




Tour information.

Rute: Mesir Sinai Taba Israel PETRA Jordan

12 Mei, 02 Jul, 17 Sep, 22 Oct, 19 Nov, 03 Dec

Group didampingi Pembimbing Rohani


tour israel murah


Pemerintah Israel menetapkan peraturan batas waktu penyerahan aplikasi visa Israel adalah maksimum 35 hari kerja (subject to change without prior notice)

TOUR 02 - 14 July 2024

Pendaftaran ditutup pada 27 Mei 2024.

Pendaftaran ditutup pada 27 Mei 2024

TOUR 17 - 29 September 2024

Pendaftaran ditutup pada 15 Agustus 2024


Paket Tour Israel 13 Hari ini mencakup hal-hal penting dari Mesir, Israel dan Yordania dengan fokus Alkitab dalam konteks Perjanjian Lama hingga Perjanjian Baru. Saat Anda mengunjungi situs-situs termasuk Cairo, Sinai, Yerusalem, Betlehem, Nazaret, Galilea, Petra , Madaba, Gunung Nebo, dan masih banyak lagi.

US$2790 / pax


Etihad / Emirates / Oman / Qatar Airways




Jakarta, Bandara Soekarno Hatta Terminal 3


Perjalanan Tour Holyland 13 Hari dengan rute Mesir – Israel – Jordan dimulai dari kota Cairo, Mesir yang ditunjukkan dengan angka ‘1’ dalam maps dibawah ini. Perjalanan tour dari Mesir, Israel, dan Jordan akan ditempuh sepenuhnya dengan menggunakan Bus Pariwisata Deluxe ber-AC. Melewati dua perbatasan yaitu pada nomor ‘5’ dan ‘9’. Perjalanan berakhir pada nomor ’12’ yaitu di kota Amman, Jordan.

Rute Ziarah Holyland Tour 13 Hari

Hari ke-1: Jakarta

3 jam sebelum keberangkatan, Anda diharapkan sudah berkumpul di Terminal International 3 Bandara Soekarno-Hatta untuk bersama-sama berangkat menuju CAIRO.

Hari ke-2: Tiba di Cairo

Paket Tour Israel

Hari ke-3: Full Day Tour Cairo

tour israel

Hari ke-4: Cairo - Mara - Elim - St. Catherine

Gunung Sinai - Holyland Tour

Hari ke-5: St. Catherine - Taba

Pagi ini Anda akan menuju TABA RESORT dengan melewati tepi LAUT MERAH. Sesampainya di hotel Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan indah di Laut Merah. Bermalam di TABA. (B/L/D)

Hari ke-6: Taba - Laut Mati - Qumran - Yerusalem

tour israel holyland

Hari ke-7: Yerusalem - Bethlehem

tour israel

Pagi ini Anda menuju BUKIT ZAITUN  untuk mengunjungi ASCENTION CHAPEL (Kapel Kenaikan Tuhan Yesus), PATER NOSTER CHURCH , tempat Tuhan Yesus mengajarkan Doa Bapa Kami (Mat.6:5-15), serta ke GEREJA DOMINUS FLEVIT ,  tempat Tuhan Yesus menangisi kota Yerusalem (Luk.21:20-24). Dengan melewati PALM SUNDAY , Anda akan tiba di TAMAN GETHSEMANE , tempat Tuhan Yesus berdoa sebelum di adili (Mat.26:30) & serta mengunjungi GEREJA SEGALA BANGSA untuk HOLY HOUR di GETHSEMANE. Kemudian menuju BETHLEHEM untuk makan siang dan mengunjungi NATIVITY CHURCH tempat Tuhan Yesus  dilahirkan,  PADANG  GEMBALA  tempat  para  malaikat  mengabarkan  kelahiran Tuhan Yesus (Luk.2:8-12). (B/L/D)

Hari ke-8: Yerusalem

Tour Israel

Hari ke-9: Yerusalem - Tiberias

Tour Israel

Hari ke-10: Tiberias - Amman

tour israel

Hari ke-11: Amman - Petra - Amman

Petra Holyland Tour

Hari ke-12: Amman - Jakarta

tour israel

Hari ke-13: Arrival Jakarta

Hari ini Anda akan tiba di tanah air dengan membawa sejuta kenangan yang manis dan indah bersama NAZARET TOUR. Semoga perjalanan kali ini membawa arti dan semakin memperkuat iman Anda. Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda dan Sampai Jumpa. Tuhan Memberkati.


tour israel murah

Hilton Heliopolis / setaraf

Nuweiba Club / setaraf

Steigenberger Hotel / setaraf

Manger Square / setaraf

Emily's / setaraf

Harrir Palace / setaraf



Tiket Pesawat Internasional PP Economy Class CGK-CAI, AMM-CGK incld. Flight Insurance

Airport Tax + Fuel Surcharge, Border Tax Israel, Border Tax Jordan

Akomodasi hotel berbintang 4 & 5 (dengan kondisi satu kamar ditempati oleh dua orang).

Biaya & Pengurusan Visa Mesir, Visa Israel, & Visa Yordania (GROUP VISA)

Transportasi Bus Deluxe VIP ber-AC untuk perjalanan selama di darat.

Wi-Fi Hotspot gratis selama dalam bus

Tipping Tour Leader, Local Guide, Porter, Waiter, & Driver di Mesir, Israel, dan Jordan

Makan sesuai program tour (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner).

Tiket masuk ke semua situs ziarah Pyramid, Boat Ride, Precipice, Qumran, Mt Beatitudes, Petra & Mt. Nebo

Air mineral 2 (dua) botol per hari di bus sepanjang tour

Exclusive Cabin Bag 18”, name tag, baggage tag, peta holyland, topi, Sertifikat Holyland, dan buku panduan ziarah

Bagasi cuma – cuma 25/30 kg bagi tiap peserta

Pendampingan oleh Pembimbing Rohani dan Tour Leader dari Jakarta


Biaya PCR test (apabila dibutuhkan)

Pengeluaran pribadi seperti, Laundry, Extra drink, biaya overweight bagasi, mini bar hotel

Nazaret Tour Review

Our Review on Google

Kiman Saputra

Travel Tips untuk Tour ke Israel 2024

Kapan waktu paling nyaman tour ke israel.

Menurut kami , waktu yang terbaik untuk menikmati Tour Holyland adalah pada musim semi dan musim gugur. Periode tour boleh diambil pada bulan Maret-Mei dan September-November. Cuaca yang sejuk dan menyegarkan akan memberikan hasil optimal terhadap ziarah Anda selama Tour ke Israel.

Apabila Anda hanya memiliki waktu pada saat liburan sekolah anak yaitu pada Bulan Juni, Israel sedang memulai memasuki Musim Panas. Musim Panas di Yerusalem cuacanya berkisar antara 18-29° C, hampir mirip dengan cuaca di Bandung ya! Berangkat pada musim panas ada keuntungan lainnya yaitu tidak perlu membawa jas hujan, mantel, atau jaket tebal seperti pada saat musim dingin, jadi koper Anda ringan sehingga dapat menampung oleh-oleh dari Holyland lebih banyak, hehe..

Jika Anda memiliki masa liburan panjang hanya pada akhir tahun dan biaya bukanlah sebuah masalah. Pesan tour ke Israel Anda pada periode Natal! Pemandangan kota Bethlehem yang indah pada saat Natal adalah daya tarik sendiri untuk para peziarah dari seluruh dunia. Selain itu Anda dapat mengunjungi Gunung Hermon yang penuh dengan salju. Suhu di Yerusalem pada saat saat Natal berada diantara 04-13°C.

Kemana saja waktu tour Holyland?

Salah satu dari beberapa alasan mengapa Anda mengikuti Tour ke Israel bersama Nazaret Tour adalah Anda akan kami ajak untuk mengunjungi must-see situs-situs ziarah dan wisata yang sangat menarik. Anda akan dipandu oleh local guide berlisensi yang akan memandu Anda ke tempat-tempat berikut ini:

  • Kota Tua Yerusalem, Yerusalem
  • Via Dolorosa, Yerusalem, Israel
  • Dome of The Rock, Yerusalem, Israel
  • Golden Gate, Yerusalem, Israel
  • Gereja Holy Sepulchre, Yerusalem
  • Garden Tomb, Yerussalem
  • Nativity Church, Bethlehem
  • Padang Gembala, Bethlehem
  • Laut Mati, Israel
  • Haifa, Israel
  • Bahai Garden, Haifa
  • Nazaret, Galilea
  • Kapernaum, Tiberias
  • Danau Galilea, Israel Utara, Tiberias
  • Bukit Zaitun, Yerusalem
  • Bukit Sion, Israel
  • Gunung Tabor, Israel

Selain tempat-tempat ziarah dan wisata diatas, apabila Anda memilih Paket Tour Holyland lengkap dengan Mesir dan Yordania, Anda juga diajak berziarah dan wisata ke tempat-tempat seperti:

  • Pyramid & Sphinx (7 Keajaiban Dunia)
  • Kota Lama Cairo
  • Sungai Nil (Terpanjang di dunia)
  • Terusan Suez
  • Gunung Sinai (Tempat Musa menerima 10 Perintah Allah)
  • Petra (7 Keajaiban Dunia)

Ada banyak tempat ziarah dan wisata lainnya yang menarik di HOLYLAND selain yang kami sebutkan diatas. Apabila Anda menrencanakan private group tour, Anda bebas menentukan rute-rute ziarah dan wisata di Holyland. Kami siap untuk memberikan service terbaik untuk perjalanan wisata ziarah Anda di Holyland.


tour israel murah


Terms & Conditions


  • Uang muka pendaftaran yang dibayarkan kepada NAZARET TOUR tidak dapat dikembalikan (down payment non-refundable) pembayaran down payment minimal IDR 7.000.000 atau sesuai dengan paket tour/destinasi yang dipilih ditambah dengan biaya visa (jika ada) .
  • Uang muka adalah tanda jadi untuk mengikuti tour yang dipilih dan BUKAN untuk mengikat nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap mata uang USD/EUR. Pembayaran pelunasan tour akan dihitung berdasarkan kurs yang berlaku pada saat pembayaran pelunasan.
  • Peserta bersedia memenuhi kelengkapan persyaratan dokumen sesuai jadwal dan ketentuan dari pihak Kedutaan Negara yang dituju.  Biaya visa tetap harus dibayarkan walaupun visa tidak disetujui oleh Kedutaan, demikian juga jika terdapat biaya lain seperti pembatalan hotel, kereta dan atau tiket pesawat yang terjadi karena adanya tenggat waktu yang belum tentu sesuai dengan waktu penyelesaian proses visa dari Kedutaan, dan juga biaya tour lainnya maka akan dibebankan kepada Peserta tour.
  • Pendaftaran tanpa disertai deposit bersifat tidak mengikat dan dapat dibatalkan tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu kepada Peserta.
  • Uang muka pendaftaran tidak dapat dialihkan atau diganti ke paket tour lainnya. (non-rerouteable, non-endrosable deposit).
  • Pelunasan biaya tour dilakukan 60 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • Pendaftaran yang dilakukan kurang dari 45 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan harus langsung dibayar lunas.
  • Bagi pendaftar yang berusia di atas 70 tahun atau memiliki keterbatasan fungsi anggota tubuh atau indera atau keterbatasan secara mental, wajib  didampingi oleh anggota keluarga, teman atau saudara yang akan bertanggung jawab selama perjalanan tour.


(Deviasi; Perubahan, perpanjangan, penambahan/penyimpangan rute perjalanan di luar rute perjalanan yang telah dijadwalkan oleh NAZARET TOUR)

  • Deviasi dapat diproses apabila sudah melakukan deposit dan melampirkan fotokopi paspor.
  • Deviasi dapat dilakukan apabila jumlah peserta yang berangkat dan yang pulang telah memenuhi kuota dari ketentuan maskapai penerbangan.
  • Apabila deviasi sudah disetujui maka akan dikenakan biaya sesuai dengan ketentuan maskapai penerbangan dan tidak dapat kembali ke jadwal semula.
  • NAZARET TOUR tidak menjamin konfirmasi pesawat, hotel dan sebagainya bila Peserta menghendaki perpanjangan jadwal paket tour. Lalu apabila permintaan deviasi tidak dapat disetujui oleh pihak maskapai penerbangan maka peserta secara otomatis akan kembali ke jadwal semula.
  • Deviasi yang akan mempersingkat jadwal paket tour, tidak diberikan pengurangan biaya dari biaya paket standar semula.


Jika terjadi pembatalan acara tour oleh peserta sebelum tanggal keberangkatan maka biaya pembatalan adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Setelah pendaftaran : Uang muka pendaftaran (Non Refundable)
  • 60-31 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 50% dari biaya pelunasan
  • 30-15 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 75% dari biaya pelunasan
  • 14-00 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 100% dari biaya pelunasan

Biaya pembatalan di atas juga berlaku untuk beberapa kejadian seperti berikut:

  • Peserta yang mengganti tanggal keberangkatan atau mengganti paket/jenis tour.
  • Peserta yang terlambat memberikan persyaratan visa dari batas waktu yang telah di tentukan Nazaret Tour dan mengakibatkan Peserta tidak dapat berangkat tepat pada waktunya karena permohonan visa nya masih diproses oleh Kedutaan/pihak berwenang terkait.
  • Bila permohonan visa ditolak, sedangkan tiket sudah diterbitkan sebelum permohonan visa disetujui, karena keharusan sehubungan dengan tenggat waktu yang ditentukan perusahaan penerbangan (airlines), maka biaya visa tidak dapat dikembalikan dan peserta tetap dikenakan denda pembatalan dan administrasi sesuai dengan kondisi terkait pihak airlines, hotel dan agen di luar negeri.
  • Uang muka pendaftaran peserta tidak dapat dikembalikan bila Peserta melakukan pembatalan secara sepihak.
  • Peserta tour yang tidak melunasi tour hingga menjelang proses penerbitan tiket, maka dianggap melakukan pembatalan secara sepihak.
  • Pembatalan keberangkatan yang dilakukan oleh Nazaret Tour karena group tidak mencukupi kuota akan di informasikan kepada peserta paling lambat 32 Hari sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.
  • Pembatalan yang dilakukan oleh Nazaret Tour yang dikarenakan tidak mencukupinya jumlah peserta minimum untuk syarat keberangkatan tour, maka seluruh dana yang telah diterima dari peserta tour akan dikembalikan secara penuh.
  • Pembatalan yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak (Peserta atau Nazaret Tour) karena bencana alam, perang, wabah penyakit, aksi teroris atau keadaan ‘ Force Majeure’  lainnya, maka ketentuan-ketentuan di atas dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, tergantung dari kebijakan pihak airlines, hotel dan agent partner di luar negeri.

(Force Majeure; Suatu kejadian yang terjadi di luar kemampuan manusia dan tidak dapat dihindarkan sehingga suatu kegiatan tidak dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya).


  • Tiket pesawat udara, kereta api, dan transportasi lainnya serta akomodasi yang tidak terpakai tidak dapat diuangkan kembali (non-refundable).
  • Bila calon Peserta tour berhalangan /sakit sebelum tanggal keberangkatan yang dijadwalkan maka pengembalian uang/biaya pembatalan, akan mengacu kepada peraturan pembatalan.
  • Bila ada pelayanan dalam paket yang tidak digunakan oleh para Peserta dikarenakan berhalangan atau sakit selama perjalanan, para Peserta tidak berhak menuntut uang kembali.
  • Bagi Peserta tour yang tidak diijinkan masuk atau dikenakan tindakan deportasi oleh pihak imigrasi Negara setempat (walaupun sudah memiliki visa), atau yang ditolak oleh perusahaan penerbangan, atau dalam perjalanan menderita sakit, atau ada kelainan jiwa, atau dalam perjalanan mengalami kecelakaan, yang terpaksa harus kembali atau menyimpang dari perjalanan yang telah ditentukan dalam acara tour, atau terpaksa membatalkan sebagian/hampir seluruh perjalanan setelah keberangkatan, tidak berhak atas pengembalian uang atau bentuk pengembalian lain apapun atas jasa-jasa yang belum atau tidak digunakan.
  • Proses pengembalian uang atau refund akan diproses Nazaret Tour minimal dalam 7 Hari Kerja atau maksimal hingga waktu yang tidak terbatas. Lama maksimal proses refund ini tergantung dari Pihak Airlines dan Agen Partner kami yang memiliki wewenang dalam proses pencairan dana refund.


  • Kecelakaan, kehilangan koper dan keterlambatan tibanya koper akibat tindakan pihak maskapai penerbangan atau alat pengangkutan lainnya, maka standar penggantian didasarkan pada ketentuan maskapai penerbangan internasional atau penyedia jasa pengangkutan yang digunakan.
  • Kehilangan barang pribadi, koper, titipan barang di airport, hotel dan tindakan kriminal yang menimpa Peserta tour selama perjalanan.
  • Keterlambatan atau pembatalan jadwal penerbangan, dan seluruh kejadian yang terjadi di luar kuasa pihak Nazaret Tour.
  • Perubahan atau berkurangnya acara perjalanan akibat dari bencana alam, kerusuhan dan lain sebagainya yang bersifat ‘ Force Majeure’ .
  • Meninggalkan Peserta akibat sakit yang diderita atau kecelakaan selama dalam tour.
  • Pembatalan keberangkatan group yang dikarenakan tidak mencapainya suatu kuota minimum peserta tour.


  • Demi kenyamanan dan kelancaran perencanaan perjalanan tour, Nazaret Tour berhak untuk menerbitkan tiket pesawat, kereta api dan transportasi lainnya, akomodasi, tiket masuk objek wisata tanpa melakukan konfirmasi lisan maupun tertulis kepada peserta tour yang telah melakukan deposit atau pelunasan.
  • Membatalkan keberangkatan tour, apabila jumlah Peserta kurang dari syarat minimum jumlah peserta untuk sebuah keberangkatan tour, dan biaya tour yang telah dibayarkan akan dikembalikan seluruhnya.
  • Demi kenyamanan dan kelancaran perencanaan perjalanan tour, Nazaret Tour berhak meminta Peserta tour untuk keluar dari rombongan apabila Peserta tour yang bersangkutan mencoba membuat kerusuhan, mengacaukan acara tour, meminta dengan paksa, dan memberikan informasi yang tidak benar mengenai acara tour, dll.
  • Mengganti hotel-hotel yang akan digunakan berhubung hotel tersebut sudah penuh dan mengganti dengan hotel lain yang setaraf sesuai dengan pertimbangan dan konfirmasi. Apabila dalam periode tour di kota-kota yang dikunjungi sedang berlangsung pameran/konferensi maka akan diganti dengan hotel-hotel lain yang setaraf di kota-kota terdekat.
  • Jadwal tour dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti kondisi yang memungkinkan dengan tanpa mengurangi isi dalam acara tour tersebut.
  • Pihak Nazaret Tour berhak menagih selisih harga tour dan lain-lainnya (jika terjadi kenaikan harga tour, airport tax, dll) kepada calon Peserta.
  • Pihak Nazaret Tour berhak menagih tipping (tips) Tour Leader dari Jakarta jika ada dari peserta tour yang belum membayar.
  • Per 25 November 2022, deadline pengurusan visa Israel paling cepat adalah 45 hari sebelum keberangkatan.
  • Mesir, Israel, dan Yordania telah terbuka untuk turis yang telah di vaksin booster (full vaksinasi).
  • Tidak ada kebijakan KARANTINA/Isolasi selama tour HOLYLAND. Kegiatan ziarah Holyland dapat berlangsung dengan normal seperti sebelum pandemi.
  • Wajib memiliki Asuransi Perjalanan.

Klik salah satu kontak kami dibawah ini untuk memulai percakapan di WhatsApp!


Copyright 2013-2023. PT. Nazaret Citra Mandiri.

Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Israel

  • Holy Land Fully Guided

222 Fully Guided tour packages in Israel with 932 reviews

Jewish Israel Tour Package, 5 Days Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year

Jewish Israel Tour Package, 5 Days

Everything from beginning to end was fantastic. The only negative was that it had to end.

Jewish Israel Tour Package, 7 Days Tour

Jewish Israel Tour Package, 7 Days

Great tour that visits all the main sites. Guides were friendly and knowledgeable.

Heritage & Holy Land - 8 days Tour

  • Coach / Bus

Heritage & Holy Land - 8 days

We packed an enormous amount into the 8 days, and saw Christian, Jewish, Roman and Byzantine places of great interest.

Heritage of the Holy Land Tour

Heritage of the Holy Land

The itinerary covered everything we wanted to see. All the arrangements worked like clockwork.

Discover Israel Tour

Discover Israel

We were able to visit several historical and significant sites, with enough time in the afternoon to roam around and explore the area.

Galilee, Golan, Caesarea and Nazareth 4 days Tour

Galilee, Golan, Caesarea and Nazareth 4 days

We had a fantastic tour to Galilee, Golan, Caesarea, and Nazareth. The communication and the booking process were smooth.

Highlights of Israel 5 star - 8 days Tour

Highlights of Israel 5 star - 8 days

Past to the Future - The Story of the Israeli State - 11 days Tour

Past to the Future - The Story of the Israeli State - 11 days

The experience come alive. The way he presented the places he took us, and in the order he presented them, gave us a real appreciation of Israel and its place in history.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Jewish Israel Luxury Tour 10 days Tour

Jewish Israel Luxury Tour 10 days

The connections to and from the airports were flawless. Our guide on the third day, Gil, skipped the visit to the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Tailor-Made Private Israel Tour with Daily Departure Tour

Tailor-Made Private Israel Tour with Daily Departure

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Tailor-Made Best Israel Tour with Daily Departure & Private Trip Tour

Tailor-Made Best Israel Tour with Daily Departure & Private Trip

The Story of the Israeli State - 10 Days Tour

The Story of the Israeli State - 10 Days

Our tour covered Tel Aviv (our new favorite city), Haifa, the Golan (do not miss the Hula Nature Preserve), and Jerusalem (Old and New).

7 Day Jewish Heritage Israel Tour Package Tour

7 Day Jewish Heritage Israel Tour Package

6 Day Classic Israel Tour Package Tour

6 Day Classic Israel Tour Package

Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience - 8 Days Tour

Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience - 8 Days

Coach transfer was excellent. Other hotels were excellent.

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Israel

Ami, Dima and all guides were excellent! And overall very well organized and thanks to Oksana for prompt response!
Very knowledgeable and pleasant guides. Made the days interest and showed a lot of care. Great ambassadors of the company.
Dear Folks, The tour was terrific and all I antiipated it would be - experiencing Israel in every way, shape and form everywhere we went! However, at my age the amount of walking was beyond my comfort zone after a several days. I was worn out after 4 days, and totally exhausted after the 6th day, after I'd rested my sore toe in the hotel the previous day! I'm in good shape for my age, however that much walking on unlevel terraine was w-a-y beyond my comfort zone and I'll sign up for that level of intensity again. The tour guides were great and professional. If I were to do another tour, I'll visit half to one/third the number of places we went, relax more, and spend more time at each place. Your foils online that answered all my questions were superb, kind and helpful. That's all, may God bless you all richly!

Top operators

Bein Harim Tourism Services

"Dan Porges, excellent and knowledgable of the History and events. This was quite an experience for me. He kept the group engaged on the tour. I will definitely be back to complete more tours. RW

Bein Harim Tourism Services is an expert in:

Holiday Travel Israel

"I had a wonderful time! Our tour guide Orna was very knowledgeable, caring and with very good sense of humor! The same thing I would also say about our bus driver Namir. We felt very safe and cared of.

Holiday Travel Israel is an expert in:

On The Go Tours

"We had a good trip with a group of wonderful people. Tour guides in Egypt and Jordan were very knowledgeable.

On The Go Tours is an expert in:

Regions in Israel

  • Northern Israel (19)
  • Central Israel (5)

Travel Styles

  • Fully Guided
  • Israel Travel Guide | All You Need to Know

Discover TourRadar

  • Safari Holidays
  • Namibia Safari
  • Lima Lima Family tours
  • 3 days Semi luxury tour featuring Serengeti & Ngorongoro crater
  • European Highlights (Summer, End London, 8 Days)
  • The Danube from Romania to Budapest with 1 Night in Bucharest and 2 Nights in Transylvania 2025
  • Spain Travel Guide | All You Need to Know


holyland Tour Spesialist



HOLYLAND TOUR Holyland Tour PROMO Special Natal 19-30 Desember 2024 (12 Hari) Mesir - Israel - Jordan + Petra


Other Information Promo Tour


Tour ke Israel Gallery Ziarah Eropa 415 Mei 2024

  • Tour Travel Holyland Terbaik No.1 Di Indonesia

Holyland Permata Tours & Travel

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  • Holyland Tour 2024
  • Paket Holyland Tour Jun-Juli 2024
  • Paket Holyland Tour Sept-Okt 2024
  • Paket Holyland Tour Nov-Des 2024
  • Holyland Tour Christmas In Bethlehem 2024
  • Gallery & Video
  • Hubungi Kami

Ingin ke Holyland ? Ayo daftar Segera Rute lengkap, Kualitas bagus Keberangkatan Rutin Setiap bulan

Where Family adventures begins, Collect nice moments in Holyland Welcome to Holyland

Time to see the Promised Land, It’s time for a new Adventures We are here to get you there Go, Explore the Holyland Journey with Permata Tour

My Dream, Travelling to Holyland , Dreamy destinations, Travel Fantasies. Now, Don’t call it a dream. Call it a Plan Let us show you the Promised Land

Enjoy your Holyland Tour with us, Travel to make memories & happiness, There is no place like it Time to travel now, Let the journey begin

Permata Tour , first choice for your Holyland Plans , Explore the holy journey with us, With tons of places to enjoy and see We’ll take you there


tour israel murah

Kenapa Memilih Holyland Permata Tour


Kami adalah perusahaan Tour and Travel yg khusus melayani wisata rohani, yang sudah berpengalaman memberangkatkan ribuan umat ke Tanah Perjanjian, yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan dan dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Harga Kompetitif

Kualitas memuaskan dan fasilitas terbaik = harga mahal ..? No.. No.. No … Itu Travel lain, di kami anda bisa mendapatkan itu semua dengan harga yang ekonomis, dan pastinya bersaing dikelasnya.

Perjalanan Rutin Setiap Bulan

Bingung mau bulan apa bepergian ke Holyland ..? Tenang aja , kami setiap bulan berangkat kok. ( kecuali Agustus, karena cuaca disana terlalu panas ) So prepared your schedule😁

Penjualan Terbaik

Dengan pelayanan dan fasilitas yang memuaskan customer, serta ditunjang harga paket yang Wow Pake banget , hasilnya di setiap bulan kami pun memberangkatkan minimal 50 sampai ratusan peserta dari seluruh Indonesia..

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Holyland Tour Tour Ke Israel


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Our Review on Google

Bersyujur n bersukacita perjalanan holyland yg k 2x kami sekeluarga bs bersama Permata. Rekomended bgt! Berkesan unt quide d Mesir, di Istrael n di Jordan; mrk bener2 menguasai materi n menjelaskan dg sgt baik. Terkhusus bu Niniek yg "rajin" n dg senang hati mendokumentasikan byk foto group di stp tmp ziarah. Mauliate godang ya bu🙏. Pokoke Pemata top dech.

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Senang sekali melakukan perjalanan Rohani bersama Permata Tour, Travel terbaik, membimbing dan mendampingi kami dalam perjalanan wisata rohani secara sabar dan selalu tepat waktu dalam perjalanan. Selalu memberikan semua fasilitas dalam tour yang terbaik. Begitu juga guide nya selalu dipilih yang terbaik Sangat memuaskan.. Semoga Permata tour semakin jaya.. Terimakasih atas pelayanan nya... 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Tampusuk Kamis Avatar

Sangat rekomendasi buat perjalanan rohani,,pelayanan dan servicenya full dan tidak mengecewakan 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Sukses selalu buat Permata Tour & Travel…

gladys afriany Avatar

Pelayanan luar biasa, tour guide lokal yang mantap dan Hotelnya sangat strategis

Darlina Manik Avatar

Puji Tuhan menyenangkan

Gamaliel Lumban Gaol Avatar

Pelayanan Bu Niniek yg mewakili Permata Tour luar biasa 👍👍👍👍👍, next time kalau ada rencana holyland tour lagi boleh pakai permata tour. Perjalanan dr tgl 01-13 April 2024 penuh suka cita dan kompak

Yanty Kho Avatar

Perjalanan ke Holyland bersama Permata Tour sangat menyenangkan..semuanya the best..thank u Permata Tour...

Elvis Rollis Avatar

Permata Tour,, keren,,,mantap,,,ayokkk yg mau k Holyland pakai Permata Tour pelayanan bagus,,,seng ada lawan,,👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Jelfi Rustjo Avatar

Pelayanannya mantap, fasilitas yang di berikan juga bagus Rekomendasi banget pakai Permata Tour

Hana Suryanita Avatar

Suatu pengalaman yg menguatkan iman 14-25 Maret 2024, karena Permata Tour sangat profesional mengatur waktu dan tempat kunjungan dan mengerti setiap kebutuhan kami, serta memiliki tour guide setiap negara yg sangat rendah hati dan bersahabat. Sukses selalu Permata Tour.

William Kalangi Avatar

Semua pelayanan Permata Tour sangat baik dan memuaskan. Recomended. 👍👍🙏🙏

Juspair Marihot Avatar

Terima kasih utk Permata Tour, utk smua yg diberikan slma kmi mngikuti perjlnan Hollyland. Pengalamn yg benar2 sangat indah, iman kita diperbaharui kembali, menambah persaudaraan. Sukses slu, Tuhan berkati🙏 ( Rudi Ginting & Hartina Bukit)

Henny Mulyani Avatar


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  • Tour Vietnam – 4 Jun 2019
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  • Paket 7 Gereja Mula-Mula Turki
  • Holyland Katolik : FATIMA – LOURDES – VATIKAN

Paket Tour ke Israel Free Petra

Paket tour ke israel + petra 2023.

Red Rose City (di Petra) kota yang dipahat di gunung batu suku Nabatean merupakan salah satu dari tujuh keajaiban dunia yang baru. Kota tua ini berada di wilayah Yordania. Konon dulunya kota ini adalah ibukota dari daerah Nabatean. Kota yang dibangun di atas batu karang ini begitu indah. Banyak sekali paket wisata ziarah yang menawarkan rangkaian paket tour ke Israel dengan salah satu tujuan wisatanya ke Red Rose City (di Petra) kota yang dipahat di gunung batu peninggalan suku Nabatean. Banyak sekali paket tour ke israel yang dapat diambil. Banyaknya destinasi dan fasilitas selama melakukan wisata ziarah tentunya di sesuaikan dengan harga tour ke Israel. Namun tenang saja, kalian bisa kok menemukan paket tour Israel murah di saat – saat tertentu.

Promo Paket Tour ke Israel

Jika sedang ada promo, harga tour ke Israel murah bisa sekitar 33 jutaan rupiah saja untuk perjalanan selama 10 hingga 12 hari. Harga antar paket memang terkadang berbeda jauh karena banyak faktor. Utamanya adalah faktor nilai tukar mata uang rupiah, namun di samping itu juga terdapat faktor faktor lain seperti misalnya banyak tempat yang dikunjungi, lamanya waktu wisata ziarah, spesifikasi akomodasi dan fasilitas seperti tipe tiket pesawat dan maskapai yang digunakan, transportasi selama di sana, dan juga kualitas tempat penginapan. Kalau untuk paket promo dengan range harga 30 jutaan biasanya akomodasinya menggunakan maskapai kelas ekonomi dengan spesifikasi tempat menginap hotel bintang 3 atau hotel bintanf 4. Selain destinasi tempat Red Rose City (di Petra) kota yang dipahat di gunung batu peninggalan suku Nabatean, biasanya spot yang diincar adalah destinasi menuju Kota Sharm El Sheikh (kota pantai yang indah di tepi Laut Merah) Biasanya agen travel akan mengadakan bonus (free) dalam paket tour ke Israel yakni free menginap satu malam di Kota Sharm El Sheikh (kota pantai yang indah di tepi Laut Merah).

Destinasi Dalam Tour Israel

Wisata ziarah inipun akan semakin lengkap dengan dipimpin oleh Pendeta / romo sebagai pembimbing selama melakukan perjalanan wisata rohani. Untuk keberangkatannya, titik kumpul semua peserta paket Tour ke Israel sekaligus pemberangkatan dari Jakarta. Dari Jakarta kita langsung terbang menuju Cairo, Mesir. Di Cairo ini kita juga akan mengunjungi beberapa spot – spot terkenal seperti Sphinx Piramida Raja Cheops, Chepre, dan Merkurinus. Kita juga akan melihat proses pembuatan kertas di Institute of Papyrus, mengunjungi Hanging Church atau gereja gantung di Old Cairo, Gereja Abu Serga, Gereja Sampah, dan Sinagoga Ben Ezra.

Biasanya setelah dari Cairo spot selanjutnya adalah mengunjungi kota Sharm El Sheikh (kota pantai yang indah di tepi Laut Merah). Perjalanan dari Cairo akan melewati Terusan Suez, Mata Air Mara. Di kota Sharm El Sheikh kita akan menginap selama semalam. Kemudian pada pagi harinya melanjutkan perjalanan menuju St Caatherine yang berada di kaki gunung Sinai.

Biasanya di penghujung tour, kita baru akan mengunjungi Red Rose City (di Petra) kota yang dipahat di gunung batu peninggalan suku Nabatean dimana spot itu merupakan salah satu dari 7 keajaiban dunia versi yang terbaru dan dilanjutkan ke gunung Nebo. Setelah itu barulah wisata ziarah selesai dan peserta akan kembali ke Jakarta melalui Dubai. Seluruh jadwal dan urutan tempat yang dikunjungi tidak harus seperti yang disampaikan di atas. Semua kembali lagi terhadap jadwal itinerary tour israel seperti dibawah ini.


Cairo – sinai – jerusalem + petra.

HARI 01/26 FEB : JAKARTA Malam hari berkumpul di Bandara Soekarno Hatta 3 jam sebelum keberangkatan pesawat. Kita akan menuju Cairo melalui Dubai.

HARI 02/27FEB : JAKARTA – DUBAI – CAIRO EK359 27FEB CGK-DXB 00.15 – 05.30 EK927 27FEB DXB-CAI 08.15 – 10.05 Siang hari tiba di Cairo, makan siang, lalu mengunjungi Old Cairo – terdapat Gereja Gantung (Hanging Church), Gereja Abu Serga – pengungsian keluarga Kudus ketika dikejar Herodes (Mat. 2:13-15), Sinagoga Ben Ezra – nabi Musa diambil oleh Puteri Firaun dari Sungai Nil. Setelahnya menuju hotel untuk check in dan beristirahat setelah menempuh perjalanan panjang. (L, D) Hotel used : Triumph Luxury Hotel *5 / setaraf

HARI 03/28 FEB : CAIRO Pagi hari memulai city tour dengan mengunjungi Giza untuk melihat salah satu dari tujuh keajaiban dunia yang masih berdiri yaitu: Piramida Raja Cheops, Chepren dan Mekurinus serta patung Sphinx. Lalu mengunjungi Institute of Papyrus untuk melihat cara pembuatan kertas Papyrus, Sore hari mengunjungi Gereja St. Simon the Tanner (Gereja Sampah) – tempat peringatan dimana gunung berpindah. Malam harinya dapat menikmati makan malam di sungai Nil – BONUS. (B, L, D) Hotel used : Triumph Luxury Hotel *5 / setaraf

HARI 04/01 MAR : CAIRO – SHARM EL SHEIKH – DAHAB Dari kota Cairo perjalanan dilanjutkan melewati Terusan Suez, terowongan yang menghubungkan antara Benua Afrika & Benua Asia. Kita berkesempatan untuk singgah di Sharm El Sheikh, Kota tepi pantai yang sangat indah untuk menikmati kecantikan Laut Merah, lalu menuju Dahab untuk bermalam. (B, L, D) Hotel used : Le Meridien Dahab *5 / setaraf

HARI 05/02 MAR : DAHAB – ST.CATHERINE – DAHAB Pagi hari ini bersama-sama menuju ke St. Catherine (daerah kaki Gunung Sinai). Setelah makan siang, kita akan bersiap untuk mendaki Gunung Sinai tempat Musa menerima sepuluh perintah Allah dan menikmati sunset disana. Kembali ke Dahab. (B, L, D) (Optional – Naik Unta ke Gn. Sinai (one way) – USD 35/pax) Hotel used : Le Meridien Dahab *5 / setaraf

HARI 06/03 MAR : DAHAB – TABA – JERUSALEM – BETHLEHEM Pagi ini, kita menuju perbatasan Taba Border. Setelah melewati proses imigrasi Israel, kita menuju ke Bethlehem melalui Jerusalem sambil melewati daerah Sodom dan Gomora yang terdapat Tiang Garam dari Istri Lot. Tiba di JERUSALEM, menuju Bethlehem untuk makan malam dan beristirahat. (B, L, D) Hotel used : Diamond Hotel *4 / setaraf

HARI 07/04 MAR : BETHLEHEM – JERUSALEM – BETHLEHEM Pagi hari menuju Gereja Kelahiran Kristus (Luk. 2:7) dan masuk ke dalam goa kelahiran serta mengunjungi Padang Gembala (Luk. 2:8-10) – para gembala menerima kabar kelahiran Yesus dari malaikat Tuhan yang terletak di Bethlehem. Setelah makan siang, menuju ke Jerusalem, mengunjungi Bukit Zaitun, Kapel Kenaikan (Kis. 1:9-12) – Yesus terangkat ke surga, Gereja Pater Noster (Bapa kami) – Yesus mengajarkan doa Bapa Kami kepada para muridNya, menyusuri Jalan Minggu Palem sampai tiba di Gereja Dominus Flevit – Yesus menangisi kota Yerusalem (Luk. 19:37-42) dan berakhir di Taman Getsemani – terdapat Gereja Segala Bangsa (Mat. 26:36-46) – Yesus menghadapi sakratul mautNya. Sorenya mengunjungi Garden Tomb (Golgota versi Protestan), sebuah taman yang baru ditemukan pada abad 19 yang diyakini sebagai kubur Tuhan Yesus (Perjamuan Kudus). (B, L, D) Hotel used : Diamond Hotel *4 / setaraf

HARI 08/05 MAR: JERUSALEM (GOLGOTA) – DEAD SEA – QUMRAN – BETHLEHEM Menyusuri Via Dolorosa sampai ke Gereja Golgota (Holy Sepulchure) – tempat Yesus disalib, wafat dan dimakamkan kemudian berlanjut ke Tembok Ratapan. Setelah itu, ke Bukit Sion untuk mengunjungi Ruang Perjamuan Terakhir (Mat. 22:14-23), Makam Raja Daud (1 Raj. 2:10) dan Gereja St. Peter Galicantu (Mat. 26:69-75) yang dahulunya merupakan rumah Imam Agung Kayafas. Berlanjut ke Yerikho sambil berbelanja kurma dan produk Laut Mati yang sangat terkenal, juga akan melihat Bukit Pencobaan (Luk. 4:1-13)–Yesus berpuasa selama 40 hari dan dicobai oleh iblis dan pohon Zakheus (Mat. 19: 1-10). Dari Yerikho kita menuju Qumran, tempat ditemukannya gulungan Kitab Suci oleh seorang anak gembala suku Beduin. Hari ini ditutup dengan menikmati indahnya Laut Mati dan mengapung di sana. (B, L, D) Hotel used : Diamond Hotel *4 / setaraf

HARI 09/06 MAR: JERUSALEM – HAIFA – TIBERIAS Rombongan akan meninggalkan Jerusalem untuk menuju ke kota Haifa – kota pelabuhan laut yang indah, terletak di kaki Gunung Karmel. Di sini kita dapat mengunjungi Gereja Stella Maris – nabi Elia bersembunyi dari pengejaran Ratu Isabel dan Taman Bahai yang indah. Setelah makan siang, menuju kota Nazareth dimana terdapat Gereja Kabar Sukacita (Luk. 1:26-38) – Maria mendapat kabar tentang kelahiran Yesus dari Malaikat Gabriel dan kota Kana (Yoh. 2:1-11) – Yesus membuat mujizat pertamaNya, merubah air menjadi angggur dalam sebuah pesta perkawinan. Di sini anda dapat membaharui Janji Pernikahan. Bermalam di Tiberias. (B,L,D) Hotel used : Club Hotel *3 / setaraf

HARI 10/07 MAR: TIBERIAS – SHEIKH HUSSEIN – AMMAN Pagi hari menuju Gunung Tabor (Luk. 9:28-36) – Tuhan Yesus dipermuliakan bersama dengan Nabi Musa dan Nabi Elia, Capernaum (Mrk. 1:21-28;29-34; Luk. 2:1-12, 8:5-13) – kota nelayan dimana Tuhan Yesus paling banyak berkarya, melihat bekas rumah mertua Petrus dan Sinagoga tua, Tabgha (Yoh. 6:1-15) – Tuhan Yesus membuat mujizat menggandakan 5 roti dan 2 ikan untuk memberi makan 5000 orang dan Gereja Primat Petrus – Yesus menampakkan diri setelah kebangkitanNya (Yoh. 21:4-7) – makan siang dengan hidangan ikan Petrus, siang hari mengarungi Danau Galilea dengan Galilea Cruise (Luk. 5:1-11; Mat. 14:34-36), Bukit Sabda Bahagia – Yesus mengajar sabda bahagia kepada muridNya (Mat.5:1-12) dan Sungai Yordan – tempat tradisi Yesus dibaptis. Sore hari menuju perbatasan Sheikh Hussein untuk menuju Amman, ibukota Yordania. Tiba di AMMAN, makan malam dan beristirahat.(B, L, D) Hotel used : Rum Hotel *3 / setaraf

HARI 11/08 MAR: AMMAN- PETRA Pagi ini mengunjungi kawasan The Red Rose City of Petra, yang merupakan salah satu dari 7 keajaiban dunia sejak 7 Juli 2007. Petra merupakan peninggalan suku Arab Nabatean dan juga pernah dipakai untuk pembuatan film Holywood seperti “Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade” dan film Transformer II : The Revenge of The Fallen”. Menyusuri jalan masuk yang sangat indah dengan pemandangan gua alam yang dipahat pd dinding batu warna-warni serta dibatasi oleh tebing-tebing tinggi. Bermalam di Petra. (B, L, D) Hotel used : Petra Panorama *3 / setaraf

HARI 12/09 MAR: PETRA – AMMAN – DUBAI EK904 09MAR AMM DXB 17.10 – 22.00 Pagi hari setelah check-out hotel, kita akan menuju ke Gunung Nebo – tempat dimana Musa diperlihatkan tanah Kanaan oleh Tuhan. Tiba saatnya diantar menuju Airport untuk terbang kembali ke tanah air melalui Dubai. (B, L)

HARI 13/10 MAR: DUBAI – JAKARTA EK356 10MAR DXB CGK 04.35 – 15.45 Hari ini kita tiba di Jakarta. Semoga perjalanan ibadah Rohani kita boleh menjadi berkat bagi anda semua. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda kepada kami. Semoga di lain kesempatan Tuhan mempertemukan kita kembali. Tuhan memberkati. Amin.

Keberangkatan 26 Februari 2023


tour israel murah

Harga Tour Holyland Israel Free Petra 13D

Harga termasuk :.

  • Tiket Pesawat Ekonomi dengan Emirates CGK – CAI // AMM – CGK ekonomi class, Non refundable, Nonendorsable, Non reroute (1month)
  • Airport tax International + Fuel Surcharge Emirates (*Dapat berubah sewaktu waktu sesuai dengan ketentuan dari pihak Airline) Bus AC standard internasional (49-51 seater)
  • Airport tax Jakarta
  • Tipping selama perjalanan 11hr guide, porter, rest, T/L
  • Border tax tiap perbatasan
  • Hotel setaraf bintang *3 dan *5 sesuai dengan jadwal diatas
  • Program acara tour dan makan (full board) sesuai dengan jadwal dalam brosur diatas
  • 1 Tour Leader berpengalaman dari Jakarta
  • Bagasi Cuma Cuma Emirates 30kg/ orang, tas hand Carry 7kg/pax
  • Trolley bag, dompet passport, Polo Shirt

Harga Belum Termasuk :

  • Biaya Naik Unta di Gn. Sinai (oneway) – optional USD 35 / pax
  • Nile Cruise Dinner + Belly Dance – optional USD35/ pax
  • Biaya pembuatan Dokumen perjalanan, passport
  • Pengeluaran yang bersifat pribadi seperti : telefon, laundry, mini bar dll


  • Gratis 02 botol air mineral / hari / orang selama tour
  • Gratis toilet stop selama tour
  • Asuransi perjalanan classic
  • Sertifikat Ziarah dan Peta Holyland

Testimoni dari Peserta Holyland

Jadi bagaimana? masih mau menunda pergi Ziarah ke Israel? ayolah kalau kita masih diberikan kesehatan dan rejeki ga ada salahnya kita ke tanah perjanjian Israel. Booking sekarang juga ke 021 – 25502426, 085692001204, 081297806480

Paket Tour Holyland Terbaik 2017

Tags: harga tour ke israel , paket holyland petra , paket tour israel , paket tour israel murah , paket tour ke israel , Paket Tour ke Israel Plus Petra , paket wisata israel , tour travel ke israel , Tour Yerusalem dan Petra

Category : Paket Tour Holyland

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Comments (11)

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Mohon info Ziarah Wisarta ke Jerusalem 2018 untuk bulan May atau October yang di pimpin oleh Romo.

Tolong info tanggal dan biayanya untuk saya dan istri.

Regards, Fauzan Walandau

Bisa minta tolong di email ittin untuk ke Holyland + Petra 12 hari. Beserta pemimpin pendeta yang membawakannya.


Saya mau milih paket november 29.999.000 untuk 3 org x 29.999.000, Cara oembayaran bagimana

Mohon info paket 12 hari ..unt bulan sept 2019. Beserta itenery + pembimbing katolik nya dengan romo.?

Mohon info ziarah untuk bulan desember-januari 2020 ke Yerusalem. Itin mohon dikirimkan ke [email protected] I

Dear Ms Maria

Detail paketnya sudah kami kirimkan by email, silakan sicek

Minta tolong diinfo untuk keberangkatan november dan desember 2019 @[email protected]

Shalom Pak Delta

Penawaran Paket Holyland 2019 sudah kami email Mohon cek folder inbox/spam

Yth Bapak/ibu

Bisa minta info apakah ada tour paket Holyland +Petra dari awal April 2020 ?

Shalom, mohon info detail untuk paket bln Peb 2020. Terimakasih

Mohon share schedule untuk pertengahan tahun 2020. Kalau bawa orang tua dengan kursi roda bisa gak? kondisi fisik Ok, hanya saja tidak bisa jalan jauh

Thanks & Regards

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Holyland Tour


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Apa kata mereka tentang kami.

Sungguh berkat yang luar biasa dari Tuhan Yesus. Saya bisa bergabung di tour holyland Mei 2018. banyak hal yang menambah spiritualitas saya sebagai pelayan Tuhan, selama 15 tahun melayani sebagai pendeta ditambah dengan pelayanan sebagai non pendeta sebelumnya, saya sering bercerita tentang firman Tuhan tapi saya sendiri tidak pernah tahu bagaimana keadaan di mesir & israel yg sesungguhnya. saya semakin diberi semangat spiritualitas dan pikiran baru sepulang dari holyland, menurut saya kita tidak akan rugi jika hanya menghabiskan uang sekitar kurang lebih 28-40 juta ditambah shopping 😂😅 jika kita berada di 4 negara itu mesir,israel,palestina, jordan. Suatu perjalanan yang penuh kesan dan tak terlupakan, pengetahuan kita juga bertambah, kenyataan yg ada di sana sungguh kita alami dan nikmati, akhirnya khotbah kita sebagai pelayan Tuhan semakin lebih baik lagi. Saya berterimakasih kepada pak simon, pak henoch dan para sponsor yang tidak bisa disebutkan nama2 mereka. Tuhan memakai mereka utk membagi berkat bagi kami, doa kami mereka senantiasa di beri berkat yang terus berlimpah baik dalam keluarga dan pekerjaan. Walau semua peserta tour berasal dari daerah yg berbeda (semarang, papua, kupang, jakarta) rasa persaudaraan dan kebersamaan sebagai satu keluarga sangat kuat, kami saling memperhatikan dan peduli satu sama lain. Puji Tuhan kami dapat tour leader pak John Simon & pembimbing rohani Pdt. Edi Henoch yang gaul, keren dan bersahabat. tour guide dan driver di mesir, israel dan jordan juga sangat friendly, pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang banyak. pokoknya tidak akan menyesallah kalo ikut Oleatour...keren... puas...dan tempat2 yang di kunjungi keren2...fasilitas hotelnya mantap... bagi yang penasaran ayo bergabung bersama OLEATOUR HOLYLAND TOUR di jamin pasti mantap, Tuhan berkati

Pdt. Faby Bengu GMIT

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Pdt. Faby Bengu


Di perjalanan holyland tour ini saya menemukan persaudaraan yang begitu erat terjalin diantara para peserta sampai sekarang. tour leader dari olea tour ini sangat penguasai lapangan, bertanggung jawab, care dan bersahabat terhadap semua peserta nya. saya sangat terberkati dan berkesan sampai sekarang karena mengunjungi tempat-tempat dimana Tuhan Yesus pernah hidup.

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Ps. Daniel Mujianto

GBIS Notosuman Serengan

My wife and i had a great opportunity for a trip to the Holy Land. For me personally, this trip resulted in several things : 1. I renew my desire to know more about Biblical maps and sites. 2. From this renew desire wanting to know more about biblical sites, i end up reading the bible & other books. 3. I made new friends & enjoy fellowship with them. 4. Spiritually, this trip helps my faith getting stronger. Matching the Bible stories with real geological sites bring my faith closer to GOD. 5. I shared this trip with several church members who expressed their interests of going there also.

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Ps. Eliyah Eneas Shira

Arlington Chinese Bible Church, Texas

Puji Tuhan kami menikmati perjalanan ke Holyland bersama Olea Tour. Kami mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik dan yang kami suka adalah karena tour ini tidak kaku dan sangat fleksibel sehingga kami dapat mengunjungi dan menikmati tempat² yang sesuai dengan kerinduan hati kami.

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Ps. Ardian Andana -

GNCC Semarang

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News - Olea Tour

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Holyland Tour Sinai 2019

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Spring Holyland Tour - 11-21 May 2018

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Victorious Holyland Tour 06 - 16 Mar 2018

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Beutiful Winter Holyland Tour 14 - 26 Jan 2018

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Summer Holyland Tour 31 aug- 16 sept 2017

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Holyland Trip 24 Juni - 5 Juli 2017

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Bersama Pdt. Daniel

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Bersama Pdt.David

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Bersama Pdt.Henoch

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Bersama Ps jason

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Mengapa anda perlu mengikuti Holyland tour?

berziarah ke tanah perjanjian bukan menjadi kewajiban atau keharusan bagi kita umat Kristiani, berjalan diatas Tanah Perjanjian adalah suatu berkat tersendiri, suatu pengalaman yang sangat berkesan. Disamping iman kita akan semakin diteguhkan dan dikuatkan karena kita melihat tempat dan kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi yang ditulis di dalam Alkitab.

Banyak kesaksian dari para peserta tour yang mengalami mukjizat atau pengalaman spiritual saat mereka berada atau setelah pulang dari Holyland.

Israel adalah sebuah negara yang unik, sangat indah, aman dan penduduknya sangat bersahabat. tidak hanya mengunjungi situs rohani saja tapi juga menikmati keindahan alam seperti Rosh Hanikra, Caesarea, Timna Park, Banias dan banyak lagi.

Menyusuri jalan-jalan di kota lama Yerusalem, baptis di sungai Yordan, naik perahu di danau galilea, mengapung di laut mati merupakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Sekaligus mengunjungi Pyramid di Mesir dan Petra di Jordan yang merupakan 7 Keajaiban Dunia yang mungkin ada di salah satu “bucket list” kita.

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1. The Central Air Force Museum


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Israel could have used smaller weapons against Hamas to avoid deaths in Gaza tent fire, experts say

Defense experts who've reviewed debris images from an Israeli airstrike that ignited a deadly fire in a camp for displaced Palestinians question why Israel didn't use smaller, more precise weapons when so many civilians were nearby

WASHINGTON -- Defense experts who have reviewed debris images from an Israeli airstrike that ignited a deadly fire in a camp for displaced Palestinians questioned why Israel did not use smaller, more precise weapons when so many civilians were nearby. They said the bombs used were likely U.S.-made.

The strikes, targeting Hamas operatives, killed as many as 45 people sheltering in a temporary displacement camp near the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Sunday and have drawn international condemnation.

Israel is investigating the attack but says the Hamas targets were 1.7 kilometers (1 mile) away from a declared humanitarian zone and that its review before the strike determined no expected harm to civilians.

But displaced civilians were scattered throughout the area, and Israel had not ordered evacuations. So even if the tents that burned were not inside the marked humanitarian zone, the civilians there thought it was safe.

Israel, which was attacked by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023, has not said where the burned tents were in relation to the compound it bombed on Sunday, but has released one satellite image showing there were some known civilian shelters located about 180 meters (600 feet) away. It emphasized that while there were no tents “in the immediate vicinity,” due to “unforeseen circumstances, a fire ignited tragically taking the lives of Gazan civilians nearby.”

Footage released by the Israeli military appears to show people walking next to the targeted buildings before the blast. The footage also appears to show tents nearby.

Israel has not identified the bombs it used, but Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, an Israel Defense Forces spokesman, has emphasized that the country chose the smallest munition its jets could carry — with 17 kilograms (37 pounds) of explosive material each — and that an unintended secondary explosion may have caused the fire.

Even the smallest jet-launched munition may be too big when civilians are near because of how they explode and can send fragments far, defense experts said.

Images posted on social media from the tent camp on Monday and verified by The Associated Press showed a CAGE code, a unique identifier assigned to U.S. government suppliers, on pieces of the exploded weapons.

Based on those images and satellite photos of the debris field, two defense experts said the bombs used were likely U.S.-made 250-pound (113-kilogram) GBU-39 small-diameter bombs.

Though they're smaller than many other weapons the U.S. has provided to Israel, these bombs can still create a wide swath of damage. The entire 250-pound shell and components are designed to spew fragments that can travel as far as 2,000 feet (600 meters).

“You essentially have two bombs they use that the fragments can travel 600 meters in a densely packed area. So that just doesn’t check out if they’re trying to limit casualties,” said Trevor Ball, a former Army explosive ordnance demolition technician.

Ball said the serial number on the pieces of the tail kit and the shell debris shown in the photographs identify the munitions as the 250-pound GBU-39. It’s unusual to describe a bomb by its explosive load — in this case, 37 pounds — instead of its total weight, according to Ball and Mark Cancian, a retired Marine Corps Reserves colonel and senior adviser to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The debris field in Gaza is indicative of the bombs possibly being set to detonate before impact, which would ensure their intended targets were killed but also risk unintended deaths, Ball and Cancian said. The images showed a small hole where shrapnel was found.

The GBU-39's fuse settings can be adjusted to have the bomb explode on impact, which would create a crater at the site, or set for a delayed blast if the goal is to have it more deeply penetrate a target first.

They can also be set to detonate in the air, right before impact, to ensure multiple targets are hit. But that setting also maximizes area damage, which could explain a secondary explosion even if weapons or other flammable materials were some distance away, Ball said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters on Wednesday during a visit to Moldova that the U.S. is waiting for an investigation to show what weapons were used and how they were deployed.

Even if that confirms Israel used a small-diameter weapon, "we also see that even limited, focused, targeted attacks — designed to deal with terrorists who have killed innocent civilians that are plotting to kill more — even those kinds of operations can have terrible, horrific, unintended consequences,” Blinken said.

The defense experts said Israel had better options to turn to than the GBU-39 when civilians were nearby.

The Israelis have previously deployed drones to launch weapons that are smaller and more precise, Cancian said. These precision airstrikes used over the years have caused little damage beyond the immediate target.

Israel, for example, in this strike could have used a smaller anti-personnel weapon called the mini-Spike, which would not have created as wide an area of debris, if it was targeting specific Hamas leaders, Cancian said.

The U.S. has withheld a shipment of even larger 2,000-pound (900-kilogram) bombs from Israel out of concern they would be used in Israel's Rafah operation, where more than 1 million Palestinians crowded after Israel bombed other parts of Gaza. Now, that same number of people have escaped Rafah and are scattered across makeshift tent camps and other areas.

Sunday's strike shows that even the smaller 250-pound bombs the U.S. has continued to provide can be too large for use near densely packed refugee areas, Cancian said.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday that the U.S. was still trying to gather information from Israel about the deadly Rafah strike. He declined to discuss the specific munitions used by Israel but said Israel’s public comments about the munitions used “certainly indicate a desire to be more deliberate and more precise in their targeting.”

Federman reported from Jerusalem. Associated Press writers Matthew Lee in Prague, Ellen Knickmeyer and Zeke Miller in Washington and Kareem Chehayeb in Beirut, Lebanon, contributed.

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A growing number of Swifties are calling on Taylor Swift to break her silence on Gaza

Taylor Swift

Ahead of the Madrid leg of Taylor Swift’s globe-trotting Eras Tour, some fans had their minds on more than just her set.

In the hours before her Wednesday concert, the hashtag #SwiftiesForPalestine was among the top trends on X, easily besting the hashtag for that evening’s show. Many posts called on concert attendees to take signs to or fly Palestinian flags at the event, hoping they’d catch Swift’s attention and encourage her to speak out.  

The hashtag continued to spread Thursday morning with more than 133,000 posts, according to X’s trending page, many of them coming from fan accounts that have posted about Swift for years.

It’s a sentiment that has been building for a while around many celebrities and Swift in particular, with her sizable and vocal fan base, which, when mobilized, can be a formidable political force . In recent days, the scattered activism has boiled over into more palpable outrage — largely driven by Israel’s military offensive in Rafah and an airstrike this month that set a refugee camp aflame, with graphic pictures of the aftermath spreading online . The Israel Defense Forces has said that it was targeting two senior Hamas militants and that tent shelters were not in the immediate vicinity. 

“Seeing all these devastating images and videos from Rafah has awoken something in all of us, and we would love Taylor’s support. A lot of people with influence are speaking out, and we see the effects this has,” said Sarah Smits, a Swiftie from Belgium who runs a fan account with more than 56,000 followers on X. 

The conflict has been ongoing for more than six months, and Israel has said it will continue to fight to free roughly 125 people Hamas is believed to still hold captive in Gaza. 

Swift, arguably the most famous and popular person in the U.S. , has not made any comments about Israel or Gaza since the conflict began. And while she has at times weighed in on U.S. politics (most notably on abortion rights and legislation that has targeted the LGBTQ community ), she has also faced scrutiny from her fans over her silence on various issues. Other fans, however, have expressed concern that voicing a stance on contentious global political issues could compromise her safety on an international tour.

Smits, who said she watches every Eras Tour livestream and has spotted Palestinian flags in the audience, plans to take her own pro-Palestinian friendship bracelets when she attends one of Swift’s July shows in Amsterdam.

“The impact Taylor Swift would have would be enormous, and so her silence is frustrating,” she said.

The push comes alongside a wider social media movement that has refocused attention on Israel’s push into Rafah, a city Israel had once designated as a safe zone . On Instagram, a particularly viral image that appeared to have been generated by artificial intelligence showed refugee tents that spelled out “All Eyes on Rafah.” Some Swifties seized on the image, which was criticized in its own right for drowning out real images from the ground in Rafah, after Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner, who have produced much of Swift’s music, both reshared it on Instagram this week.

Many Swifties also noted that Paramore, the band that is opening for Swift during the European leg of the Eras Tour, shared a statement on its Instagram story Wednesday spotlighting Save the Children and Doctors Without Borders, nongovernmental organizations providing humanitarian aid in Gaza.

A representative for Swift did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

As part of their push, some people on X resurfaced a clip of remarks Swift made in her 2020 Netflix documentary, “Miss Americana,” in which she expressed regret over not having spoken out against Donald Trump during the 2016 election. 

“I need to be on the right side of history,” she tells her family and public relations staff.

Swift faced some backlash after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel over a film of a concert she performed earlier in the year played in Jerusalem , as concerns were growing about the conflict and its humanitarian consequences in Gaza. 

Now, more Pro-Palestinian sentiment has surfaced at some of her recent shows. Photos of concertgoers with Palestinian flags or holding up bedazzled, Swift-themed pro-Palestinian posters circulated across social media this week as Swifties online encouraged one another — especially those who have scored front-row Eras Tour seats — to display them at her shows in hope she would take notice.

Many also urged attendees to make and trade Swift-themed friendship bracelets (an activity that has become customary at her shows) that incorporate pro-Palestinian messaging and to tag social media posts from the show with #SwiftiesForPalestine.

Swift was also named on several of the #Blockout2024 and “digital guillotine” lists circulating this month as social media users organized a controversial campaign to block hundreds of celebrities and influencers who have not been vocal about Gaza. Some stars on the block lists, such as rapper Lizzo and influencer Chris Olsen, posted their first public videos about Gaza after the campaign began.

The pressure on her Swift appears to be propelled, at least in part, by the understanding that she now commands an audience that can quickly spring into action. In an open letter to Swift shared online Wednesday, a fan account wrote that even the “smallest action” from her could inspire her massive fan base to “raise support for immediate humanitarian help” for Palestinians.

“The international community, including many influential voices, has called for justice and peace, yet the agony still continues,” the letter read. “Your influence transcends borders, and your words have the power to reach and activate an extensive audience, including people who are unaware of the severity of the genocide.”

Canadian Swiftie Mélina Loyer, who has been heavily involved in #SwiftiesForPalestine online, said the growing pro-Palestinian support from other big names in entertainment makes Swift’s lack of a public stance stand out even more.

“I think Swifties have officially had enough of Taylor’s silence because of big celebrities like Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa recently talking about their support for Palestine,” Loyer said, adding, “We think she no longer has an excuse to remain silent considering her big audience and the impact she has.”

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Angela Yang is a culture and trends reporter for NBC News.

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Donald Trump Is Banned from 37 Countries as Convicted Felon, Including Major Allies Like Canada and U.K.

If elected president again, Trump would need special permission to enter several key countries for maintaining foreign relations

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Donald Trump may face travel restrictions with his newfound felon status , potentially complicating his presidency if he were to win another term in office.

Thirty-eight nations, counting the United States, bar felons from entry, according to World Population Review . Those bans stand regardless of whether someone is allowed to retain their passport after conviction.

Countries that turn felons away include several of the United States' strongest allies, like the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada — the final of which will host the G7 summit of world leaders in 2025. The list also includes a number of nations at the center of pressing foreign policy issues, such as China, Israel and Mexico.

Win McNamee/Getty

International governments can, and in some cases would, choose to make an exception for Trump if he requested special permission as president to make a visit.

George W. Bush , who was arrested for drunk driving in the 1970s, ran into issues with Canadian travel restrictions during his presidency while planning an official state visit and, after applying for a special waiver, he was ultimately allowed to enter.

In Bush's case, which still proved tedious, the circumstances were a bit different: the crime happened decades earlier, was only categorized as a misdemeanor and was never tried in a court of law (Bush admitted to driving under the influence upon arrest and got off with a fine and temporary license suspension). It's hard to say whether Trump's new 34 felony convictions would be dealt with in a similar manner.

Countries That Deny Entry to Felons

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If Trump were elected to another term in the White House and chose to apply for special travel waivers, the irony would not go unnoticed.

The former president has often characterized foreigners as "criminals," and has campaigned on a promise to tighten U.S. travel restrictions, which would include shutting down the border and instating travel bans on people of certain nationalities and ideologies.

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Chris evans clarifies misconception he signed israeli bomb, pic from 2016, chris evans i wasn't signing an israeli bomb ... clears up misinformation.

Chris Evans is clearing the air after a picture of him signing what some claimed to be a bomb went viral -- which is good, considering everything going on with Israel-Gaza.

Captain America shut down social media speculation that he was apparently signing an Israeli bomb for use in Gaza -- taking to an IG Story Thursday to clarify those claims were BS ... adding the photo was actually taken during a USO tour back in Dec 2016.

Chris says he participated in the trip alongside a group of actors, athletes and musicians to express gratitude to U.S. service members ...  and that what he signed was commemorative.

He explained, "The object I was asked to sign is not a bomb, or a missile, or a weapon of any kind. It's an inert object used for training or display purposes only. You can read the quote from the Air Force in the next story."

The accompanying Air Force statement read ... "The object Chris Evans is signing in the USO tour photo from 2016 is an explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) inert training aid. The object is meant to model an artillery shell and is for display and training purposes only."

Chris' picture was actually snapped at the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, where he and his crew, including his "Avengers" co-star Scarlett Johansson , spread holiday cheer to deployed U.S. troops in a trip organized by the United Service Organizations.

The picture gained traction online just after Nikki Haley 's Memorial Day visit to Israel, where she wrote "Finish Them" on Israeli missiles, sparking considerable controversy and likely fueling the spread of misinformation online.

But the pic had been circulating for some time, and Jennifer Passey , director of communications for the USO, confirmed to AFP in Feb it was indeed taken during their 2016 USO Holiday Tour. While Chris's clarification is appreciated, some are still mad.

They're saying he should speak out on the situation, or offer a donation to Gaza ... he hasn't done that yet though -- and he hasn't spoken about the Middle-East conflict in general.

Tense times, indeed.

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California sheriff quips he’s ‘changing teams,’ urges support for ‘convicted felon’ trump.

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A well-known conservative California sheriff joked that he was “changing teams” ahead of the 2024 election and urged people to support a “convicted felon.”

“I think it’s time we put a felon in the White House,” Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco said in a video posted to social media Saturday. 

Bianco’s comments come after former President Trump was convicted last week on 34 felony counts in New York , making the former president the first president to be convicted of a felony.

Bianco, who has openly teased the possibility of running for governor of California, said in the video that he has done all he could over three decades in law enforcement to “keep our community safe by arresting criminals and putting them in jail,” but lamented that leaders and California have become seemingly pro-criminal in recent years.

“For the last five years I’ve been very critical about our governor for slashing our budgets from corrections, for letting prisoners out early, for closing our prisons,” Bianco said. “I’ve been critical of our state legislature for passing laws to make it harder to put people in prison. I’ve been critical for their changing laws that let prisoners out early. And I’ve been critical of our attorney general for seemingly not caring about crime.”

Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco.

The sheriff went out to lament the “love affair” the state’s leaders “have with criminals,” which he argued is based on a “belief that criminals are not responsible for their own actions.”

“They’re a victim of society,” Bianco said. “It’s society’s fault. It’s businesses’ fault. It’s cops’ fault. It might be my fault.”

Bianco noted that the state’s leaders blame the judicial system, laws and law enforcement for being “systemically racist,” leading to criminals being put in jail as a result of “bias.”

Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco.

But now they “let them out,” the sheriff continued, saying that they give criminals “housing, they give them money, they give them drugs and alcohol now.”

Bianco added that he was “tired” of the problem before a tongue-in-cheek admission that maybe he had “been wrong.”

“I think I am going to change teams,” Bianco said. 

“I think they’re on to something, but I don’t think they’re doing enough,” the sheriff quipped, before revealing that he thought putting a felon in the White House would be a good idea.

“Trump 2024, baby, let’s save this country and make America great again,” Bianco concluded.

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Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco.



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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Nikki Haley Writes ‘Finish Them’ on Artillery Shell in Israel

Her visit came just days after Israel drew international condemnation for a strike that killed dozens of Gazan civilians in a camp for displaced Palestinians.

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Nikki Haley, wearing sunglasses, walks past a board filled with photos of people.

By Maggie Astor

  • May 29, 2024

Nikki Haley, the former Republican presidential candidate and U.N. ambassador during the Trump administration, wrote “Finish them” on an artillery shell in Israel this week.

Danny Danon, Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations and a member of the Israeli Parliament, shared a photo on social media on Tuesday showing Ms. Haley signing the shell. Her visit came just days after Israel drew international condemnation for a strike that killed dozens of Gazan civilians in a camp for displaced Palestinians.

“This is what my friend, the former ambassador Nikki Haley, wrote today on a shell during a visit to an artillery post on the northern border,” Mr. Danon wrote, declaring of the Israeli military, “The I.D.F. will win!”

Ms. Haley finished her inscription with a note that “America loves Israel always,” using a heart emoji for “loves.”

She signed the artillery shell not along the Gaza frontier, in the south, but near Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, with which Israel also has a longstanding conflict. She also visited a kibbutz where Israelis were killed on Oct. 7, and her public remarks focused on Gaza.

Her trip included meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, as well as with Yoav Gallant, the country’s defense minister, and Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet.

Ms. Haley’s message on the artillery shell drew denunciations from some commentators, including the author and columnist Wajahat Ali, who said in a video on TikTok : “If you think that Biden and Democrats are terrible on Gaza — I think they’ve been terrible — just know Republicans will be far, far worse, and I give you Nikki Haley.”

In an interview published Tuesday by the Israel Hayom newspaper, which is owned by the Republican donor Miriam Adelson, Ms. Haley said Israel had done nothing wrong in its invasion and bombardment of Gaza since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing about 1,200 people. And she said the United States should continue to support it unconditionally.

“Israel, they’re the good guys,” she said. “And you know what I want Israelis to know? You’re doing the right thing. Don’t let anybody make you feel wrong.”

Israel’s military operations have killed more than 36,000 Gazans, including thousands of women and children , according to the Gazan health ministry. Many of the casualties, including those in the tent camp on Sunday , have been caused by bombs provided by the United States. President Biden recently withheld an arms shipment out of concern that it would be used in an offensive on the city of Rafah, where displaced Palestinians are sheltering.

When asked in the Israel Hayom interview about civilians who crossed into Israel during the Oct. 7 attacks, she said: “The rest of the world can’t say, ‘Oh, be nice to the Palestinians,’ when these are some of the people who murdered their brothers and sisters.” She added: “They don’t know who to trust. That’s not Israel’s fault. That’s the Palestinians’ fault now.”

Ms. Haley’s comments are in line with her history of support for Israel and rejection of international criticism of its actions. As U.N. ambassador, she accused the United Nations of “bullying” Israel and led the U.S. withdrawal of funding for an agency that helps Palestinian refugees.

She recently fell back in line behind Mr. Trump after previously refusing to endorse him, and Mr. Trump suggested he might bring her onto his team “in some form.”

Aaron Boxerman contributed reporting.

Maggie Astor covers politics for The New York Times, focusing on breaking news, policies, campaigns and how underrepresented or marginalized groups are affected by political systems. More about Maggie Astor

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Presidential Race: News and Analysis

Donald Trump’s conviction plunges the country into unmapped political terrain , a rare moment that could reshuffle a 2024 race that has been locked in stasis and defined by a polarizing former president.

After Trump’s verdict, interviews with dozens of Democrats revealed a party hungry to tell voters that Trump’s conviction makes him unfit for office , and hopeful that President Biden will lead the way.

In his first public outing since the verdict, Trump attended a U.F.C. fight in New Jersey and reveled in the embrace of male fans .

Flip-Flopping on Abortion:  Republicans in competitive Senate races have changed their approach on the issue of abortion , softening their rhetoric, shifting their positions and even embracing policies championed by Democrats.

New Jersey Primary:  For decades, New Jersey’s House and Senate primary elections were typically low-drama affairs. But this year’s dozen contests involve considerable intrigue .

Clashing Appeals to Black Voters:  Biden and Trump both see Black outreach as critical to winning in November. But their approaches differ in fundamental and revealing ways .



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  26. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

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