Tourism and Hospitality Learnership Programme 2024

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The Tourism and Hospitality Learnership Programme 2024 is a 12-month initiative under the Department of Tourism in South Africa.

Table of contents

Hospitality learnership, tourism learnership, tourism and hospitality skills development programme.

It aims to widen employment opportunities in the hospitality and tourism sector. Participants receive practical and theoretical training, including work experience, leading to an SAQA-accredited qualification

Stipend : R 4,500.00 monthly.

Closing date: Vary per program

The Hospitality Learnership 2024/2025 offers an exciting opportunity for South African citizens aged 18 to 30. This program focuses on the friendly reception and entertainment of guests, covering diverse businesses such as hotels, resorts, restaurants, and more.

Learnerships typically last 12 to 24 months, providing theoretical knowledge, practical experience, and often include lodging, a stipend, and meals. Basic requirements include a valid ID, Matric certificate, and excellent communication skills.

A Tourism Learnership is a structured program that combines theoretical and practical learning, leading to a national qualification. The program enables you to gain work experience while obtaining an NQF-registered qualification through a contract involving the learner, employer, and training provider.

Skills Development Programmes 2024-2025 are a critical element that contribute to the success of the tourism sector. An adequately skilled workforce ensures world class service levels are maintained within the tourism value chain, and also assure an enhanced visitor experience.

ALSO CHECK: Latest Learnerships

The Department’s Youth Skill Development Programmes are informed by the broader objectives of the National Tourism Sector Strategy that addresses skills shortages in the tourism sector by capacitating unemployed youth and graduates.

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  • Leanership internship in South Africa


Stipend : R 4 500.00 monthly


People who is living with disabilities are also encouraged to apply for this vacancy

■ The Department of Tourism hereby invites applicefions from interested contenders to be part of the Tourism spectators Programme for a period of twelve(12) months.

■ Contenders are encouraged to only apply to megalopolises and establishments within their domestic/ original areas. ■ Please take note that successful contenders will be anticipated to subscribe a 12 months contract with the service provider to be appointed by the Department of Tourism and posted at the attraction, spots closer to their roof.

■ The programme will be executed for 12 months, the three( 3) months All be for proposition Training and nine( 9) months for Practical Training.


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■Be a South Affican citizen( pukka dupe of an Identity Document) ■Be unemployed youth between the ages of 18 to 35 ■Be in a possession of matric instrument or any original qualifications ■Be knowledgeable and knowledgeable in English ■Added qualifications in tourism or environmental combined fields will be an added advantage Stay within a 28. Compass of the lodestones spots substantiation of roof will be demanded,(e.g.) municipality bill or letter from a racial authority or ward councilor be suitable to work flexible hours(e.g.) weekend, public holiday and as- and- when demanded ■Have a passion or interest in the tourism sector ■Not further than one ■ No affidavits will be accepted as substantiation of roof and No faxed or dispatch operation, documents will be accepted.


Who meet the below conditions should submit a full detailed class vitae( CV) together with pukka duplicates of qualifications, identity document and substantiation of roof not aged than three( 3) months.

Please Note the following:

The correspondences will be limited to shorthsted campaigners only. Please accept that your operation was unprofitable, If you haven’t been communicated within three( 3) months of the dosing date.

Email Address: [email protected]

Closing date: Not Specified

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  • Hospitality and Tourism Internships

Hospitality and Tourism Internships

How to secure a hospitality and tourism internship

In this article, we examine how to secure a hospitality and tourism internship that will help you advance your career. Whether you’re a student eager to gain real-world experience or a career changer looking to transition into the industry, the right internship can kickstart your journey towards a fulfilling career in hospitality and tourism.

The hospitality and tourism industries can be competitive, especially if you aim for high-level roles in hospitality management, food & beverage management, tourism operations, and event planning.

Internships serve as invaluable stepping stones for aspiring professionals, giving hands-on experience, networking connections, and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of these fields.

Why is an internship important?

Doing an internship within the hospitality and tourism industry offers many invaluable benefits that can shape your professional growth and career trajectory. Here are some of the top reasons why securing an internship is crucial:

  • Practical experience: Internships provide hands-on experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom. By working in real-world placements, interns have the opportunity to apply academic concepts to practical situations, gaining valuable insights into industry operations and best practices.
  • Skill development: Placements offer a platform for honing essential skills required in the hospitality and tourism sector, such as communication , teamwork, problem-solving, and customer service. Through daily interactions with colleagues, supervisors, and clients, interns can refine their skills and develop a well-rounded skill set that is highly sought after by employers.
  • Networking opportunities: Doing an internship will give you unparalleled networking opportunities within the industry. By building relationships with industry professionals, interns can expand their professional network, gain mentorship, and access potential job opportunities in the future. In fact, 66% of paid interns get offered a full-time role where they do their internship.
  • Resume boost: Having internship experience on your resume can significantly increase your appeal to potential employers. It demonstrates your commitment to the industry, plus it shows you have relevant skills and practical experience, making you a more competitive candidate for future job openings.
  • Exploration of roles: Get the chance to explore various roles and career paths within the hospitality and tourism sector. It allows interns to gain exposure to different departments and job functions, helping them clarify their career goals and aspirations.
  • Industry insights: Working in an active hospitality company gives a firsthand look into the inner workings of the industry. Interns gain insights into industry trends, challenges, and opportunities, empowering them with knowledge that can inform their future career decisions.
  • Salary boost: Doing an internship can boost your salary, on average by $15,000 per year when compared to people who do not do internships.

Finding the best internship for you

Finding the best internship for you

When exploring internship opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry, it’s essential to consider your career goals, interests, and desired learning outcomes. Here are some factors to consider when determining the type of internship to pursue:

  • Industry sector: The hospitality and tourism industry covers various sectors, including hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, event planning, tourism boards, and more. Consider which sector aligns best with your interests and career aspirations.
  • Job function: Internships offer opportunities to explore a wide range of job functions within the industry, such as front desk operations , food and beverage management, event coordination, marketing , sales, and guest services . Identify the specific job functions that appeal to you and align with your skills and strengths.
  • Company size and type: Internship experiences can vary greatly depending on the size and type of company. Larger companies may offer structured internship programs with opportunities for mentorship and professional development, while smaller companies may provide more hands-on experience and exposure to various aspects of the business. Consider which company size and type best suit your learning style and career goals.
  • Location: Consider the location of the internship opportunity and its potential impact on your overall experience. Internships in tourist destinations or major cities may offer unique opportunities for networking, cultural immersion , and exposure to a diverse clientele.
  • Duration and commitment: Internships may vary in duration, ranging from short-term placements to semester-long programs or even year-round opportunities. Consider your availability, academic schedule, and personal commitments when evaluating internship options.
  • Learning objectives: Define your learning objectives and goals for the internship experience. Whether you aim to gain hands-on experience in a specific job function, expand your professional network, or explore different career paths within the industry, having clear objectives will guide your internship search and ensure a rewarding experience.
  • Company reputation: When considering internship opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry, the reputation of the company you choose can significantly impact your internship experience. Having a well-respected company on your resume can improve your job prospects
  • Levels of support: The level of support you receive during your internship can vary depending on the company’s resources, culture, and commitment to mentorship. Try asking previous interns or employees about how much support they received. More support will help you thrive.

How to apply for an internship

Securing an internship in the hospitality and tourism industry requires careful preparation, strategic planning, and effective communication. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply for an internship:

  • Research internship opportunities: Begin by researching internship opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry. Explore job boards, company websites, career fairs, and industry events to identify potential internship openings. Pay attention to application deadlines, eligibility criteria, and specific requirements for each internship opportunity.
  • Review application requirements: Thoroughly review the application requirements for each internship opportunity. This may include submitting a resume, cover letter, portfolio, and any additional documents requested by the employer. Tailor your application materials to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications that align with the internship position.
  • Craft a compelling resume: Prepare a well-crafted resume that showcases your academic achievements, relevant coursework, extracurricular activities, work experience, and skills. Highlight any previous internships, volunteer work, or leadership roles that demonstrate your commitment to the hospitality industry and your suitability for the internship position.
  • Write a persuasive cover letter: Draft a personalized cover letter that introduces yourself, expresses your interest in the internship position, and highlights why you are a strong candidate. Customize your cover letter for each internship opportunity, addressing specific qualifications, skills, and experiences that align with the job requirements.
  • Submit your application: Submit your application materials according to the instructions provided by the employer. Pay attention to formatting guidelines, file formats, and any additional instructions for submitting your application. Double-check your application for any errors or typos before submitting it.
  • Follow up: After submitting your application, consider following up with the employer to express your continued interest in the internship position. Send a brief email or make a phone call to inquire about the status of your application and to reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunity.
  • Prepare for interviews: If selected for an interview, prepare thoroughly by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and developing thoughtful responses that demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm for the hospitality industry. Dress professionally, arrive on time, and be prepared to articulate your skills, experiences, and career goals during the interview.

If you are doing an internship as part of a hospitality degree program, your course leaders, tutors or student support staff will be able to help you find and apply for the right kind of internship for you. This gives you the added benefit of their experience and industry connections, which can help you get a better internship than you might otherwise.

Start your hospitality journey with Glion

All our courses help you access sought-after internships to boost your career.

Start your hospitality journey with Glion

How to make the most of your internship

An internship in the hospitality and tourism industry presents a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience, expand your professional network, and boost your skills. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your internship experience:

  • Set clear goals: Before starting your internship, take the time to define specific learning goals and objectives. Whether you aim to gain experience in a particular department, develop new skills or network with industry professionals, having clear goals will guide your efforts and ensure a meaningful internship experience.
  • Be proactive: Take initiative and seek out opportunities to learn and contribute during your internship. Volunteer for projects, ask questions and offer to assist colleagues whenever possible. By demonstrating initiative and enthusiasm, you’ll make a positive impression and maximize your learning opportunities.
  • Seek feedback: Actively seek feedback from your supervisor and colleagues throughout your internship. Invite constructive criticism on your work performance, seek guidance on areas for improvement and incorporate feedback to improve your skills and capabilities.
  • Network: Take advantage of networking opportunities during your internship to build relationships with industry professionals. Attend company events, participate in team meetings, and connect with colleagues on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. Building a strong professional network can open doors to future job opportunities and career advancement.
  • Learn from others: Take the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the hospitality industry. Observe their work habits, communication styles and problem-solving approaches.
  • Document your accomplishments: Keep a record of your accomplishments, projects, and contributions during your internship. This will not only serve as a valuable reference for future job interviews but also help you track your progress and growth throughout the internship.
  • Reflect on your experience: Take time to reflect on your internship experience and identify key takeaways, lessons learned and areas for further development.

Internships as part of a hospitality degree

Placements have a crucial role in shaping the educational experience of students pursuing a degree in hospitality management or related fields. As an integral component of many hospitality programs, internships offer students the opportunity to apply classroom learning to real-world settings, gain practical experience, and develop valuable skills that are essential for success in the industry. By taking internships as part of their educational journey, students can gain a competitive edge in the hospitality job market and embark on fulfilling careers in this dynamic and diverse industry. Plus, even while working as an intern, studying for a degree can help boost your income.

Hospitality degree programs often have strong connections with industry partners, employers, and alumni networks, which can help students find excellent internship opportunities. These connections also provide students with access to networking events and mentorship opportunities that can improve their internship experiences and open doors to future career opportunities in the industry.

Plan your path ahead

Our Master’s degrees give you a chance to build on your skills with classroom and internship learning

Plan your path ahead

Doing an internship in the hospitality and tourism industry is an important experience that can set the stage for a successful career. Knowing how to secure a hospitality and tourism internship is a good first step to planning out your future career. Internships offer invaluable opportunities to gain practical experience, expand your professional network, and practice your skills in a real-world setting. By setting clear goals, being proactive, seeking feedback, and networking strategically, you can make the most of your internship experience and lay the foundation for a successful career in hospitality and tourism.

A hospitality degree serves as a solid foundation for your route into high-level hospitality roles, providing you with theoretical knowledge, practical skills, industry exposure, professional development and valuable connections that prepare you for internship roles and future career opportunities in the industry. If you’re looking at studying and interning in hospitality, consider enrolling for a hospitality degree in a renowned school like Glion to give you the best head start possible.

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hospitality and tourism learnerships

Hospitality internships

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Hospitality Trainer

Improve Your People And Your Profit With In-Service Hospitality Training That Delivers ROI

Nov 17 2022

Hospitality Learnerships 101: What is a Hospitality Learnership?

I am often asked what I do for a living. More often than not, when I reply with my standard “ I am a skills development provider, specifically Learnerships to the Hospitality Sector ”, I see the eyes glaze over. But really, learnerships are a true win-win: good for a school leaver’s career opportunities, good for an employer’s bottom line. So, what is a hospitality learnership – really?

What is a Hospitality Learnership?

hospitality and tourism learnerships

A learnership is “a work-based learning programme that leads to an NQF registered qualification”.   Learnerships are directly related to an occupation or field of work. In our case, Hospitality. They promote access to education and training, as they allow one to work and get started on a Hotel career while also studying for a formal NQF registered qualification.  In order to graduate with a Hospitality Learnership, a learner is required to complete a series of modules which comprise both theoretical and workplace practical training. The workplace component of the qualification is completed under the guidance of staff, supervisors/managers and a mentor (said staff/supervisor/manager). The theoretical component is provided by a CATHSSETA accredited Skills Development Provider, like us – Hospitality Trainer.

“Learnerships are a true win-win: good for a school leaver’s career opportunities; good for an employer’s bottom line” MARK HIBBERD

The 4 key players in a Hospitality Learnership

Player 1: cathsseta.

Learnerships are managed by a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) which were introduced by government to help skill learners (school leavers) to prepare them for the workplace. Hospitality Learnerships specifically fall under CATHSSETA – Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality. CATHSSETA ensures that learners are learning the right things and developing the skills they need to succeed in the sector – and in your own hospitality establishment.

Player 2: The Learner

Learners need to be older than 16 and younger than 35. They need to have completed school to be eligible to apply to a learnership.

Player 3: Your Hospitality Establishment

Learnerships take place at a place of work. Your establishment is the site where the learners complete the practical, hands-on component of the learnership. You need to have a manager or supervisor involved in the process as they will oversee this component – ensuring that learners are meeting your standards.

Player 4: An Accredited CATHSSETA Skills Development Provider – like us, Hospitality Trainer.

An accredited skills development provider brings the whole learnership together. We:

  • manage the implementation of the program
  • take control of the theoretical component of the learnership
  • show you which benefits are available in terms of ROI, including your BBBEE score

Remember, you can only take advantage of the many benefits of Hospitality Learnerships if you use a CATHSSETA accredited skills development provider

Hospitality Trainer Accreditted CATHSSETA Learnership logo

Hospitality Learnership programs develop necessary skills and workplace experience that will open up better employment or self-employment opportunities for the learner and of course, improve companies bottom lines through the various benefits of hosting learnership programmes.

We offer four essential programmes: Accommodation Services NQF Level 2; Food & Beverage Services NQF Level 4; Hospitality Reception NQF Level 4 and Professional Cookery NQF Level 4.

Let’s have a chat, we look forward to your enquiry.

hospitality and tourism learnerships

Explore our accredited in-house learnerships now. Begin the journey towards establishing learnerships at your establishment.

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  • Edge Training

hospitality and tourism learnerships

Accredited Hospitality Learnerships

Hospitality Training

The hospitality industry is highly customer-focused, therefore it’s important to make sure your staff can deliver exceptional service for business success. Our hospitality learnerships are focused on giving your staff the skills they need in customer service, communication, teamwork and problem-solving. This will not only create outstanding service experiences but will also help you meet customer expectations, foster positive experiences and grow customer loyalty.

hospitality and tourism learnerships

These learnerships follow a blended learning approach

hospitality and tourism learnerships

Fully accredited with CATHSSETA

hospitality and tourism learnerships

Add points to your BBBEE scorecard

Hospitality learnerships.

Give your staff effective Hospitality training

Hospitality is an industry that is constantly changing. That’s why it’s important to make sure your staff are consistently acquiring new knowledge, trends, and best practices to stay on top. By investing in hospitality training you can stay up to date with trends, come up with innovative solutions, adapt to changing needs and initiate growth. 

Level 2 | SAQA ID – 14110

Level 4 | SAQA ID – 14111

Level 4 | SAQA ID – 14113

Hospitality Learnerships

Below are just a few of the skills you can expect your staff to learn from each of our hospitality learnerships:

  • Effective communication in-person and on calls
  • Effective food preparation and storage
  • Service bathrooms, guest and general areas
  • Maintain a safe and secure working environment

See More Learnerships

Accredited Learnerships 2023

Take a look at our other learnership offerings to find a BBEEE training solution that’s suitable for your Skills Development needs.

hospitality and tourism learnerships

  • Word of Mouth

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  • Absorption Points
  • Disabled Learnerships
  • Enterprise Development
  • Internal Learnerships
  • Online Training
  • Short Courses
  • Skills Programmes
  • Socio-Economic Development
  • Supplier Development
  • Tax Incentives
  • Unemployed Training

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Youth Village

Applications Open for the Dept of Tourism Hospitality Learnerships 2023

hospitality and tourism learnerships

Applications Open for the Dept of Tourism Hospitality Learnerships 2023 . Department of Tourism invites unemployed young South Africans to apply for their Hospitality Learnership Programme for 2023.

This 12-month programme provides training in Food and Beverage Management. Learners who successfully complete the programme attain a National Certificate in Food and Beverage management NQF level 4.

The programme is targeted at unemployed youth. Persons with disabilities are also encouraged to apply.


  • Must have Grade 12 / Matric
  • Must be between the age of 18-35 years old
  • Must be fluent in English

NB.  Beneficiaries who have previously participated in the Department’s learnership or skills programmes should declare it in the motivational letter

How to Apply

Required Documents:

  • CV must be accompanied by a motivational letter
  • Certified ID copy
  • Proof of residence, and any other relevant certificate/s

Location:  Gauteng and North West

Closing date: 15 February 2023

Send application to :   [email protected]

Location:  Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces

Closing date: 17 February 2023

Apply Online at:

Lebo Tleane

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Dept of Tourism Hospitality Learnerships 2023/2024

  • Home LEARNERSHIPS in South Africa Dept of Tourism Hospitality Learnerships 2023/2024

hospitality and tourism learnerships

Department of Tourism invites unemployed youth to apply for Hospitality Learnership Programme 2023/2024.

This 12-month programme provides training in Food and Beverage Management. Learners who successfully complete the programme attain a National Certificate in Food and Beverage management NQF level 4.

The programme is targeted at unemployed youth. Persons with disabilities are also encouraged to apply.

Minimum Requirements

  • Must have Grade 12 / Matric
  • Must be between the age of 18-35 years old
  • Must be fluent in English

NB. Beneficiaries who have previously participated in the Department’s learnership or skills programmes should declare it in the motivational letter

Location: South Africa

How to apply

Required Documents:

  • CV must be accompanied by a motivational letter
  • Certified ID copy
  • Proof of residence, and any other relevant certificate/s

Location: Gauteng and North West

Closing date: 15 February 2023

Send application to: [email protected]

Location: Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces

Closing date: 17 February 2023

Apply Online at:

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Hospitality Learnerships 2023 – 2024

Hospitality Learnerships | The hospitality industry is huge and includes a wide selection of diverse businesses. It is an exciting industry with restaurants, clubs, casinos, game lodges, cruise ships, hotels and more. Many people when considering hospitality think it is all about hotels, guest houses, and restaurants. But this industry includes so many businesses that your career options with Hospitality Learnerships  are unlimited.

This industry offers work from waiters/waitresses and cleaners to management, catering and more. It is a rewarding and exciting industry to be part of with opportunities throughout the world. It is a very social, public and unique industry with great working environments and opportunities. The hospitality industry is all about keeping clients happy. Most businesses in this sector provide relaxation, fun and luxury services for clients from all cultures.

Companies offering Hospitality Learnerships

  • Emperors Palace
  • Sun International
  • ProServ South Africa.
  • Talent Placement
  • Four Seasons International
  • SACA  South African Chefs Association
  • Department of Tourism

Hospitality Learnerships Available

This industry has multiple possibilities for talented students who love being around people. There is a variety of businesses in this industry such as hotels, Game lodges, resorts, cruise ships, casinos, theme parks, restaurants, airlines and more. These businesses are found all over the world, thus, candidates in this line could even travel the world and work in exotic locations. Below we have listed some of the occupations and companies candidates can consider when looking for a learnership in this field.

Career options:

  • Reservationist
  • Receptionist
  • Housekeeper
  • Wedding Planner
  • Events Manager
  • Hotel Manager
  • Sales Consultant
  • Marketing Manager
  • Guest House Manager
  • Tourism Manager
  • Events Coordinator
  • Photographer
  • Recreations Manager
  • Spa Manager
  • Assistant Manager

Most of these learnerships usually extend over a 12 to 24-month period and offer selected candidates lodging or accommodation, a monthly stipend and if included meals. These will be discussed with the selected candidate before awarding the learnership.

Learnerships for Hospitality: Requirements

Hospitality learnership requirements depend a lot on the career path and company you are applying to. All learnerships in this field have some basic requirements that are the same. Yet, some companies may have additional requirements that must be met by the applicant before submitting their application form. Below is a list of the basic requirements candidates will need.

Basic Stipulations:

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • Must be over 18 but not older than 30
  • You must hold a valid ID document
  • Applicants must have a valid Matric certificate
  • You must not be employed or part of another learnership
  • Must have a diploma or degree in the field of application where applicable
  • You must be outgoing and presentable
  • Candidates must have great communication skills
  • You must have a complete understanding of the English language

Having some background in hospitality will be an advantage but not a must. This is a diverse industry and a place for people who love to be around other people. If you have a passion for service and you are detail orientated, this industry is ideal.


WBHO Learnerships

Aurecon Learnerships

Anglo American Learnerships Programme

Amathuba Learnerships

Avusa Learnerships Programme

ArcelorMittal Learnerships

BANKSETA Learnerships Programme

Barloworld Learnerships

BBE Learnerships

BHP Billiton Learnerships

BMW Learnerships Programme

Bytes Learnerships Programme

CETA Learnerships

Coca Cola Learnerships

Coega Learnerships

Correctional Services Learnership Programme

De Beer Learnerships

DHL Learnerships

Discovery Learnerships Programme

Edcon Learnerships

Engen Learnerships

Ekurhuleni Metro Police Learnerships

Eskom Learnership Programme

Ernst And Young Learnerships

Exxaro Learnerships

FNB First National Bank Learnerships

Gijima Learnerships

Glencore Xstrata Learnerships

Gold Fields Learnerships

Harmony Gold Learnerships

IBM Learnerships

Implants Impala Platinum Learnerships

INSETA Learnership Programme

Kelly Learnerships

KPMG Learnerships

Kuyasa Learnership Programme

Lancet Learnerships

Letsema Learnership Programme

Liberty Learnerships

Lonmin Learnerships

Merseta Learnerships

Momentum Learnerships

Medi Clinic Learnerships

Microsoft Learnerships

Mintek Learnerships

MQA Learnership Programme

Murray & Roberts Learnerships

Multichoice Learnerships

MTN Learnerships

NAMPAK Learnerships

National Treasury Learnerships

Nedbank Learnership Programme

Netcare Learnerships

NYDA National Youth Development Agency Learnerships

Petra Diamonds Learnerships

Protea Chemicals Learnerships

Rand Water Learnerships

SABC Learnerships

Samancor Learnerships

Sandvik Learnerships

SAB Miller Learnerships

Standard Bank Learnerships

Sasol Learnerships Programme

SASSETA Learnerships

SETA Learnerships

Siemens Learnerships

South African Police Service (SAPS) Learnerships

Spoornet Learnerships

Telkom Learnership Programme

Toyota LearnershipProgramme

Transnet Learnership Programme

UTI Learnership Programme

Unilever Learnerships

Vodacom Learnership Programme

Woolworths Learnerships

Government Learnerships 2023 – 2024

Listed below are different sectors of the Government in South Africa that are offering Learnerships. These  government Learnerships  are very popular among the SA public. We are working on extending the list as there are many departments offering Learnerships.

Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Learnerships

Department of Environmental Affairs Learnerships

Department of Education Learnerships

Department of Health Kwa Zulu Natal Learnerships

Department of Health North West Learnerships

Department of Health Polokwane Learnerships

Department of Home Affairs Learnerships

Department of Higher Education Learnerships

Department of Labour Learnerships

Department of Public Works Learnerships

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  • Apprenticeship Industries


Chef portrait in her kitchen

Download our resource to learn more about apprenticeship in the hospitality industry.

The hospitality industry is traditionally one of the fastest growing industries in the United States and a place where many workers find their first job. For many, it can be a step towards a life-long career. Employers are looking for ways to train workers with the critical skills necessary for success, offer an accelerated pathway to climb the career ladder, and reduce employee turnover. Registered Apprenticeship is a proven solution for recruiting, training, and retaining world-class hospitality talent in good, quality jobs. In 2023, there were 5,642 registered apprentices served in the hospitality industry, an 8 percent increase over the past five years. 

"As a business of people serving people, the hotel industry thrives because our people are at the core of the industry. We proudly invest in the women and men who are the backbone of the hospitality industry and ensure they have the training, skills and resources necessary to earn promotions and climb the ladder from entry level to management, upper management, senior executives and on to the C-Suite." Joori Jeon,  Executive Vice President and CFO, American Hotel & Lodging Association

Two people looking at something with 3 clocks in background

High-Demand Apprenticeship Occupations

  • Restaurant Manager
  • Hotel & Lodging Manager
  • Hotel Associate
  • Nutrition Care Specialist

Competency-Based Occupational Frameworks

In collaboration with the Urban Institute, we offer national frameworks for occupations in this industry that are consensus based, meaning they are drafted in cooperation with employers, educators, and other workforce and training experts. Employers and businesses can use these frameworks to fast-track the development of their registered apprenticeships. The frameworks are competency based rather than time based, meaning that abilities are emphasized over memorized knowledge or skills. The result is high-quality, competency-based occupational frameworks (CBOFs) that are freely available for all to use. CBOFs are available for the following occupations:

  • Professional Cook (MS Word)

Hospitality Industry Resources

  • Preparing for an Aging Workforce: Retail and Hospitality Industry Toolkit
  • Creating Opportunities for Youth in Hospitality
  • Foundational Skills in the Service Sector
  • Hospitality Industry Competency Models

For more resources, program examples, and marketing materials, go to the  Hospitality  Community of Practice page.

[1] The numbers represent apprentices associated with the NAICS Code 72

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Hospitality Learnerships 2023-2024

The hospitality industry is huge and includes a wide selection of diverse businesses. It is an exciting industry with restaurants, clubs, casino?s, game lodges, cruise ships, hotels and more. Many people when considering hospitality think it is all about hotels, guest houses, and restaurants. But this industry includes so many businesses that your career options with Hospitality Learnerships  are unlimited.

This industry offers work from waiters/waitresses and cleaners to management, catering and more. It is a rewarding and exciting industry to be part of with opportunities throughout the world. It is a very social, public and unique industry with great working environments and opportunities. The hospitality industry is all about keeping clients happy. Most businesses in this sector provide relaxation, fun and luxury services for clients from all cultures.

Companies offering Hospitality Learnerships

  • Emperors Palace
  • Sun International
  • ProServ South Africa ? Talent Placement
  • Four Seasons International
  • SACA ? South African Chefs Association
  • Department of Tourism

Hospitality Learnerships Available

This industry has multiple possibilities for talented students who love being around people. There is a variety of businesses in this industry such as hotels, Game lodges, resorts, cruise ships, casino?s, theme parks, restaurants, airlines and more. These businesses are found all over the world, thus, candidates in this line could even travel the world and work in exotic locations. Below we have listed some of the occupations and companies candidates can consider when looking for a learnership in this field.

Career options:

  • Reservationist
  • Receptionist
  • Housekeeper
  • Wedding Planner
  • Events Manager
  • Hotel Manager
  • Sales Consultant
  • Marketing Manager
  • Guest House Manager
  • Tourism Manager
  • Events Coordinator
  • Photographer
  • Recreations Manager
  • Spa Manager
  • Assistant Manager

Most of these learnerships usually extend over a 12 to 24-month period and offer selected candidates lodging or accommodation, a monthly stipend and if included meals. These will be discussed with the selected candidate before awarding the learnership .

Learnerships for Hospitality: Requirements

Hospitality learnership requirements depend a lot on the career path and company you are applying to. All learnerships in this field have some basic requirements that are the same. Yet, some companies may have additional requirements that must be met by the applicant before submitting their application form. Below is a list of the basic requirements candidates will need.

Basic Stipulations:

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • Must be over 18 but not older than 30
  • You must hold a valid ID document
  • Applicants must have a valid Matric certificate
  • You must not be employed or part of another learnership
  • Must have a diploma or degree in field of application where applicable
  • You must be outgoing and presentable
  • Candidates must have great communication skills
  • You must have a complete understanding of the English language

Having some background in hospitality will be an advantage but not a must. This is a diverse industry and a place for people who love to be around other people. If you have a passion for service and you are detail orientated, this industry is ideal.

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What to Know About Hospitality and Tourism Management Degree Programs

Hospitality management degrees are designed to train future leaders in the hospitality industry.

How to Study Hospitality Management

Businessman with just arrived a hotel room opening door.

Getty Images

Running a company in any segment of the hospitality industry requires not only financial and marketing prowess, but also an understanding of how to create an inviting environment for guests.

The art and science of hosting strangers is an essential skill for people working in many kinds of businesses, including airlines, casinos, cruise ships, festivals, hotels and restaurants.

Running a company in any segment of the hospitality industry requires not only financial and marketing prowess, but also an understanding of how to create an inviting environment for guests. Cultivating that marketable skill set is the goal of associate, bachelor's and graduate programs in hospitality management.

What a Hospitality Management Degree Is and What Classes It Requires

The goal of any course of study in hospitality management is to train people to create and maintain spaces where others will immediately feel at home.

“Understanding how to take care of the customer is a foundational aspect of the hospitality discipline,” Angela Ramsey, senior director of communication at the University of Nevada—Las Vegas William F. Harrah College of Hospitality, explained in an email.

Hospitality management degrees are, foremost, degrees in business, says Michael Sabitoni, chair of the food and beverage management department and the international travel and tourism studies department at Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island. They include classes in accounting, finance, human resources, law and technology, he says.

However, unlike a general business degree, a hospitality degree typically includes specialized coursework focusing on the hospitality industry, such as classes on food service business operations, event management principles, and hotel and resort leadership, Sabitoni says. An overview class about tourism is also typically included in hospitality management programs, and industry internships are often mandatory, he adds.

Many hospitality degree programs require students to participate in experiential learning by helping to operate a student-run hotel or restaurant. They may also contain classes on:

  • Eco-tourism or sustainable travel
  • Global tourism and special considerations involved with international trips
  • Customer service protocols
  • Assessing the quality of guest experiences
  • Specific types of hospitality establishments, such as country clubs, golf courses, resorts, stadiums, timeshares or theme parks
  • Nuances involved in planning certain kinds of events, such as conventions or weddings
  • Concerns that face certain demographics of customers, including women and people of color
  • Various types of tourism, including business trips and visits to cultural destinations or historical sites

Top Undergraduate Schools With Hospitality Management Majors

Many U.S. colleges and universities allow undergraduates to major in hospitality management, including multiple nationally renowned academic institutions. Cornell University of New York, an Ivy League college, has a school devoted to hospitality.

Exceptional hospitality programs are often based in major metropolitan areas that attract significant tourism. For example, New York University and Boston University in Massachusetts offer a hospitality management degree.

How to Know if a Hospitality Management Degree Is Right for You

An interest in the food and beverage sector, a love for travel or an interest in entertaining people may lead someone to consider pursuing a degree in hospitality management. But prospective students should be aware that the hospitality sector has leadership roles for people with all kinds of interests and personalities.

Though some managerial positions in the hospitality industry are customer-facing jobs that require significant people skills, there are also back-of-the-house managerial jobs that concentrate on logistics, Sabitoni says.

Significant cultural awareness and strong communication abilities are essential in hospitality. Foreign language skills are also valuable but not mandatory, Sabitoni says.

What You Can Do With a Hospitality Management Degree

Hospitality programs are designed to train future leaders in the sector.

“It can include anything within the hospitality vertical, from hotel investment companies to real estate firms to our big brands which are the Marriotts, the Hiltons, the Four Seasons, to data analytics companies to Googles to Amazons,” says Kate Walsh, dean of the Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration at Cornell. “Anything that touches hospitality as a part of their business product is something where our students get involved.”

Real estate investment firms often invest in hotel buildings, so people with degrees in hospitality management sometimes find jobs in the real estate sector, Walsh says. Alumni of hospitality management programs sometimes become management consultants who concentrate on assisting companies in the hospitality industry, she adds.

Executive and director roles in the industry typically require at least a bachelor's degree. Many high-level leadership positions at U.S. hospitality firms pay annual salaries above $70,000, according to an article published by, a job website.

In 2020, graduates of Cornell's Nolan School had an average base salary of slightly over $69,000 and an average bonus of nearly $15,000, according to the school's employment report .

Considerations for Potential Hospitality Students

Aspiring hospitality managers should be aware of trends that may affect them when they enter the industry, experts say.

This sector has severe labor shortages at hotels and restaurants, many of which laid off workers due to pandemic-related safety measures and now have struggled to replace those workers even after raising wages.

Because of these staffing concerns, many hospitality companies have introduced initiatives to recruit and retain talented staff, improve working conditions, increase job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover, Walsh says.

When comparing hospitality programs, prospective students should investigate whether those programs include experiential learning opportunities, experts say, noting that hands-on projects are one of the best ways to gain hospitality skills. It’s also optimal if hospitality schools offer courses on design, which can inform aesthetic choices about how a hospitality venue looks, according to experts.

“I think the industry needs innovative thinkers," Walsh says. "They need people who think big culturally, who are comfortable with different modes of work, so it’s a great time to join the industry. The industry is trying to be extremely intentional in providing compelling career paths.”

Searching for a grad school? Get our  complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

Grad Degree Jobs With $100K+ Salaries

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Tags: Travel , food and drink , education , students , graduate schools , colleges

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  • Hospitality Industry

Three Reasons Why Training in Hospitality Matters

Hospitality training

June 25, 2019 •

2 min reading

Recently I was assigned to perform quality audits “mystery shopping” for a hotel company. What struck me was how within one company, standards could be exactly similar, yet at the same time very different. If the similarities were mainly in the look and feel of the experience, the differences mainly came from how the staff performed at actually delivering that experience.

The need for training in hospitality

Research show numerous advantages to invest in training for hospitality businesses:

  • Return on investment,
  • Employee satisfaction and
  • Improved employee performance, with a higher customer satisfaction.

Hospitality training ROI: a no brainer

The return on investment (ROI) from training and development of employees is really a no brainer as many studies shows. If various ways exist to calculate this ROI depending on one's Key Performance Indicators, one thing remains true across different types of properties: although hospitality businesses tend to forgo proper staff training due to associated costs, training actually accounts for a revenue generator.

One example out in the hotel industry is measuring the ROI by measuring stick words used by a reservation agent during a room reservation by phone. It has been studied that the use of stick works such as a proper professional greeting, gathering contact information right away, using the guest’s name throughout the conversation, increases the likelihood of booking by 2.5 times!

Training and employee satisfaction

In average, the Fortune 100 ‘ Best Companies’ to Work For’ provide twice as much trainings for full-time employees, compared to standard practices. These top organizations have 65 percent less staff turnover than other organizations in the same sector, partly due to their employee development programs. According to research, 46 percent of employees say their company’s training courses make them more likely to stay. Employees show increased satisfaction levels, feel appreciated, have better internal relationships, feel challenged and are more efficient in executing the job.

Knowing that the turnover rate in hospitality industry is extremely high, 70-75 % annually in US (according to the US Bureau of Labour statistics ), investing in staff trainings seems to be a logic choice. In addition, training and career development are among the top factors millennials use to rank the attractiveness of a job or company as a place to work.

Employee development and staff performance

Clients truly sense whenever a hotel's staff is trained. In average, quality of service level for experienced or trained staff are significantly better. Trained staff are not only focusing on the task but can consider giving the little extra to please the client and make clients loyal.

For example, within a hotel reservation process, while the talk time is a bit longer, the satisfaction rate from customer surveys indicates a very high satisfaction level. EHL has participated in a measuring exercise with a big hotel group and we managed to demonstrate that well trained staff increased revenues by more than 5% and guest satisfaction by 5 to 7%.

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Hospitality and Tourism Academy

The Hospitality and Tourism Academy – Hotel offers the following facilities and services: Hotel Accommodation, Restaurant and Conference Facilities


There are two spacious conference rooms that can accommodate up to 70 people in class room style and 100 pax in a cinema seating arrangement.


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The MRTT Hotel is conveniently situated and in close proximity to the world renowned Kruger National Park(+/- 40 Minutes Drive) and the Mpumalanga International Airport




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  21. Three Reasons Why Training in Hospitality Matters

    The need for training in hospitality. Research show numerous advantages to invest in training for hospitality businesses: Return on investment, Employee satisfaction and. Improved employee performance, with a higher customer satisfaction.

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