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The Best Ab Exercises To Build A Strong Core

The Best Ab Exercises To Build A Strong Core

A chiseled core with well-defined ab muscles is the pinnacle of an athletic physique. But there’s more to abs than meets the eye – these small, powerful muscles are there to help during almost all exercises, whether you’re looking to pull a heavier deadlift, knock time off your 5K, or perfect your posture.

If you’re serious about carving your core to look built in a muscle-fit shirt or toned in a crop top , it’s going to take more than some heavy barbell lifts to get there. We’re talking about focused core training: From crunches and leg raises, to rotational exercises; Discover our go-to core exercises, along with expert advice on training frequency and a note on nutrition for fat loss. Brace yourself, we’ve got the ideal ab-building recipe ready to share.

Ready to train? Choose a follow-along core workout on The Gymshark Training App .

What are abs?

Bodyweight ab exercises

Weighted ab exercises

Abs aren’t solely built in the kitchen, but mastering what to eat before and after your workout , can help build definition.

What Are Abs?

Let’s start with the basics – What are abs? You’re probably well aware that your abs (part of the core) are located around your midsection. But did you know that these muscles are actually made up of four key groups?

These include:

Rectus Abdominis (The ‘six-pack muscles’; located in the middle of the abdomen, these muscles help you flex forward)

Transversus Abdominis (The deepest muscle of the abs that wraps around the waist to support the spine)

External Obliques (The outermost ab muscle that runs from the ribs to the pelvis, helping the body rotate and bend from side to side)

Internal Obliques (Sit underneath the external obliques, also assisting with rotation of the trunk and bending)

Each is a separate muscle, but together they allow the trunk to rotate and flex, stabilizing the body through various movements. To develop a crisp six-pack, you’ll need to dedicate time to training and refining each of these four muscle groups , and whilst most ab exercises don’t target a singular area, most do place more focus on one muscle group.

Genetics also play a big role in the appearance of our abs. Whilst some are blessed with the ability to create an impressive eight-pack like David Laid , others of us aren’t. Depending on how the connective tissue in your abdominals is built, you may find you build a four, six, or eight-pack (however a six-pack is the most common). We’re going to share the best ab exercises to build your core – but just remember you won’t be able to alter your genetic make-up that determines the appearance of your abs.

The Best Ab Exercises

You might think all you need to do is 100 crunches a day to build your abs, but there’s a bit more to it than that. Not only is it really boring, but crunches only train your abs in one motion, which is the back and forward flexion of the spine. We want to hit the abs from different angles , to build a balanced midline framed by defined obliques.

So how do we do that? We’ve chosen our favorite ab exercises to challenge every part of your core . All you need to do is pick three exercises from below, and perform 10-15 reps of each, for 3 sets – there are bodyweight options if you’re working out from home , or weighted options if you’re hitting the gym.

Our 8 Best Ab Exercises To Build A Stronger Core:

Russian Twists

Cable Woodchopper

Cable Crunch

Med Ball V Ups

Bodyweight Ab Exercises

You don’t need anything except your own bodyweight (and maybe a mat) for these, so there’s no excuse for skipping these bodyweight ab exercises! Don’t underestimate their effectiveness – they get tough pretty quickly!

1. Crunches

The Abdominal Crunch: Easily the most common abs exercise to grace the gym mats – and they deserve the hype. Proven effective even in small amounts, they are unmatched in their ability to target our six-pack muscle (you know the one: rectus abdominis) [ 1 ]. Don’t make these your only ab exercise, but certainly give them their time of day!

How To Do Crunches:

Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, feet flat on the floor, lower back in contact with the mat.

Placing your arms on your thighs, take a breath in, bracing your core.

Lift your shoulder blades up, exhaling as you rise, crunching’ your abs. Your hands should move up your thighs towards your knees, keeping your chin tucked as you do so.

Lower back to the starting position, exhaling.

TIP: Make sure you don’t strain your neck to lift yourself up. Focus on keeping your neck in line with your spine, and using your core to crunch your body up.

To increase the difficulty, hold a small weight and add a pause at the top of the crunch.

2. Bird Dog Exercise

Bird dogs? Despite the strange name, this is an effective core exercise that targets the rectus abdominis and the obliques. But a great thing about bird dogs is that they build lower back function and can even reduce lower back pain by engaging the core and back muscles simultaneously [ 2 , 3 ]. If you struggle with back pain during core exercises or your big lifts, bird dogs can be a great way to ease this.

How To Do Bird Dogs:

Kneel on all fours on a mat, hands directly below shoulders, knees stacked below hips.

Bracing your abs, extend opposite arm and legs straight out in front and behind to form a straight line. Keep your hips square and back straight.

Hold for 2 seconds, then bring the arm and leg back in, driving your elbow towards your knee.

Pause, then begin the second rep, extending the legs and arms back out in front.

Complete 10 reps on one side, then switch sides to complete the same steps.

TIP: Try to minimize motion in your hips, keeping them square to the ground, especially as you transition from one side to the other.

You can also alternate sides, returning the knee and hand to the mat after each rep, before extending out the opposite arm and leg. This will feel slightly easier.

3. Leg Raises

Leg raises are one of the best lower ab exercises, helping increase strength and muscular control throughout the core, with particular emphasis on the rectus abdominis. They also target the hip flexors, strengthening them to improve squats , running , and jumping.

Leg raises can be performed flat on the floor, on an incline bench, or hanging from a bar, depending on your strength and experience – the latter variation being the most advanced!

How To Do Lying Leg Raises:

Lie flat on your back on a mat, hands resting on the floor, palms facing down, and legs extended.

Slowly raise your legs up towards the ceiling, inhaling and bracing your core as you do so. Press your thighs together and keep your legs straight, stopping when they are at a 90-degree angle with your torso.

Slowly lower back down, stopping just before your heels reach the floor, then repeat for 10-15 reps.

TIP: Resisting the urge to move too quickly, particularly in the downward phase can be difficult! Make sure to control your legs on the way down, moving them slowly and stopping before your feet touch the floor.

If you find your lower back creeping off the floor, consciously think about pulling your belly button down towards your spine. You can also try placing your hands underneath your lower back as you do the exercise to support your pelvis. Still an issue? Don’t bring your legs as low: stop just before the point where your lower back loses contact with the floor.

4. Side Plank

If you want to work your waist and define your obliques, side planks are a great exercise to get you there. This unilateral movement challenges each side of the body independently, working not only the core but also the lats , lower traps , chest , shoulders , and glutes , which are all needed to help keep the body stable. These aren’t easy, but they’ll build strength, balance, and coordination, without putting any pressure on the lower back or neck like some ab exercises do.

How To Do A Side Plank:

Lie on your side with your legs extended, forearm flat on the floor, elbow bent. Feet can either be stacked on top of one another (harder), or staggered (easier).

Pop your hips up, squeezing your core and using your feet and forearm to stabilize yourself. Your forearm should remain flat on the floor, elbow directly below the shoulder. Place your opposite hand on your hip for balance. Your body should form a straight line.

Hold for 15-30 seconds, squeezing your core throughout. Think about lifting your ribcage away from the mat, squeezing your quads and glutes throughout to stabilize your body.

Bring your body back down to the mat, and switch sides.

TIP: Make this movement harder by adding a hip dip, lowering your hips towards the ground when in the side plank, and then moving them back up towards the ceiling. Aim for 10 reps on one side, before switching to the other.

Ab Exercises With Weights

Looking to take things up a level? Training abs doesn’t need to be limited to just bodyweight. Here are our more effective weighted ab exercises to boost your strength gains.

5. Russian Twists

Another weights room classic, and for good reason. The Russian Twist places constant tension on the abdominals while the obliques help maintain balance and rotation of the torso. While these can be performed using just bodyweight, adding resistance such as a medicine ball, kettlebell or sandbag will increase the difficulty, making your core work that little bit harder!

How To Do Russian Twists:

Select an appropriately weighted med ball, kettlebell, or sandbag.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor, holding the weight close in front of your chest.

Lean back slightly, lifting your feet off the floor so your legs form a V-shape.

Brace your core and rotate your torso, moving the weight to one side of your body. Bring it down so it is level with your hip, but not touching the ground. Keep your gaze fixed on the weight as you move it.

Pause, then return the weight to the center, before moving it down towards the other hip.

Return back to center. This counts as one rep.

Repeat, aiming for 10 to 12 reps for 3 sets.

TIP: To help balance, cross your feet and try to hold your legs in the center of your body, avoiding swinging when rotating your torso. Don’t rush the movement: Keep the reps slow and controlled.

To make this exercise harder, take your legs straight out in front of you, rather than keeping them bent – you’ll have to work your core that little bit harder to stabilize yourself and you’ll definitely feel the burn!

6. Cable Woodchopper

Gaining its name from the motion of chopping down a tree, this is another rotational core exercise that simultaneously challenges the muscles in your trunk, hips, and shoulders, strengthening and defining the waist. Don’t worry, no trees will be harmed in the process – all you need is a cable and a handle attachment.

How To Do The Cable Woodchopper:

Attach the handle grip attachment to the cable, and set the height to somewhere between chest or shoulder height. Adjust the weight to a weight you can perform 10-12 reps on each side with.

Clasp the handle in both hands and take a couple of steps away from the tower, keeping your arms outstretched. Stand side on to the tower, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.

Pull the handle, rotating your torso 180 degrees, keeping your arms fully extended throughout. Keep a neutral spine, focusing your gaze on your hands throughout.

Hold for one to two seconds, before rotating back to starting position.

Repeat for 10 to 12 reps, then switch sides by turning around and facing the other way.

TIP: When performing cable woodchoppers, focus on only rotating your upper half of the body, twisting the torso away from the cable, keeping your arms straight and thighs facing forwards.

For ultimate oblique activation, superset these with Russian Twists.

Cable Woodchopper Variations: You can also perform high-to-low and low-to-high cable chops by adjusting the height of the cable on the tower and moving the cable at a 45-degree angle, instead of side-to-side. These will work your obliques at a slightly different angle.

7. Cable Crunch

If you’re serious about building those six-pack muscles, then kneeling cable crunches will take your crunch game to a whole new level. They’re weighted, they’re controlled and they isolate the rectus abdominis to increase core strength and build abs of steel.

How To Do Cable Crunches:

Set the cable machine up to the top of the tower and attach the rope attachment.

Take hold of the end of the ropes in both hands, taking a couple of steps away from the tower to move the weights off the stack whilst turning to face away from it. Kneel down, placing both knees on the floor directly below shoulders.

Hold the rope handles above the top of your head in an overhand grip, thumbs facing the ceiling.

Begin the crunch by bracing your core and taking a breath in. Hinge from your hips, breathing out as you contract for abs and curl your torso towards the ground. The rope should remain above your head at all times, chin tucked (imagine you are trying to hold an egg under your chin!)

Aim to lower until your elbows are close to your legs, squeezing your abs the whole time.

Pause, then slowly extend your torso to come back to starting position.

Repeat for 12 to 15 reps.

TIP: If you find cable crunches too difficult, instead of reducing the weight, try turning around and performing the crunches facing the tower. Facing this way, the resistance path of the cable won’t pull you backward, making it easier to ‘crunch’.

For a harder variation, try a standing cable crunch. You’ll have to work a lot harder to stabilize your entire body throughout the movement, upping the core engagement required to perform the movement.

8. Med Ball V Ups

Med ball v sit ups (or jack knives) are a challenging core burner that will fire up both your rectus abdominis and your transverse abdominis, along with the hip flexors, adductors, and quads. They aren’t easy: starting every rep from a hollow body position will test your core and require some serious strength to drive the med ball up toward your toes!

How To Do Med Ball V Ups:

Choose a moderate-weight medicine ball and place it behind the top of your mat. Lie flat on your back with your legs extended out, reaching your arms overhead to take hold of the med ball.

Point your toes, squeeze your quads together, and engage your core. Taking a deep breath in, lift your feet slightly off the floor.

Begin the rep, simultaneously moving your legs and arms (still holding the medicine ball) towards each other to create a ‘V’ shape with your body, aiming to touch the med ball to your toes. Arms and legs should remain straight throughout.

Slowly lower your arms and legs back down to the floor, keeping them straight and exhaling as you do so. Touch the med ball back on the floor behind you after each rep. To make the exercise harder, try not to let your heels touch the floor, stopping when they are about 10 cm away, before beginning the next rep.

Repeat for 10-15 reps.

Tip: If you struggle to straighten your legs, bend your knees and aim to reach your knees, rather than your toes. In the meantime, work on some hamstring stretches to improve flexibility so you can work your way up to doing toe-touch crunches with straight legs.

If you find these too challenging, either go for a lighter med ball or ditch the med ball entirely and do the v ups using just you’re bodyweight – trust us when we say this variation is still very challenging!

How Many Ab Exercises Should I Do?

As a rule of thumb, choosing 3 exercises from above, and performing 10-15 reps for 3 sets is a good benchmark to aim for. You may find it easier to put the clock on and perform a Tabata-style workout (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, or if you’re feeling up to a challenge, 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off) for three rounds.

To build a well-rounded core, you’ll want to ensure you are choosing a variety of ab exercises, for example, crunches, Russian twists, and v-ups, balancing flexion exercises with rotational ones to cover all of the movement patterns. Try and vary the exercises you do each day to continuously challenge your body and avoid reaching a plateau.

How Do I Get Abs?

First off, let's be clear, you have abs. Whether they mimic a cheese-greater or not, the fact is you already have abs. Whether they show or not depends on the amount of body fat you hold. Ultimately, you can do all the ab exercises in the world to build a strong core, but if it’s covered by belly fat, you aren’t going to see it.

According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE) , you’ll need to lower your body fat to about 14 to 20 percent for women and 6 to 13 percent for men if you want your abs to be seen [ 4 ]. Unfortunately, you also can’t spot reduce your body fat, meaning you have no control over where your body stores extra calories, and where it takes that energy from. But there are a couple of methods you can use to build the size of your abs whilst reducing belly fat:

Reduce your calories: To lose fat you need to be a calorie deficit. That means burning more calories than you’re taking in. Research has found that intermittent fasting can be a beneficial way to achieve weight loss (it doesn’t suit everyone, but may be worth a look at).

Increase protein intake: When losing weight, you want to try and lose fat, whilst maintaining as much lean muscle as possible. Making sure you are eating enough protein can help this, with studies finding that those who ate higher-than-average amounts of protein (1.2 to 1.5 grams per 2.2 pounds of body weight) whilst trying to lose weight preserved more lean muscle mass and improved body composition compared to those who ate average amounts of protein (0.8 grams per 2.2 pounds) [ 5 ].

Do strength training and cardio: Many people think cardio is the best way to lose weight. Studies have proven that combining 30 minutes of cardio with 30 minutes of strength training three times a week leads to greater fat loss than cardio alone [ 6 ].

Don’t neglect your ab workouts: The more you train your abs, the more the muscles will grow. Adding in 1-3 focused ab workouts per week alongside your existing routine will help you strengthen and shape your abs.

How Long Does It Take To Get Abs?

The golden question, which doesn’t have a straightforward answer… how long it takes you to get abs is going to depend on your current body weight, genetics, nutrition, and exercise habits. If you go to the gym, you likely already have abs (without a strong core you would struggle with many compound exercises), but if you can’t see the six-pack peeping through already, it’s likely concealed by a layer of fat.

To get them showing through, you need to be training them (to increase the size of the muscle) and losing fat – sounds easy? Don’t be fooled: Getting visible abs takes hard work and dedication (especially for women who naturally hold more fat around their abdominal area). We can’t answer how long it will take, but ultimately you get out what you put in!

Realistically, Can I Get A Six-Pack?

A six-pack may be the ultimate show of fitness, but unfortunately, some of us can do all the ab exercises in the world and still not get the chiseled stomach we dream of. Why? Because everyone’s abs are genetically different, meaning some people are born with the ability to build a six-pack (or a four or eight-pack), and some of us aren’t.

Abs are created by bands of horizontal connective tissue. The number of bands you have will alter how many ‘rows’ of abs you can build. For some that’s a two or four-pack; for a few, it’s an eight-pack or more; It’s not something you can change – it’s part of your genetic makeup. You can still create a strong-looking core, so don’t get too caught up in striving for a six-pack.

Why Are My Abs Uneven?

Again, genetics plays a big part in the appearance of your abs! Whilst some people are born with perfectly caved and stacked abs, others may have an uneven and asymmetric core. It’s not uncommon to have staggered abs, where the abs on both sides are the same size, but don’t line up, creating an uneven effect. It’s all down to genes, and unfortunately, there’s no secret ab exercises we can give you to build your abs in a different shape.

How Often Should You Do Ab Workouts?

Studies have proven that more volume leads to more muscle gains, so technically the more you train your abs, the better (at least if washboard abs are your goal) – but remember that your abs get involved through a whole range of movements, not just specific ab exercises as listed in this article [ 7 ]. Take compound movements for example; A strong core is essential to help you lift the load and keep a stable body position. Whilst you might think you aren’t working your core, you are, so it’s important to consider this!

That being said if you are chasing a six-pack, then adding specific core workouts alongside your regular training would be a good way to help you get there. We suggest adding one to three focused ab workouts alongside your existing compound strength training at the end of your workout. But don’t forget to rest too: Try to program your ab workouts on every other day, rather than daily – Trying to laugh with ab DOMS isn’t fun, so give your body time to rest and recover!

Why Do Ab Exercises Hurt My Back?

Ab exercises shouldn’t hurt your back, but for some people, back pain when core training isn’t uncommon. Pain during ab workouts could indicate a weak lower back that simply isn’t strong enough to support you during core exercises. Or, it could point to weaknesses elsewhere in the core, leading your back to overcompensate during the movement. Another reason could be that your form is off: any small movement into an incorrect position could irritate the spine.

So what can you do? Firstly, if you experience back pain, stop the movement immediately. Check your form, and if the pain persists, avoid that movement and swap it for something else.

Exercises such as bird dogs, dead bugs, and glute bridges are a great way to strengthen your core and build lower back function without putting strain on it. Working through these exercises will decrease injury potential and can be a good way to build up core and lower back strength to move onto more advanced core exercises such as leg raises and med ball v ups, at a later point.

The Only Ab Exercises You Need

Building a strong core takes diligence, discipline, and hard work – and it won’t happen overnight; But we’ve given you the tools to work intelligently with your training to hit every square inch of your midsection.

For ultimate ab definition, perform 3 of the core exercises above for 10-15 reps, for three rounds, three times a week . Make sure you include a mixture of flexion exercises (like crunches) with rotational ones (such as Russian Twists). Your lifts will soon start to feel stronger, your body more stable and you’ll feel confident taking off your shirt mid-sweat session or just wearing a sports bra to the gym – it’s a win-win if you ask us.

WRITTEN BY: Alex Kirkup-Lee

Alex is an inhouse Content Writer for Gymshark’s Health & Conditioning categories. A qualified Personal Trainer, CrossFit Level 1 and Functional Fitness Coach, Alex is experienced in training clients from a range of sporting backgrounds. With a passion for functional training, her favorite workout is anything that includes deadlifts, rowing, or wallballs.


Juan-Recio, C., López-Vivancos, A., Moya, M., Sarabia, J.M. and Vera-Garcia, F.J. (2015). Short-term effect of crunch exercise frequency on abdominal muscle endurance. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness , [online] 55(4), pp.280–289. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25853876/.

Dafkou, K., Kellis, E., Ellinoudis, A. and Sahinis, C. (2021). Lumbar Multifidus Muscle Thickness During Graded Quadruped and Prone Exercises. International journal of exercise science , [online] 14(7), pp.101–112. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8136566/.

Suh, J.H., Kim, H., Jung, G.P., Ko, J.Y. and Ryu, J.S. (2019). The effect of lumbar stabilization and walking exercises on chronic low back pain. Medicine , [online] 98(26), p.e16173. doi:https://doi.org/10.1097/md.0000000000016173.

Nwosu, Z. (2023). Demystifying Body Fat Percentages: A Healthy Range Explained (Medriva) . [online] www.acefitness.org. Available at: https://www.acefitness.org/about-ace/press-room/in-the-news/8540/demystifying-body-fat-percentages-a-healthy-range-explained-medriva/.

Kim, J.E., O’Connor, L.E., Sands, L.P., Slebodnik, M.B. and Campbell, W.W. (2016). Effects of dietary protein intake on body composition changes after weight loss in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Reviews , 74(3), pp.210–224. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuv065.

De Mello, M.T., de Piano, A., Carnier, J., Sanches, P. de L., Corrêa, F.A., Tock, L., Ernandes, R.M.Y., Tufik, S. and Dâmaso, A.R. (2010). Long-Term Effects of Aerobic Plus Resistance Training on the Metabolic Syndrome and Adiponectinemia in Obese Adolescents. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension , 13(5), pp.343–350. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-7176.2010.00388.x.

Schoenfeld, B.J., Contreras, B., Krieger, J., Grgic, J., Delcastillo, K., Belliard, R. and Alto, A. (2018). Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , [online] 51(1), p.1. doi:https://doi.org/10.1249/mss.0000000000001764.

Alex Kirkup-Lee

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Exploring the Temples of Abydos: A Visitor's Guide

Written by Jess Lee Updated May 20, 2021

Once epicenter of the cult worship of Osiris, Seti I raised the glorious temple here dedicated to the Egyptian god.

Abydos was Ancient Egypt's most important burial center. Although the archaeology site here is vast, the main tourist attraction most people center their visit around is the beautiful Temple of Seti I.

Relief at the Temple of Abydos

Abydos is much less visited than the temples of Luxor and the Nile temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo farther south, but for travelers interested in the Pharaonic era's artistry, the vibrantly colored wall and ceiling paintings, as well as the sculpted column work of the Temple of Seti I, are a highlight of a Nile journey and shouldn't be missed.

Abydos is 162 kilometers north of Luxor and can easily be visited as a day trip from the city. Our visitor's guide to exploring the temples of Abydos will help you plan your visit.

On This Page:

Temple of seti i, first courtyard, second courtyard, first hypostyle hall, second hypostyle hall, sanctuaries, temple south wing, abydos history: ancient egypt's most important necropolis, around the temple of seti i, getting to the temples of abydos.

Temple of Seti I

The Temple of Seti I at Abydos is the main highlight of a trip here. Built of limestone and laid out on three levels, the temple is unusual in many respects from other Egyptian temples.

There are no fewer than seven sanctuaries in the inner temple here honoring Osiris, Isis, Horus, Ptah, Re-Harakhte, Amun, and the deified Pharaoh Seti I.

The front part of the temple is thus divided into seven individual temples, each with its own doorway, and the chambers behind the chapels are not arranged behind one another, as in other temples, but side by side.

First Courtyard

You enter the humongous temple complex from the northeast, through the First Pylon, now in ruins, which leads into the largely destroyed First Courtyard.

The First and Second Courtyard areas were built by Ramses II (Seti I's son), so the relief decoration here celebrates his reign. On the courtyard's southeast wall are scenes from Ramses II's wars and victories in Asia, including the famed Battle of Qadesh (also portrayed at Ramses II's Temples of Abu Simbel ) against the Hittite armies.

Second Courtyard

The First Courtyard leads you into the better preserved Second Courtyard. To the right and left, you can see dedicatory inscriptions in the name of Ramses II. On the far side of the court, a low ramp leads up to the temple proper and a Vestibule with 12 sturdy pillars.

Don't Miss: On the wall to the left of the main doorway is an inscription in 95 vertical columns recording the completion of the temple by Ramses II. The reliefs depict Ramses in the presence of various deities.

Look up to the one scene adjoining the doorway, which shows him presenting an image of the goddess Maat to the triad of Osiris, Isis, and Seti I (here taking the place of Horus).

First Hypostyle Hall

The central doorway guides you into the temple's massive First Hypostyle Hall, the partly destroyed roof of which is supported on 24 papyrus cluster columns with bud capitals. As with the courtyards, this hall was also completed by Ramses II.

Note how the columns are so arranged that the five central processional aisles leading to the chapels are flanked by two pairs of columns, while the two outermost aisles are bounded on one side by the walls of the hall.

Second Hypostyle Hall

Seven doors corresponding to the walled up entrance doorways, lead into the Second Hypostyle Hall, with 36 columns set in three rows supporting the architraves and the roofing slabs, which rest on them.

This is by far the most atmospheric section of the temple and the finely detailed reliefs decorating the walls, all dating from the reign of Seti I, rank among the finest achievements of Egyptian sculpture . The hall was the final part of the temple built by Seti I.

The arrangement of the columns flanking the processional aisles is similar to that in the preceding hall.

The 24 columns in the first two rows have closed papyrus capitals. The columns in the third row, set on a raised platform, are tree trunk columns with cylindrical shafts and no capitals, on which rest stone slabs forming an abacus for the support of the architrave.

Second Hypostyle Hall Relief

Don't Miss: Of the decoration here, note, in particular, the intricate detailing of the rear wall reliefs with Hapi, god of the Nile, depicted in the bottom row, while above Seti I is portrayed surrounded by gods with Osiris seated on his shrine behind.


Adjoining the Second Hypostyle Hall , in a direct line with the seven entrance doorways, are seven sanctuaries.

The sanctuary in the middle is dedicated to Amun, the principal god of the New Kingdom; the three on the right to Osiris, Isis, and Horus; and the three on the left to Re-Harakhty, Ptah, and to Pharaoh Seti I.

A sacred barque, holding the image of each particular deity, would have originally stood in each sanctuary.

The roofs of each chamber are decorated with stars and the names of Seti I, while the walls are covered with colorful reliefs depicting the ceremonies, which took place in the chapels.

Don't Miss: In Seti I's Sanctuary look to the left-hand wall to see some of the best-preserved reliefs. On the lower row, from left to right, are scenes depicting three falcon-headed and three dog-headed gods bearing the pharaoh into the chapel, preceded by a priest (with the side lock of youth and a panther skin) offering incense.

The reliefs then show the pharaoh seated on a throne at a banquet, with his guardian spirit behind him and the ibis headed god Thoth in front of him.

The reliefs inside the Sanctuary of Amun are also noteworthy for their well-preserved colors. Here, Seti I is depicted offering sacrifices to Amun in his various forms and burning incense before the sacred barques of Amun.

Temple South Wing

The South Wing contains a slaughter yard, a well, and store rooms, as well as a Sanctuary of Ptah-Sokar , the death god of Memphis, which is entered from the Second Hypostyle Hall . The fine reliefs here show Seti I revering Ptah-Sokar, his son Nefertum, and other deities.

Don't Miss: By far the most important feature of the south wing is the Gallery of the Kings , a long and gradually rising corridor, which is entered from the Second Hypostyle Hall .

On the right-hand wall of the Gallery of the Kings is the famous Abydos Pharaoh List , which has yielded important information on the sequence of Egyptian rulers.

The relief depicts Seti I with a censer and the Crown Prince, later Ramses II (with the side lock of youth), who is reciting hymns from a papyrus roll. They are revering their royal ancestors, 76 of whom are listed in the two upper rows. The list begins with the first pharaoh of Egypt, Menes, and continues to Seti. The names of unimportant or illegitimate rulers are omitted.

Abydos History: Ancient Egypt's Most Important Necropolis

From the time of the First and Second Dynasties (beginning of the 3rd millennium BC), Abydos played an important role as the burial place of pharaohs and high court dignitaries.

Here, the rituals for the burial of the dead king and the accession of his successor were celebrated, symbolizing the transitory and recurrent character of all earthly things.

As far back as the Old Kingdom, the cult of Osiris, which originated in the Delta, had managed to gain a foothold at Abydos; with the nearby hill of Umm el-Gaab believed to be Osiris' tomb, and so it's not surprising that Abydos' temples became a vortex for the cult of Osiris.

Several pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom, as well as wealthy private citizens, erected cenotaphs or stelae here.

For the pious Ancient Egyptian, there was no greater bliss than to be buried beside the Tomb of Osiris, or failing this, to have their mummy brought temporarily to Abydos to receive the desired consecration. At the very least, an important Ancient Egyptian would want to recommend himself to the favor of Osiris, lord of the Underworld, by the erection of a cenotaph or a memorial stone.

In the mystery plays performed annually at Abydos in honor of Osiris, the eternal terrestrial cycle of death and rebirth was celebrated. Osiris' sister and wife Isis, their son Horus and, under the New Kingdom, Ptah, Re-Harakhty, and Amun were also worshiped here.


The most important part of ancient Abydos was its extensive Necropolis . Four separate areas can be identified:

In the most southerly part of the necropolis, near El-Araba, are the tombs of the New Kingdom , the Temples of Seti I and Ramses II, and the Osireion . To the north of this is a hill containing burials of the Late Old Kingdom.

Still farther north, between the Sanctuary of Osiris and the remains of walls at Shunet el-Zebib , are the tombs of the Middle Kingdom, many of them in the form of small brick pyramids; here, too, are burials of other periods, particularly the 18th-20th Dynasties (c. 1500-1000 BC) and the Late Dynastic Period.

Finally, in the hill of Umm el-Gaab , to the west, where Abydos' archaeological excavation work is currently centered, are the royal tombs of the earliest dynasties and the sacred Tomb of Osiris . This area is off-limits to visitors.

Abydos- Necropolis - Floor plan map

Southwest of the Temple of Seti I, you find the large structure known as the Osireion.

Often mistaken by visitors for the Tomb of Osiris, it is, in reality, a cenotaph of Seti I, closely associated with the main temple.

It was discovered in 1903 by Margaret A. Murray and excavated between 1911 and 1926 by the Egypt Exploration Society under the direction of E Naville and Dr. Frankfort.

The building, originally covered by an artificial mound and surrounded by trees, was erected by Seti I, but remained unfinished.

Later, some rooms were decorated with religious scenes and inscriptions by Merneptah. The main structure is built of white limestone and reddish sandstone, red granite being used only for the pillars and roof of the main hall and some of the doorways.

It's unfortunately closed to the public. Head to the back of the Temple of Seti I to get a decent overall view of the building.

Temple of Ramses II

Temple of Ramses II

A short distance away are the remnants of the once grand Temple of Ramses II , also dedicated to Osiris and the cult of the dead pharaoh.

In front of the present entrance was a large court of which only a few traces remain.

The masonry of the temple itself is preserved only to a height of two meters, but it is still possible to trace the outlines of a court surrounded by colonnades with pillars and Osiris figures, similar to those in Luxor's Ramesseum.

It was constructed of fine-grained limestone, with red and black granite for the doorways, sandstone for the columns, and alabaster for the innermost sanctuary.

The mural decorations are in delicate low relief with some of the best preserved paintings in the first court depicting a sacrificial procession.

The reliefs on the outside of the temple (north and west sides), worked in fine white limestone, are among the finest produced in the reign of Ramses II and depict scenes from the pharaoh's war against the Hittites

Shunet el-Zebib

Northwest of Ramses II's temple are the ruins of Shunet el-Zebib surrounded by an outer and an inner wall of sun-dried brick. The complex probably dates from the second Dynasty and may have been a palace.

Ancient City Remains

A few hundred yards northeast of Shunet el-Zebib, near the village of El-Khirba, are the remains of the ancient city of Abydos and the Sanctuary of Osiris , which dates back to the beginnings of Egyptian history.

Of the sanctuary, there remains only the brick enclosure walls built during the Middle Kingdom and scanty remains of the temple.

Tips and Tactics: How to Make the Most of Your Visit to the Temples of Abydos

  • The earlier you can get here, the better. Try for right on opening time at 8am to have the temple complex completely to yourself.

Staying the Night:

  • The modern village of Abydos has a couple of basic hotels if you really want to extend your time at the temples, but most tourists come here as part of a day trip from Luxor, which has a better range of accommodation. Combine a trip here with a visit to the Temple of Dendara at Qena.
  • By Private Taxi: Trips to Abydos Temple Complex are easily arranged in Luxor. Traveling this way means you can set your own itinerary, useful if you want to explore other attractions north of Luxor.
  • By Tour Bus: Most hotels and travel agencies in Luxor offer coach trips to Abydos. Remember that if you decide to travel this way, you'll most likely be part of a large group.

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Some 165 km (103 miles) north of Luxor and 10km (6 miles) southwest of Al Balyana, Abydos is one of Egypt ’s most spellbinding spots. The area was used as a burial place from c.4000 BC until well into Christian times, around AD 600. The site has been systematically excavated since 1977, and many important finds have come to light, including the tombs of kings from before the 1st Dynasty, causing Egyptian chronology to be extended by a zero dynasty. In 1991 two large ships carrying the dead were found, thought to be 5,000 years old.

Abydos, one of Egypt’s most spellbinding spots

The earliest known tomb of a pharaoh, dating back to around 3150 BC, was discovered at Abydos in 1993, containing some of the oldest known examples of hieroglyphic writing. In the dawn of history, Wepwawet, the jackal deity and the original god of Abydos, roamed the desert’s edge guarding the ancestral burial grounds below the dip in the western hills.

At sunset the ancients imagined the golden glow to be the staircase to the afterworld and they wished to be buried at its foot.

Most of all, however, Abydos is associated with the legend of Osiris. From the Middle Kingdom onwards, every pharaoh, as well as hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, left some token of their presence or a false stele at Abydos, hoping to gain favour with Osiris in his capacity as Judge of the Court of the Hereafter.

The area is thus a mass of funeral stele, burial grounds, former temples and memorials. But it was the New Kingdom pharaoh Seti I (1291–1278 BC) who was responsible for the most beautiful tribute to Osiris, his seven-sanctuaries temple, the Great Temple of Seti I.

The great ancient Egyptian temple of Seti I at Abydos, Egypt © Shutterstock

The great ancient Egyptian temple of Seti I at Abydos, Egypt © Shutterstock

Best things to do at Abydos

From the temple of Seti I to the Osireion and the Gallery of the Kings, here are the best things to do at Abydos.

#1 Check out The temple of Seti I

The temple is entered through a mostly ruined pylon leading into the First Hypostyle Hall, which was completed by Seti’s son Ramesses II. Beyond this is the Second Hypostyle Hall with 24 papyrus columns, decorated with some of the finest reliefs in the whole country.

These exquisite reliefs on fine white limestone show Seti engaged in performing a multitude of rites in honour of Osiris and the company of gods. The reliefs on the walls on the right are particularly noteworthy. Further on are the seven sanctuaries of the six mentioned gods and of Seti himself; these would have contained their barques behind closed wooden doors.

Seti himself died before the temple was completed, leaving his son Ramesses II to finish the decoration of the courtyards and colonnades, in a clearly less sophisticated way.

#2 Tour the Gallery of the Kings

In the south wing of the temple, entered from the Second Hypostyle Hall is a long passage known as the Gallery of the Kings, where Seti I and his son Ramesses are shown honouring all the kings that came before them, from King Menes to Seti I.

#3 Temple of Ramesses II

North of Seti’s temple is the much less well-preserved Temple of Ramesses II, his son, dedicated to the same gods. Adorned with stunning black and pink granite door frames and sandstone pillars, Dedicated to Osiris, its second court is surrounded by Osirid pillars, and its walls depict processions of soldiers, priests and some interesting art depicting the god In-hert.

#4 Explore the Osireion

Vestiges of powerful magic still cling to the sacred precincts in Abydos. It is not unusual to see local women circling the pool of the mysterious building, often said to be the burial place of Osiris but is in fact a cenotaph of Seti I, called the Osireion.

In more recent times the temple attracted the Englishwoman Dorothy Eady, who believed she was the reincarnation of a temple priestess and Seti’s lover. She spent the last 25 years of her life living at Abydos, where she provided archaeologists with details of how temples worked in ancient times. Known as Umm Seti, the Mother of Seti, she died in 1981.

Looking for inspiration for your trip? Talk to our Egyptian travel experts .

The Osireion at the Temple of Seti l at Abydos, Egypt © Shutterstock

The Osireion at the Temple of Seti l at Abydos, Egypt © Shutterstock

Best places to stay

The best places to stay when visiting Abydos are in the nearby city of Sohag or the town of El Balyana which offer a range of accommodations and easy access to the ancient site.

As the nearest major city to Abydos, Sohag is a popular choice for visitors. The best areas to stay in Sohag are around the city centre, where you'll find a variety of hotels and guesthouses to suit all budgets. There are also some hotels located on the outskirts of the city offering more peace.

This small town just a short distance from Abydos is the alternative. There are several hotels and guesthouses here that offer comfortable accommodations. Some have stunning views of the Nile River .

Things to know before visiting Abydos

Make the most out of your visit to Abydos with these tips.

Entrance fee

The entrance fee for Abydos Temple is 100 Egyptian pounds.

Opening hours

The temple is open daily from 8am to 5pm (7am to 6pm in summer). Visitors are advised to bring a torch for inside the temples and tombs.

Guided tours

Abydos can be explored through various guided tour options. A popular day trip from Luxor includes transportation and a guided tour of Seti I Temple and nearby Dendera.

Multi-day tours are also available, offering visits to other ancient Egyptian sites like Karnak Temple , the Valley of the Kings , and the Great Pyramids of Giza , making Abydos a part of a larger itinerary.

There is no dress code but we recommend you wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing made of breathable materials, such as cotton or linen, to help keep you cool in the hot, dry climate. It is also important to wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes, as you will likely be doing a lot of walking on uneven ground.

Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos, Egypt © Shutterstock

Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos, Egypt © Shutterstock

How to get here

Tour operators in Luxor organise full-day tours that combine Abydos and Dendera. Alternatively, hire a private taxi from Luxor and go at your own pace. However, it’s a long day – expect about 10 hours to explore both sites, including the drive.

The nearest airport to Abydos is the Luxor International Airport, which is served by several airlines, including EgyptAir, Turkish Airlines, and Air Cairo.

From there, you can hire a taxi or a private car to take you to Abydos. The journey takes around 2.5 to 3 hours.

The nearest train station to Abydos is the El Balyana Station, which is about 12 km away.

You can take a train from Cairo , Luxor, or Aswan to El-Balyana, and then take a taxi or a local bus to Abydos.

You can get a bus from Luxor bus station. The bus station is located in the city centre, near the Luxor train station. Look for a bus that goes to Sohag or El Minya.


Best time to visit Abydos

The best time to visit Abydos in Egypt is during the winter season, from November to February. During this time, the weather is cooler and more comfortable for exploring the outdoor attractions in the region, including the ancient temples and archaeological sites.

In the summer months, from June to August, the temperatures in Abydos can be extremely hot, with highs reaching over 100°F (38°C). This can make outdoor activities uncomfortable for some visitors.

Spring (March to May) and fall (September to October) are also good times to visit Abydos, with milder temperatures and fewer crowds compared to the peak winter season.

However, keep in mind that temperatures can still be quite hot during the daytime, so it's important to bring plenty of sunscreen, water, and protective clothing if you plan to explore outdoor attractions during these seasons.

Find out more about the best time to visit Egypt .

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The Best of Egypt

8 days  / from 1999 USD

The Best of Egypt

Explore the history and culture of Egypt and its ancient rulers on this trip throughout the country. Start and end in Cairo and make your way down to Luxor, Aswan and Abu Simbel. Instead of domestic flights, you will hop on luxurious sleeper trains for your journey.

Cairo & a luxurious Dahabieh sailing cruise

13 days  / from 5499 USD

Cairo & a luxurious Dahabieh sailing cruise

Explore Egypt at a leisurely pace on board a dahabieh, a traditional sailing ship. In Cairo, visit the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, and in Giza, the pyramids; cruise to world-renowned sites alongside lesser-known treasures, such as Luxor’s tombs, el Kab and Gebel Silsileh’s Temple of Horemheb.

A Nile Cruise in Egypt

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A Nile Cruise in Egypt

Experience Cairo with the pyramids of Giza and the Egyptian museum before flying to Luxor to board your Nile cruise. Highlights include Karnak temple, Valley of Kings, Hatshepsut temple and an optional visit to Abu Simbel. Spend your last night in fascinating Cairo.

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Caravan in Morocco © Shutterstock

updated 02.05.2023


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    Read all reviews ⤍. Some 165 km (103 miles) north of Luxorand 10km (6 miles) southwest of Al Balyana, Abydos is one of Egypt's most spellbinding spots. The area was used as a burial place from c.4000 BC until well into Christian times, around AD 600. The site has been systematically excavated since 1977, and many important finds have come ...

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  23. Likino-Dulyovo, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

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