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UAE activates tourist entry visas for Israeli passport holders

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has announced the activation of tourist entry visas through airlines and travel and tourism offices for Israeli passport holders until procedures for the constitutional ratification of the mutual visa waiver agreement between the two states are completed. The move falls within bilateral cooperation between the UAE and the State of Israel following the signing of the Abraham Accords and aims to facilitate travel to the UAE for the time being. The Abraham Accords include travel procedures for Emirati and Israeli citizens that are expected to enter into force shortly. The UAE Cabinet, on the 1st of November, ratified the agreement between the UAE and the State of Israel regarding the mutual exemption from entry visa requirements. H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, signed the Abraham Accords between the UAE and the State of Israel on September 15, 2020, opening a new page of relations between the two countries and double efforts to enhance stability and security in the region. A UAE governmental delegation visited Israel on October 20 and discussed cooperation in the fields of investment, trade and technology. The two sides also signed agreements in various economic sectors. The working groups are advancing a number of bilateral initiatives in various key sectors, including logistics, air links, tourism, cultural exchange, education, medicine, scientific research, and telecommunications.

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As Israelis Flock To UAE, They See A New Precedent: Peace Deals Without Giving Ground

Daniel Estrin

Daniel Estrin

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Israeli tourists walk through the Deira district near Dubai's grand souk in December. Christopher Pike for NPR hide caption

Israeli tourists walk through the Deira district near Dubai's grand souk in December.

Israelis are visiting Dubai in the tens of thousands. Where in the past, they could only arrive as undercover spies, competitive athletes or foreign passport holders, now they are loud and proud, running into the arms of their new Middle Eastern friend, the oil-rich United Arab Emirates.

Since December, they have window-shopped among elaborate displays of gilded wedding garments, skied down the indoor slope at Dubai's Mall of the Emirates and boasted of their meetings with Emirati businessmen.

Israeli Tourism Ministry Warns Against Discussing Sensitive Topics With UAE Citizens

Israeli Tourism Ministry Warns Against Discussing Sensitive Topics With UAE Citizens

"We Israelis are very noisy, and they understand us ... Here I feel good!" bellowed tour guide Lihi Ziv, wearing a sequined shirt and a blue scarf around her strawberry-red hair, seeing no reason to maintain a low profile as she wandered Dubai's gold market last month.

"We are wanted," said elementary school teacher Ilanit Zighelboim, as she toured the nearby spice market with friends.

Israel and the United Arab Emirates have promoted their U.S.-brokered deal for diplomatic relations as an historic peace deal, after decades in which Israel was isolated from many Arab nations. It's the bear-hug that Israelis have always wanted from their Arab neighbors, leading many Israelis to redefine the very notion of peace and reconsider whether they need make any painful sacrifices to achieve it.

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Israeli tourist Ilanit Zighelboim looks at jewelry in Dubai's gold souk last month. Christopher Pike for NPR hide caption

Israeli tourist Ilanit Zighelboim looks at jewelry in Dubai's gold souk last month.

This new view is inspired by an alternative peace doctrine their conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promoted: "peace for peace," a rejection of the traditional paradigm of land for peace . He says the UAE deal sets a precedent: Israel doesn't need to cede captured land to the Palestinians in order to win friends in the Arab world.

As Thousands Of Israeli Tourists Visit Dubai, A Small Jewish Community Gets A Boost

As Thousands Of Israeli Tourists Visit Dubai, A Small Jewish Community Gets A Boost

"This is what peace for peace looks like!" Netanyahu has tweeted nearly a dozen times — including when the first Israeli commercial jet carrying tourists landed in Dubai last month, and when Abu Dhabi's government investment fund announced it would open an office in Israel.

Emiratis have won over Israelis with gestures including a display of Israeli produce in a Dubai supermarket and an Emirati businessman's offer to buy 50% of a major Israeli soccer team.

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Israeli tour guide Lihi Ziv (center) walks through the Deira district near the Grand Souq in Dubai. Christopher Pike for NPR hide caption

Israeli tour guide Lihi Ziv (center) walks through the Deira district near the Grand Souq in Dubai.

The detente reveals a realpolitik in the Persian Gulf, where a new generation of Arabs is less consumed by the never-ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict, more willing to partner with Israel over common concerns like Iran, more interested in gleaning Israeli technological know-how and more keen on strengthening their own standing by aligning with the U.S.' closest Mideast ally.

Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco have also normalized ties with Israel. In the cases of Morocco and Sudan, it was the U.S. and not Israel that offered incentives. Washington recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara and removed Sudan from the U.S. government's terrorism sponsors list. And in the Trump administration's final days, it designated Bahrain and the UAE as "major security partners" of the U.S.

Israelis and Emiratis also see their new relationship as transactional. The Emiratis got U.S. approval — which would not have come if Israel had not removed its previous objections — to purchase American-made F-35 stealth fighter jets, while Israel got the U.S. to provide advanced military hardware to maintain Israel's military edge in the Mideast and gained new trade opportunities with a lucrative market.

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Israeli tourists, including elementary schoolteacher Ilanit Zighelboim, walk through the grand souk in Dubai last month. Christopher Pike for NPR hide caption

Israeli tourists, including elementary schoolteacher Ilanit Zighelboim, walk through the grand souk in Dubai last month.

"Is that not peace?" Israeli investor Simcha Fulda said at a hotel in Dubai, after he held business meetings with Emirati investors. "This is a model of how the peace needs to be with the Palestinians. Mutual respect and acceptance ... looking forward to doing business together and living together."

What makes the friendship easier is that Israelis and Emiratis have never met on the battlefield, unlike the decades of deadly conflict Israel has had with the Palestinians and neighboring Arab nations.

Breaking the Arab boycott of Israel remains controversial in the region. The UAE government expects fealty from its residents and has low tolerance for criticism of its policies. There is a large Palestinian community living and working in the UAE, but those contacted by NPR declined to comment on the Israel deal, fearing repercussions.

Not wishing to be seen as selling out the Palestinians, Emiratis say the lovefest Israelis feel is only the honeymoon; tough love will come later.

They describe their embrace as a strategic attempt to soften Israelis' defensiveness in a hostile region, encourage a spirit of compromise with Palestinians, and eventually persuade Israel to cede land to create a Palestinian state. Israel already agreed to suspend its West Bank annexation plans in exchange for relations with the UAE.

"We still want to see a two-state solution. We still want to see a negotiation between the two parties. But perhaps, just perhaps, we might be able to have more influence and more leverage when we do have a relationship with Israel," said UAE Ambassador to the U.S. Yousef Al Otaiba.

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Mohammed Baharoon, who runs the Emirati think tank B'Huth. Daniel Estrin/NPR hide caption

Mohammed Baharoon, who runs the Emirati think tank B'Huth.

"A plant in the desert will grow thorns because of the lack of water," said Mohammed Baharoon of the Emirati think tank B'Huth. "Change the ecosystem, they will change."

But a prominent Israeli advocate for peace with the Palestinians recently returned from a trip to Dubai with a hardened outlook: it is the Palestinians who must change, he said, not the Israelis.

"I think that the Palestinians need to rethink the way they treat Israel," said Chemi Peres, the son of the late Israeli President Shimon Peres, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for peace efforts with Palestinians.

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An Emirati man walks past an Israeli tourist at the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, last month. Christopher Pike for NPR hide caption

An Emirati man walks past an Israeli tourist at the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, last month.

Peres' son runs the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, which reaches out to Palestinians and other Arabs to foster cooperation with Israelis in sports, medicine and business. Now he is steering the center to prioritize Israeli business ties with the Emiratis, an approach he wants Palestinians to adopt in forging peaceful ties with Israelis.

"Their point of view has been, let's first solve the political issues and then we can start normalizing things and move forward. I believe those days are gone," Peres said. "I believe that the only way for us to really, really achieve peace, comprehensive peace, and save the region from backwardness, is to focus on moving together forward."

Palestinian officials say they cannot.

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Water taxis in the Dubai Creek last month. Christopher Pike for NPR hide caption

Water taxis in the Dubai Creek last month.

"Israel occupies our land. Israel continues to create settlements in our villages, destroys our houses...and yet it is we who have to treat Israel better? Who is it that should be doing what to whom? The occupied to the occupier?" said Nabil Shaath, advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Palestinians and many countries in Europe and the West say real peace requires Israel to agree to the "land for peace" formula — ceding the occupied West Bank to the Palestinians in order to end their conflict. Shaath worries the UAE deal removes the incentive for Israel to do so, even if the Emiratis say they'll keep pushing for it.

"The Israelis are the problem, not us, and the Emiratis are looking for excuses for what they have done," Shaath said.

Some Palestinians do find perks in the new UAE deal. Those who are citizens of Israel — not from the West Bank or Gaza — are finally able to visit a part of the Arab world that had been off limits to them as Israeli passport holders.

"It was a dream, an impossible dream," said Lobna Zobedat, after sandboarding down a desert dune on the outskirts of Dubai, the city she'd always wished to visit.

She hoped Israeli Jewish travelers to Dubai would see their Arab compatriots in a more positive light. Could it lead to less discrimination against her community at home, Zobedat wondered — or would it all just be forgotten on the flight back?

These questions lingered on a Dubai runway last month, as commotion broke out while an Israeli flight readied to depart for Tel Aviv.

Lihi Ziv, the tour guide, protested when a flight attendant tried to fill the empty row in front of her with a couple and their baby, Arab tourists from Israel. Another Arab couple called Ziv racist. Ziv insisted her concern had only to do with the coronavirus pandemic.

"Respect each other!" an Israeli flight attendant commanded. Passengers applauded.

"You all were just in an Arab country, not in Las Vegas," a young Arab dad said in Hebrew. "Look at what is happening here. Disgusting."

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Lobna Zobeidat in the desert outside Dubai. She is a Palestinian Arab citizen of Israel who was able to visit a part of the Arab world that had previously been off limits to her as an Israeli passport holder. "It was a dream, an impossible dream," Zobeidat said. Daniel Estrin/NPR hide caption

Lobna Zobeidat in the desert outside Dubai. She is a Palestinian Arab citizen of Israel who was able to visit a part of the Arab world that had previously been off limits to her as an Israeli passport holder. "It was a dream, an impossible dream," Zobeidat said.

"Don't generalize," a Jewish passenger shouted.

The quarreling passengers did not make amends or apologies. Forced to sit together, they spent the 3 1/2-hour flight back to Israel in a cold peace — and went their separate ways.

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Jewish visitors gesture as Israeli security forces secure the area at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque, known to Mu...

Isabel DeBre, Associated Press Isabel DeBre, Associated Press

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Israel’s hopes for United Arab Emirates tourism fall short

JERUSALEM (AP) — When Israel struck an agreement with the United Arab Emirates to open diplomatic ties in 2020, it brought an electrifying sense of achievement to a country long ostracized in the Middle East.

Officials insisted that Israel’s new ties with the UAE, and soon after with Bahrain, would go beyond governments and become society-wide pacts, stoking mass tourism and friendly exchanges between people long at odds.

READ MORE: Israeli ultranationalist minister faces backlash after Jerusalem holy site visit

But over two years since the breakthrough accords, the expected flood of Gulf Arab tourists to Israel has been little more than a trickle. Although more than half a million Israelis have flocked to oil-rich Abu Dhabi and skyscraper-studded Dubai, just 1,600 Emirati citizens have visited Israel since it lifted coronavirus travel restrictions last year, the Israeli Tourism Ministry told The Associated Press.

The ministry does not know how many Bahrainis have visited Israel because, it said, “the numbers are too small.”

“It’s still a very weird and sensitive situation,” said Morsi Hija, head of the forum for Arabic-speaking tour guides in Israel. “The Emiratis feel like they’ve done something wrong in coming here.”

The lack of Emirati and Bahraini tourists reflects Israel’s long-standing image problem in the Arab world and reveals the limits of the Abraham Accords, experts say.

Even as bilateral trade between Israel and the UAE has exploded from $11.2 million in 2019 to $1.2 billion last year, the popularity of the agreements in the UAE and Bahrain has plummeted since the deals were signed, according to a survey by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, an American think tank.

In the UAE, support fell to 25 percent from 47 percent in the last two years. In Bahrain, just 20 percent of the population supports the deal, down from 45 percent in 2020. In that time, Israel and Gaza militants fought a devastating war and violence in the occupied West Bank surged to its highest levels in years.

Israeli officials say Gulf Arab tourism to Israel is a missing piece that would move the agreements beyond security and diplomatic ties. Tourist visits from Egypt and Jordan, the first two countries to reach peace with Israel, also are virtually nonexistent.

“We need to encourage (Emiratis) to come for the first time. It’s an important mission,” Amir Hayek, Israeli ambassador to the UAE, told the AP. “We need to promote tourism so people will know each other and understand each other.”

READ MORE: Israeli army kills 2 Palestinians after troops enter West Bank village

Israeli tourism officials flew to the UAE last month in a marketing push to spread the word that Israel is a safe and attractive destination. The ministry said it’s now pitching Tel Aviv — Israel’s commercial and entertainment hub — as a big draw for Emiratis.

Tour agents say that so far, betting on Jerusalem has backfired. The turmoil of the contested city has turned off Emiratis and Bahrainis, some of whom have faced backlash from Palestinians who see normalization as a betrayal of their cause. The Palestinian struggle for independence from Israel enjoys broad support across the Arab world.

“There’s still a lot of hesitation coming from the Arab world,” said Dan Feferman, director of Sharaka, a group that promotes people-to-people exchanges between Israel and the Arab world. “They expect (Israel) to be a conflict zone, they expect to be discriminated against.” After leading two trips of Bahrainis and Emiratis to Israel, Sharaka struggled to find more Gulf Arab citizens interested in visiting, he said.

When a group of Emirati and Bahraini social media influencers in 2020 visited the Al Aqsa Mosque compound, the third-holiest site in Islam, they were spat on and pelted with shoes in Jerusalem’s Old City, said Hija, their tour guide.

When another group of Emirati officials visited the flashpoint site accompanied by Israeli police, they drew the ire of the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, who issued a religious edict against Emiratis visiting the mosque under Israeli supervision.

Most Emiratis and Bahrainis who have visited Israel say they forgo their national dress and headscarves in order not to attract attention.

The Islamic Waqf, which administers the mosque, declined to answer questions about the number of Emirati and Bahraini visitors and their treatment at the compound.

Palestinian rage against Emiratis is not confined to the sacred esplanade. Emirati citizens visiting and studying in Israel say they face frequent death threats and online attacks.

“Not everyone can handle the pressure,” said Sumaiiah Almehiri, a 31-year-old Emirati from Dubai studying to be a nurse at the University of Haifa. “I didn’t give into the threats, but fear is preventing a lot of Emiratis from going.”

The fear of anti-Arab racism in Israel can also drive Gulf Arabs away. Israeli police mistakenly arrested two Emirati tourists in Tel Aviv last summer while hunting for a criminal who carried out a drive-by shooting. Some Emiratis have complained on social media about drawing unwanted scrutiny from security officials at Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport.

“If you bring them here and don’t treat them in a sensitive way, they’ll never come back and tell all their friends to stay away,” Hija said.

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Benjamin Netanyahu, who returned for a sixth term as prime minister last week, has pledged to strengthen agreements with Bahrain, Morocco, the UAE and Sudan. Formal ties with Sudan remain elusive in the wake of a military coup and in the absence of a parliament to ratify its U.S.-brokered normalization deal with Israel.

As a chief architect of the accords, Netanyahu also hopes to expand the circle of countries and reach a similar deal with Saudi Arabia.

Yet experts fear his new government — the most ultranationalist and religiously conservative in Israel’s history — could further deter Gulf Arab tourists and even jeopardize the agreements. His government has vowed to expand West Bank settlements and pledged to annex the entire territory, a step that was put on hold as a condition of the initial agreement with the UAE.

“We have a reason to be worried about any deterioration in relations,” said Moran Zaga, an expert in Gulf Arab states at the University of Haifa in Israel.

So far, Gulf Arab governments have offered no reason for concern.

The Emirati ambassador was photographed warmly embracing Itamar Ben-Gvir, one of the coalition’s most radical members, at a national day celebration last month. And over the weekend, the UAE’s leader, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, called Netanyahu to congratulate him and invite him to visit.

It’s a different story among those who are not in the officialdom.

“I hope that Netanyahu and those with him will not set foot on the land of the Emirates,” Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a prominent Emirati political scientist, wrote on Twitter. “I think it is appropriate to freeze the Abraham Accords temporarily.”

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Netanyahu once again prime minister with most far-right government in Israel’s history

World Dec 29

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From tech to tourism, Israel-UAE trade potential is vast

A senior uae government official and israeli businesspeople discuss the immense possibilities opened up by normalization..

Economic and political cooperation between Israel and the UAE has been going on behind the scenes for a long time, but it’s now clear the volume of trade is going to look very different.

A senior UAE government official has told "Globes" how many Israeli tourists a year are expected, how they believe the Covid-19 vaccine will be Israeli-made, and offers some advice to anyone planning to do business in the Gulf. The interview took place via email and by request no name can be revealed, as he says officials still do not have permission to be interviewed openly but only with high-level approval.

"We have had economic relations with Israel for many years at the government level, coordinating and organizing procedures and frameworks for running businesses, and of course at the business level," he says. "Hundreds of Israeli businessmen are in contact with their colleagues here, with government procurers and in a wide variety of fields. Since the announcement, we’ve received a thousand more official requests for delegations, meetings, entry visas for businesspeople, industrialists, and more."

How is this change being expressed?

"As far as we know, there have already been hundreds of video meetings between new contacts, some through government agencies or trade organizations, and others directly. On the matter of tourism, for example, I admit we were surprised by the number of inquiries, both from Israeli companies who have already purchased travel packages, and from individuals calling [UAE country code] +971 directly to inquire at hotels. We expect hundreds of Israeli and possibly thousands of other foreign passport-holders to arrive at our hotels during the Tishrei holidays [this reference to the Jewish High Holy Days was used in the original text] , and they are ready and excited to welcome them. Our media outlets and social media are quoting your television stories about this. I am sure that if not for the coronavirus, the numbers would be much higher."

Future collaboration is also expected in all things Covid-19-related. It turns out there are high hopes for the development of an Israeli vaccine. "Over the last six months, extensive cooperation has developed between Emirati and Israeli companies, only some of which has been reported, such as the agreement between GROUP24 and your defense industries [Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries (TASE: IAI)] to develop robotic machinery and other equipment for treating the virus," the senior official said.

"This is just part of what is happening," he adds. "There is information exchange at the government level, and also contact with third-party countries in R&D. Private and government money from the UAE is invested in international and Israeli research on this topic. We are fairly sure Israel will be among the first to develop a vaccine, and we have no doubt that Israel feels a responsibility to this region and its friendships, and will continue to assist in this medical issue."



Despite Israel's objections, Trump eager to sell F-35s to UAE

Netanyahu: we are working on direct flights to uae, israelis dream of emirates, etihad and muslim pilgrims, pact with uae opens entire arab world to israeli business.

What are you interested in gaining from normalization?

"Your Prime Minister said in his speeches this week, as quoted by us, that the two countries are leaders in technology development and entrepreneurship. He is right. His Excellency Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan has been leading our country in these fields for years, and Israelis will find international and local companies in the UAE that are dealing in the most advanced subjects. The connection with Israel will connect us directly, and without intermediaries or circumventions, to the advanced R&D which you have. Desert farming and water utilization is one of the most important areas, as well as solar energy exploitation.

"In the digital world, we keep close tabs on the high-tech and Start-Up Nation. Within that area, there are already strong ties in matters of cybersecurity as well as digital financial fraud, and that will develop because there is an advanced global financial center here. Our cities are technologically networked and you have some of the most advanced technologies. And there’s more. The blue sky of the Middle East is the limit."

"We have never been enemies of Israel"

This week, the question arose as to whether, as part of the deal, the UAE will also receive advanced weapons from the US, including advanced fighter jets. The senior official says that as far as he knows, the issue of buying F35 aircraft from the US did not come up in the talks with Israel. According to him, if his country does procure the planes, it will help Israel's security and not the other way around.

"If there is anyone in Israel who has not yet understood, let me make it unequivocally clear. The UAE has never been an enemy of Israel, even when it supports the just demands of the Palestinians for a state, and today it can be said openly that the opposite is true. The UAE is a friend and partner to Israel, with common interests and a strong will to reduce the influence of hostile and warmongering elements, to bring peace and progress to the entire Middle East; this, without neglecting the handling of the Palestinian issue. I have no doubt that progress on this plane will bring half of the Arab world after us."

Israel has hopes you will serve as a bridge to other Arab countries.

"As far as we know, we are already a bridge. Politically, each country will decide for itself how to manage relations with Israel. Economically, there is no doubt that economic / business relations will be established through us with countries that do not yet have relations with you. First of all, with the Gulf states. I know Saudi Arabia is especially important to you, and I can tell you that during the last week, via our companies, quite a few connections have already been established between Israeli companies and other Gulf states. This is a great advantage for us as well, and fully compatible with the strategy of an international trade and business center."

And what about the Palestinian issue?

"The Palestinians play an important part, and our government desires greatly to have them benefit from normalization. I hope things will work out and enable government-level projects for the development of Palestine for its citizens."

The end of this answer is particularly interesting, as the senior official more than implies that the Palestinian Authority will benefit from UAE-funded economic projects, precisely as written in the economic section of the Deal of the Century.

In conclusion, what advice can you give to Israeli businesspeople?

"As in any business relationship, be as fair and transparent as possible. Our experience with Israeli businesspeople so far has been good. There is a good personal relationship, a similar Middle Eastern warmth. I came across some who are excellent Arabic speakers, who understand our customs well, and they succeed well. There are those who understand a little less. The UAE is a technologically advanced and sophisticated country, and Israelis are expected to bring their capabilities and knowledge. The government echelon will make every effort to help, and we are preparing Hebrew courses for our businesspeople who would like that. Contracts have already been signed with Israeli and international agencies."

The sectors expected to make major profits

Judging by the potential at least, normalization with the UAE is expected to boost the volume of Israeli exports, due to the removal of restrictions on trade with the UAE - even more so due to the bridge that has opened and expanded to the entire Gulf. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is the fourth largest importer in the world and quite a bit of this purchasing power is in areas where Israel has something to sell. Relevant Israeli government ministries have already contacted and received contact requests from their UAE counterparts, some of which came a few hours after the normalization announcement.

Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute chairman and CEO Adiv Baruch said, "The expectation is that the UAE will open an amazing, huge scale gateway for Israeli industries and will be one of the driving forces for emerging from the Covid-19-generated economic crisis. These are developed countries with huge infrastructure investments and impressive digital development. In the UAE alone, imports amount to $270 billion a year and in technologies that are relevant for Israeli companies. One very important area in development is the ‘Smart City’ - digital management of communities, digital services, transportation, etc. Other areas are digital health services, precision agriculture, and digital financial services. "Almost every such a sector is expected to accelerate dramatically and exponentially."

What changes should we expect?

"Normalizing relationships will create direct communication channels that will lead to real and deep cooperation. The ability to facilitate delegations and direct communication between businesspeople, much more than before, will lead to mutual cross-pollination. The first thing they did was to open direct communication channels - and that demonstrates and highlights the importance of interpersonal communication. In our region, in the Middle East, personal connections and personal contacts are especially important, and this new, direct connection will nurture them. People are already putting out feelers and making inquiries, and we are organizing to meet that need.

A seemingly small matter on the practical level is the stimulus [that normalization will provide], the moment it becomes possible, for direct transfer of funds between financial institutions, instead of indirectly through other countries.

"This enormous political achievement is meaningless if it doesn’t go hand-in-hand with economic achievements. Economic ties are the anchor. The State of Israel cannot exist without exports, and increasing exports to the UAE and entire Gulf region will be an important engine on the tracks leading us out of the current coronavirus crisis."

"It’s a great relief. So far I’ve had to go via Jordan"

Many local business owners are already working hard to create collaborations with Israel's new friend. One of them is Mas Wattad, a resident of Baqa al-Gharbiya, owner of the Masclinics Israel chain, and founder and president of the global Dawasat ompany, a nutrition and weight loss program adapted to Arab and Middle Eastern cuisine.

"As soon as I heard about the normalization agreement, I let out a huge sigh of relief and felt great joy. Relief both about the technical aspect of direct contacts, and also deep in my heart." This is no small matter. Wattad, an Israeli Arab businesswoman who owns businesses in the Palestinian Authority and the Gulf, embodies the possibilities offered by the agreement to Israel, the UAE, and Israeli Arabs and Palestinians.

Wattad is a clinical dietician who studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and decided to adapt her knowledge to suit Arab and Middle Eastern food. In short: "How to eat knafe pastry and still stay healthy".

17 years ago, she began organizing groups at her home, teaching women how to make Middle Eastern food healthier, by balancing meals, controlling portions, and more. She developed her own nutritional points system, adapted to Arab cuisine. Within a year a thousand Arab women were participating and that enormous demand led to expansion and establishment of Dawasat, a patented weight loss, weight maintenance, diet, food and nutrition points program tailored to the Arab world.

Wattad opened branches in other Arab cities in Israel, as well as the Palestinian Authority: Tulkarm, Nablus (Shekhem), Qalqilya, Salfit and more. At these Palestinian groups, she met Palestinian women and men who were already living and working in the UAE. She met with Tali Singer, a development economics expert and businesswoman who had worked for The Investment Corporation of Dubai, (the Dubai administration's sovereign wealth fund), and the two prepared a digitally-based plan for penetrating this market. They developed an application based on Israeli technology suitable for proper nutrition in Arab cuisine. A training and leadership model for program facilitators has also been developed, which is distributed within the company framework to groups throughout the Gulf. Business there is booming, the app has thousands of downloads, groups are opening rapidly, and Wattad herself is a sought-after guest on Arab TV shows.

How will the agreement improve your activity there?

Wattad: "So far, I’ve gone through Jordan, and so far, I haven’t hidden anything. Everyone knew I was an Israeli Palestinian businesswoman with an Israeli passport. Now, it will be huge relief, I’ll be able to travel directly, call directly, and the doors will open wide." Another change is the possibility of leaving the Hebrew text on ads in the UAE.

She also says, she doesn’t intend to settle on doing business alone. "Now, I can now take the whole family with me, and we’re already making plans, looking into hotels, tours and entertainment options we can do together. We will be on the first plane there, that's for sure."

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on August 24, 2020 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2020

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Dubai Enforces New Entry Requirements for Visit Visa Holders

D ubai authorities have introduced stringent entry requirements for visitors on visit visas . Travelers must now carry AED 3,000 in cash or credit, a valid return ticket, and proof of accommodation. This new rule is designed to ensure that visitors have sufficient funds and a clear plan for their stay in Dubai .

Read More: Countries To Visit Visa Free If You Are A UAE Resident

Financial Proof Required

To meet the new requirements, visitors need to present proof of having AED 3,000, which can be in cash or on a credit card. This measure is aimed at confirming that travelers have enough money to support themselves during their visit, thereby reducing the risk of overstays and ensuring they can cover their expenses while in Dubai.

Proof of Accommodation

In addition to financial proof, travelers must also provide an address where they will be staying. This could be the home of a relative or friend, or a hotel booking. This requirement helps authorities manage the influx of tourists and reduces the risk of illegal stays in the UAE.

Pre - Boarding Checks

These entry checks are now part of the pre-boarding process at various airports. Authorities are vigilant in verifying all required documents and proof before allowing travelers to board flights to Dubai. These measures are enforced not only in the UAE but also at airports in India and other countries to prevent non-compliant passengers from traveling.

Impact on Tourism

Officials believe that these stringent checks will positively impact Dubai's tourism sector . By ensuring visitors have enough funds and a confirmed place to stay, authorities aim to create a more transparent and secure travel experience. This proactive approach is expected to enhance the overall travel experience and maintain Dubai's reputation as a safe and welcoming destination.

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Dubai Enforces New Entry Requirements for Visit Visa Holders

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Is it safe to travel to Dubai? UAE travel advice amid the conflict in Israel and Gaza

Known for its luxury shopping, breath-taking modern architecture, inviting beaches, and unforgettable desert safaris, Dubai is a popular travel destination for countless Brits.

However, as the conflict between Israel and Gaza intensifies , travellers have found themselves questioning if it is safe to travel to Dubai. 

The recent attack on the Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday, October 17, killed 471 Palestinians and injured 314 others. The Gaza health ministry described it as an “Israeli massacre”. However, US President Joe Biden claimed the blast was “done by the other team” , pointing the finger at Hamas , a blame strongly rejected by the group.

Currently, more than 3,300 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air strikes in Gaza, with more than 13,000 wounded, following Hamas causing the death of more than 1,400 Israelis.

After days of international pleas, Israel finally agreed to allow humanitarian aid to be given to Palestinians who flee Gaza City to the south but it didn’t explain where and when this would happen.

Although it’s not an immediate neighbour, the United Arab Emirates and, thus, Dubai are feeling the heat of the conflict .

So is it safe to travel?

Has the Israel-Hamas conflict impacted Dubai?

After the Israel -Hamas conflict kicked off, the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) made a statement, saying the country doesn’t “mix the economy and trade with politics”, referring to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with Israel, the nation’s first free trade agreement with an Arab state.

The country has been trying to take a balanced approach, condemning the kidnapping of Israeli hostages and supporting Israel while announcing that it will be giving $20 million in humanitarian aid to Palestinians.

Besides feeling the economic and political tensions, Dubai hasn’t been affected by the events.

Is it safe to travel to the UAE?

The Foreign Office hasn’t issued any new travel advice or warnings for the UAE in months. So, currently, the Government hasn’t highlighted any Israel-Hamas-related risks to consider while travelling to and from the UAE. 

The only matters it cautions Brits about are the missiles and drones that were launched into the UAE from Yemen in early 2022, which were followed by a Houthi arrack on civilian facilities in Abu Dhabi and further ballistic missiles, which were intercepted by their air defence forces.

While the online travel advice highlights that terrorists are likely to carry out attacks in the UAE, it also says that “around 1.5 million British nationals visit the UAE every year”, with most of the trips “trouble-free”. 

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Are flights from the UK still operating?

Flights to and from Dubai and any other UAE states are operating as usual. 

Brits are allowed into the Emirates without needing a pre-acquired visa. They are granted a visitor/tourist visa that is valid for up to 40 days for free upon arrival without the need for any applications. 

However, Brits have to ensure that their passports are valid for a minimum of six months from the date of entry into the UAE.

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All UAE residents can now travel to Israel; COVID-19 vaccination not mandatory

Travel & tourism.

Several airlines now connect Dubai and Abu Dhabi with Tel Aviv

Stock - Israel tourism - Jaffa

Dubai: All travellers from the UAE can now travel to Israel, with the latter permitting vaccinated and unvaccinated tourists of all ages to enter the country upon presenting a negative PCR test before departure and after arrival, starting March 1.

This comes after a recent agreement between the UAE and Israel extending visa-free entry to all UAE nationals as part of the ongoing strategic partnership between both countries.

Stock - Israel tourism - Bahai Gardens Hifa

“This year, our focus would be to introduce the hidden gem to the travellers from this market,” said Ksenia Kobiakov, New Markets Development Department Director, Israel Ministry of Tourism, at Expo 2020 Dubai. “We are looking to promote the country as a destination targeting families, FIT experiential travellers, religious, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) and leisure travellers through various B2B and B2C activities like media and trade familiarization trips, roadshows, cooperation with travel trade and airlines.”

Connectivity between Israel and UAE

The new travel corridor between Israel and the UAE will strengthen bilateral ties and build efficient services to ease travel between both countries. flydubai operates 14 flights a week, twice a day, between Dubai and Tel Aviv-Yafo. Etihad Airways and Wizz Air offer direct flights from Abu Dhabi to Tel Aviv-Yafo. Israeli airlines like El-AL, Israir, Arkia Airlines also offer direct connectivity between both destinations. Emirates Airlines is expected to operate UAE – Israel route in the near future.

“We are excited to be welcoming tourists from the members of the Abraham Accords,” said Zippi Brand, Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv- Yafo. “The opening of the sky is bringing Israel back to the forefront of tourism as an attractive destination.”

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Requirements for tourists arriving in dubai, before you travel .

Effective 8 November 2022, passengers are no longer required to present COVID-19 vaccination certificates or negative PCR test results to enter the UAE. 

Please check the following before you travel: 

1. Ensure you meet entry visa requirements to visit the UAE. You can check if you need a visa here .

2. If you are travelling onward from Dubai or are in transit, you must still comply with the travel requirement of your final destination.

3. As destination requirements can change on short notice, you are advised to check for any updates with your airlines before travelling.

4. Wearing a mask is optional at Dubai Airports and all locations in Dubai, except hospitals and medical facilities. Airlines can request passengers to wear masks, if deemed necessary.

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can israeli travel to uae

Now, UAE residents can apply for visas to Israel

They can apply for different visa types as per their eligibility.

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Ashwani Kumar

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Published: Sat 30 Jul 2022, 11:02 AM

Last updated: Sat 30 Jul 2022, 10:25 PM

Residents in the UAE can apply for visas to travel to Israel starting from August 1, announced VFS Global, an outsourcing and technology services specialist for governments and diplomatic missions worldwide.

Following the signing of the historic Abraham Accords in 2020, the UAE and Israel offered a mutual entry visa exemption for its citizens.

And from August 1, residents in the UAE can visit the Abu Dhabi office of VFS Global to submit their visa applications for travel.

“Effective August 1, 2022, residents of the UAE will be able to apply for their Israel visas at the VFS Global Visa Application Centre in Abu Dhabi,” VFS Global said in a statement to Khaleej Times.

Israel had appointed VFS Global as the official tourism representation agency in the UAE.

UAE residents can apply for different visa types as per their eligibility.

“The centre will accept applications for tourism, business, student, conference, medical, relatives and family visit categories,” VFS Global said.

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The initiative is expected to further boost tourism and economy, and enhance the bilateral relationship. This comes two months after the UAE-Israel Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (UAE-Israel CEPA) was inked in Dubai, which commenced a new era of cooperation between the two nations that established diplomatic ties in September 2020. The CEPA deal is expected to advance bilateral trade beyond $10 billion within five years and add $1.9 billion to the UAE’s GDP within the same time period.

It was also the second bilateral trade accord concluded by the UAE following the UAE-India CEPA, which entered into force on May 1.

Residents who wish to travel to Israel can visit VFS Global Abu Dhabi office located at Level B2 (lower ground), The Mall, World Trade Centre, Khalifa Bin Zayed, The 1st Street (Airport Road).

For more details, residents can call +97142055600 or visit

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Israel Ministry of Tourism say UAE travellers can now visit Israel

For the first time around, Israel is now open to all travellers residing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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City of Jaffa. Image:Israel Ministry of Tourism

As of 01 March 2022, vaccinated and unvaccinated tourists of all ages are permitted to enter Israel upon presenting a negative PCR test before departure and after arriving in Israel. The Israel Ministry of Tourism made the official announcement at the Expo 2020 Israeli Pavilion on 15 March 2022. The announcement follows a recent agreement between the UAE and Israel extending visa-free entry to all UAE nationals as part of the ongoing strategic partnership between both countries.   

Following the announcement, the Israel Ministry of Tourism hosted a B2B workshop for travel partners in the UAE. Dignitaries from the Ministry shared an informative destination presentation showcasing exceptional prospects for post-covid tourism. The workshop attracted over 65 agents from the travel industry, followed by a pavilion tour to the travel trade partners and media. The event concluded with a networking gala serving Israeli delicacies and music that welcomed top travel stakeholders in the market.

Israel’s tourism offering: Israel is a global destination attracting over 4.5 million tourists in 2019 alone. The country provides the perfect conditions to accommodate all UAE visitors, including halal food restaurants. The local Israeli Kosher food is halal-friendly and is liked by many tourists. Additionally, the country offers diverse family-oriented hotels and heritage sites which can be explored with the help of Arabic tour guides.

Speaking at the event, Ksenia Kobiakov, New Markets Development Department Director, Israel Ministry of Tourism, said: “There is a tremendous potential in the UAE to drive incoming tourists to Israel. I hope travellers from the UAE will appreciate Israel’s unique offerings, and I believe they will want to visit more than once. We look forward to welcoming UAE tourists to witness the wonders of our country. This year, our focus would be to introduce the hidden gem to the travellers from this market. We are looking to promote the country as a destination targeting families, FIT experiential travellers, religious, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) and leisure travellers through various B2B and B2C activities like media and trade familiarization trips, roadshows, cooperation with travel trade and airlines.”

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Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis.” byline=”staff reporter” caption=”A view of Israel’s waterfront.” credits=”ISRAEL MINISTRY OF TOURISM”]

DUBAI – Israel is now open to all travelers residing in the UAE, the Israel Ministry of Tourism has announced at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Vaccinated and unvaccinated tourists of all ages can enter Israel upon presenting a negative PCR test before their flight, and after arriving in Israel.

The announcement on Tuesday (March 15) follows a recent agreement between the UAE and Israel to give visa-free entry to their nationals.

“I hope travellers from the UAE will appreciate Israel’s unique offerings, and I believe they will want to visit more than once. We look forward to welcoming UAE tourists to witness the wonders of our country,” said Ksenia Kobiakov, New Markets Development Department Director of Israel Ministry of Tourism.

UAE-based airlines Etihad, Wizz Air and flydubai operate flights to Israel. Emirates is expected to operate a UAE–Israel route in the near future. ICA/Expat Media

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Information for U.S. Citizens in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza

The Department reminds U.S. citizens of the continued need for caution and increased personal security awareness as security incidents often take place without warning. The security environment remains complex and can change quickly depending on the political situation and recent events. Please see the latest Israel Security Alert .

U.S. citizens should heed the  Travel Advisory  for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. The U.S. Embassy continues to closely monitor the dynamic security situation in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. There are active military operations and active rocket and mortar fire in Gaza and the Gaza periphery.  Terrorist groups, lone-actor terrorists and other violent extremists continue plotting possible attacks in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. Terrorists and violent extremists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities. Violence can occur in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza without warning. If you require emergency assistance while in Israel, the West Bank or Gaza, contact the  U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem  by email ( [email protected] for those in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza or [email protected] for those in Israel outside of Jerusaleml).

Individuals seeking to depart Gaza: As of May 7, the Israel Defense Forces control the Gaza side of the Rafah Crossing. Since that day, the Rafah Crossing between Egypt and Gaza has remained closed. As soon as the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem receives information regarding new exit procedures from Gaza to Egypt, including when crossings resume, we will communicate this to the public immediately.

This remains a complex situation with serious implications for the safety and security of U.S. citizens. U.S. citizens in Gaza in need of assistance should contact [email protected] . U.S. citizens in Gaza are reminded that the U.S. government is unable to provide routine or emergency consular services to U.S. citizens in Gaza as U.S. government employees are prohibited from traveling there.

The U.S. government does not control who is permitted to depart Gaza or enter Egypt. Individuals must assess their own safety and risks in attempting to cross the border. Individuals permitted to enter Egypt will likely receive a 72-hour Egyptian visa; all those who cross should have a plan for onward travel from Egypt in this timeframe. U.S. citizens, LPRs and their immediate family members who successfully enter Egypt and require further consular assistance should contact the  U.S. Embassy in Cairo  via the  U.S. Citizens Services Navigator .  Individuals may apply for a U.S. visa at any U.S. Embassy or Consulate; U.S. immigration laws and regulations will apply.

We continue to work in partnership with Egypt and Israel towards safe passage for U.S. citizens, LPRs, and their immediate family members.

Immediate family members of U.S. citizens include:

  • unmarried children under the age of 21, and
  • parents of U.S. citizens.

If the U.S. citizen is under 21, immediate family will also include any siblings who are also unmarried and under 21.

Immediate family members of LPRs include:

  • unmarried children under 21 years of age.

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UAE's visiting visa rules: What has changed, what should travellers keep with them


Dubai: The latest guidelines regarding the UAE visiting visa have become a matter of concern for many who were planning a trip to the country. Affi Ahammad, MD of Smart Travels said that the passengers should keep all the documents ready at hand to be produced at the airport, to ensure hassle-free travel. The guidelines state that the passengers arriving in the country on a visiting visa should carry: 1) A valid return ticket 2) Address of friends or relatives with whom they plan to stay. It's better if they travel from India with the relative with whom they are going to stay 3) Passport with a validity of six months 4) Copy of their Emirates ID 5) 5000 dirhams in account or equivalent amount as currency

Meanwhile, the guideline that one should carry a bank statement for the last six months isn’t strict. Also, if not 5000 dirhams, they should have at least 3000 dirhams with them or possess a credit card with the stipulated limit. Rules relaxed in 2020, but... The above rules existed earlier too, but they were relaxed in September 2020. The directives were repealed when the travel agencies expressed concern that it would disappoint job aspirants who wish to come to the UAE and that it would adversely affect the businesses. However, now, many are troubled that the government has made it stricter again. Many passengers, including Malayalis, who failed to fulfil these guidelines or produce necessary travel documents were detained at the Indian airports and were not allowed to board the planes.

Some others who managed to land in Dubai were reportedly detained by the immigration authorities there. The government’s move to make the visit visa guidelines stricter has quashed the dreams of many youngsters who were eager to find a good job in the UAE. People who belong to families that aren’t financially sound have struggled to arrange the money for purchasing visas and air tickets. Now, they can't arrange Rs 68,000 more so that they could adhere to the directives. In the beginning, the passengers were reportedly detained at the Dubai airport. However, now, checking has been made stricter at the Indian airports too. It was reported that a few passengers who hail from the Idukki district in Kerala were detained like this and sent back to India. But, the Dubai immigration authorities haven’t issued any official statement regarding this.

No new vacancies, boost for tourism The number of job seekers who arrive on visiting visas has gone up significantly, especially after the COVID-19 outbreak. Since the vacant posts were filled as soon as the pandemic subsided and the financial sector was recovering slowing, new vacancies weren’t created. Currently, hundreds of job aspirants are in UAE, trying hard to land a job. Among them, most Keralites are highly educated and experienced too. Inspections are conducted regularly at the airports in Dubai to ensure the safety of the passengers. Lots of cases have been reported for overstaying. Experts in the travel and tourism industry observe that the latest actions by the authorities would only boost the tourism sector in the Emirates. They say that strict inspection would make the immigration procedures transparent and would save the passengers from difficulties caused by miscommunication.

Most didn't have address proof The passengers who were detained at the airport in Dubai were the first batch of flyers who faced a crisis as they couldn’t produce proper travel documents. Even though most people could prove that they had the stipulated amount at hand, they failed to provide the address proof of relatives or other accommodation details. When some of them said that they were residing with their relatives, the officials inquired about their address and Emirates ID. But, the passengers had to return as they couldn’t produce these details. Meanwhile, some others had to wait at the airport for hours before returning. These people had to suffer such hardships at the airport as they weren’t informed about the guidelines by the travel agents. However, the travel agents say that they too had no idea as these weren’t stricter earlier. 

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    Please check the following before you travel: 1. Ensure you meet entry visa requirements to visit the UAE. You can check if you need a visa here. 2. If you are travelling onward from Dubai or are in transit, you must still comply with the travel requirement of your final destination. 3.

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  27. UAE's visiting visa rules: What has changed, what should travellers

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  30. International Plans

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