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Every q appearance in star trek tng, ds9, voyager & picard.


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Q (John de Lancie), Star Trek 's omnipotent being has appeared across multiple shows since his debut in the 1987 pilot of Star Trek: The Next Generation . Q's strongest connection was with Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), and it was a relationship that would last for the rest of Q's apparently infinite lifespan. However, Q has also set his sights on other Star Trek leads, from Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) to Ensign Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome).

Star Trek: Picard season 3's end credits scene has revealed that Q shows no signs of stopping, despite his apparent death in season 2. With Q now setting his sights on Jean-Luc's son, Ensign Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers), he's set to be a part of Terry Matalas' proposed Star Trek: Legacy show. Here's every Q appearance from "Encounter at Farpoint" to "The Last Generation", which signals the start of a brand-new story for Star Trek 's beloved trickster god.

RELATED: Star Trek May Have Introduced The Q Continuum In TOS

15 Star Trek: TNG Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2: "Encounter At Farpoint"

Q appeared to Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-D during their very first mission. The omnipotent being believed that the human race was not evolved enough for further exploration of the universe. Picard convinced Q that humanity wasn't the " savage child-race " that the cosmic being believed them to be, and used the Farpoint mission to prove it. Realizing that the Bandi were exploiting an alien life form, Picard proved to Q that humanity had reached an evolved state of being, but it was far from the end of humanity's trials.

14 Star Trek: TNG Season 1, Episode 10, "Hide And Q"

Q continued testing humanity by bestowing the powers of the Continuum on Commander William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes). It was a test of how susceptible humanity is to temptation, as Q is keen for Riker to explore the possibilities that his new powers offer him. Picard bet Q that he would fail to turn Will Riker into one of his own, and while Riker did succumb to temptation by sharing his gifts, he swiftly realized his mistake. The price of the bet was that Q would stay out of humanity's way forever, but Q would very quickly renege on that promise.

13 Star Trek: TNG Season 2, Episode 16, "Q Who"

Ostracized from the Continuum, Q offered to be Picard's guide to the uncharted areas of the galaxy that the Enterprise would soon encounter. Picard understood just how chaotic it would be to have Q aboard as a full-time crew member, and rejected his application. Q petulantly decided to prove just how badly Picard and the Enterprise needed him by propelling them into the Delta Quadrant, into the path of the Borg Collective, setting up their future conflict. It's the most seismic impact that Q has made on the Star Trek universe, and his reckless actions saw him punished in his next Star Trek: The Next Generation appearance.

12 Star Trek: TNG Season 3, Episode 13, "Deja Q"

The first hint of Q's softer side comes in "Deja Q" when he was forced to live as a human after being stripped of his powers and immortality. Expecting this to be another of Q's tests, Picard tentatively agreed to grant the cosmic trickster asylum aboard Enterprise. While there, Q formed a bond with Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner), whom he dubbed " professor of the Humanities ". Q and Data's bond was so strong that the mortal Q risked his life to save the android. This selfless act was enough to convince the Continuum that Q had learned his lesson, and his powers and immortality were returned to him.

11 Star Trek: TNG Season 4, Episode 20, "Qpid"

In a storyline that foreshadows Q's Star Trek: Picard season 2 story , "Qpid" sees the trickster god become involved in Jean-Luc's love life. Creating an elaborate take on the legend of Robin Hood, Q set out to teach Picard about love, after detecting romantic tension between Jean-Luc and the archaeologist Vash (Jennifer Hetrick). Over the course of Q's lesson, he too became fascinated with Vash, and ultimately offered her the chance to travel with him. While Jean-Luc was put out by Q seducing the object of his desire, he insisted that the omnipotent trickster ensure Vash's safety.

RELATED: Every Picard TNG Love Interest (Before Laris)

10 Star Trek: TNG Season 6, Episode 6, "True Q"

Q returned to the Enterprise during the strange case of Amanda Rogers (Olivia d'Abo), a human being who manifested Q powers. It transpired that her biological parents were a male and female Q who left the Collective to live life as human beings. They were tracked down by the Collective and executed, leaving Amanda an orphan. It was only when Amanda began an internship on the Enterprise with Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) that she learned her true origins. Q eventually convinced Amanda to join the Collective when she used her powers to save the life of Riker and his away team on Tagra IV.

9 Star Trek: DS9 Season 1, Episode 7, "Q-Less"

In one of many examples of Benjamin Sisko and Jean-Luc Picard's differences, Q and Sisko did not like each other. Q arrived aboard Deep Space Nine to try and win back Vash, who he'd left stranded in the Gamma Quadrant. After the discovery of the wormhole, Vash was brought to DS9 where the archaeologist attempted to sell some of the artifacts she'd unearthed in the Gamma Quadrant. Q's presence aboard DS9 caught the attention of Sisko, who had no time for his games. After being punched in the face by DS9's commanding officer, Q decided that Sisko was too easy to provoke and left the station, never to return.

8 Star Trek: TNG Season 6, Episode 15, "Tapestry"

When Jean-Luc briefly died on the operating table in sickbay, Q appeared to him as God, ushering Picard into the afterlife. To save Picard's life in the present, Q offered him the chance to change his fate, by avoiding the bar brawl that resulted in the installation of his defective artificial heart. Picard accepted his second chance, only to find himself back in the present where he was still a junior lieutenant. This made Jean-Luc realize that he wouldn't be captain of the Enterprise without first being the headstrong risk-taker whose recklessness had got him stabbed in the heart by a Nausicaan.

7 Star Trek: The Next Generation Finale, "All Good Things"

Q returned for Star Trek: The Next Generation 's final test of humanity, which was designed to find out if they were capable of understanding advanced temporal concepts. The test saw Jean-Luc Picard split across past, present, and future to investigate a temporal anomaly that was expanding backward through time. Thanks to Q's gentle hints, Picard solved the problem and saved humanity from its own destruction. There was also the underlying suggestion that Q was also teaching Picard about the value of having a trusted crew of friends in each time zone, further evidence of the trickster's sensitive side.

RELATED: 12 Ways Picard Season 3 Mirrors TNG's Finale

6 Star Trek: Voyager Season 2, Episode 18, "Death Wish"

Q's meddling with Starfleet's best and brightest didn't end with Jean-Luc and the crew of the Enterprise, or his aborted attempt to befriend Sisko. Instead, he set his sights on Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) when Quinn (Gerrit Graham) sought asylum on the USS Voyager. Quinn had been exiled from the Continuum after he was inspired to experience death by Q's own time spent as a mortal. Q was initially dispatched to Voyager to stop Quinn from ending his life during a trial overseen by Janeway. However, the trial had a profound effect on Q, who finally agreed to help Quinn end his life, setting up his own fascination with death in Star Trek: Picard season 2.

5 Star Trek: Voyager Season 3, Episode 11, "The Q and the Grey"

Q was so impressed by Janeway, that he sought her help when Quinn's suicide caused chaos within the Continuum. Believing that the birth of a new Q would restore balance and end the civil war that plagued the Continuum, Q tried to persuade Janeway to mate with him. Janeway refused and instead attempted to bring an end to hostilities, with the aid of Q's ex-girlfriend and the crew of Voyager. Reunited with his ex, Q decided that they should mate instead, resulting in the birth of Q Jr. - the first new Q in a millennia - who brought a swift end to the civil war.

4 Star Trek: Voyager Season 7, Episode 19, "Q2"

Q Jr. (Keegan de Lancie), the son of Star Trek 's Q , was sent to the USS Voyager when he proved to be too much for the Continuum to handle. As Junior's godmother, Q believed that Janeway could teach his son the discipline and order that he had been unable to display while living in the Continuum. While Janeway's tutelage certainly made an impact on the youngster, it was Q finally accepting his responsibilities as a father that convinced the Continuum to reinstate Junior.

3 Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1, Episode 8, "Veritas"

Q briefly appeared in Star Trek: Lower Decks to challenge the USS Cerritos' senior staff to one of his more bizarre games. Dressed as chess pieces, Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis) and her crew were thrown into a living chess game against sentient playing cards who were armed with hockey sticks. Q also tried to challenge Ensign Mariner and the Lower Deckers, but Beckett had no time for the cosmic trickster, flatly telling him that she wasn't in the mood for his games, much to Q's disappointment.

2 Star Trek: Picard Season 2

In the most personal of Q's tests for Picard, the dying god resolved to finally teach his old sparring partner how to be loved. While it was a convoluted plot involving dystopian futures, new species of Borg, and the progenitor of Khan Noonien-Singh, it was deceptively simple in its lesson. Q's meddling allowed Jean-Luc to come to terms with his childhood trauma, make peace with his dead mother and father, and finally look to the future with Laris (Orla Brady). Picard was so thankful to Q for his unconventional approach to psychotherapy that the two men warmly embraced, as Q seemingly prepared to die.

RELATED: Star Trek Picard Season 3 Ignored Season 2 Finale’s Khan Tease

1 Star Trek: Picard Season 3

After he appeared in his quarters on the Enterprise-G, Jack Crusher questioned how Q could still be alive, but the cosmic trickster chided Picard's son for thinking too linearly. This implies that the dying Q from Star Trek: Picard season 2 is actually from a point after the season 3 finale's credits tease. Q teased that, for Jack Crusher at least, humanity's trial is just beginning, meaning that the trickster god will be around to cause chaos in the Star Trek universe for years to come.

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)

Things are finally looking up for the Voyager 1 interstellar spacecraft

Two of the four science instruments aboard the Voyager 1 spacecraft are now returning usable data after months of transmitting only gibberish, NASA scientists have announced.

Voyager 1

I was once sitting with my father while Googling how far away various things in the solar system are from Earth. He was looking for exact numbers, and very obviously grew more invested with each new figure I shouted out. I was thrilled. The moon? On average, 238,855 miles (384,400 kilometers) away. The James Webb Space Telescope ? Bump that up to about a million miles (1,609,344 km) away. The sun? 93 million miles (149,668,992 km) away.  Neptune ? 2.8  billion  miles (4.5 billion km) away. "Well, wait until you hear about Voyager 1," I eventually said, assuming he was aware of what was coming. He was not.

"NASA's  Voyager 1  interstellar spacecraft actually isn't even in the solar system anymore," I announced. "Nope, it's more than 15 billion miles (24 billion km)  away from us  — and it's getting even farther as we speak." I can't quite remember his response, but I do indeed recall an expression of sheer disbelief. There were immediate inquiries about how that's even physically possible. There were bewildered laughs, different ways of saying "wow," and mostly, there was a contagious sense of awe. And just like that, a new Voyager 1 fan was born.

It is easy to see why Voyager 1 is among the most beloved robotic space explorers we have — and it is thus easy to understand why so many people felt a pang to their hearts several months ago, when Voyager 1 stopped talking to us.

Related:  After months of sending gibberish to NASA, Voyager 1 is finally making sense again

For reasons unknown at the time, this spacecraft began sending back gibberish in place of the neatly organized and data-rich 0's and 1's it had been providing since its  launch in 1977 . It was this classic computer language which allowed Voyager 1 to converse with its creators while earning the title of "farthest human made object." It's how the spacecraft relayed vital insight that led to the discovery of new Jovian moons and, thanks to this sort of binary podcast, scientists incredibly identified a new ring of Saturn and created the solar system's first and only "family portrait." This code, in essence, is crucial to Voyager 1's very being.

Plus, to make matters worse, the issue behind the glitch turned out to be associated with the craft's Flight Data System, which is literally the system that transmits information about Voyager 1's health so scientists can correct any issues that arise. Issues like this one. Furthermore, because of the spacecraft's immense distance from its operators on Earth, it takes about 22.5 hours for a transmission to reach the spacecraft, and then 22.5 hours to receive a transmission back. Alas, things weren't looking good for a while — for about five months, to be precise.

But then, on April 20, Voyager 1  finally phoned home  with legible 0's and legible 1's.

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Earth as a

"The team had gathered early on a weekend morning to see whether telemetry would return," Bob Rasmussen, a member of the Voyager flight team, told "It was nice to have everyone assembled in one place like this to share in the moment of learning that our efforts had been successful. Our cheer was both for the intrepid spacecraft and for the comradery that enabled its recovery."

And  then,  on May 22 , Voyager scientists released the welcome announcement that the spacecraft has successfully resumed returning science data from two of its four instruments, the plasma wave subsystem and magnetometer instrument. They're now working on getting the other two, the cosmic ray subsystem and low energy charged particle instrument, back online as well. Though there technically are six other instruments onboard Voyager, those had been out of commission for some time.

The comeback

Rasmussen was actually a member of the Voyager team in the 1970s, having worked on the project as a computer engineer before leaving for other missions including  Cassini , which launched the spacecraft that taught us almost everything we currently know about Saturn. In 2022, however, he returned to Voyager because of a separate dilemma with the mission — and has remained on the team ever since.

"There are many of the original people who were there when Voyager launched, or even before, who were part of both the flight team and the science team," Linda Spilker, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory , who also worked on the Voyager mission, told in the This Week from Space podcast on the TWiT network. "It's a real tribute to Voyager — the longevity not only of the spacecraft, but of the people on the team."

To get Voyager 1 back online, in rather cinematic fashion, the team devised a complex workaround that prompted the FDS to send a copy of its memory back to Earth. Within that memory readout, operators managed to discover the crux of the problem — a corrupted code spanning a single chip — which was then remedied through another (honestly,  super interesting ) process to modify the code. On the day Voyager 1 finally spoke again, "you could have heard a pin drop in the room," Spilker said. "It was very silent. Everybody's looking at the screen, waiting and watching." 

The rocket that launched Voyager 1 in 1977.

Of course, Spilker also brought in some peanuts for the team to munch on — but not just any peanuts. Lucky peanuts. 

It's a longstanding tradition at JPL to have a peanut feast before major mission events like launches, milestones and, well, the possible resurrection of Voyager 1. It  began  in the 1960s, when the agency was trying to launch the Ranger 7 mission that was meant to take pictures of and collect data about the moon's surface. Rangers 1 through 6 had all failed, so Ranger 7 was a big deal. As such, the mission's trajectory engineer, Dick Wallace, brought lots of peanuts for the team to nibble on and relax. Sure enough, Ranger 7 was a success and, as Wallace once said, "the rest is history." 

Voyager 1 needed some of those positive snacky vibes. 

"It'd been five months since we'd had any information," Spilker explained. So, in this room of silence besides peanut-eating-noises, Voyager 1 operators sat at their respective system screens, waiting. 

"All of a sudden it started to populate — the data," Spilker said. That's when the programmers who had been staring at those screens in anticipation leapt out of their seats and began to cheer: "They were the happiest people in the room, I think, and there was just a sense of joy that we had Voyager 1 back."

flight team of voyager 1

Eventually, Rasmussen says the team was able to conclude that the failure probably occurred due to a combination of aging and radiation damage by which energetic particles in space bombarded the craft. This is also why he believes it wouldn't be terribly surprising to see a similar failure occur in the future, seeing as Voyager 1 is still roaming beyond the distant boundaries of our stellar neighborhood just like its spacecraft twin,  Voyager 2 .

To be sure, the spacecraft isn't fully fixed yet — but it's lovely to know things are finally looking up, especially with the recent news that some of its science instruments are back on track. And, at the very least, Rasmussen assures that nothing the team has learned so far has been alarming. "We're confident that we understand the problem well," he said, "and we remain optimistic about getting everything back to normal — but we also expect this won't be the last."

The trajectory of the Voyagers.

In fact, as Rasmussen explains, Voyager 1 operators first became optimistic about the situation just after the root cause of the glitch had been determined with certainty. He also emphasizes that the team's spirits were never down. "We knew from indirect evidence that we had a spacecraft that was mostly healthy," he said. "Saying goodbye was not on our minds."

"Rather," he continued, "we wanted to push toward a solution as quickly as possible so other matters on board that had been neglected for months could be addressed. We're now calmly moving toward that goal."

The future of Voyager's voyage

It can't be ignored that, over the last few months, there has been an air of anxiety and fear across the public sphere that Voyager 1 was slowly moving toward sending us its final 0 and final 1. Headlines all over the internet, one written by  myself included , have carried clear, negative weight. I think it's because even if Voyager 2 could technically carry the interstellar torch post-Voyager 1, the prospect of losing Voyager 1 felt like the prospect of losing a piece of history. 

"We've crossed this boundary called the heliopause," Spilker explained of the Voyagers. "Voyager 1 crossed this boundary in 2012; Voyager 2 crossed it in 2018 — and, since that time, were the first spacecraft ever to make direct measurements of the interstellar medium." That medium basically refers to material that fills the space between stars. In this case, that's the space between other stars and our sun, which, though we don't always think of it as one, is simply another star in the universe. A drop in the cosmic ocean.

"JPL started building the two Voyager spacecraft in 1972," Spilker explained. "For context, that was only three years after we had the first human walk on the moon — and the reason we started that early is that we had this rare alignment of the planets that happens once every  176 years ." It was this alignment that could promise the spacecraft checkpoints across the solar system, including at Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Those checkpoints were important for the Voyagers in particular. Alongside planetary visits come gravity assists, and gravity assists can help fling stuff within the solar system — and, now we know, beyond.

As the first humanmade object to leave the solar system, as a relic of America's early space program, and as a testament to how robust even decades-old technology can be, Voyager 1 has carved out the kind of legacy usually reserved for remarkable things lost to time.


"Our scientists are eager to see what they’ve been missing," Rasmussen remarked. "Everyone on the team is self-motivated by their commitment to this unique and important project. That's where the real pressure comes from." 

Still, in terms of energy, the team's approach has been clinical and determined. 

— NASA's Voyager 1 sends readable message to Earth after 4 nail-biting months of gibberish

— NASA engineers discover why Voyager 1 is sending a stream of gibberish from outside our solar system

— NASA's Voyager 1 probe hasn't 'spoken' in 3 months and needs a 'miracle' to save it

"No one was ever especially excited or depressed," he said. "We're confident that we can get back to business as usual soon, but we also know that we're dealing with an aging spacecraft that is bound to have trouble again in the future. That's just a fact of life on this mission, so not worth getting worked up about."

Nonetheless, I imagine it's always a delight for Voyager 1's engineers to remember this robotic explorer occupies curious minds around the globe. (Including my dad's mind now, thanks to me and Google.)

As Rasmussen puts it: "It's wonderful to know how much the world appreciates this mission."

Originally posted on .

Monisha Ravisetti is's Astronomy Editor. She covers black holes, star explosions, gravitational waves, exoplanet discoveries and other enigmas hidden across the fabric of space and time. Previously, she was a science writer at CNET, and before that, reported for The Academic Times. Prior to becoming a writer, she was an immunology researcher at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York. She graduated from New York University in 2018 with a B.A. in philosophy, physics and chemistry. She spends too much time playing online chess. Her favorite planet is Earth.

2 new helium leaks discovered on Boeing's Starliner — forcing NASA astronauts to skip sleep to fix them

LIFTOFF! Boeing Starliner carries 2 astronauts to space in 'final test' for NASA (watch live)

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st voyager q

Boeing's Starliner launches its 1st astronaut-crewed flight after several delays

The crew aboard Starliner is planning to spend a week aboard the ISS.

Boeing’s Starliner capsule launched Wednesday its first astronaut-crewed flight into space to the International Space Station (ISS) after several delays.

The liftoff occurred at 10:52 a.m. ET from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Weather was 90% favorable to launch. Derrol Nail of NASA Communications said during a livestream that the team had been keeping an eye on the cumulus cloud forecast because if the rocket flies through cumulus clouds, it could create its own lightning strike.

MORE: Boeing Starliner's first astronaut-crewed flight launch called off due to stuck valve

About 15 minutes after the launch, the rocket separated from the spacecraft, allowing Starliner to fly on its own. At 11:24 a.m. ET, Boeing Space said Starliner had successfully reached stable orbit .

Starliner is designed to carry a seven-person crew, but aboard the "test drive" launch are NASA astronauts Barry “Butch” Wilmore, 61, a former U.S. Navy captain who will be commanding the flight, and Sunita Williams, 58, a former Navy service member who will be piloting the flight.

PHOTO: A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying two astronauts aboard Boeing's Starliner-1 Crew Flight Test, is launched on a mission to the International Space Station, in Cape Canaveral, Florida, June 5, 2024.

A team from United Launch Alliance (ULA), which manufactures and operates the rockets that launch spacecraft into orbit, began loading cryogenic propellant into the rocket before the planned liftoff early this morning in a sign of launch being all set to go.

Wilmore and Williams entered the capsule around 8:00 a.m. ET, taking their seats and performing a series of checks including communications checks and suit checks, according to a post on X from Boeing Space.

This flight will be Wilmore's third mission to the ISS, NASA said during its Wednesday livestream. Williams is also on her third flight to space and will be the first woman on a test flight in an orbital spacecraft, according to NASA.

After Starliner launches into orbit, it will be about a 24-hour journey to the ISS, during which the crew will test several flight objects, such as checking equipment, according to NASA .

Boeing Space said Wilmore and Williams will pilot Starline manually at certain points to prove it can, despite the spacecraft being able to operate autonomously.

MORE: NASA's Voyager 1 sending readable data back to Earth for 1st time in 5 months

Williams and Wilmore are expected to spend one week aboard the ISS and will be evaluating the spacecraft and its systems. Upon re-entry, the spacecraft will deploy parachutes and an airbag system, landing the pair in the western U.S.

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It comes after the launch of Starliner was delayed several times. The crewed flight test was tentatively scheduled for May 6, but was scrubbed after a problem with an oxygen valve on the ULA rocket.

A new launch date had been set for May 25, but a small helium leak was discovered in the service module, which contains support systems and instruments for operating a spacecraft.

Another launch set for June 2 was scrubbed minutes before it was due to begin "due to the computer ground launch sequencer not loading into the correct operational configuration after proceeding into terminal count."

PHOTO: NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams wait for liftoff inside the Boeing Starliner capsule at Space Launch Complex 41, June 5, 2024, in Cape Canaveral, Fla.

If the mission is successful, NASA could certify the spacecraft to perform routine missions to and from the ISS. NASA has primarily been using SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft to transport crew and cargo to the ISS.

The missions are part of the larger Commercial Crew Program at NASA, which uses American rockets and spacecraft to launch astronauts and cargo to the ISS with the hope of helping the federal space agency prepare for its upcoming moon and Mars missions.

ABC News' Gina Sunseri and Leah Sarnoff contributed to this report.

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Star Trek: Voyager

  • View history

Star Trek: Voyager is the fifth Star Trek series. It was created by Rick Berman , Michael Piller , and Jeri Taylor , and ran on UPN , as the network's first ever series, for seven seasons in the USA , from 1995 to 2001 . In some areas without local access to UPN, it was offered to independent stations through Paramount Pictures , for its first six seasons. The series is best known for its familial crew, science fiction based plots, engaging action sequences, and light humor. The writers often noted that many episodes had underlying themes and messages or were metaphors for current social issues. This is the first Star Trek series to feature a female captain in a leading role. However, Kathryn Janeway herself is not the first female captain to be seen within Star Trek as a whole. Additionally, the show gained in popularity for its storylines which frequently featured the Borg . Voyager follows the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation and ran alongside Star Trek: Deep Space Nine during its first five seasons.

  • Main Title Theme  file info (composed by Jerry Goldsmith )
  • 1 Series summary
  • 2 Distinguishing Voyager
  • 3 Reception
  • 4.1 Starring
  • 4.2 Also starring
  • 5 Executive producers
  • 6 Opening credits
  • 7.1 Season 1
  • 7.2 Season 2
  • 7.3 Season 3
  • 7.4 Season 4
  • 7.5 Season 5
  • 7.6 Season 6
  • 7.7 Season 7
  • 8 Related topics
  • 9 Syndication
  • 11 External links

Series summary [ ]

Launched in the year 2371 , the Intrepid -class Federation starship USS Voyager was a ship built to return to Starfleet 's founding principle of scientific exploration. It was fitting that the ship's captain , Kathryn Janeway , rose up through the science ranks rather than command. On the ship's first mission while departing the space station Deep Space 9 , which required it to find and capture a Maquis vessel that disappeared into the treacherous Badlands , the crew of Voyager , as well as that of the Maquis ship it was pursuing, were swept clear across the galaxy and deep into the Delta Quadrant . This was the doing of a powerful alien being known as the Caretaker . The seventy thousand light year transit cost the lives of over a dozen crew members. Captain Janeway was forced to destroy the massive alien array that housed the remains of the Caretaker. In doing so, she saved an alien race, the Ocampa , but stranded Voyager and the crew in the Delta Quadrant.

United in a common purpose, the surviving Maquis rebels joined with Janeway's Starfleet-trained crew on Voyager . Though a journey back to the Alpha Quadrant would have taken more than seventy years through unknown and treacherous territory , the crew of Voyager was well served by Janeway's skilled leadership and their own steadfast determination. Ultimately, Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant in seven years.

The crew's journey home was eventful. Voyager made first contact with over four hundred completely new species in the Delta Quadrant, discovered links to Earth 's early space exploration history , utilized and even pioneered new technologies, all the while engaging in countless other adventures. (" Distant Origin ")

The crew encountered species ranging from the violent and ruthless Kazon , the Phage -afflicted Vidiians , the colorful Talaxians and the ephemeral Ocampa . The crew's other encounters included run-ins with the temporal sophistication of the Krenim , the predatory Hirogen , the toxic Malon and the scheming Hierarchy . The crew picked up passengers along the way, including the wily but extremely resourceful Talaxian Neelix (who served, at times, as Voyager 's ambassador , morale officer , and even head chef ), along with the Ocampan telepath Kes (who, as a parting gift to the crew, used her powers of telekinesis to thrust Voyager 9,500 light years closer to the Alpha Quadrant).

Most memorable, however, were Voyager 's repeated clashes with the dreaded Borg . While each encounter posed grave danger, Voyager was able to prevail every time. At one point, Janeway actually negotiated a temporary peace with the Borg when they perceived a common threat in a mysterious alien species from fluidic space . (" Scorpion ") At other times, she was able to liberate drones from the Borg Collective , including Seven of Nine (who became a permanent member of the crew), Mezoti , Azan , Rebi , and Icheb . Other instances pitted Voyager against not only the Borg, but also against the nightmarish Borg Queen herself.

Several years after Voyager 's disappearance into the Delta Quadrant, Starfleet Command learned of the starship's fate. Subsequently, the Pathfinder Project was created, a Starfleet Communications project that attempted to communicate with Voyager through the MIDAS array , via a micro-wormhole and the Hirogen communications network . Thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of Lieutenant Reginald Barclay , the communications technology improved to a level whereby contact could be made on a regular basis. In 2377 , the crew was able to receive monthly data streams from Earth that included letters from the crew's families, tactical upgrades, and news about the Alpha Quadrant.

By the end of the year, Voyager made a triumphant return to the Alpha Quadrant, under the guidance of Starfleet and the Pathfinder Project, by utilizing and then destroying a Borg transwarp hub , and after a turbulent trip, a celebration was held in honor of Voyager 's return back home.

Distinguishing Voyager [ ]

Despite the general prosperity of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , Paramount pressured Rick Berman for yet another Star Trek television series. Although it was decided very early on that the new series would be set aboard a starship once again, it was important for the writers to vary the series from Star Trek: The Next Generation in other ways. Berman stated, " When Voyager came around and we knew we were going to place the next series back on a starship we wanted to do it in a way that was not going to be that redundant when it came to The Next Generation . So we had a certain amount of conflict on the ship because of the Maquis. We had a different dynamic because we were not speaking every day to Starfleet and because we had a female captain. Those were the major differences that set this show apart from the others… It had the core belief of what Star Trek was all about, both in terms of the excitement and the action and in terms of the provocative elements of ideas that Star Trek has always been known to present to the audience. " ( Star Trek: Voyager Companion , p. ? )

The series' premise of being lost in deep space was itself a variation on a theme explored in The Next Generation . Michael Piller explained, " We remembered the episodes, many episodes, where Q would show up and throw one of our ships or one of our people off to a strange part of the universe. And we'd have to figure out why we were there, how we were going to get back, and ultimately – by the end of an episode – we'd get back home. But […] we started to talk about what would happen if we didn't get home. That appealed to us a great deal […] You have to understand that Rick, Jeri and I had no interest in simply putting a bunch of people on another ship and sending them out to explore the universe. We wanted to bring something new to the Gene Roddenberry universe. The fans would have been the first people to criticize us if we had not brought something new to it. But everything new, everything was… a challenge, in the early stages of development of Voyager." ("Braving the Unknown: Season 1", VOY Season 1 DVD special features)

Jeri Taylor concurred that Voyager had to be different from its predecessors. She stated, " We felt a need to create an avenue for new and fresh storytelling. We are forced into creating a new universe. We have to come up with new aliens, we have to come up with new situations. " Taylor also recalled, " We knew we were taking some risks. We decided, in a very calculated way, to cut our ties with everything that was familiar. This is a dangerous thing to do. There is no more Starfleet, there are no more admirals to tell us what we can and cannot do, there are no Romulans, there are no Klingons, there are no Ferengi, no Cardassians. All those wonderful array of villains that the audience has come to love and hate at the same time will no longer be there. This is a tricky thing to do. " ("Braving the Unknown: Season 1", VOY Season 1 DVD special features)

Differentiating the new series from what had gone before hardened the challenge of inventing the series' main characters. Jeri Taylor recounted, " It took a long, long time, it took us weeks and weeks and weeks, even to come up with a cast of characters, because we found that so many wonderful characters had already been done and we didn't want to exactly repeat ourselves. We'd come up with an idea then say, 'No, that's too much like Data ,' or, 'That's too much like Odo ,' or, 'That's too much like Worf .' So to try to find the right balance of characters, in terms of gender and alien species and that kind of thing, really took a long time. " ("Braving the Unknown: Season 1", VOY Season 1 DVD special features)

↑ John Van Citters listed "VGR" as the series' official abbreviation when announcing the "DSC" abbreviation for Star Trek: Discovery . [1] MA , among other venues, will continue to use the abbreviation VOY for Voyager , for historical reasons.

Reception [ ]

During its seven-year run, Star Trek: Voyager was nominated for 34 Emmy Awards , mostly in "technical" categories such as visual effects and makeup. It won seven, including "Outstanding Individual Achievement in Main Title Theme Music" for Jerry Goldsmith 's theme.

Main cast [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway

Also starring [ ]

  • Robert Beltran as Commander Chakotay
  • Roxann Biggs-Dawson as Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
  • Jennifer Lien as Kes ( 1995 - 1997 )
  • Robert Duncan McNeill as Lieutenant Tom Paris
  • Ethan Phillips as Neelix
  • Robert Picardo as The Doctor
  • Tim Russ as Lieutenant Commander Tuvok
  • Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine ( 1997 - 2001 )
  • Garrett Wang as Ensign Harry Kim

Executive producers [ ]

  • Rick Berman – Executive Producer
  • Michael Piller – Executive Producer (1995-1996)
  • Jeri Taylor – Executive Producer (1995-1998)
  • Brannon Braga – Executive Producer (1998-2000)
  • Kenneth Biller – Executive Producer (2000-2001)

Opening credits [ ]

The opening credits for Star Trek: Voyager contained imagery of USS Voyager passing near various spatial phenomena.

Episode list [ ]

Season 1 [ ].

Season 1 , 15 episodes:

Season 2 [ ]

Season 2 , 26 episodes:

Season 3 [ ]

Season 3 , 26 episodes:

Season 4 [ ]

Season 4 , 26 episodes:

Season 5 [ ]

Season 5 , 25 episodes:

Season 6 [ ]

Season 6 , 26 episodes:

Season 7 [ ]

Season 7 , 24 episodes:

Related topics [ ]

  • VOY directors
  • VOY performers
  • VOY recurring characters
  • VOY studio models
  • VOY writers
  • Recurring characters
  • Character crossover appearances
  • Undeveloped VOY episodes
  • Paramount Stage 8
  • Paramount Stage 9
  • Paramount Stage 16

Syndication [ ]

With five seasons, Voyager reached syndication in some markets airing in a daily strip on weekdays in most markets or as a weekly strip on weekends in selected markets, with the first cycle of episodes from the first five seasons began airing on 13 September 1999 , with the second cycle of episodes covering the 25 episodes of Season 6 and the final episode of Season 5 beginning on 13 November 2000 and the final cycle of episodes covering episodes of the final season and the final episode of Season 6 beginning on 25 October 2001 . Voyager was broadcast in syndication for four years until 12 September 2003 , with some stations continuing to carry Voyager after leaving syndication.

  • Star Trek: Voyager novels
  • Star Trek: Voyager comics (IDW)
  • Star Trek: Voyager comics (Malibu)
  • Star Trek: Voyager comics (Marvel)
  • Star Trek: Voyager soundtracks
  • Star Trek: Voyager on VHS
  • Star Trek: Voyager on LaserDisc
  • Star Trek: Voyager on DVD

External links [ ]

  • Star Trek: Voyager at Wikipedia
  • Star Trek: Voyager at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Star Trek: Voyager at the Internet Movie Database
  • Star Trek: Voyager at TV IV
  • Star Trek: Voyager at
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Calypso (episode)

Moscow Voyager

St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow: visits and tickets

st voyager q

Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow

It is certainly the most photographed ensemble in all of Russia: St. Basil’s Cathedral together with the Savior Tower (Spaskaja) of the Kremlin, photographed from Red Square. The world-famous St. Basil’s Cathedral, located on Red Square, impresses with its colorful facade and its unique symmetry.

The Cathedral is one of the highlights of Red Square and an absolute must for Moscow tourists. Their colorful onion domes are almost symbolic of Russia and the Orthodox Church. As one of the landmarks of Moscow, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site with the Kremlin and Red Square since 1990.

On this map you can see exactly where St. Basil’s Cathedral is located:

St. Basil’s Cathedral and its history

St. Basil’s Cathedral on Red Square has its official name “Sobor Pokrova Presvjatoy Bogoroditsy na Rvu”, which in English means something like: “The Intercession Cathedral of the blessed virgin Mary on the Moat”. In 1555 the current building was built to replace the wooden Holy Trinity Church. The notorious First Tsar of Russia, Ivan IV, was the initiator of the construction.

st voyager q

St. Basil’s Cathedral is probably the most famous sacred building in all of Russia and is considered the symbol of Moscow worldwide. The nine onion-like domes look almost oriental and foreign to many. But they give St. Basil’s Cathedral an unmistakable look. The Cathedral has a total of nine small chapels, which are actually nine separate churches, arranged in geometric regularity around the tower of the central church. Inside you will find numerous exhibits and wall paintings that tell of days gone by. In the entrance area is the highlight of St. Basil’s Cathedral, the gold-plated shrine.

Each individual church has its own tower, together they form a covered complex. Services used to take place in these churches, but this is no longer the case. Because it has not been used for religious purposes since the Soviet times, but serves as a memorial and is definitely worth a visit.

The creators of St. Basil’s Cathedral

Barma and Postnik Yakovlev were the architects of the Cathedral. According to legend, Ivan the Terrible asked if the two masters could manage to build an even more beautiful building. When they confirmed, Ivan had them both blinded so that nothing more beautiful than St. Basil’s Cathedral could be built elsewhere. However, this story remains a legend to this day.

See the world-famous St. Basil’s Cathedral up close? Experience the unique view from Red Square of this unique sacred building? First of all, you need a Russian visa , and you can find out how to get it here!

Where can I buy tickets for St. Basil’s Cathedral?

Tickets can be purchased either directly at the Cathedral or online. To buy a ticket online, go to the following website: .

The entrance fees are affordable – a ticket costs 1000 rubles for tourists, which is the equivalent of around $ 14.

  • Prices:  (Russian)
  • Tickets can also be bought on the GetYourGuide website.  GetYourGuide-Website

Are there certain cathedral rules?

If you would like to visit St. Basil’s Cathedral, there are different rules of conduct that you should absolutely observe.

  • Decorations, exhibits and windows must not be touched.
  • Pictures and videos can be taken without a flash or tripod. However, recording is prohibited for special exhibitions.
  • Strollers or wheelchairs are not allowed in the Cathedral.
  • Bags and rucksacks larger than 30×40 cm must be left at the cloakroom.

Opening hours:

St. Basil’s Cathedral is open every day from 10:00 a.m. to 19:00 p.m. except the first Wednesday of the month.

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Alexander Popov

Welcome to Russia! My name is Alexander, I was born in Moscow and I'm a passionate tour guide. I want to share my passion for Russia and my hometown with you. On my website you will find useful information to make your individual trip to Russia as interesting as possible.

How do I get a visa for Russia?

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@2019-2020 - Moscow Voyager. Alexander Popov

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Election latest: Farage favourite to take over from Sunak as Tory leader, poll finds - as minister plays down D-Day blunder

A poll has found Nigel Farage would be the favourite to take over as Tory leader if Rishi Sunak loses the election. Labour says the Conservatives are already battling over the succession. Earlier, the transport secretary denied that the PM's D-Day blunder had lost the election.

Saturday 8 June 2024 09:58, UK

  • General Election 2024

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Election news

  • Minister denies D-Day row is moment Tories lost election |  Poll reveals what public think about PM leaving early
  • Farage should take over from Sunak as leader of Tories, poll finds
  • Tories will scrap ULEZ expansion in 'backing drivers bill'
  • Sunak vows to axe stamp duty for first-time buyers
  • Farage accused of 'bigotry' in TV debate
  • Sunak apologises for D-Day decision and admits it was a 'mistake'
  • Electoral Dysfunction:  What could be in the party manifestos?
  • Live reporting by Josephine Franks

Expert analysis

  • Rob Powell: It beggars belief someone didn't sound the alarm about PM leaving D-Day events early
  • Tamara Cohen: Labour can't believe their luck

Election essentials

  • Battle For No 10: PM and Starmer taking part in Sky News special
  • Have your say: Be in the audience for our election leaders event
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Your essential guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

Politicians "should level with the public" and admit voters face higher taxes whoever wins the election, a thinktank says.

The Resolution Foundation, an independent thinktank focused on improving living standards for people on low to middle incomes, has published a paper looking at planned and proposed tax rises.

Households will see their tax bill rise by around £800, according to its analysis, with already agreed tax rises totalling £23bn a year by 2028/29. That includes a 5p rise in fuel duty due in spring 2025.

Stamp duty currently kicks in on house sales over £250,000 but this threshold will fall to £125,000 from March 2025, so the levy will apply to cheaper - and likely more - purchases. (Although the Tories have said they will axe stamp duty on homes up to £425,000 for first-time buyers - see our 9.22am post for more.)

The Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Business Rates Relief Scheme will end at the same time.

The thinktank's economists have described the timing as a "tax sandwich" which will begin to bite after the election. 

"Politicians should level with the public, and admit that taxes are already set to rise whoever wins the election, even if it's less entertaining than the usual election fodder of secret bombshells and debatable dossiers," Adam Corlett, Resolution Foundation principal economist, said. 

First-time buyers will not have to pay stamp duty on homes up to £425,000 under a new commitment from the Tories.

The manifesto pledge builds on a proposal from former prime minister Liz Truss's Growth Commission. 

What is stamp duty?

Stamp duty is a land tax people pay when buying a residential property.

It currently applies to sales over £250,000. You pay 5% on the portion of the property price from £250,000 to £925,000, and 10% of the portion from £925,000 to £1.5m. 

There's a 12% tax on anything over £1.5m. 

The proposed change is projected to impact 200,000 households every year.

Will it be a Cruel Summer for British politicians? And will warring parties listen when Taylor sings You Need To Calm Down?

Arts and entertainment correspondent Katie Spencer was at the first stop on Taylor Swift's Eras tour in Edinburgh last night.

She spoke to fans hopeful the election would bring about change - and that Ed Davey would appear on stage to do some gymnastics with Taylor. 

Nigel Farage is the people's pick to take over from Rishi Sunak as leader of the Conservatives if Labour wins the election, according to a new poll. 

The poll of 2,000 people showed 19% think Mr Farage should take over from Mr Sunak.

The poll offered six other names - Penny Mordaunt (15%), James Cleverly (6%), Kemi Badenoch (5%), Suella Braverman (4%), Priti Patel (2%) and Robert Jenrick (1%). 

However, the majority of those surveyed in the poll for The Independent were stumped as to who should take the Tories' top job - 48% said they did not know who should replace Mr Sunak.

While Mr Farage topped the poll, the chances of him taking over Conservative leadership are slim to none. 

He left the party in 1992 and has said the country has been "betrayed" by the Tories.

After confirming he would stand for Reform in the general election earlier this week, he told the BBC there were "no circumstances whatsoever" under which he would rejoin the Conservatives. 

Shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds denies Labour is changing so much it's turning its back on unions. 

He was speaking to Sky News this morning after it emerged last night that Unite, the country's biggest union and the Labour Party's biggest donor, did not endorse its manifesto due to concerns about fire and rehire and the banning of new oil and gas licences.

Mr Reynolds says it was "legitimate" for Unite to voice concerns over jobs linked to North Sea oil, but said Labour had a plan to get the transition right and make it economically beneficial. 

"North Sea oil and gas production will be a part of the country's energy mix and energy future right up until 2050," he says. 

Speaking to the "pro-worker" part of the manifesto, he says: "There'll be more secure work. Flexibility will not be one-sided. 

"We will make sure not only that the economy is growing more strongly, but people feel the benefits of that." 

Senior Tories can already be seen vying for the top job in the party during election campaigning, shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds tells Sky News. 

He joined us this morning and said if it wasn't for the general election, he thinks Rishi Sunak would be facing a no confidence vote from his party. 

"You can see there is a leadership election already under way in the Conservative Party," he says. 

That was clear when Penny Mourdant came out swinging in last night's TV debate, when she was "absolutely unequivocal" in condemning the prime minister for leaving the D-Day ceremonies early, Mr Reynolds says. 

We've been speaking to Transport Secretary Mark Harper this morning.

Unsurprisingly, he is pushed on the prime minister leaving D-Day events early on Thursday.

He repeats that it was right for Rishi Sunak to apologise for his premature departure from Normandy - and that it was a mistake for him to exit in such a fashion.

Asked if this is the moment the Conservatives have "definitely lost this election", Mr Harper says: "No - I don't agree with that."

Pushed on whether the Conservatives' manifesto launch - expected next week - will save the campaign, Mr Harper says he hopes the document will "help frame the choice for people that we've already set out".

Mr Harper was also asked about the Conservatives' policy announcement today - their pledge to reverse the expansion of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London.

He said the expansion was motivated by money and not air quality - adding that parts of outer London had voted against Mr Khan to register their opposition.

Mr Khan won a record third term as mayor in this year's race, beating the Conservatives' Susan Hall by a quarter of a million votes.

By  Jennifer Scott , political reporter

The Conservatives have pledged to scrap the controversial expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London if they stay in power after the general election.

The party also promises local referendums on "aggressive" schemes like 20mph zones and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. 

The Tories said reversing the policy of London mayor Sadiq Khan would form part of a new "backing drivers bill" that would stop the "war" their rivals had "launched" on motorists.

But Labour accuses their rivals of having an "abysmal record" on drivers.

Read more here:

Good morning!

We're approaching the end of the second full week of the fight for all 650 parliamentary seats - and the keys to Number 10.

Political parties are spreading out across the country to get their message out ahead of polling day on 4 July.

Here's what you need to know:

  • The Tories  have pledged to scrap the ULEZ expansion in a "backing drivers bill" if they stay in power. The party also promises local referendums on "aggressive" schemes like 20mph zones and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. They will be campaigning in the North East this morning before heading to Yorkshire in the afternoon. 
  • Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves  will be on the campaign trail for Labour in the South East while Sir Keir Starmer will be out in London;
  • The D-Day row rumbles on, as a poll finds the majority of Britons think Rishi Sunak's decision to leave commemorations before they ended was unacceptable;
  • A snap poll found Nigel Farage came out on top in last night's TV debate between leading figures from the seven main parties - while viewers thought Penny Mourdant would be a better PM than Sunak;

This morning's guests will be:

  • Transport secretary Mark Harper joined us at 7.15am;
  • Shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds at 8.15am;
  • SNP leader John Swinney at 11.15am;

Stick with us for all the latest political news throughout the day.

Snap findings from a More in Common poll of more than 1,000 viewers of last night's BBC debate suggest Nigel Farage came out on top.

According to the poll results , the audience is most likely to think Reform UK's leader won, with 25% picking him.

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner comes in second with 19%.

Just 7% thought Tory Penny Mordaunt won, but 32% believe she'd be a better prime minister than Rishi Sunak - with 12% picking him.

Full Results

  • Nigel Farage - 25%
  • Angela Rayner - 19%
  • None of the above - 14%
  • Carla Denyer - 11%
  • Stephen Flynn - 10%
  • Penny Mordaunt - 7%
  • Daisy Cooper - 5%
  • Rhun ap Iowerth - 2%
  • Don’t know - 8%

Almost half (47%) of 2019 Tory voters watching the debate thought that Mr Farage won the debate, while Ms Rayner leads among 2019 Labour and Lib Dem voters who tuned in.

The poll also shows viewers are most likely to think the SNP's Stephen Flynn (net +31), the Green Party's Carla Denyer (net +31) and the Lib Dem's Daisy Cooper (+30) did well in the debate.

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st voyager q

Q episodes in Star Trek

John de Lancie in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

1. Star Trek: The Next Generation

John de Lancie in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

2. Star Trek: The Next Generation

Kelly Gallant in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

3. Star Trek: The Next Generation

Encounter at farpoint.

Patrick Stewart and John de Lancie in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

4. Star Trek: The Next Generation

John de Lancie in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

5. Star Trek: The Next Generation

John de Lancie in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

6. Star Trek: The Next Generation

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

7. Star Trek: The Next Generation

Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

8. Star Trek: The Next Generation

All good things....

Armin Shimerman and Jennifer Hetrick in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)

9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

John de Lancie in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

10. Star Trek: Voyager

Robert Beltran and Kate Mulgrew in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

11. Star Trek: Voyager

The q and the grey.

Kate Mulgrew and John de Lancie in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

12. Star Trek: Voyager

More to explore, recently viewed.


  1. John De Lancie as Q in Star Trek The Next Generation

    st voyager q

  2. Star Trek: Voyager

    st voyager q

  3. John De Lancie as Q in Star Trek Voyager

    st voyager q

  4. The Entity known as Q in "Star Trek

    st voyager q

  5. "Star Trek: Voyager" The Q and the Grey (TV Episode 1996)

    st voyager q

  6. Star Trek Voyager: Q, einsam seit Milliarden von Jahren

    st voyager q


  1. Voyager 1 Secrets Revealed: Beyond Our Solar System voyager 1 documentary

  2. Trekkin Up North Star Trek: Voyager 'Blood Fever' Review

  3. The Prayer of St Brendan the Navigator

  4. Voyager's 15 Billion Mile Software Update

  5. Viasat3 2003 ST Voyager reklámszünet

  6. Admiral Sara Chronicles ST Voyager S5E11 Latent Image


  1. "Star Trek: Voyager" The Q and the Grey (TV Episode 1996)

    The Q and the Grey: Directed by Cliff Bole. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Jennifer Lien. Due to the death of the Q in their last encounter with Voyager, a Civil War has broken out among the Q continuum. A new Q needs to be produced and the mischievous Q known to the USS Enterprise has chosen Janeway as his mate.

  2. Q (Star Trek)

    Q is a fictional character, as well as the name of a race, in Star Trek, appearing in the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Lower Decks, and Picard series and in related media. The most familiar Q is portrayed by John de Lancie.He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of ...

  3. Death Wish (episode)

    A member of the Q Continuum comes aboard Voyager, seeking asylum so he can commit suicide. Q arrives onboard to stop him, leaving Captain Janeway to mediate a moral dilemma. On the USS Voyager's bridge, Commander Chakotay informs Captain Janeway about an unusual spatial object the crew has detected, saying that although it looks like a comet, it is moving too erratically to be one. Janeway ...

  4. Star Trek: Q Episodes In Order

    The Q and the Grey. (1996) 1995-2001 46m TV-PG. 7.1 (2K) Rate. TV Episode. Due to the death of the Q in their last encounter with Voyager, a Civil War has broken out among the Q continuum. A new Q needs to be produced and the mischievous Q known to the USS Enterprise has chosen Janeway as his mate. Director Cliff Bole Stars Kate Mulgrew ...

  5. The Q and the Grey

    The Q and the Grey. " The Q and the Grey " is the 11th episode of the third season of Star Trek: Voyager, [1] the 53rd episode overall. [2] This is a science fiction television episode of the Star Trek franchise that aired on UPN in 1996, featuring John de Lancie as the alien Q .

  6. "Star Trek: Voyager" Q2 (TV Episode 2001)

    Q2: Directed by LeVar Burton. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill. When Q finds his rebellious son too much to handle, he brings him to Voyager in the hope that Captain Janeway can teach him responsibility and compassion.

  7. The Q and the Grey (episode)

    The title of this Star Trek: Voyager episode is a reference to both the Civil War poem "The Blue and the Gray", by Francis Miles Finch (1827-1907), as well as a 1982 miniseries about the Civil War. Co-executive producer Jeri Taylor noted, " Instead of the Blue and the Grey, it's the 'Q and the Grey.'.

  8. Q

    Q was a highly powerful individual from a race of godlike aliens known as the Q. Q appeared to the crews of several Starfleet vessels and outposts during the 2360s and 2370s. As a consequence, all command level officers in Starfleet were briefed on his existence thereafter. One such briefing was attended by Benjamin Sisko in 2367. (DS9: "Q-Less") Q typically appeared as a humanoid male, though ...

  9. Death Wish (Star Trek: Voyager)

    Star Trek: Voyager. ) " Death Wish " is the 18th episode of the second season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager, the 34th episode overall. The episode originally aired on February 19, 1996. The episode features a new member of the Q Continuum named Quinn, and appearances by Star Trek: The Next Generation ...

  10. Every Q Appearance In Star Trek TNG, DS9, Voyager & Picard

    Every Q Appearance In Star Trek TNG, DS9, Voyager & Picard. Q (John de Lancie), Star Trek 's omnipotent being has appeared across multiple shows since his debut in the 1987 pilot of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Q's strongest connection was with Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), and it was a relationship that would last for the rest ...

  11. S3 E11: The Q And The Grey

    45M NOV 27, 1996 TV-PG. S3 E11: Voyager encounters several supernova in a small region of space. Q soon appears and reveals that they are the after-effects of a civil war within the Q-Continuum. Starring: Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill, Ethan Phillips

  12. "Star Trek: Voyager" Death Wish (TV Episode 1996)

    Death Wish: Directed by James L. Conway. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Jennifer Lien. As Voyager's captain, Janeway conducts a hearing for asylum tied to a suicidal Q's right to die.

  13. Q2 (Star Trek: Voyager)

    "Q2" is the 19th episode of the seventh season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. It initially aired on the UPN network as the 165th episode of the series, and was directed by Star Trek: The Next Generation castmember LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge).. The series follows the adventures of the Federation starship Voyager during its journey home to Earth, having ...

  14. Things are finally looking up for the Voyager 1 interstellar spacecraft

    "Voyager 1 crossed this boundary in 2012; Voyager 2 crossed it in 2018 — and, since that time, were the first spacecraft ever to make direct measurements of the interstellar medium."

  15. Q (Junior)

    Background information []. Q Junior was portrayed by the two infant brothers Brett and Nolan Donahue.Their costume was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. They filmed their scene on Monday 16 September 1996 on Paramount Stage 8 and are listed as "2 Babies (Donahue Twins)" on the call sheet.. In the episode "Q2", Junior was played by Keegan de Lancie, who is the real-life son ...

  16. Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series 1995-2001)

    Star Trek: Voyager: Created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Jeri Taylor. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

  17. Boeing's Starliner launches its 1st astronaut-crewed flight after

    Steve Nesius/Reuters. Boeing's Starliner capsule launched Wednesday its first astronaut-crewed flight into space to the International Space Station (ISS) after several delays. The liftoff ...

  18. Bolshoi Theater in Moscow: history, tickets and tours

    There is a tour in Russian and a tour in English. The tour of the Bolshoi Theater takes about an hour. Children can take a guided tour from the age of 14. The tours start at 11:00 am and 11:30 am. The price of a guided tour in Russian is 1500 rubles (about $ 20) and the price in English is 2,000 rubles (about $ 27).

  19. Star Trek: Voyager

    Star Trek: Voyager is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor.It aired from January 16, 1995, to May 23, 2001, on UPN, with 172 episodes over seven seasons.It is the fourth series in the Star Trek franchise. Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of the Starfleet ...

  20. Star Trek: Voyager

    Star Trek: Voyager is the fifth Star Trek series. It was created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller, and Jeri Taylor, and ran on UPN, as the network's first ever series, for seven seasons in the USA, from 1995 to 2001.In some areas without local access to UPN, it was offered to independent stations through Paramount Pictures, for its first six seasons.The series is best known for its familial crew ...

  21. St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow: visits and tickets

    On this map you can see exactly where St. Basil's Cathedral is located: St. Basil's Cathedral and its history. St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square has its official name "Sobor Pokrova Presvjatoy Bogoroditsy na Rvu", which in English means something like: "The Intercession Cathedral of the blessed virgin Mary on the Moat".

  22. "Star Trek: Voyager" The Q and the Grey (TV Episode 1996)

    "Star Trek: Voyager" The Q and the Grey (TV Episode 1996) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight.

  23. Election latest: Rishi Sunak heckled by GP at the end of 'torrid day

    The latest updates from the general election campaign, as Rishi Sunak is heckled by a GP and Nigel Farage gets stuck in during a televised debate. Snap findings from a More in Common poll of more ...

  24. Matrona Nikonova

    Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova (Russian: Блаженная Матро́на Дими́триевна Ни́конова (Московская), romanized: Blazhennaya Matrona Dimitrievna Nikonova (Moskovskaya); 1881/1885 - 2 May 1952) is a canonized saint of the Russian Orthodox Church who is said to have had the gifts of prophecy, spiritual vision, and healing from early childhood.

  25. Q episodes in Star Trek

    Due to the death of the Q in their last encounter with Voyager, a Civil War has broken out among the Q continuum. A new Q needs to be produced and the mischievous Q known to the USS Enterprise has chosen Janeway as his mate. Director: Cliff Bole | Stars: Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Jennifer Lien. Votes: 1,980

  26. Saint Basil's Cathedral

    The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного, romanized: Sobor Vasiliya Blazhennogo), known in English as Saint Basil's Cathedral, is an Orthodox church in Red Square of Moscow, and is one of the most popular cultural symbols of Russia.The building, now a museum, is officially known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos ...