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Emergencies, common queries, find an insurer.

Travel insurance is cover you purchase for international trips, whether they’re for business or holidays. Most travel insurance provides protection for

  • cancellation and loss of deposit
  • medical treatment costs
  • costs for returning home in certain emergencies
  • loss of luggage and personal items
  • personal liability (except for deliberate acts or use of motor vehicles).

Travel insurance consumer guide

Download our handy consumer guide with all you need to know about travel insurance., domestic travel insurance.

Travel insurance is also available when you travel around New Zealand. While medical events will be covered by ACC in New Zealand, domestic travel insurance will cover you for things like lost luggage, rental vehicle excesses, cancellations or delays, and personal liability. Travellers should be aware that domestic travel insurance generally doesn’t cover as much as an international policy would so you should read the policy carefully before taking out cover.

For an independent view on domestic travel insurance, check out  Consumer NZ’s  article ‘Domestic travel insurance – do you need it?’

Credit card travel insurance

Travel insurance is a common extra when you take out a credit card from your bank, but there are some things to be aware of:

  • some policies might need to be activated before you travel
  • there might be a limit on how long the policy will cover you for
  • you might have to book a certain amount of your travel expenses on the credit card before the travel insurance becomes available
  • cover may not automatically be available for pre-existing conditions. You will likely need to contact the insurer to ask about coverage for any pre-existing conditions and you may have to pay an extra premium to have them covered.

Credit card travel insurance may not be as comprehensive as some other travel insurance policies, so it pays to read the policy carefully and think about whether you need to take out any additional cover.

Shop around

Remember that not all travel policies are created equal – just as the premium of some policies costs more than others, some policies have wider cover than others.

If you have a pre-existing condition, are planning to engage in a sport or adventure activity while you’re away, are a non-resident, are pregnant, or are over the age of 65, it’s important to contact a number of insurers before purchasing your insurance. One insurer may have a policy that suits your individual circumstances better than another.

Find out more about travel insurance to cover:

  • staying in an Airbnb
  • non-residents
  • pre-existing conditions
  • renting cars
  • sports and adventure activities

Buy before you fly

You cannot get travel insurance if you’ve already left the country. You should buy travel insurance when you book and pay for your overseas trip. That way you’re not only covered for your trip, but also if something happens before you depart.

Read your policy wording

Make sure you read the policy wording so you understand what you are and aren’t covered for. If there is anything you don’t understand, ask your insurer for an explanation or more information.

Some common exclusions

Like any other insurance policy, a travel insurance policy is unlikely to cover you for absolutely everything that could go wrong. The following list sets out some of the common exclusions in travel policies, but make sure to check your individual policy’s exclusions as each insurer is different:

  • war and terrorism
  • pandemic, epidemic or infectious diseases
  • financial failure of an airline, travel agent or tour operator
  • elective medical or dental treatment
  • travel in international waters
  • being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Travel insurance policies don’t cover ’disinclination to travel’. This means that if, for example, you choose not to travel because you think your destination looks unsafe, but there hasn’t been a travel advisory issued, you will not be covered for the costs you’ve lost.

International students and seasonal workers

While the general rule is that New Zealand insurers don’t provide travel insurance for non-residents, there are some exceptions. If you are a seasonal worker travelling to New Zealand for work (for example, to pick apples during the harvesting season), or if you are an international student coming to New Zealand to study, then you will be able to purchase travel insurance from some New Zealand insurers.

You may need to contact a number of different insurers as not everyone offers inbound student or seasonal worker insurance.

Feeling adventurous?

If you’re planning on taking part in any sport or adventurous activities on your trip, talk to your insurer and read your policy wording to check whether you are covered. In particular, you should check whether you are covered for:

  • skiing, snowboarding or doing other winter sports
  • scuba diving
  • bungy jumping
  • hang gliding
  • water skiing
  • motorcycling or using a scooter (in certain countries)
  • taking some other form of extreme risk which might put you in danger.

Driving overseas

Travel insurance policies provide limited cover for vehicles hired overseas. If you have an accident, the cover provided by your travel policy will usually only pay either the excess by the rental car company or the vehicle repair costs, if those costs are less than the excess. To ensure that you have enough cover, you should buy comprehensive motor insurance from the rental vehicle company in the country you hire the car in. If you then have an accident, you will have to pay the rental vehicle directly and claim costs from your insurer.

High-value items

You need to tell your insurer if you are going to take, or are planning to buy, high-value items on your trip. Many travel insurance policies contain sub-limits on the value of items you can claim for (including electronics and jewellery).

If you’re unsure, ask your insurer what value or coverage limits your policy may have.

Check for travel advisories

Sometimes there will already be events happening in the area you’re planning to travel to, when you take out your insurance policy. These are called ’known events’ and are unlikely to be covered by your policy. For example, if a volcano erupts in the country you are travelling to, it’s unlikely that delays or cancellations caused by the eruption would be covered. When you are taking out your insurance, check to see if there are any current advisories which might affect your cover. In New Zealand you can check the government advisory website  and trusted media sources – if there are warnings in the media about the place you are travelling to, your insurer may not cover you.

This is another reason why you should take out your insurance cover at the same time as booking your travel. That way your insurer is on risk if an event happens and your travel plans are disrupted before you’ve even left.

Keep your receipts

If you need to pay for something while you’re travelling that you plan to make a claim for (like a lost phone or stolen camera that you had to replace while you were still overseas) make sure you keep your receipts to make the claim process as smooth as possible.

You can still make a claim even if you haven’t managed to keep hold of the receipts, but it’s likely that you’ll need to provide proof of ownership of the lost or stolen item to your insurer.

Travel insurers provide free 24-hour emergency assistance. Keep the details of their emergency assistance provider with you at all times while travelling.

In the event of an emergency, you may need to contact them for medical treatment or advice.

New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade runs a website that has up to date travel advisories for all countries on key issues like security and health.

Before you travel, you must tell your insurer if you intend to travel to any countries that have a ‘Do not travel’ travel advisory status – as it may not be possible to get insurance cover for travel to countries with this status.

Visit  to check your intended destination and any countries you’re stopping in or passing through.

While you’re on the website, you can also check out their travel insurance guidance.

Some circumstances may make travel insurance more difficult to find or mean you need to fulfil additional requirements in order to receive cover.

Most travel insurance policies don’t provide liability cover for damage to property you’re staying at (e.g. an Airbnb or hotel) while travelling. Generally,  the Airbnb host will hold sufficient insurance to cover them should a paying guest damage their property, but there is a chance that the host or their insurer could ask you for payment if you were responsible for the damage. This would not be covered by your travel insurance policy.

Some insurers only provide cover for New Zealand residents, so if you are a non-resident, you may need to contact a number of insurers before you are able to get cover.

It’s important to tell your insurer if you’re already pregnant when you book your travel insurance, or if you fall pregnant before you leave. Most insurers offer cover for the first few months of pregnancy as long as there have not been any complications. The length of time each insurer will provide automatic cover for varies so talk to your insurer to be certain you’ll be covered. An insurer may also require you to have a medical assessment before providing cover.

If you become pregnant after taking out a travel insurance policy, contact your insurer as soon as possible to ensure you’ll still be covered for your travel.

Pre-existing conditions are medical conditions you already have or have previously had at the time you’re buying your insurance. They include symptoms you’ve asked a doctor about, even if you didn’t receive a formal diagnosis.

Pre-existing conditions are excluded from most insurers’ basic packages. Some insurers have automatic cover for certain pre-existing conditions and others may allow you to buy additional cover for pre-existing conditions, although not all insurers will be able to provide this service.

If you have a pre-existing condition, you should check your chosen insurer’s list of automatically covered pre-existing conditions. If your condition is not listed, you will need to speak to the insurer to find out if you can get cover. They may require you to get a medical certificate before providing cover.

It’s important to remember to declare all pre-existing conditions when taking out travel insurance otherwise you may not be covered under all or part of your policy.

Most travel policies do not provide cover for damage caused to a rental vehicle hired overseas. Nor do they cover damage caused to people or property while in control of a rented or borrowed vehicle.

Some policies will provide rental vehicle excess (RVE) insurance but this will only provide cover for the excess on damage to the vehicle that the insured person has to pay — it does not provide any cover for the repairs themselves or any personal liability the insured person has if an accident damages property or injures someone. If a travel policy offers RVE, the cover may only apply to renting cars through a registered care hire company.

If you drive overseas, it’s important to get appropriate motor vehicle insurance and personal liability cover through either a vehicle rental company or through a local insurer (if you are borrowing a friend or relative’s vehicle).

The level and types of cover available for senior citizens varies by insurer and may be affected by the age(s) of the traveller(s). In some instances, you may be required to fill out some forms to give the insurer information about your medical history.

To ensure that you will be covered and to find a policy that best meets your needs, you should contact an insurer directly.

Some insurers have a list of sports and activities they will automatically provide cover for, however, there are also a number they won’t cover. If you are unsure whether your intended sport or activity will be covered, you should contact your insurer to check.

If you are planning on doing any sort of sport or adventure activity while you are travelling, make sure to let your insurer know when you take out cover.

ICNZ is unable to provide personal or professional advice. The list of travel insurance providers below is included for your information. Any queries about the specifics of policies or cover should be directed to the insurer.

Other travel insurance may be available through your bank or credit card provider, as well as by contacting an insurance broker.

You can download the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s travel insurance guide from their Safe Travel website.

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aa travel insurance claim new zealand

Visiting New Zealand

Cover while visiting new zealand.

Travel insurance is one of the best ways to protect yourself overseas. Whether you're holidaying, catching up with family or travelling for work, our Visiting New Zealand travel insurance can give you the freedom to enjoy your stay in New Zealand with confidence.

Why choose us?

At Southern Cross Travel Insurance, we've been providing great quality cover for people visiting New Zealand since 2003. Who better to protect you during your stay in New Zealand than one of the country's leading and most trusted travel insurers? Here are more reasons to choose us for your next trip:

1. We offer 24/7 emergency assistance

If the unexpected happens, we're here to help. Our emergency assistance team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can access help when you need it.

2. We go the extra mile

We’re committed to providing quality cover, which is why our Visiting New Zealand travel insurance policy includes emergency dental treatment and ancillary services like chiropractors and physiotherapy.

3.  We provide optional cover for some pre-existing medical conditions

Instead of incorporating pre-existing medical conditions into your base premium, which can result in higher premiums, we offer cover for some pre-existing medical conditions that you can choose to add-on to your policy. If you choose to add this cover, you will be charged an additional premium. We do not cover all pre-existing medical conditions. You can find a list of those that are included here .

4. We cover your children at no additional cost

We know how important it is to protect your children with quality travel insurance on your journey, which is why we can add them to your policy at no additional cost to your base premium.

5. We cover you  from start to finish

Our Visiting New Zealand travel insurance policy can cover you while you’re travelling to and from New Zealand, including transit stops, for up to five days.

6. We're based in New Zealand

Not only are we based in New Zealand, we’re 100% New Zealand owned. We’ve worked hard to become one of the country’s most trusted and knowledgeable travel insurers, and we’re proud to offer great quality cover for your visit to our home.

7. We offer cover for medical repatriation

Worst case scenarios are never nice to think about, but you can travel knowing your Visiting New Zealand travel insurance offers cover for medical repatriation.

8. Making a claim is easy

We know that making a claim can be confusing and frustrating, which is why we're committed to making it as stress-free and efficient as possible. If you need to make a claim, the easiest way is to register with My SCTI , where you can make and track a claim and manage your policy, all in one secure location. Alternatively, you can complete a claim form online . 


Need some help?

If you would like to get in touch, we’re here to help. If you have any questions regarding our Visiting New Zealand travel insurance, you can:

Call us from New Zealand: 0800 784 691 Call us from overseas: +64 9 9796597 Email us: [email protected]

Take the next step towards your journey in New Zealand and get an online travel insurance quote today .

What you need to know

This page provides a summary of the key terms only. As with all insurance policies, terms and conditions apply. For our terms and conditions (including information about exclusions, excesses and sub limits) we recommend you read the travel insurance Policy Document .

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The aa insurance, ami insurance.

aa travel insurance claim new zealand

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Took out house and contents insurance…

Took out house and contents insurance with AA Insurance. When I took out this policy the salesman on the asked me if I wanted to insure our in ground fibreglass pool and how much I wanted to insure it for I said not sure around 80k he said how about 120k and set it for that. In June the pool got washed out due to heavy rain and the side collapsed. We had partially drained because we were going to take care of some maintenance on this. When we went to claim on this they were automatically looking for excuses to get out of it. As this is a 1970 pool there is no overflow drainage on this pool. So they automatically started to blame this on hydrostatic pressure. Then refused to cover it. So we made a complaint and this went to higher level. They sent an assessor and a engineer to access this . Of which when received had all these possible and likely causes for this and had a some of 60k in payout on this of which is 1/2 of which it was insured for and still refused to cover it. The isn't the problem. It is the princible behind this that gets me. They were happy to take my money and then invest that for more but honestly were never going to honer this in the first place and if they were only had intensions to pay 1/2. The actual cost to replace this pool is over 120k. They took my money and then had no intensions to pay it's worth in the first place. This is a corporate rip off and out right greed. These people just take our money and invest it for more with no intensions to honer it. I could take this up with IFSO but just like the assessor and engineer get paid by them and are not in anyway independent to them which automatically make them bias to the side that pays them.

Date of experience : 04 September 2024

Double tongue company, if there is 0 star to rate definitely I would.

AA insurance is a double tongue and worst company, deceitful in speech. Paying $1000 for car insurance but got nothing back, they try to find many many reason and keep speaking nonsense when things it’s happening, they trying not to pay for the fees of car repairs. Honest advice, do not waste your money on this company they not gonna cover anything if something happens.

Date of experience : 05 July 2024

Oh boy you definitely don't want to use…

Oh boy you definitely don't want to use this company. Holy moly last year they ramped up my insurance by 28% and I have not made a claim for 5 years. Then low and behold last week they really ramped up by 33%. OMG run away from these scammer insurance company. I Don't Recommend this insurance at all under circumstances. Use Protecta Insurance. I now have saved $2600 per year on my insurance. No joke.

Date of experience : 09 July 2024

International travel insurance

Unable to fin international help assistance number and this can only be found online so if there is no internet you can't contact them. Demanded medical report even though I had done a telehealth phone consult and had emailed receipts. Expected me to go to ED for this and waste limited resources NHS have already over a bloody viral/chest infection. On the other hand really good RIP OFF for this company demanding a medical report when they know full well getting a consult with a GP is near on impossible. Money I paid, I may as well fave to charity. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY

Date of experience : 01 May 2024

These people are trying to take as much money as they can from their customers. Paying $1000 for a comprehensive cover but look what I got back? I’m not being covered, seems like they don’t trust me. Speaking nonsense, trashy policy. I paid bc I trust you, but I don’t get anything worthwhile. I would rated them minus stars if I could. What am I paying for to get my car covered?

Burocracy, was not able to pay my simple invoice at their office counter showing my policy number, then had to make an appointment with the insurance lady, when I finally met her, she send me away as too busy with the advice to do it online. I wonder how other, not-online people do business with AA? And do we need a local AA Shop with around 10 stuff not looking busy?

Date of experience : 04 April 2024

AA car insurance stole £100 from a…

AA car insurance stole £100 from a credit card of mine without my permission and said it was admin! Watch out they are thieves and you can’t get through by telephone ever and they stick things in small print and never get in contact regarding renewal. More expensive than most and diabolical customer service. Not even 1 star. Be very careful using them you can end up in debt

Date of experience : 09 September 2023

Our house was flooded in mid September…

Our house was flooded in mid September 2023. The stripping and drying was done by AA contractors, their work leaves a lot to be desired. The problem now is the repair work cost is not agreed with the in house team dragging their heals, offering half of the builders estimate quote. That includes repair of the walls and floors, replacing the family bathroom and the kitchen and recoderating the whole downstairs and the landing and 2 rooms upstairs. TheAA costing is laughable and not realistic to be polite. With such a big insurance company you would expect better costumer understanding and empathy.

Date of experience : 01 February 2024

Disorganized nightmare

Dealing with this company is a huge headache , they don't read emails so bills don't get paid , they are so disorganized. If your going through a traumatic time stay away from aa health

Date of experience : 21 April 2024

AA Insurance - Shocking at best

AA Insurance is very un-professional, Disorganized and lacking feeling. Had to explain things 5x, send items through multiple times, wait over a month to see any results then had to initiate the complaints process. As the victim in a serious head on crash, they accepted liabilty of the crash and the claim, then proceeded to give my client a month run around and made my her feel like a criminal effecting her mental health negatively - Very poor service 1 star is for the one team memeber that did a good job. Not very impressed from a company that historicly has been a solid part of NZ community for generations. Need to do better

Date of experience : 03 April 2024

Been a customer for 24 years

Been a customer for 24 years. Unfortunately our house got broken into recently. We have full replacement policy. Made to feel like a criminal making the claim. Expect to be able to produce evidence of ownership. Check your jewellery limit default is $5000. At 60 years of age a lady can accumulate quite a bit more than limit. No receipt don’t expect photographs to be accepted. Claims assessor said he could not establish if the jewellery was real. As if we planned to defraud insurance with photographs going back over 20 years. AVOID THESE INSURANCE CON MEN.

Date of experience : 03 September 2019

Do not insure with these people

Do not insure with these people Hopeless communication online claims manager is a joke Want more information is their stop standard reply could not open file is another Attrition is this companies weapon DO NOT INSURE WITH THESE PEOPLE For me never again

Date of experience : 01 August 2023

Wouldn’t even give these guys one star

Wouldn’t even give these guys one star. Have made two claims that were clearly NOT gradual damage. AA insisted on gradual damage and refused to cover. We’ll be going back to Tower and to court to recover our costs. Absolutely horrific insurance company hiding behind the “gradual damage” guise to get out of paying. Total joke. Don’t go anywhere near them.

Date of experience : 01 December 2021

Legal Costs ‘Uninsurance’

In my experience, they bend over backwards not to honour their legal expenses insurance policy, using Lyons Davidson Solicitors to screen out cases. I honestly do not think that, in the absence of an admission of liability, the legal claim exists that they would be willing to fund. My late father suffered the most appalling clinical negligence in an NHS hospital, but Lyons Davidson obligingly informed the AA that the prospects of a claim succeeding were less than 51%. They didn’t even get his diagnosis right because they couldn’t be bothered to look into the records properly.

Date of experience : 19 June 2024

Scam Artists

Read Stuffs latest news on them facing court. They were charging me double a fortnight because of the system taking money and refunding it. Tried to change policies and gave them the same answers as before and they were going to charge me $5 extra! Get them investigated and shut down! Never have I had a payment plan do what they've done. I couldn't even afford groceries or petrol!

Date of experience : 30 June 2023

Thankyou AA Insurance for my new spectacles ease of…

Thankyou AA Insurance for the ease of making a claim and how quickly and easily it was processed. My spectacles had dropped on the road without me realising and were crushed almost beyond recognition. I received my new spectacles today and I'm delighted with the way the whole process was so easy.

Date of experience : 26 January 2024

Great Customer service

Customer service really great for car insurance claim when I backed out of garage with the flap of my ev open and it broke off. I found them excellent to deal with and it wasn't a trouble when I needed to go to my specialist dealer to get it fixed not one of their usual.

Date of experience : 25 January 2024

I am SO relieved to be paid out $1440

I am SO relieved to be paid out $1440, 7 weeks after claiming for an ambulance ride in Australia. I paid the ambos with savings earmarked for car service/wof/insurance as I was given to expect payment within 10 days. On an income of $600/fortnight I've been on tenterhooks. I imagine its a very small team with a huge inbox and that my claim had to just await its turn. Over the 7 weeks, AA has several times invited me to enter various insurance promotions, ironically even for travel insurance. I've let someone else win those.

Date of experience : 19 June 2023

Our travel insurance didn't insure…

Our travel insurance didn't insure travel. When Air Vanuatu went bankrupt we lost $12K and AA said that bankrupt airline travel isn't covered.

Date of experience : 30 May 2024

AA is horrible.

AA is horrible. Partner and I had both separate experiences of getting hit by other people. 1) some HoleAss backed into his car - got the details they even had the person who owned the car had insurance with AA and still nothing done. No police update or anything 2) got smacked by a trailed when merging - guys was over the speed limit and wanted to go past me smacked into me with his boat.. honestly police were terrible aswell. Case still going been over 6 months. Part of it I feel is discrimination against women. Oh silly female driver - everyone believes it. I need to change insurance companies they are...

Date of experience : 19 November 2021

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Please Note - If you are cruising around Australia you need to select Pacific. With Regions, variances can apply for Bali, Indonesia, Japan and Middle East. You are not required to enter stop-over countries if your stop-over is less than 48 hours.

If you don’t know where you’re traveling to within the next 12 months, choose Worldwide to ensure you’re covered no matter where you go. If you’re travelling to multiple countries choose the region that you are visiting that is furthest away (excluding stopovers less than 48 hours). In most cases you will be covered for the closer regions as well. For example, if you choose Europe, you will also be covered in the Middle East, Asia and Pacific.

Worldwide means anywhere in the world

Americas means USA, Canada, South America, Latin America, Hawaii and the Caribbean

Europe means all European countries, including UK

Middle East refers to the area from Syria to Yemen; Egypt to Iran

Asia generally means Asia and the Indian subcontinent. For some insurers this excludes Japan*

Pacific means the South West Pacific, Australia and Indonesia/Bali*. Select Pacific for domestic cruises in New Zealand waters

New Zealand means domestic travel within New Zealand only

*Note: Variances apply for Bali, Indonesia, Japan and Middle East. Check that your destination is covered once directed to your chosen insurer’s site.

AA Travel Reviews

AA Travel reviews

The AA has played an active role in New Zealand's domestic tourism since the 1920s. Policies are available to those under 100 years who are residents of New Zealand. Dependents travel for free with parent or grandparent. Their 24/7 emergency assistance is provided by Allianz Global Assistance and they are underwritten by Allianz Australia Insurance Limited.


Customer Experience

Claims experience, value for money.

AA Travel Logo

The Absolute worst experience - STAY AWAY

My claim is only 2000$ and my premium with excess is close to 1000$ , ridiculously small claim - yet ...  Read more

My claim is only 2000$ and my premium with excess is close to 1000$ , ridiculously small claim - yet the claims process was an absolute nightmare. I provided evefry single thing they wanted, then they ask you for additional Documentation and then when you provide it, you wait 20 days and then they ask for more doc which was never asked before and irrelevant just to stall the claim. I am have been waiting almost 3 months for my lousy 2000$ payout, still nothing!

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Took travel insurance out to visit terminally ill parent who died whilst I was there. Tried to claim ...  Read more

Took travel insurance out to visit terminally ill parent who died whilst I was there. Tried to claim $500 for change of ticket. Provided death certificate and copies of original flights etc. Wanted a whole medical review of parent from an overseas medical team. No discussion, just refused to look at claim until 'paperwork' done. I pay $400 per month for AA house/car insurance but they made me feel like I am ripping them off. Have withdrawn the claim and will suck it up but just be warned their customer service is cold and inflexible.

1 comment on this review

A terrible experience

I had a comprehensive policy (no excess)with AA Travel (which by thew way is Allianz so don;'t th...  Read more

I had a comprehensive policy (no excess)with AA Travel (which by thew way is Allianz so don;'t think it actually has anything to do with AA) I spent two months trying to claim and only ever received a partial payment. Their reasons for denying payment on the remainder made no sense whatsoever but they would not engage in further explanation. It was impossible to actually speak to anyone. Stay away from this company.


Very disappointed at a time l needed support l was alone

Its an insult to use the AA name, trusted it and was let down. I had to haggle with the company who m...  Read more

Its an insult to use the AA name, trusted it and was let down. I had to haggle with the company who made a 'payment of good will' as it was put for a legitimate claim l will never recommend AA travel insurance.

Claim wasnt paid because policy was purchased 1 day after

This is absolutely frustrating, I bought AA travel insurance on 20th Dec after finishing all the trav...  Read more

This is absolutely frustrating, I bought AA travel insurance on 20th Dec after finishing all the travel arrangements on 19th Dec. On 21st my daughter fallen sick and on 22nd I had to cancel the entire trip, so put up a claim. My claim was rejected because I didn't purchase policy while doing the travel arrangements...fuming!


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Our comparison is a free service that makes it easy for users to compare multiple quotes, saving both time and money. Our comparison ranks quotes according to price and is limited to those insurers that have agreed to participate on the site. CoverDirect NZ Limited does not hold a financial services licence. The comparison does not take your personal circumstances into account; as such, all information provided should be considered general and should not be considered as advice or a recommendation. Whilst we take all reasonable care when preparing this information, we do not warrant its accuracy. Pricing information is supplied by the insurance providers and ALL policy details should be verified with the before you purchase. This site links users to the website of the insurance provider to verify quotes and access the relevant PDS to understand what is, and is not, covered by a policy prior to purchase. We do not issue insurance. Users purchase directly from the travel insurance provider.

The New zealand Herald

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  • 2024 Spring Service Campaign

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  1. Travel Insurance from the AA

    aa travel insurance claim new zealand

  2. How to learn search and rescue skills

    aa travel insurance claim new zealand

  3. AA Travel Insurance Review

    aa travel insurance claim new zealand

  4. AA Insurance

    aa travel insurance claim new zealand

  5. Travel Insurance from the AA

    aa travel insurance claim new zealand

  6. Travel Insurance from the AA

    aa travel insurance claim new zealand


  1. Make a claim

    How to claim on your policy. Claim online. Download claim form. Submit your claim as soon as possible, with all the details and documentation ... AA Travel Insurance policies are brought to you by the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (AA), are issued and managed by AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz Partners and ...

  2. AA Travel Insurance

    Our insurance partner. AA Travel Insurance policies are brought to you by the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (AA), are issued and managed by AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz Partners and underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd ABN 78 090 584 473 (Incorporated in Australia) ("Hollard").

  3. Advice for lodging your claim

    Learn how to submit a claim for travel disruption, lost or delayed baggage, or Covid-19 related issues with AA travel insurance. Find out what evidence you need and how long it takes to process your claim.

  4. Making a claim? Get started now

    Making a claim with us. Whether you've been in a car accident, lost your belongings or had your home damaged, we're here to help. Simply report your claim now, and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. We're here to help to get things sorted as quickly as possible. Keep up to date and get answers to common claims ...

  5. AA International Travel Insurance

    ^Sub-limits apply. This table is a summary only. For all of these benefits, p lease make sure you read the Policy Wording to understand the definitions, terms, conditions, limits and exclusions that apply.. AA International Travel Insurance Benefits. AA Member discount* Online exclusive 15% AA Member discount available for new policies. 10% AA Member discount still available through AA Centres ...

  6. Claims

    At AA Insurance, we make claims easy and hassle-free. Whether you need to claim for your car, home, contents or travel, you can find all the information and support you need on our website. You can also start your claim online or call us anytime. Trust us to protect what's important to you.

  7. Making a claim

    We're undergoing scheduled system maintenance on Wednesday, 4th September 2024, until 5:00 am. During this time, we won't be able to assist with new quotes, policy changes, enquiries, or claims. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Please visit our Contact page for ways to get in touch. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  8. Contact Us

    AA Travel Insurance policies are brought to you by the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (AA), are issued and managed by AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz Partners and underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd ABN 78 090 584 473 (Incorporated in Australia) ("Hollard").

  9. How to Make a Successful Travel Insurance Claim

    To help minimise the risk of a failed claim, we outline the steps to take in advance: 1. Read the Policy Wording. Understanding what your policy covers is crucial to ensure your claim's validity. Many New Zealanders look at a summary table of benefits, buy the policy and only read it in detail when they need to claim.

  10. Top 5 travel insurance claims New Zealanders make

    So armed with data from our friends at Allianz Partners, we look at the top 5 reasons New Zealanders claim on their travel insurance. #1. Covid-19 (Cancellation, Amendment and Medical) At number one is (not surprisingly) claims related to catching Covid-19. These include both international and domestic travellers having to cancel all or part of ...

  11. How to make an insurance claim

    Most claims can be lodged online quickly and easily and, once you've submitted your claim, member of our team will get in touch with you. However, we understand that there are some situations where you may need immediate assistance, like a car accident or a home burglary. If your claim is urgent, please call us on 0800 500 216. Our New Zealand ...

  12. AA Travel Insurance Review

    The cover and claims are managed by Allianz Insurance who provide 24/7 global support. AA Insurance is a reseller of Allianz's insurance, which is normal in the travel insurance industry. Many other New Zealand travel insurance companies sell the same, or very similar, cover, backed by Allianz. Cons

  13. Travel

    Insurance Council New Zealand - Travel insurance is cover you purchase for international trips, whether they're for business or holidays. ... you will have to pay the rental vehicle directly and claim costs from your insurer. High-value items. You need to tell your insurer if you are going to take, or are planning to buy, high-value items on ...

  14. AA Domestic Travel Insurance

    To this extent, New Zealand policyholders may not be able to rely on The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd's Australian assets to satisfy New Zealand liabilities. Financial advice. The New Zealand Automobile Association provides general information about AA Travel Insurance products and services so that you can make a choice that best meets ...

  15. Travel Insurance

    *AA Travel Insurance policies are brought to you by the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (AA), are issued and managed by AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz Partners and underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd ABN 78 090 584 473 (Incorporated in Australia) ("Hollard").

  16. Visitors To NZ

    If you have any questions regarding our Visiting New Zealand travel insurance, you can: Call us from New Zealand: 0800 784 691. Call us from overseas: +64 9 9796597. Email us: [email protected]. Take the next step towards your journey in New Zealand and get an online travel insurance quote today.

  17. Want to cancel your insurance? Let us know

    Or call us on 0800 500 213 with your policy details and the date you want it cancelled. Our contact centre is open from 8am - 8pm Monday - Friday and 8am - 6pm on weekends and public holidays. Depending on the number of policies you are cancelling, and whether or not other details need to be changed, the call will take around five minutes ...

  18. Travel insurance

    Travel insurance covers your belongings up to a limit. Some comprehensive policies pay as little as $8000, whereas others pay up to $30,000 if all your luggage goes missing. If an item is lost, stolen or damaged, your insurer can usually choose to replace it, repair it or pay you its value in cash.

  19. AA Insurance Reviews

    Thankyou AA Insurance for my new spectacles ease of… Thankyou AA Insurance for the ease of making a claim and how quickly and easily it was processed. My spectacles had dropped on the road without me realising and were crushed almost beyond recognition. I received my new spectacles today and I'm delighted with the way the whole process was so ...

  20. AA Travel

    The AA has played an active role in New Zealand's domestic tourism since the 1920s. Policies are available to those under 100 years who are residents of New Zealand. ... I had to haggle with the company who made a 'payment of good will' as it was put for a legitimate claim l will never recommend AA travel insurance. 0 comment on this review ...

  21. Travel insurance

    If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. If you suffer an injury overseas and return to New Zealand, ACC may be able to help with treatment costs in New Zealand, but only if you intended to be overseas for less than six months. ACC is unable to cover expenses incurred overseas. Visit the ACC website to learn more.

  22. AA Auto Centre

    Special pricing is valid for an AA Gold Service™ , AA Silver Service™, AA Bronze Service™, and AA EV Service™, booked between 2 September 2024 and 12 October 2024, subject to availability. Offer only redeemable at AA Auto Centre sites located nationwide. Discounts cannot be exchanged in part of in full for cash.