
Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited


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Financials of Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited


Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited , for the financial year ended 2021, experienced modest growth in revenue, with a 4.88% increase. The company also saw a substantial fall in profitability, with a 64.63% decrease in profit. The company's net worth Soared by an impressive increase of 11.49%.

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Annual General Meeting

Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited last Annual general meeting of members was held on 30 Sep 2023 as per latest MCA records.

Balance Sheet

Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited has filed its annual Financial statements for the year ended 31 Mar 2023 with Roc Pune.

A charge with National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development of Rs. 40.28 Lakh registered on 04 Mar 2013 with Charge ID 10422952 was modified on 05 Mar 2013.

A charge with National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development amounted to Rs. 40.28 Lakh with Charge ID 10422952 was registered on 04 Mar 2013.

Director Appointment

Dipak Shankar Shinde was appointed as a Additional Director was appointed as a Additional Director on 09 Feb 2013 & has been associated with this company since 11 years 3 months .

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Tapola agro tourism producer company limited details, tapola agro tourism producer company limited news.

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

Goa police probing origin of threat letter to Narendra Modi, Manohar Parrikar

Goa Police is yet to trace the origins of the letter which threatened to harm Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar.

Railways improves operating ratio at 91.3 per cent

Accounts indicate an OR of 91.3 per cent, which is an improvement over the target of 92.5 per cent and also better than the revised estimate target of 91.8 per cent.

* Ministry of Corporate Affairs, 2019, Company/LLP Data, (Government of India administrative body to govern and regulate corporate affairs through the Companies Act 1956 & 2013 including other allied Acts, Bills and Rules), Updated as on 04 Dec, 2018.

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Agriculture, hunting and allied activities/services, u01122pn2012ptc144214, 30 jul 2012, company limited by shares, non-govt company, company status, financial details, contact details, maharashtra, at wanawali utekar, post tapola taluka mahableshwar satara maharashtra india 412806, [email protected], director details.

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Cin of tapola agro tourism producer company limited, incorporation date of tapola agro tourism producer company limited, current status of tapola agro tourism producer company limited, registered address of tapola agro tourism producer company limited, more companies with similar address, 13-feb-2004, cts no.210b/1,mshwar,medha road, mahabaleshwar satara , satara unclassified mh 412806, 11-may-2018, green leaf valley view amenities llp orchid shopping mall,shop cts no. 70,71,77 412806 mahabaleshwar-satara, 04-feb-1981, mahabaleshar panchgani road, mahabaleshwar, satara maharashtra india 412806, 29-may-2001, at post tapola talukajauli satara satara maharashtra india 412806, 29-jan-2022, 254, bon view bungalow, khajabhai society road, mahabaleshwar satara satara mh 412806 in, 24-jan-2022, 29-apr-2022, 142/3 tapola satara satara mh 412806 in, 05-dec-2020, c/o manohar sitaram bhilare, house no.59 at post- avakali, taluka- mahabaleshwar satara satara mh 412806 in, 31-aug-1994, 9 belmont parkwilson point mahabaleshwar , unclassified mh 412806, 06-aug-1992, old band road mahableshwar mahableshwar maharashtra india 412806.

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Tapola Eco Agro Tourism

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tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" This is not a kind of Hotel, but modest stay in hut like rooms "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" There is no mobile network. only bsnl works "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" All the tents open towards the lake and have a great view.. "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" Check everything in room while checking in and ask the manager to fix the same, to avoid inconvenience "

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Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism

Tapola Eco Agro Tourism

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Reviews we perform checks on reviews. tripadvisor’s approach to reviews before posting, each tripadvisor review goes through an automated tracking system, which collects information, answering the following questions: how, what, where and when. if the system detects something that potentially contradicts our community guidelines , the review is not published. when the system detects a problem, a review may be automatically rejected, sent to the reviewer for validation, or manually reviewed by our team of content specialists, who work 24/7 to maintain the quality of the reviews on our site. our team checks each review posted on the site disputed by our community as not meeting our community guidelines . learn more about our review moderation..

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tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" This is not a kind of Hotel, but modest stay in hut like rooms "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" There is no mobile network. only bsnl works "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" All the tents open towards the lake and have a great view.. "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" Check everything in room while checking in and ask the manager to fix the same, to avoid inconvenience "

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What are the different sections of a CIN?

The 21 digits of a CIN represent information about a company and are broken down into six sections. The sections and the details they provide are as follows:

  • Section 1: This section consists of the first character of the CIN and reveals whether a company is 'listed' or 'unlisted' on the Indian stock market. The former is denoted by 'L' and the latter by 'U'.
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  • Section 4: This section comprises four numeric digits that signify the year in which the company was incorporated.
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  • Section 6: Consisting of the last six numeric digits, this section denotes the registration number issued by the Registrar of Companies.

CIN is issued to track all the activities and other aspects of a company, right from its incorporation. No matter what kind of transactions your company initiates with the Registrar of Companies, you must provide a CIN. Since the 21-digit number is unique and has its meaning, it is useful to find out basic information about a company. It can be used to track and identify companies or discover additional information about an organisation registered under the Registrar of Companies. Thus, you have to provide a CIN on almost all useful documents about your company for identification and tracking purposes. These documents include invoices, bills, notices, memos, letterheads, annual reports, official publications, etc. Hence, having a CIN becomes integral to your daily business activities. Now that you know more about CIN meaning make sure your company has one and use it when required.

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At.-Apati, Po.-Furus Tal.-Jawali, Satara, Maharashtra

Budget Accommodation Hotel & Lake View Resorts in Tapola

Discovering Tranquility: A Guide to the Hidden Gem of Tapola.

Introduction to Tapola: 

Tapola, a serene paradise tucked away inside the lap of nature, is a hidden gem waiting to be found. 

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of the Sahyadri Range in Maharashtra, this vacation spot gives a calming respite from the chaos of metropolis life.

Tapola’s unique appeal lies in its untouched splendor and tranquil surroundings. 

With a rich historical beyond and some thrilling activities to take pleasure in, it’s truly a destination nicely well worth exploring. 

Tapola also referred to as ‘Mini Kashmir’ , holds massive ancient importance because it served as a first-rate trade direction all through the Maratha Empire. 

Today, Tapola stands as a testimony to its superb beyond, providing a glimpse into its captivating history.

Embracing Nature in Tapola:

If you’re a nature lover, Tapola is a haven waiting to be explored. Its exceptional shapes and beautiful waters will leave you in awe of the wonders of Mother Nature.

Exploring the enthralling Tikona Fort: 

The traveler attraction of Tapola is the Tikona Castle perched on a hill with a panoramic view of the surroundings. As you walk via the castle, you’ll have a clear view of the green hills and glowing lakes before your eyes. The fort also has enough historical importance, with remains of historic homes relationship back to the 17th century, giving a glimpse of the region’s former glory.

Unveiling the charming Konya Backwaters:  

A visit to Tapola is not entirely without experiencing the serene splendor of the Koyna Backwater. Created by way of the Koyna River, this pristine backwater gives a tranquil spot for paddling and enjoyable. The crystal-clear water displays the blue sky, creating a landscape that is positive to leave you in awe.

Marveling at the panoramic vistas from Vasota Fort:  

For adrenaline seekers, the Wasota Castle in Tapola is an ought-to trek. The trek to this historic fort takes you through lush forests and rocky terrain, leaving you with wonderful panoramic views and status on top of the fort with a view of dense forests, glowing rivers, and brilliant rolling hills, making it the suitable vacation spot for nature fans and photography enthusiasts.

 Discovering the various plants and fauna of Tapola: 

Tapola is a paradise for nature lovers, with abundant biodiversity that may be a deal with for the eyes. Explore the Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary and cross on an exciting jungle safari for a hazard to look at those magnificent creatures in their natural habitat which include tigers, leopards, sloth bears, and diverse birds. 

Indulging in adventurous sports amidst nature:  

Tapola Bird Sanctuary is another haven for birders, with a whole lot of species. Grab a couple of binoculars and witness the fantastic antics of colorful birds such as the beautiful Indian Paradise Flycatcher and Malabar Whistling Thrush. 

Indulging in adventurous activities amidst nature.

 Tapola offers an array of adventurous activities that allow you to delve deeper into its natural wonders.

1. Taste the joys of kayaking in Lake Shivsagar: 

Jump in a kayak, immerse yourself inside the serene environment with the pristine waters of Lake Shivsagar Meander beyond lush inexperienced forests, breathe in the sparkling air, and enjoy the feeling of freedom that incorporates being surrounded by nature. 

2. Enjoy the peaceful boating in Tapola: 

Experience tranquility at its high quality with a chilled boat journey in the calm waters of Tapola. Let your concerns melt away as you immerse yourself in the breathtaking splendor of your surroundings. The mild rocking of the boat and the rhythms of nature make you feel alive. 

3. Walking the old-fashioned streets of Tapola: 

Lace up your hiking boots and activate on your adventure via the old-fashioned streets of Tapola. There are many trekking trails in the vicinity, catering to beginners and experts alike. Walk via dense forests, pass raging rivers, and witness nature’s uncooked beauty with each step. 

Tapola’s Cultural Heritage: 

Tapola not best captivates with its natural beauty but also offers a glimpse into its colourful culture and traditions. 

Witnessing the colorful Pardhi culture’s way of life: 

Immerse yourself inside the colorful tradition of the Pardhi culture, one of the ethnic organizations living in Tapola. Witness traditional dances decorated with brilliant costumes and rhythmic tracks that tell the story of their customs and heritage. Interact with neighborhood humans, find out about their lifestyles, and gain a deeper understanding of their wealthy cultural traditions. 

Experiencing the rhythmic beats of Tarpa dance: 

Tapola is understood for its vibrant tarpaulin dance, a traditional dance shape of the area’s tradition. The rhythmic beat of the tarp made of cow horns creates a mystical ecosystem that takes you lower back in time. Join in the festivities and let the song manual your feet as you sway to the upbeat rhythm of the tarp. 

Exploring the indigenous Warli artwork of Tapola: 

Tapola is home to the indigenous Warli tribe, known for its specific art form that depicts the daily lives and rituals in their network. Explore the difficult artistry of Warli’s paintings, characterized by using simple geometric shapes and colorful hues. Attend workshops wherein you may have a look at the techniques of this ancient painting’s shape and create your very own masterpiece to take home as a memento of it slowly in Tapola.

Understanding the age-old farming techniques in Tapola: 

Step into the world of conventional farming practices in Tapola and witness the sustainable farming techniques passed down through generations. Learn about organic farming strategies, the use of medicinal vegetation, and the harmony between humans and nature; this is imperative to the lifestyle of the locals. Engage with the farmers, take part in their daily sports, and take benefit of a newfound appreciation for the significance of sustainable residing. 

Exploring the unique handicrafts of Tapola: 

Tapola is a treasure trove of specific handicrafts crafted by community artisans. From complicated bamboo crafts to handwoven textiles, each piece tells a tale of the place’s cultural records. Explore the colorful markets of Tapola, engage with the expert artisans, and take home a piece of Tapola’s resourceful legacy as a memento of your go-to. 

Sampling real Maharashtrian delicacies: 

No adventure to Tapola is complete without indulging in the flavors of real Maharashtrian cuisine. Savor the highly spiced vada pav, a popular road meal snack, or savor the tangy and flavorful Kolhapuri chicken. Tapola’s delicacies are a gastronomic delight, with an array of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes to tantalize your taste buds and leave you yearning for more.

Exploring the flavors of native tribal dishes: 

Tapola’s tribal corporations have their specific culinary traditions that mirror their deep reference to nature. Try the soulful flavors of Pardhi tribal dishes, which include the healthful bhakri (traditional bread) and zunka (gram flour curry). These dishes show off the usage of regionally sourced factors and offer a real flavor of Tapola’s cultural background. 

Indulging in organic farming reviews and agro-tourism practices: 

Tapola gives site visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves inside the worldwide surroundings of organic farming via agro-tourism reports. Engage in arms-on sports like plowing the fields, sowing seeds, and harvesting flora, and benefit from a deeper expertise of the sustainable agricultural practices followed through by using the locals. This specific stage lets you connect with nature, have a look at organic farming strategies, and make contributions to the upkeep of the vicinity’s ecological balance. 

Tranquil Retreats: 

Unwinding in Tapola After an afternoon of exploring Tapola’s herbal wonders and immersing in its cultural background, indulge in the tranquility of its peaceful resorts and well-being experiences. 

Discovering Peaceful Resorts in Tapola: 

Tapola provides a variety of resorts that cater to unique choices, making sure to serene and comfortable lifestyles amidst nature’s encompass. 

1. Luxury hotels amidst nature include: 

Retreat to a luxurious inn nestled amidst Tapola’s pristine landscapes. These resorts offer unparalleled comfort and a host of offerings, coupled with breathtaking perspectives that certainly deliver you to an international tranquility.

So, Shoreline Ujjwala is the only place to go if you’re looking for inexpensive lodging in Tapola. Make a reservation today to experience a relaxing and affordable stay in a natural setting. To learn more and book your reservation, go to / .

2. Cozy homestays impart a true neighborhood experience: 

Experience the warmth of Tapola’s locals by opting for a relaxed homestay. Stay with a community circle of relatives, immerse yourself in their manner of lifestyles, and benefit from the vicinity’s traditions and lifestyle. These homestays provide a close-by experience and an opportunity to forge lifelong friendships.

When it comes to cozy homestay, the best option would be which gives a feeling of home away from home.

3. Camping and glamping options for nature lovers: 

For the ones seeking out an additional adventurous revel, camping, and glamping options are to be had in Tapola. Spend a night beneath the starry sky, surrounded by the useful resource of the serene splendor of nature. Wake up to the melodic chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves, rejuvenating your mind, body, and soul. resorts will give you the most beautiful view of Tapola.

Discovering tranquility in Tapola is not just a travel experience; it’s a soulful retreat that leaves an indelible mark on your heart.

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Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited - Email & Phone of top management contacts

Tapola agro tourism producer company limited.

Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited is a Agriculture And Allied Activities company and has headquarters in Pune, Maharashtra, India. It was founded in 2012. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited specialises in agriculture and allied activities. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited is a private company. You can view Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited top decision makers contact numbers by clicking on below link.

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Tapola agro tourism producer company limited directors, companies in pune, tapola agro tourism producer company limited frequently asked questions.

When was Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited founded?

Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited was founded in 2012.

Where is Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited headquarters?

Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited headquarters is in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

What sector does Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited operate in?

Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited is in agriculture and allied activities sector.

Who are the directors of Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited ?

Ganesh Namadeo Uttekar, Nitin Vijay Gaikwad, Ramesh Shankar Dhanawade, Sandip Anaji Utekar, Siddharth Manaji Gaikwad, Dipak Shankar Shinde are directors of Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited.

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Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism

Tapola Eco Agro Tourism

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tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" This is not a kind of Hotel, but modest stay in hut like rooms "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" There is no mobile network. only bsnl works "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" All the tents open towards the lake and have a great view.. "

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

" Check everything in room while checking in and ask the manager to fix the same, to avoid inconvenience "

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tapola agro tourism producer company limited

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tapola agro tourism producer company limited

In 1989 we built the most modern bean processing facility in the Middle East. Only the finest selection of bean crops, and best quality spices are used to produce our famous bean delicacies which are exported to more than twenty countries around the world.

Our licensee in the Middle East is Gulf Food Industries – California Garden, a joint venture partnership between California Garden Products, Inc. and Kuwait Food Company. We process and can over 32 different types of bean products at this facility which is HACCP and ISO certified. Our most popular bean is Fava. We pack fava beans in many sauces to fit the local taste in the Middle East. We also manufacture our own cans with white lacquer to give the best flavor and keep the cans rust free.

We give the same consideration to our other fine products. Today we offer over two hundred products processed in over twenty countries around the world. We work closely with factories across the world to ensure they meet our high quality standards.

tapola agro tourism producer company limited

California Voters May Force Meat And Egg Producers Across The Country To Go Cage-Free

by Lesley McClurg

California voters will soon decide whether to ban the sale of meat and eggs from farm animals raised in cages. A November ballot measure, Proposition 12 , would require more spacious digs for pigs, veal calves and egg-laying hens. It applies to animals in California and to those raised elsewhere for products sold in the Golden State.

If you're experiencing a bit of déjà vu right now, it makes sense.

Back in 2008, voters overwhelmingly passed a strikingly similar animal welfare law. But some farmers argued the measure's language was too vague to interpret in practical terms.

After the 2008 law took effect, state agriculture officials ruled that farmers could comply with the law without getting rid of their cages as long as they provided more space within the cages.

To end confinement altogether, the Humane Society of the United States sponsored Proposition 12 this year.

The measure is also endorsed by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Sierra Club, the California Democratic Party, the United Farm Workers, and the Center for Food Safety. The Yes on 12 campaign has raised $6.1 million as of Sept. 28, while the opponents, Stop the Rotten Egg Initiative, have raised about $566,000. The next financial reporting deadline is Oct. 25.

Dede Boies supports the measure because it aligns with her farming philosophy. She raises chickens, ducks, turkeys and pigs on Root Down Farm , a huge open field in Pescadero, about an hour south of San Francisco.

"The point for me is to raise animals in a way that they were intended to live," says Boies. "And to basically give them the best life possible."

For Boies, confining animals in cages reduces them to products.

Proposition 12 requires each farm animal to have a specific amount of floor space beginning in 2020: 43 square feet for a veal calf; 24 square feet for a breeding pig; and 1 square foot for an egg-laying hen. Cage-free conditions will be mandatory for hens by 2022.

The Association of California Egg Farmers and the National Pork Producers Council oppose Proposition 12 primarily because the measure applies to all veal, pork and eggs sold in California, even when the animals are raised in other states. For example, a pig raised and slaughtered in Illinois could not be housed in a crate if bacon or sausage from that animal is headed to California.

Ken Maschhoff is a fifth-generation hog farmer based in Carlyle, Ill., who runs one of the largest pork operations in the U.S.

"I certainly have a bone to pick with those that try to force their agenda and those costs on to others that would just as soon not bear those," says Maschhoff.

When his pigs are pregnant, which occurs twice a year or so, they're confined for about 100 days in a gestation crate that is 7 to 8 feet long and 24 to 30 inches wide. It does not allow the pigs to turn around.

Maschhoff says confining pigs during pregnancy is both humane and cost-effective because it prevents fighting between the animals, allowing more piglets to survive in the womb.

"I don't believe fundamentally that animals have the same rights as humans," says Maschhoff. "I believe that farmers, ranchers, veterinarians, are animal welfare-ists. So there's a difference between animal rights and animal welfare."

What's this going to cost consumers?

Maschhoff says Proposition 12 will require the pork industry nationwide to spend billions on new facilities, costs that will likely trickle down to pork consumers. Economists, though, say it's tough to forecast exact pork price increases.

It's easier to predict the cost of egg because cage-free eggs are already on store shelves. They're usually priced at about 50 cents to a dollar more per dozen than conventional eggs.

"People spend $50 to $100 a year on eggs," says University of California, Davis economist Dan Sumner. "It'll go up to $100 to $150."

Another factor could also be at play in egg prices: an uncertain future.

"The concern for the people investing in these new standards is that it's not at all clear that they're going to last very long," says Sumner.

In fact, animal welfare groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are opposed to the new ballot measure. PETA says it doesn't go far enough to protect chickens, which still can be confined in barns if the proposal passes. So, even if voters approve Proposition 12 on Nov. 6, the battle over how much space farm animals need is likely not over.

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    All Companies › Maharashtra › Agriculture › Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited Active As on: 17 May, 2022 Update Info Print

  2. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited

    Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited, established in 2012, is engaged in the Tourism And Accommodation sector in Satara. Explore their Corporate Structure, Financials, and More.


    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for TAPOLA AGRO TOURISM PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED of Satara, Maharashtra. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  4. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited News

    Get the latest Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited News, Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited Company Profile details and more. Benchmarks . Nifty 22,519.40-234.4. Precious Metal . Gold (MCX) (Rs/10g.) 71,920.00 276.0. English Edition English Edition ...

  5. Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism Tapola| Mahabaleshwar Maharashtra

    Sociable, Eco Based Safety Residence In Tent., Homemade & Healthy Food, Conference hall attractive packages Tapola Eco and Agro Tourism, Tapola . Tapola Tourism is a delightful departure from regular Tapola hotels or resorts in Tapola near Kas Pathar. An Agro Tourism centre in its true essence Tapola Tourism - Tapola is the ideal place to stay ...


    Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism. Short Holiday Destination "Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism" Safety experience for Family, School, College, Company, Couple Picnic. It famed for exciting white water boating over a stretch of 30 kilometers. New Contact numbers are +91 8275003310, +91 8275103310, +91 7588707310.

  7. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited

    TAPOLA AGRO TOURISM PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED is a MAHARASHTRA based PRIVATE ltd. Company Registered at dated 30-JUL-2012 on Ministry of Corporate Affairs(MCA), The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of TAPOLA AGRO TOURISM PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED is U01122PN2012PTC144214 and registration number is U01122PN2012PTC144214 It has been classified as COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES and is registered ...


    Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism. Short Holiday Destination "Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism" Safety experience for Family, School, College, Company, Couple Picnic. It famed for exciting white water boating over a stretch of 30 kilometers. New Contact numbers are +91 8275003310, +91 8275103310, +91 7588707310.

  9. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited

    Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited. Financials. RoC-Pune Active Updated 5 months ago. Directors. Ganesh Namadeo Uttekar Director. Nitin Vijay Gaikwad Director. Ramesh Shankar Dhanawade Director. Sandip Anaji Utekar Director. Siddharth Manaji Gaikwad Director. Company Information. CIN: U01122PN2012PTC144214: Company Status:

  10. NABARD

    THE IMPACT. Tapola Agro Tourism Producers Company Limited set up by 6 young rural entrepreneurs. Generation of employment opportunities for villagers. The project accommodates 3,000 tourists a year at affordable rates and providesvarious entertainment activities like kayaking, swimming, trekking and visits to strawberry farms.

  11. Financials of Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited

    Financial Report - TAPOLA AGRO TOURISM PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED Here is a summary of financial information of TAPOLA AGRO TOURISM PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED for the financial year ending on None.

  12. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer

    Tapola Agro Tourism Producer. Cultural & Informational Centers · <25 Employees. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Ltd is a company that operates in the Leisure, Travel & Tourism industry. It employs 11-20 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. Read More. View Company Info for Free

  13. Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism

    Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Established near koyana back water and situated at Strowberry garden with farming . we are providing Lunch Dinner High Tea Breakfast and swimming kayaking fishing trekking activity and stay in Tent . Read more. Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing.


    Discover TAPOLA AGRO TOURISM PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED with Corporate Identification Number (CIN) U01122PN2012PTC144214. Find CIN and company details on Swipe. Simple GST Invoicing, POS Billing, Inventory for SMEs.

  15. Discovering Tranquility: A Guide to the Hidden Gem of Tapola

    Tapola gives site visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves inside the worldwide surroundings of organic farming via agro-tourism reports. Engage in arms-on sports like plowing the fields, sowing seeds, and harvesting flora, and benefit from a deeper expertise of the sustainable agricultural practices followed through by using the locals.

  16. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited

    Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited is a Agriculture And Allied Activities company and has headquarters in Pune, Maharashtra, India. It was founded in 2012. Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited specialises in agriculture and allied activities. ...

  17. Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism

    Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism in Satara, India: View Tripadvisor's 22 unbiased reviews, 61 photos, and special offers for Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism, #4 out of 30 Satara specialty lodging. ... Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Established near koyana back water and situated at Strowberry garden with farming . we are providing Lunch Dinner ...

  18. Industry of Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited

    All Companies › Maharashtra › Agriculture › Tapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Limited › Industry Active As on: 13 March, 2023 Update Info Print Share Overview

  19. Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism Tapola Maharashtra

    Tapola Eco & Agro Tourism Tapola Maharashtra | Lake View budget Resort | Tent Camping TapolaTapola Agro Tourism Producer Company Established near koya...

  20. Siargo: Contacts

    Building 4. 1, 2nd South Science Park Road. Chengdu 610041. China (86) 28 - 85139315

  21. Facility

    Our licensee in the Middle East is Gulf Food Industries - California Garden, a joint venture partnership between California Garden Products, Inc. and Kuwait Food Company. We process and can over 32 different types of bean products at this facility which is HACCP and ISO certified. Our most popular bean is Fava. We pack fava beans in many ...

  22. California Voters May Force Meat And Egg Producers Across The Country

    For Boies, confining animals in cages reduces them to products. Proposition 12 requires each farm animal to have a specific amount of floor space beginning in 2020: 43 square feet for a veal calf ...

  23. Cpo Limited

    Address: 2901 Tasman Dr # 112. Santa Clara, CA , 95054-1137. Phone: 408-727-3310. Fax: 408-727-4524. Website: Contact this Company. This company is located in the Pacific Time Zone and the office is currently Closed. Get a Free Quote from Cpo Limited and other companies.