is maintained. If you want to get the best cultural experience, then you need to visit this country at the time of festivals. In some of the sections such as entertainment and dress, you will be able to find a lot of modern and new trends. You can visit all the handmade item shops to buy some handcrafted and folk art items from the local people. Make sure to respect the culture of this country during the trip.

Top 10 Places to Visit

You will love to visit Cyprus during your holidays because it is the best country in today's world. The reason behind this thing is that it has some lovely cities with the most beautiful places. If you want to know their names then just go through the ones which are mentioned below.

  • Saint Sophia Cathedral (Nicosia) - This church is huge and tells you about the significance of a Roman Catholic emperor who contributed over here. You will not only love it but recommend it to your beloved persons. Therefore, try to come here as soon as possible and gather some of the best knowledge about history.
  • Larnaca Castle (Larnaca) - You cannot imagine that this castle is about 700 years old and is still famous even today also. It was built to protect Cyprus from the invaders who invaded from the outer regions. Now if you are interested to know more about this thing then come here anytime and get a fair idea about it.
  • Agios Neophytos Monastery (Paphos) - It is a monastery located in the city of Paphos and covers half of the state. Spend your whole day over here and you will get the best interest of your life. But if you miss it then you would regret it and develop unnecessary frustrations among yourself.
  • Municipal Zoo (Limassol) - Do not go by its name because in simple words it is a zoo. Here you would get to see a wide range of plants and animals. Visit here and get an opportunity to interact with them by making a nice friendship.
  • Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Famagusta) - This is an ancient mosque that has the finest architecture of the early ages. Rather than having any second thoughts just come here and experience something very extraordinary. In other words, you can also call it a place which you might have read about in your history books.
  • Ocean Aquarium (Paralimni) - Without any doubt, we can say that in this live aquarium you will get the finest sea creatures. They are something which you might have never seen or imagined before. Make a note of this place and mark it as very important in your travel diaries.
  • Saint Minas Chapel (Poli Crysochous) - You can call it a temple where you can get to worship your respective god. It is wonderful and can give your mind a little bit of peace and relaxation. Without this place, your holiday remains incomplete and it does not have any meaning.
  • Kyrenia Castle (Kyrenia) - Whatever we tell you about this castle is short of words because it is beyond them. In the 16th century, some of the archeologists found an excavation point over here. So in order to get more detailed information about it just visit here anytime.
  • Mavi Kosk (Güzelyurt) - People call it a palace but in simple words, it is a house of the Mavis. They protected this city from all the enemies who were creating huge problems in those times. The moment you come here then you will get absorbed and never feel like returning back. So try not to say no about it because this chance may not come in the next time.
  • Athalassa Lake (Strovolos) - This is a very fine lake and here you will get some lovely ducks and ducklings. Take a piece of bread with you and feed them with pleasure. People call this place an uninteresting one but you have to come here and make your own decision about it.

eco tourism cyprus

So you have known the names of ten places which are mentioned in the previous part. But now when it comes to exploring the cities of Cyprus then what will you do? It is simple you would have to visit other places like city parks and museums.

  • Marina's Rope Park (Kakopetria) - This park is awesome and here you would get some adventurous activities like rope climbing and many more. If you want to get the most thrilling experience then never even think of missing it. Just go for it and see something which you have not seen earlier.
  • Acropolis Park (Strovolos) - Here you can get more open spaces and get to play outdoor games with your children. Bring them over here and see how they enjoy it to the fullest. And after coming here you would want to leave your best feedback and ratings about it.
  • Limassol Municipal Garden (Limassol) - You can refer to this place as a garden cum park where the ambiance is calm and friendly. It offers you some beautiful flowers and plants which are eye-appealing and attractive. Just carry a camera with you and take their pictures so that they remain as your whole life memory.

National Parks

  • Athalassa National Forest Park (Aglantzia) - If you want to go for a long walk then this park is the most suitable one for you. It gives you the real meaning of scenic beauty and signifies a lot of things. You can say that it is more than fabulous and entices most of the tourists from different cities.
  • Grammiko Park (Nicosia) - There is no doubt that here you can come for a picnic and spend a nice time with your family. But if you think that it is nothing then no one can help you to find the best place. Instead of having any wrong thoughts just try it once and see something very different.

eco tourism cyprus

  • Mackenzie Beach (Larnaca) - You will notice that the water of this beach is pure and you would be eager to have a sunbath inside it. This would be a very nice exposure and will also give you a reaction of wow. Never ever miss it because this opportunity might not come again and again.
  • Glapsides Beach (Deryneia) - The waves of this beach are high and you will want to feel them. No one misses it because it is something which you might have imagined in your dreams. As a result, missing it is like missing a golden opportunity of doing something new and different.

eco tourism cyprus

You would not get famous landmarks in any cities in Cyprus . It is because they are known for some of the prominent museums which have the best values.

  • Cyprus Museum of Natural History (Dali) - In this museum, you would get a displayed variety of historic artifacts and sculptures. They are amazing and you would be eager to learn their purpose and that too in a very brief manner. In the beginning, people find it boring but later on they understand how valuable it is.
  • Leventis Gallery (Nicosia) - Believe it or not, but it is true that this museum has a better place all over the internet. The main reason for it is that this place is a museum cum art gallery. Here you would get the best artworks by the most popular artists of Cyprus. You might not be a lover of art but after coming here you will be fond of it.

eco tourism cyprus

Without eating the food of a place, you will not be able to get the full experience of the culture of the lifestyle. In a country like Cyprus, food is one of the great attractions for tourists. Many food lovers from all around the world visit this country only to try delicious traditional foods. If you are a food lover, then you will not be disappointed in Cyprus. There are plenty of restaurants available in almost all the cities of this country with a long and wide menu of dishes. Some of the traditional Cypriot dishes like shaftalia, souvlakia, afella, olives, fried halloumi cheese, kolokasi, artichokes, and others.

You will also get many other types of foods such as Greek, Turkey, and other international ones. But some of the traditional foods that are available in this country are very rare and not available in other countries. You will find some seafood dishes available in this country as well for being an island. You do not have to worry about missing out on traditional foods if you are vegetarian as there are plenty of vegan restaurants available with the long menu. Also, make sure to visit the street food markets and stall on your way to different places. It will help you to get a complete food tour and experience in the country.

Just like foods, drinks are also important to explore in the country to know the country better . You will need to take the help of different drinks in every step of the exploration. From soft drinks to alcohol, everything is available in the country. However, you need to try all the local and traditional drinks first before any others to get the best drinks experience. Some of the most popular traditional drinks that you will get in this country include Commandaria, Zivania, Brandy Sour, and others. The cocktail Brandy Sour is very popular in almost all the corners of this country.

Although you will be able to get this drink in other countries too, none of them taste like the Cypriot ones. The nightlife of the country is very vibrant and colorful. You will find a lot of bars, pubs, and nightclubs in the country that offer a wide range of drinks to the customers. Some of the craft beers are very well available and popular in the country such as KEO. Most of these drinks taste very good and come at an affordable price. Most of them are also available in almost all parts of the country.

Before going to a destination, knowing about the tap water quality is very important for your own health safety. The tap water quality of different countries differs from one to another. However, it is completely safe to drink tap water in some places in the country, and there are some other places where you need to buy bottled water. When you are traveling to the south of the country, then tap water is safe but it is not safe in the north. However, most of the local people in the country prefer bottled packaged water instead of tap water. You will be able to find packaged drinking water in almost all the cities in this country as most of the local people tend to drink them.

If you want to be safe while drinking tap water, then you can boil or filter the water very well. For packaged drink water, you will have to spend a lot of money for the whole trip as they are sold at a moderate price. Most of the restaurants and cafes provide tap water as drinking water and there are no reports of getting ill. Always try to carry a water bottle with you while exploring the country to get refreshed between exploring all the beautiful places.

Activities are one of the things everyone looks for in their travel destinations. You will be able to find some of the best activities available in Cyprus as it is very well known for historical places and monuments. Visiting all the beautiful places in the entire country will take you a lot of days. From caves to waterfalls, there are plenty of places available in almost every corner. There are some stories available based on the history of this country, villages, and the lifestyle of the locals that will keep you occupied. Being an island country, there are plenty of beaches along with mountains, jungles, forests, parks, museums, churches, and others.

Apart from that, you will be able to join in many different outdoor activities. Some of the most common ones that you will be able to participate in such as hiking, scuba, trekking, snorkeling, off-road biking, beach walking, and others. If you like to get some adventurous experience, then make sure to take part in all of these outdoor activities . On the other hand, you can also join the spa resorts or yoga classes to get away from the crowd of the cities and improve the mental state.


Accommodation is a very crucial part of the whole travel experience of the Cyprus tour. Being a popular travel destination, you will find a lot of different accommodation options available in the country. The range of accommodation starts from very expensive to cheap ones. You will get some of the accommodation with a lot of benefits and others with basic ones. Choose very carefully based on your staying time in the country and your budget. As the country is an island, you will be able to get accommodations available at the side of beaches. However, for keeping the city clean you will get the option to stay at the green hotels.

As an eco-friendly traveler, you will be able to find some of the best and comfortable stays while both keeping the city and your health safe. Make sure to book the rooms as fast as you can to ensure your booking. As Cyprus is a very well-known and famous country, it is not very easy to get offline tickets easily. So, make sure to use the online services and book tickets and try to get them in the middle of the cities to get easily to every corner.

Green Hotels

Green hotels are getting popular all around the world for improving the environment. These hotels use all the natural resources instead of artificial ones. From water to windows, everything is recycled and run by natural resources like solar. Being one of the tourist-friendly countries, Cyprus offers a lot of green hotels to customers around the world. You will find a lot of them in all the major cities from the different price ranges. While some of them are available with basic benefits, others are very expensive. Choose based on all the facilities and qualities that you need on your stay.

These hotels are very helpful for tourists to stay healthy and improve the environment. If you are thinking of staying in the country for a short time, then green hotels are the best option for you. You will be able to get a very comfortable stay in the country and enjoy the fresh air. Make sure to book the rooms online and try to get them to the center of the cities. It will help you to ensure your rooms and get connected to different places successfully . It will not only help you to keep the country and your health safe but also inspire the local people about keeping the country green.

Hostels and Guest Houses

There are also some other options available that will help you to get all the benefits of accommodation at low prices and one of them is the hostels and guest houses . If you are planning to stay in the country for a long time, then hostels and guest houses are the best options for you compared to green hotels. Most of them are available from very low to expensive. You can get hostels available in the country that is shareable with other persons, which makes the price lower than the average. They offer all the basic features and benefits to travelers with a very comfortable stay.

Most of these hostels and guest houses are available around the country. Being an island country, you will find many of them near the beach that will help you to both enjoy the view and fresh air. As they are a very popular option for staying in the country, it is best to book the rooms as early as possible to prevent getting in the long lines offline. If you are staying for a long time in the country during your exploration, then you will be able to save a lot of money by choosing the hostels and guest house for the whole stay.

If you want to get the best experience at a low cost during the stay in Cyprus, then make sure to visit the apartments in the country. You will be able to find apartments in almost all corners of the country. Compared to any other accommodations that are mentioned above, you will find a lot more apartments available in the country. Also, apartments are the best choice for you in a long stay that helps to save a lot of money and get a comfortable stay in the country. Apartments start from very low to the very high range that you can choose based on the staying time.

You will need to rent the rooms a lot earlier to ensure a good stay and the room. Another excellent thing about staying in the apartments is that you will be able to get really close to the local people. It will help you a lot to witness the culture and traditions of the local people. Many local people of the country rent a room in these places for work or other purposes . So, you will be surrounded by the local people of the country for a closer look at the culture. You might become a friend with some of them that will help you to know more information about the country.


If you want to stay in a country with great hospitality and zero cost, then make sure to choose Couchsurfing. Couchsurfing is one of the best ways that help you to stay in the house of another traveler while visiting their home town . Using this, you will need to find a host who is offering Couchsurfing. It is best to look at the online services to successfully find Couchsurfing hosts throughout the country. Using this model of accommodation, the host will help you to get food, and stay with some important information. You will be able to save a lot of money during your trip to Cyprus as there are many people available who offer this facility.

Make sure to contact the other person very early and talk with them to prepare very well. The best thing about staying as a Couchsurfes is that you do not have to look anywhere else to understand the culture. The family of the host, lifestyle, food choices and others will help you a lot to learn a lot about them. You will be able to stay like a tourist in the country and get some information that will help you with a better experience.

If you want to choose something adventurous for your stay, then camping is the best option for you. As an eco-friendly traveler, camping is the best option for you as you will be able to get the best views and landscapes from these camps . There are plenty of camping spots available in this island country that you can choose for your stay, Most of them come in a different price range with basic to high benefits. You can choose whichever you like based on your budget, view, and staying time. Based on the location of the camp, you will be able to find a lot of outdoor activities available.

From trekking to hiking, you will be able to get many other activities. Most of the camps in this country are located in the mountains, beaches, and other places. Some of the basic benefits such as toilets, food stalls, and others are available in almost all the camps. In some of them, you will also get the option to do bonfires, small gatherings, and others . Being a very popular country, a lot of tourists book camping spots as their accommodation option. Try to book yours as fast as possible using online services to ensure your spots and get close to nature.

Greek Cyprus regions map.png

  • Ayia Napa - a party capital of Cyprus
  • Kyrenia or Girne
  • Larnaca or Larnaka
  • Limassol or Lemesos or "Limasol"
  • Nikosia (also Nicosia , Lefkosia "Lefkosa") - the divided capital
  • Paphos or Pafos or "Baf"

Getting There and Moving Around

If you are planning a trip to Cyprus, then you need to know how to get there and what is the best transportation to move around . Knowing them before reaching the destination will help you to get things done faster instead of getting the bad option and be late in your schedule. As Cyprus is an island country, there are limited ways available to reach it compared to other countries. While some of them help to reach the island very fast, others help you to enjoy the journey on the way. Choose one of them based on your requirements, time on hand, budget, and other factors.

However, when it comes to moving in the country from one to another corner, you will find a lot of transportation options available. Most of them are used by locals and tourists from all over the world. However, you will need to choose one that does not pollute the air . There are many transportations available in the country such as bicycle, electronic car or bike, and others that will help you to reach the destinations faster and keep the country free from pollution. The transportation options might change based on the cities in this country.

The air might be the favorite and preferred way for the tourists around the country to travel in Cyprus. Although there are some available ways except air, most of the common transportation options are not applicable here because of the location of this country. So, most of the travelers from different countries visit this island via air. While it helps them a lot to visit the country faster, the tickets are very expensive and not easily available. You will need to book the tickets a lot earlier to both get them at a low price and ensure your seats.

However, that is not the only disadvantage of traveling by air, you will not be able to enjoy all the beautiful places on your way. Cyprus is connected well by air with almost all the countries in the world . You will be able to find international flights to this country very frequently from most of the countries. When it comes to moving around in the country, there are plenty of local air services available that can offer a very good traveling experience. Try to book the tickets early to get them at low prices and ensure your seat.

eco tourism cyprus

Buses are one of the best and cheapest ways to reach any country as it offers a very comfortable journey and helps to get all the side scenes or views. However, you will not be able to reach Cyprus from other countries using buses as it is an island. The country is completely detached from land and there are no bridges that you can use to travel by bus. However, you will be able to get the option of choosing different ranges of buses once you reach the country. Buses are one of the most commonly chosen ways of moving around in the country. It is not only the cheapest but also helps to observe all the beautiful things on your way.

However, keep in mind that it will take a lot more time to reach the country by bus compared to flight. So, it is best to have some time on your hand before going out. Traffic also plays a big part in making the buses delay in the country. The best thing about traveling by bus is that you will be able to get a very close look at the daily life of the local people and their culture. Apart from tourists, the local people of the country also use buses to move around the country, which makes it easier to know them.

eco tourism cyprus

The train is another very popular way of traveling to different locations . Tourists prefer to travel by train for the unique experience that it provides to all the passengers. While it takes a lot more time to reach the destination than flights, trains are still faster than buses. You will be able to enjoy all the views and scenic beauty on your way to the destination. You do not have to worry about getting late because of the traffic. Unfortunately, you will not be able to travel the country by train as there are no railway stations available in the country.

You will need to choose any other way of traveling to the country and reaching there. There is only a 122km long railway available in the country that runs through the island. You will be able to get to different places in the country using this mode of transportation. Make sure to check the timings of this train to get them without waiting much.


Hitchhiking is a popular way of traveling that became a preferred way of traveling for travelers who like to have an adventurous journey. It is one of the best ways to reach a travel destination country without spending any high money. If you are thinking about visiting Cyprus using hitchhiking, then you will be disappointed. There are no roads that are connected directly to other countries, which makes it unable to hitchhike to Cyprus. So, you will need to choose any other way of travel to the country as hitchhiking is not available. Being an island country, you will only get the option to hitchhike after reaching the country.

All of the cities of this country including the capital are very well connected to each other, and the people of the country are also very friendly. Chances are very high to get a lift from someone and get going to your destination on your trip. Make sure to choose the busiest highways to get the lifts easily. Keep in mind to carry some emergency food, water, a map, and other things with you as it will take a lot of time than other transportations to get to the destination by hitchhiking. The best places to look for hitchhiking are petrol pumps, tolls, and other places where the cars usually slow down.

Apart from all of these above-mentioned ways of traveling to the country and moving around, there are some others that you can choose. One of the main ways to travel the country is by water as it is an island . From most of the neighboring countries, you will be able to visit Cyprus with the help of a ferry or ship. If you are traveling from a country that is located in a landlocked position, then you can break your journey and catch a ferry or boat from other places to visit this country.

It will help you to get a very unique experience in the country. Although it takes a lot of time to reach the country by ship or ferry compared to flights, you will be able to get a memorable journey. From crystal clear blue water to a thrilling journey to the island with those high tides will make you remember the journey . If you are thinking of traveling this country on a road trip in cars or bikes, then you will be disappointed as there are no highways that are connected to the island with other places.

Sustainable Shopping

Sustainable shopping is a new way of shopping that both helps the country to stay waste-free and save a lot of money. This is getting popular in all countries to improve the environment. You will be able to find a lot of second-hand shops and flea markets in Cyprus. Being one of the countries with historical monuments and stories, you will be able to find a lot of vintage and antique items in the country.

Some of the rare items will make your collection impressive. Apart from that, you will get some cultural items and goods such as folk art, handcrafted goods, and others. Make sure to support the small vendors in the country who are dependent on only tourism. It will both help them and save you a lot of money by offering items at a cheap cost . However, visit these markers as soon as you can to get all the items before they are gone.

Recycling is one of the crucial steps to make your country free from pollution and improve the environment. Being an island country, Cyprus is separated from the mainland and pollution . However, with the big population of the country, it is normal to have its own ecosystem. Unlike other countries, there are no recycling plants available in this country that helps to recycle the waste. However, it also helps to keep the country green as the recycling plants take a lot of energy and water to run and both of them are very expensive in Cyprus.

Compared to all the other countries in Europe, the waste production rate of this country is a bit higher. The average waste production in the EU is 471 kg per year and the waste production rate of Cyprus is 624 kg per year. The high number of tourists in the country is also a reason for this high waste. However, the local people and the government are trying their best to keep the pollution under control. Make sure to play your role very well to keep the country as free of waste as much as you can by dumping all the wastes in particular waste bins.

Work and Study Abroad

You will come across a lot of foreign students and workers in the country who are working for a long time . Apart from ancient structures, the education system of the country has developed a lot in the last few years. Cyprus offers some of the very good and world-class universities to students. Also, there are many workers as well who are doing jobs in different industries with great benefit. The lifestyle of the local people will surely amaze you and want you to stay for a long time. Here are some of the benefits that will help you to stay in the country comfortably both as a student and a worker.

Exchange Student

The exchange student program is very popular all around the world for giving chances to students who do not have good financial conditions to study in a foreign country. Using this program, the students can stay and study in a foreign university by just paying the college fee. However, the student will need to get nominated by the officials of their home university for this benefit. There are plenty of universities available in Cyprus that have a partnership with almost all the countries and their universities.

It becomes very hard for a student to stay for a long time in a country when looking for the best university or workers who are looking for full-time jobs. Well, Au Pair jobs are one of the most helpful and common jobs that help these people to find shelter, food, and some pocket money as well. You can get a lot of Au Pair services available in this country by looking at the online services. Make sure to contact them as fast as possible to prepare well. You will need to take care of the house, older people, and children in exchange for those facilities. It will help you to stay like a local in this country.


If you want to contribute to the country and keep the country clean, then volunteering is one of the best options. You can volunteer for a lot of options such as planting trees, collecting waste, teaching English, helping other travelers, and many more. On your tour to this country, you will find a lot of people who are volunteering for different good causes.

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THE 10 BEST Cyprus Eco Tours

Eco tours in cyprus.

  • Scuba & Snorkeling
  • Equipment Hire
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Agioi Saranta Cave Church
  • Cape Greco View Point
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

eco tourism cyprus

1. Pafos Zoo Ticket

eco tourism cyprus

2. Full Day Tour in Troodos Mountains: Villages & Waterfalls

eco tourism cyprus

3. Troodos Walking Trip (Artemis +/Myllomeris Waterfalls) - private from Nicosia

eco tourism cyprus

4. Around Cape Greko walk (upto 10 km) - from Larnaca

eco tourism cyprus

5. Troodos Walking Trip (Artemis+/Myllomeris Waterfalls) - private - from Larnaca

eco tourism cyprus

6. Around Cape Greko walk (upto 10 km) - from Agia Napa

eco tourism cyprus

7. Around Cape Greko walk (upto 10 km) - from Protaras

eco tourism cyprus

8. Around Cape Greko walk (upto 10 km) - from Nicosia

eco tourism cyprus

9. Troodos Walking Trip (Artemis+/Myllomeris Waterfalls) - private from Limassol

eco tourism cyprus

10. Akamas Panorama (short) Walk - (private from Nicosia)

eco tourism cyprus

11. E-bike tour from Omodos to Milomeris Waterfall-Milia Bridge through Platres.

eco tourism cyprus

12. Akamas Panorama (short) Walk (private from Paphos)

eco tourism cyprus

13. Akamas Panorama (short) Walk - (private from Limassol)

What travellers are saying.

Lord Martin


15 Eco-Friendly Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know You Could Do in Cyprus


Cyprus is well loved for its warm winters and Blue Flag beaches, but you might not know the island is on a mission to become a leading destination for sustainable tourism.

So, if you’re looking for a holiday destination that packs a punch when it comes to preserving the environment for future generations, then Cyprus is the perfect place for you. Here, the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) reveals some of the island’s best eco-friendly activities and places to stay

1. Become a beekeeper for the day

eco tourism cyprus

Cyprus’ warm climate is perfect for producing rich and thick honey and, back in 2013, a Cypriot honey was voted ‘Best in the World’ at the World Beekeeping Awards. If you’re interest to find out how this natural product gets onto your breakfast table in the morning, then spending the day as a beekeeper could be the answer. At G.S Ecophysis –  a newly established family business – don your bee protection suit, inspect the hives, learn all about these social insects and, of course, taste the honey. You can also join in the honey harvesting in August and bottling from September to November.

2. Visit Lara Bay Turtle Conservation Station

eco tourism cyprus

The beautiful Lara Bay beach is a safe haven for loggerhead and green turtles due to its white sands and protective horseshoe shape. To help prevent these species from becoming extinct, a conservation station has been set up where ecologists are working tirelessly to boost population numbers. Far from the busier areas of Cyprus, the Conservation Station is a small cabin overlooking a beach of aluminium cages which have been put down to protect turtle eggs from predators. Visit between May and August for a chance to see the turtles arriving on the beach to lay their eggs. 3. Visit one of the islands agro-rural museums

If you have a desire to know more about the history of life on the island and the local food you’re eating, then take a trip to one of Cyprus’ agro-rural museums. Oleastro Olive Park and Ermini Wine Museum showcase how the islands traditional is produced and even let you buy some to take home.

Oleastro Olive Park and Museum, in Anoyira village, was the first olive oil museum in Cyprus. The museum showcases a love and dedication to the 60,000-year story of the olive tree, whilst producing its own oil brand in an environmentally friendly way, using the latest green technology. Visitors will see a combination of ancient and modern techniques, including the ecological olive mill which uses cold pressing with millstones – a first in Cyprus. If you visit the park during the winter (between mid-October and February), you’ll even be able to watch the olive oil extraction live.

Visit the Erimi Wine Muesum (The Cyprus Wine Museum) to be taken on a journey through 5,500 years of Cypriot Wine Making History. It took six years to restore the building that the museum now stands in and it was pure coincidence that the village of Erimi happened to be the starting point of wine production in Europe!

4. Go organic at Riverland Bio Farm

eco tourism cyprus

Riverland Bio Farm is an organic, dairy farm on the outskirts of Kampia Village, Nicosia. The farm is popular with families and school groups who visit to learn where fresh produce like milk, cheese and meat comes from and teach the children about healthy life choices. Riverland Bio Farm has an impressive dedication to ethics and eco-friendly farming as it doesn’t use any chemical fertilisers or pesticides. Entrance to the farm is free, but for a small extra fee there’s also a climbing wall, archery, pony rides, and a zip-wire.

5. Ayii Anargyri Paphos Natural Healing Spa Resort

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A natural, mineral-rich sulphur water flows into the Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort making this boutique hotel a unique accommodation choice. Guests can benefit from the water’s time-tested remedies with a great variety of treatments available year-round. The water has been used medically since 1649 and soaking in the sulphur spring water is said to heal inflammatory joints, help skin diseases, rheumatism and arthritis, relax tense muscles, improve sleep, rejuvenate the skin and slow down the ageing process and revive the skin’s natural glow. Ayii Anargyri was designed to be as green as possible: it uses energy-efficient lighting, renewable energy for all its power-driven systems and solar and geothermal energy to heat its buildings and pools.

6. Golden Donkeys Farm

eco tourism cyprus

Golden Donkeys Farm  in Skarinou village – halfway between Larnaca and Limassol – was set up to preserve Cypriot traditions and heritage, as well as caring for over 170 donkeys. Donkeys used to be the primary mode of transport on the island, turning the heavy millstones to crush olives in the production of olive oil and carrying grapes from the mountains to be made into wine. However, since the invention of cars, donkeys are no longer used for these tasks. As well as feeding, riding and taking pictures with the donkeys – each of which has its own name and personality – you can even taste donkey milk and sample donkey milk cosmetic products! It’s claimed that milk produced from donkeys has numerous health and beauty benefits dating back 5,500 years. Legend has it that Cleopatra, Queen of Ancient Egypt, used to bathe in donkey milk to keep her skin young and beautiful.

7. Be at one with nature by sleeping in Yurts

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Yurts in Cyprus offer an eco-friendly holiday venture with a difference set in a picturesque location at the foothills close to Simou Village, near Paphos. The Yurts themselves are made in Mongolia from natural materials such as horse hair, wood and camel hide. Each tent offers a unique and graceful alternative to hotel accommodation – in peaceful seclusion overlooking a small brook – and are all individually named. The best bit about getting back to nature is that the 2.5km Yurt area has been specifically designed to watch magical sunsets over the island. The main on-site restaurant, The Straw House, is an eco-friendly communal space where breakfast and dinner is served.

8. Cape Greco Environmental Centre

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Just six miles north of Ayia Napa, you’ll find the tranquil Cape Greco, a protected nature park with countryside walks for hikers offering amazing landscape views. Situated on the nature park is t he new Cape Greco Environmental Centre which houses three aquariums showcasing the marine and underwater wealth of the region. The Environmental Centre building itself has been recognised for its unusual design and won the special award at the Cyprus State Architecture Awards in 2016.

9. Troodos Mountain National Park

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Not matter what season, the Troodos Mountain National Park has something to offer. Due to its altitude, you’ll find snow during the winter months and cool places to escape the scorching heat in summer. Walk through the forests on a nature trails to take in the wonderful scents and aromas of the local flowers and enjoy looking at the waterfalls and surrounding views. As well as Troodos being one of the five most copper rich areas in the world, the Troodos Mountains have a fascinating geological genesis: they’re one of only a few places in the world where scientists can examine oceanic crust above sea level.

10. Sparti Adventure Park, Platres

Cyprus’ first rope adventure park, ‘ Sparti ’ is set in the beautiful mountains of Pano Platres. The concept behind the park intended to combine spiritual with the physical training that was used in Sparta. The park is conscious of its footprint and the owners have pledged to double the number of trees in the area over the next few years. In addition, it has been carefully laid out to intertwine with the forest around it. More than 60 games are available for children and adults who love the outdoors including climbing, a ‘speed zip-line’ and speed free fall jumping.

11. Stay at a Sustainable Hotel

The Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI) along with the Travel Foundation, a UK Charity, was set up to reduce the impact of tourism on the local environment. They’ve established a mandatory sustainability level which means all hotels in Cyprus must act to protect the environment and support their local community. Stay at one of the island’s most eco-conscious resorts, such as;

Hotel-e Spa & Resort has successfully combined style with natural elements to create a new standard of eco-friendly hotel. The hotel prides itself on its efforts to stay green and conserve energy by introducing programmes such as recycling water, solar power and lighting sensors. Taking it one step further, the of the hotel’s design emphasises daylight in public areas and the its garden grows fresh produced such as fruits and herbs which are used in the kitchen.

Columbia Beach Resort set up an environmental committee within the resort to reduced environmental impacts. The committee implemented ways to measure and reduce water, energy and chemical consumption. Similarly, the Londa Hotel set up sustainable initiatives such as electricity saving LED lamps throughout the hotel, reflecting glass foil on south facing windows and re-using the outflow of the hot air from the air condition to heat up the hot water during the summer months. In addition, the Londa is a member of CYMERA, Cyprus Maritime Environmental Protection Association.

12. Mouflon Conservation

The Cyprus mouflon is a sheep-like wild animal that can be found in the Pathos Forest – an area of natural flora spanning 60,000 hectares. The largest animal on the island had reduced dramatically in numbers due to poachers until the Forestry Department declared Paphos Forest as a Game Protected Area in 1939. Nowadays, the thriving mouflon population lives in the Tripilos Mountains during the summer months feeding on wild growth in the shaded valleys. When snow settles on the mountains in the winter the animals head to lower pastures and edges of the forest to find food and this is when passers-by will be able to catch sight of them.

13. Nicosia Old Town

eco tourism cyprus

Take a leisurely stroll around Nicosia Old Town , stopping off at shops and restaurants along Ledra Street, to soak up the rich history of Cyprus’ largest city. Buildings in this area had fallen into disrepair in the past but, more recently, large-scale regeneration has been underway. Residential properties within the Venetian walls have benefited from local incentive grants as part of the government’s 27 year ‘master plan’ to drive business and tourism back to the area. The Famagusta Gate and buildings like the traditional baths, Hamam Omerye, have been renovated in keeping with Nicosia’s architectural history.

14. Support the Local Economy by Visiting One of Cyprus’ Many Festivals

eco tourism cyprus

There’s no better way to immerse yourself into Cypriot traditions than celebrating alongside locals at one their annual festivals. The  Wine Festival of Cyprus in Limassol runs for 11 days celebrating Cypriot wine and winemaking traditions. Locals travel from all across Cyprus to join in the merriment and excitement of the festival, which has an apt motto ‘Drink wine, it gives you life!’ There is a cost for tickets, but the wine is free.

The beautiful village of Agros hosts the annual Rose Festival in May, at the peak of the rose bloom. Festival goers can partake in rose picking workshops, learn about the distilling process and enjoy musical performances across two weekends. To support the local economy, there’ll be rose water, rose oil, liqueur, brandy and other rose water related products to purchase.

15. Enjoy the Island’s Stunning Blue Flag Beaches

eco tourism cyprus

Cyprus not only boasts the cleanest bathing waters in Europe but also now has a staggering 64 stunning Blue Flag beaches (widely considered the top accolade when it comes to beach quality). As part of its continued efforts to offer tourists the best quality beaches, the Cyprus Tourism Organisation also recently announced that 47 beaches are now accessible to people with special access needs (26 of those are fully accessible and 21 partly accessible).

Cyprus – the third largest island in the Mediterranean – attracts over two million tourists annually. Cyprus is a year-round island appealing to a wide range of personal tastes and lifestyles, from families and couples, to the most discerning of culture and nature-oriented travellers.

Getting there : Monarch, the scheduled leisure airline, operates flights and holidays to Paphos from Birmingham and London Gatwick airports with fares, including taxes, starting from £52 one way (£139 return). Flights to Larnaca from Birmingham, London Luton, London Gatwick and Leeds Bradford airports with fares, including taxes, start from £63 one way (£133 return) For further information or to book Monarch flights and Monarch Holidays , please visit

For more information, go to , or .

For further press information, please contact: Melissa Hobson/Emma Arthurs/James Brooke. Rooster PR T: +44 (0)20 3440 8927 E: [email protected]

About the Cyprus Tourism Organisation Cyprus – the third largest island in the Mediterranean – attracts over two million tourists annually. Cyprus is a year-round island appealing to a wide range of personal tastes and lifestyles, from families and couples, to the most discerning of culture and nature-oriented travellers.

Tourists are attracted by the island’s legendary hospitality, glorious coastline and stunning mountain villages. There is something to suit everyone – family resorts, world class spas, golf courses, marinas, agro-tourism and food and wine trails. The active can enjoy the warm waters of Cyprus for diving and waterskiing while adventure seekers can explore the island’s beauty with trekking or bird-watching tours, while golfing enthusiasts play on award winning courses.

The island boasts the cleanest bathing waters in Europe, combined with a rich cultural heritage, a variety of agro-tourism projects and a wide choice of special interest activities.

For more information:

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eco tourism cyprus

Cyprus Honey Eco Routes

For an authentic Mediterranean experience, Cyprus is your holiday destination. As Europe’s sunniest island ,  it is ideal for year round vacations. But Cyprus is not only wonderful beaches, mountains and food, there is so much to do & see. If you´re passionate about sustainable and eco-friendly travel, then you should consider to visit Cyprus honey eco routes and developed under the EU co-funded project

–  MedBEESinessHubs

eco tourism cyprus

The objective of this project is to support the economies of rural communities in Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon and Palestine, by empowering and networking local people, in developing handicraft honeybee products, businesses and tourism service networks, hence contributing to build a sustainable Mediterranean Bee-economy 🐝🐝🐝

Bees are crucial for the environment and their number has been sharply decreasing. Their contribution to the economy cannot be underestimated either!

Apiculture and ecotourism can be combined to create a unique and educational experience for travelers interested in sustainable beekeeping practices and the importance of bees in the environment. Apiculture ecotourism allows visitors to learn about beekeeping, participate in hive activities, and appreciate the ecological role bees play.

Here are some ways in which apiculture and ecotourism can be combined:

  • Beekeeping Tours : Visitors can learn about hive management, honey extraction techniques, and the life cycle of bees. This hands-on experience provides valuable insight into the world of bees and their contribution to the environment.
  • Pollinator Gardens : Ecotourism sites can create pollinator gardens to attract bees and provide a habitat for them. Tourists can stroll through these gardens and observe the bees in their natural environment, while also learning about the importance of supporting pollinators and planting bee-friendly flowers.
  • Honey Tasting Experiences : Visitors can sample different types of honey produced by local beekeepers. This not only promotes the appreciation of honey as a culinary delight but also educates visitors about the varied flavors and characteristics of different honey varieties.
  • Educational Workshops : Ecotourism sites can organize educational workshops for tourists, schools, or local communities, focusing on bee biology, pollination, and the benefits of beekeeping. These workshops provide opportunities to spread awareness about the importance of bees and their conservation.
  • Local Community Engagement : Apiculture ecotourism can involve engaging with local communities and supporting their economic development. Visitors can purchase honey and beeswax products directly from local beekeepers, contributing to their livelihoods and promoting sustainable, locally sourced goods.

Remember, when participating in apiculture ecotourism activities, it is essential to prioritize the well-being of the bees and ensure that practices align with sustainable and ethical standards. This includes avoiding activities that may disturb or harm bees and promoting responsible tourism practices that have minimal environmental impact.

You can find more details about this project here:

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The cluster of nine honey producing communities of mountainous Larnaka are collectively known as Rural Larnaka Honey Villages for their rich and shared tradition. 

Under the European MedBEESinessHubs programme , the Villages of Kato Drys, Kato Lefkara, Layia, Melini, Odou, Ora, Vavla, Vavatsinia and Agioi Vavatsinias have been branded with a shared identity and participation in the ‘Honey Routes – Cyprus’ tourism programme.

Together they promote the pastime of beekeeping; help to encourage and protect biodiversity through increased bee-attracting plants and offer visitors authentic experiences, from nature trails and annual bee-themed festivals, to bee hotels for solitary species that can be observed. The villages are also active in promoting the beneficial properties of honey, including recipes, products and the inclusion of honey on local menus.

Each community bears the logo of ‘ Rural Larnaka Honey Villages ’ and is charming to explore, not only for its sweet beekeeping tradition but for the beautiful landscape and traditional architecture.

Here I’m sharing the itineraries for 4 Days in this region:

Day 1 – Cyprus Honey Eco Routes

Environmental Information Centre of Larnaka Mountainous Area .

Located in the village of Skarinou, this centre was set up to educate and inform guests about the significance of Larnaka’s rural areas. A part of it is dedicated to Beekeeping as one of the most common and ancient practices in the area.

You can follow their Facebook page:

Interesting fact: the centre has the record of Guinness for the biggest handmade table cloth in the World!

How cool? 😉

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Vavatsinia Honeybee Trail .

It’s the first of the Larnaka Honeybee Nature Trails that combines walking in the picturesque and tranquil surroundings of mountainous Vavatsinia village, with an educational and healing experience, centered around the therapeutic sound of the humming of bees.

The 2.5km path has bee-friendly plants signposted along the way, decorative beehives and bee ‘hotels’ that offer refuge for solitary bees. Hexagonal, wooden urban furniture has been installed to symbolize beehives, including a pavilion and benches, along with wooden loungers for a relaxing break. Walkers will discover plenty of interesting information on bees, such as facts about apitherapy and the way in which bees communicate with flowers, and can enjoy some time out at the different points and yoga spots to breathe in the fresh mountain air whilst listening to the gentle melodies of nature.

Interesting fact : the humming of bees has calming and therapeutic effect, something that has been proven to have health and wellness benefits. 

The highlight of the trail: at the starting point you will find the panoramic viewpoint where you can enjoy fantastic views over the south and north of the island.

eco tourism cyprus

Lunch at very famous traditional local restaurant in Vavatsinia – Marias Taverna . Here you will find plenty of traditional Cyprese food to try!

Day 2 – Cyprus Honey Eco Routes

Oros Maxaira honey farm

In the morning visit the ,, Oros Maxaira ” modern honey farm in Melini village, Larnaka district. Here you will learn everything about bees life cycle and how the honey is extracted, processed and bottled. Also you can participate in several workshops, such as beeswax candle making.

The highlight of the visit is the apitheraphy experience. It is inhalation from the beehives process that is very beneficial and therapeutic. The substances that you breathe in through a special breathing mask, with strong therapeutic action, are introduced into the body and helps to deal with following situations: bronchitis, astma, respiratory infections, stress and depression!

Interesting fact : in many countries, such as Slovenia, the apitheraphy has been integrated into the health system as a therapeutic method of the healing.

You can find more information here:

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Lunch at local restaurant – Melini Hunting Association . Here you will find plenty of traditional Cyprese food ( the doses are extremely big!). The food, the outdoor area and the view to the mountains is a perfect combination.

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Odou honey village on Cyprus Honey Eco Routes

In the afternoon head to Odou Village – another small village in Larnaka’s mountains. Starting from the centre of the village and walking towards the waterfall, you will learn everything about the bees and products of the hives. Also you will find a bee hotel.

Interesting fact: bee hotel is a great way to attract more solitary bees and give them the environment which will help to increase their population. Solitary bees are very important pollinators and play major role in our ecosystems.

eco tourism cyprus

Day 3 – Cyprus Honey Eco Routes

Bee & Embroidery Museum

Located in the picturesque honey village of Kato Drys this 300-year old residence hosts all the history and professions of the area. It is a great way to discover the village’s culture and learn everything about beekeeping and honey making. The museum is splitted in seven rooms featuring everything from old to new beekeeping tools, all of which gives one an insight into Cypriot culture and the way Cypriot families once lived.

Highlight of the visit : breakfast with local honey ingredients from the garden of the museum 😋

You can find more information on their Facebook page:

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Ecophysis Bee & Nature Center

Become a beekeeper for a day in Ecophysis Bee & Nature Center in a beautiful village of Vavla. You’ll be dressed up in the whole-body beekeeper’s protective uniform and visit one of their apiaries, where you’ll observe the bees while working inside the beehives.

Here you’ll taste all kinds of Vavla honey and get to know all products they have in their shop.

In addition to the above activities, the center organize specialized educational workshops, birthday parties and other private events.

You can find more information here:

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Day 4 – Cyprus Honey Eco Routes

Layia Village Crafts

In the morning, meet the most creative couple in the tiny village of Layia that are devoted to solidarity bees and their protection. Here you can create your own bee hotel for solitary bees. The main purpose here is to focus on and bring wildlife back after the devastating fires occurred in Cyprus in 2021 and to help revitalise the pollination process which was so badly affected.

While creating these hotels you will become engineer of exterior / interior designer, problem-solving master and nature lover 😉 I had so much fun making my own hotel!

You can find more information here:

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Our House Vavla

Have a lunch at charming Our House Vavla in Vavla village, located in the Larnaka region. Step back in time with beautiful antique hand carved furnishings and enjoy all the amenities that this beautiful property has to offer. The house is restored stone country house built around a private central courtyard, with shaded alcove areas or the roof top terrace overlooking a wonderful view of the village with a lovely view of the surrounding mountains. 

We had the most delicious home made lunch with ingredients from their plantation and we also had a demonstration of traditional pies making with honey and almonds.

This place is a great starting point from where to explore nature and the many ancient sites and monasteries nearby. Great area to cycle and to hike in nature trails.

You can book you stay here:

eco tourism cyprus

Vavla village

After lunch walk through Vavla Honey Village. This tiny mountainous village has only 16 residents and has been declared a Preserved Village, thanks to its white stone houses and traditional features.

Here you can have a nice walk in the picturesque surroundings. The village have 3 beautiful churches, 2 of them are walking distance from the centre – the church of Agios Georgios to the north of the village, and the church of Archangelos Michail to the south. The 3 rd one provides an opportunity for a very long walk. The Monastery of Agios Minas is very close to the village too and it is an interesting 15th century structure in a mixture of Byzantine and Gothic style.

One of the resident’s main occupations in present times is beekeeping, with the nectar of the thyme and wildflowers of the village producing superior honeys. The village is also part of the island’s 7th Wine Route, which encompasses the area of mountainous Larnaka – Lefkosia (Nicosia).

I had the most amazing time exploring this beautiful mountainous area of Cyprus and can highly recommend to add this eco route into your bucket list.

Hope this itinerary will be helpful on planning your next adventure!

For more destinations in Europe, check out my posts here:

Your sincerely,

Eco Friendly Hotels Cyprus

Guide to Eco Hotels in Cyprus ( 2024 Updated)

An eco hotel, or a green hotel, is an environmentally sustainable hotel or accommodation that has made important environmental improvements to its structure in order to minimize its impact on the natural environment and eco friendly hotels Cyprus are considered excellent place to hang out for a couple of nights in Nicosia and then beyond in Cyprus.

The Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI) is proud to be the first organization in Cyprus to officially join the  Global Tourism Plastics Initiative  led by the  United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)  and the  World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) , in collaboration with the  Ellen MacArthur Foundation .

As a signatory of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, we endorse the common vision to address the root causes of plastic pollution.

We commit to eliminate the plastic items we don’t need; innovate so all plastics we do need are designed to be safely reused, recycled, or composted; and circulate everything we use to keep it in the economy and out of the environment.

Best Eco Tours in Cypru

Table of Contents

  • E-bike tour from Omodos to Milomeris Waterfall-Milia Bridge through Platres.
  • Full Day Tour in Troodos Mountains: Villages & Waterfalls
  • Akamas Panorama (short) Walk (private from Paphos)
  • Around Cape Greko walk (upto 10 km) – from Nicosia
  • Around Cape Greko walk (upto 10 km) – from Larnaca

See all Eco Tours in Cyprus on GetYourGuide.

1. ayii anargyri natural healing spa resort 4* – eco friendly hotels cyprus.

Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort

Situated next to Miliou’s healing springs, Ayii Anargyri Spa Resort offers extensive health and beauty treatments, yoga classes and has its own  beautiful  vineyard.

This adults-only spa resort is a combination of restored and new building in Miliou, enjoying a picturesque  setting  of citrus groves, almond trees and natural springs.

Guest can enjoy well-appointed rooms or bungalows with modern amenities, including flat-screen TV and free internet access. Ayii Anargyri’s spa offers various health and wellness treatments such as the mineral wrap.

Set in a wooded valley, this upscale spa resort is 12 km from the the Steni Museum of Village Life and 17 km from Latchi Beach.

Airy rooms with balconies or terraces feature Internet access, flat-screen TVs and safes. Upgraded rooms add chic decor, plus on-tap sulphur spring water. Suites have separate living rooms; some come with whirlpool baths. Room service is available 24/7.

Breakfast and evening meals are included. There’s also an elegant restaurant with a terrace overlooking an outdoor pool. Other amenities include a warm bar and a chic wine cellar. A posh spa has natural hot spring water. Children age 15 and over are welcome.

We made full use of the resort, especially the spa. The  natural  sulphur springs were a lovely experience and the atmosphere is very tranquil. We booked several treatments in the spa and were definitely not disappointed. Thespina was wonderful and very good at her job. The peaceful lounge area is idyllic after treatments with complimentary  natural  teas.

We found our room was clean and spacious and had everything that we needed. It has high ceilings with wooden beams and very fitting with the environment. We did not experience a bad smell in the room as some have complained on TA. We stayed in the new block, but we are aware that the original hotel and suites use sulphur water, which has fantastic  healing  properties and of course there is a smell, it is a  natural  product of the sulphur spring.

We found all the staff that we came across friendly and helpful. The food was included in the package and was set menus, we did not know what to expect. We were very surprised at the quality of the food, it was fantastic and Nicos in the Cava Gourmet provided excellent service.

The breakfast buffet is in the Amarolla Restaurant and again we were very pleased with what was on offer. There is plenty of choice. Cereals, continental style breakfast (cold meats and cheeses), fruits,  natural  honeycomb, bread selection and more. There is also a hot breakfast menu that you can choose from as well and the service was very good.

How much does a room costs at Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort ?

Prices start 160$ /night for Double/Twin with free access to the sulfur spring pools . The Prestige Suite with Free Access to the Sulfur Spring Pools  is 270 $/room per night with breakfast included – if coming on a honeymoon this is the perfect choice for couples.

Opening to a balcony with garden or mountain views , this 2 rooms suite includes a comfortable sitting area , mini bar , bathrobes , slippers , healing water on tab ,air conditioning ,a flat-screen TV ,free internet connection . All suites have a king-size bed.

The spa package includes: – breakfast and dinner (drinks excluded) – 1 pool treatment per person per overnight stay – free use of gym and sauna.

Where to book online – Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort – Eco Friendly Hotels Cyprus   – you can find the best eco friendly hotels deals in Cyprus during Strawberry Festival in Derinya   which is celebrated with much enthusiasm in Cyprus on   or or and see more reviews on TripAdvisor .

2. Natura Beach Hotel And Villas 3* – Eco Hotels Cyprus

Hotel Natura Beach Hotel And Villas

Positioned on the Polis Bay, this hotel offers an outdoor pool with uninterrupted views of the sea and Paphos Mountains. Units feature private balconies or terraces overlooking the gardens or the sea.

The elegantly decorated guest rooms or villas at the Natura Beach Hotel are equipped with air conditioning and satellite TV. Each has a minibar and a private bathroom with a hairdryer.

Guests can savour a variety of traditional Cypriot dishes made from local produce and hotel-grown vegetables. Certified Cypriot breakfast is served in the morning. Drinks can be enjoyed at the bar with a fireplace and terrace overlooking the pool.

On Chrysochu Bay, this laid-back beachfront hotel with annexes nestled among olive groves and orange orchards is 10 km from the famous Baths of Aphrodite in the scenic Akamas Peninsula  Nature Reserve.

Functional rooms feature complimentary Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, minibars and balconies. Some rooms offer bay views. Suites add living areas with sofabeds. Orchard-facing villas have 2 to 3 bedrooms, plus private pools and kitchenettes.

Freebies include parking, and a breakfast buffet served in an airy restaurant that has a terrace overlooking the water. Other amenities consist of beach access, an outdoor pool and a sauna, plus a kids’ play area.

beach and surrounded by beautiful Mediterranean orchards and gardens, the Natura Beach Hotel and Villas is a truly unique holiday retreat.”,”viewport”:”DESKTOP”}]}”>

Location, peaceful (just hear the sea and bird song). Sun beds always available, no towels out at silly O’clock. Even better than previous years, a new second big pool with new really comfy sun beds. In line with its  eco  status the new pool is filtered by solar energy. The hotel has their farm one one side and their orchard on the other where most of the breakfast comes from.

Had another fantastic holiday, come here regularly. If you don’t want the full English breakfast, a fight for sun beds, 24 hour reception, lively bar, cheap drinks and 4 star comfort, but want a getaway holiday in Cyprus put this place at the top of you list. Always stay B &B, food in the hotel is good, but like to experience the tavernas in Polis ( about a 25 min walk away, or a short taxi rides.

As always, this is a great place to relax and enjoy the sun with free sunbeds and umbrellas. A new pool has been built since our trip last year. The staff here are very attentive and helpful. The town of Polis is about a 15 minute walk away and there are plenty of tavernas there for a meal or coffee. A new Japanese Fusion restaurant has opened which is very good. I would recommend Natura if you are looking for a quiet holiday in a lovely small hotel with  eco credentials.

It is hard to write a review of Natura Beach, because it is really a fantastic place, but at the same time I can understand some of the negative reviews in here. We opted for Natura because we liked the idea that the hotel was  eco -friendly and family-run and served food form their own farm. But if you expect clean towel and room service every day, and want your room to be sprayed with insect-detergent, this isn’t the place for you.

A very nice hotel in a quite location. The rooms are simple and functional, modern tv and comfortable bed. Sea view rooms on the ground floor are ideal. Very large balcony. Housekeeping kept the room very clean. Food is  eco  friendly, breakfast had a good selection. We have lunch at the hotel, menu is simple but very nice. The beach is not for everyone, I noticed that many less sporty people found it hard to get in and out of water and up a little hill, but I guess its a personal thing.

Location and owners are what’s great about this hotel. Large green area and easy access to the sea plus a very long beach (miles in either direction)

As for the owners of the hotel and staff – incredible people!

Eco Friendly Hotels Cyprus

How much does a room costs at Natura Beach Hotel And Villas ?

Prices start 114$ /night for Double Room. The Two-Bedroom Villa is 265 $/room per night with breakfast included – if coming on a honeymoon this is the perfect choice for couples.

Featuring a private pool, this split-level and air-conditioned villa offers 2 separate bedrooms, each with en-suite bathroom. It has free WiFi and a seating area with sofa and flat-screen, satellite TV, as well as a fully equipped kitchen with stove and dining area. The spacious veranda is an extra 28 square metres.

Cleaning service and change of linens is provided every 3 days.

Where to book online – Natura Beach Hotel And Villas – Eco Friendly Hotels Cyprus   – you can find the best eco friendly hotels deals in Cyprus during Strawberry Festival in Derinya   which is celebrated with much enthusiasm in Cyprus on   or or and see more reviews on TripAdvisor .

3. Coral Beach Hotel & Resort Cyprus 5* – Eco Friendly Hotels Cyprus

Coral Beach Hotel & Resort Cyprus

Overlooking a sandy beach, Coral Beach Hotel & Resort in Coral Bay offers bright rooms with a balcony or terrace. Among the leisure facilities are an indoor pool, spa and 2 outdoor pools, one with waterslides. Free WiFi is provided throughout.

Each room has satellite TV, air conditioning and tea/coffee facilities.

The complex has 4 bars and 6 restaurants serving Cypriot and international cuisine. Limani Taverna is by the beach and the hotel’s private harbour and offers fresh fish, local specialities and traditional folk dancing.

Next to Laourou Beach on the Mediterranean Sea, this relaxed resort is 28 km from Paphos International Airport .

Featuring balconies/terraces, the laid-back rooms offer free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, minibars, and tea and coffee making facilities. Some have sea views and/or whirlpool tubs. Suites add perks like private gardens with beach access, private balconies with pools, and/or kitchens. Room service is available.

Breakfast is free. Amenities include 4 bars and 6 restaurants, plus a private harbour, a tennis court, indoor and outdoor pools, and a spa. Activities include horse riding and archery. A kids’ club is also available.

Eco Friendly Hotels Cyprus

How much does a room costs at Coral Beach Hotel & Resort Cyprus ?

Prices start 245$ /night for Double Room with Mountain View . The Superior Sea View Room (Adults Only) is 335 $/room per night with breakfast included – if coming on a honeymoon this is the perfect choice for couples.

Situated in the adult-only wing, this spacious superior room offers sea view and accommodates 2 adults.

Where to book online – Coral Beach Hotel & Resort Cyprus – Eco Hotels Cyprus   – you can find the best eco friendly hotels deals in Cyprus during Strawberry Festival in Derinya   which is celebrated with much enthusiasm in Cyprus on   or or and see more reviews on TripAdvisor .

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Sorin is a freelance travel writer. He is an experienced travel writer and traveller. Since 2012 he explored more than 60 countries on 4 continents: Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. Currently is based in Romania after spending the last 7 years in Myanmar.

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  • Published: 28 November 2022

Architectural characteristics of accommodation buildings within the context of sustainable ecotourism in Cyprus: evaluation and recommendations

  • Miray Dizem Üzümoğlu   nAff2 &
  • Zihni Turkan 1  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  9 , Article number:  422 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

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  • Cultural and media studies
  • Science, technology and society

Tourism, a socioeconomic activity generally defined as an exchange of culture, is diversified by its different purposes. Ecotourism, which emerged and has been constantly developing in the last quarter century, is based on the principles of protecting the natural environment and recognising the original local culture in an interaction with the environment. As significant components of tourism activities, accommodation structures play a major role in the realisation of ecotourism. Due to its location, cultural heritage and rich history together with its Mediterranean climate, Cyprus is an especially important tourism destination for people from Middle East and European countries. The traditional living culture in this small island country has created a huge demand for ecotourism in Cyprus. The ecotourism industry in Cyprus provides housing structures restored with the traditional architectural characteristics of the island as well as new buildings. The new accommodation structures should be constructed in compliance with the traditional architectural characteristics of Cyprus to contribute to the island’s cultural tourism. Our study was conducted through a literature review regarding the main concepts of tourism and ecotourism and on-site field work on the architectural characteristics of existing ecotourism accommodation structures located in the ecotourism villages of Cyprus. In consideration of the field study findings, this study also proposes recommendations that could be a model for the architectural characteristics of new accommodation structures to be constructed for sustainable ecotourism in Cyprus. Within the framework of our study, the location, construction date, and architectural characteristics of fifteen accommodation structures were selected from Cyprus ecotourism villages; their layout and sketch drawings were completed using measurements and observations, while outdoor-indoor photographs were taken. As a result of these findings and based on the common architectural characteristics of existing ecotourism accommodation structures, the architectural characteristics of future accommodation structures have been identified accordingly.

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Tourism is generally defined as a consumer’s act of travelling and obtaining temporary accommodation at a place other than their permanent residence for holiday relaxation and recreational purposes (Yörük, 2003 ). Tourism, which is performed by changing locations for various reasons, comprises social, cultural, sports and special interest activities. Specific places and regions are chosen for different purposes and activities, making it possible to diversify. Accommodation buildings, among other tourism facilities, are vital components of tourism activities. Accommodation buildings that first provide a safe shelter for individuals and meet their various needs, such as comfort, relaxation, food and beverages, and entertainment, are categorised as hotels, motels, holiday resorts, bed and breakfasts, mountain resorts and thermal facilities (Kozak et al., 2014 ).

With its significant place among the various types of tourism, ecotourism, which emerged in the 1980s, is an important tourism activity for cultural exchange between countries. Ecotourism, namely, ecological tourism, can be defined as travel to natural and ecologically uninterrupted areas or regions (Özhan, 2007 ). Ecotourism accommodation buildings have characteristics that differ from the others, and they are similar to boutique hotels that are compatible with their natural surroundings while providing quality services. Eco-accommodation structures minimise the environmental impact on natural and cultural assets and involve landscape design and gardens and sustainable design construction, use green technologies, integrate the local community into the development and implementation of eco-accommodation buildings, and ensure environmental and cultural education for its visitors (Hakim and Nakagoshi, 2014 ). Accommodation structures, which are crucial for tourism activities, play an important role in the promotion and maintenance of traditional living culture for their visitors.

For centuries, Cyprus has been an important tourism centre due to its geographical location, Mediterranean climate, rich history and cultural heritage. As an island in the Mediterranean, Cyprus connected with other countries via the sea and maintained trade relations. The arrival of people from other countries began with British administrative and military officers during the British administration (1878–1960) (Turkan, 2008 ). After the division of the island in 1974 into north and south, Ercan Airport was opened in 1976, connecting the north with the outside world through means other than sea transportation. In the early 1980s, tourism became more active in Cyprus, and small holiday resorts were built and opened (Bıçak and Turkan, 2018 ). Since the 2000s, most accommodation buildings, particularly those along the eastern and northern coastlines, have been multi-storey and luxurious modern buildings that provide services based on the triangle of sea, bed, and sea (Ölçer, 2011 ; Emekli, 2003 ).

The residents of the island managed to continue their rural life and traditional living culture since the distances between the settlements are not too far and transportation is easy. The sustainable traditional lifestyle on the island provided positive conditions for ecotourism. Since 2005, Bağlıköy (Ambelikou), Büyükkonuk (Komi Kebir) and Dipkarpaz (Risokarpaso) were selected for the introduction of ecotourism, and the houses built with local architectural characteristics were restored and transformed into boutique hotel-style buildings. Annual ecotourism days are organised for the exhibition and selling of local food, beverages and handcrafts; and folk dance and various rural life events are held, all of which promotes and preserves the traditional life and cultural assets of Cyprus.

Ecotourism has recently become popular in Cypriot domestic and foreign tourism. The housing buildings at the related villages reflecting the traditional architectural characteristics of the island have been restored for use in ecotourism, and additional spaces and new accommodation buildings have been constructed to eliminate the shortcomings. These ecotourism accommodation buildings were chosen as the subject matter of our study with the aim of contributing to the improvement and sustainability of ecotourism since the traditional cultural assets of the island can only be promoted through accommodation buildings with traditional architectural characteristics. Because of this, future ecotourism accommodation buildings should be designed and built with the traditional architectural nature of the island.

Since the early 2000s, ecotourism has become so important among worldwide tourism activities that Cyprus’s domestic and foreign tourism visitors prefer ecotourism as their first choice. In line with such choices, there is an increasing need for accommodation buildings as a significant component in ecotourism. Considering the findings from our field studies on the architectural characteristics of the existing accommodation buildings in ecotourism villages, which were conducted to support the sustainability of ecotourism activities in Cyprus, the aim of this study is to make recommendations on the architectural characteristics of future ecotourism accommodation buildings that would promote and maintain the traditional living culture and all other local cultural heritage through spaces with traditional architectural characteristics of the island furnished with local authentic fittings.

Cyprus is an important tourism destination due to its location, rich historical and cultural heritage and Mediterranean climate (Bıçak and Turkan, 2018 ). Cyprus is particularly compatible with the notion of ecotourism since rural areas that are very close to urban life opportunities yet merged with nature still operate in a traditional way. The existing accommodation buildings used in tourism activities are not sufficient in terms of reflecting and promoting the historical pattern, traditional architecture and living culture of the island; hence, they cannot be useful for ecotourism. Therefore, there are not enough accommodation buildings in the villages to meet the increasing demand for ecotourism. As a result of our study, we identified the architectural characteristics that have a major role in the island’s ecotourism activities and proposed these for the design of accommodation buildings. While there are various studies on ecotourism in Cyprus, our study is the first detailed and comprehensive study on how ecotourism accommodation buildings contribute to the promotion of ecotourism through future accommodation buildings with the proposed architectural characteristics. Moreover, the study findings make a major contribution to the correct performance and sustainability of ecotourism through the new ecotourism facilities to be built with the proposed architectural characteristics.

Starting from the concept of tourism as the basis of our research, the types of tourism, the accommodations in tourism, the concept of ecotourism and its properties and effects, the ecotourism villages in Cyprus, the architectural characteristics of accommodation buildings in such villages and the architectural characteristic recommendations for the design of new ecotourism accommodation buildings are the focus of our study.

The research process table is shown in Table 1 .

Theoretical framework

Ecotourism is generally defined as nature-conscious travel that aims to protect the environment and consider the welfare of the local community (Ayman, 2013 ). In other words, the concept of ecotourism comprises travels to visit or study the landscape, flora and fauna, and activities unique to such places (Soykan, 2003 ). According to Elizabeth Boo, ecotourism is nature-oriented tourism protecting nature and improving tourism by fundraising for parks, protected areas and surrounding communities and organising environmental training courses for the local community (Erkut, 2005 ). Kutay noted that ecotourism is considered a development model at natural sites and is planned as a part of biological source-based tourism within a socioeconomic structure (Özyaba, 2001 ). The World Tourism Organisation recognises ecotourism as responsible travel to natural areas with the aim of protecting the environment and enhancing the welfare of the local community. Ecotourism, which has grown and continues to grow, involves travelling to a place where the natural environment and unique culture are protected and where tourists can interact with their surroundings to learn about the local community and culture (Özhan, 2007 ). The concept of ecotourism was first used by Hector Ceballos-Lascurain in 1983. According to Hector Ceballos-Lascurain, ecotourism has the least impact on the environment; it covers visits to unspoiled or unpolluted natural areas with the special purpose of analysing, observing and living with the landscape, wildlife and rural concepts. The most important aspect of ecotourism is the inclusion of the local community; hence, socioeconomic benefits are acquired (Boo, 1993 ).

The trend in ecotourism has the fastest growth among the worldwide tourism industries. The most important factors that provide significance to ecotourism are as follows (Hawkins and Lamoureux, 2001 ):

International awareness.

Desire for nature-oriented experience.

Necessity to preserve natural resources for future generations.

The main characteristics of ecotourism are respect, responsibility and sustainability. The following four principles are always emphasised in all definitions of ecotourism (Erdoğan, 2003 ; Polat, 2008 ):

Natural environment.

Ecological and cultural sustainability.

Education and explanation of topic.

Economic benefits at the local level.

Ecotourism also aims to benefit from both natural and cultural features. The rural life, mountain and village houses chosen for accommodation, the tastes of local cuisine and the ability to camp in unspoiled nature are some of the characteristics of ecotourism activities. With respect to ecotourism, which focuses on existing resources, the main aim is to transfer daily life habits towards an activity (Polat, 2008 ).

Ecotourism accommodation buildings, which have a different approach than the accommodations for other types of tourism, are mainly boutique hotels that fit within their natural surroundings and provide quality service. They are mainly small-scale establishments that operate as family businesses.

Ecolodges were first introduced at the First International Forum on Ecological Accommodation in 1994 in the US Virgin Islands. In 1995, a guideline about ecolodge facilities, “The First International Ecolodge Guidelines”, was developed during an international conference held in Costa Rica. Consequently, the first international definition of ecolodge facilities was provided accordingly. Based on this definition, the essential components of the first ecolodge facility are as follows (Wood, 2002 ; Demir and Çevirgen, 2006 ):

Protect the natural and cultural elements of its surroundings.

Minimal negative impact on the natural environment during construction.

The physical and cultural texture of the facility should blend with the local architectural styles and scenery and colours.

Use of alternative practices to meet long-term water demands and minimise water consumption.

Solid waste and wastewater systems should be established with effective management.

Contribute to sustainable development of the local community through research programs.

Efforts to collaborate with the local community.

Offer ecological and cultural training courses from which local employees and tourists can also benefit.

Meet the energy needs by merging passive designs and modern installations with sustainable use.

Ecotourism in Cyprus

Cyprus is a small island where the industry sector has not developed very much, and the production sector mainly focuses on agriculture and animal husbandry. The local community have maintained their rural life and traditional living culture since the distances between the settlements are not too far and transportation is easy. The sustainable traditional lifestyle on the island has provided positive conditions for ecotourism.

Büyükkonuk (Komi Kebir) was chosen as a pilot ecotourism village in 2005 to revive tourism in Cyprus. Within the scope of such activities, the locals were provided training about ecotourism, and several conferences were held as well. Later, with the ecotourism activities initiated in Bağlıköy (Ampelikou) and Dipkarpaz (Rizokarpaso), ecotourism in Cyprus became popular and developed. Special ecotourism days are organised annually in ecotourism villages where local food and beverages and handcrafts are sold and folk dance shows and various rural life activities are held, enabling the promotion and maintenance of the traditional lifestyle and cultural assets of Cyprus. The houses built with local architectural characteristics are restored and transformed into boutique hotels to serve their visitors.

Bağlıköy (Ampelikou) is a village in Lefke, Cyprus, with 200 habitants, stone streets, houses built with traditional materials and a richness in nature where people still live in a traditional way (Tietze, 2002 ; LEKAD, 2009 ). Bağlıköy is a typical eco-village due to its traditional architectural texture, traditional lifestyle, local produce from fertile soils, traditional handcrafts and Cyprus cuisine. It became an eco-village in 2013, its locals were trained about ecotourism, and the Ecotourism Volunteers Association was established, which ensured awareness of natural beauties and the environment and protected cultural heritage items and local texture. As a part of ecotourism activities, village houses were restored as accommodation buildings, local products became much more important, and an annual eco-day event was planned (Figs. 1 and 2 ).

figure 1

Ampelikou general appearance.

figure 2

Ampelikou: a view from eco-day. .

Dipkarpaz (Rizokarpaso) village is in the district of İskele with a population of 2349. It is located on the far east tip of the Karpasia Peninsula and is disconnected from urban life due to the insufficiency of the transportation axis and means as well as its distance from cities. However, this has favoured the survival of traditional island life in the village with all of its properties. The ecotourism facilities in the Karpasia Peninsula were first opened in 2009, and the first one was called ‘Arch House’. The traditional houses that have the historical texture of Dipkarpaz were restored and transformed into ecotourism eligible accommodation facilities. In 2013, the “Multi-Purpose Community Centre” (ÇATOM Coop.), the first Women’s Cooperative in Dipkarpaz, was founded to develop and sustain ecotourism and to support women and farmers in village life. Products made by women are sold on eco-day festivals and fairs under the brand of this cooperative (Figs. 3 and 4 ).

figure 3

Risokarpaso general appearance.

figure 4

Risokarpaso ÇATOM Cooperative.

With its population of 2860 people, Büyükkonuk (Komi Kebir) is a settlement built on top of a necropolis from the Bronze Age (Tuğun and Karaman, 2014 ). In 2005, Büyükkonuk village was declared a pilot village for eco- and agrotourism sites with the aim of reviving tourism in the area. Hence, trainings and seminars on ecotourism were organised for the locals. In collaboration with the SME Centre, several workshops were held to merge the local community with the concept of ecotourism. The handcrafts of Büyükkonuk, cultural events and festivals are important both for visitor attraction and for improving domestic and foreign tourism. The ‘Eco-Day’ festival is held in Büyükkonuk twice a year in May and October with major participation to support the local community in the village and preserve the local cuisine. The objectives of the eco-day festival are to improve environmental awareness, promote local and regional heritage and sell the local delicacies and the natural and organic produce of the local community. The very old traditional houses at the village square have been restored and put in service as accommodation buildings and restaurants for ecotourism activities. Büyükkonuk, the first eco-village in the region, serves ecotourism with its history, social and cultural assets and local architectural texture (Figs. 5 and 6 ).

figure 5

Komikebir general appearance.

figure 6

Komikebir-craft stand.


Our research was conducted with a qualitative method covering a literature review on basic concepts and on-site field work. Therefore, an in-depth literature review on the concepts of tourism and ecotourism in particular was performed as the basis of our study, examining the types of tourism accommodation buildings, ecotourism accommodation buildings and ecotourism in Cyprus through the related journals, books, articles and thesis works.

As part of the meetings with the related institutions regarding the accommodation buildings in the ecotourism villages in Cyprus, which is the main subject matter of our study, the relevant institutions, associations and individuals whom we contacted provided the following information: the documentation on the registered tourism accommodation buildings and ecotourism accommodation buildings from the Ministry of Tourism and Environment; the information on the location, current situation and contact details of ecotourism accommodation building owners in the related villages from the Municipalities of Lefke, Büyükkonuk and Dipkarpaz; the information on the role of Lefke in ecotourism, ecotourism villages in the area and the procedures on how the ecotourism accommodation buildings in Bağlıköy, Yeşilırmak and Yeşilyurt became a part of ecotourism from the Chairman of the Lefke Tourism Association; the detailed information on the integration of ecotourism accommodation buildings in Karpasia into tourism activities and their contribution from the Chairman of Karpasia Eco-Agrotourism Cooperative and Board Members and officials from the Ecotourism Volunteers Association; the information and documentation on the history of existing accommodation buildings, restoration process, official procedures in transforming accommodation buildings and the benefit of such buildings for the regional ecotourism from the owners/managers of the existing accommodation buildings.

No surveys were used for our study. Only several interviews were held with the related persons and institutions for information purposes.

A total of fifteen ecotourism accommodation buildings were analysed on-site through the field studies performed examining the accommodation buildings in the ecotourism villages in Cyprus, which are Bağlıköy (Ambelikou), Büyükkonuk (Komi Kebir), Dipkarpaz (Risokarpaso), Yeşilyurt (Pentageia), Yeşilırmak (Limnitis) and Kumyalı (Kumyalik). Outputs were generated on the number of floors and the architectural characteristics, the courtyards that provide indoor-outdoor space, the building materials, the construction systems, the room systems, the façade details, the interior elements and the furnishings. The measurements and observations required to identify the spaces in buildings and determine the functional relation between the spaces were performed, and their individual layout sketches were developed. The indoor and outdoor spaces of buildings were photographed to identify the existing status of accommodation buildings and support our study.

Our field study findings on the architectural characteristics of ecotourism accommodation buildings are presented via a systematic table. The common architectural characteristics of existing ecotourism accommodation buildings were identified based on follow-up assessments.

Pursuant to the findings generated from our interviews and architectural observations, the majority of ecotourism accommodation buildings are built with the traditional architectural characteristics. Some of the old buildings were restored and became a part of ecotourism, while the others are new buildings partially reflecting the traditional architectural characteristics. Future accommodation buildings should have the properties to reflect traditional architecture and living culture in their location, layout, material, and furnishing, all of which would maintain and ensure the sustainability of ecotourism. Hence, our study provides architectural characteristic recommendations for future ecotourism accommodation buildings.

The following table reflects our research plan, outline of our activities and overall process (Table 2 ).

Case study (ecotourism accommodation buildings in Cyprus)

Within the framework of our field study conducted on ecotourism accommodation buildings in Cyprus, the layout sketches of two accommodation buildings in Bağlıköy (Ampelikou) (Bağ Evi, Ambelikou Guest House), three in Büyükkonuk (Komi Kebir) (Ayphodios Guest House, Asut Guest House, Galifes Guest House), six in Dipkarpaz (Rizokarpaso) (Castle Carpasia Guest House, Karpasia Natura Guest House, Villa Lembos Hotel, Glaro Garden Hotel, Revaklı Ev Guest House, Karpaz Arch House) and one in Yeşilyurt (Pentageia) (Pendaya Eco Garden), two in Yeşilırmak (Limnitis) (Vouni King Hotel, Erson Hoca’s Organic Farm) and one in Kumyalı (Kumyalik) (Nitovikla Garden Hotel) were generated, and the buildings were photographed upon visiting them on-site and identifying their architectural characteristics.

Among the fifteen ecotourism accommodation buildings that are under the scope of our research, thirteen are in the village centre where active rural life continues, and two of them (Ayphodios Guest House, Erson Hoca’s Organic Farm) are located outside the villages. They are not high-storey buildings, yet all of them have courtyards.

The accommodation buildings are mainly built with masonry construction using traditional materials such as ashlar, adobe and wood. In some of the accommodation buildings (Villa Lembos, Glaro Garden Hotel, Erson Hoca’s Organic Farm, Karpasia Natura Guest House, Vouni King Hotel, Nitovikla Garden Hotel), reinforced concrete carcass systems and modern materials were also used together with masonry. Adobe was only used in the walls, stone walls, door-window frames, arch and wall coverings, while wood was used for door windows, ceiling carrier systems, shading elements and railings (Figs. 7 – 10 ).

figure 7

Example of an adobe structure.

figure 8

Example of reinforced concrete construction.

figure 9

Example of a piecewise structure.

figure 10

The majority of the accommodation buildings were scattered in design, and the layouts were organised in a rectangular form (Figs. 11 and 12 ).

figure 11

Plan sketch—Risokarpaso.

figure 12

The roof systems of accommodation buildings are generally either flat or slightly inclined roofs covered with bricks. Flat roof and saddle back and jerkinhead were used in six of the accommodation buildings (Castle Karpasia Guest House, Karpasia Natura Guest House, Glaro Garden Hotel, Karpaz Arch House, Pendeya Eco Garden Hotel, Nitovikla Garden Hotel).

Almost all of the accommodation buildings have a simple façade with wooden doors and windows. The arch stoas in four of the accommodation buildings (Galifes Guest House, Revaklı Ev Guest House, Karpaz Arch House, Nitovikla Garden Hotel) also pepped up the façades (Figs. 13 – 16 ).

figure 13

An example of a structure built with stone material—Komikebir.

figure 14

An example of a portico and arched structure—Risokarpaso.

figure 15

An example of a building with stone materials—Risokarpaso.

figure 16

An example of reinforced concrete construction—Kumyalık.

In general, the floors are covered with ceramic, while the ceilings are mainly built with straw roofs spread on rectangular wooden beams. The ceilings of four accommodation buildings (Asut Guest House, Karpasia Natura Guest House, Villa Lembos, Glaro Garden Hotel) are plastered and painted white (Figs. 17 and 18 ).

figure 17

Authentic furnishing example—Komikebir.

figure 18

The bedrooms have authentic beds made with wood, iron and brass; wooden carved chests, armchairs and tables; rugs on the floor; and curtains embellished with handcrafts for the final touch. The reception and sitting areas in public spaces are decorated with authentic wooden armchairs and sofas and a coffee table, sideboard, showcase cabinet and shelves. A wooden table with legs made on a wood lathe and woven straw chairs are placed in the dining areas (Figs. 19 – 22 ).

figure 19

Authentic furnishing example—Kumyalik.

figure 20

An example of a stone arched structure—Komikebir.

figure 21

Example of a wooden rafter ceiling—Komikebir.

figure 22

Ceiling and floor sample—Risokarpaso.

Findings and evaluation (table of eco-tourism accommodation buildings)

Pursuant to the comparisons and evaluations regarding the architectural characteristics of Cyprus ecotourism accommodation buildings, the accommodation buildings are located in rural settlement villages, and the majority of them have been restored and made functional. While some of the buildings are old housing units with traditional architectural characteristics, the others are new buildings with traditional architectural elements.

The old buildings have one or two stories with a courtyard built with masonry construction method using stone, adobe and wooden materials. The roof systems are brick-covered saddle or flat roof. Most of these buildings have arch porches built with ashlar along their sleeping units. There are wooden shutters on the simple face of the buildings. The floor materials are local marble plates, polished concrete and ceramic, while the ceilings have reed mats on rectangular wooden columns. All indoor furnishings in all buildings are authentic local materials made with wood, iron and brass.

Most of the new accommodation buildings are single storey, whereas the others are built with two or three stories with courtyards. They are mainly built with bricks in reinforced concrete carcass systems. The new buildings are generally fragmented and in a rectangular layout plan. Most of them are covered with flat roofs, and some have brick-covered saddle roofs. The floors of the accommodation buildings, which have simple façades with wooden doors and windows, are covered with ceramic material. The ceilings are generally plastered and painted white. The indoor furnishings are comprised of local authentic furniture made with wooden materials.

The architectural characteristics of the ecotourism accommodation buildings under the scope of our study are reflected in the table below (Table 3 ).

Conclusion and recommendations

Accommodation buildings, with their location, architecture and authentic elements and services, are crucial for the existence and sustainability of ecotourism as a kind of tourism that promotes and maintains local cultural assets.

The ecotourism accommodation buildings that are covered by our study are houses in rural settlement villages and have traditional architectural characteristics; here, people have the chance to live within the traditional lifestyle surrounded by streets integrated with nature.

Since the buildings do not have many stories, visitors can enjoy village life together with the traditional living culture in which people can sit and eat outdoors surrounded by nature.

The use of traditional materials promotes the traditional architecture of Cyprus, while the insulation properties of materials provide structural comfort during summer and winter. Moreover, the materials are from local suppliers, which has also added value for the construction economy.

The accommodation buildings are designed as scattered on the land, allowing them to be customised by the utilisation nature of different functions, while their connection with outdoor spaces as well as being low-rise buildings ensures integration with nature and detached living.

In terms of roof systems, the buildings have flat or slightly inclined roof structures that fit with the low-precipitation Mediterranean climate.

The buildings’ simple façades, doors and windows made from wood fit the Mediterranean climate, just as the traditional materials, stone arch porches and indoor-outdoor living spaces reflect the traditional architecture that has a major place in Cypriot life, and this is all provided for the enjoyment of visitors.

Although ceramics are used for the flooring, the use of traditional materials and construction techniques in the old and restored buildings and the ceilings of new accommodation buildings conserve the interior characteristics of local architecture.

Most interior furnishings are similar. The bedrooms and common areas have authentic furniture and furnishings made with wood, iron and brass, reflecting the traditional interior design of the island.

Consequently, our architectural recommendations for the design of future sustainable ecotourism accommodation buildings are based on our findings regarding the architectural characteristics of the ecotourism accommodation buildings in Cyprus.:

New ecotourism accommodation buildings should be in rural areas that are isolated from urban life and where unique Cyprus flora and fauna exist, traditional living activities still live on, and local and original production is performed.

New buildings should be low-rise buildings with courtyards inside to provide better quality service for visitors, better utilisation of rural life opportunities and provision of living service in a close relationship with nature.

To support the economy, contribute to structural soundness, and promote the sustainability of traditional architecture and local material resources, the main building materials should be stone, adobe and wood, which are still available for easy access on the island.

While accommodation buildings with low bed capacity may be single buildings, most should be designed as scattered buildings with bedrooms and common areas connected through a courtyard to be functionally compatible with a traditional rural lifestyle in touch with nature.

The roof systems should be flat roofs or brick-covered slightly inclined roofs to fit with the Mediterranean climate and traditional architecture.

To accommodate the higher temperatures of the Mediterranean climate and to reflect the traditional architecture, the windows should have wooden shutters, and semi-open spaces (terraces, arch porches, traditional balconies) should be used to create the outdoor spaces that have a vital place in traditional outdoor life in the Mediterranean climate.

Local and traditional materials (stone plate, wood, straw mat) should be used for walls, flooring and ceilings.

Wooden, brass and iron materials that reflect the living culture and ethnographical cultural assets of Cyprus and that are still used in rural areas should be used for the furnishings of accommodation buildings.

Moreover, electricity should be generated from the solar energy resources that are a benefit of the Mediterranean climate, which would make it possible to meet hot water needs; rainwater harvesting systems should be available as an additional source for water demand; and wastewater should be treated to be used outdoors and in landscaping with the aim of minimising the environmental impact on natural and cultural assets and contributing to ecotourism.

Pursuant to our findings, the future ecotourism accommodation buildings that would be built based on our recommendations regarding the location, number of floors, materials, roof system, façade by climate, indoor organisation, furnishings and renewable energy resources would promote the cultural values of the island and bring major contributions to sustainable ecotourism in Cyprus.

Data availability

Data can be made available on request.

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Miray Dizem Üzümoğlu

Present address: Near East University, Graduate Education Institute, North Cyprus, Cyprus

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Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, North Cyprus, Cyprus

Zihni Turkan

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Üzümoğlu, M.D., Turkan, Z. Architectural characteristics of accommodation buildings within the context of sustainable ecotourism in Cyprus: evaluation and recommendations. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9 , 422 (2022).

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Received : 13 May 2022

Accepted : 14 November 2022

Published : 28 November 2022


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WELCOME…to a small rural getaway in Cyprus where many local traditions continue to be practiced.  We are situated on the foothills of the Five Finger (Besparmak) mountain range at the gateway to the Karpaz peninsula, in Buyukkonuk (Komi Kebir). WELCOME…to where ECOTOURISM began in northern Cyprus.  In 2005 we became a member of the Global…

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CSTI's mission is to contribute to the development of sustainable tourism that conserves the environment, supports local economy and promotes local culture. CSTI has developed several projects which are aiming to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable tourism to the environment, the society and the economy, to promote local culture, to develop close links between local suppliers and hoteliers/operators, and to educate and inform the public regarding sustainability issues. 

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In the framework of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, the Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative commits to:

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Guided Walks

Cyprus has a plethora of trained guides to lead you on nature walks. You can easily choose the destination from a list of many depending on what you want to view and experience. Some are best suited for the family while others are suited for explorers.

For walks and expeditions in the forest and on the beaches, the guides will explain all the regulations that seek to protect the habitat by leaving it as natural as possible. Unfortunately, Cyprus’s government does not allow collection of souvenirs and artifacts.

Cyprus Village Tours

Cyprus still has people living in villages in rural areas. However, the villages are becoming smaller by the day, and the government is encouraging their growth. This is one way to preserve the original culture of the Cypriot people.

The number of people who can take bus tours to the villages is highly regulated. If you would like to visit these villages, make sure that you book well in advance and follow the given regulations.

Marine Tours

Cyprus is an island and has breathtaking and clean beaches. The marine department is obsessed with maintaining the original form of both the beaches and the marine life. However, this does not mean that people cannot go to visit the marine life.

The country offers guided tours to the beach, shallow sea and deep sea. Some of the best scenery can be found at the untouched shipwrecks and with the marine life that dwells in and around the shipwrecks. The diving tours are guided and regulated by the government to make sure that the untouched environment is maintained.

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A breath-taking natural attraction in Cyprus

Preserving the Historic Sites

Any tour in Cyprus cannot be complete without touring the historic and cultural ruins. However, have you ever wondered how these sites still exist or why they get recognized all over the world? It has taken great efforts to protect them and let nature take its course.

Even though Cyprus has modern architectural buildings, none has interfered with these cultural and historic sites. They spread all over the island and carry a rich history for all people to enjoy.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that Cyprus has zoos and modern parks that protect indigenous plants and animals. The public is allowed to visit under certain regulations. The government strives to preserve the country’s tourist attractions through the employment of ecotourism strategies. If you visit the country as a tourist or an expat, remember to check the regulations that govern ecotourism.

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    Omodos Village Eco-Tourism. Omodos is located about 42 kilometres north-west of the city of Limassol, in the geographical region of the wine-making villages. It is built near the west bank of the Cha-potami River at an average altitude of 810 meters.

  6. Green Travel Guide to Cyprus

    Eco-friendly travel guide to Cyprus advises how to be a responsible tourist. Learn how to travel in a sustainable way and how to respect the local people and culture. Make your trip green by supporting locally owned hotels, organic restaurants and other businesses. Read more on how to protect the environment by making conscientious choices and how to travel green in Cyprus, Europe.

  7. THE 10 BEST Cyprus Eco Tours (Updated 2024)

    Eco Tours in Cyprus. We perform checks on reviews. 1. Pafos Zoo Ticket. From tigers, lions and giraffes to penguins, monkeys and more, Pafos Zoo is a giant playground where kids can run wild and…. 2. Full Day Tour in Troodos Mountains: Villages & Waterfalls. Troodos, is a magical place with panoramic views of the mountains and exquisite ...


    Sport & Training. Sea Life. Night Life. Featured. Tours & Guides. We have put together an end to end, fun and full packed 5-day guide taking you all over North Cyprus. Essentials. Global Offices. Climate & Weather.

  9. 15 Eco-Friendly Things You Could Do in Cyprus

    Here, the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) reveals some of the island's best eco-friendly activities and places to stay. 1. Become a beekeeper for the day. Cyprus' warm climate is perfect for producing rich and thick honey and, back in 2013, a Cypriot honey was voted 'Best in the World' at the World Beekeeping Awards.

  10. Eco-Tourism in Cyprus-Our Way of Life in Cyprus

    In addition to the agricultural activities, eco-tourism in Cyprus also offers visitors the chance to explore the island's natural beauty. Many eco-tourism businesses are located in rural areas, surrounded by lush forests, rolling hills, and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can go hiking or biking through the countryside, take ...

  11. Cyprus Honey Eco Routes

    Day 2 - Cyprus Honey Eco Routes. Oros Maxaira honey farm. In the morning visit the ,, Oros Maxaira " modern honey farm in Melini village, Larnaka district. Here you will learn everything about bees life cycle and how the honey is extracted, processed and bottled. Also you can participate in several workshops, such as beeswax candle making.

  12. Guide to Eco Hotels in Cyprus ( 2024 Updated)

    3. Coral Beach Hotel & Resort Cyprus 5* - Eco Friendly Hotels Cyprus. Coral Beach Hotel & Resort Cyprus. Overlooking a sandy beach, Coral Beach Hotel & Resort in Coral Bay offers bright rooms with a balcony or terrace. Among the leisure facilities are an indoor pool, spa and 2 outdoor pools, one with waterslides.

  13. Cyprus Eco Tour Adventures

    We are your driver, your guide and your host for the duration of your tour, committed to ensuring that you are left with wonderful memories that you can treasure forever. Single-day, Single-vehicle, 4X4 tours in the back roads of untouched Cyprus. Discover the hidden treasures of the island of Cyprus. Paphos tours in Akamas, Troodos, and custom ...

  14. Architectural characteristics of accommodation buildings within the

    Since the early 2000s, ecotourism has become so important among worldwide tourism activities that Cyprus's domestic and foreign tourism visitors prefer ecotourism as their first choice.

  15. Visit NCY ǀ Official North Cyprus Tourism Guide

    A solitary island in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus has had a rich history of being visited by seafaring travellers from neighbouring countries and empires. From the Assyrians to the Egyptians, the Persians to the Romans, Cyprus has seen hordes of visitors disembark on her shores over the centuries - each leaving their distinctive mark on ...

  16. Eco-Tourism

    Overall, eco-tourism in Akamas offers visitors the chance to connect with nature in a sustainable and responsible way. By promoting sustainable travel practices, conservation efforts, and community involvement, eco-tourism in Akamas provides a model for responsible tourism that can help to protect and preserve the natural beauty of this unique region for generations to come.

  17. Eco-Tourism in Akamas-Our Way of Life in Cyprus

    Experience the unspoiled beauty of eco-tourism in Akamas, where nature takes centre stage offering a breathtaking escape from the city. Eco-tourism in Akamas is a growing trend that offers visitors the opportunity to explore the natural beauty and biodiversity of this stunning region while minimizing their impact on the environment.

  18. Lifestyle & Hobby

    Find us on: Facebook page opens in new window Twitter page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window

  19. Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative

    The Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI) was established in 2006, with the goal to promote the development of a sustainable approach to tourism in Cyprus. CSTI's mission is to contribute to the development of sustainable tourism that conserves the environment, supports local economy and promotes local culture. CSTI has developed several ...

  20. The Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI)

    We collaborate with organisations and stakeholders of the tourism industry in Cyprus and abroad to develop projects which support our goals. More info. Glasgow Declaration Announcement. CSTI's Climate Action Plan in Tourism 2024. Global Tourism Plastics Initiative Announcement. CSTI's 2022 Achievements. Proud member of the Pancyprian ...

  21. Ecotourism in Cyprus

    A New Form of Ecotourism in Cyprus. Ecotourism has gained popularity as different states seek sustainability. It was one of the millennial goals at the global level, and many states have invested money and ideas into the project. Cyprus has not been left behind and has done a lot to promote a new form of ecotourism in the country.

  22. Eco-Tourism Omodos Village-Our Way of Life in Cyprus

    2 thought on "Eco-Tourism Omodos Village" Mario says: 11 April 2024 at 21:58. such a beautiful place. Reply. Marianna says: 13 April 2024 at 19:27. Beautiful. Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. ... 4529 Cyprus; Email: [email protected]; Our Way of Life in Cyprus. Getting to Know Cyprus.


    02. postcard views. Dynamic landscapes and thriving flora are major factors of the popularity of the mount Troodos even for the most demanding explorers. The best way to witness the beauty of this place is through a walk along Cyprus's highest mountain pass. The area offers splendid views of the scenic beauty, highly worthy of being photographed.