Past Questions and Answers

50+ Travel Survey Questions with Sample Templates

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The world offers a vast array of cultures, sceneries, and adventures, each promising an indelible mark on your memories. But with so many options, how do you choose the destination that truly resonates with your desire to travel? This is where we appreciate the travel survey questions.

They help you to unlock the secrets of your travel desires and guide you toward fulfilling experiences. Think of it as a conversation with your adventurous self, a chance to explore the hidden corners of your wanderlust and unearth preferences you never knew existed.

So, in this article, you’ll discover over 50 captivating questions, meticulously categorized into themed templates. As you explore these diverse templates, you’ll not only refine your travel goals but also gain valuable insights into the fascinating world of travel itself.

Table of contents

What is a travel survey, for travel service providers, for researchers, overall benefits, what factors do i consider when creating a travel survey, how can i utilize the data from a travel survey, business travel survey questions, download the business travel survey questions template pdf, fun travel survey questions, download the fun travel survey questions template pdf, corporate travel survey questions, vacation travel survey questions, post travel survey questions, download the post travel survey questions template pdf, recommendations.

A travel survey is a research tool used to gather information about people’s travel habits, preferences, and experiences. These surveys can be conducted for a variety of purposes, including:

Understanding travel trends : Gathering data on popular destinations, travel styles, and spending habits helps tourism boards, travel companies, and destinations tailor their offerings to better meet traveler needs.

Improving the travel experience : Feedback from travelers can be used to identify pain points in the travel process, from booking to accommodations, and inform improvements to existing services or the development of new ones.

Personalizing travel recommendations : By understanding people’s individual preferences and interests, travel agents, websites, and apps can curate personalized travel recommendations and offers.

Marketing and research : Travel surveys can be used to gauge consumer sentiment towards specific destinations, brands, or campaigns, and to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Academic research : Researchers in fields like tourism, sociology, and psychology can use travel surveys to study various aspects of human travel behavior, motivations, and decision-making processes.

Travel surveys can be conducted in various formats, including online questionnaires, in-person interviews, and phone surveys. The specific questions asked will depend on the objectives of the survey and the target audience.

Here are some of the key characteristics of a good travel survey :

  • Clear and concise questions: The questions should be easy to understand and answer, and they should avoid ambiguity or leading language.
  • Targeted audience: The survey should be directed towards a specific group of people with relevant travel experiences or interests.
  • Appropriate length: The survey should be long enough to gather necessary information but not so long that people lose interest.
  • Incentives: Offering incentives like discounts or rewards can encourage participation.
  • Data analysis: The collected data should be analyzed carefully to extract meaningful insights and inform decision-making.

Read also: 110+ Post Training Survey Questions With Templates

What are the Benefits of Travel Survey?

Travel surveys offer numerous benefits for various stakeholders in the travel industry and beyond. Here are some key advantages:

  • Understand traveler preferences: Gain insights into desired destinations, travel styles, budgets, activities, and pain points. This allows tailoring offerings, amenities, and marketing strategies to better meet customer needs.
  • Measure customer satisfaction: Gauge traveler sentiment towards specific services, destinations, or overall experience. This feedback helps identify areas for improvement and ensures travelers feel valued.
  • Enhance travel recommendations: Personalize travel suggestions based on individual preferences and past experiences. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and booking rates.
  • Conduct market research: Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, identify emerging trends, and understand competitor strategies.
  • Discover new destinations and experiences: Uncover hidden gems, unique activities, and travel trends based on insights from other travelers.
  • Make informed travel decisions: Get valuable recommendations, compare options, and find the best travel solutions based on specific preferences and budgets.
  • Contribute to improving the travel industry: Feedback from surveys helps shape travel offerings, infrastructure, and policies to create a more positive and efficient travel experience for everyone.
  • Study travel behavior: Analyze data to understand travel motivations, decision-making processes, and the impact of travel on individuals and communities.
  • Inform policy and development: Insights from travel surveys can guide the development of policies and infrastructure related to tourism, transportation, and cultural preservation.
  • Improved travel experiences: By understanding traveler needs and preferences, the entire travel industry can work towards creating more enjoyable, seamless, and personalized travel experiences.
  • Data-driven insights: Utilizing collected data allows for evidence-based decision-making, resource allocation, and marketing strategies, leading to greater efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Knowledge sharing and collaboration: Surveys generate valuable information that can be shared across stakeholders, fostering collaboration and innovation within the travel industry.

Note : The effectiveness of travel surveys depends on various factors, including the quality of the survey design, sampling methods, and data analysis. When done thoughtfully and ethically, travel surveys can be a powerful tool for understanding and shaping the future of travel.

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Crafting an effective travel survey requires careful consideration of several key factors:

Your Objectives:

  • What information are you trying to gather? Are you aiming to understand general travel trends, gauge customer satisfaction with a specific service, or assess the effectiveness of a marketing campaign? Clearly defined objectives guide question selection and analysis.
  • Who is your target audience? Identifying your ideal participants (e.g., budget travelers, families, luxury seekers) ensures your questions resonate and generate relevant data.

Survey Design:

  • Question types: Utilize a mix of multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions to gather diverse and insightful data. Avoid leading questions and bias.
  • Question clarity and flow: Ensure questions are concise, easy to understand, and logically ordered to maintain participant engagement.
  • Survey length: Keep it brief and focused (ideally under 10 minutes) to prevent fatigue and maximize completion rates.
  • Incentives: Consider offering discounts, rewards, or entry into sweepstakes to encourage participation.

Data Collection and Analysis:

  • Sampling method: Select a representative sample of your target audience to ensure the generalizability of results. Popular methods include random sampling, quota sampling, and convenience sampling.
  • Data security and privacy: Implement measures to protect participant data and ensure ethical data collection practices.
  • Analysis plan: Decide on appropriate analytical methods (e.g., quantitative analysis, thematic analysis) based on your objectives and collected data types.

Additional Considerations:

  • Accessibility: Ensure your survey is accessible to people with disabilities, including offering screen reader compatibility and alternative formats.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Design your survey for optimal viewing and completion on mobile devices, as many people access surveys on their smartphones.
  • Testing and piloting: Test your survey with a small group to identify and address any issues before widespread distribution.

Utilizing data from a travel survey effectively requires a multi-pronged approach:

Data Cleaning and Preparation:

  • Clean the data: Address missing values, inconsistencies, and errors to ensure the accuracy and quality of your analysis.
  • Organize the data: Structure your data into a well-organized format (e.g., using spreadsheets or statistical software) for efficient analysis.
  • Explore the data: Describe key characteristics of the data through frequency tables, charts, and basic statistical measures.

Data Analysis:

  • Quantitative analysis: If your survey primarily uses closed-ended questions, utilize statistical methods like descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and correlation analysis to identify trends and relationships.
  • Qualitative analysis: Analyze open-ended responses through thematic analysis, coding techniques, or sentiment analysis to uncover deeper insights and user experience narratives.
  • Mixed-methods approach: Combine qualitative and quantitative methods for a more holistic understanding of your data, especially if your survey includes both types of questions.

Drawing Insights and Making Decisions:

  • Identify key findings: Summarize the most significant patterns, trends, and insights revealed by your analysis.
  • Connect findings to objectives: Determine how these insights relate to your initial objectives and research questions.
  • Actionable recommendations: Based on your findings, formulate practical recommendations for improving travel experiences, services, or marketing strategies.

Sharing and Communicating Results:

  • Create reports or presentations: Summarize your findings and recommendations in clear, concise, and visually appealing formats.
  • Share with stakeholders: Communicate your findings with the relevant audiences, such as travel service providers, policymakers, or marketing teams.
  • Public sharing: Consider publishing your findings (anonymously) in industry reports or academic journals to contribute to a broader knowledge of travel trends and behaviors.

Following these steps and carefully utilizing the data you’ve collected can transform your travel survey into a valuable tool for improving travel experiences. It also aids in making informed decisions and contributing to the advancement of the travel industry.

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Travel Survey Questions Examples

Here are some examples of travel survey questions:

Business travel often plays a crucial role in growth and strategic partnerships. However, it also involves significant investment in time, resources, and budget. Understanding the experiences and pain points of business travelers empowers organizations to optimize travel policies, maximize return on investment (ROI), and improve employee satisfaction. This is where business travel survey questions come in.

These questions aim to gather insights into:

  • Logistics and convenience: How easy was it to book flights, accommodations, and transportation? Were travel arrangements streamlined and efficient?
  • Productivity and work experience: Did the trip enable productive meetings and collaborations? Were the necessary tools and facilities readily available?
  • Cost-effectiveness: Did the trip stay within budget? Were there cost-saving opportunities that could be explored?
  • Accommodation satisfaction: Did the chosen hotels meet expectations in terms of comfort, amenities, and location?
  • Traveler well-being: Did the travel experience support employee well-being, including factors like sleep quality and work-life balance?

By collecting data through well-crafted business travel survey questions, organizations can:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Pinpoint pain points and inefficiencies in booking processes, travel arrangements, and overall experience.
  • Make informed policy decisions: Use data to tailor travel policies to employee needs and optimize spending.
  • Boost employee satisfaction: By addressing concerns and improving travel experiences, companies can foster happier and more productive employees.
  • Increase ROI: Optimize travel expenses and extract maximum value from business trips.

Remember, these questions are not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather a starting point to tailor your survey to your specific needs and company culture.

Here are Business Travel Survey Questions to get you started:

  • On a scale of 1-5, how easy was it to book your flights and accommodations for this business trip? (1 = Extremely difficult, 5 = Extremely easy)
  • How satisfied were you with the available technology and resources offered at your hotel/conference center? (Very dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neutral, Somewhat satisfied, Very satisfied)
  • To what extent did the travel arrangements (flights, transfers, etc.) support your productivity during the trip? (Not at all supportive, Somewhat supportive, Neutral, Moderately supportive, Very supportive)
  • Did you encounter any major challenges or inconveniences during your trip? If yes, please elaborate.
  • Considering the purpose of your trip, do you think the chosen destination and accommodation were appropriate? (Very inappropriate, Somewhat inappropriate, Neutral, Somewhat appropriate, Very appropriate)
  • Please rate your overall satisfaction with the cost-effectiveness of this business trip. (Very dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neutral, Somewhat satisfied, Very satisfied)
  • On a scale of 1-5, how well-rested and energized did you feel during and after the trip? (1 = Very fatigued, 5 = Very well-rested)
  • Do you have any suggestions for improving the overall business travel experience in our company?
  • Would you recommend our current travel booking platform and process to other colleagues? (Yes, Somewhat likely, Neutral, Somewhat unlikely, No)
  • Please share any additional feedback you have regarding your recent business trip.

Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a cross-continental expedition, travel holds the potential to create incredible memories, foster self-discovery, and ignite the spirit of adventure within us. Fun travel survey questions explore the heart of these experiences, exploring the preferences, motivations, and unique perspectives of travelers seeking experiences that go beyond the routine.

These questions aim to tap into:

  • Travel style and preferences: Do you crave adrenaline-pumping adventures, immersive cultural experiences, or relaxing beach escapes?
  • Dream destinations and bucket list items: What hidden gems are calling your name? What adventures top your must-do list?
  • Travel companions and group dynamics: Do you prefer solo adventures, bonding with family , or creating memories with friends?
  • Unique travel experiences: What are some of the most memorable or unusual travel experiences you’ve had?
  • Impact of travel on personal growth: How has travel transformed your perspective or broadened your horizons?

By collecting data through engaging and personalized fun travel survey questions , you can:

  • Gain valuable insights into travel trends and preferences: Understand what motivates people to travel, what experiences they seek, and what destinations top their wishlists.
  • Craft personalized travel recommendations: Use data to personalize marketing campaigns, curate unique travel experiences, and cater to specific traveler preferences.
  • Spark inspiration and encourage exploration: Ignite the wanderlust in others by sharing unique travel stories and highlighting bucket-list destinations.
  • Create a community of travel enthusiasts: Foster a sense of belonging and connection among travelers by sharing experiences and encouraging discussions.

Here are Fun Travel Survey Questions:

  • If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?
  • What type of travel experience excites you the most: exploring ancient ruins, indulging in luxury, or seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures?
  • Have you ever had a travel experience that completely changed your perspective? If so, tell us about it!
  • What’s your dream travel companion: a best friend, a romantic partner, a solo adventure, or a group of friends?
  • Describe the most unique or unusual travel experience you’ve ever had.
  • What hidden gem destination do you think deserves more attention and why?
  • What’s one item on your travel bucket list that you absolutely must experience?
  • In your opinion, what makes a travel experience truly unforgettable?
  • If you could travel back in time to any historical period, where would you go and why?
  • Share a funny or embarrassing travel story that you look back on and laugh about now.

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Traveling for business purposes plays a crucial role in many organizations, fostering collaboration, securing partnerships, and driving growth. However, managing corporate travel effectively requires understanding employee preferences and ensuring policies align with both individual needs and organizational goals. This is where corporate travel survey questions come in.

These questions delve into several crucial aspects of corporate travel experiences:

  • Policy awareness and satisfaction: Are employees aware of and understand current travel policies? How satisfied are they with the existing policies?
  • Booking process and tools: Do employees find the travel booking process convenient and user-friendly? Are the provided tools and platforms efficient and intuitive?
  • Cost management and budget adherence: Do employees feel empowered to make cost-conscious travel decisions within budget limitations?
  • Accommodation preferences and experiences: Do chosen accommodations meet employee needs in terms of comfort, amenities, and work-life balance?
  • Overall travel experience and productivity: Did the travel experience support employee well-being and contribute to achieving business objectives?

By gathering data through thoughtfully crafted corporate travel survey questions , companies can:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Pinpoint pain points with booking processes, travel policies, and overall experience.
  • Make data-driven policy decisions: Use feedback to tailor travel policies to employee needs and optimize cost management.
  • Increase employee satisfaction and engagement: By addressing concerns and improving travel experiences, companies can foster happier and more engaged employees.
  • Boost travel program ROI: Ensure travel spend aligns with business goals and achieves maximum value.

Remember, tailoring these questions to your specific company culture and travel program is key. Here are the Corporate Travel Survey Questions:

  • To what extent are you aware of and understand our current corporate travel policies? (Very unaware, Somewhat unaware, Neutral, Somewhat aware, Very aware)
  • How satisfied are you with the ease and efficiency of our travel booking platform? (Very dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neutral, Somewhat satisfied, Very satisfied)
  • Do you feel empowered to make cost-conscious travel decisions within budget limitations? (Yes, Somewhat, Neutral, Not really, No)
  • How well do the preferred hotel options align with your needs for comfort, amenities, and work-life balance during trips? (Very poorly, Somewhat poorly, Neutral, Somewhat well, Very well)
  • Did you encounter any major challenges or inconveniences during your recent business trip? If yes, please elaborate.
  • On a scale of 1-5, how well did the travel arrangements (flights, transfers, etc.) support your productivity during the trip? (1 = Not at all supportive, 5 = Very supportive)
  • Do you feel that the corporate travel program contributes positively to achieving your business goals? (Strongly agree, Somewhat agree, Neutral, Somewhat disagree, Strongly disagree)
  • What changes or improvements would you suggest for our corporate travel program?
  • Rate your overall satisfaction with your recent business trip travel experience. (Very dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neutral, Somewhat satisfied, Very satisfied)
  • Would you recommend using our current travel booking platform and processing it with your colleagues? (Yes, Somewhat likely, Neutral, Somewhat unlikely, No)
  • Do you have any concerns or questions regarding our corporate travel policies?
  • Please share any additional feedback you have about your recent business trip or our corporate travel program.

Vacations are more than just getaways; they’re opportunities to recharge, explore, and create lasting memories. Understanding what motivates people to choose specific destinations, activities, and travel styles can unlock valuable insights for travel professionals, tourism boards, and anyone curious about the ever-evolving world of leisure travel. This is where vacation travel survey questions come in.

These questions delve into the heart of travel motivations and preferences, exploring:

  • Destination selection: What factors influence where people choose to vacation (weather, culture, adventure, relaxation, etc.)?
  • Travel style and budget: Do travelers prefer luxury pampering, budget-conscious backpacking, or something in between?
  • Activity preferences: What kinds of experiences do travelers seek (sightseeing, adventure, cultural immersion, culinary exploration, etc.)?
  • Travel companions: Do people prefer solo adventures, romantic getaways, family vacations, or group trips with friends?
  • Overall vacation satisfaction: What factors contribute to a truly memorable and fulfilling vacation experience?

By collecting data through engaging and diverse vacation travel survey questions , you can:

  • Gain valuable insights into emerging travel trends: Identify popular destinations, preferred travel styles, and evolving desires of vacationers.
  • Tailor marketing and recommendations: Use data to personalize marketing campaigns, curate customized travel experiences, and suggest destinations that meet specific preferences.
  • Improve the tourism industry: Share insights with tourism boards and businesses to enhance offerings, cater to diverse needs, and improve tourist satisfaction.
  • Spark inspiration and encourage exploration: Help others discover hidden gems, unique experiences, and travel styles that align with their dreams and aspirations.

These questions are merely a starting point, and you can adapt them to specific demographics, travel regions, or research goals.

Here are Vacation Travel Survey Questions to get you started:

  • What’s your dream vacation destination and why?
  • What type of travel experience are you looking for in your next vacation: relaxation, adventure, cultural immersion, or something else?
  • What factors are most important to you when choosing a vacation destination (budget, weather, activities, safety, etc.)?
  • Who would you ideally travel with on your next vacation (partner, family, friends, solo, etc.)?
  • Describe your most memorable vacation experience so far. What made it special?
  • What kind of activities do you want to include in your next vacation?
  • How important is the budget when planning your vacation? (Very important, Somewhat important, Neutral, Not very important, Not important at all)
  • What are some dealbreakers for you when considering a vacation destination?
  • What makes a vacation truly unforgettable for you? (Scenic beauty, unique experiences, cultural connections, delicious food, relaxation, etc.)
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world with no limitations, where would you go and why?
  • Share a funny or unexpected travel story that happened to you on vacation.

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The journey doesn’t end when you return home. Post-travel survey questions offer valuable insights into the travelers’ experience after the dust settles, providing crucial feedback for travel service providers, destinations, and individuals seeking to improve their future travel endeavors.

These questions explore:

  • Overall satisfaction: Did the trip meet or exceed expectations? What were the highlights and lowlights?
  • Logistics and organization: Were travel arrangements smooth and efficient? Were any aspects confusing or frustrating?
  • Destination experience: Did the destination live up to expectations? What stood out positively or negatively?
  • Accommodation and activities: Were chosen accommodations comfortable and convenient? Did chosen activities meet expectations and interests?
  • Memorable moments: What were the most memorable experiences or moments of the trip? What made them special?

By gathering thoughtful post-travel survey questions , you can:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Gain valuable feedback on potential pain points and areas for improvement across various aspects of the travel experience.
  • Enhance future offerings: Use insights to tailor travel packages, destination recommendations, and services to better meet traveler needs and desires.
  • Measure customer satisfaction: Gain a quantitative understanding of overall satisfaction and identify areas where traveler expectations were exceeded or fell short.
  • Inform future travel planning: Help individuals reflect on their travel preferences and make informed decisions for future trips.

Tailoring these questions to the specific trip or travel service being evaluated is crucial. Here are 12 Post Travel Survey Questions to get you started:

  • On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied were you with your overall travel experience? (1 = Extremely dissatisfied, 5 = Extremely satisfied)
  • What were the highlights of your trip? What experiences did you enjoy the most?
  • Is there anything you would have changed about your itinerary or travel arrangements?
  • Did you encounter any unexpected challenges or problems during your trip?
  • How well did the destination meet your expectations in terms of culture, attractions, and activities?
  • Were your accommodations comfortable, clean, and convenient?
  • How would you rate the value for money you received on this trip? (Very poor value, Somewhat poor value, Neutral, Somewhat good value, Very good value)
  • Would you recommend this travel service or destination to others? (Yes, Probably, Neutral, Probably not, No)
  • What are some tips you would share with others planning a trip to this destination?
  • What are your most memorable moments from this trip? What will you treasure the most?
  • What did you learn about yourself or your travel preferences during this trip?
  • Reflecting on your experience, what are your goals or priorities for your next trip?

They provide a starting point with diverse questions, categorized by theme, to inspire your survey creation and cater to specific needs.

Adapt the questions to your target audience, adjust answer options, and add your questions to address your specific research objectives.

Clearly define your objectives, choose the right sampling method, design clear and concise questions, and ensure data security and ethical practices.

Clean and analyze the data, draw insights and actionable recommendations, and share your findings with relevant stakeholders for effective utilization.

The world of travel desires is an exciting journey, and this collection offers 50+ travel survey questions in categorized templates packed with inspiration for various travel themes. From post-vacation reflections to uncovering hidden gems, these questions act as building blocks for your dynamic surveys.

You can utilize these tips and explore the data to unlock travel trends, improve experiences, and contribute to a world where every journey holds lasting memories.

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Travel Survey Questionnaire

A travel survey questionnaire is used to gather information from individuals who have recently traveled, either for leisure or business. It can help travel companies understand the preferences and needs of travelers and identify ways to improve the travel experience. With, you can create a customized travel survey questionnaire in just a few minutes!

sample travel survey questions

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  • Marketing Surveys
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  • Polls & Questionnaires

Benefits of using a travel survey questionnaire

A travel survey questionnaire template enables travel businesses and marketing groups to create their own forms and collect helpful information about travelers' experiences and preferences from them. Travel firms and marketing groups may efficiently collect a significant quantity of data using a  survey questionnaire . 

This travel and trip questionnaire can also be employed to capture leads on your website and social media. People will answer a set of questions to see which traveling option is best for them; then, you will use this information to offer them the best deals. Start now and create your own questionnaire for free!

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By using’s easy and extensive survey creator user interface, you can create online forms, surveys, and exams with less effort than anything else! You can quickly start with a ready-made template and customize it according to your needs or you can start from scratch and build your form with many different types of form fields and customization options. 

Powerful features: 

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  • Calculator for exams and quote forms
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Automations between the tools you use are vital as it saves time and deducts tons of workload. Imagine that you would need to transmit data from your form responses to another tool manually. That would be boring and time-consuming distracting you from your real work. integrates with +500 third-party applications such as Asana, Slack, and Pipedrive via Zapier. Thus, you can automate your workflows and focus more on enriching your business.

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On, you can customize your survey’s theme and design elements in depth. Once you switch to the ‘Design’ tab after getting your form done, you will see many different design customization options. You can change your survey theme by choosing your own colors or picking one of many ready-made themes. 

Travel preferences survey

A travel preferences survey is a survey used to gain insights into a person's travel preferences. it helps identify what kind of traveler a person is, what kind of destinations they prefer, and what kind of experiences they look for when traveling. questions can range from what type of accommodations a person prefers, to what activities they enjoy most while traveling, as well as budget considerations. this type of survey is helpful for travel companies and agencies to understand what kind of travelers they should be catering to. it can also help them make informed decisions on where to market their services and what kind of services to offer. the results of this survey can be used to create more targeted marketing campaigns and better serve their customers..

2 minutes to complete


You must be at least 18 years of age to complete the travel preferences survey.

Questions for Travel preferences survey

How often do you travel in a year?

  • Less than once a year
  • 1-3 times a year
  • 4-6 times a year
  • 7 or more times a year

What is your preferred mode of transportation for travel?

How many nights do you typically spend on a trip?

Which type of destinations do you prefer (e.g. beach, mountains, city)?

  • Historical Sites

Do you prefer to travel alone or with a group?

  • With a group

What type of activities do you enjoy while traveling?

  • Exploring new places
  • Trying new foods
  • Sightseeing
  • Meeting new people

Do you prefer to stay in hotels or prefer alternative accommodations?

  • Alternative Accommodations
  • No Preference

Do you prefer to book flights/hotels in advance or wait until the last minute to book?

  • Book in advance
  • Wait until the last minute
  • Doesn't matter

How much time do you spend researching your travel destination?

  • A. Less than an hour
  • B. 1-2 hours
  • C. 2-4 hours
  • D. 4+ hours

What are the most important factors when you decide where to travel?

  • Sightseeing Opportunities

Surveys Similar to Travel preferences survey

  • Hotel Amenities Survey
  • Flight Comfort Survey
  • Restaurant Review Survey
  • Tourist Attraction Survey
  • Vacation Budget Survey
  • Airport Experience Survey

Here are some FAQs and additional information on Travel preferences survey

What type of travel do you prefer, that depends on individual preferences. some people prefer to travel domestically, while others like to explore new international destinations., where do you like to go for a vacation, again, this depends on individual preferences. some people like to stay in one spot for a holiday, while others prefer to explore various cities or regions., what activities do you like to do while traveling, this depends on the traveler’s interests. some people like to visit cultural sites and landmarks, while others prefer outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, or swimming., want to use this template, loved by people at home and at work.


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Travel Survey

sample travel survey questions

We all love to travel, don’t we? We all have that innate desire to explore the new and unfamiliar. July 16, 1969. The day that the world will remember when Apollo 11 first landed on the moon with the astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins. A truly historic day indeed. Imagine how those three felt knowing that they were the first men on the moon- when technology has finally allowed them to travel to the cosmos allowing them to explore the new and unfamiliar. In these modern times, the internet has made reviews of a country more accessible and easier for other people to check for their reference. You may also see what is a survey questionnaire?

  • Survey Questionnaire Examples
  • Survey Examples

There are some countries that people would highly recommend to visit at a certain season (e.g. Japan, China, the U.S.A.). But there are also other countries that people would not bother to recommend at all because of the unpleasant experience they had during their stay or perhaps it was something else entirely. So, how would you be able to step up the country’s tourism game when you do not even know what the root cause of the problem is? You may also like how to write the perfect survey .

What is a Travel Survey?

Which is the reason why it is important to conduct a travel survey in order to understand your audience and where they normally travel to? Travel surveys (or travel diaries or travel behavior inventories) are surveys that pertain to individual travel behavior. This kind of survey collects personal information about the individual’s socio-economic, demographic, psychographic factors, their household size, structure, relationships, and a diary of their journeys on a given day (e.g. where they travel, how they travel, and their travel dates). Interestingly, travel surveys are often conducted in various metropolitan cities typically once every ten years. You may also check out health questionnaire examples .

sample travel survey questions

Recent or Continuous City-Wide Travel Surveys

Listed below are the countries that had recently conducted a travel survey along with the number of households that were given the survey:

Auckland, New Zealand – The last travel survey was conducted in 2006 that involved at least 6,000 households in the greater region of Auckland.

Brisbane, Australia – For Brisbane, they do not conduct their surveys once a decade, but every 2 years ever since 2003 to around 6,000 households. The South East Queensland Travel Survey would normally collect their travel data in the Greater Brisbane region as well as the neighboring areas of Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. You may also see examples of self-administered questionnaire & samples .

Hobart, Australia – In this part of Australia however, at least 200 households are asked to help answer the Greater Hobart Household Travel Survey each month totaling at 2400 households per year.

London, United Kingdom – The London Travel Demand Survey collects their data via face-to-face interview from at least 8,000 households.

Sydney, Australia – The Household Travel Survey collects their travel data every year from approximately 3,500 households in the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Region. You may also like survey questions to ask your customers .

Washington, United States – The last known survey conducted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments was done in 2007 from at least 10,000 households.

Travel Survey Example

Sample Travel Survey

Size: 46 KB

Simple Travel Survey Example

Simple Travel Survey

Size: 52 KB

Sample Travel Survey

As mentioned before making a  travel survey is sometimes just not about the place you have visited itself, but it is also about understanding the people who you are trying to survey for data and research purposes to better know the customer preferences of certain preferences. There is no limit to how many questions you are going to have in your survey. Just as long as you know that the questions that you will be posting will be relevant to the data-gathering process. You may also see survey questionnaire examples  to help provide you a better example of making a survey.

Dear Passenger:

We are pleased you have chosen to travel with us. In order to provide you with the best possible travel experience, we would like to know a little more about you and why you are traveling. You can help us by taking a few moments to complete this questionnaire.

Thank you for your assistance.

1. What is your main purpose in taking this trip? Please check only one answer.

  • Pleasure/Personal

2. Which of the following phrases best describes the exact nature of this trip? You may have more than one answer to this question.

  • Internal company business (visit regional office, plant or attend a company meeting)
  • External company business (sales call, visit customer or vendor)
  • Official government/military business
  • Attend industry meeting/trade show
  • Attend a convention
  • Accompany family member on business/convention
  • Other business (not described above)
  • Incentive travel (company-paid pleasure trip)
  • Visit friends/relatives
  • Visit resort
  • My trip will (did) include plans to sightsee
  • My trip will (did) include plans to ski
  • My trip will (did) include plans to golf/tennis
  • Personal affairs (moving; to/from school)
  • Personal emergency (illness, etc.)
  • Vacation or other personal reason

3. Did you yourself call to make the arrangements for this flight or this trip?

4. If you were particularly dissatisfied with any of Jackson Kennedy’s Airport procedures at the airport you departed, please mention the following areas which you have expressed disappointment:

  • Curbside baggage check-in
  • (Company) ticket counter
  • Express baggage/Seat check-in counter
  • Security checkpoint
  • Red Carpet Room
  • Boarding gate check-in counter
  • Aircraft boarding

5. If you were particularly dissatisfied with any of Jackson Kennedy’s Airport personnel at the airport you just departed, please indicate the kind of personnel you have expressed dismay upon:

  • Ticket counter agent
  • Express baggage agent
  • Security checkpoint personnel
  • Red Carpet Room receptionist
  • Boarding gate agent(s)
  • Flight attendant (during boarding)

6. Were there certain aspects or highlights of the country that you enjoyed the most? Please enumerate and explain each in a sentence.

7. Were there certain aspects or highlights of the country that you enjoyed the least? Please enumerate and explain each in a sentence.

8.Were there certain aspects or highlights of the country that you thought could be improved or made better? Please enumerate and explain each in a sentence.

9. Overall, did you have a good and enjoyable stay in the country?

10. Would you recommend your friends or loved ones to visit this country?

11. What could have been done to serve you better?

travel hong kong

Even in making the survey, it is always best to keep it short and simple so that your respondents will not be overwhelmed by how much they would still need to think about the questions. You may also see how to develop survey questions .


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How to build business travel surveys travelers will actually take

Asking business travelers what they think is an effective way to get the insights you need to build a strong corporate travel program and improve policies already in place.

By Liudmila Buga

February 9, 2024

travel manager

Creating winning business travel survey questions is one of the secrets to optimizing your corporate travel program. Rolling out travel surveys will help you identify your program’s shortcomings so that you can have a stronger, more agile travel program for all your business travelers.

Building surveys with the goal of taking the key learnings and improving the overall experience for everyone involved is crucial since happy travelers mean productive travelers. So, let’s take a look at the  10 key steps you can use to implement winning business travel surveys.

Step 1: Set the goals for your corporate travel survey questions

When it comes time to designing a survey,  make sure you have a goal in mind.  For example: as you consider resuming or expanding your travel program, your goal might be to understand your traveler’s new working approach while traveling for business. Keep the goal in mind when planning your questions.

No matter whether your goal is to  optimize your travel policies , to help your travelers make the most of their business trips, or to simply get a feel for the health of your corporate travel program,  having a goal in mind will make your surveys more effective.  

Step 2: Define stakeholder and survey review process

Involve relevant stakeholders in the survey process, from helping to build the questions, to reviewing the data insights extracted from it. You might Implicate colleagues in technology, data analysis, travel risk management, meetings, or finance who can help you with different aspects of the process. In the case of data analysts, they can help you better understand and utilize the data that is derived from the business travel survey.

Step 3: K.I.S.S. Keep it simple and specific

Keep the travel survey length and questions short and straightforward. No one will want to answer surveys that are too long, so  the fewer the corporate travel survey questions, the better.  Our insider experts suggest creating surveys that take no longer than eight minutes to complete. The questions should offer a range or scale of response options as open-ended questions take more time to answer and are harder to quantify. 

Step 4: Select a user-friendly survey tool 

We’ll leave it up to you to decide what survey platform to go with, since there are tons of suitable options out there. Just keep in mind to check reviews and make sure the tool is intuitive. It should meet your needs for the types of questions you wish to ask and offer built-in analytics capabilities. You should  spend time creating great questions instead of trying to get your platform to work. 

Step 5: Plan survey frequency and timing

Survey your travelers as often as you need to, but don’t overwhelm them.   Your survey frequency should depend on your goals. If the travelers are engaged and highly motivated (e.g., by incentives) they may have more incentive to participate monthly. Monitor responses and adjust survey plans accordingly.

Distribute the business travel survey questions when it makes the most sense

For example you may consider launching a business travel survey prior to travel policy rollouts or changes; following the rollouts to gauge effectiveness; or before major events or holidays where the targeted audience is likely to miss the survey communication.

Decide how long your survey should remain open

The best practice for the GetGoing internal research team is  generally a two-week survey window.  Send reminders three days to one week after the survey opens. If the response is underwhelming, it’s okay to send a gentle reminder email. Don’t forget: a catchy subject line with a call to action is always a good idea.

travel reports

Step 6: Test it

Practice makes perfect , and this rule most definitely applies to business travel surveys. Make sure you pass along the survey “practice test” to your colleagues, to look out for content or formatting mistakes, unclear questions or responses, and overall practicality. This will help work out any kinks before you actually launch the questionnaire. 

Step 7: Report back

Grow confidence in your business travel program, by sharing survey results and demonstrating how they’ll be put into practice across your organization. Organize this report by writing a short summary of your findings, including visuals to support key data and help put the survey results in context.

Step 8: Think long term 

To help get an optimal number of responses each time you send a survey, focus on creating a diverse audience in terms of geolocation, language, gender, age, and tenure. The better your survey participants represent the actual company of business travelers, the more relevant your insights.

Keep in mind that this global representation won’t happen after a single survey. It will improve over time, especially if you can demonstrate how your survey insights directly influence travel program policies.

Step 9: Make it worthwhile

Encourage participants to take the survey by offering some form of incentives ,  such as recognition badges, gifts, discounts, or entering them into a sweepstakes to win a prize. Make sure your invitations and incentives are targeted to the right traveler profiles. Otherwise, you might attract less helpful attention from go-getters searching for freebies. 

Step 10: Review, refine and repeat

Once you have reached a shared understanding of the results, it’s important to review, refine and repeat the process. Surveys are an iterative process, meaning that it involves building, improving and refining. There is no such thing as a perfect survey or marketing campaign, so be sure you learn and refine as you go. After all, practice makes perfect. 

What did you learn about business travel survey questions?

Now that we’ve gone over the 10 steps to create a winning survey with the right corporate travel survey questions, you have all that’s necessary to nail your business travel program. Surveys give you a hand in obtaining valuable information of a large sample of individuals in a limited time and with limited resources required. 

Looking for more ways to optimize your travel program?  Contact GetGoing  and we’ll help you get traveling. 

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  • Travel Questionnaire Form

A travel questionnaire form is used by travel agencies to get to know their customers’ preferences, what destinations they want to travel to, the best time of the year to visit these destinations, etc. If you manage a travel agency, you can streamline your customer service with our free Travel Questionnaire Form template. Whether you want to find out what type of travel plans customers are interested in or what destinations are popular amongst your clients, use our online travel questionnaire form to get your customers’ feedback easily.

After taking the form, you can share the responses with your customers or send them to your email account or to any other platform you use. Simply customize the form by adding your logo, selecting the colors, updating the fields, or adding partner logos—or even adding a social media page to make it easier for customers to get in touch with you. If you’d like to pull in data from other accounts to get more information about your customers, 100+ integrations are at your disposal!

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A guest registration form is used to collect information from hotel guests. Whether you run a small, private bed and breakfast or an internationally renowned five-star luxury resort, get new customers and boost repeat business with our free Guest Registration Form template! All you need to do is embed the form on your website, share it with a link, or have your guests fill it out on your tablets or computers — then watch as guests submit their information directly to your booking system!If you’d like to accept card payments online, integrate with a trusted payment processor like Square, PayPal, or Stripe — we have 100+ other apps you can choose from, too. Integrate your hotel’s otherwise scattered data with a free Guest Registration Form — track guests, add notes, and stay organized with Jotform!

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About Travel Booking Forms

Travel booking forms, also known as travel reservation forms, are used by travel agencies to help book travel for clients. Whether your agency specializes in planning tours, cruises, family vacations, or business travel, our free Travel Booking Forms will speed up the reservation process by collecting important travel information online. Clients can provide details about the number of attendees, arrival and departure dates, and important travel demands all at once, eliminating the need for back-and-forth phone calls and emails. Each submission will be safely stored in a single, secure Jotform account, easily accessible by staff on any device.

Your travel agency makes sure to tailor to clients’ needs, so why not tailor your travel booking forms to your needs? Our easy-to-use Form Builder only needs you to drag and drop to make modifications to any Travel Booking Form below. You can change the form fields, template layout, background image, and even upload your logo for a professional look. Need to collect reservation fees? Just integrate your form with one of our payment gateways to process fees instantly — Jotform offers more than 30 processing apps, including Square and PayPal. You can even connect the form to other online accounts, such as your Google Drive or Slack workspace, to speed up your workflow. Start booking more clients online and improve your agency’s reservation process with our free Travel Booking Forms!

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Survey animation

90 Survey Question Examples + Best Practices Checklist

What makes a good survey question, what is the importance of asking the right questions, 9 types of survey questions + examples, how to conduct surveys effectively, make surveys easier with fullsession, fullsession pricing plans, install your first website survey today, faqs about survey questions.

An effective survey is the best way to collect customer feedback. It will serve as your basis for multiple functions, such as improving your product, supplementing market research, creating new marketing strategies, and much more. But what makes an effective survey?

The answer is simple–you have to ask the right questions. Good survey questions gather concrete information from your audience and give you a solid idea of what you need to do next. However, the process of creating a survey is not that easy–you want to make every question count.

In this article we’ll cover everything you need to know about survey questions, with 90 examples and use cases.

Understanding the anatomy of a good survey question can transform your approach to data collection, ensuring you gather information that’s both actionable and insightful. Let’s dive deeper into the elements that make a survey question effective:

  • Clarity is Key:  Questions should be straightforward and leave no room for interpretation, ensuring uniform understanding across all respondents.
  • Conciseness Matters:  Keep questions short and to the point. Avoid unnecessary wording that could confuse or disengage your audience.
  • Bias-Free Questions:  Ensure questions are neutral and do not lead respondents toward a particular answer. This maintains the integrity of your data.
  • Avoiding Ambiguity:  Specify the context clearly and ask questions in a way that allows for direct and clear answers, eliminating confusion.
  • Ensuring Relevance:  Each question should have a clear purpose and be directly related to your survey’s objectives, avoiding any irrelevant inquiries.
  • Easy to Answer:  Design questions in a format that is straightforward for respondents to understand and respond to, whether open-ended, multiple-choice, or using a rating scale.

Keep these points in mind as you prepare to write your survey questions. It also helps to refer back to these goals after drafting your survey so you can see if you hit each mark.

The primary goal of a survey is to collect information that would help meet a specific goal, whether that be gauging customer satisfaction or getting to know your target audience more. Asking the right survey questions is the best way to achieve that goal. More specifically, a good survey can help you with:

Informed Decision-Making

A solid foundation of data is essential for any business decision, and the right survey questions point you in the direction of the most valuable information.

Survey responses serve as a basis for the strategic decisions that can propel a business forward or redirect its course to avoid potential pitfalls. By understanding what your audience truly wants or needs, you can tailor your products or services to meet those demands more effectively.

Uncovering Customer Preferences

Today’s consumers have more options than ever before, and their preferences can shift with the wind. Asking the right survey questions helps you tap into the current desires of their target market, uncovering trends and preferences that may not be immediately obvious.

This insight allows you to adapt your products, services, and marketing messages to resonate more deeply with the target audience, fostering loyalty and encouraging engagement.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

No product, service, or customer experience is perfect, but the path to improvement lies in understanding where the gaps are. The right survey questions can shine a light on these areas, offering a clear view of what’s working and what’s not.

This feedback is invaluable for continuous improvement, helping you refine your products and enhance the customer experience. In turn, this can lead to increased satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth.

Reducing Churn Rate

Churn rate is the percentage of customers who stop using your service or product over a given period. High churn rates can be a symptom of deeper issues, such as dissatisfaction with the product or service, poor customer experience, or unmet needs. Including good survey questions can help you identify the reasons behind customer departure and take proactive steps to address them.

For example, survey questions that explore customer satisfaction levels, reasons for discontinuation, or the likelihood of recommending the service to others can pinpoint specific factors contributing to churn.

Minimizing Website Bounce Rate

Bounce rate  is the percentage of visitors leaving a website after viewing just one page. High bounce rates may signal issues with a site’s content, layout, or user experience not meeting visitor expectations.

Utilizing surveys to ask about visitors’ web experiences can provide valuable insights into website usability, content relevance, and navigation ease. Effectively, well-crafted survey questions aimed at understanding the user experience can lead to strategic adjustments, improving overall website performance, and fostering a more engaged audience.

three people filling out a feedback form animated picture

A good survey consists of two or more types of survey questions. However, all questions must serve a purpose. In this section, we divide survey questions into nine categories and include the best survey question examples for each type:

1. Open Ended Questions

Open-ended questions  allow respondents to answer in their own words instead of selecting from pre-selected answers.

“What features would you like to see added to our product?”

“How did you hear about our service?”

“What was your reason for choosing our product over competitors?”

“Can you describe your experience with our customer service?”

“What improvements can we make to enhance your user experience?”

“Why did you cancel your subscription?”

“What challenges are you facing with our software?”

“How can we better support your goals?”

“What do you like most about our website?”

“Can you provide feedback on our new product launch?”

When to use open-ended questions: Using these survey questions is a good idea when you don’t have a solid grasp of customer satisfaction yet. Customers will have the freedom to express all their thoughts and opinions, which, in turn, will let you have an accurate feel of how customers perceive your brand.

2. Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple-choice questions offer a set of predefined answers, usually three to four. Businesses usually use multiple-choice survey questions to gather information on participants’ attitudes, behaviors, and preferences.

“Which of the following age groups do you fall into? (Under 18, 19-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56+)”

“What is your primary use of our product? (Personal, Business, Educational)”

“How often do you use our service? (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Rarely)”

“Which of our products do you use? (Product A, Product B, Product C, All of the above)”

“What type of content do you prefer? (Blogs, Videos, Podcasts, eBooks)”

“Where do you usually shop for our products? (Online, In-store, Both)”

“What is your preferred payment method? (Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfer, Cash)”

“Which social media platforms do you use regularly? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)”

“What is your employment status? (Employed, Self-Employed, Unemployed, Student)”

“Which of the following best describes your fitness level? (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert)”

When to use multiple-choice questions: Asking multiple-choice questions can help with market research and segmentation. You can easily divide respondents depending on what pre-determined answer they choose. However, if this is the purpose of your survey, each question must be based on behavioral types or customer personas.

3. Yes or No Questions

Yes or no questions are straightforward, offering a binary choice.

“Have you used our product before?”

“Would you recommend our service to a friend?”

“Are you satisfied with your purchase?”

“Do you understand the terms and conditions?”

“Was our website easy to navigate?”

“Did you find what you were looking for?”

“Are you interested in receiving our newsletter?”

“Have you attended one of our events?”

“Do you agree with our privacy policy?”

“Have you experienced any issues with our service?”

When to use yes/no questions: These survey questions are very helpful in market screening and filtering out certain people for targeted surveys. For example, asking “Have you used our product before?” helps you separate the people who have tried out your product, a.k.a. the people who qualify for your survey.

4. Rating Scale Questions

Rating scale questions ask respondents to rate their experience or satisfaction on a numerical scale.

“On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our customer service?”

“How satisfied are you with the product quality? (1-5)”

“Rate your overall experience with our website. (1-5)”

“How likely are you to purchase again? (1-10)”

“On a scale of 1-10, how easy was it to find what you needed?”

“Rate the value for money of your purchase. (1-5)”

“How would you rate the speed of our service? (1-10)”

“Rate your satisfaction with our return policy. (1-5)”

“How comfortable was the product? (1-10)”

“Rate the accuracy of our product description. (1-5)”

When to use rating scale questions: As you can see from the survey question examples above, rating scale questions give you excellent  quantitative data  on customer satisfaction.

5. Checkbox Questions

Checkbox questions allow respondents to select multiple answers from a list. You can also include an “Others” option, where the respondent can answer in their own words.

“Which of the following features do you value the most? (Select all that apply)”

“What topics are you interested in? (Select all that apply)”

“Which days are you available? (Select all that apply)”

“Select the services you have used. (Select all that apply)”

“What types of notifications would you like to receive? (Select all that apply)”

“Which of the following devices do you own? (Select all that apply)”

“Select any dietary restrictions you have. (Select all that apply)”

“Which of the following brands have you heard of? (Select all that apply)”

“What languages do you speak? (Select all that apply)”

“Select the social media platforms you use regularly. (Select all that apply)”

When to use checkbox questions: Checkbox questions are an excellent tool for collecting  psychographic data , including information about customers’ lifestyles, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, etc. Moreover, survey responses will help you correlate certain characteristics to specific market segments.

6. Rank Order Questions

Rank order questions ask respondents to prioritize options according to their preference or importance.

“Rank the following features in order of importance to you. (Highest to Lowest)”

“Please rank these product options based on your preference. (1 being the most preferred)”

“Rank these factors by how much they influence your purchase decision. (Most to Least)”

“Order these services by how frequently you use them. (Most frequent to Least frequent)”

“Rank these issues by how urgently you think they need to be addressed. (Most urgent to Least urgent)”

“Please prioritize these company values according to what matters most to you. (Top to Bottom)”

“Rank these potential improvements by how beneficial they would be for you. (Most beneficial to Least beneficial)”

“Order these content types by your interest level. (Most interested to Least interested)”

“Rank these brands by your preference. (Favorite to Least favorite)”

“Prioritize these activities by how enjoyable you find them. (Most enjoyable to Least enjoyable)”

When to use rank order questions: Respondents must already be familiar with your brand or products to answer these questions, which is why we recommend using these for customers in the middle or bottom of your  conversion funnel .

Checklist of items animated

7. Likert Scale Questions

Likert scale questions measure the intensity of feelings towards a statement on a scale of agreement or satisfaction. Usually, these survey questions use a 5 to 7-point scale, ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” or something similar.

  • “I am satisfied with the quality of customer service. (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)”
  • “The product meets my needs. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “I find the website easy to navigate. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “I feel that the pricing is fair for the value I receive. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “I would recommend this product/service to others. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “I am likely to purchase from this company again. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “The company values customer feedback. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “I am confident in the security of my personal information. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “The product features meet my expectations. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”
  • “Customer service resolved my issue promptly. (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)”

When to use Likert scale questions: You can use these survey question examples in different types of surveys, such as customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys. Likert scale questions give you precise measurements of how satisfied respondents are with a specific aspect of your product or service.

8. Matrix Survey Questions

Matrix survey questions allow respondents to evaluate multiple items using the same set of response options. Many companies combine matrix survey questions with Likert scales to make the survey easier to do.

  • “Please rate the following aspects of our service. (Customer support, Product quality, Delivery speed)”
  • “Evaluate your level of satisfaction with these website features. (Search functionality, Content relevance, User interface)”
  • “Rate the importance of the following factors in your purchasing decision. (Price, Brand, Reviews)”
  • “Assess your agreement with these statements about our company. (Innovative, Ethical, Customer-focused)”
  • “Rate your satisfaction with these aspects of our product. (Ease of use, Durability, Design)”
  • “Evaluate these aspects of our mobile app. (Performance, Security, Features)”
  • “Rate how well each of the following describes our brand. (Trustworthy, Innovative, Responsive)”
  • “Assess your satisfaction with these elements of our service. (Responsiveness, Accuracy, Friendliness)”
  • “Rate the effectiveness of these marketing channels for you. (Email, Social Media, Print Ads)”
  • “Evaluate your agreement with these workplace policies. (Flexibility, Diversity, Wellness initiatives)”

When to use matrix survey questions: Ask matrix survey questions when you want to make your survey more convenient to answer, as they allow multiple questions on various topics without repeating options. This is particularly helpful when you want to cover many points of interest in one survey.

9. Demographic Questions

Lastly, demographic questions collect basic information about respondents, aiding in data segmentation and analysis.

  • “What is your age?”
  • “What is your gender? (Male, Female, Prefer not to say, Other)”
  • “What is your highest level of education completed?”
  • “What is your employment status? (Employed, Self-employed, Unemployed, Student)”
  • “What is your household income range?”
  • “What is your marital status? (Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed)”
  • “How many people live in your household?”
  • “What is your ethnicity?”
  • “In which city and country do you currently reside?”
  • “What is your occupation?”

When to use demographic questions: From the survey question examples, you can easily tell that these questions aim to collect information on your respondents’ backgrounds, which will be helpful in creating buyer personas and improving market segmentation.

Checklist pointer arrow on tablet held in hands animation

Surveys can help you accomplish many things for your business, but only if you do it right. Creating the perfect survey isn’t just about crafting the best survey questions, you also have to:

1. Define Your Objectives

Before crafting your survey, be clear about what you want to achieve. Whether it’s understanding customer satisfaction, gauging interest in a new product, or collecting feedback on services, having specific objectives will guide your survey design and ensure you ask the right questions.

2. Know Your Audience

Understanding who your respondents are will help tailor the survey to their interests and needs, increasing the likelihood of participation. Consider demographics, behaviors, and preferences to make your survey relevant and engaging to your target audience.

3. Choose the Right Type of Survey Questions

Utilize a mix of the nine types of survey questions to gather a wide range of data. Balance open-ended questions for qualitative insights with closed-ended questions for easy-to-analyze quantitative data. Ensure each question aligns with your objectives and is clear and concise.

4. Keep It Short and Simple (KISS)

Respondents are more likely to complete shorter surveys. Aim for a survey that takes 5-10 minutes to complete, focusing on essential questions only. A straightforward and intuitive survey design encourages higher response rates.

5. Use Simple Language

Avoid technical jargon, complex words, or ambiguous terms. The language should be accessible to all respondents, ensuring that questions are understood as intended.

6. Ensure Anonymity and Confidentiality

Assure respondents that their answers are anonymous and their data will be kept confidential. This assurance can increase the honesty and accuracy of the responses you receive.

7. Test Your Survey

Pilot your survey with a small group before full deployment. This testing phase can help identify confusing questions, technical issues, or any other aspects of the survey that might hinder response quality or quantity.

8. Choose the Right Distribution Channels

Select the most effective channels to reach your target audience. This could be via email, social media, your website, or in-app notifications, depending on where your audience is most active and engaged.

9. Offer Incentives

Consider offering incentives to increase participation rates. Incentives can range from discounts, entry into a prize draw, or access to exclusive content. Ensure the incentive is relevant and appealing to your target audience.

10. Analyze and Act on the Data

After collecting the responses, analyze the data to extract meaningful insights. Use these insights to make informed decisions, implement changes, or develop strategies that align with your objectives. Sharing key findings and subsequent actions with respondents can also demonstrate the value of their feedback and encourage future participation.

11. Follow Up

Consider following up with respondents after the survey, especially if you promised to share results or if you’re conducting longitudinal studies. A follow-up can reinforce their importance to your research and maintain engagement over time.

12. Iterate and Improve

Surveys are not a one-time activity. Regularly conducting surveys and iterating based on previous feedback and results can help you stay aligned with your audience’s changing needs and preferences.

Checklist of items animated

These survey question examples are a great place to start in creating efficient and effective surveys. Why not take it a step further by integrating a  customer feedback tool  on your website?

FullSession  lets you collect instant visual feedback with an intuitive in-app survey. With this tool, you can:

  • Build unique surveys
  • Target feedback based on users’ devices or specific pages
  • Measure survey responses

Aside from FullSession’s customer feedback tool, you also gain access to:

  • Interactive heat maps: A  website heat map  shows you which items are gaining the most attention and which ones are not, helping you optimize UI and UX.
  • Session recordings: Watch  replays  or live sessions to see how users are navigating your website and pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Funnels and conversions: Analyze funnel data to figure out what’s causing  funnel drops  and what contributes to successful conversions.

fullsession pricing image

The FullSession platform offers a  14-day free trial.  It provides two paid plans—Basic and Business. Here are more details on each plan.

  • The Basic plan costs $39/month and allows you to monitor up to 5,000 monthly sessions.
  • The Business plan costs $149/month and helps you to track and analyze up to 25,000 monthly sessions.
  • The Enterprise plan starts from 100,000 monthly sessions and has custom pricing.

If you need more information, you can  get a demo.

It takes less than 5 minutes to set up your first website or app survey form, with  FullSession , and it’s completely free!

How many questions should I include in my survey?

Aim for 10-15 questions to keep surveys short and engaging, ideally taking 5-10 minutes to complete. Focus on questions that directly support your objectives.

How can I ensure my survey questions are not biased?

Use neutral language, avoid assumptions, balance answer choices, and pre-test your survey with a diverse group to identify and correct biases.

How do I increase my survey response rate?

To boost response rates, ensure your survey is concise and relevant to the audience. Use engaging questions, offer incentives where appropriate, and communicate the value of respondents’ feedback. Choose the right distribution channels to reach your target audience effectively.

sample travel survey questions

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Discover FullSession's Digital Experience Intelligence solution firsthand. Explore FullSession for free

a man and a woman filling product survey questions

Travel Agency Survey

The job of a travel agency is to reduce the stress of planning a vacation. Find out how well your agency does in satisfying your customer’s expectations. Gather feedback on how they got to know about you and their rating on the service provided by you. Gain insights on whether they are likely to recommend you to other travelers.

Travel agency survey questionnaire template

Why should travel agencies conduct surveys?

These surveys provide a window into the traveler’s experience, allowing agencies to identify areas of excellence and pinpoint potential shortcomings. By understanding what travellers appreciate and where improvements are needed, travel agencies can tailor their services to meet traveler expectations. Ultimately, this feedback-driven approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also strengthens the agency’s competitiveness in the travel industry.

Travel agency servey

How often do you book your travel with us?

How likely are you to book us again?

Stay ahead of customer expectations

Travel trends and customer expectations are constantly evolving. Surveys allow travel agencies to stay attuned to these changes by capturing feedback on emerging preferences, desired amenities, and innovative experiences. By understanding these evolving expectations, travel agencies can adapt their offerings and stay ahead of the competition.

Engage with customers during the pre- and post-travel phases

Surveys offer an opportunity to engage with customers not only during their trip but also before and after their travel experience. Pre-travel surveys can help agencies gather preferences, tailor itineraries, and ensure a seamless trip planning process. Post-travel surveys capture feedback on the overall experience, allowing agencies to address any issues, offer post-trip assistance, and maintain an ongoing relationship with customers.

Identify and address the customer pain points

Surveys provide an avenue for customers to express their concerns, highlight areas of dissatisfaction, or suggest improvements. By actively seeking feedback travel agencies can identify pain points in their services and take corrective measures. Addressing these issues promptly and effectively helps in improving overall service quality and customer satisfaction.

Build strategies to enhance Customer Retention

Surveys provide a direct avenue for customers to express their concerns, highlight areas of dissatisfaction, or suggest improvements. By actively seeking feedback, travel agencies can identify pain points in their services and take swift corrective measures. Satisfied and loyal customers not only generate repeat business but also become brand advocates, attracting new customers through positive recommendations.

Leveraging customer testimonials for business growth

Surveys serve as an effective platform to gather testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers. Positive feedback collected through surveys can be utilized as testimonials on the website, social media platforms, and marketing materials. These testimonials and reviews not only enhance the agency’s credibility but also build trust with potential customers.

Customer-centric pricing: Maximizing revenue through insights

Surveys provide insights into customers willingness to pay for various travel services and experiences. By incorporating pricing-related questions in surveys, travel agencies can gauge customer perceptions of value and adjust their pricing strategies accordingly. This data-driven approach helps agencies optimize their revenue streams, ensuring that their pricing aligns with customer expectations. By offering competitive and customer-centric pricing, travel agencies can maximize revenue while maintaining customer satisfaction.

Revolutionize your data collection with Zoho survey!

Travel agency survey

Rating questions

Multilingual surveys, offline surveys, sms distributions, discover insights, craft experiences..

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Table of Contents

What is a travel questionnaire, the value of collecting information, 14+ travel questionnaire templates in google docs | word | pages | numbers | pdf, 1. pre travel questionnaire template, 2. sample travel questionnaire template, 3. medical travel questionnaire template, 4. pre travel questionnaire template, 5. pre-travel questionnaire in pdf, 6. international travel questionnaire, 7. international travel medical questionnaire, 8. pre-travel questionnaire form, 9. simple travel questionnaire, 10. domestic travel survey questionnaire template, 11. foreign travel questionnaire template, 12. basic travel questionnaire template, 13. residency and travel questionnaire, 14. printable travel questionnaire in pdf, 15. professional travel questionnaire, how to create a travel questionnaire, questionnaire templates.

With over 7 trillion U.S. dollars global economic contribution last 2016, it is undeniable that one of the highest-earning industries all over the world is travel and tourism. Aside from that, the international tourist arrivals were forecasted to exceed 1.8 billion travelers by 2030 from 1.19 billion in 2015. However, these figures wouldn’t be realized without the efforts of business people. And being in this industry entails writing and preparing documents such as a travel questionnaire to keep it running. Learn more about it as we walk you through the basics of the document.

sample travel survey questions

  • Medical Travel Questionnaire: This type of questionnaire collects information regarding the medical condition or medical history of an individual. Usually, the details provided in the form is essential for insurance companies in determining the coverage and cost of the travel insurance policy.
  • Pre-Travel Questionnaire: A pre-travel questionnaire includes questions regarding the travel plans or itinerary of the travelers. They may also include their medical needs to reduce the risk of health issues while traveling.
  • Post-Travel Questionnaire: After the tour, business owners can distribute business questionnaire to tourists for them to evaluate the services rendered by the company. The feedback about the trip provided by the customer can be the basis for businesses for the improvement of their services.

travel questionnaire template

Step 1: Specify the Purpose

Step 2: start with the personal information, step 3: list down questions, step 4: keep it short and simple, step 5: distribute, more in questionnaire templates, travel & tour bi-fold brochure template, travel brochure template, modern vacation rental tri-fold brochure template, travel sale tri-fold brochure template, travel agency bi-fold brochure template, travel & tour tri-fold brochure template, beach vacation rental bi-fold brochure template, condo apartment vacation rental tri-fold brochure template, vacation rental advertising tri-fold brochure template.

  • 20+ Work Questionnaire Templates in PDF | DOC
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  • 6+ Email Marketing Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 19+ Child Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 10+ Food Survey Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word | Pages | Google Docs
  • 9+ Business Client Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 8+ Driver Health Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 15+ Pre-Employment Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 11+ Project Evaluation Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 5+ Client Satisfaction Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS word
  • 7+ Student Experience Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 10+ Financial Planning Questionnaire Templates in MS Word | PDF
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Home Surveys

Tourist Survey: What It Is + Tips with Examples

A tourist survey is a tool that allows you to collect information about people's opinions about places they visit or services they receive.

A tourist survey mainly allows us to obtain quality information quickly. This data comes directly from tourists or travel enthusiasts. Online surveys for tourism reduce costs and facilitate execution for specialized personnel who carry it out.

What is a Tourist Survey?

A tourist survey is a tool that allows you to collect information about people’s opinions about the place they visited or the services they received. Through a survey, people can provide data that allows us to measure the service quality, the facilities’ safety and hygiene, assess the places they visited, the activities they carried out, etc.

Tourist Survey Uses

Various sources can use tourist surveys for different situations:

  • Travel agencies: Travel agencies can use tourist surveys to obtain data on activities, destinations, and applicants’ budgets to create campaigns that attract people to purchase their services. Carry out surveys for travel agencies and evaluate the quality of your service.
  • Hotel management: Surveys can be applied to hotels to find out what people think of the service they offer, the activities they carry out for visitors, if they have guides for foreigners and if they have the right knowledge to meet the needs of tourists.
  • Government departments: The government can find an extremely important source of data in surveys for tourists. With this information, they can create campaigns to publicize representative areas or zones of the city to attract a more significant number of visitors and income for the town’s benefit.

Tourist Survey Advantages

  • Among the benefits of applying survey formats for tourists are:
  • Create better strategies that allow the increase of tourists, both for companies and governments.
  • Better activities can be created for the interest of tourists.
  • Companies and organizations can offer a good experience to customers by knowing their needs.

Doing online surveys for tourists has a significant advantage since the visitor is given the option of being able to respond from any mobile device at the time they want.

Large amounts of information can be obtained about the most visited tourist sites to create better strategies for them to continue generating income. Publicize places that meet the tastes of tourists and give them more publicity.

LEARN ABOUT: Free Travel Surveys: Questions & Templates

Tourist Survey Tips with Examples

If you are going to create a survey for tourists, we recommend:

  • Remember that only some people who will respond to the survey speak the same language as you. With QuestionPro, you can create multilingual surveys for travelers to understand and answer appropriately.
  • Create short creative surveys that allow you to collect enough information for your goals. Chances are if someone is visiting a city, they want to spend less time answering a questionnaire.
  • Consider that there are countries in which internet access is limited or they do not have connectivity. In this case, you can use our tool to create offline surveys and collect data in the field or in ecotourism areas, for example, and when you are connected, download the information collected via Wi-Fi.

Examples of questions for tourists:

  • What is your favorite means of transport to travel?
  • What type of place do you prefer to visit when you vacation?
  • How many times a year do you go on a trip?
  • What is the season of the year in which you prefer to travel?
  • How many are the approximate days that you go on vacation?
  • What kind of activities do you like to do when you travel?
  • Where was the last place you went on vacation?
  • What factors do you take into account when hiring a travel package?
  • Where do you prefer to stay?
  • What are the tools you use to find accommodation?
  • On average, what is the price you consider appropriate for a travel package?
  • When making a trip, do you prefer to do it alone or accompanied by your family?

Travel surveys are a tool that will allow you to increase income and offer visitors the service they want during their trips. Do you want to create surveys for tourists? Schedule a demo right now.



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Travel agent customer satisfaction questionnaire template

1. please confirm your gender:, 2. why did you choose us over other travel agents, 3. which method did you use when ordering from us, 4. how would you rate our sales team against the following statements, the sales agent was friendly and helpful, the sales agent was professional, the sales agent catered instinctively to my needs, the sales agent provided the necessary informational materials, the sales agent was well informed on the full range of services on offer, 5. which mode of travel did you choose, 6. how would you rate the quality of the bus service provided, loading speed and time of departure, the drivers' helpful attitude and personality, refreshments, punctuality, the overall quality and condition of the bus, 7. how would you rate the quality of your flight, check-in time and time of departure, the friendliness and attitude of the cabin crew, the quality of the in-flight meal, inflight services (tv, wc, water etc.), 8. how would you rate the quality of your accomodation, the facilities in general, the quality of your room, the quality and variety of the food on offer, the attitude and service from hotel staff, hygiene and cleanliness of the hotel, hotel services, transportation and accessibility to and from the hotel, the quality of hotel entertainment, 9. were you offered the following services prior to travel, payment protection insurance, comprehensive insurance, transport options to/from the airport, optional excursions or day-trips, 10. how satisfied were you with the level and quality of service surrounding your trip, 11. from your front door until your return, how would you rate your trip overall, 12. what was your overall impression of the following:, travel agency staff, transportation (any), accomodation, optional excursions, the quality of the refreshments provided, 13. which type of travel do you prefer to buy, 14. what is your first consideration when purchasing a holiday, 15. please answer the following few questions based on your experience using us:, has your holiday lived up to your expectations, are you satisfied with the package we offered, was our website easy to use and navigate, was everything listed on our website reflected in reality, did you receive value for money with us, will you use our travel agency again in future, 16. if you used us again would you change anything please tell us in your own words:, travel agent customer satisfaction survey, template categories, survio is a survey software for everyone., create a questionnaire in less than one minute, collect survey responses on multiple channels, analyze survey results with a single click, what people say about us, it’s not just a template. you’ll get the entire survey platform to collect desired data and understand them., enter survio, create engaging surveys, get genuine data and make the right decisions., start surveying now, contact sales.


  1. FREE 8+ Sample Travel Survey Templates in PDF

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  2. 14+ Travel Questionnaire Templates in Google Docs

    sample travel survey questions

  3. 14+ Travel Survey Templates in PDF

    sample travel survey questions

  4. Travel Survey

    sample travel survey questions

  5. 26 Printable Travel Questionnaire Sample Forms And Templates Fillable Images

    sample travel survey questions

  6. 30+ Questionnaire Templates and Designs in Microsoft Word

    sample travel survey questions


  1. 42 Informative Travel Survey Questions

    Remember, as with any hospitality survey, the aim is not just to question but to question wisely. Your survey should serve as a mirror that reflects the complete journey, equipping you with the understanding to elevate travelers' future experiences. Example travel questions Travel motivations. 1. What primarily encouraged you to book this trip? 2.

  2. Free Travel Surveys: Questions & Templates

    Travel Survey Questions template analyzes the purpose of the trip, service problem identification, and overall satisfaction of a travel industry customer. This sample questionnaire has a thorough list of questions that can provide travel organization insights on how to improve the respondent's travel experience.

  3. Travel Survey Questions and Templates

    Sample travel and hospitality surveys (some templates available only in English) Build customer loyalty. Use surveys to find out what your customers think of your travel or hospitality services—and what it would take to keep them coming back. Start with one of our survey templates and use it as is, or customize a survey to meet your needs.

  4. Travel survey questions

    Travel Survey Questions with ready-made questionnaire template to analyze the purpose of trip, service problem identification and overall satisfaction of a travel industry customer. This customizable sample survey has a thorough list of questions that can provide travel organization with insights on how to improve the travel experience for customers.

  5. 9 Tips for Travel Survey Questions

    Here are nine tips for travel surveys that will benefit your business: 1. Organize questions by topic and keep it simple. When you craft a survey, you should always keep the people taking the survey — your valued customers — in mind. Never use terms or abbreviations they won't completely understand. Keep the wording of your questions ...

  6. Vacation survey template

    Vacation travel survey. SurveyMonkey is rated 4.5 out of 5 from 18,000+ reviews on If you're a travel planner or researcher, get the competitive edge by learning about people's vacation preferences. Our expert-certified vacation travel template lets you get to know your target audience better and see what factors go into planning a ...

  7. Travel tour evaluation survey questions + Sample questionnaire template

    Travel Tour Evaluation Survey Template offers questions the evaluate the entire tour experience and willingness to recommend. Survey creators can edit the questionnaire sample according to the exact purpose of the survey. For example, asking the customers to provide feedback about the food arrangements during the tour can help the travel ...

  8. 50+ Travel Survey Questions with Sample Templates

    A travel survey is a research tool used to gather information about people's travel habits, preferences, and experiences. These surveys can be conducted for a variety of purposes, including: Understanding travel trends : Gathering data on popular destinations, travel styles, and spending habits helps tourism boards, travel companies, and ...

  9. Travel Satisfaction Survey Form Template

    An online travel satisfaction survey is a questionnaire used to evaluate the experiences of travelers. Whether you're a cruise operator, travel agency, airline, or hotel manager, use this free Travel Satisfaction Survey to collect information from your customers, both in the app and on your website! Just customize the survey questions to ...

  10. Free Online Travel Survey Questionnaire Template

    A travel survey questionnaire is used to gather information from individuals who have recently traveled, either for leisure or business. It can help travel companies understand the preferences and needs of travelers and identify ways to improve the travel experience. With, you can create a customized travel survey questionnaire in ...

  11. Exploring Your Travel Habits Survey

    Travel preferences survey. 1000+ Templates, 50+ Categories. Explore more. This survey is designed to understand the preferences of travelers so that travel companies can tailor their services to better meet the needs of their customers. It covers topics such as accommodation and transport preferences, budget, cuisine, and the type of activities ...

  12. Travel Survey

    PDF. Size: 52 KB. Download. Sample Travel Survey. As mentioned before making a travel survey is sometimes just not about the place you have visited itself, but it is also about understanding the people who you are trying to survey for data and research purposes to better know the customer preferences of certain preferences.

  13. How to build business travel surveys

    Step 1: Set the goals for your corporate travel survey questions. When it comes time to designing a survey, make sure you have a goal in mind. For example: as you consider resuming or expanding your travel program, your goal might be to understand your traveler's new working approach while traveling for business.

  14. Travel Questionnaire Form Template

    Cloned 1,629. A travel questionnaire form is used by travel agencies to get to know their customers' preferences, what destinations they want to travel to, the best time of the year to visit these destinations, etc. If you manage a travel agency, you can streamline your customer service with our free Travel Questionnaire Form template.

  15. 90 Survey Question Examples + Best Practices Checklist

    However, all questions must serve a purpose. In this section, we divide survey questions into nine categories and include the best survey question examples for each type: 1. Open Ended Questions. Open-ended questions allow respondents to answer in their own words instead of selecting from pre-selected answers.

  16. Travel Agency Survey Questionnaire & Template

    Travel Agency Survey. The job of a travel agency is to reduce the stress of planning a vacation. Find out how well your agency does in satisfying your customer's expectations. Gather feedback on how they got to know about you and their rating on the service provided by you. Gain insights on whether they are likely to recommend you to other ...

  17. Free Travel Surveys: Questions & Templates

    Travel Survey Questions template analyzes the purpose of the trip, service problem identification, and overall satisfaction of a travel industry customer. This sample questionnaire has a thorough list of questions that can provide travel organization insights on how to improve the respondent's travel experience.

  18. 14+ Travel Questionnaire Templates in Google Docs

    What Is a Travel Questionnaire? Travel questionnaires vary in content and purpose. While some travel companies make use of these to gather customer feedback, other organizations utilize travel survey questionnaires to collect information about an individual's travel behavior. This document contains a series of questions, which a sample size or a selected group of participants should answer.

  19. Tourist Survey: What It Is + Tips with Examples

    LEARN ABOUT: Free Travel Surveys: Questions & Templates. Tourist Survey Tips with Examples. If you are going to create a survey for tourists, we recommend: Remember that only some people who will respond to the survey speak the same language as you. With QuestionPro, you can create multilingual surveys for travelers to understand and answer ...

  20. Travel agent customer satisfaction questionnaire template

    Popularity 907 ×. Become a sought-after holiday seller with the help of a questionnaire template to measure travel agency client satisfaction. Be better than the competition. The survey sample is ideal for. owners and managers of travel agencies, tour and vacation sellers. In order for customers to feel that your offer is exceptional and they ...

  21. Business travel survey template

    Check out our expert-certified Business Travel survey template. From sample questions to powerful analytics, we make it easy to get feedback. ... With our business travel survey, find out whether people have a passport, if they arrange the travel themselves, and how likely they are to travel outside of the U.S. in the next year. ...

  22. PDF Appendix 3: Example Travel Survey

    When you carry out another survey in the future make sure that the questions are similar or the same, to make the 2 sets of results comparable. This sheet contains an example of a comprehensive staff travel survey but you may need to amend certain bits to make it more applicable for your own company. TRAVEL PLAN TOOLKITTRAVEL PLAN TOOLKIT ...