Traveller Worlds


Science fiction adventure, in the far future.

Saved Systems list:

Edit Star Details

Edit gas giant details.

Rendering ...

World Name:

Note well: the map will be redrawn using the seed above if you alter any UWP digit. You can change this setting to prevent this by going to View > Your Preferences. If you switch automatic redrawing off, the map may not match how you have changed the UWP (e.g. size or hydrographics may be wrong).

Orbit Details

Orbital Distance:

Adjust orbit with first up and down arrows; adjust the decimal place with the second:

Orbital Period:

World is Tidally Locked to its star

The world's rotational period is the same as its orbital period and cannot be changed. The Axial Tilt is zero and cannot be changed. One side is always facing towards the star and is permanently day, the other is permanently night. The 'day' and 'night' sides are set to the upper and lower temperature limits which is based on the atmosphere.

World is a satellite Tidally Locked to its planet

The world's rotational period is the same as its orbital period and cannot be changed. The Axial Tilt represents the inclination of its orbit around the planet relative to the planet's orbit around the star and so there can be seasonal influences. One side is always facing towards the planet, leading to long days and nights relative to the parent star. Note: The T5 rules specify that satellite orbits 'em' and closer will be locked to their planet. If a randomly generated satellite rotation or user entered result is greater than the orbital period, it will be reduced to the orbital period and regarded as tidally locked.

Port Details

Starport Class

Refined Hydrogen Fuel

Unrefined Hydrogen Fuel

Fissionable Radioactives

Anti-matter fuel slugs

Replacement Collector Canopies

Size Details

Size UWP value explanation:

Diameter (km):

Density Type:

Density (Earth=1):

Mass (Earth=1):

Gravity (G):

Rotational Period (Hours):

Jump Point (km):

Time to Jump Point at ...:

Belt Details

Predominant Size

Maximum Size

Belt Width (AU)

N-zone percentage

M-zone percentage

C-zone percentage

Atmosphere and Temperature details

Atmosphere UWP digit explanation

Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric Composition

Greenhouse Effect

Axial Tilt (degrees)

Base World Temperature

Average Daytime Temperature

Average Nighttime Temperature

Summer Increase

Winter Decrease

Upper Temperature Limit

Lower Temperature Limit

Hydrosphere Details

Hydrographic Percentage

Surface Liquid Composition

Native Life?

Seismic Stress

Natural Resources

Processed resources, manufactured resources, population details.

Population Digit from UWP

Population Multiplier

Total Population

Intelligent Life Status

Government Details

Government Digit from UWP

More generated detail about government

For more about this government detail, click HERE

Law Details

Law Level Digit from UWP

Law level explanation

Technology Details

Technology Level Digit from UWP

Historical Era



Developing Science

Latest Technology

Fastest Speeds

Personal Weapons

Heavy Weapons

Space Travel

Space Weapons

Space Defences

Starship sensors

World range sensors

Noble Codes

Noble Descriptions

Economic Extension


Cultural Extension



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Temperature Table

System generation preferences, map generation preferences, map colours.

Default Sector:

Error: sectors not loaded

Select a world:

Error: worlds not loaded

(Data imported directly from ).

Hex and Sector

UWP (in the format XNNNNNN-N)

Trade Codes and Remarks

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Planetoid Belts

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Stellar Data

Additional Trade codes

Frozen (Fr) Planet is further out than the Habitable Zone plus 2 orbits. All lands and oceans are frozen.

Tundra (Tu) Planet is somewhat earth-like but in the next orbit out from the Habitable Zone. Land and ocean near the ice caps is frozen.

Twilight Zone (Tz) Planet is tidally locked to its star with one face always pointing towards it and another facing away.

Farming (Fa) Planet is not a main world but is in the HZ and meets other criteria.

Mining (Mi) Planet is not a main world and the main world is Industrial.

Add world, gas giant or planetoid belt

Select which available orbit to add an object, and select the object type. The details will be randomly generated. You can then edit them.

API Documentation

You can encode a link for a particular star system by using a URL. For example:

This example will put the world name 'Junidy' in the World Name field, the UWP 'B434ABD-B' in the UWP field, and then randomly generate all remaining details before generating a world map and the star system.

Note that when a system is generated, the main world map and details are generated and displayed; you can then navigate to each world via the Full Star System View and go to another world by pressing the "Details" button next to that world.

All world variables relevant to a world map can be used. Note that the URI needs to be encoded to ensure it works correctly. The following is a comprehensive list of variables used and how they are handled.

hex - the four-digit sector co-ordinate of the system (e.g. hex=3202 - Junidy is 3202 in the Spinward Marches). Default value: empty string.

sector - the name of the sector (e.g. sector=Spinward%20Marches). Default value: empty string.

name - the name of the world (e.g. name=Junidy). Default value: empty string.

system - the name of the system; Default value: the name of the world followed by the hex location and sector in parentheses, e.g. "Junidy (3202 Spinward Marches)". This is used by the map to make the location of the world meaningful when it is a non-main world.

uwp - the uwp in the format SSAHPGL-T where S is the port (letters A-H, X, Y) and the remaining digits are extended hexademical. Default value: randomly generated.

tc - relevant two-letter trade classification, Can be specified as many times as there are relevant Trade Classifications, e.g. "tc=In&tc=Hi". Default Value: generated TCs from UWP, whether the UWP is randomly generated or provided. Use this to specify TCs that cannot be derived from the UWP (e.g. Twilight Zone).

iX - the Importance rating of the world, e.g. iX=4. Default value: generated by UWP, bases and TC values using T5 rules.

eX - the Economic extension for the world including the parenthesis, e.g. eX=(D9E+4). Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

cX - the Cultural extension for the world including the brackets, e.g. cX=[5E86]. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

pbg - the PBG 3-digits (Population Multiplier, Belts, Gas Giants). If no pbg parameter is specified, the script looks for the belts, gas_giants, and popMulti parameters and uses their defaults if they are not found.

popMulti - the Population Multiplier (first digit of the PBG), e.g. popMulti=2. Default value: randomly generated even chance 1 to 9.

belts - the number of Planetoid Belts (second digit of the PBG), e.g. belts=1. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

gas_giants - the number of Gas Giants (third digit of the PBG), e.g. gas_giants=0. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

worlds - the total number of other worlds in the system, including gas giants, belts, the main world and other planets. If this value is less than gas giants plus belts plus the main world, it will be raised to that value. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

bases - a string containing all bases present, e.g. bases=NS or bases=W. Possible bases read are N, S, W, and D. Default value: test for bases randomly using Starport and T5 rules. Specify bases= to force bases to be nothing.

nobz - a string specifying all Nobles for this world, e.g. nobz=BcC. Default value: generated from TCs.

allegiance - a string specifying the allegiance of the system, e.g. allegiance=Im. Default value: blank.

seed - the seed used to randomly generate the map. Default value: the hex of the system concatenated to itself. If the hex is not specified, 'undefined' is used.

3 October 2023

New Host: TravellerWorlds has switched to instead of an obscure amateur URL. Ahhhh. Professional looking URL.

Bug fix: When a world's atmosphere is 9, atmospheric pressure was using the "very dense" table, which is reserved for extreme Venus-like cases. Was leading to odd results. Many thanks to a sharp-eyed user for pointing this out!

Bug fix: Importance was not reading correctly when passed in via GET data, e.g. from TravellerMap. Allowing reading of the Importance instead of only generating it allows for custom mods to standard Importance values.

11 June 2023

Layout Changes: Working on planet detail layout changes to make it more compact and pleasing to the eye. Paragraph explanations (apart from Government) changed to tables of information.

Bug Fix: Export to CSV was not working; fixed.

31 May 2023

Bug Fix: If 'allegiance' was not provided in the URL, then the world and system were prevented from generating by a fatal error. Now fixed.

Beast Armour: Beast Armour generation added to "View > Beasts (experimental)".

Bug Fix: Half-terrain from Twilight Zones appearing in key for that World Hex Map. Now fixed.

Bug Fix: Beasts of Size 4 did not have Strength modifier applied in Beasts (experimental).

Bug Fix: Locomotion of Beasts in Beasts (experimental) had combinations not intended (e.g. Flyphibians in Clear terrain).

Bug Fix: Download buttons for World, Terrain and Local hexes were not working. Fixed.

Bug Fix: Cropped Map image had incorrect file extension of "svg" instead of "png". Fixed.

Experimental Beasts: Beast tables generated through a modified rule set. Thus, "View > Beasts (demo)" is RAW, "View > Beast (experimental)" is modified rules.

18 April 2023

Beast Maker demo: For any world you can choose View > Beasts (demo) to generate beast tables for each of 11 terrain types. This feature will be improved in future to fully edit the beasts including all T5 details and save the data with the system.

8 April 2023

10 september 2022.

Bug Fix: Belts could not be placed by using "System Actions > Add a celestial object to the system" due to an error caused by the new Belt Details release. Now fixed.

24 July 2022

Bug Fix: The fix for the different results for seeds had knock-on errors that slipped through my testing, and affected nearly any world one would attempt to generate by navigating from TravellerMap. Now fixed.

17 July 2022

Bug Fix: This was a misconception on my part. The "number of worlds" statistic for a system indicates the total number of gas giants, belts, and other worlds in the system. I was getting it to generate other worlds ON TOP OF gas giants, belts and the main world. Systems will look smaller from now on.

Bug Fix: Saving and loading systems was changing the position of stars and messing with other objects as a consequence. This was due to the seed for the system not being read correctly.

Bug Fix: The system generation was giving a different result almost every time, whether data was coming in from Traveller Map, the user was entering their own data, or the user was regenerating with the "current seed". This error was due to me not being careful with when and where I initiated the RNG with the correct seed.

9 July 2022

Belt Details and map: Planetoid and Asteroid Belts now have details generated - their zones, and the total belt width, and the predominate and maximum sizes of objects in the belt. The Belt now has a map indicating the relative size of each zone. All belt details are fully editable and saveable with the system.

Twilight Zone alteration: Ice cap terrain is now removed from Twilight Zone worlds.

Habitable Zone reset: The Habitable Zone value for each star has now been refined to a decimal orbit (where each 0.1 is 10% of the distance from the inner orbit to the next orbit). If the Main World is to be placed in the precise Habitable Zone (i.e. not HZ+1 or HZ-1) then TravellerWorlds now places it in this new refined value. The new HZ value has been calculated by the distance that a planet with Greenhouse of +10% and Albedo of 0.3 would need to be from that star for an average temperature of 288 K / 15°C. Note that due to varying Albedo and Greenhouse effect this will not always be the exact temperature. This more exact placement is to help world builders obtain more Earth-like conditions more easily; many results quite frankly created extreme worlds even if they were Ag Ri Ga worlds.

4 July 2022

Bug Fix: Fixed an introduced bug stopping Local Hexes from completing correctly.

Bug Fix: When Cultural Extension and Economic Extension data was not passed to TravellerWorlds it would freeze.

Importance: Importance is now imported from data rather than only generated. It can also be edited by the user. Its default value is to generate the Importance rating using T5 rules, but it can be edited by the user (e.g. when establishing capitals).

Star Details: When editing star details, calculated values (luminosity, mass, diameter, jump point) are displayed and updated as you edit.

Gas Giant Details: Gas giant details can now be edited, and details such as mass and jump points are displayed and updated as you edit.

3 January 2022

Bug Fix: In the background, the map was generating a random map before loading the data because this was required for the setup before data was loaded. Set up and generation are now separate procedures.

Bug Fix: In map editing mode, certain hexes were incorrectly creating a World Hex Map when clicked. Now fixed.

27 December 2021

Map Editing: There is now a (very basic!) map editor. This is an EARLY version and is still buggy, but the basics work. Navigate to the world you wish to edit, and then choose Map Actions > Edit the Current Map. Then click on one of the types of terrain at the top. Clicking the hex will add the terrain. You can remove symbols (e.g. rural, cities, etc.) by clicking again. Base terrain (e.g. clear, oceans) cannot be removed but can be replace with other terrain.

Bug Fix: Atmospheres of types exotic, corrosive and insidious had a bug where the atmospheric pressure table was not saving correctly, leading to all sorts of loading and saving problems. Some of your older systems might still not be able to save or load correctly, many apologies.

23 December 2021

Background mapping change: new political border terrain added in anticipation of being able to edit maps. Users can edit the downloaded JSON of worlds to add these codes in. Users can also change the default colour for these borders.

22 December 2021

All UWP details explained: Each digit of the UWP for each world is now fully explained - the last to be added were law level and technology level.

Add objects: The user may now add objects to the system - stars, gas giants, planets and satellites

28 November 2021

Bug fix: When changing orbits of worlds, Trade Classifications and Remarks (in particular: Ho, Co, Tu and Tz) were not updating correctly. The drawback is only that 'custom' remarks such as Ownership codes (e.g. O:2355) will be removed if you change orbits.

Bug fix: Orbits of satellites could be changed and the change of the name would save, but the orbital distance, rotation period and locking status would not change. Now fixed - changing any satellite's orbit updates the orbital distance, orbital period, and recalculates whether the satellite is locked to its planet and if not randomly generates a rotation period.

Bug fix: When loading a system from a JSON file, TravellerWorlds was regenerating the map using the seed instead of loading the map data. In theory, a user can edit the JSON file directly and upload the file to show terrain the user has put in such as extra cities, a second starport or other features. At present, this editing can only be done by the user directly editing the JSON file using a text editor.

Bug fix: If you change a digit of a UWP, the map will now automatically be redrawn. In anticipation of users being able to edit their own maps, this can be turned off so that users can make minor adjustments if they have edited the map and prevent their work being overwritten.

25 November 2021

Bug fix: Map data was not saving and importing correctly when using expanded noble estates

Bug fix: When regenerating the whole system, the main world details were displaying incorrectly in the table showing symbols for each celestial object.

Edit Star Details: You may now edit the Spectral Class and Spectral Size of the star, and vary its luminosity, size and mass using a multiplier for the base values. At present, this still allows you to put in unrealistic values, so no warranties provided as to realism.

18 May 2021

Generate missing data: upload a CSV file of names and UWPs, and get back a CSV file with all T5 details generated.

16 May 2021

Bug Fix: Travel times to jump points were calculating incorrectly because I had forgotten to convert units properly. Thanks to BasicPassage on Citizens of the Imperium for bringing it to my attention!

15 May 2021

Map Data download: Terrain data for a world map (only) can be downloaded as a JSON file. I will be posting a help page to explain how the data works so you can use it in your own projects. In the background, when you save a system, the actual terrain data is saved and loaded, so you can generate maps until you get one you like before you save the system or download it as a JSON file. JSON files of the whole system now include generated maps. The ability to save the actual terrain data is a pre-requisite to being able to edit the data. Yes, you read that right. Watch this space, O Patient Users.

16 April 2021

Matt Stevens government detail: I use Matt Stevens wonderful series of articles to fill in a text giving more detail about the government for each world. You can read more from him about how to give more detail for dictators , bureaucracies , democracies , balkanisation , religious governments , and feudal technocracies .

26 December 2020

TravellerWorlds launches - I put all of the application onto one page, fixing multiple bugs. This vastly simplified the code.

Twilight Zone removal - so many worlds end up being a 'Twilight Zone' because of system generation rules. The user can now just remove the Twilight Zone from the map so that it is a help utility rather than imposing unexpected outcomes on a world builder. You can always elect to keep the TZ, of course. Rob Serling would be proud

Hex map generation - when World, Terrain and Local hexes are created, they appear on top of the world map rather than appended to the bottom. They can still be downloaded onto a user's computer.

User Preferences - you can now save a profile of your preferences - various system and map generation options INCLUDING choice of colours for the map!

25 May 2019

Change of Name: Instead of "T5 World Builder" the website is now called "Traveller Worlds". The URL is still the same, but ... watch this space. Also layout changes.

System Symbol Map download: the System Symbol Map is now downloaded with the HTML file

Scroll down to Hex Maps: when you click on world, terrain or local hexes, the browser now scrolls down to the map for you.

23 May 2019

System layout change: The system symbol map is now automatically generated when the system is generated. Both the system table and the symbol map are updated when any world details are changed.

Details enhancement: For main worlds only, the cultural extension and economic extension can be edited or recalculated in the World Details in the system editor.

Bug Fix: Resources now working correctly in the world details.

Bug Fix: Satellite orbit selection box now appears only for satellite details and correctly alters the satellite orbit to the user's choice.

Bug Fix: "Wasteland" incorrectly spelled as "Waste land".

8 April 2019

Bug Fix: Download buttons for system data not working correctly, now fixed.

Native Life: Native Life simplified. Now simply a roll of Average (2D) < 2, Mod -3 if Atmosphere 0; Mod +4 if Atmosphere 4-9; Mod -2 if Hydrographics 0; Mod +1 if Hydrographics 2-8.

Native Intelligent Life: Implemented a 'house rule': two variations on T5; a "no sign of intelligent life" for vacuum rock balls that are otherwise skipped in the NIL rules. And 'Established Transplants' and 'Established Exotic Transplants' which are worlds with population 7+ without Native Life that otherwise meet the requirements for Natives and Exotic Natives.

10 February 2019

Bug Fix: Fixed Blank Map feature - it works again.

Bug Fix: System was not generating any minor worlds - this was due to code that was intended to cap the number of minor worlds plus gas giants plus belts plus the main world to fit in 20 available orbits. Some legacy data in Traveller Map has more system objects than 20, enough to break the script.

2 January 2019

Bug Fix: When the main world is a satellite, the planet it is orbiting (whether a Gas Giant or a Big World) now has other satellites generated correctly. Previously the main world would be the only satellite of the planet.

1 January 2019

Save and reload your work: When on the System page, you can save your modified system and re-load it at a later date. The data is stored within your browser. This allows you to manually alter any aspect of your star system, taking advantage of the calculators built into T5 World builder, and work on it over time before exporting it to your favourite format.

Import and Export systems: In addition to saving your work within your browser, you can export it as a JSON file and also import saved JSON files.

Native Intelligent Life and Native Life: if the T5 rules generate native intelligent life, the world now automatically has native life.

Bug Fix: When the number of worlds in a system was not specified by Traveller Map data, the number was not being generated randomly. Now fixed.

Data interpretation: Many worlds in the OTU have a 'worlds' statistic of more than 12. This has the potential to break the system generator if worlds plus gas giants plus belts plus the mainworld exceeds 20 orbit 'slots'. For now, if the 'worlds' statistic is more than 12, it is reduced to 12.

Bug Fix: Native Intelligent Life was not generating correctly.

18 November 2018

Edit World Details: All planet and satellite details can now be edited when you press on the Details button next to them. This allows all values including the UWP to be adjusted. All details are automatically recalculated if needed in real time.

Jump Points: As part of the new Edit World Details feature, every world's Jump Point is calculated in kilometres, including accounting for the parent star and parent planet (if the world is a satellite). Also included is a table of travel times to the Jump Point from 1G to 6G.

New Satellite Option: Under System Options, you can select an option that prevents tidally locked worlds having any satellites. This comes from my own experimenting with Universe Sandbox - satellites of almost any Traveller size are torn apart if the world is close enough to the star.

Download World Details: When the system is generated, there is a check-box to indicate you want all details of each world downloaded with the system data. It is checked by default. So I'm generally assuming you want more detail rather than less.

Small worlds: The system generator now distinguishes between Asteroid and Planetoid belts and worlds that end up size 0 through modifiers or size limiting (typically satellites). You can now generate and edit the details for these particular objects. The diameter is randomly generated, ranging from about 260km - 700km.

New Barren Option: Under System Options, you can indicate that if the main world population is zero, all minor worlds will be generated as barren (i.e. population, government, law level and TL will be zero). If left unchecked, the T5 rules will be used, which can result in notional populations of less than 10.

Bug Fix: When the size of the world is less than five and hydrographics more than seven, oceans were not being placed. This is now fixed.

Bug Fix: System orbit based Trade Classifications (e.g. Hot, Cold, Twilight Zone) now automatically update when orbit is adjusted.

Bug Fix: Map was placing cities in every hex in Size 1 worlds regardless of population. Now fixed to operate according to T5 rules.

28 July 2018 - second release

Layout: changes to the home page to take advantage of a wider space for "Enter, Review and Change World Details".

Noble Estates: option added to allow noble estates to be placed on ocean or sea hexes.

Multiple world maps: option added to allow up to 10 maps to be generated at once. This helps users hunt through several maps at once to find a suitable one.

28 July 2018

Code Optimization: when the code needs to fetch individual hexes, it uses an associative array to look up the hex instead of iterating through all the hexes in a map to find the correct one. Hopefully this gives a significant speed increase for future development where we want to do more complex stuff.

Minor bug fix: map key for world maps was oddly offset off the map for smaller sizes (1, 2 and 3) and spilled over the right edge for larger sizes.

Bug fix: black and white map and noble state flags were not being read correctly.

Bug fix: for Terrain Hex and Local Hex maps, the 'shore line' now works as intended - "creeping" ocean or ice cap from neighbours onto the current hex.

24 July 2018

GET Data parameters: added a 'pbg' parameter for more conveniently specifying the 'Population Multipler, Belts, Gas Giants' in a star system.

23 July 2018

Bug Fixes: Fixed information about the random seed, system name and sector names in the URL passed to both the system and map generators.

Bug Fix: Updated the API documentation to reflect developments in the code.

Layout change: Changed the layout of the main T5 World Builder page to put map and system flags at the bottom, in anticipation of more options being added.

21 July 2018

Bug Fix: The various 'download' buttons (HTML, Plain Text and CSV) downloaded the actual javascript functions instead of their function results. Also, having changed from "energy absorption" to "albedo" for worlds, I had forgot to update the information in these downloads and so it would have included Energy Absorption (which is one minus albedo) instead of albedo, leading to confusing figures if you wanted to play with them yourself.

15 July 2018

Bug Fix: The trade classification "Lk" (i.e. satellite is tidally locked to its planet) was not being correctly applied to satellites. This had the consequence of the rotational period formula generating rotations much larger than the orbital period because the formula takes into account the planet's mass and distance from it.

Display change: Star data (mass, luminosity and radii) is now spread over several columns, making the table look a bit better.

14 July 2018

1) All stars in the format "M9 D", "F6 D" etc. are converted to the identical class with size "V" instead.

2) F0 - F4 VI are converted to F5 VI

3) K0 - K5 IV are converted to K6 IV

4) M0 - M9 IV are converted to the identical class with size "V" instead.

In addition, the code was falling over when it did not find any star data. In these cases a pre-fill of the star is not attempted but other data is filled out.

If you find a sector is not loading any worlds and is not leaving the message "No World Data available" it is generally because there is something in the legacy data the code does not like. Please bring these cases to my attention! A sector name is enough.

13 July 2018

Bug Fix: Noble Estates will no longer be placed in open ocean.

Equator Line: All world maps now have a dashed line at the equator.

Blank Maps: Under the Options on the main page you can generate a blank world map of sizes 1 to 19. I invented this to help with analysis, and thought others might want it too.

13 April 2018

System maps. When a star system is generated, there is a new 'Create system symbol map'. It creates a symbolic map of the system in the style of Joshua Bell's prototype code found here: .

Place Several Noble Estates option added. This will place a number of World Hex level Noble Estates based on the Nobles field. One Noble Estate World Hex will be placed for each of Knight, Baronet, Baron, Marquis, Viscount, or Count. Two estates will be placed for Dukes, and Four for Capital Dukes. When the World Hex Map is generated, the number of Terrain Hexes placed as Noble Estates varies based on the type of nobility of the estate. For a Knight Estate, one Terrain Hex will be placed; Baronet is two; Baron is four; Marquis is eight; Viscount is sixteen; and Count or Duke is thirty-two. Thus, the correct number of Terrain Hexes is placed for each noble, bearing in mind for that Dukes there is more than one World Hex of estates.

Names of celestial objects can be edited. In the system generator, the user can add names to all objects and they will form part of any download of the system.

World name on maps. The world name as edited in the system generator is now added to the map. The system name (i.e. the main world name plus hex and sector) is also added; some modifications to map layout as a consequence.

Layout. Generate buttons are now at the top of the layout rather than the bottom.

Coding rationalisation. This will make it easier to expand in future, BUT there may be bugs. I have tried many combinations successfully for all options but it is difficult to test for all options. Please report bugs!

7 April 2018

Minor fixes and enhancements this time around: the Main World is now placed according to the T5 rules: if it is an asteroid belt, it is placed randomly without considering the habitable zone. Otherwise it is placed according to a roll that can place it in the orbit just inside the HZ, in the HZ orbit, or the next orbit outside. Similarly, the main world will be rolled for a random chance to be a satellite.

To help placing the main world where Referees feel it must be a planet or must be a satellite, I have added options to force this choice. I also added back the option for a black and white map (sorry, Marc, it was taken away by accident!). I have also added an option to stop the placement of a Nobel Estate if desired.

Satellites are now placed in different orbits - except for Ring Systems (fix to come).

The BIG change: the system generation table. Energy Absorption (i.e. one minus Albedo), Greenhouse effect and Average Temperature are now calculated for each world.

You can now adjust the orbit or decimal orbit up or down using the arrows. This allows 'fine tuning' of planets positions to suit the temperature you envision is average for that world. The values are recalculated for you.

The download formats have changed. You can download the system in HTML format - it is a plain unstyled format of the data (no functioning buttons. Additionally, the data can be downloaded as plain text, or as CSV which can be opened by spreadsheet programs.

28 March 2018

Marc Miller's requested feature was an interesting challenge and I dropped working on other code to make it work.

Each map now has a " " button above it. They slide all of the terrain left or right over the world map. This allows slight adjustments to get important hexes (e.g. the starport and main town or a noble estate) into the centre of a map or triangle.

The initial attempt simply got each hex to grab its west or east neighour's terrain to rotate the terrain around the globe. The intriguing problem was that the polar regions ended up distorted because of the way that hexes north of the pentagons move west or east - because suddenly, relative to the middle part of the map, the hexes are 'moving faster'.

The solution I implemented simply moves the top and bottom regions more slowly than the middle region. This does not remove the distortion, but minimises it so that the polar regions keep the rough shapes of the terrain they have relative to the rest of the globe. Moving back and forth an arbitrary amount will still distort the shape. But it should be robust enough to make a minor adjustment without completely changing the map.

To understand this problem, I had to print out a larger world (I chose a Size 9 world) with 50% hydrographics to give some interesting shapes, and then cut it out and fold it into the duodecahedron to visualise the problem. It was fun!

17 March 2018

This release contains two updates. I have re-worked the Sector list - and unfortunately I have had to do away with multiple milieux of the same sector.

HOWEVER, what I have added is that the last sector selected by the user is now automatically saved. When the page is loaded again, the name of that sector is selected by default, and the worlds of that sector are loaded into the 'Select a world:' list.

Marc Miller has requested a feature whereby we can move the rendering of the hexes east and west so that the main town with the starport or the city with the starport can be shifted towards the middle of a world triangle. This is possible but will take some time. It will be extremely awesome when I get it done. Even if I do say so myself. As a first step, I have simply stopped the starport being placed in the half-triangles the current east and west edges of the map. This can still leave the starport positioned awkwardly on a half-hex between two triangles.

25 February 2018

I am proud to announce that the system generation table now includes a link to map any world in the generated star system. At the touch of a button, you can generate a map for any planet in Chartered Space, or your own Traveller Universe.

The next step will be to make the names of objects in the system editable so that you can download more meaningful data. I will also be working on downloading and uploading your own data into the system generation table so that you can save it and keep working on it. This is an important precursor to being able to edit and generate details for each world such as gravity, temperature and so on.

24 February 2018

Download As HTML and Download as Plain Text buttons added to the generated systems page. The plain text file is a fixed-width data file - each systme entry is padded with spaces. The HTML is an HTML file that includes the style sheet used by the T5 World Builder pages. This means you can open it in your favourite word processor to edit it and save it.

Future formats to be added for the system are tab-delimited and CSV. CSV format allows the results to be imported into spreadsheet programs.

If the sector you select from has no world data, the world selector will now say so. All data from is now available to play with. Where a sector does not have names for its worlds, the sector hex coordinate for each world is displayed in the world selection list.

18 February 2018

Bug fixes to get World Hex, Terrain Hex, Local Hex maps working correctly. Also fixed the Download Map buttons that stopped working. System data table cleaned up slightly.

All sector data - Official OTU or not - is now accessible from the Select Sector drop-down box.

22 January 2018

Published a draft Traveller5 extended star system generator. At present it is little more than a proof-of-concept leveraging the code created for the Map generator.

It is published as a separate web page because I'm lazy and I developed it as a separate page in my sandbox. However, it will be integrated into one page in the near future with a title something like 'Traveller5 World Builder' with buttons for either generating a map or a system.

Then the real fun starts: after developing the system format more and clarifying naming conventions for unnamed objects, put a link next to each world (not Gas Giants or Planetoid Belts to generate a map.

Any UWP listed as "???????-?" in data (see especially Corridor Sector Data is not added to the World List for selection.

The main world is always placed in the first available Habitable Zone. This will change in future and the table on p. 408 of the T5.09 rules will be used. I did this to simplify things while I worked out how to determine system zones and other system related conventions.

Determining whether a given Satellite is Close or Far is done using the Book 6: Scouts throw (roll 2D: 7- = close, 8+ = far), and then rolling on the relevant column of table 2c on p. 408 of the T5.09 rules.

Size zero is allowed for objects other than Planetoid Belts. This is especially important for satellites because where a satellite's size is equal to or bigger than its planet, I have implemented the original T5 core rule that it is reduced to the planet's size minus 3 (p. 437 of the T5.0 core rules). In these circumstances, it should be interpreted in a similar way to Size 'S' of the original Book 6 extended system generator.

Ring system orbits are rolled for using the 1D table found in Book 6: Scouts on page 28.

7 November 2017

Implemented a polyfill for URLParameters to ensure links to particular maps are more robust and the code is simplified.

Layout and style changes to make the user interface more logical and with a clear order.

5 November 2017

The main noticeable change is the random number generator. A new smaller generator by Rob Eaglestone and converted to javascript by Joshua Bell is now in use. That means the nature of the seed has changed. Instead of a 256-character string, it is an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295. If you have saved bookmarks to your favourite maps using links previously, many apologies.

The new random number generator is faster, and the app can cope with up to size 20 worlds ... but you may have to tell the script to 'continue' if asked because it will take time. My aim of being able to generate Size 33 ('Z') worlds is still unfulfilled.

Layout has been modified to include tool tips and adjusted so that the 'Generate Map' button is more prominent and at the top of the screen.

There have been many backend coding changes to make the app more robust into the future. There will be a few more changes to the user experience and background code into the future.

The rules interpretations will be better documented at some point in the future and circulated for discussion.

21 October 2017

Many thanks to Joshua Bell of fame for casting a professional eye over the website. He raised a host of issues which I am working through.

The first change is a to the general user experience. So there have been major changes to layout. Navigation bar to explanatory and background text introduced. User input now gathered at the top with less scrolling down to buttons to get the action going.

For now, functionality is the same. There will be changes to the random number generator coming to speed up generation - this matters for larger world sizes. There will also be various background changes to the code based on inexorabletash 's feedback. But one thing at a time!

As always, feedback is welcome. Just e-mail me - I have a gmail account - jonathan dot a dot sherlock.

7 October 2017

You can now drill down to the World Hex, Terrain Hex and Local Hex levels. Click on an individual hex in any hex map to drill down to the next level. All maps include a key and a scale.

I have roughly documented my interpretations of the rules in this PDF file. As always, feedback is welcome - I have a gmail account - jonathan dot a dot sherlock. I would very much like feedback on interpretations of the rules, but also on website layout and, of course, any bugs.

1 October 2017

You now have the option to generate a map in black & white. This makes it easier to photocopy.

29 September 2017

The API is now open in a similar way to .

The "API Documentation" help button under the "Select A World" heading gives more information about how to use it.

Every map generated also has a URL posted beneath it to enable a direct recreation of that map using the world data just used.

I have changed the random number generator to a faster algorithm with the seed still exposed. If you have saved seeds, many apologies, they will no longer produce the same map.

It is now much faster. Although trying to generate a Size 20 world will give the 'script is taking too long ... continue or stop script' message, if you continue, it will generate the world. Try it, it's fun (just substitute "L" for the size digit in any UWP).

I have not managed to successfully generate a Size 33 ("Z") world yet. That's too much for my browser. Post photos at CoTI or the Traveller RPG Facebook group if your computer can do it.

26 September 2017

This release fixes issues with World Hex maps and contains many background updates to rationalise the code.

If you click on a Frozen Lands hex next to an Ice Field hex, the Ice Field now "creeps" onto the Frozen Land in a similar way that ocean "creeps" onto land to give wriggly coast lines.

Half-hexes for Twilight Zones are now imposed on World Hexes and are a bit wriggly.

Ice-caps now "creep" onto neighbouring hexes World Hex maps.

Overall, the World Map provides an abstracted collection of world hexes, while each individual World Hex map provides more of the "crinkly bits" so beloved by Slartibartfast.

18 September 2017

In this partial release, precipices and the two precipice lines for chasms are now traced onto World Hex Maps. I am not completely satisfied with the results.

The generator picks a random hex edge for the start, a random non-adjacent hex edge for the end, and picks a start and end hex from those edges. Then it traces a random path from one to the other.

The script does lock up occasionally because of a do..while loop that becomes infinite somehow when generating a World Hex Map with a chasm. But it happens so rarely I thought it worth a release.

The two precipice lines of a chasm are in different colours so you can see what the generator has attempted to do even if the line turns out to be a funny shape.

10 September 2017

This is a partial new release. World Names with UWPs are now bigger and at the top of the world map. The Download as PNG button now renders the SVG graphics at a higher resolution.

In future I plan to implement letting the user choose the resolution of the PNG button. At present a typical size 5 world is about 300kb - 400kb with the new resolution. The trade-off will be better resolution for a larger file size.

But most exciting for me, click on the background (not the terrain symbol!) of any hex on the world map and you get a map of that world hex. I acknowledge this may cause issues with touch-screen devices.

World Hex Maps are only in draft form. I am still to implement Chasms and Precipice lines; the rules simply state "draw a precipice line through the hex" and I need to decide how this will work to be suitable squiggly and work in with shorelines and other terrain.

At present, World Hex Maps do not take into account half-hexes in Twilight Zones. I also want Frozen Lands and Ice Fields in Twlight Zone and Frozen worlds to have "shorelines" that are squiggly in a similar way to normal oceans and lands operate now.

So check out a favourite world map, then generate a variety of World Hex maps. You can download them in SVG or PNG format.

26 August 2017

Instead of over-writing the world map when the "Generate Map" button is pressed, a new map is added. The map download buttons are now produced for each individual map. This allows users to generate multiple world maps for different worlds without starting again and still having access to previous maps generated in a particular session. It also allows for using different random seeds until a satisfactory result is produced.

Marc Miller has e-mailed in some great suggestions. I will be working on them next, but for now I want to implement World Hex maps. I will work on Marc's suggestions after that, before getting back to Terrain Hexes and Local Hexes.

I also had a request to implement a 'Seed Me!' button. This quickly creates a new random seed. This means you can load or enter a world, generate a map, and if you don't like it, press the "Seed Me!" button and generate another map. You can compare all the maps you have generated before downloading your preferred one.

16 July 2017

The seed for random numbers is now exposed. Enter any string upto 256 characters in length, or leave blank for a random seed. If you wish to save a seed, copy and paste the seed for yourself. I may add a "saved seed" library for individual users using cookies or an equivalent.

This now uses a custom script that modifies the javascript random function. The penalty is a cost in speed. I have found when generating larger worlds (e.g. Size 18+) the script now takes 10-12 seconds.

15 July 2017

Ocean placement is now randomised, not just world triangles marked off as oceans. Maps are now looking heaps better.

This meant I had to change the definition of a 'continent' for the purpose of placing features that the rules require placement of 'one per continent'. A continent is simply all the land hexes in a particular world triangle, regardless of whether they are separated by ocean or not.

To get around world of lower size (less than 5) and higher oceans (more than 7 for hydrographics), the program now simply selects a certain percentage of hexes overall as ocean hexes instead of trying to place separate oceans in neater shapes. The randomly placed hexes on these kinds of worlds generally work out to a reasonably pleasing shape given there are few land hexes left.

To simplify placement of settled areas, all settled areas must now be placed on land or islands.

I will be working on exposing the random seed generator next.

11 July 2017

Twilight Zone now works except for Size 1 worlds. For now, all settled areas (cities, towns, arcologies, starports, cropland and rural areas) are still placed randomly, ignoring the Twilight Zone.

Users will have the option, in future, to control where settled areas are placed. But I need to change the way that oceans are placed which will change assumptions about what constitutes an 'ocean' and what a 'continent' is.

9 July 2017

Map key added.

Rendering of world details with neat black outline added. Open to feedback on design.

Map can now be downloaded in either PNG or SVG formats.

7 July 2017

Option added to select a world from OTU sectors using data.

Users now enter comprehensive T5 data, or modify what was loaded before generating and / or downloading a map.

BUG FIX: to enable worlds to load in Chrome.

5 July 2017

Map generator first published. User input a name and UWP and number of resources, and the generator calculated Trade Codes and generated the map.

Best contact is e-mail: jonathan dot a dot sherlock at

I can also be contacted at Citizens of the Imperium . My username is OjnoTheRed .

Please report bugs! I test the code myself but there are always combinations I could not foresee.

I also love suggestions for future development. If it's not on my to-do list, you can put it on my to-do list.

Lastly, do you have your own application and wish you could take data from here? E-mail me and I will probably be able to get the data supplied in a format you want.

Edit star positions so that Close Companions can be changed to other orbits, and stars can be made Close Companions. I may reconfigure how orbits are edited completely.

Better layout for the world details

Traditional World map size - option to have traditional one-size maps based on Classic Traveller.

BeastMaker - either a bunch of tables for the world, or generate an encounter table for particular terrain hexes

Weather and seismic events listed next to every Terrain Hex based on Grand Survey.

Generate Sophonts for relevant NIL values

Cargo calculator - including saving calculated cargoes to a list for recall to sell cargoes on a particular world.

Plant Maker for colour and description

Variations for World Hex, Terrain Hex and Local Hex maps - greater random variations to layout.

Edit World Hex, Terrain Hex and Local Hex maps - they will save with the star system.

Creator of Traveller Worlds: Jonathan Sherlock

Download as PNG uses this Github project .

Download as SVG uses this one by Eli Grey.

Parsing the URL using javascript taken from here .

World maps and systems are generated using the Traveller5 5.09 Core Rules .

Optima font is the free version .

Data parsing from uses some code taken from here .

System symbolic map table uses ideas and CSS from Joshua Bell, taken from .

Thinking about Symbols in the Cultural Extension uses ideas by Thomas Jones-Low found here .

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises . Copyright 1977 - 2020 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

A quick and dirty 5-minute overview of the features of TravellerWorlds on YouTube .

A look at 'Your Preferences' on YouTube .

Giving good feedback for TravellerWorlds - my video .

A google doc outlining the rules used by TravellerWorlds can be found here.

Beast Maker tables

Beast details.

Attack Target Number

Flee Target Number

Breathing Location

Brain Location

Senses Location

Feeding Location

Front Limbs Group 1

Front Limbs Group 2

Rear Limbs Group 1

Rear Limbs Group 2


Width Divisor

Depth Divisor

Traveller World Viewer

Science fiction adventure in the far future.

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Fiery Minds Miss Saner Owls Because Blue is Heavier

The traveller game in all forms is owned by far future enterprises. copyright © 1977 - 2022 far future enterprises..

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Second Survey Data

The Traveller 5 Second Survey format defines a standard for describing star systems in the Official Traveller Universe . It is composed of a series of fields describing various aspects of the Main World (MW) in each system including physical and cultural characteristics, and some details about other bodies in the system of interest to travellers.

The data for Regina (Spinward Marches 1910), home of Duke Norris and an influential world on the edge of the Third Imperium can be summarized in Second Survey format as:

Different editions of Traveller and different authors and publications may include different fields, present the fields in different orders, or provide different values for fields. The companion document Sector Data File Formats may be used for reference.

Hex Location

Main world name, uwp - universal world profile, remarks and trade codes, importance extension, economic extension, cultural extension, travel zone, pbg - population, belts, giants, stellar data.

The location of the world within a sector, given as a four digit number identifying a position on a hexagonal grid. The first two digits are the distance from the spinward edge in parsecs ranging from 01 through 32 . The second two digits are the distance from the coreward edge in parsecs ranging from 01 through 40 .

Name of the primary world in the system. Most characteristics given in the UWP, such as physical and cultural attributes, refer to this world.

The UWP gives a compact description of the physical and cultural aspects of the Main World, as well the starport facilities and available technology. The fields are respectively:

Starport indicates the best quality starport in the star system available to travellers.

Worlds other than the Main World in a system may also be described by UWP codes. The port, if any, is referred to as a spaceport .

Size expresses the diameter of a world in approximately 1,600km units (or 1,000 mile units).

Size code 0 indicates that the main "world" of the system is an asteroid belt.

Atmosphere type shows the general character of the atmosphere for a world on its surface.


Hydrographics shows the percentage of world surface covered by seas or oceans. If atmosphere type is A or above, fluid may be present in place of water.

Population Exponent

The population exponent gives an order-of-magnitude approximation of a world's population. Together with the population multiplier digit in the PBG field, the world population can be computed as:

population = multiplier × 10 exponent

Government Type

Government shows the basic governmental structure for a world.

Codes G and above were defined in the Classic Traveller alien modules for sophont-specific govenment types. Other editions of Traveller may define other values for certain codes.

Traveller: The New Era

Worlds in the Wilds ( allegiance code: Wi ) use a different set of government codes.

Law level indicates basic legal status and shows probability of harassment by local enforcers.

Technological Level

Technological level shows the degree of technological sophistication to be expected on a world.

Remarks and trade classifications indicate obvious or important characteristics for the Main World in the system. They serve to show the potential for a world based on its capacity as a source of trade goods, a market for trade goods, or both.

Sophont Codes

Notable populations of sophonts are present in the Remarks section. The species of sophont is identified using codes defined below.

Traveller 5

The sophont code is a 4-character code which is selected to uniquely identify a sophont species in Charted Space.

Classic Traveller , MegaTraveller , Traveller: The New Era , Traveller: 4th Edition

Legacy sophont abbreviations include: A = Aslan, C = Chirper, D = Droyne, F = Non-Hiver Federation Member, H = Hiver, I = Ithklur, M = Human (e.g. in Vargr space), V = Vargr, X = Addaxur, Z = Zhodani.

The Importance Extension is abbreviated Ix and written in braces ( {} ). It is a decimal integer (positive, negative, or zero) ranking the importance of the world within a region.

The Economic Extension is abbreviated Ex and written in parentheses ( () ). It describes the strength of a world's economy. It is given as three eHex digits representing Resources , Labor and Infrastructure , followed by a decimal integer representing Efficiency written with a leading sign. (Note Efficiency-0 is coded as +1 as it is functionally equivalent.)

The Cultural Extension is abbreviated Cx and written in brackets ( [] ). It gives insight into the social behavior of the world's population. It is given as four eHex digits representing Heterogeneity , Acceptance , Strangeness , and Symbols .

For Imperial worlds, the noble ranks assigned to the world by the Emperor based on importance.

If no noble ranks are assigned to the system, the field may be empty, a blank (space) or - (dash).

Base codes show the presence of military bases in a system; special codes deal with the presence of more than one type of base within the same system in order to maintain a single base code letter per system.

If no bases are present in the system, the field may be empty, a blank (space) or - (dash).

Base codes have changed significantly between different editions of Traveller . Sector data collections must indicate which set of codes are in use. Sector data collections may also define custom meanings for base codes.

Multiple codes may be used if multiple bases are present. For example, NS indicates that the system contains both an Imperial Naval Base and an Imperial Scout Base. Base codes must appear in alphabetical order, i.e. MN rather than NM .

Codes assigned to the system by government or private institutions about the safety of travel within the system.

Worlds given a Green Zone rating are usually indicated by leaving the data field blank or - (dash).

Imperial travel codes are provided by the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society , and are used with permission of that publication. Worlds outside the Imperium should be considered Amber Zones by travellers from the Imperium.

Population Multiplier

The first eHex digit is the population multiplier. Together with the population exponent in the UWP field, the world population can be computed as:

Some legacy files may erroneously have 0 for the population multiplier but non-zero for the population exponent. Treat the multiplier as 1 in these cases.

If unknown, ? can be specified.

Planetoid Belts

The second eHex digit is the number of planetoid belts in the system. A Main World of size 0 is termed an asteriod belt, and is not counted here.

The third eHex digit is the number of gas giants in the system, suitable for fuel skimming.

The number of "worlds" in the system. This is given as a decimal integer, and will always be at least 1 (the Main World) plus the number of planetoid belts (see PBG ) plus the number of gas giants (see PBG ) but will include other planets orbiting the star(s) in the system.

Note that gas giant satellites are not counted, unless the satellite is the Main World itself - identified with remark Sa .

Allegiances indicate the government which dominates a system. A short abbreviation is used.

The allegiance code is a 4-character code which is selected to uniquely identify a polity in Charted Space. Previous editions used a 2-character code (see below).

Older versions of Traveller use a 2-character code. Due to the limited number of useful 2-character codes, these are not unique across Charted Space. In addition to the secondary entries in the above table, the following codes are seen:

Stellar data lists the stars in the system.

Normal stars fuse hydrogen, and occur in a variety of colors (due to temperature) and sizes (sub-dwarfs to super-giants). After a dwarf star exhausts its fuel it will briefly become a cool red giant then leave behind its core as an incredibly dense and bright white dwarf. A giant star will explode and leave behind an even denser neutron star or black hole. An object too small to fuse hydrogen but large enough to fuse deuterium is known as a brown dwarf.

Normal stars are described by their spectral class and luminosity. This uses a subset of the Morgan–Keenan classification system (also known as Yerkes or MKK), such as G2 V where G2 is the color/temperature ( 2 ⁄ 10 th of the way from yellow G to orange K on the spectrum) and V is the luminosity/size (main sequence).

Stellar Spectral Class

Stellar type indicates the spectral classification of a star; colors are the essential perceived colors of the star's visible light.

Stellar Luminosity

The luminosity gives the magnitude, or brightness of the star. This correlates with the size of the star, although it varies depending on spectral class.

White dwarfs (the cores of dead stars) are represented by the size code D , optionally followed by a spectral code, e.g. DB , DA , DF , DG , DK , DM . (Note: This differs significantly from the real-world classification of white dwarfs.)

Some files may use luminosity code VII for white dwarfs instead.

The special code BH may be used for black holes.

White dwarfs are represented by the size code D with no spectral code.

The special code BD may be used for brown dwarf, sub-stellar objects.

The special code NS may be used for neutron stars. The special code PSR may be used for pulsars, rapidly spinning neutron stars with active radio beams.

eHex - Extended Hexadecimal

Traveller encodes numbers using "extended hexadecimal", which is really a way of encoding numbers larger than 9 into a single printable character. Numbers in the range 0-9 are represented as 0 - 9 as normal. Like hexadecimal, values in the range 10-15 are represented as A - F (always uppercase). But the encoding continues for values in the range 16-17 as G - H , 18-22 as J - N , and 23-30 as P - W .

Codes X , Y and Z may be used for 31-33 or may be reserved for exceptional values. Code X , in particular, is reserved for unknown values, such as the details of intentionally unexplored systems. Codes I and O are unused to avoid confusion with 1 and 0 .

In fields such as UWP and PBG you can use ? to represent unknown values.

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traveller planets


traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel City Backpack – Medium (Grey)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Bag 18″ Folding Duffel Bag (Grey)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Bag Shoulder Bag – Large (Ocean Blue)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Travel Duffel (Sky)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Travel 30″ Large Luggage Spinner (Sunset)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Bag 22″ Folding Duffel Bag (Sunset)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel City Backpack – Medium (Sea Green)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel Zaino Backpack (Olive)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel City Backpack – Small (Black)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel 30″ Large Luggage Spinner (Ocean Blue)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Bag Shopping Bag – Medium (Sky)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Travel 28″ Medium Luggage Spinner (Sky)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Travel Montagne Backpack (Sky)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Bag Travel Shoulder Bag – Small (Sea Green)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Bag Sportina 2in1 Bag – Medium (Sky)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Bag Bucket Bag (Ocean Blue)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Bag 18″ Folding Duffel Bag (Sunset)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel 30″ Large Luggage Spinner (Grey)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Bag Half Moon Bag – Large (Olive)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Bag Shoulder Bag – Large (Black)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel Metro Backpack (Olive)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Travel 30″ Large Luggage Spinner (Black)

traveller planets

BRIC’s X-Bag Sportina 2in1 Bag – Medium (Black/Black)

traveller planets

BRIC’S X-Bag Half Moon Bag – Small (Sea Green)

traveller planets

July Checked Trunk Polycarbonate Frame 28″ Luggage – Matte Brown

traveller planets

July Checked Plus Polycarbonate 30″ Luggage – Sand

traveller planets

July Carry On Original Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage With Power Bank & Usb/Usb-C Cable – Clay

traveller planets

July Carry All Backpack 16″ – Black

traveller planets

July Packing Cells (8 Pack) – Black

traveller planets

July Carry Me Mini Case With Detachable Strap 5″ – Shadow

traveller planets

July Carry On Original Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage With Power Bank & Usb/Usb-C Cable (Limited Edition) – Dark Brown

traveller planets

July Checked Polycarbonate 26″ Luggage – Black

traveller planets

July Checked Polycarbonate 26″ Luggage – Moss

traveller planets

July Carry On Original Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage With Power Bank & Usb/Usb-C Cable – Navy

traveller planets

July Carry On Essential Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage – Sand

traveller planets

July Checked Plus Polycarbonate 30″ Luggage – Black

traveller planets

July Carry Me Mini Case With Detachable Strap 5″ – Navy

traveller planets

July Carry On Light Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage – Forest

traveller planets

July Checked Trunk Luggage Cover – Black

traveller planets

July Carry On Original Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage With Power Bank & Usb/Usb-C Cable – Forest

traveller planets

July Checked Plus Polycarbonate 30″ Luggage – Moss

traveller planets

July Carry All Tote 15″ – Navy

traveller planets

July Packing Cells (8 Pack) – Forest

traveller planets

July Carry On Trunk Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage With Fast Charge Usb-C Cable – Matte Red

traveller planets

July Carry On Light Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage – Moss

traveller planets

July Carry On Light Polycarbonate 21″ Luggage – Black

traveller planets

July Carry Me Mini Case With Detachable Strap 5″ – Moss

traveller planets

July Carry Me Mini Case With Detachable Strap 5″ – Sand


traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 21″ Carry-On Luggage Spinner (Pink)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 27″ Medium Luggage Spinner (Cream)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 21″ Carry On Luggage Spinner + Pocket with USB (Blue/Tobacco)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 21″ Carry On Luggage Spinner + Pocket with USB (Cream)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2.0 30″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Cream)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2.0 30″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Black)

traveller planets

Bric’s Bellagio V2 21″ Carry-On Luggage Spinner (Blue/Tobacco)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio 28″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Cream)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio 28″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Olive)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 21″ Carry On Luggage Spinner + Pocket with USB (Pink)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 30″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Pink)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio 30″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Black)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2.0 30″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Blue)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio 30″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Olive)

traveller planets

Bric’s Bellagio V2 21″ Carry-On Luggage Spinner (Olive)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 21″ Carry On Luggage Spinner + Pocket with USB (Olive)

traveller planets

Bric’s Bellagio 2 21″ Carry-On Luggage Spinner (Cream)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 27″ Medium Luggage Spinner (Pink)

traveller planets

Bric’s Bellagio 2 21″ Carry-On Luggage Spinner And Pocket With USB (Black/Tobacco)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 27″ Medium Luggage Spinner (Black/Tobacco)

traveller planets

Bric’s Bellagio V2 21″ Carry-On Luggage Spinner (Black/Tobacco)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2.0 30″ Large Luggage Spinner Trunk (Olive)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 27″ Medium Luggage Spinner (Olive)

traveller planets

BRIC’S Bellagio V2 27″ Medium Luggage Spinner (Blue/Tobacco)


traveller planets

Bobby Hero Regular Anti-Theft Backpack – Black

traveller planets

Bobby Hero Small Anti-Theft Backpack – Navy

traveller planets

Bobby Hero Xl Anti-Theft Backpack – Black

traveller planets

Bobby Hero Regular Anti-Theft Backpack – Navy

traveller planets

Bobby Hero Small Anti-Theft Backpack – Black

traveller planets


traveller planets

RAWROW Staple R Trunk Frame 84L/20” Carry On Luggage (Grey)

traveller planets

RAWROW R Trunk Frame Ep.2 84L/20” Carry On Luggage (Smoke Blue)

traveller planets

RAWROW R Trunk Frame Ep.2 37L/20” Carry On Luggage (Smoke Blue)

traveller planets

RAWROW R Trunk Frame Ep.2 37L/20” Carry On Luggage (Mustard)

traveller planets

RAWROW R Trunk Frame Ep.2 63L/26” Medium Luggage (Ivory)

traveller planets

RAWROW Staple R Trunk Frame 88L/29” Large Luggage (Grey)

traveller planets

RAWROW R Trunk Frame Ep.2 88L/29” Large Luggage (Smoke Blue)

traveller planets

RAWROW R Trunk Aluminium 91L/24” Medium Luggage (Space Gray)


traveller planets

Alpaka Backpacks

traveller planets

Alpaka Slings

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Alpaka Totes

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Alpaka Pouches

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Alpaka Tech Sleeves

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Alpaka Accessories


traveller planets

Belroy Backpacks

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Bellroy Slings

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Bellroy Totes

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Bellroy Duffels

traveller planets

Bellroy Wallets

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Bellroy Accessories

Shop by Top Categories


1990 Products


394 Products

Packing Organizers

290 Products

Travel Accessories

Travel Accessories

2483 Products

Travel Duffel Bags

145 Products

Water Bottles

Water Bottles

671 Products


487 Products


125 Products

 HEROCLIP Carabiners

As seen on kickstarter.

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Medium – Stealth Black

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Mini – Stealth Black

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Small – Stealth Black

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Small – Hot Rod Red

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Small – Blue Steel

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Small – Forest Green

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Mini – Hot Rod Red

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Medium – Forest Green

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Mini – Blue Steel

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Small – Black & Red

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Large – Blue Steel

traveller planets

Heroclip Carabiner Mini – Black & Blue


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  accessories, eagle creek packing organizers, loqi foldable tote bags, heroclip carabiners, orbitkey key organizers, knirps umbrellas, fulton umbrellas.

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Planetary Data Sheet

Planetary Data Sheets are a Paranoia Press product.

  • It is a accessory written for Classic Traveller .
  • 1.1 Table of Contents
  • 1.2 Library Data Entries (Public)
  • 1.3 Library Data Entries (Automated)
  • 2.1 Credits (Primary Sources)
  • 2.2 External Link/s
  • 3 References & Contributions (Sources)

Description ( Specifications ) [ edit ]

A well-organized, playtested format for recording the statistics of a complete planet .

  • Pad of 25 sheets.

Table of Contents [ edit ]

Library data entries (public) [ edit ], library data entries (automated) [ edit ], meta-history & background ( dossier ) [ edit ].

They are an early Classic Traveller accessory.

Credits (Primary Sources) [ edit ]

External link/s [ edit ].

Commentary & Data articles:


Other articles:

References & Contributions ( Sources ) [ edit ]

  • Traveller Wiki Editorial Team
  • Author & Contributor: Lord (Marquis) and Master of Sophontology Maksim-Smelchak of the Ministry of Science
  • Classic Traveller Books
  • Paranoia Press Books
  • Published 1980
  • Articles at intermediate completion state
  • Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function

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Planet Traveler Hostel

Enjoy the stunning views of the downtown skyline from our rooftop, meet fellow travelers in our comfortable lounge or explore the ins and outs of this amazing city. 

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In a century-old building filled with character, the hostel sits at the crossroad of Toronto’s most vibrant and happening neighbourhoods. 

From the eclectic beats of Kensington Market to the hip bars and bright colors of little Italy, and the laid-back vibe of the Annex, t he best Toronto has to offer in just minutes from our doorsteps.

in the heart of toronto!

PLANET TRAVELER, the best hostel in Canada.

Free Breakfast

Bicycle rental.

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Dog on Premises

Solar panels, parking rental, free locker, rooftop patio, free storage, downtown location, green energy, how to find us.

Located in Toronto’s downtown core.

Best of the city

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The CN Tower is a 553.3 m-high concrete communications and observation tower in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Built on the former Railway Lands, it was completed in 1976. Its name "CN" referred to Canadian National, the railway company that built the tower.

traveller planets

Kensington Market

Kensington Market is a walkable bohemian neighbourhood that draws artists and tourists to its indie shops, vintage boutiques and arts spaces. The Market is also home to a wide array of specialty grocers, bakeries and cheese shops. Hipsters frequent trendy bars, cafes and international restaurants that range from casual to fine dining. Students and families populate Victorian houses along tree-lined streets.

traveller planets

Distillery District

The pedestrian-only Distillery District, set in quaint 19th century buildings that once housed a large whiskey distillery, draws crowds to its cobblestone streets lined with hip indie restaurants, bars and boutiques. Art lovers come for the galleries, outdoor sculptures and dance, music and stage performances at the area's several theatres. In December, the annual Toronto Christmas Market takes over the streets.

traveller planets

Queen Street West

Queen Street is a major east–west thoroughfare in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It extends from Roncesvalles Avenue and King Street in the west to Victoria Park Avenue in the east. Queen Street was the cartographic baseline for the original east–west avenues of Toronto's and York County's grid pattern of major roads.

traveller planets

Royal Ontario Museum

The Royal Ontario Museum is a museum of art, world culture and natural history in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is one of the largest museums in North America and the largest in Canada. It attracts more than one million visitors every year, making the ROM the most-visited museum in Canada.

traveller planets

Rogers Centre

Rogers Centre is a multi-purpose retractable roof stadium in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, situated at the base of the CN Tower near the northern shore of Lake Ontario. Opened in 1989 on the former Railway Lands, it is home to the Toronto Blue Jays of Major League Baseball.

Services and Offers

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There are many ways to book a hostel room. However the best way is to book directly with us.

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  • 444 Reviews

Hostel Information

Front desk hours:.

07:00 AM to Midnight

Phone Number

+1 (647) 352-8747

[email protected]

breakfast hours

7:00 AM to 1:00 PM

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Travellers Planet

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“ The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page ”

Saint Augustine

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  1. Traveller Worlds

    A generator of extended world maps and star systems using the Traveller5 RPG rules, with Official Traveller Universe data drawn from, user entered data, or randomly generated data. Traveller Worlds TRAVELLER 5 ... One side is always facing towards the planet, leading to long days and nights relative to the parent star. ...

  2. Traveller Map

    An interactive map of the universe of the Traveller role playing game, incorporating official data and fan submissions. The site also provides services for generating custom maps and APIs for incorporating maps into other sites.

  3. Traveller World Viewer

    Thousands of Traveller World Maps are available at Jonathan Sherlock's Page. Visit TravellerMap to choose even more. Many Plate-Carrée images are available on-line for the Solar System Planets as well as Alien Worlds. An essay on Planetary Cartography and Traveller. Fiery Minds Miss Saner Owls Because Blue is Heavier

  4. Planet

    The term world refers to the various bodies that are contained in a stellar system; it encompasses planets, satellites, and asteroid belts. For example, the single most important world in a system may not be a planet; it could be a satellite of a gas giant, or it could be a planetoid within an asteroid belt. [1]

  5. The Planet Traveller

    Free Shipping within Singapore over SGD$80. Over 100 Brands from Bellroy, Briggs & Riley, Cabeau, Eagle Creek, Klean Kanteen, Jansport, Nalgene, Osprey, Pacsafe ...

  6. So many planets : r/traveller

    So many planets. In the game Traveler, players will undoubtedly visit many different planets and systems. I am preparing to run a campaign, and my players will likely have questions. 1.How can I help them choose a home planet when no one has had any experience with the Traveler game before?

  7. Technology Level

    Technology is the ability to use tools to make other tools. Technology Level, or Tech Level and commonly abbreviated TL, is a measure of technological capability and sophistication. Technology Level is a rating o The Technology level index varies on a scale from 0 to 33. Most worlds in the Third Imperium have a TL between 7 and 12, with a general maximum of 15.

  8. Second Survey Data

    The Traveller 5 Second Survey format defines a standard for describing star systems in the Official Traveller Universe.It is composed of a series of fields describing various aspects of the Main World (MW) in each system including physical and cultural characteristics, and some details about other bodies in the system of interest to travellers.

  9. Tech Level Comparison Chart

    The Traveller's Handbook (QuikLink Interactive, 2002), 378. Ken Pick, "An Analysis of Tech Levels", Freelance Traveller 012 (2010): 10-12 Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 502-507. Marc Miller, Robert Eaglestone, Don McKinney. Starships (Far Future Enterprises, 2019), 223-237.

  10. Creator of planets, stars and solar systems : r/traveller

    or you can just convert them yourself, planet size codes are multiples of 1000 miles, so if you see a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter, you give it size digit 8. I would say size 8 planets run from 7500 to 8499 miles in diameter if you are going for a range.

  11. Shop our Brands

    Thule was established in Sweden in 1942 to bring you closer to the world and your passion for life. United by their passion for helping active families and outdoor enthusiasts. Shop from over 5000 items across 80 brands at The Planet Traveller. From Bags, Wallets, Luggage, Travel Accessories & water bottles. Free shipping over $80.

  12. What to do with uninhabited planets? : r/traveller

    If it has no starport, it's automatically Red coded in most iterations of Traveller. Collection a specimen of a specific species for pharmaceutical researchers. Someone on a nearby TL-6 or 7 world relies on petrochemicals for energy and the uninhabited world one parsec away has some easily accessible resources.

  13. Lonely Planet

    Our guidebooks & travel books. Whether you're interested in traveling to a new city, going on a cruise, or cooking a new dish — we're committed to inspiring you to experience travel in a whole new way. Lonely Planet's collection of 825+ travel and guidebooks is sure to inspire the traveler within. View All Books.

  14. Our Stores

    Thule was established in Sweden in 1942 to bring you closer to the world and your passion for life. United by their passion for helping active families and outdoor enthusiasts. The Planet Traveller is Asia's Leading Lifestyle Travel Store, stocking a stunning array of over 6000 items from over 80 brands. Free Shipping over SGD$80.

  15. The Planet Traveller Malaysia

    Free Shipping within Malaysia over RM200*. Over 100 Brands from Bellroy, Briggs & Riley, Cabeau, Cabin Zero, Eagle Creek, Klean Kanteen, Jansport, Nalgene, Oasis ...

  16. How to travel to different planets in Star Wars Outlaws

    There's also another way to travel to different planets in Star Wars Outlaws - using the fast travel system. Once you've unlocked the ability to travel to different planets (completing The ...

  17. Planetary Data Sheet

    1980. Canonical. Yes. Available from. No. Table of Contents. None. Planetary Data Sheets are a Paranoia Press product. It is a accessory written for Classic Traveller.

  18. Home

    Welcome to Planet TravelerHostel Enjoy the stunning views of the downtown skyline from our rooftop, meet fellow travelers in our comfortable lounge or explore the ins and outs of this amazing city. book Now! In a century-old building filled with character, the hostel sits at the crossroad of Toronto's most vibrant and happening neighbourhoods.

  19. Travellersplanet

    Planning Your Next Trip. Do you think it's the time for another adventure and where is your next travel destination. We will help you and get start planning your next trip with Travellers Planet. Travellers Planet specializes in creating customized vacation packages across 100 + countries, that are completely tailored to your needs and interests.

  20. Traveller planets with water tourism? : r/traveller

    100% agree - this is the most logical way to determine if a planet would have a high water tourism business. I'd also take a look at the surrounding planets as well. If all the surrounding worlds don't have any form of water at all then a planet with water will likely draw local tourist, even if other factors are less than ideal.

  21. PLANET (Novosibirsk)

    Planet, Novosibirsk: See traveller reviews, user photos and best deals for Planet at Tripadvisor.

  22. PLANET

    Many travellers enjoy visiting House of Lenin (1.4 miles), House of the Merchant Mashtakov (1.8 miles), and Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God (1.8 miles). See all nearby attractions. Planet, Novosibirsk: See traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Planet at Tripadvisor.

  23. Planet: Reviews & Photos (Novosibirsk, Russia)

    Planet in Novosibirsk, Russia: View Tripadvisor's unbiased reviews, photos, and special offers for Planet.

  24. PLANET: Reviews (Novosibirsk, Russia)

    Planet, Novosibirsk: See traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Planet at Tripadvisor.