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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

16 Easy Steps for Planning Your Next Trip

A map on a wall with money and pins used for planning a trip

I remember when I started planning my first trip around the world. I had no idea what I was doing.

When I decided to quit my job and travel the world , I walked into a bookstore and bought Lonely Planet’s Southeast Asia on Shoestring . Buying that guidebook was my first step toward long-term travel. It made the trip seem more real, more tangible. It made it all seem possible.

While helpful, the book didn’t exactly prepare me for planning a trip around the world. Back then, there weren’t really travel blogs, sharing economy websites, and apps like there are today. I was excited and determined — but I was lost. I had to figure it out as I went, hoping I didn’t miss anything important.

Trip planning can be a daunting task. Where do you begin? What’s step one? What’s step two? What’s step three?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially when you haven’t done something like this before — and especially considering just how much information there is out there these days. Blogs, social media, and guidebooks have never been more plentiful. There’s a firehose of information out there that can sometimes make the task of planning a trip even more challenging and overwhelming.

After a decade of traveling the world , I’ve planned countless trips and vacations for myself, friends, family, and even group tours. In the beginning, it was trial by fire and I learned a lot of lessons the hard way . However, that helped me develop an efficient checklist that ensures I don’t miss anything important during the trip planning process.

After all, I don’t want to get to my next destination and then realize I forgot something. And neither do you!

There is a lot of information on this website ( and even more information packed into my book ), but one question that comes up frequently is, “Matt, how do I put this all together? How do I plan a trip?”

In a continuing effort to help you get out the door and into the world, I’ve created this step-by-step guide on how to plan a trip. It works for any kind of trip — no matter how long you’re going for! Just follow this checklist and you’ll be off in no time!

Table of Contents

Step 1: Decide Where You Want To Go

Step 2: decide the length of your trip, step 3: research your costs, step 4: start saving money, step 5: get a travels rewards credit card, step 6: switch to no-fee atm cards, step 7: stay focused and inspired, step 8: check for last-minute deals, step 9: book your flight, step 10: book your accommodation, step 11: plan your activities, step 12: sell your stuff, step 13: automate your bills, step 14: pack, step 15: buy travel insurance, step 16: enjoy your trip.

If you want to jump ahead, simply click on any of the links above.  

Signs pointing in all directions on a tall sign post with a blue sky as the background

It’s a lot easier to mentally get behind “I am going to Paris in the summer” than “I’m going to Europe” or “I’m going somewhere.” Not only will your trip become more concrete for you and easier to commit to, but it will make planning easier as well…because you know what to work towards. Get specific with your plans. Get detailed. The more focused and concrete your goal, the easier it will be to actually reach it.

Resources for picking your travel destination:

  • 200+ In-Depth Destination Guides
  • 10 Destinations Under $50 Per Day
  • The 10 Best Places to Visit as a Budget Traveler
  • The 20 Best Tropical Islands in the World

How much does it cost to travel? That depends!

Without knowing how long you’re going away for, I can’t answer that question. And it’s a question you need to answer so you can start planning!

In order to figure out how much you need to save you’ll need to know how long your trip will be.

Are you going away for a week? A month? A year?

The length of your trip is a huge factor in determining how much money you need. Spend some time mulling that over until you have your answer.

For example, after you say “I’m going to Paris this summer,” add “for X days.” That way you can start to narrow down just how much money you’re going to need to save. “I am going to Paris for 10 days” is a trip that you can plan for. It’s an attainable goal.  

So you know where you’re going and how long you’ll be there, but to really nail down how much money you need, your next task is to research the costs in your destination at the style of travel you want.

Do you want to backpack, or would you rather stay in luxury hotels?

How much are hostels, hotels, restaurants, and attractions?

Knowing will allow you to estimate how much money you’ll need for your trip. Here is how to research costs:

  • Buy a guidebook.
  • Check out my travel guide section .
  • Google prices for specific things you want to do, such as scuba diving, bungy jumping, winery tours, etc. ( Get Your Guide is a good place to start for that)

You don’t need to do more than that. There’s so much information on the web that if you go down the rabbit hole of overplanning, you’ll get lost and confused by the firehose of information. Stick to those three things and you’ll be set!

In our example, if you are going to Paris for 10 days and need at least $75 USD a day (not including your flight), you know you need to save $750 USD (though round up to $800-900 USD since it’s good to have extra) for your trip.

If you were to travel around the world for a year, you’d need $50 USD a day .

Here are some other insightful posts that will help you better estimate your costs:

  • 5 Ways to Make Your Money Last When You Travel
  • How to Know the Travel Info You Find is Legit
  • How I Research My Solo Travel Destinations

saving money for travel in a piggy bank that's standing on a pile of cash bills

People bleed a lot of money every day through small purchases: a coffee here, a snack there. All of that adds up. In order to make changes to your spending habits, you first need to understand them. Making a list will do just that. It will also put your financial needs into a better perspective.

For example, if you need $2,000 USD for the trip you’re taking in eight months, that means you only have to save $8.33 USD per day. Couldn’t you find a way to save $8 USD per day? Heck, your daily coffee is most of that!

If you’re struggling to save money, here are 23 ways to cut your expenses and save money for travel . This will help you get started and on the road to saving money in no time!  

travel credit card being used to shop online by a man at a laptop

These days, most cards have welcome offers of up to 100,000 points when you meet their minimum spending requirement. That’s enough miles for a free flight almost anywhere in the world!

If you want a free flight, sign up for the cards that help with that. If you want free hotel rooms, get a hotel card. Either way, sign up for a travel credit card and start earning points today. As long as you can pay off your monthly balance, you’ll get free travel credit.

You don’t need to sign up for very many cards either; pick one or two and focus on those. Do this the moment you decide you want to travel. Don’t wait — waiting equals lost miles, which means less free travel.

Collecting points and miles is what all the experts do to cut their costs and travel longer. It’s what has kept my costs down and me on the road for so many years. While the best cards are only available in the US, there are still plenty of options for Canadians as well as folks from Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

For more information on travel credit cards and using points and miles, check out these posts:

  • Points and Miles 101: A Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Pick the Best Travel Credit Card
  • The Best Travel Credit Cards
  • How to Earn Points by Paying Your Rent
  • The Ultimate Guide to Points and Miles
  • How to Use Points and Miles in Canada

Once you’re abroad, you’re going to need money. While many countries accept credit cards, in the majority of countries cash is still king. That means you’ll need to use ATMs to withdraw the local currency.

And that also means you’re going to get dinged by ATM fees.

If you’re just away for a week or two, paying a few dollars in ATM fees isn’t the end of the world. But if you’re away for a longer period, those fees add up and chew into your travel budget — a budget you’ve worked hard to grow. Don’t give banks any of your hard-earned money.

How? By using a no-fee ATM card.

I use Charles Schwab , but there are lots of other banks (don’t forget to check your local banks) that don’t charge ATM fees. Additionally, you can join a bank in the Global ATM Alliance .

By using a no-fee ATM card you can avoid those pesky ATM fees, leaving you more money for what it was intended for: travel.

Here’s exactly how you can avoid ATM fees while traveling .  

While you get closer to your goal, make sure that you keep feeding your desire to travel. Travel planning can be exhausting and overwhelming — especially if you don’t have support from your friends and family (and especially if your trip is still months away). It can often get discouraging and feel out of reach at times.

Luckily, there are tons of ways to stay focused and keep your spirits high thanks to the amazing community we have on this website. Here are some inspiring travel stories to help keep you inspired to travel:

  • Why It’s Never the Perfect Time to Travel
  • 13 Travel Books That Will Give You Serious Wanderlust
  • How to Change the “I’m Too Poor to Travel” Mindset and Say Yes to Travel
  • 8 Ways to Stay Motivated to Travel

Additionally, be sure to join our online travel community The Nomadic Network . Not only will you find support (and tons of tips) online, but we also host regular in-person and virtual events all around the world. These are a great way to get inspired, meet other awesome travelers in your area, and get travel advice.  

Okay, you’re inspired, prepared, and on your way to saving money for your trip. But before you go buy that flight or book that hotel, check for deals you might have missed. You may dream of Paris but maybe there are great deals to Berlin right now. Or maybe you can get a seven-day cruise for 70% off, a package deal to Hawaii for the price of your flight to Paris, or 50% off sailing trips around Greece.

These days, there is always a deal to be found — especially if you’re flexible with your dates and/or destinations. Some deal websites worth checking out are:

  • Going (Formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights)
  • The Flight Deal
  • Holiday Pirates

A commercial plane taking off into the golden, bright sunset

Fortunately, there are still many ways to avoid being the person on the flight who paid the most for their ticket. My two favorite sites for finding cheap airfare are:

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is the best website for searching multiple destinations at the same time.

For the best deals, book your flight about two-three months in advance. Here are two articles on how to score a cheap flight:

  • How to Find Cheap Flights
  • Booking Flights: Everything You Need to Know

luna's hostel in panama city, full of backpackers just hanging out and having fun

For trips longer than two weeks (or if you are going to be traveling long-term) just book your first few days. That will ensure you have a place to go on arrival. Once there, you can get insider advice from your hotel/hostel staff as well as other travelers. You can then use that info to plan your next steps.

While you can book more than your first few nights, you might end up wanting to change your plans once you land. I prefer having flexibility, which is why I always just book my first few nights and go from there.

Here are my go-to sites when it comes to finding the best deals on accommodation:

  • Hostelworld – Hostelworld has the largest selection of hostels and is my go-to site for finding affordable hostels.
  • Agoda – Agoda has the best results if you’re heading to Asia (though they sometimes have good US deals too).
  • – is the best overall platform for finding budget hotels and guesthouses.

If you’re on a tight budget or you want to connect with more locals during your travels, consider joining platforms like Couchsurfing or BeWelcome . These communities allow travelers to stay with locals for free as a sort of cultural exchange.

Long-term travelers can also try housesitting or WWOOFing as well as they both offer free accommodation (in exchange for pet sitting or farm work respectively).  

Nomadic Matt pretending to be lost with a group of backpacker friends in Asia

Search online for discounts as well. While some countries offer cheaper prices in person, others give discounts to those who book early/online. Research which is which for your itinerary so you can save money.

For shorter trips, you can also book your activities in advance to ensure you get tickets. For longer trips, book as you go.

Additionally, before you leave home, have a rough idea of what activities are priorities for you. That way, if you run out of time or money, you can focus on your top activities so you don’t miss out. Also, make sure to double-check that there are no holidays or other obstacles that will prevent you from certain activities as well.  

If you are going on a long-term trip (six months or more), consider selling your stuff in order to earn extra money for your trip. Start doing this about 60 days before you leave. Some sites to use are:

  • Gumtree – An online classified site with a focus in the UK and Australia.
  • Amazon – The biggest online store in the world.
  • Craigslist – Online global classifieds that have both local and global reach.
  • eBay – Another global online classified site.
  • Facebook Marketplace – Great for finding people near you (so you don’t need to ship your items).

If you aren’t going to be gone that long, skip this step. If you are going away long-term but want to keep your stuff, move it to a friend’s house or keep it in storage. A good storage company in the US is Public Storage . It’s one of the most affordable options out there.  

Get rid of your mail, go paperless, and set up online bill payment for your recurring bills to ensure you won’t miss any while overseas. If you are still going to get paper mail, use a service like Earth Class Mail , which will collect and scan your mail for you. (If you are going on a two-week trip, you don’t really need to worry about this, so you can skip this step, too.)

If you have the option (and don’t want to pay for a mail service), you can also have all your mail sent to a friend or family member.

Additionally, you’ll want to make sure you cancel any phone plans you have or switch your plan to one that is more travel-friendly. T-Mobile is great for travelers going on trips under 3 months. For any trips longer than that, you’ll want to cancel your plan and just buy SIM cards abroad as that will be much cheaper.  

Two travel backpacks all packed and ready for an adventure

I travel with a 45L REI bag and then a smaller day bag.

Unless you’re heading to multiple climates and need bulky winter gear, you don’t need a massive 70L bag stuffed to the top. Here’s my suggested packing list to help you take just the right amount of stuff and avoid overpacking ( here’s a list for female travelers as well ).

While what you pack will depend on where you are going, remember that you don’t need to pack everything you own. You can buy things you need on the road. You can do laundry overseas. At the end of the day, you have to carry everything you bring. So bring less!

There are a few extra items you might want to pack beyond your everyday clothes, though. Some things I like to bring with me are:

  • First aid kit
  • LifeStraw bottle with built-in filter
  • Packing cubes (to stay organized)
  • Travel lock (for hostel lockers)
  • Travel adapter
  • Quick-dry towel

Additionally, make sure you bring any prescriptions with you so you have enough for the duration of your trip. If that’s not feasible, bring a doctor’s note and prescription with you so you can fill it abroad.  

While a lot of people think, “I’m healthy, I don’t need travel insurance . I won’t get sick,” travel insurance is much more than just medical protection. It covers you when your camera breaks, your flight is canceled, a family member dies and you have to come home, or if something gets stolen.

Yes, it’s an added expense. But it’s always better to be safe than sorry. I never leave home without it because I’ve seen first-hand just what can happen on the road.

I never thought I would pop my eardrum while I was scuba diving in Thailand or break my camera in Italy .

I didn’t know I would get knifed in Colombia .

My friend never thought he would break his leg hiking.

Another friend didn’t expect her father would die and she would have to fly back home.

Unfortunately, bad things can happen when you’re traveling. True, these events are few and far between. But they can cost tens of thousands of dollars to handle on your own. If you’re not prepared to pay out of pocket, buy travel insurance.

To help you figure out the best plan for you and your trip, here’s my ultimate guide to picking a good insurance company . It will show you how to pick a good plan that covers you for when you get sick, your flights get canceled, if you get injured, something gets stolen, or your trip is delayed.

Here’s a breakdown of my recommended travel insurance companies so you can see what company offers the best plans for your needs and budget:

  • SafetyWing – Super affordable plans for budget travelers.
  • Insure My Trip – Best for senior travelers.
  • Medjet – Provides additional evacuation coverage to ensure you get home should an emergency occur.
  • Insured Nomads – In-depth emergency and non-emergency coverage for long-term travelers and digital nomads.

For more information on travel insurance, you can check out these posts:

  • What Does Travel Insurance Actually Cover?
  • Is Travel Insurance Worth It?
  • Do You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance?

Additionally, make sure you know your rights as an airline passenger. For example, delayed flights to/from Europe often mean you’re entitled to compensation (beyond anything insurance-related).

Learn how to ensure you are compensated if your travels are delayed or your flight is canceled .  

A person jumping into the water from a cliff as they travel the world

If you’re feeling nervous, don’t worry — that’s perfectly normal. You’re about to embark on an amazing adventure — and that’s a huge change. Feeling anxious or nervous or unsure is something every traveler experiences. But you’ve made it this far. Trust your planning, follow your instincts, and you’ll have the trip of a lifetime. I guarantee it.

By using this post as a guideline for your trip planning, you can better organize and prepare for your trip. You’ll check all the boxes, not miss anything, and have plenty of money for your vacation. It can be as simple as booking a flight and packing or as complex as rearranging your entire life to go backpack the world forever.

But, no matter how long your trip may be, this list will help you stay organized and motivated as you plan your trip and step out into the world.

P.S.  – Yes, I did leave out visas and vaccinations, because needing those isn’t as universal as the other stuff on this list, but don’t forget to check if you need those, too!  

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

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Hi, I’m Nomadic Matt, the New York Times best-selling author of How to Travel the World on $50 a Day and Ten Years a Nomad, as well as the founder of this website! And I’m here to help you save money on your next trip.

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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Travel blogger Nomadic Matt holding a glass of wine while sitting on an airplane in first class


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Know when to book your next trip.

Actually, there is a perfect time to go on your vacation. Our Best Time to Travel tool uses your origin, destination and length of trip to determine when you should travel and when to book for a great price. Start by filling in your travel details, and we'll take it from there.


Calculation: our recommendation.

Our recommendation on which month to travel is calculated based on the presented four factors: average flight prices, popularity, average temperature, and average precipitation. Flight prices, popularity, and precipitation constitute inverse factors, the less the better. Average temperature optimal values are taken as the median for the destination, and a difference is calculated for each month from this reference point. The smaller the difference the higher the month moves in the recommendation. Flight prices and temperature factors are weighed double as much as popularity and precipitation. In case of unavailable data for any of the aforementioned factors, the recommendation is estimated based on the rest of the available factors.

Data: flight prices

Prices are estimates based on analysis of current and historical minimum roundtrip prices for one traveler on economy class. Prices include monthly averages as well as the greatest and least percentages in intervals of ten for each trip length. With our data, we try to forecast future minimum price trends - these estimates are subject to change and should be interpreted as a rough directional guide.

Data: hotel prices

Overall insights for hotel prices are based on our own search data from the past 3 - 4 days and insights can be updated once a day. To estimate nightly rates for a standard double-room at 3-star hotels, we show the pricing range excluding the top 10% and bottom 10% of prices for a given destination. If there are missing insights, that means that we don't have enough data from the past 3 - 4 days on the given destination to provide a reliable estimate.

Data: popularity

Monthly crowd estimates for each destination are determined by internal flight and hotel search data. This incorporates the latest historical insights from the past two years, which are updated on a monthly basis. The data is analyzed by identifying the two months with the highest number of searches, revealing the period(s) with the greatest crowds.

Data: weather

Weather data is pulled from a third party site, Weatherbase , and has not been verified by KAYAK. Monthly average temperature and precipitation data is based on historical insights from the past 102 years. Weatherbase data is updated in realtime from the US Census Bureau and other databases worldwide.

Data: best time to book

Best time to book insights are estimated from our internal historical search data. Search data from the past year is aggregated for each day difference between date of departure and search date from 0 to 183 days (about 6 months ahead is the earliest and one week ahead is the latest we consider), taking the median of hotel prices of 3 stars or below and flight prices of economy class. The minimum prices and corresponding day difference is identified to approximate best times to book flight tickets for the specific route, and hotels for the specific destination city. The underlying dataset is updated weekly. In case of missing insights, the route or destination city in question have less than 80 data points per day difference, thus we cannot generate reliable estimates.

Best car rental sites to book your next road trip

Becky Blaine

When it comes to booking rental cars, there are quite a few websites to choose from. If you're not set on booking directly with one of the big national chains like Enterprise, Avis, Budget, Hertz or Alamo, you could potentially save even more money by using one of the options below.

Whether you have elite status with a car rental company or not, there are different ways to compare rental companies and find the best pricing for your next rental.

We always recommend pricing a rental directly with a national chain website so you have an idea of the going rate before moving on to the aggregator sites that compare multiple offers.

Costco Travel

For Costco members, this is a no-brainer. Costco negotiates rates on everything from vacation packages and cruises to car rentals for its members. The site allows you to compare prices from participating Alamo, Avis, Budget and Enterprise locations and shows a grid of available car types and prices across those companies so you can make the best decision.

For the purposes of pricing, an airport was chosen below, but once you enter your desired city, you can select different locations within that city from a map and compare pricing.

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There are a few rules for renting with Costco: The primary renter needs to be a Costco member, but additional drivers do not, and drivers must be 25 years of age or older.

Once you've selected your car and are ready to place a reservation, you'll need to provide your Costco membership number. One of the perks of Costco Travel is that you can make a reservation without worrying about paying until you pick up your rental car.

AutoSlash is a car rental aggregator, meaning it pulls information from many different rental sites to allow you to compare pricing. One of its interesting features is that it allows you to enter any memberships, credit cards or frequent flyer programs you belong to, and it will search for applicable discounts.

TPG's Katie Genter wrote a comprehensive guide to using AutoSlash for rental car shopping.

Once you enter in all relevant information, AutoSlash will email you a link to view your quotes. You can then choose to book now and pay now or pay later.

One of the interesting features that AutoSlash offers is the ability to track rental car prices. Once you've made a reservation with free cancellation, go back to the AutoSlash website and fill out the form to track price drops for your rental . You will need your current reservation information to fill out the form.

You will then be able to check the boxes for any of the rental car companies you'd like to track and also choose only to receive an email alert if the price drops below what you have currently reserved. This could potentially save you money and allow you to rebook at a lower rate.

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Often referred to as the "Airbnb of rental car sites," Turo has definitely caught on in cities across the U.S. and even some Canadian provinces and the United Kingdom. In short, Turo is a peer-to-peer car rental site that can also be accessed and managed through an app.

Many TPG staffers have used Turo and share positive experiences in the TPG guide to renting with Turo . Some of the advantages of using this service include the lower fee for drivers under 25 years of age, that delivery service can sometimes be available, and renting from a local could be more convenient than seeking out a rental car location.

Related: Renting a car in Hawaii with Turo

The one downside would be that you usually have to return the car to the same location where you picked it up, so if you're looking for a one-way rental, a traditional rental car site might work better for you in that situation.

A few quick test searches found rental prices equal to or less expensive than traditional rental car companies. The handy map will show you the locations of all the rentals available in your area for the dates that you search.

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While Turo doesn't have airline partners like the big car rental companies, there are still opportunities to earn points and miles on your rentals . Since Turo codes in the travel category, be sure to use a credit card that earns you the most points for travel.

Related: Are Turo car rentals covered by credit card insurance?

Maybe you've only searched Expedia for hotels or flights, but it also offers rental cars and the option to book all trip components together if you'd like. When searching for hotels, you can check the box to add a flight and add a car.

Expedia's car rental interface is pretty straightforward and convenient. You can use filters to search for options like refundable rentals and the ability to pay at the counter. It's also a transparent booking site, meaning you will see the company you're renting with before deciding to book.

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In 2022, Expedia Group announced a new rewards program called One Key which would unify rewards across its family of brands: Expedia,, Orbitz and vacation rental site Vrbo. There's still no official launch date in 2023 for this new program.

If you are a AAA member, check the AAA website for your area to see if there are car rental deals. The AAA site will search multiple car rental sites for you to find the best deals. If you aren't already a AAA member, you can read the TPG guide to AAA membership to learn more about the benefits and determine if it's worth it for you to join.

Some of the exclusive member benefits for car rentals include up to 20% off the base rate in the U.S. and Canada, up to 10% off the base rate on international rentals, free use of one child safety seat, and no charge for up to four additional drivers who are AAA members.

There are additional exclusive benefits through AAA's partnership with Hertz , such as 10% off a tank of gas when purchasing gas at local prices, and you can return the vehicle with any amount of fuel. The young renters fee is also waived for members ages 20-24.

To start the search process, I had to enter my Hertz membership number, and then it asked me to verify my full name and ZIP code to validate that I was a AAA member. The search feature offers pay-now and pay-at-the-counter options as well as AAA member rates and standard rates. You can even filter by car company, and the top of the search screen shows you what discounts are available with each company.

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Related: The complete guide to car rental elite status matches

Bottom line

There are many search options available online for finding rental car discounts. Each site has its pros and cons, so we recommend finding a site that works best for you, and that leverages any elite status or membership that you might already have.

And no matter what, make sure you have car insurance coverage through your credit card or insurance agency, or purchase it through the car rental company.

Related reading:

  • The 9 best credit cards with travel insurance
  • 9 rental car rewards programs you need to know about
  • The best premium credit cards: A side-by-side comparison
  • Credit cards that offer elite status for car rentals
  • Trip Planner

Trip Planner | Travel Itinerary Planner | Plan a Trip

Are you looking for an itinerary planner to plan your next trip? We know creating a customized travel itinerary manually is an overwhelming task. You have to put a lot of time into selecting destinations, booking hotels, flights, and comparing prices. On top of that calculating budgets & booking hotels and flights is another challenge that makes itinerary planning tough.

But what if all of this is done within a few minutes for you? Yes with TripHobo trip planner you can do this smartly. We have observed that many travelers end up spending more time in researching information than enjoying the actual trip. Not only first-time travelers but also experienced travelers struggle in creating perfect travel plans.

Even though it is a tedious task to create a customized itinerary, everyone agrees on the importance of itinerary for an enjoyable holiday. So Triphobo came up with this easy to use automatic itinerary planner.

How Trip Planner Works / Steps to Plan a Trip

Do you want to create your travel itinerary quickly & easily? Are you ready to use this tool now? TripHobo's trip planner plays a major role to ease the itinerary creation process and helps you overcome the pain in the trip planning .  Follow these 4 simple steps to plan a trip & let us know your experience.

1) Choose Your Destination & Dates when you want to travel

Visual algorithmic trip planner lets you choose destinations you want to travel to. You have the freedom to choose the real dates from the calendar. After selecting travel dates, planner runs algorithms to optimize a trip. It starts suggesting activities, sightseeing spots, tours and transport options with the details. For every attraction, it suggests open/close timings, time to spend, and nearby restaurants.

You can drag & drop activities and complete your itinerary within a matter of minutes. You can book yourself a nice vacation once you are sure of all the details, making you plan your trip very easily.

2) Refer to User Created Itineraries

If you have a lot of travel ideas but confused about where to start? Don't worry. Thousands of other people have visited the same destination before and created itineraries with us. Choose from a pool of more than 1 million user-generated itineraries around the globe. You can view other travelers’ itineraries for any location and duration to inspire yourself and then customize them to suit your own preferences.

3) Book Hotels and Flights

TripHobo always tries to offer the best from the travel industry to our valued planners. It has formed alliances with Expedia , Skyscanner, Zomato and Its ratings and reviews come courtesy of TripAdvisor whereas Google (as well as other partners) powers its location data.

TripHobo aims to cater to travelers at every stage of the travel planning process. It provides one platform to create personalized itineraries and hassle-free bookings .

4) Get Ready with a Perfect Itinerary

Once you’ve created your customized itinerary, you can print it. Save your plan for future reference or share it with your friends. When you’re ready, you can finalize and have a perfect travel itinerary ready.

Why Is TripHobo a Smart Trip planner?

There are few things included in the Triphobo planner algorithm & app which builds itinerary within minutes.

  • A free virtual map-based trip planner with a smart algorithm
  • International trip planner with about 1,50,000 popular destinations
  • The largest repository of user-generated itineraries
  • Hassle-free booking options for hotels, tours & flights
  • Provides local transit options like metro, rail, bus, and car
  • Calculates an estimated budget
  • Provides options to save, print and share itinerary
  • Strategic Partnerships with leading travel companies

TripHobo: Around the Web

  • Trip of Your Own
  • Traveling made easier with TripHobo
  • Making The Southeast Asian Travel Connection
  • Ex-HCL employee’s led ‘TripHobo’ is on a mission to become a global brand – a goto place for travel planning!
  • Interview: Praveen Kumar, Founder & CEO of TripHobo
  • TripHobo inks partnership with Zomato
  • How a trip planning startup can succeed
  • Karthik Ramachandram Co-Founder COO, TripHobo - Phocuswright Conference

Here's what travelers have to say about our travel planner

  • Excellent 238


Great and genuinely wonderful website that makes a proper vacation plan simple, like it should. All reviews are 5 stars. The only suggestion I have to enhance this fantastic website is to include a mobile application. Even paying for a version without ads wouldn't bother me.

Every traveller should use this!

So much easier & more helpful than a travel agency, given lots of fantastic ideas, and was extremely helpful for planning the trip. Would strongly advise my family and friends to use this!

Great tool for trip planning. Impportantly it's free and automatically tailors travel plans to your preferences and is completely customisable. The integration with skyscanner and, and other OTA like priceline and expedia makes it very easy to plan the whole trip along with the bookings in one place.



You Need to Download These 15 Travel Apps Before Your Next Big Trip

Posted: May 29, 2024 | Last updated: May 29, 2024

<p class="body-dropcap">There's nothing in the world more exciting than dreaming up, planning, and clicking "book" on your <a href="">next trip</a>. But! The shine can wear off <em>quick</em> if you don't do your research. Luckily, there's a solid roster of travel apps out there that can save you time and money before, during, and after your trip. Honestly, what did we even do before the internet?! Long live the smartphone! </p><p>Now, the term "travel app" is quite broad, I know. There are currency apps, planning apps, map apps, translation apps, booking apps, and more, all designed to ensure you have the best, most worry-free vacation possible. Some are definitely better than others, but don't worry, that's where I come in. I parsed through everything out there to find you the crème de la crème (it's a hard job, but I did it). So, without further ado, here are the 15 best travel apps to download before your next fabulous getaway. Happy trails (and don't forget your <a href="">sunscreen</a>)!</p>

There's nothing in the world more exciting than dreaming up, planning, and clicking "book" on your next trip . But! The shine can wear off quick if you don't do your research. Luckily, there's a solid roster of travel apps out there that can save you time and money before, during, and after your trip. Honestly, what did we even do before the internet?! Long live the smartphone!

Now, the term "travel app" is quite broad, I know. There are currency apps, planning apps, map apps, translation apps, booking apps, and more, all designed to ensure you have the best, most worry-free vacation possible. Some are definitely better than others, but don't worry, that's where I come in. I parsed through everything out there to find you the crème de la crème (it's a hard job, but I did it). So, without further ado, here are the 15 best travel apps to download before your next fabulous getaway. Happy trails (and don't forget your sunscreen )!

<p>Starting off strong with one of my favorites here: Waze. This navigation app gives you community-based information while you're on the road, sharing insights like whether or not there's traffic, hazards, or even a speeding camera on your drive ahead. IMHO, it also always has the fastest routes compared to other map apps (sorry, not sorry!).</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">DOWNLOAD HERE</a></p>

Starting off strong with one of my favorites here: Waze. This navigation app gives you community-based information while you're on the road, sharing insights like whether or not there's traffic, hazards, or even a speeding camera on your drive ahead. IMHO, it also always has the fastest routes compared to other map apps (sorry, not sorry!).


<p>Wanna see allll the best travel experiences in one place? Viator's gotchu. You can book over 300,000 attractions, tours, shows, and more wherever you are in the world, starting at as little as $20. Pro-tip: this is where you can book "skip the line" tickets at a lot of popular tourist attractions, saving you plenty of time and hassle. (If you know, you know.)</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Wanna see allll the best travel experiences in one place? Viator's gotchu. You can book over 300,000 attractions, tours, shows, and more wherever you are in the world, starting at as little as $20. Pro-tip: this is where you can book "skip the line" tickets at a lot of popular tourist attractions, saving you plenty of time and hassle. (If you know, you know.)

<p>If you're indecisive as hell (ahem, guilty as charged) then trust me—you wanna download Steller. It uses input from both users and AI to recommend things to do, places to eat, and sights to see during your travels, along with videos and images from people who have been there before. You can also browse other users' itineraries for inspo, so you can steal (borrow?) their best trip ever.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

If you're indecisive as hell (ahem, guilty as charged) then trust me—you wanna download Steller. It uses input from both users and AI to recommend things to do, places to eat, and sights to see during your travels, along with videos and images from people who have been there before. You can also browse other users' itineraries for inspo, so you can steal (borrow?) their best trip ever.

<p>Hopper is a travel booking app that analyzes the prices of flights, hotels, and rental cars across le internet so that you can get the best bang for your buck. Basically, it (a) compares prices at different booking websites and (b) predicts when you'll get the best deals on your travels, so you can book accordingly. Bonus: Every time you book with Hopper, the company plants two trees to help offset the carbon footprint of your travels. Helping the earth while having a good time? Sign! Me! Up!</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Hopper is a travel booking app that analyzes the prices of flights, hotels, and rental cars across le internet so that you can get the best bang for your buck. Basically, it (a) compares prices at different booking websites and (b) predicts when you'll get the best deals on your travels, so you can book accordingly. Bonus: Every time you book with Hopper, the company plants two trees to help offset the carbon footprint of your travels. Helping the earth while having a good time? Sign! Me! Up!

<p>Hostelworld is all about connecting you to fellow travelers <em>before</em> you even reach your destination. The app allows you to book thousands of hostels, hotels, and communal spaces around the world (16,500 in 180 different countries, to be exact), and lets you communicate with other people staying in the same place. So, if you're on your eat, pray, love journey, you officially know where to start.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">DOWNLOAD HERE</a></p>

5) Hostelworld

Hostelworld is all about connecting you to fellow travelers before you even reach your destination. The app allows you to book thousands of hostels, hotels, and communal spaces around the world (16,500 in 180 different countries, to be exact), and lets you communicate with other people staying in the same place. So, if you're on your eat, pray, love journey, you officially know where to start.

<p>Traveling anywhere in the U.S.? Love to eat? If you answered yes to both of these questions, download this app immediately. EatOkra is a guide to Black-owned eateries across the country, helping you check delicious spots off your restaurant bucket list. There are over 9,500 listings on the app, so you'll definitely find something to fill your itinerary (and stomach!) on your next road trip.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">DOWNLOAD HERE</a></p>

Traveling anywhere in the U.S.? Love to eat? If you answered yes to both of these questions, download this app immediately. EatOkra is a guide to Black-owned eateries across the country, helping you check delicious spots off your restaurant bucket list. There are over 9,500 listings on the app, so you'll definitely find something to fill your itinerary (and stomach!) on your next road trip.

<p>Type A girlies, to the front! Wanderlog is everything you could ever want in a travel-planning app—and I mean <em>everything</em>. You can import your flight and hotel reservations, make a map of all the attractions and restaurants on your radar, create checklists, and even track your group's expenses so it's easier to split things after your adventure is over. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

7) Wanderlog

Type A girlies, to the front! Wanderlog is everything you could ever want in a travel-planning app—and I mean everything . You can import your flight and hotel reservations, make a map of all the attractions and restaurants on your radar, create checklists, and even track your group's expenses so it's easier to split things after your adventure is over.

<p>Google Translate is one of those things you don't know you need until you <em>desperately</em> need it, so having the app downloaded onto your phone can be a blessing. Whether you're trying to ask your cab driver something, are lost and need to converse with a local, or are just trying to brush up on your skills, it's truly a lifesaver—but you probably already knew that! </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

8) Google Translate

Google Translate is one of those things you don't know you need until you desperately need it, so having the app downloaded onto your phone can be a blessing. Whether you're trying to ask your cab driver something, are lost and need to converse with a local, or are just trying to brush up on your skills, it's truly a lifesaver—but you probably already knew that!

<p>When I'm traveling, I'm doing everything in my power to experience the city as the locals do. If you're like me, you'll want to try EatWith, an app that actually lets you dine <em>in the homes</em> of local residents. It's basically the Airbnb of dining, and it's way more personal than just heading to the trendiest restaurant in town. You'll find some home cooks on the app, whereas others have been trained at Michelin-starred restaurants. Either way, you'll be ending the night with a full stomach (and heart!!).</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

When I'm traveling, I'm doing everything in my power to experience the city as the locals do. If you're like me, you'll want to try EatWith, an app that actually lets you dine in the homes of local residents. It's basically the Airbnb of dining, and it's way more personal than just heading to the trendiest restaurant in town. You'll find some home cooks on the app, whereas others have been trained at Michelin-starred restaurants. Either way, you'll be ending the night with a full stomach (and heart!!).

<p>Nomad Her aims to connect solo women travelers across the globe in hopes of fostering community—and fun, ofc!—in a safe, fulfilling way. There are over 200,000 members on the app, all of whom you can swap travel tricks and tips with. You can also find women who have similar future itineraries to you, so you can link up and do some traveling together.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">DOWNLOAD HERE</a></p>

10) Nomad Her

Nomad Her aims to connect solo women travelers across the globe in hopes of fostering community—and fun, ofc!—in a safe, fulfilling way. There are over 200,000 members on the app, all of whom you can swap travel tricks and tips with. You can also find women who have similar future itineraries to you, so you can link up and do some traveling together.

<p>Raise your hand if you've ever high-key suffered from jet lag (it's me, I'm raising my hand). Thankfully, Timeshifter exists, and it's one of the highest-rated jet lag apps in the world (yes, they're a thing!). The platform uses neuroscience to help you ease into your new timezone, recommending things like when to get sunlight and when to avoid caffeine. Even astronauts use this app, FYI, so you <em>know</em> it's gotta be good.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">DOWNLOAD HERE</a></p>

11) Timeshifter

Raise your hand if you've ever high-key suffered from jet lag (it's me, I'm raising my hand). Thankfully, Timeshifter exists, and it's one of the highest-rated jet lag apps in the world (yes, they're a thing!). The platform uses neuroscience to help you ease into your new timezone, recommending things like when to get sunlight and when to avoid caffeine. Even astronauts use this app, FYI, so you know it's gotta be good.

<p>Xe has everything you need to know about international currencies, which, of course, is important information when you're shopping your way across the planet. Open it up and you'll find live exchange rates and historical charts for any currency pair in the world, so you can tell if you're getting ripped off or a good deal when you're trading in your USD. You can also use it to transfer money in 65 currencies to over 170 countries, and it can be used offline, which can be incredibly helpful in a pinch.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

Xe has everything you need to know about international currencies, which, of course, is important information when you're shopping your way across the planet. Open it up and you'll find live exchange rates and historical charts for any currency pair in the world, so you can tell if you're getting ripped off or a good deal when you're trading in your USD. You can also use it to transfer money in 65 currencies to over 170 countries, and it can be used offline, which can be incredibly helpful in a pinch.

<p>Just like the name says, this app shows you hotels you can get <em>that night—</em>and for a heavily discounted price. It's perfect to have on your phone as a backup in case something goes wrong with your accommodations and you need a last-minute place to stay, or if you just like to live life on the edge. Spontaneous getaways? No problemo. </p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

13) Hotel Tonight

Just like the name says, this app shows you hotels you can get that night— and for a heavily discounted price. It's perfect to have on your phone as a backup in case something goes wrong with your accommodations and you need a last-minute place to stay, or if you just like to live life on the edge. Spontaneous getaways? No problemo.

<p>If you're trying to save $$$ abroad (or even in your own city, tbh), public transportation is where it's at. Wanderu allows you to compare the prices and schedules for buses and trains across North America and Europe, plus book directly on the app so you always know where your tickets are.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">DOWNLOAD HERE</a></p>

14) Wanderu

If you're trying to save $$$ abroad (or even in your own city, tbh), public transportation is where it's at. Wanderu allows you to compare the prices and schedules for buses and trains across North America and Europe, plus book directly on the app so you always know where your tickets are.

<p>You know Tripadvisor, you love Tripadvisor. But did you know they have a handy app? It allows you to browse through ratings and recommendations from travelers who've been to your upcoming destinations before you, from hotels to restaurants and all the attractions in between. The platform also lets you save your favorite spots, see them on a map, and plan your itinerary all in one place.</p><p><a class="body-btn-link" href="">Shop Now</a></p>

15) Tripadvisor

You know Tripadvisor, you love Tripadvisor. But did you know they have a handy app? It allows you to browse through ratings and recommendations from travelers who've been to your upcoming destinations before you, from hotels to restaurants and all the attractions in between. The platform also lets you save your favorite spots, see them on a map, and plan your itinerary all in one place.

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Expedia Rewards is now One Key™

Simplify your travel plans with trip planner.

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Save and compare travel plans in a seamless experience.

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Keep all of your bookings and saved travel plans in one place.

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Collaborate with family and friends to plan your dream trip together.

Easily save, collaborate and book - all your travel plans in one place

Make your travel plans easier with Expedia's Trip Planner. From saving favorites and organizing, to deciding with your group and booking your ideal trip, everything is together all in one place. You can select your favorite stays and activities while you search, and then find them later in your account. Avoid the hassle of sending multiple links to a group chat by inviting your family and friends to collaborate on a group trip where they can share ideas and see everything at once. After you've settled on your itinerary, you can make the bookings you need and keep them organized all in one place. Its ease of use makes it one of the best trip planning tools around.

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How Trip Planner works

Sign into your Expedia account to save and compare your favorites to a new trip, work together with your friends and family on your group vacation, and keep all of your bookings in one itinerary planner. It just takes a few clicks to get the ball rolling.

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Create a trip and save your favorites to plan your itinerary

Go to the Trips tab on the homepage, click on "Create a trip", and type in a new trip name. Start trip planning by searching for stays or things to do at your destination. Tap the heart icon to save your favorites to the right trip.

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Invite friends and family to create a group trip

Open your trip and invite your fellow travelers to collaborate in the Trip Planner. Once they accept the invitation sent to their email, they’ll be able to view, save more items, comment, and like their favorite options to help decide on the best ones to book.

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Book and manage your trip itinerary in the same place

Make all the bookings you need by tapping the three dots on your saved options. You can also change and cancel bookings in the same place.

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FAQ: Learn more about Trip Planner

What should I do to plan my trip?

Get started with our Trip Planner in one of two easy ways:

1. Sign into your account, search for places to stay or things to do, and tap the heart icon on the image of a listing that you want to save. You'll be asked to create a new trip by giving it a name and saving it to your trip planner.

2. Head to the Expedia homepage, click on Trips in the top right corner (on desktop) or in the bottom menu bar (in the app), and then select "Create a trip".

How do I create a trip plan?

Once you've signed into your account and created your trip, you can save accommodations and activities to your trip. Soon you will also be able to save your preferred flights in our Trip Planner.

Why is trip planning important?

Saving items in a travel planner online helps you stay organized by keeping all your favorite stays and activities saved in one place. Instead of switching between multiple browser tabs, just open our Trip Planner.

When you're ready to book, it's easy to compare options , see all your locations on a map, and book directly from your saved items.

When should you start planning a trip?

Any time is a good time to start planning travels, and our Trip Planner can be used for everything from last-minute weekend getaways to a summer vacation planned over the winter. Just click on Trips on our homepage to get started.

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9 Best Cruise Lines for Solo Travelers [2024]

Updated : May 29, 2024

AAA Travel Editor, SMS

Table of contents.

  • Holland America Cruise Line
  • Silversea Cruise Line
  • Royal Caribbean
  • Azamara Cruise Line
  • Cunard Cruise Line
  • Viking River Cruises
  • Seabourn Cruise Line
  • Oceania Cruise Line 
  • Celebrity Cruises

How To Avoid Single Supplements 

Book your solo cruise with aaa.

With plenty of ways to mingle with other passengers (or enjoy some quality alone time), going on a cruise alone is the perfect getaway for solo and single travelers .

However, you’ll need to do your research before booking since cruising solo can get expensive. Some cruise lines charge single supplements, which means you'll pay extra when traveling alone and staying in a room that's usually meant for two people.

Luckily, as solo cruising has become more popular, certain cruise lines have started to cater to the needs of guests traveling alone and even offer cabins specifically designed for solo cruisers. 

Read on to discover the best cruise lines for solo travelers. 

1. Holland America Cruise Line

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Single cabins: Yes

Solo travel perks: Single Partners Program

AAA Member Benefit: 

  • $50 onboard spending credit per person

AAA Vacations ® Benefit:

  • 50 Denali Dollars per person on Alaska cruises for Verandah staterooms and above

Known for having some of the best customer service in the industry, it should come as no surprise that Holland America Line is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience to solo travelers onboard their fleet of ships. 

The line’s newest ships—Rotterdam, Koningsdam and Nieuw Statendam—have 12 single staterooms perfect for solo travelers. Each of these rooms is approximately 127-172 square feet and equipped with full-size and modern amenities. Plus, every single cabin boasts an ocean view, so you can enjoy the scenery during your voyage. 

Holland America Line also does a great job at creating an atmosphere of camaraderie on their ships. The Single Partners Program, offered on most voyages, puts on activities, cocktail parties and mixers for singles and solo travelers to mingle during the cruise. Whether you enjoy exercise classes, wine tastings or trivia, you’re sure to meet other travelers with similar interests through this program. 

2. Silversea Cruise Line

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Single cabins: No

Solo travel perks : Low single supplements 

AAA Member Benefit:

  • Up to $300 per person in onboard credit on select voyages

Smaller cruise lines are great for solo travelers since you’ll see familiar faces throughout your journey, which can make it easier to strike up conversations and form connections with fellow travelers. 

One of the best small cruise lines for solo travelers is Silversea Cruise Line. While they don’t offer single cabins, they have extremely low single supplements of just 25 percent on certain voyages. For reference, most cruise lines have single supplements that are 50 percent to 100 percent of the fare, so Silversea’s rate is very affordable in comparison. 

At the beginning of your voyage, there will be a champagne Welcome Reception which serves as the perfect opportunity to mingle with other solo travelers. During certain journeys, Gentlemen Hosts will be available aboard to welcome solo guests.

3. Royal Caribbean

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Solo travel perks : Solo traveler meet-ups 

  • Free 8x10 photo per stateroom on 7+ night balcony or suite bookings

AAA Vacations® Benefit :

  • Complimentary sparkling wine and chocolate-covered strawberries 
  • $25 onboard spending credit per stateroom for six nights or less voyages
  • $50 onboard spending credit per stateroom for 7-10 night voyages
  • $100 onboard spending credit per stateroom for 11+ night voyages 

Royal Caribbean offers studio staterooms on certain ships that are perfect for solo travelers and adult cruisers . When you book one of these rooms, you can avoid paying the typical single supplement fee. These rooms range from 101 square feet to 199 square feet, and you can choose from an inside stateroom, a virtual balcony stateroom or an ocean-view stateroom with a balcony. 

Studio staterooms are available on the following ships in their fleet: 

  • Anthem of the Seas
  • Brilliance of the Seas
  • Quantum of the Seas 
  • Harmony of the Seas 
  • Spectrum of the Seas
  • Ovation of the Seas

Once onboard, Royal Caribbean offers a ton of on-board activities, shows and dining experiences that make it ideal for solo travelers. Plus, they often have meet-ups for solo travelers looking to make friends while onboard. 

4. Azamara Cruise Line

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Single cabins : No

Solo travel perks : Special rates as low as 25-50% off stateroom fares and gatherings for solo travelers 

AAA Member Benefit :

  • $150 per stateroom onboard credit on select Club Ocean View or above sailings.
  • Onboard spending credit of $200 per stateroom 

Azamara Cruise Line operates a fleet of mid-sized ships that journey to destinations all over the world. The cruise line is known for its Destination Immersion® experiences that feature intimate ships, access to smaller ports that other cruise ships can’t visit and longer stays at ports. 

Azamara provides special rates for solo travelers as low as 25-50 percent off stateroom fares. Additionally, they offer thoughtfully created activities and gatherings for solo travelers to socialize with each other onboard. 

5. Cunard Cruise Line

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Solo travel perks : Group dining, coffee chats and cocktail parties for solo travelers

  • Onboard credit for all voyages that are 7 nights and longer 

Cunard is among the best luxury cruise lines , and it’s a great option for solo travelers looking for upscale service, socialization opportunities and elegant staterooms. The cruise line offers single staterooms aboard their Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth ships. During your time aboard, you’ll enjoy 24-hour room service, luxury toiletries and a complimentary bottle of sparkling wine. 

The cruise line is also known for its delicious culinary options and for going out of the way to ensure solo travelers have an enjoyable dining experience. While you can always choose to dine solo, they also provide the option to dine with fellow travelers at a shared table. Solo travelers can also attend coffee chats and cocktail parties to socialize with other guests. 

6. Viking River Cruises

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Solo travel perks : Special solo traveler fares 

  • $100 per person shipboard credit for cruises 8-11 days
  • $200 per person shipboard credit for cruises 12+ days 

If you’re looking to embark on a solo river cruise in Europe , look no further than Viking River Cruises. The cruise line is known for its immersive journeys sailing through the world’s greatest rivers while offering world-class accommodation, incredible customer service and unique cultural events along the way. 

While Viking doesn’t have single cabins, they will occasionally offer special solo traveler fares. Plus, you can check for other discounts available for the cruises you’re interested in to save money on your travels.  

7. Seabourn Cruise Line

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Solo travel perks : Special offers for solo travelers on select voyages 

  • Singles receive $150 per suite onboarding spending credit on select sailings 

AAA Vacations® Benefit:

  • $200 per suite onboard spending credit on select sailings 

Prefer to feel like you're on a private yacht instead of a cruise ship? The small-ship cruise line, Seabourn provides an intimate experience complete with personalized service, optional shore excursions and entertainment options. 

The cruise line offers a discounted single supplement, beginning at just 10% more than current fares for certain voyages and suite categories. The discount is available for cruises to Alaska , Greece, Iceland, Greenland and more. 

8. Oceania Cruise Line 

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Single cabins : Yes

Solo travel perks : Social events and group dining tables

  • $100 per person onboard spending credit on select sailings 
  • Complimentary pre-paid gratuities
  • Free group wine tasting with a sommelier

From friendly crew members to social events, The Oceania Cruise Line goes above and beyond to make solo travelers feel at home on their ships. Solo cruises can attend cocktail parties or opt into group dining to meet other guests onboard. The small ships are also easy to navigate and provide a relaxing atmosphere. 

With solo staterooms available aboard the Vista, Regatta, Insignia, Nautica and Sirena ships, you don’t have to worry about solo supplements driving the price up. The accommodations feature private verandas or ocean-view windows as well as many amenities to keep you comfortable during your voyage. 

9. Celebrity Cruises

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Solo travel perks : Hosted social events

  • Onboard credit based on the stateroom category booked

Celebrity Cruises is another popular cruise line for solo travelers, offering social events to help solo cruisers make new friends. Known for its inclusivity, Celebrity Cruises is also one of the most LGBTQ-friendly cruise lines in the industry. Their itineraries, such as their Bali, Malaysia and Thailand itineraries, are some of the best cruises for solo travelers looking for excitement and adventure. 

Celebrity’s solo cruise cabins are available on the Celebrity Edge®, Celebrity Apex®, Celebrity Beyond℠ and Celebrity Ascent℠ ships. Solo travelers can choose between an ocean-view room with a veranda and an inside stateroom. All of the solo rooms come with the same products and services as the regular staterooms. 

The easiest way to avoid single supplements is to opt for a cruise line that offers solo cabins. However, if your heart is set on a cruise line or ship that doesn’t have this perk, consider looking out for specials that waive or discount single supplements. You can also try using a roommate matching program that some cruise lines offer, which pairs you in a room with another solo traveler. 

Whether you're looking to book a quick getaway or an around-the-world cruise , embarking on a solo cruise is a rewarding experience offering adventure, relaxation and the freedom to cater your journey around your preferences. Not to mention, you can partake in the many things to do on a cruise and make life-long friends along the way.  

Book your solo cruises with AAA Travel and ensure you’ll have peace of mind during your once-in-a-lifetime trip. With your AAA Membership , you'll receive exclusive deals, onboard spending credits and other perks.

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Kay Scanlon is an art director at the Los Angeles Times. She works on the Sunday Calendar and Weekend sections and has led projects such as the annual 101 Best Restaurants guide. Prior to joining The Times in 2021, she art-directed MovieMaker magazine and contributed award-winning design at the Orange County Register, Los Angeles Daily News and Newsday. Scanlon graduated from UCLA with a bachelor’s degree in English and is certified in graphic design from Otis College of Art and Design. Her work has been recognized by the Society for News Design, Society of Publication Designers and the California News Publishers Assn.

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Book your next adventure at The Great BDO Travel Sale

Published May 31, 2024 11:00 am

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The Great BDO Travel Sale is heading back to SMX Convention Center Aura, SM Aura Premier on May 30 to June 2! Discover your next adventure and enjoy exciting travel deals to local and international destinations with your BDO Debit and Credit Card.

With an extensive line-up of travel partners, you can embark on exciting new adventures to your favorite city or new destinations. Whether you envision yourself basking under the sun and traveling to sandy beaches, exploring the vibrant streets of bustling cities, or marveling at snowy landscapes, the Great BDO Travel sale is your gateway to these remarkable travel experiences.

BDO Cardholders can book from the following travel partners on-ground, online, or both. The on-ground event opens from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Here’s the lineup:

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Apart from exclusive rates offered by our airline partners, travel and cruise packages are also available for cardholders. BDO Credit Cardholders can also take advantage of our installment options. Enjoy our FLY NOW, PAY LATER offer using your BDO Credit Card from select travel partners and avail of 0% interest on a three-month term. Applicable to Philippine Peso credit card transactions and not applicable for online booking.

You can also earn up to P7,500 in cashback through BDO’s Spend Anywhere promo by reaching a set cumulative spend by July 31, 2024.

For more details on the Spend Anywhere promo, visit The Great BDO Travel Sale will also be in Cebu and Davao. Here’s the complete travel sale schedule:

  • Manila – SMX Convention Center Aura, SM Aura Premier on May 30 to June 2, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Cebu – LGF, Main Mall Atrium, SM City Cebu on June 21 to 23, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Davao – Mall Atrium, SM Lanang on June 28 to 30, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Can’t make it to the on-ground event? You can still book exclusive travel deals online at from select travel partners.

Get up to P10K welcome cashback!

Live better with all the deals you get from being a BDO Credit Cardholder. Activate your new BDO Credit Card and get up to P10,000 cashback! The promo is exclusive for new cards approved from April 1 to August 31, 2024. Terms & conditions apply. For details, visit

No BDO Credit Card yet? Apply now!

You may also enjoy all these deals and promos with your BDO Debit Card. No BDO Debit Card yet? Open an account online at or visit the nearest BDO branch.

Terms & Conditions apply.

 * * *

Editor’s Note: This article was provided by  BDO .

TAGS: travel manila cebu BrandedUp DAVAO The Great BDO Travel Sale BDO Debit BDO Credit Card

Southwest Airlines' 'HI 5' promo gives you a companion pass after your next Hawaii trip

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  • Southwest Airlines is running a promotion to celebrate five years of serving five airports in Hawaii.
  • A companion pass allows the holder to designate another traveler to fly with them for free on all Southwest flights they purchase during the validity period of the pass.

With Southwest Airlines ' latest promotion, you can go to Hawaii and get future flights for yourself and a plus-one for free.

Travelers who register for the promotion and book a round-trip ticket or two one-way tickets to Hawaii by Friday, with travel happening between June 1 and July 31, will qualify for a companion pass to use between Oct. 5 and Nov. 15. To qualify, travelers must be enrolled in the Rapid Rewards frequent flyer program.

Southwest is running the promo to recognize five years of serving five airports in Hawaii.

Looking for a Southwest Airlines fare? Now you can check Google Flights.

"This is a great opportunity to HI 5 our Customers for supporting five years of Southwest service in five airports across Hawaii by showcasing and sharing one of the great perks of being part of our Rapid Rewards program," Jonathan Clarkson, Vice President of Marketing at Southwest Airlines said in a statement . "Hawaii on Southwest is available nonstop from eight mainland gateways, and we're excited for this opportunity to truly connect our Customers for travel between the mainland and the Hawaiian islands."

A companion pass allows the holder to designate another traveler to fly with them for free on all Southwest flights they purchase during the validity period of the pass. It’s a coveted perk of elite Rapid Rewards status and there are worse ways to earn one than a vacation to the tropics. 

Zach Wichter is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in New York. You can reach him at [email protected].

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .



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