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Vietnam Hashtags Generator

vietnam tourism hashtag

Whether you’re a social media influencer, marketer, or just looking to boost your online presence, hashtags are essential for reaching your target audience.

Our vietnam hashtags generator tool provides you with carefully curated and relevant hashtags tailored to your content, helping you increase engagement, visibility, and discoverability across various platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and more.

Say goodbye to the hassle of brainstorming hashtags manually and let our generator do the work for you. Simply input your keywords or topic, and watch as we generate a list of high-impact hashtags to elevate your social media game.

Start maximizing your reach and impact today with our Hashtags Generator !

In This Page

Most Popular Vietnam Hashtags For Instagram & Tiktok

Here’s a table of 40 popular Vietnam hashtags, including their serial number, number of posts on Instagram and TikTok, and an indication of their competition level:

Low Competitive Vietnam Hashtags

Trending hashtags for vietnam industry, funny vietnam hashtags, vietnam related hashtags, similar vietnam hashtags for instagram.

Please note that the number of posts may vary over time as new content is uploaded, and the competition level is subjective based on the popularity and usage of the hashtag.

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vietnam tourism hashtag

Traveller's Elixir

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73 Vietnam Captions For Instagram – Puns, Quotes & Short Captions

Vietnam Instagram captions - featured image

If you’ve ever been to Vietnam then you’ll know that this Southeast Asian gem is a photographer’s paradise.

From the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City to the serene landscapes of Ha Long Bay, there’s no shortage of stunning sights to capture and share with the world.

I’ve curated a list of the best Vietnam Instagram captions that are sure to make your followers double-tap and leave them yearning for their own adventure in this beautiful country.

Visiting Vietnam? I recommend this Ha Long Bay cruise which is super highly rated.

Table of Contents

Best Vietnam Instagram Captions

These captions work for any place you’re visiting in Vietnam including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hoi An and more.

Funny Vietnam Captions & Vietnam Puns

  • You’re really starting to Hanoi me
  • No Hue , Jose
  • I knew we would Hai Phong on this trip, but I didn’t know just how much!
  • Sapa can you hear me?
  • Ha Long till I come back?
  • I wanna stay here pho-ever !
  • Just spent a week in Vietnam and my pho -to album is looking pretty good
  • I’m a Cat Ba lady
  • The food in Vietnam is pho -nomenal!
  • Is this pho real?
  • You can’t banh mi from this restaurant! It’s too delicious!
  • Vietnam is a bun cha fun!
  • 1, 2, 3, pho , 5

Funny Vietnam pun - You're really starting to Hanoi me.

  • I’m always going to Miss Saigon
  • Vietnam? More like Viet- nomnomnom . The food here is amazing!
  • I’m crazy pho you
  • Having a pho- bulous time!
  • I didn’t choose the bahn life, the bahn life chose me

Up Next: Thailand Instagram Captions

Cute Vietnam Captions For Instagram

  • I left my heart in Vietnam
  • Happiness is holding tickets that say Hanoi
  • Follow your heart, even if it takes you all the way to Vietnam
  • My favorite part about Vietnam? The constant challenge of trying to cross the street without getting hit by a motorbike
  • Dear Vietnam, I will never get over you
  • I’m pretty sure I’m now 80% pho
  • Greetings from Vietnam. I live here now.
  • It’s official: Vietnamese coffee is my new addiction
  • Vietnam is always a good idea

Funny Vietnam pun - Is this pho real?

  • Halong Bay = the closest thing to heaven on Earth
  • I came to Vietnam for the culture but I’m staying for the banh mi
  • There’s no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this
  • Vietnam: Where you can get a $1 beer and a $100 tailor-made suit in the same street
  • Tans and jetlag fade but memories last forever
  • I came to Vietnam for the noodles and stayed for the chaos
  • Vietnam is better than my wildest dreams
  • The 14 hour flight was totally worth it
  • I’m not saying I’m a pro at riding a motorbike in Vietnam, but I haven’t fallen off yet
  • My strategy for crossing the street in Vietnam? Close my eyes and hope for the best
  • I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love with a country but then I came to Vietnam
  • If I could, I would bring a piece of Vietnam back home with me
  • From the people to the food to the scenery, Vietnam stole my heart

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Short Vietnam Captions

  • Wander often, wonder always

Cute Vietnam caption for Instagram - I came to Vietnam for the culture but I'm staying for the banh mi.

  • Meanwhile, in Vietnam…
  • Culture overload
  • Vietnam views!
  • Take me to Hanoi
  • Sapa sunrise
  • Ho Chi Minh hustle
  • Chaotic charm
  • Bright lights, city streets
  • Halong Bay bliss
  • I’ve found my happy place
  • Street food heaven
  • Take memories, leave footprints
  • Welcome to Hanoi
  • Rice paddy paradise
  • Hoi An hues

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Vietnam Quotes For Instagram Captions

  • “Vietnam is a country that will leave footprints on your heart, with its vibrant colors, rich culture and warm hospitality.” – Traveller’s Elixir

Vietnam quote for Instagram - If I could, I would bring a piece of Vietnam back home with me.

  • “My ultimate getaway is Vietnam. It has a little bit of everything when it comes to culture, amazing food, beautiful people, exotic sights, sounds and profound history of love, bravery and resilience.” – Jeannie Mai
  • “In Vietnam, every street tells a story, every alleyway a mystery waiting to be explored.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Vietnam, I love you for a long time. All-day, all night, I love you a long time.” – Alex Garland
  • “There’s something about the lush green landscapes and sparkling blue waters of Vietnam that make you feel like you’ve stumbled upon paradise.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “I can’t say what made me fall in love with Vietnam – that a woman’s voice can drug you; that everything is so intense. The colors, the taste, even the rain.” – Graham Greene
  • “Vietnam is a symphony of flavors and aromas, where every bite and sip is a sensory experience.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “From the winding streets of Hanoi to the tranquil rice paddies of Sapa, Vietnam is a land of contrasts that will leave you breathless with wonder.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “They say whatever you’re looking for, you will find here. They say you come to Vietnam and you understand a lot in a few minutes, but the rest has got to be lived. The smell, that’s the first thing that hits you, promising everything in exchange for your soul. And the heat. Your shirt is straightaway a rag. You can hardly remember your name, or what you came to escape from.” – Graham Greene
  • “From the intricate temples to the bustling markets, Vietnam is a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that will leave you in awe.” – Traveller’s Elixir

Quote about Vietnam - In Vietnam, every street tells a story, every alleyway a mystery waiting to be explored.

  • “We tried to change Vietnam. Instead, Vietnam changed us.” – Tony Thomson
  • “In Vietnam, time seems to slow down as you lose yourself in the beauty of the countryside and the simplicity of everyday life.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Vietnam is a place where you can find adventure at every turn and where the people and the scenery will steal your heart.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Kiss me goodbye and write me while I’m gone. Goodbye my sweetheart, hello Vietnam.” – Dave Dudley
  • “Vietnam is a country that teaches you to appreciate the small things in life, like a warm smile, a kind gesture or a delicious bowl of pho.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Vietnam’s century-old French villas and colonial-era government buildings are a draw for the 8 million tourists who visit the country every year. Even in France, we don’t have so many examples of the beautiful wrought-iron railings and staircases that you see here.” – Emmanuel Ly-Batalla
  • “In Vietnam, the past and present collide in a dazzling display of history, culture and progress.” – Traveller’s Elixir

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Vietnam Hashtags For Instagram Likes

  • #vietnamtravel
  • #vietnamfood
  • #vietnamtrip
  • #vietnamesefood
  • #vietnamlife
  • #vietnamcharm
  • #vietnamtravels
  • #vietnamnow
  • #vietnamwonders
  • #vietnamtourism
  • #vietnamphotography
  • #vietnambeauty
  • #vietnamtour
  • #instavietnam
  • #travelvietnam
  • #vietnamphoto
  • #vietnamtravelers
  • South Korea Instagram Captions
  • Bali Instagram Captions

I hope that this list of the best Vietnam Instagram captions has given you some inspiration for your next social media post.

Whether you’re exploring the vibrant cities, relaxing on the beaches or immersing yourself in the rich culture and history, Vietnam has so much to offer.

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Learn more about the Traveller's Elixir Team .


How To Use Tourism Hashtags For Travel Marketing

According to a US Travel Trends report , one million travel-related hashtags are searched on a weekly basis. That’s a substantial potential audience to get in front of for your travel company!

Hashtags help you get more organic reach, which you need for getting more engagement and followers on social media. The great thing about running a tourism business is that there are so many excellent tourism hashtags to tap into to maximize this.

Travel and tourism are one of the most popular niches on social media. Your potential customers are searching on media every day for ideas and inspiration. With the right use of hashtags, you could be the first brand they see.

So, how do you find and use tourism hashtags correctly? We explain it all in our complete guide below.

vietnam tourism hashtag

What is a Hashtag Strategy?

Before just randomly inserting a few tourism hashtags, stop and consider what you’re doing. A hashtag strategy is necessary for your posts to get maximum reach - and the right kind of reach.

While inserting lots of hashtags into your content will help you reach more people, using the wrong hashtags could also have a negative effect. If you post the wrong type of content for your hashtags, nobody will engage with it. It will also make your brand look overly promotional, trying to seek engagement where it doesn’t make sense.

That is why it’s so important to have a solid hashtag strategy mapped out before you hit ‘post’.

A hashtag strategy is a plan of action for how you will use your hashtags and what kind of hashtags to use. Creating a hashtag strategy is all about finding the right tourism hashtags that are relevant to your business, and making sure you include the correct set of hashtags in each post.

Your overall hashtag strategy should include a very large set of hashtags to choose from. Typically, this should include broad hashtags that relate to your industry as a whole, and then more specific hashtags tailored for each specific post or content pillar that you publish on.

You could load up your post with 50 hashtags, and not see any increase in engagement. At the same time, you could use 20 highly-target and well-planned hashtags, and see a huge boost in engagement overnight.

Why is this?

Because you need to make sure that you use the right hashtags for what your audience wants to see, and what they are most likely to use. To understand this better, it’s important to know how hashtags work.

tourism hashtags

Gaining Travel Brand Visibility With Social Media Marketing and #Hashtags

Regardless of the type of tourism business you operate, one of your main marketing goals should be to increase brand awareness and improve the visibility of your company online. A social media strategy is essential for achieving this, and a key part of marketing on social platforms is using the right hashtags.

Hashtags can be used across various platforms - including Instagram , TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook . The whole aim of using hashtags is to increase your reach, get more impressions, and ultimately ramp up your social media engagement.

The tricky thing about travel social media is that it’s incredibly competitive. Even if you’re posting great content, it might not get any organic reach. Hashtags are an essential way to boost this reach because they put make your content visible for a wider range of search queries.

Look at your social media posts and analyze their performance. How many of your impressions came from the hashtags you used? Most likely a fair amount. Hashtags have been found to increase social media engagement by 12.6% .

Hashtags increase the visibility of your posts and your brand. They help you to connect with the right audience, get your target audience to discover you, and boost engagement on your posts. To make sure that your organic social media content is reaching the maximum number of people, you’ll need to use the right tourism hashtags.

How Do Tourism Hashtags Work?

To find the right tourism hashtags and use them effectively, you’ll first need to know how these hashtags work.

Basically, a user can search for a hashtag on social media - just like they would search for an account. The most popular and most recent hashtags posts using that hashtag will appear. Ideally, you’d want your post to be first, claiming the most popular spot.

You can only achieve this if you post high-quality content that’s relevant to the hashtag.

For example, you could use an incredibly popular hashtag like #travel. Sure, this could get you lots of impressions, but there are two main problems:

  • The hashtag is incredibly broad, so users searching for #travel could be after all kinds of different content
  • The hashtag is super popular, but it’s also super competitive. This means your post will quickly get buried underneath the competition if it doesn't attract enough engagement.

To combat this, you’ll want to create a hashtag strategy that is both broad and specific at the same time. Instead of only relying on tourism hashtags like #travel, refine it by using something like #birdingtours or #adventuretravel. The more specific you get, the easier it will be to post highly-relevant content to that hashtag.

And the more specific you are, the more likely you will be able to attract the right kind of users. Because it’s not just about getting a lot of engagement, it’s about getting engagement from the right people.

tourism hashtags

So, consider your target audience and what they will be searching for. This might be something like #ItalyFoodTours or #SurfLessonsCapeTown. Whatever the case, make sure that your business has a clear presence for the right hashtags.

Of course, hashtags work slightly differently on each social media channel. Users search for trending hashtags on TikTok, which are often challenges or some take on trending audio content. On Instagram, hashtags are more straightforward, creating a kind of gallery of content on specific topics.

What Types Of Hashtags Should You Use?

The most important part of your tourism hashtag strategy is finding the right tags to use. As we’ve already mentioned, this should include both high-level hashtags (like #travel) and more specific hashtags (like #birdingtours).

The high-level hashtags will help you maximize your impressions. This will get the most people possible to see your post and potentially interact with your content. If you just want to get more likes, then using these popular hashtags will help.

More targeted hashtags will help you grow a more authentic audience. If you want to use social media to attract potential customers, then you’ll need to be specific about your hashtags.

Using both hashtags together will help you achieve both things at the same time.

How To Find Travel Hashtags?

There are a few different ways that you can approach hashtags to find the right ones for your brand.

Start by analyzing your competitors. Search for your main competition (preferably a business that has excellent social media engagement and a lot of followers), and look at what hashtags they are using. If these hashtags also apply to you, then take note.

tourism hashtags

Next, simply search for the kind of hashtags you think would work. Type keywords that describe your business into the search bar, and look for recommended hashtags. You could use destinations you cover, activities that you offer (bicycle tours, cruises, history walks), what kind of travelers you want to attract (adventure, slow travel, wellness), and so on. Try to make as big of a list as possible.

Using Your Tourism Hashtags

When you find relevant tourism hashtags, create a spreadsheet and divide based on pillars.

For example, you could have a broad hashtag pillar (#travel, #yoga, #holiday), and then specific hashtags under each type of content or travel option that you offer. For example, if you offer hiking tours and cycling tours, have a set of hashtags for each pillar.

Then, when you post something on social media, simply go to your pillar and copy-paste your hashtags. Be sure to include a few relevant broad hashtags too.

Measuring the Impact Of Your Marketing Efforts

To make sure you’re using tourism hashtags for marketing your business correctly, you’ll need to measure the impact these hashtags actually have.

Use your social media channel’s insights/analytics dashboard to measure the impressions and engagement of your posts.

If you see a big increase in impressions but little increase in engagement, then you’ll want to refine your hashtags more to make them more relevant. Ideally, you want increased impressions and engagement that matches this.

If your posts aren’t getting more engagement from your hashtags, then it’s time to change up the hashtags you’re using.

Continue testing this until you get it right.

Travel marketing is highly competitive, That is why it’s so important that you have a comprehensive strategy to maximize your brand awareness. Tourism hashtags form a necessary part of this.

Quite simply, hashtags will help you get more reach in terms of your audience, gain more visibility, and more engagement overall. If you’re struggling to make enough of an impact on social media, follow our guide above to increase your following.

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About the author

Allan Formigoni (he/him)

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vietnam tourism hashtag

  • Vietnam crowned as “Asia’s Leading Destination in 2022”

At the 29th edition of the prestigious World Travel Awards, Vietnam bagged a bunch of awards for the nation and its destinations. Several Vietnamese tourism and travel brands were honoured, too. 

The awards were presented at the  World Travel Awards Asia & Oceania Gala Ceremony 2022, held on 7 September at a glittering event hosted at the GEM Center in Ho Chi Minh City. This was the second time Vietnam acted as host country for the awards, which are known for recognising global excellence in the travel and tourism industry. 

In previous years, Vietnam won several World Travel Awards, including Asia’s Leading Destination in 2021. In 2022, the country was nominated for many categories. In the end, the nation emerged as a regional champion, winning an impressive number of trophys and titles.


VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh (second from the left), President and Founder of WTA Graham Cooke (middle) and other Vietnam’s winners at the 29th World Travel Awards Asia & Oceania Gala Ceremony organised in Ho Chi Minh City (Photo: WTA)

Mr. Graham Cooke, President, Founder of World Travel Awards said: “Ho Chi Minh City is an impressive cosmopolitan destination, rich in history and culture but with a dynamic, forward-thinking outlook. Vietnam is not only a tremendously exciting destination within Asia, but I believe it will soon become a tourism epicentre on the global stage. We foresee an era of unprecedented growth as more brands and tourism development products are attracted to the nation” 


For its “amazing natural beauty combined with world-class levels of hospitality”, Vietnam nabbed the coveted Asia’s Leading Destination 2022 title yet again. The country’s claimed this accolade three times before: in 2018, 2019 and 2021. But this 2022 honour attests to the all-round optimism that the nation will bounce back after the COVID-19 pandemic and see full tourism recovery in the coming year. 

In another coup for the country, Vietnam was named Asia’s Leading Nature Destination 2022 for the first time since this category was introduced four years ago. This award will boost efforts to market Vietnam as an ecotourism destination that protects biodiversity and promotes conservation. From the majestic mountains and steep rice terraces of the northwest to the forests, caves and beaches of Central Vietnam and the bountiful rivers and orchards of the South, Vietnam has incredible scenery for travellers to appreciate.


For the sterling work they’ve been doing, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) was crowned Asia’s Leading Tourist Board 2022 – for the third time. Previous wins were in 2017 and 2021. What’s more, Ho Chi Minh City’s Department of Tourism was named Asia's Leading City Tourist Board for 2022.


Recognition was also given to specific locations. The northern capital, Hanoi, won Asia’s Leading City Break Destination. Indeed, with its ancient relics and colonial architecture alongside mega-modern development, the city well meets the category criteria of offering an attractive short leisure vacation and urban experience.


The Cuc Phuong National Park in Ninh Binh, 120km southwest of Hanoi, was again named Asia's Leading National Park. The oldest national park in Vietnam is renowned for its majestic limestone mountains, ancient history and rich ecosystem. Further north, Moc Chau (Son La province) was honoured as Asia's Leading Regional Nature Destination for the very first time. The region wows visitors with its ethnic villages, lush green tea plantations, and the longest glass-bottomed bridge in the world .


In Central Vietnam, Hoi An claimed the Asia’s Leading Cultural City Destination title for a third time. The UNESCO World Heritage Site has a long, fascinating history, which has been beautifully preserved. Hoi An plays host to many events throughout the year and offers tourists many opportunities to enjoy cultural activities. Nearby Danang also came out tops. The city beat eight other nominees – including Seoul, Beijing and Singapore − to become the Leading Festival and Event Destination in Asia in 2022. 

Down south, commercial hub Ho Chi Minh City was honoured with the Asia’s Leading Business Travel Destination award. 


Facilities, airlines and hospitality brands also emerged as winners. Van Don International Airport was named Asia's Leading Regional Airport 2022. Halong Bay’s port was named Asia’s Leading Cruise Port. National airline carrier Vietnam Airlines won in two categories: Asia's Leading Airline Brand, and Asia's Leading Airline - Economy Class. Viettravel Airlines and Bamboo Airways also nabbed prizes. 

For fun activities, Sun World Ba Na Hills was crowned Asia’s Leading Theme Park; while Aquatopia Water Park was crowned the Leading Water Park.


Among the resorts categories, the luxurious Amanoi Resort, in Ninh Thuận, became Asia’s Leading Boutique Beach Resort. Hoi An Memories Resort & Spa is 2022’s Leading Entertainment Resort in Asia. New World Phu Quoc Resort, meanwhile, won in the Leading Family Beach Resort category. 

Other resort winners were: InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort (Asia's Leading Luxury Resort); Regent Phu Quoc (Asia's Leading New Resort); Banyan Tree Lăng Cô (Asia’s Leading Luxury Beach Resort); InterContinental Phu Quoc Long Beach Resort (Asia's Leading Luxury Family Resort); JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa (Asia's Leading Luxury Wedding Resort); Mercure Danang French Village Bana Hills (Asia's Leading Themed Resort); Premier Village Phu Quoc Resort (Asia's Leading Villa Resort); and Six Senses Ninh Van Bay (Asia's Most Romantic Resort).


Source: InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort

Hotel winners included: Ville De Mont Mountain Resort, Banyan Tree Lăng Cô, Bai Bac Bay Villa @ InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, Anana Retreat, Vinpearl Luxury Landmark 81, and more. 

For a full list of winners, visit the World Travel Awards website .

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vietnam tourism hashtag

vietnam travel hashtags

vietnam travel hashtags Vietnam is a country that is becoming more and more popular among travelers who are looking for a diverse and exciting destination. Vietnam has a lot to offer for travelers who are interested in its culture, history, nature, and cuisine. Vietnam is also a country that is very photogenic and Instagrammable, with many beautiful and unique places and scenes that can make your followers jealous and curious. However, to make the most of your Vietnam travel photos and videos, you need to use the right hashtags that can help you reach more people, engage more followers, and grow your online presence. In this blog post, we will give you some tips and suggestions on how to use Vietnam travel hashtags and what to avoid.

Table of Contents

How to Use Vietnam Travel Hashtags

Using Vietnam travel hashtags can be a great way to boost your social media performance and visibility, as hashtags can help you categorize your content, attract your target audience, and join relevant conversations. However, using Vietnam travel hashtags can also be tricky and challenging, as hashtags can vary in popularity, relevance, and effectiveness. Here are some tips on how to use Vietnam travel hashtags:

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  • Do some research and find the best hashtags for your content: Before you post your content, you should do some research and find the best hashtags for your content. You can use various tools, such as Instagram’s search function, hashtag generators, or analytics platforms, to help you find the most popular, relevant, and effective hashtags for your content. You should also look at what other travelers or influencers are using for their Vietnam travel content and get some inspiration from them.
  • Use a mix of general and specific hashtags: When you use Vietnam travel hashtags, you should use a mix of general and specific hashtags that can help you reach different types of audiences. General hashtags are hashtags that are broad and common, such as #vietnam, #travel, or #wanderlust. Specific hashtags are hashtags that are narrow and niche, such as #halongbay, #pho, or #saigonese. General hashtags can help you reach a large and diverse audience, but they can also be very competitive and saturated. Specific hashtags can help you reach a small and targeted audience, but they can also be very limited and obscure. Therefore, you should use a balance of general and specific hashtags that can help you optimize your exposure and engagement.
  • Use a reasonable number of hashtags: When you use Vietnam travel hashtags, you should use a reasonable number of hashtags that can help you maximize your impact and avoid spamming. Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags per post, but that doesn’t mean you should use them all. Using too many hashtags can make your content look cluttered and desperate, and it can also lower your reach and engagement. Using too few hashtags can make your content look incomplete and irrelevant, and it can also limit your reach and engagement. Therefore, you should use a reasonable number of hashtags that can help you achieve your goals and suit your style. A good rule of thumb is to use between 5 to 15 hashtags per post, depending on the type and quality of your content.

What to Avoid in Vietnam Travel Hashtags

Using Vietnam travel hashtags can also have some pitfalls and drawbacks that you should avoid if you want to have a positive and successful social media experience. Here are some things that you should avoid in Vietnam travel hashtags:

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  • Avoid using irrelevant or inappropriate hashtags: When you use Vietnam travel hashtags, you should avoid using irrelevant or inappropriate hashtags that can harm your reputation and credibility. Irrelevant hashtags are hashtags that have nothing to do with your content, such as #followforfollow, #likeforlike, or #spamforspam. Inappropriate hashtags are hashtags that are offensive or controversial, such as #communist, #war, or #corona. Using irrelevant or inappropriate hashtags can make your content look unprofessional and dishonest, and it can also attract negative feedback and backlash from your audience and other users.
  • Avoid using banned or broken hashtags: When you use Vietnam travel hashtags, you should avoid using banned or broken hashtags that can affect your visibility and performance. Banned hashtags are hashtags that have been flagged or reported by Instagram for violating its community guidelines, such as #naked, #boobs, or #drugs. Broken hashtags are hashtags that have been glitched or corrupted by Instagram for unknown reasons, such as #photography, #fitness, or #beauty. Using banned or broken hashtags can make your content invisible or hidden from the hashtag feeds, and it can also lower your reach and engagement.
  • Avoid using overused or outdated hashtags: When you use Vietnam travel hashtags, you should avoid using overused or outdated hashtags that can reduce your effectiveness and originality. Overused hashtags are hashtags that are too popular and common, such as #love, #instagood, or #photooftheday. Outdated hashtags are hashtags that are no longer relevant or trendy, such as #throwbackthursday, #flashbackfriday, or #2019. Using overused or outdated hashtags can make your content look boring and generic, and it can also decrease your exposure and engagement.

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Vietnam travel hashtags are a powerful and useful tool that can help you enhance your social media presence and performance. Vietnam travel hashtags can help you categorize your content, attract your target audience, and join relevant conversations. However, Vietnam travel hashtags can also be tricky and challenging to use, as they can vary in popularity, relevance, and effectiveness. Therefore, you should follow some tips and suggestions on how to use Vietnam travel hashtags and what to avoid, such as:

  • Do some research and find the best hashtags for your content
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#travelphotography - 10.83%

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#wanderlust - 5.09%

#photooftheday - 6.42%

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Vietnam partners with Tiktok to promote tourism

The program is among the activities to promote Vietnam’s tourism with diverse content and honor Vietnamese people’s creativity.

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Best travelvietnam hashtags (#travelvietnam - Travel Vietnam) for Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook

Best Travel Vietnam Hashtag for social media like Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram Reels and Stories. Check out the #travelvietnam related hash tag trends. Below are the the best hashtags for travelvietnam .

Best Travel Vietnam Hashtag for social media like Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook (#travelvietnam)

List 1: Popular #travelvietnam hashtags

#travelvietnam #vietnam #explorevietnam #vietnamtrip #vietnamtravel #Hanoi #saigon #vietnam?? #southeastasia #hanoi #seasia #asiatravel #backpackers #backpackerslife #danang #JuandeRen #Venture #asian #filipino #wanderlust #wanderer #everydayAsia #concretejungle #city #Mountaineer #Sony #SonyA63000 #Nature #naturelover #amazingvietnam

List 2: Popular #travelvietnam hashtags

#NorthernVietnam #beautifulvietnam #Vietnam #pinoy #summer #HalongBay #travel #tiktokvietnam #tiktoktrungquoc #foody #foodie #foodysaigon #foodblogger #ănsậpsàigòn #anvat #ănvặtsàigòn #vscocamvietnam #vietnamfood #vscofood #ansapquan1 #ansapquan10 #ansapsaigon #ansapbinhthanh #ansapquan3 #lozi #lozisaigon #libeworkshop #kidosince2011

List 3: Common Like and Follow hashtags to use with any post

#follow #instalike #instadaily #followforfollowback #like #followme #like4like #commentforcomment #follow4followback #f4f #likeforlike #igers #likes4like #like4follow #followforfollow #follow4follow #followforlike #follow4like #likes #likeme #instafollow #followback

List 4: Common photography hashtags to use with any post

#photooftheday #picoftheday #photo #igdaily #photographer #foto #instapic #instgood #instagram #insta #instamoment #ootd #photography #instagood #instapic

Most popular Travel Vietnam (#travelvietnam) hashtags for Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram Reels & Stories, Youtube shorts, and other social media platforms

Almost all social media platforms support hashtags. As these become followable links, Use of proper hashtags definitely boosts your audience reach.

  • Instagram supports up to 30 tags per post
  • Pinterest has supports for up to 20 tags
  • Twitter recommends no more than 2 hashtags per Tweet as best practice, but you may use as many hashtags in a Tweet as you like.
  • Facebook doesn't have any limit to the number of hashtags.
  • There are no limits to the number of hashtags you can use in a post on LinkedIn .
  • YouTube allows you to use as many tags as you would like. However, you can use a max of 30 characters per tag, and the text field accepts up to 500 characters.
  • Tumblr lets you add up to 30 tags to a post. Tumblr's search indexes the first 20 tags.

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A TikToker traveling in Vietnam shared a video of herself crying over a local who rowed their boat and added the 'poverty' hashtag. She's getting accused of 'slum tourism.'

  • Fiona Wang posted Saturday a TikTok of herself crying for a woman who rowed her boat in Vietnam.
  • The video went viral with over 6.7 million views, receiving criticism from many users.
  • In response to the backlash, Wang told Insider she wasn't looking down on Vietnamese people.

Insider Today

Fiona Wang, a travel TikToker, is facing backlash after posting a tearful travel video on Saturday. 

In the video, Wang is seen crying while her partner comforts her, with captions saying that she was crying because the Vietnamese woman who rowed her coconut boat "tried so hard to make us happy."

As of Monday, the TikTok now-deleted video, posted by Wang as @heyfionawang , had gathered over 6.7 million views and 1.2 million likes.

"It breaks my heart to see these people work so hard to make a living in Vietnam," the in-video captions said.

Users were divided on her emotional reaction — some said they found it sweet, while others said it was condescending.

"It makes me cry too," a positive comment said. "You have a good heart and that's the important part," another said. 

Meanwhile, criticism littered the comments section. "Do you cry first then record it or you record it then cry? Do tutor on this please," one said.

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A couple of comments pointed out the hashtag #poverty in the video's captions, which has since been removed. 

Some TikTokers have even stitched her video to say she's "voyeuristic and exploitative."

"This is called slum tourism. She's turning poverty and hard work of the people into entertainment, into a spectacle, something that can be momentarily experienced by her, but then she can escape it easily," the TikToker @doc.ho said in a now-deleted video with over 532,000 views.

Wang told Insider she posted the video "very spontaneously" and that it was a "very real and raw moment" for her, contrary to her usual carefully curated and edited content.

"Being Asian Australian, I know I am very privileged to have grown up in Australia, but I also understand the struggle. My parents are immigrants, and I spent many years in China," Wang told Insider.

She added that many took her video as looking down on Vietnamese people but that she "never said Vietnamese people were poor or unhappy."

"In fact, in my caption, I said I can see so much genuine happiness and the familial bond is incredible. But I did also see poverty and struggle, and seeing both sides really did hit me hard," Wang said.

The travel creator understands how the video may have rubbed people the wrong way, she said. It could make it seem like she was "asking for attention," she added, but she doesn't want her content to be only "highlights of fun and happy moments."

"It should reflect the other side, too, when I'm sad, making mistakes, or learning," Wang said.

"And I don't think I need to justify all of this to the people who leave negative comments," Wang added. "Because I got an overwhelming amount of positive comments from people who appreciate seeing this side and understanding where my intentions were."

Wang told Insider on May 9 that she has since taken down the video as her and her partner have been receiving harassing messages online. 

May 9, 2023: The article has been updated with the removal of videos which have been taken down on TikTok, and a new statement from Fiona Wang.

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Explained: The Slow Recovery of Vietnam’s Tourism Industry

While Vietnam’s regional tourism peers have rebounded to around 25 percent of their pre-pandemic tourist trade in 2022, Vietnam has fallen behind. This article explores the reasons why, what could happen next, and how foreign companies could potentially benefit.

As soon as it became clear that COVID-19 wasn’t just another cold but rather the makings of a devastating pandemic, Vietnam closed its borders. In fact, it was one of the first countries to make the move but was quickly followed by many others.

This was succeeded by a snap lockdown. Flights were grounded, restaurants were shut, and tourist hotspots like Hanoi’s Turtle Lake and Ho Chi Minh City’s Beer Street were closed for business.

But whereas that first initial lockdown was only brief for most businesses – in some places just a few weeks – for the tourism sector it was the start of a long period of layoffs, bankruptcies, and financial pain that has still not come to an end.

So what happened? How did it happen? What’s next? And where are the opportunities for foreign firms?

There was a pivot to domestic tourism

When the cities opened up again after that first, brief initial lockdown, the tourism landscape had changed considerably. With foreign tourists out of the equation, Vietnam’s tourism enterprises swiftly shifted their focus to domestic travelers.

But the Vietnamese do not travel like their foreign counterparts. Most notably, they have an average spend of about US$49 a day whereas foreign tourists typically spend more than double that – at an estimated US$117/day.

Furthermore, not only do Vietnamese tourists spend less, they also speak the native language and have an in-depth understanding of the locations they visit. This means that cultural traditions and practices that are a novelty for foreign tourists are just a normal part of everyday life.

As a result, the tourism sector had to pivot.

Specifically, with international arrivals more or less gone, foreign language skills, which had been a huge selling point for Vietnam’s tourism workers, were no longer needed.

This was, however, somewhat serendipitous. While tourism was in decline, cross-border digital services were on the way up. Technology companies in Vietnam were making bank selling video games, mobile phone applications, and a broad range of software online to people in lockdown all around the world. And, as their operations scaled up, so too did their customer service teams – and this meant hiring vast numbers of workers with foreign language skills.

At the time, this was somewhat fortuitous as it meant employers could avoid laying off workers, and workers were not out of work for too long. However, as the pandemic persisted and many tourism workers found new career paths, there was a risk of losing a generation of workers along with a huge volume of institutional memory.

Changes in immigration policy

But as the tourism sector was shrinking, another challenge was emerging.

An overhaul of Vietnam’s immigration policy was taking place and a number of key changes were being made affecting access and mobility.

Before COVID, most tourists passed through immigration either visa-free if they were from one of 25 countries that were permitted to do so, or with an e-visa valid for 30 to 90 days that they could get online.

During COVID-19, however, 90-day tourist visas were effectively done away with (except for people on package tours). Moving forward, tourists would need to apply to extend their visa if they wanted to stay for longer than the prescribed 30 days.

It is not exactly clear what the motivating factor was behind this change; ostensibly, it was a move to get foreigners in Vietnam onto the correct visas – before the pandemic it had been common for foreign workers to stay in the country on 90-day tourist visas, which they would renew by completing day-trips to Bangkok every three months.

With borders closed, however, it was difficult to ascertain the impact these changes would have. As a result, when they came into force in July of 2020, they passed by mostly unnoticed, hidden behind Vietnam’s border restrictions.

Attempts to open up in 2021

Early on in 2021, COVID-19, which had been remarkably contained for over a year, finally got its hooks into Vietnam, ravaging Vietnam’s cities, and sounding the death knell for many tourism businesses.

By the end of 2021, an estimated 90-95 percent of tourism businesses had closed their doors for good or had changed their core operations – the tourism sector was bleeding out.

But there was hope. Vaccinations rates were rising and a pilot program ‘travel bubble’ had been approved for the island of Phu Quoc off the south coast of Vietnam. In November, 209 Korean tourists would arrive at the island for a four-day, three-night package holiday – complete with COVID-19 safeguards.

But this was just a drop in the ocean when it came to the US$32 billion dollar tourism revenue hole created by the pandemic.

For the sector to be revived, travel restrictions would need to be done away with in their entirety.

That said, at the beginning of 2022, the dark clouds started to part for Vietnam’s tourism industry when on February 14, the decision was made to reopen Vietnam to tourism a month later, on March 15. The sigh of relief from the tourism industry was almost audible.

This optimism, however, was to be short-lived when just 10 days later Russia invaded Ukraine.

Russian sanctions hit Vietnam’s tourism industry

Vietnam’s tourism sector is heavily reliant on a few key locations, which are often frequented by specific nationalities. As a result, the absence of Russian travelers was expected to have a concentrated impact, rather than a significant one.

In coastal towns like Nha Trang, most signage, including menus and price lists, is written in Russian followed by English. Russian tourists have been a significant source of revenue for Vietnam’s coastal tourist towns, especially during the winter months when they seek warmer climates. There are also long standing ties from Russia’s Soviet days.

However, due to the global banking system’s exclusion of Russia and the country’s struggling economy under sanctions, holidaying abroad was becoming increasingly difficult and costly for Russians. Flights between Vietnam and Russia were also suspended, forcing Russian tourists to transit through third countries, making travel to Vietnam more expensive.

China maintains COVID-zero policy for most of 2022

But while the missing Russian tourists undoubtedly had an impact, it was the absence of Chinese tourists that would really hold Vietnam’s tourism sector back.

For most of 2022, Vietnam’s neighbor to the north stubbornly refused to reopen its borders, cutting off Vietnam’s biggest source of foreign tourists – in 2019, Chinese visitors accounted for more than a quarter of Vietnam’s international arrivals.

As a result, when borders finally reopened on March 15, the festivities were somewhat muted – Vietnam’s tourism sector was not out of the woods yet and would continue to struggle for some time to come.

One year later…

The response to Vietnam’s reopening from the international traveling community was lackluster at best. Despite heavy discounts on accommodation and flights, the rising dragon struggled to breathe life back into its tourism industry.

In 2022, Vietnam welcomed just 3.6 million tourists, around 18 percent of its pre-pandemic 19 million. For contrast, Thailand received 10 million tourists, 25 percent of its 2019 traffic (which was 40 million), and Indonesia counted 4.6 million guests, just over 28 percent of the 16 million arrivals it received in 2019.

Visa reform has been touted as one way to give the sector a much-needed boost. This has been acknowledged by the authorities. The Vietnamese government, last week, announced it would submit to the National Assembly a draft law that would extend visa-free periods to 30 days and bring back three-month tourist visas. The logic being that the longer tourists stay in Vietnam, the more money they spend.

China has also reopened its borders to select countries and Vietnam has made the list.

Russia, however, is another kettle of fish. Vietnam welcomed less than 40,000 Russian tourists in 2022 well below the pre-pandemic 650,000 it received in 2019. When these numbers will return to normal will depend on external factors well beyond Vietnam’s control.

That said, Vietnam will still have to deal with internal factors, including deep-seeded sustainability issues, in order to future proof its tourism sector.

In 2021, Euromonitor International ranked the Southeast Asian nation 96th out of 99 on its tourism sustainability index . Litter on Vietnam’s beaches and water pollution are becoming increasingly off-putting to foreign visitors.

This may be partly why its rate of return among tourists is relatively low. Just 5 percent of tourists return to Vietnam ; by comparison, in Thailand, that figure is around 50 percent. This will need to be addressed in the future to ensure the long-term survival of the sector.

For now, however, an air of optimism has returned once more, with the aforementioned visa changes and China’s reopening expected to give the sector the sorely needed leg-up it’s crying out for.

Opportunities for foreign investors

The economic cost of prolonged border closures is still weighing heavily on the tourism sector. The local media is filled with stories of hotels up for sale as owners struggle to make ends meet .

Famously, Vietnam’s ‘Gold Hotel’ (the Dolce by Wyndham) is up for grabs. Though it’s hoped that the hotel in Hanoi will bring its owners the hefty price of US$200 million, this is on the more expensive side and there are much lower priced options out there.

In coastal cities like Danang, almost finished construction projects stand dormant with developers out of money. Existing businesses are also cash starved and keen to restructure into joint-ventures. This may be a good opportunity for foreign hoteliers to enter the market at a discount.

Hospitality, restaurants, and bars have also gone in many places amid the dwindling demand. Investors who have the resources to wait could consider entering the market now and ride the wave of recovery when it inevitably comes.

Foreign tour operators might also consider this the ideal opportunity to try running tours to the Southeast Asian nation. With excess capacity in hotels and tourist services, heavy discounts may be on offer. They may also find the pre-COVID crowds vastly diminished offering visitors a somewhat calmer and more unique experience.

On that note, firms that wish to find out more about or gain access to these opportunities should contact industry advisors at Dezan Shira and Associates .

The future of Vietnam’s tourism sector

Vietnam’s tourism industry saw 2.69 million tourists in the first quarter of 2023, representing 33 percent of its targeted 8 million international arrivals by the end of the year. This has contributed around US$6.85 billion in revenue from accommodation and catering services.

While these numbers are still below pre-pandemic levels, the country is off to a promising start. The tourism sector appears to be responding well to global economic challenges, although it is starting from a relatively low point.

Moving forward, it is essential for the industry to continue its sustainable and resilient recovery. This will not only benefit the economy, but also ensure that foreign visitors can enjoy Vietnam’s tourist attractions for years to come.

Vietnam Briefing is published by  Asia Briefing , a subsidiary of  Dezan Shira & Associates . We produce material for foreign investors throughout Eurasia, including  ASEAN ,  China ,  India ,  Indonesia ,  Russia  & the  Silk Road . For editorial matters please contact us  here  and for a complimentary subscription to our products, please click  here .

Dezan Shira & Associates  provide business intelligence, due diligence, legal, tax and advisory services throughout the Vietnam and the Asian region. We maintain offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, as well as throughout China, South-East Asia, India, and Russia. For assistance with investments into Vietnam please contact us at  [email protected]  or visit us at

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There’s a ‘whole life’ that goes with each poppy on the wall at the National Mall

Heather Gustafson | [email protected]

May 24, 2024, 3:23 PM

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The USAA Poppy Wall of Honor, an exhibit honoring more than half a million service members who gave the ultimate service, returns to D.C. this Memorial Day weekend.

The wall features red poppy flowers for the more than 600,000 U.S. service members who have died in the line of duty since World War I.

“It’s hard to comprehend. You know, there’s a whole life and a story and family — spouses, kids, siblings, parents — that goes with each one of those,” said one woman visiting from California.

New features this year include a special panel commemorating the 50th anniversary of America’s exit from the Vietnam War, and a digital panel that will display individual remembrances with the hashtag “#PoppyInMemory.”

“You can’t help but be inspired. Being here at the wall, seeing the poppies, seeing the displays that are on the on the other side of the installation,” said Retired U.S. Army Major General John Richardson with USAA. “There’s also a number of different ways to honor and remember veterans that are listed there. And it can be things as simple as wearing a poppy on your dress or your jacket, flying your American flag at half-staff for the day, visiting a national cemetery or your local war memorial.”

Since its first appearance on the National Mall in 2018, nearly 40,000 people have visited the temporary installation, paying their respects and learning more about the importance behind Memorial Day.

The Poppy Wall of Honor will be on display through Sunday on the National Mall at the base of the Lincoln Memorial between the Reflecting Pool and Korean War Memorial.

“We need to remember the people who have given their lives and that’s what this exhibit is about,” said one onlooker Paul, who was visiting from Boston.

That’s what the “holiday” is about, he said, “to try to remember these people and everything they’ve done so we can have the lives we do have.”

The exhibit is open until 9 p.m. Friday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

If you can’t make it in person this weekend, you can still participate in honoring a loved one by sharing a memory using #PoppyInMemory on social media. You can also view the dedications online .

Editor’s Note: The Poppy Wall of Honor honors the more than 600,000 U.S. service members that have died in the line of duty since World War I. This story has been corrected. 

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Heather Gustafson is a Freelance Anchor/Reporter for WTOP, a DMV native and an Emmy award-winning journalist lauded for her 2020 Black Lives Matter protests coverage.

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