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List of African Countries Every African Can Visit Without a Visa in 2024

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  In recent years, a growing wave of visa-free entry policies within the African continent has sparked a more earnest conversation about the power of connectivity and integration. Nations across Africa are increasingly realizing the critical importance of dismantling barriers that have long hindered intra-continental interactions. From the removal of troublesome trade tariffs within sub-regions to the elimination of visa restrictions entirely, the continent is on a fast progressive path.

The move towards visa-free entry among African states not only fosters a sense of unity but also holds significant promise for economic growth, cultural exchange, and enhanced regional cooperation. The decision by several African nations, including the recent move by Rwanda and Kenya, to open their borders to fellow African citizens reflects a pivotal shift in the continent’s approach to interconnectivity. These decisions mark a progressive step towards building a unified Africa, transcending the limitations that historical borders have imposed.

With that said, the idea has been prevalent, albeit slow. Too few African countries have decided to take the bold step of waiving their visa restrictions. However, there are countries that are leading the way in this all-important initiative. While 48 African countries grant visa-free travel to the citizens of at least one other African nation, only 5 of 52 African countries can boast of complete visa-free entry, with 2 of said recently joining the fold.

Seychelles (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Owing to its dependence on tourism, Seychelles was reported back in 2018 to be the only nation where visa-free travel is open to all Africans, as well as to citizens of every nation, making it the first African country to have visa-free travel. However, they recently rescinded Nigeria’s visa privileges, reflecting a nuanced approach to their visa policies. Despite this, Seychelles remains a leader in promoting open borders within Africa, welcoming travelers from across the continent without the need for a visa.

In 2019, Gambia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed all diplomatic missions and international organizations in Banjul that The Gambia is now a “visa-free zone for all charter and scheduled flights.” This policy covers Commonwealth nations, EU nations, Africa, the Baltic States, and Belgians with their ID cards, showcasing Gambia’s commitment to fostering regional integration and facilitating easier movement for African citizens. This move has not only enhanced tourism but also strengthened economic ties within the region.

Patrice Talon, President of Benin, declared in 2019 that his administration would eliminate visa restrictions for Africans entering the West African country. The Benin government took a cue from Rwanda’s openness, which ironically did not announce its visa freedom for Africans until 2023. Benin’s visa-free policy is a significant step towards regional cohesion and demonstrates the country’s openness to fostering stronger intra-African relations. By removing visa barriers, Benin is paving the way for increased trade, tourism, and cultural exchanges.

In October 2023, Kenyan President William Ruto announced intentions to remove visa restrictions for all African travelers by the end of 2023 to boost commerce and strengthen economic connections with other African countries. This ambitious move positions Kenya as a pivotal player in Africa’s push for greater unity and economic collaboration. By facilitating easier movement for African citizens, Kenya aims to enhance its role as a regional hub and stimulate economic activities that benefit the entire continent.

Also, read; 6 African-American Inventors Who Made Daily Life Easier

Rwanda has been a pioneer in promoting visa-free travel for Africans. In a landmark decision in 2023, Rwanda announced that it would grant visa-free entry to all African citizens. This policy is part of Rwanda’s broader strategy to enhance regional integration and economic cooperation. By opening its borders, Rwanda not only boosts tourism but also encourages cultural exchanges and business opportunities across Africa. This progressive step underscores Rwanda’s commitment to fostering unity and collaboration within the continent.

The Importance of Visa-Free Travel in Africa

List of African Countries Every African Can Visit Without a Visa in 2024

1. Economic Growth:

Visa-free travel facilitates trade and investment by making it easier for business people to travel and establish connections across the continent. This can lead to increased economic activities and job creation.

2. Cultural Exchange:

Open borders encourage cultural exchanges and tourism, allowing Africans to explore the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories within the continent. This fosters mutual understanding and appreciation among different African communities.

3. Enhanced Regional Cooperation:

Visa-free policies strengthen regional cooperation by simplifying the movement of people for educational, professional, and humanitarian purposes. This can lead to stronger political and social ties between African nations.

4. Tourism Development:

Countries that adopt visa-free policies are likely to see a boost in tourism as travelers find it easier and more attractive to visit. This can significantly contribute to the local economies and promote the natural and cultural attractions of the region.

In conclusion, the increasing adoption of visa-free travel policies within Africa is a promising trend that holds great potential for the continent’s future. As more African nations join this initiative, the dream of a unified and prosperous Africa becomes more attainable. The countries leading this movement—Seychelles, Gambia, Benin, Kenya, and Rwanda—are setting a precedent for others to follow, paving the way for a more connected and integrated African continent.

Victor Ahonsi

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List of African countries every African can visit without a visa in 2024

Kigali Rwanda

  • Business Insider Africa presents the list of African countries every African can visit without a visa.
  • Two of the countries mentioned here recently announced visa-free travel for all Africans. 
  • Seychelles is the first African country to grant visa-free access to all African countries. 

In recent years, the gradual but resounding wave of visa-free entry policies within the African continent has opened a more earnest conversation on the power of connectivity and integration.

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Nations across Africa are increasingly realizing the critical importance of dismantling barriers that have long hindered intra-continental interactions. From the removal of troublesome trade tariffs within sub-regions to the elimination of visa restrictions entirely, the continent is on a fast progressive path.

The move towards visa-free entry among African states not only fosters a sense of unity but also holds significant promise for economic growth, cultural exchange, and enhanced regional cooperation.

The decision by several African nations, including the recent move by Rwanda and Kenya, to open their borders to fellow African citizens reflects a pivotal shift in the continent's approach to interconnectivity.

These decisions mark a progressive step towards building a unified Africa, transcending the limitations that historical borders have imposed.

Read also: Top 10 visa-friendly African countries in 2022

With that said, the idea has been prevalent, albeit slow. Too few African countries have decided to take the bold step of waiving their visa restrictions. However, there are countries that are leading the way in this all-important initiative.

While 48 African countries grant visa-free travel to the citizens of at least one other African nation, only 5 of 52 African countries can boast of complete visa-free entry, with 2 of said recently joining the fold.

Owing to its dependence on tourism, it was reported back in 2018, that Seychelles was the only nation where visa-free travel is open to all Africans, as well as to citizens of every nation, as it always has been, making it the first African country to have visa-free travel. However, they recently rescinded Nigeria’s visa privileges.

In 2019, Gambia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed all diplomatic missions and international organizations in Banjul that The Gambia is now a “visa-free zone for all charter and scheduled flights. Commonwealth nations, EU nations, Africa, the Baltic States, and Belgians with their ID cards are covered by the new visa regulations.

Patrice Talon, President of Benin, declared in 2019 that his administration will eliminate visa restrictions for Africans entering the West African country. The Benin government took a cue from Rwanda's openness which ironically did not announce its visa freedom for Africans till 2023.

In October 2023, Kenyan President William Ruto announced intentions to remove visa restrictions for all African travelers by the end of 2023 in order to boost commerce and strengthen economic connections with other African countries.

On November 2023 Rwanda announced plans to allow visa-free entry for fellow African states . The president noted that any African, can get on a plane to Rwanda whenever they wish and they will not pay a thing to enter the East African tourism giant.


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8 African Countries Americans Can Visit Visa-free for 90 Days

American visa-free passport

Visa-free African countries for US citizens are major proponents for American tourists visiting the continent.

The American passport is so strong that her citizens have free access to 186 countries, a good number of them being in Africa. The Henley Passport Index currently places the United States passport seventh in terms of liberty of travel.

It ties with UK, Czech, Greece, Malta and Norway passports in terms of freedom to travel. Regarding its strength, the American passport ranks third globally according to the Global Passport Power Rank.

This is good news for American wanderlusts who would wish to visit Africa without entry requirement hassles.

Table of Contents

Can US Citizens Travel to Africa Without Visa?

American travelers may not need a visa to visit some African countries. However, it’s a standard immigration procedure requiring them to have it on entry.

For instance, American passport holders flying to South Africa for 90 days for business or tourism purposes need no visa. However, beyond 90 days or for permanent residence, they need to have a visa.

Which African Countries Offer Visa on Arrival?

In view of visa-free African countries for US citizens, there are several countries where American travelers get visas on arrival. They include the following:

The process is hassle-free but visa-free rule beats all.

How Many Countries Can a US Citizen Visit Without Visa?

An American passport holder can visit 186 countries without a visa. The number of nations the US passport holders can enter without a visa, with a visa on arrival, or via the eTA is taken into account when compiling the list of visa-free nations.

How Many African Countries are Visa Free?

The following countries offer visa-free African countries for US citizens for a period of 90 days.

Seychelles visa free

Seychelles. Photo by Mason’s Travel

Travelling to Seychelles is pretty easy for any American citizen because it’s visa-free. However, Kosovo citizens are exempt from this meaning her citizens must have a visa.

The magnificent, remote beaches are popular and remain a haven for introverts because they are not crowded. They are always open to the public.

Mozambique visa free

Mozambique beach. Photo by World Travel guide

The typical climate in Mozambique is warm and tropical, which is ideal for travellers. This South African country is an amazing treat to visit since it is dotted with beaches, marine reserves, colonial ruins, and delicious seafood.

Along her extensive Indian Ocean coastline, there are numerous offshore marine parks and well-known beaches like Tofo. Quirimbas in Ibo Island is home to Portuguese colonial-era ruins.

Adventurers love the reefs of the Bazaruto Archipelago in the south safeguard unique marine creatures, including as dugongs.

Equatorial Guinea

For stays of up to 90 days, Equatorial Guinea grants visa-free African countries for US citizens. Due to its central African position, Equatorial Guinea has second-to-none biodiversity after the Amazon.

The area has the second-largest forest in the world, while the country alone is home to 13 different protected areas. They include natural parks and monuments and scientific reserves.

Tunis, Tunisia

Tunis, Tunisia. Photo/nytimes.com

You enjoy 90 days of no-visa entry to Tunisia.  In the towns, there are little alleys lined with pastel-colored homes and bustling souks. While in the countryside, there are historic ruins to explore.

Then there is a huge desert region of the Sahara, to the south, there are secret oases with palm trees and sweeping dunes.

Senegal’s visa-free African countries for US citizens lasts for 90 days. It’s one of the top destinations in west Africa due to its exceptional cultural attractions and welcoming business environment.

In addition to attracting tourists and investors, Dakar benefits from a diverse economy, a developing tourism industry, and a safe environment.

Ait Benhaddou

Ait Benhaddou in Morocco. Photo/Getty Images

For 90 days, US citizens can visit Morocco for free. Enjoy the fine breeze of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean convergence in here. Marrakech, Casablanca, Fez are top tourist destinations.

Mauritius gives you 90 days of no visa entry. The magnificent coastline of Mauritius, with its glistening white beaches and blue lagoons is always stunning.  And from the air, there is no better way to take in all this beauty than this.

Lesotho is no different from other visa-free African countries for US citizens – there is a 90-day grace period.  Whether you want to engage in outdoor activities, see historical landmarks, or experience total isolation, Lesotho has something to offer every type of traveller.

Lesotho has a wide range of sports, including mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, and water sports.

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About the author.

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Teresa Mwangi

Teresa is a journalist with years of experience in creating web content. She is a wanderlust at heart, loves travelling and telling stories about tour and travel in Africa by every angle.

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Freer movement of people across African borders: A key to the continent's development?

The African Union and other regional groups have made progress in promoting visa-free travel for people.

The African Union and other regional groups have made progress in promoting visa-free travel for people. Image:  Pexels/Anugrah Lohiya

Alan Hirsch

african countries to travel to without visa

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  • Kenya and Rwanda have recently announced visa-free travel for all Africans.
  • The African Union and other regional groups have made progress in promoting free movement of people.
  • There are still challenges to making free movement of people a reality in Africa.

President William Ruto of Kenya recently announced that Kenya’s borders would be open to visitors from the entirety of Africa, with no visas required, by the end of 2023. He said

When people cannot travel, business people cannot travel, entrepreneurs cannot travel, we all become net losers.

A few days later, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda followed suit , saying all Africans would be able to enter Rwanda without visas.

Neither Kenya nor Rwanda will be the first. By the end of 2022, Benin, The Gambia and Seychelles had already implemented a system of visa-free access for all Africans. Perhaps more will follow soon. Some regions, some sub-regional groups and some bilateral arrangements have also resulted in visa-free access and even passport-free access in certain cases.

Within the broader East African Community, Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya allow cross border travel without passports. Botswana and Namibia recently signed a similar agreement.

Despite this progress, by the end of 2022 only 27% of African routes allowed Africans to travel visa-free.

Actions such as those of Kenya and Rwanda take the African Union’s agenda further. Regularising freer movement of people across African borders is one of the continent’s great developmental challenges. It is one of the flagship projects of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 .

But even if all African countries no longer required visas from Africans, this would not necessarily give the visitors a right to apply for jobs, establish a business or build a home in the receiving country. The 2018 African Union Free Movement of Persons protocol aims for full free movement, through three phases – entry, residence and establishment. This includes full economic rights, including employment. It has not been widely ratified, however.

Our new study of migration trends underscores the potential contributions of migration to economic development in the countries of origin and destination. This is realised through the transfer of skills, knowledge and remittances. The study also shows that intra-African migration is firmly rooted in geographical, social and economic ties. Movement is predominantly within regions, and moderately between them.

With elections taking place in more than 20 African countries in 2019, the world’s youngest continent is facing a new era.

Held under the theme 'Shaping Inclusive Growth and Shared Futures in the Fourth Industrial Revolution' the 28th World Economic Forum on Africa will convene more than 1,000 regional and global leaders from government, business, civil society and academia.

The event (held 4-6 September 2019) will explore new regional partnerships and entrepreneurial and agile leadership to create pathways for shared prosperity and drive a sustainable future.

Participants will discuss ways to accelerate progress on five transformative pan-African agendas in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, addressing the African Union’s Agenda 2063 priorities.

Read more about the Forum's Impact in Africa and our launch of a new Africa Growth Platform to scale the region’s start-ups for success.

Read our guide to how to follow #af19 across our digital channels. We encourage followers to post, share, and retweet by tagging our accounts and by using our official hashtag.

Become a Member or Partner to participate in the Forum's year-round annual and regional events. Contact us now .

Free trade and movement of people

African Union policies support freer intracontinental trade, investment and movement of people to promote the continent’s economic, social and political development. The continent has made progress on the aspects of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement that deal with trade and investment. There hasn’t been much progress on the free movement of people. And yet the success of the trade agreement requires freer movement of people.

This interdependence between trade and free movement of people was the focus of the recent Pan-African Forum on Migration held in Gaborone, the Botswana capital. The forum brings together African Union member states, the continent’s regional economic communities, UN agencies and intergovernmental organisations to deliberate on migration and human mobility issues in Africa.

The conference noted that most African countries had failed to ratify the African Union’s Free Movement of Persons protocol . At the same time, there was evidence of improvements in policies and practices at national, bilateral and multilateral levels that facilitate the freer movement of Africans.

Apart from recent announcements by Rwanda and Kenya, other instances would be a growing number of reciprocal arrangements between countries.

Regional migration a norm

The history of African statehood, with strong social ties across national boundaries, makes regional mobility a norm rather than an exception. This can be seen from the migration routes, mostly found within the same regions and which proceed in both directions.

For example, Burkina Faso to Côte d’Ivoire is the largest migrant route in the continent and within the Economic Community of West Africa ( Ecowas ) – the economic bloc of 15 west African states. Côte d’Ivoire to Burkina Faso is equally popular. This trend is ubiquitous throughout the continent, except within the Southern African Development Community region, where most migrant routes tend to lead to South Africa.

Among the major regional economic communities, Ecowas has the most intense regional migration. It is followed by the Southern African Development Community and the East African Community. By contrast, Ecowas has the least inter-regional migration while the East African Community has the most.

Variations in development across Africa mean that some countries experience contrasting patterns, particularly in extra-continental migration. While most African migrants migrate to and from other parts of the continent, in middle income countries such as South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria extra-continental emigration is greater.

Immigration and emigration are generally low in low income countries and higher in middle income countries. In rich countries, people tend not to emigrate. The relatively low level of migration in Africa follows this pattern.

Only 14% of total world emigrants come from Africa. The average migrant density, or percentage of migrants living on the continent, is 1.89% compared to a global average of 3.6% where Europe and North America are at 12% and 16% respectively. African migration is thus not only comparatively low compared with the global averages, but characteristically depicts low income.

High income countries tend to have more immigrants than emigrants. The converse is true for low income regions. Africa as a whole has more emigrants than immigrants, confirming the link between migration and development.

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.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo{-webkit-transition:all 0.15s ease-out;transition:all 0.15s ease-out;cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:none;color:inherit;}.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo:hover,.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo:focus,.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo[data-focus]{box-shadow:0 0 0 3px rgba(168,203,251,0.5);} ethiopia will soon introduce visa-free travel for all africans, africans need the freedom to travel in their own continent. here’s why, why is travelling in africa so difficult for africans, legal restrictions matter little.

Much migration in Africa is impervious to legal constrictions or definitions of national boundaries, and even to logistical constraints. Government dictates succeed in making much of this migration irregular but fail to stop it. Though regional integration and liberalisation of migration rules are helpful, they do not yet solve this challenge.

The main migrant sending country to Kenya is Somalia, despite not being in the same regional economic community. And despite efforts by the government of Kenya to deter Somali migrants to Kenya. The main destination country for Nigerian emigrants in Africa is Cameroon, even though it does not belong to Ecowas.

While African migration governance reforms are making considerable progress it will still be a while till they catch up and are able to deal fairly and rationally with the reality of migration patterns in Africa.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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Source: Komsak Charoenchai / Getty

It’s time to get out and see the world! The time to travel is now and discovering countries in Africa is a great place to start!

Learn More About The 54 Countries of Africa Here

If you’ve traveled anywhere outside of the U.S. then you know while planning your trip, being up to date on the latest travel requirements is priority. Each country has their own requirements in place for non-citizens to enter. Some of those requirements for African countries include; vaccination records, yellow fever shot, health declaration form …. and a Visa.

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What Is A Visa?

A visa is a travel document that allows you to enter a foreign country for a specific period of time. There are many different types of visas but the most commonly referred to are tourist and business visas.

How Much Does A Visa Cost?

Visa prices can range from $50-$200 depending on the length of time you choose (short term or longer term) and the country your visiting.

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Visa can take time to process and have to be mailed in so please make sure you allow enough time before your trip to get everything needed back. With the American passport being one of the most “powerful” in the world, thankfully there are 13 African countries you won’t have to spend the money or time on for the visa process.

Below you’ll see African countries that in addition to a valid passport and yellow fever shot; do not require visas in-order for American Citizens to visit for a range of 15-90 days.


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1. Botswana

Stickers of Botswana map with flag pattern in frame.

U.S. citizens are permitted stays up to 90 days total within a 12-month period without a visa.

Click Here To Learn More About Botswana

2. Eswatini

Stickers of Eswatini map with flag pattern in frame.

Tourist or business U.S. citizens travellers are allowed to visit Eswatini for up to 30 days visa-free.

Click Here To Learn More About Eswatini

Stickers of Lesotho map with flag pattern in frame.

Visas are not required for U.S. citizens visiting Lesotho for 30 days or fewer.

Click Here To Learn More About Lesotho

4. Mauritius

Stickers of Mauritius map with flag pattern in frame.

U.S. Citizens do not require a Tourist Visa to enter Mauritius for trips less than 90 days.

Click Here To Learn More About Mauritius.

Stickers of Morocco map with flag pattern in frame.

US citizens are exempt from Morocco visas and can visit the country with just their passport and a return flight ticket for up to 90 days.

Click Here To Learn More About Morocco

Stickers of Namibia map with flag pattern in frame.

A visa is not required for U.S. passport holders who plan to visit Namibia for tourism or informal business meetings for fewer than 90 days.

Click Here To Learn More About Namibia

7. São Tomé and Príncipe

Sao Tome and Principe flag map with clipping path 3d illustration

Holders of a valid U.S. passport do not require a visa when visiting São Tomé and Príncipe for a period of up to 15 days.

Click Here To Learn More About São Tomé and Príncipe

Stickers of Senegal map with flag pattern in frame.

For U.S. passport holders,   a visa is not required for stays of less than 90 days

Click Here To Learn More About Senegal

9. South Africa

Stickers of South Africa map with flag pattern in frame.

U.S. citizens visiting South Africa for 90 days or less for tourism/business purposes do not need visas.

Click Here To Learn More About South Africa

10. Tunisia

Stickers of Tunisia map with flag pattern in frame.

For U.S. passport holders,   a visa is not necessary for stays up to 90 days .

Click Here To Learn More About Tunisia


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List of African Countries with Visa-Free Policy

  • Business , Current Affairs , Tech , Trade
  • December 19, 2023 December 19, 2023
  • by Oscar Nalyanya

african countries to travel to without visa

In recent years, Some African countries have joined a list of countries around the world in experiencing a resounding wave of visa-free entry policies within their territories.

This wave has indeed opened the African continent to a more earnest conversation on the power of connectivity and integration.

At the same time, nations across Africa are increasingly realizing the critical importance of dismantling barriers. The barriers that have long hindered Africa continental free trade area.

The move to waive stringent visa policies is touted to improve troublesome trade tariffs. Likewise, it will aide in improving the continents economic growth in regards to Tourism.

The move towards visa-free entry among African states fosters a sense of unity. At the same time, it holds significant promise for economic growth. Likewise, it also fosters cultural exchange, and enhance regional cooperation.

Lately, some African countries have decided to take the bold step of waiving their visa restrictions. However, there are countries that are leading the way in this initiative.

Currently, there are 48 African countries that grant visa-free travel to the citizens of at least one other African nation. However, only 5 of 54 African countries now boast of complete visa-free entry.

List of 5 African Countries Every African Can Visit Without a Visa

1. Seychelles

Seychelles is the only nation where visa-free travel is open to all Africans. At the same time, the policy applies to citizens of every nation.

The move in 2018 made it the first African country to have visa-free travel. However, they recently rescinded Nigeria’s visa privileges.

All foreign nationals visiting Seychelles are granted visa free access. However, they are required to obtain a visitor’s permit on arrival unless exempt.

The visitor’s permit is issued free of charge and is initially valid for up to three months. However, it can be extended for a fee for a period of up to three months. Likewise, their is further extensions but not exceeding total period of twelve months.

At the same time, visitors must be in a possession of a valid passport, return or onward ticket. On the other hand, they can show proof of accommodation and sufficient funds.

In 2019, Gambia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed all diplomatic missions and international organizations in Banjul that The Gambia is now a “visa-free zone.

The Gambia government informed all Commonwealth nations, EU nations, Africa, the Baltic States, and Belgians on the new visa policy.

However, travelers entering and exiting The Gambia need to pay $20 (or 20 euros, or 10000 dalasi) security fee upon arrival.

Likewise, they will pay the same during departure at the airport, payable in cash (USD or dalasi) only at kiosks.

In 2019, Patrice Talon, President of Benin, declared that his administration will eliminate visa restrictions. The elimination of visa restrictions would allow Africans to enter the West African country.

Notably, despite Benin allowing other citizens to enter the Country freely. It provides an e visa, which  is available as a single entry document for 30 days. At the same time, as a multiple-entry document for 30 days and 90 days, respectively.

Likewise, once you arrive in Benin, the immigration officials activate your visa. At the same time, the validity begins to count. There are no group e visas for tourists. So each individual must apply for a separate e visa for their visit.

However, holders can enter Benin by land, air, or sea. They are also free to travel to any passport-free zone in the country.

Also Read: Rwanda Waives Visa Requirements for All AU Countries

Recently, In November, during the 23 rd World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC) global summit in Kigali. Rwanda joined a list of African countries to announce a visa-free travel policy for all AU citizens entering the country.

President Paul Kagame used the stage to announce a visa free travel policy for all Africans

Kagame,  while announcing emphasized the paramount importance of Africa standing united as a singular tourism destination.

“Any African can get on a plane to Rwanda whenever they wish, and they will not pay a thing to enter our country,” Kagame stated.

According to President Kagame, Africans are the future of global tourism. The move to waive visa will help the industry to grow in the decades to come

Also Read : Kenya Marks 60 Years of Independence, Announces Visa-Free Policy

Kenya’s President William Ruto on Tuesday, December 12 announced that visitors to Kenya from across the world will no longer require a visa to enter the country from January, 2024.

The president was speaking at a time when Kenya marked celebrations  marked 60 years since independence from Britain.

During the event, President William Ruto said, Kenya  has developed a digital platform. The platform would ensure all visitors receive electronic travel authorization in advance, instead of needing to apply for a visa.

Ruto had earlier in the year announced Kenya’s plan to join a list of African countries to lift visa restriction for all Africans before the end of 2023

At a conference in the Republic of Congo in October, he said people from African countries would not require a visa to visit Kenya by the end of 2023.

The Kenyan President has been vocal about the need to remove visa barriers as part of implementing a global free trade area.

“Kenya has a simple message to humanity: Welcome Home!” he stated.

Kenya now joins a list of African countries with a visa-free policy. However, Kenya extended to all citizen’s of the world.

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African Countries You Can Travel To Without Visa

african countries to travel to without visa

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As a travel enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the diverse cultures and breathtaking landscapes of Africa. From the vast deserts of Morocco to the lush forests of Rwanda, this continent is home to some of the most beautiful destinations in the world.

However, obtaining visas for certain African countries can be a daunting task that requires time-consuming paperwork and hefty fees. But fear not! There are several African countries that you can visit without having to go through the visa application process.

These countries offer an easy way to explore the wonders of Africa without any hassle or stress. In this article, I will introduce you to some of these visa-free destinations and help you plan your next adventure with ease.

So pack your bags and let’s embark on a journey through some of Africa’s most captivating nations!

Table of Contents

Hey, if you’re thinking about heading to Cape Verde, good news – no need for any pesky visa applications!

This beautiful archipelago off the coast of West Africa is a great destination for those looking to escape the crowds and enjoy some sun, sand, and sea.

One of my favorite things about Cape Verde is exploring its beaches – with crystal-clear waters and soft sandy shores, it’s hard not to fall in love with the place.

But don’t just stick to the coastline – hiking in Cape Verde’s mountains is also a must-do activity. The island offers some amazing trails that will take you through scenic landscapes and stunning vistas.

Whether you’re an experienced hiker or just looking for a leisurely stroll, there’s something for everyone here. So pack your bags and get ready to experience all that Cape Verde has to offer!

Speaking of which, did you know that Seychelles is another African country that doesn’t require a visa?

Wow, you’re in for a treat with Seychelles – it’s an absolute paradise where entry is as easy as a breeze!

As soon as I landed on Mahé Island, the scenery took my breath away. The turquoise waters and white sandy beaches were exactly what I needed to unwind. With over 115 islands to explore, you’ll never run out of options.

I spent most of my time exploring Seychelles’ beaches and wildlife. From Anse Intendance Beach to Baie Lazare Beach, each one had its own unique charm. If you’re lucky enough, you might spot some giant tortoises roaming around the island too!

Besides that, I also indulged in culinary delights at local markets. Fresh seafood and exotic fruits were aplenty – it was like a foodie’s dream come true!

But alas, my time in Seychelles came to an end all too soon. Next up on my list was Mauritius…

Get ready to be blown away by the stunning beauty of Mauritius – from its crystal clear waters and pristine beaches to its vibrant culture and delicious cuisine, you won’t want to leave this beach paradise.

The island nation boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world with soft sand and turquoise waters that will take your breath away. But it’s not just about lounging on the beach all day; there’s an abundance of activities like snorkeling, swimming with dolphins, hiking, and exploring local markets.

When it comes to food, Mauritian cuisine is a mix of Indian, African, French, and Chinese influences resulting in a unique blend of flavors. Some must-try dishes include ‘dholl puri’ (a type of flatbread stuffed with yellow split peas), ‘gateaux piment’ (deep-fried lentil balls), and ‘rougaille’ (a tomato-based sauce served with fish or meat). Don’t forget to wash it down with some refreshing coconut water or locally brewed beer.

Next up is Morocco where ancient history meets modern-day charm.

I’m excited to talk about Morocco, a country that I’ve always wanted to visit.

Immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of this beautiful North African nation by exploring its vibrant markets and souks. You’ll find everything from spices and textiles to intricate pottery.

Make sure you also take time to visit the stunning architecture and landmarks that make Morocco such a fascinating destination for travelers.

Immerse Yourself in the Rich Culture and History

Step into a world of vibrant traditions and captivating stories as you explore the rich culture and history of Morocco. This North African country is a melting pot of influences from Berber, Arab, and European cultures.

If you’re a foodie, then Morocco will satisfy your taste buds with its delicious local cuisine that’s infused with spices like cumin, paprika, and saffron. You can also attend traditional festivals like Eid al-Fitr or Marrakech Folklore Festival to experience the authentic Moroccan way of life.

Aside from its cuisine and festivals, Morocco is steeped in history that dates back centuries ago. From the ancient Roman ruins in Volubilis to the medieval medina in Fez, there’s always something fascinating to discover. Don’t forget to visit iconic landmarks like Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca or Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech for an awe-inspiring experience.

Now let’s move on to exploring the vibrant markets and souks where you’ll find everything from spices to handmade crafts- all waiting for you to take home!

Explore the Vibrant Markets and Souks

You’ll love exploring the vibrant markets and souks of Morocco, where you can find unique handmade crafts and spices to bring home as souvenirs. The busy streets are filled with colorful stalls selling everything from leather goods to traditional Moroccan lamps.

As you wander through the maze-like alleys, be sure to explore local cuisine by trying street food like harira soup or freshly squeezed orange juice. One thing to keep in mind when shopping in Moroccan markets is that bargaining is a common practice. Don’t be afraid to negotiate prices with vendors, but remember to do so respectfully. Start by offering half of the initial price and work your way up from there.

Once you’re done shopping, head off to visit the stunning architecture and landmarks that Morocco has to offer.

Visit the Stunning Architecture and Landmarks

As I step into the world of Moroccan architecture, I’m transported back in time. The intricate details and stunning designs of historic landmarks take my breath away.

From the grandeur of Bahia Palace to the intricate tile work of Saadian Tombs, Morocco’s architecture is a feast for the eyes. But it’s not just about the big names – there are hidden gems to discover off the beaten path. Dar Si Said Museum and its beautiful courtyard filled with traditional Moroccan art is one of them.

And let’s not forget about the amazing food that awaits you in Morocco! From tagines to couscous, there is something for everyone. Along with delicious food comes local traditions and customs that make your trip even more special. Whether it’s haggling at a market or learning how to make mint tea, immersing yourself in Moroccan culture will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

As we move on to Rwanda, let me tell you about another African country where adventure awaits at every turn…

Explore Rwanda’s breathtaking landscapes and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture without worrying about the hassle of obtaining a visa.

Rwanda’s tourism industry has been booming in recent years, thanks to its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. One of the most popular activities for tourists is Gorilla trekking, which takes visitors through dense forests to see these magnificent creatures up close.

Aside from Gorilla trekking, there are many other attractions that make Rwanda an ideal destination for travelers. The country is home to several national parks, including Akagera National Park and Nyungwe Forest National Park, where you can go on safari or take nature hikes.

Additionally, you can explore Kigali, Rwanda’s capital city, which has a thriving arts scene and plenty of restaurants serving delicious local cuisine.

As I move on to Tanzania in my exploration of African countries that don’t require visas for travel, I’m excited to discover what this beautiful country has in store for me.

I’ve always been fascinated by Tanzania, a country that boasts an incredible diversity of landscapes and wildlife.

One of the highlights of any trip to Tanzania is undoubtedly Serengeti National Park. Here, you can witness some of the most amazing animals on earth in their natural habitat.

Another must-do experience is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, one of the world’s highest peaks. It offers breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment like no other.

And if you’re looking for a more laid-back way to enjoy Tanzania’s natural beauty, its white sand beaches are second to none.

Witness the Amazing Wildlife at Serengeti National Park

Experience the thrill of observing breathtaking wildlife in Serengeti National Park, immersing yourself in the beauty and majesty of nature.

Here are some amazing activities that you can do during your visit to Serengeti National Park:

  • Experience the great migration: Witness millions of wildebeests, zebras and gazelles migrate across the plains of Serengeti, crossing crocodile-infested rivers.
  • Witness predators in action at Serengeti National Park: Watch lions hunt their prey or cheetahs racing after gazelles. You might also see hyenas scavenging on carcasses left behind by bigger predators.
  • Explore the Maasai culture: Visit local Maasai villages and learn about their traditional way of life. You can participate in cultural dances or try your hand at throwing a spear.
  • Enjoy a thrilling hot air balloon ride over the park as you watch herds down below. Go bird watching for over 500 species found within the park or camp under the stars surrounded by wilderness.

After experiencing all that Serengeti has to offer, it’s time to move on to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro – one of Africa’s greatest natural wonders!

Climb the Majestic Mount Kilimanjaro

Get ready to conquer the epic Mount Kilimanjaro and witness breathtaking views that will leave you feeling like a true adventurer, but be sure to bring enough snacks for the climb! The exhilarating trek up the highest peak in Africa is one of the most popular activities for tourists visiting Tanzania. As you hike through lush rainforests and rocky terrain, you’ll encounter stunning scenery and wildlife unique to this region.

To give you an idea of what to expect on your climb, here’s a table highlighting some key information about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro:

But it’s not just about reaching the summit. Along the way, you’ll have opportunities to connect with local Maasai communities and learn about their culture and traditions. So pack your bags, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure! And after all that physical exertion, it’s time to relax on the white sand beaches – but more on that later.

Relax on the White Sand Beaches

After reaching the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, I was ready for some relaxation. Lucky for me, many African countries offer a chance to unwind on their beautiful beaches without needing a visa.

The fine white sand and crystal clear waters of these beaches are simply breathtaking. I wasted no time in heading straight to the nearest beach where I spent hours lounging under the sun, sipping on refreshing drinks, and reading my favorite books.

But if you’re more adventurous than I am, there are plenty of beach activities available such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and jet skiing. Here are some water sports that you can try out:

  • Windsurfing
  • Parasailing

As much as I enjoyed my time at the beach, it was time to move on to my next adventure in Tunisia.

If you’re looking for a hassle-free getaway, Tunisia is the perfect destination – no visa required!

This North African country is known for its ancient ruins, historic medinas, and beautiful beaches.

One of the top attractions in Tunisia is the Bardo Museum, which houses one of the largest collections of Roman mosaics in the world.

But there’s more to Tunisia than just history. If you’re a beach lover, head to Hammamet or Monastir for their white sandy shores and crystal-clear waters.

The best time to visit Tunisia is during spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November), when temperatures are mild and crowds are fewer.

Whether you want to explore ancient ruins or just relax on the beach, Tunisia has something for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of year to visit each of these african countries.

When it comes to planning a trip to Africa, timing is everything. Each country has its own unique climate and peak travel season, so it’s important to do your research before booking your flights.

Some of my favorite budget-friendly accommodations in the region include quaint guesthouses and cozy hostels that offer a more authentic experience than traditional hotels.

And while there are many delicious dishes to try across Africa, some of my top recommendations include South African bobotie, Moroccan tagine, and Ghanaian jollof rice.

Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, there’s something for everyone in this diverse continent – just be sure to pack accordingly!

Are there any specific cultural customs or etiquette that visitors should be aware of when traveling to these countries?

When traveling to a new country, it’s important to be aware of the local customs and etiquette.

I remember when I traveled to Japan, I was surprised to learn that it’s considered impolite to leave chopsticks sticking upright in a bowl of rice. Instead, you should place them horizontally across the bowl. It may seem like a small detail, but it’s important to show respect for the local culture.

When visiting African countries, it’s important to do your research beforehand and be mindful of cultural sensitivity. For example, some cultures may consider it disrespectful for women to wear revealing clothing or for men and women to engage in public displays of affection.

Additionally, dining etiquette can vary widely from country to country, so be sure to familiarize yourself with local cuisine and dining customs before your trip.

What are some of the must-see attractions or landmarks in each of these African countries?

When it comes to exploring new destinations, I always make sure to research the must-see attractions and landmarks before booking my trip.

One thing that’s important to me is finding top-rated accommodations that offer comfortable and convenient amenities.

Along with that, trying out local cuisine is a must-do for me when traveling.

In terms of transportation options, I prefer having multiple choices so I can decide what works best for my schedule and budget.

And finally, outdoor activities are a great way to experience the culture and natural beauty of a destination. Whether it’s hiking through a national park or going on a safari tour, there’s always something exciting to do outside.

What is the local currency and is it easy to exchange money in these countries?

As a seasoned traveler, I’ve learned that understanding the local currency exchange is crucial for any trip.

In many African countries, it’s easy to find ATMs and exchange money at local banks or currency exchanges. However, it’s important to research beforehand as some countries may have limited options.

Make sure to check if your bank charges international transaction fees and compare rates before exchanging money. It’s also helpful to carry small bills and coins for street vendors or taxis.

Overall, with a bit of preparation, navigating the local currency exchange in African countries can be hassle-free.

Are there any safety concerns that travelers should be aware of when visiting these African countries?

When traveling to any destination, safety precautions should always be a top priority. This includes researching the area’s potential safety risks and taking necessary measures to ensure personal security while on the trip.

It’s also important to familiarize yourself with emergency resources available in case of unexpected situations. When visiting African countries, it’s wise to be mindful of pickpocketing and theft in crowded areas, as well as remaining aware of political unrest or civil conflicts that may arise.

However, with proper planning and awareness, travelers can enjoy the unique experiences these countries have to offer while staying safe and secure.

Well, I must say, it’s been quite an eye-opening experience researching and discovering African countries that don’t require visas for travel.

From the beautiful beaches of Seychelles to the vibrant culture of Tanzania, there is so much to explore without the hassle of visa applications.

It’s like stumbling upon a hidden treasure chest filled with exotic destinations waiting to be explored.

It’s refreshing to know that these countries are open and welcoming, making it easier for travelers like me who seek adventure without any bureaucratic red-tape.

So if you’re looking to escape the mundane routine and venture into new territories, look no further than these visa-free African nations.


Meet Michael Graham, the main author of SeekTraveler.com. With a wanderlust that knows no bounds, Michael has traversed more than 30 countries across the globe. From sun-soaked Caribbean islands to the ancient marvels of Europe and the captivating charm of Japan, he has witnessed the wonders of diverse cultures firsthand. Michael’s in-depth knowledge and contagious enthusiasm for travel will inspire you to pack your bags and embark on your own extraordinary journey.

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Nigerian Passport

The Nigerian passport is the official travel document for Nigerian citizens. As of [current date], Nigeria has a population of approximately 206 million people.

Nigerian passport holders can access 23 countries without a visa, apply for an e-visa in 20 countries, and obtain a visa on arrival in 12 countries. However, a visa is required for entry into 138 countries.

It's important to note that visa requirements are subject to change and can vary based on factors such as the purpose and duration of travel. Always check with the embassy or consulate of the destination country for the most up-to-date information.

Visa-free map

Nearby countries.

The nearest visa free countries to visit for Nigerian passport holders are Niger, Cameroon, Benin, Togo, Guinea and Ghana .

Visa free countries

So, where can Nigerians travel without a visa? We have listed all the countries where Nigeria citizens can travel visa-free, eliminating the hassle of visa paperwork.

  • 🇧🇧 Barbados (6 months)
  • 🇩🇲 Dominica (6 months)
  • 🇭🇹 Haiti (3 months)
  • 🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis (3 months)
  • 🇧🇯 Benin (90 days)
  • 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso (N/A)
  • 🇨🇲 Cameroon (90 days)
  • 🇨🇻 Cape Verde (N/A)
  • 🇹🇩 Chad (3 months)
  • 🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire (N/A)
  • 🇬🇲 Gambia (N/A)
  • 🇬🇭 Ghana (N/A)
  • 🇬🇶 Guinea (N/A)
  • 🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau (N/A)
  • 🇱🇷 Liberia (N/A)
  • 🇲🇱 Mali (N/A)
  • 🇳🇬 Niger (N/A)
  • 🇸🇳 Senegal (90 days)
  • 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone (N/A)
  • 🇹🇬 Togo (N/A)
  • 🇫🇯 Fiji (4 months)
  • 🇫🇲 Micronesia (30 days)
  • 🇻🇺 Vanuatu (30 days)

This data has been sourced from Wikipedia and was last updated on 6/1/2024.

  • Cameroon visa free countries
  • Benin visa free countries
  • Niger visa free countries

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Here are the countries Africans can visit without a visa

african countries to travel to without visa

Travelling within Africa is becoming more flexible as more African states are opening up their borders to foreigners looking to visit. With just a valid passport, you can gain entry into these African countries without having to stress yourself over a visa. Note that you may, however, be required to apply for a visa if you’re not an African citizen.



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Visa Free Countries for the Nigerian Passport Holder

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One of the things I look out for while choosing a destination to visit is how easy or difficult it is to obtain a visa. Since there are only a handful of visa free countries for Nigerian Citizens, this factor plays a huge role in deciding which places I get to visit.

This plight isn’t mine alone. Many Nigerian travel enthusiasts, especially first-time travellers are faced with the classic chicken-or-the-egg scenario when it comes to applying for visas. We need visas to travel but several countries wouldn’t grant us one unless we have received a valid visa for a different country. This is where visa free destinations come in to help to bridge that gap by creating opportunities to build a travel history.

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As of July 2023, there are a total of 24 visa free countries for Nigerian citizens. This is not a lot, but it is a fair number, to begin with. Apart from these countries, other countries offer a visa on arrival or e-visa program to Nigerian passport holders. This brings up the total number of visa free, visa on arrival and eVisa destinations to 51 countries.

african countries to travel to without visa

In this article, I will highlight these countries, including their respective consulate or embassy details because it is important to crosscheck the visa status of every country before you travel. Sometimes, these statuses may change and you do not want to be stranded if they do.

In addition to this post about eVisa and visa free countries for Nigerian Citizens, I will also highlight, in the next post, countries that have fairly easy visa application processes as well as the countries we can visit, having a visa from the UK , USA , Canada , any Schengen and OECD member countries.

What's Covered in this Post

The Summary: eVisa, Visa on Arrival and Visa Free Countries for Nigerian Citizens by Continent

african countries to travel to without visa

eVisa, Visa on Arrival and Visa Free Countries for Nigerian Citizens in Africa

  • Burkina Faso
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Ethiopia* See Update below
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Mozambique *
  • São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Sierra Leone

India visa application Nigeria

eVisa, Visa on Arrival and Visa Free Countries for Nigerian Citizens in Asia and the Middle East

  • Timor-Leste
  • Special Mention – Saudi Arabia – Transit Visa Up to 96 Hours (with conditions)

african countries to travel to without visa

eVisa, Visa on Arrival and Visa Free Countries for Nigerian Citizens in North and South America

  •  Antigua and Barbuda
  •  Dominica
  •  Haiti
  •  Saint Kitts and Nevis
  •  Suriname

eVisa and Visa Free Countries for Nigerian Citizens in Oceania

More on visa free countries for nigerian passport holders.

I love accra

Nigerian citizens and holders of the Nigerian Passport can visit a total of 23 countries without needing to arrange for a visa beforehand or pay for one. All 14 ECOWAS countries (excluding Nigeria ) fall under this list. Even though there are no visa requirements to visit these countries, I would advise that you travel with your return flight tickets (if you are travelling by air), a valid passport with 6 months validity and 2 free pages for stamps, and proof of funds and accommodation.

Also, in West African Countries, if you travel by land, Immigration officials often force travellers to pay certain amounts of money. Obviously, this is illegal but it is a practice they often get away with. The airports are the only ports of entry that respect the visa free policy to a certain degree. Keeping that in mind, here is a complete list of visa free countries for Nigerian Citizens and passport holders.

Visa on Arrival Countries for Nigerian Passport Holders

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A visa on arrival enables you to obtain a visa at the port of entry of the country offering it. This means that you do not need to make any prior arrangements for visas. You simply pay for one at the border. Some countries that offer a visa on arrival program also offer an evisa program. And as I hear more stories and become more paranoid about countries refusing Nigerians entry, I think it is better to use the evisa option if you can.

For example, in 2018, Tanzania changed its visa on arrival policy almost overnight. This country used to offer a visa on arrival to Nigerian travellers for $50 and I was able to use this option to visit a year prior. But overnight, they revoked this option. This change was so sudden that even airlines were unaware of it. Hence, they conveyed several Nigerian passengers to Tanzania, only for them to be deported as they didn’t have a visa beforehand.

So, I will advise that if you can arrange for a visa before you travel – if the process isn’t stressful as most evisa applications aren’t, just go for it. Here is a complete list of countries that offer a visa on arrival to Nigerian passport holders and the associated costs of the visa.

PS : Read Travel Blogger, Dee of Well Worn Heels , talk about her experiences with applying for various eVisas in the comment section of this post .

As of January 2021, Kenya no longer offers a Visa on Arrival. You must obtain an evisa before your visit.

I visited Rwanda in August 2022 and did not have to pay for a visa.

Update March 2023: The Ethiopian evisa website states that visa on arrival services is available for tourists from All African Union member states. Visitors can also submit their applications online and pay the visa fee at the airport. As a Nigerian Citizen, I would advise that you obtain your visa before travelling to Ethiopia.

As of April 2023, travellers from Nigeria must obtain an evisa before travelling to Uganda.

As of July 2023, there is an existing travel ban on Nigerian tourists to Seychelles.

It is also important to keep in mind that these visas are conditional and you would often need to present your return flight tickets, valid passport with 6 months validity and 2 free pages for stamps, proof of funds and accommodation.

This also applies to the countries listed below;

eVisa Countries for Nigerian Passport Holders

Zebras at Tarangire National Park

Note : Some of these countries have visa processing fees and visa fees may change as exchange rates do. It is important to keep this in mind as you make your plans.

I will update this article as often as I can but please be aware that visa policies may change at any time . Before you pack your bags, be sure to get an update on your visa status from the airlines and Immigration Offices of the countries you intend to visit.

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african countries to travel to without visa

I would like to hear about your experience of travelling with a Nigerian Passport , particularly to countries offering a Visa on Arrival. Has it all been smooth sailing or did you encounter any issues?

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Countries Nigerian Passport Holders Can Visit with a US Visa

I love to hear from you, leave a comment here cancel reply, 183 comments.

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this is really helpful.

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Hello Amara,

Is Colombia no longer issuing E-visa for Nigerians? As I urgently need to visit Colombia for an important event. Thanks

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Hello Micheal, I found this website and it seems that they still are. If you do apply, please let us know how it goes!

Hello Amarachi, Thanks for your response: I decided to postpone as the cost of flight right now is on a whole new level. So when the cost of flight hits the slope which should be around February, March I’ll sure inform y’all.

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Hi Ms. Amarachi You are doing a wonderful Job here, be blessed the more Car i travel to Dominica Republic or Lithuania from UAE as a Nigerian Citizen Please let me know if i need to apply for Evisa or Visa on arrival Thanks

Hi Jude, you need to apply for a visa beforehand to visit both countries as a Nigerian passport holder. If you have a valid US, Canada, UK or Schengen visa, you can visit DR without a visa. A Schengen visa is needed for Lithuania.

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Hi Amara, Pls kindly give me an info on Mauritius on arrival tourist visa. On my passport I have 3 resident visa 2, and 5 years in UAE govt visa expired in 2022, what can I do to get to Mauritius. Thanks

Hello Kazeem, at this time, you only need your passport (>6months validity), return ticket, eligibility to enter country of origin or residence, hotel accommodation and proof of sufficient funds. I have edited the post to include a working link to the Mauritius Immigration website. Be sure to check the site for updated travel requirements before your trip.

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Hi amara, I am planning on visiting one of the northern America counties but have this worries of how to get a transit visa as all the counties seems not to have direct flight from Nigeria

You’re correct. Most do not have direct flights to Nigeria. It seems like the easiest transit visas to get are the ones from Europe/European airlines. You can also check if any of the MEA airlines have flights to these countries, without stopping in the US or EU first.

african countries to travel to without visa

After School Africa

40 Countries You Can Travel to Without a Visa

Sarah Aboje

September 29, 2023

Traveling out of the country requires a lot of processes and adequate planning. Obtaining a visa application with a Nigerian passport which ranks 83rd in freedom to travel across the world, is always hectic, difficult and takes a long process, it is then relieving to know that with your Nigerian passport, there are some countries you can visit without the hassle of getting a visa.

With just a valid international passport, you can gain entry into these African countries and some Asian, American, and Oceanian countries without having to stress yourself over getting a visa. Some may, however, be required to apply for a visa at their point of entry. Although the visa requirements for Nigerian citizens of these countries vary, some countries listed below would grant you a visa upon arrival for a visa fee and some of them allow you to stay for a specific period before the requirement for a visa. In whichever way, it would be required that you possess a valid Nigerian international passport to have access to any of these countries.

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Requirements for Visiting a Visa-Free Country

Although there are about 45 countries that you can visit with a Nigerian passport without a visa. You would need to put some things in order which may be required if you are at the point of entry into the country you intend to visit. Before leaving the country, some of what you will need include:

  • Your International Passport
  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • Accommodation fee
  • Return ticket

It is worthy of note that, there are some countries that you can travel to without applying for a visa. But a visa fee would be required of you before you can gain access to the country. Traveling to a visa-free country takes out the extra travel cost attached to getting a visa while still enjoying the travel experience. Also, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from your date of arrival.

40 Countries You Can Travel To Without Visa

  • Morocco : is a visa-free country for Nigerian passport holders. The country has a good culture and weather. It is a good destination for honeymoon lovers and tourists.
  • Cape Verde : This is an island country that is located on the West African coast. It is a good tourist destination and has great weather and beautiful spots. It is a visa-free country but the visa is issued at the point of entry to the country. For Nigerian passport holders, you are to present a return ticket. This is to prove you are not staying more than the allotted time given to you. 
  • Benin Republic : is a country located in West Africa and it is a visa-free country for Nigerians. According to the Economic Community of West African States, (ECOWAS) Nigerians can stay for up to 3 months.
  • Burundi : located in East Africa, the country allows visa-free entry for 30 days.
  • Chad : is also a visa-free country that allows visitors for 3 months before a visa is been required. The country is located in Central Africa. 
  • Cameroon : located in West Africa, the country is visa-free to Nigerians for 90 days. Cameroon is also a member of the ECOWAS community which allows free movement among its member countries.
  • Cote d’Ivoire : formerly known as Ivory Coast, is a country in West Africa that allows a visa-free entry and stay for Nigerians. 
  • Barbados : offers Nigerian Passport holders six months Visa free entry into the country. However, the visitors are required to have sufficient funds to cover their stay as well as a return ticket.
  • Dominica : the Commonwealth organization has united Nigeria and Dominica to a common ground. This Caribbean country offers Nigerians. Nigerians have a Free Entry Visa for 21 days. It is one of the non-African countries, you can gain access without a visa. However, you must show your return ticket.
  • Fiji Island : a country in the Oceania region that allows visa-free entry for 4 months for Nigerian passport holders. However, there may be a need for a visitor’s permit.
  • Gambia : Nigerian passport holders are allowed 90 days free Visa entry into the Gambia but you will be expected to produce a return ticket.
  • Ghana : Western Africa has the privilege of free movement with Nigeria and as such, no Visa is required to enter the country.
  • Guinea Conakry : is a West African Francophone Country and a member of the ECOWAS community. It allows Visa-free entry for Nigerians.
  • Guinea Bissau : this is a Portuguese colony and also a member of the ECOWAS community and that gives Nigerians the right of free Visa entry for 90 days.
  • Liberia : is also a visa-free country that allows Nigerians in without a visa but a return ticket must be presented to indicate the duration of your stay in the country. 
  • Maldives : Nigeria and Maldives are both Commonwealth members and as such have a visa-free entry advantage for 30 days.
  • Mali : is another visa-free country for Nigerian Passport holders. All you need is to show a return ticket which would stipulate the period you would be staying for.
  • Republic of Niger : The West African neighbors have free movement in common. Nigerians don’t need visas to enter into the Republic of Niger as the country shares close boundaries with Nigeria.
  • Senegal : a member of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS and so this allows for free entry within its member states. Therefore, Senegal is another free visa entry country for Nigerians for 90 days.
  • Sierra Leone : Sierra Leone is another West African Country that practices what is obtainable among the ECOWAS states which are Freedom of movement and entry. This also makes Sierra Leone a free-entry country.
  • Togo : Nigerians don’t need a Visa to visit Togo since it’s a Western African State. Togo is another visa-free country in Africa for Nigerians
  • Vanuatu : Vanuatu, an Oceanian country offers Nigerian Passport holders free entry for 30 days without a visa. However, to gain entry into the country, you will need to provide a return ticket and proof of sufficient funds for yourself.
  • Bangladesh : located in the Asian continent, is another non-African country that allows visa-free entry for Nigerians. But a Visa is issued on arrival for 30 days.
  • Burkina Faso : is a West African country that allows visa-free entry for Nigerians for no stipulated time. 
  • Comoros : is a country located in East Africa which does not require a visa but issues a visa on arrival. Comoros Island is a developed island with white sandy beaches, giant fruit bats, volcanoes, and rainforests.
  • Cambodia : a country located in the Southeast Asian region. Although no Visa is needed to go there a Visa is issued on arrival for 30 days for Nigerians.
  • Kenya : the East African country is also a Visa-free country but Visa is issued at the point of entry into the country. It is a beautiful tourist destination with lots of wildlife.
  • Uganda : This East African nation with rich historical cuisine and sites allow Nigerians to travel to the country but they must obtain a visa at the point of entry.
  • Sudan : Nigerians can get visas at the entry point to visit the massive deserts and wildlife conservations in this hugely vast country.
  • Rwanda : the East African country is also a visa-free entry but Visa is obtained on arrival for Nigerian passport holders.
  • Djibouti : is located in East Africa, a visa-free country but a Visa is obtained at the point of entry. It is one of the best places to visit for tourist attractions.
  • Georgia : is the only European country that offers Nigerians visas on arrival. It is also categorized as a visa-free country because it is only issued on arrival into the country.
  • Mauritius : Mauritius offers Nigerians, a visa-free stay for 90 days in the country.
  • Somalia : Nigerians get a Visa on Arrival in Somalia for 30 days. Somalia is another visa-free country and you can stay in the country for up to 30 days without a visa.
  • Sri Lanka : Nigerian Passport holders traveling to Sri Lanka will need an “Electronic Travel Authorization” that will enable their stay in the country which allows a 30-day stay without a visa.
  • Tanzania : it is also a visa-free country and it allows Nigerians to get visas on arrival in the country.
  • Seychelles : an East African country is a visa-free country. However, Intending visitors to Seychelles are advised to apply for a 1-month extendable visa before arrival into the country.
  • Mozambique : The South and West African countries have a deal that enables Nigerians visiting Mozambique, a visa on arrival for 30 days stay.
  • Haiti : The Caribbean country allows free visa entry to Nigerians for 3 months in the country. It means you can stay up to 90 days in Haiti. You should be able to prove that you will be returning at the end of your trip by providing a return ticket.
  • Madagascar : is an African country that allows Nigerians to get visas on arrival in Madagascar for 90 days.

Top 5 Countries to Get Easy Living and Working Visa

With a Nigerian passport, you can visit about 45 countries without having a visa issued before arrival. Some of these are due to Commonwealth membership or the ECOWAS involvement. Some of these countries allow you to stay for about a period of 3 months before a visa is then required and some of the countries issue a visa upon arrival into their countries.

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African countries are relaxing visa rules for each other ahead of a historic free trade agreement

Passport control at Jomo Kenyatta international airport in Nairobi, Kenya

There’s long been a push for African countries to open up their borders to visitors and many countries have done so to drive tourism and encourage global trade.

Passport holders from the US, UK, Europe, and increasingly, China can often show up at the borders of many African countries and pay a reasonable fee without paperwork and minimal fuss to gain entry, in some countries like South Africa there is no fee at all.

But the problem has often been many African countries have not been as welcoming to other Africans.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has obsessed about this by creating the Visa Openness Index to put some data behind what most Africans know: it’s incredibly difficult to move around their own continent. Even after you get past the at times extortionate amounts, inconvenient travel routes and lack of options, then you have to contend with your African neighbors asking for burdensome visa documentation or fees to pay a visit.

The good thing about the Visa Openness Index is that by keeping track, more African leaders are forced to pay attention to an issue which is relatively low stakes in domestic politics but can give them some added credibility on the African stage. And in the four years it’s been going, there has been a trend towards, pardon the pun, openness.

This year 20 countries moved further up the index and since 2016 nearly all countries (93%) have improved or maintained their index scores, which is calculated by looking at whether an African visitor to another country needs to get a visa in their home country before traveling; has the option to get a visa on arrival; or can visit without a visa.

Seychelles, The Gambia, and Benin topped the index as countries that offer completely visa-free access to all African passport holders.

Now Africans do not need a visa to travel to 26% of the countries on the continent with most of that coming from sub-regional agreements such as in the East African Community and ECOWAS states in West Africa. Around 28% of Africans can get a visa on arrival. But nearly half of African passport holders still need to get visas before traveling.

This isn’t just about bragging rights on moving up an index, it’s also about the need for African governments to, at least, align with the spirit of what they’re expected to practice with the official implementation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement next year. In simple terms, under the agreement African countries will be able to trade goods and services without tariffs with each other.

As the AfDB says in its report: “Allowing freedom of movement will mean African investors and entrepreneurs, including young people, can access information, skills, and technology to capitalize on these opportunities.”

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12 Visa-Free African Countries For Canadian Passport Holders [& exemption details]

Visas are a big part of going to new countries, especially when the new country is not a nearby neighbour. It is always good when you find that your country's nationals are exempt from having to obtain a visa.

Besides saving you some time, it also saves you the time of going through the process of getting your visa - either via online portals or physical visits to the nearby embassy.

visa-free for canadians

In this article, we are looking at all the countries on the African continent where Canadians can travel without the need for a Visa.

In all these countries, all you need to do as a Canadian national is to present a valid passport that confirms that you are a citizen of Canada. Your passport should have a validity that is at least 6 months beyond the stay period of your visa.

Visa-Free African Countries For Canadians

Here is a table showing the African countries that don't require a visa from citizens of Canada - and for how long you can be able to stay.

While the above countries do not require a visa, you should know that the privilege isn't transferable. Unless another country you are visiting as part of your trip also has visa-free entry for Canadian citizens, you will need to pay for a visa and meet all the requirements involved.

no visa for canadians

Please make sure that you understand the duration of your 'visa-free' entry and plan your visit accordingly. In cases where you need a longer stay, you might have to pay for an extension. It is different in each country.

  • Lesotho allows free entry for up to 14 days, which is the shortest time on this list.
  • Tunisia allows the longest visa-free entry of all African countries, with 120 days (4 months).

Closing Thoughts

Finally, these exemptions are agreed upon by countries and could change at any time due to any number of reasons. Always endeavour to get the latest information from the related government sites. 

It is always a good idea to check government travel advice before travelling abroad. Simply visit  https://travel.gc.ca/  to see if there are any new things to consider.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do canadians need a visa for african countries.

While each of the 50 African countries has its visa policy, Canadian passport holders will need to obtain a visitor visa to go to most African countries. Unless you intend to visit the countries shown above in the main part of this article, every other country will require you to get a visa before entry.

Most countries have online portals where you can apply and pay for your visa from the comfort of your home or work, without needing to visit the embassy like before. While the process is not similar for all, the differences are not big and you can easily figure out what documents they want and what validity is necessary for your passport.

Which African countries have a Canadian Embassy / High Commission?

There are 36 African countries where Canada has diplomatic missions in terms of Embassies, High Commissions or Consulates. As a Canadian passport holder, these embassies can be able to assist you in case of any emergencies while visiting the respective countries.

In some countries, there are more than one diplomatic location either to serve a more specific pupose or to assist in a different city that is far from the main administration points. Some of these countries are; Cameroon, Nigeria, South Africa and Tunisia.

If your African travels goes to any of these specific countries, you should find out which embassy will be nearer as per your plans and itinerary.

Do Canadians need a visa for Rwanda?

Yes, Canadians need to get a visa before visiting Rwanda. This can be done through the online visa application portal and you will be able to get your approval within a few days.

If you are planning on visiting Rwanda for gorillas, culture and wildlife, take a look at our article that explores the details, process and requirements for the Rwanda tourist visa .

Do Canadians need a visa for Tanzania?

Yes, Canadians who are visiting Tanzania must obtain a tourist visa. You can get your visa on arrival or apply online through the Tanzania visa portal .

Another alternative is to visit the Tanzanian Embassy in Canada. This is only ideal for the people who stay in Ottawa and would prefer a physical visit or had some trouble with the online portal.

Take a look at our article that goes into detail about Tanzania visa requirements for tourists.

Do Canadians need a visa for South Africa?

Canadians do not need a visa to visit South Africa as it is one of the countries mentioned above for allowing visa-free entrance to tourists. You will be able to visit and tour South Africa for no more than 90 days.

Do Canadians need a visa for Morocco?

Canadian Passport holders do not need a visa to visit Morocco.

Do Canadians need a visa for Uganda?

Yes, Canadians need a visa to visit Uganda.

It is easy to apply for Uganda's tourist visa via the online visa portal or get one upon arrival at Entebbe International Airport. Here is a full article detailing the process and requirements for a Uganda Tourist Visa .

silverback gorilla in Bwindi

You should also know that Uganda receives many Canadian tourists who come to see gorillas , chimps and whitewater rafting on the Nile.

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17 African countries Nigerians can visit without a VISA

You can forget about the hassle of a visa if you want to travel to these nations.

Nigerian passport holders can visit 17 African countries without a Visa

Every year, passports all over the world are ranked by their total visa-free score by Passport Index.

For 2019, the Nigerian passport has been placed in the 83rd position on the global passport power ranking list.

This is due to the fact that it only guarantees visa-free access into only 23 countries. You can also visit a total of 24 countries that grant visas on arrival.

Note: Some of these visa-free countries have a stipulated period of time for which you can stay without a visa.

Here are all African nations Nigerian passport holders can visit without a Visa:

  • Burkina Faso
  • Cameroon (90 days)
  • Chad (90 days)
  • Cote d'Ivoire (90 days)
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Senegal( 90 days)
  • Sierra Leone
  • The Republic of Benin (90 days)

ALSO READ: Here's how to maximize your UK visa and all the countries it can take you to as a Nigerian

7 foreign countries Nigerians can travel to without a visa

  • Barbados (180 days)
  • Dominica (180 days)
  • Fiji (120 days)
  • Micronesia (30 days)
  • Haiti (90 days)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (90 days)
  • Vanuatu (30 days)


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solo trip tips

Home » Planning a solo trip? Here are some tips for a memorable experience

Planning a solo trip? Here are some tips for a memorable experience

Solo travel can be both exciting and liberating. Here are some pointers to help you choose where to go on that solo trip.

solo trip tips

Solo travellers travel for many reasons. Taking a solo trip can be a rewarding and self-indulgent experience.

Reasons that an individual might choose to take a trip on their own include seeking adventure while others might travel to learn something new.

Whatever your desires, here are some things to consider and help you plan a solo trip.


Use these tips to help you decide where to go, based on what you seek from a solo trip.

  • 1. City Exploration: Choose a vibrant city known for its culture, history, or nightlife. Cities like London, New York,  Bangkok  or Sydney offer a range of attractions and activities.
  • 2. Nature Retreat: Head to a national park or a scenic destination for hiking, wildlife spotting, or simply enjoying nature. Consider places like the Kruger National Park, Banff National Park in Canada or Patagonia in Chile.
  • 3. Cultural Immersion: Visit destinations rich in culture and heritage. For local African culture head to Soweto in Johannesburg. Explore temples in Kyoto, ancient ruins in Athens, or traditional villages in Bali.
  • 4. Adventure Travel: You could embark on an  adventure-filled trip  such as trekking in the Himalayas, diving in the Great Barrier Reef, or safari in Serengeti National Park.
  • 5. Wellness Retreat: Take a solo wellness retreat to rejuvenate and relax. Choose destinations known for treatments, yoga, meditation, or spa treatments such as Bali or Thailand.
  • 6. Food and Wine Tour: Indulge in culinary delights on a food and wine tour. Visit regions famous for their cuisine and wines, such as Tuscany in Italy or Bordeaux in France.
  • 7. Road Trip: Plan a solo road trip through scenic routes or along coastlines. The Western Cape’s Garden Route or Mpumalanga’s Panorama Route are ideal options. The flexibility of driving allows you to explore at your own pace.
  • 8. Volunteering: Consider a volunteer stint in Africa or abroad. While this is often best done through organised programmes, you can contribute to meaningful projects while immersing yourself in the local community.
  • 9. Solo Backpacking: Backpack through multiple destinations, staying in hostels or budget accommodations. It’s a great way to meet fellow travellers while maintaining independence.
  • 10. Learning: Combine travel with learning a new language or learning to cook. Attending language or cooking classes abroad can enable travellers to learn new skills. Thailand is a destination known for its amazing cuisine. Many travellers opt for cooking lessons as part of their  Thailand trips .


Whether you prefer adventure, relaxation, cultural experiences, or a mix of everything, these solo trip ideas offer a range of options to suit your interests and travel style.

Food can also inspire people to travel. Some solo travellers travel to places where they can sample local cuisine as part of their travels.


Furthermore, to reduce costs, choose to visit countries that do not have onerous visa requirements. Therefore it is a good idea to select visa-free destinations.

Many travellers plan solo travel that includes various countries in a single trip.

South East Asia is an ideal budget-friendly option for solo travel. Island hopping is another affordable way to experience many places in a smaller geographical area.

Timeout   has some other tips for planning solo travel.

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Even when Africans want to visit Europe legally, rejection rates are high. Algeria is one example

FILE - Algerians gather outside the visa center of the French Institute in Algiers, Friday May 20, 2024. Visa applicants from Africa who want to visit Europe's Schengen Area face far higher rejection rates than people from anywhere else in the world. In Algeria, more applicants are rejected than in any other African nation. (AP Photo/Fateh Guidoum, File)

FILE - Algerians gather outside the visa center of the French Institute in Algiers, Friday May 20, 2024. Visa applicants from Africa who want to visit Europe’s Schengen Area face far higher rejection rates than people from anywhere else in the world. In Algeria, more applicants are rejected than in any other African nation. (AP Photo/Fateh Guidoum, File)

FILE - Children play football in Kasbah of Algiers, a UNESCO world heritage site, Algeria, April 11, 2019. Visa applicants from Africa who want to visit Europe’s Schengen Area face far higher rejection rates than people from anywhere else in the world. In Algeria, more applicants are rejected than in any other African nation. (AP Photo/Mosa’ab Elshamy, File)

FILE - People walk near the Kasbah of Algiers, a UNESCO world heritage site, Algeria, April 11, 2019. Visa applicants from Africa who want to visit Europe’s Schengen Area face far higher rejection rates than people from anywhere else in the world. In Algeria, more applicants are rejected than in any other African nation. (AP Photo/Mosa’ab Elshamy, File)

FILE - Young Algerian women pose next to street art supporting the protest movement in Algiers, Algeria, April 10, 2019. The writing in Arabic reads “The people are the authority”. Visa applicants from Africa who want to visit Europe’s Schengen Area face far higher rejection rates than people from anywhere else in the world. In Algeria, more applicants are rejected than in any other African nation. (AP Photo/Mosa’ab Elshamy, File)

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ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — France has twice rejected visa applications from Nabil Tabarout, a 29-year-old web developer from Algeria who hopes this year to visit his sister there.

He’s among the many people navigating the often arduous visa process throughout Africa, which faces higher visa rejection rates than anywhere else in the world when it comes to visiting Europe’s Schengen Area. Appointments are often difficult to secure. Applicants often must prove a minimum bank balance, substantiate the purpose of their visit and prove they plan to return home.

“That’s how it is. Every pleasure deserves pain,” said Tabarout, who has succeeded just once in obtaining a French visa.

Though much of Europe’s debate about migration centers on people who arrive without authorization, many more people choose to come by legal means. It’s painful, then, to discover that following the rules often fails.

The disproportionate rejection rates — 10% higher in Africa than the global average — hinder trade, business and educational partnerships at the expense of African economies, according to an April study from U.K.-based migration consultancy firm Henley & Partners.

The bodies of some of the 64 migrants missing in the Mediterranean Sea after their ship wrecked off Italy's southern coast are disembarked at the Italian southern port-city of Roccella Ionica, early Wednesday, June 19, 2024. U.N. agencies said the boat that wrecked off Calabria had set off from Turkey eight days earlier and caught fire and overturned. Eleven people were rescued Monday, but one died soon after they were brought to land. (AP Photo/Valeria Ferraro)

The study called the practices discriminatory and urged Schengen countries to reform them.

Nowhere are applicants more rejected than in Algeria, where more than 392,000 applicants were rejected in 2022. The 45.8% rejection rate is followed by a 45.2% rejection rate in Guinea-Bissau and 45.1% in Nigeria.

Only one in 25 applicants living in the United States were rejected.

While the study found that applicants from poorer countries experienced higher rejections in general, it noted that applicants from Turkey and India experienced fewer rejection than applicants from the majority of African countries.

The reasons for that anti-Africa bias could be political, according to the study’s author, Mehari Taddele Maru of the European University Institute’s Migration Policy Center. Visa rejections are used as a political tool by European governments, including France , to negotiate the deportation of those who migrate to Europe without proper authorization. North African governments have refused to provide consular documents for their citizens facing deportation.

In an interview, Maru said Algeria has continent-high rejection rates because its number of applicants outpaces those from other African countries for geographic, economic and historical reasons. Many Algerians apply for visas in France, where they speak the language and may have family ties. And North Africa’s proximity to Europe means flights are short and cheap compared to flights from sub-Saharan Africa, leading more people to apply, he said.

Beyond rejection rates, the difficulty of applying is also a policy choice by European governments, Maru said. “When we talk about increasing barriers for potential applicants, it’s not only the rate of rejections, it’s also the restrictions to apply.”

That means the challenges can be local too.

For Algerians like Tabarout, VFS Global is a new player in the visa application process. The subcontractor was hired by French consular authorities after years of criticism about the previous system being dominated by a so-called “visa mafia.”

Applicants previously faced challenges securing time slots, which are quickly reserved by third-party brokers and then resold to the public — similar to how scalpers have dominated concert platforms. Rumors swirled about intricate computer programs connecting to appointment platforms and gobbling up slots within moments.

“They’re a bunch of swindlers who’ve been at it for years, making fortunes on the backs of poor citizens by making them pay dearly to make an appointment to apply for a visa,” asserted Ali Challali, who recently helped his daughter submit a French student visa application.

Under the previous system, applicants told The Associated Press they had to pay 15,000 to 120,000 Algerian dinars (103 to 825 euros) just to get an appointment.

In Algeria, many decide to pursue opportunities in France after not finding adequate economic opportunities at home or seek residency after going to French universities on student visas. According to a 2023 report from France’s Directorate General for Foreign Nationals, 78% of Algerian students “say they have no intention of returning to Algeria” upon finishing their studies.

The visa issue has historically been a cause of political tensions between the countries. Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is scheduled to visit France later this year.

“Everything that can contribute to increasing trade between France, Europe and Algeria must be facilitated in both directions,” French Ambassador Stephane Ramotet said at a recent economic conference in Algiers. “Algerians who want to go to France to develop a business must be able to benefit from all the facilities, particularly visas.”

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    Immigration Head Office Zanzibar 1354, Zanzibar - Tanzania +255 242 233 678 +255 242 233 676 [email protected] Social network

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    Seychelles, The Gambia, and Benin topped the index as countries that offer completely visa-free access to all African passport holders. Now Africans do not need a visa to travel to 26% of the ...

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    90 days. 11. South Africa. 90 days. 12. Tunisia. 120 days. While the above countries do not require a visa, you should know that the privilege isn't transferable. Unless another country you are visiting as part of your trip also has visa-free entry for Canadian citizens, you will need to pay for a visa and meet all the requirements involved.

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    Furthermore, to reduce costs, choose to visit countries that do not have onerous visa requirements. Therefore it is a good idea to select visa-free destinations. ... no visitors will be accepted without an appointment. South Africa - Blue Sky Publications (Pty) Ltd - Registration Number: 2005/028472/07 - Address: Regus Business Centre, 1st ...

  27. Even when Africans want to visit Europe legally, rejection rates are

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    Submit this with your visa application. Travel history. If you've travelled to Canada or to other countries, this can show that you've been able to get a visa in the past. Proof of this includes copies of previous visas in your passport. Details to include. A clear copy of 1 or more of the following: