How to Create a Trip Planning Spreadsheet [5 Free Templates]

  • Last updated April 25, 2023

Travel planning can get exhausting, especially when you have no clear starting point. You can make this (at least) tolerable by creating a trip planning spreadsheet. Here, you can keep your itinerary, transportation details, budget allocation, and similar aspects.

In this article, we’ll discuss how you can create a trip planning spreadsheet using Google Sheets and why it’s so useful. We’ll also provide five different templates you can readily use for your travel planning.

Table of Contents

How to Create a Trip Planning Spreadsheet on Google Sheets

Step 1: make multiple tabs on your spreadsheet.

To keep your travel planner tidy, you should first create several tabs inside your spreadsheet. This allows you to categorize the kinds of information you’re going to deal with. For example, you can separate your flight details from your budget planning.

Follow the instructions below to do this.

  • Launch your browser, then go to .
  • Click “ Blank ” under the “ Start a new spreadsheet ” section.

Creating a blank spreadsheet on Google Sheets

  • Hover over the name of the current worksheet (usually named “ Sheet1 ”), click on the drop-down arrow, then select “Rename.”

Renaming a worksheet on Google Sheets

  • Type your preferred worksheet name, then press  “Enter”  or “Return”  on your keyboard.
  • To add another worksheet, click on the  “Add Sheet”  icon (plus + symbol) at the bottom-left corner of your screen.

Adding another worksheet in Google Sheets

  • Repeat steps 1 to 4 to rename the worksheet.

Common Tabs to Add

You can create many kinds of worksheets depending on your specific requirements. Here are some common tabs you’d typically see in a trip planning spreadsheet:

  • Itinerary: Include the basic details of the places you plan to be in, like dinner reservations, conferences you need to attend, tourist attractions, etc.
  • Transportation: Keep your flight schedule, the routes you plan to take, your commute options (car rental, bus, etc.), and similar information.
  • Accommodation: List the names and locations of your lodgings. You can also include whether or not you’ve made a reservation already, the room prices, and more.
  • Food: Plan where you can get your meals, the restaurants you want to visit, and the average costs of eating out.
  • Budget: Track your day-to-day expenses and see how much money you’re left with.
  • Packing List: Don’t leave anything essential at home before embarking on your trip — passports, IDs, cash, and similar things.
  • Activities:  List the things that you can do at your destination, like bar hopping, nightlife activities, concerts, and so on.

Step 2: Add Column Headers

After creating multiple tabs, you can further categorize your details using column headers. These are found at the top of your worksheet, describing what kind of values are present in a column’s cells.

To add column headers, simply follow these steps.

  • Click on the first cell (cell A1) in the upper-left corner of your worksheet.
  • Enter your preferred column header, such as “Location”  (as used in our example).
  • Repeat the previous step for other cells in the same row. (We used the headers “Date,” “Time,” “Transportation,” “Costs,”  and  “Status”  in our example below).

Adding column headers in Google Sheets

  • Once done, select all the column headers you’ve added, then click “Bold”  in the toolbar.

How to bold text in Google Sheets

  • Alternatively, you can make them bold by pressing “Ctrl” + “B” (or “Cmd” + “B”  for Mac) on your keyboard.

Common Column Headers

The column headers we’ve used in the demonstration above are applicable to the Itinerary tab. Keep in mind that you can virtually use any word or phrase for your column headers, though. Below are some options you can consider.

For the Accommodation tab

  • Nearby shops and attractions
  • Room prices

For the Transportation tab

  • Travel date and times
  • Flight details, such as flight schedule and flight number
  • Car rental company, including name, address, and contact number

For the Budget tab

  • Daily budget
  • Total budget
  • Total amount spent
  • Amount remaining
  • Expense description

After adding your column headers, you can start filling out the fields with your information.

Step 3: Personalize Your Travel Planning Spreadsheet

All that’s left for you to do is add a touch of creativity to your vacation spreadsheet. Here are some ways you can do this.

Use Conditional Formatting

The term “conditional formatting” simply refers to a change in a cell’s appearance when certain requirements are met. Below is an example where we change a cell’s color to green when it contains the word  “Done.”

  • Right-click on a cell, then select “View more cell actions” > “Conditional formatting.”

Accessing Google Sheets conditional formatting

  • On the side panel that appears, click the drop-down list under the “Format cells if…”  menu.

Conditional formatting in Google Sheets

  • Select  “Text is exactly”  from the options.

Changing conditional formatting rules in Google Sheets

  • Type  “Done”  in the “Value or formula”  field.
  • Click on the “Done”  button to save your changes.

Adding conditional formatting rules in Google Sheets

  • Drag the cell’s contents to copy the conditional formatting rules to other cells.

Use Alternating Colors

If you’re dealing with a lot of details, you can also use alternating colors, making it easier for you to read. Here’s how to enable different cell colors on your spreadsheet.

  • Select the cells you want to display in alternating colors.
  • On the menu bar, select “Format” > “Alternating colors.”

How to add alternating colors in Google Sheets

  • Choose your preferred color, then click the  “Done”  button to save your changes.

Selecting alternating color styles in Google Sheets

When to Use a Trip Planner Template

You can use spreadsheets every time you’re planning a trip — there’s no reason you shouldn’t! They are handy regardless of whether you’re traveling to a nearby town or going on an overseas vacation.

How about trip planner templates? Well, if you don’t have the time to create a spreadsheet from scratch, using a template would be excellent. These are some helpful pre-made planners that are ready for you to fill out.

Free Google Sheets Trip Planner Templates

1. daily itinerary planner spreadsheet.

Daily Itinerary Planner Spreadsheet screenshot

Especially when traveling to faraway places, going into detail about the activities you plan to do daily is a good practice. You can share this daily itinerary with the people you went on a trip with, letting them know where to find you in case of grave situations.

Template Features

  • Categorize your itinerary into multiple days (which are color-coded for organization)
  • Describe your activities in a separate section and indicate the time and location where you’ll do them
  • List the diners or restaurants where you can eat near the location of your activity
  • Schedule your day properly by indicating the end time for each activity

Access Template

2. Travel Budget Template

Travel Budget Template screenshot

Allocating your travel budget ahead of time lets you set boundaries when it comes to spending. This lets you know what costs you need to put first, too. Such money allocation is rarely followed, though (with impulsive purchases and unplanned expenses), making it important to have an expense planner and tracker throughout your trip.

  • Categorize your expenses per location according to the transportation you used, your accommodation, food you ate, and activities you did
  • Pick from a drop-down list of common transportation methods (e.g., bus, car rental, ferry, etc.)
  • Enter your total and daily budget allocation, as well as their converted counterparts in your destination’s local currency
  • Automatically calculate your daily expenses, including the total amount spent and your remaining budget for the day
  • Calculate your total expenses throughout the trip, as well as the amount remaining from your budget

3. Travel Checklist Template

Travel Checklist Template screenshot

Successful and non-stressful trips can’t go without good preparation. For example, you’d want to ensure that your passport hasn’t expired yet before strutting over to your flight. A travel checklist spreadsheet would be handy in this case.

  • Set a completion status for each of your to-dos
  • Categorize your to-do list into  “Travel prep,” “Home prep,” “Transportation,”  and “Money/documents”
  • Add notes to each item on the list
  • Set a due date for your to-dos
  • Determine the number of days remaining for you to accomplish the things listed with an automatic counter included
  • Automatically count the number of tasks that are not yet done and those already finished

4. Destination Planner Spreadsheet

Destination Planner Spreadsheet screenshot

Researching your destination should always be part of your planning. For example, you want to know the available hotels and accommodations that you can opt for in your target location. This lets you find the ones with the lowest prices, the most convenient in terms of route, and more.

Knowing the current climate and the community there would be essential too. This allows you to anticipate what things to bring, what activities you can possibly do, and similar aspects.

  • Enter your destination’s information, such as its current season, whether it’s rural or urban, and more
  • List the tourist spots that you can visit in your destination, including their name, specific location, and transportation route
  • Detail the activities that you want to do, together with their category, description, duration, and estimated expenses
  • Find and compile a list of all available accommodations in your target location, as well as their name, address, price range, and pros/cons

5. Packing List Template

Packing List Template screenshot

Before your trip, it is helpful to make a packing list of everything you’ll need — bathing essentials, clothing, money, documents, and more. Then, right before leaving your home, you can do a quick check to see if you’ve already placed every item on your list inside your luggage. You can do both with a packing list spreadsheet.

  • Enter the details of your target destination, such as its usual weather, temperature, clothing restrictions, and more
  • Add notes about your packing list
  • Categorize your items by location, like the beach, conference, office, and other places
  • Classify your things by type, such as clothing, money, documents, electronics, etc.
  • Mark the items “Ready” once you have prepared them inside your luggage

Why Use Our Templates?

Below are some reasons you’d want to use the travel spreadsheet templates we have here at Spreadsheet Point :

Formulas and Drop-down Lists

We added several drop-down lists for common topics to make things easier for you. For instance, we included a drop-down where you can select common transportation types like buses, ferries, airplanes, car rentals, and more.

Easy Sharing and Collaboration

All of our templates are built on Google Sheets — you can easily collaborate with your friends in planning your trip with the  “Share”  button.

Color-Coded Categories

We displayed each category in unique colors and shades to keep them tidy.

Other Trips on Planning Your Travel

In addition to the travel planning templates we’ve discussed, here are a few bonus tips you can apply to prepare for your trip:

  • Pick a location that your current finances can accommodate.
  • Don’t bring things that won’t fit inside your backpack to avoid paying for extra luggage costs.
  • When selecting a hotel or apartment, choose one that’s near major transportation lines.
  • Weigh whether taking a bus would be more cost-effective than taking a flight.
  • Always get travel insurance before embarking on your trip — it won’t shield you from accidents, but it will keep you from having an empty bank account.

Enjoy Your Trip with Everything Prepared

A lot of unknowns await you at your destination — unexpected expenses, spontaneous activities, booking problems, and more. With a trip planning spreadsheet, you can minimize these by anticipating the things on your journey. Feel free to use the templates we’ve included here to plan a successful trip today.

You can also access more of these useful templates on our Gumroad  profile. Don’t forget to use the code “ SSP ” to get 50% off all templates!

  • 4 Free Google Sheets Itinerary Templates To Plan Your Trip
  • Build a Schedule Template in Google Sheets [Free Downloads]
  • The 9 Best Google Sheets Templates to Streamline Your Life
  • Google Sheets Expense Tracker: Free Template & How to Use
  • Ultimate Guide to Making a Google Sheets Timeline

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Time is on your side when you keep track of your schedule with customizable, easy-to-use Excel schedule templates. Scheduling everything from workday tasks to personal projects in Excel is easy to set up and esign to your liking with an intuituve template.

visit schedule template excel

Follow a schedule to stay on top of your life

Design custom schedule templates to help you plan out your year and manage projects for your business. Use Excel to set schedules by the month, day, and even down to the hour. Leave fields for you to add in details of what task you want to complete during the time. Save your schedule template so that you can schedule it with your business partners and employees. Use it in a collaborative effort so that they can add to your schedule when you have availability. Rearrange your schedule during busy seasons, like for annual sales or holiday sales. Create a schedule for your different social media profiles so that your business knows when to post and what to post. Add your brand's logo to the top of the schedule so that all your internal documentation stays consistent. Follow the schedule so that you're using your time wisely and effectively.

The Travel Quandary

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template – Easy To Use Excel Format!

You’re about to embark on your next adventure – hooray! 

Travel planning comes naturally to some who thrive on the challenge to find the best deal on a tour, stay at the coolest hotel or dine at the hottest new restaurant. These travellers are always at the airport on time, check opening hours of attractions before leaving home and have packing down to a fine art form. On the other end of the scale, there are travellers who prefer to go with the flow, do things spontaneously and are happy to rock up to a new destination and “wing it”.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), 1.4 billion people travelled internationally in 2018. And apparently, there are over 750 million users of Microsoft Excel worldwide. There’s a high chance that you’ll fall into both of these categories (we don’t know the exact number but it would make for a pretty neat Venn diagram). And if you also classify yourself as an “unprepared” and/or “unorganised” traveller, our trip planner template is designed to help YOU.

Microsoft Excel is not only used by accountants and finance people. Microsoft Excel has become the ultimate planning and analysis tool, recognised and used worldwide which is why we’ve chosen it to create our trip planner template. We hope you find it useful and welcome your feedback and recommendations!

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template - Easy To Use Excel Format! | trip planner template 1


Why use a spreadsheet to plan your trip.

  • Identify gaps in your itinerary (closures, public holidays, mandatory reservations)
  • Save money (better budget decisions, better choices on trip)
  • To get you excited! You’re going on a holiday! Hooray!

Download your free trip planner template here

Note: For Google Docs template, download the .zip file and upload the spreadsheet to your Google Drive. Once uploaded, open with Google Sheets.

Using this spreadsheet

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template is built into a spreadsheet which is divided into six sections. We’ve built this trip planner to include 16 days of travel but you can adjust the length of the trip by adding or removing columns in the spreadsheet.

Once you’ve confirmed your travel plans, add them here. This is where you can record all your reservations – flight details, accommodation, car rental, equipment rental, tour reservations etc. Listing them on one tab means you can quickly jump in and find those important details when you need them.

2. Planning

Researching airlines, hotels, Airbnbs, car hire, tour operators and travel insurance policies can be exhausting. You’ll probably go through a phase where you’ll have so many tabs open on your browser, it’ll make you want to pull your hair out! If you also need to compare prices and dates with your travel companions, it can become downright overwhelming.

When you find a potential option you like, add it to the “Planning” tab. When your research is condensed into a neat summary, it will be a simple exercise of reviewing all possible suppliers, key dates and prices and then after a process of elimination, you will be left with the most suitable option.

A budget is by no means set in stone. Our budget tab is designed to help with your travel planning decisions. We feel that it is important to understand the costs of a holiday before making any hasty decisions. And we consider it even more important that you don’t spend beyond your means!

We don’t want to sound like party-poopers but the last thing you want is to get ripped off and/or find yourself stuck abroad without any money. By understanding where you plan to spend the bulk of your hard-earned money on your holiday, you can plan where you’ll allow yourself to splurge and other areas where you may need to tighten the purse strings.

For example, we give ourselves extra budget for food and coffee experiences as this is an aspect we love about travelling. We tend to book budget/basic accommodation on the road depending on the destination and available options, as all we need is a bed, access to a (preferably) hot shower in a secure room.

A good chunk of your budget will already be paid or known in advance before you’ve even left home (i.e. flights, some ground transport, accommodation, tours (if applicable) etc), so this should also help when allocating your budget to food, shopping and extras. There will also be times where you need to be strict and say “no” if your gut feeling and bank account tell you that you cannot afford a certain something. Be conservative but also be kind to yourself – you are treating yourself to a holiday after all and you’ll have to spend money to fully enjoy the experience!

4. Itinerary

We spend a lot of time planning our travel itineraries on a day by day basis and even breaking it down to each hour of each day. Some people call us crazy but when we are short on time and have an extensive list of things to see/do/eat/shop etc, we prefer to be organised.

Laying out our trip day by day also helps us to block out periods of time for travel or to take note of when restaurants and attractions are closed. Of course, plans can and will change. Rain may force you indoors (museums, galleries, shopping) or an unknown public holiday may disrupt your planned travel day.

We recommend using this tab to roughly outline your plans and drop in the activities and places you simply cannot miss. You can move activities to different days if your original plan doesn’t work out. If you want, record your daily expenses at the bottom and you can track how your actual spending goes against your budget.

5. Packing List

For those who begrudge packing, it tends to be the case that you will end up wearing 20% of your packed belongings during 80% of your trip. Or if you’ve left packing until the last minute and thrown items higgledy-piggledy into your suitcase, you’ll arrive at your accommodation to realise you’ve forgotten your favourite undies or packed the wrong shoes.

Packing lists work. Once you’ve considered the weather and climate at your destination, your baggage allowance plus the duration of your trip, you can plan what you need and limit unnecessary purchases on the other side.

We’ve compiled a pretty epic packing list covering practically every type of adventure and possibly everything that you may need. Feel free to adjust accordingly to your requirements.

6. Checklist

This is the final step before you walk out your front door to embark on a brand new adventure. Before you go, use this tab to ensure you’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s. And then you’re off!

Bon voyage!


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28 thoughts on “the ultimate trip planner template – easy to use excel format”.

HOLY COW I cannot believe I found EVERYTHING I needed all in one for FREE. I feel like I have ROBBED someone! My partner and I never grew up in households where family vacations were had, so we have no idea what were doing. Thank you kindly to The Travel Quandary. If I can donate, share your page, volunteer, etc. let me know how I can repay <3


How you extend the dates! I am going for a month

This template is so great! Planning a trip to New Zealand and will be traveling around a lot – this is super helpful!


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your files!

Thanks so much for the template. This is a very good start for a traveller like me. Easy to use!

Amazing template! Exactly what I needed. Thank you!

Thank you for the great tool! I was wondering if theres a way to enter an end date as well to the itenerary?

Hi there! I was wrapped to see that the template is created by some Aussies! and local ones as well. I’m from Melbourne! Template is a charm! Just what I’ve been looking for ages! Planning our Europe trip for 2023 that got cancelled in 2020! (We all know why!!) Will let you know how it goes and will definitely check out your website! Thanks,

Hi Rosanna, we’re so glad to hear that you’ve found this template useful! Very jealous that you’re planning an escapade to Europe. No doubt it will be amazing! Safe travels 🙂

Thankyou for your post on THE ULTIMATE TRIP PLANNER TEMPLATE on excel. It is very usefull. I have been using this template to plan my trips for a while now and it has saved me a lot of time. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a travel planner.

Didn’t work. At least, not on my version of excel.

something about “delimited” something or another.

Hi Piotr, We’re sorry to hear this. What version of excel are you using? Are you on a Mac or PC? If you wish, we can email you an Excel copy of the template.

So so sooo helpful! I’m happy to find this great itinerary template! Thank you so much.

Thanks Tahira! We’re so glad that you found it helpful. Enjoy your travels! 🙂

Hi Tahira, we’re thrilled you found this template helpful. Enjoy your travels!

I needed this so much, easy and simply. Thank you for a great spreadsheet.

Thanks Nga! Happy travel planning!

Hi Nga, we’re so glad you loved this spreadsheet. Hope you had an amazing travel adventure!

Thank you , soooo much ! I appreciate you putting this together and sharing it

Hi Priscilla! So glad that you found this planning template useful! We hope you enjoy your trip!

I am so excited to find this. (Thank you, Pinterest!) I will be leaving in a month on an eight day train trip and this is exactly what I needed to get all my ducks in a row. Thank you so much!

HiTeresa! We’re so glad to hear this and so exciting for you. Enjoy your trip!

This is great! Found this as i was looking for a newer travel planner and this is very helpful and user friendly!

We’re so glad to hear this! Happy travel planning!

great tool. never used a planner before and it has most every item to consider… add a route sheet for those who driving to, during and back from their vacations…

Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback. We’ll look into adding a new tab for routes.

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Weekly Schedule Template

Our simple weekly schedule template provides an easy way to help you stay organized. We also have a weekly schedule that is a cross between our class schedule template and weekly calendar. If you need a basic schedule to help you plan your week and don't have Excel, try these spreadsheets in OpenOffice or Google Sheets, or download the printable PDF versions.

If you are looking for a template for weekly job scheduling or shift scheduling, check out our weekly shift schedule template or bi-weekly work schedule . You may also want to take a look at our new weekly planner template .

Simple Weekly Schedule

Simple Weekly Schedule

License : Personal Use (not for distribution or resale)

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by Jon Wittwer


This file contains two worksheets - one with and one without the hours shown in the schedule. In both, you just change the start date and the week days will update. You can make a multi-week schedule by duplicating and renaming a worksheet tab and then updating the start date.

Weekly Schedule Template

Other Versions

This spreadsheet is an updated version of our original weekly schedule worksheet. It uses 15-minute intervals for the primary main work hours and 30-minute intervals for the before and after hours. This is a very basic schedule template and is easy to customize. It doesn't use any formulas or special formatting.

Weekly Schedule (30-Minute Intervals)

Weekly Schedule with 30 Minute Intervals

This version of the weekly schedule uses 30-minute intervals and a different color scheme. Remember, you can modify the theme colors and fonts by going to Page Layout > Themes. The spreadsheet contains a few tips for how to fit text within a single cell.

Share Our Weekly Schedule

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Calendar templates, common types, specific types.

Weekly Schedules for Microsoft Excel

  • Weekly planners (20+ multi-purpose weekly planning templates, undated)
  • Weekly calendars for 2024 (dated, 1 page for every week of the year)
  • Other schedules:  hourly   ·  daily   ·  monthly   ·  quarterly   ·  yearly
  • Other calendars for 2024:  monthly   ·  quarterly   ·  yearly
  • Multi-year calendars:  split year   ·  school year   ·  academic year   ·  fiscal year   ·  two years   ·  three years
  • Weekly schedule templates in other paper sizes: A4
  • Weekly schedule templates in other file formats:  Word   ·  Excel   ·  PDF

Weekly schedules Monday to Friday (five-day week)  - 6 templates

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 1: landscape, 1 page, Monday to Friday (5-day week), in color

Template 1: Weekly schedule (Monday - Friday) landscape, in color

  • schedule for one week on one page, in color
  • page orientation: landscape (horizontal)
  • Monday through Friday (5-day week)
  • editable and customizable - easy to modify and adapt to your needs
  • can be saved and reused again later
  • for Microsoft Excel (.xlsx file)

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 2: landscape, 1 page, Monday to Friday (5-day week)

Template 2: Weekly schedule (Monday - Friday) landscape

  • schedule for one week on one page
  • for weekly lesson plans, weekly class plans and many others
  • or use as a college schedule maker

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 3: 2 schedules on one page, portrait, Monday to Friday (5-day week), in color

Template 3: 2 weekly schedules (Monday - Friday) portrait, in color

  • two weekly schedules on one page below each other, in color
  • page orientation: portrait (vertical)
  • use for two people or for bi-weekly (two-week) look-ahead scheduling

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 4: 2 schedules on one page, portrait, Monday to Friday (5-day week)

Template 4: 2 weekly schedules (Monday - Friday) portrait

  • two weekly schedules on one page below each other

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 5: portrait, 1 page, Monday to Friday (5-day week), with room for notes and comments, in color

Template 5: Weekly schedule (Monday - Friday) portrait, with room for notes, in color

  • with ample room for notes and comments underneath

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 6: portrait, 1 page, Monday to Friday (5-day week), with room for notes and comments

Template 6: Weekly schedule (Monday - Friday) portrait, with room for notes

Weekly schedules monday to saturday (six-day week)  - 6 templates.

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 7: landscape, 1 page, Monday to Saturday (6-day week), in color

Template 7: Weekly schedule (Monday - Saturday) landscape, in color

  • Monday through Saturday (6-day week)

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 8: landscape, 1 page, Monday to Saturday (6-day week)

Template 8: Weekly schedule (Monday - Saturday) landscape

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 9: 2 schedules on one page, portrait, Monday to Saturday (6-day week), in color

Template 9: 2 weekly schedules (Monday - Saturday) portrait, in color

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 10: 2 schedules on one page, portrait, Monday to Saturday (6-day week)

Template 10: 2 weekly schedules (Monday - Saturday) portrait

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 11: portrait, 1 page, Monday to Saturday (6-day week), with room for notes and comments, in color

Template 11: Weekly schedule (Monday - Saturday) portrait, with room for notes, in color

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 12: portrait, 1 page, Monday to Saturday (6-day week), with room for notes and comments

Template 12: Weekly schedule (Monday - Saturday) portrait, with room for notes

Weekly schedules sunday to saturday (seven-day week)  - 6 templates.

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 13: landscape, 1 page, Sunday to Saturday (7-day week), in color

Template 13: Weekly schedule (Sunday - Saturday) landscape, in color

  • schedule for one full week on one page, in color
  • Sunday through Saturday (7-day week)

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 14: landscape, 1 page, Sunday to Saturday (7-day week)

Template 14: Weekly schedule (Sunday - Saturday) landscape

  • schedule for one full week on one page

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 15: 2 schedules on one page, portrait, Sunday to Saturday (7-day week), in color

Template 15: 2 weekly schedules (Sunday - Saturday) portrait, in color

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 16: 2 schedules on one page, portrait, Sunday to Saturday (7-day week)

Template 16: 2 weekly schedules (Sunday - Saturday) portrait

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 17: portrait, 1 page, Monday to Sunday (7-day week), with room for notes and comments, in color

Template 17: Weekly schedule (Sunday - Saturday) portrait, with room for notes, in color

Weekly schedule template for Excel version 18: portrait, 1 page, Monday to Sunday (7-day week), with room for notes and comments

Template 18: Weekly schedule (Sunday - Saturday) portrait, with room for notes

  • use it to create a schedule for weekly cleaning, weekly rentals and other activities repeating regularly through the week


visit schedule template excel

Excel calendar templates

Many calendar templates are available for use in Microsoft Excel. A template provides a basic calendar layout that you can easily adapt for your needs.

An Excel calendar template may have one or more of these features:

Twelve months in one or separate worksheets.

Thirteen months starting with July or August and ending with July or August of the next year to represent a school year.

Calendar printing on one page or twelve pages (thirteen pages for school year calendars).

Display of weekdays from Sunday to Saturday or from Monday to Sunday.

Portrait or landscape orientation for printed pages.

A ruled column for notes.

A vacation planner.

To-do lists.

Task trackers.

Budget trackers.

Daily schedule tracker.

Download a calendar template:

Browse through the calendar templates , choose an Excel calendar template that is best for you. Click the Download button on the template page, open the template file in Excel, and then edit and save your calendar.

Note:  By default, a template file download goes into the Downloads folder on your computer. You may want to copy the template file to a different location so that you can easily find it later.

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You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community  or get support in  Communities .

Create a calendar by using a template


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12 Best Project Scheduling Templates for Excel


Project scheduling can be hard, but software can make it more manageable. If you’re not quite ready to make the leap to an online project scheduling software, though, then project scheduling templates for Excel can be a decent substitute to get started.

ProjectManager has dozens of free project management templates that you can download to assist in managing every phase of your project. Here are a few project scheduling templates to help you get started right away.

But if you’re looking for project scheduling software that can take you to the next level of scheduling, then you want ProjectManager. Our cloud-based software can plan, monitor and report on your project schedule from start to finish. Make sure you’re meeting those milestones with our real-time dashboard, which unlike templates or other software requires no setup. Get started today for free.

visit schedule template excel

Best Project Scheduling Templates for Excel

Microsoft Excel isn’t naturally a good project scheduling tool. However, these free project scheduling templates can help you build a schedule and stick to it. Without them, you’ll have a hard time getting your project off the ground; with them, you’re on your way to a successful project. Transform your spreadsheets with these Excel scheduling templates.

1. Gantt Chart Template

Project schedules are made up of tasks—a lot of tasks. The crucial step in scheduling any project is organizing those tasks. You need to estimate their duration and set a priority for each so your team knows what to do, and when to do it. A task list can start this process, but you’ll quickly find yourself hitting a wall unless you use a Gantt chart.

image of ProjectManager's Gantt Chart template

Gantt charts are visual tools that take every project task and place them on a timeline . You can see each task in relation to the others, since they’re represented as bars. Our Gantt chart template helps you set start and end dates, shows dependencies between tasks and breaks up the phases of your project by color to easily differentiate one from another. It’s an ideal project schedule template.

You can discuss building the Gantt with your team, who’ll help you better estimate durations. Then, once you’ve created the schedule on your Gantt, share the chart with your stakeholders. It will provide a map of the project and help to orient them when you regularly update them throughout execution.

2. Work Breakdown Structure Template

Before you can schedule, you have to know what you’re scheduling. A work breakdown structure is a tool that captures all your deliverables. It’s a tree diagram with the final deliverable on top and then a breakdown of each deliverable or task that got you there. It’s an essential scheduling tool.

ProjectManager's work breakdown structure WBS template

Our free work breakdown structure template has everything you’ll need to see all the steps necessary to schedule in order to complete your project. First, you make a detailed task list broken up into the phases of your project. The second part of the template is the tree diagram, with the project on top and smaller and smaller deliverables beneath it. Now you know everything you have to add to your project schedule.

3. Work Schedule Template

Your project schedule is just a collection of dates if you don’t coordinate it with your resources. Resources are anything you need to get the job done—this includes equipment, materials and, most importantly, your team. Organizing these resources to work with your schedule, and bring the project to a successful conclusion on time, is where a work schedule comes in handy.

ProjectManager's work schedule template

Our work schedule template allows you to collect all the people in your team or organization, and designate where they’re located (if they’re working remotely), including their working hours and what work they’re responsible for. All of this is laid out over a period of time, usually over a week or month.

The flexibility of this project schedule template stems from its ability to adapt to various work schedules. There is the traditional 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. But some projects or organizations are working all week, around the clock. These shifts can be fixed or set as rotating. Whether your workers are part-time or full-time, this work schedule template will help you keep them organized.

If you use ProjectManager you’ll be able to do a lot more in terms of scheduling. Templates can only go so far. See what a schedule looks like on cloud-based project management software. Watch the video embedded below.

Project management training video (9tjhryzghn)

4. Task Tracking Template

Once you have a project schedule and your resources are organized, the real fun begins. When executing your tasks, it’s important to have the means to monitor progress and make sure the actual progress meets the planned progress. Our task tracking template lets you capture your work and helps you keep on schedule.

image of ProjectManager's Task Tracking Template

This project schedule template serves as more than a to-do list, but less than what task management software can do. However, the template will let you keep track of your task’s status, priority, time and resources. It follows the tasks through its life cycle from ready to assigned, terminated or expired, forwarded to finished or failed.

If you’re looking for a more dynamic tool to track your tasks and keep you on schedule, then you’ll want to upgrade to an online project management software. You’ll get high-level views of progress with a dashboard and more in-depth data from the various reporting features. You’ll also want features to manage your resources and easily edit your schedule as changes occur.

5. Change Log Template

The unexpected happens to even the best-planned projects. Your project schedule is a living document that needs to be able to respond to change requests from stakeholders. Or, other variables such as weather, sick team members or problems in your supply chain can interrupt your progress. You need to have a change log that keeps track of these changes.

image of's Change Log template

Using our change log template helps you identify and follow the change as it moves through your project. This makes sure nothing falls through the cracks, and gives you the tools you need to control and manage that change. The change log provides visibility into the process. You assign someone on your team to resolve it, which lets you establish accountability.

You also get to prioritize the change, as not every change is equal in importance. Then, you can track the change from start to finish. The template has a place for you to number the change, when it was first identified, who owns it and its current status. Each row of the spreadsheet captures one change, so you have an orderly document to manage the process.

6. Project Plan Template

A project schedule is part of the larger project plan. It must work in congress with all the other aspects of your project, such as resource allocation, costs and more. The project plan includes a lot of guiding documents that will inform you schedule, too, from the business case to the project charter.

Project Plan Template

The free project plan template for word helps you to organize all the important papers necessary to plan and schedule a project. You can attach all the pertinent files, such as your feasibility study, and then outline the scope of the project. Once you completed your project plan, you can finalize your project schedule.

7. Project Status Report Template

The project status is a report that captures where the project is at a specific time. You can see it’s health and progress. This can be used to update stakeholders but is also a valuable asset for project managers. They can use the status plan to see if they’re on schedule.

Free status report template

Using the free project status report template for Excel captures all the metrics you need to keep your project on track. There’s general information, a summary of the project status, the project health, a risk management overview and recommendations and concerns. This free template is vital to deliver your project on time.

8. Resource Plan Template

Resources are a major part of any project schedule. They are the people and things that you’ll need to complete the tasks in your project. Allocating them works hand-in-glove with your project schedule. You need to know what and when you require the resource.

ProjectManager's resource plan template

Using our free resource plan template for Excel helps you organize all your resources for the project. You can list all the team members on one side and then define them by which department they’re working in. Next you can add their rate, cost and availability. It’s the free proejct scheduling template you need to track the availability of your resources.

9. Project Dashboard Template

To make sure your schedule is on track once your team starts to execute it, you need to monitor its progress and performance. The status report is one such tool. Another is a project dashboard, which measures several project metrics and displays them in graphs and charts.

Project Dashboard Template

The free project dashboard template for Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to track the status of your tasks, the workload of your team, task lengths and costs. However, all that data has to be manually put into the template and updated, whereas software does that work for you.

10. Estimate Template

Another part of creating a project schedule is estimating. The more accurately you can forecast your project costs, the more accurate your project schedule will be. Estimating requires gathering data and then calculating that data to come up with what your project budget will be, which informs your project schedule.

free projectmanager estimate template

To make better forecasts on project costs that will impact your project schedule, we have a free estimate template. The this scheduling template is broken up into project phases. Under each of these is a list of tasks that has space to add the vendor or contractor, the labor and material costs and then a total. When you add up all the costs of your tasks you’ll have a clear idea of what the project will require financially.

11. Risk Register Template

Nothing can take you off schedule faster than when issues arise in your project. When planning a schedule you need to be aware of what risks might show up, so you can quickly identify them and resolve them before they negatively impact the project. For that, you need a risk register.

Risk register template

A free risk register template allows you to collect all the potential issues that might impact your project. You can describe the risk in the far left column, then in the next column write how it would impact the project. Following that there is a column to note your response, the level of the risk and who is responsible for identifying and resolving it.

12. Project Budget Template

The budget is one of the most impactful elements of the project plan on your scheduling. You can’t keep working if you’re not funded. Therefore, a project manager must know what the costs of the project are before they can schedule the work to be completed by the deadline.

project budget template

With the project budget template for Excel you have space to list all the labor and material costs, which tasks they are being used for and who is assigned to do that work. There are other line items, too, such as travel expenses, equipment rentals and fixed items, where the amount is set and doesn’t change. Capture the cost of your project with our free template.

ProjectManager Helps with Project Scheduling

You can schedule a project using these free templates, however, you’ll find yourself overburdened and always behind. What you need is project management software that has real-time data to plan the project but also monitor it as it’s being executed to help you stay on track. ProjectManager is cloud-based that helps you plan your project schedule, monitor its progress and keep track of your team’s performance so you can meet your deadlines.

Plan Your Schedule on Interactive Gantt Charts

Getting all your project tasks, resources and costs to come in on time is complicated. Gantt charts are a great tool to organize all those activities and see them on a timeline that shows you the entire project in one place. You can link dependencies to avoid delays and even filter for the critical path. Then set a baseline and you’ll be able to track project variance to make sure you’re staying on schedule.

ProjectManager's Gantt charts are more dynamic than construction scheduling templates

Use Multiple Project Views

Managers love Gantt charts but teams don’t need to view the project schedule with that level of detail. They want to know which tasks are assigned to them and when they’re due. All the data scheduled on the Gantt simultaneously shows up on our other project views, such as the sheet, task list, kanban and calendar views. There’s one source of truth keeping everyone working on the same page but teams can track their tasks on calendars for important upcoming dates, robust task lists or the visual workflow of a kanban.

visit schedule template excel

Track Your Team’s Progress on Tasks

As mentioned above, you can get a high-level view of the project with our real-time dashboard. To see how each team member is progressing on their assigned tasks, though, you can view the timesheets or generate a timesheet report. See how far your team has progressed in completing their tasks and know if you’re meeting the schedule or if you need to re-allocate resources to get back on track. Timesheets are secure and also streamline the payroll process.

ProjectManager's timesheet view

Timesheets are just one of the many reports you can create with a keystroke. Get reports on time, cost and more to help you keep to your schedule. All reports can be filtered to show only the data you want to see and then easily shared with stakeholders to keep them updated. Our software not only helps you stay on schedule but has task and resource management, workflow automation and much more. It’s the only software you’ll need to manage your projects.

ProjectManager is award-winning software that plans, schedules and controls every aspect of your project. Our collaborative platform connects hybrid teams and helps them work better together regardless of where, when or how they work. Join the successful teams at NASA, Siemens and Nestles who use our tool to deliver projects on time. Get started today for free .

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11 Free Travel Itinerary Templates for Your Next Trip in Google Docs, Excel, & Word

Content Partnership Specialist

May 8, 2024

There are a lot of things that go into planning a trip.

From scheduling flights, booking hotels and car rentals, planning activities, and ensuring all of them fit within your timeline and budget too!

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or simply someone looking to create an organized travel schedule for your upcoming trip, then you should consider using an itinerary template. 

Itinerary templates help you organize your activities, manage your time , calculate your expenses, give you a breakdown of all your important travel information before a trip, and help you make the most out of your business trip or vacation. 

Head over to the sections below to find out what makes a good itinerary template, and discover 11 free templates you can use to help you plan your next trip! 🏝️

What is an Itinerary Template?

What makes a good travel itinerary template, 1. clickup business travel itinerary template, 2. clickup vacation itinerary template, 3. clickup trip planner template, 4. clickup event planning itinerary template, 5. clickup 24 hour itinerary template, 6. clickup basic agenda template, 7. clickup conference itinerary template, 8. clickup board meeting agenda template, 9. excel vacation itinerary template, 10. google docs travel itinerary template, 11. microsoft word business trip itinerary template.

Avatar of person using AI

An itinerary is a document that outlines all of the details of your trip, from your flight and hotel reservations to your planned activities and budget, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

That said, trip planners should turn to itinerary templates to give you ready-to-use and organized fill-in-the-blank pages that you can use for every type of trip. 

Itinerary templates can help business and leisure travelers:

  • Save time, plan more effectively, and provide an organized format for all the important details of their trip
  • Have a digital planner to keep track of all the details they need to consider when planning their travel, such as dates and locations, transportation and accommodations, and activities
  • Get quick access to all of the necessary details in one place
  • Help manage last-minute changes more effectively

Think of these free itinerary templates as your personal travel agent assistant. They’re there to assist you with planning the most important parts of your trip, so you spend more time enjoying the moment than worrying about what’s next and how you’re getting there.

Moreover, creating a detailed travel itinerary is beneficial if you’re visiting a new city or country you’ve never been to before. 

So what should a travel itinerary look like? Let’s take a look!

There are several types of itinerary templates for different occasions. The most commonly used and sought templates are for business trips, vacations, event planning, and global and domestic travels.

And while there are many types of itinerary templates out there, the best ones offer the following basic elements: 

  • Have clear and concise language
  • Organized and easy-to-read format
  • Customizable and easy to edit
  • Easily accessible and sharable 

And if you need to shift your plans around due to unexpected changes, a solid travel itinerary template should offer the flexibility to let you make changes without compromising the flow of your trip. It also shouldn’t require you to start your travel itinerary from scratch.

Ultimately, these templates should help you create a personalized travel itinerary, save time, and stay organized to help you become a better planner.

Speaking of which—here are 11 hand-picked travel itinerary templates that can help you with that! Each one offers a unique format and features. Check them one by one to see which templates suit your needs the best.

11 Travel Itinerary Templates for Your Next Trip

Ensure that business trips are effectively planned to save time and lower costs using this template

Traveling for work? 

This Business Travel Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you get all your important travel details and work schedules, all in one place. 

Easily notate your travel dates, hotel information, flight number, and other important information in an organized and easy-to-follow format in ClickUp Docs . If you have multiple travel plans or want to keep your past and future travel itinerary docs in one place, then simply add nested pages under one Doc to keep everything neatly organized and accessible.

And because ClickUp Docs allow you to have full control of sharing permissions and privacy, you can keep your pages private to protect your personal information or securely share them with selected people via a link.

Best of all, ClickUp is available on the mobile app , so you can take your itinerary template wherever you go and access it any time of the day.

Use this free travel itinerary template to streamline your business travel planning process and establish a consistent standard itinerary that you can use again and again.

Streamline your travel planning process using this template

Planning a road trip or exploring a new city?

Whatever type of vacation you’re planning for, this Vacation Planning Travel Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you create a visual roadmap of your planned activities.

With this free travel itinerary template, you’ll be able to plan your destinations, use ClickUp Custom Fields to add important details such as hotel addresses, type of activity, hours of operation, travel time, accommodations, reservations, and so on to ensure you’re on the right track to hit all the spots you have planned to visit on your trip!

Additionally, this template allows you to visualize your road trip itinerary in Map view, as shown above, and other views in ClickUp, such as List, Embed Board, and Doc view. Each custom view offers a unique look at your travel itinerary to help you visualize and organize your plans in the best way that works for you. 

Use these vacation planning templates to give you the structure and organization you need to plan your next trip and have a stress-free getaway!

Visualize your trip, budget plan, reservations, and everything in between in one place using the ClickUp Trip Planner Template

Streamline your travel planning with ClickUp’s Trip Planner Template ! Say goodbye to the chaos of scattered details and hello to a centralized hub for all your trip essentials. From flights to accommodations, activities to budgets, this template has you covered. Save time by organizing everything in one place and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

With customizable features like custom statuses, fields, and views, you can tailor the template to suit your specific needs. Collaborate effortlessly with friends and family to create the ultimate travel experience. Whether you’re jetting off for a quick getaway or planning a work trip, this template provides the tools you need for a successful trip.

Set your budget, research destinations, create itineraries, and finalize details all within ClickUp’s intuitive platform. Track progress, assign tasks, and monitor productivity with ease. From start to finish, ClickUp’s Trip Planner Template empowers you to plan your dream trip efficiently and effectively.

ClickUp Event Planning Template allows you to align your team and resources for smooth collaboration to get the job done

Whether you’re born with natural event planning skills or perhaps someone who’s looking to get better at it, this Event Planning Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you plan your next events with ease!

This event planning itinerary template includes three highly visual ClickUp Views that can be customized for any need, from organizing and scheduling event dates on a List and Board to drag-and-drop planning on a Calendar.

Each view provides pre-built Custom Fields, which allow you and your team to add important details, such as progress percentage bars, payment status, due dates, budget status, and more. You can also create Custom Task Statuses to help identify the stage each task is, keeping everyone in the loop on where each task stands at all times. 

You can download the app on your mobile device to access your tasks regardless of your event’s location, and use this itinerary template to help you become a pro at planning events and start managing all of your business operations, teams, and event planning —all in one place. 

This Template helps you stay focused and organized with a clear daily schedule

Sometimes, it’s best to take things day by day, especially when your workload and to-do lists are getting out of hand. 

Seize the day and stay productive (and motivated) by turning to the 24 Hours Itinerary Template in ClickUp to guide you when creating your daily schedule!

This free itinerary template includes pre-built Custom Fields and Custom Task Statuses to help you easily plan and visualize your daily tasks. And because those features are fully customizable, you can edit and add whatever fields and statuses work best for your workflow.

Use this template to assist you with daily planning , so you easily view all of your to-dos, stay focused on what’s on your plate each day, and make the most of every day!

Use this template to create an organized agenda for your travel

Meetings are a great way to sync with people in real time.

However, without a proper agenda, you might forget to discuss important matters, lose control of the meeting flow, and veer off track, leaving the attendees with more questions than answers or thinking, “this could’ve been an email.” 😅

Don’t let that happen to you! 

Whether you’re hosting a face-to-face or virtual meeting, having a prepared agenda beforehand keeps your meetings productive and helps make the most of your attendee’s time— the free Agenda Template by ClickUp can help you prep for your next meeting.

This template provides you with sections for your meeting details, participants, and so much more. And because this template is available ClickUp Docs, you can easily format the page to support any type of meeting , embed links to add more details to your agenda, and easily share it with your team before the meeting so they can come prepared with insights or questions. 

Use this itinerary template to help you plan and keep your next meetings productive! 

Event planners can use this Conference Agenda Template to help everyone stay on the same page when it comes to planning and organizing events.

Planning a conference and need a conference agenda template ?

This Conference Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you create, visualize, and manage your events all in one centralized place.

This template offers pre-built views, such as Box, Calendar, and List view, and Custom Fields and Custom Task Statuses to allow you to create your ideal itinerary for your event. Moreover, you can add custom tags to your tasks to add another layer of organization to your itinerary and add new Custom Fields to keep your tasks as detailed as possible as you plan your live or virtual conference events .

And if you need help getting started, no problem. It comes with a Getting Started Guide to help you get familiarized with the template and serve as a guide to help you plan your next event !

ClickUp's Board Meeting Agenda Template serves as an outline to focus on and quickly address the key issues and ensure everyone is on the same page about what needs to be done

A meeting agenda is a must, especially for board meetings. 

The Board Meeting Agenda Template in ClickUp offers pre-built Custom Fields to help board members and leadership create a high-level and organized meeting agenda, and run productive meetings. You may also add single or multiple assignees to each task and subtask to clearly note who’s responsible for completing the task or presenting the topics and check them off the list as each task or topic has been discussed to easily track and note what is yet to be completed.

Use this itinerary template to help you create an organized meeting agenda , keep everyone in the loop ahead of the meeting, and promote open discussion among all participants, which can lead to stronger decisions and better outcomes.

Excel Vacation Itinerary Template

If you’re an Excel user, then this template is for you.

Microsoft Excel offers a handy Vacation Itinerary template that you can use to organize all of your trip details. Whether you want to start a road trip itinerary with friends or a personalized itinerary of your full trip, this trip itinerary template includes entries for flight information, lodging, emergency contacts, activities, and so on. 

Once you’ve filled out the template with the details of your trip, simply save it on your computer or print it to take a physical copy of your itinerary with you or leave a copy for your friends and family while you’re away on your vacation.

Google Docs Travel Itinerary Template

If you like keeping things simple when planning your trips, then this travel itinerary template will work for what you need.

This template allows you to add and edit your travel details, such as destinations, transportation, lodging, and what you need to pack for your trip, in organized tables in Google Docs (where you can also connect to Google Sheets). 

This is one of the many customizable templates that’s free to download. Save it on your computer or print a copy to take with you!

Microsoft Word Business Trip Itinerary Template

Keep your business trips as stress-free as possible by creating a detailed flight itinerary, meeting schedule, and more all on one page. Use Microsoft Word’s Business Trip Itinerary template to keep track of important dates, departure and arrival times, destination addresses, phone numbers, travel time, and other notes about each item on your itinerary. 

Start Planning Your Next Trip with Travel Itinerary Templates

When it comes to planning trips, having an itinerary is key.

But we get it. Making a detailed itinerary can be quite time-consuming. That’s why using an itinerary template can be such a great tool! Stay organized and use the templates we provided above as a starting point for creating your own customized itinerary for your upcoming trips and events.

And if you’re a fan of customizations, then you’ll click well with ClickUp. 

It offers a fully customizable platform with hundreds of features and templates to give you the power to create a personalized experience, connect all your notes and work together, and build a workflow and itineraries that work for you.

Get access to ClickUp’s customizable templates for free today, and start getting excited about planning your next event! 

Bon voyage! 👋

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Access a monthly schedule template for Excel

visit schedule template excel

One of the most important parts of operating a business is managing its schedule. A monthly schedule template for Excel can help accomplish this by laying out all the important dates you have coming up. This can inform you of team meetings, project deadlines, and other significant events.

In this article, you’ll see how creating a simple monthly schedule using an Excel calendar template can clear the fog ahead and set you and your company up for ongoing success. In order to create a monthly schedule template, having a clear definition of what a schedule template is is a must.

Get the template

What is a monthly schedule template for Excel?

A blank printable monthly schedule template is a simple, yet effective tool for laying out upcoming events, important dates, and project deadlines in a single place. The monthly schedule template allows you to plan for the weeks and months ahead so that you and your team members can stay on top of your workloads.

A typical Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets monthly schedule template will include an outline for each month of the year, either as a single worksheet or 12 individual worksheets. Each month is broken down into the days of the week, beginning with Sunday or Monday. There is also a space for writing notes in a side column, a built-in to-do list, and budget and task trackers.

Tracking events and schedules is a crucial part of running a successful team, but it also has specific benefits when it comes to project management.

Download Excel template

Why use a monthly schedule template?

The role of the monthly schedule is self-explanatory: it provides you with a lay of the land, mapping out which important events and dates are approaching. However, it can also help you streamline project management, build harmonious team dynamics, and stay on top of client deadlines when used effectively.

69% of project planners claim that senior management values project management. Since time scheduling is a cornerstone of task management, the monthly schedule can be critical for hitting professional goals and efficient workflows.

The monthly schedule template for Excel divides months into weeks and weeks into days. Like a school calendar, it shows you all significant upcoming dates at a glance, but you can also zoom in and see what individual tasks you have on your plate each day.

With a monthly schedule template in place, you’re less likely to be blindsided by deadlines or meetings that could otherwise pass you by. You can set up a system of checking your schedule regularly, so you can have an eye on the big picture and ensure you’re on track to complete your long-term goals. It also helps you avoid getting bogged down in the minutiae of your day-to-day roles and responsibilities.

Monthly schedule timeline view example

When you have a monthly schedule, you can share it with your team, so you’re all on the same page. Syncing up your calendars with the schedule, you can lower the risk of missing project deadlines as the responsibility is shared. 20% of work time is taken up by team collaboration, so it’s important that teams are equipped with tools to sync up their workflows.

Monthly scheduling templates likely look different from company to company, but it’s sometimes helpful to know what you need once you’ve seen some examples.

What are some examples of monthly schedule templates?

From marketing campaign scheduling calendars to templates for project deadlines, there are several ways you can go about creating your monthly schedule template. Let’s take a look at a few templates for inspiration.

1. Marketing monthly schedule template

example of a monthly marketing schedule

( Image Source )

Use the marketing monthly employee schedule to outline your strategy for each marketing channel you use. If you’re planning on pouring resources into social media marketing, for example, this template can help you allocate the necessary human and financial capital. It can also provide you with a means of tracking the timeline to completion on a month-to-month basis.

2. Meeting monthly schedule template

screenshot of monthly meeting plan

Using it in tandem with automatic reminders is a powerful and effective way to stay on top of your work responsibilities. If you’re liable to forget a particular event, having it written down on a schedule like this and set up as a reminder is a surefire way to keep it in your mind.

3. Monthly schedule template for project deadlines

example of a monthly schedule deadline template

Deadlines can creep up on you if your focus lies elsewhere. It’s easy to develop tunnel vision while working on a single project. To ensure you never miss a deadline again, set up a monthly deadline tracking system like this one, and you’ll have a visual reminder of important upcoming due dates.

The above examples will certainly help you plan your monthly activities, but as far as customization goes or the ability to seamlessly include it in your workflow, you may feel limited. To edit events in real-time, tag coworkers, receive status updates on task progress, and keep all of your work in one place, you can turn to a template.’s monthly schedule template

The monthly schedule template for Excel is simple to use and can streamline your efforts to organize your workload. With a template like this one, you’ll be able to stay on top of several projects consecutively, meeting deadlines and attending meetings punctually.

The template does all the heavy lifting for you, so all that’s left to do is enter information about your activities for each day of the week. That way, the upcoming month’s work won’t feel quite as overwhelming.

monthly schedule main table view example’s monthly schedule template is customizable to suit your needs. You can also use the monthly template from in tandem with the remote work and weekly schedule templates. Syncing up your schedule with those of your colleagues can make it easy to coordinate and collaborate on projects. The template is fully online so your team can add information in real-time.

monday work management grants you access to effective project management solutions , which you can rely on for mapping out project milestones in a single interface for everyone to see. With the Work OS, teams can attach or link any work on the template to their workflows and tag peers to keep them in the loop. has dozens of pre-built, customizable templates so teams can get started on workflows immediately. From content calendars to daily work schedules, let’s take a look at some other scheduling templates.

Related templates has a handful of related templates that can be used in conjunction with the monthly schedule template.

Content calendar

The content calendar template from provides a framework for all things content. With it, you can map out your content marketing strategy, including publishing dates, key deadlines, and relevant workflows.

When used with the monthly schedule template, the content calendar schedule can sync up your content-producing responsibilities with everything else you have on your plate. For example, calendar templates like this one can be shared with the sales and marketing departments to ensure a cohesive approach to content production.

Remote work schedule

The remote work schedule template allows you to manage a remote team or collaborate with coworkers even while you’re out of the office. The template lets you create tasks, delegate them, and then execute them all according to your criteria and timelines.

Daily work schedule

The daily work schedule template is the micro-level organization system to match the macro-level monthly schedule. If you have too much on your plate to cover in a monthly schedule, the daily work schedule can help you free up headspace as you list out everything on your to-do list for each upcoming workday.

Have some additional questions about schedule templates? We answer a few of the most popular questions below.

FAQs about monthly schedule templates

How do i make a monthly schedule.

To make a monthly schedule, download the Excel template, and add all the relevant information in the corresponding fields. If you have a meeting that takes place every Monday at 9 a.m., add that into the template to ensure it never slips your mind.

You can customize the monthly schedule to suit your needs and preferences, too. For instance, you could color-code every important due date to make it easy to identify looming deadlines.

How do you use a monthly planner?

You can use a monthly planner to organize information related to upcoming work-related tasks, meetings, and deadlines. To use it, gather all the necessary information about your work activities and duties for the upcoming month, and add it all to the spreadsheet. Once you’ve done that, you can tailor the monthly schedule to your needs. Make changes such as color-coding certain events or setting up recurring reminders to personalize the schedule.

If you’d like more customization options,’s monthly schedule template could be a good choice, as it allows you to easily adjust the layout of your schedule to your needs. Unlike a spreadsheet, you don’t have to worry about setting it up yourself — just enter your schedule information and you’re good to go.

Is there a monthly calendar template in Excel?

Yes, Microsoft Excel has a variety of pre-made monthly calendar templates you can use with different themes and styles. Alternatively, you can use’s customizable monthly schedule template if you don’t want to feel limited by your formatting options.

How do I create a rotating schedule in Excel?

To create a rotating schedule in your Excel monthly calendar, type in the names of your employees or coworkers in the first column. Next, using a code such as ‘M’ for morning and ‘E’ for the evening, map out employee schedules for upcoming shifts. You can make more sheets and copy the monthly schedule template for Excel if it stays the same for consecutive months.

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Schedule Templates

15+ visitation schedule templates.

Most places will legally allow for a minimum amount of visitation time, just enough to benefit the children. Some couples prepare the visitation schedule on their own, and others leave it up to the judge. If you have decided to prepare your own sample schedule example, these free samples will show you how to make a reasonable schedule sample template that will benefit everyone involved.

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Schedule Template Bundle

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  • Google Docs

Simple Visitation Schedule Template

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  • Google Sheets

Sample Visitation Schedule Template

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  • Editable PDF

Visitation Schedule Template

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Sample College Schedule Template

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Simple Camp Schedule Template

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Free Child Visitation Schedule Template

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Free Standard Visitation Schedule

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Free Parenting Visitation Schedule Template

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Free Printable Visitation Schedule Template

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Free Sample Visitation Schedule Template

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Things to Consider When Drafting a Visitation Schedule

  • the child’s age,
  • the child’s needs, and
  • the parent’s ability to meet those needs.
  • Frequency of visits. Most visitation schedules will allow for overnight weekend visits to the non-custodian parent’s place every other week. Depending on the child’s school schedule , additional time might be granted during the week, unless you dispute it as against the child’s best interests.
  • Holidays and special occasions. One way you can go about this is to count all the holidays and events during the year and divide them equally between either parent and then switch the next year. For example, Christmas this year will be with the mother and next year with the father. You can also see more on  Maintenance Schedule Templates.
  • Transportation schedules. This is an important piece of the puzzle. You will have to decide which parent is responsible for transport costs, as well as the pick-up and drop-off points, depending on proximity and schedules.

Free Basic Visitation Schedule Template

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Free Model Visitation Schedule Template

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Free Inmate’s Visitation Schedule

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Free Standard Holiday Visitation Schedule

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Free Visit Schedule Template

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Bonus Family Schedule Template

More in schedule templates.

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  • 28+ Timetable Templates
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  • 6+ Recruitment Schedule Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • Daily Schedule Template – 39+ Free Word, Excel, PDF Download!
  • 54+ Maintenance Schedule Template – Free Word, Excel, PDF Format Download
  • 30+ Production Scheduling Templates – PDF, DOC, Excel, PPT
  • 34+ Payment Schedule Templates – Word, Excel, PDF
  • 10+ Revenue Per Employee Ratio Templates in Google Docs | Google Sheets | MS Word | Excel | Numbers | Pages | PDF
  • 9+ Nanny Schedule Templates in PDF | DOC
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  • 10+ Onboarding Schedule Templates in Google Docs | Word | Pages | PDF | Numbers | Google Sheets | Excel
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  • 10+ Unearned Revenue Templates in Google Docs | Google Sheets | Excel | Word | Pages | Numbers | PDF | AI
  • 11+ Film Shooting Schedule Templates

File Formats

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Free Work Schedule Templates for Word and Excel

By Kate Eby | April 13, 2016

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In this article, we’ve gathered all the best work scheduling templates to provide you with the most comprehensive listing, so you can meet your employee scheduling and time management needs. 

Included on this page, you’ll find a downloadable employee schedule template , weekly work schedule template , work rotation schedule template , and more in Excel and Word formats. We've also provided work schedule templates in Smartsheet, a real-time work execution platform that makes planning and tracking your schedules easier and more collaborative than Excel.

Employee Schedule Template

Employee Schedule Template

Download Employee Schedule Template

Excel | Smartsheet

This free template shows a weekly shift schedule and calculates paid hours and labor costs based on your data. You can adjust the starting day for the week, and shifts can be highlighted to specify day shift, night shift, vacation hours or other employee work shifts.

Bi-Weekly Work Schedule Template

Bi-Weekly Work Schedule Template

Download Bi-Weekly Work Schedule Template

This bi-weekly work schedule template allows you to plan ahead and view two full weeks, including weekends. Days are divided into hourly segments from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This template can be customized to change dates or time intervals, and can be printed as a blank document if you need a schedule that can be filled out by hand.

Weekly Work Schedule Template

Weekly Work Schedule Template

Download Weekly Work Schedule Template

This simple weekly work schedule template has a column for employee names and assignments followed by columns for each day of the week, including weekends. At the top, specify which department the schedule is for, and customize the week to meet your business needs.

Employee Shift Schedule Template

Shift Schedule Template

Download Employee Shift Schedule Template

This employee shift schedule template shows daily shifts for each employee, broken down hourly and with room to assign tasks or work areas. The basic format makes it simple to use and easy for employees to read.

Work Rotation Schedule

Work Rotation Schedule

Download Work Rotation Schedule Template

A rotating schedule can make it harder to plan and stay organized. This free work rotation schedule template shows the weekly schedule for each month. It includes every month of the year, creating an annual view of the work rotation schedule.

5-Day Work Schedule Templates

5-Day 8-6 Weekly Work Schedule Template

Download 5-Day Weekly Work Schedule Template, 8-6pm

5-Day 24h Weekly Work Schedule Template

Download 5-Day Weekly Work Schedule Template, 24-hour

Download 5-Day Weekly Work Schedule with Two on a Page Template

Download 5-Day Weekly Work Schedule Template with Notes

5-Day Weekly Work Schedule Template, 8-6 p.m. for Excel: If you only need a weekday schedule showing business hours, this template provides a simple calendar view of the work week. Each hour is broken down into 15-minute intervals so tasks can be organized throughout the day.

5-Day Week Work Schedule Template, 24-hour: This free weekly template is similar to the 5-day work schedule above, but shows a 24-hour view for each day. This is great for swing shifts or any tasks that need to be scheduled late at night or early in the morning.

5-Day Weekly Work Schedule with Two on a Page Template: This blank weekly schedule template is basic and easy to use. Add your own time periods and plan your week from Monday through Friday.

5-Day Weekly Work Schedule Template with Notes: This weekday work schedule template offers the simplicity of a blank calendar with the added benefit of a section for notes. Use this area for instructions to employees, to create a more detailed plan, or as notes to yourself for the coming week.

Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Templates

Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template with Notes

Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template

‌ Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Two on Page

Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Notes

Weekly Work Schedule Mon Sun Template

Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template: Create a weekly work schedule that includes Saturday. Save a blank version of this weekly work schedule template and create a new one for each week. If your schedule changes, you can easily modify the template to match.

Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Two on Page: Having two templates on one page makes it easy to plan in advance. It's great for businesses with Saturday shifts or for anyone who wants an easy calendar view of their week.

Mon-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Notes: Need extra room for written reminders? This weekly work schedule template offers the Monday to Saturday view along with room for notes at the bottom of the page.

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Templates

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template

‌ Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template

‌ Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Two on a Page

‌ Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Notes Template

Sun Sat Weekly Work Schedule 8-6 Template

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template 8am - 6pm

Sun - Sat 24h Weekly Work Schedule Template

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template, 24-hour

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template: Create a full weekly plan with this free template, including weekend days. Perfect for retail businesses that need to schedule employees on a Saturday or Sunday, or for scheduling family obligations and other events along with a weekday work schedule.

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Two on a Page: This free template provides two calendar views on one page, with weekly work schedules that include weekend days. It’s a blank template that is easy to fill out, read, print and modify.

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule with Notes Template: A free template showing every day of the week, with the addition of notes at the bottom.

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template 8am - 6pm: If you need a full weekly calendar, including weekends, this work schedule shows each hour of the day, starting at 8:00 a.m and ending with the 5:00 p.m. hour.

Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule Template, 24-hour: Create a weekly work schedule that includes every day of the week and 24 hours for each day.

Mon-Sun Weekly Work Schedule Template

Download Mon-Sun Weekly Work Schedule Template

Stay organized with this free weekly work schedule showing Monday through Sunday dates. Each date is bold and easy to see, and each day is broken down into three sections: morning, afternoon and evening.

Shift Work Calendar

Shift Work Calendar

Download Shift Work Calendar Template

Similar to the work rotation template above, this schedule provides a yearly view but in calendar form. The format allows you to quickly visualize a work week for any week of the year. Day and night shifts are clearly distinguished, and holidays or vacation days can also be included.

Work Schedule Templates in Word Format

Sun Sat Weekly Schedule 8-6 Template

Download Sun-Sat Weekly Work Schedule 8am - 6pm Template

A work schedule can be used to simply plan and document hours worked, but it can also be used for assigning tasks and tracking progress to ensure that deadlines are met, making it a useful tool for project management. Of course, work schedules are not limited to business settings. Even if you’re not scheduling employees, a simple work calendar can be a great tool for personal planning and time management. A blank calendar template makes it easy to make a weekly plan for school, family events, chores, or personal goals. 

All of the templates below are formatted for Microsoft Word. Some include times of day while others are blank. Each template is easily adaptable if you need to adjust the days of the week or other details. Each Word template is free to download and compatible with older versions of Word.

Mon-Sun 8-6 Weekly Schedule Template Word

Download Mon-Sun Weekly 8am - 6pm Work Schedule Template

Sun - Sat 24h Weekly Work Schedule Template Word

Download Sun-Sat Weekly 24-hour Work Schedule Template

Mon-Sun Weekly 24h Schedule Template Word

Download Mon-Sun Weekly Schedule Template, 24-hour Template

5-Day Work Schedule with Notes

Download 5-Day Work Schedule with Notes  Template

5-Day Work Schedule, Two on One Page

Download 5-Day Work Schedule, T wo on O ne P age  Template

Improve Scheduling and Human Resources Efforts with Smartsheet

Work schedules are an essential part of any business to ensure you have the right coverage when you need it. But that is only one piece of your human resources efforts. Finding a tool that makes it easier to track and manage the details of your entire people operations helps increase transparency and efficiency throughout.

Smartsheet is a work execution platform that enables enterprises and teams to move faster, drive innovation, and achieve more. Leading HR professionals rely on Smartsheet to help manage everything from simple onboarding tasks to complex change management, recruiting, and benefits and retirement tracking.

Use Smartsheet to maximize ROI on recruiting activities, stay on top of budget, and track internal planning and coordination. Streamline process and paperwork, maintain an auditable database without added effort, and grow your business with better informed, more productive employees.

Try Smartsheet to discover how you can maximize your scheduling and human resources efforts, today.

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Free Employee Performance Review Templates

Streamline your employee performance review process with free templates in Excel and Word.

Jan 30, 2023

Create An Excel Schedule Template in Minutes

Discover how you can quickly set up a schedule to manage time and track tasks with a template.

Discover a collaborative, real-time way to manage schedules.

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10 Powerful Excel Project Management Templates for Tracking Anything

P roject management templates are an essential tool for replicating successful projects. With Microsoft Excel's free templates, you can turn your simple spreadsheets into powerful project management tools.

In this article, you'll find some of the most useful and free Microsoft Excel project management and project tracking templates you'll want to use for your next project.

Microsoft Excel Project Timeline Templates

Let's take a look at the best Microsoft Excel project management templates.

We cover both native and third-party templates here. To find the pre-installed Excel spreadsheet templates, open Excel and search for the respective keyword from the New document screen.

If you're already in Excel, go to File > New to bring up the template search. Check the Managing Microsoft Excel Templates section below for more details.

Excel comes with several timelines and Gantt chart templates provided by Microsoft, but it also integrates templates from Vertex42, one of the most popular third-party resources for spreadsheets.

1. Work Plan Timeline

The Work Plan Timeline template is suitable for a basic project with multiple phases. When you enter your data into the worksheet, the roadmap will update automatically. This template comes pre-installed in Microsoft Excel 2016 and up.

2. Date Tracking Gantt Chart

Gantt charts are a staple in every project manager's toolset. They help you visualize the flow of your tasks and track progress.

With this template, you can create a comprehensive Gantt chart with minimal effort. Just enter each task, complete with a description, who it's assigned to, a percentage to indicate progress, a start date, and allocated days until completion. This template is a Microsoft Excel default.

3. Milestone and Task Project Timeline

If you want to integrate milestones into a basic timeline, this template provided by Vertex42 is ideal. It combines the best elements of a Gantt chart, i.e. the visualization of the task flow, with milestones hovering above the timeline.

Just fill in the respective tables to populate the visual. You can find this template by searching in Excel.

Excel Project Plan Templates

A project plan is a document that may require Excel charts, but is otherwise composed in Microsoft Word. For basic projects, however, you may get away with only a Microsoft Excel document.

4. Simple Gantt Chart

When you search Excel's template repository for project plan templates, you'll mainly find different Gantt chart variations, including this Simple Gantt Chart from Vertex42. What sets it apart from the Gantt chart above is the inclusion of project phases. This template is included in Microsoft Excel.

5. Event Planner Template

A project plan really isn't something you typically put together in Excel. However, if you are planning a small project, like a party, you just need a one-page template that lists the essential tasks and lets you define a schedule and a budget. This template from Office Templates Online is a great start.

Excel Project Tracker Template

A search for a tracker will bring up a wild mix of personal and business-related Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking. However, you can narrow down your search by selecting categories that relate to the project management task you're dealing with.

6. Activity-Based Cost Tracker

This tracking template can help you get an overview of direct, indirect, and general and administrative product costs.

7. Project Tracking Template

This Vertex42 template is essential if you are handling multiple different clients, projects, and/or deliverables. It combines project details, expenses, task statuses, and due dates.

Business Plan Templates

Microsoft Excel 2016 had its own category for business plans. You could search for the keyword business and select the Business Plans category on the right.

In Excel 2019 and onwards, you can perform either query, but the latter misses some templates, while the former might be overwhelming. We recommend looking into the following.

Business Plan Checklist

Creating a business plan can be a complex project in and of itself. This checklist will help you cover all your bases by guiding you through the process using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis.

Note that you'll find two similar templates in Excel, but they're both identical SWOT analysis checklists, differing only in their formatting.

Startup Expenses

This template is a great starting point for a budding business owner who needs some help with projecting the costs of their endeavor. The template will guide you through the most common assets and services your new business might require.

Once you've filled in all the potential expenses, you'll have a much better idea of how much funding you'll need to raise to get your business up and running. For more business plan templates , take a look at our dedicated article.

Search for Online Templates

Couldn't find the exact project management template you need in Excel? Turn to a third-party online resource for a wide selection of Excel spreadsheet templates. We recommend the following sites.

This website has a few great project management templates for Microsoft Office 2003 and up. The site notes that its templates are mostly related to project scheduling. Anything more complicated might require Microsoft Project or other project management software.

On the page dedicated to project management , you'll find a list of useful material, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Project Budgeting
  • Critical Path Method

Each page contains a quick rundown of what the template does, one or more templates, and further tips and tricks for the respective project management tool. It's a great resource for budding project managers.

TidyForm has a respectable selection of Microsoft Excel project management templates. The most popular categories are listed on the homepage. If you can't immediately spot what you need, switch to the Business section or try the search feature.

When you scroll to the bottom of a section, you'll see a list of popular categories and related categories. This can be helpful when trying to find just the right template. We recommend the following pages:

  • Project Budget
  • Project Proposal
  • Work Breakdown Structure

Still looking for the perfect template? You might have to create custom Excel templates to get exactly what you want.

Managing Microsoft Excel Templates

First, let's see what templates you already have installed in Microsoft Excel. For the purpose of this demonstration, we've used Excel 2019, but the procedure is similar in Microsoft Office 2013 and Office 2016.

Default Templates

When you start up Microsoft Excel, the first window you see will contain a search field for online templates. When you're starting from an existing workbook, go to File > New to arrive at the same view.

Microsoft Excel comes with a selection of pre-installed templates. They are listed underneath the search field. You can pin your favorite ones by clicking the respective symbol in the bottom right of the listing.

Search Online for More Project Templates (Excel 2016)

Searching for the type of template you need is the fastest way to locate it. For example, if you search for the term "project," you may also see template categories listed next to the templates that match your search. The category feature no longer appears in Excel 2019.

Narrow Down Your Search (Excel 2016)

A neat feature is that you can narrow down your search by selecting multiple categories. This helps you exclude templates that may match your keyword, but not your desired category. On the downside, you may find that the perfect template is not available in Microsoft Excel.

Preview & Create Your Template

When you click a template, you'll see a preview with a brief description of what the template provides. You can also pin the template from its preview; the symbol sits in the top right.

To download and use a template, click the Create button, which will open a new Microsoft Excel workbook with the template pre-filled.

Template Ready, Set, Go

Now that you have all the project management templates you could ever need, maybe you're interested in additional tools, tips, and tricks. For example, you could build a custom interactive Excel dashboard to manage data within your projects. The possibilities are endless.

10 Powerful Excel Project Management Templates for Tracking Anything


  1. For Impact

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  2. Visit Schedule Plate Excel Customer Sales Meeting Report With Weekly Regarding Customer Site Vis

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  3. Excel Travel Planner Template

    visit schedule template excel

  4. Weekly Appointment Planner in Excel (Basic)

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  5. Google Excel Schedule Template

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  6. Visit Agenda

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  1. My project schedule

  2. How to create daily schedule template in excel in 2023

  3. Timetable Planner in MS Excel

  4. Excel employee schedule

  5. Creating exam date sheet in excel

  6. How to use Excel template PM scheduling with Dashboard


  1. Free Schedules for Excel

    This work schedule template is designed to let you print two weeks at a time. Easily modify the template for night shifts or other shifts. Includes mini monthly calendars for convenience in planning. Simple Weekly Schedule. Use this template to create and print an easy-to-use weekly schedule. Lesson Schedule.

  2. How to Create a Trip Planning Spreadsheet [5 Free Templates]

    Step 1: Make Multiple Tabs on Your Spreadsheet. Step 2: Add Column Headers. Step 3: Personalize Your Travel Planning Spreadsheet. When to Use a Trip Planner Template. Free Google Sheets Trip Planner Templates. 1. Daily Itinerary Planner Spreadsheet. 2. Travel Budget Template.

  3. Free schedule templates

    Follow a schedule to stay on top of your life. Design custom schedule templates to help you plan out your year and manage projects for your business. Use Excel to set schedules by the month, day, and even down to the hour. Leave fields for you to add in details of what task you want to complete during the time.

  4. Free Excel Schedule Templates for Schedule Makers

    Weekly Schedule Template in Excel. ‌ Download Free Work Week Schedule Excel Template (Mon-Fri) ‌ Download Free Full Week Schedule Excel Template (Sun-Sat) In a weekly Excel schedule template, each day is broken up into morning, afternoon, and evening, and you can adjust how much space you would like for each block of the day.

  5. FREE! Trip Planner Template in Excel Format

    Using this spreadsheet. The Ultimate Trip Planner Template is built into a spreadsheet which is divided into six sections. We've built this trip planner to include 16 days of travel but you can adjust the length of the trip by adding or removing columns in the spreadsheet. 1. Summary.

  6. Free Daily Schedules for Excel

    Daily schedule templates in Excel format (undated) - 31 designs, free to download and print. Practical, customizable and versatile daily schedule templates suitable for a wide variety of uses. For more daily time planning tools see our daily planners and hourly schedules (both undated).

  7. Free Weekly Schedule Templates For Excel

    Download Weekly Planner Excel Template. This weekly planner template makes it easy to see your week at a glance, with room for notes and priority tasks. This is a simple choice if you're looking for a free, printable planner. Keep track of birthdays and events, create a to-do list, and plan for each day of the week.

  8. Free Itinerary Templates

    Create a simple itinerary for a conference, workshop, fundraiser, or other event with this schedule template. You can show activities that occur in different locations simultaneously, such as different speakers at a conference, and display the starting and ending time for all activities. Use this template to plan a single or multi-day event.

  9. Monthly Schedule Templates for Microsoft Excel

    Template 4:Monthly scheduleportrait, lined. monthly schedule on one page, lined/ruled. page orientation: portrait (vertical) weeks start on Sunday (see below for Monday start schedules) with room for week numbers at the sides. blank, undated, editable, printable. easy to customize and adapt to your needs.

  10. How to Make a Schedule in Excel (With Templates)

    Select the Daily Schedule template. Created in Microsoft Excel. 2. Edit cell F3 with a start time that works best for you. Click enter on your keyboard to apply. Created in Microsoft Excel. Optional: Change the color theme by clicking on the Page Layout tab > Themes.

  11. Weekly Schedule Templates for Excel and PDF

    Weekly Schedule Template. Download a free Weekly Schedule spreadsheet for Microsoft® Excel® and Google Sheets | Updated 8/18/2021. Our simple weekly schedule template provides an easy way to help you stay organized. We also have a weekly schedule that is a cross between our class schedule template and weekly calendar.

  12. Free Weekly Schedules for Excel

    Weekly schedule templates in Excel format - 18 layouts, free to download and print. Weekly schedule maker for three different weekly periods: Monday through Friday (5-day week), Monday through Saturday (6-day week) and Sunday through Saturday (7-day week). Stay organized with these flexible and easily printable week schedules in Microsoft Excel ...

  13. Excel calendar templates

    Download a calendar template: Browse through the calendar templates, choose an Excel calendar template that is best for you. Click the Download button on the template page, open the template file in Excel, and then edit and save your calendar. Note: By default, a template file download goes into the Downloads folder on your computer.

  14. 12 Best Project Scheduling Templates for Excel

    It's the free proejct scheduling template you need to track the availability of your resources. 9. Project Dashboard Template. To make sure your schedule is on track once your team starts to execute it, you need to monitor its progress and performance. The status report is one such tool.

  15. 10+ Sample Visit Agenda

    This Corporate Visit Agenda Template is presented in a table. It would be much easier for you to plot your visitor's schedule and corresponding activities as well. ... Hourly Schedule Template - 34+ Free Word, Excel, PDF Format Download! 10+ Audit Committee Meeting Agenda Templates in PDF | MS Word; 11+ Retirement Agenda Templates in PDF | DOC;

  16. Free Excel Project Schedule Templates

    Follow these step-by-step instructions to do a project schedule in Excel. 1. Download and Add Project Scheduling Details to the Excel Project Schedule Template. Download the Excel Project Schedule Template, and save it to your hard drive, network, or cloud location. Enter the name for your project in the Project Name field.

  17. 10 Free Travel Itinerary Templates in Google Docs, Word, & Excel

    From start to finish, ClickUp's Trip Planner Template empowers you to plan your dream trip efficiently and effectively. Download the Template. 4. ClickUp Event Planning Itinerary Template. ClickUp Event Planning Template allows you to align your team and resources for smooth collaboration to get the job done.

  18. Monthly Schedule Template For Excel

    To make a monthly schedule, download the Excel template, and add all the relevant information in the corresponding fields. If you have a meeting that takes place every Monday at 9 a.m., add that into the template to ensure it never slips your mind. You can customize the monthly schedule to suit your needs and preferences, too.

  19. Agendas & Schedules

    Explore Template Collections. Kick start your business with our hand-curated collection of ready-to-use templates. A collection of professionally designed Customer Service | Agendas & Schedules templates available for Excel. Download, customize, and send in minutes.

  20. Visitation Schedule Template

    15+ Visitation Schedule Templates. Most places will legally allow for a minimum amount of visitation time, just enough to benefit the children. Some couples prepare the visitation schedule on their own, and others leave it up to the judge. If you have decided to prepare your own sample schedule example, these free samples will show you how to make a reasonable schedule sample template that ...

  21. Free Work Schedule Templates for Word and Excel

    Each Word template is free to download and compatible with older versions of Word. Download Mon-Sun Weekly 8am - 6pm Work Schedule Template. Download Sun-Sat Weekly 24-hour Work Schedule Template. Download Mon-Sun Weekly Schedule Template, 24-hour Template. Download 5-Day Work Schedule with Notes Template.

  22. 10 Powerful Excel Project Management Templates for Tracking Anything

    3. Milestone and Task Project Timeline. If you want to integrate milestones into a basic timeline, this template provided by Vertex42 is ideal. It combines the best elements of a Gantt chart, i.e ...