Asher & Lyric Travel & Family Journalism

34 Top India Packing List Items for 2024 + What to Wear & NOT to Bring

Taj mahal India

Asher and I have studied meditation and spiritual practices for over 20 years and have been to India a combined 11 times.

Packing for India is the major leagues of travel. Staying healthy and safe requires research and first-hand intel — and we’ve done our best to help prepare you. While the chaos of the city is not for the faint of heart, the land of the Vedas will be sure to awaken your mind, body, and soul.

Below are my top “must-have” items to help you stay safe and healthy, plus what to wear in India , what NOT to bring, and FAQs to make your trip even more incredible!

34 Top India Packing List Items for 2024 + What to Wear & NOT to Bring

What to Pack for India – 34 Essentials

1. water bottle with built-in filter.

Finding good drinking water in India is paramount, and we DO NOT recommend drinking unfiltered water under any circumstance. Keep in mind “filtered water” at a hotel or hostel can also be dodgy, and I’d only drink bottled water from one of these three reputable companies: Bisleri, Kinley, and Aquafina.

Any other water source, I would run through a Grayl water bottle . It removes all bacteria, viruses, chlorine, and other pollutants from the water and is essential if you get stuck in a sticky situation with no bottled water nearby. It’s not the cheapest, but it’s an investment in your health and will give you peace of mind.

India is known for Delhi Belly, parasites, and waterborne illness that affects almost 40-million locals each year… Don’t gamble with giardia, E. Coli, or typhoid.

Water Bottle with Built-in Filter

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2. India Power Adapter

After trying countless different brands, I decided to take matters into my own hands. My company, Hero Travel Supply, sources and sells these quality power adapters that are individually tested in the USA. Every order also comes with a corresponding free ebook that teaches you how to avoid frying your electronics in India. I wrote this comprehensive guide based on years of experience dealing with India’s unpredictable power supply, which can ruin your devices (I know because my $2,000 Macbook got fried)!

India Power Adapter

3. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

India is the most targeted country for cyberattacks in the world, with the U.S. ranking far behind it. There have been major data breaches, and you do not want to risk your bank account being drained or your identity being stolen in India. You may not realize it, but when you join unsecured Wi-Fi networks, such as at hotels, cafés, or airports – you are putting your passwords and credit card details at risk of being hacked. The good news is a VPN will protect you with just one click! You don’t want your information compromised like ours was at an Airbnb in Paris.

Additionally, India’s Internet censorship is a massive problem and is still on the rise. To ensure you won’t get blocked from certain websites that you require access to while traveling (Netflix, Hulu, Paypal, work applications, etc.), I recommend using NordVPN . It is surprisingly affordable and too crucial to forgo.

how a vpn works

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4. Neck Wallet

You obviously need a passport and visa for India travel, but I also recommend you get a neck wallet. You can conceal money, credit cards, and travel documents under your shirt so you don’t risk losing them or being robbed. Many times I’ve had beggars put their hands in my pockets, and you must be prepared for real poverty in some areas. But since my valuables are tucked out of sight, I’ve never had anything stolen. This one also has RFID-blocking material to prevent e-thieves from scanning your bag at popular, crowded attractions.

Neck Wallet

5. Charcoal Tablets (Food Poisoning Remedy)

Activated charcoal is an incredibly effective way of stopping diarrhea and dysentery (Delhi Belly). India is known for common food poisoning, parasites, and waterborne illness that affects almost 40-million locals each year… No matter how careful you are, there is a good chance you will experience some tummy upset while there. This supplement works as a magnet in your body to quickly absorb the toxins or pathogens that are causing the problem. Whenever I have any sign of diarrhea, I take 2-4 tablets, and typically within 1 or 2 hours, I am back to normal – they are literally lifesavers!

PRO TIP: We suggest only eating food that is piping hot, fresh, and from reputable busy restaurants with high turnover. Steer clear of uncooked foods like salads and cut fruit as they may be teeming with bacteria. If you still end up getting Delhi Belly, make sure you have adequate support. Ask your hotel or tour company to organize a doctor. Bacteria in India is no joke and killing it sooner rather than later is crucial.

Charcoal Tablets (Food Poisoning Remedy)

6. Travel Insurance for India

Don’t gamble with your coverage while overseas. Your domestic provider will not follow you across your at-home borders, and travel insurance is a non-negotiable for issues like flight cancellations, baggage loss, theft, medical emergencies, transit issues, etc. The last problem you want to face is paying out-of-pocket for an international hospital bill, and India is not the most predictable place to visit. I would personally not visit this fast-paced (at times chaotic) country without protecting my travel investment through comprehensive coverage.

Faye is the best provider we’ve used because you can custom-create a policy based on each trip. Using factors like your destinations, trip budget, and preferences – Faye personalizes your coverage with protection like emergency medical care and even the ability to “cancel for any reason,” (which is rarely offered by affordable insurance companies and offers a whole lot of flexibility!) It’s inexpensive and you won’t regret having it.

Faye Travel Insurance

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7. Cooling Towels

India can get humid and HOT, and air-conditioning is hard to find when you are out and about. It is not even available in some accommodations, so traveling with this cooling towel is essential. I don’t enjoy feeling overheated, and this chemical-free towel provides instant relief. I simply wet it, wring it out, and place it around my neck for 30-60 minutes of reprise. To continue feeling cool, I just repeat the process. It even comes in its own case so my other belongings don’t get damp when I pack it away.

cooling towel

8. Anti-Pollution Disposable Mask (KN95)

In major cities like Delhi, Kanpur, Varanasi, and Agra – pollution levels are very high. What most people don’t know is that air pollution is worse during the tourist season, from October through March. Farmers are burning stubble to clear harvests, locals burn plastics and oils to stay warm, and more. You don’t want to breathe that in, so we recommend having a breathing mask at all times. This KN95 mask filters out 95% of particles. Wear these in the mornings and evenings when vehicle smog is heightened due to traffic.

Anti-Pollution Disposable Mask (KN95)

9. Hanging Toiletry Bag

India’s bathrooms can offer a wide range of experiences. You may have a luxury stay, or you may encounter some private and public bathrooms that lack storage space and adequate sanitation… and some toilets will literally be a hole in the ground… Just keeping it real guys! Regardless, you’ll appreciate having this hanging toiletry bag that hooks onto any door, wall, hook, pole, etc. We’re obsessed with the sustainable design that offers 4 large compartments on the inside and 3 external pockets for smaller items like floss, medicine, and jewelry.

You’ll feel like a master of organization since it creates a shelf-like system in any room, helping you maintain your skincare, haircare, and hygiene routines (as well as your sanity). You’re welcome!

hanging toiletry bag

10. TSA-Approved Luggage Locks

Between the number of trains, auto-rickshaws, and taxis you’re bound to take in India, it’s important to secure your bags with luggage locks. You’d be surprised just how quickly a thief can get into an unattended bag, often working in teams or distracting you with street shows, falls, and using children as diversions. With your luggage securely locked, you won’t have to stress about keeping an eye on it every minute of the day. I’ve been there, and it’s no fun.

luggage locks

11. Female Urination Device

Okay, don’t get weirded out by this one. India is a place with limited toilets, and when you do find a toilet, they are often absolutely disgusting. For guys, this is not a problem because we can stand at the side of the road to pee, but for women, that’s not possible. Indian ladies have mastered the art of squatting discreetly without mooning curious onlookers. This little device enables Western women to stand and pee with no mess and no embarrassment.

Female Urination device

12. Luggage Straps

These lightweight luggage straps are an easy addition to your packing list. This extra layer of protection centralizes the weight and takes the pressure off of your delicate zippers. The last thing you need when you arrive to India is for your suitcase to explode open due to overpacking or rough mishandling (which happens to more than 25 million bags each year!) And sadly, it’s way more likely for your bag to get damaged or lost during an international journey vs. domestic, due to the potential for more layovers.

Use these adjustable belts that can withstand 700+ pounds of force tension. They will take the brunt of any roughness and fit nearly any sized-bag, remaining lightweight despite the heavy-duty belts. They’re also TSA-friendly in case of a random inspection. My favorite perk is the identification factor – brightly-colored straps that allow me to instantly recognize my bags in the chaos of baggage claim, and the built-in ID card means someone can contact you if your belongings get lost.

luggage straps

13. Packing Cubes

Adjusting to the new environment requires a cultural recalibration period, and you’ll be seriously jet-lagged after 24+ hours of travel. All of this can make your mind a bit hazy, but packing cubes make it so much easier to stay organized. You’ll know exactly where everything is because you can label each organizer (tops, bottoms, essentials, excursion items, etc.). Spare yourself from digging through a messy suitcase or throwing things around the room to find them!

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packing cubes

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When traveling to India, we love to wear the local garments! There will be plenty of opportunities to buy pieces on your journey, but having some from the jump is important to ensure you don’t show off too much skin or draw eager eyes. One thing to expect is that the locals will observe and often want to take pictures with you because you look so exotic! So it’s best to do what you can to blend in and respect the culture. Bring along 2-3 tunic-style tops that will get you started on your travels (here is one for men ).


15. Quick-Dry Travel Towel

Indian hotels may (or may not) have towels – and a guest house or lodge usually will not – so bringing your own is a thoughtful provision. Indian bath towels are also thin and not very absorbent, but this travel towel is made with microfiber material that dries 10x faster than cotton. It’s very lightweight and multi-functional, I use them for basic needs like drying off and wiping away sweat, but also for more creative endeavors like seat covers, picnic blankets, beach towels, etc.

quick-dry travel microfiber towel

16. Travel Backpack

Remaining hands-free will be the key to exploring with all necessities on hand. This backpack is super lightweight (weighing less than 1 pound) and is made for travel. It was a serious discovery for us because others were three times the cost at half the quality! When it’s not in use, you can fold it up compactly into its own zippered compartment. It’s truly exceeded our expectations.

Travel Backpack

17. Windproof Travel Umbrella

Face the monsoon-prone weather of India head-on with a windproof umbrella. From spring to summer months, you’ll find the pre-monsoon storms that can blow in the famous Loo winds. By summer, downpours and floods are common. And by autumn, many areas are still experiencing bouts of loitering rainfall. Basically, you’ll need it year-round! This umbrella also comes with a lifetime replacement guarantee.


18. Lipstick-Sized Portable Charger

The last thing you want is a dead battery during long days of adventuring, and power grids aren’t always reliable throughout India. This charger has seriously saved us when we were far from the hotel, didn’t have the address, or needed to call for a ride (or India’s version of Uber, an ‘Ola’). Not to mention, this charger can be powered on a foreign electricity grid with dual voltage, so it’s a safe bet for India.

Lipstick-Sized Portable Charger

19. Discounted Tickets to India’s Attractions

Get Your Guide is our favorite booking service for excursions that will add a breath of life to your trip. They even offer skip-the-line tickets so you don’t have to stand in a line for hours or risk being turned away from fully-booked attractions.

For your time in India, you MUST visit 1/7 of the world’s wonders, the Taj Mahal , and there are many temples and palaces to explore, like Swaminarayan Akshardham and Mahabalipuram’s Shore Temple .

Beyond the grand sights, we recommend making time for down-to-earth activities that will show you the authentic India – things like food tours , the elephant caves of Mumbai, and a cooking class with a local chef. There are also fantastic day trips to cities like artistic Jaipur , upscale Hyderabad , and historical Bangalore .

Discounted Tickets to India’s Attractions

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20. Waterproof Picnic Blanket

From the beaches of Goa to the ruins of Hampa, there are so many amazing spots to hang out and marvel at India’s beauty. But to be direct, India can also be quite dirty, so bring along a waterproof picnic blanket to ensure you always have a clean surface to sit on. This material repels moisture and will prevent any muddy grounds from seeping through and creating clothing stains. Most tarp-like blankets are stiff and crinkly, but this one is soft and cozy!

Waterproof Picnic Blanket

21. Shawl / Modesty Cover-Up

A beautiful shawl is a must for India. The culture is very modest, with influences from Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Islamic faith. Even if you are dressing like a local (in a Kurta or a Punjabi), women keep shawls around their necks and cover their heads as an additional layer of modesty. Keep in mind that men aren’t used to seeing women who show skin, and it’s important not to attract unwanted attention. You will also need a shawl to enter many sacred sites as they do not allow uncovered heads or shoulders. This wrap will hide any plunging necklines or bare arms, displaying a sign of respect that the locals will appreciate.

Shawl / Modesty Cover-Up

22. Electrolytes

Electrolytes save lives on a daily basis. When someone has dysentery or diarrhea, they get very dehydrated, and in extreme cases, this can lead to death. I’m not trying to scare you, but this highlights the value and importance of having electrolytes if you get sick. Even if you don’t get sick, it is important to stay well-hydrated in India’s extreme heat. These satchels can easily be added to your bottled water for an extra boost of hydration.

Pro Tip: You can get electrolytes cheaply in India, but in my experience, they are low-quality and taste horrible.

electrolyte packets

23. Immunity-Boosting Kit

Your health is only as strong as your immune system. Support your immunity with these key products that naturally strengthen the body:

  • Elderberry Gummies – These delicious little gummies deliver a powerful punch of elderberry extract (vitamin C and Zinc), packed with regenerative antioxidants.
  • Echinacea Goldenseal Pills – These combat inflammation in the body, reducing the risk of a cold, flu, or sinus infection.
  • Probiotics – Your gut is directly related to your immune system. Probiotics are a proven way to support the healthy bacteria that your body uses to kill harmful bacteria. Strengthening your gut will make you less vulnerable to the common plague of traveler’s diarrhea.
  • Zinc Spray – Zinc is a very underrated nutrient. As a key treatment for anemia, diabetes, diarrhea, and other common ailments – it can be used to mitigate flu symptoms. We’ve found that this spray particularly soothes an itchy throat (which you may experience due to India’s air pollution).

Immunity-Boosting Kit

24. Beautiful Long Skirt

Known as a Sari wrap skirt, this vivid piece is another perfect way to honor the conservative fashion of Indian culture. Jeans are becoming increasingly common here, but absolutely zero women show their legs. This said, India is hot! So wearing something modest but breathable is a wise choice. Also, for many sacred palaces and monasteries, your legs need to be covered below the knee.

Beautiful Long Skirt

25. Walking Shoes

In India, you will constantly be taking your shoes on and off. You will want something durable and comfortable to protect your toes from street debris — which there is A LOT of. We actually had monkeys throw poop at us once on our way to a temple, and the floor was also covered… Yikes! I recommend these water-resistant Crocs that are easily washable in case you get anything nasty on them (I prefer these over flip-flops because of the protective element). Here’s a pair for men .

Walking Shoes

26. Water-Resistant Shoe Bags

Speaking of kicks, you’ll want these water-resistant shoe bags to prevent your dirty footwear from touching your clean items. The streets in India are extremely dirty, and who wants street-funk all over their beautiful wardrobe?! Asher took these on his recent trip to India, and they came in very handy after his shoes were soaked during a hike along the coast. They keep the grimy things separate and the material doesn’t cling to dirt so you can easily shake it out.

Water-Resistant Shoe Bags

27. Universal Waterproof Phone Case

This cell phone case is a great little, affordable invention that will save your iPhone or Android from the dust, dirt, and grime of India. Additionally, if you’re going for a boat ride on the Ganges or the Keralan backwaters, it will save your device from accidental water damage. It even makes it possible to take underwater photos. It’s a small investment with a big pay-off!

Universal Waterproof Phone Case

28. Deet-Free Mosquito Wristbands

India is known to have cases of malaria, but the problem is that malaria medication has horrible side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. I personally prefer to take all the measures to not get bitten by mosquitoes in the first place. In my experience, these mosquito repellent bracelets, in addition to using insect repellent and wearing long pants at dawn and dusk, provide the best natural protection.

Deet-Free Mosquito Wristbands

29. Packable Sun Hat

The sun is brutal in India, and UV rays can be harsh year-round, so be sure to pack a reliable sun hat. Most travelers find that their hat looks like a disheveled hot mess once pulled out of a suitcase. BUT! This one is made to be collapsable and foldable, which means once unpacked, it will return to its original bouncy shape. It’s a great find and also has a wide-brim hat for shade and a built-in sweatband.

Packable Sun Hat

30. Aloe Vera

Enhance your sun protection routine with this organic aloe vera. It’s a desert plant that contains antibacterial properties known to speed up the healing process. On Asher’s most recent trip to India, he was at a ceremony on the Ganges and got super burned, even during the winter time. There was no easy way for him to get Aloe Vera, so we knew this needed to be added to our list. Put it in a cooler for an even more relaxing sensation!

Aloe Vera

31. Travel First-Aid Kit

It’s inevitable that you’ll get a cut or scrape or some little thing that would need a first-aid kit. The item I use most is band-aids to help prevent infection in a wound. I also like to put honey on the cut before I place the band-aid because it acts as an antibacterial shield. There are drug stores (chemists) all over India, but it’s nice to come prepared with basic, lightweight, quality first-aid equipment.

Travel First-Aid Kit

32. Travel Toilet Paper

Believe it or not, toilet paper is still mostly unused in India. Only the more expensive hotels carry it. When you’re out and about, you will be hard-pressed to find a place that has any at all! This compact travel toilet paper is more practical than the TP you use at home, which is thick and bulky. Travel TP goes further because it’s more absorbent and also has no core in the roll for thinness. Plus, this brand is biodegradable.

Travel Toilet Paper

33. Compression Flight Socks

I seriously regretted not having compression flight socks on my last 15+ hour flight… As a young, fit person, I underestimated how much pain my legs could be in at such drastic elevations in a pressurized cabin. These socks are worn by flight attendants and passengers alike to maintain a healthy blood flow and prevent swelling. It’s a valuable preventative measure that you’ll be happy to have. Don’t forget the jet lag relief for lengthy international flight days.

Compression Flight Socks

34. Packable “Just in Case” Bag

One of the first things I do in India is visit a local dress shop and buy some traditional Kurtas or Punjabis in order to stay respectful and flow seamlessly in and out of temples. You’ll also be doing plenty of shopping for Sarees, Pashmina Shawls, Ayurvedic products, spices, and other local Indian goods – so be sure to pack this “just in case” bag for those unforeseeable purchases. It’s an easy addition to any suitcase and counts as your personal item on the return flight home.

Packable “Just in Case” Bag

Other India Packing List Items

  • India travel insurance
  • Homeopathic medicines
  • Motion sickness patches
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Jet lag relief
  • Feminine items
  • Dried fruit
  • Almond butter
  • Thermal underwear
  • Dental Floss
  • Lock for door (cheap hotels)
  • Lock for suitcase
  • Mosquito net
  • Travel backpack
  • Baby travel accessories
  • Mini tripod
  • SD cards for camera
  • Rechargeable AA batteries
  • Small cheap computer
  • India Power Adapter
  • Transformer/converter
  • Gifts for India
  • Best personal item bag

I also recommend you bring digital copies of all your important documents , including passport, visa, driver’s license, bank info, and credit cards. Just in case. A simple way to do this is scan or photograph them and then email them to yourself.

What to wear in India?

For both men and women, the main rule in this very conservative country is to avoid flaunting bare skin as much as possible. Of course, things are more lax in tourist hotspots like Goa and Varkala, but it’s still more respectful to tend toward modesty.

women india

Expectations are less strict for men, and Indian men now commonly wear casual Western clothes, but it still pays to be modest. Interestingly though, I’ve rarely seen an Indian man wearing shorts.


City wear/everyday wear: In Mumbai and Delhi, Western dress is perfectly acceptable. You’ll see as many Indian women wearing jeans and t-shirts as saris. The case for covering up is the same, though – it’s best not to wear clothes that are tight or revealing. Go for light, comfortable clothing.

Temple Wear: Covering up is not just recommended here – it’s essential. Many temples have a dress code, and won’t allow you entry unless your head AND shoulders are covered. In 2016, Madras actually enforced a ban on all western clothing in temples, refusing entry to anyone wearing jeans, shorts, skirts, short sleeves or tight leggings.

Your best bet is a long, loose skirt (calf or ankle length) and a plain, long-sleeved top or shirt. If you don’t have long sleeves, a long scarf draped over your shoulders should be fine. Wear shoes that can be easily removed, as you’ll be leaving them at the door anyway.

If you want to be really respectful, then a Kameez top or a full Sari will be the best received. This is what Lyric (my wife) wears when in India.

Going Out: The same applies: cover up. India’s cultural and tourism minister issued a statement last year imploring foreign female tourists to refrain from ‘skimpy’ clothes, particularly short skirts and dresses. It’s actually a matter of personal safety.


City wear: Dress is less strict for men, but it still pays to be modest. Dress according to the season.

Temple wear: Covering your arms and legs is just as important for men as it is for women. Don’t wear jeans or other western items such as leather belts. Loose cotton pants paired with a respectable shirt should be sufficient but if you really want to be respectful, wear a white Indian kurta/pajama set. I like to wear a dhoti (cloth wrapped around waist extending to ankles) when I go to temples.

Packing for the Seasons in India

Winter – december, january, february, (partially) march:.

Winter is, logically, the coldest and best time of year to visit most parts of India (though temperatures are much warmer in South India). Dress according to how comfortable you’ll be in the temperatures, and plan to bring appropriate cold weather gear if you’re in the North ( hats , gloves , light jacket or fleece ) as appropriate for the activities and elevations you’ll be experiencing. Temperatures in the north (Delhi) average between 45°F to 75°F (7°C to 24°C), and in the south (Kochi) between 73°F to 90°F (23°C to 32°C).

SUMMER – (Pre-Monsoon Season) April, May, June:

This is by far the hottest time to visit India, and believe it or not it can be a dangerous time. April and May are the hottest months, and can bring some interesting weather.

The north can get intense pre-monsoon storms which carry hail, and the famous Loo winds blow in the north during the summer.

India season

When packing for India during the summer, be very sure to do your research about the specific regions you’ll be visiting and staying in. Pack light, quick-drying clothes and items that can cover you for sun protection while keeping you cooler – think long-sleeved linen shirts , quality sun hats , linen pants , sunglasses , etc. Temperatures in the north (Delhi) average between 80°F to 102°F (27°C to 39°C), and in the south (Kochi) between 80°F to 90°F (27°C to 32°C).

MONSOON – July, August, September:

As you might guess, Monsoon season is very wet. Monsoon rains are what drive India’s agriculture-based economy, so it’s a very important, albeit soggy, time of year for the country and its inhabitants.

India Mansoon

FALL – (Post-Monsoon Season) October, November:

During Indian autumn, drier and cooler air spills across the Himalayas and clears the skies, bringing the sun back into the picture. This is a windy season, so layers are important, as the wind can bring uncertain temps in some parts of India. Many areas experience lingering, dwindling precipitation, so you should absolutely plan to have rain gear and a windproof umbrella on-hand. Temperatures in the north (Delhi) average between 60°F to 90°F (16°C to 32°C), and in the south (Kochi) between 75°F to 88°F (24°C to 31°C).

Check out this helpful guide from Mariellen Ward on the 24 best places to visit in India by month

What NOT to bring to India

1. don't bring too many clothes..

You can buy clothes cheaply in India and can get the local dress so that you fit in better and feel more comfortable 🙂

2. DON'T PACK valuables in general.

Unless it’s absolutely necessary, why risk it? Valuables such as: passport, credit cards & cash I carry concealed under my shirt in my passport pouch.

3. DON'T BRING bulky towels.

Instead bring a simple travel towel.

4. DON'T TAKE too much cash.

ATMs are the safest way to get local cash and they are everywhere across India.

5. DON'T BRING expensive jewelry.

It’s just not worth risking losing it or getting it stolen.

6. DON'T TAKE other unnecessary electronics.

Again because of the chance of it getting ruined by the power supply and the excess bulk.

7. DON'T BRING too many books.

An e-reader like the Amazon Kindle can be a great option because it’s light weight and has a 3 week battery life.

8. DON'T PACK too many toiletries but do bring your favorites.

Your special products are probably not available in India but generic soap, shampoo and toothpaste etc is widely available.

9. DON'T TAKE nice shoes.

They will get dirty no matter what. Sandals or Crocs are best.

10. DON'T PACK your computer.

Unless you really need it and it’s a lightweight, cheap one (such as a Chromebook ) that you don’t mind getting fried by the irregular power supply or stolen.

11. DON'T PACK more than one set of warm clothes.

India is a hot country (unless you’re in the Himalayas) and it’s rare to be too cold. I only bring one good, lightweight fleece and one pair of long pants plus a scarf or shawl.

12. DON'T TAKE anything that isn't suitable for your destination.

Do your research on weather and location specific needs before you go to India so that you are prepared without having too much bulk in your luggage.

FAQs about travel in India

1. how do i avoid getting delhi belly.

How do I avoid getting Delhi Belly?!

The most likely cause of Delhi Belly always comes down to contaminated food or water .

Therefore, the best way to avoid getting a bout of diarrhea is to be extra diligent with hygiene around meals and with any beverage. I highly recommend you only eat freshly cooked, piping hot food. Avoid all salads or fruits that have been washed with tap water. Only drink quality bottled water and never have ice in your drinks. Avoid street food or anything that doesn’t look clean. Always wash your hands with sanitizing wipes before meals. Trust me, you don’t want to get Delhi Belly. I know from experience, it can cause you to be bed ridden for a week! 🙁

2. What items are NOT readily available in India?

While many pharmaceutical drugs are available in India, you may prefer to bring the items you’re used to. Other miscellaneous items that are most likely best to bring from home include your preferred brands of contact lens solution, dental floss, shampoo/conditioner, feminine hygiene products, makeup, underwear, supplements and energy bars… etc!

Body lotions and sunscreens that don’t contain skin-bleaching formula are sometimes difficult to find. Pale skin is highly coveted in India and most Asian countries, so many skin care products contain some form of “whitening”. This may or may not be what you want!

Clothing and other gear made from 100% cotton or wool is sometimes pricey and/or difficult to find. Much of the clothing available in tourist areas is made of rayon or polyester or other synthetics, which isn’t so comfortable in hot weather and not warm enough in cold weather.

Quality sunglasses and shoes that aren’t knock offs can be hard to find. Also, I’ve found that almost always, electronics such as camera or computer equipment is both hard to find and way more expensive than in the US.

3. What’s the best way to deal with pollution in India?

What’s the best way to deal with pollution in India?

India has some of the worst pollution levels in the world, worse than China. I’ve found that the #1 way to deal with the extreme pollution is to get out of the big cities like Delhi and Mumbai as soon as possible. This means finding places to visit that are less populated and more in the countryside or coastal areas. For example, small towns in Kerala generally have way less pollution than anywhere in Northern India near Delhi. See this map for live Indian pollution levels.

Additionally, I highly recommend you bring a quality dust mask like the Cambridge Mask . This will allow you to breathe without inhaling as much toxic fumes, pollution, smoke and dust.

4. How do I avoid getting scammed?

There is no question, India is full of scam artists from street beggars to tricky taxi drivers and even the Mafia. The biggest advice I have is to simply say “no thank you” when approached by someone selling something. Don’t give money to beggars (who are typically scammers in disguise). And know where you’re going, what your hotels name is and the address when getting in a taxi or rickshaw. Read my full list of the top 27 scams in India for all the details.

5. What are some good souvenirs to bring home from India?

 What are some good souvenirs to bring home from India?

Handwoven scarves, pashminas or tapestries are quintessential “Indian” pieces that can be easily packed into a suitcase. Scarves and pashminas make a great conversation piece when you return home, and tapestries can become bedspreads or wall-hangings. Try to find out the back story of items you purchase – you don’t want to be supporting an industry of slave labour. Also, be hyper of aware of fake pashminas. The best way to test if they are real is to take a thread and light it on fire to see if it melts (synthetic) or burns like a candle, turns to ash and smells like hair burning (this is likely real pashmina). You may also like to check out “fixed rate” shops that are recommended by a high end hotel to find the authentic dealers.

Spices such as masala, turmeric and cardamom are the perfect way to bring the tastes and smells of India home with you! They should stay fresh for months.

Indian musical instruments such as the flute and sitar make a fantastic gift – and could encourage you to get more musical!

Jewellery is available everywhere in all forms – wooden, bone, leather and sterling silver. Easy to wear and carry. Again, make sure these items are real and fairtrade.

6. What kind of bag and suitcase should you bring to India?

Backpacks are definitely the easiest to move around with – and India requires a lot of moving around! Backpacks can be squeezed into train/bus luggage racks or under seats, and obviously, they go where you go. The size of your backpack depends on the bulkiness of your gear, but it’s a good idea to choose one with lots of zip compartments and pockets, so you can find stuff quickly.

Suitcases are less suitable (especially the four-wheeled spinners) for India’s rugged road surfaces and tight spaces, but they do make life easier if you’re staying in a place for a long period of time. I personally like this Samsonite wheeled duffle for the best of both worlds.

7. I'm healthy, do I really need to get Travel Insurance?

YES. Travel insurance is a must. You never know what, where or when something could go wrong – and in India, anything can go wrong. Losing your wallet or tripping down a flight of stairs can ruin your entire trip – not to mention swallow up a hefty portion of your funds. Consider also that things can go wrong back home, which may mean an unexpected flight back. Travel insurance covers all the things that you don’t want to happen but CAN happen.

Even if nothing goes wrong, having a good travel insurance provider takes care of the “what if?” worry that’s bound to niggle away at the back of your mind – which means you can enjoy your trip more! Use this widget to get an instant quote.

Get a quote in less than 60 seconds with Faye ➜

8. Do cruise-lines stop at ports in India?

There are several companies such as Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and Princess that all make stops in India. The itineraries often also include the Middle East and/or Southeast Asia and are typically around 2-weeks in length. We’ve heard reports that even if you don’t get off the boat when at an Indian port, you still need a visa. Also, see our cruise packing checklist for cruise specific packing ideas.

9. What about vaccines? Should I get all the ones that they recommend?

Vaccines and medications for India are a very personal choice and some of them do have negative side effects such as Malaria medication. Talk to your doctor about what vaccinations you may or may not need. Chances are you have already had most recommended vaccinations as a child. Otherwise, the CDC website provides a comprehensive list of vaccines recommended for India at any particular time. Remember that outbreaks do occur from time to time, so it’s important to do your research.

Asher Fergusson

Asher Fergusson

Travellers Guide To What To Wear in India 2022

What to wear in India on your trip there is a topic that provokes a lot of thought, discussion and debate! And so… I’m here to help . Over the years, what is appropriate for travellers to wear to India has changed a lot – so read on for plenty of tips for how to dress in India – and have a few myths dispelled along the way! 

This post contains compensated affiliate links. For more info and my full disclosure, please read here . 

What to Wear while Travelling in India?

Knowing what to wear in India for travelling can feel confusing – and it’s not helped by the fact that there are many nuanced answers to this question – especially if you’re wondering how to dress in India as a female tourist – which let’s face it is a lot less straight forward than it is for men!

But fear not, I’m here to help. After 8 years of travelling to India for extended periods, I’ve had plenty of chances to test out what does – and doesn’t – work when it comes to picking what to wear to India.

As a woman, the reality of what to wear while travelling India has changed a lot in the last few years (for the better) but it’s still not a place you can just turn up to in micro-shorts and a singlet/spaghetti strapped-tops.

Fashion, dress-standards and what is considered ‘appropriate’ for clothing for female travellers to India is rapidly changing here – even in the last couple of years what might not have been ok is now fine – in some places.

When you’re mulling over what to pack for your trip to India, remember this: India is a sub-continent, populated by over 1.2 billion people. In cities like Mumbai, you’re just as likely to see local girls in hot pants getting out of Ubers on a saturday night out going clubbing as women in sarees – but that doesn’t mean you’d feel comfortable wearing yours wandering around the sights of Agra or even riding around on the Mumbai local trains.

There is no one answer to the question “what to wear in India”. Rather there are as many answers as there are times of day – such are the nuances of this rapidly changing country and culture.

So – what can you wear as a traveller to India? Let’s get stuck in!

Dressing for Safe Travel in India

I’m guessing what brought you to this post is your desire to a) be safe travelling in India and b) be culturally appropriate and respectful while travelling in India. So firstly: Thank you for reading! The world needs many more sensitive travellers like you.

Secondly: Despite the warnings and cautionary tales, India is an incredibly rewarding place to travel, and the vast majority of female (and male) travellers who venture here do not experience any trouble. If you follow your common sense, keep an eye on your surroundings, and are aware of how you are perceived when deciding how to dress for travelling India, then it will increase your safety, too!

Rightly or wrongly – know that what clothes for India travel you choose does have an impact on how you may be perceived while travelling around India – especially if you’re venturing off the beaten path. Which is why how to dress in India as a tourist is an often debated topic.

Whatever you wear in India, if you don’t look Indian, you will stand out, and you can expect to be stared at and get attention. But wearing revealing clothes on top of that, can add some  masala to the attention. Which you probably don’t want! Foreign women are sometimes perceived as “exotic” and naturally attract increased interest in what is still a male dominated society – so to mitigate that you will probably want to cover up more than you might at home (while staying cool).

Do’s and Don’ts of dressing in India

Based on my experiences of travelling in India, usually solo:

  • Do look around you: Take note of what local women are wearing, what areas of the body they are covering, and take your cues from them (I’m not saying you have to buy a saree but if everyone around you is in shorts, you’re probably fine in the same).
  • Do ask if you’re not sure: Ask local friends if you have them, ask other hotel/hostel guests, or ask tour guides for feedback on what you’re wearing if you’re really not sure.
  • If you’re at the beach, don’t wear swimwear off the beach, even just to cross the road to get your coconut water. Many of India’s beautiful beaches are actually in more conservative communities (depending where in the country you are) and not dressing properly causes offence. In Goa or at resort beaches, bikinis are fine, but on local beaches or waterfalls etc it’s better to swim partially clothed (a loose t-shirt over your swimsuit is a good idea).
  • Don’t ever sunbathe topless or skinny-dip. Even if you think no-one can see you, they probably can. And do you really want your chest going viral on WhatsApp?
  • Legs are bared more and more compared to a few years back. In places like Maharashtra, Goa, Kerala, Uttarakhand & Himachal Pradesh, wearing knee-length skirts are just fine. In Central/North India you’ll still find most women covering their legs with long skirts/trousers (pants)
  • Don’t show off your cleavage. Although sleeves are getting shorter and shorter, Indian women don’t like to display their assets publicly and the ‘dupatta’ (long scarf worn backwards across the chest) is primarily used as a ‘boob defender’ ;-).
  • Don’t wear spaghetti or thin straps unless you’re on the beach – but short sleeves / sleeveless tops (thick straps) are generally fine.
  • Do wear bright colours: Not only will they make your feel more cheerful, you’ll blend in to India’s rainbow of colour!

What Not to Wear in India

In general, unless you’re in a beach area, here are some things to avoid wearing in India as a female traveller:

  • Strappy tops & vests
  • Anything that shows cleavage
  • Short shorts or dresses (knee length and longer dresses are best, shorts should not expose your butt and are a no-go in more conservative cities/areas, like Agra & Varanasi)
  • High Heels! You will not need them unless you’re planning to go clubbing in Delhi/Mumbai/Bangalore
  • Super tight, figure hugging clothes (but normal tight jeans are just fine, especially if worn with a loose top)

Dispelling a Few Myths

Given that India has been portrayed in a certain light in the media, travel advice tends so err on the cautious and a limited view of what it is like to live and travel in India has developed. Let’s be clear on a few things.

  • It’s not always hot in India. Depending on when and where you travel, you may need warmer layers too.
  • You don’t need to cover your hair in India (unless you’re entering a Sikh or Muslim religious shrine/temple/mosque)
  • You don’t need to wear Indian clothing – see more below!
  • Younger and city-dwelling Indians are just as likely to be sporting t-shirts and skinny jeans than traditional Indian dress. It all depends on where you are.
  • You don’t have to wear elephant or harem pants. India is loved as a hippy, backpacking destination but it is perfectly possible to travel here and look smart, too!
  • You can wear jewellery -maybe leave your diamond collection / family jewels at home 😉 but many Indians wear a lot of jewellery, so don’t be afraid to get some local jewellery for yourself, too (negotiate!).

Should you Wear Indian Clothes?

For my first solo trips to India, I followed the advice that wearing local clothing would earn me more respect and be safer as a solo female traveller. I headed out shopping and got myself a few  kurtas  (tunic style long tops with splits below the waist – they vary in length from waist length to below the knee), as well as a custom made salwaar kameez. 

All of this was great fun and very inexpensive, but I found myself attracting plenty of attention and comments for my Indian-style attire, particularly in the big cities.  I found myself wondering: Would I just have blended in better if I had been wearing western clothes?

The answer is probably yes, in some situations – and I’m definitely not advocating wandering around India in a saree. Here’s what I suggest:

  • In ALL of India you are just fine in western clothes – as long as you cover up in more conservative areas – t-shirts/shirts and jeans are always fine.
  • The main reason to buy & wear Indian clothes is because a) they’re beautiful and b) they can help with staying cool in the heat.
  • In rural areas and villages (where you’ll need to dress more conservatively), wearing a kurta top over your trousers can be a great way to fit in, dress respectfully and keep cool.
  • Some parts of India are more conservative than others – e.g. Uttar Pradesh & Rajasthan are more traditional than Maharashtra, so local clothing as above for rural India can be helpful, especially if you’re going off the beaten path.
  • If in doubt: Look at what the local women of your age around you are wearing and use that as a barometer. In general, Sarees are the worn by married, Indian women, or for special occasions – and I don’t recommend wearing them out and about on your travels unless you are invited to wear one to a special occasion or event (such as a wedding) to avoid cultural appropriation. If you are gifted one or want to buy one as a souvenir, that’s fine!

What to Wear in India: The Essentials

Here are my recommended essential items for dressing in India for Women. Go for natural fibres / fabrics whereever you can as these keep you cooler and are more comfortable (plus they are better for the environment).


  • Sunglasses – not only for keeping the sun out, but great for avoiding any stares from would be Romeo’s. I love ethical brand Pala Eyewear .
  • A secure handbag / purse. I love crossbody bags as you can keep them in front of you and on your person at all times (i’ve always used crossbody bags when travelling in India). A basic leather one is good, or for added security you can use a Travelon one which has additional security measures built in!
  • Jacket – If you’re travelling to northern India in Winter, then pack a compact light down jacket or windproof layer to keep you warm on cold winter mornings and evenings. I have been so grateful for my one like this many a time. A jacket is a must for wearing on Safaris in India too as it’s chilly before the sun comes up.
  • Scarves, Scarves, Scarves. Drape them across your chest, backwards like a  dupatta (Indian Style), wrap them over your head in the heat, as a sarong on the beach, or around your shoulders to keep warm in AC. You will find so many uses for your scarf! We recommend 1 x Thin / light Linen, Cotton or Hemp Scarf and 1 x Thicker Shawl (which you can also use a blanket on AC trains etc)
  • Tunic tops / loose shirts or blouses – we love this one and this one
  • T-shirts – preferably made from organic cotton, hemp or bamboo such as these ones
  • Kurta tops – you can buy them online if you just can’t wait until you get to India 😉
  • Warmer Layer such as a fleece or hoodie and a light jacket if travelling to North India in winter (always take one warmer layer for air conditioned transport regardless of where you’re travelling in India)
  • High quality organic cotton/bamboo vest tops are useful for wearing under a blouse / kurta if it’s really hot and you don’t want to wear a bra – (personally I find they really dig in in the heat). Cotton layers actually help to keep you cool…

Bottom Half

  • Loose fitting harem pants or Linen trousers like these
  • Leggings (only wear under a long top that covers your bottom)
  • Jeans – skinny or regular (we suggest 1 pair is enough)
  • Modest shorts for the beach (not ones that expose your ‘cheeks!)
  • A long, loose skirt or Linen trousers like these – skirts are great for bus travel in case you have to go to the bathroom in nature! Make sure your long skirt is not too tight and doesn’t have tall slits in the side. (I saw a girl wearing a long skirt with thigh-high slits in at the Taj Mahal – and every man in sight was gaping at her.)
  • Maxi and Midi dresses are a great idea, to help stay cool and look stylish – get ones with sleeves if you can find them. Vibrant colours are much more practical than white ones which will get dirty super quickly.

Swimwear for India

  • A loose fitting kaftan or maxi dress can be handy if you’ll be hitting the beach
  • A bikini or swimsuit is fine for resorts or the touristy beaches of Goa and Kerala. On local beaches, waterfalls or in the countryside I suggest swimming with a t-shirt & shorts on as locals swim fully clothed.
  • Don’t ever walk around off the beach in your swimwear
  • I suggest taking a pair of sandals / flip flops for chilling out in (I love Reef who contribute to cleaning up beaches around the world). These are also super useful for visiting temples where you need to remove shoes.
  • A pair of covered pumps / canvas shoes such as Toms for travel and walking around cities to avoid your feet being filthy the whole time – light, neutral colours like grey / tan are best for not showing the dust and dirt
  • Hiking shoes if you’re going to be trekking (breathable ones are recommended and make sure you wear them in beforehand)
  • You can buy cheap “chuppels” in India (pretty decorated sandals) so leave plenty of space in your bag!

What to Wear for Yoga in India

  • Leave your tight leggings, racerbacks and spandex at home!
  • Loose fitting cool t-shirts
  • Baggy yoga trousers / harem pants

Yoga in India is a modest affair and you won’t see the tight yoga clothes that have become a staple of “western” yoga much. Try to bring tops you can tuck into your trousers to avoid flashing during your downward dogs!

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Knowing What to Wear and When

As you’ll see in my “should I dress in local clothing” section – I recommend adapting what you wear depending on where you are in India. The easiest way to judge this is to look at what people your age are wearing around you. In general, in cities and touristy areas you are fine in western clothing (but do stick to the rules of not showing your shoulders, chest or legs above the shin).

Even in some more touristic areas – notably Agra, Varanasi and other parts of central India, these regions are more conservative and you will want to cover more than you’d need to on the beaches of Goa. In other specific situations such as going on Tiger or other Wildlife Safaris in India you’ll want to be covered and wearing neutral tones – leave that beautiful bright red top at home.

ⓘ TIP:   Travel Insurance is a must for India – we use and recommend World Nomads – Get your quote here !

What to Wear in India for Men

Ah, guys, you have it so easy! Much of the debate around how to dress as a traveller to India is related to women because of the traditional society that exists there. As a man you can wear pretty much what you would at home, although a few things to bear in mind:

  • Shorts are now much more popular in metro- India (the cities) as well as on the beach, and knee-length shorts are just fine.
  • Don’t walk around topless unless you’re on the beach
  • You don’t need to wear local clothing – even in villages. You’ll get a few odd looks if you wander India in a Salwar Kameez!
  • The best bet? Jeans / Chinos and t-shirts / shirts. We recommend light jeans and cotton t-shirts or polo shirts for a slightly smarter look.

Final Words of Advice

If you research in advance (like reading this post!) and do your packing right, you won’t have to worry about what to wear in India when you’re there! Job done!

Try not to pack too much – no-one likes lugging a heavy bag around while travelling – flexibility and items you can mix/match are the key. Last but not least save some space for shopping in India because there are so many beautiful clothes, scarves and accessories you’ll want to buy once you’re here!

Next step: Have an amazing time in India!

Plan Your Trip to India with Soul Travel India:

How to Plan your Dream Trip to India – Complete Guide

The 21 Best Places for Solo Female Travel in India

The Best Places to Visit in India – For Every Month of the Year

Can I Wear Shorts in India?

In touristy beach areas like Goa, shorts are perfectly fine, and in cities like Mumbai shorts are commonly worn too (by women as well as men). In other cities and in more conservative parts of India, shorts are to be avoided – and in any case make sure they are modest shorts rather than ones that leave your ‘cheeks hanging out!

Should I Buy Indian clothes for travel in India?

Only if you want to! Indian clothes are beautiful and you may find the colourful Kurta tunics hard to resist… but wherever you are travelling, western clothes are just fine as long as you dress respectfully. Out of respect for Indian culture, wandering around India in a Saree is not suggested.

What Swimwear is appropriate in India?

On touristy beaches (like in Goa & Kerala) and at resorts and luxury hotels, bikinis are just fine. A sarong is handy to cover up a bit while walking up and down the beach – and make sure to cover up as soon as you leave the beach/pool. In rural areas and for swimming in rivers & waterfalls you may feel more comfortable doing as the locals do and swimming in shorts and t-shirt.

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Passionate about all things India travel - journeys of transformation and discovery, local experiences, and getting under the skin of India.

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Road Warriorette

Packing List–7 day business trip to India

December 5, 2018 by Road Warriorette 6 Comments

Any time I am gone for more than 3-4 days I agonize over my packing list. I want to have everything I need but definitely don’t want to pack too much. That is certainly true for my recent trip to India! I left on a Saturday and got home on Friday, so I was gone a full 7 days with five work days.

I needed to have four work outfits with pants (women don’t really wear dresses to work there), casual clothes for non-work times, and two travel outfits. To be honest, I had more downtime this trip than I expected and probably could have used another t-shirt. Besides that I was pretty happy with what I packed. Everything fit in my Travelpro Crew 11 21” Spinner Carryon and Lo & Sons O.G.

Here is my packing list for a 7-day business trip to India:

Generic version:

  • 2 pairs of work pants
  • 4 work shirts
  • 1 tee shirt
  • 2 pairs of work shoes
  • sneakers/travel shoes
  • 2 sets of travel clothes
  • PJs (which double as lounging clothes)
  • Undergarments
  • Toiletries, makeup, hair tools

a group of clothes and shoes

Full version:

3 pairs of pants:

  • Black pants
  • Sea foam shirt
  • Black shirt with two buttons
  • Black and white blouse

3 pairs of shoes:

  • Leopard flats

Travel clothes:

  • 2 pairs leggings
  • 2 Travel tunics
  • Compression socks
  • Travel cardigan

Other items:

  • Curling iron
  • Nose moisturizing spray
  • Chewable pepto
  • DayQuil/NyQuil

Other toiletries

  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Micellar wipes
  • Moisturizer
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hand sanitizer

Comfort bag:

  • Disposable toothbrushes
  • Plug converter
  • Phone charger
  • Notepad and pen

Readers, would you have added anything?


Be sure to check out my page with  products I recommend for travel !

a flat lay of hair accessories

Have a travel question or suggestion? Send it to RW

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Another shirt, definitely. I have a few that can be dressed up or down, so I like to bring those on a work trip. Melatonin? Or at least Benadryl, which does a decent job of making me sleepy. I always bring allergy pills because I never know when something will trigger my pollen/mold allergies in a new environment.

So funny you wrote this! I was looking on the blog for something like this for my trip to India in November. I agree on the extra t-shirt. Also–bring more tissues than you normally would, since some places don’t have toilet paper in their bathrooms. (TBH, I do the same thing in rural South America…) I’m not sure you had the same experience I did–but I also wished I would have packed a pair of light sneakers. My last day we did the Elephanta caves, and I regretted not having anything more than flats!

@Sara that is a GREAT POINT. Not only because of the TP issue, but also because for some reason when I travel to India I tend to have nosebleeds out of nowhere (sorry for TMI). I was completely taken by surprise my first time there two years ago, so this time I made sure to have tissues with me at ALL TIMES. Unfortunately it came in handy 😐

I am Indian. I would ditch the jeans, take more leggings for casual, an extra shawl, and maybe 1 long sleeved item that does not require layering. With leggings, tunic, and shawl you can create a good version of a salwar kameez, which can be useful for both work, as that is the Indian woman’s work uniform, and tourism. Also something with a pretty print, since this is where Indian fabrics leave everything else in the dust. I get so tired of wearing nothing but neutrals……

How do you bring citamins? Will a am/pm container work, or does it have to be in original containers?

@Gina Burken I would definitely recommend original containers when flying internationally.

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India packing list: what to pack for india in 2024.

Bradley Williams

Knowing how to pack for India is actually a pretty tough task, and one that we first struggled with.

There are all kinds of questions probably racing through your head, such as …

“What can I wear in India as a woman tourist?”

“Is there a dress code in India for tourists?”

“Can males and females wear shorts in India?”

Their relatively strict and reserved religious culture means that the dress code in India certainly won't be quite as laid back as it is in the western world.

You also need to take into account other important things such as the time of year and the many diverse climates that India has.

To help put your mind at ease and help you know exactly what to pack for India, I’ve gone ahead and put together the ultimate India packing list .

Filled with all the tips & tricks we picked up on when backpacking in India .

Let's get started!

Travel insurance tip

Before traveling anywhere, make sure you have your travel insurance in place. We recommend SafetyWing. ‍

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  • They Cover for Covid-19
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For more info, check out my in-depth SafetyWing review .

Ultimate India travel packing checklist

Men's packing list, women's packing list, travel essentials, tech/gadgets, health & safety, miscellaneous, other items to consider, a few things you need to know about india.

Here are 3 key things you need to first be aware of before you start packing your bags and heading off abroad for an epic trip across India.

1. Religion in India

Just like Bali , and many other places throughout Asia, the dominant religion in India is Hinduism, with roughly 80% of the population claiming to be so.

People tend to dress more conservatively than in western countries, though they are certainly not the strictest of religions.

Yes, you will typically see women covering up more of their bodies (particularly their legs) but they do still have skin on show.

Many women have parts of their back open and many locals even have parts of their cleavage and stomachs showing, no matter what age they are.

Religion and dress code in India becomes more important when visiting religious sites.

Here, it is more respectful if you have some way to cover up.

Cazzy always carries some sort of light shawl with her so she can cover up the rest of her arms if required.

She typically always had on a long, light dress that covered up more than enough and didn’t offend.

On a side note, if you are a female tourist in India, then you will get stared at a LOT by locals, particularly the men.

As she's from Ireland , Cazzy is naturally very white and really stands out.

So if you have a lot of skin on show then you are just encouraging more people to stare at you in an uncomfortable manner.

what to wear at the Taj Mahal

2. Geography of India

India is HUGE!

It’s more than 3 million square kilometres and home to more than 1.3 billion people; roughly 13 times the size of the UK.

As such, you can expect it to have an incredibly varied climate depending on which part of the country you visit.

On our visit, we went as far south as Goa and as far north as Delhi & Agra , so were able to experience many of the changes.

As a very rough guide, the further north you get, it tends to get a little cooler, whereas Goa in the south is much hotter.

This is a VERY rough idea and not totally accurate as your experiences of temperature and rainfall will vary depending on how far east and west you are.

For a much deeper understanding of the expected temperatures and climate in the parts you plan on visiting, check out this website .

3. Seasons in India

India has 4 seasons:

  • Winter - January to February
  • Summer - March to May
  • Monsoon - June to September
  • Post-monsoon - October to December

Again, these will vary depending on which part of the country you are in, but are the typical overarching months.

We were packing for India in November, and had great weather during our entire 3 weeks there .

In the south it was definitely hotter, with many days being in the low 30s or high 20s, and by the time we were in Delhi it was typically in the mid-20s.

The most popular months to visit India are November to February and it’s not surprising as the weather is much more manageable across the board.

Geography of India

Choosing the right bag for India

When packing for India, the first important decision you need to make is deciding which bag to take.

If you are backpacking India, like us, then I’d recommend one larger rucksack , perhaps 60-70 litres and one smaller day bag , closer to 25 litres.

This will be plenty big enough to pack everything you need, plus more.

Our visit to India formed part of a much larger 3 month backpacking adventure through Sri Lanka and Nepal, and our bags were perfect for holding everything we needed for our entire trip.

Of course, everyone’s trip is different, so when selecting the best backpack for India (if you haven’t already), consider this:

  • How long will your total backpacking trip be?
  • What sorts of activities do you plan on doing in India?
  • Will you be backpacking India on your own or with someone else?

Choosing a larger backpack

I received my backpack as a backpacking gift just after uni, and it's still going strong. It’s accompanied me on every backpacking adventure across more than 2 dozen different countries on 4 continents.

It’s made by Osprey who are the go-to choice for the majority of backpackers.

We see them used everywhere and it’s really unsurprising why.

They are fantastic quality, lightweight, strong and look great.

I’ve even sewn badges into the sides of mine for every country we visit and it hasn’t ruined the integrity at all.

Here are our 2 recommendations:

Bradley's choice



Cazzy's choice.



Choosing the perfect day bag.

A day bag is an essential travel item for India for 2 reasons.

Most obviously because you’ll need it when out exploring individual areas during the day.

But a great day bag is also essential for helping you to keep valuable items close to you when moving between destinations.

For example, when taking long bus or boat journeys between places, we like to store our expensive equipment, like our travel laptops and cameras, in these bags so they are always closer by.

The Loctote Flak Sack is perfect for just this occasion as it's a specially designed anti-theft travel bag .

When choosing which day bag is great for you, consider things like:

  • Will you be doing a lot of vigorous activities? Like hiking
  • Do you need special compartments for your own travel tech?

My day bag is slightly smaller but best suited for day trips and hiking; it’s plenty big enough for both Cazzy and my own needs.

Cazzy’s day bag choice, the Tropicfeel Shell backpack, is an amazing bag in it's own right. A little more pricey but can actually be doubled up as a main backpack or camera backpack as well as it has the ability to expand and contract. Read more in our review of it here .

2-in 1 Backpack combination

If you're looking for a backpack and daypack combination that's waterproof, spacious and practical, then we highly recommend the Salkan.

We've conducted a full review on the Salkan backpack and daypack which you can find here , but I seriously feel it's a fantastic investment that will last you a lifetime of travels.

We've been using it for a while now across Canada and the USA and it's totally awesome.



Tropicfeel Shell backpack

Tropicfeel Shell Backpack

What about roll-on luggage.

If you're not really into backpacks, and prefer roll-on luggage, then our top recommendation (based solely off personal experience) would have to be Horizn Studios (read our review of them here ).

They make absolute top quality cases, and in particular I am a big fan of the M5 Smart . It's a little more expensive but comes integrated with a portable charger.

Meaning you can charge your devices on-the-go and while waiting around at airports.

If you're planning on backpacking India, then roll-on luggage might not be the most practical solution, though some people do disagree.

If youre going for more a off a resort-based holiday to India, then it will be spot on!

For more ideas, check out our guide on the best luxury carry-on luggage .

carry-on Horizn Studios

Final thoughts on picking bags for travel to India

If you do plan on travelling as a couple in India, then here’s something to consider.

Less is more.

What do I mean by this?

Well, it means that you probably don’t need to take anywhere near as much with you as you think you would.

When Cazzy and I backpack for a few months or more, we only actually take one larger 70 litre backpack between us and it is plenty.

And as you will see in the rest of this India packing list for backpacking, we take plenty of stuff with us, more than the average travelers.

Partly because of Cazzy’s need for medical supplies (she’s type 1 diabetic) and partly because we work whilst travelling so need a lot of tech.

It’s so much more liberating having just one rucksack between us and is much more convenient overall.

For more backpack ideas, check out my in-depth Solgaard review . These guys offer a full range of backpacks, specifically designed for modern digital nomads who need to carry a mixture of clothes, as well as work gear (like laptops) when travelling.

You might also like: Best Eco-Friendly Bags For Travel

What to pack for India: Travel Essentials

Here’s a look at all the other travel essentials for India that you might need. Feel free to use the buttons below to skip to different sections.

What to wear in India for men

A male India packing list should ideally be made up of light, loose fitting clothes.

For the majority of the places you visit in India, it’s going to be hot and humid, so heavy clothes are just going to leave you feeling exhausted.

That being said, the night-times can have cold weather once the sun goes in, so it’s worth having one pair of jeans and a hoodie with you as a minimum.

Here’s a look at what I packed for India.

  • 2 pairs of swim trunks
  • 1 pair of jorts
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • Lightweight trousers
  • 1 evening shirt - For those nicer restaurants
  • 2 tank tops
  • 1 lightweight rain jacket - If you visit during the monsoon season (June to December) then make sure you have one of these!
  • 1 pair of trainers - I recommend Tropicfeel as a great all round travel trainer for all kinds of weather
  • 1 pair of flip flops - I wore my Reef flip flops wherever possible in India, I love them as they are incredibly robust and well suited for longer walks
  • 5 pairs of trainer socks
  • 1 cap - Essential in helping to keep the hot, mid-day sun off your face
  • 1 pair of sunglasses - You can pick these up really cheap in most parts of India

what to wear in India for men

What to wear in India for women (from Cazzy)

When it comes to packing clothing for India as a woman, you’ll be happy to hear it isn’t overly complicated. 

One thing I would note is that India is bursting with amazing clothing, so I would actually bring less, so that you can purchase some beautiful pieces whilst out there; such as long skirts, or one of a kind dresses and shoes! 

  • 1 shoulder scarf - These are light and airy and perfect for covering up when you’re at certain temples, like the Taj Mahal
  • 1 pair of sunglasses 
  • 1 light rain jacket - I would base this on the season you’re visiting, so if you’re visiting in the dry season, you will not need this
  • 1 pair of flip flops - Essential for the wearing on the beaches in India
  • 4 t-shirts 
  • 2 pairs of shorts 
  • 1 swimming costume - I prefer swimming suits in India, just out of respect for local culture 
  • 3 sun dresses - A must see for when walking around different sites 
  • 1 pair of trainers - Bring just one pair of shoes for India; I recommend either Skechers or Tropicfeel . Any other shoes you need you can easily buy when in India
  • 5 pairs of trainer socks 
  • 1 long skirt - Either bring one with you, or wait and buy one out in India because they’re beautifully made and very cheap! 
  • 1 pair of light trousers - Great for the evenings in India or if you’re doing some light hiking. I recommend Buddha Pants for a great choice on style, and they're super easy to pack.
  • 1 playsuit or jumpsuit - Perfect for jazzing up an outfit for the evening if you’re somewhere special 
  • 1 light jacket - Perfect for long train journeys, internal flights and if you pick up a sea breeze in the evening

what to wear in India female

Washing clothes in India

Getting your clothes washed in India is pretty easy, and you’ll find places to help you out in all major tourist areas.

In fact, the hostels and hotels themselves usually offer a cheap and easy service, and you can have your clothes back within a day.

First aid kit

For all of our travels, we always pack a straightforward first aid kit, just in case of minor emergencies. Here’s what we took with us to India:

  • Diarrhoea kit - Essential for India where many people suffer from the dreaded “Delhi Belly” which wasn’t an issue for us, yay!
  • Paracetamol
  • Scissors/nail clippers
  • Moleskin tape
  • Needles and thread
  • Bandages & tape
  • Antiseptic cream
  • Travel sickness tablets - Great for all those long bus and train journeys through India where it's easy to get travel sick

Complete first aid kit

Ready-made travel first aid kit

If you don’t yet own a travel first aid kit, then here’s a good option to buy.

It contains the majority of what you need and you can then just add in any other items you want to take with you.

Plus, it’s small enough to tuck away in your backpack and not take up much space.

You can pick up any toiletries you need when in India, but the exact products you are used to back home might be hard to find or a lot more expensive than what they would usually be as they are imported.

That’s why one of my top India packing tips would be to buy a full set of your toiletries before you leave, and these should last you for at least a good few weeks of your trip.

I wouldn’t take much more than that as then you’re just asking for trouble with some sort of unwanted liquids explosion in your luggage!

  • Wash bag - Buy one ( like this ) that has a handle on it. Many bathrooms in Indian hotels and hostels are cramped with nowhere to set them, but having a handle makes your life a LOT easier!
  • 2 x toothbrush 
  • 2 toothbrush travel container
  • Men’s deodorant
  • Women’s deodorant
  • Shampoo & conditioner 2 in 1
  • Dry shampoo
  • Disposable razors
  • Shaving foam
  • Electric razor
  • Small perfume
  • Small aftershave
  • Toilet paper - It’s worth keeping a spare toilet roll on your when travelling through India, as many public toilets won’t have any

Travel Banking

When people sort out what to pack when travelling to India, they rarely give enough thought to how they’re actually going to get the best value for money when there.

Well, a key part of packing for any trip should include which travel cards you decide to take with you.

These will allow you to get the most bang for your buck when abroad and make the most of the money you have worked so hard to save for travelling .

It’s also important to make sure that you have enough travel cards so that, just in case you lose one or have something stolen, then you have backups.

When we travel, we have 4.

  • 2 live in my wallet
  • 1 lives in my big rucksack
  • 1 lives in Cazzy’s big rucksack or day bag

That way, if one bag goes missing, or my wallet gets stolen, then we have some way of withdrawing and spending money.

What are the best banks in India?

India is the only country we have visited where we have had issues withdrawing money.

Despite there being so many different banks, very few actually seemed to allow us to withdraw money, which ended up being an issue in Goa in particular.

I had to ride on the back of our hotel owners moped for about an hour, visiting every ATM in the area and finding none that would work!

Outside of Goa, the best and most reliable bank that we found for withdrawals was Bank of Baroda.

Which travel cards do we use?

Nowadays, there are so many great solutions out there that you need to find yourself an option with the best possible currency conversions and limited charges on ATM withdrawals.

We have trialled a number of different solutions over the years and the two favorites we have come down to are Monzo and Revolut .

We’ve used these guys since the start and, if you’re from the UK then I recommend these above all other options.

If you’re from the USA, then check their sites as they are both either live or set to launch very soon abroad.

For more information, check out this guide I put together: Monzo vs Revolut .

It also includes details about the other options available to you.

To get started with either of these, all you do is download the app, enter some basic details and order your free travel cards.

  • Find Monzo here: Apple / Android
  • Find Revolut here: Apple / Android

India lake at sunset

Important Documents

There are a number of key documents you will need to include as a part of your packing list for India; including ...

  • Wallet to hold important documents - This is one of my favourite travel tips and a great way to keep all important documents together and organised. Particularly important if your trip lasts a few months and there’s lots of pieces of paper that could easily get lost
  • Driving license and international driving permit - One of the best ways to get around in India is by moped, particularly when out and about exploring the areas around cities like Udaipur . To hire a moped (or a car) you’ll need your home driving license as well as an international driving permit. If you’re from the UK, then you can get this from The Post Office , be sure to sort it at least a few weeks before you’re set to depart.
  • Copy of your passport and travel insurance - It’s always useful to keep a photocopy of your passport and travel insurance on you when travelling
  • Copy of your vaccinations - When entering India, the officials may require you to show proof of having certain vaccinations. It all depends on which country you come from; but as we visit so many countries, we always keep a copy of this with us
  • Print out of your travel insurance - If ever you do have an accident and need medical treatment abroad, it's extremely useful to have a printed copy of your travel insurance, with detailed notes of what you are covered for and to what level
  • Travel insurance - You will definitely need travel insurance for India! For that matter, you should have travel insurance for any country. You never know what will go wrong and the cost of treatment without insurance can easily enter the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you’re from the US, then SafetyWing is known for providing good value travel insurance with solid coverage. If you’re from the UK, then they may be too expensive and it’s best to start your search with a tool like Compare The Market. Be sure to check the terms & conditions before buying. For example, I could only find one insurer able to offer me insurance for trips of up to 90 days, most only cover you for trips up to 2 or 3 weeks.

Cameras & other tech

As mentioned earlier, we tend to take more travel tech with us than the average traveller.

Probably because we work whilst travelling and are always looking to create great content to share on the blog!

Here’s a look at the cameras and other equipment that we packed for India.

Nikon D780

If you want to capture the best quality travel pictures possible in India, then a DSLR is what you need. When combined with a variety of lenses ( like this one ), you have the ability to create some epic shots, especially as your skills and understanding get better. Our skills with our DSLR are slowly getting better and we try to practice more and more as we go. heck out our latest lens guides for more tips: Sony a7 / Sony a7ii / Sony a7iii / Sony a7riii / Sony a6000 / Sony a6300 / Sony a6400 / Sony a6500 / Sony a6600 / Sony z6 / Canon M50 / Canon 80D / Canon 90D / Canon 6D Mark II / Panasonic GH5 / Nikon D750 / Nikon D850 / Nikon D3100 / Nikon D3200 / Nikon D3300 / Nikon D3400 / Nikon D3500 / Nikon D5600

G7 X Mark II

Handheld video camera

We used our Canon video camera everywhere we went in India, and it’s perfect for capturing really high quality pictures, video and sound no matter where you are. Best of all, it’s lightweight and far less bulky than a DSLR camera . So when we were out on day trips around places like Pushkar , with just a daybag, it was essential in capturing all the gorgeous photos you see on our India travel blog posts . For more ideas, check out this guide on best blogging cameras . They work just as well for non bloggers too!

GoPro Hero 8

Underwater camera / action camera

We’ve tried a few action cameras in recent years, but none compare to the GoPro Hero 8 which is a truly revolutionary and awesome piece of kit. In particular, the auto-stabilisation feature means that you can pick up smooth footage no matter what. It also has much-improved sound quality and is far less bulky than any other decent action cameras on the market. If you don't want to splash the cash on a GoPro, then there are some much cheaper GoPro alternatives out there which don't cost near as much and still have many of the same great features.

DJI Mavic Mini

When we travelled to India in 2018, we did take our travel drone with us, however we didn’t use it. The reason was that it was illegal to fly them there without having the right permit. It appears that many of those restrictions have now lifted , so you may want to take yours with you and actually use it! If a top drone from DJI is a littler too expensive for your budget, check out this guide we published on the best DJI alternatives currently available.

Other Gadgets we travel with

business trip to india what to wear

Staying healthy in India

Before visiting India, it is worth picking up a few key items to help make sure you stay safe.

In particular the biggest issues you could face in India include the incredibly hot sun, mosquitos and the dreaded “Delhi Belly”.

  • Antimalarials - Mosquitos are present in different parts of India at different times of the year. To find out if you are at risk during your visit, it’s best to visit your local travel doctor before leaving your home country.
  • Mosquito repellent spray - Bug spray is very useful for keeping all manner of bugs away in the evening. It can be expensive to buy in India, so best to pack it before you leave home.
  • Plug in mosquito deterrent - If you are particularly worried about mosquitos or other bugs getting you whilst you sleep, then a plug-in deterrent is a great way to keep the little blighters at bay. You simply plug it into the wall where it emits a high pitch noise, that you can’t hear but which the bugs can.
  • Sunscreen - Temperatures throughout India regularly exceed 30 and sometimes even 40 Degrees Celsius . It's important that you have suitable sunscreen to help protect you against the worst of the rays. It’s best to pick up a couple of bottles before you fly there as finding good quality sunscreen for a low price can be challenging when in India.
  • Diarrhoea kit - I already mentioned this earlier in the packing list but it’s well worth including again here. The risk of getting sick from eating food in India is relatively high, especially if eating cheaper food from local street vendors. We never suffered with this in India but we certainly did when in Thailand ! Our diarrhoea kit was a vital piece of kit that helped us through.
  • TSA Approved Travel Padlock - Take at least one, so that you can keep your main rucksack safely secured whenever it’s not in your sight. Particularly useful for flights as well as bus and train journeys. Be sure to get a TSA approved travel lock.

Miscellaneous things to pack for India

Here’s a few other pieces of travel gear for India that you may want to add to your own packing list ...

  • Fold down coffee mug - If you love your coffee (like Cazzy!) then having your own mug is a great way to take coffee on the go and cut back on using paper cups. A fold down one is best as it allows you to pack it away in your bag with minimum space being used.
  • Multivitamins - We like to take these travelling with us, just to make sure we get our necessary amount of vitamins and minerals each day. It’s definitely one of the best things to take travelling to India, as you may find that you end up eating much of the same food every day which doesn’t necessarily give you all you need.
  • International Travel Adaptor - In India you will find 3 types of adaptors: Type C, Type D & Type M. My best advice would be to pick up an international travel adaptor which will have you covered for all future backpacking destinations .
  • Pin to open sim card hole in phone - By getting a local sim card in India, you can stay connected to data no matter where you are. But to change your sim you’ll ideally need one of the special tools to open the socket where they are held in your phone. I always keep a metal one in my wallet that is useful all around the world.
  • Dry bag - If you plan on heading out onto the water in India, then a dry bag is useful for keeping your stuff safe and dry.
  • Quick drying towel - There is no need to take a large towel with you to India as all hotels seem to offer them inclusive with your stay. Of course, if you’re staying in hostels then you’ll need your own, but a quick drying towel is still best. You can use it for day trips when out and about and it can dry quickly on the end of your bed when not in use.
  • Playing cards
  • Hand sanitiser - It’s a good idea to clean your hands regularly and before eating so as to avoid getting unnecessarily sick

female tourist India dress code

What NOT to pack for India!

Here’s a few things that you should not add to your India packing list ...

  • Water purifier - The only time you’ll need one of these is if you plan to go off hiking in the wilderness. Everywhere else you can pick up bottled water that is perfectly safe for you to drink.
  • Sleeping bag - Again, only necessary for camping, and not needed for staying in hostels.
  • Tonnes of clothes - India is one of the best countries in the world for picking up cheap clothes. Best of all, they are of great quality. Cazzy picked up a few dresses in Jodhpur that she still uses more than 2 years on; they look fantastic and cost less than $4 each. You can also pick up knock-off branded products that are the same quality as the real thing but at a fraction of a price. I bought a new wallet in Jaipur and it’s still going strong more than 2 years later. These markets are located in most major cities.
  • Lots of valuables - Theft can be common in India, especially if strolling through busy cities like Mumbai with cameras, money and jewellery on show. Instead, only take what you really need. If you do have to carry more, pick up a quality anti-theft bag to help better secure your valuables.

Other items to add to your India packing list

Here’s a few other awesome things to pack for your India trip that we didn’t take personally, but you may want to.

  • Binoculars - If you plan on going on safari anywhere and trying to spot wildlife, then be sure to pack some binoculars.
  • Travel pillow - Great for all those long bus and train journeys throughout India. Personally, we don’t take these as they’re just too bulky and take up more space than we think they’re worth.
  • Packing cubes - We WISH we had taken these to India!
  • Physical books/travel guides - To help save space, you can pick up downloadable travel guides from Lonely Planet and Rough Guides and access these through your phone. Or, if you do like physical guide books then you’ll find that most hostels and hotels have a copy of these that you can borrow and read.
  • Ear plugs - If you’re a light sleeper and plan on staying in a lot of hostels, then definitely get some of these.
  • Waterproof phone case - If you’re going to be in the water a lot and want to snap some cool photos, then one of these is a must have travel item for india
  • Mosquito net - We don’t travel with one of these, but if you’re heading to areas with lots of mosquitoes and don’t think your accommodation is very high quality, then these might be necessary.
  • Kindle - I love reading when travelling, and use the Kindle App on my phone. But having a Kindle could be a good way to go if you want a bigger screen.
  • Hiking boots - Only if you plan on doing enough hiking to warrant them. They do take up a LOT of space in your backpack.
  • Selfie stick
  • Bluetooth speaker
  • Underwater dome for GoPro - These look so cool and we wish we had one when out exploring the beaches of Goa !
  • Buff - This is a really versatile piece of kit to have with you, and many travellers won’t go anywhere without one.

exploring Jaipur India

Top tips on what to bring to India

Remember, it gets hot there.

It’s hot in most parts of India almost all year, so light clothing is the ideal way to go. Also, be sure to take anything you think necessary in helping to protect you from the sun; including sun lotion, hats and glasses.

Keep asking yourself “do I really need this?”

I love how travelling for long periods of time forces you to become more minimalist and only pack what you need. So when packing for India, regularly ask yourself if everything you’re planning on taking is strictly necessary. Remember, almost everything can be bought cheaply out there so, just in case you do need something, you can always pick it up when there.

Don’t take any risks

You’re going to face a few health risks travelling in India, including malaria and the chance of picking up a range of other diseases. So take precautions by visiting your travel doctor well before your trip and getting their advice on how to best stay safe . This will require, not only getting malaria tablets, but also getting a range of other injections prior to travelling. They can also advise you on any other necessary medications to take to India.

Well, that’s just about everything we packed for India.

As well as answering all of your burning questions, you should now know what to pack for a trip to India!

Is there something that you think we forgot and that you’d add to your own India packing list?

Great! Drop me a comment below and let me know!

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From Here to India

  • Travel Tips & Packing

What to Wear in India: A Comprehensive Guide for Travelers

Trying to decide what to wear in India? This comprehensive guide covers all you need to know to navigate the culture and climates in style!

What to wear in India

India is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL and diverse country to explore! Given the different cultures and climates across the country, it can be difficult to know what to wear in India. This post is meant to help you understand what will work best for your trip and ease the stresses of packing!

What to wear in India will depend a lot on where you are traveling within the country. I’ll share tips for whether you’re traveling in the north, south, big cities or villages – and also what kind of weather to expect for all of them.

So many people have questions about what to pack and what to wear in India. It’s a totally different culture and of course you want to be respectful. But honestly, it’s hard to know what to really expect just by what you see online.

When I first moved to India in 2017, I ended up bringing a lot of clothes that I didn’t even end up wearing! It was so difficult to know what to expect and I wanted to be appropriate. Now that I’ve lived in the country and been traveling around for the past 7 years, I have a lot of tips I want to share for first-time travelers!

This post is all about what to wear in India.

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What to Wear in India for Travelers

There is so much to unpack when talking about what to wear in India! This post gives advice related to culture, climates, men’s vs women’s clothing, footwear, swimwear, accessories and tips.

Considering Culture When Deciding What to Wear in India

You do not have to wear Indian clothes when you travel in India! Many Indians dress in western clothes, especially in larger cities. Where you’re traveling will determine a lot of what you wear, but overall it is true that culturally people dress more conservatively than in western countries.

mens clothes for india

What to Wear in Big Cities VS Small Towns

If you’re traveling to a big city like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, etc., it’s totally appropriate to wear western clothes. While you won’t often find people out in shorts and low-cut tank tops, big cities tend to be more progressive. When it comes to nightlife and going out, you’ll find many girls wearing dresses or more revealing clothing when in big cities.

When traveling outside big cities, you should expect to dress modestly. Pants or long skirts with a shirt that covers your shoulders is best. Avoid super tight fitting clothing and low-cut shirts for women. 

One exception for all of these suggestions is if you’re traveling to Goa. Goa is the one place in India I’ve been to where women are in bikinis and shorts/tanks and it’s totally normal. There are a lot of foreigners who travel there so the expectations are a bit different. Albeit, if you go to a really uncommon beach in Goa where there’s not foreigners, then expect it to be more modest.

Overall, you should expect to dress modestly and see Indian people dressing modestly, even in western wear. You can dress a little more freely in big cities though.

Religious Sites

If you’re going to a temple or religious site in India, you need to dress modestly. Wear pants which cover your legs (even men shouldn’t wear shorts) and shirts which cover your shoulders. Avoid anything too skin-tight too.

Many women wear a scarf which isn’t required, but I always suggest for women to travel with one because you never know when it can come in handy! Just wearing it around your shoulders to cover your chest is also very normal.

You should also be prepared to remove your shoes whenever you go near a temple or religious site. So, if you’re planning to see a lot of them, you may want to pack shoes which are easy to remove. 

Traditional Events – Weddings, Religious Ceremonies, Festivals

India is fulllllll of rich traditions throughout the country! When it comes to traditional celebrations like weddings or festivals, it’s common for people to also wear traditional Indian clothes. While it’s still okay to wear western clothes if you’re a tourist traveling during a holiday like Diwali, weddings are definitely a time to wear traditional clothes!

Dressing in traditional clothes is actually a lot of fun. I’ll talk more about what’s appropriate for men and women to wear when it comes to Indian clothes later in this post. But, if you’re interested in getting some traditional wear, I highly encourage you to enjoy it!

What to Wear in India’s Different Climates & Regions

India’s climate varies from the snow-capped Himalayas in the north to the sun-drenched beaches of the south. Similarly, its cultural landscape is just as varied, with traditional attire changing from one region to another. All these aspects can play a role in deciding what to wear in India!

Summer Essentials

India can get HOT! The summer hits most of the country between the end of March – beginning of June. If you are traveling in the south or central part of the country (basically just not the mountains), it gets seriously warm. 

Lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen are perfect for the summertime. Loose-fitting clothing can also help you stay cool and is in line with modest dressing norms.

In the mountains, it can still get warm, but naturally the further into the mountains you are the cooler it will be.

Monsoon Must-Haves

The monsoon season brings heavy rains, especially in the coastal regions. Monsoon varies by each state, but generally it falls between June-October. In many places, it’s not just rain every few days. Expect all-day, every-day rain!

Waterproof footwear and a sturdy umbrella are absolute must-haves. It will also help to have quick-dry clothing because chances are you’re bound to get wet at some point. I always carry a light rain jacket when I travel during monsoon season.

Winter Wardrobe for Northern VS Southern India

Northern India experiences COLD winters. You’ll need to wear layers, coats and warm clothing. It will also be snowy in the mountains, so be prepared. Depending how far north you travel, you may want to carry hats, gloves and scarves as well.

In contrast, southern India remains relatively warm, where light sweaters or shawls suffice for cooler evenings. If you are traveling from a colder country, it will honestly still just feel hot for you most likely! But it does feel relatively cooler especially in the evenings.

Regional Differences

If you are a tourist traveling around India, you’ll be fine wearing western wear anywhere you go. But you might notice some differences in the Indian wear you see! Styles vary by every state and region when it comes to traditional clothing, so try to observe what you notice to learn more.

Women’s VS Men’s Clothing

what to wear in india female

What to Wear in India for Female Travelers

When it comes to women’s clothing, modest western wear is the best option for travelers. Wear pants, long skirts, or long dresses and avoid low-cut tops. If you’re traveling outside a major city, it’s best to wear something that also covers your shoulders.

When living in Mumbai, my go-to outfit was jeans and a tank top. Big cities tend to be more progressive, but it’s still rare to see women in shorts. Overall, no matter where you travel in India, expect to wear something that covers your legs and chest. Otherwise just be prepared for lots of staring!

My absolute essential item when traveling in India is a scarf! It’s super easy to throw on over any shirt and makes it more modest, mostly because it hides your chest. Many women wear scarves even with western wear across India.

Traditional Indian Women’s Clothing

If you’re interested in wearing traditional clothing or have a special event to attend, you can definitely try them out! Common daily wear can be a salwar kameez or kurti, which is a longer top with bottoms. You can also find dressy ones for special events. You should also wear a dupatta, which is an Indian women’s scarf.

Sarees are also traditionally worn. I would only suggest this if you are attending a wedding or traditional function, otherwise it’s kind of laughable to see a tourist in that. You can buy ready-made ones that you don’t have to learn to tie.

While it’s not expected for tourists to dress in Indian clothes while traveling, it can be a cute thing in smaller cities. If you’re really interested then absolutely go for it! If you are indifferent, I would suggest that it’s not needed. You’ll get a lot of stares and people will surely love to see you in traditional wear, but you’ll also stand out as a tourist.

What to Wear in India for Male Travelers

Doesn’t it always seem that men have it easier when it comes to clothes? Haha, well that’s how I feel at least! It’s totally appropriate for men to wear western clothes. Shorts are not very common among Indian men, but it is okay if you wear them unless you are visiting a temple. A typical outfit will be pants and a t-shirt or shirt. Tank tops are not very common either but likewise, acceptable.

For business, a button up shirt and dress pants are appropriate with a tie, as well as a suit if it’s that dressy. Western business clothes are completely acceptable and common. Unless suggested otherwise by your employer, you don’t need to wear anything traditional.

Traditional Indian Men’s Clothing

There is no need for men to wear traditional clothing unless you’re attending a wedding or special event that requires it. Look for kurta pajamas which are made up of a longer shirt and loose pants. Honestly, it’s pretty simple being a guy!

Naturally, depending on where and when you travel in India you’ll need to dress for the weather. In warmer places, it’s common to wear easy-to-remove footwear daily. Many places will require you to remove your shoes if you go indoors, like if you’re visiting someone’s home or a temple. With the weather and that in mind, sandals are a practical choice for men and women.

On a side note, flip-flops are not regarded as nice shoes and you won’t find people out wearing them. Not that they are high class fashion pieces in western countries either, just know that it’s not really typical to see people out in them around major cities.

It’s also important to just dress comfortably! If you know you’ll be walking a lot, take a good pair of shoes that will make you feel nice. You’d rather be comfortable than have aching feet while traveling!

india packing list


As I mentioned, a scarf is my biggest recommendation for ladies! It’s easy to add to any outfit and is perfect for when you need to look a bit more modest.

If you’re interested in Indian fashion, you’ll definitely want to check out some bangles or jewelry! I love buying earrings when I travel to different places in India, but I suppose it’s a personal preference what kind of accessories you like! Jhumka is a popular style of earring if you’re interested in getting something with an Indian touch.

Unless you are traveling to Goa, leave the bikinis behind! When I’m talking about swimwear, it’s mostly important for women. As usual, men have it easy and are fine in any shorts. 

Swimwear is very modest when you travel around India. In fact, most places you go you will just see women in their regular clothes for swimming in the ocean or in nature (it seems so impractical to me, but it is what it is!). Usually when I travel, I bring capri yoga leggings and a quick dry t-shirt for my swimwear. I recommend quick dry clothes that cover all the main portions of your body.

If you are traveling to a hotel or resort where there’s a shared pool, you can definitely wear a real swimsuit. I suggest opting for a one piece or something as modest as you can find (avoid lots of cleavage). 

Of course, if you prefer to wear your bikini or any other swimwear, there’s not any rules or anything against it. Just be prepared that there will be A LOT of stares from men, and personally I find that uncomfortable.

The only exception that I know of regarding swimwear is Goa! Since so many foreigners travel to Goa, it’s common to see women in bikinis and shorts if you’re at a popular beach.

Shopping for Clothes in India

There are a ton of different shopping experiences you can find across India. You can shop from street markets (remember to bargain!) to high-end boutiques. It’s also easy to find traditional and western clothing.

If you’re interested in clothing that is western but has an Indian flare, I recommend checking out Fabindia ! It’s a chain store that you can find all over, but they have really nice quality clothes with natural materials and dyes. It’s a bit pricey but it’s my favorite place to shop for anything with an Indian twist.

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Travel Guide to India: Everything You Need to Know to for a Great Vacation!

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21 Unique Travel Accessories You Didn’t Know You Needed Until Now

What to wear in India depends a lot on where you are traveling, the time of year and your personal style! Leave a comment if you have any questions and wishing you all the best for your journey (:

This post was all about what to wear in India.

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Your Essential Packing List

Suggested Packing List for India

What to Bring and What to Leave Behind

business trip to india what to wear

Nina Dietzel/Getty Images

India is a developing country with conservative dress standards. Therefore it's important that you take time to consider what to bring to India. Here are some suggestions for your packing list. If you'll be visiting India during the monsoon season , check out this special monsoon season packing list for India as well.

Read more about nine essential items to include on your India packing list.

The type of luggage best suited for travel to India really depends on your itinerary. If you only plan to visit major cities and don't intend to do much walking, a suitcase is fine. However, roads and pavements are often dirty and in poor condition. Also keep in mind that the lanes in some cities, such as Jodhpur and Varanasi, are so narrow that vehicles can't fit down them. Therefore, if you intend to travel a lot on foot and go off the beaten path, a backpack is better. For sightseeing during the day, it's a good idea to carry a daypack, or other sturdy bag that can't be easily opened or accessed by pickpockets. Make sure it's big enough to fit in all your essentials, including water.

Visitors often prefer to shop for clothes in India, as they like to adopt a more local way of dressing and clothes can be purchased very cheaply. Major cities such as Mumbai and Delhi are fast becoming very westernized though and you'll see people wearing jeans, t-shirts, and even short skirts. In smaller cities and villages, people still dress conservatively.

In general, the most important rule for both ladies and men is to keep your legs and shoulders covered. However, it's okay for women to show shoulders and for men to wear shorts in large cities and beach locations such as Goa. In nightclubs, western dress standards of jeans and a top (or dress) for girls, and jeans and a t-shirt or shirt for guys, apply.

For ladies, bring long skirts, long dresses, long pants, and jeans. Wearing an Indian top such as a kurta over jeans is an easy, fuss-free combination for travel. Unless you're heading to Goa or plan on hitting the clubs, leave items such as strapless tops, spaghetti strap tops, and crop tops behind. Yes, you will see Indian women's bellies on display when they're dressed in saris but that's traditional attire. It's very different. Avoid wearing tight tops and wear a scarf or shawl to cover your breasts.

For men, short-sleeved shirts are more respectful than t-shirts, although t-shirts are fine.

Does it really matter what you wear in India? If you don't follow conservative dress standards, it's likely that no one will say anything. It comes down to how much you want to be respected though. Indian men are much more likely to harass and photograph women who are not appropriately covered up, as they perceive them to be of loose or immoral character.

Footwear is another thing that can be bought very cheaply in India. Markets abound with shoes in all different colors and designs. You get what you pay for though, so make sure you bring a sturdy and comfortable pair of walking shoes, sneakers or sandals. If you intend to go out in the evenings, bring a pair of dress shoes as well. The rest you can easily get along the way.

Should you wear open or closed-toed shoes? It largely depends on personal preference. Some people favor closed-toed shoes because they don't want to expose their feet to unsanitary conditions . However, if the weather will be hot, your feet may get uncomfortable and sweaty. In addition, you will be required to remove your footwear often in India. Wearing shoes without laces will reduce the hassle.

Credit cards are widely accepted in major cities and tourist attractions in India. ATM machines can also be found in most places, including in small towns and airports. You can simply withdraw rupees from an ATM in the airport terminal when you arrive. However, when using ATMs, be aware that many do charge service fees additional to any fees charged by your bank. Tickets at many tourist sites can be paid for in US dollars if you have the exact change, so do carry some US currency with you in small denominations.

Medicines for specific ailments, with similar active ingredients to what are found overseas, are available in India. The problem is figuring out the brand names and making the pharmacist understand what you're after. Therefore, you should bring an adequate supply of whatever medicines you usually need. Common items such as Vitamin C and acetaminophen (a standard pain killer) are not difficult to purchase from a pharmacy. However, problems may still be encountered as, for example, acetaminophen is known as paracetamol in India. Therefore it also helps if you describe your symptoms, such as headache or stomach ache, to the pharmacist. Indian pharmacies will supply antibiotics and many other drugs without a prescription. This is no longer the case for sleeping tablets or sedatives though. Pharmacists in some areas, such as south India, are also becoming stricter about the types of drugs they'll issue without a prescription. Hence, it's a good idea to bring your prescriptions with you.

Personal Care Items

Amy Whitt/Getty Images

Shampoo, conditioner, moisturizers, razors, deodorant, condoms, and sanitary napkins and pads are all readily available in India. You'll have to search to get roll-on antiperspirant and tampons outside major cities, but they can be found. The tampons don't usually come with applicators through. Bring mosquito repellent with you, as western brands tend to be stronger and more effective than the Indian ones. It's also a good idea to pack sunscreen and your favorite hair products. The range of gels and hair sprays is limited, and hair wax is virtually non-existent, outside major cities.

Other Useful Items

Anti-bacterial and wet wipes are extremely useful for many situations. A torch or flashlight, sunglasses, hat, padlock and chain (to secure your luggage on trains), toilet paper, earplugs, and sleeping bag liner also come in handy. If you wish to use any electronic devices from the United States, you may need a voltage converter and plug adapter. People coming from countries with 230V currency, such as Australia and the UK, only require a plug adapter for their appliances. In addition, it's highly recommended that you bring a couple of books. You'll find yourself waiting around a lot in India (the concept of time and punctuality is much different to the west) and reading material is invaluable. Many guesthouses also have a collection of books and will allow swapping. A good India guidebook can be helpful too.

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business trip to india what to wear

What To Wear In India - Essential Packing List

As a traveler, the clothes you will pack for a trip should be your best ally in the face of intense or unexpected experiences you can have in an exotic place, and that is exactly what it is all about when we choose distant lands as a travel destination, most likely we will find ourselves with a reality totally different from ours.

So, you should take into account what kind of clothes you should bring and what you simply should leave at home, since it is not enough knowing that is a tropical place to be suitable and above all comfortable. For this reason, the best decision is to take some time to read this India packing list. The first thing you need to take into account about choosing what clothes you should pack to travel to India is:

Describing the general idea about ??a clothing list for visiting the places of India would be a difficult task to achieve, owing to its extensive territory, which is diversified among its places, climate and customs. Understanding these facts, we have designed a summary according to these aspects details.

1. Weather and Places

Indian climate of each city varies according to weather and distance between them. In this sense, a key for determining your packing clothing list is a previous knowledge about which weather will exist during the trip dates. Indian climate can be classified into three seasons, such as:

  • Summer or Pre-monsoon Season (lasting from April/May to late of June) - May usually is the hottest month for northern regions of India whereas April is the hottest month reaching temperatures average around 45°C in western and southern regions. Big cities with urban increase are usually the places with the most suffocating temperatures in contrast the mountainous areas of northern India. There is usually a dry climate with a moderate heat temperature thanks to the near location with Himalayas (cold zone) . Also Read : 35 Best Places to Visit in Summer in India
  • Monsoon or Rainy Season (lasting from July to November) - This season begins after the summer, starting in the country’s southwest which gradually sweeps across the country through heavy rainfall followed by storm clouds. This rainy period is characterized by developing a lot of humidity and heat. The most affected is southern zone because it is nearby to the coast where rains can flood the cities. Frequently, the state of Tamil Nadu which touches the extreme southern tip of Indian peninsula can extend the monsoon period until December. Also Read : Top Ten Places to Visit During Monsoons in India
  • Winter (occurring from beginning of December to end of February) - This period presents a very cold temperature by northern where the snow dominates it, especially in territories which are closer to Himalayas as is the case of Dharamshala or Leh. On the other hand, in the northern plains (Rajasthan) is dominated by a tropical arid and semi-arid climate, although it is usually a dry and very cold weather. In the rest of the territory keeps much warmer than corresponding temperate regions. In fact it is the highest tourist season.

Climate in India

With this classification, you can identify clearly under what climate class you will be according to your travel date . In this way you are able to choose correctly what kind of clothing is suitable for the travel season. But these facts solves only half doubts. Because context, it means, certain places and traditions can demand some clothing conditions, mainly in women’s case (mostly occidental ones), who usually catch most Indians eyes (women, men or children).

This territory was established by a monarchy quite a few rich and ancient where currently is the epicenter of four of the most influential religions in the world as they are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism which play a central and definitive role in the life of this nation and most people presenting in their philosophy, current affair, speak and clothing. Although, most Indian major cities are more tolerant of Western clothing such as shorts, mini-skirts or shirts with bare shoulders. It would be great you should adapt some clothes to Indian context as a sign of respect for their culture.

Culture in India

3. About Temples

In all temples (although some temples do not demand it to you directly) it is advisable to cover your shoulders and head with a Dupatta or any clothes (in the case of the woman) and to walk barefoot in temples (both for men and women). However, it is important to follow the etiquette requirements for entering temples as those of Sikhs and Tamil Nadu, for example- To enter Sikh temples it is necessary to have your legs fully covered, also shoulders and head. But in the case of Tamil Nadu temples, it is imperative to wear traditional clothing such as: Dhoti with traditional top or formal trousers and shirt (for men) and Saree, half Saree or Churidar with top (for women).

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  • Top Places for a Temples Experience in South India
  • Top 10 Temples in Rajasthan you Must Visit

Once read all these facts, bellow we present the following packing clothing list option. So it besides being very useful, you will look very adequate when you get there.

Clothes you Must Pack for India

For any of seasons or places.

  • Pashmina or scarf (you can buy it there but better be sure to bring one)
  • Long loose pajamas
  • Cotton underwear
  • Sandals or shoes easy to doff (to go to the temples)
  • Rubber or hiking shoes (for rural areas)
  • T-shirts or light sweaters (not necklines nor transparencies)
  • Baggy and long pants made of cotton or linen

For Northern Zone in Cold Season

If you are heading to the mountainous areas of northern India , it is advisable to pack:

  • Thermal shirt
  • Long-sleeved shirts in cotton or a material that retains heat
  • Polar fleece
  • Warm sweater
  • Winter boots
  • Hat or balaclava to warm head and ears

For Northern Plains, Central and Southern Zone

If you are going to the sand and camels territory , stay in the capital or you will make a tour of all India in summer or even monsoon time it is advisable to pack:

  • Loose shirts (or sweatshirts) short sleeves or ¾
  • Baggy pants or ¾
  • Baggy churidar (Cotton or linen )
  • Raincoats (for rainy weather)
  • Waterproof boots (for rainy weather)

For Coastal Areas

If you are heading to south for enjoying beaches , it is convenient to take :

  • Dresses or skirts (preferably long)
  • Swimsuit (one piece preferably)
  • Pareos beach
  • Hats or caps

Other Essentials to Pack

  • Scarf or hat ( something to protect the head of the sun )
  • Sheet or fabric to cover ( as a precaution )
  • Mosquito net ( as a precaution )
  • A handkerchief or small towel (as a precaution)

What to Buy in India

Although you are already super equipped for traveling, India will always surprise you. The traditional Indian dresses are part of this magnificent magical place. For this reason, if you want to be into the whole experience of this wonderful destination and also capture spectacular photos dressed as a maharani or a maharaja, we suggest you buy:

  • Saree - There is a great diversity for being practically an Indian cultural symbol. There are Sarees made of cotton, chiffon or linen with hand embroidery on the tips and glassware, as well as spectacular Sarees made on looms.
  • Pashmina - Soft with hand-printed prints by wood blocks stamps.
  • Dupatta - It is a kind of veil which can also put it on the neck as if it were a scarf.
  • Jewelry - Beautiful costumes of large stones with vibrant colors. The Indian jewelry is characterized by very striking designs, as a symbol of abundance and wealth.
  • Dhoti - It is a long rectangular garment made of cotton that men commonly wear, it worms around the waist and to join it passes between the legs, forming a wide and fresh pants, which is very consistent with the warm climate of the area.
  • Kurta - It is a kind of ethnic long tunic of cotton that is usually combined with the Dhoti. This dress can be found in two styles; Angrakha, which is tied in a cross style and jodhpuri, which is the kurta simple style, it is distinguished by its embroidery and patterns. Currently, Kurta is usually worn by both women and men.
  • Salwar kameez - It is a baggy pants (wide) that is tight to ankles, this pants is used mostly in the north mountainous areas. It is commonly worn by both men or women too.
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Taking into account all these suggestions, you will be ready to pack the right and essential in your suitcase or traveling backpack. Remember that each place is a completely different world and the interesting thing about traveling to each one of them is all they can teach you from a different perspective than your own reality.

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business trip to india what to wear

The essential India packing list


Recently updated on July 27th, 2023 at 10:35 am

No need to chase rainbows when you can make sure they’re on your India packing list and you have a firm grip on what to wear and not wear in India . Here’s your opportunity to stand out by adding a kaleidoscope of colour to your India wardrobe, just like your vibrant Indian hosts.

Add a pop of colour to your India packing list

Whether your travels take you to the sacred sites of the Golden Triangle or the swaying palms of Kerala in the south, your travel wardrobe should feature an array of modest yet colourful outfits that will reflect the radiant and rich culture you’re about to discover for yourself.  

They don’t call India a sub-continent for nothing. This sizeable country (the seventh-largest in the world in fact), stretches from the great heights of the Himalayas in the north, to the tropical and wet south.

It goes without saying that what you pack will depend on where you’re travelling to and when, but generally speaking prepare yourself for heat. But that doesn’t mean strappy tops and short shorts should be your go-to options if you want to fit in with the modest locals. 

RELATED CONTENT:   From Rajasthan to Mumbai: An introduction to India   

What to wear in India 

Your India packing list should include modest attire

The rule of thumb for what to wear in India is typically to keep your legs and shoulders covered. This is especially the case when visiting smaller cities, villages, religious or spiritual grounds and temples.  

Of course, there are some exceptions in larger cities, but you’ll find that it’s also practical to keep your legs and shoulders covered to protect your skin from the searing sun. Beat the heat by wearing loose-fitting clothes, preferably natural fibres which are quick to dry. 

If you choose to add a strapless top or shorts to your India packing list, make sure you’ve included a light button-down shirt and sarong in your bag which you can throw on if it gets too unbearable, or you need to cover up because you’re visiting a religious site. It’s important to note that you have to cover your shoulders and knees when visiting temples, whether you’re male or female. 

Your India Trip Planner and packing list should include modest attire

Resist the urge to fill up your India packing list with an outfit for every day as you’ll want to stock up on some local favourites, which are very affordable and will be a great reminder of your epic journey through India. Even if you’re not a keen shopper, you’ll be thrilled with the addition of a stylish and comfortable  kurta  (tunic)   or perhaps a colourful  sari  to your wardrobe.       

EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF :  Uncover India: Delhi to Kerala  

What not to wear in India 

Include cultural experiences on your India trip planner

Leave behind anything tight, revealing or expensive. Not only will the inappropriate attire attract unwanted attention, but the climate in India also isn’t forgiving of anything that clings to the skin. If you are planning on wearing tight-fitting trousers like leggings, make sure you’re wearing a long shirt and avoid anything that shows cleavage, shoulders and knees.  

Also remove high heels from your India packing list. You’ll need comfortable shoes such as sandals that absorb moisture and provide sufficient support for the walking you’re likely to do. You’ll also be grateful for footwear that is easy to slip on or off when you’re visiting holy sites which require you to remove your shoes before entering.  

Dress modestly at religious sites

Lastly, and although this bit of advice on what not to wear in India isn’t mandatory, you’ll fit right in if you follow it. Don’t be afraid of adding a pop of colour before you zip your luggage up. The locals love bright colours, so beige is out and bright pink is in.    

RELATED CONTENT :  9 reasons why you’ll fall in love with the culture in India    

Your India Packing List 

Scarf  .

Don’t pack one, pack two! You’ll be glad you have a spare at all times whether you use it to cover your shoulders when entering religious sites, shielding your face from the dust or simply to keep you covered when the sun sets and it gets chilly.  

Water bottle with filter  

India’s tap water is certainly not drinkable and you’ll need to stay hydrated in such a hot climate. Don’t leave home without a water bottle that has a filter so that you can drink the local tap water with peace of mind and of course, help to keep your environmental footprint low.  

Over-the-Counter Medication  

Make sure you’ve added over-the-counter medication to your India packing list, such as painkillers and charcoal tablets for the dreaded Delhi Belly, plus rehydration sachets should you get sick.    

Small towel, hand wipes, tissues and hand sanitiser  

Don’t get caught in a public restroom without access to toilet paper, soap and paper towels. Nip that in the bud by adding tissues and hand wipes to your India trip planner so you can navigate India’s sometimes unhygienic public spaces with peace of mind. 

Sensory support  

India Holi Festival - Trip Planner

You may well want to experience the full-on sensory experience that India delivers without dulling these. But, if it does get too much, you’ll be grateful you packed your earplugs, noise-cancelling headphones and sunglasses to take the edge off, even if just for a short time-out.  

Your India trip planner is complete. All that’s left is to double-check that your packing list is intact and start dreaming about your epic trip. Tell us in the comments below what you’re most looking forward to seeing. We’d love to hear from you!  


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What to Wear in India – The ultimate guide for travelling in India

Whether it’s your first time travelling to India or your first time leaving your hometown to travel within India, what to pack has always been… Read More

Last Updated on November 23, 2023

Whether it’s your first time travelling to India or your first time leaving your hometown to travel within India, what to pack has always been a challenging question. One of the most common doubts is what to wear in India. This subcontinent has various cultural traditions and norms, and it is essential to respect these norms. Besides that, India is a vast, diverse country, with different weather conditions across the region at the same time of the year. Taking culture and weather into account, dressing styles vary across different regions. What you wear in the South, in the month of June. would be entirely different from what you would wear in the Northeast. So, if you’re wondering how to dress for travelling in India, look no further.

what to wear in India - Packing essentials

Table of Contents


Urban india.

Every region in India has it’s own distinct cultural norms and traditions. Not to mention, terrain and weather conditions. So when you plan your trip, decide which parts of India you wish to visit. Metropolitan cities like Mumbai are certainly a good place to start, where the clothing can include jeans or loose pants and a light cotton shirt. You’ll find places like Mumbai, New Delhi or Goa to be less conservative. Being metropolitan cities, the locals are open minded and well versed with international trends. So your usual wardrobe won’t attract much attention in these regions.

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What to wear in urban India


As you travel into the interiors of the country, the attire becomes more traditional and modest. In order to blend in, it would be best to dress in a slightly more conservative manner. Women are expected to abide by several more cultural norms as opposed to men. This would include wearing clothing that is loose, with tops that cover the shoulders and bottoms that are knee length or below. As for men, shorts should be avoided, especially while visiting places of religious significance. One of the most handy tips is to keep a scarf along with you at all times. If you’re travelling up North, it’ll be cooler and less humid, so make sure you layer up with a thermal, jacket, and a scarf.

See Also: Navigating the Best of North India

One of the most comfortable attires to resort to, for women travelling in India, is light cotton pants paired with a long kurti. No matter which part of the country you are in, this is one outfit that will always be an appropriate choice of clothing. It’s comfortable, light and will help you blend in just right, thus avoiding any unwanted attention. At religious sights the dress code is more conservative. Men and women are expected to have their legs and shoulders covered and sometimes even their head, thus the scarf! If you’re uncertain as to what to wear in India, travel light and simply purchase a few outfits from local stores once you arrive in the country. 

Must Read: Tips for solo female travellers in India

business trip to india what to wear

TRAVEL TIPS on how to dress in india

Seasonal clothing requirements.

The time of the year you decide to visit is paramount while determining what to wear in India. If you are travelling to India during the winter season, be sure to carry a warm jacket. Don’t be fooled by the sunny brochures. The temperatures drop considerably in December, especially in the Northern region. Fleece jackets are a good bet. However, if it’s summer you’re looking at, you want to carry breathable, lightweight shirts, long dresses and loose pants. Cottons are best for summer heat in India. Beach destinations like Goa, Gokarna, Pondicherry, are fairly relaxed when it comes to attire. Here, you can freely walk around in shorts, and wear swimsuits to the beach. One season to watch out for is the monsoon. It’ll be wet, soggy and humid for the most part. So you’ll need clothes that dry quickly, a pair of sturdy anti-slip shoes, less-maintenance outfits and a raincoat. 

Explore More: Tips for US Travelers Visiting India


Being a tropical country, India experiences a mix of  rainy, hot and humid, and cold and dry weather. Since it is such a large country, with weather varies depending on the region. Be sure to check the weather conditions while deciding what to wear in India and pack accordingly. Some monsoons can be exceptionally heavier than others and some hilly regions can turn out to be warm. A quick weather forecast around your travel dates will help you decide which clothes and accessories to pack. In any case, pack a hat, dupatta or scarf, walking shoes, a pair of shades, a light jacket and a good moisturiser, wherever you go.

Must Read: Best Time to Visit India


India is a land of all kinds of festivals, whether they’re religious, food-related, seasonal, musical and even matrimonial! An Indian wedding is a sight to behold. So it’s a good idea to pack for at least one such occasion, should you be invited or inclined to attend! It’s important to wear modest clothing at such events out of respect for the locals, i.e. clothes that cover your body from neck to below the knees. A kurta-churidar set (loose collarless long shirt, with ankle-length leggingS) for men and salwar-kurtis for women should do just fine. But if you really want to dive into it, men can try dhotis (long unstitched piece of cloth wrapped around legs) in West Bengal or mundus (the southern equivalent) in Kerala. And women can try the popular saree (which has different styles of its own depending on the state of visit).

Also Read: Tips for UK Tourists Travelling to India

If you want to really blend in,  buy these at a local shop:

  • Kolhapuri Chappals (slippers)
  • Dupatta (Lightweight Indian scarf)
  • Kurtas/Kurtis
  • Pajama (loose-fitting pants for daily wear)
  • Chudis and jhumkas (traditional bangles and drop earrings)

Plan Your Adventure: Best Time to Explore Kerala

Shopping in Jodhpur, India

It can take more than one trip to truly absorb and experience the vibrant culture of this subcontinent. At least you’ll know how to dress and impress the locals! Don’t hesitate to try on different traditional attire, it’s not only beautiful but also extremely comfortable. The memories you create here will last a lifetime, so don’t forget to carry your camera.

Priyanshi Thakkar

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What to wear in India

Man standing in doorway of train in India

What you decide to pack and wear in India will depend on where you are and what time of year it is. The weather across India usually follows the monsoon cycle, so it’s quite easy to plan what to pack when it comes to rain, but temperatures will vary quite a bit from the north to the south. It's equally important to consider the type of clothing that is appropriate to wear in India, as it's not the type of place where you can rock up and stroll around in a bikini or short shorts. Although dress code standards have changed quite a bit in the past few years, there are still several best practices to follow to help you get the most out of your time in this incredible country.

Here's our guide on what to wear and pack when you visit India.

All personal opinions and fashion preferences aside, the reality is that the clothing you wear in India will affect the way you're perceived by locals. India is still a male-dominated, and mostly conservative, society with an equally conservative dress code in most parts of the country.

Here are some handy tips:

  • Cover your shoulders, cleavage and thighs
  • Avoid wearing thin spaghetti strap tops, mini-skirts or shorts, and tight clothing – tight jeans are fine, as long as you wear a long, loose top or shirt over them
  • Only wear swimwear at the beach – and perhaps consider wearing a loose t-shirt over your swimwear when you're in a smaller, more remote destination
  • Opt for loose-fitting shirts, t-shirts, long dresses, knee-level or below-knee shorts, pants and skirts
  • Clothing made from linen or a linen blend is great to wear in hot weather 
  • Suss your surroundings and dress in a similar way – generally, touristy or modern cities like Mumbai are more liberal and relaxed when it comes to clothing than smaller towns and villages or holy places like Varanasi
  • If in doubt, always err on the side of modest when choosing your outfits – many travelers dress like a local and buy a few pairs of harem pants or tunics to wear not just while they're here, but also at home.

In the lower-altitude towns of the Himalayas, like Darjeeling (2402 m/6699 ft), the winter temperatures can drop below freezing and may experience snow. Be sure to pack thermal underwear and clothes that can be layered – a warm fleece, windbreaker, gloves and a beanie are all great ideas, as is a down jacket.

Further south, in places like New Delhi and Varanasi, light clothes should suffice during the day with a warm jumper or jacket for the cooler evenings when the temperature drops. The same applies for Kolkata.

On the southern coast, around Mumbai and Goa, it’ll still be very warm in the winter so pack light clothes with a light jumper for any cooler evenings. It’s also worth bringing an umbrella or light raincoat if traveling to the south-eastern coast as the rain can last well into December.

In the summertime, and in the shoulder seasons for that matter, it’s going to be hot everywhere except in the higher altitudes of the Himalayas. In Darjeeling, you’ll need light clothes with a rain jacket and jumper, but if you’re traveling higher it’s best to pack warm clothes or a down jacket as well as a beanie, gloves and scarf.

In all low-altitude regions you’ll need loose, lightweight clothing with a raincoat or umbrella. Some parts of India carry the risk of malaria so long pants and long-sleeved shirts, as well as a bottle of insect repellent, are useful to have for dusk and dawn when those pesky mosquitos are out and about. 

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Home » Asia » India » Packing List

22 Items You NEED in your India Packing List (2024)

Ask a seasoned backpacker: “Where’s the toughest place you’ve ever traveled?”

They’ll likely answer: “India.”

Ask that same backpacker: “Where the most amazing place you’ve ever traveled?”

Maybe it’s the struggles of navigating through a developing country and deciphering its unique social norms – combined with its ancient history, inimitable sights and immense spiritual richness that make India so alluring. And you hear it calling your name.

The first challenge of backpacking India, is packing for India. The climate does vary and you absolutely need to make sure you are prepared foe whatever India throws at you.

After reading this India survival guide, you’ll feel all of those things and be ready to take on the most eye-opening, mind-expanding, sensory-stimulating, life-changing experience ever.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

The Ultimate India Packing List

What to pack for india: personal gear, the basic stuff to pack for india, final thoughts on what to pack for india.

Nomatic 30L Travel Bag

Nomatic Travel Bag

  • Capacity > 30L
  • Price > $289.99

Nomatic Carry on Pro

Nomatic Navigator Carry On

  • Capacity > 37L
  • Price > $549.99

GoPro Hero 11

GoPro Hero 11

  • Resolution > 5k
  • Price > $349.99

Arc'teryx Beta AR Jacket review

Arc’teryx Beta AR Jacket

  • Price > $600

World Nomads Travel Insurance

Insurance From World Nomads

  • Price > Click For a Quote

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For the most part, traveling in India is hot except for in the mountains when it can be cool on summer nights and frozen all the winter. Before packing your bag, it is worth working out where you will be going, and at what time of the year you’re visiting.

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Nomatic Travel Bag

Before you even take on the task of figuring out what to pack for India, you’ll need an amazing backpack to pack it all into. For all types of travelers and destinations, our number one recommendation is the  Nomatic Travel Bag .

You have a choice between backpack or duffel bag carry, and extra carrying comfort for your back thanks to its innovative strap system and detachable sternum strap. And its black, waterproof material is every bit sleek and modern as it is durable and tough. There is a reason why most Broke Backpacker staff swear by this backpack. 

Nomatic Carry On Pro

Nomatic Carry-On Pro

Backpacks not your thing? That’s ok. Our friends at Nomatic are back again with a great alternative to their badass Travel Bag; the Nomatic Carry-On Pro. 

This suitcase is ultra-durable, sleek, and comes with a handy tech compartment for transporting your laptop and other electronic bits. Note that traveling “Carry-On only” is going to limit the amount of souvenirs you can bring back!

go pro hero 9 black

GoPro Hero9 Black

For most of us, our smartphones now feature cameras with stunning photo capabilities.

But… if you are an aspiring photographer who wants to take next-level photos and video beyond iPhone selfies, I recommend going with an action camera like the  GoPro Hero9 Black . If you are looking for something cheaper for video specifically, check out these epic  GoPro Alternatives .

Wandrd Packing Cubes

Wandrd Packing Cubes

In case you have never used them, packing cubes are little compression cubes that allow you to neatly pack clothes in in order to help facilitate better packing. They allow you to pack more stuff, and to keep it all better organised.

For the longest time, I thought that packing cubes were a superfluous indulgence, but boy was I wrong. Now I never travel without a few. These ones from WANDRD are great quality and excellent value for money. Get them on your India packing list now!

business trip to india what to wear

HolaFly eSim

The good news about much of India now has 3g to 5g Internet coverage offering ready access to taxi apps and food delivery apps. The bad news is that your native SIM card will most probably not work and so you will not be able to access any of this online goodness until you rectify that particular situation.

You can waste time hanging around phone shops queuing to get a plastic sim or you can simply install a eSim onto your phone before you leave home. You just access the HolaFly site, choose the relevant package, download it and off you go – you are online the moment you land at the airport. eSims are easier to set up and better than the environment than plastic sims. The downside is that not all phones are eSim ready.

Deciding what to wear in India does take some thought, and definitely depends on when you’re visiting . It is generally way too hot and humid for western clothes and jeans and even cotton t-shirts are not ideal. On the other hand, you need to bear in mind “decency” standard as exposing flesh will attract unwanted attention – this is especially true for women.

The good news is that clothes are available to buy VERY cheaply in India so you can definitely pick up some local wares once you arrive.

OluKai Upena Sandals

OluKai ‘Ohana Flip-Flops

Open shoe’s are very common in India and even business people will wear them. This makes perfect sense as the endless heat can make for seriously sweaty feet. These are ideal as they are easy to remove once your enter a cafe or temple (removing shoes is common in many places).

Your feet will be tired and sweaty from those long days wearing shoes so do yourself a favor: pack sandals and give your feet some well-deserved cushion and fresh air. These Olukai flip flops are ultra-comfortable, well-made, and come in a variety of colors. 

Check out the  women’s OluKai ‘Ohana Flip-Flops .

business trip to india what to wear

Arcteryx Beta AR

Did you know that the surface of the earth is over 70% covered in water? And you know how that water got there? Yep because it tends to here rain here on planet earth quite a lot! In India, the monsoons are very wet and a jacket may be advisable. Also, if you intend on visiting the mountains you will find it gets pretty nippy at night. Whilst you can easily and cheaply pick up clothes in India, good quality outdoor is hard to come by as a lot of the stuff on sale is cheap.

This is our pick of the many rain jackets we have tried. It’s reliable & stylish and looks good worn out in the mountains or in city bars. However, if you are going to the far mountains of Ladakh or taking a Kashmir tour , then go for the warmer Zeta version instead.

Osprey Daylite Plus

Osprey Daylite Plus

If you intend on doing any hiking, temple tours or even hitting the beaches of Goa then you will need a daypack. They are great for carrying water, hat’s and gloves and for packing sandwiches for lunch. We love Osprey products and this daypack is our personal pick.

The Osprey Daylite Plus has a mesh-covered panel to keep your back cool and fresh by minimizing contact with the back of the pack itself and allowing air to get between you and the pack.

packable travel medical kit

Travel First Aid Kit

You don’t need to tote around half a pharmacy, but a well-stocked first aid kit should be in all our backpacks. Stuff happens on the road and it’s inconvenient and embarrassing when you can’t manage small situations like a cut finger or hangover migraine.

Tip: Add a few bits and pieces to the first aid kit after you purchase it, like extra headache medicine, any personal meds you need (like allergy pills), whatever you take to calm your stomach and a few more plasters.

Travel Insurance From World Nomads

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

business trip to india what to wear

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Kodiak Journal

Planner/Travel Journal

Keeping a journal is one of the best things to do when traveling. The Drifter Leather Journal by Kodiak is our favorite, it works great for digital nomads and organized backpackers and can be used as planner or a dream diary – whatever you want! 

Keep on track with your goals, travels and save those precious memories, especially the ones you do not want to share online. This one is bound in beautiful leather so it looks beautiful and will withstand life on the road.

Abaco Polarized Sunglasses

Abaco Sunglasses

A reliable pair of sunglasses is undoubtedly one of your India packing essentials. Our favorites are Abaco Polarized Sunglasses because they deliver on quality and style. 

They’re built tough with triple-layer scratch-resistant lenses and trademarked Adventure-proof Frame Material. You can also customize them with your choice of lens and frame colors to reflect your own style. 

Pacsafe belt

Money Belt – By Pacsafe

Whilst India is not particularly dangerous, crime can still happen and tourists are sometimes targeted.

Therefore it is always a good idea to use a money belt to hide your cash just in case something does go wrong.

Hydroflask Vacuum Bottle 32 oz.

Hydroflask Vacuum Bottle 32 oz. 

Packing a reusable water bottle is probably the best thing you can personally do to combat single-use plastic bottle use whilst traveling. There is simply zero need to buy small plastic water bottles. Whilst the tap water in India is deadly, you can buy big (re-fillable) 5 litre water bottles and then fill up your hydro flask each day before you go out.

We love the Hydroflask Vacum Bottle for its quality and because it keeps cold water  cold  for many hours and vice versa for hot beverages. This bottle is the ideal water bottle to get not just for your India trip but for daily use. Please don’t be that person buying plastic water bottles. We are all judging you…especially mother earth. 

If you go with the Hydroflask, you’ll probably never need to buy another waterbottle again. 

Petzl Actik Core Headlamp

Headlamp – Petzl Actik Core Headlamp

Headlamps are great for traveling for many reasons. Firstly, they are useful as hell if you go camping or on an early sunrise mountain hike. Then, they come in useful for finding your way to your hostel bed at 3am without having to turn the lights on. They are also a Godsend if there is a power cut (pretty common in India) and great for navigating darkened alleyways in Turkey & Spain.

Not all headlamps were created equal and this is one of the best. The Petzl Actik Core comes with a USB rechargeable battery (full recharge in 3 hours or less); however, it is compatible with AAA batteries. Water-resistance is another critical feature. This product can withstand splashing; but keep in mind, water-resistant does NOT mean waterproof.

On top of the essential items listed above, here is an additional suggested checklist of what to pack for a trip to India:

Basic Stuff To Pack For India

  • A few pairs of comfortable pants/jeans
  • 1-2 pairs of shorts (summer/late spring)
  • A few pairs of socks
  • (Sexy) underwear x 2/3
  • Smartphone with a good camera for photos if you are not bringing an actual camera
  • Portable power bank  for charging your phone on the go
  • Phone charger
  • Amazon Kindle  for long train journeys
  • Copy of your passport just in case
  • Cash (not too much, there are ATM can be found in most cities and tourist hubs)
  • Packable Towel

business trip to india what to wear

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Well, friends – there you have it! Your India survival guide for with our top 22-needs packing list, appropriate clothing to wear in India, special tips for gals and guys and what NOT to pack for India.

We hope you feel prepared – and most importantly – excited! Pack the essentials for a comfortable journey, and leave your worries behind. Anything additional that you discover you need, you can buy along the way. Focus on this exciting feeling – a great adventure awaits you in the ever-changing, complex, beautiful world that is India.

We know that we’re excited for you and wish you bountiful, safe travels!

business trip to india what to wear

Suzanne Borders

India Packing List Pinterest Image

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I am a fan of yoga, and where else besides India you can practice yoga and feel such calming, this is the most beautiful place for yoga, so the main thing I need in India is my yoga mat.

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Travel Fashion Girl

What to Pack for India: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur

Asia Packing Lists , Travel Packing Lists

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The Golden Triangle is an incredible experience for the first-time visitor to India. There’s so much diversity within these three areas, both culturally and in the landscape. You may feel like you have visited three entirely different countries! Read on to learn more about what to pack for India.

What to Pack for India

Written By:   Annie Jarvis

The Golden Triangle includes the hustle and bustle of Delhi, the magical beauty of the Taj Mahal in Agra, and the incredible historical sights of Jaipur.

With three different locations in one trip, it’s important to ensure that you pack the right items in your travel capsule wardrobe . This list of essentials will give you an idea of what you need for your Golden Triangle adventure.

Take a look at our complete  India packing list !


Cotton Top | Short Sleeve Top |  Blouse | Sleeveless Blouse | Button Down Blouse  | Jersey Dress |  Maxi Dress | Pants | Cargo Pants |  Maxi Skirt

India is an incredible travel destination. It was my first major trip and it was also the country that changed my life forever. Packing can be a bit tricky as the weather can be extremely hot, the air dusty, and your choices of clothing can dictate how you are perceived.

It is very important to plan conservative yet light, airy clothing for trips to India. While cities like Mumbai and beach destinations like Goa may have a more relaxed “dress code”, the northern region of Rajastan is more conservative.

There are two things to keep in mind when planning your India packing list: shoulders and knees should always be covered.

Keep reading for our best tips on what to pack for India:


Inset Lace Top  | Linen Tee | Ankle Pant |  Sneaker

A vibrant capital and metropolis, Delhi is not to be missed when visiting India.   This incredible city is full of stunning forts, vibrant markets, and extremely friendly people. But a s you step out of the airport and into the city, you may be hit with culture shock. Be prepared for one of the most memorable travel experiences in your life!

It’s important to pack a pair of comfortable sandals; the best way to explore is to hop on and off the metro and walk around the city. We recommend these ! If you prefer,  sneakers  can work, too.

Whether you’re wandering around Old Delhi or visiting the Red Fort in New Delhi, it is recommended that you dress conservatively, covering your knees and shoulders.

While this is not a strict dress code, foreigners receive a huge amount of attention in India and the less you are covered, the more stares you will get. Loose-fitting travel pants and a lightweight airy top are great options for covering up in the heat.

The heat in Delhi is unbelievable, so pack a high-factor sunblock and a  thigh-chafing product to protect your skin. A small backpack to carry water is a great idea, but make sure your valuables are locked away in your hotel or placed in a money belt  or a  Secret Bra Pocket under your clothes.

Here are the best ways to keep your valuables safe while traveling !


Linen Printed Shirt |  Linen Shirt  |  Midi Skirt | Yoga Slide Sandal

As home to the stunning Taj Mahal, Agra is one of the most touristed spots in India. Travelers come here to marvel at the architectural beauty of the mausoleum and hear one of the most romantic love stories ever told.

Clothing here should be modest; it is recommended that you cover your shoulders and knees to remain respectful while walking around the monuments.

The ground around the Taj Mahal is relatively smooth and well-preserved, so a pair of flip flops or comfortable sandals would be perfect for the day. (You have to take your shoes off to enter the site so don’t bring expensive shoes or plan to put them in your bag.)

If you bring a small backpack with you to the Taj Mahal, be aware that strict security rules may delay your entry. While there are lockers available, it is advised that you leave items like food back at your hotel, as these are strictly banned from the site.

Tip: Get in as early as possible for a less touristy photo opportunity. As the gates to the mausoleum open, you will soon find the grounds filled with other travelers. Bright colors look great in pictures!


Inset Lace Top  |  Linen Tee  | Maxi Skirt |  Birkenstock Sandal

Jaipur is the third point of the Golden Triangle and is a popular tourist destination for visiting the City Palace and the Amber Fort, as well as looking up at the stunning Palace of the Winds.

The best way to get around the city is by rickshaw, which can take you to a range of destinations. This means that you won’t need to do too much walking, so  comfortable sandals  (or flip-flops ) would be appropriate for this area.

However, the walk up to the Amber Fort is uphill, so sneakers or secure sandals are a good option if you need more stability.  Like other areas in India, dressing modestly is recommended to remain respectful and reduce attention from locals. A long skirt or loose travel pants work well in the heat.

Here are some tips on how to dress modestly for conservative countries !

Don’t forget other hot weather essentials like sunglasses, high factor sunblock, and a hat (if you want to keep your head covered).

If you don’t have your shoulders covered, then consider packing a lightweight scarf or sarong to drape over your shoulders when entering religious sites.

The key to packing light is to use packing cubes to compress your clothing as shown in this video!

Do you have any tips on what to pack for India? Comment below!

For more Asia packing tips, please read:

  • What to Wear in Sri Lanka
  • India Packing List
  • Shopping in Goa
  • What to Wear in India: Kerala, Goa, and Mumbai



I hope you liked this post on what to pack for India. Please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!

 photo 12016489_10156097335005252_2100024296_n_zpsayngpnvo.jpeg

Author Bio: Annie Jarvis is relatively new to the traveling world and has just completed a five month journey around Southeast Asia, India, and the US. She loves diving, skiing, cooking, hiking, and writing about her adventures on her  Refreshing the Page  blog.

simone Morine

Thanks for one marvelous and informative posting! I enjoyed reading it, you are a great Writer. Keep up the wonderful works on. I’ve added you to my blogroll as well.

Kashish Thakur

Nice article. I am planning a trip for Jaipur with friends. I never visited there, this article came at a great time for me as I will be visiting Jaipur in December.


This article came at a great time for me as I will be visiting Taj Mahal but I will be travelling in December.

Any style tips and suggestions to bear the cold winter of Delhi?


A good trench would probably come in handy Salmeen! It’s a pretty stylish city so you can go a bit more glam! Enjoy your trip, happy to help!

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What to Wear in India as a Female Tourist (Style Guide & Packing List)

business trip to india what to wear

March 29, 2024

what to wear in India as a female tourist

Are you preparing for an amazing vacation in India?

Navigating India’s intricate cultures, rich histories, and diverse landscapes is an experience like no other.

I visited the subcontinent of India for two weeks in September, and it was the most eclectic and culture-stocking country I’ve ever been to.

One of the most crucial preparations for a trip to India is deciding what to wear, especially for female travelers. I remember spending months leading up to my trip researching what to wear while traveling in India.

Dressing respectfully while keeping a hint of your personal style can be a delicate balance. This post will help you choose the perfect wardrobe for your India adventure!

Style tips for your trip to india:.

what to wear in india style tips

India’s fashion standards are deeply rooted in tradition and modesty. Here are some style tips to keep you chic and culturally respectful:

  • Don the Bright Colors of India.  India is known for its vibrant color palette; you’ll blend right in by wearing bright, fun hues. Not only does it show your appreciation for local customs, but it also makes for great photos against the diverse backdrops of India.
  • Accessorize!  Accessorizing can add a personal touch to your outfits.
  • Choose Sensible Footwear.  India’s streets and alleyways can be unpaved and unpredictable, so ditch the high heels in favor of comfortable sandals, flats, or sneakers. Your feet will thank you.
  • Layer Up for Any Weather.  India’s climates are as varied as its cuisine, so dressing in layers ensures you’re prepared for any possibilities. Light clothing that breathes is perfect for combating the heat while layering it with a light rain jacket is perfect for when an unexpected downpour occurs!
  • Dress Like You Normally Do, While Erring on the Side of Conservative.  While India is slowly becoming more liberal, modest dressing is still recommended—but it’s different from other conservative countries. For example, many salwar suits display bearbacks, midriffs, and shoulders. But it’s a big no-no for cleavage and showing off your legs above the knees.
  • Ultimate India Travel Guide: Everything You Need to Know Before Visiting India

Guidelines for Deciding on What to Wear in India:

what to wear in india as a female tourist

  • Opt for natural fabrics:  They breathe better and are less prone to odors.
  • Avoid clothing with offensive messages or provocative imagery:  This is basic good etiquette anywhere you travel.
  • Consider the local culture for each area you visit:  The dress code could be rather different in Rajasthan compared to a seaside town in Kerala.
  • Keep comfort in mind: Indian cities can involve a lot of walking, so your choice of footwear and clothing should keep you comfortable throughout the day..

Pro Tip:  Don’t bring anything you don’t want ruined while on your trip to India. In many Asian countries, including India, your clothes get ravaged when you have them washed in your hotel or laundry mat. I honestly have no idea why, but every time I got my clothes laundered, they felt starchy, and the color faded each time.

What should female tourists wear in india.

business trip to india what to wear

The dress code for female travelers in India can vary. What you can wear largely depends on your location and planned activities.

Here’s a rundown of some common questions I often get when deciding what to wear in India:

Is it okay for tourists to wear salwar suits and sarees?

In certain parts of India, wearing a salwar suit or saree as a female tourist is not only acceptable but can also be the ideal way to immerse in the local culture, particularly if attending a traditional event or festival. These garments are comfortable, beautiful, and come in various styles to suit any occasion.

Is it okay to wear shorts in India?

Shorts are not commonly worn by Indian women in public, especially outside beach areas or major cities where a more cosmopolitan attitude prevails. That said, you’re likely to have more leeway in tourist hotspots. For example, here’s a picture of me wearing shorts in Ranthambore National Park. 

is it okay to wear shorts in India?

Is it okay to wear leggings in India?

Yes. But you know how there’s a difference between leggings and a T-shirt and leggings and a sports bra? Lean toward the former. Leggings are totally acceptable if dressed with a bit of common sense. In India, you will frequently see women wearing leggings, but they will be wearing long, loose-fitting shirts to cover their bums and womanly curves. 

Can I wear sleeveless tops in India?

The short answer is yes. Sleeveless tops are generally acceptable in big cities like Delhi and Mumbai and beach cities like Goa or Kerala. If you’re visiting religious sites or smaller towns where more traditional dress is expected, throw on a scarf or cardigan. 

Is it okay to wear crop tops in India?

Believe it or not, crop tops are widely accepted in many parts of India. I personally liked pairing my crop tops with high-waisted palazzo pants, but you’ll also see them paired with high-waisted jeans, maxi skirts, and sarees. 

What should I wear when doing yoga in India?

When practicing yoga, comfort takes precedence. Pack breathable athletic wear with good stretch for those early morning asanas. For tops, I went with my trusty sports bra with either a comfy tank top or a t-shirt over it. For the bottoms, I wore either leggings or harem pants with a lot of stretch.

Palazzo pants are fine, too; just keep in mind they will ride up your legs in some poses!

what to wear doing yoga in India

Dressing for the Season: India’s Varied Climates

what to wear in Kerala

India’s weather can be as unpredictable as it is enjoyable, so it’s crucial to pack with the current season in mind. Here are some tips for dressing in India’s extremes:

What to Wear in India During Summer

Summers can be scorching, so pack airy fabrics like cotton and linen to keep cool. Loose, flowy dresses and breathable tops are ideal for managing the heat. Don’t forget a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses for those intense rays.

What to Wear in India During Winter

Winters in India’s northern regions can be quite chilly, so layer up with warm sweaters and shawls. If you’re venturing into the snow-capped Himalayas, pack thermals. A rain jacket is also essential for the monsoon season.

Packing List for Your Trip to India:

Basic essentials:.

  • Baggy Trousers, Palazzo Pants, or Harlem Pants : These are perfect for traveling and exploring, offering both comfort and style.
  • T-Shirts and Tank Tops :  Essential for layering and enduring the Indian sun.
  • Flowy Dresses :  A go-to for both comfort and cultural appropriateness.
  • Sweater :  For chilly evenings or high-altitude locations.
  • Long-Sleeved Thin Top or Cover-Up :  To throw on when visiting religious sites or as the sun sets.
  • Athletic Wear for Yoga :  Comfortable, moisture-wicking materials are ideal for morning or evening sessions.
  • Shawls :  A versatile addition to your wardrobe, use it as a scarf, head wrap, or to cover your shoulders.
  • Sandals and Flip Flops :  Easy to slip on for temple visits and sandy beaches.
  • Comfortable Walking Shoes/Sneakers :  For long days of sightseeing and exploration.

Navigating the Monsoon: Rain Gear

  • Rain Jacket :  A lightweight, packable rain jacket is a non-negotiable item, especially if your trip aligns with the monsoon season.
  • Umbrella or Poncho :  Stay dry during those unexpected downpours.

Heading to the Beaches? Don’t Forget These Essentials: 

If your itinerary includes the sun-drenched shores of Goa or Kerala , here’s what you should pack:

  • Swimsuit :  High-waisted bikini bottoms or a one-piece swimsuit are more culturally acceptable. But if you’re in Goa, don’t sweat it. It’s a tourist hot spot, so you’ll see various types of bathing suits and bikinis.
  • Cover-Up :  A long sarong or tunic to wear over your swimsuit.
  • Sunscreen :  Protect your skin from the intense Indian sun.
  • Hats and Sunglasses :  Keep those UV rays at bay. 

India is a treasure trove of experiences, and your attire should complement these adventures. By using some common sense and utilizing this packing list, you’ll be ready to enjoy this incredible country in style. While fashion choices can be a form of expression, they should also show respect for the local culture.

With the right clothes in your suitcase, you’ll blend in with the vibrant streets of India, all while feeling your best. Safe travels and happy packing!

Picture of Reina Conboy

Reina Conboy

I am a full-time traveling registered nurse, fitness enthusiast, and plant-based nutrition expert. Every morning I wake up intending to bring awareness of the importance of health and spiritual wellness, especially to the traveling community. This blog is designed to bring you travel and health advice while sprinkling in some fun life stories.

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The Ultimate India Packing List – Female Edition

business trip to india what to wear

Packing for India can be a bit of a challenge given cultural norms, as well as weather. I spent considerable time in India as a student and just recently returned for another trip, so have plenty of tips to share here. While in India, I kept a few things in mind in order to keep my packing list thorough, but efficient. There are also special considerations that one must keep in mind as a woman as well. This Ultimate India Packing List:  Female Edition , will provide a comprehensive list of the items that you need to take with you on your trip, and provide relevant tips for travel to India as well. Note, this packing list is organized by category, so feel free to click to the section most applicable in the Table of Contents below. 

Table of Contents

Key Considerations for Packing for India for Women

You should know that there are a four guiding principles to keep in mind when traveling to India:

  • Conservative Dress – Compared to styles in the US, or Europe, for example, Indian women dress a bit more conservatively than what you may be used to. You should keep your knees and your legs covered at all times to be respectful of the local culture and avoid any unwanted attention. Many tend to keep their shoulders covered as well (so leave the tank tops at home). However, I’ll note that showing your stomach is not viewed unfavorable – likely due to the long standing popularity of the saree. You should not view any of this as a hinderance, however – it’s just an opportunity to be more creative in your dress! Also, as a general note, when visiting Muslim religious sites you will likely be asked to put on a covering on top of your clothing, no matter what you wear.
  • Weather – The time of year that you visit will have a a definite impact on what you bring with you, and I’ll cover this in more detail throughout this post. Just for general reference, in Mumbai, the daily highs average from the upper 80s to the lower 90s every month of the year. Across most of the country, the best time to visit is during the winter months and spring months. The time of year that you’ll likely want to avoid when visiting India is June – September, during the monsoon season, which is very rainy. However, if you must travel during this time, tips for this can be found below too! 
  • Light Packing  – I’ve mentioned this in other posts, but whenever you pack, it’s always important to keep things light. It’s likely that you’ll need to carry your luggage from place to place, so it’s best to avoid lugging unnecessary weight around. 
  • Health – There are vaccine and medicine requirements that you should certainly follow before your travels. In addition, you’ll likely run into some stomach issues on the journey, so you must keep your “medicine bag” full of the important stuff at all times. 

The India Packing List Female Edition

Travel essentials for india.

I must start this list with the items that I feel you CANNOT leave home without when visiting India, based on my experience: 

Sunscreen – The sun is brutal in India, and even skin as dark as mine can burn (it happened to me, I should know). Be sure to bring your high-SPF sunscreen along on your trip. 

Stomach Medications – As I mentioned above, you are unlikely to escape India without some sort of stomach troubles. To avoid / mitigate this issue, I recommend packing the following:

  • Immodium – For moderate to more serious diarrhea
  • Probiotics – These a great for keeping things regular, I like to use this brand

Anti-Malarials – Visit your doctor to get a prescription for anti-malarials, to prevent the onset of malaria. And while we are talking malaria, don’t forget to bring your mosquito-repellant too! 

Repel Insect Repellent Sportsman Max Formula, Repels Mosquitoes, Ticks and Gnats, Effective Long-Lasting Protection, 40% DEET (Aerosol) 6 fl Ounce (Pack of 2)

  • REPELS: Create a barrier against mosquitoes, including those that may transmit the Zika, West Nile, Dengue and...
  • CONTAINS 40% DEET: Provides long-lasting protection in the great outdoors

Mosquito Repellent  – To avoid the cause of malaria to begin with, be sure to bring this along with you. 

Toilet Paper – Toilet paper is often not available in public spaces, so I recommend packing travel-size rolls with you. However, if you are comfortable with just spraying yourself off instead, you may be find. 

Toilet Tissue To Go - 6 pack

  • You will receive (6) Toilet Tissue To Go
  • 2-ply 75 sheet in each roll

Reusable Water Bottle  – While tap water is not safe to drink, most hotels do provide sanitary water in your room. You can use this to take your bottled water with you on the go. 

First Aid Kit  – You never know when you might be injured, so bring a small first aid kit along to take care of any minor wounds or injuries 

Day Pack  – If you will be taking tours and be out and about, bring a day pack along to make carrying all your stuff a bit easier 

Sunglasses – Bring along your favorite pair to keep those eyes protected.

Hat – Yet more protection from the sun, I recommend bringing a straw hat along to keep it out of your face. 

No products found.

RELATED:   Away Luggage Review [The Bigger Carry-On]

Clothing | Everyday Wear

Your clothing should be lighweight, but as I mentioned above, it should cover your shoulders, cleavage, and knees. Don’t bring any of your really expensive clothing options, unless you don’t mind them getting nice and sweaty.

Here are a few clothing examples that may inspire you:

Linen Pants – These are an old go-to for hot weather, but there is a reason why the Egyptians swore by Linen! Take a pair or two of dark and light colored linen pants. 

April Apparel Inc. Via Jay Women's Casual Relaxed-Fit Wide Leg High Waist Pants

  • Beautiful Wide leg high waist pants to fit into any occasion! So casual and so easy to pair with any combinations of...
  • Waist (S)24 inches (M)26 inches (L)28 inches (XL)30 inches

Harem Pants – These pants are comfortable, lightweight, and cheap :). I wear a pair I got in Thailand often because I love them so much!

B BANGKOK PANTS Harem Pants Women Yoga Boho Clothes with Pockets

  • The sizes of hippie pants are One Size fits US sizes 0-14 (XS-L) and US sizes 16-20 Plus (L-2XL) and US sizes 20-24 Plus...
  • These comfortable and relaxed fit boho pants have an elastic waistband and ankle strapping in various shapes, The high...

Lightweight Skirt – Long skirts like the one shown below are another great option for keeping yourself cool in the hot weather. And as a reminder, leave all of your short skirts behind. 

Floerns Women's Floral Printed Elastic Waist A Line Pleated Ruffle Midi Skirt Brown DotsXS

  • Notice: Fabric has no stretch
  • Floral print, midi length, elastic bow tie waist, boho midi pleated skirt

T-Shirts – Bring a few of these along with you to coordinate with your pants and skirts. I like to buy mine from H&M Basics . 

Long-Sleeved Top  – These are a good idea to bring along, particularly if you are visiting the north during the cooler months. In Delhi and the nearby area, it can get quite cool at night when the sun retreats. 

Amazon Essentials Women's Classic-Fit Long-Sleeve Crewneck T-Shirt (Available in Plus Size)

  • CLASSIC FIT: Close but comfortable fit with easy movement
  • COTTON MODAL BLEND JERSEY: Super soft cotton modal jersey with added stretch for all-day ease and comfort.

Pajamas  – I like to travel with sleep T-shirts , bring what you like, but be sure to avoid any synthetic fabrics like satin. Those will make you sweat more at night. 

Salwar Kurta – This is a more traditional Indian style of dress, and it is so light and breathable. I bought one while in India (as you can see below), and really understood why these are so popular in the country. This over jeans in the heat any day! This is a great garment to wear wether visiting sites like the Taj Mahal or Mysore Palace .

Black women at the Tahj Mahal


Pack cotton panties and bras (if you can) – This will keep things nice and fresh (or as fresh as possible), despite the heat. 

The shoes that you bring will depend on the activities that you plan to do on your trip to India. If you are going to be doing a lot of walking, bring a comfy pair of sneakers or sandals. I personally don’t like to have my feet covered in hot weather, so I hang on to some older, but very comfortable ALDO sandals that are really easy to walk in. 

What to Wear for Business in India

If you are visiting India for business, you may be wandering what to wear while in the office. When I visited India, I was traveling for a Consulting project, and spent several days at the company we supported. My attire consisted of the following:

Light Dresses – I recommend wrap dresses, and those made out of breathable fabric, like this one below.

Milumia Women's Boho Button Up Split Solid Vintage Flowy Party Dress Blue Small

Salwar Kurta – I found that many of the women wore this more traditional Indian outfit at work too – you will find many options for purchasing one once in the country. You can also purchase ahead by clicking this link (or the image below).

Janasya Indian Women's Tunic Tops Crepe Kurti Set with Dupatta for Women

  • Care Instructions: First wash dry clean thereafter handwash
  • Kurta Fabric : Crepe|| Bottom Fabric : Crepe || Dupatta Fabric : Georgette

Linen Pants / Suits – Same as above, keep any pants or jackets you wear in light fabrics like linen. 

Linen Blouses – You probably get the picture now, ha! But linen is your friend :). 

Soojun Women's Cotton Linen Round Collar Boxy Top Patchwork Blouses

  • A light and loose blouse with a patchwork design
  • This womens blouse features a round neck, short sleeves, drop shoulders and a straight hem for a relaxed style

What to Wear for Special Occasions

If you are visiting India for a special occasion, like a wedding, you need to wear a Saree or a Lehenga. And these must be formal ones. Below are a few websites that specialize in wedding / luxury sarees and lehengas:

  • Indya Luxe – They specialize in modern wedding wear. I actually bought the saree that I wore to a recent Indian wedding from here.
  • True Browns – This site features modern Indian attire, and has a Wedding-specific selection
  • The Saree Room – This site features beautifully luxe attire that you can mix and match to your liking.

As you pack toiletries, keep the heat in mind. For example, if you have oily skin or other conditions impacted by hot weather, bring the products you use to combat these issues. I also recommend that you bring all travel-size toiletries with you, and I’ll cover the reason why a bit later in this post. 

  • Face Wash 
  • Face Lotion
  • Lip balm with sunscreen protection
  • Perfume / Essential Oil
  • Tampons / Pads / Menstrual Cups / Pantiliners
  • Shaving Cream

Just a note, I highly recommend traveling with a menstrual cup instead of solely pads or tampons. As you do not need to change them as frequently, it will just make using the ladies’ room less of a hassle. 

LUMMA Menstrual Disc | Includes Carrying Pouch and Silicone String for Easy Removal | Comfortable & Sustainable Choice to Tampons | Reusable Medical Grade Silicone, Leak-Proof |Pink Love,Medium Cervix

  • 【SUSTAINABLE PERIOD CARE】Say YES to 12-hour leak-free protection and NO to harmful chemicals. These little...
  • 【EXCLUSIVE SILICONE STRING AND SIZES】The LUMMA disc model with the silicone string is an exclusive and...
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Laundry Bag

RELATED:  Long Haul Flight Essentials

Medicines to Take to India 

I’ve mentioned a few of these in the travel essentials, but here is a comprehensive list of OTC medicines to take with you to India:

  • Anti-Inflamatories (e.g., Advil, Aleve, Tylenol) – For use with any aches, pains, headaches, etc. 
  • Melatonin – This is great to bring along to help with regulating your sleep as you adjust to the new time zone
  • Prescription Medicines – Including anything you take regularly, such as Birth Control
  • Antihistamines  – You will be exposed to allergens that you are not used to, so it’s best to be prepared if you have allergies
  • Pepto-Bismal  – For nausea, mild diarrehea
  • Immodium  – For moderate to more serious diarrehea 
  • Probiotics  – These a great for keeping things regular, I like to use  this brand
  • Charcoal Tablets  – For gas and mild stomach discomfort
  • Anti-Malarials  – Visit your doctor for a prescription for these
  • Rehydration Salts  – These are great for anyone who does wind up suffering from diarrhea to keep you from getting dehydrated 

Beauty Items

As you pack your beauty items, keep in mind that you should keep them to a minimum, if possible. You’ll probably be sweating

Since it is so hot, you are likely to sweat off makeup throughout the day. I recommend just packing the essentials:

  • Foundation or BB Cream
  • Mascara 
  • Lip Color ( I love this one by Glossier )
  • Setting Powder (great for blotting away oily skin)

Hair Essentials

The basics include:

  • Conditioner
  • Hair Styler 

If you have curly hair like me, you should bring a few additional items:

  • Leave-In Conditioner – Kinky-Curly Knot Today is still my go-to
  • Hair Gel – I LOVE this one by Uncle Funky’s Daughter
  • Edge Control – I typically use Design Essentials’ version

RELATED : For more tips, check out my post on Traveling with Natural Hair . 


Cell Phone – This goes without saying. You may also want to look into getting a local SIM card if you are staying in the country for an extended period of time. 

iPad or Laptop – Depending on what you need to do while there, you may bring your iPad or Laptop (or both). 

Headphones – So you can have a jam session whenever you need one ;). You might want to opt for noise-cancelling headphones if you have trouble sleeping with noise. 

Travel Adapter  – I LOVE this one by Conair and have used it for years!

Conair Universal Travel Adapter with USB, European Plug Adapter with Surge Protection, All-in-One Travel Adapter Worldwide

  • Travel Like A Pro: Conair Travel Smart All-In-One Travel Plug Adapter offers a combination of the four most common...
  • Power Converter with Surge Protection: Power adapter with built-in surge protection and an EMI/RFI power line filter...

Chargers – Bring your iPhone / iPad / Laptop chargers and whatever else you need to bring with you that needs charging.

Portable Charger  – I recommend brining one of these or a travel case for your phone so that you never have to worry about running out of battery life while on the go. 

Steamer – Not absolutely necessary, but a steamer will definitely keep you from having to iron (can you tell that I hate ironing?) 

Travel Documents / Money

Passport – This goes without saying, but don’t forget your passport! It’s also a good idea to bring along photocopies of your passport in the event that it gets lost. 

Visa – You will need a visa to visit India if you’re coming from the United States. Check this site to determine how to get your visa. Be sure to do this at least 3 weeks before your departure. 

Credit Card / Debit Card – Don’t forget your money! I recommend traveling with credit/debit cards that do not charge any international fees. I use the Chase Sapphire Reserve and Sofi Money and never pay a cent on international or ATM fees! 

A Few Packing Tips

Packing for monsoon season.

If you cannot avoid traveling during the rainy months, simply prepare to get wet when you go outside. There are a few additional items that you should plan to take with you to help you stay dry:

  • Travel Umbrella 
  • Waterproof Shoes

Packing Your Toiletries

First things first, all of your toiletries should be in travel size containers. There is NO reason to take anything full size, unless it is something that you know you can’t buy in India and you plan to stay for several weeks or more. 

Keep things organized by using a hanging toiletry bag. I use one by BAGSMART , and it’s really handy. 

BAGSMART Hanging Travel Toiletry Bag Cosmetic Carryon Case Folding Makeup Organizer with Breathable Mesh Pockets Black

  • Lightweight and Rip-stop: Premium polyester fabric; Size: L24.5 x H19.5 x W6.5 cm / L9.6 x H7.8 x W2.5 inch; Weight: 0.6...
  • Compact and Organized - 3 mesh compartments have enough to hold soap, shampoo, lipstick or cosmetics and keep them safe,...

Packing Your Personal Item Bag

You’ll be taking a long-haul flight to get to India, most likely, so use your personal item bag to store all of the stuff you need on hand while traveling. Some essentials to keep close include your personal in-flight entertainment, a travel pillow, and baby wipes. I’ve actually dedicated a whole post to Long-Haul Flight Essentials , so check it out to learn more! 

My favorite personal item bag at the moment is the Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack – check out my review to get more information. 

Packing Your Suitcase

If you can’t tell so far, I’m really into light and efficient packing. So along those lines, I recommend that you don’t travel in anything than a carry-on bag. For some folks, I know this sounds crazy – but it really does make a difference. This is especially true if you are traveling to multiple cities. Know that you can always wash clothes and pack items that you can easily mix and match. 

To keep things organized, use packing cubes like these . What I love about this set is that it also comes with a few pouches that can be used to organize other small things you carry with you, like bobby pins. 

Note, you can also use compression bags as well. 

Once you have everything organized into a packing cube / compression bag, pack it up in your carry-on size suitcase. What I use is the Bigger Carry-On by AWAY which I absolutely love!

Outfit Inspiration for Your Trip

For some inspiration, here are some of the outfits that I wore on my most recent trip to India:

Black woman at Amritsar

The India Packing Checklist

To make things easy for you, I’ve put all of these items in a printable India Packing Checklist, which you can download below:

Tips for Planning Your Trip

If you have not already booked your travel, here are a few of my favorite travel resources: 

Booking Your Stay: I recommend checking out hotels on to find stay options in India. If you prefer to stay more local, check out Airbnb. 

Booking Your Flight: My favorite sites for finding great fares include Momundo and Skyscanner . Both help with comparing the cost between airlines and travel dates. 

Planning Activities: I love to use Get Your Guide to find affordable tours and activities in destinations across the globe. See below for a few examples of activities you could do in Mumbai!

For more tips, check out my post on How to Plan a Trip in 12 Simple Steps . 

RELATED:   The Best Travel Resources  

In Summary | India Packing List Female Edition

I hope you’ve found this post useful as you plan for your trip to India! India is an incredible country and is full of such a rich culture, friendly and curious people, as well as great food. It is an experience not to be missed. I hope this post has provided you with the tips you need to feel confident as a female traveller to India.

Have you been to India? If so, let me know if my packing list is missing anything!

business trip to india what to wear

Related Posts:

  • Away Luggage Review [The Bigger Carry-On]
  • Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack Review
  • Long Haul Flight Essentials
  • How to Plan a Trip in 12 Simple Steps
  • The Best Resources for Travel  

Last update on 2024-06-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

business trip to india what to wear

Christen Thomas is the founder of TravelWanderGrow, established in 2018. She has lived abroad and traveled extensively to over 30 countries. In addition, she is a certified Travel Advisor and is an expert in planning trips focused on city history and culture. As a frequent traveler, she also shares tips on how to prepare to travel well and how to save money while doing so.

After reading this detailed article, the only thing I can do is pack my things and set off! You haven’t left anything for me to ask! All my questions were being answered while I was reading your list! Thank you so much !!!

Happy to help, Effie!

Such a concise yet VERY informative blog. It is a dream of mine to visit India and now I feel a bit more confident about going. Purse sized toilet paper I did not know existed. And I thought Mumbai got much hotter; nice to know it’s usually in the high 80’s to low 90’s. And linen will be my friend too. Good to know about the fee free debit card that I did not know about. Medicine recommendations were helpful; you think you can just walk into a pharmacy in a foreign country . . . not the case. Beautiful photos on your site too.

I hope you get to use the full list on your next trip Suzanne! If you have any questions, just let me know 🙂

Hi Christen Thank you so much for this helpful article. I like that you mentioned that women in India should cover their arms and most parts of their legs because that’s their culture. Most times we pack for so many different things when it comes to traveling but leave out cultures. I came from Africa which is a place that has so many traditions that are very different from America. And coming to here was a little awkward at first. Though we learned some English while in Africa, we were not at all prepared. I wish that someone had provided us with a list like this one, it would have been really helpful.

I agree – it’s important to keep cultural norms at the forefront when visiting any place for the first time. Thanks for sharing your perspectives, Rachel!

Such a lovely post about the packing list especially for women. I will plan a trip every year with a lot of luggage but literally I won’t use all those on a trip because I just don’t know what to wear. But from now when I plan a trip I keep all those what you have mentioned. This will be so useful for travelers. Thanks for sharing!

Glad you found this helpful, Nishi! I 100% agree that packing light saves so much stress when traveling :).

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business trip to india what to wear

What to Pack for India – A Female Packing List

This is a guide for tackling the common dilemma of what to pack for India.

A checklist will be useful when deciding what to pack for India

For three months during Winter 2019/2020, I led an overland tour of India. On the tour I visited many regions of this huge country. Some passengers joined me for the whole trip, whilst others enjoyed just one or two sections.

However, there was a constant theme amongst my female passengers. One question they all wished they had answers to before they joined the tour:

“what should I pack for my visit to India?”

I decided to create a post to answer that very question.

Disclaimer:  Some links in this article are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase through them I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. This helps cover the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support!

Weather in India

There is a common misconception that India is always hot. Let me start by informing you that this is not the case! Before you think about what to pack you need to know which parts you will be visiting, and at what time of year .

In Northern India , the winter months of December and January can be bitterly cold. Common tourist destinations like Delhi, Agra and Varanasi will be particularly cold during December , and you will need to pack appropriately for this. It was 3 degrees when I was in Delhi!

The same goes for mountainous destinations such as Dharamshala in the west and Darjeeling in the east. Finally, cities in the desert state of Rajasthan such as Bikaner and Jaisalmer, will have fairly cool nights.

Southern India during the Winter months however, will be hot and this is typically why most tourists visit during this time. 

The other major weather occurrence in India is of course, the Monsoon . This typically runs from June to September. During this time most of the country is affected by heavy rains. Travelling to India during monsoon can mean less crowds and cheaper airfare, but you will need to be prepared with lots of wet weather gear!

A down jacket was much needed for my visit to the Taj Mahal in December

General Dress Code: What to wear when traveling to India

The dress code in India is typically conservative. As a general guide you will want shoulders and knees covered, with the exception of the beaches of Goa and Kerala.

On the beaches it is ok to wear your usual swimwear and around the resorts strappy tops and above the knee shorts are acceptable. In these popular tourist areas with a strong western presence and hippy culture, the dress code is very relaxed.

In large cities such as Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata many locals dress in western style clothes, so again there is a slightly more relaxed feel. However, in the small towns or villages it’s best to wear loose fitting tops that don’t accentuate your chest or backside.

What to pack as a female traveler in India can be a tricky business as there are many cultural considerations.

Clothing for Religious sites

At certain temples you might need your ankles covered, and at mosques and Sikh temples head scarves are usually required. At the churches of Old Goa for example you will again need shoulders and ankles covered.

To avoid getting caught out I would recommend covering ankles and shoulders for any visit to a practising religious site in India, whilst keeping a lightweight scarf in your bag in case your head needs covering.

A headscarf should definitely be included on your India packing list

If your trip to India includes a visit to Amritsar, you should definitely check out one of the most bizarre tourist attractions I have ever seen. Take a look at this post to read more!

India Packing List

Generally, whether I’m packing for a 2 week holiday or a 2 month trip, I pack the same amount of clothes. This allows me to wear outfits for a week or so, before I then wash them and repeat the process.

Don’t get bogged down packing extra items for a longer trip. You’ll regret it when you have to carry you bag up several flights of stairs because the lift is broken, or along a small, busy alleyway which your taxi can’t drive down. Both scenarios which I found common in India.

The following packing list for India should fit comfortably in a 60 litre backpack and weigh 15kg or less, assuming you wear the heavy items.

Dressing for India: Clothing

  • 1 pair of long, loose fitting trousers.
  • 1 pair of hiking trousers or yoga pants
  • 2 pairs of 3/4 length trousers
  • 1 ankle length skirt
  • 1 knee or ankle length dress
  • 3/4 t-shirts or tops that cover shoulders
  • 1 hoodie or jumper
  • 1 shawl or pashmina
  • 1 head scarf
  • 1 pair of comfortable sandals or flip flops
  • 1 pair of closed shoes or trainers
  • 1 pair of thick socks – handy for air conditioned trains.
  • 9/10 pairs of undies
  • 1 sports bra
  • 1 travel towel
  • You may also want to buy a kurti/kurta once you arrive. These loose fitting, lightweight long tops cover shoulders and backsides whilst still looking pretty.

Nuofengkudu Women Hippie Low Crotch Harem Hippie Pants Boho Patterned Baggy Trousers Lounge Wear

  • [Smocked Waist:] Elasticated both at the waist and ankle. Shirred high waist designed is a nice way to cover your midriff, make you look thinner. Pull the wide waistband all the way up for a high…
  • Simple and classic style harem trousers for women, to make you feel more casual and free. The bottom leg hemline leaves the ankles exposed to show off your boho sandals, sexy high heels, yoga shoes or…
  • [Boho Style:] Vintage Floral/Peacock/Elephant printed thai baggy bottoms, clear print patterns and bright colors. Light lounge pants for a vacation in hot weather. Ideal gift to your girlfriend, wife,…
Loose fitting trousers are great things to take to India as they are extremely comfortable and conservative enough for most sites. You can buy them before you leave or pick them up at most tourist areas in India.

North India packing list extras

If you’re planning to travel to Northern India in December or January, add these warmer clothes to your Indian packing list.

  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 1 thick winter jacket
  • 1 beanie/woolly hat
  • 1 extra jumper
  • 2 extra pairs of socks

During our overland tour of India and Nepal, the story of our 90 day adventure made the Indian News. You can read the full article here!

Even Jaipur can be chilly during the winter months. I'm still sporting a thick jacket here at City Palace

If you are planning to back pack India and are debating between a back pack and a wheelie bag, I would suggest a back pack. India doesn’t typically have sidewalks, so you walk on the road alongside the rickshaws and motorbikes, dodging pot holes and cow dung. All this can be quite difficult to do with a wheelie bag.

Many cheaper hotels often don’t have lifts either, so carrying a back pack up several flights of stairs is easier than hauling up a wheelie bag. That said, hotels often offer the services of a porter to carry luggage. Remember the porters expect a tip.

The North Face Water Resistant Base Camp Unisex Outdoor Duffel Backpack available in...

  • D-zip opening with a weather-protectant zipper flap
  • Main compartment has a zippered mesh pocket and an added end-cap mesh sleeve pocket for more organization
  • Four compression straps
  • Water-resistant ID pocket on top
  • Weight: 1590 g

business trip to india what to wear

The major problem I find with traditional backpacks is that clothes get lost forever at the bottom of the bag!

It’s such a pain constantly searching for that one item which had inevitably found its way to the bottom, forcing you to pull everything out.

Side opening bags eliminate that hassle.

Other Travel Essentials for India

Here are some other essentials to remember when you’re packing for India.

  • Travel plug adaptor – Indian plugs are 3 pronged but most sockets work with the European-style 2 prong plug.
  • Money belt – Avoid carrying large amounts of cash in bags that can be stolen and unzipped.
  • Voltage converter – required for certain gadgets if travelling from the USA.  India voltage is higher than the USA at 230V.
  • Mosquito repellant – if you want repellant with DEET, bring this from your home country as the ones on offer in India are DEET free. Not a fan of DEET? Me neither. I use Trek Sensitive by Pyramid which claims to be as effective as 50% DEET. I’m not sure if it’s that good, but for the most part it keeps the mosquitoes away.
  • Head-torch – this may seem like a strange inclusion if you are not planning a camping trip, however power-cuts are fairly common in India.
  • Power-bank – again handy for the power cuts or for overnight train journeys and days on the beach.
  • Earplugs – India is a noisy, bustling country where life starts early in the morning. Make sure your sleep doesn’t get disrupted by investing in good quality earplugs.
  • Sleeping bag liner – ideal for train travel or very budget hostels and hotels with questionable cleanliness! I use this one as it opens out to a double bed sheet .
  • Tampons – these are not commonly found (with the exception of big cities) and should be one of the things to take to India from your home country.
  • Roll on deodorant – another product that is difficult to find in India.
  • Probiotics – to keep those healthy stomach bacteria thriving.
  • Filtering water bottle – to minimise buying single use plastics.

All other toiletries can be easily purchased on arrival in India.

How to dress in India is a common question I get asked. Here is  great example of what not to wear in India!

Summary on packing for India

I hope this post has been helpful for understanding what to pack for India as a female traveler. India is an intriguing and beautiful country, so don’t be put off with uncertainties such as what to wear.

This packing list would also be suitable for a trip to neighbouring Nepal . If you are planning a big trekking trip in Nepal or the Indian Himalayas you should take a look at this packing list post !

Have you travelled to India? Is there anything else you would add to this travelling to India checklist? Let me know below!

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Not sure what to pack for India? In this guide I provide a packing list and information on what to wear as a female traveller in India.

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Louise is an Adventure Tour Guide & Mountain Leader from South Wales. Through working as a tour guide and snowboard instructor, she has spent the last 15 years travelling Asia, Africa and the Americas. Louise is a published photographer and is currently based in the UK.

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business trip to india what to wear

Ultimate India Packing List: What to Pack as a Female

Taj Mahal in Agra, India

Putting together a travel packing list for India as a female can be a little daunting. You won’t only need to take into account the weather, but the culture too, as India is more conservative than Western countries.

I spent a little over 9 months travelling in India in the last few years, and am heading back regularly. Thanks to the time that I spent there, I have a pretty good understanding of what to pack for India as a female as well as what’s available in case you need to buy it there.

So let’s dive into this female India packing list! You will also find a packing checklist including all of the items for your trip to India at the end of this post. I hope this will make it a little easier for you to keep an overview.

Things to Consider When Making Your Female India Packing List

India female packing list - Indian women wearing colourful clothes

Of course, it depends on what part of the country you’re visiting, but generally speaking, India is HOT (and often humid). This is important to keep in mind when you’re packing.

Opt for loose clothing made of breathable, quick-dry fabrics like cotton and linen , these are perfect to wear in warm weather. At the same time, it’s good to avoid synthetic fabrics like polyester, acrylic and nylon. These won’t only trap the heat, but they will also catch odours and bacteria.

It’s another story if you’re travelling to the Indian Himalayas, though. In this case, you will need thermals, gloves, a beanie and other essentials for a trip to the mountains .

It’s also good to know that there are four seasons in India.

  • Winter (December to February ) – This is the most popular time of the year to visit India, as the weather is at its best in the winter in many parts of the country (the mountains are an exception).
  • Summer (March to May) – Summers are a good time to visit hill stations and the mountains, but the rest of India will be too hot. I was in the South of India in the Summer and decided to escape to McLeodganj in the Himalayas because I couldn’t bear the heat anymore after 5 or 6 weeks.
  • Monsoon (June to September) – The monsoon season is also a good time to visit the mountains. This is the time of the year when I visited Rajasthan. It did rain from time to time, and it was still quite hot (and humid), but overall, I think it was an okay time to visit this part of India too. You will also find better hotel deals as there aren’t so many tourists then.
  • Post-monsoon (October to November) – The post-monsoon is not a good time to visit the mountains as it will get colder, but it is a good time to visit the rest of India (not ideal for Varanasi , though, as it will be flooded).

India is a conservative country and most of the population’s religion is Hinduism. People here dress more conservatively than in Western countries.

As a general rule, it’s good to cover your shoulders, knees and cleavage when you’re travelling here (this is also the case for men). It’s important to be mindful of the local culture.

Although many Indian women wear Western clothes in cities like Mumbai, Kolkata or Delhi , the majority of them wear saris . If you’re visiting more rural areas, you will probably only see them wearing traditional clothes. I was told that it’s especially the legs that women don’t show in India. On the other hand, showing their bellies stands as a symbol of being a mother.

As a foreigner, you will already stand out and be asked to pose for millions of selfies (believe me, Indians LOVE selfies), so it’s better to dress appropriately.

You might see women wearing hot pants and spaghetti tops in Goa or cities like Mumbai , but this is not the norm in most of the country and this is not something I would personally do.

>> Read: What to Wear in India: 5 Tips + Outfit Ideas

Another important thing to consider when packing for India as a female is what kind of activities you’re going to do. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Will I enrol in yoga classes?
  • Do I want to go hiking?
  • Am I a beach lover?

Depending on your personal preferences, you might need an extra pair of yoga pants, an extra bathing suit or hiking boots.

The Ultimate India Packing List: What to Pack as a Female

India packing list female clothes

Beige top | Yellow top | Yellow pants   | Maxi skirt | Maxi dress

The clothes listed below are ideal for places like Delhi , Varanasi, Rajasthan , the Golden Triangle , South India , etc., all year round. Basically any part of the country except for the higher mountains.

As I mentioned earlier in this post, loose clothing made of breathable, quick-dry fabrics like cotton and linen is perfect to wear in warm Indian weather.

It’s good to know that if you’re going to visit places in the far north (Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, Ladakh, etc.), you will want to pack warmer clothes as well.

  • Tops (x5) – The best type of tops to wear in India are T-shirts because they cover your shoulders. It is okay to wear modest tank tops too, though, but keep in mind that you will have to wear a scarf on top of these if you want to enter temples.
  • Long-sleeved top and fleece (x1) – If you’re visiting places like Delhi, Varanasi or Kolkata during the Winter months, it might get a little chilly in the mornings and evenings.
  • Pants (x2) – When it comes to the type of pants to wear in India, I would go for light and baggy ones. These are both modest and nice to wear in warm weather.
  • Maxi skirt (x2) – If you like wearing these, it’s good to know that maxi skirts are perfect for India! If you don’t wear skirts, however, you can bring extra pairs of pants instead.
  • Maxi dress (x1) – The same goes for maxi dresses. They’re perfect for India, but tops and pants work just as well if you don’t like wearing dresses.
  • Lightweight rain jacket (x1) – If you’re visiting India during the monsoon, you will definitely need your rain jacket. It’s less likely that you will use it if you’re visiting during the Winter months, but I would still bring it if I were you.
  • Bras (x2) – It’s up to you to decide how many bras you bring. I think two is a nice number because this way when one is in the laundry, you still have another one that you can wear.
  • Underwear (x10) – How much underwear you bring is completely up to you, but I think 10 is a nice number because you can always do your laundry in India.
  • Socks (x3) – You won’t need many pairs of socks because, with all the temple hopping, flip-flops are the easiest thing to wear. However, it’s still good to bring a few pairs for those days when you feel like wearing sneakers. Socks can also come in handy when you have to remove your shoes in a temple’s courtyard where the floor is too hot to stand on.
  • Bathing suit (x1) – If you’re going to the beaches of Goa, it’s okay to wear a bikini if you want to. It’s good to know that you might get some looks from Indians who are not from Goa because they’re not used to seeing women in bathing suits.
  • Pyjamas (optional) – Or something else to sleep in. I personally like bringing a big T-shirt.
  • Yoga or hiking outfit (optional) – This one is for you if you’re planning on doing yoga or if you want to go hiking .

You will find plenty of beautiful, colourful and inexpensive clothes in India. So you could bring less than the number I recommend in the list above if you’d like to buy clothes here.

>> Read: Groping in India: How Common Is It?

Washing your clothes in India

It’s easy to wash your clothes in India, and it doesn’t cost too much either. Most hotels offer laundry service and you will also find shops in the streets where they can do your laundry.

In my experience, it takes about a day to have your laundry done. The longest I had to wait was in Kolkata , where it took three days, but this is definitely not the norm.

In most Indian hotels, there’s a bucket in the bathroom, which makes it easy to do your laundry yourself too.

Shoes for your India female packing list

An important thing to consider when choosing the shoes you will bring with you is comfort . You don’t want to walk around all day in shoes that hurt your feet.

This happened to me when I was travelling in Myanmar . I brought new sandals with me and after walking in them for a day, I had an enormous blister under each of my feet, and it took weeks before they fully healed.

So don’t make the same mistake I made and make sure you’ve walked long distances with the shoes you’re bringing with you.

  • Flip-flops – I wear flip-flops nearly all the time when I’m in India. These are comfortable and easy to remove when you’re entering a temple. My favourite type of flip-flops are waterproof ones that can be rinsed off like this pair .
  • Sneakers – Apart from a pair of flip-flops, it’s always a good idea to bring sneakers with you when you’re travelling. These will come in handy when you’re going for a walk or when you don’t feel like wearing flip-flops. I wouldn’t recommend bringing your best pair, though, as they will probably get a bit dirty.
  • Sandals (optional) – If you don’t like to walk in flip-flops, it’s no luxury to bring a pair of comfortable sandals. Like flip flops, these are easy to remove when entering a temple and are nice to wear in warm weather.
  • Hiking boots (optional) – If you’re planning on doing a lot of hiking (or if you’re going to the mountains), it might be a good idea to bring your hiking boots. However, hiking boots are not necessary in most parts of India.

Mcleodganj Dalai Lama Temple


  • Scarf – This is one of these multifunctional items I never travel without. You can use a scarf to cover up when you’re visiting temples, as a blanket on the bus or even as a sarong if you need one.
  • Sunglasses – This one speaks for itself, don’t forget to bring your sunglasses, you will be happy to have them when it’s sunny.
  • Hat – Although I did bring a hat to India, I didn’t wear it so I ended up giving it away. If you do wear hats, it’s a useful item to bring because it can get quite sunny.
  • Hand fan – A hand fan is my best friend when it’s hot in India and they’re hard to find in this country (trust me, I searched), so make sure to bring one if you like using a hand fan. I brought one back as a souvenir from Vietnam and use it all the time!
  • Cloth handkerchief : This is not something I have used myself yet, but I’ve seen many locals using a cloth handkerchief to wipe off sweat.
  • Umbrella : If you’re visiting India during the monsoon season, an umbrella is a very useful item to pack.

>> Read: What NOT to Do in India

India female packing list - what I wore in the desert

You can find nearly all kinds of toiletries in India, so no need to worry if you run out. However, toiletries are not super cheap here, especially deodorant, which is a bit more difficult to find too. I would make sure to bring enough for your trip. If you do run out, your best shot is to go to the supermarket.

  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Shower gel and facewash
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hairbrush and ties
  • Moisturizer
  • Tampons, pads or menstrual cups
  • Birth control
  • Razor and shaving cream
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Nail clipper
  • Makeup and makeup remover (optional)

>> Read: 23 Best Indian Gifts for All Occasions

View of the Jaipur Monkey Temple

When it comes to medication, it’s good to know that you can find nearly anything (for a veeery good price) in India. In fact, Indian drug prices are among the cheapest in the entire world !

So, besides prescription drugs, you don’t need to worry if you forget something, as you will easily find it in India.

  • Prescription medicines – Although you can find almost any kind of medication in India, you may not find the exact same medicines here. So if you’re taking any prescription drugs, it’s better to bring them.
  • Headache medicines: Though I don’t use mine often, I’m happy to have them with me when I have a headache that doesn’t go away.
  • Immodium – This will help with nausea in case you start feeling sick on the bus or at another place where it’s not so simple to go to the bathroom.
  • Motilium – This one helps with diarrhoea, which is quite common among travellers.
  • Probiotics – These can help you avoid Delhi belly. Though they didn’t occur in Delhi , I had a few* food poisonings in India, including a very bad one (took me 9 days to recover). Taking probiotics is good for your gut bacteria and it can prevent stomach problems. *When I say “a few”, I’m speaking about a period of a little more than 6 months.
  • ORS (oral rehydration salts) – In case you do get Delhi belly, which I hope you don’t, you will need ORS to keep you hydrated. The reason you can get very sick from food poisoning is because of dehydration. This is what happened to me in Dharamshala and I was sick for 9 days, so learn from my mistakes and take ORS!
  • Antibacterial gel:  It never hurts to apply some antibacterial gel if you get a small wound while travelling.

>> Read: How to AVOID Getting Sick in India: 10 Tips You Need

It’s a good idea to consult a doctor for advice before travelling to India. You will need to know if you need any vaccinations or specific medication. There is malaria in some parts of India and some doctors prescribe antibiotics just in case.

Bikaner Fort in Rajasthan


  • Phone and charger – This one speaks for itself but my female packing list for India wouldn’t be complete without mentioning a phone and charger.
  • Laptop – It’s okay to use your laptop at restaurants, cafés or even on the train in India. Plenty of people do it so it’s not an unusual sight.
  • Power bank – I can’t count the number of times that my power bank was so useful on one hand. You don’t want your phone’s battery to die when you’re out and about because, if you’re like me, you use it to navigate and plan your trip.
  • Photography gear – India is an incredibly photogenic destination, so if you’re into photography, you will want to make sure to have your gear with you – camera, lenses, drone, GoPro, everything!
  • Headphones or earplugs – I personally carry earplugs with me because headphones are more difficult to pack, but it’s up to you what you prefer. These are so handy when you’re on the bus, on the train and want to listen to music or something else.
  • Plug adapter – This one depends on where you’re from. India uses C, D and M plug types. I didn’t need an adapter with my European plugs.
  • Entertainment (iPod, e-reader, etc) : These will come in handy for these long bus or train journeys. I don’t think it’s a thing anymore, but I still use the same iPod I bought back in 2008 and it still it works perfectly.

Tip: I would recommend downloading the Ola app on your phone. It works just like Uber and you can easily schedule a car, motorbike or auto-rickshaw by using this app. The best part is that you will get a fair price immediately and won’t need to haggle. Auto-rickshaw drivers tend to charge foreigners 10 times the local price in India (and I am not exaggerating).

Mahabalupuram, a perfect stop for a South India itinerary

  • Big backpack or suitcase – It depends on your personal preferences whether you carry a backpack or a suitcase with you. I’ve been using the Osprey Kyte 66 backpack since I started travelling full-time. One of the things I love about it is that it has an opening on the front side, which makes it easier to reach everything.
  • Day pack – It’s nice to have a comfortable backpack when you’re outside all day. I personally use Fjällräven’s Ulvö 30 backpack. Its size is perfect to carry things like a drone and photography gear too.
  • Small backpack or purse – A small backpack or purse is good to have for when you don’t want to carry too much stuff with you.
  • Laundry bag – This one can quickly be forgotten, but bringing a bag to put your laundry in is so, so handy.
  • Toiletry bag – Although I don’t own one myself (yet), hanging toiletry bags look very handy for travelling.

India female packing list - hiking outfit for Triund Hill

Travel essentials

  • Refillable water bottle – Some hotels have a free drinking water filling station. Filling your water bottle here will not only save you some money but it’s also better for the environment.
  • Lifestraw: Lifestraw will destroy bacteria, viruses, microplastics, dirt, etc. in water. This is a great alternative to bottled water. On top of that, it’s not too expensive and super easy to pack.
  • Quick-dry towel – A quick-dry towel is nice to have when you go to the beach or when your hostel doesn’t provide a towel. I didn’t use mine very often when I was in India but I did need it from time to time.
  • Sleeping bag liner – This one is an important travel essential for budget travellers. I have never used my sleeping bag liner more than in India. It comes in handy when you’re staying in hotels or hostels with dirty bed sheets (which is not uncommon in India).
  • Earplugs – Cities can be a bit noisy, so if you’re a light sleeper, you might want to bring earplugs.
  • Hand sanitiser: Hand sanitiser is another handy item to bring with you when you’re travelling in India (or any other country).
  • Suitcase locks – I personally haven’t used these (because I don’t have any), but suitcase locks can come in very handy when you’re taking the overnight train, for example.
  • Headlamp: This is another item I didn’t use much in India (quite contrary to Sri Lanka due to frequent power cuts), but it’s always nice to have it with you just in case. It can come in handy when you’re going hiking for sunrise or sunset too.
  • Toilet paper – Don’t worry, hotels do provide toilet paper, but you can’t always find it in local restaurants and you definitely won’t find it on trains. This is why it’s nice to keep a roll of toilet paper with you when you’re travelling here.

>> Read next: Is Delhi Safe? A Solo Female Traveller’s Perspective

Patrika Gate in Jaipur

Travel documents

  • Passport – This one speaks for itself, you will need to bring your passport. Make sure to check that your passport is still valid for more than 6 months.
  • Visa – You need a visa for India. Many countries can get an e-visa too. You can check the latest information on visas for India on the government website of the Ministry of Home Affairs .
  • Travel insurance – I can’t stress enough how important it is to get travel insurance. You never know what might happen and it’s good to be covered just in case something bad happens.

A local Indian woman and a foreigner sitting on the floor together and smiling in a kitchen in Jaisalmer.

India Female Packing List – Complete the checklist

The checklist below will give you a clear overview of the things you will need to pack for your trip to India as a female.





Hawa Mahal in India

Packing Tips

  • Don’t pack too much – you can always have your laundry done in India and most things can be bought or borrowed there.
  • Make sure you have some space left if you want to buy clothes or nice Indian souvenirs .

>> Read next: The Cost of Travel in India: How Much Does it Cost?

India Packing List for Female Travellers: Final Thoughts

And there you have it! I hope this female India packing list will help you pack all the essentials for an unforgettable trip to this beautiful country.

Are you travelling to India soon? Check out my itineraries!

Rajasthan itinerary

Read more about India: – Solo Travel in India: A Complete Guide – 38 Landmarks to See on Your Trip to India – The Ultimate India Travel Bucket List: 34 Ideas – Taj Mahal: 15 Tips for Your Visit

My Indian city guides: – Delhi Itinerar y : The City’s Highlights in 1 Day – Jaipur Itinerary: 2 Days in the Pink City – Udaipur Itinerary: 2 Days in the White City – Jodhpur Itinerary: 2 Days in the Blue City – Pushkar: 8 Places to Visit in 1 Day (+ 4 if You Have More Time) – Jaisalmer: 7 Places to visit – Kolkata: 21 Monuments Worth Checking Out – Pondicherry: 8 Things to See in the French Quarter – Auroville: 14 Things to Do

India Travel Planning Checklist

🛫 Find the cheapest flights to India on  Skyscanner . 🏨 Find the best accommodation via  Booking  or  Hostelworld . 🛺 Download the  Ola app  to order a rickshaw or a taxi. 🚃 Use  12GoAsia  to book trains and buses in India. 🚗 Rent a car with  Discover Cars  to get the best rates. 💰 Get travel insurance via  VisitorsCoverage , one of the best-reviewed travel insurance companies. 👘 Check out my  complete India packing list for females . 📋 Don’t forget to  check if you need a visa   to visit India.

Pin it for later: Did you find this post helpful? Save it on Pinterest and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more travel tips and inspiration.

India female packing list

Laura Meyers

Laura Meyers is the founder of Laure Wanders. She was born in Belgium and has travelled to over 40 countries, many of them solo. She currently spends most of her time between Belgium and South Asia and loves helping other travellers plan their adventures abroad.

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The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog

DETAILED Female Packing List For India! What To Pack For India!

Categories Asia , India , Packing

‘What to pack for a trip to India as a woman?’ This is by far one of the biggest questions and worries females to India are going to face and ask before going to the colourful, crazy country of India!

I have spent over 1 year in India over the last 2 years on multiple solo trips and running my group tours for women in India , so I’ve had a lot of experience as to what to pack for India as a woman !

Female India Packing List

India packing list female

In this India travel blog post and India packing list for females , I detail a practical packing list for India of what is needed to travel to India which will cover you for all the must-see places in India like Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, Kerala, Goa and even the mountains of Himachal Pradesh.

Basically, the places you’re likely to visit on your first time in India so you will feel comfortable as a woman travelling India because of the correct clothes you take!

Find What You're Looking For Easily Here!

Best time to visit India

Before we get into this India travel blog, it’s worth thinking about the best time to visit India as the country gets very hot and wet in the middle of the year. November to March are the best times to visit both North & South India .

South India will be warmer than North India in the winter months of December and January, Delhi and further North actually get cold in these months but are still enjoyable to visit with the right clothing.

Outside these months, you can still visit but you’ll find that the heat and humidity will be much higher, especially as you go further South.


I really recommend having a sim card in India as it makes travel in India so much easier! You may have heard that it’s hard to get a sim card in India but you can get a sim card in Delhi Airport, read this post to see how to buy a sim card in Delhi Airport or if you fly in elsewhere 3 ways to buy a sim card in India and you’ll be connected in just a few hours!


If you are a woman, here’s what I recommend you pack and wear in India . Technically you can wear what you like in India in most places but to get fewer stares and feel more comfortable, read my post!


Most people arrive for the first time into Delhi and get scammed within a few hours! Read my Delhi Travel Tips to help you enjoy Delhi, and the best places to stay in Delhi which is so important!

Best Clothes to Pack for India

Below is my female India packing list detailing all the things I recommend packing for India.

If you’re wondering what to wear in India around the India dress code, read this post of mine to help you on that afterwards!

3 – 4 x Pairs of baggy trousers – full length or 3/4 length

Personally, I prefer 3/4 length pants when I pack for India to let some breeze in rather than full length but I do pack at least one pair of full-length trousers for overnight journeys and in places where it may get chilly, especially in the evenings, because India does get cold!

When it comes to what to wear in India as a female, my main advice is to ensure these trousers for India are light, airy and baggy . Firstly, to keep you as cool as possible, India isn’t always hot but generally, in many places like Delhi, Agra and Rajasthan it is hot and / or humid for a lot of the year.

Secondly, baggy trousers are much more modest. Skintight trousers will attract a lot more male attention to you as a foreign woman in India and I personally only wear skintight gym pants in certain parts of the country like Rishikesh , Dharamshala and Goa where a lot of foreigners visit and where yoga in India is popular.

Thirdly when visiting religious monuments you will need to have your knees covered and if you only have long pants for India or 3/4 length ones then you’ll never need to worry that you are not appropriately dressed .

Baggy trousers are pretty easy to find in the markets and shops in India so if you can’t find suitable ones at home you can go shopping in India. Many travellers will also wear the iconic South East Asia Elephant pants which make up the perfect outfit in India due to the light material and how baggy they are.

I really like H&M for their baggy and 3/4 length trousers and they are such a good price. Have a look at some options here!

4 – 5 x T-Shirts

T-shirts are great for India, you know that your shoulders are covered and your chest which is what I recommend for a woman travelling to India. They can keep you cool in the hot weather but still covered and modest.

1 – 2 x Tank Tops

I say that t-shirts are your best friend in India . Like needing to cover your knees, in India, you need to cover your shoulders to enter religious monuments and they are much more modest than tank tops which not only show your shoulders but may show more back and chest too.

Although there is nothing wrong with wearing tank tops in India so if you’re thinking what to pack for India in Summer, you can always take a shawl in your bag for when you need to cover your shoulders, I find that in hot places although having a tank top on is a bit cooler, with a shawl on top, it becomes hotter than just a t-shirt which is why on my second trip to India when deciding what to pack for India as a female, I opted to carry way more t-shirts this time.

Modesty-wise again, I notice that I feel much more comfortable in a t-shirt in India  as the best tops to wear in India with short capped sleeves and a baggy fit so I know my shoulders are covered and probably, most importantly, that all of my chest is covered too and the t-shirts are not too tight over my boobs.

That said, 1-2 tank tops should also be on your packing list for India too in case it is very hot somewhere and in some places, it’s totally ok to wear them. Tank tops like this from H&M are good!

Related Post: Are you still working out where to visit in India? Here are 24 places in India perfect for your first trip and a Golden Triangle India Itinerary for 1 Week in India!

1 – 2 x Dresses

If you’re a woman who likes to wear dresses and skirts instead of trousers then put these in your bag when packing for India, as long as they aren’t too short, or pack some cheap simple black leggings to wear under them if they are short.

I find that it’s possible to wear a nice dress with leggings and / or a t-shirt underneath which looks nice but is modest too and perfect for female travel to India.

Bright, modest dresses are perfect for wearing to the Taj Mahal!

I really like H&M for their long and modest dresses to wear in India. Click here to have a look at options!

India packing list female, female tourists at Taj Mahal

A jumper/sweatshirt/hoodie is needed for India because it does get cold! You might need it for overnight journeys or in the mornings when it’s still cold.

1 x Long-sleeved thin top

Some days you’ll be sweating in India and wondering why you’re carrying a jumper and long-sleeved warm top because ‘does it get cold in India??’ yes it does and it’s likely you’ll need them. People love air-con in India which is understandable but what’s not is how cold it can get.

Night buses and night trains, which are are the best way to travel around India can get particularly cold in the middle of the night with the air con on, and so can some cafes.

A long sleeved top like this is a good idea!

If you decide to head North into the mountains or even to Varanasi in the late Autumn / Winter months the mornings will be pretty chilly before it heats up for the day and in some cases, these Northern places will remain cold all day in Winter, sometimes with snow!

india packing list female, female tourists in pushier in coats

1 x Packable Coat

When you’re thinking of what to pack for India, a coat may not be on your travel essentials for India list but for the same reasons as above I recommend taking a coat to India too, I know it might sound crazy but I have taken a Uniqlo Packable Ultra Light Down Coat like this twice to India with me.

I’ve worn it multiple times and always thanked myself for packing it, it’s light, doesn’t take up much room and is warm when I need it. So add this to your India packing list!

1 x Packable Rain Jacket

This will depend on when you visit India, if you are visiting during the summer monsoon seasons then pack a waterproof rain jacket as you’ll probably need it.

I have a packable rain jacket like this , to be fair I’ve barely used my rain jacket in India but I hold onto it because of the other places I’ll visit in Asia and it’s very small and lightweight, so unless you know it will be wet when you visit India, you could risk going without this.

Gym Clothes

If you think you’ll do yoga in India, do a lot of hiking in India or just want to work out in your room (something I’m trying to do but tend to fail at) then pack some activewear because you can wear gym pants, a sports bra and gym top to a yoga class in India in most places so pack this as you please but I’d say 1-2 outfits max is enough  because I would not recommend wearing tight sportswear in India unless you are hiking or going to a yoga class. This is not an outfit to wear in the cities of India as a female.

Doing yoga in India can get hot and sweaty so to help with the heat, especially in Goa, I’d recommend taking custom bandanas and face masks for your classes as well as taking a small towel to put down on your mat.

india packing list female, yoga class in india

Look for the best flights to India here!

I use Skyscanner to book all of my flights! I’m a huge fan of Skyscanner because I love how easy it is to compare different dates and routes to help me find the best flight at the best price! 

Open Skyscanner by clicking here and search for the best flights as you read this post.

1 – 2 x Shawls

At least one shawl is a must-pack item for India to cover yourself up, in some areas you’ll feel like you need it more than in others. If you like to mix up the colours then two shawls are a good idea  to add to your travel checklist for India but if you’re trying to pack minimally for India, one is enough. Just make sure these are light materials and will be comfortable in the heat.

If you can’t find appropriate ones at home, wait until you get to India and go shopping in the best markets in India. These are also great if you go somewhere colder as they then act as a scarf!

2 – 3 x Pairs of Socks

I live in sandals in India, more on that below, so socks are only needed when I wear shoes, for the odd overnight journey to keep my feet warm or if I suddenly end up in a cold place and need them which is why I only pack a few pairs.

10 x Underwear

I usually pack about 10 pairs of underwear as this means I don’t need to do washing too often but the amount you pack is up to you and may change whether you’re on holiday in India for a short time or backpacking India for a longer time.

I find black underwear the best when travelling long term as often things can get stained and dyed in the wash so you’re safe with black!


India is best travelled by train because its the quickest, cheapest and best way of getting to know the country. For an EASY option of booking trains in India use 12GO to search and book trains really easily. If you’ll be in India for awhile, you can use the local booking system, it’s a bit tricker but possible, here’s my post on how to book trains in India as a tourist .


I always use to book my hotels in India and Hostelworld to book my hostels . India has a great range of accommodation with brilliant hostel chains like Moustache, Zostel and Backpacker Panda as well as homestays to luxury hotels.


Many cities in India are best seen with a guide , even if it’s just a half day tour on your first day . Cities in India are chaotic and complex and what better way to taste the food and get to know the city than with a local. I recommend Get Your Guide & Viator for the best tours in India!

For me, my PJs in India are a tank top and shorts which does me well. If I go somewhere colder then I have many T-shirts, a long-sleeved top and long trousers I can wear. I don’t pack extras for pj’s as this takes up too much room!

Beach Clothes for Goa or Kerala

I know this is general but if you are going to the beaches of Goa or Kerala on your trip to India and you’re wondering what to wear in Goa? Well, you can wear the same clothes as you would wear on a beach in Thailand or Sri Lanka . Bikinis are fine, dresses are fine and shorts are fine. You may get more looks on the beaches in Goa than in Thailand from the Indian people who are also on holiday there and may not be used to seeing women with as much skin on show, but it is very normal to wear normal beach clothes in Goa so add these to your Goa Packing List. The same with the beaches in Kerala, for example, Varkala.

Unless you are going to Goa or the beaches in Kerala it’s unlikely you’ll need shorts or more than one piece of swimwear elsewhere in India so to help you pack light for India, leave these at home!

what to pack for India

Best Shoes to Pack for India

Thr right shoes in India are key! Don’t go bringing fashion sandals or trainers to India because you’ll walk so far and its so dusty in places, they won’t be good for you at all!

1 x Sturdy Sandals

These are the best shoes to pack for India ! Unless you go somewhere that is cold in India, it’s likely you will want your feet out, but the traffic is crazy in India, there’s always people overtaking, there’s mostly no pavements and your feet can feel very vulnerable. Not only that, but you also need to watch where you step as there’s a lot of cow dung around!

I never wear flip flops to walk around outside in India whereas I always do in South East Asia. In India, you need sandals with a thick sturdy base, a good grip and straps so they don’t fall off or cause you to trip as you rush across the road. Birkenstock Sandals are a good idea. I personally live in Keen Sandals like this which have survived over 1 year of full-time travel and full-time use.

I also recommend packing good travel sandals on an India packing list for males as well as on an India packing list for females.

female packing list India, Keen Brown Sandals on rock with sand

1 x Flip Flops

I always take a pair of flip flops with me and I’m a Haviana’s girl even when packing for India. I like to wear them around my accommodation, and into the bathroom, if its a shared or questionably clean bathroom, but this item is of course up to you whether you pack them or not.

1 x Trainers / Walking Shoes

A pair of covered shoes which you can walk far in is a must-pack item for India . There are so many opportunities to hike in India and if this is what you want to do here then walking shoes will probably be best. I again live in Keen walking shoes .

If hiking isn’t on your radar I’d still recommend packing a pair of trainers, but leave your fancy white converse at home! A packing tip for you is that black trainers are the best colour trainers to take backpacking as they go with every outfit and don’t show the dirt!

Toiletries to Pack for India

The important thing to note when thinking about what toiletries to pack for India is that you can buy all toiletries in India . In fact, I prefer buying my toiletries in India because I love their Himalaya Wellness Brand which is made from Ayurvedic herbs.

I personally pack shampoo, conditioner and soap bars  rather than bottles as a way to pack sustainably for India because the bars reduce my waste, they last much longer and are much smaller to carry. I carry all 3 bars in a lunchbox like this which keeps them together.

I use this hanging toiletry bag   which is so helpful and my top backpacking essential as in most bathrooms you don’t have much space to put toiletries, it’s also really good quality. In here I pack facewash, toothpaste, toothbrush, eye contact solution, face and body moisturiser .

Again, all of these things you can easily buy in India so don’t pack huge bottles as they will take up too much space.

Regarding travelling on your period, I use a Menstrual cup  which I love, you can get sanitary towels in India and I think you can get tampons but they’re harder to find. I just love menstrual cups for helping us reduce our one use waste, and you can keep them in for so much longer than a pad or tampon which is great if you end up on a long journey on your period in India. If you’re not yet a menstrual cup convert, here’s the travel menstrual cup I use and recommend !

I do carry a small bottle of suncream but apart from when I’m on the beach I don’t wear it much in India, it often feels like the sun doesn’t get through the polluted city skies! But that’s just my personal preference.

Mosquitos can be bad in some parts of India and during certain times of the year so strong  mosquito spray  like this is good but you can just get it in the shops in India if you need it.

I pack a very small bag of makeup when I’m backpacking. The 3 make up items I use the most are foundation, eyebrow pencil and blusher.

Related Post? Are you still working out where to visit in India? Here are 24 places in India perfect for your first trip !

Travel Essentials for India

Other helpful items I pack for India are a reusable water bottle as many hotels and hostels in India provide filtered water which is great meaning you don’t have to buy bottled water, and packing some metal straws is also a good idea so you can say ‘no straw please’ when you order a drink.

I did use a filtered lifestraw bottle in India on my first trip so I didn’t have to buy any plastic bottles. I have seen many other travellers use these in India too.

Personally, after I got a bad stomach in India which lasted a long time, I decided to stop using it to be on the totally safe side, but if you want to reduce your plastic use, a filtered water bottle like Lifestraw is good. Here’s my full review on the bottle .

All hotels in India will give you a towel, some hostels will too but I always take a quick-dry, foldable towel with me as part of my ultralight backpacking gear, so add this to your India packing list for backpacking.

I also pack all of these 18 Backpacking Essential Items  which are things like a washing line, portable charger, good locks etc so check this list out too I pack all 18 items for India!

I pack a few medical items  for India like sickness and diarrhoea  tablets, charcoal tablets (also for a bad tummy but are not as strong as the likes of Imodium) plasters and paracetamol.

Keep in mind though that in the cities and the tourist towns there are pharmacies everywhere and the tablets are much cheaper than buying them at home so I don’t carry too many as I know I can stock up in the pharmacies in India when I need to.

Additionally, because I got rather ill with Delhi Belly during my first visit to India I now take probiotic tablets  daily. I started taking them before I got to India and still take them in India and I think they are travel essentials for India. 

They are great because they do not need to be refrigerated (like most probiotics do) and are really good for general gut health which is important for staying healthy in India.

You don’t really need to think about food to pack for India as the food in India is so good, but if I’m visiting a country from home I always like to take some cereal bars to snack on whilst I get used to where to buy food in a new country and what to eat!

Electronics to Pack for India

One big misconception is that’s it’s not safe to pack technology and electronics for a trip to India incase they get stolen because I can tell you that it is safe! Theft is not in the culture in India and once you’ve been here for a while you’ll think it was crazy you ever doubted whether your phone, camera and laptop would be safe.

I remember thinking maybe I shouldn’t carry a fancy camera in busy places in India like markets but in reality, no one cares, nearly everyone here has a smartphone and you’re totally safe with a laptop in India and getting it out in a cafe or hostel in India.

So what electronics to bring to India? Well, pack all the technology for India you usually would for another trip . Don’t leave anything because you’re worried it might be stolen. Drones can also be used in many places in India if you’re into photography or videography and want to get another look at the country!

For your technology, an important India packing tip to know is that plugs in India do not always fit the usual Asia plug type, although many will in hotels and will also accept the two-pin European plugs. This is the type of plug adapter you need in India .


I’ve spent many months travelling India in the last few years visiting over 50 places around the country, here are my recommended itinerary posts for India to help you plan your trip!








Backpack or Suitcase for travelling to India?

Should I take a backpack or suitcase to India? That’s the question many will have, and my answer is a backpack .

I mean, you can travel to India with a suitcase and most Indian people that are travelling the country themselves take a suitcase which means there is plenty of room for them on trains and tourist buses (not so much public buses) but depending on the type of accommodation you stay in you may need to walk upstairs with no lift or down small tracks and in my opinion, a backpack is best for this.

I use the Osprey Farpoint 70L Backpack  and have done for over a year and I’m happy with it (it says it’s a mens backpack but it’s fine for me!). I particularly love the attached day pack which I use as my general day pack all the time so I recommend this as the best travel backpack for India.

If you want to take a smaller backpack to India, Osprey does a  Women’s 40L Backpack which will be great as you can take it on the plane as hand luggage only too which is another recommended backpacks for women India.

I also love this 45L Pacsafe Carry On Backpack which has extra security but is also just a great size and design for backpacking India with!

female packing list India, osprey farpoint backpack

I use this waterproof cover over my backpack in India which fits the Osprey backpack perfectly and I actually use it more so that the bag doesn’t get too dirty or ruined in transit.

One of the all round top packing tips to help keep your clothes to pack for India tidy and keep all of your backpacking gear together, is to use packing cubes like this .

I also carry a canvas bag and a bum bag in case I need to take a smaller bag out for the day or evening, these really don’t take much space and come in handy when I need them.

Related Post:  What To Look For When Choosing and Buying A Backpack For Travelling!

female packing list India, blue packing cubes

And that’s your packing guide for India and travelling to India checklist.

I hope this list helps you understand what to pack for a trip to India and what to take to India.

If you’re still looking for inspiration on where to visit in India, here’s my recommended 2 week India itinerary , 2 month India itinerary and where I went during my first 4 months in India .


  • More of my Must Read India Posts to Help You See India in the Best Way!
  • 24 Places to Visit in India Perfect For Your First Trip to India!
  • Golden Triangle India Itinerary for 1 Week in India!
  • A 2 Week India Itinerary For Your First Trip To India!
  • 2 Month India Itinerary Visiting North & South India!
  • Top Tourist Scams In India & How To Avoid Them!
  • How To Get a Sim Card in India as a Tourist. 3 Easy Ways!
  • How to Apply for E-Visa for India!

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Thursday 31st of August 2023

Hi Ellie, I'm just prepping for a 3/4 month trip around India so this packing list is extremely helpful, thank you!! I just had a question, we're booking trains in at the moment. Which class of train do you find you feel most comfortable travelling in as a woman. I've heard second AC class is fine, but just wondered what your insight was! I'm not travelling solo, it will be me and my sister, but still two young women. Thanks!


Friday 1st of September 2023

Hello, I'm so glad you found my post helpful. I have lots more content on here too for India. Second Class a/c is totally fine. I think it's better than 1st Class as they'll be more families in there whereas it's more business men in 1st Class. I trust you'll be fine in 1st class too but I think the atmosphere of 2nd class a/c is comfortable.

Enjoy your trip! :)

14 best business travel backpacks for every budget

Zach Griff

If you travel regularly for work, you won't need us to tell you that a good travel backpack is essential. That's especially true if a backpack can double as a decently sized carry-on luggage item while still housing your laptop in an easily accessible compartment.

We looked at some of the best (and most stylish) backpacks out there to take the hassle out of searching for the best item.

Without further ado, here are the best business travel backpacks that maximize form and function across various budgets.

Amazon Basics Laptop Backpack, $33.47

business trip to india what to wear

If you don't want to break the bank, the Amazon Basics range offers a reliable and, dare we say, fairly stylish backpack for less than $40.

The bag has a dedicated (and padded) laptop sleeve that can easily hold a laptop up to 17 inches in size; it has additional compartments for pens, keys, cellphones and other items.

There's also a water bottle pocket on both sides of the bag for easy access when you're on the go.

Buy from $33.47

Lenovo Legion Gaming Laptop Bag, $55.19 (normally $79.99)

business trip to india what to wear

Admittedly, we've never seen Batman carry a backpack, but if he did, we're pretty sure it'd look something like this robust bag by Lenovo. It has a 20-liter capacity and room for a 16-inch laptop, alongside seven inside pockets to suit all your work travel needs — including a hidden compartment for valuables.

Built for carrying electronic items, the bag features foam antishock bumpers on the corners of the laptop compartment for extra protection against bag drops and other jolts.

There's also a high-quality magnetic lock to keep your items safe.

Buy from $55.19 (normally $79.99)

Tangcorle Travel Carry On Backpack, $58.90

business trip to india what to wear

Part backpack and part carry-on suitcase, this bag has an expandable design. This means it has a capacity of 36 to 50 liters and should easily fit the maximum carry-on size for most airlines.

Other features include an external USB port with a built-in charging cable, allowing you to attach your own power bank and keep your devices charged while on the go.

The main compartment is similar to one in an ordinary carry-on suitcase and can easily store five to seven days' worth of clothes, depending on how you like to pack. It is perfect for long weekends and short business trips.

Buy from $58.90

Samsonite Novex Laptop Backpack, $69.99 (normally $99.99)

business trip to india what to wear

If you are shopping for a travel backpack from a reliable brand with a more down-to-earth budget, this Samsonite bestseller has a lot going for it.

Despite its price, the Novex Laptop Backpack doesn't compromise on the basics. The separate laptop and tablet pocket features a special webbing system that provides extra durability in case you drop the backpack. Plus, thanks to the special supportive lining on the top front pocket, you won't have to worry about misplacing your headphones, glasses or cellphone.

The main storage compartment has room for all the essentials, though you may not find it large enough for a full change of clothes or a pair of shoes.

Buy from $69.99 (normally $99.99)

The North Face Recon Everyday Laptop Backpack, $109

business trip to india what to wear

A modern classic, the Recon Everyday Laptop Backpack is a popular, on-trend design you'll frequently see on the backs of young professionals in buzzy city centers.

The backpack has two external water bottle holders and a main compartment capable of carrying up to 30 liters. Its laptop sleeve is also sizable and should easily hold machines up to 18 inches.

Perhaps its most interesting feature is the comfortable design of its shoulder straps, which are certified by the American Chiropractic Association.

Buy from $109

Ogio Renegade Backpack, $128.24 (normally $149.99)

business trip to india what to wear

If you're looking for the bag with the most pockets, this might be it. Ogio's flagship backpack has dedicated space for everything (laptop and iPad included) and then some. With a phone pocket, two zippered side pockets and five main pockets, you might just get lost looking around for your gear.

No matter how full you stuff this nearly 30-liter backpack, you shouldn't have much of a problem carrying it around, thanks to its supportive padded back panel and shoulder straps. This makes it easy to lug it around the airport or corporate campus.

Buy from $128.24 (normally $149.99)

Incase ARC Daypack, $129.95

business trip to india what to wear

Apple aficionados will no doubt be familiar with Incase, a popular brand of cases and protection solutions for iPhones, iPads and Macs.

The laptop pocket is big enough for a 16-inch computer, and it's lined in faux fur for additional protection. Its travel tech compartment also includes RFID-blocking technology, preventing thieves from stealing your digital information.

A water- and stain-resistant coating, two dedicated water bottle holders, and a pass-through system for rollaboard bags make this the ideal bag for anyone going from the gym to the office to the airport. If you need something bigger, Incase also makes a larger A.R.C. travel pack.

Need more convincing? Both bags are made from a sustainable mixture of recycled polyester, giving the company its A.R.C. acronym, which stands for "a responsible carry."

Buy from $129.95

Aer Pro Pack 20L, $179

business trip to india what to wear

As far as business travel backpacks go, Aer's is certainly quite stylish. It comes in three colors (black, navy and olive), and it's made of sustainable materials without compromising on durability. A separate laptop compartment safeguards your most precious technology, while the main compartment is large enough for all your chargers and other travel accessories.

The standout feature is the main compartment's 180-degree flat-open zipper system, giving you unobstructed access to all your belongings.

There's even a hidden pocket to store an AirTag or other tracker so that you can locate your bag even if it's stolen or misplaced.

Buy from $179

Away The Everywhere Zip Backpack, $195

business trip to india what to wear

Made with water-resistant nylon, the Everywhere backpack by Away has a full wraparound zip that provides access to the main compartment. Not only can you fit more things in an orderly fashion, but you'll also be able to easily see your things when you need to retrieve them from the backpack.

Alongside the main compartment, the bag also houses a 15-inch laptop pocket with a magnetic locking zipper and padded shoulder straps for comfort. It's available in five colors — including the limited-edition garnet colorway.

Buy from $195

Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack, $209

business trip to india what to wear

The Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack has space for everything and then some. The padded rear pocket is the perfect spot for a laptop, so you won't have to dig through the main compartment to find your computer.

The main compartment is spacious and can expand by nearly 3 liters, giving you more room for your belongings. Plus, the front pocket has a dedicated organizer with multiple pockets, so you'll never forget where you put your passport, charger and cables.

Buy from $209

Nomatic 20L Backpack, $279.99

business trip to india what to wear

Although you may not have heard of Nomatic, this brand receives rave reviews from its loyalists. The company's bestselling backpack comes in two sizes: 14 liters and 20 liters. Both are expandable by nearly 20%.

The flat rectangular design may be controversial at first glance, but at least you can't complain about finding space for all of your gizmos. The bag has a staggering 24 unique storage compartments, ranging from enclosed pockets to mesh nets. It's a great bag for those who like to stay extremely organized when they're on the road.

Buy from $279.99

Briggs & Riley Traveler Backpack, $329

business trip to india what to wear

The Briggs & Riley backpack has an impressive amount of storage capability thanks to its multitude of pockets and 180-degree, lie-flat opening that allows unfettered access to every nook and cranny.

The laptop sleeve and tablet sleeve are in the same area as the main packing compartment, but they're separated by a zippered inner pocket to keep your clothes all by themselves.

There's also a so-called PowerPocket that fits an external battery pack and keeps a charging cable within easy reach — perfect for a quick boost of juice while you're on the go.

Buy from $329

Tumi Alpha Bravo Navigation Backpack, $525

business trip to india what to wear

Though Tumi makes a handful of durable bags, the Navigation Backpack excels for a wide range of travel needs. It features a separate padded laptop compartment (that can fit even the largest MacBooks), a main storage area and plenty of other smaller pockets.

It also has a zip expansion feature if you decide to grab some souvenirs during your travels.

The backpack comes in five colors, giving you plenty of choices to match your personal travel style.

Buy from $525

Rimowa Flap Backpack Large, $1,725

business trip to india what to wear

If you're looking to make a statement and are willing to spend some serious cash, Rimowa's travel bags are the way to go.

This luxury Italian-made large canvas Flap Backpack features a padded laptop sleeve and a large drawstring compartment to fit all of your travel essentials. It is secured by a flap-top enclosure with a magnetic buckle emblazoned with the Rimowa logo.

Buy from $1,725

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  • Key travel tips you need to know — whether you're a beginner or expert traveler
  • The best travel credit cards
  • The 18 best places to travel in 2024
  • 6 real-life strategies you can use when your flight is canceled or delayed
  • 8 of the best credit cards for general travel purchases


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Ivanka Trump dons gym wear for first public appearance since father's guilty verdict

Ivanka stepped out in style following donald trump's historic conviction, rocking an all-black gym attire paired with white sneakers and matching socks.

Ivanka Trump made her first public appearance Sunday since her father, Donald Trump , was found guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records before a Manhattan jury last week. The 42-year-old, who served as an Advisor to the President during the Trump administration, was spotted wearing form-fitting gym clothes outside a Four Seasons hotel in Miami.

Ivanka Trump makes first public appearance since her father's historic conviction(Reuters photo)

Ivanka Trump steps out in style after father's historic conviction

Ivanka stepped out in style following her father's historic conviction, rocking an all-black gym attire paired with white sneakers and matching socks. She also wore a stylish pair of pink sunglasses and kept her hair in a sleek ponytail.

In the photos obtained by New York Post, the former first daughter can be seen chatting with Marianne Fonseca, Brazillian model and CEO of Gente. The outlet adds that the duo briefly engaged in a conversation before heading out together.

Although Ivanka has kept a low profile since Trump's guilty verdict, she took to social media to share a childhood photo of herself sitting on her father's lap. “I love you dad,” Ivanka wrote on the picture shared on her Instagram story just hours after the hush money trial verdict.

The presumptive GOP nominee is the first US President in history to be convicted of a criminal offence. The 77-year-old addressed his guilty verdict in a Fox News interview on Sunday, where he revealed that he is “okay” with either jail time or house arrest when asked about his potential punishments.

“I saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, ‘Oh no, you don’t want to do that to the president.’ I said: You don’t beg for anything,” he added.

However, Trump noted that the trial had been “tougher” on his family, especially his wife, Melania . “She’s fine, but I think it’s very hard for her. I mean, she’s fine. But it’s … you know, she [Melania] has to read all this crap,” Trump said.

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What to prioritize when shopping for flats

The 9 best flats in 2024, tested and reviewed.

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One of the most cliché-but-true bits of fashion advice is this: Have at least one good pair of flats. Heels are fun and all, but flats are the shoes you can really live your life in. They're essential when putting together the best workwear outfits , and make for the best travel footwear since they take up so little space in your luggage. 

To use another cliché, comfort is key here. Your flats should be easy to break in and provide ample support for your arches (or lack thereof). Below are our style editors' favorite flats to get you from work, brunch, and everywhere in between.

Our top 3 favorite flats we've tested:

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Rothy's pointed toe flats have a spacious toe box and and an elasticated collar, so they're even comfortable for those with wide feet. "I love their padded insoles and how easily they fold up and pack in my tote," says associate style editor Gabrielle Chase.

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"They wear beautifully, are super easy to clean (just wipe them down with a damp cloth and maybe a little hand soap if necessary), and they mold to your feet like malleable leather socks," says Insider Reviews executive editor Sally Kaplan.

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These pliable flats come in less colors than Rothy's, but still beat them in terms of comfort. They have sneaker-like support in their footbeds and take zero break-in time.

Best overall: Everlane Day Glove

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Everlane's leather Day Glove flat is an almost (but not quite) ballet slipper guaranteed to go with just about all your clothing, and it's a staple of nearly every style writer and editor on our team. We wrote up a full review after test-driving these flats, and they remain an  all-time favorite . "Everlane's Day Glove flats are much more comfortable than any other flats I've tried," writes former deputy editor Malarie Gokey, "They actually fit my foot and move with me — not against me."

The leather molds to the foot, so not only will the flats last, they'll get more comfortable over time. The shoes also feature pull tabs, ventilation holes, and comfy insoles to eliminate some of the most common comfort-related issues flats pose. The Day Glove flats come in tons of colors, including classics like black and white as well as some fun shades like cobalt blue or lime green.

They cost $101, and while not inexpensive, it's a steal for shoes that will last you for as long as these do. Several of us have been wearing the same pair for years, with plenty of life in them left. — Sally Kaplan

Read more in our full Everlane Day Glove review , or read up another one of our favorites in our full Everlane Day Ballet Flats review .

Best for arch support: Naturalizer Vivienne Flat

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Having high arches has deterred me from shopping for ballet flats in the past. I'm guilty of wearing sneakers where they don't belong. But as much as I love my tennis shoes, they're owed a break now and then. 

One of the most common orthopedic conditions is sore arches. Vivienne flat remedies those pains with ample arch support, yet still maintains a sleek ballet flat silhouette. Naturalizer, which belongs to the same brand family as Dr. Scholl's, designed the Vivienne to be as comfortable as grandma's orthos without the chunky rubber sole. 

The Vivienne in particular contours the foot effortlessly with a U-shaped topline and subtle 3/4" padded heel. These flats slip on and off with ease, making them an ideal chic errand-day shoe. Naturalizer offers this flat in hard-to-find sizes and wide fits for a custom-made feel. The Vivienne comes in 10 colorways, and at this price point, I can justify buying a couple pairs to cover my bases.  — Gabrielle Chase

Best travel-friendly: Allbirds Tree Breezer

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Allbirds is probably better known for its Silicon Valley uniform-mandated sneakers like the Wool Runners and Tree Runners . But when you don't want to wear sneakers but still need the same comfort and support, you're better off with its flats, the Tree Breezer.

These are the flats you'll want to pack in your suitcase because a) they're very light and you can fold them up to maximize packing space, and b) you can walk around in them all day long.

Quell any fears you have of hobbling through a walking tour or calling it an early night because your feet have become one giant blister. The Breezers have bouncy outsoles made from sugarcane and soft, odor-minimizing Merino wool-lined insoles. The knit collar wraps onto your foot securely, and the rest of the shoe's knit body is breathable and feels silky smooth against your skin. Plus, they're machine-washable, so they're easy to take care of even if you get them all grubby on your trip.

Since the style is more sleek and formal than Allbirds' other shoes, they won't look out of place in a dressier environment. Instead of packing multiple pairs of shoes, you can just bring your all-in-one Tree Breezer flats. If you don't have a chance to try them first before you board your flight, don't worry — most of the Insider Reviews team didn't need to break them in . — Connie Chen

Read more in our full Allbirds Tree Breezer review and our comparison between Allbirds vs Rothy's flats .

Best sustainable: Rothy's Flat

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Shoe brand Rothy's was born out of the desire to repurpose wasteful, single-use plastics into something beautiful and practical. All of its knit shoes are made from 100% post-consumer plastic water bottles, which are hot washed, sterilized, then fused into a fiber that is knit into yarn. 

The insoles contain recycled foam, while the rubber soles are carbon-free. The adhesives used are non-toxic and vegan. Even the packaging is made from post-consumer recycled materials and is biodegradable.

The lofty challenge of reducing your impact on the planet feels more manageable when you start with the things you use in your everyday life. Thanks to Rothy's, the endeavor won't compromise style or comfort.

Rothy's Flat is the choice for many modern working women because it boasts zero break-in time, a sleek look, and moisture-wicking breathability. You'll feel the difference immediately after slipping your feet in; the flats are very light and flexible, with a bit of give, and there aren't any uncomfortable seams or edges. They come with either round, square, or pointed-toe silhouettes.  

Keeping them in top shape is as easy as throwing them in the washing machine. You can also buy extra insoles to help prolong their life. After wearing them often (and you will because of their versatility), you might wonder if they'll actually hold up. But we've been wearing and washing our pairs for more than a year and they look and feel as good as they did on day one. — Connie Chen

To learn more, see our full Rothy's Flat review .

Best for wide feet: Margaux Demi

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Ballet flats look deceptively simple. You know if you're reading this guide that it's hard to get the fit just right — some pairs gape, while others rely on uncomfortable heel elastics to stay on your foot. 

You won't encounter this problem with Margaux. It makes flats in a large range of sizes (from 3 through 14), including half sizes. Instead of suggesting you size up or down for wide and narrow feet, the company ensures fit precision by offering each size in Narrow, Medium, and Wide widths. There's also a made-to-order option for a truly custom fit. 

The Demi Flat from Margaux is a simple and elegant ballet flat. Senior editor Sally Kaplan, who has tried both Medium and Wide pairs of the flat , realized, "With all the walking I do, my feet end up swelling a bit, and the wide pair is more comfortable for long days out."

They feature plush foam padding to give your foot some support, as well as a small heel so you're not walking completely flat on the ground. The bow at the top of the shoe is adjustable in case you want to give your foot even more breathing room. 

You can get the flats in two luxuriously soft and flexible materials, Italian suede or Italian Napa leather, which each come in a small selection of colors that show off the materials beautifully.

Though they're more expensive than average at $245 a pair, the way we see it, it's better to own one pair of really well-made flats than five pairs of fun ones that fall apart quickly. — Connie Chen

Read our full Margaux Demi Flat review to hear more specifics about why we love them. 

Best luxury: Mansur Gavriel Dream Ballerina

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There's something to be said for splurging on a really gorgeous pair of designer heels that you only wear on special occasions, but honestly, I've always felt that it makes more sense to spend that money on a practical pair you'll get more wear out of. A beautiful ballet flat that'll never go out of style is exactly the kind of shoe that deserves the designer treatment.

We think Mansur Gavriel's Dream Ballerinas are the absolute best designer flats out there. The $395 price tag isn't so unreasonable when compared to flats from brands like Chanel ($750+) or Louboutin ($500+), and the comfort rivals that of Everlane's Day flat , our best-overall pick on this list. 

The lambskin leather is buttery soft and the insoles provide enough cushion that the flats wear almost like a loafer. The bow on the shoe is actually functional, so you can use it to tighten or loosen the opening. The bottom of the shoe has just enough traction that I feel comfortable on slippery tile surfaces, which can't be said for other slick-bottomed designer pairs I've ultimately passed over. Ultimately, these flats have it all. And even after having tested every other pair of flats on this list, I can confidently say these are worth the cost.

As far as sizing goes, I am usually somewhere in between a 7.5 and 8, and I ordered a size 38 (the European equivalent of an 8). Mansur Gavriel's site says to order a full size up from your usual size, but in my experience, it's better to opt for either your true size or one half size up if you sometimes find your true size to be tight in other brands. — Sally Kaplan

Best mesh: M.Gemi The Contessa

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One of the most trendy evolutions in the flats category is the mesh flat . If you're not keen on exposing your toes but can't imagine stuffing your feet into socks when the temperatures rise, these are the perfect alternative to sandals.

M.Gemi's Contessa serves as a comfortable dress shoe for days when you'd rather go barefoot. They're handmade in Italy with a double layer of mesh that's ventilating, yet still durable. Bound in high-quality Tuscan leather, they have a different effect in each of the three colors available, and all have a smooth suede interior. —  Gabrielle Chase Read about other styles tested from the brand in our full M.Gemi review .

Best for work: Marks & Spencer Suede Stain Resistant Flat Ballet Pumps

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Take a look around the next time you're in the elevator at the office. Someone is bound to be clad in ballet flats, no matter what's on the agenda that day. Marks & Spencer's Suede Stain Resistant Flat Ballet Pumps are a versatile shoe option that is easily styled with workwear. You'll also notice they bear a significant resemblance to Chanel's iconic ballerinas , but at a fraction of the price. 

The Marks & Spencer flats feature patented Insolia Flex technology. This is meant to create a balance between the sole of the shoe and your foot's natural padding, so they're well suited for standing for extended amounts of time. The pretty bow detail makes them deceptively dainty despite the support they provide. 

The interior is padded with an antibacterial liner to spare any embarrassing odors that naturally occur when forgoing socks. And when you're commuting on a rainy day, you need not jeopardize looking neat and professional. The Marks & Spencer flats have a water-repellent, stain-resistant exterior to help keep them looking fresh and new. This simple suede option pairs well with outfits in year-round weather conditions. — Gabrielle Chase

Best Mary Jane: Vivaia Square-Toe Margot Mary Jane

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Mary Janes have seen a sharp uptick in the wake of the coquette trend, but this sophisticated version has a square toe that adds more dimension to the classic silhouette. The Margot Mary Janes are extremely comfortable. — I took these on a long walk over concrete and sustained zero blisters while breaking them in.

I also compared Rothy's Mary Janes to Vivaia's, and while both brands claim to take a sustainable approach to women's footwear, I preferred Vivaia's attention to detail in their design. Plus, they're less expensive. They run slightly wide, but because their strap is adjustable, it won't pose any issue to people with narrow feet like mine.  I learned the hard way that this pair isn't ideal for wearing in heavy rain, but the breathable material is thankfully machine washable. The flexible upper is made from upcycled water bottles, and they're easy to fold up and pack in a tote bag.  —Gabrielle Chase

Read more in our full Vivaia shoes review . 

Know your true size. Flats are an intimate category of footwear since they're typically worn without socks. Take your best fitting shoes and check out where they're made.This will inform your knowledge of how different countries size up or down in comparison and help you find the closest match. 

Assess your shape. Whatever your silhouette, the shape of the flats you wear can make or break the fit, even if the length is correct. Notice the curve of your toes and try to find flats that won't squish them or leave gaps. Some toes are squared off, some rounded, others come to a point at the second toe. Your best chance at the right fit will depend on how your flats resemble your shape. 

Where to wear: If you're shopping for a one-night-only kind of flat versus an everyday pair, or if you're in a climate that relies on temperature-controlled materials, consider how your new flats will hold up. Your mode of transport when commuting to your destination also plays a part. Walking on asphalt to the office will have a different lasting effect on a pair of flats than stepping out of a limo once you've reached the function.

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You can purchase logo and accolade licensing to this story here . Disclosure: Written and researched by the Insider Reviews team. We highlight products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, we may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. We may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising team. We welcome your feedback. Email us at [email protected] .

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After Trump’s Conviction, a Wary World Waits for the Fallout

Already braced for uncertainty about the U.S. election, countries in Europe and Asia are now even more unclear about the future of American diplomacy.

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Mr. Trump, in a dark blue suit and bright blue tie, walks past metal police barricades with a group of other men.

By Hannah Beech and Paul Sonne

  • May 31, 2024

The world does not vote in American presidential elections. Nor do its jurors play a part in the American judicial system. Nevertheless, the conviction of Donald J. Trump on all 34 felony counts in a hush-money trial in a New York court on Thursday has again made clear how consequential what happens in the United States is for the rest of the planet.

Many America-watchers are grappling with the same questions posed by people in the United States: Can Mr. Trump still run for president? (Yes.) And if so, will the guilty verdicts cut into the support from his political base? (Unclear.)

Foreign observers also began wondering if Mr. Trump, already a volatile force, would become even less likely to stay within the guardrails of normal politics and diplomacy if he won the presidency again in November.

Mr. Trump’s supporters in anti-immigrant, right-wing nationalist circles abroad quickly jumped to his defense. Viktor Orban, Hungary’s Kremlin-friendly prime minister, called Mr. Trump “a man of honor” in a post on X and said the American people should deliver their own verdict in November.

Matteo Salvini, Italy’s deputy prime minister and the leader of the hard-right League party, expressed “solidarity and full support,” and called Mr. Trump a “victim of judicial harassment.”

“This verdict is a disgrace,” Nigel Farage, the pro-Brexit campaigner and Trump supporter, who is honorary president of Reform UK, a small right-wing party in Britain, wrote on social media. “Trump will now win big.”

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia did not immediately respond to the verdict but has seized on the situation more broadly to undermine American influence. Mr. Putin last year called the various proceedings against Mr. Trump political “ persecution ” and said they had revealed the “rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.”

His spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, reiterated the point on Friday in response to the verdict, saying it was clear to the entire world that the U.S. authorities were trying to eliminate political rivals “by all possible legal and illegal means.”

The convictions by a Manhattan jury come as the question of American engagement has become central in several global crises.

In Ukraine, the war effort against Russia has been stymied after Republicans in Congress delayed American military aid for months.

In Europe, leaders reliant on the United States for their defense are jittery about a return to a more acrimonious relationship with Washington and a possible withdrawal of American support for hardening defenses against Russia.

In Asia, where the Biden administration perceives a growing Chinese threat and worries about a possible invasion of Taiwan, American allies are concerned about the sanctity of defense treaties that have long girded the regional security order.

On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump has said he would encourage Russia to attack any NATO member that doesn’t pay sufficiently for its defense and has questioned whether the United States should defend South Korea, a treaty ally that hosts a large American military presence. He is considering the Ohio senator J.D. Vance, one of Washington’s most vociferous opponents of military aid for Ukraine, as a possible running mate.

Foreign analysts worry that Mr. Trump’s favored currency, unpredictability, could again shake up the global order.

Concern about his possible return to the White House is particularly palpable in Germany, the object of Mr. Trump’s ire for much of his first term and the host of more than 35,000 U.S. troops.

Andrea Römmele, vice president of the Hertie School, a public policy-focused graduate school in Berlin, said many Germans watching the Trump verdict were relieved to see that even a former president was not above the law in the United States. But she said Germans remained very anxious about a Trump victory.

“I think everyone is much more prepared to think the unthinkable,” she said.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland, whose right-wing domestic opponents accuse him of using the judiciary to settle political scores, hailed the conviction of Mr. Trump in New York as “an American lesson” for Polish politicians.

“The law determines guilt and punishment, regardless of whether the perpetrator is a president or a minister,” Mr. Tusk said in a message posted on X. A veteran centrist, Mr. Tusk took office after an October election that ousted a nationalist government that cultivated close ties with Mr. Trump during and after his time in the White House.

Still, on Friday, most foreign governments, forced to surf every shift in the American political mood, reacted cautiously.

“I would like to refrain from commenting on matters related to judicial procedures in other countries,” Yoshimasa Hayashi, Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, said at a news conference in Tokyo on Friday.

In Britain, where a national election campaign is underway, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak refused to discuss the Trump case. His Labour Party opponent, Keir Starmer, a former top prosecutor, said he respected the court’s decision and called the situation unprecedented.

“Ultimately whether he is elected president will be a matter for the American people and obviously, if we’re privileged to come in to serve, we would work with whoever they choose as their president,” Mr. Starmer told BBC Radio Scotland.

Mao Ning, a spokeswoman for China’s foreign ministry, declined to comment on the verdict. She said she hoped whoever was elected president would “be committed to developing healthy and stable China-U. S. relations.”

The possibility of Mr. Trump’s return to the White House is a source of anxiety for U.S. allies in Asia that rely on Washington for their defense.

When Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan made a state visit to Washington in April, President Biden called relations between the countries the most important bilateral alliance in the world. With American concern rising over China’s expanding military footprint, Mr. Biden has strengthened American defense partnerships with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and others in Asia.

By contrast, while president, Mr. Trump called for Japan, which hosts more than 50,000 American troops on its soil, to pay $8 billion for the upkeep of American bases there. (It never happened.)

Still, the fundamental tension in regional geopolitics — the contest between the United States and China — will continue no matter who wins the American presidential election.

“Beijing has no illusion about Trump or Biden, given their anti-China solid stance,” said Lau Siu-kai, an adviser to the Chinese government on Hong Kong policy. “Beijing is all set for a more intense confrontation with the U.S. over technology, trade and Taiwan.”

Officials in China’s embassy in the United States and its consulates around the country are most likely scrambling to assess how the verdict could affect the election, said Willy Lam, an analyst of Chinese politics at the Jamestown Foundation in Washington.

“The majority of Xi Jinping’s advisers now think a Trump presidency might be worse for U.S.-China relations,” Mr. Lam said of China’s top leader. “If Trump were to win, given the now peculiar circumstances of his victory, he might gravitate towards unpredictable actions to assert his authority.”

There is a sense in Asia that the region is perennially overlooked and underappreciated by U.S. presidents, particularly as crises in Europe and the Middle East have monopolized Mr. Biden’s attention. That sentiment was also felt acutely during Mr. Trump’s presidency, and for American partners in Asia it was made worse by his affinity for regional strongmen.

In addition to occasional expressions of admiration for Mr. Putin and Kim Jong-un of North Korea, Mr. Trump invited to the White House a former army chief who led a coup in Thailand and installed himself as prime minister. Mr. Trump drew accolades from Rodrigo Duterte, formerly the president of the Philippines and now under investigation by the International Criminal Court over his deadly war on drugs.

The Philippines is now led by the son of the longtime dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos, who died in exile in Hawaii. He has reoriented the country away from China back toward the United States.

In at least one regard — the prosecution of former leaders — the rest of the world is far ahead of the United States. South Korea, where four former presidents have been convicted of corruption and abuse of power, has made something of a national sport of imprisoning disgraced leaders. The former French presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Jacques Chirac were convicted of corruption.

Jacob Zuma, the former president of South Africa, has been charged with money laundering, among other crimes. And Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was sentenced to years in prison for corruption after leading Brazil. His convictions were eventually annulled. He is again president of the country.

Reporting was contributed by Stephen Castle, Elisabetta Povoledo, Roger Cohen, Zixu Wang, Andrew Higgins, Camille Elemia , Choe Sang-Hun , Motoko Rich , Alexandra Stevenson , Sui-Lee Wee and Sameer Yasir .

An earlier version of this article misstated the length of Rodrigo Duterte’s term in office. It was six years, not eight years.

How we handle corrections

Hannah Beech is a Times reporter based in Bangkok who has been covering Asia for more than 25 years. She focuses on in-depth and investigative stories. More about Hannah Beech

Paul Sonne is an international correspondent, focusing on Russia and the varied impacts of President Vladimir V. Putin’s domestic and foreign policies, with a focus on the war against Ukraine. More about Paul Sonne

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

What Happens Next: Trump’s sentencing hearing on July 11 will trigger a long and winding appeals process , though he has few ways to overturn the decision .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country  and around the world . Here’s what voters , New Yorkers , Republicans , Trump supporters  and President Biden  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The political fallout of Trump’s conviction is far from certain , but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension .

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .

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What to wear to the airport: 7 travel outfit essentials

Styling tips.

From cosy joggers and versatile tops to iconic sneakers, your travel wardrobe is about to get an upgrade.

What to wear to the airport: 7 travel outfit ideas

Planning your airport outfit is a crucial step in travel preparations. Travel outfits aren't just about making a style statement—prioritising comfort and function is key, too. Navigating the airport terminal, waiting in lines and sitting for extended periods call for cosy clothing items.

The best travel outfit ideas revolve around ease and adaptability. Whether you're trying to catch an early morning flight or prepare for a lengthy international journey, your travel outfit needs to be versatile enough to adapt from the chilly aeroplane cabin to the warmer climates of your destination.

Airport outfit ideas marry comfort with style, making athleisure outfits the ultimate go-to. For context, adaptable athleisure pieces include leggings and joggers, tops and T-shirts you can layer and jumpers that easily come on and off.

Of course, comfortable footwear you can slip in and out of is the ultimate finishing touch (hello, Nike Air Force 1s). Likewise, utilitarian bags help make packing and security checkpoints a breeze.

Whether they are for a quick business trip or a long-awaited getaway, the airport outfits ahead ensure you're well-prepared and comfy for whatever amount of time you spend travelling—from departures to arrivals.

Your travel outfits need these 7 essential clothing staples

Slip into cosy joggers.

Navigating the airport can sometimes feel like a sport in itself. That's why a pair of joggers or tracksuit bottoms are a reliable go-to. They offer maximum comfort and flexibility for long walks to your gate or unexpected dashes to make a connection. Style these with a form-fitting tank top or T-shirt, and layer with an oversized jacket to balance out the look. A chain-link necklace or sleek watch will elevate the cosiness without feeling fussy.

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Women's High-Waisted Wide-Leg Cosy Fleece Trousers

Nike Sportswear Phoenix Plush

Women's high-waisted wide-leg cosy fleece trousers, mrp: ₹4,077.

Women's High-Waisted Wide-Leg French Terry Tracksuit Bottoms

Women's High-Waisted Wide-Leg French Terry Tracksuit Bottoms

Mrp: ₹3,995.

Women's High-Waisted Slim Zip Trousers

Women's High-Waisted Slim Zip Trousers

Mrp: ₹6,167.

Women's High-Waisted Oversized Tracksuit Bottoms

Women's High-Waisted Oversized Tracksuit Bottoms

Mrp: ₹3,507, leggings for the long haul.

A favourite among many travellers, full-length leggings are a no-brainer when thinking up holiday outfit ideas and refining your airport style. Simple and sleek, they're perfect for any travel day where comfort is the priority, and many of them offer functional details like pockets to quickly stash your phone and ID. Add a long, loose top and oversized jumper or sweatshirt to balance the fitted silhouette of the leggings. Then, toss on a pair of sculptural hoop earrings for a dash of polish.

Shop Women's Full-Length Tights & Leggings

Women's Gentle-Support High-Waisted Full-Length Leggings

Women's Gentle-Support High-Waisted Full-Length Leggings

Mrp: ₹5,495.

Women's Tight Mini-Rib Flared Leggings

Nike Sportswear Chill Knit

Women's tight mini-rib flared leggings.

Women's Gentle-Support High-Waisted Full-Length Leggings

Women's High-Waisted Full-Length Leggings

Mrp: ₹3,095.

Women's Mid-Rise Leggings

Women's Mid-Rise Leggings

Mrp: ₹2,495.

Women's Medium-Support High-Waisted Leggings with Pockets

Nike Universa

Women's medium-support high-waisted leggings with pockets.

Women's High-Waisted Flared Leggings

Women's High-Waisted Flared Leggings

Women's Mid-Rise Running Leggings

Nike Epic Fast

Women's mid-rise running leggings.

Women's High-Waisted Full-Length Leggings

Nike Sportswear Classics

Women's high-waisted graphic leggings, mrp: ₹2,695, all hail the hoodie.

Hoodies and sweatshirts are the best companions for chilly aeroplane cabins or early morning flights (not to mention they can double as a pillow if you peel off the layer after getting warm). Pair these cosy layers with joggers or leggings and, for more dimension, perhaps add a bomber jacket for a finish. After all, wearing a jacket on the plane reduces the weight in a checked bag—a pro packing hack.

Shop Women's Hoodies & Sweatshirts

Women's Loose Full-Zip French Terry Hoodie

Women's Loose Full-Zip French Terry Hoodie

Women's Oversized Crew-Neck Logo Sweatshirt

Women's Oversized Crew-Neck Logo Sweatshirt

Women's Fleece Crew-Neck Sweatshirt

Jordan Artist Series by Darien Birks

Women's fleece crew-neck sweatshirt, mrp: ₹4,495.

Women's French Terry Short-Sleeve Cropped Top

Nike Sportswear

Women's french terry short-sleeve cropped top, mrp: ₹2,895.

Women's 1/4-Zip Cropped Sweatshirt

Women's 1/4-Zip Cropped Sweatshirt

Women's Loose Full-Zip French Terry Hoodie (Plus Size)

Women's Loose Full-Zip French Terry Hoodie (Plus Size)

Women's Over-Oversized Crew-Neck French Terry Sweatshirt

Women's Over-Oversized Crew-Neck French Terry Sweatshirt

Women's Oversized Sweatshirt French Terry Hoodie

Women's Oversized Sweatshirt French Terry Hoodie

Women's Full-Zip Hoodie

Nike Sportswear Tech Fleece Windrunner

Women's full-zip hoodie, mrp: ₹8,995.

Women's Cropped V-Neck Top

Women's Cropped V-Neck Top

What to wear to the airport: 7 travel outfit ideas

Support in style

Light-support bras are a staple for those who prioritise comfort and support. Pair these with a semi-sheer top for a subtle flash of style. A pendant necklace or two will amplify the layered look with extra personality.

Shop Women's Light-Support Sports Bras

Women's Padded Adjustable Sports Bra

Nike Indy Light-Support

Women's padded adjustable sports bra, mrp: ₹2,195.

Women's Light-Support Padded Sports Bra

Nike Zenvy Strappy

Women's light-support padded sports bra.

Women's Padded Adjustable Sports Bra

Women's Bra Tank Top

Women's Minimalist Light-Support Padded Sports Bra

Nike Dri-FIT Alate

Women's minimalist light-support padded sports bra, mrp: ₹2,595.

Women's Light-Support Padded Longline Sports Bra

Nike Zenvy Rib

Women's light-support padded longline sports bra, mrp: ₹3,295.

Women's Light-Support Sports Bra

Jordan Indy

Women's light-support sports bra, fresh air force 1s.

A pair of reliable sneakers is the ultimate anchor to every great airport outfit. A pair of Nike Air Force 1s isn't just comfortable, it's iconic and adds a sporty touch to your travel attire. Complement these with ankle-length trousers or leggings and a gleaming or beaded anklet.

Shop Nike Air Force 1 Shoes

Men's Shoes

Nike Air Force 1 '07

Men's shoes, mrp: ₹9,695.

Women's Shoes

Nike Air Force 1 '07 Next Nature

Women's shoes.

Men's Shoes

Nike Air Force 1 '07 LV8

Mrp: ₹10,795.

Women's Shoes

Nike Air Force 1 Wild

Mrp: ₹12,795.

Women's Shoes

Nike Air Force 1 '07 Next Nature SE

Women's Shoes

Nike Air Force 1 Shadow

Mrp: ₹11,895.

Men's Shoes

Nike Air Force 1 '07 Fresh

Mrp: ₹11,295.

Women's Shoes

MRP: ₹8,195

Men's Shoes

Tees, please

Easy tees are all about comfort—key for travel—but there's no harm in prioritising a little style, too. Think beyond your normal rotation of V-necks and crew necks and consider an oversized rugby style silhouette. Then, pair your favourite one with relaxed-fit joggers or cargo trousers and a classic baseball cap or beanie.

Shop Women's Lifestyle Tops

Women's Ribbed Cropped Tank Top

Nike Sportswear Essentials

Women's ribbed cropped tank top.

Women's Sleeveless Cropped Top

Nike Sportswear Club

Women's sleeveless cropped top, mrp: ₹1,295.

Women's Short-sleeve Polo Top

Nike Sportswear Essential

Women's short-sleeve polo top, mrp: ₹1,895.

Women's T-shirt

Women's T-shirt

Women's Asymmetrical Ribbed Tank Top

Women's Asymmetrical Ribbed Tank Top

Women's Girlfriend T-Shirt

Women's Girlfriend T-Shirt

Mrp: ₹2,295.

Women's Logo T-Shirt

Women's Logo T-Shirt

Mrp: ₹1,695.

Women's Knit Cropped Top

Women's Knit Cropped Top

Women's Cropped T-Shirt

Women's Cropped T-Shirt

It's in the bag.

Don't underestimate the power of a functional bag. A duffel or backpack is a sensible choice for travel, as either option is often equipped with plenty of pockets and straps for hassle-free packing and carrying. Make the most of this travel look by thinking monochromatically , adding socks and a hat of the same hue for a colour-coordinating effect—and statement-making impact.

If you're heading somewhere warm (beach holiday, perhaps?) —and you want to get out of your airport outfit after landing—consider tossing an athletic dress, a colour-coordinating cardigan and a pair of strappy sandals in your carry-on bag for a quick glow-up.

Shop Nike Duffel Bags

Training Duffel Bag (Large, 95L)

Nike Brasilia 9.5

Training duffel bag (large, 95l).

Training Duffel Bag (Medium, 51L)

Nike Utility Power

Training duffel bag (medium, 51l), mrp: ₹4,295.

Training Duffel Bag (Small, 31L)

Training Duffel Bag (Small, 31L)

Football Duffel Bag (Large, 95L)

Nike Academy Team

Football duffel bag (large, 95l).

Duffel Bag (50L)

Duffel Bag (50L)

Mrp: ₹6,995.

Duffel Bag (45L)

Nike Premium

Duffel bag (45l), mrp: ₹4,695.

Women's Training Duffel Bag (24L)

Nike One Club

Women's training duffel bag (24l).

Words by Laura Lajiness Kaupke

Shop Nike Backpacks

Mini Backpack (6L)

Nike Sportswear Futura 365

Mini backpack (6l).

Women's Mini Backpack (6L)

Women's Mini Backpack (6L)

Mrp: ₹1,995.

Backpack (25L)

Nike Heritage

Backpack (25l).

Backpack (26L)

Nike Sportswear RPM

Backpack (26l), mrp: ₹5,795.

Training Backpack (27L)

Nike Utility Speed

Training backpack (27l).

Training Backpack (Extra Large, 30L)

Training Backpack (Extra Large, 30L)

Eugene Backpack (23L)

Eugene Backpack (23L)

Mrp: ₹2,995.

Football Backpack (30L)

Paris Saint-Germain Academy

Football backpack (30l).

Women's Training Backpack (16L)

Women's Training Backpack (16L)

Backpack (25L)

Originally published: 10 November 2023

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