How to obtain details on my Voyage?

Via our ebusiness platform, the cma cgm group offers our customers a voyage finder online. 13-feb-2024 • knowledge.

When you need to transport goods with CMA CGM, it's crucial to search for your products' route and plan the shipment. Our eBusiness platform not only allows you to consult our schedules for a selected voyage but also to delve deeply into your voyage details.

Voyage search

You can start your search by using:

  • Voyage Reference: Enter the voyage's name or code to find specific information.
  • Vessel Name: Use the name or code of the vessel to access details of its voyages.

Each search provides comprehensive information including port name, arrival and sail dates, terminal name, and various cut-offs (Special Booking, Standard Booking, VGM, Port).

Additional details on the results page

When you view the details of a specific voyage, the results page offers enriched information, including:

  • Link to Vessel Information: Access comprehensive details about the concerned vessel.
  • Port and Terminal: Find detailed information about the port and terminal, including links to dedicated pages.
  • Key Timings: View precise information such as berth arrival, sail, special and standard booking cut-offs, as well as VGM and Port cut-offs.

Exporting Port Schedules

For more efficient planning, both public and registered users can export port schedules in PDF or CSV formats. This feature allows you to keep track of important schedules and easily share them with stakeholders in your logistics chain.

Using the 'Voyage finder' module to find a route

The Voyage finder module is a public page where you can search for schedules for a specific vessel or service line. This intuitive module guides you through a simple search process, enabling efficient planning and organization of your shipments.

Step-by-step guide Click on the link below to discover an online, interactive walk-through on  “How to get your voyage details?”:  

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voyage reference number

Voyage Number

A Voyage Number is a unique identifier assigned to a specific voyage of a ship, enabling accurate tracking and communication within the maritime industry.

A Voyage Number is a unique identifier assigned to a specific journey or trip undertaken by a vessel, typically a ship or a maritime transport conveyance. This alphanumeric code allows for the precise vessel tracking and documentation of a vessel's voyages, aiding in logistics, scheduling, and overall maritime management.

Each time a vessel embarks on a journey, it is assigned a distinctive Voyage Number that serves as a reference for various stakeholders involved in the maritime industry. This identifier is particularly crucial for shipping companies, port authorities, customs officials, and logistics providers, as it helps streamline the monitoring and coordination of maritime activities.

Key features of a Voyage Number include:

  • Uniqueness: Each voyage is assigned a unique Voyage Number to avoid confusion and facilitate accurate record-keeping.
  • Logistical Reference: The Voyage Number serves as a logistical reference point, enabling easy tracking of the vessel's progress, port calls, and other relevant details.
  • Documentation: The code is used in various maritime documents, including bills of lading, shipping manifests, and other paperwork associated with the specific voyage.

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What Is Voyage Number

Published: December 15, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Olivette West

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When it comes to planning a trip, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a long-awaited vacation, having the right information at hand can make all the difference. One crucial piece of information that travelers should be aware of is the voyage number associated with their journey. The voyage number is a unique identifier assigned to each specific trip, and it plays a significant role in various aspects of travel logistics.

Knowing and understanding your voyage number can help you navigate through the complexities of travel arrangements, ensure a smooth journey, and make the most out of your travel experience. In this article, we will explore the definition of voyage numbers, discuss their importance in the travel industry, learn how they are assigned, discover their uses, and acknowledge the challenges and limitations that they may present.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first adventure, having a solid grasp of voyage numbers can enhance your travel planning process and offer valuable insights during your trip.

Definition of Voyage Number

A voyage number is a unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to a specific journey or trip by transportation companies in the travel industry. It serves as a reference point and helps to differentiate one voyage from another. It is commonly used in various sectors of the travel industry, including airlines, cruise ships, and freight shipping.

The voyage number provides essential information about the journey, such as the origin and destination ports, the transportation vessel, and the specific dates of travel. It acts as a way to organize and track trips, facilitating smooth operations and effective communication between travel providers and customers.

The format of a voyage number can vary depending on the travel sector. For airlines, it usually consists of a combination of letters and numbers. In the case of cruise ships, it may contain a combination of letters, numbers, and sometimes even symbols. Freight shipping voyage numbers often follow a specific coding system established by the shipping company.

For travelers, knowing the voyage number associated with their trip allows them to easily access and manage their journey details. It can be found on travel documents, such as airline tickets, cruise itineraries, or shipping manifests. By providing this unique identifier when contacting customer support or checking-in for their trip, travelers can expedite the process and receive accurate information pertaining to their specific voyage.

The voyage number is a critical element in the travel logistics ecosystem, playing a vital role in ensuring operational efficiency and delivering a seamless travel experience for passengers.

Importance of Voyage Number

Voyage numbers hold significant importance in the travel industry for both travel providers and passengers alike. Here are some key reasons why voyage numbers are crucial:

1. Tracking and Organization: Voyage numbers enable efficient tracking and organization of trips. They allow travel providers to manage multiple journeys simultaneously, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing the risk of errors or confusion. For passengers, voyage numbers provide a centralized reference point, making it easier to access and manage trip details.

2. Communication and Information: Voyage numbers serve as a means of clear and concise communication between travelers and service providers. When contacting customer support, providing the voyage number offers a quick and accurate way to retrieve journey-specific information and resolve any queries or issues promptly.

3. Trip Customization: Voyage numbers help personalize and customize travel experiences. For instance, in the case of cruise ships, specific voyage numbers may be associated with themed cruises, special events, or unique itineraries. Travelers can choose trips based on their preferences and interests by referring to the corresponding voyage number.

4. Travel Updates: Voyage numbers facilitate timely and relevant travel updates. Travel providers can use them to communicate important information, such as schedule changes, departure gate assignments, or delays. Passengers can stay informed by regularly checking for updates using their voyage number.

5. Logistics and Coordination: Voyage numbers play a vital role in coordinating various logistical aspects of travel. They help ensure that luggage is correctly tagged, meals are prepared according to dietary preferences, and transportation arrangements are in place. This level of organization enhances the overall travel experience and minimizes disruptions.

6. Record-Keeping and Documentation: Voyage numbers assist in record-keeping and documentation for both travel providers and passengers. They help maintain a comprehensive history of past and future journeys, making it easier to access travel records for future reference or for accounting and legal purposes.

In summary, voyage numbers are essential for smooth operations, effective communication, personalization, and coordination within the travel industry. Understanding and utilizing voyage numbers can significantly enhance the travel experience of passengers and streamline the services provided by travel providers.

How Voyage Numbers are Assigned

The process of assigning voyage numbers varies depending on the travel sector and the specific policies of the transportation companies involved. Here are some common methods used to assign voyage numbers:

1. Sequential Numbering: In many cases, voyage numbers are assigned sequentially. Each trip is given a unique number based on the order in which it was scheduled or booked. This method ensures a logical and chronological arrangement of voyage numbers.

2. Coding Systems: Some travel companies use a coding system to assign voyage numbers. This involves using specific patterns, symbols, or combinations of letters and numbers to represent different aspects of the journey. For example, certain letters may indicate different ports, while numbers may represent vessel types or specific routes.

3. Combination with Other Identifiers: Voyage numbers may be combined with other identifiers to create a more comprehensive and informative reference. For instance, in the case of airlines, the flight number and the voyage number are often used together to provide complete trip details.

4. Manual Assignment: In certain situations, voyage numbers may be manually assigned by travel personnel. This could occur, for example, when dealing with special requests, group bookings, or unique circumstances that require individual attention and customization.

5. System-generated: With the advancement of technology, many travel providers now utilize automated systems to generate voyage numbers. These systems follow predefined algorithms or rules to assign unique numbers quickly and accurately.

It is important to note that voyage numbers are typically assigned at the point of booking or ticket issuance. Once assigned, they remain associated with the specific journey throughout its duration, from departure to arrival.

While the exact method of assigning voyage numbers may differ across travel sectors and companies, the goal remains consistent: to create a distinct identifier that allows for effective tracking, communication, and organization of trips within the travel industry.

Uses of Voyage Numbers

Voyage numbers have several important uses within the travel industry. Here are some common ways in which voyage numbers are utilized:

1. Trip Identification: The primary use of voyage numbers is to uniquely identify and distinguish one trip from another. They serve as a reference point for travel providers and passengers to access and manage specific travel itineraries.

2. Ticketing and Boarding: Voyage numbers are crucial for ticketing and boarding processes. When booking flights, cruise trips, or other forms of transportation, passengers provide their voyage numbers to secure their seats and receive boarding passes or tickets.

3. Baggage Handling: Voyage numbers play a vital role in the efficient handling of baggage. By tagging luggage with the corresponding voyage number, travel providers can ensure that bags are properly sorted, transferred, and delivered to the correct destination.

4. Documentation and Records: Voyage numbers are used for documentation and record-keeping purposes. They allow travel companies and passengers to maintain a comprehensive history of past and future trips, which can be useful for reference, accounting, and legal purposes.

5. Communication and Updates: Voyage numbers facilitate effective communication between travel providers and passengers. Passengers can use their voyage numbers to inquire about trip details, receive updates on schedule changes or delays, and seek assistance from customer support teams.

6. Itinerary Customization: Voyage numbers enable travel providers to offer personalized itineraries and services. They can associate specific voyage numbers with themed cruises, special events, or unique travel packages, allowing passengers to choose trips tailored to their preferences.

7. Trip Evaluation and Feedback: Voyage numbers help gather feedback and evaluate customer experiences. Travel companies can track and analyze feedback associated with specific voyage numbers to identify areas for improvement and enhance future travel offerings.

8. Coordination with Interconnected Services: Voyage numbers facilitate coordination and seamless transitions between various interconnected services. For example, when combining a flight with a cruise, the voyage number ensures smooth transfers and coordination between the airline and cruise ship.

By serving as a universal identifier, voyage numbers streamline the travel experience, enhance communication, and enable personalized services within the travel industry.

Challenges and Limitations of Voyage Numbers

While voyage numbers play a crucial role in the travel industry, they are not without their challenges and limitations. Here are some of the main drawbacks and limitations associated with voyage numbers:

1. Lack of Standardization: The format and structure of voyage numbers can vary across different travel sectors and companies. This lack of standardization makes it challenging for travelers to consistently understand and interpret voyage numbers, especially when using multiple travel providers or modes of transportation.

2. Limited Accessibility: Voyage numbers may not always be readily accessible to travelers. While they are typically provided on booking confirmations and travel documents, if these documents are lost or not easily retrievable, passengers may face difficulties accessing their voyage numbers when needed.

3. Inability to Convey Detailed Information: Voyage numbers are primarily used as unique identifiers and do not inherently convey detailed information about the trip. Travelers may need to rely on additional sources or communicate with travel providers to obtain comprehensive information about their journey, such as specific departure and arrival times, gate or dock assignments, or any potential changes to the itinerary.

4. Limited Flexibility for Changes: Once a voyage number is assigned, it is generally associated with a specific itinerary and set of travel arrangements. Making changes to the journey, such as altering the travel dates or switching to a different transportation option, may require the issuance of a new voyage number. This can result in additional administrative processes and potential confusion for travelers.

5. Potential for Duplication: In rare cases, there is a risk of voyage number duplication, especially when dealing with manual assignment methods or coding systems. This can lead to confusion and miscommunication, especially if two different journeys end up with the same voyage number. Travel providers must have robust systems in place to prevent such occurrences.

6. Dependency on Technology: The use of voyage numbers heavily relies on technological systems and databases. Any disruptions or technical issues with these systems can result in difficulties accessing or updating voyage numbers, causing inconvenience and potential delays for travelers.

Despite these challenges and limitations, voyage numbers remain an integral part of travel logistics. Recognizing their limitations and having contingency plans can help travelers navigate any potential issues and ensure a smooth journey.

Examples of Voyage Numbers

Voyage numbers are utilized in various sectors of the travel industry, each with its own unique characteristics and formatting. Here are a few examples of how voyage numbers are structured in different travel sectors:

1. Airline Industry: In the airline industry, voyage numbers are commonly referred to as flight numbers. They typically consist of a combination of numbers and letters and are used to identify specific flights. For example, a flight from New York to Los Angeles may be assigned the voyage number DL101.

2. Cruise Ships: Voyage numbers for cruise ships often incorporate a mix of letters and numbers and can indicate the vessel, destination, and sailing date. For instance, a voyage number like RC0815C indicates a Royal Caribbean cruise, departing on August 15th.

3. Freight Shipping: In the freight shipping industry, voyage numbers play a crucial role in tracking and managing cargo. These numbers typically follow a specific coding system set by the shipping company. For example, a voyage number like MSCU7850021 might represent a specific container or shipment.

4. Bus and Train Travel: Voyage numbers in bus and train travel can vary depending on the service provider. They are usually numeric and help identify specific routes and journeys. For instance, a bus voyage number like 12345 may indicate a particular long-distance route.

5. Tour Operators: When booking trips with tour operators, voyage numbers may be assigned to various components of the itinerary. For example, a voyage number might be associated with a specific city tour or excursion, allowing travelers to easily identify and access the details of that particular activity.

It’s important to note that the specific format and structure of voyage numbers can differ between travel providers and even within the same industry. It’s advisable for travelers to familiarize themselves with the specific format used by their chosen travel provider and refer to the corresponding voyage number when accessing trip details or communicating with customer support.

By understanding how voyage numbers are structured and utilized in different sectors, travelers can efficiently navigate their journeys and make the most out of their travel experiences.

Voyage numbers are integral to the travel industry, serving as unique identifiers for specific trips across various sectors such as airlines, cruise ships, freight shipping, and more. Understanding the importance and functionality of voyage numbers can greatly enhance the travel planning process and ensure a smooth and organized journey.

From tracking and organizing trips to facilitating effective communication between travel providers and passengers, voyage numbers play a crucial role in streamlining travel logistics. They help travelers access and manage trip details, secure tickets and boarding passes, coordinate baggage handling, and receive timely updates about their journeys.

While voyage numbers offer significant advantages, there are also challenges and limitations to consider. Lack of standardization, limited accessibility, and the potential for duplication can pose difficulties for travelers. Additionally, voyage numbers may not convey detailed trip information and changes to itineraries may require the issuance of a new voyage number.

Despite these challenges, voyage numbers remain an essential component of the travel industry. They provide a centralized reference point, facilitate personalized services, and enhance coordination between interconnected travel services. By understanding how voyage numbers are assigned and utilized in specific travel sectors, passengers can navigate their journeys more effectively and make the most out of their travel experiences.

In conclusion, voyage numbers are a crucial element for both travel providers and passengers. They streamline travel operations, enable efficient communication, and enhance the overall travel experience. Being aware of and utilizing voyage numbers can help travelers better navigate the complexities of trip planning, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable journey from departure to arrival.


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Difference between vessel name and voyage number

Difference between vessel name and voyage number  , vessel name and voyage number.

We have already discussed about difference between mother vessel and feeder vessel in this web blog. Let us discuss about vessel name vs voyage number.

Vessel name with voyage number are mentioned in Bill of lading of each shipment issued by carrier of goods. Some of you may need clarification on voyage number mentioned in Bill of lading and other shipping journals. What is vessel name and what is voyage number.

What is vessel ‘voyage’ number in a sea shipment .

Difference between vessel name and voyage number

The meaning of voyage is ‘long journey’ by sea or in space. We can also call trip, travel, passage, or tour.

You would have noticed vessel name followed by voyage number. What is this voyage number after vessel name mentioned. For example, Vessel ‘Evergreen Teresa – V.284’. Here, ‘Evergreen Teresa’ is the vessel name and ‘V.284’ is voyage number. (V stands for voyage). So, V.284 means voyage 284 – 284th trip of said vessel.

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The above information is a part of Export Import Training online

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What exactly is the "my next virgin voyage" onboard offer.

  • This offer applies to Sea Terrace cabins and higher.
  • Your $300 deposit is refundable for seven (7) days. Afterwards, it converts to a Future Voyage Credit, valid for a year.
  • The onboard credit value of the offer varies based on when a Sailor selects their future voyage. If a voyage date is locked in within 60 days of purchasing the "My Next Virgin Voyage" onboard offer, the Sailor's future booking will qualify for $600 in onboard credit. If a Sailor chooses to select their voyage date outside the 60-day window, the Sailor's future booking will be eligible for $300 in onboard credit.
  • Sailors must book and sail within two (2) years from their original purchase date to apply the offer to a future voyage.
  • You can change your voyage date once.
  • Purchase up to four (4) "My Next Virgin Voyage" offers.
  • You can transfer the offer to friends or family members once.
  • If you booked through a First Mate (travel advisor), they will be linked to your new booking.

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  • Log in to your account
  • Click on “Schedule Voyage” 
  • Browse all itineraries and cabins eligible for your offer
  • Combine multiple offers for even greater savings

Sea all Terms & Conditions

  • Scarlet Lady Voyage Dates:  February 1, 2024 until further notice.
  • Valiant Lady Voyage Dates:  February 1, 2024 until further notice.
  • Resilient Lady Voyage Dates:  February 1, 2024 until further notice.
  • Scarlet Lady Voyage Dates:  September 11, 2022 until midnight following January 31, 2024. 
  • Valiant Lady Voyage Dates:  September 11, 2022 until midnight following January 31, 2024. 
  • Resilient Lady Voyage Dates:  May 14, 2023 until midnight following January 31, 2024.
  • Scarlet Lady Voyage Dates: July 17, 2022, July 22, 2022, August 14, 2022, August 19, 2022, August 24, 2022, August 28, 2022, September 2, 2022, and September 7, 2022. 
  • Valiant Lady Voyage Dates:  July 24, 2022, August 14, 2022, August 21, 2022, August 28, 2022, September 4, 2022.



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What is a booking confirmation in shipping.

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When it comes to booking shipments via sea freight, several documents are exchanged between the shipper and the carrier, in order to request and confirm certain activities. One of these important documents is the booking confirmation. 

A booking confirmation in shipping is a document that is issued by the carrier or freight forwarder to the shipper, confirming a booking request. This document also acts as a confirmation of the shipment details that the shipper submitted, requested container type and quantity, as well as vessel space.

This article will guide you through the concept of bookings confirmations, who issues them, how long this process takes and what information can be found on them. We will also share an example for easier understanding. 

When are Booking Confirmations Issued?

Before a booking confirmation is issued by the carrier, the shipper and the consignee typically agree on a sailing date and the carrier choice. Once the carrier is selected based on the projected departure and arrival date, the shipper will place the booking with the ocean carrier.

The booking is placed either through an email, the carrier’s website or a transport management system (TMS). The placing of a booking with a carrier is also referred to as a proforma booking or booking request. 

In turn, the carrier or freight forwarder will issue a booking confirmation back to the shipper, acknowledging the request and confirming all of the relevant details that were inside the booking request. 

It goes without saying that the carrier would have to ensure that it can meet all the requirements, such as equipment and vessel space, before it issues a booking confirmation to the shipper.

What Information Is Found on a Booking Confirmation?

A booking confirmation contains all the relevant information about the shipment. This information is required by the carrier, in order to verify if they are able to meet all of the booking requirements. Below is a list of the information that is most commonly found in a booking confirmation.

1. Booking Reference Number

A reference number that is generated by the carrier at the time of booking. The booking reference number is unique and can always be traced back to a particular booking request.

2. Shipper Details 

The name, address and contact details of the exporter/shipper. The carrier releases the booking confirmation directly to the shipper and coordinates with them, if there is any additional information required.

3. Consignee Details

The name, address and contact details of the importer/consignee of the shipment. The carrier doesn’t get in touch with the consignee at this stage, but confirms these details.

4. Cargo & Commodity Type

General description of the cargo that is being exported. This is to ensure that the carrier supplies an appropriate container to the shipper. For example, dangerous goods, scrap metals, perishables or frozen foods items require different container types or grades. 

5. Cargo Weight 

The weight of the cargo being exported. For the carrier, this is important because issuing the booking confirmation means it can handle the tasks safely for the respective service type. Cargo weight also influences the placement of the container inside the vessel.

6. Equipment Quantity & Type

The quantity and type of container needed by the exporter. There are several container types that a shipper can request. The most common container types are standard or general purpose containers, open top, flat rack, reefer and NOR containers . 

7. Requested Sailing (ETD)

The intended departure date the vessel leaves the port of loading at the origin. This date follows the carrier’s sailing schedule. 

8. Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

The date when the cargo is estimated to arrive at the port of discharge at the destination.

9. CY Cutoff 

The container yard cutoff (or CY cutoff in short) is the latest date and time that the cargo can be accepted at the port for the requested vessel. This date is derived from an agreement between the ocean carrier and the terminal (port operator). 

10. Vessel Name & Voyage Number

The name of the vessel and the voyage number, on which the containers of the booking will be shipped on. The booking confirmation may also include the name and voyage number of the feeder vessel.

11. Port of Loading (POL)

The port of loading is the place where the cargo is being loaded. This is also the origin port. 

12. Port of Discharge (POD)

The port of discharge is the place where the cargo is unloaded. This is also the destination port. 

12. Transshipment Port

Certain shipments can also be routed via a transshipment port. This is the location where the cargo is being transshipped. 

14. Special Remarks

Special notes or instructions are remarked here, such as weight limitations, extension for cy cutoff, special container requests or special handling procedures. 

Example of a Booking Confirmation From a Carrier

Here’s an example of a carrier’s booking confirmation of a shipment from Los Angeles, United States to Melbourne, Australia.

How Long Do Carriers Take to Confirm Bookings?

Typically, a freight forwarder or carrier will be able to issue a booking confirmation in a matter of a few hours or within the same day the booking was requested. This is mostly the case if there is sufficient lead time given to the carrier. 

As the carrier is required to verify space and equipment availability, a booking confirmation may be returned later than intended if the booking was made closer to the vessel departure date. This is also the case in markets with equipment or space shortages.

Therefore, it’s always recommended to place bookings well in advance to avoid any potential delays. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the carrier may also move the booking to the next sailing date.

What’s the Difference Between a Booking Confirmation and a Booking Request?

A booking request is also called a booking proforma. The booking request is submitted by the shipper to the carrier and is the step that precedes the bookings confirmation.

This means that the booking confirmation is an acknowledgement and confirmation from the carrier of the booking request that was submitted by the shipper.

What’s the Difference Between a Booking Confirmation and a Confirmed Bill of Lading?

A Bill of Lading is issued once the container is confirmed to have been laden on board the respective vessel. It’s a document of title and a contract of affreightment that binds the shipper and carrier to a set of terms and conditions.

A booking confirmation on the other hand is only an acknowledgement and confirmation of space and container allocation for an upcoming sailing.

voyage reference number

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voyage reference number

Gerrit Poel

Co-Founder & Writer at freightcourse

About the Author

Gerrit is a certified international supply chain management professional with 16 years of industry experience, having worked for one of the largest global freight forwarders.

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Manage voyages

  • 5 contributors

A voyage typically represents a vessel. However, depending on your practices and procedures, it can represent a vendor, a purchase order, or some other item that makes sense for your organization.

The All voyages page

The All voyages page provides voyage details, delivery and costing information, and information about items, purchase orders, and transfer orders. To open the All voyages page, go to Landed cost > Voyages > All voyages . This page shows a list of all current voyages. You can use the buttons on the Action Pane to create, delete, and work with voyages. Select any voyage in the list to view its details.

Shipping containers and folios are linked to a voyage. Purchase lines are linked to a shipping container. In addition, costs that are entered here are apportioned to all attached purchase lines.

Project purchase orders aren't supported in Landed cost.

The Action Pane of the All voyages and voyage details pages

The Action Pane of the Voyages page provides buttons that let you work with a selected voyage. Each button performs a single action. The Action Pane also includes tabs, each of which, in turn, provides a set of related buttons. Except where noted, all buttons and tabs are available both in the list view of the All voyages page and in the detailed view for a single selected voyage.

Buttons that appear directly on the Action Pane

The following table describes the buttons that are available directly on the Action Pane.

Buttons on the Voyage tab

The following table describes the buttons that are available on the Voyage tab of the Action Pane. This tab is available only when you're working in the list view of the All voyages page.

Buttons on the Manage tab

The following table describes the actions that are available on the Manage tab of the Action Pane.

Buttons on the General tab

The following table describes the buttons that are available on the General tab of the Action Pane.

Lines view of the voyage details page

To open the Lines view, open the details page for a voyage, and then select the Lines tab in the upper left of the voyage heading.

Information on the Voyage header FastTab

The Voyage header FastTab in the Lines view of a voyage contains basic information that describes the voyage. Many of the fields that appear on this FastTab also appear in the Header view, as described later in this article.

Information on the Voyage lines FastTab

The Voyage lines FastTab in the Lines view of a voyage is related to the voyage details and costing information that apply at the voyage level. Here, you can review the shipping containers, folios, and items that are attached to the voyage. The price and quantity of the items on the voyage are also shown. You can view any shipping container or folio that is listed by selecting the relevant link.

Information on the Line details FastTab

The Line details FastTab in the Lines view of a voyage provides more information about the line that is currently selected on the Voyage lines FastTab. Note that this FastTab includes details about the position that each line occupies in the container, and its declared quantity.

Header view of the voyage details page

To open the Header view, open the details page for a voyage, and then select the Header tab in the upper left of the voyage heading.

Settings on the General FastTab

The following table describes the fields that are available on the General FastTab in the Header view of a voyage.

Settings on the Delivery FastTab

The following table describes the fields that are available on the Delivery FastTab in the Header view of a voyage.

Settings on the Other FastTab

The following table describes the fields that are available on the Other FastTab in the Header view of a voyage.

The Voyage editor page

Use the Voyage editor page to create voyages, create containers for a voyage, and select the purchase order and/or transfer order lines to include in each container. To open the Voyage editor page, follow one of these steps:

  • Go to Landed cost > Voyages > All voyages . To create a new voyage, select New on the Action Pane, fill in the Create voyage dialog box as needed, and then select OK . To edit an existing voyage, select it, and then select Voyage editor on the Action Pane. In both cases, the Voyage editor page is opened and shows the new or selected voyage.
  • Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders . Select the purchase order to create a voyage and container for, and then, on the Action Pane, on the Purchase tab, in the Landed cost group, select Create new voyage . Fill in the Create voyage dialog box as needed, and then select OK to open the Voyage editor page.

For information about how to use the Voyage editor page to create and populate containers for voyages, see Manage shipping containers . The following subsections provide an overview of the settings that are available on this page.

Action Pane buttons on the Voyage editor page

The following table describes the buttons that are available on the Action Pane of the Voyage editor page.

The Filters FastTab

Use the Filters FastTab to set criteria that control which purchase and transfer orders are shown on the Inbound orders FastTab. The criteria that you enter here are combined with the criteria that are provided in the Setup drop-down dialog box on the Action Pane. Each time that you change the Filters or Setup settings, you must select Generate data on the Action Pane to update the Inbound orders FastTab.

The Inbound orders FastTab

The Inbound orders FastTab lists the purchase and transfer orders that meet the criteria that you set on the Filters FastTab and in the Setup drop-down dialog box. Select an order that's listed here to view the lines that are associated with that order on the Lines to select FastTab. Some orders might be listed several times if they include lines that have different delivery dates.

The Lines to select FastTab

The Lines to select FastTab lists the lines that are associated with the order and delivery date that you selected on the Inbound orders FastTab. Select the lines that you want to include in a new or existing container for the current voyage, and then select Add to staging list on the toolbar to make those lines available for container assignment. Select View staging list to open a page where you can actually assign the lines to new or existing containers. For more information about this process, see Manage shipping containers .

The Other dates FastTab

The Other dates FastTab lists lines that are associated with the order that you selected on the Inbound orders FastTab, but that have different delivery dates than the selected row. These lines are for information only and can't be added to the staging list from here. To add these lines to the staging list, select the appropriate order and delivery date on the Inbound orders FastTab. Those lines then become available on the Lines to select FastTab.

Voyage update periodic tasks

The Landed cost module includes several voyage-related periodic tasks that can bulk-update several aspects of voyages. To run or schedule these periodic tasks, go to Landed cost > Periodic tasks > Voyage updates , and then select one of the following task types:

  • Documents received – This task lets you set the Documents received option to Yes for several voyages at the same time. Use the Filter settings to define the set of voyages that you want to update.
  • In transit – This task lets you set the Voyage status field to the in-transit status that's established on the Landed cost parameters page for several voyages at the same time. Use the Filter settings to define the set of voyages that you want to update.
  • Ready for costing – This task lets you set the Voyage status field to the ready for costing status that's established on the Landed cost parameters page for several voyages at the same time. You'll typically set up this task to run on a regular schedule.
  • Costed – This task lets you set the Voyage status field to the costed status that's established on the Landed cost parameters page for several voyages at the same time, provided that they have been costed but haven't yet been updated on the voyage. You'll typically set up this task to run on a regular schedule.

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Understanding The Location Of Travel Order Number On Orders

  • Last updated Jun 06, 2024
  • Difficulty Advanced

Olivia Jacobs

  • Category Travel

where is travel order number on orders

When it comes to receiving and processing travel orders, it is vital to understand the location of the travel order number on the orders themselves. This simple yet crucial piece of information can streamline the entire process, ensuring that the orders are processed efficiently and accurately. In this article, we will dive into the importance of understanding the exact location of the travel order number and how it can make all the difference in managing travel orders effectively.

What You'll Learn

Introduction to travel order numbers, locating travel order numbers on travel orders, common locations for travel order numbers, tips for finding travel order numbers on orders.


Travel order numbers are important pieces of information for individuals who are planning to travel. They provide a unique identification number that is associated with a specific travel arrangement, such as a flight or hotel reservation. Understanding how to find and use a travel order number can help ensure a smooth and organized travel experience.

A travel order number is a unique identifier that is assigned to a specific travel arrangement, such as a flight, hotel reservation, or car rental. It helps travel agencies, airlines, and hotels keep track of bookings and allows individuals to easily reference their travel details.

Where to Find the Travel Order Number?

The location of the travel order number can vary depending on the platform or website used to make the booking. Here are some common places to find travel order numbers:

  • Confirmation Email: After making a travel booking, a confirmation email is typically sent to the provided email address. This email usually contains important details about the trip, including the travel order number. It is recommended to check the inbox or spam folder for the confirmation email.
  • Online Booking Account: If the booking was made through an online platform, such as a travel agency website or a hotel reservation site, the travel order number can usually be found by accessing the user account associated with the booking. Look for a section labeled "My Bookings," "My Trips," or something similar.
  • Physical Ticket or Voucher: In some cases, a physical ticket or voucher may be provided for certain types of travel arrangements, such as airplane tickets or tour packages. The travel order number is typically printed on these documents.
  • Customer Service: If unable to locate the travel order number through any of the above methods, contacting the customer service of the booking platform or travel agency is a good option. They can provide assistance and help retrieve the necessary information.

Once the travel order number has been obtained, it is important to know how to use it effectively. Here are some common uses for travel order numbers:

  • Check-In or Registration: When checking in for a flight or a hotel, the travel order number is often required. It allows the airline or hotel staff to access the booking details and provide necessary services.
  • Tracking and Confirmation: The travel order number can be used to track the status of the booking. For example, if a flight is delayed or canceled, the travel order number can be used to check for updates or request assistance.
  • Modifications or Cancellations: If any changes or cancellations need to be made to the travel arrangements, the travel order number is often required. It helps the travel agency or service provider identify the specific booking that needs to be modified.
  • Reference and Communication: The travel order number can be used as a reference when communicating with customer service or other individuals involved in the travel arrangements. It helps ensure clear and efficient communication.

Understanding where to find and how to use a travel order number is essential for a hassle-free travel experience. Whether it is for checking in, tracking the status of a booking, or making modifications, having the travel order number readily available can save time and make the process smoother. Make sure to keep the travel order number in a safe place and have it easily accessible when needed.

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When you book a trip or make travel arrangements, you will typically receive a travel order, which contains important information related to your travel plans. The travel order number is a unique identifier that helps you track and manage your trip. Whether you are a frequent traveler or traveling for the first time, it is important to know where to locate the travel order number on your travel orders.

The travel order number is usually located in the top right or left corner of the travel order document. It is typically a combination of letters and numbers, and it may also include special characters such as hyphens or slashes. The length of the travel order number can vary depending on the travel agency or company that issued the order.

If you have received your travel order via email, you can find the travel order number in the subject line or body of the email. It is usually mentioned along with other important details such as the date of travel, the destination, and the purpose of the trip. In some cases, the travel order number may be referred to as a confirmation number or reservation number.

If you have received a printed copy of your travel order, locating the travel order number is even easier. As mentioned earlier, it is typically located in the top right or left corner of the document. It may be labeled as "Travel Order Number" or simply "Order Number." Look for a series of characters that match the description provided earlier, and you will have found your travel order number.

Once you have located the travel order number, it is important to keep it safe and easily accessible. You may need to refer to it when contacting the travel agency or company for any changes or updates to your travel plans. It may also be required when accessing online portals or systems related to your trip.

If you are unable to locate the travel order number on your travel orders, it is recommended to reach out to the travel agency or company that issued the order. They will be able to guide you on where to find the travel order number and provide any additional assistance you may need.

In conclusion, the travel order number is an essential piece of information that helps you track and manage your travel plans. It is usually located in the top right or left corner of the travel order document, whether in digital or printed form. If you are unable to locate the travel order number, contact the travel agency or company for assistance. Remember to keep the travel order number safe and easily accessible for future reference.

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When planning a trip, whether for work or leisure, it's important to keep track of your travel order number. This unique identifier is essential for various purposes such as booking accommodations, renting a car, or submitting travel expenses for reimbursement. However, finding your travel order number within your orders can sometimes be a challenge if you don't know where to look. In this article, we will explore some common locations for travel order numbers to help you easily locate this important piece of information.

  • Confirmation Email: One of the most convenient and straightforward places to find your travel order number is in the confirmation email you received after booking your trip. When you made the reservation, the travel provider typically sends you an email that includes all the details of your booking, including the travel order number. Keep an eye out for terms like "Confirmation Number" or "Order Number." These emails are usually the first place to look for your travel order number.
  • Booking Confirmation Page: If you made your travel arrangements online, be sure to check the confirmation page immediately after completing your booking. Many travel websites display the confirmation or order number right on the screen after you've accepted your purchase. Take a screenshot or jot down the number for future reference.
  • E-Ticket or Boarding Pass: If you're traveling by air, your travel order number can often be found on your e-ticket or boarding pass. These documents are commonly sent to you via email or accessible through your airline's mobile app. Look for a series of alphanumeric characters labeled as your "Reservation Number" or "Booking Reference" on these documents. Keep in mind that some airlines refer to it as a "Confirmation Number" or "Record Locator."
  • Online Account: If you created an account on a travel booking website or mobile app, you may be able to retrieve your travel order number by logging into your account. Once you're logged in, navigate to your upcoming trips or bookings section, where you should be able to find your travel order number along with other relevant details.
  • Paper Receipt: If you booked your trip in person, such as through a travel agency or a hotel's front desk, you might have received a paper receipt. The travel order number can often be found near the top or bottom of the receipt, typically labeled as "Confirmation Number" or "Order Number." Be careful not to misplace this receipt, as it may be necessary for any changes or cancellations you need to make.
  • Customer Service or Help Desk: If all else fails and you're unable to locate your travel order number using any of the above methods, don't hesitate to reach out to the customer service or help desk of the travel provider. They should be able to assist you in retrieving your order number by verifying your identity and the relevant details of your booking.

Remember, your travel order number is a crucial piece of information required for a smooth and hassle-free journey. Always make sure to store it in a safe and easily accessible place before embarking on your trip. By being aware of the common locations where travel order numbers can be found, you can confidently keep track of your reservations and enjoy a stress-free travel experience.

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When it comes to planning and booking your travel arrangements, having a travel order number is essential. A travel order number is a unique identifier that helps track your reservations and ensures a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. However, finding the travel order number on your orders can sometimes be challenging, especially when you have multiple bookings or reservations. To help you out, here are some tips for finding travel order numbers on your orders.

  • Check your confirmation email: The easiest way to find your travel order number is by checking your confirmation email. When you make a booking, the travel agency or website usually sends you a confirmation email that includes all the details of your reservation, including the travel order number. Look for a section titled "Order Details" or "Booking Information" in the email, where you should find your travel order number.
  • Login to your account: If you created an account on the travel agency or booking website, logging in can provide easy access to your travel order numbers. Once you log in, navigate to your account dashboard or booking history. Look for the specific booking you need the travel order number for, and you should find it listed alongside the other details of your reservation.
  • Contact the customer support: If you have checked your confirmation email and account dashboard but still can't find your travel order number, reaching out to customer support is your best option. Most travel agencies and booking websites have a dedicated customer support team that can assist you with any queries or concerns. Provide them with the necessary details like your name, email address, and any other information related to your booking, and they should be able to provide you with your travel order number.
  • Check the booking website: If you booked your travel arrangements through a third-party booking website, such as Expedia or, you can often find your travel order number by logging into your account on their website. Once logged in, navigate to your bookings or reservations section, and you should find your travel order number listed for each booking.
  • Look for a "Manage My Booking" option: Some travel agencies and airlines have a "Manage My Booking" or similar option on their website, which allows you to access and modify your reservations. This feature typically requires you to provide your booking reference or travel order number. By entering the necessary information, you will be able to retrieve your travel order number along with other important details.
  • Check your physical tickets or documents: If you have received physical tickets or documents for your travel arrangements, such as airline tickets or hotel vouchers, your travel order number may be printed on them. Take a close look at all the documents you have received, and you may find your travel order number listed along with the other reservation details.

Finding your travel order number on your orders is crucial for maintaining easy access to your travel itinerary and ensuring a smooth travel experience. By following these tips, you should be able to locate your travel order numbers quickly and conveniently, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip without any unnecessary stress or confusion.

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Frequently asked questions.

The travel order number can typically be found on the top right corner of the orders document. It is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to each travel order and is used for tracking purposes.

Yes, if you received an email confirmation for your travel order, the travel order number is usually included in the email. Look for a section labeled "Travel Order Information" or a similar heading, where you will find the necessary details.

No, the travel order number and booking reference number are usually different. The booking reference number is typically provided by the travel agency or airline and is used to access specific booking details, while the travel order number is assigned by the organization or company issuing the travel order.

Olivia Jacobs

  • Olivia Jacobs Author

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A Japanese billionaire canceled his trip to the moon on a SpaceX rocket after too many delays

  • Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will no longer fly to the moon aboard SpaceX's rocket, Starship.
  • A statement said the voyage was scheduled for 2023, but delays made the timeline "unfeasible."
  • The uncertain launch schedule prompted Maezawa to scrap the project.

Insider Today

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has canceled his star-studded trip to the moon aboard a rocket designed by Elon Musk's company, SpaceX .

The project's official website, dearMoon, published a statement on Saturday. Maezawa, the founder of online retailer Zozotown, first announced the project in 2018 and described it as "the world's first civilian circumlunar voyage aboard SpaceX's space vehicle, Starship."

SpaceX and dearMoon made plans to take flight by the end of 2023.

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"Unfortunately, however, launch within 2023 became unfeasible, and without clear schedule certainty in the near-term, it is with a heavy heart that Maezawa made the unavoidable decision to cancel the project," the statement read.

Maezawa echoed the statement with an X post, writing, "I can't plan my future in this situation, and I feel terrible making the crew members wait longer, hence the difficult decision to cancel at this point in time."

"I apologize to those who were excited for this project to happen," he added.

A dearMoon representative confirmed the cancellation in a statement to Business Insider. Representatives for SpaceX did not respond to Business Insider's request for comment.

Maezawa announced the eight people who would fly aboard the space vehicle in a YouTube video in December 2022. The guest list included American DJ Steve Aoki, K-Pop star T.O.P., and Indian actor Dev Joshi.

The billionaire previously traveled to space in December 2021 during a 12-day trip to the International Space Station . He spent an estimated $80 million to ride aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket .

Musk founded SpaceX in 2022 and recently answered questions about the company during the annual Milken Institute Global Conference in May.

When asked if artificial intelligence could speed up his space exploration efforts, Musk said that "almost no AI is used" in that field.

He added that he's not against integrating AI, but "we haven't seen a use for it."

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voyage reference number

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Mega Millions winning numbers for May 31 drawing: Jackpot climbs to $560 million

The  Mega Millions jackpot for Tuesday's drawing has climbed to an estimated $560 million after no one claimed Friday's jackpot.

The winning numbers were drawn around 11 p.m. ET on Friday, and we have the results below.

If a lucky player won the $522 million jackpot on Friday, they could've taken home a $240.8 million lump-sum payment after taxes.

In March, a player in New Jersey won the first Mega Millions jackpot of the year : a whopping $1.13 billion.

Check below for the winning numbers from the Friday, May 31 Mega Millions drawing.

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Mega Millions winning numbers for 5/31/24

The winning numbers for the Mega Millions drawing on Friday May 31 are: 33, 4, 49, 11, 23 . Megaball: 23

Megaplier: 4X

Winning lottery numbers are sponsored by  Jackpocket, the official digital lottery courier of the USA TODAY Network .

Did anyone win Mega Millions? 

Mega Millions players, get those tickets ready because the jackpot is climbing again! Although there were no jackpot winners in Friday's drawing, Tuesday's jackpot has jumped to $560 million. There was one lucky player in California that won $1 million after having all the correct white ball numbers for the Match 5.

To view the list of past winners, visit the Mega Millions website . 

How to play the Mega Millions

In order to buy a ticket, you'll have to visit your local convenience store, gas station or grocery store − and in a handful of states, you can purchase tickets online. 

To play, you will need to pick six numbers. Five numbers will be white balls ranging from 1 to 70. The gold Mega Ball is one number between 1 and 25. 

If you believe the odds are against you, ask for a  "Quick Pick"  or an  "Easy Pick," and the computer will randomly generate the numbers for you. 

Players can add the  "Megaplier"  for $1, which can increase non-grand prize winnings by two, three, four or five times. The Megaplier is drawn before the Mega Millions numbers on Tuesday and Friday. 

There are 15 Megapiler balls in all:

  • 2X , five balls
  • 3X , six balls
  • 4X , three balls
  • 5X , one ball

Where can you buy lottery tickets?

Tickets can be purchased in person at gas stations, convenience stores and grocery stores. Some airport terminals may also sell lottery tickets.

You can also order tickets online through  Jackpocket, the official digital lottery courier of the USA TODAY Network , in these U.S. states and territories: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia. The Jackpocket app allows you to pick your lottery game and numbers, place your order, see your ticket and collect your winnings all using your phone or home computer.

Jackpocket is the official digital lottery courier of the USA TODAY Network. Gannett may earn revenue for audience referrals to Jackpocket services. Must be 18+, 21+ in AZ and 19+ in NE. Not affiliated with any State Lottery. Gambling Problem? Call 1-877-8-HOPE-NY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY); 1-800-327-5050 (MA); 1-877-MYLIMIT (OR); 1-800-981-0023 (PR); 1-800-GAMBLER (all others). Visit  for full terms .


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  15. CMA CGM

    08:00 PM. 12-SEP-2024. 08:00 PM. Times reflected are local Times. Schedules, ports of call and prices described here below, are only for indicative and commercial purpose and cannot be considered as contractual commitment. As modifications and updates can be made at any time, you are invited to check them regularly or to contact our local agents.

  16. italki

    Voyage number always follows Vessel name. For example: SITC YANTAI 1419E. SITC YANTAI is vessel name and 1419E is voyage number.

  17. Capacity Adjustment Changes Far East Asia to Europe Services

    Original Voyage number WB/EB 427 WB / 434 EB New Voyage number WB/EB 428 WB/ 435 EB ETD 6th July 2024 Shanghai Our teams will continue to make sure customer impact is minimized by rebooking cargo to the remaining network in advance. We will, of course, communicate any further changes with you as soon as possible. ...

  18. Information regarding bookings and the SNCF travel dossier

    If your reference number still isn't recognised, contact one of our agents, for immediate support. Travel Diaries. Your travel diary* will be sent to you by email 3 days before departure. It includes your reference number and useful travel information, such as: • the weather forecast • the services available before and during your journey

  19. CNC

    A comprehensive cover: your cargo is guaranteed from door to door. No more endless legal dispute: liable or not, CMA CGM will compensate you up to the full secured value. No intermediary: you have one single point of contact CMA CGM. A worldwide assistance: you will benefit from the full support of people who know best your shipment.

  20. What Is a Booking Confirmation in Shipping?

    A reference number that is generated by the carrier at the time of booking. The booking reference number is unique and can always be traced back to a particular booking request. 2. Shipper Details ... Vessel Name & Voyage Number. The name of the vessel and the voyage number, on which the containers of the booking will be shipped on. ...

  21. Manage voyages

    Voyage: Enter the voyage or flight number. Booking reference: If your shipper or shipping center provides a reference number to identify the voyage (that is, the shipper's or shipping center's internal reference), enter it here. Vessel: Enter or select the vessel. If the vessel isn't listed as a value, you can enter the vessel ID as free text.

  22. IDF tells families of 4 Israeli hostages held in Gaza 'they are no

    The IDF said it had told the families of Chaim Peri, Yoram Metzger, Amiram Cooper, and Nadav Popplewell "who were brutally abducted to the Gaza Strip on October 7, that they are no longer alive.

  23. Boeing Starliner launch: Mission called off minutes before liftoff

    The launch of Boeing's Starliner, which aimed to lift off on its crewed maiden voyage Saturday, has been scrubbed. The new spacecraft was expected to lift off atop an Atlas V rocket at 12:25 p.m ...

  24. Understanding The Location Of Travel Order Number On Orders

    It is usually located in the top right or left corner of the travel order document, whether in digital or printed form. If you are unable to locate the travel order number, contact the travel agency or company for assistance. Remember to keep the travel order number safe and easily accessible for future reference.

  25. CMA CGM

    19-JUN-2024. 11:00 AM. 20-JUN-2024. 02:00 PM. 21-JUN-2024. 02:00 PM. Times reflected are local Times. Schedules, ports of call and prices described here below, are only for indicative and commercial purpose and cannot be considered as contractual commitment. As modifications and updates can be made at any time, you are invited to check them ...

  26. Reference 5711/1300A-001 Nautilus

    Movement number: 7'413'917. Case: stainless steel, sapphire crystal display back. ... This marked the first time a Nautilus boasted a green dial and the debut of a steel reference 5711 Nautilus with a gem-set bezel. The latter model, the 5711/1300A, boasted a bezel adorned with 32 flawless top Wesselton baguette diamonds, meticulously crafted ...

  27. Boeing Starliner team detects new helium leaks en route to space ...

    Starliner's highly anticipated voyage lifted off atop an Atlas V rocket Wednesday at 10:52 a.m. ET from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. ... A number of issues caused the previous ...

  28. Japanese Billionaire Cancels Star-Studded Moon Trip Space X

    Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will no longer fly to the moon aboard SpaceX's rocket, Starship. A statement said the voyage was scheduled for 2023, but delays made the timeline "unfeasible ...

  29. India elections: Modi declares victory but party faces shock ...

    India's transformative yet divisive Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared victory in national elections on Tuesday evening, but his goal of winning an unassailable majority lies in tatters with ...

  30. Mega Millions winning numbers for 5/31/24 drawing: $522M jackpot

    The Mega Millions jackpot for Tuesday's drawing has climbed to an estimated $560 million after no one claimed Friday's jackpot. The winning numbers were drawn around 11 p.m. ET on Friday, and we ...