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Home > Guide To The Best Travel Products > 11 Best Probiotics For Travel – Travel Probiotic For Diarrhea

11 Best Probiotics For Travel – Travel Probiotic For Diarrhea

If you’ve ever suffered from stomach cramps, constipation, or diarrhea while traveling, then before your next trip, we highly recommend you consider getting yourself some of the best probiotics for travel.

Travel Gear_Guide To Travel Probiotics

Even if you’ve never suffered from these symptoms before – well, how lucky for you – we still recommend you consider the best probiotic for travel – because, unfortunately, sooner or later, we all suffer from these symptoms.

In that case, we highly recommend you consider getting yourself some of the best probiotics for travel we compared below.

Skip Ahead To My Advice Here!

Choose The Best Probiotics For Travel With This Comparison Chart 

We looked at the best probiotic supplements to take while traveling, compared their features and prices, and made this easy-to-use table to help you review and decide which probiotic is best for you.

Keep reading below for further details about these best travel supplements.

You may have found this travel probiotics guide because you’ve already cottoned onto the idea of getting probiotics to start taking before and during your journey. Perhaps you already know a little about the benefits of traveling with probiotics, or you’re just uncertain about which travel probiotics you should get. 

1. My Pick For The Best Probiotic For Travel: NewRhythm

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5 stars).

travel bug probiotic

NewRhythm 50 Billion Probiotics, made in New York, USA, is a GMP-certified product formulated by a doctor with 50 billion living organisms per serving. It features targeted release technology to help probiotics survive stomach acids and reach the intestinal tract and includes organic prebiotic fiber.

  • NewRhythm 50 Billion Probiotics are made in New York, USA
  • The product is GMP-certified, ensuring high technology, quality, purity, and consistency
  • Formulated by a doctor, it contains 50 billion living organisms per serving
  • The probiotics feature targeted release technology to survive stomach acids and reach the intestinal tract
  • The formula includes organic prebiotic fiber.

The travel probiotic reviews below will take you through all the basics. At the end of the article, I explain what a probiotic is, why you should consider taking probiotics while traveling, what to look for to buy the best probiotic for traveling, and we take a close look at some of the top-rated probiotics currently available.

The Best Travel Probiotics Reviews

Right now, here are the other top 10 picks for travelers’ probiotics.

2. Vitamin Bounty Pro-50 Probiotics – Best Travelers’ Diarrhea Prevention

travel bug probiotic

If you’re after travelers’ diarrhea prevention medication or other common digestive system symptoms travelers tend to suffer from, probiotics such as Vitamin Bounty Pro-50 are a good one to consider.

These proven probiotics contain 13 different probiotic strains known for supporting overall digestive health.  Strains include Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus gg, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium brevis and Bifidobacterium longum.

Pro-50 probiotics include the patented capsule, which delays the release of the probiotic and protects it from stomach acid. This means the probiotics are delivered to where they are needed most.

Each serving of 2 capsules provides at least 50 billion organisms, and they are gluten-free, so they are perfect for anyone with dietary restrictions.

Pro-50 is a good one to consider if you’re after the best probiotics for diarrhea or other common sicknesses that travelers regularly suffer from.

Number of Strains: 13

CFU per Serve: 50 billion per 2 capsules

Contains a Prebiotic: Yes

3. Renew Life Probiotic

travel bug probiotic

Similar to the Pro-50 probiotics but around half the price, the Renew Life Probiotics are another fantastic product to consider if you’re after the best probiotic for travelers’ diarrhea and other common traveler ailments.

Containing 12 different strains and with 50 million CFU per capsule, these probiotics are perfect for supporting your digestive and immune systems while traveling. They also feature slow release to ensure the probiotic gets where it needs to go.

While the Renew Life probiotics only have 30 capsules in a bottle, a dose is only one capsule, whereas most other brands require you to take two pills to get the same amount of live cultures. This makes the Renew Life probiotics excellent value for money. Plus, being soy-free, gluten-free, and dairy-free, these capsules are also ideal for anyone on a restrictive diet and are great to help with traveler’s belly prevention or travelers’ tummy treatment.

Consider the Renew Life brand if you’re looking for budget probiotics for traveling abroad. 

Number of Strains: 12

CFU per Serve: 50 million per 1 capsule

Contains a Prebiotic: NA

4. Terranics Probiotics 

travel bug probiotic

Suppose you’re looking for the best probiotics for travel to India or the best probiotics for travel to Mexico. In that case, anywhere your stomach will be tested, you will need to take a massive dose of top-quality live probiotics – which is where the Terranics come in handy.

With the Terranics probiotics, every serve contains no less than 60 billion live probiotic cultures, which is the most of any probiotics contained in these reviews. The probiotics have been scientifically formulated with 19 different probiotic strains and contain organic prebiotic fiber to ensure the probiotic flourishes in your gut.  

The Terranics are suitable for vegetarians and vegans as they’re made with all-natural ingredients. They contain no egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, or corn and are soy, dairy, and gluten-free. These capsules are also 100% free of sugar, sodium, silicone dioxide, chemicals, stearates, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, binders, and fillers.

Like all good probiotics for travel, the Terranics don’t need to be refrigerated, and they are formulated with delayed-release technology. They will survive stomach acid and bile to ensure the probiotics reach your intestinal tract fully intact.

Terranics probiotics are an excellent option to consider for improving your immune system and avoiding travelers’ diarrhea. Coming with 60 capsules in a bottle, equivalent to 30 doses, these probiotics offer good value for money.

Number of Strains: 19

CFU per Serve: 60 million per 2 capsules

5. Nature’s Branch Probiotics

travel bug probiotic

With 50 billion live probiotics and 15 different strains per capsule, Nature’s Branch probiotics offer a super ultra-high potency to keep you fit and healthy on your next trip.

Nature’s Branch probiotic offers the ideal complex for travel, including all 15 strains of beneficial bacteria. These probiotics include Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium Breve, Bifidobacterium Infantis, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Saccharomyces boulardii.

These capsules feature delayed time release and are resistant to stomach acids to ensure maximum absorption deep into the small and large intestines. The Nature Branch’s probiotics are also 100% natural and GMO-free, featuring no artificial colors, fillers, or binders.

Nature’s Branch is an excellent one to consider if you’re after the best stomach medicine for travel and probiotics for travelers’ diarrhea. These probiotics will help improve your gastrointestinal health, immune system, and more. They also offer great value for money.

Number of Strains: 15

CFU per Serve: 50 Billion per 1 capsule  

6. Physician’s Choice Probiotics

travel bug probiotic

With 60 billion strains per capsule, the Physician’s Choice probiotics include more strains than any other in these reviews (only equal to the Terranics probiotics).

The Physician’s Choice probiotics are 100% natural supplements made from 10 different probiotic strains. The strains contained within this probiotic include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

These probiotics are entirely suitable for vegetarians and vegans, containing an organic prebiotic fiber and no binders, soy, gluten , milk, egg, wheat, peanuts, shellfish, or preservatives. They also feature delayed-release capsules and are not required to be kept in the refrigerator.

With most probiotics, you’ll need to take two to three tablets to get the same dose of healthy bacteria in the gut as you will in just one of these capsules, making Physician’s Choice probiotics handy for traveling internationally with supplements.

Number of Strains: 10

CFU per Serve: 60 Billion per 1 capsule

7. Nuevida Probiotic

travel bug probiotic

The Nuevida probiotics are a good all-rounder supplement to help keep you healthy during your travels.   Like all good probiotics, these are particularly helpful if you’re looking at how to prevent travelers’ diarrhea and other nasty common health ailments that travelers are susceptible to.

With just one dose (two capsules) of these probiotics, you’ll ingest 60 billion live cultures from a range of 19 different strains of probiotics, as well as a natural plant-based prebiotic. These probiotics are vegetarian and vegan-friendly, too, and are completely free of eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, soy, gluten, dairy, synthetic colors, artificial flavors, and sweeteners.

Given that one dose is two capsules, and there are only 30 capsules in a bottle, these probiotics do work out a little pricey compared to many others in these reviews, but they are still a great one to consider for your next overseas trip.

CFU per Serve: 60 Billion per 2 capsules

8. New Rhythm Probiotics

travel bug probiotic

Whether you’re wondering how to avoid loose stools, wanting the best probiotic for travel constipation, or just after some good quality travel tablets for stomach issues, the NewRhythm probiotics are worth considering.

With the NewRhythm probiotics, every serving (two capsules) contains no less than 50 billion live probiotic cultures. The probiotics have been scientifically formulated with 20 probiotic strains and contain organic prebiotic fiber to ensure the probiotic flourishes in your gut.  

These probiotics are suitable for vegetarians as they’re made with all-natural ingredients. They are soy and gluten-free and contain no egg, peanuts, fish, shellfish, or corn. These capsules are also 100% free of sugar, stearates, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, binders, and fillers.

Like all good probiotics for travel, the NewRhythm doesn’t need to be refrigerated, and they are formulated with delayed-release technology so they will survive stomach acid and bile to ensure the probiotics reach your digestive tract fully intact.

Coming with 60 capsules in a bottle, which equates to 30 doses, these probiotics are more expensive than others in these reviews; overall, the NewRhythm probiotics are certainly an excellent option to consider.

Number of Strains: 20

9. Naturelo Probiotic

travel bug probiotic

With each capsule containing 50 billion CFU across 11 different strains, the Natureleo probiotic is an excellent, high-quality supplement and offers superb value for money.

The Naturelo probiotic offers an advanced formula containing all the essential Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains that are common in probiotics and can help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your digestive system. Strains included in just a single capsule include Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus Casei, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium Longum, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Bifidobacterium Breve, and Bifidobacterium bifidum.

These value-for-money probiotics are vegan and vegetarian-friendly and are 100% natural and free from gluten, soy, yeast, dairy, sugar, eggs, maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, animal derivatives, artificial flavors, and preservatives.

Like all good probiotics, these feature delayed-released capsules to ensure the probiotics are delivered to the intestines alive and don’t require refrigeration, making them perfect for travelers.

Number of Strains: 11

CFU per Serve: 50 billion per 1 capsule

10. OptiBac Travel Probiotics for Every Day Max

travel bug probiotic

Another popular choice for travel probiotics is the OptiBac probiotics. Coming with a high strength of 50 billion CFU per capsule, these probiotics will support your digestive and immune health while traveling.

These supplements come with three different strains of probiotics: Bifidobacterium lactis B1-04, Bifidobacterium lactis HN019, and Lactobacillus acidophilus. These three strains of probiotics are said to be among the most effective strains supporting the digestive and immune systems. Read any OptiBac travel probiotics reviews, and you’ll find many happy customers reporting almost immediate relief from various digestive issues such as IBS.

The supplements are suitable for vegans and vegetarians and are free of gluten, soy, and sugar. Plus, like all good probiotics, the OptiBac probiotics travel supplements don’t require refrigeration, and they are scientifically proven to survive stomach acid to ensure they reach the gut alive.

While the OptiBac probiotics for traveling abroad are certainly a good one to consider for travel, given the high price tag and the fact that they only contain three different probiotic strains and don’t contain a prebiotic, I’d probably opt for another one from these reviews.

Number of Strains: 3

CFU per Serve: 50 Billion per 1 capsule

11. Healthy Origins Probiotic For Kids

travel bug probiotic

While chewable probiotics are much easier for kids to take, the downside is they tend not to include as many strains of CFU per dose. For example, the Healthy Origins probiotics only contain two strains (Bifidobacterium lactis UABla-12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus) and just 5 billion colony-forming units per dose. However, if this is the only way your child will take a probiotic, it’s better than nothing.

These chewable probiotics are free of sugar, gluten, fish, shellfish, egg, soy, peanuts, and milk, but unfortunately also don’t include a prebiotic. They also have a range of artificial colors and flavors to give them the cherry flavor to encourage your kids to take them.

If you can get your kids to swallow tablets, I’d recommend they take one of the other supplements in these reviews. However, if chewables are the only way your children will take probiotics, then Healthy Origins is a good one to consider.

Number of Strains: 2

CFU per Serve: 5 Billion per 1 tablet

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Things to consider when purchasing the best probiotic for traveling.

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Like any product, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to probiotics. Plus, not all probiotics are created equal, and some are more superior than others.

To purchase an excellent quality probiotic and one that will meet your own individual needs, I recommend you consider the following factors. 

Types of Probiotics

You don’t have to take supplements to ingest probiotics. Probiotics may be found in fermented dairy products such as yogurts and milk and foods like pickled vegetables, tempeh miso, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and soy products.

However, if you’re visiting a country where this food is not readily available, or perhaps you don’t like these foods, supplements are the easiest way to ingest probiotics. Probiotics in supplement form come as tablets, capsules, chewables, and drinkable powders.

Different Strains

There are different strains of probiotics, all of which have their own beneficial properties. For this reason, it’s best to take a probiotic that contains multiple strains.  

At the very least, ensure your probiotic contains strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, which are said to be the most effective in preventing or reducing the severity of the common sicknesses travelers tend to get, such as diarrhea. 

If you have a particular illness you’re trying to prevent or reduce the severity of, do some research on which probiotic strain you need and look for this on the packaging to ensure you purchase the right probiotic.

If a probiotic has 20 different strains of bacteria but doesn’t include the one that will help improve your health concern, it’s not an excellent probiotic for you. Meanwhile, there may be another probiotic with only three strains of bacteria, which is precisely what you need for your concerns. In other words, more strains are not always best. As the saying goes, “quality over quantity.”

Number Of Live Organisms Per Dosage (CFU)

We have trillions of live bacteria inside our guts – both good and bad. So, if we take a probiotic supplement, we want to ensure we are taking one that will make a difference.  

Given we have a trillion live bacteria in our guts, you can imagine that 100 million is hardly going to make a difference. So, when it comes to quality probiotics, you’re going to want one that has billions of bacteria per dose to keep your gut health balanced.

The number of live organisms per dose is called colony-forming units (CFU). Generally, you will want probiotics with at least 1 billion to 100 billion CFU per dose. I would recommend nothing short of around 20 million CFU.

For example, if you’re after probiotics in India or somewhere you think your gut will be tested, it’s worth paying extra for a probiotic with a super high CFU, like around at least 50 billion.

Of course, you can take multiple tablets to reach the correct dosage you want to ingest – but just keep this in mind when purchasing probiotics. Probiotic A, with 60 pills for $10, might sound cheap compared to probiotic B, with 30 tablets for $25, but if you need to take three tablets from probiotic A for the same dose as probiotic B, then it’s more expensive.

Another recommendation is to look for probiotics that contain a prebiotic. A prebiotic is food for probiotics, which then encourages the probiotic to flourish and, in turn, create a more good gut microbiome.

Prebiotics can also be found in fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. So, if you eat a lot of this food each day, it may not be essential to have a probiotic, which also contains a prebiotic.

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What Is A Probiotic And Why You Should Take Probiotics For Travel?

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Our guts are made up of bad and friendly bacteria, and provided bacteria are well balanced, they support our immune system. When we travel, particularly abroad, our bodies often come across unknown or harmful bacteria that can make us feel unwell. Unfortunately, abdominal cramps, bloating, constipation, and traveler’s diarrhea are common consequences of this bad bacteria, not to mention food poisoning.

Unfortunately, the changes in our eating habits when we travel reduce the number of good bacteria in our gut. When we travel, we often drink more alcohol and eat more processed, fatty, or sugary foods – all of which can deplete good bacteria, leaving a not-so-healthy gut.

What Is A Probiotic Anyway?

Quite simply, a probiotic is a good bacteria found in live microorganisms that can be consumed through fermented foods or supplements. It acts as many things, including as a diarrheal preventive.

What are the benefits of taking the right probiotics?

Studies have shown that probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of gut microbiome and include a range of health benefits such as:

  • Helping restore the natural balance of gut bacteria when unfamiliar or harmful bacteria make their way into your gut;
  • Helping prevent or may reduce the severity and duration of diarrhea;
  • Improving your mental health and reducing anxiety;
  • Taking probiotics can help keep your heart healthy by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol.
  • Helping to reduce the symptoms of certain digestive disorders.

What Else Can I Do To Prevent Getting Sick While Traveling

Alongside ingesting a probiotic daily, it’s advisable to take other precautions such as washing your hands often and only drinking clean, non-contaminated water, and eating safe drinking bottled water , and eating things that are only well-cooked to help avoid getting sick while traveling.  

While you could do everything in your power to avoid bad bacteria, the fact is you could encounter it anywhere, including upscale 5-star resorts and restaurants. Taking probiotic travel tablets will also give your body an extra line of defense should it still face bad bacteria despite all your best efforts to avoid them.

Tips To Know When You Start Taking Probiotics Travel Tablets

To obtain maximum benefits from your travel bug probiotic, you should take probiotics at least two weeks before departure to new environments. Taking probiotics before traveling will give an excellent kickstart to encouraging increasing bacteria and supporting your immune response system in defense against any harmful bacteria it encounters on your trip from the get-go.

Probiotics should then be continued throughout your trip and at least two weeks after arriving home.

In terms of how to travel with probiotics, it is crucial to purchase shelf-stable probiotics that do not require refrigeration. Once upon a time, this was a little tricky – however, these days, you can get some excellent probiotics that don’t require refrigeration. Also, always keep your probiotics in a cool, dark place.

Even though probiotics are not everything, and staying healthy while traveling requires more than a pill, I am sure you are now better prepped. to prevent traveler’s diarrhea and to take care of your digestive system on the go.

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Travel Care Probiotic for When You’ve Caught the Travel Bug

Travel Care Probiotic for When You’ve Caught the Travel Bug

Do you Need Probiotics for Travel?

Traveling may be the perfect remedy for the age of distraction, for as we wander, our minds become present. But 30 to 40 % of the population have functional bowel problems at some point, and traveling is a time when digestive problems are more likely. No one wants to travel long and far just to see the inside of a bathroom, so having a Flora probiotic for traveling is a smart idea. Probiotics may support digestive comfort as well as overall health, and the right probiotic can make it easier to stay regular on the road.

Travel Probiotic Short-term Benefits

We know now that experiences provide more enduring happiness than things, and we don’t want to miss out on food tourism. But there are some experiences that we can all live without. Since you are more likely to eat out, eat things you are less familiar with, less adapted to, and in areas where the food handling norms could be very different than you are used to when traveling, food poisoning becomes much more likely. At least 60% of all diarrheal IBS cases are linked to food poisoning. Since almost nothing can ruin a vacation or an experience of a new location more quickly than food poisoning, taking protective measures before and during a trip is a no-brainer.

What is a Traveler to do?

Travel sickness or illness is common amongst travelers, whether they are in a foreign country or on a cruise ship. Traveler’s diarrhea is when a bad case of travel sickness occurs within 10 days of arriving in a new place. However, loose stool can occur any time one is in an area with lower levels of public hygiene or water cleanliness than one’s body is accustomed to. Using a probiotic with a strain proven to help deal with exposure to different microbes is a smart idea. Saccharomyces boulardii (which is sometimes called Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii or even Saccharomyces cerevisiae ssp. boulardii) is such a probiotic strain. Flora’s Travel Care Probiotic features a proven single strain of Saccharomyces boulardii.

The Right Probiotic for Travel

Do you need shelf-stable probiotics for travel? It is a good idea since other types will die off faster in the heat or when they are not in the fridge. Flora Travel Care Probiotic featuring Saccharomyces boulardii is completely shelf stable and unaffected by temperature. Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic offers several other advantages that make it a top choice, supported by scientific research. One such advantage of Saccharomyces boulardii is its ability to support gastrointestinal health by strengthening the gut barrier function.

How to Use Probiotics for Travel

Saccharomyces boulardii has been extensively studied and has demonstrated efficacy in preventing various gastrointestinal issues. Numerous clinical trials have shown that supplementation with Saccharomyces boulardii can help maintain balanced gut flora while traveling. To use it preventatively, get and start on Travel Care probiotic before you leave on vacation. Because it is a potent fungal shelf stable probiotic, 5 billion cells (1 capsule) is a typical daily dose, with 10 billion only needed in acute cases.

Food Poisoning Can Ruin More than Your Travel Plans

When traveling, changes in the environment and exposure to new pathogens can put stress on the immune system. It’s not uncommon that debilitating, lifelong IBS or diseases such as Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis can follow exposure to food poisoning bacteria due to damaged gut nerves and migrating motor complexes, and malfunctioning interstitial cells of Cajal. That’s because food-borne bacteria release a toxin that mimics a critical gut protein. When your immune system fights back with an antibody, it can lead to autoimmune inflammation. Saccharomyces boulardii has been shown to have immunomodulatory effects, meaning it may help regulate the body and the immune system respond in a healthier way.

Travel Probiotic Long-term Benefits

Saccharomyces boulardii enhances the production of proteins that maintain the integrity of the gut barrier, helping to reduce inflammation and support a healthy gut. The gut barrier acts as a protective layer, preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. When the gut barrier is compromised, it can lead to increased inflammation and susceptibility to infections. Saccharomyces boulardii has been shown to support a healthy microbiome because it produces compounds like caprylic acid and lactic acid, which create an unfavorable environment for harmful microorganisms.

An Essential for Life’s Journey

Flora’s Travel Care Probiotic is an exceptional probiotic for people who have the travel bug but don’t want to pick up travel bugs. It can be useful on summer vacation and for maintaining gut health over the long term as well. The benefits of Saccharomyces boulardii are grounded in scientific research and have been demonstrated through numerous clinical trials. By protecting the gut, promoting a balanced gut microbiota, strengthening the gut barrier, and modulating the immune system, Saccharomyces boulardii offers a comprehensive approach to supporting digestive wellness, particularly during travel.

Dana Green Remedios   is a triple-board certified Registered Holistic Nutritionist, transformational coach, Flora Product Specialist and healthy living spokesperson. She is a passionate educator who assists people to break through blocks to better mind, mood and menopause mastery. Her work has appeared on Well&Good, MindBodyGreen, Wellness on Purpose, and elsewhere, and hundreds of thousands of people have sought out her answers to nutrition questions on Quora.

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Inner Health

The Good Kind of Travel Bug

When planning to travel internationally, there are tonnes of exciting things to think about – where will you stay, what sights will you see, where will you go to eat?

But there is one thing to consider that isn’t so fun, and if not planned for, it could mean you have very different memories than what you were expecting - traveller’s diarrhoea (TD). Whilst this nasty travel companion is more likely to occur in particular destinations, it can happen in unexpected places too, so it is far better to be prepared than not.

Protecting the integrity of your gut can go a long way towards preventing TD. Probiotics are a simple and convenient way to do this, but it is important to choose a probiotic strain that is well researched across multiple studies to help with TD, as not every probiotic is suitable. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii), or SB for short, is a probiotic yeast that has demonstrated the benefit of decreasing the risk of TD. It also has the added benefit of decreasing the duration of diarrhoea, should an infection occur. 1

Checking the following list can minimise your chances of contracting traveller’s diarrhoea and understand how to best help yourself recover sooner should the need arise.

Before you travel 2

  • Do your research - Knowing what infectious illnesses are most likely to occur in your destination is a great start. You are particularly looking out for food borne (such as salmonella) and water borne (such as E. Colli) illness.
  • Pack accordingly – Hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes need not take up too much space and could stop your holiday from becoming memorable for the wrong reasons.
  • Prepare your gut – Taking 5 billion CFU of SB per day for at least 5 days before you travel helps to set you up for success. 3 Try Inner Health Travel Bug next time you’re holidaying.

Whilst travelling 4

  • Practice good hand hygiene – Wash your hands with soap and water every time before eating. Carry and use hand sanitiser in destinations where water may be contaminated, or unavailable.
  • Be mindful of your meals – Whilst street vendors are a great way to experience local cuisine, they may not have as stringent safety standards as an all-inclusive resort - eating steaming hot food, straight off the pan/grill will help minimise your risk of eating contaminated food.
  • Support the gut - Continue to take 5 billion CFU/day of your SB probiotic to lower your TD risk 1

Should you experience diarrhoea symptoms, don’t panic! 4

  • Make yourself as comfortable as possible at the place where you are staying – and stay put for a few days. Your body needs rest, plenty of fluids and a bathroom.
  • Take an anti-diarrhoea medication such as a loperamide-based medicine.
  • Increase your dose of SB to 20 billion CFU/day until symptoms ease, then decrease back to 5 billion CFU/day until you return home. 5

Inner Health Travel Bug contains 5 billion CFU of SB probiotics per capsule and is packaged in a convenient, shelf-stable bottle, making it travel-friendly. One bottle contains enough probiotics for 3 weeks travel, including the 5 days pre-travel dose, and is suitable for adults and children from age 3.

Safe travels!

  • McFarland LV, Goh S. Travel Med Infect Di . 2019;27:11-19. doi:10.1016/j.tmaid.2018.09.007
  • Infectious diseases. Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Updated May 30, 2023. Accessed September 13, 2023.
  • Kollaritsch HH, Wiedermann G. Prevention of Traveler’s Diarrhea: A Double-Blind Randomized Trial with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926. In: Steffen R, Lobel H, Haworth J et al (eds) Travel Medicine . Springer. 1989.
  • Food safety while travelling. Better Health Channel. Updated April 20, 2022. Accessed September 13, 2023.
  • Kollaritsch H et al. Fortschr Med . 1993;111(9):152-156.

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Inner Health Travel Bug 20 Capsules

travel bug probiotic

Inner Health Travel Bug is a probiotic that soothes & settles the gut while travelling. It's suitable for adults, children & healthy infants.

  • Supports a soothed and settled gut while travelling
  • Support for adults and children

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Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) 5 Billion CFU

Adults & children over 3: To settle the gut while travelling: For 5 days prior & every day whilst travelling, take 1 capsule daily.

To soothe the gut while travelling: Adults: Take 2 capsules twice daily. Children: Take 1 capsule twice daily. Or as directed by a healthcare professional

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours in children or 48 hours in adults see your healthcare. Do not use if cap and/or bottle seals are missing or broken. No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

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The Wanderful Me

  • Inspiration , Travel Tips , Vegan

Let’s face it: we all have digestive issues when traveling. Changes in timezones, questionable food, not to mention stress and anxiety, get the best of your bowels, making hard to go or — even worse — hold it in! But with the right probiotics, you can stay regular (and definitely more comfortable!) on the road. Here are the best travel probiotics to wander the world with!

The Best Travel Probiotics to Stay Happy and Healthy While Traveling the World • The Wanderful Me

Psst. This post contains affiliate links. Read our disclosure .

I’m going to be straight up with you here — when it comes to digestive issues when traveling, I’ve experienced the worst of it!

From one end of the spectrum to the other, there’s been cooped up constipation to debilitating diarrhea (and let’s not even talk about that one time I got food poisoning ).

Safe to say, I’ve had my fair share of bowel problems!

With that said, probiotics have changed the game and have seriously helped me stay regular (and happier) when traveling around the world!

Before we get into the nitty gritty of the best brand of travel probiotics, let’s talk about the benefits of traveling with powerful probiotics!

Psst, if you’re convinced to try out these bad boys when you’re done reading the post, don’t forget to use my discount code “ thewanderfulme ” at checkout for 10% off!

Table of Contents


Holding the Trust Your Gut probiotics bottle in front of the Chester Cathedral in England.

What are the Benefits of Travel Probiotics?

Imma be honest with you… when I first heard about traveling with probiotics, I was like, “Huh, okay. So they’ll just help me poo better when on the road, right?”

No, no, to the hell no! Oh how I knew so little.

Since then, I’ve learned firsthand of the miraculous benefits good probiotics provide — and it’s so much more than just helping one stay on the daily digestive train!

Sophie holding Ora Organic Trust Your Gut bottle up in front of the camera, covering her face with it.

Why take probiotics? 5 major benefits:

1. Stronger Immune System

As you might already know, airports, hotels, trains, planes, buses, etc. are all filled to the brim with nasty bacteria, pathogens, and germs! And what in your body fights off those nasty things?

Your immune system!

But what you might not know is that powerful probiotics can help take your immune system from good to f*cking fantastic!

Well, it’s estimated that over 70% of your immune system takes place in the gut, which means the bacteria in your gut largely affects your overall health. And in order to stay in tip top shape, those bacteria have to stay strong!

This is where probiotics come in. Not only do they arm up your good bacteria with extra firepower, but also help increase the variety of microbiome in your gut — which is like additional reinforcements to fight off anything weird!

Cool, right?

2. Banish the Bloat

Who else would love to say goodbye to uncomfortable bloating? Me, me, me!

Thankfully, I think I’ve found the solution! This is something I’ve noticed a huge difference in — I no longer get super duper bloated when regularly taking probiotics!

I’m not sure of the exact science behind this but after doing some research it looks like it’s because probiotics help reduce gas production by bacteria in the intestines (due to probiotics benefiting the bacteria environment).

3. Goodbye Gas

Expanding on the topic of intestinal gas, I’ve also noticed I expel less of it. In other words, I fart less! Woohoo.

Now I know this might be TMI, but holy moly, I cannot get over this benefit of taking travel probiotics. I mean, come on! Who wouldn’t want to toot less, amirite?

Again, I think this is due to probiotics helping the bacteria environment in your gut, resulting in less gut gas production!

4. Lower Risk of Traveler’s Diarrhea

Be real: no one enjoys getting travelers diarrhea while wandering the world, right? So what if you could take something that would help prevent it?

In a study published by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, they found taking probiotics could reduce the risk of travelers diarrhea by 8%. They also lowered the risk of diarrhea from other causes by 57% in children and 26% in adults! Heck yes.

5. Stay Happy & Healthy

Weirdly enough, many studies done in the past few years have found a remarkable connection between gut health and mental health . Meaning a good probiotics supplement can help you stay happy and healthy!

With relevance to traveling, taking a daily probiotics could help prevent the travel blues or even help with culture shock (and the negative moods that might come along with it).

Holding up the Ora Organic Trust Your Gut in front of the camera with Sophie smiling in the background.

What to Look for in a Travel Probiotic?

When searching for the best travel probiotics for your next trip, there are a few things to look out for! Here’s my must-haves in a probiotics supplement.

Organic – Personally, I always like to buy organic. Especially when it comes to supplements. I’m all about saying no to harmful pesticides, nasty toxins, and cancer-promoting chemicals.

Vegan – As a vegan traveler who focuses heavily on sustainability and eco-friendliness, it’s no surprise that I opt for vegan probiotic supplements to travel with. (If I haven’t told you yet, these organic, vegan probiotics are my favorite travel with!)

Freeze-Dried – Contrary to some probiotic supplements, the Ora Organic Probiotics are freeze-dried and don’t require refrigeration to stay alive and well. This is what makes these perfect for traveling!

Variety of Strains – Key to a healthy digestive system, make sure to choose a travel probiotics supplement that contains a variety of strains. This ensure they have the best positive impact on your body for positive results! (In case you’re wondering, the Ora Organic Probiotics have 6 strains of probiotics. Woohoo!)

Prebiotics – In addition to finding probiotics that are organic and vegan, I also look for a probiotics supplement that contains additional pre biotics.

Why? Because these little guys are like the handy dandy wingmen to probiotics.

Together they create a symbiotic relationship; prebiotics nourish probiotics, and in turn, the probiotics are encouraged to work more effectively and efficiently inside your gut.

The Ora Organic Trust Your Gut probiotics bottle hanging out on top of Sophie's black and white backpack with a pair of blue headphones in the background.

Tips for Using Probiotics When Traveling

Now don’t get me wrong, probiotics are awesome when taken anytime of the day but there are a few tips to keep in mind to optimize your probiotics usage when traveling!

1. Start Early

First things first: if you have the time, start early !

To get your immune system and gut ready to go for any traveling, begin taking your probiotic supplements at least two weeks before you jet off. This allows your gut to create beautiful bacterial colonies prior to any disruptions!

2. Take BEFORE You Eat

While it’s okay to take them in a 30 minute window of when and after you’re eating, the best time to take probiotics to optimize their effectiveness is before a meal because at this time there’s less acid in the stomach.

3. Eat with Fibrous Foods

While the prebiotics help with feeding the good bacteria, supplementing the probiotics with fibrous foods, such as beans or vegetables, further aids them in providing a positive impact.

4. Mix with a Drink

If you’re not a fan of pills, the great thing about the Ora Organic Trust Your Gut Probiotics is that the capsule can be broken apart and sprinkled onto food or dissolved into a drink, such as water, for easy absorption!

Sophie standing in front of a cathedral holding up the bottle of Ora Organic trust your gut probiotics, a top brand for travel probiotics.

My Favorite Travel Probiotics

As you might have already guessed from reading above, my favorite brand of travel probiotics are the Ora Organic Probiotics !

Not only are they vegan and organic, they also have 6 strains, 16 billion probiotics, are gluten-free, affordable, effective, and the brand is super sustainable!


But let’s talk about a few more things in detail and why you should choose this brand over others for probiotics to travel with.

Focus on Sustainability

One of the first things I noticed about this brand was their focus on sustainability.

Not only are their products shipped in blue glass containers, which means they’re easily recycled or repurposed, the shipping materials are all made out of paper — down to the cushioning for the fragile bottles!

Brand with a Purpose

Furrr real tho, I truly love this brand.

They specifically created this business to not only help the population with some genuine, good products but also did so with one mission in mind: to have a positive impact.

They not only provide organic, vegan probiotics to help with gut health, but also provide a number of other super duper healthy things like vegan collagen (heck yes!), omega-3 spray, clean protein powders, and a number of powerful vitamins.

Made in the US of A

As good little citizen of America, I feel proud that I can support great companies who choose to make their products in the country (and not in a cheaper country where they wholeheartedly accept slave labor).

While they source their ingredients from all around the world (sustainably, of course), the products themselves are made in sunny Southern California !

Worth the Price

Now, don’t get me wrong, compared to other probiotics you’ll find on Amazon or at Target and Walmart, Ora Organics are a bit more than average.

But let’s be real for a second: their totally worth the price when you take into account the fact that their products are organic, vegan, sustainable, and totally awesome!

As a conscious consumer who seeks out the best brands and products, Ora Organics is completely worth every penny. (And once you try any of their products, you’ll come to realize it, too!)

Sophie holding up the Ora Organic trust your gut vegan probiotic and prebiotic supplements in front of the Chester Cathedral.

Buy the Best Travel Probiotics

If you’re ready to try out some awesome travel probiotics for yourself, order yourself a one-month supplies of the Ora Organic Probiotics — believe me, you won’t regret it!

After traveling all around Asia (including Thailand , Vietnam , Bali , Sri Lanka , etc.), I can wholeheartedly say these are the best probiotics for travelers’ diarrhea — for both prevention and when you already have it!

They’re also the best shelf stable and long-lasting probiotics, due to being freeze-dried, making them awesome for travel (because who wants to pay for probiotics, only to have them go off when on the road, right?).

Psst, don’t forget to use my discount code “ thewanderfulme ” at checkout for 10% off! Woohoo!

Click Here to Purchase the Ora Organic Trust Your Gut Probiotics

**I was in no any way shape or form paid or otherwise compensated for this article. I really truly am a massive fan of the Ora Organic Probiotics and they seriously have changed my life!**

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Looking for the best travel probiotics? Look no further! These are the ultimate must-have packing essential to stay regular while traveling the world. Whether it's a road trip, vacation, or long-term backpacking trip, don't forget to pack these vegan probiotics to help you stay happy and healthy. | #travel #probiotics #tips #packingessentials

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Inner Health Travel Bug 20 Capsules

Inner Health Travel Bug 20 Capsules

Inner Health

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General Product Description

Inner Health Travel Bug is a probiotic that reduces the risk of traveller's diarrhoea symptoms & relieves diarrhoea in adults & children 

Key Features

  • Reduces the risk of traveller’s diarrhoea symptoms.
  • Relieves diarrhoea in adults & children.
  • Vegetarian & Vegan Friendly
  • Free from Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Lactose, Corn, Cereals, Eggs, Nuts, Starches.

Directions for Use

To reduce the risk of diarrhoea when travelling

  • Adults & children over 3: Take 1 capsule daily for 5 days prior to travelling & every day whilst travelling

To relieve diarrhoea

  • Children: Take 1 capsule twice daily.
  • Adults: Take 2 capsules twice daily. 

Capsules can be pulled apart and powder added to food or liquid if preferred.

Always read and follow the directions for use. If symptoms of diarrhoea persist for more than 24 hours in children or 48 hours in adults consult your healthcare professional. Do not use if cap &/or bottle seals are missing or broken. No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.


Each capsule contains: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) 5 Billion CFU

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Travel Bug by Inner Health


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Inner Health Travel Bug Probiotic

In the heart of every capsule of Inner Health Travel Bug lies the nurturing embrace of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii), a potent probiotic strain meticulously cultivated to offer you the utmost comfort and support during your travels. With a generous 5 Billion CFU per capsule, it's like a gentle guardian accompanying you on your journey, ensuring that every step you take is filled with assurance and well-being. Inner Health Travel Bug is a probiotic that reduces the risk of traveller's diarrhoea symptoms & relieves diarrhoea in adults, children & healthy infants.

  • Reduces the risk of traveller’s diarrhoea symptoms.
  • Relieves diarrhoea in adults & children.
  • Made in Australia.

Picture yourself setting off on an adventure, the excitement palpable in the air. As you embark on this voyage, Inner Health Travel Bug stands by your side, ready to shield you from the uncertainties that often accompany travel. With each capsule, you're not just carrying a product; you're carrying the wisdom of centuries, the reassurance of modern science, and the warmth of a trusted companion. In the midst of unfamiliar landscapes and new experiences, Inner Health Travel Bug remains a constant source of comfort, reminding you that no matter where you go, you're never alone. So, let go of any worries and embrace the journey ahead, knowing that Inner Health Travel Bug has got you covered every step of the way, ensuring that your adventures are not just memorable but also filled with a sense of peace and tranquillity.

Each capsule contains:

  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii): 5 Billion CFU.

No refrigeration required. Store below 25 degrees celsius.

  • Adults & children over 3: To reduce the risk of diarrhoea when travelling: For 5 days prior & every day whilst travelling, take 1 capsule daily.
  • To relieve diarrhoea: Adults: Take 2 capsules twice daily. Children: Take 1 capsule twice daily. Or take as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Capsules can be pulled apart and powder added to food or liquid if preferred.

Always read the label. Follow directions of use. Please read the label to decide whether this product is right for you.

Consult with your relevant healthcare professional before taking supplements or vitamins, especially if you are currently taking medication. If symptoms transpire and persist, seek immediate advice from your relevant healthcare professional.

If pregnant, planning pregnancy, or breastfeeding, consult with your healthcare professional before using any health foods, functional foods, supplements or vitamins.

Supplements and vitamins should not be used by persons under the age of 16, unless the product is specifically designed for children or otherwise advised on by your healthcare professional.

Supplements, vitamins and minerals should never replace a balanced and varied diet.

Keep all supplements and vitamins out of reach of children. Always follow advised storage conditions and consumption instructions.

Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Do not consume products if seals are broken or damaged. Do not consume products if best before or expiry dates have exceeded.

Some powdered products, including (but are not limited to) pre-workout, fat burners, single amino acids, pump/nitric oxide boosters, citrulline, agmatine, arginine and carnitine are naturally deliquescent products, or contain ingredients which are naturally deliquescent. Clumping or hardening of these products over time is a natural and common occurrence, and despite containing moisture absorption sachets, these products may still clump or harden over time.

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Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug 20 Capsules

Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug 20 Capsules


Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug may prove useful against gastrointestinal upset while travelling. Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug uses VegeCap, making it suitable for individuals who do not consume gelatin for health-related or religious reasons. It can be used to ease manage gastrointestinal symptoms in both adults and children.

Additional Info

Active ingredients.

Each capsule (VegeCap) Contains: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) organisms 5 Billion. No added artificial flavouring, colouring or preservatives. Free from wheat, gluten, eggs, starches, waxes, yeast and salt.

Storage: Until you travel refrigerate at 2°C to 8°C. (Refrigerate. Do not freeze). While travelling - Travel Bug does not require refrigeration for up to one month. Do not re-refrigerate. Contains lactose. Derived from cows milk. Do not use if tamper-evident foil or outer carton seal is broken. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.

Refund Policy

Health Delivery will refund or credit purchased items providing they are unopened and in saleable condition.

Some items cannot be refunded due to health and safety concerns.

Nothing will be accepted back for refund or credit unless we have been given prior notice and if eligible for return, we have given the order a refund authorisation number.

Once the goods are returned back in good condition, we will issue a refund within 20 days, via your initial payment option.

Return freight is the responsibility of the customer and only the value of the goods and not the initial freight will be considered for refund. Utmost care must be taken to pack the goods so they do not become damaged on the return journey.

Goods that are not accepted by the customer and returned to us will incur a cost for the freight to return the goods.The balance less a 10% restocking fee will be refunded to the customer

If you receive goods which are faulty or have been damaged in the post, it would be appreciated if a photo could be taken to aid insurance recovery. We will refund or replace any damaged or faulty products at no charge to the customer.

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Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug Capsules 20

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Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug Capsules 20


  • Reduce the risk of diarrhoea when travelling.
  • Relieve or treat diarrhoea in both adults and children.

What else should I know about this product?

Classification, active ingredients.

  • Adults and children - for five days before departure take 1 capsule per day (before breakfast) and continue for the duration of the trip or as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Adults - Take 1 to 2 capsules twice daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Children from three months to 12 years - Take 1 capsule twice daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Infants and children who are unable to swallow a capsule should dissolve the contents of capsule in water, breast milk or formula.

If diarrhoea persists for more than six hours in infants under six months - 12 hours in children under three years - 24 hours in children aged three to six years or 48 hours in adults and children over six years - seek medical advice.

Contains lactose. Derived from cows milk. While travelling, Travel Bug does not require refrigeration for up to one month. Travel Bug uses VegeCaps capsules. VegeCaps may be preferred by people wishing to avoid gelatin for health or religious reasons. Do not use if tamper-evident foil or outer carton seal is broken. No added artificial flavouring, colouring or preservatives. Free from wheat, gluten, eggs, starches, waxes, yeast and salt.

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The Globetrotting Teacher

Why I Take Probiotics for Travel

Probiotics for travel can be a game-changer to your travel plans. No one wants to get sick when they travel especially with an upset stomach…or worse loose stools! All those travel plans and excitement completely derailed.

In my experience, travel probiotics have made all the difference between good gut health and an incident-free vacation or one spent missing out stuck in your hotel room bathroom. Not only can probiotics help your digestive system, but they can also help prevent and stop traveler’s diarrhea and boost your immune system overall. Win-Win!

In this guide, I’ll share why I take probiotics to stay healthy and how to choose the best probiotics for travel.

As a teacher, my immune system is constantly under attack from I don’t want to even know how many types of bad bacteria and viruses. From the normal everyday germs kids carry to sicknesses that take out an entire classroom a few children at a time, there’s almost nothing my immune system hasn’t battled.

But that still doesn’t mean I leave anything to chance when I travel. And neither should you. That’s where  probiotics  come in.

I imagine you planned that trip to Cambodia  to marvel at the Angkor Temples and  Mexico  to enjoy the fun in the sun not to learn pharmacy locations and stay hold up in a hotel bathroom. Visiting South America to explore Ecuador and finally see the Galapagos Islands is best done with a healthy gut. Am I right?

So, let’s start with a few reminders of all the potentially harmful bacteria you might run into while traveling, as well as the parts of the travel experience that could make you sick or cause digestive issues.

1. Airports

Passengers lining up at check-in counter at the modern international airport

From the automated touchscreen check-in kiosks to the public restrooms, security lines, unventilated airport terminals, and everything in between, airports are a germ’s fantasy come true with an unlimited number of people to whisk them on neverending round-the-world getaways.

Frequent traveler or not, we’ve all cringed in restrooms with no soap to wash our hands or when seated close to someone who can’t stop coughing. Even before arriving at our destination, our immune function is being put to the test.

2. Your Body Clock

black alarm clock and bed

At home, most of us are creatures of habit. Our bodies are used to the rhythm of a typical day. The times you eat and sleep are consistent and your body manages its defenses in line with this internal clock.

Travel disrupts all of this. You change time zones, sleep at odd hours or maybe not at all, and eat different foods outside of your normal meal times. Even for healthy adults, these sudden changes to our body clock put a strain on the way the body works.

Not surprisingly gastrointestinal health is the easiest to knock off kilter. And this doesn’t even take into consideration any possible pre-travel anxiety you may have that also can affect an otherwise healthy gut.

3. Dehydration

Glass of Water

It’s no secret flying dries you out. But did you realize lower levels of hydration can lead to fatigue? Not to mention, dryness means your body is less able to catch would-be germs and viruses before they have a chance to overwhelm your body’s defenses.

Nasal passages are a first line of defense against bacteria and other germs. When they’re hydrated, they can flush out germs before they enter your system. This is a fancy way of saying, you feel the need to blow your nose or sneeze which gets rid of any intruders. But a dry nose has a harder time getting rid of germs.

Similarly, when you stay hydrated, the flow of water keeps things moving throughout your body.

4. Unsafe Water

Modern bathroom faucet

It’s a sad fact most of the world doesn’t have access to clean drinking water from the tap. Drinking bottled water is the first step to protecting yourself.

But, what about raw fruits and vegetables? What water was used to wash them? Drinks served with ice become risky. Even brushing your teeth with tap water or accidentally opening your mouth in the shower can and will make you sick.

Most of us take clean water for granted and it’s easy to accidentally turn the tap on your toothbrush or eat a salad without realizing it until it’s too late.

I’ve personally seen a travel companion become so ill from food poisoning in Morocco after eating a salad that he ended up needing IV fluids and medication at a local hospital.

Bottom line: Water contamination is one of the easiest (and quickest) ways to increase your risk of traveler intestinal tract problems.

5. Everything’s Unfamiliar

Chinese street food sold in Bangkok Chinatown.

Your body develops defenses against familiar germs at home. But, the germs from the  New York City  subway or at the Grand Palace in  Bangkok  are likely to be new. Your immune system will have to figure out how to defend against them in this new environment.

New destinations and experiences can be fun but also stressful. All of which can affect your ability to fight off a bug.

The same can be said for food. Unfamiliar foods and spices can upset your stomach even when they’re prepared and cooked in a safe, hygienic way. Add to that the possibility of your food being handled by someone who didn’t wash their hands or not being cooked and stored at higher temperatures to kill bacteria. It’s a recipe to upset your gut flora.

Why Probiotics?

Woman hands making a heart shape on her stomach, healthy bowel degestion, probiotics  for gut health

You might be wondering why  probiotics for travel . What about a multivitamin, extra Vitamin C, Zinc, or echinacea? Aren’t they what will really give your immune system a boost?

I’m certainly not taking anything away from these vitamins and herbs. They’ve all factored into my staying healthy in the classroom at one time or another.

Now,  I’m not a doctor  and I’ve never taught science beyond 3rd grade but I can give you the elementary explanation of why probiotics can help you fight off all kinds of bugs.

The majority of your immune cells are in your gastrointestinal system.  Probiotics contain “friendly” bacteria that can compete against “unfriendly” bacteria.

According to the National Institute of Health’s scientific research, probiotics contain good bacteria that can make your body’s shield against germs tougher and kick your immune cells into a higher gear when they’re working to protect you against invaders.

This can not only help you from getting sick in the first place, but it can also help your gut microbiome get back on track faster after coming into contact with contaminated water or foods.

Best Probiotics for Travel

Passengers sitting on their chairs in airplane cabin

So, now that I’ve shared why I include probiotics as part of my daily life and travel routine, you might be asking  which probiotics are best for travel .

If you’ve ever shopped for probiotics (or any vitamin or supplement), you’ve certainly seen how many brands there are with claims like, “the best probiotic for men” or “probiotics for constipation.”

There are many different types of probiotics and I know how easy it is to feel overwhelmed and unsure about which probiotics are best. To be upfront and really clear, I have NOT tried all of the so-called best probiotic supplements . I found the right probiotics for me and I’ve continued to take them. (Why fix what isn’t broken, right?)

I use  this ultimate probiotic formula  because it makes sense for both my everyday life and for travel. These probiotics make good packing sense and give me enough protection no matter what germs I come across.

Physician's Choice Probiotics 60 Billion CFU - 10 Strains + Organic Prebiotics - Immune, Digestive & Gut Health - Supports Occasional Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas & Bloating - for Women & Men - 30ct

  • Max Strength General Purpose Probiotic: Our non-refrigerated probiotic is designed to support digestive health & gut health. A great choice for those…
  • Support Your Gut: Our probiotic contains 10 diverse high-quality probiotic strains and organic prebiotics – synergistically working together to…
  • Survives the Gut: From start to finish – this probiotic is designed to survive the gut & maximize the colonization of our strains. We use a…

Probiotics for Travel: What to Look For

Whether you give the probiotics I take a try or choose from one of the many other quality probiotics, here are a few important things to look for.

First and foremost, you need shelf-stable probiotics that can be stored at room temperature. If a probiotic needs to be refrigerated, it’s certainly not travel-friendly.

I know these are live probiotics because there’s a best-by date on the bottle. There’s not much sense in taking or bringing along probiotics without live cultures for at least how long your trip is. Beneficial bacteria won’t do much if it’s not alive to fight off bad bacteria.

Look for probiotic labels that clearly show the CFU count. CFU stands for colony-forming units.  Look for probiotics with a CFU in the billions  and at least 30 billion for travel.

Look for  probiotics that contain types of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and an overall diverse combination of bacteria.  Lots of different strains of bacteria have been shown to be more powerful than probiotics with a single type of bacteria.

I take  my probiotics  regularly. But, if you’re looking to protect yourself just for an upcoming trip, plan to start up to a month before you leave for your trip, while you’re away, and for at least a week after your trip.

I’ve only ever taken the recommended dosage on the bottle and have found that to be fine for me. But it’s a good idea to  talk to your doctor about the right dosage for you  and the type of trip you’ll be taking. Not all destinations have the same level of risk when it comes to travel illnesses.

Probiotics for Travel Bottom Line

You’ve put your time and energy into planning that long-awaited vacation. Flights and hotels have been paid for and personal time off days approved. By taking travel probiotics, you’re adding a layer of protection so you can enjoy your travels.

So whether you’re trying new foods, coming into contact with a lot of other people on public transportation, or feeling some travel anxiety, there’s no reason your digestive health (and your trip) has to suffer!

Do you take probiotics for travel?

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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this article is not meant to be taken as medical advice. I’m merely sharing a way I have found to help keep me healthy on my travels. You should consult with your doctor to see what’s right for you.

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16 thoughts on “why i take probiotics for travel”.

travel bug probiotic

Thanks for this. On the subject of BA points I am leaving Paris today having used my points for 4 hotel nights. and a river cruise.

travel bug probiotic

Great to hear that you got value from those Avios. Hope you’re trip to Paris was all you hoped for! 🙂

travel bug probiotic

After my last trip to South America in 2013 left me trapped in a bathroom for days and actually made me fly home early I wanted to try anything possible to keep my immune system up for my Nepal trip in 2017. I took probiotics for a month before I left and out of three weeks in Nepal only had a mild upset stomach for about 24-48 hrs halfway through. I know it’s anecdotal but after that trip I’m convinced they helped! I was in remote areas without even running water and was fine. I’m headed back to South America again in a couple weeks and have pushed all my travel companions to take probiotics. Nothing ruins a trip worse than getting sick, do everything you can do avoid it and take your probiotics!!

Thanks for reading and for sharing your experiences, Heather. I’m so with you. I know they’ve helped me after learning my lesson in Cambodia. Have a great trip to South America!

travel bug probiotic

Hi, I’m traveling to Thailand soon (on March 2nd, very close), and I was just told the other day about taking Probiotics. Not that my trip is only a week away, does it make sense to start the process today?

Thanks for reading, Alex. I’m not a doctor so can’t say for sure, but it can’t hurt. Have a great trip to Thailand! 🙂

travel bug probiotic

I have not taken them prior to travel, but on two successive trips to Mexico I became very ill; the second trip I contracted e coli and wound up in the hospital. They used a variety of antibitiocs and probtiotics to kill the infection and then protect my stomaceh. I plan on taking probioticis before my next trip

Oh no, Jeff! I’m sorry to hear that! I hope the probiotics beforehand help for your next trip. Thanks for reading. 🙂

travel bug probiotic

I usually start Florajen Probiotics for traveling about 2 weeks at least before I leave. I feel like that’s a solid amount of time for it to actually get in your system so you can feel the benefits. This article was amazing btw! Super helpful and informative! I didn’t even know about taking probiotics when traveling and thought it was more for when you’re on antibiotics until my cousin told me about all the health benefits especially with me traveling so much.

Thanks for reading, Olivia. Glad the article was helpful. 🙂

travel bug probiotic

Thank you so much for this helpful article! I’m traveling to the Dominican in 6weeks and wanted to start taking probiotics soon. I was wondering if you have a favorite brand that you like to take?

Thanks for reading, Amanda. I use the Swanson brand I link to in the article. 🙂

travel bug probiotic

Hey, thanks for the helpful article! I am taking a few supplements with me, including the probiotics which is in powder form. In you experience is it better to take probiotics in hand luggage or check in luggage?

Thanks for reading, Kyra. I always prefer in my checked luggage. Just be sure the probiotics are in their original bottle with clear labeling.

travel bug probiotic

Hi, thank you for this post! The links to the probiotics is broken, can you please update and share the brand. We are leaving for Costa Rica in 4 weeks so want to start preparing!

Thanks so much for reading, Cheryl. And thank you for alerting me to the broken links! I’ve updated the post. All links work and lead straight to the probiotic I use. I hope you have a fabulous trip to Costa Rica! It’s fantastic there! 🙂

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Interview with Amanda - an American living in Moscow

travel bug probiotic

Amanda Surbey lived in Moscow with her family. Originally from Ohio, Amanda was bitten by the travel bug when she spent a summer as an exchange student in Australia. She has lived in Russia, Taiwan, Florida, Buenos Aires and Bratislava. She plans on being in Russian until she gets rich or gets kicked out.

Read more about expat life in Russia in the Expat Arrivals Russia country guide or read more expat experiences in Russia .

About Amanda

Q: Where are you originally from?

A: Ohio, USA

Q: Where are you living now?

A: Moscow, Russia (city center), but in the process of moving to Luxembourg

Q: How long you have you lived in Moscow?

A: Dec 2007 (two years)

Q: Did you move with a spouse/children?

A: Yes.

Q: Why did you move; what do you do?

A: Accompanying spouse (husband is a lawyer)

About Moscow

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an American living in Moscow, how’s the quality of life?

A: Everything is always open (even on holidays). There is an energy and excitement about the city, especially at night. The churches with their onion domes never get boring. The expat community is wonderful.

Q: Any negatives? What do you miss most about home?

A: Moscow is a BIG city. Driving is impossible, so I really miss my car. It can be a big energy drain going out to deal with daily errands.

About living in Moscow

Q: Which are the best places/suburbs to live in Moscow as an expat?

A: Depends on your job/school/budget.

Q: How do you rate the standard of accommodation?

A: Can be extremely high or the pits. Again, depends on your budget. Even in light of the economic crisis, housing is VERY expensive here. Latest Mercer survey has Moscow in the Top Three Most Expensive Places to Live (it has recently been #1).

Q: What’s the cost of living compared to home? What is cheap or expensive in particular?

A: Rents are outrageous. Eating out can be expensive. Vodka and cigarettes are practically free.

Q: What are the locals like; do you mix mainly with other expats?

A: I have had nothing but nice experiences with Russians. Even in my grocery store: they look out for me and won’t let me buy products they believe are not the freshest possible. I never got invited to anyone’s dacha, but I have gotten to know (mostly young) Russians.

Q: Was it easy meeting people and making friends?

A: Extremely. Through the two expat forums, I met people faster than I ever did in our other postings. If you have the energy, there is a standing event almost every night of the week here.

About working in Moscow

Q: Did you have a problem getting a work visa/permit?

A: Employer handled it all. Never had a hitch, although I have heard horror stories from others. Q: What’s the economic climate like in Moscow, is there plenty of work?

A: No. And certainly not unless you speak Russian well. There are a lot of English teachers, and they say the money can be good, but it seems like a difficult life to me. Q: How does the work culture differ from home?

A: Secretaries may be asked to be “open-minded.” No sense of PC-ness in offices. Work day tends to be 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Family and children

Q: Did your children settle in easily?

A: Yes. I was pleasantly surprised.

Q: What are the schools like, any particular suggestions?

A: My kids go to the French school. Our experiences have been mixed there. But overall it has met our needs (and price).

Q: How would you rate the healthcare?

A: Excellent, but expensive if you want “Western” facilities and English speakers.

And finally…

Q: Is there any other advice you like to offer new expat arrivals?

A: Patience. A sense of humor. Try to get out and see things, meet people. Experience what is unique about Russia and Russian culture. The more Russian you speak, the more fun you will have. Read the Russian classics and be prepared to discuss them at cocktail parties, job interviews, etc. It will open doors.

~ Interviewed January 2010

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travel bug probiotic

Summer travel season is here. Not to make you itch, but here's how to check for bedbugs

travel bug probiotic

The summer travel season has kicked off.

With that comes stays in hotels, motels, vacation homes , any place that isn’t your own, which means there’s a potential of exposure to – brace yourself — bedbugs.

These pesky, little things can cause big headaches and lots of trouble if you encounter them. Best to be informed and on the lookout when you arrive at your destination, rather than experience a case of red, itchy skin.

Now that we have your skin crawling, here’s the 411 on bedbugs.

W hat are b edbugs ?

Scientifically known as cimex lectularius, these bugs are said to have originated in Europe, the Middle East or India, and moved across the world as humans did, according to Center for Invasive Species Research.   

They are little, brown, oval-shaped bugs that have six legs and antennas. They move quickly and reproduce a lot. Their lifespan is only 6-12 months, but during that timeframe females produce 200-500 eggs.

Bedbugs feed off human and animal blood. They usually bite at night when people are sleeping. Most people often are not aware when they are being bitten .

How to spot bedbugs when you’re traveling

Check all those little crevasses and hidden spots. Think seams of bedsheets, chair cushions, folds of mattresses, piping along curtains or headboards – any dark, cozy, tight areas .

Also be aware of a musty, slightly sweet odor, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Also look for reddish stains from bedbugs being smashed.

Lucky for all the summer travelers, bed bugs thrive in warmer months. They cannot fly and rely on people or things, like clothing or suitcases, to get from place to place.

How to tell if you’ve been bitten by bedbugs

Bedbug bites usually appear on areas of the skin that are exposed while sleeping , like the face, neck or hands. The bites are typically small, itchy red bumps.

If you have been bitten, you can expect the irritation and symptoms to last about a week, according to Over-the-counter medicines, such as antihistamines or itch creams can help provide relief.

It’s believed bedbugs do not transmit illnesses and diseases, however, you should not scratch the bites because it could lead to infection.

What to do if you have a bedbug infestation

High heat of 120 degrees Fahrenheit will kill bedbugs. It’s recommended to wash all clothes and bedding in hot water for 30 minutes and then dry the items on high heat for another 30 minutes.

Any mattresses, couches or other areas where bedbugs may have been hiding should be steam cleaned.

Worst bedbug cities in the nation, according to Orkin

  • No. 1 Chicago
  • No. 2 New York
  • No. 3 Philadelphia
  • No. 4 Cleveland-Akron, OH
  • No. 5 Los Angeles
  • No. 6 Detroit
  • No 7. Washington, D.C.
  • No. 8 Indianapolis
  • No. 9 Charlotte
  • No. 10 Champaign, IL
  • No. 11 Columbus, OH
  • No. 12 Cincinnati
  • No. 13 Atlanta
  • No. 14 Grand Rapids, MI
  • No. 15 Denver
  • No. 16 Baltimore
  • No. 17 Richmond, VA
  • No. 18 Greensboro, N.C.
  • No. 19 St. Louis
  • No. 20 Youngstown

Spitzer is a Trending Reporter. She can be reached at [email protected].


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Optimistic About the War in Ukraine, Putin Unleashes a Purge at Home

Despite years of criticism, President Vladimir V. Putin has only now changed his defense minister and allowed high-level corruption arrests.

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Russian soldiers marching in formation in Moscow.

By Paul Sonne and Anatoly Kurmanaev

Reporting from Berlin

Periodic outcries over incompetence and corruption at the top of the Russian military have dogged President Vladimir V. Putin’s war effort since the start of his invasion of Ukraine in early 2022.

When his forces faltered around the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, the need for change was laid bare. When they were routed months later outside the city of Kharkiv, expectations of a shake-up grew. And after the mercenary leader Yevgeny V. Prigozhin marched his men toward Moscow, complaining of deep rot and ineptitude at the top of the Russian force, Mr. Putin seemed obliged to respond.

But, at each turn, the Russian president avoided any major public moves that could have been seen as validating the criticism, keeping his defense minister and top general in place through the firestorm while shuffling battlefield commanders and making other moves lower on the chain.

Now, with the battlefield crises seemingly behind him and Mr. Prigozhin dead, the Russian leader has decided to act, changing defense ministers for the first time in more than a decade and allowing a number of corruption arrests among top ministry officials.

The moves have ushered in the biggest overhaul at the Russian Defense Ministry since the invasion began and have confirmed Mr. Putin’s preference for avoiding big, responsive changes in the heat of a crisis and instead acting at a less conspicuous time of his own choosing.

“We have to understand that Putin is a person who is stubborn and not very flexible,” said Abbas Gallyamov, a former Putin speechwriter who now lives outside Russia. “He believes that reacting too quickly and rapidly to a changing situation is a sign of weakness.”

The timing of Mr. Putin’s recent moves is most likely a sign that he has greater confidence about his battlefield prospects in Ukraine and his hold on political power as he begins his fifth term as president, experts say.

Russian forces are making gains in Ukraine , taking territory around Kharkiv and in the Donbas region, as Ukraine struggles with aid delays from the United States and strained reserves of ammunition and personnel . Top officials in the Kremlin are feeling optimistic.

“They likely judge the situation within the force as stable enough to punish some in the military leadership for its prior failures,” said Michael Kofman, an expert on the Russian military and a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Demand for change at the top of the Russian military has been pent up since the invasion’s earliest days, when stories circulated about Russian soldiers going to war without proper food and equipment and losing their lives while answering to feckless military leaders.

The anger crested with an aborted uprising led last year by Mr. Prigozhin , who died in a subsequent plane crash that U.S. officials have said was most likely a state-sanctioned assassination .

Mr. Prigozhin , a caterer turned warlord who grew rich on state contracts, was an unlikely messenger. But he put high-level corruption on the minds of Russia’s rank and file and the public more broadly, releasing profanity-laced tirades against Sergei K. Shoigu, then the defense minister, and Russia’s top uniformed officer, Gen. Valery V. Gerasimov. At one point, Mr. Prigozhin filmed himself in front of a pile of dead Russian fighters and denounced top officials for “rolling in fat” in their wood-paneled offices.

His subsequent failed mutiny showed that the problems festering in the Defense Ministry under Mr. Shoigu for over a decade had boiled over and that the populace craved renewal, said a person close to the ministry who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss sensitive topics.

The Russian leader now appears to be moving against the very officials that Mr. Prigozhin had been attacking.

The first harbinger of change arose last month with the arrest of Timur Ivanov , a protégé of Mr. Shoigu and the deputy defense minister in charge of military construction projects whom the Russian authorities have accused of taking a large bribe. He has denied wrongdoing. Mr. Ivanov previously attracted the attention of Aleksei A. Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation for his and his wife’s conspicuously lavish lifestyle, including yacht rentals on the French Riviera.

Then, this month, days after Mr. Putin began his new term as president, the Kremlin announced that he had replaced Mr. Shoigu and chosen Andrei R. Belousov, one of his longtime economic advisers, as the new defense minister. Mr. Shoigu was moved to run the Russian Security Council, where he would still have access to the president but would have little direct control over money.

Mr. Belousov has no military experience . But he boasts a relatively clean image and a long government career untainted by large corruption scandals.

“If you want to win a war, corruption at a larger scale impacting the results on the battlefield is, in theory at least, not something you want,” said Maria Engqvist, the deputy head of Russia and Eurasia studies at the Swedish Defense Research Agency.

Still, Ms. Engqvist called high-level corruption in Russia “a feature, not a bug.”

“Corruption is a tool to gain influence, but it can also be used against you at any given time, depending on whether you say the wrong thing at the wrong time or make the wrong decision at the wrong time,” she said. “So you can be ousted with a reasonable explanation that the public can accept.”

Ms. Engqvist said the changes also raised questions about how long General Gerasimov would stay in his position as chief of the general staff and top battlefield commander in Ukraine.

The arrests at the Defense Ministry have gathered pace this month, with four more top generals and defense officials detained on corruption charges. Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, denied on Thursday that the arrests represented a “campaign.”

The corruption charges against top Defense Ministry officials have come alongside promises of greater financial and social benefits for the rank-and-file soldiers, an apparent attempt to improve morale and mollify populist critics.

Mr. Belousov used his first remarks after his nomination as defense minister to describe his plans to cut bureaucracy and improve access to health care and other social services for veterans of the war. And on Thursday, the speaker of Russia’s lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav V. Volodin, and Finance Minister Anton G. Siluanov expressed support for exempting fighters in Ukraine from proposed income-tax increases.

The high-level arrests are unlikely to root out vast corruption in the Russian military establishment, but they could make top officials think twice before stealing at a particularly large scale, at least for a period, said Dara Massicot, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“It will introduce a chill into the system and make everyone pause as they try to figure out the new code of accepted behavior,” Ms. Massicot said.

Beyond sending an anticorruption message, at least one of the arrests seemed to be aimed at settling a political score.

Maj. Gen. Ivan Popov, a top Russian commander who led forces holding off Ukraine’s counteroffensive, chided the Russian military leadership in a widely seen recording last year after he was removed from his post. He was apprehended on Tuesday on fraud charges, according to the state news agency TASS. He denied wrongdoing, his lawyer said.

“The bottom line is that the war exposed a lot of different problems — corruption, incompetence and openness to public expressions of insubordination — that the leadership feels a need to address,” said Samuel Charap, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation. “Now is a good time to do this, precisely because there isn’t a short-term acute risk on the battlefield.”

Paul Sonne is an international correspondent, focusing on Russia and the varied impacts of President Vladimir V. Putin’s domestic and foreign policies, with a focus on the war against Ukraine. More about Paul Sonne

Anatoly Kurmanaev covers Russia and its transformation following the invasion of Ukraine. More about Anatoly Kurmanaev

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

The decision by the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia  with American-made weapons fulfills a long-held wish by officials in Kyiv  that they claimed was essential to level the playing field.

In recent days, Ukraine has conducted a series of drone attacks inside Russia  that target radar stations used as early nuclear warning systems by Moscow.

Top Ukrainian military officials have warned that Russia is building up troops near northeastern Ukraine , raising fears that a new offensive push could be imminent.

Zelensky Interview: In an interview with the New York Times, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine challenged the West  over its reluctance to take bolder action.

Russia’s RT Network : RT, which the U.S. State Department describes as a key player in the Kremlin’s propaganda apparatus, has been blocked in Europe since Russia invaded Ukraine. Its content is still spreading .

Striking a Chord: A play based on a classic 19th-century novel, “The Witch of Konotop,” is a smash hit among Ukrainians who see cultural and historical echoes  in the story of what they face after two years of war.

How We Verify Our Reporting

Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .


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  20. Interview with Amanda

    Updated 28 Jan 2010. Amanda Surbey lived in Moscow with her family. Originally from Ohio, Amanda was bitten by the travel bug when she spent a summer as an exchange student in Australia. She has lived in Russia, Taiwan, Florida, Buenos Aires and Bratislava. She plans on being in Russian until she gets rich or gets kicked out.

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    The Ligilactobacillus salivarius 7247 (LS7247) strain, originally isolated from a healthy woman's intestines and reproductive system, has been studied for its probiotic potential, particularly against Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) and Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) as well as its potential use in synbiotics. LS7247 showed high tolerance to gastric and intestinal stress and effectively adhered to ...

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    Travelan® contains high levels of antibodies that target bacteria such as E.coli (ETEC) and the toxins they produce in the gut. Travelan® binds to and neutralises these bacteria, before they colonise, multiply, leak into the bloodstream and cause diarrhoea and digestive upset. 1. Otto et al. Randomized control trials using a tablet ...

  23. What to know about bedbugs before summer travel, how to spot them

    How to spot bedbugs when you're traveling. Check all those little crevasses and hidden spots. Think seams of bedsheets, chair cushions, folds of mattresses, piping along curtains or headboards ...

  24. Richard Ayoade & Greg Davies in Moscow

    Richard and Greg Davies clash with army tanks and head into space in the Russian capital. To watch the full episode click here

  25. Putin Shakes Up Things at Home as His Optimism About Ukraine War Rises

    May 26, 2024. Periodic outcries over incompetence and corruption at the top of the Russian military have dogged President Vladimir V. Putin's war effort since the start of his invasion of ...