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How Much Does A Trip To Southeast Asia Cost? (Updated 2024)

Unlike Western countries, Southeast Asia is much more affordable whether you're looking for budget-friendly travel or luxury experiences.

To gain a clearer understanding of the expenses associated with a Southeast Asia tour, we've highlighted the key costs and provided suggestions on how to craft your ideal trip without burning a hole in your wallet.

  • How Much Is a Trip to Southeast Asia?
  • The Most Expensive and Cheapest Times
  • Cost of International Flights
  • Cost of Accommodation
  • Cost of Transportation
  • Cost of Food
  • Cost of Attractions/Activities
  • Cost of Visas

How Much Does It Cost to Travel Around Southeast Asia?

As a first-timer, you're usually advised to stay in Southeast Asia for 2 to 3 weeks. A personalized private tour could efficiently deal with travel logistics and offer a stress-free travel experience, especially for those traveling with family or a partner.

Typically, a multiple-country private tour costs about US$200 to US$250 per person per day , including quality hotels, private local tours, and flights within Southeast Asia. Kids under 10 could get a 30–50% discount.

If you prefer to have an in-depth exploration of a single country, prices vary slightly between countries. You could expect the daily cost to be more than US$250 in Singapore and Indonesia, while in Vietnam and Cambodia, it is less than US$200. For the remaining countries, the daily costs range from US$200 to US$250.

For over 20 years, Asia Highlights has provided premium private tours for over 10,000 groups a year. We are experienced in offering a worry-free Southeast Asia trip, whether it's for family fun, a romantic getaway, or checking something off of a bucket list. Explore the region with our highly-appreciated guides and drivers, and capture memorable moments with our exclusive activities.

You could check out some of our handpicked tours for more price details:

  • 12-Day Thailand Family Vacation : from US$2,499 p/p
  • 14-Day Vietnam and Cambodia Family Tour : from US$2,733 per adult, US$2,049 per child
  • 19-Day Highlights of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam : from US$4,229 p/p

Want to create your dream trip as per your schedule and interests? Contact us for a tailor-made itinerary!

The Most Expensive and Cheapest Times to Go to Southeast Asia

The most expensive times usually coincide with the best weather or the festival season (Christmas and New Year holidays). Most SE Asian countries experience their best weather between November and April, while Indonesia's optimal time is from April to October. If you're traveling during these peak seasons, be prepared for higher costs. Early booking could sometimes be beneficial in securing better deals.

Costs tend to reach their lowest point during the rainy season, primarily from May to October. In Indonesia, this is from November to March. Traveling during the rainy season doesn't necessarily mean you would have a bad experience, as the rainfall mostly occurs as short downpours in the late hours. If you don't mind the extra rain, you could take advantage of significant discounts (20–50%) on flights and hotels.

More ideas on the best times to visit Southeast Asia .

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Cost of International Flights to Southeast Asia

Return flights from America or Europe generally cost from US$800 to US$2,000+, while those from Australia and New Zealand are cheaper, ranging from US$300 to US$1,500. The actual airfare depends on your route and seat preferences.

Singapore and Bangkok are the top air hubs in Southeast Asia. Choose Singapore for a better connection to Indonesia and Malaysia, and opt for Bangkok if you're heading to mainland destinations, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

Concerning the costs, flights to Bangkok are cheaper than those to Singapore if you're from America or Europe. For Australians and New Zealanders, Singapore would be a faster and more cost-effective choice.

Check how to plan a trip to Southeast Asia , including couples' trip and family trip>>>

Cost of Accommodation in Southeast Asia

As a backpackers' mecca region, you could easily find hostels at low costs in many SE Asian countries. But for a more comfortable stay, we highly recommend 4- or 5-star hotels.

The room rates for a 4-star hotel range from US$70 to US$130 per room per night, while a 5-star hotel starts from US$150 per room per night. For the same quality service, room rates in coastal cities are higher than those inland. Additionally, the more developed the city you stay in, the more choices you would have.

As a travel agent, we collaborate with many hotels to offer competitive prices. Simultaneously, we have carefully-selected high-quality hotels within the same price range, whether you prefer adult-only or family-friendly options . In addition to international hotels, we've thoughtfully selected distinctive boutique hotels for you and your loved one(s), such as floating hotels in Kanchanaburi, bungalows just a few steps from the beaches in Phuket, as well as jungle hotels and clifftop hotels with infinity pools in Bali.

Unveil the handpicked itineraries for 10 days , 2 weeks or 3 weeks in Southeast Asia>>>

Cost of Transportation in Southeast Asia

For long-distance travel, especially between countries, flights are the fastest (typically about 1 hour) and most comfortable option , with fares ranging from $60 to $150. For a more relaxed pace, an 8-day Mekong River cruise between Vietnam and Cambodia would be a good choice.

For shorter trips, private transfers are highly recommended. They help to create a stress-free vacation without route worries and lots of walking from/to public transportation. They also provide flexibility for your schedule and itinerary.

Overwhelmed by the logistics of your Southeast Asia trip? Leave your interests and requests , and your travel expert will personalize a private tour for you within 24 hours!

Cost of Food in Southeast Asia

Dining is generally inexpensive. Southeast Asia provides abundant food choices: nice street food at US$1–3 per person, affordable meals at local restaurants at US$4–20 per person, and fine dining at US$60+ per person. If you're looking for Western food, the price would go up by at least 20%.

The food costs may vary slightly across different countries. Well-developed countries, such as Singapore and Thailand, tend to be more expensive, whereas less-developed countries, such as Vietnam and Cambodia, are generally more affordable.

Unlock expert tips for your Singapore and Bali trip planning >>>

Cost of Attractions/Activities in Southeast Asia

When traveling in Southeast Asia, expenses for entrance fees primarily focus on each country's iconic attractions and unique activities.

In Southeast Asia, beaches, temples, and museums are mainly free and some of them cost just US$3–5. However, t he prices of historical landmarks would increase to between $15 and US$60 , such as Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Grand Palace in Thailand, and Borobudur in Indonesia.

The local cultural shows cost about US$20–50 per person. A street food walking tour, a countryside biking tour, or a trip to an elephant sanctuary costs from US$50–100 per person.

Certainly, seaside activities are not to be missed in a Southeast Asia trip. Island-hopping tours with snorkeling experiences usually cost more than US$120.

If you're willing to pay extra for a more exclusive experience, we could also customize it for you , such as a local wedding experience.

Cost of Visas to Southeast Asian Countries

Americans and Europeans enjoy visa-free policies in most countries in SE Asia. But, when traveling to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, you're expected to pay a visa fee of about US$25 to US$50 per country for a 30-day stay. The longer you stay, the more you have to pay.

Further reading:

  • Itinerary options for 2 weeks in Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia

Discover Southeast Asia With Us

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  • 15-Day Best of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam Tour
  • 19-Day Highlights of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam Tour
  • 14-Day Classic Vietnam and Thailand Tour
  • 12-Day Best of Thailand and Cambodia Tour
  • How to Visit Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam 2024: 10, 14 and 21-Day Itinerary Ideas
  • How to Plan a Trip to Southeast Asia 2024 (First-Timers' Guide)
  • 2 Weeks in Southeast Asia: Top 6 Itineraries for 2024/2025
  • Southeast Asia Itinerary for 3 Weeks: Best 5 Ideas in 2024
  • Southeast Asia Weather in January, Where to Go
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  • The 6 Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia in July (2024)
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  • Southeast Asia Weather in November 2024, Where to Go
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How Much Does It Cost to Visit Asia?

asia travel cost

Jon Hicks/Getty Images

How much money to travel in Asia is enough? There isn't an easy answer, however, the variables can be examined so you can create a budget for Asia more easily.

How much money it takes to travel in Asia is entirely up to you. While luxury is always available (there will be plenty of budget-blowing temptations), frugal backpacking travelers manage to scrape by in cheap countries (e.g., China, India, and much of Southeast Asia) for less than US $30 per day!

Although flights to Asia can be pricey if you don't know the ins and outs of finding cheap flights, the rewards of traveling in Asia far outweigh the extra trouble to get there. Leveraging the currency difference between your home country and developing countries helps to stretch travel savings even further.

Initial Costs for Travel

Before you worry about daily expenses on the ground in Asia, first consider start-up and trip-preparation costs. Although spending money before you even get to Asia isn't exactly a pleasant prospect, many of these one-time expenses will keep you prepared for future international trips.

  • Definitely get  budget travel insurance for your trip.
  • You may have to pay occasional  travel visa fees.
  • The biggest expense will be booking a flight to Asia .

Take a Tour or Go Independent?

Although there are some advantages for booking a tour on your first trip to Asia , doing so from home will significantly add to the cost of your trip. Tours are tempting because they present a total cost for the trip and eliminate the need to brave the unknown.

If you're willing to wing it, avoid booking an expensive tour from home (the companies who can afford to advertise online are often the most expensive). Instead, wait until you arrive in Asia, then if you still feel that a tour is the best way to see a place, book from a local travel agency.

Booking once on the ground has a better chance of helping the local economy. This is especially true when choosing trekking agencies and booking other outdoor adventures.

When choosing a tour company, go with a reputable, locally-owned company. Plenty of giant Western tour agencies exploit local destinations in Asia and may or may not give back to the community.

Choosing a Destination That Fits Your Budget

Some countries in Asia are far cheaper than others ; the cost of living varies widely. How much you spend in Asia ultimately depends on your style of travel. That being said, some places simply require much more cash for eating, sleeping, and getting around. Avoid worrying about finances the entire time by choosing a destination that fits your current budget.

While the sky is the limit for the upper range, some destinations offer more opportunities to save on daily costs such as food, transportation, and accommodation.

Relatively expensive destinations:

  • South Korea
  • The Maldives

Relatively inexpensive destinations:

  • China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau)
  • Southeast Asia (excluding Singapore)

See How Much Money for Thailand to get an idea for a typical Southeast Asia budget.

The Travel Learning Curve

New destinations become cheaper to travel the longer you stay. As a total newbie, you're more likely to overpay for food, transportation, and purchases until you get a good feel for what's a bargain and what isn't. A few destinations are easier for first-time travelers than others.

From petty discrepancies in price to elaborate schemes, you'll recognize the local scams easier once you have been in a place for a while. Lingering longer also allows you a chance to figure out the best places to eat and drink on a budget.

Until you get through the initial learning curve, you can eliminate some of the extra expense by knowing about the most famous scams in Asia and learning how to negotiate prices in Asia .

Accommodation Costs

Aside from airfare, the cost of nightly accommodation is most likely to add up as your second-worst travel expense — assuming you keep the rambunctious nights out to a minimum.

Keep in mind that you'll most likely only be in your hotel room to sleep and shower. No one wants to spend time in front of the TV with an exciting new country waiting just outside !

The idea of hostels and sharing bathrooms in budget accommodation is largely a foreign concept to many Americans. Although not everyone is cut out for a bunk bed in a room full of partying 20-somethings, you can find great deals on private rooms in boutique hostels by avoiding the luxury hotel scene and staying in backpacker areas .

Backpacking is very popular in Asia — particularly Southeast Asia. Many destinations have learned to lure in these budget travelers with cheaper options for eating and sleeping. You can take advantage by getting away from the full-service hotels and staying in cheaper guesthouses.

Forget the dorms with bunk beds; most hostels in Asia offer private rooms with en suite bathrooms. Guesthouse rooms are available in some cheap destinations (e.g., Pai in Thailand ) for as low as US $10 per night!

Eating Costs

You'll certainly be eating every meal out while visiting Asia. You can cut down on the daily expense by avoiding the restaurant at your hotel and hitting the streets for some much cheaper and more authentic food.

Unless you patronize only costly tourist restaurants, eating in Asia is actually quite inexpensive. Take advantage of cheap street food — yes, it's safe — and food courts for both the experience and great food. A delicious dinner in Southeast Asia can be enjoyed for under US $3.

The Cost of Partying

Although the average budget traveler in Asia may negotiate for 20 minutes to save a dollar, they often spend US $20 or a lot more on a single night out.

Part of the joy of traveling is meeting interesting people; you won't meet them while sitting in a hotel room. Travelers often end up spending an embarrassing portion of their budgets on drinks to socialize.  Although this part simply comes down to self control, you can eliminate some of the expense by purchasing your own spirits at 7-Eleven minimarts and making your own party.

An added bonus of couch surfing at least a couple of nights is that your host may be able to introduce you to new local friends. At the least, they'll know the best places for nightlife that doesn't break the budget.

Hidden Expenses

Small, unanticipated expenses add up. Here are a few items that many travelers forget to consider:

  • The tap water is unsafe to drink in many Asian countries. Although typically cheap, you'll need to purchase bottled water every day.
  • Drinking alcohol in Islamic countries is generally more expensive.
  • ATM and money-exchange fees add up. Thailand charges US $6 per ATM transaction on top of whatever your bank charges!
  • Taxes in some countries such as Singapore make tobacco and alcohol very expensive.
  • If you intend to use your smartphone in Asia , you'll need to purchase a SIM card and credit for each destination.

But there is some good news:  tipping is still generally not the norm in Asia .

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What 6 Months of Traveling in Southeast Asia Cost Me (2023 Update)

09/25/2022 by Kristin Addis 210 Comments

2022/23 update: Since first traveling to Southeast Asia in 2012, I’ve revisited the region nearly yearly, logging over 2.5 cumulative years. Over that time some prices have changed, and this post reflects those numbers.

Back in 2012, I spent a glorious 8 continuous months backpacking in Southeast Asia on a long-term traveler’s budget. This meant staying in dorms, taking local transport, eating street food, and generally traveling on a shoestring budget.

In 2016, I returned with a more middle-of-the-road budget, and since then, have experienced the luxurious side of the region as well.

Over that time I’ve learned that whether you’re on a tight budget or have a bit more money to play with, your money will take you further in Southeast Asia than almost anywhere else in the world. Today, let’s answer the question – what does it cost to travel in Southeast Asia?

Table of Contents

On a Budget

nusa ceningan

I personally spent $7,958 USD (without SCUBA diving – $6,095) for six months in Southeast Asia, with a month each in Cambodia, Laos, northern Thailand, southern Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. With flights and pre-trip expenses, it added up to $11,000. Adjusted for today’s inflation, that would be about $15k.

Some guide books will swear that $30/day or less is sufficient for traveling in Southeast Asia – this is generally not realistic.

So how much will you need to budget to travel in Southeast Asia in 2022/2023? I wanted to give you the most up-to-date budgeting guide, and make calculations even easier with the addition of 1-month or 3-month breakdowns. With my recent trips back to Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia, a bunch of online research and the help of a BMTM team member who lives in Southeast Asia, here’s how much you should budget for an extended trip in Southeast Asia:

Pre-trip Expenses:

1. travel insurance.


This is one of those costs that’s annoying, but necessary should the worst occur.  I went with World Nomads travel insurance which happened to be cheaper than any other company I could find for US citizens.

Saving tip: If you know for sure how much time you’ll be away, buying more months upfront is definitely cheaper than extending periodically.

2. Flights: $1500


Flights might be totally different depending on where you’re coming from, but I usually end up spending about this much including flights from home and any inter-country flights once in the region. The first time I went, I bought two one-way flights to get from LAX to Southeast Asia and back. In hindsight, this may not have been the cheapest way to travel (I could have saved a couple hundred dollars by booking round-trip), however, I was unsure of my dates and departure city. Sometimes, the penalties and restrictions on moving flights ends up making a RT flight too much of a hassle.

Other ways to save are by making your itinerary logical, so that you can take overland transport most of the time and don’t have to cover huge distances all at once.

Saving tip: To reduce your flight costs, subscribe to flight deals like this one , especially if you are flexible on the traveling dates. Flights are also cheaper during shoulder and rainy seasons. You can also travel hack like I do to save money. Here are my best tips on making your economy long haul flights more comfortable.

3. Immunizations: $350

You’re out of luck if you’re an American when it comes to travel immunizations, because chances are you’ll be covering them out of pocket. I personally elected not to take malaria pills nor get rabies vaccinations because of costs associated and unlikelihood of either becoming a real issue.

Saving tip: In order to get immunized the cheapest way possible, visit the travel specialist at your local county healthcare clinic, or get the immunizations at one of the Bangkok hospitals, which is the name of a premier hospital chain with multiple locations, in Thailand.

4. Travel Gear: $400

solo travel

My backpack alone cost me over $200, but was worth every penny as nothing ever broke and I’m still using it over 10 years later!  I also invested in Pacsafe products  to keep everything protected, which I do not regret! Check my guide out for essential travel items.

Saving tip: Limit your luggage to carry-on only , so you can save on check-in luggage. Southeast Asia is generally hot and humid year-round, so you will only need thin and breathable clothes. Things are also incredibly affordable so you can always buy things you need as you go.

I am all about winging it when it comes to a backpacking trip, especially in Southeast Asia. However, if you are on a budget, it’s best to decide on your length of stay in each country to avoid unnecessary visa fees. Here’s a complete breakdown for most nations:

On-trip Expenses:

1. food: $10-$15/day.

Eating local delights and choosing street food when possible are the best ways to keep food costs down. The food tastes better and costs much less when it’s a local dish vs. a western dish. Why order a disappointing burger for $4 when you could have amazing steamed pork buns, papaya salad, coconut soup, pad thai (the list is endless!) in Thailand for less than $1? If you are staying at a place with a kitchen, you can get groceries for cheap from the local market and make your own food. Note that at certain places, like Bali and Kuala Lumpur, eating out can sometimes be cheaper than cooking.

Saving tip: Check with your hostel receptionist for local recommendations. Eat where the locals eat. Don’t fear street food. It’s cooked right in front of you and may even be fresher and less processed than food available at home.

2. Accommodation: $5-$30/day

rumah pohon, nusa penida

This really varied depending on high/low season and country, and whether or not your’e willing to stay in dorms. Cambodia and Laos were the cheapest while Indonesia and Malaysia tended to be more expensive and provided less value for the money.

Here’s how much you should expect to pay per night, if you were to book a hostel bed a week in advance, and pick one that’s clean and strategically located:

3. Transportation: $2-$10/day

Land transportation is generally very cheap in all of Southeast Asia. Taking an intercity bus typically costs about $10. The cost of renting a bike is around $8-$15/day. On the islands like the Philippines, public boat trips take ages but they are extremely cheap at about $2/ride.

4. Activities:

mutiara Laut

Diving: If you are a diver, you will be thrilled to find many, many affordable diving spots all over Southeast Asia. Prices go as low as $100 for a 3D2N stay with 3 dive trips, though when I returned to Southeast Asia in 2018, I went on a glorious 11-day liveaboard diving trip in Raja Ampat which now costs over $6000.

Island Hopping: An island hopping trip with 5-6 stops for less than $30? Only in Southeast Asia. Your negotiation skills will decide how much you pay for your island hopping trip, so negotiate away, and if the price offered does not make sense to you, walk away – there will be 5 more agents down the same street. Generally, you should expect to pay about $15-$30 for a full-day (typically 9am-3pm) trip that you share with others. For a private trip, it will be over $100. Read my comparison of El Nido boat trips here.

Group Tours: A walking tour is often the best way to get to know a new city. There are many tip-based, free walking tours available, and some of them are actually really insightful and fun. It’s the best way to meet new friends too. Paid tours typically cost about $8-$15.

Hiking: I love that this activity is mostly free, save for the occasional entrance fee! Even some popular hikes, like Mount Bromo , can be affordable if you do it independently.

Cooking Class: This delicious activity runs about $20-$40 for a class. Consider the skills you will gain and the free food you will make. I’d say it’s pretty worth it, especially if you’ve fallen in love with the local cuisine.

Popular Tourist Sites: Angkor Wat costs a whopping $62 for a 3-day pass, getting to the sky bridge of the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia requires $20, and the beautiful Gardens by the Bay in  Singapore  also requires $20 to enter. Pick and choose what you’d really want to see and factor the entrance fees into your overall budget.

5. Shopping:

Toiletries: If you can, buy from the small local stores instead of the big chain drug stores. They are likely to cost less, and you get to help the locals out. If you want to stick with familiar brands like Pantene and Nivea, the cost is similar to what you’d pay back home, if not slightly cheaper. Local brands cost less.

Clothes: They’re so cheap and awesome! You can get a funky top for $3, cliche but must-have pair of elephant pants for less than $5, and a beautiful silk scarf for less than $8.

Outdoor gear: There are many “counterfeit” hiking gear options available in Vietnam and Indonesia for a fraction of the original cost, but the quality is lacking, too. You can get a legit waterproof jacket for as low as $12, but if you bring it from home, it’ll last longer.

asia travel cost

First Name:

Why couldn’t I travel on only $30/day?

asia travel cost

The $30/day benchmark does not take into account gear, insurance, flights, and immunizations.  It’s also easy to forget that things like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen , batteries, adapters, mosquito repellent, medication, and visas all need to be periodically purchased on the road. The cost seems small but when budgeting only $30 for one day, $4 on a small bottle of shampoo can really add up.

The $30 benchmark is more than realistic, if not a little rich, when staying in one place for an extended period of time in one of the cheaper countries.  I was able to spend $3/night on accommodation and around $10/day on food and drink in Otres Beach, Cambodia , for example.  I didn’t spend a dime on activities because the beach was free.  But what about the days when I moved around?  What about the times I had to spend $40 on a visa, $9 on a bus ride, and $3 on a water taxi?  My budget was blown before I even bought food or a bed for the night.

What about the days that I wanted to visit Angkor Wat, go SCUBA diving, or jungle trekking?  An extremely low budget is only feasible if you hardly move around and never spend anything on activities, but why travel to the other side of the world only to miss out on these things?

If I had not SCUBA dived, climbed  Mt. Kinabalu , or gone trekking in Bukit Lawang or  Mt. Rinjani , I would have shaved over $3000 off of my trip, easily. I also never spent more than a week in any one place.  Had I moved more slowly, I could have saved a lot more.

More saving tips:

  • All hope is not lost if you have a smaller budget to work with.  To keep costs low, use services like Couchsurfing for free accommodation. Not into it? Stay in dorms.  They are a great way to meet people and save some cash. House sitting is also a possibility though less so in Southeast Asia.
  • Always travel local instead of by private or tourist coach, even if that means travel days are longer. If you’re rich in time but not in funds, this is the best way to do it.
  • Eat local foods and abstain from alcohol. The biggest budget eater is partying, by far.  If you never buy drinks, you’ll literally save thousands .  Really, thousands!
  • Use a debit card that doesn’t charge fees and refunds the ATM fees assessed by other banks. The only one I’m aware of is Charles Schwab.

For a country-specific budget guide on each place mentioned above, I go into more detail in each of these posts:

Malaysian Borneo


How much do you usually spend on traveling?  Do you have any budget travel tips to share? 

Best Places in Southeast Asia for Solo Travelers

The ultimate southeast asia itinerary, what to pack for backpacking in southeast asia.

*Some links in this post are affiliate links for products and services we personally use and love. Any purchase you make through them supports us at no extra cost to you. Thanks so much!

About Kristin Addis

Kristin Addis is the founder and CEO of Be My Travel Muse, a resource for female travelers all around the world since 2012. She's traveled solo to over 65 countries and has brought over 150 women on her all-female adventure tours from Botswana to the Alaskan tundra.

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09/04/2013 at 9:18 am

Great resource! Thanks for sharing that with us!

Kristin says

09/04/2013 at 11:58 am

Glad you find it helpful!

Anonymous says

10/11/2017 at 2:03 pm

Thanks! Without the scuba diving, it would come right on budget with $30.45.

09/04/2013 at 9:19 am

I can’t wait for my trip to SE Asia after the World Cup in Brazil. I need to start saving!

Good luck! I’m loving how travel-focused we Gauchos are!

OCDemon says

09/04/2013 at 3:13 pm

I definitely thought this title was going to be more personal, like, the answer was going to be “MY SOUL.” Oh well though. Info is great too!

09/04/2013 at 3:53 pm

Hahahaha! Well that too! More like my heart.

TammyOnTheMove says

09/04/2013 at 9:50 pm

I think you budget is more realistic. If you are traveling in a country and not take part in certain tours, then you might as well not bother (i.e. Angkor Wat). Love Otres beach. So stunning!

Jo (The Blond) says

09/05/2013 at 3:46 am

I think $11,000 for 6 months travel, including everything is not bad at all considering that you did trekking, scuba diving and things like that.

09/05/2013 at 10:44 pm

Yeah and when one really adds in the extras like flights, immunizations, and insurance, that’s a pretty realistic budget.

Joanna says

09/05/2013 at 6:22 pm

I loved how you broke everything down! I get some frustrated looks when I can’t give one price tag for any one of my trips because it really depends on how you travel and what you do!

As much as it’s great to get advice on how to stay on budget, some experiences are priceless and would be a waste to pass while you’re RIGHT THERE.

Rika | Cubicle Throwdown says

09/05/2013 at 6:36 pm

Awesome breakdown!! I love how sometimes it’s just way better to separate the ‘real cost’ from the ‘I have an expensive scuba habit’ cost 🙂

09/05/2013 at 10:45 pm

Hahaha! Exactly. I had to state that hey, a lot of this was due to this habit I have of spending a lot of time under water. I’m a bit of a junkie. I know you can relate!

09/06/2013 at 2:47 am

Awesome 😀 , I always envy reading your blog :'(

I hope some day, I will take my own journey same like you do 😀

thak’s for the “VIRUS” hahahah

09/06/2013 at 11:22 pm

Awesome and you’re welcome 🙂

09/06/2013 at 6:38 am

Great breakdown. I wish I had the discipline to do that. Did you have any issues with the one way tickets and the airlines wanting you to have proof of departure from the destination country?

I have a way around that 😉

Chris Fitz says

05/11/2016 at 12:26 pm

I’m planning on traveling soon, and being only my 2nd time out of the country, don’t want to run into any unnecessary issues 🙂 what is your way around this?

Kayleigh says

09/06/2013 at 3:42 pm

Here I am sitting behind a desk bemoaning every hour of ridiculous corporate america. For the past year, I got away with playing the game my way. Was always on the ball with my work so I took advantage of countless travel opportunities and unpaid vaycay because I could care less about the money so long as I have enough to travel. Well for regulatory reasons I can no longer escape dreaded weeks, nor escape for an hour or 2 during the day for a yoga sesh when there is not work to do. 🙁 talk about killing my soul. Anyway, I can’t tell you how many people I tell about your blog and right you are, people just don’t get it. I guess taking the safe, traditional road (the road too highly traveled IMO) is what people feel comfortable with and so they stick with what they know. So here I am, trying to balance holding a job, saving the dough until I can take off on the trip of a lifetime! So glad I stumbled upon your site-absolutely love it!

09/06/2013 at 11:26 pm

Aww thanks so much for your comment. Hang in there, you’ll be back on the road and it’ll all be worth it.

Michelle | Lights Camera Travel says

09/08/2013 at 5:22 am

Thanks for sharing Kristin! It’s always helpful to see these posts. I generally budget the same, $1000 for ground expenses, and things like flights, visas, expensive activities (i.e scuba diving) on top and that usually works for me!

09/08/2013 at 11:56 am

1k is a great budget for the extra stuff.

Arianwen says

09/08/2013 at 10:36 pm

This is a really useful overview! I’m pretty bad at keeping a close eye on exactly what I’ve spent so when people ask me about my trip to South America, it’s a very rough estimate! Nice one keeping track!

09/09/2013 at 4:18 pm

I had a lot of going back through my bank account withdrawals to do!

Turner says

09/09/2013 at 10:00 pm

Not too bad. I would be about spending $30 a day too, as per Lonely Planet suggestions, that is if all that weed and hookers didnt get in way. Sigh.

09/11/2013 at 12:41 pm

It’s the ping pong shows and lady boys that really kill my budget.

Morgan says

09/10/2013 at 9:54 am

This is amazing! Thanks for putting it together. I’m also an American and just started vaccinations – the rabies and japanese encephalitis will probably be put on the back burner due to prices (It’s outrageous!). Do you think you went the correct route skipping those?

09/10/2013 at 12:31 pm

I couldn’t even find Japanese Encephalitis when I was getting my vaccinations. I understand it’s kind of important if you’re spending a large chunk of time in SE Asia though, as it’s a pretty serious disease. You can definitely find it in Thailand, although I’m not sure how much it would cost. I personally don’t have that immunization and, well, I’m still alive and kicking!

09/10/2013 at 3:05 pm

Great story and thank you for laying out your expenses like that. Helps those of us who are looking into long trips some very valuable info

09/10/2013 at 8:13 pm

Glad you found it helpful!

Jennifer says

09/11/2013 at 1:35 am

I love your breakdown and it’s really realistic. Just did the same and I’ve come to pretty much the same conclusions. It’s easy to be on the cheap in SEA, but not everywhere and all the extras add up really fast!

09/11/2013 at 11:12 am

Thank you! Yes the extras do add up.

Joey Rana says

09/12/2013 at 1:14 pm

please visit the philippines. plenty of places to visit and part of south east asia. many travelers often neglect the philippines and hope you can make an exception.

09/12/2013 at 8:20 pm

I will. Next year!

09/24/2013 at 1:53 am

Brilliant post, thank you so much! My trip is rapidly approaching and this has really helped.

09/25/2013 at 7:55 am

Hello! I came across your blog and found it really inspiring! I am planning a 3 week trip to HK and maybe Thailand in October. I will attempt to blog my journey and looking for blogs to follow as well as increasing my number of followers so feel free to explore and please join my site while you are at it!

09/25/2013 at 1:15 pm

Thanks Vera! HK is awesome

Simon Lee says

10/08/2013 at 12:00 am

Hi Kristin, Dropping by for the first time. I am from Malaysia.

I am surprised that you spent the most money for accommodation in Borneo as there are quite a number of budget accommodation in the area.

Did you checked out some of the islands off the coast of Semporna? Widely known as a scuba diver paradise and i am sure you will like it as diving is what fascinating you:)

Cheers, Simon

10/09/2013 at 8:08 am

Well, it had more to do with the fact that I had been spending closer to $5 in most other countries. Yes, Borneo has budget accommodation, especially in the cities, but it’s not as cheap as other places in Southeast Asia – Malaysia in general is not as cheap. I went diving in Sipadan and it was amazing!

Manfred says

11/27/2013 at 8:44 pm

We just finished 6-7 months around SE Asia as a couple and spent an average of just under $30 each. We started and finished in Bangkok though, so didn’t have the additional cost of flights to/from SE Asia. We also didn’t get any immunizations, as our doctors here didn’t recommend any. We also didn’t need to buy any travel gear, as we both already had suitcases. I think this would be the case with most travelers. We wrote a book about our experiences if anyone is interested. See our blog.

11/27/2013 at 8:51 pm

Oooh Yikes I would DEFINITELY suggest everyone at least get the Hepatitis vaccines and Tetanus. Very important!

12/25/2013 at 4:26 pm

hi, i wanna go to Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. but i am confused how to get a visa to Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. can you help me out?

12/25/2013 at 10:41 pm

It really depends on where you’re from! You should check your country’s travel advisory website for more info. If you’re from the US , Canada, or EU, you can get a visa on arrival for all of those countries.

12/26/2013 at 12:19 am

What country are you from. If from US, UK, etc, you don’t need visa for Malaysia or Singapore, and can get visa on arrival for Indonesia. For Indonesia you need to have a flight booked to leave the country before arriving.

12/27/2013 at 5:17 am

That’s helpful info because I actually got a two month visa for Indonesia prior to going there while I was in Kuala Lumpur. I was told I needed proof of an onward flight but they never asked, and I didn’t have one!

01/20/2014 at 8:24 am

Maybe it’s different if you have a visa in advance. Also, sometimes people need onward flights and sometimes they don’t check. But I know people that haven’t be allowed on their flight because they didn’t have onward tickets. I wish they had proper rules, but it’s all a bit hit and miss.

01/20/2014 at 8:32 am

You don’t *really* need anything booked onward. There are ways around that but I know what you’re saying. Thailand and Indonesia are often that way and the Philippines is as well.

01/19/2014 at 11:17 pm

This is awesome as I’m planning my next adventures. Im currently in New Zealand but i just wondered in which currency was your budget for Asia?

01/20/2014 at 8:15 am

Ah I should note that on the post. USD 🙂

01/21/2014 at 9:26 pm

Looking to do a 6 week trip this Summer with a friend starting with a week in Thailand and ending with a week in the Philippines. Unfortunately can’t visit every country you described – did you have any personal favorites or must-sees!? My friend and I are both scuba certified as well – any great scuba spots would be much appreciated! Thanks, love the website!

01/25/2014 at 9:00 am

Sipadan in Borneo is the best diving I’ve done. You must book that kind of far in advance. Komodo in Indonesia is also amazing but the current is strong and you need at least AOW certification. I loved Cambodia and Laos but in 6 weeks I wouldn’t try to rush too much. A lot of people do and they miss a lot. Northern Thailand is great!

03/09/2014 at 5:26 pm

This was a really helpful post. Thank you for all the details. I’m trying to decide where to visit on my way back from Australia to the UK. Cambodia and Vietnam are looking like they might come out top, although I really want to see the Philippines too! I see this trip extending…!

03/09/2014 at 6:13 pm

I just did a budget post on the Philippines and it’s more expensive than I thought it would be. I have one on Vietnam going up today so check that one out! I really loved Vietnam!

03/19/2014 at 8:53 am

I love your helpful breakdown, but I do think that hostels eat up a lot of the travel budget, so I almost always try to couchsurf or stay somewhere as a Workaway volunteer whenever I travel in Asia or Europe. I think hostels are my last resort because I’ve had a couple negative experiences in hostels, but also, when you CouchSurf (which doesnt always mean you sleep on a couch btw!) or stay as a volunteer with a local, first of all, it’s FREE–plus you get free meals as a Workaway volunteer, and your CS host may also invite you to join him/her or their family for a meal or two. And second of all, you are gaining a truly authentic experience and perspective of the lifestyle, and you have a local to help you and offer you excellent advice for your stay! 🙂

03/20/2014 at 7:55 pm

Great suggestions and agreed, especially in more expensive countries. I’ve couch surfed in Europe and in China.

Sidney says

03/23/2014 at 2:36 pm

Thanks this helped alot!

03/23/2014 at 8:15 pm

I’m currently planning my trip for this summer, and just wanted to say this post/site is extremely helpful! I just got all my vaccines last week. Japanese Encephalitis set me back $500 alone. Yikes! I’m now on to gear. Taking your advice w/ a 40L pack. As for travel insurance, I just got a quote online from World Nomad that says it’ll be $386 for 6mo. coverage. Why was yours so much more expensive? Was it the timing? Or maybe $793 is for a full 10 mo?

03/24/2014 at 12:54 am

I got the adventure plan which covers SCUBA diving, etc., and that was for the full ten months as well. I wish I had just bought it all at once upfront because it’s actually cheaper that way. Oh well! You live and learn 🙂

Allen Espy says

03/24/2014 at 6:04 am

I did a similar trip in 2000. 6 months, about eight countries. Semi-backpacking. $12,000

03/28/2014 at 9:08 pm

Did it cost money to get visas’ to these countries? Were visa’s even required if you’re not working?

03/28/2014 at 9:24 pm

Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia are free. Cambodia ($20), Laos ($35 but depends on where you’re from), and Indonesia are all visa on arrival but they cost money. Vietnam must be procured before you land and it’s expensive. I paid $20 and then $45 for a stamping fee.

04/21/2014 at 11:13 pm

Hey Kristin – thanks for sharing this! I will say that traveling as a couple makes the cost a lot better. Rob and I did six months in SE Asia and with all flights and a lot of scuba, we came out to a bit over $30/day per person. We always stayed in private rooms with private bathrooms, although we did do a fair amount of haggling.

When you add in shots and flights to Asia, the costs do go up. But that’s what frequent flier miles and pre trip health insurance are for :o)

05/05/2014 at 1:17 am

Splitting taxis is a huge help. The months that I did most of my traveling with friends were definitely cheaper.

Christopher K says

05/02/2014 at 12:38 pm

Hey Kristin!

I’m getting ready for my trip to SEAsia in mid-June, arriving in Bangkok on a one-way ticket as well, and I just wanted to ask you about your experience flying with such a ticket.

Apparently one of the requirements for Thailand’s free 30-day tourist visa is to have proof of “an onward or return airline ticket within 30-days of arriving.” I’m planning on flying to Bangkok and staying there until my 30 days expire, at which point I’ll heading to Cambodia –> Vietnam –> Laos via LAND transport however (i’m planning on buying my bus and train tickets when I get there).

My question is: Did you happen to have another airline ticket (out of thailand within 30 days) purchased and ready to show to the immigration officials and/or airline when you arrived? How’d it go for you? Do you think the airline could bar me from getting on the plane if I show up to the airport in new york with nothing but the one-way ticket to bangkok and my passport?? :S

It’s just one of my scruples at this moment!

Hope that all made sense! Thanks so much!

05/05/2014 at 12:55 am

Sometimes the agent at the check in counter will ask for onward travel proof and if you don’t have it they won’t let you check in. I’d suggest editing an old e-ticket from a different airline with a future travel date and printing that to bring with you.

05/21/2014 at 3:03 pm

Thailand also has (or had 5 years ago) cheap rooms. I got a single or double bed room for 3-4€ outside of bangkok on different occasions. I plan for round trip with Thailand, Vietnam and Laos now and it is great to hear that I won’t be completely broke at the end of it. 🙂 Also one hint: An Indonesian friend showed me some Indonesian booking sites and they seem a lot cheaper than the American/European ones. Try for instance.

Barbora says

05/28/2014 at 9:28 pm

Your website is freaking awesome! No nonsens lifestyle generic scribbling, but actual useful practical advice. Big thank you!

05/31/2014 at 3:09 am


matthew says

06/01/2014 at 2:05 am

I just got home from a 18 month trip all over SE Asia, Singapore 3x, Malaysia 6x, Indonesia 1x, Thailand 2x, Philippines 1x, and did the whole 18 months on $8200 USD including my separate 1 way flights back and forth from the US. It helps to make friends on the way, lots of free food and places to sleep.

06/02/2014 at 4:13 am

Couchsurfing and staying with friends definitely helps a lot. I tend to buy meals or pay my share or bring a gift, though, which does increase my costs. To me, it seems like the right thing to do.

06/22/2014 at 6:00 pm

Hey, I love your post and have found it particularly useful whilst planning my own trip, I’ve got a question about currency.. How did you handle money over there? Did you have lots of different currency on you at all times or did you literally just withdraw money in each country when you needed it? Also, how did you cross from each country to the next and have you got rough prices for them? Thank you 🙂

06/23/2014 at 2:45 am

I just withdrew money when I needed it. I crossed overland for the most part and typically you want to pay visa fees in US Dollars so always have some of those on you.

06/23/2014 at 11:08 am

Travelling is enjoying the different food: should be careful as paying too low …you might be fed with rat meat instead of pork… especially in poor country, meat is still expensive. If the meal is a buck, I’m not sure it’s pork or rat….? A 3 to 4 dollar meal should be very satisfying… if your budget could not afford that then I was wondering what would you enjoy in your travel? My idea is to save a bit more before your trip and really enjoy the time there …. if you find yourself penny-pinching then wait for another season and build those extra bucks…The worst thing is to see something that your friends enjoying while you couldn’t afford.

Wd you sleep in a place where rats came out at night to say hi? It is much more enjoyable to stay at a 5.00 or 10.00 room and enjoy the night rather than sleepless because of those vermins….

06/23/2014 at 5:43 pm

That’s absolutely ridiculous. You can see the meat before you eat it, usually raw, at the street stall. I think we all know that beef ribs look nothing like rat meat, and it’s possible to just go vegetarian as well. I also eat food locals eat and take pride in making. It’s insulting to them to claim they’re cooking rat’s meat.

$1 streetside soup in Vietnam (with a giant pork shank in it, I might add) is delicious.

Lastly, most rooms I stayed in that year were around $5-$10 per night. I now often spend a bit more but I wanted to see if it could be done for $30/day back then.

Kaylin says

07/24/2014 at 5:28 pm

After doing some number crunching, it looks like you spent about $34/day not including the scuba (which wouldn’t necessarily be something alot of people would do on such a trip) or the flights (which most people don’t include in their daily budget). So really it’s not so far off the $30/day recommendation! Either way, this is a great article showing real expenses on your trip. I have been to Thailand and Cambodia before for 2 weeks, but I want to go back and do a much longer trip to more countries in the next couple years, so I will definitely keep this budget in mind 🙂 You are so right that not drinking saves SOOOOO much money. I feel like half my budget in Cambodia was for those $5 buckets LOL.

07/29/2014 at 5:27 am

That’s true, but I think a lot of people have one or two expensive activities they just really want to try, so it’s worth budgeting that in. Cutting out drinking would actually make it much cheaper than $30/day considering where I was staying and the types of transport I was taking.

07/30/2014 at 4:04 am

Hey Kristin,

Great blog!! I was wondering if you had any advice on obtaining visas on your travels?? I have a one way ticket to thailand this upcoming November, and I was honestly just going to wing it as far as determining my length of stay in certain countries/areas. Any help would be appreciated!!

07/30/2014 at 7:36 am

I did the same. Most countries, except for Vietnam, you can just get a visa on arrival (depending on which country you’re from, of course), and it can be pretty easy to extend.

Ian Limbonis says

08/10/2014 at 11:12 am

Im on my 111th day today, and so far spent <1500$. Tracking all my expemses daily to meet the least possible expensiture, though i must say coffee, cigarette, and seldom beers can help lower this doen further.

08/11/2014 at 1:05 am

Wow you’ve done a great job then!

08/11/2014 at 1:59 am

Not as much as how you organized your expenses ;-). Im glad how quite basic i’m becoming

Michael says

08/25/2014 at 11:23 pm

Wow thats cheap.. good for you!

09/02/2014 at 10:54 pm

I tried! Could do it even cheaper and certainly more expensively as well.

Paul Durano says

08/27/2014 at 9:11 pm

If your in Cebu, Philippines by mid Jan – May 2015, I help you find a place for $20 per day. Living with local family.

Samantha says

08/29/2014 at 4:45 pm

Hey Kristin, HUGE fan of your blog and the advice you give. You have really helped me out as I plan for my backpacking trip to SEA, Australia, and New Zealand (leaving in 65 days!!–but who’s counting?!). Quick question: did you get a credit card for this trip? I opened up a Charles Schwab account for the ATM card, but I wanted to get a credit card with 0 foreign transaction fees as well, just as a precaution. Do you have any banker recommendations? :). Thanks again!

09/02/2014 at 10:43 pm

Glad to have your readership! I use a Capital One Venture card and would also suggest having some kind of back up as well. Airline mileage cards also often are transaction-fee-free.

09/18/2014 at 1:01 pm

Hi Kristin,

For your southeast asia travels you got immunizations for Hepatitis A and Tetnus?

Did you get any for: Fly or Typhoid or Hepatitis B or Japanese Encephalitis or Rabies?

Also, you mentioned you chose not to take medication for Malaria? Any concern why?

My mother wants me to inoculated for every conceivable transmittable/contagious disease but to save both money and side effects I want focus on the truly most necessary vaccinations.

Thank you! Haley

09/18/2014 at 10:21 pm

I got Tetanus and Hep A, already had B, as well as Typhoid. Did not get rabies and Japanese Encephalitis wasn’t even available at my clinic. I have never taken anti-malaria medication. I’m in that part of the world for way too long for that.

Stephanie Be says

10/03/2014 at 10:58 pm

I just wrote an article on tips for Thailand, and one of my tips was that it is NOT as cheap as people make it out to be. I couldn’t agree more with the misconception that it’s “easy” to live on a shoe string budget in developing countries. There are many costs, and chances are that most travelers WANT to experience things like an elephant reservation park or Angkor Wat.

Nice to hear it from you too!

10/04/2014 at 6:14 am

Southern Thailand is definitely more expensive than the middle and north as well!

Franca says

10/04/2014 at 1:33 am

I forgot how cheap SEA can be and after being traveling around Europe for more than 1 year, it seems like a dream being able to spend so little and still enjoying yourself so much! We spent a lot less than you have, but mainly because we didn’t do the activities you did and we took some extra vaccinations (rabies for instance because we volunteered in dog shelters) and malaria pills in some areas. Sometimes I miss these countries, maybe we should go back and explore the countries we haven’t been yet. There is too much of the world I want to see, my list gets longer instead of shorter 🙂

10/04/2014 at 6:13 am

Same here. I am over in Europe now, thankful that I now have a bigger budget but definitely do still love SEA, both for how cheap it can be and how amazing it can be.

Victoria says

10/04/2014 at 5:12 am

Definitely agreed $30 isn’t realistic if you want to see and do things, although I think as an American you have it way worse! In the UK immunisations are free, I go to TK Maxx for my travel gear so we’re looking at maybe £30-40 on a bag and then flights cost me about £400-£500 RETURN if I don’t care what day I travel on. When I did Phuket for a month it cost $400 US for my room ($13 per day) and then I spent roughly $10-$20 on food and I literally wasn’t doing ANYTHING except working on my computer and going to the beach. So really $30 is only do-able if you decide to do the ‘living somewhere’ option and do nothing.

10/04/2014 at 6:10 am

Definitely true. Moving around is expensive due to traveling costs, but living in one place or moving very slowly makes things much more affordable.

10/08/2014 at 8:00 pm

Hey Kristin, We shall be traveling Indonesia in June and we wondered if you had any tips on where to go? we figured we’d stop off in Bali (its the cheapest island to fly to) plus my friend works there as an instructor and I’m going to take my DM course there. Other than that we’ve seen that Sumatra and Flores look good, but we don’t really know anything about them. Also, how expensive is it to take a tour with the orang-utans? i’ve looked online and it said 20,000Rp… that seems pretty cheap to me, does that sound about right? Finally, how expensive is it to island hop? we traveled south thailand via boats and busses and it work out pretty cheap but will it be the same in Indo?

Thanks for your advice and your amazing travel blog! Keep up the awesome work! Emily 🙂

10/09/2014 at 11:41 am

Definitely I wrote a lot about it in the Indonesia

Here’s the info on Orangutans

Here’s info on island hopping local style

whitney says

10/16/2014 at 2:28 am

what backpack did you buy for $200 and what do you do for income (or has the initial funds from liquidating your assets not run out yet)? also do you still maintain and contribute to a retirement plan? lastly, i assume travel insurance makes up for not having employer sponsored health benefits? i too am a banker and im wondering how i can make this a reality for myself.

10/16/2014 at 8:04 am

Yes I contribute to a retirement account, which was pretty heavily invested in with my old job. I make money off of this blog and freelance writing. Check out my series on how to start a travel blog if that interests you!

11/05/2014 at 4:04 pm

i wanna backpack for 6- 8 months in Asia , and is like 10.000 dollar enough ??

11/06/2014 at 4:07 am

Well you can see how I laid out my expenses here, so I’d say that no, it is not, if you add in things like flights, gear, and insurance. It is if you don’t party much and don’t do expensive activities and stay in dorms, eat street food, and take local transport. It boils down to your way of traveling.

TeachingTravel says

11/24/2014 at 8:25 am

You really missed out by not spending as much time in Vietnam! Vietnam is extremely cheap. However I didn’t spend as much time in Cambodia, this time i’ll make sure to check out the beaches! Last time I just hit the temples of Cambodia and skipped right through!

Also traveling with someone else would really bring these costs down!

11/24/2014 at 8:53 am

I ended up returning to Southeast Asia and spending a month in Vietnam after writing this post. Traveling with someone else would definitely cut the costs down but I’m a solo traveler and that’s the focus of this blog 🙂

Claire says

08/28/2016 at 1:08 am

I’m so curious, why and what would all the reasons traveling with a partner cut the costs down??

09/07/2016 at 3:24 pm

You split cabs and private rooms

Muzammil says

12/17/2014 at 2:11 pm

Hey! Amazing article and love your website!

Can you please let me know how many flights did you have to take in your 10 months Oceania & SE Asia trip? And what were those flights?

Thanks! Muzammil

12/17/2014 at 3:19 pm

I probably took around 6-8. If you just stayed in Southeast Asia you can do almost all of it overland. You can get very cheap last minute ones on local airlines and on Air Asia. I really like Bangkok Airways in Thailand, and Tiger is also good.

12/17/2014 at 3:26 pm

Thanks for the response! When you say overland, are you referring to taking ferries/boats between countries like Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, etc.?

12/18/2014 at 2:14 am

You could do that but it takes a VERY long time and in that case I’d just fly.

12/29/2014 at 9:18 pm

Wow , I really want to do this how do you find all the places to sleep and not end up paying for hotels

12/31/2014 at 12:50 pm

Stay in hostels/guesthouses and especially dorms to save money.

Lesh @ NOMADasaurus says

01/03/2015 at 9:48 pm

What an awesome breakdown Kristin. I know what you mean about $30 a day. Sometimes it happens but most of the time not. There are so many awesome activities to do all over South East Asia and we were not missing out on them. Love your tips for cheap travel. We love eating locally and traveling locally too. It is not just cheap but such a great experience. We have met some wonderful people on some journeys. We have been taking a budget daily so we can keep track of our spendings. The fact it is there on paper has really helped us budget. Over spend one day, lay low the next day. It is crazy how much alcohol can add up too and how many stories I have heard of people spending all their money partying and have not enough to see the rest of the country. The country always comes first for us. Thank you.

01/04/2015 at 2:04 pm

Thanks Lesh. I definitely agree it’s better to buy experiences than beers, but if you can do both, even better! 😉

01/04/2015 at 6:29 pm

Hey Kristin, great breakdown – I’ve managed on $30 in Asia, but on the basis it was covering food and accommodation only and no sightseeing. Also, these kind of simple ‘figures’ just don’t work in places like Singapore, Tokyo, etc. It annoys me when I see guides/books/etc. encouraging this as an ‘option’ because there must be so few people who manage on something like $30 a day and still get to see and do everything they wanted! Bring more – see and do more.

01/05/2015 at 4:52 am

True Singapore is a lot more costly and I actually haven’t been there yet. If any guide books are suggesting $30/day is doable in Tokyo I’d toss that right out the window!

01/12/2015 at 6:26 am

How am I only just finding this blog? Good stuff

01/13/2015 at 1:23 am

Aw thank you.

01/25/2015 at 10:42 pm

Never tried this myself, but I would imagine $30 (3000 yen) in Tokyo is possible. Well, I am in Tokyo now working (I am from Canada) but will travel abroad in November.

3000 yen breakdown possibility (if not relied on heavy tourist travel-style) – of course, it all depends on what you want to do that day; the list of what to do is endless:

1. Yamanote Line (most of the touristy places are on this line): 730 (day pass; it is even less that if you want to stay in places that require less than 730 yen) 2. Food ~1000 a day IF cheap, healthy, and convenient food places (i.e. Sukiya) –> much less required if rice balls and other smaller foods bought at convenience stores or McDonalds (100 yen options) 3. Accommodation – Couchsurfing! (0 yen) 4. Others (museum fee, drinking, whatever you choose)

Total: 1730yen plus additional

I do not know how much travel insurance is needed. Nor visa. However, when sites that say $30/day is possible, I do not believe that cost includes visa, insurance, etc. I think it means just travel expenses (food, accomodation, and such).

And for visa, I have never bought it before. But according to my Japanese passport Visa requirement for travel in Europe, I can travel in Europe for 3 (or 6) months at maximum without visa, so I am sure Visa is not required if less than 3 (or 6) months?

01/27/2015 at 7:28 am

Thanks for that! I had no idea it could be so cheap since Japan is always thought of as so expensive. You can get a VOA for fewer than 3 months in Europe, yes. You can only stay for 3 out of every 6 months.

02/06/2015 at 1:55 am

I went for a month in December/January of last year and found it expensive, probably because I wasn’t able to find as many dorms and it was over the holidays which is an understandably expensive time.

sashlah says

02/22/2015 at 8:06 am

We are spending around 15/20$ a day in two in North Thailand. We rented a huge house with 3 bedrooms for little more than 150/month. We always cook at home buying stuff at the market.

02/23/2015 at 1:40 am

Northern Thailand is really nice and cheap. Cooking at home is cheaper than street food? That’s my favorite part of Thailand!

02/23/2015 at 9:11 pm

Thanks for the great advice! One thing to add, when I was traveling for 6 months through Western Europe, I got charged about $5 per ATM withdrawal– I have Chase. BUT, I called and asked them, and kind of sweet talked them, into refunding me the charges! It wasn’t a lot since I went to the ATM as few times as possible but every dollar counts!

02/23/2015 at 10:16 pm

I’d suggest Charles Schwab which refunds all ATM fees and doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees. I really think they’re the best option. Great customer service, too. Wow I sound like an ad but honestly I love them.

01/14/2016 at 6:05 am

do you by any chance know how this works for Europeans? Can, say a Belgian guy, get an Charles Schab account? 🙂 Have you met Europeans troughout your trip who managed to solve or eliminate these fees?

01/16/2016 at 1:01 pm

I believe Schwab is only in the US, these are some good suggestions:

03/07/2015 at 6:08 pm

First off I want to say I’m a huge fan of your blog! Your posts are always great and so interesting! I’m very grateful for this post in particular. I’m considering homeschooling my son for a year and spending the time traveling SE Asia. So I have a few questions for you: what is the point of travelers insurance? Is it health insurance? We have health insurance and I cover my electronics through my homeowners insurance (it’s very cheap btw) so I don’t think I need travelers insurance, right? Did any areas seems unsafe at all? My son is 13 so he’s not a baby but I still don’t want to put him directly in danger of course. When you reference “dorms” is that the same thing as hostels? What is high season in SE Asia? What language is most widely spoke? I was thinking about spending a few weeks in one spot to take courses on a foreign language. Anything else you think I should know? Thanks and keep up the great work!

03/11/2015 at 7:03 am

Hey Kristin! Depends on which country you’re in regarding which language is spoken the most widely. In Thailand that would be Thai, Malay in Malaysia, etc. However, most places you’ll find you’ll be fine communicating as locals speak at least some English and much communication isn’t verbal anyways, as I’ve learned through the years. I also don’t think a few weeks is enough time to learn much of a language, though I wouldn’t want to discourage you!

As for insurance, you can check if your health insurance covers you abroad. Mine didn’t. I have travel insurance so that I’m always covered and if I need to be flown home for medical care, I’m still covered. Hope that helps.

03/11/2015 at 9:35 am

Yes that helps a lot! Thank you!

05/07/2015 at 7:40 am

I find your post realistic! And refreshing knowing that I’m not able to always stick to $30/day either. Currently traveling in Northern Thailand and doing my best with level of comfort, while staying cheap. Probably the biggest money saver as you mention is indeed when I go a week or so without drinking. 🙂 Thanks for the honest post and keeping up with your site. Inspiring!

05/07/2015 at 7:32 pm

Thanks Erin! Yep the biggest budget killer is alcohol, even though each drink individually is cheap, it adds up!

05/29/2015 at 5:41 am

Awesome! I got to understand on how much should I be needing and what do I really want before exploring outside my country in SEA!

Very informative post! 😀

Liem @ Holiday Bays says

06/20/2015 at 10:28 pm

Hey Kristin, when will you visit Vietnam? We can go for coffee and eat some local food. I live in the Mekong Delta area. Love your blog by the way! 🙂

06/22/2015 at 4:10 am

I spent one month there in 2014 but would love to return. I love the food and the coffee so much!

07/18/2015 at 3:40 pm

Good write-up

The Wife & I traveled SE Asia for 3 months last year and are hooked! On seeing more. We did things a different way financially so are kinda setup now but it meant foregoing this earlier on. But also means work is almost optional now. We spent about $8k across 7 Countries and that’s staying in Hotels ranging from $50-$100 per night. Everything is cheap there and most things are just so much better. They live a good life and we now see that Western world has it all wrong

07/19/2015 at 2:16 am

Can definitely see where you’re coming from with that. Wouldn’t say they all live a good life though. It’s easy for us to do so because we were born with privilege, a passport that provides mobility, and the ability to earn in a strong currency.

Jasmine says

08/09/2015 at 6:49 am

My main question in all of this was how did you go about traveling to these countries once you started in Thailand? Are there cheap (significantly cheap) flights available from one to the next or are you able to cross the border in a local bus? *I’m trying to convince my friends of a southeast Asia tour and the only way I can persuade them is if this factor is relatively inexpensive lol.*

08/10/2015 at 5:01 am

Hi Jasmine, I generally crossed overland though I flew to Malaysian Borneo and did a few flights in Indonesia as well. For the most part busses and trains are the method of getting around, and they’re cheap! So are Air Asia flights so I’d suggest signing up for their newsletter and taking advantage of sales. I scored a flight for $18 with them previously.

Charmaine says

09/30/2015 at 12:52 pm

Thanks for all your tips! I’m looking to do some backpacking soon and one thing I’m concern about are bank fees! You mentioned Charles Schwab doesn’t have any fees, can you elaborate more on this? Were you always banking with them or only as a travel account? Is it only available to US citizens (I’m from Canada).

10/12/2015 at 6:38 am

Hi Charmaine, I don’t know if it’s available in Canada but I don’t think so. This post is a pretty good resource:

Izy Berry says

11/26/2015 at 2:30 pm

Is not that expensive !! Incredible is very economic

KeepCalmAndWander says

12/27/2015 at 7:44 am

Going back to Cambodia soon and I hope the country is still cheap! 🙂

12/27/2015 at 1:10 pm

It’s still cheap.

Christian Vielma says

12/29/2015 at 10:54 am

Nice post! My wife and I traveled this year around Asia, including SEA. We also find the $30 limit not very realistic unless you stay for long time and live more like a local (preparing your own food instead of restaurant)

12/31/2015 at 4:18 am

I feel like eating street food is superior to cooking your own when traveling in Asia. It’s fresh, cheap, and lots of it is healthy.

Darren Bush says

01/11/2016 at 11:06 pm

Hey Kristine, I just want to thank you. As your blog is super helpful for me. I will keep all your points in my mind as i am thinking of visiting few countries in southeast asia.

Oliver Mortimer says

01/13/2016 at 6:07 am

Great article, Myself and my girlfriend are travelling on the 10th of February for 167 days. We will be going to Thailand Laos Malaysia Indonesia and Cambodia. We will be taking with us just over 9000 euro and have our flights booked travel insurance bought and vaccinations done.

I’m wondering if you think this will be enough money? We would like to see and do as much as we can and will be mostly eating street food but will be staying in our own rooms and not in dorms.

01/13/2016 at 8:41 am

If you take local transport and don’t party too much it could work. You might have to stay in dorms sometimes but the main thing that eats a budget quickly is partying for sure.

01/14/2016 at 3:25 am

Thanks for the reply. We’re not going over to party, so hopefully we’ll be ok with the budget we have….

robbie says

01/20/2016 at 4:03 pm

is it best to book hostels and such before or just go on the go

01/22/2016 at 3:27 pm

I generally do it on the go unless it’s a holiday in which case they can book out for months ahead of time.

Natasja Trujillo says

01/25/2016 at 6:54 pm

Love your blog. What would you say this budget would be for 2 people?

01/28/2016 at 10:49 am

That was just for me. For two double the food costs and add for busses and flights too. I stayed in dorms as well so I paid a single amount but for a private room or a dorm for two you’ll pay double. It’s not entirely double the cost but I’d budget as much for cushion.

yuyazz says

02/03/2016 at 8:03 am

Hello i’m sorry but i really need to write on maximum english blogs because after 6 months of travel in South East Asia, it is my duty to prevent the maximum person from countries such england or australia Everywhere we went, thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Burma, Malaysia, and Laos, we encountered the same type of travelers, loud, arrogant, completely disrespectful of other travelers and local poeple or places..A on several occasions we had to change guesthouse to find a more quiet place, especially away from you english people. You have a tendency to shout rather than speak, to make noise, in couple or group, always acting as if you were alone in earth..Even if you know that the owner of the guest house sleeps just next door, even if his childrens have to sleep to go at school the next morning, it will not matter, you continue until late at night yelling like pigs, in total disrespect of your neighbors .I therefore ask you this: learn to respect your neighbors, cease to believe you higher because the whole world must understand you and speak your language when you do not speak any other language except yours..the local bad feel towards overseas is due in large part to your behavior..Vang Vieng but the Thai islands are the best examples of your behavior incredibly bad.English women love to put almost naked, where the local dress head to toe in all sacred places or elsewhere, you English women you absolutely not respect the modesty of local people, in bikini everywhere..we thing that you really behave badly, the whole world hates you for that, but you don’t care and continue..if ever someone notice it to you, you laugh..You, English, you must to know it, please, SHUT UP, and respect local cultures and your neighbors..your culture based on easy friendship, nudity in public places, and “shouting” must stop!!!.Please be respectful and forget your huge egos!!! … you are the shame of Western europe to abroad …you have to know and to behave in consequence please..if some of you think that i’m exagerating, just look and listen, everywhere in South asia, and certainly everywhere in the are in holidays, ok..but maybe your neighbors or the local people around you are NOT in holidays!!! -so 1 : be quiet -2 : stop wearing bikinis and show your muscles to the whole world.. if people comme here to read these comments, be adise that you are not really appreciated in the world…especially because of young travellers who just care about themselves, and just think about making party… I had no bad idea about english or autralian before, not at after six month travelling, i just hate you, and can’t stand anymore your fucking behaviour..

02/05/2016 at 6:41 am

I wasn’t going to approve because it’s racist this but then again, there are some nuggets of wisdom in here. People who travel elsewhere only to behave badly and disrespect the locals but partying like crazy are the scourge of Southeast Asia and a big reason why I tried to get away from the Thai islands and find other places that weren’t ruined yet.

Also, I’m not English. Not Australian either. Your problem is with the bad eggs, not the entire race of people. Calm down.

Brennan says

02/07/2016 at 7:04 pm

Hey Kristin, this is a great site and very helpful…kudos to ya for setting it up and providing all of the valuable information! I have been pondering leaving my job for some time now to travel Southeast Asia for a year. I have been fortunate that I can travel twice a year while still having my job, and I have been to a few countries so far (Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines) but I really want to spend more time there than just a few weeks per year. What are your thoughts on being there for a year? Do you think it’s too long? Also, after your 8 month trip and you returned to the States what was your takeaway from it and are you more motivated to travel now or less? What would say was the best part of the trip?

02/10/2016 at 12:39 pm

Altogether I’ve spent 3 years of my life in Asia and I STILL feel like I haven’t seen it all so there’s no way that a year is too long. I loved the interactions with locals when they happened. Have fun!

03/29/2016 at 2:36 am

This blog is friggin amazing! Thanks for all the great advice. I’ve been saving for the last two years and I’m about to embark on an across the globe backpack journey, living on 20 dollars a day.

04/04/2016 at 4:43 am

Thanks a lot for sharing!! I’m planning a trip to Southeast Asia and this is the first article that actually helped me to calculate expenses. Thank you for all the helpful information

A Pin on the Map says

05/23/2016 at 10:36 am

Thanks so much for the invaluable info! Thinking of heading to Vietnam and Cambodia next summer and this post will be perfect to re-visit before I book my trip. Thanks for sharing!!

Julie Rog. says

05/24/2016 at 4:08 am

Thanks for all the great advice! I want to travel now ^^

NickPomata says

05/26/2016 at 4:40 am

i think 11.000$ is too expensive i also paln a 6 months travel, in southeast asia but probably 4000/5000 will be my budget

07/29/2016 at 2:47 am

Hi NickPomata, are you still traveling? And how about yourt target 4000/5000 per 6 months? Thank you!

Steeve says

07/08/2016 at 6:33 am

I am always amazed on how much expenses keep piling up when I am on vacation… Even when I don’t do anything fancy. I now try to do some volunteering work. I receive accommodation and meals and in return I do some work. It is the best way to travel with minimum expenses and to get to know some local people and the local culture. I did it last year in a yoga ashram in India called Arhanta Yoga. It was the best experience ever. I am now looking for a place in Cambodia, if any body has any suggestions… I would love to know!

Emilia @ says

07/13/2016 at 10:29 pm

Southeast Asia is a wonderful destination for the families with kids. Also for many travelers, this region is their first introduction to Asia.

Maddie says

07/23/2016 at 12:03 pm

Took my first trip to Southeast Asia summer of 2015 and spent 10 days in Thailand going through Ayutthaya, Lopburi, and then finally Bangkok. Even spent my 18th birthday in Bangkok and stayed on Khaosan Road! Best experience of my life, planning another trip summer 2017 with my dad that takes us to Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and finally Thailand. We both want to hopefully move somewhere in SE Asia in the next few years and this breakdown of costs and your experience helps with the planning process!

07/25/2016 at 4:18 am

That’s wonderful! So glad that you had such a great time 🙂

Naciholidays says

09/12/2016 at 2:57 am

Vietnam is also a good suggestion, I visited Ha Long Bay is very beautiful there and Nha Trang, Sai Gon … Maybe you’ll like it

James Crosby says

08/22/2016 at 11:32 am

If you really put young urban mind to it $30 a day overall is very realistic. I did that ciircuit as part of a larger trip and it can be done on around $18 a day. Couchsurf, hitchhike, and that’s your two biggest costs wiped out. As far as food, you can easily eat breakfast for $1 and evening meal for $3. Use a steripen so you can drink tap water, never drink alcohol. Also don’t take tuktuks unless you really need to. Wake up early and walk everywhere. Some days I would walk in excess of 20km to explore places. Keeps you fit and it’d free.

08/22/2016 at 4:56 pm

I’d say the biggest part of that advice that helps with costs is not drinking (and for the sake of argument, not doing activities that cost money). Eating local and sleeping cheap are great ways to save but I also think most people can’t resist indulging when they travel, in all of the fun stuff, so I’d rather spend a bit more to have more fun.

10/13/2016 at 2:06 am

My Partner and I are planning a 6 month trip to South East Asia with our 16 month old son.

We want to do it as cheap as possible and we’re thinking of buying a van and decking it out with a mattress etc.

Do you think this would be safe and efficient way to travel South East Asia? We are planning on going to Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam & Cambodia.

10/13/2016 at 11:07 am

I don’t really think that’s necessary. Busses and private rooms at hostels are so cheap, and I never really saw anyone self-driving there except for on a motorbike.

10/21/2016 at 1:44 pm

So true about the $30 a day and just totally going over with even just a visa fee or transport! Transport prices are what surprised us! I did not get any immunizations though and I flew from Australia so my flights were much less as well. Love your honest breakdown. Very helpful for first-timers to SEA 🙂

Äventyrsresenär says

12/11/2016 at 6:11 am

Hi there Kristin,

Just stumbled on your blog and as a former expat in Asia I’m glad to see you covered some useful tips and advice when traveling around this region. I haven’t read all of your posts for this particular adventure… you mentioned some stuff you did in the south of thailand and indonesia and malaysia, was it scuba diving? Would love to know more, did you write a post about these travel experiences as well?

Have a great weekend, Sam aka “Äventyrsresenären”

12/11/2016 at 11:15 am

Sure did! Scroll down to SCUBA diving on this active adventures page and you can see what I wrote about:

12/13/2016 at 3:22 am

I am going away for 6 weeks on boxing day to Thailand, Vietnam & Cambodia. What would you say is the best way to carry money as i will need three different currencies.

12/15/2016 at 8:59 pm

get it from ATMs

Agness of a TukTuk says

02/14/2017 at 12:39 am

Wow, this is great! I learned a thing or two I could’ve done better when I was in SEA. It’s affordable travel, but it could even be made more affordable. There’s something about the people in SEA that totally makes me want to go back.

02/22/2017 at 9:29 pm

Hi Kristin, Thank you for the tips, I have traveled around the world but most of them were with the US Marine Corps. I am just finishing up grad school this May and will travel for the first time that is not work related. I will be traveling for 3 months and want to start with Thailand, and end in Australia. I don’t drink (I am hoping that will save me some money) and I don’t have any other habits that will cost me more (want to get a scuba license though). I like the couchsurfing idea (do you know any other option if I don’t find accommodations for free?). What safety advice would you give me (specially if I was in military in my past life) and i believe I have most of the immunization done through military deployments. Where would I be able to learn to surf for cheap or even free in any of these countries that you have visited in SE asia? Thank you, Michael

02/22/2017 at 11:50 pm

There’s no surf except for in Indonesia, I’m fairly certain. As for safety, just be smart. If you don’t drink then that’ll help a lot with money and with not getting into trouble. Dorms are so cheap, if you can’t couchsurf then go for those.

Therie says

03/12/2017 at 7:35 am

You really can’t miss scuba diving in SE Asia. It’s a must and the experience is absolutely worth the money. Thank you for putting this together Kristin! Your blog is so awesome, great tips and recommendations, keep it up!

03/14/2017 at 6:48 am

Glad you liked it! I totally agree, I wouldn’t have wanted to experience SEA without the diving. It was worth every penny!

06/15/2017 at 11:43 am

Has anyone tried camping in South Asia or have any experience with it? I’m considering that 🙂

Piotr Kowalski says

09/26/2017 at 4:53 am

This is a very good post and I definitely was looking for something like this. I’m planning a long term trip to Asia next year and the information you have put here will make me change my plans a little. I didn’t know that Laos and Cambodia are so damn cheap, $2 for a bed is nearly like for free or to put it into perspective, I couldn’t even buy a nice sandwich in Europe for that amount. Which place/country you liked the most from them all that you’ve seen in south east Asia?

09/26/2017 at 7:03 am

I like them all for different reasons! Laos was pretty special, though, as was Cambodia, because they were a little less popular.

Abdulrahman Ameen says

11/26/2017 at 7:44 am

This is what I was just searching for. I’m planing to go to a trip to Southeast Asia soon but I have already visited Malaysia, So now I’m Planing to go to Cambodia,Vietnam,Indonesia, Philippines ,Thailand and Myanmar. But a lot of people told me Laos, Vietnam And Cambodia are much similar and they told me you can just go to Cambodia so what do you think of that? and how long should I take to visit these countries with how much budget like estimating ?

11/26/2017 at 9:26 am

I don’t think they’re similar at all. Each has its own unique culture and landscape and things to see. I think a month in each country is good if you can.

Valentina Greene says

07/28/2019 at 1:11 pm

Love reading your posts. Thanks for sharing.

07/31/2019 at 8:44 am

Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed reading your post, and it is very helpful for me to plan my next trip.

08/02/2019 at 4:46 am

Great post! It will be very helpful to those who are planning to the trip and the pics are very nice.

Daniel Gallo says

08/30/2019 at 12:20 am

Where do you get the money to do this if your on Min. Wage? im lucky if after all the bills are paid i have 100$ left. like a 1k a year. it take me over a decade to do something like this?

09/02/2019 at 9:53 am

You might find this helpful

Brendon says

11/16/2019 at 5:27 pm

Great article. I always save up and pay for insurance and the main flight ahead of time and then just pretend that money vanished ? And then I budget from there with my remaining money. Fortunely I’m Canadian and don’t have to pay for immunization. But again the CAD dollar is much weaker thanks USD. Stay in places longer and travel slower saved me hell of alot more money ?

Mary Smith says

01/03/2020 at 2:39 am

Great post! it will be very helpful for planning any trip to Aisa.

01/21/2024 at 11:11 pm

Great article. I’d also suggest a good tip on money in SE Asia. Atms are a good way of getting cash and you can use apps like ATM Fee Saver – it helps finding the fee-free and lower fee Atms in the region along with withdrawal limits for foreign card holers. worth adding to your list of tricks!

RoamingPenguins - Your Guide to Waddle into Adventure.


Budget Guide for Asian Travel

The Ultimate Guide to Travel Costs in Asia: From Budget to Luxury

Asia, home to diverse cultures, scenic landscapes, and rich historical significance, is a calling for travelers worldwide. Planning your unforgettable Asian adventure, however, may be overwhelming, especially when factoring in the budget. But worry no more! We’ve categorized each Asian nation from ☆ (most affordable) to ☆☆☆☆☆ (most expensive) to simplify your itinerary planning. Now, let’s venture into the wide-ranging domain of Asian travel expenses!

*For real-time currency conversions, consider easy-to-use tools like the XE Currency Converter .

Breaking Down Travel Costs Across Asia

Here’s an overview of all Asian countries, classified by cost and estimated daily budget for your convenience:

Thinking about traveling to other regions? Then check these posts↓

Euro Travel on a Shoestring to Splurge: A Comprehensive Guide to EU Travel Costs
Navigating Your Budget: A Comprehensive Guide to Travel Costs in Central and South America

Exploring the Cost Spectrum

Let’s dive into the countries from each category to understand the kind of experiences you can anticipate at different budget levels:

☆ – Thrilling Experiences, Light on the Pocket

Take Nepal . It’s every adventurer’s paradise. Be it exploring the grandeur of the Himalayas or enjoying a tranquil retreat in Pokhara, Nepal is full of wonders that don’t break the bank.

Next, we have India . From the architectural gems of Jaipur to the vibrant streets of Mumbai and the serene backwaters of Kerala, India is a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and tastes.

Then there’s Pakistan . The mesmerizing beauty of the Hunza Valley, the rich culture of Lahore, the friendliness of the locals – it all combines to form an unforgettable experience.

Over in Bangladesh , you can explore the lively city of Dhaka, enjoy the unspoiled beauty of Cox’s Bazar, and even go on wildlife adventures in the Sundarbans. And it won’t cost you an arm and a leg!

And let’s not forget Cambodia . Beyond the famed Angkor Wat, there are bustling city streets, tranquil islands, and a resilience in the people that touches the heart.

☆☆ – Quality Experiences at Affordable Rates

Kicking off our ☆☆ section is Vietnam , where ancient history meets bustling modern life. The vibrant street life of Hanoi, the ancient charm of Hoi An, and the otherworldly natural beauty of Halong Bay all can be explored without putting too much strain on your wallet.

In Laos , you can find tranquility amongst the chaos of Southeast Asia. From the sleepy city of Luang Prabang with its French colonial architecture to the scenic beauty of Vang Vieng, Laos is a gem waiting to be discovered.

Sri Lanka , with its verdant landscapes and rich history, offers ample opportunities for exploration. You can hike the breathtaking trails of Ella, explore the ancient city of Anuradhapura, or soak up the sun on the beautiful beaches of the South coast. All this without making a big dent in your budget.

Philippines is a haven for beach lovers. Beyond the crystal-clear waters of El Nido and Boracay, the country’s more than 7000 islands offer diverse attractions including the history-rich city of Manila and the world’s perfect cone volcano in Albay.

Indonesia pulls you into an adventure that’s just as diverse as its many islands. Apart from the beach haven that is Bali, there’s the historical and cultural center of Yogyakarta, Sumatra’s untamed wildlife, the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, and the marine wonderland of Raja Ampat.

☆☆☆ – Slightly Bigger Budget for an Array of Fascinating Experiences

Our first stop in the ☆☆☆ category is Thailand . Thailand has long been a tourist favorite, and it’s easy to see why. Picture-perfect beaches, a thriving nightlife, a cultural heritage that’s deeply interwoven into the country’s fabric, and cuisine that will linger in your memory long after your visit.

Next up is Malaysia , a place where old-world charm meets modern sophistication. You’ll find a fusion of cultures, evident in everything from Kuala Lumpur’s skyscrapers that stretch to the heavens and the quaint charm of Penang’s heritage streets, to idyllic islands like Langkawi. Malaysia truly is a microcosm of Asia.

Over in Myanmar , it’s like flipping the pages of a history book. Ancient temples dot the landscape of Bagan, villages float serenely on Inle Lake, and pristine beaches such as Ngapali offer a respite from the busyness of travel. It’s an experience that transcends time.

China is next, a country where the old and the new harmoniously coexist. Be it uncovering history in Beijing, marveling at Shanghai’s modern architecture, getting up close with adorable pandas in Chengdu, or immersing yourself in Guilin’s serene landscapes, China presents a palette of diverse experiences.

Lastly, Taiwan is an island that beautifully blends traditional Chinese culture, vibrant city life, and breathtaking natural landscapes. From the invigorating hustle and bustle of Taipei’s night markets to the awe-inspiring vistas of Taroko Gorge, Taiwan is sure to keep you engaged.

☆☆☆☆ – Splurge a Little for Unforgettable Experiences

With a little more budget flexibility, South Korea offers you the dynamism of Seoul’s city life, the historical richness of Gyeongju, the beach city vibe of Busan, and the natural beauty of Jeju Island.

Japan is all about an immersion in rich tradition, juxtaposed with the cutting-edge modernity. From Tokyo’s electrifying cityscape to Kyoto’s traditional temples and shrines, the rejuvenating onsens of Hakone to the culinary delights of Osaka, Japan promises a travel experience unlike any other.

Rounding out this category, Mongolia is a unique blend of nomadic culture and vast untouched landscapes. From experiencing the nomadic lifestyle in the Gobi desert to witnessing the majestic Altai mountains, Mongolia offers a different but equally enchanting travel experience.

☆☆☆☆☆ – Luxury Travel for Those Seeking the Extraordinary

Finally, we come to our ☆☆☆☆☆ category, the creme de la creme of Asian destinations.

Beginning with Singapore , it’s a city-state that offers an incredibly diverse range of experiences. From its towering skyscrapers to the culturally rich neighborhoods of Chinatown and Little India, to the enchanting Gardens by the Bay, every aspect of Singapore oozes luxury and refinement.

Hong Kong is a city where the East meets the West in an amazing amalgamation of cultures. Its vibrant cityscape, amazing food scene, and attractions like the Victoria Peak or the bustling markets of Mong Kok, make it a top-notch travel destination.

When it comes to luxury in the Middle East! The United Arab Emirates and Qatar are certainly at the top of the list. Whether you’re exploring the futuristic cityscape of Dubai, experiencing the cultural richness of Abu Dhabi, or enjoying the world-class facilities in Doha, these countries will make your travel dreams come true.

Asia is a tapestry of varied experiences, each one worth the cost. Whether you’re backpacking on a shoestring budget or indulging in luxury, this continent offers an incredible bang for every buck. Safe and happy travels!

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23 Cheapest Asian Countries to Visit in 2024

Pagodas on Ngwe Saung Beach

If you’re looking for some of the cheapest Asian countries to visit on your next trip, you have come to the right place!

With 48 countries, Asia is the largest continent in the world, and it’s also my favourite one. This continent is home to some of the world’s friendliest people, tons of beautiful landmarks , interesting cultures and delicious food. Although not all Asian countries are cheap (think about Bhutan, Japan or Singapore, for example), Asia has plenty of budget-friendly destinations too.

This guide contains some of the best budget destinations in Asia, from popular destinations like Thailand and Sri Lanka to more off-the-beaten-path countries like Bangladesh and Kazakhstan.

I’ve been travelling through Asia for over two years as I’m writing this and I’m updating this post frequently to make sure the information is up to date.

Cheapest Asian Countries to Visit

asia travel cost

It’s important to know that your daily budget will depend on your travel style and the activities you choose to do. While it’s possible to travel with a budget of $20 a day in many of the destinations featured in this list, you might have to stay in dorms and eat street food to do so.

But without further ado, let’s dive right into it! Here are the cheapest countries to travel to in Asia.

Cheap Destinations in Southeast Asia

1. indonesia.

asia travel cost

Indonesia is one of these incredibly varied destinations I just can’t get enough of. With over 17,000 islands , you could easily spend a lifetime exploring this country alone.

Every island is different and there are more than 300 ethnic groups in the country, each with its own culture and traditions.

Apart from that, you will also find lush green forests, picture-perfect beaches, beautiful volcanoes and much more here. And the best part is that Indonesia is one of the most affordable countries in Asia.

It’s good to know, however, that some islands are cheaper than others . Bali, for example – home to the famous digital nomad and party destination Canggu – is one of the most expensive ones. Sumatra and Java, on the other hand, are some of the cheaper islands.

Conical hat souvenir from Vietnam

With mesmerizing sights like Ha Long Bay, the Ban Gioc Waterfall, the Mekong Delta , Hà Giang and many, many more, Vietnam is one of the top travel destinations in Asia .

This country is known for its delicious food, mesmerizing landscapes, vibrant culture and some of the most beautiful caves in the world . It’s a place where you will be able to visit sacred temples one day, then see the remnants of the Vietnam War and learn more about its history the next.

As Vietnam is also one of the cheapest Asian countries to visit, it’s the perfect place to head to if you’re looking for an affordable destination with an abundance of places to explore.

I travelled around Vietnam solo for two months and had a great time.

>> Read: 21 Souvenirs From Vietnam That Don’t Suck

3. Cambodia

Angkor Wat in Cambodia

When mentioning Cambodia, many people will immediately think about Angkor Wat , the largest and oldest religious monument in the world. After all, watching the sunrise at this immense temple complex is one of these bucket list travel experiences you can’t miss when you’re visiting this country.

But there’s more to Cambodia than Angkor Wat alone. This destination is also the perfect place to explore vibrant cities, go diving, relax at the beach, try delicious food, visit the salt fields in Kampot and learn more about the country’s culture and history.

Cambodia is cheaper than its neighbours Vietnam and Thailand, making it one of the cheapest exotic destinations in Southeast Asia.

Cheapeast Asian countries Laos

Laos is known for being one of Asia’s most relaxed and laid-back destinations . This is an authentic country with colourful temples, French colonial architecture and breathtaking landscapes.

Here, you will truly feel as if you were stepping back in time. You will get to soak up the country’s rich traditions and savour some of the world’s best food.

From Khone Pabeng , Southeast Asia’s largest waterfall to the city of Luang Prabang with its former royal palaces – Laos is a budget-friendly Asian destination that will make sure to astonish you. This is the perfect place to go if you’re looking for a cheap Southeast Asian country that isn’t packed with tourists (yet).

Prices here are pretty similar to, yet slightly cheaper than, neighbouring Cambodia.

5. Myanmar (Burma)

Bagan Sunrise with pagodas

Ah, Myanmar – this is one of my favourite travel destinations in the world!

This country’s landscapes are filled with temples and gilded pagodas, and the Burmese are some of the most friendly people in the world.

From the beautiful temples of Bagan to the mountains and caves of Hpa An, there are plenty of beautiful places in Myanmar and this is a country that simply doesn’t disappoint.

The thing I love the most about this country is its authenticity . Myanmar has only been opening up to tourists recently and it hasn’t much been influenced by the globalised world yet.

Although Myanmar is one of the cheapest Asian countries to visit, prices here have increased over the years, especially when it comes to accommodation. It’s good to know that this country is more expensive than countries like Cambodia and Vietnam, for example.

6. Thailand

Cheapest Asian countries to visit Thailand

Often nicknamed “The Land of Smiles”, Thailand may just be the most popular stop along the Southeast Asia backpacking route.

This country is known for its glorious beaches, glittering temples, lush green jungle and delicious cuisine. On top of all that, Thailand is a great scuba diving destination too.

This country is easy to travel through and has something to offer to nearly any type of traveller, whether you’re looking for a crazy bucket list adventure , a lazy beach holiday or an all-in vacation.

Although Thailand remains one of the cheapest Asian countries to visit, the cost of travelling here has increased over the years and the Kingdom is slightly more expensive than its neighbours Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. It’s also good to know that the north of Thailand is cheaper than the south of the country.

7. The Philippines


If diving, snorkelling and island hopping sound like your kind of holiday, then The Philippines should be on top of your Asian travel bucket list. This country is home to over 7,000 islands full of tropical white-sand beaches, palm trees and blue lagoons.

And there’s more – swimming in waterfalls, climbing volcanoes, admiring the colonial architecture and visiting rice terraces are just a few of the other highlights of The Philippines.

This country is a bit more expensive than other Southeast Asian destinations but still very affordable compared to Western countries.

8. Malaysia

Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the most developed countries in Southeast Asia. It’s also a very diverse destination with towering skyscrapers, countless temples and mosques, stunning nature, beautiful beaches and amazing wildlife.

Although a lot of visitors will spend most of their time in Kuala Lumpur, the capital, Malaysia has much more to offer. From scuba diving and jungle trekking to visiting the famous Batu Caves , this country doesn’t lack activities.

On top of that, Malaysia is one of the cheapest Asian countries to visit (except for alcohol, which is pretty expensive) and quite contrary to what many people think, Malaysia is cheaper than Thailand!

It’s also good to know that thanks to its good infrastructure with high-speed internet, Malaysia is a great destination for digital nomads .

Cheapest South Asian Countries to Visit

Laura Meyers at Annapurna basecamp in Nepal ABC trek

Nepal is one of my favourite destinations in the world and it’s also one of the most affordable Asian countries to travel to.

With its vibrant culture, lush green jungles and stunning Himalayan Mountains (including Mount Everest ), this country has a lot to offer. If you’re an adventurous type of traveller who also enjoys learning about different cultures, you will LOVE Nepal.

Some other reasons to visit Nepal are that the Nepali are renowned for being some of the friendliest people in the world and that country is full of beautiful landmarks and unforgettable adventures.

When visiting Nepal on a budget, it’s good to know that it is possible to hike and trek in the Himalayas without spending a fortune on a guide. However, this is not recommended for all treks, so it’s advisable to do some research in advance.

Famous landmarks in Asia Taj Mahal India

With places like the Taj Mahal and the Hawa Mahal, and states like Goa and Rajasthan , India is one of the top travel destinations in the world.

Not only is the packed with incredible Indian landmarks , but it also offers a lot of variation. Not every country offers the possibility to combine mountains, deserts, beaches, jungles and cities in one trip, after all. On top of that, India is huge. I spent over 10 months travelling through this country and there are still so many places left to discover.

One of the things India is best known for is its incredibly rich culture. It was here that Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and other religions were born. So if cultural or spiritual travel is your thing, India should be on top of your list.

When it comes to the cost of travel in India , it’s good to know that the south of the country is a little more expensive than the north. Still, India is one of the cheapest Asian countries on this list.

11. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, a cheap Asian destination

Often nicknamed “The Teardrop of India”, the country island of Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean. This is a very diverse destination with white sand beaches, a rich culture and beautiful Sri Lankan landmarks .

On top of that, with hikes like Littl e Adam’s Peak , Ella Rock and World’s End, Sri Lanka is also a great place for hiking and nature lovers.

Although Sri Lanka might be small, there’s an incredible amount of things to do in this country. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, adventure seeker, history buff or beach lover, Sri Lanka has got something for you.

I spent 6 weeks exploring this country and, although I’m not much of a beach person, this is a place I would love to go back to. Sti Lanka’s lush green jungles, exotic wildlife and friendly locals stole my heart!

Sri Lanka is less expensive than India, so it’s a very budget-friendly destination where you won’t need to worry about spending too much money.

12. Bangladesh

Bangladesh, one of the cheapest countries in Asia

If you’re looking for a cheap, off-the-beaten-path destination in Asia, then Bangladesh is the place for you. This country, which borders India and Myanmar, is often skipped by tourists, meaning you will probably have all the tourist sites to yourself.

Bangladesh has got a lot to offer, though. With its numerous archaeological sites, large forests, beautiful beaches and friendly locals, it’s a destination that will surely surprise you. This country is also home to the world’s longest sea beach – Cox’s Bazar – which is 120 km (74,5 mi) long.

I spent a month backpacking in Bangladesh and it was an unforgettable experience! Bangladeshi are some of the most hospitable people in the entire world (along with Pakistanis, #13 on this list) and believe me, travelling here will be memorable!

All in all, Bangladesh is one of the most hospitable and cheapest Asian countries to visit and it’s perfect for those who are looking for a more off-the-beaten-path travel destination.

13. Pakistan

Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, pakistan

Pakistan might not be the first destination to think of when you’re planning a trip to Asia, but it is one of my favourite destinations in the world.

With some of the highest mountain peaks in the world, beautiful deserts, untouched beaches and historical cities like Lahore , this is a dream destination for both nature lovers as well as history buffs.

Contrary to the country’s reputation, Pakistan is now – relatively – safe to travel to (although it speaks for itself that you should always be cautious and use your common sense) and it is attracting more and more adventurous tourists.

Pakistan is cheaper than India, which makes it one of the cheapest countries on this list.

>> Read: What to Wear in Pakistan: Dress Code + Outfit Ideas

Cheapest Countries to Visit in East Asia

Terracotta warriors xian

With fascinating ancient places like the Terracotta Warriors of Xi’An, the Forbidden City of Beijing, and the famous Great Wall, China is one of these countries you could explore for years on end because there’s so much to see. This is one of Asia’s best cultural destinations .

One striking thing about China is the contrast between ancient and modern . You will find traditional Chinese architecture on one side of the city and hyper-modern buildings on the other side.

Keep in mind that some places are more expensive than others when you’re visiting China. Shanghai, Bejing and the autonomous region of Macau, for example, are some of the pricier destinations in the country. If you avoid these places and do some research in advance, it is possible to travel to China on a shoestring budget though.


Taiwan may be pretty small, but this island doesn’t lack beautiful places to visit or interesting things to do.

This country (which is officially called the Republic of China) is home to very diverse landscapes consisting of mountains, beaches, hot springs, waterfalls and more.

If you’re more of a city person, you will love Taipei, the vibrant capital which is known for its modern architecture, traditional temples and food markets.

Although Taiwan is one of the more expensive countries on this list, it’s just slightly more expensive than China and still pretty cheap compared to Western standards.

16. Mongolia

Mongolia, one of the cheapest asian countries to visit

Mongolia, landlocked between Russia and China, is a mountainous country with unspoilt nature and unique culture . It’s one of these beautiful, off-the-beaten-path destinations where the tourism industry is still in its early stages.

For many travellers, one of the top experiences to have here is to stay with a nomadic family and learn about their way of life. After all, Mongolia is home to one of the last remaining traditional nomad cultures.

While it is possible to visit Mongolia independently, it’s not the easiest country to travel through if you don’t want to hire a guide or take tours. The reason for this is a lack of transportation to tourist sites. It is possible, however, to rent a jeep in Ulaanbaatar.

Cheapest Western Asian Countries to Visit


One of the things Iran is most famous for is its architecture with gorgeous colours and pretty mosaics. This country is home to some of the most beautiful landmarks in Asia. But there’s much more to this country!

If you’re interested in Persian culture and history , for example, this destination will surely astonish you. On top of that, Iran is filled with natural wonders, from mountains and deserts to caves and waterfalls. All in all, Iran has got something to offer to any type of traveller, whether you’re into history, culture, art or nature.

Iran is a country that only started attracting more tourists in the last couple of years and it was gaining popularity among travellers quickly. However, due to the current political situation, tourism in Iran has been declining again.

18. Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan is a mysterious country that’s often nicknamed “The Land of Fire” due to its large amount of natural gas reserves.

Back in the day, gas often leaked to the surface in Azerbaijan, which resulted in spontaneous fires. Today though, most of these fires have been extinguished, but Yanar Dag is one of the few remaining natural gas fires.

Fire isn’t the only thing Azerbaijan is famous for, though. With its ancient temples, modern capital, mud volcanoes and remote mountain villages, this country is quite diverse. It’s a unique destination that you will fall in love with if you enjoy travelling off the beaten path.

19. Armenia

Armenia, one of the Cheapest Asian countries to visit

If you’re looking for the cheapest Asian countries to visit on your next trip, you might want to consider heading to Armenia, a small country sandwiched between Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran.

This little-visited country is full of stunning monasteries and churches (over 4.000 in total), vibrant cities and incredible hikes . It’s an underrated destination with plenty of things to discover.

It’s good to know that although Armenia may be geographically located in Asia, culturally, this country leans more towards Europe (though it has Asian influences as well).

Cheapest Countries to Visit in Central Asia

20. kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan, one of the cheapest asian countries to visit

Kazakhstan is another beautiful, off-the-beaten-path destination with plenty of hidden treasures. This former Soviet Republic is the biggest country in Central Asia .

If you enjoy spending time in nature, then this country full of canyons, mountains, lakes and deserts is the one for you!

Apart from that, Kazakhstan will also astonish you if you enjoy visiting more unusual places. From the futuristic capital, Nur-Sultan to the abandoned seaport of Aralsk, this country is full of unique sights.

The best part is that Kazakhstan is one of these affordable destinations where you won’t need to worry about spending tons of money on your travels.

21. Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan cheapest destinations

Another great country for lovers of nature and the great outdoors is Kyrgyzstan. With its high mountains, undiscovered canyons and beautiful glaciers, this destination has a lot to offer.

Some of the best cultural things to do here are staying in a yurt, learning about the traditional handicrafts of felt-making and eagle hunting, and learning about the country’s Soviet history. Kyrgyzstan is a country that won’t bore you, as there’s so much to see and do here!

Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan share similar traditions, but it’s good to know that the latter is slightly cheaper.

22. Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan, the last of the Stans featured on this list, is a little bit more expensive than Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, but it’s still pretty affordable.

This country is home to some amazing Islamic architecture and interesting historical sites . The highlights of Uzbekistan are the medieval cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Kiva, where you can immerse yourself in the country’s history and traditions.

With places like the ship graveyard of the Aral Sea and the ghost town of Angren, Uzbekistan is another affordable destination that will delight you if you enjoy exploring more remote and unusual places.

23. Tajikistan

Iskanderkul Lake in Tajikistan.

I’m in Tajikistan as I’m writing this and, although it’s slightly more expensive than neighbouring Uzbekistan, this is another pretty cheap Asian country to travel in.

Tajikistan is most famous for the Pamir Highway , which stretches over more than 1,300 km (808 mi). This is one of the highest roads in the world and it offers spectacular mountain views. But you will also find plenty of other beautiful places in Tajikistan, like Iskanderkul Lake, Panjakent and Jizeu Valley.

So, if you like the mountains, Tajikistan is a great, affordable option!

Asian Countries to Avoid if You’re Travelling on a Budget

Burj Khalifa and Gold Souks

If you’re planning on heading to Asia and don’t want to spend a fortune, there are some countries that you will want to avoid.

There may be lots of cheap destinations in Asia, but this continent is also home to some of the most expensive cities in the world.

So if you’re on a tight budget, you will want to avoid the following countries, these are the most expensive countries in Asia:

  • South Korea

Check out my post about the cost of travelling in Dubai if you’re curious to know how much it costs to travel here.

Tips to Save Money While Travelling in Asia

Apart from the local prices, how much money you will spend also depends on your travel style.

Travelling on a shoestring budget mostly comes down to planning and researching your destination before heading there and avoiding expensive activities . Capital cities tend to be more expensive, for example, so try not to spend too much time there.

You will save a lot of money by staying in dorms , choosing street food or local restaurants over tourist restaurants and using public transportation , for example.

It’s also good to learn how to haggle and avoid restaurants or shops near tourist attractions , as these tend to be way more expensive.

But even if you’re planning on staying in 5-star hotels and eating out every night, you still won’t spend nearly as much money in these cheap Asian countries as you would in most European countries.

Hawa Mahal in India

Cheapest Asian Countries: Final Thoughts

I hope that you have found exactly what you were looking for in this list and that it inspires you to travel to Asia. After all, this continent is full of beautiful and affordable destinations.

From popular backpacking destinations like Thailand, Vietnam and Nepal to off-the-beaten-path destinations like Azerbaijan and Bangladesh , Asia has something to offer to every type of traveller.

As I’m living/travelling in Asia at the moment and have been doing this for the last couple of years, I’m keeping my eyes open for the price of each country I visit and am updating this post regularly.

Which of the cheapest Asian countries would you like to visit and which ones have you visited already? Let me know in the comments below!

Are you curious to find out what the cheapest countries in the EU are too? Check out the following post next: 11 Cheapest EU Countries to Live In

Pin it for later: Did you find this post helpful? Save it on Pinterest and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more travel tips and inspiration.

Cheapest Asian countries to visit

Laura Meyers

Laura Meyers is the founder of Laure Wanders. She was born in Belgium and has travelled to over 40 countries, many of them solo. She currently spends most of her time between Belgium and South Asia and loves helping other travellers plan their adventures abroad.

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' src=

Hey, Laura! My solo backpacking dreams were itching to be released as soon as I saw your post. Now I can finally get a rough estimate on how much a two-month-long trip in Southeast Asia would cost me. This post has truly been insightful and informative. Thank you for sharing!

Hi Dakota, thank you for the lovely comment, I’m happy to hear that 😊 Asia is wonderfull, I can’t wait to return myself 🤩

' src=

Hi Laurie – love your blog post on Asia. Obviously, with Covid, trying to work out destinations is difficult. Maybe things will improve in a few months. The other issue is off course, airfares… From Australia, all the cheap airfares to Asia have dried up thanks to Covid and low cost Airline disruptions. (think Air Asia) . with the exception of Bali, which is like a suburb of Australia !

Hi Lawrence, thank you for your comment! 🙂 I sure hope things will improve soon and that the airfares will go back to normal as well. I haven’t been to Bali myself but it must be a nice place to start exploring Indonesia. 🤩

' src=

India is indeed an affordable and budget-friendly destination. I am glad that you added it to the list. The best part is India offers both budget-friendly and luxury stays. I mostly travel via train and public transport, which helps me to save more.

So do I, it’s a great way of saving money! 🙂

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Cheapest Asian Countries to Visit on a Budget

El Nido in the Philippines, one of the cheapest Asian countries to visit

We all want adventure in the great wide somewhere, but sometimes our bank accounts don't coordinate. Luckily, a lack of funds doesn't mean we have to give up travel, just that we have to forget the idea of luxury resorts and yachts. 

Asia is known for being a perfect affordable travel destination, providing amazing experiences, rich history and great food for a very reasonable price. Vietnam and Thailand come to mind first, but there are several other low-cost countries you can venture around for less than $100 a day. 

These are the cheapest Asian countries to visit on a budget.

Note: We may earn money from affiliate partners if you buy through links on our site.

Taipei Gate in Taiwan

Average daily cost: $98*

As one of the smallest countries in Asia, Taiwan is often overlooked by travelers. But those wise enough to get to this island nation find one of the coolest places on the whole entire continent. 

Let us put it like this — we have never  met anyone  who didn't like Taiwan. There are very few other places that hold this honor. The locals are notoriously open and friendly (Taiwan is often deemed as the safest and most welcoming Asian country for LGBTQIA people), and there are a million things to do.

Taipei offers a typical bustling city vibe and great nightlife. It's also just a short train ride away from beaches and mountains. Food, particularly in street stalls, is very affordable and delicious. And it's easy to find bargain prices for accommodations. What's not to like?

*All average daily costs are based on estimates from Budget Your Trip .

Best Budget Stay in Taiwan

Yi Su Hotel-Taipei Ningxia

For less than $20 a night, you can enjoy an actual hotel experience at the Yi Su Hotel – Taipei Ningxia .

That's right, you don't have to stay in a hostel dorm to keep within budget. Amenities include free tea and coffee-making facilities in-suite, air conditioning and free WiFi.

13. Thailand

Kao Sok National Park lake and villagers sheds

Average daily cost: $94

Ah, Thailand, the place where every backpacker with no money and a proclivity for walking around barefoot ends up. The large Southeast Asian country has an undeniable charm with swirling temples hiding giant golden Buddhas, jungles vibrating to the stomps of elephants, limestone cliffs dipping into turquoise waters and some of the best food you will ever eat in your life. And it offers all this for very, very cheap. 

It's really no wonder why this country has become a broke gap-year traveler paradise, though some (us) would argue that this popularity has brought overtourism and overdevelopment to the country.

Our advice would be to head to the touristy spots for a couple of days and then hop to other places that aren't yet plagued with stalls selling tacky T-shirts to tourists. Oh, and get a Thai massage as often as possible.

Best Budget Stay in Thailand

Flower Power Thai resort

For about $10 a night, the Flower Power Farm Village & Restaurant offers an idyllic escape on the island of Ko Phayam.

It offers simple and cozy bungalows, a restaurant that serves fruits right from the property and a peaceful setting. 

12. South Korea

Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, South Korea

Average daily cost: $93

It's a bit surprising to see South Korea have a slightly lower average cost than Thailand, though we suspect this has to do with the fact that there are many ultra-luxury Thai resorts. 

Still, the beautiful peninsula of South Korea is much more affordable than people think. Accommodations will be your biggest expense, and food is generally very cheap and very good. You can easily pay $10-$15 for a Korean BBQ dinner at a restaurant in Hongdae, one of the most frequented nightlife districts in Seoul (yes, New York's K-Town prices are an absolute scam). Other delicious dishes like red pepper soup (gochujang) or kimchi fried rice are generally under 10 dollars — and that's including all the numerous and generous side dishes.

Soju is also extremely cheap , as is norebang (the Korean equivalent of karaoke), so going out and having fun won't leave you destitute. Plus, you can travel around the country in the low-cost and highly efficient train and bus system. 

Best Budget Stay in South Korea

Hostel Korea exterior

Accommodation isn't cheap in Korea, especially in Seoul. But Hostel Korea provides a stay in a convenient location for less than $30 a night. 

If that's still over budget for you, let us bring you into a local secret: jjimjilbangs. These public bathhouses are great for relaxing during the day. But people often also stay the night in the common areas where day users take naps.

Shanghai, China

Average daily cost: $69

It's difficult to make sweeping statements about the second-largest country on Earth. But we can say with certainty that a budget trip to China is easy to achieve.

Large cities offer something for every budget, from accommodations to food and things to do. Landmarks are also fairly priced. For instance, the entrance to the Forbidden City in Beijing is less than $10.

Outside of the major metropolises, food and accommodations are even cheaper, though you're also less likely to find someone who speaks English. Hey, that's part of the adventure.

While traveling within China with a limited budget, keep in mind that you'll need to pay around $140 to apply for a travel visa.

Best Budget Stay in China

Ibis Hotel Beijing Jian'guomen

You'll have to pay around $50 a night to stay at the Ibis Hotel Beijing Guloudajie , but that's a great deal for Beijing. 

In smaller cities or more rural areas of the country, you'll be able to find much better prices.

10. Malaysia

Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Average daily cost: $68

Bordering Thailand and Indonesia, many travelers make the mistake of skipping over Malaysia. Most people associate the country with its ultra-modern capital Kuala Lumpur, whose iconic Petronas Twin Towers give off a feeling of opulence rather than being budget-friendly. Thankfully, this couldn't be farther from the truth. 

The country is split into two main parts. One is at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, and the other is in Borneo. While we personally think Borneo is one of the coolest places you could ever visit (two words: pigmy elephants), it's more cost-effective to head to the "mainland."

Besides visiting modern cities, you can go to temples hidden in caves, visit national parks and enjoy perfect beaches that aren't as overrun by tourists as those in neighboring Thailand.

Best Budget Stay in Malaysia

Moon Eleven Hostel

At Moon Eleven Hostel , you can spend a night in Kuala Lumpur for about $11.

Even better, a private room will only set you back $15.

9. The Philippines

Batad Rice Terraces in Northern Luzon, Philippines

Average daily cost: $56

With more than 7,000 islands (2,000 of which are inhabited), no one ever really gets to see the entire Philippines. But you can definitely enjoy parts of it without breaking the bank. Use Manila to fly in and out of the country, as flights will be cheaper, but don't stay too long here. Leave the dizzying capital behind in favor of some of the absolute best and most beautiful beaches in Asia (and the world). 

El Nido, in Palawan, has become a favored place to visit after Boracay temporarily shut down due to overtourism. You won't find the quiet secluded island you would've seen a decade ago, but if you choose your location right, you'll still get plenty of time to enjoy nature without pollution and crowds. 

Beer, food and accommodations are so cheap that many people stay an entire month. And then they simply leave because that's the limit for visa-less travel.

Best Budget Stay in the Philippines

Mad Monkey Nacpan Beach

You don't have to spend the big bucks to enjoy the gorgeous beaches of El Nido.

Mad Monkey Nacpan Beach offers dorms for $8 to $30, and it's located right on the sand. 

7. Vietnam (Tie)

Ninh Bình in Vietnam on canoes

Average daily cost: $52

It may be cliché, but Vietnam is one of our most favorite countries in the entire world. Yes, there are so many motorcycles that they often require entire sidewalks as parking spaces. And yes, crossing the street can be scary. But these don't even count as minor inconveniences, really.

You'll forget about obstructed sidewalk when you're being revitalized by a hot plate of pho or in complete awe seeing one man and five dogs ride down the street on a single bike (true story).

Plus, the long country has incredibly diverse landscapes — from beaches to rice terraces to cities hiding a colonial past. The most astonishing place is without a doubt Ha Long Bay. Limestone cliffs form a dragon descending into emerald waters that, at the right time of year, glow with magical bioluminescence .

Like Thailand, Vietnam is a backpacker's delight, one that most people begrudgingly leave, wanting to come back as soon as possible. 

Best Budget Stay in Vietnam

Little Charm Hanoi Hostel and Homestay

Stay in a renovated Art Deco building in Hanoi's Old Quarter at Little Charm Hanoi Hostel and Homestay. The price is dirt cheap — we're talking around $10 a night, and the reviews are great.

Plus, there's a pool that helps you escape the heat of the Vietnamese city.

7. Bangladesh (Tie)

Sunset on the Batiaghata in Khulna, Bangladesh

Bangladesh is just as cheap as Vietnam but definitely not as popular. The South Asian country has historically been ignored by travelers, probably because it still lacks a developed international tourism infrastructure. In our book, this is a plus. 

Travelers who want to get off the backpacker trail but still want an affordable (and veritable) adventure will love Bangladesh. You won't have a cushy vacation where English-speaking staff caters to your every need. But you'll get to see how people really live when they're not shaping themselves to the tourism industry.

And you definitely won't find entire streets that exist for the sole purpose of selling cheesy souvenirs to drunk tourists (sorry Thailand, it's hard to psychologically recover from Khaosan Road). 

Learn a bit of the local language (which you should do anyway when you travel), and dive head first into an intrepid quest. 

Best Budget Stay in Bangladesh

Hotel Omni Residency in Dhaka, Bangladesh

How often do you get to stay at a four-star hotel for $52 a night?

Enjoy luxury on a budget at the Hotel Omni Residency in Dhaka. 

5. Indonesia (Tie)

Uluwatu Temple in Bali, Indonesia

Average daily cost: $50

Few places embody the spirit of digital nomadism as much as Bali. Or, depending on how you look at it, few places have been invaded by remote workers as much as this Indonesian island. 

Either way, it's undeniable that Indonesia has landscapes so beautiful they will make you cry, as well as intricate temples, tall volcanic peaks that provide great sunrise views and plenty of secluded beaches.

For around $50 a day, you can enjoy a jungle bungalow not far from the beach on many islands, including Bali. This unrivaled charm at a great price is what has attracted so many expats to the country. If you have time, try to island-hop a bit, as each region has its distinct culture, cuisine and landscape.

Best Budget Stay in Indonesia

Villa Purin Royan

A villa with a pool that's a five-minute walk from the beach usually costs money.

But at Villa Purin Royan , you'll enjoy great amenities and a great location for less than $10 a night.

5. Cambodia (Tie)

Faces of Bayon temple in Angkor, Cambodia

Most people go to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat and then leave without a second thought. And don't get us wrong, the largest religious complex on Earth is one of the most awe-inspiring places you will ever see. It's also affordable for pretty much any traveler, especially since everything else is so economical. 

But after crossing that off your bucket list, make plans to head back to the country and visit its less-explored (and even more affordable) areas. Many travelers rent a motorbike for the entirety of their stay and explore freely, but hiring a tuk-tuk driver is also doable.

Plus, if you ask, they can take you to the places where locals eat. Based on our personal experience, these are more than 10 times cheaper than the touristy eateries. 

Best Budget Stay in Cambodia

Happy Guesthouse Siem Reap

Siem Reap travelers who stay at Happy Guesthouse seem to indeed leave quite happy.

Part of that is the cheap price (around $13 a night), but we imagine the accommodation's great hospitality, convenient location and good vibes have something to do with it as well. 

Women walking into Amber Fort in Jaipur, India

Average daily cost: $33

Heading to India with few earthly possessions to seek spiritual enlightenment is so overdone, that it has almost become a cartoonish representation of travelers. But you don't have to "Eat, Pray, Love" your trip to India. In fact, we encourage you not to.

It's entirely possible to experience all the best things this country has to offer without being reductionist about its religion and culture. And you can do so with very little money. This is part of what has driven droves of young travelers to the region since the 1960s. 

What's best, because India is so incredibly big (it's the seventh-largest country in the world), you can go back again and again and never step into the same river twice. The country provides a lifetime of wallet-friendly travel experiences.

Best Budget Stay in India

Mavens White Gurgaon

At New Delhi's Mavens White Gurgaon you'll get amenities like free bike rentals, a private bathroom and a flat-screen TV for as little as $7. 

There's also a shared kitchen where you can cook meals if you're looking to save even more money.

Machhapuchhre and terraced fields in Nepal

Average daily cost: $32

Similar to India, Nepal offers temples, mouthwatering food and the Himalayas for a little over $30 a day. 

Many people come to try to conquer the crown jewel of the country: Mount Everest. And while that's definitely an experience only for the rich or sponsored, climbing other areas of the impressive mountain range, or getting to Everest Base Camp is not out of reach for the average traveler. 

Outside of the mountains, you'll find deep spiritualism, not unlike that of Nepal's neighbor, but one that has not yet been as exploited for the sake of pleasing tourists. And do we even have to mention momos? We'd get on a plane just for Nepalese dumplings any day.

Best Budget Stay in Nepal

Hotel Lapha in Nepal

You'd usually expect only hostels to be as cheap as $6 a night, but Hotel Lapha offers a no-frills experience that doesn't require you to share a room or a bathroom. 

The hotel is conveniently located near landmarks such as the Garden of Dreams and the Narayanhity Palace Museum in Kathmandu.

1. Sri Lanka (Tie)

Stilt fishermen of Sri Lanka

Average daily cost: $19

India, Nepal and Bangladesh are not the only affordable places on the Indian subcontinent. The clear winner in terms of cost-effectiveness is the very underrated island of Sri Lanka. 

Floating on the Indian Ocean not too far from India, Sri Lanka is a hidden treasure. Tourism was driven away by conflict in the '90s and early 2000s, but the area has enjoyed relative stability for many years now, and it won't be too long until groups of travelers start popping up more and more frequently on its shores. 

Hinduism and Buddhism are the main religions, as evidenced by the imposing temples scattered throughout the country. There are also landmarks that are almost hard to believe, like the City of Sigiriya, an ancient settlement almost entirely carved into a 660-foot-tall rock.

Sri Lanka ties with another underrated destination as the cheapest country in Asia.

Best Budget Stay in Sri Lanka

Hive 68 hotel in Colombo

Sri Lanka is so affordable, that you can stay at a three-star hotel for $10. Sure, you could find even cheaper hostels, but for just a few more bucks, we'd recommend staying at Hive 68 . You'll get a private room and bathroom and could also have a private balcony overlooking the water.

Or treat yourself to a five-star hotel for only $57 a night by booking the Mandarina Colombo .

1. Laos (Tie)

Patuxai Monument In Vientiane

If you're looking for the absolute cheapest Asian country to visit and don't want to do Sri Lanka, head to Laos. It's interesting that this country hasn't been invaded by tourists like its neighboring countries, though many committed gap-year travelers do take the time to cross into it from Vietnam or Thailand. 

But regardless of why it's managed to keep overtourism at bay, the authenticity of Laos is what makes it a memorable destination. Even Vientiane, the capital, is nowhere near as busy and loud as its counterparts, even though it has many beautiful temples.

With a delightfully slow pace and prices that few other countries could offer, Laos should top your list of the best Asian countries.

Best Budget Stay in Laos

V Hotel Vientianne

Located in the Vientianne city center, the three-star V Hotel costs about $6 a night. While amenities are limited, you won't have to stay in a dorm, and many of the rooms have private balconies. 

Plus, you'll be in the middle of the action and close to landmarks like the Lao National Museum.

How much does it really cost to travel in Asia for six months?

“But I (we) don’t’ have enough money to travel for half a year!”

This is maybe the biggest objection people have against traveling. If that sounds like you, then this is a must-read.

Nicole tracked every single Euro she has spent on the road and we have decided to give you our exact and real numbers on:

  • How much did we spent traveling six months from Tehran to Bangkok
  • What exactly did we spend this money on by category
  • How much money did we spent in each country
  • What kind of luxury can you afford with this kind of budget
  • And where the biggest potentials are to save a buck or two 

The absolute number for one person

7006,52 Euro.

Well, that’s it? Yes, that is the exact amount Nicole has spent in six months traveling through Asia (Kevin’s number is basically the same though there might be a couple of extra beers ;-)).

Obviously, simply having a number doesn’t necessarily help. After all, there are very different styles to travel. We have met some people who were mainly hitchhiking and spent less than 500 Euros a month.

So, what does 7006,52 Euro buy you?

Travel budget breakdown by category

broken image

Food: 1005.21 Euro

All in all, we mostly ate out in restaurants or grabbed some street food (extremely good value for money in China and most of South East Asia). When we enjoyed the luxury of having a kitchen we also cooked though in lots of places it isn’t necessarily cheaper than getting street food. The 350 Euros we spent on buying food in (super-)markets also includes our gigantic appetite for chocolate and Snickers :)

Image showing self-made plov, the national food of Uzbekistan

Flights: 1039.05 Euro

Even if you are a frugal traveler, flights can really mess up your budget. Generally, they are the most expensive (and probably most environmentally unfriendly) way to get you from A to B in Asia. So we tried to stay off them, which was not entirely possible. We flew

  • From Frankfurt to Tehran (to start our trip)
  • From Beijing to Hong Kong (for a visa run)
  • From Chengdu to Denpasar, Bali (otherwise it’s really hard to get from China to Indo)
  • From Denpasar, Bali to Bangkok
  • And from Bangkok back to Munich (to end our trip)

We booked most of our flights on Skyscanner, but we avoided AirAsia because of their horrible records of incidents ;-).

Image showing the wings of an airplane with the sun rising in the background.

Other modes of transport: 1305.28 Euro

This includes trains, long-distance buses, other buses, taxis and UBER, a couple of crazy boat trips and scooter and bike rentals.

Image showing a ship in the Caspian Sea.

Although this may seem like a low price tag for 180 days on the road we almost never chose the cheapest option available. For instance, in Iran, we always took VIP buses, in China, we traveled mostly by sleeper trains and in South East Asia, we regularly opted for the minivan instead of the larger (slower) buses.

However, we avoided private transport (such as hiring a driver for getting around) as much as possible and when we were in bigger cities, we also opted for public transport most of the time.

Visa: 467.15 Euro

Health Insurance: 203.81

Entrance fees: 210.08 Euro

Organized trips and tours: 640.06

We traveled mostly independently, but now and then, we booked an organized tour. Among others, this includes horse-trekking in Kyrgyzstan, a road trip through the Pamir mountains in Tajikistan and a guided trekking tour through hidden villages in Laos.

Sports and Fitness: 557.64 Euros

This amount is probably one you might not necessarily spend while travelling. But as our goal for spending a month on Bali was to improve our surf skills, we took a lot of surf classes. In addition to that we joined a couple of Yoga classes and rented climbing equipment for some days in China and Laos.

Image showing Nicole surfing in Serangan, Bali, Indonesia.

Clothes: 204.63 Euros

We almost never went shopping or bought anything (our backpacks were anyway full and didn’t allow for shopping). Still, while “settling” for some weeks on Bali, we didn’t entirely manage to avoid the many small, fancy shops :). Also, both of us bought board shorts and shirts for surfing.

Medicine & Cosmetics: 65.84 Euro

The Rest (a.k.a, bars, massages, souvenirs and miscellaneous): 205.45 Euro

What’s not included?

The above number doesn’t include travel gear that we bought before the trip (we will do an extra blog post on this one) and necessary vaccination and other medial check-ups (cause they are free in Germany, duh, but we know that depending on the country, this may be quite some extra money). Also, not included are subscriptions that just ran along during the trip like Spotify, Netflix and ExpressVPN.

Travel budget breakdown by country

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Azerbaijan: 44.45 Euros

We only spent five days in Azerbaijan, so the amount is heavily inflated by the boat trip we had to pay to get over the Caspian Sea. We feel like that Azerbaijan is about comparable to Iran.

Kazakhstan: 25.87 Euros

Again, not really representative since we only spent four days in Kazakhstan. Generally, organized tours seem to be pretty expensive: We were quoted USD 60 per person per day for hiring a driver to get us into the desert (which we didn’t do).

Uzbekistan: 17.86 Euros

Heavily underrated and cheap country! This budget includes the Uzbek visa, some pretty expensive tours, double room accommodation and several taxi transport between cities!

Tajikistan: 45.01 Euros

What, isn’t Tajikistan supposed to be rather cheap? Yes, overall, it should not be more expensive than Uzbekistan. However, the majority of the cost comes from hiring a car and driver for several days to roadtrip the Pamir as well as the visa.

Image showing our jeep we used to travel the Pamir Highway in Tajikistan.

Kyrgyzstan: 26.23 Euros

Another really affordable country. This budget includes a three-days horse trekking tour as well as crossing the Torugart pass into China. We don’t know why we did it, but that was USD 200 for each of us (at least the views of the pass were amazing and it saved us some time and extra train rides in China…). If you exclude the Torugart pass, you would arrive at a whopping 19,74 Euros per day!

China: 29.41 Euros

In China, a lot depends on how you travel, what you eat etc. Since we traveled all the way from Xinjiang, the very West of China, to Beijing, then flew to Hongkong just to travel back up north, we spent an average of 11,74 Euros per day for staying on the road, which is really expensive. On the other hand, we saved some money because we stayed at Kevin’s family for about 10 nights in Beijing and Yichang. Otherwise, hostel accommodation is about 50 RMB (or 6 Euros) per person per night, street food is about 15 RMB (or 2 Euros) per meal, so rather average. Entrances are on the expensive side compared to Iran or Uzbekistan.

Image showing street food in China.

Indonesia: 42.99 Euros

Our most expensive country! Even excluding the flights to get there and away, we spent 34,59 Euros per day per person. The big difference here is our rich leisure program, which included a lot of (!) surf and yoga classes and the more than average shopping we did on Bali. We also spent more money on food in Bali because psychologically, we weren’t ready to survive on Nasi Goreng only. So we ate lots of organic, hipster bowls.

Thailand: 27.45 Euros

We only spent three nights in Bangkok, so not a really representative number. Our feeling is that hostels in Bangkok are quite expensive. Food is ok if you stick to the streets.

Cambodia: 36.49 Euros

Pretty average costs in general. The budget includes a very expensive tour to an elephant sanctuary as well as the expensive (but obligatory) ticket to Angkor Wat.

Image showing an elephant of the Elephant Valley Project in Sen Monorom, Cambodia.

Laos: 32.52 Euros

Cheaper than Cambodia with regard to food and transportation. The most expensive single experience was a hiking trip through hidden villages in the north of Laos which significantly drove the average cost up. Renting climbing gear for a couple of days in Thakek was cheap (compared to Germany), but still added up.

What kind of luxuries did we afford?

Double-room accommodation

The standard and cheapest accommodation for backpackers is obviously the shared dorm. Traveling as a couple however, we mostly opted for the added privacy of a double room. Added bonus, in most of Central Asia as well as China, it’s about the same or only slightly more expensive than dorms.

Sleeper trains, VIP buses and non-AirAsia flights

We definitely had above average costs on the road. We took the luxury of not using the crappiest mode of transportation ever. That means: VIP sleeper buses in Iran, minivans instead of buses in South East Asia (much faster) and sleeper trains in China. Also, to get to and from Indonesia, we decided against AirAsia because of their horrible safety record.

Image showing train in Uzbekistan en route from Aktau to Kungrad.

Pamir Highway, Torugart Pass, surf, yoga and other expensive tours

Every once in a while, we spend some ridiculous amount of money on some really expensive tours and activities. But hey, that’s the main reason we travel anyway right?

Image showing the Tash Rabat before the Torugart pass, crossing from Kyrgyzstan to China.

Top moneysaving tips!

Make use of differing exchange rates!

This didn’t seem very important to us in the beginning. But in some countries, it really matters. For instance, in Iran, the exchange rate may differ tremendously from exchange booth to exchange booth and all of these are still cheaper than the official one! Also, in Uzbekistan, the exchange rate for both USD and Euros was essentially the same. But since the one Euro is worth about 20% more than one USD, exchanging Euros would lose you a lot of money!

AirBnB and scooter on Bali:

As we have already mentioned, Indonesia was quite expensive for us, mainly because of all the surf and yoga. We tried to save money elsewhere. On AirBnB, there are often hefty discounts if you rent a place for a week or a month (sometimes up to 50%). So if you know you are going to spend some time to recover in one place, book early!

Same goes for scooter, which is already way cheaper than taxis or hiring a driver. But again, you can get serious discounts if you just rent one machine for the entire duration of your stay.

Independent trekking:

Organized tours are always really expensive no matter where you go. We were able to save a lot by going independently. Specifically for Kyrgyzstan, there is tons of information online and you can rent (sort of) decent equipment in the big mountain hubs which makes a tour mostly irrelevant. Apart from Kyrgyzstan, we also hit the road on our own in Iran and China, though it would be more difficult to rent equipment.

Image showing Kevin hiking in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. One of the many hikes we did without guide.

Couchsurfing in Iran:

As we have mentioned, hostels in Iran are pretty expensive. And couchsurfing doesn’t only save you some money, but also gives you an authentic glimpse into the culture of local people!

So, as you can see, traveling does not have to cost a fortune. In fact, living for half a year in Germany/Europe is often much more expensive. This is the case even if you just don’t want to sleep in dorms or use crappy buses anymore. And as we have already said, you would be able to travel for a couple of months in Central and South East Asia with an even lower budget than we did! So, start saving some extra Euros each month and you would be able to start your trip quite soon!

What kind of luxuries do you afford while you travel? What are your favorite money-saving tips? Let us know in the comments!

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10 Of The Cheapest Countries In Asia For Budget Travellers

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thailand solo backpacker walking on wooden bridge through fields

10 of The Cheapest Countries in Asia for Budget Travellers

1. thailand, best volunteer opportunities in thailand.

  • Budget Hostel: $10 for a dorm/$25 for a private room
  • Local beer: $2 
  • Budget Restaurant per person: Street food 30-60 baht ($1-2 USD) Restaurant Meal around 90 – 150 baht

solo female traveller smiling as elephant uses trunk to spray her with water

2. The Philippines

Best volunteer opportunities in the philippines.

  • Budget Hostel: $10 for a private room/$5 for a dorm
  • Local beer: $1.20
  • Budget Restaurant: street food $5/meal in restaurant $12

boy stands at the edge of a fishing boat ready to jump into the turquoise sea

Best Volunteer Opportunities in Laos

  • Budget Hostel: Dorm $5-10/ private room $15 
  • Local beer: $1
  • Budget Restaurant per person: $2 street food/$10 for 2 course meal + beer in restaurant

mountain cliff over Mekong river cruise Laos

Best Volunteer Opportunities in India

  • Budget Restaurant per person: $2 for curry & rice/ $1 dosa

group of students a hiking excursion with workaway volunteers and teachers

5. Mongolia

  • Touristic yurt camps: these will have the most home comforts
  • Guest-yurts by nomadic families: the most authentic style of yurt
  • Camping: the closest to nature but you’ll need to bring your own supplies

Best Volunteer Opportunities in Mongolia

  • Accommodation: $35+ Mongolian yurt
  • Budget Restaurant per person: $10 restaurant including drinks/ $3 street food

traveller and local child cuddling lambs with Mongolian yurt and desert at the background

Best Volunteer Opportunities in Nepal

tibetan prayer flags merging with himalayan peaks

7. Sri Lanka

Best volunteer opportunities in sri lanka.

  • Budget Hostel: $7
  • Budget Restaurant per person: $5 (seafood & streetfood is particularly cheap)

travel couple picking tea at tea plantation in Sri lanka

8. Cambodia 

Best volunteer opportunities in cambodia.

  • Budget Hostel: $10 for a private room/$5 for a shared dorm
  • Local beer: $0.50
  • Budget local meal per person: $3

workaway volunteer in Cambodian village swimming in the river with children

9. Vietnam 

Best volunteer opportunities in vietnam.

  • Budget Hostel: $15 for a private room/$5 for a shared dorm

local Vietnamese woman showing traveller how to use fishing net

10. Indonesia

Best volunteer opportunities in indonesia.

  • Local beer: $2
  • Budget local meal per person: $3-$5

travel community volunteering at sustainable project centre with local helper holding up a biodiversity map

About Lauren

Growing up in a small coastal village in Scotland inspired Lauren to seek adventure and challenge the norm. Armed with just her backpack and trusty travel companion Darren, she quit her day job to liv ... show more... e her daydream and travel the world! ​​​​​After their first Workaway in 2017, they had officially caught the travel bug and decided to share behind the scenes from life on the road through their travel blog Faramagan. Their blog shares the tales (and fails) of two clueless millennials avoiding adulthood one adventure at a time with Darren the technical wizard and Lauren the content creator. When the backpack is off, Lauren can usually be found cooking, writing or attempting yoga while saving for her next plane ticket.

View all posts by Lauren

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Travel Cost Calculator

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Please note that we only provide a summary. If you want to book a hotel, flight or anything else, you will have to do so on the websites of the companies of your choice.

Travel Cost Calculator: FAQ

Travel Cost Calculator

Is the Travel Cost Calculator free?

Yes, the Travel Cost Calculator is completely free.

Can I book the hotels, flights, etc., of my choice directly using the Travel Cost Calculator?

No. The Travel Cost Calculator ONLY gives you a cost estimate. To book the services of your choice, you will have to:

  • Click on the black button for each service that you want to book.
  • Book directly on the website of the service of your choice. For instance, if you choose to book a hotel featured by, you will have to book it on the website

How does the Travel Cost Calculator work?

The Travel Cost Calculator provides an estimate of the cost of your next trip to Asia, assuming that you choose your itinerary in the way indicated below:

  • Select the country/region AND city of departure. Note: the Travel Cost Calculator doesn’t include the international flight to reach your city of departure in Asia.
  • Select the start date of your trip and how many days you want to spend in the first city.
  • Add additional cities in the first country/region or add additional countries/regions. It’s up to you!
  • Set your accommodation options: hotel stars, ratings, number of people and number of rooms.
  • Add additional options if you wish, such as travel insurance. Note that you will need to specify the age and country of residence of the travelers.
  • Read and accept the terms and conditions, then click on “CALCULATE TRAVEL COST”.
  • The Travel Cost Calculator picks the cheapest possible option by default (among the service providers that we take into consideration for the calculation). However, you can select different options from the ones recommended. For example, you can pick a more expensive hotel if you prefer. In that case, the total cost will be updated automatically.
  • You can also choose to have the results sent to your email inbox.
  • Note that in order to book any services, you will have to go to the service provider’s website and book there.
  • Last of all, note that you can request a free tour quote from our tour partner. You will then receive the tour quote in a separate email (sent directly from our tour partner).

What countries/regions does the cost calculator cover?

At the moment, the Travel Cost Calculator covers the following countries/regions:

  • China (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)
  • the Philippines

I’m starting my trip from a country that isn’t covered by the Travel Cost Calculator (ie. the US, UK, etc). Does the calculation include the trip to Asia?

No. At the moment, the Travel Cost Calculator doesn’t take into account the international flight to reach your city of departure in Asia.

Do you guarantee that the Travel Cost Calculator will find the cheapest possible options?

Absolutely not. In order to offer such a “guarantee” we would have to take into account every single travel provider, and we aren’t able to.

The Travel Cost Calculator uses data sent from a few trusted travel providers that normally offer competitive rates in Asia: that’s why we picked these partners. However, we can’t guarantee that the featured travel providers will always offer the cheapest rates.

What travel service providers are featured at the moment?

At the moment, the Travel Cost Calculator extracts data from the following travel providers:

  • Hotels : Agoda
  • Transport : Trip, 12go, Baolau
  • Insurance : World Nomads

Why does the Travel Cost Calculator claim that there is no transportation between city A and city B?

Sometimes the Travel Cost Calculator can’t find a connection between two cities, normally for one of the following reasons:

  • There is no connection on the day of your choice (tickets are sold out, it is too early to book or no direct route exists).
  • A connection exists but it’s not offered by the service providers featured on the Travel Cost Calculator.

If this is the case, you can either click on “Check again” to see if you can find a suitable option on the featured travel provider’s website or look for a different travel provider.

Why doesn’t the insurance option let me add travelers that are younger than 18 or older than 65?

  • Travelers under 18 must be listed as “minors” in the Accommodation section and will be included in the insurance quote.
  • At the moment, travelers over 65 years aren’t covered by the insurance provider featured by the Travel Cost Calculator, and we recommend that you look for a different insurance provider.

Do you make money off of the Cost Travel Calculator?

Yes. If you click on one of the “Book Now” (or similar) buttons, you will be redirected to the website of a third-party service provider. If you decide to purchase a service, we may get a commission. Note that the price for you doesn’t change.

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The best Asian countries to visit on a budget

Read all about the best Asian countries to visit: stunning destinations which are also among the cheapest places in the world.

asia travel cost

Jan 09, 2024

best asian countries to visit

Asia is a vast continent containing a mind-boggling array of landscapes, cultures and people. From the mountains of Nepal to the rain forests of Indonesia , and from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo to the laid-back charm of Chiang Mai – Asia has flavours to suit all tastes. But what are the best Asian countries to visit? 

It's obviously a personal question, and each traveller might have their own take on it. To help you make your choice, I've narrowed it down to 4 Asian destinations which are not only worth a visit but also very budget-friendly.

If you're wondering  where to travel to in Asia on a budget, here's what I would recommend:

Best Asian countries to visit on a budget 

For those looking for places to take a long vacation, I would definitely recommend these amazing Asian countries that have cheap attractions and accomodation. 

1. Stay a little while in Cambodia

best asian countries to visit

This Southeast Asian country bordered by Thailand, Laos and Vietnam is a great choice for travellers on a shoestring. In my opinion, Cambodia is definitely one of the best Asian countries to visit for anyone looking for a memorable travel experience . 

Good news is, you can easily keep daily costs below 40 dollars while travelling here. A cheap guesthouse room will set you back around 10 dollars and a meal in a simple restaurant costs around 5 dollars. You can also get around pretty inexpensively by using public buses. 

Travelling around Cambodia i s surprisingly easy and journeys between cities and tourist destinations do not tend to take very long due to the country being relatively small and largely flat. 

Some of Cambodia’s highlights include Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Battambang, Kampot and Kep. Shall we get to know them, and understand why I think this is one of the best Asian countries to visit?

One of the main reasons people come to Cambodia is to visit the Angkor Wat temple complex close to Siem Reap. And that’s not surprising; visiting these ancient temples surrounded by jungle is a mind-blowing experience. 

To make the most of your visit and soak up the magic of the place, it’s advisable to buy the three-day pass. Another tip is to rent a bicycle and explore the ruins at your own pace – this is not a place to be rushed!

In Phnom Penh, you have plenty of opportunities to learn about Cambodia’s history . Visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields to find out about the atrocities that occurred here in the 1970s. 

It’s a harrowing yet essential experience, as everyone you meet in Cambodia will have either lived through the Khmer Rouge regime, or know people who did. It’s impossible not to be moved by the stories you hear and by the resilience of the every-friendly Cambodian people.

Battambang is a laid-back city, a far cry from the commotion of the capital and devoid of tourist crowds. Come here to relax, enjoy the quirky cafés, ride the bamboo train and rent a bike or scooter in order to explore the surrounding countryside and traditional villages. 

  • Kampot and Kep

Finally, Kampot and Kep on the south coast are well worth a visit. Kampot is a sleepy riverside town with a lively backpacker scene. Highlights here include taking a sunset river cruise, exploring local caves and touring a pepper plantation. 

Coastal town Kep is just a short drive away and a great place to spot abandoned houses (it was the country’s top seaside destination until the 1960s), relax on the beach and eat the local speciality: crab with green peppercorns. 

You might also like these articles:

  • Is Cambodia safe to visit? What you need to know before you travel
  • 10 things you need to know about backpacking Myanmar  
  • 10 best places to visit in Thailand  

2. Travel through India like a local 

best asian countries to visit

You’ll be surprised at how far your money can go in India. Travellers on a budget can expect to spend up to 3000 rupees ($40) per day on accommodation, meals, travel expenses and admission to a museum or two, making it our second place in the list of the best Asian countries to visit on a budget.

Being such a huge country, your biggest expenditure could be travelling from A to B. But long distance travel doesn’t have to cost much. If you really want to save money and don’t mind roughing it on long journeys, take the train and choose sleeper class. Not only is it dirt cheap, it’s also a great cultural experience that will give you a glimpse into the lives of ordinary Indians. 

Not only on the train itself – where hawkers walk up and down the aisles selling sweet masala chai and all kinds of snacks and where whole families travel together with what seems like all their belongings – but also along the railway tracks. There is no glass in the windows in sleeper class, so you can stick your head out of the train (being careful, of course) and absorb the sights, sounds and smells that pass by.

The Indian subcontinent is so extensive and varied that you may want to focus on a particular area. Here are some ideas:

  • Visit the Himalayan North for mountains, Buddhist temples, cool hill stations and holy river sources. 
  • Focus on the central plains if you want to see some of the country’s most iconic sights. New Delhi (the Red Fort, Humayun’s Tomb and the Jama Masjid), Amritsar (the Golden Temple) and Agra ( Taj Mahal ) can all be found in this region. 
  • For stunning desert scenes and colourful ancient cities, visit Gujarat and Rajasthan in the north-western part of the country. Further to the south is the vibrant city of Mumbai (home of Bollywood ) and the beautiful palm-fringed beaches of Goa . 
  • Even further southward is Southern India , where you’ll find ancient temples, lush jungle, tropical beaches and lots and lots of spicy vegetarian food. 
  • Eastern India , home to the city of Calcutta, is less visited by travellers and you’ll really feel like you’re going off-the-beaten track here. 
  • The same can be said of North-Eastern India, where you’ll find miles upon miles of tea plantations and traditional forest-dwelling tribes.

3. Have a slow travel experience in Bali

visit bali on a budget

Indonesia's diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage , and warm hospitality make it an amazing travel destination. From the stunning beaches of Bali to the ancient temples of Borobudur and the lush jungles of Borneo, Indonesia has something for every type of traveler.

Bali is just one of Indonesia’s many islands (there are more than 17,000 of them), but it’s easy to see why it’s also the most popular . And despite this popularity, it’s still one of the best places in Asia to visit on a budget.

$40 dollars a day should be manageable for the most thrifty travellers, though prices do vary greatly depending on where you are on the island. 

One way to save money in Bali is to travel there outside peak season (which means avoiding the school summer holidays and the period around Christmas and New Year). 

Another way you can keep to a tight budget is to eat in warungs – cheap local restaurants that serve a wide variety of delicious Indonesian dishes . And to keep travel costs to a minimum, you might consider renting a motorbike for just $5 a day!

Bali is surprisingly diverse and has something to satisfy all kinds of travellers. 

  • The southern part of the island sees the most tourists as it is home to the main city Denpasar and to the surf resort Kuta Beach. If you like crowds and parties , these destinations are for you. 
  • If you prefer a less hectic and more authentic experience, venture further away and see what else Bali has to offer. Like Central Bali , which is the cultural heart of the island and full of Hindu temples, traditional villages, verdant mountains and gorgeous waterfalls. 
  • Ubud is a great place to see a cultural dance performance, visit a spa (sometimes you need to splash out and treat yourself) or buy Balinese arts and crafts. 
  • For wild nature, empty beaches, great diving and top-class surfing, make your way to West Bali – the least populated and visited part of the island. 
  • East Bali boasts the mighty Mount Agung, lush rainforest, traditional fishing villages, an active volcano and stunning rice terraces. It’s also where you can take a ferry to the nearby island of Lombok. 

Other islands you may want to visit while you’re in Bali are Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida – all great destinations to enjoy everything beach life has to offer (which in Bali also means awesome surf, diving and snorkelling).

Read more articles about Asia:   What I learned during my first Worldpackers trip in Vietnam

4. Enjoy the calmary of Laos on a budget

laos is one of the cheapest asian countries

You’ll feel like a millionaire in Laos. Literally. If you take 100 dollars out of a cash machine, you’ll end up with more than one million Lao kip (the local currency)! And all those kip go far – a cheap hostel room will cost you around $5, a simple meal $3, and you can expect to pay around $2 per 100 km when travelling by local bus. 

While it’s a fairly small country, infrastructure isn’t very developed so expect long journeys. But one of the great things about Laos is the slow pace of life; nobody is in a hurry here and you’ll almost feel as though you have travelled back in time . You have no choice but to chill out, enjoy the moment and live in slow motion.

Laos is one of the least-visited countries in Southeast Asia but also one of the most breath-taking. It has gilded temples, dramatic waterfalls, extensive cave networks, high mountains and sun-kissed river islands. Trust me: if you want to get off the beaten path, this is definitely one of the best Asian countries to visit.

Vientiane , the sleepy capital that feels more like a small town, is a great place to start your travels in Laos . Explore the city’s many temples and get a feel for this country’s strong Buddhist traditions, visit the National Museum to find out about the history of Laos, buy authentic handicrafts at the local shops and then relax with a cold Beer Lao while watching the sun go down over the Mekong River. 

  • Luang Prabang

From Vientiane, you can take local buses to a wide variety of destinations across the country. Luang Prabang is a UNESCO world heritage site that will wow you with its beautiful temples and colonial-era architecture. 

  • Vang Vieng and Si Phan Don   

Get a glimpse of the rare black crested gibbon at the Gibbon Experience in the Bokeo Nature Reserve. 

Enjoy outdoor activities like mountain biking, kayaking and trekking in Vang Vieng (which has gone from being a notorious backpacker party town to an eco-tourism centre) or go island hopping in Si Phan Don and maybe even see a river dolphin or two while relaxing along the banks of the mighty Mekong. 

There’s something for everyone in Laos, and it’s particularly well-suited to travellers looking for the best Asian countries to visit on a budget.

How to enjoy the most of these and other Asian countries

volunteer in asia and travel for cheap

Avoiding peak season, travelling by local bus, eating street food and sleeping in hostel dorms are all great ways to save money while travelling. 

However, one of the most effective ways to stick to a tight budget in Asia or anywhere else in the world is to take part in a work exchange ; volunteer while travelling and exchange your time and effort for free accommodation and free or cheap meals. 

The Worldpackers platform allows you to do just that: it puts together thousands of volunteering opportunities of all kinds, with hosts ranging from party hostels to social and eco projects. Besides being a great way to save money, these experiences can be life changing , teaching you a lot about local culture and about yourself.

Check out these Worldpackers experiences in Cambodia , India and Bali and start dreaming about your next trip to Asia! 

  • Have you ever thought about living in a community in India? This project is recruiting volunteers to  look after rescue animals
  • Volunteers with interest and expertise in digital marketing are being needed in a pepper farm in Cambodia!
  • This other project in Bali needs help from volunteers to teach local students to improve their French in exchange of free acommodation and meals, so if you're a fluent speaker, that's your chance!

All the positions above give the volunteer the opportunity to travel longer and cheaper by staying with a host that will provide bed and food (in some cases), and other amenities. In most cases you will be very close to tourist points of interest, and making local friends is a plus.

If you don’t just want to save money but also want to make money while you travel, take a look at this article describing 10 easy and creative ways to save money while traveling ! 

best asian countries to visit

FAQ about the best Asian countries to visit on a budget

Are these asian countries safe for travelers.

All of these best Asian countries to visit are generally safe countries for travellers, but like in any destination, it's good to take basic precautions like avoiding poorly lit areas at night and respecting local customs and traditions. Here's an overview of the safety situation in each country:

India: it's a vast and diverse country, and safety can vary depending on the region you visit. Overall, major tourist destinations and popular cities are considered safe for travellers. However, it's advisable to be cautious in crowded places and be aware of petty theft and pickpocketing in tourist areas.

Cambodia: it's a safe country for travelers, but it's still important to exercise vigilance, especially in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, which are popular tourist destinations. Avoid walking alone at night and take care of your belongings in crowded places. 

Indonesia : Bali and other major tourist areas are considered safe, but remote areas may have different safety considerations. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, can occur, so it's essential to stay informed about the latest travel advisories.

Laos:  the country has a relatively low crime rate. However, like any destination, exercise caution in tourist areas and busy markets to prevent petty theft. 

Please note that the safety situation in any country can change over time, so it's good to seek the most recent information and advice from official sources before traveling.

visit laos

When is the best time to visit these Asian countries?

That greatly varies depending on the region and your preferences. Generally, India is best visited during the cooler months of November to February, Cambodia and Laos during the dry season from November to April, and Indonesia can be visited year-round, but some areas have wet and dry seasons.

I hope you enjoyed this list of Asian countries to visit on a budget! Keep reading our blog for more travel tips and inspiration.

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Helen Talbot

I quit my job as a teacher to travel around Portugal and Brazil to improve my language skills. I've ended up learning loads more than just Portuguese and am having an amazing Worldpackers experience. Passionate about travel too? Get in touch.

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Jan 11, 2022

This is subhajit from india please visit our country ...I am from bengal ...I show the beauty of bengal please :91 8910990966

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Jun 21, 2022

asia travel cost

Jun 29, 2022

Anybody want to teach children in Cambodia just contact me

asia travel cost

Nov 06, 2022

Hi, I'm Mohamed from Morocco. I want to participate in the volunteering program in order to help needy people as well as getting to know new places and make new friends.cantact me in whts +212652797309

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Nov 21, 2022

Anyone who'll come to bali, you can contact me. I won't be your guide, i prefer to be your assistant 🤣 but for sure i will show you around, manage your itineraries, and i'll be everything you wnt me to be. +62895421194400

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

Malaysia Travel Guide

Last Updated: September 2, 2023

Colorful historic temples in Malaysia on a sunny day with rolling green hills in the background

Malaysia is one of the most underrated destinations in Southeast Asia . While the country does see a fair share of backpackers, it sees only a fraction compared to popular neighbors Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

In my opinion, people are missing out.

From the dense urban jungle of Kuala Lumpur to the pristine beaches of the Perhentian Islands , from the jungles in the interior to the delicious food, Malaysia has a ton to offer travelers.

Explore tea plantations in the Cameron Highlands , trek through the vast national parks of Gunung Mulu and Taman Negara, and admire incredible wildlife, including tigers, elephants, sun bears, and more.

Or head to Borneo to look for wild orangutans, hike through the rainforest, and marvel at the knife-sharp peak of Mount Kinabalu.

All too often, travelers breeze through Malaysia on their way to places like Thailand or Singapore. I’d encourage you not to make that same mistake as there is a ton to see and do here — and it’s all super affordable.

This Malaysia travel guide will give you the best places to visit, help you save money, and ensure you make the most of your time in this incredible destination!

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Malaysia

Click Here for City Guides

Top 5 things to see and do in malaysia.

The stunning skyline of Kuala Lumpur lit up at night featuring the Petronas Towers

1. Visit Kuala Lumpur

Chances are you’ll be spending at least a few nights in Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur . Visit the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, see the famous Sri Mahamariamman Temple, explore the Batu Caves, and see the colorful butterfly garden. It’s a great foodie city too.

2. Dive in the Perhentian Islands

These islands are hugely popular with snorkelers and divers because of their reefs and crystalline waters filled with a wide variety of coral, turtles, sharks, and reef-fish. They are getting more popular every year but are a beautiful respite from the tourist-packed islands in Thailand.

3. Visit George Town

George Town is Malaysia’s most enchanting city, with Chinese temples next to mosques and colonial British Raj architecture amongst modern skyscrapers. George Town’s crisscrossing streets teem with bustling shops, historic buildings, and busy cafes.

4. Hike Mount Kinabalu National Park

Mount Kinabalu is Malaysia’s tallest mountain and a popular hiking trek in which you make your way through dense jungle to reach the summit. Admission is 15 MYR, a climbing permit is 200 MYR, and mandatory insurance is 7 MYR. There are only a set amount of permits allowed per day and you must make go with a guide so plan ahead!

5. Tour the tea plantations

Other things to see and do in malaysia, 1. go wildlife spotting.

Malaysia has a rich diversity of wildlife. Orangutans, Malaysian tigers, Monitor Lizards, and Sumatran Rhinos are all indigenous to the country (Borneo and Sumatra and the only places in the world with wild orangutans). Malaysia’s national parks and wildlife reserves are the best places to go to see wildlife, including Taman Negara and Bako National Park. For Orangutans, go to Borneo. Most day tours cost under 500 MYR, while multi-day tours start around 1,500-2,650 MYR.

2. Dive Sipadan Island

Sipadan Island is one of the world’s best dive sites. The famous French explorer Jacques Cousteau declared the island an “untouched piece of art” — and he wasn’t wrong! Barracudas, manta rays, hammerhead sharks, whale sharks, and greenback and hawksbill turtles fill these crystal waters. Only 176 permits to dive at the island are issued each day, costing 140 MYR per person. The resorts (located on neighboring islands) each get a specific number of permits per day and require divers to stay with them for a few days, diving the surrounding areas, before they can get a Sipadan permit. A 3-dive package at Uncle Chang’s, a budget-friendly dive lodge, costs 550 MYR.

3. Explore Taman Negara National Park

At an estimated 130 million years old, Taman Negara is the oldest rainforest in the world. You can embark on the world’s largest canopy walk, take a 4×4 safari to look for elephants and tigers, go spelunking, or visit some Orang Asli villages (belonging to the country’s Indigenous peoples). Admission is 1 MYR, and 5 MYR if you want to take photos within the park.

4. Relax at Pulau Langkawi

Featured in thousands of different magazines, websites, and articles, Pulau Langkawi is a picturesque retreat on an archipelago of more than 100 islands made up of white sandy beaches and endless sunshine. Pantai Cenang is the most popular beach area, especially for its strip of restaurants, bars, and shops. For something slower, visit some of the area’s traditional villages, go snorkeling at Payar Island, or check out the Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls on the northwest side of the island. This is one of the best places in the country to relax, soak up the sun, and enjoy a slower pace of life.

5. Go whitewater rafting

Outside of diving, Malaysia is also known for its challenging whitewater rafting conditions. You can find all grades of rafting on the rivers here, and prices start around 200 MYR for a half-day excursion. Kuala Kubu Bharu River and Ulu Slim River are two popular options.

6. Understand Malaysia’s colonial roots

Malaysia has a tumultuous colonial past. The country was annexed by the Portuguese, Dutch, and British before finally gaining independence. For a deeper understanding of this history, visit Malacca (Melaka). Located just two hours from Kuala Lumpur, the city center was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008 and the Baba & Nyonya Heritage Museum offers an in-depth overview of Malaysia’s colonial past. Admission to the museum is 16 MYR.

7. Tour Borneo

Just to the east of Malaysia is Borneo, the third-largest island in the world and home to some of the most diverse rainforests on the planet. Pair that with unlimited wildlife viewing opportunities (including endangered orangutans and proboscis monkeys), and rich Indigenous culture, and you’ve got the makings of a once-in-a-lifetime trip. If you’re an experienced climber, you can also climb Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia at 4,095 meters (13,400 feet) high.

8. Visit the temples

Malaysia has countless beautiful Hindu and Buddhist temples scattered all around the country. Some of the most impressive temples include the Batu Caves (Kuala Lumpur), Sri Mahamariamman (Kuala Lumpur), Thean Hou (Kuala Lumpur), Arulmigu Balathandayuthapani (George Town), and Sam Poh Tong (Ipoh). As most temples are still practicing centers of worship, appropriate dress is required to enter. Admission is always free.

9. Dine on street food

Malaysia’s mix of cultures means that there’s an incredible variety of delicious and cheap street food to enjoy here. Markets and roadside stalls are great places to pick up hawker food and dine on a budget. Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Alor, Little India, and Chinatown all have tons of inexpensive food stalls with prices starting at 2-4 MYR. You can also take a street food tour to dive in-depth into food culture and history for around 260 MYR.

10. Celebrate Deepavali

Deepavali is the Hindu festival of lights and is one of the biggest Hindu celebrations in Malaysia. Also known as Diwali, Dipavali, Dewali, Deepawali, or the Festival of Lights, it’s celebrated in October or November for five days. Traditionally, people host open houses, light candles, have fireworks displays, and serve Indian delicacies. In Kuala Lumpur, the biggest celebrations are in Brickfields (Little India).

11. Go jungle trekking

Don’t miss out on exploring Malaysia’s lush landscapes and dense forests while you’re here. The Cameron Highlands are a great place to go trekking, with 14 trekking routes heading out from the main town of Tanah Rata. Most of the hikes lead to waterfalls and scenic views, but if you want a more challenging trek, you’re required to hire a guide and obtain a permit. Eco Cameron Tours offers 4-hour group tours for 80 MYR per person, including a visit to the famous Mossy Forest (a lush forest with ferns, moss, orchids, and a pedestrian boardwalk).

12. Shop at the markets

Indoor and outdoor markets, operating both morning and night, are everywhere in Malaysia. You can get everything at the markets, from prepared food and produce to clothing and souvenirs. They’re also a great way to experience local culture. Don’t be afraid to barter and haggle – it’s what the locals do! If you don’t want to shop, come here to people-watch and take in the local pace of life.

13. Visit Masjid Negara

Malaysia’s national mosque, this huge house of worship in Kuala Lumpur has the capacity to hold 15,000 people. Opened in 1965, its bright blue star-shaped dome represents the 13 states of Malaysia and the five pillars of Islam (over 60% of Malaysia is Muslim). Non-Muslims are welcome to visit the National Mosque outside of prayer time. Be sure to dress modestly, although there are robes available to put over your clothing as well. It’s free to enter.

14. Help the sea turtles

Malaysia’s islands are great places to see turtles, either by diving, snorkeling, or volunteering. In the Perhentian Islands, the Perhentian Turtle Project accepts volunteers for multi-week stays from April to September. A two-week volunteer program costs 3,621 MYR, with food and accommodation. All money raised goes toward helping the turtles, who face extinction due to climate change, habitat loss, and pollution.

  For more information on specific cities in Malaysia, check out these guides:

  • Cameron Highlands Travel Guide
  • Kuala Lumpur Travel Guide
  • Perhentian Islands Travel Guide

Malaysia Travel Costs

People walking down the beach with clear waters and lush palm trees in Perhentian Islands, Malaysia

Accommodation – A bed in a 4-6-bed hostel dorm costs 35-70 MYR per night. A bed in a room with 10 or more beds can cost as little as 20 MYR per night. Popular destinations like the Cameron Highlands and Perhentian Islands are on the higher end of the spectrum. A private hostel room costs around 105-130 MYR per night. Free Wi-Fi and free breakfast are common, though most hostels do not have kitchens if you want to cook your own food.

Camping is popular in places like Taman Negara and the Cameron Highlands as a way to save on accommodation costs. Expect to pay around 10-35 MYR per night for a basic plot without electricity.

Budget hotels with free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and free breakfast start around 75-90 MYR per night. For a three-star hotel with more amenities (such as a swimming pool), expect to pay closer to 200-300 MYR per night.

Airbnb is available throughout the country, mainly offering entire homes and apartments catering specifically to travelers. These start at 100-160 MYR per night.

Food – Malaysian cuisine, like the country itself, features a mix of cultures. China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore have all influenced the country’s dishes. Rice or noodles are the basis of most dishes, and seafood and fish feature prominently, especially on the islands and coastal areas. As a Muslim-majority country, chicken and beef are common and are usually halal. Popular vegetables include cabbage, bean sprouts, lotus root, sweet potatoes, taro, and long beans.

The unofficial national dish is nasi lemak , fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk, flavored with pandan leaf, and accompanied by different sides, usually served for breakfast. Other popular Malaysian dishes include roti canai (a sweet or savory flatbread), ikan bakar laksa (spicy noodle soup), and many different regional fried noodle and fried rice dishes.

Steamboat (known in other countries as hot pot), a method of dining in which you cook meat and vegetables in a boiling pot, is popular as well.

Street food (like stuffed pancakes, skewers, and bowls of noodle soup) is the cheapest and most delicious way to eat in Malaysia. Each dish costs only 5 MYR-15 MYR. Snacks like skewers cost 2-6 MYR.

You can expect to pay 10-20 MYR for a meal in a Malaysian restaurant, including food like nasi lemak and rojak (chopped fruit and dough). Simple dishes like fried noodles or a bowl of soup are no more than 13-17 MYR each.

Fast food (think McDonald’s) costs around 14 MYR for a combo meal, but other western meals can be double or triple that. Pizza, burgers, or pasta can cost up to 50 MYR.

A beer costs 13-17 MYR and a glass of wine is 20-27 MYR. Cocktails are pretty expensive at 20-45 MYR so I’d skip them if you can. A cappuccino is 8-12 MYR.

A week’s worth of groceries costs between 90-150 MYR for basic staples like rice, noodles, seasonal produce, and some meat or fish. Stick to local food items, as western specialties like wine and cheese will destroy your grocery budget.

Backpacking Malaysia Suggested Budgets

If you’re backpacking Malaysia, my suggested budget is 115 MYR per day. This budget covers staying in a hostel dorm, eating street food, taking public transit to get around, skipping alcohol, and sticking to mostly free activities like walking tours, hiking, and relaxing on the beach.

A mid-range budget of 295 MYR per day covers a private Airbnb or private hostel room, drinking more, taking the occasional taxi to get around, eating street food and the occasional sit-down meal, and doing more paid activities like museum visits, food tours, and diving.

On a “luxury” budget of 520 MYR or more per day, you can stay in a hotel with a pool, eat at restaurants for all your meals, have more drinks, visit the islands, and do whatever tours and activities you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get an idea of how much you need to budget daily. Keep in mind these are daily averages – some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in MYR.

Malaysia Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

A little goes a long way in Malaysia, but it’s still easy to wreck your budget here if you splash out on fancy meals and tours. Here are some ways you can save money in Malaysia:

  • Barter with your taxi driver – Taxis aren’t usually metered in Malaysia (even though it’s required in bigger cities like Kuala Lumpur), so make sure to agree on the fare before you set off. Ask your hotel/hostel staff what you should pay so you don’t get ripped off.
  • Camp – It’s possible to camp in places like Taman Negara and the Cameron Highlands to save on accommodation. Expect to pay around 10-35 MYR per night for a basic plot.
  • Eat the street food – Street stalls are the place to go for delicious hawker food and meals that cost just a few bucks. The street food is the best food in the country — and the cheapest!
  • Don’t drink – As Malaysia is a Muslim country, drinking is frowned upon, but it does happen. However, to restrict it, the authorities have made drinking very, very expensive so skip the booze.
  • Take a free walking tour – A free walking tour is a great way to explore Kuala Lumpur on a budget. You’ll not only get to see the sights, but you’ll connect with a local guide who can share their insider tips and advice.
  • Travel in the off-season – Traveling during the monsoon season (late November to mid-February) is an easy way to save money on flights and accommodation. With significantly fewer visitors, everything is cheaper. To avoid the worst of the rains, skip the east coast.
  • Use Grab – Grab is like Uber and often cheaper than both taxis and tuk-tuks, especially if you’re getting a ride from the airport in Kuala Lumpur. Just download the app and go!
  • Escape the city – Much of the popular areas in Kuala Lumpur are designed for tourists and can be expensive. Skip the crowds and head to somewhere like Pataling Jaya, a smaller nearby city that has all the perks of KL with none of the downsides.
  • Pack a water bottle – The tap water here isn’t always safe so bring a water bottle with a filter with you to avoid buying single-use plastic. My preferred bottle is LifeStraw , which has built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe.

Where to Stay in Malaysia

Looking for budget-friendly places to stay? Here are my suggested places to stay in Malaysia:

  • Kitez Hotel & Bunks (Kuala lumpur)
  • Sunshine Bedz Kuala Lumpur (Kuala lumpur)
  • Birdnest Collective Cafe & Guesthouse (Kuala lumpur)
  • The Bed Klcc (Kuala lumpur)
  • Ryokan Muntri Boutique Hostel (Penang)
  • Traveller Bunker Hostel (Cameron Highlands)
  • Westwood Highland (Cameron Highlands)
  • De’Native Guest House (Cameron Highlands)
  • Hikers Sleep Port (Cameron Highlands)
  • Anis View Perhentian (Perhentian Islands)
  • Senja Bay Resort (Perhentian Islands)
  • Besut Guesthouse (Perhentian Islands)
  • Akinabalu Youth Hostel (Kota Kinabalu)

How to Get Around Malaysia

Stunning view of the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia and its lush, rolling green hills

Public transportation – Most cities in Malaysia have excellent public transport, especially Kuala Lumpur with its buses, light rail, commuter rail, and monorail that all connect every part of the city. A ride costs between 1-15 MYR. If you plan on mostly using public transit, pick up a Touch ‘n Go (TnG) card to use on all modes of public transportation, saving 20% per ride. You can also load unlimited transit passes onto this card.

In Kuala Lumpur, try to use the free GO KL City Bus. It’s a free service that covers most of the tourist hotspots, like Bukit Bintang and Chinatown.

Other cities, like George Town (Penang), are full of city buses that run all over the island. The KOMTAR complex and the Weld Quay jetty are the two primary bus stations. You’ll have to tell your driver where you’re headed, but a typical one-way fare is 2-7 MYR. There are also free buses that go to significant sites in the city, just look for buses labeled “Free CAT Bus.”

Bus – Buses are an easy and efficient way to get around Malaysia. Expect to pay around 5-15 MYR per hour for a bus trip. The main bus companies include:

  • Transnasional

Aeroline and Super Nice are high-end services that come with air-conditioning and sometimes even meal service, but they’re still affordable. The 5-hour bus from Penang to Kuala Lumpur costs around 35-45 MYR, while the 3-hour bus from Kuala Lumpur to the Cameron Highlands costs about 44 MYR.

Train – Mainland Malaysia has 1,849 kilometers (1,149 miles) of rail, with the main line connecting Singapore to Kuala Lumpur to Thailand.

There are two types of service: express trains, which are air-conditioned and have three different classes; and local trains, which usually only have economy class and are much slower than the express trains. All are operated by Keratapi Tanah Melayu (KTM), the national railway service.

You can use the website to look up schedules and to book tickets. Reservations open 30 days in advance.

A train from Kuala Lumpur to Butterworth (where you’d catch the ferry to Penang) costs 66 MYR, while the 2.5-hour journey from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur is 30-45 MYR.

In East Malaysia, there is a round-trip sightseeing train that runs from Kota Kinabalu to Papar, with a stop in Kinarut. The North Borneo Railway runs the entire trip, and it takes four hours. The cost is 345 MYR, which includes breakfast and lunch.

Flying – The two leading domestic airlines in Malaysia are Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia. Kuala Lumpur’s airports receive the most flight traffic, followed by Kota Kinabalu and Penang. There are several smaller airports around the country as well.

A flight from Penang to Kuala Lumpur can be found for as little as 100 MYR, while a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok ranges between 220-600 MYR. Flights between Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu cost around 225-300 MYR.

Hitchhike – It is common for people to hitchhike in Malaysia, and the locals are eager to pick up travelers. HitchWiki has additional information on hitchhiking in Malaysia.

When to Go to Malaysia

Malaysia’s two peak seasons occur from the start of December to the end of January, and then from June to mid-September. The first tourist peak season occurs during Hari Raya Puasa (Eid al-Fitr), which celebrates the end of Ramadan. Check ahead to see when this occurs as the dates vary every year. Malaysia’s Muslim population celebrates by taking the week off so your travels could be disrupted if businesses are closed.

Late November to mid-February brings the arrival of the northeast monsoon, affecting much of the east coast with heavy rainfall. September and October are the wettest months on the west coast, with downpours sometimes going on for hours. This is also true in mountainous areas like the Cameron Highlands.

Overall, the best time to visit is from March to early November when it’s drier and less humid. Visiting just after the rainy season isn’t a bad idea either, as it’s still warm, the countryside is lush and full of waterfalls, and tourism is still not overly busy.

Temperatures do not fluctuate much across the country. The daily average is 22-32°C (73-90°F), while in the hills the temperature averages 21°C (67°F). Humidity is high year-round.

How to Stay Safe in Malaysia

Malaysia is safe place to backpack and travel — even for solo travelers and solo female travelers. Violent attacks against foreigners are rare.

Petty theft (including bag snatching) is the most common type of crime in Malaysia. When out and about, always keep your valuables secure and out of reach just to be safe. This is especially important in crowded tourist areas and on busy public transportation. Don’t leave anything valuable unattended at the beach either.

Solo female travelers should feel comfortable here, though walking alone a night should be avoided just to be safe.

There are some common scams here, especially in Kuala Lumpur, such as taxi drivers trying to rip off passengers. Make sure the meter is on or negotiate your fare before getting in a taxi (or take a Grab to avoid this altogether).

If you’re worried about getting ripped off, read about common travel scams to avoid here .

If you are eating out, keep your backpack on your lap or place your foot or a chair leg through your strap. That will prevent would-be thieves from snatching your bag quickly while you’re busy eating.

When out in nature, don’t feed the monkeys! They get aggressive and are not afraid of people. Do not approach monkeys quickly or give them treats, as they grab anything within reach.

If you experience an emergency, dial 999 for assistance.

Additionally, avoid tap water unless you have a water bottle with a filter. Travelers should also note that Malaysia is a modest country, so revealing outfits attract more attention. To be safe and blend in, dress conservatively.

Always trust your gut instinct. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID. Forward your itinerary along to loved ones so they’ll know where you are.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Malaysia Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • Agoda – Other than Hostelworld, Agoda is the best hotel accommodation site for Asia.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.

Malaysia Travel Guide: Related Articles

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Laos Travel Costs – How Much to Budget to Get Most of It

With its raw natural beauty and fascinating history, traditions and culture, Laos is an enticing travel destination for travellers longing to explore Southeast Asia. And as an added bonus, Laos travel costs are not about to break the bank for most travellers, even those on a shoestring budget. We’ve done the sums and crunched the numbers so that you don’t have to. This article peeks behind the curtain of Laos travel costs per day so that all that’s left for you to do is book your ticket and start counting down the days.

The cost of living in Laos

Despite the steady influx of tourism in Laos, the cost of living is still relatively low even when compared to other Southeast Asian countries. Cheaper than Malaysia but slightly more expensive than Thailand and Vietnam, Laos is an attractive, affordable and competitively priced travel destination for most. However, as a result of Laos being a rather poor country which relies largely on imports, certain things can be slightly pricier than in other parts of Southeast Asia. In Laos prices vary somewhat between cities and villages with Luang Prabang being the country’s most expensive destination. Fortunately, even if on a strict budget, this popular tourist spot is still largely affordable and penny saving is still possible for the savvy and determined.

Prices in Laos

Knowing where to save money and where spending is unavoidable is only possible once one has a breakdown of the general cost of things. Below we’ll explore the nitty-gritty expenses of a travel experience in Laos from taxi rides, to zip-lining through forests, to the price of a bowl of noodle soup on bustling street corners. Calculators and pencils out, everybody! Here we go.

Transport costs in Laos

Short-distance travel.

Getting around the towns and cities of Laos are possible by putting one foot in front of the other or renting a bicycle. Bicycles will generally cost you around LAK 10,000 for the day and offer travellers a convenient and easy means of exploring the various villages, towns and cities at their own pace.

Larger motorcycle tuk-tuks , called Jumbos, are also convenient and relatively affordable ways of commuting about town and should cost around LAK 10,000 to LAK 20, 000 for a short distance and around LAK 50,000 for a ride to and from the airport. Agree on the fare before jumping inside the tuk-tuk as drivers are known to spike up the prices for foreigners to at least double the standard rate. As with any travel in foreign countries, sharing tuk-tuk rides or taxis with other travellers is an easy and obvious way of cutting down your daily expenditure without too much compromise or sacrifice.

For those who enjoy independent travel, renting a motorbike for the day is an excellent means of thoroughly exploring a city at your own leisure and discretion. Expect to pay around LAK 60,000 to LAK 80,000 for 24 hours.

Taxis can also be hired by the trip, hour or day and 12 hours can cost anywhere from LAK 300,000 to LAK 600, 000 depending on distance, city, driver and the individual traveller’s negotiation skills.

Local 1-hour boat journeys between the various villages should cost around LAK 20,000 and LAK 35,000 for a one-way trip.

Long-distance travel

With no railway lines in Laos, buses and minivans are your predominant modes of transportation between towns and villages and fortunately the facilities are generally decent, reliable and reasonably priced. Overnight buses are available for longer distances which are obviously useful in saving on accommodation costs; whereas minivans are available for longer daytime trips to and from the various cities or towns.

To give you a rough idea on prices, popular bus journeys in Laos, such as the 10-hour overnight journey from Vientiane to Luang Prabang will cost between LAK 80,000 to LAK 120,000 for a one-way ticket.

The 5-hour local bus from Pakse to Savannakhet costs around LAK 40,000; and the 8-hour local bus ride from Savvakhet to Muong Khong costs around LAK 70,000.

Another town-to-town method of transportation in Laos can be done on the back of a songthaew (a converted pick-up truck with benches installed for sitting). These journeys can cost anything from LAK 10,000 to LAK 30,000 depending on distance and the city in question.

Food prices in Laos

Although not as cheap as its neighbouring country, Thailand, food in Laos can be sourced pretty cheaply for those on a budget. However, much like hotspots the world over, food in the more touristy places of Laos are significantly more expensive and so it may be wise to take this into account when picking your destinations of choice.

Eating local food and street food are sure-fire means of stretching your Kip and as a result of the prevalent French influence here in Laos, travellers can snack on affordable and tasty baguettes and pastries to their hearts content. The ever-popular Khao Jee (baguettes filled with meat, salad and sauces) will cost around LAK 6,000 and makes for a tasty and satisfying lunch while exploring. The local Beer Lao is extremely cheap with large bottles costing around LAK 10,000 and a 1.5 litre bottle of water will set you back around LAK 5,000.

Local street food dishes and traditional snacks in the lesser-known areas can cost around LAK 5,000 to LAK 30, 000, while the more popular tourists hubs will sell the same meals for double the price.

A sit-down meal at one of the main Italian, French and Western restaurants in the bigger cities are significantly more expensive with each dish costing anywhere from LAK 50,000 to LAK 100,000. Cocktails, beers and drinks in these upmarket establishments are obviously significantly higher too.

Cost of a Lao visa

For the majority of passport holders, a 30-day Lao visa can be purchased upon arrival at all ports of entry including the airports in Vientiane, Luang Prabang and Pakse. Visa costs vary from USD 20 for citizens of China to USD 42 for citizens of Canada and everyone else seems to sit somewhere in between. Keep in mind that an additional USD 1 is charged for ‘overtime’ for those travellers arriving after 4pm. Travellers will need one small passport photo and US dollars to pay the visa charge. Thai Baht can also be used but due to the extortionate exchange rate used by Lao immigration, will cost quite a bit more.

For travellers who are not quite ready to leave lovely Laos, extending one’s visa is possible if you apply before the expiry date. Visas can be extending for around USD 1 per day.

Accommodation prices in Laos

Accommodation options in Laos range from a budget hostels, riverside bungalows to 5-star hotel suites; and naturally the prices for each of these vary dramatically. For those determined to save as much Kip as possible we advise you to seek out fan-cooled rooms with shared bathrooms. Getting away from the more popular streets and seeking accommodation a few blocks outside of the tourist hullabaloo will generally guarantee lower nightly rates too.

Dorm rooms are obviously the cheapest option and generally start from around LAK 20,000 for the bare basics consisting of a simple bed and linen. A private double-fan room ranges from around LAK 30,000 to LAK 60,000 for the night depending on location and the quality of the facilities provided by the guesthouse. Air-conditioned rooms start from LAK 60,000 and extend to about LAK 80,000 for a night. Homestays are also on offer here in Laos and provides travellers with a cultural rewarding and authentic experience. This can set you back anywhere between LAK 40,000 to LAK 80,000.

For those with deeper pockets and more generous budgets, Luang Prabang and Vientiane have excellent high-end boutique hotels and luxury resorts and prices generally start around LAK 1500,000 and increase steadily. The facilities at the more high-end establishments frequently include a pool, beautiful views, a swanky onsite restaurant, beauty spa, fitness centre and sometimes even a personal butler.

Costs of excursions and activities in Laos

Entrance into most of the national parks, waterfalls and temples are priced around LAK 30,000 to LAK 80, 000. Food and drink inside these areas are normally around double the price of the street food sold outside so those on a budget would do well to pack snacks and water prior to entering the tourist hotspots.

The highly acclaimed zip-lining Gibbon Experience in northern Laos costs around LAK 800,000 for the day as well as accommodation in a treehouse for the night.

A three day boat ride on the Mekong River will cost around LAK 250,000 to LAK 300,000 and makes for a fun and memorable experience.

Tubing in Vang Vieng is a wonderful activity to partake in and renting a tube for the day will set you back around LAK 60,000.

Note: Aside from entrance fees, travellers in bigger groups have more negotiating power when trying to organise and book excursions, transport and occasionally even accommodation.

Laos travel cost per day

The daily budget for Laos will obviously be largely determined by where you choose to eat and sleep and what you decide to do. Below are the rough figures of what you can expect to pay for each day when travelling around Laos. We’ve determined that for the budget conscious traveller it is possible to spend around LAK 220,000 to LAK 260,000 per day. The estimated budget is rather conservative so if you are a high-end traveller who plans on fine dining and luxurious accommodation needs please take this into account.

Travel budgeting for Laos

Accommodation: A fan-cooled, private double room coasts between LAK 30,000 to LAK 60,000 per night, whereas a room in a dorm can start as low as LAK 20,000.

Food: x1 average street food meal will cost between LAK 15,000 to LAK 30,000, whereas a Laotian meal in a mid-range eatery can cost between LAK 50,000 to LAK 80,000 per dish.

Drinks: The local BeerLao will cost LAK 10,000 and a 1.5 litre of water costs around LAK 5,000

Taxis: Tuk-tuk rides over short distances cost between LAK 10,000 and LAK 30,000 and taxi rides generally start anywhere from LAK 30,000 to LAK 100,000

Airport taxis: Tuk-tuk to the airport costs around LAK 50,000 to LAK 100,000 where a taxi ride will start from about LAK 80,000

Souvenirs: Depending on the souvenir in question expect to spend anywhere from LAK 20,000 to LAK 200,000

Entrance fees: LAK 30,000 to LAK 100,000

Long distance travel: LAK 50,000 to LAK 120,000

To wrap up all the calculations and detailed figures, our verdict confirms that Laos is indeed a travel destination for a wide variety of travellers and back accounts. There are facilities that cater for penny-saving backpackers simply looking for a comfy room for the night, and there are facilities for the luxury travellers looking for pampering, spectacular views and speciality dishes. No matter what your spending habits may be or what your bank balance currently sits at, Laos is a relatively affordable option for most.

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The six 2026 itineraries range from 13 to 21 days and cost between $159,000 and $229,000 per person., rachel cormack.

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The 2026 itineraries range from 13 to 21 days and cost between $159,000 and $229,000 per person. To start planning your trip, visit the Four Seasons website or email the team at [email protected].

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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  • Best overall travel credit card : Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
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  • Best premium card for travel bonus categories : Chase Sapphire Reserve®
  • Best for luxury travel benefits and airport lounge access : The Platinum Card® from American Express

Introduction to Travel Credit Cards

Whether you're just dipping your toe into the world of rewards credit cards or you've already flown thousands of miles on points alone, we can tell you: There's a travel credit card for everyone. There's a card if you're looking for free flights, if you're hoping for free hotel stays, or if you're just doing whatever it takes to realize your dream of an overwater bungalow. There are even no-annual-fee travel credit cards that won't cost you anything to keep.

Compare the Top Travel Credit Cards

Chase Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Earn 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠. Earn 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries. Earn 2x on all other travel purchases. Earn 1x on all other purchases.

21.49% - 28.49% Variable

Earn 60,000 bonus points

Good to Excellent

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. High intro bonus offer starts you off with lots of points
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong travel coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Doesn't offer a Global Entry/TSA PreCheck application fee credit

If you're new to travel rewards credit cards or just don't want to pay hundreds in annual fees, the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is a smart choice. It earns bonus points on a wide variety of travel and dining purchases and offers strong travel and purchase coverage, including primary car rental insurance.

  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • Enjoy benefits such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.
  • Get 25% more value when you redeem for airfare, hotels, car rentals and cruises through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $750 toward travel.
  • Count on Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Lost Luggage Insurance and more.
  • Get complimentary access to DashPass which unlocks $0 delivery fees and lower service fees for a minimum of one year when you activate by December 31, 2024.
  • Member FDIC

Capital One Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

Earn 5 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every purchase.

0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months (intro fee of 3% for the first 15 months, then 4% of the amount of each balance transfer at a promotional APR that Capital One may offer you at any other time)

19.99% - 29.99% Variable

Earn 20,000 miles

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No annual fee or foreign transaction fees
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Versatile rewards
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earn 1.25 miles per dollar on all purchases with no bonus categories to track
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Lower earning rate than some other no-annual-fee rewards cards
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited benefits

The VentureOne Rewards Card is a slimmed-down version of the popular Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card. It's one of the few no-annual-fee cards on the market that gives you the option to redeem miles for cash back or transfer them to travel partners.

  • $0 annual fee and no foreign transaction fees
  • Earn a bonus of 20,000 miles once you spend $500 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $200 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Miles won't expire for the life of the account and there's no limit to how many you can earn
  • Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Use your miles to get reimbursed for any travel purchase-or redeem by booking a trip through Capital One Travel
  • Transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs
  • Enjoy 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months; 19.99% - 29.99% variable APR after that; balance transfer fee applies

Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Visa® Card

Earn unlimited 5x points per dollar on hotels. Earn 4x points on airlines. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining. Earn 1x on other purchases.

21.24%, 26.24%, or 29.99% Variable

Earn 60,000 bonus rewards points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip cancellation and lost baggage protection
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Airline and hotel transfer partners available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Welcome bonus
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous cellphone protection
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Low annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Transfer partner network not as diverse or robust as competitors

The Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Visa® Card is a true travel credit card, with benefits that rival many of the best travel rewards credit cards currently on the market. This card has a low annual fee on par with that of popular competing credit cards and Wells Fargo's newly announced Points Transfer program allows cardholders to juice maximum value from every point they earn.

Capital One Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Earn 5x miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn unlimited 2x miles on every purchase.

19.99% - 29.99% variable

Earn 75,000 miles

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No bonus categories to keep track of
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes up to a $100 statement credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Other credit cards offer higher rewards in certain categories of spending

If you want an easy, no-fuss travel rewards credit card, the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is a great fit. For a moderate annual fee, it offers plenty of value, useful benefits, and a substantial welcome bonus.

  • Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Receive up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®
  • Enrich every hotel stay from the Lifestyle Collection with a suite of cardholder benefits, like a $50 experience credit, room upgrades, and more

Citi Citi Strata Premier℠ Card

Earn a total of 10 ThankYou® Points per $1 spent on hotel, car rentals and attractions booked through Earn 3X points per $1 on air travel and other hotel purchases, at restaurants, supermarkets, gas stations and EV charging stations. Earn 1X point per $1 on all other purchases.

21.24% - 29.24% variable

Earn 75,000 bonus points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earn 3x points on most travel, restaurants, gas/EV charging, and supermarkets
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earn 10x points on hotels, rental cars, and attractions booked via Citi Travel
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. $100 annual hotel credit on a single stay of $500 or more
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No foreign transaction fees
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip delay/interruption benefits and lost/damaged baggage coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Has an annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Citi Travel rates often are higher than retail cost of travel

Bank of America Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students

Earn unlimited 1.5 points per dollar on purchases.

  • 0% intro APR for your first 18 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made within the first 60 days of opening your account

17.99% - 27.99% Variable

25,000 online bonus points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous welcome bonus for a student credit card
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earns flexible points you can use toward a wide variety of travel purchases
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Other travel rewards cards have higher earning rates
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Few travel-related benefits compared to other travel cards

A good student credit card should offer rewards and useful benefits to those with limited credit history and the Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students hits several of those notes. However, while the card is marketed to students, those without established credit may have difficulty getting approved.

  • The information related to the Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students has been collected by Business Insider and has not been reviewed by the issuer.
  • 25,000 online bonus points after spending $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days from account opening (redeemed as a $250 statement credit toward travel and dining purchases)
  • Unlimited 1.5 points for every $1 spent on all purchases everywhere, no expiration on points
  • No annual fee or foreign transaction fees

Capital One Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

Earn unlimited 10 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn 5 miles per dollar on flights booked through Capital One Travel. Earn unlimited 2 miles on all other purchases.

Earn 75,000 bonus miles

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Excellent welcome bonus and miles earning
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Premium perks including airport lounge access and credits for certain purchases
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Visa Infinite benefits including travel and shopping protections
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. High annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Annual travel credits only apply to Capital One Travel purchases

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is one of the best credit cards for frequent travelers, with top-notch benefits and a wide range of built-in protections. It comes with a generous welcome bonus and credits that can help offset the annual fee — which is much lower than similar premium cards.

  • Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Receive a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Get 10,000 bonus miles (equal to $100 towards travel) every year, starting on your first anniversary
  • Earn unlimited 10X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 5X miles on flights booked through Capital One Travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on all other purchases
  • Unlimited complimentary access for you and two guests to 1,300+ lounges, including Capital One Lounges and the Partner Lounge Network
  • Use your Venture X miles to easily cover travel expenses, including flights, hotels, rental cars and more—you can even transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs
  • Elevate every hotel stay from the Premier or Lifestyle Collections with a suite of cardholder benefits, like an experience credit, room upgrades, and more

American Express American Express® Gold Card

Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at Restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S. Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1X). Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights booked directly with airlines or on Earn 1X Membership Rewards® points on all other purchases.

See Pay Over Time APR

Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Great rewards for dining and for shopping at US supermarkets
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Monthly statement credit for eligible dining purchases recoups some of the annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Underwhelming welcome bonus

Foodies and travelers alike will appreciate the American Express Gold's generous welcome bonus and Membership Rewards points earning. Its Uber Cash credits are useful for rides and Uber Eats, and monthly dining credits with participating merchants like GrubHub and Seamless are easy to use.

  • Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® points after you spend $6,000 on eligible purchases with your new Card within the first 6 months of Card Membership.
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® Points at Restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S., and earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1X).
  • Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights booked directly with airlines or on
  • $120 Uber Cash on Gold: Add your Gold Card to your Uber account and each month automatically get $10 in Uber Cash for Uber Eats orders or Uber rides in the U.S., totaling up to $120 per year.
  • $120 Dining Credit: Satisfy your cravings and earn up to $10 in statement credits monthly when you pay with the American Express® Gold Card at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly,, Milk Bar and select Shake Shack locations. Enrollment required.
  • Get a $100 experience credit with a minimum two-night stay when you book The Hotel Collection through American Express Travel. Experience credit varies by property.
  • Choose the color that suits your style. Gold or Rose Gold.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees.
  • Annual Fee is $250.
  • Terms Apply.

Chase Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Earn 5x points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1x point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

22.49% - 29.49% Variable

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Annual travel credit can effectively shave $300 off the annual fee if you use it
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong travel insurance
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong bonus rewards on travel and dining
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Very high annual fee

If you're new to rewards credit cards you may want to start elsewhere, but if you know you want to earn Chase points and you spend a lot on travel and dining, the Sapphire Reserve is one of the most rewarding options.

  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • $300 Annual Travel Credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card each account anniversary year.
  • Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem your points for travel through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $900 toward travel.
  • 1:1 point transfer to leading airline and hotel loyalty programs
  • Access to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide after an easy, one-time enrollment in Priority Pass™ Select and up to $100 application fee credit every four years for Global Entry, NEXUS, or TSA PreCheck®

American Express The Platinum Card® from American Express

Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel (on up to $500,000 per calendar year) and on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel. Earn 1X Points on other purchases.

Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Long list of travel benefits, including airport lounge access and complimentary elite status with Hilton and Marriott (enrollment required)
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Annual statement credits with Saks and Uber
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Bonus categories leave something to be desired
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. One of the highest annual fees among premium travel cards

If you want as many premium travel perks as possible, The Platinum Card® from American Express could be the right card for you. The annual fee is high, but you get a long list of benefits such as airport lounge access, travel statement credits, complimentary hotel elite status, and more.

  • Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $8,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Apply and select your preferred metal Card design: classic Platinum, Platinum x Kehinde Wiley, or Platinum x Julie Mehretu.
  • Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year and earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.
  • $200 Hotel Credit: Get up to $200 back in statement credits each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + Resorts® or The Hotel Collection bookings with American Express Travel when you pay with your Platinum Card®. The Hotel Collection requires a minimum two-night stay.
  • $240 Digital Entertainment Credit: Get up to $20 back in statement credits each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum Card® on one or more of the following: Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, and The Wall Street Journal. Enrollment required.
  • The American Express Global Lounge Collection® can provide an escape at the airport. With complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges across 140 countries and counting, you have more airport lounge options than any other credit card issuer on the market. As of 03/2023.
  • $155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card® to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month.
  • $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year when incidental fees are charged by the airline to your Platinum Card®.
  • $200 Uber Cash: Enjoy Uber VIP status and up to $200 in Uber savings on rides or eats orders in the US annually. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. Terms Apply.
  • $189 CLEAR® Plus Credit: CLEAR® Plus helps to get you to your gate faster at 50+ airports nationwide and get up to $189 back per calendar year on your Membership (subject to auto-renewal) when you use your Card. CLEARLanes are available at 100+ airports, stadiums, and entertainment venues.
  • Receive either a $100 statement credit every 4 years for a Global Entry application fee or a statement credit up to $85 every 4.5 year period for TSA PreCheck® application fee for a 5-year plan only (through a TSA PreCheck® official enrollment provider), when charged to your Platinum Card®. Card Members approved for Global Entry will also receive access to TSA PreCheck at no additional cost.
  • Shop Saks with Platinum: Get up to $100 in statement credits annually for purchases in Saks Fifth Avenue stores or at on your Platinum Card®. That's up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • Unlock access to exclusive reservations and special dining experiences with Global Dining Access by Resy when you add your Platinum Card® to your Resy profile.
  • $695 annual fee.

Best Travel Credit Card Recommendations

The best travel rewards credit cards offer valuable rewards, easy-to-use benefits, and helpful features like travel coverage. Our team of credit card experts at Business Insider chose the best options available on the market in 2024, and reviewed each one below.

Best Travel Credit Card Overall

The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is our top pick for a well-rounded travel rewards credit card. Even infrequent travelers can benefit from the slew of premium perks on this card, typically found on cards with far higher annual fees. 

The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card stands out for its travel protection benefits. When you pay for travel expenses with this card and meet certain requirements, you can request reimbursement for unexpected expenses that may arise when your flight is delayed or if your baggage is delayed or lost.

You'll also have primary rental car insurance, meaning you won't have to file claims through your personal car insurance plan or pay for coverage from the rental car company. This card also offers a 10% anniversary points bonus, and up to $50 in annual statement credits for hotel purchases made through the Chase Travel℠ Portal. 

The rewards rate on the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card isn't shabby either. You'll earn 5 points on travel purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards; 2 points on all other travel purchases; and 3 points on dining, online grocery purchases (excluding Target, Walmart, and wholesale clubs), and select streaming services. You'll earn 1 point per dollar on everything else.

Chase Ultimate Rewards® points are some of the easiest points to use in various ways. You can redeem them for travel directly through the Chase Travel Portal for a 25% boost in value, where 1 point will be worth 1.25 cents apiece. You can also transfer your points to Chase's airline and hotel transfer partners , which include United Airlines, Hyatt, Marriott, and many other airlines and hotel chains around the world. Cardholders can also use points for statement credits, gift cards, merchandise, and more.  

What the experts love: High welcome bonus offer, earns bonus points on travel, dining, and online grocery purchases, you can redeem points for 1.25 cents apiece for travel or through Chase for 25% value bonus

What the experts don't love: Doesn't offer some of the travel perks you'll get with competing cards, such as airport lounge access and a statement credit for Global Entry

Read more: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card card review

Best No-Annual-Fee Card for Earning Travel Miles

The Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card is our top choice for a no-annual-fee travel card ( rates and fees ), and it's got many of the same perks as its bigger sibling, the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card.

New cardholders can earn a respectable 20,000 miles after spending $500 on purchases within three months from account opening (worth at least $340 in travel according to Business Insider's valuations). While the card only earns 1.25 miles per dollar on most purchases (plus 5x on hotels and car rentals booked through Capital One Travel), it's still a compelling choice if an annual fee isn't for you ( rates and fees ).

You'll get the same access to Capital One's airline and hotel partners as you would with annual-fee cards, and a handful of benefits including car rental insurance***, travel accident insurance***, and purchase assurance***. This is also a solid pick if you're looking for a zero-interest credit card  with a 0% introductory APR offer, because new cardholders receive a 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months (intro fee of 3% for the first 15 months, then 4% of the amount of each balance transfer at a promotional APR that Capital One may offer you at any other time), then a 19.99% - 29.99% Variable APR ( rates and fees ).

What the experts love: No annual fee, access to transfer partners, generous intro 0% APR offer

What the experts don't love: Few travel benefits, lower earning rate

Read more: Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card review

The newly announced Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Visa® Card earns one of the highest rates of return on hotel bookings for a credit card that isn't co-branded with a specific hotel chain. 

This card has a $95 annual fee, inviting direct comparisons to two other cards on this list: The Sapphire Preferred Card , and the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card . In exchange, cardholders earn at least 3x on dining and travel purchases. Airline purchases earn 4x, and hotel purchases earn 5x.

Wells Fargo simultaneously announced brand-new airline and hotel partners: Choice Privileges, Aer Lingus AerClub, Air France-KLM Flying Blue, avianca lifemiles, and British Airways Executive Club. Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Visa® Card cardholders can redeem rewards at the standard redemption rate of 1 cent per point for cash back, or transfer their rewards to any of the travel partners above for additional value.

The Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Visa® Card will be available for in-person applications at select Wells Fargo bank locations on March 9, 2024. Nationwide applications open online and in person on March 20, 2024. 

Read more: Wells Fargo Autograph Journey credit card review

Best Travel Credit Card for Beginners

The Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is a great "set it and forget it" card, in the sense that you don't have to worry about various bonus categories for earning rewards. You'll earn 5 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 2x miles on all other purchases.

The Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card also offers one of the most straightforward ways to redeem rewards for travel: you're able to use your miles to cover recent travel purchases from your card statement, at a rate of 1 cent per mile. 

You also have the option to transfer Capital One miles *** to more than a dozen frequent flyer and hotel loyalty programs, including Air Canada Aeroplan, Etihad Guest, and Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer. Capital One also added new partners including British Airways and Turkish Airlines, and improved the transfer ratio to 1:1 for most partners. 

The selection of transfer partners is best suited to someone who wants to travel internationally and who doesn't mind spending some time researching the best ways to redeem miles with the different frequent flyer program options. But the upside is that you can always use your miles to cover your travel purchases. You also get up to a $100 Global Entry/TSA PreCheck application fee credit.

What the experts love:  The ability to use your miles to cover your recent travel expenses; it earns at least 2 miles per dollar on every purchase.

What the experts don't love: Other cards offer higher rewards on certain spending categories such as travel and dining.

Read more: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card review

Best Travel Rewards on Everyday Spending

The Citi Strata Premier℠ Card isn't as flashy or well-known as some other travel cards, but that doesn't mean you should overlook it, especially if you spend a lot on its bonus categories. Cardholders earn an impressive 3x points on air travel, gas stations, restaurants, supermarkets, and hotels, and 1 point per dollar on everything else.

Along with a solid welcome bonus offer of 75,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 in the first three months of account opening (worth $1,200 based on Business Insider's valuations), you'll receive $100 off a single hotel stay of $500 or more (excluding taxes and fees) booked through once per calendar year.

While it isn't the best for travel protections, the Citi Strata Premier℠ Card is the only card currently available to new applicants that unlocks the ability to transfer your ThankYou points to Citi's full list of airline and hotel partners , including JetBlue, Singapore Airlines, and Wyndham.

What the experts love:  Strong rewards earning in useful everyday categories, access to Citi's transfer partners

What the experts don't love: Lack of travel protections like car rental insurance, few travel perks compared to similar rewards cards

Read more: Citi Strata Premier℠ Card review

Best Travel Card for Students

The Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students is a fairly unique offering, as there aren't many student credit cards specifically geared toward travel. New cardholders can earn 25,000 online bonus points after spending $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days from account opening (redeemed as a $250 statement credit toward travel and dining purchases). That's a decent offer for a no-annual-fee card, and the earning structure is simple, too — 1.5x points per dollar on every purchase, with no bonus categories to keep track of.

There's also a 0% intro APR for your first 18 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made within the first 60 days of opening your account (then a 17.99% - 27.99% Variable APR) which can be handy if you have big purchases (like textbooks or supplies) you want to pay for over time. 

The Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students is a good choice if you prefer a straightforward card without having to worry about award charts or transfer partners. It's also a safe bet if you want to use it while traveling internationally — it doesn't charge pesky foreign transaction fees, so you won't be on the hook for extra charges if you use it overseas.

However, you won't find many extras — like travel benefits or purchase protections — with this card. If you're looking for better benefits, be sure to check out our guide to the best student credit cards for all the top options.

What the experts love: Impressive welcome bonus offer for a student credit card, good flat-rate rewards earning

What the experts don't love: No flashy extra perks or shopping benefits

Read more: Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students review

Most Affordable Premium Travel Credit Card

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card was unveiled in late 2021 and offers a massive welcome bonus of 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening — worth at least $1,275 in travel, based on Business Insider's valuation of Capital One miles .

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is loaded with premium benefits that can more than offset the $395 annual fee ( rates and fees ). For context, the Venture X's annual fee, while high, is significantly lower than other premium travel card competitors.

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card cardholders receive $300 per year in credits toward travel booked through Capital One, Priority Pass, Plaza Premium, and Capital One airport lounge access (even for authorized users), a 10,000-mile bonus on each account anniversary (worth $100 in travel), and Visa Infinite travel and purchase benefits.

As with other cards that earn Capital One miles , you can transfer rewards to over a dozen airline and hotel partners to book award travel, or use miles to book through the Capital One Travel Portal .

What the experts love:  Between $300 a year in travel credit and a 10,000-mile bonus on each account anniversary, you can offset the annual fee entirely — and that's not even considering other benefits like lounge access.

What the experts don't love:  The $300 travel credit is more restrictive than other cards' — it only applies to travel booked through Capital One.

Read more: Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card review

Best for Earning Travel Credit from Dining and Groceries

The American Express® Gold Card is an ideal travel card for anyone who frequently eats out and/or shops at U.S. supermarkets. You'll earn 4x Amex Membership Rewards points on these purchases (though note the $25,000 calendar year annual cap for U.S. supermarkets; after that, you'll earn just 1 point per dollar, but that's a pretty high cap). The card also earns 3x points on flights booked directly with the airlines or through, and 1 point per dollar on everything else.

While the $250 annual fee is on the high side, you can offset it thanks to an annual statement credit. You can get up to $120 in annual dining credits**, but it's divided into up to $10 in credits each month, and the credit only applies at select restaurants and delivery services, including Grubhub, Seamless, Milk Bar,, and Goldbelly, and participating Shake Shack locations.

You'll also get up to $120 Uber Cash ($10 per month) credit each calendar year (this is only applicable to U.S. Eats orders and rides, and the Gold Card needs to be added to the Uber app to receive the Uber Cash benefit).

What the experts love: "4x points on restaurants and at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per year, then 1x) is great — usually, a card favors one or the other," says Rathner. Plus, the card offers monthly dining credits.

What the experts don't love: Wilson notes that other cards offer similar benefits for a lower annual fee, and Rathner notes that the card's travel and dining credits come with some important limitations — so read the fine print. 

Read more: American Express® Gold Card review

Best Premium Card for Travel Insurance and Bonus Categories

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® has a $550 annual fee, which means it's not for everybody, but if you're serious about maximizing your rewards and you travel frequently, it could be worth it. It offers a bonus of 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening. 

Not only do you get up to $300 in statement credits toward travel each year (and Chase has a very generous definition of travel — including everything from airfare to highway tolls), but you also earn 5x total points on air travel and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards (excluding the $300 travel credit) and 3x points on all other travel and dining. You also get airport lounge access through the Priority Pass network , which has more than 1,300 locations worldwide.

New benefits also include access to Chase Sapphire lounges in JFK , LaGuardia , Boston , and Hong Kong, as well as the Chase Sapphire Terrace at Austin Airport . You'll also receive benefits with DoorDash  and Instacart that can save you money on delivery (activation required).

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® is currently offering cardholders two years of complimentary Lyft Pink All Access membership (valued at $199 per year) for member-exclusive pricing, priority pickup, and more (activation required). 

When it comes to redeeming points, you can book travel through Chase and get 1.5 cents per point (a 50% bonus over the standard 1-cent-per-point rate), or you can transfer your Chase Ultimate Rewards to travel partners like Hyatt, British Airways, and United.

Plus, like the less-expensive Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® offers some of the best credit card travel insurance around. This includes primary car rental insurance, trip delay insurance, trip cancellation protection, and lost baggage insurance.

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® card was previously our pick for the best travel card overall, before the annual fee increased from $450 to $550. While the Reserve did add some additional benefits, the Reserve no longer makes as much sense for casual travelers. As a result, we now recommend the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card as the best travel credit card for most people. 

What the experts love:  Earns 3x points on travel and dining purchases made outside of Chase Travel Portal, annual $300 travel credit, points are worth 1.5 cents apiece for travel booked through Chase

What the experts don't love: You have to squeeze every drop of value out of this card to make that jaw-dropping $550 annual fee worth your while.

Read more: Chase Sapphire Reserve® review

Best for Luxury Travel Benefits and Airport Lounge Access

The Platinum Card® from American Express has one of the highest rewards card annual fees —  $695 — but it can still be well worth it if you can put all of its statement credits and generous welcome bonus offer to use.

You'll earn 5x points on flights when you book directly through the airline or through American Express Travel (on up to $500,000 per calendar year), which makes the card a great choice for purchasing airfare. The card offers trip cancellation and interruption insurance, plus some of the best purchase protection, so it's a good option for buying expensive items (and don't forget to see if you can take advantage of an Amex Offer ** for bonus points or cash back).

The Platinum Card® from American Express offers more airport lounge access than any other personal travel card — in addition to Priority Pass membership**, you get access to Amex Centurion Lounges , Delta Sky Clubs (when you're flying Delta), and more. 

The card's annual statement credits can go a long way toward offsetting the high annual fee. You get up to $200 in statement credits toward airline incidental fees** like checked bags and inflight purchases; up to $100 each year in credit toward Saks Fifth Avenue purchases**; and up to $200 in annual Uber credits (including Uber Eats)**. 

Just keep in mind that you're limited to one designated airline you choose each year in your Amex account for the airline incidental fee credit, and both the Saks and Uber credits are divided into portions. You'll get up to $50 in statement credits toward Saks purchases from January to June, and another credit of up to $50 for Saks purchases from July to December.

With the Uber credit, you get up to $15 each month, and a $20 bonus in December for a total of $35 that month.

What the experts love:  Lots of luxury benefits, including airport lounge access and statement credits with Uber and Saks

What the experts don't love: This card's $695 annual fee, and minimal bonus categories

Read more: The Platinum Card® from American Express review

How to Choose the Best Travel Credit Card

While it takes more effort to redeem points or miles compared to cash back, the upside is that you can get much more value for your points compared to simply cashing in your rewards for a statement credit or check at a rate of 1 cent per point.

In fact, it's possible to receive double, triple, or even more than that amount when you're strategic about how you redeem your rewards, particularly if you book expensive luxury hotels or first-class flights. 

In this guide, we've focused mostly on the best travel credit cards that earn transferable points. Transferable points include popular currencies such as:

  • Amex Membership Rewards
  • Chase Ultimate Rewards
  • Citi ThankYou Rewards
  • Capital One miles

You can transfer these points to both airline and hotel partner loyalty programs. You can even redeem your points to offset the cash price of your travel at a flat rate.

Travel Credit Card Frequently Asked Questions

If you want a single credit card that does it all and don't mind paying a generous annual fee, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® is a great choice. It comes with the best travel insurance available on the market, as well as a $300 travel credit each year that can be used on most types of travel.

The best travel credit card overall is the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, but the best card for your particular situation will depend on what benefits you care about the most, as well as how you feel about paying a high annual fee. 

We'd recommend opening a travel card that earns Amex or Chase points, because these are among the easiest rewards to redeem and you have various travel partners to utilize. But if you've investigated your options and are confident that you can get value out of their rewards, credit cards that earn Capital One miles or Citi ThankYou points can make sense as well.

There are two main types of travel credit cards: Cards that earn transferable points, and airline/hotel co-branded credit cards. Transferable points currencies include Amex Membership Rewards points, Capital One miles, and Chase Ultimate Rewards points.

Airline credit cards and hotel credit cards earn points or miles within a respective hotel or airline program; you don't have the option to redeem your rewards with a wide variety of travel partners (or if you do, the transfer ratio usually isn't great).

To pick the right travel credit card for you, you'll want to evaluate its welcome bonus offer, ease of use, benefits, and annual fee. The best one for you will ideally have a combination of an attractive sign-up bonus , lots of options for earning and redeeming rewards, benefits that save you money, and a low or no annual fee.

Travel credit cards with annual fees are worth it if you're able to get significant value out of their benefits and rewards. Before you apply for a card , make sure you'll actually use all the features that contribute to the card's annual fee. For example, if a card offers an annual statement credit of up to $200 toward travel but you can't use it, you're probably not getting what you pay for.

Travel credit cards work by earning you points (or miles) on every purchase you make, with the goal of helping you earn enough rewards to book free travel . The best travel cards earn points that you can transfer to various airline and hotel partners — like Amex, Chase, or Citi points. 

A great way to work toward getting a free flight is by applying for a travel credit card and earning its welcome bonus offer. Domestic award flights in economy class typically require about 25,000 points, so depending on the welcome bonus offer, you could have enough rewards for a flight right out of the gate. 

Why You Should Trust Us: How We Chose the Best Travel Credit Cards

Business Insider evaluated dozens of travel credit cards currently available to new applicants and narrowed down the list to the best options based on the following factors:

  • Welcome bonus offer — Do new cardholders get a valuable incentive to sign up and meet a minimum spending requirement?
  • Ongoing rewards — How many points or miles do you earn on your purchases?
  • Benefits — Beyond rewards, does the card offer valuable perks such as statement credits for travel, primary car rental insurance, and airport lounge access?
  • Annual fee — Is there an annual fee, and if so, is it affordable or easy to offset with card perks?
  • Overall value — Does the card justify its annual fee by offering useful benefits and valuable rewards, and is it worth it?

Read our guide to how we rate credit cards for a closer look at our methodology.

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Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Trip Delay Insurance, Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance, and Cell Phone Protection Underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company. Global Assist Hotline Card Members are responsible for the costs charged by third-party service providers. If approved and coordinated by Premium Global Assist Hotline, emergency medical transportation assistance may be provided at no cost. In any other circumstance, Card Members may be responsible for the costs charged by third-party service providers. Extended Warranty, Purchase Protection, and Baggage Insurance Plan Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss & Damage Insurance Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss or Damage Coverage is offered through American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.

***Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Refer to your Guide to Benefits for more details. Travel Accident Insurance is not guaranteed, it depends on the level of benefits you get at application.

For Capital One products listed on this page, some of the above benefits are provided by Visa® or Mastercard® and may vary by product. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply

For rates and fees of The Platinum Card® from American Express, please click here.

For rates and fees of the American Express® Gold Card, please click here.

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