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Kampagner i 2023

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Helsingør kampagner

Kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at tiltrække danskere og svenskere til Helsingør.


Beyond kampagner 2023

Kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at tiltrække besøgende til Nordsjælland.

Københavner Kærlighed

Københavner Kærlighed

Nationalt kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at tiltrække danskerne til Hovedstaden.

Sofie Lund Michaelsen

World Capital of Architecture kampagner

Internationalt kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at tiltrække besøgende til København.

Kampagner i 2022

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Københavner Kærlighed

Internationalt kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at tiltrække internationale turister til Hovedstaden.



Kampagne med et fokus på at tiltrække danskere og svenskere til Helsingør og Helsingborg.

Tour de France

Tour de France 2022

Kampagne med et fokus på at tiltrække danskere og turister til Hovedstaden under Tour de France.

Villa Copenhagen


Internationalt kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at tiltrække erhvervsrejsende til Hovedstaden.



Internationalt kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at understøtte interkontinentale flyruter til Hovedstaden.



Internationalt kampagnekoncept med et fokus på at tiltrække turister til Hovedstadens nabolag.

Kampagner fra 2021

Få et overblik over nationale- og internationale kampagner, der blev lancerede af Wonderful Copenhagen i 2021.


National kampagne, der skulle tiltrække danskerne til hovedstaden.



National kampagne, der skulle tiltrække danskerne til Helsingør.



National efterårskampagne for de danske storbyer.


Sammen gør vi byen levende igen

National kampagne, der skulle tiltrække besøgende fra Sjælland.


International kampagne, der kørte fra start juni og året ud.


Copenhagen the Christmas Capital

International julekampagne. 

Villa Copenhagen


National mødekampagne.

Copenhagen Half Marathon


Kampagne med events som reason to go .

Kampagner fra 2020

Få et overblik over nationale- og internationale kampagner, der blev lancerede af Wonderful Copenhagen i 2020.

The circle bridge and black diamond

Brug din by

Få Københavnerne ud i byen efter nedlukningen. 

ØsterGRO farming


International kampagne rettet Tyskland, Norge, Sverige og UK.

cycling routes in Copenhagen


Kampagne med tre spor: Nationalt, storby og København.


Copenhagen is Ready

International B2B kampagne, der skulle kickstarte mødebranchen efter nedlukningen.

Den Kongelige Livgarde foran Gamle Scene


Fokus på at få danskerne til at gøre brug af hovedstadens kulturudbud.

Anders Helsager Pedersen AHP

Anders Helsager Pedersen Senior Manager - Creative

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WorldPride in Copenhagen 2021

Ny kampagne spiller op til Copenhagen 2021

I en tværnational kampagne giver fire ambassadører fra LGBTI+ miljøet deres personlige anbefalinger og rejsetips til de danske storbyer. Kampagnen spiller op til "Copenhagen 2021" i august.

WorldPride og sportsbegivenheden EuroGames er kendte trækplastre i det internationale LGBTI+ miljø og gennemføres i år i København/Malmø under overskriften Copenhagen 2021 . Under samme hat gennemføres et imponerende kulturprogram og hertil også en stor event med fokus på menneskerettigheder, lighed og inklusion.

Copenhagen 2021 forventes at tiltrække 200-300.000 deltagere i perioden 12. til 22. august, heraf mange udenlandske turister. Arrangørerne af de mange stort anlagte events har selvfølgelig måttet tilpasse ambitioner og arrangementer til gældende coronaregler. 

”For VisitDenmark er Copenhagen 2021 en fantastisk anledning til at tiltrække turister, men endnu mere for at brande Danmark og København på længere sigt og til en bredere målgruppe. Begivenheden giver gode muligheder for at fortælle om Danmark som et samfund med lige rettigheder, og hvordan vi historisk har været på forkant med at omfavne LGBTI+,” siger VisitDenmarks markedschef i Italien og Frankrig, Ghita Scharling Sørensen. 

VisitDenmarks kampagne kører i Holland, Tyskland, Storbritannien, Frankrig og Italien, og den består primært af digitale tiltag og stærke mediesamarbejder med såvel LGBTI+ medier og livsstilsmedier, der har en bredere målgruppe. 

Ambassadører anbefaler

Flere interessante personligheder fra målgruppen er ambassadører for Danmark i kampagnen, og de fortæller bl.a. om en Perfect Day i hhv. Odense, Aalborg, København og Aarhus. Deres anbefalinger giver masser af inspiration til alle, der ligesom LGBTI+ målgruppen rejser meget, og som derfor prioriterer kvalitetsoplevelser.

"Den lokale, autentiske oplevelse er noget, som virkelig er efterspurgt blandt turister. Her kan brugen af ambassadører sætte et nyt perspektiv på en destination, som turisten ellers ikke vil have fået. Ambassadørerne er med til at give et dybere indblik i deres by og tips til, hvad man kan opleve ved at inddrage personlige fortællinger om attraktioner, gastronomiske oplevelser og områder,” siger Marketing Manager Anna Wilkins på VisitDenmarks kontor i Storbritannien. 

Sandro, Lai, Mona Linaa og Sanne er fire danske ambassadører, som optræder i kampagnen på blandt andet det britiske marked. 

Her er VisitDenmark gået sammen med det officielle World Pride medie Pride Life Magazine, hvor kampagnen kører både digitalt og på print . I Italien kører den derimod i brede medier som Vanity Fair , og i Frankrig på livsstilmediet Konbini . 

”Vores aktiviteter på markederne tager afsæt i Copenhagen2021, og derfor kører vi kampagnen i LGBTI+ medier, men ikke kun. På den måde rammer vi målgruppen både specifikt og bredt, og vi når samtidig også ud til andre målgrupper hvor vi kan vække interesse for Danmark og lyst til at opleve destinationernes mange tilbud. LGBTI+ segmentet har ofte et stort rejsebudget og er nysgerrige turister, som ofte spiser ude og besøger kulturelle attraktioner og museer”, siger Ghita Scharling Sørensen.

I Holland har VisitDenmark et mediesamarbejde med markedets største LGTBI+ og livsstilsmedie Wing, og i Tyskland bruges offline og online advertorials samt bannere i medier til LGBTI+ målgruppen. 

World Pride afholdes hvert andet år, og sidste gang var New York værtsby for begivenheden. 

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Colorful Nyhavn in Copenhagen - La Sirenetta di Andersen

9 must-sees in Copenhagen

All capitals have their classic sights - the things you just have to see and do - and Copenhagen is no different. We will guide you to some of Copenhagen's most iconic attractions and experiences, from Nyhavn to Tivoli, Strøget and Amalienborg, so you can tick them off on your list.

Tivoli Gardens: A worldclass amusement park


Tivoli is the most popular attraction in all of Denmark for a reason. Over 4 million visit the park every year and it is not surprising considering how much Tivoli has to offer. Come for the wonderful atmosphere, the wild rides, the restaurants and the concerts. Tivoli is also open during Halloween and autumn holidays, Christmas and New Year and their new winter season in February.

Nyhavn: A Danish Classic

An iconic corner in Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark

The name Copenhagen comes from the words for "Merchant Harbor" for a reason. Nyhavn used to be one of the hubs for the ship merchants of yesteryear. With its colorful facades, Nyhavn is a compulsory stop on the classic list. Although it may be busy with tourists from all corners of the world, finding a place on one of the many outdoor dining venues is usually easy. Sit down and enjoy a sandwich and a cold beer and indulge in some primo people-watching. Christmas time opens with a cozy Christmas market in Nyhavn, the epitome of hygge.

Amalienborg: The Queen's palace

Amalienborg Palace, the Queen's residence in Copenhagen

Amalienborg Palace is the Queen's residence in Copenhagen. The palace consists of four separate rococo palaces around a square, two of which are open to the public. One houses a museum where you can view almost 400 years of royal history in the form of paintings and other objects, and in the second you can get a close look at what the Danish royal residence is like on the inside. Do not miss the changing of the guard that happens every day at 12 noon.

Strøget: Copenhagen's shopping street

The popular shopping street Strøget in Copenhagen

Strøget is the central pedestrian street at the center of Copenhagen's major shopping area. There's everything you could want nearby, from budget options and small independent shops to some of the world's most exclusive brands. The stretches and the many small side streets are full of shops, cafes and restaurants with something for all tastes. If you want to shop for classic Danish design, you can visit Georg Jensen, Royal Copenhagen or Illums Bolighus.

Canal tour: See the city from the water

Copenhagen canal

When the weather is nice, a canal tour is a great way to see iconic sights around Copenhagen. Jump on at Nyhavn or near Christiansborg and follow a tour that takes you past the Opera House, The Black Diamond library and The Little Mermaid sitting on its rock. You continue through Christianshavn's cozy canals, full of houseboats and lined with charming old buildings. 

The Round Tower: Copenhagen's historic vantage point

Rundetårn in Copenhagen

The Round Tower, built in the 17th century, is Europe's oldest functioning observatory and is used extensively by amateur astronomers. Once you get to the top via the spiral ramp, you'll see a striking view of Copenhagen from a viewing platform running around the tower. Horses used to drag carts loaded with books up to the university library at the top, hence the spiral ramp instead of stairs.

Rosenborg Castle: A Renaissance gem in the middle of town

Rosenborg Castle in King's Garden, Copenhagen.

Rosenborg Castle is a 400-year-old Renaissance castle located in the center of Copenhagen. In addition to the beautiful exterior and the royal palace park, there is a lot to discover inside the castle. Inside, you can see three life-size silver lions keeping watch, and do not miss the Danish crown jewels that can only be worn by the Queen and only when they are within the borders of the country.

Christiania: Copenhagen's free town

Christiania in Copenhagen

Christiania is a colorful and controversial area in Copenhagen that is definitely worth a visit. The sanctuary was started as a social experiment in the 70's but has survived and is today a popular excursion destination for both tourists and Copenhageners. There are several good cafes and restaurants where you hang for a while and look at the people's life after a walk among the hilarious and odd houses of Christiania.

Please note that some visitors may find Christiania, particularly the area around Pusher Street, to be rough. For your own safety, we recommend that follow the Do's and Don'ts signs up at the entrances and refrain yourself from taking any photos or videos.

Smørrebrød: Classic Danish Food

Smørrebrød, Aamanns

We finish this list with a dish that is as iconic as Tivoli or The Little Mermaid, namely the smørrebrød (sounds kind of like "smuurreh-bruuldt"). Try this delicious open-faced sandwich at one of Copenhagen's restaurants for the perfect end to your trip. The hardest part might be choosing where to eat, like the popular Aamanns or at Schønnemanns, one of Copenhagen's oldest restaurants.

Add these to your Copenhagen reading list:

If you want to experience more than the common guidebook can tell you, you might want to take a peak at these articles.

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The best times to visit Copenhagen, for long summer days, festivals and winter hygge

Caroline Sølver

Aug 4, 2022 • 7 min read

People enjoying the sunshine in front of the castle in Frederiksberg Gardens

Copenhagen is worth visiting at any time of year, but the city truly shines in summer © olli0815 / Getty Images

With its cool reputation and plentiful sights, Copenhagen attracts tourists all year round. In November and December, Danes go all out for Christmas, making this a magical time to visit the capital.

In the warmer months, Copenhageners take every chance they get for a dip in the ocean that surrounds the city, and for the rest of the year, museums, cafes and historic sights offer plenty of things to see and do . Read on to find out when to visit Copenhagen for the perfect vacation.

Enjoy long sunny days and Scandinavian nights in the peak season (May–August)

The Danish weather is fairly consistent year-round, with mild summers and moderate winters, but because of the country’s geographical location, the light plays a big role. In winter, the sun sets at 3:30pm, leaving the days dark and long.

Copenhagen’s high season runs from May to August. In the summer, the days seem never-ending, and the sun sets as late as 10pm. This magical season attracts visitors who want to experience long, Scandinavian nights. July is the warmest month in Copenhagen, and lots of events, festivals and activities take place in the summer, making this a fun time to visit the city.

Visitors enjoying Ofelia Plads during Kulturhavn (Culture Harbour) Festival, Copenhagen

Have a cozy, authentic experience in the winter low season (January–March)

In winter, temperatures hover around freezing and the sun can set as early as 3:30pm, meaning dark mornings and afternoons. As a way to cope, hygge was created – the habit of embracing coziness, comfort, contentment and cherishing the little things such as lighting a candle, snuggling up on the couch with warm blankets and spending time with loved ones.

During the winter months, visitors get to see a different, more local and more authentic side to Copenhagen, as tourists take up less space, allowing local culture to come to the forefront. Visitors can also save money on accommodations – winter is the cheapest time to visit Copenhagen. Luckily, there are plenty of indoor activities, from museums to shopping, fine restaurants and cool cafes to enjoy when visiting Copenhagen in the low season.

Enjoy mild weather during the winter and fall shoulder seasons in Copenhagen

The shoulder seasons in Copenhagen are in the fall (September to November) and spring (March, April and May), but the weather can vary widely during either season. You might get lucky and experience summer-like weather in September or May, or if you’re unlucky, these months can be gray, muggy and rainy.

In general, the shoulder seasons are perfect for a city trip if you’re happy spending some time inside, exploring museums and historic attractions and shopping in Copenhagen’s design stores.

Smiling tourists trying out local street food and drinks in Copenhagen in winter

January is the time to stay warm indoors

For many Danes, January is a dreary month. Christmas is over, but the dark Scandinavian winter and gray skies remain. Visit to see how the Danes do winter – the peak season for hygge . Cuddle up inside cute cafes with hot mugs of coffee, go shopping in stylish designer stores and take advantage of January sales, or go ice skating at one of the city’s many ice skating rinks.

February is quiet and uncrowded in Copenhagen

February is still considered winter in Copenhagen, but the lighter days are slowly starting to come back. It’s the low season for tourism and you may have the main attractions to yourself. Hang out at all the museums and, if you dare, take a dip in the ocean, Viking-style, at one of the city's beaches . Key Events: Copenhagen Fashion Week , Winter Jazz , CPH Light Festival , Copenhagen Dining Week

The weather starts to warm in March

In March, spring starts to spring, the daylight comes back and locals bid farewell to the Scandinavian winter as Daylight Saving Time begins. The sidewalk cafes start to fill up and the temperatures begin to reach acceptable levels for sitting out. Key Events: CPH:DOX film festival

April brings spring flowers, festivals and flea markets

Spring flowers start to bloom in April. The cherry blossoms are gorgeous and the lighter evenings come back slowly but surely. It’s a good time for outdoor activities – festivals and flea markets open again, and Tivoli Gardens opens for the season. Key Events: Flea market season starts, Sakura festival , Easter, summer season at Tivoli Gardens

Audience at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival

May sees big celebrations for Labor Day

May in Denmark is a hit-or-miss for the weather. On a good day, May feels like summertime in Copenhagen; on a bad day, it’s cold and rainy. On 1 May, Copenhagen’s historic labor day celebrations, Første Maj, take place in Fælledparken , a huge park with rides, food trucks, partying and political talks. Key Events: Copenhagen Marathon , spring market at Værnedamsvej, Første Maj (Labor Day), Tivoli Food Festival , Copenhagen Beer Week

June marks the beginning of proper summer

June is the time of year when Copenhageners knock off early from work to take a plunge into the many watering holes in Copenhagen. The city truly comes to life and visitors get to experience seemingly never-ending summer evenings, when the sun only sets after 9:30pm and music events fill the calendar. Key Events: Copenhell , Royal Run , Distortion , Sankt Hans (Danish midsummer), Three Days of Design

July is all warm days and summer crowds

July is peak tourist season in Copenhagen, as most Danes get time off during the summer and many take the opportunity to visit the capital. A must-do at this time of the year is jumping into the canals of Copenhagen to cool down. Key Events: Local music festivals around Copenhagen, Copenhagen Jazz Festival

August is the time to sit out in the evening sun

In August, it’s still summer and still warm. The light Scandinavian summer nights continue, and so does the influx of tourists. Visit Copenhagen in August to enjoy mild weather and sunny days for time outdoors. Key Events: PostNord Denmark Tour , Chart art fair , Copenhagen Fashion Week , Copenhagen Cooking Festival , Copenhagen Opera Festival , Pride Week , Iron Man

Tivoli Gardens with Christmas decorations, Copenhagen

September sees temperatures dip

As fall comes around, the temperature drops, but the weather can still show its good side with sunny days and average temperatures that make the perfect backdrop for a city trip. Key Events: Copenhagen Half Marathon , ColorFun , GoldenDays

Fall colors arrive in Copenhagen in October

October is the fall month when the leaves turn orange and yellow, the apple season begins and the weather turns crisp and fresh. Rain is a regular occurrence this time of year, but as the Danes say, “there is no wrong weather, only wrong clothing.” Key Events: Copenhagen Culture Night , Halloween in Tivoli

Winter sweeps in by November

In November, fall gives way to winter – the darkness takes over, and you should expect some rain. The first signs of Christmas slowly begin to show in the streets and you can enjoy your first glass of glögg (spiced wine) of the season. Key Events: Hubertus Hunt , winter ice skating rinks open

December in Copenhagen is full of Christmas spirit

Expect dark, gray days lit up by Christmas magic, and true hygge vibes. If you’re looking for the most magical time to visit Copenhagen, and Christmas is your thing, December is the time – the Danes go all-out for Christmas.

The holiday festivities start in November, when the streets and squares are bedazzled with string lights and Christmas decorations. Christmas markets take place throughout the city, stores are decorated and Tivoli Gardens opens each year as a magical winter wonderland and Christmas elf city.

Visit the Christmas market at Christiania for cute homemade gifts for kids’ stockings. Sip a glass of glögg at the Højbro Plads or Nyhavn Christmas markets. Visit Tivoli Gardens and make sure you try a serving of æbleskiver , a Danish Christmas dessert consisting of round pancakes served with jam and powdered sugar. Key Events: Christmas markets, Tivoli Christmas

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The Present Perspective

Denmark Travel Guide: Is Copenhagen Worth the Hype? [2023]

· everything you need to know to plan the perfect trip to copenhagen, denmark, including things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more. ·.

Row of colorful boat houses on a river

Copenhagen is the biggest city in Denmark, and its popularity has been stretching to every corner of the globe for years. This beautiful city in Northern Europe has a little bit for everyone, from great food and great shopping to stunning architecture and exciting history.

One friend of mine explained this city to me before I went by saying “simply, Cope is dope.” After visiting, I can concur – Copenhagen really does rock! This post is going to take a look at everything you need to know about visiting Copenhagen, and will aim to answer the question “is Copenhagen worth visiting?”

As our friend so eloquently worded it: “Cope is Dope”.

people walking on street near European buildings during cloudy day

This post contains affiliate links through which we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own.

Best Things to Do in Copenhagen

From stunning avant-garde architecture and the happiest people in the world to some great food and really enjoyable things to do, Copenhagen is probably the coolest city in all of Scandinavia. Here is my list of the best things to do in Copenhagen.

1. Go for a Stroll and Sip a Coffee in Nyhavn

Nyhavn is the place that I think of the most when I think of Copenhagen. This wooden canal lined with brightly colored houses was the main thing I saw in pictures and blog posts before I traveled to Copenhagen.

This is one of the most iconic parts of the city, and the buildings lining either side of the canal are home to great bars, restaurants, and cafes.

I think the best time to visit is right before dinner time for either a beer or a coffee, as the weather is at its best and there are plenty of people around to interact with. Nyhavn isn’t necessarily filled with things to do, but rather is a place to go and enjoy the culture and feel of Copenhagen and its people.

Couple embracing on amsterdam bridge with colorful dutch buildings

2. Go Shopping Along Strøget

Strøget is a very long pedestrian street that is lined with trendy stores, restaurants and cafes. If you’re looking for a place to go walk around and spend some time (and money), Strøget is absolutely that place.

There are stores of all kinds here, and you could spend an entire day just popping into different boutiques. Some of the stores are new, some are generations old, and all of them make this place one of the longest pedestrian malls in the world.

cute european cafe building with people drinking coffee on outside tables

3. Walk Around Christiania

Christiania is a very interesting place that I recommend checking out, but be warned that it is not family-friendly. This area in Copenhagen is more or less a commune for…individualists?…that want more autonomy from the government.

Christiania began back in the 70s and has been a work in progress ever since. It is known for being a very hipster place with local artisans and creatives, and it is located on the sight of some old military fortifications.

While visiting you can see many cool shops, old military warehouses, and more. I say that it is not family friendly because there is a potent amount of illegal drug activity that goes on here. Don’t do drugs, please.

Gateway inscribed Christiania in the brush

4. Trek to the Little Mermaid

North of the city, you can find a statue of a little mermaid that has somehow become iconic. I’m not sure exactly what has turned this little statue into a must-see, but nevertheless it has become one. It’s been around since 1913 and has become one of the most recognizable sights in Copenhagen. You can walk there from downtown, but be warned: it’s kind of far!

The Little Mermaid Statue in Copenhagen

5. Learn About Vikings at the Nationalmuseet

The Nationalmuseet is Denmark’s national museum , and there are so many interesting things to see here! Every point of Denmark’s history is on display at this museum, and you can really learn a lot.

Norse mythology is especially interesting to me, and this museum has plenty of it. Speaking of Norse mythology, you should be sure to check out the Trundholm Sun Chariot, which is one of my personal favorite pieces on display in the whole museum.

sword handles

6. Jump on The Secret Trampolines

You’re probably thinking, “what the heck? Secret trampolines?” Let me explain. While strolling around Copenhagen we stumbled upon these grates on the ground…at least we thought they were grates.

Except when we stepped on them, they caved in. And then pounced back up. Angel and I looked at each other and were like “Are these what we think they are?? Trampolines?!”

Yes. These were secretly hidden public trampolines. Practically in the middle of Copenhagen.

Girl Jumping on a street trampoline in copenhagen

Now this isn’t the most thrilling activity on the list, but you have to admit it’s a pretty unique one. They were located about two blocks away from Nyhaven as the long strip of beautifully colored buildings was hidden around the corner. So go hunt down the trampolines, spend five minutes jumping them, and brag about your hidden find to your friends.

How to Get to Copenhagen

Flying to copenhagen.

Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (CPH) is one of the busiest airports in Europe, meaning you have a great chance of finding a convenient and affordable flight route from anywhere in the world. When it comes to flying to Copenhagen, this airport is really your best and only bet.

There are no other major airports close enough worth looking into, and CPH is the biggest and best one in the area, anyway. I mentioned in my guide to finding cheap flights that utilizing hub airports is often the best way to find great flight routes and airfare, and CPH is exactly that.

Once you arrive in Copenhagen, the best way to get from the airport to your hotel in Copenhagen is by booking a private transfer with our partners at Welcome Pickups .

Welcome Pickups offers personalized, private, comfortable rides from the airport into the city for about the same price as a standard taxi. They monitor your flight status while you are in the air, and a driver will be waiting for you holding a sign with your name on it as soon as you arrive.

If you opt not to book a private transfer, your next best options to get to the city are the metro and a regular taxi. There is no Uber or Lyft in Copenhagen, as we will mention later, so you will be stuck using a regular taxi if that is what you choose to do.

The train and metro both travel from the airport to the city center in under 15 minutes, making them a very convenient option. At €4,80, tickets aren’t cheap, but aren’t nearly as expensive as some other things in this city.

Training or Busing to Copenhagen

Copenhagen is not really close to many other European destinations that you may be considering visiting. Hamburg, Germany, is the closest tourist destination and is about 4.5 hours away by train. Additionally, due to the shape of Denmark and the location of Copenhagen, you have to make a bit of an L across and down Denmark to get into mainland Europe.

If you are visiting Hamburg, then perhaps you would like to take a train from Hamburg to Copenhagen.

Personally, though, I recommend flying from pretty much wherever you are to get to Copenhagen. Budget airlines in Europe are extremely affordable , and they will deliver you safely to or from Copenhagen in a fraction of the time that buses or trains would.

Even if you are traveling to or from Hamburg, I recommend checking out the flight options to Copenhagen instead of the train. The prices are often the same, but the flight is only one hour!

How to Get Around Copenhagen


The preferred method of transportation in Copenhagen is the bicycle. Danish people love to ride bikes everywhere, and there are plenty of bikes available for you to use as a tourist via the city’s bike sharing program. In fact, many of the bikes are even electric! To use them you will simply need to have a credit card on hand to use the bike share kiosk.

There is no Uber or Lyft in Copenhagen, meaning that taxis are your best option for non-bicycle transportation. There are a few apps similar to Uber and Lyft that are available, but I think taxis and bikes are enough. The city is very walkable in the main parts, anyway, eliminating the need for either of these options a lot of the time.

three people riding bicycles with colorful Copenhagen boat houses in the background

How Many Days Do You Need in Copenhagen?

Copenhagen is a pretty big city, and I recommend going for several days to be able to really enjoy it the most. I think a day isn’t nearly enough time to explore Copenhagen, especially because one of the best things to do in Copenhagen is just relax and sip a coffee! You don’t have time for that if you’re on the go exploring, trying to cram everything into one day.

While you could spend a week in Copenhagen, I recommend a sweet spot of 4 days.

You can get away with less time, but I think 4 days is enough to truly do the city justice and visit all of its top attractions.

two people walking down a pedestrian european street

Is Copenhagen Expensive?

Copenhagen is a very expensive city. Scandinavia is known for being one of the most expensive regions in the world, and you will certainly notice that when you visit Copenhagen.

From higher prices for food and beverage, to expensive metro tickets, to taxi prices that make you do a double take, the prices in Copenhagen will not be very friendly to your wallet.

With that being said, I was actually surprised by the prices, in that I expected them to be even worse. Don’t get me wrong – Copenhagen is expensive. But it isn’t $10 for a cup of coffee expensive.

It’s more like “wait, I spent $100 today? When did that happen?” Essentially, not all of the prices will blow you away into another galaxy, but at the end of the day you may notice you spent more than you thought just by doing daily, normal things.

When is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Copenhagen?

The best time of the year to visit Copenhagen is from March to August. This is when the weather is at its best, which is crucial when visiting Northern Europe. Visiting Copenhagen in December is just not a good idea at all.

Within that window of March to August are really two different seasons. Firstly, you could visit in the summer, which is from June to August. This is when the weather is its nicest, and it is also when there are the most events going on.

Copenhagen only gets a few nice months of weather per month, so they try to celebrate as much as possible during that window! The downsides to visiting in the summer are the higher prices and the larger crowds. Copenhagen is already an expensive place – add July hotel prices on top, and your bank account might not be very happy with you.

overlook of water on a partially cloudy day

The other main season to visit is the spring, which runs from March to May. The weather will not be nearly as sunny and nice in this season, but it will still be enjoyable and pleasant.

In March you may need a heavy jacket, but you shouldn’t need a heavy parka. In May, you can normally get away with just a sweatshirt. This season is recommended if you want to avoid the large crowds or take advantage of the affordable prices.

We visited in March, and while it wasn’t sunny and gorgeous outside, We were comfortable in jackets. Depending what you’re looking for and what your budget looks like, one season may be better than the other for you.

How Is the Weather in Copenhagen?

I mentioned in the previous section that there are two main seasons that visitors come to Copenhagen: spring and summer. This is because, frankly, Copenhagen is frigid in the winter and fall.

From May to the end of August, Copenhagen weather tends to stay between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 16 degrees Celsius). In March, April, and September, the weather tends to stay between 32 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit (0 and 12 degrees Celsius), and outside of that the weather is almost always freezing.

To the right you can see Angel gracefully freezing in her parka. The winds got so high during our walk to the mermaid that she literally was being blown backwards. And this was in March! We can’t imagine how the peak of winter must be.

woman standing with mermaid statue on a rock overlooking water

Is Copenhagen Worth Visiting?

After reading this post, I hope the answer to the question “is Copenhagen worth visiting?” is clear to you! Copenhagen is a really unique city, and its happy, friendly people make any visit to Copenhagen very pleasant – even if it is during the frigid cold months.

One of the best things to do in Copenhagen is simply sit back and enjoy a cup of nice coffee or a mug of nice beer while making conversation with the people who live there. From exciting museums about Danish history to great restaurants and cool neighborhoods, Copenhagen has a little bit of something for everyone. Just be careful not to overspend, as the costs here tend to add up!

Frequently Asked Questions About Visiting Copenhagen

Is 3 days in copenhagen too much.

3 days in Copenhagen isn’t too much time at all. Copenhagen is a lovely city, and 3 days provides a fair amount of time to explore its highlights without feeling too rushed. You could stay a full week and still want more time.

Is Copenhagen walkable?

Copenhagen is walkable, at least within its major areas. While some of the city’s highlights are outside of the city center, they are easily accessed by bike. Biking is a very common way to get around in Denmark.

Which is better Copenhagen or Amsterdam?

Both Copenhagen and Amsterdam are great cities. Neither one is better than the other. Amsterdam is very peaceful and beautiful, while Copenhagen has better restaurants and nightlife.

That’s all we have for you about visiting Copenhagen! Hopefully this post is helpful as you start planning your journey to one of the most popular cities in Europe.

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

What are the best places to stay to be able to enjoy copenhagen and not have to travel long distances? Can you suggest some hotels that fit that bill? Thanks! Mary

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Click A Story

Click A Story is your free, digital guide to Copenhagen’s best attractions and stories.

Click A Store lets you choose between eight different tours through Copenhagen that each focus on a different Copenhagen story. You just download the Click A Story app and chose your adventure.

In the app, you can see a map of the attractions on your tour and read a little bit about them and you can play a podcast telling you exciting stories about Copenhagen and local legends. You can for example walk in the footsteps of the Danish royal family or famous poet Hans Christian Andersen.

The tours last from 45 minutes to a day, and they let you explore Copenhagen at your own pace.

The app is available for both iOS and Android.

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The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » Denmark » 15 Best Things to Do in Copenhagen (Denmark)

15 Best Things to Do in Copenhagen (Denmark)

Historic, youthful, raucous and refined, Copenhagen can mean many things to many people. If you’re young then it’s a literal playground, with the world’s oldest amusement parks and some of the trendiest shopping and nightspots anywhere. For culture there are historic palaces and museums in which Viking and Bronze Age treasures are on display.

Copenhagen’s food-scene is making international waves, as the profusion of Michelin-starred restaurants will tell you, and the city has been one of Europe’s design capitals for decades now (Foodie? Check out the this Copenhagen’s Culinary Experience Tour ). It all adds up to a dynamic, progressive and fun destination in Denmark .

Let’s explore the best things to do in Copenhagen :

1. Tivoli Gardens

Tivoli Gardens

Such is this theme park’s fame that some people come to Copenhagen just t visit Tivoli Gardens.

And even if you’re not in the mood to get on a rollercoaster or carousel it’s an unforgettable place for an amble thanks to its romantic 19th-century representations of the Orient.

After Bakken, also in Copenhagen, Tivoli Gardens is the world’s oldest theme park, and if you do have kids with you they will have the time of their lives on some of these rides.

Worth special mention is the Star Flyer, a carousel that hikes riders up 80 metres above the ground.

Skip-the-line Tickets : Tivoli Gardens Fast-Track Ticket

2. Little mermaid statue

Little mermaid statue

This instantly recognisable statue sitting on a rock next to the Langelinie promenade is surely the most famous landmark in the city.

The sculptor Edvard Eriksen created the mermaid in 1913 as a tribute to the author Hans Christian Andersen, and it’s inspired by Andersen’s eponymous fairytale.

When you get up close to the statue what will surprise you is how small it actually is, but you’ll have to take a photo because it’s simply one of those international identifiers.


This pedestrian street runs on and on, and whether you’re up for high-street or high-end shopping the chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

It’s among the largest pedestrian malls in the world and even if the prices aren’t for the faint-hearted.

If you want to find some independent shops then follow Strøget into the Old City and then try one of the narrow side streets.

There’s a wonderful mix of old specialty businesses that go back generations and hip boutiques for young fashionistas.

Recommended tour : 2-Hour Private Walking Tour


New Harbour in English, this historic waterfront area is next to a 17th-century canal where old wooden ships are still moored.

On both sides of the canal are tall painted houses dating to the 1600s and 1700s, the ground floors of which house bars, restaurants and cafes with outdoor seating.

It’s hard to believe it now, but for most of its existence this was a seedy part of town.

Now it’s one of the best places to linger of a coffee or beer in summer.

And it’s a big literary landmark too: The house numbers 18, 20 and 67 (marked with a plaque) were home to the author Hans Christian Andersen at different times.

Related tour : Canal Cruise from Ved Stranden or Nyhavn

5. Nationalmuseet


Copenhagen’s National Museum is the sort of attraction in which you could lose hours without realising.

There’s a remarkable wealth of artefacts here, from all eras of Denmark’s past.

If you see nothing else take a look at the Trundholm Sun Chariot. It’s a Bronze Age item, dating to 1400BC, with a bronze statue of a horse pulling a gold disc representing the sun.

According to Norse mythology the sun made its way across the firmament like this, towed by a divine horse.

The Vikings are also well-covered by this museum, and many artefacts from this collection were sent on a tour of the worldin 2014.

6. Christiansborg Palace

Christiansborg Palace

Set on the Islet of Slotsholmen, Christiansborg contains Denmark’s Supreme Court, the Prime Minister’s office and the Danish Parliament.

The Danish royal family and prime minster also make use of the palace’s ornate reception rooms for formal events and to receive other heads of state.

The highlight of these reception rooms is the Great Hall, 40 metres long and able to seat 400 guests.

On a tour you’ll also get to see the Riding School, which is overlooked by a gallery, and the little court theatre which was built in 1767 and updated in 1842.

Book online : Copenhagen City & Christiansborg Palace Private Walking Tour

7. Rent a bicycle

Cycling in Copenhagen

Copenhagen has to be one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world.

Almost everyone who lives here rides regularly, and it’s so safe that you’ll see many people on bikes without helmets.

The city is flat of course, which helps, but the cycle lanes are very broad and since it helps keep pollution down, people are encouraged to cycle whenever they have to make a trip.

There are countless companies offering rentals in Copenhagen, but you might want to try the hi-tech City Bike scheme, which has been running since 1995.

The latest ones even have a touch-screen tablet with built-in GPS!

8. Botanical Garden

Copenhagen Botanical Garden

Occupying 10 hectares right in the middle of Copenhagen, these gardens are valued as much for their botanical wealth as the majestic iron and glass structures that house them.

The glasshouses date from the 1870s, and the most impressive of these is the conservatory complex built in 1874.

Some of the species in here are 200 years-old.

In all there are more than 13,000 plant species on display at the gardens.

See if you can find the Arctic house, in which hi-tech air-conditioning recreates a polar environment for the gardens’ Arctic species.

9. Christiania


They do things differently in Christiania, on the site of old military land in Christianshavn.

It’s a commune that was established back in 1971 on the back of the counter culture movement.

Nearly half a century later it continues to thrive, although things have been bumpy along the way as the people who live and work here wrangle with the Danish government for more autonomy.

The best way to describe it is as a peaceful park, with historic army warehouses and barracks taken over by artists’ studios, organic shops, restaurants and music venues.

Because of the drug activity here it’s a good idea to be aware of the various “do’s and don’ts” before entering.

Get off the beaten path : Free Spirited 1.5-Hour Guided Walking Tour

10. Rosenborg Castle

Rosenborg Castle

This palace was built by Christian IV at the start of the 1600s.

His long reign and engagement in the Thirty Years’ War that swept across mainland Europe made him one of the best-known Scandinavian Kings.

The interiors of this lavish palace have hardly changed in centuries, and feature historic tapestries charting the conflicts between Denmark and Sweden.

You can also see the king’s chambers, take a look at his bathroom and see where he wrote his correspondence.

Do be sure to browse the collections of 17th-century Venetian glass and Flora Danica dinnerware in the tower chambers: They’re among the best in the world.

Included in : 4-Hour City Walking Tour with Rosenborg Castle

11. The David Collection

David Collection

Here you can check out the personal art collection of the Danish businessman C.L. David, who donated both the building, his former home, and these art pieces, which include the largest ensemble of Islamic art in Scandinavia.

There are also exhibits of Danish modern art, paintings from  the 19th-century Danish Golden Age and European art in the 18th-century.

The marquee attraction is the Islamic section, with exquisite pieces gathered from Spain to India and spanning the 800s to the 1800s.

Calligraphy is prominent, but there are also beautiful glass and ceramic items here. Entrance to the attraction is free.

12. Bakken Amusement Park

Bakken Amusement Park

An earthy alternative to Tivoli Gardens, Bakken is an amusement park that has been located right here since 1583.

As you might guess, this makes it the oldest operating amusement park in the world.

Bakken sits hidden in beech woodland a few kilometres up from Copenhagen and after Tivoli Gardens it’s the most popular tourist attraction in Denmark.

Bakken’s attractions have a nostalgic, old-time quality: Take Rutschebanen, with its rickety wooden scaffold, dating back to 1932, or the Hvile music hall, which hosts cabarets.

Entry to the park is free and you buy tickets to each ride.

13. Church of our Saviour

View from the Church of our Saviour

It’s official, this church has the best view in Copenhagen, as voted by Copenhageners.

It’s a baroque building from the mid-1700s and you’ll notice the unusual spire from a distance.

There’s a dark tower wrapped by a ribbon of gold that spirals its way to the top.

This is the handrail for the stairway, and the climb to the viewing platform, via 400 steps, is definitely not for the vertigo sufferers!

Yep, those last 150 steps are outside the building, but if you keep it together you’ll have glorious vistas of Copenhagen as your reward.

You can even see the ships entering the harbour from here.

14. Going out


A fine starting point for a night out in Copenhagen is on one of the many side streets that branch off Strøget. Here you can drink with locals and prices are a little lower than the picturesque but touristy Nyhavn.

On weekends this can be your launch pad for a fun night out in a city where clubs are cool and unpretentious, and live music is a way of life. Younger visitors can party all night at clubs in Nørrebro  that stay open ’til five in the morning and represent all sorts of scenes. Older visitors can head for traditional beer houses (Bodegas) or jazz clubs, or get some high culture at the Royal Danish Theater. There’s also a guided tour to enjoy the nightlife: Copenhagen Bar Crawl (Carlsberg, Pubs, Nightclubs, & More).

15. Danish cuisine


When most people picture Danish cuisine they think of Smørrebrød, which actually means “butter and bread”.

The reality is a lot more exciting and entails anything from cheese, cold-cuts, egg, fish and seafood, topped off with seasoning and garnishes.

For the uninitiated the experience is akin to Spanish pinchos.

Copenhagen is also ground zero for the new Nordic cuisine, where geniuses work wonders with molecular processes and emphasise the quality of regional ingredients.

Noma on Strandgade is of course at the forefront, with two Michelin stars and rapturous international acclaim for more than a decade. There’s also a Nordic cuisine tour available.

15 Best Things to Do in Copenhagen (Denmark):

  • Tivoli Gardens
  • Little mermaid statue
  • Nationalmuseet
  • Christiansborg Palace
  • Rent a bicycle
  • Botanical Garden
  • Christiania
  • Rosenborg Castle
  • The David Collection
  • Bakken Amusement Park
  • Church of our Saviour
  • Danish cuisine
  • The official guide to Copenhagen
  • Beyond Copenhagen
  • Copenhagen Card
  • Aktiviteter
  • Spis & drik
  • Bydelsguides
  • Planlæg din tur

Københavner Kærlighed - Vinter

Københavner Kærlighed Kalender

Hele vinteren er København fuld af liv og glade dage, events og begivenheder. Vi viser her et lille udpluk af hvad du kan se og opleve i vinterens løb!

Finn Frandsen/Ritzau Scanpix

5. feb-6. mar - Udstilling: Understanding the Impact of Architecture på DAC

Brug vinterferien sammen med kunstneren John Kørner, som udstiller sine værker i Dansk Arkitektur Center frem til den 6. marts 2022. Kørner zoomer ind på arkitekturen og dens indflydelse og påvirkning. I dag bor over halvdelen af verdens befolkning i storbyerne.

Men hvordan påvirker arkitektur i glas og beton os som mennesker? Og hvilket forhold har vi efterhånden til naturen? Kom og oplev værkerne, som ved første øjekast kan virke legende og lette. Men ved nærmere eftersyn dukker der små problemer op. Faktisk er de til stede overalt som samfundsanliggender og livsvilkår.

Sted : Dansk Arkitektur Center, Bryghuspladsen 10, København K Åbningstider : Fredag-onsdag kl. 10-18, torsdag kl. 10-21

Paul Warchol

5. feb-18. apr - Udstilling på DAC: SAS Royal Hotel

Kom forbi Dansk Arkitektur Center i vinterferien, hvor du blandt andet kan opleve en hyldest til verdens første designhotel, og en af Arne Jacobsens mest ikoniske bygninger. Hotellet blev en af Danmarks første skyskrabere og er et lysende eksempel på, hvordan Jacobsen mestrede alle led i den arkitektoniske proces.

Vi zoomer ind på den moderne pioner, der var forud for sin tid – og en af hans mest berømte bygninger. SAS Royal Hotel – en kærlighedshistorie er en intuitiv, legende og taktil udstilling, som viser Arne Jacobsens tanker om hotellets totaldesign, den radikale arkitektur og de smukke designelementer.

Pris : Entrépris: Voksne 115 kr.: Børn under 18 år gratis Sted : Dansk Arkitektur Center, Bryghuspladsen 10, København K Åbningstider : Fredag-onsdag kl. 10-18, torsdag kl. 10-21

Malthe Ivarsson

Hver mandag - lørdag i bibliotekets åbningstid - Den Store Diamantjagt

På et hemmeligt sted i Det Kgl. Bibliotek findes Visdommens Diamant - en diamant, som kun de vise kan finde! Visdommens Diamant er kilden til klogskab, og det kræver mod, nysgerrighed og samarbejde at finde den.

Med kompas, kort, lommelygte og eventyrtaske går Den Store Diamantjagt rundt i bibliotekets bygninger. På turen vil I opleve bibliotekets eventyrlige arkitektur, mens I sammen laver sjove opgaver og udfordrende aktiviteter. I kan f.eks. tyde dragernes magiske sten, få et sug i maven fra en glasbro i 5. sals højde, finde de vise elefanter og opleve magien i de gamle, hvælvede sale.

Lån en eventyrtaske i Det Kgl. Biblioteks butik og find Visdommens Diamant!

Den Store Diamantjagt er gratis.

Vinterferie Den Blå Planet

12. - 28. februar - Vinterferie på Den Blå Planet

Aftenåbent, behind the scenes & rundvisning i særudstillingen Få en eksklusiv oplevelse hver aften i vinterferien, når vi åbner dørene til den ellers lukkede, hemmelige del af akvariet. På turen kan du møde passionerede formidlere, der har sjove historier om husets skjulte akvarier og enorme teknikrum. Turen går også gennem kælderen, hvor kan man se akvariets pumper, sandfiltre og ikke mindst opleve Den Blå Planets koralopdræt og meget mere. Kom med bag akvarierne hver dag fra kl. 18, hvor månelyset også tændes i Oceanet.

Klokken 18:30 viser en af vores dygtige fortællere rundt i særudstillingen Havet for længe siden, som er en udstilling om havets historie og fortidens mest spektakulære havdyr. Omdrejningspunktet er 10 modeller af de mest spektakulære havdyr, der nogensinde har levet, i fuld størrelse.

Psssst! I vinterferien har vi også ansigtsmaling, børneteater, tegneværksted, rørebassiner, fodringer og meget andet.

SAGA Space Architects

12. feb-4. sept - Udstilling – A Space Saga på DAC

Brug vinterferien i Dansk Arkitektur Center, hvor den nye udstilling ’A Space Saga’ præsenterer månehabitatet, LUNARK. I 2020 blev LUNARK testet under en 100-dages mission i Nordgrønland, hvor rumarkitekterne Sebastian Aristotelis og Karl-Johan Sørensen opsatte habitatet, og herefter boede i det.

Under projektet har de undersøgt de psykologiske effekter forbundet med isolation. For hvad vil det sige at bygge et habitat til et andet sted end Jorden? De mest basale ting på Jorden som luft, stabil temperatur, vand og mad er ikke tilgængelige, og må derfor indtænkes i udformningen af en månebase. Kom og oplev månehabitatet på egen hånd fra den 12. februar – 4. september 2022.

Dato: 12. februar – 4. september 2022 Pris : Entrépris: Voksne 115 kr.: Børn under 18 år gratis Sted : Dansk Arkitektur Center, Bryghuspladsen 10, København K Åbningstider : Fredag-onsdag kl. 10-18, torsdag kl. 10-21

Washoku Wednesday med Chef Saito

2. marts - Washoku Wednesday med Chef Saito i MUJI

MUJI TeaHouse fortsætter succesen med Washoku Wednesdays, hvor de japanske køkkentraditioner hyldes en gang om måneden. Takashi Saito serverer hver gang en klassisk washoku menu tilpasset de aktuelle japanske højtider.

Den 2. marts bydes der på Bara Chirashizushi, som er den traditionelle spise, når japanerne fejrer et godt liv for deres piger. Dagen kaldes for enten ”Pigernes Dag” eller ”Dukkernes Dag”. Den traditionelle Chirashi-sushi spises hjemme, hvor familierne fejrer deres døtre og hjemmet vil typisk være pyntet op med Hina dukker.

MUJI TeaHouse, Illum 4. sal, Østergade 52, 1100 København Tid: 16:00 - 18:00

Washoku Wednesday med Chef Saito

6. april - Washoku Wednesday med Chef Saito i MUJI

Den 6. april serveres der sakura-bento-boks, for at fejre at kirsebærtræerne blomstrer – Sakura på japansk. Sæsonen for Sakura varer fra marts til april alt efter, hvor i Japan man befinder sig i, og her er der tradition for, at japanerne mødes til picnic under træerne og nyder medbragt mad i bento-boks.

Rolands Varsbergs

4. marts - Åbningsfest på Seaside Toldboden

Vi kickstarter det nye år med et brag af en fredag den 4. marts med sprøde toner fra håndplukkede DJ’s, skamløse cocktails og masser af plads til, at rytmerne kan få frit spil.

Vi har flere køkkener at vælge imellem, så du kan være sikker på, at alle i dit selskab kan finde noget på menukortet, de kan lide. Vi har højt til loftet, gode vibes og masser af plads indenfor og udenfor – alt sammen under ét tag.

Vores fredag skydes i gang allerede kl. 16.00 med vores udvalgte line up af yndlings-DJs, der tryller bag pulten og forkæler med musik til dine øregange, og rytmer til hofterne. Book dit bord her

DJ LINE UP kl. 16-18 // Bronx kl. 18-20 // Benster kl. 20-22 // Dalholt kl. 22-02 // Danni Niebling

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There She Goes Again

A Comprehensive Copenhagen Travel Guide for First Time Visitors

In need of a comprehensive Copenhagen travel guide? Don’t worry, I’ve just returned from a week long trip in Denmark’s capital city, so I’m jotting everything you’ll need to know below!

You know, visiting Copenhagen wasn’t necessarily high on my travel list, but I feel like I’ve always wanted to go. Way back in college one of my acquaintances studied abroad there, and I floated the idea of visiting. Since then, everyone I know has always had good things to say whether they were cursory travelers or professional ones.

This year, though, my friend, Alyshia , had a week off of work for spring break and asked if I wanted to go anywhere. At first we were looking at Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island but decided it was still way too cold to properly enjoy. Then we thought about somewhere in the Caribbean or South America but it was either too far for a week or too expensive since other Canadians were also escaping the cold. Finally, Alyshia plugged in some cheap flights from Toronto and came up with Copenhagen or Paris . Since we’d both already been to the latter, we immediately agreend on Copenhagen.

Flash forward a few months and we’ve just spent a fun week exploring the city, eating a wonderfully absurd amount of carbs, and walking up a lot of steps. Check out the below guide for all my best tips.

visit copenhagen kampagne

A Copenhagen Travel Guide for First Time Visitors

A brief history of copenhagen.

As with all places I write about, I’m starting with a bit of Copenhagen’s history. After all – how else will you know and appreciate what you’re seeing today?

Copenhagen (or København in Danish) began around the 1000s during the Viking Age, though the earliest historical records we have are from the 1100s. As you might guess from the waterfront location, it became a popular spot for merchants and fishermen and really anyone who used the sea for work.

One of the important moments in Copenhagen’s history was when it, with Norway and Sweden, established the Kalmar Union to counter the Hanseatic League ( of Bergen fame ). Think of it like a smaller EU.

The way it all came about is thanks to the typical royal inheritance debacles, but the union did last from 1397 to 1523. During that time Copenhagen became the center of the union as it became the seat of the monarchy and, naturally, it flourished culturally, economically, and socially.

copenhagen travel guide

The next big event in Copenhagen’s history is the Danish Golden Age. This age all started with a plague and a fire, almost giving the city a chance to start from scratch. During the Golden Age, which lasted for half of the 1800s, culture was front and center. From architecture to art to literature to music, a ton of important Danish figures emerged during this time. The most famous, of course, would have to be Hans Christian Andersen, aka one of the main creators of the modern fairy tale.

Today, Copenhagen has more or less retained its cultural reputation. Both Danish and Copenhagen culture is frequently referenced whether it’s style, food, interiors, or design. I’m sure we’ve all heard of hygge by now! Not to mention noma, the restaurant of all restaurants in the fine dining world (soon to be an RIP). If you watch “The Bear,” this is where Marcus trains when he goes to Copenhagen.

Hard to meet anyone who’s been, no matter the time of year, and had a bad time in the city!

copenhagen travel guide

How Expensive is Copenhagen?

I will not lie to you – like most Nordic countries I’ve been to, Copenhagen can get very pricey. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily pricier than, say, San Francisco or New York City , but if you’re not used to those prices, you might find yourself pinching pennies a bit.

However, there are a lot of ways to offset the cost! The biggest one I’d recommend looking into is the Copenhagen City Card . I’m going to write a post breaking down the card’s cost vs. how often we used it, but when I tallied the total, we saved about $70 USD with the 120-hr card!

Other ways I’d say to save is to bring a water bottle to refill (tap water here is delicious). Stick to cafes, bakeries, food halls, and cheap eateries (even the “cheap places” are mouthwatering!). Walk as much as possible if you’re not using the card (really the city isn’t that big) and look into budget accommodation – especially off season.

Plus, check out the local grocery stores. You can easily make yourself sandwiches and snacks from Netto while on the go. Quite a few places have packed lunch sections to sit and eat.

visit copenhagen kampagne

When to Visit Copenhagen

Honestly, after being further north than Denmark in all the seasons, I would say you could visit Copenhagen any time of year and have a good experience.

Summer is obviously the most popular with warm weather, long, sunny days, and everything open. However, with all of that comes more expensive rates on hotels, tickets, and flights.

Winter sounds fun with all the hygge and it still gets quite a decent amount of daylight compared to other Scandinavian countries. I assume a lot closes though.

I really enjoyed coming over Alyshia’s spring break in mid-March! Like 99% of what we wanted to do was open, and we got really great deals on flights and hotels. I also noticed a few places either had slightly lower prices too. Temperature-wise it was around 30-50F depending on the day and mostly overcast.

I would say the sweet spot would be late April, early May or mid-late September. Some of the things I wanted to do like the Reffen Market or Tivoli Gardens were still closed in March but would be open in April. The weather is a bit better and because you’re still in the shoulder season, you should be able to find decent deals.

copenhagen travel guide

Where to Stay in Copenhagen

As someone who hates, hates walking with a suitcase for more than 15-20 minutes, I am a big proponent of staying close to stations. Luckily, Copenhagen has a really great train, metro, and bus situation so regardless of where you stay, you’ll be pretty close to something.

For first time visitors, I’d stay right by København H (Copenhagen Central Station). It’s a straight shot to the airport in under 30 minutes and will have you connected to not only everything in the city but will make any and all day trips easier. Plus it’s right by Copenhagen’s Meatpacking District which has a lot of cool cafes and restaurants.

We stayed at Go Hotel Ansgar since we were looking for something budget-friendly. I’d say the only downside was that the internet was pretty spotty, so don’t plan on making video calls or anything too intense. Otherwise, we didn’t mind the tighter quarters since we were pretty much out from morning til evening. Check current prices here.

Some other hotels we looked at:

Otherwise, I’d say stay near Kongens Nytorv or Gammel Strand to be central but in charming areas. Meanwhile Rådhuspladsen and Nørrebro are cool neighborhoods that feel a little more hipster, local but still easy to navigate.

visit copenhagen kampagne

How to Get into Copenhagen

I’m going to assume 90% of you reading this post are coming in by plane and flying into Københavns Lufthavn (Copenhagen Airport or CPH). Lucky for you this airport is really easy to navigate, it’s just really big and can feel like you’re walking for a while.

To take public transport, you can literally get on the train right at the airport in Terminal 2. Alyshia and I found each other by baggage claim and then went to get hot dogs at Steff’s Place. The ticket station and entrance to the train was right next to stand.

Also you can download the DOT Billeter app to buy directly on there but I couldn’t get it to connect to my credit cards. If you use the Copenhagen card, airport transfer is included.

By Train or Bus

For those of you coming in by bus or train, you’ll likely go right to København H (Copenhagen Central Station). Sometimes it shows up as Köpenhamn H. Just know whether you see København H, Köpenhamn H, or Central Station, they’re all the same.

copenhagen travel guide

How to Get Around Copenhagen

If you’re ready to walk, you can very easily walk everywhere in Copenhagen. Like we took the metro and buses a lot since we had unlimited rides, but if you’re trying to save money and want to, this city is incredibly walkable. Tons of sidewalk space and just easy to navigate. I can just picture visiting as a college student and managing to walk all around!

By Bus/Metro

Copenhagen has a really great metro and bus system. It costs about $3.50 USD per ride so that can definitely add up if you’re not careful, especially when some of the rides could be 15-20 minute walks.

Most metro trains we took came every 2-5 minutes while buses were definitely a little rarer. The further out of the center you get, the longer the wait in between the buses. When we went to find the troll, Kaptajn Nalle, buses were very 20-30 minutes.

Obviously, Copenhagen is bike city! There are bike lanes everywhere, and from what I can tell most people get around on their two wheels. As a tourist, I’d only bike if you feel comfortable with it as I imagine it’d be pretty annoying to have someone causing issues in the bike lane during rush hour.

From what I can tell most hotels will have bikes available to rent – ours has a whole line of them. As for parking them, I saw plenty of bike parking lots, but, again, ask your hotel for guidance!

Notable Sightseeing Places in Copenhagen

There are a lot of cool things to do and see in Copenhagen , but to give you the very basics, here are the top five:

visit copenhagen kampagne

This little waterfront strip is THE place to see in Copenhagen. Pretty much every establishing shot on film and every prominent photo of the city was taken right here. It spans about nearly 1500ft (450m) and is full of colorful buildings and boats. If you want to do a canal cruise , they usually leave from here too.

I imagine it’s swarmed come summer, so visit early for a more peaceful atmosphere. Or come in the shoulder season and even in the afternoon it shouldn’t be too bad.

Skip any food here, from what I’ve read none of it is particularly remarkable and is more expensive than walking 5 minutes away towards Kyngens Nytorv.

visit copenhagen kampagne

Most things are closed on a Monday but not Rundetårn (The Round Tower). It’s one of the best ways to get a bird’s eye view of Copenhagen and dates back to the 1600s. It’s actually the oldest functioning observatory in Europe, and you can see its telescope once you climb up.

Bonus: When you get back down, go to the døp hot dog cart for an excellent hot dog – ask for everything on it!

visit copenhagen kampagne

The Little Mermaid Statue

If you can’t tell by the absolute terrible quality of the photo above, I didn’t go check out Den Lille Havfrue or The Little Mermaid on land. Maybe if I go in warmer weather, I’ll walk over, but for now I was fine viewing it from our canal tour’s boat.

This statue is dedicated to the fairytale and is part of Hans Christian Andersen’s legacy in Copenhagen. It’s also been named as one of the most disappointing landmarks to see in person, so keep your expectations low! And if you do go over to see on land, combine it with a trip to Amalienborg Castle and Kastellet, a start-shaped fortress.

visit copenhagen kampagne

Tivoli Gardens

I’m so bummed Tivoli was closed while we were there! This amusement park is literally right by Central Station (like we walked by it constantly) and is one of the most popular amusement parks in all of Europe. They even say it inspired Walt Disney to create Disneyland.

Everyone I know and every blog, Reddit post, and Instagram Reel or Tiktok had Tivoli on their list of things to do in Copenhagen, so you know it’s not just a tourist thing. Just know if you only get an entrance ticket, you’ll have to pay for each ride, so book a ticket with unlimited rides to make the most of it.

copenhagen travel guide

One of the Palaces

Within Copenhagen, you can visit Amalienborg (the current home to the royal family), Christiansborg (home to Danish parliament), or Rosenborg (where the crown jewels are kept). About an hour away is Frederiksborg (the “Versaille of Denmark), and Kronborg (Hamlet’s Castle). That’s all to say, you’ve got five different palaces to choose from, so take time to see at least one.

I will say the palaces that are in Copenhagen are pretty quick visits as only part of them are actually open to the public, so you could easily plan to visit all three in a day if you wanted to. Many even have combination tickets to make it more affordable.

Where to Eat in Copenhagen

The thing I noticed about Copenhagen is that it’s really hard to have a bad meal here. Maybe around Nyhavn there are crappy menus, but honestly this city takes its gastronomy very seriously. There’s a reason it’s home to over twenty Michelin-starred restaurants!

Either way, whether you want a cheap hot dog or can score reservations at the most exclusive fine dining restaurant out there, you will eat well while you’re here.

dallas coffee - copenhagen travel guide

Cafes and Bakeries

You guys know I love a good café, and Copenhagen does not disappoint! There are cafés and bakeries (or bageris) all over , and we probably stopped into at least two or three a day. Not only will you get delicious coffee, most places will have something to eat or, at the very least, an extremely delicious array of freshly made baked goods.

We usually started off with breakfast at a café near whatever landmark we wanted to go, and I often switched it up with matcha lattes and hot chocolates. Who knew Denmark was known for its matcha skills?!

copenhagen travel guide

Another really good option for eating in Copenhagen is looking up the various food halls. There are quite a few options, and while we were there we managed to make it to Torvehallerne where I tried some Danish porridge (grød).

I will say a lot of the open air food halls/markets like Reffen or Broens Gadekøkken are closed until at least April, so double check times on their websites.

visit copenhagen kampagne

Hot Dog Stands

As someone who’s not even a big hot dog person let alone someone who adds a ton of toppings to her dogs, I am OBSESSED with Danish hot dogs. I remember hearing Iceland had really fantastic hot dogs too but didn’t get a chance to try one, so I wanted to make sure I ate at least one while here.

Turns out we ate four, including one quite literally after we met at the airport. You can’t go wrong with a stand, and there’s at least one in every major square. Heck as soon as you exit Central Station, there’s a great hot dog stand right there.

Michelin Restaurants

Like I mentioned above, Copenhagen has well over twenty Michelin-starred restaurants and is home to what might be the most famous (maybe infamous?). I wouldn’t say I’m the biggest foodie on the planet but even I’ve heard of noma!

If you’re someone who seeks these restaurants out or are traveling with a fine dining foodie, you’ll have a bevy of options right at your finger tips. We didn’t visit any of them as we were on a budget and I had so many cafes, hot dog stands, and fast food-style places I wanted to try, but maybe on a future trip!

hanoi alley - copenhagen travel guide

Vietnamese Cuisine

Here’s something totally random I noticed – Copenhagen seemed to have a lot more Vietnamese cuisine than I could have ever expected. Given that I lived there and love the food, I do tend to notice Vietnamese restaurants whenever I travel. I truly don’t think I saw so many places as I did in Copenhagen.

We wound up going to Hanoi Alley in Nørrebro because we were hiding from the rain. As much as I love cafes, I was craving something heartier and nothing tastes as good as beef pho on a cold, rainy day!

copenhagen travel guide

Day Trips from Copenhagen


As I mentioned Frederiksborg Slot is like Denmark’s Versailles. It’s about an hour on the train in Hillerød and was built in the 1600s for King Christian IV. It has this huge, Renaissance design, so I’d really like to go one day. We just ran out of time!

Hamlet’s Castle in Helsingør

One castle we did do a day trip for was Kronborg Slot in Helsingør. It’s also about an hour on the train and became famous when Shakespeare set his most famous play there, naming the castle Elsinore. A number of famous actors have participate in productions there from Laurence Olivier to David Tennant ( and me, of course, hehe )! Kind of cool to imagine getting the chance to witness Laurence Olivier acting out Hamlet in the Hamlet castle, but I also spent a whole semester studying that play so that might be a niche interest.

While you’re here there’s also the Maritime Museum which is supposed to be award-winning. Truthfully, I wanted to make sure we had time for the next spot on our list, so we skipped it.

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

About halfway between Kronborg and Copenhagen is a very cool modern art museum. The exhibits have so much going on and the location is right on the coast, so you could easily turn this into a full day trip on its own. The nice thing is that it’s open pretty late, so even if you want until the afternoon, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy.

Malmö, Sweden

Fun fact – you can pop over to Sweden in under an hour! Heck, even in the airport you’ll see signs for Malmö. It’s Sweden’s third largest city and sounds like a cool spot to visit on its own whether it’s for historic architecture, castles, or cool museums. Since we didn’t plan to go, I couldn’t tell you what was there exactly but it sounds like people who go enjoy it.

visit copenhagen kampagne

Shopping in Copenhagen

Copenhagen has some really fun shopping whether you’re looking for specific deals at the GANNI Postmodern Outlet or for quirky creations at Studi Arhoj. I mean, there’s a good reason people love Danish interior design and Copenhagen street style. I promise I’ll have a whole other post on shopping to share everywhere we went!

copenhagen travel guide

Safety & Health in Copenhagen

You know, I’m sure there’s crime in Copenhagen but this has to have been one of the safest major capital cities I’ve ever been to. The “sketchiest” part was in Freetown Christiania, and honestly, I’ve seen worse on a normal day in HCMC or Philly .

I feel like the worst crime to worry about is pickpockets but even then there doesn’t seem to be a crazy epidemic like in Barcelona and Paris. I mean, this is a city where people just leave their babies in strollers outside of restaurants – it’s a pretty safe city.

Likewise for health – this is the kind of place were you not only can you drink the tap water, it’s actually delicious. And there are so many nice, clean public bathrooms everywhere even in the metro stations.

That’s all I can think of to put into a single Copenhagen travel guide. I’ve got a bunch more posts coming because I really enjoyed this city, but in the meantime let me know if you have any further advice or questions below!

For more Scandinavian travel, read these next:

  • 18 Fantastic Things to Do in Bergen, Norway
  • Lofoten in the Winter: A Little Guide
  • 3 Days in Stockholm: A Beginner Itinerary
  • All the Best Things to Do in Örebro, Sweden


copenhagen travel guide

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All i have to say is ” <3 "! Thank you Love! you made my travel much much better and easier.

Aw yay! I’m glad it was helpful; I hope you have an amazing trip!

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The Hermitage Castle in The Deer Park | Daniel Rasmussen

Editor's choice: Copenhagen in November

By Annika Løbnitz Skjoldborg,

Digital Marketing Assistant and part of the editorial staff who each month share their personal tips to Copenhagen.

Are you thinking about visiting Copenhagen in November? You should be. It’s a wonderful eclectic month in the city. You can spot crazy Copenhageners sitting outside the sidewalk cafes, clinging onto summer under blankets and heating lamps, while the Christmas markets mark the transition into winter as they start to open all over town - filling the streets with twinkling lights and hygge. 

In case you are wondering what to do in Copenhagen in November I've listed five things you should check out:

Get active at Copenhill

Amager Bakke | Giuseppe Liverino

Copenhagens new landmark has already had loads of coverage, but we won’t be able to shut up about it for a while. If you haven’t heard the news I’m here to fill you in. Since October it’s been possible to go skiing in Copenhagen. That’s right. We've gotten our very own innovative urban mountain built on top of a waste-to-energy power plant. If you’re not a skier you can also go running, walking or climbing. Copenhiill doubles as a publicly accessible recreational area with a cafe and restaurant. Spoiler alert: the view from up top is the best in Copenhagen.

Travel back in time at the Hubertus Hunt

Hubertus Hunt

One of the best places to watch the seasons change is in the Deer Park; a UNESCO heritage site in Greater Copenhagen. On November 3rd you can spice up your visit by experiencing the annual Hubertus Hunt - an 11 kilometer historic horseback race with 32 obstacles. The Hubertus Hunt has been happening since 1900, and with the 100 horseback riders dressed in their red uniforms and the Crown Princess of Denmark handing over the prize to the winner, it’s quite an extraordinary event.

Enjoy a candle-lit dinner

Il Buco candlelight | Daniel Rasmussen

There’s no denying it, November is one of the best months for hygge . You know, that special feeling the Danes have become famous for. Two of the best elements to create hygge is candles and food, so we’ve put together a list of 8 perfect spots for candlelit dinners where you can let the hygge flow. I couldn’t think of a better activity for a dark November night.

Visit a special Picasso exhibition

ARKEN Museum of Modern Art

Everyone always talks about Louisiana and its recognition is well deserved for sure. But not to be overlooked is the beautiful, architectural ARKEN Museum of Modern Art. Right now their new exhibition Beloved by Picasso steals the spotlight, featuring 51 of Pablo Picasso’s works of art including paintings, sculptures, drawings, and prints. Reviewers say that it's quite spectacular. I'm definitely going.  

Spoil yourself with saunagus with the locals

Sjællandsgade Bad | PR

It's getting colder outside, which means that self-love activities should be prioritized. My favourite kind is saunagus, which basically is aromatherapy happening in a sauna. Saunas are proven to relax your muscles and release endorphins, but adding aromatherapy into the mix brings it to a whole new level. Put on your birthday suit (or a swimsuit) and join us locals for a saunagus at Sjællandsgade Badet - a beautiful, old, communal bathhouse that's been around for more than 100 years.

Want to know more?

We have plenty of inspiration for you to dig through. 

Kunsthal Charlottenborg in autumn colours

Check out our guide on autumn in Copenhagen

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A Backpacker's World

Is Copenhagen Worth Visiting In 2024? Things To Do & Reasons To Visit

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Wondering whether or not Copenhagen is worth visiting?

Then you’ve come to the right article as I’ve written a complete and in-depth guide to whether it’s worth visiting Copenhagen.

Before visiting a country, I always do some research into whether it’s worth visiting. And by landing on this article, it’s likely you do too! No one wants to visit somewhere that doesn’t live up to expectations, right/

Is Copenhagen worth visiting?

This is a question I asked before my trip to the Danish capital. After spending 3 days in Copenhagen , I feel confident to answer the question of whether Copenhagen is worth visiting or not.

Is Copenhagen Worth Visiting? YES!

In my opinion, Copenhagen is definitely worth visiting . 100%. It’s such a unique city and so different from the rest of Europe.

I visited Copenhagen as a solo traveller, but I saw many families, couples and friend groups too. Copenhagen is a great place to visit for anyone!

A huge plus is that flights are usually quite cheap too. From Europe anyway. I got return flights from Dublin to Copenhagen for €30, which is an absolute steal! Flights costing 10x that to Copenhagen would still be worth paying.

A picture of the entrance to Tivoli Gardens. It's one of the most popular things to do in Copenhagen, and a reason the answer is yes to "Is Copenhagen worth visiting?"

There are so many unique selling points for Copenhagen, but one of the best is how safe Copenhagen is. As per The Economist’s 2021 report , Copenhagen is the safest city in the world . Yes, the whole world.

The vibe in Copenhagen is so relaxed and easygoing. You get a real sense of relaxation and safety in Copenhagen, the people are so chilled out and nothing bothers them. Copenhageners know how to live life.

Copenhagen is also home to some incredible restaurants and hotels. Not to mention how many great things there are to do in Copenhagen. Whether you stay for one day or one month, you’ll always find more things to do in Copenhagen.

10 Best Things To Do In Copenhagen

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That being said, you may wish to find out what there is to do in Copenhagen before making your own mind up as to whether is it worth visiting. So without further ado, here are 10 of the best things you can do on a trip to Copenhagen.

1) Take a canal tour: The canals in Copenhagen run right through the city, and there’s no better way to see Copenhagen’s main landmarks than by taking a canal tour . The unique perspective of the city along with the peaceful boat journey makes a canal tour a top thing to do in Copenhagen.

2) Visit Nyhavn: When you search for images of Copenhagen, Nyhavn is what comes up. Nyhavn is the coloured houses in Copenhagen along with the canal in front. It’s beautiful and picturesque in photos, and in real life, it is simply stunning. You have to see it during a trip to Copenhagen, some would say Copenhagen is worth visiting for Nyhavn alone.

A picture of Nyhavn. Nyhavn is beautiful and I would say yes to "Is Copenhagen worth visiting" just to see Nyhavn.

3) See the parliament, Christiansborg Palace: Christiansborg Palace is one of the most iconic buildings in Copenhagen and it’s definitely something you need to do during a trip. You can also go to the top of the tower (for free) and get a beautiful, birdseye view over Copenhagen.

4) Pose with The Little Mermaid: The Little Mermaid is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Denmark. It’s a statue of a mermaid along the canal and you can get right down to it as it is on the shorefront. To be honest, I found it a little underwhelming, but cool to see nonetheless.

5) Feel like a Royal at Rosenborg Castle: One of the most beautiful buildings in Copenhagen is Rosenborg Castle and inside are incredible museums. You can see the thrones of the King and Queen of Denmark and also the Crown Jewels. It’s definitely a must-do.

6) Walk to the top of the Round Tower: The Round Tower also offers an indescribable panoramic view of Copenhagen. The view from the top allows you to see right over the city and beyond. And it’s also included in the Copenhagen Card , so you can go up for free.

A picture of the view from the top of the Round Tower. It makes Copenhagen worth visiting for this view alone.

7) Have fun at Tivoli Gardens: Tivoli Gardens, the third oldest operating theme park in the world is guaranteed to be a fun day out in Copenhagen. There are so many exciting rides and amusements, as well as endless places to eat. Make sure to buy your Tivoli Gardens Tickets in advance to save waiting in a huge queue to get in.

8) See the animals at Copenhagen Zoo: In my opinion, Copenhagen Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world. I got to see pandas and polar bears for the first time. It’s such a good day out! I’d recommend Copenhagen Zoo to anyone, without a doubt.

9) Learn a bit of history at the National Museum of Denmark: Filled with Danish and Scandinavian history, stepping back into the days of the Vikings is a must-do when visiting Copenhagen. I’m not a huge fan of museums but I still really enjoyed checking out the National Museum of Denmark.

10) Take a tour of Amalienborg: The Queen of Denmark’s winter residence is great to look at, but you can also take a tour of the building which is a worthwhile experience. Witnessing the changing of the guards, as with any royal landmark in Copenhagen, is unbelievable.

A picture of Amalienborg.

What Is Copenhagen Known For?

Copenhagen is famous for being the capital of Denmark and one of the main cities in Scandinavia.

Copenhagen is also known as one of the happiest cities in the world , as well as the number one safest city in the world.

The superlatives for Copenhagen continue, you may also have heard before that Copenhagen is one of the most cycling-friendly cities , even ahead of Amsterdam. It ranks as the 4th most bike-friendly city in the world.

The nickname for Copenhagen, “The City of Spires” could not be more true, as a view over Copenhagen from the Round Tower or Christiansborg Tower show how many spires there are in the city’s skyline. Copenhagen’s medieval and Renaissance architecture is second to none.

And of course, it would be impossible to mention Copenhagen without mentioning Tivoli Gardens or Nyhavn, two of the most popular things to do.

An alternative view from the Round Tower, showing lots of spirals which is why Copenhagen is known as "The City of Spires"

Best Time To Visit Copenhagen

In my opinion, Copenhagen is a great place to visit any time of the year , with different times having different benefits. That being said, I would recommend different months.

If you want to experience Copenhagen in okay weather, try to go in the spring. The weather will be beginning to get warm, but you will avoid the crowds of the summer months.

If you want to experience Copenhagen in winter weather with the chance of snow and enjoy the festivities of Christmas, visit in December. Tivoli Gardens in December is one of the best sights in Copenhagen , and you will create memories to last a lifetime.

Personally, I love visiting countries in Scandinavia in winter. I think it’s the best time to visit because when you think of countries like Iceland , Norway, Finland, and Denmark, of course, you think of cold weather.

But as I said, you can visit Copenhagen all year round and have a great trip. I first visited Copenhagen in January , but I loved it so much I’m heading back there in December for my second time in Copenhagen in one year.

A wall in Copenhagen Airport which says "Welcome to Copenhagen"

Where To Stay In Copenhagen

The best part of Copenhagen to stay in is near Copenhagen Central Station. Not only will you be next to the station and have easy transport access to and from the airport, but you are right next to most of the main attractions in Copenhagen.

Everything in Copenhagen is within walking distance, more or less. If you stay in the area near København H ( Danish for Copenhagen , so it’s Copenhagen Central Station), you are 5 minutes away from Tivoli Gardens , 15 from Christiansborg and 25 minutes walk from Rosenborg. Just to name a few examples.

One of the best hotels is Zoku Copenhagen . It’s rated 9.1/10 on Booking and is in the perfect location in Copenhagen. Zoku is also relatively affordable compared to other hotels in Copenhagen, which is a very expensive city . You can’t go wrong with booking a stay at Zoku Copenhagen, I would recommend it.

If you are visiting Copenhagen on a budget or you are a solo traveller, I recommend staying in Next House Copenhagen . It’s the fanciest hostel I have ever stayed in, with personal pods, a football pitch and 5 bars. As I said, everything is within walking distance so it’s a great spot to stay in to save money on transport.

➡️ Best hotel in Copenhagen: Zoku Copenhagen ➡️ Best budget-friendly hostel in Copenhagen: Next House Copenhagen

How To Get Around Copenhagen

The best way to get around Copenhagen is by walking or cycling. Most of the main attractions and tourist sights in Copenhagen are within walking distance of each other.

Cycling will allow you to experience Copenhagen as a local, as it is the most common way to get around. Copenhagen is incredibly cycling-friendly, with bike lanes on every road.

Taking a bike tour in Copenhagen is also a great thing to do as part of your trip!

A picture of some bikes in Copenhagen.

You can choose to take public transport, which is included in the Copenhagen Card , but I personally prefer to walk or cycle as it allows me to see parts of Copenhagen I may have otherwise missed.

To get to and from the airport, the best way is to take the train (also included in Copenhagen Card) which takes about 15 minutes and arrive at Copenhagen Central Station, which is also the best part of Copenhagen to stay in.

Is Copenhagen Worth Visiting: FAQ

Below are some related questions to “Is Copenhagen worth visiting?” along with my answers.

It’s impossible to pick a winner between Copenhagen and Stockholm. Both are unique cities and offer different things. Stockholm is slightly cheaper than Copenhagen, but Copenhagen is more popular for tourism. So both Copenhagen and Stockholm have their perks. If you can visit them both, do it. It’s very easy to get between the two, there are regular trains.

Copenhagen is a great place to visit because it is such a different experience from the rest of Europe. The architecture and buildings in Copenhagen are so beautiful, and the churches are incredible. Copenhagen is known as “The City of Spires” for a reason. There are so many great things to do in Copenhagen ranging from Nyhavn and Tivoli to Copenhagen Zoo and the Little Mermaid.

Copenhagen and Amsterdam are two very similar but very different cities. It’s impossible to pick a winner between the two. Amsterdam is more popular to visit and has more tourists, and is much cheaper. But Copenhagen offers a much more unique culture and is very different to the rest of Europe. Both cities are worth visiting at some point!

Yes! I visited Copenhagen in January and had an amazing time. Despite Tivoli Gardens being closed, there are still so many things to do. The crowds are also non-existent. At times I was the only person outside Christiansborg Palace! Hotels are also cheaper to stay in too, as it’s a less popular time of the year to visit. This only makes it even more worth visiting, having fewer tourists is always a bonus.

Without a doubt, yes! Copenhagen Zoo is the best zoo I have visited anywhere in the world. There is such a wide variety of animals. I got to see pandas, leopards and polar bears for the first time! There is also an amazing viewpoint which allows a great view over Copenhagen. Of course, a huge benefit of visiting Copenhagen Zoo is that it is included in the Copenhagen Card, so admission is free. Not to mention the amazing churros I had at Copenhagen Zoo. It would be worth visiting for those alone!

Conclusion: Is Copenhagen Worth Visiting

To conclude, the answer to “Is Copenhagen worth visiting?” is yes, undoubtedly. Copenhagen is an amazing city break and such a unique city compared to others in Europe.

There are so many great things to see and do such as Tivoli Gardens, Nyhavn and Rosenborg Castle. You’ll always find something.

It’s a popular destination, but not too touristy like Paris or Rome, so Copenhagen makes for a great trip.

I would recommend it to anyone. I hope you enjoy your trip to Copenhagen!

Now that you know it’s worth going to the city, it’s time to decide how many days you are going to spend in Copenhagen .

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Josh Band is the founder of A Backpacker's World. He is a full-time traveller currently on a mission to visit every country in the world. As a full-time traveller, Josh knows exactly how to make the most of any trip and shares these tips with his readers. Josh mostly travels as a backpacker on a budget, so he is also an expert when it comes to getting the most of your money while travelling.

Scandinavia Standard

Scandinavian travel, design, culture, and what’s on for locals, travellers and scandiphiles. Based in Copenhagen and Stockholm.

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Early summer is finally taking hold of Copenhagen and we’re more than ready. Copenhagen events really heat up this time of year, as the wonderfully bright evenings call for sunset drinks, dinners outside, or perhaps an after-work run around the lakes . If the weather plays along , this is the time of year to embrace outdoor living .

As the streets fill with life and the event schedule is picking up, there’s plenty to do in the Danish capital. As for rainy days, exhibitions and screenings will keep you entertained.

From community dinners to exhibitions to markets to yoga, here are the best events in Copenhagen in May:

Wednesday 1st May

International workers’ day.

1st May is International Workers’ Day. Celebrate labor activism and solidarity in Fælledparken. Not quite sure what this is all about? Read up on the history of International Workers’ Day here .

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Heartfulness Meditation at Good Habit Studio

Good Habit might be primarily known for their supplements but with the new studio, the team has now created a space to share practices for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Kick off your Wednesday with some meditation in great company. The Heartfulness meditation runs for 30 minutes, starting with the first half guided by Thorkild May and the second half being silent. It’s an efficient practice for mental resilience, clarity, and a way to dive deeper into yourself and discover your heart. From 7:15 to 8:15 am.

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Friday 3rd May

Scend pop-up at vestergade 12a.

Copenhagen-based technical sportswear brand SCEND is hosting a pop-up to celebrate the launch of their “Ascending Collection.” Stop by to browse and to meet the team from 10 am to 4 pm. Stay tuned via their Instagram!

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Audo Social Club

Wrap up the week at Audo Restaurant and try their cocktails and snacks. From 5 to 11 pm.

Saturday 4th May

Aperó club by omada & friends with botiga.

Saturday afternoon done right: taste a selection of bubbles, vermouth, and other delicious Catalan treats from Botiga at Omada Wine & Deli from 12 noon to 8 pm. Come for “la hora del vermut” and stay for the vibes.

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Pussycat Dolls Dance Party at Absalon

Learn the steps for the choreography of Pussycat Dolls’ 2000s hit “Buttons“ and swing your hips at the party after. Join for the choreography session by instructor Nick Hvidtfeldt from 8 pm or the party from 10 pm. Tickets for the full evening cost 100 DKK, for the party only 50 DKK.

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Thursday 9th May

Yoga and long-table dinner at audo restaurant.

Wellness concept RAVE is teaming up with design house and creative space Audo for an evening of communal wellbeing. Join for a soothing yoga class including breathwork and aromatherapy in the Audo penthouse, followed by a long-table sharing-style dinner. From 5:30 to 8 pm. Tickets cost 450 DKK.

Friday 10th May

Canvas couture: bridging fashion and fine art.

Fashion designer Nikolaj Storm and artist Margarita Howis have joined forces to present “CANVAS COUTURE: Bridging fashion and fine art,” an interdisciplinary exhibition that blends art and fashion in an upcycled universe. Join from 6 pm for exhibition and Friday bar. After the opening event, the works will be on display at the Nikolaj Storm boutique.

Saturday 11th May

Mother’s day flower workshop at pura utz.

Female-powered Guatemalan-Danish brand Pura Utz is organizing a flower workshop in their newly opened Nørrebro Tienda. Come by to create a bouquet for your mum and check out the new flower drop alongside a selection of fresh flowers available for purchase. From 11 am to 3 pm.

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RAVE x Dóttir: Hot Club Yoga

Looking for an intentional way to unwind on Saturday night? Together, Dóttir Hot Yoga and RAVE Yoga have prepared a unique fusion of movement, breath, and live DJ beats. Immerse yourself in intentional flow, connect with your breath, and groove to the rhythm of the music. Afterward, connect with fellow yogis over refreshments and deepen your sense of community. All levels are warmly welcomed. From 8-9:30 pm, tickets cost 325 DKK.

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Sunday 12th May

Rave yin & yang flow at the lab.

Start your Sunday with yang (powerful) and yin (depending) yoga, followed by filter coffee and yin/yang treats in the beautiful industrial surroundings of The Lab. From 11 am to 12:30 pm. Tickets cost 150 DKK.

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Folkets Festival at Vega

Dive into the world of Nordic folk music with Danish String Quartet and more. Besides concerts, there’ll be jam sessions, workshops, and Nordic food. Tickets are available for 390 DKK.

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Tuesday 14th May

Wooden sculpture workshop with atelier cph & matcha session at audo house.

Unwind with a soothing matcha session with Piohni and learn how to create your own, original wood sculpture with the guidance of Sara and Mandy from Atelier Cph. From 5-7:30 pm. Tickets cost 650 DKK.

Wednesday 15th May

What are we eating tomorrow at bremen theater.

Join when Claus Meyer and Nikolaj Kirk, moderated by Martin Kongstad, discuss the future of food. Doors open at 7:30 pm and the event starts at 8:30 pm. Tickets are available from 350 DKK. Please note that this event takes place in Danish.

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Thursday 16th – Sunday 26th May

Pop-up art sale with rodløs.

For two weekends, Rodløs allows you a glimpse into the Danish art scene. If you’re on the hunt for some interesting artworks to grace your walls, stop by to acquire pieces by Peter Rolsted, Stine Stubdrup, Emil Kock, and Signe Borch (first weekend) as well as Julius Storgaard, Silas Wirén, Ata Sander, and Johan Dam Westermann (second weekend). Join the vernissage on the 16th and 23rd May from 5 to 8 pm. Stay tuned via Instagram.

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Friday 17th May

Food wine music at apollo bar.

Food, wine, and music or the holy trinity of a Friday night – brought to you by Apollo Bar together with Pierre Jancou, Anders Frederik Steen, and Frederik Bille Brahe. Book your table and enjoy wine by Gustav Klint alongside live music by Anenon and a DJ set by Emil Broomé.

Sunday 19th May

Danish on a sunday: attachment.

With this event series, Cinemateket opens up the world of Danish cinema to non-Danish speakers by screening movies in original language but with English subtitles. This edition is dedicated to the “Attachment,” a horror romance from 2022. The movie follows Maja, a has-been actress who falls in love with Leah, a young Jewish academic from London. The screening starts at 2:15 pm and tickets cost 90 DKK.

Syrian Brunch with Kinan at Casamadre

Experience the rich and vibrant taste of Syrian brunch when Kinan takes over Casamadre, serving up a selection of traditional dishes. Take a seat at the communal table and share the joy of good food and great company from 12 noon.

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Wednesday 22nd May

Film, tapas, and cocktails: fahrenheit 451.

What better mid-week break than an evening with tapas, a drink, and a good movie? In “Fahrenheit 451,” Julie Christie plays not only one but two lead roles. The science-fiction drama by François Truffaut is based on the novel of the same name and takes place in a totalitarian society. Tickets cost 245 DKK.

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The Art of Travel Writing with Laura Hall

From 7 – 9 pm at Hellerup’s Books and Company, join travel journalist Laura Hall for a talk on travel writing and how seeing the world can help you gain a new perspective. Laura is from the UK and is based in Copenhagen. She has written about her adventures the world-over, from Greenland to the Faroe Island and so much more. This is one you won’t want to miss if you love travel, or are considering a career as a travel writer. Tickets are 50 DKK each.

Friday 24th – Sunday 26th May

Bloom festival.

Taking place in the beautiful surroundings of Søndermarken in Frederiksberg, Blooms aims to inspire reflections on nature, science, and ourselves. Come by for a mix of talks, concerts, literature, food, and more. Admission is free. Learn more on the website.

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Friday 24th May

Housewife roast – strawberry sensation.

Strawberry season has a special appeal. Not only do they taste fantastic, they also symbolise the beginning of summer. In its honor, The Caribbean Housewife is hosting a themed edition of her Housewife Roast. Here, strawberry is the protagonist, including rare white strawberries; considered a luxury with a price tag to prove it.

Experience how strawberry can be experienced in various flavors ranging from sweet, smoky, zesty, tart, salty, umami, nutty, cool, and spicy. The unique signature dishes are paired with local, Danish organic wines by Nina and Niels Fink from Vejrhøj Vingård or kombucha. Tickets cost 850 DKK.

Scandinavia Standard readers receive 20% off with the code scandinavianstrawberry, valid until 19th May or sold out.

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Saturday 25th May

Varieté vixens present: mayday cabaret.

Get ready for a Saturday night out in the spirit of cabaret! Prepare to be mesmerized as divas seduce your senses with their moves and wit, blending classic elegance with a modern twist to keep you on the edge of your seat and begging for more. Tickets cost 175 DKK. Doors open at 7 and the show starts at 8 pm.

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Rocky Horror Picture Show at Huset KBH

Silently regretting that you never watched this iconic movie or can’t wait to rewatch it? Join for a mix of rock musical and horror movie with a dose of sexual liberation and punk. Doors open at 7 and the screening starts at 8 pm. Tickets cost 90 DKK.

Wednesday 29th May

Morgenbooster: designing for what if.

Explore Futures Thinking and its role in design and learn how this methodology opens doors to understanding tomorrow’s challenges today. From 9-10 am.

Ongoing Events in May

Good habit studio.

Known for its supplements, Good Habit Studio has now set out to create a space to share practices for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. At the studio, the team is hosting a mix of meditation and yoga classes, some weekly and others biweekly but always powered by a lovely community. Check out the website for more information.

French Film Mondays at Grand Theatret

Dive into the world of French cinema with this event series by Institut Francais – every Monday. Check out the program via the website.

Grønt Market

Get your fix of fresh, seasonal produce and meet the people who grow it: Grønt Market’s mission is to build a strong connection and community between farmers and eaters. The market takes place every Sunday but each week in another part of town, from leafy Frederiksberg to vibey Vesterbro to industrial Refshaleøen – find the calendar on the website.

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Movement Lessons with Zozo

Looking to get your body moving after a long winter? Zozo is passionate about helping women move towards a better body, mind, and spirit! She’s offering private running coaching, private yoga sessions, or private dance classes. Classes can be held in your personal space, or anywhere in Copenhagen or Malmo where you feel comfortable.

Are you interested in training for a race or just improving your ability to run? Set up a free 15-minute consultation to assess goals and capabilities.

If you want to take a more gentle approach to yoga or work on your flexibility, Zozo is a certified Kemetic yoga teacher and will guide you in a holistic approach to yoga. Or perhaps you want to create joy and self-empowerment by moving your body through dance? Zozo will choreograph an easy-to-follow dance that you work on together. Learn South African Amapiano and Afro Contemporary dance; it’s perfect for beginners!

— 1 Hour Private Yoga Session: 650DKK — 45 Minutes Private Running Coach: 550 DKK — 1 Hour Private Dance Lessons: 550 DKK

Get in touch with Zozo by email , or DM at on her on Instagram .

Pierre Jeanneret & Le Corbusier Exhibit at Ruby Atelier

Ruby Atelier opening new exhibition, showcasing original furniture by Pierre Jeanneret from the 1950s-1960s designed for the infamous Chandigarh project. The exhibition offers a unique journey into history, showcasing authentic pieces that not only exude timeless elegance but also carry the rich heritage of the Chandigarh project. Each piece is a testament to exquisite craftsmanship and a bygone era of sophistication.

The exhibition will feature a large collection of furniture, including very rare and limited pieces that we’re excited to unveil. It runs from 24th May – 7th June.      

ÅBEN Pop-Up kitchen

Brewery and beer bar ÅBEN is much loved for its delicious brews and industrial yet chic interior but the team’s also hosting regular kitchen takeovers in the back part of the space. Gather around the counter of the open kitchen or install yourselves at one of the tables and get ready to enjoy a menu served by changing hospitality players.

Børnebiffen at Cinemateket

This event series aims at delivering high-quality cinema for children between four and six years old. Find the program on the website.

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Leïla Guinnefollau: Wonder Awaits, au seuil du merveilleux Institut français

With “Wonder Awaits”, French, Copenhagen-based artist Leïla Guinnefollau invites viewers to explore enchanting landscapes frozen in eternal spring, where familiar objects take on a magical aura. Through various mediums such as watercolor, ceramics, and blown glass sculpture, the artist immerses the audience in a mysterious and dreamlike narrative, evoking influences such as Henri Matisse and Leïla Menchari. The exhibition will be presented in the new exhibition space dedicated to emerging contemporary art in Institut français’ new premises in Frederiksberg. It will be on display until 22nd May 2024.

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Niels Pugholm: Yet Another Doom at Møstings

All across varying time periods and cultures, the stylistic form of the doom narrative is typically the same. In the exhibition “Yet Another Doom,” the audience is led on a cyclical journey through each of the four stages of the doom myth: the existing, chaos, destruction, and the flourishing. The exhibition is on display until June 2024.

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Women’s Lives at The Workers’ Museum

Learn more about the known and unknown women of labor history. Discover stories of struggles, everyday life, equality, and equal pay. Explore the right to one’s own body and a place in history. This new exhibition at The Workers’ Museum gets up close to Danish women’s lives over the last 150 years.

A poster with the word kniddeliv on it.

Tove Storch: Slumping at GL Strand

With five new works created specifically for Gammel Strand, Danish artist Tove Storch explores subtle, unassuming gestures and showcases sculptures on a grand scale. Slumping is a craft technique within glass art and slang for exhaustion and laziness.

In the exhibition, Storch demonstrates her unique understanding of the capabilities of materials as she tests their different strengths: Can silk break down metal? How does the liquid shape the solid? How does time affect shape?

Through her choice of colors, motifs, and attitude, the works intertwine with archetypal narratives of the body, romance, and sexuality, gently shaking free from fixed interpretations. The exhibition will be on display until 20th May 2024.

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After Nature at Glyptoteket

“Nature no longer exists. That wild, untamed nature, untouched by human beings, is a thing of the past.” So states the author Josefine Klougart in her essay “After Nature.”

Glyptotek’s new special exhibition “After Nature – A New Reading of the Glyptotek’s Paintings by Writer Josefine Klougart“ is a kind of 3D essay, combining the author’s texts with with masterpieces from the Glyptotek’s collection.

These masterpieces include French painters Edgar Degas, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, and Henri Rousseau as well as Danish painters such as Christen Købke, Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, and Johan Thomas Lundbye. The exhibition runs until August 2024.

Roni Horn at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Born in 1955, American artist Roni Horn is considered one of the biggest names and most versatile talents in contemporary art. Her work often revolves around identity and reveals subtle undertones, secret messages, and erotic signals when her work’s shown in dialogue with a number of great movie classics. The exhibition will be on display until September 2024.

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Genskin (Reflection) at Thorvaldsens Museum

Dive into the depths of ancient history and learn about the cultural, artistic, and societal significance of Etruscan mirrors. The exhibition explores how these artefacts have mirrored the Etruscan way of life, beliefs, and their enduring influence on modern artistry, notably that of Bertel Thorvaldsen. The exhibition will be on display until September 2024.

Taryn Simon: Start Again the Lament in Cisternerne

Experience this extensive sound installation by multidisciplinary artist Taryn Simon in the unique surroundings of Cisternerne. As sound and visiting bodies move through repeating archways, the installation merges darkness and light. “Start Again the Lament” explores how we mourn individually and collectively, considering the anatomy of grief and who we choose to guide us through it. Until November 2024.

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Little Table, Cover Thyself! at Design Museum Denmark

There’s something special about the art of table-setting and the way a decorated table sets the scene for special and everyday occasions. Experience how table-setting has changed over time and admire the collection of plates, figurines, jugs, and more. All the way through 2025, seven of the museum’s historical tables are decorated with items from the renaissance until today.

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Guided tour: Highlights & Introduction at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Every Thursday from 2-2:45 pm, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art offers a guided tour of the museum’s collection and architecture. The tour is free for everyone but you need to pick up a ticket at the entrance up to two hours before the tour. This ticket is free for everyone with a valid ticket to the museum.

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David Shrigley at Galleri Wallner

David Shrigley is one of the most popular contemporary artists. Galleri Wallner will be presenting a solo exhibition dedicated to the British artist.

The cover of a book with a man's face covered in clouds.

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American Airline’s New Copenhagen Route Expected to Create $31.9M Local Business Impact

American Airlines is creating a new direct route between Philadelphia international Airport and Copenhagen , Denmark that should bring economic opportunities to Greater Philadelphia , writes Emma Dooling for Philadelphia Business Journal .

Officials say the new route will also open up more business and leisure travel between the two destinations.

The new route starts June 6 and should bring $31.9 million in annual revenue to the region. That include visitor spending at hotels and other outlets, according to PHL’s Chief Commercial Officer Kate Sullivan .

The Copenhagen flight is the first flight since 2019 from PHL into Scandinavia , which covers Denmark, Sweden and Norway .

The route is also expected to support 138 full- and part-time jobs in Philadelphia , with job earnings at about $7.7 million.

Denmark and southern Sweden have lately drawn the attention of travelers, Sullivan said. 

“It is 100 percent one of the destinations, I would say Scandinavia broadly, that our business community in particular has said it would be great to have stronger activity from Philadelphia to,” she said.

The life sciences industry, particularly, stands to benefit from the direct route.

Read more about the economic opportunities available with American Airlines new direct route to Denmark in the Philadelphia Business Journa l .

American Airline’s New Copenhagen Route Expected to Create $31.9M Local Business Impact

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This British Airways Sale Has Flights Across the Pond Starting at $497 — When to Book

The sale ends on June 11.

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extravagantni/Getty Images

British Airways is hoping to make dreams of a trip across the pond this summer a reality with its latest flight sale.

The sale , which must be booked by 11:59 ET on June 11, is available across the airline’s 26 different routes in the United States to popular destinations all over the world, British Airways shared with Travel + Leisure . Valid travel dates and blackout dates vary by destination and cabin booked. 

“For those dreaming of jetting away this summer – it’s not too late,” Colm Lacy, the chief commercial officer for British Airways, said in a statement shared with T+L. “The British Airways sale includes flight savings to exciting destinations across the UK, Europe, Dubai and India, and big discounts on vacation packages. There’s never been a better time to book that special trip and create memories that will last a lifetime.”

Travel from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with flights starting at just $497 roundtrip, or from San Francisco to London starting at just $548 roundtrip. 

Passengers can also fly in style with business class seats to London starting at $2,549 roundtrip from New York or Boston, starting at $2,899 roundtrip from Baltimore or Washington D.C., and starting at $3,599 roundtrip from Los Angeles.

The sale includes travel on British Airways-operated flights as well as flights to Britain and to Europe on the airline’s Oneworld Alliance partners: American Airlines, Iberia, and Finnair.

In addition, British Airways is offering up to $600 off vacation packages. Book a trip from New York to London, for example, starting at $759 per person for a flight and five night hotel package, or book a trip from New York to Rome with a flight and five night hotel package starting at $829 per person.

The sale comes on the heels of JetBlue and British Airways submitting a codeshare agreement to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). If approved, it would join the other codeshare agreements British Airways currently has with American Airlines and Alaska Airlines.

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