LazyDaze Fishing

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Lazy Daze is a fishing charter boat that operates out of the famous Beaulieu River in the New Forest National Park on the South West side of Southampton.


fishing trips

Lazy Daze takes parties of anglers fishing to some of the top spots in the Solent, Southampton Water and other well known angling grounds such as the Needles on the far West tip of the Isle of Wight.

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Half Day, full day, Fishing, Scenic and Photographic trips available. Please phone for details of other options and activity’s. Up to 8 people can be catered for at pro rata price.

Lazy Daze boat and fishing trips for the Solent, Needles and beyond.

Lazy daze is a 25ft motorboat moored at Bucklers Hard, Beaulieu. The boat is available for a 2hr river trip up to 12hr fishing adventure. There is free parking, pontoon access, a café & Pub on site. Lazy daze is owned and skippered by Jeff Semple, who has been fishing & boating in the Solent area for many years. The aim is give you an enjoyable and safe day at sea, whether you are fishing, bird watching or just enjoying the scenery.

We offer many Solent trips, including:

  • Full day, half day and evening fishing trips
  • Bird watching trips
  • Scenic & photographic trips

The Solent and surrounding area is alive with activities such as bird watching, powerboat racing and sailing. it has many picturesque harbours to visit. The Solent has something to offer everyone.


We cater for full day, half day and evening trips.



Tea, coffee, snacks and equipment hire is available on request.


Southampton based fishing boat charter.


Situated on the Beaulieu River Hampshire.

Meet the skipper

Nice catch skipper, what a beaut and a lovely fish too..

Lazy Daze is skippered and owned by Jeff Semple who has been fishing and boating in the Solent area for many years. Whether you a targeting large cod off the Needles in winter,or out for a few hours of fun with the family my aim is to give you an enjoyable, safe, and value for money day at sea.


Fishing in Hampshire

Sea fishing in Hampshire, whether it be in Portsmouth, Southampton or the Isle of Wright, has a lot to offer. Hampshire’s perhaps better known for its boat fishing than its shore fishing. You can be drifting in a boat by The Needles off the Isle of Wight – those gigantic white cliffs looming over you – while your lure is getting smashed by fish. But there is more to fishing in Hampshire than inaccessible boat marks like that.

On foot, you can reach marks with numbers of black bream, mullet, bass, tope and flounder. These fish grace the waters closer in to shore, where they thrive on worms and crabs in the brackish waters of the estuaries. You hardly need to walk five minutes from the centre of Southampton and Portsmouth and you’re looking at productive fishing ground… On this page you’ll find a few places you might like to check out, along with tackle recommendations and popular approaches for each area. is a participant in the Amazon Associates Progra m  and makes a commission from Amazon sales.

Fishing Tips for Portsmouth & Southampton

mackerel fishing

Mackerel Fishing

When the mackerel are in, there is often a party of fish activity. You’ve probably experienced having your hands covered in scales, pulling in strings of mackerel four at a time. A special hack for catching more of these fish is to use Japanese Sabiki feathers rather than the standard feathers you find in tackle shops. Sabiki feathers have smaller hooks which result in more hookups.

Amazing deal on mackerel fishing kit, gets you fishing here Essential mackerel feathers , for harbour fishing here 3oz torpedo weights, for long casting here Replace the line on the above reel to avoid snap offs, here View full mackerel fishing guide here

Bass Fishing


As for bass, you need to offer something more sophisticated to tempt them.  Momolures  sells cheaper versions of the highest-end bass lures available, so they are a good place to look if you’re getting started. The simplest option is to whack out a large dexter wedge. We have a guide on the  best bass lures .

Read FishMag’s  Bass guide here .

Boat Fishing out of Portsmouth

The boat fishing around Portsmouth has changed a lot in recent years, so we interviewed Dave, the skipper at Dointhedo charters to find out more. He was knowledgeable and helpful sharing with us all about the species he targets and how he helps his clients catch more fish.

“Within an hour of leaving our berth, we’re on the mid channel wrecks. It’s 3 miles out. We can go and target absolutely anything. If they want to go out after Plaice we’re go after Plaice. If they wanna go after Porbeagles and thresher we’ll do that. If they wanna go wrecking for ling and conger we’ll do that as well. And then we get the species hunters. They might want to go after trigger fish we’ll equally do that. It’s all right on our doorstep.”

The only thing that isn’t on our doorstep anymore is cod. The past 5-6 years the cod have become conspicuous by their absence.

 I mean we don’t even put any specific cod trips these days because they’re so few and far between. It’s just a waste of time.

However, there is still good sport fishing available in the area. Tope fishing has become particularly spectacular in recent years, with Dave noting that “you can go out with six people, if each of them don’t get at least 10 tope you’re doing something wrong.”


For those looking to target Plaice, Dave recommends drifting the banks with a 2-hook basic running ledger and a lead of no more than 2oz. However, when the boats anchored, he recommends using a paternoster rig with short snoods and a grip lead instead. This method, he explains, “proves to be very very successful. Certainly a lot more successful than a running ledger.”

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For those looking to target ling, Dave suggests waiting until the tide is very slack and drifting down the side of the wreck with big mackerel baits and large hooks.

“Now the ling, the ling that used to be quite prolific on a lot of the wrecks in the channel have really been hammered. Really been hammered. Now there’s no more than just a couple of wrecks that hold good ling. We don’t go out and hammer them every week day or weekend. We just limit it to one or two trips a year.”

“We wait until the tide is very, very slack. Until there’s just a tiny little bit of tide. Then all we essentially do is just drift down the side of the wreck with dirty great huge baits. We’ll be running down the side of any wreckage, not at a fast rate, so you wait until the tide has almost died off.”

“Then you’ll be using big mackerel baits. Size 8 or 10/0 hooks with a whole mackerel on them. That’s what we’ll use for the ling.”

As for conger fishing, the local skipper notes that “the conger haven’t been hammered like the ling. In the winter, in the cod season, when we used to go out for cod with big squid baits, now when you drop a bait down you’re going to get a conger.”

strap conger

Sea fishing spots near Portsmouth

Fishing in Portsmouth can be excellent if you target the species that are most likely to be present at the time of year you’re fishing. As a sweeping generalisation, the marks in and around Portsmouth lend themselves well to targeting flat fish and other bottom dwelling species, as well as mullet and bass in summer. My advice to lure anglers would be to explore the area widely and cover a lot of ground to seek out fish, rather than remaining in one spot. To bait anglers I’d recommend Lee on Solent or Stokes Bay and a decent cast. To families, South Parade Pier is a well-established mark that charges for entry and has great views of the beach, but may not provide better fishing than Portsmouth harbour.

Fishing Southsea Beaches

Southsea Beaches are best fished at night and can produce sole and other  flatfish species  along with a chance at  bass  and whiting in winter. Fishing for flatfish in the area is an activity perfectly compatible with sunbathing while drinking a bottle of Corona or your chosen beverage – but if you want the bass you might need to put some more thought into your approach. However, if you’re the type to research a place before you go, you’ve already got luck on your side.

lure fishing at night from a jetty

Fishing South Parade Pier

South Parade pier is the most ‘official’ place to fish in Portsmouth in that you have to pay to fish there. It isn’t necessarily a more productive fishing spot than anywhere else, but for those seeking good access and ease it may be a good bet. You can target flat fish and other bottom-dwelling species with ragworm on a size 8 hook on the bottom, or else go after mackerel with feathers in summer. You needn’t fish far out. Find out about booking fishing in Portsmouth here .

Fishing Portsmouth Harbour

Portsmouth harbour has multiple fishing spots that are worth exploring. It’s rewarding to fish with a float in this area for the bass, mullet and flatties. You can fish just off the bottom, keeping you in range of a number of species, while relaxing and not having to work too hard to avoid any boats etc. It’s a highly visual way to fish, and is more exciting for kids than  bottom fishing . I would advise keeping mobile. You have room to move about, so try different areas rather than sticking to one spot.

Fishing Central Portsmouth

If you’re in the centre of Portsmouth, you can walk down towards Eastern road and fish along the coast there for bass and mullet with lures or flies. If you’re a bass-head this may be spot worth checking out. Another option close to Portsmouth centre is the mark at Old Portsmouth, which is good for night fishing and light lure tactics in day time. It’s primarily a summertime fishing spot, with shallow water. This is urban fishing and would suit the tactics deployed by the French lure anglers that fish around Paris.

Fishing Portchester Castle

Portchester Castle has good parking and waters with decent eel populations, as well as mullet, flatties and sometimes bass. You could try fishing in the moat around the castle itself, but don’t blame me if the castle ghosts cause you trouble… Fishing against the backdrop of such a magnificent old structure will mean even if you don’t catch fish you won’t regret the trip.

Fishing Fort Cumberland

Fort Cumberland has a powerful tidal movement which churns up the seabed just the way the  Plaice  like it. In Spring, you won’t be alone in trying your luck with a rag worm on a small hook, or perhaps a spinner tipped with ragworm if you’re taking a lure-based approach. Decent flounder can be caught over winter, too. The spot can be exposed to wind compared to many other marks around Portsmouth.

Fishing Eastney Blocks

Eastney Blocks provides a shingle sea bed ideal for beach fishing. Many species are keen on shingle ground over a sandy bottom, such as the codling that frequent the area in winter and Plaice and Sole in summer. A super long cast is not required, meaning you won’t be needing a continental style surf casting rod to be on for a chance of fish.

Fishing Cams Bay

Cams bay in Portsmouth harbour is excellent for the fair weather angler or family that want to avoid the wind on a breezy day. Try fishing on the bottom with a ragworm as far out as you can, or else go for bass at night as they move into the shallower water.

Fishing Lee on Solent

Lee on Solent is a spot frequented by serious beach anglers keen on catching larger species from the catshark family as well as rays. Smoothhound cruise into the waters here as the water warms up and leave again as it cools. Worm baits as well as sandeel are popular.

Fishing Stokes Bay

Stokes Bay is known for its soul – I mean sole. The bass fishing is also decent. Species caught include bass, ray, bream, cat sharks like Smoothhound as well as pelagic species like mackerel. This spot is hugely popular for good reason.

Fishing Millennium Pier, Gosport

The Millennium Pier at Gosport is ideal for light game tactics and targeting a wide range of species on LRF gear. It’s also family-friendly with easy access.

Fishing Langstone Passage

Langstone passage, the beach by the entrance to Langston harbour has a mud and shingle seabed that makes it unappealing to bathers but very appealing to species like black bream, flatfish, and – at night – conger eels. Simple bottom fishing rigs are a good bet, although bouncing a soft plastic lure across the sea bed could also be productive for bass, though I can’t claim to have tried this method here myself.

Southampton has hundreds of places you can dangle a line and expect a good chance of fish. Bass come into the estuary to feed on smaller species sheltering from the open seas. Ragworm thrive in the mudflats and are gobbled down by the flounder that dot the seabed.  Smooth hounds  and  rays  loiter in the deeper water, and shoals of  codling  cruise through the estuary in the winter months.

An estuary like this provides a lot of food for bottom-feeding species, which is why most anglers will be using bottom fishing rigs. Apart from the rich life in the mudflats, there’s the constant stream of food that floats down the river – insects, worms, bits of dead badger – who knows what! Fish in their thousands are lying in grooves and channels around Southampton, waiting for these morsels (or your bait or lure) to float past them.

Sea fishing Southampton

To learn more about the sea fishing around Southampton, we contacted Jeff, the skipper of the Lazy Daze Charter & Wildlife Boat . He’s been fishing the Solent for decades…

“Bream are probably the bread and butter fish of a lot of charter boats now. In July, August and September, the bream in the solent are pretty much spread out. They are all over the place.”.

When fishing for bream, Jeff and a sea fishing club he takes out from Hamble tend to use a three-hook paternoster rig with beads glued onto the line, with minimal color. These guys have got catching bream down to a science. For rods, they use telescopic, whippy rods with big fixed spool reels for a quick retrieval speed up off the bottom. Jeff mentions that competition fishing is different from average angling and involves baiting up several traces in advance to save time. Sounds like formula one racing!

Aside from bream, another key species for anglers in the Solent is the smooth hound and the channel whiting. Smooth hound are catsharks and are taken with bottom fished baits. Jeff says that the best bait for smooth hound is crab, either peeler, soft-backed, or ordinary hard shore crabs, and they will also take squid and rag worm. “They tend to take the squid early in the year and then as the year progresses the crab becomes the best bait”, he told us.

According to Jeff, 56 different bird species have been seen in one trip on his boat, including gosh hawks, peregrine falcons, and white-tailed eagles. But one species he hasn’t seen much of in the years leading up to 2023 is the cod. Cod fishing was also popular near Southampton up until 5-6 years ago, with Jeff having caught cod weighing over 30lb and regularly catching cod weighing 12-15lb. It’s not just Jeff that’s saying cod numbers are looking rough, other anglers are wondering where they’ve gone too. 

Sea fishing spots near Southampton

Fishing southampton town quay.

This is easy parking and easy fishing. Park up and cast out. The area often produces dogfish, cod, sole, eels, flatties, gurnard and other bottom-dwelling species. You can fish down the side of the wall itself as well as further out, which is often the case at marks such as this, despite most anglers focusing on casting as far away from the wall structure as they can… It’s not all bottom-fishing action, there are also bass and mullet about for those with the patience to catch them. For bass, stick to night fishing close in to the wall.  ‎

lure fishing rod and reel on the rocks

Fishing Weston Shore

Like most estuaries, Southampton’s most regular catches are flatties, bass, mullet, eels, gurnard and members of the cod family, like pollock and pouting. Explore any of the creeks around Southampton with rod and line and you can expect encounters with these fish. While the bass and mullet are of course mainly summertime catches, in Winter species like Flounder help the angler pull through! Fish on big spring tides at Weston Shore if possible, both around low and high tide. In winter, stick with flounder fishing. In summer, try a bigger hook and more generous lugworm bait for the bass. Bouncing a Fiiish Minnow along the bottom or letting it drift with the current makes for good sport with modern lure tackle.

Chilling Spit

It takes a walk to get to the mark, but with mostly snag-free ground and good flatty fishing it’s worth fishing. A ragworm or peeler crab on the bottom is your best bet. The mark produces beautiful Smooth Hound, bream and rays along with some other more reliable and familiar faces… You’re likely to have a lot of room to yourself at this spot to just enjoy the sea air, so it is a great place for ‘chilling’ indeed.

Magazine Lane

Magazine lane is a promising looking spot for light game tactics and LRF. The ground is very rough, meaning that weedless soft plastics would be the way to go. Many anglers using more traditional bait fishing gear find they lose a lot of tackle in snags, which obviously isn’t ideal. With a long enough cast you can get over the rough ground, but since fish like structure you’re better off getting amongst it and just having the right gear for the job. Use weedless soft plastics or perhaps a float fishing rig if you prefer using bait. This mark is quite sheltered from the wind.

Fishing in Hythe & Hythe Marina

Fishing in Hythe can be very good, with muddy ground that a lot of fish species love. Rays, smoothhound, eels and bass all lurk in these sail-boat filled waters. Rays prefer the deeper water which requires a long cast here. Other species will smash a ragworm with a small hook. It’s much safer to fish when the tide is going out here and caution is advised as it could become deadly if you get stuck in the mud, which can happen to anyone!

Hythe marina is a safer fishing option and a good shout in the summer months if you can tolerate the number of people.

Hythe reclaimed land

This post-industrial land is a brown-field angling mark different from most other marks you might encounter. Most of the UK is after all going from a natural to an unnatural state, but here the opposite has been happening. Cast out and fish on the bottom with rag and enjoy some excellent fishing, or else give it a go with lure gear and bounce a Fiiish Minnow along the bottom for the bass. This area turns up eels at night.

Fishing Hamble Common

Hamble Common is another pretty much snag-free location, although there can be weed to deal with in summer. Fish here at night if possible on the bottom, with peeler or a worm bait. With lure gear, getting enough distance in your cast may be challenging, except when fishing at night when any schooly bass might move closer in.

ray fishing

Fishing Warsash

Warsash offers good fishing around the Ferry pontoon, but exploring the area more widely is a good idea. Bass and flounder are the main target species, so ragworm or modern lures like the Fiiish Minnow are the way to go. The area is beautiful so you can’t complain too much if the fish don’t bite. If you fancy having a go for some mullet, the usual bread baits are the way to go – but expect a challenge! Just get out there with a rod and explore the area. Avoid using hooks that are too large for the flatties and you’re in for a good chance around Warsash.


The Isle of Wight is a prime location for the angler because the sea will never be more than 10 miles from you. The island is only 22.5 miles across at the widest part. The sea is often rough on the west coast, which churns up the bottom for the bass. The more accessible marks for families are those that have piers, such as Ryde pier. This is because beach fishing is only really productive with high-end beach casting gear, which allows you to get the distance. Further beach fishing in the Isle of Wight is often best at night, which isn’t ideal for family fishing, so spinning from one of the piers or rivers in Wight is your best bet if you don’t have a surf rod with you.

Fishing Freshwater Bay

It’s a little bay that borders the cliffs at The Needles and is popular with swimmers. Like many beach marks, particularly in winter, the fishing is superior at night. Bass tend to move closer in at night, and bigger  bass  are more likely to be actively hunting. This means casting distances don’t need to be so long at night as they do in day time. You can also expect encounters with the staple species of Great Britain – the  dogfish  – and with various members of the extensive Cod family. You can also catch  Conger  from Freshwater Bay at night. For more family-friendly fishing, your best bet is fishing from the esplanade. Try fishing on the bottom as far out as you can, or down the wall itself at high tide with a ragworm and see what’s around…

Now, I’d love to fish from the rocks around the Needles itself but safety and access is, as far as I’m aware virtually impossible. Certainly, with the strength of the current in the area combined with often rough seas, even if you could get down the cliffs somehow you’d likely be in trouble. I’ve no doubt there is some prized fishing to be had there, if only it was accessible to the angler.

Fishing Compton Bay

Compton bay is an area that has traditionally been fished from low tide onwards for bass and flatfish. As a general rule, high tide is better fishing in most locations, but Compton Bay breaks the trend somewhat. It’s a sandy beach and you’ll need a huge casting distance to be able to get the distance into the deeper water. In a surf you need to be able to cast beyond the waves. The beach is best fished after dark, particularly for  conger  with oily baits like mackerel or a section of garfish. The beach is large enough that it’s not too busy to fish even in peak summer months. Bass fishing in Compton bay is best when there’s a surf, as bass like feeding when the bottom has been churned up. Try fishing with ragworm or lugworm on the bottom just past the waves. You’ll need at least a 4oz weight, preferably a gripper lead, to hold the bottom considering the current and waves.

Fishing from Sudmore, Chilton and Brighstone is more of the same. Bottom rigs fished far out, preferably at night work best. Fishing around low water and high water is your best bet from these marks. Sometimes the lower water gives you access to different ground which may be where the fish are feeding. Heavier gear is recommended if you’re interested in catching the tope, conger, skate that are occasional catches in the area. Large baits and big hooks are of course the order of the day if those species are your interest. For the family that’s happy to catch a dogfish or a flatfish, just fish a ragworm on the bottom as far out as you can and try to fish late in the evening if you can.

Fly fishing Isle of Wright

Fishing Atherfield Beach

Atherfield Beach provides a slightly different kind of fishing from the aforementioned marks. It’s a shingle beach with submerged rocks that run for a great distance out to sea – much further than you could cast. This can result in larger fish being tempted much closer into shore, including huge skate, monkfish, turbot and cat shark species. This is where I would recommend fishing if you can, and it’s better when fishing with lighter gear as you don’t need to cast so far as you might on other South West Wight fishing marks. Bass will come in close at night. There is a cliff path you can follow to reach the Atherfield fishing marks.

Fishing Chale Bay, Blackgang Beach & Rocken End (if you dare)

Chale Bay and Blackgang Beach are also tempting marks. The first of these produces pelagic species like mackerel which will get pushed in on a big tide from their roaming. Strange fish have been caught here in the past…

Rocken End is a challenging mark to reach but can pay dividends for experienced anglers that take precautions.

Fishing in Reeth Bay is where I would recommend if you’re fishing with modern lure gear, for instance, spinning for bass or wrasse. Although only accessible via a tiny little road with a holiday retreat at the end of it, this area offers the rock fishing that the rest of the South West coastline lacks in the Isle of Wight.

Fishing the west coast of Isle of Wight you should consider exploring the coast around Ventnor, Shanklin, Sandown & Bembridge. All these places have potential for the angler. As a general recommendation, bottom fishing with ragworm and a weight that can hold the current is a good start.

Fishing in Ryde

Fishing in the Ryde area you have access to huge sandy beaches with shallow water that gently shelves. Towards Seaview, the water gets deeper much faster. This part of Wight is more likely to produce mackerel than the West coast. Ryde pier is your best bet for families or harbour wall fishing with regular fishing kit. Most of the fishing marks in the Isles of Wight require heavy beach casters, so this mark gives those without that gear a chance to get stuck into some fish too. The pier produces mackerel, flatfish of various species, pollack, scad, whiting, bream and numerous other species. There are often mullet cruising just beneath the surface, but tempting them will be challenging without specialist gear and bucket loads of bread and patience. Historically locals would use anchovy paste for the mullet, combined with the usual bread. Fish a few feet off the bottom – you may see mullet on the surface but they typically go down to the bottom to feed. That’s why it’s oft said that if you can see them you won’t catch them! Ryde fishing shop is a good place to pick up any gear you need, or else you can order online.

Make sure you keep out of the way of boats when fishing from Ryde pier.

Shore Fishing Spots Isle of Wright

Fishing in Cowes, Newton, Yarmouth

From the East Cowes esplanade, you can catch flatties, bass and mullet. The river mouth is also worth a try.

Newton is one of the best places for lure fishing on the Isle of Wight. Try lure fishing from the river mouth for bass.

Yarmouth pier is another place you can expect to have a chance at mackerel in summer, as well as the usual pollack and bass you might snag at night. You can also fish from Totland pier, or at least could in the past. Bass and plaice were caught in decent numbers with some larger species like conger occasionally making an appearance at night.

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Private charter fishing & boat trips.


Welcome to our website​

G o o g l e page & reviews  

Tripadvisor page & reviews

A family fishing business in Keyhaven since 1960!

Running exclusive private charter fishing & boat trips for smaller groups of people

Specialising in 5 & 6 hour private charter inshore fishing trips for up to 6 people, ideal for friends & family groups etc.

We also run two shorter and very popular private charters, the 3 hour mackerel/sightseeing trip

and the 2 hour sightseeing only boat trip around the famous Needles rocks & lighthouse area.

All our trips are for private charter bookings only, we don't run any trips that you can book individual spaces anymore.

We operate out of the picturesque harbour of Keyhaven in Hampshire on the southern tip of the New Forest National Park, our boat "OSPREY II" is a 33ft Lochin skippered by Greg Pitt.

Osprey II is licensed and insured to carry up to 8 passengers and is fitted with full life saving equipment as required by the MCA code of practice, however on all our longer 5 & 6 hour fishing charters we limit the maximum number of people allowed on each trip as this makes for a much more enjoyable day for everyone (including skipper) with less tangles and more room to move around on the boat. 

We specialise in mixed species inshore fishing trips around the Needles area at the western end of the Isle of Wight for smaller groups of anglers, families, friends & workmates etc of up to 5 or 6 people maximum on our longer 5 & 6 hour charter fishing trips and up to 8 people maximum on our shorter 3 hour mackerel/sightseeing charters. 

Our 2 hour sightseeing charters viewing the famous Needles rocks & lighthouse, Alum bay coloured sand cliffs and the surrounding area can be booked for groups of up to 8 people on any day that we're not already booked on fishing charters. The 2 hour Needles sightseeing charters can also be booked for ashes scattering too.

Our 5 & 6 hour fishing charters are all about the experience of having an enjoyable day out on the water taking in the relaxing scenery while fishing at anchor for a mixture of species. We encourage catch & release fishing on our trips but of course you are very welcome to keep a fish or two of the more edible species for dinner if you want to.

***Sorry but we do not do specialist Bass fishing or wreck fishing trips.***


Our private charter trips

These are the trips we offer, please have a browse around our website to view full details of the fishing or boat trip to suit you.

Available dates are listed on each of the charter trip pages.

6 hour Fishing charter

Longer version of the 5 hour fishing trip giving an extra hour of fishing time, popular with groups that have fished before. All rods tackle and bait supplied.

Available from April to December but not during the mackerel/sightseeing season from 20th July to 2nd September.

5 hour Fishing charter

Very popular with family groups wanting to try fishing without spending all day on the water. All rods tackle and bait supplied.

3 hour Mackerel Sightseeing charter

A great trip for all the family taking in the sights around the famous Needles rocks & lighthouse and the surrounding area then while you're out there you get the added bonus of having a go at catching a mackerel or two to take home for your dinner.

Trips run on July 4th & 11th then every day from 20th July to 2nd September. Please see the 3 hour trip page for details and availability.

2 hour Needles Sightseeing charter

A relaxed 2 hour boat ride which is becoming more popular every year giving you close up views of the famous Needles rocks & lighthouse and surrounding area including the Alum bay coloured sand cliffs and much more. Perfect for all the family.

Available from April to October on any day that we're not already booked on fishing trips.



Sunrise fishing charters.


Skipper Paul Joy was helping my father Ray with the running of Sunrise over the last few years, sadly my father passed away over Christmas but Paul is going to continue to run fishing trips on Sunrise for 2 or 3 days a week this year, mainly around the weekends.

While I concentrate on shorter charters with Osprey II, Paul can offer 6 to 8 hour fishing charters (depending on the tides) so if you're looking for a longer trip than the ones I offer please contact Paul for more details. 

As a guide here are some dates that Sunrise is available at the time of writing but please talk to Paul for up to date availability. Please note these dates are for private charter bookings only, not individual spaces.

June 3rd, July 21st, August 18th 24th & 25th, September 7th 8th 14th 21st & 22nd, November 2nd 16th 17th & 30th, December 14th 15th 27th 28th 29th & 30th.

For more details, availability and booking enquiries for Sunrise please contact Paul on 07535 065185 or email [email protected]  


Osprey II & Sunrise

Osprey II off Needles

THE BEST Southampton Fishing Charters & Tours

Fishing charters & tours in southampton.

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  • Fishing Charters & Tours
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  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

sea fishing trips southampton

1. Sailing Grace


sea fishing trips southampton


Sea Fishing in Hampshire: Uncover Hidden Coastal Delights!

Hampshire’s stunning coastline and abundant marine life make it a popular spot for sea fishing aficionados. With lots of diverse species, the opportunities for memorable catches are endless. As an angler, discovering new spots can take your experience to the next level.

The Hampshire coast offers great fishing sites. Popular spots like Hurst Spit and Calshot Beach Sands, plus lesser-known gems like Hill Head Harbour and Lee-on-the-Solent, all have something unique for anglers.

Head over to Nash Bank for an exciting challenge – conger eels lurk in the deep. Or, for a more relaxed atmosphere, Warsash Creek is full of flounders and bass.

To increase your chances of catching fish, use multi-hook rigs. Or, visit a local tackle shop for tips on what’s biting and how best to catch them.

With so many amazing sea fishing spots in Hampshire, anglers are sure to have a great time. Remember to get permission before fishing at private locations, and always dispose of litter responsibly . Keep our coastlines clean and healthy for future generations of anglers to enjoy!

Best Sea Fishing Spots

To uncover the best sea fishing spots in Hampshire with this guide on coastal delights for anglers. If you’re looking for prime locations for your next fishing excursion, then check out the fishing spots in Portsmouth, Southampton, Lymington, Hayling Island, and Isle of Wight.

Fishing Spots in Portsmouth

Portsmouth’s a great spot for sea fishing . It’s got three prime locations – Southsea Castle Beach, Langstone Harbour and Fort Cumberland Beach. Bass and bream at Southsea, sole and mullet at Langstone, and mackerel and cod at Cumberland. Plus, Isle of Wight The Needles Park Pier has both salt and freshwater fishing !

I once met an angler who fished at Langstone and caught a 3-pounder . After snapping a photo, he released it back into the water.

If you want a good catch in Southampton, follow the seagulls – they always know where the best ones are!

Fishing Spots in Southampton

Southampton is a fishing hotspot! Whether you’re an expert or a beginner, you’ll find something special. Here’s four spots to visit:

  • The Hamble River – Fresh and saltwater mix with lots of fish.
  • Calshot beach – Many different fish species live here.
  • Hamble Point Marina – Pontoons and deep waters with sea bream.
  • Ocean Village Marina – Different trips and fishing styles.

Night fishing takes it to a whole new level! Just make sure your gear is in good condition before you go.

I met an experienced angler at Ocean Village Marina . He taught me tricks of the trade like tide patterns and live bait . So, if you’re in Lymington, remember – the hungover fisherman gets the biggest catch !

Fishing Spots in Lymington

Lymington, a stunning port town on England’s south coast, is a superb spot for sea fishing fiends! Five brilliant locations you can explore are:

  • The River mouth – where the river meets the Solent.
  • Royal Lymington Yacht Club – Boat fishing heaven.
  • Buckler’s Hard – Bass and flatfish paradise.
  • Pennington Marshes – Perch and tench in summer.
  • Hurst Point Lighthouse – Cod and whiting in winter.

Plus, local fishing boats offer fantastic sea trips for better catches.

Did you know? Sea fishing’s growing in fame. The Guardian reports it as one of Britain’s most loved outdoor activities, with over 800 thousand people taking part each year.

Fishermen on Hayling Island don’t need to worry about crowds – only the schools of fish!

Fishing Spots in Hayling Island

Hayling Island – Paradise for Anglers!

Hayling Island has many perfect spots for anglers. These fishing spots give a great opportunity to catch different types of fish. Here are some:

  • Near the Inn on The Beach Hotel – rocky outcrops
  • Near Ferry Point – eastern part of the Hayling Billy Trail
  • Sinah Warren and Sandy Point – west side of the island
  • At Sandy Point – Chichester Harbour entrance

Besides these popular areas, anglers can explore other secluded places too! At the south-west region, there’s Sheltered Meadow beach. Its stretch is ideal during slack tides.

If anglers are looking for a challenge, Nutbourne Bay is ideal. But, novice anglers must avoid it.

To enjoy better catches, anglers may use live bait – like sandworms or squid jigging lures . Cast towards deeper water for larger fish!

Fishing Spots in Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight is a fishing paradise! Here are some top spots for anglers:

  • The Needles is the Isle of Wight’s most popular spot. Atlantic currents create a great environment for lots of fish.
  • The southern tip of West Wight offers big depths, perfect for larger fish. Plus, the aggressive tides drive prey to feed here.
  • Bembridge harbour is great for mullet, bass and mackerel – especially in the evenings.
  • St. Catherine’s Point in the southeast has deep-sea spots – look out for the ravenous black sea breams.
  • Ryde Sands is closer to the shore and is great for fly fishing with salmon seduction flies during the summer.

Why not book a boat charter with local operators like Brading Haven Yacht Club? Skippers will show you hidden spots even locals don’t know about.

To make sure your expedition is a success, here are some tips:

  • Check the tide times – full or low tide? This affects how long you have before neap tide takes over.
  • Arrive early in the morning to get ahead of the crowds.
  • Alan’s Marine Services in Sandown above Shanklin Bay has all the gear you need, from rods and reels to hooks and lines.

Get ready for a truly spectacular fishing experience!

Coastal Delights for Anglers

To discover the best sea fishing spots in Hampshire, read on to explore coastal delights that will surely excite every angler. As you plan your fishing trip, keep in mind the seaside attractions in Hampshire that offer a great experience beyond angling. Discover the seafood restaurants near the fishing spots where you can relish tempting dishes prepared with your fresh catch. For a comfortable stay for anglers, we have a few accommodation options to consider. Lastly, explore fishing equipment shops in Hampshire before you set off on your trip.

Seaside Attractions in Hampshire

Hampshire’s Coastal Treasures for Anglers!

Famous for its fishing, the coastal region of Hampshire has a lot to offer. Here are some of the Seaside Delights:

  • Southampton Sea City Museum – Interactive exhibits and displays on maritime history
  • Ocean Village Marina – A great place to watch boats or charter one for fishing
  • Lepe Beach – Perfect for sea angling and kiteboarding
  • Lymington Sea Water Baths – Britain’s oldest lido plus paddleboarding and kayaking
  • Solent Forts Adventure Resort – Sea angling trips with stunning views of the coast

You can also trace the trail of Jane Austen, Keats, and Dickens . Explore the coastal landscapes that inspired these writers. Feel the thrill of roaming these waters! Don’t miss out and book now! Plus, find seafood restaurants near the best angling spots.

Seafood restaurants near Fishing Spots

If you’re an avid fisher, you know that the fun doesn’t stop after catching fish – it’s just as important to savor your catch. Near popular fishing spots, you’ll find plenty of seafood restaurants to enjoy. Here are a few of them:

  • San Diego’s Castaways Coastal Cuisine near Shelter Island and Point Loma has fresh fish from Baja California.
  • Homer, Alaska’s Smokey Bay Seafood Company sits right on the Homer Spit – with crab, halibut, salmon, and more.
  • Tybee Island, Georgia’s Crab Shack near Savannah River and Back River is the place to go for steamed crab and shrimp buckets with a Southern flair!

For something truly special, try local family-owned spots like dockside fish markets or food trucks. They often have the freshest and tastiest seafood around.

Don’t miss out on the chance to relish in delicious seafood while admiring picturesque coastal views after a long day of fishing! Reserve your spot now.

Why bother with a hotel when you can sleep under the stars with the delicious scent of fish in the air?

Accommodation for Anglers

Want a comfy stay while fishing? There’s lots of lodging options. Cozy cabins or private cottages are near popular spots. Amenities may include boat rentals or docks . For a fancy experience, resorts have charters or guides . Hotels near marinas and piers offer modern luxuries. Camping sites for RVs, tents or cabins make for an outdoor adventure! Pro Tip: Research and book early for peak fishing times. Get the best fishing gear to up your game!

Fishing Equipment Shops in Hampshire

Fisher folks in Hampshire have plenty of choices for their tackle needs. There are shops offering quality gear at affordable prices. Expert advice is available to find the right products for specific needs. Plus, they offer outdoor clothing, footwear, and camping goods. Shopping online is also available, with various delivery options. Fishing permits can be bought from these stores, allowing you to legally fish in selected spots.

For a unique experience, some independent stores offer custom-made items. For a tranquil day of angling, check out the River Test’s influence or explore Meon Valley’s secluded streams. The Angling Trust website can offer more info on fishing spots in Hampshire. If you’re looking to level up your skills, local guides or fly-fishing lessons can help. Get dependable equipment and research, and you’re sure to get a great catch! Why not try sea fishing in Hampshire and forget all your worries?

Tips and Tricks for Sea Fishing in Hampshire

To uncover the best sea fishing spots in Hampshire, you must know the tips and tricks for sea fishing. You can start with the ideal season for sea fishing in Hampshire, followed by the popular fish species in Hampshire waters. Also, understand the fishing regulations and licenses in Hampshire and the necessary safety measures for anglers.

Ideal Season for Sea Fishing in Hampshire

Sea Fishing in Hampshire – When Is the Right Time to Cast Your Line?

Timing is key for anglers hoping to catch fish in Hampshire’s waters. Different species can be caught year-round, but it helps to know the peak season for each type.

The best fishing season in Hampshire usually runs from April to October. During this period, Southern England’s coastal waters are warm and teeming with a variety of popular species.

Summer months bring hordes of mackerel, who jump out of the water to chase their prey. Bass move closer to shore in August, making them easy targets for beach-fishing fans.

Lesser-known autumnal species like pollack and codling also feed more voraciously at this time. Bull huss and smoothhounds show up in September and October.

In winter, anglers can attempt to catch conger eels over 50lb (23kg) off rocks or boats around the Solent area.

Remember that local tide times and weather forecasts can make all the difference on a successful fishing trip. Be aware of choppy seas in bad weather!

Picture it: you’re fishing near Hayling Island at sunrise when a huge pull tugs your rod. After minutes of reeling against what seems like a monster-sized fish, you land one of the biggest codling ever seen!

But be careful – some fish in Hampshire waters may actually have a taste for tourists!

Popular Fish species in Hampshire waters

Comprehensive Guide to Hampshire’s Finned Residents!

Hampshire’s waters are full of diverse fish species for anglers to enjoy. Here are some favorites:

  • Cod – an all-season haddock with meaty, firm flesh.
  • Bream – round-bodied, high-backed, feed on small baitfish.
  • Tench – elusive and cautious, perfect for a game.
  • Perch – roosters of the river banks, sharp eyesight, finicky palates.

Hampshire has plenty of conventional species, plus unique marine residents. From July, garfish head towards Hayling Island Pier. Catch them on a float rig with half sandeels as bait.

Over 30 different species inhabit Isle of Wight waters! Each year, 16 thousand quality-sized bream are caught by pleasure anglers there.

If getting a fishing license was as easy as catching fish, we’d be eating like kings tonight!

Fishing Regulations and Licenses

Fishing in Hampshire requires an understanding of the rules and regulations. Anglers must have a valid Environment Agency rod licence. Local organizations may have extra rules, so research is needed. One unique rule is that anglers must register with the local angling club or association for certain fisheries. This helps to manage resources and give access to exclusive waters.

To avoid missing out on fishing, it’s vital to stay up-to-date with regulations and get licensure. This supports both personal enjoyment and conservation efforts.

Safety measures are important too. This ensures a worry-free experience and that the only thing caught is fish, not a concussion!

Safety Measures for Anglers

Angling on the Hampshire Coastline can be dangerous. Take precautions for safety.

  • Always wear a life jacket or buoyancy aid .
  • Tell someone your plans and expected return time before leaving .
  • Fish in groups, not alone.
  • Check rocks are stable and have no slippery parts.
  • Watch tide times.
  • Stay vigilant and adhere to safety measures.

Sources say fatalities include getting caught by waves . Don’t forget a net, rod, and your humour when fishing in Hampshire!

Conclusion: Happy Fishing Experience in Hampshire

Explore the Perfect Fishing in Hampshire!

Hampshire is a great holiday spot. It has a captivating coastline and an abundance of fish to catch. Passionate anglers can enjoy an unparalleled fishing experience here.

You should know some special facts about fishing in Hampshire. There are many species of fish, such as Bass, Bream, Tope, Cod, Conger Eel . The seascape also includes the Isle of Wight and beautiful scenery plus great facilities.

My colleague visited Beaulieu River and had a great time fishing for Sea Trout during high tide in the morning. The day grew warmer as they chased after the prey until it was reeled in – truly unforgettable!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best sea fishing spots in Hampshire?

A: Hampshire offers a wealth of fishing opportunities along its stunning coastline. Some of the best spots include Hayling Island, Southsea, Calshot Spit, Hurst Point, and Lymington.

2. What types of fish can I catch in Hampshire?

A: You can expect to catch a range of species in Hampshire’s waters, including cod, bass, mackerel, whiting, plaice, and more.

3. Do I need a fishing permit to fish in Hampshire’s waters?

A: Yes, you will need a valid fishing permit to fish in Hampshire’s waters. These can be obtained online or from local tackle shops.

4. What gear do I need for sea fishing in Hampshire?

A: You will need a range of gear, including a sturdy rod and reel, a tackle box, bait, a landing net, and appropriate clothing.

5. Are there any restrictions on sea fishing in Hampshire?

A: Yes, there may be restrictions on certain areas of the coastline or on certain types of fish during certain times of the year. It is important to research these restrictions before heading out to fish.

6. Can I hire a fishing guide or charter in Hampshire?

A: Yes, there are many experienced guides and charters available in Hampshire to help you find the best fishing spots and land some impressive catches.

Join Skipper Jim Moore - Waywood Lass Charters

Telephone: 07710 729486 email: [email protected].

  • Charter Angling Boat - Deep Sea
  • Danish Charter : Waywood Lass
  • Licensed For Up To 12 People
  • Deep Sea Fishing Trips From Southampton

We cater for your individual requirements

  • Day Cruises : The Needles & Western Solent
  • Mid Channel Wreaking Trips
  • Cod and Mackerel Fishing
  • Corporate Days
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Survey Work
  • Workboat Duties

THE BEST Southampton Fishing Charters & Tours

Fishing charters & tours in southampton.

  • Speed Boats Tours
  • Kayaking & Canoeing
  • Fishing Charters & Tours
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

sea fishing trips southampton

1. Sailing Grace


Starfish Charter Fishing


Come Fish with Us On One of Our Fully Equipped, Skippered Charter Vessels sailing from Littlehampton, West Sussex.

Experienced or Beginner - Come and Fish

Whether part of an experienced team or trying your hand at fishing for the first time, we offer a relaxed and enjoyable day out. Our vessels are fully equipped and, most importantly, skippered by experienced fishermen who have worked boats for decades and acquired a wealth of local knowledge.

How We Can Help


We are happy to help with your fishing trip planning.  We can book local hotels, advise on travel connections, even provide a complete weekend package if required.   Our boats are moored beside plentiful free car parking on a secure site, which also includes a cafe and toilet facilities.

Dawn to Dusk trips

Simply love fishing?  Try a dawn till dusk trip, complete with onboard catering.  It may not be gourmet but the fishing will keep you entertained, as will the skipper with his wealth of local knowledge.

dawn on deck.jpg

Corporate Days Out

Provide an unforgettable day for your home team or customers, starting with hospitality as soon as they arrive.  We will listen to your requirements and our skipper will work with you to ensure it is a great experience for all.

Inter-boat Competitions

Spread out between two boats and create your own competition!  We get involved in local competition events and happily take individuals participating in regional competitions.  Whatever the occasion, win a Starfish cup by being the luckiest fisherman on board.


Littlehampton Marina Ferry Road Littlehampton West Sussex BN17 5DS

[email protected]

01243 830456 or 07944 214826

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On a fine day, there’s nothing better than taking to the waters in and around the New Forest. Whether you fancy an educational cruise, a relaxing paddle or exploring the wider area, there are several options available to you. Take a whole day tour, a short cruise, a fishing trip or even a ferry crossing with a difference! Read on to discover more…

Cruise some of the New Forest’s rivers and harbours

Cruise along Southampton Water and The Solent on  Steamship Sheildhall , a heritage cargo/passenger steamship, who was built on classic lines in 1955 and retains her original machinery and traditional wheelhouse.- and it's an access all areas on board Shieldhall!

The Beaulieu River is unique in that it’s one of the only privately owned rivers in the UK, owned by the Montagu family who own the Beaulieu estate. You can have the opportunity to sail along it if you make a visit to the pretty maritime village of  Buckler’s Hard . River cruises operate from the jetty at the bottom of Buckler’s Hard’s High Street from Easter until the end of October and are discounted if booked in advance in conjunction with Buckler’s Hard admission. The cruises run regularly throughout the day and a later cruise is also added on during August. Along the way look out for interesting wildlife and learn about some of the history of the river from the on-board commentary. A fascinating insight into the history and importance of this river to both man and wildlife.

Based in the pretty seaside town of   Lymington , Puffin Cruises have been offering sigh seeing boat trips for over 20 years. From 30 minute river tours and bird watching trips to private charters, Puffin Cruises has something for everyone. They also host educations trips for schools, small parties and intimate events including ashes scatterings. The staff at Puffin Cruises are fully qualified skippers with many years experience and a wealth of knowledge. 

Ferry journeys with a difference!

Now you may not instantly think of ferry journeys being very exciting, however there are several ferry trips you can do in and out of the New Forest that offer a great way to see our coastline. The  Hythe Ferry , for example crosses Southampton waters and takes passengers from Hythe to Southampton (and vice versa). Not only can you often see some of the majestic cruise liners that dock in the Southampton waters, you will also get to take a trip on the original 1920s pier train at Hythe. The ferry also connects up with the New Forest Tour Bus allowing you to have an easy car free day out.

The  Hurst Castle Ferry  operates from April to October and takes passengers from Keyhaven to Hurst Castle. A popular thing to do is to walk one way of the journey along the Spit and return the other way by booking a single ferry ticket. Passing the salt marshes, you will likely spot some of the area’s magnificent wildlife including wetland-favouring birds and marshland flora. Friendly dogs on leads are also welcome aboard the ferry.

Lymington is one of the key ports for people wishing to go to the Isle of Wight with Wightlink ferries offering regular ferry crossings to Yarmouth. With a short 30 minute journey, this is a great way for families to make a day trip to the island to see attractions such as Blackgang Chine and Osborne House. The ferry takes not only foot passengers but those with cars as well. Advanced booking is strongly recommended particularly during the school holidays and Bank Holiday weekends.

Alternative tours on the water

If you are looking to do a spot of  sea fishing  then there are several boat companies that offer charters or scheduled sea fishing trips from Lymington, Keyhaven and Buckler’s Hard. Whether you are an experienced angler or simply fancy a day out on the water with a taster session, there are various options available to you.

Ok so not technically a boat trip but if you want to take to our waters then why not paddle to a pub with  New Forest Activities   based in Beaulieu? Take a canoe along the Beaulieu River for an ideal way to explore this beautiful waterway. Alternatively, canoes and kayaks can be hired for your own explorations and various tours are offered for groups, families and for stag and hen parties.

Whichever way you fancy to taking to the waters, you will be sure to have a great day out. Plus, why not make a break of it and stay at one of our nearby  places to stay  so you can relax after a busy day’s exploration of our waters?

Let us inspire you…

New forest tours, searching for something, follow visit the new forest on instagram.

sea fishing trips southampton

Silver Halo Charters specialise in quality fishing trips but also provide sightseeing and dolphin watching.

Our trips are for small groups, perfect for families and friends to take a private, complete boat charter.

Taking a ‘private, complete boat’ charter allows us to tailor make a day just for you, alternatively you can book as an individual and we can add you to a small group.

Please browse the sections below and explore the website to find out more.

Use the booking form to book your trip and the contact form for all enquiries.

Alternatively, call or text Matt on 07970 176604, many thanks.


SILVER HALO CHARTERS are proud to of been part of the CEFAS 2021 and 2023 CHART programmes which allowed us to fish and TAG mighty ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA!

Last year we caught 29 large tuna in just 9 trips, this is world class fishing right here in the UK!

The 2024 season starts in August and runs until December.

Please use the enquiry form to ask for more info or to get booked in!

A lovely Ballan Wrasse caught inshore

Quarter / Half Days

Available for ‘complete boat bookings’. Depending on the duration, choices can include local sightseeing and dolphin watching, mackerel and bass fishing on inshore wrecks and drifting the famous Skerries Banks for plaice.

sea fishing trips southampton

Full Day Trip

We specialise in slow pitch jigging and lure fishing and with 100’s of wrecks within our reach, the FULL DAY allows the best options. ‘Tailor made’ days can be designed to include fishing, sightseeing and wildlife!

sea fishing trips southampton

Family / Corporate

Mackerel or inshore wreck fishing, snorkelling, dolphin watching or a sight seeing cruise up the Dart or Exe estuaries, there are endless options! Hire the complete boat with skipper for quarter, half or full day.

sea fishing trips southampton

Evening Trips

Take a relaxing or romantic evening cruise around Torbay. See the various ports from the water and get a different perspective of Torquay’s wonderful illuminations.

sea fishing trips southampton

Gift Vouchers

The perfect gift is available all year! Choose an ‘individual space’ or a ‘complete boat charter’and we can include a private message and post it direct to the receiver.

sea fishing trips southampton


WORLD CLASS catch and release TUNA fishing for up to 3 anglers. In 2023 we averaged 3 tuna per trip! Trips cost £900.00 for the ‘complete boat charter’, just bring food and drink!


sea fishing trips southampton

Slow Pitch Jigging


Check this section for my extensive tips on SPJ.

SPJ is available on all HALF and FULL DAY, wreck fishing charters.

Book a specific SPJ charter or come as individuals on a standard wrecking trip.

Matt’s new fishing tackle business is JOKER Jigs and Lures . It compliments his SPJ charters perfectly, all the gear is fully tested and proven and you can even ‘try before you buy’, the all new PALMARIUS P+ Jigging rods.

A beautiful Ruby Snapper caught in 33m of water on a 350g Resbak jig


Book a trip, sponsors & links.

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sea fishing trips southampton

Charter Fishing and Sea Angling Trips From the Portsmouth Area

Kelley’s hero charters is a charter fishing company with two boats, located near portsmouth at haslar marina gosport, convenient for hayling island, chichester harbour. we offer a range of services including sea fishing trips , ashes scattering , harbour tours , safety & event boats , filming & photography and even team building & corporate days ..

Sea Fishing Trips

Sea Fishing Trips

We operate a selection of superb sea fishing trips in and around the English Channel – including, wrecking, offshore reef, bass fishing, half–day trips, evening trips, over 60s trips and much more.

Ashes Scattering

Ashes Scattering

We all come to that time in our life when we have to say goodbye to our loved ones, and we find that a celebration of life is the best way to look at this.

Harbour Tours, Sightseeing & Birdwatching

Harbour Tours, Sightseeing & Birdwatching

Charter a boat, Kelley’s Hero, if you are looking for a sightseeing cruise, a seal and bird watching cruise or a tour on one of our magnificent harbours.

Guard Boat, Work Boat, Surveys, Crew Transfer

Guard Boat, Work Boat, Surveys, Crew Transfer

Kelley’s Hero III and Kelley’s Hero IV are the perfect vessels for your guard boat requirements. The boats are stable platforms, with the ability and licences to stay on the water for weeks at a time.

Safety Boats, Event Boats

Safety Boats, Event Boats

The Solent has many sailing events happening throughout the year, including Round the Island Race, Cowes Week, and The Americas Cup. Kelley’s Hero III and Kelley’s Hero IV are ideal stable platforms for marshalling, or to be used as a committee boats.

Filming & Photography

Filming & Photography

Whether you are an amateur photographer or a TV Company, Kelley’s Hero III and Kelley’s Hero IV are the perfect stable platforms for your needs.

Skippering Services, Boat Deliveries & Training

Skippering Services, Boat Deliveries & Training

Haven’t got the time or confidence to deliver your boat to its new home? We can either deliver the boat for you or skipper it with you on board. As long as your destination is within the UK or EU.

Team Building & Corporate Days

Team Building & Corporate Days

Looking for something different to do to entertain your clients, or even trying to get your staff team building – is never an easy task. Why not let us organise your day/weekend or event?

Absolutely fantastic service, even as a regular customer and crew member it always seems to get better, no request is an issue. Great Team 👍

Kelley’s Hero Charters operates two 11m South Boats Catamarans: Kelley’s Hero III and Kelley’s Hero IV. These vessels were built on the Isle of Wight, and were designed and built for our local Solent Sea Conditions. Both vessels are around 5m wide, which means there is ample deck space for our anglers, and are licenced for 12 passengers; however, for your comfort we recommend no more than 8 anglers.

sea fishing trips southampton

Kelley’s Hero III

Kelley’s Hero III is an 11m South Catamaran with twin 330hp Iveco Turbo Charged Diesel engines. She has a top speed of 26 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots. The boat is fully coded to MCA CAT 2, and is licensed to carry 12 passengers.

sea fishing trips southampton

Kelley’s Hero IV

Kelley’s Hero IV is also an 11m South Catamaran with twin 450hp Iveco turbo-charged diesel engines. She has a top speed of 28 knots, and a cruising speed of 18–20 knots. The boat is also fully coded to MCA CAT 2, and is also licensed to carry 12 passengers.

Both boats are equipped with modern equipment such as:

  • Colour Fishfinders

There is also a kettle on board each boat for your endless supply of tea and coffee; all we ask is that you bring the biscuits. There is a toilet on board each boat which provides you with peace of mind throughout your day.

If you would like to know any more information about Kelley’s Hero Charters or if you would like any more information about the trips that we offer, then please feel free to contact us by calling our office 02392 524568 , our mobile 07795 538933 or click the button below to send us a message.

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Valkyrie 6 is a 11mtr South Cat powered by twin 330hp Iveco. There are 14 times suspension seats for individuals and an on deck toilet, cruising at 18knts, Skipper Zac Cairns

Valkyrie 7 launched in 2013, she's an 11mtr BWSEA CAT powered by twin 200hp Nanni Diesels, cruising at 18 knts & has all the latest touch screen electronics, Skipper Glen Cairns

Valkyrie 8 (Details to Follow), Skipper Glen Cairns

Our aim is to make your fishing & boating experience as enjoyable as possible.

Fishing East of Wight offers a good variation throughout the year. In the Summer months Blonde Rays, Black Bream, Bass, Plaice, Brill and Turbot along with Tope and Smoothound replace the brilliant Spring Pollock over Mid Channel Wrecks.

In winter we target the Big Cod along with Codling, Whiting and Rays, which are well supported at times with Conger over the rough ground marks.

Bookings & Payments

Single Charter Places or Full Boat Booking? Why not check the Calendar and book your next trip, pay now to secure your date (secure payment via Pay Pal)

Skippers Rigs & Tips

We want you to get the best out of your days Charter fishing, to help we have provided a number of 'Skippers Tips' and 'Rig Basics' [ Example / Bream ]

Weather & Coastal Info

Catch up with the latest local weather and wind for the area , XC Weather, Coastguard, Met Office links and more on our Local Information Page ..

Don't be late on the Day, getting to Premier Gosport Maria could be easier, but to help we've provided Google Maps links in our Directions Pages

Valkyrie Galleries

Our Galleries - if you have a Valkyrie Image you'd like to share, upload it here and we'll add the best ones on the website.

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Fishing 2 day trips to Fe'Camp, France and up to 5 day fishing trips to Alderney, Channel Islands offers some fantastic fishing for those looking for something special . [More Info]

Latest Reports & News

Keep up with the latest catch reports and skippers news in the ' Skippers Blog Roll '. More catch and boat images are also available in the Valkyrie Photo Gallery.

Valkyrie Calendar

Our Calendar and Last Minute Bookings are managed via our CBUK calendar. See what's available here, or Why not give Glen a ring on 07831 878669

Full Calendar with Trip Details Click Here

Now Booking New Season Tides, Don't Miss Out - Valkyrie

Drifting for bass.

The French Banks and the Overfalls offer great Bass fishing, you'll also find quality Blonde Rays, Turbot, Brill, Tope and Cod.

Winter Cod Fishing

Winter Cod fishing can be a waiting game at times, get it right and the rewards speak for themselves.

Wreck Fishing

Wreck fishing for Pollock, Ling, Cod and some monster Conger will ensure your tackle is well and truly tested. A great days fishing.

Inshore Reefs and Banks

Black Bream, Plaice, Turbot, Smoothound and Rays all feature throughout summer with Whiting & Cod targets after the Autumn fun.

Valkyrie Charters, Langstone

About valkyrie 7.

Valkyrie 7 launched in 2013 is a 11mtr BWSEA CAT powered by twin 200hp Nanni Diesels, cruising at 18 knts & has all the latest touch screen electronics.

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Angling Charters from Portsmouth

Sea-Juicer is available for full day, half day and evening trips and caters for all types of anglers from total beginners to the most experienced.  

Groups and individuals are most welcome.

Deep water reef, inshore, general and competition angling available from marks in the eastern Solent and South of the Isle of Wight ​

Sea-Juicer Fishing Charte rs

Charter packages

Sea-Juicer Fishing Charters | Whale Island Way, Portsmouth, United Kingdom | 07919102069

Sea-Juicer provides quality sea angling trips.

Based from Portsmouth Harbour on the South Coast of England.

Only minute from the M275 with FREE local parking your angling experience starts from an ideal location.

Over 50 years of family fishing.

Competition Results

Our latest competition results have now been published. Congratulations to all the winners, and good luck at the next competition.

About The Club

Shirley Sea Angling club is a family friendly club, based in Southampton and has been running since 1962. Our shore competitions are held in the Wessex area. Shallow boats leave from under the Itchen Bridge and fish in the Solent area. Deep boats leave from various departure points.

Upcoming Competitions

Shore and shallow boat competitions run once a month; and deep boat competitions run 6 times over the year. Bingo evenings run 5 times a year

Latest News Headline

Shore match SUN 25th FEB  BRIGHTON   09.00 – 15.00 Venue change

The ongoing Southerly winds and coloured water at Brighton means it will be unsuitable for Plaice. The match on Sunday 25th February will therefore now be a Solent Rover. Please sign on at Crosshouse Road car park by the Clubs boat compound under the Itchen Bridge SO14 5GZ between 7am & 7.30am. All competitors to remain in the car park until the signing on officer leaves at the end of the sign on. Fishing can start from 8am with scorecards to be returned back at the car park no later than 3.30pm. The boundaries are Keyhaven Quay to the west and Eastney Beach to the east, including Southampton Water. Only publically accessible areas are allowed. The normal witnessing rules will be relaxed for this Rover and you may use the same witness as last match if needed. Please try and fish with another member but if you wish to fish alone this is permitted. However, if fishing alone you will need to photograph every recorded fish on a match measure showing from nose to tail (wing to wing for Rays). You must also include in each photo a token which can be collected from the signing on officer. These photo’s will be reviewed by a committee member and only accepted if clear. The golden fish will remain as a Flounder and if you catch one locally you deserve a golden bar, but we aren’t that rich.  IF the golden fish is not caught the winnings will be raffled at the end of the match between those still present. This will also be the 1st round of the 1st Knockout to be drawn after the match. Good luck all, tight lines.

With the upcoming shallow boat match just to make members aware  there are restrictions off Marchwood between the military port and magazine lane.

here is a link with  the relevant information.

Also we have a upcoming Halloween bingo night on the 21st of October at 7.30pm at Festival Hall Merryoak,

all are welcome and the is a prize for the best fancy dress

Shirley SAC presentation night we have our annual trophy presentation night booked for June 3rd, we need to have an idea on numbers so at the signing on of our matches please let the signing on officer know if you would like to attend. we had a good turn out last year so hopefully we will see this again, it will be a Merry oak hall which was the venue last year. This is for signed on members and their families only. members are free to attend but guest we ask a small entrance fee of £5 to help towards the food, which this year will be a BBQ. any money will need to be paid when booking places as we need to keep an eye on numbers.

Shallow Boat match change: The June 4th match is being changed to June 18th 09.00-15.00

Boat Deep Trip: Unfortunately the trip on the 19th has had to be cancelled due to low numbers and the weather looking rough for the weekend.

Shore change of venue

Good evening Members. As most of us don’t like the wind blowing our hair the Committee have agreed to a change of venue for Saturday’s match. Seriously though, wind and rain straight in the face and possible weed and swell would not be enjoyable so we shall fish a more sheltered venue. Magazine Lane same times 5pm to 11pm with sign on slightly later from 3.30pm to 4pm in the car park at the end of Magazine Lane SO40 4AD. Scorecards to be returned by 11.30pm. Boundaries are the point other side of inlet to the end of wall before sailing club yard. See See you all Saturday.

Deep boats cancelled trip: unfortunately the next trip has been cancelled. Sun 30th October Offshore Rebel – Weymouth inshore trip this was the last trip of the year but trips for next year are being planned.

Bingo night Reminder the bingo night is tomorrow at Festival hall, Merry oak Rd, Southampton SO19 7QR which starts at 7.30pm. Children are always welcome and there is a option to come in fancy dress if you wish to, there will be a prize for best costume all with prizes for the children on top of the normal bingo prizes, so if your looking for a night out why not give it a go. For more information please contact Rich Knight.

We have our bingo night booked in for 7.30pm on the 29th of October at out normal venue Festival hall, Merry oak Rd, Southampton SO19 7QR.

Children are always welcome and there is a option to come in fancy dress if you wish to, there will be a prize for best costume all with prizes for the

children on top of the normal bingo prizes, so if your looking for a night out why not give it a go.

For more information please contact Rich Knight.

Just to make people aware the slipway by the boat compound will be blocked on the 6th of July

at around 17.00 for around half an hour for the passing of the torch that is going round the country.

We are sorry to have to announce the death of Betty Patterson Betty has been a member of the club for over 45 years And was regularly seen on the beach or out with Bob on shallow boat competitions.

Latest committee meeting:

We have a couple of items to make members aware of after our meeting.

  • The next deep boat trip will have to cancelled unfortunately due to Rich and Henry being unable to attend.
  • The shallow boat match on Sunday 19 th of June there is a time change to 12.30 – 18.30, it will also be a inter club match with Southampton club, this is a species match run along our normal match, this means you will have two cards one for our match and a second for recording any species for the inter club match.

Shallow boat knock out:

D Beale   v   A Groves

W Bully   v   G Thomas

J Merritt   Bye

A reminder to committee members the next committee meeting is on 10th June.

Deep Boat Trip

Unfortunately the deep boat trip from Weymouth on the 13/2 has been cancelled due to the weather

Slipway clean up

To all boat owners in the Compound The slipway clean up is 11.00 on Sun 28 Nov. Anyone ordered car park passes Adey will be down there to issue them.

We are looking at getting the bingo up and running again and have booked a date at Festival Hall, Merry Oak on the 4th of December at 7.30pm, if anyone would like more information or to book a place please contact Dave Neil on 07753750841.


Next Slip way clean up will be (TBC)

Can any boat owners who have a boat in the compound please come along to help out.

Shallow boat competition :

can you please put the money in a envelope and pass to John Richards or Barry Instrell before the start.

£5 seniors and £2 for juniors. Please see the News Link on the website for details of how the fishing competition will be run Signing on at Crosshouse compound

The match will be measure and return with total length being recorded, normal solent fishing limits appl y.

Shore competitions

Our shore competitions will be fished in line with Angling Trust guidelines and social distancing.  This will be a measure and return competition.

Fishing in line with COVID guidelines.

Deep Boat Competition:

Please see the News Link on the website for details of how the fishing competition will be run

Reel Easy Charters

Reel Easy Charters

Friendly Fishing in the Solent

Welcome aboard...

Friendly skipper.

Over 35 Years' Experience

Tailored Trips

Individual, Small Groups or Whole Boat Charters

Stunning Scenery

Isle of Wight and Historic Hurst Castle

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Southampton Yacht Charter

Welcome to sea style.

Welcome to Sea Style Charters Yachts, a unique company with a passion for providing you with the best and most luxurious experience possible. The go-to company for Southampton yacht charter.

Founded on an absolute commitment to quality in both service and in the range we offer, we’re dedicated to continue providing the ultimate charter experience.  Our mission is to offer our clients exclusive access to the highest and un-compromised selection of luxury yacht charters taking you to a variety of destinations whilst providing the highest level of service with an emphasis on attention to detail. 

With our unparalleled commitment to the highest standards of excellence, it’s no surprise you’re taking a look at the Sea Style Charter Yachts site. 

With the very best talent, competence and expertise, we are able to make dreams come true by designing the best charters dedicated to our clients’ bespoke requirements, creating the perfect voyage on the blue road. Supreme comfort and style remain at the very heart of every charter with Sea Style Charter Yachts.

Sea Style Charters - Bournemouth Airshow and The Hut

A fantastic video taken by regular visitors to Sea Style Charters. We had a great day taking them out for an anniversary trip to watch the Bournemouth Airshow from the best vantage point in the bay before heading to The Hut at Colwell Bay for dinner.

Lanson Tasting with Southampton Harbour Hotel and Sea Style

Sea Style provided the location for the respresentatives from Champagne Lanson and the team from Southampton Harbour Hotel.

Take a look at this great video, produced by Elite Cinematics

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Based in the heart of Southampton, we have some amazing discounts on offer to our subscribers.

Copyright © 2021Sea Style Charters - All Rights Reserved.



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  2. A Guide to Sea Fishing in Southampton?

    The time of day and tide is also important when angling in Southampton. The best time of day for fishing is early morning or late afternoon, and the ideal time is during the low tide. When the tide is low, fish gather in shallow water, making them easier to catch. Step 4: Practice good casting techniques.

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    Plus, local fishing boats offer fantastic sea trips for better catches. Did you know? Sea fishing's growing in fame. The Guardian reports it as one of Britain's most loved outdoor activities, with over 800 thousand people taking part each year. ... Southampton Sea City Museum - Interactive exhibits and displays on maritime history; Ocean ...

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    Experienced or Beginner - Come and Fish. Whether part of an experienced team or trying your hand at fishing for the first time, we offer a relaxed and enjoyable day out. Our vessels are fully equipped and, most importantly, skippered by experienced fishermen who have worked boats for decades and acquired a wealth of local knowledge. Book Now.

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    Cruise along Southampton Water and The Solent on ... If you are looking to do a spot of sea fishing then there are several boat companies that offer charters or scheduled sea fishing trips from Lymington, Keyhaven and Buckler's Hard. Whether you are an experienced angler or simply fancy a day out on the water with a taster session, there are ...

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  14. Silver Halo Charters

    Alternatively, call or text Matt on 07970 176604, many thanks. GREAT NEWS!!! SILVER HALO CHARTERS are proud to of been part of the CEFAS 2021 and 2023 CHART programmes which allowed us to fish and TAG mighty ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA! Last year we caught 29 large tuna in just 9 trips, this is world class fishing right here in the UK!

  15. Charter Fishing Portsmouth

    If you need to speak to us in the meantime, feel free to call on 02392 524568 or 07795 538933. Charter Fishing and Sea Angling TripsFrom the Portsmouth Area. Kelley's Hero Charters is a charter fishing company with two boats, located near Portsmouth at Haslar Marina Gosport, convenient for Hayling Island, Chichester Harbour.

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    Valkyrie Charters, Charter Boat Fishing from Langstone Harbour, Hayling Island. Great location for Deep Sea Fishing the English Channel Wrecks, Hampshire Coast, Isle of Wight. Great Bass Fishing, Tope, Cod, Bream and Plaice, indeed great fishing for most UK sea species. Have a great day charter fishing with Skipper Glen Cairns 07831 878669 aboard Valkyrie 6 or Vlakyrie 7.

  17. Sea-juicer Fishing Charters in Portsmouth, Portsmouth

    Sea-Juicer Fishing Charters | Whale Island Way, Portsmouth, United Kingdom | 07919102069. Sea-Juicer provides quality sea angling trips. Based from Portsmouth Harbour on the South Coast of England. Only minute from the M275 with FREE local parking your angling experience starts from an ideal location. Sea-Juicer Fishing Charters in Portsmouth.


    Shirley Sea Angling club is a family friendly club, based in Southampton and has been running since 1962. Our shore competitions are held in the Wessex area. Shallow boats leave from under the Itchen Bridge and fish in the Solent area. Deep boats leave from various departure points. Full Information.

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    Someday Came Fishing features inshore and offshore fishing charters and sunset cruises, located at ponquogue marina on the shinnecock bay in hampton bays, southampton, 11946, new york. Fluke, Striper, Striped Bass and Sea bass Fishing charters on Shinnecock Bay, Hampton Bays, Southampton, and Montauk long island, ny.

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    Stuart. "Had a great day out today, Kev couldn't have made us feel anymore welcome and really clued up on his fishing. Will defo be booking again soon." Courtney. "Had a great day, thanks Kev. The kids loved it too! Great boat, even better skipper." Chris. "Many thanks for today, Andy and I both really enjoyed it - you made us feel so welcome ...

  21. Southampton Yacht Charter

    Welcome to Sea Style Charters Yachts, a unique company with a passion for providing you with the best and most luxurious experience possible. The go-to company for Southampton yacht charter. Founded on an absolute commitment to quality in both service and in the range we offer, we're dedicated to continue providing the ultimate charter ...

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    Looking for fishing charters in Southampton, New York, United States? Compare & book 62 fishing charters and deep sea fishing trips! I found these fishing charters on FishingBooker and they all look cool. Help me decide which one to book! data-event-category="Navigation header guest"