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Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus

Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus

Book your place on the exclusive Barcelona Christmas Route aboard the official tourist bus . Unlike the regular schedule, this Christmas route has only one scheduled daily departure , so it is essential to book online if you want to take the tour. Enjoy a 90-minute tour of the city, specially designed to follow the Christmas lights .

The starting point is Plaza Catalunya , the very center of Barcelona, from where you will embark on a journey up Passeig de Gràcia before heading to the Sagrada Familia , Arc de Triomf, Torre Glòries and other iconic landmarks . The Barcelona Christmas Tour also offers live commentary along the route to discover the city's Christmas traditions.

  • 90-minute tour designed to enjoy Barcelona's Christmas lights.
  • Seats secured on the top floor when you book online.
  • Real-time commentary available in English, Spanish and Catalan.
  • Free wifi connection to stay connected during the tour.
  • Adapted access on the lower floor for people with reduced mobility.

How to get there

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Barcelona Christmas Tour

Per Nadal, gaudeix d’un lluminós i espectacular recorregut amb bus turístic pels indrets i monuments més emblemàtics de Barcelona.

christmas bus tour barcelona

Regala't el viatge més brillant per Nadal

Amb el Barcelona Christmas Tour  podràs gaudir d’un passeig nocturn durant el qual descobriràs l’atmosfera nadalenca que impregna la ciutat.

Amb inici i final a la plaça de Catalunya, l’autobús ofereix un recorregut pel grans carrers, avingudes i edificis més emblemàtics de Barcelona, especialment decorats i il·luminats per a aquestes festes. Entre d’altres, hi podràs contemplar:

  • El passeig de Gràcia
  • La Casa Batlló
  • L’ Arc de Triomf
  • El Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau
  • La Basílica de la Sagrada Família

També podràs descobir les tradicions i secrets que envolten aquestes dates i gaudir d'una ambientació musical ben nadalenca al perfil de TMB a Spotify .

El Barcelona Christmas Tour compta amb accés a wifi gratuït i guies oficials de Turisme de Barcelona en català, castellà i anglès. A més a més, està adaptat per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda i amb dificultats auditives.

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Christmas lights tour in Barcelona

  • 13/09/2022 24/07/2023

christmas bus tour barcelona

Are you looking for information about the Christmas lights tour in Barcelona?

Barcelona is one of the main visiting cities in Spain and each year hosts more than 11 million tourists a year, many of them at Christmas time. To be able to contemplate the Barcelona at Christmas with lights everywhere is one of the experiences that travelers do not want to miss.

One of the best ways to enjoy this outdoor plan is aboard the Christmas lights tour bus through Barcelona. tourist bus of Christmas lights in Barcelona with which you can enjoy the best tour of the city, without having to worry about anything. A expert guide will show you the main tourist sites illuminated, so you can contemplate the beauty of Barcelona at the best time of the year.

Tour rating:

Languages available: Spanish, English and Catalan

Type of tour: Guided tours in Barcelona

Tour description

Hop on the tourist bus to enjoy the Christmas lights in Barcelona and relax contemplating a scenery full of magic and color. full of magic and color, on your tour of the city. You will contemplate the most emblematic icons of the city, dressed in colors, thanks to the Christmas lights, which give them that original touch.

In addition, the guide will explain which are the most important most curious christmas traditions in Catalonia, for example, do you know what it means to make the tió shit? Don’t miss this Christmas lights tour in Barcelona and fall in love with the city that opens its doors to the Mediterranean Sea, this time from a very different perspective.

The Christmas lights tour in Barcelona has a price of – €, in which you will have included the bus tour and the explanations of the guide.

  • Coming soon

Children (from 3 to 11 years old)

Infants (under 3 years old).

Free of charge.

If you prefer, you can take a private private tour, for which you will have to consult the prices personally: contact us at [email protected]

What will we visit?

This night bus will take you on a tour of the best corners of the best corners of the city Barcelona, where the Christmas lights shine brighter than ever. Unlike the normal tourist bus, this tour only has a single exit, so we recommend that you book well in advance, so as not to miss out on your place.

Enjoy this one hour and a half hour and a half tour around Barcelona, in which you will discover the most emblematic and important places of Barcelona:

  • Plaza Cataluña
  • Paseo de Gracia
  • Sagrada Familia
  • Arc de Triomphe
  • The Glòries Tower
  • Among others…

All this will be accompanied by live commentary by a guide, which will allow you to get to know the city as never before and understand a little better the customs of the Catalans and the traditions that are so deeply rooted in this land.

Tour schedule

Currently no dates planned for this tour. As soon as the schedules are available, we will post them on this site.

Cancellation policies

The ticket price will not be refunded in the event of cancellation, but it is possible to change the tour date tour date at any time prior to the tour

Tour details

Tour language.

We have a guide in English, Spanish and Catalan, to make the tours.

What does the tour include?

The price of the tour includes:

  • 90-minute tour to see Barcelona’s Christmas lights
  • Upper floor seating guaranteed with online reservation
  • Live commentary in English, Spanish and Catalan
  • Free Wifi access to stay connected during the tour
  • Lower floor adapted for persons with reduced mobility

The full duration is one hour and a half (90 minutes) to enjoy the Christmas lights of Barcelona.

Until when is it possible to reserve?

It is possible to make your reservation up to the moment the bus departs, subject to availability. It is recommended that you can book a little in advance, through the internet, to ensure your seat on the tourist bus.


The tourist bus of Christmas lights in Barcelona is accessible for people with reduced mobility, on the lower floor of the vehicle.

The tour is not is not suitable for pets.

Meeting point:

The meeting point is located at Plaça Catalunya, 14 (Barcelona Bus Turístic Blue Route stop).

How to find us?

You can find us at Plaza Catalunya, 14 in front of the Barcelona Bus Turístic de la Ruta Azul bus stop. You will recognize us because we are wearing a black jacket with the logo on the back of the jacket. Tiqets . Before boarding the bus, you must show your ticket to the driver, who will confirm if you are in the right place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose the christmas lights tour in barcelona.

There is no better time of the year to enjoy a little family magic a little magic with the family than Christmas. This tour is not only for those who have come to visit Barcelona, but it is also ideal for families who want to get to know their own city from a different point of view during the Christmas vacations.

Does the guide have to be tipped?

You do not have to tip the guide at all, since the price you will pay for the tour already includes his explanation.

What other tours can I do near here?

The tour of the tourist bus of Christmas lights in Barcelona is one of the most special, because it allows you to see the city at night and with a very special decoration. But, it is true that Barcelona is not a city that you can get to know in a day, so we are going to show you some more tours that you can do during your vacations Guided tour of the Sagrada Familia , Visit the Hospital Sant Pau : Recinto Modernista, Guided tour of Parc Güell , etc.

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Barcelona Turisme

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VisitBarcelona official visitor guide

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Christmas with the Family in Barcelona

Christmas with the Family in Barcelona  

The Lights of Sant Pau. Christmas with the Family in Barcelona.

The Lights of Sant Pau. Christmas with the Family in Barcelona.  

Christmas with the Family in Barcelona

Christmas with the family

It isn't the Christmas log, the tió, or the Three Wise Men, who play a starring role in the Christmas celebrations: it's the kids! With their enthusiasm, cheerfulness and sense of hope, boys and girls bring a touch of magic to this time of the year... Their eagerness to go out and soak up the Christmas spirit grows day by day after the lights have been switched on for the first time. Here is a long list of activities to fill your days and evenings to ensure you enjoy the best Christmas ever in Barcelona!

The Christmas lights trail

There's no better was to see the city decked out in spectacular twinkling lights than the Barcelona Christmas Tour . A panoramic experience on a double-decker bus, with an on-board commentary, that will show you the city's most iconic streets and buildings dressed up for the occasion . The Barcelona Christmas Tour is an experience you simply can't afford to miss this Christmas!

Unmissable Christmas fairs, markets and Nativity scenes

You'll find Christmas fairs, markets and Nativity scenes all over Barcelona. From the popular Santa Llúcia Fair to the market by the Sagrada Família , along with the Epiphany Fair on Gran Via and a great choice of markets in the city's different neighbourhoods. The city's boroughs are also waiting for you with their own unique festive processions and parades.

In Barcelona, Christmas is experienced right by the sea. The old harbour, the Port Vell, and the Port Olímpic cast off their characteristic summery, Mediterranean atmosphere and are transformed into a winter wonderland for several weeks. The Harbourside Christmas fair has all kinds of activities for the family as well as other attractions and activities associated with the sea, sustainability and the performing arts.

The Nativity scene in Plaça de Sant Jaume is the most popular one in the city. It always introduces innovative designs that break with convention. This year, for the first time, the Nativity will be extended to the neighbouring streets and doorways of the nearby shops. If you want see a tradition in sculptural form, make sure you visit the Museu Frederic Marès , right by the cathedral.

Christmas festival in the centre of Barcelona

In the mornings, the Plaça de Catalunya will be holding a Christmas festival with six areas where you can take part in a wide variety of games and activities: books, life-size wooden animals representing every species; a Christmas-card workshop; present-day photos of Barcelona superimposed onto vintage ones; art and entertainments using recycled materials; and a mini-festival of short films and Christmas stories.

There will also be an urban dance showcase that will get kids and adults up and dancing. There'll be a great line-up of activities and entertainments throughout the afternoon for people of every age and background: music, theatre, circus, film… everything!

Barcelona's Christmas festival will also extend to Plaça de la Universitat . You'll find a festive, state-of-the art, hands-on installation that will get you moving non-stop and introduce you to the different ways the locals enjoy Christmas.

Christmas at Barcelona Zoo and on Tibidabo

Barcelona Zoo and Tibidabo are two of the city's attractions that are synonymous with activities for kids. They've lined up lots of activities so you can enjoy them in a different way. Tibidabo has a prepared a great selection of things to do: the centenary celebrations of the Talaia, or Watchtower, ride, with a ball and exhibition of the giant figures, gegants; Tibidavis, a festival dedicated to the elderly; a concert by Dàmaris Gelabert and the traditional daily Christmas entertainment. At Barcelona Zoo, you'll find the Christmas spirit in the special themed activities which will give you an insight into the different species that live there.

The Poble Espanyol at its most Christmassy

This year. Christmas returns to the Poble Espanyol . You can visit Father Christmas's house or meet one of the Wise Men and tell him what you want for Christmas. In the main square you'll find a huge Christmas tree that will be the envy of all the other trees around the city. Under the marquee, you'll be able to enjoy all kinds of family entertainments. Make sure you don't miss YU, a fun, fast-paced show for all the family brought to the Poble Espanyol by Sàndal Produccions.

The Liceu sets the stage for Christmas

If you're a lover of the performing arts, the Liceu brings you a programme that covers every genre. You can enjoy a concert version of Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol illustrated by Borja González's sand poetry. The Nutcracker will reveal the beauty of ballet and The Musicians of Bremen will immerse you in a world of dance and puppetry.

The Three Kings' factory and workshop of ingenious inventions

The Three Kings' factory , in the Sant Andreu district, will introduce you to their helpers who make sure the toys are ready for the eagerly awaited twelfth night.

At the workshop of ingenious inventions , in the Besós district, you'll be able to see the brand-new eco-float built from repurposed materials with a carbon-zero footprint. You'll also be able to deliver your letters to the Three Wise Men and tiny tots will be able to hand in their dummies.

The most eagerly awaited parade

On the evening of 5th January, the Kings of the Orient will return to Barcelona and disembark from their ship at the quayside, the Moll de la Fusta, where they will be welcomed by the mayor of Barcelona and people from all over the city. The kings will set off from the harbour to embark on their big parade through the city centre, with entertainments and celebratory floats that are truly spectacular. This year has something new in store! After many years, when each king has travelled on his own individual float, this year all three of them will be parading on one giant float.

There are many more activities too. If you want to discover what else you can do in the city over the festive period, check out our event calendar for families and make the most of your time with the discounts and benefits that the Barcelona Card Family has for you!

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United States

Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus

christmas bus tour barcelona


Enjoy a 90-minute tour of the city, specially designed to enjoy the Christmas lights. The tour starts from Plaça Catalunya, from where you'll drive up Passeig de Gràcia before heading to Sagrada Familia, Arc de Triomf, Torre Glòries, and other landmarks. The Barcelona Christmas Tour also includes live commentary during the route to learn about the...

What's Included

  • * 90-minute tour designed to see Barcelona's Christmas lights
  • * Upper-floor seats guaranteed with online reservation
  • * Live commentary in English, Spanish, and Catalan
  • * Free WiFi access to stay online during the ride
  • * Lower deck adapted for people with reduced mobility
  • * Hop-on hop-off morning service

Important informations

  • * Only the lower deck is adapted for people with reduced mobility (wheelchairs) * Please select a departure time (18:00 or 20:00) according to your preferred language option * The tour starts at Plaça Catalunya (Red Route stop of the Barcelona Bus Turístic) * Show your smartphone ticket when boarding the bus
  • It is the traveler's sole responsibility to have all the necessary documentation up to date, so research in advance everything that is required at the destination of your activity.

Care of Covid-19

Remember that with a pandemic, the documentation required may vary from place to place. Confirm what local authorities may require: proof of full vaccination, negative PCR test, and more. Find out what are the requirements of your destination and the location of the activity.

Oh, and don't forget to wear a mask, clean your hands often, and try to maintain social distance.

Did you have any questions about the activity Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus?

Can i pay for the barcelona christmas tour by bus activity on time, how to get to activity barcelona christmas tour by bus, what is included in the barcelona christmas tour by bus activity.

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When to Visit Barcelona , Things To Do in Barcelona

  • Christmas in Barcelona

Planning a trip to Barcelona this Christmas?  Or wondering what to do for Christmas in Barcelona?  Barcelona is a fantastic destination for a winter vacation and in this post, I’ll share why you should visit Barcelona for Christmas, what to expect from winter weather in Barcelona, what to wear, where to stay and the best things to do in Barcelona at Christmas – as well as everything else you might need to enjoy your Barcelona Christmas vacation!

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Why Spend Christmas in Barcelona

Barcelona is a great city to explore at almost any time of year, but Barcelona celebrates Christmas in style.  There are lots of festive activities in Barcelona to enjoy, as well as the usual epic things to do in Barcelona all year round.

Christmas markets pop up around the city, and the streets are filled with colourful lights.  There are some more unusual Christmas traditions in Barcelona that you can experience too, like building a nativity scene with a pooping man and hitting a wooden log until it poops presents.  Seriously, I’m not making this up!

And of course, not only that, but if you visit Barcelona in winter you’ll find fewer crowds, cheaper prices and, more often than not, very pleasant weather!

Whatever you are into, you’ll find it in Barcelona – from sandy beaches to mountain hikes, delicious food, incredible museums, stunning architecture and fabulous nightlife, Barcelona really does have it all.  Whether you’re looking for a weekend city break or a week-long Christmas vacation you certainly won’t be disappointed in Barcelona.

There is plenty to discover in the area around Barcelona too, and the region of Catalonia has much more to offer than just the city.  You can take day trips from Barcelona to the popular destinations of Montserrat , Girona and Sitges, or take the train to Cava country or any number of smaller Catalan towns and villages.

If you want a white Christmas in Barcelona, then head to the hills for skiing in the resorts near Barcelona.  La Molina, La Masella and Port del Comte ski resorts are only 2 hours by car or train from Barcelona and would make fantastic day trips.

Know Before You Go to Barcelona

Before travelling to Barcelona, make sure you book accommodation and popular attractions ASAP as hotels and tickets can sell out.


1: Sagrada Familia Skip the Line Ticket  - a must-see in Barcelona!

2: Park Guell Admission Ticket - colourful mosaic terraces and gorgeous views

3: Casa Batlló Entry with Self-Audioguide Tour - stunning Modernist Building & rooftop


$$ : Sercotel Hotel Rosellon - Incredible view of the Sagrada Familia from some rooms and the terrace

$$:  H10 Madison 4* Sup - top location with rooftop pool & view of the Gothic Cathedral

$ : Chic & Basic Lemon Boutique Hotel - great value hotel near Plaça Catalunya


Although Barcelona is a safe city, pickpockets are a problem here, particularly in popular tourist areas and on the metro.  Use a  theft-proof backpack and consider getting some hidden-pocket clothing to keep your belongings safe.

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While the Christmas decorations in Barcelona usually are up from the end of November through to the start of January, Christmas Eve in Barcelona is more important than Christmas Day – it’s the 24 th when most families get together for the big meal.

Gifts on the other hand are traditionally saved for January 6 th , when the Three Kings bring all the presents in a fantastical parade the evening of January 5 th .  The parade begins when the three Kings arrive by boat into Port Vell and move through the streets of Barcelona, throwing sweets to the watching children as they pass by.

There are lots of Christmas activities and festive things to do in Barcelona during the Christmas period, mostly through the whole of December and sometimes at the end of November and the beginning of January too.

Portal de lAngel Shopping Street with Christmas Decorations in Barcelona

Barcelona Christmas Lights

I love walking around and looking at the pretty Christmas lights that appear all around Barcelona at the end of November.  They light up the streets with beautiful patterns and colours until they’re taken down after Kings Day on January 6 th .

Barcelona’s Christmas lights are officially turned on the Thursday before the last weekend of November and are in place until 6 January.  They are illuminated from Sundays to Thursdays from 5.30 pm to 10 pm, and Fridays and Saturdays until 11 pm with special hours for New Year’s Eve and Twelfth Night until 1am.

The main shopping street of Avda. del Portal de l’Angel is also decorated, as is Plaça Catalunya.  The large El Corte Ingles store on Plaça Catalunya also has Christmas lights and decorations.

Starting at Plaça Catalunya, the walk up Passeig de Gracia is another wonderful place to see the decorations, wandering up the wide avenue past some of the most iconic buildings in Barcelona such as Gaudí’s Casa Batlló and La Pedrera.

Christmas Lights in Barcelona on Passeig de Gracia

Barcelona Christmas Bus Tour

You can book a Christmas Lights tour of Barcelona by bus which will take you to some of Barcelona’s most iconic sites that are beautifully decked out for Christmas, including The Sagrada Família, the Arc del Triomf and Passeig de Gràcia.

There are only certain dates available with an English-speaking guide if you want to listen to the commentary, or just enjoy the lights.  The tour begins and ends in Plaça Catalunya.   Click here for more information and tickets .

Barcelona Christmas Markets

The Christmas Markets in Barcelona are the best place to find unique souvenirs from Barcelona in the wintertime.  There are craft stalls where local artisans sell their wares such as handmade jewellery, leather goods and woodwork, as well as traditional Christmas stalls selling nativity sets, Christmas trees, decorations and caganers (more on that below).

One thing that might surprise you about Barcelona Christmas Markets is that there is no mulled wine to drink !  Some Christmas markets have a few stalls selling food, but the main focus is decorations and gifts.

La Feria de Santa Llucia - Christmas Market in Barcelona

La Fira de Santa Llúcia

Open from the 24th of November to the 23rd of December, from 10am to 9pm every day.

The Fira de Santa Llúcia in the square in front of the Gothic Cathedral is one of the main Christmas markets in Barcelona.  There are stalls selling Christmas trees and decorations, with several selling caganers .  It is also a nice place to shop for Christmas gifts and souvenirs, with plenty of stalls selling unique, handmade items.

There are no food stalls here, although there are plenty of bars and restaurants in the Gothic Quarter where you can go for something to eat and drink.

La Fira de la Sagrada Familia

Open from the 25th of November until the 23rd of December, from 10am to 9pm, or until 10pm on weekends and holidays.

As the name suggests, the Sagrada Familia Christmas Market is held around the Plaça de la Sagrada Familia.  It is a great place to come for Christmas trees and decorations, and the smell of pine and eucalyptus fills the air.

These stalls are lined up all along the street around the square, and there are some stalls selling gifts which are mostly found in the centre of the square.

There are a few food stalls too, mainly selling sweet treats like churros (long donuts) and hot chocolate, pancakes and candy floss.

El Mercat de Nadal al Port del Moll de la Fusta

Open from the 5th of December until the closing day on 6th of January, from 11am to 11pm.

This is the biggest Christmas Market in Barcelona, and as well as stalls selling decorations and gifts there are more food stands here as well as a beer stall – although I still haven’t found any mulled wine!

There are also fairground rides like a carousel and Ferris wheel, live music performances and lots of kids activities including a 400m2 synthetic, eco-friendly ice-rink.

Stalls at the Sagrada Familia Christmas Market in Barcelona

La Fira de Reis Gran Vía

Open from the 15th of December until 6th of January, from 10am to 10pm during the week and until midnight on weekends and holidays

The Three Kings Fair will be open on the pavements of Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, between the streets of Muntaner and Rocafort, where you can find a variety of stalls selling Christmas gifts, toys and crafts, as well as some churro donut stands.

Responsible Consumption and Social and Solidarity Economy Fair in Plaça de Catalunya

Open from 15th to 29th December (closed on Christmas Day & Boxing Day), from 11 am 8.30 pm, closing at 4pm on Christmas Eve

If you’re looking for sustainable Christmas gifts or some ideas on how to be more sustainable at Christmas and throughout the year, then this is the fair for you.  There will be 50 stalls on the outer circle of Plaça de Catalunya selling sustainable craft products, clothing and textiles, books, cosmetics, games and more.

Barcelona Nativity Scenes

Religion still plays a major part in the Christmas festivities, and you can find intricate nativity scenes for sale at all of the Christmas markets.  The care and detail that go into the nativities are remarkable, including things like windmills with moving sails, running water features and a range of people and animals to decorate the scene.

Nativity Scenes for Sale at one of the Christmas Markets in Barcelona

Plaça Sant Jaume

The largest nativity is usually at Plaça Sant Jaume in the Gothic Quarter, with decorations set up in the middle of the square.  It can get busy in the evenings and weekends.

Museu Frederic Marès

The Museu Frederic Marès next to the cathedral always has a traditional nativity scene, which is free to view during the opening hours.

Part of a Nativity in Barcelona at the Museu Frederic Marès

Bizarre Catalan Christmas Traditions in Barcelona

One of the more bizarre and fun parts of Christmas in Barcelona is experiencing the Catalan obsession with poo.  Yes poo.  Definitely a bit odd, but great fun – and a definite conversation starter when you bring a souvenir back home!

Caganers – Pooping People

In each nativity scene where Mary and Joseph are tending to the baby Jesus, somewhere hidden away will be a model of someone with their trousers around their ankles and pooping.  While they are never in view of Jesus (that would be disrespectful), the caganer pooping man is always there somewhere – can you spot him in the Nativity Scene below?

Caganers are traditionally dressed in the Catalan outfit of white trousers and shirt with a red belt and cap, but these days you can find caganers of all shapes and sizes – including famous football players, pop stars and movie characters.  Your life will never be the same once you’ve seen Dracula, Madonna and Superman doing their business next to each other, I assure you!

Caganers on a stall at La Feria de Santa Llucia - Christmas Market in Barcelona

Caga Tió – Uncle Crapper

Even more bizarre is the pooping log known as Caga Tió.  Made from a chunk of a tree log, with the addition of a smiling face and jaunty cap, Caga Tió is filled with sweets and then beaten by children with sticks until he poops out his sweet presents.  Merry Pooping Christmas to you too!

A Row of Caga Tios Pooping Christmas Logs

Other Christmas Events in Barcelona

Christmas festival in plaça catalunya.

Open from 16th to 29th December, from 11 am to 2 pm and from 4.30 pm to 9 pm

The Christmas Festival is an extensive programme of street art, music, installations and digital arts in Plaça Catalunya and Plaça Universitat.  The mornings are dedicated to family activities, with the afternoons focussing on music and street arts; and at night it will be time for large format activities.

Els Llums de Sant Pau

Els Llums de Sant Pau (Sant Pau Lights) transform the Hospital de Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site into a spectacular winter wonderland full of Christmas lights. There are audiovisual installations as well as the more usual festive lights, and the chance to skate on an ice rink amid the Art Nouveau architecture.   Check the website for details and entry tickets.

Casa Batlló Christmas Light Show

Every evening, from 6:30pm to 9:30pm Casa Batlló has a visual show of light and music on its façade during the Christmas and winter seasons from November 17 to January 7

Every 30 minutes, a 3-minute light and music show brings this iconic Barcelona façade to life which is free for everyone to enjoy.  You can also buy tickets to A Winter Night visit to go inside Casa Batlló to see one of Gaudí’s most famous works up close, with special light and music projections.

Christmas Decorations at Casa Batllo - Christmas in Barcelona

What to Eat in Barcelona at Christmas

In Barcelona, as in many parts of Spain, Christmas is celebrated with a variety of traditional foods. As well as the usual delicious food in Barcelona some popular dishes and treats you will find during the Christmas season include:

Escudella i Carn d’Olla

This is a traditional Catalan Christmas dish, which is a broth containing a variety of meats and vegetables. It’s often served with large pasta shapes called “ galets ” and is a festive staple in many households.  You can either eat it all at once or have the meat and vegetables as one dish, and the broth with the pasta (known as sopa de galets ) separately.

Sopa de Galets - A Typical Christmas Meal in Barcelona

Rostit de Nadal

The Christmas Roast is another typical Catalan dish, which is usually a roast chicken or duck, stuffed with dried fruits such as prunes, raisins, apricots and pine nuts.

In Barcelona, it’s also common to enjoy seafood during Christmas. Prawns, lobster, and other seafood dishes like bacalao (salted cod) and suquet de peix (fish stew) may be featured in festive meals.

In Catalonia, it’s a tradition to serve canelons (cannelloni) on December 26th, known as Saint Stephen’s Day. These pasta tubes are stuffed with the leftover meat from the previous day’s escudella or roast , and served baked in a bechamel sauce.

Canelons - A Catalan Speciality

Polvorones and Mantecados

These are crumbly and sweet shortbread-like cookies that are often enjoyed during the Christmas season. They come in various flavours and can be found in bakeries and supermarkets.

Turron is a nougat confection made with almonds and honey, and you’ll find a variety of turrones (different types of nougat) and marzipan during the holiday season. These sweets are often enjoyed after meals or as snacks.

Turron - A Sweet Treat from Barcelona at Christmas

These rolled wafer biscuits are another sweet treat to enjoy after dinner.  It’s common to have them with a glass of cava, on their own, or even with some Crema Catalana dessert.

Spanish Wines and Cava

Spain is famous for its wines, and during Christmas, many people enjoy a glass of wine or Cava (Spanish sparkling wine) to accompany their festive meals.

Tortell de Reis 

While this is more associated with the celebration of Epiphany (January 6th), the Tortell de Reis , a sweet, ring-shaped bread adorned with candied fruits and sometimes filled with cream or other sweet fillings, is often enjoyed throughout the holiday season.

Tortell de Reis - Catalan Christmas Cake

Where to Have Christmas Dinner in Barcelona

Christmas Eve is the traditional big dinner day in Spain, so if you’re eating out on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day in Barcelona you’ll need to book a table.  That way you can be sure your chosen restaurant will be open and you won’t be disappointed!

The Fork is a good place to check if a restaurant is open but most places will require booking by phone or email.  Hotels are a good bet to be open and often have more information on their websites about opening times and available menus.

If you plan to prepare your own Christmas meal in your accommodation, most supermarkets will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and will have shorter opening hours on the 24th.  Some smaller corner shops and convenience stores will be open for basic supplies.

I haven’t eaten Christmas Dinner at a restaurant in Barcelona as I’m usually at home or with friends – I’ve had recommendations for these places and will add more as I confirm the restaurants are open for Christmas Day.

Flaherty’s Irish Pub

Popular with expats, if you want a traditional Irish/British Christmas Dinner in Barcelona, this is the place to come.

The 3-course menu includes a choice of starter, a main course of roast turkey with all the trimmings, and Christmas Pudding or Guinness chocolate cake for dessert.  You’ll also get a glass of cava and a pig in a blanket to kick off your meal.

€45 per person excluding drinks.  There are 2 sittings available on 25th December, one from 1pm to 3.30pm, and the second from 4pm to 7pm.  Bookings are essential by email or whatsapp.  Check the menu here .

a Firework Display at Placa dEspanya in Barcelona for New Year

  • New Year in Barcelona

New Year’s Eve in Barcelona is usually a big party night, with the main city firework display held at Avinguda Maria Cristina by Placa d’Espanya.  The event is free to attend, but you usually get better views from balconies and terraces in that part of town.

Pretty much any apartment or hotel with a view of the city will give you a great experience of the fireworks on New Year’s Eve – this year I was on a terrace close to La Sagrada Familia, and we could watch displays right across Barcelona.

One thing you must do in Barcelona on New Year’s Eve is to eat grapes.  This Spanish tradition involves listening for the clock chimes at midnight and eating a grape for every chime.

It is more difficult than it sounds – make sure you have grapes without seeds as that can cause serious problems!  You can buy a pack of 12 grapes ready for you to eat if you like which is easier to eat, although it is definitely a waste of plastic!

A Packet of 12 Grapes for New Years Eve in Barcelona

What to do in Barcelona at Christmas Time

Once you’ve had your fill of the festivities there are plenty of non-Christmassy things to do in Barcelona to keep you busy, check out this article about Barcelona in winter for some ideas for activities.

Opening times of attractions vary during the holiday period so check in advance to make sure they are open.  You’ll also need to be aware of the shorter daylight hours which can impact your sightseeing; the sun rises in Barcelona between 8am and 8.20am in December, and sets between 5.20pm and 5.30pm.

La Rambla in Early December in Barcelona

Barcelona Weather at Christmas

The weather in Barcelona during the winter and around Christmas time is generally very pleasant.  The low altitude and proximity to the Mediterranean Sea mean that Barcelona has much milder temperatures than other Spanish cities such as Madrid or Granada.

While it does rain occasionally (an average of 3 or 4 days each month for December), blue skies are the norm, and nothing cheers me up more than a crisp, sunny winter morning – especially on Christmas Day!  If it does rain, there are still plenty of things to do in Barcelona on a rainy day so don’t worry too much.

Barcelona winter temperatures average 12-14°C during the day, sometimes warmer, then drop to around 6°C at night.  Once the sun goes down you will notice the temperature drops quickly.

Snow in Barcelona is very rare, so don’t expect a White Christmas in Barcelona.  If you plan to visit more of Catalonia or head up to the mountains of Andorra for some skiing you can expect snow there, but not often in the city itself.

Christmas Decorations at La Pedrera

What to Wear in Barcelona in Winter

Layered Clothing : While the weather in Barcelona is usually pretty mild, you will still be glad for layers – especially once the sun goes down.  Start with a lightweight, long-sleeved shirt or top as a base layer, and then add a sweater or cardigan for warmth. You can easily remove layers if the day warms up.

Warm Jacket or Coat : Bring a jacket or coat that provides some protection against wind and rain. A waterproof or water-resistant jacket with a hood is ideal.

Umbrella : A compact, travel-sized umbrella can be very useful due to the chance of rain in December.

Scarf and Accessories : A scarf can keep you warm on cooler days and add a stylish touch to your outfit. I love my travel scarf with a hidden pocket which keeps my valuables safe from pickpockets too!  I always have a hat and gloves for cooler evenings as well, as it can get chilly wandering around Christmas markets in the evenings.

Jeans or Trousers : During the day women could get away with warm tights and skirts, but on cooler days opt for jeans or comfortable trousers to keep you warm. Dark-coloured jeans can be dressed up for evenings out.

Comfortable Shoes : Comfortable walking shoes are a must as you’ll likely be exploring the city on foot. Waterproof or water-resistant shoes are a good choice due to the possibility of rain.  Simple black boots are perfect for an evening out.

Unless you plan on going out to very fancy places, high-heeled shoes aren’t necessary, a simple pair of boots (with a heel or flat) will be enough for most restaurants and bars.  In general, Barcelona is quite a casual city, at least in my experience!

If you plan on spending New Year’s Eve in Barcelona then check the dress code for where you are planning to go, in case you need something more elegant.

Slippers or Warm Socks: It might seem like an odd inclusion to your Barcelona packing list, but I would also suggest bringing some slippers or warm socks for when you are back at your accommodation.  Because it gets so hot in the summer in Barcelona, many hotels and apartments don’t have carpet, and during the winter the tiles are cold to walk on!

As for style, pretty much anything goes in Barcelona, although locals tend to prefer darker, muted colours.  If you’re wondering what else to pack for Barcelona, check out my full Barcelona packing list .

Stall at the Sagrada Familia Christmas Market in Barcelona

Other Barcelona Travel Essentials

Don’t forget essential travel essentials like a theft-proof backpack for keeping your belongings safe, a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated and reduce plastic waste, a portable power bank and a universal adapter to charge your electronic devices so you don’t run out of battery and miss out on photo opportunities!

Before you travel to Spain, check if your phone contract includes roaming in Spain, and if you have any data allowance to use while you are travelling.  To avoid excess charges for roaming data use, an eSIM is a cheap and useful way to make sure you stay connected, as long as your phone is eSIM compatible.

Airalo is super easy to set up and sends you email notifications when your eSIM is about to expire so you can top up easily if needed. Their eSIMs for Spain start from $4.50 for 1GB of data which lasts for 7 days.

Remember to bring your passport, travel insurance , identification, and any other necessary documents. Additionally, have a copy of your hotel reservations, emergency contact numbers, and a map or guidebook for navigating the city.

Final Thoughts on Spending Christmas in Barcelona

I hope this has convinced you to travel to Barcelona this Christmas, and while it might not be beach weather there are still plenty of awesome things to do here.  Do you have more suggestions for how to spend Christmas in Barcelona?  I’d love to hear them, this is just a taste of all the Christmas Barcelona activities you could do!

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Want to Know More About the Best Time to Visit Barcelona?

  • Barcelona in January
  • Barcelona in February
  • Barcelona in March
  • Barcelona in April
  • Barcelona in May
  • Barcelona in June
  • Barcelona in August
  • Barcelona in September
  • Barcelona in November
  • Barcelona in Winter

Claire Sturzaker

I'm Claire and I love Barcelona! I first came to Barcelona as a student almost 20 years ago, and adore this city. I want to share all of my insider tips to help you to enjoy Barcelona as much as I do. If you want to visit Barcelona and have an amazing time – you are in the right place!

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christmas bus tour in Barcelona!

christmas bus tour in Barcelona!

How to get there.

Barcelona Christmas Tour

Plaça Catalunya, 14, 08002

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  • The Best Christmas Markets in Barcelona 2024 / 2025
  • Barcelona at Christmas 2024 / 2025

Christmas Markets in Barcelona

Updated Mar 27 2024

Christmas markets , street markets and pop up markets, together with the Christmas lights in the streets and squares, are the main reasons why a great festive atmosphere is created in each city in countries where it is traditional to celebrate the arrival of Christmas .

In Barcelona , just like many cities in Catalonia and the rest of Spain, it is common for the first markets to open at the end of the month of November and, the last of them, to extend their dates until the weekend or, even, the night before the Three Kings Day, 6th January.

The most interesting tourist cards for your Barcelona Christmas holidays

Barcelona Essentials Pass

Barcelona Essentials Pass (with public transport pass)

Barcelona Pass

Barcelona Pass

Christmas lights of sant pau.

The Sant Pau Christmas Lights

Includes the visit to the modernist site of Sant Pau

Among the many Christmas markets, a subtle difference can be made between the historical markets , some of which are more than 200 years old, and the Christmas street markets and the more modern pop-up markets , which have grown in popularity in recent years. In this section of our website you will find information on all of them, as well as the dates in which they are held in 2024 / 2025 and a map so that you can easily locate them.

Barcelona Christmas Bus Tour

Barcelona Christmas Tour

Panoramic double-decker bus tour English tour guide on board Night tour through the illuminated streets of Barcelona with stops next to the most important monuments

Historical Christmas Markets in Barcelona

The three most historic Christmas markets in Barcelona are; the Fira de Santa Llúcia , the most well-known of all three and that has been held since 1786 next to Barcelona’s Cathedral , the Sagrada Familia Christmas Market , that as its name indicates, takes place next to the magnificent building by Antoni Gaudí, specifically in plaça (square) de La Sagrada Familia, and the Kings’ Market on Gran Via (Fira de Reis de la Gran Via in Catalan), which covers several stretches of the street Gran Via de las Corts Catalanes. Each of these Christmas markets are held over several weeks.

The Fira de Santa Llúcia and the Sagrada Familia Christmas Market open at the end of the month of November while the Gran Via Kings’ Market opens a few weeks later and lasts until the night of the Three Kings . Even so, for some days before Christmas Day , the three historical Christmas markets of Barcelona overlap.

Christmas Markets 2024 / 2025 Information

Santa Llúcia Christmas Market

Fira Santa Llúcia Christmas Market

28th November 2024 – 23rd December 2024

pl. de la Seu / av. de la Catedral

Sagrada Familia Christmas Market

Sagrada Familia Christmas Market

pl. de la Sagrada Familia

Fira de Reis Christmas Market

Barcelona Kings Fair

17th December 2024 – 6th January 2025

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes (c/ Calabria – c/ Muntaner)

What to buy at the Historical Christmas Markets?

The items that can be bought at these three historical Christmas markets in Barcelona are quite similar, but there are some significant differences. The Christmas markets that open in the month of November and finish one or two days before Christmas Day (Fira de Santa Llúcia and the Sagrada Familia Christmas Market), have many Christmas trees , Christmas decorations of all kinds to decorate the home and, of course, the t raditional nativity scenes (“pesebres” in Spanish) and different figures and accessories to improve them.

Other Christmas street markets and pop up markets in Barcelona

In addition to the traditional Christmas markets, in Barcelona and especially in recent years, different Christmas street markets and pop up markets have become very popular in different parts of the city.

Christmas street markets and pop up markets 2024 / 2025

Palo Alto Christmas Market

Christmas market edition

c/ dels Pellaires, 30

to ben confirmed

BCN Makers Pop up Market

Creative and / or “handmade” design items

c/ Betlem, 53

€ free entry

Poble Espanyol Christmas Market

Christmas market

Poble Espanyol Barcelona

av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 13

€ €10 / €12 (includes entrance to Poble Espanyol)

Port Vell Christmas Market

Port Vell (old port)

Barcelona Port Vell (old port)

to be confirmed

€ to be confirmed

Estació Disseny

Fashion, accessories and art designers

Estació de França (train station)

c/ del Rec Comtal, 2

Sant Jordi Christmas

Antiga Fàbrica Damm

c/ del Rosselló, 515

€ free entry (advance reservation)

Christmas Market and King Fair Via Júlia

Christmas articles

via Julia street

Design Market by FAD

Design market

Disseny Hub Barcelona

pl. de les Glòries, 37-389

All Those Food Christmas Market

Teatre Nacional de Catalunya

pl. (square) de les Arts, 1

€ €6 | €8.5

8037 Fashion Market Christmas edition

Clothes and complements

Generator Hostel

They are usually organised in all kinds of places, in many cases picturesque and/or charming places, whether covered inside buildings , businesses and/or historical palaces or in the open air in squares, streets, parks or gardens. Most of the time, they usually only last for a short period, two or three days, and are held over a weekend .

It is also common for some of the street and pop up markets that are often held regularly throughout the year, to organise a Christmas edition.

While it is true that each Christmas street market has its own idiosyncrasy, it is no less true that they tend to all have the type of items that are usually sold in Christmas markets. Generally speaking, gift items are sold, normally artisan.

Map of Barcelona’s Christmas Markets and Street Markets 2024 / 2025

  • Telefèric de Montjuïc
  • Catalunya Bus Turístic

13/05: a causa del partit del FC Barcelona a l’Estadi Olímpic, la Ruta Vermella no donarà servei a la zona de la plaça d’Espanya i Montjuïc a partir de les 18 h.

19/05: a causa del partit del FC Barcelona a l’Estadi Olímpic, la Ruta Vermella no donarà servei a la zona de la plaça d’Espanya i Montjuïc a partir de les 18 h.

Barcelona Christmas Tour

Gaudiu de la màgia de Nadal amb un recorregut pels indrets i els monuments més emblemàtics de la ciutat, en què podreu descobrir les tradicions i els secrets que envolten aquestes dates.

Barcelona Christmas Tour

Celebreu Nadal amb un recorregut nocturn, guiat en viu en català, castellà i anglès pel nostre personal. Una experiència única, d’una hora i mitja de durada, amb la qual podreu gaudir de la decoració i la il·luminació nadalenca dels carrers de la ciutat.

Nadal és l’època més màgica i especial de la nostra ciutat. Un esdeveniment ple de llums i joia que il·luminen tots els racons de Barcelona i que ara podeu gaudir, des d’unes vistes privilegiades, a bord del Barcelona Christmas Tour . No us perdeu el passeig de Gràcia, la basílica de la Sagrada Família i la seva Fira de Nadal, la Pedrera, el mercat de Sant Antoni i molts altres punts d’interès!

El viatge més brillant

Amb el recorregut del Barcelona Christmas Tour , a més de contemplar l’ambient nadalenc que impregna la ciutat, descobrireu la història de les tradicions més típiques que envolten aquestes dates, com ara que els galets, tan típics de les nostres taules, són un invent relativament modern i barceloní, concretament del barri del Born, o quin és l’origen de la rifa de Nadal o de l’Home dels Nassos, entre altres curiositats. A més, durant el trajecte gaudireu d’ambientació musical amb una playlist de cançons nadalenques, creada especialment per a l’ocasió al perfil de TMB de Spotify .

El Barcelona Christmas Tour us permetrà viure Nadal d’una manera molt especial. Amb inici i final a la plaça de Catalunya, i des del pis superior del nostre bus panoràmic, gaudireu del recorregut més màgic i festiu que us pugueu imaginar.

Reserveu les vostres places i descobriu les històries i els secrets més amagats d’aquests punts d’interès de la ciutat gràcies als nostres guies oficials en català, castellà i anglès:

Grans carrers, places i avingudes:

  • Plaça de Catalunya
  • Passeig de Gràcia
  • Passeig de Sant Joan
  • Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 
  • Avinguda del Paral·lel 

Fires de Nadal:

  • Fira de Nadal de la Sagrada Família
  • Casa Batlló
  • Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau
  • Basílica de la Sagrada Família
  • Arc de Triomf
  • Mercat de Sant Antoni

El tour garanteix ocupació de plaça al pis superior.

El bus té accés a wifi i està adaptat per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda (pis inferior) i amb dificultats auditives.

Descarrega el mapa de la ruta completa .

Tarifes i preus

Venda de bitllets.

Podeu comprar el bitllet al web  Hola Barcelona . Descarregueu-vos el voucher i conserveu-lo en el vostre dispositiu mòbil o imprès en paper.

Consulteu les condicions generals del servei .

El Barcelona Christmas Tour funciona del 24 de novembre de 2023 al 4 de gener de 2024 (excepte el dies 24, 25 i 31 de desembre i 1 de gener), amb servei de dilluns a diumenge. Té el següents horaris de sortida*:

Servei guiat en viu amb informador en català, castellà i anglès.

El punt d'inci de la ruta és la plaça de Catalunya (parada de la Ruta Vermella del Barcelona Bus Turístic) .

La ruta té una durada aproximada d’1 hora i 20 minuts.

Haureu de presentar-vos al punt de trobada 20 minuts abans de la sortida.

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center


  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


Find all the information of Elektrostal or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

  • Update data

Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal weather.

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Russia Flag

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  • Distance /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist1
  • Map /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#map
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  • Sunrise and sunset /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#sun
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Browse Walks in Elektrostal’, Moscow Oblast, RU

The world is a beautiful place filled with wonderful people and amazing experiences. Let's share that with each other.

  • Moscow Oblast
  • Elektrostal’

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Exploring the History and Culture of Elektrostal: A 2-Hour Walking Tour

This two-hour walking tour of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia, will take you through the city’s vibrant streets and squares, giving you a chance to explore the city’s unique culture and history. The tour will begin at the Elektrostal City Hall (Address: ul. Lenina, 1, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can admire the building’s impressive architecture and learn about the city’s history. Next, you will head to the Elektrostal Museum of Local Lore (Address: ul. Lenina, 2, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). This museum is home to a variety of artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of the city’s past. From there, you will make your way to the Elektrostal Central Market (Address: ul. Lenina, 3, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can browse the stalls and pick up some souvenirs or local delicacies. Afterwards, you will head to the Elektrostal Cathedral (Address: ul. Lenina, 4, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). This beautiful church is a great place to admire the city’s architecture and take in the atmosphere. Next, you will make your way to the Elektrostal Art Gallery (Address: ul. Lenina, 5, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can admire the works of local artists and learn about the city’s art scene. Afterwards, you will head to the Elektrostal Park (Address: ul. Lenina, 6, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). This park is a great place to take a break and relax in the shade of the trees. Finally, you will make your way to the Elektrostal Shopping Center (Address: ul. Lenina, 7, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can find a variety of shops and restaurants, as well as a cinema. Along the way, you can also stop at some of the city’s interesting shops and eateries. For example, you can visit the Kofein Coffee Shop (Address: ul. Lenina, 8, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045) for a cup of coffee and a snack, or the Kvartal Pub (Address: ul. Lenina, 9, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045) for a beer and some traditional Russian food.

Elektrostal’ Moscow Oblast Russia Tour Companies

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  1. Barcelona Christmas Tour

    See Barcelona's most emblematic landmarks, illuminated and decorated for Christmas time, on a night-time sightseeing bus tour.

  2. Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus

    Experiences: Book your place on the exclusive Barcelona Christmas Route aboard the official tourist bus. Enjoy a 90-minute tour of the city, specially designed to follow the Christmas lights.

  3. BARCELONA CHRISTMAS holidays Markets, Lights 2024 2025

    Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus. You will see it adorned with lights in the streets (28th November 2024 to 6th January 2025), with various outdoor Christmas markets that bring a special buzz to the city, more activities, especially for children, and without doubt a unique atmosphere that only Christmas can bring.

  4. Barcelona Christmas Tour

    Amb el Barcelona Christmas Tour podràs gaudir d'un passeig nocturn durant el qual descobriràs l'atmosfera nadalenca que impregna la ciutat.. Amb inici i final a la plaça de Catalunya, l'autobús ofereix un recorregut pel grans carrers, avingudes i edificis més emblemàtics de Barcelona, especialment decorats i il·luminats per a aquestes festes.

  5. Barcelona Christmas Tour

    Horario. El Barcelona Christmas Tour funciona del 24 de noviembre del 2023 al 4 de enero del 2024 (excepto los días 24, 25 y 31 de diciembre y 1 de enero), con servicio de lunes a domingo. Tiene los siguientes horarios de salida: 18.30 h. 20.30 h. Servicio guiado en vivo con informador en catalán, castellano e inglés.

  6. Tickets for Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus

    Make sure to save a spot on this exclusive Barcelona Christmas Tour onboard the official tourist bus! Unlike the regular morning hop-on, hop-off schedule, the Christmas Route has a unique fixed departure every day, so it is compulsory to book online if you want to take the ride.

  7. Barcelona Christmas Tour

    Book online to receive 10% discount on your tour of Barcelona on the night sightseeing bus: views of the illuminated sights at Christmas time

  8. THE TOP 10 Barcelona Christmas Tours (w/Prices)

    Check out Viator's top rated Barcelona Christmas Tours with reviews, photos & free cancellation.

  9. Hop on hop off

    Journey time and frequency. Barcelona Bus Turístic. Each route lasts around 2 hours. The buses pass every 15 and 25 minutes, depending on the season. Other routes. Get information on the duration of Barcelona Night Tour Bus and Barcelona Christmas Tour on the Timetable web page.

  10. Barcelona Christmas Tour

    Experience Christmas in Barcelona on a night-time, live-guided tour, where you'll be able to enjoy the Christmas decorations and lights in the city's streets.

  11. Christmas light tour in Barcelona

    Are you looking for a Christmas lights tour in Barcelona? Discover now this guided tour of Barcelona at Christmas with lights

  12. Christmas with the family

    A panoramic experience on a double-decker bus, with an on-board commentary, that will show you the city's most iconic streets and buildings dressed up for the occasion. The Barcelona Christmas Tour is an experience you simply can't afford to miss this Christmas! Unmissable Christmas fairs, markets and Nativity scenes . You'll find Christmas ...

  13. Barcelona Christmas Tour by Bus

    Make sure to save a spot on this exclusive Barcelona Christmas Tour onboard the official tourist bus! Unlike the regular morning hop-on, hop-off schedule, the Christmas Route has a unique fixed departure every day, so it is compulsory to book online if you want to take the ride.

  14. Christmas in Barcelona

    Barcelona Christmas Bus Tour. You can book a Christmas Lights tour of Barcelona by bus which will take you to some of Barcelona's most iconic sites that are beautifully decked out for Christmas, including The Sagrada Família, the Arc del Triomf and Passeig de Gràcia.

  15. christmas bus tour in Barcelona!

    tickets for a Christmas tour in Barcelona! Enjoy the city lights and don't miss any detail with an audio guide - get your tickets now!

  16. Barcelona 2024

    Barcelona Christmas Tour: Info Bus tour of Christmas lights. Operates from 24 November 2023 to 4 January 2024 (except on 24, 25 and 31 December and 1 January), with service from Monday to Sunday and departure times at 18.30 and 20.30 h. Night buses during the holidays

  17. The Best Christmas Markets in Barcelona 2024 / 2025

    Barcelona Christmas Bus Tour. Panoramic double-decker bus tour English tour guide on board Night tour through the illuminated streets of Barcelona with stops next to the most important monuments. Barcelona's Christmas Bus Tour. Historical Christmas Markets in Barcelona.

  18. Barcelona Christmas Tour

    El Barcelona Christmas Tour funciona del 24 de novembre de 2023 al 4 de gener de 2024 (excepte el dies 24, 25 i 31 de desembre i 1 de gener), amb servei de dilluns a diumenge. Té el següents horaris de sortida*: 18.30 h. 20.30 h. Servei guiat en viu amb informador en català, castellà i anglès. El punt d'inci de la ruta és la plaça de ...

  19. The BEST Barcelona Christmas activities 2024

    Book the most popular Christmas activities in Barcelona. Best price and money back guarantee! Read the reviews of your fellow travelers.

  20. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.

  21. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    Elektrostal Tourism: Tripadvisor has 801 reviews of Elektrostal Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Elektrostal resource.

  22. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal : Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Moscow Oblast. Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel. Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk, Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna. - City, Town and Village of the world

  23. Browse Walks in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, RU

    Don't just browse live and historical walks in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, RU. Be a part of history and livestream your walks too!