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32 Tips for Making a Long-haul Flight More Comfortable

These hacks will help you enjoy the journey — and feel better on arrival.

Whether you're taking a seven-hour trip across the pond to Europe or embarking on the nearly 19-hour odyssey from New York City to Singapore, a long-haul flight can be boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. The nuisances of time-consuming air travel can range in severity from mildly inconvenient (annoying seat mates, let's say) to the downright dangerous (developing a blood clot on a plane is no joke). Luckily, there are some easy ways to make a big journey more bearable. Here are 32 of our favorite tips for long flights.

Book your flight early for good seats.

This should go without saying. The earlier you book, the better your chances of scoring your favorite seat, whether it's at the window, so you can watch the scenery, or at the aisle, with easiest access to the lavatory. It's just that simple.

Consider a seat in the back of the plane.

Your favorite seat probably isn't in the back of the plane. It's noisy back there, tends to have little leg room, and means you're the last off the plane when it lands. However, there are perks to choosing a back seat. If you're flying with an airline like Southwest that doesn't have assigned seats, you might have better luck claiming a row to yourself or at least an empty seat next to you in the back. Also, being in the back lets you watch which rows don't fill up ahead of you, so you can claim one of the emptier ones after everyone is seated.

Use those air miles to upgrade.

If you've got 'em, flaunt 'em. You'll thank yourself when you're reclining in a first-class seat, sipping Champagne and pretending to like caviar. And if you don't have the miles, this might be the time to splurge for a superior first- or business-class seat. Even upgrading to premium economy will give you priority check-in, extra legroom, and comfortable seats.

Or angle for a free upgrade.

It's worth a go, isn't it? Arrive early, dress nicely, travel alone, and put on your most winning smile for the best chance at success. Your odds of scoring a last-minute upgrade are better if you have elite status with the airline.

Adjust your sleep pattern before your flight.

In the days before your flight, adjust your sleep patterns (a few 4 a.m. or 7 p.m. bedtimes should do it, depending on what time of day you'll be flying). If your flight is during the day, be well rested before you fly. If it's a red-eye, arrive at the airport tired. Trust us on this, though: staying awake for 24 hours before your trip to balance out jet lag just doesn't work.

Check in early.

The last thing you need before your long-haul journey is to panic your way through a busy airport, arriving at the gate sweaty and frazzled — or, worse, to miss your flight.

De-stress before you board.

You don't want to spend your whole flight buzzing about all the things you have to do or what you might have forgotten. Carve out some time before your trip to sit down with a nice breakfast. Go to the gym. Read a book. Go for a walk. It's important to relax before it's time to fly.

Don't overpack your personal item.

You'll need more for a long-haul flight than you would for a short one, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to overfill your bag with unnecessary extras. Keep only the essentials in your personal item so they're always easy to find and within reach.

Bring your own pillow.

A travel pillow is a staple carry-on item for long-distance travelers. Almost every airport sells them, and looking a little ridiculous with one around your neck is a small price to pay for arriving at your destination without a crick.

Wear noise-canceling headphones.

Noise-canceling headphones help block out annoying airplane clatter and loud passengers, so you can zone out with a riveting podcast or a favorite playlist. If you don't have them, a pair of good old-fashioned earplugs will also help.

Buckle your seat belt over your blanket.

If you plan to sleep with a blanket during your flight, make sure your buckled seat belt is still visible. In case of turbulence, the seat belt light will turn on, and flight attendants may come around the cabin to check that everyone is buckled up. If you're buckled beneath your blanket where they can't see it, they will wake you up to check.

Pack an eye mask.

An eye mask is especially useful if you're flying during the day, or if you want to catch some shut-eye before the cabin lights are dimmed.

Dress comfortably.

Keep it loose and comfortable — you're not here to impress anyone. Also remember to bring layers for when it gets cold. A cardigan or sweatshirt is always good to have on hand.

Try to relax.

Do whatever it takes — meditate, listen to some calming music, do some breathing exercises. Not only will it help you sleep more easily, but it's also good for your psyche in general.

Bring a travel blanket, not a regular blanket.

Don't bring anything too thick (remember, it has to fit in your carry-on), but make sure it's enough to keep you warm when the plane's air-conditioning is going full blast.

Download movies onto your tablet or laptop for backup.

In-flight entertainment systems are not always reliable. They sometimes fail, and when they do, you'll be glad to have something to do, watch, or listen to in reserve.

Charge your electronic devices.

The last thing you need is for your iPad to run out of juice one hour into an 11-hour flight. This is especially true if your in-flight entertainment system isn't working.

Load up on podcasts.

Listening to podcasts uses up less battery life than watching a movie, and they can be more entertaining than music. You can get through an entire flight on podcasts alone.

Stay healthy.

Sitting in a cramped metal tube for the better part of a day (or more) is not good for you. Fight off dehydration and blood clotting — your two biggest enemies in the sky — by regularly drinking water, stretching, and walking around the cabin.

Bring what you need to freshen up.

This is for everyone else's sake as much as your own. Bring toiletries in your carry-on so you can brush your teeth, throw on some deodorant, or even change your clothes in the lavatory. Also, try to stick to your bedtime routine. Wash your face in the bathroom before you go to sleep.

Get creative.

You rarely get the chance to sit down for such a long time, more or less distraction-free, so why not make the most of it? Bring a notebook, a sketchpad, or whatever else you need to exercise the right side of your brain. Switching activities throughout the flight instead of focusing on just one thing will also keep you feeling fresh.

Be productive.

If you have your laptop with you, this might be a good opportunity to catch up on any busywork that needs doing. Everyone else on your flight will think you're a sophisticated jet-setting businessperson. Never mind the Netflix tab you have open.

Befriend the crew.

Simply not being horrible to the flight crew is a given, but you could always go one step further and make an active effort to be nice. Not only will you up your chances of preferential treatment, but you'll also be doing something lovely for the folks who look after you up there.

Pack extra snacks.

Airline food is not often plentiful, even on long-haul flights, and it's important to stay nourished. No need to overdo it, of course, but no one was ever sorry to find a couple pieces of forgotten fruit or granola bars in their carry-on. Make sure the food you bring is not messy, but nutritious and easy on the stomach so you'll feel your best when you land.

Moisturize your skin.

The dry, recycled air on a plane has a way of making your skin look and feel parched and lackluster. In addition to drinking plenty of water, slather on a bit of extra moisturizer. In fact, use your thickest night cream — the one you reserve for winter. And reapply it throughout the flight.

Elevate your feet.

Sitting with your legs bent and feet on the floor for a long time can cause pain and swelling in your feet and ankles as the fluid in your body naturally flows downward. If you can, prop your feet up on a special contraption like a portable footrest, or even your underseat carry-on if it's hardy enough.

Wear compression socks.

Compression socks help minimize swelling on and after your flight by increasing blood circulation. At a minimum, they can keep you more comfortable, but more importantly, reduce the risk of developing blood clots during a long flight.

Pack a nasal spray.

Have you ever noticed a generally icky and dry feeling in your sinuses while flying? That feeling is caused by a shift in air pressure and the low humidity in the cabin. Experts recommend using a decongestant nasal spray in each nostril before takeoff and descent to alleviate those symptoms.

Adjust your watch.

It's important to acclimatize yourself to the time zone you're flying into. As soon as you get on the plane, change your watch to the local time of your destination, then alter your routine accordingly.

Be selective about your drink choices.

Some passengers enjoy a glass of wine or beer (often free on international flights) to accompany their in-flight meals and entertainment. That said, you probably shouldn't treat booze as a way to fight boredom or cope with your flight. You'll end up using those tiny bathrooms far more frequently than you'd like, plus alcohol is dehydrating and could mess up your sleep pattern. Soda can have a similar effect because of the caffeine, and the bubbles can make you feel gassy and bloated.

Bring your best conversation.

Many people dread sitting next to a chatty seatmate, but don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with your neighbor if the opportunity arises. You could be seated next to a genuinely interesting and friendly fellow traveler, and talking makes the time go faster.

Pack lots of activities for your kids.

Traveling with children? Make sure you have plenty of activities to keep them entertained throughout the flight. Bring the gaming systems, iPads preloaded with their favorite shows (and headphones), and coloring and sticker books. Plus, don't forget their favorite snacks.

travel tips on long flights

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12 Tips (and Carry-On Essentials) for Surviving a Long-Haul Flight

Thanks to the miracle of human flight, we can now fly direct from Newark, New Jersey, to Singapore in just under 19 hours. That also means people spend nearly an entire day of their lives off the ground, in cruising altitude limbo, only to land with the kind of jet-lag that eclipses exhaustion. For any serious traveler, long-haul flights are a necessary evil. How do they do it? Here, 12 tips for surviving—even enjoying—a day in the air.

Senior Editor, Jetsetter | @lindseytravels | lindseytravels.com

See recent posts by Lindsey Olander

I’m no stranger to long-haul flights. You know them: those epic, day-long journeys through the clouds that get you from one side of the globe to the other. You might even say I sniff them out on purpose. I’ve flown from New York City straight to Australia’s Northern Territory, which requires connections in Los Angeles and Sydney, twice . Compared to that 25-hour haul (excluding layovers), my 15-hour journey to Johannesburg felt like a breeze. Unless you’re being pampered in First Class, long-haul flights are no picnic, but there are a few tricks to making the experience a bit more bearable. Here’s what I’ve learned, in 12 easy steps.

Wale jumping out of the ocean

Photo courtesy of World Expeditions/Great Walks of Australia

1. Buy your ticket as early as possible

Waiting and hoping for that $20 price drop, more often than not, is not worth the trouble. Not only does buying early give you peace of mind in the weeks and months leading up to your departure, it increases the likelihood that enough seats remain open for you to pick where you want to sit—whether you prefer to cuddle up to a window, have easy access to the aisle, or stretch your legs in an exit row. Wait until the last minute and chances are good that you (and your elbows) will be sandwiched into a dreaded middle seat. Frequent flyer? The time to cash those miles in on an upgrade is now.

RELATED: 8 Effective Tips for Getting a Free Airline Upgrade

2. Wear your most comfortable outfit

That fitted blouse and skin-tight pair of jeans might make you feel like you’re 20 again, but trust us—after sitting (and attempting to sleep) in them for 15 hours, you’ll never want to look at that outfit again. When it comes to long-distance travel, stick to a “comfy-chic” dress code of neutral, loose-fitting layers you can move around in. Besides keeping cozy on a flight, you’ll also guard against deep vein thrombosis—a serious condition that’s aggravated when you sit in cramped positions for long periods of time. Experts also recommend wearing compression socks, which reduce swelling and decrease the risk of blood clots. Another must for the ladies: your favorite pashmina/scarf, which does triple-duty as a stylish accessory, an extra layer for beating cabin chills, and, when folded, an extra pillow to lean on.

RELATED: JS Editors’ Favorite Comfy Outfits for Spring Travel

Uluru rock in the Australian Outback

3. Invest in a good travel pillow, earplugs, and sleep mask

We get it: the excitement of opening up your own little long-haul care package is tempting—The tiny toothpaste! The woolly socks! The ear plugs you always forget!—but even on the best international carriers, these tiny conveniences never quite live up to their potential. (We can’t count how many times we’ve suffered through broken sleep-mask bands, pillows that instantly deflate, and ear plugs that never quite stay in.) Embarking on a 12+ hour flight? It’s time to invest in the right pair of moldable plugs that will stay in your ears, a silky (even cute!) sleep mask you’ll hardly feel you’re wearing, and a quality neck pillow—one that provides comfort while also keeping your spine aligned, so you don’t wake up with a crick in your neck. Memory foam works wonders.

slip silk eye mask pink

RELATED: The Travel Pillow You Need for Your Next Flight

Girl wearing a neck pillow on a plane

4. Pack your own headphones

Just picture it: you’re reaching cruising altitude and have that perfect movie lined up on your in-flight entertainment console. You dig for the headphones provided in your seat-back pocket, pop them on, and then it hits you—thanks to those roaring engines and crying toddler in the next row, you can’t hear a thing Tom Hanks is talking about onscreen. Solution: bring your own noise-canceling headphones. Besides being more comfortable than those “one-size-fits-none” plastic contraptions, they aid in blocking out white noise.

RELATED: 10 Best Noise-Canceling Headphones for Travel

Girl listening to a phone on a plane

5. Take the smallest personal item you can

No matter how tall or short you are, when it comes to sitting in the same seat for hours on end, every inch of leg room is sacred. Don’t limit yours with a needlessly large personal item, which you’ll be forced to stow under the seat in front of you if you’ve also brought a carry-on onboard. Opt for a bag that’s versatile and soft, so you can squash it down if need be.

travel tips on long flights

6. Bring your own snacks, or buy some before boarding

One of the beauties of long-haul flights is how well you’re fed—often, at least two full meals and a mid-flight snack to curb your cravings are provided. But what about when the lights are out, flight attendants are nowhere to be found, and hunger pangs strike? What then? Be prepared with your own munchies and a bottle of water—especially if you’re the type that craves salt.

RELATED: Your Must-Have Carry-On Packing List

Two sandwitches

7. Be friendly to and respectful of your seatmate—you’re both in this together

This might be self-explanatory, but be nice. Learn the rules of the air: unless you’re in the middle seat, hogging an interior armrest is a jerk move. Before reclining your chair, glance back to make sure it won’t disrupt anyone, and whatever you do, don’t do it during meal service. Also, whether you’re on the window or the aisle, expect—especially during long hauls—that everyone is going to have to use the lavatory at least a few times. Be forgiving and courteous, and you might even make a new friend in the process.

RELATED: 7 Super Affordable Jet Lag Remedies

8. DON’T wear makeup; DO moisturize

This ain’t no beauty contest. Your skin has enough to deal with at 30,000 feet (dry cabin air; decreased blood flow) without throwing pore-clogging products into the mix. Instead, apply a serum and moisturizer to keep your skin aglow (just make sure they’re less than 100ml and can pass through security), apply eyedrops to counteract irritation, and dab on some chapstick before your lips dry out.

Laneige Water Sleeping Mask

9. Choose your in-flight food (and drinks) carefully

That cheesy chicken parmesan wafting down the center aisle might smell delectable, but you may want to reconsider. Heavy meals keep you awake, and are more difficult to digest when all you’ll be doing for the next 15 hours is sitting, sitting, and sitting some more. If you can, avoid foods and drinks high on sugar, salt, or caffeine. The same goes for alcohol. While it can act as a sedative for anxious fliers, it is also extremely dehydrating. Instead, try an herbal tea, which induces drowsiness without the consequences of liquor.

View of New York City skyline from a plane

10. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Because planes are constantly replenishing cabin air with the air outside, the levels of humidity inside plane cabins are comparable to what you’d find in a desert—bone dry. The effects are two-fold: the extreme dryness dulls the skin, and, if not addressed, dehydration leads to worsened jet lag. It’s vital to drink plenty of water—approximately 8 ounces per hour, according to some experts.

11. Brush your teeth

Do you struggle with sleeping in the air? We feel you. Blocking out those roaring engines, crying babies, and your neighbor’s reading light is hard enough, but getting your body’s sleep clock to adjust to new timezones is a talent that still eludes many. A helpful tip: brush your teeth before nodding off—and, if you want, gargle mouthwash and wash your face. These simple but effective habits help trick your body into thinking it’s sleep time.

RELATED: 6 Tips for Sleeping Well on a Plane

Bright colored toothbrushes

12. Get up every few hours to keep the blood flowing

Pressurized cabins spell less oxygen for passengers and, over periods of time, symptoms due to lower blood oxygen levels that include fatigue, headaches, swollen limbs, and dehydration. The best solution? Stretch. Walk up and down the aisle to boost blood flow and practice some non-intrusive exercises in your seat, like rolling your shoulders and rotating your ankles.

What to Wear on a Long-Haul Flight

Women's shoeless outfit for spring 1, shop the look.

travel tips on long flights

Water Bottle

travel tips on long flights

Men's Cool White Spring Outfit

travel tips on long flights

Chino Shorts

travel tips on long flights

Wool Runners

travel tips on long flights

Insulated Water Bottle

travel tips on long flights

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  • 13 Products That Will Help You Survive Your Next Long-Haul Flight

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Long Haul Flights Essentials Tips For How to Survive Long Flights by JetSettingFools.com

Long Haul Flight Essentials: 30 Tips To Survive Long Flights

Welcome to JetSetting Fools, here you will find our best travel tips for destinations worldwide. Some of the links on this site are Affiliate Links and if you use them to make a purchase, we may earn a commission. For more information, read our Disclosure Policy .

Long haul flights are a source of angst for many travelers. However, with the right essentials for a long-haul flight, even a 15-hour plane ride can be pleasant – or, dare I say, fun . We love long flights (and actually prefer them over short stints in the air), but only because when we board the plane, we are armed with our Long-Haul Flights Essentials that makes traveling by plane a breeze!

Why Long Haul Flight Essentials are a Travel Necessity

Preparing for Australia: Spending the entire day at the airport isn't so bad with passes to the Club and views of the planes

Any plane journey over 6 hours is considered a long haul flight – and 6-plus hours is a long time to sit in a seat surrounded by strangers. While first class seats are, without a doubt, the most comfortable way to travel, the high price is a hindrance for most passengers.

Don’t fret! Travelers can experience comfort in economy seating by packing the essentials for a long haul flight.

We are covering the details of our Long Flight Essentials List that covers everything from clothing to entertainment – and even a few little luxuries – that will make the experience just a touch better.

Creating a List of Travel Essentials for Long-Haul Flights

To be honest, it took me some time to hone my skills to create a master list of essentials for long haul flights. On my first plane ride from the United States to Europe, I had made no effort to seek out long-haul flight tips…and I was woefully unprepared. It was a miserable plane trip – and when we landed in Paris I was grumpy and jet-lagged.

Determined not to make that mistake again, on subsequent plane trips I sought out the best long-haul flight tips and refined my list of flight essentials. The more we flew, the better prepared I was.

Now, as a full-time traveler, I don’t even think about how to survive a long-haul flight. With my travel hacks for long flights, I only look forward to enjoying the ride.

How To Survive Long Haul Flights

Sunrise on Leg 3 of our Epic Travel Day

Surviving a long-haul flight is not a difficult task if you have the right travel essentials for long flights. What I have learned in my travels is that long haul flight survival is not just limited to what you bring on long flights. It is equally important to consider what to wear on a long-haul flight.

It is these 2 things together – what to wear and what to bring – that ultimately make up our list of Long-Haul Flights Essentials.

Our list highlights the long haul essentials that you will want for your plane trip. Want a printed list? Get your FREE Printable Long Haul Flight Essentials list here !

Pro Tip: With only a few variations, this list can be used for long haul bus travel as well!

How To Survive Long Flights


Deciding what to wear on a long-haul flight is one of the key elements to enjoying the journey – so before we get to our list of Must Haves for Long Flights, let’s talk about clothing first.

Comfort Clothing: Long Flights Essentials

As you prepare for your plane journey, above all, your long-haul flight outfit must be comfortable. That said, outfits for long haul flights can be stylish – but comfort comes first (and, if you are most comfy wearing pajamas on a red-eye flight, some airlines provide them in First Class!).

Outfit Tips for Long Haul Flight

Because what you wear has such a big impact on your comfort, we have quite a few outfit tips for a long haul flight.

#1 Wear Layers

Wearing layers is one of the top tips on how to survive long flights in economy – or in any seat on the plane, to be truthful! Planes can be hot…and planes can be cold, and then hot again. And you, as a passenger, have no control over the thermostat.

Therefore, one of the best travel hacks for long flights is to wear layered clothing so that you are able to stay comfortable regardless of the stifling heat or cold air con. 

#2 Elastic Waistband or Loose Dress Tips for Long Flights

It is common for most people to experience some swelling while flying – especially on long haul flights – so it is best to combat the swelling by wearing loose-fitting clothing or pants that offer a little stretch.

I prefer dresses on airplanes – over shirts and pants – because they are not binding. However, if you wear pants, I recommend that your long-haul flight pants have an elastic waistband for more comfort.

#3 Long Flight Hack for Women: Dress and Leggings Combo

One of the best Long Flight Hacks for outfits for women is to wear a loose dress – and leggings under the dress. The stretchy material of leggings makes it easy to move around the plane, stow luggage in the overhead compartment and get situated in your seat.

Furthermore, wearing leggings under a dress can help to keep you warm if the plane is frigidly cold…but if it gets too hot on the plane (which is often does during a flight), you can remove your leggings layer (possibly without even getting up from your seat!) to help you regulate your body temperature.

#4 Wear Things for a Long Flight that Add Style

An easy way to create a stylish long-haul flight outfit without sacrificing comfort is to add a simple accessory. Dress up your casual clothing with a colorful scarf or jewelry (but avoid rings that may feel too tight with swelling).

BONUS TIP: My Best Outfit for Long Haul Flight

I, personally, like to wear a loose-fitting dress as my long-haul travel outfit. Typically, when I fly I wear a loose casual dress (preferably with short sleeves). To complete my outfit, I layer it with leggings under the dress, a thin hoodie over the dress and sandals or slip on shoes.

Pro Tip: Read more about travel footwear in our article breaking down the Best Travel Shoes !

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Qantas Long Flight Airplane, Brisbane, AU

Now that you know what to wear, let’s chat about long flight carry on essentials. These are all of the long-haul flight accessories that you will want to pack in your hand luggage – things that will make surviving long-haul flights a lot easier!

Additional Clothes for Long Haul Flight

We already discussed the best outfits for long-haul flights, but there are a few more clothing items you should bring on your flight. In addition to the clothes that I wear as my outfit for long haul flight, I also pack a wrap, clean underwear and compression socks in my luggage that goes under the seat in front of me.

#5 Top Tips for Long Haul Flight Clothes: Bring a Wrap

My wrap is one of the most versatile items I travel with – and it is one of my must-haves for long haul flights. In flight, I can use it as a pillow, blanket, scarf, head cover or seat cover. It is one of the favorite items on my Packing List !

#6 What To Pack for a Long Haul Flight: Underwear

Packing clean underwear in a long-haul flight carry on is one of the hacks I picked up as a novice traveler. If you are going to check luggage (and the majority of your clothing), then packing a pair of underwear into your carry on luggage assures that you will have a clean pair…even if your checked luggage gets lost by the airline. 

However, I often change into the clean pair of underwear in the plane bathroom before touching down (or in the airport bathroom on arrival). It just feels so much cleaner to start off in a city with a fresh pair! 

Pro Travel Tips: Use my Packing Hacks for tips on the best way to pack – and get our top advice on ensuring your luggage doesn’t get lost by the airline!

#7 Extra Outfit: Best Long Flight Hacks

While a fresh pair of panties is one of my carry on essentials for long flights, for ultra long flights that are 12+ hour journeys, I like to pack a complete outfit change.

Donning a clean shirt, pants and undergarments feels so much better at the end of a long flight! I also advise freshening up – and I share my list of essential toiletries for long-haul flights a bit later in the article.  

#8 Compression Socks are Long Flight Must Haves

It makes sense to pack socks for long haul flights for when cabin temperatures are too cold. However, regardless of the temperature, I think wearing compression socks is a necessity.

As unattractive as the long-haul flight socks may be, they have substantial health benefits, like reducing swelling and preventing blood clots (both of which can more easily occur on long haul flights). Plus, they will keep your feet warm.

Pro Tip: I wait to put my compression socks on until right before I board the plane. This way, I am wearing a clean pair of socks for the journey – and I even use a wet wipe (more about those later) to clean my toes before I put the clean socks on my feet. 

#9 What To Take on Long Flights: Slippers

I think slippers are one of the Ultra Long Haul Flight Must Haves. Cozy plane slippers that have a rubber sole and are machine washable are ideal.

This way, you can keep your feet warm while on the plane – and you can still get up and walk around in the slippers during the flight. Plus, because of the rubber sole, you can wear them into the plane bathroom.

Airplane Essentials for Long Flights to Stay Healthy

Let me start off by saying that I am not a doctor, it is best to seek health advice for long haul flights from your medical provider. Bearing that in mind, there are a few things that I do for the benefit of my personal health while traveling on airplanes (and when traveling, in general).

Hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes and a small medical kit are items that are in my long-haul flight hand luggage (and I use the wipes before I even sit in my seat!). Disposable toothbrushes come in handy on flights to keep your teeth and mouth clean as well.

Additionally, even though most planes are equipped with HEPA air filters that are tested to be 99% effective against viruses, a face covering may still be required for travel, so it’s a good idea to pack at least one (but it’s better to have two).

Top Tip: Find out more in our article, How To Stay Healthy While Traveling .

#10 What To Take on Long Flights: Antibacterial Sanitizer and Wipes

Traveling with antibacterial sanitizer and wipes just makes good sense – and it is one of our top Long Haul Flight Health Tips, too.

In fact, anti-bacterial hand sanitizer and wipes are plane essentials for long flights.

We have always used wet wipes to clean and disinfect our seats. Not only do we wipe down the entire seat and head rest, but we make sure to clean the arm rests, seat buckles, touch screen, seat back pocket and the tray table.

Pro Tip : Invest in a Long Flight Survival Kit that includes everything you need! An airplane germ-fighting kit is a great gift for travelers who will be taking long flights. For more travel gift tips, use our Top Unique Gifts for Travelers !

#11 Mini First Aid Kit is a Must Have for Long Haul Flights

A small med kit is also part of our long-haul carry on essentials. In our kit, we carry travel-size tums (for Jet Bloat), anti-diarrheal (just in case), pain relievers (like aspirin) and a few Band-aids – because, in general, these are just good items to have on hand.

A few other items that might make your Just In Case list of long flight necessities are tissues , nose saline and eye drops.

Pro Tip: I used to wear contacts – and quickly learned that bringing a pair of glasses on board is one of the long haul flight travel essentials for contact wearers! In fact, it might be best to take your contacts out prior to boarding and plan on wearing your glasses for the duration of the long flight.

#12 Disposable Toothbrushes are Good Things to Take on a Long Flight

Keeping my teeth and mouth clean during a flight is important! That said, taking a toothbrush and toothpaste into a germ-filled plane bathroom is not ideal (and the water is usually not potable!).

Instead, I use a convenient disposable toothbrush – which is designed as a one-time use toothbrush to be used without water, so I can brush and toss. If my only row mate is my husband, I can even brush my teeth right in my seat!

Because I like my mouth to feel fresh, I use several throughout the flight (after meals, before I fall asleep, when I wake up and before I disembark).

Additionally, flossers are good things to bring on a long flight so that you can even better clean in between your teeth.

Long Haul Flight Beauty Essentials

Having a beauty regime on a flight is one of the best tips for long haul flights…one that your skin will thank you for! My top beauty essentials for long haul flights are simple: lip balm and moisturizer. I think they are the two best items for long flights to help your skin. That said, there are many beauty essentials for a long flight and I highlight those, as well.

#13 Long Haul Flight Tips for Skincare: Lip Balm and Moisturizer

The dry air on airplanes can wreak havoc on skin, which is why lip balm and moisturizer are necessities. I carry a small hand moisturizer that can be used on my face, too – and I apply both the lotion and the lip balm liberally throughout the flight.

#14 Hydration Beauty Travel Essentials Long Flight

A hydrating face mist – like the one by Mario Badescu – can help your skin feel fantastic, even on a long flight. The facial spray is infused with aloe, herbs and rosewater to aid in rejuvenating your skin.

Another popular facial mist is the Evian Water Spritz . The micro-droplet mist hydrates your skin with pure Evian water. As with all liquid products that you take on a plane, be sure to bring the TSA approved travel size! 

Dry sheet face masks (like the 111Skin Rose Gold Brightening Facial Mask ) or the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Face Mask cream are other long-haul flight skin care products that travelers use in-flight.

#15 Long Airplane Trip Essentials for Freshening Up

Some of the best items for long haul flights are the ones that revive and refresh you – even after a long redeye flight. We already talked about brushing teeth, but there are a few more things you can do to feel refreshed.

Waterless cleansing wipes ( like these !), underarm deodorant wipes and travel sized deodorant are freshening-up necessities for long flights.

Wondering what to bring on a long haul flight for your hair? Try a Dry Shampoo that will absorb oils and grease for a fresh-washed look. 

Bonus Travel Beauty Tips Long Flights: No Make Up

One of the top long-haul flight beauty tips that some travelers find difficult to get on board with is to fly without wearing makeup. But, trust me, your skin will appreciate it! A made-up face will not likely last the duration of the long flight anyway.

Rather than wearing any makeup in-flight, I stop at the airport bathroom on arrival and – after I change into fresh underwear and clothes – I can wash my face and apply minimal makeup (so be sure to keep that in your carry on luggage, too!)

Long Haul Flight Essentials by JetSettingFools.com

How To Survive Long Haul Flights in Economy Comfortably

Everyone knows that economy seats on a long flight are a bit uncomfortable (okay, maybe more than ‘a bit’). However, with the right economy essentials for a long haul flight, the ride can be so much more pleasant. As full-time travelers – with limited luggage space – these are not items that we personally use. However, I have to admit that when I notice my row mates using them, I am panged with jealousy.

#16 Airplane Hacks for Long Flights in Economy: A Seat Cushion

A memory foam seat cushion can make all the difference in a standard economy plane seat. This seat cushion is designed with travelers in mind – and is not only comfortable and supportive, by breathable and compact. 

The Therm-a-Rest self-inflating seat cushion can also be used for long plane journeys – and it weights just 4 ounces.

#17 Best Travel Items for Long Flights for Comfort: Foot Hammock

Riding in economy on long-haul flights can by a struggle. That said, there are a few travel hacks – like the tray table foot hammock – that can exponentially increase your chances of surviving a long-haul flight in economy.

An on-board foot hammock helps to elevate your feet for a more comfortable flight…even in cramped spaces. The foot sling is also designed to prevent swelling.

#18 Fun Things for Long Flights

Want a first-class experience in economy seating? Upgrade your flying experience with a fun in-flight cocktail kit (these contain no alcohol and you must follow your airline’s on-board rules!).

The mini portable kits allow you to create a tasty cocktail so that you can enjoy an exceptional drink (in a much less expensive seat).

Long Plane Ride Essentials for Sleeping

Sleeping on a plane can be difficult, but not if you are prepared with the best long-haul flight accessories! For us, the best way to get sleep on an airplane is to eliminate light and noise – and we do so by using sleep masks and ear plugs – but we have several sleepy time travel tips for long flights.

#19 Long Haul Flying Tips for Sleeping In-Flight: Wear an Eye Mask

When it comes to sleeping masks, there are thousands to choose from. That said, for airplane sleeping masks, contoured sleeping masks that block out 100% of the light are ideal. The PrettyCare Sleep Mask comes in a set of two, is affordable and gets rave reviews from fellow travelers.

#20 Ear Plugs are the Best Things for Long Flights

We usually use cheap earplugs on flights – but light sleepers may benefit from noise canceling silicone sleeping ear plugs, like these .

Additionally, when my allergies cause congestion, I like to use Earplanes . Not only do they reduce cabin noise, but they are specially designed to relive air pressure and the resulting discomfort.

#21 What To Take on a Long Haul Flight: Travel Pillows

Most airlines offer pillows (and blankets) to all passengers – even those in economy – for longer flights, so you don’t necessarily need to bring your own pillow for plane travel. That said, a good travel pillow can be the difference between peacefully sleeping on a plane and struggling to fall asleep.

Luckily, I can sleep anywhere – so flight pillows for long haul flights are not an item we carry.

However, if you are looking for a long-haul flight pillow, there are a few the come highly rated by fellow travelers – like the trtl Pillow that earns rave reviews.

#22 Sleep Remedy Long Flight Tips

Many travelers sing the praises of taking a sleep remedy in order to get a little shut eye on a long haul flight.

A natural sleep remedy, like melatonin, or prescribed pills by your doctor might help you get the sleep you need on a plane. Before deciding to take anything on a flight, however, check with your doctor first. And, never try taking any remedy for the first time on an airplane.

Pro Tip : Lavender essential oil aromatherapy is also highly touted to help people get a few zzz’s on a flight – but, like with any fragrance on a plane, consider your neighboring passengers.

#23 White Noise or Meditation Apps for Long Distance Flight

Meditation and white noise apps are must haves for long plane rides – especially if you are a light sleeper! Coupled with a good pair of headphones (which we get to in the next section), you can enjoy pure bliss on your flight.

We recommend finding the right app long before your scheduled flight – and even try it out a few times to ensure it will help lull you to sleep. Make sure the app is downloaded to your phone and ready to go before your flight.

Long Flight Travel Essentials for Entertainment

Landing at SFO Airport, CA, USA

When it comes to long haul travel essentials, on-board entertainment is the thing that passes the time. Kris is happily entertained if he has a window seat, but I need something more directly engaging.

Thankfully, most long-haul airplanes are fitted with Seat Back Entertainment – thousands of movies and television shows at the touch of the screen. Utilizing the provided in-flight entertainment is an obvious choice when it comes to being entertained on a flight – but I never solely rely on it because it is not guaranteed.

Not all airlines offer seat-back entertainment – and a few low-cost carriers charge to use it. Sometimes the movie selection is not to my liking. And, in one case, my screen was broken (and – of course – it was on a totally full flight when there were no open seats I could switch to).

Therefore, it is essential to be prepared with things to do on long haul flights that don’t involve the provided in-flight entertainment.

#24 Long Haul Travel Tips for Entertainment: Noise Canceling Headphones

Earphones are travel essentials for long haul flights. In fact, I always bring two pairs…just in case one breaks or somehow gets lost.

Noise reducing headphones are an absolute dream on planes and definitely worth the upgrade if you don’t already have them. If you use wireless headphones , remember to bring the charger (and a back up wired pair, too, as you may need them to utilize the seat back entertainment options).

#25 Best Apps for Long-Haul Flights

We already covered using apps to help you sleep on flights, but there are a few other apps that we think are long plane trip essentials.

Two fantastic apps that should be downloaded and set up prior to take off are Audible (for audiobooks) and Spotify (for music).

That said, perhaps the very best apps for long flights are for the airline carrier you are flying. When you download the free flight carrier app, you typically have access to all of the movies and other digital entertainment options offered by the airline while in flight. Plus, you will have access to other pertinent flight information – like time left in flight, route maps and meal info.

#26 What To Bring on Long Flight: Power Bank and Chargers

One of the absolute essentials for long haul flights is fully charged devices. You do not want to board a flight without fully charged phones, tablets or laptops.

Even with a full charge, however, power cords are long haul plane essentials. Many seats now have USB ports where you can charge your device. (Check on SeatGuru to see if your seat has one, but keep in mind that things – planes and seats – can always change).

Just in case, however, we recommend bringing a portable charger on board, too (it’s not supposed to be in your checked luggage anyway).

As we already mentioned, make sure you download any music, books or apps that you will want to use in-flight prior to arriving at the airport.

#27 Non-Digital Hacks for Long Flights

Non-electronic entertainment is another one of our long-haul essentials. I usually have a book (an actual, paper book) that I can read, but sometimes I will opt for a newspaper or magazine. ( Love with a Chance of Drowning and The Yellow Envelope are two excellent travel books!)

Puzzle books – like Word Search, Crosswords and Sudoku – can provide hours of entertainment. For the sake of space, we recommend buying an all-in-one activity book that includes a variety of puzzles.

The quiet time on a plane also provides an excellent opportunity to journal, sketch or draw. As I always carry a notebook and pen, sometimes I write or jot down notes about my trip (but these cool travel journals are good for trips, too).

If you have travel companions, playing cards are good for long-haul flight entertainment, too. War and Rummy are two easy card games to play in flight – and, if you are flying solo, you can always play a game of Solitaire.

Playing cards are an everyday item that we recommend travelers pack for their trip. Find more tips for Everyday Items for Travel !

Long Haul Flight Snacks and Water

Food is one of my long-haul flight must-haves! Regardless of whether the airline serves included meals during the flight, I bring my own snacks and a water bottle on the plane.

#28 Long Haul Flying Tips: Food that is Healthy

While I am not a traveler that snubs my nose at plane food (I actually usually like it!), there are some instances where the offered dish is not to my liking…or simply not filling enough. To stave off any hunger pangs during the trip, I bring a few healthy snacks in my carryon.

 Almonds, apples and granola bars are my go-to things to bring on long flights, as they are easy to pack and more filling than greasy, salty chips. (That said, some airlines do provide snacks – check what is available in the galley.)

#29 Best Hacks for Long Flights: Candies and Gum

Gum, mints and hard candies are something else we carry with us on flights. Chewing gum and sucking on hard candy can help to equalize the pressure in your ears (because swallowing opens the Eustachian Tubes) – so we like to have a piece of gum or candy on the descent.

Furthermore, gum and mints can help freshen your breath after a long flight!

#30 Water is a Must Have for Long Flights

Staying hydrated can help make plane travel a lot more comfortable (both during the flight and especially after!).

Drinking water is available to passengers throughout the flight (although some budget airlines might charge for it!) – but I still prefer to bring my own water bottle.

Having a closed container of water is much more preferable to the tiny cups of water many airlines provide (as I can tuck it into the seat back pocket). A collapsible water bottle is great for travelers! Once through security, fill up your bottle before you board your flight. Throughout the flight, you can ask the flight attendant for refills, too.

Long Haul Flight Survival Guide by JetSettingFools.com

More Long Haul Flight Hacks

Flying over Indonesia on Malaysia Airlines during our Epic Travel Day

Now that you have your travel outfit selected, your list of things to bring for long flights and advice for what to do on a long-haul flight, we have a few more long-haul flight tips and tricks!

What Bag To Pack for Long Flight

Our tips for a long-haul flight include the best items that will make plane travel more comfortable and pleasant. However, when determining what to pack for a long haul flight, it is just as important to consider your actual packing strategy – as in, what bag to stow at your feet and how to pack it.

The items that we listed as long flight essentials should be within reach – even when the seatbelt sign is illuminated. Because they need to be easily accessible, it is best to pack these items in a good day bag that is stowed at your feet under the seat in front of you.

Carry On for Long Haul Flight Tips

With all of the cords and gadgets for long haul flights, carry on luggage can get messy…and things can get lost.

Because space is limited, it is best to use a bag that can easily be organized with multiple compartments and pockets.

We recommend that you organize your belongings with a Grid It Organizer so that you can easily find what you need in your bag during the flight.

Pro Traveler Tip: Want more luggage tips? Find out why love Packing Cubes and prefer traveling with a Backpack vs Suitcase ! 

Make a Personalized Flight Essentials Kit

Packing for a long-haul flight can be a daunting task. However, if you have a pre-packed long-haul flight survival kit, it will make the chore of packing an absolute breeze. To create your long-haul travel kit, start with your long-haul flight checklist (or get ours here !).

Identify all of the items on your list that you can leave packed in the long-haul flight kit (things like earplugs, sleep mask, water bottle, extra charging cords, etc). Gather them in a bag or storage box and check those off your list. Then, as your next trip approaches, all you need to do is grab the items already set to go from your long-haul flight travel kit – and then gather and pack the remaining items from your list.

Long Flight Tips for Exercise

Long haul flight exercises are a good way to fend off the unfortunate side effects of long-haul flights.

One of the best exercises for long haul flights is to simply get up and walk around. But you can also do easy in-seat exercises – like rolling your ankles, wrists, shoulders and neck – for better circulation.

Money Advice for Long-Haul Flights

While most commercial airlines include food, beverage and seat-back entertainment in the price of the ticket, low cost carriers that fly long-haul routes do not. If you are flying with a budget airline, cash and credit cards is one of the things to bring for a long flight!


What To Do on Long Flights to Avoid Jet Lag

It is likely that your long haul flight will cross time zones – which often results in dreaded jet lag on arrival. However, there are a few ways to avoid it!

Stay hydrated and avoid drinking alcohol on the flight. Before you start to snooze, adjust your sleep cycle to coincide with your arrival city. You can use an app, like Timeshifter, to help time out your sleep schedule.

Herbal remedies, like No Jet Lag pills , can also help – but talk to your doctor first.

Travel Insurance 

Whether taking a long haul flight or making a short trip to the state next door, trip insurance can come in handy if things go awry. If you haven’t already booked travel insurance for your next vacation, check the affordable rates and robust coverage at World Nomads . 


Get our advice on booking cheap long haul flights, How To Book the Best Flights !

Start packing and planning your next trip ! Search for the lowest airfares , the best accommodations and fun things to do …then start packing ! Want more travel advice? Head over to our Travel Planning Page for more tips on traveling – and for country-specific information, take a look at our Travel Guides Page !

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Long Haul Flights Essentials Tips by JetSettingFools.com

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41 Long Haul Flight Essentials & Tips for 2023

travel tips on long flights

We all know that long haul, international flights can really take a lot out of you. From sitting for long periods of time and being cramped in a small space, it is an uncomfortable time for many. I know from experience that you can improve your comfort on long haul flights by packing the right items in your personal item carry-on.

In this post I’ll cover the long haul flight essentials and tips that you need for the best flight experience possible. Note, for the purposes of this post, long haul is defined as anything over a 4 hour flight. These tips are for those of us who are “suffering” in economy, but should be helpful even if you are flying first class or business class.

Table of Contents

Your Body on Long Haul Flight

Long haul and overnight flights do have a significant impact on your body. Just to name a few of the things your body may go through on such a flight:

  • Poor circulation and blood pooling in your feet due to being cramped in a small place for a long period of time
  • You may be more gassy due to lessened pressure on the outside of your body
  • Dehydration due to the dry air being pulled in from outside having very little humidity
  • Dry skin due to dehydration
  • Out of whack circadian rhythm due to flying across many time zones

This post will cover all the long flight essentials that you need to pack with you to take on the plane so that you can combat these symptoms in the best way possible, and have a comfortable flight. Also, if you are looking for what to pack in your main suitcase for your international trip, check out this post .

The Best Carry On Essentials for Long Haul Flights

I never take any long flight without packing the three items below!

Rustig Pressure Reducing Silicone Travel Ear Plugs with Travel Carrying Case - Up to 23 Decibel Hearing Protection (10 Pair), Reusable and Hand Washable

Long Haul Flight Essentials | What to Pack

Flight comfort / sleep essentials.

Perhaps most important for a tolerable long-haul flight is keeping comfy while in the air. Here are a few of my must-have essentials for comfort:

1 | Eye Mask – Drown out the sun and the reading lamps of your seat-mates (they are so bright, right?!) with a nice face mask .

Kimkoo Sleep Mask-Eye Mask for Sleeping, Sleeping Mask Blocking Out Light Perfectly for Women and Men, Soft and Comfortable Blindfold for Travelling, with Pouch (Black+Gray)

  • Blocking light Perfectly- This sleeping eye mask features a patented nose wing design. The bottom of the eye mask is...
  • No pressure on the eyes - This sleeping mask is designed with soft delta side wings, which prevent any unwanted shifting...

2 | Earplugs – Keep noisy babies and overhead announcements muffled while you try to relax. In addition to blocking out unpleasant sounds, get a pair that helps with air pressure relief as well.

  • »REDUCE PRESSURE: Feeling your ears pop on a flight or when driving through changing elevation can be so uncomfortable!...
  • »COMFORT: These silicone ear plugs will help reduce pressure during flights and car rides for a more enjoyable trip!...

3 | Neck Pillow – This is what I think is the most important, as a good neck pillow can save you from so much pain after you land.

You can get all three of these essentials together in this set by Everlasting Comfort . And as an added bonus, the included plush, velour pillow has a pocket to store your headphones, earplugs, and whatever else you’d like to keep close. It is made with memory foam, so you know that it will be very comfortable. And one pro tip here, you may benefit from putting it behind your back rather than around your neck too.

Everlasting Comfort Memory Foam Travel Pillow - Airplane Neck Rest & Plane Accessories (Black)

  • No Longer Struggle with Uncomfortable Airline Seats: Made with premium memory foam, our neck pillow adapts to your...
  • Instant Neck Pain Relief: Sleeping upright in your seat can lead to neck stiffness. With our airplane neck pillow, you...

4 | Tray Table Pillow – If the neck pillow is not comfortable for you, try out an inflatable pillow that you can fold your face in arms into. Definitely a different experience than the standard neck pillow, but may work better for some folks.

JefDiee Inflatable Travel Pillow, Airplane Neck Pillow Comfortably Supports Head and Chin for Airplanes, Trains, Cars Office Napping on The Tray Table (Grey)

  • 🛩️Humanized Design: This neck pillow features an ergonomic 45° angle design, allowing your head and neck to...
  • 🛩️Comfortable and Sturdy: The airplane pillow is made of strong, washable and soft PVC flocking, no decolorization,...

5 | Travel Scarf – I never take any flight without a scarf, as I have experienced a few long-haul flights where economy passengers were not given blankets (ridiculous, I know). I recommend taking a traveling scarf , that is made just for this purpose!

Happyluxe Shawl Wraps for Women, Versatile Wrap Shawl for Women, Wrap Scarf, Pashmina, Travel Gifts for Women - Jet Black

  • Luxurious Shawl Wraps for Women: Experience the luxe touch of our Wayfarer Travel Wrap, 68" x 35", two times softer than...
  • One Great Fabric - Two Great Feels - We offer two distinct versions of our super soft Tencel fabric 1) Our Classic...

6 | Essential Oil(s) – The right essential oil, such as lavender or eucalyptus oil, can help calm any anxiety that you have about flying. Additionally, it will help you deal with unpleasant smells that you may encounter from others on the flight.

If you prefer not to put it on your skin, you can use a diffuser necklace to keep the scent close.

Maromalife Lava Stone Diffuser Necklace Teardrop Essential Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Necklace 316L Stainless Steel Necklace with 8 Lava Stone, Gift for Women/Men, Mothers Day, Christmas, Birthday

  • Polished Hollow Cage Pendant: This is a upgrade teardrop lava stone necklace diffuser, made of premium stainless steel,...
  • Excellent Aromatherapy Experience: Drop your favorite essential oil into lava stone to enjoy the essential oil aroma....

7 | Life Straw Water Bottle – This is the bottle that I personally take with me every time I travel. I like to bring it because it makes any type of water safe to drink by draining out the bacteria. It is not a small bottle, but is easy enough to carry around with the clip that comes with it. Be sure to come to the airport with the bottle empty, but to fill it up fully before you take off. You will get more water during the flight, but this way you can be sure you don’t go thirsty while flying (or while on your trip).

No products found.

8 | Collapsible Water Bottle – If you want to travel with something smaller/ more compact, the collapsible water bottle may be a better option for you.

Collapsible Portable Sports Water Bottle, Camping Cup With Carabiner, Reuseable, Silicone, Foldable, Leak Proof For Outdoor, Travel Gym Hiking, Cycling, BPA Free

  • SAFETY AND HEALTH - Collapsible travel cup made from food-grade silicone, BPA free and odorless. Feature with...
  • OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE - Can be hung on the bag of a connective hand rope and portable hook.Much easier to hold and...

Related: Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack Review

Electronic Essentials

9 | Phone – This may be a bit obvious, but your phone is a great resource for entertainment such as playing games, listening to music, or reading. Be sure to download any entertainment that you can’t access without internet before you take off!

10 | Tablet – This may not be an absolute necessary, but it is much easier to read / watch things during the flight. A tablet is also a great tool for downloading videos that you may care to watch during the flight, from sites like Netflix. I tend to travel with my iPad, but the Amazon Fire 10 Tablet is a great (and cheap!) alternative.

Fire HD 10 Tablet (32 GB, Plum, With Special Offers) + Amazon Standing Case (Plum) + Nupro Screen Protector (2-pack)

  • Includes the latest Fire HD 10 Tablet with Special Offers, 32GB, Plum ($149.99), Amazon Cover, Plum ($39.99), and Nupro...
  • 10.1" 1080p full HD display; 32 or 64 GB of internal storage (add up to 512 GB with microSD)

Also, to get more out of your tablet, you can add a keyboard  (like this one)   and essentially use it as a laptop. Load your favorite TV shows and movies while at home on your WiFi so that you can stay entertained if the flight does not have the best options on board.

11 | Noise-Canceling Headphones  – I recommend bringing your own headphones on the flight. They’ll be better quality, and you can guarantee that they have not been used by anyone else before. If you’re looking for an upgrade, the  Beats Studio3 headphones  are the way to go. They are excellent for cancelling out any unpleasant sounds that you might encounter during your flight.

If you’re looking for an upgrade, the Beats Studio3 headphones are the way to go. They are excellent for cancelling out any unpleasant sounds that you might encounter during your flight.

Beats Studio3 Wireless Headphones - Matte Black (Renewed)

  • WHATS IN THE BOX: Beats Studio 3 Wireless Headphones | Carrying Case | (NOT Included: microUSB Cable and Remote Talk...

If you are using iPhone headphones that don’t have the standard jack, order a pair of the good old 3.5mm style before you go!

12 | Portable Charger  – Don’t forget your chargers! These days most long-haul flights do have outlets for you to charge your stuff, so it’s a good idea to have these within close reach as well.

13 | Portable Power Banks – Just in case there is not a outlet on the plane, I always take one of these with me. Best case is that you have one that has both standard USB ports and USB-C ports so it is easy to use all your different charging cords. Here are two options:

INIU Portable Charger, Slimmest 10000mAh 5V/3A Power Bank, USB C in&Out High-Speed Charging Battery Pack, External Phone Powerbank Compatible with iPhone 15 14 13 12 X Samsung S22 S21 Google iPad etc

  • ✅【From INIU--the SAFE Fast Charge Pro】Experience the safest charging with over 38 million global users. At INIU,...
  • ✅【Market's Thinnest 10000mAh】 The market’s one and only 0.5-inch power bank that breaks the limit of 10000mAh,...

14 | Electronic Cable Organizer – Now this may seem a bit odd to include on this list, but it is a lifesaver, believe me! When used properly, you will never misplace a single cord again. I use the one pictured below by BAGSMART .

BAGSMART Electronics Organizer Travel Case, Small Cord Bag, Tech Organizer as Travel Accessories for Men Women, Cable Essentials for Phone, SD Card, Black

  • Compact Size: The electronics organizer bag is 9.4" L x 6.7" W x 1.4" H and weighs 0.24 lb, making it a lightweight and...
  • Secure Storage: The bag features 5 elastic loops(S) and 2 elastic loops(L) to keep cables and accessories organized and...

Self-Care | Face, Mouth, & Body

Let’s be honest, one of the worst things about flying is the fact that you have to go way longer than usual without bathing – possibly upwards of 2 days! So I like to bring along a few essentials to help keep fresh during and after the flight:

15 | Body Wipes – Bring wet wipes or baby wipes to keep yourself smelling fresh when you can’t quickly get to a shower.

Surviveware Biodegradable Wet Wipes, Face and Body Wipes for Post Workout and Camping, Wipes for Adults, Large Wipes, 32 Count

  • UNSCENTED WET WIPES: Clean yourself with our unscented biodegradable wipes from head to toe without being overwhelmed by...
  • IDEAL CLEANING WIPES FOR POSTERIOR PAMPERING: At some point, a “number two” is inevitable while out in the woods....

16 | Face Wash – Depending on how long your flight is, you may need to do your standard “bedtime” routine. This means you need to keep up with your skin routine. I know that your choice here can be quite personal, but if you are looking for something new to try, I do recommend Paula’s choice products.

Paula's Choice CLEAR Regular Strength Acne Travel Kit, 2% Salicylic Acid & 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne, Redness Relief, Two Week Trial Size

  • EASY-TO-USE ACNE FIGHTING SYSTEM: This 3-step skin care system works quickly to combat and control stubborn acne,...
  • Paula's Choice CLEAR Regular Strength Acne Kit contains 3 products: CLEAR Pore Normalizing Cleanser, CLEAR Regular...

17 | Face Lotion – Bring your favorite face lotion along too. It’s a good idea to reapply as you fly to keep your skin moist; plane air can be quite drying as mentioned above. Don’t forget to bring it in a travel-size container!

In addition to Paula’s choice mentioned above, love face care by Dermalogica – they have a great travel kit that is easy to pack up and take along on your journey (which will also include your face wash).I personally love face care by Dermalogica – they have a great travel kit that is easy to pack up and take along on your journey.

Dermalogica Travel Skin Kit - Set Contains: Face Wash, Face Exfoliator, and Face Moisturizer - Cleanse, Purify and Hydrate To Reveal Brighter, Smoother Skin

  • Washes away impurities without stripping or drying.
  • Reveals brighter, smoother skin.

18 | Deodorant – For the sake of everyone on the plane, please keep your pits fresh. I have been on one too many flights where body odor has been a problem.

If you’re looking for a nice aluminum-free option, try this option by Megababe .

19 | Sunscreen – I like to bring a light sunscreen to keep my face and body protected, especially when traveling during the summer months.

I really like Neutrogena’s sunscreen , as it works well for both lighter and darker skin tones.

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Water Resistant and Non-Greasy Sunscreen Lotion with Broad Spectrum SPF 45, TSA-Compliant travel Size, 3 Fl Oz, Pack of 2, 6 Fl Oz

  • Twin pack with two 3-fluid ounce bottles of Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Non-Greasy Sunscreen with SPF 45 that helps...
  • This lightweight & sheer sunscreen is fast-absorbing with Dry-Touch technology for a non-greasy, matte finish and is...

20 | Makeup – Bring your makeup basics with you – I recommend keeping it light, unless you are attending a formal event while traveling.

21 | Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Floss – Bring along your standard dental hygiene items to keep your breath fresh on the flight :). Pro tip: Keep your regular brushing schedule while on board – brushing before you sleep and after you wake up will be beneficial to you and your seat mates.

See below for a nice travel-sized teeth cleaning kit you can easily pack in your carry-on.

  • Country Of Origin: United States

22 | Hair Ties – Keep your hair out of your face by bringing along hair ties so that you don’t have to worry about it while flying. I pretty much only use those by Goody’s, which really work well and last for a long time (no snapping mid-ponytail).

Goody Ouchless Womens Elastic Hair Tie - 27 Count, Black - 4MM for Medium Hair- Hair Accessories for Women Perfect for Long Lasting Braids, Ponytails and More - Pain-Free (Packaging May Vary)

  • Goody Elastics: Keep hair in place and out of your face with the Goody Ouchless 4MM Elastics. Includes 27 black...
  • Ouchless: The pain-free, strong comfortable hold won’t snag or pull your hair.

23 | Hair Scarf – I recommend bringing your regular hair scarf along if you tend to wrap your hair or pineapple your curly hair at night. You may want to bring a black one so that it appears more like a style than a bedtime thing (if that matters to you).

35' Womens Large Satin Square Scarf Silk Feeling Hair Wrapping Gift Headscarf Scarves

  • Material: Made of 100% silky feel polyester satin.super soft and comfortable. Lightweight but keep your neck warm in...
  • Dimension: 35*35 inches/90*90cm, can be worn around neck, head, waist, or hair as well as on a hat or handbag, etc.

24 | Lip Balm – As mentioned earlier, you are likely to get dry skin while flying, so bring along a lip balm to keep your lips hydrated too. Burt’s Bees is one of my all-time favorite brands as it just works .

Burt's Bees Lip Balm Mothers Day Gifts for Mom - Pink Grapefruit, Mango, Coconut & Pear, and Pomegranate, Lip Moisturizer With Beeswax, Tint-Free, Natural Origin Lip Treatment, 4 Tubes, 0.15 oz.

  • FLAVORFUL LIP BALM: One package contains four 0.15 oz. lip balm tubes of Burt’s Bees Lip Balm in Pink Grapefruit,...
  • MOISTURIZED LIPS: Each balm is infused with responsibly sourced beeswax, nourishing oils and butter for a conditioning...

Keeping up your health when traveling is important, and there is nothing worse than getting sick while on the plane. Just to be prepared, you should keep the following with you at all times:

25 | Hand Sanitizer – This is kind of a given these days, but it is a great idea to always have hand sanitizer on you so you can keep your hands germ free, particularly when you are getting ready to eat.

Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, Clean Scent, 2 fl oz Travel Size Flip Cap Bottle (Pack of 6) – 3155-04-EC

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26 | Prescription Medications – Keep these on your person (NEVER check them!), and keep a reminder if you have to take them at the same time every day.

27 | Melatonin – Melatonin is a great supplement to help you sleep better – very helpful if you have trouble sleeping on planes.

Natrol Melatonin 5mg, Strawberry-Flavored Dietary Supplement for Restful Sleep, 200 Fast-Dissolve Tablets, 200 Day Supply

  • Sleep Supplements: One 200 count bottle of Natrol Melatonin 5mg Strawberry-Flavored, Fast-Dissolve Tablets for a 200-day...
  • Ingredients: These sleep aid supplements are vegetarian and non-GM

28 | Pain Reliever – Useful in the event that you have a headache or any other body ache during your travels. I prefer Aleve, but Tylenol or Advil are also great options.

29 | Stomach / Digestive Medicines – Travel tummy is a real thing guys! The food in some places may impact you worse than in others, so I recommend taking meds such as Pepto Bismol tablets and Imodium in case of emergency.

30 | Charcoal Tablets – As mentioned above, flying can make you gassy, and therefore a bit smelly. Save yourself and others around you by taking these before your fly. ( Please check any contraindications with current mediations first though .)

Nature's Bounty Activated Charcoal 260 mg, 100 Capsules, Dietary Supplement to Support a Healthy Lifestyle

  • ACTIVATED CHARCOAL CAPSULES: Charcoal powder is used for health, beauty & oral care & has traditionally been used to...
  • DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS: Activated Charcoal is a naturally sourced health and dietary supplement that's been used to support...


31 | First Aid Kit – This may go without saying, but it is best to be prepared with a first aid kit that keeps you safe in case of injury while traveling. This is definitely for the worst-case scenario, but can bring some peace of mind.

Mini First Aid Kit, 100 Pieces Water-Resistant Hard Shell Small Case - Perfect for Travel, Outdoor, Home, Office, Camping, Hiking, Car (Red)

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32 | Antibacterial Wipes – Just in case your flight attendants to provide them to you, I recommend bringing along some Wet Ones to wipe down any surfaces that you will be in contact with. In these times, it never hurts to be safe.

WET ONES Antibacterial Hand Wipes, Fresh Scent 20 ea (Pack of 2)

  • Product of WET ONES

33 | Jet Lag Relief – There are several homeopathic remedies out there today that can help you feel a bit less fatigued and “weird” overall after your first few hours after landing.

Miers Labs No Jet Lag Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy, Blue 32 Count

  • REDUCES JET LAG - After a long-haul flight, we all want to arrive feeling fresh and alert and with NO-Jet-Lag you can....
  • HOMEOPATHIC INGREDIENTS - Using a unique formulation our 5 main active ingredients are all plant based and have NO side...

34 | Pair of Compression Socks  –  These socks   keep the blood circulating as it should, instead of pooling at your feet. They are also good for the prevention of swollen ankles and blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) – I can testify to the former!

SB SOX Compression Socks (20-30mmHg) for Men & Women – Best Compression Socks for All Day Wear, Better Blood Flow, Swelling! (Small, Solid Black)

  • ✅ Improve Blood Circulation: Our 20-30mmHg compression socks boost your blood circulation and relieve leg pain,...
  • ✅ All Day Comfort: Our socks are very comfortable, lightweight, and breathable so that you can wear them all day! The...

35 | Adjustable Airplane Footrest – This footrest is a adjustable sling that you can use to keep your feet up while flying. It pairs nicely with the compression socks to help keep the blood from pooling in your feet. It is a little harder to use if you are in an aisle seat, but easy enough to just take your feet out of when someone is trying to walk by.

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  • SUPPORT LEG & LOWER BACK - Have you ever suffered from discomfort or even pain in your lower back or leg as you travel...
  • NO FOOT & ANKLES CLASHING - Thanks to the flat and stable wide foot hammock design, our airplane foot rest offer...

Other Essentials

36 | Travel Documents – Your important documents such as passports, IDs, credit cards, and visas should all be on hand with you at all times.

37 | 1-2 Extra Outfits – I like to bring these along, just in case of lost luggage. You never know what might happen! Also, it never hurts to have a few fresh undies in tow.

38 | Travel Journal – If you like to journal, bring it along! This is another way to keep yourself occupied during your time in the air.

Refillable Handmade Travelers Notebook, Leather Travel Journal Notebook for Men & Women, Perfect for Writing, Gifts, Travelers, Small Size 5.2' x 4' Inches - Coffee

  • ✔DURABLE GENUINE LEATHER TRAVEL NOTEBOOK - Made from Classy & Durable Top Layer Genuine Leather with a real leather...
  • ✔PREMIUM THICK PAPER - 100gsm archival-quality pages made from acid-free paper which resists damage from light and...

39 | Travel Insurance – Travel insurance is a good idea, particularly if you are going to be traveling for a long time. There are many options, such as the one provided by World Nomads that can give you more peace of mind while traveling. Buy this BEFORE your flight!

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

40 | Good Book – If you are similar to me, and like feeling the page turn when you read, you may want to bring an actual book along. Just try to opt for one that isn’t too big to cary with you!

41 | Snacks – Some airlines can be depending on for good food, and others cannot. It’s a great idea to bring your own snacks along just in case you don’t like the options onboard so that you don’t go hungry on the flight.

Related: Best International Travel Accessories

Packing the Essentials in Your Carry-On

Choosing the Right Bag

I believe strongly in light packing, and that you should take all of your stuff onboard with you when you travel. At the very least, you need to take all of your long haul essentials on the flight with you, and preferably keep them under the seat in front of you.

the tortuga setout laptop bag

I pack the Tortuga Setout Laptop Bag when I travel. It is the perfect personal item bag, and has plenty of space for you to pack everything on the essentials list and more! One of the best things about this bag is that it is full of different compartments so you can keep everything organized. For detailed information on this bag, check out my review of the Tortuga Setout Laptop Bag .

Also, if that one doesn’t fit your needs, I recommend considering the Nordace Smart Backpack which comes with outlets you can use for charging your electronics.

Additional Packing Tips:

liquids in pouch

  • Pack all of your liquids together in a clear container. Countries vary in how strict they are when going through security with liquids, but it’s best to make sure they meet approved limits before you leave. This TSA-approved pouch   is a great option to use, if you do not already have something like it.
  • Keep like items separated for easy organization. I like to keep my makeup products in one pouch and my hair accessories in another, for example.

The Best Clothes for a Long Haul Flight

Your ultimate goal for packing for a long haul flight is COMFORT. Wearing tight or restricting clothes will really just make you miserable if being cute is the only thing you are aiming for. I tend to wear a similar uniform on every long flight, and it’s one that will work for pretty much everyone:

  • Light Shirt – Wear a light T-shirt that you can layer up or down, depending on the temperature inside the plane. I like to wear something from the H&M basic collection myself.
  • Comfy Pants – Don’t wear jeans! It may be tempting to wear your bulkiest clothing, but stretchy and/or loose pants will be your best bet. I like wearing cute baggy pants like these Harem Pants or a good pair of leggings.
  • Sweater – Always bring a sweater or sweatshirt along to keep yourself warm while flying.
  • Comfy Shoes – Bring shoes that you have already broken in that you can walk around in the airport / deal with transfers without experiencing foot pain.

Also, as I mentioned above, don’t forget to pack your Compression Socks and Travel Scarf !

Long Haul Flight Tips and Tricks

There are a few things that you can do in the airport and while you’re on the plane that will make your travel experience go much more smoothly overall:

At the Airport

  • Make the most of your time in the airport by using the FLIO app ( iPhone | Android ) to know what food and amenities to find in each airport. This app also provides flight arrival / departure information, weather, transportation, and more!
  • Another option to consider is using an airport lounge in between flights. For a (usually) reasonable fee, you’ll have access to food and showers while you wait for the next leg of your trip. You can book lounges through the FLIO app. Additionally, if you get the Chase Sapphire Reserve , you’ll have access to Priority Pass, giving you free accesses to lounges around the glove. Read more about the Chase Sapphire Reserve here .
  • Some airports offer one-off amenities that can help you too. For example, I’ve found standalone showers in the Frankfurt airport and beds for rent by the hour in the Beijing airport. Research the airport in advance (using FLIO!) so that you can know what to expect before you land and plan appropriately.

On the Plane

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink lots of water while you’re on the plane to keep from dehydrating on the plane.
  • Get Up and Move: Don’t just sit for hours on end while you’re on the flight. Remember how I mentioned keeping your circulation going above? Well compression socks aren’t the only way to help that – walking is actually the best remedy to prevent complications from poor circulation.
  • Adjust Your Sleep Cycle: If you haven’t already done so before getting to the airport, use your time on the plane to try to adjust to the new time zone. Set your watch ahead (or behind), and try to sleep (or not sleep) based on the time where you are headed.

Long Haul Flight Essentials | Final Tips

And that wraps my list of long haul flight essentials + tips! Do you have any other essentials that you like to carry on long haul flights? If so, drop them in the comments below!

Related Posts:

  • The Best International Travel Accessories
  • Away Luggage Review [The Bigger Carry-On]
  • The Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack Review
  • How to Plan a Trip in 12 Simple Steps


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41 Long Haul Flight Essentials & Tips for 2023

Last update on 2024-05-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

travel tips on long flights

Christen Thomas is the founder of TravelWanderGrow, established in 2018. She has lived abroad and traveled extensively to over 30 countries. In addition, she is a certified Travel Advisor and is an expert in planning trips focused on city history and culture. As a frequent traveler, she also shares tips on how to prepare to travel well and how to save money while doing so.


Hello Christen, I really am impressed with your website design! This article has many great tips for traveling that are very useful. I definitely could have used some melatonin on my recent trip to Israel. I’m not sure if that would have been enough to sleep on the plane for me though. I am a very light sleeper, so any noise will easily wake me up. The one thing I regret was not bringing noise-cancelling headphones. An extra phone charger for the tour bus would have been great as well. Thanks for all the great tips!

Hi Daniel – Glad you like the site and found the tips useful! Noise cancelling headphones is a great idea – I should add that to my list! Sometimes I bring along some earplugs that I received on a long flight, but I can pretty much sleep through anything haha

I really like your site and enjoyed reading this article. I want one of those TSA pouches. What a great idea. I’m saving this list for my next trip. Thank you!

Happy to help Holly! If you have any questions on anything, just let me know 🙂

I guess we can become best friends! How alike the things we pack to prepare for our long flights!

I would definitely bring my whole set of face care products with me. You know how dry the air on the flight can be, my lips are gonna crack! And how come I never think of the baby wipes! So convenient! Thanks for sharing!:)

Of course Crystal! Great minds think alike 🙂 Baby wipes are an absolute lifesaver for me – it’s a trick I got from my mom. And I 100% feel you on that dry plane skin!

I am saving this for our next trip. I usually get bored during long-haul flights. What neck pillow do you recommend?

Hi Ben! I really like memory foam pillows – check out the one I mention on this post: https://travelwandergrow.com/best-international-travel-accessories-2018

Hey Christen! I always take my compression socks with me so I won’t have those huge ankles after the long flight (or even a shorter one). I had never thought about a bag to my cords and adapters! I will absolutely get that later on, it will make my life so much easier while travelling! 🙂 Thank you for these awesome tips! ps. I love your website design! <3

Thanks for the complement, Mira! I agree – the compression socks are the absolute best. And I’m telling you, that BAGSMART bag will change your life! Hope you get to try it out.

You have many great tips in this post. I saved it to my travel board, so I can go over it while planning my vacation later on this year.

I’m glad you found the post useful, Carolina!

I completely agree with this! I like creating a list like this so I don’t forget the next time I travel. Great tips!

Glad you found this useful Shari-Ann!

These are such great tips! Long haul flights can be BRUTAL and I love curling up with a good audiobook. Thanks for sharing!

You’re right Whitney, an audiobook is another great thing to bring along on the journey 🙂

Omg I need a cable organiser in my life! Thanks for sharing this list

It is one of my favorite packing tools!

I recommend a foot sling for my fellow short people. It really makes a difference! Your back will thank you!! I also like to wear compression sleeves instead of socks just because you can hide them under your pants and still wear cute shoes.

Great tips, thanks for sharing Taren! I have just gotten into the sling myself (also a fellow short person :)).

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How to Make a Long-Haul Flight More Comfortable

By Jessica Poitevien

Image may contain Human Person Animal Bird Transportation Vehicle Aircraft and Airplane

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Even for the most experienced travelers, the actual process of getting to your destination is hardly ever the fun part. Unforeseen inconveniences aside—think flight delays and last-minute cancellations—there are certainly travelers who enjoy the aviation experience (myself included), and have fine-tuned the art of packing for a strenuous long-haul flight.

For the seasoned explorer with rusty travel skills or the newbie headed to their first far-flung destination, we’ve asked those frequent travelers to share their best tips, tricks, and gear to get through—and maybe even enjoy—a long-haul flight. 

Below, what to pack to make that next overnight or all-day flight more comfortable.

This article has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

Wear comfortable clothing

This may seem like a no-brainer, but whether you’re traveling in a lie-flat first class seat or barely reclining in economy , a pleasant flight starts with feeling comfortable. While you might be able to handle tighter, more restrictive clothing for a short period of time, consider looser loungewear during a long-haul flight.

“I wear clothes that are comfortable but not sloppy,” says Katie Hammel, an avid traveler and content marketing director at Scott’s Cheap Flights . “My husband recently bought me, as an anniversary gift, a set of cashmere joggers and hoodie from Nadaam . [They] are luxuriously soft and so comfortable, but still look put together.”

Take the coziness up a notch by removing your shoes, but pack a pair of easy-to-slip-on sandals or slippers for when you want to use the restroom or wander the aisles. Stretching and moving on such a long flight is key to avoiding swelling and discomfort in the legs. Throwing on a pair of compression socks can also reduce swelling and alleviate the pins-and-needles sensation.

Image may contain: Clothing, Sleeve, Apparel, Human, Person, Suit, Coat, Overcoat, Long Sleeve, Dress, Pants, and Standing

Shop more loungewear sets here .

travel tips on long flights

Shop more compression socks here .

travel tips on long flights

Pack the right gear

Hammel describes two products as her “holy grail” for enduring long-haul flights: the Travelrest Ultimate inflatable travel pillow and a leg sling . This Travelrest pillow does more than its C-shaped counterparts, allowing for flexibility in the firmness and positioning of the elongated pillow. Amazon’s Bcozzy double support neck pillow is also a top-seller among travelers thanks to its variety of configurations.

Hammel initially had concerns that her favorite portable footrest would annoy her fellow passengers. After more than two dozen flights, though, she has yet to receive any complaints.

“It just makes the ride so much more comfortable as it allows you to have your legs in a wider variety of positions,” she says.

Other common causes of discomfort during any flight, but especially longer ones, are cold temperatures and stuffiness. Lavina Dsouza , a UK–based business analyst and journalist who often flies to Asia, always packs a blanket and hand warmers , as well 4Head roll-on menthol sticks to help with headaches and congestion.

Image may contain: Cushion, Pillow, Headrest, Clothing, Cap, Baseball Cap, Hat, and Apparel

Sleep strategically

Sleeping is one of the simplest ways to make a long-haul flight go by quickly, but there’s a method to ensure you don’t totally disrupt your sleep patterns and succumb to jet lag . If you’ll be arriving at your destination during the day, get as much sleep as possible during the flight, so you can hit the ground running and adopt a normal bedtime in your destination. If you’re touching down at night, resist snoozing too much so you’ll be sleepy enough to hit the hay at a decent hour in your new time zone. Food and travel writer Binita Sah goes as far as to coordinate her meals with regular mealtimes in her destination—in fact, most airlines already schedule their food service with this idea in mind.

Of course, sleeping on a plane is sometimes easier said than done, but there are ways to put the odds in your favor. “I love Spacemasks for when you need something uplifting to help you get some sleep as they’re eye masks with aromatherapy scents,” says Sah.

Meditation apps like Headspace or MyNoise are also useful for playing relaxing music or nature sounds that can help you fall asleep.

Prepare entertainment in advance

“I create an itinerary so that I spend the flight time being creative and productive,” says Christopher Paul Jones , who runs a phobia clinic. “Reframe how you see the flight. See it as some uninterrupted you-time, or self care time.”

Plan to download and catch up on your favorite TV series , movies , or podcasts ; finally tackle that task you’ve been putting off; or dive into a good book .

Although airlines often offer a flimsy set of headphones to use with the in-seat TVs, noise-canceling headphones —like this popular pair from Bose —can also double as earplugs for sleeping. If you prefer something smaller, be sure to pack this tiny transmitter that connects the in-seat TV to your AirPods or any other Bluetooth-enabled earbuds.

Image may contain: Electronics, Headphones, and Headset

Stay hydrated

The low humidity levels inside an airplane cabin make dehydration a common problem for passengers, so “bring your own water bottle and make it a large one,” says Henley Vazquez, co-founder of tech-forward travel agency Fora . “You don’t want to rely on flight attendants to bring you water, and you want to stay hydrated.” Some frequent fliers abstain from drinking alcohol and caffeine leading up to a flight to avoid extra dehydration, too.

For Suzanne Aston, lead singer of the Aston Band , it’s especially important to hop off the plane feeling hydrated and ready to head to her next gig, so she goes the extra mile by wearing a HumidiFlyer mask . “It traps exhaled moisture from your breath and allows you to breathe in your own recycled humidity and not the dried, shared air of the plane,” she says, explaining that this mask prevents her throat from drying out and leaves her feeling more refreshed. (To note, the HumidiFlyer is not an anti-viral mask .)

travel tips on long flights

Practice self care

The importance of hydration applies to your skin as well. “The dry air in the cabin is particularly harsh on your skin, stripping the moisture barrier of its oils,” says Giacomo Piva, travel industry analyst and cofounder of luggage storage network Radical Storage . “Carry and apply moisturizer at regular intervals throughout the flight, especially for your hands…[and] you’ll reach your destination with plump skin and less irritation.”

Piva even encourages travelers to treat the flight like their own personal spa, using a thick face mask for extra moisture, along with their favorite beauty products .

travel tips on long flights

Refresh before getting off the plane

With lost luggage becoming an increasingly common issue, it’s always a good idea to pack a few outfits in your carry-on just in case. But this advice also serves another purpose.

“It makes a big difference when you land to be able to change into something fresh and put yourself together,” says Vazquez. Packing a small toiletry bag with some basics—like a toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, perfume, and eye drops—goes a long way toward starting your trip on the right foot.

travel tips on long flights

Travel Tips for Long Flights. Here’s What You Need to Know

Medium shot of couple working on smart phone and laptop on airplane

W ith the end of the year upon us, so is the holiday travel rush. AAA estimates 115 million Americans will head 50 miles or more from home over the festive period, making it the second busiest end-of-year travel season since the company started tracking in 2000, topped only by 2019.

If you’re joining many people heading to the airport for holidays or homecomings, here are some frequently asked questions and tips for long flights. While some answers depend on personal preferences, they also include advice from travel and health experts.

How do I prepare my body for flying?

Jeff Kahn, CEO of the sleep tracker app Rise Science, told Condé Nast Traveler that the best way to ensure you travel and sleep well is to start a trip with “low sleep debt.” A few days ahead of a long-haul trip, you could also begin gradually adjusting your sleep times so that you’re more in-sync with the time zone of your destination.

Before boarding, Going (formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights) suggested exercising to get worn out and ready for sleep, especially if the flight is later in the day. Elsewhere, flight attendants have said they book red-eye flights, as those tend to be quieter and emptier, and the timing can help you get over jet lag.

Staying away from screens, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and if possible, choosing a seat location that’s best for you to sleep, are among other top tips.

Should I eat before or on the flight?

Travel journalist Andrea Bennett, writing for flight search site KAYAK, has recommended drinking lots of water, and not alcohol or caffeine, before a long flight, so that you can be as relaxed and hydrated as possible—guidance echoed by other travel pros.

Flight attendant Major has also advised that eating before a long-haul flight can maximize your sleeping time, without getting interrupted by on-board food service. However, you may not have time to do so or don’t want to spend money on airport food beforehand. He suggested bringing your own snacks, especially if you’re traveling with kids or have dietary needs, since you won’t be served food for at least an hour after the flight takes off. 

If you are eating on the flight, you could consider adjusting your meal times to coordinate with your destination to help get over jet lag, which a 2017 scientific study said can work.

What should I wear?

Flight search website Skyscanner has recommended wearing several loose and comfy layers to adjust your temperature while you fly, since it can be chilly on airplanes. Closed-toed shoes are better than flip flops in an emergency, per the travel site, but travelers are encouraged not to wear shoes that are too snug, since feet can swell at high altitudes.

If you plan on removing your shoes, make sure your socks are clean, so as not to bother other passengers with any smells, flight attendant Kris Major told CNN Travel .

Packing sandals or slippers for going to the restroom is also highly recommended , although not everyone will have room for that in their hand luggage.

How can I make my economy seat more comfortable?

Some travel pros suggested bringing a neck pillow, portable footrest or foot hammock, and/or blanket. However, if you don’t have room to carry extra items, you could use repurposed clothing, such as a scarf, that collapses easily and can serve as a pillow.

Multiple experts, such as certified sleep science coach Alex Savy, recommended using noise-canceling headphones or earplugs and an eye mask to help you sleep.

If you’re worried about turbulence, Major has advised sitting near the front of the aircraft because passengers will feel less bumps there than in the back. If your priority is sleep, then consider paying more for a window seat so you can lean up against the window.

Bennett said if you’re tall, you may want to sit in the exit row, but pointed out this is also where passengers with babies put bassinets, so if you’re concerned about crying, that may not be the place for you. The further up you sit, the quieter the engine noise will be, but the back could be less busy, although it’s best to not sit right by the toilets since that could be disruptive.

Should I exercise, and do compression socks really work?

Sitting for long periods of time without movement can raise the risk of forming a deep vein thrombosis or a blood clot that can be dangerous, UCLA doctors advised. Blood clots can best be prevented by taking frequent walks throughout the cabin, doing in-seat exercises such as ankle circles, foot flexes, knee lifts and shoulder and neck rolls, and wearing compression socks.

“Even people with no physical risk factors can benefit from wearing compression socks on lengthy flights,” the doctors said. 

Healthline also recommended not crossing your legs on a plane, wearing loose clothing and staying hydrated to keep up blood flow and prevent clots. 

Major said that even just wiggling your toes while sitting in your seat can help, although it's best that people with blood circulation issues speak to a doctor before long flights.

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How to Survive Long-Haul Flights

A drawing of a woman sitting in an airline cabin seemingly in a mirror. On the left, she is awake looking at her phone and laptop computer, and on the other she is asleep using eye mask and a travel pillow.

By Katie Robertson

Long-haul flights are generally considered to be those eight hours and over, while any that stretch past a grueling 16 hours are nicknamed “ultra long-haul.” The longest nonstop commercial flights currently available include New York to Singapore (18 hours and 50 minutes; 9,530 miles) and Perth, Australia, to London (17 hours and 45 minutes; 9,010 miles). Qantas Airways, Australia’s national airline, plans to operate two even longer direct flights in 2025: Sydney to London and Sydney to New York — routes that will take up to 20 hours.

For travelers, flying at 35,000 feet for an extended period of time comes with its own set of challenges, including little space for movement, dry cabin air and time zone changes.

Though extreme long-haul air travel never gets easier, there are some things you can do — before, during and after your flight — to make it slightly less terrible.

Jennifer Bagnall, 40, a communications executive who often flies between her home in Los Angeles and Sydney, believes reframing the experience in your mind is an essential first step.

“Instead of approaching it as a long stretch of time in a confined space without escape, I think about how it’s a long stretch of uninterrupted time with no responsibilities and where I can’t be contacted,” she said. “It’s so rare you get that.”

Pack your carry-on smartly and strategize early

You’ll most likely be checking your luggage, so your carry-on bag will need to be well equipped. As well as any items you’re going to use for entertainment, think ahead to what will help you feel the most comfortable. Packing a change of clothes (if there is a stopover, you may be able to find a shower in the airport) as well as a toothbrush and toothpaste will go a long way to helping you feel fresher during your journey. Make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothing and a pair of compression socks to combat swollen feet from so many hours with little physical activity.

“Wear a hoodie,” recommends Nikki Greenberg, 40, a futurist and innovation strategist from Sydney who frequently travels internationally for work. “It is cozy, warm, covers the ears (less noise) and eyes (less light for sleep), and creates a private cocoon environment.”

Find a way to sleep as much as possible

Do anything and everything you can to make sure you spend a large chunk of the time onboard asleep. Some travelers consider sleeping pills or melatonin supplements as must-haves, while eye shades and noise-canceling headphones can reduce cabin lighting and help to dull the roar of the plane. A travel pillow like the Trtl Pillow , which supports your neck, can help when trying to sleep in the upright position.

Mapping out your sleep schedule ahead of time can also be useful, depending on when your flight or flights are departing. Vanessa Quincey, 33, an advertising director from Melbourne, Australia, who has lived in New York for the past decade, stays awake for the shorter leg of her journey — New York to Los Angeles — to ensure she’s extra tired for the long second leg to Melbourne.

“Purchase a ‘Do Not Disturb’ eye mask if you plan on sleeping through meal service,” she said. “The mask will block out the overhead lights, and the ‘do not disturb’ will let the cabin crew know not to wake you.”

Save up entertainment

Plan how you will fill the rest of the time onboard: A 10-episode narrative arc of a TV series will stretch out a lot longer than one movie. You can look ahead on the airline’s website to see what in-flight entertainment will be available on your flight. Be sure to download TV shows, movies, podcasts and music onto your devices before you get to the airport and have to rely on spotty Wi-Fi. Bring a good book you’ve been meaning to read. Have some offline games you can play on your phone or iPad. And don’t forget a backup portable charger.

Patrick Quade, a 52-year-old tech founder from New South Wales in Australia, has done the trip between the United States and Australia more than two dozen times. He recommends setting a goal that takes longer than 20 hours: “Learn Adobe Premiere well enough to make a three-minute short with edits and sound track.”

Never stop hydrating

The air onboard is extremely dry. Pack a decent moisturizer, lip balm, lubricating eye drops and a small nasal spray. Try to avoid alcohol and drink as much water as you can throughout the flight: Bringing your own empty water bottle to fill up at the airport after customs can help with this goal. Powdered vitamins or electrolytes can be added to your water to maximize hydration.

Move when you can

Many people prefer an aisle seat so they are able to get up frequently without disturbing their seat neighbor. Ahead of booking, research the layout and model of planes on websites like SeatGuru to find the most legroom. Do some stretches while you’re waiting in line for the bathroom and walk a few laps of the terminal during a layover to get your blood moving.

Think ahead to your final destination

Without a doubt, the most important thing is to never, ever take a nap if you land during the day, as tempting as it is after a grueling flight. “This is really tough flying to Australia because you usually land early in the morning,” says Nathan Weinrich, who has been traveling home to Australia from New Jersey for eight years. “But it makes a huge difference to how quickly you adjust to the new time zone.”

Katie Robertson covers the media industry for The Times. Email:  [email protected]   More about Katie Robertson

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

Inside the Travel Lab

27 Long Haul Flight Essentials and a Flight Checklist for You

October 6, 2021

Long Haul Flight Essentials Packing List for Carry On

Get comfy with these long haul flight essentials. Know exactly what to pack in your carry on and download your long haul flight checklist to keep track.

Note, this post contains affiliate links. If you book or buy through any of the links on this page, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Cheers!

Table of Contents

Long Haul Flight Essentials + A Flight Checklist

As a professional travel writer, I’ve been on hundreds of flights. I’ve made every mistake going and then I’ve made a few more. While you can simply turn up to a long haul flight with nothing but a boarding pass and your innate charisma, the whole experience will be a lot more comfortable if you remember to bring more than that. And that charisma may last longer, too.

Here’s my tried and tested list of long haul flight essentials for business travel, baby travel, solo travel and beyond. Plus, a long haul flight checklist you can download for free.

Long Haul Flight Essentials at a Glance

In a rush before your trip? I hear you!

Choose the right carry on

  • A small stylish backpack if you have luggage in the hold
  • An indestructible rolling suitcase like this
  • A Trunki for children
  • A rolling backpack, like this one from Osprey, for the adventurers.

Buy these ahead of time

  • Noise-cancelling headphones
  • Essential travel toiletries DIY kit
  • Worldwide travel adapter
  • Ready made  sleep kit
  • Kindle Paperwhite eReader

How to Decide What to Pack in Your Carry On

Although this article is thousands of words long, it all boils down to the following three points.

1) What you NEED during the flight and at the airport

This includes things like medication, water and snacks.

2) What the airline MAKES you pack in your carry on vs checked

Hello camera gear, laptops and other electronics.

3) What would spoil your trip if the airline lost your checked luggage

No-one wants sunburn on their first day of a trip.

This collection of carry on essentials for long haul flights will see you sorted.

Just because. Handy if you ever get stuck and they’ve run out of paper. Useful to mop up any spills as someone passes a drink across you to another passenger. Handy to have something that smells nice, as above!

Chewing Gum

Freshens the breath, helps with a dry mouth, can stop your ears from going pop on take off and landing. Just don’t be obnoxious with it, on behalf of your fellow passengers. As if you would.

A Fold-Flat Bag

Tote bags are are useful for so many reasons. They’re handy to carry about town, once you’re on the aircraft you can use them to separate the things you actually want on the flight from all the other equipment you needed in your carry on. And if you lose your luggage and have to shop for more things, at least you already have a bag to put these things in to.

Folding bags take up next to no space but leaves you with plenty of options.

In case the airline loses your luggage. You can still go for a swim!

OK, so you won’t end up ill without these essentials in your carry on. But they do help make everything much, much easier.

Blister Protection

Blisters abound in different climates when you’re often walking more often than usual and wearing different shoes. Compeed changed my life (alright, it’s a slight exaggeration but it’s not too far from the truth!)

These second skin stickers cover the blister and cushion the surrounding skin from further damage. Best of all, you can easily fit three into your passport holder or travel wallet so that you always have them ready on the road.

This is even more important if you’ve lost your luggage and have to tackle new or poorly-fitting shoes in a new climate. Sorted.

A Scarf or Pashmina

A scarf not only keeps you warm on a breezy plane, but it covers hair on streets, shoulders in temples, and can double as a skirt for the day if your luggage disappears en route to somewhere bright and breezy.

You may need this more than you think: even in Rome, you need to cover up in order to enter the Vatican and Swiss Guards are on standby to check you have the right attire.

  • Check out the gorgeous Speakeasy Travel Scarves made by friend and colleagues. They have a secret compartment for your cash or passport and so they’re quite simply brilliant!

British Airways Business Class Travel Writer Abigail King Sleeping Mid flight

Some people find sleeping on a plane easy. Then, there’s the rest of us. These long haul flight essentials will increase your chance of a decent zizz.

Sleep Mask : For some reason, I fought against eye masks for years. Why?! They’re brilliant! Lightweight, useful, only mess up your hair a little bit ;-)

Ear Plugs : Foam ones work fine. So do using headphones and a background sleep app. Anything you can to help combat jet lag.

Warm Clothes : Planes can get cold and if you’re sitting still, so will you. Some airlines provide blankets but not all do. So, either enlist your scarf from earlier or make sure you have a jumper with you.

Inflatable Pillow : Yes, you feel a little ridiculous but who really cares? Alternatively, you can buy pre-filled travel pillows that can clip onto your luggage but they’re quite bulky. Only use if you have the luggage space.

Foot Rest : Use a toiletries bag and fill it with a blanket or jumper once you’re on the plane. Use it as a foot rest to help take the weight off your back and wedge yourself into position for sleep.

Warm Socks : It gets cold up in the sky. Add an extra pair of socks to your list of long haul flight essentials. Extra points if they’re warm and snuggly.

Read more about how to sleep on a plane here.

Carry-On Toiletries

Remember that travel size bottles aren’t just about keeping weight down. Most airlines have a limit as to the volume of fluids (liquids, gels and pastes) you can take through security at the airport. Less is more when it comes to this.

Lip Salve : Planes get dry and lips get sore. Either pack a dedicated lip balm, otherwise plain vaseline tubs can also treat blisters, sore noses, sunburn and all sorts.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste : For long international flights, it’s nice to be able to brush your teeth after all those hours. Just remember to keep toiletry sizes SMALL because of the airport security checks.

Other Lotions and Potions : Some people need a raft of toiletries to keep their skin in good condition. If that’s you, you’re probably better off buying a DIY travel toiletry set like this which allows you to decant your own toiletries into travel-sized bottles. If you’re on a really long haul flight, then consider deodorant, baby wipes and a change of underwear and socks as well.

Tech Essentials

These days, who doesn’t travel with tech? Whether it’s iPads for the little ones, full video gear for the vloggers or “just” a smartphone for maps and the grandkids, we all have batteries with us. Which means…

Chargers and Adapters : Security rules change all the time but one of the latest updates is that you have to be able to turn any device ON when asked. So, remember your charger!

I have two tips for this: a worldwide multi-adapter if you travel frequently and a multi-plug piece of kit or plug to multi-USB kit. This helps charge many devices at once while travelling.   Portable chargers and power banks also become essential for long flights with connections.

  • Buy your worldwide multi-adapter here.

Headphones : Firstly, if you plan to watch something on your phone or tablet, make sure you have headphones that fit it.

Second, many swear by noise cancelling headphones on a flight. This is something that has never really bothered me but Mr Travel Lab loves them. You can also get headphones for children that come with a noise limit (for the programme, not the child, alas ;-) )

A Protective Laptop Case : DO NOT put your laptop in the hold. Have it with you in your carry on, with an easy to access case as you’ll have to remove the case at airport security.

Laptops, Tablets and Kindles : As a travel writer and old time travel blogger, a lot of my work takes place on a plane. And you don’t need to be in travel for that to be the case. MacBook Air has built a name for itself as being the lightest computer on the market. I’ve now upgraded to the MacBook Pro to keep weight down but it’s still pretty light.

As for reading, I’ve found that nothing beats a Kindle. The Kindle Paperwhite is lightweight and the screen is easy on the eye. Although you can read books on your phone, the eye strain is too much for me. Grab a waterproof Kindle and you can even try your luck at the pool once you land.

Health & Wellness

When it comes down to it, essentials do not really include a toothbrush and a clean pair of pants. These are easy to replace, should the worst happen.

Essentials are anything specific to you that would make you feel ill or supremely uncomfortable without it and which are difficult to replace.

Some examples:

  • Prescription medication including antimalarials, travel sickness tablets and anti-histamines.
  • Contact lenses & glasses
  • Snacks if you have dietary restrictions
  • Prescriptions or letters that explain why you have to have these things with you!
  • Tampons and other sanitary products. A 20 hour flight can feel very long without them.
  • Compression socks to protect against DVTs (blood clots) on long haul flights.
  • Hand sanitizer and mask to follow Covid regulations.
  • Travel insurance details. Sure, you won’t need those in flight but they are handy to have if the airline loses your luggage.

How to Prep to Avoid Blood Clots (aka DVTS)

Let’s be grown up and deal with facts, ignoring the fears for now.

Long haul flights increase the risk of blood clots in your legs (deep vein thrombosis.) On their own, they’re uncomfortable but the real risk is that they fly off and lodge somewhere more important. Like in your lungs. Having trained and worked as a doctor, I am keen to spread the word about this because there are plenty of steps you can take to reduce the (overall fairly small) risk. While ideally, we’d all be flying first class, you can still take action to protect yourself if you fly in economy.

Low Dose Aspirin: Aspirin affects how easy it is for platelets in your blood to stick together by altering the function of cyclooxygenase and the production of prostaglandins. Another way of describing it is to say that they make your blood less “sticky.” With the caveat that you should always check with your own doctor first rather than with someone on the internet – if you have a long haul flight, it is wise to take a low dose aspirin in the hour or so before it. Do not do this if you have suffered from an allergy to aspirin or have a history of intestinal bleeding. As I say, check with your own doctor first.

Compression Stockings: You can buy compression stockings from most chemists or online here.  They are not the sexiest of garments but they aren’t too bad once you get used to them. And, hey, if they save your life, they’re worth it!   They’re  particularly important for babymoons as pregnancy increases the risk of blood clots. I wore them every time I travelled while pregnant and they’re really not as bad as they look!

Read also:  23 Essential Travel Tips for Travelling While Pregnant

A Reusable Water Bottle

You can just about get away without a water bottle but life is easier if you have one. Many airports and airport lounges offer refills and it’s easy to ask the cabin crew to refill your own bottle than to keep asking for separate glasses of water. Even more convenient involves bringing your own collapsible water bottle , like this one.

Food & Drink & Dietary Restrictions

Airlines should be able to cater for you and so should your hotel. But let’s face it. Things go wrong and I’ve lost count of the number of times when I haven’t had the special meal required. So, my advice? Always pack some handy snacks.

Handy carry on snacks don’t make a mess nor grow fungus mid flight. Useful snacks are things like flapjacks, energy bars, apples, and rice cakes. Messy and unsuitable snacks include things like chocolate, bananas and mousse.

Pack even more snacks if you are travelling with children. You can thank me later ;-)

Inside tip: pack some packets of dehydrated couscous meals that just require boiling water. A real carry on essential for those with dairy allergies, lactose intolerance, vegetarian or vegan diets. Try rice cakes for a gluten-free option.

Carry On Essentials For Children

Travelling with children requires a bit more preparation but it’s perfectly doable and not as awful as you might imagine! I’ve written some specific articles here:

  • The Best Toddler Travel Toys 
  • The Only Tips You Need for Flying with a Baby

Abigail King in sunglasses on the beach in a swimsuit

Extreme Weather Conditions

What if the airline loses your luggage?

If you’re heading to somewhere similar to where you came from, you can muddle on through in the same clothes you’re wearing for a day or two while you sort yourself out. You may feel icky beyond the threshold of ick but you can do it.

However, if you’re heading somewhere much hotter or colder then life can quickly become miserable, with blistering sunburn and excruciating frostbite. So here’s how to avoid that.

Hot Weather Essentials

So, for hot weather, in your carry-on make sure you have:

  • A mini tube of sunscreen
  • A hat. Either fashionable and wicker or crushable and practical, depending on what you need to do when you reach your final destination. You can buy the f olding travel hat with strap shown in the video here.
  • Flip flops or other lightweight shoes that can help you cool down. I love these Fit Flops for women because they can work as day or night wear and they are VERY comfortable.
  • Bug spray if there’s any hint of insect-borne disease. Buy an insect repellent with DEET if mosquito-borne illnesses are a concern. Here is a travel size DEET laden bottle.

Cold Weather Essentials

For cold weather:

  • Carry your ski jacket onto the plane, with the pockets filled with the following
  • Gloves, hat, scarf/snood, thermals
  • Wear your heavy snow shoes
  • Squeeze any salopettes into your cabin luggage
  • Still remember the sunscreen and sunglasses

What Items Are Not Allowed on a Plane in Hand Luggage?

You are not allowed to bring anything into the cabin that could easily and feasibly be used as a weapon. That includes knives and guns, obviously, but knitting needles, antlers and Viking hats could also be confiscated.

For the same reason, liquids are limited at the security point (although you can usually buy fluids once airside.) Some bright spark tried to make an explosive out of various liquids during the flight and so now we are all restricted to 100mls or less of any soup, baby food, water or anything else that could qualify as a gel, paste or cream.

Travel Tips for Long Haul Flights

It’s not just what you pack into your carry on which affects how comfortable your long haul flight is. You have other things to consider as well. Whether it’s your first long haul flight or you’ve notched up more hours in the giant metallic cigar than you have in a real bed, everyone loves some good long haul flight tips.

Over a decade of professional travel, I’ve accumulated plenty and yet I’m always keen to hear more.

Why? Because a good flight is the key to happiness. Plato and the other ancient Greek philosophers were just too early to know.

But in all seriousness, a good flight makes sense. You can hit the ground running in your new location and transition back to home life as well. Whether travelling for business or pleasure (and there should always be room for both) there’s simply nothing to be gained from being uncomfortable and miserable.

The idea is to be well rested, replenished and revived with a zest for life, right? Or at the very least, less haggard than when you began.

Yet all too often, the result is frazzled, frumpy and thoroughly, er, fed up with mankind.

So. Let’s sit down and share some secrets…Our best long haul flight tips.

I’ll go first.

Book the Seat You Want

These days, more and more airlines allow you to book your seat in advance – at a price. When you book your ticket, pay attention to this, especially if you have long legs, a dodgy hip, have to have an aisle seat, are travelling together and so on.

Sometimes, theses seats are only available at a certain time. Check early and checkc often.

Insider Long Haul Flight Tip

If you are hoping for a bit of extra space (and let’s face it, who isn’t?) and you don’t want a window seat then here’s a little trick that’s just between you and me.

  • Go for the aisle seat on the middle section of the plane, not the one near the window. The middle of the middle is the worst seat in the plane (other than the one at the back that doesn’t recline.)  That means, if the plane is not full, you have the chance to dump all your stuff there or curl your knees up or stretch out. Striking gold! Just don’t tell everyone else, OK?
  • Oh, and on that note. Try to avoid the seats with the toilets just behind them. Seats often don’t recline and once the game of sky recline domino begins further ahead, you will be left very cramped indeed.
  • If you need to make a hasty getaway once you land, then book closer to the front, on the left. The left hand side of the aeroplane is closest to the door and so the queue moves faster.
  • Finally, run your choice through the  seat guru checker. This site lets you look at the layout of the plane in advance and highlights key issues that aren’t always obvious (such as lack of space under the seat in front of you or location of baby bassinets.)

Check-In Strategically

If you can’t book your seat, there are a few things you can do to maximise your chances of getting what you want.

Firstly, check in as soon as you can. Secondly, ask at check in. You never know. Sometimes airlines reserve seats and only release them closer to the flight time.

Tips For Boarding the Plane

Aeroplane aisles are narrow and everyone acts as though they’re in a desperate rush. The pressure is on to have it together and sit down quickly (although the world won’t end if you need to take your time.)

It’s a good idea to move to your seat quickly, and put your hand luggage in the overhead bin as soon as possible. You can ferret and fumble around with your things after take off.

A handy hint is to have a smaller bag that contains the things you KNOW you will need mid-flight and just whip that out before you board.

During the Flight

  • Get up and stretch : Set a timer if you have to. It helps to fend off blood clots and general aches and pains.
  • Drink lots of water to feel better : Bring your own bottle and top it up regularly.
  • Follow their schedule : There’s no point in fighting it. Eat when they serve food. Try to sleep when they turn off the lights. Chatter and watch TV (or work) when it’s all go, go, go. I fought this for years, trying to work to my own schedule but it never worked.
  • Be strategic about the restroom before food is served : When cabin crew are serving food, it can be difficult to make your way along the aisle. Just after the dinner service is busy and you need Houdini like skills to get out from underneath your table with an empty food tray on it and then squeeze past other passengers in the same situation. Try to time a quick stop just before food starts and laze back laughing afterwards…
  • Also, be strategic just before landing : As soon as you hear the pilot say “cabin crew, prepare for landing,” leap out of your seat. Use the restroom if needed and pack up your carry on luggage in the overhead locker. Nothing but queues await after this point – either on the plane or in the immigration area when you land. Carpe diem!

What to Wear On a Long Haul Flight

Even in the flashiest plane seat in the world, you’re going to have to stay in the same place on a long haul flight for a long time (hey! The clue is in the name!)

Belts, seams and constricting clothing will annoy you.

First and business class often offer pyjamas so you don’t need to bring your own but even then it’s useful to wear something loose and breathable.

What Should I Wear On a Long Haul Flight in Economy?

  • Think comfort first and foremost.
  • DO wear loose clothes in breathable fabrics.
  • DON’T wear jeans, tight leggings, short skirts or shorts or restrictive bodices.
  • A huge slouchy cardigan or sweater helps to balance the temperature changes mid flight. A scarf is helpful too.

Inside Tip : I have a pair of loose trousers that are great for flying in and simply require a black T shirt to go with them. I pack a second one for the return flight and that’s two days of “outfit planning” done in one as well.

On a long haul flight, you’re also at risk of skin irritation from the fabric of the seat. Long sleeves and trousers avoid this. If you’re heading somewhere hot, loose clothes are breathable. If you’re heading somewhere cold, your skin is covered and you can throw on a jumper and coat.

How to Pack For A Long Haul Flight

In addition to all those long haul travel essentials, here are some tips to add to your packing list.

Check Your Luggage Allowance

Some tickets give you enough luggage to move house like Marie Antoinette.

Most don’t.

Check at the time of booking, packing and certainly before you head to the airport. This is an occasion where it’s really important to read the small print. Airlines are becoming increasingly awkward about this and it is expensive, annoying and time consuming to have to solve the issue at the airport.

Organise Your Stuff

Whether you’re travelling hand luggage only or have checked in a bag, it’s still annoying to have to forage around for things during the flight.

The lighting may be low, the space is reduced and, if you’re a decent person, you’re often trying not to bump into or annoy anyone else.

  • Use  packing cubes like this  or brightly coloured toiletry bags to segment things.
  • Fill one packing cube with things you are unlikely to need but have to pack in your carry on. This includes things like prescription medication, spare contact lenses, battery packs and so on.
  • Fill another with your gadgets. Include a spare battery and charging wire.
  • Make sure you can easily remove laptops, liquids, gels and pastes at airport security without needing to unpack everything out.

A Note About Liquids, Gels and Pastes

In case you missed the memo, there are strict regulations on how many liquids, pastes and gels you can take onto a flight (at least for now…)

The most annoying part of this is that you won’t be able to take drinking water through airport security and so will have to buy some once you get through (so much for avoiding plastic.) Update – many airports now have water fountains, so if you bring your own collapsible water bottle , you can refill it after security.

Think strategically about what you will actually need during a long haul flight. And make sure that you have travel size bottles and that they all easily fit into the plastic bag required at security.

If you’ve left it too late to sort out miniatures, don’t stress. Airports sell most things in travel sizes.

Things to Do at the Airport to Improve Your Long Haul Flight

Breeze through security.

Put your most valuable item through last. If you get pulled over or the trays start to crash into each other after they’ve gone through the machine, your valuable items are more protected.

If travelling with kids, this is a whole new ball game as pushchairs, baby food and all the rest need to be dealt with separately. I’ve written whole posts on  travelling with a baby  and travelling with a toddler to address that.

Top Up Your Power Supply

Many flights now have at-seat charging points, even in economy. Many more still don’t. You need to be able to turn your device on if questioned at security and if you are relying on your phone for boarding passes and transfer information, it goes without saying that it’s kind of helpful to be able to turn it on.

Look For Lounge Access

Lounge access doesn’t only apply to business class travellers. Many airports now have pay-as-you-go lounges and many others accept membership cards like  Priority Pass.

Is it worth it? It depends. If the airport is decent and quiet, probably not. If it’s heaving, you have a long layover, you need a meal or a shower or are travelling on your own, it can be.

Particularly as a solo traveller, it’s great to be able to move around with ease, leaving your gadgets plugged in and getting a meal quickly without needing to queue for food.

As you Come in to Land

By the end of a long haul flight, everyone is fed up and ready to get off. This is the prime time for losing stuff. I once left my passport in the back of a seat and had to beg, borrow and steal my way back onto the aircraft to get it. Don’t let this happen to you.

  • As soon as you hear the announcement, start packing your bags.
  • Make sure you have your passport, customs and immigration paperwork handy. Check your pick up instructions or directions to your first hotel so you can appear calm and confident when you leave the airport and face any hawkers.
  • Depending on your phone provider, turn off your mobile data to avoid hideous roaming charges.

And, that’s it! Hope you enjoyed these long haul flight tips and that they help you have a smoother journey.

Carry-On Essentials For Short Flights

When it comes to short haul flights, perhaps you’re thinking you don’t need anything at all? Think again!

Sure, you could get lucky but remember this handy guide:

Three main thoughts should guide your packing:

1) What you NEED during the flight and at the airport.

2) What the airline MAKES you pack in your carry on vs checked.

3) What would spoil your trip if the airline lost your checked luggage.

So, while what you need on the flight may vary (wave goodbye to the DIY sleep kit) you are still going to need to pack items to cover situations two and three.

So, download the long haul flight essentials checklist anyway and perhaps dial down on the snacks and toiletries on your packing list.

Long Haul Flight Essentials Packing List for Carry On

More Travel Resources

Enjoy our packing lists and other travel essentials below:

  • Don’t miss an insomniac’s guide to sleeping on a plane
  • And make sure you have the right carry on luggage to begin with.
  • Find our best packing tips with this free travel checklist.
  • Creative travel journal ideas for your next trip.
  • Can laptops go in checked luggage? What you need to know.

2 thoughts on “27 Long Haul Flight Essentials and a Flight Checklist for You”

Compeed changed my life too hahah! And a sleep mask is essential for me even on a two hour flight – completely zone out when I have one on!

Three cheers for compeed! I wonder if they know how many lives they’ve changed :-) Where is your next trip?

Comments are closed.

Woman with long blond hair standing in front of departures board in an airport with all travel essentials for the plane in her bag

25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips

As full-time travelers for more than 3.5 years, we have experienced more than our share of long flights–and as a result, we’ve developed an extensive list of long haul flight essentials and long flight tips in order to keep our travel days running as smoothly as possible.

In the very first version of this post that I wrote shortly after beginning our full-time travels, here’s how I summarized the behind-the-scenes of the one-way ticket journey that started it all for us:

“Thirty. Eight. Hours. From leaving the house at 4:30 AM to arriving at an Airbnb flat almost 2 days later, that’s the approximate amount of time that Jeremy and I spent traveling from San Antonio to Madrid.

I’m not going to sugar coat it: it was brutal. In a few years, I’m sure we’ll decide that a couple of 6 hour layovers and an additional 2 hour layover, 4 planes, and a day and a half worth of travel time are in no way worth saving hundreds of dollars on airfare. But right now, we’re young, crazy, and (sort of) frugal. So! The nightmarish layover battle began.”

Vilanculos, Mozambique from the plane

Some links in this post may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please see our disclosure policy for more detail.

My prediction was right: these days, we’ve been on enough uncomfortable, excessively long journeys that we try to limit them wherever possible, but long flights are still a fact of life for us.

Here’s what we’ve learned along the way–and what you need to know about long haul flights, from how to choose your travel essentials for the plane to what to wear.

Table of Contents

What to Pack Your Long Haul Flight Essentials In

Long haul flight essentials: what to bring onboard, long flight tips + tricks, planning a trip.

Kate Storm in a brown coat approaching the camera. Several houses decorated for Christmas in Colmar France are behind her.

We don’t get too fancy with our personal item bags, and unless you’re a very heavy packer and need to fit lots of weight into a small space, we don’t think you need to, either.

We use this Pacsafe backpack as a personal bag and throw the bulk of our travel essentials for the plane in there, while a few others float around in my small purse. 

If you’re in the market for a new bag, we highly recommend our backpack, but any school-sized backpack or messenger bag that comfortably fits under an airplane seat will do–we used a Northface Jester backpack for years and loved that one as well.

Jeremy Storm carrying a pacsafe backpack and wearing a gray jacket, looking out over Conor Pass in Ireland

I’m a recent convert to using eye masks, but they make such a difference and have skyrocketed up the list to be one of my most important long haul flight essentials.

It’s amazing how much easier it is to sleep on planes with the light of the world shut out–and as a bonus, they often come in handy once you land, too, as a frustrating number of hotels have some sort of bright and/or blinking light visible in the room at night.

This eye mask is an excellent option, but eye masks are a bit of a personal preference thing–you may want to try this popular one as well.

Kate Storm and Jeremy Storm standing along the Grand Canal of Venice. Kate is in a red dress and there are gondolas behind them.

Wearing your shoes for the entirety of a long plane ride can be incredibly uncomfortable, but touching the plane floor with your bare feet is also just… ew, no.

The solution? Cozy, comfortable socks that can be easily washed after wrapping up your long travel day.

If you’d prefer, you may want to swap typical cozy socks for compression socks for an extra layer of comfort and protection.

Just please don’t be one of those people that don’t put their shoes back on to go to the bathroom–I can think of few things less sanitary than an airplane bathroom floor.

Comfortable Jacket / Pullover

Jacket, pillow, blanket–a basic, cozy jacket or pullover can serve many purposes on a plane.

My Northface fleece pullover has come with me on countless flights and definitely counts as one of my long haul flight essentials.

Hiking in the High Tatras: View over Valley

Moisturizer + Hand Lotion

Nothing dries out my skin quite as fast as the dry, recycled air of an airplane–and a few hours into a long haul flight, I’m always so grateful to be able to slather some extra moisturizer on my skin.

This moisturizer and this hand lotion come in tiny, airport-approved containers.

Vaseline / Lip Balm

Your face and hands aren’t the only things to get dried out on long haul flights: throw a small container of Vaseline (I’ve carried this size for years) or lip balm into your bag of in flight essentials to ensure you don’t land in your destination with chapped lips.

2 Weeks in Mexico Itinerary

Hand Sanitizer

Here’s the deal: airports and airplanes are kind of disgusting.

Add in the close proximity to hundreds of people, sleep deprivation, completely stressing out your body by changing time zones, and hours and hours of breathing recycled air, and it’s way too easy to end up sick after a long flight.

We consider hand sanitizer one of our most important long haul flight essentials–and it comes in handy once you reach your destination(s), too.

Travel Couple in Bangkok, Thailand

I promise, brushing your teeth in an airplane bathroom is just… not worth it. On a layover, maybe. 

But before you land, well. Nothing smells quite like travel breath after a solid 12+ hours in transit, some of that including sleep. 

It is not a good smell, and your travel companion(s) will thank you for adding a small bottle of mouthwash to your list of travel essentials for the plane.

Reusable Water Bottle

Keep it empty until after security, of course, lest it end up in a pile of trash as you go through the line.

Having your own water is absolutely a long haul flight essential, though: even if you’re flying with an airline that provides complimentary drinks and the attendants are liberal with the refills, those tiny plastic cups of water are not nearly enough to keep you going, and nothing says dehydration like hours out of your normal routine at 30,000 feet.

We’re partial to Nalgenes for travel, as they’re durable and easy to clean, but some light packers prefer to bring a collapsible water bottle instead.

Czech Beer in Prague Airport being held against a window with planes in the background--beer definitely isn't a long haul flight essential, but it is tasty

If you have long hair, extra hair ties are an absolute must as far as in flight essentials go.

They’re inexpensive, take up basically no space, and there are few things more aggravating than your one and only hair tie rolling away in the first couple hours of a 10-hour long flight (ask me how I know).


While wifi is increasingly available on flights now, it’s generally both slow and expensive–and even as a full-time travel blogger, I basically never work online during flights for those reasons.

Offline entertainment is the way to go: in-flight movies are a decent option, but usually not enough to keep you entertained for 8+ hours. 

This is an excellent time to break out a Kindle , bring a book of puzzles (I personally love Sudoku), or play offline phone games.

3 blue domes of Santorini--preparing dealing with putting together the right long flight essentials is definitely worth it to land somewhere like this!

Chewing Gum

Jeremy swears by chewing gum to help relieve pressure in his ears and counts it among his personal travel essentials for the plane, but it also serves a second purpose: mildly improving your breath for the benefit of those locked in a very small space with you.

On a long haul flight abroad, odds are that you’ll be handed a landing card to fill out with essential details like why you’re visiting the country, where you’re staying, and personal information.

It’s much easier to handle this on the plane with your own pen that having to wait until you deplane or try to borrow someone else’s–plus, if you’re anything like me, you may want to doodle or write notes during your long flight anyway.

Kate Storm in a gray dress standing in Rue de l'Universite in Paris with the Eiffel Tower behind her

Travel Insurance

We don’t ever suggest traveling without travel insurance–anything can happen on the road, and traveling abroad is definitely a case of better safe than sorry. 

If your flight gets dramatically delayed, your luggage is delayed (happen to us twice) or, worst-case scenario, lost, you’ll be so glad you have travel insurance to save the day.

Check travel insurance policy inclusions and prices for your trip here .

External Battery Charger

While more and more planes (and airports) have USB ports to charge your electronics these days, they’re still far from a guarantee–and there’s no telling what your long haul flight situation will be like until you board.

A much better plan than relying on luck is to follow one of our favorite long flight tips and simply bring your own (backup) portable USB charger .

They’re relatively cheap, easy to pack, can charge multiple devices at once, and can be a lifesaver while you are on the road and need to turn on your phone that has the only copy of your boarding pass.

This one is an excellent option.

How to Ethically Visit Elephants in Thailand

Take it from the woman who once, in complete desperation, paid something like 11 Euro for the world’s worst microwaved pizza on a transatlantic flight: put decent snacks on your long haul flight essentials list and be sure you bring enough.

This is especially important for budget fliers, because on those flights? Even crossing an ocean doesn’t entitle you to a meal as part of your ticket.

Ryanair plane parked on the tarmac with people boarding--you have to be extra careful to pack all your in flight essentials when taking a budget flight

There’s something incredibly peaceful about slipping on a pair of comfortable headphones and disappearing into your own world while on a long plane ride. Flights are inevitably quite loud, and when you can put that behind you, the entire journey becomes much more peaceful.

Jeremy has used these headphones for years and swears by them–they’ve held up amazingly well considering how much travel we’ve put them through.

If you’d prefer something truly noise-canceling, these are a great option .

Want something light and easy to pack instead? These will be much more comfortable for watching in flight movies than the uncomfortable pairs that the airlines tend to pass out.

Howth Cliff Walk in Ireland, a fun bonus stop for your 10 day Ireland road trip itinerary. Wildflowers are in the foreground and a lighthouse in the background.

Basic Medication

Don’t find yourself stuck in the air with a raging headache and no way to alleviate it!

I always throw some basic pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen into my long haul flight essentials bag.

Keep in mind that as far as long flight tips go, technically speaking you’re not allowed to carry medication through security not in its original packaging. 

In my experience, it’s essentially never a problem, but be aware that there is always the risk the meds will have to be thrown out if they’re not in their original containers (so maybe don’t take important prescription meds out of their bottles).

Sleep if you can.

Without a doubt, the most comfortable way to deal with a long haul flight is simply to sleep through it.

Wrap yourself in your jacket, put on your eye mask, maybe take melatonin if that’s your style, and do everything you can to rest.

3 Days in Cape Town Itinerary: Chapman's Peak Drive

Skip the makeup.

This is a personal preference, of course, but long haul flights are the absolute perfect time to forego makeup.

It’ll dry out your skin and make it hard to moisturize, possibly make you break out, and by the halfway point in your flight, it’ll be a mess anyway. 

Looking like you’re a half-delirious zombie after finishing a long haul flight is practically inevitable, so make the whole process easier on yourself by rolling with it from the beginning.

Empire State Building or Top of the Rock: Girl with Binoculars on Empire State Building

Stick with comfortable clothes on long flights.

Think leggings or your most comfortable pants, shoes that are well-broken in, and loose, comfortable tops.

What might be perfectly comfortable to wear on a normal day can become insanely aggravating by the end of a long flight where you could easily be in the same clothes for 20-40 hours at a time, so stick with your most tried-and-true basics.

Ideally, go for breathable fabrics that are easy to layer, so you can add and subtract warmth as necessary.

These days, I’ve been wearing these leggings and a comfortable shirt like this on long flights.

Kate Storm wearing a brown coat and blue backpack, looking up at a departures board in an airport. Her purse holds some of her long haul flight essentials!

Don’t get dehydrated.

It’s so, so easy to end up dehydrated on planes: no matter how generous the flight attendants are with refilling the tiny plastic cups offered onboard, it’s not enough to stay hydrated on a long haul flight… and that’s assuming you’re choosing to drink water from those cups to begin with.

We mentioned bringing a reusable water bottle above, but seriously: if you make sure it’s full before you board your plane and make a point to drink it all while onboard, your body will thank you.

Stretch as often as you can.

Sitting for hours on end in a cramped airplane seat is terrible for your body, so make use of extra bathroom breaks and stretch as often as you can.

I’m absolutely militant about this long flight tip, especially after reading one too many horror stories about pulmonary embolisms , and it definitely helps with flight soreness and fatigue.

Hot Air Balloons Cappadocia, Turkey

Take long walks during your layovers.

Once you deplane and walk, bleary-eyed and exhausted, into an unfamiliar airport for a (potentially long) layover, the temptation to book it right to a lounge or to a meal can be intense–and while those are both excellent ideas for how to spend a long layover, your body will thank you for taking a long walk and letting your body stretch out first.

Have a plan for when you land.

Metro, bus, taxi, rental car?

Know exactly how you’ll be getting from the airport to the hotel before you arrive, and your long travel day will be much easier for it.

The sad fact is that when you’re exhausted, jetlagged, and coming off of an exhausting day of long haul flights, that’s exactly when you’re most vulnerable to things like taxi scams, especially if you’re in a new destination.

Consider one of your long haul flight essentials to simply be a plan: if you know what to expect upon landing and exactly what fair prices for different services are, your travel day will be much less stressful–and after all, the whole point of voluntarily suffering through long haul flights is to reach the other end and have the stress-free trip of a lifetime.

Photo of a woman with long blond hair standing in front of a departures board in an airport. Black and red text on a white background reads what to bring on a long haul flight essentials

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About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

1 thought on “25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips”

Great information and can be chosen out one of helpful article specially for travelling for a long time, Included all the important things to carry and explained well, Thanks so much for the great advice. I’ am always on the lookout for travel tips, This article is a huge help.

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11 tips for surviving a long-haul flight in economy

Samantha Rosen

We don't have to tell you this, but flying in economy isn't exactly a glamorous or enjoyable experience.

Sure, it's totally fine for quick domestic flights, but being contained in a small seat that doesn't have much recline, pitch or legroom for more than a few hours really starts to take a toll on your body (and, let's be real, your mind). Luckily for you, we've rounded up some of our favorite tips and tricks so you can walk off your next long-haul flight feeling fresh as a daisy.

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Choose your seats wisely

Don't pick your seat assignment blindly. We recommend checking Seat Guru before you click "confirm" — after all, you don't want to end up smack in the middle of a 2-4-2 configuration or right next to the lavatory, do you? You may also want to consider selecting an exit row seat (just know the pros and cons) for more legroom. But unless you have status, you'll probably have to pay for the privilege.

Check in early

Didn't get 22A? Don't panic. But don't wait until you get to the airport to check in for your flight, either. During the (usually 24-hour) check-in period, watch the seat map and refresh it regularly — something better could easily open up at this time, and if you're able to score a window or aisle seat, the quality of your flight will be significantly better.

Get comfortable

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: Comfort is key when traveling, especially toward the back of the plane. More likely than not, you're going to want to get some shuteye, so wear clothes that resemble (or at least feel like) pajamas, without actually being, you know, pajamas. You still want to look at least somewhat presentable .

Dress in layers

Travelers should always dress in layers, but this is especially true if you're on a long-haul flight. Nothing, after all, is more uncomfortable than wild inflight temperature swings. And don't expect airlines to give you more than a bolt of thin fabric in coach as a stand-in for a blanket, so consider investing in a cozy scarf, wrap or cape that you can easily slip on and off, wear as a sweater or curl up under when you're trying to sleep.

For men and women, we love Jet&Bo's "Make Travel Luxurious Again" travel set , which includes a travel wrap, socks and a sleep mask that pack away in a zip-up case that easily fits in your carry-on. And did we mention everything is made of 100% cashmere? You'll be more comfortable (and feel more extravagant ) than travelers flying in the front of the plane. Well, almost.

Bring your own amenities

On that note, you're going to want to come prepared. Don't just show up for your flight with only your bags in tow. Many travelers, including The Points Guy himself, have been known to save first- and business-class amenity kits for trips in the back of the bus.

But you can always put together your own. Whether it's a great neck pillow, the aforementioned travel set, your favorite sleep mask or a footrest (economy can be uncomfortable for short people, too!), bring items with you that will make you feel "at home" as much as possible. There are a few items that you'll always want to keep handy, so be sure to create an amenity kit with hand sanitizer, lip balm, tissues, ear plugs and either toothpaste and a toothbrush or, at least, a bottle of mouthwash.

As an aside, I flew seven flights in coach in four days and believe me when I say the foot sling was a game-changer.

Drink water

When you think you've had enough water, drink some more. Flight attendants — especially in coach — are somewhat notorious for not handing out enough water, but don't be afraid to ask for what you need. Air on planes is known for being incredibly dry, and it can really start to mess up your body. You'll be able to start your trip on the right foot if you're hydrated and taking care of yourself, so pack a reusable water bottle — like the lightweight Vapur bottles that collapse and lie flat when empty — and fill it up after security.

Bring snacks

Airplane food isn't exactly a gourmet dining experience (unless, of course, you're sitting at the pointy end of the plane). So, pack some of your favorite snacks from home to do away with those pesky hunger pains. Just be mindful of your fellow passengers , please and thank you, and stick to less, well, aromatic foods .

Take care of your skin

Remember what we said about air on planes being really dehydrating? Same principle applies for your skin. Do a moisturizing face mask, apply your favorite creams and oils — whatever you need to do to keep your skin feeling good. You'll likely never see any of these people again, so put your pride aside and focus on your wellbeing.

Drown out the sound

Splurge on the best noise-canceling headphones money can buy, and then drown out all the gloomy sounds of economy. Slip on the downright luxurious Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H8i or classic road warrior Bose QuietComfort 35 Headphones II and say goodbye to the engine roar, howling babies (and their parents) and the whoosh of the lav toilet flushing. You can thank us later.

Bring some backup

Like we said, you'll likely want to get some sleep on the long flight (and if nothing else, it's a good way to pass some time). If you can't fall asleep easily naturally, it's not a bad idea to bring a little help with you. Whether it's melatonin, a dose of Benadryl or something a little stronger — prescribed by your doctor, of course — being able to fall asleep easily can make a world of difference.

Stock up on entertainment

It's no secret that many airlines' inflight entertainment systems aren't exactly the most entertaining. And they're certainly not reliable, especially if you're enduring the long haul in coach. So, download that podcast you've been meaning to listen to or every episode of the television series you've been wanting to binge. If that's not your style, there's always a good old fashioned book that could use some love.

Related: The best starter credit cards

Will your long-haul flight in economy to the other side of the world be the best one of your life? Probably not. Will it be at least bearable — or dare we say comfortable — with these tips in mind? Absolutely.


  • Travel Tips

How to Stay Comfortable on Long Flights: 20 Essential Tips

  • 13 minute read

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  • July 21, 2023


Are you ready to embark on a journey that’s as comfortable as it is exciting? Long flights can be daunting, but fear not! We’ve got you covered with a plethora of essential tips to keep you at ease and fully engaged during those extended airborne adventures.

travel tips on long flights

From staying hydrated and packing entertainment to donning cozy compression socks and mastering the art of time zone adjustment, we’ve curated the ultimate guide to ensure your comfort and satisfaction in the skies.

So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to soar with confidence! Let’s dive into the secrets of staying comfortable on long flights.

Pack the Right Essentials

Before embarking on your long flight, ensure you have all the essential items packed in your carry-on. Include items such as a travel pillow, a lightweight blanket, a reusable water bottle, lip balm, and hand sanitizer. These small comforts can make a significant difference in your in-flight experience.

Choose the Best Seat

Selecting the right seat can have a huge impact on your comfort during a long flight. If possible, opt for an aisle seat to stretch your legs more easily and have quicker access to the restroom. Additionally, consider seats near the wings, as they tend to experience less turbulence.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

When dressing for a long flight, prioritize comfort over style. Choose loose-fitting, breathable clothing that allows for easy movement. Layers are also a great option to adapt to temperature changes on the plane.

Stay Hydrated

 To stay comfortable on long flights, one of the most important tips is to stay hydrated. Dehydration is a common issue during air travel due to the low humidity levels in the cabin. Here are some helpful ways to ensure you stay hydrated during your journey:

  • Drink Plenty of Water : Carry a reusable water bottle with you and ask the flight attendants to refill it as needed. Drinking water throughout the flight will help keep your body hydrated and prevent discomfort.
  • Avoid Excessive Caffeine and Alcohol : While it may be tempting to enjoy a cup of coffee or an alcoholic beverage during the flight, these drinks can contribute to dehydration. Instead, opt for water or herbal tea.
  • Use Hydrating Skincare Products : The dry air in the airplane cabin can also affect your skin. Bring travel-sized moisturizers and hydrating facial mists to keep your skin refreshed and prevent dryness.
  • Eat Water-Rich Foods : Choose water-rich snacks like fruits (e.g., watermelon, oranges) and vegetables (e.g., cucumber, celery) to supplement your water intake.
  • Avoid Salty Snacks : Salty foods can make you feel thirstier and contribute to dehydration. Opt for low-sodium snacks to maintain proper hydration levels.
  • Consider Electrolyte Drinks : Electrolyte drinks can be beneficial on long flights, as they help replenish essential minerals lost through sweat and can aid in maintaining hydration.
  • Moisten Your Nasal Passages : The dry cabin air can also affect your nasal passages, leading to discomfort. Use a saline nasal spray to keep them moisturized.
  • Limit Diuretics : Diuretics, like some medications and caffeine, can increase urine production and contribute to dehydration. If possible, avoid excessive use of diuretic substances before and during the flight.

By prioritizing hydration and adopting these practices, you can ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable long flight. Remember to drink water regularly, moisturize your skin, and avoid dehydrating substances to arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to embark on your adventures.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

 When it comes to staying comfortable on long flights, one important tip is to avoid consuming excessive caffeine and alcohol. While these beverages might seem appealing during your journey, they can have adverse effects on your overall comfort. Here’s why it’s essential to limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol during flights:

  • Dehydration : Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, meaning they can increase urine production. When you’re on a long flight, the cabin’s low humidity levels can already lead to dehydration. Consuming these drinks can exacerbate the problem, leaving you feeling even more uncomfortable and fatigued.
  • Disrupted Sleep : Long flights often require rest, and getting quality sleep can make the journey more bearable. However, caffeine can interfere with your ability to fall asleep, making it challenging to get the rest you need. Similarly, while alcohol may initially make you drowsy, it can disrupt your sleep patterns, leading to less restorative rest.
  • Jet Lag : If you’re crossing multiple time zones during your flight, the effects of jet lag can be intensified by caffeine and alcohol consumption. These substances can further disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythm, making it more challenging to adjust to the new time zone.
  • Mood Swings : Caffeine and alcohol can also affect your mood. While caffeine may lead to jitters and increased anxiety, alcohol’s depressive effects can make you feel emotionally drained and irritable during the flight.

Instead of relying on caffeine or alcohol, consider these alternatives to stay comfortable and relaxed:

  • Water : Drink plenty of water throughout the flight to stay hydrated and combat the dry air in the cabin.
  • Herbal Tea : Opt for caffeine-free herbal teas for a soothing and calming beverage option.
  • Mocktails : If you enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks, consider asking for non-alcoholic mocktails during the flight.
  • Natural Sleep Aids : If you struggle to sleep on flights, explore natural sleep aids like chamomile tea or melatonin supplements (consult a healthcare professional before using any supplements).

By avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol and choosing healthier alternatives, you can enhance your comfort and well-being during long flights. Remember, proper hydration and rest are essential for making the journey as pleasant as possible.

Move and Stretch Regularly

 Moving and stretching regularly is crucial for staying comfortable on long flights. When you’re confined to a small space for an extended period, your body can become stiff and tense, leading to discomfort and even pain.

Taking short breaks to move around and stretch helps improve blood circulation and prevents muscles from becoming overly stiff. Simple exercises like ankle circles, shoulder rolls, and neck stretches can alleviate tension and reduce the risk of cramps.

Additionally, walking up and down the aisle or doing light stretches near your seat can also provide relief. Regular movement not only keeps your body more comfortable but also helps combat the feeling of restlessness that often accompanies long flights.

Incorporating these easy exercises into your journey ensures that you arrive at your destination feeling more relaxed and ready to enjoy your travel experience.

Use a Neck Pillow

 A neck pillow provides crucial support for your neck and head, especially during extended periods of sitting. It helps maintain a more natural alignment of your spine, preventing neck strain and discomfort. With a neck pillow, you can relax and even catch some restful sleep during the flight, ensuring you arrive at your destination feeling refreshed.

Bring Noise-Canceling Headphones

 Noise-canceling headphones are a game-changer when it comes to blocking out the ambient noise in the airplane cabin. They use advanced technology to counteract external sounds, creating a peaceful and quiet environment for you to relax or enjoy entertainment without disturbances.

Whether you prefer listening to soothing music, watching a movie, or simply having a moment of tranquility, noise-canceling headphones will make your journey much more enjoyable.

Pack an Eye Mask and Earplugs

 For those who have trouble sleeping in bright or noisy environments, an eye mask and earplugs are essential travel companions. The eye mask blocks out any unwanted light, helping you create a cozy and comfortable sleeping environment.

Coupled with the earplugs, which dampen external noises, you can immerse yourself in a peaceful cocoon and promote better rest during the flight.

Entertainment: Books, Movies, and Music

 On long flights, it’s essential to have a source of entertainment to keep yourself engaged and pass the time more pleasantly. Packing entertainment options like books, movies, and music can be a game-changer during the journey.

Books : Bringing a captivating book or e-reader loaded with your favorite titles allows you to escape into different worlds and immerse yourself in exciting stories. Whether you prefer fiction, non-fiction, or a mix of genres, a good book can make the flight fly by (pun intended).

Movies : Most airlines offer in-flight entertainment systems, but it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan. Load your laptop or tablet with movies or TV shows you’ve been wanting to watch. Not only will this provide you with entertainment, but it can also help you relax and unwind during the flight.

Music : Music is a powerful mood enhancer and can help create a relaxing atmosphere. Prepare a playlist with your favorite songs, soothing tunes, or even some upbeat tracks to keep your spirits high. Music can be particularly helpful if you’re looking to nap or block out background noise.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

As important as entertainment is, don’t forget to take care of yourself during the flight, and one crucial aspect of self-care is keeping your skin moisturized.

The dry air in the airplane cabin can cause your skin to become dry and uncomfortable. To combat this, make sure to bring a travel-sized moisturizer with you. Apply it regularly, especially on exposed areas like your face and hands, to keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from feeling tight or itchy. A moisturizer with added antioxidants can also help protect your skin from environmental stressors during the flight.

Additionally, consider using a hydrating facial mist to refresh your skin throughout the journey. These mists can provide a quick burst of hydration and give your skin a rejuvenating boost. Keeping your skin moisturized not only enhances your comfort but also ensures you arrive at your destination with a healthy and glowing complexion.

Utilize Compression Socks

Wearing compression socks during long flights can significantly improve your comfort and reduce the risk of certain health issues. The cabin pressure and prolonged sitting can lead to poor blood circulation, causing swelling in the feet and legs.

Compression socks work by applying gentle pressure to your legs, helping to enhance blood flow and prevent swelling. They can also reduce the likelihood of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a serious condition where blood clots form in the deep veins, which can be a risk during long periods of immobility. Investing in a pair of compression socks can make a notable difference in your overall well-being during the flight.

Opt for Loose Shoes

Choosing the right footwear is essential for maintaining comfort during a long flight. Opt for loose-fitting shoes that provide ample space for your feet to breathe and move. Feet can naturally swell during extended sitting, so tight-fitting shoes can lead to discomfort and even pain.

Slip-on shoes or shoes with adjustable closures are convenient options for easily accommodating any swelling that may occur.

Additionally, avoid wearing high heels or shoes with rigid soles, as they can restrict blood flow and lead to discomfort. Prioritize comfort over style when it comes to footwear for long flights.

Mind Your Posture

Maintaining good posture is crucial for preventing back pain and discomfort during flights. When sitting for an extended period, it’s easy to slouch or adopt an improper posture, which can strain your back and neck.

To promote better posture, sit with your back against the seat and use a small pillow or lumbar support cushion if needed. Keep your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest if provided, and avoid crossing your legs for extended periods.

Taking short breaks to stand up and stretch can also help reset your posture and prevent stiffness. Being mindful of your posture throughout the flight can contribute to a more comfortable journey and reduce the risk of post-flight aches and pains.

Practice Breathing Exercises

During long flights, practicing breathing exercises can be a valuable tool for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Deep breathing techniques can help calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety, making the flight more comfortable. One simple and effective method is diaphragmatic breathing, where you inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand fully, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Focus on the rhythm of your breath and try to make your exhales longer than your inhales. Incorporating these breathing exercises throughout the flight can help you stay calm, centered, and at ease.

Snack Wisely

Choosing the right snacks can make a difference in how you feel during the flight. Opt for light and healthy snacks that provide sustained energy without making you feel too full or sluggish. Some excellent snack options include fresh fruits, nuts, granola bars, and cut-up vegetables. Avoid sugary or greasy snacks, as they can cause energy spikes and crashes, leading to discomfort. Additionally, bringing your own snacks can be beneficial, as it ensures you have options that suit your preferences and dietary needs.

Avoid Heavy Meals

Before the flight, refrain from consuming heavy or large meals that could leave you feeling bloated or uncomfortable during the journey. Heavy meals can take longer to digest, and the limited movement on the plane may worsen the feeling of fullness. Instead, opt for a balanced and moderate meal before the flight that includes lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables.

Stay Clean and Fresh

Maintaining personal hygiene throughout the flight is essential for feeling comfortable and refreshed. The confined space of an airplane can easily make you feel less than fresh, but there are simple steps you can take to stay clean during the journey.

  • Face Wipes or Cleansing Towelettes : Keep a pack of face wipes or cleansing towelettes in your carry-on. These handy items can quickly freshen up your face and remove any excess oil or dirt, leaving your skin feeling revitalized.
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste : Brushing your teeth mid-flight can work wonders in helping you feel clean and more awake. Don’t forget to pack a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste to maintain oral hygiene.
  • Deodorant : Applying deodorant before and during the flight will help you stay odor-free and confident, especially during long journeys.
  • Hand Sanitizer : Airports and airplanes can be breeding grounds for germs. Carry a travel-sized hand sanitizer to clean your hands before eating or touching your face.
  • Fresh Clothing : Consider packing a fresh set of clothes, such as a clean shirt or a pair of socks, in your carry-on. Changing into fresh clothes midway through the flight can provide a sense of renewal and cleanliness.

Stay Positive and Relaxed

 Maintaining a positive and relaxed mindset is crucial for a comfortable flight experience. Long flights can be challenging, but focusing on the positive aspects of your journey can make it more enjoyable.

  • Practice Mindfulness : Engage in mindfulness exercises to stay present and reduce feelings of restlessness. Pay attention to your breath, surroundings, and sensations to stay grounded.
  • Listen to Relaxing Music or Guided Meditations : Create a playlist of calming music or listen to guided meditations to ease anxiety and promote relaxation during the flight.
  • Enjoy the View : If you have a window seat, take advantage of the unique view from above the clouds. Watching the scenery can be soothing and awe-inspiring.
  • Engage in Light Conversation : If you’re traveling with a companion or seated next to a friendly fellow passenger, engage in light conversation to pass the time and create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Stretch and Move : Continue practicing light stretching and movement to relieve tension and promote relaxation.
  • Set Realistic Expectations : Understand that long flights can be tiring, and it’s okay to feel a little worn out upon arrival. Give yourself permission to rest and recover before diving into your travel plans.

Adjust to the Local Time Zone

 Adjusting to the local time zone is a crucial step to ensure a comfortable and seamless transition during your long flight and upon arrival at your destination. Traveling across multiple time zones can lead to jet lag, which can leave you feeling fatigued and disoriented. Here are some tips to help you adjust to the local time zone effectively:

  • Sleep on the Plane : If your flight aligns with the nighttime of your destination, try to get some rest on the plane. Bring along a neck pillow, eye mask, and earplugs to create a comfortable sleeping environment. Setting your watch to the local time of your destination can mentally prepare you for adjusting your sleep schedule.
  • Stay Hydrated : Drink plenty of water during the flight to stay hydrated, but also be mindful of your fluid intake closer to your arrival time. Reducing your water consumption a few hours before landing can minimize the need for frequent bathroom visits and help you sleep better during the flight.
  • Avoid Napping Upon Arrival : It’s tempting to take a long nap when you finally arrive, especially if you’re feeling tired. However, try to resist the urge to nap for too long, as it can disrupt your sleep schedule. Instead, engage in light activities and get some exposure to natural sunlight, which can help reset your internal clock.
  • Adapt Meal Times : Once you arrive at your destination, adjust your meal times to align with the local schedule. Eating meals at regular intervals according to the local time can help your body adjust more quickly to the new time zone.
  • Stay Active : Engage in light physical activity or take a walk outside to combat drowsiness and encourage your body to adapt to the local time. Exposure to natural light can also help regulate your circadian rhythm.
  • Avoid Stimulants : Minimize the consumption of caffeinated beverages and other stimulants, especially in the late afternoon and evening, as they can interfere with your ability to fall asleep at the appropriate time.
  • Be Patient : Adjusting to a new time zone takes time and patience. Be kind to yourself and allow your body a few days to adapt fully. Focus on getting good quality sleep and maintaining a consistent daily routine to help your body establish its new sleep-wake cycle.

By consciously making an effort to adjust your sleep and activity patterns to the local time zone, you can minimize the effects of jet lag and ensure a smoother and more comfortable transition to your new location. With these tips, you’ll be better prepared to make the most of your travels and fully enjoy your experiences at your destination.

 staying comfortable on long flights is entirely possible with the right strategies and preparations. By incorporating various tips and practices, you can make your journey more enjoyable, ensuring you arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready for your adventures.

Prioritize hydration by drinking plenty of water, while avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol, as they can lead to dehydration and disrupt your rest. Utilize a neck pillow, noise-canceling headphones, and an eye mask with earplugs to enhance comfort and promote relaxation during the flight.

Remember to move and stretch regularly to improve blood circulation and prevent stiffness. Pack entertainment options such as books, movies, and music to keep yourself engaged and occupied throughout the journey. Keep your skin moisturized to combat the effects of dry cabin air and arrive with a healthy glow.

How much did you like Our detailed  How to Stay Comfortable on Long Flights: 20 Essential Tips ?  Review Also, please share these  Blogs  with your friends on social media.

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Comfortable on Long Flights FAQs

Can i bring my own snacks on a long flight.

Yes, you can bring your own snacks, but make sure they are allowed through security.

Are compression socks necessary for short flights?

Compression socks are beneficial for any flight duration, especially if you have circulation issues.

Can I use my phone during the flight?

Yes, you can use your phone in airplane mode, but follow the airline's guidelines.

Should I take a sleeping pill to rest on the flight?

It's best to avoid sleeping pills unless prescribed by a doctor, as they can have side effects.

Is it essential to adjust my sleep schedule for a short trip?

If you'll be changing time zones significantly, it's helpful to adjust your sleep schedule accordingly.


Meet David Hoper, a passionate travel Blog writer with 7+ years of experience in travel content. Through his exemplary storytelling and engaging narratives, he shares his experiences and brings destinations to life. With a keen eye for detail and a love for exploration, he has cultivated a diverse portfolio of travel blogs that inspire and inform readers worldwide.

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Pack these long flight essentials for maximum comfort

travel tips on long flights

Long-haul flights may sound like uncomfortable ordeals, but packing a handful of long-flight essentials can improve the experience dramatically. With just a bit of planning and some savvy tips, you can easily bring everything you need to significantly improve your inflight experience and arrive more refreshed than you think, even in a middle seat .

Comfort items for long flights

It may sound obvious, but keeping your body comfortable is the best thing you can do to improve your long-haul experience. Concern yourself with maximum personal comfort first, then use your remaining carry-on space for additional items.

On your body

A man with a suitcase walking alongside a woman with a backpack on a pavement as they head towards the airport.

Start with loose-fitting, comfortable clothes that won’t restrict blood flow or cause discomfort from bloating, a common experience when flying. The only tight garments you wear should be compression socks, which can help improve circulation in your dangling legs, relieving discomfort and swelling.

Sudden noises can easily ruin your slumber, so invest in high-quality noise-canceling headphones to minimize jarring sounds, and consider a long playlist of classical music to help lull you to sleep and keep you there. Even if you typically can’t sleep on planes, over-ear headphones are still long-fight essentials to reduce stress and help keep you as relaxed as possible (earbuds may irritate your ears over time).

Improve your sleep potential with an eye mask to block ambient light (silk is best for your skin). A neck pillow is great for supporting your head while both asleep and awake, too.

Around your body

A blonde woman listens to music as she takes a nap in an airplane seat.

Airplane seats are notoriously cramped and rarely made of luxury materials, so help yourself out by upgrading your surroundings. I always bring at least one additional travel pillow to cushion an elbow against a firm armrest, and a thin blanket that can cushion the other if not needed for warmth. These also help keep your neighbors a bit further from your body. They can also be used behind your back for lumbar support, or to sit on.

I pack pillows even when flying in premium cabins where they may already be provided. There’s no such thing as too much cushioning, so having two of each is even better.

Long flight travel essentials for entertainment

A person is seated in an aeroplane, gazing out the window at the Eiffel Tower.

Most airlines offer inflight entertainment for long-haul journeys, including films, TV series, music, and games. Some even provide a few podcasts and audiobooks. While the selections are often large, you can also pre-download your favorite entertainment on your own devices.

Remember to bring chargers for any devices you’ll use, and fully-charged portable battery packs are invaluable when your seat’s power outlet is malfunctioning or doesn’t exist. Books can help pass large chunks of time but aim for lighter paperbacks or digital copies to reduce your carry-on burden.

Long flight essentials for health and wellness

No matter why you’re flying, you’ll want to arrive in the best physical and mental condition you can. These long-flight essentials will help keep you in peak form.

Reducing jetlag on long-haul flights

A little girl passenger with her headset watches on the seatback screens while eating her meal on the plane.

Most jetlag reduction techniques begin long before a flight, but there are some things you can still do onboard. Proper hydration is key to sleeping on the flight and arriving with as little discomfort as possible. Drink water rather than beverages containing alcohol or caffeine, both of which are dehydrating sleep disruptors. Similarly, pack healthy snacks that are low in carbs, salt, and sugar to reduce discomfort and improve sleep.

Additionally, begin following your destination’s local time as soon as you board and follow its respective sleeping schedule. When it’s time to sleep there, it’s time to sleep on your flight, or at least reduce mentally stimulating activity if you can’t sleep. Light exercise in your seat and short walks will also reduce discomfort and help condition you to the local time.

Don’t skip your skincare

A woman comfortably sleeps on a reclined airplane seat.

You may not be able to carry out your daily skincare routine while flying, but a couple of long-flight essentials can go a long way in the sky.

Ideally, don’t wear makeup on a long-haul flight. If you must, remove it before sleeping, as you would at home. This is also the time to apply a facial moisturizer. It helps to moisturize your hands and any other skin exposed to cabin air, too. Brushing your teeth will help avoid bad tastes (and breath) when waking, and don’t forget a moisturizing lip balm, which should be applied regularly.

Some of our favorite flight routes

In the foreground, the wing of an airplane flying above the city of London and River Thames.

If you’re ready to fly but don’t yet know where you want to go, consider some of these top long-haul routes from the United States. Flights to London are the most common arrivals in all of Europe, but you can also search for flights to Paris or flights to Amsterdam for information on other popular European routes.

Packing and organization for long flights

Flat lay of an anonymous family packing various things and essentials for their upcoming trip or vacation. Unrecognizable little girl putting in a toy in the suitcase. There is passport, mobile phone, travel pillow and other things laid on the carpet on the floor.

When it comes to how to pack your carry-on , less is more. A small suitcase can go overhead, but anything you want to access regularly should be in a flexible bag small enough to fit under the seat in front of you. There isn’t much space there, so try not to over-stuff it because this is also your legroom.

Keep wires and small items organized in designated containers rather than jumbled all together, and store food and liquid items in sealed plastic bags to prevent spillage on other items. Create a carry-on packing list in advance, and try not to add unnecessary items at the last second.

Use this list when re-packing so your return journey is just as comfortable. Try these additional travel packing tips for making the most of your suitcase and saving more space for your long flight essentials.

How KAYAK knows what to put in this guide

With more than 100 flights every year, I fly completely around the globe at least five times annually. It takes a lot of long-haul flights to reach that mileage, and sitting in a chair for hours only gets more difficult the more you do it. To make my constant travel something to look forward to rather than dread, I’ve mastered the art of packing for comfort on long-haul flights. I’ve combined years of this frequent flying experience with KAYAK’s expert tips and tools to create this guide of long flight essentials.

How to survive a long-haul flight

Now that you know all the long flight essentials and how to pack them, it’s time to put these expert tips to use. After you’ve gathered your comfort musts, take a look at these additional tips for long flights that go beyond packing.

And if you’re still worried about getting bored on your journey, try some of these top things to do on a plane to pass the time . KAYAK’s comprehensive flight guide compiles all the information you need for every step of a journey, from research and planning through flying and arriving, so feel free to find additional inspiration among this wealth of expert advice. 

My favorite feature is the Bag Measurement tool , that lets me measure my bags with my phone’s camera, and tells me if they’re size compliant on my airline.

About the author

travel tips on long flights

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A woman seated inside an aircraft by the window engaged in her laptop.

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Forever Lost In Travel

10 Long-Haul Flight Tips For Maximum Comfort

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airport terminal

I don’t think many people out there actually look forward to flying. I mean, other than the fact it’s a way to get to the place you really want to see. If I had one superpower it would be to blink and be somewhere in no time at all. But unfortunately that’s not something we can do, so flying it is . Which is why I want to share my long-haul flight tips for a more comfortable flight.

As a Brit who now lives in Canada, long haul flights are kind of my jam. And while I still don’t particularly like flying, I am getting more used to it and finding more ways to make the time fly quicker (pun totally intended). So read on for my top travel tips for surviving long flights.

Top 10 Long-Haul Flight Tips

British Airways planes

Spending a long time on a flight means being prepared. As well as figuring out which essentials to bring with you , it’s also about comfort. Planning in advance for maximum comfort is a must when you’re traveling so far . And while many people have their own long-haul flight tips, these are the ones that have worked best for me.

Check in as early as possible

plane window seat

When the 24 hour mark hits, GO GO GO!!!! Your future comfort could depend on your strategically planned seat selection. Me?? I love a good aisle seat.

Getting to stretch your legs a bit on a long flight is invaluable. So aisle seats are the best for easy access to get out. They avoid having to wake up complete strangers who seem to have the ability to sleep like they’re dead.

Even if you don’t want to pay for seat selection at time of booking you can still look at the airplane layout. Scope out the seats you might want for when check in opens and select the seats at the 24 hour mark without the additional cost.

Pack light and choose your bag wisely

boarding pass - planning for your next long-haul flight

Most people’s biggest travel problem – chronic overpacking! Guilty! But one thing I have stopped doing in recent years is using those little wheeled suitcases for carry on.

More often than not you’ll see a dozen people in the aisle as the plane doors are closing, all looking for somewhere to stow their bags. Not me though. I travel with a backpack now. Using packing cubes and compression bags , I can fit more in my backpack easily.

Without the concern of whether there will be room in the overhead, I no longer feel the need to rush forward when the gate opens . Put your backpack in the overhead compartment if there’s space, but it will also fit comfortably under the seat.

Bring noise-cancelling headphones

noise canceling headphones

Do you like listening to people snoring at 35,000 feet? Me neither. Invest in some nice noise cancelling headphones for a really relaxing flight. I think most of us sit on a plane wishing we could be anywhere else. But that’s hard to do when you hear everything going on around you .

Watching movies on the small screens with the cheap plastic headphones is no better. With your own headphones you can plug them into your computer or phone and watch pre-downloaded Netflix shows.

You don’t need to spend a fortune for noise-cancelling headphones either. Check out these ones on Amazon for a budget version of the more expensive brands .

Bring something to read

flight essentials: bring a book or puzzles

Sure it might be easy to sit back and watch movie after movie. But staring at a screen about 6 inches from your face for 10 hours might not be the best for you. Mix it up a bit and read a book.

I often find I don’t have time to read anymore when I’m busy working, but come vacation time you can bet my bag is full of literary delights to escape with . Get started on your poolside reading early.

Can’t be bothered with a full book? Bring a magazine, crossword book or even a game to play with your travel companion. Just something else to do to avoid constant screen time.

Drink plenty of water

bring a reusable water bottle on your next flight

One of the best long-haul flight tips for your health! Don’t be tempted by sodas and alcohol. Keep a clear head and a comfortable tummy . Both are famous for dehydrating you more which is not good on a long flight.

As a bit of a Diet Coke fan, I still try to steer clear of it on flights. The fizzy carbonated drinks give you more gas. The gas then builds up due to the decrease of cabin pressure of the high altitude. As a result you’ll be more uncomfortable and bloated, and sometimes nauseous.

Drink water instead, it is much better for you and will make you feel way more comfortable on your long flight. Click here for top ways to stay healthy while traveling in winter .

Bonus Tip: Take a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up after security.

Be nice to the people around you

plane seats

Don’t rush to your seat hitting everyone with your giant bags. Resist the urge to fight over the arm rest and instead say Hi to your neighbor. They’ll be next to you for the next 8+ hours, do you really want to get off on the wrong foot?

Everyone is flying for different reasons. Visiting someone, or leaving someone behind. Some might even be terrified of flying. I know I’ve often been more than a little emotional on a long flight leaving home, compounded by my poor judgement in selecting Marley & Me or Toy Story 3 as in flight movies.

So being extra nice to someone takes little to no effort. Who knows, maybe you’ll even have a great conversation with your seat neighbor . If they’re from the place you’re going to visit they might even have some great travel tips for you.

Get up and walk around

get some exercise and stretch on your next long-haul flight

Stretch your legs and get your circulation going. Sitting for long periods of time is not good for you, especially when you need to aid digestion of any snacks and drinks you’ve had. Take a walk at least once an hour if you can. Or at least do some stretches in your seat .

On my last Air China flight to Vietnam they showed an exercise video mid-flight. Everyone followed along to the small space yoga/tai chi video showing how to stretch at your seat with the limited space you have. It was actually really helpful, made me feel much better and of course it was fun.

Bring healthy snacks

healthy snacks for flights

Don’t sit and eat junk food for the whole flight. Your body will not thank you for it -neither will your neighbor. On long flights especially, it can be easy to eat out of boredom.

But I always feel so sick after eating a bunch of junk food I can’t walk off. So one of my top long-haul flight tips: ditch the salty chips and sweets. They will dehydrate you more. Instead, bring more healthy in-flight snacks .

Veggies and dip are perfect: Hummus with celery, snap peas, carrots and cucumber will help keep you hydrated. Or some fruit (even if it’s dried fruit). Pack a good old fashioned sandwich with any healthy filling you want and avoid the heavy salted in-flight meals.

Flight Safety Tip: leave the mixed nuts at home in case anyone on your flight has an allergy .

Wear loose comfy clothing

pack the essentials on your next long haul flight

You’re not going to a fashion show, so wear what makes you feel comfortable. Layers are great for flights as the temperature onboard can be different from the airport or outside. Notoriously feeling cold on flights, I like to wear a sweater and bring a hoodie in case I need an extra layer.

Sweat pants or loose workout pants are great because they stretch which means you won’t have the discomfort of wearing jeans sitting down for 10 hours.

Wear shoes that are easy to take off in case you need to de-shoe for security. Running shoes/sneakers are the best as often you don’t always have to take them off . Plus you can loosen them on the flight. Just don’t be the one to put your bare feet up between someone’s headrests.

Bonus Tip: Take a change of clothes if you have a connecting flight. My last journey was 20 hours end to end so a change of clothes made me feel like a new person.

Pack the health and beauty essentials

long haul flight tips: pack a toothbrush

The cold air on planes can seriously dry out your skin. Therefore before you fly, remove all your makeup and moisturize, moisturize, MOISTURIZE !

Sample size or travel size moisturizers are perfect for flying and unscented is best in case those around you have allergies. Repeat throughout the flight, and your skin will thank you later.

Also remember to pack a travel toothbrush and travel size toothpaste in your hand luggage. If you’re on an epically long flight (or worse, connecting flights), brushing your teeth can feel amazing.

Bonus Travel Tip : Hold onto those mini dental hygiene packs you sometimes find in hotels, or the samples you sometimes get from the dentist. They’re just the right size to go in your zip lock bag of liquids.

Flying high with the best travel tips

If these tips don’t get you ready for that international flight I don’t know what will. Being prepared is key, making sure you have everything you might need without over-packing. Be smart with your travel choices and you’ll go far (last long haul flight joke I promise).

On my next big trip my ultimate goal is to do one major long haul trip with carry on baggage only. The packing cubes and packing compression bags are the way forward I think. That and not bringing 5 pairs of shoes everywhere I go.

But no matter how much you choose to pack, remember some of these essential long-haul flight tips and your journey will be a lot more comfortable.

If you’ve enjoyed this post leave a comment or share using the social media buttons below. What are your favorite long-haul flight tips for surviving long plane journeys?

long-haul flight tips for a more comfortable plane ride

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13 thoughts on “10 Long-Haul Flight Tips For Maximum Comfort”

I love this post! And, I do a lot of the things you mention, though I probably could get up and walk more and drink more water for sure. I bring my eReader with me everywhere, so great for trying to not overpack, but the darn computer and camera always do me in, lol!

Surprisingly, I like flights unless I do not have a cold and cough because the ear pain can be extremely painful. Moreover, I love the smell of the airports and the plane. But yes, any flight journey of more than 2 hours does take a toll on my body.

Living in Sydney Australia I’m no stranger to long haul flights & I like your suggestions. I always choose an aisle seat so I can get up and move around & wear compression stockings as this helps to reduce the swelling in my ankles which can last for a couple of days. Thanks for sharing!

love this, so relatable! As an IBS sufferer, flying makes me feel so bloated and lethargic! I neeever drink alcohol either, and always bring my own food, as I’m practically allergic to most things an airline will serve me! Good tips on the noise cancelling headphones, its the screaming children for me!

I love all of your tips. I live in the UK but I am from US. So having to take long flights is a common thing for me. Yes I agree to always get an aisle seat. I had to fly on a military flight for a deployment and I couldn’t pick my seat. I had to sit in the middle and it was the worse experience bc the guy next to me was sleep the entire flight overseas. I have to move around and get my blood circulating or my legs will go numb. Also, I like your tips for moisturizing and drinking water. Great post.

This is exactly how I feel about flying! I don’t like it, many times I’m even anxious about it, but I have to tolerate it to get where I want. Can we teleport already!? I did the mistake of not checking in early before and I was stuck with the seats that the airline assigned me when I bought the tickets. So I ended up separated from my bf, both stuck in the window seat (one in front of the other) because there were no adjacent free seats left. I didn’t leave my seat for the entire night (Doha-Kuala Lumpur) 🙁 So great tips, I’ll remember them!

I agree that a long-haul flight is something you better be well prepared for. Travelling with a backpack only is a great idea but for me not so easy to follow all the time. I always take a good travel pillow because I think that sleeping is the best way how to spend time on long-haul flights. Thanks for your great tips!

These are all great tips! I am so with you on the aisle seat after being trapped once haha!

So many essential tips! Such a good point about staying hydrated and saying no to dehydrating drinks, too. I always feel more rested after a long flight if I’ve drank lots of water the entire time and stayed away from junk food.

Super helpful tips. I do a lot of them, too, when I´m on a long flight.

This was really helpful, thank you. After two years I’ve forgotten about a lot of these! I’m actually cautiously looking forward to flying again, several hours with a book and nothing else to do sounds delightful 😀

These are super helpful tips! I always bring water but forget to drink it and end up with a major headache by the end of the flight. Also a great idea to get up and stretch your legs, something else I rarely end up doing.

Love that you included be nice to people around you. Especially these days!

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31 Things That’ll Make A Long Flight Far More Bearable

As written by someone who'll begrudgingly book economy seats on 10+ hour-long flights.

Elizabeth Lilly

BuzzFeed Staff

1. An airplane seat back organizer  because those seat back pockets are NEVER as big as you need them to be. With this, you can actually store your snacks, water bottle, and so much more without having to get up and get stuff out of the overhead throughout your flight. 

reviewer photo of the organizer on the back of an airplane seat holding a laptop case, a bottle of water, and a bag of chips

Check out a  TikTok of the Airplane Pockets tray table   cover in action. 

Airplane Pockets  is a small business that specializes in sanitary, portable travel organization products. 

My colleague  Emma Lord  owns and loves this: "I used this on a roundtrip from NYC to Tokyo, both with connecting flights in Canada, and cannot sing its praises enough. It fit all four of the different tray tables I used it on and was so  ridiculously handy for keeping track of all my littler odds and ends like AirPods, the plane's headphones, earplugs, a sleep mask, a book, gum, a scrunchie, and little snacks.  The hanging end of it easily tucked into the built-in sleeve of the seat in front of me for takeoff and when other passengers needed to scoot past me in my aisle seat.  Usually, I feel like a hot mess and get frustrated rooting around in the grimy sleeve for my stuff, and this was such a refreshing solution!  Several flight attendants even asked where I got it to buy one for themselves!"

Promising review: "Very useful,  especially when traveling with kids . Provided easy access and storage to things like water bottles, hand sanitizer, snacks, wipes, and headphones. I didn't have to access my carry-on." — JJ

Get it from Amazon for $24.99 .

2. Plus, a  drink holder  if you're a window seat person (what a view!) and never have all the room you need during beverage service on that tiny tray table. You can also put your phone, glasses, headphones, and other essentials there too. 

the tray attached to a window ledge holding two drinks, a phone, and a pair of glasses

Heads up — you can only use this if you're sitting in a seat that has access to a full window!

Promising review: "I used this for the first time on a 737. It was fabulous! It didn't intrude into my sitting space nearly as much as I expected. Because the actual window is recessed from the side wall, this only sticks out from the side wall about an inch. If you're considering this, you likely fly enough to know that seats aren't always aligned with the windows. If your window happens to be right beside your seat or the seat in front of you, this won't be of much use. But because it doesn't jut out as much as I thought, you can use it in more situations than I expected. And when you can use it, it's great! I love not having to have my entire tray table down just to hold a 3-inch cup. My only suggestion would be to add a place to hold trash until the flight attendant picks it up. This is very small, very lightweight, and very useful. I'll be taking it on every flight from here on. " — JBC

Get it from Amazon for $17.99 .

3. A  hands-free (rotating!) phone mount  can help you watch what you want or take advantage of the movies available online for those budget airlines without TVs in the back of the seats. It'll work on the plane *or* while you wait to board. 

side view of the phone mount on the tray table

Promising review : "Great idea, handy little gadget. It was a tiny bit bulkier than I wanted to pack, but I am so very glad I did! Took with me for a flight out of the country. Handy to be able to clamp or stand on a tray table to watch films aired via in-flight Wi-Fi. Sturdy, versatile, appears well made, and durable. Used with Samsung Galaxy Note 10+." — KLMCats

Get it from Amazon for $12.99 .

4. An  Airfly wireless transmitter  that'll let you connect your Airpods or any wireless headphones to your airplane seat...even without Bluetooth!

the transmitter plugged into an airplane seat TV

It also has a USB-C charging cable, travel pouch, keychain holder, quick-start guide, and a manual.

Twelve South is a small business creating innovative tech accessories since 2009. 

Promising review: "I was a little reluctant to purchase Airfly after reading the reviews, but I’m so glad I did! It worked perfectly on the plane, and while on my trip, I also used it to listen to music in the car. It acted like a speaker because I had no aux cable. It was great!" — Yamile cardozo

Get it from Amazon for $54.99 .

5. An  Apple AirTag  for each bag to give you some peace of mind while you wonder how your checked bag is doing in the hold below. 

Screengrab of location of Apple AirTag on the Find My app on phone

Storytime: After traveling last summer carry-on only, and being a person who tries to carry on whenever possible, I finally bought a couple of Apple AirTags during Black Friday sales. And I am SO grateful I did. My normal carry-on bag was too big to fit the Lufthansa luggage requirements (and BOY, do they check that!) so I had to check my bags for a December 2022 trip to Vienna and back from Prague (with a layover in Frankfurt). My bag didn't make it onto the plane in Frankfurt, and once I landed in Newark, New Jersey, I pulled up the app on my phone and saw that yes, my backpack AirTag was indeed with me, but my suitcase AirTag was still in Germany . (The screen grab is from an Amazon review, but you get the gist.) The AirTag also helped me track FedEx's delivery of the suitcase to my parents' house, where I was spending the holidays immediately after my Europe trip ended. I was even able to see it on a highway less than an hour's drive from my parents' house. TL;DR: I think AirTags are very much a worthwhile investment if you travel a few times a year. And I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Promising review: "I bought a pair of these AirTags for a trip to France, and I’m so glad I did! First of all, the setup is super easy. I had zero problems, and both were done in, like, five minutes. I put one in my purse and one in my suitcase. On the way back home, the airline lost my luggage. I checked the Find My Friends app, where the AirTag is tracked, and I could see that it never left the Charles de Gaulle airport. I felt more assurance being able to track my bag through the app as it made its way across the world back to me. 10/10 would recommend!" — Lindsay Kirby

Get it from Amazon for $29  (also available in a four-pack for $89 ).

6. A  handbag organizer  with LOTS of pockets to help you keep just about everything you could possibly need in your personal item below the seat in front of you. 

A customer review photo showing them pulling out the insert from their handbag

Promising review: "I have always purchased handbags with lots of pockets and sections because I hate having to dig around trying to find something in the gaping hole of purses with no sections. But I have passed up so many cute bags because of this, and I was frustrated with having to do so. I purchased this medium size organizer, and I couldn't be happier!! It is very well-made, and it has so many great pockets to organize everything I need. THE BEST PART is, I can easily lift it out of one purse and put it into another one, and I always know where everything can be found. I wish I had gotten one of these years ago. When I first ordered this organizer, I didn't realize it had two zipper compartments on each side, and I was tickled to discover even MORE storage!!! With all the fun colors and patterns, it was hard to select one, but I've always been partial to polka dots. I love it and can't imagine anyone not being has pleased with this as I am!" — Ronna

Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in sizes S-L and in 27 colors).

7. A handmade leather cord organizer  to keep your wired listening BFFs from getting tangled up in your pocket or seat-back pocket. 

A person holding the cord organizer with their headphones wrapped neatly

Promising review: "No more tangled headphone cables! I bought a pair for my desk at home, and I'm purchasing another pair for my office. I love how neat and untangled my earbud cords are when using this organizer. It's leather, which I'm sure will last many, many years for such a great price." — Jane M

Get it from Amazon for $4.99 (available in six colors).

8. An electronics organizer with a place for just about every one of *your* and every member of your family's devices and corresponding cables so you don't get everything tangled up while placing items in the security line trays. 


Promising review: "This is the perfect travel companion. It fits everything including an Apple TV, HDMI-to-VGA-converter, and multiple lightning and micro-USB cables. I haven't been disappointed at all. Plus, it packs nicely in a backpack and goes everywhere." — iamtheoneoff

Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in four sizes and four colors).

Or if you're traveling solo (like I normally do), you can get away with sticking your electronics cords into a zippered pencil or makeup pouch that'll also slip easily into your personal item. 

9. Or a 30-pack of waterproof zippered pouches to help you organize a variety of things. Parents in the reviews rave about using these to get their family organized for travel. And because these are transparent, you can easily sift around in your carry-on to track down what you need to put in a security bin and push aside what can stay in your bag. 

person putting hand inside of transparent travel pouch with a zipper closure

Promising review: "I bought these for a trip for my family of five. I like to plan in advance to make sure no one forgets anything! These were a lifesaver packing for three kids! I created a carry-on, toiletries, wires/chargers, and snacks pouch for everyone! I used clear sticker paper to create name labels, and it all worked perfectly! Would definitely recommend it if you need to travel with family and need to set things out and pack." — mommyandbri

Get them from Amazon for $17.99 .

10. An I Dew Care "Tap Secret" mattifying powder shampoo to tackle greasy roots without the aerosol formula or benzene. This'll even be easy to take to the bathroom toward the end of a red-eye. 

a model applying the powder to their roots

Promising review: "I was looking for a dry shampoo that would be easy to use on the go for a trip I was taking. I had no issues taking this through TSA and it was so easy to use on the go. You literally just pat the poof on your scalp and then rub the powder in. I do have black hair so dry shampoo is usually very visible in my hair, but I didn't have any harder time than usual rubbing this powder in. It did a really good job of soaking up all the oil and giving my hair volume. I'm not a fan of the price for the amount that you get, but it lasts longer than I thought it would. I would definitely recommend and will purchase again." — Teresa

Get it from Amazon for $16 . 

11. A small  hands-free portable dual charger  can fit in your coat pocket or bag. And you can also easily use your phone while it charges!

Hand holding a smartphone attached to a white charging device

This device has one full phone charge, meaning you can get the Apple Watch and an iPhone up to about 50% each from zero if you use the charger on both. If the device is actively charging, though, you can just use this as a charging dock for both devices overnight! 

Promising review: "Being able to charge my iPhone 12 and my Apple Watch SE is a total lifesaver when traveling or just out on low battery power. Perfect for every pocket!" — aeonART

Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in six colors). 

12. A collapsible silicone water bottle that'll make sure you stay hydrated without making you sacrifice other things in your bag or running the risk of leaving water in your bottle as you go through airport security.

silicone water bottle opened to full capacity

I bought this water bottle before a 2.5-week trip to Vietnam (where you don't drink tap water) and Malaysia (where you do). I didn't want to bring one of my ride-or-die S'well bottles because it would take up extra room in my bag when I wouldn't be able to use it during the majority of the trip. This handy silicone bottle did just the trick! It's very easy to roll up and *stays* rolled up thanks to the just-stretchy-enough loop. Said loop was also very handy while walking through airports and just around sightseeing. The bottle is easy to clean and doesn't make my water taste weird. I'm now using it as my daily water bottle and feel confident it'll serve me well for a long time. Plus! With a collapsible water bottle it's easier to remember if you left water in it before you go through security. 

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $10.99  (available in nine colors/styles).

13. Or a water bottle with a Brita filter so once you land you can feel confident in drinking the water from a water fountain in a place you're a little iffy about. Or course, check up on the water quality in your locale!

pink transparent water bottle with easy-sip straw, leak-proof lid, and a filter that fits inside the straw

Promising review: "I love this water bottle! I bought one for me and one for my husband because we went to Europe, and I didn't know what the water quality would be there. I was so glad I did because we mostly had to use tap water, and I don't typically like the taste of tap water. The water tasted great, and I couldn't even tell it came from the tap! When you first use the straw after a refill, it takes a moment for it to come out. But after that, there is no delay. This bottle was the perfect size to have enough water to keep me hydrated without being too bulky to carry around. I would definitely recommend it!" — Gina Meeks

They do require replacement filters every two months; you can find a pack of five of those for $11.25 .

Get it from Amazon for $22.89+ (available in two sizes and five colors, and in insulated stainless steel in six colors for $29.90 ).

14. A 2-in-1 travel pillow and blanket in case you've found in-flight options seriously lacking and can't get any shut-eye without a cozy blanket. 

travel tips on long flights

Promising review: "I love this foldable airplane blanket! There are few things worse on a flight than being too cold. This little blanket is the perfect weight to keep you warm but doesn’t take up too much room in your carry-on/personal item bag. I actually clip it to the outside of my backpack." — Danielle Gaudette

Get it from Amazon for $25.03 (available in 16 colors).

15. A set of   Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier packets , an electrolyte drink mix infused with potassium and vitamin C you can mix into a bottle of water to help speed up your hydration. After all, guzzling water on a flight and then having to spend half the flight in the bathroom line is never fun. 

Reviewer image of a water bottle next to a hydration packet

Psst — it's also gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free! 

Promising review: "This stuff seriously works. Took on a five-day cruise when we had the unlimited drink package, and these Liquid I.V.s saved my life several times. Wouldn’t have made it to dinner/gotten off the ship the next morning without them." — Laura Bales

Get a pack of 16 from Amazon for $23.45  (also available in sugar-free flavors ). I'm also quite partial to the newer grapefruit flavor.  

16. Some  no-tie elastic shoelaces  to add to your go-to sneakers so you can easily slip them on and off at security. And then when you're on the plane, if you're a no-shoe person. But the laces won't look any different!

reviewer image of sneakers with no tie shoelaces in them

Promising review: "At first I was skeptical that these laces wouldn't hold my shoes on tightly enough, but I decided to give them a try in my Converse Chucks. They're fantastic! I like the way the 'hidden' fasteners sit inside the shoes below the eyelets, but on top of the tongue, and I can't feel the fastener at all with my foot in the shoe. I've had them in for around eight months, and they're still just as elastic as ever. They haven't stretched at all and show no signs of wearing out. I loved them so much that I bought five more sets to put in all of my shoes! No more triple knotting my shoes so they don't become untied. I tie knots pretty slowly so these laces have honestly saved me tons of time. I couldn't be happier with them." — lucidity

Get them from Amazon for $9.99 (available in 38 colors). 

17. A set of Sea Bands  with a little nub that targets the acupuncture point on your wrists meant to help reduce nausea. This'll be great in case you get motion sick.

Reviewer with gray band on their wrist

Promising review: "So glad I bought these. Flying usually makes me terribly nauseous. These helped so much! You need to find the right pressure point, and they are really tight. Other than that, 5 stars." — T. Schneider

Get a set of two from Amazon for $8.53  (available in adult and children's sizes).

18. A  bendy travel pillow  for helping you sit upright in the most awkward of positions, whether it be on a bus, train, plane, or ferry. 

model sleeping against car door thanks to bending travel pillow

Promising review: "I ordered five travel pillows to try out for my trip to Madrid, and this was the winner. I have fibromyalgia and normally get terrible neck and shoulder pain when flying long distances, but this pillow helped me so much. If I switched positions, I would just reshape the pillow to support whatever I needed to. My daughter and I both have one now, and we use it in bed every night, too. I am so glad we found this amazing pillow. 😊" — Pam Goodson

Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in four colors).

19. A  Trtl travel pillow that, thanks to its scarf-like construction, you can easily adjust to your perfect comfort level and tilt angle to get some Zzzzzs while someone else gets you to where you're going. 

model with pillow wrapped around her neck supporting her head to the left

Promising review: "I was skeptical of this at first, but am so glad I bought these for my international travel. Multiple 11+ hour flights back and forth, definitely loved the fact that I had these. It was a bit awkward to try to find the right position where my chin/cheek area would be comfortable, but once I did, I did not have any issues sleeping, and I woke up without any pains on my neck. Since it is a basically fixed size, I would say give it a shot, and if it fits, great! You'd be glad to have this for long travels where you have to sit straight up, and if it doesn't fit, then it's just a bit of a hassle to have to return it. Overall, it was definitely worth it for me to take that risk of potentially having to return it if it didn't fit." — Eric

Ciera Velarde , an editor here at BuzzFeed, also loves this! She says: "I've used this for the past few years and swear by it! Before this, I always found traditional neck pillows uncomfortable and would end up ditching them halfway through the flight and getting frustrated. The Trtl pillow is adjustable — you wrap the pillow around your neck and secure it with Velcro, and if you find it's too loose, just make it a bit tighter! I've truly never slept better on a plane than with this pillow. " 

Get it from Amazon for  $59.99+  (available in four colors).

20. And because you deserve another option: A memory-foam neck pillow that comes high enough on the sides so your neck isn't lolling about and thus waking you up from your mid-flight slumber. 

a reviewer using the pillow

Promising review: "Plush thick pillow that holds your head comfortably during a flight. It fit great around my next and there’s a mechanism to adjust the fit to how you prefer. Super portable since it comes in a nice small bag you can fold it and store in. Highly recommend." — L Caldwell

Get it from Amazon for $19.99+  (available in five styles).

21. A set of affordable, highly popular  wireless Bluetooth earbuds  some reviewers compare to AirPods for significantly cheaper. I've used them on countless flights, and the charging case easily fits in the seat-back pocket!

Reviewer image of two black earbuds next to their charging case

These come with a wireless charging case that provides up to 14 hours of charge (with the earbuds able to play for four-plus hours with each full charge). 

I also use these on the reg in my everyday life to listen to Spotify and podcasts, and even talk on the phone. I have to charge them about once a week and always keep them in my coat pocket. 

Promising review: "Best decision! These are the greatest headphones ever! I saw them on TikTok months ago and added them to my wishlist. I got a new phone that doesn't have the headphone port so I decided it was time to finally buy them. They are amazing and I probably won't ever take them out of my ears! 😂" — Katlyn D Arnold

Get it from Amazon $22.09+  (clip the "15% off coupon" on the product page for this price; available in five colors).

22. A  waterproof Kindle to let you bring a TON of reading material (without a stack of books hogging space in your carry-on) for your time on the flight when you can't fall asleep, during layovers, on downtime during your travels, you get my drift. 


I have a similar model and always keep it in the seat's back pocket for reading. And also playing sudoku! 

Get it from Amazon for $149.99 (available in 8GB and 32GB and in four colors).

23. A travel scarf with hidden storage in it that, yes, will help add that one last accessory your ensemble needs and keep your neck toastier on your flight. But! It also has secret pockets so you can stash your valuables inside, away from unsuspecting pickpockets. 

model showing six ways to wear travel scarf

Waypoint Goods is a small biz that specializes in travel accessories. 

Promising review: "I absolutely LOVE my travel scarf. This piece is perfect for every occasion. Whether I am traveling on a plane or a road trip, at work, or trying to dress up an outfit to go out, it is perfect and functional. My phone, credit cards and keys fit seamlessly in the pocket without changing the look or fit of my scarf. At times I have put all of that plus a boarding pass and passport in the pocket!!" — Caroline

Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in 14 styles).

24. A five-year Global Entry membership that'll *also* include TSA PreCheck for when you're getting out of Dodge. It'll seriously shorten your security line times and end up being a great value if you get out of the country at least once a year and fly domestically a few times annually. (This combo is $22 more than five years of PreCheck alone.) Landing on an international flight knowing you'll breeze through customs is a total delight. 

passport and booklet about Global Entry membership

I put off getting TSA PreCheck and even Global Entry for YEARS despite flying ~10x a year because I'm a person who likes to get to the airport early and have getting through security down to an efficient routine. However, my breaking point was July 2021 when I had to wait soooo long at the airport when coming back to the country from Croatia (I had Mobile Passport at the time, but the machines were broken so I had to wait in line with everyone else). I went to Italy about a month later after signing up for Global Entry and coming back into the country was a breeze. I just had to let a machine take my picture, print out a receipt with said picture, and then place it in a nearby TSA agent's open palm. Then onto baggage claim! I've since used the Global Entry portion seven times and the TSA PreCheck about two dozen times since getting it. So I feel as if I've already gotten my money's worth in less than two years. 

Apply with the Department of Homeland Security for $100 . Once you're approved, you have to do an in-person interview and if approved on the spot, you can have your TSA PreCheck and Global Entry privileges available immediately. I just so happened to find a date for my interview the day before I flew to Italy and was able to update my boarding passes and flight reservations with my info to reap the benefits ASAP.  

BTW, check out my tips for travel during the pandemic.  

25. A weighted sleep mask  to help block out the reading light and/or sunlight from your neighbor's open airplane window shade while you catch up on some of that sleep you sacrificed to get the early flight. Oh, and it's weighted!

Model wears black mask over their eyes while curled up in bed

Promising review: "I am a flight attendant and have a wacky work schedule. I frequently have to sleep during the day. These are SO comfortable and cool as well. I have ordered and tried out at least 10 eye masks off of Amazon and have found these to be the best. They are SO comfortable and do not have Velcro on the straps, for which I am thankful, because I usually sleep on my back and am sensitive to the thickness of eye masks that have the Velcro straps." — sw

Get one from Amazon for  $14.99 . 

26. A set of homeopathic jet lag pills  made to help you fight off time zone changes and disrupted sleep schedules thanks to some weird (but cheaper!) flight schedules. Plus, you can actually sleep while taking these. I've taken them on a couple of red eyes, and I think they help! 

The jet lag pills

According to the instructions, you should take them at take-off and then every two hours and then again once you arrive to help with relaxation and combat sleepiness. 

Promising review:  "My husband and I have used this product now for five years for multiple trips overseas and these really work. How do we know? We've forgotten to use them on a couple of legs and there has been a night/day difference in our energy levels.  We use precisely as directed, setting timers on our phone when possible to remember the doses. On a few occasions we've slept through the timer, so missed the timing of a couple of doses, and we've been fine.  Our last trip to Australia was 34 hours door-to-door on the outbound. We would have been a complete wreck without these. As it was, we arrived late morning, remained awake and lively (enough) through dinner, and then got a good night's sleep.  The next day we felt as good as new.  For the years before I used this, I would need to sleep for a few days after a leg like that. We never travel without this now. I highly recommend this product." — motokat

Get a pack of 32 pills from Amazon for  $14.40 .

27. A memory foam seat cushion with an ergonomic design and gel layer for cradling your behind while you're off to your next adventure. After all, you don't want a sore behind once you get to your destination. 

the cushion on a drivers seat

Lots of reviewers who drive for a living rave about it. 

Promising review: "I drive a truck and suffer from sciatica. After a few days, I began to feel relief. I highly recommend this to anyone who suffers from sciatica." — lou jones

Get it from Amazon for $47.95  (available in three color combos).

28. A pair of  Mack's Earplugs  that'll seal out noise on a plane, in a hotel room, or wherever else you need to get some sleep. 

pic of Buzzfeed editor with silicone ear plugs in ear

Check them out on TikTok here .

BuzzFeed editor Emma Lord swears by these and raves: "The moldable silicone of  Mack's Earplugs  contours easily to the shape of your ear to block out noise much more effectively than other foam or plastic varieties, and the noise reduction is so good that if I pair them with a  white noise machine  (or just like a white noise loop on Spotify) I genuinely don't hear noises from outside my room. 

I've also *loved* these for traveling — if you put these babies in on a plane not only does it help reduce some of the YIKES factor when the plane takes off (it's loud!!), but it cancels out the murmuring noises of passengers on the flight and makes it easier to get some shuteye. " 

Promising review: "I've been purchasing Mack's earplugs for about eight years now as they help me sleep so much better at night (and are also super helpful on long plane trips). They're the best ones on the market and much larger with more comfort and coverage than ones in my local stores and pharmacies. Mack's are getting harder to find so I'm writing this in the hope that they stay in business." — Amazon Customer 

Get 12 pairs from Amazon for $12.99 .

29. An  inflatable foot rest  you might have to buy several of so everyone in the family has one of their own. You can inflate it to three different heights!

reviewer with the foot rest inflated and their feet up on a flight

Promising review: " Lifesaver! Made a huge difference in my comfort level.  Hard to blow up and use while cramped in a middle seat. Was well worth the effort and intrusion on aisle and window passengers." — peace

Get it from Amazon for $24.99  (available in four colors and also in a two-pack). 

30. An  inflatable wedge pillow  if you prefer to lean on something as you sleep. This easily fits on your tray table and reviewers even say they used it upon arrival and their destination!

reviewer with their head resting on an inflated pillow that rests on their lap and has room for their arms

Promising review:  "We bought this for a flight from Atlanta to Paris. It worked great. One of the best things about it was that it can open up and be flat so if you have a window seat, you can lean it against the wall and over the arm rest to make it super comfortable to lean against the wall. On the other hand, if you have an aisle or dreaded middle seat, you can inflate and put it together for the support when leaning forward. Well worth it to get some good sleep on a longer plane flight!" — Darth Wookiee

Get it from Amazon for  $24.99.  

31. A pair of  compression socks  because since you saw Karl and Frank from  Succession  snap on their own, you've thought "Hmm, maybe I should get some of those." 

reviewer wearing the knee high socks

Read more about compression socks for travel at  Johns Hopkins  and  The Huffington Post .

Promising review: "These compression socks really helped me. No swelling of feet and legs on a flight from New York to Munich and onto Palermo. Amazing fit and not too thick. Really comfortable." — L. M. Morabito

Get them from Amazon for  $14.32+  (available in unisex sizes S–XXL and in 13 colors).

And check out our full  Physix Gear compression socks review  here.

Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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6 essential tips for surviving long flights from a former Air Force pilot who now flies one of the longest commercial flights in the world

  • Yusri Abu Bakar is an Emirates pilot who used to be a member of the Singapore Air Force.
  • He now flies an A380, piloting one of the longest flights in the world from Dubai to New Zealand.
  • Yusri said to pack noise-canceling earphones and ask the flight crew for anything you need at once.

Insider Today

Yusri Abu Bakar is a former Singapore Air Force pilot who pivoted from flying an F-16 fighter jet and now flies an A380 as a commercial pilot for Emirates out of Dubai, where he is based.

Over the past four-and-a-half years, Yusri has flown to 50 destinations, often from Dubai to Auckland, New Zealand. At close to 16 hours, this flight is one of the longest in the world. There are longer flights, such as the Singapore Airbus A350 ULR to JFK airport in New York, but those only have business-class seats.

Yusri flies this long-haul flight two or three times a month, in line with regulations regarding how many hours a pilot can fly a month.

Emirates' first-class travelers can spend the 15-hour, 45-minute flight time drinking glasses of Dom Perignon or freshening up in the private shower. But if you don't have first-class amenities, Yusri shared seven tips for traveling on a long flight in comfort and reaching your final destination feeling refreshed.

Sync with your next time zone in advance to avoid jet lag

The hardest part of flying long distances is dealing with the jet lag on either side.

Yusri said he got into sync with his new destination's time zone by changing his eating and sleeping patterns at least two days before his flight.

"I make the changes in small increments by going to bed two hours earlier each day," Yusri said. "If I'm flying on a Saturday, I will go to bed two hours earlier on the Thursday, and then four hours earlier on the Friday. It slowly nudges me closer to the new time zone."

Being considerate to the flight crew helps improve your experience

You could do a couple of things to make your life and the crew's life easier on a long-haul flight. "The first thing you should do is fasten your seatbelt on top of your blanket, so they don't have to disturb you," Yusri said.

He told Insider that passengers should try to minimize the trips the crew had to take down the plane's 50-meter-long aisle to win favor with flight attendants.

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He said passengers should think about what they would need for the next few hours of their flight — a blanket, coffee, or snacks — and ask for it all in one go.

Prioritize your body's needs

Yusri recommended stretching for five to 10 minutes each hour of the flight. "If it's a long flight, I'd recommend that you get up and stretch your glutes, your hips, and your back. These are the areas that can get stiff during a flight," he said.

He said to opt for the bulkhead seats — seats facing a divider in the plane — because they had more legroom, or an aisle seat so you didn't disturb anyone when stretching.

Yusri tries to eat light before and after the flight, as heavy meals can upset the stomach.

He said that proactively drinking lots of water while in the air would help you feel better after stepping off the flight. "If you feel thirsty, it's too late, as you're already dehydrated," Yusri added.

If you're flying with kids, create a schedule

Yusri told Insider that parents who were used to long-haul flights would plan playtime and nap time.

"I've seen parents have timed activities for their kids. They'll bring out different toys or books at set times during the flight, so the child is surprised and entertained," he said.

"Early in the flight, they will let them play games on their tablets, but as they move towards sleep time, they will remove some of the stimulation and give them a traditional board game so they calm down," Yusri added.

Pack noise-canceling headphones and an eye mask

Packing a well-thought-out carry-on could improve your long-haul flight experience, Yusri said.

"I would normally pack a good set of noise-canceling earphones and a good pair of eye shades because sometimes you don't want to be disturbed by the lights," said Yusri. He also recommended asking the cabin crew for a bottle of water so you could keep your hydration levels topped up.

He said to dress for comfort because traveling in a suit or business casual would not increase your chances of a free upgrade. "Wear loose-fitting clothes so that you are more comfortable," he added.

Listen to audiobooks and relaxing music to fall asleep

Yusri shared two tried-and-true techniques to help fall asleep on long-haul flights: reading a book or listening to relaxing music with noise-canceling earbuds.

"There are some playlists on Spotify that you can use to induce sleep. I have a playlist filled with classical music and jazz," he said.

"Otherwise, I will listen to one of my audiobooks," he added. "I love self-help books such as ikigai or Ryan Holiday books as they are kind of meditative."

Watch: Why flying is so terrible even though airlines spend billions

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9 essential tips for long flights: How to survive a long haul flight in economy class

Posted: October 18, 2023 | Last updated: October 18, 2023

<p>                     <strong>Whether you need help sleeping on trans-Atlantic flights or suggestions to soothe your nerves, these tips for how to survive a long flight will make the experience more enjoyable. </strong>                   </p>                                      <p>                     Flying in economy can save savvy travelers hundreds of dollars and help secure the best holiday deals, but it’s not exactly a glamorous experience. While bearable on short domestic flights, being restricted to a cramped seat with minimal legroom and recline starts to take a toll on your body, leaving you with an achy back, sore legs, and ample restlessness.                    </p>                                      <p>                     But, with enough preparation, a trans-Atlantic journey can be manageable, and you won’t have to arrive at your destination feeling frustrated and like your energy’s been zapped out of you.                    </p>                                      <p>                     <em>BY VIVIAN CHUNG</em>                   </p>

Whether you need help sleeping on trans-Atlantic flights or suggestions to soothe your nerves, these tips for how to survive a long flight will make the experience more enjoyable.

Flying in economy can save savvy travelers hundreds of dollars and help secure the best holiday deals, but it’s not exactly a glamorous experience. While bearable on short domestic flights, being restricted to a cramped seat with minimal legroom and recline starts to take a toll on your body, leaving you with an achy back, sore legs, and ample restlessness.

But, with enough preparation, a trans-Atlantic journey can be manageable, and you won’t have to arrive at your destination feeling frustrated and like your energy’s been zapped out of you.

Click through to read the full story…

<p>                     “The challenge with air travel is that your skin is simultaneously prone to dehydration and puffiness from retained water,” explains Archana Johnsen, founder and formulator of skincare brand Forshelli.                    </p>                                      <p>                     Long hours on a flight can cause your eyes to become puffy, and your skin to become dry, flaky, and dull.                    </p>                                      <p>                     To combat this, Johnsen suggests packing miniatures of your best skincare products in your carry-on luggage and applying hydrating serums and creams to your skin before you board: “Follow this up with a good quality face oil that will create a thin barrier to prevent water loss, but isn’t heavy enough to cause breakouts when you arrive."                   </p>                                      <p>                     To alleviate those puffy eyes, pack a small metal undereye roller that you can chill with some ice from your drink, and gently massage the undereye area about an hour before landing.                   </p>

1. Prep Your Skin

“The challenge with air travel is that your skin is simultaneously prone to dehydration and puffiness from retained water,” explains Archana Johnsen, founder and formulator of skincare brand Forshelli. 

Long hours on a flight can cause your eyes to become puffy, and your skin to become dry, flaky, and dull. 

To combat this, Johnsen suggests packing miniatures of your best skincare products in your carry-on luggage and applying hydrating serums and creams to your skin before you board: “Follow this up with a good quality face oil that will create a thin barrier to prevent water loss, but isn’t heavy enough to cause breakouts when you arrive."

To alleviate those puffy eyes, pack a small metal undereye roller that you can chill with some ice from your drink, and gently massage the undereye area about an hour before landing.

<p>                     With drier air and decreased oxygen levels on board, Bob Bacheler, a critical care nurse, emphasizes the need to stay hydrated throughout a long haul flight: “The human body loses about 8 oz of moisture per hour on an aircraft at altitude, mostly from breathing. That translates to ½ lb of weight loss per hour."                   </p>                                      <p>                     Dehydration can lead to headaches and irritation, and can also compound the effects of alcohol at altitude. Bacheler suggests consuming an equal amount of bottled water if you’re going to enjoy a glass of wine on board.                    </p>

2. Drink Water Consistently

With drier air and decreased oxygen levels on board, Bob Bacheler, a critical care nurse, emphasizes the need to stay hydrated throughout a long haul flight: “The human body loses about 8 oz of moisture per hour on an aircraft at altitude, mostly from breathing. That translates to ½ lb of weight loss per hour."

Dehydration can lead to headaches and irritation, and can also compound the effects of alcohol at altitude. Bacheler suggests consuming an equal amount of bottled water if you’re going to enjoy a glass of wine on board. 

<p>                     For those who find it difficult to fall asleep on flights, replicating your at-home bedtime routine as much as possible can help you fall asleep faster. So if that’s having chamomile tea before bed, ask for some on your flight. Bring a sleep kit on board with you, with a supportive travel pillow for your neck, silky eye mask, and earplugs you own to block out noise and light. Throw in a travel blanket if you have the space, and a pair of fluffy socks to keep your toes cozy.                     </p>

3. Perform Your Bedtime Routine

For those who find it difficult to fall asleep on flights, replicating your at-home bedtime routine as much as possible can help you fall asleep faster. So if that’s having chamomile tea before bed, ask for some on your flight. Bring a sleep kit on board with you, with a supportive travel pillow for your neck, silky eye mask, and earplugs you own to block out noise and light. Throw in a travel blanket if you have the space, and a pair of fluffy socks to keep your toes cozy.  

<p>                     Consistently moving around on long flights can help prevent blood clots from forming in a deep vein in the lower extremities, a condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).                    </p>                                      <p>                     Flights that are longer than four hours generally pose an increased risk for DVT. To mitigate the effects of sitting in a confined space for a long period of time, Sara Faravelli, a certified personal trainer and yoga instructor, suggests doing some in-seat stretches to keep the blood flowing, in addition to walking around the cabin when it’s safe to do so.                    </p>                                      <p>                     “Sit up straight and extend your arms forward, parallel to the ground. Hold for five seconds, then release,” explains Faravelli. “Or extend your left arm overhead and bend your right knee, bringing it toward your chest. Hold for five seconds, then release. Repeat on the other side.”                   </p>                                      <p>                     Another simple exercise calls for clenching your fists and rotating them in circles 10 times each way.                    </p>

4. Keep DVT at Bay

Consistently moving around on long flights can help prevent blood clots from forming in a deep vein in the lower extremities, a condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). 

Flights that are longer than four hours generally pose an increased risk for DVT. To mitigate the effects of sitting in a confined space for a long period of time, Sara Faravelli, a certified personal trainer and yoga instructor, suggests doing some in-seat stretches to keep the blood flowing, in addition to walking around the cabin when it’s safe to do so. 

“Sit up straight and extend your arms forward, parallel to the ground. Hold for five seconds, then release,” explains Faravelli. “Or extend your left arm overhead and bend your right knee, bringing it toward your chest. Hold for five seconds, then release. Repeat on the other side.”

Another simple exercise calls for clenching your fists and rotating them in circles 10 times each way. 

<p>                     Frequent long haul fliers know to dress in comfortable layers so you can add and remove according to fluctuating cabin temperatures. Dressing in loose-fitting and flowy silhouettes will make being in a restrictive economy seat feel more bearable. Being in soft fabrics will also allow you to fall asleep more comfortably. Pack an extra set of clothes to change into once you deplane. Not only will this help you feel fresher, but is also necessary if you're landing in a much warmer or colder climate.                    </p>

5. Forget About Dressing to Impress

Frequent long haul fliers know to dress in comfortable layers so you can add and remove according to fluctuating cabin temperatures. Dressing in loose-fitting and flowy silhouettes will make being in a restrictive economy seat feel more bearable. Being in soft fabrics will also allow you to fall asleep more comfortably. Pack an extra set of clothes to change into once you deplane. Not only will this help you feel fresher, but is also necessary if you're landing in a much warmer or colder climate. 

<p>                     Functional Nutrition Practitioner Lisa Jacobsen recommends skipping the onboard meals and snacks. <a href="http://www.dw.com/en/lufthansa-investigates-the-science-of-airline-food/a-6114748">Studies</a> show that the dryness and low pressure in the cabin reduce the sensitivity of our taste buds for sweet and salty foods by as much as 30%, so food and drinks taste different when we’re in the air.                    </p>                                      <p>                     To combat this, airlines add significant amounts of salt and sugar to their mass-produced foods. “The result: we feel more bloated, tired, and dehydrated after eating airplane food than we did when we boarded the flight,” explains Jacobsen.                    </p>                                      <p>                     Instead, drink lots of water, and snack on foods high in healthy fats, like olives and nuts to keep you satiated and feed your skin and brain during the flight.                    </p>

6. Bring Your Own Snacks

Functional Nutrition Practitioner Lisa Jacobsen recommends skipping the onboard meals and snacks. Studies show that the dryness and low pressure in the cabin reduce the sensitivity of our taste buds for sweet and salty foods by as much as 30%, so food and drinks taste different when we’re in the air. 

To combat this, airlines add significant amounts of salt and sugar to their mass-produced foods. “The result: we feel more bloated, tired, and dehydrated after eating airplane food than we did when we boarded the flight,” explains Jacobsen. 

Instead, drink lots of water, and snack on foods high in healthy fats, like olives and nuts to keep you satiated and feed your skin and brain during the flight. 

<p>                     For anxious fliers, Alyssa Mairanz, a licensed mental health counselor, suggests treating yourself to a few magazines, a new sheet mask to wear during the flight, or a new game on your phone to shift your focus from the nerves of flying. “Anything that brings you joy and feels like ‘play’ might help take your mind off the moment,” explains Mairanz.                    </p>

7. Pack Your Favorite Things

For anxious fliers, Alyssa Mairanz, a licensed mental health counselor, suggests treating yourself to a few magazines, a new sheet mask to wear during the flight, or a new game on your phone to shift your focus from the nerves of flying. “Anything that brings you joy and feels like ‘play’ might help take your mind off the moment,” explains Mairanz. 

<p>                     From quality earbuds to intuitive over-the-ear headphones, frequent long-distance travelers should consider investing in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to get through a long flight.                    </p>                                      <p>                     Indulge in your favorite podcasts, the best audiobooks or the latest in-flight entertainment without being disrupted by the hair-raising shrieks of a toddler or especially chatty neighbors.                    </p>

8. Get Noise Cancelling Headphones

From quality earbuds to intuitive over-the-ear headphones, frequent long-distance travelers should consider investing in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to get through a long flight. 

Indulge in your favorite podcasts, the best audiobooks or the latest in-flight entertainment without being disrupted by the hair-raising shrieks of a toddler or especially chatty neighbors. 

<p>                     Seat choice matters on a long flight in order to make the experience as comfortable as possible. While a window seat affords more privacy and the ability to prop your head against the wall while you try to sleep without having to worry about letting your seatmates out, the aisle is preferable for those who plan to get up from their seat consistently.                    </p>                                      <p>                     Whichever your preference, selecting your seat before your flight ensures you won’t be stuck in the middle.                    </p>                                      <p>                     For fliers who are nervous about turbulence, select a seat towards the front of the plane or at the wings, which experiences less turbulence than the rear.                   </p>

9. Don’t Get Stuck in the Middle

Seat choice matters on a long flight in order to make the experience as comfortable as possible. While a window seat affords more privacy and the ability to prop your head against the wall while you try to sleep without having to worry about letting your seatmates out, the aisle is preferable for those who plan to get up from their seat consistently.

Whichever your preference, selecting your seat before your flight ensures you won’t be stuck in the middle.

For fliers who are nervous about turbulence, select a seat towards the front of the plane or at the wings, which experiences less turbulence than the rear.


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Real ID deadline is rapidly approaching, what to know about the new flight requirement

travel tips on long flights

The really real deadline to make your state-issued identified card, or driver’s license Real ID compliant will be here before you know it. 

And you won’t be fly domestically after 2025 without it. The government has been trying to make Real IDs a thing for a while, initially passing The Real ID act in 2005 in an attempt to set “minimum security standards” for state-issued identification documents.

The law was set to take effect in 2020 but was pushed back by the Department of Homeland Security over “backlogged transactions” at MVD offices nationwide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to USA TODAY reporting . 

The May 2025 extension was necessary, DHS says, as state driver’s licensing agencies worked to address the mountains of paperwork, which in turn impacted the MVD’s ability to make any real progress on the Real ID rollout. 

“Following the enforcement deadline, federal agencies, including the Transportation Security Administration, will be prohibited from accepting driver’s licenses and identification cards that do not meet these federal standards,” DHS said in 2022. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

That means every every traveler, 18 or older, must have a compliant form of identification in order to travel.

Here’s what to know. 

When does Real ID go into effect? 

The Real ID “full enforcement date” is Wednesday, May 7, 2025, according to DHS. 

When will a Real ID be required to fly?

You or your loved ones need to have a Real ID compliant document, driver’s license or identification card, by May 7, 2025. 

If you have another form of identification that is TSA-approved, like an up to date passport or a permanent resident card then you probably don’t need a Real ID compliant document.

Here are a couple TSA-approved alternatives, if you’re on the fence about getting a Real ID.

  • State issued enhanced driver’s license
  •  DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
  • U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
  • Border crossing card
  • An acceptable photo ID issued by a federally recognized Tribal Nation/Indian Tribe
  •  HSPD-12 PIV card
  • Foreign government-issued passport
  •  Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
  • Transportation worker identification credential
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
  • U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
  •  Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)

How long does it take to get a Real ID?

It will take about two weeks , or 15 business days to get your Real ID or Enhanced Driver’s License from your state's Motor Vehicle Department.

Enhanced driver’s licenses, which are only issued in a couple of states, including Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Vermont, are considered acceptable alternatives to REAL ID-compliant cards, DHS says. 

How do I know if I have a Real ID? 

All Real IDs will have a stamp on the right hand corner to show that the identification document meets federal standards set forth by The Real ID Act of 2005. 

The symbol stamped on your Real ID card will vary, depending on which state you obtain your new identification card from. 

What does a Real ID look like? 

Your Real ID will have most, if not all of the information that’s included on your driver’s license. 

The only difference is the seal included in the right-hand corner. 


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    With drier air and decreased oxygen levels on board, Bob Bacheler, a critical care nurse, emphasizes the need to stay hydrated throughout a long haul flight: "The human body loses about 8 oz of ...

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