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Dayara Bugyal : How I Met The Mountains!

Dayara bugyal trek blog.

To my surprise, I never imagined even in my rarest thoughts that I can enjoy something like trekking and the whole credit goes to the Dayara Bugyal Trek ! 

It was that perfect cup of tea for someone who is taking the first sip of tea.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu, and Dyara Bugyal was my stepping stone! While walking on the trail, I couldn’t even think that I will be able to complete it and it felt like I have bitten off more than I can chew! 

The most shocking fact was that I really didn't want the trail to end! Mountains really touch your soul in the most spiritual manner! 

And you know when you have encountered something so likeable in life, you’re not gonna stop for anything! It took a lot of hard work and valor before going on the trek than on the trail itself and the reason for that simply is the mesmerising beauty of the path that I was walking on. 

People say it’s never too late for anything but the view made me disagree as the wait suddenly felt too long. 

Starting from the 4 km wide range meadows to the dense Pine and Oak forests coupled with the miraculous view of the mighty Black peak and Bandarpoonch peak, every minute on the trail felt worthy!

However, it is too difficult to describe that amazing feeling in words but I would still go and tell you why Dayara Bugyal trek can be your next life-changing experience!

1. The unlocking of the trekking world

As for someone like me who has never been on a trek, this was way more than I expected, however, when such admirable incidents happen with you, you really can’t verbalize the feeling. That’s the kind of rush you feel while heading on to this trek!

Every step that you take, will make you realize why the Himalayas are referred to as the Paradise! The boon of waking up to a mountain is the blessing that Dyara Bugyal gave me! All an all, this trek is different from others as it is good for a new-born trekker and also doesn't disappoint an experienced trekker. So if you think you are missing out on something in life, then surely you are! 

2. The tail of an unconventional  trail

As a person, one might be very social and loves to hop on every trendy place, but when it comes to walking on a trail, everyone prefers it to be spotless with the crowd. Moreover, how exciting it is to only spot your own campsite and just the mountains? 

This trek gives you the freedom to complete the love story of you and your travel junkie (at peace). 

3. The mesmerising meadows

Did you know Bugyal means Meadows? And a trek that has meadows in its name will surely not disappoint you on that factor.  You just walk and walk and suddenly, the meadows make you stop and stare at them. There were meadows all around me just like I was wrapped in them!

And before you know it, It will become the favourite view your eyes want to see!

101 tip:  Keep your camera and phone battery charged because you won’ t be able to resist capturing them.

  4. The mix of assorted forests

Oaks, Maples, Rhododendrons, Pines and the list continues! To spot such a diverse amount of trees on a single pathway is like a bonus. Uttarakhand has always been the prime location for these hybrid forests but folks what Dyara Bugyal can give you, other treks can’t.

Seeing such variety around you on any beginner trek is rare! The Perk here is when you trek in winter, these forests look no less than a white parachute with a splash of green on it! 

5. The Packet of Peaks

  While you are walking in the majestic forests, and far away a Breathless view is waiting for you. The moment you reach there, you’ll plainly get confused, was that more beautiful from where I came or where it dropped me? That is the artistry of this trek where every print of nature leaves a long-lasting effect on you!

Ohh, Did I mention the no. of peaks you will witness? Starting from Bandarpoonch, Draupadi ka Danda, Shrikhand Mahadev to a lot of  Gangotri peaks , Dayara Bugyal is the answer to all these peaks. 

6. The crystal carpet of snow

Although Dayara Bugyal is an all-seasoned trail, winter is like icing on the cake, where you get to see the hidden glow of this trek! As I cross the path, I witnessed how the lush emerald green meadows changed into a twinkling bed of snow and trust me, this is one such change which is constant during winters!

Dayara Bugyal is a trek which should not be missed by any trekker! It is just like an esoteric pearl worth buying! 

Hopefully, I was able to do justice to the view Dayara Bugyal offered me. Frankly speaking, compared to other delightful treks that Uttarakhand has to offer, Dayara Bugyal has no match for them, It's that deadly combination which never fails (somewhat like Maggie and Hunger?)

After coming back, I can fully understand why Dayara Bugyal can be called a hidden gem of our very own Devbhoomi. 

I could never figure out why people are so crazy about Mountains? I mean there are blue beaches, glittery metropolitan cities but why mountains get so much attention?

And Dayara Bugyal gave me the answer, and now I can say these Mountains have a lot of liveliness in them and they just pass it to their visitors!

If Dayara Bugyal can make a non-trekker fall in love with trekking, then it holds a lot of potentials to sustain that love too.

Next Read: Winter Hiking tips and tricks: Points to remember

A Nature Lover and a writer by heart! and will love to bring about a change in the world through the Read more

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Dayara Bugyal Trek: Explore the Meadows of Uttarakhand

  • Trekking Destinations

Embark on a breathtaking journey through the enchanting landscapes of the Dayara Bugyal trek! This comprehensive trek guide will take you on an adventure like no other in the Indian Himalayas.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant rhododendron forests, witness panoramic views from the mesmerizing Bugyal meadows, and stand in awe of the snow-capped peaks surrounding you.

Our detailed itinerary, with distances covered and critical highlights, will be your trusted companion, ensuring a seamless and unforgettable experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned trekker or a nature enthusiast seeking a new adventure, join us as we delve into the wonders of the trek to Dayara Bugyal. Let’s embark on this incredible journey together!

  • Max Altitude:  11,950 Ft. (3,642M)
  • Average Trekking Fees: ₹ 6,000 – ₹ 10,000
  • Distance: 21 kms (Approx)
  • Difficulty: Easy-Moderate
  • Duration: 5-6 days
  • Ideal For: Beginners
  • Best Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter
  • Region: Uttarakhand

Table of Contents

Dayara Bugyal Trek: An Overview

Trekker on the snow trail of the Dayara Bugyal trek

  • The Dayara Bugyal trek is a captivating  hiking  expedition in the  Indian Himalayas . It takes you through the breathtaking  Bugyal  meadows, considered among the country’s most beautiful alpine meadows. Located in the  Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand India , this trek offers a  scenic  and  serene  experience, perfect for nature enthusiasts and  adventure seekers .
  • The trek begins from  Raithal , a small village in the Garhwal region.  Raithal  serves as the  base camp  for the expedition. From there, trekkers journey through  lush forests , charming  villages , and  gentle slopes . The trail is adorned with  rhododendron  and  oak trees , adding to its picturesque appeal.
  • One  highlight  of the Dayara Bugyal trek is the  Bugyal meadows  themselves. These meadows span vast expanses and offer  panoramic views  of the surrounding snow-capped peaks. The  vibrant  and  colourful  flowers that bloom during spring and summer further enhance the beauty of the fields.
  • Trekkers also come across  glistening  mountain streams and  pristine  alpine lakes, such as  Barnala Tal . These serve as  refreshing  spots for trekkers to relax and rejuvenate.
  • The trek is considered  easy – moderate  in terms of difficulty, making it accessible to both  beginners  and experienced trekkers. The  altitude  gained during the trek ranges from  7,800 feet to 12,100 feet , offering a gradual  acclimatization  process.
  • The Dayara Bugyal trek is a  multi-day  adventure, typically spanning 5 to 6 days. Trekkers get the opportunity to camp under the  starry  night sky and enjoy the  campfire  camaraderie.
  • In conclusion, the Dayara Bugyal trek is an enchanting experience combining natural beauty, thrilling trekking, and immersing oneself in the serene Himalayan environment.

Dayara Bugyal Trek Difficulty & Duration

dayara bugyal trek bikat

The Dayara Bugyal trek, starting from Raithal, is a  5 to 6-day  adventure through the picturesque landscapes of Uttarakhand in the Indian Himalayas. It offers  easy-moderate  difficulty, making it suitable for  beginners  and  experienced  trekkers.

  • Each trekking day involves covering a certain distance, with an average of  4 to 6 kilometres  to be covered in  4 to 6 hours  of trekking. The trekking duration and distance covered each day may vary depending on the pace of the group and weather conditions.
  • While the trek does not involve any technically challenging sections or steep ascents, it does require a  basic level of fitness . Prior preparation with regular exercises like walking, jogging, or cycling can significantly enhance one’s trekking experience. The trek involves walking on  gentle slopes , passing through  forests , and ascending to the  Bugyal meadows .
  • Trekkers need to maintain a steady pace and stay well-hydrated throughout the trek. Carrying a  daypack  with essentials like water, snacks, sunscreen, and rain gear is recommended.  Trekkers should also wear appropriate  shoes  and take a  trekking pole  for stability on uneven terrain.

The Dayara Bugyal trek starting from Raithal is a easy-moderate challenging trek requiring reasonable fitness and endurance. It allows one to explore the stunning Himalayan landscapes comfortably, making it accessible to trekkers with varying experience levels.

Best Season to do the Dayara Bugyal Trek

Dayara Bugyal in the Winter Season

The Dayara Bugyal trek can be undertaken throughout the year, except during the monsoon months of July and August. Let’s explore each season’s highlights, pros and cons, and differences to determine the best time for this adventure.

Spring (Mid-February to April):

Spring is another great season to undertake the Dayara Bugyal trek. Average temperatures during this time range from  5 to 15 degrees Celsius . The highlight of spring is the blossoming of rhododendrons and other wildflowers, painting the meadows with vibrant colours. The weather is pleasant, making the trek enjoyable. Pros of trekking in spring include the mesmerizing floral beauty and the possibility of encountering wildlife. However, the trails may still have patches of snow and require caution while hiking.

Summer (Mid-April to June):

During summer, the Dayara Bugyal trek offers pleasant weather with average temperatures ranging from  10 to 20 degrees Celsius . The highlight of this season is the clear skies and stunning views of the snow-capped peaks. The lush meadows are adorned with vibrant flowers, creating a picturesque landscape. Pros of trekking in summer include comfortable temperatures and excellent visibility. However, it can be crowded at times due to summer vacation travellers.

Autumn (September to Mid-November):

Autumn is another favourable season for the Dayara Bugyal trek. The average temperatures during this time range from  5 to 15 degrees Celsius . The highlight of autumn is the pleasant weather, clear skies, and the transition of foliage colours to beautiful shades of gold and red. Pros of trekking in autumn include comfortable weather conditions, fewer crowds, and breathtaking vistas. However, the meadows may be lighter than summer or spring.

Winter (Mid-November to Mid-February):

Winter brings a unique charm to the Dayara Bugyal trek, with average temperatures ranging from  -5 to 5 degrees Celsius . The highlight of this season is the mesmerizing snowy landscape, offering a different perspective of the meadows. Trekking in winter requires more preparation and equipment like warm clothing, trekking poles, and sturdy boots. Pros of hiking in winter include the serene atmosphere, fewer crowds, and the opportunity to witness the winter wonderland. However, it requires more experience and can be physically demanding due to the snowy terrain.

In conclusion, the best season for the Dayara Bugyal trek depends on personal preferences and interests. Each season offers unique highlights, such as the blooming flowers in spring, clear summer skies, snowy winter landscapes, and vibrant autumn foliage. Consider each season’s average temperatures and pros and cons to choose the most suitable time for this captivating Himalayan adventure.

Dayara Bugyal Trek: Budget & Costing

Dayara Bugyal Trek

When planning for the Dayara Bugyal trek, it is essential to consider the  budget and cost  involved. 

  • The  average trekking fees  charged by trekking organizations in India typically range from  ₹6,000 to ₹10,000 . This fee covers various aspects of the trek and ensures a well-organized experience.
  • Transportation  to the start point is an essential consideration. The cost of  flights, trains, or buses  will depend on the individual’s location and preferred mode of travel. It is advisable to book transportation in advance to secure the best deals and minimize costs.
  • Accommodation  is typically included in the trekking fees, as trekkers stay in campsites or lodges along the route. Therefore, there are no additional charges for accommodation. However, if someone prefers more luxurious options before or after the trek, they may need to allocate a separate budget.
  • Equipment and gear  are crucial for a safe and comfortable trek. While some trekkers may already possess the necessary gear, others may need to  rent or purchase  equipment. Renting equipment can be cost-effective, especially for trekking poles, sleeping bags, and tents.
  • Food and water  are usually included in the trekking fees for the duration. However, it is recommended to carry extra snacks or energy bars to supplement meals and keep energy levels up during the trek.
  • It is essential to allocate a separate budget for  personal expenses , such as additional snacks, beverages, and souvenirs. It is also advisable to carry some cash for emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.
Considering the average trekking fees, transportation costs, equipment rentals, and personal expenses, one can effectively plan a budget for the Dayara Bugyal trek. It is always recommended to research and compare different options to ensure the best value for money while experiencing the beauty of this Himalayan adventure.

How To Reach?

Green Dayara Bugyal

Reaching the start point of the Dayara Bugyal trek in Raithal can be done through various modes of transportation. The most convenient and commonly used method is to arrange for pick-up and drop-off from  Dehradun , which is well-connected to major cities in India.

Flight Option:  

For those travelling from distant locations, flying to  Dehradun’s Jolly Grant Airport  is the fastest option. Several domestic airlines operate regular flights to Dehradun. Upon arrival, the trekking organization can arrange pick-up from the airport to Raithal.

Train Option:

Another popular option is to reach  Dehradun  by train. Dehradun Railway Station is connected to major cities in India. From there, the trekking organization can arrange pick-up and transportation to Raithal.

Bus Option:

Those looking for a more economical choice can consider travelling by bus. Several state-run and private buses operate regular services to Dehradun from nearby cities like Delhi and Chandigarh. From Dehradun, the trekking organization can arrange pick-up and transfer to Raithal.

  • The  best  option depends on individual preferences and circumstances. If time is a constraint, flying to Dehradun offers the quickest opportunity. However, it may be relatively more expensive. On the other hand, trains and buses provide more affordable alternatives, but the travel time may be longer.
  • For most trekkers, arranging pick-up and drop-off from Dehradun through the trekking organization is the most convenient and hassle-free option. It ensures a smooth transition from the city to Raithal, eliminating the need for separate transportation arrangements.
In conclusion, the start point of the Dayara Bugyal trek in Raithal can be accomplished by taking a flight, train, or bus to Dehradun. Considering factors such as time, convenience, and budget, trekkers can choose the option that suits them best.

Highlights of the Dayara Bugyal Trek

Forest & Mountain Peaks On The Trek

Let’s explore some of the key highlights of this trek:

  • Bugyals : The trek takes you through the mesmerizing Bugyals, known for their vast greenery and panoramic views. Walking through these picturesque meadows is a truly enchanting experience.
  • Barnala Tal : During the trek, you will encounter the serene Barnala Tal, a beautiful alpine lake. The tranquil surroundings and glistening waters offer a peaceful spot to rest and soak in the natural beauty.
  • Snow-capped Peaks : The trek provides stunning views of majestic snow-capped peaks surrounding the region. These towering mountain ranges create a breathtaking backdrop and add to the overall grandeur of the hike.
  • Rhododendron Forests : The trail passes through lush rhododendron forests, incredibly vibrant during the spring season, when these trees bloom in shades of red, pink, and white. The colourful flora adds a touch of magic to the journey.
  • Village Life : The trek offers an opportunity to interact with the local villagers and experience their warm hospitality. The traditional mountain villages along the route provide insights into the local culture and way of life.
  • Sunrise and Sunset : Witnessing the sunrise and sunset over the Himalayan peaks from the high-altitude campsites is a truly awe-inspiring experience. The changing hues of the sky and the mountains create a captivating spectacle.
  • Starry Nights : The clear night skies at higher altitudes offer a dazzling display of stars. Camping under the starry nightscape is a mesmerizing experience, where you can gaze upon the constellations and enjoy the tranquillity of the mountains.

These highlights combine to create an unforgettable journey on the Dayara Bugyal trek. The stunning natural beauty, cultural encounters, and serene mountain landscapes make it a must-visit destination for trekking enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Dayara Bugyal Trek: Detailed Itinerary

Big Mountain Views on the trek

(Trek Starts) Day 1: Raithal to Gui

  • Distance:  Approximately 6 kilometres
  • Time:  4-5 hours
  • Highlight:  The trek begins from Raithal village, and you will walk through scenic trails, passing through beautiful dense forests and charming villages. Reach Gui, a small hamlet, and set up camp for the night.

Day 2: Gui to Chilapada

  • Distance:  Approximately 2 kilometres
  • Time:  2-3 hours
  • Highlight:  Today’s trek takes you deeper into the forests, with lush greenery surrounding the trail. Enjoy the peaceful ambience and the chance to spot wildlife. Reach Chilapada, a serene campsite surrounded by nature.

(Summit Day) Day 3: Chilapada to Nayata via Dayara Top

  • Distance:  Approximately 9 kilometres
  • Time:  5-6 hours
  • Highlight:  Ascend to the Dayara Bugyal through Dayara Top, which offers 360-degree views of the surrounding peaks and landscapes. Traverse through the meadows and experience the sheer beauty of the Himalayas. Reach Nayata campsite and spend the night.

Day 4: Nayata to Raithal

  • Distance:  Approximately 4 kilometres
  • Highlight:  Descend from Nayata campsite, passing through picturesque trails and forests. Enjoy the serene surroundings and the tranquillity of nature. Reach Raithal village, where you can relax and unwind for the night.

Day 5: Raithal to Dehradun

  • Distance:  Approximately 180 kilometres
  • Time:  6-7 hours (including travel time)
  • Highlight:  Depart from Raithal and travel to Dehradun, bidding farewell to the beautiful Himalayan landscapes. Reflect on the incredible memories of the trek and enjoy the scenic journey back to Dehradun.

The Dayara Bugyal trek offers a thrilling adventure through diverse terrain, beautiful meadows, and stunning views of the Himalayan peaks. The highlight of each day includes the scenic beauty, encounters with nature, and the sense of accomplishment as you reach higher altitudes. 

Essential Gear and Equipment for the Dayara Bugyal Trek

Before embarking on the trek, it is essential to pack the right gear and equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Here is a list of items you should consider carrying:

  • Trekking shoes with good ankle support
  • Rucksack with rain cover
  • Trekking gaiters (for winter season)
  • Warm and waterproof clothing layers
  • Sleeping bag suitable for sub-zero temperatures (Usually provided by the trekking organisation)
  • Trekking poles for better stability on uneven terrains
  • UV-protected sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Water bottles and water purification tablets
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries
  • First aid kit with essential medications
  • Portable power bank for charging electronic devices
  •  Portable oxygen cylinders.

Safety Tips & Precautions

While embarking on any trek, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind during the Dayara Bugyal Trek:

  • Trek with an experienced guides & trek leaders and follow their instructions.
  • Stay hydrated and carry an adequate supply of water.
  • Pack light and carry only the essential items.
  • Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions.
  • Respect the environment and maintain cleanliness.
  • Inform someone about your trekking plans and expected return.
  • Stay updated about weather conditions and local regulations.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking during the trek.

As we reach the end of this trek guide, we hope you’re inspired and eager to embark on the Dayara Bugyal trek. This captivating adventure promises breathtaking landscapes, serene meadows, and a sense of accomplishment as you reach the viewpoint at 12,100 feet.

Whether you choose the spring blossoms, the vibrant summer meadows, the snowy wonderland of winter, or the golden hues of autumn, each season offers its unique charm. So lace up your trekking shoes , pack your rucksacks , and prepare for an unforgettable journey through nature’s paradise.

The Dayara Bugyal trek awaits, ready to shower you with its mesmerizing beauty and special memories. Happy trekking!

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Dayara Bugyal Trek

One of the most beautiful alpine meadows of india, send enquiry & get itinerary on whats app, dayara bugyal trek.

  • Early Bird Offer 30% off
  • Natin to Natin all inclusive
  • Book Now at Just ₹ 2000
  • Easy rescheduling 15 days prior to trek date
  • Highest Rated Trekking Company in India
  • First Company to Introduce Jumbo Bag (Includes all Trekking Gear)
  • Certified by Startup India, Uttarakhand Tourism, MSME and STU
  • Top 10 Most Promising Adventure Travel Company in India

Trek Duration

Trek Distance

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Best Season

All Season Trek

₹ 6500 ₹4700

  • Natin to Natin

Call our Dayara Bugyal Trek Expert Ms. Nidhi to know more about the trek

  • Transportation available at ₹ 1800/person from Dehradun to Dehradun
  • Jumbo Bag at ₹ 2500/person for entire Trek (Click here to know more)
  • Back Pack offloading ₹ 1050/person
  • Veg Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks and Dinner
  • Tents(Triple/Double Sharing), Sleeping Bags, Sleeping Matts
  • Gears: Micro Spikes and Gaiters as per snow conditions
  • Accommodation in Home stay/guest house on day 1 (Quad/Triple/Double Sharing)
  • Experienced and Qualified Guides
  • Friendly and supportive staff
  • Forest permits
  • Medical Amenities – First Aid Kits, Oxymeters, oxygen cylinders.
  • Sanitised and Hygienic Camp sites and Hotels
  • Anything not mentioned in inclusion list
  • Meals during Transportation
  • Any kind of personal Expenses
  • Insurance for Forest permits
  • Unscheduled or extended stay due to road blocks, Landslides, bad Weather or Snowfall
  • Porter/mule charges (Personal), Back pack offloading Charges
  • Cost of Evacuation in case of emergency


  • No of Persons (1-4) : Sedan or Equivalent Vehicle
  • No of Persons (5-8) : Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero or Equivalent Vehicle
  • No of Persons (9-12): Tempo Traveler
  • October : 01, 7, 8, 15, 22, 29
  • November: All Dates Available
  • December: 22, 23, 24 Sold out. Rest dates Available. 29 Dec last few slots left
  • January: All Dates Available
  • Feb: All Dates Available
  • Mar: All Dates Available
  • In case you want to Customize Dayara Bugyal Trek for your group. Give us a call at 8006074398/9634923602


  • List of Trek Essentials you need for Dayara Bugyal (Click here to watch Video)

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Dayara Bugyal Trek Overview & Itinerary

Dayara Bugyal trek is one of the most beautiful high altitude meadows of the country located in the Gangotri range of himalayas in Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. Perched at an altitude of 3408 metres above sea level, this meadow has everything a trekker wishes for. 

Equally beautiful throughout the year, Dayara Bugyal Trek covers an astonishing area of 28 km and is among the highest and largest meadows which attracts hundreds of tourists and trekkers from all over the country. One can witness magnificient views of the Himalayan peaks like Mt. Bandarpoonch, Kalanag, Jaonli, Srikanth, and the Gangotri group of Peaks. 

Hike to Dayara Bugyal Trek starts from a small village called Raithal which is 30 km from Uttarkashi. The hike to Dayara Bugyal is of 8 km and is of easy to medium grade. The Dayara Bugyal Trek trail passes through thick coniferous forests and then opens to a vast grassland i.e. Dayara Bugyal. The Dayara Bugyal Trek is accessible throughout the year and offers different views seasonally. It is also a perfect skiing location for the skiing lovers in the months of January and February.

What is special about Dayara Bugyal trekking?

  • The trek trail being of easy to moderate level, it requires less fitness levels and is suitable to every age group and people as compared to other Himalayan treks.
  • Hike to one of the Highest meadows of India.
  • Accessible throughout the year and is beautiful in all seasons. Greenery from Apr – Oct and Snow laden trails from Nov-Mar
  • A small trek offering bigger mountain experiences
  • Easy Trek which can be done by any one. Lesser efforts with greater rewards
  • A complete peace offering place at the summit view.
  • The destination offers a complete 360 degree view of mighty Himalayan peaks. Mt. Bandarpoonch, Mt Jaonli, Mt. Srikanth and Mt. Draupadi ka Danda seems at an arms distance from the Bugyal 

Dayara Bugyal Trek Video

Dayara bugyal in winters, dayara bugyal experience with tss.


  • The trekkers will be picked up from Prince Chowk which is near Dehradun Railway Station at 7.00 a.m. from where the journey will begin. Dehradun is well connected with Delhi through railway and road route. Overnight Buses and Trains are available.
  • A 185 km road ride to Natin Village from Dehradun Via Chinyalisaur and Uttarkashi travelling across the river Bhagirathi, the main source of River Ganga.
  • Breakfast and lunch during the travel will be provided in the road side inns. The cost of the meals during the travel will be paid by the individual.
  • Arrival at Natin village, a small village located 40 km from the city of Uttarkashi which serves as the starting point of the trek.
  • Stay at the homestay in Natin.
  • A quick introduction & briefing session with the trek leader and fellow trekkers.
  • Dinner and rest at the homestay.
  • Trek to Gui Campsite from Natin after the breakfast.
  • A 4 km ascend trek to Gui campsite of easy grade passing through patches of forest.
  • Arrival at the Gui campsite, hot lunch at the campsite.
  • An evening acclimatization walk in the nearby area.
  • Evening refreshments and snacks post walk.
  • Dinner at the campsite.
  • Overnight stay at the camps.
  • Trek to Dayara Bugyal from the campsite after the breakfast.
  • The trek trail to Dayara Bugyal is of moderate ascent passing through the forests of Oak and Rhondendron with level walks in between till Dayara.
  • Rest and packed lunch at the Dayara View point.
  • Hike back to Gui Campsite from Dayara Top. 
  • Arrival at the campsite followed by evening refreshments and snacks.
  • Trekkers will be provided dinner and stay at the campsite
  • Descend back to Natin village from Gui after breakfast on a 4 km descend trail. Hike through the same way from where we have ascended.
  • A 185 km drive back to Dehradun from Natin village
  • Expected time of arrival in Dehradun will be around 9:30 PM. So you can plan your travel further accordingly.

Trek Essentials

Tss jumbo bag.

  • Backpack/Ruck Sack (at least 55 Litres) and a small day bag ( upto 15 litres) for summit day
  • Poncho/Raincoat and Rain Cover for Ruck Sack
  • 2 Quick Dry T-shirts (preferably Full Sleeves) and Track Pants
  • Warm Jacket preferably a down jacket or an equivalent heavy jacket to protect from cold at night
  • Comfortable Shoes with a good grip and ankle support. We recommend Quechua Forclaz 100 or similar shoe
  • A pair of fleece jacket or fleece upper
  • Good Thermals for insulation at night
  • Lip Balm and Cold Cream
  • Sun Cap or Sunscreen (SPF 30+)
  • Dark Sunglasses. People who wear spectacle may use photochromatic lenses in their spects
  • 2 pair of warm socks and at least 2 pair of normal cotton socks
  • 1 Pair of slippers/Sandals
  • Woolen Cap and Gloves for night
  • Toiletries – Tooth brush, Tooth paste, Liquid soap, Hand Sanitizers, Slippers, Light Towel, Toilet Roll (Avoid wet tissues as they are not eco friendly)
  • Torch or Headlamp with extra pair of batteries
  • Personal Medical Kit: Crocin-Fever, Avomine-Motion Sickness, Avil 25mg – Allergies, Combiflam, Disprin-headache, Norflox TZ & Lomofen-diarrhea, digene-acidity, omez/rantadine  antacid, crepe bandages, band aids, ORS, betadiene or antiseptic cream, moov spray/volini, cotton, gauze.
  • Water bottle 1 L or Hydration bag 2 L
  • Other personal accessories – Camera, Tripod, mobile charger, power banks(as there will be no electricity during the trek)
  • Note: AC doesn’t run on hills in fixed departure batches. Standard Non AC vehicles are provided for transportation
  • Being a high altitude trek, this trek is suitable for climbers with good physical condition and stamina.
  • This is a tentative itinerary which may change as per weather conditions
  • We expect you to carry your rucksacks, in case if you want them to be carried by mules back pack offloading charge up to Rs. 300/bag/day is applicable
  • In case of any natural calamity the company will not be able to refund the trip charges, for more details check our cancellation policy

FAQs of Dayara Bugyal Trek

Dayara Bugyal is an easy grade trek which is an ideal trek for beginners as well as intermediate trekkers. It is one of the most beautiful Bugyal in Uttarakhand with panoramic views of the Yamunotri and Gangotri range of Himalayas. Consider it as a trek with lesser efforts and greater rewards. This trek can be done throughout the year. From December to March the trek is covered in snow, in summers and post monsoon the Bugyal is lush green and is a treat to the eyes

A: The trek starts from two villages – Raithal or Barsu. We recommend Raithal as the trek is more beautiful from this village. One needs at least 4 days from Dehradun to complete this trek. Dehradun is the nearest Airport and Railway station for this trek. Raithal is around 180 kms from Dehradun.

A: One can find snow in Dayara Bugyal from December to March. It is a wonderful experience to trek the Bugyal in winters. Sometimes in case of early snowfall one can find snow even in November but it depends on snowfall.

Camping in Dayara Bugyal is not allowed. The Uttarakhand High court passed a order according to which camping is banned in Bugyals of Uttarakhand. The order is applicable for all the Bugyals in Uttarakhand

A: To say which is a better trek would be rather unfair as both treks are equally beautiful. There are few things which one should consider before deciding. It actually depends on what you are looking for as a trekker. If you are looking for a soulful experience and a less crowded trek Dayara Bugyal is the trek for you. If you are looking for adventure and adrenaline rush in a trek Kedarkantha is the trek for you.

Dayara Bugyal trek is done throughout the year. If you want to witness snow then Dec to March is the best time to Visit. April- May and Sept-Nov is the right time to visit if you want to witness the lush green meadows

You can keep extra luggage in the base village for any particular trek. There are no cloak roo charges applicable. Its free of cost

If you are going on a trek don’t expect mobile signals. There are few spots on the trails of few treks where you might find a single tower or something but it always depends if that is enough to make a call or not.

As there are no permanent toilets on the trek, we carry toilet tents which are dry toilets so you need to carry wet tissues/tissue wipes with you.

Yes, TSS team can organize private batches for individual groups, but the cost of the trek may vary according to the number of members in your group. You can talk to our trek coordinator via whatsapp/call to get the customized group rates.

It’s a strict no. If you fall sick during the trek due to alcohol consumption TheSearchingSouls has the right to cancel your trek and send you back to base village. No expenses shall be refunded in that case and you will have to pay additional for stay at base village.

Start running/walking at least 3-4 Kms everyday.

If it’s a snow trek a good trekking shoe is mandatory. If you buy a new shoe do walk for few days so that it fits you well and doesn’t leave you with blisters while you trek. If it is a summer trek or post monsoon trek a shoe with good grip and ankle support will do.

We provide 3 Veg meals and evening Snacks. There will be no non veg served during the trek. Eggs may or may not be served depending on the trek.

We will provide sleeping bags, inner liners, sleeping mats, tents. You just need to carry your personal gear. List of personal Gear is in our website under Trek Essentials.

Himalaya Journeys Treks &Expedition prides itself on being prepared for any emergency situation. Our guides are trained in first aid and can deal with most of the basic ailments that occur during a trek. Every camp site has basic first aid and oxygen cylinders But if a serious emergency occurs, we will evacuate you to the base village and nearest hospital but the expenses of that has to be borne by the individual

How to reach the base camp of Dayara Bugyal trek? 

The base camp of the Dayara bugyal trek Natin village located in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand, India,  is a remote location, and there is no direct mode of transportation available to reach the village. However, you can use the following modes of transportation to reach the nearest town or city, and then hire a local taxi or take a bus to reach Natin village:

By Air:  The nearest airport is Dehradun Airport, located around 220 km away from Natin village. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach the nearby town of Uttarkashi. From Uttarkashi, you can hire a local taxi to reach Natin village.

By Road:  There is no direct bus/taxi to Natin. Nearest city is Uttarkashi. a bus/taxi can be taken till Uttarkashi. From Uttarkashi you need to book a private cab

By Train:  The nearest railway station to Natin village is Dehradun Railway Station, located around 270 km away. From the railway station, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Uttarkashi.

You can avail transport from us from Dehradun as Dehradun is easily accessible from all parts of the country via Bus Train or flights. From Derhadun onwards there is no direct connectivity to the village.

Why book with TSS?

Higesht Rated

The Dayara Bugyal Trek overheads a wobbling 12,000 feet altitude is a panoramic view which is situated against an astonishing canvas of Himalayas and other neighboring summits of Bandar poonch, Kala Nag,  Shrikhand Mahadev,  Srikanth peak and Gangotri. 

The stupendous trail of Dayara Bugyal Trek divulges wide ranging grasslands, alpine lakes and meadows and drizzling streams that soothes the senses with a rustic orchestration of the nature. Along with this, the beauty of Dayara Bugyal Trek is also marked by a rich tapestry of wildflowers and dense forests of oak and maple trees that is further enclosed by misty valleys. 

This alluring place stands in between high peaks which are covered with snow and thus, makes an excellent sight for the trekkers. Also, the meadows too remain covered in snow considering which it turns out to be the most phenomenal winter trek experience in Uttarakhand and serves as an excellent Skiing destination too.

Synopsis of the Dayara Bugyal Trek

According to locals, Dayara refers to a circular piece of land. During the Dayara Bugyal Trek, people come across lush green savannahs called “Bugyal” which is spread across the Himalayas and is a sight to behold. The Searching Souls provides various trekking options of the Dayara Bugyal Trek, both during summers and winters. 

The meadows are a perfect display in the winter season with its assurance of an incessant stretch of twinkling snow which makes it a famous winter trek i.e  Dayara Bugyal trek  and also in the summer season with the sunlight throwing back different shades of green and yellow, violet and white flowers exclaiming from all over the place.

The Searching Soulmaps the distance between Dayara Bugyal Trek from Haridwar to the Himalayas. The campground for the four days Dayara Bugyal Trek is at Barsu which is alighted at an altitude of 7,545 feet. This charming little settlement overlooks the green slopes of the valley on one side and the snowy peaks of the Himalayas on the other side. 

It is located at a distance of about 32 km from Uttarakashi. We take you through thick forests of lofty oak and pine trees, along the Bhagirathi river which is across the lush green meadows and through bubbling streams and rivulets. The Dayara Bugyal Trek is a trek of a relatively easy level and can be undertaken even by beginners and first timers. 

After reaching Barsu, the trekkers timbre their tents near Barnala Tal and spend the night there. For the other nights of the voyage, trekkers can camp at various exciting places with breath taking panorama.

The Searching Soul takes you through an uninterrupted range of Himalayan mountains and peaks that has long, fascinated and challenging adventurers in store for thrill seekers. We strive to help the aspiring trekkers to have these destinations ticked from their bucket list. We are an expert in trek leading, mountaineering expeditions and other adventure activities. 

Our team organises trekking and self exploration expeditions in the Himalayas and our qualified team of local guides and trek leaders are known for their dedicated work in these mountains.

Dayara Bugyal Trek Map

Dayara Bugyal Trek Map

Safety with TSS

The Searching Souls have always taken Safety as the utmost Priority in their Treks. We Have a “Zero Negligence” approach toward Safety. As a result, we have taken the Following Steps.

Medical Tents: TSS is the Only Company in the Country that Pitches dedicated Medical Tents to The Slopes at all their Campsites. The Medical Tents consist of a Stretcher, Oxygen Cylinder, First Aid Kits, Oxymeters, and a few other facilities depending on the Slope and the nature of kedarkanta trek. 

Qualified Trek leaders: All Our Trek Leaders are Qualified From the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering and have thorough knowledge and experience of the Mountains.

Emergency Planning: Team TSS always plans a step ahead in the Mountains as we believe anything at any time can happen in the Mountains, All Our trek leaders, Camp managers, and Cooks are aware of what should be the Course of Action in case of Medical emergency and Natural Calamities in the kedarkantha trekking package. 

TSS Support Team: Safety in the Mountains begins at Home, Proper Planning and preparation are Key in any Mountain Trek. TSS Support Team is always available and will help you prepare better for the Trek through their Expert Knowledge and Guidance.

TSS Jumbo Bags: For executive travelers seeking adventure, trekking is a popular way to explore unfamiliar terrain and find inner peace. However, selecting the right equipment can be crucial to ensure safety and comfort during the journey. TSS recognizes this and offers a solution with their MY JUMBO BAG – BUDDY, which includes all necessary gear for a high-altitude trek at an affordable price. 

The company also emphasizes the importance of quality equipment in ensuring a successful and memorable trek, while cautioning against overpriced or unnecessary items. With TSS, travelers can confidently embark on their trek, knowing they have a reliable companion in their trek bag.

Are you tired of spending a fortune on expensive trekking equipment? Look no further than MY JUMBO BAG – BUDDY. 

Why Experience the wilderness of Dayara Bugyal trek with The Searching Souls?

Expertise: The Searching Souls is a team of experienced trek leaders who are passionate about sharing their love for the outdoors with others. They have extensive knowledge of Dayara Bugyal Trek and the surrounding areas, ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Personalized attention: The Searching Souls focuses on adequate group sizes, allowing them to provide personalized attention to each trekker. They take the time to understand your individual needs and interests and customize the trek to ensure that you have the best experience possible.

Safety: Safety is a top priority for The Searching Souls. They provide all necessary safety equipment, including first aid kits and emergency communication devices, and their trek leaders are trained in wilderness first aid.

Responsible tourism: The Searching Souls is committed to responsible tourism practices. They follow Leave No Trace principles, minimizing their impact on the environment, and also support local communities by using local guides and porters.

Memorable experience: The Dayara Bugyal trek with The searching Souls is not just a trek, but an experience. From the stunning views to the warmth of the local hospitality, the trek is sure to leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.

What should you pack for the Dayara Bugyal trek ?

Basic trek essentials​.

  • Rucksack (60-70 ltr with cover)
  • Down Jacket
  • Gloves (Woollen and Waterproof)
  • Poncho or a Rain Coat
  • Trekking Pole
  • Trek Shoes - Men or Women
  • Trek Pant – 2 Nos. Preferred
  • Day Pack ( 20-30 litres)
  • A pair of Thermals
  • Warm Socks and cotton socks ( 2-3 pair)
  • Woollen Cap
  • Gloves ( Woollen and waterproof)
  • Extra Layering of Warm Clothing as per necessity
  • Extra lowers for Nights
  • Utensils : Plates, Spoon and Coffee Mug
  • Photo ID proof

Personal Utilities :​

  • Sun Glasses ( UV Protected )
  • Sun Screen Lotion (Min SPF- 30 min)
  • Moisturiser
  • Lunch box, Coffee mug and spoon
  • Water bottle or Hydration Bag
  • Basic First Aid
  • Energy Bars

Toiletries :

  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Wet wipes (unscented)
  • Zip Lock Bags
  • Sanitizing Toilet Spray
  • Soap and Handwash (pocket sized)
  • Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush

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At The Searching Souls, we intend to encourage people, to take out time from their busy lives and join us on a journey of self-exploration in the Himalayas.

Address Lane No 3, Friends Enclave, Near Siddhartha law college, IT Park, Sahastradhara Rd, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248013

Daily Business Hours:  9 AM to 9 PM

Call: +91- 9634923602,  7895770439


Certified by StartUpIndia, MSME and Uttarakhand Tourism, we are a 5 Star Rated Company with a 95% Customer Satisfaction Score. We deal in Trekking in the Himalayas, Customized group tours.

Dayara Bugyal Trek

Dayara Bugyal Trek

Dayara Bugyal Trek

Uttarakhand |

Uttarakhand | India

Max Altitude

Trekking Km

Help & Support

9500 /person $ /person.

  • September-2024
  • October-2024
  • November-2024
  • December-2024
  • +5% GST (goods and services tax).
  • Services Natin village to Natin village

Insurance 210

Insurance is Mandatory.

Non-Indian rates are slightly higher. Trek coordinator will provide balance payment link post-booking.

  • Get insurance through us or elsewhere. If not through us, email for a refund after booking.

The cancellation policy will be implemented in accordance with the trek cancellation policy.

Transport 1600

Transportation Dehradun to Natin village and return is optional

Choose add-ons during booking. If missed, log in and add them later

Book transportation at least 10 days before the trek.

Offload 1200

Backpack offload is optional

Choose add-ons during booking. If missed, log in and add them later.

Book off-load at least 10 days before the trek.

For offline bookings at the base camp, a convenience fee of Rs. 1500 applies.

In the event that you choose to cancel your trek prior to the departure date, you will receive a full refund.

For more information. Please complete this form.

Help & Support

Trek Name: Dayara Bugyal Trek

Adventure Type: Trekking

Base Camp: Natin Village

Season: Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter |

Month: January | February | March | April | May | June | September | October | November | December |

Country: India

Altitude: 12100 Ft.

Grade: Easy

Rail Head: Dehradun

Stay: Guest house & Camping

Food: Meals while on trek & at guest house

Location: Uttarakhand

Distance: 22 Km.

Trail Type: Circle trail | Camping in various locations, starting and ending at the same point.

AirPort: Jolly Grant Airport, which is 28 km away from Dehradun

Why Dayara Bugyal Winter Trek is a Must-Do Trek ?

Dayara Bugyal offers stunning high-altitude meadows surrounded by pristine landscapes, providing a feast for the eyes.

The winter trek to Dayara Bugyal presents an enchanting adventure, transforming the meadows into a magical snowy wonderland.

Dayara Bugyal provides a gradual yet rewarding climb suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers.

Reaching the summit offers breathtaking panoramic views of Himalayan peaks like Bandarpoonch, Kalanag, Draupadi Ka Danda, and Srikanth, adding to the trek's allure.

Encounter diverse plant and animal life, offering a unique opportunity for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers.

Enjoy camping amidst nature, surrounded by the peaceful ambiance of the meadows.

Dayara Bugyal , located in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, is a stunning high-altitude meadow known for its scenic beauty and pristine surroundings. 

Dayara Bugyal Trek Informative Video

While it is a popular trekking destination during the warmer months, the Dayara Bugyal Winter Trek offers a unique and enchanting experience for adventure enthusiasts seeking to explore this region in the snowy season.

The trek begins at an altitude of approximately 7,500 feet in Natin and ascends to Dayara Bugyal , which stands at around 12,100 feet above sea level.  The Dayara Bugyal Winter Trek is considered a moderate trek, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers. The challenges in winter include snow-covered trails, cold temperatures, and the need for proper gear.

The Dayara Bugyal Winter Trek is a delightful adventure for those seeking a unique and magical experience in the Himalayas. It offers a chance to witness the ethereal beauty of the meadows blanketed in snow and to immerse yourself in the tranquility of the mountains during the winter months.

Snow-Covered Meadows

The primary allure of the Dayara Bugyal Winter Trek is the mesmerizing sight of the meadows covered in a thick layer of snow. The vast expanse of white creates a picturesque and serene landscape that is perfect for photography and introspection.

Panoramic Views

As you ascend to the summit point, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks, including Bandarpoonch, Kalanag, Draupadi Ka Danda, and Srikanth.

Camping in Snow

Experience the thrill of camping in the snow. Tents are set up in the meadows, and you can enjoy bonfires and starry nights amidst the snow-clad landscapes.

  • Who can Participate
  • Important Links
  • How to Reach
  • Trek Essential

Who Can Participate

  • Age; 10 years +.
  • First timers can apply; previous trekking experience is more appreciated.
  • The climber must be fit and have sufficient stamina to cover 3 km of distance in 35 minutes without stress.
  • The climber should be able to carry a 10-12 kg backpack.

Dehradun To Natin Village

  • Altitude: Natin Village - 2,250 m/7,500 ft.
  • Distance: 200 km | Duration: 7-8 hr.
  • Pick-up place: Dehradun railway station 6 am.
  • Market at Uttarkashi, another small market in Bhatwari.
  • Network is available.
  • View of Gangotri Range from Moryana Top.
  • Front view of Shrikanth peak and massif view of Gangotri from Natin.
  • Stay in guesthouse.

Note: We will pick you up at 6 am from the Dehradun railway station for a 7-8 hour-long journey to Natin village.


Natin is a pleasant village famous as the base camp of the Dayara Bugyal trek. It is around 40 km away from Uttarkashi. The village flourishes with lush greenery. The route to Raithal is like a pathway between the mountains. Uttarkashi is the largest town on the route, and from here you will head to Bhatwari. The closer you get to the base camp, the more brilliant views of the mountains unfold in front of you.

You will get the first glimpse of the Gangotri range, Shrikanth peak from the Moryana top. Here you will halt for a small break if you wish to capture the splendid peaks.

As you approach closer to Natin, the views of mountain peaks get bigger, Shrikanth peak is one of the prominent peaks from here. A mobile network is available here. The last prominent market is at Uttarkashi and a smaller market at Bhatwari. You will spend the night in a guest house or get a taste of a village homestay. In the evening, you will have a quick introduction and briefing session with the trek leaders and guides and you will be given a schedule of the upcoming trekking days and other related information. Dinner and stay in the homestay.

Natin to Gui

  • Altitude (Gui): 2,900 m/ 9,500 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 4-5 km | 4-5 hr.
  • Altitude Gain: 650 m/ 2,100 ft.
  • Grade: Gradual easy ascend.
  • Hot lunch at the campsite.
  • A well-marked trail to the campsite.
  • No water sources, carry 2 liters of water.
  • The same view as Natin, shepherd's huts around, campsite surrounded by forests of Silver and Golden Oak trees bloomed with Rhododendron.
  • Stay in tents (Twin Sharing).

Start early in the morning with an energized spirit to embark on the actual trek. The trail is a walk through the jungle. There are silver and gold oak trees all around. The route to the campsite is well marked and the campsite at Gui always remains in line of sight. The trail is easy and ascends gradually. It will take around 4-5 hours to reach the next resting point. Make sure to carry 2 litres of water as there are no water sources on the way. The mountain views become more and more prominent as you gain altitude while trekking towards Gui. The trail is mostly through forested areas that become denser as you travel towards Gui. It is mostly maple and Oak trees and occasionally Rhododendrons that bring more vibrancy to the forests.


The campsite is surrounded by alpine trees, unlike mountains. You will spot quaint shepherd's huts near the campsite. Theshepherd's huts are used by the locals to shelter their cattle in the summer months. At some distance, you will also spot an Igloo-shaped forest hut. The view from Gui is almost the same as from Natin, with clear views of the Gangotri range and Shrikanth peak. Take short acclimatization walks around the campsite to help your body adjust to the higher altitudes. Under the beautiful night sky, you can relax and re-energize yourself.

Gui to Chilapada

  • Altitude (Chilpada): 3,000 m/ 9,800 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 3 km | 2 hr.
  • Altitude Gain: 100 m/ 300 ft.
  • Easy trail, gradual walk, easiest day of the trek.
  • One liter of water is enough.
  • Stay in tents.


Today is an easier day comparatively. The trail rises slowly as the forest clears and you reach the next camping site of Chilpada. It will be a small trek. The trail follows out of the Gui campsite and onwards towards Dayara. As you climb out of Gui campsite, the mountains on the other side that were hidden come closer into view. Carrying one liter of water is enough for today. You might get some snow traces on the path.  The Gui Thatch offers beautiful views of Shrikanth Peak, and Gangotri I, II, and III peaks. You will also spot the Jaonli Peak as well as the top of Bandarpoonch. Soak in the charms of a Himalayan forest in this leisurely walk. Hot lunch will be served at the campsite. You will arrive at the Chilpada campsite. The campsite is covered with forest.

Bandarpoonch has a beautiful view throughout the Dayara Bugyal trek, but you will also encounter many other splendid peaks. After lunch or evening tea, you can stroll around and explore the area around the campsite.

Chilpada To Dayara Top And Trek To Nayata

  • Altitude (Dayara Top): 3,700 m/ 12,100 ft | (Nayata): 2,800 m/ 9,200 ft.
  • Trek Distance: Chilpada - Dayara Top: 5 km | Duration: 5-6 hr | Dayara Top - Nayta: 6 km | Duration: 3-4 hr.
  • Easy to moderate trail.
  • Packed lunch on the way.
  • Carry enough water, only one water source near the top.
  • Massive views of many peaks and Dodital Range from the top.
  • Stay in a tent.

Summit day is finally here. Today you will go all the way to the Dayara top and return to the campsite. It’s an easy-to-moderate trail. Carry enough water for the way as there is only one water source near the top. With the first few steps under the forest, the trail gradually opens up leading to vast meadows. Hereafter, you will find yourself trudging on the meadows blossomed with colors. Chilpada is quite close to the Dayar Meadows, which gives almost the entire day to explore the meadows. As you enter the meadows, you will spot some shepherd's huts again on the edge of the meadow. In summer, the Dyara Meadows serve as pasturelands, and the shepherds shelter their cattle and livestock in these huts.

Walking on such beautiful terrain with stunning views of Bandarpoonch and other peaks, you won’t even know that you are finally closer to the top. You might also spot a sparsely filled water stream.


The final climb is steep but it is worth the physical strain because you will end up witnessing stunning views of the Dodital range. The trail then takes you to the Gidara pass that distinguishes ways to Pichkiya and Gidara Bugyal. Miles and miles of rolling meadows stretch in every direction. Give yourself some time to savor in the serenity of the landscape, to return to the campsite thereafter. If you are doing the trek in the early season, of late spring or summer, you will see lines of violet and yellow wildflowers adorning the meadow. There’s a packed lunch on the way.  We will descend all the way to Nayata campsite. The Nayata campsite is surrounded beautifully by Maple and Rhododendron trees. Spend the night at Nayata campsite.

Nayata to Natin Village

  • Altitude (Natin Village): 2,250 m/ 7,500 ft.
  • Distance: 5 km | 3 hrs.
  • Altitude loss: 550 m/ 1,800 ft.
  • Easy to descend all the way.
  • Hot lunch at Natin.

The journey amidst the mountains of Dayara Bugyal comes to an end today. Wake up early to get packed up to descend back to Natin. It is a 5 km distance from Nayata to Natin and takes about 3 hrs. From the Nayata campsite follow the main trail to Dayara that you came in yesterday, the trail is canopied by a dense forest cover, so it will be a little cool in this part. Today is all about descending down and the descent is also fairly easy. About an hour into the trek you can see Natin village as well as Raithal from a distance. Continue on till you reach the base.


Throughout the trail, you can relive the fond moments from the ascent days. It seems as if the mountain peaks are calling you back. Natin is a lively village where children and villagers can be seen meandering around. Here, you will have a delicious hot lunch. The overnight stay will be in a guesthouse at Natin.

Natin to Dehradun

  • Drive Distance: 200km |7hrs.
  • After morning tea travel towards Dehradun.
  • Breakfast and Lunch are not included in the trek cost.
  • Reach Dehradun by 5:00 pm.
  • For the safer side book on word journey after 7:00 pm.

Have a final cup of morning tea in Natin. Cherish the goodbyes with your fellow trekkers. After taking a memorable group picture, get into the cab that will ride you back to Dehradun. This will be a 7-8 hour long ride, between the mountains, and valleys, and with the Bhagirathi river that was also a guide to you throughout the drive, marking the end of your incredible Dayara Bugyal trip.

  Breakfast and lunch for the day are excluded. You will reach Dehradun by 5 PM, from here you can continue with the return journey as you might have planned. It is best to book your further journey after 7-8 pm, this will account for any unexpected delays on the road. Make sure to take back loads of adventure-filled memories and a pledge to keep coming back to the mountains. We wish you a safe and happy journey onwards to your destination.


Day-1: Dehradun To Natin Village

  • Altitude: Natin Village - 2,250 m/ 7,500 ft.

Day-2: Natin to Gui

  • Trek Distance: 4-5 km | Duration: 4-5 hr.

Day-3: Gui to Chilapada

Day-4: chilpada to dayara top and trek to nayata.

  • Trek Distance: Chilpada - Dayara Top: 5 km | 5-6 hr, Dayara Top - Nayta: 6 km | 3-4 hr.

Day-5: Nayata to Natin Village

Day-6: natin to dehradun.

Dayara Bugyal Trek Maps

Pulse rate at rest must be in between (60 to 90 beats per minute).

Blood Pressure Reading must be in between (DIASTOLIC 70 – 90, SYSTOLIC 100 - 140 mm Hg).

Respiratory rate at rest must be in between (12 to 20 breaths per minute).

Should not have Liver and kidney issues.

Should not have Diabetes Mellitus, Bronchial Asthma, Heart problems, Hypertension, etc.

No pacemaker implant.

People with Sinus issues, Epilepsy please contact to trek coordinator before booking the trek.

If your BMI is not normal, Please contact our Trek coordinator before Trek booking.

        Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download Medical & Disclaimer Form

  • Government Employees can avail the benefit of Special Casual Leave (SCL) when they join us for a trekking expedition. As per the rules of the Pay Commission, Special Casual Leave can be availed for up to 30 days in a calendar year for trekking/mountaineering expeditions through a registered organization. Trek The Himalayas is a registered adventure tour operator by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) and the Ministry Of Tourism (MOT).
  • Trekkers have to apply for leave at least 20 days before the trek departure date.
  • This service is exclusive to Indian government employees and is applicable only for treks within India.
  • Do mail at info@trekthehimalayas to apply and mention your booked trek date and trek name.

Junior trekkers (below 15 years) should have a company of parents/guardians.

Trekkers between 15 to 18 years can come solo with the disclaimer form signed by parent/guardian.

  • Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download Medical & Disclaimer Form

Exercise For Easy

Fitness Regime For:

Calculate Your Bmi

Your BMI value is

Congratulations, your body is in good conditions!

Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents)  Click Here.

How To Reach

It is essential for everyone to arrive at Dehradun (06:00 am).  

Once you have reached Dehradun, TTH will manage the rest of your travel arrangements, if you have opted for TTH's pick-up service, you can select this option during the booking process by adding it as an add-on.

Options to reach Dehradun - First, you can arrive at Delhi, Dehradun airport or Chandigarh. The journey from these locations to Dehradun is explained below.

1. Take an overnight train.

2. Take a bus to Dehradun, and then take a cab to the pickup point (Railway station).

Delhi to Dehradun - 250km | 6hr.

Chandigarh to Dehradun - 220km | 5hr 

The distance from the Dehradun Bus Stand (ISBT) to the Railway Station is 6 km, without traffic, it will take 15 minutes.

We always recommend to go for the govt. Buses over the private ones outside the bus station as based on the experience we have found that there are very high chances of delay involved with private buses. Also, govt. Buses are always more reliable. Whichever bus you choose, just make sure to reach Dehradun at least by 05:30 am positively.

3. Take flight to Dehradun airport (Jolly Grant Airport) (25 km, 50 min), if coming by flight then come one day early.

The designated drop-off point is Dehradun Railway station.

Arrive in Dehradun Railway Station by 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

Please consider planning your subsequent travel arrangements after 9:00 pm.

The distance from Railway Station to Dehradun Bus Stand (ISBT) is 6 km, it will take approx 25 minutes.

The distance from Railway Station to Dehradun Airport is 28km, it will take approx 45min to 1hr.

It's highly advisable to keep a buffer day in your travel plan. If the buffer day is not needed, it can be used to explore Dehradun/Mussoorie/Rishikesh.

If you prefer to travel independently to Base camp and don't want to take TTH's pick-up service, you can either take a government bus or book a private cab from Rishikesh. Your trek coordinator will provide guidance on how to arrange for the bus or cab booking.

TTH offers comfortable transportation through Tempo Traveler, Bolero, or equivalent vehicles. If you wish to upgrade your mode of transportation, please contact your trek coordinator for further assistance.

How to Reach Dayara Bugyal Trek Map

1. Accommodation (as per the itinerary):

  • Guesthouse & Camping.
  • Guesthouse Day 1 & Day 5.
  • Camping Day 2 to Day 4.

2. Meals (Veg + Egg):

  • All meals are from Base camp to Base camp.
  • Day 1 Dinner to Day 5 Dinner.

3. Transportation (as per the itinerary):

  • Dehradun to Natin village and return (If booked through TTH, available upon booking in add-ons).

4. Support:

  • 1 Versatile base camp manager: handles communication and deploys extra manpower in emergencies.
  • 1 Mountaineering & First aid qualified professional expedition Leader.
  • 1 Experienced high-altitude chef.
  • Local experienced guides (Number of guides depending on the group size).
  • Enough support staff.

5. Trek equipment:

  • Sleeping bag, Sleeping liners (if required), mattresses, and Utensils.
  • 3 men all season trekker tent (twin sharing), Kitchen & Dining tent, Toilet tent.
  • Camping stool, Walkie talkie.
  • Ropes, Helmet, Ice axe, Harness, Gaiters & crampons (if required).

6. First aid:

  • Medical kit, Stretcher, Oxygen cylinder, Blood pressure monitor, Oximeter, Stethoscope.

7. Clock room service at base camp. 8. Mules/porters to carry the central luggage. 9. All necessary permits and entry fees, up to the amount charged for Indian. 10. Services from Natin village to Natin village.

1. Insurance is Mandatory. 2. Food during the transit. 3. Any kind of personal expenses. 4. Mule or porter to carry personal luggage. 5. Emergency evacuation, hospitalization charge or etc. 6. Anything not specifically mentioned under the head Inclusion. 7. Transportation (Dehradun to Natin village and return, if not booked with us).

 Things can be provided on demand and availability (participant has to pay extra for these things).

1- Satellite phone/set phone - is a type of mobile phone that connects via radio links via satellites orbiting the Earth instead of terrestrial cell sites like cellphones. Therefore, they can operate in most geographic locations on the Earth's surface.

2- Gamow/PAC HAPO Bag (Portable Hyperbaric Bag) - is a unique, portable hyperbaric chamber for the treatment of acute mountain sickness (AMS), also known as altitude sickness.

3- AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) -  are portable life-saving devices designed to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, a medical condition in which the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly.

Special Offer

Make a single payment and trek the number of times you want.

If you book a trek with Trek The Himalayas and cannot complete it, or if you've successfully completed the trek and wish to do it again, you can repeat it multiple times at no additional cost.

Terms and conditions

  • This offer is non-transferable.
  • This offer is valid for Trek The Himalayas limited fixed departures.
  • This offer is valid for 5 years from the date of booking.
  • This offer is not valid if the participant has received a cash refund or voucher at the time of cancellation.
  • Participants don’t have to pay for the trek cost but have to pay for transportation and trek permit costs.

To reserve a spot for a trek or adventure program, you can either utilize our online booking form or call us at the provided number. For your confirmation, a deposit must be wired, including the initial payment.

Cancellation terms:

Cancellations prior to 25 days from the start of the Trip

Refund options

  • 5% deduction of trek fee
  • 100% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (any trek, any date) to your friend

Cancellation between 24 days and 15 days to the start of the Trip

  • 30% deduction of trek fee
  • 100% cash voucher for same trip till one year
  • 85% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (same trek, any date) to your friend

Cancellation between 14 days and 10 days to the start of the Trip

  • 50% deduction of trek fee
  • 80% cash voucher for same trip till one year
  • 70% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Book the same trek, in the same season, with any other batch

Cancellation less than 9 days to the start of the trek

  • No cash refund
  • 20% cash voucher for the same trip till one year
  • 10% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (same trek, same date) to your friend

Note- If a booking is made using a voucher or discount code, the policies related to vouchers and discounts cannot be modified.

In the unlikely event that TTH cancels a trek prior to the scheduled departure date:

While it is extremely rare for TTH to cancel a trek, we understand that unforeseen circumstances or natural disasters may occasionally require us to do so before the scheduled departure. These circumstances could include continuous rain or snow, thunderstorms, snowstorms, landslides, floods, earthquakes, or any other natural calamity that poses a risk to the safety of our trekkers. Additionally, unforeseeable events such as local riots, curfews, pandemics, lockdowns, government orders, or any similar situations that compromise the safety of the trekking experience may also necessitate a cancellation.

In the event of such a cancellation, TTH will provide you with a voucher equivalent to the amount you paid for the trek. This voucher can be redeemed for any of our treks within the next year, allowing you to still enjoy an adventure with us at a later date.

The issuance of a voucher is not applicable in situations where you are required to descend from the trek for any reason. The trek leader may make the decision to send you down from the trek due to factors such as insufficient fitness level, symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), high blood pressure, exceeding the designated turn-around-time, health concerns, or if you are found smoking, drinking, or violating the rules set for the trek. In such cases, the provision of a voucher does not apply.

In the rare event that TTH shifts a trek:

We would like to emphasize that weather conditions in high-altitude areas are highly unpredictable and can undergo sudden changes at any time, irrespective of the day. Additionally, circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters, political unrest, pandemics, and lockdowns, may impact the feasibility of conducting a trek. In cases where we are unable to proceed with an event due to such circumstances that are beyond our direct control, we will make every effort to provide you with an alternative trek that is safer and more suitable.

In such situations, we will issue a voucher to offset the cost difference between the originally scheduled trek and the alternative trek. This voucher can be redeemed at any time within one year from the date of issue. Please note that a refund fee or reimbursement of the cost difference is not applicable in these cases.

  • Change of trek batch is dependent on the availability of seats in the batch
  • In case of transferring a trek to a friend, he/she should satisfy all the mandatory requirements put forward by TTH
  • TTH holds the right to change/cancel the policies, without prior notice
  • Cash refund is applicable only in case of bookings made without using any promotional offer code or vouchers

Cash Voucher Terms:

  • This is a non-transferable voucher
  • The voucher cannot be merged with any other offer of Trek The Himalayas
  • The voucher is valid for Trek booked directly with Trek The Himalayas in India
  • To avail the voucher please use your register phone number or e-mail id
  • All the other Terms of booking a trek with Trek The Himalayas are applicable to the voucher
  • Trek The Himalayas holds rights to add/remove any of the Terms and Conditions without prior notice

Itineraries are based on information available at the time of planning and are subject to change. "Trek The Himalayas" reserves the right to change expedition dates, people or itineraries as conditions warrant. If a trip must be delayed or the itinerary changed due to bad weather, road conditions, transportation delays, government intervention, airline schedules, sickness, or other contingency for which TTH or its agents cannot make provision, the cost of delays and/or other changes are the responsibility of the participant. TTH reserves the right to decline, or accept, any individual as a trip member for any reason whatsoever.

Trek Essentials

PDF Of Trek Essential Download

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How to register/create an account with tth.

To register with TTH, visit our website - and create your account. To create your account you will need to use your email address and fill in all the details, set your unique password and your account is ready to use.

How to book a trek?

  • To book a trek with TTH, you first need to register with us and create an account.
  • Choose the trek that you want to do and click on available dates.
  • You will land at the login page, fill in the required details.
  • Add Participants, choose add-on services click on the Pay now button, choose your preferred payment method, and make the payment. TTH accepts multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and UPI.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from TTH with all the necessary details about the trek, including the meeting point, transportation, accommodation, and other important instructions.

Made a payment but did not receive any confirmation.

please send an email to us at [email protected] or reach out to the numbers provided in the Help and Support section of your Trek Page. We will ensure that your issue is promptly resolved.

How to book off-load luggage and transportation?

To book services such as off-load luggage and transportation, you can find them listed as add-ons. These additional services can be booked at the time of your initial booking. If you miss booking add-ons during the initial reservation, you can log in anytime and easily book 4 days before the departure date add-ons through the platform.

If I have booked the wrong trek or date, how can I make changes?

In such a situation, please log in to your account and transfer your trek or date to the desired one within 12 hours or drop us an email at [email protected] 10 days before the departure date of the trek. After the initial 12-hour period, any changes will be processed according to the cancellation policy.

I am a beginner and confused which trek to book.

We recommend visiting our "Suggest Me a Trek" page. By filling out the form, our experts will contact you with the best possible trek options based on your preferences and experience level. Alternatively, you can reach out to us via email at [email protected] or give us a call using the numbers provided on our website for personalized assistance and recommendations.

How is family trek different from regular trek?

Family treks differ from regular treks by focusing on ease of difficulty, offering shorter durations for younger participants, Kid-friendly and easily digestible foods, child-friendly activities, maintaining a higher guide ratio for diverse age groups, and implementing additional safety measures for families.

Ideal treks for children.

Family Trek with Kids recommendation Only Dayara Bugyal and Chopta Chandrashila Trek.

Minimum age for children to trek with TTH.

Minimum age for TTH treks is typically 7 years, though this may vary depending on the specific trek.

Can we take children to high altitudes with their guardian?

Yes, you can take a kids to a high-altitude trek with a parent. Discuss with a trek expert before booking a trek.

Can we send kids without Parents/guardian?

Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download medical and disclaimer form

How to prepare a child for a high altitude trek?

Physical Fitness: Ensure your child is physically fit. Engage them in regular exercise, outdoor activities, and hikes to build stamina and endurance. Hydration: Emphasize the importance of staying hydrated at high altitudes. Encourage your child to drink water regularly, even if they don't feel thirsty. Proper Nutrition: Provide a well-balanced diet with sufficient carbohydrates for energy and foods rich in iron to prevent altitude sickness. Adequate Sleep: Ensure your child gets enough sleep in the days leading up to the trek. Quality rest is crucial for altitude adaptation. Educate on Altitude Sickness: Teach your child about the symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. Encourage them to communicate any discomfort immediately. Appropriate Clothing and Gear: Dress your child in layers to adjust to changing temperatures. Ensure they have appropriate trekking gear, including sturdy footwear. Positive Mindset: Foster a positive mindset. Encourage your child, and let them know it's okay to take breaks when needed. Medical Check-Up: Schedule a medical check-up before the trek to ensure your child is fit for high-altitude activities. Consult with a healthcare professional about any potential health concerns.

Kind of food will be served during the trek for children.

TTH takes special care to provide wholesome and nutritious food for children on treks. Here are some of the foods that are typically served for children: Breakfast: For breakfast, TTH serves a variety of options like porridge, cornflakes, bread, butter, jam, honey, boiled eggs, omelettes, and pancakes. Children can choose from these options to fuel themselves for the day's trek. Lunch: For lunch, TTH serves lunch which includes rotis, vegetables, rice, dal, and salad. The rotis are usually made fresh on the trek and are a good source of carbohydrates. The dal and vegetables provide protein and other essential nutrients. Snacks: TTH provides healthy snacks like fresh fruits, dry fruits, energy bars, cookies, and biscuits to keep the children energized throughout the day. Dinner: For dinner, TTH serves a hot and wholesome meal which includes soup, rice, dal, vegetables, and a non-vegetarian dish (if requested in advance). Children can also choose from a variety of desserts like custard, jelly, and fruit salad. Dietary requirements: If a child has any special dietary requirements, TTH can cater to those needs as well. For example, if a child is lactose intolerant or allergic to nuts, the kitchen staff can make arrangements to accommodate those requirements.

How to choose the right trek?

Choosing the right trek for a beginner can be a bit overwhelming as there are many factors to consider such as distance, elevation gain, terrain difficulty, weather, and time of year. Here are some tips that can help you choose the right trek for a beginner:

1. Determine fitness level:  Assess the fitness level of the beginner to understand their physical capabilities. This will help you select a trek that is challenging but not too difficult.

2. Choose a well-traveled trail:  A well-traveled trail will have more amenities such as signposts, water stations, and shelter. It is also safer as there will be other hikers on the trail.

3. Consider the length of the trek:  For beginners, it is recommended to start with a shorter trek that can be completed in a day or two. This will help them get acclimatized to trekking and build their confidence.

4. Look for gradual elevation gain:  Choose a trek with a gradual elevation gain rather than steep ascents. This will make the trek easier and more enjoyable.

5. Check the weather:  Check the weather forecast before selecting a trek. Avoid treks during the monsoon season or winter when the trails can be slippery or dangerous.

6. Research the trail:  Read about the trail to get an idea of the terrain, altitude, and difficulty level. This will help you select a trek that is suitable for the beginner.

7. Consult with an expert:  If you are unsure about which trek to choose, consult our trek expert Mr. Nitin (+91 70600 59773) between 10 AM to 6 PM (Tuesday - Friday). Mr. Nitin will provide you valuable advice and guidance.

Overall, it is important to choose a trek that is enjoyable, challenging but not too difficult, and suitable for the beginner's fitness level and experience.

Can a beginner choose a tough trek?

It is not recommended for a beginner to choose a difficult Himalayan trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally challenging, especially if you are not used to the high altitude, steep slopes, and rugged terrain. Choosing a difficult trek without the proper experience, fitness level, and preparation can be dangerous and put you at risk of altitude sickness, injury, and other hazards.

If you are a beginner, it is recommended to start with an easier trek and gradually build up your skills and experience. This will help you understand the challenges of trekking in the Himalayas, and also prepare you physically and mentally for a more difficult trek in the future. It is also important to choose a trek that matches your fitness level, experience, and interest.

What is the age limit for a beginner trekker?

There is no specific age limit for a beginner trekker. However, it is important to consider your physical fitness, health condition, and personal interests before embarking on a trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally demanding, and requires a certain level of physical fitness and endurance.

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are above a certain age, it is recommended to consult with a doctor before embarking on a trek. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed during the trek to prevent exhaustion or injury.

If I am solo, can I join the trek in a group?

Yes, you can join the trek. We have fixed departure groups where you can simply book your trek and we will take care of curating a group.

How does my family get updated about my Trek?

Before you start the trek, it is recommended that you make all the necessary phone calls as during the trek you may or may not receive network coverage, once you come back to the Base Camp, you can reconnect with your family via phone once again. You can share your trek coordinator contact detail with your family members to get the latest updates about your trek batch.

What food can I expect?

At TTH, we provide wholesome and nutritious meals during the trek. The food is vegetarian and includes a variety of dishes such as rice, dal, vegetables, chapati, paratha, pasta, noodles, and soup. We also offer snacks such as biscuits, and salty, and dry fruits during the trek. Special dietary requirements such as vegan, gluten-free, or Jain food can also be arranged if informed in advance.

I am allergic to some foods.

If you are allergic to some foods, you need to let us know in advance so that we can make arrangements accordingly.

How safe is trekking with TTH?

TTH is a trekking company that prioritizes the safety of all its participants, including women trekkers. They have a comprehensive safety system in place, which includes a dedicated team of experienced and trained trek leaders and support staff who are equipped to handle emergency situations and provide first aid.

TTH also takes specific measures to ensure the safety and comfort of women trekkers. They have a separate tent accommodation for women trekkers, female trek leaders, and support staff. They also provide separate toilet facilities for women and encourage a safe and respectful environment for all trekkers.

Moreover, TTH has a strict policy against any kind of harassment and has a zero-tolerance policy towards such incidents. They have a designated Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to investigate and address any complaints related to harassment or misconduct. Overall, TTH has a good reputation for safety and responsible trekking practices, and women can feel comfortable and safe while trekking with them.

How TTH will manage if I am the only woman in the group?

In case you are the only women in the group, we provide a single sleeping arrangement. Also, during the trek, the trek leader will always remain by your side to provide optimum safety and reassurance.

How can I know that other women are in the batch?

You can reach out to the trek coordinator to inquire about the number of female trekkers and their respective states who have booked the trek. Please note that the trek coordinator cannot disclose personal details of any trekker. Once you've confirmed your booking, a WhatsApp Group will be created for all the trekkers in your batch. This allows you to connect with fellow trekkers before the trek begins.

Can I know in advance, which trek is led by a women Trek Leader?

While many of our treks are led by female trek leaders, however, it is not possible to know which trek leader is assigned to which group. But nonetheless, whether the trek leader is male or female you can be completely assured of your safety and security with us.

Can I trek with periods? If yes, then where can I dispose of the sanitary pad?

Yes, it is possible to trek with periods. However, it is important to take some extra precautions and preparations to ensure a comfortable and safe trekking experience.

Here are some tips that can help you trek during your period:

1. Use menstrual hygiene products that you are comfortable with, such as tampons, pads, or menstrual cups. It is recommended to carry enough supplies for the entire duration of the trek.

2. Pack wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and plastic bags to dispose of used hygiene products.

3. Wear comfortable and breathable clothing that allows for easy movement and reduces friction. Avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing that can cause discomfort.

4. Carry pain relief medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, in case of menstrual cramps.

5. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to support your energy levels and overall health.

6. Take breaks as needed and listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable or experience any unusual symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

It is also recommended to consult with a doctor before going on a trek during your period, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication. By taking necessary precautions and being prepared, you can have a safe and comfortable trekking experience even during your period.

We provide proper disposal facilities for sanitary pad disposal during the trek.

How will the accommodation be during the trek?

We offer three person tents with twin-sharing for optimum comfort. A woman trekker will share a tent with another woman trekker and if you are the only woman in the group, you will be given a single accommodation for your comfort and privacy.

Are trek poles, Jackets and other equipment available for rent from Trek The Himalayas?

Yes, we do provide gears on rent. You can book it using you TTH account directly.

Who will be with us on the trek from Trek The Himalayas?

Mountaineering qualified Experienced and first aid certified Trek Leader, First Aid Certify local guide, Cook, helpers and supporting staff.

Who can not join the trek?

People suffering from Bronchitis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Epilepsy (got faints), TB , Heart problem or on higher BMI side are strictly not allowed to go on any Himalayan trek. Apart from this if you had any medical history, please let us know.

When it gets really cold can I consume alcohol?

No. Alcohol and smocking isn’t allowed while on trek. It is totally misconception that it will keep you warm. Your body need to acclimatize properly and for that eat properly and drink enough water; these things will keep you warm.

What type of toilet facility is TTH providing at the trek?

Toilet tents provide a convenient solution for answering nature's call in the great outdoors. Dry toilets, in particular, offer a highly sanitary approach. By digging a pit and utilizing mud and a shovel, you can easily cover up your waste. This method ensures cleanliness and hygiene while camping or exploring in the forest. 

Remember to pack essential toiletries to complete your outdoor bathroom kit and maintain proper personal hygiene during your adventures. With these practices in place, you can enjoy nature while also respecting it.

How do I manage the negative temperatures on the trek at higher camps? Do I need special jackets?

Layer Up From Head To Toe Eat Full Meals, never sleep empty stomach You can keep warmee (if you’re more susceptible to cold). Use sleeping bag in right way and don’t leave free space in sleeping bag.

For upper body – Thermal layer – T-shirt (full-sleeves) – Fleece T-shirt (for extreme colds) – Fleece layer – Thick Jacket/Down Jacket – Waterproof or Windproof layer (outermost layer, when it is snowing or raining) - For Lower Body – Thermal layer – Hiking pants (normal) or Winter hiking pants

Based on how warm you feel you can skip any of the above layers. Your outer later should be windproof since it is windy at high altitude. The idea behind layering is that the more insulation you have the less cold you feel, and instead of wearing a very thick jacket if you wear multiple layers, your body will be better insulated against the cold.

Do you provide crampon/micro spikes and gaiters?

Yes, we provide micro spikes and gaiters, if required.

What documents need to carry on trek?

Mandatory documents: 2 xerox of ID having address (addhar card/driving license), 2 Passport size photographs, hard copy Medical form signed & sealed by doctor, disclaimer form sign by trekker and high altitude insurance.

If we come prior the trek date, Do you provide accommodation?

No. We don’t but we can suggest you good hotel/Stay nearby pick up location.

Do we get enough water for drinking?

Yes, trekker must carry 2 water bottles 1 litre each so they can refill it at campsite for drinking and keep themselves hydrate.

What kind of shoes we should buy for the trek?

You should buy shoes which has these three features –Good grip, Ankle Support and additional water resistant layers. Generally, we advise Quechua Trek 100, MH 500 and MH 100.

What happens if some members of the team need to turn back before the summit?

No one is forced to go on. There is always enough staff to split the party according to need and regroup later at the camp. Most people have no trouble reaching the highest campsite. If some members decide not to climb the final distance they can wait for the climbers to come back down the same way or take a lateral path to the descent route.

What kind of accommodation we’ll get in this trek?

We stay in Guest house on first and fifth night which is in sharing bases male female seprate(triple, quad, hexa)while on trek we provide tent on twin sharing bases.

Will you provide us with tents and sleeping bags?

Yes, we will provide sleeping, tent, mattress. It is among the central equipment.

Where and what time do we have to reach in Rishikesh?

Reporting point is TTH head office, kaintura plaza, opposite shiv vilas hotel,Tapowan, Laxman jhulla , Badrinath highway and the pick up time is 6:00 AM-6:30 AM.

No. We don’t but we can suggest you good hotels nearby pick up location. Few suggestions:

Blue river  Green hills  The Sweven Rishieksh Hastag  Hotel shiv vilas  Hotel Key lite  Bliss Ganga  Tapasthali  Live free Hostel Zostal Tapovan Blue Jay

How many trekkers do you take in a group?

We need minimum 6 people to run a batch and maximum batch size 24-26.

Is this a good trek for a first timer?

Yes, This is of the best options. We recommend this trek to first timer as well as experienced one.

If not the Dayara Bugyal trek, what is a good alternative trek to do?

You can look for below mention treks which is available in same time Chopta Chandrashilla trek, Winter Kuari Pass Trek, Brahmatal Trek, Ali Bedni Bugyal Trek and Kedarkantha Peak Trek.

What is the age limit?

We allow minimum 10 yrs kid in this trek and maximum depend on trekker's fitness.

Can you give us brief details about served food while on trek?

We serve Indian vegetarian food with occasional eggs while on trek, to give you general idea it is like this, Dal sabji roti, rice in lunch & dinner and daliya, poha, sandwich etc in breakfast with morning & evening tea.

Yes, trekkers must carry 2 water bottles 1 litre each so they can fill/refill at campsite so they can drink and keep themselves hydrate. Once you’re in campsite you can refill it from water container available in campsite.

What kind of shoes we should buy for this trek?

You should buy shoes which has these three features –Good grip, Ankle Support and additional water resistant layers. Generally, we advise Quechua Trek 100, MH 500 and MH 100. Watch this video for better understanding:

Is Trekking pole necessary?

Yes, it is necessary. It is additional support which helps you reduce tiredness and give you strength and balance.

What all do I need to carry on the trek?

A) Mandatory documents: 2 xerox of ID having address (addhar card/driving license), 2 Passport size photograph, Medical form signed & sealed by doctor and soft/hard copy of vaccination certificate. 

B) Essential list:   Upper body warmer - 1 Quick dry t-shirts -3 Fleece jacket -1 Down feather/hollow fill jacket -1 Rain poncho/rain proof jacket- 1 Lower body warmer - 1 Quick dry convertible trek pants - 3 Rain proof water pants/poncho - 1 Suncap- 1 Woollen cap/Balaclava - 1 Sunglasses (UV protected with side cover)- 1 Neck gaiter/muffler - 1 Cotton trekking socks 4-5 pair Woollen socks 2-3 pair Waterproof high ankle trekking shoes -1 pair Waterproof hand gloves with fleece layer inside- 1 pair Woollen gloves -1 pair Head torch- 1 Lunch box -1 Water bottle- 2(1 litre each) Extra batteries for head torch Toiletries (toilet paper, wet tissue, sanitizer, tooth brush, tooth paste, hand wash, sunscreen lotion) Menstrual hygiene kit for female trekkers.

  • Date and Price

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Get in touch with us. E-mail us Monday-Saturday (10 AM to 6 PM)

Address: Trek The Himalayas, Kaintura Plaza, Badrinath Road Tapovan, Rishikesh - 249201 Uttarakhand

Phone: 8191004846

Email: [email protected]

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why winter for Dayara Bugyal trek

Dayara Bugyal trek

Dayara Bugyal trek in winter trek is real-time magic that you can ever experience. Firstly, winter treks are already a dreamland to many, and on top of that Dayara Bugyal trek is the best time you can spend in your winters. Additionally, there are factors representing the triumph of this Dayara Bugyal trek in winter with an affordable Dayara Bugyal trek package, its difficulty level & itinerary. Along with that in the further blog you will get to know about:

  • Dayara Bugyal trek is the best time where you can witness the wilderness at its best
  • Dayara Bugyal trek package by India Treks is the most affordable and value for money
  • Dayara Bugyal trek difficulty level is considered to be moderate. How should you prepare for the trek? 
  • Dayara Bugyal trek itinerary by India Treks – Let’s see how each day looks 

So do not miss out on this super exciting blog with loads of information for you. 

What experience are we about to imagine about the Dayara Bugyal Winter Trek?

In The giant mountains hanging above the meadows of Dayara. The exploration in the meadows. The golden-green grass undulated over bumps of hillocks. Fluffy white sheep grazed peacefully in small clusters in the niches of the meadows. Mt Bandarpoonch, with its shining snowy flanks, stood over the fields like a guardian angel. It was omnipresent.

The big massif with Mt Kalanag followed us everywhere. You might often hear of how stunning mountain views are when they jut out of the meadows. But, on Dayara Bugyal it grasps you by the scruff of the neck. Behind us, there was an entire stretch of the greater Himalayas of the Gangotri extension. The biodiversity is high. You will hear a lot of bird calls. A warning does not miss out on these majestical forests.

Dayara Bugyal Trek best time is in winters

You are standing in the middle of a big field and imagine it as the early morning, with fresh air, loads of greenery around, or covered with snow in some cases. Well, well, don't forget you are simply imagining but this dream can be your reality in no time. So, buckle for the brand-new adventure Dayara Bugyal Trek in its best time. It's quite digestible to claim that Dayara Bugyal's trek in winters is nonetheless than heaven. Now suppose that field at a height of 12,000 feet, with nothing but immaculate white snow.

Dayara Bugyal trek in winter in Uttarakhand is phenomenal. It is situated at a height of 3,000-4,000 feet. Being present in that moment of the Dayara Bugyal trek best time is like a wonderland situation. The Dayara Bugyal trek in its best time offers across-the-board panoramic views of the Himalayan range, beautiful campsites, and low-altitude lakes.

Basically, Dayara Bugyal trek in the local language directs to a circular plot of land, showing the hoop-shaped grassy turf of bugyal, surrounded by dark oak and maple words. Also, the Dayara Bugyal trek in winter is the best time as this scenario is priceless. Certainly, Dayara Bugyal trek's best time is when the whole grassland is wrapped in white fluffy snow, periodically you cannot even see the end of the canvas. Along with that the Dayara Bugyal trek in winter is an absolutely unique adventure.

Dayara Bugyal trek's best time is winter when the trek becomes moderate from easy. Dayara Bugyal trek's best time is from the month of December to February. It is at this time of the year when the trek significantly, radiates tremendous white beauty. Also, you can witness diverse categories of animals & beautiful trees and shrubs.

Dayara Bugyal Trek Quick Facts:

Duration:  4D/3N

Maximum Altitude:  12,000 ft

Trek Difficulty Level:  Easy to Moderate

Trekking Distance:  29km

Temperature:  Day: relatively warmer and Night: -4°C(min) to 25°C(max)

Best Time to do:  I n winters is nonetheless than heaven

Nearest Railway Station:  Haridwar

Nearest Airport:  Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun

Dayara Bugyal Trek Itinerary by India Treks

Start your day early in the fresh morning from Dehradun city. After a 7-hour-long journey, you will reach Raithal. It is a delightful village and also a base camp for the Dayara Bugyal trek. However, this village is approximately 35 km away from Uttarkashi, filled with lush leafage and the Bhagirathi River flows with you throughout the way to the village. You can see considerable famous peaks on the Dayara Bugyal trek way like the Gangotri range and Shrikant peaks. You will be spending the night here at a campsite or a homestay before you start your trek the next day.

● Distance: 4 km

● Time: 4-5 hours

● Altitude: 9,500ft

Start the actual Dayara Bugyal trek from here early in the morning after having a good breakfast. This trail is a beautiful walk through the jungle filled with oak trees. It takes around 4 to 5 hours to finish this trial. Always make sure that you have a bottle of water with you every time because there is no source of water on the way.

  • Altitude – 9,842 ft to 12,057 ft to 9,842 ft
  • Trek distance – 7 km, 5-6 hours

Today will be an easy day as compared to yesterday. As today’s trek is a mix of gradual ascending and descent, crossing the tree line that opens to a vast open meadow- Dayara Bugyal Trek Itinerary glimpses the majestic Himalayan peaks visible from the meadow. Peak views including Srikanth, Gangotri, Draupadi ka Danda, Jaonli, Bandarpunch, and Swargarohini are visible from the meadow. Have your packed lunch, capturing the extraordinarily vast land with the herd of cattle & wild horses grazing all around. Once done, you will then head back to the Gui campsite for an overnight stay.

  • Altitude – 9,842 ft to 7,388 ft
  • Trek distance – 4 km, 3-4 hours
  • Drive – 185 km, 7-8 hours 

The beautiful journey of the Dayara Bugyal trek comes to an end today. Getting up early and dipping back to Raithal is the Dayara Bugyal trek itinerary plan. With all the beautiful pictures and videos, we bid goodbye to all the trekkers, cherishing all the memories forever. After we arrive at Raithal, we’ll take a seven-hour drive to reach Dehradun. Thus, marking the ending of this mesmerizing trek.

Dayara Bugyal Trek Map

Dayara Bugyal trek package by India Treks is the most affordable and value for money 

Visiting cliffs doesn't always have to be costly. However, we are here to reduce your worries, India trek will help you fulfill your travel dreams at affordable prices. We value your hard-earned money. Dayara Bugyal trek package cost will be very less as we are giving you loads of surprises on your voyage. Imagine saving your money for this trip and getting more than your expectations at such low prices. Our  D ayara Bugyal Trek Package can leave you shocked. Along with that, we promise to help you and support you at every step of your trek. No matter whether you are a beginner or a usual traveler, we will make sure to make every second of the journey memorable for you. We will guide you along the way. Do not miss the opportunity for this time Dayara Bugyal trek package cost is very low.

Why should you go with India Treks?

  • The main factor is the Dayara Bugyal Trek package on which many travelers rely. Therefore, we can assure you of the best & affordable Dayara Bugyal Trek package ,  which might include things beyond your expectations, especially in such a minimal amount.
  • Our trek leaders are well-trained in their work. And are compatible to tackle every situation during the tour.
  • We can assure you of the best facilities over the period. Along with that, if you register instantly for the low-cost Dayara Bugyal Trek package it will be surprisingly beneficial for you.
  • Undeniably, your enjoyment & exploration of the Dayara Bugyal winter trek is our preference.
  • You can pay us via any means available.
  • At the end of the trek, you yourself will be stating the worthiness of the time you spent with India Trek.

Dayara Bugyal Trek's difficulty level   is ranked as a moderate level trek. Therefore, we believe it lies in this category where Dayara Bugyal Trek's difficulty addresses all of these criteria well. Located in District Uttarkashi of Uttrakhand, Dayara Bugyal stands at a peak of above 10,000 ft/3048 m. Also, every day of the trek, you climb for a maximum of 4 hours. Therefore, it is obviously okay for beginners and trekkers.

  • Trekking Shoes:  Dayara Bugyal Trek's difficulty requires sturdy trekking shoes, with a good grip, and ankle support, and can handle snow.
  • Backpack:  For a trek like Dayara Bugyal you need approximately a 50-60 liter backpack. Make sure your backpack has good hip support, shoulder mounting, and quick access pockets. For More Information Please Click Here  
  • Clothes:  Wearing more layers is the secret in the mountains. Layers give you maximum protection from all elements. You can also adjust accordingly to the weather.
  • Insulation layers:  For the Dayara Bugyal Trek's as of winters, you will need a minimum of 4 warm layers. You will need 1 pair of inner thermals, light fleece layers, 1 light sweater, and 1 padded jacket. Two trek pants
  • Two pairs of trek pants:  Wear one pair and carry one just in case it rains. Also, choose quick-dry pants over cotton. They will dry up soon in case of small streamlet crossings/rain.

These accessories are obligatory. Don’t dig into the Dayara Bugyal Trek difficulty level without them. Start gathering these accessories first so that you don't have to arrange them at the last minute. 

  • Synthetic hand gloves
  • Woollen cap or Balaclava
  • Socks (3 pairs)
  • Trekking pole (pair)
  • Rain cover for your backpack
  • Daypack (20-30 liters, optional)
  • A toilet kit 
  • Plastic covers

All these are the necessities you must carry along for your aid.

  • Diamox  (1 Strip): Be on a course of a half tablet of Diamox starting from Delhi every 12 hours (125 mg). Being on a preventive course of Diamox significantly reduces the chances of Acute Mountain Sickness as for Dayara Bugyal Trek's difficulty level
  • Dolo 650  (5 tablets): This is a paracetamol. It helps to tackle fever and mild pain
  • Avomine  (4 tablets): Carry this especially if you have motion sickness. Pop one-half hour before the start of your road journey.
  • Combiflam  (5 tablets): Take a combiflame if you get a hasty twist of the leg or a muscle strain. It is a pain reliever. It also contains paracetamol. 
  • Digene  (4 tablets): Take it if you feel the food that you’ve taken is unprocessed. Therefore, alert your trek leader instantly. It could be a sign of AMS. 
  • ORS  (6 packs): Consume a pack of ORS water at least once a day, usually midday when you are in the middle of your trek. It replenishes necessary salts lost while trekking. It also makes cold water effortless to drink.
  • Knee Brace  (optional) :  Carry this if you are prone to knee injury or have known cases of knee pain.

Payment Terms & Methods :

* Some Advance Percentage of the total booking amount

* Airfare/Transport fare to be paid entirely at one time in advancement.

Cancellation & Refund Policy :

* For cancellation, a refund will be made after deducting the Retention Amount.

* Retention Amount varies as per the number of days left before your package start date.

Legal Documentations: 

* It is mandatory to submit a copy of your identity documents as required.

* There is a disclaimer document that you need to read & sign before the registration.

Most Frequently Asked Question

In terms of difficulty level, Dayara Bugyal is  an easy trek , which means it is perfect for beginners. Located in District Uttarkashi of Uttrakhand, Dayara Bugyal stands at an elevation of above 10,000 ft/3048 m. Dayara Bugyal Trek has its parenting range in the Gharwal Himalayas .

The nearest airport is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun which is about 195 km and Rishikesh is the nearest railway station at a distance of 180 km from Dayara Bugyal. The road to Dayara Bugyal branches near Bhatwari is 28 km from Uttarkashi on Gangotri road.

Dayara Bugyal is a Bugyal (Himalayan Alpine Meadow) in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand . However, Dayara Bugyal is a popular Trekking and Camping Destination. The Bugyal has an average elevation of 3639m and is around 40 km from Uttarkashi.

Bugyal is  alpine pasture lands, or meadows, in a higher elevation range between 3,300 meters (10,800 ft) and 4,000 meters (13,000 ft) of the Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttarakhand , where they are called "nature's own gardens". The topography of the terrain is either flat or sloped.

At Raithal you will be staying in the guest house. There are different types of dorms available.

Based on the number of trekkers rooms will be given. Whereas on the other campsite you will be staying in tents. We will have twin-sharing tents, where two people stay in a tent.

You can visit the Dayara and Gidara Bugyal trek any time of the year, best seasons include May to July, August end to mid-October, and December to February. From Winter to November onwards this destination boasts thick blankets of snow ideal for skiers. For more detailed pictures get a glimpse of the Dayara Bugyal trek itinerary of the blog, where you will find the places & scenarios.

The Dayara Bugyal Trek covers around  23 km in 4 days . (6 days including the drive to and from the base camp). The altitude ranges from 7,096 ft in Raithal all the way to Dayara Top at 11,830 ft. Along with that, you must obviously refer to the Dayara Bugyal trek itinerary where you will find the pathways & the details regarding the moderation of the trek.

A trek like Dayara Bugyal   requires a good fitness level. There are gradual ascends and 4-5 hours of trekking every day. As a measure of your fitness, we need you to:

Run at least  5 km in 38 minutes  before your trek. The consistency of your workout also matters, so aim to  jog 20 km a week  or 80 km in a month. It's our minimum mandatory requirement.

Alternatively, cycle for at least  22 km in 60 minutes . Aim to  cycle 110 km a week  or 440 km in a month. However, running is better suited for your trek preparation.

Once you get confirmed for your trek, we will diligently follow up on your fitness routine. Our team will also assist in putting you through a fitness plan. It will ultimately help you have a safe trek experience.

dayara bugyal trek bikat

Have More Questions?

We have answers.

At India Trek, we focus on small numbers in a group because trek leaders will be able to communicate throughout the trek. Be it on or off the trail, our trek leaders will be able to address every query of trekkers and they can look after if any emergency occurs.

Dayara Bugyal is an easy-moderate trek and requires trekkers to be physically fit. The minimum age for eligibility is 8 years . If your child meets this criterion and is physically fit, you can take her/him along.

In winter, people trek to Dayara Bugyal to experience snow. The landscape again changes color when draped in the white snow. Soft, powdery snowflakes loosely hang from pine trees offering a tinge of Christmas-y feel. Perfect for snowball fights and an experience of snowfall if you’re lucky. However, snow raises the difficulty of the trek by a notch. So, prepare well if you are going in winter.

Dayara Bugyal is a 6 day trek. You will be staying at our campus in Raithal and in tents on other days of the trek. Each tent accommodates 3 trekkers. We focus on your health as well, so there will be air mattresses for everyone because we believe, proper rest is one of the most important parts of any trek. So we take care of our trekkers because we value your requirement.

The base camp at Raithal will have concrete toilets. On Trek days, toilet tents will be set up along each campsite. 

We believe in saving the environment on the trail. So we have come across the new age of portable bio-toilets. They can be used to answer nature’s call. There will be a portable toilet on each campsite that is reusable and hygienic. These are dry toilets, where you’ll have to use toilet paper. There will be a room freshener as well. It’s the most hygienic and convenient way to answer nature’s call in the wild. 

Please use plain toilet paper and refrain from using wet wipes since these are not biodegradable.

Our campsites are pitched near water sources. For your day’s trek, two liters of water should be enough. On Day 4 and Day 5, you will find one water source to refill your water bottles. Your trek leader will brief you about these before starting the day’s trek. There will be no water sources on the trail on the other days of trekking.

When it comes to a mobile phone network and an internet connection, you’ll find a good network all across your trek. You will get a 4G network even at Dayara Top!

As for electricity, Raithal Campus is the last point with electricity. Along with that the India treks base camp in Raithal, all the rooms are equipped with plug points for trekkers to charge their electronic devices.

However, once you leave the base camp, there is no electricity. Accordingly, we would suggest you bring additional batteries for your cameras and a power bank with more than 10,000 mAh to last you the entire trek.

We advise you to carry around Rs 5000 in cash to pay for your transport to the base camp, for rental gear deposit, and for personal expenses en route to the base camp.  

If you’re an India Treks trekker, there is no major need for cash once you arrive at the base camp


Miles To Go Before I Sleep :-)

dayara bugyal trek

Dayara Bugyal Trek – A complete Guide

Are you looking for an adventurous trekking experience with your friends or family? Dayara Bugyal Trek is a perfect destination that gives you a wholesome and experience. It is absolutely stunning during winter as it snows and in turn that is what makes the trekking experience like something to die for. We give you our word that what you will experience here, will be cherished lifelong.

Dayara Bugyal Trek

Dayara Bugyal Trek is situated in Uttarakhand that can easily be compared to a fairyland because of its snow. Winter unveils a completely different picture of Dayara Bugyal Trek which is simply spectacular. Snow covers the trees, the rocks and the grass. The meadows which add to the lush greenery during other seasons, turn white during winter which gives it a different yet mesmerizing look.

This location has made its own mark and stands out among the other trek locations. It is known to be an easy trek so it is idea for people who are trying it out for the very first time. Some amount of physical fitness is require for you to climb the rough terrains of the mountains. Before you indulge in trekking, check you BMI to ensure if you are fit enough to go ahead.  If you do end up in this location, you will most definitely have the best time of your life.

All that there is to know about Dayara Bugyal Trek

Why should dayara bugyal trek be chosen over all the other ones.

Easy trek for what you experience- Per day average trekking distance is not more than 9 km. Beginners with some amount of physical fitness can easily walk the trail without second thoughts. It is a child’s play for the ones who already have their climbing skills honed.

Less crowd- Other trekking destinations like Triund and Kedarkantha witness a lot of trekkers that in Dyara Bugyal Trek. So, for people who do not like much crowd and want to experience this in peace and calmness, this location is absolutely ideal for them.

Mesmerizing views – The view of the Garhwal Range is absolutely spectacular from Dayara. The sunset can also be enjoyed here which is a jaw-dropping sight. You can also enjoy the view of other peaks from here like, Srikanta and Gangotri . Overall the experience you get here is enthralling.

Opportunity to explore- For people who have come to hike causally, Dayara will give them a fulfilling experience worth cherishing. For the adventure junkies, who wish to explore more can head to Bakaria Top and Surya Top. Higher altitude means better view but climbing higher depends a lot on the condition of the weather and how much snow has accumulated. Skiing is also an activity that takes place in Dayara from January till March.

When is the most ideal time to visit Dayara for the trek?

Winter is clearly the best to visit Dayara Bugyal Trek. It receives heavy snowfall during the months of December. However, it gets cumbersome to have a trekking experience towards the end of January and February because of the huge gathering of snow. So, December’s last week to January’s third week is a fine time to indulge in trekking in Dayara Bugyal Trek. The minimum temperature that you can expect during this time is 5 degree Celsius and the highest could reach a maximum of 20 degree Celsius.

What are the different way one can reach Dayara Bugyal Trek?

There are many ways to actually reach Dayara Bugyal Trek which are as follows:

By Air: The closest Airport to Dehradun is Jolly Grant Airport is situated at a distance of about 25 km from the main city. From the airport you can book a cab or rent a taxi in order to reach your destination.

By Rail: There are two trains you could choose from- Nanda Devi Express and Dehradun Express from Delhi. The departure and arrival timings of Nandadevi Express is 11:50 pm to 5: 40 am and the same for Dehradun Express are 9: 10 pm and 5 am respectively.

By bus: Private bus services are not that reliableand it is advised not to opt for them unless absolutely necessary.

After arriving at Dehradun which is basically going to be your starting point for the journey. 5 days is sufficient time for you to make the most of this trekking experience in Dayara Bugyal Trek. Start from Dehradun and reach Barsu, which is a village at a height of seven thousand three hundred and eighty one feet. It takes around 8 hours to reach the village. After that, you need to proceed from Barsu to Barnala which stands tall at a height of nine thousand eight hundred and eighty four feet. From Barnala you finally reach your destination that is Dayara Bugyal.

Are there any risk factors that one needs to be careful about?

High Altitude- High altitude does come with greater excitement and better adventure but there are risks associated with it. Dearth of oxygen is an issue that becomes an issue at a higher altitude. It is important to take necessary steps to ensure safety before embarking upon the expedition.

Unpredictable Weather- The weather in the Himalayas is highly unpredictable. When you start your trek, it might be all hale and hearty but as you gradually approach the top, the weather could deteriorate which is a major concern among trekkers.

Injuries- Even if you are an expert in this area, injuries are not completely inevitable. Rough terrains and the effort one has to put is a deadly combination which could cause injuries like sprains, ankle twist etc. A first aid kit may come at your rescue during situations like this. Take some rest if you are faced with such a situation and do not strain yourself for some time. Give the wound some time before you get back up on your feet again to proceed with the trek.

Disconnected – As you approach higher, mobile networks are compromised, so you have to cut yourself off from the rest of the world, which for today’s generation is a huge deal. Walkie-talkies are often used by people to communicate with each other or with the guides. Inform your family members that you will be unavailable for some time so that they do not worry, while you embark on this extreme expedition in Dayara Bugyal Trek.

How can I contact local guides for the trek?

Being a trekking hub, Uttarkashi has no dearth local guides who could accompany you for your trekking experience. The Nehru Institute of Mountaineering is also nestled here in Uttarkashi which train people and hone their skills to become trained and skilled guides who can be hired by tourists and visitors who wish to go on the expedition. The rates usually vary but are quite affordable. You could also go for agencies who provide such services.  You can book online or you can get in touch with them once you reach your destination.

What are the important things that need to be kept in mind before the trek?

  • It is important for you to carry fuel with you for cooking purposes as Dayara doesn’t have dry wood which can be used for the same. This information is mainly for the beginners who haven’t had the experience before. Do not forget to carry fuel or else getting food will be a cumbersome task.
  • Choose a camping site that has a rivulet nearby. Melting snow to get water is a common thing people are bound to do in Dayara because streams usually streams frozen, especially during winters. So, choosing a camping location wisely would be of great help.
  • Carrying a first aid kid is a must as injuries are unpredictable and can be anticipated because of the rough terrains. You could also get bitten by insects which would require immediate attention. Thus, a first aid kit well stocked with Band-Aids, ointments and medicines should be carried everywhere you go.
  • There could be dearth of electricity in some places, so it is advisable for the people to carry their portable chargers along with them. Make sure it is fully charged before you pack it in your backpack.
  • If an emergency lands and you need to visit the hospital, you would need to travel to the town of Uttarkashi. 102 is the number you need to dial for any medical emergencies on road. Availability of petrol pumps is the town of Uttarkashi, after which there is no sign of any.
  • Waste bags should be carried by you only to dispose them in Uttarkashi as there is no place to do that while on the trek.

What are the items you need to carry for this trek?

For experts, this may sound very obvious but for those who are willing to go for trekking for the very first time need to make it a point to carry all the necessary items required for this trek. Following are the items that you are advised to carry for Dayara Bugyal Trek:

  • Backpack and boots
  • Trekking Gaiter
  • Trekking Pole
  • Sunglasses and Hand gloves

These are the few items that are a must if you are looking forward to an expedition. Apart from that, it is needless to mention that you need to carry woolen garments, full sleeve t-shirts and thermal inner in order to keep yourself warm in the icy cold weather and also to protect yourself for catching cold amidst all the snow.

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  • Trekking in India

Dayara Bugyal Trek

  • Accommodation
  • Sightseeing
  • Trip Highlights
  • Best Time to Visit

About Dayara Bugyal Trek

Dayara Bugyal is considered as one of the most spectacular meadows in India. The term “Bugyal” in the local dialect means high altitude pasture land. Dayara Bugyal is considered to be one of the most beautiful and breathtaking treks in Uttarakhand, because of the highland meadows. In terms of difficulty level, Dayara Bugyal is an easy trek, which means it is perfect for beginners.

Located in District Uttarkashi of Uttrakhand, Dayara Bugyal stands at an elevation of above 10,000 ft/3048 m. This trek in the Garhwal Himalayas has become one of the most popular trekking routes with thick forests that open to a huge lush green meadow.

The trekking for Dayara Bugyal starts from the village of Barsu. Trekkers can enjoy beautiful views of a stream flowing where they can even halt and capture the picturesque sight. Moving ahead, the trekking trail to Dayara Bugyal further takes to the lush forest of maple and oak trees. One won’t find any animals there except a happy-go-lucky mountain dog which might accompany you throughout the trek. There are great camping opportunities along Barnala Tal. As you ascend more, the forest starts to clear out and all you are left with is a wide, sprawling, undulating, and lush meadow of Dayara Bugyal.

Dayara Bugyal Trekking Tours Highlights

  • Relax and enjoy some peaceful time by camping on the Barnala Tal lakeside.
  • Encounter wild animals, while trekking through the oak and pine tree forest trails.
  • Catch sight of snow covered peaks like Bandarpooch (6,316 m), Bhagirathi (6921 m) and Black Peak (2,734 m).

Best Time to Visit Dayara Bugyal Trek

April to June (summers) and winters (October to December)

In Summer : The weather remains mild; it’s neither too cold nor too hot. During the summer season, the peaks remain visible. Carrying light woolens is advised.

In Monsoon : One of the best yet the terrible time to go for trekking, because there are chances of getting roads blocked due to landslides, but the scenic view is worth taking the risk.

In Winter : The area receives heavy snowfall throughout December and January, which winter season the best time to go for trekking.

Where is the Dayara Bugyal?

One of the most beautiful grasslands in the Uttarkashi district of Uttrakhand, Dayara bugyal can dumbfound anyone with its beauty. Sprawling over an area 28 sq km, at an altitude of 3340 m, Dayara bugyal can be easily reached by trekking a distance of 9 km from Barsu village.

Dayara Bugyal Trek (Detailed Itinerary)

Delhi - haridwar - rishikesh, other benfits (on arrival).

  • Stay Included

In the morning take an AC Train to Haridwar at 06:55 hrs. We are expected to reach at Haridwar by 11:25 hrs. On arrival, you will be met by our representative who will assist you to transfer to Rishikesh by road and check-in to the hotel. Evening is free to explore the nearby area on your own. The Ganga Aarti (a ceremony consisting of chants, lights, and floating butter lamps) performed every evening at sundown is worth witnessing. Overnight stay at the hotel.

Rishikesh - Barsu (225 kms/7-8 hrs)

After the breakfast, drive to Sangamchatti via Uttarkashi. The drive is along the course of River Ganga, and thereafter River Bhagirathi and as expected the view is simply spectacular. We shall arrive at the picturesque hamlet that overlooks the vast Bhagirathi valley. Overnight stay guest house/tent.

Barsu - Barnala Bugyal (6 kms/3-4 hrs)

Today after the breakfast, we shall trek to Barnala Bugyal. This will be an arduous climb through dense Oak and Rhododendron forest. From several spots during this trek through the forests, we shall be able to get the view of mountains like Draupadi Ka Danda. The summer shelters known as Chhanis for cattle herders can also be sighted here and the existence of and small ponds is also common here. Overnight stay in tent.

Barnala Bugyal - Dayara Bugyal (6 kms/2.5 hrs)

Today’s trek will be through a trail that passes by the Pine forests and ascends above the tree line to the alpine meadows of Dayara Bugyal. We shall set our camp here and stay overnight here.

Dayara Bugyal

Our day will be spent in exploring the extensive Bugyal that has an undulating surface and innumerous streams flowing through. It is to be noted that walking here is a bit tough as one feels the lack of oxygen. Therefore, we shall take a slow and easy walk while we observe different elements making this place picturesque. Birds like Lammergaier and the Griffon – both rare birds of prey can be sighted here. Overnight in tents.

Dayara Bugyal - Barsu - Uttarkashi

Post breakfast, we shall trek down to Barsu village through a steep descending path. We will arrive at a village, which was destroyed in the earthquake of 1991 in Uttarkashi. One can still feel the powerful influence of the earthquake here. From here, drive to Uttarkashi for an overnight stay.

Uttarkashi - Haridwar (190 kms Drive) - Delhi (By train)

We shall drive from Uttarkashi to Haridwar and from here go to Haridwar railway station to catch the train for Delhi at 18:05 hrs. Arrive in Delhi by 22:45 hrs.

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Dayara Bugyal


Maximum Altitude

3408 Meters

INR 8500/- Per Person Haridwar to Haridwar

Available Date

1st Feb to 6th Feb 2024


About Dayara Bugyal Trek

The Dayara Bugyal trek is a popular trekking route located in Uttarakhand, India. It takes you through the breathtaking meadows of Dayara Bugyal, situated at an elevation of around 3,408 meters (11,181 feet) above sea level. Here are some details about the Dayara Bugyal trek:

Trek Duration: The trek usually takes around 4 to 6 days, depending on the itinerary and pace of the trekking group.

Trek Difficulty: The Dayara Bugyal trek is considered a moderate trek suitable for beginners and experienced trekkers alike. It involves moderate ascents and descents, with some steep sections.

Trek Starting Point: The trek typically starts from a small village called Barsu, which is easily accessible from Uttarkashi or Dehradun.

Best Time to Trek: The best time to undertake the Dayara Bugyal trek is from May to June and September to November. During these months, the weather is pleasant, with clear skies and vibrant meadows.

Highlights of the Trek:

Scenic Beauty: The trek offers stunning panoramic views of the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, including Bandarpoonch and Gangotri ranges.

Dayara Bugyal Meadows: Trekking through the picturesque meadows of Dayara Bugyal is a highlight of the trek. These vast meadows, covered in lush green grass and colorful alpine flowers, are a sight to behold.

Oak and Rhododendron Forests: The trek takes you through dense forests of oak and rhododendron trees, adding to the natural beauty of the trail.

High Altitude Lake: At the end of the trek, you reach the serene and pristine Barnala Tal, a small high-altitude lake surrounded by meadows. It serves as a perfect camping spot.

Local Culture: Along the way, you get a chance to interact with the friendly villagers of Barsu and experience the local culture and traditions of the region.

Snowcap Mountains

Reporting at Haridwar then drive to Raithal:-

Early morning reporting in  Haridwar then drive to Raithal ,  A secluded yet serene village, Raithal will become the starting point for our trek. It is around seven to nine hours' drive from Haridwar . Briefing and registration to be completed, by the Trek Leader. Relax yourself and get prepared for the next day adventure. Overnight at Guest House/Lodge.

Raithal  to Gui  ( 9500ft, 7 KM, 5 Hr) After breakfast, we move for our first base campsite Gui . Today we cover 7 km long trek in 4-5hr crossing the rhododendron through the blend of trees and shrubs, of the maple, oak, and pine forests along with wildflowers. You will be served hot lunch then relax yourself in the beautiful campsite and explore the surroundings visit. Overnight stay in camp.

Gui to Barnala Taal (4km) :- ​

After breakfast, we will start our trek to  Baranala Taal ,  an high-altitude lake situated at an elevation of around 2,400 meters .  At the campsite of Barnala, one can get a closer view of the gurgling streams, which enhances visible Dayara and various other peaks. After lunch, one can opt to head towards the Barnala pasturelands, which is around ten to fifteen minutes climb from the campsite. The meadows of Barnala are as pleasing as the bugyals of Dayara. The vibrant flowers, grazing cattle, and various temples make you want to stop and keep staring at the view for hours, visit Nag Devta temple. One will be able to see the entire belt of Gangotri ranges covered with the hue of the evening sky

Enjoy the scenic beauty and camp near Barnala Tal. Overnight camping at Barnala Tal

Barnala Tal to Dayara Bugyal then descend to  Gui  (3,408 meters)

Start early in the morning and trek towards Dayara Bugyal, the highlight of the trek.Trek through dense forests, meadows, and gradual ascents.

While climbing through these open areas, you’ll be able to see various Chania huts, while on your right will be grand Mt. Bandarpunch and Mt. Kala Nag. The oak and pine trees will cheer you up as you’ll climb. During the winter season, you’ll be walking on the blanket of snow. After exploring the exquisite pastures of Dayara, reaching the peak of Dayara. After exploring the meadows of Dayara for some time, witness the breathtaking views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks After spending some quality time in Dayara Top we will return to Barnala Taal and then descend to Gui . Overnight camping at Gui.

Gui  to Raithal(4kms, 4-5hrs)

Today is the last day after viewing the magnificent views for last few days, today's trail is entirely downhill and well marked, after few kilometres trek through the Oak and rhododendron forest, one starts finding settlements and villages, and shepherd huts as well.  After reaching Raithal , relax yourself in the Homestay and explore the town, the sunset takes a special place in the heart, get amazing view of green lushes. Overnight stay at Homestay/Lodge 

Departure from Raithal,  get up early in the morning and set yourself ready for departure from the beautiful town of Raithal. We will drop you in  Haridwar Railway Station,  our journey ends here, leave only footprints, take only Himalayan Memories.

"What included"

Cost of accommodation in Huts/Hotels/Homestays and two night in Raithal. Cost of Fooding while on trek (Morning and evening Tea, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner- meals will be provided. Breakfast-Roti, Sabji/Maggi, etc., Lunch/Dinner-Rice/Roti, Sabji, Dal, Achar, etc.).(Day 1:- Dinner to Day 5:- Dinner) Technical Camping equipments:- Tents(sharing basis), Sleeping Bag, Mattress, Utensils, Microspikes, Technical climbing equipments, Gaiters etc. Guide,Support staff,cook, Supporting crew. Cost of Permit fees. Cost of Transportation from Haridwar/Rishikesh to Haridwar/Rishikesh  

"What not included"

Cost of Personal expenses. Cost of emergency due to bad weather conditions. Cost of personal porter for offloading Meals during transit i.e. meals while on road or travelling will not be provided. No meals will be provided in Last day (Day 5) Anything which is not mentioned in the inclusion.  

Things to carry on a trek.

Purple Skies

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Booking Policy:

To book your trek, you need to pay 30% of the trek fees as advance. Rest 70% to be paid in cash when you reach the basecamp, to be collected by the team leader.

One can pay the amount online(Net Banking, GPay, UPI ID). 

Details to be shared on request.

Cancellation Policy:

30 days before the trek date, full refund of the paid amount

15 days before the trek date, 50% refund of the paid amount.

Cancellation less than 15days to the start date of the trek, no refund possible

In case Himalayan Passion cancels the trek or trip, full refund will be paid.

One has option to send another person on their behalf.

One has option to adjust the paid amount on any other trek, if a person cannot join the trek he/she paid for(within 365 days)

dayara bugyal trek bikat

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Dayara Bugyal Trek

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  • 6 Days/5 Nights
  • 11870 ft./3617 m
  • 12 Participants
  • October-March
  • Uttarakhand

Dayara Bugyal Trek Overview

If there is one trek we suggest to beginners of all ages, Dayara Bugyal tops the list. 

Dayara Bugyal is an easy-to-do trek, therefore, the best one to sign up for as a beginner. One of the prettiest Bugyal treks, Dayara offers splendid views of majestic peaks, walks on beautiful alpine meadows, and the true essence of mountaineering culture.

Bhagirathi keeps you company for most of the drive on your way to the basecamp, Barsu – an ancient and quaint village. Barsu boasts rich Himalayan culture, local tradition, and a minimalistic style of living.

Perched at an elevation of 2200 mt amidst the lush greenery, the village is surrounded by Gangotri Massif. Mt. Sreekanth. You will enter Barsu with the perfect alpine glow on Mt. Jonali and DKD peaks. 

After an initial gradual climb out of the village fields, you’ll find yourself, making your way through the dense Oak and Rhododendron forests. As soon as you enter the woods, you’ll feel an intense and electric connection with your surroundings, courtesy of the rich and diverse flora in a well-balanced Himalayan ecosystem.

  As you approach Dayara, the tree line gives way to small huts set against the stunning backdrop of Mt. Bandarpunch. The snowy slopes of the mountain range exude both power and humility. However, be careful not to wander too far into the Bugyals as you can lose sight of the route.

Dayara Bugyal is an all-year trek as it offers distinct experiences across the seasons, all charming and unique on their way. The trail that leads to Dayara Bugyal remains comfortable throughout the year. In winter, it becomes trickier as snow covers the entire path. Nevertheless, Dayara is a perfect trek to begin exploring the outdoors.

Dayara Bugyal trek brochure

  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners (Day 1 Dinner to Day 6 Breakfast)
  • Tents, Homestays/Dorms
  • Cloakroom Charges 
  • Trained and Qualified Guides
  • Certified Outdoor Leaders
  • National Parks and Sanctuaries
  • Forest Permits and Entry fees 
  • Kitchen Tent
  •  Toilet Tent
  • Dome Tents 
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Wilderness Medical Kit
  • Climbing Rope 
  • Climbing Accessories
  • Microspikes
  • Oxygen Cylinder
  •  Oximeter, Thermometer etc.


  • Travel cost from pick-up point to and from the basecamp (Dehradun to Raithal cab fare)
  • Transit meals (Day 1 and Day 6)
  • Personal expenses 
  • Offloading charges 
  • Cost incurred due to change in the itinerary 
  • Additional services  (including mules, assistance, health-related support etc.)
  • Anything not mentioned in the Inclusions list. 

Dayara Bugyal Trek Itinerary

Day 1 : dehradun (2,150 ft.) to raithal (7,100 ft.).

Raithal village is nestled away from the chaos of city life. The village reverberates the simplicity of people who still are rooted in their culture. Once you reach Raithal, you realize how simple yet satisfying is life in this ancient village. You reach Raithal after a day-long journey. You can explore and understand the lives of locals in the village.

Day 2 : Raithal (7,100 ft.) to Gui (9,750ft.)

Raithal is a quaint village from where you start your Dayara Bugyal Experience. The village is worth exploring before you embark on your trek. It boasts traditional Pahadi houses, a rare sight to find these days. 

The walk from Raithal to Gui traverses through oak and maple forests. You will walk on a flat surface for approximately 3 km. on the first day of the climb, there are no steep ascents or descent, with the easy climb in between.

Day 3 : Gui (9,750 ft.) to Chilapada (10,500 ft.)

The day starts with a comfortable walk as you will pass through forests. The forest ends and opens to lush green clearings. As you reach the campsite early, you can explore the places around the campsite and indulge in photography, or bird watching at this campsite. If you are trekking to Dayara Bugyal in winter, the campsite will be a white carpet covered in snow.

Day 4 : Chilapada (10,500 ft.) to Nayata (9,200 ft.) via Dayara Top (11,870 ft.)

Day 4 of your trek is the longest, and also the summit day. On this day, you will cover a distance of around 9.25 km. You will walk on the undulating meadows of Dayara, and climb to reach the summit, Dayara top. On the same day, you will descend to the campsite at Nayata.

Day 5 : Nayata (9,200 ft.) to Barsu (7,000 ft.)

The campsite of Nayata Campsite is nestled in a clearing covered with lush green grass and surrounded by forests. 

From Nayata you start descending to Barsu village. Barsu is a basecamp village frequented by trekkers heading to Gidara Bugyal, Dodital Trek, and Dayara Bugyal. The village also has a GVMN guest house.

Day 6 : Drive back to Dehradun (2,150 ft.)

Your Dayara Bugyal experience ends today, and you will drive back to Dehradun. The cab reaches Dehradun in the evening, between 6.00 pm -7.00 pm. 

The transport cost of Rs 6500 for an SUV and 8500 for a Tempo Traveller will be borne by the trekkers.

How to reach the basecamp of Dayara Bugyal trek?

✈️nearest airport – jolly grant international airport, dehradun, 🚉 nearest railway station – dehradun railway station.

The base camp of the Dayara Bugyal Trek is Barsu, a remote village near Uttarkashi. To reach the base camp, plan your travel to the nearest airport or the railway station well in advance. The base camp in Barsu is a 9 – 10 hours drive from Dehradun city. 

OWLS arranges pick-up from Dehradun to Barsu for the participants. The pick-up will be available at the Inter-State Bus Stand, Dehradun (ISBT Dehradun).  Reach the pickup location at 6 a.m.

Travel Plan to Dehradun

The base camp Barsu is around 293 km and is a 10- 11 hrs drive from Dehradun.  Dehradun is easily accessible by air, train and road. The nearest airport is Jolly Grant International Airport in Dehradun. You can book your tickets well in advance till Dehradun to avail of tickets at cheaper rates. You can choose to travel by air from any metro city to Dehradun. The other option is to reach Delhi by air and travel by train or bus from Delhi onwards. 

Here is a guide on how to plan your travel step by step to reach Dehradun

  • Reach Dehradun directly by air or train on Day 0
  • Fly to Delhi and board a bus or train to reach Dehradun on Day 0
  • OWLS pickup from Dehradun on Day 1 at ISBT, Dehradun 

Travel Plan A – By Air till Dehradun

 If you are reaching Dehradun by air, here are a few options for planning your travel. Dehradun Airport is well connected with all the metro cities. Book a direct or connecting flight to Dehradun. If you are flying to Dehradun, ensure to land in Dehradun on Day 0. 

Dehradun city is 32 km away from the Jolly Grant Airport. It takes 1 hour to reach the city. You can opt to hire a cab/auto directly from the Airport. The other option is to exit the Airport complex and book an auto. The charges for prepaid cabs at the airport are exorbitant.  Another low-cost alternative to get to Dehradun city is to travel on a city bus. Walk towards the Dehradun – Rishikesh highway and hop on a shared auto or city bus. You will have to wait for the bus. Regular city buses run between Dehradun and Rishikesh almost every half an hour. 

If you land in Dehradun on day 0, book a hotel or dorm near ISBT, Dehradun.  Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam’s hotel is 10 minutes away from ISBT and offers rooms at reasonable rates. They have economical as well as deluxe rooms. 

OWLS pick-up will be available on Day 1 at ISBT Dehradun at 6. a.m. 

Travel Plan B by train/ bus from Delhi

This option will be economical for you. Flight to Dehradun will be slightly priced higher than flight to Delhi. To cut down your travel budget, fly to Delhi, then get on a bus or train from Delhi to Dehradun. 

You can book and find bus options at UTC Online or Redbus. Another option is to go to Kashmiri Gate and book a bus offline. Board a bus or train which will arrive in Dehradun on the evening of Day 0. Reaching Dehradun on Day 0 helps you to rest before your trek starts on Day 1. 

If you want to travel overnight, Nanda Devi Express runs daily and departs from H. Nizamuddin at 11.35 p.m. and arrives at Dehradun early at 5.40 a.m. Overnight Volvo AC buses also run frequently between Delhi and Dehradun. It takes 6-7 hours to get to Dehradun from Delhi. 

How to plan your return flight/train to Delhi 

Your Trek is 6 days, including travel to and from the base camp. The team will be back in Dehradun on Day 6. You reach Dehradun in the evening, between 7 to 8 pm. 

While returning, you can fly directly out of Dehradun to your city. The second option is to travel by bus or train to Delhi. 

If you go with the first option, you can book a direct flight from Dehradun to your city on Day 4. 

The second option requires you to travel to Delhi by train or bus.  Once you reach Dehradun in the evening, you can head to ISBT Dehradun and book an AC Volvo bus to Delhi and travel comfortably. The other option to reach Delhi from Dehradun is to book a train. 

If you prefer the second option, book a flight that departs late morning or early afternoon of Day 5. The overnight buses from Dehradun arrive in Delhi in the wee hours.  Book a flight departing in the afternoon to avoid rushing.

Some trekkers prefer to stay back for a day and use the buffer day to explore Rishikesh or Mussoorie. You can either stay for a night and explore Dehradun city or proceed home the same evening if flying out of Delhi. 

Dayara Bugyal Trek Map

Dayara Bugyal trek map by gooutwithowls

Dayara Bugyal Trek FAQ

What is the distance of dayara bugyal trek .

The distance of Dayara Bugyal Trek is around 26 km. The trek is comfortably completed in six days, including travel to and from the base camp. 

Is Dayara Bugyal Trek for beginners?

Dayara Bugyal is a six-day-long trek. The trek is suitable for beginners who wish to explore the Himalayan trek.  As the trail is comfortable, people between the ages of 8-60 years can opt for this trek. We have zeroed down on this age as these are the minimum and maximum ages of OWLS participants.

How difficult is Dayara Bugyal Trek?

Dayara Bugyal is an easy-to-moderate trek. This indicates that the trek is comparatively manageable compared to other high-altitude treks. The trail is comfortable with some challenging patches. The trek spreads over six days through an easy-to-moderate trail and some steep ascents and descents. It climbs to an altitude of 12250 ft. 

What will be the temperature in Dayara Bugyal Trek? 

During the winter, the temperature in Dayara ranges between 8°C to 10°C. The night temperature ranges between -5°C to -10°C. 

Find out detailed information on Dayara Bugyal temperature/ Dayara Bugyal weather here. 

What is the best time to visit Dayara Bugyal?

Winter and summer are the best time to visit the Dayara Bugyal trek. 

Read more about the best time to visit Dayara Bugyal here. 

Will there be snow on the trek?

Ali Bedni Bugyal turns into a winter wonderland during winter. The entire trail and the meadow remain buried under a white sheet of snow. Winter is the best time to experience snow on the trek. 

What is the cost of Dayara Bugyal trek?

The Dayara Bugyal trek cost is Rs 9999/- 

The trek cost covers your experience from basecamp to basecamp.

What is the duration of Dayara Bugyal Trek?

Dayara Bugyal trek typically spans over 6 days, including the time required for travelling to and from the base camp.

What is the altitude of Dayara Bugyal Trek?

Dayara Bugyal trek is at an altitude of 11,870 ft. The trek starts from Barsu, located at an altitude of 7100ft. 

Where is the basecamp of Dayara Bugyal Trek?

Barsu is the basecamp of Dayara Bugyal trek. The trek also starts from Raithal village. 

Where is Dayara Bugyal Trek located?

Dayara Bugyal trek is located in Uttarkashi District in Uttarakhand.  The trek starts from the village of Barsu. 

Dayara Bugyal trek in Uttarakhand is an easy trek and offers stunning views of Mt. Shrikanth, Bandarpooch, Kalanag and Gangotri Ranges.

How should I prepare to avoid AMS?

The most important thing to do on a trek to avoid AMS is to drink water, more than your daily intake. Water is an excellent way to avoid AMS. Along with this, you should also have all the nutritious meals we provide on the trek. If you still are sceptical about getting AMS, we would advise you to carry Diamox tablets with you. However, according to the situation your Outdoor leader will advise whether or not you should take it.

I have a medical condition. Can I join the trek?

We encourage everyone to trek, even if or not they have a medical condition. We have an in-house doctor at OWLS with whom you can discuss your medical condition and accordingly, we can help you better prepare you for the trek.

What document do I need to carry?

Please keep the following documents ready before filling out this form

  • Health form (for all participants of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh treks) and (for all participants <15 and > 60 years of age)
  • RTPCR for children <15 years/Vaccination certificate for adults (for Nepal treks)

Should I bring snacks to eat on the trek?

Although we provide filling breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with morning tea and evening snacks, you can carry some light snacks for munching on the trail. You can carry protein bars, dry fruits, and homemade snacks like Shakkarpara to help you give that extra energy on the trek. 

Who will be leading my trek?

All our Outdoor Leaders are trained and experienced leaders. They have completed basic Mountaineering Course, and are equipped with basic first-aid knowledge. Our leaders are certified Wilderness First Responder course

Do I need to get my medical kit for the trek?

You don’t need to carry your medical kit. If you have your prescribed medications, you need to carry them on the trek

What kind of arrangement is available for accommodation on the trek?

The accommodation will be on twin sharing basis. One tent will be shared by two trekkers. 

Is there any arrangement for offloading on the trek?

Yes. Communicate your requirement to the trek leaders beforehand, as it will be difficult to arrange to offload at the last minute. The offloading charges will be Rs 350 per bag, and your bag should not weigh more than 9 kg. 

Note: At OWLs, we suggest our participants carry their backpacks and avoid offloading. However, in case of pressing circumstances, you can opt for offloading.

Is there any option to keep our luggage at the base camp?

Yes, you can leave the extra luggage at the base camp. However, do not leave valuables like laptops, jewellery, or any other expensive items in the base camp. 

What will be the toilet facilities on the trek?

The OWLS team will set up a toilet tent near the campsites. The toilets will be dry toilets and you will have to use toilet paper. There will be a pit dug by the team and you will have to cover your nature’s call with dry soil. Avoid using wet wipes, as they are not biodegradable. At OWLS, we thrive to leave no trace in the mountains. 

At the base camp, you will have regular concrete toilets.

What will be the food arrangement on the trek?

The food offered will be as per the nutritional requirements. As you will be walking every day for 4-6 hours, you will be burning a good amount of calories. The team makes sure that the food you will be offered is healthy and helps you sustain through the day. The regular meal comprises eggs, locally grown vegetables, rice, roti, and pulses. The menu changes from day to day. 

What will be the status of the mobile network on the trek?

You will have access to most of the mobile networks at the base camp in Barsu. We suggest our participants make important calls while at the base camp. There will be no signals throughout the trek. 

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dayara bugyal trek bikat


4 days - 3 night, low to moderate, * gst @ 5% extra, dayara bughyal trek.

Dayara Bugyal is probably one of India’s most spectacular alpine meadows. The meadow is broad and sprawling. From Dayara Bugyal, the panoramic view of the Himalayas is breathtaking. The bugyal becomes fully coated in snow, resembling small sparkling diamonds scattered across the ground. A layer of white cover reaches as far as the eye can see. Dayara Bugyal, at an elevation of around 3750 meters, is unrivaled in natural beauty and ideal for beginners. At various stages, the Dayara Bugyal trek passes through open stretches and dense forest. The best time to go on the Dayara Bugyal trek is between the months of December and March when the trails are covered in fresh snow. Read More

During the night, temperatures will drop to -5 degrees Celsius. Every campsite along this trekking trail is breathtakingly stunning and scenic. With each move taken on this trail, one can be sure to be awestruck. This trek is ideal for beginners because it is relatively fast. Dayara Bugyal is also ideal for experienced trekkers, as the trail is friendly and not overcrowded.


Day 1 arrive in barsu from dehradun day 2 trek from barsu - barnala (9,884 ft) day 3 barnala - dayara top (12300 ft) via dayara bugyal (11,600 ft) and back to barnala day 4 barnala - barsu. depart from barsu trek gallery.

dayara bugyal trek bikat


Day 1: arrive in barsu from dehradun.

Reach Dehradun early in the morning, because we leave Dehradun by 7 am. By late afternoon, arrive in Barsu via Uttarkashi. Rest at a hotel for the day which we have book for you. The day can be spent exploring the area and taking short walks during the day to aid in acclimatization.

Day 2: Trek from Barsu – Barnala (9,884 ft)

The day will get underway early. Begin your journey towards Barnala after a hearty breakfast. The ascent to Baranala is not particularly difficult for beginners. Barnala will be reached in the afternoon. Spend the day exploring the campsite after lunch. Tents will be given for the night.

Day 3: Barnala – Dayara Top (12300 ft) via Dayara Bugyal (11,600 ft) and back to Barnala

Start trekking to Dayara Bugyal after having breakfast. The trails can be knee-deep in snow in the winter. The bugyal, which occupies 28 square kilometres and has a 360-degree view of the Himalayas, is a grazing ground for sheep and cattle. The trek to the bugyal is not difficult and takes just a few hours to complete. By afternoon, you should be at Dayara Bugyal Peak. Spend the day enjoying the meadows and taking in the beautiful Himalayan scenery. Get descending to the Barnala camp by late afternoon.

Day 4: Barnala – Barsu. Depart from Barsu

Get up and ready early. Begin descending to Barsu after breakfast. The descent is straightforward and should take no longer than 2-3 hours. Our vehicle will leave for Dehradun as soon as we arrive in Barsu if you have booked your return transportation with us. In 6-7 hours, the vehicle is scheduled to arrive in Dehradun. When booking your return tickets from Dehradun, allow at least 3-4 hours for delays.

Day 2: Trek from Barsu - Barnala (9,884 ft)

Day 3: barnala - dayara top (12300 ft) via dayara bugyal (11,600 ft) and back to barnala, day 4: barnala - barsu. depart from barsu, subscribe now, cost inclusion, pick and drop service from mentioned location fees for the guide and the chef camping facilities' rent entrance fees to the forest to transport camping gear, a porter and mule are required. please keep in mind that personal baggage can be borne by mules and/or porters for a fee from the first day's dinner until the last day's brunch, both of the meals are vegetarian throughout the walk, you'll be staying in a tent or if possible, then in a guest house depature date.

Call- +91-8979108941 | +91-9458118063


No pickup and drop point from/for your hometown personal costs include things like tips, personal medications, and conference calls, etc apart from what is mentioned above, some transportation assistance during the trek porters/mules can carry personal luggage weighing up to 12 kg per bag per person for rs 350 per day per bag subscribe now, frequently asked question.

  • Footwear : The trekking boots which must be waterproof and snow proof, normal boots, floaters, and woolen socks.
  • Backpack: (50 ltr), Daypack (20-30 ltr), Duffel bag.
  • Clothes : Jacket and trousers that are both waterproof and breathable. Jacket (synthetic or down feather fleece), synthetic insulated trousers, poncho, sweatshirt, inner thermal (upper & lower), fleece, t-shirts, cotton trekking pants, shorts
  • Season wise Clothes :
  • Hand and head protection includes liner gloves, bandannas, sun hats, woollen caps, and face masks, among other things.
  • Accessories : Sunglasses/goggles, anti-glare lenses, water bottle, hydra bag, and headlamp with spare bulb and extra batteries are all recommended.
  • Trekking Gears: Toolkit for an emergency. Sunscreen, a toiletry pack, water purification pills, Ziploc packs, ear plugs, first-aid kit, and the necessary medications are all recommended.
  •   Camping Equipment : Sleeping bags of lining (extreme -5 to +5 Celsius if you have one), trekking sticks, and so on.      
  • Warm top/light micro fleece pullover/full sleeve T shirt – 2/3
  •  Water resistant/repellent trekking pants with an inner lining for added warmth- 2 High-quality windproof/water-resistant outer shell (jacket) with a proper hood
  •  Thick Fleece / Full-sleeve Woollen Jumper, Down Jacket with at least 600 fill capacity Innerwear with a thermal component (upper and lower)
  •  Woolen hat, inner fleece gloves, and outer water-resistant gloves
  •  4–5 pairs of thick woollen socks and standard socks, scarf/muffler (optional)
  •  Waterproof Trekking/Hiking shoes with a thick heel and high ankles that are comfortable to wear. Sneakers/sport shoes are ideal for camp.
  • Poncho or raincoat.  A small, light-weight towel
  • A hydration pack and an insulated water bottle (optional)
  • Sunglasses with UV cover and the potential to cut light, as well as a cap or floppy hat to shield the strong sun off your skin (important when traversing through snow)
  • Trekking pole or sturdy walking stick Lip Balm, Sunscreen Lotion
  • Flashlight / torch (with extra batteries) Medications, if any special prescription is needed Toiletries for personal use
  • Carry a rain cover over your luggage • Day pack/small bag that you can carry on your back all day to keep your essentials in
  • Keep a few poly bags or plastic containers in your bag to place your things in if you need to in case of heavy weather.

Personal Medical Kit (MANDATORY FOR ALL)

  • 10 Diamox tablets (to prevent AMS)
  • Nifedipine – 5 pills Dexamethasone – one strip
  • 6 tablets of Crocin (fever)
  • 4 tablets of avomine (motion sickness) 4 capsules of Avil 25mg (allergies)
  • 4 tablets of Combiflam (Pain killer)
  • 6 tablets each of Norflox TZ and Lomofen (diarrhea) 10 tablets of Digene (acidity)
  • 10 Omez/Rantadine capsules (antacids) 3 to 5 metres of crepe bandage
  • 1 tiny roll of gauze 10 strips of bandage 1 small roll of cotton 10 packets of ORS
  • Moov spray Betadine or other antiseptic cream (aches, & sprains)
  • If you're vulnerable to knee injuries, you should wear a knee cap. Powder with antifungal properties
  • Cancellation: If a trek is cancelled at the last minute due to a natural disaster or unforeseeable circumstances (such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, attack, or bandh), Discoveryhike will have a trek voucher for the full number. The voucher can be used for the same or a different trek over the next year.
  • In case you wish to cancel the trek, then please be aware of these things:
  • Cancellations made within 30 days of the trek's launch date will include a complete refund.
  • If you cancel within 30 and 20 days before the hike, you will get a 50% refund.
  • There will be no refund if you cancel less than 20 days before the trek begins.
  • Please keep in mind that if you get a refund, there will be a reduction of 4% (Cancellation charges) from the overall amount you pay. In addition, if you purchased trek insurance, you would not get a refund.
  • Discoveryhike assumes no responsibility for any malfunction or injury to your clothes, supplies, or other belongings while on the trek. The trek fee covers all expenses associated with the trek from start to finish.

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Home » Shop » Dayara Bugyal Trek

  • Detailed Itinerary
  • 2-4 Days short trek
  • Easy Grade Treks in Himalayas
  • Easy Snow Treks
  • Family friendly
  • Spring Treks
  • Uttarakhand
  • Winter Treks

Dayara Bugyal Trek:

  • Upcoming group fixed departures to Dayara trek starting on  22nd Jan  from Dehradun.
  • Private, customised treks for your own group or family open as per your preferred date. TREK FEE will be same for a group of 8 to 9 persons i.e. ₹ 9950 + 5% GST per person (Raithal to Barsu) .

About the trek:

Dayara Bugyal trek is perhaps one of the shorter hikes on the Himalayas although nothing in short to produce high rewards. The enchanting views of snow capped peaks, sprawling meadows and encompassing thrill of a summit. Dayara an alpine meadow, locally called “Bugyal” is surrounded by dense alpine forest, elevated and spread above 11000 ft. Location wise it is in the district of Uttarkashi, Garhwal division, Uttarakhand.  In the summer and monsoon the stretch of the lush meadow is dotted with myriads of tiny flowers. During winters the meadow is covered with fresh snow. The crest of the Bugyal is a top called Bakriya top offering a magnificent 360° panoramic view. In addition of Gangotri region peaks, you can also see the of mighty Himalayan peaks of Bhilangana range. Some of the notable are Bandarpoonch, Jaonli, Rudragaira, Srikanth, Gangotri– I, II and more. No wonder that Dayara Bugyal is an enchanting trail and adored by amateur and veteran trekkers alike.


Brief Itinerary:

Day 1:  Dehradun to Raithal drive via Uttarkashi – 190 Km –  8/8 hours Day 2:  Trek to Goi – 4 Km – 3/4 hours Day 3: Trek to Chilapra – 4 Km – 2/3 hours. In the afternoon explore the meadows Day 4:  Early morning trek to Bakriya top  and descent to Barnala – 12 Km –7/8 hours Day 5:  Trek back to Barsu – 5 Km – 2/3 hours – Drive to Dehradun – 190 Km – 8 hours

  • Trekkers need to reach on their own to Dehradun on Day 1 morning (by 8 am) or the previous night. Return to Dehradun on Day 5 evening (around 8 pm) . Arrange your tickets for inward journey and back to home from Dehradun accordingly.
  • Last ATM at Bhatwari, 12 Km before trek base Raithal. However it is wise to withdraw cash from Dehradun or Uttarkashi.
  • All major mobile networks work at Raithal. During trek you will get intermittent connection, here and there.

The local habitats of surrounding villages like Raithal, Barsu, Salan, Agora,consider this Bugyal to be a holy one. Especially the shepherds and monsoon settlers who come here each year to graze their cattle. Van Gurjars/Gujjars ( ) are pastoral semi nomadic community and spend the summer and monsoon in this area. locals celebrate a month long butter festival on the birthday of Hindu God Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu & the narrator of Bhagbat Geeta. Daraya, being well accessible in the months of winter, is a good destination for beginners to experience snow and to master the technicalities of hiking in a snowy terrain before going to a longer duration Himalayan trek.


The trek starts and ends at two picturesque villages Raithal and Barsu.


This trail also fits well for them who wish for an outdoor experience with family and children. It’s a nice way to introduce your kids to nature in Summer to Autumn. This experience will give the scope to learn from local culture and lifestyle in broad spectrum. Beautiful campsites are adequate to give you a complete experience in itself. Though shorter in duration than most other winter treks, yet views, meadows, camping and adequate snow suggest that Dayara Bugyal trek has strong promise for a popular winter trekking destination. Here is one Dayara Bugyal winter snow trek photo story from our trekkers.


Altitude and distance profile graph for Dayara Bugyal trek:

Check the below pictorial representation for our Dayara Bugyal trail


Clothing for Dayara Bugyal trek:

It is important to carry proper clothing in winter as the campsite temperatures are sub zero in winter.

Winter:   From December to February during winter the daytime temp remains cool and nights are cold. Night/early morning  temperature at Raithal, Jungle camp and above can be around 5°C, 0°C to 2°C and -5°C to -10° C.

Three layers of clothing is mandatory in the campsite while outside tent. 1) A thermal base layer (warm woolly-cot material). 2) A heavy jacket (Double layer or Fleece jacket ) as middle layer. 3) A windproof cum waterproof with hood as the outer layer.

Summer & Fall:  Day time weather remains warm and pleasant. Night/early morning temperatures at camp sites  can be from 10°C (lower camps) to 5°C (higher camps)

You will not require the thermal base layer from May to October.

Access to Dayara Bugyal trek base (Raithal):

Based upon your request we will arrange a pick up and drop from Dehradun to Raithal and from trek end point Barsu to Dehradun back. This will be shared equally by the team members on actual basis. You pay directly to the driver/transporter. The fare is Rs 5000 for a Tata Sumo/Mahindra Maxx one way. This can accommodate 6 to 8 people. A Tempo Traveller charges Rs 8000 (12-14 seat) one way.  This is NOT included in the TREK FEE.

To reach the trek base Uttarkashi independently/public transportation check the details in GETTING THERE TAB.

Download  the list of things to carry in Dayara Bugyal trek

Duration:  4 days of trekking; Walking from Raithal to Dayara Bugyal, summit to Bakriya top and descent to Barsu. 5 days from Dehradun to Dehradun.

Prerequisite:  No prior trekking experience is required. Good physical fitness is always desired in any trek.

Grade:  Easy

Physicality:  5/10

Trail Length: 25 Km

Highest Point:  Dayara Bugyal ~ 3350m/11000ft; Bakriya top ~ 3660 m/12005 ft

Seasons:  Year round trek. December to February (Winter/Snow) and March/April (Spring/snow)

Further Option:  From Dayara Bugyal one can combine the trek to Dodital.

Access:  Trek starting point (trek base) is Raithal village, 180 Km from Dehradun.

Rail station:  Dehradun (Station Code: DDN)

Airport: Delhi, Jolly Grant in Dehradun (Airport Code: DED)

Upcoming scheduled dates for Dayara Bugyal trek:  

  • You can check the scheduled Fixed Departure dates in the calendar available inside Booking Form or inside REGISTER NOW form. Tour starting Dates are highlighted as per our itinerary ( Day 1 of  5 days itinerary ).
  • At present BOOK NOW functionality is disabled . You can get all the information in your email by submitting the REGISTER NOW form.
  • If you are a group of people and available dates are not matching then you may select Custom date mode  (by clicking the Select your custom date) and fill in the displayed form.
  • You can also check all the available dates at a glance in our TREK CALENDAR .
  • Trekkers need to reach Dehradun on Day 1 morning (latest by 8 am) or the previous night. Return to Dehradun on Day 5 evening (around 8 pm). Arrange your tickets for inward journey and return accordingly

How to reach Uttarkashi (The trek base):

Nearest Rail station:  Dehradun (Station Code: DDN)

Nearest   Airport: Delhi, Jolly Grant in Dehradun (Airport Code: DED)

We will arrange a pick up and drop from Dehradun to trek base Raithal and from Barsu to Dehradun back. This will be shared equally by the team members on actual basis. You pay directly to the driver/transporter. The fare is Rs 50000 for a Tata Sumo/Mahindra Maxx one way. This can accommodate 6 to 8 people. A Tempo Traveller charges Rs 8000 (12-14 seat) one way . This is NOT included in the TREK FEE and to be payable directly to the driver/owner.

If you wish to reach our Trek Base Uttarkashi on your own by public transportation:

  • From the Govt. Roadways bus stand at Dehradun (beside railways station, also called Mussoorie stand) you will get a direct bus to Uttarkashi at 8 am.
  • You will get direct buses to Uttarkashi in the morning from Haridwar and Rishikesh as well.
  • Similarly from Uttarkashi you can get a bus to Dehradun/Rishikesh in the morning.

How to reach Dehradun:

For the treks at Uttarkashi district in Garhwal , one has to reach the capital city of Uttarakhand, Dehradun, specially the trek starting from Sankri, Yamunotri etc. Haridwar, Rishikesh and Dehradun are 3 nearby cities in the area and one can move from one to another by public vehicles like bus or shared Jeeps.

For more options to reach Haridwar you can check  here .

Haridwar to Dehradun: 55 Km and may take one and half to 2 hours.

Dehradun to Rishikesh: 45 Km and may take around one and a half hour.

You can fly or by train reach New Delhi as per your convenience from any part within India.

There are direct trains from Kolkata to Dehradun.

KUMBHA EXPRESS – Train No. – 12369  ( Very good option to reach Haridwar by 5 pm; You can take a bus from the terminus just opposite to the railway station referred as Roadways bus stand/ISBT and reach Dehradun in one and half hour. Spend the night in Dehradun and start your onward journey by car next morning.)

UPASANA EXPRESS – Train No. – 12327  ( Very good option to reach Dehradun directly by 5 pm; Spend the night in Haridwar and start your onward journey by car next morning)

DOON EXPRESS – Train No. – 13009 ( Don’t book this train when you plan a long onward journey immediately in the morning)]

Avoid booking wait listed (WL) tickets in AC classes (1A/2A/3A) or Chair Car (CC). Book Sleeper class (SL)/Second Sitting class (2S) tickets which have normally more seats/berths and hence much better chance to get confirmed.

Dehradun is easily reached from New Delhi by train or bus (~ 6/7 hours) and is around 260 Km

Following trains are good to reach Haridwar and run daily.

DDN JANSHTBDI – Train No.  12055  (Arrives HW in the evening @ 9:10 pm, good choice when you stay the night in Dehradun and have a long drive ahead next day) NANDA DEVI EXP – Train No.  12205  (arrives HW early morning @ 5:40am)

Always avoid booking waitlisted (WL) tickets in AC classes (1A/2A/3A) or Chair Car (CC). Book Sleeper class (SL)/Second Sitting class (2S) tickets which have normally more seats/berth and hence much better chance to get confirmed.

Govt. Road Transport (Roadways of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab etc.) buses are frequently available in day time and night from Kashmiri Gate ISBT ( ). Tickets are available on board for these regular type buses. From Delhi Airport or Station you can reach ISBT Kashmiri Gate via Delhi Metro service ( ). It is only 4 Km from NDLS and can be reached easily by booking an auto rickshaw.

For privately operated bus, you can book online from different portals. Select a boarding point suitably. Overnight Volvo/A.C/Push back buses are available. Normally these buses take up to 7 hours to reach Dehradun ISBT. You can book an auto rickshaw for Railway Station (5 Km away)/Hotel Drona (GMVN) or take a shared auto (Route No. 5) from ISBT.

[There are two major bus terminus in Dehradun. The buses from Delhi/Haridwar goes to the ISBT (Inter State Bus Terminus) and the other one is the Parvatiya Depot (Hill Depot, from where you can get the buses going up the hills like Uttarkashi, Barkot, Purola etc) located just beside the Railway station.

Nearest Airport Jolly Grant is 25 Km away from Dehradun. book a private taxi to reach Dehradun city. This airport is accessed from Dehradun, Haridwar and Rishikesh easily. The flights are mostly via Delhi.

For night stay in Dehradun:

Trekkers reaching on the previous day before the journey to the actual trek base need to stay the night in Dehradun. There are several options in Dehradun for spending a night while staying in Premium, Standard or Budget accommodation. Options vary from Privately operated Hotels/Lodges, to state run Tourist Rest Houses.

State run GMVN (Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam) operates Hotel Drona complex is 10 minutes walking from the railway Station. You can book an auto rickshaw. From ISBT it is around 5 Km. You can book an auto rickshaw to Hotel Drona (GMVN) or take a shared auto (Route No. 5) from ISBT (Inter State Bus Terminus). This is a reliable and a decent choice for Standard accommodation. The have restaurant and room service. Check the following for online booking of the above: You can call or visit GMVN nearest office or even send an email for more information.The information is available at:

Return from Dehradun:

Normally you reach Dehradun from any trek base  by 6/7 pm in the evening. You can take any train after 9 pm or regular bus service as mentioned above to reach Delhi or directly to your homeward journey in the same night.

Drive from Dehradun to Raithal (2200m/7200ft) via Uttarkashi- 190 Km - 8 hours

Drive from Dehradun railways station to our trek base Raithal village. Our route follows Bhagirathi River to Uttarkashi town. You can also get morning state transport bus to Uttarkashi. From here Raithal is another 45 Km via Bhatwari town. All the major mobile networks have connectivity here. Night stay in Tourist Rest House/Lodge.

Trek to Goi (2850 m/9350 ft) - 4 Km - 4 hours

We start hiking post breakfast.The ascend starts right after Raithal and continues through dense alpine forest. The trail is well paved till Odari, where the local villagers go to collect leaves & firewood.  It doesn’t take more than an hour to reach this place from Raithal. The forest starts to get denser after Odari . Raithal keeps peeping occasionally through the immense green of the surrounding.

After  three hours of gradual ascend we reach Goi.  A few shepherd huts are built in this small opening inside forest by the side of the small lake which the locals call Goital.

Trek to Dayara Jungle camp (3340 m/10955 ft- 4 Km - 3 hours - Explore meadows in the afternoon

The forest starts to change after we cross Goi. Major number of Pine and Oak begins to appear. More we proceed towards Dayara steeper the trail gets. It takes around two to three hours to climb this short but steep ascend to Dayara Jungle camp.

The meadow starts from here and as if the forest comes to a halt all of a sudden here. A line of wounded shepherd huts mark the place. Look beyond and the meadow vanishes crawling up and down into unknown uncertainty. Beyond the reaches of the meadow mighty peaks like Draupadi ka Danda I, II, Bandarpoonch, Srikanth, Jaonli stands tall at a distance.

You have got the whole day for yourself to reach out the corners and explore around this vast magical meadow. Get back before it gets dark. have an early dinner and sneak inside your sleeping bags as soon as possible.

Your body needs rest. We have considerable long day tomorrow.

Explore Dayara Bugyal - summit to Bakriya top (~ 3660 m/12005 ft), descent to Barnala (2900 m/9510 ft) - 12 Km - 7/8 hours

Today’s trek takes us right through the heart of Dayara Bugyal to reach the highest point of the meadow region, Bakriya Top.

From Dayara jungle camp it takes maximum half an hour of easy ascent to cross the tree line. Keeping the tree line behind we keep ascending for another two hours or so to reach Bakriya Top. The ascent is neither continuous nor very steep. But in the month of winter it gets a bit tricky due to the presence of snow on the trail.

A full three sixty degree of mesmerizing view awaits you once you reach the top. Bandarpunch (6350 m), Jaonli (6600 mtrs), Srikanth( 6133 m), Draupadi ka Danda (6420 m) Gangotri I(6672 m),II (6590 m), Rudragaira (5500 m) creates a gigantic arc behind you. The trail through Agora ang  Vebara villages to Dodital disappears far beneath  into the treacherous curves of  Shivaliks and reappears again near the Darwa pass. On the other side another famous trek destination Kush kalyan can be easily spotted.

Satisfied in mind, camera and soul, we start descending tracing back the same route to Dayara Jungle campsite.

We have a filling lunch here. Though we don’t rest for long. Before our body gets cold we buckle up and take a  descent of another hour or two to reach out today’s campsite Barnala.

Trek to Barsu (2250 m/7380 ft) - 5 Km - 3 hours - Drive back to Dehradun 190 Km - 8/9 hours

Today we head back towards civilisation. It takes two to three hours of easy descending to reach Barsu.

From Barsu we drive back to Dehradun via Bhatwari and Uttarkashi.

P.S.: Distances and altitudes are approximate and may not be exact.

  TREK FEE: Rs 9950 (Raithal to Barsu) + 5% GST  

Book for 5 persons on a published group departure or more and get flat 10% Group Discount on TREK FEE


1 night accommodation at Raithal (Day 1) in lodge on sharing basis and dinner.

 All meals during the trek. Regular Indian style nutritious vegetarian food during the trek (including occasional eggs), breakfast packed/hot lunch (depending upon the time you reach a campsite), snacks, dinner along with coffee/tea/soup.

Excellent Trekking Guide, who will be a local to this particular area and has profound knowledge of the trekking trails around.

 Specialised Cook, Support staff, Porters/Packed Animals for carrying the central logistics of the trek.

 Stay in tents (3 persons dome or ridge shaped tents) on sharing basis during the trek.

Camping equipment like Sleeping bag, Carry mattress, Gaiters, Micro spikes/Crampon. (Bring your own sleeping if you have a high altitude specific personal Sleeping Bag. This is always better for hygienic reasons.)

Kitchen tent, dinning tent and toilet tent as required during the trek.

All permit fee, camping charges, forest levy required for the trek.

 Basic Medical & First Aid kit.

Travel insurance cum   Accidental Insurance Policy covering high altitude trekking tours (For Indian nationals it is included in the TREK FEE, up to 60 years of age). It covers your trek as well as your return journey to Dehradun for duration of 7 days.


Transportation from Dehradun to Raithal and return from Barsu. ₹ 5000 for a Tata Sumo and ₹ 9000 for a Tempo Traveller. We can arrange, you pay directly to the driver sharing equally with the fellow trekkers.

We assume that you will carry your personal Rucksack/Backpack with all your personal belongings. If you want to offload your Rucksack and be carried by our Pack Animal/Porter then you need to pay additional ₹ 1200 for the entire duration of the trek. The Rucksack should not weigh more than 10 Kg.

 Any tip/gratuity to the HT supports staff.

Anything is is NOT mentioned in the “Inclusions” or personal in nature.

  • We assume that you have read and understood our “Terms & Conditions” ( ) before Booking a trek/tour.
  • To reserve your place in a scheduled Fixed Departure trek or a Customised/Private trek  pay 25% of the TREK/TOUR FEE  as the initial  “Booking Deposit” . You can pay by Net banking/Draft/Cheque/Credit/Debit/AMEX cards. This will ensure your participation in the desired trek and we will reserve your place in the scheduled date. You need to pay the remaining amount at least  15 days before Trek Starting Date .
  • If you book a Trek/Tour before 14 days or less from Trek/Tour Starting Date, you need to pay the full TREK/TOUR FEE .


  • “Booking Amount” i.e. 25% of the TREK/TOUR FEE is Non-Refundable  at any stage.
  • If in case you are not able to make it due to unavoidable reason(s), we provide you a very flexible choice of Shifting to another trek within next one year . One year is counted from the starting date of the trek/tour you booked initially with us.
  • In case you postpone your trip you need to inform minimum of 15 days before  the trek/tour starting date. (Though we suggest to inform us earlier if known)
  • In case you postpone a trek/tour before 15 days of the scheduled Trek/Tour Starting date or prior , you may shift to another group of the same trek/tour scheduled in the same season or within next one year. You may shift to another suitable route also. For changing any, you need our approval first. Your request must be in written communication through your registered email with us.
  • If you cancel/postpone a trek/tour from 14 days to 8 days before tour starting date , your Booking Amount is Non-Refundable. We will not take any request of shifting dates. We will charge 50% of the amount as Cancellation Charges and process refund of remaining 50%. You may also shift to another group within next year but 25% Booking Amount will be deemed as Cancellation Charge and the rest amount will be transferred to the shifted group.
  • If you cancel a trek/tour  7 days (i.e. a week) before Trek/Tour Starting Date or later , there will be NO REFUND.
  • In case of any unforeseen incident including but not limited to natural calamities like flood, earthquake, landslide, forest fire or any political unrest, if we are compelled to cancel the trek/trip, you will be entitled to redeem the full amount for the same/similar kind of trek/trip within next one year.

If you need more clarifications write in to [email protected]

dayara bugyal trek

Tour Reviews

dayara bugyal trek bikat

I trekked along with group thru Himalaya Trekkers couple of times (Dayara Bugyal and Valley of Flowers) and had a fantastic experience both the times. HT offers team of true professionals delivers the best in minimum cost with greater level of services. The guides, support staff and cooks are well trained, service oriented and most importantly cares about you like family. Involvement of HT from the planing of trek until execution of plan is awesome. They respond all small and big concerns swiftly, calmly and guide you well. We completed the trek to Dayara in Jan 2019 and finished Valley of Flowers during Sep 2019. Experience and memories from both the treks are fresh as LIVE and reminding us to continue with our next spree to the Himalayas. We are up for the next challenge, our next milestone in Himalaya. We look forward to HT and hoping to add more wonderful experiences in near future…

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Submit this form that we can email you all the necessary details and call you to discuss., tour starting date: green boxed dates indicate starting of a scheduled fixed departure tour (day 1 of our tour itinerary). please check the calendar and choose a suitable fixed departure date (green boxed) unless dates are not matching or you are looking for a customised/private trip., i accept the terms & conditions.

Top 5 Himalayan Treks for Thrill-Seekers Unveiled

Top 5 Himalayan Treks for Thrill-Seekers Unveiled

By Aquib Nawab

05 Jun, 2024

The cities are getting hotter day by day, a perfect time for mountain getaways, isn’t it?

After a week of buzzing schedules and busy work life routines, we all want to break loose in the calmness of the hills. But crowds one finds at popular places Manali, Nainital Shimla and even offbeat ones like Jibhi can be overwhelming. So where should you go?

Mountain adventure is calling out loud.

Just imagine yourself trekking across snow-capped peaks, glittering rivers and green forests. Uttarakhand to Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim to Ladakh, and Kashmir have had all the Himalayas covered with these unbelievable treks which will give you some moments in your life that you will never forget.

So what are you still waiting for? Let’s discover your next trekking destination to begin a journey that will never end.

1. Dayara Bugyal

Duration: 4-6 days

Difficulty level: Easy – Moderate

Region: Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India.

Best time to visit: May – November

Dayara Bugyal is one of the few gems of India that has received very few trekkers despite being near the famous Gangotri glacier. Think about this hidden gem offering breathtaking views that will literally take away your breath.

With its wide meadows going beyond the line of sight combined with beautiful stay options and surprise mountain ranges provide perfect mix for summer trek memories.

And do you know what’s more interesting than anything else? Dayara Bugyal is one of those very few treks which are suitable for kids and families. It is an easy-moderate level trek where one can easily visit the beauty of Himalayas without taking extra pain.

Are you ready to make memories? Dayara Bugyal could just be the adventure you have been looking for..

dayara bugyal trek bikat

Dayara Bugyal (Credits: Canva)

2. Har ki Dun

Duration: 7-8 days

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Region: Garhwal Himalayas, Uttarakhand, India

Best time to visit: April – June, Sep – Nov

Har Ki Dun is one of those books like fairy tales. Just imagine how it would feel seeing ancient wooden villages that have survived for centuries. These villages are rich with history and mythology associated with them.

There is something new and stunning unveiled every single day on this trek. Every time there is a change in landscape which gives us a breathtaking view. Just when you begin thinking it’s all over, you will find Rainsara Taal, right under your feet; a pristine lake which shatters every little hope in your heart. It’s so beautiful that one can hardly believe we have such places in our nation.

Har Ki Dun is not just a trek; it's also an odyssey through time and nature where it takes through some fascinating vistas and vivid cultural sides of our past thus being perfect for anyone who wants to connect with the Himalayas at a deeper level and unravel their mysteries.

dayara bugyal trek bikat

Har ki Dun (Credits: Canva)

3. Bali Pass

Duration: 7-9 days

Difficulty level: Moderate

Region: Uttarkashi, Uttrakah, and

Best time to visit: May-June & September-October.

There is something truly enchanting about hiking across the Himalayas especially when you get to cross Bali Pass because very few treks allow trekkers to experience the pure grandeur of Himalayan Pass crossing while trekking there.

To say the least, this is a trek that feels like taking a step into an epic adventure linking Har Ki Dun valley with Yamunotri. In your trek, you will get a chance to see where Tons and Rainsara rivers meet, feel the serenity of Rainsara Valley and marvel at the beauty of luxurious green meadows in Devasu Thanch.

It’s not just a trek; it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience full of thrill and amazing views at each corner

dayara bugyal trek bikat

Bali Pass (Credits: Canva)

4. Rupin Pass

Duration: 8–9 days (approximately . 52 km)

Region: Kinnaur and Uttarakhand (starting from Dhaula Village in Uttarakhand to Sangla Village in Himachal Pradesh)

Best time to visit: Mid-May to Mid-June or September to October

Rupin pass should be one of India’s classic treks if anything at all. This is such a journey where every hour is like conducting an orchestra that builds momentum or each step introduces one breathtaking scene new to the walkway.

You will get surprises at every bend starting on day one of your trek. Within just 20 minutes’ walk, you will already start walking above the bed of the magnificent river Rupin which sets the stage for a remarkable expedition ahead.

dayara bugyal trek bikat

Rupin Pass (Credits: Canva)

5. Kedarkantha

Duration: 5–6 days

Difficulty level: Easy to Moderate

Region: Uttarkashi, Uttrakhand

Best time to visit: December to March

There are a few trekkers who haven’t yet heard about Kedarkantha - its very name bears witness for its popularity among adventure lovers. In particular, an adventurous summit climb makes all the difference. Hill climbing Kedarkantha has numerous benefits making it worthwhile.

At dawn when you start hiking on steep slopes all around there are fantastic views; this is what makes it appealing not just for experienced trekkers but also for beginners who are more into thrill rather than adventure so don’t even think about joining us if you aren’t ready for such experience.

dayara bugyal trek bikat

Kedarkantha (Credits: Canva)

Tips for unforgettable hiking experience

Are you ready to conquer an unforgettable mountain? Before starting off on your journey, remember these tips.

dayara bugyal trek bikat

Credits: The Hosteller

  • Stay healthy: Be sure of yourself that you’re fit enough for a hike.
  • Take it easy: Give yourself time to adapt at high altitudes, so that you do not vomit all over.
  • Be smart with your packing: Take only what is necessary and choose light clothing and gear items that dry off easily
  • Keep hydrated: Carry enough water and snacks such as nuts plus energy bars which will help keep your energy levels up.
  • Be weather prepared: Have waterproofs and extra layers for different weather conditions
  • Know your route: Prior research of the route, carrying maps or using GPS devices
  • Safety first: As well as an emergency blanket, first aid kit, flashlight multi-tool knife among other things?
  • Leave no trace behind: Don’t leave garbage behind when camping; moreover, leave the environment better than you found it when going out there in nature.
  • Respect others: Be respectful towards the native people around and also regarding their animals on top of following their cultural ways
  • Think about hiring a guide: You may either join others on trekking or hire someone who has been on it before for added security.

Bottom line

dayara bugyal trek bikat

The Hosteller Chakrata, Credits: The Hosteller

No matter the choice of trek you make, we can guarantee that you will come back with unforgivable experiences; thrilling adventures; stunning landscapes in addition to a bag full of Instagram stories as well as kids’ tales.

After a fatiguing trek, all the weary ones need is to find a bed that is secure and comfortable where they can sleep. This is what The Hosteller offers. It gives you the best place for starting off your Himalayan adventure by having some lovely rooms, cozy stays and convenient camps.

Reserve a room with The Hosteller today and make your trek an unforgettable one on Earth!  

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  1. Dayara Bugyal Trek with Bikat Adventures

    dayara bugyal trek bikat

  2. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    dayara bugyal trek bikat

  3. Dayara Bugyal Trek with Bikat Adventures

    dayara bugyal trek bikat

  4. Dayara Bugyal Trek with Bikat Adventures

    dayara bugyal trek bikat

  5. Dayara Bugyal Trek with Bikat Adventures

    dayara bugyal trek bikat

  6. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    dayara bugyal trek bikat


  1. Dayara Bugyal Trek/ Worst trip

  2. Dayara Bugyal Trek #uttrakashi

  3. Dayara Bugyal Trek, Uttarakhand

  4. Dayara Bugyal Complete Trek

  5. Dayara Bugyal Trek Update

  6. Dayara Bugyal Trek (most beautiful trek in uttarakhand) uttarkashi Raithal 📍


  1. Dayara Bugyal Trek with Bikat Adventures

    Kedarkantha Trek. Embark on a 6-day trek through the Himalayan meadows with Bikat Adventures' Dayara Bugyal Trek. This trek will take you through stunning Himalayan villages, thick oak forests, and peaceful alpine meadows. As you reach the Dayara Bugyal meadow, which sits at an altitude exceeding 12,000 feet, you'll be rewarded with ...

  2. Dayara Bugyal Trek with Bikat Adventures

    Starting from Bandarpoonch, Draupadi ka Danda, Shrikhand Mahadev to a lot of Gangotri peaks, Dayara Bugyal is the answer to all these peaks. 6. The crystal carpet of snow. Although Dayara Bugyal is an all-seasoned trail, winter is like icing on the cake, where you get to see the hidden glow of this trek! As I cross the path, I witnessed how the ...

  3. Dayara Bugyal Trek: Explore the Meadows of Uttarakhand

    The Dayara Bugyal trek, starting from Raithal, is a 5 to 6-day adventure through the picturesque landscapes of Uttarakhand in the Indian Himalayas. It offers easy-moderate difficulty, making it suitable for beginners and experienced trekkers. Each trekking day involves covering a certain distance, with an average of 4 to 6 kilometres to be covered in 4 to 6 hours of trekking.

  4. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    The Dayara Bugyal trek is available throughout the year, except during the rainy season. This implies that the trek is accessible and enjoyable for approximately 8 months annually. ... Those who have opted for a drive from Dehradun to Raithal with Bikat should arrive at the meeting point by 6.30 AM. During the journey to the basecamp, we will ...

  5. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    The Dayara Bugyal trek is a favourite among our beginner and seasoned trekkers alike at Indiahikes. "This trek is superbly rewarding at any time of the year. The forests are splendid in spring, the meadows are an unbeatable green in summer, and they turn orange in autumn, with striking mountain views. The snowscape in winter is a world on its ...

  6. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    The Dayara Bugyal Trek is a trek of a relatively easy level and can be undertaken even by beginners and first timers. After reaching Barsu, the trekkers timbre their tents near Barnala Tal and spend the night there. For the other nights of the voyage, trekkers can camp at various exciting places with breath taking panorama.

  7. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    Transport 1,600. Transportation Dehradun to Natin village and return is optional. Choose add-ons during booking. If missed, log in and add them later. Book transportation at least 10 days before the trek. The cancellation policy will be implemented in accordance with the trek cancellation policy. Offload 1,200.

  8. Dayara Bugyal Trail, Uttarakhand, India

    Dayara Bugyal is considered one of the most extensive alpine meadows in the lap of the Himalayas. "BUGYAL" in the local dialect is known as "High Altitude Pasture Land." Among all the trails in Uttrakhand, Dayara Bugyal is considered to be the most beautiful and breathtaking trail in Uttarakhand Himalaya because of the highland meadows. Located in District Uttarkashi, it stands at an elevation ...

  9. Dayara Bugyal winter trek

    Chilapada to Dayara Top. It is only a 30-minute-walk through a forest stretch to reach Dayara Bugyal from Chilapada. You can spend almost an entire day taking in the sight of the massive undulating meadows covered in a thick blanket of snow. From here, take in the breathtaking sights of Mt Bandarpoonch and Kala Nag.

  10. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    Dayara Bugyal Trek. Ideal for the first-timers, the height of Dayara Bugyal Trek is at such perfect altitude, that it experiences a subtle coldness and springy aroma, all year round. The evergreen beauty of Dayara Bugyal's rocky yet green terrains is filled with wildflowers, a variety of pebbles, and clean lakes and streams. Nevertheless, the best time to experience this particularly (often ...

  11. Dayara Bugyal trek

    The Dayara Bugyal trek in its best time offers across-the-board panoramic views of the Himalayan range, beautiful campsites, and low-altitude lakes. Basically, Dayara Bugyal trek in the local language directs to a circular plot of land, showing the hoop-shaped grassy turf of bugyal, surrounded by dark oak and maple words. Also, the Dayara ...

  12. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    Dayara Bugyal Trek is situated in Uttarakhand that can easily be compared to a fairyland because of its snow. Winter unveils a completely different picture of Dayara Bugyal Trek which is simply spectacular. Snow covers the trees, the rocks and the grass. The meadows which add to the lush greenery during other seasons, turn white during winter ...

  13. Dayara Bugyal: A Himalayan Tapestry Trek

    Trek Distance : 7 km. Trek Duration : 6-7 hours. Altitude Gain : 10500 ft to 12000 ft Today is an exciting day as you hike to Dayara Bugyal and Dayara Top. Start early to make the most of the day. Hike from Gui to the vast meadows of Dayara Bugyal, a high-altitude meadow renowned for its breathtaking views.

  14. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    Dayara Bugyal is considered to be one of the most beautiful and breathtaking treks in Uttarakhand, because of the highland meadows. In terms of difficulty level, Dayara Bugyal is an easy trek, which means it is perfect for beginners. Located in District Uttarkashi of Uttrakhand, Dayara Bugyal stands at an elevation of above 10,000 ft/3048 m.

  15. Dayara Bugyal

    Experience the breathtaking beauty of the Dayara Bugyal Trek, a Himalayan adventure that unfolds in Uttarakhand, India. Trek through pristine meadows, witness the serene charm of Dayara and Barnala Bugyal, and discover the natural wonders of this remarkable journey amidst the alpine landscapes of the Garhwal region. A perfect winter trek for the beginners, where one could get astonishing views ...

  16. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    The Special Goat Village in Dayara Bugyal: There is a special village in the Dayara Bugyal Trek also known as Bakra Basti. The village is home to goats which is why it is known as Bakra Basti. The Goat Village is the starting village of the Bugyal trek and leads to the top with an elevation of 3048 meters after a 9-kilometer trek.

  17. Dayara Bugyal Trek

    Dayara Bugyal is an all-year trek as it offers distinct experiences across the seasons, all charming and unique on their way. The trail that leads to Dayara Bugyal remains comfortable throughout the year. In winter, it becomes trickier as snow covers the entire path. Nevertheless, Dayara is a perfect trek to begin exploring the outdoors.


    Day 3: Barnala - Dayara Top (12300 ft) via Dayara Bugyal (11,600 ft) and back to Barnala. Start trekking to Dayara Bugyal after having breakfast. The trails can be knee-deep in snow in the winter. The bugyal, which occupies 28 square kilometres and has a 360-degree view of the Himalayas, is a grazing ground for sheep and cattle.

  19. Dayara Bugyal trek on snow 2023 || HT (HIMALAYA TREKKERS)

    Dayara Bugyal trek is perhaps one of the shorter hikes on the Himalayas although nothing in short to produce high rewards. The enchanting views of snow capped peaks, sprawling meadows and encompassing thrill of a summit. Dayara an alpine meadow, locally called "Bugyal" is surrounded by dense alpine forest, elevated and spread above 11000 ft ...

  20. Himalayan Adventure: Top 5 Treks Revealed

    Dayara Bugyal is one of those very few treks which are suitable for kids and families. It is an easy-moderate level trek where one can easily visit the beauty of Himalayas without taking extra pain. Are you ready to make memories? Dayara Bugyal could just be the adventure you have been looking for.. Dayara Bugyal (Credits: Canva) 2. Har ki Dun