spot grand tour

Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spots Sammelguide 2024

Die „schönsten“ Ort der Schweiz präsentiert in einem roten Rahmen, das sind die Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spot . Seit vielen Jahren zieren die Spots die gesamte Schweiz. Wer am Wochenende oder in den Ferien nach einer Beschäftigung sucht, sollte sich die Grand Tour Foto Spots genauer anschauen. Die Idee und das Konzept Hinter der Tour ist einfach und genial zugleich, es weckt den Sammler und Jäger in einem und so ist man ständig bestrebt alle Foto Spots einzusammeln.

Unseren ersten Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spot haben wir 2017 auf dem Eggishorn eingesammelt und sind seitdem mal mehr mal weniger dran unsere Sammlung zu vervollständigen. Mit unserem grossen Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spot Guide möchten wir euch helfen und unterstützen, damit auch eure Jagd nach den Foto Spots von Erfolg gekrönt wird. Aber was ist nun die Grand Tour of Switzerland genau?

Was ist die Grand Tour of Switzerland?

Die Grand Tour of Switzerland wurde unter der Federführung vom Schweizer Tourismus 2015 gegründet. Aufgebaut ist die Grand Tour of Switzerland ähnlich wie die Route 66 in Amerika eine Entdeckungsreise, welche die Highlights der Schweiz auf einem Roadtrip auf einer Länge von über 1600 Kilometern vereint. Die Strecke der Grand Tour of Switzerland ist das Ziel, man fährt durch die schönsten Gegenden der Schweiz, man erfährt wie abwechslungsreich, vielfältig und auch spektakulär die Schweiz ist. Man lernt die vier Sprachregionen kennen, man fährt über fünf Alpenpässe, zu zwölf UNESCO-Welterbestätten und zwei Biosphären und an 22 Seen entlang. Die beste Reisezeit ist jeweils zwischen April und Oktober. Wer nun neugierig geworden ist, findet mehr Informationen auf:

Bei allem Lob und Begeisterung, gibt es natürlich auch Kritikpunkte an dem Konzept, der Grand Tour of Switzerland. Von Umweltverbänden wurde kritisiert, ob es wirklich sinnvoll ist in Zeiten des Umweltschutzes eine Autotour zu vermarkten. Jeder Interessierte, der die Tour machen möchte, ob als Teilstrecke oder die gesamte Länge, steht es frei, die Tourabschnitte auch alternativ zurückzulegen, zum Beispiel mit dem Fahrrad oder dem öffentlichen Verkehr. Die Grand Tour kann man natürlich auch mit dem Elektroauto zurücklegen, dazu gibt an Hotels, Restaurants und Sehenswürdigkeiten es mehr als 300 Ladestationen an der gesamten Strecke. Eine Übersichtskarte alle Ladestationen gibt es auf: Geo Admin Schweiz

Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spots

Für uns persönlich besonders interessant sind die Grand Tour Foto-Spots. Im Moment (Mai 2024) gibt es ganze 81x Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spots verteilt auf die gesamte Schweiz und Strecke der Grand Tour of Switzerland. Die Foto-Spots sind riesige rote Rahmen, die das jeweilige regionale Highlight buchstäblich einrahmen. Oberhalb des Rahmens sitzt ein weisses Banner versehen mit dem Namen des Spots, dem Kantons- und Schweizer Wappen. Im Rahmen selbst befinden sich Informationen zum Ort/Region sowie ein QR-Code zur Grand Tour App.

Für uns ist es gerade zu einer Herausforderung geworden, alle Foto-Spots zu besuchen und hier vorzustellen. Da jedes Jahr neue Foto Spots hinzukommen ist es schwierig alle Spots zu sammeln. Auf der offiziellen Seite der Grand Tour of Switzerland werden die Foto-Spots ebenfalls präsentiert, allerdings wird die Seite nur sporadisch aktualisiert, weshalb oft einige Spots fehlen. Falls ihr Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spots findet, die hier nicht aufgeführt sind, meldet euch bitte bei uns: E-Mail

Bei Instagram könnt ihr unter den Hashtags: #swissgrandtour , #grandtourphotospot oder #grandtourofswitzerland eure Bilder posten.

Updates & News

Update Anfang Mai 2024: Seit dem 3. April gibt es den neuen Foto-Spot bei Erlach im Kanton Bern. Dafür ist der Foto-Spot an den Giessenbachfällen auf dem Mühl gelandet und das vermutlich für immer. Damit gibt es Aktuell 81 Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto-Spots in der Schweiz. Vielen Dank an alle Leser für die zahlreichen Rückmeldungen und Hinweise zu den Foto-Spots.


Foto-Spots Aargau:

Foto-spot schloss hallwyl:.

Standort: vor dem Schloss Hallwyl Koordinaten: 47°19’23.8″N 8°11’41.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: der Spot steht unter einem Baum, weshalb im Sommer die Lichtverhältnisse miserabel sind Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtig nur wenige Meter entfernt  Highlights in der Umgebung: Museum im Schloss Hallwyl Informationen: Seetaltourismus

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Foto-Spots Appenzell Ausserrhoden:

Foto-spot säntis schwägalp:.

Standort: Gegenüber der Talstation Säntis Bahn Koordinaten: 47°15’22.2″N 9°19’09.2″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: ab Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – ausreichend Gratis Parkplätze an der Talstation Highlights in der Umgebung: Schaukäserei Schwägeralp, Luftseilbahn Ebenalp, Seealpsee Beiträge aus der Region: Sonnenaufgang auf dem Säntis & Ausflug auf die Schwägeralp und den Säntis  Informationen:

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Foto-Spot Appenzeller Schaukäserei:

Standort: Schaukäserei in Stein Koordinaten: 47°22’24.5″N 9°20’39.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag hindurch Parkplätze: Google Maps – wenige Meter vom Fotospot entfernt Highlights in der Umgebung: Schaukäserei & Appenzeller Volkskunde Museum 

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Foto-Spots Appenzell Innerrhoden:

Foto-spot alpstein – hoher kasten:.

Standort: Bergstation Hoher Kasten – neben dem Drehrestaurant Koordinaten: 47°16’59.9″N 9°29’06.3″E Preis: 46 CHF Berg- & Talfahrt (23 CHF mit Halbtax) Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – Gratis Parkplätze an der Talstation Highlights in der Umgebung:   Säntis, Ebenalp, Seealpsee, Wanderung Saxer Lücke Beiträge aus der Region: Besuch auf dem Hohen Kasten Informationen:

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Foto-Spots Basel-Stadt:

Foto-spot basel dreiländereck:.

Standort: Dreiländereck Hafen Basel Koordinaten: 47°35’18.5″N 7°35’23.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  Gratis Parkplätze in unmittelbarer Nähe Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Basel Informationen: Tourismusverband Basel

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Foto-Spots Bern:

Foto-spot emmental schaukäserei:.

Standort: 1 km südlich der Emmentaler Schaukäserei Koordinaten: 47°03’26.3″N 7°43’59.3″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag Parkplätze:   Google Maps – Kostenpflichtige Parkplätze an der Emmentaler Schaukäserei (10 Minuten Fussweg) Highlights in der Umgebung: Emmentaler Schaukäserei, Aussichtspunkt Lueg Informationen: Emmentaler Schaukäserei

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Foto-Spot Thun Altstadt:

Standort: Mülibrüggli Thun Koordinaten:  46°45’28.3″N 7°37’45.9″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Parkplätze: Google Maps – Kostenpflichtiges Parkhaus wenige Minuten entfernt Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Thun

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Foto-Spot Schloss Hünegg:

Standort: Schloss Hünegg bei Thun Koordinaten: 46°44’15.0″N 7°39’18.6″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: den gesamten Tag hindurch Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtige Parkplätze am Eingang zum Schloss Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Thun, Thunersee, Kandertal Beiträge aus der Region: Harder Kulm , Jungfraujoch

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Foto-Spot Interlaken Höhenmatte:

Standort: Interlaken Höhematte Koordinaten: 46°41’11.9″N 7°51’31.5″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vor- und Nachmittag – zur Mittagszeit direktes Gegenlicht Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtiges Parkhaus in unmittelbarer Nähe Highlights in der Umgebung:  Harder Kulm, Lauterbrunnen Bildrechte: Interlaken Tourismus

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F oto-Spot Niesen:

Standort: Niesen Gipfel Koordinaten: 46°38’45.6″N 7°39’08.5″E Preis: 38 CHF pro Person Berg- und Talfahrt ohne Halbtax Beste Tageszeit: nachmittags Parkplätze: Google Maps –  grosse Anzahl Parkplätze an der Talstation Highlights in der Umgebung: Kandertal, Simmental Beiträge in der Region: Besuch auf dem Jungfraujoch Informationen: Niesenbahn

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Foto-Spot Spiez:

Standort: Bahnhof Spiez Koordinaten: 46°41’14.1″N 7°40’46.8″E Preis: gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag hindurch Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtige Parkplätze direkt am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Schloss Spiez und Thunersee

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Foto-Spot Burgdorf:

Standort: neben der Reitschule Schützenmatt Koordinaten: 47°03’31.3″N 7°37’56.6″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag bis Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtige Parkplätze, wenige Minuten entfernt Highlights in der Umgebung: Schloss Burgdorf Informationen: Burgdorf Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg:

Standort: im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg bei Brienz Koordinaten: 46°44’53.4″N 8°04’32.5″E Preis: 32 CHF pro Person Eintritt plus evtl. Parkplatzgebühr Beste Tageszeit: ab Mittag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtige Parkplätze an den Eingangsbereichen Highlights in der Umgebung: Brienzersee, Brienzer Rothorn Informationen: Museum Ballenberg

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F oto-Spot St. Beatus-Höhlen:

Standort: Sundlauenen bei Interlaken Koordinaten: 46°41’03.6″N 7°46’54.7″E Preis: 19 CHF pro Person Beste Tageszeit: ganzer Tag Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis Parkplätze am Eingangsbereich Highlights in der Umgebung: Niederhorn, Interlaken, Harder Kulm Informationen: St. Beatus-Höhlen Website

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Foto-Spot Gstaad:

Standort: beim Hotel Huus oberhalb von Saanen Koordinaten: 46°29’33.0″N 7°16’03.3″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: morgens oder am Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  gratis Parkplätze am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Bergbahn Wispile, Ortschaft Gstaad, Foto-Spot Château-d’Oex Beiträge aus der Region: Winterwanderung  Wispile , Glacier 3000 Informationen: Gstaad Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Niederhorn:

Standort: auf dem Niederhorn Koordinaten: 46°42’40.5″N 7°46’33.2″E Preis: Berg und Talfahrt 56 CHF (28 CHF/Halbtax) pro Person Beatenberg-Niederhorn Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag und Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtige Parkplätze an der Talstation Highlights in der Umgebung: Interlaken, St. Beatus-Höhlen, Harder Kulm Beiträge aus der Region: Ausflug auf das Niederhorn Informationen: Niederhorn Bergbahn

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Foto-Spots Freiburg:

Foto-spot fribourg:.

Standort: Pont du Gottéron Koordinaten: 46°48’13.7″N 7°10’16.5″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: morgens Parkplätze: Google Maps –  gratis auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Fribourg Informationen: Fribourg Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Schloss Gruyéres:

Standort: rechts vor dem Zugang zum Schloss Gruyéres Koordinaten: 46°35’03.8″N 7°04’59.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: morgens bis mittags Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtige Parkplätze vor der Schlossanlage Highlights in der Umgebung:   Bergbahn auf den Le Moléson, Lac de Montsalvens Informationen: Schloss Gruyéres

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Foto-Spots Graubünden:

Foto-spot heidihaus – maienfeld:.

Standort: Heididorf – im Garten des Heidihaus Koordinaten: 47°00’48.4″N 9°32’42.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: ganzer Tag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  gratis in rund 5 Minuten Fussweg entfernt Highlights in der Umgebung: Stadt Bad Ragaz, Pizolgletscher, Taminaschlucht, Walensee Beiträge aus der Region: Herbstwanderung durch die Bündner Herrschaft Informationen:

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Foto-Spot Viamala Schlucht:

Standort: Eingang Viamala Schlucht am Parkplatz Koordinaten: 46°39’47.6″N 9°26’51.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: um den Mittag herum, kurzes Zeitfenster Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis am Eingang zur Schlucht Highlights in der Umgebung: Stausee Sufers Informationen: Viamala Schlucht

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Foto-Spot Bernina Glaciers:

Standort: in der Nähe des Campingplatzes Morteratsch Koordinaten: 46°27’28.6″N 9°56’18.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis direkt am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Piz Bernina, Wanderung Morteratschgletscher, Diavolezza Beiträge aus der Region: Wanderung zur Bovalhütte , Gletscherwanderung Palü und Auf dem Gletscherlehrpfad zum Morteratschgletscher Informationen: Bernina Glacier

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Foto-Spot Engadin St. Moritz:

Standort: am St. Moritzersee unterhalb des Hotel und Restaurant Waldhaus am See Koordinaten: 46°29’48.8″N 9°50’54.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtig direkt beim Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Corviglia, Muottas Muragl, St. Moritz Informationen: St. Moritz Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Val Surses:

Standort: Nähe Restaurant Bellavista Parsonz bei Surses Koordinaten: 46°36’23.4″N 9°34’25.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung:   Julierpass, Parc Ela

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Foto-Spot Davos-Klosters:

Standort: zwischen dem Restaurant Tschuggen und der Haltestelle Wägerhus am Flüelapass Koordinaten: 46°46’47.4″N 9°55’44.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & früher Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  gratis direkt am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Flüelapass und Davos Beiträge aus der Region: Bergtour auf das Schwarzhorn und Wanderung zu den Jöriseen Informationen: Davos Klosters

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Foto-Spot La Punt, Chesa Merleda:

Standort: an der Hauptstrasse in La Punt neben der Brücke an der via Cumünela Koordinaten: 46°34’44.5″N 9°55’32.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Parkplätze: Google Maps   – 200 Meter südöstlich Highlights in der Umgebung: Chesa Merleda altes Patriziahaus aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, Albulapass Richtung Bergün Beiträge aus der Region: Herbstwanderung Munt la Schera Informationen: La Punt Tourismus

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F oto-Spot San Bernardino:

Standort: ca. 1,5 km südlich der Passhöhe des San Bernardino Koordinaten: 46°29’10.3″N 9°10’09.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag und Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis Parkplatz in unmittelbarer Nähe Highlights in der Umgebung: Passhöhe San Bernardino Informationen: San Bernardino Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Malojapass:

Standort: nähe Maloja Kulm Koordinaten: 46°23’51.1″N 9°41’39.8″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: vormittags und nachmittags Parkplätze: Google Maps – direkt am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Malojapass Informationen: Engadin Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Piz Bernina

Standort: Nordwest Seite des Engadin Airports Koordinaten: 46°32’25.9″N 9°53’08.6″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: nachmittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Diavolezza & Bovalhütte Parkplätze: Google Maps – direkt am Foto Spot Informationen:

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Foto-Spots Jura:

Foto-spot saint ursanne:.

Standort: vor der Brücke Ponts de Doubs Koordinaten: 47°21’48.9″N 7°09’16.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Parkplätze: Google Maps – direkt am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von St. Ursanne Beiträge aus der Region: Stadtrundgang in St. Ursanne Informationen: Tourismusverband Kanton Jura

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Foto-Spots Luzern:

Foto-spot luzern château gütsch:.

Standort: Garten Hotel Château Gütsch neben der Standseilbahn Koordinaten: 47°03’05.6″N 8°17’42.9″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtige Parkhäuser, z. B. Parkhaus Altstadt Highlights in der Umgebung: Château Gütsch, Altstadt Luzern Informationen: Hotel Château Gütsch

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Foto-Spot Vitznau Rigi Bahn:

Standort: oberhalb des Bahnhof Rigi Bahn in Vitznau Koordinaten: 47°00’33.7″N 8°28’59.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtiges Parkhaus wenig Minuten entfernt Highlights in der Umgebung: Rigi Kulm, Vierwaldstättersee Beiträge aus der Region: Winterwanderung auf der Rigi Informationen: Rigi

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Foto-Spot Wasserschloss Wyher:

Standort: am Wasserschloss Wyher bei Ettiswil Koordinaten: 47°08’32.5″N 8°01’26.4″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps –  gratis Parkplätze direkt am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Willisau, Ruine Kastelen Informationen: Willisau Tourismus

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Foto-Spots Neuenburg :

Foto-spot creux du van:.

Standort: östlicher Eingang zur Ortschaft Brot-Dessous Koordinaten: 46°57’21.4″N 6°44’58.3″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis direkt am Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Creux du Van Talkessel, Val de Travers Beiträge aus der Region: Wanderung zu Grand Canyon der Schweiz Informationen: Creux du Van

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Foto-Spots Nidwalden:

Foto-spot bergstation cabrio stanserhorn:.

Standort: an der Bergstation Stanserhorn Koordinaten: 46°55’50.0″N 8°20’35.7″E Preis: 74 CHF Berg-Talfahrt (37 CHF mit Halbtax/GA) Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtig an der Talstation Highlights in der Umgebung: Luzern, Pilatus Informationen: Bergbahn Stanserhorn

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Foto-Spots Schaffhausen:

Foto-spot stein am rhein.

Standort: Wiese oberhalb Espiweg Koordinaten: 47°39’26.1″N 8°51’26.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Stein am Rhein

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Foto-Spots Schwyz:

Foto-spot kloster einsiedeln:.

Standort: am Frauenbrunnen vor dem Kloster Einsiedeln Koordinaten: 47°07’35.6″N 8°45’01.5″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtig nur wenige Minuten entfernt Highlights in der Umgebung: Kloster Einsiedeln und Altstadt Informationen: Einsiedeln Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Grosser Mythen:

Standort: Bergstation Rotenflue Koordinaten: 47°01’15.3″N 8°42’11.6″E Preis: 42 CHF Berg- und Talfahrt Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenlos vor der Talstation Highlights in der Umgebung: Grosse Mythen, Vierwaldstättersee, Ortschaft Brunnen Beiträge aus der Region: Wanderung zum Furggelenstock Informationen: Mythenregion

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Foto-Spot Brunnen Vierwaldstättersee:

Standort: Axenstrasse in Brunnen direkt am See Koordinaten: 46°59’36.0″N 8°36’23.5″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag & Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtig direkt vor dem Foto Spot Highlights in der Umgebung: Vierwaldstättersee, Mythenregion, Stoos Informationen: Brunnen Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Autofähre Vierwaldstättersee:

Standort: auf der Autofähre zwischen Beckenried und Gersau Koordinaten: Hafen Beckenried: 46°58’19.0″N 8°27’34.7″E / Hafen Gersau: 46°59’31.2″N 8°30’10.0″E Preis: 5 CHF pro Fahrt für Passagiere / 25 CHF pro PKW Beste Tageszeit: ganzer Tag Parkplätze: auf der Fähre Highlights in der Umgebung: Rigi, Mythenregion Informationen: Autofähre Website

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Foto-Spots St. Gallen:

Foto-spot pizol aussichtspunkt „tagweidlichopf“:.

Standort: auf dem Pizol zwischen den Bergstationen Pizolhütte und Laufböden Koordinaten: 46°58’39.9″N 9°25’42.3″E Preis: 46 CHF Berg-Talfahrt Pizolhütte oder Laufböden Beste Tageszeit: morgens bis zum frühen Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Pizolregion, Bündner Herrschaft, Bad Ragaz Parkplätze: Google Maps –  Kostenpflichtig an den Talstationen Beiträge aus der Region: Pizol 5-Seen-Wanderung Informationen: Pizol

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Foto-Spot St. Gallen:

Standort: Freibad Dreilinden Koordinaten: 47°25’19.3″N 9°23’13.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt St. Gallen , Freudenberg Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtig, wenige Minuten entfernt Informationen: St. Gallen Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Die sieben Churfirsten – Wildhaus/Toggenburg:

Standort: Passhöhe Wildhaus gegenüber dem Hotel Hirschen Koordinaten: 47°12’11.4″N 9°20’59.6″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag bis Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Ausflug auf den Chäserrugg, Wanderungen im Toggenburg, Säntis und Schwägeralp Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis direkt am Foto Spot Beiträge aus der Region: Sonnenaufgangsfahrt Chäserrugg und Winterwanderung Rosenboden Informationen:

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Foto-Spot Rapperswil-Jona:

Standort: am Hafen von Rapperswil Koordinaten: 47°13’28.5″N 8°48’52.2″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Schloss und Altstadt von Rapperswil Parkplätze: Google Maps – Parkhaus am See (kostenpflichtig) Informationen: Rapperswil Tourismus

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Foto-Spots Tessin:

F oto-spot tremola:.

Standort: südlich des Lago de Banchi und der Passhöhe des Gotthardpass Koordinaten: 46°33’02.8″N 8°33’51.9″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Gotthardpass Höhe Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis direkt am Foto Spot Informationen: Gotthardpass

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Foto-Spot Cardada:

Standort: Seilbahn Cardada Koordinaten: 46°11’26.4″N 8°46’55.7″E Preis: Berg-Talfahrt Orselina-Cardada 28 CHF (14 CHF mit Halbtax) Beste Tageszeit: ab ca. 11 Uhr bis Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Städte Locarno und Ascona Parkplätze: Google Maps –  an der Talstation (kostenpflichtig) Informationen: Cardada

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F oto-Spot Ascona:

Standort: Seepromenade (Lungolago) San Pietro, Ascona Koordinaten: 46°09’15.9″N 8°45’58.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag bis zum frühen Abend Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Ascona Parkplätze: Google Maps –  verschiedene Parkhäuser im Stadtkern Informationen: Ascona Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Monte San Giorgio:

Standort: Uferpark in Bissone Koordinaten: 45°56’56.4″N 8°57’56.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Swissminiatur in Melide Parkplätze: Google Maps –  gratis auf der gegenüberliegenden Strassenseite Informationen: Monte San Giorgio UNESCO Welterbe

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F oto-Spot Mendrisio:

Standort: Mendrisio – Chiesa di San Sisinio Koordinaten: 45°52’08.1″N 8°59’21.6″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: ab Mittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Kirche Santi Cosma e Damiano Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis, wenige Minuten entfernt Informationen: Mendrisio Tourismus

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F oto-Spot Bellinzona:

Standort: Castello di Montebello, Via Artore 4 6500 Bellinzona Koordinaten: 46°11’29.9″N 9°01’37.3″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: vormittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Burg Montebello, Burg Bellinzona Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis direkt beim Foto Spot Informationen: Bellinzona Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Castel San Pietro:

Standort: Castel San Pietro in der Nähe der Pfarrkirche S. Eusebio Koordinaten: 45°51’35.5″N 9°00’31.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag hindurch Highlights in der Umgebung: Parco Breggia und Monte Generoso Parkplätze: Google Maps   – 5 Minuten Fussweg entfernt Informationen: Castel San Pietro Ticino Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Monte Ceneri:

Standort: auf dem Monte Ceneri Pass an der Piazza Ticino Koordinaten: 46°08’21.6″N 8°54’20.5″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamten Tag hindurch Highlights in der Umgebung: Monte Tamaro Parkplätze: Google Maps –  wenige Meter von Foto Spot entfernt Informationen: Monte Ceneri Ticino Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Morcote:

Standort: auf dem Pier an der Piazza Grande Koordinaten: 45°55’21.4″N 8°54’59.0″E Preis: Gratis Besonderheit: neben Meilen der zweite bewegliche Foto-Spot Beste Tageszeit: Morgen und am Abend Highlights in der Umgebung: Morcote Parkplätze: Google Maps – Parkhaus am Ortseingang (kostenpflichtig) Informationen: Morcote Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Swissminiatur:

Standort: Swissminiatur Park Melide Koordinaten: 45°57’12.2″N 8°56’59.9″E Preis: 21 CHF p.P. Erwachsene Beste Tageszeit: ab Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Monte San Salvatore, Morcote Parkplätze: Kostenpflichtige vor dem Park Besonderheit: 20x Mini Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spots im Park verteilt

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Foto-Spot Region Lugano

Standort: Aussichtspunkt im Parco San Michele Lugano Koordinaten: 46°00’15.9″N 8°58’22.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Lugano, Monte Brè Parkplätze:  Google Maps – Parkplätze oberhalb des Parks Informationen : Region Lugano

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Foto-Spots Thurgau:

Foto-spot bodensee region untersee salenstein:.

Standort: Schlosspark Arenenberg – Napoleon Museum Koordinaten: 47°40’21.1″N 9°03’32.4″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag hindurch Highlights in der Umgebung: Schloss Salenstein, Schloss Gottlieben, Wandern am Rhein und Untersee Parkplätze: Google Maps – Parkplatz (kostenpflichtig) wenige Minuten entfernt Beiträge aus der Region: Schloss Arenenberg in Salenstein Informationen:

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Foto-Spot Bodensee Region Obersee Altnau:

Standort: am Hafenquai von Altnau Koordinaten: 47°37’25.9″N 9°16’03.9″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Highlights in der Umgebung: die beiden Städte Kreuzlingen und Konstanz Parkplätze: Google Maps – Parkplatz (kostenpflichtig) am Hafen Informationen: Thurgau Bodensee

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Foto-Spot Hafen Romanshorn

Standort: Hafen Romanshorn Koordinaten: 47°33’52.9″N 9°22’51.2″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittag bis Später Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Bodensee, Säntis Parkplatz: 47°33’45.9″N 9°22’54.5″E Informationen: Thurgau Tourismus

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Foto-Spots Uri:

Foto-spot turm von hospental.

Standort: Hospental – Alte Gotthardstrasse Koordinaten: 46°37’00.7″N 8°34’07.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Highlights in der Umgebung: Gottharpass & Furkapass Parkplatz: Google Maps – direkt am Spot Informationen: Hospental Tourismus

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Foto-Spots Waadt:

Foto-spot lac léman, coppet:.

Standort: Hafen von Coppet Koordinaten: 46°18’53.2″N 6°11’33.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: vormittags und zum Sonnenuntergang Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtig am Hafen Highlights in der Umgebung: Schloss Coppet Informationen: La Côte Tourismus

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F oto-Spot Lavaux/Vevey:

Standort: Route de Vevey, 1071 Chexbres Koordinaten: 46°28’41.6″N 6°47’17.5″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: vormittags oder nachmittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Weinberg bei Chexbres Parkplätze: Google Maps – fünf gratis Parkplätze direkt am Foto Spot Informationen: Montreux Riviera Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Pays-d’Enhaut, Chateaux d’Oex:

Standort: an der Strasse zwischen Château-d’Oex und Saanen Koordinaten: 46°28’24.5″N 7°09’21.7″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: vormittags & nachmittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Bergbahn La Videmanette, Region Gstaad Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis Parkplätze direkt am Foto Spot Informationen: Pays-d’Enhaut

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Foto-Spot Le Port de Morges:

Standort: am Hafen von Morges am Genfersee Koordinaten: 46°30’25.0″N 6°29’51.6″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Highlights in der Umgebung: Genfersee, Lausanne, Schloss Vufflens Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtige Parkplätze direkt am Foto Spot Informationen: Morges Tourismus

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Foto-Spots Wallis:

Foto-spot aletschgletscher:.

Standort: auf dem Eggishorn Nähe Bergstation Koordinaten: 46°25’39.6″N 8°05’32.9″E Preis: 49 CHF Berg- & Talfahrt Fiesch-Eggishorn Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Highlights in der Umgebung: Eggishorn , Bettmeralp, Grimselpass, Rhonegletscher, Binntal Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtige Parkplätze an der Talstation Beiträge aus der Region: Sonnenaufgangsfahrt Eggishorn und Wanderung am Aletschgletscher Informationen:

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Foto-Spot Bettmeralp Aletsch Arena

Standort: Bettmeralp Aletsch Arena Koordinaten: 46°23’19.5″N 8°03’36.9″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: am Morgen Highlights in der Umgebung: Aletschgletscher

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F oto-Spot Furkapass:

Standort: Furkastrasse nähe Passhöhe Koordinaten: 46°34’17.7″N 8°24’33.6″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: morgens bis mittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Rhonegletscher, Grimselpass, Oberaarstausee Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis Parkplätze direkt am Foto Spot Beiträge aus der Region: Wanderung zum Oberaargletscher am Grimselpass und Besuch am Rhonegletscher Informationen: Belvédère

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Foto-Spot Gornergrat Matterhorn:

Standort: Gornergrat vor dem Kulm Hotel Koordinaten: 45°59’00.1″N 7°46’59.9″E Preis: Ticket für die Gornergratbahn (Sommerpreise: Zermatt-Gornergrat 126 CHF/63 CHF mit Halbtax) Beste Tageszeit: ab Vormittag bis Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Gornergrat, Matterhorn, Bergpanorama Beiträge aus der Region: Ausflug auf den Gornergrat und Sonnenaufgangsfahrt Gornergrat Informationen: Gornergratbahn

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Foto-Spot Matterhorn:

Standort: neben der Bergstation Rothorn Koordinaten: 46°01’16.1″N 7°47’50.7″E Preis: Gratis (Bergbahnticket) Beste Tageszeit: vormittags bis Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Zermatt, Gornergrat Beiträge aus der Region: Sonnenaufgangsfahrt auf den Gornergrat Informationen: Rothorn Zermatt

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Foto-Spot Stockalpschloss Brig

Standort: in der Parkanlage des Stockalpschloss von Brig Koordinaten: 46°18’51.6″N 7°59’27.4″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: vormittags & nachmittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt von Brig, Walliser Tal uvm. Parkplätze: Google Maps – Parkhaus (kostenpflichtig) wenige Meter vom Foto Spot entfernt Informationen: Stockalpschloss Stiftung

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Foto-Spot Walliser Stadel im Goms

Standort: Reckingen im Obergoms im Kanton Wallis Koordinaten: 46°28’10.1″N 8°14’39.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: vormittags & nachmittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Aletschgletscher, Furka- und Grimselpass Parkplätze: Google Maps – gratis Parkplätze nur wenige Minuten vom Spot entfernt an der Hauptstrasse Informationen: Region Obergoms

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Foto-Spot Fully Combe d’enfer

Standort: Weinberge bei Fully Koordinaten: 46°08’15.8″N 7°06’14.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Highlights in der Umgebung: Genfersee, Rhonetal Parkplätze: Google Maps – man kann kurz am Foto Spot parken Informationen: Fully Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Saint Maurice

Standort: bei der Abtei von Saint Maurice Koordinaten: 46°13’09.5″N 7°00’15.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Vormittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Abtei Saint Maurice Parkplatz: Google Maps – direkt in der Umgebung des Foto-Spot Informationen: Saint Maurice Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Gemmipass

Standort: Bergstation Gemmipass Koordinaten: 46°23’52.4″N 7°36’58.1″E Preis:  Gratis (erreichbar mit Seilbahn kostenpflichtig) Beste Tageszeit: Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Wanderung Gemmipass Parkplatz: Google Maps – kostenpflichtig an der Seilbahnstation Information: Leukerbad

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Foto-Spots Zürich:

Foto-spot rheinfall:.

Standort: auf der Aussichtsterrasse unterhalb des Schloss Laufens Koordinaten: 47°40’38.4″N 8°36’53.9″E Preis: 5 CHF Eintritt Beste Tageszeit: später Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – Gratis rund zweihundert Meter entfern Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt Schaffhausen, Insel und Kloster Rheinau Beiträge aus der Region: Ausflug zum Rheinfall Informationen: Anmerkung: Uns erreichen immer wieder Anfragen, weshalb wir den Foto-Spot Rheinfall zum Kanton Zürich zählen. Dies kommt daher, dass die Kantonsgrenze zwischen Zürich und Schaffhausen ungefähr in der Mitte des Rheins und des Rheinfalls verläuft, somit befindet sich die Südseite, wo auch der Spot steht, im Kanton Zürich.

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Foto-Spot Meilen

Standort: bei der Fähre zwischen Meilen und Horgen Koordinaten: 47°16’04.0″N 8°38’21.0″E Preis: Gratis Besonderheit: Foto-Spot ist beweglich Beste Tageszeit: Mittag und Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Zürichsee , Pfannenstiel, Rapperswil Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtig Parkplätze auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite Beiträge aus der Region: Die schönsten Aussichtspunkte im Kanton Zürich Informationen: Zürichsee & Rapperswil Tourismus

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Foto-Spot Stäfa

Standort: an der Hafenanlage in Stäfa Koordinaten: 47°14’19.2″N 8°43’06.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Mittag und Nachmittag Highlights in der Umgebung: Zürichsee , Pfannenstiel, Rapperswil Parkplätze: Google Maps –  kostenpflichtige Parkplätze nur wenige Schritte entfernt Informationen: Zürichsee & Rapperswil Tourismus

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Inoffizielle Foto-Spots:

Foto-spot fashion outlet landquart.

Standort: vor dem Nordeingang des Fashion Outlet Landquart Koordinaten: 46°57’55.7″N 9°33’11.5″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Morgen oder nachmittags Highlights in der Umgebung: Heididorf in Maienfeld , Wanderung auf den Vilan Parkplätze: Google Maps – Parkplatz (kostenpflichtig) direkt am Foto Spot Informationen:

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Mini Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto-Spots:

Mini grand tour of switzerland foto spots.

Standort: im Swissminiatur Park Melide Kanton Tessin Koordinaten: im gesamten Park gibt es 20 Stück Preis: 21 CHF p.P. Erwachsene Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Informationen: Swissminiatur Park

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Fehlende Foto Spots:

Foto-spot obermutten.

Standort: Reformierte Kirche Obermutten Koordinaten: unbekannt Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung: Hinweis: wurde uns von einem Leser gemeldet – Vielen Dank

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Bild von einem Leser zur Verfügung gestellt.

Foto-Spot St. Petersinsel Erlach

Standort: St. Petersinsel bei Erlach Koordinaten: 47°02’31.2″N 7°05’27.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamte Tag Highlights in der Umgebung: Altstadt Erlach, St. Peterinsel Parkplätze: 47°02’41.3″N 7°05’58.2″E Information: 

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Foto-Spot Genf

Standort: Rotonde du Mont-Blanc Koordinaten: 46°12’32.2″N 6°09’04.0″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: gesamter Tag Highlights in der Umgebung:

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Foto-Spot Monte Generoso

Standort: Gipfel des Monte Generoso Koordinaten: unbekannt Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung:

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Foto-Spot Badhütte Rorschach:

Standort: Arion Wiese am Bodensee Koordinaten: 47°28’48.2″N 9°29’06.9″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: nachmittags Highlights in der Umgebung:  Bodensee, Säntis Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtige Parkplätze gegenüber Information:  Rohrschach Tourismus

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Foto Spots in Planung/Gerüchte:

Foto-spot sion.

Standort: Schlösser Valere & Tourbillon (in Planung) Koordinaten: Preis:  Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung:

Foto-Spot Grottes de Vallorbe

Standort: Grottes de Vallorbe (in Planung) Koordinaten: Preis:  Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung:

Foto-Spot Murten

Standort: Murten, Säulimarktplatz (in Planung/Bewilligung noch offen) Koordinaten: Preis:  Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung:

Foto-Spot Simplonpass Brig

Standort: Simplonpass (in Planung) Koordinaten: Preis:  Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung:

Foto-Spot Grand Bisse d’Ayent

Standort: Grand Bisse d’Ayent Anzère (in Planung) Koordinaten: Preis:  Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung:

Foto Spots im Winter:

Es gibt gewisse Foto-Spots, die im Winter abgebaut werden, entweder weil sie gar nicht erreichbar sind oder weil Gefahr besteht, dass sie durch die grossen Schneemengen beschädigt werden. Wer wissen möchte was ein Foto-Spot im Winter treibt kann das hier am Beispiel des Foto-Spot Aletschgletscher sehen, dieser steht geschützt im Berghaus.

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Verschwundene Foto Spots

Leider haben es nicht alle Foto-Spots durch die Jahre geschafft. Entweder sie wurden zerstört, verschwanden aufgrund von Umbauarbeiten oder waren für die Betreiber nicht mehr zeitgemäss.

F oto-Spot Giessbachfälle:

Standort: vor dem Grandhotel Giessbach am Brienzersee (nicht aufgebaut und im Mühl entsorgt – Stand Mai 24) Koordinaten: 46°44’06.5″N 8°01’25.1″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: am Nachmittag Parkplätze: Google Maps – kostenpflichtige Parkplätze, wenige Minuten entfernt Highlights in der Umgebung: Brienzersee, Giessbachfälle, Axalp Beiträge aus der Region: Sonnenaufgangsfahrt Brienzer Rothorn Informationen: Giessbach

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Foto-Spot Dents du Midi

Standort: Gipfel des Foilleuse (aufgrund von Umbauarbeiten entfernt) Koordinaten: 46°13’27.2″N 6°51’42.8″E Preis: Gratis Beste Tageszeit: Highlights in der Umgebung:

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Grand Tour of Switzerland Snack Box

Ein weiteres Highlight, das man auf der Grand Tour of Switzerland neben all den Foto-Spots und Naturerlebnissen erleben kann und sollte, gehört zur Kategorie Kulinarik. Entlang der gesamten Strecke der Grand Tour of Switzerland gibt es verschiedene Geschäft wie Restaurants, Käsereien oder auch Bauernhöfe, die die rote Grand Tour of Switzerland Snack Box anbieten.

Hier bekommt man, als Erstes für 25 CHF eine knallrote Snack-Box aus Metall, diese kann man sich an rund 50 Verkaufsstellen für weitere 20 CHF mit regionalen Spezialitäten (2 Pers.) füllen lassen. Ist die Box leer, kann man sie immer wieder für weitere 20 CHF auffüllen lassen.

Sicherlich wird man die meisten Produkte in Supermärkten billiger bekommen, aber dazu müsste man diese auch kennen, darüber hinaus schmeckt das jeweilige Produkt sicherlich auch viel besser, wenn man es zum Teil direkt beim Produzenten kaufen kann. Egal, ob man nun beim Supermarkt oder im örtlichen Geschäft sein Picknick kauft, am Ende der Reise hat man, mit der roten Snack-Box, ein wunderschönes Souvenir, das man mit nach Hause nehmen kann.

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Grand Tour of Switzerland App

Seit Anfang Mai 2022 gibt es, die Grand Tour of Switzerland App für iPhone und Android zum Download, die App soll als Begleiter dienen und hilft bei der Planung und Navigation auf der Grand Tour of Switzerland. Im Fokus der App steht natürlich die Grand Tour mit ihren einzelnen Etappen und Sehenswürdigkeiten durch die Schweiz.

Die App unterstützt einem bei der Suche nach Hotels und Ladestation und gibt Tipps zu Sehenswürdigkeiten und Highlights entlang der Strecke der gesamten Grand Tour of Switzerland.

Was in der App nicht fehlen darf, sind selbstverständlich die Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spots . Damit löst die Grand Tour App den Fotopass ab, der nun mittlerweile einige Jahre auf dem Buckel hat und nie wirklich durchdacht noch richtig funktioniert hat. Eine Sammelfunktion für die Fotospots ist ebenfalls integriert, dazu geht man in das Menü «Entdecken» und wählt auf der Karte den Foto-Spot aus, an dem man sich gerade befindet. Mithilfe der Handykamera sucht man die Plakette in der Umgebung des Spots und fügt sie der eigenen Sammlung hinzu.

Mehr zur App unter: Grand Tour of Switzerland App

Fazit zur Grand Tour App: Die App ist wirklich gut gemacht und sieht dazu auch noch gut aus, das Planungstool ist durchdacht und hilft bei der Gestaltung der Route. Eine Navigationsfunktion ist vorhanden, kann aber nicht mit Google Maps mithalten. Besonders gefällt uns der Entdecker-Modus, hier bekommt man Sehenswürdigkeiten, Ladestationen, Foto-Spots oder Hotels angezeigt. Über die Detailansicht erhält man weitere Informationen wie Anschrift und Webseite des gewünschten Ortes. Leider stimmen die Orte auf der Karte zum Teil nicht mit der Realität überein. So werden manche Sehenswürdigkeiten viele Kilometer abseits des tatsächlichen Standortes angezeigt.

Die neue Sammelfunktion, für die Grand Tour Foto-Spots, finden wir, eine tolle Idee, bedauerlicherweise ist die Menüführung bisher nicht wirklich durchdacht und teils umständlich. Eine besonders ärgerliche Tatsache ist, dass die App nicht aktuell ist (Stand März 2024), statt 81 Spots können nur 75 Fotospots eingesammelt werden. Genauso nervig ist die Tatsache, dass man immer eine Internetverbindung benötigt, was je nach Netzbetreiber auch nicht immer funktioniert. Ein weiteres Problem sind die Aussetzer der App, mehr als einmal haben wir nach einer langen Anreise vor einem Foto Spot gestanden und die App funktionierte nicht. Bedauerlicherweise gibt es immer wieder solche frustrierenden Momente mit der App.

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Grand Tour of Switzerland Fotospot Pass (eingestellt)

Seit vielen Jahren gibt es den Fotospot Pass . Nach einer Registrierung bekommt man einen Pass zugeschickt, den man sich ins Apple Wallet oder bei Android ins PassWallet zieht. An jedem Fotospot gibt es dann entsprechende QR-Codes zum Scannen, alternativ kann man den Spot auch registrieren, wenn man sich bis zu einem Kilometer entfernt aufhält. Dabei kann man zahlreiche 2 für 1 Angebote freischalten, gleichzeitig nimmt man an der grossen Verlosung teil, je mehr Foto-Spots man in einer Saison gesammelt hat, je höher ist die Gewinnchance.

Neu ist die Möglichkeit, Postkarten über den Fotospot Pass zu verschicken. Leider ist die App/Pass nicht ausgereift, hat man erst einmal die Spots registriert, kann man sie im folgenden Jahr nicht mehr anwählen und daher keine Punkte mehr sammeln. Der Fotopass hat mit erscheinen der Grand Tour of Switzerland App seine Funktion und Berechtigung verloren und wird nicht mehr aktualisiert.

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Schweizer Käse Pass

Neben der Schokolade ist die Schweiz auch für ihre riesige Vielfalt an Käse berühmt, deshalb gibt es nun den Schweizer Käse Pass. Entlang der Grand Tour of Switzerland liegen vier Schaukäsereien:

  • Appenzeller Schaukäserei in Stein
  • Emmentaler Schaukäserei in Affoltern i. Emmental
  • La Maison du Gruyère in Pringy-Gruyères
  • Milchmanufaktur Einsiedeln in Einsiedeln

Diese besucht man und lässt sich in seinen Käse-Pass einen Stempel setzen am Ende erhält man eine Grand Tour Snack Box mit Käse und einem Victorinox Käsemesser. Den Käse-Pass erhält man über

FAQ zu den Grand Tour of Switzerland Foto Spot

  • Antwort: Nicht alle Foto Spots lassen sich kostenlos besuchen, der Spot Ballenberg befindet sich im Museum Ballenberg, für das man Eintritt zahlen muss, dasselbe trifft auch auf den Spot in Melide zu der sich im Swissminiaturpark befindet. Andere Spot wie auf dem Eggishorn oder dem Stanserhorn erreicht man per Seilbahn, für die man ein Ticket benötigt.
  • Antwort: Nein, nicht alle Foto Spots sind, kann man das gesamte Jahr hindurch besuchen, nur einige wenige Spots auf den Pässen sind im Winter nicht erreichbar, zum Beispiel auf dem Furkapass oder dem Gotthardpass.
  • Antwort: Hier spielt der Geschmack eine entscheidende Rolle, für uns persönlich der schönste Spot ist der Foto Spot auf dem Eggishorn mit Blick auf den Aletschgletscher.
  • Antwort: Der Spot, der sich am wenigsten lohnt, ist unserer persönlichen Meinung nach am Schloss Hallwyl. Denn der Spot ist miserabel positioniert, das Schloss selbst ist hingegen sehr sehenswert und lohnt einen Besuch allemal.
  • Antwort: Die Antwort auf diese Frage findest du weiter oben in unserem Beitrag. Bei jedem Foto Spot haben wir die beste Tageszeit zum Fotografieren mit dazugeschrieben. Denn manch ein Foto Spot lohnt sich nur zu gewissen Uhrzeiten, bestes Beispiel ist der Foto Spot in Interlaken, wenn man zur Mittagszeit den Spot fotografieren möchte, wirkt das auf dem Foto wirklich grausam. Deshalb unser Tipp schaut auf die beste Tageszeit.
  • Antwort: Die beste und zugleich einfachste Jahreszeit ist der Sommer, was aber nicht heissen soll, die Spots würden sich im Winter nicht lohnen, gerade im Winter kann man besonders in den Bergen wunderschöne Bilder machen.
  • Aktuell (April 2024) gibt es 82 Fotospots in der Schweiz.
  • Manche Spots wie der in Castel San Pietro sind gar nicht so einfach zu finden, ein Problem dabei sind die falschen Tags bei Google Maps, die zum Teil die vollkommen falsche Position anzeigen. Deshalb haben wir bei jedem Foto Spot die korrekten Koordinaten hinzugefügt und verlinkt.

Grand Tour of Switzerland Buch

Weitere Informationen:

Der Touring Guide zur Grand Tour of Switzerland von Hallwag und Kümmerly+Frey. Mit allen Details zu den 25 Streckenabschnitten dazu gibt es Tipps zu Sehenswürdigkeiten auch abseits der Tour.

Erhältlich im Fachhandel oder bei

Auf der Multimedialen Internetseite oder findet man alles Wissenswertes zur Grand Tour of Switzerland und noch vieles mehr.

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6 Kommentare .

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Guten Tag Möchte sie fragen Wann die fotospots in Lötschental gesetzt werden . ? Mit freundlichen Grüssen H. Minder

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Seit Juni 2019 gibt es die Grand Detour Spots im Lötschental.

Liebe Grüsse Daniel & Dokmai

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Grüezi Sind die Orginale Grand Tour Tafel wirklich vorhanden die roten ovalen mit der Beschriftung ? Danke für Rückmeldung

Hallo Monika

Ja die meisten Tafeln sind vorhanden, nur einige wenige sind in der Winterzeit abgebaut z.b. auf den Pässen und auf einigen Bergen. Ansonsten kann man alle jederzeit besuchen und bestaunen. Grüsse D&D

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Guten Tag Wenn Sie es wünschen kann ich Ihnen den Matterhorn Foto Spot Winter zusenden

Gerne können sie uns Bilder des Fotospots zusenden. Wir wären ihnen sehr dankbar.

Kommentare sind geschlossen.

Jeremy Clarkson Confirms The Grand Tour’s Final Episode on Amazon Prime

TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson has confirmed the end of The Grand Tour on Amazon Prime after next year. This announcement marks the conclusion of a series beloved by fans since its inception in 2016.

Key Takeaways:

  • End of The Grand Tour: Jeremy Clarkson, along with co-presenters Richard Hammond and James May , will no longer film new series of The Grand Tour after next year, following a decision by Amazon Prime’s executives. This marks the end of a popular show that started in 2016 and quickly garnered a devoted fanbase.
  • Fan Reactions and Future Prospects: Fans expressed their disappointment and gratitude on social media, reflecting on the impact the show had on their lives. Despite the end of this era, there’s speculation that Amazon Prime may revive The Grand Tour with new hosts, a move reportedly welcomed by the current presenters.
  • Clarkson’s Future Endeavours: Clarkson mentioned a focus on his other project, ‘Clarkson’s Farm’, and there are two more special episodes of The Grand Tour slated for release, featuring travels to Mauritania and Zimbabwe.

spot grand tour

TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson, renowned for his role in the popular car show The Grand Tour alongside Richard Hammond and James May, has recently spoken about the future of the series. The show, which began on Amazon Prime in 2016, has been a fan favourite but will see no further series after next year. This decision, made by the streaming platform’s bosses, brings an end to a series that has been both entertaining and influential for car enthusiasts.

Clarkson shared his thoughts on Instagram, stating:

“Been a busy day. No more Grand Tour after next year but a LOT more Clarkson’s Farm. Which, this evening, is looking extremely lovely.”

This post quickly became a hub for fans to express their feelings about the series ending. The emotional reactions ranged from sadness over the show’s conclusion to appreciation for the years of entertainment it provided.

One fan commented:

spot grand tour

“Please start a podcast with the three of you, it can just be called the news and you rant for an hour about cars.”

Others expressed their gratitude:

“The end of Clarkson, Hammond and May in whatever it’s called is a sad day. Thank you for everything you did for petrolheads. And now farmheads!”

The influence of the trio was evident in another fan’s words:

“It’s really nice coming to the comments and seeing how these 3 impacted the lives of so many. These lads got me through countless dark times with laughter and endless banter. We all knew the day was coming, and the truest of fans will wish you, Hammond, May, and indeed all of the crew that made the magic happen the absolute best in the next stage. Thank you for inspiring countless enthusiasts around the world.”

Despite Clarkson’s announcement, there’s talk that Amazon Prime might continue The Grand Tour with new hosts. An insider revealed:

“It’s a surprising decision and everyone realises it very much marks the end of an era for the three presenters.”

This potential revival aligns with the presenters’ acceptance of passing the torch to a new generation.

“The Grand Tour is one of Prime Video’s most watched shows and Jeremy, James and Richard have a devoted following. But the guys have made no bones about the fact they’re all advancing in years and they have lots of other projects to pursue,” a source informed The Sun. “They just felt like the time was right and wanted to go out on a high when the show remained popular.”

As fans prepare to bid farewell to this iconic trio, they can look forward to two more special episodes of The Grand Tour, showcasing the team’s adventures in Mauritania and Zimbabwe. This farewell follows their departure from Top Gear in 2015, after a disagreement with producers.

Photo of Alex Harrington

Alex Harrington

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The Grand Tour

Episode list

The grand tour.

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E1 ∙ Motown Funk

Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E2 ∙ The Colombia Special Part 1

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E3 ∙ The Colombia Special Part 2

The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E4 ∙ Pick Up, Put Downs

Jeremy Clarkson in The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E5 ∙ An Itchy Urus

The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E6 ∙ Chinese Food for Thought

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E7 ∙ Well Aged Scotch

The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E8 ∙ International Buffoons Vacation

Jeremy Clarkson in The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E9 ∙ Aston, Astronauts and Angelina's Children

The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E10 ∙ The Youth Vote

The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E11 ∙ Sea to Unsalty Sea

Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S3.E12 ∙ Legends and Luggage

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Mongolia Special-Survival of the Fattest (2019)

S3.E13 ∙ The Mongolia Special-Survival of the Fattest

Richard Hammond in Funeral for a Ford (2019)

S3.E14 ∙ Funeral for a Ford

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S4.E1 ∙ The Grand Tour Presents: Seamen

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Grand Canyon National Park   Travel Guide

Courtesy of Piriya Photography | Getty Images

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20 Epic Things to Do in the Grand Canyon

As one of the top attractions in the U.S. , Grand Canyon National Park welcomes more than 4 million visitors a year. Even the most skeptical of travelers marvel at the jaw-dropping beauty of the Grand Canyon's massive expanse of gorges, ridges and

  • All Things To Do

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Grand Canyon Village Grand Canyon Village free

U.S. News Insider Tip: Since parking is hard to find beyond the visitor center's main parking lot, opt for one of the park's free shuttles and pack a bag with a water bottle, a hat, sunscreen and a snack. – Catherine Parker

Grand Canyon Village is located close to the national park's most popular south entrance, on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.

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South Rim South Rim free

U.S. News Insider Tip: Get an early start when visiting the South Rim (before 9 a.m.); traffic is common at the South Rim entrance gates. Save time by taking the seasonal, free shuttle from Tusayan (the purple route) and purchasing your entrance ticket in advance. – Catherine Parker

According to the National Park Service, about 90% of Grand Canyon travelers visit the South Rim compared to the seasonal North Rim . South Rim visitors will find the majority of the Grand Canyon's most well-known outdoor activities, like hiking the Canyon Rim Trail and the famous mule rides. Compared to the North Rim, the South Rim offers more areas to explore, especially for visitors staying for more than one day. One must- see sight is Hermit Road, which is not accessible to private cars for much of the year and is popular with cyclists, runners and hikers thanks to its breathtaking viewpoints. Desert View , near the east entrance, is another area to visit anchored by the Desert View Watchtower , a historic building.

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Mather Point Mather Point free

Located steps from the main visitor center, Mather Point is the first view many visitors see of the Grand Canyon. Travelers can take an easy, five-minute walk on its sidewalk from the Grand Canyon Visitor Center to the lookout. Its fenced overlook provides exceptional vistas of the rugged cliffs and trails below. If weather conditions are right, visibility exceeds 30 miles to the east and 60 miles to the west. Mather Point is also a popular spot to watch the sun rise and set over the canyon and was named after the first director of the National Park Service, Stephen Tyng Mather.

Recent travelers had nothing but good things to say about Mather Point, praising its easy accessibility and stunning views. They also noted that its location is convenient to restrooms and a cafe in the visitor center. With its close proximity to the visitor center, avoiding other tourists is admittedly difficult. Some reviewers recommended heading to other overlooks after Mather if you're hoping for thinner crowds.

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Popular Tours

Grand Canyon Helicopter 45-Minute Flight with Optional Hummer Tour

Grand Canyon Helicopter 45-Minute Flight with Optional Hummer Tour

(153 reviews)

from $ 399.00

Helicopter Tour of the North Canyon with Optional Hummer Excursion

Helicopter Tour of the North Canyon with Optional Hummer Excursion

(137 reviews)

from $ 269.00

Grand Canyon Landmarks Tour by Airplane with Optional Hummer Tour

Grand Canyon Landmarks Tour by Airplane with Optional Hummer Tour

(276 reviews)

from $ 179.00

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Rim Trail Rim Trail free

Covering about 13 miles, the Rim Trail connects the South Kaibab Trailhead to Hermits Rest, passing Grand Canyon Village  along the way. The Rim Trail is one of the most popular and easy trails in the national park because it offers the best way to see the South Rim's most acclaimed attractions and viewpoints. The mostly paved walking path (which is accessible in many sections) traces the canyon's edge, stopping off at favorite lookouts like Maricopa Point and Hopi Point. Another highlight along the Rim Trail is the section between Yavapai Museum of Geology and Verkamp's Visitor Center, which features the interpretative Trail of Time. This approximately 3-mile-long paved route incorporates a collection of rocks and exhibits that explain how Grand Canyon was formed.

Recent travelers enjoyed the variety offered along the Rim Trail, from crowded tourist points to more desolate stretches that allow for an escape to nature. Many said that the crowds are thick on the east side, near the gift shops, restaurants and lodging, though they thin out as you walk away from the village. Others were impressed by the accessibility of the trail, saying that much of it is open to wheelchairs and strollers.

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Bright Angel Trail Bright Angel Trail free

U.S. News Insider Tip: The South Rim mule rides into the canyon are typically awarded by lottery. The North Rim mule trips go into the canyon, though they don't reach Phantom Ranch. – Catherine Parker

One of the trails that leads to the Colorado River, this steep path starts just west of the Bright Angel Lodge in  Grand Canyon Village 's Historic District (the park's blue shuttle route will drop you at the trailhead). Because the trail provides spectacular views of the inner canyon, it's considered one of the park's most popular hikes.

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Desert View Drive Desert View Drive free

This is the only scenic drive open to private cars on the national park's South Rim , and it offers staggering views of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River.

From Grand Canyon Village , visitors can head east along Desert View Drive for 23 miles to find six developed canyon viewpoints, four picnic areas and five pullouts. Perched along the canyon's rim, the centerpiece of Desert View is the Desert View Watchtower , architect Mary Colter's 1932 building that incorporated design elements of the Ancestral Puebloan people of the Colorado Plateau. Inside, the Kiva Room offers seasonal cultural demonstrations where visitors can learn about the arts and crafts of Native American groups of the area.

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South Kaibab Trail South Kaibab Trail

Just as the North Kaibab Trail begins at the North Rim, the South Kaibab Trail begins at the South Rim and ventures into the Grand Canyon down to the Colorado River.

The 6.3-mile South Kaibab Trail offers 360-degree views of the Grand Canyon thanks to its open ridgelines. While the exposed trail promises incredible views, it also offers no protection from the sun or passing storms. Hikers will find the trailhead near Yaki Point, accessible via the free park shuttles. Day-trippers can get a taste of the trail and venture to Ooh-Ahh Point (a 1.8-mile round trip hike) or Cedar Ridge (a 3-mile round-trip journey). Beyond Cedar Ridge, the National Park Service cautions against day hikes due to lack of water and strenuous trail conditions. The NPS recommends hiking back up the canyon via the Bright Angel Trail instead of ascending the South Kaibab Trail.

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Desert View Watchtower Desert View Watchtower

Located on the South Rim , the Desert View Watchtower is located about 23 miles east of Grand Canyon Village via Desert View Drive (close to the park's east entrance). Designed in 1932 by renowned Southwest architect Mary Colter, the Desert View Watchtower was built with native stones on the edge of the canyon. To blend in with the canyon and mimic the look of original Ancestral Puebloan buildings of the Colorado Plateau, Colter visited sites across the Southwest. Inside of the tower, travelers will find the Kiva Room, which features a fireplace, a rest area, a retail shop and views of the canyon. During the peak season, local artisans host demonstrations in the Kiva Room and visitors can observe craftspeople work on jewelry, pottery, rug making and more several days a week. 

Recent travelers reported they enjoyed the east side of the Grand Canyon because of its reduced crowds. They also admired the intricate architecture of the tower itself, noting that the structure was well-maintained, interesting and beautiful. 

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45-minute Helicopter Flight Over the Grand Canyon from Tusayan, Arizona

(1724 reviews)

from $ 338.00

Grand Canyon Signature Hummer Tour with Optional Sunset Views

Grand Canyon Signature Hummer Tour with Optional Sunset Views

(1276 reviews)

from $ 120.52

25-min Grand Canyon South Rim EcoStar Helicopter Tour with Optional Hummer

25-min Grand Canyon South Rim EcoStar Helicopter Tour with Optional Hummer

(172 reviews)

from $ 329.00

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North Rim North Rim free

U.S. News Insider Tip: The North Rim of the Grand Canyon is easier to reach from Utah and offers fewer crowds than the South Rim . Sometimes, lodging and camping reservations for the busy summer season are easier to reserve as well. – Catherine Parker

After experiencing the South Rim's desert-like landscape, first-time visitors to the North Rim marvel at its greener landscape and cooler temperatures. Even though it welcomes about one-tenth of the visitors of the South Rim, the North Rim offers many of the same amenities, including lodging, dining, mule rides and tours.

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North Kaibab Trail North Kaibab Trail free

For travelers on the  North Rim , the North Kaibab Trail is the area's only maintained canyon hike. The 14-mile (one way) trail leads all the way to the Colorado River. The trail can be grueling since its elevation is 1,000 feet higher than the hikes along the South Rim . In the summer, the hot Arizona sun is unforgiving to hikers (there is little shade along the way, making the journey even more difficult). In fact, park rangers recommend starting the hike before dawn or spending the night at the campground halfway to the Colorado River. For travelers who want a shorter hike along North Kaibab, the hike to the Supai Tunnel starts at the North Kaibab's trailhead and is about 4 miles round trip. Water and rest spots are available at several points along the North Kaibab Trail.

If this journey sounds too arduous, travelers can take a guided, three-hour mule-driven tour on this trail from May to October (Note: This tour does not go to the bottom of the canyon).

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Horseshoe Bend Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend isn't located within Grand Canyon National Park, but it's a popular attraction that park visitors often make an effort to see thanks to its awe-inspiring, photo-worthy views.

As one of the most recognizable and visited places in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, the Instagram-worthy attraction is located northeast of Grand Canyon National Park's south entrance. The Colorado River created the roughly 1,000-foot deep, 270-degree horseshoe-shaped bend that visitors hike a 1.5-mile hard-packed, accessible trail to see. 

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Colorado River Rafting Colorado River Rafting

After you've admired the Grand Canyon from the hiking trails (or even from the air on a helicopter tour ), enjoy a new vantage point on a Colorado River rafting tour.

Options range from the family-friendly half-day float through Horseshoe Bend on a motorized raft with Wilderness River Adventures to the more daring one- and two-day whitewater rafting trips with Grand Canyon West 's Hualapai River Runners .

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Antelope Canyon Antelope Canyon

Like its neighbor, Horseshoe Bend , Antelope Canyon makes for an excellent day trip for those staying in northern Arizona. Accessible by guided tour only, Antelope Canyon is a unique geological structure formed by water erosion over millions of years. The slot canyon reveals deep, winding, bright orange and red tunnels that visitors can explore on foot. The canyon is especially magical between late March and early October, when sun rays are at the perfect angle to shine in from above.

Guided tours of Antelope Canyon are available through a variety of providers, and most offer an upper canyon and lower canyon tour. The upper canyon is A-shaped, where the lower canyon is V-shaped and features five flights of stairs. 

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3 Hour Off-Road Sunset Safari to Grand Canyon with Entrance Gate Detour

(648 reviews)

from $ 123.08

3 Hour Back-Road Safari to Grand Canyon with Entrance Gate By-Pass at 9:30 am

3 Hour Back-Road Safari to Grand Canyon with Entrance Gate By-Pass at 9: 30 am

(297 reviews)

from $ 120.00

Antelope Canyon and Lake Powell Scenic Flight with River Rafting

Antelope Canyon and Lake Powell Scenic Flight with River Rafting

(100 reviews)

from $ 639.00

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Navajo Bridge Navajo Bridge free

Within Grand Canyon National Park, there is only one way to drive over the Colorado River and that's via the Navajo Bridge on the northeast end of the park.

Starting in the 1870s, more people had moved into the area and needed to cross the giant chasm. At the time, the only way to cross the Grand Canyon was by ferry at Glen Canyon, named Lees Ferry. When the use of automobiles became more popular starting in the 1920s, officials in Arizona and Utah recognized the need for a bridge that allowed vehicles to safely travel over the canyon.

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Hopi House Hopi House free

Mary Colter designed the Hopi House in 1905 in the style of a traditional Hopi dwelling. True to its original purpose, the Hopi House sells souvenirs made by Native American artists and craftspeople. The exterior features native stone along with traditional ladders leading to its different levels. Inside, visitors will find adobe walls, wooden beams and saplings on the ceiling.

Recent visitors praised the selection of souvenirs at the Hopi House, with the finest products made by Native American artists and craftspeople. Reviewers appreciated the transparent product labeling, which allows shoppers to see which items are mass produced and which are one of a kind. Others walked through the Hopi House to admire Colter's architecture and said it's a great place to escape an afternoon monsoon – a common summertime occurrence.

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Grand Canyon Railway Grand Canyon Railway

Starting in the late 1800s, this historic railroad was originally used to transport ore from the Anita mines, which sit just north of Williams, Arizona. In 1901, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway reached the log cabin depot at the South Rim , making the national park accessible to the public. With the rise in automobile use, the trains lost business, and the last passenger train pulled into the Grand Canyon Depot in 1968. After an extensive restoration, the Grand Canyon Railway was reopened to tourists in 1989.

Today, this historic train carries tourists between Williams and the South Rim's Grand Canyon Depot. Along the approximately two-hour ride, passengers will see a variety of landscapes from the Ponderosa and Pinon pine forests to expansive prairies. In addition to providing a pleasurable journey, the train keeps 50,000 vehicles out of the park each year.

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Grand Canyon Skywalk Grand Canyon Skywalk

One of the more controversial additions to the Grand Canyon's surroundings, the Grand Canyon Skywalk is a large, semicircular bridge with a transparent glass floor, allowing tourists to walk out 70 feet from the canyon rim and view the bottom from 4,000 feet above. The Skywalk lies outside of the park on the grounds of the Hualapai Indian Reservation in a development known as Grand Canyon West . Purists initially criticized the construction of the Skywalk, claiming it ruined the area's natural aesthetic. Still, the attraction has drawn millions of visitors since opening in 2007.

The skywalk is a considerable drive from both the South Rim and the  North Rim  (count on about four hours in the car from Grand Canyon Village ). As such, Recent travelers warned a stop at the skywalk is an all-day endeavor. Several people commented on the lack of value, especially in comparison to the South Rim. Las Vegas visitors without plans to make it to the South Rim seemed to enjoy their experience more than visitors who had seen the canyon in the national park.

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Havasu Falls Havasu Falls

Lauded by travelers as one of the most beautiful sights in the area, Havasu Falls is a desert oasis, complete with blue-green water and gushing falls . The ethereal pools formed by Havasu Creek add an almost surreal quality to the red canyon backdrop. Though it's often associated with the Grand Canyon, this site is not located within the national park and is located on the Havasupai Indian Reservation. 

Accessing Havasu Falls requires perseverance since visitors must first secure a three-night overnight reservation to enter the area prior to their visit. Reservations include the required access permit and a camping fee; $455 per person for the trip. No day trips are allowed, and campers need to be prepared with supplies to eat and sleep in a wilderness campground. There is a fresh water source and composting toilets at the campground.

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Grand Entrance Grand Canyon Tour - Pink Jeep

(169 reviews)

from $ 121.75

Grand Canyon Full Day Private Tour & Hike

Grand Canyon Full Day Private Tour & Hike

(31 reviews)

from $ 712.25

New for 2023 Admission to IMAX Grand Canyon "Rivers of Time"

New for 2023 Admission to IMAX Grand Canyon "Rivers of Time"

(64 reviews)

from $ 14.70

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Grand Canyon West Rim Grand Canyon West Rim

Located on the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Grand Canyon West is not part of Grand Canyon National Park. It's situated a little more than 230 miles west of Grand Canyon Village and about 120 miles east of Las Vegas , making it a popular day trip for Vegas visitors who want a taste of the Grand Canyon, but don't want to drive all the way to the park's popular south entrance.

Owned and operated by the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Grand Canyon West offers an array of adventure activities and attractions, including the Grand Canyon Skywalk , whitewater rafting on the Colorado River, and canyon zip line rides. What's more, Grand Canyon West also offers lodging, dining and shopping.

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Grand Canyon IMAX Theater Grand Canyon IMAX Theater

U.S. News Insider Tip: The Grand Canyon IMAX Theater is located in the Grand Canyon Visitor Center in the town of Tusayan, just south of the park's entrance and not at the Grand Canyon Visitor Center on the rim of the canyon. – Catherine Parker

For visitors who want to feel like they are rafting the Colorado River or hang gliding above it, this IMAX film transports viewers to the edge of the canyon and over it. The Grand Canyon IMAX Theater screens multiple daily showings of "Grand Canyon: Rivers of Time," an action-packed, 37-minute film that plays on a six-story screen. In addition to heart-pumping aerial footage, viewers will enjoy an overview of the Grand Canyon's history and a CGI animation of the canyon's geological formation. Worth noting, this is not shown at the visitor centers on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon; this Grand Canyon Visitor Center is located just south of the entrance gate in Tusayan.

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16 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions at the Grand Canyon

Written by Lana Law Updated Mar 21, 2024 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

The Grand Canyon is one of America's most famous and awe-inspiring natural attractions and has been a road-tripping destination for generations.

The North Rim and South Rim are accessed from opposite sides of the canyon, but most people visit the Grand Canyon National Park's South Rim. The North Rim is closed in winter, but the South Rim and West Rim are open year-round and easily accessible from tourist destinations like Las Vegas, Phoenix, Sedona, Flagstaff, and Williams.

The attractions listed below are all found on the South Rim, with the exception of the Skywalk at Eagle Point , which is located at the West Rim.

Grand Canyon

The main access point for the South Rim is the South Entrance , where the main visitor center is located. It is also possible to enter via the east, at the Desert View Entrance , but for most people, this is a less convenient option.

From the South Entrance Visitor Center, you have two main options for exploring the park by road: Hermit Road runs west, past the small resort area of Grand Canyon Village, more commonly known as the Village, to numerous overlooks. This road is open to private vehicles from December 1 to the end of February, but outside of these dates you must use the park shuttle buses.

The other option, open to cars at any time of year, is the Desert View Drive , which heads east from the Visitor Center for 22 miles to the Desert View Watchtower. Both of these drives are fantastic and provide different perspectives of the canyon.

A variety of tours offer exceptional ways to experience the Grand Canyon, from helicopter rides to white water rafting. Some of these start right at the Grand Canyon, others depart from nearby cities, such as Las Vegas.

Deciding in advance when to visit and what to see once you get here can help maximize your time and make your visit more relaxing and fun.

Accommodation is available in the national park at the Village, and is operated by a concessioner of the park. Just outside the South Entrance is the small town of Tusayan , with a much larger variety of chain hotels, as well as restaurants and other services.

On This Page:

Grand canyon south rim attractions, grand canyon west rim attractions, grand canyon tours, getting to the grand canyon, where to stay at the grand canyon, map of attractions & things to do at the grand canyon, best time to visit grand canyon national park, az, 1. visitor center & mather point overlook.

Mather Point Overlook

If you are entering the park at the South Entrance, from the direction of Williams, the best thing to do is head directly to the visitor center. A few displays show a brief overview of the park and a little about the history. The park staff are on hand to answer questions and provide information on hiking trails and attractions.

From the visitor center, a short path leads to Mather Point Overlook . This is one of the most popular lookouts in the park, not only because it is spectacular, but because it is easy to reach. Here, a couple of large viewing areas on a peninsula jut out into the canyon, offering beautiful vistas over the landscape. It's a wonderful spot to watch the sunrise over the Grand Canyon.

2. Rim Trail

Rim Trail

The Rim Trail is a mostly paved walking path that follows the rim of the Grand Canyon for 13 miles. It runs from South Kaibab Trailhead , east of the Visitor Center, to Hermit's Rest , at the far west end of Hermit Road.

This nearly level path, with a mix of sun and shade from scattered trees, is one of the most scenic walks in North America , with fabulous views along the entire distance of the trail.

You can access it in front of the visitor center at Mather Point, in the Village, or from any of the scenic stops along Hermit Road. If you have limited time and are only interested in a short walk, a good option is the section from Mather Point, heading west to Yavapai Point and the Geology Museum.

3. Geological Museum

Geological Museum

One of the most interesting and informative exhibits in Grand Canyon National Park is the Geological Museum. The location for this museum was chosen by a group of high profile geologists in the 1920s because the views from here were the most representative of the geology of the canyon.

The museum describes in detail the layers of rock visible as you look out the long wall of windows. Huge diagrams describe the formation of the canyon, from the uplifting of the rocks to the erosive power of the water running through the canyon far below.

From the windows, you can see the hiking trails below, including a great view of the route out to Plateau Point, an offshoot of the Bright Angel Trail, and a side path leading down to the Colorado River.

4. Hermit Road Drive

Hermit Road Drive

Hermit Road is a seven-mile scenic drive along the canyon rim , with numerous viewpoints. This is the most popular route in the park.

If you are visiting between the beginning of December and the end of February, you can do this drive in your own vehicle. From March 1 to November 30 you must use the park shuttle buses, which operate every 10 to 15 minutes and stop at nine overlooks.

All the overlooks along this route offer incredible vantage points over the canyon. Although it may be the source of some debate, some of the best views can be had from Maricopa Point , Hopi Point , The Abyss , and Pima Point . If you are short on time, you may want to skip the last stop, Hermit's Rest.

5. Bright Angel Hiking Trail

Bright Angel Hiking Trail

The most popular hike in the park is the Bright Angel Hike, which departs from the Village, where the shuttle bus to Hermit's Rest begins its route. This is a long hike, but many people choose to walk down the trail only a short distance to get a feel for the hike. The complete route, round-trip to Bright Angel Campground, is 19 miles and takes two days .

Many serious hikers choose to go to Indian Garden Campground , which is a nine-mile round-trip hike , and takes between six and nine hours. Keep in mind, this includes a strenuous hike with more than 3,000 feet of elevation change.

For a short sample of the trail, the Upper Tunnel is only 0.4 miles round-trip and takes less than 30 minutes , and the lower tunnel is 1.7 miles and takes between one and two hours. This hike hugs the canyon walls, with steep cliffs and sharp drops off the outer portion of the trail. It is not suited for anyone with a serious fear of heights. Some portions of the trail are in shadow and may be snow or ice-covered, even when conditions at the top are warm and dry.

The park service, in conjunction with private donors, has recently made significant improvements to the Bright Angel trailhead. In the past, finding the trailhead was not always the easiest thing to do, but now, with a brand new plaza and improved signage, that issue is long gone. In addition to the new plaza, you'll now find flush toilet washrooms, a sitting area, a shade structure, and a water-bottle-filling station. A new parking lot accommodating 90 cars and improvements to the walking trail to make it wheelchair accessible were also added.

6. Desert View Drive

Moran Point on Desert View Drive

While most people tend to gravitate towards Hermit Road, the 22-mile Desert View Drive is equally, if not more stunning. One of the main differences is the view to the Colorado River, which is much more visible from some of the stops along this drive than on the route further west. Here, you can see white water rapids, and long, wide sections of the river snaking through the canyon in the distance.

There are fewer stops along this route, but they are all worth taking the time to enjoy the lookouts. Moran Point is definitely a highlight, with a beautiful view over the Colorado River from the far east side of the parking area and a myriad of different colors visible in the rock walls across the canyon.

Lipan Point has more wonderful views to the Colorado but is also a noteworthy location for birders . This is the most direct route across the canyon for migrating birds, which use this more narrow section on their flight path.

Grandview Point is one of the highest lookouts on the South Rim. From the viewing area, the Grandview Hiking Trail leads down in a steep descent, quickly disappearing out of sight. This is a strenuous hike on an unmaintained trail and best suited for serious hikers. The trail conditions here are more difficult than Bright Angel; slippery in the spring and hot in the summer.

From Navajo Point , the last stop before Desert View Watchtower, the watchtower is visible off to the right, and can be a good photo opportunity if you have a long lens. The last stop is Desert View , with the watchtower standing proudly on the cliff edge, and it is definitely a highlight on this drive.

Also found along Desert View Drive is the Tusayan Museum and Ruin . The museum itself is quite small, with information on the people who inhabited this area and a short trail leading through the ruins offering a close-up look at the dwellings.

7. Desert View Watchtower

Desert View Watchtower

Desert View is the first stop in the park if you are coming from the east and entering the park through the Desert View Entrance. This is a full-service stop with a general store, trading post, and camping, but the main attraction is the famous Indian Watchtower.

Despite its appearance, the 70-foot tower is not an ancient, crumbling stone ruin. It was built in 1932 and is one of four structures in the park designed by Mary Jane Colter, all of which are on the National Register of Historic Places .

The structure is designed to look like an Anasazi watchtower, and much attention was given to detail in its creation. The tower is built around a concrete and steel structure, but the stone exterior, with uneven rooflines, creates a dramatic effect, as it blends in with the surrounding colors. The interior walls, visible on every level from the circular balconies and stairways, are covered with what is meant to look like petroglyphs and ancient artwork.

There is an outdoor observation deck on the second level and an enclosed observation deck on the top floor, with incredible views out over the canyon and beyond to the desert on the east side.

8. Lookout Studio and the Kolb Gallery

Lookout Studio

In the Village, the Lookout Studio and the Kolb Gallery are both perched along the canyon wall. The Lookout Studio is housed in one of the Mary Jane Colter Buildings that are found throughout the park, with a traditional stone design, meant to resemble a ruin. The Studio sells souvenirs and trinkets but also has two outdoor viewing decks that look out over the Grand Canyon.

Just a short walk to the west of here is the Kolb Gallery , in a dark brown, wooden structure. This historic Victorian home was built in 1905 and belonged to the Kolb brothers, who were early adventurers in the park. Today, the building serves as an art gallery, with changing exhibits, a small store selling books, and information on the life of the Kolbs. The Kolb Gallery is near the start of the Bright Angel Trail.

9. Wildlife Viewing

Elk at Grand Canyon

While most people don't come to the Grand Canyon for the wildlife viewing, it's more than likely you will see at least some animals if you are driving through the park. One of the usual suspects that can often be spotted along the Rim Trail is elk .

Although you are less likely to see them, mountain lions live in the park forests, and signs along the Desert View Drive advise drivers to watch for them on the road. Also found in the park are bighorn sheep; hog-nosed skunk; mule deer; Arizona's state mammal, the ringtail; and many other smaller critters, including the Kaibab squirrel.

10. IMAX Movie at the National Geographic Visitor Center

IMAX Movie at the National Geographic Visitor Center

In the town of Tusayan, just outside the South Entrance to Grand Canyon National Park, is one of the oldest IMAX Theaters in existence , and seeing a movie here has been a long standing tradition for families coming to the canyon.

The movie, Grand Canyon: The Movie (Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets), one of the longest running IMAX movies to be shown in the same location, is a 34-minute film and begins on the half hour. In addition to seeing the film, visitors can also get information on the park or grab a bite to eat at the on-site café.

11. Nearby: Little Colorado River Overlook

Little Colorado River Scenic Overlook

Leaving Grand Canyon National Park via the east side of the South Rim, through the Desert View entrance, the first sign-posted scenic lookout offers an incredible view over the Little Colorado River. This stop is on Navajo land, and in the parking area, Navajo artists sell handmade jewelry.

A short stroll along a wide trail beyond the parking lot leads to two picnic tables and a lookout area (with railings) with direct views over a portion of the gorge. From the edge, the Little Colorado River is visible far below.

12. Skywalk & Eagle Point

Skywalk & Eagle Point

If you've seen pictures of the glass bridge jutting out over the Grand Canyon and have your heart set on this experience, Eagle Point, at the West Rim , you can reach it in about a four-hour drive from the South Rim . This horseshoe-shape glass walkway extends out 70 feet over the canyon, allowing you to peer straight down.

You can also dine at the Sky View restaurant and look out over the Skywalk. Other things to do here include watching Native American dancing and visiting the Native American Village.

13. Helicopter Flight over the Grand Canyon

Helicopter at the Grand Canyon

If you want to fully appreciate the grandeur of the Grand Canyon, take a 25-minute Grand Canyon Helicopter Tour and soar out over the abyss to get a bird's-eye view. These tours leave from the Grand Canyon Airport in Tusayan, less than a 10-minute drive from the South Entrance of the park. This flight takes you out over the Dragon Corridor, the widest and deepest section of the canyon, and several other key attractions.

14. Grand Canyon Railway Adventure from Sedona

Grand Canyon Train

You can combine a luxury train ride through the desert with sightseeing at the Grand Canyon on a full-day Grand Canyon Railroad Excursion from Sedona .

This tour offers pickup from your hotel in Sedona and takes you to the train station in Williams. The train then travels through the Arizona high country to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, where you then have free time to explore and a guided rim tour.

This is one of the easiest ways to see the Grand Canyon, with no driving or parking hassles.

If you have time to spare, you can enjoy a bit of sightseeing in Sedona or Williams .

15. Grand Canyon White Water Rafting Trip from Las Vegas

Rafting on the Colorado River

Raft 40 miles of the Colorado River on a one-day Grand Canyon White Water Rafting Trip leaving from Las Vegas. This is a 15-hour trip leaving at 4am, with hotel pickup and drop off, a van ride and short helicopter flight to the Colorado River, a full day of white water rafting through the Grand Canyon, and a return trip to Las Vegas.

16. South Rim Mule Rides

Mule rides

If you are interested in heading down into the Grand Canyon but are not up for the hike, mule rides are offered year-round from the South Rim. The mules carry guests down the Bright Angel Trail on a 5.5-hour trip for an overnight stay at Phantom Ranch and then return the next day.

The Grand Canyon, as the name suggests, is big. Planning a trip here requires a bit of thought on where to stay and how to reach it. Making the trek to the South Rim, in the far northern reaches of Arizona, can take time.

If you are heading to the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas , plan for a long day of driving, as it will take you 4.5 hours one way. You may also want to consider taking a tour.

Phoenix is a slightly closer option, with a one-way drive time of 3.5 hours. You have several options for getting from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon if you don't want to drive yourself.

Closer yet is Sedona at two hours. The drive is scenic, but you may want to look around rather than watch the road. You can easily base yourself in Sedona or Flagstaff and visit the Grand Canyon on a day trip. You'll find some spectacular resorts in Sedona and a range of accommodation in Flagstaff.

Read More: From Sedona to the Grand Canyon: Best Ways to Get There

Grand Canyon Lodging

There are four lodges at the Village in Grand Canyon National Park, and these can only be booked through the concessioner of the park. All other accommodation near the South Entrance is in the town of Tusayan, a five-minute drive from the park gate. Here, there are a variety of hotel options, along with restaurants that range from fast-food chains to upper-end dining. Below are some highly-rated hotel options in Tusayan:

  • Renovated top to bottom in 2016, the luxurious Grand Hotel at the Grand Canyon offers well-appointed rooms with a rustic charm.
  • The Holiday Inn Express is also newly renovated, with large rooms complete with microwaves and fridges. A breakfast buffet is included in the room rate.
  • The only hotel in Tusayan that accepts pets (fee applies) is the Red Feather Lodge . This property consists of two buildings; one is a motel style with drive-up rooms, and the other is a traditional hotel with interior corridors. A complimentary park shuttle is available to guests mid-May through mid-September.
  • Also offering a free shuttle is the Canyon Plaza Resort , with oversized rooms and an on-site restaurant.

All these hotels offer seasonal, outdoor pools and lie within close proximity to each other and within easy walking distance to restaurants.

Grand Canyon National Park is open year-round, and the views are outstanding no matter the season. But the best time of year to visit the Grand Canyon is spring (March - May) and fall (September - October) . With June through August associated with summer vacations and breaks from school, the spring and fall months are less crowded and have pleasant weather to enjoy the big landscapes.

April typically ushers in a break from winter weather on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, though snow can still be in the forecast through May. Average temperatures begin to reach into the 70s throughout the spring , with below-freezing overnight temperatures occurring throughout the season. The spring is one of the best times to hike the Grand Canyon, before interior temperatures reach their 100-plus-degree summer heat.

Mid-September is when summer crowds subside at the national park, making the fall one of the best times to travel to the Grand Canyon. The national park also enters its drier season in the fall , and localized rain and thunderstorms become less frequent. Fall temperatures drop from 70 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit on the South Rim throughout the season, and interior temperatures drop from the upper 90s to the upper 60s.

South Rim of the Grand Canyon

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Bioluminescence Tour Grand Cayman

Serenity and intricate beauty on a tour.

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Grand Cayman Bioluminescence Tour

Are you ready for a magical experience? Let us show you a special place that's destined to be the highlight of your trip to the Cayman Islands. A place where bioluminescent organisms sparkle and shine in the water under a starry night sky. Come with us into Bioluminescent Bay and see what all the fuss is about.

Bioluminescent Bay tours are limited to a few unique places on earth. One of these extraordinary places is right here on the north side of Grand Cayman. Starting from Rum Point, we'll take you to the best spot to catch the summertime sunsets at Starfish Point on our way to the highlight of the tour in bio bay.

For adventure seekers, we also offer tours into the mangrove forest. Visit famous Stingray City and starfish point with the help of our experienced crew. Join our knowledgeable guides as we explore the flora and fauna that makes Grand Cayman special.

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Explore our activities

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2 Hour Bioluminescence Tour | Public

The Sweet Spot—Cayman’s first boat tour to the world-famous Bio Bay. Our customized boat was specifically designed for your comfort, getting you up close and personal with millions of glowing sea animals. This one-of-a-kind experience has become a favourite activity on Grand Cayman. The Sweet Spot Cayman does two stops, including a stop at Starfish Point, an educational briefing about the upside-down jellyfish, then to the famous Bio Bay, where we spend most of our time viewing and swimming (optional) in the Bay. Although the bioluminescence can be viewed from the boat, it’s even more magnificent if you’re able to swim with them. Our informative guides will tell you all about this amazing sight.

Pricing: Adults (12+) $89.00each

Children (3-11) $69.00each

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2 Hour Excursion with Bioluminescence Tour | Private

Cayman’s first boat tour to the world-famous Bio Bay with the Sweet Spot. Our motor catamaran boat was designed with this tour in mind, getting you up close and personal with millions of glowing sea animals. This is a one-of-a-kind experience and many people’s favorite activity on Grand Cayman. The Sweet Spot Cayman does 3-stops, The first stop is Starfish Point to see the setting sun and awakening stars. The next stop is the upside-down jellyfish then to the famous Bio Bay, where we spend most of our time, viewing and swimming (optional) in the bay. Our informative guides will tell you all about this amazing sight.

Pricing: Private Tour (up to 8 people) - $900 each Additional Guests (up to 20 people) - $69 each

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Private Excursions

PRICING: 2 Hour Excursion with Bioluminescence Tour

**Private | Up to 8 guests** Private Tour (up to 8 people) - $900 each Additional Guests (up to 2 people) - $69 each

Why choose us?

Best Bioluminescence Tour Grand Cayman

We offer public tours and private charters. Our modern motorized catamaran is specially designed to get you up close with the unique microorganisms of the bioluminescent bay. With our friendly, experienced captains at the helm, our tours are fun and educational. For your safety and comfort, our equipment is top-of-the-line. You can sit back, relax, and leave the driving to us.

Amazing Destinations

Bioluminescence tours are only available in a few places on the planet. We take you to one of them for a not-to-be-missed experience...

Knowledgeable Captains

Our experienced guides offer fun and exciting tours to Stingray City, the mangrove forest, and Starfish Point by day.

Excellent Customer Service

We pride ourselves here at The Sweet Spot in our excellent customer service and would love to show you firsthand just how much fun there is to be had on Cayman’s North Side.

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The Jewel In The Caribbean Crown

At 22 miles long, Grand Cayman is the largest of the three Cayman Islands and home to the capital city, George Town. The island sits in the Caribbean Sea, framed by Cuba to the north, Jamaica due east, and Mexico to the west. The island is a popular port stop for cruise ships, and passengers are attracted to the duty-free shopping, beautiful beaches, and extraordinary animals.

Extraordinary sea-going animals can be seen in the world-famous Stingray City. This popular site attracts groups of swimmers who stand on the sandbars in waist-high water, admiring the gentle stingrays. On land, you'll find a unique reptile, the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana. Once on the brink of extinction, this colorful lizard is only found in Grand Cayman. Self-guided Blue Iguana tours are available at the National Trust for Grand Cayman. The Cayman Parrot is a unique bird and a national symbol. The Cayman Parrot proudly shows off its green and red plumage at the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park on the island's western side.

Frequently asked questions

What are the bio schedules.

January 7 - 26, 2023 February 6 - 25, 2023 March 8 - 27, 2023 April 6- 26 , 2023 May 6 - 26, 2023 June 4 - 24, 2023 July 4 - 24, 2023 August 2 - 23, 2023 August 29 - September 21, 2023 September 30 - October 20, 2023 October 29 - November 19, 2023 November 28 - December 18, 2023 December 27 - January 16, 2024

Do you provide transportation?

Yes transportation can be provided at an additional cost of $6 per person on public tours and a minimum of $40 on private tours.

How long is the tour?

The tour is approximately 2 hours long.

Do we have to swim in the Bio Bay?

No, you can also enjoy the bio from the boat.

What is your cancellation policy?

We need 24 hours' notice for a full refund on our tours.

Do you have a group discount?

Yes, we offer a 5% CC or 10% cash discount on groups of 10 or more persons.

How do we pay?

You may pay online at the time of booking or by coming to the office and doing so.

What credit cards do you accept?

We accept Visa, Master Card and Discover Card.

If it’s raining will the tour be cancelled?

We do not cancel for rain alone (it’s the tropics).

Are their age restrictions?

Are pregnant women able to do the tour, how deep is the water.

Approximately 5-6 feet deep.

Do we need fins to swim in the Bio Bay?

How early can we make a reservation.

You can reserve at any time.

Can you accommodate a person in a wheelchair?

Yes as long as they have someone to help with getting them on board the boat.

Can a disabled person do the tour?

Yes, see #15.

Do you provide snorkel gear?

Yes, we do.

What is included in this tour?

The world's best Tour guides, fruit punch, water, and snorkel gear.

Do we have to worry about jellyfish?

At different times of the year typically April-May is when we see the most, if you’re allergic we recommend staying on the boat if you’re not a rash guard usually does the trick.

What do we need to bring?

Towels and extra shirts if you wish to swim in the bio bay.

Do I need to know how to swim?

No, only if you plan on getting in the water.

How long at each stop?

At the Starfish point and upside-down Jellyfish is approximately 10-15 minutes. And 30-35 minutes in the Bio bay.

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12 Best Grand Canyon Sunrise Spots For Spectacular Views

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Veronica Samuels


One of the bucket list items for many is watching the spectacular Grand Canyon sunrise in Arizona, and it is no surprise, given the incredible display of magnificent colours of dawn dominating the rugged landscapes, which transforms the panoramas to even more magical post-card perfect views, creating the best way to begin your trip.

So, where to watch the best sunrise in Grand Canyon National Park?

Since the gorgeous park, a natural wonder of the world, draws millions of tourists each year, it can be overwhelming to choose a spot for enjoying dazzling sunrise.

In this guide, we cover the best Grand Canyon sunrise spots, how to get there, valuable tips, and everything else you need to know to admire and soak in some of the fascinating views of the sunrise over the many famous landmarks in this national park.


To be honest, both sunset and sunrise in Grand Canyon are spectacular, and if it is possible, make sure to watch both spectacles. 

However, the significant advantage of Grand Canyon sunrise is that you will be one of the few people at the viewpoints, so if you want to avoid the crowds, sunrise it is.

best places to watch Grand Canyon sunrise

Admiring the beautiful sunrise in the Grand Canyon also means the skies are better and more transparent, and you can also enjoy driving around the national park. 

If you are not an early riser, watching a sunset in the Grand Canyon is better for you.

Grand Canyon sunsets are also more colourful, and you have better options to capture the vivid colours if you can patiently wait for your turn amidst the crowds.

Table of Contents


Grand Canyon National Park is magnificent throughout the year, sweeping you with its spectacular landscapes.

For the best sunrise views in Grand Canyon, head there during the spring and fall months. 

Because the weather is pleasant, with tolerable temperatures ideal for hiking and driving.

Also, during these months, the sun sets directly in line with the canyon, forming a stunning special effect.

Alternatively, winter is also a great time to see the sunrise in the Grand Canyon National Park, especially at the North Rim.


The easiest way to travel around the national park to reach the sunset and sunrise spots in the Grand Canyon is on the free shuttle buses that frequently run throughout the day, beginning about one hour before sunrise and ending about one hour after sunset, approximately every 30 minutes.

Apart from quickly getting around, these shuttle buses save you from the hassle of finding parking spots in the busy summer months.

Grand Canyon sunrise spots

But note that since there are plenty of visitors, the buses get filled up quickly, especially if you arrive to watch the sunrise in Grand Canyon, as it is the best way to reach the trailheads right on time before sunrise and come back conveniently.

Take the orange route or the Kaibab Rim shuttle from the visitor center to access Yaki Point, Yavapai Point, Mather Point, and Pipe Creek Vista.

If you are here between March and November, take the red line or the Hermit Road shuttle accessible between March 1 and November 30 to reach Pima, Powell, Mohave, Maricopa, and Hopi Points, all of which are not reachable by private vehicles if the roads are blocked by snow.

Note that there is no shuttle service offered along Desert View Drive, home to Grandview, Lipan, Navajo, and Desert View Points.


✅Grand Canyon: 4-in-1 Grand Circle Two-Day Tour from Las Vegas(5/5 – 100+ reviews🤩)

Take in the highlights of the ‘Grand Circle Road Trip’ in just two days on this overnight tour from Las Vegas. 

Visit four of the most memorable natural wonders—Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley, and the Grand Canyon—with all admission tickets included. 

Along the way, drive along part of Route 66, visit Lake Powell, and enjoy a guided Jeep tour through the Navajo Tribal Park.  Check out the details here.


One of the famous Grand Canyon sunrise spots is Yaki Point, which is also another fantastic sunset viewpoint.

Yaki Point is known for spectacular canyon views and is one of the less-crowded places despite being a beautiful spot.

Watch the glorious colours of dawn decorating the vast expanse of the canyons on the horizon at sunrise here.

You can also see the famous South Kaibab trail below. Since it is the easternmost spot, you will watch the sunrise earlier here than in the other viewpoints.

sunrise in Grand Canyon national park

You can only access this viewpoint to watch vibrant Gran Canyon sunrise views via the free orange shuttle(Kaibab/Rim Route) from the visitor centre.

You can also hike the nearby Kaibab trail if you wish to hike, located below Yaki Point, offering beautiful Grand Canyon sunrise views.


Among the most crowded Grand Canyon sunrise spots is Yavapai Point, located 0.7 miles West of Mather Point, which has a fenced platform from where you can enjoy the best sunrise in the Grand Canyon.

Due to its popularity, the place gets filled quickly, and you need to be here at least an hour before sunrise to capture the best views possible.

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You can enjoy the unobstructed views of the rising sun as there are no canyon walls, kissing the majestic landscapes with its tender dawn colours magically transforming the canyon landscapes from the gorge in the south Rim.

After admiring the sunrise views, take a quick stop at the nearby Yavapai Museum of Geology, which gives you glimpses of the history and the geology of the park.

There is also the Yavapai Observation Station to check out more views here.

Although it is one of the famous sunset spots in Grand Canyon National Park, Hopi Point also offers the perfect view of sunrise behind the rugged edges of the canyon.

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Located by the scenic Hermit Road, you can reach Hopi Point through the park’s free shuttle service.

Take the red line or the Hermit Road shuttle accessible between March 1 and November 30 to get to Hopi Point.

Alternatively, you can hike the Rim trail, a 2.5-mile route that takes you through stunning views of the surrounding panoramas before arriving at Hopi Point.


The most famous among the Grand Canyon sunrise spots is Mather Point, one of the top places to visit to watch a beautiful sunset in the Grand Canyon, thanks to its perfect location at the South Rim overlooking many gorgeous viewpoints on a peninsula into the Canyon, offering the views of almost the entire Canyon.

Grand Canyon sunrise spots

Expect crowds at Mather Point no matter when you visit.

Located close to Grand Canyon village, you can easily access this spot by walking for about 5 minutes from the Grand Canyon Visitor Center, which begins above the rim and ends in front of the Bright Angel Lodge.

Soak in the blissful Mather Point Grand Canyon sunrise views from the one-mile drop, casting their glow over the Canyon, the beautiful views of the Colorado River, Phantom Ranch from here.


One of the best Grand Canyon sunrise spots to visit if you want to enjoy glowing sunrise across Colorado is Lipan Point.

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Lipan Point  offers spectacular views of the Colorado River, and from here, you can see the furthest views of the flowing river alongside the Canyon.

This section attracts many migrating wild birds, a welcome addition to the magical sunrise views, especially the many eagles, falcons and hawks.

Soak in the blissful views from here as the rising sun paints the nearby rock formations, along with beautiful reflections coming up sometime after sunrise.

Located along Hermit Road Drive,  Pima Point  is one of the best places to enjoy beautiful views of the sunrise in the Grand Canyon as well as the perfect sunset views without the crowds of Hopi Point, including gorgeous views of the Colorado River up close.

It is one of the popular trails for bikers and hikers


Desert View Drive is a 22-mile route that takes you through the heart of the national park featuring spectacular views at many viewpoints, hiking trails, and stopovers beside the Colorado River.

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As the name suggests, you can only access this route by private vehicles, and there is no shuttle service.

To get on Desert View Drive, go east of the Visitor centre, parallel to the river. Below are some stops worth making for splendid Grand Canyon sunrise views.


If you’re entering Grand Canyon National Park from the east entrance, Desert View Watchtower is the first stop you can make on Desert View Drive.

It is the last stop if you start from Grand Canyon village.

There is a parking lot available, and it is a short walk to the fenced observation deck, from where you can admire beautiful views of the Canyon and the flowing Colorado River.


This is the second stop east of the beginning of Desert View Drive, offering unique and beautiful, far-reaching views along a wide section of the Grand Canyon and recommended for enjoying a quiet sunrise in the Grand Canyon.


If you are up for a moderately challenging hike to witness some of the most spectacular Grand Canyon sunrise views, head to  Grandview Point , one of the highest Grand Canyon South Rim lookouts featuring expansive views of the canyons and many important landmark attractions.

It is one of the offbeat trails involving a steep descent, which is more of a vertical drop on an unmaintained trail, so it is best only for experienced and fit hikers.

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Although it’s most famous for sunset, Navajo Point also offers some fantastic views of the Grand Canyon sunrise, including the panoramic views of the Colorado River and its white rapids.


The Grand Canyon North Rim is the northernmost of three major sections of the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, located within Kaibab Plateau and Coconino County. 

You can access the North Rim from Route 89A through Flagstaff. The nearest city is Williams, about 25 miles away from the North Rim.

Recommended – A Complete Guide To Visiting Grand Canyon In Winter

North Rim is only open to visitors from May 15 to November 30 every year, and you need to pay an entry fee.

Also, there is no shuttle service or public transport, and you need a car to get around. Below are the two spots to watch


One of the unique Grand Canyon sunrise spots is Bright Angel Point, conveniently accessed by a short 0.4-mile walk on a paved trail beginning from the visitor centre, which has some steep sections that need to be taken care of.

best places to watch sunrise in Grand Canyon National Park

The viewpoint offers fantastic views of the sunrise over the gorge surrounded by high canyon walls on both sides.

Among the most popular spots for watching the Grand Canyon sunrise from the North Rim is Cape Royal, known for its magnificent rock formations.

Enjoy the blissful views of the sunrise across the bend in the Colorado River best framed by an Angels Window on this moderate hike.

On clear days, you can watch the beautiful view as far as the Desert View Tower on the South Rim.

If you want a comfortable journey and enjoy the best on guided tours, I highly recommend these hand-picked tours from different locations to Grand Canyon.


✅  Grand Canyon Helicopter and Eagle Point Rim Landing Tour (6/5 50+ reviews  🤩 )   – Visit the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas even if you have limited time available with the ultimate half-day helicopter tour. 

Fly in a state-of-the-art helicopter and pass Hoover Dam on the way to the canyon’s west rim, then land at the canyon and transfer to Eagle Point.  Find more details here.

✅  Grand Canyon Sunset Tour from Sedona(5/5 40+ reviews  🤩 ) –   Watch the sunset over the Grand Canyon on a full-day sightseeing tour from Sedona and some of the desert’s most scenic places. 

Drive through Oak Creek Canyon and the Painted Desert, stop at a Native American trading post, visit spectacular overlooks on the South Rim and have dinner at one of the national park lodges.  Check out the details here.

✅  Private Grand Canyon in Luxury SUV Tour(5/5 130+ reviews  🤩 ) –   With just your group and a guide who knows the best viewpoints, shortcuts, and ways to beat the canyon crowds—as well as the local history and geology—you can expect a comfortable and customizable experience. 

Lunch at the historic El Tovar Lodge is included.  Check more details here.

✅  Sunset in the Grand Canyon from Sedona (5/5 100+ reviews  🤩 ) –   See the sunset over the Grand Canyon—one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World—during this full-day tour from Sedona or the Village of Oak Creek.

Visit a historic Navajo trading post and eat dinner at the Grand Canyon Village. 

National Park entrance fees and round-trip hotel transportation from included.  Check out more details here.

✅  Grand Canyon Tour from Flagstaff (5/5 300+ reviews  🤩 ) –  Explore Grand Canyon National Park and the canyon’s South Rim on this full-day tour from Flagstaff. 

Walk a bit of the Rim Trail for up-close views of the natural rock formations. 

Midday, stop for lunch at a local Navajo country restaurant that serves Mexican, American, and Navajo dishes.  Check out more details here.

✅  Grand Canyon Tour from Williams (5/5 35+ reviews  🤩 ) –   The Grand Canyon is one of the Natural World Wonders, and for good reason. 

Discover the south rim of this stunning location on a full-day tour from Williams, Arizona. 

Alongside a small group, stop at several viewpoints and learn about the history, geology, and ecology of the national park.  Find out more details to book.

✅  Grand Canyon South Rim Small Group Tour (5/5 250+ reviews  🤩 ) –   See the Grand Canyon South Rim on a tour from Las Vegas. 

Traveling in a custom-designed van outfitted with leather captain seats and viewing windows means you have great views from beginning to end, and going overland from Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon is a true highlight, with desert scenery, rock formations, and a trip along historic Route 66.  Check out more details here.

✅  Grand Canyon Signature Hummer Tour with Optional Sunset Views (5/5 1000+ views  🤩 ) –  Make the most of your limited time and see the highlights of Grand Canyon National Park in just a couple of hours on this sightseeing tour. 

Ride in a windowless, open-air Hummer and listen to commentary from your guide as you visit some of the canyon’s best lookout points, where you can hop out, take photos, and explore.  Check out more details here.

✅  Full-Day Guided Trip to The Grand Canyon from Phoenix (5/5 100+ views   🤩 ) –   The Grand Canyon is a must-see destination in the southwest. 

Visit the natural wonders as well as other landmarks on this excursion from Phoenix.

Feel the natural healing powers of Sedona as you explore the Chapel of the Holy Cross vortex and then make your way to Oak Creek Canyon Vista.  Check out more details.


best places to watch sunrise in Grand Canyon

  • Check the weather –  Although not frequent, storms are expected at Grand Canyon National Park during late summer, between July to September, usually in the late afternoon. So check the weather before you leave.
  • Stay safe –  The roads become more fragile, slippery and dangerous. It is best not to get exposed during lighting and thunder, especially at the edge of rocky mountains. If storms occur, head to the nearest designated shelter points immediately. Avoid standing under tall or stand-alone trees.
  • Do not go off the trail while hiking to the Grand Canyon sunrise spots. While the splendid trails may entice you, stay within the trail within the fences.
  • Check the timings –  Look for Grand Canyon sunrise time before planning your sunrise hike, as the time varies depending on the season you visit the national park. Note that the sunset and sunrise times in Arizona are in Mountain Standard Time. Daylight savings time is not observed here.
  • Start early –  It is best to take the commute time if using the shuttle or driving to the sunrise spots in Grand Canyon. If you don’t stay in the campground or a nearby hotel, you may need around 30 minutes or an hour to reach the points or trails.
  • Calculate time for hiking –  Depending on your fitness levels and speed, and you may take more time than the average estimates provided if you are going to hike. It is best to know how long you may need, allowing you to time your sunrise hike in Grand Canyon correctly.
  • Parking options –  If you are late, one of the best ways to make the most of your time is to park at the main visitor centre parking lot, from where it is easy to access some of the sunrise spots in the Grand Canyon.
  • Carry essentials –  Wear layers for your trip as the weather frequently changes. Great hiking shoes with a good grip, headlamps, jackets, water, and snacks are a must, irrespective of the hike.
  • Watch out for snakes and other wildlife  – Although the Rattlesnake season runs from May through October, you may run into snakes at any time of year.
  • Stay hydrated –  Although temperatures can be low if you’re heading out before sunrise, once the sun is up, it quickly gets hot no matter which time of the year. Drink sufficient water to stay hydrated.
  • Protecting from the sun –  Going back, you will likely be exposed to the heat, as most trails have minimal or no shaded areas. Carry sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.
  • Points to fill water –  You can fill your water bottles at   Grand Canyon Visitor Center, Hermit’s Rest, Bright Angel Trailhead, Verkamp’s Visitor Center, Yavapai Point, and the South Kaibab Trailhead.
  • Restrooms –  Well-maintained restrooms are located at Yavapai and Desert View Points and the Visitor Center. Mobile toilets(Portapoty) are available at Hopi, Yaki, and Grandview Points.




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Chief Editor and CEO

Veronica Samuels is a travel content creator from San Francisco, but calls Arizona her home as she moved to the Grand Canyon state after a series of trips made her fall in love with Arizona inspiring her to move.

She created Wander In Arizona to share first-hand information about traveling to the many fantastic cities, trails, national parks, monuments and more as she continues to explore.

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James May has crushing news for Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond fans

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Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May 'The Grand Tour' Season 3 launch photocall, London, UK - 15 Jan 2019 Mandatory Credit: Photo by David Fisher/Shutterstock (10063553g)

It sounds like the end of an era for Top Gear and The Grand Tour fans.

James May has some devastating news for fans of the long running motoring shows, and he’s admitted he doesn’t think he’ll ever work with Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond again.

The 61-year-old TV star has presented alongside Jeremy, 64, and Richard, 54, across both shows since 2003, but he has insisted their time has come after the final Grand Tour special on Amazon Prime .

Speaking to UniLad, he said: ‘I think people would only really like us doing cars, despite what some people say – “Oh, I think you should all go off and do cooking or you should all go and do a podcast about nothing.”

‘But I don’t think so, I think we should let it lie, what we did.’

It’s been 21 years since the beloved – and sometimes controversial – trio first fronted Top Gear together, and their partnership on the BBC series lasted until 2016, when they launched The Grand Tour.

Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May

However, the Amazon Prime series is now set to end after eight years, with Jeremy recently explaining that they were leaving the programme because he had run out of ideas for future instalments.

‘I’ve driven cars higher than anyone else and further north than anyone else. We’ve done everything you can do with a car. When we had meetings about what to do next, people just threw their arms in the air,’ he told The Times.

The Clarkson’s Farm star admitted the physical demands of the programme had become too taxing since he became ‘unfit and fat and old’.

He quipped: ‘If you’re Bear Grylls you go to a hotel – there aren’t any hotels in the Sahara desert.’

However, Jeremy has dismissed James’ previous suggestion that the trio’s working relationship was ‘fuelled by mutual loathing’.

Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May on The Grand Tour

He argued: ‘We’ve spent more time in each other’s company than our families’ over the last 25 years so I don’t think it would have lasted as long as it did if we’d hated each other as much as James likes to think.’

Top Gear has been put on hold by the BBC after presenter Freddie Flintoff suffered horrific injuries in a crash during filming in 2022 , but Richard expects it could to return in some form ‘one day’ in the future.

‘I don’t know. I have no doubt Top Gear will come back one day,’ he told the Daily Mail. ‘Somebody will pick it up and run with it. It’ll be a different show.’

Jeremy Clarkson on Clarkson's Farm

In terms of the trio, Jeremy has been back on screens for the third season of Clarkson’s Farm, and viewers were left heartbroken over the weekend.

The fourth episode brought fans to tears when the pigs that were bought at the start of the series gave birth to piglets.

However, the lovely moment turned devastating when the mother accidentally killed some of them them by sitting in on and suffocating them.

The Grand Tour is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.

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Discover Los Angeles: Top Attractions for Tourists and Locals Alike

Last Updated on May 15, 2024

Los Angeles is huge! Seriously, it’s both vast on land and stretches out into the ocean. It’s packed with so many amazing places to visit that you’ll never run out of things to do. For tourists, your bucket list is about to overflow with everything from iconic Hollywood tours to sun-soaked days at pristine beaches. And for the locals? We’re betting our list of L.A.’s top spots will make you fall head-over-heels for this city all over again.

It’s a good thing that renting a campervan in Los Angeles is so easy, because you’ll want to explore every inch of this amazing city. From the iconic Hollywood sign to the stunning architecture and diverse neighbourhoods, there’s something for everyone in Los Angeles.

Starry Nights and City Lights at Griffith Observatory

The Griffith Observatory isn’t just another stop in Los Angeles – it’s a gateway to the cosmos poised above the city’s glittering canvas. By day, marvel at the architectural splendour and expansive views of L.A. that stretch to the ocean. But as dusk falls, this place transforms. The real magic happens after dark when Los Angeles lights up, offering a view that’s absolutely enchanting.

Inside, you’re treated to fascinating exhibits that bridge the gap between science and imagination. From the mesmerizing sway of the Foucault pendulum to the electrifying demonstrations of a Tesla coil and the captivating planetarium shows, there’s plenty to spark your curiosity.

Pro tip: The rooftop’s 12-inch refracting telescope is the star for celestial gazing, but expect lines. Alternatively, the modern reflecting telescopes on the front lawn offer stellar views with less wait time. Parking is about $10 per hour, but if you’re looking to save, hop on a DASH bus for a mere 35 cents with a TAP card. Make the Griffith Observatory your must-visit for a blend of science, scenery, and the infinite beyond.

The Getty Center: An Artistic Jewel Amidst L.A.’s Hills

Nestled in the picturesque neighborhood of Brentwood, the Getty Center stands as a testament to the power of art and architecture. This iconic complex, featuring its unique blend of travertine and sleek, white metal-clad structures, is more than just a museum — it’s an immersive experience. The Getty, which evolved from its roots at the Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades, showcases a stunning array of art ranging from intricate French furnishings to masterpieces by the great Impressionists, along with a dynamic rotation of exhibitions.

Though reaching it might require a bit of effort, your reward is not only the extraordinary art collection but also breathtaking views that sweep from the serene hills and the expansive ocean to the vibrant Downtown skyline. Whether you’re a fervent art lover or simply in search of inspiration, the Getty Center promises a memorable foray into the world of creativity surrounded by L.A.’s natural beauty. Don’t forget, while entry is free, timed tickets are essential for planning your visit.

A Serene Escape at Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens

Tucked away in the charming city of San Marino, the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens present an oasis of culture and tranquillity. Donated by Henry E. Huntington, a prominent railroad tycoon, this magnificent estate has become a treasured retreat within Los Angeles. It’s a place where time seems to stand still among the extensive library collections, breathtaking art, and lavish botanical landscapes.

Prepare to lose yourself in an afternoon of exploration, from marvelling at a rare Gutenberg Bible to strolling through the meticulously designed Japanese garden. This enclave is not just about passive observation; it’s an invitation to immerse yourself in beauty and history at a pace that encourages appreciation and reflection. While the estate is welcoming throughout the week, arranging a timed reservation is a smart move, especially on the weekends.

Whether it’s to enjoy the newly rejuvenated tea room or to admire the craftsmanship of a restored Japanese house, every visit promises a peaceful broadening of horizons amidst the hustle of L.A. life.

Explore the Heart of L.A. at Grand Central Market

Nestled in Downtown’s historic core, Grand Central Market has been a beacon of culinary diversity and community since opening its doors in 1917. This bustling European-style food hall, located on the ground floor of the iconic Homer Laughlin Building, invites a vibrant mix of Angelinos and visitors alike. It’s more than a place to satisfy your hunger; it’s a cultural experience where the air is rich with the aromas of spices, fresh produce, and a blend of historical and modern L.A.

You can’t miss the vintage neon signs that guide you through the maze of delectable offerings. Whether you’re here to feast on budget-friendly pupusas, savour the carnitas tacos, or refresh with some aguas frescas, you’re in for a treat. For those with a palate for trendsetting cuisine, check out hot spots like Sticky Rice, Broad Street Oyster Co., Shiku, Eggslut, and G&B Coffee. At Grand Central Market, every bite is a taste of Los Angeles’ dynamic food scene.

Santa Monica Pier: Where Fun Meets the Sun

Heading over to Santa Monica? You can’t miss the vibrant heart and soul of the city—the Santa Monica Pier. This iconic landmark is where the fun never stops, and the sun always seems to shine a bit brighter. With its famous Ferris wheel spinning against the skyline, the pier is packed with entertainment. Think charming aquarium adventures, classic fairground games, and, yes, all the cotton candy you can eat.

On sunny weekends, the place buzzes like nowhere else, drawing everyone from families soaking in the joy to fitness enthusiasts showing off at the original Muscle Beach just a hop away from the pier.

But that’s not all; the pier has become a go-to spot for outdoor movie nights and cool music gigs, adding a dash of trendy to the timeless charm of the boardwalk. Whether you’re here to catch a wave, a workout, or a concert under the stars, Santa Monica Pier promises a slice of California dreamin’ with a side of unforgettable memories.

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Los Angeles is huge! Seriously, it’s both vast on land and stretches out into the ocean. It’s packed with so many amazing places to visit that you’ll never run out of things to do. For tourists, your bucket list is about to overflow with everything from iconic Hollywood tours to sun-soaked days at pristine beaches. And for the locals? We’re betting our list of L.A.’s top spots will make you fall head-over-heels for this city all over again. It’s a good thing that renting a campervan in Los Angeles is so easy, because you’ll want to explore every inch of …


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Gulf Grand Tours visa: Travel agencies to launch unique tourist packages


Dubai: Travel agencies in the UAE and other countries are busy preparing special packages ahead of the much-awaited rollout of the ‘Gulf Grand Tours’ visa, which introduces a unified tourist visa system for the GCC (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) countries. The executives in the travel and tourism sector say that the packages aim to attract tourists from all over the globe who wish to visit the Gulf region. These packages would be designed based on the European Schengen visa model.

Travellers will have to spend around 4000 – 5000 dirhams or more, to enjoy leisure trips, including two-night stays at three countries in the region. At a ministerial summit held as part of the Arabian Tarvel Market last week, it was announced that the unified visa system will be in place by the end of this year. The authorities hope that the multi-entry Grand Tours Visa will let tourists travel to the six countries without any hassle. 

First phase focuses on Saudi Arabia Travel agencies say that they have been designing packages after doing proper research to understand the needs and preferences of the travellers. Their study found that children aged between 8 and 14 play pivotal roles in choosing the destination and the family’s stay in hotels. Based on this information, the travel agencies aim to develop unique tour packages to attract more than a million tourists to this region. These packages include hotel accommodation, vehicle rent and entertainment activities for families. In the first phase, such packages would concentrate on trips to Saudi Arabia.

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The different packages The cost of the packages would depend upon the tourism seasons in the GCC countries. The package for a two-day trip to countries like the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia would cost up to 4000 – 5000 dirhams. Some tour operators are also thinking of packages for a single country for 1,500 dirhams. Interestingly, the packages would cover the expenses for air tickets, hotel accommodation as well as transfers and tours. Meanwhile, the tour packages to Dubai, Oman and Qatar are expected to be ready for launch in two months. This package includes a three-night stay in Dubai and Oman or Dubai and Qatar. The travel agencies believe that the Grand Tours Visa would boost the scope for inbound tourist and domestic travels. After the Covid 19 outbreak, people have been preferring trips that combine leisure with business. The authorities and the travel agencies hope that the Grand Tours Visa may bolster such trends.

An initiative to attract international tourists It was in October last year that the GCC unanimously approved the unified visa system, in the model of the European Schengen visa. In April 2024, UAE’s Minister of Economy Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri announced that the GCC countries would roll out the unified visa system by the end of the year. He added that a unified tourist visa system would surely play a major role in attracting international tourists to the GCC countries. The Gulf Grand Tours Visa would also be beneficial for expatriates, especially Indians, residing in various Gulf countries.

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Myrtle Beach native, ‘Wheel of Fortune’ co-host Vanna White brings excitement to golf

Vanna White playing the Myrtle Beach Classic pro-am. (Tracy Wilcox/PGA TOUR)

Vanna White playing the Myrtle Beach Classic pro-am. (Tracy Wilcox/PGA TOUR)

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MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — After a hefty spin, the wheel of golf has finally landed on Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The city is set to host the inaugural Myrtle Beach Classic at The Dunes Golf and Beach Club this week as an Additional Event alongside the Wells Fargo Championship.

Among those playing in the 52-team pro-am on Wednesday is Vanna White, celebrated co-host of the show “Wheel of Fortune.” Born and raised in North Myrtle Beach, White is most famous for uncovering letters that could lead to make-or-break for contestants for the past 41 years — but she also possesses a lesser-known connection to golf.

Vanna White speaks ahead of the inaugural Myrtle Beach Classic. (Stephanie Royer/PGA TOUR)

Vanna White speaks ahead of the inaugural Myrtle Beach Classic. (Stephanie Royer/PGA TOUR)

“I started playing golf when I was young, and it only lasted for a couple of years – of course, other things got in the way,” she said ahead of the pro-am.

White picked the game back up back five years ago and is now quite the golf enthusiast, participating in her fair share of celebrity tournaments.

“It’s beautiful on the course, it’s nature, and you’re really competing against yourself and I just have fun when I go out there,” she said. “I don’t take it too seriously. It’s a great escape and a good way to clear your mind.”

Vanna White will be playing in the Myrtle Beach Classic pro-am on Wednesday. (Courtesy Vanna White/Facebook)

Vanna White will be playing in the Myrtle Beach Classic pro-am on Wednesday. (Courtesy Vanna White/Facebook)

Golf has also taught White lessons applicable to her life and career: “If I’ve learned anything over the past few years from golf, it’s been to never give up. Never give up! There’s always a better score.”

Now, White is proud to be one of the ambassadors of her hometown event. For a city lauded as the “golfing capital of the world,” the Myrtle Beach Classic has been decades in the making. The Grand Strand has played host to Senior and Ladies PGA Championships and a multitude of amateur, junior and collegiate events, but this is the first time a PGA TOUR event will be played here.

White initially didn’t want to play in the pro-am, but caved pretty quickly.

“I’m so excited, I’m a little kid in a candy store. … The course is so beautiful. … it’s breathtaking, everything about it,” she said while beaming.

She did play the Dunes Club a couple months ago – but refrained from mentioning her score (“It was hard,” she admitted.) and will be teeing it up here again alongside her brother Chip on Wednesday.

Despite her illustrious and continuing life and future in Hollywood, as White just signed on for two more years of the show along with new co-host Ryan Seacrest, she tries to visit her roots a few times a year.

"When I was born ... no one could pronounce my name correctly – Vana? Vanya? – I can come home now and people know me as Vanna,” she reflected. “I don't consider myself a celebrity even when I'm on TV, and especially when I come home. I'm still that Vanna that I grew up as, and I'll always be that same person.”

Part of White’s golf journey has been to break 100, which she accomplished in 2021. Is it time to break 90?

“I'm so close,” she admitted. “I'm shooting in the mid-90s right now – that's not bragging by any means – but it's those few putts that you miss. I'm working on it. Maybe tomorrow."

Stephanie Royer is on staff at the PGA TOUR. She played college golf and is currently pursuing an MBA. A world traveler, she hopes to always keep her country count above her age and to hit every destination in the "National Treasure" movies.

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PGA CHAMPIONSHIP ’24: Spieth gets another Grand Slam shot. Hardly anyone is talking about it

Jordan Spieth hits from the fairway on the 16th hole during the second round of the Wells Fargo Championship golf tournament at Quail Hollow on Friday, May 10, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Erik Verduzco)

Jordan Spieth hits from the fairway on the 16th hole during the second round of the Wells Fargo Championship golf tournament at Quail Hollow on Friday, May 10, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Erik Verduzco)

Jordan Spieth watches his tee shot on the third hole during the first round of the Wells Fargo Championship golf tournament at the Quail Hollow Club Thursday, May 9, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Erik Verduzco)

Rory McIlroy, of Northern Ireland, celebrates after an eagle on the 15th hole from the bunker during the final round of the Wells Fargo Championship golf tournament at the Quail Hollow Club Sunday, May 12, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

Rory McIlroy, of Northern Ireland, celebrates after winning the Wells Fargo Championship golf tournament at the Quail Hollow Club Sunday, May 12, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

Phil Mickelson watches his bunker shot on the seventh hole during third round at the Masters golf tournament at Augusta National Golf Club Saturday, April 13, 2024, in Augusta, Ga. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Captain Phil Mickelson, of HyFlyers GC, hits from the sixth tee during the pro-am before LIV Golf Singapore at Sentosa Golf Club, Thursday, May 2, 2024, in Sentosa, Singapore. (Charles Laberge/LIV Golf via AP)

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The attention starts building weeks, if not months, ahead of the one major keeping Rory McIlroy from the career Grand Slam, the most elite club in golf. It’s like that every year, and it doesn’t make it any easier when he gets to the Masters.

Jordan Spieth should be able to appreciate the feeling. Except that he really doesn’t.

Now that McIlroy missed again at the Masters — his 10th straight attempt at getting the final leg — Spieth is next up with an opportunity to become only the sixth player in history to capture all four professional majors.

It feels like an afterthought going into the PGA Championship.

Scottie Scheffler tries to extend his dominance with a second straight major. Brooks Koepka is the defending champion and coming off a LIV Golf win in Singapore. Jon Rahm turned in a dud at the Masters and curious eyes will want to see at Valhalla if that was an aberration.

Oh yes, and Spieth goes for the career Grand Slam, a feat achieved only by Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, Ben Hogan and Gene Sarazen.

“These things, like winning a career Grand Slam, they happen kind of when I think there’s less focus and less of a spotlight on him,” said Jim Nantz of CBS, who has covered every PGA Championship since 1991. “And I think Jordan goes into this week without a whole lot of discussion about that possibility coming up at Valhalla.

Taylor Gooch hits his tee shot on the third hole during a practice round for the PGA Championship golf tournament at the Valhalla Golf Club, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Louisville, Ky. (AP Photo/Matt York)

“So maybe it is favorable in that sense mentally.”

Spieth isn’t surprised the attention is not that high, certainly not at the level McIlroy has faced the last decade each time he heads to Augusta National.

One reason is his game, which has not been great. Spieth has gone just over two years since he last won a tournament and has had only a few close calls since then. He comes into the PGA Championship having missed the cut in four of his last five tournaments that had a 36-hole cut.

“He’s got more accolades,” Spieth said about the Slam hype between him and McIlroy. “He’s been a better player over his career. Maybe that creates a little noise. He’s been a bit more vocal about it himself, so maybe that makes a little bit more difference.”

The other reason is the Masters, the only major held on the same course every year.

Sarazen is the only player with the career Grand Slam who completed it at Augusta National. But that was in 1935, long before the Masters was considered a major and 25 years before Arnold Palmer first brought a professional slam into the golf conversation.

McIlroy threw away a chance in 2011 when he lost a four-shot lead in the final round at the Masters. He played in the final group with Patrick Reed in 2018 and didn’t get it done. Reminders are everywhere when he returns.

That isn’t the case for Spieth. He goes to Quail Hollow one year, Bellerive the next. He has had seven cracks at getting the missing piece of the Grand Slam on seven courses.

“For me, it’s like the PGA Championship feels decently similar to a number of tournaments we play,” Spieth said. “I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s played on some of the biggest, best golf courses. But the identity is not the same as the other three. In my mind, you don’t need to find a different way to win, versus guys who don’t have some of the other ones.

“We play a few tournaments a year that could be PGA Championships if you change the branding and the grandstands.”

Only two other players lacked only the PGA Championship for the career slam — Arnold Palmer and Tom Watson.

Jack Nicklaus referenced them last month when speaking of McIlroy’s chances at Augusta.

“Is Tom Watson good enough to win the Grand Slam? Absolutely. Was Arnold Palmer good enough to win the Grand Slam? Absolutely,” Nicklaus said.

He felt the same way about McIlroy before adding, “But they have got to do it.”

Spieth is 30 and would seem to have time on his side — but not history. Sarazen, Hogan and Woods won the final leg in their first attempt. Woods did it in the most spectacular fashion, winning the U.S. Open by 15 shots and a month later the British Open by eight. He was 24.

Player (1965 U.S. Open) and Nicklaus (1966 British Open) completed the Grand Slam on their third attempt after they had captured the third leg.

McIlroy already has had 10 cracks at the Masters since he picked up the third leg. Spieth has had seven tries at the PGA Championship since winning the third leg at Royal Birkdale in 2017.

He said it doesn’t weigh on him, at least not lately.

“I remember thinking about it in ‘17 because it was right after the Open and I was playing so well,” Spieth said. He tied for 28th at Quail Hollow.

He also said he gave the Grand Slam some thought in 2019 at Bethpage Black when he was in the final group going into the weekend with Brooks Koepka. That wasn’t really a fair fight. Koepka set the 36-hole record for majors (128), a record seven shots ahead of Spieth.

“But I don’t feel like it will build up over time, not like people talk about Rory’s building up over time,” Spieth said.

More focus is on a nagging injury to his left wrist that first surfaced right before the PGA Championship last year at Oak Hill. Spieth is trying to manage it. He also is spending more time than he imagined on the phone as part of the PGA Tour Enterprises board trying to figure out the best way forward with the Saudis.

Justin Thomas has two PGA titles — what Spieth wouldn’t do for one — and is surprised why his longtime friend doesn’t get much attention as he pursues the final leg.

“It should be the same amount of attention — you could say more because he’s younger than Rory,” Thomas said. “But that also could be a good thing. Going in under the radar is never bad.”

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The Touring Map and Guide for Grand Tour of Switzerland

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Hallwag Kümmerly+Frey AG Grubenstrasse 109 3322 Schönbühl Phone  +41 (0)31 850 31 31

The Grand Tour of Switzerland is a unique expedition, which combines the highlights of Switzerland on a journey. To really know Switzerland, you need to see it repeatedly from different perspectives. And the "Grand Tour of Switzerland" – a wondrous route that winds through the entirety of Switzerland – offers this very opportunity. It's a route of more than 1600 km along stunning backdrops of natural beauty. Passing alongside lakes and secluded spots, the route offers up stunning vistas from Alpine passes and even takes in the cultural and scenic highlights of eleven of which UNESCO World Heritage Sites and two biospheres. GToS Guide The "Grand Tour of Switzerland" Tour Guide, comprising 288 pages describes route highlights, offers recommendations for each of the 25 route sections and points out the top attractions. The Tour Guide comes with a map of Switzerland to a scale of 1:500 000 marked with the Grand Tour route.

The Guide is available under

GToS Map The Tour Map for the "Grand Tour of Switzerland” is a map in a scale of 1:275 000 and laminated, and is as special as the "Grand Tour of Switzerland" itself. 44 highlights along the 1600-km route and the most beautiful route sections are specially marked. The map is a small tour guide in itself! Photos and descriptions in four languages (German, French, Italian and English) complement the cartographical information. It's perfect for previewing and reminiscing about the many attractions along the memorable "Grand Tour of Switzerland".

The Map is available under

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Schools turn to artificial intelligence to spot guns as companies press lawmakers for state funds

ZeroEyes analyst Mario Hernandez demonstrates the use of artificial intelligence with...

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas could soon offer up to $5 million in grants for schools to outfit surveillance cameras with artificial intelligence systems that can spot people carrying guns. But the governor needs to approve the expenditures and the schools must meet some very specific criteria.

The AI software must be patented, “designated as qualified anti-terrorism technology,” in compliance with certain security industry standards, already in use in at least 30 states and capable of detecting “three broad firearm classifications with a minimum of 300 subclassifications” and “at least 2,000 permutations,” among other things.

Only one company currently meets all those criteria: the same organization that touted them to Kansas lawmakers crafting the state budget. That company, ZeroEyes, is a rapidly growing firm founded by military veterans after the fatal  shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School  in Florida.

The legislation  pending before Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly highlights two things. After  numerous high-profile shootings , school security has become a multibillion-dollar industry. And in state capitols, some companies are successfully persuading policymakers to write their particular corporate solutions into state law.

ZeroEyes also appears to be the only firm qualified for state firearms detection programs under laws enacted last year in Michigan and Utah, bills passed earlier this year in Florida and Iowa and legislation proposed in Colorado, Louisiana and Wisconsin.

On Friday, Missouri became the latest state to pass legislation geared toward ZeroEyes, offering $2.5 million in matching grants for schools to buy firearms detection software designated as “qualified anti-terrorism technology.”

“We’re not paying legislators to write us into their bills,” ZeroEyes co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer Sam Alaimo said. But “if they’re doing that, it means I think they’re doing their homework, and they’re making sure they’re getting a vetted technology.”

ZeroEyes uses artificial intelligence with surveillance cameras to identify visible guns, then flashes an alert to an operations center staffed around the clock by former law enforcement officers and military veterans. If verified as a legitimate threat by ZeroEyes personnel, an alert is sent to school officials and local authorities.

The goal is to “get that gun before that trigger’s squeezed, or before that gun gets to the door,” Alaimo said.

Few question the technology. But some do question the legislative tactics.

The super-specific Kansas bill — particularly the requirement that a company have its product in at least 30 states — is “probably the most egregious thing that I have ever read” in legislation, said Jason Stoddard, director of school safety and security for Charles County Public Schools in Maryland.

Stoddard is chairperson of the newly launched National Council of School Safety Directors, which formed to set standards for school safety officials and push back against vendors who are increasingly  pitching particular products to lawmakers .

When states allot millions of dollars for certain products, it often leaves less money for other important school safety efforts, such as electronic door locks, shatter-resistant windows, communication systems and security staff, he said.

“The artificial-intelligence-driven weapons detection is absolutely wonderful,” Stoddard said. “But it’s probably not the priority that 95% of the schools in the United States need right now.”

The technology also can be costly, which is why some states are establishing grant programs. In Florida, legislation to implement ZeroEyes technology in schools in just two counties cost a total of about $929,000.

ZeroEyes is not the only company using surveillance systems with artificial intelligence to spot guns. One competitor, Omnilert, pivoted from emergency alert systems to firearms detection several years ago and also offers around-the-clock monitoring centers to quickly review AI-detected guns and pass alerts onto local officials.

But Omnilert does not yet have a patent for its technology. And it has not yet been designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as an anti-terrorism technology under a 2002 federal law providing liability protections for companies. It has applied for both.

Though Omnilert is in hundreds of schools, its products aren’t in 30 states, said Mark Franken, Omnilert’s vice president of marketing. But he said that shouldn’t disqualify his company from state grants.

Franken has contacted the Kansas governor’s office in hopes she will line-item veto the specific criteria, which he said “create a kind of anti-competitive environment.”

In Iowa, legislation requiring schools to install firearms detection software was amended to give companies providing the technology until July 1, 2025, to receive federal designation as an anti-terrorism technology. But Democratic state Rep. Ross Wilburn said that designation was originally intended as an incentive for companies to develop technology.

“It was not put in place to provide, promote any type of advantage to one particular company or another,” Wilburn said during House debate.

In Kansas, ZeroEyes’ chief strategy officer presented an overview of its technology in February to the House K-12 Education Budget Committee. It included a live demonstration of its AI gun detection and numerous actual surveillance photos spotting guns at schools, parking lots and transit stations. The presentation also noted authorities arrested about a dozen people last year directly as a result of ZeroEyes alerts.

Kansas state Rep. Adam Thomas, a Republican, initially proposed to specifically name ZeroEyes in the funding legislation. The final version removed the company’s name but kept the criteria that essentially limits it to ZeroEyes.

House K-12 Budget Committee Chair Kristey Williams, a Republican, vigorously defended that provision. She argued during a negotiating meeting with senators that because of student safety, the state couldn’t afford the delays of a standard bidding process. She also touted the company’s technology as unique.

“We do not feel that there was another alternative,” Williams said last month.

The $5 million appropriation won’t cover every school, but Thomas said the amount could later increase once people see how well ZeroEyes technology works.

“I’m hopeful that it does exactly what we saw it do and prevents gun violence in the schools,” Thomas told The Associated Press, “and we can eventually get it in every school.”

Lieb reported from Jefferson City, Missouri. Associated Press writer Hannah Fingerhut contributed from Des Moines, Iowa.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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