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welcome to the official internet portal of the City of Nuremberg. English information for tourists is provided by the Nuremberg Convention and Tourist Office. If you are interested in Nuremberg as a business location, you can take a look at the website of the Office for Economic Development. The Press and Information Office provides international journalists interested in writing about Nuremberg with information in English. The Department of Environment and Health also presents its projects for an international audience.

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Sitzung des Nürnberger Stadtrats

Resolution of the Nuremberg City Council

In light of the confrontation between Israel and the Hamas in Palestine, anti-Semitic statements and elements are being expressed in previously unimaginable ways in many cities throughout the Federal Republic of Germany. Unfortunately, this has also happened in Nuremberg. In reaction, the City Council has passed a resolution in its meeting on July 23, 2014, condemning all forms of anti-Semitic agitation.

  • Resolution of the Nuremberg City Council </imperia/md/stadtportal_e/dokumente/city_council_resolution_antisemitism.pdf> (PDF, 99 KB)

The Zeppelin Field at the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg

Zeppelin Field - A Place for Learning

The Zeppelin Field at the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg is a very special national heritage. As debates about the refurbishment of the severly damaged relics of the place are also of international interest, you will find the English version of the comprehensive brochure about the project for download here.

  • Zeppelin Field - A Place for Learning </imperia/md/stadtportal_e/dokumente/zeppelin_field_nuremberg_refurbishment.pdf> (PDF, 6.3 MB)


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Home » Travel Guides » Germany » 15 Best Things to Do in Nuremberg (Germany)

15 Best Things to Do in Nuremberg (Germany)

The capital of Franconia is a city that has lived through momentous world events, from the time of the Holy Roman Empire to the 20th century. The Altstadt (Old Town) is still encircled by walls, and is watched by the Kasierburg castle from a promontory on the north side.

Nuremberg was an unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire, and the castle was paid host to official ceremonies for hundreds of years. Nuremberg is also a name associated with the Nazis, for the Nuremberg Rallies, racist Laws and Trials after the war. At the Nazi congress hall on the rally grounds is a powerful museum about Nazi regime, and Courtroom 600 at the Palace of Justice is where figures like Hermann Göring were tried.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Nuremberg :

1. Kaiserburg


On the steep sandstone cliffs over the north side of Nuremberg’s Altstadt is a castle that carried real power in the times of the Holy Roman Empire.

The imperial courts met here, and every newly elected emperor was obligated by decree to hold his first Imperial Diet at Kaiserburg.

The castle keep at the circular Sinwell Tower dates to the 14th century and is always a highlight.

There’s an observation platform at the top floor where you can marvel at the best panorama of the city.

Sheltered in half-timbered houses in the courtyard below is the Tiefer Brunnen (Deep Well), which bores 50 metres into the sandstone.

The Palas, which was used for the castle’s official functions, has been reworked several times since the Middle Ages and has a museum filling you in on Kaiserburg’s elevated position in the Holy Roman Empire.

2. Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Nuremburg was important to the National Socialist regime because of its status in the Holy Roman Empire, and its central location in the German-speaking world.

Even before they rose to power in 1933 they had chosen Nuremberg for their annual mass propaganda rallies.

During the 30s they went about building a congress hall, one element of an unrealised master plan for the city.

That hall, which is pierced on the north side by a modern metal-framed glass stake, contains the exhibition, “Fascination and Terror”. You’ll be walked through the causes, reality and aftermath of the Nazi regime.

There’s extra depth on the Nuremberg Rallies, and the architectural plans for the city.

Context is provided by eyewitness interviews, photographs, official documents and computer graphics.

3. Nuremberg Trials Memorial

Nuremberg Trials Memorial

Courtroom 600 at the Justizpalast, where high-ranking Nazis were brought to justice between 1945 and 1949, is a still a working courtroom.

It can be tricky to visit during the week unless you come between sessions.

The best time of all is Saturdays, out of session, when English speakers can take a sobering audio tour of a room that resonates with history.

The top floor of the courthouse has been turned into a museum about the Nuremberg Trials, explaining the defendants and their crimes, and recording the lasting impact that the process had on international criminal law.

4. Germanisches Nationalmuseum

Germanisches Nationalmuseum

The Germanic National Museum is a sort of treasury for the German speaking world, mapping its cultural past with over 25,000 exhibits.

The galleries are in a complex partly made up of the Nuremberg Charterhouse, and are endowed with art going back to the medieval period, as well as decorative items, toys, armour, books, scientific instruments, clothing, musical instruments, liturgical treasures, prehistoric and ancient archaeology, toys, and that’s only a brief summary.

Fair to say that you’re going to need to plan ahead if you want to do this museum in a few hours or even a day.

Some art exhibits you can’t leave without seeing are Albrecht Dürer’s portrait of his mother, Dürer’s rhinoceros, Lucas Cranach the Elder’s portrait of Martin Luther and Rembrandt’s famed Wide-Eyed Self-Portrait.

5. St. Sebaldus Church

St. Sebaldus Church

Looking at it from the north side you can tell how St. Sebaldus Church is in two halves.

The west side, including the naves and towers is Romanesque and early Gothic, from the 13th century.

The east side made up of the hall chancel is Late Gothic and was built around 100 years later.

The 8th-century Saint Sebald is Nuremburg’s patron saint, and in the chancel you can view his tomb, designed in the 1510s by Peter Vischer the Elder, with Early-Renaissance bronze figurines depicting scenes from his life.

That is one of many works of art in the church, like the Tucher family epitaph, stained glass windows and wood sculpture by the Renaissance virtuoso Veit Stoss.

6. St. Lorenz Church

St. Lorenz Church

Like St. Sebaldus, this church, which was started in the 13th century was later given a hall chancel.

That eastern section went up during the 15th century and is in the German Late Gothic style known as “Sondergotik”. St Lorenz Church was one of the first to become Lutheran, converting in 1525. But fortunately for us, it escaped the iconoclasm of the time, most likely because its wealthy patrons helped look after that art as it had been funded by their ancestors.

The most valuable piece is Veit Stoss’ Renaissance carving of the Angelic Salutation and a beautiful tabernacle crafted by another eminent sculptor of the time, Adam Kraft.

7. German National Railways Museum

German National Railways Museum

Nuremberg was the scene of the first German railway, the Bavarian Ludwigsbahn which ran from here to Fürth close by.

So it makes sense that the city should have the national museum on this topic.

The attraction is also the oldest in the country and opened as the Bavarian Railway Museum in 1899. Some of the many captivating exhibits are sections from King Ludwig II’s royal train, the Nordgau locomotive from 1853 and a 1930s DRG Class SVT 877 from the Hamburg-Berlin line, the fastest rail connection in the world at the time.

The first and second floors are for exhibits detailing bridge and tunnel construction, as well as 160 models dating back to 1882. On the stroke of the half hour you can watch a ten-minute demonstration of the 80-square-metre model railway.

8. Albrecht Dürer’s House

Albrecht Dürer's House

Arguably Germany’s greatest painter lived and worked at this timber framed townhouse in Nuremberg from 1509 to his death in 1528. As a historical document Albrecht Dürer’s House is unrivalled, as there are no other examples of a 15th-century artist’s house in Europe.

The building suffered some damage in the war but was soon restored and the reopening was delayed until 1971, Dürer’s 500th birthday.

Five storeys high, the house is one of the few burgher houses left from Nuremberg’s 15th-century golden age.

The rooms are decorated with period furniture and a rotating exhibition of drawings by Dürer.

A reconstruction of Dürer studio also demonstrates the printmaking techniques of the time.

9. Schöner Brunnen

Schöner Brunnen

One of the wonders of medieval Nuremberg is a 19-metre Gothic fountain on the edge of the main market square.

The fountain was crafted in 1385-1396 and was the work of architect and stonemason Heinrich Beheim.

It was designed like a Gothic church spire and has forty polychrome figures on four levels, all evoking the “worldview” of the Holy Roman Empire.

The statues at the bottom represent philosophy and the seven liberal arts, below the four evangelists and the four church fathers.

Above these are the seven Holy Roman electors, and the Nine Worthies, who were idealised historical and legendary personages.

And finally, at the top sits Moses and the seven prophets.

In the Second World War the monument was wrapped in a concrete shell and came through unscathed.

10. City Walls

City Walls

In the long history of Nuremberg’s fortifications, the city was only ever captured once: In 1945 by the Americans.

These walls were first put up in the 1000s and got their current, streamlined appearance when they were modified for canons in the 1500s.

Some four kilometres of the Medieval walls are still standing, and they incorporate the castle to the north and 67 defensive towers.

The parapet is mostly open to visitors, looks out on the Altstadt and is covered by a timber-framed roof.

That wall is also traced by a wide ditch, the Stadtgraben, one of the longest surviving in Europe and kept as gardens that you can also walk through.

11. Nuremberg Toy Museum

Nuremberg Toy Museum

One of the finest houses in the Altstadt, and another stop in the Historical Mile is the Renaissance Hallersches Haus.

The Burgher House is named for the family that established it in 1517, and has a gabled facade and timber-framed gallery around a courtyard.

The museum inside celebrates Nuremberg’s status as a traditional toy-making capital in Germany and also opened on Dürer’s 500th anniversary in 1971. On the first three floors are pre-War games and toys like dolls, dollhouses, magic lanterns, wind-up figures and another model railway of impressive proportions.

The top floor is all about toys since 1945 like Lego, Playmobil and Barbie, and has an interactive’ “Kids on Top” zone with building sets, table football and all kinds of other toys and games.

12. Nuremberg Zoo

Nuremberg Zoo

At 70 hectares, Nuremberg Zoo is one of the largest in Europe, and like the best zoos is always introducing new enclosures.

The setting is a former sandstone quarry a few kilometres east of the Altstadt.

Many of the old stone pits have been left as they are, as they serve as natural enclosures for species like Siberian and Bengal tigers.

There are also large, landscaped environments where bison, giraffes, deer and zebras live in semi-freedom, and generous outdoor areas for snow leopards and maned wolves.

One of the newer attractions is a bearded vulture enclosure with a 17-metre-high walkway, and the various indoor exhibits have poison dart frogs, caimans and a green tree python.

13. Stadtmuseum Fembohaus

Stadtmuseum Fembohaus

On Burgstraße, Fembohaus is a city museum in beautiful five-storey edifice going back to the end of the 16th century.

The Fembohaus was a family home and map-printing workshop, and is now a shortcut to the culture, customs and trades that flourished in Nuremberg over 950 years.

There’s a listening station where you can hear three centuries of music composed in the city, a gallery of eminent artists and intellectuals, maps printed in the Fembohaus in the 17th century, while the entire second floor has rooms furnished in the period style of the 1600s.

On the fourth floor is maybe the best piece of all, a hand-carved scale model of Nuremberg’s Altstadt as it would have looked when this house was built.

14. Nürnberger Felsengänge

Nürnberger Felsengänge

Over the course of centuries Nurembergers tunnelled into the sandstone bedrock in the north of the Altstadt to create a warren of passageways, cellars and water conduits.

These add up to 20,000 square metres, and are mostly anchored in the city’s beer brewing industry.

There were over 40 breweries in the city in the Middle Ages, and each one had its own cellar cut from the sandstone.

As production increased the cellars grew and were joined up, and even today the Hausbrauerei Altstadthof still stores barrels of its Rotbier down here . Tours are available throughout the day in German, and once a week on Sundays in English, and finish with a Rotbier tasting session.

15. Nürnberger Bratwurst

Nürnberger Bratwurst

The local sausage is protected under EU law, so can only be produced in Nuremberg.

Nürnberger Bratwurst has been produced in the city since 1567 and if you’re used to chunky German sausage, you may be surprised by how small they are.

They’re usually about eight centimetres long and so you may get as many as six in a serving.

The flavour is also like no other German sausage as they’re seasoned with fresh marjoram.

Nürnberger Rostbratwurst is grilled over a beech-wood fire and then comes with sauerkraut, potato salad, horseradish, and don’t forget a generous pouring of Rotbier, or one of the hundreds of other Franconian beers.

15 Best Things to Do in Nuremberg (Germany):

  • Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds
  • Nuremberg Trials Memorial
  • Germanisches Nationalmuseum
  • St. Sebaldus Church
  • St. Lorenz Church
  • German National Railways Museum
  • Albrecht Dürer's House
  • Schöner Brunnen
  • Nuremberg Toy Museum
  • Nuremberg Zoo
  • Stadtmuseum Fembohaus
  • Nürnberger Felsengänge
  • Nürnberger Bratwurst

19 Top Attractions & Things to Do in Nuremberg

Written by Bryan Dearsley Updated Dec 25, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

The historic medieval city of Nuremberg (Nürnberg) is one of Germany's most important centers for arts and culture, and one of the country's most popular tourist destinations .

Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany

The second-largest city in the beautiful state of Bavaria , Nuremberg has long been associated with advances in science and technology, particularly in printing. Home to Europe's first printing press and a center for the study of astronomy, these and other important technological advances are today celebrated in the city's world-class museums and attractions.

Despite having been severely damaged in WW2, many of the medieval buildings in the Old Town (Altstadt) have been painstakingly restored to their former glory. In fact, most of the top attractions in Nuremberg are located within the city's historic city walls, which extend some five kilometers around the Old Town, making it extremely fun to explore on foot.

An easy day trip away from Munich , if you can, you may want to plan your visit to coincide with one of Nuremberg's many festivals. Two favorites are the famous two-week-long Old Town Festival musical and folk event, and International Organ Week , which runs from late June to mid-July.

To learn more about these and many other fun places to visit in a city, be sure to read through our comprehensive list of the top attractions and things to do in Nuremberg.

See also: Where to Stay in Nuremberg

1. Take a Walking Tour of Nuremberg Castle

2. get your bearings at the hauptmarkt, 3. walk nuremburg's historic city walls, 4. learn your history at the germanic national museum, 5. take a tour of the nuremberg transport museum, 6. marvel at the architecture of st. lawrence's church (st. lorenz), 7. frauenkirche: the church of our lady, 8. visit st. sebaldus church, 9. meet the artist: albrecht dürer's house, 10. documentation center nazi party rally grounds, 11. explore königstrasse and the st. lawrence side, 12. for the kids: the toy museum, 13. go wild at nuremberg zoo, 14. neues museum nürnberg, 15. city museum at fembo house, 16. museum of industrial culture, 17. have some fun at playmobil funpark, 18. schloss neunhof, 19. take a drive to erlangen schloss, where to stay in nuremberg for sightseeing.

Nuremberg Castle

Dominating the skyline of the northwestern section of the Old Town (Altstadt) rises the cluster of historic structures that together comprise Nuremberg Castle.

The Imperial Castle of Nuremberg (Nürnberger Burg), is an impressive 351-meter-tall fortification that dominates the Old Town's skyline. One of the most important surviving medieval fortresses in all of Europe, it was once the residence of all legitimate German kings and emperors from 1050 to 1571.

A great way to get the most out of a castle visit is to join a fun walking tour of Nuremberg Old Town . These informative two-hour English-language tours also take in other important landmarks along the way such as the city walls, the famous Hauptmarkt, the historic Albrecht Dürer House, and St. Lawrence Church.

At the lower end of the castle are the imperial stables built in 1495 (now a youth hostel), and the Pentagonal Tower, dating from 1040. Higher up is the Kaiserburg, built in the 11th century although much altered in later centuries, along with the Sinwell Tower with its wonderful panoramic views. Be sure to spend time exploring the Palas quarters with its unique double chapel, both of which date from the early 13th century.

English-language audio tours are also available for a small fee and are well worth it for those not participating in an organized tour. Many surviving artifacts from the castle's long history can be viewed in the Imperial Castle Museum, the Bower. Here, you'll find an impressive collection of medieval weapons and suits of armor, along with saddles and harnesses.

Another of the castle's top must-sees is the famous Deep Well . Located in the attractive old two-story Well House built in 1563, this even older manmade structure plummets to a depth of 50 meters, and can only be visited with a tour guide available every half hour. Be sure to also explore the impressive Castle Gardens . An attractive place for a stroll, it can trace its roots all the way back to 1525.

Address: Burg 17, 90403 Nürnberg

Read More: Top-Rated Castles in Germany

The Beautiful Fountain in the Hauptmarkt

After your walking tour of Nuremberg Castle, spend time exploring the city's Hauptmarkt, or "Main Market." Regarded as one of the top tourist attractions in Germany , it has for centuries been the scene of a daily market, the Wochenmarkt, a tradition that continues to this day. It's also here that you'll find St. Giles' Church , the city's only Baroque church.

The traditional city center, the Hauptmarkt is home to the aptly named 14th-century "Beautiful Fountain." With its ornate decorations and figures, it makes for a picture-perfect selfie location. While you're there, be sure to touch the fountain's famous gold ring for a spot of good luck.

The Hauptmarkt is also where you'll find the Old Town Hall (Nurnberger Rathaus), along with its much newer 20th-century counterpart. Built in 1616, the original municipal offices are notable for their magnificent doorways, dungeons, and torture chamber.

Between these two buildings is another famous fountain, the Gänsemännchen. Built in 1555, it depicts a Franconian peasant carrying two geese with water flowing from their beaks.

If you are planning on visiting in December , you're in luck. It's in the Hauptmarkt that Nuremberg's famous Christmas Market (Nürnberg Christkindlesmarkt) is held.

One of the most popular Christmas markets in Europe , this two-week extravaganza is attended by more than a million visitors every year, and sees the marketplace transformed by festivities and lighting. It's also a shopper's paradise. As well as stands selling ornaments, Christmas foods, and gifts, exploring its many stalls at night is a particularly fun thing to do.

Another great way to get your bearings is to book a fun city tour of Nuremberg aboard the "Bimmelbahn ." This railway-themed people-mover starts in the Hauptmarkt, taking in such sites as St. Lorenz church and the Kaiserburg during its 40-minute orientation. Along the way, your professional guide provides fascinating commentary on the history of landmarks that you can then visit later at your own pace.

Read More: Top-Rated Christmas Markets in Germany

The city walls

Nuremberg has the unique distinction of having preserved most of its circuit of old city walls, many sections of which date from the 14th to 15th centuries, and later strengthened in the 16th and 17th centuries.

In fact, one of the best places to visit in Nuremberg for those wanting to find their way about this fascinating medieval city is to walk the nearly five kilometers of paths that follow the walls, leading you to numerous gates and towers, many of which can be explored.

The finest stretch of walls is located on the west side of the Old Town, between the massive Spittlertor and the historic Maxtor. For the best views of the walls, the Old Town, and the Burg, make your way to the impressive Fürther Tor, the medieval gateway located in the southwestern corner of the city.

For a completely different tourist attraction, be sure to visit the nearby Medieval Dungeons . Known as Lochgefängnisse, this old prison features 12 prison cells and a torture chamber. English-language guided tours are available.

Address: Rathauspl. 2, 90403 Nürnberg

Germanic National Museum

The Germanic National Museum (Germanisches Nationalmuseum) is home to the country's largest collection related to German art and culture. The museum has more than 1.3 million items relating to the region's artistic and cultural history, including historical documents on parchment, a collection of 17,000 seals, and a superb fine arts archive.

Other notable highlights include a collection of 300,000 prints, drawings, and paintings representing all the major schools of art. There's also an impressive collection of historical musical instruments, a sculpture collection, and a fascinating display of antique toys and dollhouses.

Part of the fun of exploring this vast museum is taking in its many unique architectural features as it incorporates an interesting mix of historic and modern buildings, including parts of a 16th-century charter house and a former abbey. Guided tours are available, and a gift shop and café are located on-site.

This museum is also worth visiting as it's located on Kartäusergasse. Here you'll find The Way of Human Rights (Straße der Menschenrechte), a street-long monument dedicated to world peace. Another notable art-related attraction is Kunsthalle Nürnberg , a popular gallery that features exhibits of work by contemporary international artists.

Address: Kartäusergasse 1, D-90402 Nürnberg

Nuremberg Transport Museum

Just outside the old town walls is the superb Nuremberg Transport Museum (Verkehrsmuseum Nürnberg). Consisting of a number of museums, including one dedicated to Deutsche Bahn, the country's railway, known as the DB Museum; and the Museum of Communications. It's a wonderful attraction to explore with kids due to its many displays relating to the country's railroads.

Highlights include numerous scale models, including a massive model railway that's been built up for over 100 years, as well as a variety of fun interactive displays. One of the oldest such museums in Europe, it can trace its roots back to 1899 and boasts a rich collection that also includes royal trains and perfectly restored steam and diesel engines. There's even a working replica of Germany's very first train.

The museum also offers a varied program of tourist and charter trips on mainline rails, so be sure to check for such opportunities prior to your visit. And for a truly memorable oracle experience, check the availability of one of the excellent tourist charter trains, which run regularly.

Another transportation-related museum to check out is the Merks Motor Museum . This fun attraction houses a fine collection of some 90 vintage cars.

Address: Lessingstraße 6, 90443 Nürnberg

St. Lawrence's Church

Overlooking Lorenzer Platz, the spectacular twin-towered 14th-century Gothic church of St. Lawrence (St. Lorenz, or Lorenzkirche) is the city's largest church. One of its many notable features is a large rose window, nine meters in diameter, situated above the beautiful west doorway.

Inside, its many lavish works of art, most of them provided by the city's richer classes over the centuries, include the Annunciation by sculptor Veit Stoss from 1517 in the choir. Other highlights include its late 15th-century tabernacle; the crucifix on the high altar; the Krell Altar, with the oldest surviving representation of the town; and the superb stained-glass in the choir dating from 1477.

Other notable features include a unique three-part organ boasting over 12,000 pipes, which is said to be one of the largest such instruments in the world, and a set of 16 bells, the oldest of which dates back to the 1300s. Nearby highlights include the Fountain of Virtue from 1589 and the 13th-century tower-like Nassauer Haus .

Address: Lorenzer Pl. 1, 90402 Nürnberg

Church of Our Lady

The Roman Catholic Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) dates back to 1352 and is a must-see Gothic landmark. You can't miss it when visiting Nuremberg's Hauptmarkt, as the building's stunning façade is rich with detail.

For example, above the porch with its rich sculptural decoration is the Männleinlaufen, a beautiful old clock that was installed in 1506 with mechanical figures representing the seven Electors pacing around Emperor Charles IV. It performs daily at noon.

Notable features of the interior, which was designed with attendance by the Emperor in mind, are the Tucher Altar from 1440 and two handsome monuments by Adam Kraft. Visitors are welcome to attend daily mass here, too. In the pedestrian-friendly Jakobsplatz is another interesting old Roman Catholic edifice, the domed St. Elizabeth's Church built between 1785 and 1806.

Address: Hauptmarkt 14, 90403 Nürnberg

St. Sebaldus Church

Protestant St. Sebaldus Church (Sebalduskirche), built from 1225-73, boasts a magnificent Gothic east choir dating from 1379 featuring the Schreyer-Landauer tomb, the work of Adam Kraft. Inside, on a pillar in the north aisle, is the Madonna in an Aureole dating from 1420, while in the east choir is the famous tomb of St. Sebaldus from 1508, a masterpiece in bronze by Peter Vischer and his sons.

A silver sarcophagus from 1397 contains the saint's remains, and Vischer himself is depicted with his leather apron and chisel. Other church highlights include a Crucifixion group by Veit Stoss dating from 1507 and a huge organ with 6,000 pipes.

A great experience if you're able to squeeze it into your Nuremberg itinerary is to participate in a private 1.5-hour tour of the church's towers; spaces are limited for this twice-weekly event. Be sure to arrive early to purchase your tickets.

Another protestant church of note is the 14th-century St. James's Church (Jakobskirche) in the Jakobsplatz pedestrian area.

Address: Winklerstraße 26, 90403 Nürnberg

Albrecht Dürer's House

Just a stone's throw from Nuremberg Castle is the 15th-century Albrecht Dürer's House (Albrecht-Dürer-Haus). It was here the famous German Renaissance artist lived from 1509 until his death in 1528. This five-story house itself dates back to 1420 and now serves as a museum, founded in 1871 and dedicated to Dürer's life and work. He's especially famous for his printed maps.

In addition to its many fine displays of some of his best-known creations, the museum houses displays of authentic period furniture and a reproduction of Dürer's studio workshop, where demonstrations of traditional printing can be enjoyed. Also of interest is the kitchen with its original fireplace plus living quarters, which can be viewed. Guided tours are available.

Also of note is the nearby Tiergärtner Tor , a perfectly preserved little medieval square. Another famous old home is the late 16th-century Fembohaus , the town's best preserved old merchant's house now occupied by the Heimatmuseum with its domestic interiors and displays relating to the town's history.

Address: Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 39, 90403 Nürnberg

Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

The Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds (Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände) is one of Germany's most important museums, dedicated to the bleakest chapters in the country's history. Located in a wing of the Congress Hall where Nazi Party rallies were held, its most notable exhibit is called Fascination and Terror and deals with many facets of the Nazi regime's brutal time in power.

Covering an area of 1,300 square meters, it deals specifically with the impact of the regime on Nuremberg, as the Congress Hall was part of a vast 11-square-kilometer site. It was also here that the Nuremberg Trials that took place after the war.

Guided tours are available in English with advance notice, and English-language audio tours and video displays are provided. You can also pick up details of a self-guided tour of the complete rally grounds.

Another point of interest related to this dark period of German history is Memorium Nuremberg Trials . This fascinating exhibition concerns the war trials that took place here after WW2, and it's located above the actual court used at the time.

If you're on a tight schedule, consider joining an organized walking tour of the Nuremberg Nazi Rally Sites that also takes in the best of the top Old Town (Altstadt) attractions. In addition to learning the remarkable history of this medieval city, both ancient and modern, you'll see points of interest such as the Imperial Castle courtyards, Albrecht Dürer's house, and St. Lawrence Church during this informative four-hour tour.

Address: Bayernstraße 110, 90478 Nuremberg

Handwerkerhof or Crafts Yard in Old Town Nuremberg

Nuremberg's St. Lawrence Side, or Lorenzer Seite, is named after its principal church, St. Lorenz, and lies in the section of the Old Town (Altstadt) that's located on the south bank of the river Pegnitz.

One of the busiest parts of the city, it's worth exploring for its famous Frauentorturm and Handwerkerhof Alt Nürnberg districts, two small enclaves of wonderful, old half-timbered houses renowned for their traditional craft workshops.

From Bahnhofsplatz , the busy Königstrasse runs northwest into the old town of Nuremberg. Highlights of this historic old street include the 14th-century St. Martha's Church (Marthakirche) with its fine stained glass.

Exhibit at the Toy Museum

Nuremberg's excellent Toy Museum (Spielzeugmuseum), widely regarded as the leading museum of its kind in the world, is a fun attraction for kids of all ages, as well as adults. It's located in a historic old home dating from 1517. Highlights of a visit include fascinating details of the cultural significance of the many unique toys on display from different countries and periods.

Many of the older toys, some of which date back to medieval times, were made in the town, which was famous for centuries for its doll makers. Also of note is the world's largest collection of toys made by EP Lehmann, one of the country's best-known toy manufacturers, famous for their line of model trains, some of which can be seen traveling along the museum's large model railroad layout.

The Toy Museum is also home to the German Games Archive, a vast collection of board games and other related materials. On-site amenities include a well-stocked toy store, an outdoor play area including a labyrinth, plus an indoor play and craft area.

For those with an interest in the stars, a visit to the Nicolai Copernicus Planetarium is another fun thing to do with the kids.

Address: Karlstrasse 13-15, D-90403 Nuremberg

Nuremberg Zoo

Traveling to Nuremburg with kids? Then you'll want to pay a visit to the Nuremberg Zoo (Tiergarten Nürnberg). Home to more than 2,000 animals from some 300 or so different species, this world-class attraction was opened in 1912 but can trace its roots back to medieval times, when exotic animals from around the world were kept for entertainment by local aristocracy.

Covering an area of 170 acres, it's one of the largest and oldest zoos in Europe and boasts numerous displays of animals, including Siberian tigers, Asiatic lions, snow leopards, lowland gorillas, and African buffalo. It's certainly a fun attraction to stroll around, due largely to the care and attention paid to the enclosures, which are spacious and reflect natural habitats and landscapes.

As well as the lush greenery, there are also many life-size bronze animal sculptures sprinkled throughout the facility. Other notable features include a popular dolphin lagoon with regular shows. If possible, try to plan your visit to coincide with the chance to see animals being fed. English-language guided tours are also available.

Address: Am Tiergarten 30, 90480 Nürnberg

Neues Museum

For art lovers, the excellent Neues Museum Nürnberg is a must-visit for its large and impressive collection of modern and contemporary art. Located in a very stylish modern building, this world-class museum opened in 2000 and is in fact something of a work of art itself, boasting bright open spaces, clean lines, and interesting architectural features such as its exquisite spiral staircase.

The artwork covers the period from 1950 to today, with notable exhibits of applied art and fine art often displayed side by side to add a unique perspective to the experience. Numerous temporary exhibits are hosted throughout the year featuring works by both local and international artists.

A variety of educational opportunities are also on offer, including workshops and lectures, as well as events such as music concerts and performances. Guided tours are also available and can be customized to suit your interests.

Address: Luitpoldstraße 5, 90402 Nürnberg

City Museum in Fembo House

After spending time exploring beautiful Nuremberg, or possibly even before you venture too far, you'll no doubt want to know more about the city's rise to prominence over the years and how it came to be home to so many important historic attractions. If so, be sure to make time for a visit to the superb City Museum at Fembo House (Stadtmuseum im Fembo-Haus).

Situated in the city's last remaining Late Renaissance merchant house, this museum provides an in-depth look at life in Nuremberg and its residents over the centuries. Highlights include a chance to see a variety of original rooms, from medieval times to the 18th century, complete with authentic furnishings and artwork, as well as one of the finest surviving stucco ceilings in Germany.

Also of note is the excellent wooden scale model of Nuremberg's Old Town (Altstadt), and a recreation of a traditional map printing workshop. Be sure to tune into the well-produced and informative "audio plays" put together by the museum, which use real-life experiences of city folk through the years to paint a fascinating aural picture of Nuremberg's rich history.

Address: Burgstraße 15, 90403 Nürnberg

Museum of Industrial Culture

Located just steps away from the German National Museum is the Museum of Industrial Culture (Gewerbemuseum). Focusing on the city's industrial past and housed in a former 19th-century ironworks, this museum takes a unique look at how the various industries based here through the centuries impacted Nuremberg culturally and socially.

Highlights of this large facility are displays of old machinery and manufactured goods, including domestic appliances and vehicles, along with a cinema.

The same building also houses the Motorcycle Museum , which celebrates an industry that started in Nuremberg in 1901. A particular focus is placed on the local Zündapp brand, which came to prominence in the 1920s with one of the first affordable models on the market. Other highlights include displays of historic racing bikes and customized machines.

Address: Äußere Sulzbacher Str. 62, 90491 Nürnberg

Playmobil FunPark

There are plenty of fun attractions suitable for kids within a short drive of Nuremberg. One of the most popular is Playmobil FunPark . Tucked away in the town of Zirndorf, an easy drive west of Nuremberg, this indoor/outdoor theme park is suitable for ages three and up.

Highlights include full-size (kid-size!) replicas of the toy company's many famous play characters and accessories, from a giant pirate ship to a large castle, that can be explored. Other notable features include an American Indian village, a Wild West themed area, a farm, a gold mine, and even a dinosaur display.

Many of the exhibits are there to be played with and climbed over, such as the ropes course, a labyrinth, and powered paddleboats, which really add to the enjoyment factor. Numerous seasonal events and mini-festivals are held here, too, so be sure to check the site's website for details.

And after all that fun playing, head over to Kristall Palm Beach waterpark in nearby Stein, a popular spot for its many swimming pools and slides. Facilities for parents include spas and hot tubs.

Address: Brandstätterstraße 2-10, 90513 Zirndorf

Schloss Neunhof

Located just nine kilometers north of Nuremberg, Schloss Neunhof is a lovely old fortified manor house that was first mentioned in historical documents in 1246. One of the best-preserved mansions of the Nuremberg patricians, it is one of 60 such structures dotted around the city as a defensive line.

This well-preserved building boasts a moat and drawbridge, lovely decorated interiors, as well as a splendid garden. Remodeled 50 years ago and based on drawings from the 1600s, it's a delight to explore; take your time, and pack a picnic.

Other notable highlights include its original gate, a variety of outbuildings including stables and gardens, and two kitchens. A later addition worth popping into is the 18th-century chapel.

Address: Neunhofer Schloßplatz 2, Nürnberg

Erlangen Schloss

The small Baroque town of Erlangen lies a few kilometers north of Nuremberg and is famous for its university.

Its most notable building is Erlangen Schloss, built in 1704 and occupied since 1825 by the Friedrich Alexander University. To the rear of the building is the Schlossgarten, a delightful formal garden designed partly in French and partly in English styles, with its lovely yet curious Huguenot Fountain, and the beautiful Orangery dating from 1706.

On the north side of the gardens are the Botanic Garden and the Margravial Theater, as well the University Library. Here you'll find valuable manuscripts and works of graphic art, including self-portraits by Dürer and Grünewald.

Address: Postfach 3520, D-91023 Erlangen

If you're visiting Nuremberg for the first time and want to see the main sights, the best place to stay is in the Old Town (Altstadt), which lies within the old city walls. From here, you can easily walk to many of the city's top attractions, including the Hauptmarkt, the National Germanic Museum, and Nuremberg Castle. Here are some highly-rated hotels in this central and convenient location:

Luxury Hotels:

  • Within the old town walls, near the main train station, the historic Hotel Victoria and the charming boutique Hotel Drei Raben are both steps away from the Hauptmarkt. In the latter hotel, each room is uniquely themed with a story that celebrates the city's heritage.
  • If you prefer big hotels, the Sheraton Carlton Hotel Nuernberg is outside the walls of the Old Town but still within walking distance of the historic attractions and the main train station.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • In a fantastic location right on the Hauptmarkt, Sorat Hotel Saxx Nurnberg accommodates guests in cozy, contemporary rooms; it's a five-minute stroll to shops and restaurants and less than 10 minutes on foot to Nuremberg Castle.
  • Another great-value boutique option is the Art Business Hotel Nichtraucherhotel, with bold, modern art and contemporary spaces, just outside the old town walls near the main train station.
  • With a fitness center and a free hot breakfast, Hampton by Hilton Nuremberg City Centre is also outside the city walls, but still within walking distance of the Old Town's top attractions.

Budget Hotels:

  • On a quiet side street within the old town walls, the family-owned PrivatHotel Probst offers clean, bright rooms with comfy beds and a wonderful cooked breakfast.
  • A hop, skip, and a jump away, the Ibis Nuernberg Altstadt offers clean basic rooms in the heart of the Old Town, while the B&B Hotel Nuremberg-Hbf is less than 15 minutes on foot from the Hauptmarkt and a short stroll from the main train station.

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Go West : From Nuremberg, point your car northwest (or jump on a train) and you'll find yourself headed in an almost straight line to three equally interesting cities: Würzburg, Frankfurt, and Bonn.

The attractions of Würzburg are an easy hour's drive away in the Main valley and include elegant old architecture including the Würzburg Residenz, pleasant gardens (the Hofgarten), as well as a splendid cathedral.

Frankfurt , for its part, is a must-visit for its beautiful old city center, the Römerberg, one of the most picturesque such settings in all of Germany for its old timber-framed buildings overlooking wide public squares with their pleasing monuments and fountains.

Bonn , too, boasts an equally charming historic ambience, in particular around its old cathedral and nearby market square.


Germany's Big Cities : Thanks to its high-speed rail network and fast autobahns, Germany is an extremely easy country to get around. Use one of these methods to visit some of the country's largest cities, including Berlin, the capital , where you'll be inundated with opportunities to be entertained while enjoying cultural activities, including visits to some of the world's leading art galleries and museums , as well as having the chance to see what's left of the infamous Berlin Wall. Hamburg is Germany's second-biggest city, and is a popular destination for its magnificent port area, as well as the great family attraction, Miniatur Wunderland, the world's largest model railway. The city of Munich , the country's third-largest municipality in terms of population, is of course famous for its cathedral and churches, its many palaces, as well as its gardens, all of which are pleasant to explore.

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Your Trip to Nuremberg: The Complete Guide

Nuremberg (Nürnberg in German) is a small city that’s nevertheless borne witness to many of history’s big moments: It was once known as the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire; the 20th century saw it host the Nuremberg Trials after WWII, and it now ranks as Bavaria’s second-largest city  . Visitors come for the history, its romantic annual Christmas market with spiced lebkuchen (gingerbread), and local brews—as well as plenty of nature to enjoy and day trips to take outside of the city as well. 

In our city guide to Nuremberg, we’ve covered the basics—and the best—of planning your trip to the Bavarian city. Read on for information about where to say, things to do, and where to eat and drink in Nuremberg.

Planning Your Trip 

  • Best Time to Visit : For the best weather , come from May to September: The skies are fairly dry and the sun is out—the perfect weather for days spent wandering Nuremberg’s picturesque Old Town and checking out the nature in the region. 
  • Language: German is, of course, the main language spoken here, and there are three main dialects spoken in the Bavaria region  . However, many Germans speak some English or other foreign languages. 
  • Currency: The euro
  • Getting Around: While Nuremberg’s Old Town is easily walkable (and, chances are, that’s where much of your visit might be centered), if you want to get around to the outer stretches of the cities it’s best to utilize the easily navigable VGN transit system . You can use day tickets on any mode of public transport in the city and even to towns and areas beyond city limits. 

Things to Do 

Visitors to Nuremberg should be sure to take in the city’s history by visiting some key historic sites, sample the town’s legendary local food and beers, and—if it’s the season—head to its famous Christmas market. 

  • Visit historic sites : Definitely make time to check out the city’s Kaiserburg castle , where German kings lived for around 500 years between 1000 and 1600, and visit the home of Albrecht Dürer, an important figure during the Northern Renaissance of the late 1400s and 1500s. Then tackle a more tragic portion of history with a visit to the half-finished Nazi party rally grounds and the Nuremberg Trials museum in the east wing of the city’s Palace of Justice (Justizpalast). 
  • Sample local food and beers : Eating and drinking should rightfully be a big part of your visit to Nuremberg—this is a city of hearty local specialities. For carnivores, a trip isn’t a trip without trying the local Nürnberger Rostbratwurst, or Nuremberg sausages, whose production is protected   by regulations since the Middle Ages—head to Behringer's Bratwurstglöcklein and Bratwursthäusle for some of the best. Then, wash them down with a beer on the steps of Wanderer , which has one of the biggest selections of local beers, a Bavarian tradition. 
  • Visit the Christmas Market: Nuremberg’s Christkindlesmarkt is one of the most romantic (and best) in Europe. Come for the glühwein and shopping artisan products, stay for treats like lebkuchen (gingerbread) and, of course, more sausages.  

For more ideas on what to do in Nuremberg, check out our list of the top historical sites , guide to local nightlife , and a handy rundown of our top 12 ideas for your trip to town .  

What to Eat and Drink

For visitors who love the idea of tucking into pewter platters of hearty Bavarian food washed down with a traditional German beer, Nuremberg will deliver. Local and regional specialities abound on each menu, and you’ll want to be sure to try them all before you leave. Nürnberg Rostbratwurst is the standout local dish, and you can find these centuries-old sausages served at many restaurants in town—many of which date back to the 14th and 15th centuries. Other dishes to tuck into include Schäuferle, pork shoulder cooked until it falls off the bone, and, of course, soft, buttery pretzels. If you’re coming to the city during the festive season, don’t miss lebkuchen, or the traditional gingerbread beloved in the town. 

If you drink alcohol, beer is the name of the game in Nuremberg when it comes to what you pair with your meals. Hausbrauerei Altstadthof brews the original red beer that’s a local speciality, and Schanzenbräu, located in the Gostenhof neighborhood, is a great pub to pop into for a locals’ vibe. 

See our top five foods to try in Nuremberg here—and read up more on the fascinating background of the town’s famous sausages . 

Where to Stay  

Sebalder Altstadt—the city’s Old Town—is the most ideal spot for your first stay in Nuremberg. It’s located north of the river and is on the quieter side, making it an ideal base for the day and retreat at night. That being said, it’s definitely touristy because of its proximity—the Christmas Market is located in the neighborhood, as is the castle and some of the more popular restaurants and breweries in town. While staying here definitely makes sightseeing easy, definitely be sure to book stays in this neighborhood early as Nuremberg is a popular destination for tourists from Germany and abroad.  

Getting There  

The easiest way to get to Nuremberg is to fly: Nuremberg airport (NUE) is only Europe’s 10th largest but has connections to many European hubs via Ryanair, Lufthansa, Corendon Airlines, Eurowing, Wizz, KLM, Vueling, Turkish Airlines, TUI, Swiss Air, and Air France. It’s super-convenient, too: From your gate, it’s only 3 miles to city center. 

Culture and Customs  

Like in the rest of Germany, tipping is optional but customary. Keep in mind German service is less hands-on and more direct than American service—and that the customer isn’t always right here (especially if the customer isn’t, in fact, right). Expect to flag down your server for requests or to pay. For tipping, the rule of thumb is to round up to the nearest euro and leave a bit of change if you get some back. Around 10 percent is standard for very good service (again, keeping cultural differences in mind), with 15 percent being for a quite exceptional experience. 

Money Saving Tips  

  • For heavy sight-seeing days, a day ticket will likely be your best-value way to get around—solo riders pay 8.30 euros to access any transit all day, and with the Plus version, you can take up to six people for 12.30 euros. 
  • Imbisses are small, no-frills restaurants or stands that serve inexpensive food like sausages and fries and make for a great meal on the go (several in town serve up the Nuremberg bratwurst as well). 
  • Drinking beer in public is extremely common—and a bottle of local brew makes a nice accompaniment to afternoons spent wandering the old town (just don’t get too sauced and become an annoyance). 

WorldAtlas. "The Largest Cities In Bavaria. " Dec. 6, 2019

Bavaria Tourism. "Bavarian Language."

Nuremberg Convention and Tourist Office. "Nuremberg Sausage Protection Association: All About Nuremberg Bratwurst."

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The 15 Best Things to do in Nuremberg, Germany

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Visit Bavaria, and you have to include Nuremberg, the state’s second-largest city, on your travel itinerary. This is a destination that’s full of romance, history, folklore, fairy tales, and good German beer. Plus, you’ll love exploring the medieval streets and charming museums of this beautiful city!

Nuremberg is located along the banks of the River Pegnitz, and the city has a long history that stretches back at least a thousand years, if not beyond. You’ll quickly spot Nuremberg’s imposing Imperial Castle looming over the Altstadt (Old Town). And as you stroll through cobblestone streets, admiring the colorful timber-framed buildings and traditional architecture, you’ll learn that this was one of the most important cities in the medieval Holy Roman Empire.

As with many German cities, much of Nuremberg’s Altstadt was destroyed during World War II. The Old Town was lovingly restored, and you can learn more about the city’s role during the conflict by visiting the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds museum and the courthouse where the Nuremberg Trials were held. 

You’ll learn how the city has dealt with its past mistakes, but you’ll also see firsthand how Nuremberg has preserved the lighter elements of German culture and its own unique regional culture. While Nuremberg is part of Bavaria, it’s also part of another sub-region called Franconia. The Franconian dialect is still strong, local folklore tales and legends are still popular, and Franconian beer, wine, and cuisine are still absolutely delicious!

With so many wonderful things to see and do, you might not know where to begin. That’s why we’ve compiled our list of the absolute best things to do in Nuremberg for you. Stick to these fun and unique Nuremberg bucket list recommendations, and there’s no doubt that you’re going to have an incredible time exploring this beautiful German city!

Don’t forget to check out our web story: The 15 Best Things to do in Nuremberg, Germany

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15 Fun and Unique Things to do in Nuremberg

1. explore nuremberg’s historic altstadt (old town).

Best Things to do in Nuremberg: Altstadt (Old Town)

If it’s your first time in the city and you’re wondering what to do in Nuremberg, the best place to start your trip is in the Altstadt (Old Town). Nuremberg’s Altstadt is one of the best and most colorful examples of a medieval town in Germany , although as with many historic locations throughout the country, much of what you see today had to be painstakingly restored after the destruction of World War II.

Don’t let the restoration take away from the fact that Nuremberg’s Altstadt is beautiful and incredibly historic. This is the heart of the city – both old and new – and you can start exploring from the famous Hauptmarkt on the northern side of the Pegnitz River. 

Cool Things to do in Nuremberg: Altstadt (Old Town)

The Altstadt is surrounded by the remains of Nuremberg’s city walls, and the medieval streets extend from both sides of the river, with the two areas connected by spectacular bridges, including the 16th century Fleischbrucke. In the Hauptmarkt, you’ll find Nuremberg’s Town Hall as well as the charming Schoner Brunnen, a 14th-century fountain built with Gothic designs. 

Walk north of the Hauptmarkt, stroll through medieval streets, and you’ll soon reach the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg . This massive structure marks the northern extent of the Altstadt, and for centuries, it was the focus not just of the city, but it played an important role in the wider Holy Roman Empire that stretched across much of Europe throughout the Middle Ages. 

On the south side of the river, you’ll find just as much impressive architecture, including the famous St. Lorenze church . There are museums throughout the Altstadt, including the Albrecht Durer House , the Toy Museum , the City Museum , and the Deutsches Museum .

Book a guided walking tour

2. Learn about the Holy Roman Empire at the Imperial Castle

Fun Things to do in Nuremberg: Imperial Castle

The Imperial Castle of Nuremberg , or the Kaiserburg, is one of the most important Nuremberg sightseeing attractions. The impressive castle still dominates the Altstadt to this day, with a history dating back to at least the 10th century AD when the first fortifications were built on the hilltop here.

The castle was extended on numerous occasions, and the tall stone walls and towers stand high above the surrounding timber-framed buildings of the Altstadt. The Imperial Castle of Nuremberg came to symbolize the power and authority of the Holy Roman Empire, which ruled much of Europe from the medieval era until the 19th century. 

Must do things in Nuremberg: Imperial Castle

You can visit much of the castle during your stay in Nuremberg, including the Castle Museum, which is located within the Palas and Chapel. This was the focal point of the castle, and the palace is where the Holy Roman Emperors lived, worked, and prayed during their visits to Nuremberg. 

The castle’s most famous landmark is Sinwell Tower, which you’ll see in many photographs of Nuremberg! Constructed in the 13th century, you can make the steep climb to the top of the staircase for spectacular panoramas over the castle and Nuremberg. 

3. Walk Nuremberg’s extensive City Walls

What to do in Nuremberg: City Walls

A walk along the extensive City Walls is one of the best things to do in Nuremberg. During the Middle Ages, most large towns and all cities across Europe would be built inside city walls. However, as cities have expanded, many of these unique bastions, towers, and tall stone fortifications have been torn down, destroyed, or simply lost to time.

That’s not the case in Nuremberg, where you have the opportunity to explore one of Europe’s best examples of medieval city walls during your stay. Nuremberg’s City Walls date back to the 12th century AD, and of the original three miles that were built, well over two miles remain standing. There are upwards of 70 towers, too, alongside several medieval gateways and gatehouses that are still in use.

Nuremberg Things to do: City Walls

Where the walls have been torn down or destroyed over time, there are often convenient markers demonstrating where they once stood. You can easily trace the extent of the walls around the Old Town (on both sides of the river), a lovely historical walk that’s packed full of medieval surprises!

4. Release your inner child at the Toy Museum

Cool Things to do in Nuremberg: Toy Museum

Adults and kids alike will love the refreshing fun of the Toy Museum , which we like to think is one of the best things to do in Nuremberg. You’ll find the Toy Museum located within a historic 16th-century building in the Altstadt, and inside, you’ll find thousands of toys, the oldest of which date back centuries! 

Nuremberg has always had a toy-making tradition, and the museum is based on the vast collection of historic (and modern) toys started by Lydia and Paul Bayer, Bavarian locals who amassed an impressive 12,000 toys from around the world.

Unique Things to do in Nuremberg: Toy Museum

The museum opened to the public in 1971, and since then it has grown to hold over 80,000 toys. Although, there’s space for just a fraction of this number to be on permanent display. 

Those displays showcase the history of toys and toy making, and you can see everything from traditional, hand-painted toy soldiers and figurines to Lego and model railway exhibitions.  

5. Delve into Germanic culture at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum

What to do in Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum

This is a city that’s packed with different museums, but one of the best Nuremberg attractions to visit is the excellent Germanisches Nationalmuseum (or the German National Museum). Located on the southern side of the River Pegnitz, this historic institution dates back to 1852 and focuses on the history and culture of German-speaking peoples across Europe.

The museum has a broad scope in this respect, and you’ll find that the permanent and temporary exhibitions cover almost the entire history of Germanic culture, from its early beginnings right to the present. That means there’s a lot for you to see, with over 1 million objects in the collection and tens of thousands of those objects on display at any one time. 

Must do things in Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum

The collection is impressive, and you’ll find early stone age tools, medieval weapons and religious relics, and even a self-portrait by Rembrandt. The exhibits cover prehistory, the Middle Ages, the early modern era, and the contemporary. You’ll quickly find that hours have passed while you browse through history and culture!

Interestingly, you’ll find that the new and old buildings of the museum are intersected by the Way of Human Rights . This unique monument contains 30 tall pillars, each of which is inscribed with a passage from the Declaration of Human Rights. The monument is one way in which the city approaches its darker, Nazi-era past and shows just how far Nuremberg has come since World War II.

6. Visit the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Nuremberg Bucket List: Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Nuremberg has a darker 20th-century history. You may already know that the city played a prominent role in the rise of the Nazis and was the scene of the infamous Nuremberg Trials in the aftermath of World War II.

Rather than sweeping this all under the rug, though, Nuremberg has tackled its recent past head-on. During the 1930s, Nuremberg hosted infamous Nazi rallies at the purpose-built Congress Hall. This extravagant coliseum-style parade ground has now been turned into a Documentation Center and a place of education called the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds .

Best Things to do in Nuremberg: Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

The permanent exhibition at the museum is titled Fascination and Terror , and offers an eye-opening journey through the history of the Nazi Party. The exhibition demonstrates how the Nazi Party was allowed to come to power, and ultimately, shows how anything similar can be halted in the future.

Tour the grounds

7. Explore the aftermath of WWII at the Nuremberg Courthouse

Unique Things to do in Nuremberg: Aftermath of WWII at the Nuremberg Courthouse

Although it may not always be visible among the medieval Old Town, Nuremberg is still inseparable from its World War II history. As well as being infamous for its association with the rise of the Nazi Party to power, Nuremberg is perhaps even more associated with the trials of the Nazi leadership at the end of the conflict. 

Due to this association and involvement with the Nazi Party, the Allies chose Nuremberg as the place where the surviving Nazis would face justice for their actions during the war. The historic events took place in the Palace of Justice outside the Altstadt. Often called “the greatest trial in history,” the Nuremberg Trials revealed Nazi atrocities to the world. 

Fun Things to do in Nuremberg: Aftermath of WWII at the Nuremberg Courthouse

As with the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds, the courthouse has been preserved as an educational tool for future generations. In fact, the actual courthouse where the trials took place remained a working court of law until 2020. 

It’s quite eerie, but you can see the courtroom where some of history’s greatest villains were sentenced. Above the courtroom, you’ll find the museum, where you can learn more about the Nuremberg Trials and the Nazis who were put on trial.

8. Learn all about Nuremberg’s favorite artist

Best Things to do in Nuremberg: Nuremberg’s favorite artist

One of Germany ’s most famous artists is Albrecht Durer, a Renaissance painter, printer, sculptor, and engraver who was born and raised in Nuremberg. Durer’s House , which he lived in from 1509 until 1528, is now one of Nuremberg’s most popular museums. You’ll find it right in the middle of the Altstadt, just a short stroll away from the Imperial Castle.

Durer was prolific during his career, and he dabbled in many forms of artistry and was on par – if less well known – with the Italian Renaissance greats. Durer’s home was turned into a museum dedicated to his life and work in 1871 (on the anniversary of his birth), and it’s a fascinating place for art lovers to explore. You’ll find artwork and paintings, as well as Renaissance-era furnishings and decor that show what it was like to live and work in Nuremberg in the 1500s. 

Cool Things to do in Nuremberg: Nuremberg’s favorite artist

The house itself is one of the best-preserved medieval homes in the Altstadt. The distinctive timbered facade is brightly painted, and the original building dates back to 1420, although much of it had to be restored following World War II.

9. Admire modern art at the Neues Museum

What to do in Nuremberg: Modern art at the Neues Museum

Are you an art lover? Then you’re going to love the modern art on display at the Neues Museum . This museum is one of the coolest things to do in Nuremberg, and you’ll find the sleek contemporary design and glass facade of the building stands in stark contrast to the surrounding Old Town architecture. 

Head inside the Neues Museum, and you’ll find a unique selection of exhibitions showcasing the works of both local and international artists in the modern era. Exhibitions blur the lines between art and design.

Nuremberg Things to do: Modern art at the Neues Museum

Plus, there’s incredible photography and light work, and there’s a wonderfully refreshing (and modern) selection of work that makes a progressive change from the medieval art you’ll have seen throughout the Altstadt. 

There’s an ever-changing cycle of temporary exhibitions at the Neues Museum, so check the calendar to see what’s planned during your Nuremberg sightseeing trip. Most intriguing of all, you’ll be surprised to learn that the rooftop of the Neues Museum is home to a large colony of bees. The endangered bees are not only being saved, but the city’s beekeepers harvest the honey, which you can then purchase in the gift shop!

10. Eat, drink, & shop at Handwerkerhof Nuremberg

Nuremberg Bucket List: Eat, drink, & shop at Handwerkerhof Nuremberg

If you’re in the market for quirky souvenirs to take home, then you’ll find all you need at Handwerkerhof , where you can eat, drink, and shop in a medieval-themed marketplace!

Handwerkerhof is located on the southern side of the Altstadt, within a historic section of the city walls that was once the royal armory. Step through the medieval gateway, and you’ll find yourself transported back in time. Yes, it’s quite touristy, but we love it anyway.

Must do things in Nuremberg: Eat, drink, & shop at Handwerkerhof Nuremberg

Handwerkerhof is home to a wonderful selection of craft stalls and shops, and you’ll find lots of opportunities to purchase handmade goods as you browse through the market. There are also lots of opportunities to sample and buy local delicacies, including Nuremberg’s famous sausages.

11. Go underground (and drink beer) in the Rock-Cut Cellars

What to do in Nuremberg: Go underground (and drink beer) in the Rock-Cut Cellars

One of the coolest things to do in Nuremberg is an underground tour of the city’s Rock-Cut Cellars. For hundreds of years, tunnels, cellars, and storehouses were carved below the city, and you can now take a tour to learn more about this subterranean world!

While many of the underground vaults were simply used as prisons, many more were used to store beer or even as beer brew houses. During World War II, many of these Rock-Cut Cellars were used as air-raid shelters, while today, some are also still in use for storage and now tourism. 

Nuremberg Things to do: Go underground (and drink beer) in the Rock-Cut Cellars

One local brewer offers tours below ground of the extensive network of cellars – which measure some 20,000 square meters in total – and ends the experience with beer drinking at their Nuremberg tavern!

12. Try the famous Nuremberg sausages

Cool Things to do in Nuremberg: Nuremberg sausages

At this point in your trip, we expect you’re starting to get hungry. Luckily, Nuremberg has plenty of tasty dishes for you to try! The city is highly regarded for its local Franconian cuisine, which to an outsider seems very heavy on meat and sauerkraut. 

If you are a meat-eater, then you’ll want to try the famous Nuremberg sausages, which can only be produced in this region of Bavaria. In fact, you’ll be surprised to learn that there are strict rules governing what counts as a Nuremberg sausage, such is the seriousness with which Nurembergers take their sausages. A Nuremberg sausage is around 3 inches long, and it’s thinner and smaller than standard German bratwurst, although similar in taste. 

Unique Things to do in Nuremberg: Nuremberg sausages

Nuremberg sausages are best enjoyed with a local beer. If you’re a vegetarian, we recommend sticking to the local potato or asparagus salads. However, you may get lucky and stumble across a veggie version of the Nuremberg sausage on occasion!

13. Revel in Nuremberg’s Christmas festivities

Nuremberg Bucket List: Christmas festivities

Christmas is a glorious time of year to visit Nuremberg, and we know you’re going to love the seasonal festivities, markets, and Christmas cheer that swipe through the city!

The highlight, of course, is the Christmas Market – or the Christkindlesmarkt , as the locals call it. Nuremberg’s extravagant Christmas Market is one of the best and oldest in the world, and you’ll find it suitably located in the Hauptmarkt, right in the heart of the Altstadt. 

Must do things in Nuremberg: Christmas festivities

It’s a historic location for a historic Christmas market, and you’ll appreciate the quaint wood huts and timber stalls that add to the sense of timeless tradition. If you’re on the hunt for Christmas presents, you’ll find an abundance of gifts to choose from, including handmade arts and crafts, Christmas decorations, and traditional Bavarian clothing, among much more. 

The Christmas Market is also well known for its culinary offerings, and you can indulge in warming mulled wine, gingerbread, and Nuremberg’s world-famous sausages. 

Nuremberg’s Christmas Market begins at the end of November, and it kicks off with a traditional schedule of festive events, including carol singing and the introduction of the Christkind. The market continues until December 24, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the festivities!

14. Go hiking in Nuremberger Land

The countryside to the east of Nuremberg is beautiful, and it’s the perfect place to enjoy a day of hiking. Known as Nuremberger Land, you’ll quickly find yourself a long way from city life as you hike through valleys, take in sweeping panoramas from hilltops, and stumble across historic castles and romantic rural villages.

Grab a map in Nuremberg, and start planning because there are over 1,000 miles worth of waymarked trails that you can follow in the region. Many are accessible via public transport from the city, making for an excellent opportunity for a rural day trip. 

You can find inspiration for your hikes on the Nuremberger Land website . Plus, you’ll be able to tailor routes to suit your experience, fitness level, and sightseeing goals.

15. Road trip the Romantic Road

Nuremberg Things to do: Road trip the Romantic Road

Do you love road tripping? Then we’ve got the perfect route for you to drive: The Romantic Road! 

This 285-mile driving route takes you through Bavaria’s most beautiful, dreamy, and romantic destinations, and it starts (or ends) in Wurzburg, a historic town that’s just to the northwest of Nuremberg.

From Wurzburg, the route heads south and continues all the way down to the border with Austria. You don’t have to drive the whole thing, of course, and if you choose to tackle the northern sections, you’ll never be more than a 1- to 2-hour drive away from Nuremberg. 

Nuremberg Bucket List: Road trip the Romantic Road

Highlights of the Romantic Road include Wurzburg, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Augsburg, and the fairy tale Neuschwanstein Castle. The route is aptly named because it passes through many of Bavaria’s most “romantic” towns and villages, where you’ll find beautiful medieval architecture, rural charms, and enduring Germanic traditions to explore. 

You can enjoy day trips from Nuremberg to the nearest destinations on the Romantic Road using the city as your home base for a multi-day itinerary, or you could hit the road for a week-long road trip once you’ve seen all of the best things to do in Nuremberg!

There you have it! The 15 best things to do in Nuremberg. What’s your favorite thing to do in Nuremberg?

Planning a trip to Germany? Check out our favorite books and travel guides!

tourist office nuremberg


Best Boutique Hotels in Nuremberg, Germany

Frequently Asked Questions

If it’s your first time in the city and you’re wondering what to do in Nuremberg, the best place to start your trip is in the Altstadt (Old Town). Nuremberg’s Altstadt is one of the best and most colorful examples of a medieval town in Germany, although as with many historic locations throughout the country, much of what you see today had to be painstakingly restored after the destruction of World War II.

The Imperial Castle of Nuremberg, or the Kaiserburg, is one of the most important Nuremberg sightseeing attractions. The impressive castle still dominates the Altstadt to this day, with a history dating back to at least the 10th century AD when the first fortifications were built on the hilltop here.

If you’re in the market for quirky souvenirs to take home, then you’ll find all you need at Handwerkerhof, where you can eat, drink, and shop in a medieval-themed marketplace! Handwerkerhof is home to a wonderful selection of craft stalls and shops, and you’ll find lots of opportunities to purchase handmade goods as you browse through the market. There are also lots of opportunities to sample and buy local delicacies, including Nuremberg’s famous sausages.

One of the coolest things to do in Nuremberg is an underground tour of the city’s Rock-Cut Cellars. For hundreds of years, tunnels, cellars, and storehouses were carved below the city, and you can now take a tour to learn more about this subterranean world! During World War II, many of these Rock-Cut Cellars were used as air-raid shelters, while today, some are also still in use for storage and now tourism.

Nuremberg is highly regarded for its local Franconian cuisine, which to an outsider seems very heavy on meat and sauerkraut. If you are a meat-eater, then you’ll want to try the famous Nuremberg sausages, which can only be produced in this region of Bavaria.

Richard Collett

Richard is an award-winning travel writer based in Southwest England who’s addicted to traveling off the beaten track. He’s traveled to 75 countries and counting in search of intriguing stories, unusual destinations, and cultural curiosities. Richard loves traveling the long way round over land and sea, and you’ll find him visiting quirky micronations and breakaway territories as often as he’s found lounging on a beach (which is a lot). When he’s not writing for BBC Travel, National Geographic, or Lonely Planet, you can find Richard writing for the Wandering Wheatleys or updating his off-beat travel blog, Travel Tramp.

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German Sights

  • Biberach an der Riss
  • Friedrichshafen
  • Ludwigsburg
  • Schwäbisch Hall
  • Sigmaringen
  • Villingen-Schwenningen
  • Hohenzollern Castle
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  • Füssen
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  • Bad Tölz
  • Berchtesgaden
  • Eichstätt
  • Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • Kochel am See
  • Murnau am Staffelsee
  • Oberammergau
  • Reit im Winkl
  • Andechs Monastery
  • Benediktbeuern Abbey
  • Ettal Abbey
  • Linderhof Castle
  • Nymphenburg Palace
  • Ottobeuren Abbey
  • Lake Constance
  • Starnberger See
  • Altmühltal Nature Park
  • Bavarian Forest National Park
  • Fichtelgebirge
  • Franconian Switzerland
  • Karwendel Alpine Park
  • Görlitz
  • Lutherstadt Wittenberg
  • Schmalkalden
  • Wartburg Castle
  • Buchenwald Memorial Site
  • Alpine Road
  • Saxon Wine Route
  • Romantic Road
  • Jakobsweg - Bavaria
  • Mainau Island
  • Saxon Switzerland National Park
  • Thuringian Forest
  • German Sights
  • Middle Franconia

Nuremberg, Germany

Where is nuremberg.

Nuremberg is the second largest city in Bavaria after Munich and is at #14 for the biggest German city overall.

It has a population of more than half a million in the city administrative area alone and the metropolitan region, which includes the neighbouring towns of Fürth, Schwabach and Erlangen , increases the number of inhabitants to 3.5 million.

Despite the size of the city, Nuremberg really is one of the 'must-see' destinations in the southern part of Germany. It has bucketloads of history and culture and boasts its own famous culinary specialities and events, such as the famous Nuremberg Christmas Market.

View of the old town in Nuremberg

Nuremberg - Try These Things To Do

  • Get a great view over the Old Town Climb to the top of the tower at Nuremberg Castle and take in the panorama over the city with the spires of the Sebald church and Lorenz church and the surrounding countryside.
  • Munch on Nuremberg's traditional street snack You will see the sausage stands all over the centre of the old city. Try ordering ' Drei im Weggla ' (which means 'three in a bun' in Nuremberg dialect) and you will get three small but very tasty local Nuremberg sausages in a crusty roll. Add mustard if you wish...
  • Take a train out to the former Nazi Party rally grounds Nuremberg history features a very dark period, but the stroll around the former parade area and lakes is both interesting and scenic. A visit to the Documentation Centre adds background for those who are interested.
  • Explore the Nuremberg beer cellars Not the 'Bierkellers', although that is a possibility afterwards, but the rock tunnels carved out of sandstone where beer was once stored after it was brewed. The local beer is known as 'Rotbier' ('red beer', apparently similar to Vienna lager).
  • Visit one of Nuremberg's many museums From the local history of the Stadtmuseum to the motorbikes and printing works at the Museum for Industrial Culture to the art and culture of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum ( Museum of German Cultural History ) to the fun of the Toy Museum.

Guided tours of Nuremberg

Nuremberg is a city that will captivate you with its rich history, culture, and cuisine. Whether you’re looking for a comfortable hotel or apartment, a trendy hostel or guesthouse, or something in between, you’ll find the perfect place to stay in Nuremberg.

Our Places To See page offers a series of shots of the city with short descriptions: Nuremberg Sights

Our culinary specialities page will give you a little bit more information about some of the Franconian delights to be found in the city: Food & Drink in Nuremberg

How to get to Nuremberg

Albrecht dürer airport.

Albrecht Dürer Airport Nürnberg is situated to the north of Nuremberg and connected to the city by one of the U-Bahn underground rail lines. It is just off the Nürnberg Nord junction on the A3 motorway which loops around the city.

The journey on the underground U2 line takes around 12 minutes from the main Nuremberg railway station.

The airport itself is mainly used for holiday flights but there are non-stop services to major destinations around Europe and a number of low-cost airlines using the airport as a base. Website :

Nearest airports to Nuremberg

The airport at Nuremberg itself is obviously the best option - the problem is that the relatively small airport only has a restricted range of flights.

Distance to Nuremberg Airport: 8km Distance to Munich Airport: 159km Distance to Frankfurt Airport: 220km

The other two options listed above are two of Germany's largest airports and are likely to offer all the destinations that any international traveller would need, as well as having good public transport and motorway connections to the town.

Train stations in Nuremberg

Nuremberg's main train station is located to the southeast of the southern section of the old town, just outside the former city walls. It is part of the high-speed rail link between Berlin and Munich and thus has good national and international connections to destinations such as Hamburg , Passau , Karlsruhe and Frankfurt.

Nuremberg has an underground train network which links into the railway station and covers the southern bank of the old town, the airport, the Messe trade show area and stops out in the direction of Fürth.

The Nuremberg S-Bahn regional trains cover routes in a number of directions: for example, north to Fürth, Erlangen and Bamberg ; west to Ansbach ; and south to Schwabach.

Where to stay in Nuremberg

As a large city, Nuremberg has plenty of accommodation options of all shapes and sizes. Those who are visiting the city for the first time will probably want to stay near the historic centre for ease of access to the main sights.

Nuremberg accommodation map

If you know when you are planning to go but haven't decided on accommodation, then use the map below to get an idea of which properties are available and to compare prices during the period you wish to travel.

Enter your proposed dates and use the '+' to zoom in on a location and reveal more properties. Click on the price above a property to see more information.

( Please note that this selection will also include some guesthouses, pensions and self-catering apartments for those who are interested in that form of accommodation !)

Check Nuremberg accommodation availability

Alternatively, if you would like a list of properties available on your proposed dates of travel, use the search box below to find accommodation:

Nuremberg, Nuremburg or Nürnberg?

In English, the proper spelling of the town is Nuremberg, with two 'e's (although Nuremburg is a very common error). In German, the town is known as Nürnberg and the endings of the name can change when it is used as a location description (for example, 'Nürnberger Bratwurst' when talking about the local Nuremberg sausages).

A Brief History of Nuremberg

Nuremberg has enough dark episides in its history that it is something of a relief to be able to start with a romantic legend from the early days.

The first actual mention of Nuremberg (or Norenberc , as it was written then) was in 1050 when a noble Richolf petitioned for the freedom for a serf named Sigena. It is thought that the petition was in order to marry and to legitimise their children and the line of succession. The date of the petition, July 16, is considered the city birthday.

To be more realistic, there is evidence of settlement going back before that time, with archaeological finds from the 9th century. Although there were probably people living in the general area, the specific location of where the city now stands was unsuitable because of the potential of flooding from the Pegnitz river and the fact that the open sandy ground was hard to farm on.

Nonetheless, the hill where Nuremberg Castle now stands was a good defensive site and it seems that there were a number of inhabitants clustered around early fortifications by the middle of the 11th century, which was when the town received the right to hold a market, the right to mint its own coins and the right to levy tolls on goods passing through the area.

Some of the timber-framed houses in the former leather-tanning area of the old town of Nuremberg

These were all major steps for a settlement to achieve on the way to economic growth in the Middle Ages and, by the middle of the 11th century, Nuremberg had grown important enough to host an Imperial Palace (a 'Kaiserpfalz'). These were stops along the way for the Holy Roman Emperor, who had no territory which he could call his own.

Even though there was no imperial capital, Nuremberg had a good argument to be the unofficial centre of the Empire, with the Imperial Diets (the 'parliaments' of the time) being frequently held there. In fact, an edict issued in the 14th century decreed that every Emperor must hold his first Imperial Diet in Nuremberg.

Economically, Nuremberg also had another advantage in that it stood at the crossroads of a number of international trade routes and, of course, the Imperial importance attached to the city meant that many traders and buyers used it as a marketplace.

The boom in population and economy also attracted artists and sculptors looking for patrons - Albrecht Dürer was perhaps the most famous of many renowned names who made their base in the city during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Albrecht Dürer and Nuremberg

Albrecht Dürer, the most important of German painters, helped change the way that artists looked at portraiture and landscape and ushered in the era of the Renaissance.

Dürer was born in the 15th century to a Hungarian goldsmith who had emigrated to Nuremberg. At first he apprenticed to his father in the same trade, but later his artistic talent led to him learning from the most famous artist in Nuremberg at that time.

Having finished his apprenticeshop, Dürer took off on the first of his travels - something he was to do repeatedly during his life. On his return, he married to the daughter of another Nuremberg craftsman and his new status as husband allowed him to set up in business for himself.

The Albrecht Dürer House in Nuremberg at the foot of the castle and the city walls.

Many of Dürer's most famous works come from the time at the beginning of the 16th century when he lived in Nuremberg at the foot of the castle. The house where he lived dates from 1420 and is a typical timber-framed structure which would have been used by a prosperous inhabitant from those days.

It has been used as a museum of his life and work since the 19th century and contains exhibitions of printing and artistic techniques from his era as well as historical copies of some of his best-known works. The museum is open all week in high summer and during the Christmas market - otherwise it is closed on Mondays. Website :

In its time of prosperity, Nuremberg had become quite a large 'city-state' but the later stages of the Middles Ages with its succession of wars in central Europe and the changes in trade routes over the years meant that the city's territory gradually shrunk and that balance sheet deteriorated.

By the time of the Napoleonic Wars, Nuremberg was in desperate financial straits and asked to be incorporated into Prussia. That never happened, but it did finally join Bavaria as part of the Confederation of the Rhine alliance in 1806, with Bavaria agreeing to accept the debts of Nuremberg.

Freed from the weight of the debt and liberated by the end of the campaigns by and against Napoleon, Nuremberg started its slow climb into the industrial era.

Germany's first train ran between Nuremberg and the nearby town of Fürth and major manufacturers such as Siemens, AEG and Staedler turned the city into an economic centre for northern Bavaria. At the same time it was rediscovered by romantics looking for an idealised German past and finding it in the history of the ancient buildings and events.

This view of Nuremberg as a representative of 'lost Germanic greatness' was something that was shared by the the Nazi Party, who rose to power in the 1930s.

Nuremberg and the Nazi Party

For a city that is so closely associated with the Nazi atrocities of the 20th century, Nuremberg has actually always had a reputation as a 'red' workers' centre.

Nonetheless, some of the most famous features of National Socialism were closely connected to Nuremberg:

The Nuremberg Rallies

Nuremberg had been attractive to the extreme right because of its romantic association with German pre-eminence and culture in the Middle Ages. Rallies by the National Socialists started as relatively small events and were held in the city because it was reasonably accessible from all over Germany and because the Nazis had a strong foothold in the region around Nuremberg.

Once Hitler had come to power, Nuremberg became known as the "City of Nazi Party Rallies" (" Stadt der Reichsparteitage ") and played host to hundreds of thousands of participants and spectators in annual propaganda events designed to display fanatical support for decisions already made by the leaders.

The rallies were held out Luitpoldhain area to the southeast of Nuremberg. This had been a park area with lakes but it was remodelled with grandiose architectural plans which were never completed. Photos of the military parades and spectators from that time are frequently from the Luitpoldhain parade area, which was demolished after the war.

The Kongresshalle seen across the Duzendteich lake

What remains from the wartime are the Kongresshalle - designed at the time to be the largest stadium in the world - and the Zeppelin Field with its viewing galleries, which was also used for formation marching and other events during the Rallies. The Max Morlock stadium - home of the famous traditional football club 1. FC Nürnberg - stands on the original structure, which was used for Hitler Youth events.

One wing of the Kongresshalle is now given over to the 'Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände' (' Documentation Centre Nazi Party Parade Grounds '). The centre has a permanent exhibition entitled "Fascination and Terror", which details the rise to power of the NSDAP and the role which the Nuremberg Rallies played in this.

The Documentation Centre is open every day, with slightly restricted hours at the weekend. Website :

The Nuremberg Race Laws

The proclamations which became known as the Nuremberg Race Laws were first announced at the Nuremberg rally in 1935. The laws removed German citizenship from German Jews and forbade marriages or sexual relations between Jews and "Germans or those of related blood".

The laws were the first time that the racial theories of the Nazis were institutionalised and, following the Olympic Games in 1936, led to further and more oppressive measures before the establishment of the extermination and forced labour camps.

The laws were based not on religion but on race, so a persons 'eligibility' to remain a German was based on degrees of family relationships.

The Nuremberg Trials

The Nuremburg Trials is the name given to the tribunals held to prosecute high-ranking Nazi war criminals following the end of the World War II. Nuremberg was chosen as a venue for practical reasons, as the Palace of Justice in the city was undamaged and large enough to hold the proceedings, and for symbolic reasons, given the prominence of the city in Nazi ideology and propaganda.

Twenty-four of the leading members of government, industrialists, Nazi Party leaders and military officers were prosecuted for war crimes in the main trial, which started in 1946 at the end of World War II. Two committed suicide, some were acquitted and 12 were sentenced to death.

This International Military Tribunal was followed by 12 other trials presided over by the occupying American military. Just under 1,700 defendants were prosecuted with around 1400 being found guilty and less than 200 being sentenced to death.

The Palace of Justice now houses a museum dedicated to the Nuremberg trials. The Memorium Nürnberger Prozesse (' Nuremberg Trials Memorial ') is located on the top floor of the courthouse. Courtroom 600, where the trials actually took place, can be visited when it is not in use as it is still a functioning courtroom. The Palace of Justice is located west of the city centre and is near the Bärenschanze underground stop on the U1 line. Website :

Nuremberg had suffered heavily from bombing raids and from fighting at the end of the Second World War. Much of the historic town centre had been destroyed and there was a debate about how to rebuild the city.

Eventually many, though not all, of the historic buildings were reconstructed and inhabitants flocked to the city as the 'Wirtschaftwunder' (' business boom ') took hold. Jobs available rose by 50% from the Fifties to the Sixties and the city continued to expand, helped by major infrastructure investments such as the airport and the underground rail system.

Other towns in Middle Franconia

Ansbach, Germany

Ansbach is known for its old town, with historic buildings such as the Ansbach Residence, home to the former rulers of Ansbach. It is the administrative headquarters of the Middle Franconia region. Visitors can explore the history of the town at the Margravial Museum and explore the magnificent rococo court gardens.

Erlangen, Germany

Erlangen is known for being a university town and is home to the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg as well as being shaped by the presence of Siemens, a renowned technology company. The town is also famous for its annual beer festival, the 'Bergkirchweih', which starts on the Thursday before Pentecost and attracts more than a million visitors.

Nuremberg Tourist Office

Nuremberg has two main tourist information offices. The first is just over the road from the railway station on the way into the old town and the second tourist information centre is on Nuremberg's Market Square. They are both open all week, with slightly restricted hours on Sundays. Website :


Happy to Wander

30 Things to do in Nuremberg, Germany: The Ultimate List!

Last Updated: August 12, 2022

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I’ll be real: Nuremberg is a place that’s   easy to fall for.

This world-famous city, located in the north of Bavaria , is every bit the fairytale dream so often linked to  Deutschland : candy cane half-timbered facades, an epic castle on a hill, dangerously munchable gingerbread, and a glittering Christmas market to boot.

But as with most amazing cities, the true magic of Nuremberg comes from its dynamic layers. Lurking beneath those photogenic facades is a dark past intertwined with war, genocide, and centuries of tumultuous history.

It is precisely this duality that makes Nuremberg one of the most fascinating cities to visit in Germany, and one that you can keep visiting again and again.

So, what is there to do in Nuremberg? It turns out, plenty of things. Below you’ll find a roundup of my favourite things to do in Nuremberg, after several repeat visits, from the touristy musts to more alternative, off-beat activities. Enjoy!

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The Top 10 (Touristy but Worthwhile) Things to do in Nuremberg

Let’s start with the classics. Nuremberg is home to some world famous attractions, so we’ll begin with a list of my favourite touristy, but still worthwhile, Nuremberg things to do.

1. Tour around the majestic Nuremberg Castle

With centuries of experience under its belt, there’s no doubt that Nuremberg Castle has led one tumultuous life. From flaunting imperial hotspot status during the Holy Roman Empire to surviving severe bombings during WWII, it’s no wonder the restoration process here took decades.

All that hard work paid off though, because today, Nuremberg Castle is a landmark that is synonymous with the city, offering some of the best views in town, alongside a fascinating history that can be traced firsthand with a visit.

And, despite its status as the most popular tourist attraction in Nuremberg, there’s still a secret way to enjoy Nuremberg Castle without a thick mass of crowds…

Just pay to go inside!

I’m not joking: you’d be surprised to see how many visitors choose not to pay the castle’s entry fee, opting only to stay outside for photos and leaving shortly after.

This makes experiencing the castle’s interior, plus its museum, a nice way to escape from the crowds for a little while.

PS: Its stables are now home to a hostel, so you can actually sleep here if you so wish!

tourist office nuremberg

2. Stroll down Weißgerbergasse

What’s Nuremberg without a splash of fairytale charm? If it’s classic storybook houses you’re after, be sure to mark Weißgerbergasse down on your map.

This street is full of colourful half-timbered artisan houses, built in the booming days of leather making when many artisans in Nuremberg became increasingly swanky and rich.

While unfortunately, wealthy leathermakers may be tough to find these days, Weißgerbergasse is now filled with cute cafes, boutiques and little workshops to peruse, a worthy consolation prize 😉

tourist office nuremberg

3. Explore the handsome Handwerkerhof

For bonus fairytale points, head over to the Handwerkerhof, an adorable cobbled courtyard nestled along Nuremberg’s old town walls, filled with half-timbered houses and all the charm of an actual medieval village.

Despite its aged, old timey appearance, I have to let you in on a little secret: this cutesy courtyard was actually established in the 1970s to pay tribute to the golden age of craftsmanship in Nuremberg….

But, while it’s not nearly as old as it looks, today travelers can stop by for fun demos and to shop for handcrafted products just like in the good old days. Sure, it’s a little touristy, but it’s nonetheless absolutely adorable!

tourist office nuremberg

4. Enjoy the best view you can get in Nuremberg

As far as must dos go, I don’t feel like a visit to Nuremberg would be complete without seeing it from above, so allow me to aggressively suggest Nuremberg Castle to you one more time.

*clears throat*

GO TO NUREMBERG CASTLE. Really, do it… even if it’s just briefly to snag this view. It is completely worth the climb, and if the weather is in your favour, the gardens may even be open for you to explore free of charge as well.

tourist office nuremberg

5. Visit the Hauptmarkt and the Frauenkirche

Another two gorgeous icons of Nuremberg can be found in the city’s Hauptmarkt: the Frauenkirche church (which dates back to the middle of the 14th century) and the stunning gilded fountain that supposedly has magical powers to grant wishes if you turn a mystical ring.

Scared you won’t be able to find said mystical ring? Don’t worry – there is always a line-up here to turn it.

While I’m dubious about the fountain’s actual magic powers, it’s nonetheless a beautiful sight to add to your Nuremberg itinerary.

PS: Rumour has it locals turn the dark iron ring on the other side as THEIR lucky charm – the first is just a tourist trap.

tourist office nuremberg

6. Enjoy the cozy vibes of Tiergärtnerplatz

If it’s a cozy and adorable square you’re after, make sure you stop by the postcardy red and white houses of Tiergärtnerplatz, one of the most charming places in Nuremberg, home to a few cute bars, cafes and of course, the famous Albrecht Dürer Museum.

When the weather cooperates, make sure to carve out some extra time in this square to sip on a hot chocolate (or beer!). The atmosphere here is the best.

tourist office nuremberg

7. Drool over St Lorenz Church

Another must-visit church in Nuremberg is the St Lorenz Church, whose imposing facade you’ll definitely encounter as you bumble your way around town.

The focal point of this church facade? A stunning rose window, perfectly framed by two 80m towers… but don’t forget to explore the beautiful interior too.

With 12,000 pipes, the pipe organ inside St Lorenz is actually one of the largest in the world.

tourist office nuremberg

8. Visit the Nuremberg Dockumentation Center

One of the standout highlights from my first trip to Nuremberg was a visit the to the city’s Dokumentation Center, which houses a permanent exhibition that describes in eye-opening detail the atrocities that happened in Nuremberg and Germany during the Nazi regime.

Housed in the (unfinished) Congress Hall of former Nazi party rallies, this museum offers harrowing insight into one of the darkest chapters of Nuremberg’s history. A must-visit for historical context and education.

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9. Stop by the Nuremberg Palace of Justice

Built in the early 20th century, the Nuremberg Palace of Justice is known best as the site of the Nuremberg Trials, the trials during which Nazi war criminals were prosecuted after WWII.

Today, the complex remains in use to house offices and active court facilities.

Inside, you’ll find Courtroom 600, the very courtroom where the Nuremberg Trials were held, along with a memorial dedicated to the trials, and a Memorium Nuremberg Trails exhibition which explains in detail the history of the trial and those who participated.

10. Visit a unique museum

Besides usual museums dedicated to art and history, Nuremberg has a handful of incredible unique museums too that are worth checking out. Here are a few:

Bavarian Railway Museum: Because Nuremberg was actually the home of the first ever German railway (known as the Bavarian Ludwigsbahn), it should come as no surprise that there’s a museum dedicated to railways in the city. At this museum, you can marvel at a variety of unique trains and exhibits, including parts of the royal train belonging to King Ludwig II. Click here for more info.

Toy museum: Nuremberg has been renowned for toy-making since the Medieval times, which is why its toy museum is actually one of the best known in the world. Click here for more info.

Cultural Things to do in Nuremberg

If you’re looking for some cultural activities in Nuremberg, there are plenty of of options for you. Here are a few cultural highlights:

11. Visit the modern and beautiful Neues Museum

If you’re looking for a modern art space in contrast to Nuremberg’s storybook aesthetic, head over to the Neues Museum, which houses thousands of art works from around the world in a gorgeous, airy contemporary 2-story exhibition space.

With various rotating exhibitions taking place annually and a lively program of events throughout the year, this is the go-to spot in Nuremberg for contemporary art and design.

tourist office nuremberg

12. Marvel at the oldest globe in the world

Travel lovers, I’m sure this will intrigue you: did you know that Nuremberg is actually home to the oldest globe in the world?

The Erdapfel (which literally translates to “Earth apple”) is a terrestrial globe that is recognized as the oldest scale model of Earth, dating back to the late 15th century, although the Americas are notably absent.

Despite a variety of imperfections, this globe is highly valued by historians today because of the succinct way it summarized all that was known about earth at the time. You can see it for yourself at the  Germanisches Nationalmuseum.

13. Visit Albrecht Dürer’s house

International visitors may have never heard the name Albrecht Durer, but he’s a mega-household name in Germany, and largely regarded as the country’s most famous artist.

Located in a picturesque half-timbered house in Nuremberg’s Tiergärtnerplatz a space where Dürer himself once lived and worked for two decades in the 16th century.

As the only remaining 15th century artist house in this part of Europe, it holds a tremendous historical significance, which is why it’s considered one of the top things to do in Nuremberg today.

At the house, you can view Dürer’s works, and see the inside of a house left over from the golden age of Nuremberg.

Foodie Things to do in Nuremberg

When in Nuremberg, one of the best things you can do is eat. Franconia (to me) is a foodie’s paradise, with plenty of delicious regional treats that you simply have to try. Here are a few suggestions.

14. Snack on a ‘Drei im Weggla’

One of the most beloved snacks from Nuremberg that you’ll find all over Germany are Nuremberg sausages, little finger sized sausages typically eaten in threes.

The most common way of consuming them is a “Drei im Weggla” (three in a bun), with three of these tidy sausages smooshed into a roll – so good!

You can find these at stalls all over town, but Zum Guldenen Stern is well-known as a historic place to try them out.

tourist office nuremberg

15. Try Schäufele

For those looking for something a bit heartier, you can try Schäufele, a south German dish made with pork shoulder meat – bone and rind still in tact.

Commonly served with gravy, potato dumplings and sauerkraut, this is Franconian comfort food at its finest.

16. Munch on some lebkuchen

Lebkuchen is a type of German gingerbread commonly wolfed down during the Christmas market season, and Nuremberg is one of THE places to try it because it’s largely acknowledged that lebkuchen was actually invented by monks here in Franconia all the way back in the 13th century.

It’s so prestigious here that Nürnberger Lebkuchen is protected, and MUST produced within the city’s boundaries or it’s not considered legit.

One of the most special types of Lebkuchen produced in Nuremberg is known as “Elisenlebkuchen”, and must have at least 25% nuts and less than 10% wheat flour.

These fine ingredients give the cookie a unique nutty flavour, and completely unlike North American gingerbread. A must-try!

17. Nom on some röstkloß

This simple comforting dish is one of my favourites, and it’s vegetarian-friendly too. You can find röstkloß at most typical Franconian restaurants, and if you see it, do yourself a favour and order a giant plate.

This delicious delicacy consists of potato dumplings chopped up and fried with eggs, often jazzed up with some mushrooms, side salad or other veggies. It is SO GOOD.

tourist office nuremberg

18. Take a cooking class

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in a new culture is to taste it and learn how to take it home with you! Nuremberg is no exception to this rule, and one of the best things you can do here is taking a unique cooking class.

You can for instance book this cooking class next to Nuremberg Castle where you learn to make sausages! With lunch included, it;’s less than 30 euros making it a great deal. Click here for reviews and availability.

You can also book this gingerbread making class for less than 20 euros. Click here for reviews and availability.

Quirky and Offbeat Things to do in Nuremberg

Of course, Nuremberg isn’t just about the usual must-sees. One of the most interesting things about the city is the way that it’s continually evolving, growing, and dare I say – becoming vaguely hipster?? Here are some of the better quirky/offbeat things that you can do in Nuremberg.

19. Explore the trendy GoHo district

Just outside of Nuremberg’s city centre, you’ll find the Gostenhof district, abbreviated hipsterily as GoHo. This incredibly hip district feels worlds away from historic storybook Nuremberg, with vintage shops, cute boutiques and endless cafes and unique eateries perfect for those looking to go off the beaten path in Nuremberg.

For a full list of shops round GoHo, click here. 

20. Visit an a-meow-zing vegan cat cafe

Yes, you read that right… a vegan cat cafe… in Nuremberg!

Or actually, we should call it a cat temple to be precise. Yup, the Katzentempel in Nuremberg has officially claimed status as the first cat cafe in Germany, and is a haven for cat lovers who want to graze on plant-based food and drinks while cuddling with shelter cats from Munich.

Sounds pretty purr-fect no?

21. Discover the underground beer tunnels

Lurking below ground in Nuremberg is yet another fun surprise: beer tunnels!

Yup, one upon a time, a cellar system was used around Nuremberg to store beer, and today, this maze of rock-cut cellars continues to exist, and is open to those curious enough to explore them.

Download the Rock-Cut Cellar Flyer here

22. Say hi to a scary rabbit statue

This thing seriously gives me the creeps.

Lurking in one of Nuremberg’s most scenic squares is a worrying little sculpture, Der Hase (The Hare) by Jürgen Goertz. Cast in bronze, this demonic, rabid looking rabbit just sits there with no explanation or plaque, spooking every visitor that crosses its path.

Nonetheless, it’s kind of endearing. Inspired by Albrecht Dürer’s painting Der Feldhase (the Rabbit), this thing is worth a quick peek while exploring town.

tourist office nuremberg

23. Relax at the Wöhrder Lake/Park

When thinking of things to do in Nuremberg, one’s mind doesn’t usually drift to green spaces, but nonetheless if you’re looking for a place to relax and unwind in the middle of the city, head over the Wöhrder Lake and Park, where you can rent a boat, laze out on the grass or do as the locals do: nurse a cold beer while soaking in the sunshine.

24. See the “marriage merry-go-round”

If you want to see a thoroughly pessimistic outlook on marriage, head over to the most controversial fountain Nuremberg, the Ehekarussell (AKA the Marriage-Merry-Go-Round ) which was created in the 80s to depict the different phases of married life.

The figures get old, fat, and…. die.

Like I said, not really the most optimistic statue,  but a unique and fun contrast to the picture perfect city.

tourist office nuremberg

Special Events and Seasonal Things to do in Nuremberg

Last but not least, Nuremberg plays host to a variety of fun events throughout the year. If you’re lucky enough to be in town for one of the following, be sure to take advantage.

25. Visit the Nuremberg Christmas Market

The Nuremberg Christmas Market is one of the most famous Christmas markets in Germany, and while I would say it has gotten significantly busier and (overly touristy) through the years, stopping by is a must when visiting in late December/early November.

Click here to read my full guide to the Nuremberg Christmas Market.

tourist office nuremberg

26. Drink from the largest Feuerzangenbowle in the world

Tied into the Nuremberg Christmas Market festivities is a giant Feuerzangenbowle, the largest in the world. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the glories of Feuerzangenbowle, it’s a wonderful boozy drink served during Christmas time that involves mulled wine, caramelized sugar and rum set on FIRE.

Oh it’s so good, and in the name of record-breaking booze, it has to be sampled in Nuremberg, right?

27. Attend the Franconian Beer Festival

A beer festival in a castle moat? Germany, you can do no wrong.

If you happen to be in Nuremberg in June, be sure to stop by the Franconian Beer Festival, a celebration of beer from local breweries pouring up 100+ types of yummy beer.

Combined with live music, and delicious local food, this is one activity in Nuremberg you don’t want to miss.

28. Party at the Bardentreffen Nürnberg

During Bavarian summer holidays, Nuremberg becomes a musical haven with an open air music festival that takes over the city.

Known as the Bardentreffen, celebrating here is a summer tradition in Nuremberg you won’t want to miss.

29. Enjoy a beach in the middle of the city at Schütt Island

While Nuremberg is a landlocked city, that doesn’t stop it from having a great beach to enjoy during the summer. In fact, the Schütt island is a river island in the middle of the Pegnitz.

During the summer, you’ll find 4000 square meters of white sand here, over 1000 beach chairs, palm trees, family pool area, grill events, live music and more.

30. Attend a Nürnberger Volksfeste

Last but not least, if you want a taste of Oktoberfest at Nuremberg, be sure to keep an eye out for the Nuremberg Volksfest.

Imagine beer tents, fun fair rides and tons of games that are the same as what you would find at Oktoberfest. Click here for more info.

Did I miss any of your favourite things to do in Nuremberg?

I hope you enjoyed this guide on the best things to do in Nuremberg, Germany. Let me know in the comments below if I’ve missed any of your favourite Nuremberg activities! I’d love to take down some notes for my next visit.

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3 thoughts on “30 Things to do in Nuremberg, Germany: The Ultimate List!”

Nice article.The scenery looks amazing! Will visit the place.

Lovely pics. The scenery is amazing. I would like to visit the place.

Really helpful and interesting. Thank you!

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  • The Top 10 Things To...

The Top Things to Do and See in Nuremberg

Wandering the picturesque streets of Nurembergs old town is a must-do during any visit

The 950-year-old Bavarian city combines romantic charm with a turbulent past. Eat at the world’s oldest bratwurst restaurant, Zum Gulden Stern, explore Albrecht Dürer’s house and see the former Nazi party rally grounds – these are just a handful of things to do in Nuremberg .

Known for its sausages , gingerbread and handmade toys, it’s clear that Nuremberg has something to offer everyone. Delve into the medieval city’s colourful, and often tumultuous, history before wandering the picturesque streets of the old town and venturing inside its impressive churches and castle. Here’s what we recommend you put at the top of your to-do list while you’re there.

1. Visit Nuremberg Castle

Towers of Kaiserburg or Imperial Castle of Nuremberg, Germany.

Whenever the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire returned to the Imperial Castle, his arrival would be heralded by a procession, festive music and the ringing of bells. Now, in the Knight’s Hall you can see an animated version of the spectacular scene depicted above the windows. The castle in its current form was built in the 13th century. Wander around the lavish Imperial Hall, admire the views from the Sinwell Tower or peer 48m (158ft) into the Deep Well.

2. Learn about Nuremberg’s history at the Weinstadel

Historical Landmark

Beautiful landscape view on the riverside with old tower and house with reflection in Nurnberg during the sunrise, Germany

A typical medieval wine warehouse, the Weinstadel was originally built to house lepers who were allowed into the city for three days at Easter to receive food, clothing and medical attention. Since then it’s been a wine store, workhouse, spinnery and, more recently, a student dorm. Today, you can take photos of the beautiful half-timbered building, which sits next to the covered walkway known as Hangman’s Bridge – built to protect the hangman from infection.

3. Peek inside Albrecht Dürer's House

Architectural Landmark

Re-creation of Albrecht Duerers workshop, Albrecht Duerer House, historic center, Nuremberg, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany

A recently restored building, the house of the Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer is now a museum dedicated to the artist’s life and work. His works are currently on display in every corner of the world, even on chocolate bars and currency. Dürer is widely regarded as having changed the course of art history in terms of his mania for perfection and bringing technology to the medium of engraving. The timber-framed house houses sketches and engravings by the man himself – it is definitely worth seeing.

4. See the former Nazi Party rally grounds

Ehem. Reichsparteitagsgel‰nde N¸rnberg | Former Nazi Party Rally Grounds Nuremberg

This monstrous structure is what remains from the megalomania of the National Socialist regime. It was here that Adolf Hitler infamously held a series of Nazi party rallies between 1933 and 1938. The unfinished Congress Hall is a vivid reminder of the period, covering 11sqkm (4.2sqmi) and designed for 50,000 spectators. It even boasted barracks where sympathisers could stay for weekend-long rallies. Today, the grounds are widely explorable and represent one of the only remaining mass architectural pieces left intact after World War II.

people cheering on a mountain

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5. Eat bratwurst at Zum Gulden Stern

Restaurant, German

Originally built in 1375 Zum Gulden Stern claims to be the oldest bratwurst restaurant in the world Nuremberg, Germany

6. Explore the medieval dungeons

Lochgef‰ngnisse Nuernberg | Nuremberg Medieval Dungeons

7. Marvel at historic artefacts inside the Germanisches Nationalmuseum

Aachen room, 1740; German National Museum, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany

8. Admire the beautiful Lorenz Church

Building, Church

St Lorenz Kirche Nurnberg, St Lorenz Church, Nuremberg, Germany

9. Book dinner at the Heilig-Geist-Spital

Holy Spirit Hospital, inscription plate for Emperor Leopold I. and King Joseph I., Museum Bridge, River Pegnitz, historical mile of the medieval old. Image shot 2014. Exact date unknown.

Eliza Marin contributed additional reporting to this article.

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Germany Footsteps

Germany Footsteps

Top 30 Things To Do In Nuremberg [Don’t Miss Them!]

Going to Nuremberg (or considering it) and want to know all the top things to do in Nuremberg Germany? We have you covered! Below you will find our guide to all the best tourist attractions in Nuremberg Germany to plan your ultimate trip.

Nuremberg, or Nürnberg as it’s known in German, is Bavaria’s second largest city and I think underrated as a tourist destination. I somehow had never even heard of it beyond the Nuremberg Trials before researching my first trip to Germany!

But this makes it all the better when you arrive in this city. There’s a fabulous range of places to visit around Nuremberg and you definitely won’t be bored. From top museums (I’m looking at you German National Museum) to learning more about the famous Nuremberg trials or seeing the Nazi Party Rally Grounds to enjoying one of the top Old Towns anywhere, you’ll have plenty to do.

Weissgerbergasse in the Old Town Nuremberg

If you have kids, there are also great fun things to do in Nuremberg Germany that they will love.

Nuremberg has a long and fascinating history and, in my opinion, there really is nothing better than strolling around the Old Town, looking out for the gorgeous half-timbered houses, churches and more while taking in many of the sights and attractions that call this area home.

Below, you will find our Nuremberg travel blog with everything you need to know about the best things to do Nuremberg Germany offers as well as the best places to stay for your ultimate vacation in Nuremberg! There is also a handy map of the places to visit in Nuremberg Germany and a one day in Nuremberg itinerary for people short on time.

Let’s start!

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Table of Contents

An Introduction To Nuremberg

Nuremburg is the state of Bavaria’s second largest city (after Munich) with over half a million people. It’s located in the northern part of Germany’s biggest state and there is a huge array of places to see in Nuremberg that appeal to tourists.

Called Nürnberg in German, Nuremburg has a long and interesting history. First mentioned in official records in 1050, the city started earlier when the Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle) was built about ten years earlier by Henry III, the German king. A settlement started around the castle and this was the beginnings of Nuremberg.

Henry III became the Holy Roman Emperor in 1046 and Nuremberg started its reign of being the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire, and the preferred home of most German Kings. Their crown jewels were kept here and many wonderful buildings were built here making it quite the treasure trove. This made it an attractive place to live for artists which helped further increase Nuremberg’s treasures.

Old Town Nuremberg

The city became a free imperial city in the 13th century and it had a few hundred years of financial and cultural growth. By 1806, however, it had stopped being an imperial city and became part of the Kingdom of Bavaria.

Later in the 19th century, Nuremberg began to prosper again thanks to the industrial revolution and becoming home to Germany’s first railway. Their working class became a powerful breeding ground for the Nazi Party years later.

If you’ve ever seen those old black and white films of fanatical Nazi supporters hailing Hitler, most probably the film was taken in Nuremberg. Thanks to this, Nuremberg became the starting point for atrocities such as the boycotting of Jewish businesses and removing German citizenship for Jewish people.

In 1945, the allies bombed the city to basically nothing – it’s estimated over 90% of the city was destroyed.

After World War II, Nuremberg was home to the war crimes tribunal known as the Nuremberg Trials. Reconstruction took place as well using original stones and the Old Town looks amazing today.

Today, Nuremberg is a major commercial centre in Germany with many successful industries. Its position somewhat centrally in Germany means it’s well connected to the rest of the country and there is much to love about a visit here.

You can read more about Nuremberg’s past here.

Top 24 Things To Do In Nuremberg Germany

Here are the best Nuremberg tourist attractions. Read through and select the ones that fit your interests and timeframe. If you only have one day to visit the best things to see in Nuremberg Germany, find our what to do in Nuremberg in one day itinerary below.

I also split the cool things to do in Nuremberg with kids and the things to do in Nuremberg during Christmas into their own sections.

Altstadt (Old Town)

Nuremberg's Old Town

The place to definitely head first when you are looking for things to do around Nuremberg is the Old Town. This area, circled by walls and with the Pegnitz River running through the middle, is definitely my favourite part of Nuremberg. Most of the Nuremberg Germany things to do listed below can be found here.

At the very least, you’ll want to take a long stroll through here.

As mentioned above, much of Nuremberg was reduced to rubble in World War II. However, it’s been rebuilt in a manner fitting of such an old and interesting place. There are many gorgeous half-timbered houses and huge churches, an impressive castle and what can feel like another city underground.


Weißgerbergasse is a particularly pretty street to walk so make sure you include it in your plans. It was also blissfully people free when we visited here, even though the rest of the city was busy.

Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle)

Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle) Nuremberg

Also referred to as Nuremberg Castle or the Imperial Castle, Kaiserburg is a big castle complex above the Old Town that should be one of your top Nuremberg places to visit.

Always the heart of Nuremberg, this castle once was the centre of power in this region of the Holy Roman Empire. It was the home of the crown jewels and the place where every elected ruler had to hold their first Imperial Diet

Today, this is a great place to explore to learn more about Nuremberg’s past as well as to see more of this city.

Highlights include a tour of the residential wing (Palas) where you can see the renovated knights and Imperial Hall as well as the double chapel. There is also an exhibit here where you can learn more about how the Holy Roman Empire worked as well as the history of the castle until the 19th century.

There is also the Kaiserburg (Imperial Castle) Museum which explains the military history of the museum.

A must do in Nuremberg while you are here is visiting the Sinwell Tower which was built in the second half of the 13th century. It’s built on the most elevated part of the site and gives great views over the Old Town from an observation platform at the top. It’s worth all the stairs

Views from Sinwell Tower over the Kaiserburg and Nuremberg

It also is home to photos that show the castle and Nuremberg after World War II ended.

Another popular one of the Nuremberg Germany attractions in the castle complex is the Tiefer Brunnen (Deep Well) which has a shaft that is 50 metres down into the sandstone so that if the castle was under siege, the occupants had access to water. On castle tours, they’ll even prove this to you. You can only visit this via a quick tour.

Tiefer Brunnen (Deep Well)

Make sure you also factor in time to enjoy walking around the castle gardens.

The gardens are free and there are small fees for adults (kids free) for the other castle attractions. You can choose just to visit a couple or all attractions.

City Walls Nuremberg

Four kilometres of the original five kilometres of the walls that encircle Nuremberg’s Old Town still stand today incorporating the Kaiserburg and many defensive towers. Four gate towers exist at each of its corner points. All up, it makes for one of Europe’s biggest medieval defensive systems.

Building started in 12th century (although the first fortifcations are believed to have been built here in the 11th century) and ended in the 16th. A huge moat was built around it as well although this was never filled with water.

The walls, in general, have been well preserved and restored and visiting them is a great way to explore Nuremberg.

Finding them is not hard – I recommend you start your visit of Nuremberg’s Old Town at the main train station. From here, you can walk through the walls by the Frauentorturm (“Women’s tower”) which is an old medieval defense tower. It’s a great way to feel like you are going back in time when entering the Old Town.

You can also easily see more of the walls when exploring Kaiserburg and while walking around the Old Town. You can walk on some sections of the walls but not all the way around.

Historischer Kunstbunker (Historic Art Bunker)

Historischer Kunstbunker (Historic Art Bunker) exterior

The Historischer Kunstbunker is a bomb shelter where priceless art pieces were stored during World War II which worked to keep them safe. Located under Kaiserburg, this shelter was made in one of the existing Medieval rock-cut cellars. Climate control was added to help keep the art in good condition.

Interestingly, this bunker started being built a year before the war started. The opening is hidden inside a home at Obere Schmiedgasse #52 which is where the tours start from today.

Historischer Kunstbunker (Historic Art Bunker)

You can take a 60-minute tour to explore this one of the Nuremberg things to see and learn how this bunker was built and how the art was kept safe. There’s also information on how Nuremberg was destroyed and rebuilt.

It’s also possible to take tours of more of the underground passages under the Kaiserburg that were built for Medieval defensive purposes.

Find more information here.


Nuremberg Albrecht-Dürer-Haus

One of Germany’s most famous Renaissance painters, Albrecht Dürer, lived and worked at this gorgeous timber-framed house in Nuremberg’s Old Town from 1509 until his death in 1528. It’s the only 16th century artist’s house remaining in Northern Europe.

Five storeys high, this Nuremberg to do has been beautifully restored and is worth checking out even if you aren’t interested in Dürer’s art. The rooms contain period furniture and exhibits of Dürer’s drawings, and you can also see a demonstration of the printing techniques used at the time.

Stadtmuseum Fembohaus (Fembo House City Museum)

Stadtmuseum Fembohaus Nuremberg

This 16th century merchant’s house is the perfect place to learn more about the city’s history. It’s the only surviving large merchant’s house from the late Renaissance period.

This tall building makes for quite a sight from the outside, but it’s what is inside that landed it on this list of the best things to do in Nuremberg. There are over 30 rooms on four levels to explore with original rooms, period furniture and informative exhibits to tell the history and art and culture of Nuremberg over 950 years focusing on the Middle Ages to the 1800s.

There is also a replica of the Imperial Crown and Jewels which used to live in Nuremberg but are now in Vienna.

It’s a beautiful building with some rooms more or less as they were from centuries ago. Spared damage from WWII, it’s worth checking out.

There is an audioguide available for the special exhibition and you can get audioguides on your phone for the main exhibits. Most of the exhibits are captioned in German, with only limited English so the audio guides are strongly recommended. 

Felsengänge (Undergound Cellars)

Felsengänge (Undergound Cellars)

Explore a different part of the city on this one of the top things to do in Nuremberg. Located underneath Albrecht-Dürer-Platz, the Felsengänge is a collection of subterranean passages over four storeys underground. They date back to the 14th century.

They used to house a brewery and beer cellar and then became an air-raid shelter in World War II.

Many of these passages were built under Nuremberg, adding up to 20,000 square metres.

Mostly this was done for breweries in Nuremberg as it used to be law that if you wanted to sell beer, you needed your own beer cellar. With over 40 breweries in Nuremberg in the Middle Ages, that is a lot of cellars. Many joined together and lead to the huge passages existing today.

You can take a guided tour of the passages. Most are in German, but check for English-speaking times . Take a jacket as it can be cold down there.

St Sebalduskirche

St Sebalduskirche Nuremberg

There are many churches in Nuremberg, St Sebalduskirche is the oldest having being built in the 13th century.

Its outside is home to religious sculptures, carvings and symbols. It has quite a unique look thanks to the additions made to this church over the years.

Inside St Sebalduskirche

The initial building on the west side is in a Romanesque and early Gothic style whereas the east side was built around 100 years later in late Gothic style. In 1361 when Emperor Charles IV’s son was baptised here, Medieval glass windows were added which are some of the best preserved (and oldest) in Germany.

The church is named in honour of Saint Sebald who is entombed here. You can see his bronze tomb which took 11 years to make in the 1500s.

Visiting here is one of the free things to do in Nuremberg.

Mittelalterliche Lochgefängnisse (Medieval Dungeons)

Mittelalterliche Lochgefängnisse

For a more macabre underground experience, add the Mittelalterliche Lochgefängnisse to your list of Nuremberg Germany tourist attractions. Located in the cellar of the old Nuremberg town hall, you’ll find 12 cells and a torture chamber which were used from 1340-1806.

If you want to know all about the Medieval justice system, come here! All visits are via guide or audio tour and it’s interesting learning how easy it was to torture a confession, send you upstairs to court for a judgement and then you are back for imprisonment or death.

Tours start in a restored Gothic hall in the Old Town Hall. Once downstairs, you can explore the (small and daunting) cells and see torture devices from the time.

From the corridor with the cells, you can actually see the original street level of the road of which this building had been built on top of in the 14th century.

Hauptmarkt Nuremberg

This big main square is in the heart of the Old Town and is definitely one of Nuremberg top attractions. Originally the site of Jewish community, it was built after the Jewish community left or were executed after rounds of Jewish persecution.

In Medieval times, it was ringed with market stalls and today, markets are still held here most notably the massive Christmas Market which fills the entire 5,000 square metres as well as the neighbouring area. It’s reputedly the largest in Europe. It’s been held here since the 1600s.

There was plenty of good looking fruit and vegetables on sale here when we visited.

 Schöner Brunnen (Beautiful Fountain)

This square is also home to Frauenkirche, coming up next on our list of things to visit in Nuremberg, and the large Schöner Brunnen (Beautiful Fountain).

For good luck, make sure you touch the golden ring in the wrought-iron gate that surround the fountain. It can be tricky to find. Look for the crowds or look up – it’s quite high and going to be above your head unless you’re very tall. It’s also small.

Hauptmarkt is a great place to wander and hang out absorbing some Old Town atmosphere.

Frauenkirche (Church Of Our Lady)

Frauenkirche and Hauptmarkt Nuremberg

This ornate Gothic church is located at the eastern end of Hauptmarkt and makes for quite a sight. It was built from 1352 to 1362 on the foundations of a Jewish synagogue.

The time to be here is at noon when you can watch the Männleinlaufen which means little men dancing. At this time, on the clock on the facade of the church, little figures come to life playing instruments, ringing bells and seven Prince-Electors strut around Emperor Charles IV. While I wouldn’t call it dancing, it is fun to watch.

This glockenspiel clock was created in the early 16th century and was kept safe during World War II in the art bunker mentioned above.

Inside Frauenkirche (Church Of Our Lady)

There is an interesting mix of items inside the church thanks to it switching between Catholic and Lutheran during its time (and then back again).

There are some stone sculptures inside the church from the 1300s as well as some impressive stained glass windows – some of which date back to 1358.

It’s my favourite of the churches on this list because it was a little more compact and felt more welcoming. They are all gorgeous.

Weinstadel (Wine Depot)

Weinstadel Nuremberg

By the Pegnitz River, which runs through Nuremberg, sits the gorgeous half-timbered Weinstadel. Meaning wine depot, this building has had many lives including initially as a leprosy hospital when it was built in 1446. At this time, lepers were allowed to enter Nuremberg for just three days at Easter. From 1571, it was a place to store wine and later as housing for poor families.

These days, it is university student housing but it’s still worth wandering by this one of the top things to see in Nuremberg Germany as it’s just so pretty next to the river and surrounding buildings. You’ll forget you’re in a big city.

It’s also quite a striking sight. At 48 metres long, it’s the largest half-timbered building in Germany.

Henkersteg (Hangman’s Bridge)

Henkersteg Nuremberg

Next to the Weinstadel, you’ll find a stone tower and Henkersteg, the hangman’s bridge. This tower is what Nuremberg’s hangman called home in Medieval times.

The tower was built in 1320, at what was once the edge of the original city walls by the river. This is because, at the time, the town’s executioner was not allowed to have contact with the “honorable” citizens.

In 1457, a bridge was built between the tower and the opposite side of the river so the executioner could exit his house and cross the river without contact with the rest of the population. Floods destroyed this bridge and it was replaced with the Henkersteg we see today in 1595.

You can walk across this bridge and the tower is now a museum (Henker Haus) detailing the history of law and crime in Nuremberg particularly in the Middle Ages.

Note that the tower that the museum is in is the smaller one pictured above. We tried to visit it on the opposite side of the river at the taller one and that is student residences 🙂

Henker Haus Nuremberg

You have to enter Henker Haus to be able to cross the bridge.

The opening hours for Henker Haus (Hangman House) are limited so I recommend you check their site here for the latest hours before visiting.

I found it quite interesting. It’s small, but informative, and does a great job of describing the history of what the executioner used to get up to here. It’s not recommended for children as there are plenty of gory pictures. I went in alone which was the right choice.

Henkersteg has a middle point on an island called Trödelmarkt (Flea Market Island) which was home to a pig market and “junk shops” in the Middle Ages. Today, you can find boutique stores here and this is where you enter Henker Haus from.

Ehekarussell Brunnen (Marriage Carousel Fountain)

Ehekarussell Brunnen Nuremberg

Located by the White Tower (a Medieval watch tower built in 1250 which is no longer white), the Ehekarussell Brunnen is a large and interesting sculpture that you’re probably going to love or hate 🙂

This one of the unusual things to do in Nuremberg displays different aspects of marriage over six scenes from falling in love until death. It was cast from bronze in 1984 by Jürgen Weber based on lines by the Medieval poet, Hans Sachs. His original poem can be found chiselled into the work on the tower side.

Ehekarussell Brunnen

I definitely love this fountain. It’s interesting and gave us much more to talk about than most fountains. Make sure you check out each individual scene as you walk around it. I don’t recommend it if you are currently contemplating getting married as it doesn’t paint the best picture of it!

Lorenzkirche (St Lawrence Church)

Lorenzkirche Nuremberg

Another one of the religious places to go in Nuremberg, Lorenzkirche is a huge, twin-towered church with the towers measuring 80 and 81 metres from the ground. First built in 1250, the church was rebuilt in a Gothic style from 1439-1477.

While much was repaired after World War II, many of the Gothic elements and artworks were preserved.

Inside Lorenzkirche

While it looks mighty impressive from the outside, it’s also impressive on the inside. It’s quite atmospheric with its sooty ceiling, down lit pillars and more. There are also impressive Medieval stained glass windows including a 9 metre diameter rose window.

There is plenty to enjoy and appreciate in Lorenzkirche. If you speak German, there are free tours that can take you up into the towers.

Germanisches Nationalmuseum (German National Museum)

Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg

When you’re ready for some serious museum time, make your way to the German National Museum. Founded in the mid 19 th century to be an authoritative collection of historical artifacts from German speaking people, there is a lot here.

There’s archaeological finds, scientific instruments, arms, armour, books, musical instruments, clothing, toys and basically anything related to German culture and background. Part of the museum is housed in an old monastery which is neatly woven into the museum as an exhibit in its own right.

Monastery in National Museum

There is so much here that I recommend you visit the info centre on arrival and work out which parts are most of interest for you. You can find the museum’s website here .

Straße der Menschenrechte (Way Of Human Rights)

Straße der Menschenrechte (Way Of Human Rights)

Next to the German National Museum is the Way Of Human Rights consisting of 30 x 8 metre tall columns along Kartäusergasse. Each column has an article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in a different language.

It’s dedicated to both rejecting the things that have happened in Nuremberg in the past (primarily how Nuremberg played such an important role for the Nazi party) and as a reminder that human rights are still regularly ignored in parts of the world.

Neues Museum

Neues Museum Nuremberg

Art lovers will definitely want to add the Neues Museum to their list of must see places in Nuremberg. Located at the southern end of the Old Town opposite the city walls, its known for its 100 metre curved glass exterior that reflects the stone city wall.

Inside, you’ll find a gallery with an impressive collection of contemporary and modern art. Opened in 2000, the building itself is a work of art with its glass exterior, open spaces and a cool spiral staircase.

The art itself is from the 1950s until today. There is a wide range on offer from paintings to sculptures to photography and video art. There is a great range of temporary exhibits too so you can always see something new.

Deutsche Bahn Museum

DB Museum Nuremberg oldest carriage

If you are a railway buff or travelling with kids, this should be right at the top of your list of Nuremberg best places to visit. While I didn’t list this attraction in the kids section below because it will also appeal to adults, this was our kids #2 choice of the best things to do in Nuremberg Germany (after Playmobil FunPark).

Nuremberg was the site of the first passenger train journey in Germany between here and Fürth so this is the perfect location for this thorough and engaging transport museum centred on trains and railways.

Located just outside the Old Town to the south, this is a big museum. The main exhibit centres on the history of Germany’s railway system with plenty of information and items like an 1835 railway carriage (Germany’s oldest as this is when the railway opened between Nuremberg and Fürth). But note that a big chunk of this main exhibit is only in German.

What you’ll probably enjoy are the old trains, carriages and engines. We especially enjoyed the state coaches of the Bavarian King Ludwig II. So fancy!

There is much more to enjoy though. The first floor has a great model railway. The top floor is full of interactive attractions and rail-based play areas that kids will love.

Find the latest opening hours (they do vary) and ticket prices on their site here . You can also read our full review here which I highly recommend. We were a little disappointed by our visit as we didn’t have the right expectations. This will make sure you do!

Memorium Nuremberg Trials

Outside of the Nuremberg Trials centre

The Palace of Justice (Justizpalast) is home to maybe the best known event to take place in Nuremberg, the Nuremberg Trials.

Courtroom 600 is where the trials took place. Between 1945-1949, 13 trials took place with 199 defendants. 161 were convicted with 37 sentenced to death.

This courtroom was still in use until 2020 but now is part of the centre dedicated to the trials. The main part of the memorial is on the floor above the courtroom. This centre is all about the Nuremberg Trials which details the crimes, defendants and the impact these trials have had on international law.

Most of the information displayed is in German only but a free audio guide is available that covers everything. If you plan on seeing/listening to all of it allow at least 90 minutes (as there’s a lot of sections). 

Courtroom 600 at the Palace of Justice

For the courtroom itself, you can see it from the visitors section which matches the vistors and press area for the original Nuremberg trials. The court is still configured as it was when it ceased being a regular court again in 2020. Now it is unused, there are plans to remodel it as it was in 1945.

Do note that the courtroom can be closed during the museum’s opening hours so if it’s important to you to walk inside here, it’s best to check with the museum before going if it will be open for your visit.

It’s well worth a visit to learn more about this historic event. You can find more information on their site here .

Reichsparteitagsgelände (Nazi Party Rally Grounds)

Reichsparteitagsgelände Nuremberg

For a big contrast with the last Nuremberg places to see on this list, visit where the Nazi Party was at its peak at its rally grounds.

You’ve probably seen this place before – if you’ve ever see the black and white videos of crowds hailing Hitler, it was here in Nuremberg that these were filmed.

Nuremberg was an important place in Germany thanks to its central location and its status in the Holy Rome Empire which made it important to the Nazi Party who held their annual propaganda rallies here even before they were in power. A congress hall was built here in the 1930s which is now home to the Documentation Centre.

Just to the east is Zeppelinfeld which is where the big Nazi parades and events took place. There is also a 350 metre long grandstand here as well as the balcony where Hitler stood talking to the masses.

The two kilometre long Große Strasse was planned for military parades.

Much of these grounds were destroyed during World War II but enough remains to give you a good idea of the scale of things here.

The Documentation Centre is definitely the place to head to learn more about the history of this area and how it was used by the Nazi Party. It will also give you a great understanding of how the Nazi party came to power and managed to do everything they did.

Once you have finished at the Documentation Centre, you can walk around the grounds where there are information boards telling the history of different parts of the site. It is a decent sized site so get ready for lots of walking.

Documentation Centre Temporary Exhibit

Note that at the time of publishing, the main Documentation Centre museum is shut and there is an interim exhibit which talks through the various uses of the grounds as well as some brief information on the events that lead to World War II in Germany.

Sometimes, the Zeppelinfeld is closed for events and I suggest you ask when you buy your tickets for the Documentation Centre if this is open – or even better, ring beforehand. We were frustrated on our visit that we walked around for quite awhile in the rain with all the approaches we could find to the Zeppelinfeld closed.

We went back to the ticket office and asked and were told we should have known that it was shut!! This was not anywhere on their website or at the actual site. Hopefully, you have a better experience than us.

If there is only the interim exhibit to see, I don’t think this is worth the entry or the journey here.

There is parking at the site which we didn’t have problems accessing.

Schloss Neunhof

Schloss Neunhof

If you are looking for the best places to visit near Nuremberg, Schloss Neunhof is a completely different attraction in this area.

Schloss Neunhof is a well preserved suburban estate which helps tell the story of what summer was like for the city’s noble families from the 16th – 19th century.

This manor house is not just picturesque but has fortifications, a gate, moat and drawbridge. It also has big gardens with stables and more. Inside the house is a castle and hunting museum.

Located about a 20 minute drive from Kaiserburg, this attraction is best for people with their own wheels. At the time of publishing, the building was shut due to renovation works but you can visit the gardens. You can find more details on their site .

Jüdisches Museum Franken (Jewish Museum Franken)

Jüdisches Museum Franken

In the adjoining town of Fürth, just a quick train ride away, is this one of the best things to do near Nuremberg Germany, the Jewish Museum Franken.

Fürth used to have the largest Jewish population in southern Germany. In this museum, you can learn the history of Jewish life in this region from the Middle Ages until today.

Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) Bamberg

If you are looking for a fantastic day trip from Nuremberg, look no further! Bamberg is a fantastic option. About an hour’s drive or train trip away, it makes for an easy option.

Bamberg’s Old Town is UNESCO World Heritage listed and is full of original buildings. If you love narrow Medieval streets, tall historic buildings and centuries old churches then this is the place for you.

There are some great museums and churches to explore as you walk around the Old Town including the incredibly picturesque Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall). In a day, you can see the top attractions in this city and have a fabulous time.

Click here to read our full guide to Bamberg including a one day itinerary .

Things To Do In Nuremberg With Kids

Nuremberg is a great place to visit with kids. We know because we visited with our three kids aged 6 – 12. While the majority of the Nuremberg visiting places above work fine with kids – ours enjoyed exploring the Old Town as much as us – there are some great Nuremberg attractions especially for kids which you will find in this section.

I do want to reiterate that the Deutsche Bahn Museum above was our absolute favourite place with kids in Nuremberg so 100% this should be on your itinerary.

Kindermuseum (Children’s Museum)

If your kids want stuff to do in Nuremberg, this highly regarded children’s museum could be just the place to head. With many exhibits full of hands-on interactive things to do, they won’t be bored while they learn.

Permanent exhibits focus on learning more about the earth and the environment and on how people have lived at different times and the way technology has evolved how we live. This sounds like lots of fun with the opportunity to even bake pastries and wash clothes the old-fashioned way.

It’s suitable for kids in grades 1 – 10 as well as preschoolers but is focused on being most interesting for primary school kids.

Unfortunately, we did not make it to this museum ourselves due to the fact that it doesn’t open over the summer vacation period. But it does sound like a lot of fun!

Spielzeugmuseum (Toy Museum)

Spielzeugmuseum Nuremberg

Nuremberg has a long history (600 years!) of making toys so what better way to celebrate this than at a toy museum! In fact, Nuremberg is a hub for toy makers today as well with the biggest international toy fair held here regularly.

Located in the Old Town, it’s also a great way to break up more adult-focused attractions and to keep your kids interested in exploring.

The history of toys is on display here and as you move up the levels, you move forward in time as far as the toys displayed. It starts with wooden toys on the ground floor, doll houses and tin toys on the first floor and then construction sets and wind up toys on the second floor. There are also model trains.

The third floor has toys built since 1945 – there are so many things here! I may have enjoyed this more than the kids as I reminisced about my old toys.

While most of this museum is a museum – meaning you can’t play with the toys – the kids will enjoy the top floor where there is a play area with toys, games and books.

Nuremberg Zoo

Nuremberg Zoo penguins

The Nuremberg Zoo is one of the largest in Europe and has some great enclosures and animals on site. If you like zoos, you are sure to love Nuremberg Zoo.

It’s about six kilometres east of the Old Town in an old sandstone quarry which makes for some great enclosures when it’s been left how it was for animals where this makes sense.

There are many animals here (292 different species) and your kids are highly likely to find their favourites.

Playmobil FunPark

Kids 10 and under may think that Playmobil FunPark is the winner when it comes to places to see near Nuremberg.

This low key amusement park with Playmobil theming was a total winner for our six and ten year olds with amazing playgrounds, pedal boats, water play area, castle area, go karts and more. What I liked about it is nothing is that fancy (think cool playgrounds rather than rides) so it actually works incredibly well for younger kids.

Playmobil FunPark Power paddle boats

If it’s warm, make sure you take your swim suit for the wet areas.

Honestly, you could easily spend all day here. We went for six hours and rushed quite a few hours. Just so much fun.

You can read my full review of Playmobil FunPark here .

Things To Do In Nuremberg At Christmas

While most of the Nuremberg things to do listed above are possible in winter time, there are also some fun things to do in Nuremberg in winter.

Nuremberg Christmas Market

Nuremberg Christmas Market

Running for about a month before Christmas, Nuremberg Christmas Market is definitely the #1 place to head if you are looking for things to do in Nuremberg in December. This Christmas Market is one of the oldest and best options in Europe.

Located in Hauptmarkt, this market is big with around 180 stalls. It was first mentioned in 1628, but it’s suspected that markets were held here for around 100 years before this.

This area is famous for its gingerbread (lebkuchen in German) and this is a great time to try some along with an “Original Nuremberger” sausage and some blueberry glühwein. These sausages are made with pork and spiced with marjoram. They are only 23 grams each and about the size of a little finger. They are usually sold with multiple pieces.

For families, there’s also a Children’s Christmas Market on Hans-Sachs-Platz with a special family program and rides. The carousel looks amazing and it’s fun to walk around here as well.

The downside of all of this is that this market can get busy on weekends so go on a weekday if possible.

Staatstheater Nuremberg (State Theatre)

Staatstheater Nuremberg

The art nouveau Staatstheater is just to the south of the Old Town and is a magnificent place to take in an opera, ballet or to listen to the Nuremberg Philharmonic Orchestra.

While you can attend a show here year around, it can be an extra good choice in winter when you’d rather keep indoors.

What To Do In Nuremberg In One Day 

Only have one day in Nuremberg? 😮 What a shame!

But it’s ok, it’s still worth going to Nuremberg if you only have one day.

With one day, I recommend you stick to the attractions in and around the Old Town. The following is a base for your itinerary but switch things around after reading the above so you spend more time at the attractions that most interest you.

  • Start the day at Kaiserburg. Check out the views at Sinwell Tower and consider visiting the other museums and Tiefer Brunnen (Deep Well) if time allows
  • Look at the map above and try to walk past everything mentioned in the Old Town. Even if you don’t want to go inside the attractions, the outsides are usually amazing. Also make sure you walk along the very picturesque Weißgerbergasse 
  • Do one of the underground tours. Pick whichever interests you most from the Historischer Kunstbunker (Historic Art Bunker), Felsengänge (Undergound Cellars) and Mittelalterliche Lochgefängnisse (Medieval Dungeons)
  • Go inside at least one of the main churches: St Sebalduskirche, Frauenkirche (Church Of Our Lady) and Lorenzkirche (St Lawrence Church)
  • Have lunch somewhere picturesque in the Old Town
  • Spend the afternoon at either the Germanisches Nationalmuseum (German National Museum), Neues Museum or Stadtmuseum Fembohaus – whichever interests you the most

The only exception to this is if you are particularly interested in World War II history. In this case, split your time between the Reichsparteitagsgelände, Nuremberg Trials Memorial and Kaiserburg for a touch of the Old Town. Eat dinner in the middle of the Old Town too so you have a chance to soak up some of the ambience.

Best Place To Stay In Nuremberg Germany

When it comes to where to stay in Nuremberg, there is a great range of hotels and other accommodation options. You won’t have any problem finding somewhere to stay.

Below, I’ve listed a few different places to consider depending on what type of accommodation you are looking for.

If you want more options, you can use this map to help you find hotels and home rental accommodation around Nuremberg.

BEST – Le Meridien Grand Hotel Nürnberg Review

tourist office nuremberg

Located just to the SE of the Old Town opposite the City Walls, Le Meridien is the place to head for 5 star luxury. It isn’t just grand inside either, it looks it from the outside.

It started life as a two-storey farmhouse with a hops storehouse, but became an 80-room hotel in 1896 with three floors. Although it still wasn’t the luxury it is today thanks to no running water and only one bathroom!

Today, it has 190 luxurious rooms, all with flat screen TV, internet, safes and luxurious beds. You will be comfortable here. The rooms range from small (but stylish) doubles to a variety of suites which also have sitting areas.

Facilities at this hotel include a restaurant, gym and business facilities. Valet parking can be included for an additional daily charge.

Click here for the latest prices.

You can also read our full review of the Novotel in Nuremberg here which is also a great choice.

VALUE –  Adina Apartment Hotel Nuremberg Review

tourist office nuremberg

For great value accommodation in Nuremberg Old Town, look no further then the Adina Apartment Hotel. We love this chain for very comfortable, well furnished and smartly arranged apartments with all the facilities of a hotel.

In Nuremberg, the Adina Apartment Hotel is located in the southern part of the Old Town which makes it very easy to get out and about to explore all the things to do around Nuremberg Germany.

Rooms range from studios to one and two bedroom apartments including special family apartments. They all have kitchens including microwaves and washing machines and are comfortably appointed. Flat screen TVs, irons and more are included making this a very easy place to stay.

Facilities include an indoor pool, gym and a sauna as well as complimentary WiFi. There is a restaurant and bar on site and you can order room service. I particularly liked the rooftop terrace.

For anyone who wants to self cater or have a little more space (especially families), this is my top choice of where to stay in Nuremberg.

BUDGET – Übernachten in der Tenne Review

tourist office nuremberg

If you are looking for a budget stay, you won’t be able to beat Übernachten in der Tenne. Located about 8 kilometres from the Kaiserburg, you can catch public transport into the Old Town and around Nuremburg’s attractions.

This accommodation offers apartments in an old converted farmhouse renovated in 2018. They are functional and good looking and offer a comfortable stay for a great price as long as you don’t mind the commute.

There are four apartments with kitchens with microwave and three single rooms. Some of the apartments have sofa beds making them a great choice for families of four who want great accommodation and want to save some money.

There is free parking on-site and you can also have breakfast served in your room.

Nuremberg Attractions Map

Things To Do In Nuremberg Germany map

How To Get To Nuremberg

Nürnberg Hauptbahnhof or Nuremberg Central Station

We travelled to Nuremberg by hire car which made it very easy to get here. It’s in a central location and is a major city so it’s simple to find.

You can hire a car to get you there by clicking here.

There are regular trains and buses here. You can find timetables and all your options here. Nuremberg’s central location has it close to many places and you can be in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg or Munich within hours by train.

Or you can find all the train timetables here and discount train passes here.

There is also an airport in Nuremberg with flights from other places in Europe. Click here to see the latest (and best) prices.

Once in Nuremberg, we found it easy to use the local transport, although most of the time, we explored on foot. Once you are in the Old Town, it’s awesome to just walk around and soak it all in.

Final Words

Nuremberg is a fun place to visit and there are many things to see Nuremberg offers. The hardest part will be what to leave out!

We really enjoyed it all, except the disappointment of not getting to see the Nazi Party Rally Grounds as we had expected. The Old Town is awesome to walk around and then there’s so much outside of here as well as some top museums.

I hope you have found this guide useful and you have a great visit as well.

Read more guides to visiting Southern Germany here or read about nearby Dinkelsbühl here or Rothenburg here . Both are perfect places for a day trip! You may also be interested to know why we think Bavaria is the best region in the world here .

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By Sharon Gourlay

Sharon first fell in love with Germany back in 2000 on her first visit. She loves the long history, the picturesque Old Towns, the castles, the food, everything really! Since then, she has visited many times and loves writing about Germany here so you can enjoy it too. In fact, Sharon loves German culture so much that she sent her kids to a German primary school in Australia. She especially loves Berlin and towns with charming Old Towns like Celle and Quedlinburg. Sharon also has a Certificate III in International Travel Sales and understands the nitty gritty of travel planning. Through this site, she'll help you have the perfect trip to Germany whether it's your first or tenth time!

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30 Things to Do in Nuremberg Germany, Bucket List Experiences

Top things to do in nuremberg germany.

If you are planning a trip to Nuremberg Germany and looking for the best things to do, see and eat while visiting, you are in the right place. Nuremberg is well known for its incredible Christmas markets and infamous Nuremberg trials. You will find the Nuremberg Castle, city walls, stone bridges and towers, red roofs, half-timbered homes, quirky sculptures and fountains, a mechanical clock, red beer, finger sausages, and gingerbread. Browse the list of must-see attractions, off-the-beaten-path experiences, outdoor activities, and museums to create your personal Nuremberg bucket list. Then, plan the itinerary for your Nuremberg day trip with these top things to do, see, and eat. Nuremberg is an easy day trip from Munich Germany . Enjoy your time out of the office!

READ  Complete Germany Travel Guide, What You Need to Know

City Walls Nuremberg Germany

Things to Do in and Around Nuremberg Germany

Photograph the city from Nuremberg Castle and wander the gardens

Learn about the Nazi regime and Nuremberg rallies at the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Learn about the Nuremberg Trials at the Nuremberg Palace of Justice and visit Courtroom 600

See the first globe made at the Germanic National Museum

Photograph Schütt Island landscape

Grab a snack and browse Hauptmarkt

Spin the Schöner Brunnen golden ring three times for good luck

See the torture chamber at the Medieval Dungeons

Watch the dolphins at the Nuremberg Zoo

Drink a Rotbier (red beer) at Altstadthof Brewery

Visit the city’s underground beer tunnels

Check out the nave and Angelic Salutation at St Lorenz Church

Eat Nuremberg sausage and sauerkraut

Walk the city walls and stop at Fürther Tor for the view

Browse the artist’s life works at the Albrecht Durer’s House and Art

Buy lebkuchen (gingerbread) cookies as a souvenir

Check out the dollhouse collection at the Nuremberg Toy Museum

Photograph Hangman’s Bridge and the Heilig-Geist-Spital

Stop at Tiergärtnerplatz and photograph the Durer-Hase Sculpture (rabbit sculpture)

Take a coffee break at a café in Trödelmarkt

Browse contemporary art at the Neves Museum

Have a picnic by the lake and relax in Wöhrder Park

Explore the traditional craft workshops at Handwerkerhof

Watch the mechanical clock on Frauenkirche in the main square at noon

Photograph Weinstadel, Germany’s largest half-timbered building

Check out the half-timbered homes on Weißgerbergasse (Tanners Lane)

Check out the Ehekarussell (Marriage-Merry-Go-Round sculpture fountain)

Check out the Way of Human Rights monument to world peace

Take a sausage or gingerbread cooking class

Check out the view from the roof of the Adler parking garage

Be sure to check the Nuremberg Germany Tourism Board website for upcoming festivals, special events, and what’s happening during your stay.

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I love Bavarian Alps and therefore being Nuremberg the second-largest city in Bavaria is my favorite. I would love to visit castle, city walls, stone bridges and towers, red roofs, half-timbered homes, quirky sculptures and fountains, mechanical clock, with backdrop of Alps again. I would love to buy lebkuchen (gingerbread) cookies as a souvenir. Thanks for sharing great tips.

That is a wonderful itinerary for Nuremberg. It covers activities for all kinds of travelers. I am curious about underground beer tunnels. The dollhouse collection at the Nuremberg Toy Museum too sounds interesting. What an opportunity to learn sausage or gingerbread in a cooking class there.

Beer tunnels are like wine caves

I haven’t been to Nuremberg so I’m happy to read what it has to offer from you. I love half-timbered houses. Nuremberg seems to have a little of everything complete with castle. Most of all I love lebkuchen so a cooking class for that would be a great idea.

I love taking cooking classes when traveling, great memories I can relive at home

I’ve never been to Nuremberg but these colors! Oh my gosh! I always thought Germany was too alternative for me (re. Berlin, Hamburg), but I guess I just haven’t been looking in the right spots 🙂 Hopefully I’ll get to visit its Christmas markets and have a red beer one of these days

I think you should give Germany another look. I’m very conservative and it’s one of my favorite countries

I have been to Nuremberg and I actually like the city and the locals here who made me very welcome. However i have tried the red beer and I wasn’t too keen on it. There was a slight taste to it which I cant point my finger to, so I rather stick the other local German beer. And you can’t knock the Gingerbread…its wonderfall! Forever buying it when I go to Christmas markets here 🙂

I used to live in Berlin and I wish I did explore more of Germany! Nuremberg Seems like a lovely place! That sausage and gingerbread class seems interesting, I would love to check it out

You are filling up a great itinerary for a visit to Germany. Those views of red roofs was a great draw for sure. I bet the Christmas markets in this fairytale city are magical. Hubby would be up for trying a red beer. And wandering thru underground beer tunnels. Wandering the markets is always a fun thing to do. And taking a gingerbread cooking class sounds like fun. Certainly enough to keep us busy for a few days.

I have never visited Nuremberg. In your blog you have nicely listed so many things to do and places to see there. There are so many things like Germanic National Museum, Hauptmarkt, Trodelmarkt, etc. I am surely going to visit this place some day.

I’ve never heard of red beer. My husband would be so into that! Also, it’s fascinating that you can walk on the walls of the city – I would totally love to do that and enjoy the views. Bavaria is so beautiful!

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Explore Nuremberg: 15 Highlights that Make It Worth a Visit

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For over two decades of my life, I had no idea that Germany had cities that looked like they were straight out of a fairytale. It wasn’t until I discovered Nuremberg that I felt like I had stumbled upon Disneyland for adults.

As I wandered through Nuremberg’s quaint streets with their colorful half-timbered houses and visited its time-honored landmarks such as Schöner Brunnen, Imperial Castle, and Sebalduskirche, I couldn’t help but wonder why Nuremberg isn’t as well-known as other German cities like Berlin, Munich, and Cologne.

Amazed by Nuremberg’s charming streets, it’s hard not to say Nuremberg is a must-see destination in Germany, at least for every wanderer exploring the world. In this post, I’ll share all the reasons why.

If you’re a traveler who’s unsure whether to add Nuremberg to your itinerary, I hope to help you make up your mind by highlighting all the beautiful things I discovered in this charming city. So, let’s get started!

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Briefly, Nuremberg is the second-largest city in the German state of Bavaria, Southern Germany, and it’s a popular starting point for travelers looking to explore the charming small towns in the nearby Franconian Region. But, again, Nuremberg is worth exploring in its own right – it has a unique charm that sets it apart from other big cities in Germany.

Nuremberg offers unique experience like the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds, which offers visitors a chance to learn more about this important period in German history. There’s more to discover in Nuremberg and I’m excited to tell them to you.

As you read my reasons to visit Nuremberg, you’ll also find the information below to help you explore the Nuremberg when you decide that you’ll be spending time here.

  • Exact map locations of the landmarks and tourist attractions in Nuremberg. (with links to Google Maps).
  • Visiting information for the tourist attractions in Nuremberg.
  • Tips and recommendations for an enjoyable/full-of-discovery visit to Nuremberg.

If you’ll need an itinerary for Nuremberg , I also got you covered. All the practical information in visiting Nuremberg is included in it. You can find the best hotel deals in Nuremberg here.

1. Nuremberg’s Picturesque Streets

Those who hail from newer countries and find themselves drawn to the magic of Europe’s medieval city centers, Nuremberg is an unmissable stop on your itinerary! Founded almost a millennium ago, this historic city is steeped in medieval charm. Its cobblestone streets, brick buildings, and numerous other timeless sights make Nuremberg a living testament to history.

Weissgerbergasse, Nuremberg, Germany

Before you set foot in Nuremberg, make sure to free up some space on your camera. The city is a treasure trove of stunning visuals that you’ll want to capture! Take a leisurely walk along the River Pegnitz, where charming bridges and timber-framed houses await.

Wondering where to find the most photogenic spots in Nuremberg? No need to worry! I’ve got the exact locations of Nuremberg’s picture-perfect places right here.

  • Weissgerbergasse
  • Rathausplatz
  • Tiergärtnertor 

Among the many remarkable places in Nuremberg, Weissgerbergasse stands out. This street, with its charming pastel-colored, timber-framed houses, is undeniably picturesque. The sight of these houses, which form the largest collection of old artisan houses in the city according to tourism officials, is truly impressive.

Today, Weissgerbergasse is a lively area filled with inviting cafes, quaint shops, and welcoming bars – a perfect place to unwind after a day of city exploration. Here are some of the ways you can explore Nuremberg:

Europe is filled with beautiful cities like Nuremberg, we can all agree! Below are the cities similar to Nuremberg (they also have picturesque streets). I suggest you discover ( click the names of the city to read the article—they open in a new tab ):

  • Strasbourg —it is the capital of Europe that has half-timber framed houses, a Haussman architecture new city, and a charming medieval old town center.
  • Colmar —the most fairytale town in France filled with half-timber framed houses. It’s so beautiful it was copied in other countries, i.e., Malaysia.
  • Bern —Its historic center is a stunning UNESCO site with cute fountains and picturesque streets.
  • Verona —it is the Romantic city where the story of Romeo and Juliet is set. It also has a 2000-year-old arena like Rome.
  • Bergamo —do you want to visit a medieval place with scenic views? Here’s where you should go.
  • Florence —it is where the Renaissance was born. It has stunning landmarks, thousands of artworks, and lovely city views. You’ll like visiting it.

tourist office nuremberg

2. Beautiful Churches in Nuremberg

For those with an appreciation for magnificent architecture, Nuremberg is a destination worth considering. The city boasts a variety of stunning buildings that will quench your thirst for architectural beauty. The churches in particular showcase Nuremberg’s distinctive craftsmanship and exceptional artistry.

With nearly ten remarkable churches to explore, Nuremberg offers something for everyone. Three of these churches can be found in the city’s north, while the remainder are in the south, with the River Pegnitz acting as a central dividing line. While I personally find Sebalduskirche, Frauenkirche, and Lorenzkirche to be the most beautiful, it’s important to remember that beauty is subjective.


Sebalduskirche, Nuremberg, Germany

The first church on our list, Sebalduskirche, also happens to be Nuremberg’s earliest parish church. It’s hard to believe that it was established way back in 1215 – that’s over eight centuries ago! One of Nuremberg’s tallest structures, it’s located north of the Pegnitz and faces the old city hall .

hile Sebalduskirche might not top the list of Europe’s most beautiful churches, its architectural merit is exceptional. Its detailed rose windows are particularly captivating.

Inside, you’ll find a high and narrow nave framed by stunning stained-glass windows. The play of sunlight through these windows lends an enchanting aura to the church. Despite some artwork being lost in WWII, there are still many remarkable pieces to be found within its walls, such as Peter Visher’s Monument of Saint Sebaldus.

360-degree-image of Sebalduskirche above (Swipe to see more views)

Visiting hours for Sebalduskirche start from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm from January to March and 6:00 pm from April to December. German tours are available every Wednesday and Saturday at 3:00 pm.


Lorenzkirche, Nuremberg, Germany

Construction of Lorenzkirche began shortly after that of Sebalduskirche, making it one of Nuremberg’s oldest churches. Like Sebalduskirche, Lorenzkirche is renowned for its beauty. Its imposing west facade will surely captivate you.

The 9-meter-diameter rose window, the tympanum, and the embellishments on the middle spire are nothing short of majestic. It’s no wonder it’s hailed as one of Bavaria’s most beautiful Lutheran churches.

Lorenzkirche is home to several artworks that even survived the Iconoclasm during the Reformation. Each piece, from the stained glass windows to the medieval altars, is strikingly beautiful. Be sure to see Veit Stoss’ early 16th-century artwork, the Angelic Greeting. And don’t miss its three-pipe organ – considered one of the largest in the world with an astounding 12,000 pipes and 165 registers.

360-degree-image of Lorenzkirche above (Swipe to see more views)

You can find Lorenzkirche a few steps south of the Museum Bridge in River Pegnitz. Here is the exact location from Google Maps . Lorenzkirche is open for visitors from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm every Monday to Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Every Thursday, it has the same opening hours but closes at 9:00 pm. The church accepts visitors only from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm on Sundays. Sometimes, concerts occur inside Lorenzkirche. You cannot enter the church during that time. See Nuremberg’s official tourism website for more information.

Admission costs only 1 EUR. But, if you want to tour the tower, you must pay 5 EUR more.


Frauenkirche, Nuremberg, Germany

For those who appreciate architecture, exploring churches in Nuremberg can be an enjoyable experience. If you’re Catholic, there’s an added incentive to visit. Frauenkirche, one of Nuremberg’s Catholic churches, is another architectural marvel worth seeing.

Although it’s not as grand as Lorenzkirche and Sebalduskirche, its stunning west facade will leave you impressed. The facade showcases a unique German architectural design with embossed decorations on the tympanum beneath the central porch that are sure to captivate you.

The towers attached to the facade and the pinnacles on top are an elegant sight even from a distance. Also noteworthy is the Männleinlaufen, a mechanical clock situated on the upper part of the facade.

Inside Frauenkirche, be sure to check out Nuremberg’s oldest stained-glass windows and various artworks, including a stone sculpture cycle in the choir from 1360 and the Tucher altar, a panel painting created in 1445.

360-degree-image of Frauenkirche above (Swipe to see more views)

Frauenkirche is on the east side of Nuremberg’s main market square (Hauptmarkt). It is only a few steps away from Museum Bridge in the Pegnitz River. If you can’t find it, here’s the exact location of Frauenkirche on Google Maps .

Are you planning to visit Frauenkirche ? It is open from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Saturday. On Sunday, it’s 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm. There are no admission fees. But you can donate for generosity.

3. Nuremberg Imperial Castle

Nuremberg Imperial Castle, Nuremberg, Germany

If you’re a history buff like me, you’re going to love Nuremberg in Germany. It’s not just about the medieval look of the city, but also its historical significance.

Did you know that Nuremberg Castle is home to some of Europe’s most impressive medieval fortifications? This castle was once the power hub for the Holy Roman Empire, where kings and emperors used to hang out.

Perched on a sandstone ridge , it offers some seriously stunning views of the city. While it’s no longer a grand military stronghold, it’s still pretty incredible. For instance, its Imperial Stables are now one of Germany’s largest and most modern youth hostels. And guess what? Nuremberg Castle is still the city’s top landmark, visible from miles away.

From west to east:

  • Imperial Chapel
  • Heathens’ Tower
  • Sinwell Tower
  • Imperial Stables
  • Luginsland Tower

By the way, do you like visiting beautiful places like castles and palaces? You should check out Munich . There are three palaces in this city.

As soon as you enter the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg, you’ll see it’s not your average castle. It’s actually a complex full of fortified structures with loads to explore. There’s a stunning garden, a deep well, several chapels, and even a museum within the castle grounds! Even though it was heavily damaged during World War II, the restoration work is seriously impressive.

If you’re up for learning more about the castle and city’s history, you should definitely take a “tour of the Palas.” You’ll get to check out both floors of the Palas and see some amazing sights like the Knights’ Hall, Saint Margaret’s Chapel, Imperial Hall, Emperor’s Chamber, and Bower.

The Bower is where you’ll find the Imperial Castle Museum which has a huge collection of armor, shields, and weapons from medieval times. Discover more about the museum from its official website .

360-degree-image of Nuremberg Imperial Castle above (Swipe to see more views)

Thinking about checking out the Nuremberg Imperial Castle? It’s open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from April through October 3. From October 4 through March, they trim the hours back a bit to 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.

Just make sure you arrive at least 45 minutes before they close! You’ll definitely want to see the Castle Gardens while you’re there – it’s the perfect place for sunset or golden hour views!

But remember, it’s only open from April 15 through October, from 8:00 am until nightfall. If you’re bringing the kids, they’ll get in free if they’re under 18. Adults pay an admission fee of 7 EUR, which gets you into Palas, Deep Well, and Sinwell Tower. And bonus – there’s no charge to enter the Castle Gardens.

Learn more from the official website of the Imperial Castle .

4. Unique Fountain in Nuremberg

Nuremberg’s streets aren’t just for snapping photos – there’s a whole world to discover in this medieval town. It’s like wandering through an open-air museum filled with stunning artworks.

And if you’re after something extra special, don’t miss out on the city’s gorgeous fountains. These hidden gems might take a bit of effort to find, but trust me, they’re worth it. Want to know where to find Nuremberg’s most beautiful fountains? Take a look at the list below!

  • Tugendbrunnen


Schöner brunnen.

Click the names of the fountains above to see their exact location in Google Maps. 

Among the three I mentioned, Ehekarussell and Schöner Brunnen are the two you should not miss seeing. Both fountains are beautiful. But, can you guess which fountain depicts a story? 

Ehekarussell, Nuremberg, Germany

If you think it is Ehekarussell, you are right! You can read its description from Atlas Obscura . But, in short, it’s a fountain with controversial meaning and horrific sculptures. It may not be suitable for all. Ehekarussell depicts the scene in the poem “Bitter-Sweet Married Life” by Hans Sachs.

The sculptures in the fountain include a monstrous lizard, nudes, and the undead. If this still interests you, visit it near Weisser Turm tower (see it on Google Maps ).

Schöner Brunnen is one of the main attractions in Nuremberg. This famous 14th-century fountain resembles a Gothic spire 19 meters tall. You can find it on Hauptmarkt (see exact location in Google Maps ). 

Schöner Brunnen, Nuremberg, Germany

What sets Schonerbunnen apart from other fountains? For one, it boasts an impressive size. However, what really makes it unique are the 40 colorful figures on its spire. These figures depict some of the most important characters from the world of the Holy Roman Empire.

The spire is also adorned with golden embellishments that are sure to catch your attention. Before you leave the fountain, be sure to spin the two brass rings found on the fence. Legend has it that doing so brings good luck to those who give them a spin.

5. Nuremberg’s Instagrammable River and Bridges

Nuremberg, a city bisected by the tranquil River Pegnitz, is unified by its distinctive bridges. These aren’t just ordinary structures; they offer a unique and picturesque panorama of the city. The serene river mirrors the charm of Nuremberg’s homes, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

The blend of nature and quaint medieval architecture makes the city’s bridges a must-visit. Visit during sunset for an incredibly romantic experience, with everything enveloped in a warm, golden hue. Imagine proposing to your loved one in such an enchanting setting – a memory to cherish forever!

While not all bridges offer stunning views, I strongly suggest exploring at least one of the bridges mentioned below.

  • Museumsbrücke
  • Fleischbrücke
  • Kettensteg (Brücke) and Schlayerturm

I arranged the list of bridges above from middle-east to the west across the Pegnitz River. The links above will show the bridges’ exact location in Google Maps.

Kettensteg & Schlayerturm

Kettensteg & Schlayerturm, Nuremberg, Germany

If you ask me, Kettensteg & Schlayerturm are the real deal among the four bridges in Nuremberg. They might not be medieval stone bridges like Museumsbrücke, Fleischbrücke, and Maxbrücke, but they’ve got their own charm.

They’re tucked away from the usual tourist spots, so you can enjoy some peaceful moments, almost like stepping back in time. Fun fact – Schlayerturm is a fortification from the early 15th century and it’s perched on a tiny island in the middle of the Pegnitz River. Its pitched roof and sandstone blocks could easily be a backdrop for a medieval movie!

And right next to it is Kettensteg, the chain bridge. It gives you a fantastic view of Schlayerturm and its stunning architecture.

Plus, they’re beautifully lit up at night.

Maxbrücke, Nuremberg, Germany

Now, let’s talk about Maxbrücke. It’s over on the eastern side of Kettensteg & Schlayerturm. They’re neighbors, so it’s easy to spot them both. And here’s a tip – if you want the perfect photo of Schlayerturm, head over to Maxbrücke.

As you cross Maxbrücke, there’s more than just Schlayerturm to feast your eyes on. On the opposite bank, you’ll find the Henkerhaus Museum – another slice of medieval history.

Museumsbrücke & Fleischbrücke

View from Museumsbrücke, Nuremberg, Germany

If you’re up for a little time travel, head south of the Hauptmarkt and check out the Museumsbrücke and Fleischbrücke bridges. Now, they might not be a nature lover’s dream, but they’re like a window to Nuremberg’s past.

Fleischbrücke is the older of the two bridges, dating back to the late 16th century, while Museumsbrücke was built as a replacement for the ruined 13th-century bridge. Even though they are just a quick stop, these two bridges offer many photo opportunities, allowing you to catch a glimpse of the two largest islands of the Pegnitz River.

Over on the eastern side of Museumsbrücke, you’ll spot the Heilig-Geist-Spital, another gem with preserved medieval architecture. If the river’s calm, you’ll see its reflection dancing on the water.

See sample Nuremberg Itinerary: Spend 1,2,3 Days in Nuremberg, Germany

6. More Time-Transporting Places in Nuremberg

Nuremberg is bursting with history, and there’s so much more to see beyond the castle, bridges, and churches. There are loads of beautiful and nostalgic places just waiting for you to find them.

How about stepping back in time and exploring hidden gardens, cellars, and medieval dungeons? You absolutely can’t miss the charming islands of the Pegnitz River – they’re a hidden gem that’s worth discovering.

These lesser-known spots add to the charm of Nuremberg and give you even more reasons to visit. If you’re a slow traveler who likes to savor every moment, then these destinations should definitely make your must-see list. You never know what surprises you might find when you venture off the beaten path!

Here is a list summary of the less-visited yet beautiful places in Nuremberg:


Historic rock-cut cellars, medieval dungeons, bürgermeistergarten.

  • Hesperidengärten 

I arranged them in no particular order. You may click the links above to see where they are in Google Maps. 

Have you heard about Trödelmarkt? It’s this quaint neighborhood in Nuremberg that was actually a pig market in medieval times. It’s got a lovely wooden bridge, some beautifully preserved houses, and lots of little shops that are just too cute.

If you’re on a tight budget – there’s a small park on the eastern tip of the island where you can kick back and soak up the river views. And make sure you check out Henkerbrücke on the other side – it’s a gorgeous wooden bridge that’s Instagram-worthy.

Attention, beer enthusiasts! Nuremberg is the place to be! (It’s Bavaria, need I say more?) In Nuremberg, you can explore an enthralling network of underground cellars brimming with captivating tales just waiting to be discovered. These cellars, known as the Historic Rock-Cut Cellars of Nuremberg, form the most extensive and continuous maze of cellars in all of Southern Germany.

See visiting information from the website of the tourism office of Nuremberg .

Ready to uncover some hidden secrets of Nuremberg’s past? Head over to the Historic City Hall. You’ll find a collection of 14th-century prison tools that were used for interrogations back in the day. Pretty intense, right? Plus, you’ll get the inside scoop on the old legal system of the Nuremberg Imperial city.

Learn about the visiting information from Nuremberg’s tourism website .  

Did you know there’s a magical garden near Nuremberg Castle? It’s called Bürgermeistergarten and it’s also straight out of a fairy tale. Wander along its charming cobblestone paths, step through enchanting stone gates, and marvel at the mythical figures that call this place home.

Don’t forget to take in the breathtaking view of Tiergärtnertorplatz and the Albrecht Dürer House! The garden is open from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. With cozy benches and shady trees, it’s an ideal place to unwind and watch the sunset.


Imagine being transported to the charm of the 17th and 18th centuries through a classic Italian garden. The perfectly pruned bushes and graceful statues are a visual treat. Want to check it out? Grab a drone and get ready to capture the stunning geometric designs of Hesperidengärten from a bird’s eye view.

It’s open from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm, just like Bürgermeistergarten. And guess what? There’s no admission fee!

7. Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds

If you find yourself in Nuremberg, be sure to visit the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds. It’s not just a unique attraction, it’s a portal to another intriguing era in the history of Germany!

This museum is located in The Congress Hall, which once echoed with the voices of Nazi gatherings. Just a stone’s throw away from Nuremberg city center – a mere 16-minute train ride – it promises an experience that will etch itself into your memory.

(See the museum’s location from Google Maps )

360-degree-image of Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds above (Swipe to see more views)

When you approach Congress Hall, its sheer size is sure to impress you. With its colosseum-like structure, it could host large gatherings during a Nazi rally. But it’s not your typical circular building – it has a distinctive horseshoe shape that’s only visible from above.

The imposing exterior is just a teaser of what lies within – a wealth of intriguing insights into the events, ideology, and architecture of the Nazi regime. Visiting Congress Hall is like stepping into a time machine that takes you to the darker side of German history, revealing how propaganda was used as a tool to manipulate public opinion.

The Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds museum is always evolving. It previously featured a permanent exhibition called “Fascination and Terror,” which delved into the causes, context, and aftermath of Nazi Germany.

However, this exhibition has been replaced with “Nuremberg – Site of the Nazi Party Rallies,” a temporary showcase presenting various items related to Nazi and Nuremberg history from 1819 to 1945.

Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds, Nuremberg, Germany

The museum is on continuous improvements. It is why it’s better to visit the museum’s website for the latest updates . You can enter the museum from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Sunday. The admission fee is 6 EUR. 

For Instagrammers and photography enthusiasts, try my suggestion. If you want to photograph the Nazi Congress Hall, go to the other side of the lake beside the building. It’s a beautiful spot to capture the hall with an inverted image on the lake’s surface.

8. Fascinating Museums in Nuremberg

Nuremberg is a city that caters to everyone’s interests, whether it’s discovering different cultures or learning about history. The city is home to over 50 museums , covering topics that range from science and technology to arts and culture, and even local history to more unusual subjects.

For those who love museum-hopping, Nuremberg is the perfect destination. In this section, we’ll highlight some of the most fascinating museums in the city – there are too many to cover them all! If you ask me, what are the three museums good enough to be a reason to visit Nuremberg? They are the following:

Germanisches Nationalmuseum

Nuremberg transport museum.

Note that I chose these museums separate from the ones I mentioned in the previous parts of this post. You can click the names of the museums to see their exact location on Google Maps. Let’s begin the discussion with the museum to awaken the kid within us, the Toy Museum.

Being a millennial, I was lucky enough to play with “actual toys” during my younger years. Seeing those same toys now always brings a smile to my face. Maybe you’re feeling nostalgic too, or perhaps you’re just a curious explorer on the hunt for interesting finds? Either way, Nuremberg’s Toy Museum should definitely be on your list!

360-degree-image of Nuremberg Toy Museum above (Swipe to see more views)

The Nuremberg Toy Museum isn’t just a trip down memory lane for those of us who grew up with “old-school” toys. If you’re on the road with little ones, this museum is a must-visit! They’ll be over the moon with the countless toys on display. You could easily while away half a day exploring every corner of this toy wonderland.

Some of the toys even date back over 600 years – so it’s not just the kids who might spot something familiar!

The museum is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm from Tuesday to Friday, and stays open an hour later on weekends and holidays. And the best part? Admission is just 6 EUR for adults and 1.5 EUR for those eligible for discounts.

See more information about the Toy Museum on their official website .

Germany, while having a somber side to its history, boasts a culture that I find incredibly amazing. From its stunning architecture to its mesmerizing art – especially the breathtaking German Rococo frescoes! If your heart beats for the same, the Germanisches Nationalmuseum is a must-visit. It might just become one of your “best reasons” to visit Nuremberg.

The museum showcases countless exquisite works crafted by the German-speaking community.

I am not sure if all exhibits in Germanisches Nationalmuseum are on their website . But I’m sure the catalogs will give you a glimpse of what items await you in the museum. Check it out to feel more excited to come to Nuremberg!

The items found in Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg came from all ages of the German culture. There are renaissance and medieval artworks, German weapons, folk culture stuff, clothes, and more! Different visitors spent 2 hours to an entire inside the museum.

Germanisches Nationalmuseum is open from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday. On Wednesdays, closing time happens much later, 8:30 pm. Entry is 8 EUR for adults (5 EUR, reduced). See all details from the museum’s official website .

Believe it or not, Germany is among the countries in Europe with the b est railway system .

Do you wonder how? The Nuremberg Transport Museum is the place to go. It’s yet another reason why a visit to Nuremberg is a must, particularly if you’re a fan of all things transport! The museum is home to an impressive range of exhibits, including everything from vintage locomotives to cutting-edge bullet trains.

Fun fact – Nuremberg’s Transport Museum is among the oldest technical history museums in Europe! Plus, it’s the designated museum of Germany’s National Railway Company. Your visit is sure to be packed with fascinating insights and discoveries. Just a heads up though, not all displays and exhibit descriptions are in English.

For a thorough and insightful tour, consider getting an audio guide. They’re available for a nominal fee of 1 EUR. Nuremberg’s Transport Museum has six permanent exhibitions:

  • The history of the railway in German y. (Discover the developments of the German railways from 1835 to the present)
  • Bahnhofszeiten . (See how train stations evolved throughout the years)
  • Time-traveling with Grandpa Adler . (An interactive museum where stories of the locomotive that ran Germany’s first passenger train service unfold)
  • Modellarium (An exhibition with 2,000 models of all different sizes of trains worldwide)
  • Outdoor display area (See real nostalgic trains on an open-air site)
  • Model railway display (Experience rail operations in miniature)

Bonus! The Transport Museum of Nuremberg includes a communications museum. Play and discover tools used in communications like analog phones, etc.

Do you want to visit? Nuremberg Transport Museum is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm from Tuesday to Friday. Every Saturday, Sunday, and holiday, the museum closes an hour later at 6:00 pm. The Entry fee is 7 EUR for adults and 4 EUR for kids. See more visiting information from the museum’s official website . Or, you may download the museum’s app ( Appstore , Playstore ) for their other services.

9. Nuremberg’s Famous Christmas Market

Aside from scenic views, culture is another reason I want to visit a specific destination. One of the most exciting things about a place is how its culture makes it unique, especially when it involves human interaction.

It’s amazing to see how people keep their heritage alive. Cultures take years to develop and maintain, and discovering one that’s been around for centuries is a real privilege. Often, it is more than a discovery, but an amusing moment that makes a beautiful memory.

Christmas Market Nuremberg Germany

Every December, Nuremberg transforms into a magical wonderland that beautifully showcases German culture. If you’re thinking it’s because of the Christmas Markets, you’re spot on!

While you can find Christmas markets across the globe, the most authentic ones are nestled in German cities like Nuremberg. In fact, Nuremberg is the birthplace of Christmas markets, with a tradition dating back over 700 years.

Typically set up in the town square, these markets feature open-air stalls selling traditional and seasonal items, alongside food stands offering classic German delicacies like Nuremberger sausages (Wurst), potato pancakes (Kartoffelpuffer), roasted almonds (Gebrannte Mandeln), mouth-watering crepes, warm waffles, and the famous gingerbread.

The dazzling lights and sparkling decorations add to the enchantment of the markets! It’s a family affair with mini carnivals for the kids to enjoy. Plus, you can catch Christmas performances like carol singing and Mozart Christmas songs in the town courtyards and churches. And let’s not forget Christkind, the symbol of Nuremberg’s Christmas Market, who makes the experience unforgettable.

Learn everything about Nuremberg Christmas Market from its official website . 

The Christmas market in Nuremberg starts around the last week of November or the first week of December. The last day is on December 24. It is open from 10:00 am until 9:00 pm from Monday to Sunday. On December 24, the Christmas market closes earlier, at 2:00 pm.

10. More Fun Events in Nuremberg

While the Nuremberg Christmas market is a major draw, the city also hosts a plethora of other events that are well worth your time. From vibrant cultural festivals to captivating art exhibits, Nuremberg offers a diverse array of experiences to cater to varied interests all year round.

Nuremberg Festivals

Nuremberg is a city that knows how to have a good time, and its three festivals are a testament to that! Beer , film , and music festivals are celebrated here, showcasing the lively and modern German culture that resonates with everyone.

The Fränkisches Bierfest (Franconian Beer Festival) is a standout event, taking place in the moat of Nuremberg Castle. This festival draws in both locals and tourists alike, and is often hailed as the “largest” beer garden festival in the world! It’s an experience not to be missed.

For a truly memorable experience, make your way to Nuremberg’s mid-June festivals! With over 40 local breweries serving up more than 100 varieties of beer, and local artists keeping the atmosphere lively with their dynamic performances, it’s a celebration you won’t want to miss.

The festival also offers a wide array of culinary delights to tantalize your taste buds. Solo travelers will find this event a great opportunity to mingle and make new friends, while those interested in culture can indulge in Nuremberg’s markets – it’s a mini-paradise indeed.

Nuremberg Markets

Nuremberg has a Christmas Market, Easter Market , Autumn Market , and more flea markets .

Collectors will be spoilt for choice at the markets in Nuremberg! With a vast array of items on offer, from handmade baskets to hand-blown art glasses, table decorations, ceramic figures, and more, there’s something for everyone.

If you’re planning a visit to one of Nuremberg’s markets, I’d highly recommend the Autumn Market. This lively market coincides with the Old Town Festival, turning Nuremberg into a vibrant hub brimming with free activities for all to enjoy.

During the Autumn Market and Old Town Festival, you’ll get the chance to delve into local crafts and enjoy a diverse entertainment program. The whole city comes alive to celebrate regional cuisine and local traditions, offering a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in Franconian culture.

11. Nuremberg Zoo for Kids

If you’ve been keeping up, you’ll know that Nuremberg is a city brimming with activities and attractions. Whether it’s diving into its rich history or marveling at its stunning architecture, there’s always something to captivate you.

However, there’s more! Nuremberg also boasts one of the largest zoos in Europe. So, whether you’re traveling with your family or you’re an animal lover, a visit to the zoo is a fantastic way to complete your Nuremberg adventure.

Did you know that Nuremberg Zoo is a sanctuary for about 3000 animals spanning 300 species, all housed in natural enclosures designed to replicate their native habitats? This isn’t your typical zoo – Nuremberg Zoo offers a guilt-free experience for visitors.

It’s also home to a variety of exotic wildlife that you might not see elsewhere, including Siberian tigers, snow leopards, and polar bears. You’ll even encounter some lesser-known species like Indian rhinoceroses, Malayan tapirs, and Turkmenian kulans. If you’re keen to see all the animals, plan to spend half or even a whole day at the zoo.

Getting there is easy – just hop on the #E5 bus from Nuremberg train station, and you’ll be there in about 30 minutes. Nuremberg Zoo is open from 8:00 am to 7:30 pm. But you have to come at least mid-afternoon to fully enjoy the zoo. I urge you to read the visiting information and announcements before coming to the zoo.

The admission fee for adults is 18 EUR. For teens and kids, it is 13.5 EUR and 8.5 EUR. You can buy package tickets to save some EUR. Learn more from the Admission Fee page of Nuremberg Zoo.

12. Nuremberg’s Culinary Delights

Nuremberg is a sensory delight, also for the taste buds. The city’s unique culinary journey is sure to captivate food enthusiasts. If you’re a gastronome with a penchant for savouring delectable dishes during your travels, Nuremberg is also your destination.

The city’s two signature dishes – the Nuremberg Sausage (Bratwurst) and gingerbread (Lebkuchen) – are not to be missed. They are particularly delightful during the festive season at the Nuremberg Christmas Markets.

Lebkuchen, Nuremberg, Germany

Bratwurst – what makes it so special? This traditional sausage has been a staple in Nuremberg kitchens for over 700 years! Believe it or not, the recipe has remained unchanged since the City Council made it law back in 1313.

To this day, locals still take great pride in producing over 3 million small sausages annually, with the help of the European Union Product of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) to ensure consistent quality.

Not to be outdone, Nuremberg also boasts another famous specialty – Lebkuchen, or gingerbread. This sweet treat has a history dating back to the 14th century, when it was first made by Franconian Monks. Today, it is a registered “protected geographical indication” and must contain at least 25% nuts and no more than 10% flour.

13. Nuremberg’s Leisure Activities

Another enticing aspect of Nuremberg is the abundance of water bodies within and around the city. These natural features make Nuremberg an ideal destination for those seeking a blend of urban exploration and outdoor adventures.

This unique combination sets Nuremberg apart from other cities and is a significant attraction for visitors. While these natural gems might not be immediately visible on a standard map, a closer look reveals two lakes nestled to the east of the city, waiting to be discovered.

Dutzendteich Lake, Nuremberg, Germany

For locals, the Wöhrder See is the go-to spot when they’re looking for a nearby recreational area. And for travelers like us, it’s the perfect place to relax after exploring Nuremberg. While the lake doesn’t offer many activities, it’s a great spot for sightseeing.

You’ll find several hiking trails, picnic areas, and restaurants nearby that offer breathtaking views of the Nuremberg skyline. The Wöhrder See is also home to a few artworks, including one on the beach and another near the Pegnitz River, making it a place full of little surprises.

There’s another lake you can visit located next to the Congress Hall, which was built by the Nazis. It’s called Dutzendteich Lake and it’s a wonderful place to engage in leisure activities. You can enjoy a stroll, cycle around the lake, rent a pedal boat, or even go sailing! Dutzendteich Lake is particularly picturesque during sunset.

Consider bringing your camera during the golden hour to take stunning photos of the lake. If the water is still, you might even see the Congress Hall’s reflection on the surface.

14. Exciting Day Trips From Nuremberg

Nuremberg serves as an ideal gateway to the wider region of Franconia. Its strategic location makes it a savvy choice for explorers. Although not an official capital, Nuremberg acts as a nexus for numerous tourist hotspots.

From here, you can embark on a variety of day trips to visit the breathtaking, history-rich towns in the vicinity, renowned for their well-preserved medieval architecture.

Bamberg Germany

Bamberg is the first on the list, and it’s a charming town that draws comparisons to Rome and Venice. Similar to Rome, Bamberg boasts seven hills and churches atop them. Additionally, like Venice, visitors can take a gondola ride on the River Regnitz and pass through its historic town.

You can’t leave Bamberg without trying its centuries-old smoked beer tradition, which is one of the town’s unique features. And don’t miss the opportunity to see its primary landmark, the town hall.

Wurzburg Germany

Wurzburg is a great town to visit from Nuremberg – it’s larger than Bamberg and is famous for its dry wines. Known also as the ‘city of 100 churches’, Wurzburg boasts some of the most beautiful Rococo architecture you’ll ever see. And if you’re a fan of stunning buildings, churches, and palaces, you won’t want to miss out on visiting Wurzburg Residence.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothernburg ob der Tauber Germany

Ever fancied a trip back to the medieval era? Rothenburg ob der Tauber in Germany offers you just that. It’s not merely a “magical” experience, but a voyage that whisks you away to a different realm. Rothenburg, with its enchanting allure, is one of Germany’s most frequented and picturesque towns. It’s also one of the rare three villages in the country that still retain their medieval walls intact.

15. Lovely Souvenirs from Nuremberg Craftmen’s Courtyard

A top draw for visitors to Nuremberg is the Craftsmen Courtyard, another attraction that should not be missed. This is the place to find handcrafted souvenirs that will serve as enduring mementos of your Nuremberg adventure.

The array of items on offer is truly impressive, with a plethora of delightful pieces to choose from! Take your time to explore the selection, and you’re bound to discover a keepsake that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Craftmen's Courtyard Entrance, Nuremberg, Germany

The Craftsmen’s Courtyard is a paradise for lovers of handmade crafts, offering a variety of items from wooden toys to sparkling jewelry and home accessories. These pieces are bound to fuel your wanderlust and add a dash of enchantment to your space.

The quaint charm of this place is tangible, from the colorful adornments to the cobblestone streets and half-timbered houses. Situated next to Nuremberg’s wall, the scenes from the Craftsmen’s Courtyard are nothing short of breathtaking, with its towering structures and brick walls exuding an old-world charm.

The cobblestone streets are dotted with delightful shops and cozy cafes that offer the best of Franconian and Nuremberg delicacies. Enjoy a delectable meal of Bratwurst and genuine gingerbreads while appreciating the stunning views in the vicinity.

360-degree-image of Handwerkerhof Nuremberg above (Swipe to see more views)

See Nuremberg Craftsmen’s Courtyard or Handwerkerhof Nürnberg’s location from this link to Google Maps . If you plan to visit, I suggest checking the announcements on its official website before going. The website is in German, though.

Handwerkerhof Nürnberg is open daily from 8:00 am to 10:30 pm from Monday to Saturday. Every Sunday, it opens a little bit later, at 10:00 am. There’s no entry fee, so don’t miss it!

Continue Reading: Nuremberg Itinerary: Spend 1,2,3 Days in Nuremberg, Germany .

If you’re interested in discovering the beauty of Southern Germany, it’s worth noting that Nuremberg isn’t the only city that should be on your radar. Personally, I find Munich and Stuttgart to be nice destinations, too, and I suggest you consider visiting both of them during your trip planning Like Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Munich have easy access to the most beautiful places in Southern Germany

  • From Stuttgart, you can quickly reach Lichtenstein Castle and the Black Forest .
  • From Munich, visiting Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Berchtesgaden , Mittenwald , Neuschwanstein Castle , and Oberammergau is simple. These are the towns in the Bavarian Alps, and here’s how you can explore the Bavarian Alps in 3, 7, or 10 days .

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Nuremberg Germany_ 15 Reasons Why Nuremberg is Worth a Visit

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tourist office nuremberg

  • Nuremberg Tourist Information Office
  • Things to see
  • Things to do in Germany
  • Things to do in Bavaria
  • Things to do in Nuremberg

Nuremberg Tourist Information Office

1 review of Nuremberg Tourist Information Office

The Nuremberg Tourist Information Office is modern and large building designed to provide general and cultural information about the city. It's located in front of the station and below the medieval round tower. Opening hours are from Mon-Sat 9-19:00 and Sun 10-16.00. There's another office in the Hauptmarkt with longer opening hours: Mon-Sat 9-18:00 May to October and Sun from 10-16:00. During the Christmas Market, it opens Mon-Sat. 9-19:00 and Sun 10-19:00. They give out free maps.

tourist office nuremberg

Lists and places related to Nuremberg Tourist Information Office

Information about nuremberg tourist information office.

A Solo Woman Traveling

Boutique Travel Guides & All-Female Luxury Tours

A Solo Woman Traveling

Ultimate Guide For Visiting Nuremberg In One Day + Map

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So you only have time to visit Nuremberg in one day? No problem! I’ve been to Nuremberg a couple of times while living in Germany.

It is possible to see all the hot spots in just a day , but only if you are organized and come up with a plan!

In this post, we will start with the basics on how to get to Nuremberg and then I will share all the top spots I loved when I visited.

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Best Way To Get To Nuremberg

"A serene view of the Pegnitz River flowing through Nuremberg, flanked by historic sandstone buildings with steep roofs and rows of windows reflecting on the water's surface. The famous Heilig-Geist-Spital, a hospital from medieval times, stands prominent with its picturesque bridge connecting the structures, offering a glimpse into the city's storied past on a peaceful day.

My journey to Nuremberg involved a substantial 5-hour train ride from Berlin.

However, the city’s central location in Germany and its well-connected transport network offer various other convenient travel options.

Below, I’ve outlined some of the best ways to reach Nuremberg.

Nuremberg Airport (NUE) serves domestic and international flights, making it a convenient option for travelers.

Many major airlines offer direct flights to Nuremberg from various European cities .

From the airport, you can take a taxi, use public transportation, or rent a car to reach the city center, which is approximately 7 kilometers away.

✈️ I love using SKYSCANNER to find the best deals on flights!

Nuremberg is a major railway hub with excellent connections to other German cities and neighboring countries.

📲 Download the DB Train App

The Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) operates frequent regional train services to and from Nuremberg, including high-speed trains (ICE) that can bring you quickly from major cities like Munich, Frankfurt, and Berlin.

The Nuremberg Hauptbahnhof (main train station) is centrally located, making it convenient to access the city’s attractions.

🚂 Find the fastest route and best prices on train tickets

Nuremberg has good road connections, and if you prefer the flexibility of driving , you can reach the city by car.

The Autobahn, Germany’s extensive highway system, connects Nuremberg to major cities across the country.

It’s advisable to familiarize yourself with the traffic rules and parking options in the city beforehand.

🚗 Click Here to Get the Best Rates on Rental Cars for Nuremberg

Long-distance bus services provide another affordable option to reach Nuremberg.

Several bus companies operate routes to and from Nuremberg, connecting them to various German and European cities.

The bus station is located near the central train station, making it easily accessible.

By International Train

If you’re traveling from neighboring countries, such as Austria , Switzerland, or the Czech Republic, international trains offer a convenient and scenic way to reach Nuremberg .

Check the schedules and availability of international train services to plan your journey accordingly.

Regardless of the mode of transportation you choose, it’s always a good idea to plan and book your tickets in advance , especially during peak travel seasons.

Nuremberg’s central location and excellent transportation links ensure you can easily reach this captivating city from various destinations.

What is Nuremberg Famous For?

When I visited Nuremberg I learned a couple of things that it was famous for such as having a well-preserved old town and medieval castles.

I also knew this German city also has one of the most idyllic Christmas Markets .

A woman in a black dress stands smiling by a distinctive red and white patterned door in Nuremberg, surrounded by the city's charming cobblestone streets. A cascade of white blossoms hangs over the stone archway, adding a touch of natural beauty to this quaint, historic setting, perfect for a leisurely exploration on a sunny day.

However, you history buffs may remember Nuremberg as the location where the Nuremberg nazi trials took place in 1945.

If you are here for a trip back in time for some history of WWII, then make time to visit the Memorial Nurembe rg Trials .

On a guided tour, you can stand in the courtroom where the Nuremberg trials were held.

Afterward, you can take a self-guided tour through the museum that chronicles the war timeline and through the trials. It is a somber experience , so keep this in mind.

🎟️ TICKETS: Check rates & availability for Private Walking Tour of Nazi Party Rally Grounds

But after visiting I learned more about the historic significance of Nuremberg. It played a pivotal role in European history, particularly during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

It served as an important imperial city and was the site of numerous imperial assemblies.

The city’s castle, Nuremberg Castle, stands as a symbol of its historical importance.

Medieval Architecture

Nuremberg is well known and celebrated for its well-preserved medieval architecture.

The city’s Old Town, known as Altstadt, features charming half-timbered houses, narrow cobblestone streets, and the beautiful Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche).

The iconic Nuremberg Castle , with its distinct architecture, offers panoramic views of the city.

Panoramic view over the rooftops of Nuremberg on a clear day, showcasing the city's blend of traditional and modern architecture. Red-tiled roofs and historic spires rise above the streets, while in the distance, contemporary construction cranes hint at the city's ongoing growth. The blue sky, dotted with fluffy clouds, stretches out, offering a sense of the vast history and vibrant life in Nuremberg.

Nuremberg Gingerbread

I also learned that the city of Nuremberg is famous for its traditional gingerbread, known as Nürnberger Lebkuchen.

These delicious spiced cookies are made with honey, nuts, and various spices. They are often enjoyed during the Christmas season and are a popular souvenir for visitors.

Toy Manufacturing

Nuremberg has a long history of toy manufacturing and is often referred to as the “Toy City.”

The city’s toy industry dates back centuries, and it is known for producing high-quality toys, including wooden dolls, teddy bears, and model trains.

The Nuremberg Toy Museum provides insight into the city’s toy-making heritage.

Albrecht Dürer

Nuremberg is the birthplace of the renowned German artist Albrecht Dürer . He was one of the most significant figures of the Northern Renaissance and is famous for his paintings, prints, and engravings.

The Albrecht Dürer House , now a museum, offers a glimpse into his life and work.

Nuremberg Rally

During the Nazi era, Nuremberg became associated with the massive annual Nazi Party rallies held at the Nazi Party Rally Grounds .

The rally grounds, with remnants of the grandstands and other structures, now serve as a site for historical exhibitions and reflection.

Nürnberg City Card

Free access to 30 Attractions + Local Transport for 48 Hours! Major attractions include:

  • Imperial Castle Nuremberg
  • Deutsches Museum Nuremberg
  • Germanisches Nationalmuseum
  • Albrecht Dürer House
  • Neues Museum
  • Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds Interim Exhibit
  • Memorium Nuremberg Trials

What To Do In Nuremberg In One Day

The most efficient way to see the top sights of Nuremberg I created a Free Google Map with all the places pinned in order.

You will also find them in order of what to do here in the post, all starting from the Nürnberg-Hauptbahnhof.

Handwerkhof Nürnberg

A charming view of Nuremberg's famous Hangman's Bridge, featuring half-timbered structures and the imposing Sinwell Tower. Flowers and greenery add a touch of life to the historic site, inviting visitors to discover the tales of the past.

This medieval village with craft shops is just a few minutes walk from the train station.

Here you can get grab a coffee and browse the little shops and admire the architecture of this old village!

Here you will find the Frauentorturm, a historical landmark, at the old city wall gates.

Neues Museum – Museum of Art and Design

If you are interested in visiting the Museum of Art, then it can be your next stop as it’s located just minutes away from the Handwerkhof.

It is closed Mondays, open from 10 am to 6 pm on all days except Thursday it stays open till 8 pm.

St. Lorenz Gothic Church

A woman in front of the magnificent Gothic facade of Nuremberg's St. Lorenz Church. The church's intricate stonework, grand spire, and ornate rose window are highlighted by the sun, showcasing this architectural marvel.

Next walk the main street of Königstraße till you reach Lorenzkirche, aka, St. Lorenz Gothic Church .

Located in the heart of the city’s historic center, this magnificent church is an iconic landmark that stands as a testament to Nuremberg’s rich history and cultural heritage.

Stepping inside, you’ll be awed by the grandeur and majesty of St. Lorenz. The interior boasts soaring vaulted ceilings, exquisite stained glass windows, and intricately carved altars.

The play of light and shadow within the sacred space creates a serene and ethereal ambiance, inviting contemplation and reflection.

As you explore the church, take the time to admire the impressive works of art, including sculptures and paintings that adorn the chapels and nave.

The church also houses a magnificent organ, known for its rich tones and impressive acoustics, making it a venue for enchanting musical performances.

Museum Bridge

Crossing the 13th-century sandstone bridge takes you across the Pegnitz River from the new town of Nuremberg into the old town of Nuremberg (Nürnberg Altstadt).

The bridge is a great place to get photos as I did below.

A solo woman traveler stands on an old bridge, with historic sandstone buildings and a peek of the Pegnitz River in the background. The overcast sky casts a soft light on the scene, enhancing the timeless beauty of the city.

Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche)

The magnificent Gothic facade of The church of our lady under a sunny sky with fluffy clouds. The church's intricate stonework, grand spire, and ornate rose window are highlighted by the sun, showcasing this architectural marvel. In the foreground, market stalls and pedestrians create a lively scene in the spacious square.

One of the highlights of my travels in Nuremberg was visiting The Church of Our Lady, a magnificent structure nestled in the bustling Hauptmarkt Nürnberg.

Known locally as Frauenkirche, this Gothic gem dates back to the 14th century and is a testament to the city’s rich history. Stepping inside, I was immediately enveloped in its peaceful ambiance.

I’m a sucker for expert craftsmanship seen in the woodwork, sculptures, and detailed designs that add to its splendor. It was cool to wander through the nave and marvel at the artistry of the Tucher Altar.

What’s truly remarkable about the Church of Our Lady is its symbolism for Nuremberg’s people. It’s a beacon of unity and resilience, especially considering its restoration after significant damage in World War II. This effort shows the city’s commitment to preserving its cultural roots.

Now, the church isn’t just a place for worship but also a venue for cultural events and a beloved landmark drawing global visitors. Its enduring beauty and historical significance make it a must-see on any Nuremberg itinerary.

Schöner Brunnen

Just a short walk from the church in Nuremberg’s historic city stands the Schöner Brunnen. It is a stunningly beautiful fountain that captures the essence of the city’s rich history.

This ornate structure is located in the Main Market. It is also where you will find the famous Nuremberg Christmas Market.

Local legend says the golden ring embedded in its ironwork, is said to bring good luck to those who spin it.

The Schöner Brunnen is a must-visit for anyone exploring Southern Germany’s most famous landmarks.

Its intricate design and legendary tales make it a perfect spot for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the unique blend of history and folklore that Nuremberg offers.

Albrecht Dürer’s House

Opening Times: Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm. Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 6 pm. July to September Open Mondays 10 am to 5 pm

I found visiting Albrecht Dürer’s House to be a fascinating journey into the world of this influential artist.

I’m not necessarily an art enthusiast or a history buff, but I was simply curious about the life of a creative genius.

A picturesque cobblestone square at Albrecht Dürer's House. Dominated by a striking half-timbered building with bright red beams and flower boxes. The building's traditional Franconian architecture, complete with a peaked roof and detailed facades, is a testament to the city's rich heritage and provides a charming atmosphere for passersby.

As you enter the house, you’ll be greeted by the authentic atmosphere of Dürer’s former residence, which has been meticulously restored to its original state.

The rooms are filled with period furniture, tools, and personal belongings, giving you a glimpse into the artist’s daily life and the artistic techniques he employed.

Appreciate Dürer’s contributions to the art world while gaining a deeper understanding of the cultural and artistic landscape of Renaissance Nuremberg.


One of the must things to do in Nuremberg is to visit the Gate at Tiergärtnertor , and then walk along the city walls!

They are open from April 1st till October 31st during the hours of 8 am to 8 pm.

A captivating view of Nuremberg, Germany, on a sunny day, showcasing the city's iconic medieval architecture. The image features half-timbered buildings and a sturdy stone castle towering over the old town. The vibrant greenery of trees contrasts with the quaint, cobblestone streets and the clear blue sky punctuated by fluffy white clouds, inviting exploration and discovery in this historic city.

Imperial Castle of Nuremberg

Opening Times: April to 3 October: daily 9 am-6 pm & 4 October to March: daily 10 am-4 pm

One of the best things to do in Nuremberg (twice) is to visit the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg !

It is like stepping into a living history book. Perched on a hill overlooking the city, this majestic fortress stands as a symbol of Nuremberg’s medieval grandeur.

A sturdy tower stands atop a grassy hill, partially obscured by the lush foliage of mature trees. The tower, made of sandstone, features a conical roof and small windows, reflecting the city's medieval architecture. The clear blue sky with soft clouds provides a tranquil backdrop for this historic structure.

As you approach the castle, you’ll find some great photo opportunities of the imposing towers and fortifications.

It is a great place to visit to get incredible views of the city center of Nuremberg.

Inside the castle walls, you can take a self-guided tour of the interior rooms and explore the Kaiserburg Museum .

That is where you will find artifacts, sculptures, and interactive displays that bring the castle’s past to life.

An enchanting ivy-covered building at the imperial palace, with a facade that blends historical charm and nature's touch. The lush green vines contrast with the red flowers on the balcony and the warm brickwork, embodying a storybook setting. The structure exudes a sense of history and harmony with its surroundings.

For a small fee, you can climb the Sinwell Tower for panoramic views of Nuremberg’s rooftops and the surrounding landscape. My combined ticket for the tower and museum was around 7 euros.

The breathtaking vistas offer a glimpse into the city’s rich history and provide the perfect backdrop for memorable photos.

🎟️ Nuremberg Walking Tours: Private Walking Tour of Historical Nuremberg

Things to Do in Outside Nuremberg City Center

Documentation center nazi party rally grounds.

Visiting the Nazi rally grounds in Nuremberg is a powerful and thought-provoking experience that takes you back to a significant chapter in history.

These grounds, known as the Zeppelin Field and the Congress Hall, bear witness to the immense scale and grandeur of the Nazi regime’s propaganda machinery.

The Zeppelin Field, an expansive parade ground, was once the focal point of massive Nazi rallies , with Adolf Hitler delivering his stirring speeches to thousands of supporters.

Today, standing on this historic ground, you can imagine the awe-inspiring spectacles that took place, and gain a deeper understanding of the influence and impact of Nazi propaganda on the masses.

Visiting the Nazi rally grounds serves as a somber reminder of the horrors perpetrated during World War II and the importance of learning from history.

It offers an opportunity to reflect on the consequences of propaganda, totalitarianism, and the impact they had on society.

If you are interested in visiting these grounds on your own from Nuremberg city center, it is fastest reached by train . Take the number 8 tram from the Nürnberg Central Station.

Though a tour will give you more information such as the dark history of the Third Reich. I recommend joining this small group walking tour of the old town of Nuremberg, and visiting the Nazi Rally Ground .

Memorial Nuremberg Trials

Visiting the Memorium Nuremberg Trials holds a lot of historical significance. It was a very somber experience for me, I didn’t even take pictures of the exteriors.

At the Nuremberg Trials Museum , you will delve into the aftermath of World War II and the pursuit of justice for the crimes committed during the Nazi era.

Located in the historic Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, the museum offers a comprehensive exploration of the internationally significant Nuremberg Trials. It was here that key figures from the Nazi regime were held accountable for their actions.

The museum’s engaging exhibits, multimedia, and artifacts offer deep insights into the trials’ legalities, witness testimonies, and moral dilemmas in seeking justice.

Visitors experience the courtroom’s ambiance through detailed reconstructions, while original documents, photos, and videos vividly portray the trials, highlighting the gravity of the crimes and the challenge of prosecuting the culprits.

Best Restaurants in Nuremberg

A top-down view of a variety of traditional German dishes, showcasing a colorful assortment on white plates. The spread includes sausages arranged in a circle, roasted potatoes, a schnitzel, red cabbage, sauerkraut, and a creamy sauce, all artfully sprinkled with spices, ready to delight the taste buds of any culinary enthusiast in Nuremberg.

It is always important to find some great eateries when traveling. I had some delicious meals at:

  • Brauerei-Laden – A Brewery that offers guided tours and a restaurant with a Biergarten. I enjoyed some comfort food of classic German cuisine and the best beer.
  • Albrecht-Dürer Stube – This historic building located near the castle is must try!
  • Restauration Fischer Classic German Restaurant is set in a traditional setting. The menu offers a variety of dishes, but if you are vegan or vegetarian, call ahead to see if you can be accommodated.

Best Hotels in Nuremberg

If you are looking for some top-notch hotel accommodations in Nuremberg, I have a few recommendations:

Melter Hotel

I stayed at the Melter Hotel on my second visit. It is a charming hotel and a good place to stay located in the city center.

You can walk to the main train station in under 10 minutes from this hotel. Very modern and stylish.

A modern and elegant hotel room, illuminated by natural light. The room features a large, comfortable bed with crisp white linens, a sleek chaise lounge, and a stylish round table with contemporary lighting above. The open design includes a kitchenette, offering a blend of luxury and convenience for a comfortable stay.

There is no room service or 24-hour reception, but for a short stay, it wasn’t a problem for me.

Hotel Elch Boutique

Hotel Elch Boutique is a high-end boutique hotel in the heart of the old town.

Medieval vibes throughout, you will be impressed with just about everything if you stay here.

Hotel Drei Raben

Hotel Drei Raben is another fantastic choice a hotel located very close to the main train station.

A charming and rustic hotel room, with a warm and inviting atmosphere. The room is furnished with a mix of traditional and modern elements, including a freestanding bathtub, a wrought-iron bed, and wooden floors. Large windows draped with red and yellow curtains allow for ample sunlight, adding to the cozy ambiance.

Enjoy modern style and convenience located next to the Round Tower!

Day Trips From Nuremberg

If you are planning more than just a day to Nuremberg and are interested in a few day trips , I have you covered!

A serene river scene in Bamberg, with a view of historical buildings reflecting the city's architectural heritage. The tranquil waters of the river are bordered by stone walls, and a pedestrian bridge connects both sides, leading to charming buildings with classic Franconian half-timbered designs. The cloudy sky adds a peaceful overture to this picturesque setting.

The best places to take a day trip from Nuremberg are:

  • Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Munich is within 2 hours by train from Nuremberg, but I really recommend you stay longer than just a day.

Read Next: Easy Day Trips From Nuremberg By Train

Final Thoughts on Just A Day in Nuremberg

With this list of things to do, organized in order, you should be able to hit all the tourist attractions this beautiful city has to offer!

I just love helping out a fellow traveler, so if you have any questions about what I have recommended, don’t be shy and reach out!

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A visually appealing travel collage for 'ONE DAY IN NUREMBERG Germany', featuring a selection of images that showcase the city's historic architecture. Views include the towering Nuremberg Castle, a peaceful square with St. Sebaldus Church, the cityscape from above with its distinctive rooftops, and the classic stone bridge over the river.  a personal travel story or guide.

Melissa Byron, a seasoned solo traveler since 2009, is the founder & visionary behind A Solo Woman Traveling. Drawing from her extensive personal experience globetrotting solo to over 40 countries, she has dedicated herself to a mission: crafting invaluable guides and itineraries for women who embark on solo adventures.

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How to Spend 2 Perfect Days in Nuremberg, Bavaria’s Historic City

Nestled in the heart of Bavaria, Nuremberg is one of the most captivating cities I have visited in Germany. I really loved it! With its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene, Nuremberg offers a myriad of experiences that can easily fill a few days. I think 48 hours is the perfect length of time to visit Nuremberg. From panoramic views at Nuremberg Castle to the mouthwatering delights of the world-renowned Nuremberg sausages, I can guarantee you’ll find something to love about this historic city.

Whether you’re a food lover craving hearty Franconian cuisine, a history nerd seeking to immerse yourself in medieval times, or an explorer yearning to uncover the city’s hidden gems, this essential guide is your gateway to an unforgettable journey in Nuremberg.

In this comprehensive travel blog, I break down everything you should see and do in Nuremberg. I’ll also give you suggestions for three local specialties you need to eat in Nuremberg. Plus, I’ve included all the practical details for visiting, like the best time of year and where to stay. Get ready to embark on a culinary and cultural adventure as I unlock the tapestry of flavors, traditions, and history that Nuremberg has to offer!

What You'll Find in this Article

Essential Guide for Eating, Drinking & Exploring Nuremberg

Free things to do in nuremberg, walk the city walls.

Some of the best preserved medieval walls in all of Germany encircle the city Nuremberg. They are a must visit attraction! The walls are a magnificent testament to the city’s long past, dating back to the 12th century. They were built when the city experienced significant growth and required fortifications to protect its expanding population. They served as a vital defense against external threats, protecting the city and its inhabitants during times of war and unrest.

While there are guided tours of the walls, I recommend simply wandering and exploring on your own. There are a number of spots where you can walk on the walls. Keep in mind there are stairs, uneven surfaces, and inclines along the way. You can also walk around the perimeter of the walls. Punctuated by 80 towers, each with its own unique design and purpose, don’t miss some of the most famous towers like Sinwell Tower and Tiergärtnertor Tower. You should also pass through some gates, such as the Frauentor and the Spittlertor, which continue to serve as entry points into the historic city center.

Pegnitz River Canals

Perhaps the most picturesque part of Nuremberg is the Pegnitz river canals. Strolling along the canals is one of the best things to do in Nuremberg, because it allows you to admire beautiful architecture and immerse yourself in the city’s atmosphere. The colorful facades and gabled roofs create an Instagrammable backdrop against the water. It has an almost romantic old-world ambiance. I think Maxbrücke offers the best views, but the whole area is lovely. Spend an hour wandering around and snapping pictures from all angles! 

Like much of old town Nuremberg, the canals have a storied past. During the Middle Ages, Nuremberg was an important center for commerce and trade. Much like the canals in places like Bruges or Amsterdam, these canals played a crucial role in the city’s development, transporting goods, providing water, and powering mills. The canals are lined with half-timbered houses and historic buildings that reflect the city’s medieval and Renaissance architectural styles. 

Old Town Churches 

Old Town Nuremberg is home to several noteworthy churches, each with its own history, architectural style, and cultural significance. Plus, churches are free to enter in Germany! The most iconic church in Nuremberg is probably Frauenkirche ( Church of Our Lady ). It is situated at the main market square and it is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture. Now it doesn’t quite compare to the Cologne Cathedral in my home city , but I also might be biased. With an elegant spire, intricate stone work, and delicate stained glass windows, it is quite a sight to behold.

Another nice church to see in Nuremberg is St. Sebaldus Church. It is dedicated to St. Sebaldus, the patron saint of the city. Originally Catholic, nowadays this is a Lutheran church. The church features twin spires capped with copper-patina copulas that dominate the skyline of Nuremberg. Inside you can admire one of the largest pipe organs in the world. There are even scheduled performances on the organ if you want to hear its impressive sound.

Cool Attractions to Visit Nuremberg 

Imperial castle.

Also known as the Nuremberg Castle, this magnificent medieval fortress dates back to the 11th century when it was built on a rocky outcrop. Due to its strategic location, you can probably imagine that it has incredible views over Nuremberg. The castle played a pivotal role in the history of the Holy Roman Empire, serving as a residence for German kings and emperors. It underwent several expansions, resulting in a complex series of buildings in different architectural styles connected by gates, walls and courtyards. 

Nowadays, visitors can buy a ticket to explore the interior or simply wander the exterior. Inside, you can see a very well-preserved medieval castle along with various exhibitions and museums that showcase the castle’s history, including its role during the Holy Roman Empire. If you prefer simply to enjoy the views, the castle’s courtyards and gardens are free to enter and provide breathtaking views over Nuremberg.

Trials Museum

Of all the places I wanted to visit in Nuremberg, the Nuremberg Trials museum was at the top of the list. Officially known as the Memorium Nuremberg Trials , the museum commemorates the groundbreaking trials held here in 1945 and 1946. During the trial, prominent Nazi war criminals were prosecuted for their war crimes. The trials were the first of their kind, giving a definition to crimes against humanity and genocide, as well as establishing the principles of modern international law. It paved the way for subsequent tribunals and played a pivotal role in setting a precedent for the prosecution of such crimes on a global scale.

I have a particularly strong interest in WWII history, so I knew I needed to visit and learn from this place of immense significance. Tickets can be purchased on-site or online in advance, and include an audio guide. I strongly recommend you use the audio guide, because it has audio transcripts and archival footage that really immerse you in the experience.

You can see the original documents and evidence that was used in the case against SS leaders. It culminates in a visit to the courtroom. I found the museum to be somber and thought-provoking without the gore and horror you find in other dark museums, like Dachau or NS-Dok. It provides an educational platform to engage with history, to honor the victims, and to learn from the past.

Shop the Christmas Market

If you happen to be traveling to Nuremberg in December, then you simply must see the Christkindlesmarkt. I even featured it on my list of the best Christmas markets in Germany ! Considered to be one of the original Christmas markets in Germany, it is held each year on Nuremberg’s Main Market Square. The gothic Frauenkirche serves as a backdrop to the market, adding an impressive 14th century charm. 

My favorite thing about this Christmas market is the sheer amount of handcrafts and gifts. Nearly all of them are traditional and local to Germany, including Rauschgold angels, wooden nutcrackers and metal nativity scenes. One of the most unique items you can find here are the zwetschgen figurines, which are assembled using dried plums and nuts. 

When to Visit Nuremberg

Offering year-round appeal, there isn’t necessarily a bad time to visit Nuremberg. It really depends on what you’re trying to see and experience. You’ll find unique festivals and opportunities in all seasons, each with its own pros and cons. The best time to visit Nuremberg largely depends on personal preferences. 

The spring (April to May) and autumn (September to October) seasons offer a balance of pleasant weather, fewer crowds, and lots of cultural events. Summer is, of course, the best time to maximize weather and daylight hours. But, you’ll run into the largest crowds, especially day trippers and large tourist groups. December is great for the enchanting Christmas Market, while January and February are low season. If you don’t mind colder temperatures and shorter daylight hours, you’ll be rewarded with minimal crowds and cheaper prices.

How Long to Stay in Nuremberg

While you could hit many of the highlights of Nuremberg in just 24 hours, I think it really warrants a longer visit. I think 2 or 3 nights is optimal, especially if you plan on visiting the castle and Trials Museum. You’ll need some time to go through both places, and you’ll want to decompress emotionally after the Trials Museum. Realistically, I think you could visit the city walls, river canals, and castle in one day. Then, you could visit the trials museum and churches on a second day.

What & Where to Eat in Nuremberg

Nuremberg is the capital of Franconia. Franconia isn’t its own federal German state, but it’s more like a cultural region that can be best explored through its delicious food! There are three local dishes that you definitely need to try – bratwursts, pretzels and lebkuchen.

First on the foodie’s list of things to try is the famous Nuremberg rostbratwurst. These mini sausages resemble a breakfast sausage, and are most commonly grilled over a beechwood fire. You order them by the number, usually starting with an order of 6 and then adding more like 8, 10 or 12. Bratwurst h äusle is the best place to go, and it has been family owned since 1313.

An alternative option for bratwurst is Bratwurst Röslein . Located just off the main square, this traditional brauhaus is a great place to come if you only have one meal in Nuremberg. Their entire menu is Franconian food, so you can get a wide-range of the local specialties. As a bonus dip, order the Obatzter cheese spread – it is incredible. Plus, Röslein claims to be the largest bratwurst restaurant in the world.

Soft Pretzels

Next, you definitely need to sample a pretzel in Nuremberg. Now I know – pretzels can be found throughout Germany; however, pretzels are firmly rooted in Franconian cuisine and were maybe even invented in this region. It would be a shame not to sample the best! Brezen Kolb is a local chain that bakes their soft, thick pretzels each day. While you can get them plain, I recommend going for one of pretzel sandwiches or one of those smeared with butter and herbs. 

Final thing to try while traveling in Nuremberg is Lebkuchen ( ginger bread ). Lebkuchen is a traditional Nuremberg cookie most closely associated with Christmas. However, you can (and should!) buy it year round. When I first heard about Lebkuchen, I was expected something thin and crunchy, because that’s what I usually think of as ginger bread cookies. But in Nuremberg, the cookies are thick, soft and about 10cm in diameter. They’re usually seasoned with cinnamon, ginger, and cloves, and then covered with a thin sugar icing. Wicklein Lebküchnerei is the real deal. With roots that can be traced back to 1615, pick the tastiest looking one from the window and enjoy! 

Where to Stay in Nuremberg

If you are arriving in Nuremberg via car, you’ll probably want to book a hotel outside of the old city walls. Finding parking in the old city can be a challenge, so check if your hotel includes it. Looking for a budget option? We stayed at Hotel Motel One Nürnberg-Hauptbahnhof which was super convenient, being located next to the main train station. It is a little far from the Old Town though. 

Located in the heart of the Old Town, Hotel Drei Raben offers a blend of modern design and historic charm. This boutique hotel features individually designed rooms with stylish décor, and thoughtful amenities. For a splurge, try Le Méridien Grand Hotel Nuremberg . Housed in a magnificent historic building, this place exudes luxury and sophistication. The hotel boasts beautifully appointed rooms with refined décor and plush furnishings. It offers top-notch amenities, including a gourmet restaurant, a stylish bar, and a spa. 

Best Places to Visit Around Nuremberg

Located about one hour north of Nuremberg, the town of Bamberg sits on seven hills at the confluence of the Regnitz and Main rivers. With preserved structures dating back to the 11th century, the entire old town has a historic and charming feel to it. The most iconic feature of the town is the muraled and half-timbered town hall, which sits on an island in the Regnitz river. 

Rothenberg ob der Tauber

Known for its medieval architecture, I can almost guarantee you’ve seen pictures of Rothenberg ob der Tauber. Images of Rothenburg’s city walls or historic towers adorn the cover of many German guidebooks or are used as a banner image on blogs featuring German travel tips. I can practically guarantee that this town will bring a smile to your face because it is just SO STINKING CUTE. Rothenberg ob der Tauber is well worth a detour from Nuremberg, and I think it is one of the best day trip destinations in all of Bavaria. I wrote a separate blog post all about it if you’re interested in visiting!

The city was nearly destroyed in WWII, with over 90% of the city being bombed or leveled. However, extensive renovation and restoration has happened since, and you can really admire how much Würzburg has recovered in the 75 years since then. Würzburg is known for its impressive architectural heritage, particularly the Residenz, a UNESCO World Heritage site. I even featured it on my list of the most beautiful palaces and castles in Germany . The Residenz served as the residence of the prince-bishops and is considered one of the most beautiful Baroque palaces in Europe.

Have questions or thoughts about this Nuremberg itinerary? Comment below!

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  • Getting around Nuremberg

Getting around in Nuremberg

Welcome to Nuremberg!

In Nuremberg there are plenty of ways to get from A to B. If you want to use environmentally friendly alternatives to an automobile, jump on the local public transportation or head off on a bicycle. On this page, you’ll find some useful information for your stay in Nuremberg.

You are planning a city trip to Nuremberg, and you're still looking for further information on the city? Then you are just at the right place. Here you will find our Nuremberg city guide, with insider tips on the topics of accommodation in Nuremberg, bars & nightlife, shopping, places of interest, events and much more for download. Get our free Nuremberg city guide now!

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  1. Nuremberg, Germany 🇩🇪❤️😊

  2. Most beautiful city. Nuremberg Germany

  3. Nuremberg Day 54 Rudenko Open Part 1

  4. Nuremberg Germany 🇩🇪 #nuremberg #germany #walkingtour

  5. Nuremberg Germany. TOURIST VITA

  6. Nuremberg Christkindlesmarket


  1. Home

    Nuremberg information from A-Z: Cheap hotels, restaurants, city tours and package deals. ... Nuremberg Convention and Tourist Office Verkehrsverein Nuernberg Frauentorgraben 3/IV D-90443 Nuernberg Phone: +49 911 2336-0 Fax: +49 911 2336-166 Email: [email protected]

  2. Tourist Information

    Come to our Tourist Information center. We are at your service! Our trained and multilingual staff will be pleased to help you and give you advice and support, so that you can take home fond memories of your stay in Nuremberg. ... Nuremberg Convention and Tourist Office Verkehrsverein Nuernberg Frauentorgraben 3/IV D-90443 Nuernberg Phone: +49 ...

  3. City of Nuremberg

    Dear visitor, welcome to the official internet portal of the City of Nuremberg. English information for tourists is provided by the Nuremberg Convention and Tourist Office. If you are interested in Nuremberg as a business location, you can take a look at the website of the Office for Economic Development.

  4. 15 Best Things to Do in Nuremberg (Germany)

    Let's explore the best things to do in Nuremberg: 1. Kaiserburg. Source: tichr / Kaiserburg. On the steep sandstone cliffs over the north side of Nuremberg's Altstadt is a castle that carried real power in the times of the Holy Roman Empire.

  5. 19 Top Attractions & Things to Do in Nuremberg

    11. Explore Königstrasse and the St. Lawrence Side. Handwerkerhof or Crafts Yard in Old Town Nuremberg. Nuremberg's St. Lawrence Side, or Lorenzer Seite, is named after its principal church, St. Lorenz, and lies in the section of the Old Town (Altstadt) that's located on the south bank of the river Pegnitz.

  6. Your Trip to Nuremberg: The Complete Guide

    Planning Your Trip. Best Time to Visit: For the best weather, come from May to September: The skies are fairly dry and the sun is out—the perfect weather for days spent wandering Nuremberg's picturesque Old Town and checking out the nature in the region. Language: German is, of course, the main language spoken here, and there are three main ...

  7. The 15 Best Things to do in Nuremberg, Germany

    This is a city that's packed with different museums, but one of the best Nuremberg attractions to visit is the excellent Germanisches Nationalmuseum (or the German National Museum). Located on the southern side of the River Pegnitz, this historic institution dates back to 1852 and focuses on the history and culture of German-speaking peoples ...

  8. Nuremberg Germany

    Nuremberg Tourist Office. Nuremberg has two main tourist information offices. The first is just over the road from the railway station on the way into the old town and the second tourist information centre is on Nuremberg's Market Square. They are both open all week, with slightly restricted hours on Sundays. Website:

  9. 30 Things to do in Nuremberg, Germany: The Ultimate List!

    5. Visit the Hauptmarkt and the Frauenkirche. Another two gorgeous icons of Nuremberg can be found in the city's Hauptmarkt: the Frauenkirche church (which dates back to the middle of the 14th century) and the stunning gilded fountain that supposedly has magical powers to grant wishes if you turn a mystical ring.

  10. The Top Things To Do And See In Nuremberg

    1. Visit Nuremberg Castle. Whenever the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire returned to the Imperial Castle, his arrival would be heralded by a procession, festive music and the ringing of bells. Now, in the Knight's Hall you can see an animated version of the spectacular scene depicted above the windows.

  11. Top 30 Things To Do In Nuremberg [Don't Miss Them!]

    Schöner Brunnen (Beautiful Fountain) This square is also home to Frauenkirche, coming up next on our list of things to visit in Nuremberg, and the large Schöner Brunnen (Beautiful Fountain). For good luck, make sure you touch the golden ring in the wrought-iron gate that surround the fountain. It can be tricky to find.

  12. The Only List You'll Need Of Things To Do In Nuremberg

    In fact, several years ago, a tourist thought it would be Insta-worthy to do a Nazi salute on the grandstand in Nuremberg. She was arrested. Germanic National Museum. Obviously, Nuremberg is a hothouse for history of all ages. If that is your jam, then you can add the "Germanisches National Museum" to your visit.

  13. Nuremberg

    Taxi. You will find taxi stands all over the town and especially at the Nuremberg Fair Ground, the Airport and at the east and south entrances of the Nuremberg main railway station. For information about journey times and prices and to make reservations just call: +49 911/19410. Read more. Tourist Information.

  14. 30 Things to Do in Nuremberg Germany, Bucket List Experiences

    Photograph Schütt Island landscape. Grab a snack and browse Hauptmarkt. Spin the Schöner Brunnen golden ring three times for good luck. See the torture chamber at the Medieval Dungeons. Watch the dolphins at the Nuremberg Zoo. Drink a Rotbier (red beer) at Altstadthof Brewery. Visit the city's underground beer tunnels.

  15. Explore Nuremberg: 15 Highlights that Make It Worth a Visit

    Sebalduskirche. The first church on our list, Sebalduskirche, also happens to be Nuremberg's earliest parish church. It's hard to believe that it was established way back in 1215 - that's over eight centuries ago! One of Nuremberg's tallest structures, it's located north of the Pegnitz and faces the old city hall.

  16. Nuremberg Tourist Information Office

    The Nuremberg Tourist Information Office is modern and large building designed to provide general and cultural information about the city. It's located in front of the station and below the medieval round tower. Opening hours are from Mon-Sat 9-19:00 and Sun 10-16.00. There's another office in the Hauptmarkt with longer opening hours: Mon-Sat 9-18:00 May to October and Sun from 10-16:00 ...

  17. 1 Day in Nuremberg: The Perfect Nuremberg Itinerary

    1 Day in Nuremberg: The Perfect Nuremberg Itinerary. David Johnston. September 28, 2023. Bavaria is home to some of Germany's most interesting and impressive destinations, and the city of Nuremberg is surely one of them. Its historical center quickly wins visitors over with its quaint character and postcard-worthy scenery.

  18. Ultimate Guide For Visiting Nuremberg In One Day + Map

    One of the must things to do in Nuremberg is to visit the Gate at Tiergärtnertor, and then walk along the city walls! They are open from April 1st till October 31st during the hours of 8 am to 8 pm. Imperial Castle of Nuremberg. Opening Times: April to 3 October: daily 9 am-6 pm & 4 October to March: daily 10 am-4 pm ...

  19. How to Spend 2 Perfect Days in Nuremberg, Bavaria's Historic City

    Trials Museum. Of all the places I wanted to visit in Nuremberg, the Nuremberg Trials museum was at the top of the list. Officially known as the Memorium Nuremberg Trials, the museum commemorates the groundbreaking trials held here in 1945 and 1946.During the trial, prominent Nazi war criminals were prosecuted for their war crimes.

  20. Getting around Nuremberg

    Tips and information about Nuremberg's neighbor cities and sightseeing in the region ... Nuremberg Convention and Tourist Office Verkehrsverein Nuernberg Frauentorgraben 3/IV D-90443 Nuernberg Phone: +49 911 2336-0 Fax: +49 911 2336-166 Email: [email protected]